#training for cosmic power
koushirouizumi · 9 months
“Te  tomo  , you should trai   with me. Why wo  ‘t you?” Koushiro displayed the results of his training to Tentomon, who was watching him from the side. Tentomon tried it out for himself. “Very well, Koushiro-ha  ” but right away he said, “No, this isn’t for me. Ending at ‘Koushiro-ha’ just doesn’t feel right. It feels icky.” “I see. I  deed that is a shame.”
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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mo-ok · 2 months
MAYYYYYYY I request Javi and Amelia chibis :3 like in your post >.<
(If two characters are a lot, maybe Heckyl?? 👀)
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fam you KNOW i got you 🖤❤️🖤❤️
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opens-up-4-nobody · 10 months
You don't understand how unhinged I feel trying to construct an ending for Bleach that I personally would enjoy while knowing Bleach does not deserve my time and also not remembering enough to actually make anything coherent. And yet here I am.
#god. no one gives a fuck abt bleaching. i am screaming into the void. y cant i put this energy into being productive#i just want there to be themes and a satisfying ending. and ending that is sad and yet happy#i just think. for me. ichigo kurosaki died on the night rukia pierced him with her zanpakto. oh fuck i cant spell. fucking strap in#i kno he didnt technically die according to the rules of the universe but i think as soon as ichigos soul left his body. that body became#a corpse. so when he goes back into it its not suitible to live in anymore and he only starts to feel that with the fullbring arc#i think when rukia jumpstarted his powers she lit the fuse of a bomb and becoming a visor allowed him to chanel his resentment#bc he does resent. ichigo is an emotional person. he felt emense guilt when his mothet died bc he felt he couldnt protect her bc he was#being raised to protect. the boy has a complex and its kinda fuckrd up and its 1000% isshins fault. so when thr opportunity comes for#ichigo to sacrifice himself for his family he does and he literally and metaphorically dies. his life from that point on is overtaken by#death. so what do we do with ichigo after everything is said and done bc he cant go back to being human he cant be a living corpse. he has#to go to the soul society. bc i like to imagine everything hes done to his soul. his twisted cosmically weird special boy soul. hes like a#bomb. its unstable and they need to teach him to control it so he doesnt tear a hole in reality and let thr hollows pour in. so its safer#if that happens in thr soul society. and rukia lil miss ice princess can teach him to do that. i would also make it weird with god stuff but#i never read the blood war stuff so i dont kno enough abt the gods. also i would make rukia more at odds with everyone who was gonna let her#fucking die and who overlooked her bc she should b held with more reguard for her fighting. but misogyny 😒 so then what do we do with#ichigo in thr soul society? i cant stand the idea of him becoming part of the institution. i cant. i think he should be rogue. rebell. idk#train to be strong and battle agaisnt the 13 court guard squad who r clearly going to try to control him as he tries to control himself.#send my boy to therapy so he can control his reatsu? is the the word? idk. maybe he should go to that dead dog district and look for kids#with spiritual pressure. he needs to feel useful. maybe id just give him weird god powers. i am an ichigo special boy apologist#thats as far forward as i can think. ichigo has to b dead. has to learn to control his power before he can go fight. rukia can teach him#he rebells against the institution. encourages rukia to go apeshit bc fuck everyone. and then idk. he keeps trying to save ppl forever#or he dies and destroys the universe. a big ball of resentment and bad feels and secrets upon secrets upon secrets. god y am i thinking#abt this so much. ive got bullshit to deal with. anyway. idk i just like ichigo a lot and i think thr ending to bleach is th worst forever#bleach ramblings
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sweethydrogen · 1 year
Bro autistic meltdowns are something else wtf
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truevedicastrology · 6 months
Unveiling the Enigma of Mars
🚀Mars, the celestial orchestrator of how you magnetize individuals and the manner in which you resonate. It delves into the intricate essence you exude and the perceptions people harbor about you. This cosmic force also embodies masculine energy, offering insights into the archetype of men you may allure.
🌌Mars in the 1st house unravels your allure externally, where your energy becomes swiftly discernible. You're characterized by responsiveness and a tenacious self-advocacy. Occasionally perceived as impulsive or irate, your sanctuary lies in self-indulgence, physical exertion, and athletic pursuits. The gravitational pull extends to men with athletic prowess or those with a self-centric aesthetic.
🌺Mars in the 2nd house manifests allure through olfactory allure, skin aesthetics, or indulgence in epicurean pleasures. Passion for culinary arts and a penchant for opulence mark your identity. Your charm attracts men of affluence or those generously disposed.
🏖️Mars in the 3rd house articulates allure through eloquence and the written word. Passion resonates in your speech, and the written realm becomes a source of profound joy. A proclivity for literature and related pursuits is evident. The enticement extends to multitasking, loquacious men, possibly educators or wordsmiths.
🏡Mars in the 4th house unveils allure in moments of domestic comfort, adorned in unassuming attire. Emotional energy becomes an irresistible magnet. Mars, discreetly nestled here, shares passion exclusively with intimate circles or family. Attraction extends to nurturing, emotionally expressive men, perhaps with a hint of moodiness.
🎨Mars in the 5th house radiates allure during dynamic activities, invoking attractiveness in motion. Passion is channeled into hobbies, joy, and a perpetual youthful spirit. The magnetic pull is towards confident, charismatic, and playful individuals.
🌈Mars in the 6th house renders allure through physique and an organized, health-conscious lifestyle. The zenith of well-being is achieved through proactive endeavors, organization, and animal companionship. Attraction is directed towards industrious, meticulous men, potentially involved in animal care or fitness training.
🌙Mars in the 7th house allures through aesthetic grace, fastidiousness, and a pursuit of justice. The epitome of well-being lies in harmonious relationships and aesthetic refinement. Attraction extends to men who embody beauty, meticulous grooming, and charm.
🔮Mars in the 8th house projects allure through intimate and sexual charisma, intertwined with an aura of power. Stability and emotional equilibrium define your zenith. This allure thrives in secrecy and spiritual pursuits, attracting individuals exuding intense energy, possessiveness, and depth.
🌐Mars in the 9th house emanates allure through vivacity, intellect, and captivating narratives. The ardor for exploration, diverse cultures, and distant realms is palpable. Attraction aligns with optimistic, adventurous men, including educators, professors, or those hailing from diverse cultures.
🏰Mars in the 10th house showcases allure in the public eye, accentuating tenacity and success. Energy converges into achievements and reputation, possibly bordering on work-centric tendencies. Attraction is drawn towards older, stable, and successful men, echoing qualities reminiscent of paternal figures.
📱Mars in the 11th house unfolds allure in the digital realm, exuding uniqueness that captivates social networks. The energy is invested in friendships, aspirations, and dreams. Attraction encompasses peculiar, distinctive men, thriving either in group dynamics or solitude, immersed in individual pursuits.
💖Mars in the 12th house mystically radiates allure, captivating through an enigmatic aura. Appreciation transcends the physical, delving into the spiritual and ethereal facets. Energy is channeled into artistic expressions, resonating with the profound. Attraction unfolds towards artistic, spiritual, emotionally profound individuals, potentially from coastal regions, with a transcendent connection that transcends verbal communication.
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Here me out. Grumpy!Bucky x Sunshine!Reader but based on Down Bad from Taylor's new album. I feel like there would be such an interesting story!
Down Bad
"I might just not get up, I might just stay down bad..."
