#love when i say i write drabbles and it ends up being a Big Mess
luveline · 9 months
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 —send me a shy!reader request for any character (with a plot) and I'll write a >1k drabble
sirius/james introducing shy!reader to remus. and shes just like quiet and in awe, but remus loves it.
luveline's 40k party ☆ tysm for requesting! remus x shy fem!reader
James is used to your personality after months of being your lecture neighbour, unperturbed by your quiet. "It's going to be fun," he promises, handing you a cold glass of cranberry vodka. "They're nice, okay? I won't let anyone irritate you." 
He's hosting a party and had the generosity to invite you round early. He's easing you in, so to speak. It took him two weeks of steady Hellos for you to work up the courage to say Hi back, another two weeks for small talk, a month before you felt comfortable speaking to him first. If you're that shy, a party is basically torture.
"It's not about irritating me," you say. 
"I know, I'm messing." James lists his head to the left. A second later, there's a knock at the door. "Aha. Wait here, shortcake, there's someone I want you to meet." 
"James," you say after him, wet from your glass leaking down to your sleeve, "what?" 
"I asked him to come early and say hello! He's quiet and handsome and you'll love him, just don't stare at his nose." 
What's wrong with his nose? you think, alarmed. 
James opens the door. Two new voices emerge, one scratchy and a little high, the other smoother. "I need to pee so bad," the scratchy one declares, followed by bounding footsteps up the stairs. 
"You alright?" the smoother asks.
You think there's patting, a hug, "I'm brilliant! You smell really nice, Remus, like a garden." 
"In a good way! Come and meet my Y/N, you remember I told you about her nice gel pens?" 
James leads the smooth-voiced Remus into the living room. You hurriedly put down your drink and stand, wiping your wet hands in your shirt. You cringe at the darkening fabric but hide your grimace as they stop in front of you. 
"Remus, Y/N. Y/N, Remus," James introduces you both. 
Remus has a scar across his nose that seems cruelly cut. There's another beside it that starts in his upper lip, both of which end in his eyebrow. You know how self-conscious it feels to be looked at, so you manage to smile and offer your hand without too much of it. He's handsome with his scars, a nice nose with a ridge and brown eyes the colour of caramelised sugar.
"Hello," Remus says, shaking your hand. His is big enough to make yours feel small. 
"I invited her early because she's more fun than the rest of our lot," James says, throwing himself down on the sofa and kicking his legs out on the coffee table. 
Remus taps your elbow very gently as if to usher you to sit and sits down beside you, enough space to be casual but too little to stop the rampant nerves that blossom in your stomach. 
Remus asks about your life. What you're studying, where you're from, if James is being nice to you. While James is touchy in the rough older brother way, scrunching your shoulder and shaking you when you're not expecting it. Remus is touchy in a different way, you find, almost as if he doesn't know he's doing it. His shoe bumps your shoe, his hand falls down between his outer thigh and your own, his knuckles touching your jeans very lightly. He spins in his seat to talk to you. 
You don't notice other people arriving, nor the scratchy-voiced friends return. All you can do is look up at Remus with wide eyes. Your nerves meld to something warmer. 
"And what do you do?" you ask him. 
He smiles like you've wandered into a secret. "I'm trying to write a book." 
"He's being a bit much," Sirius says to James, the two now loitering in the doorway with matching beers. You and Remus chatter on, unaware of their running commentary.
"It's a very strong reaction. I knew she'd like him, but I didn't think she'd like him like that." James takes a sip of his drink. Remus asks you a quiet question. You duck your head, playing with your sleeves, and Remus, the bastard, ducks his head to follow your gaze, smiling at you all the while. 
James almost chokes, pointing his bottle toward you both as though Sirius isn't already looking. "He's eating it up. I forgot how flirty he is."
"She'll be nice to him, won't she?" Sirius asks, like it's a done deal. To be fair, Remus seems enthralled with you. 
"Definitely. She's very nice. Oh, look, that's sick, she's gonna pass out." James winces as Remus takes your arm into his hand. 
Remus wouldn't do anything cruel, but James wasn't joking when he told Remus that you were exceedingly, achingly shy. He's about to step in and rescue you, but you turn into Remus' touch and pull your leg up on the sofa to make yourself comfortable. Your voice is animated, if quieter than the average person's.
"Woah," James says, beaming.  
Remus flirts almost as a defence, like he wants to get the rejection over and done with so he can move on. You've yet to reject; you're looking up at him in moderate awe, your lips quirked into an easy smile. 
"Boo!" James calls, flicking his bottle cap at Remus, who brushes it away. "Took me three weeks to get a smile out of her," he mutters. "What a dick." 
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sh1-n0bu · 2 months
♡︎ 𝙖 𝙨𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘 ♡︎
characters: sub!gallagher x nb!dom!reader
warnings: usage of aphrodisiacs, exhibitionism, slight dumbification, thigh riding, dry humping, begging, cumming untouched, gallagher being an old man loser, just a mini drabble guys. nothing big (i say as i write down 1,7K words)
notes: @lufenianwol you knew exactly what you were doing when you sent me gallagher’s leaked idle animation didn’t you, you gayyyy🫵🏳️‍🌈 (im gay too😔)
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another day, another long work of hunting down criminals or outlaws who came to penacony uninvited and detaining them. the most time gallagher could ever get to de-stress were behind the bars, mixing up a drink his customers asked for or when with you. you were a fellow bloodhound, a high ranking one too, so never had enough time to spend some quality time with your tired lover.
but today, you wanted to be a little mischievous. and what was that on your mind? you slipped just a teeny weeny bit of aphrodisiacs into his usual alcohol in his personal flask of course! just a little. maybe a pinch or two. a bit of a sprinkle of magic as a gift.
or maybe even a whole mini bottle. but you won’t say it until your tired lover comes crawling over to you, huffing and puffing, whining whimpering as he begs for your help at “restocking” some of the alcohol at the backrooms.
at the other end of the bar, you watch with a barely hidden smirk whenever your lover takes a sip from his personal flask during his break times. each time he does, getting more and more intoxicated in the taste. you purposely chose one that tasted delicious and soft on the tongue, a way to reward him for his hard work of running after criminals and preparing him for what was about to happen.
he started out strong, as expected of a bloodhound officer. barely felt it, focusing on work, wiping a glass or two, mixing up a drink. but the more he drank from his flask, the more you noticed it. the little stuttering over his words, the slight flush in his cheeks, the jumpy way he reacted whenever you passed by him with a hand on his waist or lower back. that bulge in his pants. that damn delicious bulge that you love to bully.
shaking your head, snapping yourself out of your thoughts, you focus back on work to wipe the bar clean and serve the customers drinks and desserts of their liking. you and gallaher were a good pair to serve amazing cocktails after all.
finally, the rush hour had ended, meaning fewer customers. the fewer there are, the more noticeable gallagher’s show of being affected by the little sprinkle of magic became. at first, he tried to play things off as signs of cold, or just the warm and low lighting of the bar being the reason his cheeks are pink. hell, he even coughed a few times to make his act believable. believable to the nosy customers but never to you.
“[n-name]…” the man barely manages to muffle his whimper when calling out your name, low lidded eyes, hazy vision and slightly shaky hand tugging on your necktie. you hum, turning to him with a raised brow as if you weren’t the reason behind this panting mess in front of you.
“yeah? what’s up?” you ask, putting down the bottle on where it’s supposed to be as your hands come to rest on his waist. the rush hour just ended, the bar still had a few customers but they were either too drunk to care nor engrossed in their own sob life stories to share you two a glance. and gallagher was damn glad for it too.
“w-we, ahem, need to head to the backrooms. we’re running out of some beers and fizzy drinks in the fridge” he quickly clears his throat, hoping that no one had caught onto his little stuttering. you did, of course. you would catch onto anything your lover says or does. even the tiniest things. such as how he was trying to make it seem like an innocent half-hug when you could feel his cock twitch in his pants as he pushes his crotch against yours, hoping to conceal it while also giving you a little heads-up.
as if you needed the heads-up.
“alright. you can go first, i’ll come after you once i wipe my hands” you nod your head, watching as your lover disappears behind the door with a sign that read “staff only”. it was cute how gallagher was so trusting of you, never even thought for a moment how you could have been the one to drug his flask of alcohol. though, judging from his cloudy eyes and stuttering, you could guess that he could barely even think to begin with. how adorable of him.
soon enough, you follow after the steps of your lover, walking into the “staff only” part of the bar and later onto the door with the sign “backrooms”. the pretty decent sized dark room where the bar keeps their ingredients and drinks. the same exact room where your lover pushes you against the wall the moment you entered, shaky hands fumbling with the buttons of your button down shirt as he humps his hardened cock against your crotch.
“woah woah, puppy. easy now. what’s going on? i thought we needed to restock on our drinks?” you ask, feigning innocence as your hands rest over gallagher’s shaky ones, stopping his fumbling and managing to catch his attention for a minute. he looked so dumbfounded. bottom lip on the brink of bleeding due to his chewing, panting, cheeks flushed a pretty red as his dilated eyes try to focus on you. you swore he looked like he was almost on the brink of crying with how damn pathetic he looked.
“c-can’t… [name], please, help me… ‘s so hot, tight. stupid pants mmngh!” gallagher only moans, tripping over his own words in a jumbled mess as he tries to find some sort of relief for his poor aching cock. looking down, you could briefly make out a dark small patch at the front of his pants. he was so drugged that he couldn’t even tell that he was staining his own clothes with his precum. so cute.
you only hum in response, not bothering to do as he pleads as your hands rest on the fat of his ass, massaging them gently. he only whines, slurred words of how he wanted your hands on his cock falling out as he squirms in your hold. lowering yourselves down to the floor of the room, you shift gallagher on top of you to ride your thigh instead. flexing the muscles in them to make it easier for him as he whimpers at the feeling.
immediately, the man started to hump your thigh. salacious mewls falling out of his lips as he doesn’t even try to silence his loud noises, only dumbly trying to relieve himself as he rubs his clothed cock on your thigh. you could see the dark patch in his pants getting bigger, darker the more he rides your thigh. if he had his dick out, he would probably leave a mess all over your clothes.
“shh shh, puppy. the door isn’t locked, remember?” you chuckle, reminding him of where the two of you were getting naughty at. it was so cute to see his eyes perk up at the sound of your voice. more specifically, whenever you called him puppy. he really did lived up to that nickname, looking like a cute pup as he bites down on his lip.
one of your hands travel up to his chest, opting to play with his perky nipple as he let out a loud squeal at that. his chest was always so sensitive, making him let out the most delicious whimpers each time you roll, pinch or tug at the hardened nub. being so mean to not slip your hands under the opening of his button down shirt at the front, playing with his nipples over the harsh fabrics of his clothes instead. he just wanted your touch on him to relieve the ache pooling in his belly, would you be so mean to deny him of his wishes?
apparently, you would. the hand on the soft fat of his ass moving to rest over his hip, helping him hump his cock on your thigh as your other hand continue their brutal assaults on his chest. poor gallagher, can't even form a single word as his pleads fall out of his swollen lips in a jumbled heap of mess. you could barely make out your own name from it. the words sounding so muddled up as if the bloodhound officer couldn't tell the difference between reality and his drug induced feelings.
"[n-naaammmeee]... sniff pleasheee fuunnghh fucck!! p-pleashh pleaash pleeaasshee♡︎!! ungh!! guuunnhg♥︎♥︎! p-pretty pleaaseee♡︎?" gallagher whines helplessly, stuffing his flushed face into the crook of your neck as his movements become more sloppy and frantic. he was so close to cumming already, it was just so cute to see how easily someone who is apparently always in control to crumble over with just a little bit of thigh riding. and some sprinkle of magic added to the mix.
in an attempt to muffle his loud moans and stuttering of his breath, he hastily lowers the collar of your own button down shirt just a little bit more. just enough so he could bite down over the old, healing bite mark of his so he could attempt to muffle his pathetic noises. you only coo out in a mocking tone, calling him by that nickname again as you tug on his nipple through his shirt as debouched cries of your name falls from his lips over and over like a mantra. gallagher sounded like one of those old, broken down radios that only replay a single song that sometimes is in the bar.
with a final thrust and a meek little bounce on your thigh, gallagher releases into his clothes. the magenta red hue of his pants turning a darker shade as his cum pools into the materials of his pants, staining it as some of the translucent liquid drips down onto your pants. you could just wash them out later.
"done with your little show, puppy?" you ask, the hand on his hip squeezing a bit to snap him out of his hazy mind. instead, you got a shake of his head, his stubble lightly tickling the skin of your neck in the process.
"wan' more... wan' you♥︎" he mumbles, delirious and drooling, as he humps his still hard cock against your crotch, indicating what he craved so desperately. maybe next time you should check the dosage you put into his drink if he's gonna be drugged this heavily by such a small amount.
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frmisnow · 1 month
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—🐟 ‧₊˚ — : " you are so mean !! "
summary. just a collection of fluffy (& suggestive) moments that could've been a whole fic... but didn't become one!
notes. *insert tiktok audio: did you miss us? cause we missed you* i've been wanting to write quite often since me taking a break but the weeks have been TOUGH- regardless i did rly miss all of you ;( hope you enjoy this lil bf! bf! bf! jungkook drabble headcanon-ish thing (?) as a makeup gift for me being gone!!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
warnings/includes. the most teeth-rotting boyfriend kook there is rly, two very very in love individuals!!, suggestive (making out & hickeys mentioned), drunk
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✧˖ #001. A WISH 4 TATS & ALCOHOL = A MESS.
