thewisestdino · 16 hours
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The planets if they were all dancers and in a fierce tournament arc. They have drama like you cannot comprehend. For class!
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harmoonix · 19 hours
"You gonna wear what I tell you to wear"
"You gonna do what I tell you to do"
"You gonna be submissive to me"
My Capricorn Placements:
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Not even Saturn as my Sun Ruler is that strict as a toxic man who sees you as his "relationship" material be for real.
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segacity · 2 days
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Up Slice 'Golden Axe The Duel' SEGA Saturn
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sonichedgeblog · 1 day
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Concept artwork of Ribbot, an enemy for 'Sonic X-Treme', drawn by Chris Senn. Support us on Patreon
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krakenmare · 1 day
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Cassini: Pandora orbiting just beyond the outer edge of Saturn's F ring (February 18, 2005)
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8H, scorpio, saturn, earth placements when things are out of their control
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miamaimania · 2 days
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A Glimpse of Saturn: Voyager 1's 1980 Interstellar Encounter
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mindblowingscience · 9 hours
NASA's delayed Dragonfly drone mission to Saturn's largest moon Titan is on track to launch in July 2028, the space agency confirmed late Tuesday (April 16). The highly anticipated decision greenlights the mission team to proceed to final mission design and testing in preparation for the revised launch date. The car-sized Dragonfly, which is being built by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, will reach Titan in 2034. For the next 2.5 years, the nuclear-powered drone is expected to perform one hop every Titan day — 16 days to us Earthlings — hunting for prebiotic chemical processes at various pre-selected locations on the frigid moon, which is known to contain organic materials. 
Continue Reading.
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ezekiel-krishna · 2 days
The Mysterious Realm of Saturn Dasha : Unlocking the Spiritual Lessons of Life 💎⛏️
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Based On Vedic Astrology Certified Astrologer
Greetings, fellow truth-seekers and explorers of self-discovery! 🙏 Today, I will be diving into a fascinating journey into the mystical realm of Saturn Dasha in Vedic astrology. This celestial cycle possesses the extraordinary power to revolutionize our lives in unimaginable ways, but only if we are willing to embrace its profound spiritual teachings. 🌠
Saturn, the mighty ruler of discipline and karma, takes center stage during this Dasha period. It is a time of trials, refinement, and spiritual evolution, where we confront challenges that push us beyond our limits. But fear not, my dear reader! Hidden within these trials are the seeds of our greatest victories. 🌱
The Saturn Dasha acts as a transformative fire, purging the impurities of our ego and our attachment to the material world. It is an opportunity to release the past, let go of our attachments, and fully embrace the present moment. By doing so, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities that the universe holds. 🌌
Throughout this Dasha, we may encounter obstacles and setbacks, but they are not meant to discourage us. Instead, they serve as catalysts for growth, learning, and inner strength. Picture it as a spiritual bootcamp, pushing us to our limits so that we may emerge stronger and more resilient. 💪
Moreover, the Saturn Dasha confronts us with our deepest fears and insecurities. Yet, as we face these shadowy aspects of ourselves, we have the power to transform them into sources of strength and gain a profound understanding of both ourselves and the world around us. It is a time for introspection, self-reflection, and spiritual expansion. 🔮
One of the most remarkable aspects of the Saturn Dasha is its ability to awaken our spiritual potential. By relinquishing attachments and embracing the present moment, we open ourselves to the divine. In these moments, we may experience profound insights, heightened intuition, and a profound connection to the vast universe. 🌟
Now let's explore the areas you will be purifying during it's Dasha based on where your Saturn is placed in.
First House: You may lead to a serious and disciplined approach to life, yet it could also result in delays and obstacles when pursuing goals. This placement suggests a strong sense of responsibility and duty, along with a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others.
Second House: There might bring limitations and challenges related to finances and material possessions. It could point towards the need to work diligently to build wealth and resources, as well as a tendency to be overly cautious with money.
Third House: Here there could be challenges in communication and relationships with siblings and neighbors. This placement may indicate a tendency to be overly critical and disciplined in these areas, while also highlighting a strong sense of responsibility and duty.
Fourth House: Obstacles in the realm of home and family life. It could suggest a need to address emotional issues and family dynamics, as well as a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others in these aspects.
