#they’re playing both sides while on the surface saying we are here to help!
r0semultiverse · 4 months
These organizations supporting KOSA going through while claiming they want to help marginalized kids are actually so disgusting to me. The posts they make about Nex is just virtue signaling & words when their actions say let’s make things worse for these children.
I’m gonna be 100% honest, they should keep that kid’s name out of their damn mouths so long as they support KOSA. Like actually fuck you & eat shit. Actions speak louder than words, traitorous scumbags. You don’t care, you care about your stakeholders more.
Your organization can only thrive & exist so long as there’s a problem to donate towards solving. Of course you would support KOSA, you need a problem to keep existing in order to look like the good guys & solve it. Just go mask off & call us slurs & your “customers” at this point, it would be less disgusting than covering it up behind kind words.
#this goes out to the Trevor project & PFLAG as well as GLAAD & GLSEN#all of you should keep Nex’s name out your mouth when you have every intention to make things worse for trans kids#I can’t imagine going to work for one of these charity organizations & just seeing your bosses make things worse for the people you are#trying to help#I cannot imagine how frustrating & upsetting that is & then the higher ups are just like okayyyy our organization can keep existing...#so now y’all lower rank workers go help these kids whose lives we just made worse!#these charity orgs function like retail stores I stg; they need customers to keep giving them money meanwhile the higher ups make things#worse for said customers while the cashiers & others just try to help the best they can#you’re doing damage control for your incompetent & terrible upper management; it’s just like every other American workplace#you can also compare supporting a bill that would hurt the people they claim to help as a war economy comparison#they need to keep the class war going by supporting this bill in order to keep having money to keep existing as an organization#they’re playing both sides while on the surface saying we are here to help!#no you aren’t! your workers are; but you as higher ups are prioritizing stakeholders over humanity & for that you’ve lost all my respect#I haven’t looked up evidence about the human rights campaign supporting KOSA but they’ve been bad in the past so I believe it tbh#I mean the recent Zionism from HRC is enough for me to be like yeahhh no they absolutely would be in support of the Kosa bill#mine#op#the trevor project#pflag#glaad#GLSEN
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obssessivethorn · 5 months
Yuu Makes Constant References No One Else Gets
Since I started playing Twst Wonderland, I can’t help but imagine Yuu starting out by constantly making references to pop culture and memes from their world only to realize midway through that no one else around them will understand it 
Just imagine: 
In the early stages of the game, Yuu starts to gradually feel more comfortable around their friends, mainly Ace, Deuce, and Grim
At first, they slowly start to feel at home again 
They’d begin loosening up and speaking more like how they would in their home world 
In this case, that means more references and obscure humor 
Especially if we’re basing Yuu’s home world on our current day world
There are so many intricate inside jokes on the internet that wouldn’t make an ounce of sense to anyone who has never been exposed to that kind of environment like we have 
So, when Yuu first made an obscure reference in a conversation with the Single Braincell Gang™, they fall back into their closed off space
Because they’re not from here 
They have a whole other world to get back to 
If they can even get back to it 
And while Ace and Deuce may not be the brightest, the two had gotten to know Yuu enough to know that something was off with them. They just couldn’t place what
After the first few slip ups, Yuu had started talking less and less
They started letting Grim speak for the both of them more often, only speaking when others addressed them or when it was about a topic concerning Twisted Wonderland
From an outside point of view, nothing seemed to have changed. They still hung out with the other first years, laughed and teased their friends, and regularly asked or answered questions in class
But those closer to the Ramshackle prefect could sense the hesitation whenever they were about to say something 
“You should have seen Crewel’s face when Deucey asked that question!” Ace recounted the event between fits of laughter.  Yuu sat with the other first years at their (unspokenly claimed) lunch table, happily chuckling at their boys’ antics. They held Grim in their lap, being used as his personal high-chair like usual, subconsciously running one of their hands through the monster’s soft fur and munching on their own sandwich with the other.  “I wouldn’t have asked such a stupid question if I wasn’t so tired from you keeping me up all night with your complaining about that test we have today!” Deuce retorted, grumpily taking another bite of his egg noodles. Though he looked away from his friends, the flustered blush on his cheeks was still easily seen by the group.  The prefect let out another giggle, “I swear, Crewel looked exactly like that one meme with the lady surrounded by all those different equations-!”  “Huh? Is that a new one I haven’t seen?” Epel asked, his head cocked to the side in question. Had it been any other situation, Yuu might have found it cute. But their embarrassment was too strong for any thought like that to surface.  “Ah-! Nevermind, sorry. It’s an old meme from my home world.” They let out an awkward laugh before looking down and stuffing another bite of their sandwich into their mouth. Their face felt hot and they wished for nothing more than the floor to open up and swallow them, never to be seen in Twisted Wonderland again.  “Y-yeah, and then Crewel assigned Juice like, a hundred more pages of homework to make sure he understood the topic!” Quickly, Ace diverted the others’ attention back to him, no doubt after sending a look of pity to the prefect.  “Hundre-! It was only ten!” Deuce exclaimed, mouth full of pasta.  Yuu could only mentally thank Ace for saving them from the piteous stares from the others. It was no secret that home was a sore subject for the prefect. Any time they spoke about it, their eyes would glaze over with nostalgic longing. Ace and Deuce would often ask them about traditions or cultures back in their world, both out of interest and because the two knew Yuu loved telling them about it. 
Other times, however, aren’t grim reminders of how Crowley isn’t actually looking for a way home
Instead, they have these little moments with themself where they make references to things from their home world as an inside joke
Even if they don’t understand, Yuu’s friends still notice the tiny smirks or held laughs on occasion
But they’d never say anything about it, because it’s obvious how the small joke grounds Yuu and comforts them with the familiarity 
“C’mon! We’re all in this together!” Yuu hastily spouted, trying to stop Ace from running away from his cleaning duties, again. Before Ace could even respond, the prefect immediately let out a bout of laughter and grabbed the boy’s arm, yanking him down the hall while humming a song he’d never heard before between occasional giggles.
Yuu starts recording Grim who is knocked out on their bed. Light snores come from the fluffball. Yuu is heard sniffling behind the camera. “Oh meow meow get up,” they croak. Their hand comes up to lightly shake Grim, stirring him awake and now very confused. “Oh shit meow meow, I thought you was dead-,” Yuu giggles out, further confusing a very dazed Grim
“C’mon, Yuu, the question’s not that bad!” Epel said in between laughs.  “Yeah, Yuu! It’s just three more of these!” Ace could barely get the words out as he slowly collapsed in silent laughter. He slid further down in the library chair he occupied, hand clasping his chest in an effort to breathe yet still remain quiet.  “No, I’ve had it! I am disgusted!” Yuu continued to furiously pack their materials. “I am revolted!” They fumble in closing their notebook and quickly give up, letting the papers crumple up as they shove it into their bag. “I dedicate my entire life to our lord and savior Jesus Christ, and this is the thanks I get?”  The rest of the first years watch as Yuu slings their bag over their shoulder and promptly makes their way out of the library. Ace practically gasps for air. Epel finds himself in a giggle fit, unable to stop. Deuce is a mixture of confusion, amusement, and horror while he very obviously is still processing what just happened. Sebek can only look surprised, unsure of how to proceed. And finally, Jack is just as surprised but is holding back his own chuckles that threaten to spill. 
“Ace, you idiot! There’s a ‘b’ in ‘subtle’.” Deuce scolded. “What?! Where’s the ‘b’?”  “There’s a bee?” Yuu’s quivering voice quietly broke the tension. “Yuu!”
“Whoa, Yuu, I honestly didn’t know you could do that!” Yuu looked at him with a deadpan expression bordering on offended. ”Do you think I fuck around?”  (definitely more obscure but if you understand this i love you) ((Hint: Brennen Lee Mulligan in a Game Changer episode))
Any g-note plays and Yuu’s eyes widen in recognition
“Floyd, Jamil, Ace. You guys gotta get your head in the game.” 
Whether you wish to view it as romantic or platonic, the fact in undeniable that the cast is weak to hearing and seeing Yuu ramble on about things back from their world, specifically the first years or Heartslabyul boys
I personally really like the headcannon that only really the Heartslabyul boys, and maybe the rest of the first years, are in on Yuu being from a different world. It makes certain moments hurt just a bit more with the idea of little to no one knowing that Yuu is meant to inevitably leave. But i digress
Yuu could just be reminded of their favorite dish back home or a song they were obsessed with when they were younger, but the way they talk about it is mesmerizing to the boys. Their eyes light up with an aching mixture of nostalgia, longing, and joy. Recounting old stories or stupid trends they participated in never fails to crack just the slightest bit of a smile on their lips. 
For some odd reason, the way they describe their home world feels like taking a sip of a warm drink on a cold winter day. Comforting in all the right ways. Warming you from the inside despite the harsh environment surrounding. 
Not only does Yuu make it all sound like a fantasy at times, which is technically true given it’s a different world/dimension, but they somehow give the boy a strange glimmer of hope too. Like they too will have a chance to visit and experience the same joys. Only, there’s no chance of that happening. Right? 
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beautifulblooms · 1 year
my mind has been absolutely PLAGUED with neteyam and ao'nung fighting for male readers love while also having some enemies to lovers of their own?? and they both confess to reader at the same time idk you can edit this as you please obviously,, i just love them sm ☹️☹️
Dual Love - Neteyam x Ao’nung x Male! Metkayina! Reader
I had a blast with this request and wanted to say thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
As a Metkayina, I’m no stranger to the clan leader and his family. Especially his children, Tsireya and Ao’nung. I had always grown up playing with them, Ao’nung more than Tsireya as she was usually training to be the next Tsahik with her mother. As a close friend to the siblings, I was almost adopted by their parents, seen as somewhat of another son to them. Of course they’d never try to take me from my parents, but there always was a second home for me with them.
When the forest people came to us, it was a shock to us all, and while I wasn’t one of their children, Tonowari and Ronal assigned me to assist them with their adjustment to our lifestyle. The forest people had many children themselves, and being assigned to them, I learned their names rather quickly. Kiri was the most stand-off ish to me, preferring to connect to the elements or perhaps Eywa. Tuk was the only other girl, she was rather nice and full of life, regressing young energy.
Neteyam and Lo’ak were the only boys, as such, I was essentially given an extra special role of making sure that Ao’nung didn’t do anything stupid when teaching them. Sure he can be responsible, but he can also be crass and rude, especially when it comes to new people he could bully.
“C’mon, we’re gonna try to hold our breath again, remember what we taught you. Breath deep from here, and slowly release it when you’re underwater.” I rubbed my hand gently across Neteyam’s stomach, showing where he needed to try breathing from again. He was getting better at it, as was Lo’ak, but it seemed the older one was making more progress than his younger brother. Tsireya and Ao’nung were off to the side, showing them how to do it as well, also helping Kiri and Tuk get a hang of it.
“I think I got the hang of this.” Neteyam said while trying to keep his voice down for some reason. I looked into his eyes only to see him turn his head quickly. I was confused but paid it no mind, returning to help Lo’ak with his breathing placement. From behind me I could almost hear a hiss from Neteyam, still paying it no mind I guided the brothers to the water to try again for a longer time. Diving into the water gracefully I spun around to watch them attempt to dive with me. Cue their balled jumps into the water, and me silently giggling underwater at how childish they were.
“Let’s try again.” Tsireya spoke to the girls she and Ao’nung were instructing. Ao’nung gave me a look when he saw how close Neteyam was to me, Al thought given his attitude to all the newcomers, I expected it. He’s not a fan of big changes, and teaching many Omatikaya how to be Metkayina was something he definitely didn’t want. We all swam into a loose circle together, Tsireya, Ao’nung and I all counted down from 3 to have them all take deep breaths before sinking underwater. Once under I noticed that Tuk had breathed in poorly and wasn’t gonna last long, tapping her and pointing up to have her surface. She followed the direction and I continued to watch the other three forest people. Kiri quit next, almost out of boredom it seemed. As the three used to being underwater, the siblings and I had no problem watching the last two Sully children attempt to hold their breath.
“They’re lasting a lot longer than before, good job (y/n).” Tsireya signed to me as I nodded and thanked her while the two brothers looked at us confused.
“I forgot we still need to teach them sign, this is gonna be worse than taming a skimwing.” Ao’nung signed to us, making all three of us realize it was gonna be a hard task to teach them another language. Glancing over to the brothers right as Lo’ak quit and surfaced for air, leaving only Neteyam left. I made a note to compliment him once he could understand what I’m saying. Another few minutes go by before he starts to choke on the water, surfacing immediately. Following him, the three of us surfaced as well and made our way back to the shore.
“That was very good for all of you, Tuk I want to work with you more later to figure out breathing styles. Kiri….is not here anymore, where did she go? Anyways, Lo’ak and Neteyam, also very good job to you two, I’ll help you both out with holding the air for longer and releasing it slower.” The three Sully’s that were left nodded and gave noises of agreement or acceptance to my words.
“It’s been awhile since we started, we should take a break.” Tsireya butted in before I was about to start helping Tuk, but realized we had been working for a good bit of time by now.
“You’re right, I’ll be back in my Marui, let me know if we start training again.” I started to head back to the village and where I had settled myself amongst my people.
“(Y/n), I need to talk to you.” Ao’nung came walking into the Marui and sitting right in front of me.
“Okay, can I help you?” He took a very deep breath and a second to collect his thoughts.
“Why are you so nice to the forest people?” I was confused by his question.
“We’re teaching them, it’s not like I should be a rude teacher just because they’re different from us. Why do you ask?” Ao’nung was almost taken aback by my answer, I guess he wasn’t expecting such a genuine answer.
“I guess you’re right, but I don’t think you should be around Neteyam so much, he gives me a strange feeling.” I sighed at what he said, of course it was him being protective, he always had been like this about me.
“Ao’nung, I know you’re protective of me, but I promise you, he’s fine, and I can defend myself if I need to, no need to protect me.” His cheeks brightened at my words and he turned his head away from me so I couldn’t see it.
“If you say so, but I warned you.” He stood up and left my Marui, leaving me to go back to what I was doing before.
Over the next few weeks, the three of us had managed to teach all the Sully children how to hold their breath underwater, to dive properly and deeply, hunt and harvest, and even how to ride the Liu’s. Neteyam and Ao’nung bickering never ceased, there was always some way they but heads or it seemed like a silent hatred for each other. At some points it almost seemed as though they were interested in each other because of how they acted with one another. I never paid either mind when they fought like children, but I did grow rather fond of Neteyam in the time I’d taught him. I’ve always had a quiet liking to Ao’nung, something I’ve experienced since I was a young boy and played with him in the shallows. While I developed a crush of sorts on Neteyam, the one for Ao’nung only seemed to strengthen. I loved them both as much as the other, but for the sake of both friendships I kept my feelings to myself.
We had just finished training the Sully boys again with hunting on Lius when I retreated to my Marui for a late meal and sleep. Not even a few minutes into cutting up the fish I found earlier, I could hear the two of them bickering on one of the pathways near my home. Once again, I paid them no mind, until the sounds got louder and louder and suddenly they were standing in front of me.
“Why don’t you just leave and go back to the forest, you’re clearly better off there.” Ao’nung almost shouted at Neteyam, who quickly made a comeback.
“Maybe you should try to swing and run in the forest, I’m sure you’d suffer there a lot more than we have here.” Just before Ao’nung retorted I stood up and put a hand on both their mouths.
“What do you both want and why are you arguing in my Marui?” I was mildly pissed off at how they just openly did such a thing while everyone in the village could hear them. They simultaneously responded with a jumbled mix of excuses and the word confession was thrown around a few times. “Enough, both of you, Neteyam, you first.” He nodded and began speaking.
“I was headed here to confess something to you, and ran into him, he started the argument.” I gave Ao’nung a look and he glanced down at his feet to avoid my gaze.
“Ao’nung, your turn.” He nodded and was more quiet in his tone than he was earlier.
“I also was on my way to confess to you when I saw this scown and had to say something about what he was doing.” Before they could start bickering again I slapped a hand over their mouths.
“Boys, if you can’t be nice, you both have to leave, now, I’m gonna move my hand, and you tell me what you wanted to confess, both of you.” I got grunts of agreement and so I moved my hands.
“I like you and want you to be my mate.” They both said in almost perfect unison, shocked looks took over their expressions as they realized they were here for the same reason. I giggled in response, not entirely sure how to react.
“Well, I like both of you as well, and it may not be traditional, and it will be very difficult, we can all be each other's mates.” They seemed to be almost pleased with my response, not too sure about how to handle being mates with their enemy, but for me, they were more than willing to make it work. Now I just had to talk to their parents and tell them about everything.
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devoted 2.
part 12.
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Overall warning/s: kinkier smut (eg. voyeurism, exhibitionism, etc.) character death, dark themes
Chapter warning/s: vulgar language, violence
Just how devoted is Jaehyun to you?
prev: part 11
wc: 7.3k
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“You’re absolutely glowing, [Y/N]!” Jaehyun’s mom teased, “Are you two expecting?”
You almost spat out the Bloody Mary Yebin prepared for the housewarming party. 
“N-no. We don’t have plans.” You met Jaehyun’s eyes across the kitchen and smiled, “Not yet, at least.”
Your mom reminded them about how you insist on not wanting to be pregnant during the wedding and all the women started to agree. Meanwhile, you thought about the reason behind your supposed glow. Aside from being surrounded by people you love, you’d like to blame the sex marathon. It’s been a week since you and Jaehyun had moved in and when he said he’d have you two bless each surface... He meant it.
The party had been unintentionally separated between sexes; the men were outside on the patio, helping the dads out with the barbeque and talking about businesses, while you lounged inside the kitchen with the women, sipping on daytime cocktails Yebin had whipped up, discussing wedding details.
“Kyungwon, you should definitely come to the bachelorette party.” Minkyung said after wiping her lips with a napkin. They’ve met before but never really held a proper conversation until today. ��Unless you’re not single.”
“I’m pathetically single.” Kyungwon fake cried, biting on her fork. “You would think working in a male dominated company would get a girl a man. But are we surprised they’re all jerks?”
“I had the same thoughts while working with male models!” Minkyung sighed, “They’re more high maintenance than I am.”
Yebin leaned in closer, “That’s saying a lot.”
Everyone laughed as Minkyung huffed at her, scrunching her nose with a pout.
“I can set you two up with my nephews, if you’d like.” Jaehyun’s mom waved, “They used to play with Jaehyun as a child and I’d like to think they got along swimmingly. Oh, let’s ask him.”
Jaehyun had stepped into the room with a tray of freshly grilled beef, sliced into thin strips. He smiled at everyone as he set the food down on the table.
“Jaehyun, sweetie, do you remember your cousins Gunho and Minho?”
He was on his way to your seat but stopped behind your mom, “The twins? I do. They’re weird.”
“Jaehyun!” His mom scolded, “That’s not very nice. I wanted to set them up with Minkyung and Kyungwon.”
“Well, my only memories of them were from when I was a child. I heard they’re both hotel managers at Lotte.” He resumed his little journey towards you and leaned down to kiss your head, “I’m not really close to anyone from your side of the family, mother.”
This made her heave a sigh, “You always liked Yunho and Sooyeon more. Regardless, they’re wonderful young men. Tell me if either of you are interested.”
“Don’t let my comment throw you off. They were weird back then because they were homeschooled until they finally entered high school. They were inseparable, but I’ve encountered them a couple of times last year and they’ve definitely matured.”
“I’m down for a little blind date.” Minkyung perked up from her seat, glancing at Kyungwon, “A double blind date sounds fun.”
“Definitely! Sign us up, Mrs. Jung.” Kyungwon raised her glass up and Minkyung clinked hers against it.
There’s an audible phone vibration by you and Jaehyun stuck his hand in his pocket to peek at his phone.
“Ah,” He said, “Yuta’s here. I’ll go meet him.”
In the corner of your eye, you saw Kyungwon flinch as she took a swig of her cocktail, covering up with an excuse of drinking too much when asked if she was okay. You wiped your mouth and stood up, “Let me go with you.”
Jaehyun held your hand as you walked towards the foyer and you chuckled.
“Excuse me sir, I’m not going to get lost here.” You nudge your shoulder against him, “I’m quite familiar with the place now, no thanks to you.”
He laughed, pulling your hand up to his lips to kiss your knuckles. “Are you sure? I think we should go another round just to make sure you know your way around.”
“A round?” You emphasized with a scoff, “It’s never a single round with you.”
“Are you complaining, ma’am?”
“Not at all.” You hummed, giggling to yourself. 
Jaehyun opened the door for you and you both stepped out on the porch. It was still empty because you haven’t found a nice lounge set that you liked that matched the outdoor lighting fixtures you had installed. 
The driveway is still too big for you, but there’s nothing you can really do about it. It still astounds you that you live in a gated property that could probably hold a small village. If your parents weren’t so sentimental about their home, you would be saving up to buy them a new one.
A yellow Lamborghini pulled up to the driveway and Yuta rolled the window down to wave before proceeding to park on the side with the other guests’ cars. He exited his car with a wrapped box in hand and cheekily grinned at you.
“I said no gifts!” You scolded, but still accepted the box after he held it out towards you.
“It feels wrong to attend a housewarming party empty handed.” Yuta shook Jaehyun’s hand firmly and shrugged. “I had it brought straight from Japan yesterday.”
You curiously opened the box and gasped at the glittering gold.
“We call it ‘kintsukuroi’, the art of repairing broken pottery with gold. The dish itself was made by one of the top ceramicists of Japan but a mishap in handling had shattered it and it was mended by a famous kintsugi restorer.”
“It’s beautiful.” You unconsciously held onto the box tighter. It already had a history of breaking and you wouldn’t want to destroy such a masterpiece. “Thank you, Yuta. Please come in.”
Both men let you go in first as they talked briefly about business, something you don’t bother listening into. You stopped by the floating shelf in the foyer to unwrap the gift and gently place it by the bronze dish where Jaehyun placed the car keys. It was too wide to be a vase, but you can visualize a water lily in it.
Jaehyun had already introduced Yuta to everyone and you noticed Kyungwon avoiding eye contact with him, although the latter didn’t seem to care about the apprehension. They excused themselves to join the rest of the men out back and you sat yourself back at the table after discarding the gift box.
“Not to be a bitch,” Yebin started, “But I don’t like his vibes.”
“Yeb!” Minkyung scolded, “You literally just met him!”
“All my accumulated experiences with men tell me to hate him.” She shrugged, “But, hey, it’s just me. I’m not gonna be rude to him or anything, sheesh.”
Kyungwon seemed to open her mouth to say something but in the last second, brought up her glass to her lips.
You shook your head at Yebin, “He’s a good man.”
“And,” Jaehyun’s mother chimed in, “He’s leading his company into total domination of Seoul’s cyber security needs — to think he’s a foreigner! It’s quite commendable. Nakamoto Tech will dominate Asia by next year.”
“And after signing a contract with me, they’ll be penetrating the US market soon as well.” Johnny entered the room with the other men, signaling all the meat has been grilled and lunch is ready.
“Sounds like you’ll have the world in your very palm.” Minkyung commented with a smirk before playfully asking, “Are you, perhaps, single?”
They all laugh at this and Yuta’s eyes crinkled as he looks over at her, “Unfortunately so.”
The men settled themselves in after setting the dishes filled with an assortment of meat and veggies.
“I don’t have the time to exert myself into a relationship right now, but please, enough about me, it’s not my housewarming party.” Yuta cleared his throat, nodding his head at Jaehyun and at you, “The house’s design and architecture are phenomenal.”
This brought the topic of the conversation on your inspiration behind the interior designing and you’re launched into a mini spiel that you did your best to make sure they would understand. You get a little flustered when they ask for a tour, curious about the master bedroom, and you internally panic about whether or not you remembered to close the curtains into the shower.
For once, you’re thankful that your mom switched the topic to kids when she asked about the possible nursery and you were able to redirect their interest in seeing the room for that instead.
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Most of your guests have left already, except Minkyung, Yebin, and Kyungwon, who enjoyed each other’s company and took their conversation up to the second floor living area, where you set up the indoor fire pit for them. 
You quickly changed into something a little more comfortable before joining them and Minkyung handed you your glass.
“You really did a great job with the house, [Y/N].” She sighed, dreamily looking around the open area. “I wonder when I’ll be ready to settle down to have my own. I’ll need to be an S+ tier model to afford anything remotely similar.”
