#ideal week planner
ajwxyzwordpress · 9 months
My Ideal Week With Planner and Template for you
An ideal week can vary greatly depending on individual preferences and priorities. However, it generally refers to a well-balanced and fulfilling week that allows for productivity, relaxation, and personal growth.
My Ideal Week With Planner and Template for you Welcome to you all, An ideal week can vary greatly depending on individual preferences and priorities. However, it generally refers to a well-balanced and fulfilling week that allows for productivity, relaxation, and personal growth. Here’s my ideal week : Monday: Start the day with a morning workout or meditation session. Focus on important…
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this time, I told myself, this time I'd do it right, I'd actually make a plan for my week off and I’d get a lot of things done, or at least I’d get some of the things done that are either urgent or that I’ve been needing to do for months or even years, and not just come to the end of the week hating myself more for having had all that time and wasted it
reader, you'll never guess what happened next
I mean, I did get some stuff done! Several things, in fact, but I didn't even finish all the urgent things or get to any of the things I've been meaning to do for months/years, and I barely made a dent in the list of stuff I felt like I should have been able to do during an entire week, so now I feel way worse about it than if I hadn't taken the time off to begin with. and in fact instead of trying to get through at least a couple more things on my list today, I spent most of it basically just trying to distract myself from the spiral of self-loathing...which is to say, not doing any of the things I actually needed to be doing, because that would first require me to choose one of them, which would require me to think about all of them and choose others to give up on doing...which of course also means getting to the end of the day with more panic and self-loathing about the things I could have done and didn’t, and feeling like I should stay up late to do something but I can’t fucking choose because it’s too late to do everything now because I fucked it all up again, and choosing one thing means acknowledging I already failed, is that the problem? when I’m still scrambling for a way to make that not be true even though it’s not possible because, you know, the week’s already over?
but, okay, I did some things, it wasn’t enough but I did some things
made some appointments
got my updated covid booster
did a ton of playtesting, proofreading, and bug reporting in the VN I’m helping test (this admittedly took up way more time than I expected)
wrote and mailed like...35 postcards to voters, which would feel like more of an accomplishment if I didn’t have at least 50 more that should go out on Monday
tentatively arranged some pin trades, mailed another one
bought postcard stamps
hung the biggest of my new pin boards so it doesn’t get knocked over again (there’s nothing on it yet, it’s just out of the way now)
took Hazy to get her nails trimmed
bought...some stuff...from some small business...there were sales, okay, don’t judge me
left some comments on some fics
also left a bunch of Etsy reviews
made a super simple custom Lego minifig Loki, although I’m probably still going to change it; also ordered additional Loki minifigs to do so
took some pictures for eBay
which doesn’t look at all bad when you list it like that, except when you consider I could have probably done most of this stuff in a normal week while working, and the list of things I really, really meant to do was not all that long but the things on it were significant, so...I don’t fucking know.
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become a disciplined person easily
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it's not that you are lazy or don't know how to do it, you just don't know how to organize your time well, stop telling yourself that you don't have discipline or that's for other people and take action now!
start by organizing your current life
what are my goals? what would be my ideal routine? where can i start? what habits are stealing my time or are harmful to me? am i satisfied with my current life? what should i improve? what can i do now to improve?
after answering these questions yourself and having a clearer idea of what you want, write down your short-term goals (for example to become more disciplined in one month by creating small routines) and start organizing yourself, again ask yourself, what can i change right now? and for sure you can improve many things, you can start exercising, have a day and night skincare routine, go for a walk every day, write a diary, whatever you want! and propose to do these new things for at least a week every day, take it as a challenge, even if it is 10 minutes a day, but make a space in your agenda for this new thing you want to start, this is how you will start to create a discipline.
find your motivation
what are the long and short-term benefits you will get when you start this habit or routine? how will you feel when you get what you want, no matter how small? what improvements will there be in your life during and after this?
little by little
as i explained before you can take this as a small challenge, choose a new "harder" habit and another smaller one like drinking water several times a day, and to remind you of this you can carry a bottle of water with you (and i recommend this habit to everyone). if you want to start exercising and you always end up leaving it, propose to yourself the challenge of doing every day 10 minutes for a week and this way you will get used to it (it can be any task that you want to incorporate to your life) and enjoy the process, write or talk to someone how you feel, it may be hard at first but you have to get used to it, do not put too much effort during the first week, maybe there are days that you do not feel like it, but remember better little than nothing, but remember always do it for your well being and improvement, that is the biggest reason you will find.
it can also help you to keep a record of what you do during the day, you can write it down or use an app called daylio, by seeing your progress will keep you motivated.d
some ideas to train your discipline
wake up one hour earlier than usual and go to sleep one hour earlier
organize yourself every day with a planner as soon as you wake up
know your goals for the day
control the time you spend on social media or watching tv
don't give up!
after you have achieved your goal, for example, to lose weight, don't give up the habits you created, you have to keep them in your life so you have to create a routine that suits you and makes you feel happy and motivated at the same time. you will always have more goals to achieve. when you create a routine and a plan of action everything will be much easier for you.
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prettieinpink · 5 months
im the south american anon, thanks for your kind words, i love your account so much ♡. just wondering if you have a guide on how to prepare for a new school year or for 2024, have a wonderful morning/night 💗
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Try to recreate your ideal study routine before. Study any subject you want using that specific study routine that you can when school opens. This gives you enough time before school starts to make any adjustments needed.
Get a head start. If you do have access to your curriculum or syllabus, read or actively study content on those topics. If you don’t, you can usually search up your class and your state which shows what you’ll be learning.
Experiment with study methods + note-taking. For study methods, search up different ways to effectively study, and pick at least three that appeal to you. Then pick any topic you want, and use those methods to study that topic. See which one worked the best for you and which wasn’t. 
For note-taking, search for some ways to take notes, and choose at least 3 that appeal to you. Then watch a video/lecture on any topic, and use those methods to take notes on it. See which ones that worked the best for you.
Create a planner or diary. Use it to keep track of your assessments, assignments due dates, events at school or any after-school activities. This planner would be just purely for school-related things. 
I think a digital planner would work best with most students, but some traditional ones are equally as good. It’s up to you to choose how you want to plan your school life, but you need to have at least one planner. 
Find a good study website/app. There are so many academic websites/apps out there that can aid you while studying, which are just at your fingertips. 
I recommend Duolingo, Quizlet and Khan Academy. Of course, there are so many more out there so I encourage you to explore your options. Some websites are just dedicated to one subject. 
Set SMART goals. Set academic goals that are achievable and realistic. Wanting all A’s or 100’s all the time is just way too unrealistic, and the pressure of wanting to reach the standard you set for yourself is just going to stress you out. 
Wanting a certain award, or A’s in certain subjects allows you to allocate your focus properly and is within reach. While you should definitely strive for good grades, avoid getting caught up in the mind trap of trying to achieve ‘perfect’ grades. 
Create a study place and ritual. Before school starts, choose a place anywhere in which you study regularly. Avoid having more than one, because having just one allows you to settle in and focus better. 
If this place is in your house, ensure that the space around it is clean and free of anything that wouldn’t serve you while studying. Plus, you can put up some cute motivational quotes.
A study ritual is habits that you do before studying, that help you while studying. You can create your own of whatever things that help you to be more productive and focused. 
Establish a sleep routine early. A week before school preferably, start waking up at the time you’d have to go to school and sleeping at your desired time. This is so that when school starts, you’re not feeling groggy while getting ready because you’ve already adjusted to the time. 
Talking about sleep, ensure that you practice good sleep hygiene as quality sleep enhances brain performance and improves energy levels throughout the day. 
Plan your meals at school. For us who have canteens or cafes near our schools, we tend to just eat whatever and we forget to nourish our bodies. You still can buy from them, but the night before, try to think about what you can eat for lunch the next day instead of impulsively buying. 
Carrying small containers of fruits or vegetables to go with my canteen lunch is my favourite combination. 
Carry a water bottle. I used to always forget to stay hydrated during school, so instead of drinking from fountains, I now prefer to carry around my water bottle from class to class. 
Wear SPF.
Just having it sitting on my desk while I’m working, reminds me in my mind to drink water. Water also boosts brain performance! 