Pairing - Bucky Barnes x Reader Summary - You were down bad for Bucky Barnes. You had a cosmic love with Bucky Barnes. But when you woke, you woke in blood, naked and alone, still you might just stay down bad. A.N. - How many fics do you think I've written since TTPD came out?
Bucky Barnes Masterlist | Inspired by Taylor Swift Series
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Alright, hear me out...
BAMF!SHIELDAgent!Reader x Bucky.
Together, you were the definition of a power couple. There was no one better, no higher peak. Practically untouchable. You set the standard.
And now, you wish you could un-recall how you almost had it all.
Because it was over.
He sent hurtling back down to Earth without a second thought.
And you couldn't lie, you hit the pavement hard.
You were down bad. Worse than you could ever imagined. Most days, you debated on not getting back up, but you knew that wasn't really an option.
Not when people looked to you, watching and waiting. It was like you lost your twin. And while you mourned losing your other half, you felt naked and alone. Watched by all, consoled by none.
The sick part was that you never wanted this. You never asked to be thrown into the orbit of Bucky Barnes. You never wanted him to tell you that you were special, never wanted him to tell you were the chosen one. You didn't want him to show you that the world was so much bigger than the confines of your life. You never wanted him to make you feel safe in his arms.
So how dare he think it was romantic to leave you safe and stranded?
Some days, you stared at the sky and quietly pleaded for him to come get you.
You never wanted to need him. You never wanted any of it. You were perfectly fine on your own.
But you can't deny, you really loved his hostile takeover.
And just as easily, he left you all alone.
All alone trapped inside a person you no longer recognized.
This wasn't you. You were strong. Independent. You were the standard. You were the pinnacle. Not the person who burst into tears at the gym. You weren't the person who slammed on the emergency stop button because sobs wracked through your entire body.
But as you stood in the center of the training room, all eyes on you, there's no denying how he made a mess of you.
It was Wanda that pulled you into the locker room away from prying eyes. You furiously wipe away your tears, staring up at the ceiling - both to keep the tears at bay and to beg him to beam you up to that cloud of sparkling dust once more.
"Are you sure you're okay for this?" Wanda asks, she rests an easy hand on your back.
You roll your shoulders back, steeling yourself, "I've got this."
"You just - you haven't exactly been yourself lately. I'm worried about you."
"Just because I'm single?" You feel the tears welling in your eyes again. "Because I was so fucking down bad for him."
"Don't say that."
You've lost count of the amount of times you've cried this week, but you impatiently groan at yourself as you feel hot, stinging tears slip down your cheeks again. "I can't believe I'm actually crying."
"You're hurting. It's okay not to be a bad ass every second of the day."
"Fuck," you whimper, your head falling onto Wanda's shoulder. "I was so in love with him."
"I know, I know," she coos, stroking the back of your head. "He's not doing any better - if that makes you feel any better."
It doesn't make you feel better. The thought of him hurting nearly as much as you were only made it hurt more. It only made you ache for him more. You would either go down with the ship you built with him or burn as he held the matches.
You shake your head, pulling away from her. You rake your hands through your hair, then harshly rub your hand over your face. "Let's just get this over with."
"Are you sure?"
"It would make no difference if I was sure. Fuck it if I can't have him."
You really, truly can't believe you were this stupid. You can't believe you allowed yourself to get lost in his opal eyes. Never in a million years would you have wanted this.
To involve yourself with someone so irrevocably intertwined with your life. Because now, now, you had to listen to the stranger that knew every inch of your mind, body, and soul give you orders and directives on dangerous, life threatening missions.
Mere minutes after a full breakdown in the training room, you had to stand before him in the conference room all alone and listen to him talk like nothing happened.
"Are you sure you're up for this?" he asks, concern shining in his familiar blue eyes.
You roll your eyes, snorting, "Don't patronize me."
"I'm not. I'm just checking on you."
"Well, that's not your job anymore," you spit. "How about we focus on our actual job?"
"Fine." His spine stiffens, his jaw ticking as he speaks through clenched teeth, "Are we clear on the plan?"
The words leave your mouth without a second thought, "Would it matter if we weren't?"
"I thought we were going to be mature about this," Bucky's voice comes out low, so similar to the quiet rumble of his voice first thing in the morning.
You scoop up your share of your files and turn on your heels without another word. Without thinking, he reaches out, placing a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
The weight of his familiar touch is a shock to your system.
You know the mature thing to do. You should apologize. You should carry yourself with grace. You should set boundaries. You should hold your head high.
But lately, everything comes out with a teenage petulance. So fuck him. Fuck him for breaking your heart. Fuck him for taking away the love of your life. And fuck him for being the loss of your life.
You wrench your shoulder out of his grip. "Fuck you."
Bucky Barnes Masterlist Inspired by Taylor Swift Series
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams @shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes@beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064 @michealharrypotter @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @withyoutilltheendoftheline @the-photo-hoe @rae-nna @sarachabeans1@double-shot-of-tequila @spookyparadisesheep @lunaalovesyouu @daisy-loves-bucky @roseproseposts @theoraekenslover @king814318 @maybesomedaytho @carlie-babes99 @sunshinechikin @as-white-as-snow-love @melala1030 @badasswlthafatass @armystay89 @multiversefanfics @cherrysscinema @breathlesspieceofdeath @ravenn-darkholme @bxckybxrnes24
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emthimofnight · 23 days
We have heights, we have voices....now we need a run down on the Siblings personality! Then the trilogy will be complete...and then I can (affectionately) release Stellar from my 6 star basement of adorableness.
HAHAHA OKAY!! I will do as you ask for the safe return of my baby girl 🙏
Confident, calculating, and unnerving.
Rarely without a smile on his face.
Has the energy of an apex predator. Unflinchingly comfortable in spite of any danger, having never known what it feels like to be prey.
Strongest out of his siblings and the leader of their little trio.
Manipulative and power hungry.
His creators have no real control over him. They've created a monster.
Views life as a game and himself as the main character. Doesn't recognize other people as actual people, only as pawns for him to play with. If they don't play the game they way he likes, he breaks them.
Taller than both Sonic and Shadow. Doesn't view either of them as parents, only genetic donors.
He sees Shadow in particular as his prototype.
Only acknowledges other people as important if they have great power or something that he recognizes as stand-out.
Has never known defeat nor fear. Both of these things have the power to shatter his world view.
His siblings are afraid of him for good reason.
Who is to say what his sexuality is??? Probably power-sexual. 😂 He would only ever be attracted to someone based off of strength or what they could offer him.
Short-tempered, snide, and bitter.
A gloomy person over all, almost always in a perpetual state of scowling.
The emotional core of the failed experiment trio. Does her best to keep Void and Polarity from killing each other.
Deeply envious of Stellar and her happy relationship with Sonic and Shadow. Wonders why she wasn't found and whisked away to a better life.
Awful self-esteem. Knows she is unhappy with her life in Cosmic Labs, but doesn't see any way out. At least she has a place she belongs if she stays inside the box that was made for her.
Cares for both Void and Polarity, but doubts if Void returns that sentiment. She and Polarity are close, getting along well when they are alone.
Pressured by their creators to get Void to behave. Since they cannot punish him, Andromeda and Polarity are often punished in his stead.
Secretly craves love, affection, and praise. Despite this, she chooses to fight Stellar whenever they encounter one another instead of accepting her offerings of sisterhood.
If she had to pick between Void or Polarity, she'd pick Polarity.