“The offer to meet my cousins is still open.” Jaehyun joked from the top of the stairs, holding a charcuterie board in one hand and a party pack of chips in the other. “Here you go, ladies, something to eat with your drinks.”
“Damn, a car-coochie board?” Yebin sarcastically exclaimed, grabbing a slice of cheese once he set the board down by the fire pit.
“That’s not how you pronounce it, Kang.”
“I know it’s charcuterie, Jung. Learn to take a joke— damn, and here I thought you’re ready to settle down but you’re still so uptight.”
“I am ready to settle down!”
“Please don’t argue!” You interrupted their banter by raising both hands, as if to separate them, “I’m starting to get a headache.”
Jaehyun glared at Yebin before leaning down to kiss your head, “You ladies enjoy the rest of the night, I’m going to finish up some work in the meantime.”
“Good night, Jae!” Minkyung and Kyungwon wave at him while Yebin snarkily nods at him.
After Jaehyun left, Kyungwon turned to Yebin and hummed, “Do you not get along with Jaehyun?” 
“Oh, Jung and I go way back.” She snorted, “Long story short, I hated him back then, and I’m just tolerating him now because of [Y/N].”
“Did you guys date or—”
Yebin visibly gagged at the suggestion, “Not in any lifetime, girl. I just didn’t like him or his friends... Actually, maybe I just hated his friends. They were trouble; it’s good he’s cut them off.”
This reminded you of the therapy session you had with him; how his friends were nothing but bad fuel for his mental health. You can’t help but wonder who they were though. How bad was bad?
“Let me guess, they were a bunch of fuckboys?”
Snorting, Yebin took a swig of her wine as if it was a shot, “Their parents wished they were just fuckboys. They were dealing drugs before even hitting sophomore year and a sex ring before they graduated. They only kept getting off the hook because of the power of their parents in society, but there’s only so much daddy and mommy could do while they’re underaged. I’m pretty sure one of them got a taste of real jail time the moment he turned 21… I think his name was Hajun or something. He was like the leader of the group.”
“Oh my god… does that mean Jaehyun did drugs before?” Minkyung placed a hand on her clavicle in shock, “I would have never guessed in a million years.”
“Yeah, he told me about it.” You quietly confessed, “He wasn’t proud of who he was when he was in high school.”
“Damn.” Yebin drawled, “He told you? Shit, [Y/N], you really do have him wrapped around your finger if he told you about his dirty past. Good for you… and him.”
The corner of your lip lifted upwards in an appreciative half smile.
“So how about you, Kyungwon?” She redirected her attention to your former co-worker.
“What’s your deal with Nakamoto?”
Kyungwon’s face instantaneously turned red, but she shook her head in denial, “Nothing. What do you mean?”
“Oh, please,” Minkyung tossed her hair with a flick of a wrist over her shoulder, “The negative vibes you were directing towards him was intense. Same vibes when a model comes in for a shoot and had a nasty fight with the photographer who she’s having an affair with the night before.”
To Kyungwon, the scenario sounded awfully specific; but you and Yebin knew from Minkyung’s stories that it’s quite a common occurrence in her industry.
“Ooh,” Yebin shimmied her shoulders, “You’re sleeping with Nakamoto?”
She released a heavy sigh, glancing at you for a brief second before shrugging her shoulders, “Yeah? I mean, it was only meant to be like a one night stand, but then it just kept happening. So we made it clear that this was strictly only a physical relationship, but…”
“You caught feelings?” Minkyung already looked apathetic as she offered her guess.
“No,” Kyungwon adamantly shook her head, “He could be passionate one night and then completely uninterested the next time around — like he was just doing it for the sake of doing it. Do you get what I mean? Like I want to pleasure and be pleasured, but instead it felt like I was used and wasn’t even doing shit right.”
She grabbed the wine off the table to refill her glass before gulping half of it down. “I tried to tell him, too! And you know what he did? He dismissed it and said it was all in my head! [Y/N], remember our last day working for him? When I stayed back at his loft, we really did have a call with his sister regarding the kotatsu, and I thought he wanted to break in his new bed but guess what? He had another woman coming over already and tried kicking me out after I confronted him!”
“Oh my gosh, Kyung.” You gasped, feeling hurt for her.
“I understand we’re not exclusive, but that was so rude.”
“And gaslighting!” Yebin exploded, “My guts were right. He just oozes toxicity and bad news.”
“At least you guys ended things — both contract and FWB relationship.” Minkyung reached out to hold her hand, “Let’s set that blind date with Jaehyun’s cousins, yeah?”
Kyungwon chuckled at this, “If they’re anything like Jaehyun, count me in. Imagine having a man who would do anything for you and treat you like a queen. Ugh, I hope it runs in the blood.”
You let out an awkward laugh, grabbing the chips Jaehyun brought up. If they were from his mom’s side, then they should be clear from the possibility of having BPD, right? You ripped the top off the sour cream and onion flavored chips and almost immediately wretched at the smell hitting your senses. You threw the bag aside and lurched forward, cupping your mouth to stop yourself from actually vomiting.
“[Y/N], what the fuck? Are you okay?” Yebin, seated beside you, was already running a hand on your back.
“I-I think. That just smelled… disgusting.” The scent lingered in the air so you clamped it closed with your other hand.
She gave you a weird, incredulous look, “You literally love sour cream and onion.”
“Maybe these are bad.”
Minkyung walked over to inspect the bag herself and shook her head, “They don’t expire until next year.”
She even took a chip out and the clear, crisp sound was a telltale that it was fresh. “It tastes just fine, too.”
You held out your hand to take another whiff, maybe caught off guard about thinking of BPD, but still when the salty, sour fumes hit your nostrils, you reeled back and vigorously shook your head. “Nope. It smells off.”
Your best friends share a look, even glancing back at Kyungwon, who shared the same expression as them.
“Are you pregnant?” Minkyung asked under her breath, leaning forward a bit.
“What?” You scoffed, “No, I have an IUD. I’m having it removed just before the wedding.”
Yebin moved her hand from your back to your shoulder, “Babe, there’s still that sliver of chance to get pregnant even with implants. As my OB says, the only foolproof contraception is ligation.”
“Just take a test tomorrow or something.” Minkyung shrugged her shoulders, “There’s no harm in it.”
“I suppose.” You bit your lip as you considered their suggestion. You couldn’t possibly be pregnant, right? “I’ll pick up a PT while running errands tomorrow.”
“Are you going to tell Jae?”
You shook your head, “He’s so busy. It could just be a false alarm and it would just get his hopes up.”
Kyungwon chimed in, “And if it’s positive?”
There is no sliver of certainty in you that you were pregnant at the moment. It was just impossible. Yebin was right, however; your OB did tell you that IUD’s are 99% effective and that leaves that one percent chance, that incredibly small window of opportunity for you to get pregnant. It would be a risky pregnancy if it were true. You halfheartedly shrugged your shoulders, “Surprise him, I guess.”
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“I have a gift for you.”
You paused from putting away your work materials into the cabinets of your home office and looked up at the doorway where Jaehyun sheepishly grinned at you.
“Is there an occasion?”
“Jaehyun,” You started, closing your eyes as you took a deep breath, “I know gift giving is your love language, but if this is something other than flowers, you need to stop. We just moved in; we haven’t completely settled in.” You gestured to the filled boxes that contained portfolios of your previous works.
He pouted his lips, lower lip jutting out adorably at your words. “But you’ve complained about this before. Besides, I technically told you about getting this before.”
“I have?” Your interest is piqued.
Jaehyun walked forward and held out his hand to you, helping you up from your seat. He kisses your forehead, “Once, verbally. All the other times, your face gave it away.”
He walked you out of the office area of the house and towards the hallway that led to the garage. Considering his little hint, you were a little dismayed that it wasn’t a puppy. What could he have hidden in the garage while you were busy in your office?
Opening the door, you were both greeted by his most prized possession, his Lamborghini.
“We both know it’s not a family friendly car, so I thought I might as well buy one now—”
“You’re replacing your lambo?”
“No.” Jaehyun said a little too adamantly, his free hand jolting forward to hover over his car. “Never. This is my baby.”
You cocked a brow at him, “I thought I was your baby.”
His cheeks flared red as he whips his face towards you, looking like a deer caught in headlights. “You are,” He licked his lips, “I-I would easily choose you over it.”
The shakiness of his voice makes you want to laugh and you’re not mad at his hesitancy because you found it cute. “I’m just joking, Jae. I would never make you choose between me and your car. I know how much you love it.”
“But I love you more, you know that right.”
You chuckled, grabbing his face to pull him down for a quick kiss, “Always.”
He leaned down for one more kiss before leading you to the other side of his car. You never really questioned why the garage had enough space for 5 cars and always assumed it was for guests, but today you see why.
Your jaw dropped at the sight of the sleek, metallic silver car sitting prettily on the far end of the garage. As Jaehyun led you closer, you spy the logo in front of the car and you skid to a stop.
“Is that a Tesla?”
“It’s more family friendly, yeah?”
Ah, of course. Family friendly does not mean budget friendly for a Jung. 
He dug into his pocket and fished out two sets of keys, handing one to you. “We each have keys.”
“It’s been awhile since I drove a car.” You confessed, running your thumb over the key. It wasn’t just because you didn’t have a car on your own; you could have bought a car for yourself if you wanted to, but Jaehyun always insisted on driving for you or having the family driver pick you up.
Jaehyun grinned at you, “Wanna take it out for a test drive?”
“I would love that.”
He gestured for you to go ahead and you giddily made your way to the driver’s side, opening the door so carefully in fear as if it were made with the most fragile material on earth. You sat yourself inside while Jaehyun sidled himself into the passenger’s seat and buckled his seatbelt, admiring the high quality interior.
Jaehyun pressed a button that dangled with his keys and the garage door opened behind you. He patiently waited for you to check out all the new specs a Tesla had in comparison to other cars and when you finally turned the ignition on, you mumbled a prayer to yourself while backing out of the garage.
Even though it was spacious and an actual child can easily reverse a car out, you were quite relieved at the feat. Once you successfully got the car out, you glanced at Jaehyun, “Uh, where do we go?”
“Anywhere. Just get a feel of the car.” His eyes flit downward, “Please put your seatbelt on, babe.”
“Oh!” You bashfully exclaimed, doing as he says immediately. After hearing the click, you breathed in deeply and lightly pressed on the gas.
Slowly, you started to remember everything about driving and your entire body just went on auto-pilot. As you neared the gate, you see Jooheon pop his upper body out of the guard house and waved at you while the gates parted for you to pass through.
You gave a little wave back while Jaehyun tipped his head in acknowledgement as you drove past them.
The area you lived in was an elitist subdivision sitting on a luscious, but gated three acre land. From what you’ve observed going in and out, you only passed by a handful of other mansions and each property was greatly distanced from one another. There was this cliff that you spotted from the community’s gate and you remembered seeing a few cars passing by so you were sure there was a road nearby it.
“You’re doing great.” Jaehyun offered, glancing at his wristwatch.
“Thanks.” You sighed, “Are you supposed to be somewhere? I can try and take you there.”
“I’m not needed anywhere until 5 PM. So you’re free to take me anywhere you want until then.”
“I’d like to see the view from up that cliff.” You nodded your head towards the direction of the cliff. “I bet the view is amazing.”
Jaehyun peered out of his window to where you pointed and hummed, “Alright. Maybe the next right turn after this would lead up there; this leads to the governor’s property.”
You opened your mouth, about to exclaim about your neighbor’s identity, but withheld it. You would rather keep your attention on the road and you have a sneaking suspicion that the governor isn’t just the only big time neighbor you have.
“You’re driving just fine, babe. I don’t know what you were worried about.”
“Muscle memory, I guess?”
“You still have the bodyguards to drive you around if you don’t feel like it, alright? I just want to give you this freedom.”
The corner of your lip quirked upwards. “Freedom?”
He gave you a tense smile, “That’s how Dr. Jeon phrased it. Giving you freedom to do certain things that usually makes me uneasy can earn your trust.”
“Well, I appreciate it very much, Jaehyun.” You cooed, momentarily driving slower to give him a sincere grin. “I already trust you, you know that.”
“And I trust you…” He paused, “That’s why I should tell you that I have to attend a 2 week-long conference in England in a few weeks.”
“Normally, I would have invited you to come with me but it falls on the same dates you have scheduled to meet with contractors for your new company.” The sound of disappointment is heavy in the tone of his voice. “I would send a proxy in my place—”
“No, Jaehyun. It’s fine. I can handle it. You hired a hundred bodyguards to watch over me—”
“I hired you two.” He huffed, and you chuckled at him.
“Yes, but with how closely they watch over me, it feels like a hundred.” You shrugged your shoulders. “The girls can also sleepover if they aren’t too busy if that would put your mind at ease. I’m sure my mom would love to stay over as well. I’ll be fine, baby.”
He heaved a heavy sigh, “I know you will be. I’m just… being cautious… your stalker…”
“They haven’t sent anything recently.”
“Only because,” Jaehyun’s lips pursed, “Only because I don’t let you know. There are flowers every other day arriving at the gate. There were a few bugged items like toys and keychains.”
Your fingers trembled as you gripped the steering wheel. “Bugged?”
“Installed cameras, microphones, and even tracking devices.” His voice dropped to sneer. “The manufacturer of the tech is unknown and it can’t be traced back to any company. Even the transmitters installed all just lead to a burner PC.”
The frustration was clear in his voice and you don’t know how to console him when you couldn’t even console yourself. All this time you thought it was a prank and the coast was clear but Jaehyun had been protecting you from it.
The entire ride was silent until you managed to drive up the hill and see a curb in the road that’s large enough for you to park in.
As you slowed to a stop and turned the car off, Jaehyun took your hand and kissed it.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, [Y/N]. But I also didn’t want to hide that fact for too long. You were just so happy the past week about moving in and the housewarming that I couldn’t bring myself to report those to you.”
“I’m really glad you waited to tell me after the celebration… But moving forward, I think I would like to be updated with these kinds of things, okay?”
“Of course, baby.” He kissed your knuckles again, “Would you like Jooheon or Hyunwoo to report it to you while I’m away?”
It makes you anxious to think you would have to deal with this stalker by yourself while Jaehyun was away. What were the chances this person already knew Jaehyun would be gone? Surely there’s a contingency plan for when the worst happens. 
“Yes, please.”
“Alright. Now, reverse park this baby. We can open up the back and lounge for a while.”
It took you less than three minutes to follow his directions and once you parked for good, you both made your way out to open the back. The air felt fresher with all the greenery and tall trees covering the hillside. You appreciate the view for a few seconds before turning to see Jaehyun opening the back of the car and pulling up the passenger seats to make room for both of you to sit on the floor.
He ushered you inside and followed suit once you did. 
“There’s a special mattress we can get that fits exactly for this space. It hasn’t come in yet, but once we get it, we can get some pillows and a blanket, and it’ll be as cozy as home.” Jaehyun stretched his arm outwards and you scooted closer to lay your head on his shoulder.
“I like this.” You hummed, sinking into his side as his arm curled around you. “We’ve both been busy and our schedules are hectic; it’s nice to have quiet time like this.”
He pressed his face into your hair, breathing deeply. “I do, too. Hopefully we’ll have more time to ourselves soon. Let’s savor this moment, yeah?”
You wrapped yourself around his torso, letting out almost something akin to a purr as you cuddled his side.
You wished life was this simple; no stalkers, no old money, no reporters watching over you, no big company to inherit. Jaehyun could have just been a simple businessman instead of being Korea’s biggest chaebol. You two could have been living in a small apartment, complaining about taxes and rent. Of course, having the lifestyle you have right now that Jaehyun had provided is something you’ll always be grateful for, it would just be nice to have it simpler.
“This is dangerous.” Jaehyun sighed, “I want to fall asleep right now.”
Your eyes flitted through the spaciousness of the car and smiled to yourself. “I can wake you up.”
You moved your hand from his waist and down towards his zipper. With the way he adjusted his hips while you unzipped his pants, you pulled your head back to knowingly grin at him.
“What?” He feigned, “I’m not gonna turn down getting head from you.”
“Hmm.” You hummed, leaning to kiss his lips while your hand made work of releasing his half-hard cock from its confines. You let his tongue in your mouth, savoring the bitter aftertaste of the coffee you personally brewed for him this morning. Your fist slowly pumped his entire length, encouraging it to grow harder and harder with every slow flick of your wrist.
Jaehyun groaned and you took it as a sign to move your head down, capturing his erection with your lips and fully taking him into your mouth without hesitation. He lightly bucked his hips upwards but you held one of his legs down. 
As you bobbed your head up and down at a slow pace, he gathered your hair for you to hold it back behind your neck. A breeze blew by and it reminded you that you were outside, although inside the car. It makes you think about the chances of being seen; if you were able to see the cliffside on the main road, then surely anybody passing by who happened to be looking out will see it too. No one could possibly identify you two, but there are chances of being caught — and it excites you to the point you feel damp down there.
Your mouth left him with a string of saliva sticking down your chin as you raised your eyes up at him, silently begging for something.
“Baby?” He breathed out, letting go of your hair to wipe the saliva off your chin.
You scrambled on top of him, “I need you inside me.” You softly cried like a spoiled child.
You’ve learned to wear dresses more often since moving into your new home. Easier access. Best for quickies. His hands are on your waist, holding you up while you push your panties to the side and lined the tip of his cock against your entrance.
“Easy, baby.” Jaehyun whispered, fighting back your urge to drop yourself on his dick. “You’re gonna hurt yourself.”
With how wet you are, you thought to yourself, he’s going to slide right in.
And you were right; he lowered you onto himself and his cock just slipped in, filling you inch by inch until you were completely sat on his lap. You let out a little moan and shiver of delight; a small jolt of pleasure coursed through you at how full you felt.
Jaehyun pulled the front of your day dress down, exposing one of your breasts to him, and he gave it a little squeeze. You whimpered, arching your back to give him more access. He kissed your neck, licking down your clavicle until he reached your nipple, latching his mouth onto it like a suckling infant. His hands guided your hips up and down his shaft while also kneading your ass with his fingers.
You let out a loud moan, knowing no one could hear you from the cliffs. 
“You feel so good, baby.” He groaned against your chest, “Do you feel good?”
“So good.” You gasped, “Faster.”
“Anything for you, baby.” Jaehyun scooted himself farther so he’s practically pushing the front seats with his back and planted both his feet firmly on the car floor. He bucked his hips upward, sending you to bounce on his dick and inevitably bumping your head on the roof but the pleasure that shot through you overpowered the miniscule pain.
You moaned again, lurching forward and grabbing his shoulders for support. He relentlessly repeated the actions of his hips, edging you closer and closer to the edge. Your back started to hurt but you literally couldn’t bring yourself to tell Jaehyun about it.
“Wait.” You managed to croak out and he stopped. You were about to complain, wanting to correct your statement but in one fell swoop, you’re on your back with your hair dangling out the car.
He’s managed to switch positions without leaving inside of you — damn, you thought. You two couldn’t do that in his lambo.
Jaehyun kissed you and you embraced his shoulders as he started to pound into you again. The entire car was vigorously shaking now; surely someone will know what you two were up to now. And the idea of it just fueled your pleasure. He swallowed your moans, replying with low grunts with every thrust he made. Your legs locked behind his hips and it sent him into overdrive, picking up his pace and going faster to push both of you over the edge.
His phone suddenly rang at the front of the car and it brought you back to your senses. You thought he would stop to answer it, but he didn’t.
“Shhh, I’m so close.” He buried his head into the crook of your neck, “I’m so close.”
“I am, too.” You admitted, cradling his head. “I’m about to come.”
Jaehyun groaned loudly, emptying himself inside of you. You could feel the warmth filling you up. 
But he doesn’t stop. He’s still hard, picking up the pace of his thrusts to help you over the edge. He sat up, rubbing his thumb over your clit until you’re crying, coming undone beneath him.
He fell forward, landing on his forearms to hold himself above you. His breathing was just as harsh as yours as both of you tried to catch them, unsynchronized and heavy. You looked up at him, his face flushed and dripping with sweat. It was then you realized how hot it was inside the car despite the back being open. He gave you a lazy smile, the familiar look of love evident in his eyes.
“I’m very awake now, thank you.”
You laughed, cupping his cheeks. You could feel his semen gush out of you as he slowly pulled out. “We should get going, no?”
“We should.” He looked down at his clothes, the light blue shirt now a deeper shade after soaking in the sweat. “I have to change clothes.”
“Orrrr,” You purred, “We can take a quick shower together to wash this sweat off.”
A wicked smile came over Jaehyun’s face, “Oh, you little vixen.”
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Your muscles throbbed a bit as you stretched your body upwards after washing the dishes. Jaehyun got held back at work so you had to eat dinner by yourself. Your day wasn’t as eventful but you managed to set up meetings for possible contractors and suppliers for your new design agency. 
Your phone chimed, seeing an incoming message from Jooheon. 
‘Ma’am, there’s another set of flowers for you. Sir Jaehyun had told us to inform you about anything new regarding this matter.’
You took a deep breath, ringing his number and waiting for him to pick it up.
“Good evening, Ma’am.”
“Good evening, Jooheon.” You swallowed, “New flowers came in just now?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“No card? No name of sender?”
“None at all, Ma’am. The courier is different every time and we could never trace back the order.”
You instinctively hugged yourself and breathed in deeply.
“Yes, uhm… Dispose of it.” You cleared your throat, throwing a glance out the window. The garden lights are on but anything beyond it is pitched black. “Jooheon, would you mind… patrolling the area? Is that the right term? Just go around the property — especially near the house.”
“Yes, of course, ma’am. Anything to put you at ease. I’ll go right away.”
“Thank you, Jooheon.”
“Enjoy the rest of your evening, ma’am.”
Once you put your phone away, the house suddenly felt too big. You didn’t have a safe room, you realized. Nowhere to run when you feel unsafe or a place you hide during emergencies. Maybe you should have included a panic room when building the house.
Your stomach churned and you felt like throwing up. Your paranoia had morphed into physical sickness, a lump of acid rising up your throat. Swallowing hard, you forced it down and breathed in deeply. You put a hand on your forehead - you weren’t possibly coming down with something, are you? You have meetings with suppliers and potential partners one after the other in the coming weeks. This isn’t the time to get sick, even with just a plain cough.
Your phone rang, giving you just the slightest scare. But as soon as you saw the caller ID, you smiled.
“Jaehyun.” You sighed, rubbing a hand over your chest to soothe your heart. “Are you on your way home?”
“I’m half an hour away, baby. Are you okay? Has Jooheon reported to you?”
“He has and I’m fine. Just… just a little uneasy, but getting better. I had them go around the area of the house to check.” You started to walk up the stairs, “I’m gonna run a bath. Drive safely, okay?”
“You’re not going to wait for me?” Jaehyun whined, the softest chuckle following afterwards.
“Well maybe if you had gone home earlier, I could’ve waited for you. But not tonight, I can’t wait to soak in a nice, hot, soapy bath - especially after that little escapade with the new car.”
“Fine.” He grumbled, “Enjoy yourself, baby. But not too much. I’ll be there soon.”
You ended the call laughing, shaking your head in disbelief as if he could see you. You were already perched by the bathtub, waiting to get off the phone before running the bath. After putting your phone away, you closed off the drain and opened the cold tap. With a little hum of a random song, you reached for a scented candle Minkyung had gotten you as a housewarming gift. Peony and Blush Suede; this should go well with the new bubble bar you’ve been meaning to use. You lit the candle with the electronic lighter that came with Minkyung’s gift and set it aside.
As you went over to where you kept your Lush stash, you couldn’t help but release a deep sigh. The thought of having a stalker was still nagging at the back of your mind no matter what you did to distract yourself. You couldn’t fathom why you would even have one. It’s more likely it’s someone who has a grudge on Jaehyun, but even he doesn’t know who would stoop so low to bring in an innocent bystander to a petty business issue. 
You grabbed the purple bubble bar from the container, read the wrapping, and snorted to yourself. Worry Monster, it said. “I probably am.” You quietly admitted.
Going back over to the tub, you changed the temperature to something a little more warm and unwrapped the bar. You held it under the running water, slowly massaging the bar to lather it until you gripped it a little harder to fully crumble.
The lavender scent is lovely, just enough to alleviate the stress of tonight’s happenings. This house was built for you by Jaehyun. No one knows the ins and outs of this structure aside from you (and of course the amazing architects and engineers you worked with) but regardless, you know it’s safe. You have security personnel just a minute away if you need them with intercom systems in every room. You glanced over to the one installed in the bathroom; it’s just there, you reminded yourself.