Create a stress management plan. There are going to be times when you feel stressed, but we want to avoid stress impacting our academic performance and mental health. 
Before school starts, plan what to do if you feel heavily stressed. This could be like a menu of things you can choose from or a step-by-step guide that you follow through. This plan should contain things that relax you, make you happy and distract you from stress. 
Practice good posture. Once school starts, we sit at a desk all day, and most of us forget the proper way to sit while studying/working in class. This can lead to slumping or hunching on a chair, which encourages bad posture. 
Remember throughout the day to practice good posture, if you can, put a little reminder on your device. Posture stretches before the school days also help. 
Try to incorporate exercise into your schedule. Exercise is frequently neglected when we just have so much studying to do and we’re busy with other activities, but exercise is essential to leading a healthy lifestyle. 
The good thing, is you don’t have to do it every day. Doing it 2-3x a week should be enough. Going on walks during lunch/recess, cycling to school or participating in gym are easy ways to incorporate during the school season. 
Keep your bag lightweight. Carry the absolute essentials to school, having such a heavy bag can do a number on your back and also affect your posture. If you do have one, try to keep most things in your locker instead of bringing them to and from school. 
Engage in social media mindfully. There are so many toxic studying accounts out there that encourage unrealistic expectations or offer harsh ‘motivation’ to students. 
Please don’t interact with these types of accounts, even if they provide motivation to you, it is not sustainable at all. 
Choose your favourite way to take a break. Not just once a week, but always take breaks every day. If you want these breaks to be somewhat productive like reading a productivity book or exercising, then go ahead. 
However, your breaks can also be ‘unproductive’. Play some games, go online shopping or just take a nap. One break is not better than the other, I just encourage you to take any kind of breaks you want daily.  
Plan to engage in hobbies regularly. It is easy to neglect our passions and what brings us happiness when we’re focused on school. If you can, have a chunk of the day just purely for doing hobbies. It can be for 1 hour, 30 minutes or 10. 
Or, join an afterschool club that focuses on that specific passion or hobby. Not only is it time for you to engage in the things you enjoy, you meet like-minded people who also enjoy it. 
Try to plan things with friends and family. Before school, meet up with your friends or family and do things with them. Once school reopens, opportunities to hang out with your loved ones are scarce. So, do it now. 
Create a no-hard productivity day. Plan a day in which you are doing the most minimal amount of productivity that you can. While you can include a few productive things, nothing that is mentally or physically exhausting is allowed on this day. 
If you are way too much of a productive or goal-oriented person to spend one day of no hard productivity, create a catch-up day. Choose one day of the week that you focus on completing or doing anything that you didn’t do all the other days. 
Keep a journal on you. Sometimes things happen during the school year, and it does cause conflicting or upsetting emotions within us. Creating the practice of journaling before school reopens is a good way for us to process our emotions and situations. 
Carry a book you like in your bag or locker. When you finish all of your work in class, or you just want to take a break, you can read a good book. This is also a good alternative to spending your lunches and recesses when you’re not in a sociable mood. 
Create a reward system. For example, if I study for x minutes, I can do x for myself. Or I can x grade, and I’ll get x. These don’t have to be big or extravagant rewards, but something simple like one episode of your favourite show can do. 
Practice a growth mindset. You are going to experience failure at least once (if not more) during your school career. You mustn’t take these experiences to heart, and instead, use them as lessons to encourage self-growth within you. 
Practice this mindset now, so that when school reopens, you won’t have a problem with extracting lessons from failures. 
Use comparison as a source of inspiration or motivation. It is easy to compare ourselves with our peers, as we are similar ages, but their skills can exceed ours. Instead of using up all of your energy to be envious of the, channel that energy into bettering yourself. Not to beat them, but to beat yourself. 
View studying as a time to develop your skills. While yes, we do study to get good grades, studying can help us to grow our other skills as well. We build our discipline, focus and critical thinking as well. 
So when you don’t get the best grade from an assessment or assignment, don’t beat yourself up and think all that studying was for nothing. You were building those skills, so next time, you can apply them when you have to study again.
Set firm boundaries with others and yourself. There are times when you just have to say, I have to study. Not just to others, but to yourself. Practice these boundaries before school when it comes to more general productivity. 
There is no rejection, just redirection. Change your mindset that rejection is nonexistent, and there is only redirection. Incorporate it in your daily life like;
‘there’s no more stock left of my favourite product, there’s probably something better out there.’ 
That being said, I’m not saying that if there is a barrier to your goal, you just move on. However, you should not be chasing things that are not meant for you and shift your focus when necessary. 
Detach when needed. Stop attaching your value or worth to things that are external and can easily be gone. This doesn’t have to apply to just grades, but also other situations. 
Try to start reading or researching about detachment before school reopens.  
Time is your most valuable resource, use it to invest wisely. Your teen years are going to be the most suitable time in your life to start investing in yourself. 
You have fewer things to worry about(aside from grades) and you have a lot of opportunities now to explore the things that you want. Please, don't spend this time doomscrolling or any other time-wasting activity. 
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radiant-reid · 1 year
Let It Snow
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Summary: Apparently, getting stuck in a cabin with Spencer isn't too bad
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (fluff)
Word Count: 1.0k
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"We're never going to get out of here by tomorrow." She complains, looking out the window where the snow is already probably half a foot high, and it's not forecasted to end any time soon.
Maybe the idea to use some of their remaining vacation time to retreat to a little cabin in the Vermont mountainside wasn't well thought out. Although it was almost Christmas break, apparently, it was too cold for serial killers to kill, so the BAU workload was light, and Hotch was more than willing to give them time off.
But the chance planes will be leaving, or even be able to land in DC if the cold snap had traveled south, is next to zero. By morning, they might be completely snowed in.
She turns back to look at her gorgeous boyfriend, who is snuggled under a blanket on the couch, tucked up like a burrito with a mug of tea on the table. "How are you not freaking out about this, Mr. Planner?"
"Doctor Planner." He jokes. "And I'm not freaking out because I like spending time with you here."
She smiles, stepping away from the window and to the couch where she sits next to him.
The inside of the cabin is cute yet luxurious, fitted with polished wood, a grand fireplace, and nice furniture. Most importantly, it's cozy, with one bedroom off the side of the open-planned kitchen and living room. The windows are impressive, floor-to-ceiling glass that shows the rows of pine trees covered in white snow. It's peaceful and quiet, and that's what they needed.
Spencer takes his arm out of the blanket and wraps it around her, pulling her closer. "I'm not worrying because, for once, I don't feel stressed." It's remarkable, really, since he's been stressed since he was five. "Who cares if we don't get home tomorrow or this week?" He asks rhetorically. "We've got food, power, a backup generator, and, this might be my bias, but good company."
She giggles, nuzzling further under his arm. "You're right."
"I always am." He reminds her. "Now get out of your coat and shoes, and come cuddle with me."
She obliges. It's warm enough with the fire on that she doesn't need anything more than sleep shorts and a hoodie of Spencer's. She hurries back to the couch where Spencer has set up snacks.
The news on the TV is on, a weather reporter talking about a snowstorm coming over the east coast. It's not good news. "Are you seeing this?" She asks Spencer, turning the volume up as she stands behind the couch to watch the show.
He nods, unphased as he pours more tea. "Let it snow, Y/n. Just let it snow." He instructs, taking the remote and turning the TV off.
Y/n huffs, sitting down next to him. He pulls her closer so they can both see out the wide windows at the settling sun and pink-painted sky.
"Don't you think it's so beautiful?" He asks. There's a soft wonder in his expression that's usually not there. She imagines it's what baby Spencer looked like opening his college textbooks at thirteen.
She places her fingers on his cheek while they both stare at the scenery. He hasn't shaved since they left, and it's a good look on him. "Not much snow growing up in Vegas, huh?" She asks.
"Maybe twice." He recalls, turning back to look at her. She leans forward to kiss him a couple of times, appreciating how warm he is to be around. "I don't mind it, though, because it makes me feel like a little kid now." He confesses. "Like I had encyclopedias when I was a kid and I still love learning facts, but it's not a novelty."
