#oi oi oi and all that good stuff
elitehoe · 9 months
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moodr1ng · 10 months
omggg theres an actual death rock/post-punk band playing in my city next month.. like they actually make goth music. it is IMPOSSIBLE to find goth shows in this country let alone in my city im soooo into it!! and the venue is literally 2 streets away from my place this fucks so hard
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 3 months
pure fluff, fem reader, not proofread, katsuki really likes the way you smell, talks of marriage, katsuki being an absolute demon, biting bc is it rlly a cash fic if it doesn’t involve katsuki biting us ? lemme know if i missed sum else <3
a.n.: ..so this came to me in the middle of the night and i had to write it down before i forgot about it…please do not perceive me🫶🏾
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katsuki keeps sniffing at your wrist.
for some reason, he keeps bringing your palm towards his face and you imagined he’d kiss it if he was feeling a little sweeter than usual or he’d bite your finger if he was feeling like a little shit.
imagine your surprise when instead, he just sniffs you and goes right back to watching tv.
he does it for the fifth time in the span of a few seconds and you turn your head that was smooshed into his chest staring at the tv to stare at him with a brow raised.
“katsuki.” he only grunts in response, nose pressed to your pulse point. a deep, grumbled noise comes from the deepest part of his chest when you try to pull your arm out of his grip.
“quit squirmin’. ”
“katsuki !” you squeal, giggling. katsuki grunts into your skin, pulling your hand closer to his face.
“what’re you doing ?” you chirp.
“ya smell like somethin’” is all he offers you for a response, your lip pulls up in confusion. you tilt your head.
“like what ?”
“i dunno, s’like—” he cuts himself off, pulls your hand away from his face to stare up at the ceiling in thought, only to bring it back to his nose.
you can’t help laughing at his behavior “ like what ?” you urge.
“different.” he settles “this some new perfume or somethin’ ?” he asks seriously, lifting himself up so he can sit up against the couch cushion and you follow, no longer laying but sitting up in his lap.
“not really, it’s this new body wash i found at the mall !” katsuki grunts in acknowledgment “was walking around with a friend and she recommended it to me, so i figured i’d give it a shot.” you explain.
“smells good right ?” you ask excitedly. katsuki damn near growls at your wrist, then he drops it and stuffs his head into your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you tightly like he’s trying to squeeze you to death, pulling you closer to him.
“so fuckin’ good.” he rumbles, the way his voice deepens has shivers going down your spine and has you impossibly giddy.
“what soap is that ? need ta stock up on it.”
you roll your eyes “so you can steal it from me ? no thank you.”
“m’ your boyfriend, you’re s’posed to share with me. what’s that saying? what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours ?” his voice is smushed against the fabric of your clothes because he can’t stay away from your skin for more than three seconds, going back for whiffs like an addict. you wrap your arms around him with a snort.
“isn’t that saying usually for married couples ? we’re not married.”
your heartbeat quickens and you feel your skin prickle and go hot at how casually he uttered the word. you play around with the hairs on his nape.
“..yet” you utter quietly. his nose is pressed against your addams apple, deeming it his new favorite spot to sniff at you like a dog. “so until then, my secret stays with me.”
“tch, stingy woman.” he scoffs “might have to marry you sooner than i thought.” he smirks.
you move to shove your head into his shoulder in embarrassment and he straight up laughs, the asshole. you’d be angry if you weren’t as in love with him as you were in this very moment.
“oi, i told you to quit squirming.” he jests.
“katsukiii !” you whine. he only chuckles, greatly enjoying the way he’s tormenting you.
“what ?” he snorts, his nose is pressed to your shoulder “don’t act brand new, you knew i was gonna marry you.”
“this is bullying.” he barks out a loud laugh at your flustered response.
“me puttin’ a ring on that fuckin—” he grabs your hand again and presses his lips to your ring finger “divine smellin’ finger of yours is bullying ?” he chuckles.
“you’re so weird.” you can’t help the smile that grows against his shoulder and he feels it too, the smirk against your finger only grows.
“right back atcha.” he snickers, then bites into your shoulder like he’s trying to take a chunk out of you.
“ouch ! katsuki !” you yelp, smacking his back lightly, all he does is snicker like the evil motherfucker he is.
“sorry, baby.” he apologizes but you can hear in the teasing lilt in his voice he regrets absolutely nothing “ ya smell so good i couldn’t help it.”
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a.n. : i actually don’t know if that saying is usually for married couples but pls ignore it for plot sake thx 🤞🏽💓
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teamatsumu · 4 months
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do you? i do. (akaashi keiji x reader)
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summary: you lose a bet, so now you have to confess to your crush. for my valentine’s day event - theme: confessions.
word count: 1461
tags: @nishayuro @kitas-tapioca @kakashineedstotouchgrass @amisuh @avis-writeshq @samanthaa-leanne @akaashi-todorki @sp1ng @kur0obaby @bleach-your-panties @pinkiipeachiikeen @keiva1000 @msbyomimi @sleepyxxhead @kindnessspreads
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Turns out, promising to do ‘anything you want’ wasn’t something Konoha Akinori took lightly. Especially not when you add Bokuto Koutaro to the mix. Konoha was a sly opportunist, while Bokuto wasn’t embarrassed by anything, so it was a deadly combination.
You didn’t know why you let yourself be talked into making a stupid, silly bet with the two boys. Konoha had a talent to goad, and he managed to successfully goad you. So when you lost the bet (really, why did you think having a physical competition with two volleyball players was a good idea), it was like Konoha had his winning prize ready. The request fell from his lips like he had been practicing it for days.
Which he probably had. The menace.
So here you were, hands shaking violently as you put away water bottles and towels, cleaning up the club room and taking all the time in the world to change back into your uniform. The other managers had offered to wait for you so you could walk home together, but you encouraged them to go on, saying you had some stuff to organize before you left so it would take time. You didn’t need them to stick around to see you horrifically embarrass yourself when you confessed your silly crush and got rejected. Already Konoha was making all the boys stay behind to witness the moment. You couldn’t bear to have your closest friends see it too.
You locked the club room behind yourself before slowly and painfully making your way to the gym. You could hear the thuds of volleyballs and squeaks of shoes as the boys noisily cleaned up. They were talking and laughing amongst themselves, and you felt your nerves tighten even more. This was the worst possible place and time to confess. The chances of public humiliation were sky high. But Konoha had made his demands clear. And you weren’t one to go back on your word, no matter how dire the consequences.
You smoothed your skirt when you reached the gym doors, standing in the doorway and watching the scene before you. Despite the net slowly being lowered, Bokuto was still bounding towards it.
“Akaashi, go again!”
The boy in question was already in position, setting the ball high towards Bokuto, who spiked it hard over the half-up net. Washio was yelling at them to stop and it was enough for the day.
You watched Akaashi wipe the sweat off his forehead and kneel to tie his shoe, breathing slightly labored from the exertion. Your feet remained frozen, eyeing him silently and dreading how your relationship with him was about to change forever. While Akaashi wasn’t someone who harbored ill feelings, you weren’t sure how he was going to react to a love confession and subsequent rejection. What guarantee did you have that this wouldn’t affect your friendship going forward?
“Oi, look who’s here!” Konoha’s voice was filled with glee, and all eyes turned to look at you when he pointed at the door. You fought the urge to roll your eyes and deck him across the face. Violence was not the answer.
“Do you have something to say?”
Okay, maybe violence was the answer.
You gave him a large, fake grin, before nodding jerkily. You could feel the edge of your face and your ears turn burning hot, hands already going clammy as you tried to clench and unclench them.
“Akaashi-san, may I talk to you in private?”
Akaashi seemed surprised, blinking twice before nodding and standing up to walk towards you. No one else was caught off guard, of course, grinning faces looking between you two, knowing what was about to happen. You wished the ground would open up and swallow you whole so you wouldn’t have to do this in front of the entire volleyball team. But a bet was a bet. You had brought this upon yourself.
Whenever you had lain in bed and fantasized about confessing to Akaashi, you had pictured just you and him. Either outside the gym, or in the school grounds, nice cool air blowing through your clothes and hair. You had imagined how he would smile and return your feelings, which was a long shot but anything was possible in your imagination.
Akaashi was…. dignified. Organized. He was crazy smart, perceptive to a fault. It was almost impossible to not like him. Two years since you had started managing the Fukurodani team, and your crush on him had only grown. The more you learned about him, the more you liked him. And he was leagues above you in every sense.
That was the reason you had always believed Akaashi couldn’t return your feelings.
He stepped out behind you, following you only a few steps away from the gym doors. Konoha had explicitly said that you had to stay within earshot. A childish, immature request but part of the bet reward, so you couldn’t exactly refuse. You turned back to the boy, unable to meet his eyes and instead staring at your own hands as you fiddled with your fingers. You had rehearsed in your head over and over how you would take Akaashi’s rejection, what you would say, how would you tell him it wasn’t a big deal and you didn’t expect him to return your feelings. That you hoped you could still be friends. But now, standing before him, you realized you hadn’t really thought about the actual confession. You were completely blank.
“Is everything okay?” Akaashi’s voice was laced with concern, and he tilted his head a bit to catch your eye. You stared at him for a good minute before blinking and vigorously nodding.
“Yes! Completely fine. I’m fine.”
Embarrassment was already beginning to crawl up on you. There was a bout of silence. Behind Akaashi, you caught sight of multiple heads peeking through the window. You felt annoyance build up in you.
“Screw this,” you mumbled. “Akaashi-san, I like you. A lot. Not as a friend. And I was never going to tell you, but I lost a bet to Konoha and he thought this would be the perfect way to humiliate me. By making me confess. So���.. here I am. I’m sorry for dragging you into this.”
Akaashi watched you unblinkingly for a few moments. You glanced at Konoha who was scowling, probably because you name dropped him. But that wasn’t one of his conditions, so you didn’t care. You felt a twinge of satisfaction at having bested him even in your current circumstance. Good. He deserved to feel even a fraction of the anxiety and embarrassment you were feeling right now.
“Why would that humiliate you?” Akaashi finally spoke.
Your eyes met his dark ones, and you felt yourself freeze. Of all the questions you thought he would ask, this was not one you were prepared for.
“Uh-” You tried to come up with an answer that didn’t sound equally as embarrassing as the confession. Because you will reject me and they will all witness it?
Akaashi sighed and toed at the ground a bit, mouth pursed in thought. You stared at him wide eyed, waiting for him to speak. To say something. Follow up on his unusual question.
“This isn’t exactly how I imagined this moment to go.” He muttered, and you wouldn’t have caught it if you weren’t already looking at him. Your breath hitched, eyes so wide you were sure they would pop out of your skull. You tried to process the sentence, tried to think of any reason he would say that without getting your hopes up.
Akaashi peered around, as if searching for something, looking left and right before he finally caught the floating heads behind him. There was a yelp as they disappeared from the window suddenly, followed by thudding and a curse. You bit back your laughter. Akaashi rolled his eyes.
“I would like to talk about this more. Where others can’t see us.” His voice was as calm and quiet as ever. You felt your heart race. Your limbs felt jittery. Did this mean….?
“Akaashi-san, do you-”
A smile that made your heart leap. “I do.”
You felt a smile stretch over your face, feeling giddy at the thought of something you had considered so impossible materializing in front of your very eyes. You could still hear faint bickering from the gym, and you were sure Konoha had not seen this coming. Somehow, he was the least of your concerns now, in the face of Akaashi’s quiet smile and the way he was leaning towards you. You leaned forward too, realizing you had never been this close to him before. You basked in the moment.
In ten million years you could not have wished for a better outcome.
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goofyjelly · 2 years
I have read some weird shit during class with a straight face but I literally read three more sentences to a rom-com fic I started reading last night and I physically had to close the tab because that, my friend, is too much for me to handle at 10 a.m.
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dilvuc · 11 months
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𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗: male
𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖑𝖊: hickeys
𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: jing yuan, caelus, luocha, sampo, gepard, dan heng, blade x m!reader
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌: mention of hickeys
『note』 sorry for the late update, i was waiting for the game update and i'm still on writer's block
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jing yuan
Jing Yuan could still feel the pain in his back after that night and his ass hurt like shit that he can't even sit down properly. Yanqing knows the general is old, but there's something wrong. His eyes landed on Jing Yuan's neck, seeing some bruises.
"General, did you get bitten by some mosquitoes?" Yanqing asked.
"Mosquitoes? What makes you say that?"