She is a lesbian!
Hot-headed, resentful, and explosive.
The weakest of the siblings (including Stellar) and he knows it. Only outdoes them in speed.
Has an extremely tumultuous relationship with Void. He is constantly trying to prove himself to their creators, but is outshone by his elder brother.
Despite this, he trains harder than either of his siblings, and is often covered in bandages from overworking himself.
Takes the most after Sonic despite everything, and is a fun-loving, quick-witted, and gentle person at his core. If isolated and given enough time to open up, he is actually very sweet.
Only ever confides in Andromeda, and cares about her deeply. He will often step in and take punishments in her stead.
A closeted nerd. Has a stash of old comic books that were given to him by a generous lab worker that he has read cover to cover countless times. He could quote any scene from memory.
Often speaks out against Void and his methods. Void has gotten very good a tuning him out on missions.
Lowest chaos energy reading of all Project Stellar experiments, but cannot be beat in willpower and determination. Notable for his inability to ever give up.
Has constant dark circles around his eyes from lack of sleep and stress. Rarely ever rests.
He is bisexual!
Original post with Stellar's failed lab sibs if they had survived:
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alexlwrites · 2 months
As REQUESTED! Here's part 3 of "Yoongi who never had a crush... Until you" from my notes app!
This is a little longer than the others due to my commute to work taking a little longer today, so yall can thank the Sao Paulo train system for that!
As I mentioned previously, I am now open to commissions through my ko-fi! So you can buy me a coffee and request a short scenario, whether it be based on this fic, one of my others, or something entirely new! The link to my ko-fi is in my bio!
Anywho! Enjoy!
Yoongi had an on going theory - now proven over many many times - that any and all problems he encountered could somehow be traced back to Jimin.
Beer missing from the fridge? Jiminie. His files mysteriously disappearing from his computer, replaced by a bootleg version of The Sims 3? Jimin. The Plague? Park Jimin, that fucking rat.
And once more, in a house party he had no interested being at, poor Yoongi found himself victim of the consequences of his ill-fated association with that god-forsaken gremlin, now smiling smugly from across the circle where his friends and a few acquaintances sat.
"Everyone knows the rules, right?" Jimin said, innocently like he wasn't the cause of Yoongi's on going demise "You spin the bottle and whoever it points to, you have to kiss!"
Yoongi snorted from his place in a chair outside the circle. At 30 years old, he was clearly above such childish games and would never submit himself to such humiliating and depraved behavior...
"I'm here! I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" he heard and he swore time stopped as you, of all people, sat within the circle next to a Jungkook, smoothing down your tennis skirt as you smiled "What are we playing?"
"Spin the bottle!" Jimin smiled grew, a mischievous gleam appearing as he peared at his frozen friend.
Your eyes looked around the circle, falling on Yoongi's a couple feet behind and he swore even the singular hair in his left toe stood up in alert "Yoongi's not playing?" You asked.
Jimin shrugged in despondency "Well, no-"
"Of course I am!" Yoongi threw himself onto the ground, sending a poor unsuspecting Taehyung flying out of the way with a whelp "I love this game!"
Yoongi did not in fact love this game. He loathed it.
They had played several rounds and his bottle was nowhere close to pointing at you. Instead, he kissed Namjoon twice and slapped Taehyung once for putting his slimy tongue out as their faces got closer.
Was he cursed, he wondered, the face of dispirited desperation, watching as Hoseok and Jin made out in a way that could only be described as disproportionately violent. What could he have done in his past lives that would lead to this punishment, the sheer torture of sitting across from you and not getting to kiss you? Had he not earned your affections? Did he not claim your love through the cosmical power of dibs?
Whatever. WhaTEVER! So it would be, he would die alone. A monk amongst 6 manwhores, a fortitude of loneliness, cursed to roam the earth in his loveless state...
Oh, it was his turn. He spinned the bottle thoughtlessly, mind still wondering about the implications of his slowly returning virginity due to solitude.
You looked up at him as the bottle pointed straight at your form all the way across the circle and Yoongi swore someone had to call 911 at the way his heart stopped. His condition - simptitis - was worsening by the second.
Someone wheel him into the emergency room - you were crawling across the circle, prowling really, your blouse dipping in a way that left nothing to the imagination, and trust him, he had imagined!
You stopped, kneeling in front of him "Hi, Mr. Min."
Here are some symptoms to look for if you believe you could suffer from simptitis:
-accelerated heart beat
-exaggerated hand sweating
-inability to form coherent thoughts, not to be confused with just being stupid, which Yoongi was starting to think it was his case
-ill timed boners
And, the most common one:
-praise kink
Yoongi seemed to be displaying all of the above at the same time and when you softly asked "Are you okay with this?" All he could do was brace himself and nod.
If Hoseok and Jin's kiss was violent, this one was peaceful, slow, soft and way too passionate for a spin the bottle session. You tasted like sicilian lemon and gin and Yoongi was only but an alcoholic man at your feet, cradling your face to keep you close, refusing to let go of the addictive feeling of your lips on his.
Someone coughed awkwardly and you stepped back, face flushed and chest heaving. You looked deliciously disheveled and Yoongi thought of other circumstances where he could make you look like that again.
Okay, so maybe Jimin wasn't that bad.  Maybe he wasn't the physical manifestation of Yoongi's karma. Maybe that phat assed hobbit was up to something with his seventh grade games...
Oh, it was your turn. Maybe Yoongi would get to kiss you again!
Nope. It landed on Jimin, who wasted absolutely no time in bringing your face down to his.
The betrayal? The bro-trayal?
Back stabbing little tinker bell bitch.
Bugger it all to hell.
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afraidparade · 4 months
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UM SO THESE ARE REALLY OVERDUE... but here are fresh 2024 refs of pazu and theo! if you're just interested in their surface information then there you go, but if you would like the really extensive lore on how the world of exorcists and ghosts work (this applies to #itsybitsyghost too) then check under the cut! :-)
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The Phenomenon of Lingering Spirits and the Role of Exorcists:
Human bodies do not last forever, but the material of their souls do. Death is merely the expiration date of a physical form, and should one’s role on the physical plane be fulfilled, their essence will be returned to the collective consciousness of the universe itself; a mysterious and incomprehensible force coined “the Divine Beyond” by those with the greatest understanding of it (which is to say, still not very much.) There, souls become energy, and that energy, though silent and intangible, is everywhere, maintaining the balance of life and death. And should the universe decide it is time to assign that energy another role, a soul will be born anew with fragments of past life essences.
But should one’s role on earth remain unfulfilled at the time of their passing, the universe will reject this incomplete soul from the Divine Beyond. These pseudo-beings have many names — apparitions, spirits, ghosts — but essentially, they are the result of unstable soul fragments without a vessel or means of passing on. As such, they remain in this world alongside humans, and without the memories retained in their physical bodies, are unable to remember who or what they are. They are invisible, intangible, and inaudible to most of the living. Most, but not all.
Exorcists are humans who, either through rigorous training or genetically gifted, are able to see, hear, and physically interact with ghosts. Though their numbers are very few and scattered throughout the world, they carry out their cosmic duty to hunt lost souls and remove them from the physical realm. The majority of these exorcists belong to one of three (though in recent years, that number has dropped to two) major clans, each with their own methods of dealing with the dead. Some adhere to the belief that ghosts are still human souls and should be exorcized with dignity and respect. Others believe they are monsters that must be dispatched efficiently, by any means possible. Some even see the potential to work alongside them to better understand the mystery of the Divine Beyond.
