originalmoonkid · 2 days
Why it's always 'you're my home' and never ' musafir mein bhatka, Tu mera basera '
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usefulquotes7 · 1 day
I write, because I talked to people and they belittled my feelings.
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ashesbreadandbutter · 14 hours
🫂 Solomon x Fem! Parent! Reader || It's Going To Be Just Fine, I'm Not Going Anywhere Pt2 🫂
Word Count: 3, 180 words
Scenario: Solomon spends the night holding you in the only way he knows to really comfort you in the situation between you and that ex husband of yours.
Includes: possessive Solomon undertones??
Thank you for commissioning me and being so patient with me and your story! I hope you enjoy it and I want you to know how powerful you are mama! Keep fighting, you got this! ✨
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As much as you didn't want to, you just couldn't seem to hold back the tears.
It hurts, so, so much and all you can do is be angry… frustrated and annoyed.
Oh course he lied, that's all he ever seems to do damned bastard but you being upset doesn't seem to change anything.. to change the fact even though you were so highly upset. The court had even been dumb enough to listen to him as many did in cases like these when it came to a man's word over a woman's when kids were involved.
You didn't know why it was set up that way but you did know that the feeling in your chest was strangely similar to actually being torn apart from the inside out.
You had spent so much time creating that child; your beautiful and loving son and you couldn't even begin to explain how the whole situation now felt like a part of you was forcefully being ripped away from you.
You didn't want to always put it on Solomon; to always have a reason to break down but of course Solomon never regretted being at your side.
Even now; so sob into his chest and Solomon breathes carefully through his nose and back out.
He's so incredibly pissed off.
He hates seeing you like this; seeing you go through such a rough time because of some failure of a man and Solomon was convinced he had enough reasons to actually put your husband down like the dog he is. He tries not to because he knows you still care, at least to an extent and though he's a powerful sorcerer Solomon has been refraining from actually hurting that man unless you gave him the okay.
That doesn't mean he hasn't been doing things though. At times going off and looking into crystal balls, analyzing and picking at the situation in ways to see what exactly could he do and oh was there so many things.
Though hurting him… horribly is on the list, Solomon takes his time with these things. He takes his time with these things; sending over spirits to torment that man in every which way as well as keeping an eye on your baby and it's a long process but Solomon is a very patient man and he's willing to watch your ex husband for as long as he needed to if it meant keeping your child out of harm's way because… Solomon was now his father as well.. and to be honest, that made him even more protective over you and your son.
He's upset about this situation just as much as you are.
It's not fair.
It's a thought that's come to his mind many times before and I'm his lifetime Solomon has learn that realistically many things weren't fair but that's exactly why he had taken this path, exactly why he was who he was because Solomon was a deeply passionate man.
He rubs your back as the two of you sit in bed, the blankets tossed down to make more room and you had woke up so upset that the windows hadn't even been drawn but something about that was fine because the way that Solomon held you while rubbing soothing circles in your back while you helplessly hiccuped made you feel young again. As if you yourself was a child in need of support and attention and care and Solomon was more than happy to give it to you. To give you anything and everything. He's warm, so warm as you grip his shoulders and nuzzle your head a bit closer and you a choked sob falls from your pretty lips. Solomon enjoys the closeness, the warmth and the arms around you managed to pull you even closer so he could nuzzle you back.
Why is this so hard?
It's something that's been on Solomon's mind. It's another reason why he'd simply prefer getting rid of this ex of yours but you were already going through so much.
He hums, it's a low sound that rumbles in his chest and his shirt is wet with her tears but because it's her he doesn't mind, not at all, not ever.
“I'm sorry..” he says in a careful whisper as he continues to hold you, holding you ever closer, hands gripping a bit at your shirt.
He feels like it's his responsibility. As if that he's not doing enough to help and it's slowly but surely tearing him apart and digging at him. All he wants to do is see you happy, to see him happy.. your son… and Solomon felt that ever since he watched you come down that isle and stand before him in that brilliant and lovely gown dress to say yes to spending the rest of your life with him that he was meant to protect you two.
He just wants it all to stop sometimes, just for this to be peaceful and not have to worry about these things but for now this was their situation and though it drove Solomon mad; he was going to go through it with you, by your side. Just as he had promised to do so.
His voice makes you let out a shaky breath, face lightly lifting from his chest the brush you cheek against his shoulder and simply rest against him for that moment. It makes you feel bad, as if maybe… this whole situation could possibly drive Solomon off? You couldn't quite explain it yet but it was a thought that had settled snugly in your gut months ago, possibly ever before you knew anything about Solomon but still… he was here so you were also very grateful. Your voice is wrecked and your face is all red and wet.
He clutches you even tighter, hugging you like you'd vanish and disappear right before him if he didn't.
“All I ever thrive to do is take care of the two of you.” He breathes, taking in your scent and tracing your skin. You pull back, breathing shakily and he looks at you with eyes that are so soft and amiable.
“I… hate seeing you so upset my love…” he admits, a soft smile playing one his lips only moments after as his hands slowly move; running up from your back and instead moving to carefully cup your cheeks, those cheeks that he loved kissing so much and of course that's what he leans in to do first. Taking the time to slowly move in and start by swiping his thumbs slowly under your eyes, catching those tears and cleaning that beautiful face of yours even though his actions on seem to make you heart ache a bit more. It's really not a big deal, no matter how many times you cry he wants to be able to catch those tears. To wipe them away, kiss them, love on you in every possible way until you didn't hurt as much.
You slowly move your own hands now, trailing them up his arms carefully until your palms cupped his own, holding his his as he held your cheeks.
“I.. love you so much.” You say softly, sweetly as you gently rub his wrists and knuckles and then move to kiss the inside of his hand. Your lips are warm and Solomon watches the scene was baited breath. He didn't even realize he was blushing.
“Please… don't beat yourself up about it…” you whimper softly right after and Solomon halfheartedly scoffs at those words because he knows you're saying them because you hate that ex of yours so much…
“I love you too… I've always loved you.” He says back, and honestly Solomon has never felt like he'd be so in love that before that he'd be this investive. When he had been younger he had a few interactions here and there that could have possibly been something but when he crossed your path he specifically remembers carefully glancing at you before stopping and calling out to you. Solomon had been so charming, introducing himself and then asking you about yourself, curious to know anything and everything all of the sudden and he had ever surprised himself back then but as he held you now and looked you in your eyes here and now he knew that no matter what happened he'd never regret coming to you and deciding to fall in love with you.
“I'm supposed to care so I will and I do.” He says firmly and it makes you shake just hearing how much he means those words.
Solomon never seemed to be the type to hold his tongue on these kinds of things.
His words make you sob harder, your hands gripping him and squeezing him closer and Solomon doesn't argue at all.
He holds you for a while longer and honestly Solomon was willing to hold you all throughout the night if he had to, all throughout eternity if you allowed him to. He could start now right? Of course he could, anything to make you feel just a bit better. With a soft sigh he looks at you again.
