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hd-junglebook · 2 days
Its Always Been You
Part 2 - Word Count 4932
A.N - Don't hate me for how long this is OR that it's just arguing. I needed thing to move along sue me. And if you are mad, that's why y/n got her feelings hurt. sucks to suck.
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Y/N stared out the window, watching the city lights blur past as Jack navigated the busy Newark streets. The silence seemed to stretch on endlessly, broken only by the soft hum of the engine and the distant sounds of traffic, each second feeling heavier than the last. Y/N had not made a peep, her thoughts racing like a freight train through her mind.
Her mind raced with questions, each one more painful than the last. How could Jack have kept something like this from her? How long had he been seeing Daphne, and why had he never mentioned her before?
Y/N had always thought that she and Jack shared everything, that their bond was unbreakable. But now, she couldn't help but wonder if she had been fooling herself all along.
The thought that Jack might have known about her feelings for him made Y/N's stomach twist with humiliation. Had she been too obvious in her affection, too transparent in her longing?
The idea that he might have been pitying her all this time, or worse, laughing at her behind her back, made her want to curl up and disappear.
Y/N's eyes burned with unshed tears, but she blinked them back, refusing to let them fall.
Instead, she focused on keeping her breathing steady, on maintaining the fragile composure that was all that was keeping her from falling apart. The streetlights flickered past in a blur, casting fleeting shadows that danced across the car's interior.
The glow from the dashboard illuminated Jack's profile, his jaw clenched and his eyes focused on the road ahead, but she could feel the tension radiating off him in waves.
Beside her, Jack gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles white with tension. Y/N could feel the weight of his gaze on her, but she couldn't bring herself to meet his eyes. She didn't trust herself not to break down if she did, to unleash the torrent of emotions that were swirling inside her like a hurricane.
The silence was now feeling unbearable, a thick fog that clouded her thoughts and stifled her words. Her hands fidgeted in her lap, her fingers twisting and turning in a nervous dance. Her heart felt like it was caught in a vice grip, each beat echoing loudly in her ears.
But still, she said nothing, the words lodged in her throat like shards of glass. What could she say, really? What words could possibly encompass the depth of her pain, the magnitude of her unrequited love?
“Can you please talk to me, Y/N? I don’t get what's the big deal," Jack pleaded.
She risked a glance in his direction. He looked as uncomfortable as she felt, and for a moment, Y/N felt a flicker of hope. Maybe this was all just a misunderstanding, a terrible joke that they could laugh about later.
But then she remembered the way Daphne had looked at Jack, the possessive gleam in her eye and the casual intimacy of her touch. There was no denying the truth of their relationship, no matter how much Y/N wished she could.
As they came to a stop, the soft purr of the engine died down, leaving a heavy silence in its wake. Jack pulled into the garage of the apartment building, navigating the narrow road with ease due to the sparse traffic of the late hour, making the drive up seem even longer.
“It’s nothing, Jack. I was just shocked. You never even mentioned her to me,” Y/N began, her voice shaky. Her eyes darted to his, searching for understanding as she bit her lower lip nervously. “We’re supposed to tell each other everything, and you hid a girlfriend from me,” she continued.
 "Why didn't you tell me?"
Jack's hands tightened on the wheel, his jaw clenching. "Y/N, I..."
Jack's hand shot out, his fingers wrapping around her wrist. "Y/N," he said, his voice hoarse. "I'm sorry. Just let me explain somehow.”
Y/N swallowed hard, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall. "Okay. Let’s just get upstairs first."
With that, Y/N pulled her wrist from his grasp, she opened the car door and stepped out into the cool night air, her legs shaking beneath her. She couldn't bear to hear whatever explanation Jack might offer, couldn't stand the thought of listening to him speak of daphne.
They made their way up the steps to their apartment, Y/N's heart felt like it was breaking with every step. She had always thought that loving Jack was the one constant in her life, the one thing she could count on no matter what.
As they reached their floor, Y/N fumbled with her keys, her hands shaking so badly that she nearly dropped them. She could feel Jack's eyes on her, could sense his hesitation, but she refused to meet his gaze. She didn't trust herself not to break down completely if she did.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Y/N managed to unlock the door. She stepped inside, the familiar scent of their apartment washing over her.
Behind her, Jack closed the door softly, the click of the latch sounding like a gunshot in the heavy silence. Y/N could hear him take a deep breath, could sense him searching for the right words to say.
"Y/N," Jack said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. He took a step towards her, his hand outstretched. "It's not really what you think. Daphne and I... it's complicated."
Y/N laughed, the sound harsh and bitter. "Complicated? Is that what you call it when you have a girlfriend you never told your supposed best friend about?" She spun around to face him.
"Did you think I wouldn't find out eventually? Did you think you could just keep living this double life and I would never know?"
“I can't lose you, Y/N. You're my best friend, the most important person in my life. I know I screwed up, but I'll do whatever it takes to make it right. I'll spend every day proving to you that you can trust me, that I'll never keep anything from you again."
Y/N's eyes searched his face, looking for any sign of deception or insincerity. But all she saw was honesty and fear, a desperate need for her to believe him. She could feel the tension between them, thick and heavy.
"I know Jack," she answered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I’m sorry, it’s just been a long night. Let’s just let it go. I mean, for Christ’s sake you’re not even dating."
“Can we just watch a movie or something. Forget about her for tonight.” He suggested.
“Maybe tomorrow jack, I’m just really tired.” Jack looked disappointed but he nodded anyway, sitting himself on the couch as y/n walked to her room.
As she pushed open her door and stepped inside, Y/N finally allowed herself to break, the tears she had been holding back spilling down her cheeks in hot, salty tracks.
She sank to the floor, her back pressed against the door, and let the sobs wrack her body, mourning the loss of a love she had never truly had.
Y/N groaned as the shrill sound of her alarm pierced through the fog of sleep, dragging her back to consciousness. She blinked blearily, her eyes adjusting to the soft light filtering through her curtains.
For a moment, she couldn't remember how she had gotten into bed the night before, her memories hazy and fragmented.
The events of the previous evening came rushing back, hitting her like a tidal wave. Daphne’s appearance, the breakdown she had. Y/N threw her hands over her face, huffing out a string of unintelligible words as she tried to process the whirlwind of emotions that swirled inside her.
With a heavy sigh, she pushed off the blanket and swung her legs over the side of the bed. The apartment was eerily quiet, the only sound the soft hum of the city traffic outside her window. Y/N wondered if Jack was still asleep, or if he had already left for practice.
She padded softly to the bathroom, her bare feet cold against the hardwood floor. The thought of a hot shower to soothe her aching head and wash away the remnants of last night's tears sounded like heaven. Y/N turned the water to its highest temperature, steam filling the small room as she stepped inside.
The scalding water cascaded over her skin, turning it pink and raw. Y/N tilted her head back, letting the spray hit her face and wash away the smudged mascara that had dried on her cheeks. She closed her eyes.
A nagging voice in the back of her mind that whispered that she would never be enough, that Jack would always choose someone else over her.
Y/N shook her head, trying to dispel the negative thoughts. She couldn't let herself go down that rabbit hole, couldn't let the pain and insecurity consume her. She needed to be strong, to focus on herself and her own needs, even if that meant putting some distance between herself and Jack.
She was just about to step out when she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Curious, she peeked through the sheer curtain, the gauzy material allowing her a glimpse into the hallway beyond, to see Jack standing in the doorway, his hair mussed from sleep and his eyes still heavy with exhaustion.
There, standing in the doorway, was Jack, looking like he had just rolled out of bed. His dark hair was mussed from sleep, sticking up in endearing tufts that made Y/N's fingers itch to smooth them down. His eyes were still heavy with exhaustion.
For a moment, they simply stared at each other, the tension from the night before still hanging heavy in the air between them.
The early morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over Jack's features and making his blue eyes appear even more vivid than usual. Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she drank in the sight of him, her gaze roaming over the strong lines of his jaw and the curve of his lips.
Even disgruntled he still looked beautiful.
Jack caught sight of himself in the mirror. His eyes widened as he took in his disheveled appearance.
Unable to resist, Y/N couldn't help but laugh at the sight of him, her shoulders shaking with mirth as she watched him pout at his reflection. The sound seemed to startle him, and he turned to face her, his lower lip jutting out in an exaggerated frown.
Even as he tried to look offended, Y/N could see the twinkle of amusement in his eyes, the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Oh, you think this is funny, do you?" he asked, his voice still rough with sleep. The sound sent a shiver down Y/N's spine.
Y/N nodded, her laughter growing louder as Jack's pout deepened. She grinned at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I'm sorry," she said tucking herself behind the curtain, not sounding sorry at all.
"But you should see yourself right now. You look like a grumpy puppy who got woken up from a nap."
Jack's eyes narrowed, but the smile he had been trying to suppress finally broke through, lighting up his face and making Y/N's breath catch in her throat. "A puppy, huh?" he said, taking a step towards her. "I'll show you a puppy."
Jack's eyes sparked with mischief as he lunged towards Y/N, his hands outstretched as if to grab her from the shower. Y/N let out a yelp of surprise, her laughter echoing off the tiled walls as she quickly tucked herself behind the shower curtain, the flimsy material serving as a makeshift barrier between them.
"Jack, wait!" she pleaded, her voice breathless with laughter. "You can't hit a guy with glasses!"
Jack paused, his hands still hovering in the air as he raised an eyebrow at her. "You're not wearing glasses," he pointed out, his lips twitching with amusement.
Y/N peeked out from behind the curtain, her eyes wide with mock innocence. "Well, no, but I could be. You never know."
Jack shook his head, a chuckle escaping his lips as he stepped back from the shower, his hands raised in a sign of peace. "Alright, alright, you win. I surrender."