Regardless of their methods, an exorcist’s primary duty is the protection of humanity. Should too much energy remain lingering on either side of the boundary, universal laws that act as the threads of the physical plain will begin to unravel. Vigilance and prescience is imperative, lest the world as we know it reach a point of no return.
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Facts About Ghosts:
Generally speaking, ghosts are the lingering fragments of distressed souls, and tend to act impulsively and violently as a result. They rarely resemble people at all, often taking loose, shifting, monstrous forms of impure energy, ranging from the size of a golf ball to the size of an average human. Since they are largely unintelligent and act on pure instinct, it is very uncommon for a ghost to be able to utilize or understand any spoken language. A ghost displaying any of these uncommon traits should be considered a major threat and eliminated immediately.
A ghost’s primary instinct is to attain more power, and the only way to do that is to absorb spectral energy – that is to say, they cannibalize each other to grow stronger. Because of this phenomenon, fresher, smaller spirits tend not to last long before being consumed by a stronger nearby ghost. Increased power often leads to increased size, intelligence, and motor skills. At a certain level of awareness, ghosts are able to consciously reallocate their power to differing areas of their form; this can manifest as sacrificing their intelligence for enhanced size, or vice versa. Ghosts at this power level can also choose how to adjust their outward appearance to their liking, though this is often seen as a sign of arrogance as it has little tactical value.
Exorcists have developed a classing system to determine a ghost’s danger level, consisting of: Wisp, Apparition, Wraith, Nightmare, and Demon. A ghost’s class is determined based on the amount of souls they’ve consumed, which can be inferred via the traits of their form and level of aggression.
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Even a seasoned exorcist would pray to never face a Nightmare Class ghost; this makes Demon Class ghosts a once-in-a-century cataclysmic event. Demon ghosts are assigned special names that reflect the severity of their class: Pazuzu (Pazu) and Lamashtu (Lam) are examples of this.
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Facts About Pazu:
Like all ghosts, Pazu does not know how he died or what his life was like. Any time it comes up, he changes his answer and gives a completely fictitious (and often over-the-top) story.
Several centuries ago, Pazu inevitably attracted the attention of exorcists and ultimately ended up defeated (though not without claiming several of the lives of his pursuers). Because even the most prominent clan couldn’t manage to subdue him long enough to exorcise him fully, he was instead sealed within a shrine and left in isolation until his energy spent itself to nothingness. The seal on the shrine could only be tampered with by the blood of those who sealed it, and even Pazu can’t believe his unprecedented good fortune in being released.
Despite his exaggerated claims of love and friendship, Pazu loathes Theo. Through no fault of his own, of course – after all, Theo is too inept of an exorcist to pose any threat, and even so kindly broke Pazu’s seal – but him being a descendant of the clan that caused Pazu so much trouble is the only excuse he needs to torment him for as long as he lives. That, and he also looks horribly similar to someone Pazu has a grudge with.
Pazu is an incredibly powerful ghost - possibly the most powerful ghost in centuries of history. The form he presents himself with, massive though it may be, is a shrunken avatar he uses to subvert expectations and stay better hidden. In the time he’s been released from his seal, Pazu has never assumed his true form in full.
Pazu is able to shapeshift to anything within his size threshold (which is, frankly, extremely vast) but refuses to limit his size to anything less than “huge.” The only exception is if he is actively possessing someone.
Speaking of ghostly abilities, Pazu is able to possess one person with full autonomy or multiple people simultaneously with limited autonomy, interact with physical objects (though even for a powerful ghost, this requires a good deal of energy), alter the memories and perceptions of a human mind, and, of course, interact effortlessly with Theo or any other exorcist.
Pazu is very secretive about his motives. He certainly possesses enough power currently to inflict serious damage onto the mortal world, yet he still chooses to keep a (relatively) low profile and consciously avoids causing too much chaos. The most information he’s ever given about the subject is that he is “biding his time,” but for what, it is unclear.
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Facts About Theo:
Although his decision to abandon his exorcist-related duties and move abroad certainly upset his family, they are still on good terms and care about each other’s well-being deeply.
Theo has not and will not contact his family about Pazu’s release for several reasons. Firstly, he’s mortified about being the one to accidentally unleash a monster that several of his relatives died just to contain, but there’s also the threat of harm ensured by Pazu should he reach out to them in an attempt to exorcise him.
Theo is an office worker for a rather generic sales company. He’s good at his job and plenty friendly, but his somewhat scary face and inexplicable ghost-related mannerisms tend to cause his coworkers to steer clear of him.
His only close friend is his cheery coworker, Gabriel. He knows about Pazu, but Theo frequently lies about Pazu’s demeanor and tells him that he’s a friendly ghost. Gabe is the only person in Theo’s life who has witnessed Pazu’s actions and didn’t have their memory altered. Furthermore, it appears that Pazu absolutely despises Gabe. Theo has no idea why.
He originally only sought out Pazu’s sealing place out of curiosity upon hearing a nearby shrine existed in his family’s name. Having forgotten a good deal of exorcism training from his youth and in being deceived by Pazu, he ended up accidentally nullifying the seal.
Theo has three older sisters. He loves them, but does not particularly miss the childhood regularity of being pushed around by them.
He enjoys collecting antiques, tending to his houseplants, and visiting coffee shops. Minus all the ghost business, he’s a very normal guy.
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Facts About Exorcist Clans:
The term "exorcist" refers to anyone with the ability to see, hear, and physically interact with ghosts; whether or not they actually choose to exorcise spirits is not a factor in that title. There are very few exorcists in the world, as these spectral abilities are can only be attained by biological inheritance or rigorous training. Exorcists' abilities are attached to their souls -- more specifically, the shards of souls from past lives that cycle between the material plane and the Divine Beyond. It is a near certain guarantee that a child born into an exorcist lineage will possess an aptitude for exorcism, though there have been rare cases of both a child in an exorcist family being born without abilities, or a child from a family with no ties to exorcism receiving these gifts inexplicably. Although it is possible to awaken some spectral abilities in a soul without these shards, it is no easy feat, and regardless of the effort put in, manufactured exorcists can not compare to natural exorcists in terms of spectral senses or arcane abilities.
For many centuries, there have been three dominant exorcist clans. Clans can be organized based on family ties, common interests, or even have a school-like structure; regardless of the criteria for belonging to a clan, each one embodies its own belief systems and trademarked techniques.
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(Please note this section is a W.I.P. More detailed profiles on each of the three main clans will be added in time.)
The existence of three clans played a key role in governing smaller exorcist organizations, freelance exorcists, and even each other in a harmonious balance. However, with the mysterious disappearance of the third clan, tensions between the remaining two have run high, and reports of rogue exorcists are increasing.
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pokemoncaretips · 5 months
PSA from the Alolan rangers
This year, due to unusual cosmic activity, worm holes are going to be frequent, and this corresponds to a predicted rise in ultra beast sightings. The rangers have released information on how to keep yourself safe during the next 8 months until the wormholes die down:
Travel in groups and keep alert. We recommend keeping your pokemon out of their balls if feasible.
Familiarize yourself with the cries of ultrabeasts. [A link to a government website is attached with a soundbank of recorded ultrabeast noises]
If you are deaf or HOH, all service pokemon trained in Alola recently are trained to recognize these sounds, but if you have an older service pokemon or are from out of the region, the Deaf Society of Alola will be happy to loan you a trained pokemon for the duration.