“I know it most likely won't stop the pain my dear but how about we take a moment to breathe?” He says with that soothing voice of his and you shakily sniffle against him as he continues to gently rub and wipe your tears away. “Let's take a moment to calm down and ease our nevers, and then… we can talk about it some more after you've calmed down a bit. Its… difficult to focus when you are stressed..” He continues to speak and though it hurts so much you can't help but find the idea one to look into. You didn't even particularly care about what you and Solomon did as long as it eased the pressure in your heart even just by the tiniest bit. He looks at you expectantly.
“I'll help you.”
He says it so carefully and sweetly as if he's talking to a small rabbit and trying not to accidentally scare you away but you manage to crack the smallest of smiles even through your tears.
You agreed and at that Solomon hums lightly in approval before gently pulling you out his lap so that he could be able to get up out the bed instead. Once standing you see what he's wearing, something loose and comfortable as he doesn't enjoy sleeping in anything too fitted. Solomon moves to walk around the bed as you sniffle and move to follow his movements up until he's now standing on your side of the bed where he then holds out a hand to you, offering it so you could take hold of it and the way his eyes look at you it's enough to make you breathe a sigh of temporary relief. The look in his eyes are always so honest, as if Solomon had nothing to hide and it's hard not to acknowledge it especially considering how many people seemed to have so many things about the sorcerer himself. Solomon was like one of those animals that you had to spend time with before he opened up, a lot of time, and your ex has fucked with your mind long enough…
You needed this.
And so you reach out with a smooth palm and take his hand in your own and he's as warm as he usually is but you’d never get tired of feeling his skin against your own. You smile weakly at him and Solomon returns the smile though his is just a bit bigger as he slowly pulls you from the bed and you don't argue and fight with him, climbing forward before eventually planting your feet on the floor and standing up with him.
Solomon hugs you close when you actually get to your feet, wrapping his arms around you to giving you a big bear hug and really the fact that Solomon was such a sweetie like this was the exact reason you had managed to fall in love with him in the first place. The exact reason why when you had officially started a relationship with him you wanted to actually be free from your shitty ex so you could live like a happy family like you had always wanted and dreamt of doing. A family where you and your son could both feel as loved as physically, mentally and spiritually possible…and Solomon had shown up like a gift sent from the gods themselves and spun your world right on its head. He was so wonderful, so perfect, it was something you realized in those little moments where it had just been the two of you. Moments like participating in after school activities together, talking about spirits and the unknown…moments where you two say together and spent hours talking about the future and what was to come of it.
You loved Solomon, and for quite a while now.
You let out a little laugh as he takes your hand and his and leads the two of you to the bathroom that was just feet aside, switching on the light and eagerly taking your cheeks once more and placing kisses on each one.
The plan being for you to bathe with him now, to get cleaned up... Freshened up. Maybe even eat something right after that before cuddling the night away?
The second definitely sounded more pleasing. And it seems like both of you agree on it. To help the other feel extra cared for and loved for tonight.
The bath feels far greater than you thought it would. You don't know if Solomon used some sort of magic that made it feel like each and every ache were nothing but tickles along your skin but you loved it nonetheless. The hitched breaths and gentle whispers led to his lips running over your skin, hands helping bathe your body.. the body that he loved no matter what it looked like. He can't care less, never cared to begin with and Solomon could admit that at times when he looked at you all he could think about was just how inappropriate his thoughts could get sometimes.
He loves you far too much.
He even wonders how you'd feel having another baby at times.. but immediately after the thought formed his brows furrowed in irritation as that ex husband of yours came back. He really wonders what you'd do and or think if he brought up those thoughts out of everything else but instead… he runs his lips along your shoulders and caresses you. Massaging you while soap bubbles of all sorts form over your skin.
He just wants to be with you and your son… and he doesn't exactly mean to but out of slight frustration he grunts and it catches your attention, making you perk.
“W-What’s wrong?” You'd ask, hands moving to gently trail along his own and Solomon sighs.
“You know what's wrong… he's annoying. Infuriating.. I just don't understand sometimes why others have to be so stubborn about these things…” He actually explains and you don't mean to but you manage to huff out a laugh. As serious as the conversation was and could get, knowing that Solomon cared so much about his own future with you and your son was enough to make you feel like you were melting against him as the water ran over the both of you.
“Are you pouting, my dear?” You ask softly as he presses kisses to your skin and Solomon huffs this time and you grin feeling the pout form on his lips.
“And if I am?” He responds and oh you really do love him more than you can even bother to describe sometimes. More than the earth and moon in the sky and so many times you find yourself wondering where you'd be without this precious man in your life.
When the shower is over you smile at him with soft eyes, the warm water having made you just a bit drowsy and after everything all you wanted to do now was go to bed. Hold Solomon against you; cling to him like some sort of needy koala perhaps and whisper the most gentle and tender things to each other before falling asleep in each other's arms as if the other was worried their partner would just vanish from their hold if they didn't. He has similar thoughts, a little grin on his lips as his hair seems to stick to his naked skin, water droplets running down his frame and he dries off with you. Helps you clean up the bathroom before drying off together and getting dressed in comfy clothes before heading out the bedroom this time to head down to the kitchen and get something nice and filling. It's a calming experience; being so warm and you actually found yourself being more drowsy then you had thought you'd be after that shower.
It's noticable; you nearly dozed off eating your meal and Solomon chuckled warm heartedly because how is he not supposed to find you so cute?
He takes his time helping you because yes you may be sleepy but Solomon is a persistent partner, one who wants to actually make sure you're fully and completely satisfied in everything that the two of you did together. When you are finished with what you eat the two of you take the time to clean up a bit here as well. Talking to each other and simply being in each other's presence and once done turning off the lights to head back to the bedroom and oh are you ready for it. You both are.
The second you both seem to get all comfy under the layers of warm blankets and comfort items Solomon doesn't seem to waste any time before carefully wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in so close that there's not an inch of space between the two of you. His touches continue here, gentle running his palms over your arms, your stomach, your hips until you can't help but get lost in touch and the touches. Your eyes rolling and then fluttering, a weak attempt at fighting the urge to just completely doze off here and as expected you many to lose the battle. Though, not without whispering how much you loved him in the quiet darkness of your room and Solomon resist chuckling when he feels your breath grow deeper signifying the fact that did lose the battle between staying awake and sleep.
You're so cute.
Solomon hums lightly before letting his own eyes flutter shut; hugging you and breathing in your scent.
Dealing with your ex husband was definitely a pain in the ass… but Solomon knows just how strong you are. How brave and intelligent you are… and though he's here to help and support you the whole way along this path he knows just how powerful you are and he wants you to know the same.