"this is a horrible idea," you mumbeled as you both stumbeled into another darkly light street, "i got this," jungkook hummed, carefully examining the road to the nearest tattoo shop google maps suggested on his phone.... which was upside down.
"jung- that's not right," shaking your head, turning his phone around, his mouth opening and closing again, "oh"
"you're so smart!" he squeezed your cheeks together, creating one big large pout, placing a quick peek right after which of course turned into the both of you manically making out, leaning back onto the graffiti-filled dirty street wall, the taste of alcohol blatantly evident.
whenever a person would walk by, jungkook would momentarily stop (still holding your face) but turning around and mouthing a quick 'sorry', doing a big ass bow to highlight his apologies- the person would just walk continue walking faster to get out of this alley (and the both of you)
you'd give him a tiny slap on the head murmuring something about him being stupid which he'd dramatically pout about (and probably kiss you to prove you 'wrong' which was just an non-sensical excuse really).
safe to say you woke up the next days with two super cheesy tattoos grazing both of your thighs and a whole lotta hickeys!
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work was shit literally. the days were tough to the point where the only thing you were looking forward to at the end of the day was seeing jungkook.
ever since your work has been loading you with more & more labour, you could tell he always tried to show up earlier than you, it was in his best efforts to greet the exhausted you, open the door with the widest smile and instantly tightly hug you.
today was no different- at least you thought, in fact it turned out that you completly forgot about your own birthday, leading to you being even more surprised when you walked in directly to an even more wider-smiling jungkook then the usual, holding about five pink ballons.
a rather... messy cake delicately placed on the desk, light-up candles grazing the very very colorful dessert, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" he yelled out, the large grin never making it's way off his face.
"you're so old," he babbeled jokingly, the second he saw your watery eyes immediately embracing you, mumbling something about 'i didn't mean the old-thing anyway' which made you smile again.
so the night ended with the both of you eating the surpisingly well-turned-out cake together as he listened to you rant about how shitty your boss and work place was, nodding along and grinning at some of your comments.
something in his gaze was so loving and always attentive- certaintly this was one of the best birthdays you had.
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✧˖ #003. YOU ARE SO MEAN!
"one more beer and i might just say you are developing an alcohol addiction," you perclaimed, taking the glass out of jungkooks hands (that were dramatically holding on for dear life) with a little bit of force, in response getting a loud noise of dissapproval from his direction.
he rested his head on the desk, eyes still open, examining you carefully, "don't say that!"
"oh i will," you bopped his nose sarcastically, your tone more sassy than serious, taking a sip of the beer that you now declared yours.
jungkooks face disappeared into his arms as fast as it was visable in the first place, a whiny mumble being heared through the hair that was in your view: "you're so mean"
you could firmly hear the pout in his voice which made you smile when you responded: "and you are very tired, let's get you to sleep"
leaving the beer on the kitchen table, you used your whole power to lift the grown man of the chair (who was now just as desperately like before fighting back), whines and tiny groans being heard through out the kitchen as you lead him to the bathroom.
"i didn't mean the mean thing by the way," he muttered almost inaudibly while brushing his teeth slowly, "no, i know" you ruffeled through his hair, wrapping your arm around his waist, the both of you looking into the mirror at the same time, the reflection making you both giggle.
"i'm never drinking with you again!"
"you don't mean that"
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 9 months
Seams drabble: Patch
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{ Part IV: Notch | Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist }
Rating: None
Summary: Ellie finds a Pride-themed sew on patch that leads to revelations.
Warnings: Pure fluff and love for this girl, some angst, coming out, total disregard of canon because I don't know how it goes in the game.
Word count: 1.3k
Notes: This idea struck me out of the blue many months ago, and I was waiting for 'the right place' in the series, until I mentioned it to a dear friend in passing conversation and then I just started writing it. Very lightly edited. Set at unspecified time frame after Part IV.
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Ellie hums to herself from her spot in a cosy corner of the Outfitters, one watchful eye on the door. It’s an uncharacteristically slow Saturday, but she’s not complaining - she has her hands full.
A big canvas sack lies empty on the floor, its contents strewn haphazardly all over the wooden floor. The mess drives you up the wall, but you know better than to question her (very questionable) methods, so you’re ensconced in the safety of your studio while she sorts through the clothes and odds and ends that the patrollers brought back from their most recent outing.
Though infrequent - most settlements around Jackson have been painstakingly pilfered for anything useful over the years - it’s her favourite duty at the shop. Lucy is looser with the rules, but sometimes, you let Ellie keep little knick knacks that won’t sell.
The teenager goes through the pile thoroughly. Shirts go in one stack, jeans in another, followed by shoes, hats and scarves. Turning to the heap of smaller loose trinkets, she separates mismatched buttons, safety pins, shoelaces and zippers (as Maria always says, every little help), when something colourful piques her attention.
Plucking the piece of fabric out of the jumble, Ellie recognises it as a decorative patch that she’s seen sewn onto bags and shirts. It’s the size of her palm, cut in the shape of a rainbow, the colours still bright. Over the arches, bold white text outlined in black spells out NYC PRIDE 2003.
Tucking it into her pocket for now, she quickly finishes the rest of the sorting. Clothes go into the bin to be collected by the laundry, shoes for the cobbler’s, and accessories into a box to be priced and shelved.
Ambling into the back of the shop where you’re busy hemming a pair of jeans, Ellie plops into one of the rolling chairs, straddling the back of it, and the wheels screech as she careens across the floor to your sewing station.
Your lips quirk as you look up briefly at her. ‘Find anything interesting?’
‘Just this,’ she replies, flashing you the patch and reading aloud, ‘NYC Pride 2003. What does that mean?’
‘There used to be a big pride parade for the LGBT community every year in New York City,’ you explain. ‘They used to close down the streets and everything for it, it was a huge event.’
Ellie blinks, your answer taking her by surprise. She clears her throat, a distant buzzing at the back of her head as she turns the patch over pensively in her hand. ‘What - do you know what it was like?’
‘I’ve never been to one, but it always looked incredible. People used to line the streets in support, and everyone dressed up. There’d be rainbow flags everywhere, floats, dancing, music, and of course, it was an important way for the community to highlight and push for LGBT rights.’
‘You mean -’ she pauses, the unfamiliar feeling of stumbling over her words making her hands sweat. ‘You mean, people would just be out in public, like, being themselves?’
‘More than that - they were celebrating themselves.’
Ellie doesn’t realise she’s fallen quiet until you speak, ‘You can keep it if you want.’
Her head snaps up, disoriented. ‘Keep what?’
‘That.’ You nod towards the patch she’s clinging onto so tightly that her knuckles have gone white.
Panic prickles the back of her neck, an embarrassed heat suddenly making her want to pull at the collar of her flannel. But then you shrug and say, almost flippantly, ‘It’s pretty.’
‘Yes,’ she blurts out in hasty agreement, letting out a breath she’s been unconsciously holding. ‘It’s very pretty.’
Ellie is relieved when you turn back to the sewing machine, leaving her to retrace her steps to the front of the shop. The patch sits on the counter, where she leaves it, as she goes about her business for the rest of her shift.
Her eyes travel to the rainbow, and she thinks of how she wasn’t like the other girls at school, who fawned over dogeared photos of singers and actors long dead. She thinks of how she’s always known she’s different, but didn’t have the vocabulary to express it.
She thinks of Riley.
For Riley.
When half three rolls around, you spot the teenager lingering by the studio doorway out of the corner of your eye, her backpack dangling from her fingers. Any other Saturday, you’d be lucky to catch the blurry shape of her shadow when she gallops out of the shop, throwing a see ya over her shoulder.
Thrown by her silence, you prompt, ‘Yes, Ellie?’
Scruffing the tips of her well-worn sneakers on the floorboards, she bites her lip in an atypical display of hesitance. ‘Pin, could you help me sew the patch onto my backpack? Please?’
You smile, eyes soft. ‘I’d love to. C’mon.’
‘You don’t have to do it now,’ she protests, feigning nonchalance, but her twitchy hands give her away. ‘Like, whatever, it’s no big deal.’
Wanting to put her at ease, you shrug. ‘No time like the present. Where do you want it?’
Putting her bag on your work surface, she points. ‘Guess right here under the wings.’
‘Perfect. Can you unzip the bag for me?’
You have Ellie hold the rainbow exactly where she wants it while you thread the needle, and you start sewing it in by hand, stitch by tidy stitch. It barely takes a couple of minutes, but time is of the essence - you haven’t heard the girl take a single breath of air since the anchor stitch.
Snipping off the thread with a flourish and giving it a once over, you grin. ‘There, all done.’
Ellie ducks her head, quiet as she takes the bag from your hands, running a thumb over the arches of the rainbow. Without a word, she suddenly throws her arms around you, hugging you tight.
‘Thanks, Pin,’ she mumbles into your hair.
Your heart swells, and you squeeze her back even tighter. ‘Anything for you, kiddo.’
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On Monday morning, Ellie hovers in the hallway outside the kitchen, observing.
Joel is at the table, oblivious with his back to the door, her breakfast of two fried eggs over and easy and toast waiting at her usual spot at the table. Taking a deep breath, she bites the bullet and walks in, backpack in her hand.
‘Mornin’,’ grunts Joel, almost done with his own eggs, sunny side up.
‘Morning,’ she parrots back as she makes herself comfortable.
She usually just dumps her bag on the floor, but today, she pulls out the chair next to her and drops it into the seat. The unusual movement catches Joel’s eye, and he takes a good long look at the backpack.
Eventually, he points vaguely in what she assumes is the direction of the rainbow patch, and says, ‘That looks new.’
‘Yup, Pin helped me sew it on.’
He purses his lips, asking around a mouthful of egg. ‘You know what Pride is?’
She swallows thickly, and it takes a beat to unstick her tongue from the roof of her mouth. ‘Yeah, Pin told me.’
He nods, then turns his attention back to his plate with no fanfare.
Not entirely sure if he caught the nuance but her mind too in knots to care, Ellie picks up her fork and doesn’t think twice when he gets up to put his dish in the sink.
She nearly chokes on eggs when strong arms close around her shoulders in a vice-like grip, scratchy beard on her temple, Joel’s voice so thick that it makes her think if she turns around, she’ll see tears in his eyes.
‘Proud of you, baby girl.’
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Later that afternoon, Joel finds you alone in the shop, restocking the women’s outerwear rack.
You toss him a smile over your shoulder. ‘Hey, what are you doing here?’
‘Lucy ‘round?’ he asks.
‘When is she ever?’ you quip with no bite.
Three steps and he’s spun you around by the waist, soft lips latching onto yours in a sweet kiss with just a hint of heated aftertaste that has you swaying on your feet when he pulls back.
A breathless laugh bubbles in your throat as you palm his whiskered jawline. ‘Why, thank you for that, Mr. Miller.’
The corners of his eyes crinkle, and he brushes his nose tenderly against your cheek. ‘No, thank you, sweetheart.’
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Notes: I hope I wrote Ellie's coming out as sensitively as I hoped to. As I mentioned, I have no idea how or if she comes out in the game, but despite being such a chatty teenager, I think she'd find it difficult to broach the subject with Joel in conversation. For me, this was a fun way of weaving in her part-time job at the Outfitters and Pin into her coming out story that stays true to Ellie's character. I hope you enjoyed this - comments and reblogs appreciated as always!
P.S. I am not 'back' back, so I don't know when I will next update Seams. Thank you for your patience while I try to navigate my way back to some semblence of writing regularly, whenever that may be.
Thank you @firefly-graphics for the dividers ❤️
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eluxcastar · 5 months
Number 13 and 14 with Arlecchino
Arlecchino being comforted by her s/o
── ୨୧:arlecchino x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: arlecchino comfort drabbles yesyes
୨୧﹑genre :: sort of fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, possibly ooc because it was written pre fontaine quest, not very proofread, arlecchino is implied to have issues with self-image/perception
୨୧﹑words :: 2.2k
"I could see the worst parts of you and still think you are the most beautiful person I've met." "I'm going to ask you how you are and I would like you to answer me honestly."
IT'S HERE you guys always spoil me 13 is my favourite prompt and you are the first of two to request it. completely unrelated but this is so familiar to what Kae said a few days ago (months now omg 😭) when we were talking about One of Repetition and it fits those two so well 😭❤️
to the anon who requested furina it'll take me a minute to figure out how to write her because I haven't played the archon quest but I'll watch some cutscenes and do my best for you
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I'll also be using this because I got it in the middle of writing this and thought it fit the idea I had going super well 🙏 that makes three Arlecchino requests with prompt 13 😭 also second anon you're fine dw you guys are free to do with your requests with these prompts as you like, mix them together, add extra descriptions and rambles it makes it more fun 👍 thank you btw 😭❤ feel free to give yourself a name for future requests if you want ❤️ I love having new anons
prompt list
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It is not often that Arlecchino shows her doubt, maintaining that half-pleasant façade to hide it all. If all people see is a ruthless woman with no regard for loyalty, then the details don't matter. There's no need to question, no need to dwell. She is one thing and nothing more, and she much prefers for nobody to notice the hesitancy in her drastic decisions, the thin-veiled regret as she watches the children she witnessed grow up go on to become valiant children of the Tsaritsa.
