#nothing like disliking someone important to one of your loved ones to make you feel like a shitty person
crankygryphon · 1 year
0 notes
Pairings: Inner Cirlce x Reader, Azriel x Reader
Summary: Feyre finally meets Rhysand's favorite person.
Warnings: Slightly suggestive and tons of fluff.
Words: 2.9k
Author Note: Hi everyone! So, as promised, here is part two. I hope you like it just as much as the first one. I also want to thank you guys for your support and comments. It made me really happy. Enjoy!
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The flight to the House of Wind was a quick one. Feyre recently learned that she loved to fly. She loved the light of the sun on her skin, the sweet breeze on her hair, but most of all, the view. Feyre was in Rhys' arms. He held her tight against his chest while she gazed at the city below her. She would never get tired of this view or the sounds. There were children laughing and playing by the Sidra, musicians playing melodies while some couples danced around, artists painting and people walking through the market buying fresh vegetables, flowers, among other things.
Cassian was flying ahead of them, and he, too, was enjoying the view of the city of starlight.
A few minutes later, the House of Wind came into sight. They made their way towards the house and landed on the balcony that was connected to the kitchen. Rhys set Feyre back on the floor, and the three of them headed towards the threshold of the balcony and entered the House.
As soon as they entered the kitchen, they could hear the laughter and the voices of the Inner Circle through the hallway that led to the main living room. Cassian was the first to move, Rhys went to follow his brother when he realized that Feyre hadn't moved from her spot by the entrance of the balcony. 
He turned around to approach her, and a frown made its way to his face. "What's wrong? Are you ok?"
"I...hum..." Feyre realized at that moment that she was nervous to meet you. You weren't just someone. You are Rhys and Cassian's little sister. You are Azriel's best friend and probably something more. Rhys didn't mention your relationship with Amren and Mor while they talked about you, but she had absolutely no doubt that you were equally loved, cared, and important to them as well. 
She didn't want to make a bad impression. She didn't want to disappoint you, but more importantly, she didn't want you to dislike her. She hadn't thought about these things before, but now that she was here, only a hallway and seconds, maybe minutes away from meeting you? Feyre couldn't help but wonder what would happen if things didn't go as well as she wanted. What if she said something wrong and ended up hurting your feelings? She had no doubt that Amren would rip her head off if she dared to hurt you in any way. 
Rhys hand waved in front of her face and broke her from her worries and doubts. She met his violet eyes and saw concern in his face. Rhys spoke before she could. "Are you ok? I just called you three times, and you didn't even move." 
"I'm fine," Feyre said with a weak smile that didn't reach her eyes. The look on Rhys face told her that she didn't convince him. 
"Are you sure? You look a little pale, and your heartbeat is really fast." Rhys insisted, trying to make her talk to him so he could help her with whatever was troubling her.
Feyre bit her lower lip, something she had always done when she was nervous since she was a child. "I think.." Feyre paused, releasing a long breath before she continued. "I'm nervous to meet Y/N. What if I make a bad impression and she doesn't like me?"
Rhys gaze softens at her worries, and the frown is replaced by a smile on his lips. Putting a hand on her shoulder in order to provide her a little comfort, Rhys replies, "I can assure you that you have nothing to worry about. Y/N is sweet and kind, funny and sometimes a little loud" Rhys chuckles, earning a giggle from Feyre, "she's very talkative, like really but really talkative, your only worry should be at the fact that there's a very high chance that once she starts talking with you, she'll never shut up." 
Feyre can't help the laughter that erupts from her, smacking his bicep. She says, "Stop it."
"I'm serious! She talks a lot, she also loves to hear herself talk but," Feyre laughs more and Rhys joins her, a big smile on his lips "that's one of the reasons why she's such a good emissary. But seriously, Y/N gets along with everyone, even Beron, believe it or not. In all the years that I have known her, she never disliked anyone." 
Feyre relaxed immediately, her worries and doubts completely forgotten. "How old is she, by the way? I meant to ask you that earlier, but Cassian came into the room before I had the chance." 
"She's 122. She's still young." Rhys says with a hint of irony in his voice.
Feyre chuckled, replying with the same irony. "Right, young." 
Rhys opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, a new set of laughters sounded from down the hallway, making both of them look in the direction of the sound. Rhys turned again and met Feyre's gaze. "Ready?" 
She gave a firm nod and added, "Yes. Let's go meet the girl that gave you those." Feyre mentioned while gesturing to his hand where the tooth bites lay.
Rhys could only chuckle before he turned around and guided the way towards the living room where his family awaited, Feyre following him.
When Rhys passes the threshold to the living room, Feyre stops just for a second to give a deep breath before doing the same.
The moment she walked in, she saw you immediately. Your back was facing them. You were in the middle of your family, and you were talking with Amren while pointing at a jewelry box she held in her hand. A pair of earrings shined inside of the box. Rhys was only a few steps ahead of her when he called you by your nickname, "Little star." Feyre couldn't see his face, but she didn't need to. She knew that the only thing on his features at that moment was love.
You turned your head around at the sound of your big brother's voice. "Rhys!" Was the only thing you managed to say before you started running in his direction.
Rhys opened his arms, and you jumped into his embrace, holding him tightly around his neck while he held you back, spinning you around in the process. 
Rhys put you down and kissed your cheek. "I missed you." He said.
"Rhys, I have only been gone for six days." You responded with a scoff and rolled your eyes. 
Rhys chucked at your antics, "How was Winter Court?"
"Cold and snowy." You answered, earning chuckles from your family at your irony. "It was good, you'll have a report on your desk tomorrow morning."
Rhys nodded before asking you, "Why did you return earlier? We were expecting you in only a few hours," Rhys questioned.
"Because I'm amazing at my job," you said. Amusement all over your face, your family scoffed, and Rhys lifted an eyebrow at you, clearly knowing there was another reason for your early arrival. You sighed, accepting defeat, "And because Kallias and Vivienne are newly mated, and I didn't want to be a witness of their frenzy bonding in case I ended up seeing something that I really shouldn't." 
Your family laughed, and it was now Mor's turn to talk. "Oh, you poor baby, still traumatized from walking in on Cassian with that pretty nymph?"
"Ugh! Please don't remind me of that. I swear I had nightmares because of it." You protested.
"Hey, no one told you to enter without knocking first. Lesson learned, sister." Cassian told you while ruffling your hair.
You swat his hand and look at him. "What are you talking about, Cass? You guys were in Rhys office. You weren't even supposed to be there in the first place." You turned to look at your other brother who happened to have his mouth open at the new information, obviously unknown to him. "I hope you cleaned every surface and thing you have there." You paused for a second before speaking again. "You know what? Thinking better, you should just replace everything. It may be safer that way." You finished with a disgusted face.
"What?!" Rhys asked with a firm voice. His High Lord voice. 
Cassian shot you an irritating look. "Dammed you Y/N. He didn't know that." Your only response was an innocent smile.
Rhys moved to his left in order to get an explanation from the events that occurred in his office, making Feyre enter your camp of vision, and that's when you locked eyes with her.
You approached her and started the conversation. "Hi, you must be Feyre. I'm Y/N." You said while extending your hand to her and offering a sweet smile.
Feyre grabbed your hand and shook it. "It's so nice to finally meet you." She told you while smiling.
Now, with Rhys out of the way, Feyre was able to have a better look at you. And Cauldron, Feyre couldn't take her eyes off you. You were beautiful, your white hair was loose and curled down to your waist, your blue eyes, and your slightly pale skin. And then, your dress. The dress was white and light blue, the skirt reached your feet and had a pattern in waves that reminded of snow, the sleeves went all the way to your wrists, fluffy white fur laid at the ends of your skirt and sleeves. You looked like an angel. 
"Thank you." You answered with a warm smile, and it was only then that Feyre realized she said that out loud. A hint of confusion settled at your face when you asked her, "Did Azriel tell you to say that?"
Now, it was Feyre's turn to be confused. Why would you think that? "No, he didn't. Why?"
"Oh, it's just...hum," you paused, your cheeks starting to blush a little. "That's what he calls me. It's his nickname for me." You answered, a little more blushed than before.
Feyre laughed. Azriel was right in calling you that. "I thought your nickname was 'Little star'." Feyre responded amused.
You chuckled and replied, "That's the nicknames the others use for me. Except Amren. She keeps calling me 'child'." You said with a roll of your eyes. 
"Because you are a child." Amren answered you from her place next to Mor while she was contemplating the earrings in the jewelry box. Rhys and Cassian are still arguing about the office events and Azriel watching them amused.
You turned your head to her. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Granny." You said with amusement in your voice.
Feyre stilled for a moment. Thinking that Amren was about to launch herself on you for what you just called her, but then she saw Amren laugh with a genuine smile on her lips before returning to stare at the earrings. Feyre relaxed and joined the laughter while looking at Amren's earrings.
You followed Feyre's gaze, and that's when you remembered. "Oh, right." You returned your eyes to Feyre. "Wait for a moment." You told her.
Feyre saw you turn back around towards the couch from where you pulled a dark purple bag and a small box.
You walked to Rhys and extended your arm to give him the bag. "Your gift." You said and planted a kiss on his cheek.
Rhys thanked you for your gift, giving you a quick kiss on your forehead, and returned to argue with Cassian. You made your way to Feyre, and when you reached her, you gave her the small box. "Here. It's for you."
Feyre accepted it, with surprise all over her face. She studied the box for a moment. It was a simple box made of wood and on top of it had a mountain with three stars above. The insignia of the Night Court. She looked at you again. "You brought me a gift?"
"Of course. I couldn't just bring gifts to everyone else and not one for you." You explained with a smile.
Feyre returned your smile, at your kindness, she asked with curiosity dancing in her eyes. "What is it?"
"It's a music box. To help you with your nightmares." Feyre stilled at your words, and after a few seconds, you continued. "It has all of Velaris' melodies. There's a few from the other courts, too, but it's mostly Velaris. It's enchanted so it can play for as long as you want or need. The melodies are soft and calm, so it will help you sleep and keep the nightmares away." Feyre had no words. She didn't know what to say. Just a few minutes ago, she was worrying about you not liking her, but here you are, offering her one of the best gifts she has ever received. Those worries and doubts seemed silly now. Her eyes darted to the music box again, but she looked up at the sound of your voice. "Azriel gave me one a few years ago. I used to have nightmares about my childhood and also from some of the things I saw over the decades as a consequence of being part of this world. I had hard nights where I couldn't sleep, haunted by those nightmares. So Azriel, ever the Spymaster, gave me one of these," you said, gesturing to the box. "I have played it every night since. It brings me comfort and reminds me that I'm safe and I'm not alone. I gave one to Rhys after he came back from Under the Mountain. It helped him a lot, so I thought of doing the same thing for you." You ended with the warmest smile.
Feyre's eyes were filled with tears at your gesture, she couldn't get any words out, so she just nodded and then opened the box. A soft and sweet melodie reached her ears, and Feyre immediately recognized the sound. It was the music that Rhys showed her that night on the cell Under the Mountain. The music that saved her life.
Feyre closed the box and launched for you, involving you in a tight embrace, one that you didn't hesitate to reciprocate. She still didn't have any words, so she said the only thing she could at the moment. "Thank you." She squeezed you even more. "Thank you so much." 
You held her for a few more seconds before letting go. You grabbed her free hand and said, "Mor and I are going shopping this afternoon. Why don't you come with us? I'd love to get to know you more."
"Yes. I'd love that, too. Thank you." Feyre answered, her voice trembling a little at the emotions she was still feeling. You squeezed her hand one last time before releasing and moved to stand next to Azriel. 
Rhys approached Feyre. "So, how did it go?"
Feyre could only smile, "Amazing. She's amazing. You and Cass raised her well."
Rhys chuckled, "Thank you, but we can't take all the credit. That's just how she is." Rhys nudged her with his shoulder, "I told you, you had nothing to worry about." 
Feyre smiled and squeezed the box that she still held. "Yeah, you were right." She said while looking at him. He was indeed right. You were sweet, kind and funny. Feyre noticed when she first walked into the room, how comfortable and relaxed everyone seemed around you. How little of an effort you had to make in order to make them laugh or smile, how the air was lighter and brighter, and how you illuminated the room just by your presence.
They fell in a comfortable silence, Feyre looked forward, and that's when she saw it. She couldn't believe it at first. She blinked her eyes a couple of times to make sure it was real and it was. Feyre remembers Mor telling her about Azriel. How he is more quiet, reserved, discret, and colder than the rest of them. Always with a stoic and indifference in his face and a rigid composure, she even saw that Azriel in the last days since she arrived in Velaris. But that's not the Azriel that is standing just a few feet away from her. No, this is a different Azriel. His shoulders are relaxed, there's a bright smile on his face, a softness in his eyes and his arm is around your waist with his hand resting on your hip, holding you close to him while he's looking at you talking about your last days in the Winter Court. This is not the Shadowsinger or the Spymaster. This is Azriel, just Azriel. The shadows are dancing around your feet and ankles, like they are happy too for your return, happy that you are safe and back to their master's side. Feyre knows at this moment that you two are not just friends and that there has to be something more going on.
Her suspicions were confirmed a few hours later at night when she decided to go to the library for a book so she could practice her reading before going to bed but ended up finding you and Azriel instead. He was sitting on the couch with his hands on your hips while you sat in his lap, straddling his waist, your hands on his hair while you two made out. And by the way both your cheeks were flushed, Feyre knew that you had been kissing each other for a while.
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Author's note: Thank you for reading! I was thinking about mabye making a part about the night the batboys found the reader? Let me know in the comments if that's something you would like. 😊 Also, the beautiful dividers belong to @tsunami-of-tears
Prequel Part One
Taglist: @emryb @fantasyandshit @azrielover @shadowsingercassia @brieflyclassymortal @lilah-asteria @lure-of-writing @pruvii
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zeldasnotes · 1 year
Check out my masterlists for more observations masterlist II & masterlist III 🐉
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🀧 Asteroid Bless(92891) conjunct Saturn can show that your blessings will come later in life.
🀧 Couples with 10th house placements in the composite chart wants to look like the perfect couple. Unfortunately the 10th house is the snitch of the zodiac and will let everyone see your dirty laundry, especially if Pluto is here.
🀧 When two people have the same Mars sign mixed with a lot of oppositions in synastry it can make them rivals. You want the same thing and you are alike but the energy is still tense. Throw in aspects to Nessus or Chiron and you have two people who might start to even despise eachother for life.
🀧 Mars in Scorpios are not dangerous for what they do during the fight they are dangerous because of what they do after the fight and how long they can wait before they do it. They prefer to get revenge in sneaky ways. I noticed they are not so cocky when infront of the person.
🀧 Sagittarius Mars can mean having a name that works all over the world. A common name like ”David”. Can also mean your name doesnt match your ethnicity. Like having a spanish namn even tho your family are not spanish.
🀧 Juno(3) conjunct Uranus can be very rebellious and might break traditions and start new traditions with their partner. I know a serbian girl with this aspect and she married an albanian man. Their parents didnt like it at all but their parents were forced to meet and get along.
🀧 If you have Boda(1487)conjunct Jupiter you might have your wedding in another country than the one you live in. If its in pisces you get married on a beach or near water.
