#male reader matchup
sonorousabyss · 1 year
Hi! Can I get a Star Wars MxM pairing? Here's a bit about me if it helps! I'm 5'10, I have dyed blond hair but the roots are black (my natural colour lol.). I usually wear baggy clothes, graphic tees, beanies, funky sunglasses, denim jackets, and converse- I'm also super interested in streetwear. I always have a messenger bag or tote bag on me- both of which are littered with pin badges. I love writing, especially sci-fi or fantasy scripts for films. I have a massive camera collection and I love filming and taking photos of stuff! I'm an ENFP and an Aquarius. My other hobbies include: Skateboarding, analysing film and books, decorating my room and watching video essays! Thanks! :D
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AN: I know I just did this man for someone else but the idea of you and Tech together just makes me warm and fuzzy inside, Anon! Hope you enjoy!
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I present to you, analysis nights.
No, seriously. If you want to know how you got as close as you both did? It was these, hands down.
You'd sit together in the ship, barracks, mess hall- literally anywhere and just talk- with or without his brothers around.
Tech is a bountiful source of knowledge. If he isn't aware of something, he's a few holopad touches away from finding out. And getting to share this knowledge? With someone who is JUST as passionate as he is? He's in heaven.
Film and story plot analysis? Talking about books? The Bad Batch never allows him to do this. He's chatting with you for hours over just about anything he's come across browsing the holonet. Seeing you just as engaged as he just makes him bubbly inside.
Of course, these sessions don't just consist of him talking. He's sitting next to or across from you, nodding intently as he processes everything you're telling him for minutes to hours at a time.
If you aren't just info dumping to each other over stuff that one of you has heard about and the other hasn't? It's a seemingly endless back-and-forth exchange of ideas and opinions.
As much as you enjoy this time together... the boys know to stay away. Wrecker, Crosshair, Echo, and Hunter know it's time to give you both some privacy as soon as one of you starts piping up about one of your special interests. It's not intentionally spiteful, per se, it's just that when both of you pick up and get going? Getting a word in edgewise is difficult. Especially considering they can't always follow along.
While they're walking away after the first few discussions, they place bets on how long it'll take for you both to realize you have chemistry- if you haven't already, that is.
You can thank Crosshair and Wrecker for this. It wasn't long before everyone committed credits to the pot, though.
Tech finds your style of dress both endearing and interesting- especially when it comes to streetwear and such. There was one occasion where he just sat there analyzing your tote bag, pointing at the individual pins and asking what each of them mean. He makes sure to keep up with any new ones he discovers, and has even brought you some between missions.
I present to you Tech and yourself sitting on his bunk, watching films and video essays on your holopad.
Tech watching you skateboard so easily back at base, a look of mild distrust on his face as he eyes your board- the likes of which you happen to be offering to him with an audible offer to "teach" him how to use it.
Seeing videos of how to do it and doing it yourself are two very different things, he finds that day, as he sits on his ass with Crosshair and the rest of the batch unceremoniously laughing their asses off by the ship.
They wish they could've caught that wipeout on camera, and I'm not convinced at least one of them secretly has.
Tech helping bleach your hair in the washroom as you write scripts on your holopad or scroll through the photos you've taken on your camera, occasionally lifting it up for him to analyze when you find a picture you particularly like.
Tech helping you write by acting as an editor/beta reader for any pieces you're willing to share with him.
Tech seeming particularly shifty one week as he goes about business elsewhere, deliberately avoiding contact with you because it's a well-known fact that he's horrible at lying.
You go about your day mildly concerned at seeing him scurry away into his ship or random rooms to avoid you, only to head back to your room to crash for the night, utterly exhausted.
When you get there, you find a red and black beanie with a skull and holopad emblazoned on the rim resting on your bed with an apology note from Tech, explaining that he'd been attempting to get this as a gift and didn't want to spoil the surprise.
Turns out he wasn't upset he was just being a sappy lover.
Oh- Crosshair won that bet by the way. The others groaned as they paid up while you walked into the ship hand in hand, and Tech looked rather perturbed as they did so. Crosshair just smirked.
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AN: Sorry this was a bit on the shorter side, but honestly this is one of the cutest things I've mulled over in a hot minute. Hope you enjoyed! May the force be with you, and may your day be as pleasant as the ocean's abyss is deep.
For those who are new here, I take requests. You can find my rules here.
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jeankirstein4ever · 2 months
Like a Tattoo - Modern! Connie S.
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A/N : Match up for @marsthegoblin Ohmygod I love these so much, also requests are open and I missed writing so much
You and Connie met at a thrift shop in downtown Shiganshina, you had both been picking through some women’s jeans , and in a questionably motivated act of kindness he had conceded the one pair of Carharts, “you go ahead and take ‘em baby” with a big smirk plastered across his face.
He had asked for your insta, and with a bit of convincing you had let him take you on a date.
After the first date it didn’t take much convincing to stay around, constant thrift store trips and house parties at Jeans and Erens, “no fucking way you’re with her, Connie, did he put you up to something - blink twice if your in danger.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, ‘ren. You like me right baby, you promise?”
Connie loves to smoke, even if you don't, he’ll role up a couple and lay in your lap, letting you trace your fingers across his tattoos, the feeling of your hands over the raised skin sending chills down his spine.
“Thank you baby, love when you do that.”
His head positioned so perfectly in between your thighs, the air thick with smoke, making you question if you're all that sober; tilting his head to meet your eyes directly, eyes red and a little wider than usual.
He licks his lips a little, glossy and parted; he pushes himself up by his elbows to your mouth, nipping at your bottom lip, “love you so damn much.”
After a couple months he’ll go with you to get matching tattoos; local shop he had become a sort of regular at, a heart with his initial on your hip and the same with your initial on his hip.
He’ll take you home, and make sure you take good care of it, “here baby, let’s get some disinfectant on that.” He pushes you up on the counter, tugging the waist of your jeans down, to apply the cleansing gel to your skin.
Its cool on your skin, easing the incessant itching of an open wound, “feel better? I know its uncomfortable but you did so good.”