Yanqing pointed out to the male's neck, "Those bruises on your neck."
"Oh?" The general rubbed his neck before giving the boy a soft chuckle, "You'll understand when you're older."
"Eh?! I'm not a kid! I'm old enough!" The boy remarked. Jing Yuan just patted the boy on the head, "You're mature, but not too mature."
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March felt awkward around the trailblazer and she was too afraid to point it out on why. She's not the only one who noticed it, the Express noticed, too. It's oblivious that Caelus isn't hiding it so well since they're exposed. They just left your home planet, giving you a good-bye after they seal the stellaron, Caelus was the last to enter the express with hickeys on his neck and collarbone.
"...What have you and Mr. [Y] been up to?" The pink haired photographer asked the male.
"Stuff…" Caelus blushed.
"Stuff, huh…?" March deadpanned. "You mean leaving some marks. You're still exposed."
Feeling embarrassed by this, the trailblazer hides his marks from the others. God, it was embarrassing.
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"Goodness me…" Luocha mumbled while rubbing the spot where you left some marks. "I should be glad that my body isn't too exposed. My clothes covered my body completely."
"Oi. That's not fair. I want everyone to see it." You grumbled, wrapping your arms around the male's neck from behind. "To let them know that you're mine."
"I can understand that, but I have some business to attend to…" the blonde sighed. You sulked then sucked on the male's cheek, causing him to let out a shriek, "W-what are you doing? Are you trying to eat my face? L-luv!"
"Wow, did you get bitten by some?" Sushang pointed at the bite mark on Luocha's cheek.
"A dog bit my face…" Luocha answered with a blank expression on his face.
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This is an unexpected surprise. Sampo is wearing a tank top underneath to hide his exposed body. It was weird and suspicious, why is he hiding them now? He blames you.
"That's new. Were you cold?" Seele asks the con-man.
"No. Felt exposed." Sampo answered.
"Huh? You didn't even care that you were exposed, why are you covering them up, now?" The butterfly pointed. She paused when she spotted you passing by and then she realized, "Don't tell me…"
Sampo turned flustered red with embarrassment. The great Sampo, embarrassed. You know how to tease and manipulate the poor male.
"My body hurts…" Sampo whined.
"Cannot believe I'm saying this, but…I feel bad for you."
"You should be!"
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You're not too rough on him, but you did leave some marks on neck that the Silvermane Guards noticed that it was hard to avoid.
"What is it?" Gepard turned to the soldier.
"Sorry if this is…out of nowhere, but are you feeling well?"
"What do you mean…?"
"Well…you have those marks on your neck. It becomes unavoidable to us."
Gepard was going to question the soldier first, but soon realized that you had marked him as yours last night. No wonder Serval was holding back laughter. The poor captain covered his neck.
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dan heng
Dan Heng stroked the bite marks that were given by you. He was pissed off at how rough and aggressive you were with him. You're not sorry for what you did. A hickey is a hickey, so he's all yours.
"You have no need to go this far." Dan Heng sighed, hiding his hickeys.
"To prove that you're my property~ You're cute when you scream my name~"
And you were banned from his room.
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He doesn't mind the hickeys being exposed since he doesn't care, but you do. You've been trying to get him to hide it, but…
"Why? Don't you want others to know that I belong to you?" Blade asked.
"Yes, I do, but not that way." You sweatdropped at your beloved boyfriend, trying to cover the hickeys that you left on him, but he uncovered it. "Dear aeons, if Kafka or Silver Wolf asks where you get it, don't put me involved."
"They know. You can't hide it from them."
"...What am I going to do with you…?"
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suiana · 5 months
Would love more Yandere prison Warden! He is such a silly guy fr fr !!!!!!
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(yandere! prison warden x gn! inmate reader) (kinda nsfw, talking about ass and boobs)
there's two things that always annoys you with this man.
his ass.
like why is it so big? why is it so voluptuous? and why the hell does he of all people have it?
he has no right to have such a sexy ass. he's a crazy, delusional, and annoying man-baby. he shouldn't be allowed to have a plump, round, and voluptuous ass that jiggles if you slap it.
his tits are annoying too.
why on earth are they so big? why are they so squishy? why the hell does it feel so good to sleep on them?
it literally makes zero sense for him to have not only a sexy ass, but also the sexiest boobs ever. like yeah, he trains and goes to the gym and stuff but he shouldn't have such a sexy body! not when he's just a loser that desperately wants your love and attention!
he should be in jail for how his good his ass and tits look. they're absolutely distracting and it annoys you to an incredible extent. especially because it makes you look like a big old pervert with how your eyes are always staring straight at his tits and ass.
it also doesn't help that the prison warden uniform is tight.
"oi, can you change your outfit?"
you grunt to your personal prison warden, looking up at him as you squat on the ground. he turns around, humming at you before grinning slightly.
"babe! this is the first time you've talked to me first! and all willingly too?! you sound a little annoyed though-"
"quit rambling ugh. just... just wanted to tell you that your uniform is too tight. how do you even work in it huh? when all of that is exposed?"
you feel your cheeks heat up with each and every word. shit, why was this so embarrassing to say? you used to flirt shamelessly with others! so why on earth does saying this make your heart race like a child with a first crush?! you're not even saying anything bad! just pointing out how his assets are on display for the whole world to see!
"huh? exposed? what do you mean? did my pants tear?"
he questions you, feeling around his pants with a slight frown. you chew on your bottom lip at this, feeling your annoyance and embarrassment soar through the roof. god damn it, you don't know whether he's dumb or just likes to tease you. is he seriously not aware that he has a fat dumpy?!
"god do you seriously not know?! your ass! it's so big! and your tits too! ugh!"
you mumble flusteredly, cheeks a furious red as you cough slightly. damn, he was not going to let you live this down. you should've just kept quiet about this little observation you made-
"my... ass? and tits?"
he pauses for a second before his grin widens.
"baby you've been staring at me, huh? aw that's so sweet!"
he gushes happily, cheeks pink as he grips the bars to your prison cell tightly. his joyous giggles fill the room as he starts rambling about how you're going to fall for him next and agree to run away with him.
you shake your head in response, feeling your embarrassment fie down as regret and embarrassment settles in. dang, you knew this would feed his delusions. you really would have been better off keeping your observations a secret.
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yourlocaltrashcan657 · 2 months
~| Levi Ackerman x Reader |~
A/N: This was inspired by a Tumblr Post I saw which got deleted 😭
“Look at that ass.” Reiner mumbled as he looked towards the shorter girl in the dining hall.
”You’re not talking about Y/N are you? She’s a bit older than us from what I heard.” Jean muttered as he placed boxes of food down.
”If I had to guess, she’s in her early 20s. Maximum.” Connie said as he looked at the beautiful girl.
”I got a chance then.” Reiner said as he smirked mischievously and crossed his arms over his chest, still staring at the girl in the distance.
“Reiner, you’re so different from the older brother figure when you say stuff like this..” Armin mentioned, getting Reiner to turn his head to him, a shocked expression spread across his face.
”I don’t blame you for saying that though, she does have nice uhm boobs too.” Connie admitted as everyone looked at him, shocked.
”H-have some respect you guys! That’s a female you’re talking about..” Armin stuttered as he looked at Y/N, talking to Petra.
”She’s got good thighs.” Jean simply said, ignoring Armin’s comment and smirking straight after he stared at them.
”Armin is right you guys. Y/N may be pretty but you shouldn’t stare at a woman like that!” Eren said as he gripped the broom he held in his hand.
”What a hypocrite you are Eren! You say that like you don’t look up and down at her all the time.” Jean yelled, Erens face going red from embarrassment. “You really think no one sees?!”
”S-shut up Horse Face!” Eren shouted. “And I do not!”
”You g-guys should quieten d-down!” Bertolt interrupted as he tried breaking up the small argument. Looking up, they all saw Y/N glancing at the scene before them along with Petra. “S-she’s staring..”
Quickly waving at the group, Y/N awkwardly smiled before rushing away with Petra to the training ground. Blushing red, the boys began somewhat celebrating the small interaction with her.
”S-she smiled at me.!” Bertolt said as his face was flushed dark red.
”Bertolt don’t lie! She obviously saw how amazing I was at challenging Eren me ran away after she took a glimpse of me!” Jean exclaimed.
”Like hell! She probably ran away after seeing you horse face! She waved at me since I’m in the same squad as her.” Eren shouted.
”She looked so hot.” Connie said as he stood still, his face tinted pink.
”Did you see the way her body swayed as she left.?! I’m gonna marry her.” Reiner muttered to himself, which Armin heard.
”S-she was probably t-trying to be nice you guys!” Armin explained as he covered his bright red face.
“Oi.” A voice called out from behind them. Turning around, the emotion from their faces washed out as they met eyes with Captain Levi.
”C-captain!” Eren stuttered as he stood tall and saluted to Levi. “Do you need anything.?”
”Your cleaning is shitty as always. We have another experiment ready for you to do, so come with me.” Levi said bluntly as he walked forward.
”Will the Squad be their.?!” Eren asked enthusiastically, stopping the Captain is his tracks.
”Yes.” Levi grumbled, not wanting to turn back to see Eren sticking out his tongue at the other boys, but soon spoke up. “Y/N won’t be their since she’s busy helping with paperwork, Hange will be in her place.”
“Hah!” Jean exclaimed before zipping shut and allowing the Captain to leave.
”Dammit.” Eren muttered as he headed towards the hallway, leaving his guy friends alone. “Hange replaced with Y/N too..”
”She’s doing paperwork huh?” Reiner asked as he smirked again. “I’ll just walk by and y’know, ask if she needs help.”
”Reiner no.”  Connie grumbled as he held onto his leg as if it would stop him. “PLEASE! WE’LL SPLIT THE TIME! I BEG YOU.”
”You guys, that’s an invasion of privacy.!” Bertolt said as he follows after them, coming up with excuses to stop them from bothering Y/N.
”Reiner you damn bastard. Thinking you can allow yourself to do that to a woman!” Jean argued as he followed after them.
”You guys! We have actual chores to do y’know!” Armin said before running after the group. Meanwhile, Levi stood behind a large pillar listening to what they all had said. Even before he had stepped in, he listened in from the hallway right beside them. 
None of them ended up hanging out with Y/N.
Weeks went by and each and every one of the newer recruits got to know Y/N and talk to her more, to which the other cadets seemed to sigh at or shake their heads. Some of the recruits even receiving compliments and nicknames made them think they had a chance.
”Y/N is allowed to sit with higher ups?” Armin asked confused as most of the newer recruits turned to see her. Y/N sat between Hange and Levi, Erwin’s seat being empty due to an overload of work. Mike sat down in front of the trio before zoning out once Hange talked about Titans.
”She must be a highly skilled soldier then, she gets to sit with her Captain too.” Connie suggested before munching on his stale bread.
“Hey Levi, can I go sit with Petra.?” Y/N whispered subtly.
”….” Levi thought as he looked at his Squads table. “No. Too many guys.”
”Please! I’ll only talk to Petra when I’m there.” Y/N promised. Levi nodded before sipping on his tea, Y/N got up before strolling towards the Squad. Most of the new recruits and some of the older ones stared as she walked over to the distant table and sat down beside the short haired girl.
”These new recruits never know yet still try and make a move.” Mike mumbled to Levi as he watched Erwin walk in. “Surprised it doesn’t piss you off every time.”
”Trust me Moustache, you don’t know what to feel.” Levi grumbled as he sipped on his drink moodily.
“Good Afternoon. What're we discussing?” Erwin asked as he sat down beside Mike.
”We’re talking about the new recruits and Y/N.” Hange giggled before stifling her laugh. “Not to mention Levi being jealous.”
”I’m not jealous.” Levi bluntly said.
”Doesnt she call those new recruits nicknames?” Hange teased. “I don’t think I’ve heard her ever say anything like the names she calls them.”
”She doesn’t need to, we already have trust with one another. Besides, ‘Levi’ is enough.” Levi answered, still curious on what the other nicknames Y/N called the newer recruits.
Eren made sure to sit at a good distance from Y/N but still close enough to her, Eld and Gunther talked together and stopped Oluo from trying to make a move on you. Meanwhile back at the newer and much louder recruits table, Reiner and Connie began arguing along with Jean talking some nonsense whilst Armin and Bertolt tried calling them all down. 
“I clearly have a better chance with Y/N. You’re a horse-face in case you didn’t know!” Connie said as he looked at Jean.