Fifth House: Difficulties in terms of creativity, romance, and self-expression. This placement may indicate a need to enhance creative skills and self-confidence, along with a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others in these areas.
Sixth House: Problems in day to day areas of work and health issues. It could suggest the importance of hard work and discipline in one's career, as well as a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others in these domains.
Seventh House: Challenges in relationships and partnerships. This placement may indicate the need to focus on communication and compromise in relationships, as well as a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others in these areas.
Eighth House: Difficulties in transformation and spiritual growth. This placement suggests a need to confront fears and insecurities, while also being mindful of being overly critical towards oneself and others in these areas.
Ninth House: Challenges in the domain of expansion and higher education. It signifies the importance of working on one's beliefs and values, while also being cautious of being overly critical towards oneself and others in these aspects.
Tenth House: Challenges in the realm of career and public reputation. It emphasizes the need for hard work and discipline in one's professional life, while also reminding us to avoid being overly critical towards ourselves and others in these areas.
Eleventh House: Challenges in the realm of friendships and group affiliations. This placement highlights the significance of building strong and meaningful relationships with others, while also reminding us to be mindful of being overly critical towards ourselves and others in these aspects. Additionally, also bring limitations and challenges in the pursuit of aspirations and goals, urging us to be more realistic and practical in our expectations.
Twelfth House: Challenges in the realm of spiritual growth and self-undoing. It signifies the need to confront our own shadow and unconscious patterns, while also reminding us to avoid being overly critical towards ourselves and others in these areas. Furthermore, also bring limitations and challenges in the realm of isolation and secrecy, urging us to be more open and honest with ourselves and others, while being mindful of being overly critical.
Here are some valuable tips to help you along the way:
1️⃣ Embrace the power of now and release the grip of the past. The Saturn Dasha encourages us to live in the present moment, so let go of any attachments to the past and focus on the here and now.
2️⃣ Open your heart and mind to spiritual growth and transformation. The Saturn Dasha is a time of awakening, so be open to new experiences and perspectives that can enrich your spiritual journey.
3️⃣ Confront your fears and insecurities head-on. During the Saturn Dasha, it's important to take a deep dive into self-reflection and introspection. Don't shy away from facing your shadow aspects and embracing personal growth.
4️⃣ Cultivate discipline and self-control. The Saturn Dasha invites us to refine our minds and bodies, so practice self-discipline and control to harness its transformative energy.
5️⃣ Seek guidance from a knowledgeable Vedic astrologer. They can offer personalized advice and support to help you navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that the Saturn Dasha presents.
Again, it's important to note that the effects of Saturn in different houses can vary depending on the individual's birth chart and life circumstances. Only through Personalized Insights and Guidance based on the individual's Specific Chart and Situation can the effects can be known particularly. For Paid Personalized Analysis & Reviews ➤ Check Here Masterlist ➤ Check Here
In conclusion, the Saturn Dasha is a profound and life-altering period. It offers us a chance for spiritual growth, self-discovery, and transformation. By embracing its challenges and opportunities, we can emerge stronger, wiser, and more spiritually awakened.
So, my dear readers, let us embark on this mysterious journey of the Saturn Dasha with an open heart, an open mind, and a thirst for knowledge. The universe holds countless secrets, and the Saturn Dasha is just one of the many keys that can unlock its wisdom.
Remember, Saturn Dasha is not something to fear, but rather an opportunity to let go of attachments, transcend our ego, and embrace the present moment. It's a time to connect with the divine, discover our true purpose, and live a life filled with meaning, joy, and fulfillment.
So, let us embrace the Saturn Dasha with open arms, and let us see where this journey takes us. For within the mysterious realm of the Saturn Dasha, we may just find the answers to all of our deepest questions and desires. 🌠💖
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marsprincess889 · 19 hours
Hi! I was wondering who do Saturnian nakshatras usually feel attracted to/end up with? Is there some sort of theory for this? 🤔 thanks ❤
Lol no theory but yes, based on obsevations, multiple examples in real life and art and nakshatra yoni pairings(and their positions on the wheel) saturn people are the best match for sun people.
Each saturn nakshatra is opposite a sun nakshatra and two of them are yoni consorts of sun nakshatras, with Uttara Bhadrapada and Uttara Phalguni being both opposite each other and yoni consorts (cow yonis). Krittika is the yoni match for Pushya (sheep/goat yonis), and Anuradha's yoni consort is Jyeshta(rabbit/deer yonis), while Uttara Ashadha (mongoose yoni) has no yoni consort.