The tub is almost half filled with water and the surface is practically covered with bubbles already. The water isn’t at the temperature you wanted so you turned the temperature knob higher. You stripped your clothes off and hopped into the shower to scrub down real quick. By the time you were done, the water was just perfect.
You eased yourself in, audibly moaning at the warmth enveloping your body as you sat down.
“Did you just get in?”
You gasped, twisting your torso towards the source of the voice. “Jesus! Did you speed home?”
Jaehyun grinned, guilt evident on your face. “To be fair, there wasn’t much traffic.”
“Well, if you want to get in, you go and scrub yourself down in the shower first.” You huffed, leaning back and closing your eyes. You can hear the soft patter of his feet going across the tiles of the bathroom but the sound of the shower - or even the shuffling of clothes - came afterwards.
You opened your eyes to see Jaehyun is seated on the edge of the tub, softly gazing down at you.
“I actually have some more work to do that I’d rather do here so you wouldn’t be alone.” He spoke so quietly in a tone that sounded more apologetic and regretful.
“I…” You blinked at him, “I really appreciate that, baby. Thank you.”
An overwhelming urge to cry came over you and you cleared your throat to choke it down. You were touched. When you both discovered about the stalker, Jaehyun’s initial response was to leave you and find the stalker himself. Now, just the news of having flowers delivered to you has him packing up work and bringing it home to make sure you’re not alone.
“I love you.”
He cocked his head to the side and moved to sit on the floor to be eye level with you. “I love you, too.”
You leaned over to kiss him, getting his cheek wet when you brought your hand to cup his face.
“Have you eaten? I can make you something after this bath.” You whispered after pulling away.
“I can do it myself. You just soak up and enjoy your time, baby. By the way,” Jaehyun’s voice got lower to change the tone of the conversation. “I have business in China with Sicheng’s company. I tried to have them fly here, but they refused.”
“I’ll be fine, Jaehyun.” You already knew where this was going. “Sicheng’s company is one of your oldest and most important partners. Aren’t they the ones that preside over the Chinese branches of the casino? If you need to go over there, then go.”
He sighed, “The thing is, it might take awhile. There’s… political tension between the branches. It’s a whole mess. Sicheng’s going out of his mind in trying to soothe it out.” He chuckled, “We’re hoping the business proposals we’ll hand them can be some sort of truce between the parties.”
“How long… is a while?”
“A week? Two weeks at most.” He mumbled, visibly saddened by the thought of leaving you for so long.
“I’ll be fine. I can have my mom keep me company, maybe yours’ too. I know Minkyung is planning to take a short break from work soon, as well.” You assured him, kissing his cheek. “I’ll be fine.”
Jaehyun nodded, “Alright. But just to be clear, I’m booking the next flight out if anything happens.”
You scoffed, playfully flicking water at his face. “I wouldn’t be surprised.”
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a/n: an early gift from me to yall for my bday uwu
next: part 13
223 notes · View notes
the-cookie-of-doom · 5 months
Episode 2: “She”
Pear really deserved better. Like, I feel for Mike and his situation, I feel for Peem, but damn. She really got the shittiest breakup. Not literally died over it levels of bad breakup, but still. So much of what happens in this series is so unnecessary. If Mike had been a little less selfish, the tragedy could have been avoided. Not even brave! He didn’t need to come out to break up with her! But he wanted the picture perfect life with a secret lover on the side, and unfortunately, that’s just now how things work. That’s what makes it such a good tragedy; you see where these characters could have gone right, but they have believable reasons for where they went wrong, instead. 
So, when discussing why ghosts exist/haunt the earth, Peem says: “I think there are two things, either caring, or holding a grudge.” Which in his case, it’s both! In the first episode, during their kissing scene in the drama class, Peem looks downright malicious. He’s making Mike feel what it’s like to drown, what he himself felt, and enjoying Mike's terror. He’s laughing at it. So when this scene happens, it’s easy to think Peem is only there over a grudge. Except… when we get to the third episode, we also see some tender moments between them. He still cares, too. 
Peem is also a possessive little thing. He knows he’s the other woman, but he’s happy to physically get between Mike and Pear when the three of them are on the couch, and she wants to trade places. He refuses, she leans around him to complain to Mike, and Peem leans forward and blocks her. Meanwhile Mike is hiding behind Peem, who picks up a book and holds it in front of both of their faces, Peem leaning in to Mike and physically cutting Pear out. The whole thing is played like he’s joking, they’re all laughing, but… for Peem, it’s more. He doesn't give up his spot beside Mike (and Mike doesn’t move to join Pear.) Peem is staking a subtle claim, and Mike is letting him. Because while Peem is possessive, Mike wants to be wanted. Not possessed, because he refuses to let Peem actually have him. But he gets a thrill from watching Peem keep him away from Pear. Whether or not you think the feelings for Peem were any deeper than surface level lust + convenience, he likes the attention Peem gives him. 
Side note, the English lesson scene made my brain hurt. Sympathies for anyone learning it as a second language, bc oof. 
Another side note, Peem is so painfully, obviously in love with Mike.
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Look! How tender they are!! 
I love this entire scene, because this is one of the times where we see Mike being fully, genuinely himself, and he’s a terrible flirt. He can’t even help himself. He’s making all kinds of innuendos (“maybe we should do something to help us wake up, then come back to read''), lowkey kabedon’s Peem by climbing over him after already asking him to hand over his guitar. He teases Peem for being a romantic when Peem flirts back, then offers to write him a song (Moment, my beloved ;_;). There is so much longing in this song, a desire to be close, to not let go, forever. And there’s a promise in it, too, the song ending with a repeated “There will always be you and me together”. That’s all Peem wants, reassurance that Mike will still be there for him, even if he stays with Pear. And it’s reciprocated! Mike wants to be with Peem. He just can’t admit it in any serious, concrete way. 
Then here we have another example of Peem taking the initiative physically. Mike makes what could be taken as a confession, so Peem comes closer, like Mike is asking him to do; lays on his shoulder while he sings, kisses him when he trails off. Even when Mike is being flirty, he’s all talk, no action. 
However, the scene does end with Mike laying Peem down to keep making out with him, technically taking initiative for the first (and only) time. As we’ve set up with their give-and-take, Peem rewarding Mike when giving him affection, Peem then chooses this moment to tell Mike he loves him. Mike, predictably, doesn’t respond. He hesitates, then kisses Peem again. He doesn’t give an answer one way or the other. If he doesn’t return Peem’s feelings, then he’ll lose him. But if he does, he’ll have to face all of the things he’s repressing. All he can give Peem is the physicality of their relationship. And Peem once again meets Mike halfway; instead of demanding a response, he accepts what Mike is willing to give him, because it’s better than nothing. 
Interestingly, this very sweet scene is where everything goes to hell. Peem tries telling Mike off because Meen, their friend sleeping in the other room, will hear. Mike laughs it off and says it doesn’t matter because he’s asleep. Cut to Meen very much not asleep. This continues the pattern that when Peem puts himself out there, when he puts his trust in the things Mike tells him, he’s punished for it. Mike tells him everything’s going to be okay, and he wants to believe it, so he follows him down the path of his own destruction. 
Gonna pivot over to Mike, once again, being a terrible, incorrigible flirt. 
Peem: Mike, do you still want more sausage? Mike: Up to you. Do you still want to give it to me?
I hate this joke so much T_T But also, it is hilarious, and Mike is such an incorrigible flirt, this is exactly the kind of dumb shit he would say. 
If you check out THIS gifset, we can see that Peem is the one leading things in their relationship. It happens on Mike’s terms, sure, but Peem is presumably the first guy he’s ever been with. So naturally Peem would be the one to more or less take charge. He’s the one pushing Mike into the table and taking his clothes off, while for the most part, Mike isn’t moving. Aside from that scene on the couch, Mike just. Lets this happen to him. I think a large part of that is a desire for plausible deniability on his part. He flirts relentlessly, but vaguely. Any comment that could approach a confession is dismissed by a joke. He wants Peem, but so long as he’s not an active participant in their relationship, he can pretend like he doesn’t. 
Back to the pool scene, Mike isn’t expecting the kiss. He’s walking away when Peem pulls him back. He’s (very) into it, but he didn’t ask for it. In the BTS interview Jeff said it was like he was being passive/attacked (lol), which he explains as being because he chickened out/didn’t know what to do when the director told them to just go for it. Adorable, but also it does play nicely into Mike’s reluctance towards letting himself be with Peem. 
Now. Let’s talk about Mike’s relationship with Pear. D/t the non-linear storytelling, and my not paying attention to throw-away lines, and a weird translation at the start of the ep, I didn’t realize Mike and Pear were dating until this scene!! RIP to me. Anyway. 
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This just breaks my heart. Look at her expression, compared to Mike's. She already knows that this over and he has no idea. She isn't even angry, she's resigned, she's already accepted it.
Pear deserved so much better. It’s her 3 year anniversary, and she gets to celebrate by finding out her boyfriend has been cheating on her for god knows how long. And Mike is so determined not to face any of his problems, he refuses to see that she is Not Having A Good Time. Playboy can’t charm his way out of this one, though. It’s so sad, too, because the way she looks at him in some shots, she clearly wants to believe he really loves her. He’s certainly acting like he does. She’s a very similar position to Peem in this scene; both of them want to know Mike loves them, but Mike is incapable of being fully with either of them. 
Just like I do think Mike has genuine feelings for Peem, I also think he really loves Pear. I think he cares very deeply for her, and I don’t think he wanted to hurt her. But again, he’s shown time and again to be a very selfish character, and she recognizes that. Rather than choosing to believe he loves her and pretending she doesn’t know about Peem, she breaks up with him. (Good for her!)
Even when Mike finally does recognize that she’s upset (only once she says she wants to break up, forcing him to see her), he dismisses it. Laughs and deflects, the same as he does with Peem, because he doesn’t know what to do when confronted with EmotionsTM. And honestly—Pear handles this with the grace of a queen. She gives Mike a simple explanation: things aren’t working out, we should break up. She doesn’t blame him for cheating on her, doesn’t yell, doesn’t even tell him she knows about Peem. She probably recognizes why he’s cheating on her instead of breaking up with her first (wanting the safety his relationship with her provides, while experimenting, which feels incredibly dangerous), and tries to let him maintain at least some dignity and plausible deniability. If anyone asks, they could just say things didn’t work out and move on. She could have easily, and justifiably, raked him over the coals. But she doesn’t. She’s giving Mike the chance to bow out. 
Of course he doesn’t take it. He either takes her home, or follows her there (assuming they’re all living in the same dorms?), demanding answers the whole time and getting the silent treatment. He asks her, “But if we don’t talk to each other, how can we solve it?” Very rich coming from the guy who’s refused to have a genuine conversation at every opportunity. He follows this with “I don’t know what I’ve done,” and she responds, “It’s better not to know.” Again, giving him the chance to leave with his dignity intact. She’s a better person than I would have been. It’s likely some measure of self-protection, too. No one wants to be the girl that got cheated on. But it would have been so easy for her to spread it around, out Mike for cheating on her with Peem, and ruin his life. But she doesn’t. She doesn’t want revenge. She isn’t vindictive. 
Side note: Pear finally shows him the texts from Meen, exposing his cheating, and Mike runs off with her phone. My dude. Have you not caused enough problems without stealing her phone too?? 
Mike automatically assuming Peem is the one that outed him to Pear is interesting on two fronts. 
Of course he does, how would anyone else know? Mike thinks he’s been successful at keeping things a secret, and Peem just confessed to him. He’s seen (and enjoyed) Peem getting possessive over him in front of Pear, and this is the natural escalation of that.
From what we’ve seen of their relationship so far, Peem never actually asks Mike to leave Pear. Probably because he knows he can’t trust Mike’s feelings for him (as he shouldn’t), and knows there’s no point. It would only serve to make Mike angry, which might make Mike leave him; Mike is only with him because Peem makes him feel good, after all. Peem might avoid Mike when he’s feeling rejected/neglected, and make sad eyes at him when Pear is involved, but for lack of a better term—he knows his place. And he knows his place in Mike’s life is beneath Pear. 
Finally, the fight that ends it all. Mike’s internalized homophobia is becoming externalized!!! It’s really sad the way he attacks Peem. He knows Peem loves him—Peem is the only one who loves him, now. But Mike is so caught up on the end of his relationship with Pear, and what it represents—him failing to uphold the  values he’s placed so much importance on—that he doesn’t care how much he’s hurting Peem. If anything, Peem’s heartbreak only makes this worse. Mike doesn’t want to love him. Peem tells him he has nothing left without Mike, and Mike doesn’t care. This could have been a moment of freedom for him, finally able to be with the person he loves, still safe in the knowledge that Pear will keep his indiscretions a secret. But he’s too self-centered, focusing on what he’s lost instead of what he still has/could have. 
And Peem finally snaps back. 
Peem: Have you ever had feelings for me, or do you just see me as your temporary fling? Mike: I don’t know! Peem: Or am I just someone who makes you feel good whenever you want? Mike: Remember this, I love Pear, not you! Not you at all!
True to the pattern, he is rejected for reaching out. Mike returns his honesty with deflection. 
Here we see Peem finally confronting his own feelings. He’s known all along what he is to Mike: a source of validation and experimentation. He didn’t want to see it, because he probably hoped Mike would eventually learn to love him. Or, if he sees Mike's feelings, hoping that Mike would eventually admit them to himself. Even now he’s still reaching out, trying to calm Mike down. He never gets far enough to even suggest this could be a good thing, because they could finally be together. 
Instead, their fight leads to Mike shoving Peem back, and Peem tripping into the pool. This is one of my favorite scenes of the whole thing because you see Mike struggling. He doesn’t know if he should jump in and save him. Then he remembers the last time this happened: Peem agreeing when Mike suggested he was only pretending to drown, only trying to get his attention. Here, Mike sees it as an attempt to make him stay. Peem pretends to be in danger to force Mike into saving him again—proving how much Mike cares for him. 
But Mike leaves. And Peem drowns.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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sshbpodcast · 1 month
Character Spotlight: Garak
By Ames
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No one here but us plain, simple tailors this week on A Star to Steer Her By. We’re finally scrutinizing fan-favorite recurring character Garak, who’s definitely more complex and nuanced than even some main characters we’ve discussed before. As we assembled our classic Best and Worst Moments lists, we found that Garak has the most moments that somehow end up in both. That’s how morally (and physically) grey this guy is.
So let’s get our measurements taken as we spotlight DS9’s resident Cardassian spy, played so stunningly by Andrew Robinson (have you read his book yet? It’s amazing). Scroll on below or decode some ciphers with us on this week’s podcast discussion (jump over to 48:23). Of all the moments we’re spotlighting, which are the best and which are the worst? My dear reader, they’re all best moments. Even the worst moments? Especially the worst moments.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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Let us haggle Our very first introduction to Garak in “Past Prologue” sets him up as mysterious, sneaky, and downright sassy. It’s always nebulous just how far his covert information extends versus how much he’s ever just toying with Julian, but in this early episode, he helps the doctor uncover some shady dealings that the Bajoran terrorist Tahna Los has been engaging in. And it’s delightful.
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Schemes within schemes Garak and Bashir team up again in the season two “Cardassians,” in which Garak sees through decades’ worth of Cardassian scheming (the best kind of scheming) to expose Dukat’s war orphan plot. The details are convoluted and Rube Goldbergy, but the tailor puts together all the pieces and concludes that Dukat is looking to undermine Gul Pa'Dar, some-freakin’-how.
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Personally, I find this style a bit too radical Listening to Garak’s smoothtalking is always extra fun because he’s always saying more than is just on the surface. Even when he doesn’t have to! In his own way, he warns Quark that Natima Lang is in danger in “Profit and Loss.” By the end of the episode, he goes so far as to shoot Toran, saving Quark’s lady love and her students before they go “out of fashion.”
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My best friend, Elim The first episode to appear on both lists is “The Wire” because it’s just so Garak. While he never tells Bashir the truth once, he’s at his most vulnerable when he’s telling his various Elim stories. In his own Cardassian way, he connects with his dear doctor and expresses things about himself that, though not empirically true, are him at his most real. And the shippers rejoice.
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Major, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you looking so ravishing We give Major Kira major props for her role in the stunning “Second Skin,” but Garak plays a large part as well. When Kira and Ghemor’s backs are up against the wall, Garak comes through for the DS9 crew. And like when he killed Toran in “Profit and Loss,” he’s able to put his Cardassian patriotism aside to kill the hell out of Entek and quip about it at the same time.
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The spy who loved me It’s no wonder people ship Bashir and Garak so much when there are episodes like “Our Man Bashir” to fan the fires. And when things go awry in the holodeck, Garak is able to quip his way through the Bond-style holoprogram that they find themselves trapped in, all the while mocking what Julian seems to think the spy world is actually like. And he pulls off a tux pretty well too!
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Excuse me, my dungeon awaits So many times that Garak saved the day have seemed to just be convenient for the character, but he’s especially heroic in “By Inferno’s Light.” He fights through his fears to go into the claustrophobia closet in the Jem’Hadar prison and remote into the waiting shuttle. Without Garak doing what needed to be done, surely the Jem’Hadar would have killed them all.
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I promise you I will come back While the relationship between Garak and Ziyal always seemed kind of one-sided to us, we must admit that it was good for both characters to have someone whom they could relate to on the station. We see between “In Purgatory’s Shadow” and “By Inferno’s Light” that they care about each other, though sadly Garak never understands why before her untimely death.
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A very messy, very bloody business Another episode that belongs on both lists is “In the Pale Moonlight.” We already gave Sisko some guff for this one, so let’s start off by being impressed by the layers of Cardassian scheming Garak does. Sure, it’s unethical and kind of monstrous, but it’s also a thing of beauty watching all the pieces of Garak’s plan come together to trick the Romulans into getting into the war. Not only can he live with it, but he sleeps like a baby.
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Alan Turing, eat your heart out Garak uses some of his Obsidian Order talents to do some code breaking for the Federation in “Afterimage.” His arc in the final season of DS9 is a hell of a journey because he knows the work he’s doing for Sisko and crew will hurt the Cardassia he loves, but he also knows it’ll be for the best in the end to rid the quadrant of the Dominion so they can start rebuilding.
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We might have a revolution on our hands Speaking of the Cardassia that Garak loves, he joins Damar and Kira’s little resistance in “The Dogs of War” and goes down to the planet to incite a revolution against the Dominion. When even Damar has opened his eyes to the atrocities the Founders are commiting in the Alpha Quadrant, then you know that it’s got to be something worth fighting for.
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The last Weyoun In the siege of Cardassia Prime in “What You Leave Behind,” Garak gets to be the one to shoot Weyoun 8 after the two chirp at each other first. Turns out this is the last of the Weyoun clones, which Garak has firmly put to rest as the Federation ousts the Dominion forces from Cardassia. Garak’s story finally complete, his exile has ended in time to return to the ashes.
Worst moments
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Nothing to look forward to but having lunch with you We’ll also see later in the series that Garak isn’t one to prioritize his mental health, so his abuse of his feel-good wire in the titular “The Wire” portrays how bad he is at taking care of himself or getting help when he is at his lowest points. When he attacks his friend and doctor when he’s going through withdrawal, you just wanna see him get better because this isn’t healthy, Garak.
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Initiating counterinsurgency program level four Though Garak apparently has access codes that no doubt Sisko revoked after “Civil Defense,” he still utterly fails to stop the station’s counterinsurgency program from locking out the Starfleet personnel. In fact, per the “Attention Bajoran Workers” protocol, he’s made things that much worse by insisting they have to shut down life support only for a laser ball to replicate in Ops.
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You can’t waterboard a goo It’s hardest for us to forgive Garak from ruthlessly torturing Odo in “The Die Is Cast” just to get back in the good graces of Daddy Tain… but we’ll probably do so anyway. We see just what Garak is capable of with these glimpses into his Obsidian Order past. We can absolutely easily picture how he could torment someone with just his unblinking stare. His eyes. HIS EYES!
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But have you considered… murder? I may have found it adorable for Garak and Bashir to play spies in “Our Man Bashir,” but he has no idea how holoprograms work. Garak is so fast to jump to the conclusion that they kill everyone that it leaves one’s head spinning. This isn’t real-life spying, Garak. This is Julian’s sexy adventure, so of course the answer is seduction, not murder, and you should’ve known that.
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Is this a date or an assassination? Ziyal is looking for company and invites Garak to sunbathe on rocks like the lizards they are… and Garak spends the whole of “For the Cause” caught up in highschool drama of what Ziyal’s inventions are. Does she like him or LIKE him? Or does she just want to lure him in to present his head to her father later? It’s all below Garak, frankly, when he could just, I dunno, talk to her.
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Something swift and painless and preferably bloodless I gave Quark most of the stink for this one, but I can’t let Garak off the hook either. It’s a complete missed opportunity for “Body Parts” to necessitate Quark asking Garak to assassinate him when instead he could have enrolled Garak into some even more nefarious scheme. Garak himself should have suggested faking Quark’s death and it would have been excellent.
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They’re dead. You’re dead. Cardassia is dead. I always found Garak’s plan in “Broken Link” to be tenuous at best and contrived at worst. He tags along to the Gamma Quadrant for seemingly no reason, then it turns out he wants to ask the Founders if any of the Cardassians from “The Die Is Cast” are still alive (a possibility never alluded to before), then he straight up tries to destroy the Founders’ planet until Worf beats him into submission. Huh?
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It looks like I’ve captured your last piece, Chief The pretty decent horror episode “Empok Nor” has got a lot going for it, but every single time they made the kotra metaphor more and more blatant, I started checking out. Dear writers, your metaphor stood on its own without you announcing it twenty-five times. Have a little confidence that your themes are working because it was a good one… until it wasn’t.
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Do you feel lucky? Do ya, Chief? But that is far from the worst thing Garak does in “Empok Nor.” The psychotropic drug is mostly at fault here, but that doesn’t mean Garak feels completely innocent. He straight up murders the Cardassian sleeper guards AND crewman Amaro in cold blood, and then kidnaps and threatens Nog so he can get at the Chief, taunting him like a serial killer the whole time.
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Star-crossed lizards The sweet friendship Garak strikes up with Ziyal belongs on our good list for sure, but frankly the romance between them never quite gelled for us. We see in “Call to Arms” that they kiss goodbye when she flees the station before the Dominion swoops in, and it just feels… unearned? Garak admits in “Sacrifice of Angels” that he doesn’t know what that was all about, and neither do we.
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When the devil asks you to dance, you say yes I may have marveled at Garak’s precarious plan in “In the Pale Moonlight,” but that doesn’t mean I condone any of it. Even the writers make it clear in Sisko’s actions that he finds it reprehensible how many casualties there were to pull it off: the cold-blooded murder of Vreenak (and his innocent guards!), the assassination of Grathon Tolar, the deaths of literally all of Garak’s contacts. This one’s on Sisko’s list too of course, but he at least knows it’s wrong.
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You’re not worthy of the name Dax One final episode that’s on both lists. Classic Garak, playing both sides. In this case, it’s more evidence that Garak does not seem to value his mental health because, when he’s suffering panic attacks and more claustrophobia in “Afterimage,” the first thing he does is lash out at his therapist, Ezri Dax, who certainly doesn’t deserve it! The poor thing.
Well I hope we got in some cutting remarks about the good tailor of Deep Space Nine. Next week we’ve got another frequent guest star of the station to spotlight: Keiko O’Brien! Stay tuned for that while also tuning in every week as we venture through Enterprise over on SoundCloud or wherever you podcast. You can also quip with us over on Facebook and Twitter, and remember: the truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination.
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lacontroller1991 · 3 years
Burnt Skies (Rick Flag x Fem!Reader)
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Requested by Anon: Saw this captain boomerang fanfic where he finds she's pregnant while they're on mission, I was wondering if you could maybe do something similar for Rick
Author's Note: He would be so protective of the reader fr fr, also this is gonna be angst angst angst so just beware
Warning: Death, pregnancy, language, blood, major character death, spoilers
“Hey (Y/N), you ready to go?” Rick’s voice echoed through the room before he halted, seeing you on the floor, head in the toilet.
“Yeah, give me a minute,” you replied weakly, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and flushing the toilet.