”And you’re bald, what’s she gonna do with that bald head you got? Use it as a deodorant?” Jean angrily exclaimed.
”You guys really need to stop yelling..” Armin whispered to the duo.
”Yeah, yelling nonsense.” Reiner muttered. “Eren sitting next to Y/N, puckering up to her. Besides I have the best nickname so that means Y/N likes me best.”
”What’s your nickname then huh?!” Connie asked.
”You don’t need to know that, what happens with me and Y/N stays between us. That’s loyalty.” Reiner snickered.
”Calm down meathead. Y/N calls me the Great Stallion!” Jean said smugly.
”Only because Y/N was being nice to you. You really do have a horse-face.” Connie argued.
”You guys! Stop arguing, other cadets are getting annoyed.. especially the veterans.” Bertolt whispered shyly.
”Shut your mouth Mr Shy smile!” Connie said angrily, causing Bertolt to blush dark shades of red.
”Man those new recruits sure are noisy..” Nanaba muttered to Gelgar.
”I’m just glad one of them hasn’t said something too stupid yet.” Gelgar replied before chuckling.
”I’m just saying, I think I could take Y/N to the beds first and I’d be the best.” Reiner said confidently, loud enough for Levi to hear.
The cup in Levi’s hand had cracked as soon as the words left Reiner’s mouth, Erwin kept his calm posture however deep inside he was startled by the comment. Hange was close to balling her eyes off, whilst Mike had smirked.
”Never mind.” Gelgar muttered as he kept his head down.
”We spoke too soon.. Levi’s not going to take that right?” Nanaba asked quietly as she looked over at Levi’s table. All of a sudden, Levi stood up and walked over to his Squads table, heading towards Y/N. 
“Captain, is there something you need-“ Y/N began to say. Very quickly Levi kissed her temple before grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles too, in front of the Survey Corps.
”I’m going to do my paperwork.” Levi bluntly said as he tried dragging her off. “Let’s go.”
”O-okay.” Y/N stuttered before strolling away with Levi, smiling at his confidence. Meanwhile the whole of Mess Hall was quiet as they stared at the doors that the duo left in.
”She’s dating Captain Levi?!” Connie exclaimed, quickly breaking the silence.
”Isn’t he a lot older than Y/N? He’s like 35 and she’s probably 17!” Jean yelled, confused.
”She’s isn’t 17, who told you guys that?!” Eld asked from the distance. “Y/N is the same age as Captain Levi y’know!”
”WHAT?!” Eren exclaimed as he stood up, shocked at the announcement.
”Yeah! And she’s not dating Levi, she’s been married to him for the past… 7 years?” Petra said as she began pondering at the thought of their marriage length.
”God fucking dammit. All of the hot ones are always taken.” Reiner muttered as he slumped in his seat unhappily.
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euphoricimagination · 10 months
How they react to you having them as your wallpaper
Feat. Atsumu, Bokuto & Oikawa
You were taking a shower when in Atsumu’s apartment when you phone started ringing. He didn’t want to answer it, he wasn’t that sure if you were okay with him just using it.
He heard the shower turn off, so he went to the door of the bathroom.
“Oi! Angel! Yer phone is ringing!” he calls you
“Really? Who is it?!” you scream back
“It says… Ken…Kenma!”
“Can you answer it and tell him I’ll call him back?”
“You want me to answer him?” He asks, lots of emotions coming up. Who was Kenma? What did he want? Why does it feel wrong to answer it? There were so many things in his head that the call ended before he could even think of answer it “Ehh… angel? The call is over”
“Well, can you send him a text ? The password is 3476” you say simply.
He doesn’t really know what is taking you so long for you to come out, but the fact that you gave him your password make him feel so special. When he unlocks your phone he immediately sees your wallpaper. An image of him when he was half asleep, cheek squeezing the pillow with a half smile. He froze in place, blush creeping into his face and ears.
“Did you… something interesting in my phone?” you smirk coming out of the bathroom
“Ehh… N-no, I just…”
“You like my wallpaper? That’s one of the cutest photos I have of you”
“Photos? Ya have more?!” you nod your head while chuckling “Jezz, yer’re worse than Suna… let me delete some”
“What? No!” you snatch your phone back “you loved taking photos, why would you want to delete mine?”
“Because I don’t look good in them”
“I won’t let you!” you move away as far as you could
“Ya know, yer’re just in a towel, ya can’t really run away from me” he smirks at you, now you turn to be blushing.
He’s not letting you know yet that his wallpaper is a photo of you sleeping in his chest.
The lack of messages from your boyfriend confuses you. You were out running some errands at around the time he should be at home, in normal occasions he would send a bunch of messages calling for you, being the clingy lovable boyfriend he is. But this time there was nothing.
Everything is a mess when you arrived home. Couch moved, drawers open, pillows on the floor and a Bokuto looking under the arm chair.
“What are you doing?” you ask him, making him jump and hit his head.
“Ouch!” he exclaims before looking at you with sad eyes “Babyyy, I lost my phone”
“You lost it? What were you doing?” you say before kissing his pouty lips, you knew that if you didn’t he would pout even more
“I don’t know, I had it when I enter but when I threw my stuff on the couch it disappeared”
“Babe, how did you managed to do that” you chuckle “here, call your phone. I’m going to prepare dinner”
With that you pass him your phone and leave the room. He stays sitting in the floor with a dumbfounded look; yes, he knew your password, but he has never actually seen your phone outside of what you show him. He never felt the need to.
It take him a few seconds to realize that he is staring at himself when he unlocks your phone, but when he does he has a big grin on his face. Specially seeing the photo that you chose. It was him in his MSBY uniform, when he was wiping away the sweat in his forehead with the t-shirt showing his abs. He has seen the photo many times, it went viral on twitter, but seeing it in your phone made him a warm feeling.
“Found it?” you lay on his back in a lazy hug, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“Not yet, I was just… watching your wallpaper”
“It’s really hot isn’t it? One of your fansites took it and tagged me on it”
“I love you!” he cuts you hugging you tightly, leaving kisses all over your face “Let’s go take some new photos for our phones!”
You were laying in Oikawa’s chest, your back to his chest while watching one of his matches in preparation for a tournament. He had his chin on your shoulder, eyes completely focused in the screen of his phone while occasionally pressing kisses in your skin.
While the players were changing sides is when he unfreezes himself, and it’s when his eyes decide to trace your form. Your face was enlightened by his phone’s light, hair in some messy braids, and your hoodie, hoodie that you wore when he took you back to Japan a few weeks ago. Which remind him of something
“Love, did you send me the photos that we took in Miyagi?” He asked poking your side, making you making you flinch slightly
“Eh? No, I forgot! Stop laughing!”
“Sorry, sorry, you just looked so cute” says squishing your cheeks
“Shut up or I’m not going to send you the photos” he quickly stays put at the thread; no matter how cute he finds you, he knows that your threats can hurt him “Good, I’ll send them right now”
He watches you while you take your phone out and unlock it, his eyes widen slightly at your wallpaper before a smirk found its way.
It was a photo that you made Iwaizumi take when you went to Japan, in the Date Masamune Culture museum. He was dressed in a samurai armor and you were wearing a simple kimono, laughing at how he looked alongside his old teammates. He remembers how hesitant he was at wearing that big armor, especially knowing that his friends were going to tease him by calling him a foreigner, but he had set his mind to make your first trip there as memorable as possible.
“Oh, so you put one of the photos as your wallpaper but forget to send them to me, huh? Me? Your wonderful boyfriend?”
“Oh god. I said I was sorry!”
“I made a joke of myself there for you just so you forget it” he says dramatically, making you roll your eyes.
“I love the photo, so thank you for acting like an idiot”
“Hey!” he laughs out before pecking your lips “Well, at least my idiocy makes you happy”
“You make me happy” you say without much care, you didn’t know how much those simple words meant to him “There, I send them now”
“Thanks love” He hugs you tightly, all signs of teasing disappearing. He once thought that living in another country would make him feel homesick, and while he does sometimes, he found you, his new home. Of course, he still enjoys going back to Japan, but now he rather go with you by his side “Let’s take more when we go back”
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sour-snak3 · 4 months
Ghost x male reader
A/N: I read too many @thegnomelord stuff and I just wanted to make my own thing. Go read their stuff, it's honestly so good and their fics/small blurbs are definitely must reads.
CW/: meanish reader, werewolf reader, knotting, breeding kink, domtop reader, subbot simon, biting, marking, mating press, ruts, monster fucking, nonhuman genitalia, scent kink, shameless smut, swearing, english is not my first language, first fic, mistakes probably
Being a werewolf comes with it's perks. Having enhanced speed, enhanced strength, a fast metabolism, enhanced hearing, ect. However, it also comes with it's downsides. One of them being a rut. They are annoying and harder to deal with without a mate.
Which leads you to now, you rutting against your mattress with your lieutenants shirt inside your mouth. Huffs and groans spill from your mouth as you desperately seek for any kind of release. So deep into your pleasure, you fail to hear your room door open, your lieutenant standing within the frame.
"Oi, what the fock are you doin'?"
You snap my head over to the door and all your movements come to a halt. Neither of you move, no sounds coming from the both of you besides your panting. Simon stares for a moment before swiftly closing and locking the door.
"You like getting off on your superior, huh?" Your member twitched but you remained looking at him. He walks over to your bed and pushes you on your back. You try to get up but he crawls on top of you. "Stay down mutt. I'll give you some assistance if you're good."
Deciding to humor him, you let him continue. He pushes up his mask just enough that you can see from his chin to his nose. He brings his face down to your neck and begins to suck rather roughly. He nips and bites and after awhile, you've had enough.
Growling, you turn him over and you get on top of him, quickly reversing the roles. The heat bubbling inside almost becomes too much for you, but you hold it in for awhile longer, not wanting to harm Simon (at least not too badly).
You shove three fingers in Simon's mouth, grinning as he chokes on your thick fingers. You let your fingers be coated in a thick layer of saliva before taking them out from his mouth. Getting impatient, you yank all of his bottom wear off before turning him on his stomach.
He squirms as he feels your thick fingers prod at his puckered hole. A gasp sprouts from his lips as you shove your fingers in those warm, velvety walls. He begins to tremble when your fingers move in and out. He knows it's only your fingers but he can't help but feel so full.
After deeming him ready enough, you pull out your fingers and he whines. He should find it scary how easy it was for you to reverse the roles but he can't help but get more and more turned on. He was so lost in his own mind that he didn't realize you were moving until he felt your knotted cock poke at his hole.
He practically screams when you push inside. The stretch your inhuman cock makes inside his hole drives him crazy. The burn is so powerful and he can't help but enjoy it. His bottom half moves on its own as it grinds and pleads for you and your giant cock-
He yelps and you change his position to a maiting press. You laugh as you stare at his already fucked out expression. "Aw, does the poor puppy want some more?" you taunt. 'I do', he wants to say, but his pride is ever to big to give in. He gasps as you suddenly fuck into him. "Answer me, mutt."
"Yes. Please." he begs. He feels humiliated, but he doesn't care anymore. He needs you. You quickly responded to his answer and fucked into him as he sobbed. Gasps and groans fill every corner of the room as you pound into his pretty pink hole.
Simon feels heat bubbling in his lower abdomen, signaling that he's close. You know this, you can smell his sickly sweet scent fill the air. It seems he did some research on your species if the way he bares his neck to you means anything. You wanted to wait on marking him but who are you to judge if he wants you to do it now?
Your breath pans on his neck before you bite down, hard. The wolf inside you feels content as you finally mark him. As you finally make him yours. The bite stimulates him so much that he cums. It shoots all over his and yours chest, only making a bit of a mess. You release your lips from his neck but you don't stop. After all, you haven't finished yet.
You continue pounding him as you feel the heat bubbling more and more. Eventually, you snap. You pound into him one final time and your knot pushes itself inside of him. He screams as your knot goes inside and as your cum fills him to the brim. You both stay there panting before you break the silence.
"So, round two?"
"Oh fock off! Round two my ass..."