All of the saturn and sun nakshatras, except Anuradha are warrior caste, so Anuradha is a bit different in nature, but tbh that does not make much of a difference.
The usual dynamic between them is often very fun to watch cause both of those planets are tough, stubborn and independent but in completely different ways. I have a post on Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Bhadrapada and how it usually plays out, with examples. Some of it is specific to cow yonis but mostly you can apply them to all and any saturn-sun nakshatra pair. With Anuradha, it's interesting that its yoni match Jyeshta is considered very solar and masculine in nature despite being a Mercury-ruled nakshatra, so it is different in Anuradha's case, but not really.
Sun is the natural self-expression of a person and represents the soul, the rational, the cerebral, the individual and the stable, masculine part. Saturn is the rules and the limitations that have to be accepted and followed perfectly that are necessary for life in the material(physical) world. The Sun is exalted in Ashwini, and debilitated in its opposite(and enemy) nakshatra Swati, where Saturn is exalted. Saturn is debilotated in another nakshatra opposite Swati_ Bharani, which comes right after Ashwini. Also, Suna nd Saturn are natural enemies. If you think of them that way, it might appear that all that tension will translate to enmity, and it does happen sometimes, but in the case of nakshatra rulerships, oftentimes Sun and Saturn people get along exeptionally well and have a unique dynamic that makes them a powerful team. One's strengths are the other's weaknesses, they balance each other out and they have a common ground where they both appreciate and respect each other and their boundaries(mostly after some time 😅). There will, almost certainly, always be tension between them but it usually grts channelled productively, and through love. If the Sun is indepedence, and Saturn is restriction and dependence, one cannot exist without the other. We define our individuality through restrictions and rules and we restrict and define(ourselves and others) based on who we are, so it's really a very iconic dynamic you asked about. 😄
Some tropes that their dynamic reminds me of:
Battle couple
Enemies to lovers
Partners in crime to lovers
Rivals to lovers
Thanks for asking! I love their dynamic. In hetero couples its kinda different(EDIT: I meant, it's different based on which planet type is which gender), but the overall vibe and the dynamic stays the same. They(sun and saturn individuals) really seem like opposite people until they actually interact and then they act like two almost identical bickering children while enjoying it 😭 they are very loyal, forgot to mention, probably the most loyal along with venus people, and very defensive. They might get offended if anyone tries to get involved in their "bickering"(flirting), it's just between them. I can confirm all of the above causse I'm a Sun girl(a venus girl, but with uttara phalguni ascendant) 😁
Anyways, glad you asked. If you have similar questions about other nakshatras it always helps to pay attention to little details about them, like, yoni animals, which planets are friends, neutral or enemies, nakshatra caste, planet exaltations and detriments, nakshatra nature, nakshatra placements at the zodiac wheel... and a lot of this comes from observing real life and art through the years, as well as from personal experience. I think you have to filer any information through your own lens and see for yourself, maybe you'll discover something new that others did not catch. I'm basically encouraging you to observe without pressure and have fun, and to fact check what others say for yourself. 🙂
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They/Them is preferred
Fun fact: The Moon turns red during an eclipse because of how the Sun's light interacts with Earth's atmosphere. As it hits the atmosphere, shorter wavelengths of light such as the color blue are scattered outwards. Longer wavelengths like red, however, are bent or refracted into Earth's umbra.
Blood Moon's name bc it's getting old calling them blood moon: Chizuke
4.46 billion years old!
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Lore drop spoiler thingie: So recently a new virus came around making ppl evil and Blood Moon is known for being slightly chaotic that's because they naturally have that virus but they learned how to control it but sometimes when they get pissed it might be triggered...
Edit on the lore thing: I'm either deleting this blog or not using that lore for anything because no one reads this shit idfk why I'm even typing this :3
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segacity · 2 days
After The Dream 'NiGHTS into dreams...' SEGA Saturn Naofumi Hataya
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Gemini, Saturn, & Scorponic "Martyr Complex"
This is a very niche observation, but as someone who deals with Gemini placements alongside a heavy Saturn influence, specifically through the public persona of the 10th house, it is hard not to feel like a perpetual sacrifice. It has been the most dominating theme present in my life and my Scorpio-based placements do not help. (...)