“Are you sure? Are you feeling alright?” He asked, rubbing your back as you looked up at him with a small smile.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ll meet you there,” nodding his head, he walked out the door with guns strapped to his body on his tac vest. Looking at your reflection, you noticed a slight greenish tint to your face. Ignoring the wave of nausea, you made your way out of the base and to the plane. Walking up the ramp, you took a seat next to Rick who looked at you with concern in his brown eyes.
“Baby, maybe you should sit this one out. You aren’t looking too hot,” he whispered in your ear as you brushed the notion off. After all, you did have a really bad gut feeling about this mission.
“I’m here. I’m going,” you stated firmly as he looked you over one more time before shrugging his shoulders, knowing it was of no use to argue with you.
The plane ride was hell. With the criminals being loud and Harley’s non stop chatter accompanying your periodic bouts of nausea, you were ready to get the hell off of the plane and right into combat.
“Alright guy, get ready to drop,” Rick shouted as the cargo door opened to reveal water beneath you. Once he gave the signal, you jumped into the cool water and began to swim your way to the mainland, waiting for the rest of the team to catch up to you. After everyone, save for the Weasel, had made it to the shore, you glanced over to your boyfriend who was laying next to Harley.
“Hey guys, it’s me. I’m the guy who called you and I brought my friends,” Blackguard shouted into the open, raising his hands while ignoring the shouts coming from the rest of the team and your boyfriend, Waller’s distant cursing ringing in your ear. Next thing you know, there was gunfire in every direction and things went to chaos. You quickly sought shelter behind a rock and shot off a few rounds into the woods, hoping to take down some of the Corto Maltese soldiers. “(Y/N), watch out,” Rick shouted at you as you turned to see what he was talking about, but it was too late before a large piece of debris from one of the trees knocked you out cold.
You woke up to machines attached to your body. Feeling the bile rise in your throat, you tried to get out of the restraints and look for a place to dump the contents of your stomach. Suddenly a pan was placed in front of you and that was all you needed to release the bile. Groaning at the light, you looked around the room and was surprised to see a cleanish room which plenty of nurses occupied.
“Ah good, you’re awake,” a voice commented as a rough hand pulled your head back, forcing you to look up at one of the generals you were tasked to take out.
“What the hell are you doing to me?” You asked, squirming your body against the bed, trying to loosen some of the restraints.
“Mi amore, we are treating you. Seems you have caught a parasite,” he replied before summoning the nurse over to you, carrying a plate of food and some juice, “you’re government must really be struggling if they’re sending pregnant women into the field,” he mentioned as your blood ran cold.
“That’s impossible,” muttering to yourself, your head went fuzzy at the concept of you being pregnant. With Rick’s kid.
“On the contrary, when we brought in your friend and you, we noticed certain things,” motioning down to your stomach only brought awareness to the fact that you were practically naked in a room full of the enemy.
“Let me go,” you pleaded, pulling your arms as much as you could.
“I think not,” he replied before nodding to one of the nurses who moved to turn on a machine and attach it to your head. Screams of agony soon left your lips, blocking out the sudden spurts of gunfire in the halls.
Harley laughed maniacally as she gunned down multiple soldiers, enjoying the way they were dropping to the floor. She needed to get out of there. She needed to find the others. After the last one dropped to the floor, she moved toward the door before hearing a piercing scream echo down the hallway.
“Sounds like someone’s having fun,” she ran her tongue against her teeth before skipping toward the scream. Slamming open the door, she raised the guns in her hand, ready to fire, until she saw you laying on the table surrounded by nurses.
“No one messes with Flag’s girl,” she muttered to herself before unloading the magazine in the room. All of the nurses slinked to the ground, covered in a pool of their own blood. Rushing over to you, Harley unstrapped the restraints and head piece before taking out the IV and looked for your clothes.
“Where the hell are ya clothes?” She asked, searching high and low before she found a bag filled with your bloody uniform. Helping you sit up, she noted the way you looked super frail but practically glowing at the same time.
“Harley,” you whispered out to her before passing out on her shoulder. “Awww, this would be really cute if not for the circumstances,” she stated out loud to herself, peering out of the window and seeing a guy in a helmet run across the street with Flag. Wait a minute, Flag! Running out the door, she ran around the corner before stopping in front of the two men.
“Hiya guys! What’s up?”
“We’re here to save you, is (Y/N) with you?” Rick asked with hope in his voice as Harley nodded, wrapping pale fingers around his wrist and dragging him back inside and through the pile of bodies she had claimed. At the sight of you, Rick ran to your side and hugged your limp body.
“What’s wrong with her?” He asked, fighting the tears that were beginning to surface.
“Don’t worry puddin’, she’s just asleep,” shrugging her shoulders, she left the room as you stirred, fluttering your eyes open.
“Rick?” You questioned as he rapidly nodded his head, placing kisses all along your face.
“Thank God you’re ok. I thought I lost you.”
“Rick, the doctors found something,” memories of the conversation you had moments ago replayed in your brain. You’re pregnant.
“I’m pregnant,” you whispered, mind still not comprehending the fact that you were pregnant. After all, you had been infertile most of your life. Avoiding his gaze, you waited for his response.
“I don’t know.”
“I’m going to be a dad,” he whispered, causing your head to snap up and see a smile play against his face.
“You want this? I don’t know if it’ll carry to term. You know that I’m infertile.” Placing his lips against yours, he pulled you into his arms, hugging you as close as he could to his body. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kissed back before a throat clearing interrupted you.
“This is sweet and all, but we have a fucking monster to kill,” DuBois stated as you looked up at Rick who smiled.
“Stay here, I’ll come back and get you.”
“I’m not leaving your side,” you replied as he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“You’re pregnant. No way in living hell am I gonna allow you to do this. You’ll stay here and that’s an order,” you and he both hated when he had to pull his rank, but you realized it was necessary in cases like this.
“Just come back to me,” pulling his lips down against yours for what feels like the last time, you encoded this moment into your brain, remembering the way he tasted.
“For you? Always.”
He should’ve known you were going to follow them into Jotunheim. Not only were you stubborn, but you still had that nagging feeling that something was going to happen. Sneaking past the military, you found a window and busted it open with your elbow before entering the building. Landing with a soft thud, you looked around the room and noticed Peacemaker going down a dark tunnel. Running after him, you made sure to stay hidden by the numerous pillars. Peering around the corner, you saw Ratcatcher standing next to Rick, however Peacemaker was pointing a gun at Rick.
“Nobody is saying what they did was right,” Peacemaker stated, hand unwavering.
“They experimented on children!” Rick yelled as more explosions went off in the distance.
“That information gets out and it causes an international incident. Keeping the peace is worth any price, including the life of a hero like yours, sir, so please. Don’t make me do this,” your stomach churned. You knew that Captain America wannabe was no good, and now your love might just pay the price. Suddenly, rocks collapsed all around you, obscuring your view of Rick and Peacemaker.
“No,” you whispered to yourself, picking up rocks and trying to make a hole for you to get your body through. Your efforts became faster the more you heard the two men grunting. After successfully digging a hole big enough for you, you crawled through as you heard something like porcelain shatter and choking.
“You mother fucker,” Rick stated through gritted teeth as you watched in slow motion, Peacemaker’s hand grasping a large shard.
“Rick!” You shouted out before tackling him off Christopher’s body, not getting out of the way soon enough as Peacemaker lodged the porcelain into your lower abdomen. “No!” Rick shouted as Peacemaker threw you off. In the distance somewhere, you heard a gun go off before hands wrapped around your body. “(Y/N)? (Y/N)?” Rick called to you but you couldn’t hear him, your mind venturing off.
The sun lit your face through the blinds, dancing in your eyes and creating a multitude of hues, a warm body pressed against you.
“Morning sweetheart,” voice deep from slumber, Rick rubbed his eyes as he let out a yawn. Stretching in bed before your 5 year old daughter came running into the room.
“Mommy, daddy. It’s Christmas!” She squealed excitedly, waking up the baby that was next door.
“Yeah it is baby, you excited for your presents?” You asked as she rapidly nodded while Rick slid out of the bed.
“I’ll go grab little Digger,” he commented, kissing your forehead and your daughter’s head. Getting up, you went to grab a coffee before the doorbell rang. Moving to open it, you saw Harley’s painted face waiting for you with Nanaue, Cleo, Robert and Abner carrying presents.
“Merry Christmas dollface,” she exclaimed, pulling you in for a hug before running off to see her god daughter.
“Come in guys,” you motioned for them to enter as Rick rounded the corner, your 10 month old in his arms.
“So this is the little guy, huh?” Cleo asked as Sebastian waved a hand at the newborn, earning giggles from the baby.
“Yep, Digger Anthony Flag, meet your family,” Rick lifted up the baby’s arm, making him wave to everyone.
“I’m proud of you guys,” Robert commented, slapping a hand on Rick’s back as everyone shuffled into the living room, Nanaue taking up most of the space.
“Thanks man, it wouldn't have happened without you.”
“Alright, everyone ready for presents?” You asked the room with Harley by your side, Harleen in her arms. Rick placed Digger in Cleo’s arms before walking up to you and bringing you into his side.
“I love you, Mrs. Flag.”
“And I you, Mr. Flag.”
Groaning, you felt an excruciating pain in your abdomen and a feeling of loss?
“(Y/N), baby, you’re awake,” his tired voice resonated in your ear as he leaned down to kiss your forehead, his hand not leaving yours.
“I feel like I got hit by a truck,” you commented as he sniffled, trying to suppress the tears that threatened to escape.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” he noted, petting your hair and placing another kiss on your forehead.
“And leave our kid without a father? I don’t think...”, realization dawned on you at that moment. The sudden feeling of loss and the pain in that general area washed over you as you began crying. “Oh God, the baby is gone, isn’t it?” You asked through tears as he let a couple slip down his face, nodding and trying to smile through the pain. Choking back a sob, you turned your face away from him as tears continued to fall.
“Hey, look at me,” he whispered, squeezing your hand. Shaking your head, you refused to meet his hazel eyes, “(Y/N), look at me.” Turning your head, your eyes locked onto his as he continued to smooth down your hair.
“We’re alive. We’re both alive. That’s all that matters,” he replied, crawling into the hospital bed with you and pulling you against his chest as you cried into his shirt.
“What if I never get pregnant again?”
“We will. I’ll make sure of it. I’m done with the fucking task force. Waller can find someone else to puppet. But I’m done. You’re done. We’re gonna get married and have a nice house. I’ll get a new job and we’ll figure it out. I promise.” Kissing the top of your head, he wrapped his arms around you as you calmed down.
“I love you,” you whispered against his chest as he hugged you closer.
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
Author’s Note: Well this was way longer than I intended it to be. But hope you enjoy!!
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bubbleteaimagines · 3 years
Pretending to give the Haikyuu Boys Head Prank (Part 2)
Haikyuu Boys Headcanon
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You already know this boy is hype the minute you bend down in between his thick thighs
There’s a smile on his face guaranteed, and he leans back, his arms clasping behind his head
“Right now pretty girl? Well if you’re sure...this’ll definitely help me win,”
PLEASE he has a match in TEN MINUTES you’re not even sure why you’re doing this but nevertheless-
“Boki what are you talking about? I’m tying your shoe- you know what happened the last time I didn’t,” You tell him and his face just...sinks
“Oh,” HES SO EMBARRASSED his cheeks go red in an instant and it’s taking all you have not to laugh as Akaashi jogs over to you guys
“Warm ups are starting,” He informs the older boy, but Bokuto isn’t moving
Uh oh
“What did you do?” Akaashi panics as Emo Mode™️ surfaces, Bokuto’s face becoming a pout and his hair drooping “You’re supposed to be his good luck charm!”
“I’m sorry!!! Shit I didn’t think this would happen~” And now you’re panicking too cause oh my god you broke the ace AND the Captain right before a game the team is totally gonna kill you, “Bokuto baby it was just a prank!!”
His hair droops even further
Now the puppy dog eyes are coming out
“Seriously?” You groan, knowing there’s only one way to fix this
“Wait- where are you going? We need to warm up!” Akaashi comments, but you’re paying no attention to him as you drag Bokuto off to the nearest storage and get on your knees, for real this time
“You’re so spoiled,” You scoff as you pull down his uniform shorts and Bokuto™️ is back in an instant
“You’re for real?” He practically beams down at you while you roll you eyes
“Not another word,” You warn him, “I don’t wanna hear anything else come out of your mouth unless it’s a moan. You got it?”
Okay so
Suna’s got like 10 minutes between the second and third set and he usually spends it with you somewhere quiet, away from the noise
Today you’ve decided to drag him back to the locker room, and he seems super tense so you decide to pull a little prank to get him to loosen up
While he’s complaining talking about the twins getting on his nerves, you suddenly bend down to eye level with his dick
Honestly, you weren’t even sure if this would work on Suna, but the minute you see his eyes widen ever so slightly, you have to fight your smile back
“What are you doing?” He asks, pushing your head away, “I’ve got a game in five minute. You can’t-”
“Pick up your towel? Why not?” You fake frown and stand back up, handing him the white cloth, “Don’t wanna lose that. Kita would be mad.”
“Did you just-” Suna cannot believe the shit-eating grin on your face and mentally you’re cheering yourself on because you finally got him to react
“Come on,” You grab your shellshocked boyfriend’s hand and drag him away before he can say anything else, “I think they’re waiting for you. Do your best out there babe! Kick some ass!”
Oh, he was definitely was
You felt yourself shrinking underneath his gaze as a heated Suna sulked back onto the court
Silently, in the middle of the game, right after Suna had served, he turned to you and held up the hand he used to hit the ball
You gulped
You knew what that meant
‘Get familiar,’ He mouthed to you, before turning back to the game and doing it again
Well shit
Your ass was definitely gonna be sore in the morning
He’s like a puppy the minute you get down on your knees, even though you’re in the middle of having dinner with his brother
Osumu went to use the bathroom really quick and now Atsumu’s eyes are as wide as the dinner plates, a small noise escaping his throat as you bend between his legs
“H-Here? Are ya sure?” His eyes nervously flicker towards the hallway but he can’t deny, he’s excited, “Well if ya insist- just be quick, okay doll? Sumu might actually kill this time if he-”
“Aha!” Atsumu jumps as Osumu suddenly returns, and you shimmy up just in time, smirking
“I knew I dropped my fork,” You say, biting your lip to keep yourself from laughing
Atsumu looked embarrassed, horrified, and shocked all at once, looking between you, Osumu, and then back at you
“Would you close yer trap? Yer gonna get drool all over dessert,” Osumu complains, and you can’t help but laugh as Atsumu completely deadpans
“Not funny,” He whispers to you, pouting as he reaches for a napkin
“What was that?” Osumu gives him the side eye
Atsumu rolls his eyes, “Wasn’t talkin to you, dumbass,” He grumbles, aggressively stabbing at the cake
Cocky mf
Is already relaxing the minute you drop to your knees in front of him while he’s playing a game with Kenma
He’s all like, “Yeah I’ll be right back,” and takes his headphones off, smirking when you stare up at him
On the inside you’re trying so hard not to laugh cause Kuroo truly thinks he’s getting that gluck gluck 3000
After all, you are giving him that look and Kuroo’s never been more excited
“While I’m gaming? Damn that’s new...you must really want-”
“Your chemistry book,” You tell him slowly, a smile creeping into your face as you pull out the hardback you had conveniently placed there, “It has a lot of good notes, baby. You’re so smart!”
To add insult to injury you have the nerve to kiss his cheek all innocently, before giggling and making your way back to the bed, holding in your laughter
On the other line, Kenma is trying not to laugh too cause he realizes what just went on and Kuroo.exe has stopped functioning
“Did you just...” He asks slowly, turning around in him chair to face you, “...Prank me?”
“Say hi to the camera babe,” You tell him smugly, before bursting out laughing
Kuroo’s still on shocked, but on the outside he’s smiling at your little joke but on the inside it’s just pain 😔💔
“Haha, that was good baby,” He says with tears in his eyes. This dramatic mf, he tells Kenma something over the game and then he exits out, standing up and then walking to the bathroom
“Ha- wait, Ku? Where are you going?” You ask curiously as he sulks
“To finish what you started,” He pouts and you can see that he actually did get too excited
Your jaw drops and you burst out laughing as Kuroo crosses his arms, the tent in his pants prominent
“Well? Are you coming or not?” He stands by the door pouting and you sigh at your baby of a boyfriend
“Yeah yeah,” You wave him off, ignoring the little happy dance he does, both of you missing the shouts of Kenma reminding that, “GUYS THIS THING IS STILL ON!”
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
hey, i have a jj maybank request! fem!reader, possible angst!
so basically, y/n is a pogue and gets along with the other pogues (john b, pope, sarah, kiara & cleo) except for jj. y/n is always bright, a total sweetheart and bubbly and jj…hates it.
john b recently opens up a surf board shop on that stranded island that they’re on?? and he leaves y/n and jj alone to polish some boards hoping that they’d get along. jj complains about every little thing y/n does and starts calling her names. she gets really upset and storms out the shop to clear her head. she goes by the water for a swim but a dangerous tide picks her up and jj notices and saves her?? hopefully this makes sense!
the deep end ☆
jj maybank x fem!reader.
warnings: mentions of drowning, jj being an asshole, swearing.
words: 1,674.
summary: jj somehow finds everything you do annoying to the point he criticizes everything you do. john b thinks of a plan that will ensure his two friends will befriend each other. it was working at first, until it wasn’t.
request? yes!
a/n: y’all have such good ideas what the?! thank you for the request! if you enjoyed please like and comment. this is angst with fluff at the end. <3 BTW i am from missouri and have never surfed so i hope i got the polishing of the surfboards correct. :)
my masterlist
john b always had a plan, well usually he did. if two of his friends were fighting, he would always find a way to get them to get along. he knew that stranding kiara and sarah on a boat together in the middle of nowhere would force them to fix their friendship. so, with that knowledge, he knew that he could do the same thing with jj and you.
you were always nice to jj, he just seemed to get annoyed with you all the time. you didn’t know what you had done, if you had even done something. he just always felt the need to critique you. it became harder and harder everyday to ignore him.
since washing up on the abandoned island, john b was ecstatic for his brand new start. unsurprisingly to anyone, his first idea for creating a new civilization would be a surf shack. he started building it right away. you would occasionally help, but he was determined to do it on his own so he would always send you away.
“okay! john b what would you like my help with? i can do anything you need. just let me know.” you smile brightly at john b, while he stared at you. “listen, i love you. but, i don’t need your help at the moment. you should talk to everyone else.” you frown at his words, “fine. but you better get me the minute you need assistance.” he nodded. “will do.” and with that, you left joining the others.
jj was talking to cleo before silencing upon your arrival. “hey everyone!” you smile at the group in front of you. “hey! how’s john b?” kiara asked. “i think he is good, he’s actually pretty much done.” you play with the bracelet on your wrist. kiara nods, “that’s great.” pope smiles, “statistically speaking, we can’t ensure that his shack will be entirely safe as he built it all on his own.” you stare at pope. “true… we’ll let’s hope it doesn’t collapse on him.” pope smiled at you, glad you listened to his random fact.
jj groaned. “awe, how sweet pope!! you found a girl who wasn’t disgusted by your weird and useless knowledge.” you gasp in shock, “jj! shut up you are so rude.” jj laughs, “it’s just a joke, why do you always have to be so offended?” you glare at jj. “jj it’s not funny, you’re just a dick.” pope sighs. “it’s okay, don’t worry.” you frown in popes direction. you quietly pull away from the group. you walk to an area of sand, plopping yourself down. that’s when john b approached you.
“hey, remember when i told you i would come get you when i needed help?” john b smiled at you. “yes! do you need my help?” you tilt your head to the side, waiting. he nods. “i need you to wax up some of the boards i made.” you nod. “okay! sure.” he walked you to his shack, helping you set up. you began waxing the board, paying attention to the direction and the amount of wax you were applying. john b waits a minute watching you, before he decides to leave.
after a minute, you see jj approaching the shack with john b who held a smug smile on his lips. you shake your head, confused. “friends.” he looked between you and jj. jj held an unamused look on his face. “as my close friends, you will wax these boards for me. you can’t stop until you guys fix whatever feud is going on between the two of you.” john b stands his ground. jj scoffs, “we don’t have a feud.” you nod your head in agreement. “jj is right, his hatred is definitely one sided... it is not a feud.” you laugh softly seeing jj send a glare your way. “yeah okay. whatever guys. just fix it, and if you even try and leave, i’ll send cleo after both of you.” your eyebrows lift in shock. you mutter a quick okay, returning your attention to the board.
jj stares at you, watching you apply the wax. he couldn’t help but get upset. everything you did just made him annoyed. he grabbed the wax, working on the board right by yours. silence falls over the two of you. it’s not awkward or weird, it actually feels quite normal. until jj interrupted it so he could judge you.
“youre doing it wrong. i mean come on.” you stare at jj, “jj please just focus on your own board.” you shake your head, continuing to polish the surfboard. he glares at you. “whatever. just keep doing what you are doing, and then john b or i will fix it after you.” his attention turned back to his board. you rolled your eyes. “i will, thank you.” he breathes in, inhaling the waxy scent. “you are so annoying you know that?” you ignore jj’s words, focusing on the board. he continues, “i mean everything you do. everything you say, it pisses me off.” you nod slightly. “you done?”
“no, actually i’m not.” you bite your lip, fixating on the wax that is spreading along the smooth surface. jj stops waxing the surfboard. you look up to see he is already staring at you. “you know, you act like you are better than us, i mean why do you hang out with us anyway?” jj waits but continues when he realizes you won’t reply. “you are fake, you are so upbeat and bubbly that it’s annoying. you are a double sided two faced bitch who says anything to get in good graces.” you inhale, looking up at him.
“listen jj. we are stranded on this fucking island. TOGETHER. so either drop it and move on, or just shut the fuck up and stay away from me.” you place your hands on your hips, breathing slightly staggered from anger. “everyone speaks so highly of you saying how great you are; but the only jj i’ve met is a total douche. if you hate me so much then just stay the fuck away from me. if you continue you’ll just be wasting your breath and energy anyway.” jj holds back a laugh at your sudden outburst.
“you really think if i had the choice, i would want to be here? especially with you?” jj asked, you already knowing the answer. you stay silent. “exactly. no one can deal with you for that long anyway.” you roll your eyes.
“whatever jj. you win.” you toss the wax to the side, frowning. you don’t turn back to him, you just ignore him. you start to walk towards the beaches seashore. it was getting slightly hot, so you decided to take a dip into the water.
you were salvaging the few moments of freedom you had, before you got john b’s and cleo’s wrath from leaving the scene before mending the friendship with jj. it was practically impossible. what did jj have against you? you tip toed into the water, getting deeper and deeper. you floated at the top of the water; the coolness feeling great on top of your hot skin.
jj truly had the biggest nerve, your mind was overwhelmingly clogged. you felt seaweed scratch against the bottom of your foot, this caused you to jump, your adrenaline levels rising since you thought it was a fish. you try to remain afloat, but the high tide caused the waves to crash right over you repeatedly, being faster and higher than ever. you went above water trying to shout for help, but your mouth was filled, causing no sound to come out. you thrash against the water, kicking to stay afloat. your throat was burning, your legs tired from kicking, and your lungs filled with liquid.
a pair of hands wrap around your stomach, dragging you out the water. you were placed on the warm sand. “shit.” jj stared at you. your head felt light. jj’s hand began pumping your chest, curses falling from his mouth. “come on, just breathe. please.” you cough, the salt water exiting your lungs, and dropping onto your neck. you gasp for air, opening your eyes to be met with jj’s face. you breathe heavily for a minute.
“jj… thank you.” you sit up, pulling him into a tight hug. your hands wrap around his neck, one of them grabbing his hair. his arms held tightly around your waist. his chest was heaving heavily, shaking slightly. “i hate to be so cliché j, but you genuinely saved my life.” he frowns at you. “i almost lost you.”
jj’s confession confused you. “what?” you say softly, your hand combed through his hair. “look. the reason i’m so mean to you, is because i knew that if i was nice to you, my already intense feelings for you would only amplify.” you frown at him. “you’ve had a crush on me this whole time?” jj nodded. you went to talk, but your friends interrupted the moment.
john b rushed to your side, kiara and pope swiftly behind him. “what happened!! we were watching from over there.” john b pointed in a direction farther away. “one minute you were swimming… the next you we’re gone!?” you wipe your neck, trying to dry it off. “jj saved my life. i almost drowned.” you frown, the group in front of you nodded. “im so glad you are okay.” kiara bent down pulling you into a hug. “i’m glad you are safe now too.” pope joined in on the hug; as well as everyone else.
sarah, kiara, and cleo bend down, reaching for your hands. they help you up, dragging you to your feet. they walk you away from the crowd, bombarding you with questions. “so when you were drowning what did it feel like??” you turn around watching jj, you smile slightly before turning to them. “oh get ready for the amount of details i’m going to give you guys.”
possibly a part two…??? not sure yet :) <3 also!! i’m proofreading this tomorrow since i’m not entirely sure if it has errors or not! ily!!