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moonstruckme · 4 months
you talked about bartender!sirius in a previous post and omg i can't stop thinking about it!!! could you do a fic with costumer!reader and him being all flirty and stuff (maybe even angst where reader is really drunk or has come to drink all her problems away or someone icky is hitting on her or smth?? idk i trust your judgement<3)
litterly giggling and kicking my feet just thinking about it😭🤭
Thanks for requesting gorgeous <3
cw: alcohol
bartender!Sirius x fem!reader ♡ 1.4k words
There are three people working the bar, and you have basically no hope of ever capturing one’s attention. You’re not as assertive as the other patrons vying to get their orders taken, not willing to lean across the bar or shout like they are and perfectly willing to let yourself be pushed out of the way when one of them decides their cause is more prevalent than yours. It probably is. This pub is noisier and more rowdy than you’re accustomed to, and you’re not much of a drinker to begin with, only trying to pay your tax to sit with the friend that invited you here. You’re considering abandoning the endeavor entirely when the next man shouldering you out of the way gets waved off by the bartender nearest. 
“Oi, she was here first.” 
The bartender’s gaze fixes pointedly on you, which is kind of a lot. He has sharp gray eyes paired with superblack hair—like, the kind of black no light can penetrate—and a crooked smile, a handsome and somewhat menacing combination. He leans across the bar, lowering his voice as if he can tell that’s what you’d prefer. 
“What can I get you, doll?” 
You fumble for your tongue. “Um, can I have a citrus spritz, please?” 
He grimaces. “Wish you could,” he says, “but we just ran out of that gin. Got a second choice?” 
“Oh, uh...” You’d only found your first choice after perusing their menu and asking your friend what each thing was, so no, you do not. You take a step back from the bar, yielding your time. “Sorry, I’ll have to—” 
“No, come on, it’s alright.” The bartender doesn’t move, but his voice is loud enough that it reaches you, gets you to turn around. He’s on you with that smile again, one hand beckoning you towards him. “We’ll figure something out for you, sweetheart. Come back here.” 
You step up to the bar stiffly, more than aware of the irritated looks being shot your way by other patrons. 
“What do you like?” he asks you. 
You feel your eyebrows pinch, shaking your head helplessly. Your face feels like it could heat a small home. “I don’t—I’m not sure, sorry.” 
“You’re alright,” he promises, grin vanishing for a moment as he cuts a glare towards a man trying to talk over you. It’s back before you can miss it. “A sweet kinda drink, yeah? Fruity? D’you want something else with citrus?” 
“That sounds good,” you manage.
He winks and pushes off the bar. “Stay put, babe, I’ve gotcha.” 
You do your best, keeping your front pressed to the bar even as everyone else moves around and into you. You feel like a rock in a stream. With no one else to talk to, you watch him work behind the bar. He grabs a bunch of bottles at once, pouring without measuring or counting or hardly even looking, and when he starts shaking it all in a metal cylinder you have to look away from how his tattooed biceps bulge from the short sleeves of his shirt. You’re scanning the rows of liquor behind the bar when he gets back, trying to will the warmth away from your face. 
“Give this a try.” He sets the drink down in front of you. You notice it’s got a bit of dried fruit on top, and then he sets a small shot glass of something bubbly and transparent down next to it—you wince. A garnish and a side; probably not as cheap as you were hoping for. “If you don’t like it,” he says, glancing between you and the drink expectantly, “don’t tell me. Just bring it to the bathroom and flush it. My ego can’t take the rejection.” 
You press your lips together into something you hope approximates a smile and take a careful sip. It is sweet. You can barely taste the alcohol. You rub your lips together as you set it down, hoping you haven’t gotten foam on your mouth. 
“It’s really good,” you tell him honestly, and he grins in response. You raise it to your lips for more. “What is it?” 
“A pornstar martini.” 
You nearly spit foam right at him, somehow reversing at the last moment so you take in a hearty sip instead. His grin widens, showing canines, like he knew the effect the name would have on you. It should make you feel childish, but he doesn’t seem like he’s laughing at you so much as with you. 
“It’s good,” you say again, taking out your card. “Thank you.” 
He holds up his hands, stepping away from your credit card like it’s a weapon. “Put that thing away,” he says. “You’re insulting me, dollface.” 
You let your card hover in the air between you, unsure. “I can’t let you—”
“Sure you can. You have to,” he insists, setting both hands on the bar and leveling you with a significant look. You can’t look back for more than a second before your gaze flees downward. “If I can’t comp a pretty girl’s drink, what am I doing here?” He lowers his voice, leaning across the bar so his face is just a few inches from yours. “And if I can’t add a pretty girl’s drink to a tosser’s tab—” he flicks his gaze over to the man who’s been especially persistent in trying to get his order in over yours since you’ve come up “—then I may as well quit.”
You press your lips together, trying desperately to keep from looking as flattered and flustered as you feel. 
“You don’t want to leave me without purpose, do you?” 
“No.” You smile down at the bar, privately rolling your eyes. When you glance back up, there’s a waggishness in his eyes that suggests he saw. “Thanks.” 
“Thank you. Have a good night.” 
“You too.” 
You turn, starting back for your table, but stall a couple of steps in. Your seat’s been taken by a man around your age, all smiley and nodding as your friend talks. They’ve both got their elbows leaned on the table, eyes locked like they’re in some sort of competition. And you may not spend a lot of time in pubs, but you know enough to stay away when two people are looking at each other like that. 
You stand awkwardly on the fringes of the bar crowd, looking around for another empty table, but it’s too crowded tonight; there are none. You consider dropping by to tell your friend you’re leaving, but now you’ve got this full drink in your hand. Maybe if you finish it quickly…
“Hey!” You pivot, and the same bartender is looking at you again, craning his neck to see you over the crowd. “Hey,” he all but shouts to be heard, “come here.” 
You’re nothing if not obedient, working your way through the crowd with murmured apologies and your eyes on the ground to ensure you don’t step on anyone’s toes. When you get up to the bar, he’s waiting for you, holding up a hand to pause the man—the tosser, he’d dubbed him—trying to talk to him. You wonder if he’d halted his order halfway through. 
“What’s going on?” he asks, eyebrows twitching together. “You looked lost over there, babe.”
“Sorry,” you say, though you’re not sure what for. “I just—my seat was taken, so I was just trying to figure out—”
“You can sit here.” 
You blink, and he motions to the stools tucked under the bar in front of you, the ones nobody’s using. “I mean, you don’t have to,” he says, the closest thing to hesitant you’ve seen from him yet, “but you’re welcome to. I could use some good-looking company. We’re severely lacking over here.” 
“Fuck off,” says another bartender, skimming behind him to grab a bottle off a shelf. 
“Not counting you, Marls.” He shoots a sharp-edged grin towards the blond woman before fixing it back on you. His eyebrow twitches slightly in question. 
“Okay.” You pull a seat out. “Okay, thanks.” 
“Don’t thank me, doll, you’re doing me a favor.” He sets his forearms on the bar, leaning towards you like you’re having a far more private conversation. “I’m Sirius.” Something about him softens when you tell him your name in response, and you get the sense he’s been waiting for it. He repeats it back to you like it’s something special. “Alright, y/n, enjoy your drink, and I’ll try to be as decent company as I can while dealing with these pricks.” He makes no effort to keep the man beside you from hearing, then turns to him with an extremely false-looking smile. “Hi, what can I get you?” 
Even as the man starts giving his order, Sirius’ eyes flicker your way to see if he made you smile. He did.
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slaybestieslay946 · 4 months
Oh me gosh can you please do a Luke Castellan x reader fic where he’s just so head over heels for her but she’s so clueless and everyone keeps trying to get her to notice but she won’t and like they’re bests friends🤗🤗
tysm for ur request! if you don't mind I tweaked it a bit so its annabeth and percy trying to set up Luke and reader! hope you enjoy!
Tumblr media
word count: 2000
pairing: Luke Castellan x poseidon!reader
warnings: none!
a/n: Even though this is a daughter of poseidon fic, its not part of my future au! for Luke.
Percy and Annabeth were standing at the edge of the amphitheatre, talking about something mindless when they spotted you and Luke walking towards the entrance, seeming deeping engaged in conversation. 
Annabeth watched as you laughed at something Luke said and a light blush tinged his cheeks, and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Could he get any more obvious?
“Oi, Perce,” She whispered, “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” She asked, nudging him to look in the direction of the pair of you. 
“Yeah, I see my sister with Luke, what about it-” It appeared the realisation finally struck him, “Oh my god, are they-?” 
“I don’t know. He’s definitely into her, I know that.” Annabeth mused, inspecting the pair as they grabbed two wooden swords and began sparring together, laughing as they repeatedly dodged and side-stepped the other. 
“He told you that?” Percy asked, his eyes practically bulging out of his head. 
“Well, no. But it’s pretty obvious, don’t you think?” 
Annabeth then gasped in realisation, startling Percy slightly before he realised it was just another one of her epiphanies. 
“We should get them together!” 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? Isn’t that something you leave up to Aphrodite kids?” Percy asked hesitantly. 
“Battle strategy and romantic strategy aren’t all that different.” She shrugged, before dragging him off to draw up new ‘romantic’ battle plans with her. 
Annabeth’s strategy wasn’t all that complicated, and she was pretty certain the most difficult part would be getting Luke to admit his feelings. But, as it turns out, he cracked pretty quickly. 
“Alright, you got me.” He sighed, holding his hands up in surrender, “I do like her, but can you blame me? I mean, she’s so smart, and beautiful, and kind, and-”
“That’s enough lover boy. Cool it.” Percy said, cutting him off with a groan. As much as he had given Annabeth his blessing to go along with this crazy plan, he still didn’t want to hear Luke gushing about how hot his sister is. 
“Sorry man.” Luke chuckled awkwardly, before the pair of boys turned back to Annabeth to lead the conversation. 
“So, now that you’ve admitted it, we need to start brainstorming how we’re gonna get you guys together.” She said, clapping her hands together and producing a roll of paper, with a long list of ideas that she promptly began to read out. 
The list ranged from pretty normal things like ‘take her out on a picnic’ to insane stuff like ‘bring her a monster's head as a gift’. Luke wasn’t so sure you would be a fan of that one, but he had to admit all the other items were pretty good ideas. 
“So what do you suggest, Annie? Work our way down the list?” Luke asked, and his little sister nodded, before outlining which ones she thought would be best. 
“We should start small, you don’t wanna freak her out,” She consulted the list again, thinking to herself, “Ah, here we go, ‘Give her a compliment’.” 
“Ok, I think I can do that.” Luke grinned, his head immediately flooded with things that he loved about you. 
“Just don’t make it weird, or I’ll revoke my blessing.” Percy grumbled, his arms crossed as Luke laughed sheepishly again. 
“Will do.”
The next week mostly consisted of Annabeth and Percy spying on you and Luke at any possible moment. 
The first of his tasks, to give you a compliment seemed to go well. The pair of preteens watched on from their spot behind a tree as the pair of you separated to go to dinner, and Luke complimented your hair. You blushed slightly, and smiled widely, before rushing off to your own table in the dining pavilion. 
Luke quickly whipped around to look at Percy and Annabeth who gave him enthusiastic thumbs ups. 
His next task was to give you a small gift, and he decided that it should take the form of the matching charm bracelets he made with the younger kids. Annabeth and Percy sat with him as he deliberated over specific colours and shapes of bead, until they were nearly sick of his equivocation. 
But, as much as watching him make it was downright annoying, Percy had to admit the way you both wore your charm bracelets everyday afterwards was pretty cute. 
The final task of the week was to bring you flowers, and that whole day Luke could be seen wading through fields of wildflowers looking for the perfect ones to add to his bouquet. This was then snuck onto your nightstand later that night by Percy, who over the course of the week had become very invested in your blossoming relationship, a fact he would deny to the ends of the earth. 
“Alright Luke, time to bring out the big guns.” Annabeth announced, before clearing her throat and reading the list of tasks for the week. 
‘Sit at her table during dinner’
‘At least one compliment a day’
‘One instance of arm-around-the-waist contact’
This was the point at which the Hermes boy began to get slightly nervous. The other stuff before could be pretty easily written off as friendly, but sitting at someone's table at dinner? Only couples did that. 
“Are you sure that’s not moving too fast, I mean-”
“Luke Castellan, don’t be so damn pathetic! Grow some balls, before someone else steals your girl!” Annabeth exclaimed, whacking him over the head with the list. 
He nodded, “Yes Ma’am.”
From then on, he was pretty much unwavering in his determination. He sat at your table every mealtime, slinging an arm around your shoulder, or your waist. Anytime you came up with a capture the flag strategy, he’d praise you intelligence, anytime he saw you, he greeted you with a ‘Morning beautiful’ or a ‘Hey sweetheart’. 
Annabeth and Percy were shocked with his sudden progress, but pretty impressed with the way it was going. At this point, the pair of you were practically dating. 