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ethereal-maniac · 4 months
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Sunshine Ghoulette on the far right on her tip toes so she can hold Mountain’s hand is so cute to me 🥹
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stevieschrodinger · 6 months
So what if like the thing that makes Alpha and Omega pairs, true mates or whatever, is like a detectable thing that they can test for. And like, everyone has their little blood test at birth and then on say, their 18th birthday, the Alpha gets informed as to who their omega is.
Obviously it's a bit of a sexist deal and lots of Omega and their supporters are trying to get it changed so that both parties are informed, to make it fair, and that is getting some traction but right now, the Alpha gets told and the Omega has to wait for them to show up.
Except when Eddie, fucking excited as all hell to meet his Omega finally, opens his envelope to find Steve Harrington's name starring back at him and Eddie just. He just can't. Steve's one of the biggest bitches at Hawkins high. And even if Eddie can, sort of, get past that, Steve's a snob. He lives in a fucking mansion and has a nice car and preppy clothes and yeah...Eddie is going to get rejected stone cold and that would be fair because he doesn't have a single thing to offer and Omega like Harrington.
Eddie burns the envelope.
And yeah, he can't help but watch Steve a little more now that he like, Knows, but he does his best to put it behind him.
And Steve gets into a fight with Nancy wheelers new Omega, when Nancy gets her envelope, and it's not Steve's name inside and it looks like Jonathan came out on top and Steve...well, he looks beaten and sad and that nearly makes Eddie cave but...no. no.
Right up until he has Steve under his hands, pinned to a boathouse wall with a bottle to his throat and Eddie's been thinking of Steve has his Omega for so long it just kind of slips out. Eddie whispers it, 'Omega' and the bottle drops to the floor and shatters more.
And Eddie has to watch it play out from close range on Steve's face, dawning realisation. Deep hurt. And then anger. An angry shield that comes down as he pushes Eddie off.
"Dustin explain to Munson what's up, I'll be outside a minute.". And Steve just stomps out and there's fuck all Eddie can do about it.
And then he kinda gets distracted by hell dimension stuff. For a bit. And Steve's clearly fucking angry with him and Eddie, well, what the fuck is Steve expecting Eddie to do, right? Steve would never have wanted him in the first place. So Eddie is fucking angry. And it comes out spiteful, calling Steve 'big boy' like he knows it'll rile Steve up. Throwing his jacket at Steve so he will cover up, because he can't bare to look at all the skin Steve is showing, especially with fucking Wheeler hanging around. And if it got something of Eddie's on Steve, well then, it doesn't fucking matter does it? Doesn't mean anything.
And it's not until it's all done, and Eddie wakes up fucking high as a kite on pain meds, with non other than Harrington sitting by his bedside that it all slips out, "what are you doing here?"
Steve shrugs, won't look at him, "waiting to see if my Alpha dies, I guess."
And he just sounds so...bereft. so broken.
"Steve, I just...look-"
"Doesn't matter. You've made it clear. It's fine. And you're going to live I guess so I'll just-" and he's standing, turning to leave.
And Eddie knows Steve now. Sees him with the sheep. Knows he isn't a bitch. Knows he's just...a good guy. Knows he isn't any of the things Eddie thought he was.
"You grew up in a fucking castle." Steve pauses, sitting back in the chair to frown at Eddie.
"What has that go to do with-"
Eddie clears his throat, it's dry and scratchy and hurts but he has to do this. "You grew up in a castle. Nice car. Both parents. Preppy clothes, fucking, shitty fucking jock friends. Steve, you would have rejected me in a heartbeat. I live in a fucking trailer and sling drugs on the side I'm not- I couldn't do that to you."
And Steve just, he just starts crying. He nods, wipes his eyes, "I might have," he admits finally, "I don't know what I would have said...but I needed you. Since then I needed you so much and," he sniffles, wipes his pink nose .
"And I didn't know. I couldn't have and I am so sorry but could we just, now, can we just-" and it hurts like fuck but Eddie bites it down because Steve is half clambered into the bed next to him and yeah. Yeah, that's perfect.
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analviel · 5 months
Each Batkid has a stressball plushie of each of their other family members.
They squeeze it. Punch it. Hug it. Talk to it. Use it as their programming rubber ducky. Make them talk to each other. Make them perform a rendition of Hamlet. Sneak into the other's room to put the plushie-them in a creepy and dark corner to loom over their sibling in the middle of the night when they're getting up for water. Or make all the plushie stare at their bed so that when they wake up they see the damning faces of their family. Put sticky notes on the plushie-thems as a reply to their argument or a note of love (only applies to certain people).
Many occasions of throwing the plushies at a wall and then picking it back up with an apology while dusting it, "It's not your fault but human-you is a fucking idiot."
"Spin in the fucking washer asshole."
"Yeah, yeah, judge me all you want, you'd do the same."
"I'll go take this up with a more intelligent being, like plushie-you!"
"Well I'd bet plushie-me would still agree, you're stupid!"
Each one gets their own holiday costume.
Some would even take the time to put white cloth on them as bandages when someone's injured.
Cass had been the one to knit them actually. And it was at a time where her knitting skills was still work in progress but no one ever requested for a better one.
"At least plushie-you isn't as ugly as you."
"Take that back."
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littlegeecko · 6 months
3k+ words | Clint / Kudzu Téngwàn | Echo: Visual Novel (2019)
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Trigger warning for:
Sorta there Asphixiation experience, mentions of Brian
Clint has a nightmare, then takes a moment to think about his life up to this point, and what he wanna do with it now that he's living with Kud
(Takes place after Jenna's good ending, i fill up some spaces here and there to explain their presence)
Enjoy : ]
Clint POV
I open my eyes.
I'm sitting on the ground, i know because there's dry dirt under my paws, but for some reason i don’t even question how i got here.
It's dark, so dark i can't make out where i am without squinting my eyes more than i usually do. I can hear the wind shaking nearby trees with a hollow whistle, it reminds me a bit of a train’s horn.
It feels like my body weighs a fuckton, my head and neck heavy and sluggish as i move them
My eyes barely adjust as i look up, to the sky, or what i assume it's the sky. It's red like blood, and some stars adorn it
Usually my vision is not that bad at night, it must be really late with no moon for it to looks this way, and so far i knew, the sky shouldn't be red...
I'm sitting in the middle of a....forest? Alone, with nothing but the sounds of nature around me and a ghostly sensation of familiarity that makes my shoulders relax. I say nothing
Deep breath in, and another out...
Branches crackle and grind together in the distance, that hollow whistle again
Breath in...breath out...
It's familiar, like a distant memory of something i can't exactly make out right now, but it sorta reminds me of that one time i followed Duke to the forest area because i was bored without Jeremy.
Duke got very angry, hissing at me in a hushed yell while looking around, then dragging me back to the entrance of the forest by the arm
Then he stood there, watching me go up the road as if making sure i was far enough to make his way back into the lush
I blink slowly. Before i close my eyes fully
Duke...i wonder where is he now.
