#so i just need to be officially off the clock so i can go sleep and hopefully i can get some legit rest in the coming days
liquidstar · 11 months
maaannnn The Fatigue has been so bad lately i just want this day to be over so i can sleep. theres literally not anything else i could do... but i have to wait...
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lemontoad-old · 2 years
#going to vent here bc too heavy stuff to directly relay on my friends but im in the uk so i cant just get a therapist#anyway#i have become. so insanely depressed recently. bc my physical health has been declining and thats also taking a mental toll on me#i dont use depressed lightly. ive been officially diagnosed with clinical depression before and then it was gone for about a year#but boy oh boy its Back#and all my mental problems came back bc my physical health decided to just peace out. and now my mental and physical health are making-#each other worse#physically i have become so tired 24/7 that i just cant do anything other than work (because i need that to live)#and i dont know why! my body just stopped having energy! for months and months now. ive just been working and being in pain and sleeping#<- but also having insomnia so more like laying in bed and watching something to not die of boredom#i dont even work that much anymore. just my contracted hours. and i can see my coworkers handle it fine. they have time and energy to do-#things they want to do and not just live to work. but thats all im doing bc the moment im off the clock im taking my cane out to limp home-#and collapse in bed#i have a doctors appointment on thursday and if they tell me that its just from stress or smth im going to flip#bc no it fucking isnt!! theres no stress in my life other than the fact that my health is giving up#sure yeah my mental health is crap BECAUSE of the fatigue and the pain. not the other way around. so order some tests or i will kill#im already getting myself worked up bc ive been waiting a month and half just for this gp appointment#and i know theres a good chance they are going to wave it off with some stupid excuse instead of actually trying to find out whats wrong#if i dont get medical attention to solve this i might legit just off myself. im barely living as is. work is not living. i want to cry 24/7#everything hurts so much
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idyllic-ghost · 3 months
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title: Hopefully pairing: idol!hongjoong x reader genre: domestic fluff, slight angst, idol!au, secret relationship, hurt/comfort warnings: anxiety over a relatively new relationship, a sexual innuendo, general fears about abandonment and the future of the relationship, not proofread synopsis: You haven’t seen Hongjoong in a week and it’s starting to take a toll on you. wordcount: 3k taglist: @d0nghyuck, @fantasy2wonderland, @niktwazny303, @wonwoospartyhat, @stariightjoyy, @hyneyedfiz, @crazywittysassy, @yeosayang rating: PG
a/n: this is a bit inspired by “oxalá” (aka hopefully) by MARO! i know i was going to write something else, but this story came to my mind and i needed to get it out😭
join my taglist
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You’ve got one (1) new voicemail!
“Hey, babe, I’m not going to make it to your place tonight. I got stuck at the studio and lost track of the time- I’m sorry, I know I said I would come over… I have practice tomorrow morning, but maybe I can try to sneak off to you tomorrow evening? I promise I’ll try my best to make it work! Sleep w-”
The beep cut off the message before Hongjoong got to finish. It was the second time you had listened to it. He had called you while you were at work, doing overtime, and you hadn’t heard your phone buzzing in your bag. It was typical of the two of you; you always managed to miss each other by a hair. You sighed and put down your phone on the counter. The clock on your kitchen wall said 12:30, and you’d usually be in bed by now but you couldn’t bring yourself to lay down in it. Not when you knew the bed would be empty, and the sheets would be cold. Therefore, you sat by the counter with a cup of tea in front of you. 
You were nursing the cup in your palms as if the warmth of the mug would be as comforting as your lover’s embrace. It was late when he had called you, and it sounded like he was heading off to bed, but you were still mulling over whether or not to call him - you just needed to hear his voice. Your phone was next to the cup on the counter, its dark screen was taunting you with your reflection. The little amount of willpower that you had was not enough to keep you away from him; so you picked up your phone and texted him.
You [12:32]: are you awake?
After pressing send, you quickly put your phone down and sighed. You had lost to your needs and wants yet again. The two of you weren’t even official - you couldn’t be. It was easy to fall in love with him, but harder to keep loving him. Everything had to stay secret, no matter how much you wanted to shout to the world that, yes, you were very much in love with Kim Hongjoong and he actually liked you back! However, with his line of work came a lot of restrictions. Seeing him was difficult, meeting up with him in public was even more difficult, and telling people that you were dating was out of the question. 
As much as you enjoyed sneaking around with him, you couldn’t deny your want to be his and for him to be yours - you wanted to be his partner, and you wanted others to know that you were his partner. Instead, you’re stuck in an in-between-relationship; where you’re exclusively seeing each other, but unable to do things that partners would or tell anyone that you were partners - a relationship where you were still scared to seem clingy, despite the two of you barely seeing each other. The low buzzing of your phone brought you out of your spiraling thoughts.
Hongjoong [12:34]: yes, but why are you awake?🤨
You smiled at the message, trying to contain your excitement by biting your bottom lip. The cup was set to the side, the comforting warmth on your palms no longer needed, and you picked up your phone.
You [12:34]: I couldn’t sleep.. did I wake you up?
Hongjoong [12:35]: no, I’m still in the studio🥲why can’t you sleep?
You sighed yet again, trying to come up with an excuse that wasn’t utterly embarrassing to type out. Before you could answer him, your phone buzzed again.
Hongjoong [12:36]:  do you want me to call you?
It was as if he could read your mind. You quickly sent him a yes, and put your phone down to wait for him to call. It only took a few seconds. After waiting for a few seconds, trying to figure out when the appropriate amount of time had passed to answer, you pressed ‘Accept call’ and held the phone up to your ear.
“Hi, baby.” Hongjoong’s voice was raspy like he hadn’t spoken for a long time.
Baby. The nickname had slipped out so casually that you almost didn’t realize that he had said it. Now it was all you could think about. Hongjoong didn’t call you by pet names often, they’d slip out in the heat of the moment and he’d get shy. He could suddenly go from slightly irritated over you touching something in his studio, to a flustered mess because of you teasing him about calling you babe. You would never get tired of it.
“Hey, am I interrupting?” You brought your hand up to your mouth, biting down on your thumb’s nail.
“No, I’m packing up for the night soon.” He sighed, and you could hear him push his chair away from his desk. “I’m sorry for not coming over today.”
“It’s okay, I understand,” you murmured. “Work is important.”
“Not more important than you,” he countered a little too quickly. “I’m working on work-life balance. I promise.”
“I know.” You chuckled under your breath. 
The line went quiet for a moment. You could hear his breathing - soft and steady - and you could picture him, sitting in his chair with a large hoodie draping over his frame. A mixture of comfort and disappointment flooded your veins. Comfort from hearing his voice, disappointment from not being able to hear it in person. Hongjoong cleared his throat, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“Why can’t you sleep?” he asked.
“Oh, I don’t know…” you trailed off, but shortly thereafter continued, “I miss you.”
“I miss you, too.”
His words lingered in the air, and you closed your eyes to savor them. A part of you wanted to yell that if he missed you so much he should try to be here more, but you knew it wasn’t fair. It’s not his fault. You shut your eyes tighter, bowing your head down as if to curl into yourself, and tried to hide from the angry feeling bubbling up in your stomach. Tears started stinging in your eyes, and, despite your efforts, a weak sob made its way past your lips.
“Y/N…” You could hear the frown in Hongjoong’s voice. “I’m sorry, please don’t cry.”
“I’m not,” you lied as you wiped away your tears. “I promise, I’m not. It’s okay. I’m okay.”
The line went quiet again as you sniffled. You could hear shuffling from his end, as he gathered together his things. As you pieced everything together, you quickly tried to protest - telling him that he didn’t have to come over and that you really were fine.
“Stop it.” His voice was shaky. “I’m coming over, and you can’t stop me.”
“I wasn’t trying to-”
“I know.”
“... could you stay on the phone with me until you get here?” you asked quietly, your voice coming off as weaker than you wanted it to.
“Of course.”
You grabbed a tissue and wiped your face from tears and snot, and the realization of what you were doing hit you then. It felt stupid to cry over this, but it had gone too long since you had seen him. The urge to cry, kick, and scream was overwhelming - but you kept it inside your chest with a deep breath. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled. “I really didn’t mean to pull you away from work.”
“I know, it’s okay,” he assured you. “I’m heading to the parking lot now, it’ll only be a few minutes.”
A few minutes until you get to see Hongjoong. You could wait just a few more minutes, right? Despite the assurance that he’d be here soon, the empty feeling in your heart didn’t dissipate. In fact, the cavity in your chest only grew larger. You knew he wouldn’t get here for a while, but you still got up from your chair and walked over to your front door.
“How long has it been since I got to see you?” you thought out loud.
“I think it’s been a week already.” Hongjoong groaned. “I’m really sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, okay? I knew what I signed up for with you.”
It was meant as reassurance, but it came out wrong and you cringed as soon as the words left your lips. Hongjoong laughed, making you feel just a little lighter on your feet. You heard the jingling sound of his keys, signaling that he was already near his car.
“That came out wrong,” you said.
“It’s okay, I get it.” You could hear him open the car door. “Let me put you on speaker, hold on a second.”
You leaned against the wall and listened to the rustling sounds of Hongjoong getting into his car and putting down his phone. The engine started, and he stayed quiet as he focused on getting out of his parking space. The parking lot must have been almost empty because it didn’t take long for him to get back to you.
“Alright, I’m on my way now!” he chimed.
“Thank you, baby…”
“Baby?” he teased, laughing as he finally got to take revenge on you.
“Shut up-”
“No, I deserve this,” he argued. “You never call me pet names, I’m taking advantage of it.”
“Well, now I’m never doing it again.”
He gasped on the other side of the line, and you could practically hear the fake-hurt pout on his lips as he muttered something under his breath. No matter the situation, Hongjoong could always find a way to make you smile.
“I teased you once and now you’re revoking my pet name privileges?” He scoffed. 
You liked him like this. It made you forget about everything else; this was the actual Hongjoong, and only you could witness it. In one slow movement, you slid down onto the floor and crossed your legs. With your head leaning against the wall, you looked up to the ceiling and smiled.
“I thought you didn’t like the mushy stuff,” you said, “I would include pet names in that.”
“I don’t dislike mushy stuff… I just get shy,” he admitted quietly.
“You don’t seem very shy when you go on stage,” you countered.
“That’s different!” he exclaimed, and added with a hushed voice, “I just get shy around you.”
Your smile grew wider. You wanted to tell him that you got shy around him, too, and all of the other things he made you feel - but you couldn’t find the words. His words were saved in the back of your mind, for you to think of later and come up with something equally heartwarming.
“I’m almost there,” he said to break the silence, and you could hear the clicking sound of his blinkers as he was probably driving up to the car park already.
“Good,” you said. “Hongjoong?”
“I’ll stop teasing you for calling me nicknames,” you said, “if I get to keep calling you ‘baby’, too.”
“Deal.” You can hear the grin in his voice. “I’m getting out of the car now, baby.”
A laugh bubbled up your throat. Partially because of his silly tone, but also out of pure excitement. Your giddiness was apparently contagious, as Hongjoong let out a giggle as well - and you could hear the echo of his shoes hitting the concrete floor as he sprinted towards your building.
“I’m almost at the elevator!” he whisper-yelled.
He swore under his breath, clicking the button to the elevator multiple times. Eventually, you heard a ding and the doors opening. He was so close. You wanted to run out of your apartment and meet him halfway, but you knew that his being here was already a risk in itself. So you settled beside the door, no longer sitting on the floor. And when you heard the keys you had given him unlock the door, you quickly opened it and pounced on him. He stumbled back slightly, pressing ‘End call’ on his phone before hugging you back. With your arms still wrapped around him, he walked into your apartment and closed the door behind the two of you. Only then did he fully embrace you. You buried your head into his coat, cold from the chill air outside but it smelled like him so you didn’t mind. Your hands balled up into fists, creasing the soft material of his coat, and you pulled him even closer to you. Hongjoong’s chin found its rightful place on the top of your head. 
“I’ve missed you,” he repeated, and you felt your tears threatening to spill onto your cheeks again. “Fuck, I’ve missed you.” His voice was trembling now.
As you tried to get out of his grip to look at him and comfort him, Hongjoong put his hand on the back of your head. He held you in place, soft enough to still allow you to leave if you really wanted to let go but firm as if he was silently begging you to stay. So, you stayed and pretended not to notice the tears that fell from his eyes and hit the top of your head. He shifted to kiss the top of your head and gave you one last squeeze before letting you go. You watched as he wiped his tears with his sleeve, quickly as if you wouldn’t notice. For his sake, you pretended that you didn’t.
“Have you eaten?” you asked.
“I ate some take-out for dinner.” He bent down to take off his shoes. “If you’re hungry we can eat, but I just want to go to bed with you.”
Yes. Bed. The concept that had seemed so daunting before now felt like a long-lost dream that had come to life. He stood back up, and you took a long look at him. He had colored his hair, you had seen pictures but you hadn’t seen it in person yet. Blonde always did suit him. He was busy taking off his coat while you watched him. It hadn’t settled in your brain that he was actually in front of you, it felt unreal.
“Are you hungry?” he asked with a smile. You had really missed that smile.
“Oh. No, I ate earlier.” You held out your hand to him. “Let’s go to bed.”
He took your hand gleefully and followed you like a puppy who’s just been promised a walk. You brought him to your bedroom. It was clean, and the bed was still made from this morning. While Hongjoong sat down on the edge of your bed, you pulled out some of the clothes that he had left there - an old pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt, that you desperately didn’t want to give back.
“I’ve been looking for this,” he hummed as you gave him the clothes. “I didn’t know I had left it here…”
“I, uh… I may have stolen it.” You sent him your best smile, trying to look as innocent as possible.
“You’re cute.” Was all he said before he went into the bathroom to change.
You had the sudden urge to follow him - and, despite what he would think and tease you for, it was not with sexual intent. Now that you finally got to see him again, you couldn’t stand him leaving even for a second. However, you stood your ground and decided to fix up the bed instead. You removed any throw pillows, and pulled down the covers. Just as you got into your side of the bed, Hongjoong came back from the bathroom. He left his clothes on a chair, before he all but ran to your bed. When he had gotten under the covers, he shuffled closer to you and began peppering your face with kisses.
“I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you…” he muttered between every other kiss.
You laughed until you were gasping for air, but you didn’t dare lean away from him. As he planted a final kiss on your lips, you let out a low hum of approval. Hongjoong pulled you closer, letting you snuggle up against his chest. It was almost impossible for you to stop smiling. As it settled in your bones that he was actually there, right in front of you, you finally relaxed.
“I want it to be like this all the time,” you admitted.
“Me too,” he murmured. “I’m sorry it’s so complicated.”
“It’s okay,” you hummed. “I guess it makes times like these more special.”
“I’ll try to make a plan for the future, okay?” he said. “I’ll talk to the company and we can figure something out. We could find a good apartment and-”
“You want to move in with me?”
“Yeah, I love you.”
Maybe it was the fact that it was late, or maybe he hadn’t been sleeping a lot since you last saw him, but the words slipped out of his mouth so casually that you almost didn’t register that he said it. You looked up at him. He was still talking about his plans, not having realized what he had said. Putting one of your hands on his face, gently cupping his cheek, got his attention. His words faltered and you brought his lips to yours for a chaste kiss.
“I love you, too.”
At first, he just seemed shocked, but you could see the gears turning in his head. When he finally remembered what he had said, his face was practically glowing in the dark. He quickly tried to explain how he was very tired, and that he was going to make the moment more special but he had forgotten. You simply smiled and put your head on his chest again, the action silencing the man lying next to you again.
“Keep telling me about your plans,” you said.
He started talking again, and you felt the soft vibration of his words in his chest. As he talked about your future, you slowly drifted off to sleep. Hongjoong kept talking until he finally heard you snore. He brought the covers over your shoulder and hugged you closer. Hopefully, he’d be able to spend every night with you just like this.
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fatbiatchforever · 9 months
No Sleep
“Buckkkk…” You try to shake him off but he wouldn’t quit. “Bucky, I’m tired. Try later.”
“Sleep.” Bucky groaned. 
“Take your hands off then!”
“My hands are off.”
“Then why- OH MY GOD!”
You leap out of the bed to switch the lights on. “Get out! Get outtttt!” You cry while jumping with all your might.
Bucky gets out of the bed CALMLY to stand in-front of you, with his hands on his hips, “I’m confused.”
You shriek as you feel something crawling all over you, “There’s something on the bed.”
He looks back and turns to you, “I see nothing.”
“That’s because you didn’t look dumbass.”
He sighs and rummages through the bed.
“Shake the blanket properly. God, I can still feel it crawl all over me.”
“Are you sure that you felt it doll? Maybe-“
“Are you victim blaming?”
He flops down on the bed, “Who’s the victim here?”
“Me! Unknown creature crawling all over me. Who else?”
Bucky points to himself, “Or me, who is awake because his wife supposedly felt something crawling all over her.”
“I’m getting a divorce you liar. You promised to protect me.”
“From real things.”
You groan, “Whatever. What’s the use being married to an avenger if I still have to deal with insects?” 
“I bring more to the table,” Bucky pouts.
“Sarcasm won’t find whatever that was.”
Bucky picks your pillow to search, “Nothing.” He picks his pillow, “Surprise, nothing.” He removes all the pillows and blanket away, “Nothing!”
“Bucky, I know I felt something. Plea- FUCK FUCKKKKKK,” You exit the room in full speed. Away from the humungous spider crawling on your bed frame and your husband cursed under his breath.
You leaned on the couch, wrapping your hands around yourself, stopping yourself from thinking about the spider crawling all over you, while you slept cluelessly.
“Doll,” Bucky slowly appears out of the room.
“Is it gone?”
“Yeah. Spider is officially free.”
“You promise?“
“I promise. I flipped the bed around to be sure.”
“Okay. I’m sorry, I promise I’ll work on it.”
Bucky laughs, “Can I hold you?”
He walks towards you, pulls his hands out of his pocket and wraps himself around you. You felt yourself slightly slump on him and breathe all of him in. One of his hands wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer and the other gently stroking the nape of your neck.
“I’m sorry for screaming.” You breathed out.
He pressed a kiss between your brows, “I’m sorry for not believing you.”
“Water under the bridge.”
“Hmm, don’t bother working on it.”
You move back to look up at him, “Really?”
He laughs, “Yeah, I like being there for you. You’re always so independent, which I love and respect, but at times I like being needed.”
“I need you more than just to get rid of insects.”
“Yeah. What I’m trying to say is,” He kissed your nose, “don’t change yourself for me and I would happily spend any night getting rid of spiders or anything else that crawls on you.”
“Who’s going to get rid of you?”
“Funny. Let’s go back.”
“I need a shower.”
Bucky sighs, “Fine, I’ll make the bed.”
You kiss him and quickly run into the washroom to scrub every bit of your body.
*1 hour later*
Kill me, Kill me right NOWWWW!
You turn to stare down at the damn digital clock. Every time you tried to close your eyes, you would want to itch. You looked back at Bucky. He had his arm around you and half of his face covered by the pillow. You moved his arm as gently as you could. You grabbed a blanket and pranced into the living room. 
You got yourself comfortable on the floor, holding onto your blanket as you blankly looked out to the city lights. 
“I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. What are you doing sneaking up on me and stepping on my hair?”
He lifts your head to place the pillow and lays next to you.
“Buck, go back and sleep. I’m great here.”
He pulls the blanket to your neck, “Would you go back to bed if I asked you?”
You sighed and pulled yourself closer to him.
“I love you, doll.”
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vmpiires · 6 months
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: ̗̀➛ afab!reader, no sex, all fluff and the cute stuff. not proofread so i apologize in advance for any mistakes if they’re made.
: ̗̀➛ art creds by;; currently unknown. dividers are not mine, if you own these, you may claim them in comments.
: ̗̀➛ WORD COUNT;; 1.42K
* dark mode recommended
* do not copy this plot. i’m perfectly fine with inspirations but give creds. if this plot his stolen in any way, the post will be taken down and you will be blocked.
𝐃𝐀��𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 ✉️🖇️;; taking a break from smut. finna make sum cute for the ones that need it
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“choso!” you threw your arm around choso. the 5’11 male would groan tiredly. you and him were pretty close friends…even closer now that the two of you lived together. you were his ball of sunshine when he just wanted to curl up in a pit of darkness. his tired eyes made their way up to yours and he’d smile a little.
you and him were…something. your relationship wasn’t made official or anything you but it definitely felt like it was. the two of you shared hugs that lasted longer than it should’ve. you were always doing something thoughtful for him like buying him new clothes or even food…to which choso couldn’t help but throw on his awkward crooked smile.
though, choso was a pretty serious guy, you couldn’t help but laugh when he was being dead serious with you. the way he said certain things made you giggle even though there wasn’t anything to laugh at in particular.
he couldn’t lie and say it didn’t make him smile.