Y/N emerged from behind the curtain, her hair damp and her cheeks flushed from the steam. She was suddenly acutely aware of how close they were standing, the small bathroom feeling even more cramped with Jack's tall frame taking up space. She could feel the heat radiating off his body, could smell the faint scent of his cologne mixed with the clean scent of soap.
For a moment, the world seemed to fall away, and all Y/N could focus on was the intensity of Jack's gaze and the way his eyes seemed to darken as they roamed over her face. Her heart raced in her chest, her skin tingling with a sudden, electric awareness of his presence.
But then, the events of the previous night came rushing back, hitting her like a splash of cold water. The hurt, the betrayal, the overwhelming sense of confusion and uncertainty - it all came flooding back, making her throat tighten and her chest ache.
Y/N felt her smile fade, the laughter dying in her throat as she took a small step back, putting some distance between them.
She averted her gaze, suddenly finding the pattern of the shower curtain incredibly interesting as she tried to gather her thoughts.
The sound of the water hitting the tiles seemed to grow louder in the silence, the steady rhythm a stark contrast to the pounding of her heart. Y/N swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly dry as she struggled to find the right words.
"I'll be out in a minute, then it's all yours," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She couldn't bring herself to look at him, couldn't bear to see the hurt or confusion in his eyes.
Jack's hands fell to his sides, his expression growing serious. "Are you still mad at me?” he said softly. “I meant what I said last night, Y/N. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us."
Y/N nodded; her throat tight with emotion. "I know you will, Jack. I’m not mad at you, I’m just not feeling good right now.”
Jack was quiet for a moment. Y/N could hear him shift his weight, could sense the way he was searching for something to say. But in the end, he simply nodded, his shoulders slumping slightly as he took a step back.
"Okay," he said softly, his voice rough with an emotion Y/N couldn't quite place. "I'll just... I'll wait in the living room." And with that, he turned and walked out of the bathroom, the sound of his footsteps fading as he made his way down the hall.
She knew that they couldn't go on like this forever, that they would have to face the hard truths and difficult conversations sooner or later.
But for now, she simply wanted to lose herself in the warmth of the shower, to let the water wash away the pain and confusion and leave her feeling clean and new.
After their last awkward encounter, y/n had decided to find someone to talk to. Y/N lay sprawled on her stomach, her feet swinging lazily behind her as she cradled her phone in her hands.
The soft glow of the screen illuminated her face, casting shadows across her features as she poured her heart out to her best friend, Jenn.
"I just don't know what to do," Y/N confessed, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and despair. "I mean, I always knew that Jack and I were just friends, but I guess a part of me always hoped that maybe, someday, he would see me as something more."
Jenn’s face filled the screen, her brows furrowed in sympathy as she listened to Y/N's tale of woe. "Oh, honey," she said softly, her voice tinny through the phone's speakers. "I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how you must be feeling right now."
Y/N sighed, burying her face in her pillow for a moment before lifting her head to look back at the screen. "It's just... I feel so stupid, you know? Like, how could I not have seen this coming? I really thought moving all this way together would open his eyes."
Jenn shook her head, her expression fierce. "You're not stupid, Y/N. You're human. And sometimes, when we're in love, we see what we want to see, even if it's not really there."
Y/N felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes, and she blinked them back furiously. "I just don't know what to do now," she said, her voice small and lost.
"I mean, Jack is my best friend, but how can I be around him knowing that he's with someone else? Knowing that he'll never see me the way I see him?"
They were quiet for a moment, Jenn/s face was pensive as she mulled over Y/N's words. "Maybe," she said slowly, her tone cautious. "Maybe it's time for you to start thinking about yourself for a change."
Y/N frowned, not quite wanting to get into her plan. "Not this again, we’re not playing matchmaker."
She leaned forward, her expression earnest. “whatever, but maybe it's time for you to put yourself out there, to start meeting new people and exploring new possibilities. You've been so focused on Jack for so long, but there's a whole world out there waiting for you, Y/N."
Y/N bit her lip, her heart racing at the thought. "I don't know, J. I'm not really the dating type. And besides, who would want to go out with me?"
She could feel the eye roll through the screen. "Are you kidding me? Y/N, you're gorgeous, smart, funny, and kind. Any guy would be lucky to have you." Y/N felt a blush creep up her cheeks at Sarah's words, a small spark of hope igniting in her chest.
Jenn nodded emphatically. “Why don't you download one of those dating apps, like Tinder or Bumble? Just to see what's out there, you know? No pressure, no expectations, just a chance to meet some new people and have some fun."
Y/N let out a surprised laugh, the sound bursting from her lips before she could stop it. "A dating app? Seriously?" The idea both thrilling and terrifying at the same time. She had never been one for casual dating, had always been more of a relationship kind of girl. But maybe Jenn was right.
Maybe it was time for her to step outside her comfort zone, to take a chance on something new. “It could be fun! And who knows, maybe you'll meet someone amazing who will make you forget all about Jack and his stupid secrets."                                
"Okay," she said slowly, her smile growing wider. "I'll do it. I'll download a dating app and see what happens."
The soft beat of y/ns favorite song played softly in the background as she stood in front of her mirror, taking one last look at her reflection, she debated between two pairs of heels when she heard the front door open, and the sound of familiar voices filled the apartment.
Her heart skipped a beat as she realized that Jack was home, and he wasn't alone. She took a deep breath before stepping out of her room.
The black mini dress hugged her curves in all the right places, and the smokey eye makeup gave her a sultry, mysterious air. She had spent the better part of an hour getting ready, determined to make a good impression on her date.
"Hi John," Y/N said, her voice soft and slightly breathless as she caught sight of Jack's teammate standing beside him. She couldn't help but notice the way John's eyes widened as he took in her appearance, his gaze traveling up and down her body appreciatively.
"Wow, Y/N," John said, a slow smile spreading across his face. "You look amazing. Got a hot date tonight?"
Y/N felt a blush creep up her cheeks, but she forced herself to maintain eye contact, a coy smile playing on her lips. "Maybe," she said, her voice teasing. "Guess you'll have to wait and see."
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Jack stiffen, his jaw clenching as he watched the exchange. She tried to ignore the way her heart raced at the sight of him, the way her skin tingled with awareness of his presence.
"Well, whoever the lucky guy is, he's in for a treat," John said, his gaze lingering on her a moment longer before he turned to Jack, a knowing look in his eye. "Don't you think, Jack?" Jack's expression was unreadable, but Y/N could see the tension in his shoulders, the way his hands clenched at his sides.
"Yeah," he said, his voice tight. "Y/N always looks great."
Y/N felt a thrill of satisfaction at the barely concealed jealousy in his tone, but she forced herself to keep her focus on John. "Thanks, John," she said, her voice warm. "You're too sweet." She took a step closer to him, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor.
"You know, I've been meaning to ask you something," she said, her voice low and conspiratorial. "Why don’t you come over more often? It would be nice to see you more.”
John's eyes lit up, a grin spreading across his face. "Well jack here is trying to keep you to himself. Just say the word and I'll clear my schedule."
Y/N laughed, the sound light and flirtatious. "I might just take you up on that," she said, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
She could feel Jack's gaze burning into her back, could sense the tension radiating off him in waves. But she refused to let herself be swayed. "Well, I should probably get going," she said, glancing at her watch. "Don't want to keep my date waiting."
She brushed past John, her arm grazing against his as she made her way towards the door. "It was great seeing you, John," she called over her shoulder, her voice sweet.
"Don't be a stranger, okay?" And with that, she was gone, the sound of her heels echoing down the hallway as she made her way out of the apartment. She could feel Jack's eyes on her until the very last moment.
Y/N felt Jack's hand close around her arm, his grip firm but gentle. Before she could protest, he pulled her towards him, spinning her around until she was facing him, her body pressed against his chest.
Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him, their faces mere inches apart. “Supposed to tell each other everything, remember? Guess that doesn’t apply to dates or girlfriends,” he snapped, tone dripping with sarcasm. His gaze was icy, challenging him to respond. 
They both stood in the dark hallway, a silent standoff. The pale blue moonlight filtered through the narrow window, casting an eerie glow on their faces. y/n finally broke the silence, his voice as cold as the icy blue of a frozen lake. "If you're going to be like this, maybe I should find somewhere else to stay tonight."
Jack's eyes narrowed, his lips pressed into a thin line. The once vibrant blue of his eyes had dulled to a stormy gray, reflecting the turmoil within.
"I broke up with her three months ago, okay? You've been avoiding me for a week straight," he shot back, his words tinged with frustration and a hint of desperation.
"I..." He searched for the right words, but they eluded his grasp, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand in an hourglass. The silence stretched between them, as vast and empty as a cloudless blue sky. Jack didn't know what she wanted him to say.
In fact, all he could see was her eyes, two deep pools of blue that threatened to drown him in their depths. He was at a complete loss for words, his mind as blank as a fresh canvas.
"I know you have feelings for me. I never brought it up because if I was wrong then you'd be mad at me, but I've known for years," he finally confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. The words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating, like a thick blanket of blue smoke.
She felt a lump form in her throat as she listened to his words, each syllable carving a deeper wound in her already battered soul. The revelation was like a bolt of lightning, striking her heart with a searing pain.
She knew. Jack had known all along, yet he had chosen to remain silent, to spare her the pain of rejection. The realization settled over her like a heavy fog, obscuring her thoughts and feelings, leaving her lost and alone in a world devoid of color.
Her hand remained clasped in his, a bittersweet reminder of what could have been. She wanted to hold on, to cling to his warmth and the fleeting hope it offered, like a drowning sailor grasping at a lifeline in the vast ocean of despair.
Her fingers trembled, the icy blue of her veins visible beneath her skin, as if the color had been drained from her very being. And then, like a dagger to the heart, came his final confession.
"And I wish things were different, but there's no good way to say this. I don't like you in that way, but I really hope you find someone that does.