He could not be any cuter, all soft. It melts her heart completely. "You're adorable." She tells him, holding his cheek tighter when he tries to hide his blushing by turning away. "Stop. I'm your girlfriend, I'm allowed to say you're cute."
"Can we just lay here forever?" He wonders. "Stare at the bright stars, then watch the sun come up, see the snow falling all day, and look at the sunsets."
It does sound ideal. "We might need sleep, though." She reminds him.
Spencer's already thought of that. "We can do that here, too. I just want you to always be this close."
She leans forward to kiss him a few more times. "Sounds like a good plan." She agrees, pressing her cheek to his so they can both look out the window. "This is going to be my happy thought now." She admits. "You know when there's something horrific at work and you have to think of a good thing to balance it?"
Spencer can feel his happy thought changing as well. "What was it before?" He asks curiously.
"The first time you kissed me." She reveals.
He pulls back in shock. "God, really? That was horrible."
She shakes her head. Maybe he was sweating because of how nervous he was, and maybe his lips were only on hers for a short second and he had no idea what to do afterward, but it was them. "It was sweet."
"I'm just glad my Ph.Ds were a redeemable quality." He jokes.
She laughs with him. "Baby, everything about you is a redeemable quality, even though you don't have anything that needs to be redeemed."
"I really love you." He says softly.
"I really love you too." And she really doesn't hate unpredictable weather events anymore.
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@reidsbookclub @gublerstwilight @k-k0129 @spookyspence @eevee0722 @iamreallytryingiswear @dontcallmekittens @gublur @countingthestarsinfinitely @xhopingthis-worksx @claryandjacelover @spencersjello @mikewizkalifa @actingchica @almost-a-ladybug @foodsarcasmandyou @illegallygingerr @darkacademicwhore @uhuhuh @alexxavicry @probablycryingg @awkwardnesshabitat @black-veil-baby @uwu-queen-420  @one-sweet-gubler @whovianayesha @buckys-doll17 @gubedawnreid @parahmur @whovianayesha @i-wanna-be-conan-obrien @kierstiniscrying @simonsnowsblog @usuck @geekykeen @i-wanna-be-conan-obrien @sexy-dumpster-fire @j4sephluv @sophneedsfandoms @asantos7783 @hotchandspencearedilfs  @kitkatkaitin @allthingsfashionn @spideyjass @sammypotato67 @dimpledsmilex3 @vincentvanshoe @nervous-plant @safespacespence @agirlinherhead @maraudersminds @hopelesslystuc @bakugouswh0r3 @ilovespencerreidmarryme  @elnmop @ah-blossom @bellam47 @matthewgraygublerlover @liltiana-ann @happypixy380 @aaija @arrowurboat @reidsonlyangel @xreaderandshits @alohastitch0626 @nyx2021 @assemblemotherfuckers @idjit-sonovawitch @hwngslove @nycreid @helen-with-an-a @sia2raw @hufflepuffwhore13 @pastelbabygirl19 @blomfildsbeauty @hagridsmomma @differentavenue @grxnde-dwt @indecisive-asexual-stuff @hufflepufftruffle @alexxavicry @eichenhouseproperty @musethekitten @langcvn @cucufk @paperbackprettyboy @spencersprettyslut @devilslilbabysblog @padf00ts-l0ver @honey-stark @spencemylove @an0bra1n @jordierama​ @bellenotthebeast​ @cynbx​ @darkenwolfie​ @conniesanchor @cloudxxs @jellycolors @sydneekomspacekru @ccosmic-illusion @majooooooooooooooooooo
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The Dollhouse Diaries
Real Life In Plastic Tip #6:
ෆTime Management for Neurodivergent Girly Girls and Boujie Hyperfemmesෆ
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This is the pretty girl era of having time management under control. The key is to learn how to live in the moment while also being discipline enough to move on to the next task as needed. I know that sentence was as daunting to read as it was for me to write ૮꒰ྀི⊃⸝ ⸝ ⸝⊂꒱ྀིა I guarantee I gotcha *Chaeyoung voice*
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First Things First: Go 1 Week At a Time!! (every 3 days if an entire 7 is too much or your schedule is unpredictable, like mine)
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Build a simple list of all the things you have to do and that you would like to do. Its much easier to get it all out on the table so you can donate more of your brain power to sorting things, rather than holding things.
Put all of the things listed on a calendar: Most important first things first! This means things like health appointments,work schedule, birthdays, holidays that you celebrate, classes, or anything that involves not only your time but other’s as well. Then after that put the elective things second; Nail appointments, shopping trips, dates with friends, etc. Lastly, put the things you would like to incorporate into your daily routine; We talking skincare, any hobbies you may have like drawing/painting/sculpting/reading/blogging, any form of exercise, etc.
Once the week or however much time you have scheduled out is done on your overall calendar, then its time for marrying it to your life.
Marrying your schedule: Planner apps, Physical Planner, Dry Erase Boards and Bullet Journals
Choosing your medium at keeping up with your schedule is very important. You may have to try them all before you get comfortable with something. I have tried them all and I’ve found that the main one that truly stuck with me was the app/website Notion. I like it because its fully customizable and you can use it at your own pace. Every week or every day may not be super eventful and so it drops the guilt and shameful feeling of not filling up pages every single day.
Here is what all I use and the way I use them:
Notion <3 I use it as my overall journal. I use the apps on my ipad/phone to check if I’m not home and I can use the website on my PC when I’m home and relaxing. I like it because its very versatile. Think of it as a digital journal combined with similar mechanics of tumblr. I use it for literally everything. There are a lot of videos that can show off all of the cool things Notion can be used for but this is the video that personally helped me learn it quickly
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Bullet Journals <3 I have about 3 journals and I love them because I get to customize things with cute stickers and it gives very fun scrapbooking vibes. Because I use Notion as a all over planner I can use my BUJO’s for more fun and creative things. I usually use these for all of my cute ideas and things thats in my mind and aesthetic wishlists and such. Its very therapeutic to take time out to be kawaii and glamorous and just put cute thoughts on to paper! I mainly use it for kpop inputs, my fav shows, wishlists, dates and etc.
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Dry erase board <3 I use this as a overall daily top important to-do list! Sometimes I dont always open my notion if I dont have anything extremely important coming up but there may be some things I need to keep on my mind to do for that day. The way my neurodivergency is set up I need to keep the most important things always in my face or I could forget everything. So, I put things on there like get a new tire, pick up order from bath & bodyworks, put clothes in the dryer, wash dishes, and etc. Daily tasks like that usually goes on my dry erase board
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Remember at the end of the day dont be too hard on yourself and your schedule! Move at your own pace and always set yourself up for success. Scheduling is ideally suppose to calm you and be a tool to improve your life; not stress you out. If at any point you begin to feel overwhelmed just stop and recenter yourself and your life. I felt overwhelmed at first myself and that was because I was trying to keep up with a hyper organized and productive version of myself that I needed to give more patience to develop. Let this come organically to you and not because you are trying to keep up with what u feel everyone else is doing, or to the future self you are going to inevitably become. Happy scheduling, Dollmate!
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blossom-works · 7 months
From Ms. to Mrs. Kennedy
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» Let's start with how Leon proposed: It was a simple proposal. It was after the two of you moved into a house with a lot of land. he proposed after you two shared your first meal at your shared home.
» Your engagement ring is a simple silver, solitaire band with an oval diamond.
» The two of you already knew an intimate wedding is the most ideal. Leon strikes me as the type to like a foresty, woodsy type of wedding. Like Bella and Edward's wedding.
» The time frame between engagement and the wedding is about ten months.
» For some reason, Hunnigan took it upon herself to be your wedding planner. She did multiple background checks on different vendors and gave you and Leon a list of secured vendors.
» Somehow Hunnigan is able to free up Leon's schedule for two and a half consecutive weeks. The two of you head off to your honeymoon a few days after the wedding.
» You asked your dad to officiate your wedding and he immediately agreed. He not only gets to walk you down the aisle but to marry his daughter.
» Leon pretty much lets you do whatever you want within reason. Like, don't go crazy and rent an elephant or whatever. Leon knows you are sacrificing your dream wedding to fit his comfort level, so he wants to make up for it by expanding your options. But you told him that he forgot what you really want: to marry him. Everything else like the flowers, decorations, and outfits just helps make marrying Leon more special. The DSO agent was pretty much putty after that.