🀧 People with Pluto in the 6th house can have strong opinions on people who dont work hard. My friend with this constantly talk shit about people who are unemployed. I think deep down shes jealous because she had to start working very early in life because her parents were poor and her parents never bought her stuff. She hates when people get stuff for free. She also have Mars 2nd house so talking money can make her really angry.
🀧 People with Saturn in the 4th house might come from a home where feelings are not shown/talked about. There can be this coldness and distance between them and their parents.
🀧 People with Ceres(1) conjunct Mars usually loves to workout. Might have an exercise addiction.
🀧 Lilith in the 1st house can give someone a unrealistic body, like super skinny with huge breasts or huge butt. Especially if Cancer placements are involved.
🀧 There is nothing more annoying than when someone you are not attracted to got planets in your 1st or 8th house, bc they be hell bent on getting your attention. And they will get it by starting a fight with you if they cant get it in a positive way.
🀧 Strong(22622) conjunct personal planets is someone who might have had to endure a lot and had no choice but to be strong.
🀧 People with Ranke(20012) conjunct Sun cares a lot about social rank and status. They need to be seen as someone important. They easily notice others social rank. Like they see a person they never seen before and without ever knowing who it is they can instantly see if this is someone whos not to be messed with bc of status/rank.
🀧 People with Venus sextile or trine Asc know they are attractive even if they have some flaws they dislike. They usually dont feel a strong need to ”prove it”. People with Venus Square Ascendant are the opposite they feel a strong need to prove to others that they are attractive even when they dont believe it themselves and this can lead to a lot of mean comments to make sure you know what they got that you dont. They need you to know that their body is better than yours while someone with venus trine/sextile asc dont need to tell you that, they are good just knowing it in silence.
🀧 You probably admire the traits of the sign of your North Node.
🀧 With Mars conjunct South Node in synastry there might be tension from a past life. Check asteroid Karma(3811) to see what might have happened between the two of you. One of you might feel a sense of anger towards the other for no reason.
🀧 Some of the placements considered annoying/rude are also the people we need. For example Mars/Mercury and Asc/Pluto people can seem annoying when they argue with the teacher for the 1000th time this class. But who do you think will stand up for the bullied kid? Yeah them. You might avoid them but you will call them when you need back up. Cancer and Scorpio Moon might be intense and emotional but who will stand by you when the whole world is against you? Yeah them. Virgos might criticize but who will make you soup when you are sick and point out the flaws on your exes new girlfriend? Yeah Virgos will.
🀧 People with Taurus IC got a lot of fragrance sticks and scented candles.
© 2023 Zeldas Notes
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letshaikyuu · 1 month
Who is most likely to remember details?
a/n: your girl is inspired everyone and nothing can stop me
warning: nothing except my Grammarly telling me to rewrite like 20 sentences in this
the cutest little bean ever, who knows every important date for your guys' relationship. he's so lovely like everyone deserves a sugawara in their life. he remembers details, like something you did in your childhood, what's your favorite snack, what types of vitamins/healthcare products you use, and similar. such a sweetheart and he is someone who definitely would not mess up your cafe order and/or what pastry you would like from your favorite bakery.
he's the quietest guy ever who pays attention to detail. even though he's looking at his games most of the time, he still hears everything you're saying and keeps notes, especially when you mention something being your favorite. casually surprises you with your favorite snack or those cute little figurines that are popular now (ngl I totally blanked on the name for those things). he gets super shy and red in the ears if you were to thank him and/or give him a hug or a kiss - definitely.
completely forgot about this legend until I remembered he is my bestie's favorite character. i think his memory is very sharp, but when it comes to remembering things important to you and things you like, he makes sure to buy you all the things you've mentioned recently because I do think over time he'd kinda forget the details? but his short-term memory is amazing; so you saying you like idk a specific matcha ice cream one day, you will be getting that immediately tomorrow.
he definitely has a list of your likes/dislikes because ushijima can't remember all the details that make you special, but he tries ok? if you're feeling sad, he goes to that lil chapter in his notebook: "what you like when you're sad" and makes sure to get something that will certainly cheer you up. also has chapters for when you're happy/gift ideas/etc. honestly, I think it'd be the cutest little notebook ever, and if you were to find it and tease him about it, he will have the darkest red hue on his cheeks you've ever seen.
ngl, the only details he certainly remembers about you is your food preference because he's such a foodie himself. i find that super important and if he remembers such things, he's a keeper. he's also the type to google restaurant/bakery/cafe menus to see where to take you out for dates, so he knows which is the best and fits your preferences. such a sweetheart and gets you snacks almost every day because his love language is getting you food <3
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 days
DG x Reader: Public Announcement
G/N. Your relationship is leaked...
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The first picture was leaked at 7:04pm. That was the moment everything took a turn. For the worse, you thought.
And it's funny the things you focus on. Not the rabid stans calling you every name under the sun, or screaming about how DG is betraying them. Nor the messages or calls coming thick and fast to your phone.
Instead you thought Huh. That's a particularly flattering angle of you, and an unflattering angle of DG, which almost never happens.
Both your heads bowed, foreheads touching. Gone is his cool aloof veneer. In place of it, he looks at you like you've hung the moon.
So all things considered, maybe this wasn't too bad.
Sure you looked close, intimate. More than friends. But you still had culpable deniability.
The next picture came 5 minutes later. Ah. You're kissing. There goes the deniability.
(If you recall that day correctly, he also left some love bites along your neck too.
You bring your hand up to your collarbone, touching the tender skin. You can still feel the heat of his lips.)
And this brings you to now, when a blurred picture of you, but not blurred enough, comes into existence with those bruises on your neck and walking hand in hand with someone with familiar pink hair.
A statement is released from the PTJ company on the relationship status of their CEO.
You sincerely doubt that DG has vetted it first if the tone is anything to go by. And it seems like they're still going hard after the deniability angle. Blaming it on photoshopping and filters and whatever technology they can pull out their ass.
You're proven right hours later when DG storms home in a foul mood.
"Diego-" you start and that seems to snap him out of it.
"James," he corrects you, taking a deep breath to decompress. Because it's always James when it's just the two of you alone.
"James. It's fine, you can deny it. Play the company line. Blame it on AI or whatever," you swallow down the hurt.
He's never made you feel like a dirty little secret. Truth be told, the unwillingness to go public was more due to your dislike of the limelight. However, now that it is already public, it seems disingenuous to lie. To tell the world there's nothing there. And what if it's because it's actually nothing, that you're not important enough to stake his reputation on. Sure, it's selfish and self-centred but-
"No," James cuts through your spiralling thoughts with one word.
"No." He takes a moment to consider his next move. Realises that out of all the things that could be leaked to the press, his unsavoury dealings and bloody past, this is by far the lesser evil.
Had hoped that when this moment would come, and he would announce this relationship to the world, he would have much more control. Be able to shield you from the negative attention.
Still, it's never too late to control the narrative or to do everything in his power to protect you.
James whips out his phone, fires off a text or an email or likely a social media post because moments afterwards, your phone goes crazy again.
"Diego Kang is all yours." He announces, tossing his phone onto the coffee table with a clatter.
You look at him, long legs crossed, body language exuding confidence. The wicked gleam in his eyes. His smirk, fangs bared and dangerous. He looks at you like he wants to devour you, make you entirely his.
As if you weren't already.
You're his and he's yours. And now the entire world also knows.
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theodorenmyth · 5 days
Theo x reader where Astoria starts getting really friendly with Theo to get closer to Draco (but no one knows this) and Theo and Astoria getting close bc they actually have similar vibes, leaving reader sort of jealous and really upset. Ending in a fluffy makeup scenario
your wish is my command
Envious Echoes.
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Pairings : Theodore Nott x GN! Reader Summary : You were getting super jealous of Astoria and Theodore. A/n : Enjoy (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) Warnings) : nothing Word count : 820+
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You watch from across the Slytherin common room as Astoria Greengrass leans in closer to Theodore Nott, her laughter soft and lilting as if he's just told the funniest joke in the world. It's not that you don't trust Theo; he's always been nothing but devoted to you. But Astoria is beautiful, charming, and undeniably magnetic. And lately, it feels like she's been monopolizing all of Theo's time and attention.
You try to focus on your Potions homework, but your concentration keeps slipping back to the sight of them together. It's been like this for weeks now. At first, you didn't think much of it. Astoria's always been friendly, and Theo's always been someone who people are drawn to. But as the days turned into weeks, you couldn't help but notice how often she seemed to be around him, laughing at his jokes, touching his arm, whispering secrets.
What you don't know is that Astoria's intentions aren't quite what they seem. She's trying to get closer to Draco Malfoy, Theo's best friend, and sees Theo as her ticket into his inner circle. But the more time she spends with Theo, the more she realizes how much they have in common. They share the same dry sense of humor, the same love for obscure magical texts, the same dislike for loud, crowded places.
Today, as you sit in the common room pretending to study, you notice that Theo and Astoria are huddled together over a book, their heads close enough that their hair almost touches. You can't help the pang of jealousy that shoots through you. It's as if a cold hand has gripped your heart, squeezing until it's hard to breathe.
You snap your book shut and gather your things, deciding that you need some fresh air. The corridors of Hogwarts are quiet this time of evening, most students having retreated to their common rooms or the Great Hall. You find a secluded spot by one of the windows and sit down, hugging your knees to your chest. The cool glass against your forehead is a small comfort, but it doesn't stop the tears from welling up in your eyes.
"Hey, Y/N," a familiar voice calls out, and you turn to see Theo standing a few feet away, concern etched on his face. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," you mutter, wiping your eyes hastily. "Just needed some air."
He steps closer, frowning. "Don't lie to me. I know something's bothering you. Please, tell me."
You take a deep breath, trying to steady your voice. "It's just... Astoria. She's always around you, and it feels like you're getting closer to her than you are to me."
Theo's expression softens, and he sits down next to you, his arm sliding around your shoulders. "Y/N, you have nothing to worry about. Astoria and I are just friends. She's been trying to get closer to Draco, and I've been helping her out. That's all."
You look up at him, searching his eyes for any hint of deception, but all you see is sincerity. "But it feels like you're spending more time with her than with me."
"I know it seems that way, and I'm sorry," he says, his voice gentle. "I've been so caught up in helping her that I didn't realize how it was affecting you. You're the most important person in my life, and I never want you to feel like you're second to anyone."
You feel a wave of relief wash over you, and the tightness in your chest begins to loosen. "I just... I love you so much, Theo. And it hurts to see you so close to someone else."
He cups your face in his hands, his thumbs brushing away your tears. "I love you too, Y/N. More than anything. And I promise, I'll make more time for us. Astoria's just a friend, and she could never replace you."
You lean into his touch, feeling the warmth and reassurance that only he can give you. "Thank you, Teddy. I needed to hear that."
He smiles, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips. "Anytime. Now, how about we go for a walk? Just the two of us."
You nod, standing up and slipping your hand into his. As you walk through the corridors, you feel lighter, the jealousy and insecurity fading away. Theo's thumb strokes the back of your hand, and you look up at him, feeling a surge of love and gratitude.
"Hey, Theo?" you say, your voice soft.
"Thank you for always being there for me."
He stops walking and turns to face you, his eyes filled with tenderness. "Always, Y/N. I love you, and I always will."
As he pulls you into a warm embrace, you realize that no matter what challenges come your way, as long as you have Theo by your side, you'll be able to face them together.
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SIGHH my last fanfic for the day, i will be posting 5 more tomorrow, so roll in your requests!
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dekusleftsock · 4 months
I did just re-read the chapter, hazbin/helluva hyperfixation is gone y’all I’m back and ready for more.
Okay so, a couple of things I noticed. Let’s start there.
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Throughout this chapter, it really is heartbreaking to see how Izuku regards one for all as Allmight’s power, and therefore a disrespect to him to give that away. Which is quite frankly insane given the nature of what the power is, but regardless it still shows me just how deeply he still cares for and admires allmight.
It also makes the transfer Izuku makes to Katsuki in the heroes rising movie all the more intimate; izuku wouldn’t just give the power to anyone, if not for himself (which is also clearly due to that fact since he still sees ofa as the thing that makes him a hero, not his characteristics), then simply out of respect for allmight and his legacy.
It’s just the anger you can see, feel in those words as he demands to know why. I’ve personally been in the boat of “Izuku dislikes Kudou immensely bc he hasn’t proven to be heroic and amazing like Katsuki has, and also he insults him a lot why would he like him”, since Izuku does genuinely have self respect (a common mischaracterization imo), he’s just also more forgiving and faithful to those he admires or loves (or both).
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I want to highlight the words “But even so, this boy refuses to throw in the towel”, bc it’s such an important part of Izuku and his character.
He isn’t overly self sacrificial, he isn’t a masochist, he isn’t even a martyr—especially not a martyr.
Izuku is stubborn. That is not the same thing as wanting to constantly die for others; izuku is like Katsuki, he wants to fight for others. Giving up just simply isn’t in his morality.
And if “giving up” also includes letting someone die or failing to save someone out of his own negligence, that’s not because he wants to die.
I can’t explain how much the interpretation that Izuku wanting to die, even for others, is so fucking out of character. Izuku is stubborn, he’s stubborn in the way that he won’t just fall over and let the ground take him. Given the circumstances, Izuku would fight for his life just as he would fight for another.
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“Idiot! If I’d really jumped, you’d be charged with bullying me into suicide!! Think before you speak!!”
Like he’s so unaffected by the awful comment outside of being angry at the DISRESPECT of said comment. This is why all those damn suicidal Izuku fics have always felt so ooc. Izuku isnt a moody, brooding ball of depression, he’s a stubborn, courageous, and angry ball of depression. There is a difference.
Even before this, he literally attempts to say something or fight back to Katsuki, honestly it looks like he’s about to punch him here.
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Btw for anyone who has or ever will be in Izuku’s position, punch him. I love Katsuki But hit him in the fucking gut. If you get your ass beat at least you can say you can took it like a champ.
Speaking from someone who regrets not punching three girls who were trying to gang up on me in middle school🫶🫶🫶
Anyway, I’d argue that Izuku not taking Katsuki in a fight was made out of self preservation, something he very much has.
And last but not least, we get to this lovely fucking page.
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First of all…
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Hm, ain’t that strange?
I’m not saying it’s fully a parallel, I’m just saying it’s something to consider.
Especially with the context that I don’t think Izuku feels shameful here.
He’s been a hero who didn’t look like one once before, I’m sure a snide comment through Shigaraki is nothing in comparison to the literal hundreds of civilians afraid of him.
Or, even more interestingly, what if he’s shameful of it, and okay with that? Now THATS some control over your emotions. This is demonstrating the very thing Banjo told him in the first place; using his emotions to fuel him. Let himself live with them, breath with them. They exist, and they hurt, and that’s fucking okay.
But it begs the question…. Why bring attention to it?
Clearly horikoshi WANTS you to see that Izuku is the one who looks like the monster now. He even looks devil like, blackwhip coming out of his back the way it is just feels like wings.
But maybe… maybe this is how he stops sweeping problems under the rug. Maybe this is him, Izuku, at his most animalistic form. Him. At his core. This is the Izuku he doesn’t want people to know.
The faceless, long clawed, oozing black monster.