If there is anything more, it is disregarded as her unpredictability. She is a roach in the eyes of others, and perhaps she's ok with that…mostly.
To hear someone say "I love you" is strange to her, though it shouldn't be by now.
It shouldn't be unusual to wake up tangled in the sheets with you by her side or the struggle it ends up being to leave that mess as you try to convince her to spend five more minutes with you. It shouldn't be odd to discover that you've gone ahead and made her tea in anticipation of the time she will wake up or to have you remind her every morning that you hung her coat up to dry after she dumped it over the back of a chair the night before or to see you wandering around going about your own job.
But those events all feel surreal to her, even though she has watched you walk your patrol path a thousand times now, and she has seen you slack off where she sits by the window of Zapolyarny when you think nobody is looking.
You are very real, there's no doubt about that.
The things you do never click with her, however.
Perhaps you are real, but she made up these fantasies after watching you loiter by that one spot in the garden a little too long.
Yet every evening, you meet her in her office after you're officially let off for the day, and you usually bring snacks. You are most definitely there, then, as she watches you struggle to get through the door without damaging whatever you found for her to try, usually only small, a pastry you managed to get that you absolutely mustn't knock from your hands.
"I tried to get something that wouldn't make a big mess all over your stuff," you usually say, sometimes hacking on a 6guilty little "But~ these just looked so good…" to try and excuse you for bringing something that would cover her desk in crumbs.
Arlecchino doesn't mind because you went to the trouble of getting her something.
She got you a special chair to pull up and everything, and anyone else who uses it can deal with the death glare they get or find a different one.
But perhaps she made that up too, conjuring the image of someone fumbling their way through her office door to greet her with a smile, sometimes with jam on your mouth from taste-testing the gifts that she'll point out to you that you hurriedly wipe on your sleeve and pretend it was never there.
Maybe she put that chair there for nothing, and it never really moves, and each time she thinks this, she is sure this fantasy will all disappear.
However, every evening, without fail, as the sun begins to set out the window and the room is dyed an orange hue, the door opens, and there you are again. Delusions can't possibly be that persistent, and you would've scowled at her when she approached you in the hallways if you weren't aware of this relationship.
So it must be real, which she's well and truly aware of. There must be a person out there who sees what she cannot, someone who, by some miracle, manages to see past the things that block out all of the good. How can a person see anything but someone unworthy of their love?
What else is there to see? 
The idea of a person who deserves to be loved beneath bloodshed has become unthinkable.
For a person who has been exposed to Arlecchino's worst sins, who has seen everything, and whose worst offence in life is a little laziness on the job, how is it possible to look at her and smile?
Arlecchino often wonders as she watches you. She how you go through your routine of placing your things down, whether on the desk or beside them, then all too happily mosey on off to get your chair and drag it over to sit across from her. She doesn't know why it's this particular day that she asks. Perhaps the fact it was weighing on her mind after a recent mission had her list of redeeming qualities shrinking further and further. It is in her job description, and there are plenty of worse people in this world.
But do you deserve to be stuck with one of them?
"Did you ever feel pressured into accepting my feelings for you?" Arlecchino asks the question so suddenly as you're halfway through walking back with your chair that she sees the exact point you register what she said, freezing in place from the shock. "Whether through status or power," she adds.
You blink a few times before all the motion in your world resumes to greet you with the image of her staring you down from the other side of her desk, patient and waiting for your response. "Sorry?" You let the chair go to return alone to her, standing in the place where you always put it. "I don't, uh…follow? I'm sorry, I just— I'm not sure what you mean?"
She hesitates, momentarily glancing down before her age returns to you and your uncharacteristic expression riddled with worry. She must've made you upset again.
"You want to be in this relationship? With me, that is…" Arlecchino struggles to think of the words, saying them as soon as they appear in her mind. "Even though you know the kind of person I am, you still want that?" 
She studies your face as carefully as she can, watching the way you react as you absorb everything you just heard and assumedly try to put a response together in your head. Arlecchino has noticed before how you take longer to speak than her sometimes, but it tends to make everything you say more thought out, though you may end it like you're unsure.
"Well, I mean…if I didn't, wouldn't I just—" you pause for only a second— "break up with you?" There's silence after you finish. She doesn't say or do anything. To Arlecchino, that strangely almost makes sense, but you must be far too bold to admit that to a Harbinger. "It's not that I want to! I'm a little--…well, I think I'm just a little bit confused where that's coming from."
"I was thinking about it." You frown when she admits that. "Some of the things you have seen of me are…" Is there even a word to encompass that? "unbecoming of a lover."
Is that the right way to phrase it?
Again, you pause, and the telltale signs of consideration cross your face. An intense focus that barely lasts, and Arlecchino waits through it all to allow you your chance to answer, intent on allowing you that much. A few seconds more, and your features relax, looking back at Arlecchino with a tender gaze. "There's not really one 'right way', is there?" Your question, though rhetorical, strikes a chord with the many impulsive responses that flood her mind, all of which she keeps to herself. "You just kind of...try your best. Things might work out, or maybe they don't— the point is that you mean well and put in the work."
"That's not enough," she argues, "you deserve better."
"I deserve what I want." Your rebuttal makes sense in theory, but what do you want? She struggles to make sense of that part, the answer muddled by all of her thoughts and lost in her doubts. 
You could ask anything of her, and she would do it. Any material possession, every feeling, more love than you know what to do with in any form you desire—physical, emotional, intimate—and yet you never do. You accept her awkward hugs, that it takes her time to relax when you lay your head on her chest, the fact she sometimes snores, that her clothes may very well be covered in bloodstains when she comes home depending on uncontrollable circumstances.
You never ask for the things she has plenty of power to give you in return for those flaws.
She shakes her head, "but surely you want more."
"I don't."
"There is a lot wrong that you deserve compensation for." 
Arlecchino clenches the pen in her hand tightly, feeling the slight distress of pressure around it. She can't articulate what, not in the way she understands it; flaws is too broad of a term to use. You would instantly know and understand what she meant in a perfect world, but the world is not so generous.
"Like what?" you question. You feel that it’s obvious that nothing Arlecchino will struggle to say will shake you. She opens her mouth, prepared to refute it, headstrong and frankly stubborn as ever, but nothing comes out.
There is silence for a moment, and no one rebuts what you say. Nobody can. The only other person in the room fights with herself to yield and give in to your unwavering loyalty. In your mind, she is everything you want. There is nothing else you can ask of her than to simply accept that you wish to remain with her if only she will allow you to through her own emotional turmoil.
"Are you listening to what I’m saying?" you ask, frown creeping back onto your face as it tugs the corner of your lips down, seemingly against your will, "I could see the worst parts of you and still think you are the most beautiful person I’ve met."
Another chord is struck, her heart beating so loud it thrums in her ears like suddenly becoming aware it’s been threatening to beat out of her chest the entire conversation. She breathes, shaky and caught up in her own surprise. Somehow, she didn’t expect you to be so sweet in your words or throw her off guard so abruptly. She finds it hard to believe them. Arlecchino’s worries haven’t disappeared, only dwindled. It helps, if not completely. There is a reprieve in listening to you.
You have seen the worst of her, every crease she hasn’t ironed out, her sometimes rotten personality, her stained clothes, the weapons she cleans in your home. You have seen her walk to greet you covered in blood and gore from a savage fight, kneel before you and hold your hand with the same hands she uses to kill vagrants and petty criminals, kiss your skin with those lips that spill the vilest of curses against her enemies.
Before she realises what she’s saying, she blurts out a question, "Do you really believe that?" 
It is quiet, reminiscent of how gently you looked at her earlier as her voice barely breaks a whisper, and she can’t bring herself to break eye contact with you once she finds the courage to make it.
"I do." 
You smile at her, hoping she will smile back. A faint smile graces Arlecchino’s lips, ever the handsome picture. Her sincerity is comforting after such a scare. You still worry, and perhaps you will never stop with the way her mind likes to trick her. How long had she thought you secretly looked at her with disgust this time? You fear you won’t have an answer again, though you desperately wish for one. As much as you notice her awkwardness, dismissing some of it and observing other parts with more scrutiny, it is hard to make her talk to you at times.
"Thank you." It is all Arlecchino can think to say in response as she forgets what else she was going to challenge you on. It will return eventually, and she will face it again, but for now, it settles. Arlecchino can reasonably bury her doubt for a time.
"Can we keep talking?" you ask. 
"About anything," she confirms with a nod.
You turn away, walking across the room in pursuit of retrieving your chair from its designated spot by the wall. You pull it along, dragging it over the floor, and set it down across from her on the other side of the desk you’ve been talking across. Your seat welcomes you as it always does as you settle into place, now comfortably at eye level with her.
"In that case," you begin, taking the pen she holds and wriggling it from her hands. She relinquishes it without much of a fight, allowing you to place it off to the side out of the way. "I’m going to ask you how you are, and I would like you to answer me honestly."
"Anything for you, my love."
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Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Steve Harrington
A/N: aaaahh xD here it is! I honestly had this story for SO LONG! I turned it a dialogue, a prompt, a drabble and ended up here so I hope you like it xD   
Request - Anonymous asked: Well hiii This is so odd. It's the first time I do a request, I actually don't speak english that well soo... but I really like your writing and I love stranger things and I really hope you write about it, I would love something with clingy Steve, he gives me that vibes super fluffy 😍 You are incredible by the way 🙋🏻‍♀️
Warnings: jealous!clingy!Steve :D also, Eddie being a little shit (not in a bad way though xD just messing with Steve) I think that’s it but let me know if I missed anything
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger things :D gif isn’t mine :) 
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
I gotta be cool, relax Get hip and get on my tracks Take a back seat, hitchhike And take a long ride on my motorbike Until I'm ready... crazy little thing called love
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"Steve?" you smiled, feeling his lips on your neck.
"Hmm?" you heard him as you leaned back, trying to stay focused on what you needed to say.
"Love, I have to go" you chuckled as he gave you another kiss.
"No" he said, as he continued his trail of kisses, making you laugh a little.
"Steve, I'm gonna be really late" you said, trying to pull away, even though you didn't want to.
"But I don't want you to go" he pouted, looking at you with his big puppy, beautiful brown eyes. You smiled sweetly at him and kissed him on the lips.
"I know, love but we have to work on this project and I promised Eddie and Jonathan I'd meet them like ten minutes ago" you said, looking at your watch as you finally unglued yourself from your boyfriend.
"Uh... Jonathan... Byers?" he asked, as you started getting your stuff.
"Yeah" you shrugged, fixing yourself up and grabbing your bag.
"And... Eddie Munson?"
"Uh-huh" you said, looking at yourself in the mirror, and then you turned to him again, giving him a peck on the lips. "It's just for a couple of hours, okay?" you smiled. "I'll be back before you know it" you smiled.
"At least let me drive you-" he said, getting up.
"I don't want you to be late, love. You promised Dustin that-"
"Henderson can wait" he complained.
"Steve" you smiled, stopping him when you saw the upset expression on his face. "Are you okay?"
"Mhm" he said, nodding quickly.
"Look at me" you said, cupping his cheek with your hand. You knew he wasn't. He was upset. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just... wanted to spend more time with you" he said quickly, smiling and leaning in to kiss you again.
"I know, I wanted to spend more time with you but look at it this way, it's only for a couple of hours while you take Dustin and the rest of them to the arcade, and then we have the whole weekend to ourselves" you smiled, kissing him once more. It was one of those many weekends when Steve's parents weren't in town so, he had the whole weekend planned for you.
"What if you call them and tell them you're sick" he suggested, starting to kiss you again and then pouting at you.
"I can't do that" you chuckled. "This is like a third percent of our grade, love. And we're almost done" you told him. "I promise you won't even notice I'm gone" you assured him.
"That's not true" he smiled.
"Look, the quicker I get there, the quicker I'm back" you said, kissing his cheek and pushing away from him.
"At least let me take you" he asked again, standing up and walking closer to you.
"Love, the diner we're meeting at is on the opposite way to the arcade, I'll just make you late. And you still have to pick everyone up. I'll just take my bike" you told him.
"How did I even get tangled into taking them to the arcade?"
"The same way you always do" you chuckled. "You can't say no to Dustin" you told him.
"Yes, I can!" he argued.
"It's sweet that you think that" you smiled. "But you really can't" you informed him. "I'll see you later okay?"
"Wait" he said, grabbing one of his sweatshirts and putting it on you. "It's gonna be cold later" he insisted.
"Okay" you chuckled, confused. "Thanks, love" you said, kissing his cheek.
"Eddie, for the last time, we're not doing our report as a metal song" you said, rolling your eyes as Jonathan tried not to laugh.
"Why not? It would be so badass! Nobody else will do it!"
"Exactly, because we can't do a metal song" you tried to reason with him.
"Where in the guidelines does it say that we can't?" he complained.
"Jonathan, a little help here?" you said looking at your other partner.
"Eddie, even if we could, we can't play any instruments" Jonathan said pointing at you and himself.
"You sing, sweetheart?" Eddie smirked at you.