“hey…” choso cleared his throat. “what’re you doing up?”
“um..choso, it’s four in the afternoon.” you correct him in your soft and bubbly voice, your face never changing from your excited smile. if you smiled any longer, you were sure that your cheeks would start to hurt.
“huh?” choso glanced up at the clock on the wall in the kitchen that was pretty visible from the living room. his pupils retracted and his eyes widened, shocked about the time. he sighed and slumped back against the cushions of the couch.
“why didn’t you tell me? i was supposed to hang out with itadori today…” he sighed again, now rubbing his eyes. “i’m probably the worst brother ever.”
“you aren’t the worst, cho,” you smile at the curse, trying to reassure him. “you can still hang out with him. he knows how tired you can be.”
“yes, but i promised him i wouldn’t fall asleep and forget about him.” choso continued his moping, covering himself with his robe out of embarrassment…then it was quiet.
he went to sleep again.
you wondered why and how choso could just fall asleep so easily in the middle of conversations like that. his logic was also a bit confusing. he was so worried about yuji’s feelings but now he’s asleep as if he hadn’t been freaking out over it.
later that day, you were in your room playing roblox horror game on your playstation with yuji on the phone while choso was in the shower. you were waiting for him to get out so you can shower. you had to make sure you got that out of the way before you went to bed.
as you played your game, you remembered how dark the room was. you enjoyed being immersed in these games. turning up your volume as loud as possible. closing your door. turning off all the lights and even closing your curtains. you lived for the thrill of being scared.
you heard a click and a screech as your door opened, making you let out a loud gasp, saving yourself from tearing your vocal cords from screaming so much. 
choso was standing in your doorway, shirtless and his hair down. completely different from the twintails he usually wore…or his hair tied back, leaving his bangs to hang around in his face.
“you can go in now…” his low adverb voice spoke. “and why’re you screaming so much? is it that game?”
“oh, yeah, sorry.” you chuckled, finally calming your nerves. you were about to say something else until you heard yuji talking again. “oh…yeah, he’s right here. he was talking about you earlier.”
choso raised his eyebrows. you noticed he was doing that thing with his face…that nervous but excited smile. that was the most you seen him smile all day besides earlier today. he would quickly take your phone and put it up to his ear.
“uh…what do i say?” he asked. you just shrug, gesturing him to just say whatever was on his mind. he’d take your advice and walk out of your room, excitedly talking to yuji, starting with an apology.
you just smile at choso’s excitement and patiently wait until he returned with your phone.
that night, you had suddenly woken up after you fell asleep. your tv was off and your blankets were sliding off the bed. you seemed to be sleeping peacefully until you felt someone tapping you. you’d jolt awake and look up to see choso.
“your phone died,” he said, gently placing it beside you. he must’ve had your phone for a while or he just didn’t know when to come and wake you up. you were half asleep and you just nod, not really hearing much of what he said even though he didn’t say much.
“thanks, cho,” you say sleepily before lying down again. soon enough, you felt one side of your bed weigh down. choso was lying down next to you now.
“can i sleep in here with you?” he suddenly asked. “i don’t really wanna sleep by myself.”
that was a first. choso never asked to sleep in the same bed as you. you were too tired to question the curse’s actions and you agree to let him stay with you.
your eyes drift closed again, making yourself comfortable on the bed. soon enough, you felt a pair of arms snake around you.
“i gotta tell you something…um..don’t hate me.” choso began. “i mean, i doubt that you will but just in case.”
choso obviously seemed like a nervous wreck talking to you so closely to your ear. as you fight to keep your eyes open and listen to what choso had to say, you avert your eyes to look at him.
“why would i hate you?” you ask. choso’s cheeks visibly flushed a red color and he’d sigh, struggling to find the correct words to you so the conversation can go on smoothly.
“i…” you hear him pause. “i didn’t mean to fall in love with you like i did. you’re just so beautiful…and sweet. i don’t really know what i’d do without you here with me.”
you lay there processing what he had just said to you. a love confession? you couldn’t even fathom the words coming from your roommate’s lips.
“you don’t have to say yes if you don’t want to, i understand. i just wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my—” choso stopped again as if he were trying to remember something. a word. “do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
a tired smile stretched across your lips, “did you learn that from yuji or did you learn it yourself?”
“when i was talking to yuji on your phone…i asked him what it meant to have a crush on someone…and what it meant to be in a relationship. i mentioned to him that i felt like i’d die around you—that’s a good thing, i promise.” choso explained. “he tells me that it’s fine and that i should tell you how i feel.”
“well…yes, choso. i’ll be your girlfriend.” you say, your drowsiness still evident in your tone. choso released his grip from your body and sat up quickly.
“seriously?” he raised his eyebrows. he seemed unsure if he should’ve been excited. “um..this is good, right? yuji isn’t messing with me, right?”
you just laughed at him. something about his reactions were the cutest thing you could experience. it was like watching a cat play with a new toy.
“yes, seriously.”
“i have to tell yuji,” choso grabbed your phone and attempted to turn it on but it wasn’t working. it was still dead and you didn’t even bother to wake up and put it on the charger.
“tomorrow, cho. tell him tomorrow.”
“yuji,” choso whispered into the phone. you were still asleep in your room while choso had sat in the living room, trying to charge your phone. it took him a second to understand the concept of how long it can take to charge but he was patient until your phone reached a sufficient number so he could use it to make a call.
“i did it. i told her.”
“oh, you did? that’s awesome!” if your phone was any louder, you’d be able to hear yuji cheering over the phone for his big brother since the audio was on speaker. “well, now all you gotta do is be a cool boyfriend and a cool big brother.”
“i think i can do that,” choso smiled.
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isabel-lillah · 2 months
Barty and James being friends and Barty standing up for James
James has been officially dating Regulus for six months now. Barty, together with Evan, found out about this roughly four months ago when they came to their dorm to find James sleeping in Regulus's bed.
Barty was reserved at first. He didn't want to be friends with the obnoxious James 'happy-go-lucky' Potter. However, he quickly learned that disgustingly positive and loud persona was really just that. A persona.
Barty isn't sure why James feels comfortable being himself around him and his friends of all people. Evan believes it's Reg's influence - Barty thinks James just realizes that their Slytherin group (and Pandora) are the last people to judge him for not always being energetic or happy. Despite the popular belief, their friend group communicates feeling like shit really well. They're all aware that people are all kinds of fucked up and that a person's upbringing doesn't determine what issues they have.
That being said, he actually grew to like James. He knows he can always get an honest opinion from him and surprisingly good relationship advice. Because apparently James is more observant than he lets on and he clocked in on Barty's crush on Evan within minutes of meeting both of them.
Not to mention he can be just as unhinged as him if he wants to.
On one memorable occasion, he also let James drag him away from a fight which saved him from a long detention.
A detention like the one he's coming back from right now. It's pretty late, but he's not tired, so he decided to take a longer route than usual while walking back to his dorm. And thank fuck for that, because that's how he finds out that Sirius goddamned Black has been giving James shit for being friends with Barty.
"Sirius, I don't want to fight about this. Not again. I know you don't like him, but he is my friend. I don't force you to be friends with him, so why does it bother you?" echoed through the hall which Barty just stepped on. No one noticed him.
"James, it's Crouch. There's nothing good about him. He's crazy. How did you even become friends with him?"
James honest to Salazar looked so exhausted that Barty worried he would just pass out right then and there.
"You know what a free will is, right?" Barty finally decided to announce himself, partly to help James dodge Sirius's last question. This is not how the relationship should be outed to him.
"Crouch," Sirius greeted.
"Crouch Junior," Barty and James replied automatically. Barty will deny to his last breath that James correcting his last name like that made him happy.
"Listen, Black. I don't care that you don't like me. I'm not your biggest fan either. But for the love of Merlin, stop acting like an asshole to your best friend just because he got some new friends and he won't stand up to you properly because he cares about you. You take pride in being a Gryffindor, right? Then fucking act like it, suck up your pride and have a normal conversation."
Sirius looked pissed and James looked...relieved? The guy seriously needs to learn to stand up to his best friend when he's being an asshole, Barty decided.
And if, after leaving, Barty stopped behind the corner of the corridor to listen to James finally putting Sirius off a bit for saying shit about James's friendship choices, well, nobody needs to know.
272 notes · View notes
marnikula · 1 month
Can u do early seasons spencer x reader who has a lot of problems and they let people walk all over them and they dont set boundaries and they struggle with their emotions. Reader likes spencer a lot but doesn't seek him out bc they feel like he deserves better! And u can decide what happens but make it happy ending :)
Oh my word, I literally spent like 2 hours writing this because I wrote something and then my internet cut out when I posted and now it's lost, so I had to rewrite it. Hope you enjoy!
Cw: gn reader, people dumping work on reader, Spencer being cute
You were a doormat. You knew it, your friends knew it, everyone knew it. You tried to set boundaries, to say no, but it never seemed to stick. Saying no made you feel guilty, it made you feel like a bad person even though you knew you weren't.
Being a doormat, people tended to walk all over you, requesting ridiculous things of you. That is how it came to be that you were sitting alone in the bullpen, the clock ticking away, showing you that it was around midnight and you still had a whole stack of papers to go through. You felt yourself about to fall asleep, and truly, you were too tired to fight it off when a ding signaled the arrival of someone.
Without even turning to look who it was you knew it was Spencer Reid. You recognized his footsteps, and even if you didn't, the smell he brought with him would have alerted you. It was the smell of coffee mixed sweet undertones, almost as if he had spent his whole day in a café. It was intoxicating. "What are you still doing here?" "Working, I have a lot of stuff to finish before tomorrow" "you mean today" looking back at the clock you could see he was right, it was now officially the next day.
"Do you need some help?" without even waiting for you to decline Spencer took half of the pile you were working on. He moved fast, knowing you well enough to know that you hated asking for help, especially from him, he just could never figure out why.
"Spencer, you really don't need to, I've got this" reaching your hands to take the files back only to be swatted away by the doctor was something you did not expect. "I'm not saying you don't have it, I'm just going to help you so you can go home earlier"
Sighing you admitted defeat and went to go make coffee for the two of you. With Spencer's help you managed to make it through the massive stack of papers on your desk in less that an hour, something you would never have been able to do on your own.
"You, doctor Spencer Reid, are amazing, what can I do to thank you?" it was a slight tease on your part. You didn't expect him to ask you anything return, it wasn't like him, he was too nice . That was one of the things you loved about him, and one of the reasons you willed the crush growing in your heart to shrivel up and die. He deserved so much better than you. Someone with a mind as amazing as his own, someone with kindness rivaling his and someone who knew how to say no. You were none of those. At least not in your own eyes.
"You could go on a date with me" Spencer surprised himself with those words, he really hadn't meant to say them out loud, but he really liked you, and in a moment of confidence inspired by sleep deprevation, he decided to take a chance.
"Really? You mean it?" the both of you were blushing hard at this point, him thinking about how he could have possibly screwed this up and you thinking about how this could possibly get any better.
"I-I mean, only if you want to, you really don't have to feel pressured, I know I said I would take it as paiment, but honestly spending time with you was enough of a payme-" grabbing his face in your hands you turned him to look at you, shutting off his ramblings with the movement and shutting off his brain with your words
"I would love to"
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jungshookz · 9 months
y/n doesn't know how to be petty & jealousy is not a good look on jimin
Tumblr media
➺ pairing; park jimin x reader // balletteacher!jimin x ballerina!y/n
➺ genre; balletteacher!jiminiverse!! i think there’s a fairly good balance of honk honk humour and angst and fluff in here but i could be wrong!! seulgi (once again) is a pot-stirrer and you can either love her or hate her for it!! jungkook’s cute and is a really good dance partner!! 
➺ wordcount; 12.1k
➺ summary; surprisingly enough, both y/n and jimin are great at acting unaffected by their devastating breakup — it’s only when they’re reunited two weeks later in class that their nonchalant, callous composures begins to crack.
➺ what to expect; “i just think the respectable move is to wait until we’re done learning, mr. park. or would you like to continue wasting everyone’s time by singling out jungkook and i just because you’re clearly in a sour mood for no reason and seem to be enjoying using us as your emotional punching bags?” 
➺ currently playing on cee.fm; need you now — lady antebellum 
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
the feeling of your phone buzzing rapidly against the mattress is the thing that rouses you from yet another restless night of sleep 
you kept waking up every few hours and every time you woke up you’d be awake for at least another hour before dozing back off 
you’re pretty sure you fell asleep close to six in the morning and according to the clock on your bed stand it’s already 1:30 but somehow you still feel so, so groggy despite getting seven and a bit hours of sleep 
you peel an eye open reluctantly, staring at the bright vibrating rectangle for a few seconds before you drag your arm up lazily to grab it because something crazy must be happening if the group chat is chirping away like this 
you’ve had your phone on do not disturb for the past week (except for the few times lisa clearly hit the ‘notify anyway’ button to get your attention) so you’ve kind of been out of the loop but being present and a functioning member of society isn’t exactly the first thing on your mind 
people are right when they say time just melds together when you’re going through a breakup because you honest to god do not even know what day of the week it is 
“okay, what’s going on…” you mutter to yourself, voice thick with sleep as you roll over onto your back and bring your phone up to your face to unlock it 
it takes you a couple of tries to get into your phone because of how bright the screen is and you curse before resorting to typing in your passcode with fumbling fingers instead 
you haven’t been on your phone too much because… well, you’ve just not really been in the mood to do anything but rot in bed all day with the curtains drawn — and not to mention, every time you’re on your phone you’re just waiting for a text or a call or literally anything from jimin but unsurprisingly it’s been complete silence on his end
you’ve mostly been ordering takeout and also you’re pretty sure you went the whole day without drinking water yesterday, so all in all, it doesn’t seem like you’re handling this very well 
what makes things worse is that you have class today and it’ll be approximately a week since you last saw jimin and the two of you officially ended things and seven days is simply not enough recovery time — you haven’t even accepted the fact that you can no longer call him your boyfriend and that you have to call him your ex-boyfriend now (and teacher, but it’s not like that’s anything new)
i think we should end things permanently, because i want to be in a real relationship instead of whatever the fuck this has been. 
jimin’s words ring loudly in your head and you feel your eyes starting to well with tears for the trillionth time in a row as you mindlessly scroll through all the notifications that have been marinating on your phone for the past seven days 
the only thing you’ve been able to focus on is replaying that last conversation with jimin in your head and it’s driving you up the wall
i never said i was ashamed to be with you, jimin. 
you never had to say it for me to see it. 
“god…” you mutter, reaching up to pinch the bridge of your nose in a poor attempt to stop the tears from flowing 
you haven’t been able to stop thinking about jimin and what makes it harder is the fact that you can’t talk about this with anyone without exposing yourself and jimin 
and as much as you love lisa, you know that if you told her she would of course be concerned about you but would also have a million questions for you and you’re just not in the mood for an interview at the moment 
another thing you’ve been thinking a lot about is what would’ve happened if you grabbed the phone and called lisa when jimin told you to call your friends and tell them the truth
would he have stayed? 
was that really the proof that he needed to show him that you wanted to be with him? 
would that have fixed everything?
you’d still have to hide your relationship — the only difference that telling your friends would make is that mr. park would be accused of playing favourites and knowing a few of the chatterboxes in class, word would spread very fast and it probably wouldn’t take long until you get an email from the dean asking you and jimin to come and speak to him 
and then either jimin would get fired or you’d be expelled and both those options sound like hell 
with that being said, wasn’t it an incredibly unfair move on jimin’s part to ask you to do that for him? 
what if you’d asked him to call the dean to tell him that you two were together? 
given the circumstances, wouldn’t jimin be hesitant to do it as well??? 
well, you suppose in your scenario it’s a little less high stakes because you’d just be telling a close friend, but still… you did the right thing, didn’t you? 
it was irresponsible of both you and jimin to enter into a romantic relationship when you guys are teacher and student, and you had to put an end to it before the truth eventually came out and tore the two of you apart
this was the right thing to do 
now jimin can continue teaching, and you can continue learning at this very prestigious dance academy that you worked very hard to get into 
plus mom and dad would probably kill you if you got expelled over something as scandalous as this
sometimes doing the right thing feels bad! and it’s okay that you feel very, very bad at the moment, because feeling bad is just a normal part of the human experience.  
you let out a huff of frustration, rolling onto your back as you look up at the ceiling 
…but how do you know if you did the right thing or not? 
you let out a slow exhale, shaking your head as you bring your phone back up to look through all your texts
you can’t help but wince a little looking through all your missed notifications throughout the week
most of your texts are from lisa and you know she’s going to want some kind of an explanation of your disappearance 
from: lisa [wednesday 9:08am] — are you okay? barely heard from you all week 
from: lisa [thursday 6:23 pm] —  ?? 
from: lisa [friday 10:32am] — y/n 
from: lisa [friday 11:02am] — helloooooo some kind of indication you are alive please 
from: lisa [friday 8:14pm] — okay well you’re still sending me tiktoks so ik you’re alive 
your thumb goes tired from scrolling through all of lisa’s texts and you finally reach the end to see that she texted you a few minutes ago 
from: lisa [1:22pm] — are you coming to class today? 
your fingers pause slightly as you think about how to respond and how to act casually about the fact that you’ve been a ghost for the last week 
to: lisa [1:34pm] — yes!! i’m coming 
to: lisa [1:34pm] — SORRY i haven’t been responding to your texts, social battery’s been weirdly low and feeling blegh bc period but i’ll see you today mwahaha 
unsurprisingly, lisa doesn’t take too long to respond because she’s always on her phone and it’s never on do not disturb- 
from: lisa [1:35pm] — hmmmm okayyy hope you’re feeling a little better at least? just glad ur alive! i’ll see u later ALSO read the group chat bc omg i’m dead 
from: lisa [1:35pm] — mr. park
your stomach dips a little in anxiety at the mention of mr. park because the point of looking through your texts was to distract yourself from any thoughts of jimin, but then again, why are you surprised? the girls are obsessed with him and he’s always a hot topic in the group chat 
one time he showed up to class wearing a pair of jeans that made his butt look really good and it was a topic in the group chat for like a week and a half straight 
you switch over to look through the group chat, scrolling up the literal hundreds of texts until you get to what’s clearly the meat of the conversation 
seulgi [best ballerinas 🤍] — You guys aren’t going to believe what I heard
seulgi [best ballerinas 🤍] —  Rmb how I said I’m pretty sure Miss Im and Mr Park are like meant to be 
seulgi [best ballerinas 🤍] — Apparently they were out on a date this weekend
lisa [best ballerinas 🤍] — wtffff NO WAYYY wait where’d u hear it from 
seulgi [best ballerinas 🤍] — One of the guys from Miss Im’s class 
seulgi [best ballerinas 🤍] — He slid into my DMs after their performance 💅🏼 as he should 💅🏼 and then we were texting for a bit and he just told me that he saw them walking around downtown together lmfaooooo I totally called it 
you don’t even bother reading the rest of the messages but through your frantic scrolling you manage to catch a message from seulgi teasing you directly about losing your precious mr. park and- “oh, just give me a break!” you groan obnoxiously, tossing your phone aside before flipping onto your stomach and letting out a muffled scream into your pillow 
good for them!
good for jimin, good for nayeon, good for the happy couple! you’ll have to make sure to ask jimin if you’re allowed to bring a plus-one to their wedding and what colour they want to paint the nursery for the child they’re going to have who’ll undoubtedly be the cutest baby on the goddamn planet- 
the thought of playing hooky and calling in sick so you don’t have to go to class crosses your mind briefly, but then you remember that in order to do that, you’d have to call mr. park to let him know (one time, lisa asked jisoo if she could let him know that she wouldn’t be in class because of a bad cold, and both lisa and jisoo ended up getting mildly scolded because why are you asking your classmate to talk to me for you, and why are you talking to me on behalf of your classmate?) and needless to say, the last thing you need is to talk to jimin and pretend like the only problem you have is that you’re not feeling well and you don’t think you can come to class today 
and not to mention, with this new piece of information of him and miss im going out on a date over the weekend, you don’t want him thinking that he won the breakup because you’re so heartbroken that the only thing you can do in stay in bed and cry (even though technically that’s what you’ve been doing all weekend, but whatever) — as heartbroken as you are, you’re just as stubborn so you will be going to class and you’re going to try your absolute best to keep it together… you have to.