He’s a kid who can take a fucking beating. He’s not Deku the useless doll, nor is he Deku the hero. He’s simply Izuku.
And you know what’s even more likely?
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The black pit of anger that Shigaraki has formed, fueling his uncontrolled emotions and anger and despair, with the light tear showing something underneath…
What if, this was Izuku’s black ball of anger and shame, except this one is escaping his body, pouring out and showing all of that for what it truly is. Pent up rage, uncontrolled emotion, anxiety and shame, all mixed into one hell hole of a person—but a ball that can be molded, controlled, torn apart from the inside out.
See, the same way Kudou tears at Shigaraki’s mental breaking to see what’s underneath, so have the ofa users for Izuku. Slowly, but surely, the people in Izuku’s life have, while created that ball in the first place, also worked to destroy it. The final piece of the puzzle is for Izuku to choose to let it happen, and he is.
Learning to sit in one’s fear, doubt, hatred, anger, sadness, grief, happiness—without that emotion having to be something, simply something that flows through you, that you can choose to act on or not; this is where Izuku’s arc is coming to its tipping point. We are nearing the climax, I can feel it.
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kalims · 10 months
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premise. bro... (romantically) also still no context but those who read part one first know
parts. one , two
featuring. malleus, jade
content. gender neutral reader
note. hi... malleus is so silly boo
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bros the type to stare at you fondly as you do whatever, even if it's either you're rambling about something or just quiet. he is, going to stare.
bros the type to insist you go first in wherever, the cafeteria? you first :) what a gentleman
bros the type to observe from a distance if you're locked in a conversation with someone, he doesn't want to eavesdrop but you know... he has fae heritage so his ears pick up on words.
bros the type to get secretly jealous because no one's paid him this much kindness as you and he kinda just wants you to talk to him when you can.
bro understands that he can't stop you from mingling with other people but he can make you his, and him, yours.
bros always in two moods, always interfering to whisk you away for himself, or holding back for your sake.
bros the type to slow down in his steps when he spots you struggling to keep up with his long legs (if you do.) if not he still slows down purposely so you do too because it means he can prolong your time together.
bros the type to offer you a ride if he sees you tired. if you say yes, he just smiles and picks you up without warning. don't argue because he will in fact, not put you down.
bros the type to be grateful for anything you give. a seed? wow he can plant this and the grown life will be a reminder of your thoughtfulness to give him a gift!
bros the type to give you said gifts, that might be simple in your culture but has deep roots to romance in is.
bros the type to be quality time > physical touch kind of guy but he's not that picky, as long as you're with him there's practically nothing that can convey the extension of his love for you.
bros the type to hold himself back because if he doesn't. he's afraid he might scare you off when you hear about just how much he likes you.
bros the type to ramble about lilia about your 'greatness' while the former lets him whilst chuckling. (secretly wishing you goodluck because his darling son is definitely not going to let you off easily.)
bros the type to notice the slightest shift in your mood from your face alone. he notices a lot than he lets on, the poker face when you're angry, the silence when your sad... he has a way of telling whenever you change.
^ and he's not all but forcing you to let your feelings out. if you like to resolve your feelings by your own, he leaves you alone; even if he himself is just about sulking in his room at the dorm all day.
because he knows how important feelings are. he certainly can't fully understand what you're feeling but he knows that his love for you surpasses his constant need of your presence.
bro loves all versions of you, the mad you, the 'no one can see me like this' you, or whatever version of you that you think is embarrassing. but his favorite you? (hehe yuu) it's the happy you.
so he'll always strive for your content-ness. he knows that life is too short to be sad all the time, even if your happiness could be the cost of his, (e.g going somewhere you want but he dislikes) he's had a long time to be happy.
but he's really the happiest when you are :)
bros the type to go: "oh that reminds me of them," and everyone is SO tired like.. malleus we're in the middle of a magishift match stop daydreaming -probably leona but I made it less mean :P
bros the type to hand out his food when he sees you eyeing it, "want to try?" he says. then just gives you the entire thing when u end up liking it and buys like 2 more for you. (stop him or he will keep coming back to buy it.)
he isn't even sad nor upset he gave away his food!
bros the type to look for you whenever it's time to dance with your partner on the floor. pop, rap, those ballroom music, whatever he's dragging you out there.
don't even think about declining cause who can resist him when he's looking so happy to get to you first? (despite many other people wanting to dance with him.)
bros the type to think of you when he's playing the piano so whatever composition he's performing sounds like absolute heaven. (you'd be surprised at how much he'd learn midst his long years.)
bros music just sounds like the definition of a fairy tale, slowburn love. (ahem, he's so lana del rey coded but I'm listening to happiness is a butterfly as I write this so you can paint the pic :))
bros the type to prefer quality time over physical touch, in terms of receiving you don't really have to do anything for him. sure the reassurance of your affection is nice but you know what's even better? just the notion that you're here.
even if, bros the type to melt at any type of caress you give him. rubbing circles over his palm? actually that's his thing but he can forgive you. ruffling his hair at the top of his head? well. not much dare but aren't you an endearing human! he's chuckling but there's there's unmistakable relaxation of his tense shoulders.
in short he's just practically decomposing to putty in your arms :P
bros the type to give acts of service as a form of his affection. oh your dorm fell apart again as usual? don't even ask cause if he witnesses a part of the roof falling off, just quietly waves his hand then it's fixed and better than before! 
bros the type to silently act out acts that just make your life easier overall, don't complain cause the most you'll get is him toning it down. he will NOT stop.
bros the type to watch himself in your eyes. if anything if you're both talking, the way he's looking into your eyes isn't because he's inclined to do so due to his polite manners. there's just something about the fact that he can see every single color in your iris, or maybe he can see the lovestruck expression etched on his face.
bros the type to laugh at every joke you make, even though he has to be told you're making a joke at all. imagine this, you make a joke, he just stares at you quite confused. you tell him it's a joke and he lets out the most delayed laugh you've ever heard, it's been 15 whole seconds after you spoke it and he's chortling.
it doesn't matter if he understands or not!! he'll never make you feel like your jokes are unfunny, or didn't lighten up his mood cause your existence alone makes him feel like he's practically shining.
bros the type to immediately slide his blazer off his shoulders the moment he notices you're starting to shiver, showing signs of feeling cold. don't worry ;) no need to return, he'll most likely forget and sebek would get him a new one in record speed. strangely his memory is all refreshed and full of pride when he sees it in your room.. have you perhaps been wearing it after that incident..?
bros the type to show his affection through random gifts, he may be an acts of service lad but you know he just had to send you that (totally not poisonous, hopefully?) mushroom.
bro 'drops by to check on the healthcare of the mushrooms he gifted you' cause that's the only sole reason he's there… casually stays there for hours end despite him looking at it for 2 minutes and calling it a day.
bro just HAS to be the one serving your table if you happen to drop by monstro lounge for a quick meal or just there to enjoy the sights it has to offer. he was temporarily busy and someone already took your order? too bad. promptly tells the student to help someone else 'he's got it'
if the definition of 'serving a dear, special customer' was even handing you your food that's been suspiciously accompanied by freebies.. then bros doing it cause apparently since you were a regular he figured it's a token of appreciation. 
you're not sure if azul is even aware he's just casually handing out freebies on his own accord.
bros the type to just sit right in front you, watch you eat, without saying anything at all with a rather eery smile but there's nothing new about that. you're just questioning why he's just.. there. in your table instead of serving the lounge.
bro said "it is fine, business is slow today.." even though if you side eye to the left you could spot nearly all tables full and 3 residents scrambling to balance all of them alone..
literally just stares at you but bro answers if you ever start a conversion or ask a question to fill the silence. you'd think he'd leave you alone after you're finished but he PERSONALLY brings it to the kitchen and 'sees you out because that's what they do for all customers.'
that's a lie btw.
bros difference of 'that look' is absolutely nothing compared to the 'plotting something bad' face which is just slightly narrowed eyes, and a pointy wide smile. so you aren't sure if you should shit your pants (99% would cause you wouldn't know he'd be giving you the look)
bros the type to dust off the dirt in your clothes but you literally just dusted it off two minutes before you two met.
bro makes the most subtle excuses to touch you, AKA including the dusting off the non-existent dirt. he's smooth with it though.
bros the type to completely be focused on you, passing by a really loud classroom while you're talking? eyes are still on you even if the professor mentions fungus.
^ (50/50 tbh).
bros the type to let you play with his hair, particularly the black strands. hide it in his hat, clip it, braid it, add pins on it.. heck, he's genuinely elated you're giving that part attention from your day.
bonus points if bro just stares intently in your eyes as you're working, it's harder to not look back than styling the portion. it's hard cause his eyes are pretty intense, not to mention mesmerizing with the heterochromia.
bros the type to let you pick out music that plays in monstro lounge. azul always questions him why he heard the customers wondering about why CPR was playing but he always shrugs and says it's a new marketing trick.
not bro but when jade is in a bad mood floyd always uses you to 'cure him' and what do you know, he is acting all better but the problem is jade is still not talking to floyd but talking to you… sibling fight tingz.
not bro once again but when jade is intent on making a decision that gives azul a headache and heart attack simultaneously, the man nearly ALWAYS tells you to "wonder out loud about how yellow would not fit the carpet of the lounge." 
bros the type to give you mushrooms instead of flowers. traditional gifts for first dates who?
bros the type to give you a MUSHROOM PLUSHIE instead of a teddy bear 😭 like jade we know you love breaking stereotypicals but please enough… you can't forget the mushroom ballpen he lended you.
bro has one of the most prominent presence in the entirety of NRC but is amused when you're totally unaware of him creeping up behind you. thinks it's funny and cute, and keeps jumpscaring you at random periods of the day.
hey don't look at him like that, he just wanted to talk to you.. didn't mean to scare you.. 😊
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note. commissioned piece :D don't repost anywhere else. (plz commission me I'm broke)
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ataleofcrowns · 2 months
Just wanted to pop in and say like, I found all of the routes to be really romantic, but I was pleasantly surprised by X’s.
The sheer social intelligence X has, means that every interaction feels so layered, and they’re so used to people only picking up on the parts of conversation they want to. I love that their autonomy is so fiercely important to them, and that it’ll never change. There’s strength in standing for yourself even if other people don’t realize thats what you’re doing. There’s a beauty in something or someone being strong enough, capable enough, loved enough that they’d never need you and deciding you have meaning in their life, but that you won’t change the meaning of their life.
I didn’t expect to dislike X, but I didn’t expect to like them as much as I do.
It was breathtaking to get a glimpse, if you will, of their nuance, and it felt like a gift to surprise someone who isn’t used to being surprised.
I can truthfully say that your IF is the only one where I’ve found every RO compelling and magnetic and full of depth long before mc gets involved. It’s not their burgeoning feels for mc that make them so, but it’s what makes those feelings and scenes so powerful. It’s also why they don’t loose their appeal as good friends either. I enjoyed all of their routes, enough that I could probably write an essay on all of them, and I’m looking forward to playing all their routes to completion.
Always great to see X getting some love in my askbox, I'm so glad you were able to appreciate all those aspects of their character!! X hides a lot beneath their exterior, and peeling all those layers back is the best part of their route imo 💖🥰
Happy to hear you enjoy the others as well! It was a priority to me to design each potential love interest as someone who was already grounded in the setting with histories and motivations of their own prior to the MC arriving. As great as an impact as MC has on them in each route, they're still their own individual people with their own desires and goals and perspectives.
To me personally, nothing feels as hollow and pointless as reading a romance where there is nothing to the love interest except for being obsessed with the MC. I get bored of that dynamic VERY quickly. So, my personal distaste for that definitely had a hand in informing my development of the characters in my own game haha.
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MHA random guys x Y/N
I am so sorry to the person who requested this over a year ago, I suddenly disappeared and forgot requests were a thing when I got back. This one’s a little rushed because I’m having exams these days but I’ve made you wait over a year so I had to get it done.
The random guys include Deku, Bakugou, Monoma, Shinso and Amajiki.
word count : 987
Warning : IF YOU SO MUCH AS LOOK AT AMAJIKI 🤬 I’ve got my eye on you.
as usual can’t take any credit for the pictures.
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Let’s be honest you probably don’t deserve him. No matter how much you do for him he’s going to somehow be doing more for you. It’s not that he treats love as a competition, it’s just that it’s in his nature to put his two hundred percent to everything and that includes his relationship. And if he chose you as the one that’s really something. He loves just staring at you and absorbing every single detail. He notices the smallest change in your appearance and can always tell when you’re feeling down. He hates it when you don’t communicate and share your pain and eventually manages to get it out of you by playing the victim. Try to give back at least 50% of what he’s doing for you because that would be a normal person’s 100%. He’s very possessive although he doesn’t tell you directly. He’s going to be super grumpy if you hang out with other people more than you spend time with him. Also here’s a secret. He loves it when you ruffle his hair and give him forehead kisses so keep doing what you’re doing :)
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I don’t know how you did it. HOW DO YOU PUT UP WITH THE GUY? He appreciates you for it more than you know. He knows about his anger issues and how his inconsistency can make him a difficult person to love, but when he saw you loving him unconditionally and always being there, he realized what a difference that made in his life. It hurts his pride to tell you his problems and he finds it far easier to just burn the furniture but he really tries. He hasn’t been burning much furniture lately right? He’s opening up to you more and more every day and wants to become the same cushion for you. He wants you to be able to trust him as much as he trusts you. If another person looks at you for a second too long or makes you laugh, he is going to be jealous as hell. Trust me the moment he drops you home after a date or is out of your sight, he is going to track them down and give them the scariest warning in their life. It’ll be so scary they’ll refuse to see anyone in a romantic way anymore incase there are more bastards like Bakugou. He loves it when you try to be rough with him and that one time you pinned him against the wall..yeah I think he wants you to do it again.
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If you’re with Monoma that speaks a lot about you too. Because from a surface level I don’t think anyone can stand Monoma. He looks like he’s arrogant and obnoxious and gloats thinking he’s above everyone. His slicked hair and the way he sneers like he knows he’s good looking. There’s a lot of things to dislike. But you chose to stay and dug deeper. You were able to see the insecurities he tries to mask with his persona and the internal bruises he covers beneath his tuxedo. He adores you for knowing him so well and relies on you a lot. It’s sometimes hard for him because he hates depending on someone but you always comfort him and tell him that you’ve found your calling. He kisses you then, multiple times all around your face finally ending at your lips. Verbal affirmations aren’t really his thing because somehow stuff he says still comes out as self absorbed and arrogant. But with you by his side he’s improving every day. He gets really irritated when people hang around you but he tries to convince himself that you’ll be loyal and he doesn’t have to worry. He’s not stupid he hears what everyone says about how you could do better. But you chose him in the end and that’s what’s important.
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You like the silent mysterious type don’t you? Absolutely nothing wrong with that because he is a total green flag. To be honest I don’t think he knows exactly how to be romantic and sometimes his gestures of love can be a little weird. Like sometimes when he sees you in a crowd even if you smile and wave he’s just gonna stand there looking at you with no expression. He forgets he has a mouth and eyes that can be used to express one’s emotions. He also has no understanding of social cues so please bear with him. Also I’m sorry that your pickup lines hit a blank wall. Except that one time you made a star-wars pickup line and said yoda only one for me. You fell even harder for him when you realized he was a geek too and he fell harder because he finally understood all the nonsense you were yapping about and meant them romantically. Bear with him, I know he sucks at showing it but he really likes you. Have you seen the way he grits his teeth and glares if someone so much as looks at you. You like him being possessive don’t you? He loves it when you have deep conversations with him and he’ll listen to you talking endlessly.