Download the ranger alert app for your rotom dex or rotom phone in case of an encounter or sighting. Remember, it is a $5000 fine for making a false report.
Avoid unnecessary travel during this event. If you are someone who works with wormholes or has travelled through or been very close to one, we recommend leaving the region for the duration if you can or increasing security if this is not an option, due to the likelihood of ultrabeasts approaching you.
Ultrabeasts are frequently startled and confused by their sudden arrival here, and are much more likely to be aggressive or reactive. Do not engage ANY ultrabeast. Avoid eye contact and remain still.
Avoid picking up litter with your bare hands, particularly paper litter that seems folded.
Keep an eye on the skies.
If you find dead wild pokemon that have been drained of fluids, vacate the area immediately.
If you feel dizzy, confused or sleepy, leave the area. Pheremosa may be present. Wear a good quality n-95 mask to provide decent protection.
Avoid power plants if you aren't an employee there. If you are an employee, pay close attention to safety briefings and wear all provided PPE. If your employer is not providing PPE, anonymous reports can be made to the authorities here [A link is provided]
Avoid large forested areas and remain alert for a long, low rumbling noise. Stay away from unexplained wild fires.
Obey all evacuation alerts sent out, and keep a survival kit packed with clean clothes, important documents other necessities. A comprehensive list of essential items can be found at the Alolan governments website.
Avoid coming unto contact with naganadel toxin. This toxin is purple and slightly bioluminescent, with a sharp, bitter smell. It's powerfully adhesive and can quickly cause breathing difficulties. If accidental contact occurs, vinegar has been shown to begin breaking it down. Apply white vinegar to the area and contact emergency services.
Make note of stone walls in your area, and report if new ones appear with no signs of construction workers.
Stay safe and don't be a hero.
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astrojulia · 10 months
How can I use astrology to find an ideal career for me?
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Astrology and Career: Discover Your Cosmic Sea to Success
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career [ kuh-reer ] noun an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework: a person's progress or general course of action through life or through a phase of life, as in some profession or undertaking
We have several details to talk about how astrology can help us find our ideal profession and we use what we have in our power to strengthen ourselves and self-knowledge.
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Career as we saw earlier is not just work and your job, it encompasses many things in your life as it is something that takes many years, so all planets show something related to your career.
Sun: The radiant center of our being, revealing our mission, identity, and values. It guides us towards the areas where we seek recognition and how we can contribute to society.
Moon: Reflecting our emotional desires and commitments, the Moon unveils our preferences for a comfortable and nurturing work environment.
Mercury: The realm of analytical skills and communication, Mercury highlights areas where our rational thinking aids and supports us, making tasks easier and efficient.
Venus: Governing our ability to forge relationships and be adored, Venus unveils our potential to sell products or ideas, how others perceive us, and how we can add value.
Mars: The driving force behind our desires and motivations, Mars indicates where we can find energy, passion, and determination to propel us forward.
Ascendant: The extra personal talent, exclusive to each individual, offers a distinct insight into your inherent abilities and potential.
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Elements and Modalities
It can be used for each planet (it won't be so detailed, if you want me to talk about each one, like or reblog to show that you are interested in the subject...), but it is used to see the dominant modality and element in the natal chart.
Earth: Seeking security and practicality, Earth signs are adept at managing and structuring tasks, valuing their products and presenting their true worth.
Water: Emotionally driven, Water signs thrive in environments that foster connection and love, often leading to careers where care and bonding are vital.
Air: Driven by intellectual pursuits and interaction with people, Air signs flourish in professions that require intelligence and daily engagement of their diverse skills.
Fire: The passion and drive of Fire signs lead them towards pioneering roles and highly recognized positions, necessitating dynamic and energetic environments.
Cardinal: Initiators and independent spirits, Cardinal signs embrace challenges and take the lead in manifesting their intentions.
Fixed: Penchant for control and security, Fixed signs passionately pursue their interests and maintain unwavering dedication.
Mutable: Embracing change and creativity, Mutable signs excel in professions that allow flexibility and unconventional approaches.
Now... I know that you want career paths you can work on, but I first showed you how you can understand what are your needs and strengths before giving professions because I think it's more important for you to know your needs than to think "wow, look, my natal chart tells me to be a doctor, I think I'll drop everything to do medicine"
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How to know if you do well in this career??
1º Way: Identify the ruling planets of the earth houses: 2nd (work and money), 6th (job and routine), and 10th (career) house. Then, determine which house the ruling planet of this house is in. Next, refer to the list below and check if there's a career you like associated with that house. For example, my 2nd ruling planet is in Taurus, and my Venus is in the 5th. Therefore, I'll explore professions related to LEO/FIFTH HOUSE.
2º Way: Identify the career sign you are most interested in. Find the ruling planet of that sign and see if it corresponds to the 2nd,6th or 10th in your birth chart. For instance, I'm interested in reading tarot cards, so I'll check the position of my Pluto (ruler of the 8th). As it's in my 10th, tarot card reading could be a good career choice for me.
3º Way: Identify the planets that fall in your 2nd, 6th and 10th houses and see directly the professions it represents, knowing that in terms of CAREER, the 10th house is more important. So if I have no planets in the 2nd, Venus in the 6th and none in the 10th, I see the carrers that are represented by Venus.
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ARIES / FIRST HOUSE- athletics, entrepreneurship, leadership, military, police, firefighter, lifeguards, surgeries, creating something, competitive careers …
TAURUS/ SECOND HOUSE - Plastic arts, dressing rooms, painting, things related to food, finance, massage therapy and well-being, services that involve giving a pleasant experience to others, aesthetics.
GEMINI / THIRD HOUSE - writing, journalism, communication, teaching, advertising, libraries, representatives, assistance, performance, things related to organization, information management, research …
CANCER / FOURTH HOUSE - medicine, nursing, veterinary, work that involves taking care of the home and decoration, so also architecture, work that involves taking care of things, restoration, photography, painting, music, art, crafts, accommodation, doula, public offices , trade in household items, babysitting and professions that involve taking care of children, providing services to people in situations of vulnerability, first sector...
LEO/ FIFTH HOUSE- Leader, work related to the government, work related to money and luxury items, work related to leisure and hospitality, entrepreneurship, social networks, presenters of all media, blogs, theater, dance, music, arts in general , directors of artistic projects, cinema, events, fashion, design …
VIRGO / SIXTH HOUSE - Personal organizer (it is the most virgo job in the world), assistance to someone virtual or in person, secretary, work related to organization and analysis, work related to health such as nursing, medicine, pharmacy, work related to mathematics and to money like accounting, librarian, writing, therapy, informatics …
LIBRA / SEVENTH HOUSE - Advocacy, justice, diplomacy, arts, aesthetics, fashion, architecture focused on decoration and beauty, sales, high quality and refined products, design, work related to people …
SCORPIO / EIGHT HOUSE - psychiatry, medicine, psychology, police, military, research, astrology, works related to people who died as gravediggers and doctors who do autopsy, spirituality and the occult, coach, investments, administration, politics, research in any field. ..
SAGITTARIUS / NINTH HOUSE - Politics, justice, diplomacy, tourism, religion, teaching a higher education course, teaching wisdom, philosophers, careers related to foreign countries, foreign trade, sports, careers involving recreational activities, careers with more playful areas such as theater, dance and circus, astrology.