He finishes cleaning the tattoo, leaving his hand on your hip, he leans into you, his breathe running across your neck and ear “I like knowing whoever else fucks you has to see me on you, now” its said as a joke - partially, he laughs as he says it atleast, nipping at your ear.
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Cleopatra - Frank Ocean
BURN - ¥$, Kanye West
How Much is Weed - Dominic Fike
Rebirth of Slick - Digable Planets
TEMPTATION - Joey Bada$$
Time To Shine - 408 Darwin
Jezebel - Sade
Some - Steve Lacy
Self - Cleo Sol
Paper Soldier - Brent Faiyaz
Agora Hills - Doja Cat
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osamu-dazais-husband · 8 months
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Meet the author
Hello dears, I'm Asher, welcome to my library.
I have He/Him pronouns, Bisexual and I'm trans so feel free to talk to me about any mental or gender oriented issues you have, my little trans readers.
I do x male and x gender neutral readers, for one shots and head canons. I also do matchups, please send the anime/show/game you want and details about yourself.
I’m in a various amount of fandoms that you will find in my master list.
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I will not being doing fem reader, these are strictly GN or male
The basic DNI rules, DNI if you are homophobic, racist, pedophile etc.
Please request things if you a special request, I assure you, you are not a bother <3
I will not be doing ships, I’m sorry but I am not confident enough in my ability to fully capture the personality of two canon characters when they react to each other.
NSFW will be marked with a warning, please do not interact with NSFW if you are a minor
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Libary catalog
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Obey me
Genshin impact
Love unholyc
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Bungo stray dogs
Black butler
My hero academia
Sk8 the infinity
Death parade
Ouran host club
The promised never land
Attack on titan
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Live actions
the walking dead
Harry Potter
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n04hfiction · 11 months
Im adding more thanks for telling me
Hobbies: Anything to do with art accept using willow sticks I refuse to use that Satan spawn, Playing Minecraft and building huge builds that I usually give up on or forget about then go back to, I enjoy playing, singing, and listening to music, and I do theater and enjoy musicals
Personality: This ones hard but I'm going to try my best, more of a dark humored person that will take anything the wrong way and point it out if I find it funny or the right time, I'm usually stuck being the mom of my friend group and I talk a lot but sometimes I just want to be left to my own businesses, I am also extremely social online but have extreme social anxiety in real life situations, I will also break down in tears if I get yelled at for "Discipline reasons" or I will cry when I can't figure shit out or it gets too hard
Appearance: I'm around 5'6-7 feet tall with straight brown hair that goes a tiny bit past my shoulders with bangs, I have blue eyes and generally clear skin
Also random thought I should probably put in I am a chocolate ADDICT like, the past 3 birthdays have been straight chocolate cake
hey hey!! i ship you with alex (quackity)!!
he loves playing minecraft with you and killing you he loves making builds with you and sometimes he’ll finish em if you forget about them, he also makes surprise builds for you :)
and he likes to sing with you!! like he’ll sing the spanish version and you’ll see the english version, and he’ll play guitar while you guys do <3
sometimes you have to basically parent him because he’s a man child sometimes, but you love him so yk it’s fine lmfao
he also begs you to draw him and he’ll even pose if you want him to!! he’ll probably do some kissy-fuck boy face with the lip bite xD
he also feeds you a bunch of mexican chocolate :3
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not sure if match-ups are open but if not, feel free to ignore! starters, if i could pick any character i could see myself as, i would say martha and eli mixed! i am an enfp and an optimist who would never let negativity ruin anyone's day! i am considered as the 'mom' friend of the group and hmm... i like to draw and bake! extras; i am a rather affectionate person! i like to spoil people, platonically or romantically, with gifts and many things just so others won't feel unloved 🥰 thank you in advance!! 💖
Awwww that sounds lovely!! Martha’s internal strength, support and optimism, and Eli’s caring and help-
I believe that the characters who would go yandere for you are Naib, Violetta, and Grace. Let me explain.
Content Warnings: Yandere (obviously), possessive behavior, mentions of threats (and death threats), aggression, manipulation, spiders, dolls, isolation, unhealthy dependence, controlling behavior, unhealthy mindsets, threats of harm to others, mentions of potentially killing (the reader), mentions of potentially turning reader’s dead body into a doll, abandonment, bad mental health, mentions of past drowning, the reader is partially drowned in one sentence (water covering face, but not lethally), unwilling bond/marriage
This is a yandere work. Proceed at your own risk and please be mindful of your triggers.
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As a stern, battle-worn mercenary, Naib is more than used to the cruelty of life. He’s often pessimistic and sulking, sure that no matter how hard any of you try, there is no way you’ll be able to ever leave the manor.
At first, your cheery outgoing personality and optimism just piss him off. How can you so cheerfully tell Ganji that he did great when your defeated team is returned to the manor? If you lost, he clearly didn’t play well.
But, slowly, he starts to first tolerate, and then enjoy your outlook on life in the manor. It’s a refreshing new perspective, and with the way you’ve stubbornly hovered around him trying to cheer him up, it’s not surprising that even his hard shell would eventually crack.
Admittedly, it helps that you are so insanely talented at baking. It’s no secret that Naib loves delicious food or desserts; but no one, including himself, could have foretold just how much he’d adore your baking. Even if you follow the same recipe as someone else, yours will always taste better.
Coming into his room after a lost match and seeing a small plate of cupcakes with a sheet of paper next to it: a drawing of you hugging him, and the text ”I believe in you! Cheer up.” Makes his stomach churn in a good way.
He just can’t get enough of you after a while. And before long, his cranky behavior returns, but no longer aimed at you. Instead, other survivors now find themselves walking on the metaphorical glass around him as seemingly anything can set him off in a rage.
If you’re not immediately saved when you’re chaired, or if no one body blocks, he will retaliate by either screaming at them after the match or straight up refusing to rescue them. If someone says anything even remotely negative about you or your performance, he will glare them down, whispering a threat about how they would regret it if they ever said something like that again near him, or God forbid, near you.