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Lao Nie and Nie Mingjue have a good day together and bond. What was their relationship like before the qi deviation?
Boys - ao3
“Two paths, hmm?” Lao Nie said, squinting at the road markers in front of him. “Well, I don’t see why we can’t go down this one to the right –”
“No? Why not?”
“Because little uncle asked me not to let you meet any new dangerous women,” Nie Mingjue said, looking as serious as ever – only his little hands, swinging to the side, revealed that he was just a ten-year-old. Still a child, no matter how mature he tried to act. “And a place called the Springtime Ghost Valley sounds like it probably has dangerous women.”
“Hey,” Lao Nie protested mildly. “Who’s the father here, me or you?”
“If a-die wants a new wife, little uncle will find one that isn’t inclined to kill him.”
That sounded like a recitation.
“Then what’s even the point,” Lao Nie grumbled, and reached out to ruffle his son’s hair, enjoying how Nie Mingjue yelped when he did, glaring up at him with offended dignity.
In all honesty, Lao Nie had no idea how he’d ended up with a son as serious and sincere and earnest as Nie Mingjue – he himself hadn’t taken anything seriously in years. Probably it was his mother’s influence.
Now that was a woman.
Not that his foxy second wife hadn’t been woman enough to blow him away either…
Perhaps they had a point about his taste in women.
“How about men?” Lao Nie suggested. “If it really means so much to you, I could swear off of women entirely –”
“Leave Sect Leader Wen alone.”
Lao Nie cracked up.
Because Lao Nie was the father, however easy-going he might sometimes be, they ended up heading down the right-hand path regardless. They were supposed to be night-hunting, after all – it was the perfect bonding experience according to Jiwei, though Lao Nie suspected his saber of having selfish intentions there – and deliberately avoiding a place with ‘Ghost’ in the name was hardly appropriate for scions of a Great Sect like theirs.
Although the reference to springtime was admittedly a little worrisome.
If it turned out to be a brothel, with the ghost thing being just a clever if somewhat tonedeaf marketing ploy, Lao Nie was turning around and taking them both home at once. He wasn’t going to risk little Nie Mingjue turning out anything like that awful Jin Guangshan – or, nearly as bad, having to explain anything more about the joys of sex to those earnest little button eyes and dimpled cheeks with no time to prepare first. He still hadn’t recovered emotionally from the last few times Nie Mingjue had asked him a question like that.
When they finally reached the end of the path, turning a corner to behold a clearing that was probably completely ordinary during the daytime, Lao Nie found that he’d been both right and wrong.
“It’s a ghost brothel,” he marveled. He’d never seen anything like it in his life.
“Dangerous women,” Nie Mingjue reminded him.
“A-Jue! Let your father live a little!”
Nie Mingjue rolled his eyes.
Lao Nie virtuously ignored his slightly judgmental brat of a son. It wouldn’t do him that much harm to go visit for a while, with the risk of Jin Guangshan-ness being relatively minimal; they were ghosts, after all. It was the duty of every cultivator to fight against evil, wherever it lived, no matter its form –
“Fighting? Is that what it’s called?”
“Who taught you sarcasm?” Lao Nie asked, knowing perfectly well that the answer was himself. “I ought to smack them.”
Nie Mingjue crossed his arms over his chest and pouted at him. “Fine, it’s fighting, we’ll go fight them. Do you want me to start drawing ghost-repelling talismans?”
“Liberate first!” Lao Nie sang out. “Come on, let’s go see what they’re like – er, that is, I mean, see what grievances they have that are keeping them here, of course. There’s no harm in dangerous women. Just don’t let them eat your yang energy!”
“It’s not my yang energy that I’m worried about, a-die…”
The ghostly madame was an extraordinarily charming person and Lao Nie liked her at once.
Not liked her liked her – he’d fallen head over heels with both of his wives from the first word, and that hadn’t happened here – but still, conversing with her was an extraordinarily enjoyable way to spend time.
She was witty and clever, with a broad range of knowledge and a gift for keeping a conversation lively and exciting; she could meet every verbal riposte with ease, and looked utterly gorgeous and composed the entire time. Sure, she kept trying to lure Lao Nie into an orgy in which all of his yang energy would be slowly sucked out before his body was ripped to pieces and his bones cracked open so that the ghosts could consume the marrow within, but what a way to go, right?
Nie Mingjue spent his time making friends with the ghost prostitutes.
Lao Nie wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting.
Well, he supposed he’d been expected a range of things – anything from Nie Mingjue getting suckered in by one of the ghosts and needing to be rescued by his father to Nie Mingjue just pulling out his Baxia and trying to stab them because he felt offended by their existence. He wasn’texpecting his ghostly conversational partner to suddenly frown mid-sentence and say, “What is he talking to them about?”
Lao Nie turned his head slightly and started listening.
“– just because you’re a ghost doesn’t mean you have to work allthe time, surely,” Nie Mingjue was saying, completely serious and earnest in the way he so often was. Lao Nie’s son had in fact inherited his sense of humor, only it tended to be buried fairly deep down and make its way up to the surface in an understated way in the most unexpected times; the rest of the time, he was straightforward to a fault, treating everything sincerely. “The birds in the trees, the animals in the fields – even among prostitutes, even the street-walking ladies know they need to take time to rest! I can’t believe you really have to work every single night. How long has it been since you had a night off?”
The ghost prostitutes around him had contemplative looks on their faces.
“Isn’t the whole point of becoming a vengeful man-eating ghost that you have more power than regular humans? I don’t know, it kind of seems like a bad deal if you have even worse conditions after all that –”
“I’m sorry,” the ghostly madame said, looking irritated underneath all her carefully painted smiles. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment…”
Lao Nie had to bite his hand to keep from laughing out loud.
“I think we’ve all learned a valuable life lesson today,” Lao Nie announced.
Nie Mingjue was pouting again.
“I don’t think we did,” he said, sounding profoundly skeptical. A filial child like Nie Mingjue shouldn’t sound so skeptical of his beloved father’s words of wisdom, really; if Lao Nie wasn’t so heartless, he might be offended. Of course, the skepticism might have originated from the heartlessness, so it was all six of one, half a dozen of the other in the end. “Those poor ghost ladies! They were still fighting each other by the time we left!”
“I’ve never seen a ghost pull another ghost’s hair before,” Lao Nie conceded. It had been brilliant. “One day, someone’s going to figure out a more reliable way to use ghosts to fight ghosts, mark my words.”
“Isn’t that demonic cultivation?”
“Oh, sure,” Lao Nie said, still cheerful. “If whoever it is does too much of it, eventually it’ll build up into a backlash that’ll kill them in some grossly horrific manner. Probably ripped into pieces by the backlash. And that’s not even counting how they’d be ostracized and hunted by the cultivation world first! But still, imagine how exciting it’d be in the meantime!”
Lao Nie patted Nie Mingjue on the head again, earning another glare. “Immortality is a lie, A-Jue. We’re all here for a short time, each and every one of us, and only the length determined by fate and man. All that matters is what we do with the time that we have, and whether we’ve used it well.”
“To fight against evil wherever it lives, no matter its form?”
“To leave the world a better place than when we entered it, and to let our memories linger in the hearts of those that love us,” Lao Nie said. “Fighting evil is the best way to accomplish the former, and living a good life the latter. And you might as well have a good time doing it, if you can! Everything else is just extra.”
Nie Mingjue thought about that for a moment. “And a-die likes to have second helpings of extras?”
That was true. Lao Nie was a man of prodigious appetites of all sorts.
Despite that, he protested, “That wasn’t the point I was trying to make. I was being serious for once.” Seeing Nie Mingjue’s skeptical look, he made a face. “I can be serious, sometimes!”
“Can you?”
“It’s been known to happen! A date written on a wall will be right once a year.”
“Not if the wall gets painted over.”
“Ouch,” Lao Nie said. “I don’t even understand the metaphor you’re making, and I’m still going ouch.”
“Uh-huh,” Nie Mingjue said, utterly unimpressed. “You know, if you wanted one of the ghost ladies to be Third Mother, you would’ve been better off with the one playing the qin, not the ghost madame. She was much more powerful.”
Lao Nie arched his eyebrows. “Was she?”
Nie Mingjue nodded. “She had claws like a lizard.”
Lao Nie tried to remember which one of them had been the ghost girl playing the qin. He couldn’t quite remember at first – the women there were all surpassingly lovely, almost to the point of over-saturation – and then suddenly an image came into view, a beauty with a veil and sharp sword-like eyebrows, leaning over the qin with the shining pearl hanging in the center of her forehead dipping down.
And, yes, claws like a lizard.
“Hmm,” Lao Nie said. “That might have been a dragon, actually. You should be careful of those, they’re tricky.”
They’ll rip you and three dozen other cultivators besides into more pieces than can be picked up without blinking an eye, he meant, and you won’t even know what hit you. Avoid at all costs.
“Oh,” Nie Mingjue said, blinking. “Oops.”
“…what do you mean, oops?”
“Nothing bad! If I’m not supposed to interact with her, does that mean I should go and give back the gift she gave me?”
“She gave you a – give me that,” Lao Nie said. “This instant.”
“But a-die, you said there’s no harm in dangerous women –”
“For me, you foolish child!”
“I suppose it’s fine,” Lao Nie finally concluded, having inspected the dragon pearl from all angles several times over. “I don’t know how you do this, A-Jue.”
“Do what?”
Lao Nie thought about how his foxy second wife had cooed over his eldest son with a (slightly disturbing) fervor that she otherwise reserved only for eating snacks, and how viciously she’d dealt with anyone who’d even thought of interfering with Nie Mingjue in any way. He was fairly sure he himself had only survived his second marriage on account of having such a charming son.
“Don’t worry about it,” he finally said, mostly because he wasn’t entirely sure how to explain – or if he even entirely understood. “Anyway, it’s nothing dangerous. Rather the contrary! Dragon pearls like this are given to baby dragons to protect them.”
Nie Mingjue frowned. “What feeds on baby dragons?”
“…I think it’s mostly to protect them from themselves,” Lao Nie said, feeling a little uncertain about it himself. “And if it’s not, I don’t think I want to know, to be perfectly honest. There’s fighting evil, which is only right, and then there’s suicide, which is a waste – a wise man should know how to judge the difference between them. Anyway, that wasn’t the point I was trying to make.”
“It wasn’t?”
“It wasn’t, and you aren’t allowed to start worrying about the fate of theoretical baby dragons – I forbid it.” Nie Mingjue scowled. He’d probably started worrying already. “My point was actually that a pearl like this is a remarkably powerful protective tool for cultivators – one of those things that can only be found by chance and not made. Keep this on you, and you’ll never have to fear your opponent in battle.”
Nie Mingjue looked thoughtful.
“What do you want to do with that pearl, anyway?” Lao Nie asked after they’d gotten home and split up just long enough to take a nice long relaxing bath and gobble down dinner. “Do you want to put it in the treasury?”
Nie Mingjue blinked twice, which for him was practically the same as looking terribly shifty-eyed.
“You already did something with it,” Lao Nie deduced. “Something that isn’t using it as intended.”
“Oh, no,” Nie Mingjue said, looking shocked at the mere suggestion. “I’m definitely using it as intended.”
Lao Nie looked him up and down. “You’re not wearing it.”
“Well, I wouldn’t use it. Protection from your opponents in proper battle – that seems like cheating!”
Lao Nie felt a slight headache coming on. People who said they wanted a good boy for a son had no idea what they were getting themselves into, he reflected. Why couldn’t he have birthed a complete rascal instead?
“All right,” he said, instead of saying any of that because at the end of the day, bewildering as he might be, Nie Mingjue was his son and he loved him more than anything. “So what did you do with it?”
“I gave it to Huaisang.”
Lao Nie blinked. He supposed that really was using it for its intended purpose – protecting babies from themselves – although he suspected the dragon lady had been thinking of Nie Mingjue as the baby.
Lao Nie raised his eyebrows.
“…I think he may have swallowed it.”
My boys, Lao Nie thought, and had to sit down and hold his ribs because he otherwise feared he might split his sides from laughing so hard. Only my boys.
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nctsworld · 4 years
spin me right ‘round
✩‌ johnny ‌x‌ ‌reader‌ ‌|‌ record store owner!johnny | fluff | smut | 4k‌ ‌
SUMMARY‌ ‌⇾‌ buying from the local records shop leads you to eventually bed the hot owner on the night of your first date.   WARNINGS‌ ‌⇾‌ ‌smut (in the second half), oral s*x (f and m receiving), f*ngering, johnny has a big d*ck and f*cks you hard???, office s*x in the epilogue (kind of) RATING‌ ‌⇾‌ explicit TAGLIST ⇾‌ @infnteen​ @sehunniepot​ (thought you might be interested in this nikki 👀) 
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⇾ gif created by me, please don’t share or repost without credit! 
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Opening the store’s door, the ringing of the bell above you signals your entrance. 
You moved into the neighbourhood recently and since someone gifted you a record player for your last birthday, you thought it’d be a quaint idea to drop by the local records shop that you always pass by on your way home.  
Rows and rows of vinyl records, organized both alphabetically and by genre, welcome you with open arms, along with a faint musty smell, likely due to the faded, vintage records hanging between the posters on the cream walls. 
The outside of the store is misleading to its size; there’s enough space here for at least thirty people easily. However, besides you, it looks like there’s only one other customer in the shop.  
Although your surroundings captivate your senses, the striking blond man bent over the rock section in the middle of the shop is the true cynosure of your eyes. 
His long fingers flutter seamlessly over the records, seeming to be on a dedicated search to find one in particular. He towers high over the low stacks and oozes coolness with a thumb stuffed in his front pocket and donning a stylish green beanie atop his medium cut locks. 
Not to mention that his jeans tug perfectly over the curvature of his prominent ass, but you merely steal a glance or two at his backside as you stroll towards the pop section. 
Okay, maybe three glances.
With your back facing the man, several minutes pass as you rummage through the sea of mainstream music, ranging from recent to old, but all the while pleasing to your tastes.  
“See anything you like?” 
Your eyes meet the figure standing nearby with a hand on the edge of one of the stack dividers. His smooth voice matches his strong aura and his gorgeous face, which you’re now blessed to be viewing up-close. 
Your gaze pursues downward, soaking up his sturdy frame hidden behind his flattering clothes. Darting your eyes up his lengthy body back to his face, you lick your lips and swallow, in hopes to dampen the sudden dryness in your throat, and naturally raise the corners of your mouth.        
“Yeah—” You, you think in the back of your head and execute a nod, “—there are a few things.” 
He smiles endearingly towards the floor before glancing back up to you. You wonder if he can read your thoughts, or maybe it’s simply written all over your face.
Releasing his grip, he says, “Take all the time you need. If you need any assistance, let me know." 
Your eyebrows perk up in realization. “Do you work here?”
“Yeah.” Bobbing his head, he runs a hand over his beanie. “I’m the owner of the store.”
“Oh, wow,” you exclaim, jaw hanging slightly. “You’re so young, I wouldn’t think someone in their 20s would have their own store, especially one like this." 
A frown falls over his face, and in that moment, you knew you fucked up any chance you had with him.  
“Yeah, 26 to be exact,” he shrugs, tight-lipped, prior to the folding of his arms. His eyes become slits of bitterness. “Thanks for the ageism."
Immediately shaking your head at the misunderstanding, you stammer, “I didn't mean it like that—"
The owner’s expression melts in an instant and a warmness emanates from him once more. The knot in your chest loosens at the sight and relief waves over.  
“I'm just playing with you, don’t worry." 
He opens his mouth, about to continue, but his attention is interrupted by the ringing at the door, and you turn to see another customer over your shoulder. The attractive individual begins to stroll over, but still faces your direction, beaming. 
“Well, if you decide to get anything, you know where to find me, and I'll ring it up for you." 
With puffed cheeks, you nod and watch him greet the incoming patron. Trying to leave the embarrassment behind you, you shift toward the records again and browse for a little longer. 
Finally deciding on a few choices, you walk toward the front register and peer over at the beanied blond. In the classical section, he’s listening intently to the bumbling customer. Not wanting to disturb them, you lay the vinyls on the counter and thankfully find a pen and a stack of sticky notes upon it. 
After sticking the following note on the top vinyl cover, you head out of the store:
“Put these on hold for me?  I'll be back for them.  Thanks!  -Miss Ageist” 
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“Well, if it isn’t Miss Judgmental."
A couple of days later, you drop by the store again and find the spirited owner at the front counter. Today, he’s channeling his inner grunge style, adorning a half-up, half-down ponytail and a loose white t-shirt over a tight, long black sleeve shirt. Is it possible for him to look even cuter than he did last time? 
“Sorry again for that,” you scrunch your nose at the memory. He grabs your records from beneath the counter and rings them through. “You just look so young to own a store.”
The blond airily laughs, “I'm gonna take that as a compliment." 
He spots you twisting your mouth to one side and nodding shyly. “It is." 
As you pay for the items, he gestures to your vinyls on the counter. “Good choices, by the way.”
“Are there bad ones?” From the pay pad, you glance up at him and he’s feigning a hurt look. 
“Oh, most definitely.” 
You banter with a tilt of your head, “Isn't music subjective though?” 
“Not to me. I am the king of music taste." 
Both parties exchange laughter while you wait for the transaction to process. Once it finishes, he rips the receipt and places it into the bag with the records. 
“I mean, I do own a records store, so I think I should know." 
Flashing you his pearly whites, he hands the filled bag over to you. 
“Here you go, Miss Judgy Pants.” 
“Actually, you can call me—” You properly introduce yourself.
He leans back a little, straightening himself and tucking his thumbs into his pockets. 
“I'm John, but you can call me Johnny." 
With a glimmer in your eye, you question, “Is Johnny exclusive to me, or does everyone else also call you Johnny?”
His eyebrows raise, impressed by your straightforwardness. “I only let the pretty girls call me Johnny, if that’s what you’re asking.”  
The wink he gives is short-lived, but it’s enough to cause heat to blossom over your cheeks. You brush some hair behind your ear. 
“So, Johnny,” you enunciate, indulging in his name. “When does the store close?” 
You lift up your bag and cheekily add, “Gotta know when to break in to steal more vinyls." 
Johnny chuckles, and your heart bursts knowing you’re the reason behind it. Looking aside, his hand rubs the counter casually and you can’t help but stare at his large palm dominating the surface, along with his elongated fingers. Eyes blinking rapidly, you attempt to break the fantasy assembling in your brain—his hands are the guest stars alongside (and within) your body in the leading role. 
“I can close whenever I want to, but thanks for the heads up; I'll make sure to keep you away from the store,” he jokes.  
Catching your gaze, one of the sides of his mouth lifts. “Why do you ask?” 
Shrugging nonchalantly as you play with the handles of your dangling plastic bag, you reply, “Just wanted to know when the cute worker got off so I can potentially go on a date with him.” 
You scan around as if someone else is there in the empty store besides the two of you and point your thumb to one side, whispering teasingly, “Not you, but the other guy.” 
His tongue grazes against his bottom teeth, nodding understandingly with a deeper smirk. “The store closes at nine usually, but I can make an exception for him to get off earlier." 
Satisfied with Johnny’s answer, you bounce your head and make your way backwards toward the door.
“Sounds good, I'll be here at eight for him tomorrow night. Maybe I'll see you around then, too.” 
Granting him a wink of your own, you turn on your heels and leave. Intrigued, Johnny watches you disappear down the street through the store window. 
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At 7:58 the next evening, you show up to the store. 
A customer is at the front counter finishing a purchase. As they pay for the products, the worker takes notice of you, smiling in recognition. You return the same, beaming back at him, and casually stride over to a random section to wait until they’re done. They make some small talk, so you delve in the opportunity to admire Johnny’s outfit for tonight—a tight black t-shirt that showcases his blatant pecs and a loose red plaid shirt overtop of it. 
When the customer exits, you make your way over to him as he puts on a light jacket. You lean your elbows onto the counter. 
“Surprised to see you here.” 
“Likewise," he jests back, snaking out of the counter to be in front of you. You glance at him, consuming the tall drink of water.   
Nodding to the door, you ask, “Ready to blow this popsicle stand?” 
Johnny hums affirmatively and you follow behind him outside as he flips the open sign and locks up the store.
“So, where we heading off to?” 
Informing him of what you had in mind, the two of you decide to take his car to the downtown pier. Once there, both of you grab take-out and eat together at a bench table under the clear sky and dazzling stars. Conversation comes easy, making the night fly by fast. 
While talking with him, since his hair flows freely today, he sometimes shyly brushes some of it behind his ear. Although you’re listening intently, you also ponder how it’d be if you ran your fingers through his soft, silky locks. 
Dinner eases into dessert, with the two of you having ice cream side by side on the pier railing, looking out towards the twinkling water. By the time you’re halfway finished with your cone, you hint at not wanting to end the night just yet. Agreeing with your sentiments, Johnny makes the suggestion of going back to the store. 
After finishing the ice cream, you head together back to his car. The back of your hand brushes up against his. Taking a chance, you curl the tips of your fingers around his, half-holding his hand.  
Pressing up against his arm, you whisper, “Thought you said you gotta keep me away from the store."  
He peers down at the partial hand holding and the grin he gives you reaches his eyes. He gives your hand a small squeeze, ensuring the burgeoning attraction is mutual. 
He whispers in reply, “At least this way I can keep an eye on you." 
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At the shop, Johnny locks the door from inside, in case of any wandering bodies, and blasts some upbeat, electronic music onto the store speakers. Intercepting your hand, he guides you to the back corner of the store and starts to dance with you. 
At first, your bodies are separate vessels, grooving to the beat of the music, but as the songs play on, you gradually gravitate towards each other. Soon enough, one hand settles comfortably upon your waist, the other on your hip, while yours are hooked around the nape of his neck. Before you know it, you merge together as one with parted lips, finally satisfying the tension in the air and within your bodies.       
The kissing is intense, electrically charged and sending currents to the tips of your fingers. Although you’re barely acquainted, you two kiss like you’ve been deprived of each other your whole life—every kiss and every touch quenching your thirst for one another.  
Wanting to change it up, you step over to an empty counter and hop onto it. Johnny steps in the space between your legs and his lips meet yours again. You cup his face, clutching onto his strong features, and occasionally run a hand through his hair to caress his head. 
You answer inwardly to your previous thoughts, confirming the silky texture of his hair, and your touch relishes in his golden locks.  
Suddenly, his mouth channels hunger onto your neck and the electric currents divert directly to your rising arousal. At the sensation, you rashly grind your hips into Johnny’s body, and he groans heavily in the crook of your neck.  
He mumbles into your skin, “Do you wanna take this further? My place is nearby." 
Sighing further into his embrace, you half-jokingly reply, “You know, I was really looking forward to getting fucked in a records store." 
He easily breathes, “We can do that next time, I promise." 
You snicker. “Aren’t you a little presumptuous?” 
Tugging his shirt by the neckline, you force him to leave your neck and to greet your mouth instead. Pressing the top of your forehead against his, you match his gaze.   
“And what if I don't like you after tonight?”  
Something in you already knows that won’t be true, but you mischievously ask regardless. 
The simper Johnny flickers is enough to send another wave of bolts downward to your core. 
He peels his head away to bring it beside your ear. His thumb on your thigh may be gently rubbing you, but his following assurance is hoarse, absolutely drenched in pure lust.  
“Oh, you're definitely going to like me after all the things I do to you tonight." 
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You barely have an opportunity to scan around his bachelor pad because his lips capture yours upon arrival. In his entryway, Johnny entangles with you, pushing you up against the wall. Impatiently, he drags you to his bedroom for the long-awaited spectacle of the night. 
After hurrying to turn on his bedside lamp, Johnny presses his weight against yours on his bed, embracing the full body contact. His lips continue to attack the terrain of your skin as he denudes you. You hum softly as he pursues south to your aching desire. Hoisting your backside and with his assistance, you’re finally completely bare. 