CAPRICORN / TENTH HOUSE - Management and entrepreneurship, CEO, engineering and areas that use mathematics, construction, land-related jobs and projects for places or businesses, management, jobs that involve preparing something like a director developing a play or a project , producers. . .
AQUARIUS / ELEVENTH HOUSE - Science, astrology, everything related to technology, information technology, social media, TV and radio, politics, social projects, social sciences, social causes and social assistance (very social this sign), projects humanitarian and altruistic, demonstration and mobilization of people, jobs that aim to revolutionize and change society and the way people live their lives …
PISCES/ TWELVE HOUSE - Psychology, music, theater, crafts, spirituality, therapy, holistic therapy, careers that involve helping others and social causes, work related to hospitals, nursing and caring for others, jobs that help people who have some kind of neurological imbalance or older people or who are on the margins of society in some way.
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Sun: The Sun empowers individuals to take on leadership roles and excel in careers related to the government, money, luxury items, leisure, and hospitality industries. The Sun's radiant energy blesses entrepreneurs, social network influencers, media presenters, bloggers, artists in various forms (theater, dance, music, and arts), directors of artistic projects, cinema, events, and professionals in fashion and design.
Moon: The nurturing influence of Moon shines upon careers in medicine, nursing, veterinary, nutrition, and professions involving home care, decoration, and architecture. Lua's caring nature extends to jobs that involve restoration, photography, painting, music, art, crafts, hosting, doula work, public office, commerce of household goods, nannies, and roles providing services to vulnerable individuals, especially in the first sector, as well as culinary arts and cooking.
Mercury: The intellectual prowess of Mercury guides individuals towards careers in information technology, writing, journalism, communication, teaching, advertising, libraries, and as representatives. Mercury's sharp mind is well-suited for roles as personal organizers, virtual or face-to-face assistants, secretaries, and professionals in the pharmacy sector. Additionally, Mercury's association with mathematics and money makes it relevant in accounting, librarianship, writing, and computing.
Venus: The artistic and harmonious energy of Venus blesses individuals in careers related to plastic arts, fitting rooms, painting, and the culinary arts. Venus finds fulfillment in professions associated with food, finance, massage therapy, well-being, aesthetics, law, justice, diplomacy, fashion, and architecture focused on decoration and beauty. Venus also thrives in sales, dealing with high-quality products, design, and people-related work.
Mars: The bold and assertive influence of Mars directs individuals towards careers in athletics, entrepreneurship, leadership, military, police, firefighting, lifeguarding, surgery, and any field that requires competitive spirit and a drive to create something remarkable. Mars also finds expression in careers related to medicine.
Jupiter: Jupiter's expansive and benevolent energy inspires careers in politics, justice, diplomacy, tourism, religion, higher education, teaching wisdom, and philosophy. Jupiter's connection to foreign trade and astrology adds depth to careers related to these fields.
Saturn: The disciplined and structured influence of Saturn leads individuals towards careers in administration, entrepreneurship, CEO positions, engineering, and areas that involve mathematics. Saturn's expertise in construction and project management makes it valuable in various roles, including those of directors and producers.
Uranus: The innovative and revolutionary spirit of Uranus shines upon careers in science, technology, social media, politics, NGOs, social projects, and humanitarian efforts. Uranus is also influential in social sciences, social causes, and careers that involve social assistance, aiming to transform and uplift society.
Neptune: Neptune's compassionate and spiritual essence guides individuals towards careers in psychology, music, theater, crafts, spirituality, therapy, and holistic therapy. Neptune finds fulfillment in professions that involve helping others and social causes, particularly in healthcare settings. Jobs linked to hospitals, nursing, and care for others resonate with Neptune's healing energy.
Pluto: The transformative and powerful influence of Pluto leads individuals towards careers in psychiatry, medicine, psychology, investigation, astrology, spirituality, occultism, coaching, investment, administration, politics, and scientific research. Pluto's connection to matters of life and death makes it relevant in fields such as gravedigging and forensic medicine, while its association with transformation and marketing adds depth to careers in the marketing industry.
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Julia's Special Note
I enjoy helping people, so let me share a unique insight that you won't find anywhere else. Jupiter and Saturn play significant roles in determining our value in both personal and societal contexts. Jupiter represents the value that society places on us, while Saturn signifies the value we place on ourselves in relation to society. In short, these two planets can reveal insights into your salary and financial gains in your profession. The key aspect here is their conjunction. For many years, Jupiter and Saturn have been meeting in earth signs, indicating a strong emphasis on material values, productivity, and tangible outcomes. This means that society has highly valued material success, productivity, and practical skills. However, over the next 200 years, they will conjoin in air signs, signaling a shift in societal values. The focus will move towards knowledge, expertise, teaching abilities, effective communication, and the dissemination of information. In this new era, what garners a good salary today may no longer hold the same value in 200 years. Thus, it won't matter so much what profession you have, but rather, the greatest differentiating factor for achieving good financial gains will be how much you know and specialize in your chosen field, rather than just how much you produce.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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rayroseu · 4 months
twst jp players noticed something strange about Crowley's card stats.... His HP amount is too big for his card type Balanced... It feels like Crowley is more fitting as a Defense Card bcs of his high HP ✨✨👀
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usually Balanced Cards in TWST, their HP amount is around 8-10k... Idk which card has the highest amount of HP in the Balanced type, but they are often max 11k,,, but Crowley who's a Balanced (supposedly) has 13-14k HP!! ✨✨
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The highest HP I know rn in the Balanced type are Star Deuce and Halloween Silver,,, But they're still starting quite low (~9k) in comparison to Crowley starting at 13k lol
Its like his amount of HP is more fitting as a Defense card
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Pls correct me if I'm wrong I'm not into game stats I just think this is so intriguing considering that LILIA VANROUGE has cards that is often Defense in SSR....
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*some cards have incomplete stats bcs they're only available in TWST JP rn-- BUT STILL. You can notice how its much more fitting to place him as a Defense card bcs of his HP...
Still His attack power, 6k is alot 👀✨✨Its like telling us that like Crowley's magic element (Cosmic) his magical power also has no weaknesses such a "he's low on lifespan" or "he's weak at attacking"... Its like how Malleus described his magic as having "no strengths and weaknesses-" which is fitting because he's also a Cosmic user-
TWST often leaves character nuance in their cards, considering that Lilia had "so much life" (Defense card that is heavy on HP) because he was instructed to defend Meleanor and Malleus- What if that's the same as Levan if he's Crowley? He's heavy on HP because he was also a general and is tasked to defend-
I asked about @prince-kallisto long ago that crowley might be passive/defensive magic user since he rarely casts magic in the story... Now that his unusual stats got released, why do i feel like General Lilia who was tasked to defend, is also like Levan (the left general and if he's really Crowley) also heavily focus his magic casting on Defense🤔🤔
Then this might be another clue to their relation? But considering that Lilia and Meleanor considers Levan to be quite pacifist, I wonder if he forced himself to be "balanced" in both attack and defense in order to uphold the peace he was trying to promote yk as Malleus said, you cannot make anyone obey you in Briar Valley if you're not powerful
Levan (Crowley) is still powerful, but I feel like he's naturally a Defense card... with just a powerful attack magic because of his training as the Left General✨✨😳😳☝🏻☝🏻
I'm so excited to see him in Battle I'm actually shaking KSHKSHS I hope he summons his army of corvids once he appears lol
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supercap2319 · 6 months
Y/N grunts as he puts out more energy into keeping his shield up as he feels the heat from Ikaris's rays trying to break through. They were having a sparring match in the new Avengers training area. It was big enough that Thor and the Hulk could have their annual wrestling matches and the room itself would repair itself.