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
jimin splutters after splashing icy, ball-shrivelling cold water onto his face, blindly fumbling for the towel in his duffle bag before using it to pat himself off 
he looks at himself in the mirror, leaning closer and reaching up with a finger to pull at the bags under his eyes
the last time he had bags this bad was when he would stay up all night rehearsing for his own exams 
there’s not enough concealer in the world to hide the bags he has now 
needless to say, this breakup has completely destroyed him and this is the first time he actually has no idea to conduct himself after ending things with someone 
he’s had flings and short relationships all throughout high school, undergrad, and even at the academy, and it usually only takes him a few weeks to fully flush his ex out of his system, but he can already tell that this breakup is nothing compared to those ones 
sure, he was sad after his breakup with nayeon and couldn’t even force himself to get over her for much longer than he’d anticipated, but that was then and this is now — and now, he can fully say that the breakup with you is one of the most devastating things to ever have happened to him 
he’s been so out of it all week that he even ordered pizza for himself on friday night instead of digging into his usual meal of [insert choice of lean protein here], roasted vegetables and brown rice… a family sized pizza 
a family sized pizza!!! a pizza for an entire family!! 
the only time he went out this week was saturday afternoon when nayeon texted him to ask him if he wanted to go out for coffee and also to discuss what they wanted to do for their conjoined class today 
and to be honest, jimin barely remembers what they talked about that day and he’s hoping that nayeon will carry them both through today’s class because mr. park is just not mentally here at the moment 
to be honest he’d kind of been dreading coming to class (can you blame him?) and he considered calling in sick and cancelling class today, but if he cancelled today, that’d mean he’d have to have an extra makeup class next week and- well, he can’t avoid seeing you forever 
it’s just that he doesn’t even know if he can look you in the eye after you basically showed him that you don’t want to be with him 
it’s embarrassing 
he’s heartbroken and humiliated and hurt and you’re basically the only thing that’s been on his mind this whole week 
admittedly it was a little selfish of him to demand you to call your friends to tell them that you were dating him
it was an unfair move on his part and he knows he acted out of emotion, but… well, he just wished that you fought harder to keep him, that’s all 
and it’s true that he always felt like you were slightly embarrassed to be with him — he was never afraid to hold your hand in public and act like a normal couple but it was always a little upsetting to turn and see you cowering down or hiding behind a pair of sunglasses or baseball hat or something to conceal your identity 
he knows that you only did it to protect the both of you from being exposed, but you didn’t have to hide yourself all the time 
you guys couldn’t even go to restaurants without you quietly requesting for a table at the very back to avoid being seen by anyone passing by 
maybe this breakup was for the best, now that he’s had a week to think about it…
sure, his relationship with you was one of the best he’s ever had and he’s pretty sure he’s head over heels in love with you and would 100% say it back if you said it to him, but hey! he’ll get over it one day 
you’re his student, he’s your teacher — it was inappropriate from the start and it was irresponsible of him to pursue anything with you, so this breakup was a good thing 
it never would’ve worked out in the end, and it’s better that it ended sooner or later
this was just a lesson from the universe that he had to learn, and yes, it was a very hard lesson, but he’s always been good at learning and he’s just going to take this as a sign to not get involved with another one of his students ever again!
it was silly of him to think that it would ever work out in the first place, anyway, so if anything, he should be able to move on and move on fast 
easy peasy 
“easy fuckin’ peasy.” jimin clears his throat quietly, running his damp fingers through his hair as he looks at his reflection in the mirror from side to side, “i’m park fuckin’ jimin. top of my class, aced all my exams, youngest and most sought after teacher at this academy,” he puffs his chest out slightly, nodding to himself as he feels his confidence coming back to him
he’s mr. park, he knows he’s hot shit! 
he doesn’t need you to feel complete
he doesn’t need you at all
he hears the voice in his head let out a laugh of disbelief followed by an all-knowing alright, keep lying to yourself if this is how you’re planning on coping with this breakup and immediately shuts it out before bending down to grab his duffle bag, swinging it over his shoulder before putting a pair of thick-rimmed, square framed glasses on 
he forget to order more of his contacts over the weekend so he’ll have to wear his stupid dorky ass glasses today (the memory of you telling him how much you love it when he wears his glasses flashes in his mind and he shuts it out as best as he can, but the thought of getting you flustered today in class with these glasses makes the corner of his mouth twitch in a cocky smirk.) 
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
“wow, look who’s alive!” you jolt in surprise when lisa slings an arm around you from behind, leaning her head against yours with a grin as the two of you continue walking towards the main doors, “period cramps are brutal this month, hey?” 
“yeah, it’s been- ha, not great, you know how it is-“ you press your lips together in a tight smile as you pop your airpods back into the case so you can give your friend your full attention, “sorry i… barely texted you all throughout the week, i’ve just- um-“ you clear your throat quietly, pausing for a second to think about what excuse to give lisa
you feel awful for lying to her about all of this because you know that lisa would never be upset or angry with you and is only here to help you because she’s your friend, but still… the wound is a little fresh at the moment so lying will have to do 
because if you rip this bandaid off right now and she gives you that sympathetic head tilt and shoulder droop and big sad eyes combo, you are 100% not going to be able to make it through this class without completely losing your mind and you are certainly not about to burst into tears in front of your classmates 
“you’ve just what?” lisa nudges your side to get your attention and you look over at her, your mouth still hanging open with no fake excuse sitting on the tip of your tongue 
you’ve never really been good at thinking of things on the spot
you’ve also never been good at lying so there’s that to consider as well 
“i just… i don’t know! weird mood. one of those weeks, you know?” you shrug weakly, lisa’s brow raising slightly before she purses her head and nods slowly 
“no, that’s okay! i was just worried about you, that’s all. but you… know you can talk to me about anything, right?” she holds the door open for you and you offer her a meek smile, swallowing the lump in your throat as the two of you head towards the changing rooms 
“yeah, i know.” you respond quietly, choosing not to say anything else after that even though you know you’re acting very suspicious and you have a feeling lisa knows you’re hiding something from her 
“you excited for class today?” she changes the subject swiftly and you immediately nod even though you have no idea what’s happening in class today, “i’ve been buzzing about it all week. miss im’s boys are so fine.” 
“they’re- oh, we have the, uh- they’re coming to our class today, right? we’re, like, pairing up with them or something like that, right?” you clear your throat, opening your locker door up before sitting down on the bench to take your sneakers off, “yeah, they’re all very nice to look at. that jungkook guy is nice, i follow him on instagram.” 
“oh, jungkook is- mmph-“ you can’t help but giggle when lisa bites her fist, “he’s more than very nice to look at. you should ask him out. he was making googly eyes at you at mr. park and miss. im’s performance.” 
the reminder of that night immediately kills the vibe and you feel your mood drop, but you focus on taking your socks off instead of thinking about i think we should end things permanently, because i want to be in a real relationship instead of-
the sound of lisa’s locker door slamming shut snaps you out of it and you turn to see that she’s already fully dressed and ready to go with her water bottle in one hand and her phone in the other, “you want me to wait for you?” 
“you can go in first! i’ll be a while, i-“ you look down at yourself and your sweatpants, letting out a breath because you’re already exhausted and changing into a leotard is no easy feat, “i still have to change and then i have to pee and stuff, but i’ll see you in there.” 
as soon as lisa leaves, you feel yourself slump as you lean over with your elbows on your knees, your mind immediately spacing out 
you are not mentally here right now and you don’t know how you’re about to go through a two hour class where the main thing you have to do is focus otherwise you get in trouble for it 
“it’s a guy.” 
you immediately perk up when you realise you aren’t alone and you turn to look over your shoulder, your brows knitting together in confusion as you blink up at seulgi before looking back down at your duffle bag quickly and pretending like you were in the middle of going through it, “what are you talking about? and how the hell did you get in here so quietly??” 
“it’s a guy. am i right?” seulgi sighs, ignoring your second question (though you are genuinely curious how she managed to come in without you noticing, or maybe you’re just really really checked out that you didn’t notice her at all) and plopping herself down on the bench next to you before crossing one leg over the other and crossing her arms over her chest, “that’s why you’ve been acting so off all week.” 
“what are you on about?” you snort, though you can’t help but think to yourself how true it is that women are very intuitive when it comes to pretty much anything but especially when it has something to do with men 
and seulgi is the best at figuring things out — especially when it comes to things that are literally none of her business like this! 
“you’ve been weirdly civil with me over text when you usually bite back with something.” she raises her chin slightly, her gaze never leaving your face, “you never just sit there and take it.” 
your eyes flicker slightly and you find yourself unable to look seulgi in the eye for more than two seconds before looking away, and you feel the hairs on the back of your neck prickle when she gives you that one look that screams i’m not going to stop pestering you until you tell me what drama you’re swept up in 
“what makes you think that me being civil has something to do with guy problems?” you blurt out, your cheeks starting to grow pink out of anxiety because now you know that seulgi’s onto you, “also, we rarely text and talk outside of class except for when we’re out with the other girls for brunch or something. why do you care about my texting style all of a sudden?” 
“well, you didn’t deny anything.” seulgi points out, and your hand immediately freezes in your bag upon the realisation that yeah, you didn’t deny anything and seulgi is definitely onto you and is also definitely right because you definitely are going through guy problems right now 
but how much can you trust seulgi? you haven’t even told lisa who is arguably your best friend in the class and also the entire world
“we aren’t friends, seulgi. you don’t have to pretend like you care.” you mutter, voice wavering slightly as your eyes begin to brim with tears because this is the first time someone’s asked you if you’re okay in person and clearly you’re an emotional wreck if seulgi is the one asking and it’s making your eyes tear up 
keep it together, keep it together, keep it together, you remind yourself, chewing on the inside of your cheek as you pull your leg warmers on and quickly reach up to wipe a rogue tear away before seulgi sees you crying 
“so it is a guy.” seulgi hums, nodding her head to herself before clicking her teeth, “knew it. is it someone we know? was it a hookup? long time situationship? did he ghost you? have you been secretly dating someone this whole time and you just got dumped by them?” 
all the blood drains from your face as you turn your head to look at seulgi with wide eyes (nearly snapping your neck in the progress), your lips parting before you quickly shut then and turn back to pull your slippers on 
seulgi’s eyes widen before she blinks rapidly 
no way 
this whole time you’ve been dating someone?! 
to be honest seulgi’s always thought you were a massive prude who would crumble at the sight of a couple holding hands in public so this is actually a pleasant surprise for her 
“no fucking way!” seulgi delivers a harsh slap to your shoulder and you press your lips together, your eyes fluttering shut because fuck, the jig is up and now you have to confess to your sins to someone who cannot be farther away than good and holy, “oh my god. y/n y/l/n, you sneaky, sneaky girl. who?!” 
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
“are those new leg warmers?” lisa looks over at you as you stretch beside her, and you look down at your brand new (grey, with little thunderclouds on them) leg warmers before nodding, “yet another pair for your already extensive collection…”
“well, what can i say?” you chuckle, reaching down to smooth them down a little before shrugging, “i wasn’t gonna get them, but retail therapy always makes you feel better when you’re feeling like shit.” you blurt out, looking up slightly when you realise that saying retail therapy implies that something happened in which you need to make yourself feel better 
“retail therapy? what on earth bugged you so much that you needed to buy something?” lisa snorts, pulling her hair up into a ponytail in the mirror 
“probably just dealing with the fact that she knows she’ll never be as good of a dancer as i am.” seulgi butts in, letting out a sigh before shaking her head, “it’s okay, y/n. not all of us were meant for the stage.”
“thank you for the reminder, seulgi. you keep me humble.” you joke, giving her a soft smile and acknowledging her attempt at a distraction with a little nod — you ended up telling seulgi absolutely everything in the changing rooms (but not before triple checking that nobody was around to listen, because that would’ve been a disaster for sure) because… well, it was killing you having to hold everything in! and seulgi, believe it or not, was willing to lend an ear and actually listen for a change instead of blabbing her mouth off like the know it all she is 
much to your surprise, seulgi told you that she wouldn’t tell anyone about this (to be perfectly honest, seulgi thinks it was kind of sick of you to break the rules and date your own teacher, because it’s very unlike y/n y/l/n to do something as taboo as that… she has a newfound sense of respect for you because she would probably also do the same thing if she was in your position because who in their right mind wouldn’t launch themselves full speed at the chance to date mr. park?? but she’ll never tell you that because she knows it would go to your head and you would try to become best friends with her and she’s pretty sure that your relationship works better when you’re frenemies who are constantly trying to one-up each other.) 
“they’re a little… gloomier than what you usually get…” lisa giggles, reaching over to jab a finger into one of the thunderclouds, “still cute, though! and it matches the weather.” you turn to glance out the window, frowning at the sight of the dark grey clouds hanging in the air as the the windows tremble from the weight of chubby raindrops smacking against it rhythmically 
the weather for the past week has been absolutely dreadful and definitely hasn’t made you feel any better, but you have to admit that it was kind of relaxing laying in bed all day listening to the sound of the rain 
“well, the weather is shit, but what makes me feel better is knowing that in a few minutes this room is going to flooded in an ocean of hot testosterone-“ lisa wraps her arms around herself before shimmying her shoulders with a squeal, “aren’t you guys excited?! i don’t know why you aren’t more excited that we basically get a free pass to flirt with boys for the next two hours-“ 
“i’ve got my eye on seokjin,”  ailee chimes in, “god, i would climb him like a goddamn tree.” 
“you know who’s actually built like a tree? kim namjoon. you seen those thighs of his?” 
“well, i’m gonna see if i can get paired with hoseok — i’ve seen him dance, he’s super good. he does hip-hop too, the man can do it all-“ 
“yoongi and i already spoke last time so i’m pretty sure we’re gonna hook up in class and also out of class-“ 
“you guys just stay away from taehyung, because i’ve been eyeing him for so long-“ 
“y/n, what about you?” you feel lisa nudge your back with her foot and you spin around on your bum to face the group, “well, i don’t think i need to ask you who you want to be paired up with.” 
“you seem to be convinced that jungkook was making googly-moogly eyes at me but i’m telling you that he was just being friendly-“
“oh, well- yes, jungkook was definitely making googly-moogly eyes at you and i’m pretty sure he’s going to try to get paired up with you so don’t even worry about that- i was talking about mr. park!”
“wh- what?” your eyes widen slightly and you let out a nervous laugh, “i- what- what makes you think that i- why would i get paired up with mr. park?? that’s not even- that’s not even allowed, i don’t think a student is allowed to be paired up with a teacher for an exercise like this-”
“why are you getting all flustered??” lisa laughs, reaching over to pinch your thigh, “oh my god, i was just teasing you because of the fat crush you have on mr. park, i’m not actually saying you’re going to get paired up with him, dummy-“ 
“even if y/n was paired up with mr. park, she’d probably clomp all over his feet.” seulgi snorts, “besides, she- oh, shit-“ she immediately gets up and you turn to see jimin walk into the room, muscle memory forcing you up from the ground so you can stand with your feet in third position with your hands behind your back next to seulgi 
you feel your heart racing in your chest as the familiar smell of his cologne wafts past you and you immediately look down when he walks past you
you just hope that no one can hear how hard your heart is pounding because you would’ve appreciated some kind of warning before jimin came into the room 
you’re just going to keep your head down and stay in the back of the class for this lesson, and then you’re going to slip out with the girls at the end of class as quickly as you can 
“good afternoon, ladies…” jimin greets lowly as he makes his way towards the front of the room, his voice slightly raspy from the complete lack of sleep he’s gotten 
he drops his duffle bag on the ground as he looks out at the godawful weather, frowning slightly because no one’s responded to him and he thought he taught you guys better than that! it seems like two weeks without class has turned you girls a little sloppy…
“i said, good afternoon, ladies…” jimin tries again, emphasising his tone before turning around swiftly with a tilt of his head, leaning back against the counter with toned arms crossed over his chest, “what’s the matter, you guys forget your manners?”
“good afternoon, mr. park!” everyone fumbles to respond to his greeting, and you find yourself barely mumbling out a barely coherent ‘afternoon’ before continuing to stand in your spot obediently 
“…alright, jesus, i don’t know what the hell that was-“ jimin scoffs, shaking his head with a mild expression of disgust on his face, “maybe it’s a good thing miss im and her students are coming over today so you can see how proper students are supposed to act!” he claps his hands together before reaching into his back pocket for his phone, “miss im will be leading the class today, i’m just gonna be hanging around the back as her co-teacher, but please do your best and try not to embarrass me in front of her students. she just texted me and let me know that she’ll be here on time, so just continue warming up until they get here…” 
“someone woke up on the bitchy side of bed this morning. what do you think his problem is?” lisa mutters to you as the class disperses back into doing warm-up exercises, and you shrug with one shoulder and plop back down on the ground 
“i bet i know.” seulgi snorts, and you shoot her a warning look before she smirks and sends a blowing kiss in your direction 
you turn your head slightly to look over your shoulder, surprised to see jimin looking right at you before his eyes flicker and he quickly turns and looks down at his phone instead 
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
“now, the purpose of today’s class is just to familiarise yourself with dancing with a partner — after all, it’ll be one of the things you have to do during your exams at the end of the semester!” nayeon chirps, standing tall with her clipboard held close to her chest, “mr. park and i were dance partners, as you know… it’s also important to develop a bond with the person you’re partnered with. if there’s no bond, there’s no trust, no warmth, no chemistry, and all of that will be visible on stage through your dancing, so i cannot emphasise how important it is to really strengthen the connection you have with one another.” 
“well, there’s more than one way to do that-“ taehyung mutters, the class breaking into a collection of snorts and giggles before going silent again when jimin gives them one of his signature unimpressed death glares 
he’s barely spoken a word since nayeon and her boys came into the class ten minutes ago because that’s how mentally checked out he is 
it’s actual torture having to be here with you standing across the room as if he doesn’t have a million questions lined up and ready to go 
were you just lying when you said you loved him? did you know he was awake? did you do it on purpose to get him to become more attached to you??? did you date him so that you would be chosen for the nutcracker at the end of the year?! 
he made brief eye contact with you earlier (he was staring at the back of your head and wasn’t expecting you to turn and look back at him) and he swore he was going to start tearing up when the two of you locked gazes which is why he had to look away so quickly 
“i’ve paired you up randomly, so i’m just going to read your names off my list. when you hear your name, pair up with your partner and stand to the left side of the room and wait quietly until everyone’s been paired up,” nayeon clears her throat, looking down at her list, “lisa and taehyung, jisoo and seokjin, seulgi and namjoon…” 
jimin resists the urge to blow his cheeks out and roll his eyes out of complete boredom as he stands next to nayeon with his arms behind his back, occasionally glancing down at her list to see how many people still have to be paired up
“-y/n and jungkook-“ 
he immediately perks up at the mention of your name, eyebrows furrowing when it’s followed by jungkook’s name because what the hell does nayeon mean by y/n and jungkook?? 
“oh, uh-“ jimin nudges nayeon’s arm, “you- you paired y/n up with jungkook? we, uh, did we… did we talk about that, or…?” 
“what do you mean? i asked you if you had any preferences for partners and you told me to sort them out, don’t you remember?” nayeon whispers, using the tip of her pen to trace a line down her page before tapping right next to your name and jungkook’s name, “plus y/n’s clearly your strongest student, and jungkook is mine, so i’d like to see how they work together. i think they’ll work out quite well, they already seem to be pretty friendly with each other…”
“y/n and jungkook.” 
you look up when you hear your name being called and you immediately look over at jungkook, offering him a shy smile when he beams and starts to make his way over to you 
what a pleasant surprise!
you actually really like jungkook — sometimes he sends you memes on instagram or he’ll swipe up and respond to your stories, so the two of you have interacted more than a handful of times and you think he’s a pretty solid guy 
and you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t handsome (and it kind of gives you an ego boost knowing that he might have a teensy weensy crush on you)
“pst- make him jealous.” you hold back a yelp when seulgi suddenly burrows her fingers into your side and you turn to glare at her 
“make. him. jealous.” she enunciates through gritted teeth, eyes flickering over to jimin before she looks over at a smiley jungkook, “nothing wrong with being a little petty.” 
“what- i’m not going to make him jealous, that’s not going to solve anything-“
“it won’t solve anything, but would it be so wrong to have a little fun to make yourself feel better?” 
“seulgi, i don’t like being petty and- hi!” you turn your head and greet jungkook with a bright smile, letting out a chuckle afterwards, “nice to see you again.”
“likewise! i’m glad we got paired up.” he nods, standing a little closer to you as the two of you return your attention to the front where miss. im is in the middle of giving her tips for the girls 
“try not to help your partner! you kinda just have to trust them — i know it’s very tempting because you know the combination and you know what step comes next, but the best thing to do is to just keep a strong core and focus on yourself! that way, your partner can- you know, kind of put you where you need to go. so, what we’re going to have you do for this exercise is, girls, you’ll make up a short combination, tell your partner what that is, and then immediately perform it on the spot.” miss. im turns to look at jimin, “so, mr. park, do you have any tips for the boys?”