Gemini, as a flirty but formidable nature, is someone who naturally intermingles within large, varying population groups. When it comes to addressing the two-faced stereotypes, it is more-so the coming and going of identity that cycles through. Gemini's are the crowd. The exist as the energetic output coaxing individuals to come closer into their circle. There's no standardized method. However, the consequence is that there is no shut-off that can exist at full capacity all of the time. While they are the output themselves, they are always receiving the minute details of everybody else. Therefore, when people view Geminis, their identity is never concrete and always loss in translation. It's a permanent feeling of never being understood. It also means that other people's expectations of identity heavily dominate relationship dynamics, which naturally co-create people pleasing tendencies and lack of ownership of one's perception.
Thus, when combined with my Saturn placements dominated within public identity and career sectors, there is further restriction placed emphasizing control or, subsequently, lack thereof. When placed into the hands of the public, not only is there any identity sense of ownership (Gemini), but also the perseverance of scenarios forcing for the spotlight permanently. In my experiences, private information ends up often slipping through my hands "coincidentally," because of Saturn's motivations to imply restriction. The consequences of that information is a lack of privacy, but also an imbalance as others attempt to gain control advantages based upon the statements in order to further benefit themselves. However, another peculiarity I have found within the 10th house is the act of empowerment through those that desire control over you. People interact in a way, especially centered around the spotlight, that deems them emotional profit by better establishing a forced pedestal. When that pedestal is not up to personal preference, then there are actions of attack in order to remove you. It creates a never-ending power struggle. Not every human is perfect, so there is bound to be fatigue in maintaining solid boundaries every now and then. Gemini and Capricorn placements also gain a harsher critique of almost being too inflexible in their privacy. Equally, both signs allow open accessibility for people to enter within their space, but it is allowed on Platform 1 — almost nobody gets to Platform 50. Sometimes, not even themselves. Unfortunately, while it can further admiration and success, it is an incredibly lonely and ostracizing pathway that can not always be easily translatable to other experiences because the act of it is a paradox itself. I have also talked about my Scorpio energy surrounding my South Node and fourth house as well before, which I do not think helps buffer the amplification of this energy. Unfortunately, Scorpio is a dominant and heavy energy primarily relying upon themes of possession. However, the energy from Gemini placements comes from people wanting to fully understand the mind and energy of the individual better than you can. It is the skeleton key to the master lock. On the other hand, the energy from Capricorn placements stems from insecurity in power-play which results in possession towards status and ability. People desire to own the identity and ability of success. Scorpio's method of possession is much more soul-consuming. Owning the brain (Gemini) and achievements (Capricorn) would not be enough. It is desire to own entirety — a metaphoric attempt to consume. Personally, my childhood was quite heavily present with being an object of infatuation based upon achievement, the outcast when I refused to conform to expected traits, and the actual cage trapped by others to permanently keep me from never straying away.
It forms an odd, complex of martyrdom: being raised upon young and forced to learn the severity of the lesson of what it means to be possessed, unable to escape even the closest of relationships from experiencing turmoil over conflict of identity, and never being able to withdraw from the past haunting of repent towards being a weapon of desire.
I used to disregard a lot of aspects within my natal chart, because I could only feel disgust and disinterest in playing a tool for someone else. I wanted to feel light and attractive, holding minor expectations, with high abundance in independence. However, I can sincerely admit once I understood those nuances better, I began falling in love with my chart. Cue in my Lilith dominance and it is not an energy for anyone, but I can map out the support the universe gave me as guidance. Though it is an intense, on-going struggle, it is one that places me in a position where I will never think myself in a poor, victim mindset ever again. However, I cannot discount the undeniable guilt of living for myself with the explicit lesson that other people benefit off of my consumption.
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naisaspalace · 3 days
Shatabhishak nakshatra p1
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The Veiling Star. The Power to Heal.
nakshatras characteristics:
Translation:  A hundred healers or hundred physicians  Symbol: Empty circle, thousand flowers or stars  Animal Symbol : A female horse  (pairs with ashwini) Presiding Deity:  Lord Varuna, the God of rain  Controlling/Ruling Planet:  Rahu  Ruling Deity of the Planet:  Durga Nature : Rakshasa (demon)  Mode:  Active  Number:  24  Gender:  Neutral  Dosha: Vata  Guna:  Tamasic  Element:  Ether  Disposition:  Movable  Bird: Raven Upward Facing Direction: South Colour: Blue Green Trimurti: Shiva/Dissolution Gotra/Clan: Sage Atri.