"Not unless you want everyone in the room to evacuate the premises as quickly as possible" you said, making him laugh.
"Aw, come on, love, I think you're selling yourself short" Eddie said, just as Steve walked into the diner. "All pretty girls can sing" Eddie smirked, making you laugh.
"You're too nice, Munson" you smiled, rolling your eyes. "But in this case, I think Jonathan might be your best choice for lead singer" you said, making Eddie turn to look at Jonathan as he widened his eyes at the two of you.
"What do you say, Johnny boy? You in?" Eddie smirked at him.
"Steve?" you asked noticing your boyfriend had walked into the diner and made his way towards your table.
"Love?" he acted confused. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh, I told you I was getting together with Eddie and Jonathan to work on our project" you reminded him.
"Oh, I didn't know you meant this diner" he said before looking at the other two. "Munson" he nodded his head towards Eddie and then he looked at Jonathan. "Byers."
"Hey" Jonathan said quietly before going back to his notes.
"Harrington" Eddie said with an amused smirk.
"M-Munson" Steve nodded.
"What brings you to this part of town? I thought Henderson mentioned you'd be going to the arcade with them" he said.
"Well, not really. I was just... taking them to the arcade" he explained. "And they got a ride home so, I was hungry and I just-"
"Happened to be here?" Eddie smirked at him. "Well, why don't you join us, pretty boy?"
"Um..." Steve said, raising his eyebrow and looking at you, who smiled, nodding back at him. "Sure" he said as you scootched over on the booth to make room for him, a little closer to Eddie. "So, how's the project going?"
"Uh- w-well, Eddie is insisting that we do our report as a metal song" you informed him as Eddie rolled his eyes.
"Oh, give me some credit, sweetheart, I've been more helpful than that" he smirked, noticing the glare on Steve's look when he called you sweetheart but you didn't even seem to notice, so he just smiled goofily at your boyfriend.
"You really haven't, Munson" you smirked at Eddie, who placed his hand over his heart and dramatically scoffed, offended.
"You're breaking my heart, sunshine" he continued before he softly hit Jonathan on his arm, making him look up. "Come on, Jonny boy, back me up here" he told him.
"Okay... Eddie, what is the name of the book that the report is about?" he asked with a small smirk, making you look at Eddie too, amused when his smirk dropped.
"That's not helping, Byers" he glared at Jonathan. "Just because the two of you have your private little book club, and you two nerds didn't want to do our book report on Lord of The Rings, it doesn't mean that I haven't been helpful" he said, rolling his eyes.
"Your what?" Steve asked, with a small scoff.
"Oh, you don't know? Byers and your girlfriend have a private book club, which apparently is very exclusive" he said, mocking you as you rolled your eyes.
"It is not a book club, Jonathan and I just exchange some books that we think the other one would enjoy. We told you we could lend you some books but you said if it wasn't Lord of The Rings or anything related to D&D or Metal history, you were not interested" you informed Steve.
"That's not true! I also like The Shining and Stephen King books" he defended himself. "It's like you've never heard of IT!"
"I'm terrified of clowns, Munson. Why on Earth would I read IT?"
"Aw, you scared of clowns, sweetheart?" he smirked as Steve took a deep breath. "That's adorable!"
"That's adorable" you mocked Eddie's voice looking at him and he stuck his tongue out at you.
"Oh, that reminds me" Jonathan suddenly said before looking for a book in his bag. "I got this one for you" he said handing it to you.
"Oh my God! Love in the Time of Cholera!" you said, excitedly, eyeing the book as Steve and Eddie watch the entire interaction between you and Jonathan.
"Is that a... love book?" Steve asked, confused.
"Yes!" you said, showing it to him. "The author is Colombian and the original book is in Spanish. It's really hard to get a version in English" you explained as you started going through the pages and discussing the book with Jonathan.
"You okay over there, Harrington?" Eddie smirked throwing an arm around you and resting it on the back of your seat.
"Wonderful... never been better" Steve said through clenched teeth before he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him, away from Eddie.
"Hi, love" you smiled, kissing his cheek. "Are you okay?"
"Fine" he said, with a firm smile.
"Are you sure?" you frowned. "I know this is a bit boring, that's why I thought you'd rather wait for me to finish-"
"I don't mind" he assured you, pulling you even closer by your waist and kissing your forehead.
"Okay" you still said, unconvinced. "We're almost done for today" you told him. "We all have a free period on Monday so we'll each work a little on the weekend and just finish Monday" you told him.
"It's okay, love. Take your time" he said as you went back to your group but Steve still held on to your hand.
"Hey, sweetheart?" Eddie smirked at you on your other side and you felt Steve's grip tightening on your hand. "I think I need your help over here. You think your lovely boyfriend could... share you for a moment?"
If looks could kill, Steve would have already murdered Eddie by now. He thought he was hiding it well but he squeezed your hand even harder.
"Ouch! Steve!"
"Shit!" he said, letting go of your hand. "I'm sorry, love, I didn't mean to-"
"Could I talk to you for a second?" you asked.
"Uhhhhh" Eddie and Jonathan mocked him, making Steve glare at the two of them before he rolled his eyes and walked away from the table.
"I'll be right back" you told Eddie and Jonathan. "And stop messing with him!" you said, slapping Eddie's arm.
You walked over to Steve who was waiting for you, looking upset.
"Love, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just-"
"Steve, what is going on with you today? And don't say 'nothing' because you've been acting strange" you said, worriedly.
"I just-" he sighed, nervously scratching the back of his head with his hand. He then, without even meaning to, glared over at your table.
"Is it... is this because of Eddie and Jonathan?" you asked, frowning your eyebrows.
"No" he said, unconvincingly.
"Steve" you said, raising your eyebrow at him.
"Okay, fine! I just... didn't exactly love the fact that you were going to spend your entire afternoon with them" he said, grumpily. "And why does Jonathan have to give you books or why does Eddie call you sweetheart?"
"Eddie calls everyone sweetheart" you frowned your eyebrows, confused. "And Jonathan and I started exchanging books because he once mentioned Will wanted to read one book that I had" you explained. "Love, you know I needed work on our project, nothing more, right? I didn't want to blow you off to hang out with them or anything like that-"
"No, I know I just... well, you know I've never really liked either one of them and I just-" he sighed. "I'm sorry, I don't know-"
"Is this because... of Jonathan and Nancy?" you asked. "And... well, Eddie with Dustin?"
"Honey" you said, your expression turning soft. "Look, I understand that you've never really liked Jonathan because of... what happened with Nancy" you started. "And you don't love the fact that Dustin hangs out with Eddie so much instead of you" you reminded him. "But you don't have to worry about me" you assured him.
"I know I don't. I'm sorry, I didn't want to feel this way, I just... I don't know, everyone seems to leave me for them, and I... I guess I didn't want you to do that too" he admitted, looking down. You softly placed your hand on his chin and lifted his head up.
"First of all, Dustin adores you and he didn't leave you for Eddie. There is nothing wrong with him making a new friend that gets the things that he likes" you informed him. "And secondly, and most importantly, I would never leave you" you insisted. "For Eddie, or Jonathan, or anyone else" you added. "I love you, and I promise, you have nothing to worry about, love-"
"You love me?" he asked, suddenly, feeling his entire heart flutter.
"Of course, I do" you chuckled.
"You've never- um... we haven't... said that before" he said, letting out a sigh of relief with his smile. "W-well, actually no one's um-" you cut him off, leaning in to give him a kiss on the lips.
"I love you, Steve Harrington" you repeated, smiling at him when you pulled away.
"I love you too" he said, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips.
"Do you mind waiting just a few more minutes until we finish and then we can go?" you said, smiling up at him. "I promise I'm all yours, all weekend" you smirked.
"Of course, love" he said, kissing your cheek. "I'll grab something to drink for everyone, okay?"
"Okay" you smiled, giving him another peck on the lips. "I love you" you repeated, loving the way his smile turned brighter whenever you did.
"I love you too" he said, kissing your head as you came back to your table. Steve went over to the diner's bar to order a few drinks for the four of you, as he was joined by Eddie.
"So..." he smirked, leaning on the bar and looking at Steve. "You done marking your territory on your girlfriend? Or are you going to fight me and Byers outside?" he mocked him.
"I wasn't doing that" Steve said, rolling his eyes.
"Dude, you did everything but pee on her" Eddie laughed but Steve just glared at him. "Look, I get it. Byers and I are probably your least favorite people, but I gotta say, Harrington, this is not a good color on you" he insisted. "You don't seem like the 'badass Steve Harrington' that Henderson is always rambling about" he shrugged.
"What?" Steve asked. "D-Dustin said I'm a badass?" he said, feeling himself smile.
"He insists on the matter actually" Eddie informed him. "And look, for what it's worth, that girl is like ridiculously in love with you, man!" he said, pointing at your table. "She won't shut up about you either. And she didn't even notice me flirting with her, which by the way, I only did to mess with you so, please don't hit me for that" he chuckled.
"Seriously?" Steve asked, glaring a little at him.
"Yeah, man. That's what I do. It was fun to see you all flustered and with a murder glare in your eyes. But, scout's honor, I have no interest whatsoever in your lovely girlfriend. I mean, she's cute and all but she's not really my type" he admitted.
"Really?" Steve asked, intrigued. "And what's your type, Munson?"
"Her boyfriend" Eddie smirked, winking at Steve, who felt his cheeks burn a little and didn't really know what to reply.
"MUNSON! Leave my boyfriend alone!"
The End
A/N: I hope you liked it! Eddie’s coming up next :) let me know what you think :D
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truly-a-snitch · 8 months
Hii can I request ranpo and chuuya with an s/o that has a kitsune type ability? like they can turn into one fully and can also semi transform with just the ears and tail, you can make it female or gender neutral
dang ranpo is popular LMAO not that im complaining hes my little meow meow ^_^ also i went w gn reader bc i dont write fem reader !! also u didnt say if u wanted hcs or not but i went w hcs if u wanted drabbles or fics feel free to ask again !!
WARNINGS: a bit suggestive in chuuyas but nothing explicit
chuuya and ranpo with a kitsune ability user s/o
kitsune are born tricksters, being yokai, and those with kitsune abilities are certainly no different ! while your affinity for practical jokes may grate on chuuya, you are still his s/o at the end of the day
(he would NOT be dating you if he didnt want to trust me)
when you’re partially transformed (or fully transformed) he tries to watch how loud he gets since he’s not very good at volume control and he doesn’t want to hurt your ears
he likes to scratch behind your ears or pet your tail !! he does it mindlessly tbh, even though he can’t feel your fur through his gloves he likes hearing you react or feeling your ears/tail twitch
he also likes hearing and seeing your foxlike mannerisms ! he can always tell if somebody is getting on your nerves because of your gekkering, and he’s particularly fond of when you nuzzle up to him or the way you ‘shadow’ him (trailing behind him)
chuuya probably has a book or two on his bookshelf about fox mannerisms just so he understands your body language a bit better
one thing he had to get used to was just how talkative you were. foxes are very social creatures, and much of that crossed over into your personality
luckily for you, he likes listening to you talk
if you have claws, he thinks thats really cool (he's into it in a sexy way)
the shapeshifting throws him off not gonna lie. especially because you're so smart as a result of your ability. however he loves watching you mess with people by turning into other people
ranpo is 100% THE BEST audience for your illusion tricks. he will sit next to you/in your lap/literally anywhere he can see you and demand that you do your silly little illusory tricks
he thinks your fox form is absolutely precious. he loves petting you and carrying you around on his shoulders
joins in on your pranks all the time fr !! he helps you make them more unpredictable
so far, you've gotten everybody in the agency... except dazai, who keeps seeing through your plans. you've gotten ranpo, but he 'let you' (you aren't sure if he actually did)
mimics your fox noises ! you start yapping ? he yaps back. you bark ? he barks right back !
hes been a play wrestler ever since he found out that it's a way that fox kits blow off steam. any form of physical touch is a big yes for him, but especially wrestling. it's the only way he expends energy he doesn't absolutely have to
(its probably nostalgic for you, since you likely would have done it as a child/right when your ability presented)
prank wars are common between you two as well !!
he's talkative ! he loves talking and you two will frequently go on dates where you just infodump at each other over a meal
he likes to play with your tail and ears a lot !!
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yarameijer · 4 months
Hi again 👋,I am here after reading chapter 42 of accidental reverse and it's epic,it was definitely worth the long wait,I am a sucker for tenma&shuu and tenma& shindou friendship,so,I can't wait for the next one, How's recovery going,well I hope. love from Hana
So,one thing that really bothers me about inazuma eleven is that they gloss over relationships that are important.I get this anime mostly focuses on soccer,but still,I thought about and tenma got betrayed 4 times in the series,4 Times,That's insane
First,shuu: I don't like that they completely glossed over this in the movie,I get that they didn't know each other for long,but tenma trusted him and shuu clearly knew they'd be playing against each other,being part of the team that beat raimon up, completely disregarding tenma's reaction,not patting an eye at tenma's best friend being locked in a cage like an animal.no matter how you look at it, that's a betrayal,I know the "fixed things"at the end of the movie,bit, tenma must've been hurt that someone he trusted betrayed him from the very beginning but shuu didn't apologize and I hate that.