“uh, i mean…” jimin purses his lips slightly, “use your palms, not your fingers. it wouldn’t feel good for your partner to have your fingers digging into their ribcages especially. also, you’ll be able to have more control when you’re using your palms instead of lifting with your fingers. just, uh… yeah, trust in your partner.” he nods, looking over at nayeon to signal that he has nothing more to add
god, he really is out of it today 
“any volunteers?” nayeon purses her lips as she looks around the class, not surprised to see that majority of you are avoiding eye contact with her (it is pretty intimidating dancing with all of your peers looking at you and judging every move, but it’s something that all of you will have to do eventually), “alright, then i’ll have to choose, since no one is taking the initiative.” she chirps, smacking her palm flat against her clipboard before turning to look right over at you and jungkook, “jungkook, y/n — would you like to come up here and demonstrate for the rest of the class?” 
you feel the hairs on your arm prickle in anxiety as you stand there for a second in silence, both you and jungkook exchanging glances before you turn back to look at miss im with a meek smile, “ah- yes, miss im.”
you were expecting everyone to break out and scatter around the room instead of immediately performing in front of the class, but you suppose everyone’s already warmed up and ready to go… 
“bepetty.” seulgi coughs quietly, and you turn to see jungkook holding his hand out for you to take
“shall we?” he grins, clearly very confident in your guys’ ability to impress the whole class with your little routine, “don’t worry miss im, y/n and i will try our best not to completely amaze you with our routine, but no promises…” jungkook’s comment gets a couple of laughs and you giggle lightly before taking his hand and letting him lead you to the front 
“that’s easy for you to say, i’m the one who has to come up with the routine-“ you add on, the corner of your mouth lifting in a knowing smirk when jungkook lets out a laugh and a nod 
his hand feels quite warm in yours and your eyes widen a little when you feel his thumb rub over your skin soothingly
“do your best!” miss im smiles, flicking the main lights off and turning the spotlight ones on as you guys get to the front, “y/n, what combination will you two be demonstrating for your peers?” 
ah, shit
“i….” you’ve never been good at thinking of things on the spot, and you can’t help but look over at jimin for a split second who seems to be shooting daggers right at jungkook as he stands leaning against the wall by the door, his arms crossed over his chest and his tongue poking against the inside of his cheek before he clears his throat quietly and rubs his lips together a couple of times 
his eyes are lidded slightly and to be honest, if looks could kill, jungkook would be bleeding out on the floor right about now and you can’t help but feel a little pleased at the obvious fact that jimin doesn’t like that you were paired up with jungkook and definitely doesn’t like the fact that miss im chose you and jungkook to demonstrate in front of the class 
“y/n?” jungkook elbows you slightly to get your attention and you clear your throat before standing up a little straighter, sorting through all the moves that you know and trying your best to come up with a quick routine on the spot
“oh! i, uh… okay, first, i’m gonna piqué attitude to the left, tombé… uh, double stepover, and then i’ll do… ah… i’ll do… échappé-echappe… passe-passe, i… suppose i’ll do a spin and then finish in arabesque?” you smile sheepishly, looking over at miss im and jimin for validation only to get a grunt from jimin and a pleased nod from miss im 
that seems like a doable combination, right?
god, you hope so 
lisa shoots you a thumbs up from the audience and you clear your throat quietly, taking a few steps back and waiting for your cue as miss im lowers the spotlights slightly 
the last thing you see before the lights dim is jimin’s furrowed brows and clenched jaw and you press your lips together in order to suppress a grin 
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
“wonderful job, you two. impeccable!” nayeon claps her hands gently along with the rest of the class, a proud smile on her face as she nudges jimin with her elbow, “see, what’d i tell you? the two of them fit together like two puzzle pieces, don’t you think?” 
“yep.” jimin licks over his front teeth in irritation when he notices the way jungkook’s hand lingers on the small of your back (a little too low for his liking, and if he was grading jungkook for an exam he’d immediately dock off a point for hand placement alone) as the two of you bow/curtsey at the front to thank your classmates for the applause and he feels his blood beginning to boil when he sees the shy little smile on your face and the blush spreading across your cheeks when jungkook whispers something in your ear 
what the fuck is he saying to you that’s making your cheeks red?? 
“you have something you want to share with the class, jungkook?” jimin blurts out right before he can even process that he’s blurted something out, his hand instinctively reaching over to smack the main lights back on 
the light switching back on so suddenly makes a few of you flinch and you reach up instinctively to shield your eyes, a little puzzled by what the problem is 
jimin is completely unbothered as he looks at jungkook and tilts his head, “well? if you can whisper it to y/n, you can share it with everyone.”
you and jungkook exchange glances of confusion 
“oh, i-“ jungkook stands up a little taller and jimin can’t help but feel drunk on power because of how intimidated he looks right now, “i just said that she did a really good job, mr. park, that’s all. a-and that she looks very pretty when she’s focused.” 
“interesting. well, i don’t think that’s a very appropriate comment to make to your peer,” jimin responds immediately, shaking his head before looking over at nayeon, “miss im, you need to control your hormonal students-“
“woah, my boys aren’t the hormonal ones here-“ nayeon scoffs, and jimin’s eyes widen in offence at the dig at you guys even though he technically made the first jab (and also, nayeon’s probably right about that because he’s seen the way you guys look at him and has also heard many of things said about him), “and it’s perfectly fine to compliment a peer! maybe keep the second half of your comment for after class, but don’t listen to grumpy mr. park, you two — again, great job, you can go back to your spots.” 
awkward, scattered applause makes its way around the room as you and jungkook return to your spots, and lisa gives you a look that says “what was that??? we’re definitely talking about this later” to which you respond with a quick shrug as you pass by her 
“okay…” miss im clears her throat quietly, letting out an uncomfortable chuckle before flipping to the next page on her clipboard, jimin following close behind her as the two of them head back to the front of the room, “let me see… jisoo, seokjin, can you guys come up next?” 
“i’m sorry if i- if i made you uncomfortable with my comment, y/n, i really didn’t mean to-“ jungkook whispers, and you shake your head quickly as you look up at him with a frown 
“no, not at all! it was very sweet of you-“ you reassure him, reaching down to give his hand a squeeze, “really, it was very kind of you to say. and you did a great job as well- sorry i almost stepped on your foot when i-”
“oh, that’s- no, it was really all you, i basically just followed you and made sure to spin you and stuff-“ 
“jungkook!” jimin’s voice is crisp and it makes you stand straight up as you turn your head to look back at the front, “talking again while your peers are getting ready to perform up front?” 
jungkook’s face turns bright red and he shakes his head quickly, “i- no, sir, i’m- i wasn’t-“ 
“i talked to him first, so if you’re going to bark at someone, you should do it at me-“ you raise your hand to get jimin to look over at you before giving him a casual shrug, “my bad.” 
“‘your bad’?” jimin repeats with air quotations, narrowing his eyes at you and almost daring you to continue speaking to him in such a casual tone when you know he’s made it very clear how important it is to speak to him formally when it’s class time, “well, is there something that you’d like to share with the class since it was so important you had to speak to jungkook about it right now?” 
“just that he did a fantastic job and he looked incredibly handsome doing it,” you chirp, maintaining a smile on your face, “i also said that we did completely amaze everyone with our routine because i guess we just fit together so, so well and- well, the second half of my comment, i’ll say to him when the two of us are outside of class, as miss im suggested.” 
your comment doesn’t get any snickers, which isn’t a surprise considering the fact that everyone is probably terrified of how angry jimin looks — but honestly, you have no idea why he seems to be picking on you and jungkook but you have a feeling it has something to do with the breakup 
and when you think about that, you can’t help but get more infuriated because can’t he see that he benefits from you breaking up with him?! now he’s free to date whoever he wants to date
like he said, he can be in a real relationship instead of whatever the fuck the two of you were in 
not to mention, you haven’t brought your personal feelings into the situation the same way he has (this is a lie, you are definitely acting on your emotions right now but the denial is slathered on thick today) so what makes him think that he has the right to treat you and jungkook like shit just because he’s all pissy?!?! 
“i’d like to pull y/n out to talk to her for a moment.” jimin immediately turns to look at naeyon with his hands behind his back, nayeon frowning as she looks back and forth between him and you, “now please, miss im. we won’t be long.” 
“well, can you wait until we’re done?” you pipe up, and that gets you a little stomp on the toes from seulgi because now you’re just doing too much but the rage that’s building inside of you from having jimin clearly picking on both you and jungkook is becoming unbearable, “i just think the respectable move is to wait until we’re done learning, mr. park. or would you like to continue wasting everyone’s time by singling out jungkook and i just because you’re clearly in a sour mood for no reason and seem to be enjoying using us as your emotional punching bags?” 
the silence is almost palpable, both you and jimin glaring at each other from across the room as everyone stands silently, awkwardly, because what the absolute fuck is going on right now? 
jimin’s eyes have gone completely dark and if it weren’t for the fact that he used to be your boyfriend, you would probably be terrified for basically cussing out your teacher in front of the whole class — but the scale feels balanced now because the current conversation taking place doesn’t seem at all like a mr. park vs miss. y/l/n interaction… this is a jimin vs y/n interaction. 
“leave this classroom right now.” jimin says through gritted teeth, his voice eerily low and quiet as he continues staring at you without a single blink, “right fucking now, y/n.” 
“no problem.” you snap, swiftly moving your way through the crowd and heading straight for the door, your fists clenched at your sides 
you let the door slam shut behind you, angry tears beginning to brim at the edges of your eyes as you storm down the hallway towards the changing rooms so you can get your bags and go home
you shouldn’t have come to class today — you knew that seeing jimin would be too much for you and now look at where it’s gotten you! 
openly disrespecting jimin not just in front of the girls but also in front of miss im’s boys, which probably mortified jimin because he prides himself on how well-behaved you guys are whenever you’re paired up with students from another class… you have a feeling this isn’t going to end well at all. 
the thought of being grilled not just by jimin but also the dean of the school sends a lightning bolt of anxiety right into you and your brain immediately begins to conjure up an email of what you’re going to say in your apology letter because that’s the type of student you are, not whoever you were just a second ago 
you just couldn’t help yourself!! you’re running on an inconsistent sleep schedule and you haven’t been eating right and you’ve barely been drinking water and you’re sad about the breakup and mad at the circumstances and also feeling a little bit like maybe you acted too hastily in the first place and should’ve communicated with jimin about how you were feeling and what you were insecure about instead of diving head first into the whole crazy jealous girlfriend act and driving him away 
and now it seems to be your ego and your pride standing in the way of making you turn around and just talk to jimin because walking away and accepting that this is just the way things are is the much easier option 
“so stupid,” you sniffle, reaching up to wipe away a stray tear as your bottom lip starts to tremble 
you’ve ruined everything 
“hey, i didn’t say you could leave-“ you glance over your shoulder when you hear jimin’s voice as you continue making your way down the stairs, but you pick up your pace when you see him starting to follow you, “y/n, i swear to god-“ 
“i’m going home, i’m clearly not in the right state of mind to be here right now, mr. park-“
“oh, don’t give me that bullshit, y/n-“ jimin snaps, “i think you and i both know we’ve been avoiding each other but we need to talk because your behaviour today isn’t coming out of nowhere-“ 
“i’m sorry for talking back to you in class, but you were clearly picking on jungkook and i and i was so fucking over it-“ you swing the main door open, sneakers squeaking against the linoleum when you come to a sudden stop after seeing how heavy the rainfall is 
you contemplate staying and waiting until the rain calms down a little but the thought of having to stay and talk to jimin is just a little too much for you at the moment 
“it’s raining out and you don’t have an umbrella, you big baby-“ jimin changes the subject when thunder suddenly rumbles from outside, stopping at the top of the stairs to look at you, “what are you gonna do, walk in the rain?!” 
“if that’s what i wanted to do, then i have every right to do so!” 
you came here by bus and you know it doesn’t come for another twenty minutes, meaning that not only are you going to have to walk in the rain to the bus stop, you’ll also have to wait in the rain until it comes and that’s just a recipe for the nastiest cold in the entire world
and the thought of having to nurse a horrible cold and nurse your poor heart sounds like a nightmare 
“y/n, i know you’re upset but you’re being irrational-”
“so what if i wanna walk in the rain?!” the emotional side of your brain takes over as you glare up at jimin before storming towards the doors, “i’m an adult, i can make my own decisions-“ 
“i know you are, and i know you can, but, y/n, please-“ jimin grabs the back of your arm right as you get to the bottom of the stairs and you immediately fling his arm away, “just talk to me, please-“
“about what?!” you adjust the strap of your duffle bag over your shoulder, “we broke up, it’s for the better, you’re my teacher and i’m your student and we never should’ve started dating in the first place because it never would’ve worked out anyway and-“ before you know it, everything is coming out of you and you can’t find a way to stop or control the words coming out of your mouth, “and i think maybe i shouldn’t come to class for a few weeks because it’s going to be weird and i can’t- i can’t be in the same room as you, jimin, it’s killing me-“ 
“it’s killing me, too-“ jimin admits softly, brown eyes glistening slightly underneath the lights, “i just- i can’t stop thinking about you, and i- baby, i- i miss you so much, you have no idea-“ your eyes immediately well with tears and you shake your head quickly as you take a few steps back, pushing the door open and stumbling out while unable to tear your gaze away from jimin’s, “please, we can figure something out, i know we can. i know i want to be with you, y/n, i don’t want anyone else, i just want you-“ his voice tremors slightly and he reaches out for you, “and i didn’t mean it when i called our relationship nothing, i was just hurt and- and angry and- i don’t even know why we broke up-“ 
“you should be with nayeon, she’s better for you and-“ you lower your voice slightly, “i know you went out with her over the weekend, so-“
“went out with her??” jimin gawks, almost letting out a laugh of disbelief, “we met up for coffee to talk about the lesson plan for today- don’t think i didn’t hear what everyone was muttering about before class, you guys need to cut the gossiping and- oh my god, y/n, is that what this is about?? you think i want to be with nayeon? we broke up for a reason, you- this is so incredibly frustrating, y/n, why can’t you just believe me when i say that i want to be with you?!” 
everything that’s coming out of jimin’s mouth makes you feel ten times worse knowing that the two of you can’t be together 
“this is why we need to sit down and talk about things, be honest and give each other our side of the story, because clearly something’s been miscommunicated and-“
“it doesn’t matter, jimin, at the end of the day, even if we talk about what happened we still can’t be together-“
“we can, we just- we can figure something out-“ the overwhelming reminder that you’ll have to tell the dean and all your classmates and face judgement and be gossiped about on top of the already overwhelming emotion of seeing and talking to jimin is just too much for you to bear, and you find your heart skipping more than a few beats out of anxiety because the only thing on your mind right now is to run away and hide from all of this 
“i can’t be here, i have to go home, i can’t be here right now-“ you whimper, turning around to head into the rain, “you just- we can’t be together, jimin-“ 
“y/n-!” the last thing you hear before you sprint out into the dark, misty rain is the sound of jimin crying out for you and you can’t help but burst into tears, covering your mouth with your hand to muffle your sobs
run away run away run away run away 
water splashes up and around you at every step you take, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you keep running down the sidewalk with your duffle bag flopping behind you wildly 
this is too much
everything is just too much 
you just need to go home and then everything will be fine 
it doesn’t matter that jimin wants to work on things with you (it does, because you do, too), it doesn’t matter that he wants to find a way to make things work (it does, because you do, too), it doesn’t matter that he’s clearly stated that he wants to be with you and not nayeon (it does, because it reassures you and now you really know that jimin just wants you and you know that you just want him too) because all that matters is that everything is too much to handle and you feel like your head is about to explode 
“so what am i supposed to do then?!” the sound of jimin’s voice down the street immediately makes you stop and turn around, and you’re glad that it’s raining like this to mask the tears streaming down your face
you aren’t surprised that he’s caught up to you, and you stand still as you look at him standing across from you, all the way at the end of the block, “what the FUCK am i supposed to do, y/n, huh?!” he yells, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and pounding against his chest a few times, “you want me to stand here and act like i don’t love you?! like we never happened?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!” 
“tell me that’s what you want and i’ll leave it alone, y/n. all you have to do is tell me that this is what you want.” your feet are stuck in place as jimin jogs right over to you and you resist the very strong urge to look away from him again but he just looks so sad and you hate yourself for doing this to him
“it was wrong of me to pressure you to tell your friends about us the way that i did, i know that.” jimin nods, slicking his hair back with a hand, “i fucked up, and i’m sorry for doing that. but i meant it when i said i wanted to be in a proper relationship, y/n, because i want to be able to hold your hand in public, i wanna take you out for dinners without constantly feeling like we’re going to get caught, i- i want to show you off! i wanna show you off because i… i love you, y/n…” 
jimin shakes his head in disappointment when your only response is to stand there, staring at him with wide, trembling eyes 
he waits one, two, three seconds for you to say something, to say literally anything and he hates that you still have nothing to say to him 
even if you said you didn’t want to be with him, that would be a better response than you just standing there staring at him 
forget it 
obviously you’ve made your answer clear, and now he knows that he was 100% more invested in you than you were in him 
if you want him to pretend like he doesn’t care about you and that you’re just another one of his students, he’s perfectly capable of doing that 
he was a little out of control today, but he’ll be able to manage it in future classes
the thought of transferring you to another teacher’s class briefly flits through his mind but he’s reminded by the fact that he’d have to talk to the dean about that and then the dean would have to ask why jimin wants to transfer you and that’d just be a whole thing 
plus, the semester’s nearly over so pretty soon jimin won’t have to be forced to be in the same room with the woman he loves but he can’t say he loves 
it’s going to fine
everything is going to be fine 
he’s been broken up with before, and he’s picked himself up and has moved on 
he can do this 
“fine, y/n.” he scoffs to himself, turning on his heel to head back towards the building, “if that’s what you want, i can’t change your mind. i’m sorry. i won’t push it any further.” 
“i was gonna talk to the dean!”
jimin stops in his tracks when you finally speak up, and he turns to look over his shoulder to see that you’ve taken one step forward but hesitating to come any closer to him like a scared baby deer 
he doesn’t move, afraid that if he moves too quickly he might scare you off and stop you from what you’re about to say 
“what?” he asks quietly, turning around to face you and relieved to see that you don’t seem like you’re about to take off again 
“i was- i was gonna talk to the dean.” you repeat quietly before averting your gaze, “i’d made an appointment and everything, i was gonna talk to the dean about us because i- i love you… too.” you blurt out, looking back up at him, “i love you too, but i’m… scared.” 
“scared of someone finding out?” 
“well, that’s a pretty big chunk of it because i could get expelled and you could get fired, but i’m also scared because… the last time i felt this way about someone, they left me for their ex six months after we said i love you to each other.” you swallow thickly, feeling slightly ashamed and embarrassed to admit that about yourself since it’s not something you like to bring up, “i… if there is even a 1% chance of you and nayeon getting back together, i don’t want any part of it. and i know that’s unfair of me to say because life happens and i get it but-” you whimper, feeling your heart splinter at the reminder of how broken up you were over your previous relationship, “as much as i love you and i want to work on things with you, i don’t wanna be hurt again-“ 
“you won’t be, y/n-“
“you don’t know that-“
“but i do!” jimin drops to his knees, looking up at you from the ground as he keeps his hands firm on the sides of your thighs, “baby, i do know that- i don’t know what crazy rumour you guys cooked up but i’m not secretly in love with nayeon- i wanna be with you, please, please just give us a chance to make it work-“
“i’m still your student, jimin…” you sniffle, reaching up to wipe at your red eyes, “all of this doesn’t change the fact that you are my teacher and i am your student, and the both of us never should’ve started doing this in the first place-“ 
“i’ll talk to the dean about getting you transferred to another class, or- or i can transfer to another class- i will make it work, y/n, we can make this work.” 
you chew on the inside of your cheek anxiously as you look down at jimin, jimin who you’re hopelessly in love with, jimin who you love waking up next to and falling asleep beside, jimin who wakes you up with kisses on the face and a mug of tea (you hate tea, you just drink it because it’s him), jimin who you know you want to be with because it’s been so long since you’ve felt so strongly and so surely about someone and… well, it’s jimin. 
“okay.” you nod slowly, reaching down to cup his cheek gently before swiping your thumb against his skin, “okay, we can make it work. i wanna make this work, but i think the first thing we have to do is talk to the dean because i don’t know how much longer i can hide it from everyone-!” you don’t get much of a chance to say anything else before jimin’s shooting up from the ground, pulling you in for a kiss as your duffle bag drops to the ground 
“oh my god, i missed you so much, you have no idea how much-“ jimin murmurs against your lips, his arm looping around your waist to pull you in closer, while your arms sling around his neck and your fingers curl into the hair at the back of his head 
“i missed you too-“ you laugh lightly, heart thrumming happily in your chest as you find yourself pressing closer into jimin’s familiar warmth, “we can make this work.” 
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
(“are we going to talk about how you were basically bullying me and jungkook?” “…no comment.”) 
🎙️ ask y/n where she gets her leg warmers (talk to my characters!) 
📚 why not explore the rest of the library while you're here? (full fics!) 
💫 or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles and mini series!)
🌟 or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits!) 