His voice was soft, barely audible above the deafening silence that engulfed them, but he didn't let go of her hand. It stayed there, a lifeline that tethered her to the harsh reality of the moment.
Y/N felt as if the air had been sucked from her lungs, her heart shattering into a million pieces at his words. She had always known, deep down, that Jack didn't feel the same way about her, but hearing him say it out loud was like a knife to the chest, the blade twisting with every syllable.
Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision until all she could see was a hazy blue mist. She blinked them away, unwilling to let them fall in front of him, to show him just how deeply his words had cut her.
Her free hand clenched into a fist at her side, nails digging into her palm, the pain a welcome distraction from the agony that consumed her heart.
She wanted to scream, to cry, to beg him to reconsider, but the words lodged in her throat, as heavy and immovable as a boulder. Instead, she simply nodded, a jerky, mechanical motion that belied the turmoil within.
She forced herself to meet his gaze, her eyes a dull, lifeless blue, like the sky before a storm, void of the sparkle and warmth they once held.
The tears pooled in her eyes, threatening to spill over and reveal the depth of her anguish. "How long have you known?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, a fragile wisp of sound that hung in the air between them.
Jack sighed, his shoulders slumping as he released her wrist, his hand falling limply to his side. The warmth of his touch lingered on her skin, a cruel reminder of the connection they once shared.
"A while," he admitted, his voice heavy with guilt. "I didn't know how to bring it up without hurting you, so I just... didn't."
Y/N nodded, her throat tight with emotion, the lump growing larger with each passing second. She swallowed hard, trying to dislodge the knot of pain that threatened to choke her.
"I see," she said, her voice flat, devoid of the vibrant emotion that once colored her words. "Well, I guess I should thank you for finally being honest with me, even if it is a little late."
She turned to go, her heart heavy with the weight of his rejection, each step a monumental effort as if she were wading through quicksand.
Before she could take more than a few steps, she heard Jack's voice, soft and sad, calling after her, a desperate plea for understanding.
"Y/N, I'm sorry," he said, his voice cracking with emotion, the raw honesty of his words cutting through the suffocating silence. "I never meant to hurt you. You're my best friend."
She walked away, her heels clicking on the tiled floor as she made her way to the elevator. Jack's words echoed in her mind like a cruel, endless loop, a haunting melody that played on repeat, taunting her with the knowledge of what could never be.
She had always known that loving him would end in heartbreak, the inevitable conclusion to a story that was doomed from the start.
But somehow, that knowledge did nothing to dull the pain that threatened to consume her, body and soul, leaving her hollow and empty, a mere shell of the person she once was.
As the elevator doors closed behind her, she leaned against the wall, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs, the tears she had fought so hard to contain now flowing freely down her cheeks. The fluorescent lights cast a harsh glow on her face, illuminating the tracks of her tears.
She closed her eyes, willing the pain to subside, but it only seemed to grow stronger.
the next chapter is going to be put off for a while since I want to get until dawn started. Also do y'all not fw Until Dawn I really think Jack could eat us up in a fic that isn't revolved around hockey. there's only so many variations. But do you guys even want until dawn, please let me know.
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Dime, ¿cómo hago para no pensarte?, ¿Como hago para olvidarte?. Quiero liberarme de esta sensación.
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k-4-ni · 7 months
JASON TODD who has every single allergy engraved into his brain, you ordered a sandwich with something you are allergic to? Nope, He's giving it back. He finds out that he keeps something you're allergic to in his place. Nope, he's throwing it away. He always checks the ingredients on chips, packets of biscuits, and food, He never wants to see you in pain or swollen from something that could been effortlessly avoided.
JASON TODD who is an absolute whore for cuddles, it doesn't matter what you're doing or where you are, whether you're cooking or studying, fixing a broken object— he's going to drag you back to bed and smother you with his muscly arms and sloppy kisses, saying something along the lines of:
"Please, Just five more minutes... Breakfast can wait."
JASON TODD t keep his hands or eyes off you, he can't help it— He treasures the way your hair sways back and forth, the way it shines and curls and kisses his fingers whenever he twirls it in his hands, or the way you cook away a feast in the kitchen, keeping an eye on you in case you needed a hand, keeping an eye on the way you tugged at your bottom lip with your teeth, the way your apron hugged and embraced your curves like you were carved out of roses and silk, God he would've trembled to his knees if you asked him to.
JASON TODD who can't control his hands whenever he's around you— cuddling you— devouring you, savouring you, his hand squeezing, kneading, touching and massaging... From the soft, plush flesh of your thighs to the curves and dents of your hips, the way his fingers glide over your skin sends his brain into a frenzy, the things he would do just to have your thick thighs cage his head in are unbelievable.
"You're so soft, angel... So soft and squishy, C'mere lemme hold you."
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leave-her-a-tome · 10 months
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General guide to writeblr by @ettawritesnstudies
Writeblr etiquette and writeblr glossary by @pens-swords-stuff
Check out/follow the #writeblr and #writeblr intro tags - and maybe post your own introduction
Glad to have yall here 💕💕
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astrolynnworld · 4 months
wanting you
pairing: matt sturniolo x reader
summary: matt wants you but knows he can never have you so he just gets off to the thought of you instead.
warnings: smut! obsession, masturbation, lust, need, imagination, cunnilingus, language.
a/n: this whole story is in matt’s pov! the bold lettering is his subconscious head thoughts & the regular lettering is his conscious regular thoughts. enjoy 🫡
word count: 800
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im so in love with her.
anything she does just makes my heart ache with need. the need for her
she’s so precious, everything about her. i love her smile.. her laugh.. her eyes.. her personality, her voice, her smell, her bod-
fuck. no matt.. focus!
she’s such an amazing person, inside and out.. innsideee
i long to know how she feels on the inside. i bet she gets so wet, and i just know her pussy would clench around my dick like a claw mac-
MATT. enough. this is y/n you’re talking about.. your best friend of 7 years, you shouldn’t be thinking about her like this
but fuck does she turn me on inside and out. everything about her is literally perfect
*ding* i hear a notification from my phone
y/n just posted on instagram. i go to check what the photo is
she’s on a rooftop club posted up in a red halter top, black mini skirt, & some sexy laced up black heels.. my favorite pair of hers actually
the caption reads, “just your type.” for damn sure is what i thought
i notice the number 1/5 on the top and decide to swipe to the next one.
this one is her slightly turned to the back, bent down holding her knees while looking at the camera. i can see a bit of her panties
fuck she looks so seductive. i can’t help the tent that starts to grow in my pants
“what do you do to me?” i ask myself
i start palming myself in my pants as i continue through the slideshow, each picture getting a slight bit more seductive than the last.
i like the picture and leave a slick comment such as, “great photos 📸 “
not even a few seconds later she replies “thanks 📸” and likes my comment
she likes everyone’s comment, i don’t know why my like felt so special but it did.
fuck did she have a chokehold on me.. she needs to have a chokehold of something else tho
the palming through my pants allowed my dick to be fully erected at this point
it felt wrong thinking of her in this way but i couldn’t help with when i get horny and she’s the most beautiful girl in my eyes.
everything from her head to her toes is god given beauty.
i remember that one time, at nathan’s pool party, when she came in with her sexy purple two piece bathing suit.
i wish i could of took her back inside, slid those panties off and went to work. i just know she tastes fantastic
i take my dick out of my boxers as i imagine the thought of good her pussy would taste
i start stroking it to the thought her obedience as i take full control
how wet she could get from the thought of me domming her.
“mhm, you’re so good for daddy aren’t you?”
as she slides out of her panties and makes her way to the bed.
i follow behind her, pushing her down on the bed so i can climb on top of her and kiss her pretty pink lips
my dick throbs at the scene in my head
i slide down and kiss her second pair of pretty pink lips; causing her to let out a small whine
“moan for me baby, i wanna hear you” i say before starting to dip and lick my tongue all over her wet pussy
she’s making so many pretty noises but it’s not enough, i have to do more. i want her to feel like she’s never felt before
i stick my fingers inside and curl them. she whimpers at the sudden friction
i push my fingers in and out of her dripping pussy while licking up and down at her clit. i keep this pace going for a while
she starts grinding on my tongue, pulling my head closer to her pussy.
i’m thrusting into my hand faster. i want nothing more than to satisfy her
“fuck matt- pls don’t stop i’m going to cum”
“cum for me baby. please cum. i want nothing more than to taste you baby”
“matt. oh my fuck-“ she says letting her hips buck up uncontrollably
i’m so fucking close right now i can feel the pre cum leaking out of my dick like a fire hose
“mat- fuck i’m- i’m gonna cum” she says before squeezing my head with her thighs as she releases her high
i buck my hips into my hand one last time before im spilling out cum onto my chest.
i can’t remember the last time i came so hard. yet this time, it’s only from a fantasy of eating y/n out
god. i need her so bad
a/n- and then the audience clapped 😵‍💫 all my matt stories are short :( can you tell i’m a chris girl? im gonna come with longer ones soon
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Walker scobell dating headcanon? ♡
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Dating Walker scobell headcanons!!🌷
♡ I personally think you two would be childhood best friends
♡ You two have been best friends since like kindergarten. No idea how you met but whatever it was, you two just clicked
♡ So of course no one was surprised when you two started dating in the summer of 8th grade.
♡ I think, because he's busy with acting, you two are the type of couple that wouldn't have to be around each other all the time or talk to each other all the time and still be absolutely in love with each other
♡ However when you two are together, you can't stop clinging to each other
♡ Walker prefers holding hands over anything else
♡ You guys FaceTime or call when he's gone but it's not all the time because like I said you two don't have to talk all the time
♡ Walker is honestly such a gentleman, no matter how silly he is, he's always so sweet with you
♡ If he's away from you for a long time and he comes back he'll buy you flowers. Maybe even a light pink bouquet
(↑a promise you'll stay and I start to believe. sorry had to reference my fav, Laufey)
Omg thank you for this request. I'm honestly not confident in this and I think it sucked but I tried.