Next, taiyou :I talked about this one in my previous post,What Taiyou did even without telling gouenji about anything interesting tenma told him(because that's not canon),what he did is a huge betrayal,Not telling tenma when he knew of his involvement in the revolution,acting cold and rude during their match,lying to his friend's face, completely disregarding his friend's feelings.That's a huge betrayal and I wish they payed attention to it,it was overshadowed by shindou breaking his leg and again tenma must've been hurt.
Next,Fei: this one's self explanatory,He apologized and I guess he betrayed all of raimon,but again,He and tenma were definitely the closest and he was hurt.
Next,The one that hurt him the most, tsurugi:I don't think I have to explain this and my hand's tired.
Not to mention that tge team treated him horribly in the beginning,like,shindou literally beat a junior up and I know he was upset,I know he was angry,but that doesn't excuse it,He's older and he should've taken it easy on a newbie who helped them before.and he never apologized.
Kurama was definitely the worst,He was rude,cold and blamed tenma for literally everything wrong in the club which is ridiculous and he never apologized.
The rest of the team, basically stood by and watched,The only ones on tenma's side from the very beginning are shinsuke and Aoi,which is why I love this trio and I think it should get more love.
So,my point is that everyone treated tenma horribly,no one apologized except for Fei and those betrayals must've hurt.
I want these guys to realize they messed up when they see tenma being hesitant to tell them something or see him more comfortably sharing things with, let's say,earth eleven more than them, specifically Taiyou and shuu.
Could you write a drabble about it.
Sorry,this is so long.I read A.R chapter 42 and came to vent.
Love you ❣️
Oh boy do I have feelings about this.
Through the years of writing stories, as I grew older, I started looking deeper into the characters' mindsets, to try and give them a more realistic and individual representation. This means it isn't always in line with what is shown in the anime, but I don't really mind. Tenma's character is pretty interesting to me because of three reasons: his cheerful attitude, his insecurities, and being allowed to move miles away from home at age eight.
The first two are quite well known in the fandom already and more people have experimented with it, but it's the third one I rarely see. Someone even told me it wasn't a big deal.
Is it really, though? What would such a thing do to a child? What kind of family situation would it be for parents to allow their eight-year-old kid to move several hundred miles away, for years? I get that he wanted to play at Raimon and that they were supporting him - but he started that school at age 12/13, so why would he be sent to Inazuma Town four years before he could even attend Raimon? It doesn't mean Tenma's parents are bad or abusive, but it does imply there's a more complicated situation, one that could actually explain quite a lot of Tenma's insecurities. It's just something that's been keeping my mind occupied lately, and I'm planning to use it in my stories more. 
All in all, I feel like Tenma's character can be quite complicated, without a ridiculously complicated and tragic backstory. It just doesn't fit, y'know? And it's a bit too cliché for me. Putting that aside for now, there's also one more specific characteristic I've given the Tenma in my stories: he has a hard time opening up, which means I'm not sure whether the issues you mentioned are ones he would just talk about. The Tenma I'm writing is much more likely to try to deflect a topic so I don't think I can fully 'finish' this? The issue won't be resolved by the end of the drabble because healing takes time, and I think I might build on this idea in future chapters more. I'll try my best though! And I didn't include Earth Eleven cuz they didn't seem right for this role. Instead Aoi gets some more love XD
So, just a warning, I have an idea for the start of this drabble but beyond that, my mind is blank. I have no idea what I'm about to write so bear with me here, and let's hope it's not too messy.
Tenma has never had a lot of friends.
He told his yearmates, once, when they were hanging out at his house. Kariya and Hikaru had been talking about the team, about how much fun every day was, about how they weren't used to it. Tenma, relaxed and content and safe, agreed.
They'd been surprised, a little disbelieving. They were nice about it! But Kariya's, "For real? Could've fooled me!" had stuck with him, no matter how teasing it had sounded.
It's the truth, though. Before Raimon he'd had Aoi, and one or two people he would sit with during lunch at school, but that was about it.
He loves Inazuma Town, now more than ever - but making the switch from his relatively small seaside hometown to this busy Tokyo district was hard, harder than he'd admitted to anyone but himself. It's not that he didn't want to, but... Aki always got so sad when Tenma was sad and he could see her brightening whenever he said he was happy (and he was!) and okay. He didn't understand it fully back then, but he thinks he's starting to. Aki had been so young.
(Sometimes he's guilty, for putting more weight on her shoulders. For making her look after him when she was barely in her twenties.
Sometimes he's angry at his parents for putting such a burden on her. For ever getting it in their minds to ask their young cousin to be responsible for an eight-year-old child.
Sometimes he's angry at them for allowing him to go in the first place.
Most often, though, he's angry at them for making him want to.)
Tenma was in a new town, living with a relative he barely knew, and painfully shy. His soccer obsession didn't exactly help - everyone likes soccer, of course, how could they not when seeing all those hissatsu? But they don't live and breathe it like he does, like his teammates do. When the kids in his neighborhood found out that soccer was all he ever focused on, they lost interest in him pretty quickly.
(Most of them, at least, and the ones who didn’t - well, their interest wasn’t exactly a good thing.)
Aoi was an exception. But, Tenma has long since realized, Aoi is absolutely crazy in her own, hidden way (she'd have to be, to put up with their team's shenanigans).
Tenma isn't very experienced in the friends department, as surprising as many people seem to find it. He's never really cared, to be honest. He'd had Aoi and Aki and Sasuke and he found out early on that a lot of people just don't care. Fighting that never worked out for him, so why bother?
The sudden call has him looking up, brought back to the present.
Shindou has twisted around in his seat. He looks vaguely annoyed. "Finally. What's got you so distracted?"
Tenma blinks. "I'm sorry, senpai," he responds automatically, surprised by his own absentmindedness. He didn't expect to be so caught up in his daydreams with his entire team around him - the noise level in the bus is, as usual with them, high, and the air is filled with a familiar excitement at the prospect of a match, especially after so long.
"It's fine," the strategist sighs, a smile finally pulling at his lips that Tenma would almost call fond. "Just don't zone out all day, alright? We can't afford that when facing Arakumo Academy."
"Right," the captain agrees easily.
He expects that to be the end of it because Shindou is turning around in his seat again, leaving Tenma to his thoughts once more - but it isn’t.
"This is the second time you're distracted when we're playing against Arakumo," someone else drawls - Tsurugi, who's seated on the opposite side of the bus aisle, arms crossed and lounging in his chair like a king. "I'm starting to suspect a pattern."
Tenma, for lack of a better reaction, smiles and shrugs. He doesn't know what to say to that, because it's true.
Their last, and first, match against Arakumo wasn't his finest moment, he’ll readily admit.
Thankfully Tsurugi doesn't care much for his lack of reaction, focusing once more on the book he was reading. Tenma watches him for a moment, and then looks out of the window again.
He knows it's bound to get his mind wandering again, and he's not in the mood for another scolding, but there's not much else to do. Shinsuke next to him is playing a game on his phone, Hayami and Hamano in the row in front of him are discussing homework. Everyone else is either caught up in their own conversations or seated too far away to comfortably converse with.
Tenma starts tapping a mindless rhythm on his knee to keep himself in the present. He's restless. Hopefully the match will get him out of his head - he's not even sure why he's so distracted.
(That's a lie.)
He should be fine, right?
Everything's fine.
It all worked out.
School has started again after the summer holidays - of which he spent the first half in space. It still feels unreal to him, despite over a month having passed.
Not much else happened during the holidays. He'd caught a plane to Okinawa and stayed there pretty much until school started again, only returning to Tokyo a day and a half before. It had been nice to be back home, spending most of his time on the beach or exploring the familiar streets or practicing soccer by himself. He’s gotten sufficiently tanned, as well, and it was pretty funny to see Tsurugi’s annoyance at that once he got back.
This is their first match after the break - school's been in for only a week - and beneath the excitement, there's some nervous energy too. Arakumo is one of their most challenging opponents and they all know it.
At least it's only a friendly match instead of anything tournament-related, so the usual pressure of winning (especially when trying to lead a revolution against a deluded tyrant organization) is absent. Maybe, Tenma muses, that's why he's so distracted.
The fact that this is the first time he'll be playing against Taiyou since their argument doesn't exactly help. They've talked about it at length, and they've tentatively been texting and even hung out once over the summer, but there's a sense of discomfort that they're still trying to get past. Tenma, if only in his own mind, can admit he's worried about how any competitive interaction will affect them.
He doesn't want to lose Taiyou's friendship, but…
The brunet sighs and shakes his head. At this rate he's just going to keep on being distracted, and inevitably disappoint his team. He doesn't want to take that risk for their first match after such a long break.
Or, any match, really.
Especially not after-
(He still cannot help but feel a bit jumpy, after all the arguments with Shindou during the Grand Celesta Galaxy, after Tsurugi’s kidnapping, after, after, after.
It had felt like he'd been on thin ice when he first joined the team, but that sensation had slowly but surely faded as he found his place.
Now, after, he hates that he's once more double-checking his every action. Hates that he's lost the sense of security in where he stands that had been near unshakable before the Grand Celesta Galaxy.)
Tenma is, once again, brought back to the present, this time because their bus is slowing to a stop. A glance out of the window tells him all he needs to know, and he hides a grimace.
Seems like they have arrived at Arakumo Academy.
Raimon reaches their destination right on schedule, Shindou is glad to note. They'd left early so they'd have enough time to get ready and go over their strategy before the game starts, as they usually do, but Arakumo is a challenging enough opponent that any extra time is welcome.
They're guided over the campus in the direction of the soccer stadium and Shindou takes in the sights with mild interest. It's been a while since he's visited Arakumo - their previous match had been in one of Fifth Sector's stadiums. The prestigious academy hasn't changed much. It certainly lives up to its reputation, not quite as large as Teikoku's buildings, but nothing to look down on either. It's got a more serious appearance than Raimon, with red-toned walls and roofs with cloud patterns.
However, Raimon is here for a match, not to play tourist, and soon they find themselves in their assigned dressing room to get ready for the match. It's as the team is entering the room, getting ready to change out of their training suits, that a ringtone disrupts the usual chatter.
It's uncommon enough that Shindou finds himself glancing up, involuntarily raising his eyebrows as Tenma scrambles for his phone. He catches the captain's gaze and Tenma shoots him an apologetic look while he answers the call. “Hello?”
Shindou turns away and smiles at Kirino on his other side as he reaches for his bag, but despite his wish to give his captain some privacy, they’re right next to each other. It’s impossible not to overhear the one-sided conversation.
“I apologize, this isn't really the right time,” he hears Tenma say, sounding genuinely sorry and surprisingly formal. “I'm playing a match in-”
The brunet falls silent for several moments after the, assumed, interruption. Shindou unzips the jacket of his training suit and shrugs it off his shoulders. He's already wearing his uniform underneath the track suit, so he won't take long changing.
Next to him, Tenma starts talking again. “I understand, but I,” and falls silent yet again. Shindou frowns.
Something about the way his captain keeps on halting in the middle of his sentences seems a little odd. Shindou finds himself halting his movements, unable to keep himself from looking over at his young friend. It's not on purpose, but he's always believed in the worth of information, and something about the increasing tension in Tenma's voice raises his guard.
‘’Yes, I do understand, but is it really not possible?’’ The brunet in question is clutching his phone, lips pulled into a frown while his other hand holds on tightly to the edge of the bench. Whatever he's being told clearly affects him, and whatever reply he receives has his shoulders drooping visibly as he says, ‘’I know, but it was scheduled months ago…’’
It takes Shindou a second to classify the tone in Tenma's voice - not disappointed, but… resigned?
Whatever this conversation is that Tenma is now being forced to share with the entire team, it doesn't reassure Shindou in the slightest.
And it's clear he's not the only one. Although they're trying to hide it, the strategist notices several of his friends shooting worried glances at their captain, and the usual rambunctious chatter is muted. It’s by accident that Shindou and Tsurugi lock eyes over Tenma’s head, but it’s clear to both - they’re equally confused.
Tenma hasn’t hinted at any issue to either of them, and Shindou doesn’t quite know how to feel about that realization. He doesn’t mean to assume, but… well, as far as he knows, the brunet is an open book.
Especially to him and Tsurugi, or so Shindou had thought.
(Tenma respects him, he knows. It's clear the young brunet values his opinion, but he's also comfortable enough to approach Shindou with his issues and insecurities. To ask for help. To let himself be vulnerable.
Shindou appreciates that, could even say he's honored by the faith the brunet puts in him.
So to find out there's apparently something - a situation that seems to be the norm rather than the exception, based on Tenma's reaction - that has such an impact on the brunet, which he hasn't even hinted at towards Shindou nor Tsurugi…
Well, it throws him off more than he thought it would.)
The captain doesn't seem to have noticed the slowly increasing attention on him, too focused on whatever conversation he's having. One that's clearly not going well. “Are you certain?” he asks, sounding dull, and Shindou grimaces. That sounds very different from the Tenma he's used to, and it feels wrong.
‘’I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to complain.’’
That is…
Shindou has to look away from Tenma then. He can’t stand the sight of him so muted, so wrong, and he gets the feeling he is intruding on something he has no right to know about.
Instead he exchanges a look with Kirino next to him, the defender appearing just as startled as the strategist imagines he himself looks.