The only minor setback came in the form of your complete and utter cluelessness. 
Percy had decided to test the waters with you, and gently float the idea of you getting together with Luke. 
“You’ve been spending loads of time with Luke at the moment.” He remarked casually as you both walked back to cabin 3. 
“You’ve just noticed I spend time with my best friend? Well done kid.” You laughed, ruffling his curly blonde hair. 
“That’s not what I meant.” He rolled his eyes, ducking out of your grasp. 
“Then what did you mean?” You asked, hands on your hips, a confused expression on your face. 
“I meant like, you guys being ‘involved’.” He shrugged, trying to make it sound as nonchalant as possible while looking out for your every reaction. He was unreasonably invested at this point, but oh well. 
“What?!” You exclaimed, your voice suddenly going higher pitched, “Nah, no chance! Luke would never.” 
Percy had to stop his jaw from dropping to the floor. It would’ve made sense if you denied having feelings for him, but to be so oblivious of how whipped that boy was for you? He thought you were smart. 
“Yeah, sure. I guess so.” He shrugged once again, before swiftly changing the subject. 
“Guys, we have a problem.” Percy said, bursting in on Luke and Annabeth’s conversation the next morning. 
“What?” The pair asked in sync, concerned expressions on their faces. 
“Y/N is an idiot.” 
“Woah, don’t say that about her-” Luke began, desperate to defend your honour, but was cut off by Annabeth’s harsh glare. 
“What do you mean, Perce?” She asked, her tone level. 
“Luke, man, she has no clue you like her. Like she is convinced it’s impossible.” Percy explained, and Annabeth’s expression also grew confused. 
“Gods, she really is dumb.” She sighed, ignoring Luke’s chiding at insulting you, “We’re gonna have to really turn it up a notch. Luke, it’s time to really bring out the big guns.”
For the next few days, Luke, Annabeth and Percy spent most of their time rushing around preparing for Annabeth’s so-called ‘masterstroke’. 
And then, after much hard work from the trio, it was ready, and Luke was whisking you away from the campfire to the surprise he had prepared for you. 
“Luke, where are we going?!” You laughed as he dragged you along by the wrist, a piece of cloth tied around your head to block your vision. 
“You’ll see.” He chuckled, gently directing you around a tree root as he led you deeper into the forest. 
“I swear, if you’re kidnapping me I am not going to be happy.” You teased that infectious smile he loved so much covering your face. 
“No, no kidnapping tonight.”
You continued to joke around together as he led you towards his destination, until eventually you came to a halt, and he was untying the cloth around your face. 
You gasped in delight as you saw you were by the pier, and in front of you was a picnic blanket set up with all of your favourite food and drink. 
Immediately you grabbed him by the arm and led him to the blanket, thanking him all the way and gushing about how sweet and amazing he was. Meanwhile, Luke was trying not to pass out from the barrage of affection you were giving him. 
The pair of you quickly tucked into the meal, laughing and joking. But all the while, Luke was preparing his confession, and trying not to let his palms get too sweaty. 
Eventually, he decided it was time, and he made his move. 
“Yeah?” You looked up at him with shining eyes, and he had to remind himself to breathe. 
“I’m in-” His love confession was cut off by the sudden boom of fireworks above you both, and he silently cursed himself for forgetting to organise a signal with Annabeth to start them. She really did have bad timing sometimes. 
“Oh my gods! Fireworks!” You exclaimed, nudging Luke to take a closer look, pointing out which ones were your favourites, and clearly any speculation about what Luke was going to say had escaped your mind. 
Eventually the display was over, and you turned to him yet again, gushing about how lucky they were that fireworks were out tonight. He couldn’t help but wonder how someone usually so smart could be so clueless?
“I organised the fireworks, Y/N.” He said, softly, placing his calloused hand over yours. 
“What, really?!” You blinked owlishly at him for a moment before furrowing your brows and asking, “Wait, how come?” 
Luke couldn’t contain his chuckle. 
“Isn’t it obvious by now? I’m in love with you. I’ve been trying to hint at it for weeks, but clearly I wasn’t being obvious enough.”
“What? Why?” You stammered, shock coating your face entirely. 
“Why am I in love with you?” He asked as if it was a stupid question, which to him it was, because he could list a million things that he loved about you. 
“Because you’re beautiful, and smart, and kind, and generous, and every time I see you I can’t help but smile because you're my best friend and I love you more than anything.” He rambled, wiping his slightly clammy palms on his cargos. 
“Now I’d really appreciate it if you’d put me out of my misery and reject me.” He said sheepishly, itching the back of his neck. 
But, of course, the rejection never came. Instead you were rushing forwards to hold his face in your hands and kiss him, slowly and deeply. 
And, about ten metres away, Annabeth and Percy could be seen high-fiving behind a tree, before skipping back to the campfire in glee.
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mobbu-min · 7 months
☆ erm, let's not do that ☆
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requested by anon! Hi there! So i would like to request The overblot gang with a S/O who likes to pick on their fingers whenever they are stressed and considering what Yuu have to go through, they would have a bloody hand if it werent for the fact they use gloves when they are really stressed out. (They dont wear gloves often because it will look weird when it doesnt fit the outfit but will wear it if necessary). So what are the overblot gang (seperate) reactions when he learns why his S/O pick on their fingers and wear gloves? P.s. you are an amazing writer and i love your work, keep up the good work! Hope you have a lovely day/night!
a/n so it's been awhile... how have you guys been? i've been okay, been dealing with post graduation fatigue and depression. been wondering what the hell am i doing with my world and wondering if things are really worth it. i miss bts, i miss jin and hobi and most of all yoongi. i miss the person i used to be. i miss the person that was my rock for a good few years. i wish this whole life thing wasn;t so hard, but! twst makes my brain go brrrr, so that's good i guess lolol. i'm working on stuff dw! and i'll try to post more, so thank you all so much to those who have been waiting! i love you all!!! <333
characters mentioned: overblot boys!
!tw! blood, would this be considered self harm? (an actual question btw)
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Riddle Rosehearts <3
⋆ He’s so concerned. Honestly, when he saw the state of your hands, he gasped like some Victorian man seeing an ankle for the first time.
⋆ He’s not the type to beat around the bush, but he’s gentle about it. He’s quick to voice his concern for your health and if there’s any way for him to help you. 
⋆ Knowing that he is part of the cause of your pain, sorta sends him spiraling somewhat. It really makes Riddle want to become a better person after seeing the after effects of his tyranny.
⋆ Whenever Riddle sees you picking at your hands, he kinda swats at your hands like an angry cat. A disappointed pout on his soft features. He really tries okay. 
⋆ Riddle will patch your hand up. He’s so gentle about it too. Holding your hands as if they were blessed by the Queen of Hearts (honestly there’s probably a rule about it)
⋆ He’s taken to holding your hand when you're together. He stutters out a quick ‘I-it’s to help you!’ before dragging you away to study. When you're alone, Riddle has the habit of kissing your hands, mumbling sweet words. 
⋆ Overall, Riddle is concerned but willing to do anything to help you.
“If you ever find the urge to harm yourself, no matter how small, I ask you to seek me out. I will always spare you a moment. Afterall, I care about you, please don’t forget that.”
Leona Kingscholar <3
⋆ He noticed the state of your hands the moment he met you, but didn’t mention it until you grew closer. Like Riddle, he doesn’t beat around the bush. But unlike Riddle, Leona is so incredibly blunt.
⋆ After you tell him it’s a habit you’ve picked up after certain events, Leona drops the subject. The both of you are too awkward to keep it going. Afterall, you both knew what events could have led you here. Guilt was quick to snag Leona’s heart.
⋆ He’s not upfront about his emotions. Leona’s quite bad with vocalizing his worries, but he’s always been a firm believer in actions over words anyways.
⋆ Expensive gloves, creams and ointments from his land, heck even fidget toys he’s seen Cheka play with, shows up at your door. Anything he believes that could help you, he’s getting.
⋆ If you’re together and your hands get particularly bad, he’s dragging you to the infirmary to patch you up (he ends up snagging/buying bandages to keep on him just in case after) He doesn’t really talk much, but the sentiment is there.
⋆ Like Riddle, Leona will hold your hands to stop you from picking at your skin. His grip is tight, but not in a way that seems like he’s scolding you or mad, but tight in a way that's comforting. As if saying ‘I’m here.’
‘Oi, stop that… Yeah, I’m aware, but I’m here now. Let’s find other ways to deal with your stress, yeah? (whispering) I think I’ve got a few ideas, if you’re up to it, herbivore~’
Azul Ashengrotto <3
⋆ He beats around the bush. Azul is weirddddd about it.
⋆ On one hand, he’s worried about you. On the other hand, his capitalist side wants to find some way to profit off it. Somehow he manages to quell both sides. (he ends up making hand cream/ointment using like floyd’s mucus thing, rip floyd)
⋆ Azul, despite his incessant need to bottle up his emotions for others, finds it hard to ignore the state of your hands, and likewise state of your health, any longer. He doesn’t know how to approach the topic. Does he ask right away? Should he ease you into it? He, for the first time since his overblot, is lost for words.
⋆ He does eventually get the guts to ask and oh boy, he never knew guilt felt this bad.
⋆ Azul kinda sucks at helping you, he won’t hold your hand (only in private) and he’s kinda frivolous with money (so no expensive gifts) but he’s good with his words. And when he sees you starting to pick at your hands, he immediately starts running his mouth. And he can talk for hours. And he’s entertaining too. Leaving you so enraptured by his words that you forget about the need to pick at your skin.
⋆ He’s always good at always keeping you busy. And no this isn’t some way to get free labor out of you. Typically you help him with paper work, just you and him in his little office.
⋆ Azul may always be boasting about how kind he is outloud, but you both know his true kindness is always quiet.
‘Ah, that’s enough paperwork for today. How about we go to the lounge for a few drinks? There’s plenty more I wish to share with you about the stock market.’
Jamil Viper <3
⋆ He doesn’t notice until you’re hissing in pain from something spicy touching your tender skin (listen i know this does make sense, but trust me, it hurts) He’s confused and worried at first and confused and worried after.
⋆ Jamil scolds you for working without some sort of protection while he tenderly washes your hands.
⋆ I feel like Jamil also has some bad coping habits, so he’s quick to put two and two together. He doesn’t ask, but there is a noticeable shift in his behavior. Jamil is a lot more gentle, not in a demeaning way, but in an awkward ‘I want to help you, but idk how, just please appreciate my efforts’ sorta way.
⋆ Since he still has his duties as Vice Housewarden and Kalim’s aid, he’s pretty tight on time, but he tries his best to spare you a few minutes. And if he can’t, you’ll always find a lunch box sitting on your desk.
⋆ Jamil is always willing to bandage your hands if they get particularly bad. He’ll use healing ointment that smells like home and is as gentle as his voice.
⋆ And while he can’t give you extraordinary gifts or talk for hours on end, Jamil is always ready to lend you a hand to heal your own destruction like how you healed him.
‘Stop squirming so much, I’ll mess up your banadages. -sigh- You really have to start wearing some sort of gloves… Mh? What was that?… You like it when I bandage your hand? E-eh- ahem, well if you like it so much, I might as well start charging you. …Ahaha, I never said thuarmarks, did I?”
Vil Schoenheit <3
⋆ He takes one look at your hand and instantly brings out a 12 step hand routine.
⋆ Listen, he doesn't care if you do it out of stress, he’s going to fix your hands while helping you find better ways to handle it.
⋆ He rubs like this gel liquid thing that tastes bad to prevent you from biting away the skin near your nail (it’s an actual thing don’t worry) He’s pulling all the stops to prevent you from injuring your hands even more than they already are.
⋆ Vil often walks the fine line of being really gentle or really strict about it. And it doesn’t stem from his perfection issues, he is just kinda bad at expressing his emotions in a way that is both productive and compassionate. He does care, you’ll just have to look for hidden meanings in his long lectures.
⋆ No doubt, Vil is getting both of you matching gloves with your signature colors as accents.
⋆ The whole 12 step hand routine actually does become routine for the both of you. Typically taking place at Pomefiore, you’ll both talk about your day. Vil sees this as a way to check off all three boxes.
⋆ He gets to do his nightly hand routine.
⋆ You're improving day by day from talking about your emotions with him.
⋆ And he gets to spend one on one time with you!
⋆ It's a win-win situation! And your hands have never been softer!