I take another breath, but this time there's a pressure in my neck right under my Adam's apple, i get my hands up to my throat, almost a reflex
I feel something ragged, prickly and firm that scratches my paw pads like a cactus; rope.
A noose.
My eyes fly open as my ears go down.
Please no.
I gasp, and suddenly i'm standing, my paws barely touching the ground and i let out a strangled wheeze, forced out my lungs as i try and grab the noose for some leverage.
I'm hanging, but i'm not hanging. Its a loop of panic and relief that lasts too short each time, everytime, my desperate breaths ending in shaky coughing
I try to weigh myself down bending my knees to no avail, letting out a whine of exertion and pain as the noose grazes my neck and leaves behind that prickling sensation again. It's strangely numb, but the pressure it's all the same.
It's stabbing me, it hates me.
 There's beads of hot blood going down my collarbone, i can feel them, i'm briefly reminded of the little cross figurine that catboy had around his neck, for some reason
I look around as i breath too fast, expecting to see something, anything that could help me get out of here, but there's only darkness.
I try to keep my whines and groans low, still trying to bend my knees. My furless tail swishing side to side as frantically as me. I hear a branch snap in the distance and-
My blood runs cold when i see it.
Standing there. A huge shadow.
It walks towards me
It's face's obscured, but it's someone huge, towering over me. It's holding something.
I can't make it out in this darkness, but its all so familiar, realization hitting me as my throat closes in around a soft squeak of absolute terror
I freeze on the spot, my hands holding onto the noose like my life depends of it as more wounds open in my pawpads, my heart hammering in my chest and filling my ears until it’s all i can hear
It breaks through the noise, i hear a snort and a high-pitched giggle that melts into a distorted, disturbing laughter, i swear i can hear static laced into it. All of my fur stands on end and i feel my neck veins bulge under the strain, i feel like there's a rock inside my throat, about to make it snap
No...it can't be. It can't be him. He’s back?!
I screw my eyes shut and i scream, with all my might, but no sound comes out.
I open my eyes.
It’s dark, but i can make out the padded ceiling and moonlight coming through a window by my side, as i turn my head to it i feel the surface under me sway ever so slightly, a water bed.
Kudzu's trailer, Kudzu's bed. Right.
I let out a sigh, it's cold outside and no sun is visible, so it must be around 3 or 4 am.
I sit up and stare down at my covered paws in silence. Usually when i dream about...him i wake up hassled and yelling, curled up in a ball by the corner until Kud calms me down with his strange little mouth sounds, but this time it feels...different. i feel empty.
If anything my head is fuzzy, my lips dry, chapped. My fur feels a little damp with sweat, except the zones around my cheeks, those feel wet and i rub my eyes to dry them. My hands are shaking
It's almost dead silent if it wasn't for the occasional chittering of the cicadas outside and the faint noise of a fan somewhere in the trailer.
I look at the curtain that leads to the hallway, cracked open a bit
Without much thinking i stand and get out.
Kudzu's trailer is very fancy and cozy, at least to me; small but organized, colorful and with all the essentials, it can get a little hot but it's really chilly during the night, perfect to curl up in bed and nap. It smells earthy, clean and a bit musky, our smells combined at this point from how long i've been living with him.
I look at a small calendar on the kitchen counter as a pass by; 2 months.
It been 2 months since me, Jeremy and Kudzu escaped on the “ghost train”, 2 months since some people helped Kud move his trailer out of Echo and into a separated zone in Payton for him to stay for as long he saw necessary, 2 months since some people picked up my sis from back there too.
2 months since i started going clean by force, and Kudzu took me in
Speaking of...
Soft snoring gets my attention from behind me and there he is, laying on the couch with a thin blanket covering him from his belly down, chest rising and falling
I stare openly, i don't feel my face move
Like an invisible force pulling me, i walk up to the couch and stand by his side, looking down
And i just....stare at his sleeping, peaceful face.
The cicadas chitter, like they're singing a song...
Kud seems to be having a good sleep at least, if it wasn't for the occasional shifting around.
I remember the conversation we had last night when he complained about his back being stiff, and i said he could sleep on his bed already, but he refused, the bastard. He said he “wanted to make sure i was comfortable and had some privacy” while i stayed with him, so he went to sleep on the couch, just like every night.
I frown a bit
Kudzu was such a weird dude.
He looked, and acted, like a fucking badass, even if he was so much shorter than me!
...And i've caused him so many problems already, he could easily kick me out and leave me to my luck, specially after all the badmouthing, scratches i've given him at times, and how my nightmare-induced yelling makes his face scrunch up in an expression i didn't like on him.
But he hasn't kicked me out, if anything, he has tried his best to not bother me in particular ways, making me feel “comfy” as much as possible
He was quiet and sensible, soft and honestly kinda girly. He had a new garden and shit, and spoke all firm but tender, especially to me, with a smile an' all, it kinda pisses me off, to be honest. Speaking to me like i'm a stupid pup...
I pout, watching him adjust his head in his sleep
His ear gets caught up under his head and i resist the urge to reach out and fix it for him, i don't want to wake him up, not right now.
Sometimes i can't help but wonder what is his fucking problem.
Why is he letting me stay? I'm nothing but a nuisance, a pest, everyone seemed to agree on that. Even Duke did... and even so Duke was kinda nice to me before hell broke loose. Keith was the same... Both of them lost in the void as time went on until i had no one but the gang and...
I ball my hands into shaky fists as i think of him, a lump forming in my throat as i try my best to keep tears from forming in my eyes.
...Duke was...he had his issues, and it was my mistake to follow him around to the forest when i shouldn't have, i know that. And Keith just kinda left, God knows where is he now. Both of them were nice to me but somehow ended up making things more shit than they already were
What makes Kudzu different from them? How do i know he's not going to turn his back on me when i least expect it? Or worse. He could be...scheming something. Something to do with me
I scratch my neck as i feel the fur in my nape stand up. The scars long healed but still sticking out my fur
I bite my lip to not make a noise as my stomach feels suddenly hollow.
It's a scary thought, Keith always said scary thoughts were normal and i could analyze them to get over them. It was a thing Kud said sometimes too, something about healing
I look down at my hands, old scars on my wrists barely visible by now, and many more on my fingers, i wiggle them, my nails growing better and no longer chipped  around the edges. I see my tail curling in between my legs and it's so weird to see how fluffy it is now. It's been years since my tail looked this full of fur
Kud reminds me of Keith a bit sometimes, but he's quieter, his moves sharper, physical contact even more limited than Keith had with me.
Keith tried to protect us from the horrors of that shitty town, and failed, leaving us to our own luck... Or maybe Micha was right and he really got killed by... Him.
...could that happen to Kudzu now that i'm around him?
Somehow the pit in my belly felt emptier as i suck in a sharp breath through my nose.