Sitting up at the edge of the bed, Johnny pulls his top layers off, revealing a sculpted physique, the kind that artists muse and obsess over. You knew he was fit from how his clothes constantly hugged his body, but this was just insane. 
“Holy fuck,” you murmur, staring blankly. 
Chuckling, he does the same bashful gesture from dinner—tucking some of his hair behind his ear. The gentleness is a contrast that nicely compliments his Adonis qualities. His soft side is flipped onto its backside in a second as he begins to creep his way over between your legs, his eyes darkening. 
Upon resting on his chest, you didn’t notice it before, but there’s a hair tie on his wrist, which he uses to effortlessly make himself a quick ponytail. 
With anticipation, you sigh into the kisses he leaves on your inner thigh, making his way toward your pulsing sex. When his tongue issues the first swipe, you inhale sharply with fluttering eyes. Johnny isn’t in a rush, taking his sweet time to lazily lap up your slick and learning what incites you.           
Once he has a better understanding of your desire, he dives in and devours you whole. 
Realization sweeps over as to why he has to put his hair up.
In accompaniment to the painting of your folds, Johnny spreads them gently and ensures he dunks his tongue in your wetness. One of your hands drift away from the bed sheets to one of his snaked around your upper thigh, clutching onto his fingertips in reaction to the swift rotational swirls on your raw flesh.   
He draws back, lips lustrous from your nectar, and hastily replaces his mouth with two fingers.
Your half-lidded eyes shoot wide open. His long, thick fingers fill you greatly, scissor you so far in your sex, so much that you fear what his cock is like if this is how his digits feel. 
You’re overcome with bursts of pleasure. Further bursts ensue as Johnny tongues your clit alongside the fingering. Your throaty cries and the squelches of your pussy is melodious to his ears, better than playing his favourite vinyls on the best record player he owns. The lewdness of it all overwhelms his jean-bound arousal, so Johnny retaliates by grinding against the bed.  
After Johnny retreats, he stands by the foot of the bed and starts unbuckling his belt and pants. You crawl your way over, still panting and reeling from the rush of your high. As you reach him, he drags his pants and boxer-briefs towards the floor in one-go, freeing his unsurprising lengthy girth.    
On your knees, hunched over his cock, you chuckle in disbelief. “Now that’s unfair.” 
He watches in amusement as you examine his desire with delight, before taking it into your hand, pumping it languidly. “What is?” 
You peer up, cocking an eyebrow. “Seriously? You’re hot, own a record store, really funny, and you’re packing. God really has his favourites.” 
Johnny’s about to respond, but his brain short-circuits momentarily at the pad of your thumb rubbing his precome over the tip of his blunt head. He cranes his neck back, exhaling a groan. 
“Well, what can I say? Guess I’m just-fuck—” 
You suck the words out of him. Literally. 
Your warm embrace encompasses his entirety, possessing a strong hold over him. Since you can’t possibly take him fully into your mouth, your fist solves your problem by stroking him by the base. Aiming to please, especially after his oral act from earlier, you slurp and bob your head mercilessly, disregarding the saliva leaking down the sides of your mouth. 
One of Johnny’s hands arranges your hair in a make-shift ponytail to get a clearer view of the obscene display. His hazy eyes skim over the gorgeous curves of your bent back and ass jutting high up in the air. His breathing turns heavier and he’s about to tug on your hair, motioning for you to slow down, but you thankfully come up for air just in time. 
The stately figure attacks your lips with urgency. The kiss is wet and messy from going down on one another, but it merely adds to the intensity. While lip-locked, he lowers you into his pillow once more, then stretches an arm out to his bedside stand to fish out a condom. 
He nimbly rolls on the cover, but is confused to find you back on your knees instead of laying on the bed. You grasp him by the wrist and press your fingers against his firm pecs, indicating to him to recline backward. In awe, he obediently obliges. 
Hovering over him, you suck in a breath as you line your sex up with his, cognizant that you need to acclimatize to his size. You steadily sit onto his length and when it finally reaches the end, you release a piercing groan at the deep sensation.
For a bit, you don’t move too much to get used to his great desire. In the meantime, your fingers wander over the chiseled flesh in front of you—his defined, veiny arms; his solid chest; and the valleys of his abs. 
Once you think it’s been enough, you transfer more weight onto your knees and slide on his cock with more vigor. You throw your head back in pleasure. 
On the other end, Johnny’s gaze wavers between the main action, your bouncing breasts, and your supple neck. He can’t see your face clearly, but he knows you must be enjoying this as much as him by the breathy moans that follow each thrust.    
When your legs start to tire, Johnny tries to hold you close and roll you over onto your backside. You both giggle at the unsuccessful attempt to keep himself still inside of you, but that’s an easy fix. Despite just having him within you, you gasp again at the penetration. Him being on top hits you at a different angle and you truly feel the length of his inches. 
Johnny reaches down to meet your lips. You brush your fingers over his pulled back hair as he consumes your existence. In addition to each passing drive of his body into yours, you also grip harder onto his hair in ecstasy, which leads to the unraveling of his long locks upon your face. The gold ocean of silkiness drowns your senses, the strands stroking your skin like extra caresses. 
Retreating back onto his knees and raking a hand through his tousled mane, his hands then attach to the flanks of your body and he pounds you breathless, leaving you heaving for air. 
In your dazed state, you desperately grab on to whatever you can—the sheets, his upper frame, his ass, anything. Throughout it all, your core contracts even tighter over the way his clavicle, tendons, and muscles protrude and flex like they’re about to break through his skin.  
At this point, you’re beyond delirious and definitely beyond gratified. You assume he’s about to finish when he decreases his pace and bends closer to you, but instead, he continues to still move inside of you.  
“Jesus. Fucking. Christ,” you gasp and grunt between his rough, buried thrusts. “How are you not close?” 
“I’m not ready to be done with you yet, beautiful,” Johnny rasps into your ear. You catch a glimpse of his cocked eyebrow and smirk. “Unless you can’t handle me?” 
Denying his accusation, you haul his cheeks to yours and kiss him fiercely.  
And with that, Johnny’s weight is on his knees again and he fucks you like there’s no tomorrow. 
However, Johnny might’ve been right because it doesn’t take long for you to beg repeatedly for him to come.  
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“So, what’s the verdict? Still like me after that?” 
Both individuals are still nude on the bed, but now covered by a blanket. Resting on his chest, you drum your fingers over his skin in thought (as if you need to even think about an answer besides the obvious). 
Pouting up at Johnny, you say, “I’ll only like you if you keep your promise on fucking me in the store next time.” 
“Of course.” He palms your cheek and inches forward, preparing to kiss you tenderly. 
“A gentleman never breaks his promise.”  
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One month later, the record store’s business has been growing, so Johnny decides to hire one of his friends, Mark, to be a part-time worker.
Which means that Johnny has more spare time to do other things... like taking you from behind in the back office over his desk. 
“Shit, fuck,” you grip harshly onto the edges of the worn-out wooden desk as he thrusts endlessly. Even after a month of dating, your pussy still isn’t fully accustomed to the size of his girth. You’re unsure if it ever will be. 
No matter, it always feels amazing. 
“Johnny, Johnny—” 
“Johnny!” Mark’s voice suddenly cuts in and calls from outside of the office door. You immediately bite down on your lower lip to shut yourself up. “Someone’s asking me about a limited edition vinyl and I don’t know how to answer.” 
“Uhhh,” Johnny drones absentmindedly, yet jabs into you with more rigor. You bite down harder, but you can’t control the rising volume of your stifled moans. “Give me five minutes.” 
A silent beat passes. 
“Dude, are you fucking in the office again?!” the part-timer exclaims. You can practically see him shaking his head in disgust. “Ugh, I’ll give them the store’s card. Hurry up, though.”
As he walks away, you hear him faintly say, “Sometimes I think this is why you hired me...” 
Simultaneously, you both giggle heartily. Your lover pecks you lovingly on your shoulder prior to diving again into the wanton moment. 
In the end, Johnny actually spends ten more minutes with you. But he can afford the extra minutes—he is the owner of the shop, after all. 
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Sing to me: JJK x Reader 🔞
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Mermaid AU, Siren!Jungkook, Prince!Jungkook, homeless!Reader, Romance,  Smut duh
Wordcount: 5k (medium)
Tags/Warnings: okay so, spoiled kook, possessive kook, Theres literally an attempted murder lol, drowning? whoops, blood oh no, reader is hella fucking dense ok, biting, courting lol, fish boy is in love, whoops, anyways we got sexy times too, because in this AU fishboy got legs n all of that hah, unprotected sex because, guys pls this ain't supposed to he realistic, wrap it before you tap it folks, its also not all that filthy lol, blink and you'll miss the scene, honestly I didn't include much smut because yall nasty so you will ask for dirty drabbles anyways, not that I mind lol, k I'm done I think, wow mom I've sinned less than usual..
Summary: Help me love myself, and I might learn to love you as well.
Or alternatively: you save Jungkook from being killed, and he totally gets the wrong signals. But he's cute, so its fine. Probably.
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Jungkook is floating.
He thinks about what lies above the waves, and cant think of anything he really finds interesting. The surface is littered in junk, in things humans leave behind without thinking twice about it. It's air is thick and stuffy, hard to breathe and never clear at all. It's crowded, with creatures who at the end of the day all look the same in his eyes. There's nothing exciting about the world people walk on.
Its boring, and dirty.
His own home is, compared to that, a kingdom radiating like the moon itself. It shines and sparkles, and harbors some of the most beautiful creatures ever to be found. He and his family, as well as everyone else, live in peace with nature down underneath the waves, existing side by side instead of trying to gain the upper hand all the time.
And he's reminded of the cruelty of man, when he finds himself caught in a net.
He's somehow made the fishermen drop it instead of pulling him up on their boat. But that doesn't mean he's free- he's still struggling with it, fighting it, but he cant rip it apart. All he does really, is tie the knots tighter, have them dig into his skin until spots are rubbed raw. He can't really swim anywhere at this point, gives up as he can see the last lights of his distant home fade into the distance.
Jungkook is floating.
He's slowly being led by the waves, by the love of wind and waters, as he closes his eyes. Its a pity, really; for a prince held so high to die by the mere hands of the poor, he thinks. It's upsetting him, very much so, but he takes it as it is. There's nothing he can do anyways, as he slowly comes into contact with the sand below. It washes him up onto short, the dry sand sticking to his body, waves pushing him higher and higher onto the ground.
He shivers, the cold outside air biting at his skin now unsheltered and defenseless.
He doesn't know how long he lays there.
But at some point, steps are heard on the sand. He keeps his eyes closed, doesn't care about what will happen next- he really just wants to have it be over by now, the ropes already painfully burning his skin at certain spots. He's sure theres sand in his wounds as something touches him- warm fingers, hesitant, and almost shy.
He keeps his eyes closed.
"My god, I hate humans.." You mutter under your breath, your voice hitting his ears, making him notice the way it sounds. He thinks it sounds very similar to some of his kind; sirens being blessed with voices sweet and enchanting. Maybe you were one of the strays who had decided to live on the surface for some reason? But your smell was entirely human, although much sweeter and pleasant than anyone he'd met before. And then, after a small short moment of pain-
He's free.
His arms flop to his side, and he breathes in deeply- finally able to fully move again. His eyes open, and adjust to the night for a moment, before they meet yours.
How interesting.
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"Jungkook?" Jimin asks him, curious to what has gotten the young Siren so occupied. Typically, Jungkook would be watching the annual kingdom dances with at least some form of interest; even if it was just a glimpse of it, just to make his parents worry less about him misbehaving. But today, as the graceful dancers move around to the orchestra playing, the young prince is absolutely not there. At least not mentally. "Jungkook." The older one scolds, getting Jungkooks attention- his gaze hard and annoyed. "Please, young prince- at least try to pretend you're interested. This is after all part of our culture." He strategically uses his title as teasing- something which makes Jungkook snort without any fun.
"I really don't want to be here." He explains, and Jimin sighs. "I'd rather be at the surface.." He mumbles, being careful not to be too loud- but Jimin does pick it up, and so does his partner, Taehyung, next to him- now leaning a bit forward to hear better.
"Oh?" Jimin asks. "What could be of interest there, I wonder?" He teases, and Jungkook grows even more irritated.
"Nothing that should interest a whore like you." He says harshly, though Jimin knows he means no harm with it. Jimin is, after all, a man who enjoys the simple pleasures in life- which is why he can't quite grasp why Jungkook, a young man in his prime like himself, doesn't seem to care about whats going on around him.
"Hm, but I think she must be absolutely divine if you're willing to risk the wrath of your own mother just to see her." He says, and Taehyung snickers next to him, clearly amused.
But to both of their surprise, Jungkook grows.. calm. Theres even a glimpse of a smile on his lip as he rests his head on his head, elbow on the armrest of his throne. "That she is." He says, quietly, as he watches the young woman in front of him. He has to imagine you there instead, moving oh so gracefully to the sounds of his Kingdom's greatest musicians- dressed in the most beautiful gown he'd gift you. "That she is.." He repeats, a dreaming look on his face that Jimin has not seen before.
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Jungkook watches you.
He enjoys watching you on your daily trips to the beach, picking up cans and bottles, and other things people throw away without care. You're cleaning up the beach, and he thinks its a very good behavior- he likes the way you always carefully scan the ground and sides for any garbage. He swims a little closer as he spots you squatting down; eyes lighting up as you pick up a shell he'd personally not care much for. It's slightly pink- but nothing he hasn't seen in his life. They're so common, and he suddenly thinks that if this already makes you happy, what if he was to bring you something else? Something better, something more worth your attention?
He feels a rush of excitement.
Dashing into the opposite direction, he makes his way towards the ground below, eyes scanning the ground as he searches for something. He spots it after a few minutes of searching, but when he holds the pearl, he hesitates.
Its not enough.
No, that's not what you should get. He's only paying back his dept, yeah, that's what he's doing. But what if he was overdoing it by bringing you something too expensive or rare? No, he should be smart about it, yeah. Start small, and work your way up he thinks, as he takes the pearls he's collected while deep in thought, and pushes himself back to the top, swimming easily. He hopes you're still there-
And there you are, dipping your feet into the water.
He looks at what he can see; only able to see clearly underneath the waves rather than above. There's a bracelet hanging around your ankle, and it looks cheap, he thinks. It only helps him by giving him ideas for his next gifts- if you would accept his first, that is. He's never been rejected before, but then again, has always rejected instead. Nothing had interested him to the extend you did. Maybe you really were of his kind, secretly.
When he slowly brings his head up the waves, you don't get scared, or flinch. You simply look, spot him, and smile.
He likes that expression.
He comes closer, free hand helping him onto the stone you sit on, his hand holding your gift eagerly pushing against yours. You understand quickly, and open them, and he smiles. You're smart, he notes, and it only adds to your qualities, he thinks. Dropping the pearls, your eyes sparkle again- as they should, he thinks with pride. You inspect them with big eyes, as if you've never seen something alike. He enjoys your reaction- and you nod at him. "Thank you- are they for me to keep?" You ask, pointing to them, and then at your chest. He's not fully fluent in human language, but has picked up on some words and phrases, since Seokjin had recently strayed- teaching him some stuff whenever he got bored and visited his younger brother.
So Jungkook nods. "You." He says, and you like the sound of his voice; fittingly just as handsome as the rest of him, you think. But then again- his kind is known for its beauty and enchanting voices. "Keep." He tells you, pushing your closed palm a bit closer to your body as if to underline his statement. You think its cute, in a way.
"Okay." You say. "I'll keep them-?" You ask, and he doesn't understand, until you point to yourself, and say a name- yours, he supposes.
"Ah-" He starts, pointing to himself. "Jungkook. Jeon, Jungkook." He tells you, and you nod, smiling.
"It's nice to meet you, Jeon Jungkook." You smile, and he grins back, slightly sharpened canines in stark contrast with his bunny-like smile.
He thinks its nice to meet you too.
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"But you're a witch, aren't you?" Jungkook argues, staring at Taehyung. "I thought you were all so capable." He challenges, and Taehyungs eyes darken- quite literally, since sea witches do technically have black eyes- but conceal them, as to not scare off people. He regains his composure however when Jimins hand lays on his shoulder.
"Now now, no need to become huffy." He says. "He didn't say he can't do it- he simply told you that its not that easy." He explains, and Jungkook sighs, rolling his eyes. Ever the spoiled prince, they think to themselves.
"I don't care about that." He states. "Can you do it, or can you not?" He asks, and Taehyung thinks for a moment.
"I.." He begins, before he sighs. "I can. But, there's a catch, Jungkook." He tells him, and this time, the youngest of the group seems just as serious as he listens. "I can't promise that.. the result will be what you will expect." He says.
"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks.
"There's a chance she won't survive it."
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He doesn't think much about why you're so often sitting on that rocky structure close to the deep- he likes not having to get out of the water to be close to you. And you think, Jungkook is quite the interesting being.
He’s curious; that much you can tell. His hands rest on your knees, your toes sometimes brushing against his abdomen as he swims closer- face coming forward to properly look at you. His vision must be bad outside of the waters you assume, his brown eyes squinting in concentration until he huffs and let’s himself back into the waters. You chuckle, and simply take off your jacket, slipping into the water as well as you control your breath- his entire face brightening at your body now underwater in his world, finally clear to see for his eyes.
You’re pretty, he thinks, definitely prettier than any other human he’d encountered before. The clothes covering your breasts and private parts a bit dull and boring for his taste- but he’d change that soon. He smiles, happy, before holding up his finger as if to signal for you to wait before he swims away, elegantly and fast. You swim up to breath some air, catch your breath, until there’s a hand around your calf, holding, fingers running over the skin, signaling you to come down again. You follow his question, taking a deep breath to meet him underneath the surface; his excited hands wrapping something around your neck, before he swims in circles as if he’s suddenly got too much energy. You point to yourself, as if to ask if you can keep it- and he nods, wide eyes watching you with a smile that you can’t help but mirror.
You don't quite realize what he's doing.
He however thinks you know. You know that he's courting you, and you're interested in him. You know that he's just given you more than a simple gift. He only believes you're letting him work for it- something he happily does, taking on the challenge as always. He swims closer, holds your shoulders, as his eyes look into yours, his gaze happy and child-like almost. He's close to finally showing you affection- but you suddenly swim to the surface instead.
And even though he knows you only wanted to breathe, he can't help but feel slightly sour at the ruined moment.
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"You're awfully happy these days." His mother says, watching her son in the gardens of the palace. "May I ask what has gotten you in such a bright mood?" She asks, and Jungkook doesn't quite know how to break it to her. He knows its not forbidden, knows it has, and does, happen each and every day it seems- but there's still fear inside of him. Theres still hesitation, even though he is not ashamed of what has happened- of what he has done. His mother however notices. "You know you can trust me, right?" She says, and he nods.
Its now or never.
"I've found a mate." He says, and his mother smiles warmly, holding his cheek as she kisses it in congratulation. "Its a human." He says, quietly, hurried- but his mother continues to smile.
"I have suspected as much." She states. "Your friend- Park Jimin- is not very good at talking quietly." She snickers, and Jungkook curses under his breath about how he wants to strangle him. Theres a huge weight lifted off of him however; finally having said it, made it very real to him, in a way- even though it was already.
Because, after all; you were wearing his kingdom's sigil around your neck already. He had claimed you.
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He's restless the next time he swims to the shore to meet you again- eager to see you to give you the news of his family's acceptance.
You're late- later than usual, and his brows are furrowed, mood upset at your mannerism. You're usually always on time, always just as eager to see him he thinks- but this time, you're not there. After his anger however, he grows increasingly worried instead. What if something had happened to you instead? Oh what a bad person he would be to be mad at you for getting into an unfortunate situation. As guilt slowly makes his way into his body, claims his muscles, he moves to sit on the stone he usually finds you on. He tries to look around- rain on his skin making it possible to be out way more comfortably.
He spots movement above.
Theres a person he can't make out- throwing something off the cliff down into the sea, and Jungkook clicks his tongue in anger, already upset- but still curious on what it was the person had been so eager to discard. Typically, its tiny things or plastic he finds- but this is something else, he knows.
Underwater, he smells blood.
His pupils contract, eyes widening, as he spots the black bag slowly making its way to the bottom of the sea- red trail leading from it. Its not the blood however that makes him frantic- its the smell of it, of you, that stops his heart.
He gets you out the bag, his anger over the entire situation diminishing into nothing as he holds you close, eyes spotting the deep cut on your side, and the scratches on your face. Unsure where to bring you, he holds you close, brings you onto his back as one of his hands hold yours, your arms around his neck. He swims quickly to the only place he knows you can breathe.
The underwater cave is big enough for now, he thinks, as he brings your body onto the ground, out the water. He doesn't notice he's crying, doesn't quite speak, his native language of clicking sounds and little noises escaping him as he whines out for your attention, waiting for you to wake up somehow. He's been so invested in making you like him and accept him that he's got no idea what to do with a human. Are you cold? How can he warm you up? How does he stop bleeding wounds? How much can you bleed before you die? Are you already dying?
Jungkook doesn't know what to do. So he simply lays by your side, holding you close, in hopes his slightly higher body temperature can keep you warm.
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"He's doing the best he can-" Jimin says, Seokjin next to Taehyung as they both lean over your body. Both witches are concentrated, already exhausted, but there's no way they're giving up on you now. Not only because you're important to Jungkook- but because no one deserves to simply die like this.
"I know, I know!" Jungkook huffs out, pupils turned into cat like slits- a clear sign of the absolute terror and chaos inside of him. "What if they're best isn't good enough? Jimin, I can't loose her, you don't understand-" He starts, but Jimin holds the younger one's shoulders, for the first time serious with him.
"I do." He glances at Taehyung. Jimin had saved Taehyung before as well- the young sea witch having been hit by a fisherman's harpoon years ago. Ever since then, Jimin had been attached to the witch like glue. "Trust me, I really do. And they're doing all they can to make sure she's going to be fine." He promises, and Jungkook nods.
All he can do is pray.
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When you wake up, there's several things you notice.
First, you're alive. Having a raging headache, and your limbs and muscles feel horribly tender, but you're alive. There's also strings of rope tied to two rock formations acting like a clothing line, several blankets and clothes hanging from it. They don't look human-made to you- the fabrics and designs not something you would think of as regular. There's a bucket and several stained rags- now copper-brown with old blood. Its then that you look down, seeing your cut sewed shut.
You also notice its rather soft underneath you.
Its sheepskin laid over seaweed you notice- the whool soft and fluffy, and warm. Everything seems to be so thoughtfully placed, even some decorative items- you can spot fireflies casually sitting in a jar close by, and burned wood, probably to . Probably to make light during the night. You're tired however, so you simply lay down again. Quite honestly, surely you should fee worried about the situation- but then again, there was no one to miss you, no place you called your home anyways. No use in worrying- because deep down, you had your suspicion.
A Jungkook swims to the surface with the plastic box in his arms, he's careful not to throw it too hard onto the ground. As he steps out the water, he's sure to at least try and his his hands of most the water before he goes to check on the blankets he had brought this early morning. They've dried enough, he notices, and is glad about that, as he picks one up.
You don't have to be cold anymore, he thinks.
He's unnaturally careful for his typical character- his usual behavior quite the opposite as it was now. Now, he's making sure you're properly tucked in, as he notices your eyes watching him.
He freezes, for a moment.
Jungkook hasn't really thought much about what would happen if you were to wake up- after all, Seokjin had told him he was unsure if you were to wake up this early in the first place, and Taehyung didn't even know if you would wake up at all. He'd told his younger brother to be prepared for any reaction really; fear, confusion, maybe even anger. But you seem calm, curious even, and Jungkook decides to sit down in front of your face, waiting.
"You brought me here, right?" You ask, and he nods, eyes not leaving your form.
"You-.. hurt." He points to the spot where your wound had been. "Also hurt." His hand points to your head. "Brothers, helped." He informs you, and you smile, nodding at his words. He suddenly looks at the ground, mumbling. "I.. worried. Thought... you, dying." He tells you, and you sit up slowly again, keeping the blanket around your shoulders.
"I'm not dead though." You say, and he nods. "Thank you, Jungkook. Now we're even." You say, and he tilts his head in confusion- a mannerism you could only think of as cute. "I saved you- you saved me." You say, and he smiles, nodding.