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I’m sorry but Amajiki is mine. Go find your own cinnamon roll. I’m gate keeping all his character traits and love languages. I’ll just word drop so that you get jealous.
He’s super depressed and moody if I leave him and talk to someone else.
The moment he sees me in a crowded room, he walks up to me and attaches himself to me and eventually convinces me to leave so that we can hang out together.
He’s biggest fear is actually losing me, he doesn’t mean that as a joke.
He loves it when I cuddle him and tell him how much I love him.
Which I do on a regular basis so back off. :3
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haru-natsuka · 1 month
Second Male Leads Are all Yanderes but I Won't Rest Until I Win My Love Back (Female Reader x OCs)
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Story will start after the synopsis
Every second male lead who appeared in this world had a hidden yandere side that can emerge at any moment and turn them into a twisted and obsessive villain.
As someone with a severe case of the "second male lead syndrome", you are determined to pursue your love for the second male lead, leaving the original male lead to become the second.
While you were busy chasing after the second male lead, the original male lead kept on bothering you and trying to get you to choose him instead.
"Don't you dare to come any closer!" You snap at the original male lead, your tone sharp and firm.
"Oh, and who's going to stop me? You?" The yandere stares at you, a menacing look in their eyes, as their body slowly moves closer.
"Too close! Step back!"
"Your words mean nothing to me. You can't control me. I will come as close as I please, you can't stop me."
As if a yandere was not enough, when you chose to ignore the original male lead, another second male lead suddenly entered your life, further complicating the situation.
The yandere and the upcoming second male lead both seem determined to have you for themselves, and they were both very possessive and pushy in their approaches to you.
You just wanted to be happy with your true love. Yandere or not, you would stick with your crush!
What was the meaning of happiness in your life? To you, it was when you had gotten to go out with your lovely Adrian, hands wrapped around his arm in a secure lock and the most important thing was, Adrian allowed you! Just seeing the envious looks on other ladies faces at the town was enough to make your smile even brighter.
'Yes! Adrian is mine! Back off'
"I'm doing you a favour, Adrian. I'm saving you from being ambush by all these predatory ladies" That was just an excuse as you tightened your hold on him, laid your head on his shoulder and acted as his protector and savior.
"Oh, you are? I am in debt to you then." Although you did not look at his face as you were busy laying your head on his shoulder but you could tell he was looking at your direction.
"Do you think they would've been able to lure me away from you?" His question sounded so playful but coming from Adrian, it was just out of pure curiosity. An angel who just wanted to know more about your thoughts.
"Will you?" You chose to withhold your answer for this one question and used his curiosity for this opportunity instead.
"If these ladies tried to lure you away from me, would you fall for their antics?" You asked, wanting to see how he would answer that question.
"I don't think so. I rather feel more comfortable being with you, out of everyone. You spend a lot of your time with me and I can't be more than thankful or..." Adrian's tone changed from his usual calm one into the one he would used whenever he would tease you for fun.
"or maybe it was the fact that you held onto me too tightly that I cannot escape to anywhere" You could feel his hot breath hit your face as he brought his face closer to you as he whispered.
'Too cute! Can I just pinch those cheeks.'
"Your words does not synchronies with your expression, Adrian. You had fun teasing me a lot these days"
As you were about to behave more respectful to Adrian's boundary by releasing your grip on his arm, as if he disliked the idea, Adrian placed a hand over yours. Your focus was back at him in question. When you looked into his eyes, they were glistening warmly and looking at you, giving you chills and a hint of excitement.
"This is the payment for my debt so do as you like"
'Do as I like? I-I ba-bad thoughts go away!'
"Look at these two undeclared young couple. Flirting with each other early in the morning" Suddenly, an old voice rang out, calling attention to you and Adrian from a fruit store. You immediately glanced over your shoulder to look at the source of the voice.
The person who spoke was none other than your dear madam, who smiled sheepishly at you with joy and rejoice. Your mood brightened when you saw her expression, as it was a reminder of her support of this relationship. She seemed overjoyed with your happiness and satisfaction, and this made you feel more grateful to her for her kindness and love towards you.
"You're mistaken, madam. We are not a couple yet," you clarified, politely explaining to her that you and Adrian were not a couple at this point in time.
"But pray for my success please. When we are together, madam would be the first person I told to."
Upon hearing your words, the madam's eyes widened and she displayed an expression that held a hint of disappointment. It was apparent that she had hoped for a different outcome, with the two of you already being a couple. That was why she was now feeling disappointed, after realizing that you still not success in pursuing your love for Adrian.
"Adrian still rejecting you?" The madam shifted her focus on Adrian.
"Young man, you should not let a beautiful flower alone when it's dazzlingly shine in front of you. You should treasure it before it flies away. As the flower blown by the wind, it would be hard for you to get it back"
Adrian remained silent and did not reply, his expression changing to one that you found difficult to fathom. You choose to be the one who continued the conversation. Mentally, questioning the meaning of his expression. He must felt uncomfortable with the old lady's words.
"Madam, I will never go away. I will never give up but I dont want to force Adrian to accept my feeling." You reassured the older lady, who was now actively supporting and rooting for you and yet failed miserably.
"That's the same answer you keep on repeating. I'm rooting for you, Y/N and do remember my warning young man."
Adrian remained silent all the way until both of you reached a bookstore, seemingly deep in thought. He did not seem to have much to say, and kept his thoughts to himself. You chose not to enter the bookstore with him to give him some space, and instead, simply waited outside while he went in.
As you waited outside the bookstore, you did not have much else to do except to inspect the stores around you in detail. You closely studied the signs, decorations, and interiors, as if they were the most interesting things you had ever seen. You took in all the various colors and designs of each store, and soaked it all in with great care and detail.
As you continued to inspect the stores around you, a sudden burst of noise and a crowd of people caught your attention. The crowd was gathered and concentrated in one spot, which caught your curiosity. So, you tiptoed closer in order to see what it was that had piqued their interest. When you eventually managed to get a glimpse of the source, you were shaken by what you saw.
When you were watching the scene unfold from your vantage point, you suddenly saw a familiar face that you recognized from your college days. It was the most hated man from your list, someone you absolutely despised. The man locked eyes with you, and immediately began approaching you at a rapid pace.
'No no he does not walking here right or he might wants to buy something from the store too. Yeah yeah that must be it. We had never even talked before'
You quickly scooted to the side, attempting to evade his path by moving out of the way. However, he continued to approach you, as if he had his sights set on you and had no intention of backing down. Without awaiting your consent, he abruptly grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him, seeming insistent in engaging in a direct interaction with you.
'The hand that only meant for Adrian! What with this bastard with his unrespectful behavior?! He just walks to me perfectly fine but still need to pull me? That's not important right now. The thing is, don't you dare disturbing my outing with my man!'
@d3sperate-enuf @sirenetheblogger @orinnie @aoiyx @chin-chii
This time, I want to focus on the growth of the interaction for Adrian and Y/N. Are the dialogues too much though? But I do enjoy writing it this way. Isn't it too fluffy and cute?! Enjoy your weekend while accompanied by this story.
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ilydeku · 1 year
izuku loves that you're clingy
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You've always been a clingy person. It's just who you are. You never liked spending time alone and always wanted a companion by your side. So when you started dating Izuku, you were over the moon. He was understanding and kind, always willing to spend time with you.
As the relationship progressed, your clinginess only increased. You always wanted to be with him, holding hands, cuddling, or even just sitting beside him. At first, you were worried that Izuku would get annoyed by your constant need for attention, but he never did.
In fact, he loved it. He loved how much you wanted to be around him, how you would always find ways to be close to him. He found it endearing and cute, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride that you chose him to be the one you clung to.
Izuku would often tease you about your clinginess, but he did it with a smile on his face, knowing how much it made you laugh. He would sometimes even go out of his way to be extra affectionate, just to see your face light up with joy.
It wasn't just physical affection that you craved, though. You wanted to know everything about Izuku - his likes, dislikes, dreams, and fears. You wanted to be there for him, to support him in any way you could. And Izuku appreciated that more than anything.
He loved how invested you were in his life, how you always knew the right things to say to make him feel better. He loved how you would listen to him talk about his passions, even if you didn't quite understand them.
To Izuku, your clinginess was a sign of your love for him, and he couldn't be happier to be with someone who cared for him so deeply. He knew that as long as he had you by his side, he would never feel alone.
And so, you continued to cling to Izuku, and he continued to love every moment of it. You were each other's perfect match, and nothing could ever change that.
As the months went by, your relationship only grew stronger. You two would spend hours talking about anything and everything, from your favorite books to your wildest dreams. You were each other's confidants, always there to lend a listening ear or a comforting hug.
Of course, there were times where your clinginess got in the way. Maybe you would get upset when Izuku had to study for an important exam, or maybe you would feel left out when he wanted to hang out with his friends. But no matter what, Izuku was always patient with you, always willing to talk things out and find a solution that worked for both of you.
And it wasn't just you who was clingy - Izuku was just as attached to you. He loved being near you, loved feeling your arms around him, loved the sound of your voice. He would often tell you how much he appreciated your affection, how it made him feel loved and wanted.
Together, you two were a force to be reckoned with. You supported each other through the good times and the bad, always finding ways to make each other smile. Even when life got tough, you knew that you could count on each other for comfort and love.
For you two, being clingy was just another way of saying "I love you."
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support me? :)
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pathetic-sapphic · 10 months
some headcanons for viktor with a soft dom gf
Viktor with a Soft Dom Girlfriend
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!! NSFW warning !!
The things you do to this poor man's heart. He never had someone be so caring and yet so strict with him. And you have to be a bit strict, seeing as that man knows little to nothing about self-care. He'll drive himself to an early grave if you don't help him and make him realize he has to eat and sleep properly.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to lay down some ground rules for him. Such as eating three meals a day, drinking enough water and getting 8 hours of sleep. As simple as these things are for others, Vitkor struggles with them but he'll try to do better if he has you to guide him.
He is a very kind and good man, so it's important to reassure him that he's doing everything he can whenever he starts getting frustrated. Tell him that he's doing amazing and how proud of him you are, it'll ease the burden he carries in his heart.
His favorite relaxing activity is laying on the couch or bed with his head in your lap. You love caressing his soft hair and it makes him fall asleep so quickly. Sensing your tender touch on his hair and face as you lovingly gaze at his beautiful features is the best feeling in the world to Viktor.
Be gentle and caring with him on his bad days. You love spoiling him and making him realize he deserves this. He deserves to have someone by his side, someone who will reassure him and share his pain while doing their best to ease it.
Oh, he is so adorable when he blushes. All it takes is lightly gripping his face or sultry whispering in his ear and it'll make him a stuttering, blushing mess. You love teasing him like that whenever the two of you are outside, telling him you'll reward him later as long as he behaves.
Viktor is an obedient and needy lover. He dislikes acting bratty as he much more prefers being rewarded by you and pleasuring you to the best of his abilities. He may get impatient when you tease him but a quick, light slap to his thigh is enough to pacify him.
He is so cute when he begs, his whines are music to your ears so you often overstimulate or edge him. He prefers edging so you use the former as punishment whenever he disobeys you.
Gives you the most adorable puppy eyes whenever he begs to let him please you. Viktor loves being your good boy and wants to prove himself worthy of you so he is very eager to pleasure you.
He is very into body worshipping. Loves kissing and relishing in the beauty of your body, treating you as his goddess. If you're the one appreciating and praising his body, he may tear up a little as his heart is overflowing with his love for you.
Another good punishment for him is bondage. Viktor loves touching you and making you feel good with his fingers so if he broke a rule or disobeyed you in any way, you like to tie his wrists behind his back and making him watch as you masturbate. That will make him apologize in no time, whining and begging you to untie him and service you.
As someone who puts a lot of pressure on himself and has a lot of insecurities, Viktor loves being praised. Call him your good boy and tell him how absolutely beautiful and well-behaved he is for you. He makes literal heart eyes at you whenever you whisper such sweet, alluring words to him.
Aftercare is very important as he is mentally vulnerable and physically exhausted. Give him a light massage and kiss his sweaty body while whispering sweet nothings in his ear. Prepare a bath and make sure he eats and drinks plenty of water. Afterwards, Viktor always clings to you while he sleeps, wearing a satisfied and pleased smile as he dreams about you.
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dearanakin · 8 months
Lovely Charming - Eddie Munson
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Summary: You've never talked to Eddie Munson until this day, where he's being very annoying and loud with his friends. But then he decides to act like the chaotic douche he is sometimes | Fluff, kissing, mentions of blood and wounds
Word count: 3.5k
You’re sitting with Robin, Nancy, Steve and Jonathan on your class break at school. You’re having a conversation about prom and senior year, or at least trying because the guy at the table next to yours won’t stop babbling about something you have no idea.
You’ve seen him a few times before but actually never cared to pay attention. He was a very exotic rocker guy, who likes to wear a lot of rings on his fingers, weird t-shirts and owns a very messy hair.
The dude, who you just learned is called Eddie Munson, is very loud and it annoys you how he keeps talking and doesn’t let anyone else speak.
As you get up from your chair, you march towards him, who’s sitting at his table, gesturing while talking. You get closer to him, and he looks at you like you’re disturbing a very important topic to him. His friends move their heads to look at you.
It’s not like no one knows you, especially because you’re the school reporter, along with Nancy and Robin, and usually go after people to talk about stuff.
You try to keep your eyes focused on him, giving you’re having his friends’ attention and it makes you nervous.
“Can you please speak a little lower? We’re trying to have a conversation over there and you’re too loud”, you ask, trying to be polite. Of course it didn’t sound polite to him. He opens his mouth in disbelief with a grin on his face.
“And you are?”, he asked. It was like he didn’t care to agree with your request. Someone whispers him your name and he stands on his feet at the table. If you thought he was being loud, you couldn’t have imagined it going south.
“Okay. Listen, everyone. We’ve received orders from the Miss Congeniality over here. We can’t speak during our break”, he shouted. You expected yourself to bury your face with your hands, or look down at your shoes. His friends are laughing with him.
This is obviously humiliation for you, but you know guys like him only tend to be rude to get the attention they need. You keep your gaze at him as he sats down at the table.
“Sorry, darling. No can do. If you’re bothered this much, just go talk somewhere”, he gives you a smirk. The other guys look at you, still laughing.
Before you leave their table, you shake your head and give him a freezing cold look.
“You’re such a dickhead”, you snap at him and he keeps looking at you like it doesn’t affect him.
“I’ve been told that before”, he responds as you turn around and go back to your table.
When you sit back, your friends are all despising Munson with an annoyed look on their faces. They’re not really fond of him either, but they know Dustin and the other boys liked to play Dungeons & Dragons with him sometimes.
“This guy was always an asshole”, Steve said as he shook his head. He was the one who disliked Eddie the most, he always thought the dude was too extra when he was around other people. And he usually likes to make jokes about the basketball team, because as he says: “it’s nonsense to play at school”.