If someone else eats your baking, he takes that as a personal offense, and people quickly learn to stay away. It worries you. How people start avoiding you, nervously looking away when you meet their eyes. Rescuing and defending you no matter the hunter, as if there is something (or someone) scaring them even more than the hunter.
You complain about it to Naib one day, bringing him a chocolate chip cake as an apology for ranting. Have you done something wrong? Your teammates have started to avoid you.
And Naib gently feeds into this, slowly but surely making you keep your distance from the others as well.
He wants to make sure that no one else can hurt you. Hunters can hurt you during matches. Survivors who were kind can flip and become cruel.
Naib knows better than anyone how war or struggle changes people.
And he’ll be damned before he lets any of that get to you.
Just keep being as wonderful as you are, tell Naib your problems, and feed him your baking and he will be satisfied.
And should you start complaining about his overprotectiveness, he’ll gladly remind you that other survivors are staying away from you. He’s all you have, so you better keep him satisfied.
He loves you, but his heart has hardened so much that he’s forgetting how to actually show it.
All he can do is what he couldn’t do for his comrades in the army:
Keeping you safe. No matter the cost.
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Violetta has always been... unusual. Even by the standards of the hunters.
As such, she is pretty isolated in the Hunters’ side of the manor.
Her highlights of her stay is the days she gets to play with the adorable little survivors, and attempt to wrap them up in her pretty silk threads like dolls.
Of course, they never like it, sadly enough, and always try to run away from her.
Yes, the point of the matches is for the survivors to escape, but why do they never want to have fun or play with her?
But then one match at the Red Church, that changed.
Violetta was stumbling around the map, looking for the Painter that had just wriggled loose and ran from her, annoyance clear in the way she moved.
She saw movement near a rocket chair and hurried over, ready to strike Edgar down, but stopped, one leg raised mid-air.
There you were: sitting casually, legs crossed on the grass in front of the chair, cipher behind you not decoded and forgotten.
In your hands was one of the small, white ragdolls that usually sat next to the chairs, and you were humming to yourself, using a pen you had with you to decorate it.
Now, the white doll had a pair of eyes and a wide smile: looking far more alive than before.
”That is so cute,” Violetta said, suppressing a giggle when you jumped, not having noticed her or your heightened heartbeat.
”Yeah! I thought she looked sad without a face,” you replied, giving Violetta a smile.
She sat down as gently as she could manage next to you, surprised as to why you weren’t running away. For a moment, she just sat there, watching you add ears and a nose to the doll. Then, you spoke up as if you’d just had a wonderful idea.
”Miss Violetta, you’re a great knitter, right? You must be, judging by how gorgeous your webs are. Do you think you’re able to make a little dress for the doll?” You asked.
Violetta swore that there was something wrong with her chest. Why did it feel... nice to talk to you? You weren’t running away in terror, despite being in a match, and you even praised her and asked her to help out!
Match forgotten, you sit and watch Violetta knit a dress for the doll, the two of you only remembering that you’re in a match when the airhorn signalling the pop of the last cipher rings out.
You thank Violetta for making such a nice and intricate dress for the doll, saying that it looks so much better now. She walks you to the gate, and you wave goodbye, promising to bring her a snack the next time you had a match with her.
This, of course, as you never knew your next hunter, led you to play many matches with baked goods in your pockets. Some cookies and pastries survived, but others were destroyed completely.
The next time you was up against Violetta, she looked almost shy, waiting for you in front of the very same doll the two of you had customized. As luck would have it, the map was the same one as last time you met up.
You cheerfully greet her as your teammates scurry off to decode, handing her a lightly smushed frosted cupcake. It had a tiny spider design in the center.
Bashfully, Violetta also handed you something in return — a soft scarf that felt like a caressing breeze when you ran your hand across it.
Needless to say, you wore the scarf almost always after that. It was warm, comfortable, and looked amazing.
Something stirred in Violetta, seeing you proudly wear her craft.
You began noticing flung spider webs stuck to the window of your room, bringing small gifts and notes.
Meeting between the mansions was difficult, so this was as close as you would get to talking between your far-off matches.
Until they weren’t far apart anymore.
You started being summoned to matches almost daily, always having an eager Violetta waiting for you.
If you told her you were too tired to talk and just wanted to decode, she would pout and sulk the whole game.
Seeing you getting along so nicely with your teammates made her feel something she thought she’d suppressed. The feeling of jealousy.
You were the first person in a long time to genuinely talk to her without fear, and seeing your care extended to other people made Violetta feel possessive.
Wouldn’t it be so much better if all your positivity and attention were focused on her? You must like her company back — why else would you wear what she made for you and talk to her?
Suddenly, instead of waiting for you in matches, Violetta would move with a speed never before seen, striking and cocooning your teammates as fast as she possibly could, batting your hand away when you tried rescuing them.
”We have more time to talk now! The loud siren won’t interrupt us anymore,” she’d say, grinning widely, wondering why you seemed to slowly shrink away from her.
Why were you starting to avoid her? After all she’s done for you, and created for you? She had even talked to the scary owner of the manor to let you meet more frequently.
That absolutely had to change. What was the point of having met you and felt happiness for the first time in so long if you were just going to disappear and leave her hurting?
You quickly realize and learn that if you just appease Violetta and keep her happy, you can often talk her out of ending your teammates. You could argue that if they left, it would just be the two of you, and you could snack on some cookies you had baked before!
And if you keep moving away, disappearing from her, looking at her with those sad eyes, she had a solution.
Wouldn’t you look just gorgeous wrapped in silky threads, smile never leaving your face?
Maybe the map could do with a new doll, if her hand was forced. :✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚*:・゚✧*:
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Humanity is ugly. Kind one moment, only to turn around and stab you in the back (or sacrifice you into the depths of the ocean...)
When Grace appeared in the manor, she despised every moment of it. Matches were not even fun for her — striking down fleeing humans provided her with no joy or satisfaction.
And it was worse when the game was at Lakeside. Too many horrible memories kept resurfacing.