‘And Epel just had to prove his point, which ended up with him casting a Zip Tight Spell on him. Despite not even being able to move his mouth, I could tell there was so much anger running though his little body. Goodness, how ridicu-hm? Did my little spudling fall asleep? How rude~ -sigh- Sweet dreams, darling~’
Idia Shroud <3
⋆ It’s Ortho that brings up your problem. Worry evident in his voice as he showed pictures of your hands to his big brother.
⋆ Despite being gaming buddies, Idia really never paid attention to your outer appearance. Too preoccupied in his desire to beat you at every game you both play.
⋆ And poor Idia, guilt grabs him by his long ass hair and flings his lanky body across the room multiple times (not really, but in Idia’s head that what's happening)
⋆ Unlike all of the others mentioned, Idia’s way of help is rather unconventional. He’s not good at talking nor is he good at physical touch, but you know what he is good at? Yeah, making things.
⋆ After a long night, Idia shows up at Ramshackle holding a small box. What is in the box? Well your own personal health robocat! This cat is kinda like Ortho just to a lesser degree (think of the robocat seven made mc!)
⋆ Listen, he knows he’s severely lacking in multiple departments of this whole dating, heck even friend, thing, but he is trying! And RoboCat is the ultimate form of his love! It’s quite romantic really.
⋆ Is Grim happy about the new intruder? No! But your health is more important than his feelings!
⋆ Idia swears he died of pure happiness at your expression. His two favorite things together!? Eek! It’s too much!
‘A-and next time you find yourself in trouble, just c-call for Robocat and she’ll come flying!… A laser beam like Ortho? Good idea! I’ll make sure to add it in her name update!’
Malleus Draconia <3
⋆ His heart aches to see the pain you put yourself through. If it was up to him, he’d simply whisk you away to a place where no stress could muddle your beautiful mind. If he could, he would kill stress itself.
⋆ But alas, he can’t kill something that doesn’t have a physical form, how sad~ (lilia had to convince him not to go after Crowley)
⋆ Malleus is doing everything he can to help you. Just name it and he’s doing it.
⋆ Multiple gloves made of the finest materials? Got it!
⋆ Healing ointment from the farthest land made from an extinct organism? Done!
⋆ The heads of your enemies? Why didn’t you say so sooner!
⋆ He’s so silly ahahaha.
⋆ But seriously, Malleus sorta never feels stressed (he does, just thinks stress is a human emotion that only humans can feel) but he’s always willing to listen to you. Afterall, you’re always willing to lend your ears to him, it’s the bare minimum.
⋆ Advice? It’s so-so, sometimes he comes off vague but that really just because of his faeness. But he tries and is actively trying to be better, trying to be more intune with your emotions and his. (lilia has been great help, and surprisingly enough, watching silver and sebek on a more friendly level has also helped him be more in tune with emotions)
⋆ You shouldn't have to suffer in silence and he’ll make sure you never will for as long as the universe will let him.
‘You’ve been such a good companion, my dearest child of man, so please let me return the favor. Allow me to see the deepest parts of your soul, of your mind and heart. If you fear that I will cast judgment, do not. I could never judge the soul that has welcomed me with an open heart.’
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lancermylove · 3 months
Not Good Enough (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Demon brothers x gn!Reader
Warning: Reader with low self-esteem.
Prompt: You don't think you are good enough for him.
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Lucifer found you alone in your bedroom. One look, and he could tell something was very wrong. "Why so pensive, my dear? You seem troubled. You know you can confide in me. What's on your mind?"
You hesitated to tell him the truth, not knowing how he would react to your words. "It's just... sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough for you. You're so accomplished and strong, and I'm just..."
"You are just what?" He asked, crossing his arms. But when you didn't reply, he continued in a stern voice; however, his expression was soft. "Let me tell you, it's your humanity, your kindness, and your unwavering spirit that I find truly captivating. You challenge, inspire, and bring light into my life in ways you can't imagine. You are more than enough, and it's high time you see yourself through my eyes."
Lucifer sat down beside you and took your hands. He met your gaze and spoke in a warm voice. "I vow to you, on my honor, that I will spend an eternity proving just how extraordinary you are to me. You are not just 'good enough'; you are everything I could ever desire."
The Avatar of Pride pressed his lips to the back of your hand before whispering, "Never doubt my feelings for you, my dear. You are my chosen one, now and forever."
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Mammon walked into your room unannounced and saw you sitting on the bed, staring down at your lap. "Oi, what's with the long face? You didn't lose any Grimm, did ya?"
It's nothing, Mammon... Just some personal stuff."
"I'm your boyfriend, y'know, so your personal stuff is my personal stuff. Come on, spill it. 'Sides, I'm the Great Mammon. I can handle it!"
You weren't sure if he would be upset with you for thinking you were not good enough, but you decided to come clean. "I just... sometimes feel like I'm not special enough for you. I'm just... too ordinary."
"What?! That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard! Listen here, ya got it all backward. I'm Mammon the Great. I wouldn't hang around someone who ain't worth my time, got it?"
His words drew a smile to your lips. "So, you think I'm... worth your time?"
"Yeah, but that ain't a big deal or anything. Look, I feel like a total loser sometimes. But you...you make those times less crappy. You're important to me, y'know? And if anyone makes ya feel less, I'll make 'em pay for it."
Mammon plopped on the empty spot beside you and wrapped his right arm around your shoulders. "You're amazin', so don't ya forget it."
As you leaned against his shoulder, Mammon nuzzled the top of your head.
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Levi saw you sitting in the corner of your room and froze in his tracks. He knew well what was going on in your mind but decided to make handle the matter with a touch of lightheartedness. "(Y/n), did someone spoil the latest episode of your favorite anime for you?"
Without looking at him, you quietly asked. "Levi, do you ever feel like... like you're not good enough for someone? That's how I feel about being with you."
Levi didn't expect to hear that, and for a moment, he didn't know how to react. "I mean, I'm just a shut-in otaku. If anyone's not worthy, it's me, not you. You're like the special event SSR card, and I'm just a common R card."
His references made you chuckle slightly, but you also disagreed with him. "You're not a common R card."
"(Y/n), how do I," Levi started to say but struggled to get his words out. He couldn't figure out how to put his feelings into genuine words. "(Y/n), in my eyes, you're the ultimate co-op partner. I wouldn't want to face any boss battles with you...s-something like that..."
His cheeks turned red, and Levi struggled to make eye contact with you as he continued in a shy voice. "So, um, I promise to be your player two, always supporting you. And... maybe we can help each other level up in confidence and stuff, 'kay? So, don't look so sad..."
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Satan saw you in the library room of the House of Lamentation, and while your eyes were on the pages of the book in your hand, it was evident you were not reading. "You seemed trouble, (y/n). Would you accept my offer if I say I will lend you an ear?"
"Satan, how are you so smart...handsome..and amazing?" You asked without moving your eyes from the book.
Initially, the Avatar of Wrath thought you were complimenting him and blushed. But it didn't take him long to realize there was something more to your statement, so he remained silent, hoping you would share your true feelings with him.
"It makes me wonder if I'm good enough to be with you."
And there it was—something Satan hoped you wouldn't say as a follow-up statement: "Your worth isn't defined by how much you know or how you handle your emotions. It's your curiosity, love, and the way you view the world that I find invaluable. You are someone irreplaceable in my life."
When you moved your gaze to him, Satan's expression softened. He walked close to the sofa chair you sat in and leaned down to place a kiss atop your head. "I'm here to remind you of your significance. Not as a scholar to a student but as one soul to another. If I lose you, I will lose myself."
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Asmo saw you sitting on your bed with slumped shoulders and figured you needed a pep talk. "Why does my precious diamond look so down? Did something say something mean?"
Shifting your eyes to him, you studied his flawless face, silky hair, perfect body, and radiating beauty. You lowered your head again, feeling worse than before. "I...can't even match up to you."
"Match up to me? What are you talking about?"
"You are just so dazzling, charming, beautiful...and perfect. I am nothing..."
Asmo was stunned at the way you perceived yourself and felt like shaking your by your shoulders. Taking a deep breath, he sighed. "Oh, sweetie, why do you think such things? They are absolutely not true!"
The Avatar of Lust walked up to you, held your hands, and helped you up. He cupped your cheeks and smiled sweetly. "You must see yourself as I see you: utterly irresistible and enchanting. There's no need to match up to anyone because you shine so brightly on your own."
He gently pressed his lips to your forehead and whispered. "Let's have a little pampering session, shall we? I'll show you just how breathtaking you truly are."
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When Beel saw you pushing around your food with your fork, he knew something was wrong. Putting his fork down, he looked at you, concerned. "(Y/n), you're not eating much. Is something wrong?"
"Beel, you are so strong, caring, loveable, and...deserve better. You deserve someone better than me."
Your words nearly made his heart stop as just the thought of losing you sent a shock through his heart. "(Y/n), don't say that. I like sharing meals with you...hearing you laugh...and hugging you. When I'm with you, I don't feel hungry for food. I feel hungry for your love. You fill up a part of me that I didn't even know was empty."
His words made you blush, and before you could argue or make another statement to hurt his heart, Beel stood up and walked to your side of the table. Scooping you up in his arms, he held you close to him and nuzzled the side of your face.
"You make me happy just by being you. I don't want you to change because you're perfect to me. I'll always be here for you - to protect and support you, just like I know you're here for me."
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Belphie saw you lying on your stomach on the bed with your face turned to the side. He studied you for a moment before walking close to your bed. "You look more tired than me for once. What's bothering you?"
"Belphie, do you ever think I am not interesting or special?" You mumbled after a moment of silence.
"Hmm, that's a strange thing to worry about. Why do you ask?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. When you didn't reply, he sighed and sat down on your mattress. "You know, I don't spend my time with just anyone. If I'm with you, it's because there's something about you that's different, something peaceful."
Opening your eyes, you looked at him with tears in your eyes. His gaze softened, and Belphie rested his hand on your head. "You shine brighter than any star I know. You are interesting and special. If you need me to say this nonstop, I will say it...and mean it every time."
Belphie lay down next to you and wrapped his arm around you, giving you a soft smile. "With you, I always feel like I'm exactly where I need to be. You're enough, more than enough for me. Remember that."
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➣  Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Closed || Quick Ask Requests: Closed || GIF Requests: Closed
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tiyoin · 4 months
pt.2 | 📍pt.3 | pt.4
im fighting my demons to go to my classes today, so I wrote some more
there was something so... paralyzing about going to class.
after what happened you couldn't budge going back. its been a week yes. but time didn't change emotional residue that stuck and clung to you whenever you thought about leaving the ramshackle.
backpack strapped to your person and hands clenching the straps, you were ready to go to school. yet with each passing second you stood at the door. quiet, contemplating.
you've been through so much worse than this! this is the easy stuff! just open that door, walk to class, sit, learn / day dream, and run back to ramshackle while you waited for your second class.
easy enough right?
the splinters in the door didn't seem to move the harder you stared at it. the longer your eyes glazed over each discoloration of the wooden door. yet the more you looked at it the more the handled disappeared and the more wall-like it became.
you could do this. its not like you're going to die. right? "scratch that" you muttered, thinking about how this school has had a handful of overboots in the past few months. who knows if you accidentally trip and fall, having your pencil in the side of your backpack fly out and stab someone in the eye.
causing an overboot.
boom, instant death.
or! what if you got yourself a treat from the cafeteria today (lunch) and accidentally trip?? causing yourself to not only look like a fool in front of the entire school, but maybe you got your treat on one of the leeches!
instant death.
you let out an exasperated sigh. fuck. your hands that were once clutching the straps of your backpack were now rubbing against your eyes aggressively.
you wanted to cry. your mind relenting as your tear ducts sprung into action and steadily glided down your face.
why couldn't you do this one simple thing??
its literally so easy. just move your sorry butt and get to class. it's okay because yuu is there, grim is there....... okay, so yuu and grim are there-
your mind thought back to silver and kalim. ever since you interacted with the two your mind has been in limbos about whether you should call them your friends or not. I mean, should they even be on the podium for a poetical friendship?
what if they didn't want to be your friend? what if this was all some sort of elaborate school wide joke to make you look like a fool? like some kind of loser?
dropping your hands to your side, you started fanning yourself. the insidious thoughts swirling in your mind as they kept spiraling and spiraling. each thought was more outlandish than the last as you tried to breathe.
you had noticed your breathing pick up. trying everything in your power to control your emotions, yet it was useless. each self assured thought battled valiantly against each worry. yet Seth each good thought there were about 10 bad thoughts there to counter.
why were you such a failure? its literally class. you dont even have to talk! just go there!
but that's exactly what spooked you enough to throw your bag on the floor. you couldn't be there with all those eyes on you.
with a defeated, angry huff you stormed to the dusty, stripped couch. tears long exchanged for angry growls and grumbles as you plopped yourself on it before standing up. you walked back and forth in front of the couch because you had to do something-anything. you needed to distract yourself from these thoughts.
yet the one thing you wanted to do was so out of reach for you, ... yet it was right there.
you were trapped in a glass house with nothing but your fear keeping the door closed.