At the moment, Y/N, was locked into a spinning match of energy with Ikaris. Y/N had blocked and Ikaris had attacked as the two of them started the spin in a circular motion, two forces like comets and stars pushing up against each other until one was destroyed.
Ikaris was trying to burn through his shield with his optical vision as Y/N was hellbent on keeping it up. He didn't understand it. Ikaris knows he can't break through it, so why continue to attack him this way?
Their spinning drew faster and faster until they were a blur or red and gold as both forces of magic and cosmic were trying to get the upper hand on each other. There was no clear winner.
It was only too late that Y/N realized what Ikaris was up to. He wasn't trying to break through Y/N's defenses. He just needed a way to draw him in close so he could enact his plan of victory.
Ikaris knew it was futile to try and manhandle his way into battle, so he counted on the fact that Y/N would go on the defensive side if Ikaris pushed him into it. He knew if he got close, the young man would act accordingly. He had been right.
Now, Y/N was stuck. He couldn't move his hand to break this endless cycle, otherwise Ikaris would break through, so he had no choice but to watch as the bubble sphere of power grew between them as Ikaris smirks and pushed hard with his laser eyes until the energy exploded and sent them both flying back.
Y/N flew back and hit his back against the wall and he fell with a thud. He looks up a moment later, Ikaris smiling down at him. "I won."
"Fine. Fine. You won. You've proven you can kick my ass." He stood up. "Can I go now?" He tried to walk away, but Ikaris grabbed his arm. "Oh, no, you don't. I won. And you remember our agreement. The winner gets to fuck the loser however he chooses, and I want it right here and now."
"Come on, Ikaris. Can't we do that after? I'm all sweaty and my back hurts." Y/N whines.
"And you're going to be even more sweaty and sore when I'm done with you." Ikaris smiled.
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
Curious, you got some bandee headcanons you’d like to share? (doesn’t matter if it’s in the roleswap au or not)
My sweet Bandana Boy! I love him SO MUCH! I'm happy to share some of my personal headcanons for him!
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First, I am a strong believer that Bandee is the same Dee from Kirby 64. I know there's evidence that both supports and denies this out there, but I choose to believe it!!
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So that's why I think his spear could be tipped with the crystal shard he's gifted at the end of the game!!
Yes, the spear point is the same shape as a crystal shard. But there's more to this! Hear me out!! :D
So Kirby, Meta Knight, and Dedede all have demonstrated some cool powers over the years that help them beat back some pretty fearsome foes! For lack of a better word right now I'm calling them "Cosmic Powers." Kirby is... Kirby. His powers are pretty much limitless. Dedede and Meta have had different elemental powers over the years too, like electricity, fire, wind, etc... (Meta could very well be a cosmic being like Kirby, and I have my own theory about Dedede's elemental abilities here).
The members of Team Kirby do great things together, but they're also very powerful on their own! So what's Bandee's thing? He is a humble Waddle Dee by birth! He hasn't demonstrated any extra "Cosmic Powers" that I can recall. Other than the cute hover jump- but most of Kirby's Helpers and Allies can do that too! And even back in Kirby 64, Waddle Dee helps Kirby out in very practical ways. Going down a river together in a log flume, operating a mine cart or sled... stuff like that.
Bandee's Spear moveset is also very practical and purely skill-based. It consists of intricate and powerful spear maneuvers. It's got to be a result of his diligent training that's been hinted at over the years!
But one of his moves always stuck out to me since it's not purely skill-based- his Spear Throw.
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How is he able to toss out an unlimited supply of spears and regenerate another in his hand immediately afterward?
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The Crystal Gun has an unlimited supply of ammo, so it makes sense to me that his spear could very well have that same property if it's part Crystal Shard!
A fun personal theory is that he forged the Crystal Shard he was gifted into a weapon after he made the decision to train and grow stronger to protect his loved ones. Probably in between the ending of Revenge of the King and the beginning of Return to Dreamland. And he's only gotten stronger over the years!
Using a spear made with a crystal that is shown to be one of the only weapons effective against Dark Matter is just so super cool to me!! It would definitely complement his great loyalty, courage, and personal strength. A wonderful tool to put him right up there alongside Dreamland's Defenders like he deserves to be!! <3
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arxims · 22 days
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After committing a serious violation of the Higher Realms protocol, You were punished to live on earth for 30 human days without your powers. Considering your lack of experience on earth, you doubted your survival on the mortal plane especially without any powers, you only had one choice, the human you met 8 mortal years ago. But you were completely oblivious of the chaos awaiting you on the mere mortal plane of earth.
au /genre : human!Jungkook x guardian!reader, fantasy au humor, fluff, crack, a bit angst, supernatural au
Warnings : mentions of dark elements like satanic worship and black magic, and human sacrifice, magical elements, spiritual elements, eventual smut.
Rating : 17+
© All rights of this story belong to arxims. This cannot be modified, translated or republished without my permission or knowledge.
This is a work of pure fiction and has no relation with the BTS members in real life. Please take it in a story sense.
Word count : 1.4 k
In the multiple realms existing in the universe, exist the higher realm. A realm which is home to the guardians. A species created by the almighty creator, blessed with certain powers, born to maintain the balance of all realms and all multiverses. The powers and abilities of the whole realm was provided by a rotating Mystic sphere, called the Mystic core situated in the heart of the realm. The source of magic. The higher realm is divided into peculiar subrealms, each subrealms, houses guardians with similar powers and abilities. Air Realm, Fire realm, and all elementals have it's own realm, with Mind Realm, Space Realm and Time realm. Each realm was ruled, looked forward by the superior of each. And the most powerful realm of all subrealms is considered to be the Energy realm. And the new superior of the energy realm was Jieun, Guardian of Cosmic energy.
Though all kinds of energy guardians were present in the energy realm, one kind of energy was rare. The primordial energy guardian. The Higher realm will only contain one primordial energy guardian in one generation and it's a rare phenomenon of the birth of an energy guardian. After skipping a generation with no primordial energy guardian, born You, (Y/N). The guardian of Primordial Energies. Capable of controlling any energy. Even the primordial energies itself.
Growing up as an enigma, you were spoiled by everyone. Especially by the superior of that time, Boa. Boa trained you by herself, as at some point, energy realmers believed that you would be crowned as the next energy realm superior. But Boa knew you couldn't look after a realm all by yourself. She chose Jieun before her death. And Jieun treated you, Just like Boa did. It does erupt jealousy from other sub realms that (Y/N) of the Energy realm was given more importance than other guardians, given allowance to roam anywhere in the vast expansion of the multiverse. But one thing remained strict is the set of rules that has to be strictly followed by any guardian, even you. And you, of all, unintentionally violated it.
The council chamber of the higher realm was silent. The tension resonated on the pristine white walls.
The vast hall was filled with a tense atmosphere. The guardians of the various realms were assembled, seated according to their ranks and realms. At the center dais sat the Council Elders, who were also the superiors of their respective realms – Zephyr, the wise Elder of the Air Realm, Ignis, the stern Elder of the Fire Realm, and Aquarius, the ancient Elder of the Water Realm. Their faces were etched with concern.