He obviously prefers to play guitar and listen to music with his friends when he’s not doing anything. He goes around driving his van all the time and does nothing.
You still had to do an article that day about the basketball team, and you had to interview one of the players and the captain. You’ve had your humiliation of the day but it seemed like that wasn’t enough.
You were re-reading everything you had to ask them, while Robin was preparing the camera. The fact about being the school reporter is that you have to ignore the feeling of disgust when you don’t like someone, or even, when you’re not treated well when it comes to Billy Hargrove.
He was every girl’s dreamy guy in Hawkins, every place he would go people would stop to look at him. He looks like he came out straight of a magazine cover and he makes sure of that too. But he doesn’t get to you like that. Not that he isn’t handsome, he just isn’t your type.
More so, he seems to try really hard to make every other girl who isn’t interested become in love with him. It was just really annoying.
There were a few people sitting on the bench while you were getting ready to speak to him.
It was going to be just a few questions about the future of the team, what they look forward for the future personally and stuff like that. Sometimes it was just too boring to talk about sports but you had a compromise with the principal, sadly. It would help you with your credits to go to college anyway.
“It’s just gonna take a few minutes”, you smile at Billy as you stand in front of him, holding out your mic. He looked bored already, he was sweaty and didn’t have a shirt on. ‘Classic, of course he wants to show up like that for school TV’.
“Just make this quick”. Your head screams 'fucking douchebag’. Christ, this is very annoying. “I don’t have all the time in the world for that crap”.
As you start asking questions, Hargrove decides he doesn’t want to be the one to look interested at that and starts giving really short answers.
Until he started to get annoyed, making sure to show you and Robin he’s not at it. “Are you done with that?”, he asks. You barely have time to say it’s just one more question and he snaps at you.
“Look, you really wanna do this? Go fucking find someone else”. This is expected, of course. You still thank him for his time because you’re polite. But he’s not.
“Yeah, whatever, brat”, he said as he leaves. Ok, he didn’t need to say that.
“Look, you don’t need to be such a jerk just because you don’t like it. I’m trying to get credits for college. Either way, you being an asshole doesn’t give you the same possibility”. You said it as faster as your brain could formulate your response and you regret it immediately.
When he turns his back at you, you realize he doesn’t care you’re a girl. He could beat the fuck out of you right there in front of everyone at the gymnasium. “What the fuck did you just say?”. He looked beyond mad, Robin was trying to pull you away from him but you had other plans.
“I asked you a question. What. The Fuck. Did you. Just Say?”, he got closer to you, intimidating you. He was taller and stronger. His blue eyes extremely red now with anger.
Shit, he smells good. His hair looks good. His jaw is incredibly sharp. But nothing overrules the fact he’s a jerk.
“Hey!”, you heard a loud scream across the gymnasium. “Hey, Hargrove”. Your eyes travel around the place until you meet the person’s voice and it hits you. Eddie was walking towards you and Billy, who’s still holding a death gaze at you.
“What, Munson?”, he asks, still looking at you. “What the fuck do you want?”. Billy is already making a fist, getting himself ready to punch a face (hopefully not yours).
“You never heard of manners, have you?”, Eddie asks when he gets closer. Both of them now looking at each other. “Jesus, look at you. You think of yourself as some Renaissance art”.
You were still there watching as both men threaten each other.
Hargrove lets out a sarcastic scoff. “And what are you, besides a creep anyway?”, he dropped a punch at Eddie’s cheek and you gasp loud. “What, think you came to the school to save the fucking word?”.
They were hitting and punching each other, while a few guys from the team tried to separate them. You just kept watching them kill themselves with Robin on your shoulder.
Billy dropped Eddie on the floor and the guys tried to pin him down so he would stop, but he didn’t. They were holding his arms behind his back, while he was spitting at Munson’s face, who was laughing at him.
“You realize this is just showing people who you really are. I’m impressed you still get girls in your bed”. The other man laughed sarcastically, trying to let go of himself.
“At least I fuck as many girls as I can, how about you virgin Mary?”. They were both trying to kill themselves, while the students try to get Billy off of him before the teachers hear it.
As soon as they get both of them apart, you watch the rocker guy look at you. He made it look like it’s your fault, but you realized he only did it to defend you. He was trying to show Billy what good manners were but he couldn’t even talk to him, he never listens.
He’s always about to snap, always ready to get in a fight, always ready to punch someone. You told Robin to give back the stuff you used for the interview and decided to confront Eddie.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”, you said as he was getting back up, while two guys helped him. “You do know this dude is a troublemaker”.
“I don’t know about you, but from where I come, it means being a man of value. This asshole was treating you like you were garbage”, he responded. His face was dripping blood and his nose looked like it was broken.
“For someone who made a hell of a show earlier, you do look like a guy who knows how to treat a woman”, you said sarcastically, crossing your arms in your chest. He looked at you with a small grin, cleaning his face with his own shirt.
You put your anger aside and grabs his forearm, leading him out of the gymnasium, heading to the nurse office so he could get patched up.
As soon as the nurse stitched his nose and his chin, she made sure he takes some painkillers and takes care of his wounds. You watch her leave the room and stand there next to the door, still staring at him, who was looking distracted while tying his sneakers.
“Thank you for doing that. Even though I still think you didn’t have to”, you say as he turns around. Munson looks amused, actually. He didn’t expect you to thank him, mainly because of the way he treated you earlier. But it’s the way he is. He’s chaotic, funny and weird at the same time.
“Well, if I hadn’t, that guy with a small dick would’ve created a war”. You laughed at the way he mentioned Billy, even thinking you weren’t supposed to. “But you’re welcome anyway, miss congeniality”.
Words spread too quickly during the week after Hargrove and Eddie kicked each other’s ass the other day. Both of them looked pretty beaten, but Munson was obviously looking more wounded.
No wonder, Billy was always beating people up, it didn’t matter the reason, if he got annoyed he would do it. He did it to Steve once or twice even.
After leaving the nurse office you didn’t talk to Eddie anymore, but it’s not like you befriended him anyway. Still, at some point he would look at you during the class breaks, or at any event at school, even when you were walking around the mall. Sometimes you would hear him talking to his friends, loud as fuck as always and it still annoyed you.
It was Dustin’s birthday and he had invited the whole crew, even Munson and his friends so they could play Dungeon & Dragons while you and the others played beer pong.
You were at the backyard in his house, the music was blasting and you and Nancy were trying not to get too drunk as you were the ones who didn’t like to drink that much. By the end of the night it wouldn’t matter anyway.
Nancy was talking about Jonathan and her past relationship with Steve when Eddie went downstairs to grab another beer. He was wearing a t-shirt with a very exotic design, with the words “Hellfire Club” on it, a black jeans with a belt barely hanging on.
Somehow it caught your attention but you made sure he didn’t see it. Because you were still mad at what he did to you.
You didn’t want to blame your zodiac (which was scorpio), but people tend to say scorpio people were very vengeful and you had something fun in mind for him. You got past Eddie and “accidentally” dropped the rest of your beer on his shirt.
“Oh, I’m so sorry Munson!”, you made it look like it was realistic but your face said otherwise. “Oh no, it ruined your shirt”.
He looked down at his clothes and scoffed. “Really, (Y/N)? How old are you, like twelve?”, he asked as he tried to rub a hand towel on it. You opened your mouth as you tried to retort but he cut you off. “I know this wasn’t an accident”.
“What? I’m getting tipsy from all the drinking, Eddie. It’s not my fault I can’t hold a beer”, you say as you try to avoid eye contact with him. “Besides, you deserve it anyway”.
He gives you a chuckle as he decided to take his shirt off and throw it at the chair. He was close to the fridge and rested his torso there. “You know what? I was propably going to apologize for being a dick the other day. Now I don’t want to anymore”.
“And who said I’d accept it anyway? Did you see what you did? I asked you politely to speak lower and you made the whole school look at me because you can’t keep your mouth shut”, you snap at him.
He still holds a smirk on his lips. The way they look red and puffy steals your attention.
“Yeah, well. I like to use this amazing mouth of mine. Some people really dig it”, he responded while grabbing a bottle of beer and opening it with his teeth.
Now he was doing everything on purpose. He was just standing there displaying his abs, his nipples perfectly shaped.
“I feel really sorry for them. You should definitely keep it shut for everyone’s sake”. You watch as he chugs the entire bottle at once, still staring at you, and starts getting too close. You hit your lower back on the sink as you tried to back out.
As he stands inches apart from you, you can already feel the heat from his body and his beer breath hits you like a trainwreck. What the real fuck is happening? This sudden tension makes your head whip.
Munson trails your eyes and leaves his empty bottle at the sink as he uses both hands to trap you.
“Next time someone is towering you like Hargrove did, I’m gonna let them”, Eddie says, his lips almost touching yours.
“I didn’t ask for your help, Munson”, you whisper. You start getting dizzy over the closeness and it makes you feel like you’re losing your mind.
“Good, 'cause I won’t help you”, he gripped your chin with one hand and clicked his tongue. He turns on his back and grabs another bottle, making his way upstairs again. He just left you there feeling lightheaded.
You hold yourself on the sink and let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding for too long. Your legs are shaking and your palms are sweating, your heart is beating faster and it feels like it’s gonna rip your chest out. 'Damn you, Eddie Munson’.
“Hey, you’re coming back or what?”, Steve asks as he shows up holding a few empty bottles of beer. You were still on cloud nine and didn’t know how the fuck you got there so fast.
It was almost 2 am and you were playing truth or dare with the older ones. The kids were playing some videogames after being too bored to play D & D. Eddie’s friends have left and Dustin made sure you all invited him to stay with you, since he was older as well.
You couldn’t protest, because as a sweetheart as Jonathan is, he tried to convince you all to give the guy a chance. You did, but very reluctantly.
You actually didn’t want to play that stupid game but you were all still happy because of the alcohol and the music was still playing.
It was your time to take your shirt off and you only did it because you were wearing a bra underneath it. You wanted to curse Steve for being a pervert. Because he could’ve chosen anything for you to do and yet that was his only idea.
“Oh, come on now. Don’t be such a prude”, Munson says playfully as you throw your shirt at him.
“Fuck you, Eddie”, you snap. As you sit back on the floor, he starts to stare at your bare chest. The way your necklace swings in your skin, the way your chest gets up and down when you breathe.
The bottle pointed at him this time and Nancy looked at you very slightly, which you didn’t even notice. You told her what happened in the kitchen earlier, and she knew you and him weren’t just being rivals for nothing. It was obviously more than that.
He chose dare as well. And then she asked him to stay in his van for five minutes with you so he could apologize and you could work things out. Classic, you thought.
“No. No fucking way. I’m not staying inside his van for five minutes with him”, you protest, shaking your head. Everyone boos you and Eddie laughs out loud.
“Oh, come on. It’s clean, it smells like lavender. I don’t have any bones or shit like that”, he said, pouting at you. “I promise I won’t even talk”, he was being sarcastic.
They all looked at you like it was a very important decision for you to make and it annoys you. It gives you anxiety because you know he’s not going to leave you alone. He lives for the jokes.
“We’re just playing, come on (Y/N). Just enjoy the night”, Jonathan said. Fuck you and your cute eyes, Byers. You get on your feet and put your clothes on, hearing them complain about it and you shush them.
You follow Eddie as he makes his way to the van, jiggling the keys on his index finger and he disarms the vehicle. He opens the back door and gives you space to get in and he gets in next.
Steve is right behind, getting the keys. He sets the timer and goes back inside the house.
It’s extremely uncomfortable to be quiet but you’d rather stay like that rather than hear him talk. He sits on the car and rests his arms on his knees. You just stay still, standing on your feet as you wait for time to pass. But it never does. Five minutes feels like an eternity there.
“I’m sorry I was an ass”, he said suddenly. You looked at him through the dim light from the car and he stares at you. “It’s not an excuse, but it’s how I am. Sometimes I just try to be this annoying funny guy”.
“Yeah, well. You could’ve humiliated me to your friends, to say the least. Not to the entire fucking school to see”, you proclaim.
“First off, that’s a school, not a fucking library. And second of all, I said I was an ass”, he sounded annoyed. But it’s not like you could blame him.
“You just really do that only to get ten minutes of attention, don’t you?”. He rolls your eyes at your statement, getting on his feet. “You think you’re so cool you need to stand on a fucking table so everyone gets a glance”.
He starts to get closer to you but this time he doesn’t have his shirt off. “I already said I was sorry. I admit I was an ass. You want me to apologize to you in front of everyone? I’ll do it”. He has a mixture of smells. He smells like cologne, cigarrette and beer.
“But don’t forget I was there to scold that scumbag when he was about to snap at you”. He confronted you, you could barely see his eyes because the light was too low.
“Oh, you want a Nobel Prize for that? I’m sorry, I don’t have one with me”, you respond. You’re in between being too proud to accept his apologies and trying to hold in your sexual tension.
Munson had his both hands on his hips as he forces himself to not punch you in the face. He bites his lips and breaths in and out several times.
“What? You don’t want to talk now? You said you didn’t care about what people thought”, you said sarcastically and Eddie scoffed. “The king from the Hellfire Club got his tongue stuck in his mouth”, you teased, it was you who was getting closer to him now. Only to set fuel to the fire.
“If you mock me like that one more time I’ll make sure your life is gonna be a living hell during every class break”, he whispered.
He was almost brushing his lips on yours, his breath striking your skin. Munson held your chin with his caloused fingers from playing too much guitar and aimed on your ear.
“And if you ever get yourself in trouble with Hargrove, I already swore I won’t be there to defend you”, he breathed into you. Your skin shivered as he cupped your cheeks with one of his hands. The other one was resting on your waist.
“I think we should set boundaries here, Eddie. You’re too close”, you pointed out under your breath and he smirked, still staring at you.
“You’re gonna say you don’t like that?”. Well, you would never say that.
“I actually hate it”. You flush your eyelashes and he starts to rub his thumb on your lips and down your neck.
“I think you’re a terrible liar”, he replied. “Will you forgive me or not?”
“I’ll have to think about that”, you try to get yourself together before looking at him with a grin on your face, teasing him again.
“You should think about it carefully”, he offers as he rests his forehead against yours. His right hand is still holding your chin.
You feel his warmth against yours, his hair smells like shampoo and you can’t get rid of the need to feel his growing beard against your skin.
“How much time do we still have?”, you hear yourself asking and he stares at his watch.
“I have no idea anymore. Why?”, even before he waits for your answer, you capture his lips with yours with a tender kiss, not wasting your time and explore his mouth with your tongue.
He tastes like cigarette and beer and you found yourself almost moaning when you touched his tongue. His grip on your face tightened as he was getting a fistful of your hair almost pulling it.
He hummed against your mouth and it felt like your legs were about to melt down. He trapped you between his body and the van and your body started to burn under his touch. You were holding his neck and could feel his skin shivering from your touch.
Eddie was feeling his breath shorten after a while and broke the kiss only to bring some oxygen to his lungs. He didn’t wait too long and started to nib your lower lip, pulling it between his teeth and you mumbled softly under his touch.
Munson trailed his hands through your body and grabbed your ass, pulling you even closer to him. You were both panting between the kiss and it started to get hotter inside the vehicle.