» Leon decides to wear a white suit with black accents. He even trimmed his hair to make him look put together. You told him not to shave though. The man looks good with his scruff.
» You hate white-on-white weddings, so color is a must. You dislike bright colors, so you opt for a darker color palate (think jewel tones). The dark palate also adds to the intimate atmosphere of the wedding.
» Buffet style. A small wedding doesn't call for servants or anything like that, but that doesn't mean that you and Leon go cheap on the food. You both prefer great food over an expensive venue. You have a graze/snack table set out before dinner is served.
» Your wedding is alcohol-free. Leon still drinks, but mainly when he wants to numb himself from the pain. He doesn't want to associate that with the day he gets to call you his wife from then on.
» No bridesmaids or groomsmen. Just some flower girls and a ring-bearer. Oh, and Leon also walks down the aisle with your mom.
» The ceremony is at 2 p.m. and the reception starts at 4, but doors (trees?) open around 3:30 p.m.
» You and Leon agreed that only close family and friends would be at the ceremony, and everyone else would arrive for the party.
» You chose to put your hair in a low bun and your makeup is the Pinterest "Natural Glam" look.
» You cried. No surprise there. Leon could not stop smiling though. Like actual smiling, not his smirks or grins (no matter how charming they are).
» The ceremony only lasts for about thirty minutes. After it ended, you and Leon went somewhere private so he could tell you his vows. The two of you did the general vows and private, personal vows. It was Leon's idea to do this. He only wants you to hear his vows.
» Claire also helped Hunnigan plan the wedding for you. The two of them are so surprised that you want to marry Leon, that they won't let anyone ruin their friend's chance at a lifetime of happiness.
» First Dance: How Would You Feel by Ed Sheeran. It describes how Leon feels about you. The man just loves you so much. No special dance too. Just swaying your bodies to the lovely music. Leon feels like he has conquered the world when he has you in his arms on that dance floor. The lights illuminate your beauty and Leon is just the luckiest man on the earth.
» Leon hasn't taken his eyes off you since you walked down that aisle. You were already beautiful, but seeing you all dolled up, Leon might as well be looking at a living goddess.
» To Leon's disappointment, you didn't want to do a garter toss. You have always thought that it was weird to force family and kids to watch a man stick his head up a woman's dress. No way were you going to do that in front of your parents. You did make up for it when you got home though. Except, it isn't a garter that Leon takes off with his teeth...
» Leon only dances when you pull him on the dance floor. He prefers watching you dance your hair out, but because he loves you, he'll indulge you. Your husband is the one to drag you to the dance floor when a slow song comes on though. For that two or three minutes, the world just seems to slow down.
» Leon finds himself playing with his ring during the reception. He saw you do it when you first got engaged and he found it weird until now. It becomes a habit of his. Twirling the silver band around his finger to distract him from something, or just absentmindly doing it.
» String 👏 Lights👏
» You watched a lot of "What I would do again" and "What I would do different" wedding videos. This leads you to put disposable cameras on the tables.
» One of the main elements you wanted for your wedding was a mirror greeting sign and a mirror seating chart. The mirrors add an enchanting element to the wedding.
» Most importantly, the wedding cake. Leon doesn't strike me as a sweets guy so the cake is all you, baby. Black forest cake. C'mon, you couldn't let the opportunity pass. Forest wedding, black forest cake, woodsy, ya get the drift?
» Leon is so excited to start a new chapter with you. The dream of having a wife died when Raccoon City happened, but it got dug up and revived when he met you. Leon will always be thankful for the life you have restored in him. One way Leon can show his appreciation is by taking care of you and loving you till death do you part.
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breelandwalker · 6 months
How can you motivate yourself to practice? I'm so busy with work and other daily life things that I often don't have time, energy or motivation to practice, or I just forget. Time goes so fast these days and suddenly I've missed the last two sabbaths and full moon, then I get bad conscience and feel like I'm a "bad" or "failed" witch. (I struggle a lot with self deprecation in general with my mental health) Do you have any tips on how I can motivate myself to practice more?
Oof, I hear you. We all have the best of intentions when it comes to keeping up with our practice and making progress on our goals and projects, but damnit, Real Life just keeps on getting in the way.
Ideally, we'd all be able to keep perfect track of the occasions we wish to celebrate and the cycles of the moon AND have time and energy to devote to our practices on top of taking care of silly things like jobs and families and social lives and household management. Ideally, we'd be well-read, well-rested, well-organized, and perfectly in command of our faculties.
It's nice to dream, isn't it?
In reality, we're all doing the best we can and despite our best efforts, we miss holidays and moon dates and gatherings and go weeks or months without having time to sit down and actively work on our craft. And that is OKAY. None of it means we're bad people or failed witches. It just means we're human beings with human lives and human limitations. We can only do so much with 24 hours in a day.
The nice thing is that the craft meets us where we are, and if that means waiting a while, it's got a loooong shelf life. Besides that, practicing witchcraft isn't JUST performing rituals and casting spells and lighting up the altar. It's research and rest and reflection too.
In my practice, I've found that doing small things as part of my daily routine and larger things when I have time really helps. For instance, stirring a blessing into my morning drink, or setting my wards when I lock the front door, or wearing a charmed piece of jewelry. I do my best to keep track of the moons using reminders and a planner so I can put my jars out, but I forget sometimes. It's annoying, but there's always another one coming. And I find ways to make things I'm already doing magical as well, like cleansing my home when I clean or take out the garbage or reconnecting with the land I live on while doing yard work.
And when all else fails, I take a break and go back to the things that inspire me. I work on crafts. I journal. I try something new. I listen to music and watch movies and maybe re-read some things, and I give myself a little grace. (I've run myself into a full burnout before by ignoring my limits before. I don't recommend it.) Then when I have the time and energy, I get back to work.
Here are some posts that might help:
My Intuitive Spark Feels Low - How Do I Get It Back?
I’m In A Slump - How Do I Get Out Of It?
I’ve Reached A Stopping Point - What Do I Do Next?
How Do I Know When I’m Ready For The Next Step In My Practice?
Witchcraft Exercise - Quantifying Your Craft
Witchcraft Exercise - The Book of Lessons
Witchcraft Exercise - Witchy Inspo Journal
Witchcraft Exercise - Music To Witch By
I also discussed the topic on two episodes of my podcast:
Hex Positive, Ep. 027 - When Inspo Takes A Holiday (March 2022)
Hex Positive, Ep. 033 - Touch Grass (April 2023)
Hope this helps! 😊
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pinksatinsashes · 6 months
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The end of the year is the best time of year for us self improvement obsessed girlies because the planners are out, everyone's making vision boards and its finally time to write a nice long list of New Years Resolutions and achieve precisely nothing! Nothing!
Then the end of that year comes and we start the cycle again, making lists, checking them twice, achieving absolutely nothing, staying exactly the same and sometimes worse! How exciting! :)
When I was 16 I thought I'd have my life together at 18...lol! When I was 18 I figured I'd be totally together when I was 20. I'm 20 now...I think I've genuinely gotten worse.
But this year I am determined! I have said absolutely no more, absolutely no way is another year going to pass me by and I'm going to be stuck here in the exact same place. I NEED change.
Your 20's are meant to be the 'best years of your life'!
This is probably the easiest I'm ever going to have it! I have no children, no husband and I don't pay rent yet, if I don't do it now I will never do it..I don't want this to be my life forever.
Want to know how I'm going to make this year my year? Keep reading.
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About two weeks ago I coined 2024 as the year of the Glow Up and started to meticulously plan out exactly what I wanted out of it.
My main goals for 2024 are:
To Hit My Goal Weight.
To Save Up Enough Money to Move to London.
To Be 75% of my Dream Girl
There are tons of other things I want to achieve of course, but If I don't achieve those three 2024 would genuinely have been a waste of time for me.
Now a couple years ago I would've just written those two goals down, put them on a vision board and went about my business...but Oh No, not this time.
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I had a nice long think about the person I wanted to be at the end of 2024, financially stable, clear skin, goal weight, ready to move in spring 2025, closer to God, found her signature scent.