"oi what's the the racket!"
you paused your pacing. 'when did I start pacing?' you thought to yourself for a moment. shrugging it off, you looked around to try and find the person who's voice that belonged to.
yet there was no one. no ghosts nor grim-
"what're you doing stand'n there like a chicken? dont'cha got class?" you followed the voice to the stairs. and low and behold was the magnificent grim. paws at his hips with a judge look, right before he yawned.
'cute' you thought with a deep breathe.
your fanning motions slowed down with each step grim descended. you didn't bother listening to his yapping as you walked closer to your furry companion.
"I uh..."
"couldn't do it?" he asked bluntly. your cheeks heated up as you nodded softly, a bit embarrassed that someone as... grim like, could point that out.
he sighs once he's at a step that's eye level with you. he pointed with a smirk "listen, I normally dont do this, but the great and powerful grim must show his henchmen some beevlence"
"benevolence" you corrected
grim rolled his eyes, giving you a deadpan expression "yeah, that's what I said"
you gave him a thin lipped 'uh huh' as he continued.
"so! I'll let you carry the great grim to class!'
'... this little shit is capitalizing on your anxiety to catch a free lift! that little asshole
but then again... free emotional support animal
but it's the principle-
yeah and we're going to be having another meeting with that bird-brain if we dont keep up attendance.'
you battled with yourself for a moment. weighing the pros and cons of using each other. grim would definitely not shut up about it when you're carrying him... but... free hugs.
"oi, why you making faces?"
"sorry, I just got lost in thought" you smiled sheepishly. taking a deep breath, you looked him in the eye. "okay, that works for me"
grim cheered before complaining how tried he was from gym yesterday. yet you faintly recall the feline scouting out a place under the bleachers to take a cat nap under.
yet you also recalled how Vargas found him (you and yuu snitched) and made him run 5 extra laps because of all the new engird he must have💪
you laughed to yourself at the memory. your mood slightly lighting as you shooed off another one of grim's questions.
bending down, grim clambered happily in your arms as you adjusted your hold on him. making your way back to your discarded book bag, you carefully bent down, making sure not to drop the... fat cat.
there was no way to say it nicely.
fluffy? soft? fun-sized?
slinging the bag on your back, you paused for a moment to adjust the straps and the cat in your hold. once were both situated and you were positive weren't going to move, you made your way to the door.
you tried focusing on grim. on his soft fur, random yapping, and even the warmth his ears protruded.
once you were back at your oaky wall, you took a deep breathe. the deepest oe you took all day. closing your eyes, you shot your hand towards the door and aggersivly opened it.
and to your surprise; there was no one there.
no dragon to smite you where you stood
no annoyingly obnoxious person waiting to point out your flaws,
no towering upper class-men ready to stare you down the moment you read on their radar
not even meteor.
there was nothing. and yet you still paused. still hesitated.
your eyes surveyed the courtyard in front of you, searching and scanning for anything besides from trees and distant buildings. anything besides the overgrown weeds and cracked cobblestone.
"oi c'mon, we'll be even later than the late bell! hurry it up!"
jolting at the interruption. you reached for the door before closing it. now you were trapped outside. grim hurried you again, starting to squirm in your arms in annoyance.
your mouth and feet work in unison as you kept your eyes locked on the gate.
"how would you describe yourself grim?"
and you know what, the walk wasn't as bad as you thought.
its a bit shorter than the rest (so far) but I had to build a bit to the next part.
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janeyseymour · 5 months
Hi, I hope you’re well!
I would like to make a request, for some reason Melissa and the reader need to sleep in the same bed but they are not that close. The reader likes to cuddle and gets closer and surprisingly Melissa doesn't push her away. When they need to sleep together again on the second night they already sleep hugging each other, and on the third night they no longer need to sleep together but Mel invites the reader to her house with the excuse that she is unable to sleep alone. I thought of something really cute and something that was very scary for both the reader and Melissa, a little slow burn.
Thank you ❤️
Hi! I have to say, I think this fic will hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for the great prompt 🤍 I hope you enjoy!
wc: 4.4k exactly!
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Melissa Schemmenti is an absolute enigma to you. But here you are, standing in her living room with a duffel bag slung over your shoulder.
“A-are you sure?” you ask again, although you’re already here, and you really have no way of getting home. Maybe you could walk… but that’s going to be at least a thirty minute walk. And that’s at a brisk pace without your belongings hanging off of your shoulder.
“I’m positive,” the redhead rolls her eyes. “Just don’t look to hard at my stuff, and you’ll be fine.”
You stay in your place, not sure what to even do right now. You’re in Melissa Schemmenti’s home. You never thought you would set foot here considering the walls that she has around herself at school.
“Oi, Y/N. Stop standing there. Do something.”
“I- I’m sorry,” you blush. “Where should I put my bag?”
“Drop it in my room- first door when you head upstairs.”
“In your room?” you ask quietly.
“Well, I only got one bedroom,” she huffs. “And I know my couch wrapped in plastic ain’t gonna be comfortable enough for you to be able to work tomorrow. Unless you want to give it a shot, but I can promise it isn’t comfortable.”
You nod silently and take your things upstairs. When you enter her room, it’s so… Melissa. There’s a framed jersey signed by Jalen Hurts- she must know a guy. There’s only a bed, a small bench, and a few dressers around- you assume you’re going to be sharing a bed with your coworker. Thank goodness it’s a king sized mattress; you wouldn’t want to keep Melissa up all night with your movement in your sleep. Not knowing where to put your things (you don’t know what side of the bed she likes to sleep on… although you have your thoughts when you see a baseball bat on the right side of the bed), you simply put it on the bench before making your way back downstairs.
You find where she is- in the kitchen. Of course she is. You stand awkwardly in the entry way and pick at your nails until she notices you.
“For the love of God,” she mumbles. “Either take a seat and stop standing there like a fish out of water, or help me dice these vegetables.”
“I- I can help with whatever you’re making,” you say softly and make your way over to the island of her kitchen.
“I’m making us dinner, is what I’m making,” she sighs as she slides the cutting board over towards you. She hands you a knife. “Small.”
You do so silently while she gathers other ingredients. 
“So… your apartment flooded?”
“It did,” you sigh, thankful for the break in tense silence.
“How the hell did that happen?”
“The storm… living on the first floor… the idiot upstairs that overflows his bathtub at least once a month. Water was up to my knees.”
The second grade teacher gives you a look of pity.
“N-nothing super important was ruined though,” you say quickly. “All of my photo albums were up in the top shelf of my closet. The furniture and stuff can dry.”
“I’m sure you’re gonna have to replace some stuff though,” she says.
“The rugs need replacing, but thankfully the landlord is going to handle that. Some of the paint got messed up too, so I’m sure they’re doing that now.”
“How long do you have to stay out of your apartment?”
“They said just the next two days,” you reply as you focus on the bell pepper you’re dicing.
“That ain’t too bad,” she says thoughtfully. “If it were up to my ex-husband, it’d take four years.”
You chuckle weakly at that. You aren’t really sure what else to do.
“That’s what I get for marrying a lazy asshole though,” she grumbles as she starts to dice the onion just a little more aggressively than she was before. 
The two of you cook in peace, Melissa humming along to the music that she has playing from her record player. 
When you take your first bite, you have to bite back a moan.
“Wow,” you sigh softly once you’ve swallowed that first bite. She looks at you curiously. “You weren’t kidding when you said you knew how to cook.”
“Glad you like it, hun,” she smiles- and it’s one of those soft smiles that she usually only reserves for Barbara or the students. You make it your goal to always see those soft smiles from her. 
Over dinner, you chat about the day, but then it slowly turns into conversation about outside of work.
“So, what do you do outside of work?” she asks you.
You blush. “You’re about to think I’m as dorky as Janine.”
“No one can be as dorky as Janine,” she chuckles. “C’mon, hun. What do you do outside of work?”
“I really do love to read,” you say softly. “I’ve always been a bookworm… so when it’s warm, I read outside. If it’s cold, I like to turn my television on so that it looks like a fireplace and curl up under a mountain of blankets with a book.”
“That ain’t dorky.”
“And if I’m not doing that… I’m usually writing- whether that be actual writing or music.”
“You play music?” the redhead’s interest is piqued.
“When I feel inspired,” you shrug.
“What do you play?”
You turn a little red.
“Oh, it can’t be that bad,” she rolls her eyes. “I think it’s cool.”
“Acoustic guitar, ukulele, and I dabble in piano,” you mumble. 
“Hun, that’s incredible,” she tells you. “My mom enrolled me in piano when I was younger, but I hated it… never got past the first couple of weeks. I would’ve rather learned to play the guitar or the ukulele.”
“I-“ you take a breath. “I could always teach you.”
Those green eyes light up, and she throws you yet another soft smile. “That’d be nice, if you would want to.”
You even get to hear a bit about what she likes to do outside of school.
“Sometimes Barb and I like to hit the mall… get my shakedown sweaters,” she chuckles. “Barb and I are menaces when it comes to the clearance sections.”
You insist on cleaning up after dinner considering she’s done most of the cooking for the night.
“You don’t have to,” she tells you for the third time.
“No, please,” you lay a gentle hand on her shoulder instinctively. You forget it’s Melissa, and when you expect her to bat your hand away, she doesn’t. She actually lays her hand over yours with that warm smile and a quiet thank you. She does insist on drying the dishes for you though.
“Okay, Mel,” rolls off your tongue as you playfully roll your eyes.
The two of you settle on her couch once your finished, and she watches a few programs before sighing quietly.
“I think it’s time for me to hit the hay,” she yawns. She extends the remote out in your direction. “You’re more than welcome to stay up and continue watching though.”
You let out a small yawn, covering it with your hand. “Today was a lot with the kids… I think I need some sleep too.”
You let her get herself ready for bed before you do, and by the time you come back into the bedroom, she’s under the blankets with her glasses on, and she’s reading something on her phone. Her cheeks are bright.
Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, Barb had texted her. But get your girl.
You shift side to side on your feet, not quite sure if she really does want you to be in the same bed as her.
“C’mon, hun. I don’t bite, I promise,” she teases you as she pats the open side of the bed.
Quietly, you climb in next to her but you keep your distance.
“Goodnight,” you whisper as you lay down.
“Night,” she replies back as she sets her phone down and gets comfortable.
You lay there for what seems like forever. It is freezing in Melissa’s bedroom. You are absolutely freezing, even in your sweatshirt, sweatpants, and socks. You have the blanket up to your chin, and you still can’t stop yourself from shivering. Your eyes are closed, so you have no way of knowing if the redhead next to you is awake. You act like you’re moving closer to her in your sleep, but really… you’re desperate to feel any sort of body heat she may be radiating. It turns out: she’s like a human furnace.
You hear a small huff. “Are you that cold?” 
Shit. So she is awake. But you’ve already committed to the bit of being asleep, so you continue to breathe as evenly as possible. You feel her get out of bed, and then a few seconds later you feel another blanket being draped over top of you. The bed dips under her as she crawls back in, and then you can feel her getting close to you again. 
You sleep like a baby through the night. Even with all of the sirens that come with staying with Melissa in center city Philadelphia, you get the best night’s sleep you’ve had in a long time.
When the two of you wake up, you’re practically on top of her. She groans and slams her fist into her alarm clock, only to gently rest her hand on your back. 
“You cuddle in your sleep,” she notes quietly.
You turn a deep shade of red, stuttering out an apology as you move away from her. 
“You didn’t mean to,” she shrugs. “And it was nice having someone to hold rather than my usual mound of pillows.”
“Still… sorry,” you mumble out as the blush stays on your cheeks.
“Don’t worry about it,” she chuckles as she smooths down her bedhead. “I gotta hop in the shower before we head in to work today.”
With that, she’s off. You get yourself ready for work, and by the time your finished, she’s already out. You hear the door open, and she’s standing there in her signature leather pants and green blazer. 