No. I don't want Kudzu to get hurt, specially not for my fault
He's so kind... and he's been so patient with me even when he's visibly tired at times, that i know. I grit my teeth, i'm not fucking stupid, like Micha, Leo and he thinks i am.
He has treated me so well and i haven't done anything for him, what if i do it too late? When he's already in the face of danger cuz of me?
No, i can't let that happen, Kudzu is so cool and good. I don't want him to hate me and leave me like Duke, or to disappear like Keith...
I grip my head fur, pulling at it, and let out a long groan as my yowls pull back in a pained grimace. I wish i could get a hit right now and not think about this difficult shit that made my stomach do flips and my eyes water. It was annoying as fuck, it made me want to break shit, but i can't break any of Kud's shit, obviously.
I hit my head with the flat of my hands, my nails scratching at my thin fur with force as i pull-
My eyes fly open to find a groggy Kudzu looking up at me, expression concerned as he seems to try make sense of the situation.
"...What are you doing?" His voice is firm, but not accusatory, he seems legitimately curious, worried even.
The sensation in my stomach is replaced by the beating of my heart just like in my dream, it quickened at some point apparently, but it's not super loud, it's more like when you get caught doing something you shouldn't. Embarrassment
I slowly pull my hand away from my head as my body relaxes...
I open and close my mouth, my tongue grazing over a missing spot between my teeth.
"...Couldn't sleep"
I say simply, albeit a bit shaky. He notices, he always does
Kud visibly relaxes with a strained side grin, groaning as he slowly sits up and rolls his shoulders. He rubs his eyes
"Another nightmare?"
I nod. He looks up at me.
"Want to talk about it?"
I shake my head no
"Very well" he adds, sitting up completely with a soft hiss, his hand rubbing his lower back
I stand there staring then blink in realization, both that i'm just there ogling like an idiot just playing with my thumbs and that this is a good chance to do something for him for a change. I clear my throat
"Do you want to sleep on your bed?" I ask, trying to keep my voice from wavering. He shakes his head no and i frown
"I told you i'm fine on the couch"
"That's not true" I say quickly
"Clint, i just-"
I growl in annoyance, and before he can give me that same retort from last night i grab him by the wrist, his eyes snapping open as his body tenses up
I don't let him complain as i yank him up and off the couch, briskly walking to the makeshift bedroom, and he follows, stumbling a bit
He doesn't speak further more than a sigh, and i open the curtains for me to crawl inside and tug his wrist
"Get in" i say, and in a moment of sleepy lucidity he seems to pause as he catches on me also being on the bed
"I know you're trying to be nice but-"
"I'm not fucking asking ya. Get in"
I tug more insistently and this time he does follow, looking to the side as if bashful, but either too tired to fight back or just done with my shit at this point. We both know he's stronger than me, and yet he lets me do this
"You're sleeping here till your back feels better, ya hear? Even if i have to hold ya down"
He actually does chuckle at that as he gets on the wobbly mattress, shuffling about to lay his head on the pillow, and actually letting out a satisfied groan as he comfortably sinks on the bed
He has that smile on his face when his eyes turn up to me, half lidded but focused, and my mouth goes dry all of the sudden
"Well thanks, Clint" he gives me an amused look, and i can't help but think he probably believes i'm too much of a pussy to sleep alone after a nightmare. I don't fight it tho
I do a little 'hmp' in agreement, laying on my side and looking at Kudzu, whose eyes are now closed, nose pointing to the ceiling
...I look at him up and down for a moment, my tail twitches as it sways side to side between the wall and my legs. My ear twitches
Kudzu...Kudzu is really nice. I need to step it up if i'm staying here with him for God knows how long.
I'm no longer a pup or a youngling that needs Duke or Keith to guide me along. I'm on my own shit now, and away from Echo, hopefully forever. Hell even my sis made it out eventually, staying at some place only for girls...
If i'm going to survive out here too might as well get along with the one person that's actively doing something for me, unlike the others, which to be fair? they also have their own shit to deal with
I thin my lips, i sigh and relax my body, scooting a little closer to Kud, hopefully he won't notice.
All of this took my mind off the dream i had, slowly fading into the void just like the rest of em, and i, too, slowly fade into nothingness for the night. After all, Kud will be there when i wake up. I hope.
Kudzu’s POV
Light peeks through the blinds of my window as i crack an eye open, groaning at the sun beams directly on my face. I stretch my arms over my head with a groan, then yawn
I remember last night pretty well, specially since it was a dreamless sleep... I rub my eyes as i organize my thoughts and look at the little wall clock beside my pillow
8 am... Still too early for Clint to wake up
Speaking of Clint...
This time i don't have to stand up from the couch and check behind the curtains to see how is he, as right now he's laying beside me...more specifically, on me, his eyes closed and expression serene as soft snores warm the fur on my chest, one arm (and leg) draped over my body.
My chest feels a little tight, position a bit too similar to old memories, but at the same time... it's welcomed, it feels kinda nice. I'll never tell Clint but i actually think he looks a bit cute when in a chill mood, heh...
I smile down at him and make a move to get out of bed, but his grip suddenly gets firm, holding me down and against his thin body with a sleepy grumble, face easing again when i stop my efforts.
I open my mouth to tell him i gotta stand and get ready for the day, but i close it, laying my head back on the pillow with a defeated sigh, i  guess i can stay for 10 more minutes...
My hand absentmindedly goes up to Clint's back and i feel him tense up, then relax, cuddling closer, his thigh over mine
I feel my cheeks get a little warm, but i quickly stifle the twisty feeling in my chest, closing my eyes.
I can already hear Clint saying the position was a total accident when he wakes up, and i can't help but smile a bit.
It's good to have some company.
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werewolfenthusiast · 9 months
“Sirius, can I talk to you?”
“Ginny? Yeah, sure, of course, we can talk. Is everything okay?”
Sirius hadn’t had as much interaction with Ginny as he had with the other kids. He knew who she was, of course, Ron’s little sister, and even without that connection she’d kicked Harry’s ass in football matches enough times for him to have heard of her. But she was rather independent and she’d certainly never come to him for advice. So this perplexed him.
She took a deep breathe and sat down at the table across from him, “So, I-well, first I’m bisexual.”
Oh, well he’s had enough experience with kids coming out to him, it comes with the territory, “That’s wonderful Ginny, I’m glad you felt safe enough-“
“Yeah, I don’t need that. I’ve known this for ages, I’m fine. The problem is I like someone. A girl someone. That I’m friends with. And I don’t know if she likes girls, and I don’t know if she’d like me if she does, and I don’t know what to do. And I figured that you married Remus, and Harry says you guys were friends at school. So what do I do?”
She looked rather desperate and Sirius had to suppress a smile as she reminded him of his younger self.
“Well, does this person happen to be Luna?”
“How did you know that?”
“Let’s just say I know the look of yearning.” Sirius winks and Ginny wrinkles her nose
“Please, don’t wink. And don’t say yearning. Just tell me what to do, do you think she likes me back?”