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nakshatra quick overview:
shatabhishak is the maturation of rahu, here we are going to see how this nakshatra behaves, mainly in pop culture, but this time saturn is involved as he is the ruler of aquarius.
this nakshatra is about scientific breakthroughs, fame, technology (like cyberpunk visuals), opposition to the king and kingdom (opposite to magha), outlaws and outcasts etc, and on its "healed performance" we can see amazing healers and advisers like carl jung. (not confirmed)
Pop culture manifestation:
Justin bieber ( grew up on rahu mahadasha, and have sun-saturn shatabhishak among his aquarius stellium)
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although i personally see him as more of a anuradha man, because he's a first house rahu anuradha BUT he have mars on aquarius so.. i mean to each their own i suppose.
justin grew up during his rahu mahadasha with the lord conjucted his aquarius stellium (sun,saturn,mars) and today he is known as one of the biggest male stars after Michael Jackson (that have a shatabhishak lagna) (when i am saying after Michael i am not saying that justin took his legacy or anything like that what i am trying to say is that to me after mj i haven't seen anyone with this level of fame.)
he was discovered when he was a kid playing on the streets by scooter braun, his former manager (btw i just checked and scooters mars fall in his 7th, since mars is the significator of the 3rd i am assuming that they might have been brothers on the past life.. just a random guess btw because omg this man took justin and payed his bills he basically gave justin a life). after that justin gain massive fame and became one of the most famous child stars of the 00's
here rahu manifests as a troublemaker who surrendered to fame and life pleasures as justin surrender to drugs and the rich lifestyle but I don’t blame him is not like he had the choice because rahu mahadasha is a cloudy dasha.
Michael Jackson
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michael was also a child star but this time he was on a band with his brothers, the jackson 5. eventually, Michael followed a solo career and became one of the most famous pop stars of the world. he used to suffer with vitiligo, which results in white patches on the skin and sensitivity to sunlight.
to me both fit in the same category of at least example of manifestation, even tho justin was way more "rahunian" ( he was arrested, was a drug-addicted, and was involved in so many scandals) both of them were harassed by the media since childhood, they were barely a child and they were working already (saturn usually makes the native suffer earlier)
the main difference is that michael embodied the humanitarian part of aquarius, and shatabhishak , per say, he was a man of the people and he was also very loved by the society… justin in the other hand despises the paparazzi and even threw a chair on the public on day..
do keep in mind I am comparing both due to placements and fame I’m not saying they are the same person okay.
both child stars with a huge legacy that had no choice but to work to be able to live and maintain their families showcasing the saturn part of shatabhishak (and justin was able to get away with a lot of mess that was rahu).
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quick mention of evils presley who stole someone else’s music and became also another pop culture star with a legacy. (the famous aquarius characteristic stealing someone else’s work and gaining fame with it).
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beyond the most common known traits of rahu this time we have, because of lord varuna, the deity of the nakshatra, we have natives who have a deep sense of justice and ends up behaving like a punisher of those who have sinned.
deep sense of justice with a deep harshness hidden, also due to their tamastic nature.
like che guevara who have a shatabhisha moon
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and benjamin franklin who discovered the electricity and is considered one of the founding father of the us
and vladimir p**** with his d9 ketu in shatabhisha.
the shadow side of shatabhisha is the lack of control especially to keep “the order and punish the wrong ones”
for the thief example we have pablo escobar (with lagna )
now with innovation we have:
steve jobs (sun) the found of apple
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we also have gianni versace with his moon
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overall shatabhisha is mainly linked with pop culture trends, singers (a lot of singers) and actors (ex: miranda cosgrove icarly) , models and extremists. for this first part I wanted to clear the most known part of the constellation stereotype and I will include a more analysis on the healing part and extremism later on.
thank you for reading until the end I hope I was able to help someone please feel free to leave feedback and suggestions for next posts if you want to :)
readings are open.
contact info.
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without-ado · 10 months
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Webb captures the Rings of Giant Planets
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zegalba · 9 months
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Saturn by NASA (2019
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