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itsjusthockey · 1 year
45 Days Later - Jack Hughes
Summer Series Open Now
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Here is the official beginning of the Summer Lakehouse Series.
Send in requests
I’m ready to rumble.
w.c: 1,571 (dont steal my work)(credit to gif maker)
Part 1
You slightly want to kill someone when you awake to your iPhone ringing incessantly. It's early. Way too early. Too early even for your very specific set of alarms.
Groggily, you sigh, accepting defeat and fumbling around for the device on your bedside table, cursing under your breath when you see who has woken you up much earlier than needed.
“What?” You groan, rubbing your eyes to chase away some sleep as you answer the FaceTime call.
“Hello to you too, sunshine,” Jack smirks at your screen, obviously incredibly pleased with himself.
You let out an exasperated sigh, looking at the time. "It’s 4:30, Jack. What do you want?”
Jack is practically beaming as you continue to squint at your phone's brightness.
“I couldn’t sleep, so I decided that if I’m awake, you’re awake.”
“Well, mission accomplished," you hiss at him, sitting up in bed, stretching your arms. "I'm awake now. Happy?"
“Ecstatic," Jack retorts, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "How are you even able to sleep? I’ve been up since Tuesday counting down every second.”
You roll your eyes playfully, knowing exactly how Jack gets when he's excited. "Well, some of us need our beauty sleep before we have to face the public.”
Jacks snorts. "Oh, believe me, baby, you don't need any more beauty sleep. You're already perfect."
You roll your eyes as far back as possible.
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Hughes.”
He lets out another laugh as you crack a few muscles.
“Well, now you’re already awake-“
“Thanks to you.”
“You can get up and get ready because you have a very important flight to catch in 2 hours.”
You glance at the clock again, realizing that trying to sleep again is pointless, and now, despite the early hour, a surge of excitement fills your veins as the reality of the day ahead sinks in.
“You’re so annoying,” you say, sliding out of bed. “But I suppose it would be tragic if I did miss this flight“
You see Jacks's face drop a bit. “Don’t even joke. I think I’d die.”
You can't help but smile at his eagerness.
“J, it’s been forty-five days. You can wait a few more hours.”
He rapidly shakes his head. “Really don’t think I can“
The words melt your heart, and you can't help but feel another surge of excitement. "I miss you too, loser. Five hours, give or take.”
With a little more back and forth, you finally hang up the phone, the grogginess finally leaving you, and start your morning routine. Though you’re a little upset about the early wake-up, now you don’t have to rush, which is slightly lovely.
You shower, get dressed in comfortable travel attire, and double-check your bags to ensure you haven't forgotten anything important. As you go through the motions, your mind can't help but wander to the fact that in just a few hours, you’ll be at the lake house. The thought of surfing on the water, laughter-filled late bonfires, and being with your boyfriend again makes you giddy.
Time moves quickly, and soon enough, you're ready. You grab your suitcase and head out the door, heading to the airport and praying the day runs smoothly.
The airport is busy, but you navigate through check-in and security easily, and the excitement in the air is contagious. You find yourself grinning as you walk to your gate, and the many hours of separation are dwindling. Soon, you'll be reunited with the idiot you’ve missed so dearly.
You get coffee, and some snacks, find a comfortable spot, and less than an hour later, you board the plane. You find your seat, shoot off a text to Jack and turn on your shared playlist.
Minutes later, you’re in the clouds, and you feel yourself at peace for the first time in a while, so with a slight smile, you close your eyes and try to sleep just a little more.
A shortish flight later, you barely step ten feet in the Delta terminal baggage claim when you get a text that immediately sends you into panic mode.
-I see u-
You snap your head to survey your surroundings and try your best to prepare yourself for the attack, but you know it’s futile. You’re proven correct when, within five seconds of seeing the text, you’re thrown to the ground, a hand coming to cover your mouth to silence your scream.
To onlookers, this may seem like a kidnapping attempt but not one single person even bats an eye as you’re wrestled to the dirty airport floor.
Jack makes quick work of laying his entire body weight on you and crushing you between his body and the floor. You struggle to breathe between your laughter and all the extra weight that is being dramatically laid out on your chest.
You both stay this way for a second and finally, you smack him in an attempt to push him off of you. He does, jumping up quickly and pulling you into a hug that crushes every bone in your body.
When he lets you pull back a little bit, you finally take in his face for the first time in over a month. His eyes are filled with happiness, and he smiles so hard you’re afraid his face might break open. You notice he hasn’t shaved; growing slightly along his jaw and upper lip is a little hair that has you immediately wanting to pull out the razor you know is somewhere in your checked bag.
“God, you hate it, don’t you?”
You realize you must have been staring a bit too long at his face, and laughter bursts from your lips.
“No, it’s um,” you pause, a teasing smile crossing your face. “It’s fine.”
Jack lets out a groan, pulling you into him and dropping his head into your neck.
“It’s coming off immediately,” he mutters, the light vibrations sending a chill down your spine.
After several seconds of sulking, Jack pulls back, looking deeply into your eyes. He doesn’t say anything, but his soft smile somehow grows even more, and he leans back to kiss your forehead.
You try your best not to melt, pulling him back for another hug. His grip is so tight, as if he thinks you might slip away.
You stay there for another few moments before he pulls back slightly, and both of his hands remove themselves from your waist and go to cup your face. He stares hard for a second, his beautiful green eyes scanning over every inch of your face until they stop at your lips, and after a moment, he connects yours together, and fireworks explode in your entire body.
You kiss him for a few seconds, then remember you’re in the middle of a crowded airport and pull back from his firm embrace. When you part, you see he’s got a slight smirk on his face that makes your heart stutter. He always is a little cocky and a whole lot clingy when you first see each other after a long time apart, but you love the combination. 
With a playful grin, you nudge Jack's side and motion toward the exit. "Come on, Romeo. Let's get out of here, and let's save the rest of this reunion for the privacy of the Lakehouse, shall we?"
Jack chuckles and nods, intertwining his fingers with yours. Together, you find your checked bag and make your way through the bustling airport. You let him lead you to his parked car, and he opens the door for you, and you slide into the passenger seat of the Range Rover.
As Jack pulls out of the airport parking lot, you lean back in your seat, taking in the familiar sights of the city passing by. His hand rests on your thigh, and the drive to the lake house is filled with laughter, catching up on missed stories and stealing stolen glances at each other whenever the traffic allows.
You drive for a while, but you soon turn onto the familiar road leading to the Lakehouse. You’re practically bouncing in your seat when Jack pulls into the driveway, and before the car has even come to a complete stop, you're unbuckling your seatbelt when Jack quickly grabs you before you can rush out.
“Wait, (Y/N).”
You meet his eyes, and you can see all the love and longing in the world in his gaze. Without a word, he captures your lips in a tender, passionate kiss, sealing the moment and igniting a fire that had been smoldering within both of you during the time apart.
As you break the kiss, you can't help but smile, knowing that this is just the beginning of an epic summer. You feel yourself leaning back in, and your lips barely brush when what you assume is a ball hits the windshield in front of you. You both are a little shocked, but a smile breaks on your face when you see Luke standing about ten feet away, with his arms crossed, looking less than impressed.
“You guys wanna stop making out and come see everyone who’s been waiting just as long as Jack to see you?”
You laugh at his annoyed tone and move to get out of the car when Jack grabs you once more, stealing a quick peck and whispering in your ear.
“We’ll finish this later.”
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revengeghoulette · 2 months
Matcha Latte w/ Rose
Part 1: The Meet Cute, Barista Swiss x Professor Mountain
Part 2 3
Playlist: The Rosy Crown
I’ve had this idea written down since February, because a friend made me a matcha latte with oat milk and a splash of rose and I was like yup this is definitely Them. I also definitely did not describe my dream of owning a book & coffee shop.  No mentions of matcha this part, but definitely next part. Divider by @ghuleh-recs
@divine-misfortune bc i really enjoyed your tags :) @obsidianghoul, @gottagho-st @foxybouquet @rainsbasspick @hypnoneghoul bc Swissalps
Slightly edited, might go back in and edit some more
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Swiss works at a quiet little bookstore and coffee shop owned by an elderly couple. They’ve been training him to take over the business since they're too old to be doing this sort of thing, and want to leave it to a local who will take care of their business. He’s always wanted to be a businessman and run a little local shop. A safe space for all the so-called weirdos in the community, especially the college kids trying to figure out who they are. Fresh baked goodies round the clock, fresh coffee, a bookstore with an upstairs quiet area for studying with sleeping pods in case anyone needs a place for the night, or just needs a nap. 
Once he officially became the owner, he changed its name to Rosy Crown Bookshop and Cafe. He hired a few teens, a handful of part-time college kids, and his friends Mist and Sunny, who help run the bookshop side of things and do other management stuff. 
Swiss enjoys working as a barista and running the cafe. He enjoys seeing all the new faces at the start of the semester, but mostly, he enjoys the fact that his coffee shop is the go-to study place. He also hosts study sessions, trivia nights, and other little destressors for students. During midterms and finals, the cafe would be open 24/7 for those procrastinators and extreme studiers. Mist, Sunny and Swiss don’t mind staying open for them and working long hours. 
The start of a new semester was around the corner. New faces were slowly starting to roll in, exploring the bookshop, trying the seasonal drinks, and a few asking for employment. Many nervous freshmen calm down after chatting with Swiss, knowing they have a safe space to come to for studying.
Swiss was finishing opening the coffee shop when he walked in. He’s tall, slender, wears glasses, tousled reddish brown hair that matches the autumnal leaves outside. Swiss was taken aback by this beautiful man… wait no. Ghoul? There’s a certain scent to him. He was too distracted to notice that he was ringing the bell for assistance. Snapping out of it, Swiss walks behind the counter to take his order. 
“Hi, welco-” Swiss starts, but never finished.
The man looks up the menu, only to say “12 oz drip coffee.” 
Swiss is shocked at the man’s abruptness, “oh sure, name?” 
“Mmmm…ark. Mark,” the hottie answers with some hesitation. 
Swiss smiles because it reminds him of those customers that like to make up names for their orders like Obi Wan or Rapunzel, “Mark?”
“Yes, I’m sorry, ca-can we rush this? I’m late for my first day,” the ghoul man stammers out
“You got it!” 
Swiss turns around to fill a cup with drip coffee. Before handing the cup over, he scribbled out a little message on the sleeve, “Good luck” 
“Here you go, on the house,” Swiss slides the coffee across the counter. 
“No, I have to pay,” he insists, fishing for his wallet in his messenger bag. 
“Mark, I’m serious. It’s on the house. Now go before you're even more late,” Swiss shoos him away playfully. 
The day goes on smoothly, but Swiss couldn’t get Mark’s smile out of his mind. 
“Whatcha doin’ there Swissypoo,” Mist pokes Swiss while he’s staring off into the distance as she wraps her apron around her waist. 
“Huh? Oh, nothing,” Swiss tries to play it off. Mist chuckles because she doesn’t believe him, but won’t push it. 
The entrance bells ring announcing the arrival of a customer.  Swiss stands up a little taller, and dusts off his apron. Mist looks between the customer and Swiss. There’s something there, so she hangs back, refilling the caramel sauce squeeze bottle, watching them interact. 
“Hi, welcome back,” Swiss smiles at the man. 
The man in front of him looks almost embarrassed, apologetic, “Hi, I’m- uh, sorry about um earlier.”
“Don’t worry about it, I understand,” he brushes him off. 
“I’ve felt bad all day so I thought I’d come and buy a little celebratory pastry,” the stranger flashes him a smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling a little bit. 
“How did today go?”
“It was actually pretty good, thank you. Can I get a slice of the carrot cake please. Can you make it to go?” 
“Absolutely,” Swiss grabs the slice and places it on a box, scribbling ‘For surviving the day’ on the lid before handing to him, “Here you are.”
“Thank you! I’m Mark, by the way. I know I told you earlier, but I wanted to properly introduce myself.”
“Nice to meet you, Mark. My friends call me Swiss.” Swiss extends his hand for a hand shake and Mark meets his hand, static shocking both of them. 
Mist was right, there was something there. She was definitely going to question Swiss once this guy leaves. 
“What the fuck was that?” Mist pushes Swiss to the back of the house, slapping his arm. 
Laughing, Swiss pushes Mist away by pushing her forehead, “What do you mean?”
“Dude, sparks were literally flying. C’mon spill.” 
“Nope! My shift is over, BYE!”
With that, Swiss takes off his apron, and leaves the shop. Mist is flabbergasted by what just happened. 
Mark came in every morning that week to get coffee before jetting off to work. Everyday Swiss would write a little something on the sleeve of the coffee cup, or on the napkin with his pastry. Mark has never mentioned them, but Swiss is hopeful he saw them. 
It’s Saturday, and he’s not expecting to see Mark, but it’s a nice surprise to see him walk in and take a seat at one of the corner tables. After setting his bag down, he walks up to the counter. 
“Hi,” he whispers.
“Well, hello stranger. Can I get you your usual?” Swiss asks as he’s about to turn around. 
“No, actually. I was wondering if you could make me your favorite drink. I don't usually drink like those fancy coffee drinks, but my TA was giving me shit for always drinking the same thing, so I wanted to explore different caffeinated drinks, I guess, and I didn’t know where to go, so I figured since we kind of have a rapport I could ask you. Oh my goodness, I'm rambling, I'm sorry!” 
Swiss smiles kindly at him, chuckles a bit. “TA? Are you a teacher?” 
“I’m a professor at the local university,” Mark explains. 
“Emeritus Tech? I graduated from there! But yes, why don’t you go sit down, and I'll make you something” 
Mark takes a seat and pulls out his laptop and a book. Swiss returns with a latte. 
“This here is a vanilla latte. Everyone says ‘it's basic,’ but it’s a good beginner coffee drink if you’re just starting to explore the coffee world. You can change the flavoring and the type of milks used. It’s vanilla flavoring, a shot of espresso, and milk with some foam on top,” Mountain lifts an eyebrow at the design on top, “It’s a swan,” Swiss answers his unspoken question, flashing him a smile, “I used oat milk because I find that it gives it a creamier, slightly thicker consistency. Enjoy. I’ll make my rounds.” 
Swiss leaves Mark to his own devices, but he watches him from behind the bar. Mark takes a cautious sip from the mug, closing his eyes and savoring the taste. He didn’t know coffee could taste so good. He just stuck to drip, because he was too scared to order or make different drinks. 
As the afternoon crowd slowly started to leave, Swiss began cleaning around, organizing shelves and restocking books and coffee supplies. Mark’s eyes would often wander to Swiss. He’d catch him dancing, humming to himself, reading the summaries of books before shelving them. Mark was entranced by Swiss’ silly little shenanigans.  
Mark stayed late to finish his lesson plans. Swiss occasionally brings him water, or a sweet treat against Mark’s wishes, but he still eats them. Mark wraps up his plans, grabs his things and leaves, waving goodbye to Swiss. 
Swiss switches off the open sign after staying open an extra hour just for him. He grabs a rag and a bin to clean off the table Mark was sitting at when he finds something scribbled out on a napkin. 
“Thank you for all the notes on my coffee and pastries. Call me -M” with his number written below. 
A giant smile forms on his face, he looks at the note again because he doesn’t believe it real. He’s so happy and excited that his tail unglamours and wags with happiness. 
From across the street, Mark watches as Swiss’ tail wags, admiring the dimples on his face. He’s so beautiful, Mark thinks. 
Swiss finishes closing duties and gives Mark a call after locking the door, to keep him company while he walks home. 
“Hello?” a groggy voice answers 
“It’s Swiss, sorry is this too late? I can call at a different time.” Swiss starts to panic, scared he woke him up. 
“No, no. It’s okay. I was just dozing off on the couch. I- I, thanks for calling, I-” Mark breaks out into a quiet giggle, “Oh this is dumb, but I wanted to hear your voice,” Swiss blushes hearing Mark say that, “Oh, also, you have a cute tail.”
“Wait. You saw that?!” Swiss is shocked. He thought he was alone, or at least, didn't think anyone would be paying attention to him. 
“Sure did, and my name's Mountain, not Mark, and I also have a tail.”
Swiss is relieved by the confirmation that he’s also a ghoul. 
“Mountain… I like it. It suits you.”
They talk as Swiss makes his way home, and late into the night, way beyond their bedtimes, and fall asleep on the call. 
After that phone call, Mountain went to the coffee shop every day before and after work. He’d sit in his usual spot and do some grading, or read a book while waiting for Swiss to get off work. 
Mountain’s become a regular, and the employees start to recognize him and his order, as well as some of his students. The coffee shop has become a secondary office where students stop by just to ask him clarifying questions, or sometimes they’ll set up a meeting to discuss larger topics. 
He’s met Sunny and Mist during the shift overlap, and they sometimes sit with him to keep him company when work is slow. They all know they’re ghouls living amongst humans. 
Sunny loves to discuss books. Keeps him updated on the latest book releases and also customer drama. Mountain is a big time consumer of customer drama. In return, he gossips about his students.
They’ve also discussed hosting some sort of reading or book program in collaboration with the bookshop. Talks about hosting Q&A’s with a variety of subjects have come up. 
On a quiet Friday night, when Swiss’ shift ends, Mountain walks him to his apartment as per the routine now. Once at the entrance, Swiss turns to him and meets his eyes. 
“I want to ask you something,” Swiss starts. Mountain waits for him to continue
“Would you, maybe, want to go out with me?” 
Mount eagerly smiles and nods, “I’ve been waiting for you to ask, and if you didn’t do it this weekend, I was going to ask. Yes, Swiss, I’d love to go out with you.” 
“Would you wanna come in? Stay the night perhaps? We can watch a movie, and have some frozen pizza? Neither of us have work tomorrow, and we can sleep in?”
“I-” Mountain starts, but is met with Swiss’ puppy eyes, “I can stay, yes.”
Swiss sighs in relief, grabbing hold of Mountain's hand, guiding him inside the building while rambling on about tonight's plans. Mountain laughs, squeezing Swiss hand a little tighter, sending a little thank you to whatever god made this happen.
Part 2: The Date... coming soon.
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sassycheesecake · 8 months
Shūgo Meian x short!Reader "Happy Birthday"
Warnings: language, suggestive content, Atsumu accidentally gets hurt
Meian and you have only been dating officially for about three months now and his teammates don't know yet that their Captain is in a serious relationship.
So when it was Meian's birthday, his teammates agreed on surprising him at his own home as soon as the clock struck midnight.
Sakusa was forced into the participation, saying that it was a 'team-building-exercise' and it's their first time celebrating as a team, so EVERYONE needed to come.
Meian had this weekend off of training, wanting to spend it with you.
After his training was over on Friday evening, he picked you up from work and you guys drove straight to his apartment.
You made dinner together, watched 'The Haunting of Hill House' together, which ended up with you clinging onto your boyfriend like your life depended on it and watched some Spongebob episodes, so you don't get any nightmares from the scary show.
Around 22:38 you and the Middle Blocker decided to call it a night, dragging yourselves to bed with tired limbs.
The ravenette takes off his shirt, so he only remains in his MSBY workout shorts, showing off his strong thighs and his god-like shaped upper body.
You're wearing a simple dark blue shirt, along with matching shorts of the same colour for the night.
Since due to his AC, you get cold very fast.
Meian turns towards you and plants a couple of soft good night kisses on your lips, caressing your side gently while he does it. He wishes you sweet dreams, making you giggle which returns with a big grin.
"Can't wait to show you tomorrow morning what I have planned for you." You purr as one of your hands trace over his firm pecs, causing goosebumps to rise on his skin.
"Me neither. Love you, hot stuff, sweet dreams." Giving you one last kiss on your lips and forehead, you turn to your side to sleep.
Now with you laying on your side, the giant ravenette hugs your petite form from behind, heaving out a deep, blissful sigh, sleep overcoming him in seconds.
Later on, outside of Meian's apartment, some of the MSBY Black Jackals gather on the sidewalk, right in front of their Captain's apartment.
"It's freezing outside, where's the rest?!" Inunaki hisses, while shivering from the cold.
Checking his phone, Tomas sees that the time reads 23:48, and he sees a text from Bokuto, saying that he, Atsumu and Hinata had forgot to pick up the cake from the store on their way to Meian's apartment, so they had to turn around and get it but assuring that they will make it on time.
Sakusa and Barnes are also already here, freezing their asses off from the cold night as well.
"Bokuto sent me a message, saying that they should be here any second now. They forgot to pick up the cake and Hinata remembered it last minute, so they had to turn around and get it." Tomas explains with a deadpan expression on his face, tucking his phone back into his pocket.
"Of course they forgot." Sakusa mumbles annoyed under his black medical mask.
"Well, they said they should be here any second and I hope they are right. I am starting to feel like a stalker for standing in front of our Captain's apartment with you guys." Barnes laughs.
"But aren't stalkers usually on their own?" Inunaki asks with his head tilted.