One such game, Grace was too mentally drained to even have a wish to try.
She simply floated out a bit into the sea, feeling the sea water lap at her shins, and the light of the full moon bathe her face.
Grace did not notice you, the survivor staring at her, slowly growing concerned.
From her looks and abilities, it was not far-fetched to assume she had ties to this map. Past trauma.
Not entirely sure how to approach her, you gently stepped onto the sandy beach, quietly using the wand you found in a chest to draw. Grains shifted, lines appearing, and when you slowly snuck off, you felt Grace’s eyes snap to you.
For a moment, the two of you just stared at each other. Then, you pointed to the beach with a soft smile.
In the sand was a crude, yet clear cartoonish drawing of the two of you hugging, with the words ”You are not alone” scrawled next to it.
It felt weird feeling salty water run down her cheeks instead of down her nose and throat.
The next time the two of you were in a match together, she looked hesitant and almost afraid to approach you — worrying that you’d run.
But you didn’t. Your teammates scattered, leaving you to contain the hunter, but you didn’t mind.
”Your name is Grace, right?” You asked softly, introducing yourself. You took a seat with your back to one of the walls in Arms Factory, motioning for her to sit next to you, which she did after a moment’s consideration.
It took a while for her to begin feeling comfortable and opening up, but slowly, she did.
You were not back in the manor until hours after the gates had opened, your teammates beside themselves with worry. You merely brushed them off, saying that you had something to talk about with Naiad.
She’d opened up to you about her past, and how difficult the time in the manor had been so far, glancing up at you every so often to see if you were rolling your eyes or dismissing her, but you weren’t. You merely listened, hummed, and offered sympathy as she talked, her webbed fingers nervously fiddling with her harpoon.
Something about the message you’d left in the sand had stuck in her mind, leaving her thinking about it for days afterwards.
And seeing how nice you were, maybe it wasn’t too difficult to open up?
Having a better understanding of Grace, you went out of your way to accompany her and let her rant if she needed when you were in a match.
You taught her how to draw, dipping your finger in the water spawning beneath her feet and painting on the flat walls of buildings, encouraging her and being there.
Grace didn’t know just how much she’d missed having a friend until you came along.
Slowly but surely, she began to feel better — and with this, utterly decimating your teammates in games with a previously unseen fervor. They would complain to you about how much worse you made her, but you’d disagree every time. There was now life in those dark, sad eyes of hers.
You taught Grace as much as you could about things humans did in their free time since she likely knew nothing after her passing, and remembered little from the time before.
Her favorite was combining two things you were good at; baking and drawing. You’d bring undecorated cupcakes to matches, as well as supplies to decorate them, and Grace would have the time of her life adding decorations on the tops of them. Small fish, a seastar, a heart. She was almost as giddy as a child when she piped the baked goods, uncaring about the frosting on the tip of her nose.
And she’d smile so sweetly when you complimented her.
Without either of you properly realizing it, she had become dependent on you. And, unfortunately for you, she was the first to notice this.
You brought things to fewer and fewer matches. It was not to be rude, but because you thought she’d gotten a lot better and you didn’t want to be too overbearing.
However, Grace did not see it from your perspective.
To her, this was you, just like everyone else, turning your back on her. Leaving her for dead.
The next match you had together, she’d beg you to always be by her side and never leave her. She needs you. Desperately. She has no other reason to continue on in the death games than to meet you. To hear your praise.
And when you gently try to let her down, saying that it’s impossible to always be with her due to the separation of the manors and games, she snaps.
With a look of frightening chill, the calm before the storm, she manipulates the water under her to encircle your head, depriving you of air.
When she deems it enough, when you feel black spots appearing in your field of vision, she removes the water before asking again, and she repeats this until you give her the answer she wants.
A small seashell on a necklace is placed around your neck as you gasp for oxygen, a matching one around Grace’s neck giving off a small green burst of light at the same time.
”Now, we are bound together,” she whispered, placing what was meant as a soft kiss on your cheek. Though, you felt the sting of salt and the coarseness of her parched lips and were yet again reminded of the unpredictability of the sea.
Grace’s voice almost sounded like it was underwater as she talked about how this was likened to a wedding ceremony in her village, and that with the help of the manor’s owner, magic had formed a stronger bond than just a promise.
You realize, all too late, that Grace was no longer a hurt, betrayed woman, but the personification of the sea itself.
Filled with both beauty and darkness.
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
Love Sux
Welcome to my account! Here u can find all sorts of stories and Headcanons for different characters.
Request: Open/ Closed
Request spots: 5/8
It's Nothing Like The Movies
Fandoms I Write For...
Akame Ga Kill!
Akudama Drive
Assasination Classroom
Attack On Titan
Chainsaw Man
Death Note
Demon Slayer
Fruit Basket
Future Diary
Love Is War
My Hero Academia
One Piece
Ouran High School Host Club
The Promise Neverland (Mostly Platonic)
Sailor Moon
Spy x Family (Not for Matchups)
Tokyo Rev.
Your Lie In April
Games -
Welcome Home
Twisted Wonderland
Webcomics (Depends if i know the comic)
Monster High
Ever After High
The Owl House (Mostly Platonic)
Gravity Falls (Mostly Platonic)
If there is something that isn't on here that you would like to request feel free to and I will try my best to write for it
It's Nothing Like The Songs
What I'm Able To Write...
Matchups (Up To 3 Fandoms, pls add if you're an adult or minor)
X reader
OC x reader (Currently not taking)
What I'm Not Able To Write...
Anything NSFW, I am a minor
Know, I am allowed to decline any request given
Said that it’d be easy, They were fucking wrong
Thank you for checking my account out and feel free to request something!
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silkythewriter · 1 year
Match up for Black Butler and/or Sally face?