Everything was too overwhelming and he realized he needed to stop before the bulge inside his pants started to show up. He unwillingly parted your lips and gasped for air.
You were both still resting on each other’s forehead and completely forgot you were playing truth or dare. You were supposed to stay there for five minutes but it has probably been way more than that.
“I’m really sorry I was a dickhead. I’m not trying to be a show-off in any way”, he said as he rubbed his thumb around your cheek while cupping your face.
You didn’t have time to respond as you hear a knock on the van’s door. “Hey, are you guys still alive or you just killed each other?”, Robin asked. You and Munsun broke out of your bubble and fixed yourselves before opening it.
“We were just making amends”, he said. You could see a smirk on the side of his mouth as he dropped from the vehicle and helped you out.
“No shit, Munson. Your dick is almost showing off”, Steve pointed out laughing as soon as he reached the door.
He looked down at himself only to realize he really had a crying bulge over there and it wasn’t like nothing happened. The others laughed and Eddie tried to hide it, he didn’t even want to look at you.
“What the hell even happened back there?”, Robin asked as she intertwined her arm around yours, a smolder look on her face.
For the rest of the night you couldn’t face him, it was easy before because you were annoyed by him. You were still trying to face the fact you were getting attracted to him, even though you’ve had a lot of beer.
But now, it feels like you can’t deal with his presence. It was hard for him as well, especially because he got hard in front of you and everyone noticed. Your friends tried to make sure it was just fun and that happened to every guy.
Sometimes when you crossed eyes, you’d see he had a different look at you. You’d see Eddie giving you this soft stare and sometimes he would even get shy by your gaze. Because even though you were trying to digest the situation, you couldn’t deny how good looking and charming he was.
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genre: hurt/comfort, teensy angst, fluff
warning(s)!!!: hydro-vision/polearm-user reader (bc i said so), kaeya word vomits all over the place, kaeya also becomes self-aware of feelings and Dislikes that, kaeya also makes some poor choices in leu of those feelings, all is well in the end tho! he learns (and cries) (tayls is pushing the pathetic crybaby kaeya agenda and cannot be stopped)
w.count: 8.7k
synopsis: kaeya is none the wiser to the people around him and what it is they think about him- he didn't get his title of 'top candidate for grandson in law' for nothing. however, he never thought he'd get so swept up in his own feelings that when he does, he decides he has to put a stop to them no matter the cost. but can he really follow through with that?
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a/n: i love when tumblr nerfs my banner quality but it's whatever. have some kaeya nonsense (fr take this away from me)
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“A mosaic.” 
That was your answer to a question Paimon and the Traveler asks while you were meandering around the Favonius Library looking for a book you needed for some personal research. They had run into you there and a conversation about what some citizens of the City of Freedom embody had sprung up somehow. For example, Paimon was very set on saying that Master Diluc was a rock- set in his ways and tough to budge- and so on from there.  The ideas and objects tossed around were anywhere between insightful and downright silly. 
So, it was inevitable that eventually the trio would cycle around to the Knights. Jean was dubbed a Dandelion according to the Traveler and Lisa was crowned as an elegant bookmark that was so sharp it would cause terrible papercuts. Of course, Lisa’s object was picked ever so gracefully by Paimon even if it didn’t make much sense she was set on her answer, and nothing would change her mind. Then, when the personification of one Kaeya Alberich came around, admittingly the two Outlanders were stumped.  
Kaeya would always peruse around with such an air of mystery. Keeping important aspects of himself tucked so far away that very few people knew of his secrets- and they were tight lipped for their own reasons.  His smooth tongue aided him greatly whenever someone would ask about himself personally- spinning tales and weaving verses that got him out of any sort of personal interrogation. 
The trio knew if they asked Diluc, he’d give a short and possibly crude answer.  Jean would probably give him some illusion of not being sorted into such games and Lisa would just think you three were adorable and not give her two cents at all. You, however, thought on it for a bit longer and finally had an answer. 
“A mosaic?” Paimon mimicked, making sure her voice was kept down in the sanctuary of books. “Like the artwork?” 
“He is good looking,” Traveler pitched and it was true. Even people with aged or poor working eyes could see Kaeya was far from being an ugly man. 
“I don't see how him being a little ‘good looking’ is deserving of the title of being a piece art!” You chuckle at Paimon’s small fit of confusion. 
“Well, ignoring his looks, a mosaic is a piece of work that is made of small pieces right? It isn’t whole until it’s all put together. Just like a puzzle.” 
“So, he’s a glorified puzzle?” 
“That isn’t what I meant,” you shake your head in a small chuckle. You take a small trip to another corner of the library and run your fingers along the spines of different books before you grab one and easily slide it out of its spot on the shelf.
It’s a book on different types of art. Flipping the pages you find a page with a drawn on copy of a mosaic from another country. You lay it down on a nearby table and tap the drawing with your fingertip. 
“What I meant was the process of becoming a mosaic- how it’s created.” you trace the empty spaces of white on the page where the piece of the drawn on piece were supposed to connect to create a bigger piece. “Various pieces of work all put together to make one big picture. A series of events leading to a grand conclusion of hardwork and patience. Maybe it took a lot of time and work. Sometimes creating such a piece was so frustrating at times you wanted to give up, or maybe sometimes nothing looked right. But, by the end of it all- it couldn’t be anything but a wonderful representation of all those struggles.” 
Paimon floated in awe at your explanation and the Travelers playfully placed their hands on their hips as they looked at you. 
“You sure think highly of Kaeya, don’t you?” 
“It’s that noticeable, huh?” You chuckle a tad embarrassed. Your long-standing puppy-crush on Kaeya you’ve had since you met him wasn’t always the best hidden secret. In fact, you were almost positive that the Cavalry Captain himself knew you had a thing for him, but you were happy he never cornered you about it. 
“You’re a love-struck citizen alright,” Paimon rushed to the Traveler’s side in making slight jests at you. You shut the book you had used to try and explain your choice of object and rubbed the back of your neck as you ignore the warmth in your face. 
“Yeah, yeah, I get it.” You turn on your heel and walk back to the shelf to replace the book. Paimon had cupped a small hand around her chin before she was floating over to your side and asking you another question. 
“So, if Kaeya is a mosaic, then who’s his artist?” You look at her and blink a few times, processing what she was asking. You didn’t expect a question like that.  You cup your own chin in thought and after a moment, you laugh at being caught off guard.  
“I hadn’t thought of that.  I guess maybe Mondstadt itself? It is where all his friends and family are after all. Oh, and his job of course.” 
“That makes sense,” Paimon muses, seemingly satisfied with your answer. The conversation had moved from the shelves to the open space of the library and soon out the doors. As the three of you left, the topic of objects to people shifted to one of getting some food into Paimon’s ever empty stomach. 
The book you had previously replaced back on the shelf was easily slid back out by a hand adorning open finger gloves. Taking a relaxed seat at a nearby table, he flipped to the very page you had been on before and looked at the image himself with a small huff that twisted into a quirk of his lips. 
“How interesting,” he muses before reading the whole installment about that specific piece of art. After all, how could he not? 
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The next morning was quick to roll around. After a hearty meal at the Good Hunter and pleasant good nights exchanged with the Traveler and Paimon, you were more than ready to head back home to rest. After a swift debrief on the commissions set aside for you today, you move out of the way and off to the side so you could flip through the four pages of individual commission information. 
A typical site clearing of hilicurls, a balloon transport, and two other sites said to be infested with abyss mages and mitacurls. Taking a deep breath and letting it out in the form of a heavy sigh, you roll your neck and shoulders. It looked to be a very physical day, considering the commissions alone were already enough, they were hardly close in range to each other.  
“My, what does this sunny morning lack that is making your shoulder’s slack so much,” the familiar voice of the ever lingering person on your mind spoke. Lowering your commissions and offering him a greeting smile, you watch as Kaeya marches his way down the stone steps of Mondstadt to you. 
“The weather has nothing to do with it, I'll have you know.” When he finally gets to your sides, he silently offers his hand out for your daily commission sheets. You hand them over and resume your small effort of stretching. His eyes quickly scan sheet after sheet before he’s clicking his teeth and shaking his head.  
“Having your run all the way to Stormbearer, to Windrise, down to Springvale and then back up to Wolvendom is just cruel.” The way his voice has that familiar lithe to it, you knew he only half meant what he said. 
“Maybe I’ll get lucky and run into the Traveler who can do me a favor by hitching me a ride on a Waypoint.” You quickly take your commissions back and fold them down twice before storing them away in your pack. Watching the sun’s orange morning hue fade into its daylight yellow was tell enough that you had to get moving or else you’d be rushing to get your work done. Kaeya walked you to the city gate and even across the bridge before you were ready to set off.  
This is practically routine. You weren’t sure when it started, but at some point, Kaeya had started meeting you at the Adventurer’s Guild after receiving your daily commissions and would insist on escorting you out of the city. He claimed it was on the way of his morning walk to stretch his legs, but you weren’t sure how much you believed him. You allowed him to do it anyway since it always set up a good start to your day. 
Getting a small amount of Kaeya’s time was something you would relish since you never wanted to impede on his busy schedule with the Knights. It was the small selfish part of you that wanted to capitalize on this so-called ‘alone’ time that lasted only a small piece of the day. 
“Be careful,” Kaeya always tell you and you always nod back to him a simple ‘I will’ before he would watch you disappear down the worn, dirt paths. Your first destination would be Stormbearer Mountain it appears. 
Most of Kaeya’s morning consisted of going over documents shoved on him courtesy of his position as one of the ten Captains within the knight’s ranks.  With sighs echoing in his private workspace every few minutes and multiple tempting ideas of sneaking out without even processing the paperwork, he finally finished and approved the last document before placing it in a file on his desk that Jean would surely come and snag from him later. 
Leaning back in his chair that would soon need the cushions replaced, he craned his neck to gaze out the tall window in his office.  The sun was much higher in the sky than it was when he had arrived earlier that morning.  His thoughts easily drifted to you and a frown found its way onto his lips. 
“Are you doing alright?” Kaeya delicately asked to the air of solitude around him.  You were more than capable to handle yourself.  In truth, if you weren’t already associated with the Guild and kept so busy by them, Jean probably would’ve scouted you for the Knights instead.  ‘Your skills are impressive, and the others could learn a lot from you’, that’s probably what Jean’s pitch would be. All true of course, sometimes the job of trying to train the lower ranking knights was more of a chore than a duty, once Kaeya would often get stuck with.
He'd be more than happy to spar with you instead any day.  
Steering his gaze away from the window and moving it towards the ceiling, he traced the wooden beams above him with his single visible eye. He sighed again- this time not because of his now finished paperwork. 
“Surely, they’d be in Windrise by now… right?” His fingers drummed against the arm of his chair before he was bringing his chin back down to lock onto his office door.  His paperwork was done, so maybe…
Two knocks rapped against the thick door and Kaeya’s posture straightened out of habit. A muffled ‘Captain?’ heard behind it.  He let his head sink as a small, defeated breath left his open mouth before correcting himself again. 
“You can come in,” he answered.  Guess his plans to sneak away were once again foiled. 
By the time Kaeya made it out of HQ it was already late into the afternoon.  Stretching after stepping foot out of the large entrance, he stepped down the short set of stone steps before making his way towards the front of the city.  You must be back now, or close to the city at the very least.  It had been almost the whole day, if you weren’t back yet he’d simply go on an unprompted adventure to ‘bump into you’. Luckily, there you were; standing in front of the Guild and talking to Katheryne once again. Although, the look of you was less than encouraging. 
While you yourself seemed more or less fine, just from the distance between the top set of steps by Good Hunter to you at the Adventurer's Guild Reception, he could tell your commissions had worn you out today. It was no wonder considering the distance between them. Your clothes had clearly been fixed prior to you reentering the city since the dirt and stains on them were a clear indicator that you had your fair share of roughing up. 
Kaeya can, and did mostly, dismiss this all, however.  It was the serious look on Katheryne’s face and the way yours didn't show relief after a hard day's work like it normally would be. He started making his way towards you and started catching bits of the conversion you both were having. 
“I deeply apologize, y/n, but it’s an Emergency Commission we just received.” The way Katheryne’s voice was coated in tension made Kaeya’s pace harden. When he had arrived at your side, his hand came up to rest on your back without his notice as he looked at the way you held your head in your hand like you were preventing an oncoming headache. 
“What’s the problem?” Kaeya made it a point to look at you- directing the question at you and not Katheryne. Your hand dropped and you sighed with a shake of your head before looking at him. 
“It’s nothing, just a last-minute Commission.”
“What? You just got back from your commissions, didn’t you?” 
“It’s an Emergency. I can’t just brush it off.” 
“Make someone else take it then.” 
“No one else is available.” 
The small verbal battle you both engaged in was empty and Kaeya knew he was playing a losing game. He let out a sigh before he finally turned to look at Katheryne who must have all the patience in the world for standing by and letting you both bicker until she was needed for something. 
“What is the commission exactly?” 
“Apparently, a Ruin Guard has been spotted near Springvale after a passing Adventurer accidentally triggered its detection sensors. The nearby residents are frightened it could march into someone’s territory and wreak havoc there.” 
Kaeya pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand- the other still mindlessly resting on your back- as he sighed.  This is indeed something that couldn’t be pushed off for someone else to take. When it comes to those old machines, who knows what could happen if they aren’t swiftly deactivated. The Captain was at an impasse; letting you go after already being exhausted from running around all day or tying you to one of the Guild’s posts and keeping you there until someone else passed by that Katheryne could snag instead. 
“Fine,” Kaeya relented.  His hand finally dropped from your back and crossed with his other arm over his chest. “I shall accompany you then.” He saw you open your mouth- probably to protest- but he didn’t let you. “Ah-ah,” he tutted at you, “no arguments. Let’s get moving.” He uncrosses his arms to grab your shoulders, spin you around and lightly push you to get your legs moving. 
Luckily, Kaeya’s vision was extra compatible with your own. While your fight styles were different, the fact you had a hydro vision was very much a blessing. It was quiet easy work taking down a Ruin Guard that had been drenched in water then subsequently frozen. After picking up a few dropped items from the timeless machine, Kaeya had stood up and placed his hands on his hips as if proud of himself. 
“Aren’t you happy I decided to tag along now? We made quick work of that Ruin Guard.” 
You can only roll your eyes at the smoothtalker.  Still, you quietly laugh at his antics all the same. Finally calling it a day in the middle of the field you had previously battled in with him, you lay down on the grass.  You were already covered in sweat, dirt and other stains from your earlier commissions, so getting a little more on your clothes wasn’t a concern. You shut your eyes and took in the breeze you silently thanked Lord Barbatos for as you took in a deep breath, letting yourself decompress. 
Kaeya stood over you, moving so his boots were on either side of your head and he was looking down at your relaxing face.  With your eyes closed, you didn’t get to see the smile that was only ever present when you weren’t looking.  The moment your eyes would open, you would only see his normal everyday grin. And open your eye did and oh how lovely they were. The evening glow did wonders for their color. 
Evening. Yes, it is getting rather late now. 
“Are you ready to head back now?” He asked and you nod. Sitting up, Kaeya offers to carry you back to the city on his back- which you decline. That didn’t stop the fact that you reentered Mondstadt securely resting on Kaeya’s back as he held you up with a slight bend to his posture and firm grip on your legs. 