"I-" He starts, leaning forward a bit, now way more energetic and lighthearted as before. "I- we-" He growls a little in frustration, and you cant help but giggle at his troubles- the chirps and clicks escaping him foreign- but somehow, they feel hazy, as if your mind knows the language, but has forgotten what it meant. He's trying so hard you notice, and appreciate. "You like here?" He asks, and points around. You nod, and he beams at you. "I made." He tells you, proudly so.
"I guessed as much. Its very thoughtful of you, thank you." You say, and he nods, happy you like what he did for you. Its not a permanent solution, obviously, but as soon as you're healed well enough, he already planned a new spot for you to come with him.
You just don't know it yet.
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There's a weird feeling inside of you.
It's like homesickness, you think. Every time you look at the waters, you feel- sad? It's making you uneasy, and with every day passing by, it just gets worse and worse. But it's today, that you cant take it.
When you dip your legs into the water, it soothes an ache you can't recognize ever having. It helps your skin, it somehow feels as if you're breathing again. But It's not enough, you think- before you let yourself fall into the deep end.
You're floating.
It's like leaving a stuffy and crowded mall, just to stand in a park, fresh air after it had rained, and light breeze clearing your head. Everything is silent, but not at the same time- the water around you feeling as if you're being hugged, held. It makes you relax, makes you let go, makes you only exist for a moment.
You're floating.
And there's a sudden wave of realization that you're also breathing. There's no water in your lungs- or maybe there is, and you just don't feel it being there. Darkness surrounds you as you don't know where you are exactly- theres no telling where is where, no way to know if you're upright or not. Maybe you've died?
Did you drown?
If you did, it would explain Jungkook being there. He's swimming towards you with a face full of worry, as he grabs your wrist and holds you close. "I can't even let you out of my sight for a mere day it seems, my love." He sighs, and your eyes widen. Its almost comedic how his own do the same, focusing on your neck, as he touches.
You're sensitive, and shift away from his touch.
"It-" He starts, now holding your shoulders, as he begins to smile. "It worked! It really did- by the dragon kind, you look absolutely divine!" He laughs, and can't help but hold your hands, eyes roaming your appearance, as you don't quite get it- until you follow his gaze.
Just like him, there's fins now on the sides of your calfs, smaller ones on your ankles as well. Theres also ones decorating your outer forearms- they look like the ones you'd always see on goldfish as a kid. There's something alike to scales as well, but barely noticable. "I- what happened to me?" You ask, and Junkook smiles.
"You.. almost died." He admits, taking your hand and swimming to what you assume is back towards the cave. "You had been robbed during the day, and when I found you.. well, you know what happened." He says. "While you were asleep, we were thinking about what to do. There was no way you would survive as a human- so, a friend of mine- Taehyung- performed a ritual, together with Seokjin, my brother." He says. You finally spot light, glad to be able to have at least some form of orientation. "I'm glad you're adjusting so quickly, my love." He states, smiling at you.
You notice the petname again.
"Jungkook-" You start, as you both reach the cave again, sitting on the edge of where the ground of the cave meets the water. "Why are you.. calling me that?" You ask, and Jungkook seems confused.
"Why do you ask?" He questions. And you don't quite follow, until he continues. "You're my mate- I am only addressing you as such."
Your eyes widen. "Wait- we're-" You start, and its only then that it clicks in Jungkooks head.
"Oh." He says- the dissapointment bitter and evident in his voice. "You.. didn't know?" He asks, and you shake your head, unsure what he means. "I see.." He tells you, suddenly distant. "I.. will bring you breakfast tomorrow.. sleep well." He abruptly says, and before you can say anything, he's already gone.
What just happened?
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"There you are!" A voice says, deeper than Jungkooks, but not unfamiliar. Taehyung had been visiting and bringing you food and nescessities ever since that talk with Jungkook. This time, however, Taehyung seems like he wants to say something. You look at him, silently urging him, and he sits down next to you, sighing.
"Does he hate me?" You ask, quietly, and Taehyung looks sad.
"He could never." He says. "He just.. didn't take the rejection well. He'll need time to come around. It won't take that much time- his mother is already trying to get a new partner for him." He explains, and your head whips around towards him. "I- you.. did reject him, right?" He asks, slowly. "You do.. not love him, right?" He urges again, and you groan suddenly, throwing your face into your hands.
"Oh my god I'm so stupid.." You say. "It all.. everything was so overwhelming, I didn't even notice what he was doing." You cry into your hands, as Taehyungs hand places itself onto your back, trying to soothe you. "I though.. especially after I found out about his status.." You mumble. "How could he want me?" You ask, and Taehyung sighs.
"Head up, little siren." He says. "He's still able to hear you sing, if you want to." He says, and you look at him.
"But how?" You say. "I have no idea where the kingdom, or anything really is. And he won't come see me until its too late." You say.
"Well-" Taehyung says, standing up, and holding out his hand. "-allow me to escort the future princess to her lover."
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"How did you find me?" He simply asks, not turning around, as you float closer. "I'm sorry, but I still need time to.. get over-" He starts, but you don't let him finish, instead leaning into his back, your arms around his middle.
"I'm stupid." You say. "I'm really, really stupid." He shakes his head, but you continue. "Just because I didn't realize- doesn't mean that I don't feel anything for you." You say. "I just.. felt unworthy, I guess. Insignificant." You admit, and he turns around, holding your face in his hands.
"You really are not gifted with the mind of the dragons king, my love." He states teasingly, the glimmer in his eyes returning. "My status means nothing to me, if that meant I could not have you." He says, and you lean forward, capturing his lips. "I hope you know what this meant, at least." He teases, and your eyes widen, scared you might've done something wrong. "It means you love me." He says, and you chuckle.
"Good." You say. "Because I do."
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Even though he thinks you looked like a goddess reborn in your white and pearl decorated gown from the wedding, he enjoys you without it, close to him, just as much. He's alive, he's feeling, he's in love, as his hands move over your skin, his senses filled with you and nothing else.
The sounds you make for him are sweeter than any siren's song he's ever heard or could ever sing himself. No member of his kind is as enchanting as you, he decides, as he bites and kisses the sensitive skin of your neck. Jimin had teased him relentlessly the entire evening and night by trying to send you sweet words, to which you didn't react- but that didn't mean that it didn't piss him off.
You were his.
His princess- and soon to be queen, one day.
And he's planning on making that very evident, as he marks up your skin with little bites, visible for everyone to see. He wants everyone to know, even though by tomorrow, the entire Kingdom will celebrate the marriage of its prince anyways. He's more than ready to show you off, to hold you close, to have people see the divine being at his side that's you.
It's only natural for his hands to roam your skin, for his lips to worhip every inch it seems, as you reach out for his hand every second it leaves you. It's painfully endearing he thinks, how you can be so innocent and pure, while he's between your legs, performing the sinful act of pleasuring you with his mouth.
You pull him towards you, as you straddle his waist, leaning down to kiss him. He's in god's divine lands he thinks, as he suddenly feels you sinking down on his awaiting length. You fit around him perfectly, more so than he could've ever imagined. And as you both move, he holds you close, happy that here, in his world, he doesn't need to breathe.
He can kiss you as long as he wants.
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(c)Bonny-Kookoo. I spilled strawberry milk on my poor laptop while writing this.
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Shouto Pregnancy Emotions
Anon: This is a request take it if you like haha-Okay how is Todoroki (Shoto) while being prego? Does he get super sexual? Insecure? Happy? Moody? Scared? What does he feel and how do you react to those feelings?
(Hmm, okay, here are some of the primary emotions for Shouto during pregnancy. I hope you enjoy~)
Warnings: None
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Some of the main emotions that impact Shouto Todoroki during his pregnancy:
Because of Endeavour’s less than stellar parenting style and discriminatory beliefs towards omegas, Shouto’s reproductive system isn’t especially healthy. For that reason, some parts of pregnancy are more painful for Shouto than they would be for most other omegas.
One of the impacts is that the doctors recommend a c-section delivery. Male omegas have a higher risk of needing a c-section than female omegas in general, but Shouto’s hips and pelvis are not very flexible, so he’s at an even higher risk. His hips are not used to shifting, something that he should have experienced gradually starting from teenagerhood but did not because of the super strong suppressants he was on.
So, while he’s pregnant, the following things cause him a lot of pain:
Stomach aches – his stomach is flush against his uterus which is not behaving normally and giving him some problems. It upsets his stomach and it’s something that lasts for his entire pregnancy.
Lower back aches – his hips do try to widen in anticipation of delivering a baby, but it doesn’t work very well for him and is quite painful.
His chest – the doctors are originally unsure as to whether Shouto is going to be able to breast feed. They give him some extra hormones to stimulate milk production in the hopes that it will help. It does help actually, and Shouto is able to breast feed, but the hormones make his chest very swollen for most of his pregnancy. This is common in late pregnancy of course, but for Shouto it’s a little earlier than that and a little more jarring.
You felt helpless as you watched your mate curl up on the couch in pain, knowing there wasn’t anything you could do to fix it. He’d been having stomach and back pains all day and had to come home from work because they had been so bad. You’d also come home from work to pick him up and take care of him. You sighed to yourself as you looked down at him. He was only three months along, but it was looking like he might have to stop working sooner rather than later. Shouto would be miserable if he was forced to make that decision, but there was nothing either of you could do about it.
Shouto’s huff of frustration pulled you out of your thoughts. He was fidgeting with the heating pad that was wrapped around the right side of his tummy. He had been having some trouble balancing his temperature since he got pregnant and he couldn’t warm his stomach by himself. Losing quirk control wasn’t uncommon during pregnancy but having to use a heating pad did make Shouto embarrassed at first.
“How are you feeling?” you asked, kneeling down onto the floor beside him.
“Fine,” came Shouto’s muffled voice from where he had his face buried in a cushion.
“You don’t look fine,” you teased gently, linking you fingers with that hand that Shouto was using to fiddle with the heating pad. “Is something wrong with the heating pad?”
“No,” he huffed. “It’s just too small.”
Without missing a moment, you replied with, 
“That’s what she said.”
“Who said what?” Shouto questioned, eyebrows furrowed.
You snorted at the joke going over his head. He was never good at understanding innuendo humour. 
“It doesn’t matter, my love. But the heating pad is too small? Is your back hurting too?”
Shouto nodded, nuzzling into the cushion and messing up his hair as he did it. You smoothed his hair back down with a hand.
“I know it only needs to go on my right side, but I still can’t get it to sit right.”
You hummed in understanding.
“You want me to go and get a second one from the shop? Or a hot water bottle or something? Unfortunately, I’m not sure we have anything else in the house.”
Shouto hesitated, seeming unsure.
“I really don’t mind going, this is my fault after all,�� you joked, placing a hand on his small bump.
“You’re warm,” Shouto muttered.
“I’m warm?”
Shouto blushed and didn’t respond. A teasing grin settled onto your face.
“Do you want me to lay behind you?”
Shouto nodded vigorously but didn’t make eye contact.
You agreed, quickly gathering some water and snacks to put within arm’s reach, before you awkwardly climbed behind Shouto and pulled him flush against your chest to spoon him. You started to rub his stomach to settle him.
Shouto relaxed under your attention and closed his eyes.
“Try to get some sleep, Shouto.”
Shouto doesn’t really suffer from insecurity, but he does get quite embarrassed sometimes at the new way his body is now working.
One very embarrassing thing that I’ve already mentioned is that his control over his powers weakens for the duration for his pregnancy.
During late pregnancy, hiccups involve accidentally setting objects in the house on fire. Shouto can put them out very quickly, but he still finds the fact that his iron clad control has degraded to be very embarrassing.
Another embarrassing thing for Shouto is the limitations on his independence.
Eventually, Shouto can’t put his own shoes on, or clean himself properly and he has to rely on his Alpha for all of it.
(Well, at first, his chosen strategy is just to keep trying by himself until he basically gives his alpha an aneurysm when he almost hurts himself by accident.)
Shouto gets moody and embarrassed when he has to ask for help for small things.
But by far the thing that embarrasses him the most, is his weak pregnancy bladder.
Sneezing becomes a dangerous game for him between the bladder and the spontaneous fire or ice usage.
At one point, Shouto refuses to have sex with his alpha for a couple of weeks because he’s too nervous that he’ll…er… well, lose control.
To deal with all the embarrassment, Shouto’s alpha needs to just downplay any incidents as much as possible, even going so far as to pretend not to notice certain things. This would go a long way in reducing Shouto’s anxiety and embarrassment. Also, indulging him when he says he wants to stay at home because he’s embarrassed will help him a lot.
To summarise, pregnancy weakens the control he has over himself in many ways, and Shouto becomes very embarrassed when he’s reminded of that.
Unfortunately for Shouto, pregnancy being horribly embarrassing is a fact of life.
It is very common for pregnant omegas to feel a lot more possessive and clingier with their alphas.
Hormones are all over the place, and omegas are technically at their most vulnerable (barring heats) so it is a very normal instinct to want to be around the person who their instincts consider as the safest and most able to protect them and their unborn pup.
Shouto is no exception. He pouts when you have to leave the house. He is not impressed at all if you come home with the scent of another omega clinging to your clothes, even if he knows the scent. He calls you about fifteen times on the days when you’re at work, mainly to ask when you’ll be back (even though he already knows), tell you innocuous things about his day, or ask you to pick something up from the shops on your way home.
Shouto is big on cuddling as well, and whenever you’re both in the house, he demands cuddles all the time. He’s a very minimalist nester and so he normally just throws on one of your hoodies and drags a pillow and a blanket onto the couch, before dragging you to lay with him.
(Shouto goes through so many films whilst he’s pregnant because he rarely gets off of the sofa and he likes to have a film playing while he lounges.)
Basically, everything feels better when his alpha is with him. All his alpha needs to do is make sure they’re with him as much as possible, especially in his third trimester, when he’s the most anxious and clingy. (Avoiding getting too close to other omegas is also probably a good idea. Pregnant omegas, including Shouto, can get very worked up about that.)
Your lunch break had just started, and like every other day for the past month, the second your lunch break started, your phone would ring. You picked up your phone in anticipation. Any second now…
Bzzzt. Bzzzt.
You smiled automatically as Shouto’s name popped up. You quickly swiped to answer and held it up to your ear.
“Hey, Sho, how’s your day going?”
“Good,” he answered, and you could distantly hear the shuffling of blankets as he rearranged himself on the sofa. “I finished the film Midoriya recommended today.”
“Oh, and how was it?”
“It was good but, I also finished the crisps you bought for me yesterday while I was watching it. Could you bring some more home tonight?”
“Uh huh, of course, baby,” you said, picking up a pen to jot ‘crisps for Sho’ at the top of your to-do list.
There was silence for a few moments as you listened to Shouto continue to shuffle around.
“When are you going to be back?”
“You know when,” you laughed gently. “Asking me isn’t going to make time go faster.”
Shouto whined into the phone, and you immediately sat up straighter. That wasn’t his normal reaction.
“Shouto? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I…” you could hear a small sniffle through the phone.
“Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong, sweetheart? Do you want me to come home?”
“I… I’m sorry, you don’t have to come home, it’s okay.”
“Shouto, you’re freaking me out, tell me what’s going on?” you tried to keep your voice steady to soothe him, despite your own worries bubbling at the surface. 
“No, it’s just that,” a small sob escaped him. “Your hoodie doesn’t smell like you anymore.”
You blinked for a moment before sagging in your chair in relief. It was pregnancy hormone induced crying, not emergency crying.
“It’s okay, Sho,” you cooed. “I’ll be home soon, and I’ll scent it as much as you want, I promise.”
“Hmm, okay…” he sniffed. “But come home quick, please.”
“I will, if we hang up now, I can work through my lunch break and head home early, sound good? Maybe you should watch another film and the time will go more quickly?”
“Okay… Goodbye…”
“Goodbye sweetheart, I love you and I’ll see you soon.”
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moonctzeny · 3 years
um so can I request a reaction of WayV members being horny? Thanks 🙏
WayV reaction - they’re horny
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warnings: heavily suggestive themes, alcohol consumption
I know we picture him as someone who can control himself well, yet his love for snacks makes me think this man can’t resist the little sweet things in life. He’s been watching you lounge around his room while he composes, occasionally stretching in his shirt that keeps riding up and exposing more and more skin as time goes by. He starts to mess up the keys when he sees you put your hair up in a ponytail, cursing as he has to start the midi recording again. You get up from his bed then, giving him a little massage to help him relax. “Kun baby, what’s wrong?” You smell like a mixture of your cologne and his body wash, and the skin contact doesn’t help his situation in the slightest. Kun doesn’t reply, pulling you onto his lap instead, and you gasp when he tugs on the hairband lightly to let your hair fall on his shoulders. “You’re my muse. This is a sexy song. Why don’t you give me something to write about?”
He couldn’t take his eyes off your high socks. He slowly snuck his fingers under the fabric, let it snap against your thighs. Rubbed his face in their softness like a cat and left a bite or two behind. You yelp at the sudden pain that finally shifts your attention away from your phone. “What do you want kitty?” He’s too proud to say anything, so he slips his hands under your shirt instead. His fingers are cold but their touch is burning, and you feel the arousal that starts to pool in your lower stomach. With a tug on his hair you pull him upwards so he’s facing you and then kissing you, the pleasurable pain making him send a moan into your mouth. “I want you naked”, he admits and pinches the hem of your socks with his index and thumb, “but don’t take these off”
Sicheng is rarely the one to initiate intimacy, even more so in public, so you know that when he traps you in between his body and his dorm’s entrance he’s truly desperate. “Sicheng”, you manage to moan against his lips as his tongue is tasting your new chapstick, “someone might see us”. He groans and pushes you up against the door harder, fitting his knee in between your thighs. “I want you so bad right now”. You grip onto his hair so that you don’t dissolve at the raspiness of his voice, the busy sounds of his members from the other side of the wood only making him bite your lips with more vigor. “If they weren’t inside I’d give you a proper tour of the place” “I didn’t know it had that many rooms” “It doesn’t, but it has more than enough surfaces to bend you over”
Gets turned on at the weirdest of places during the weirdest of times. You offered to do the dishes since he paid for the take out you ordered earlier, and it only took three soapy plates for his big hands to find their way on your ass. His chest soon presses up against you, and you gasp when you feel his trail of kisses down the slope of your neck. “I’m helping you out with cleaning up here. Stop distracting me”. The little hairs on the nape of your neck stand on edge when he chuckles against your skin. His voice is low and raunchy, his body coats you with heat. A familiar hardness pokes your tailbone and fits right between your curves. “When you’re done with these, will you help me with something else as well?”
“So what do you think?”
He shouldn’t be having thoughts like that when you’re twirling so innocently in the summer dress you’ve tried on. Xiaojun feels dizzy under the harsh lights of the fitting room, counting the little flowers on the bodice one by one, anything to distract him from the tent in his pants. “You look pretty. Can I feel the fabric?”. You nod cheerfully, inviting him to get up from his seat and join you in front of the tall mirror. Gentle hands wrap around your waist, bringing you closer to him, and he flicks one of the straps so that you're left exposed. His stubble prickles your skin when he plants a kiss on your shoulder, fingers easily finding their way under the flowy dress and over your sensitivity. A mewl almost escapes you but you bite it back right in time. “People will think that you’re so innocent when they see you in this, but we both know that you’d let me have you in that booth if I asked. Isn’t that right, good girl?”
You both overestimated your alcohol tolerance. Shots and shots of clear liquid kept disappearing from between your lips, and when their fiery path reached your stomach it seemed to migrate somewhere more south. As time went by and your mind got more fuzzy, the need for your boyfriend grew more intense as well. Your body temperature can’t help by rise when he looks at you like that; eyes bouncing from one curve of your figure to the other, heavy eyelids focusing on the softest spots. “I want to try something”, he slurs and shifts closer to you, picking up his glass from the table and bringing it close to your neck. The cool liquid trickling down your neck is quickly replaced by the feeling of his hot tongue lapping it up, and you can’t tell which one is responsible for the shivers down your spine. “So sweet. Can I use the rest of your body as well?”
“You totally cheated!”
A mixture of your shrieks and YangYang’s boisterous laugh is filling the hotel room you had booked for your anniversary. You had planned on going out for dinner but the weather got too cold for your liking, opting for a relaxing night inside instead. Or so you thought. “How could I have cheated princess? It’s a simple game of cards” “You mixed up the deck or something and… why are you looking at me like that?” The boy chuckles, patting the space between his legs invitingly. You drag yourself in the spot he’s made for you and you yelp when he wraps your legs around his waist. “Do you know how hot you get when you’re mad?” You’re face to face now, and the proximity is hindering you from forming anything discernible with your mouth. The nibbles he leaves behind only cloud your mind further, the only thought occupying it being how soft his lips feel against your skin. “How about we play a new game now? I promise you’ll come out a winner”
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sugar-petals · 3 years
#Scream For Me (m)
↳ PAIRING. sub!hyunjin x domme!reader
↳ SUMMARY. It’s his first time. You’re in charge. He lets loose. 
↳ WORDS. 3k
warnings ⚠️ spit play, fingering, blindfolds, ribbon bondage, handjobs, casual domination, oral (f receives), slow dick riding, as you can tell by the title he’s very loud, sloppy sex, choking, aftercare
♡ NOTE ➝ surprise surprise, writing for stray kids today! vocal hyunjin is domme candy👌
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“I’ll be very gentle,” you hook two fingers down the hem of his jeans. Hyunjin quickly nods: Both your attention lies on just how much his pants are bulging out already. As long as you stay focussed, surely this will be a calm first time for him— Well, we’ll see about that. In fact, if you already knew what is slumbering inside of him? You’d get fucking ready.
“Can I please touch you as well?”
He’s fumbling at your thighs, your dress, and you can feel his nervousness in the fingertips already.
“You can. But first— Mommy unwraps her present. You know how it goes.“
And it’s a big present, I’m telling you. So big, you have a hard time smoothly unzipping him in one go. And since his hips won’t hold still — God is he sensitive to touching, but hey, what’s not to like — undressing him takes some real maneuvering. It’s not easy to whip a 300 feet yacht out of some average harbor. 
“Do you like it?” 
“Uh-huh. Something I can work with right there.”
A bit of lube distributed in both hands, a deep breath, now you’re good to go. You give it a few pumps to accommodate Hyunjin to your touch. As expected: He’s not very stoic about it. Even though he’s fully reclined on your bed, and it couldn’t be any cozier, he bucks up.
“Don’t worry. Just teasin’. Here,” you give him access to your dress by lifting it past your hip. His left hand finds its way past your underwear pretty fast. Guess who’s relieved by a distraction from his spike in arousal. Now that you think about it, he might like some casual handjobs in the daytime or while driving. During cuddles, maybe. 
How not to touch him all day. He’s all big and girthy, he reacts well. Your fingers fits perfectly around him, too. Hyunjin’s nice as fuck to hold and stroke. Not to mention lightning fast when it comes to reciprocating. He’s shy about a lot of things, and that’s because of having few experience, but not about being mutual. Green flag.
“So wet...”
“Just for you. Go ahead, take a dip.“
Hyunjin definitely looks like he’s having the time of his life just fingering you. Freestyle, no rules, no strategies. He delights in just pleasing you at every angle. Fuck, his hands are so nice. At one point, you resort to ripping off your panties altogether. Easier access. He gets even harder in your palm.
“Is that good?”
“That’s good, babe. Keep on circling.”
Those lips probably make for an even more unruly type of stimulation between your legs. If they’re only half as lawless, Jesus you’ll be spiralling already. They’re so nice and plump. Big cock, big lips, is there some sort of correlation? Anyway. Hyunjin feels like the type to eat pussy obsessively, so. But you think you have to be careful introducing him to it. Knowing him, he’d straight up suffocate himself on first try. Hwang Hyunjin, death by pussy.
“Can I try it with my lips as well, please?“
Fate has its way of doing things, huh. And he knows you’ve been looking at his lips, doesn’t he.
“I’ll only let you kiss and suck until I count to thirty. Wait, let me get on my back.”
Switching spots lets you feel the warmth where Hyunjin just led his back. He doesn’t waste much time. One blink and he props up his lips at your entrance, waiting for instructions. Well shit.
“Keep it shallow,” you get a fistful of his hair. “Kiss, kiss. Like that. Move it just an inch upward. Don’t touch your cock, I still wanna ride it later. Lay flat on the bed. Put your hands around my thighs. 29, 28...“
At that prospect, he becomes even more obedient. His tongue doesn’t do a bad job at all. Oh wonder, he breathes just fine. First time eating you out: You get the impression that this guy has some serious talent there.