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jane-alma · 6 months
Writing advice for new writers
Some things that I wished I had been told when I started writing <3
1. Read, read, read:
Immerse yourself in the works of established authors across various genres. Reading not only exposes you to different writing styles and techniques but also helps you understand the fundamentals of storytelling. It broadens your vocabulary, sparks your imagination, and inspires your own writing.
2. Write regularly:
Make writing a habit. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to write, even if it's just for a short period. Consistency is key to improving your skills and developing your unique voice. Practice, experiment, and don't be afraid to make mistakes – it's all part of the learning process.
3. Embrace the editing process:
Writing is rewriting. Understand that your first draft is just the beginning. Editing and revising are crucial steps that transform your work into its best version. Be open to constructive feedback, whether from friends, writing groups, or professionals. Embrace the opportunity to refine your ideas, strengthen your prose, and polish your storytelling.
4. Find your writing environment:
Discover the environment in which you feel most comfortable and creative. Experiment with different settings, and create a space that inspires and motivates you to write. Surround yourself with objects, images, or music that enhance your creativity.
5. Explore different genres and styles:
Don't limit yourself to a single genre or writing style. Experiment with different forms of writing – from short stories to poetry, fiction to non-fiction. Trying new genres and styles challenges you as a writer, expands your skills. I also find this really helpful If I feel stuck in a project. Whenever I feel really stuck, I like to open a new document, or even get a pen and some paper and just write something completely different. It might just be a silly little poem, or maybe I’ll just write down what I’ve been doing that day. Just something to get out of my head, and then I can get back to my project with a clearer mind.
6. Write what you love:
Write about topics that genuinely interest and excite you. When you're passionate about your subject matter, your enthusiasm will shine through in your writing. Whether it's fantasy, romance, history, or science fiction, let your love for the topic fuel your creativity and captivate your readers.
7. Trust your voice:
Each writer has a unique voice, perspective, and story to tell. Embrace your individuality and trust your instincts. Don't compare yourself to others or try to imitate someone else's style. Your voice is what sets you apart and makes your writing authentic.
8. Enjoy the process:
Above all, enjoy the process of writing. Writing is a creative outlet, a form of self-expression, and a journey of self-discovery. Embrace the ups and downs, the challenges and triumphs, and savor the joy of bringing your ideas to life through words.
And most importantly of all: Remember, every writer starts somewhere, and like any other craft, it takes time, practice and dedication. Happy writing y’all! <3
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delimeats-000 · 6 months
HANDS OBSESSED READER WITH CHRIS ‼️ like shes always caught looking at his hands, messing with them, etc. and chris finally does something abt it 😼
YESSS, ofc. hope you like it!
summary: chris makes your dreams, of his hands, a reality
warnings: smut, language
pairing: chris sturniolo x reader
key: chris - y/n
“fuck chris keep going. chris im gonna-“
chris’ voice snaps me out of the trance that only his hands can put me in. fuck, those hands, what i wouldn’t give to have them wrapped around-
“Y/n? Hellooo?”
“Did you hear me?”
“No.” i say smiling.
“I asked if you’ve seen this movie before.”
“No, looks good tho.”
“It is, imma put it on.”
“Sounds good.”
his eyes focus back on the tv, mine move back to his hands.
his big, veiny, strong, rough-
“Ok, whats up?”
“You keep spacin out.”
“Oh yeah.”
“Yeah.” he nods his head, “Why?”
i dont know if i should tell him. if i do maybe he’ll finally use them on me.
“My hands?”
fuck i didn’t even realize i was staring again.
“I- well yeah. But not-” his finger lands underneath my chin lifting up my head to face him.
“What were you thinking I do with these hands?”
“I don’t- I dont know.” i didn’t know what to say.
“How bout, I give you some options?” he says slowly with a slight smile.
i nod my head.
his right hand remains on my chin, while his left lands on my waist rubbing back and forth.
“Does that jog your memory?”
“No, I think you should keep trying.”
“What about this.” his right hand moves toward the nape of my neck and pulls me closer.
him and i nearly inches apart. my breath hitches and i try not to look in his hunger glazed eyes, he scoffs at me.
“Aww, poor baby. It’s ok, we’re gonna make your day dreams come true.” his hand moves to my face once more, this time resting on my cheek as he leans in and kisses me softly.
his left hand moving further down my back reaching to my ass then the back of my thighs then he stops.
“How am I doing, baby?”
“Good, great. Consider my memory jogged.”
he kisses down my neck then stops suddenly.
“Oh yeah? I’ll just stop then.”
“No no no, please.”
“Please what baby?”
“Please keep going.”
“Ok.” he shrugs.
his hands lay in the same places, but he slowly moves down, positioning them to lift me up and into his lap.
i breathe in sharply and i can feel my eyes widen with every small movement. as soon as he noticed he begins grinding his hips against me. placing his lips on mine rough, and starving.
he flips me onto my back getting on top, his left hand meets my throat.
“Can I keep going? I’ll make you feel good, promise.” he says leaning in towards me.
“Yes, fuck chris. Keep going.”
he kisses me again, one time before then untying my sweats and pulling them down toward my knees.
his right hand moves down my stomach and up again to massage my boobs before then going back down to reach my panties.
he moves further downward fingertips meeting my wet folds.
i shudder under the touch i’ve only ever dreamed of.
“You ok?”
“Yeah. Uh could you, could you just put them in me already.”
“Manners baby.” his voice lowers while his fingers rub my clit just barely. “Then, maybe ill finger fuck you. That’s what you’re focused on right?”
i let out a moan, more of a whimper really. “Chris, please. Stop teasing.”
he shoves his fingers inside of me abruptly. “Good manners.”
two of his fingers move in and out of me, curling with every send. he then rubs my clit with the pad of my while leaning over and kissing right on my pelvis
“Shit, Im really close, chris. Right there.”
“C’mon baby, cum on my fingers for me.”
“Fuck fuck, CHRIS.”
then i feel it. the knot in my lower stomach coming completely undone all over the hand ive fantasized about since the day i met chris.
he takes his fingers out bringing them to his lips and licking them clean off.
“Oh beautiful, you taste amazing.” he groans over the cream covering his long slender fingers. “So.” he stands up, lifting me to sit up and get comfortable.
“How was that, just like you imagined?”
“Good. Let’s watch my movie now.”
“No no. It’s your turn now.” i say pulling up my pants and getting on my knees.
he sits down on the bed where i was. “Oh, yes please.”
pt. 2??? lmk, love you🫶🏼
edit: pt. 2 out now
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Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader - Fluff oneshot about being married and wanting babies
a little over 1k words, A fluff piece about Katsuki wanting a baby and wanting it NOW. Slightly spicy at the end, like paprika levels of spice (AGED UP THOUGH DON'T COME FOR ME). Give me your requests/comments, I love hearing from you people!
"Wifey..." Katsuki grumbled, his face buried into your neck, his thumb gently rubbing the plush skin of your stomach up and down. One arm was wrapped around your waist, the other straight beneath your head, and the man himself was spooning you. It was early in the morning, 7:13 to be exact, and he had just woken up. He was still in his black tank top and boxers, It was basically his summertime uniform when it came to sleepwear. What could he say? He was a simple man.
The sun was shining in through the blinds, dappling the neat and tidy room with rays of light, inviting the both of you out of bed. It was a Saturday, the only day Katsuki took completely off (and only because you made him promise to), but unfortunately he woke up at around the same time he would be heading to work.
This pissed him off, especially because he had been up late staring at the ceiling thinking, but once he was up, he was up, and now he had to make it your problem. Your slow breath and heart beat was comforting, sure, but so were your kisses, and your smile, and he wanted that so he would have it. Besides, he had something to talk to you about.
When you didn't rise from his gentle approach, he grumbled and growled, already losing patience. He decided to nibble on your neck, right at the base where it met your shoulder. His tongue gently pressed against the skin, before his teeth pushed a little harder against you. He wasn't going to draw blood, he wasn't going to actually hurt you, but he wanted you up and awake.
You groaned, it was his sharp canines that woke you, but you were already used to his tactics and just waved it off. "Katsuki...Go back to bed..." you mumbled, pushing your face into your pillow and shifting a little in his arms so the blanket covered you even more. "You know I can't," He argued, his voice low and husky from the lack of use yet.
Biting won't work? Fine then. He slipped his muscled arm out from beneath your head, sliding it under your body and meeting his other hand around your waist. Suddenly, he flipped over fast, his version of a death roll. You yelped in surprise, your head falling onto what used to be his pillow, but once you registered what happened you sat up with a pissed look on your face.
"Ok, I'm up! What is so goddamn important that you have to do all that?" He sat up with you, resting his weight on one elbow and grinning. He loved when you were mad, something about it made him twice as attracted to you. He leaned in, planting a soft kiss on your cheek and grumbling, "I love you, Wifey." You had been married for 3 years and together for 8, he knew a thing or two about calming you down and making you happy. It worked and you knew it, your cheeks heating and your furrowed brow smoothing.
"W-well...You don't need to wake me up just to tell me that," you scoffed, trying to stay mad but ending up much calmer than before. "I didn't wake you up just for that, dumbass."
Your entire relationship, from acquaintances to spouses, he's called you that. It was to the point that in both of your vocabularies it was practically equal to the word "darling" or "baby," reserved for only the two of you and meant as a term of affection.
"Well what was it for," you asked with a peeved yet inquisitive voice, rubbing your eyes and laying back down to face him. he stayed sitting partially up, his hand grasping at your waist and pulling you close to him. He loved looking at you, seeing the little expressions you made, seeing all those pretty features so specific to you.