You, the Guardian of Primordial Energies, stood defiantly before them, your eyes blazing with indignation. Jieun, the Superior of the Energy Realm, stood beside the Council Elders, her expression grave. Orin, the Superior of the Mind Realm, and Tharos, the Superior of the Space Realm, flanked Jieun, their expressions inscrutable.
"Elders, I implore you to reconsider," you pleaded. "The energy surge was an accident, a result of my inexperience, not malice."
Zephyr, the wise Elder, spoke up in a gentle tone. "We understand, (Y/N). However, the consequences of your actions were catastrophic. The destabilization of the time-space continuum and the Mystic Core's rotation could have been disastrous."
Murmurs of agreement rippled through the gathered guardians.
You stepped forward, voice laced with defiance. "I never intended for such chaos to unfold! It was a miscalculation, nothing more. Surely my service and loyalty to the Higher Realm count for something?"
Ignis, the stern Elder, leaned forward. "Your power is unmatched, (Y/N). Such power comes with great responsibility, which you have failed to uphold."
"Failed?" you scoffed. "I have dedicated my life to maintaining the balance of the multiverse! One mistake should not negate all that I have accomplished."
Aquarius, the ancient Elder, rasped, "We understand your frustration, young one. But the threat you posed to the very fabric of existence cannot be ignored."
All eyes turned to the Superiors, awaiting their judgment.
Orin, the Superior of the Mind Realm, stroked his chin thoughtfully. "While I empathize with (Y/N)'s position, the Council's concerns are valid. Her power is immense, and a lack of control could prove catastrophic."
Tharos, the hulking Superior of the Space Realm, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Perhaps a period of intensive training and guidance, rather than outright banishment, would be more appropriate?"
Jieun remained silent, her expression inscrutable as she weighed the options before her.
You seized the opportunity, turning to Jieun with pleading eyes. "Superior Jieun, you have been my mentor and guardian. Surely you can see the injustice in punishing me so harshly for an honest mistake?"
Jieun held your gaze, her expression unreadable. After a long moment, she spoke, her voice heavy with reluctance. "Your actions, however unintentional, put the entire multiverse at risk, (Y/N). This cannot be overlooked."
Your shoulders slumped, but her defiant gaze remained fixed on her mentor.
"However," Jieun continued, "I agree that banishment may be too severe. Perhaps a period of intense training and reflection, under the guidance of the Council Elders themselves, would be more appropriate."
Zephyr considered Jieun's words, her brow furrowed in thought. "A reasonable suggestion, Superior Jieun. What do you say, fellow Elders?"
Ignis stroked his beard, his stern gaze focused on you. "The threat she poses cannot be ignored. But perhaps, with proper guidance, she can learn to harness her abilities responsibly."
Aquarius nodded slowly. "Yes, a period of training and reflection may be the wisest course of action."
The Elders exchanged glances, silently communicating their thoughts.
Finally, Zephyr spoke once more. "Very well. The Council has reached its decision."
The hall fell into a heavy silence as all eyes turned to the Council Elders.
"(Y/N) shall be stripped of her powers and sent to the Realm of Earth for thirty human days," Zephyr proclaimed. "During this time, she shall live amongst the humans, without her abilities, and learn the value of control and responsibility."
You recoiled slightly, but remained silent, her jaw clenched tightly.
"Furthermore," Zephyr continued, "upon her return, (Y/N) shall undergo rigorous training under the guidance of the Council Elders themselves. Only then will she be deemed fit to wield her powers once more."
Jieun bowed deeply, relief and gratitude evident in her features. "I accept the Council's decision, and I shall ensure that (Y/N) understands the gravity of her actions and the importance of her training upon her return."
The Elders nodded solemnly, their expressions a mixture of respect and relief at the resolution.
Orin and Tharos exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the wisdom of the Council's decision.
Jieun turned to you, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and determination. "I know this is not what you wanted, child. But as your mentor, it is my duty to ensure that you learn the lessons you need to wield your power responsibly."
You took a shuddering breath, her defiance deflating in the face of Jieun's unwavering resolve. "I understand, Superior. I will use this time on Earth to reflect and grow. And when I return, I will prove to the Council that I am worthy of my power." your fierce attitude returned.
Jieun placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "I know you will, child. Now, go and prepare yourself for your journey to the Realm of Earth. May the light guide you on your path."
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You never wanted to live on earth. But little did you know that the set of events waiting for you on earth would potentially change your celestial life forever.
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Prologue is here. I've made some changes from the prequel since this was supposed yyo be a one shot with no romance and thus I never considered adding elements that could potentially lead the story. We'll here we are on our way to approach the fic. I thought it'll be better to post prologue before posting the chapters so that readers could get a good look on the premises of the story. But trust me, the story is not as serious as the prologue looks like. It's more of a less serious one. Oh I'm spoiling it more. But let me tell you, this more of a (Y/N) story than Jungkook story. So let's goo
I'll only start posting angel baby angel after finish moonstruck. So this is all you'll get of angel baby angel before moonstruck. This is more of a fantasy fic so be readyyyy. Love yall so much, kisses...
- mars
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ : @looneybleus @ttanniett
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DP x DC Prompt: "City of Ghosts"
Gotham is a part of the Infinite Realms.
It's a bit of a mythical place really. Ghosts don't go there, and Gotham ghosts don't venture out of their city haunt. Everyone in the Infinite Realms knows that Gotham is a lawless place. They avoid it like the plague. Skulker doesn't hunt there. Walker ignores all the violations of the rules and laws of the Infinite Realms that happen within city limits. Pariah Dark didn't touch that area with a ten-foot pole, in spite of being king of everything within the Infinite Realms. Even Dan hadn't bothered with that place in his own timeline, its inhabitants too twisted and feral for him to fight (he had scars from when he fought some fucked up guy with a shadowcore that somehow powered bright flaming swords bc what's the logic in that?). Gotham is its own brand of crazy not even the bravest and most power-hungry ghosts touched.
Unfortunately, nobody thought to tell Danny this.
Now, you can go so many ways with this. Danny could catch the attention by everyone's favourite serial adopter who sees a baby ghost in need of training and make him a ghost-bat. You can have shipping fics between Danny and any of the bats. You can have Gotham's insane rogues set their sights on the new halfa and enter Amity Park through the portal.
I'm a ho for Jason Todd and I love to ship him with just about anyone, so what if when Danny enters Gotham, he meets a ghost boy by the name Robin, who talks about reading books and protecting people and who saves Danny from a mob of feral city ghosts and is just generally really cute and oh shit, Danny might have a crush.
And then Robin's existence is wiped away by a crazy clown who tortures the boy and shatters his core into so many shards he fades away, and Danny believes the love of his life death is truly gone
Jason's resurrection would be fascinating to explore bc what kind of bullshit could damage a core so beyond repair and what cosmic fuckery actually pulls all those shards back together? (my shipping heart says "Danny accepting the crown caused a power surge and brought Jason back" for drama)
Or maybe Red Hood already exists, and you can pair him with Dan, do an enemies-to-lovers kinda fic, where they were at each other's throat in the initial timeline, but end up falling for each other in the second timeline
Or explore the first timeline and write a tragedy in which Jason has to watch how his partner gets more twisted and warped as time goes on and ends up becoming his enemy
Just Gotham as a ghost town. Literally.
(I may be hyperfixating on this a little at the moment)
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