"No, I think they can be multiple people stalking one person. I mean, the paparazzi do it all the time." Tomas shrugs his shoulders.
"Well according to Google, it can be more than one person." Barnes reads from his phone, the time now being 23:53.
"Let's please stop talking about this, I am going to leave if those idiots don't show up in the next two minutes." Sakusa growls, as he is exhausted from practice today and just wants to rest in his bed like a normal person.
Speaking of the devils, they see Bokuto's grey Audi Q5 racing down the street with incredible speed, scaring the four players that he won't brake on time.
As soon as the car is close enough, the tires screech as they break and the three rascals get out of the car, a pale Hinata holding the cake with shaking hands and a nauseous looking Atsumu having a bag full of streamers, party poppers, party blowers and confetti.
Bokuto looks extremely proud of himself for making it on record time like a professional street racer, minus the professional, since he drove like a mad man, making Hinata and Atsumu feel like they lost 20 years of their life during the ride.
"We made it!" Bokuto yells out in excitement, stretching his arms out with a massive grin.
"Shh!! People are sleeping!" Inunaki scolds the Wing Spiker.
"It was about time." Sakusa rolls his shoulders, cracking his neck side to side.
"Awww, did ya miss us Omi-Omi?" Atsumu teases the curly-haired Outside Hitter.
"Shut up, Miya." Sakusa scowls deeply behind his mask.
Barnes claps his hands together once, to gather the attention of his teammates.
"Alrighty, it's almost midnight. We have to get in now. Bokuto, do you have the key for Meian's apartment?"
The golden-eyed man proudly shows the replica of Meian's key, something Bokuto did while Meian was in the shower after practice a week ago.
The Jackals try to make their way in their Captain's apartment as quiet as possible, using their phone flashlights to see where they are going.
"Wow, I have to admit, his place is really nice." Tomas whistles softly, taking a small look around his place.
"This may sound like a dumb question, but has anyone ever been here before? Does anyone know where his bedroom is?" Inunaki asks the group.
"Okay, I guess we'll just have to look around then. I mean, his apartment is not that big, so we should be able to find it easily."
Inunaki adds.
All of sudden, Barnes stumbles over something in the dark, making a small noise by the action and also cursing when he almost fell.
Luckily, you easily wake up when you hear noises and you think you heard something.
Nudging your lover, you try to wake him up with a shaky voice.
"Shū? Shūgo, wake up!" You whisper at the giant.
"Hmmm… what babe? 'm sleepin…" The ravenette mumbles sleepily into his pillow.
"I think someone is in the apartment. I heard a noise." You explain, reaching under his bed on your side where you store a baseball bat.
"Baby, it's probably nothing. Go back to sleep." Shūgo adjusts himself, pulling the blanket further up, so it almost covers his entire face.
You feel a vein almost popping at his answer, yet you keep the bat right beside you, just in case.
Unfortunately you feel too uneasy to go back to sleep and you don't even bother getting up and checking out the noise, because that's how most people die first in horror movies.
So you just lay there, a death grip on your bat, eyes wide open, heart beating fast.
But now you're not imagining it, you can hear footsteps and now you're actually shaking in fear.
You hide under the blankets and scooch closer to your boyfriend, hoping, if there is an intruder here, gets Meian first or at least see his height and runs off.
The next thing you know, you hear more than one pair of heavy footsteps and you can already see your life flashing before your eyes.
What happens next though, is highly unusual for intruders to do.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPTAIN!!!" They all screamed in sync.
"АННННННННННННН!!!!" You scream in terror, swinging the bat at the first person, which unfortunately is Atsumu's shoulder.
Meian finally wakes up as well, to say he was shocked that all his teammates were standing in his bedroom in the middle of the night, was an understatement.
"OW! Ya bitch!" The Setter yells out in excruciating pain.
"What the fuck?! What the hell are all of you doing here?!" Meian yells at his teammates in fury.
Atsumu stills holds his shoulder, groaning loudly in pain, almost looking like he is in tears.
Sakusa is snickering behind his mask, clearly enjoying that Atsumu got hurt.
The rest of MSBY are standing in shock, staring at you like you're a foreign object that they have never seen before.
"You…. You have a partner? Since when?" Bokuto finds his words first.
"You don't get to ask questions. How did you even get in here? I don't remember giving any of you my key to my apartment." Meian asks as he looks into the round.
"We uh sort of remade your key, so we can wish you happy birthday like the good teammates we are.'' Barnes chuckles nervously.
"I don't think teammates break into each other's apartment just to wish them a happy birthday." Sakusa blankly states, not helping with the situation.
"Everybody out. Now!" Meian yells and the rest of the giants move quickly out of the bedroom.
Once they are all out, the Middle Blocker gets out of bed, rubbing his hands across his face and groans loudly.
"I don't get paid enough for this." His hands fall down and rest at his hips as he stares at you with a frustrated expression.
"I mean it's kind of cute that they did this for you Shūgo. Sure, maybe they approached this in the wrong way but they meant no harm." You get out of bed as well, putting on one of your boyfriend's hoodies as you walk over to him.
Wrapping your arms around him, you rest your chin on his biceps, staring lovingly up at him.
In return, he wraps his arm around your shoulder, seemingly more relaxed now.
"So… you going to introduce me to your pack of lovely idiots?"
Shaking his head with a grin, his arm continues to stay on your shoulder and he leads you outside the bedroom to the living room, where his teammates are in the living room, some sitting on the couch, others like Sakusa leaning against the wall, others leaning against the same couch that the others are sitting on.
"Sure, make yourselves at home, won't you?" Meian sarcastically says.
"We're really sorry Captain, we only wanted to surprise you, we didn't mean to frighten you… or your partner." Hinata apologises on behalf of the team.
"Why don' I get a 'sorry' for yer partner swingin' their bat at me!? I feel like they almost dislocated mah shoulder. An' this is mah servin' arm!"
Atsumu cries.
"I am really sorry for hitting you Atsumu, I just got scared and I thought you were intruders… " You mutter in regret while rubbing your hand against your arm in embarrassment.
"Well ya got a strong swing, I'll give ya that." Atsumu waves you off with a painful smile.
All heads turn to you and you feel incredibly smaller already, their heights intimidate you extremely and Shūgo immediately notices it and steps in front of you protectively with a frown.
"Don't stare at them like that." 
"Well, how can we not? You never told us you were in a relationship." Bokuto pouts, as tries to look around Shūgo to get a better look at you, to which the Middle Blocker immediately hides you more.
"Shūgo, it's okay. I just did not exactly expect to meet your teammates in my sleepwear in the middle of the night, while almost breaking one of their arms." You chuckle nervously.
"(Y/N), how tall are you if you don't mind me asking." Hinata steps forward besides Bokuto and flinches back at the glare his Captain is giving him.
You smile assuringly at the orange-haired Wing Spiker and the whole team stares dreamily at your figure, seeing why Shūgo chose to date you.
"It's okay… Hinata, right? I am 5'1." You smile with a blush.
"But Mean is what? 6'5? Doesn't that bother you that he is super tall compared to you?" Inunaki raises a brow at you.
The ravenette sends the Libero his next death glare, to which the light-haired man flinches under.
"Well it's not his height that I fell in love with, it's his passion for volleyball and the way he always talks about you guys all the time.
The height is just a nice perk for reaching things I can't reach." You grin up at your lover, to which he pinches your side playfully.
"So how does tha sex work-" Atsumu is intrigued and Meian interrupts him before he reveals any of his sex life in front of his teammates.
"Alright, you met my partner, now get the hell out of my apartment."
Meian claps his hands and kicks his teammates out.
He shooes them out, the boys yelling farewells at you, before Meian forcefully kicks them out.
Finally closing the door, Shūgo leans against it, closing his eyes while breathing out a big sigh in relief.
You're leaning against the frame of the living room, clearly not tired anymore.
"I don't think I will be able to go back to bed anytime soon. If only there was something or someone who could tire me out." You hinted with a dramatic sigh.
When Meian opens his eyes to look at you, you see a dangerous glint in his eyes, a glint you know all too well.
"Get your sweet ass to bed then, I may have some ideas how to get you all tired out."
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eluxcastar · 1 year
Pantalone x reader (male or gn) where reader returns from a particularly bloody and mentally exhausting mission late at night. Perhaps a little emotionally scarring
Reader is concerningly silent
Pantalone helps them bathe and carries to bed
Hurt/comfort fic where reader softly cries to sleep and pantalone can do nothing more than hold them tighter and closer
You're not used to losing people
── ୨୧:pantalone x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: you spent days out travelling near the edge of snezhnaya, delayed by trouble you encountered that has you home half a day after you were expected to be. by all official accounts the objective was completed and the mission was therefore a success, but you seem to return a different person than the one who waved Pantalone off with a warm smile and a kiss for good luck.
୨୧﹑genre :: angst
୨୧﹑content :: masc reader (could be read as gn), mentions of blood, use of petnames (darling), implied death, reader is at a bit of an emotional breaking point, pantalone is written to be soft, they're married because I said so
୨୧﹑words :: 2.7k
anon this is strangely so cute I love it. sad but still somewhat cute an idea yk (I had literally no idea what to call it until five seconds ago). our man pantaloon needs more love. I accidentally wrote clock instead of cloth in one part and the mental image of Pantalone trying to clean reader with a clock made me fucking die laughing this is so stupid
if you like this also go read this post as the two are similar in theme and story but with very little comfort to the hurt 👍
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something about the evening seems...wrong, the sky grows darker, too dark for it to be your usual time. the moon suspiciously high, yet there's no sign of you to be found. you should know better than to make him worry, knowing that though your strength may carry you through battle, you're also not invincible. what happens if you reach your limit out there? how is he supposed to know if you're safe? what if you don't come home?
abruptly Pantalone's thoughts are interrupted, the door opening, and he knows nobody would be bold enough to waltz on in without knocking unless it was you come home from a long and tiring mission. he only heard earlier that you would be returning, "Some time in the early evening" he had been told and clearly that was a lie. it was likely no fault of yours, just some hold up along the way.
he hears your footsteps, knows you're there-- at least he thinks that's you. you've been awfully quiet, though you usually call out to him when you return home. you still manage to worry him. he can't see you tucked away in the entrance, only glimpses of you as you remove your coat. there's a moment where he swears he hears you suck your breath through your teeth, then the rustling of fabric and finally your footsteps again, abruptly followed by a loud thud.
now you're really worrying him.
it takes him seconds to decide he's no longer waiting on you, standing to walk to you and see what has happened. the moment he turns around, Pantalone can see you even from where he stands several feet away, the thud clearly caused by you falling flat on your face, leaving you struggling to get up though not for a lack of trying. just before he reaches you, you just give up and turn yourself over so you can sit for a moment. you barely get there before he's lifting you up from the floor like a life-size rag doll.
"You're injured. Why didn't you go see someone?" his concern translates to disappointment at some point, and though he wonders if it was too harsh, the blood you're covered in and the bandages that bind your hand tells him you need it just a little bit. why aren't you taking better care of yourself?
you try to speak, but find it impossible for your words to comply, caught in your throat and refusing to come out. he's not impressed with that either; you can see it in his face that he would've said something if you didn't look so, frankly speaking, pathetic.
you have to ask yourself if he can tell you're trying not to cry, the quivering of your lips and glassy eyes hard to hide. he cradles you so gently it almost tips you over the edge, so safe compared to the way you've spent the last few weeks feeling. nothing about the day leading up to now specifically makes you feel that way, and it feels so draining trying to hold it back, but overwhelmingly so being home just makes you so emotional. your wound doesn't hurt too badly, and it's not as if your fall was anything but tripping over your own feet in absent-mindedness. if it proved anything, it was that you definitely did something to your shoulder, coupled with the fact that grabbing the blade of a sword to stop it in its tracks had left a shallow mark across your palm, you were beginning to doubt your instincts again.
still, you cling to the fabric of his clothes tightly, finding comfort in these familiar things which you associate with your home. hearing his voice, the cool contrast of the rings he wears against your skin, the scent of home, even just being held in this way makes you want to close your eyes and settle.
then suddenly you're moving again, and he sits you down on the couch and kneels down to remove your shoes for you, "I'll take you to be seen by a doctor tomorrow, but for now let's get you cleaned up and in some nice fresh clothes." he stands and places a kiss gently to your forehead, "I'll come get you when the water is ready, don't push yourself, darling."
you dare not test his patience, so you wait, staring down at your hand covered in bloody bandages. your hand is shaking. most of that blood is yours, though your mind wanders seeing it, back to the several corpses you laid your hands on, the people whose bodies you beat with your fist begging and screaming at them to get up as they lay lifeless. your throat still hurts. you untuck the end of those bandages, unravelling them from around your hand until you see your skin and the awful gash across your palm. it looks awful, red and swelling, far worse than when you last saw it. you run your thumb across the wound, flinching at the tinge of pain that shoots down your arm.
"Tsk tsk, what is this?" from behind the couch comes a hand, taking you by the wrist and pulling your arm up, "You should've gone to get this looked at. Did you at least clean this properly?"
you stare up at Pantalone who adjusts his glasses. it's strange to feel his hands against yours, bare and slightly damp hands warm against your skin. remembering he asked a question you shake your head, and his eyes flicker back to you with a strange look.
"The bath is ready." he finally says, "Does it hurt when I carry you? What else are you hiding that you haven't tended to properly?"
"It's ok, you can carry me." you say, finally able to speak, though your words are quiet and rougher, than you'd like. you clear your throat and repeat "You can carry me." to him knowing his usual fixation on acting your best, even though you're also aware there's no way he expects that of you.
Pantalone purses his lips a moment, glad for you to finally say something, but still finding something to worry about in the fact it didn't tell him much, resigning himself to the fact that you'll simply have to show him once he helps you undress to take a bath. you watch as he walks around the couch, and raise your arm up to him, wrapping it around his neck when he leans down to scoop you back up off the couch and into his arms.
the way his hands touch you as he removes your shirt, letting you lean your head down rather than pull your arms off and he promptly tosses it aside. his hands return to your shoulders, running down your arms to observe your skin, noting that you had bruises but no other cuts or scrapes, save for a minor one on your side barely in need of a band-aid. it's slightly more awkward shimmying yourself out of your pants as you have to put your weight on your hand while trying to avoid pressing it too forcefully against anything. his observation continues, though he once again finds you to be in perfect condition.
it's the dried blood that sticks to your skin that he worries about, even knowing it likely isn't yours.
"I wasn't told there would be delays in your arrival, was it so bad that you weren't about to communicate your messages back to me?"
the water is warm, but not hot, shallower than you might've filled it but you suppose only having the water rise to your waist was in case you were keeping another nasty scar hidden under your clothes from him. that was in case. every bone in your body adores this man's care for you, the usually pompous banker with a clear soft spot for you.
he holds a cloth which he dips into the water, running it along your skin as he dabs at the stains taking extra care not to scrub too harshly. days of dirt and grime and a battles worth of blood and sweat washed away by the loving hands of the Regrator. he can tell by your reluctance to answer that it's not the time, and carries on in silence letting only the sounds of running water making its way to your ears. it's a calming silence, though you watch as the water surrounding you is slowly dyed by the blood that runs off your body.
it finally hits you just how bad things got, even when before you could in some way write it off like a nightmare and pretend it hadn't really happened. some metaphorical weight presses down on your emotions and you just break as your vision blurs, tears welling up in your eyes.
perhaps noticing your shaking or catching one of the few tears running down your cheeks, the cloth is immediately set aside as Pantalone places a hand to your back. you try desperately to wipe your tears away, but a wet hand isn't the best tool to dry your cheeks with and you only serve to make it worse. a part of you feels hopeless, like a failure to your own team as you know you let them down. you were supposed to be a fighter, a good one at that, husband of one of the Harbingers and somehow you still managed to lose two people.
you feel yourself back in that place, weary as you finally stand, your shoulder stinging, you assume from the initial fall. you clasp a hand over it and rub your thumb on the area, making it sting. you groan at the pain. one of the more medically verse teammates tends to one of the wounded. you walk toward the collapsed body of a fellow fatuu, seeing them unmoving and bleeding into the snow. you practically fall at her side, landing on your knees as you slightly let your feet give out and bring you down to her.
cautious at first, you shake her, trying to roll her over though it hurts you to do so. she remains unresponsive to any poke or prod at her, not even a groan or mumble, and she's so cold.
you're all cold, you tell yourself and try again to shake her awake, "Hey, get up..." but despite everything nothing works, barely able to roll her onto her back to see her face. her eyes are wide open, a look of shock frozen on her face that haunts you, it's enough to make you hesitate, like a harsh slap across the face. "Wake up!" you say again, the desperation building. you know she's not asleep but it doesn't even matter anymore, beginning to feel more and more like a child pounding their fist on the floor throwing a tantrum the less and less put together you become. "WAKE UP DAMNIT! Nobody said you could die like this!"
"Captain, stop!" without warning, you're grabbed from behind and yanked away, sending a throbbing pain shooting through you as their grip is rough on your shoulder "Calm down and look at her. She's gone." they say.
in the blink of an eye it all rushes back to the view of a bath tainted by that same blood, long black hairs tickle your neck as you are held tightly once again. it grounds you just enough to remember that you're safe in a bath, cared for by the man you love.
"I'm such a failure." you choke out those words through your sobs, echoing off the bathroom walls, "They needed me to lead them and I just got them killed. I couldn't even keep my composure when they needed me to pull them together..."
you curl into yourself, squeezing his arm in your hand, "You're not a failure, darling, but you're not used to losing people." his assurance helps, if only slightly, but something about feeling like even someone who seems to care for none understanding your reaction eases your heart a bit. it doesn't do anything to help the dying part, but he's never been good with sincere reassuring words, and he chokes thinking of what to say to you.
all Pantalone can do is hold you and rub your back to let you cry, finishing up quickly to get you out of there and back into his arms bundled up in a towel. just as you feel hopeless for being unable to live up to whatever outlandish expectations you had of yourself, Pantalone feels as if his comfort falls short as he can't stop your crying, though he shushes and assures you it doesn't seem to make it better.
when you reject his offer to go to see a doctor, saying you just want to sleep. he doesn't want to push too much, only asking that you agree to let him disinfect your hand, otherwise letting you dress yourself in fresh clothes he set out for you while he goes to tend to other things momentarily. at the very least, your tears stopped, for now you seem calm again.
he returns to find you've already tucked yourself away bundled up in the covers, brushing your bangs from your faces and leaning down to kiss your temple. "I'll be with you in just a moment, darling." he whispers to you, earning a noise of acknowledgement.
stepping away only to change his clothes and let his hair down, he sits back on the edge of the bed, though on his side. he removes his glasses, folding them and setting them down on the nightstand. it's an unusual silence knowing you're lying right there behind him. he's so used to you talking to him right up until he tells you to go to sleep, and yet you seem so exhausted and drained. you're not used to losing people. he has to remember that you're more emotional than he is, but he doesn't mind--likes it in fact--as it's usually a good thing. just...not now.
he sighs to himself, unable to help it. he hates this, seeing you so upset, so unlike yourself. he hates feeling so powerless watching you punish yourself for something you couldn't have changed, like some passive observer in your life. his words don't help, and there's little he can do to take away those memories or even fix your body.
there is one thing Pantalone can do, the thought of resigning himself to simply being a source of comfort, someone to support you so you can cry as much as you want. it's better to cry in somebody's arms, isn't it? he turns on his side to face you, who faces away from him. he's not sure why, you just happened to be comfortable there. feeling his hand against your side, you shuffle closer and allow him to wrap his arms around you, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
you let out another shaky breath, closing your eyes again. above all else you feel safe. given everything he's done for you, you can't ask for more, though even just being by his side is enough to put your anxiety to rest. still, it hurts. not even physically, but your heart won't stop aching, and unable to distract yourself you replay the sequence of events in your mind once more.
an ambush, the ensuing fight, a firm whack to the head which you still haven't discerned the source of, boots running and kicking up snow all around you as you watch through blurred vision, you manage to block a sword that swings down at you though in the stupidest way possible, you finally get your head straight and get up and fight more.
where did she die? more importantly when did she die? if you can just remember that maybe you would know what you did wrong, what to fix.
you become distracted again, knowing you're shaking and back to holding back your tears. what pulls you away most of all is Pantalone's voice, "Don't cry, darling, it's over now. You're home."
you grip his hand tightly, fingers intertwining with his. "Is it...is it ok if you talk to me more?" you ask quietly, "I think..."
"That's hardly a difficult request." he says, squeezing your hand in reassurance, "If it would help you fall asleep."
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jessicaloons · 10 months
Chapter 7:
All that bloodshed, crimson clover…
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Masterlist - Previous - Next
I should’ve known that Camille and I would never be friends. From day one when Charles brought her along, introducing her officially as his girlfriend. We were sitting at our table, Charles and Daniel left to get some drinks, Joris and Shima were talking away, as she scooted next to me, giving me a pretty smile when she looked around, then her expression changed.