"Lets make a brat," He announced, grinning so widely that you'd think he was the Cheshire cat. He was never shy about his thoughts, always believing that beating around the bush got no one anywhere, but his frankness surprised you here.
You paused, your stunned expression amusing him, until finally you said, "W- Uh, R-Right now???" it was silent for a beat, before he burst out laughing at the fact that your first thought was the baby making and not the actual baby.
"No, idiot, not unless you wanna," he teased, planting a kiss on your forehead before placing his chin on your scalp as he pulled you against him. "Nah, I just thought...y'know...maybe it'd be time..." He seemed nervous bringing this up, and rightfully so. it was a delicate topic, and one the two of you hardly touched on. You always wanted kids, and he knew that, but he also knew that timing was everything.
"Well...we are pretty stable right now, financially...and our jobs are pretty flexible, too..." You seemed to be thinking it over. You yourself were on special call with the hero agency, meaning you had a good salary but only worked on special occasions because of the nature of your quirk, and Katsuki had an even better salary and could call off whenever necessary because his squad was reliable enough to take care of things while he was gone. finally, after what he felt was years, you smiled up at him.
"We should have a baby," you giggled, and he couldn't help but smile. You pushed him over, forcing him to lay on his back as you peppered his face with kisses. One of his hands rested on the small of your back, the other gripping your upper thigh as you straddled him. As you kissed his cheek, a thought occurred to you, one that got you too curious to ignore. "How long have you been wanting this, anyway?"
He shrugged, sitting straight up and holding you in his lap. "Dunno," He mumbled. What a bad liar. You gave him that look, the one that meant he wasn't being slick, and he blushed red. "Shut up," he groaned, his hand rubbing up and down your sides mindlessly.
"I haven't said anything," you remarked, which caused his eyes to narrow a little. "Yeah you did, with that dumb face," he countered. "Listen, I promise that whatever it is, I won't judge!" You were begging at this point, and he found that adorable.
He thought about your words, his lips pressing together as he contemplated. finally, he sighed and turned away, muttering, "It's cause you were doin' the dishes..." The dishes? you always did the dishes. He could see your confusion on your face, so he was quick to explain.
"You just looked so damn cute, and it made me think about you... bein' my lil housewife..." he pressed his face into your neck, the last of his words being muffled. You knew he liked the domestic stuff, like when you cooked and cleaned, but you didn't know he liked it enough to put a baby in you. "But Kat, I'm basically already your housewife," you laughed, the heat of his face radiating against your skin.
"Well yeah, but not with kids." Don't get him wrong, he liked splitting the chores, and he was happy with you having your own job and money, but he also liked you doing household things. It wasn't about you doing the "womanly roles" either, and more about you just doing things at home. It was something he and only he got to see, something intimate, and he wanted more of it.
"I thought you said you didn't like kids," you pointed out, an amused tone in your voice. "It's different. Our kids will be the best kids." The idea made you a little giddy too, Katsuki playing with their kids, looking at them the way he looked at you, like they were the most important things in the whole wide world.
"Your offer still good," he asked, regaining his confidence as his voice lowered a little. "What offer," you asked as he pulled back from your neck and smirked mischievously at you. "To make 'em right now," he chuckled, watching as your eyes widened and your lips curved into a nervous smile. "what? Gotta get started as soon as possible, right?"
Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it, I just love the domestic crap, I live for it lol.
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kniveschaudefender · 5 months
heyyy!!!1!!! can u possibly do Gideon Graves like being clingy and attached to reader headcanons?? if so thanks :)))
Clingy! Gideon HCs !!
(gn!reader !!)
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I LOVE GIDEON REQUESTS SM !!! Theyre literally so fun to write and I had planned on writing this anyway but the request made it even better !!!! :D So thank you anon !!
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• I feel like after the whole thing with Ramona, he thought he’d never love some again
• Until he met you
• And when I tell you this man SWOONED over you I mean it
• He wants you at his side at ALL times
• Especially at work. For having such an ego and acting like he can do pretty much anything being him, he still gets oretty anxious sometimes
• So having you there making sure he’s okay mean so much to him
• I mean with all the money he has how could he not ??
• If you look at anything for more than five seconds, he’s already going to buy it. No objections.
• I feel like he wont admit it but he loves PDA
• like YES hold his hand, kiss him, hug him, they whole deal.
• Literally can not function without having u close
• Like he NEEDS you there to do anything.
• The company calms him down when he’s mad or stressed
• But overall, he loves having you there. He NEEDS you there.
• And he loves you alot, and he just wants you to love him the same
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hd-junglebook · 14 hours
Does He Know? '
Part 1 - Word Count 4075
Authors Note: before you scroll away this is a Jack Hughes fic, I know Vince is the gif BUT I WILL NOT BETRAY OUR MANS JACK! and lets pretend Vince is not a hockey player for the plot.
Summary - In this you will meet Vince and Y/N, the beginning is so cute ngl I was kicking my feet imagining this in real life. Jack is introduced later, pls lmk what you think after you read. Enjoy !
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warning - cuteness, hot men, cursing, men being men. the rest I cannot write because it's a spoiler.
Next Chapter Link Here
Y/N and Vince were snuggled up on the plush, charcoal gray couch in their cozy apartment. The living room was bathed in the warm, soft glow of the floor lamp in the corner, casting long shadows across the hardwood floors.
On the television, an episode of "The 100" played, the sound of the dramatic post-apocalyptic dialogue filling the room. As the show cut to a commercial break, Vince turned to Y/N, his dark eyes reflecting the flickering light from the TV screen.
A thoughtful expression crossed his handsome face, his brows furrowing slightly as he contemplated his next words.
"Hey, I've been thinking about something lately," he said, his deep voice barely audible over the background noise of the television.
She shifted slightly on the couch, the soft fabric of her oversized sweater brushing against Vince's arm. "Mhmm? What's on your mind, baby?" she asked, caressing his curls.
Vince took a deep breath, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "What do you think about the idea of starting a family? Of having a baby together?"
Y/N's eyes widened. A mix of joy and excitement washed over her delicate features, a rosy blush coloring her cheeks.  "Really? You want to have a baby with me?"
Vince nodded, his smile growing wider, revealing a hint of the dimples that Y/N adored. "Absolutely. I can't imagine anything better than creating a life with you, raising a child together."
Y/N felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, overwhelmed by the love and happiness that swelled in her heart. She threw her arms around Vince, hugging him tightly. The delicate clink of her silver Pandora bracelet filled the air as she caressed the soft strands of his hair.
"I would love that," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I've always dreamed of being a mom, of having a family with you."
Vince held her close, his strong arms enveloping her in a warm embrace. He stroked her hair gently, his fingers running through the silky strands.
"Just think about it," he said softly, his breath tickling her ear. "When you're tired from a long day, I'll come home and rub your feet, just like this."
He reached down and took Y/N's feet in his hands, massaging them gently. Y/N giggled, the sensation tickling her skin. The sound of the television faded into the background as "The 100" resumed, the dramatic music and dialogue a distant hum compared to the intimate moment they were sharing. Y/N giggled, the sensation tickling her skin.
"Keep going," she encouraged, sighing in contentment.
Vince grinned, continuing his ministrations, his fingers kneading the soft skin of her feet. "And whenever you get cranky or have cravings, I'll go to the convenience store and grab all your favorite snacks. I'll take care of you, every step of the way."
Y/N felt her heart swell with love for this man, for the future they were planning together. She gazed into his eyes, seeing the reflection of their dreams and hopes mirrored in their depths.
"And our baby," she said softly, "they'll have my face and your hair." Vince chuckled. "A perfect combination. They'll be the most beautiful child in the world."
They were in love, they were happy, and they were ready to start the next chapter of their lives together.
Four months later…
The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting soft rays of gold across the spacious living room of Y/N and Vince's upscale apartment in Hoboken. Y/N stood by the window, sipping on a cup of coffee with way too much milk, her gaze fixed on the bustling city below.
"Vince," Y/N called out, turning away from the window to face her partner, who was hastily getting ready for work. The sound of Vince throwing his pajamas on the ground echoed through the room, a subtle indication of his frustration.
Y/N watched as Vince moved around the room, gathering his things and preparing for the day ahead. "Can't you stay for just a few more minutes? We barely see each other anymore."
Vince, already halfway out the door, paused for a moment, a hint of frustration flickering across her features. Vince's dark brown hair sat perfectly, catching the sunlight as he turned to face Y/N. The olive hue of his skin seemed to glow in the morning light.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," Vince replied, his voice tinged with resignation. "I've got an early meeting today. I can't afford to be late again."
Y/N's heart sank at the familiar excuse. It seemed like work always came first for Vince, leaving little time or energy for her relationship.
This became an everyday occurrence, her begging for the bare minimum and him pushing her away but always finding a way to make up for it in the bedroom. And even that had gotten boring. She forced a smile, masking her disappointment.
"That's what you always say, Vince! It's always about work with you. What about us? What about our relationship?"
Vince's eyes narrowed. "You know how important my career is to me, Y/N. I'm doing this for us, for our future."
"But what kind of future will we have if we never spend any time together? You’re not doing this for us, it’s for you," Y/N countered, her voice rising. "I feel like I'm living with a ghost. You're never here, and when you are, you're too tired or distracted to really be present."
"That's not fair," Vince argued. "I'm working hard to provide for us. I thought you understood that."
"I do understand, Vince. But I have a hard job and I’m not neglecting you. There has to be a balance. I need more than just financial security and whiskey dick every once in a while. I need a partner who is actually present in our relationship."
Vince glanced at his watch, his impatience growing. "Look, Y/N, I don't have time for this right now, I can’t stand your nagging so early in the morning. Can we talk about this later?"
Y/N threw up her hands in exasperation. "When Vince? When will you have time for me, for us? Because it feels like that time is never going to come."