Sirius leans forward in his chair, “I think Luna is lovely and you would have to do a truly atrocious thing to even make a dent in your friendship,” he glances up as Luna comes in from the garden, grass in her hair and oversized pink sunglasses askew, “Just talk to her. Trust me.”
He walks over to join Remus who has also just come in from the garden and picks the loose grass from his hair, “Do you think we were that bad?” He asks, inclining his head at Luna who is talking animatedly about the beetle she found that she swears is good luck while Ginny listens with a dopey look on her face.
Remus presses a kiss to Sirius’ temple “Oh we were much worse.”
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19-noodles · 2 months
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fandom-hoard · 3 months
I dunno what happened. Something about @bruciemilf 's post here possessed me and then I wrote this? Even though I haven't written anything properly in like, a millennia. So, yeah, have this random "Alfred/Thomas meet cute" scene I guess?
Alfred likes things run well, is the thing. Nothing is more frustrating to him than something he could easily fix if only he had the right to fix it. In life, Alfred is discovering, there is very little that angers people more someone than attempting to fix something without the right to it. He allows himself the indignity of cursing the incompetent- and ungrateful- pub owner under his breath.
The expensively- yet haphazardly- dressed man to his right has the audacity to laugh at him.
It is a bold move considering this man has been tossed out of the pub right alongside him.
Alfred glares at him and straightens his waistcoat. The man mimics the movement, somehow managing to turn the movement into something mocking. It does little good regardless, considering the man's buttons are misaligned. Alfred glares harder.
"I don't know what you expected, friend." The man says. He's American, and sounds far less drunk than Alfred had assumed from his appearance. "You can't claim an employee is siphoning away funds and not expect someone behind the bar to take a swing at you."
"Yes, well." It is possible Alfred has misjudged his own intoxication level as well. The man is right. He really should have anticipated that. "They shouldn't leave their ledger out on the bar if they don't want patrons to look it over."
"It was behind the bar."
Alfred sniffs. "All the same."
The man looks at him. His blue eyes are startlingly sharp under black furrowed brows. Alfred looks across the street, but stays where he is. He doesn't care how he measures up in this strange American's estimation. Yet, he can't find it in himself to leave either. Not yet. Maybe he truly has had too much to drink.
"Thomas," the man says. Alfred looks back at him to see a broad dangerous smile has spread across the man's face. "Thomas Wayne."
The man extends his hand. He has long slender pianist's fingers with bruised and scuffed knuckles.
Alfred looks back at him. It's his turn to appraise the stranger. He takes his time. Thomas's hand doesn't waver.
"Alfred. Alfred Pennyworth." Alfred finally says, and he takes that hand in his.
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originalmoonkid · 5 months
Some souls are destined to be eternal givers, even when their own hearts are fractured.
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the-ellia-west · 3 months
------------------------------------- Hey there! Hi! You! Tumblr user!
Are you a fan of epic fantasy? Want a story with romance, action, and sassy heroes and villains? How about some good old-fashioned ANGST?
If so, you're in luck! Get ready for the upcoming release of The Cursed One's Throne (TCOT for short), coming... well, eventually!
A story of trauma, war, recovery, trust, and love intertwined with curses, magic, sacrifice, and a few too little hours of sleep. Who needs a release date when you've got me, the very entertaining author, right?
Take a quick look at this post to get to know me better!
BTW! I also have a side Blog! Check out @jakkon-and-rose-topic if you want to see Some actual writing!
I post in #Ellia's ramblings, #Ellia's TCOT, and #Ellia TCOT
Here's my Pinterest
Sneak Peek
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Cover By @blisslabyrinth
And here's some art of my characters by my friend @pastellbg
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She is amazing, go follow her RIGHT NOW!
It is required :]
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ethereal-maniac · 3 months
The Ghouls In Heat HC's
Non-Descript!Fem!Reader x Sodo, Swiss, Phantom, Aether, Rain, Mountain, Cirrus and Cumulus (seperate)
A/N: let me know if their's any triggers I missed 😅
❗️ CW ❗️: nsfw, breeding kink, light exhibitionist kink, dry humping, very horny Ghouls/Ghoulettes, knotting, talk of pregnancy, underwear sniffing, plugging, oral sex, masturbation, cock warming, primal kink, overprotective, posessive, marking, scenting, edging, perv behaviour?, overstimulation, brief mention of bondage.
Do not copy, translate or transfer (plagiarise) or take ‘inspiration’ from any of my fics.
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his body heat is insane when he's in his rut, cannot be under any blankets or they'll shrivel up with burns.
his needy-ness varies a lot more than the other ghouls during heat.
he tends to want to be holed up in his room with you, doesn't want you to move a muscle without telling him exactly what you're doing first.
he has such an intense urge to provide for you, he goes a bit insane and overprotective to the point where people aren't aloud to walk past his room in case Sodo attacks them.
mating press or doggy all day, he also won't object to some cowgirl/reverse cowgirl when he gets tired but still super horny.
he constantly has a knot or he's building up to one
wants to be smothered in your scent 24/7 so he takes all your clothes out of your closet and scatters them messily around the room
he will also encourage you to not wear any clothes, they'll only get in his way
just needs to touch you at all times, you have to peel him off of you and convince him for 5 minutes that you won't leave him forever when you go to use the bathroom.
sometimes he's crying/whining and scratching at the door if you take too long.
2 minutes feels like an eternity when he's away from you so be sure to give him some intensive cuddles and let him breed you all nice once you're done in the bathroom.
biting any accessible skin at all times.
horny motherfucker is even more horny if that's possible.
will rut against anything, your leg? the floor? his guitar? the wall? it's all covered in his cum.
loves to bend you over every object in sight, he doesn't care if it's in a public space as long as he gets to have you.
all he really wants is to hold you really close to him as he rolls his hips rhythmically against yours, catching you on his knot.
wants to feel like he's protecting you and his yet to be conceived kits.
loves to stare at his cocks outline pumping in and out of your stomach.
he fucking loves when you're loud, he will hunch over you just so he can hear your whines clearly.
like Sodo he wants to smell you all the time, he probably won't hole you up in his room but if you let him you best believe he will carry around a pair of your underwear that's coated in your arousal/cum.
he needs to be able to smell you at any time, what if it's an emergency? :(
sometimes his heat creeps up on him and hits before he's able to find you so he's just trying to get himself off as he writhes on the floor with your underwear pushed to his nose/mouth, waiting for you to find him.
you usually find him pretty quickly, he can't even stop tugging at his cock when he tries to explain to you through hooded eyes that he's began his heat and needs you if you're willing.
doesn't stop talking about how beautiful your kits will be.
especially when you're completely caught on his knot so he can't leave your pretty pussy until it goes down.