‘’Alright. I understand.’’ The words are mumbles but where they would otherwise have gone unheard, now the team has become silent enough for it to be picked up. ‘’Right. Goodbye, then.”
Tenma hangs up and drops his phone carelessly in his bag. Then he sighs softly, staring at the ground for several seconds before getting to his feet with the intent to get changed.
Shindou debates saying something, thoroughly unsettled because he's seen Tenma worried, sad and even angry a few times, but this… this is somehow worse. Clearly upset about something and yet shrugging it off completely at the same time. He's got no idea how to handle this new side of his friend, and he doesn't like it one bit.
He doesn’t seem to be the only one doubting themselves, something hesitant in the air as the team waits - for what, Shindou can’t quite tell. For Tenma to explain? The captain doesn’t even seem to notice their focus on him as he pulls off his suit jacket, but the strategist can’t help but wonder if that’s really the case. Either the brunet is so lost in his own thoughts he doesn’t notice the unusual quiet in the changing room, or he’s pretending.
It’s Tsurugi who breaks first, and Shindou feels a little relieved. Whatever issue Tenma may be facing, his guess is that he'll most easily open up to either Shinsuke, Tsurugi, or Shindou himself. He's never asked for the details but he knows Tenma and Tsurugi share a lot - Tsurugi about his brother and his time as a Seed, and Tenma about his insecurities.
“What was that all about?” the striker mumbles from the brunet’s other side, a quiet offer to talk about it.
Tenma stills in the midst of securing the captain's band around his arm.
He doesn't even look at his best friend and there's a sudden, horrid feeling of dread in the pit of Shindou's stomach that he doesn't know the origin of.
“Nothing to concern yourself with,” Tenma says evenly, and that's it. He goes back to changing like nothing happened. Like his team didn't just watch him act more cautious and restrained than he did while they traveled to the future.
He hadn't even hesitated.
Hadn't even seemed to consider talking to his team - and sure, that might not be considered odd if it were anyone else, but this is Raimon. They are arguably closer than any other team, after everything they've faced together. It's their whole thing, their never ending support of each other and their strong bonds, the reason they've made it this far, and if there's anyone who enforces that stereotype, it's Tenma.
And yet he hadn't even spared Tsurugi a single glance as he'd answered.
Shindou doesn't know what to think.
With the sudden, painful, and most importantly unusual sense of awkwardness in the air, Raimon finishes getting changed. Coach Endou shows up not long after, as bright and enthusiastic as he always is, and at least that manages to lighten the mood a little. He repeats their strategy once more, supported by Haruna refreshing the most important data on the Arakumo team, and the boys listen intently to his advice until he dismisses them with a few minutes to spare.
There's chatter in the changing room again, the excitement at the prospect of a match against a team as challenging as Arakumo resurfacing, and yet Shindou still finds himself watching his captain.
The brunet doesn't join in on any conversations, lips thin and shoulders still a bit tense.
He approaches Aoi.
The girl looks up from where she's preparing towels for the boys for later, her smile fading the moment she catches sight of him in favor of a frown. “Are you okay?” she asks.
Tenma mutely shakes his head, eyes downcast.
Aoi reaches out for him, catching him by the shoulder. She seems worried, but there's something in the way she approaches the brunet that seems to speak of experience.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Tenma, finally, cracks a smile. “Later,” he tells her. “Wanna join Aki-nee and I for dinner?”
The girl immediately brightens, both at the offer and the prospect of supporting her childhood friend. “I'd love to. I'll let my parents know, do I need to text Aki-san for you?”
The whole interaction speaks of familiarity and care. Shindou, objectively, knew they were friends, childhood friends. Knew they live in the same neighborhood, knew they hang out together often.
Knowing is different from seeing.
The way Aoi had immediately seen something was up, the way she'd known exactly how to react. How Tenma talks to her so easily when he'd seemed painfully uncomfortable with the team, had, in fact, approached her himself because he wanted to talk. The easy invitation for dinner, something they're apparently both so used to that they hadn't even considered that either Aoi's parents or Tenma's guardian could have any problem with the sudden change of plans.
There's a trust there. A trust that, until ten minutes ago, Shindou had believed to extend to the rest of the team.
As the two first-years keep talking, Tenma smiling once more, the strategist is suddenly struck with the feeling he just intruded on something private yet again. He turns away sharply.
And catches Tsurugi's gaze once more.
Seems like he wasn't the only one keeping an eye on Raimon's wayward captain - and from the frown pulling at Tsurugi's lips, it's clear the striker recognized the same thing he did.
Tsurugi is far too good at masking his emotions, but for once Shindou can make out the confusion - and dare he say the hurt - in his eyes.
Though neither of them says a word, there's a quiet understanding between them.
For all that Tenma seems to depend on them, in the span of a single phone call it has become painfully clear that there’s a boundary that neither of them had been aware of before.
And Shindou can’t help but wonder why that doesn’t surprise him as much as he thought it would.
Okay, so I tried to include Taiyou like you asked, but he didn’t want to be written. Neither did Raimon really realize they ‘messed up’, as you said, rather it’s a slow suspicion creeping up on them. This is sort of the start of the process in which Raimon realizes, ‘oh, wait, something isn’t exactly right here’.
That’s also because I’ve got some more things planned for them. Tenma has issues, but he’s also not the person to acknowledge them, or blame Raimon for their actions - but it still bothers him unconsciously and I’m hoping to build on that. Rather than outright telling Raimon, or even showing there’s a problem, he’d prefer to ignore his own feelings on the matter. He’s just not the type of person to keep grudges or blame others.
And then there's the rest of the team to consider - there's other people who still have opinions on what happened at the start of the year, but simply haven't brought it up while they were dealing with evil organizations and time traveling. Midori, for example, won't stay silent forever, and she's certainly no fan of how Tenma and Shinsuke were treated in the beginning.
Also, that phone call is actually important, but in the AR timeline is also something Tenma only faces during the third-year, AKA two years from this point in time. Very slow-going, basically, which is again why this drabble doesn't really solve anything.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed (despite the long wait, sorry about that)!
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your-next-daydream · 1 year
I love your work (as I'm sure you already know lmao), and I know you're getting kind of sick of writing for just Wade 😭 so I came to request some other marvel characters for you
I was wondering if you'd mind doing some headcanons/drabbles for Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Loki, Thor, and Bucky Barnes with a reader who's really big into body modification? (Piercings, tattoos, etc.) Even if they don't have that many themself, they're really knowledgeable about stuff like that and find it really fascinating
I look forward to your take on this ❤
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I'm combining these requests because they are fairly similar, and I'm trying to get rid of some of my Wade requests that have accumulated. Im also making this as gender neutral as possible since no piercings that require heavily specific body places were requested. I'd like to make mention that I'm a tattoo artist and piercer myself, so I'm very glad I got these requests.
Natasha Romanoff
She doesn't have that much of an opinion whether her partner has body modifications or not.
That being said, she'll ask questions on if your tattoos have meaning or not, and she'll raise an eyebrow if they don't.
When it comes to piercings, she likes to play with them when she zones out. You two will just be casually laying down, and you'll randomly feel light tugs at your facial or chest piercings if you aren't wearing a shirt.
When it comes to your tattoos, she'll trace the shapes and designs during meetings. Or whenever she doesn't have anything to do when she's bored and wants to touch you.
Admires the fact that you put yourself through pain just to gain artwork on your body.
Wanda Maximoff
She, on the other hand, was confused about why you would willingly put yourself through that.
She's not particularly a fan, but she wouldn't mind too much if you had body mods.
"Are they safe?" She'll ask anytime you wish to get a new one.
After a while, they'll grow on her, and she'll really like them. Mainly because it's a you thing, and she adores you.
Anytime one gets infected, she'll help you out with it. She'll give you a look that says, "Are you so certain these are safe now?"
Doesn't like the smell. I know you know what I'm talking about
Peter Parker
Loves them
Will ask if you want to get a matching piercing on the ears (face ones would interfere with a mask like his)
Whenever he sees jewlery that really reminds him of you, he'll get them if he can.
He'll also play with them if he's zoned out and just whenever he's in private with you.
If you get spider tattoos, if you're in the know about him?
He's kneeling, on the spot.
Asks so SO many questions.
"Did you get the tattoos for meaning or because they are pretty?" "Did you get that pierced for fun or for pleasure?"
If it's for fun, he may not toy with them much in fear of hurting you. If it's for the other one on the hand? He may try to use those to his personal gain.
He loves the ones on the pleasure spots.
He'll be all over them the second he knows about them/they are healed.
Admires the fact that you put yourself through pain just to adorn yourself.
If he knows the hole won't close up after you take one out. He will magically remove the balls on the end to mess with you.
Ends up having to get you new ones
If you ask nicely enough, he'll consider getting matching ones.
They find out a little late that he doesn't like people with sharp objects near his face.
Needs "restorative cuddles" to fix his pains.
He's the one to ask, "But what would happen if a magnetized object comes near them?"
He's trying, poor, uneducated soul.
He doesn't mind if his partner has them or not.
He likes poking at your body.
"You are not an ordinary human, I love that about you!"
Asks if you plan to get another one!
(Please get the word play...)
Asks if he can watch the piercing/tattooing/body mod process.
Doesn't enjoy watching you in pain.
Has flipped a table.
He's no longer allowed to go.
Goes anyways
Bucky Barnes
Not particularly a fan of intentionally putting yourself through pain.
If you explain why you do it, then he might be more understanding.
Will ask with a serious face, "Does my arm technically count as a piercing?"
He also likes fidgeting with them and will accidentally lose an ending on a piercing.
Also asks to go with you, he doesn't speak for the most part and let's the people do their job.
He says he didn't like seeing you in pain, but it's something you wanted, so he didn't really have a say.
Doesn't really care what you do, as long as you are happy.
Wade Wilson
Shoots a hole in his ear/face and shouts..."Twinsies!" With a mock giggle
"What the fuck Wade...?" "Aye...you're dating me...and fucking me for that matter."
Would actually get piercings or such with you without a fuss.
If it wasn't for the super healing, that is.
He'll just admire yours from right up close and personal with you.
Will ask if you would consider getting certain mods.
Definitely asks if you'll get the ones on your more pleasurable areas.
You have to remind him you don't heal as fast.
Loves your body and your mods.
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misc-obeyme · 14 days
Thinking about Lucifer knowing Spanish, and I love the idea that he picked it up on his own (HELP, IMAGINE HE LEARNED IT SUPER FAST BEFORE THE EXCHANGE STARTED ONCE HE SAW MY FILE, THAT'D ALSO BE FUNNY). But if Lucifer ever scolded me in Spanish, I'd fr burst into tears and turn into the biggest goody two shoes 💀 (for at least a few days). Like I already hate being lectured, but something about it being in Spanish just 😭 it feels sooo much worse (maybe because there's so much emotion in the language? Dialect? Very big disappointed mom vibes.)
also IT AIN'T GONNA BE ME CONFESSING, THAT'S FOR SURE. Or if I did, it'd be in the most round about way or by accident (catch me pulling a Mammon like in that car ride drabble.). I am saying it in EVERY WHICH WAY except saying 'ily' outright.
It wasn't my day for dinner but you came home sad, and suddenly I'm cooking and it's your favorite dish? Psh, don't mean nothing, I was craving it too. I found a super shiny coin and gifted it to you? I have plentyyy (don't think about the fact I keep shiny coins from the current year in my bag for good luck, and it's the first one I've found all year). I'm spending my last pieces of grimm to buy us a treat to share bc we passed our exam? Well, it'd be wrong if I only got myself one... (true story, spent my last $10 on chipotle kids meals for me and my friend/coworker so we could eat because we were both broke and had two days left to payday)
Mammon will need to grab me by the shoulders and shake me because I would not believe he's into me. I'd come up with an excuse for any evidence that he is into me 💀 He could be like "GET IT THROUGH THAT THICK SKULL OF YOURS THAT I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU!" and I'd be like "you wot? you're joking right?"
like I said, I'm denying it to hell and back because it's scary af !! I've only been in love 2.5 times, and the first time I was brushing off my feelings and making excuses. And then one day I had the "Oh. Oh... Aw, fuck." moment and became a mess around them. I've always been wary of romance (my only relationship ended up toxic, and I became more wary lol)
But the same thing happened with Mammon becoming my fave 😭 I was thinking about other characters (along with Mammon) like Levi, Beel, and Dia. But then everything about Mammon made me fall a little more without realizing, even while I was trying to deny it. I'd get asked my fave character, and I couldn't choose, but Mammon was always an option. And one day I had the "Aw, shit" moment. He won me over with his dumbass ways, heart of gold, and terrible bandaging skills.
anyway I am excited for the new lessons !! my cards are powered UP ! also I got a sketch and lineart update on one of my comms and 😭🫶 literally wanted to jump around at work because it's so perfect and cute (it's me and Mammon cuddling in bed AND RHEY PUT HIM IN A TANK TOP SND YOU CSN SEE HIS MUSCLRS AKDKD)
- ✨ anon
Disappointed mom vibes lolol. I think that would suit Lucifer really well, actually. He has those vibes anyway, make him lecture in Spanish and it's just even better~
Er. Well. I like when strict characters start scolding people, so perhaps my opinion is invalid in this case. I just find it very funny and it makes me want to tease them so bad.