Im nonbinary (masc, he/they) and pan, 5'1 ginger with a really bad buzzcut. I mostly wear baggy clothes and hoodies but like to dress formally every now and then. My main intrests consist of reading, collecting stuff and drawing. Sometimes I get to engaged in my art and end up staying up really late and sitting at the same spot for like 2+ hours. I can tend to be really stubborn and hate admitting that other people are right. Im mostly anti-social when with strangers and have a hard time talking to others , but when im with friends im complely different and basicly the weird energetic one in the friend group. I'm really bad at dealing with stress and dark thoughts. My love language is gift giving and I tend to go all out for gifts for my loved ones. I prefer compliments and words of assurance over gifts.
I hope that was okay!! It's like 3 in the morning and im really bad at writing so theres probably a few spelling errors and thing that dont make sense ;-;
Summary: match up for black butler and sally face!! :D.
Small warning!: AHHH TYSMM this is gonna be my second match up and as you’ve seen I’m not the greatest but not the worst at them so I hope you enjoy!
Small note!: I do art aswell!!! I enjoy it but only as a hobby cause I know how difficult it is, I love drawing random characters for fun! That’s all i wanted to say! I hope you Enjoy
Fandom!: Black butler/sally face
Daily song suggestion!:
Black butler: you got
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Your guy’s personality is very…. Different to say the least, ovo💧But somehow complete each other in a way!
They love when your in the mood to dress formally! And trust me they go all out, they probably have a walk-in closet of sorts so definitely has a whole section for you! They just find you so breathtaking and absolutely loves fashioning you up! <3
Considering that they are roughly around 5’9 or 5’8 makes them taller then you, they love Tessin about the height difference but it’s all for just laughs and giggles, if they do end hurting your feelings by accident though they would think they’ve committed the worst act possible so expect a lot of apologizes and big acts of service like cooking you meal!(if they don’t end up burning the whole place down💧 (*-3-*)
Once they figure out you do art they’ll literally beg for you to draw them, like they’ll keep asking to you cave and do it and inc you do they’ll make sure to keep it with them forever, probably carry’s it around in their wallet or pocket! Someone times they just randomly takes it out and stares at it is it weird? A bit but you’ll have to get use to it because they do it a lot 🤷‍♀️
They hate admitting that their in the wrong and are quite stubborn themselves so trust me when you guys get into fights it takes a bit for someone to say sorry, you’ll be the one that’ll mostly have to do it though cause trust me they can hold a grudge
On another note though! Whenever someone tries disagreeing with you or say your in the wrong wrong their all already behind you and defending you even if you the one in the wrong they’ll keep fighting with the person till they back down or leave 💀
They’re love language is mainly acts of service or physical touch but they also adores any compliments!, they basically drowns you with compliments daily all ranging form you looking absolutely ravishing today to how beautiful you draw and much more!, also they absolutely love when you buy them gifts cause you always know what they want! <3
They’ve seen how long you spend perfecting your art so sometimes they force you to take a break or get some beauty sleep with them, or sometimes they just watch you do your thing while they admire you from afar cause they genuinely think you look absolutely gorgeous when your focus they find pretty adorable to be honest,
They aren’t not the most social butterfly but definitely doesn’t mind chatting away with strangers when their in a human disguise, but they do know how uncomfortable you get sometimes so they almost always find a way or excuse to pull you away from a uncomfortable social interaction, but they absolutely love seeing you happy around your friends and how energetic you get! But they do have to admit sometimes they can get jealous by that’s besides the point ( ー̀εー́ )
Even if it does or doesn’t fit him he always steals your baggy clothes mainly shirts and hoodies, he just loves the scent they give off of you and also they’re very comfy so can’t blame them v(-ㅂ-)v they most definitely has a pile of stolen hoodies of yours that they wear when they moss you or when your gone
Extra<3: they love when you brush your Fingers through their hair or let them message your scalp, they love how close you guys have to get to do it, they just find it comforting oh! Also they are very clingy so I wish you luck with that -v-💧overall they love you and you guys go perfect with each other even if your different!
Sally face: you got
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Now he is almost exactly like you to be honest but there are some key differences!
He isn’t very social himself so he understands your pain and discomfort really, sometimes things get really awkward when he has to talk to people cause of his mask so he can understand why it’s pretty uncomfortable, he’ll try his best to help you but honestly he’d just get Larry to distract them while you guys sneak away
He has some baggy clothes but not many, but he’d gladly let you borrow them if you really wanted it, he doesn’t mind to be honest though they do probably have some soda stains and some cat hair 💀
Loves spending time with you as you worked on some art and drawing , he doesn’t mind pulling an all nighter with you! But he does force you to bed sometimes for your own heath benefit
He doesn’t mind you being stubborn and won’t force you to ambit anything but sometimes it does take him awhile to figure out how to calm Situations down whenever you get in a fight or argue with someone. He does force you to apologize sometimes so that might be a down side -v-💧
Your always invited to hang out with sal and the others but do expect a lot of teasing from them after they realized you were together. They’d always tease you both about how sal is always following you around like a shadow. He honestly doesn’t mean to he just enjoys being around you :(
He enojoys any gifts you give him or anything at all it can be a small bottle cap and he’d treat it as if it was a 10k ring so trust me anything you give to him he’d enjoy greatly, he even has a little box full of stuff you got him! He enjoys looking through it whenever you guys are together and discussing how you got it and the day you gave it cause he really treasures those moments together as cheesy as it sounds! But it’s true!
About the dark thoughts and stress he isn’t all that good either at dealing with it due to all the trauma he endured at such a young age so he understands where your coming form and understands how dark some days get, so whenever you need him to vent or just for comfort he’s there with you! Or if you just want some space for yourself he’ll make sure to check up on you but keep his distance and makes sure no one else bothers you, your very important to him so he’ll do anything to make sure your okay ˉ̞̭(′͈∨‵͈♡)˄̻ ̊
To be honest he’s not the best at giving compliments and such but he tries his best! Any art work you have digital or physical hed try complimenting it and also tries seeing if he can keep some of your old pieces of work you have cause he genuinely loves them!
After a while like I’d say 3 to 4 years of dating he’s show you his face is it a long time? Yes but please keep in mind how he views his face negatively and has some insecurity’s about it so if your patient and willing to stay around for long he’d trust you enough to show you!