he will ask if you'd be comfortable with Sodo joining in on the fun ;)
poor baby is so confused when he wakes up from a nap to these overpowering hot flushes and doesn't understand why his cock's so painfully hard, pressed up against the mattress.
he try's to jerk off like usual but he doesn't understand why he just doesn't feel any satisfaction after cumming, if anything it makes him harder.
he goes completely off of his instincts, forgetting the conversation he had about heats with the other ghouls.
his brain is just like 'wanty/n, needy/n, wanty/n, needy/n' on a repeating loop so he's quick to wake you up.
he's only just able to utter out a few words of what's happening before he's pulling you flush against him and dry humping you erratically, moans of relief falling from his lips.
he'd be overjoyed if you let him get off on any part of your body.
he smothers you in kisses, trying to take you all in at once.
he's in heaven when he finally gets inside you, a long whine rumbling from deep in his chest, he almost cums on the spot at feeling you squeeze around him.
he loves mating press like most ghouls during heat, he also loves cowgirl and fucking you while spooning.
he cannot physically bring himself to ever leave you, wether he means leave your side or leaving your pussy, he'll whine like a bitch if you try.
he needs you to smell like him so expect a lot of scenting, he gets high off of smelling your arousal getting mixed with his.
he gets smoochy and smooshes against you like a cat.
so many 'i love you's' and general praising, he wants the first time he gets you pregnant to be special after all.
He has also gotten into the habit of kneading your breasts like a cat does with a blanket, anything to help your lactation even though you’re not even pregnant yet.
he's a lot more in control of his emotions unlike the others but he still feels its all just as intensely.
needs to just feel you in his arms a lot, likes seeing you caged safely between them when he fucks you.
he's quite sensual when fucking you but their's always that underlying desperation to it, his pace quickening slightly or his breaths getting impossibly more ragged.
his ideal day when he's in heat is being with you the whole day, no plans, continuously fucking and cuddling so he can look down at you at the end of the day asleep on his chest knowing your pussy is drowning in his cum.
it physically hurts his cock and his heart to picture his release spilling out of you, he hates the thought that the load currently spilling out of you could've been the one that got you pregnant
plugs are his saviour during this time.
he nuzzles closely to your stomach/thighs, minutes after his knot had popped inside of you, talking to your pussy as he plugs you gently while whispering little prayers to Him that this is the knot. this one will get you nice and round with his kits.
he naps a lot during heat, he's a big boy after all so he always asks if you'll let him fall asleep between your thighs.
a lot of the time this ends in his nose nudging/snuggling unconsciously against your clit all night or his tongue straight up lolling out of his mouth to try and taste your entrance through your underwear. (all of this happening when he's asleep)
just let him fuck a kit into you then get pussy drunk :(
oh my sweet water ghoul.
he likes to fuck in some form of water 90% of the time, wether that's the shallows of the abbeys lake, the bath or the shower.
he's already sensitive but being in the water just makes it double and he has so much stamina that he'll go for at least three rounds before he's shaking in your arms from overstimulation while still needing more.
he's always scenting you, it makes him feel so many emotions to bite into you while he's balls deep in you.
Also has a habit of licking you, specifically your neck and collar bone/shoulders
he feels closest to you when his knot's in you, he like to just cuddle while you cock warm his knot but he can easily be swayed to just fuck it into you until it pops.
he likes to make nests and will pamper you until you're ready to take him again.
Your little exhibitionist will try to palm himself or hump you in front anyone and everyone
don't be mad at him, his cock hurts so bad he just wants to cum :(
he adores finishing in you like all ghouls, but he also love to cum in your mouth and on your stomach 'right there my love, that's where our kit will grow'
will 1000% drag you out into the forrest during his rut.
he makes a proper nest and fights of any potential threats (those poor fireflies)
sleeps under the moonlight with his body safely curled around yours, his cock safely sheathed in you or between your thighs.
Needs to be close to you at all times or he’ll start growling and his nose/mouth will twitch and drool, showing off his fangs like a dog when it’s mad or territorial.
like Phantom, he also scents you a lot and rubs his whole body against yours.
He communicates in chitters and chirps a lot during his heat apart from the praises that are spoken in english or ghoulish.
you feel so good around him, sometimes he forgets what plane of existence he's on and confuses his languages.
he fucks you with PASSION, like a beast.
his only thoughts during his heat is 'need to make you feel good... i need to feel good... and i need you pregnant with my kit'
He’s affectionately primal when he fucks you.
Sort of animal like, lots of growls and grunts as he completely ruins you in the nest, won’t let you stray from his arms.
when his ruts over and you return to your ministry dorms covered in cum and dirt, you both take one or two more days off with each other to recover and check in.
he's very sweet and concerned after all his heats, he knows it can be intense on the receiving end ;)
She gets crazy dominant during her heats.
At first she lets you go about your day without question.
But you'd be a fool to think she'd not follow you around like an assassin, tracking your every move and pouncing on you when you least expect it.
She gets such a rush from seeing your shocked, flustered face beneath her.
Almost every heat consists of her roughly pegging you to the wall or floor so she can tease her knee between your thighs, licking long strips up your neck to then get up and leave you hot and bothered.
it's a cycle she'll repeat all day.
And then after said long day, she ties you to the bed and continues the process with more intensity.
She does make sure you cum though, once she feels temporarily satiated and you're sobbing with need.
Only then does she go down on you or rut into you with the biggest strap she owns, until you've passed out from overstimulation.
Oh and don't think she won't edge you in front of other ghouls or siblings of sin, even papas.
If they get too close she won't hesitate to show them how much you need her.
Her and only her.
She probably marks you more than any other Ghoul/Ghoulette, on your neck, cheek, breasts, stomach, thighs, legs, she wants it all.
She stays in her room during all of her ruts and refuses to leave, she won't make you stay with her, but she will be very grateful if you do.
Her heats aren't like the other ghouls in the sense of being insatiably horny and just needing to chase that release, for her, this time is about showing you how much she loves you and how much you mean to her by gentle yet lustful acts.
This time is about both of you, not just her need to get off.
She's extra sensitive during her heats so a firm thrust of your thigh against her core and your thumb brushing over her nipple is enough to make her squirm and crumble.
Or maybe you'll kiss her passionately, gently rub her clit in circles, then sit on her face and she's moaning into your core as she cums HARD.
She's especially vocal during this time, you have to know how good you're making her feel.
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There's no doubt in my mind that Madagio will use that energy to destroy the Federation. But today's Tazercraft tweet made me remember an old thought I had. I know the white figure in that photo is probably Cucurucho, but wouldn't it be interesting if it was Madagio who saves Pac?
[ Also on Ao3 ]
Madagio felt empathy for Fit, in the end.
They understood what it meant to be robbed of purpose because of factors outside of their control. Although they felt remorse for leaving Fit in the dark (figuratively and literally) for so long, they finally had what they needed, and Fit was no longer a required part of their plan. Success demanded sacrifice, and it was one only Madagio could pay.