Anyway, here's my opinion on romance: yes, it's scary af. But it's worth the risk.
Any time you enter into a relationship with someone, especially if there are intense feelings involved, you're taking a risk. No matter what, even in friendship and other such types of relationships. The way to get close to someone is to be vulnerable with them. And there's always the chance that the person you're being vulnerable with will take that as an opportunity to hurt you. But not everybody will. And you'll miss out on the people who won't if you just... don't even try, you know what I mean?
Ehhhh sorry to get all deep on you like that, but I've seen this kinda thing plenty of times in my life. I'm that person everybody tells all their relationship woes to and then I give them advice that they never take. And then it always turns out that I was right all along lol.
I also kinda think it's okay to fall in love with someone but never act on it. Sometimes it feels like I fall in love with everyone I meet. But sometimes you legit fall in love with someone who just... isn't the right one for you. And you know it, so there's no point in trying to pursue anything. And the feelings fade as that person moves on with their life and it just becomes a fond memory.
For what it's worth, I don't think Mammon would ever give up on you. He's not as dumb as everyone makes him out to be. He's actually quite emotionally intelligent. As soon as he finally figured out his own feelings and was able to accept them, he would clock onto yours. And if someone straight up told him (such as one of his brothers), I think he'd keep reaching out to you, keep trying for you, keep doing his best to make it so you're comfortable enough with him to be honest about how you feel~
Anyway, this is just me being a hopeless romantic lol!
Welcome to the Writing Essays About Fictional Characters You Love Club! lol honestly I get so embarrassed about how much I have to say sometimes...
I'm also excited about new lessons! And your commission sounds amazing already!
Sending the good vibes right back to you! May we all find $10 on the ground!!
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yyxandere · 1 year
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I'm writing shorts drabbles as of rn bc I literally forgot how to write/ the persona of characters, so these kinda drabble are like a work out, so I'm really sorry if this is bad/off characters and sorry of a lot of these were super rushed I just couldn't think of an ending(〃>_<;〃) also I'm trying a lot of aesthetic as of right now
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[♡]ー ꒱・!the uptight young lawyer - RYUNOSUKE NARUHODO.
A stuttering, blushing mess was the boy; Ryunosuke Naruhodo when you accepted his love confession. He was not intense unlike a certain best friend of his when showing his affections towards you, he's sweet and charming in his own ways making sure that he's doing everything in his power to be the best lover to his beloved.
He's quite suffocating with his affections but you can live with that you think. He was in your opinion the best lover you ever had until you started noticing that a lot of your friends were drifting away from you ever since you started dating Ryunosuke, you tried your best not to think deeply about it but then you noticed the guy who used to flirt with you at campus started avoiding you like a plague, and then like a courtroom evidence started stacking off. Remember that one friend who warned you about Ryunosuke? Yea, they were now in prison for a crime. You really wanted to talk about it to Ryunosuke but all he's giving you was murky answers. Before you wanted to ask for more questions, he opposed a question,
"Do you not love me? If you do, then why are you doubting me (Y/n)?"
Ryunosuke isn't powerful or courageous but he does know his ways on words.
[♡]ー ꒱・!the sharp tongue samurai - KAZUMA ASOUGI.
My, it seems like you caught the eye of the composed, yet hot-blooded Kazuma Asougi. Him being determined to claim your heart by courting you, you felt super flattered. It's not like everyday you'll see anyone declare their intention of courting someone in front of a whole crowd and better yet someone as handsome and diligent as Kazuma. 
Everyday he'll pick you up at your estate, maybe even trying to woo your parents into thinking he's a perfect partner for their child. Maybe it's his passionate words about how he's ready to climb mountains after mountains just for your soft everlasting touch. Let's say after his whole speech his name will be brought up more every time you visit or eat together with your family. 
At first you thought that this was too good to be true, Kazuma is always the first person you'll see in the morning, he'd carry all your stuff for you and even bring you gorgeous accessories, until he became quite overbearing... 
He'd act so possessive over you, making sure that every free moment of your time should be with him. He'd act so jealous whenever you're getting too close to your male or female friends. There isn't a single moment where you can't hear his name on someone's mouth and your parents didn't help either, they were always gushing about him like how he helped your mother pick up some groceries or how your father talks about how he's easy to bond with, maybe if you have siblings; younger siblings to be exact rants of how big brother Kazuma help them with their homework and after that played with them. It was too much, you want time for yourself. But you can't do that now, rejecting a man like Kazuma would not only make your parents see you with dejected eyes but also Kazuma is a stubborn man, no matter what you say or do he'll always be coming back to you. No matter what he won't back down.
Sometimes being passionate and determined can lead you to being stubborn.
[♡]ー ꒱・!the strong yet warm-hearted assistant - SUSATO MIKOTOBA.
How charming and unique she is; Judicial assistant Susato Mikotoba was always there for you, she was a woman who you can truly depend on, she'll always there's help you giving you new knowledge she's a determined and fierce woman if she ever hears someone talks bad about you she would be giving them a great scolding.
How charming and unique she is; Judicial assistant Susato Mikotoba was always there for you, she was a woman who you can truly depend on, she'll always be there to help you and give you new knowledge she's a determined and fierce woman if she ever hears someone talks bad about you she would be giving them a great scolding.
She's your right hand and she’s one of your most loyal and reliable friends, a young woman who you could always count on, may it be legal advice or your feelings. She's the person you can rely on, she's an example of what kind of woman you'd want in a partner or as a friend, no matter how much she has her faults sometimes she always tries her best to make you happy with anything she can offer.
So with that, her love for you is composed yet stern, so would be with you every day, it could be overbearing to time but how can you decline or push away someone you completely trust with your life?
It was not hard for you to admire such a woman. While you were admiring her she's lovestruck by you whenever she's around you she tries her best not to act like a schoolgirl, Susato knows those dark lingering thoughts are not normal and she's strong enough to stop them from spreading because...
..as long as you're happy she's happy.
[♡]ー ꒱・!the dunce but cunning British detective - HERLOCK SHOLMES.
You were used to the smell of tobacco and sweet pastries ever since you became close to the infamous detective: Herlock Sholmes and his assistant slash adopted kid slash border Iris Wilson. He may have a reputation and name for being called a great detective but if you spend even a second with him you might even find yourself wondering if the man in front of you even called a detective after all his deductions that do not even come close to being correct it's quite concerning time to time but that's the reason what led you to be close to him. You were helping him in every job he decided to accept you helped him fill in some missing logic, little but still crucial things, that's the reason why he kept on dragging you to new cases you basically didn't even have time to do your own detective work.
While your relationship with Iris was wholesome, she'd make some of the most delicious sweets you have ever tasted, and whenever both of you have remaining time you help her bake or cook dinner It truly a heartwarming bonding with her. Or maybe there are days when you and Iris are playing with each other she might be a genius but she is still a little girl. You really tried to avoid the feeling but both of them were overbearing in their ways, you one day decided to talk to them about their behavior and how much they were taking so much of your time but whenever you looked at their eyes especially Iris's the words would just die on your mouth and eat dinner with them with a sad smile on your face, Herlock would try his best to be more comfortable around with him and Iris the sweetheart she is would try to pry those thoughts off you.
Herlock knew exactly what he was doing with the help of Iris the both of them would be like one happy family, you wouldn't leave them, right?
[♡]ー ꒱・!the boot-rising, lip service deadly prosecutor - BAROK VAN ZIEKS.
Barok Van Zieks hates you. He hated how determined you were when helping the defense clear out the defendant's name and how your eyes spark with hope when doing so. 
You made his almost dead heart slowly beat for the first time in many years, he kept on investigating you, digging information after information on you, every time you were on a new case he would also be there, and he would throw some snarky remarks towards the attorney you were working with but never towards you. Whenever he's stressed or had a bad day he'd always look at a picture of you and his heart would beat faster, he just couldn't get enough of you. 
Barok knew what he was feeling wasn't normal and he was guilty for it. But he just couldn't resist you. The last straw was when he got injured when protecting you from a gunshot, probably the person was tied to the case and didn't want anyone finding out, besides the point. He woke up with you beside him with eyes with care and concern only for him. He hates you for him making feel greedy. He hates how much he yearns for you. He also hates himself that his heart is so weak for a person that everyone and anyone could love. You're so nice, kind, caring, understanding, selfless and so strong, that he can barely stand seeing you with another man when you've just started going out with even if it's just your legal companion.
... you made the Barok van Zieks weak.
And yet he loves you for it.
[♡]ー ꒱・!the rather easily flustered young girl - REI MEMBAMI.
Gallant! Dashing! Such compliments could be said by Rei to you, she would praise everything you do. Gushing, Fussing at everything you do it's too much to bear, but you don't want to break the girl's heart. Why should you that girl is head over heels for you, and ready to put anything including her below you, your needs will always be first! 
She's always with you making sure that you won't get hurt but if you do get hurt then get ready for an incredibly adrenaline-rushed lady, she would fuss over it even if it's a paper cut, but don't worry she didn't learn medicine for nothing so let her take care of you! 
She would be bandaging your wound while trying to keep her cool but how can she? She's touching the skin of her beloved so how can she contain her lovestruck smile. Oh, how she dreamt about this! Like one of those fairytales when the princess heals the Knight. Now, would you love her and protect Rei like a princess while you act as her courageous Knight? You do love her, right?
[♡]ー ꒱・!the honest and hard-working sick detective - SATORU HOSONAGA.
He's an honest and hardworking man and you love him for that. Your fiance Satoru Hosonaga; a detective is such a lovely man. He's devoted to you making sure that you eat and sleep well, he's even the one making your bentos, better yet even if he's a detective he always has the time to make dinner for you. Day and night he's always on your side, ready to protect and smother you with his love. 
He would praise the floor which you've walked upon, how could he not? You were sweet and caring no wonder why he was attracted towards you, but like candy unwrapped and left unsupervised it will attract some flies, just like how your sweet honey personality attracted many suitors. Hosonaga knows his limits as a detective and the power he yields as one, he tried to be logical about it first but whenever one of your suitors were making moves on you all he sees is read and all logic are thrown out of the window, the longer he stays away from you the more he yearns of you. 
He'll keep you safe, and you'll always be loved by him, his love for you is expected of your soon-to-be husband.
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minimujina · 1 year
so. hear me out. scaramouche and nilou
maaaajor spoilers below, dont read if you dont know about scaramouche’s full lore and character arc and everything!!
i had this idea because you know how when he becomes wanderer (after losing his memories) and starts to work for that guy in the grand bazaar for free?? he HAD to have seen nilou perform before, i mean he must have right. and since he’s a completely different person from the big emo bastard scaramouche, i imagine that he would be so enchanted by her dancing that he might approach her after a show to tell her. he’s really sweet and just sort of floaty, ykyk how he was before he got his memories back. just a little guy :)
they would hit it off and stuff and maybe they’d go for a walk or something around the city or in a garden :) it would mostly be wanderer listening to nilou talk, since he cant remember anything about himself, and hes much more interested in her anyways. he finds himself really smitten anshjddhhd
i think that would probably be like their only interaction before he gets his memories back, but it was enough to spark a connection on both ends (especially since he told nilou jack shit about himself—she’s left wondering who the hell the guy with the big hat was lmao)
however, since he has now returned to being a bastard full-time, he tries to distance himself from nilou to protect her. he knows that if he saw her again and she realized he was a completely different person, he wouldn’t know what to do. there was too much to explain. he would feel so guilty not having an explanation if he accidentally said something rude or acted out of line. and in the end, he might just end up driving her away from him—which would be yet another loss of a person who is in some way special to him. and he’s not sure he’ll be able to endure that kind of pain all over again. what if she only liked the other version of him, and not this version, who was jaded and cynical and hurt?
auntie buer is not having any of that though lol—she quickly finds out he sort of might maybe like nilou (it wasnt that hard, he was literally thinking about her constantly. the thoughts of how to avoid her kept getting interrupted with fluttering admirations about her, how lovely she is, how sweet, how yadda yadda, and then he would get mad at himself and shake his head). and so nahida does some meddling (idk details theyre tbd) and BOOM confrontation ez clap
i could say more but. it runs off into a specific scene with details that arent necessary for this drabble post.
i thought of this last night and slapped some words onto a google doc before the inspiration slipped (it is quite literally an entire page of a block of nonstop words, there are no breaks whatsoever and its a mess😭) and i wanted to post a modified and much less aggressive key-smashing version of it to see if i can convert anyone to my rarepair agenda :-)
i might. might may maybe might write this story but i already have so many ideas i Cannot commit to and so many other things i should be focusing on. at the very least it will probably be a long time before i post it if i do end up writing it fyi—but this will definitely be in the back of my head
(so like. does. does anyone see what i see. does anyone else think this is cute. because im losing my mind thinking about these two in This specific scenario) (please let me know if this is cute or if i am delusional)
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comatosebunny09 · 2 years
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tell me where it hurts
summary: a mishmash of drabbles describing a perfectly imperfect romance between you and your favorite flame-haired pillar, and all the things that fall in between.
these could also be used as writing prompts if anyone wants to use them.
genre: angst, romance, modern au
warnings: depression, body dysmorphia
please enjoy!
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i. stubborn
letting him in is easier said than done.
both inside your home, and inside your heart.