Vince sighed heavily. "I promise I will come home early tonight, and we will talk. I'm doing the best I can, Y/N. I'm sorry if that's not enough for you."
With that, Vince turned and walked out the door, leaving Y/N standing alone in the bedroom. She wandered back to the office, where her computer sat waiting on the desk, surrounded by piles of paperwork.
With a heavy sigh, Y/N sank into the chair, her mind filled with thoughts of the growing distance between her and Vince.
Where had it all gone wrong?
Her eyes wandered to the framed photographs scattered throughout the room, memories frozen in time—vacations, celebrations, moments of laughter and love shared between them and Vince.
Each image seemed to mock Y/N, a painful reminder of the happiness they once shared. After a moment of introspection, she finally rose from the chair and made her way out into the hall, heading towards her office.
She busied herself with work, trying to drown out the nagging doubts and insecurities that gnawed at her mind. Hours passed in a blur, the click-clack of the keyboard the only sound in the silent apartment.
As the afternoon wore on, Y/N's phone chimed with an incoming text. Her heart leapt for a moment, hoping it was Vince with good news, but her hopes were quickly dashed. "Working late again tonight. Don't wait up. - V" the message read.
Y/N sighed heavily, disappointment washing over her. It seemed Vince was always working late these days. She couldn't remember the last time they'd had a relaxing evening together, just the two of them.
Trying to shake off the melancholy thoughts, Y/N decided a hot shower might help clear her head. She made her way to the master bathroom and turned the faucet on, letting the water heat up as she undressed.
Steam began to fill the room as she stepped into the tub and slid down until she was sitting, knees pulled up to her chest, letting the spray of water cascade over her.
The heat seeped into her tense muscles, Y/N's mind drifted to happier times with Vince. She thought back to their early days of dating, how attentive and affectionate he had been.
Weekends spent exploring the city, lazy Sunday mornings tangled up in each other, stolen kisses and inside jokes. They had been so in love, so sure of their future together.
But somehow, over the past three years, they had gotten off track. The demands of both their careers meant less and less quality time together.
At first it was just dinners cut short or date nights postponed. But soon, it felt like they were two ships passing in the night, occasionally sharing space but never really connecting.
Silent tears mixed with the rivulets of water running down Y/N's face as she sat there lost in thought. How had they let things get to this point?
Was there still a way to find their way back to each other? She wasn't sure anymore. But she knew she wasn't ready to give up on their marriage yet, even if it felt like Vince already had.
With a sigh, Y/N reached forward and shut off the water, watching the last of it swirl down the drain. She couldn't hide in here forever.
Grabbing a fluffy towel, she stepped out and began drying off, resigned to another solitary evening.
Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with Vince. In the week since their argument, his behavior had only become more erratic.
Late nights at the office were becoming more frequent, and when he was home, he always seemed to be on the phone, speaking in hushed tones and ending the call abruptly whenever she entered the room.
She had tried to convince herself that it was just work stress, that Vince was dealing with a big project or a demanding client. But the canceled plans and missed dinners were starting to pile up, and Y/N's suspicions were growing.
Y/N felt like a detective, piecing together clues and trying to unravel the mystery of her husband's behavior. But the picture that was emerging was not a pretty one.
Deep down, Y/N feared that Vince was hiding something from her, something that could shatter their already fragile marriage.
Amidst these swirling doubts, Y/N found herself at a family gathering, surrounded by well-meaning relatives who were all too eager to pry into her personal life. Her mother, who had never been a fan of Vince, was particularly persistent that night.
"Y/N, dear, have you met Ellens second son?" her mother asked, practically dragging a tall, handsome man over to where Y/N was standing. "He's single, successful, and quite the catch if you ask me."
Y/N's mother dragged her towards Jack, who was standing next to the piano with a champagne flute in hand. Y/N cursed under her breath as she walked hastily beside her mother.
As they approached, Jack looked up, his eyes as clear as the ocean. Y/N found herself momentarily transfixed by his gaze, a mix of confidence and intrigue.
"Hello, I'm Y/N," she introduced herself, trying to maintain her composure. "I'm sure you already know my mother." Y/N plastered on a polite smile, trying to ignore the twinge of annoyance she felt at her mother's meddling.
But as Jack started to talk, she found herself drawn in by his warmth and charm, forgetting all about the encounter.
Jack's lips curled into a small grin as he extended his hand. "Jack," he said simply, his voice smooth and inviting. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N."
They shook hands, Y/N couldn't help but notice the firmness of his grip, the warmth of his skin against hers. There was something electric in his touch, a spark that made her heart skip a beat.
Her mother, sensing an opportunity, quickly excused herself. "I think I see Ellen in the crowd," she said with a knowing smile. "You two get acquainted. I'll be right back."
Y/N watched her mother disappear into the throng of guests, a mixture of relief and nervousness washing over her. She turned back to Jack, who was watching her with a curious expression.
"So…" she began, taking a sip of her margarita. "How come I haven't met you yet? I've met Quinn, but I've never seen you before."
He shrugged, trying to play it cool. "I guess we just run in different circles. Quinn's always been the social butterfly of the family." Jack sipped his drink, his eyes never leaving hers. "And what about you? What's your story, Y/N?"
Y/N hesitated, not sure how much she wanted to reveal to this handsome stranger. But there was something about Jack that made her want to open up, to let down her guard.
"Oh, you know," she said with a wry smile. "Just hangin around. I don’t really do much just work and sleep. Navigating life.
Jack's grin widened. "Aren't we all?" he said, raising his glass in a toast. "To the adventures that await us."
Y/N clinked her glass against his, feeling a rush of excitement and anticipation. There was something about Jack that made her feel alive, made her forget about the troubles and doubts that had been plaguing her.
He had a quick wit and an easy laugh, and Y/N found herself relaxing in his presence. Jack seemed genuinely interested in her, asking questions about her life and her interests. It was a stark contrast to the distant, distracted Vince she had been living with lately as they sipped their drinks.
As the evening wore on, Y/N couldn't help but notice the way Jack's eyes lingered on her, the way his hand brushed against hers as he reached for a drink. There was an undeniable attraction there, a spark that she hadn't felt in a long time.
But there was also something else about Jack, an edge of fun and mystery. He had a bit of a bad boy vibe, the kind of man her mother would normally warn her away from. Maybe that was part of the appeal, the thrill of a chase.
As the party wound down and Y/N said her goodbyes, Jack slipped a piece of paper into her hand. "My number," he said with a wink. "In case you ever want to grab a coffee and chat."
Y/N tucked the paper into her pocket, feeling a mix of excitement and guilt. She knew it was wrong to even consider reaching out to Jack, not when she was still married to Vince. But the seed had been planted, the temptation was there.
“I’m married, but I hope this isn't the last time we cross paths." y/n said as she took his hand in hers once more. "It was great meeting you, Jack."
"I hope not either," he said softly, meeting her gaze.
With a final squeeze of her hand and a roguish wink, Jack turned and melted into the crowd, leaving Y/N standing alone with her thoughts and her racing heart before she composed herself.
The soft click of the front door lock echoed through the quiet apartment as Vince stepped inside, a bouquet of vibrant red roses in one hand and a rustling plastic bag filled with Y/N's favorite snacks in the other.
The sweet, floral scent of the roses mingled with the aroma of buttery popcorn and rich chocolate wafting from the bag, creating an enticing blend that filled the entryway.
Vince's footsteps were muffled by the plush, cream-colored carpet as he made his way into the living room. The soft glow of the table lamp cast a warm, inviting light across the space, illuminating the cozy leather armchair and the intricately patterned throw blanket draped over its back.
As he rounded the corner, Vince's eyes fell upon Y/N, curled up on the overstuffed sofa, a well-worn paperback novel resting in her lap.
She looked up at the sound of his approach, her eyes widening slightly as she took in the sight of him standing there, an apologetic smile on his face and his arms laden with gifts.
For a moment, they simply stared at each other, a myriad of emotions passing between them in the silence. Y/N's gaze flickered from the roses to the snack bag, her brows furrowing slightly in confusion.
"What is that?" she asked, her voice soft and tinged with curiosity.
Vince took a step closer, extending the bouquet towards her. The crinkle of the cellophane wrapping seemed to punctuate the moment as he held them out, a peace offering.
"I'm sorry I ditched you," he said, his voice low and sincere. "I'll be home more from now on."
Y/N's expression softened as she reached out to take the roses, her fingers brushing against Vince's as she accepted them.
She brought the blooms to her nose, inhaling deeply, her eyes fluttering closed for a brief moment as she savored their delicate fragrance.
A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, a hint of forgiveness in the curve of her mouth.
"Thank you," she murmured, setting the roses down on the coffee table with a gentle thud. The polished wood gleamed in the lamplight, reflecting the deep scarlet of the petals.
"And the snacks?" she asked, eyeing the bag with a mix of amusement and appreciation.
Vince grinned, the tension in his shoulders easing as he sensed her mood shifting. He plopped down on the sofa beside her, the cushions giving way beneath his weight with a soft whoosh.
"All your favorites," he said, rummaging through the bag, the crinkle of plastic and the rustle of packaging filling the air. "Popcorn, those little chocolate truffles you love, and..." he paused for dramatic effect, pulling out a small, familiar blue box, "your favorite tea."
Y/N let out a small, delighted laugh, the sound like music to Vince's ears. She reached for the box, turning it over in her hands, the cardboard smooth beneath her fingertips.
"You remembered," she said, her voice warm with affection.
"Of course I did," Vince replied, his tone light and teasing. "I may be forgetful sometimes, but I could never forget the little things that make you happy."
Y/N leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder, the softness of her hair brushing against his cheek. Vince wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer, the heat of her body seeping into his own.
For a moment, they sat there in comfortable silence, the soft ticking of the clock on the mantle and the distant hum of the refrigerator the only sounds in the room.