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This routine would continue for as long as Kaeya’s luck would allow.  He’d be the first to see you in the mornings before being the one to walk you out of the city and if he was lucky, he’d be the first to greet you back (not including Katheryn). 
If Kaeya was lucky he would greet you back into the city and spend more time at your side.  Reporting in with you to the Guild. Running a few errands like stopping by to purchase things from Blanche or getting your polearm enhanced or repaired at the smith. 
If Kaeya was lucky, he would persuade you into getting dinner with him or dropping by the Cat’s Tail for some casual TCG matches when he was off duty. 
If Kaeya was lucky, the conversation between you both would be flowing well enough that even if there was nothing left to do, he’d be privileged enough to walk you home or come inside to continue occupying your time until you fall asleep or push him out the door saying that he had to get up for work in the morning. 
Today was not Kaeya’s lucky day.  When he got up this morning, his routine to finding you was practically ingrained in his muscles and when he didn’t see you at the stone steps, city gates or the Guild’s reception, confusion crossed his brows.  He casually took a seat on one of the nearby outside stools by the Cat’s Tail and waited until the time to clock in at HQ was growing closer.  With hesitation, he got up and looked around for you once more just to see if maybe he could at least catch a glimpse of you rushing around to get a (rather late) start to the day. 
He was antsy all day and he was astonished to find out that throwing a wrench in his morning threw off his day so much. Kaeya knew that seeing you first thing in the morning was quite a lovely way to start his day, but he didn’t know the extent in which it could affect the rest of it.  Not exchanging a good morning with you or even saying his usual ‘be safe’ message at the edge of Mondstadt nagged at him.  
Currently, he was sitting in a remote corner of the Favonious library, legs crossed as his rear was sat towards the front of the seat to make up for the fact his back was bent over the back of it.  He rests a flimsy, paperback book over his face, the pages scent of old paper and ink invaded his nose and the feeling of them rubbed against his cheeks. One of his hands held it open with his thumb and pinky and the other arm was hanging uselessly at his side, his wrist bouncing against his vision from time to time just for something to interact with. 
Underneath the book, his eye was closed.  He had tried reading the passages in this particular book at least four times now, but the words just weren’t registering in his mind, so he had given up. He was left listless; certain he could easily fall asleep in this very position at any given time. Of course, it wasn’t often that Captain Kaeya would get much quiet time to himself anyways. 
“Uh, what are you doing?” The voice of Paimon made Kaeya’s eye open under the book before he was pulling it down his face enough to only reveal that one eye.  Seeing Paimon floating at the Traveler’s side made him slip the book off his face completely and shut it before setting it on the table in front of him. His posture was corrected as he sat up straighter and rolled his neck. 
“Couldn't you tell? I was reading.” 
“Paimon think’s you were slacking off.” 
“Is that what it looked like?” He jokes as he pushes his chair back and stands up properly before placing one of his hands on his hips. “I would never be caught slacking off, you wound me.” 
“We’ve heard that before,” Paimon sighs with a shake of her head.  In the moment, Kaeya is reminded of the conversation he overheard before between you and the other two. The same time of day, the same location, the same two participants of that conversation. 
“Say,” he says to gain both of their attention, “what do you think it is?” Kaeya’s exceptionally broad and unprecedented question left the two Outlanders confused. The way the Captain could almost see materialized question marks float around their heads was comical before he elaborated. “I’m asking about my artist, of course. Surely you must have your own idea, no?” 
Both Traveler and Paimon’s mouth opened in shock.  
“You were listening?!” Paimon shrieks before she is shushed by other people in the library for her volume. 
“It’s rude to eavesdrop, Kaeya,” Traveler tells him as they cross their arms over their chest.  Kaeya fakes a gasp before shaking his head and shrugging with his arms up. 
“Eavesdropping? Why, I’d never.” He dropped his arms back to his sides. “I was simply in the area and didn’t want to interrupt such a compelling conversation topic. That would’ve been quite rude of me, wouldn’t you agree?” The looks he received were easily brushed off. “Anyway, you didn’t answer my question.” 
“Well,” Paimon started, “didn’t y/n say it would be Mondstadt?” 
“And? Do you agree with them?” 
“Paimon doesn’t see a reason why not,” she shrugs in the air. 
“I see,” Kaeya’s arm crosses over his chest before he’s resting his opposite elbow on it to cup his chin. His gaze shifts downward before he's blinking slowly, meaningfully. “I suppose I could give you half marks.” 
“Half marks?!” Paimon whispers. 
“What about ‘the people of Mondstadt?’” The Traveler interjects.  Kaeya’s eye shoots back to them and his hand drops from his chin to resume a casual stance. 
“That assumption is largely correct as well.” The smile he gives the two gives nothing away. It wasn’t clear if he was sincere about what he said or if he was just saying it to hear himself talk. “A mosaic is usually a large piece, yes? It would make sense for there to be multiple people taking part in such a project at some point I suppose.” 
“You suppose? You’re just running us in circles here!” 
“I don’t know what you mean,” Kaeya deflects with a lighthearted tone and short laugh. 
“Fine! We get it!” Paimon huffs before the conversation devolves into little to nothing until he is parting ways with the two, leaving the library and ready to end the day that seemed to have lasted longer than usual. Despite having a rather lax day, he felt lethargic. 
Yet, despite his lethargy, when he finally made it out of his day clothes and into his bed, all he could do was lay on top of his covers and stare at the ceiling. His eyepatch had been removed- just as always when he was in the confines of his home- and his long bangs covered the eye that was always so accustomed to the darkness.  One of his legs was propped up on the mattress with the other stretched out and his arms were folded behind his head. 
His mind was curious about a number of things all the time- so his racing thoughts weren’t unknown to him. Still, the nagging feeling in the back of his mind didn’t let up. Was not seeing you at all really that much of a clog in his daily life? It made him feel so off-set and that alone was enough to plant a seed of anxiety in his chest. 
Kaeya sighs to himself and his ceiling before rolling to his side and letting his bangs slip across his face and reveal his always concealed eye between the blue strands. He closes his eyes and wills his mind to stop dwelling on menial things. 
Heart and mind are difficult things to cooperate with one another though. 
Kaeya Alberich couldn’t risk getting mixed up in too many personal things- it made his future even more murky and daunting than it already was.  
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After that one day of missing seeing you out before your commission, Kaeya tried to do it less on purpose. Maybe that was a message from the gods themselves that he needed to take a step back. If your very presence could affect his day to day life like it had, he needed to back off for his sake and yours. And while he didn’t see you off, he still would welcome you back any chance he saw you return to the city with a raised hand he would immediately tuck away again. 
“I didn’t do anything to make you upset, did I?” Of course, you had noticed his sudden shift in nature. 
“Of course not,” he tells you as sincerely as he could. His smile was strained on his lips and his nose felt like twitching from the sheer effort it took just to pull them up. From the unamused look you gave him at his answer, he knew you knew he wasn’t being completely truthful. Still, you just looked away from him and sighed. Kaeya was grateful you didn’t push the issue because a part of him was sure if you had, he would’ve spilled his guts about things he wasn’t sure of himself just yet. 
The process of slowly taking steps away from you wasn’t pleasant for either party. Kaeya’s days had devolved into nothing but more boring paperwork and patrols he could do with his eye closed, and that would mean seeing nothing at all. The dull lag of the daytime was boring to him with nothing to do between his job and downtime he suddenly had. The Angels Share's atmosphere was a welcome comfort to his new, unpleasant routine- though, he could do without the looks from Diluc.
Meanwhile, you had felt the sting of dejection in your chest. You had come to the assumption that maybe Kaeya had finally taken action on your unspoken feelings for him and was politely telling you to take a hike. It was logical to you; a common everyday Adventurer probably couldn’t make it work out with one of the Knights’ Captains. His previous time spent with you was probably just a hindrance, a distraction from his real work, so this was good. He could focus on what was important, protecting Mondstadt. 
Though, that mental pep talk didn’t make it hurt any less. 
Just like Kaeya, you decided to bury yourself in your work. Taking commissions on top of any other field requests. Clearing hilicurl camps wasn’t something difficult and while the occasional Abyss Mage was a pain, it was all manageable. So, when your back to back jobs kept you out of the city for days at a time, that slowly became the norm for the citizens of Mondstadt. 
It was only natural for no one to notice. 
“Has it really been that long?!” Kaeya had been passing through the central square of Mondstadt when he heard the familiar shrill of Paimon. His interest took little to be piqued and he easily strut his way over. “And no one has tried looking for them yet?” Paimon and the Traveler were stuck in a conversation with Katheryne as is the norm for them nowadays when their travels bring them back to the City of Freedom. “Oohhh,” Paimon worries, “Paimon’s worried.” 
“What’s the problem,” Kaeya interjects into the conversation. All eyes shift to him, his easy strides coming to a stop when he fully joins the group with his arms crossing over his chest. “My, what’s with all the long faces?” 
“Kaeya!” Paimon screeches. “Oh, maybe you’ll know! Have you seen y/n around?” Kaeya’s chest tightens. 
“Y/n? I’m afraid we’ve both been too wrapped up in our own duties recently. Sorry to disappoint.” The slight light of hope Paimon dawned dimmed and worry once again took over her features. The tension in his chest felt tighter, like a white-hot coil was entangling itself around his insides and replacing his ribcage. “Has something happened?” He asks slowly, making quite sure his voice doesn’t crack or waver. All his hard work to distance himself from you can’t unravel now; not when you aren’t even here. 
“We aren’t sure,” Katheryne fills in.  All eyes look to her as she repeats what she had just told the duo before Kaeya arrived. “Y/n had taken a rather dangerous commission the other day. It was a job that required them to explore and investigate some ruins that had been discovered behind a wall of rocks on Stormbearer. The commission should’ve well run its course by now, but we haven’t heard back from either the client or y/n, so some of us are beginning to worry.” 
Kaeya’s fists clenched, but no one took notice of them under his cross-armed stance. He made sure to keep his face from giving himself away. 
“Have you made the issue known to the Acting Grand Master?” He questions. Katheryne shakes her head. 
“No, we haven’t. We had had planned on bringing it to her attention if y/n still doesn’t get in touch with us by this evening.” 
“We should let Jean know right now!” Paimon insists and the Traveler easily nods in agreement. “What if they’re stuck in the ruins. Or- or hurt or something!” Paimon’s worry bleeds easily into her words like a fresh wound into water. 
“The last thing we should do is panic,” Kaeya said hypocritically. His gut felt like a boiling cauldron with panic as the main ingredient. Still, his many years of being persuasive and aloof didn’t let any of that show. 
Though, the off hand look the Traveler shot him made him doubt himself; they’ve been awfully diligent when it comes to reading him ever since his wild goose chase he sent them on not long after they arrived in Mondstadt. Or maybe it was just because they had more experience than he initially thought. Still, it almost made him squirm. 
“Well, we’re going to go tell Jean!” Paimon declared, her small hands on her hips as she bobbed up and down in the air. Kaeya just shrugs indifferently, surely not making any moves to oppose them. With a small huff, Paimon and the Traveler take off towards the Knights Headquarters. When they were well out of earshot and sight, Kaeya’s cross arms drop and his gaze moves to the ever-open gate that showed the wilds outside of Mondstadt. 
“Katheryne,” he almost whispers. “You said Stormbearer?” 
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Your vision was blurred when you opened your eyes from your, albeit useless, slumber. You had long since tucked yourself between a small alcove of debris and rock in the ruins you had agreed to investigate. Had you known the person who had commissioned this job was some ruin machine-obsessed loon, you wouldn’t had agreed so easily. A couple ruin guards aren’t a big deal, but adding their mechanical brethren- so to speak- on top of a nut job maintaining them the moment you have to step away to recoup, that's when things get tricky. 
Your body had long since grown exhausted from using your Vision by excessively trying not to get killed. Luckily, the mad man only had his madness going for him, so hiding from his view was easy. Staying hidden from the machine’s censors was what worried you, but you had succeeded so far. Because of that very fact, however; you were reluctant to move. Beyond your weary body, hunger and thirst were starting to eat away at you too. 
Having been in hiding with no ample moment to even try fleeing back to the city for additional aid, you had run through what little rations you had. Your gut ached with hunger pains and your throat had never felt dryer, still you weren’t backed up against the preverbal wall so much you threw all caution to the wind. 
Your polearm had remained materialized as you kept it rested against your shoulder for ease of quick use should you require it.  Your vision had never felt heavier from its placement on your person and your hands cramped from how tightly you had gripped your weapon’s staff. You let your head fall back into the rock behind you and let out a silent sigh. 
In truth, you felt more foolish than injured or exhausted. You knew this commission sounded… odd, but you took it anyway. Anything to help distract your mind from the ever cloudy presence of Kaeya- or lack thereof. 
Your small sliver of respite you found in your cove of rock and debris was beginning to quake and crumble… literally. Your eyes you hadn’t realized had dropped back down shoot open and between the crumbling dust that threatened to get into them, you could hear the engines of machines whirring above you. You scramble to get out into the open before your previously, temporary safety could crush you. Though, coming out meant that you would be more vulnerable than you’d prefer. 
The moment your gaze lands on that familiar warm glow of the back of a Ruin Guard, you throw your polearm into its core, coating the blade with water from your Vision without much thought. The guard crackled with electricity as it malfunctioned and was brought to its metallic knees. Sprinting to its back to quickly retrieve your polearm, you made sure to use your Vision to drench its legs and feet just in case it got back up again. Perhaps the moisture would cause it to comically slip and buy you just a bit more time and maybe a chuckle or two. 
It was odd though, aside from the now jagged whirring of the jittering machine in front of you- there was nothing else. No crazed man trying to jump you or sick another random machine of his on you for whatever cause. It was in fact quiet, and that quiet put you on edge. Your brain knew you needed to stay on guard, but the silence was starting to lull your body into a false sense of security you couldn’t trust. 
Still, your mind that had been in fight mode for what should have been days now, had no chance against your weary body. Your grip on your polearm slips and the weapon clatters to the ground just before your knees did and your body slumped rather pathetically afterwards. 
‘If you fall unconscious, you’ll die’,  you mentally scold yourself. Trying to bully yourself into getting back up, keeping your eyes open, keeping your guard up. Still, your mind was beginning to feel as weak as your body. Thoughts swirled together into a mess of intangible words stuck in your mind and your sight was no better.  Perhaps it was your delirium and exhaustion, but your body suddenly grew cold and you vaguely felt goosebumps raise on your skin like winter itself had bloomed in these ruins with you. Among the changes you felt externally, you swore you heard a muffled voice too. 
Perhaps it was the mad man, the one who got you suckered into this stupid job. If it was, he could make quick work of you now since the last of your fight had disappeared taking out that Ruin Ruard core. The warmth you felt on your neck and cheek was the final thing you could mentally register before your body succumbed to its burdens.
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‘Odd’, was the first thing that crossed your mind when you found yourself staring blankly up at a well maintained ceiling. You were sure that if you woke up again, and not gotten yourself killed or crushed, you’d be waking up to jagged rocks and mossy walls. So, the well furnished room you now occupied threw you for a loop- which your pounding head didn’t exactly take well. 