"why are you the most difficult person to love?" he spits; his words singe like venom as he wedges himself in the doorway to keep you from shutting it.
‘because,’ you wish to retort, ‘because I am the easiest person to break.’
ii. strong
when depressed, you recede into yourself.
cocoon yourself in blankets and misery and self-loathing, and he hates it more than anything.
he sinks beneath the covers with you; finds your eyes red, lips puffy, and nose dribbling with snot. wordlessly, he pulls your arms around him. strokes your warm hair as you bury your face into his pectorals, hands fisted in his shirt for dear life. your body convulses and fresh tears spring forth.
he holds you all-the-more tighter; whispers, "shh, it is alright," into your ear while you just sob your pretty little heart out.
‘you don't always have to be so strong,’ he wants to tell you. ‘it's okay to drop your defenses from time to time.’
iii. admiration
a set of callused fingers creep like gangly spider limbs up the expanse of your back, startling you.
“let me help you with that, my sunflower," he coos into the shell of your ear, voice rivaled by the breath of the fan that rolls languorously over your bodies.
effortlessly, he tugs your shirt skyward, past bunched muscle and bronze skin.
amid your flustered exterior, you silently wonder:
‘how did I get so lucky?’
iv. yearning
"hi," he exhales; effectively dissects the static of the receiver and the drowsiness cradling your mind.
“um, hi?” your voice is groggy on the other end from disuse.
sometime progresses before he—
“i miss you. dearly.”
held softly by your cool blanket and the slither of joy sneaking through you, you smile toothily. thank the gods that your comforter shields you from the taunting eyes of your roommates.
“i miss you, too,” you whisper, as if a weight has been pulled from your chest.
“i am grateful," he chuckles, releasing the same burden.
suddenly, being far away in another country doesn’t seem so bad anymore.
v. defenseless
“i wish nothing more than to love you with all my being,” he says, holding your hand with stars filling his eyes.
“cool,” you reply, hiding behind the hardcover of your novel. the loud thrumming of your heart does not exist. you are most certainly not flustered. and the warmth of his hand does not cause butterflies to stir frantically in your gut.
he looks down at his lap with a forlorn smile, still massaging your fingers.
“it is alright,” he breathes, gathering himself from his position knelt beside you. “i will love you enough for the both of us.”
slowly, he releases your hand; it falls listlessly at your side. in your peripheral, you watch his back retreat from the living room. inwardly, you fume.
‘who the hell do you think you are, running him off like that?’
vi. perfume
he feels that you are most beautiful waking up after a night out, too lazy to snatch off your jewelry, yet sober enough to slide out of your dress into a sweatshirt—his—two sizes too big with sleeves that fall past your fingertips.
it touches your knees and smells like the marc jacobs perfume you drenched it in two days ago, but it's the most comfortable thing in the world to you, and he lives for it.
vii. compliment
you need a little reassurance from time to time.
"i am satisfied with me; i am gorgeous," you lie blatantly.
through the mess of your cotton-white comforter, his hand finds your ankle and squeezes as if to convey, ‘you most certainly are,’ with the simplest of gestures.
“what on earth would ever make you think otherwise?" he asks aloud. you shrug; bite your lip to contain the smile.
"i just like to hear you say it from time to time."
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aro-laurance-zvahl · 10 months
Michael and Jake is such a big brained pairing wtf. TELL ME MORE do they play on the same team in capture the flag? what sorts of shenanigans do the boys get up to? has Jake ever used charm speak on Michael?
AJHDJAJSJS YEAH! It’s actually. So funny how they ended up being a ship for this. Basically this all started because I listened to The Lightning Thief Musical when I was deep into BMC fic writing, and so naturally I start thinking of a Half-Blood AU but I could only really settle on godly parents for Michael and Jake (as well as Chloe but hers is Zeus, obviously, and I didn’t want to mess with Big Three Kid shenanigans)
So basically I was just writing random drabbles set in no partially timeline, messing around as most of my writing is. And they. Just kept wanting to kiss! So I let them. Also fun fact I’m a big Expensive Headphones (Michael/Rich) shipper and I started shipping them for the Exact Same Reason. These boys just all want to kiss Michael who am I to stop them?
They absolutely do play capture the flag on the same team and it obviously started during that time where Jake was just scared and attached to Michael and Michael wanted nothing mlre than for Jake to just pretend he didn’t exist like he did at school but Chiron obviously sees Jake has imprinted on Michael like a lost duckling and keeps them together at all costs. It works out.
Some shenanigans include Jake swiping weed from some Demeter kids for Michael, them locking one of Michael’s sisters into the armory with her crush, Michael slipping notes written in Ancient Greek into Jake’s locker, Knife Throwing. I also have the very vivid idea of Jake pestering Michael into trying out for the archery team since there’s a spot open now, and Michael jsuy shrugging it off and saying no until Squipped Up Jeremy says something rude about it and oh no now Michael has to do it. And Jake is just happy because he gets to watch his boyfriend be the best fucking archer ever and show everyone how cool he is (truly hearts in his eyes)
And then the charmspeak on Michael, the answer is a Yes. At least once on accident when he was still new and not aware he even had it. But he does do it purposely when he notices Michael spiraling into a panic attack, tries to smother it out before it can start by charming him into breathing and calming down. Works well enough but probably feels real funky and depending on the source can be a temporary solution. Jake would learn to use it sparingly, the Halloween Party is a good example of when he would do it
Also I can’t believe I forgot to mention this but Michael and Dionysus are actually lowkey buds. Is this partially because of George Salazar being both of them? Yes. But it’s also because Dionysus loves Pac-Man and so does Michael! And Michael would 100% sneak around to find his personal Pac-Man machine to play at camp.
And one last fun fact, Michael’s contact name in Jake’s phone is “Apollo But Gayer” and Jake’s in Michael’s phone is “Aphrodillinger”
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fanmoose12 · 2 years
These months I've been studying for the MCAT and what can I tell you... I'm really stressed out. You'll probably know how it feels, you have to study day and night I haven't got a nice sleep yet and I'm having headaches and I cant stop crying. This is the worst part of my life rn. I know is gonna be worth it but is difficult to stay positive.
I want to feel better and levihan is my favorite ship, it always brings me happiness and I was wondering if you could write a small drabble about Hange in a Modern AU being really stressed out and almost giving up like me because they are studying for a really hard uni exam (whatever field you choose if you want to) and Levi is there to comfort his lover because they are going through a really rough time.
I would love seeing Levi comforting Hange because I know during this days you need someone you love by your side to give you support. I sadly dont have that person I love by my side to support me but maybe reading this drabble would help me to feel that love and support, because I really like how you write Fanmoose and you always make me feel the emotions of the characters by text and is truly amazing. Keep up the good work and stay safe! ❤
Levi has seen all of this before - the mess of discarded papers, all littered with broad, chaotic strokes of Hange's handwriting, the circle of dirty coffee cups, the towers build from boxes of cheap takeout food, Hange themself on the floor, sitting amidst this clutter, agitated and with vigor pouring out of them.
The tears brimming at the end of their lashes, glistening in the light of the desk lamp, however, that's... that's a new development. An extremely concerning one.
"Hey..." his hand that grazes the side of a doorway is just as hesitant, as is his voice. "Four-eyes, are you-"
"I'm fine!" Hange exclaims - way too quickly and with too much energy for their answer not to sound forced. "Fine, fine, I'm fine..." with every 'fine' they mutter Levi realizes just how not fine they're. "Just a little busy with work. This new research the university has entrusted to me is a bit more nuanced than I thought... Definitely much more nuanced than they thought, but, hey, it's nothing that some digging cannot solve."
"It doesn't seem like it."
"Huh?" back to their papers already, Hange looks back at him with eyes wide open. They blink rapidly, appear confused, the circles under their eyes - way too dark. "What did you say?"
"Hange," Levi's voice grows sterner, his concern - deeper. "When was the last time you've slept? Or took a break longer than needed for you to go and take a shit?"
"Hm..." they bite at the end of their pen. "Today is Tuesday, right?"
It was the evening of a Thursday. And if Hange failed to take note of that... Levi sighs and strides decidedly inside their room.
"Hange," he crouches next to them on the floor, tries not to wince at the stench that's emanating from them. "You need to sleep."
"I know, I know, I will, I just need to figure this equation out first. Then..."
"No." Levi hisses lowly, snatching the notebook out of Hange's palm. Hange tries to fight him, but even on their best days - Levi remains the stronger one. And today, it's no challenge to him at all. "You're going to take a break. Now."
"No, Levi, you don't understand, I-" and there they are, the tears, they return. In full force. Hange tries to wipe them with their sleeve, but tears don't stop, and soon - their face turns into a mess.
Levi exhales, swipes their hand away and wipes their face himself. His touch is gentle, careful, his eyes worried and sad. When the snoot is gone from Hange's cheeks, he pulls them closer, wraps an arm around them and lets them continue sobbing into his t-shirt.
"I don't know how to solve it, Levi," Hange murmurs, clutching at his back. "I try and try and try, but..."
"Shh," he rocks them gently, presses his lips against the crown or their head, greasy hair be damned. "You just need a break, Hange, then you'll feel better. That big brain of yours will feel better too. And in the morning, you'll solve whatever shit you couldn't."
"And if I still won't be able to?" Hange asks in a voice so weak that Levi's arms subconsciously tighten around them. "What if I fail, what if I-"
"Are you working on how to solve the world hunger? Or cure cancer?"
"Well, no, but-"
"Then the world won't end if you fail. The world will still be there, waiting for you to try again. And again, if needed to. But you won't be able to continue trying, if you don't take a break and rest."
"All people fail, Hange, cut yourself some slack. Now, come on," Levi raises, helps Hange get to their feet as well. They waver as they stand upright, Levi's hold on them is unwavering, however.
"Uh..." Hange says, sheepishly, with some of light returning to their eyes. "I think I'm hungry..."
Levi nods. "You also are exhausted. And reek like shit."
Hange's hand goes to their head, they weave fingers through their hair, grimacing as they do so. "Mm, perhaps, you're right. I do need a shower."
"But first," Levi starts pushing them forward. "Let's get some food inside you. Real food," he adds, glaring at the discarded boxes of takeout.
"You'll cook for me, I hope?"
Levi looks up at them, his expression deadpan. "Do I have a choice not to?"
Hange giggles, leaning more into his side. "What I'd have done without you..."
"Die from exhaustion or asphyxiation after falling asleep with your nose still in your notebook."
"Rude," Hange says. "But probably true." They pause then, features turning more serious. "Thank you, Levi, for... always taking care of me. I know I'm not the easiest partner to deal with but..."
"Taking care of your giant brain is my duty to the universe. And taking care of you, you weirdo," he says, voice that much softer, "is my personal pleasure."
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witchydino · 1 year
Modeling w/ The Great Mammon
Short lil story with a gn!reader and the MAMMON
Just fluff♡
Roughhhhh writing, no edits just drabble
You went with mammon to a photoshoot only to be offered a modeling gig!
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"Oi MC! Wasn't I great! The photos for this one are gonna look amazing!" Mammon shouted running over to you. You didn't also come to all his modeling gigs but since he's your boyfriend now it was kinda hard to refuse him. "Yes Mamsy you look amazing! Should we go grab lunch?" He looks at you with that dumb little sparkle in his eye and a huge grin on his face. It's almost as if you are the brightest diamond in his world when he stares at you like that it makes you melt inside. "Hell yea babe and it's on me this time!"
"Hey excuse me?" One of the assistants had approached you not Mammon. "Uh, yes hi is something wrong?" You were worried you did something wrong the staff never bothered you before. You look over at Mammon but he's too busy looking at places to eat. "Oh no! I was just wondering, you are thee human right? The human that has pacts with all 7 avatars of sin?"
"Oh well yea, I don't think it sometimes, I guess I am why?" You got a little nervous because for a moment it seems like shes gonna ask the question. The one you dread everytime you visit Mammon during his gigs. "Would you be interested in a gig? Just a small photoshoot and an interview? We think you'd be very popular and ofcourse you'd be paid for it." The momemt she said paid Mammon was paying attention again "Yo you'd make a beautiful model mc! You should do it, we could be models together!" And there it was, the question and Mammon's reaction. It's not like you didn't think about it. But really a model? With all your exchange student duties you weren't sure if you had time. "Babe? Is everything ok? Ya can say no, I don't mind having ya all to myself ofcourse. I do like being the only demon that gets to stare at ya" you were hestitant but whats one little interview and some photos? Maybe it'll be fun.
"Yea sure I don't mind doing one gig. But if the interview is centered around my pacts should we ask if the others wanna be in a few photos?" The assitant lit up overjoyed you said yes "That sounds like a lovely idea I'll run it by the manager and send everything to you with the details later. If you could just sign this form of consent I can get started" You sign the form with a silly smile on your face. You a model.
"Oi what's the big idea bringing my bros into this! They will just hog ya as always!" Mammon dissaproves of the idea now that his brothers are involved. Ofcourse it's not surprising but you laugh because it's cute, "Mamsy if the shoot is about my pacts shouldn't I have my demons with me? Besides one day they will be my brothers officially to you know, oo I should say that in the interview!" And now youv'e done it, mammon becomes a flustered mess at the thought of you to married. He ends up stuttered the rest of the day as you continue to tease him.
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