"I know that Charles and you are like siblings, super close and whatever. But please be aware that he has now a girlfriend, so his undivided attention is on me. Not on you. And I’ve seen the little edits and posts of your so called fans… you and Charles are friends. That’s it. There is no love story behind it. So please stop being all over him, hugging him and touching him inappropriately the whole time. If that’s clear for you, I can tolerate you." she whispered it fast in my ear and before I could even say anything she smiled and gave me a side hug "I’m so excited to hear all the childhood stories you have in store from Charles!" then she laughed and I saw Charles sitting down next to her, smiling happily that his girlfriend and best friend seemingly got along pretty well. I just nodded, took the drink Daniel brought for me and jugged it down, then I grabbed his hand and dragged him onto the dance floor.
"Are you okay, Lizzie?" Daniel asked and I just nodded.
"Yeah! I just wanted to dance! So, come on! Let’s get this party started!" I answered and he just cocked an eyebrow but played along.
When the night ended and we were all sitting in the taxi back home to Charles flat I had a weird feeling in my gut. Usually I would sleep in Charles’ bed and Shima and Daniel would sleep in the guest bedroom but after Camilles little speech, it didn’t felt right. So when we arrived at his flat and I was ready for bed, I left the bathroom and grabbed a blanket from the cupboard in the hallway and snuggled into the sofa.
"What are you doing, ma belle?" Charles whispered 10 minutes later and stood in front of me "I was waiting for you and thought you got lost on your way!"
"I shouldn’t sleep in your bed anymore, Charles. You have a girlfriend now. It’s not really respectful towards her…" I mumbled and faked a yawn, eyes closed.
"I can’t let you sleep on the sofa, ma belle! That’s ridiculous! Come on!" Charles said and tried to snatch the blanket away, but I held it close to my body.
"Charles, let me sleep now! Go to bed! Good night!" I groaned and turned around, turning my back on him. I heard him leaving a minute later. And I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding in.
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"Happy Birthday, Lizzie!" Arthur yelled and hugged me close, behind him I saw Clara, his girlfriend of 5 months.
"Happy Birthday, Lizzie! Thanks for inviting me as well!" she said and we kissed cheeks.
"How couldn’t I? You’re just the sweetest and I never saw little Tutur this happy!" I said and she smiled "So, there’s the bar, try the '22' it’s the signature cocktail for tonight!" she nodded and followed Arthur towards the bar.
Next arrived Joris and Riccardo, both almost screaming their 'Happy Birthdays'. Lorenzo arrived with Pierre, right after Jamie and Jessica. I looked over and saw Daniel and Shima talking with Joris. Julia and Andrea sitting in a corner, both pregnant and exchanging the newest mum gossip. I talked to everyone, dancing a little but couldn’t stop myself from checking the clock and the entrance every couple of seconds. No sign of Charles. My heart got heavy. I was just about to get a drink when Charles arrived, alone.
"Happy Birthday, Lizzie." he said and hugged me only for a second then let go of me.
"Thanks Charlie, are you okay?" I asked him and he just nodded.
"Yeah sure, I just need a drink." he answered and with that he was gone, off to the bar.
I didn’t see Charles much the whole evening, after an hour or so Camille walked in with 2 of her friends, not even acknowledging me. As Andrea and Shima brought in my cake and everyone sang 'Happy Birthday' for me I looked around, searching for Charles, it was a tradition by now that we were fighting each other to blow out each others candles on our birthdays but he was standing in a corner, talking with Camille, not even singing. My heart stung and I felt tears in the corners of my eyes but I smiled even wider and pretended it’s because they were all singing for me, then I blew out my candles. As I opened my eyes, I made eye contact with Charles who looked at me for a second, then he looked at Camille who said something to him and he just nodded. After that she dragged him away. Worst birthday ever.
"Where’s Charles?" I asked Camille as she stood at the door with her 2 friends who only looked at me once and then walked off.
"He’s getting the car, we’re leaving. I’m feeling not that good." she just said and with that I only nodded.
"Then get well soon, Camille. Take care." I said and walked away, straight into Joris who pulled me into his side.
"If they don’t want to celebrate, more to party for us, right?" he tried to cheer me up and I smiled at him, tears threatening to fall.
"Thanks Jo." I whispered as he kissed my temple and together we walked on the dance floor.
"So what does that mean?" Charles asked and I just shrugged my shoulders as I was adjusting the mask and dropping some chips in our shopping cart "It‘s decided? You’re definitely not racing?"
"Nope, the WSeries generates not enough money to compensate for all the special guidelines and protocols that have to be followed." I sighed and he only shook his head, as Camille stepped in front of us.
"Bae? What takes you so long? Come on! We have so much to do!" her voice is loud and shrill and I’m for once happy that I have to wear a mask as I grimaced at the way she called him ‚Bae‘ and how her ring clad fingers clasped around his bizeps.
"Oh Lizzie, I hope you don’t mind, I asked Joris if you could stay tonight at his place. Charles and I want some time alone… you know it’s a bit crowded with all 3 of us at our flat!" her voice is sweet like honey as she almost whispered it to me, Charles ahead of us pushing the cart as she walked next to me.
"Yeah, sure. Have fun in your flat." I answer and put a lot of emphasis on the your, then I walked away.
I tried it with her, more than once. But whenever I tried to approach her, be nice to her, talk to her, she always showed me that she’s not interested in any kind of friendship. She and her friends told me more than once that I’m only a friend of Charles’ and that she is his main focus. In front of everyone else, especially Charles, she played the sweet girlfriend who’s oh so nice to me, but the ugly truth was: she hated me. And she made it her goal to show me just how much.
"She called it ‚our‘ flat, Jo! OUR FLAT!" I vented and Joris just shook his head, downing his glass "There are so many sweet girls out there, why her?"
"Oh Lizzie, come on you know the answer…" Joris mumbled and I looked at him confused "Nevermind… Camille kicked you out of HIS flat because they want some time alone? She’s such a liar!"
"What do you mean?" I sat up and looked at him "Spill the tea, Trouche!"
"He sent me a text a couple of minutes ago, she must’ve told him a lie…" Joris began and started to look through his phone "Here…"
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"Oh wow, clever… but wait? Why did you let me stay here? What did she tell you?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders.
"You looked like a lost puppy, you had booze and food…" he answered and I snorted.
"So I stood in front of your door and you just let me camp out here not even questioning me what I’m doing here? Just accepting it?" he nods and I hug him "I think I like you even more than Charles!"
"Oh Lizzie, we both know that’s not true… but thanks for saying it anyway!" we both laughed "What are we watching?"
"The downfall of my career? Is that a movie?" I asked and Joris chuckled.
"No, but I just remember, have you read the news article about you? From earlier today?" Joris asked and I shook my head "It’s on BBC sports, wait I have it open on my iPad." he got up and returned a moment later with his iPad "I really hope that it will help you to get a seat!" he handed me his iPad and I started reading.
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"He is so right! I really hope it opens some eyes!" Joris said as I locked the screen "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, it’s just… it’s the first time a serious and big broadcaster supports me so openly! I mean yeah sure, Sky and Co. always supported me, but they never talked about the… what did he write… injustice. They just said that I would deserve a seat but that’s it. I want to thank him. How do I do that?" I said and Joris looked through the website.
"There is a contact mail address so maybe you could send an e-mail? Or check if he has Insta?" he said and I nodded. I had to thank Andrew Benson. He was the first male journalist who tackled this issue. And he wasn’t just a journalist, he was the chief F1 writer for the BBC. His opinion would be taken serious. And that was something that I really appreciated.
"…she’s just so annoying! Why can’t she just stay in stupid Germany and drink beer and look like a bulky, fat bitch on her own. Yeah she gained so much weight over this break!Why does she always have to hang around Charles! And why is she always hugging him? Ugh I hate it! He can’t focus on his career if he always has to think about what happens with hers! He’s way to good for her, for this world!" Camille talked on the phone on the balcony as I came back from my morning run.
I quietly made my way into the guest bed room, took out my MacBook and booked the next flight from Nice to Stuttgart. In 4 hours was the departure. There were two things she was right about, as much as I hated to admit it, Charles needed to focus on his own career now and not what happens to mine, and she was also right when it came to my body, since I knew there wouldn’t be a season to drive in this year I hadn’t been super strict with my diet and also skipped one or two work out sessions. I just didn‘t thought someone would notice. Apparently I was wrong. So when I wanted to jump under the shower I took a good look in the mirror, she was more than right, I was getting bulky. I pinched the excess fat on my stomach, I sighed. I had to lose some weight, that’s for sure. With that I showered and dressed up as Charles walked into the room.
"So I was thinking we could… what are you doing?" he looked confused.
"I need to sort out what I’m doing now. I can’t just sit around, doing nothing!" I mumbled and grabbed my suitcase and opened it up.
"You sure you don’t want to stay a little longer?" Charles asked as I threw my stuff into my suitcase.
"No, Charles, it’s alright. I have to figure out what I’m doing this season and you have to start preparing for the new season and well you have…" I answered and Charles looked at me.
"What do I have?" he asked and raised an eyebrow.
"Doesn’t matter." I mumbled but Charles tucked at my wrist and made me look up to him.
"You have Camille, Charles. You should spend your time with her." I said bluntly and continued to throw my stuff into my suitcase.
"Yeah sure, she’s here sometimes, but she’s not you? And I want to spend my time with you…" he began but I clapped my hands and interrupted him.
"All done." I said and Charles just shook his head.
"You and Camille? Is there like… I don’t know, don’t you like her?" he asked and I turned away to grab my backpack.
"No, she’s nice. I’m happy for you. I don’t know, we kinda didn’t have the biggest chance to get to know each other that much, but that’s fine. She makes you happy, right? And as long as you’re happy, I’m happy!" I lied and shoved my phone into my backpack "We’ll talk later, ok? I gotta get going if I want to catch my flight!"
"You’ll be in Austria, right?" he asked and I nodded.
"Of course, Charles!" I answered and with that I hugged him, before I gave him a kiss on his cheek I stopped myself, Camilles words in the back of my mind. Charles seemed to notice my hesitation and hugged me tighter before kissing my temple.
"You know that I love you, right? No matter what?" he whispered and I could feel my throat closing up, tears stinging in my eyes. I swallowed hard and nodded.
"Sure. I love you too, Charles." I whispered back and with that I pushed myself off of him and turned around to grab my backpack and suitcase. As I got into the taxi and Charles waved me goodbye, I could feel the tears streaming down my face.
14. June 2020:
"I think you should tell Charles how she is towards you? I mean, she’s so sweet and nice! But when I heard how she talked to you?" Julia said and I just shook my head.
"He loves her, Julia. And she’s making him happy… so if that is how it is, then I’ll have to accept it." I replied and she just shrugged.
"I don’t know, Liz… maybe she is a good girlfriend to Charles, but if he knew how she’s with you? He would break up in no time!" Julia said and I shook my head.
"He’s happy, so I am too. I can take whatever she has in store for me." I answered and with that the topic was done.
"You haven’t eaten much? I thought that’s your favourite cake?" Julia asked then, glancing down at my plate, cake barely eaten.
"Stomach bug…" I said and she raised an eyebrow.
"Okay?" she looked not really convinced.
"I need to stay in shape." I sighed and Julia nodded slightly.
"Hmm ok…" she said and looked at me for a while.
Julia walked me outside, I glanced one last time at little Alex and waved Julia’s mum before we walked to my car.
"Did they made a decision yet, about next season?" Julia asked and I shook my head, watching the neighbour kids play with their football on the lawn.
"No, not yet. They say we will start next year with another season, but yeah we will see how it plays out." I answered.
"I don’t get why they won’t do this season? F1 starts next month, right?" she asked and as I nod she scoffs, I stood in front of my car and sighed.
"Yeah well, it is what it is." I shrugged and then I heard a loud engine roaring, coming our way and I turned and looked at the street, right in front of me the huge traffic sign with a circled 30, a black Mercedes with it’s blasting engine coming closer.
I turned to Julia as I saw the football of the neighbour kids rolling on the street, the younger boy running after it, not looking for cars or anything. The driver of the Mercedes was not slowing down at all, so I had to act fast and ran to grab the little boy, but in a split second the car was in front of us and I had no other choice, I scooped him up, turned my back to the car and braced myself for the impact. I closed my eyes and encased the boy in my arms, trying to shield him as good as I could. I felt a shock wave going through my body, all feelings were gone, only weightlessness and silence left. Then it changed and I heard the faint whimpering of the boy. Then another shock wave and the pain erupted through every fibre of my body. I felt myself moving and opened my eyes, but I only saw blurred outlines. With my body still moving, it felt like I was skidding across the tarmac. Then the underground changed into something more soft and my body came to a halt. I laid on my back, the trembling boy on my chest crying. I took a painful deep breath and opened my eyes.
“Are you okay? Little one?” I whispered breathlessly and he slowly turned his head up and looked at me “Can you carefully move your legs for me? And then your arms? Good job, buddy. It’s going to be okay!”
I heard the blood rushing in my ears. The throbbing pain in my head was getting worse. I felt how my hair was getting wet, some liquid trickling down the side of my head into my neck. My limbs started hurting like they were crushed. Breathing shallow, lungs feeling like they were on fire. Somewhere far away I heard someone screaming my name, my hands slipped from the boys back as I turned my head to the right. I saw the green grass around us turning redder and redder, stained with my blood, I focused on the clover, crimson droplets on the four leafs, then everything turned black.
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Charles POV:
It was all over the news, even a video of it was on TikTok. I drummed with my fingers on the steering wheel, driving faster than allowed. The image of her petite frame flying through the air, skidding over the tarmac, her body on the blood soaked grass, the paramedics leaning over her lifeless body, reanimating her. It all kept playing in a loop inside of my head. I couldn’t lose her. She couldn’t be gone. I couldn’t live without her. It just was not possible.
"How is she?" my first words as I stormed into the waiting area but as I saw the look on their faces my world began to crumble, my vision getting blurry. Someone helped me sit down, but I couldn’t see who.
"She’s still in surgery. We have to wait now and have faith."
She was still in surgery? It happened almost 12 hours ago.
She looked so peaceful, so beautiful, as if she was sleeping, if it wasn’t for the tube, the cords and wires attached to her body, the bruises on her face, the bandages covering most of her body, a cast on her left hand and right leg. I held her cold hand, tracing patterns on the back of it, like I did so many times before, only this time her cheeks aren’t turning red, she’s not giggling and giving me that look that made all my insides melt. No, she felt cold, as if she wasn’t here. Her presence gone, every room she entered always lit up because of her, but I sat in a dark hospital room, sterile walls, sterile sheets, machines beeping, screens illuminating the space between us, the smell of disinfectant in the air. The last time I sat in a room like this was Dads and she was the one guiding me through it, shining like a beacon of hope. But she wasn’t here to do it again. And I had no idea how I would survive this without her. I could feel hot tears stinging in the corner of my eyes. This time I had to be the strong one, for the both of us, but how? How, when everyone I loved only left me alone? How when the only one who ever got through to me, was the one I needed to be strong for. My breathing ragged and my chest hurt when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched.
"Charles? When was the last time you slept?" Marina asked quietly and I looked up, trying to stable my breathing again.
"I don’t know, when you called I got straight into the car and drove here? Since when am I here?" I am confused, my brain still lacking oxygen as I followed her look on the clock.
"Almost 24 hours! Charles, go home, have a nice shower, sleep and then come back in the morning?" she said it gently but one look in her face and I know there’s no point in arguing "Sissy is at home. It’s good for her and Liam, when they’re not alone."
I got up and hugged her tight. Then I kissed Lizzie on the forehead and left.
I stood in front of her bed, it’s unmade, typical Lizzie, 3 books in it, 2 more on her nightstand and a whole stack of books next to it. I walk to her closet where some of my clothes were stored. As I picked up the clothes I turned around and left the room and went to shower. I dressed up and left the bathroom as I saw a shadow in Lizzies door, I quietly walked around the corner and looked inside her room.
Liam climbed into her bed and snuggled Lizzie’s favourite pillow. A rainbow I won at a fair a couple of years ago for her. I quietly walked in and Liam looked at me with his big, bright blue eyes that reminded me so much of her, although Lizzie’s eyes were darker, more grey, but they were equally big and they both mastered the puppy eyes.
"Hey Buddy, what are you doing?" I sat down next to him and he crawled into my lap, hiding his face in my chest, Lizzie’s rainbow still pressed tight to his body.
"Miss her." he whispered "She reads bedtime story better than Mama…" he sobbed quietly and I hugged him tight to my chest.
"I miss her too, Buddy." I answer and could feel my shirt dampen from Liams tears.
"When Mama made fruit snack a man on the screen said that Lizzie is in crit- crit-tital coniton?" he mumbled and I held my breath "What’s that? Opa said Lizzie sleeps suuuper deep!"
"Yeah, she does, she’s super exhausted from saving that little boy, so her body needs a lot of rest, that’s why she’s sleeping suuuper deep!" I answer, although I felt my throat closing up.
"Poke her to wake up!" Liam sits up and looks at me, tear smeared face, red eyes and nose.
"That’s not so easy, Liam. We need to give her time! And then we will maybe poke her and wake her up, okay?" I said and he sighed loudly.
"OK, but I sleeps here! Smells like her!" he whispered and snuggled again back into my arms. I smiled and laid down, sending Sissy a text that Liam’s with me, after a moment my phone buzzes and she texts back,wishing us a good nights rest. I saw a text from Camille, one of a dozen she already sent me since I was here, asking when I would be back in Monaco. But I ignored it, like I ignored the other ones. For now I had to stay here.
Leaving her did not feel good, although I had to go back to Maranello for some last pre season tests, I dreaded it.
"We‘ll call you as soon as something new comes up, Charles. She would be mad if you would miss the season opener because of her, you know that!" Juergen said and I just sighed.
"Yeah, I know, she would rip my head off." I answer with a faint smile and he just nodded, before he pulled me into a hug.
"Go and make her proud!" now I just nodded and left the hospital, then I drove back home to say goodbye to Marina, Liam and Sissy.
"I’ll be back here as soon as I can, ok Buddy?" I said as I hugged him tight to my body.
"Careful on track! I don’t want you to sleep deep like Lizzie!" he whispered and I swallowed hard.
"I’ll take care, Buddy! I promise!" I answered and sat him down, then I hugged Sissy and Marina goodbye and walked up to my car. I got in, backed out of the driveway and waved one last time before I headed back to Maranello, where I was until 5 days ago.
"It’s really a shame, she’s so young!" a woman’s voice.
"I googled her, she’s a racing driver and a pretty good one as well!" another woman‘s voice.
“So she’s an athlete? God no! She will hate to adjust to a life where she practically can’t do anything athletic at all…” the first one again.
“To adjust to this new life she has to wake up first… and Dr. Friese said she most likely won’t.”
“Such a young, pretty girl. It’s really a shame.”
I could open my eyes just a crack, it was a dark room, illuminated by some screens, all loud beeping. I tried to move, but my body didn’t react. I tried to say something, but again, my body didn’t react. I started to panic and everything turned dark again.
“So what are you saying?” Dad.
“It’s been now almost 14 days, her brain showed little to no brain activity.” a male voice, probably a Doctor.
Again I could open my eyes just a crack. It’s bright in the room. The frames of Mum and Dad standing at the foot of my bed, 2 men in white opposite them.
“Is there any chance that the brain activity will increase?” Mum. Broken voice.
“I want to be honest with you, Mr. and Mr. Doetterer. The chance of your daughter waking up is less than 5 %. But even if she wakes up, she’ll be bound to machines and be bedridden. In a comatose state. I know your daughter is a very active person, her body is besides the damage brought through the accident in great shape. Some nutrients are missing a little, but as she’s a vegetarian it’s no wonder, but still really, really good” the other Doctor.
“What do you suggest?” Dad again. His voice sounded almost mechanic.
“We would advise to stop the life support. And given the excellent health of your daughter, you should consider to donate her organs. I know this sounds cruel, but with every day passing the condition of her organs gets worse and…” the first Doctor.
“I think Mr. and Mrs. Doetterer understood, why don’t you go ahead and look for the next patient?” the other one said, and the first doctor left “I’ll leave you alone. If you need anything, just push the button. I’m really sorry.”
Mum sat down on the chair to my right, I could barely saw her taking my hand, but I couldn’t feel her touch.
“Hey my pretty girl.” she whispered, tears in her eyes.
I tried to open my eyes wider, move my head, wiggle my fingers, just anything to sign them that I was still there. But my body betrayed me. The little light and sight my eyes granted me began to fade.
“My little owl, Lizzie! Please! If you’re somewhere in there, just give us a sign! Anything!” Dads voice is raw and gravelly.