Each of these goals had a wider theme:
Fitness and Body
Skincare and Hygiene
Beauty & Makeup
Books & Brains
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I fired up Notion, created a home page that had a sub page for every month and then finally I created the Overall page, which has a sub page for every Goal Category and then I broke down each goal into lots of SMART goals. (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-Based)
So my 'get down to my goal weight' goal became:
Fitness and Body:
[ ] Size 10 clothes or under and 140 lbs (I'm 5'9 with naturally big boobs so this is my ideal weight)
[ ] Hour Glass Figure, building up glutes and upper body
[ ] Maintain Goal Weight for at least 3 months
[ ] Able to Stair Machine for 10 minutes
[ ] Able to go on a full Run
[ ] Do at least one form of Excerise a day
[ ] At least one form of Excerise a day
[ ] Take the Dog on Daily Walks
[ ] Try 12 New Recipes
[ ] Learn How To Cook 4 Different Nigerian Recipes
[ ] Form Consistent Eating Routines
[ ] Eat out twice a month or less
[ ] Stay in a Caloric deficit until I reach my Goal Weight
See how much more specific this is?
Having my goals listed like this makes everything so much easier because I'm tackling multiple things at once. First I'm changing the majority of my goals to habits or tasks (things I can control) from outcomes (things I may not be able to control).
Now I know that if I do all of these things written out, staying in a caloric deficit and excising daily there's a 90% chance I'll reach my goal.
This is much more effective than writing an outcome with no plan on how to achieve it.
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From here, I'll break the Goal Down Even Further, into monthly goals.
For example, to reach the goal weight Goal by the end of December, January may look like this:
Eat at 1500 calories a day or 10,500 calories a week (to allow for the high calorie company lunches I often attend as part of my work, I'll simply eat less on the other days
Go to the gym 4 times week,
Complete X Fitness plan
Go on one Dog walk a week
Meal Prep ever week.
Lose 10lbs
To Save enough Money to Move to London by the end of the year, January might look like this:
Prep for no Spend Months in Feb and March (stock up on skincare, budywash etc)
Meal plan every week
Sell £200 worth of clothes on Vinted to spend on Spring Wardrobe (I'm not buying any clothes unless I use the money I get from selling my current clothes)
Stick to Budget
My Goal to get Smarter and Stop Mindless Scrolling may look like this in January:
Read at least 1 book
Listen to 4 Podcast Episodes
Limit Social Media use to 1 hour a day
Write 6 Blog Posts
Watch one Documentary
Setting the tasks in this way also allows me to feel a sense of achievement, every month I'm able to tick off my goals which can increase my motivation, instead of writing down a list of things to do and forgetting about it until the end of the year. It also allows me to recognise when I'm going off track faster and adjust for the next month.
You see how this is better?
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I was strategic in using notion because I knew that I could then use it not only to set out my goals, but as a home base, a setting point to house all the things I could use to achieve them.
Under each section I've also included a bunch of things to help me, the Food section for example has a list of my go to recipes, so that when I can't think of anything to eat and want to run over to the closest KFC I have something to choose from. The Hair section has a list of hairstyles I've done and the Pro's and Cons, the Skincare section has a list of the products I've tried, if I liked them and If they worked for me.
Each month has its own page with a section for each wider goal and a spot for me to have a monthly write up, detailing what works and what didn't work so I can change and approve the following month and prevent falling behind.
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I'm determined to make this year my year so let me know if you'd like me to keep you updated, feel free to ask any questions or send them to my asks. Also let me know if you want my notion template, here's a little peak-
Till we speak again!
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harlowcomehome · 1 year
Goodbye looks good on you- Part Two
A collaboration with @nattinatalia ! 🦋
Part one here!
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You and Jack spent the last year engaged and for the most part pretty happy. You hadn’t broken up, which you were thankful l for after being off and on for so long.
Your parents and his parents both grew close, which was all you ever wanted in a partner. You had spent most of your life dreaming of exactly this scenario.
You did notice that when you brought up wedding planning Jack seemed apprehensive but you assumed it was just him being nervous about it all.
“I thought we decided on a long engagement?” He nervously chuckled as you gave him a side-eye.
The weeks started to pass by quickly and you decided it was time to start meeting with a wedding planner. Trying to get stuff done yourself would be too overwhelming.
However, it would’ve been a lot easier and less stressful if your fiancé would help and attended the meetings with you, but he always claimed to be busy in the studio or had a meeting with his team.
Jack was sitting beside you on the couch, scrolling on his phone when you interrupted his thoughts. “What do you think about carrot cake? Or we can go traditional with vanilla or chocolate?” You smiled, hoping for a reaction.
“I’m not a fan of cake really, so you can decide on that.” He says from his spot on the couch, without even giving you a glimpse.
You frowned at that, hoping he would have input to give.
“Okay, well I was thinking, are we doing an indoor reception or outdoor?” You watched as his facial expressions didn’t change, he still wasn’t looking at you.
“I don’t know, it depends on the weather but you can also decide on that” He shrugged.
You're getting annoyed now, “Should I show up naked to church and confess all my sins?”
He finally turns to look at you, he thought maybe he was hearing things. “What? Should you what?”
“Of course, you pay attention to that.” You close your planner, toss it to the side, and head to your bedroom, slamming the door behind you.
“Shit” he mumbled to himself as he locked his phone and walked towards the hallway.
“Y/N, I’m sorry okay?” He stands by the door, speaking through it.
“That’s all you’ve been saying for the last month. Every time I want to talk to you about the wedding, you ignore me or try to change the subject. If you’re not all in, then why did you propose?” You say behind the closed door.
He opens it now to look at you “I've just been busy.”
You looked over at him, trying to hold back tears.
“Working on the new album and trying to get a script for this new movie. I don’t have it in me to talk about wedding stuff right now.”
“So should I cancel everything then?” You mumble.
“No.” He shakes his head and walks towards you on the bed. “I have the next few days off, I’ll go with you to speak with the wedding planner.”
You smile up at him. “You mean that?”
“Yeah, I got you.” He wraps you up in a tight hug. “We’re doing this.”
“You know I love you right?” You smiled, leaning on him, and kissed the top of your head.
“I love you too, who should we make appointments with first?” He smiled and handed you the wedding planner you had slammed shut just moments earlier.
You just nodded, giving him a number to call for the cake tasting and you called your ideal venue to have a look around.
When he came back in the room, he told you a time and you smiled, motioning for him to come closer. You gave him a kiss that he of course reciprocated.
The next day you and Jack headed to the venue, he seemed to be in better spirits than he was before so your nerves had eased.
The venue had an ideal florist who was meeting you there, so you started to feel everything coming together.
A tall older woman met you inside, she was the owner of the building and she was very kind and courteous, she showed you and Jack around and even made suggestions of things she had seen done before.
“Do you like this venue?” You clung to his arm, as he continued to silently look around.
“If you like it, I love it” he replied.
“I like it, it fits us perfectly.” You hummed.
Jack nods, “Then it’s settled, we’re doing it here.”
“Well, we still need to see two more venues just in case.” You remind him with a big grin.
“What’s wrong with this one?” He asks you, clearly annoyed already, which is making you upset because just last night he promised you he would be present in everything wedding related.
He obviously could tell your change in mood, so he quickly added. ��We can go see the other two places, but I love this one.”
“In the meantime, we can talk about food and flowers.” The owner of the venue chimes in. “The venue comes with catering and the chef has five dishes you can try today and see if you like any of them.”
You smile at her, “Yes, thank you, that would be wonderful.”
“If you’re not sure about this place then why are we tasting food?” Jack asks while looking through his phone.
“It’s just a procedure we like to do, in case you decide to have your wedding with us, we have everything down and ready. So if you’re ready now, we can call the chef and let him know to bring out the plates?”
“Yes please.”
The woman excuses herself, leaving you and Jack alone. “Jack, can you please try harder? You’re just agreeing with me and not giving input. This is your wedding too. I want it to be special for both of us.”
“Yes I’m sorry, I just don’t understand if we both like this place. What's the need of looking at other places? But I’m here, I’ll help more.”
You smile at him, “Thank you.”
After a few more moments of talking, the chef is making his way to you both.
“Good evening, I’m-“
“Oh my god, Tony?” You ask.