"I really am sorry," Vince said after a while, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know I haven't been around as much as I should be, but I promise, that's going to change."
Y/N tilted her head to look up at him, her eyes searching his face, a glimmer of hope and love shining in their depths. "I believe you," she said softly, reaching up to cup his cheek, her thumb brushing gently across his skin. "We'll make this work, together."
Vince turned his head, pressing a tender kiss to her palm, the warmth of his lips a silent promise.
It has been two weeks since her encounter with jack, now here she sat at her desk. She couldn't deny the spark she had felt, the way he had made her feel seen and desired in a way she hadn't experienced in a long time.
But even as she replayed their conversations in her head, a nagging sense of guilt tugged at her heart. She was still married to Vince, even if their relationship had been strained lately, he had done his best to come home earlier but duty calls.
Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Y/N turned her attention to the pile of mail on her desk. She began sorting through the envelopes, her mind only half-focused on the task.
Bills, junk mail, a postcard from her sister's latest vacation...and then her hand stilled on a plain white envelope with no return address.
Frowning, Y/N tore open the envelope, her curiosity piqued Inside was a single sheet of paper, folded in half. As she unfolded it, her eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
It was a hotel receipt, dated from last weekend. The name on the receipt was Vince's, but the room was booked for two people. And there, at the bottom of the receipt, was a charge for a bottle of champagne and a couples' massage.
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as the reality of what she was seeing sank in. Vince had been at a hotel with someone else, someone he had been intimate with. The betrayal hit her like a physical blow, stealing the breath from her lungs.
With shaking hands, Y/N reached for her phone. She scrolled through her recent calls until she found Vince's number and hit the call button.
It rang once, twice, three times before he picked up. "Hey babe, I’m really busy right now, can I call you later?” Vince's voice sounded casual, unaware of the bombshell that was about to be dropped.
"We need to talk," Y/N said, her voice trembling with barely contained emotion. "Can you come home please? It's important."
There must have been something in her tone that alerted Vince to the severity of the situation because he agreed without hesitation. "I'll be there in 20 minutes."
Y/N hung up the phone and took a deep, shuddering breath. She didn't know how she was going to confront Vince, what she was going to say.
All she knew was that their marriage, their life together, was about to change forever.
When Vince walked through the door, Y/N was waiting for him in the living room. His clothes were scattered around the apartment and their photos had been broken, the glass shards still remaining on the floor.
The smell of a floral perfume that definitely was not hers wafted into her nose.
She held up the hotel receipt, her eyes filled with tears and her voice shaking with anger. "What is this, Vince? And don't you dare try to lie to me."
Vince's face paled as he realized what she was holding. "A receipt?”
"No, you idiot!” Y/N cried, the tears now flowing freely down her face. "You've been cheating on me? You've been lying to me, sneaking around behind my back?"
"It's not what you think," Vince tried to defend himself, but his words sounded hollow even to his own ears.
"It's exactly what I think!" Y/N shouted. "How could you do this to me, to us? You were out getting rub downs at some hotel, Vince. I loved you."
Vince reached for her, but Y/N recoiled from his touch. She couldn't bear the thought of him touching her, not now, not after what he had done.
“I would cry myself to sleep next to you and you would turn away and complain. You didn’t care that you weren’t loving me the way I deserve to be loved!”
"Y/N, please," Vince pleaded. "It was a mistake. It didn't mean anything. I’ll end it right now, just...just please stop crying."
But Y/N wasn't listening anymore. She was lost in her own pain, her own sense of betrayal. The man she had built a life with, the man she had trusted with her heart, had shattered everything with his infidelity.
Y/N shook her head. "I don't know if we can fix this one, Vince. I don't know if I can ever trust you again. What am I supposed to do?" she questioned, her voice trembling with emotion as she looked up to meet his eyes with more emotion she had ever felt in her life.
“How long has this been going on.”
Vince's gaze faltered, his expression clouded with guilt and regret. He looked down at the cream-colored carpet, unable to meet Y/N's gaze. "Remember when I asked you to start a family?" he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
A flood of memories washed over her—dreams of a future together, plans for a family they had once shared.
Taglist <3
@rebelatbay @destineyxo13
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Todo, menos volver a apagarme.
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k-4-ni · 7 months
Ever think about what DICK GRAYSON does when you're off to work?
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Just dick being a dick (and a pervert)
When he builds up the courage to finally peel his eyes open, hissing through clenched teeth as the sun seeps through the curtains, it feels like it is poking his eyes out.
When he looks over his shoulder, expecting to wake up to your limp and sleepy state, expecting to snag a whiff of your expensive perfume that you insist on putting on before going to bed, expecting to catch a glimpse of your pretty complexion (that he came on multiple times the night before.)
But he didn't.
He found himself staring mindlessly at the vacant slot next to him, a harsh wave of bitter air spreading throughout his skin, his fingers lightly tracing over the wrinkles of the sheets— a trace of you before you left.
He hates— No, Abhors when you go to work, he understands that you have your problems and responsibilities to lay off but why was work so early in the morning? It's not like you'd get fired if you took a day off.
Dick pressed his lips into a tight frown, the realization of your absence dawning on him— the realization that you weren't going to join him in breakfast, or his daily run, or his daily 10-minute session of cuddling and oozing into your warmth, or—
He'll be fine, it's not like you're gone for—4 hours.
4 whole hours, 240 whole minutes alone, waiting (im)patiently for you to come back home so he could tackle you to the floor and have a perfect excuse to fuck your brains out— And to jerk off to your panties.
He can't help it, he's the eldest son of Bruce Wayne, the one and only Batman himself, but he's one whiny orb of fuzz and sex when it comes to you, his precious girl, his moon and stars, his honey and his home— his tiny fleshlight he could pound into whenever he likes because he knows you'll be such a good girl and take it like one.
1 hour and a half into the dreadful waiting session as he already has your red-laced panties (his favourite pair) bunched up in his hands and smothered into his nose, Oh god— Your fucking scent.
His calloused hand jerks him off until his brain is absolute mush and his thighs tense and cramp as he feels his stomach coil with that familiar sensation of release, so close— on the rim, fumbling with each breathy word, your name spilling from his quivering lips, over and over again.
The base of his cock drooling with a white and milky ring, his reddened tip oozing pre-cum, wishing it was you and your warm tongue cleaning him up of his mess, his chubby balls pulling taut with each stroke, his brain all fuzzy and a putty mess of filthy thoughts and all sorts of dirty fantasies playing in his head.
One of them, feeling your silky walls tightening and grope around his meaty cock, his tip angry and bulging out with a deep red hue— evidence of his desperate edging as his hips bucked furiously against his fingers, a jolt of electricity surging through his bones— moans and moans dribbling from his lips, heavy breaths and whimpers as he near his blinding release, a sigh of pure bliss and a slimy layer of slick sweat trickling down his eyebrows and temples.
Oh, what he would do just to feel your tight cunt keeping his cock nice and warm, smooching your pelvis with each deep plunge and thrust of his hips.
He was too lost in his fantasies of you, too lost to realize he dribbled a gooey mess of his thighs and the sheets, his tongue hungry for the sweet nectar of sex.
There was no way he was making it.
And there was no way you were going to walk tomorrow.
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roseapov · 7 months
TWST Self Aware AU
The difference between 'The Player' and 'The Overseer' based on my observations and some Headcannons
Warning: Mentions of obsession, slaying people, stalking, cult themes and delusional worshippers
[TWST Self Aware AU] - [Masterlist]
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The Player:
Everyone knows that Twisted Wonderland is just a game and they're the characters in it. They as a self aware AU communicate with you through Yuu, as it is their only form of communication with you (unlike the Overseer). They see you as their 'safe space' and can be/are possessive of you, cause of the comfort that you bring to them (some more than the others). They know you're somewhere out there playing and having your own life, so they really appreciate it when you do decide to play.
You don't have worshippers, just a bunch of students obsessively starved for your affection and attention - trying to harbor it all to themselves (Poor boys, shower them with affection - or not, Choose the safest option).
The Housewardens would be the most clingiest of them all. They have some real problems to overblot in the first place (-Kalim, +Jamil), but your presence seems to calm all their worries, so stay with them a little longer. Just. A. Little. Longer.
They're also not above stalking - when you play there's always someone following Yuu around, and when you're offline those with more magic than the others have the chance to infiltrate through your phone and watch your daily life through the camera as well as hear your voice through the microphone.
Since you communicate through Yuu, there are 2 options I see happening when you're offline:
Yuu is living their normal life without your influence as an npc, where they normally talk to everyone behind the scenes
When you log out, Yuu just disappears, which I think is pretty reasonable. Everyone then knows that you're offline and the only thing they can do is wait for you to log in again.
And of course, our very lonely Future Fae King tries to bring you into their world with his powerful magic, so he won't have to be alone anymore💕 The others also approve of this action, so See you soon!
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The Overseer:
The characters there are a bunch of lunatic worshippers that see you as a God/Creator, and The Overseer. You're known there internally and Nations are worshipping you (unlike The Player who is only known by the characters they met). Their level of worship is different in each county, when in some (Briar Valley) you're the highest being to ever exist, while in the others you're seen as a respectable person who watches over them, but not as the deity to offer-everything-you-can to (Sunset Savanna, since they already have a Royal Family that rules for centuries - the irony since Briar Valley also have long ruling Royal Family).
You're a perfect being that soothes them, they're totally obsessed and very possessive of your attention. They have no problems with slaying everyone who's not respecting you enough *ekhem* Briar Valley/Diasomnia. They are elated when they feel your gaze linger on them a little longer than on the others.
They can feel your gaze on them, feel your touches but your silhouette is blurred/transparent for them (thanks to the screen, cause as we all know, the screen can't compare to the real experience), so they don't know your exact look (even tho they're dying to know *ekhem* Pomefiore, cause of their Fairest Queen opinion on you).