Extra!: even if you don’t know how to he’ll make you do his pigtails and even if their messy he isn’t taking them off cause it’s from you! So he now enjoys it 30x more <3.
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ame-delights · 3 months
'X reader matchups' but instead of sending information about yourself you just link them your playlist and you get matched with someone based on your music taste.
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sonorousabyss · 1 year
Sup! I was wondering if I could request a Star Wars matchup :]
Alrighty so, I’m a 5’5 Biromantic (masc leaning) asexual guy. I have medium long black and purple hair with raccoon tails. I’m really into punk and metal culture, and I love picking up scrap and making it into clothes and accessories. I’m also autistic and I have adhd, so I differ a lot between how social and talkative I am. I play guitar, play board games, sew and draw in my spare time
Have a good day 🫶
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A/N: Sorry this took so long Anon, I just couldn't decide how I wanted to do the banner for this one! I hope that this is to your tastes!
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I am thoroughly convinced that you both would get along disturbingly well.
Your style and your unique hobbies are certainly what drew him to you. It isn't often that you encounter someone with long black and purple hair- let alone with that and raccoon tails. And turning scrap into accessories? Well, that was just icing on the cake.
Don't get me wrong- Anakin has been around the likes of Padme during her queen and senator days, so he's no stranger to unique and unorthodox hairdos, but the color and length certainly intrigued him, forgoing the style.
Given how frequently he's out in the field? Unless you went out on missions with him regularly, your initial interactions with him would have been once every blue moon or so. Of course, this meant that there were some occasions where he attempted to hang with you on your less social days- something I don't imagine going too well.
The differences in how social you were may have bewildered him at first, but it's more than likely if you didn't tell him about your social battery? Kenobi, Ahsoka, or Rex would have caught on to some degree and let him know that it probably wasn't because he'd done something wrong.
Even though it's known to be against regulations to nab keepsakes from the battlefield (or at the very least it is for clones), I get the feeling he's made a habit of grabbing you scrap metal from the battlefield on missions where he's had time.
More often than not this metal consists of severed droid parts that almost certainly have lightsaber cuts and blaster residue all over them, but hey- it's the thought that counts right?
He'd keep his eye out the following days, weeks, etc. after giving you one of his unique "gifts" to see if he could spot something you may have crafted it into.
He and the 501st make a game of guessing what you might turn his scrap into, and they absolutely keep score of who's gotten it right the most times.
As you got closer and your relationship developed further he 100% would step up his game in the scrap department. And by that I mean he somehow finds stranger and stranger shit to bring back for you.
A motivator, the head of a B1, droid fingers, paneling from destroyed droid carriers- hell, even random pieces of downed starships. His goal is to make sure you never know what he's gonna bring back next, if only so he can see the delighted (or perplexed) look you'll end up giving him as a result.
Of course, if you needed something specific and let him know about it, he'd see to it that he gets it if possible.
It's also a game between his padawan, himself, and the clones to see who can get the desired part first. Because what's a good battle without some friendly competition amirite?
On quiet days while you don't feel like talking so much, he'll hang out with you and listen to your favorite music with you. Furthermore, if you want to show him any drawings or clothes you've made, or even play him a song on your guitar he's absolutely game. Most of the time neither of you will even have to talk, just bask in each other's presence.
On days where you feel more like listening than talking, he'll tell elaborate tales of his self-proclaimed "best moments" on the battlefield and catch you up on what he's been doing while you've been separated. He's also got a stash of amusing tales at Obi-wan, Ahsoka, and the 501st's expense to cheer you up whenever you're feeling down.
Somehow he always finds a way to boost his own ego in the process, but something tells me that you're more than enough to keep Anakin balanced in that regard.
If you make him something you bet he's bragging to his padawan and his men that his significant other made a gift specifically for him and no one else.
Anakin is 100% guilty of messing up your hair or lifting things just out of reach to tease you as you are shorter than him, but he's made up for it in some regards by fetching things for you as well. Namely stuff way too high for you to get without putting yourself in a precarious position.
Talk to him about anything you're interested in and he's over the moon- even if he doesn't quite understand it. You trust him enough to share it with him and that makes it all the more precious.
Anything too out of pocket and you might catch him and Kenobi having a hushed conversation just out of earshot where he's checking with his master to see if he at least knows what you're talking about.
If you call him out on this he'll deny it, and if you catch him in the act he'll try to play it off... and fail spectacularly. Meanwhile, Obi-wan is watching him trip over himself in amusement as he tries to find a half-truth you'll buy to spare him the embarrassment.
He sticks to holovids after that. Can't trust his jedi master as far as he can throw him, apparently.
Ahsoka teases him relentlessly over this.
Anakin doesn't really seem the type to get bent out of shape over anyone being asexual, adhd, or autistic. He's a really chill guy, and to be honest he just takes it all in stride and embraces it as much as physically possible. You're his boyfriend after all, why wouldn't he?
Learns about any and/or all of the above to figure out how to better support you and makes sure your boundaries are laid out and respected.
If you want a funny sight to commit to memory? Have him help you with your hair maintenance. He'd somehow find a way to make dying, bleaching, trimming it, etc. absolutely hilarious. Just him in the bathroom with you on a chair in front of a mirror, desperately trying to figure out what toner is, why certain hair products can and cannot be used shortly after dying, etc. It's fucking brilliant.
He's absolutely tried to con you into dying at least a strand of your hair blue to match him and his squad at least once.
....Okay. More than once. But can you blame him? That'd be bloody adorable.
Just don't dye it orange in response to mess with him, he might cry.
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AN: Ah yes, the image of Anakin fumbling with hair dye will forever be ingrained in my brain. For those who got this far, I hope you enjoyed! May the force be with you, and may your day be as pleasant as the ocean's abyss is deep! For those who are new here, I take requests. You can find my rules here.