“Y/N? Oh wow, how have you been?” The chef, Antonio, who you went to high school with, receives you with a hug.
“I’ve been good, thank you.” You smile at him, “You’re the chef for the venue?”
Tony nods, “I am, but I’m part owner of the venue with Crystal.”
“That’s amazing, I’m so happy for you.”
You hear coughing coming from beside you, and you forgot Jack was even there with you. He’s raising his eyebrows at you in a questioning manner.
“Right, sorry, Antonio, this is Jack, Jack this is Antonio, he and I used to go to school together.”
“Nice to meet you.” He shakes Jack’s hand and looks back at you smiling. “Are you helping him plan a party?”
You smile at that, “Actu-“
“Our wedding,” Jack says, sitting up straight, trying to look intimidating. “See her ring?”
You glare at him “Please excuse him, Tony, it’s been a long day.” You turn to look at him and notice him and Jack staring at each other. “You think we can start with the tasting?” You ask, trying to change the vibe in the room.
“Yes, of course, my apologies.” Tony smiles as ushers the both of you over to a table to sit. “I’ll be right back with the plates.”
When Tony left, Jack was automatically annoyed. “Why did you embarrass me like that? Excusing my behavior? How about you both excuse your googly eyes at one another.”
You were shocked by Jack's reaction, he wasn’t usually a jealous person. “Jackman, don’t do this. Today is supposed to be a good memory” you replied sadly but his comments stayed in your head throughout the tasting.
Neither one of you could decide on the menu, so Tony gave you his card and told you to let him know when you both decided, something Jack also didn’t find amusing.
The next few days were a blur, and you and Jack made a lot of wedding decisions but something still felt off to you.
Jack had gone to the studio and you were left alone at your place, you looked at the business card with Tony's name and number on it, contemplating your next move.
You took your phone out and dialed his number, you couldn’t explain what made you do it and you felt guilty but you did it anyway.
Once you decided on making the call, you and Tony fell into a comfortable conversation, he even invited you for coffee.
You accepted the invitation, with no hesitation whatsoever, and deep down that let you know this was a bad decision. But you didn’t care, as far as you see it, it’s just two friends catching up and maybe you’d even talk about your wedding.
So here you were at a newer, less busy coffee shop, sitting across from Tony.
“Does your fiancé know you’re here right now?” He questioned.
“I don’t tell him everything, why do you ask?” You furrow your eyebrows. This made you think he was probably trying to make a move and that didn’t sit right with you.
“Oh no, I don’t mean it in a bad or teasing way.” He takes a sip of his coffee. “I meant, well if I’m being honest he seemed a bit possessive and annoyed when you introduced us the other day.”
“He’s just always so busy, and I had dropped all the wedding stuff on his lap, so he was just exhausted.” You don’t know why you were trying to justify Jack’s behavior, Tony is one hundred percent correct, Jack did come off as rude.
He nods and stares at you like he wants to say something. “Antonio, just tell me.”
“I don’t want to offend you.” He places his hand on top of yours, in a caring way. “We just used to be such great friends, we would tell each other anything and everything. Marisol and I were the only ones allowed to call you out on your shit” He smiled.
“Yeah, I know.” You tell him sadly, “Then you moved away and we didn’t stay in contact.”
“But I’m here now.” He squeezes your hand. “And as your friend, I want to make sure you’re okay and ask you if you’re sure Jack is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with Y/N.”
You pull your hand away, “Wh-what makes you ask that?” You look out the window, pausing for a moment before looking back at him. “I love him, of course, I do.”
“I’m not saying you don’t, I’m saying, is that love enough to make you settle down with a man who can’t even help you decide on a menu or a cake?”
“Tony.” You warn, shaking your head.
“Y/N, I don’t mean to be harsh, but I’m surprised Mar hasn’t said anything. I saw it as soon as he opened his mouth, he’s cocky and he obviously doesn’t want a wedding.”
“You don’t know him like I do.”
“But you’re forgetting I know you.” His voice was sterner now.
“That was years ago Tony.”
“Then explain to me how I know you don’t like velvet cake, and he doesn’t? Why did he suggest that instead of carrot cake?”
You shrug “You’re going based on a flavor cake?”
Tony shakes his head. “No, I’m going off the fact that I didn’t see any connection between the two of you. I do weddings for a living, remember that. So I come across all types of relationships. You two might love each other, but you aren’t in love with each other.”
You were devastated and didn’t know what to say to that.
You thought this would’ve been a relaxed coffee run, catching up with an old friend. You didn’t know your engagement with Jack would be questioned.
“Thank you for the coffee, but I think I should leave now.” You toss a twenty-dollar bill for the waitress on the table.
“No.” You shake your head at him. “You can’t come into my life after years of being away and question my relationship with the man I love.”
“Please just think about what I said. You have three weeks to think about taking this huge step. This isn’t me trying to get in the middle of your relationship, this is a friend worried about a friend. I don’t want you making a mistake and regretting it later on.”
“Goodbye, Tony.” You shrug sadly at him. “From now on we will only talk about my wedding and what dish we decided on.” You walk out of the coffee shop and quickly get into your car.
The whole drive back to your condo you couldn’t stop thinking about what Tony said.
Is what he said right?
Are you making a mistake?
Will you regret your married life with Jack?
All these questions were running around your head and you couldn’t escape them. Not even when you arrived home did they go away.
Tony made a lot of valid points but the big the question still remained.
Should you get married or was Tony on to something?
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lazyneonrabbitt · 8 months
Could I possibly request a Gallzatto x Reader about the trio planning their girls first birthday?
The planning would be absolute chaos. Also I hate planning so I hope I did this justice!!
The three of you sat around the coffee table, debating about the upcoming birthday of your twin daughters.
By now all you had agreed on was the dlower theme to match their names. One wanted a big party, the other something small, and the last really wanted to go to bed since it was 1AM already and you weren't a single step closer to completing this planner.
"Can we puhleeease just decide on the cake and call it a day? I need sleep, I have work tomorrow.." You whined at them and dropped your head onto your crossed arms.
"Seriously if you don't decide right now I'm calling Marcus and do it myself."
"Chocolate cake, obviously."
"Vanilla, for sure."
"Alright screw this. I'm off to bed." You grabbed your mug and brought it to the sink before going past the table again to kiss both boys goodnight and head off. "Goodnight you two."
A defeated sigh left Lip's lips. "I don't get why she's so moody about all of this." He looked over the list of things that still needed to be decided on with multiple scribbled notes at the sides.
"The girls' birthday is nice, but you're forgetting that day was a nightmare come true for their mom." Carmen's comment had Lip take back his complaint, he felt bad remembering how you'd wake up crying night after night in the first weeks after the babies were born.
"How about half chocolate half vanilla for the cake?" Lip had taken a new piece of paper and scribbled a wonky looking cake shape, splitinto two half circles with one end saying 'vanilla' and 'chocolate' on the other. He kept writing on each side, ending with the girls' names on either side and their favorite color decorations written down as well. He turned the paper and slid it over to Carmy to inspect.
"Yeah, looks good to me. We'll ask momma tomorrow." Carmy took your list and checked off the cake bit. They moved on to the next box: drinks. A small 'alcohol?' Next to it as a means to ask the boys later. "I know I can keep my hands off it now. I'm in a good place"
So they agree on a small 'yes' next to your question, count how many people gou plan to invite and write down the amount of drinks to order for the bigger and smaller guest amount options.
A little "run by mom" note next to it in a bright color.
"Do we get their flowers for decoration?"
"What snacks are we getting? And, buying or preparing them ourselves?"
The questions that come along with your written list each took a short while to answer now that they each finally set aside the ideal birthdays they had in mind and listened to what the other had to bring to the table. They know they're stubborn and have butt heads from time to time. Hell, it led to you leaving them to figuring this out on their own just now.
"We should get momma something too."
They discussed some more before calling it a night and going to sleep.
The next morning you wormed yourself out from between them and out of bed to head to work. Your morning routine was a simple one with Rose and Lily being the easiest kids ever when it came to breakfast. You woke, fed and burped each one before putting them back to bed and gurning the volume on the baby monitor all the way up so your boys would wake up if the girls got fussy.