The room you were in was familiar, and you were sure you’ve been here before, but your foggy mind couldn’t process where you were.  The bed you were tucked into was soft and comforting, and with a wince the mattress gave when you push yourself to sit up. You were alone in the room and without much thought, you shuffle your legs out from under the blankets thrown over you to place your feet onto the floor and wobble up to your legs with the help of the bedside table acting as a- albeit less than desirable- crutch. 
The door creaking open was almost mistaken by you for the sound of your sore joints straightening out, as humorous as that was to you since you let a brief, lighthearted laugh escape you in a huff. Then, with your sights on the ground, you noticed a shadow casted by light you don't remember being in the room with you before. 
You follow the shadow along the hard floor covered with a single, purple rug until your eyes found a pair of all too familiar boots.  Your aching body starts to feel anxious- a small wave of gooseflesh running across your exposed skin at the idea of Kaeya being in your proximity for the first time in a while. Still, regardless of how you hadn’t been able to squash your silly crush on him or properly prepare yourself for a possible rejection without even confessing- you were no coward. 
With both hands tense on the bedside table, you raise your head to look at the blue haired man who had removed the fur, half-cape from his shoulder.  It was strange seeing how empty his shoulder was without the extra fluff the fur provided. Still, it was nice to see him in his entirety again since it had been a while. The blacklight of the space behind him made it difficult to see his expression since the lights in the room you had woken up in had been turned off presumably for your ease of comfort. 
“It’s been a while,” was the lamest thing that’s come out of your mouth in a while.
Of course it had been, you were both actively avoiding each other and practically the whole of Mondstadt picked up on it. Looking behind his shoulder you could only barely see corners of art pieces on the walls behind him and another rug that ran down the hall behind his heels.  “Kaeya, am I at your house?” You ask, finally realizing where you recognized your surroundings from.  
You’d been in his living room plenty of times visiting, but you had hardly been back in his room unless you were the one tasked with dragging him home from Angels Share and were generous enough to lug his body weight back to his bed. It was a rare occurrence since you were normally one to just dump him on the couch with a blanket and glass of water for his possible next morning hangover. 
Kaeya never graced you with an answer before he was marching into the room. His bootsteps seem louder than usual on his hardwood floors of his enclosed room, but maybe that was just the headache. His hands shoot out to grab your shoulders and turn you towards him, your hands that had been on the wooden night table were effectively removed from its surface and now Kaeya’s grip was the only crutch you had for balance before your brain could full calibrate standing without swaying again. 
“What on Teyvat were you thinking?!” He raised his voice and even in the dimly lit room with only light from the hall flooding in, you could easily see his expressions now. His brow was turned in a frown and his eye clouded with something you couldn’t pinpoint. It was a far cry from his normally suave and dismissive behavior. “Taking an obviously suspicious commission in ruins that hadn’t been officially investigated by the Knights? Seriously, you thought that was smart?!” 
His temper only made your headache worse and in turn soured your already not-so-great mood.  Reaching up to grab his arms like a hook for support, you verbally push back. 
“I think I'm capable of handling things myself, you know? The Guild doesn’t need the Knights’ to babysit them for every little thing, and as a member of the Guild that applies to me too!” 
“Oh yes, so capable you spontaneously disappear for days? Does that sound capable to you?” 
“It does actually because I was handling things just fine by myself, not that it makes a difference to you.” 
“You collapsed next to a Ruin Guard, y/n! What would you have done if it had restarted or if something else would have happened? Magically wake up and jump into battle again, because I have my doubts about that!” 
“What is your problem, Kayea?!” 
“You! You are my problem!” 
Astonished, you scoff before rolling your eyes.  It had been so long since you hashed it out like this with anyone, let alone Kaeya. It didn’t feel good, it made you feel sick to your stomach. Not hearing any retaliations from you, Kaeya guides you by the shoulders back against the edge of the mattress and pushes you to sit down again. You didn’t let yourself release the sigh of relief that you felt now that the weight of your own limbs was lifted- you wouldn’t give the Captain that satisfaction.
You expected him to let go of you, release your shoulders and march out of the room and maybe slam the door for good measure. Or maybe pace around the room before ordering you good enough to argue, so you would be good enough to get out of his hair. Out of the possibilities, the only thing that you predicted right was him releasing your shoulders. 
Kaeya's hands left your shoulders before sliding down your arms and dropping to the mattress edge on either side of you. You were stunned when he dropped to his knees in front of you and the pressure of his forehead resting on your knee felt heavier than anything. Caging you with his arms and using his head as an anchor on your legs he had effectively trapped you. You kept your hands tucked into each other by your stomach, making sure your knuckles wouldn’t brush even a strand of his hair and you could feel the thin strap of his eyepatch leaving an intent on your skin. 
“Kaeya,” you sighed heavily, his name leaving your lips like a weight. 
“I tried,” his muffled voice sounds weak that your gaze softens at the abrupt tone change. “I did. I tried to fix it, but my problem is still you and I can’t do anything about it.” 
“I have no idea what you’re-” 
“Tell me what to do.” His words that interrupt yours cause you to furrow in confusion. 
“Tell me what to do,” he repeats with a strained voice. “I have so many things I need to do, choices but I- I don't want to. So, do it for me.” 
“I still don’t know what you’re talking about. What does all that even mean?” 
“Make me choose you,” he sighs heavily before the hands of his that were placed on the mattress beside you move to lightly grab at your shirt like he was scared to touch you further. As if you’d push him away, scorn him for his actions and inactions alike. “Because I will. I just- I need someone- you, you need to-” His sentences never finish as his breaths become uneven. The hands that grip your shirt tighten to ball the fabric in his fists now. “I’m sorry.” 
Never had you seen Kaeya, the ever debonair Calvary Captain who kept all his secrets stored into his chest, kneel and subsequently crumble like this to anyone- much less to you. Perhaps in the past he never talks about, Diluc had seen him so weak, but that would be where the witness list ends. You lift your hands from your lap and hover them over his hunched body that clung to you like a child; you were unsure if touching him would set him off or if he would recoil from you. Your silence only made his hands that ensnared your shirt tug on the fabric like an anchor keeping a ship from sailing away. 
One of your hands reach to his head and your fingertips breach the blue tresses of his hair. His shoulders tensed and you almost snatched your hand away. 
“Don’t,” he mumbled into your leg. You weren’t sure if he was saying not to touch him or not to pull away. So, you kept your hand half in his hair and unmoving. 
You yelp when the tugging on your shirt flew into a harsh yank. The back of your knees that had previously been resting snug against the edge of the mattress were now well away with the back of your thighs replacing their spot. Closer to sliding right off the bed than comfortably sitting on it, Kaeya’s arms moved to wind around your waist and his face found a new home in your stomach as your arms hovered in the arm like a puppet's dangling from unused strings. 
You could feel the weight of his words fall onto your legs by way of the tears leaving his eyes. You could feel it in the way his shoulders shake and the uneven breaths that warms your lap through his mouth.
“Kaeya,” you softly start, “what has gotten into you? I've never seen you act like this before.” You slowly lower your arms and place your palms on his shoulders gently so as to not startle him; you weren’t going to keep them in the air forever, they’re sore. 
“I’m from Khaenri’ah, you know?” His voice strains as he lets out a pathetic laugh that’s damp with a web forming in his throat. He feels your hands on his shoulders twitch and his grip around you tightens so you have no chance of running from him. 
“Kaeya, what-” 
“My father abandoned me here with the intention of using me as a spy. I’ve only ever told Diluc, but when I did a lot happened and he left, abandoning me too. I don’t care about Khaenri’ah- not anymore- Mondstadt is my home. It’s where my friends are, my brother- even if he will never accept that role again. I can’t leave Mondstadt behind.” 
“I’m sure Diluc doesn’t hate you, not like you think. He just- he’s set in his stubborn ways and isn’t good at communicating.” You decide to speak only on his mention of Diluc, since the new information of the land in which he supposedly hails was still processing in your mind. 
Your previous comparison of Diluc to a rock briefly comes to mind at the mention of his stubbornnes. You nearly laugh at the thought, but now is definitely not the time.
“Please, please, make me choose you. Tell me to, order it of me, I don’t care. Just- don’t make me live without my artist. I can’t risk that again; I can’t take being abandoned again.” 
“Artist? Kaeya, what are you talking about?” You felt like you didn’t understand the words coming out of his mouth. 
There was a bout of silence after your question and the air felt heavy. You know Kaeya heard you, but he was reluctant to answer. Odd, considering the word vomit he had already coughed up in the last several minutes since he came into the room. Your hands start to move and lightly rub his shoulders over onto his neck, silently trying to coax him into talking more. 
“I heard what you said to the Traveler.” You almost roll your eyes because that could be literally anything. Does he know how often you get the chance to actually run into them and Paimon? He is just trying to dodge the question and by habit you lightly swat at his head. A silent, ‘okay smartass’ to keep him going in the right direction. He almost scoffs into your lap for that one. “You called me a mosaic.” Oh. “You told the Traveler that ‘Mondstadt’ is my artist; they said the ‘People of Mondstadt’, but only I know who my artist truly is.” His arms around you twitch and you could almost feel a stitch of pain in your side from how long he's been effectively squeezing you. “My artist is you. It’s just you.” 
The room is engulfed in a silence that feels heavy, yet... somehow also relieving. So much time recently had been the both of you dancing around the issues neither of you wanted to confront and all it took was you getting yourself into potentially mortal danger for days on end for the truth to come out. Kaeya knew you were someone important, but he didn’t realize just how heavy your permanent absence would be to him. Just the thought of possibly finding you in those ruins dead made his throat burn and ache like swallowing a ball of thorns. 
“I’m not lying,” his voice was strained, filled with fear of being labeled someone worthy of nothing. 
“I wasn’t going to say you are,” the hand that had previously tapped his head now rested on his nest of blue hair. The gentle strokes of your palm against his scalp were soothing as he felt your breath move your stomach against his head. “I don't see why you would lie to me right now.”  There was no doubt in your mind that everything that came out of his mouth was the unadulterated truth. You’ve never seen the suave captain bleed such vulnerability before. 
You didn’t say anything else to him after that. You move your hands to his arms, unwinding yourself from them before pulling him pathetically up onto his own bed. Not even bothering to fix your position, you fall back onto the mattress with your feet hanging off the edge and he easily follows you. From the lighting provided from the hall, you notice his eyepatch string had loosened from all his face hiding and you take it upon yourself to tighten it- securing it back where it belongs. Your fingertips linger around its material for but a moment before sliding down to his cheek.
His eye is brimmed with tears that had stained his skin with tracks and swelling. He also wouldn’t make eye contact with you, and you roll your eyes endearingly at his childish whims. With you both laying sideways on the bed, feet and legs hanging and not even a blanket to cover up with, your thumb run over his skin. Kaeya is quick to reach for and latch his grip delicately onto your wrist to keep it there. 
“‘M sorry,” he mutters again, sounding much more shy than he did before now that his face was in view of your gaze. You smile at him, knowing there was a long and meaningful talk in the near future. 
“I know. Go to sleep.” 
“But I-” 
“Artists' orders,'' you chortle. He just scoffs and offers his own eye roll, but his cheek warms under your palm. His eye closes and he let out a deep breath before taking one back in and repeating. 
“Stay until I open my eyes again.” 
“I will.” 
And you did. 
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celaenaeiln · 4 months
is the dickbabs romantic relationship always as bad as in Tom Taylor’s run or is it actually enjoyable in other runs? i want to read more of dick’s og nightwing run but ik dickbabs is a recurring thing and i strongly dislike what i’ve seen of it in modern comics (absolutely no offense to anyone who ships it!!)
also sort of related, but have dick and babs really been BFFs since grade school or is that new canon? i remember the initial new 52 run referencing him and babs as on and off but nothing about being childhood besties.
finally- what would you consider to be key dick grayson runs?
Surprisingly Dickbabs is pretty nice to read in other runs. I know this sounds weird coming from someone who hates Dickbabs as a ship but really it's only bad like 85% of the time and the majority of that is because of the Batgirl comics. Batgirl comics treat Dick like shit and it's a losing tossup whether he's treated well in Oracle related comics.
But to get to your point, Dickbabs in Nightwing (1996) was originally pretty good. Tom Taylor's run of Nightwing is the weird one because in every other run you have Dick + relationships whereas in Taylor's you have relationships + Dick. That being said, I highly, highly recommend reading the og one. At one point it does get toxic but Barbara leaves almost immediately after that and aside from that the ship was pretty nice for the most part.
Dick and Barbara have NOT been BFFS since childhood or whatever and this gets on my nerves that Tom Taylor and Hope Larson did that. This is one of the problems I have with the Dickbabs ship. Writers who write them love changing the story to erase Dick's friendships with the Titans. They literally love to pretend Wally, Donna, Roy, and Garth don't exist. BARBARA IS NOT HIS CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND!! They literally keep deaging her and for what?? First she was like two decades older than him, then she's five years older than him, and now she's the same age?? Just let her be older! Barbara being the same age as Dick makes no sense because it takes away her maturity to turn her into this childish, selfish character she has no business being. She's not even enjoyable when she's deaged this far. I'm still on the she's 5 to 6 years older than Dick canon timeline and there is no way she was childhood besties with him.
The way I picture Dick and Barbara's relationship is this:
DC should've just let it at this, this was peak Dick and Barbara relationship.
Very narrow starting out list but some must read Dick Grayson runs are:
Nightwing (1996) - If you don't feel like reading anything else just read this
Nightwing (2016) - Really good up until Tom Taylor's run
Batman: Gotham Knights - pretty good and lots of cute Tim and Dick!
Titans (1999) - This is a must read if you're not interested in the original Teen Titans comics
Outsiders (2003) - Love him so much in this
JLA/Titans - Important for understanding his relationships with Titans and Batman
Nightwing (2011)
Justice League (2011) Issue #25 and Forever Evil - Same arc
Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Nightwing vs. Hush
Robin era
Batman - One Bad Day: Mr. Freeze - If you want to skip the medal ages but still want to know what Dick was like as Robin, this comic is all you need to understand his character and personality and beliefs.
Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet - Dick's gauntlet test!
Robin: Year One - For fun :)
Dick!Bats era
Batman: Battle for the Cowl - To get into Dick's batman
Batman (1940) Issues #682 to #713 - Batman Dick. Incredible. Dick was such a good batman and so fun to read.
Batman and Robin (2009) - Dick and Dami!
Batman: Streets of Gotham - Also Dick and Dami <3
Justice League of America (2006) Issues #41 to #60- Dick leading his own JLA team as Batman! SO FUN!!
Detective Comics (1937) Issue #864 to #881 - Honestly Batman Dick was so good I can't tell if I like Dick more as Nightwing or Batman. Obviously it's better for his mental health if he's nightwing but he just did such a great job as Batman.
Spy era
Grayson - YESSSS. Just everything about this.
Batman and Robin Eternal - It was really good up until near the end but then it got better again
Dark Crisis - Definitely, without a doubt, no question
Additional: The ones above are focused on him but if you finish reading this then Tim's Robin (1993) Comic is a fantastic one. He doesn't appear in every single issue but he appears a lot and it's a lot of Dick and Tim characterization. Also Teen Titans (2003) for more Dick and Titans relationships.
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