The power of Vacuus Island surpassed that of Quesadilla Island's, and once Madagio was willing to utilize it, it was easier to jump Islands than they'd anticipated. The Federation was weaker than before, based on their observations, and the slowly fraying defenses against outsiders only confirmed their suspicions. Infighting and Islander revolts both had a hand in it, but like a cockroach, the Federation always found ways to survive. It was only a matter of time before its leaders stepped in and restored order — through any means necessary.
Madagio planned to deliver the final blow before they could recover.
The sterile white halls were sickeningly familiar. Even after all this time, the Federation's concept of "perfection" remained as stagnant as it ever was. Only a faint beeping and a blip of blue and green on a small heart monitor spoiled the monotonous tour of the Federation's labyrinthine base.
The sight of a familiar figure lying in a hospital bed made Madagio pause as they passed the Federation's hospital ward. Although they'd never stepped foot on Quesadilla Island before now (at least, not in their current form), they'd spent months watching Fit and the other Islanders. They could easily recognize Pac, after so many weeks spent by Fit's side.
(And it was hard to forget the way he'd seen Pac treat his cats with such gentle loving care. It was hard to forget the way his voice sounded when he cooed sweetly at them, or the way he lay still for hours whenever one fell asleep on his chest or lap, purring contentedly. It was hard to forget, because Madagio knew what that love felt like, once. They outlived all others on Vacuus Island, but Madagio could never forget the love that bound them there, or the grief which bound them to their mission.)
The reason for Pac's hospitalization was clear: a failed respawn. It happened sometimes, even on Federation-controlled Islands like this. One could even argue accidents like that happened especially on Federation-controlled Islands.
Sometimes residents died, and they didn't come back.
Sometimes they didn't want to come back.
Madagio's mission required speed and stealth, but time is a funny thing when one has lived as long as they have, and they found themself in the hospital room before the impulse could even fully form in their mind.
It was funny – or maybe not funny, but ironic – how Pac looked almost as bad-off as Fit after Madagio freed him. Old bruises and poorly-treated injuries littered almost every square inch of bare skin, and likely didn't stop there. Dark shadows rimmed his eyes, and he looked skinnier than the last time Madagio saw him. He was lacking his usual vibrant blue hoodie, instead sporting black clothes which made him look even more desaturated, as though he hadn't seen the sun in weeks.
Technically, Pac was still alive.
A failed respawn just meant something was preventing his consciousness – or "soul" as some people called it; Madagio wasn't one to ponder the metaphysical – from returning to his body.
But Madagio had seen corpses better off than Pac.
The reason for his soul's reluctance to return was hardly a mystery. Even without their surveillance, Madagio knew first-hand the kind of suffering the Federation inflicted on those under their control. The loss, the grief, the brief hope followed by crushing anguish. Madagio knew that.
And they'd watched history repeat itself as Fit searched vacant houses where familiar faces once resided, desperation bleeding into dread before he found something that stopped him dead in his tracks.
Madagio granted him 24 hours to say his goodbyes.
They sent him back to his world after 5.
It was the only mercy they could offer.
But standing there in that sterile white hospital room in front of the cot that would surely become Pac's deathbed, Madagio realized there was one final act of mercy within their power.
Pac's hair had grown in the last two months. Madagio was careful not to let their claws snag the unkempt tangles as they brushed it out of his face. His skin was cooler than it should be. Madagio could hardly remember the last time they came into physical contact with a person, but they remembered that much.
(They remembered lying with someone they loved, curled tight into a ball on their chest and slowly feeling their heartbeats fade and their skin grow cold. No matter how desperately Madagio tried to warm them, they never woke up).
But that was not the memory they were searching for.
They sorted through nearly a year's worth of memories – memories of others' lives seen through Madagio's eyes. Birthday parties, festivals, a summer wedding under cherry blossom trees, hugs from children and friends tight enough to steal one's breath away, gifts that spoke feelings people couldn't give voice to, confessions over coffee, and promises made were speakers thought no one else could hear. Madagio condensed all these memories and emotions into their purest form as though polishing a gem; hope, joy, compassion, and above all else: love.
...And one final memory of a man standing before five graves (empty graves, though Madagio hadn't known it at the time), enveloped by a grief so powerful it was burned into Madagio's own memory.
And now, it was burned into Pac's memory too.
A long-forgotten instinct prompted Madagio to gently nuzzle against Pac's forehead, barely brushing against the skin as they felt Pac's consciousness return, and with it, his grief. They continued passing memories to him, and although Pac didn't stir, a tear slowly rolled down his cheek and onto the pillow beneath his head.
Pac was a man who loved so dearly and deeply that losses hurt him as severely as a physical wound. Madagio could feel that, and felt Pac's exhaustion as acutely as if it were their own. But they could also feel the hope beneath that grief, the hand reaching up out of the darkness, the desire to live as he clung to the lifeline of memories Madagio offered him. Pac still had a family left. He still had children and friends, loved ones and people who loved him in turn. He still had a reason to live.
The next tear fell from Madagio's own eyes. It rolled from Pac's temple to his cheek, gravity dragging it down until it was indistinguishable from Pac's tear tracks. Memory sharing was a two-way road, though Madagio had hoped Pac's lack of consciousness might mitigate that.
They refused to acknowledge any other explanation for their lapse of composure.
Madagio brushed the evidence away, straightening up as color slowly returned to Pac's face and his breathing became more consistent. He'd likely sleep a while longer, but Madagio had no plans to linger. They'd delayed the inevitable for far too long.
As Madagio stalked the Federation halls, they found their thoughts being drawn back to Fit and Pac. With the Federation weakened as it was, and soon to be destroyed, Madagio had no doubt Pac and his little son and partner would be able to leave the Island. The Tazercraft pair were clever – maybe even clever enough to track down Fit and escape to a different world altogether with him.
Madagio almost smiled at the thought.
They would never see a resolution to Pac and Fit's story, for Madagio had their own ending to write, and each step through the marble white halls brought them closer to their finale.
Perhaps there was no ending for Fit and Pac; only new chapters waiting to be told.
And maybe, just maybe, their future could be a happy one.
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inmybook · 19 days
I want to meet you again in this lifetime and fall in love with you. Again. Get the timing right this time. There's still so much love left in me that was meant for you and i cannot give it to anyone else. It is spilling out of my heart with each tear but I cannot consciously give it to some other person. I must love you right to love anyone else in future. It seems like my mind is hyperfixated on the idea of loving just you. Anyone else in the future must know you to love me right. They say it's not healthy to live in the past but what does it matter to me, I must love you a second time.
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sarkasticfics · 1 month
So, somehow I signed up for a Big Bang - @mdtb-bb
Almost 90,000 words later, I'm finally posting the fist few chapters. I was paired with the wonderfully talented @doeinstinct - I'll reblog his beautiful piece of art in a moment, too!
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