On your way past the dinner table you found almost the entire birthday planned out from decorations to guest lists and drinks. You only had time for a quick glance so leaving a little "let's look after dinner" note was your final action before heading out.
Together you gave everything a once-over and settled on all the details fairly quickly that evening and the party was better than expected with so many lovely gifts from both Carmy's and Lip's families. Flower themed cake and little cupcakes were available as your little girls were pampered and smothered with cuddles and kisses from everyone.
After the party was over and the girls were asleep you happily cleaned up together and went off to bed. The boys wanted to have one last smoke before joining you and came in with a small box wrapped in a little bow.
"We know today is our baby girls' day," Lip started as he sat down on one side of the bed.
"But you deserve something special too." Carmy added as he sat down on the opposite side and handed you the small box.
Opening the box you couldn't keep your eyes off the thin gold chain with an engraved heart shaped pendant on it.
The front read 'Momma' in a beatiful cursive lettering, and the back had both Lip and Carmy's full names on them.
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etirabys · 8 months
on email
I put off wedding planning with the expectation that I would do a terrible but functional job once deadline urgency kicked in. This has started to happen. One consequence is that I have (probably but hopefully not temporarily) had to become a timely emailer.
The impetus was procrastinating on clicking a link in an email that it turned out I should have read ideally acted upon immediately. This is an embarrassing but characteristic mistake – my habit with emails is to open them, get a fast (and sometimes wrong) impression of the contents, have the emotion of not wanting to deal with it, and marking it as unread. I do this with a lot of non-email messages across all platforms, too, with the result that I drop a lot of messages that I forget to or can't mark as unread again.
I knew perfectly well what a loathsome creature I am to do this, but Willpower did not work.
I've been much faster with all messages in the past week and will describe what I understand of the change, so that it will hopefully persist.
(A prerequisite: for many years I have unsubscribed from, filtered, or blocked unwelcome senders. I try not to give out my email address for any reward greater than $20.)
i. I had to radically accept that I am tired and stupid most of the time.
Radical acceptance is a concept from mindfulness / dialectical behavioral therapy, and mostly means the opposite of "trying to believe something that isn't true". It means understanding and accepting your actual circumstances without flinching from them, and acting in a way that actually achieves your goals in those circumstances.
So it turns out – in some part because my expectations for myself haven't adjusted from my pre-burnout days when I had more energy and a better memory – that I put off things because "I can tell I'm dumb right now, and if I try to book this flight I'll probably double-book myself even if I check my calendar three times, and I should do this when I'm more awake." Or "I shouldn't resume this conversation about an art commission, because I don't feel all here today and I'm probably going to mess up the conversation". Or, of course, "I shouldn't make this decision the wedding planner is asking me about right now, because I'll make the wrong one."
While there is variance in my mental abilities depending sleep and time of day and so forth, I almost never pass the bar of cognitive competence I implicitly set for making these decisions. So if I keep the bar where it is, I'm never going to get anything done.
I have to radically accept that I am (compared to when I was younger) tired and stupid all the time, and I still need to live my life. I need to double-book myself and then pay $20 to reschedule my flight, arrange for a tasting with a caterer that doesn't meet a desideratum my spouse told me about, join a reading group I'm too busy for and then leave, get on a call that I forgot to do research for beforehand... etc.
And: I have to respond to emails and messages approximately as soon as I see them, because "my future self who will make informed decisions about things I cannot" is an illusion.
ii. Conversely, I should never check messages when I'm not prepared to make respond to arbitrary textual stimuli.
I used to check my email or messages when I was bored. This makes no sense! The contents of my email inbox are determined by the decisions of a large number of other people, and could contain anything. It is this variance that makes this addictive, and it is also this variance that makes it important to read it when I have the wherewithal to react appropriately.
I don't want to keep training myself into being the kind of person who repeatedly clicks and unreads a scary medical bill email. To stop that behavior, I want to have a mindset of "if one of my emails is a scary medical bill email, I am willing to read the whole thing, think about it, and take the appropriate next action" whenever I am about to navigate to my inbox.
The same goes for clicking into Discord or Messenger, because I need a similar presence of mind to react to invitations to high-effort social events, requests for help I may not be able to give, requests for information I need to think about before providing, etc.
The important thing is to not mix actionables with entertainment. I need mental separation between those two, because perceiving personal pings as a subset of social media notifications made me treat them more passively. "Oh, huh, a decision to join a Paradise Lost reading group is on TV. Interesting. Now an ad..."
I expect to backslide on my improved response rate/quality once I'm done with the wedding, but hopefully writing the above will act as the strut of a dam.
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First art on a new tablet!
Grian having a crisis due to Watcher things. c:
I talk about my new tablet under the cut if your interested!
So, as an early birthday present I got an inexpensive portable tablet called a PicassoTab. I've had it for a bit but I've mainly used it to take notes for my externship and other things using the Squid notes app but I've finally sat down and pulled up mediabang and done real art.
So what do I think of this tablet?
The PicassoTab is an inexpensive general tablet that supports a real drawing pen. Basically, its a cheap iPad and apple pencil. Except I would definitely NOT call it cheap. Its actually a really nice little tablet and pen combo and I'm quite happy with it.
I'd liken it to my large Ugee tablet in terms of draw feel. Its very obviously a tablet and does not at all feel like drawing on paper. This can be a major downside for some artists to PLEASE keep that in mind. While I prefer my Gamon as far as draw feel, since I've used the Ugee before its not a huge downside and the portability makes up for that less than desirable draw feel.
The pen uses a single AAAA battery which isn't ideal imo. While it keeps the pen smaller and more pen sized, its a hard battery to find outside of online stores. Its not rechargeable so when the battery dies then you need a new one. Though there are rechargeable AAAAs out there, I dont know if they will fit as rechargeable batteries aren't the same size as their normal counterparts.
HOWEVER, I've been using this thing almost CONSTANTLY for over 2 weeks now and there is no sign of the pen dying so I think its got a good battery life and the passive discharge is minimal.
Whats nice about the Picasso is that its a general tablet as well as a drawing tablet. It has access to the play store and runs on android software. It came with 2 drawing apps installed and I really didn't care for them. But with access to the play store I was able to download mediabang which is a free software app that works wonderfully. It doesn't have all the same options as clip studio but its more than enough for the sketch book experience I want from this. I did make this art as a finished work on the Picasso but I didn't get it to replace my Gamon, just to replace the chunky sketchbooks and notebooks I used to carry around (and use less paper).
The other positive about it being a general tablet is that I can use it as a notebook, too. I write A LOT. Notes, lists, planners, ect. My house is stacked with notebooks of all shapes, sizes, and colors. I have SO MANY pens, too. Like WAY too many pens. But because the Picasso has access to the play store I can use the note app Squid to replace all of these notebooks and pens. I now carry around about 12 notebooks and counting in my purse and the notebooks have unlimited pages. Squid also lets you edit and move text after its written so its pretty easy to reorganize notes without rewriting everything.
So ya.
100% recommend if your looking for a portable sketchbook/notebook tablet.
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johnnyloa · 7 months
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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒾𝓂𝓅𝑜𝓇𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑒
Hi Guys! It’s been a long time since I’ve uploaded here on tumbler and recently I feel like coming back and sharing a few tips about improving your life. I know I used to talk mainly about manifestation but I honestly think that mental health and keeping yourself physically healthy can make such a big difference in your manifesting journey. That’s why I would like to focus on improving your daily life and definitely talk about it more.
💿☁♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。💿☁♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。💿☁♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。
Let’s start with the basics. In the last few weeks (honestly since summer) I had the biggest problems with my sleep schedule. It was really so hard for me to fall asleep at normal time and it was the cause of me not being able to wake up on time and being late to classes everyday. It got to a point that I felt so physically unmotivated in the mornings I didn’t know what to do. Gladly now it’s over because of my morning and evening routines that I’ve created to feel better and do better. It honestly works wonders.
Let’s just assume that your whole day will go according to your morning. Even if u don’t believe that to be true, just imagine what if everything you do right after you wake up had the biggest impact on your day. How would your mornings look then? What would you do to have the best day ever? How would you manage your time? What things would you use to make waking up and getting ready the most pleasurable thing? Just try that for a few days and you will see the difference in your mood.