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amekikai · 1 year
Hi can I pls request a JJBA matchup? I’m 19 years old, transmasc (he/they) and bisexual. I’m British and part Jamaican. I have hip length black wavy/curly hair, brown eyes, pale skin and freckles. I’m 5’3 and have a petite hourglass frame. The first thing people usually notice about me is my long hair, but also my alternative/gothic clothing style. I have autism and BPD and often have difficulties regulating my emotions but I have many comforts such as music and art to help me out. I love 70s and 80s music, anime, manga, cartoons, history and art! I want to be an archaeologist in the future and I’m going to start studying archaeology soon. At first I’m quite socially awkward but once you get to know me I can be pretty loud and eccentric. In friend groups I’m always the chaotic mom / older sibling friend. In a relationship I can be a little too protective of my partner but aside from that I’m very loving and always try my best to make sure I don’t accidentally overstep any boundaries. I love giving gifts to people I care about and I really do try my best to be a good person even though I get bullied a lot. I work for charity and spend a lot of my time helping those who are less fortunate than me. Thanks very much! :)
I match you with...
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Jotaro Kujo!
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(For context: You met a few years after the events of SDC, he had turned 19 before you met.)
- I feel like you two go well together. You just match.
- since he's always getting into fights, you being caring is something he appreciates and he will smile (even just slightly) when you are kind to him.
- Listens to you when you talk about your interests, he is very intrigued and he adores the way you dress, he thinks it's really cool.
- Will share headphones with you and I think he'd look at art/watch anime with you but he wouldn't talk to much since he doesn't really know how to talk about things like that.
- Appreciates every gift you give him and keeps every single one safe.
- He will deal with the people who bully you. By that I mean she beats the shit out of them.
- Absolutely LOVES the fact you help people in need. It fills him with pride.
- I headcanon him as autistic so he's glad he found you, somebody who can somewhat understand what he goes through.
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farmerjames · 1 month
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This account accepts requests for Stardew Valley!! Requests will vary from one-shots, short series, and match-ups!
Requests: OPEN
Match-ups: OPEN
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genshinimpactlife · 1 year
Don't Miss Out!! Genshin Fanfic Giveaway
Last chance to join my Genshin Fanfic Giveaway! One lucky person will win a Genshin 500-1000 word fanfic, NSFW or SFW allowed! Click here for the link to the post!
Ends January 1st (CST)
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🌹Matchup Rules🌹
❣10/10 slots filled ❣
🪷Requests will begin being worked on once all slots are filled🪷
Open / Closed
Romantic and Platonic
🫧Please include 🫧
whether you'd like it to be romantic or platonic
Personality traits
Bad habits
Things that annoy you
Introvert, ambivert or extrovert and why?
Your type (whether that be in a romantic sense or a type of friend you'd like)
How others describe you
Sexuality (Not needed if requesting platonic)
Favorite food
Favorite Color
Types of music you like
If romantic, are you into a more villain type or heroic or just no preference at all *this may or may not affect results since i don't really write villian characters*
What nicknames do you enjoy being called in a romantic/platonic scenario
If romantic, do you think you'de be into a more yandere lover or a laid back one
💫Not required but would be greatly appreciated 💫
Physical features
Would you prefer a (Romantic) Partner shorter or taller then you
Love language
Any random facts?
Really anything you find relevant!
♥Romantic Headcanons will include♥
a brief summary of how you two met, how they act around you, and just your relationship over all, why i chose this character for you, other thingies that i feel like adding hehe
Romantic headcanons will ALWAYS be SFW :3 i might but a few innuendos here and there but mostly just used in the context of Wade making stupid jokes
💟Platonic headcanons will include💟
How you two met, things you guys do together, how strong your friendship is, + a few other things
Characters you can be paired up with!
💸Iron Man / Tony Stark💸
🇺🇸Captain America / Steve Rogers🇺🇸
⚔Deadpool / Wade Wilson⚔
🕷Spiderman / Peter Parker🕷
💢Hulk / Bruce Banner💢
🔮Doctor Strange / Stephen Strange🔮
🦾Bucky Barnes🦾
💄Black Widow / Natasha Romanoff💄
🏹Hawkeye / Clint Barton🏹
🥀Scarlet Witch / Wanda Maximoff 🥀
💫Captain Marvel / Carol Danvers 💫
The more info you include the more accurate i can make your matchup 💌
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n04hfiction · 11 months
hello:)! this is for the shipping post :D! i hope u have a good rest of ur day !! My name is genesis, but my friends call me gen 😽!! I am mexican American and my mother tongue is spanish:). I am the youngest out of 5 kids.
4 my physical appearance : I have straight brown hair, big green eyes, pale skin,and a shit ton of freckles! I also wear glasses. I have curtain bangs as well👍🏻. I do have muscles but its the most visible on my arms tho 😽 i am 5’1 .
4 my style: Most of my clothes are hand me downs from my siblings🤧 so i dont really know. I usually wear at my house is a tank top and some men shorts. When i’m going out i wear cargo pants/jeans/shorts and a random t-shirt/tank top. When its cold i wear my brothers clothes 😭😭Like some black jeans , a random hoodie , and a puffer jacket and a beanie. When i have special events i wear 2000s type dresses and a pair of my sisters heels. My friends say my aesthetic is kinda of the spiderman in the spider verse? Yeah kinda like that so idk 🤷‍♀️. But i have a pair of green nikey shoes my mom gave me. And those were the first shoes my mom gave me that were new 😭😭so those r the shoes i wear. I wear a gold dog pendant (like the rectangle ones) That has the date of when my dad passed away. I wear that all the time c: 
4 hobbies : I LOVE DRVING SO MUCH :DD !! I saved moved a lot of money and after a few pay checks from working, I got my first car 😸!! I love listening to music! Tupac,kaili uchis, winsin y yandel, joji, steve lacy are my current favs <3. I like drawing once in a while 2 :]. But driving is so much fun i luv it
4 personality : I am a pisces and extroverted! My friend says i’m kind and funny. My mom said that i am a “young dumb person with a smart mind and a lot like ur dad”😟. My 2 sisters say that i’m a “very forgiving person, and playful, but I need to think abt stuff more instead of being impulsive.” My 2 brother says that i’m “funny , smart, loyal but u have a temper”. My love language is quality time and acts of service :). Also being annoying 😭 like if i hug someone , i am gonna tickle them until it hurts, or if ur taking a nap , im gonna come in and blast daddy yankee and wake u up, Or ur sitting on the couch , i’ll go sit in ur lap and get comfy 🤧🤧
i ship you with sapnap!!