The Great Seven also met you (thanks to the Fairy of thorns), their God and Creator. They have made various opinions on your person (all positive, cause don't forget - they're all obsessed delulus), like for example: The Fairest Queen opinion on you is that 'You're the Fairest one of them all', all said while kneeling before your beauty.
Of course our current generation is also dying to meet their creator in all of their glory, so our most powerful and most delusional Diasomnia boys (mostly Malleus and Lilia) are trying to find a way to bring you into their world to worship you endlessly like you rightfully deserve.
You're not really communicating with them through Yuu, as they can see you through the screen of your phone (although blurry). They are always talking to you, always looking at you. All those lines, all for you, towards you, so answer them, look at them or things may get really ugly.
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Some of my rambling now:
I know many days ago I posted that my first fic will appear in a few days, but it never did (sorry🙏). My first fic project was very ambitious and in the meantime I caugt a cold which numbed me totally, but it did gave me many ideas for fics in the future🤭. So instead of the fic planned to be my first one, this one will serve the purpose of being the first fic - pretty analysational and rational (I hope).
I'm still working on the fic that was supposed to be the first one, yet i have too little information on the topic to write it (it's also gonna be analysis like), so I'm going to take my sweet time with writing it and hopefully after the october (cause of the october writing challenge), succesfully release it.
I hope this fic came out good and y'all are satisfied with it, I am also open to any criticizm towards my works, so please feel free to tell me where i can improve!
I also apologize for all the mistakes that I could possibly have done here👀
Thank you all again and see you soon!💕
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astrolynnworld · 4 months
under the table
pairing: bf! matt sturniolo x reader
summary: matt takes you on a weekly date night event that he always has planned. although tonight, matt starts to get turned on by your presence.
warnings: smut, exhibition, language, maybe a bit of a foot fetish? minors pls dni!
a/n: let me know if you guys like the story !!
word count: 923
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“thank you” i said to matt as he opened my car door for me.
we were outside the nicest restaurant in our home town. i’ve been talking about this spot for months because there’s so many good reviews and they only taking reservations on top of always being reserved.
but, somehow matthew managed to get a last minute reservation due to a couple who canceled a few hours ago. now we’re standing inside the restaurant as the hostess prepares our table.
i look over at matt who stands beside me looking all handsome in his suit & tie. considering the elements of the restaurant that we were at, we definitely had to dress up. i always loved when matt dressed up, it only ever made him look 100x better.
as the hostess guides us to our table, matt grabs my hand as he leads the way. i love when matthew would do little dominate things like this in public, would make me feel so secure and safe. i never had to worry about feeling anxious when matt was around because he would always make me feel safe and calm.
we sit down on opposite sides of our booth and the waiter comes over to take our drinks.
“i’ll have a root beer and she’ll have a shirley temple” matt speaks for me.
i smile at the thought that he doesn’t even have to ask what i want, he just knows me. i know we’ve been dating for several months now but it always just feels good to have little reminders that someone cares enough to know the small repetitive things that you like or do.
“you look so good tonight” i tell matthew, breaking the silence that i created by staring.
“is that why you’re looking so hard” he replies back while laughing
i laugh back, “can you stop! you know i get nervous”
“you’re so cute, pretty girl. you don’t need to be nervous around me” he continues while chuckling still.
the waiter comes back with our drinks and asks if we’re ready to order. thankfully we had already previously looked at the menus online and knew what we wanted because we did not touch the menus that were given to us in person.
we told the waiter our orders and he had gone back in the kitchen to give it back to the chef.
“can you take some pictures of me for instagram?” i ask matt while mixing my drink so it looks well blended for the photos.
“of course, love” he replies as he picks up his phone to take my photos
i do a series of poses, just trying my best to look as hot as possible. matt behind the camera just hyping me up with occasional, “you’re actually so gorgeous” or “you’re so mesmerizing, i can’t believe you’re mine” causing me to smile even harder in the photos
until he said one thing that for sure caught me off guard.
“you turn me on so much.” he said casually
“matthew?” i say confused as if i heard him wrong.
he didn’t reply, he just stopped taking photos as i obviously was not posing anymore.
“are you serious?” i ask in a lighthearted manner
“do you wanna feel?” he responds back.
“matthew!! we’re in public” i say with a smile on my face
“i can’t help it. it’s something about ur eyes, the way you look just genuinely gets my dick hard.” he says as a whisper so nobody else in the restaurant heard
“you’re so unserious” i reply back.
he leans in closer to the table, “do you think you could touch me throw my pants?”
“matty it’s too public in here, it’s either gonna look suspicious or someone will see”
“what if..” he stops
“if what?” i ask
“could you maybe use your feet? nobody would see if you use your foot to rub on me. please! i just need you to touch me. all this talking is only making me harder” he says
“please y/n, just for a bit” he pleads
“alright..” i take off my heels in order to “get comfortable” and i rest my feet on his lap in order to get access to his bulge without immediately looking suspicious.
i start sliding my foot up and down rubbing on his bulge to give him as much stimulation as i could. i had never done something like this before so it felt a little weird but i could see on his face that he was enjoying it.
“matty, don’t make it too obvious.” i told him in hopes that he would control his facial expression from looking like a fucked out puppy.
“fuck- i think i could cum from this” he whispers in an almost audible whine.
he puts his head down on the table in order to mask the sensation.
i try to go faster to finish him off until i notice the waiter coming back with our food.
i quickly stop, to which matt raises his head wanting to ask why i had stopped until he also sees the waiter
“for you ma’am.” the waiter says as he places the plate down in front of me
“thank you” i reply.
“and the chicken alfredo for you sir.” he says handing matt his plate
“thank you.” matt says with a raspy voice that he clears as soon as the phrase leaves his mouth.
“enjoy.” the waiter says before walking away
“yeah, we’re definitely gonna need to finish what we started” matt says
i smirk at his comment.
should i do a part 2? & let me know if you guys enjoyed !!
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delimeats-000 · 6 months
YEEEESSS. mhmmmm. enjoy freaks🫶🏼🙊.
My Canvas
summary: versus tour is over, chris is OBSESSING over you and cant keep away from your neck.🙊
warning: smutty smutty smut smut, idk
pairing: chris sturniolo x girlfriend!reader
i set up a welcome home surprise for the guys. being in the house alone was starting to get to me but i had classes to take care of, so i sadly couldn’t join them.
i start pin up the second side of the banner and i hear the front door open.
they come upstairs to the living room where i have all the decorations to celebrate their return.
“Awww!!” nick says, covering his mouth in shock.
i see chris for the first time in what feels like forever, he drops his bag and opens his arms. i run straight to him almost knocking him over as he lifts me up burying his face in my neck.
“I missed you, baby.” he whispers.
his breath warm on my neck sends a shiver down my spine. i feel him breathe in deep through his nose.
“I missed you too, handsome.”
“You smell good.” he says before i let go trying to get down.
“Noo, dont go yet.”
“Chris I just wanna say hi to Nick and Matt.” i turn to look at them, earning a groan from chris.
the two boys are already cutting into the welcome back cake, i hug them both before going to chris’ room to help him unpack.
“Hey baby.”
i walk up to him after i close the door. i hug him from behind.
“Hey beautiful.” he turns around in my arms. “I missed you so much.”
his head lay against my shoulder while he kisses my neck.
his kisses get more rough as he moves up and down trying to find my sweet spot. i let out a moan as he glides his hands to my waist and hold me tightly. his grip tightens the more he sucks on my soft skin.
“Chris. Fuck- Chris dont leave marks.”
“But baby, its so empty here.” i feel a smile grow on his lips as he continues to kiss and bite at my neck. “You taste so sweet princess, cant help myself.”
“Fuck Chris.” i grab him by his hair and pull him off, he groans clearly upset.
i smash my lips on his and push him down onto the bed behind him. i get on top straddling his waist and kiss him once again.
he tugs at my shirt wanting it off and as soon as it’s over my head he flips me over, he begins kissing down my neck once again. he definitely leaves marks as he goes down my tits to my stomach then back to my lips.
i can feel the bulge in his pants and i wrap my legs around his hips and begin to grind on him from underneath. he lets out moans into my mouth. he gets off of me and starts to pull off his clothes.
“Take off your pants now.”
“So impatient.” i smirk.
his eyes darken as if im only prey to him, “Pants, now.”
i take them off not having the patience to tease anymore.
he gets on top of me again and i watch as he lines up his dick and slowly runs it down my pussy before smacking the tip on my clit.
i let out a moan and he looks at me, his smile is gentle but so dark and it scares me a bit.
he pushes his cock into me with no warning and i cant help but let out a quick scream.
“Good girl, scream for me.”
“Fuck Chris, you feel so good.”
his hand reaches to my throat.
“You’re so beautiful, baby.” his grip gets tighter and his thrusts grow harder. “Ive missed you so much, you’re tight pussy, and your pretty little neck.”
he keeps fucking into me, harder snd faster than before.
“My pretty little canvas. So blank, gotta add some color.” his lips return to my neck and he immediately latches on sucking and biting all over.
“Chris don’t stop, please-” my voice shakes.
“Cum for me baby.” he whispers into my neck.
he keeps thrusting in the same pace hitting all the right spots, i feel his long dick all the way inside me. he’s so deep inside me i wouldn’t be surprised if he really did rearrange my insides.
“FUCK- CHRIS!” my legs shake and he grabs the back of my thighs fucking into me even deeper.
i can feel his dick twitch inside me and he keeps pounding, my cum drips down my pussy to my ass and i let out a final moan before he cums deep inside me. he pulls out and falls onto me resting his head on my chest, he looks up at me.
“Damn. That canvas is colored alright.”
hope you like it, love you🫶🏼
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