“If you want to finish getting ready in here, you can,” she tells you as she leaves the door open. “Y’know, brush your teeth, brush your hair… that kind of stuff.”
You smile at her as you make your way in. There’s something so intimate about sharing the bathroom while the two of you just get ready. The two of you are so close as you share the sink and mirrored cabinets that you’re practically on top of each other. Neither of you mind in the slightest. She actually hip checks you gently.
“I have to head to my apartment to shower after work, but then I’ll be-”
“You can just shower here,” she tells you. “Less time in all of the fumes and chaos.”
“Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t,” she rolls her eyes. “Now c’mon. We have to get to work.”
The second the two of you split ways to get into your separate cars, you miss her. Get ahold of yourself. She’s just being nice since your apartment is in shambles right now. Then it’s back to loneliness.
The highlight of your day is lunch when you get to eat the delicious leftovers from last night’s dinner.
“I’m thinking of making gnocchi tonight,” Melissa tells you offhandedly. “You good with that?”
You nod. “I’ll pick up some wine on my way over from my apartment.”
“I thought I told you to just come over and shower at my place.”
Barb looks at the redhead with wide eyes, and Melissa gently kicks her under the table, a silent signal to ‘be cool, it’s nothin’. 
“Well,” you laugh softly. “I do need to grab a fresh set of clothes for work tomorrow. But I’ll be over after that.”
The second grade teacher nods as she gathers her things to head back to her classroom. “A white.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you salute her playfully.
When you get to her house, you hold the bottle you brought- her favorite white wine, thanks to Barb.
Before you can even think if you should knock or just walk in, she’s at the door in front of you. Gone is Ms. Schemmenti, and Melissa greets you at the door. 
“Took you long enough,” she chuckles. “I already got dinner started, and I need a glass of wine in my hand after my day with the kids.”
“That bad?” you chuckle as you enter the house and make your way into the kitchen.
“Let’s just say… if I don’t have an angry email from Destiny’s mother sitting in my inbox tomorrow, I’ll be shocked,” she rolls her eyes as she reaches for the wine glasses. 
The two of you drink a few glasses of wine while she tends to dinner, and by the time it’s on the table, you’re both slightly buzzed.
Again, her food is heavenly.
You insist on cleaning up again, and she makes it known that she will be drying and putting away the dishes again. It’s a seamless process, and you can’t help but smile as you hear her humming again to the music she has playing.
Once dinner is cleaned up, you head for the shower, thanking her for the hospitality as you go. 
She sets your towel over the heater with a smile. “So you’re not freezing your ass off,” she tells you, a smile on her face. “Feel free to use whatever.”
As you bathe, you realize you’re going to smell like Melissa tomorrow- and her smell is nearly intoxicating to you. The slightly musky yet flowery smell washes over you, and you don’t really know how you’re going to focus at work tomorrow when all that will be on your mind is the redheaded teacher just down the hall.
When you reenter her living room, Melissa is lounging on her couch watching a cooking show, but her eyes go straight to you. Your hair is still slightly wet and sticking to your body, and she can’t help but think how cute you look with messy hair, glasses, and your sweats on again. 
The two of you watch a few more episodes before you retire to bed. This time, she’s prepared that extra blanket for you, so you keep your distance. You try to fall asleep, you really do, but you’re still freezing. 
“Are you seriously still cold?” you hear the redhead grumble. So she can feel you shivering. 
You don’t respond. You’re pretending your asleep, or at least on the brink of sleep. You feel her move closer to you, and then an arm wraps around you and pulls you in close.
“I don’t got more blankets,” she huffs as she curls herself around you, her head falling into your shoulder. You instantly feel warmer, and you pray to God she can’t feel your heart beating faster and harder than you thought possible. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
Again, you sleep like a baby. 
When the alarm goes off again, you groan softly. But Melissa is still around you, holding you tight.
“Mel,” you whisper. “Alarm’s going off.”
“I hear it,” the woman behind you grumbles. She rolls over and hits the snooze button before rolling back into you and wrapping her arm around you. “I need ten more minutes.”
The two of you doze for another ten minutes before you know you really do have to get up and get ready for work. Again, you dance around each other with ease, and then you’re gathering your bag and throwing it in your car.
“Hey,” you say softly as you go to climb into the vehicle. Melissa pauses her motions as she gets into her own car.
“What is it, hun?”
“Thank you for letting me stay with you the past few nights,” you smile. 
“Of course,” she sighs softly. 
As she drives to school, she thinks of how she got the best two nights of sleep she’s gotten in a long time. And it’s because of you. She’s shared beds with others before, Barbara included, and it’s never that warm or calming. There’s something about you. The teacher knows she’s had a thing for you since you started, but now that she’s had a taste of domestic life with you, she’s sure it’s something that she wants- no, needs.
The redhead quietly confides in her best friend at the school that she thinks she finally needs to make her move, and Barbara is all too excited for two of her favorite people to get their heads out of their asses.
“What if she doesn’t feel the same way?” Melissa asks nervously, playing with her jewelry.
“That girl gives you the same eyes my Gerald gives me, and the eyes Gregory gave Janine before they started dating,” the kindergarten teacher tells her gently. “I don’t think that’s something you have to worry about, dear.”
Melissa bites her lip before continuing down the hall to her classroom.
You can’t think straight. All you can smell is Melissa.
“Miss Y/N?” one of your students asks you as she approaches your desk. “Are you okay? You been staring at the same screen for the last twenty minutes, and didn’t even yell when Tyson ate his glue on a dare.”
“Tyson what?!” you jump out of your thoughts.
“Nah,” Tyson laughs. “We just playing. Wanted to get your attention.”
“Tyson, be so for real right now,” you pinch the bridge of your nose with your thumb and pointer finger. “Did you, or did you not, eat your glue?”
“Nah, Miss Y/N,” he grins.
The bell rings before you can get anything else out. “Get in line for recess and lunch, you hooligans.”
As you enter the staff lounge for lunch, you can see Melissa already at her table. Her eyes light up at the sight of you.
“Hey there, you,” she grins as she kicks out the chair next to her. “I already got our lunch out.”
The two of you share the container of leftovers from last night, blissfully unaware of the way that Barbara has a knowing smirk on her face and the way that Janine, Jacob, and Gregory are all looking at you completely dumbfounded at how you got the fiery teacher to take down her walls.
With a sigh, you stand. “I got recess duty today, y’all. Happy Friday, have a nice weekend.”
You don’t see the redhead you’re infatuated with for the rest of the day. You drive home to your dingy apartment with a frown. You’re going to miss Melissa and her beautiful house- her extraordinary cooking- her warmth in bed.
You’re halfway through your second glass of wine, it’s nearing midnight, and you see your phone light up. Melissa’s calling you.
“Hello?” you answer softly. “Mel, it’s almost midnight.”
“I know,” she huffs frustratedly.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“What’s going on?”
You hear her swallow harshly before the words come tumbling out of her mouth, “Any chance you can come over?”
“Uh,” you drawl out.
“You know what? Nevermind, it was dumb. Have a good weekend, Y/N.” The line disconnects.
Now concerned about your favorite coworker, you sigh. You jump off the couch, shove your feet into the first pair of shoes you see and climb into your car. You know you look like a wreck, but she’s seen you like this before. You drive over to her place, and take a deep breath before knocking on the door. It takes a minute or two before Melissa is standing in front of you.
“I said never mind,” she grumbles.
“Well, when my friend calls me in the middle of the night telling me she isn’t okay, I get concerned,” you retaliate. “Can I come in?”
She steps aside, you kick off your shoes, and wait for her expectantly.
“It’s nothin,” she sighs as she runs a hand through her hair. “You didn’t have to come.”
“Well, I’m here now, so,” you tell her. 
“Can we just… not?” she asks quietly. It’s so unlike Melissa. Her false bravado is gone, and you can see how nervous she is about… whatever it is that’s bothering her.
You bite your lip. “Yeah, okay. Why don’t we take your mind off of it and watch something? Maybe have a glass of wine?”
She smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “That sounds alright. But if you’re tired, you don’t have to.”
“It’s a Friday night. When I don’t have to be up for school the next day, I’m up all hours of the night,” you chuckle. “Sit down, I’ll grab the wine.”
The truth is, you knew it was going to be a sleepless night without Melissa next to you. You had already tried to go to bed, but you were freezing. You trekked back to your couch in defeat. If you weren’t going to sleep, you might as well have been entertained.
When you return with two glasses of wine, she’s curled into the corner of the couch, but she pats the space next to her. As soon as you’re sitting down, she’s ditched the corner for your body instead to curl up against. It throws you for a bit of a loop, but she’s upset, so you don’t say anything.
She ends up falling asleep against you, an arm gently draped around your waist. It’s almost two in the morning now, and you know she won’t be happy if she wakes up with a crick in her neck from sleeping sitting up.
“Mel,” you whisper as you jostle her slightly. “Maybe we should get you up to bed.”
“Mhmm,” she hums out sleepily. 
“C’mon, red,” the nickname rolls off your tongue. “You need to get to bed, and so do I.”
“Stay the night,” she mumbles. “It’s late.”
You let out a low chuckle. “Alright, Mel.”
The two of you get to bed, and you immediately notice that the room is exactly how you left it this morning. The extra blanket she has for you is even still in its place. As soon as you’re both in bed, she’s curled up around you and asleep.
Being teachers, neither of you sleep past nine, but when you wake up, you still feel her arms around you securely.
“Hey,” you whisper when she peels her eyes open- those striking green eyes.
“Hey,” she mumbles into the crook of your neck.
“You feelin’ better than you were last night?” you ask, brows knit in concern. She nods. “You wanna talk about it?”
Her chest turns red, as do her cheeks. “It’s dumb.”
“It isn’t dumb if it has you this upset.”
“I-” you feel her fingers trace a few patterns on your shoulder as she continues to cling to you. “Can I make you breakfast?”
She clearly still doesn’t want to talk about it, so you let her distract herself. Eventually, hopefully, she’ll be up to talking.
The two of you make breakfast together, and you catch the way she’s looking at you- admiring you, even.
“What?” you ask with a chuckle as you sip your coffee.
“Just…” she sighs. “You really wanna know what’s been bothering me?”
You nod. “I’ve been trying to get it out of you since I came over last night.”
She takes a big swig of coffee, and then a deep breath. “Promise you won’t make fun of me?”
“I promise,” you tell her honestly. “I would never.”
“I- I don’t really know how to say this without sounding like an idiot.”
“So sound like an idiot,” you encourage her. “I sound like an idiot all the time.” That gets her to crack a smile.
“I’ve… I- uh…”
“You got this,” you tell her quietly, pressing her on.
“I knew what I was opening myself up to when I invited you to spend the few nights with me while your apartment was getting renovated,” she sighs as she averts her eyes away from you. 
“Y/N,” she says your name seriously. “I- when I was driving to school yesterday morning knowing that that was the last night you would spend with me, I was broken. I haven’t slept in the same bed with someone and gotten that good a night’s sleep ever. I haven’t found that person who can seamlessly blend themselves into my house as if they’ve always lived here, but you did it. I- I’ve always had a thing for you, but I never acted on it because I know there’s an age difference, and I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but now that I know what we do when we’re together, I don’t want to go back to not having you around. I got a taste of what it could be like with you, and I don’t want to miss the opportunity to have it if I could, but I entirely understand if you don’t reciprocate those feelings, because like I said, I do know that there’s an age difference and-”
“Mel?” you cut her compassionate rambling off.
“-and I know that being coworkers and everything just throws another wrench into the mix… and you know what? Forget I said anything. This was dumb. I never should’ve listened to Barb and just kept my damned mouth shut, because now you’re going to hate me and never speak to me ag-”
“Melissa,” you say again, sternly. Her eyes meet yours quickly as her mouth shuts. “Are you going to let me tell you my thoughts?”
“Do I want to know them?”
“I think so,” you smile at her as you move in closer. You wrap an arm around her waist as you pull her in closer.
“Okay,” she sighs so softly you can feel her breath on your lips and you can smell the coffee in her breath.
“So last night, you just wanted me in your bed?” you ask with the corners of your lips quirked up.
She nods, a blush creeping into her cheeks so dark it nearly matches her hair.
“I can’t even use my line of buy a girl dinner first, because you already did that,” you chuckle before pulling her into a gentle kiss. “If it isn’t clear, I have a thing for you too.”
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