I drifted off into darkness, I tried to fight it, screaming, crying, nothing happened. Silence.
“I think they will pull the plug. I mean, what else can they do?”
“Nothing, that’s the sad thing. At least her organs will safe some lifes!”
“Yeah, but because of the accident, they can’t use her lungs and spleen. Really a shame.”
“Do you know how long she’s got left?”
“The doctors try to talk to the family tomorrow, after that? A day? Two?”
“Mhhh poor girl.”
“Yes, indeed.”
My eyes a crack open in silence. Bright lights in the room. Beeping of the machines.
A door opened. Mum, Dad and the older Doctor. Mum and Dad sat down to each of my sites.
“We will need some time to prepare anyways, for the organ removal. Take your time, let everyone say their goodbyes.” He left.
“Sissy and Marcus could come today, but what about Liam and Benji? I don’t want them to see her like that?” Mums voice wavered.
My two little babies. No, I don’t want their last memory of me be like this, bedridden, tube, cables and cords covering my body. They should remember me as their aunt who always played with them, ran around and always made them laugh.
“They have to say goodbye. See her one last time.” Dad sounded mechanic again.
“Okay, then Omi later as well. Tomorrow Daniel, Shima, Andrea and Julia?” Mum again.
“What about…” Dad stopped.
“He would want to come, they all would want it, but Juergen is it a good idea? He’s been through so much already! Another loss?” Mum sounded exhausted.
“He will lose her anyways. We all will. But if we don’t give him the chance to say good bye? We can’t do that Marina! Charles would never forgive us!” Dad as well.
Then it dawned on me what he just said. Charles. No. No. No. No. Not Charles.
“But his season starts this weekend! Do you really think it’s a good idea? Him seeing her like that? And then get in the car?” Mums voice was only a whisper.
NO! He can’t see me like this! It will remind him too much of Jules. He can’t see me like this! Not him! I won’t be there to get him through another loss! No! It’s not possible. And then him driving this weekend? No! Not Charles!
“I’ll call him, I’ll explain everything and then he can decide.” Dad got up.
My mind was doing somersaults. He can’t make that call. I had to do something. Anything. Come on Lizzie. I tried to scream. As loud as I could. Tried thrashing around, sending signals through my body with just my mind. And then…
“Did you see that?” Mum is shocked.
“See? Did you hear that?” Dad was next to me in an instant “Lizzie! If you can hear me just give me a sign! Anything!”
I screamed again. Started coughing. Something was in my way.
“She’s fighting the tube!” Mum pushed the call button, no she punched it and the door opened.
“Any more questions?” the younger Doctor again, his face went through multiple emotions when he saw me fighting the tube that was down my throat, my eyes blinking, body shaking “How is that even possible?”
“She’s exhausted buddy, be careful! Don’t wake her up.” Charles’ voice was soft.
“Wanna hug her! Now!” Liam.
My mind was playing cruel tricks on me. Charles voice, together with Liam, or were they here to say their final goodbyes? That’s what Mum and Dad talked about with the doctors right? And as soon as everyone said goodbye that was it. My life would end, just by pushing some buttons. Should I be calm? Or scared? What are you supposed to feel in the moments before your death? And where are the memories of my life that should be flashing before my eyes? I slowly opened them and looked around, my room was full of flowers, Mum and Dad talked to the doctors outside the room. Sissy filled up a cup with water and stood at my left. Charles sat in the chair on my right, Liam in his lap.
“Hey Bubba! Come here! I want the biggest hug you have!” I said with a raspy voice and Charles flinched.
“You’re awake!” he exclaimed and I nodded slowly.
“I am and now I want my hug!”
He carefully lifted Liam next to me, who hugged me slowly, gave me a kiss on the cheek and then snuggled next to me in bed.
“Oh ma belle, I was so scared….” Charles whispered and kissed my forehead, eyes teary.
“We all were!” Dad walked in and he looked as bad as I felt, maybe worse. Guilt in his eyes.
Charles moved aside and Dad gave me a gentle hug and kissed my cheek, Mum followed shortly after.
“Oh my pretty, pretty girl!” she whispered and a tear escaped her eyes, eyes with the same guilt in them like Dads.
The doctor stepped inside my room and stood at the foot of my bed and looked at me.
“Hello Lizzie, I’m Dr. Friese, one of your doctors here. How do you feel? Any headaches? Dizziness? Nausea?” I shook my head and he smiled, ticking something off on my record. “So, can you tell me, what is the last thing you can remember?”
You deciding to pull the plug on me.
I swallow and looked at Mum and Dad. I already knew that they felt horrible, thinking like they’ve almost killed me, they didn’t have to know that I knew about it.
“A lot of blood on a really nice and soft lawn.” I answered and the doctor smiled, then I remembered the little boy “Wait! The little boy? What happened to him?”
“Luka Maier, had a light whiplash, some bruises, a broken wrist and a broken foot. But nothing severe, only minor injuries, he left the hospital 10 days ago. Oh and this is for you!” Dr. Friese said and handed me a drawing of a girl in a racing suit and helmet, with wings and a halo, standing next to a race car. In the right corner a little message:
Dear Lizzie, thank you for being my guardian angel and saving my life! As soon as you wake up, I hope I can give you a hug! A big one! My Mama and Papa are saying that you are a real super hero!
Thank you! Luka!
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I smiled at the drawing and handed it to my sister, she put it in the drawer of the bedside table, then she took my hand and kissed the back of it. I smiled at her and she only nodded, I turned back to the doctor.
“So? How fast can I get out of here? And when can I get back in my car?” I asked and was met with silence.
“Lizzie, I’m afraid I have to tell you, that you are paralysed from your waist down. When and if the paralysis will go away is at the given time impossible to determine.” Dr. Friese looked sad as he nodded to my parents and left the room.
Liam started to squirm and Sissy scooped him up, she excused herself and said she would walk around a bit with him, then she left. I coughed, my mouth dryer as any desert. Mum took the cup of water from the night stand and handed it to me, I took it and jugged the whole cup down.
“Lizzie, listen, for now this sounds bad, but, the accident is little over 3 weeks ago. There is a lot of swelling. Give it some time and rest, then we’ll see.” Dad said and Mum nodded agreeing. I nodded as well.
“Yeah! Sure! I mean, you’re right!” I said and smiled. Mum and Dad looked relieved “ Can I eat? Like normal stuff? Or not so good?”
“We will get you something! We’re so happy your appetite is back!” they shuffled out of the room and it was only Charles left.
“How was the first race?” I asked him.
“It was good.” he replied and sat down at the edge of my bed, taking my hand in his.
“What does that mean? Did you win? Podium?” I laughed.
“P2. And now tell me what’s really going on in that pretty head of yours?” he sighed and rubbed circles around my wrist.
“If the swelling will be gone and I end up being really paralysed, Charles, I can’t do that!” I whispered and Charles looked at me.
“Ma belle, listen to me. Every step of the way, I’ll help you as much as I can! We all will! You’ll never be alone in this! I promise!” he said and smiled at me encouraging.
“But if I’m paralysed, what am I supposed to do?" I whispered and he shook his head.
"We will find a way! But for now, can we just be happy that you’re alive? I was so scared of losing you!" he said and his voice broke and he took a deep breath "The way you lay here, all cold, not moving, lifeless… and- and god I had all these flashbacks to Jules. And dad."
"I’m sorry, Charles…" I whispered and he shook his head.
"Stop! Don’t you dare apologise for what this asshole did!" he hugged me carefully and sighed into my neck "God Lizzie, I’m so happy your awake! I just.. I couldn’t think of a life without you! I was so scared to never hold you in my arms again, to never talk to you again!"
"I’m here! I’m okay… well kinda." I said quietly and Charles nodded.
"Whatever’s gonna happen from now on, you’ll never be alone!" he said and I smiled.
"I know Charlie bear!"
Little Note:
That's it, chapter 7 is out - well… tough one. Writing it wasn’t the easiest, that’s for sure!
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts! I'm open to any criticism, bad or good, it doesn't matter!
If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment!
Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos
All pictures (besides the drawing 😂) are from Google, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.
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renaiswriting · 11 months
Make a Wish
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Pairing: Chwe Vernon/Reader
Vernon tries to surprise you with a birthday cake for your birthday.
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Word count: +1.1k words
Author's note: It's officially my birthday (yeyy) so I wrote this for myself lol, I hope you enjoy it as well~
Vernon was acting weird.
Starting two days ago, he had been going more quiet than usual.
At first, you attributed it to the tour that was just days away, with the preparations for a new comeback and the tight schedules and itineraries he had had.
But as the days went by, the tension didn't seem to want to leave his body.
It was strange; Vernon wasn't usually the type of person to get such nerves before such big events, so it was starting to worry you.
"Are you sure you're okay? You barely touched your dinner." You asked worriedly. You weren't the best cook in the world, but Vernon always ate every last crumb of any meal you prepared for him.
"Yes," he replied after a few seconds. "I think I'm about to be sick," he mumbled, bringing a hand to his stomach and patting it gently.
"Maybe we should save the movie for another night. Do you want me to call someone to come get you?" You offered. Whenever you were able to have a night to yourselves, you enjoyed watching some movies until it became physically impossible to keep your eyes open and you decided to go to sleep.
This had been the first one in a long time, and you had really been looking forward to it, but it broke your heart to see Vernon in such a state.
"No." Vernon shook his head, letting your hands massage his tired shoulders. "Tomorrow is your birthday; I want to be here when you wake up. With all the preparations and rehearsals we have today, I doubt I'll be able to see you all day."
"It doesn't matter; we can celebrate another day, really." You loved your birthdays, but as you got older and older, adult life left you little time to properly celebrate. "I have to go to work early tomorrow anyway; I doubt I'll even have time off." You joked, trying to make him feel better.
"Still." Vernon insisted, "I'm sure I just need a little rest tonight, and tomorrow I'll be fine again."
You restrained yourself from continuing with an argument; it was rare to get Vernon to change his mind once he already had something on his mind, and if he was really feeling bad, it was best to just lie down and get a good night's sleep.
His hands slid around your waist, pulling you closer to his warm body.
The soft blankets covering you, his hands caressing your skin, the soft kisses he was leaving on the back of your head, and his slow breathing were all you needed to fall asleep in a matter of seconds.
Hours later (which unfortunately felt like seconds since you had closed your eyes), you woke up to your back getting cold.
You rolled over, noticing that Vernon wasn't sleeping next to you, and instantly became aware of the smell of burning coming from the kitchen.
The clock on your bedside table showed that it was almost half past six in the morning.
Dragging your favorite blanket off the bed, you hurried to investigate what was causing the smell.
Just by opening the bedroom door (which Vernon had closed to avoid waking you up), you could already make out a thin layer of smoke going from the oven to the ceiling.
The windows were closed, and that didn't help the air circulate.
Vernon was still wearing the same clothes he had gone to sleep in, and his hair was so disheveled that it was hard to tell where one strand began and another ended.
His cheeks were covered with flour, and his cheeks glistened with sweat.
He looked adorable.
The more you watched him, you began to notice more details, like the splashes on his favorite hoodie.
"Now what?" Vernon muttered, opening the oven door and pulling out a mass so dark it might as well be black.
If it weren't for the strong burnt aroma, you'd swear he'd tried to bake something chocolate.
Vernon stood motionless, staring at his creation without any kind of reaction.
Sighing, he pulled his cell phone out from under some egg cartons he had used and typed something there.
"Good morning, handsome."
Vernon raised his head so fast, you'd swear you'd heard a crack.
"Ah, no!" Vernon cried, covering what he had taken out of the oven with his arms, his cheeks turning a pale pink. "What are you doing up at this hour? You were still supposed to be sleeping."
His reaction took you by surprise, and you turned around and covered your eyes. "Sorry! I just wanted to see where you were." You explained. "I didn't see anything!"
Vernon went on moaning for a few moments, cleaning up the mess he had made and covering his creation with the first thing he could find.
"Go to sleep." He asked, but you were already wide awake, and both he and you knew that no matter how hard you tried, it would be nearly impossible for you to fall back asleep.
"Can I turn over?"
"Yeah," Vernon replied.
His face was getting redder and redder with every second your eyes were on him.
"What were you doing?" you asked him, your hand reaching for his cheek that was still covered in traces of flour.
"A cake. A birthday cake." Vernon confessed, "I followed all the instructions Mingyu sent me, but I don't know what went wrong."
"I wanted to surprise you with a birthday breakfast." He added.
You couldn't say anything.
Vernon didn't usually cook or bake anything.
It just wasn't something he was interested in, especially when he knew he could easily survive on sandwiches.
You would never have thought he would have been planning something like this.
You didn't need a mirror to know that your eyes were sparkling when you looked at him.
When Mingyu showed me how it had to be done step by step a week ago, I thought it was going to come out perfect." Vernon lamented scratching behind his neck. "I already bought a new birthday cake; it should be here soon."
You cut him off, silencing him by connecting your lips with his.
"You're perfect." You shook your head, still in disbelief. "Was this the reason for how weird you were acting these days?"
"I wanted it to come out perfect. I was really nervous of messing it up."
"Cancel the purchase. The only birthday cake I'm going to accept is the one you baked."
"It's all burned. Mingyu told me vanilla cakes were the best, so I changed the recipe he had told me to a new one, mixing up some of the preparation steps."
"Let's pretend it's chocolate." You laughed, hugging him again. "Thanks Vernon."
"Happy birthday."
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keep-on-burnin · 1 year
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blurb of austin being an amazing husband and dad to actress!reader and little Presley🫶
Warnings: I couldn’t resist naming their daughter Presley for obvious reasons, but of course you can change it if you want, reader is very exhausted, unedited again I know I’m horrible🫣 other than that it’s fluff to the max and it makes me want to cry❤️
you had been in your’s and Austin’s shared office for most of the day preparing for an upcoming role in one of the biggest films you’ve had the honour of working on. The only time you had spent outside of dim lit room was in the morning when you and Austin had made breakfast for your four year old daughter. He and Presley had been left to fend for themselves for the past week while you worked tirelessly on your preparation.
You gazed exhaustedly at the wall clock on the opposite side of the room from where you were hunched over on the small couch, book in hand. Your brained was officially fried. The words on the pages began to float around and you had to re-read a sentence at least five times to process the information. Not to mention the soreness in your neck and back from the uncomfortable position you had acquired about two hours ago.
You attempted to blink the tiredness from your eyes, but you couldn’t shake the utter exhaustion that had settled in your body and mind. So, like any person who isn’t completely insane, you decided to take a break. You knew that this break could possibly end with you passed out in your king sized bed, but you frankly didn’t give a shit.
You sat up from your awkward position and stretched, all of your bones cracking in unison. As you began to make your way to the door of your office a soft melody floated into the room. You made your way quietly down the dark hallway that lead to your spacious living room. Just as you thought, at the grand piano sat your husband with your baby girl on his lap. You wouldn’t be able to tell that Presley was there if it wasn’t for the little pieces of blonde hair that stuck up above the piano.
You leant your stiff shoulder against the wall so you could observe the precious moment without disturbing.
Austin began to play, effortlessly hitting every note correctly. You noticed the song as Unchained Melody, one of Austin’s favourite Elvis tunes and one he would sing to your daughter quite often. The bond between Austin and Presley was everything you had hoped for. Austin was an absolutely incredible dad and always made the effort to be with Presley whenever he could. You were beyond grateful for such an amazing husband.
Once Austin was about halfway through the song, you slowly made your way over to the piano. He didn’t to notice you as he was too immersed in the song until your arms tenderly wrapped around his shoulders. Your head heavily rested on top of his as you continued to listen to his beautiful voice.
After another minute, Austin’s fingers stopped moving along the keys and moved up to softly rub your arms.
“you okay, honey?” he whispered, the rasp of his voice causing your heart to skip a beat.
“mhm,” you hummed in response, “just tired.”
Austin nodded and let go of your arms after moving them off of his shoulders so he could rise from the bench with a sleeping Presley in his arms. You giggled softly and Austin smiled.
“she fell asleep half way through the song.” Austin laughed quietly, trying his hardest not to wake her up. He began slowly walking towards the stairs and up to Presley’s room, beckoning you to follow him.
Once your daughter was tucked in her bed, Austin turned to you and engulfed you in a warm hug. Your head heavily leant against his chest where his heart was as you sighed. You were finally beginning to relax.
Austin kissed the top of your head tenderly as he said, “I think you need a break tomorrow.”
A grin slipped across your lips as you looked up at him. His bright blue eyes shone beautifully under the light of Presley’s lamp.
“yeah, I think so too.” You simply responded before lifting onto your toes, delicately grabbing his face in both your hands and laying a gentle kiss on his lips.
You could feel him smiling against yours as you pulled away and gazed amorously into his eyes.
“but only under one condition.” You smirked.
A soft laugh left his mouth, his mind wandering to places they probably shouldn’t have while standing in your daughter’s bedroom.
“and what would that be?” He questioned, genuinely curious as to what you were thinking.
“you have to sing unchained melody for me again” you stated more than asked, already knowing that Austin would do anything for you.
“of course, sweetheart.” and he sealed the deal with another kiss.
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deejayrockz · 9 months
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PAIRING — dad!wilbur + daughter
SUMMARY — wilburs 3 year old gets ill, and it feels like the end of the world
NOTES — angst technically?? lots of fluff, cuddles, etc. girl dad wilbur. OC named Adelia (from my book, except aged down to 3, and his daughter instead of niece !!) mentions of illness, maybe vomiting, and headaches
EXTRA — sorry dadbur has been in my head for days now, i needed to get some drabbles out 🌷🌷
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as adelia woke up, next to wilbur (as she got scared in the middle of the night and asked to cuddle with him) her head had started banging.
"daddy," her voice croaked , as she shook the brunette awake. his eyes stirred open, soon warming as he saw the scared look on your smaller girl.
"what's wrong darling?" he whispered, morning voice slightly deeper and croakier, causing him to slightly clear his throat and sit up.
"head hurts," she whines, laying down, head resting on his lap. he felt the burning hot of her forehead, as he ran a hand through her curls. his face had been twisted with worry, as he looked over to the alarm clock, seeing it was 7am. It had just officially become autumn, meaning it was still dark outside.
"let's go get you some juice, maybe it'll help you feel better," he tapped her shoulder softly, as she whined and sat up.
"daddy carry me?" adelia asked, lifting her arms up, as she stood on the edge of the bed. he smiled fondly, picking her up, and almost sobbing when he felt her head tuck into his neck.
"stay awake for me, dede," he muttered against her curls, kissing her head softly, and lightly rocking her on his hip as they walked to the kitchen. the usually talkative girl, was very quiet while being sat on the kitchen counter, watching her beloved dad pour her a small cup of orange juice.
"take a sip of this for me," he whispered lovingly, keeping his voice low as to not harm the girls head more than it already is. she took slow, almost unnoticeable sips, before placing it back on the counter, glass still almost full.
"do you want to have a little bit more for me?" will questioned, walking up to her and stroking her knee softly.
"no thank you daddy," she whispered, eyes closing softly, as her skin had grown pale, showing off the rosy cheeks that had bloomed earlier that morning.
"okay, we'll bring it with us back to bed," he kissed her cheek, picking her up, and resting her on his hip again.
"we watch movie?" adelia asked, laying her head on his shoulder, holding the sippy cup of juice in her hand.
"we can watch a movie, yeah," he smiled, walking back to his room, and placing her softly on his bed, "what movie do you want to watch?"
"hmm," she thought for a minute, making herself comfortable and watching him turn on the tv, "matilda,"
he wordlessly put on the matilda film, before laying next to her, and placing the tv remote on the bedside table.
"cuddle?" adelia said, her voice still slightly scratchy sounding, as she looked up at will, who was slightly sat against the headboard.
"of course, darling," he smiled softly, feeling the urge to cry as she sat herself on his lap, and cuddled into his chest. his heart had warmed, feeling his special girl cuddled up into his pyjama jumper, wrapping his arms around her.
he was always surprised when she had still wanted to cuddle, as most parents say it's just a stage they grow out of at around a year old, however adelia was always ready for cuddles, and so was he.
"daddy, will i feel better soon?" she asked, lifting her head up slightly, now resting on his shoulder/neck bone.
"yes darling, we'll help you get better, don't worry," he kissed her forehead, feeling it now slightly cooled down. the vitamin C had seemed to work, despite the small amount she had drank.
they two had shared small goodnights and i love yous, as they drifted back to sleep, adelia tucked under wills arm.
he has always believed true love was found in romance films on the tv, he never expected it to be found in the little 3 year old angel wrapped in his arms. he had never truly felt at home, until he got a text telling him he was a father of a baby girl. at first, he panicked, but the minute he saw her dirty blonde curls, he knew she would be the most important thing in his life.
despite her being ill, he tugged her almost impossibly closer, knowing the sore throat he'd get once he woke up would be completely worth it, as long as he got to hold her.
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