“Tastes really good. It’s all bubbly,“ Hyunjin smiles bright from ear to ear. You’ve just stopped counting by now.
“Ugh, fuck it. Just eat, eat.”
That goes on for almost five minutes, in fact. He licks and services you perfectly. That his lips feel ten times more sensual than they already look has your breath going much shorter and your grip in his hair much tighter. So much about making assumptions. And it makes sense, not having his cock stimulated has Hyunjin cooling down a little. Suspiciously so. 
When you were stroking him off, he’d go wild right along. Conclusion: Handjobs and Hyunjin are like pressing a red button. Eating pussy: Chill area. Noted. Complete slobbery wetness: Also noted. You wonder what that’s good for.
“Hyunjin, should we go for it now? I want you inside me. You’ll slip right in so nicely. I’ll take good care of you, you don’t have to be nervous.“
“Can we kiss while we do it?”
Nothing you’d love more. You lay Hyunjin just where he started out, get a soft black ribbon from the nightstand. As promised, you tie his arms above his head, not too tightly or anything. A simple bow tie keeps the whole thing together, making it easy to open. The loose ends dangle at the sides of his wrists, teasing his skin. Goosebumps. It all makes for a nice view of his arms, and his head is brought a little forward, it’s perfect to kiss. He’s practically on the verge of kissing without you moving your lips close to his.
Starting with a little peck on the forehead and nose, you make sure he feels well in his position and get a second black ribbon to tie his eyes. A bit tighter, just so it won’t come off when his head moves. The knot you place on the right side rather than the back of the head, it’d be uncomfortable against the pillow he’s rested on. Hyunjin gets more and more excited.
“I want you to just feel. Do you want me to start?”
 “Yes—,” he says. “And, do it slowly. I don’t want you to hurt yourself also.“
He’s so sweet. And he knows his dick is kinda massive. Too many first times ruined because of that. 
“Extra slow, Hyunjin. I’ll make this feel really great for us. Come, kiss me.”
Your tongues connect just when you get hold of him with your right hand. The touch has Hyunjin groaning into the kiss—
Pretty fucking strongly.
There he goes again. Your fingers, red button, the whole shebang. Little did you know he’d start whining even more the second you line him up between your pussy lips, and move his tip around a bit. Just to say hi to your clit, and to give yourself a good feel of what’s going in first. Hyunjin is literally falling apart below you already. He can barely keep it in. 
And you can’t keep it out: Finally, you point his cock tip between your labia, and his saliva is just perfect to help you glide it past the entrance. Hyunjin’s kisses are getting hungry and desperate, and even louder, with heavy breaths along the way. 
“Jesus Christ,” he’ll catch you mumbling, and you can feel his dick throbbing. “Let me hear you!”
“You’re squeezing me! Oh shit, shit!”
Looks like someone’s very passionate to say the least. It didn’t stop with the handjob, then. Any kind of contact with his dick is having Hyunjin’s voice do somersaults. Guess why he’s walking around so noisily all day when he’s just walking and his pants do their thing like, giving him a good rub even if it’s just lightly on the surface.
With reactions like that, Hyunjin’s dick is well inside of you without any further ado. Boyfriend moaning, pussy open. While you’re enjoying the feel of being completely full with him, and imagine how deep his spit is being thrust inside you — oh god, yes — Hyunjin seems to have his own imaginations. The blindfold was both a good and a bad idea. He can’t anticipate your next move, but he also seems to feel you sliding him in twice as much. 
“Are you thinking I’m some kind of succubus, huh.”
You tease, wiggle your hips. Causing one loud fucking moan.
“It feels that way, ah!”
“Are you gonna scream your lungs out when I start moving, hm?“
“I can’t control it!”
“Let’s see then.”
You lean back into the kiss, bent forward just enough to change the way his dick is aligned inside of you all over again. A little bounce and the position is perfect.
“Wow, look. This is a good angle. It just goes right in.”
It’s amazing how he reacts at your mercy. Your kisses stifle the moans, but they also make him more on edge because he wants to let it out. Congrats, you’ve found the officially best way to torture him. 
“So. How about doing this.”
You raise your hips. It takes quite some effort to pull him out that far because he’s so girthy. It’s literally pulling at your walls as if they don’t wanna let him go. You do it slowly, terribly slow, every millimeter has your pussy lips deliciously tracing another facet of him. Moving up means cleaning some more saliva off his shaft. It all goes inside you. God bless his runny mouth while he was eating you out. 
Only Hyunjin’s tip remains inside of you. The air hitting what was previously buried inside you makes for a surefire way to make him break the kiss and bite his lips. 
“My cock! My, ah, my!”
His hands are all wobbly above his head. As are his legs behind you. 
“How are we taking it down there.”
“If you do that hip thing again, I can’t guarantee anything!“
So that’s what makes his heart beat faster.
“I’d be damn cruel making you cum so early, darling. Sooner or later I’ll milk all your semen anyway.“
Well, succubus indeed.
“I’ll just blow up, I can’t!“
“You’re lucky I won’t be riding you full-speed or something. You’re just too big for that. But what if I do the hip thing and you can’t cum?”
“Oh fuck!“
For good measure, you nuzzle him generously, and yes, do the thing. The agony in his expression is not even the full effect of what you’ve done. Hyunjin is screaming out loud. 
“And that was with a warning. I’ll do it again and if you can stand it, you get some pussy in your face. Wanna get treated?”
“Please, please treat me!”
“But first...”
To add some extra spice, you push down to his base all over again. Hyunjin arches, his teeth are almost sewn shut from the pressure of his tight jaw. Once he’s balls deep, you flick your hip just a little. A loud moan simmers into a little mewl, the jaw unclenches, his tongue starts lapping out. You’ve truly shut off his brain right now.
“Very well done.”
Pulling out works faster now, but you notice how it’s not as slippery anymore. A lot of Hyunjin’s spit has gathered around the lower third of his dick. It’s a nice sight to have it drip on his terribly swollen balls that are probably going through a whole bunch of things right now. 
“Good thing you get something to slurp on. We need more spit. Use your mouth!”
Hyunjin’s cock being untouched right now seems to take the edge off, but his mouth, holy shit. His mouth is on an eager spree to wet you up all over. On top of your own lubrication, Hyunjin provides another ridiculous amount of leakage all over your clit and folds. It’s running all over his face. 
The blindfold gets soaked as does his nose. A frantically moaning Hyunjin doesn’t seem to stop slurping and pushing out spit, you swear he’s gonna fucking drown. That method. It’s completely chaotic just like his fingering. You weren’t wrong, then. He might die then, but at least you’re able to remove the blindfold, wearing that is too gross. Hyunjin is excitedly blinking at you through his own spit like the sun is blinding him but he doesn’t mind.
“I love you. Amazing. Look at this. You’re so nasty. Come, let’s do this again. Hope that cock can push all that into me. It’s too good to waste.“
You get back to squatting on his dick, admittedly a little wobbly on the mattress now. Hyunjin’s satanic ritual tongue does not go without a notice. Nor does the way you slide back down on him, and back up.
“Oh woah!”
A clean thrust. Your pussy is dripping so much on him, a little stream glosses over the thread of veins on the underside. Before it reaches down and disappears between his thighs, you make sure to collect it with another thrust. Hyunjin stares just right at his cock disappearing in you, framed by your labia stretching out. His jaw is completely dropped.
“Yes, that’s how we’re looking like. You have a great cock. Listen to that sound.”
Smooth gliding and a wet little smack when you touch down.
“It’s, it’s amazing... It feels so warm and creamy.”
“Watch. I’ll be stirring your spit all inside me.“
Slowly, carefully, you ride him again, this time connecting several thrusts. Hyunjin looks adorable with his wide eyes and sweaty face. 
“Yes! Oh yes, oh.... That feels so good.”
“Nothing wasted. You’re doing really well. You’re good at this.“
You lean in for a deep kiss. Only after you tongue him down do you realize just how much he’s ruined his mouth. It’s so sticky and wet, and his lips are so exhausted. They’ve been swelling up more than you thought they would, he’s really put them to the test like a champ. Well, they’ve lost their virginity, too. The kiss ends with two wet mouths parting by a thread.
“Are you enjoying yourself?”
“Yes. I really love it. Thank you, Hyunjin. Can I finish off first? I wanna use my hands to make you cum.“
“You’re the best,“ he becomes flustered, and watches in awe just how you reposition yourself all over again, pointing his cock at his belly flat this time. It’s perfect to just grind right above it. A bit of fluid leaking from your pussy mixed with lube and spit makes for the best slippery help to get your clit some intense stimulation from gliding squarely across Hyunjin’s bit vein. 
“Fucking hell, babe. That’s a wonder dick.”
How he throbs and pulsates is the last push it needs to get close. You loosen the tie of Hyunjin’s ribbon and his hands dart around you, hold you, and he winds his hips to give you more of the friction. 
But this time, he’s moving faster, and your orgasm arrives quicker than you count from 30, not even that. You get messy on his balls and base, and Hyunjin almost loses it from having you grind on him. That he’s been holding it in until now is a miracle. His hair is nothing but sweaty streaks right now.
As soon as the waves of pleasure become smaller and you can think again, both your and his hand come wrapping around his shaft. No problem moving your palms around, he’s covered in all that honey. Plus there’s more space, he could fit three palms. It feels so intimate doing it together and being in sync. Hyunjin’s broken moans and whines are well accompanied by more hip bucks and a quicker pace. Your two hands squeezing up and down makes Hyunjin start to beg to you.
“Please use the other hand, please, please choke me through this!“
You go for a lighter grip, hell, he hasn’t done this before, but Hyunjin isn’t having it. The protest is all loud and clear.
“Squeeze my throat! Please, harder, do it hard, please!”
You press down at either side of his neck, and make sure to translate that onto his cock as well, still jerking him off. You don’t let go until he’s cumming. 
A thick white spurt empties between the intertwine of your fingers. Hyunjin squeals out loud, catching air, almost crying. Another load has him all shaky, growling, and rubbing his own hand around yours to push out even the last bits of sperm. Surprise, there’s more cum leaking out.
“Oh, what to do with all that big dick.”
“It’s, it’s so much!“
“Come here with that milk.“
You lower your face on him and let the last clear bits come up against your puckered lips. They spread his cum all over the tip, kiss it, catch new threads, swirl them around while your hands are pumping the lower half, all the meaty girth. Never missing an opportunity for torture. Hyunjin is screaming and suffering all over again. His semen has been oozing all over your hands. 
“Clean it, babe. We’ll lay down in a minute. That’s an amazing icing.”
Hyunjin’s tongue has a last job and it does it well. Your fingers are super clean and well-kissed, his lips are so glorious. You’re both dizzy, but you at least manage to towel down. Because his face is a mess, your lips are dripping, your pussy is a swimming pool of spit, and that ruined dick has seen some things today, oh yeah it did. What better way to leave its virginity inside of you all slicked up and sloppy. 
Hyunjin starts freezing very fast by now, and you get a weighted blanket, with you on top of him, in a sweater, just because. Sharing heat is caring heat. You love cuddles after sex.
“Say something cute and nasty,” he pouts, and you think of a good way to summarize the evening. 
“I mean look at you. You’re officially a slut now. My slut,” you pinch his nose. “If you want. Let’s have some fun like that tomorrow again. I can’t wait, you know. That’s a really loud boy I got myself.“
“Oh yes, tomorrow!”
“I might be blowing you for more of that icing. It was really nice and sugary.“
“I eat lots of fruit!”
Now that’s a keeper.
“And I gotta say, shit...“
“You came really hard on my dick, right.”
Hyunjin makes an innocent face saying that, but you know very well how he’s been taking you in, he’s learning.
“That was that sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
He smiles a little, exhausted, but flustered. 
“Lot more to come. That’s only the first time for you.”
“I’ve been thinking that as well. Say it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen until tomorrow.“
“Exactly right. That’s the idea,” you kiss his neck now, breathing in the afterglow. “And, by the way. Um. I hope I removed the ribbons at the right timing.“
“It was in the right moment!“
“Should we try more like that next time?”
“I like it.“
“Me too. You look perfect tied up.”
The blindfold did the trick, you know it. Hyunjin has hardly reacted to your touch like that when cuddling. Although, that’s hard to compare, is it.
“And... You really could have choked me a little harder by the way.“
Hyunjin knows just how to mimic you. Another nose pinch for you, young man.
“We didn’t plan it so I thought I’d go easy on you. But if you like it. You want it rougher, don’t ya. You just wanna fucking scream.“
“I’ll admit it,” he nuzzles his face into your sweater. “I’m just very loud...”
“We’ll see what kind of ideas I’ll come up with to get you even louder. Deal?”
“Favorite deal.“
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FINAL NOTE. thank you for reading - caro 🐅
© 2017-2021 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed.
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wildrangers · 2 years
Warrior // Ryan Lindgren
Word Count: 2.5K
Summary: The New York Rangers are going to the Eastern Conference Finals. That's something to celebrate, right?
Warnings: Cursing, angst (resolved at the end)
continue here
You could hear people saying your name but couldn’t take your eyes off the screen. There was your boyfriend, Ryan, laying prone on the ice. Someone grabbing your hand brought you back to yourself and you blinked, looking over at Tate who was watching you with concern.
“He’s getting up, he’s going to be okay, alright?” she said, squeezing your hand. On your other side, you felt Fran rubbing your shoulder comfortingly. You nodded at her comment before returning your gaze to the screen. Ryan had gotten up at this point and was being helped off of the ice—he wasn’t putting any weight on his already injured foot, but he was skating, at least.
“I can’t decide if it’ll be worse if he comes back or is out for the rest of the game” you sighed. Ryan had been injured since the first playoff game and he wasn’t exactly at 100% before that had happened.
“I already texted Gabe, he’s going to update us as soon as he can, okay?” Fran said placing her phone in her lap. Gabe was the trainer working closest with Ryan throughout the playoffs so you were grateful he’d flown to North Carolina with the team. “Thanks Fran, I really appreciate it. Playoffs are stressful enough without feeling panicky every time he takes a hit” you said and the girls squeezed you again.
“I know, hun, but he’s going to be okay. He’s as tough as they come” Fran said before the two girls returned to watching the game. You knew she meant it to be comforting, but you felt that familiar rage simmering below the surface. You understood this was his career and that it’s playoffs. But you were also the one fighting with him to just rest on his days off, the one watching him wince in pain every time he took a step around your shared apartment despite the team’s doctors telling him to stay off of it as much as possible.
You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and returned your attention to the game, hoping to distract yourself. But, as you saw a familiar face flash across the screen, you felt both your shoulders sag in relief and your anger bubble a little closer to the surface.
“Look! He’s okay, he’s back” Tate smiled, squeezing your hand once more. “Being back and okay aren’t the same thing” you said and immediately regretted the annoyed tone in your voice. “I’m sorry Tate, it’s just so frustrating to watch him play like this” you explained but she shrugged off the apology.
“It’s okay, we get it, right Fran?” Tate said as Fran nodded in agreement. “I know, that’s why you’re the best” you said smiling at them, shoving that fury down so it wouldn’t explode on two of your best friends. You missed the two girls exchanging a worried, knowing glance as you all focused on the TV again.
Tate was your co-worker and had introduced you to Ryan a little over a year ago. You were endlessly grateful that she had because Ryan was fierce and strong but also thoughtful and kind. He always said what was on his mind and didn’t shy away when you did the same. Which usually was every chance you got but you had never navigated playoff hockey with a professional athlete before, let alone an injured one. Fran and Chris had been together last time the Rangers went to the playoffs while Tate and Adam were high school sweethearts—this may be their first NHL playoffs as a couple but they had stuck together every other step of the way. Their history made this so much easier than it was for you. Or, at least that’s what you told yourself as you moped through the rest of the second period and most of the third.
“Holy shit, they’re going to do it” Tate squealed as they reclaimed their four-goal lead yet again. With less than 2 minutes left, you wanted to agree but also didn’t want to somehow jinx it. But she was right—they were really going to fucking do this. As the clock wound down, you felt your growing excitement and you all cheered as the buzzer sounded. You were able to stay in this good mood for the next hour as you all celebrated together. Close to midnight, you walked them out of your apartment with plans to meet up for dinner before the game in two days.
As you locked the door behind you, you heard your phone chirp from the living room. You went over and smiled as you read Ryan’s text: I can’t wait to celebrate with you tomorrow, get a good night’s sleep babe. We’re taking off now, love you
You sent back a quick note before getting ready for bed. You’d decided to surprise Ryan by taking the next few days off—either to comfort him or, in this case, to celebrate and spend time together while you could. As you scrolled through your Twitter feed, you found yourself clicking on the NYR Eastern Conference announcement. You normally avoided looking at comments but this was good news, so you didn’t expect to see anything negative. And what you saw wasn’t bad, necessarily, but you felt your temper flare anyway.
NYR55FAN: Way to go boys! Happy to see Lindgren back on the ice, the dude could lose a limb and he’d finish the game
The comment was hilarious, true, and already had over 100 likes. But it made you think of every time you offered to give Ryan’s ankle a massage or help him do the stretches Gabe had prescribed, only for him to insist he had a project or chore he had to get done. And just like that, you were furious at him for not listening to his trainers and making you see him in so much pain, some of which could be avoided if he would just set aside his pride and let you help him.
You shook your head as you closed your phone, hoping to sleep off the anger and frustration. Instead, you found yourself tossing and turning as more and more memories of Ryan in pain flashed across your mind. You heard the front door click open a few hours later and you shot up in bed before realizing it was already after 2AM and it was Ryan, not a burglar, at the front door.
As you made your way down the hallway, you heard him cursing under his breath. You peaked around the corner and found him sitting on the arm of the couch, struggling to take his shoe off his bad foot. You watched in horror as he removed his sock revealing his bruised, swollen ankle. You took in a sharp breath and his head whipped around to face you. You saw confusion cross his face before he checked his phone, “Y/N, it’s almost 2:30 why are you still up?” he asked.
You walked closer replying, “I took off the next few days but please tell me your ankle didn’t look like that before you went back onto the ice earlier.” His eyes quickly moved away from yours and you knew the answer; of course, it had.
“You’re such a stubborn idiot” you muttered under your breath running your hands over your face in frustration. Unfortunately for Ryan, he mistook your statement for sarcasm so he replied, “What’s a sprained ankle when we’re halfway to the Cup.” When only silence met him, he turned to you, seeing your face growing redder and your fists clenched at your sides.
“Ryan, this isn’t funny. You’re injured and just keep getting more injured and insisting on playing through it. You're really going to hurt yourself!" you yelled at him, unable to stop yourself. He scoffed at you, “You’re kidding right? It’s play-"
“It’s playoffs, yes, I know, but contrary to what you want to believe you’re still a fucking human, Ryan, not some indestructible warrior” you spat, instantly regretting your word choice as you saw hurt flash across his face.
“When have I ever said I’m indestructible? This is what comes with playing hockey professionally, Y/N! Why are you picking a fight over this at 2:30 in the fucking morning?!” he yelled.
“I’m not picking a fight; I’m trying to get some fucking sense through that thick skull of yours!” you yelled, walking closer to him.
“Oh, so I’m stupid now too, huh? Thanks for the warm welcome back!” he screamed, shooting to his feet. His face immediately scrunched up in pain and you ran to his side, helping him sit back down on the couch despite him trying to do it on his own. Once he was settled you walked into the kitchen to get some ice for him. As you wrapped it in a towel, you found yourself holding back tears. You couldn’t believe you’d thrown him being called a warrior back in his face like that; you knew how hard he was fighting, how much that moniker meant to him. And you’d used it as an insult which made you feel like the shittiest girlfriend ever. That feeling faded quickly as you re-entered the living room only to find Ryan limping down the hallway.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me Ry!” you shouted as tears streamed down your face. He ignored you, going into your shared room and slamming the door behind him. You quickly followed behind, finding him sitting on the ottoman at the end of your bed in obvious pain.
“I don’t want to hear it, Y/N, I know I shouldn’t have walked by myself down here but I’m not a total invalid, you know” he sniped at you. When you didn’t answer, he looked up to find you holding his ice and shaking with sobs. “Baby?” he questioned and went to get up before you shot across the room and shoved him back down.
“Would you just stop doing shit to hurt yourself more, Ryan?!” you shouted through your tears, sitting on the floor in front of him. “I know how much this injury sucks for you and how much pain you’re in but have you stopped to think what it’s like for me to watch you go through this? To see you pushing yourself at home when you’re already doing too much on the ice? To have to watch you every game, waiting for you to take another bad hit?”
He hadn’t, actually, thought about that and he was kicking himself for it now. He was so focused on staying active, working through his injury, and playing games he hadn’t considered what it would be like for you to watch him do it. He immediately thought about the panic he’d felt when you’d returned home with a sprained, bandaged wrist after a workout class. He had worried and fussed, driving you nuts, but you had let him because you knew it made him feel better. He’d never stopped to think how you may have those same fears for him now, made even worse because of his job.
He reached his hand out to you and you took it in your own looking up at him through teary eyes. “I really didn’t mean to pick a fight but seeing you on the ice like that again was so fucking scary, Ryan” you said, lips wobbling as you fought back tears.
“Come sit with me baby, okay? Let’s just talk this through” he said and you nodded. Rather than sit beside him, you pulled over a spare chair, lifted his injured foot onto your lap and held the ice to the worst of his bruises. His heart warmed at the gesture—this was why he loved you. Because despite your anger and this stupid fight, you were still taking care of him.
“I’m not going to lie, Y/N, you’re right. I was so focused on the Cup and my ankle that I never imagined what it would be like for you, which was really fucking selfish of me. I’m sorry” he said.
You shook your head replying, “You’re allowed to be selfish right now, Ry, I know how much this means to you. I’ve just never done this before. All the other girls at least went through some type of playoff situation with their guys before, I haven’t. I didn’t know how to share my concerns without making you feel bad or frustrated with me for not sucking it up.”
“Babe, you don’t have to suck it up. I do because it’s my job but you don’t. You never do with me, you know that, right? You can always speak your mind” he explained. You knew he meant it so you nodded your head. You stood up, gently placing his foot on the chair, before settling onto his lap, wrapping your arms around his middle with your head tucked under his chin. You sat like that for a moment, just enjoying being together again after a tense few days apart.
“I do take it back though, Ry, you’re my fucking warrior. I just wished you’d let me carry some of your burden. I get you have to put on a brave face with the guys and on the ice but not here, not in our home. You’re not fooling me anyway” you said gently, making him smile and kiss the top of your head.
“I knew you didn’t mean it. I am pretty bad ass after all” he quipped causing you to lightly punch his chest as you lifted your head up to glare at him. “There she is” he smiled down at you before giving you a gentle kiss. As you pulled away, you caught his face in your hands.
“You have to promise me one thing, okay?” you said looking into his deep blue eyes. He nodded as he nuzzled his head into your hands. “Please listen to Gabe about the at-home restrictions. Just rest and stretch and let me take care of everything else. You have to save your energy for game nights. Can you do that for me?” you asked nervously biting your lip.
“I swear it” he replied, looping his pinky with your own causing you to giggle. “I’m sorry for being a stubborn idiot” he said, repeating your words back to you making you laugh harder.
“It’s okay, I should know by now that that’s just who you are” you teased causing him to fake offense. “Now, let’s get to bed, yeah?”
“Yes, please, I’m exhausted” he sighed, allowing you to help him stand. You quickly removed his suit before helping him into the comfy shorts you’d left laying out for him. Once he was settled laying down, you swapped his ice for his heat wrap, carefully wrapping his ankle just so before getting into bed with him. You felt yourself relax fully as you rested your head on his chest, his fingers running soothingly through your hair.
“Ry?” you mumbled, feeling sleep creep closer and he hummed in response. “I’m really fucking proud of you for making it to the Conference finals.”
You felt him smile and place a quick kiss to your head, expressing his thanks. “I have an idea for how you can congratulate me in the morning” he said causing you to roll your eyes at him. “We’ll see hot shot, we’ll see” you chuckled before finally drifting off to sleep.
A/N: In honor of the Rangers making it to the Eastern Conference Finals!! This post-season has made me love Lindgren even more, so this was fun to write. Debating writing more parts as the playoff's continue--would y'all read it? Any feedback welcome :)
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