sapnap will take your glasses and either hide them or put them on his face and refuse to take them off XD he lowkey loves doing it, especially if you can’t see that well without them, cuz he’s a little shit most of the time, but it’s all in good fun
he also loves that your style is just a mix of your siblings hand-me-downs, because he loves to throw his clothes at you and saying, “here, hand-me-downs” he also loves buying matching clothes as well as sharing clothes. sometimes when going through your closet he’ll find a bunch of clothes he forgot he gave to you XD
and in one of my previous sapnap posts i mentioned that sapnap is a passenger princess who loves to scream to his fav songs as loud as possible xD so that definitely applies. your guy’s drives are usually late night ones. so i can imagine when the windows are rolled down and it’s hella late he’ll scream his favorite songs pretty obnoxiously lmfao some bystanders get kind of annoyed lmfao
he loves your kind and cherishing personality, but he thinks your (supposed) temper is funny XD he does enjoy teasing you for it ajsjsjnsns
and he is def the kind of person who loves to exist separately if that makes sense, like be in the same room doing different tasks, and he loves doing simply things for you. especially cooking
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Hiyya :DD happy new years!! ^^
I was wondering if I could get an Omori matchup ^^
I'm a 15 y/o, 5'3 transmasc (he/they) bisexual (male pref) peep
I'm pretty shy, quiet, and awkward-- and I don't really speak that much. I get nervous when I have to talk to somebody, so I just stutter alot.
I usually light up and get very excited when somebody mentions what I like;; which always leads to me being very giggly and only talking about said interest
I have some sensory issues; and I avoid things like styro or wet wool
I'm also autistic :]
I play the piano and guitar; but I'm pretty rusty with both :/ but I do draw alot ^^
I usually draw my ocs, omori characters, etc.
I dunno what else to add; so I'm just gonna add more random facts abt me:
I'm in year 9 and I'm kinda a loner (I only have 3 friends; but I rarely talk to my third friend)
I like collecting stones and showing them to my friends
I used to have a part-time as the delivery guy for people's orders
I really like watching "The heathers" over and over again (Heather McNamara is my favourite heather)
and; I don't really like soda and chips. But I do like fruit soda and energy drinks though!! ^^
Anyways, thanksies for taking me request!! :DD
I personally believe that you pair well with...
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He tries to help you come out of your shell by introducing you to his friends! You seem to get along quite well with SUNNY. Mari enjoys teasing the two of you whenever you do something even SLIGHTLY romantic, oh youre holding hands? She pokes fun at you. Sly glances at each other while youre all cooking? She prods at Hero's side with a smug grin.
If theres any food you dont like the texture of, he wont cook with it, or he'll make you a separate batch that doesnt contain said thing. He also notices you get nervous when you get nervous around others, he usually wont interfere with the conversation since he wants you to gain confidence in your people skills but he will step in if he notices its starting to become overwhelming.
he doesnt mind you drinking fruit sodas so long as its not the only thing you drink. If you often drink that in favor of water he isnt going to be too happy, and will try and get you into healthier eating/drinking habits.
Loves to hear about your interests, since its the most relaxed he ever sees you. I also feel like he would enjoy watching Heathers with you. So would Mari and Aubrey. If you draw him he will get flustered but he would ask you if he could have it. He would frame it and hang it in his bedroom. Collects rocks with you, the secret hangout spot has plenty of places to look around for shiny rocks to show the others. You encourage his dream to become a chef.
little note before i end this
he probably met you when you were delivering something to his house, he thought you were cute.
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Please read these rules before making a request
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- I’ll write the reader as any gender
- Angst, fluff, comfort, SFW, NSFW, Modern AU’s, and crossovers.
- Headcannons, scenarios/imagines, and SFW & NSFW alphabet.
- Mental Health, serious/sensitive topics, blood and gore.
- LGBTQ+ topics (like poly relationships and etc)
- Character x Character (depending on what ship it is)
- Match up’s (When requesting a match up say that you want a match up and describe yourself. For example describe your personality, what you like and don’t like, if you want a adult character or not, etc) [MATCH UPS CURRENTLY CLOSED]
- Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, Jujutsu Kaisen, Resident Lover, and Resident Evil Village.
- For JJK I’ll only write for: Maki, Megumi, Yuji, and Gojo. Keep in mind, I know very little about the manga and storyline.
- For Resident Lover I’ll only write for: Donna, Bela, Cassandra, Daniela, and Angie.
- For Resident Evil Village I’ll only write for: Donna and Alcina Dimitrescu.
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- Incest/Stepcest
- Character x OC
- Religion
- Male x Male smut and Male reader smut
- Hange Zoë with male parts
If you request a character that is a minor I will NOT write NSFW about them.
Any NSFW about AOT characters like Mikasa, Jean, Eren, etc I’ll write them in season 4 bc in season 4 they’re an adult.
I have the right to deny any requests, if I denied your request it’s either because I didn’t know how to write it or it broke one of the rules. So please don’t take it personally my friend.
I’m a human being, I have a life outside of social media so do not rush me on making you request.
Every post will have a warning at the top in bold so don’t worry :)
Characters I won’t write for:
In KNY: Genya, Daki, Gyutaro, Gyokko, Sabito, Makomo, Enmu, Rui, Kaigaku, Sekido, Aizetsu, Karaku, Urogi, and Zohakuten.
In MHA: Mirio, Eri, Kota, Koda, Sato, and Spinner.
In AOT: Floch, Gabi, Falco, Zofia, Udo, Marco, and Ymir Fritz.
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How to request:
You can DM me or ask me requests but tell me if you want to be anonymous or not if you DM me.
(Request Status: Open!!)
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