If your a heavy sleeper like me and it’s hard for you to get up in the morning, you should pay attention to your evening habits as well. I think one of the biggest part of ideal morning routines is a well constructed evening routine and sleep schedule. It makes your morning more enjoyable, since you don’t have to clean your room, pick your outfit or pack your bags. It’s a game changer as it makes your morning less stressful and more easygoing. So it’s good to remember that morning and evening routine go hand in hand and are not two separate things as you may think. They complete each other and work together.
Making morning/evening schedules:
I think you should make your to do lists as much aesthetically pleasing as you can. It will make you look at them a lot more and actually enjoy the process of making it. One of the best app to use for that kind of planning is Notion. It’s not only very easy to use but at the same time it has so many free features that you can easily use as you want. If your more of a lazy person and you’re not into spending your precious time on doing such lists you can download ready planners from the internet and just fill them out according to your needs. Go on Pinterest and search some examples of notion pages - I kid you not it’s so fun to make them and personalize them your gonna love it.
So what to actually put into your morning to do list? Here are some examples of my favorite things to do right after I wake up. But first you need to figure out how much time do you have before leaving your house. This way it will be less problematic to come up with how much time you can spend for example on skin care or doing your make up. There are also some essentials that I think you must allocate your time into such us making your bed (it subconsciously makes you believe that you already started doing your daily tasks and it will be much easier for you to go on with them) and other basic routine things as keeping your hygiene up as it will make you feel already good in the morning.
So one of the most important things in the morning routine are:
skin care and other basic hygiene needs
picking outfit according to the weather
packing my bag (I hate doing it the day before)
praying and setting intentions for the day
repeating some of my favorite affirmations
making myself breakfast and something to drink
When I’m done with all of those things I should be good to go. But there are actually some other things that you could do if you have more time. Sometimes if I have classes starting later than usual and I still want to wake up at the same time to keep my waking up hours streak I can do some of additional things listed below:
planning whole day ahead
deeper cleaning of my room
reading a book
taking a refreshing shower
You might also give yourself more sleep time. I don’t think it’s a bad thing although it can become that when you do it too often. So be responsible and don’t do it every morning.
My next post will be about evening routine and managing your sleeping schedule! ₊˚⊹♡
See ya! 🤍🩵
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hillbillyoracle · 1 year
Journal Hacking
I’m not sure if this will make sense to anyone else but I wanted to document something I’ve been trying lately with regards to planning/bujo/journaling type things. Even if only so I can go back and see what I did lol. 
So I have been bullet journaling in some form on and off since 2014. So it’s been a minute. And while I like it on the whole, it’s just not been working out for me lately. I tried a Hobonichi weeks mega and while I really like some aspects it’s just not enough room for me. My handwriting is not that small. 
I ran across a simplified GTD-like system called Ugmonk Analog and I liked the principles (even if I didn’t like the price tag) so I adapted it to my new journal. 
Ugmonk’s Analog system has three cards - Today, Next, and Someday. I’m just using notecards I have for this. I put the Today card on my cover with washi tape so I can see it without opening my notebook and easily write things down (my pen is in the loop to the side there). 
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The Next and the Someday cards - along with some others are in the inside. I made the pocket by taping one of the notecards horizontally and taping the two outside sides. 
The long bit of text on the inside cover is the Heart Sutra. I like to write it on notebooks I’ll be using regularly so I pause and reflect on it more regularly. 
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In addition to Next and Someday cards, I have a blank one for scratch paper and one with my ideal timelines for doing home and personal tasks. The personal side is lacking, I’m kind of in a state of transition on that so I’m unclear what I want to do regularly. The house stuff never happens all the way but I like knowing what I’d like to do when I’m adding tasks to my Today card. 
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I think my favorite part of this system is the memory keeping part. It’s not super elegant or pretty but on the pack of each today card, I record any notable things about the day on the top (period, mood, fights, symptoms) with a hashtag, the weather, and then I fill the card with what I did that day. It’s been very helpful so far for jogging my memory throughout the week. I like that I can pull them out and see as many as I’d like throughout the week. I plan on digitizing them at the end of the year and keeping the last year as a hard copy. 
I keep the card in this little green box. Might decorate it soon. 
I don’t really feel like sharing my finished cards so hopefully this gives you an idea. I like that I can see what happened in a day and what I got done on one card. 
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So yeah, I’m really liking it so far. I still do long form journaling (Morning Pages type things) in the notebook itself. I actually turn it so the short side is on the top and it’s kind of like writing on an A4 sheet of paper. I do that so I don’t start auto rereading old journal entries when I’m flipping through for other stuff. I index and thread anything that isn’t journal entries like I would a normal bullet journal. Right now I have some random notes for subject I’m studying, some pen and paper games I’m playing, and writing notes. 
I’m also going to add either an A6 monthly calendar or print my own calendar set up to add to the back pocket for scheduling things in advance. I know everyone uses Google Calendar but I never check mine much. So people can schedule things with me on my Google Cal but my source of truth will be the hard copy. 
Some resources I took inspiration from in setting all this up: 
- OG Bullet Journal - I’m surprised by how many people I’ve met who don’t know that bullet journaling isn’t just making your own pretty planner but an actual system (no shade to the art journaling folks, I’m just not one of them). When I say I use bullet journaling, this is what I’m using. Check for some of his more recent videos if you like it, he’s updated it. 
- Ugmonk Analog - slightly expanded to-do list system on paper; the product seems nice but they’ve actually been very supportive of people making their own knockoff versions for personal use which is cool to see
- Everbook - I think if I had more to juggle, I’d upgrade to something like this system. This guy has so many neat ideas sprinkled throughout the channel. He also really supports people making their own version. Love a good open source ethos. 
Anyways - hope this helps someone! 
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lifeflowingon · 2 years
| RECS |
The kind that stays with you after reading 🥰
Only for Love x JJK @lysjeon
➝ summary: for almost four years it had been just him and sarang, and he had no plans on changing the life they had become accustomed to any time soon, but of course y/n has to come and shake his world.
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life x OT7 @bts-reveries
➝ summary: We all knew that to get to the pretty parts of life, you’d have to get ugly first. 
If you ever feel like you’re falling apart, maybe you’re just falling into place.
Just maybe
You’re about to reach the most beautiful moment of your life.
Do it Again x MYG @kimnjss
➝ summary: Months after deciding to end their three year long relationship, a sex tape hits the internet. fans go wild speculating that rap star, min yoongi and aspiring model, yn are the stars. old feelings arise as the couple try to figure out a way out of this.
My Only Wish x KNJ @ppersonna
➝ summary: There are few things you hate most in this world. Hornets, unnecessary fruit pieces in otherwise perfectly good jello, certain shades of orange… But nothing takes the cake more than two simple things. Christmas. And Kim Namjoon. So why did you agree to pretend to be Kim Namjoon’s girlfriend at his family Christmas party? Bah-Humbug. 
Dichotomy x KTH @kpopfanfictrash
➝ summary: You hate him. He hates you. It’s a fine line though, isn’t it  – between love and hate?
The Art of the RomCom x JJK @gukyi
➝ summary: FILM395, the art of the rom-com, was supposed to be an easy a with one of your favorite professors, but it’s not. it’s actually a sisyphean torture that comes in the form of fellow film student jeon jungkook, who has no problem responding to every one of your discussion posts about the consumerist ideals underlying every romance movie with his own paragraphs on the beauty of love like the hopeless romantic he is. and when the two of you find yourselves partnered up for your final project, which is to create a short film on rom-coms, jungkook decides to take it upon himself to show you what love is really like.
The Wedding Planners x JJK @/gukyi
➝ summary: Jeon jungkook is three things: cocky, terrible, and your worst enemy. then your best friend hoseok gets engaged to the love of his life, and suddenly jeon jungkook is four things: cocky, terrible, your worst enemy, and the man you will be spending the next seven months with in order to plan your best friend’s wedding.
And then, as if your life couldn’t get any shittier, you make the poor decision of sleeping with him on the first day of the job.
Love Me or We Both Go Down x KTH @/gukyi
➝ summary: After going through with an arranged marriage to please his parents and secure his inheritance of the family business, kim taehyung thinks he’s got it all figured out. he doesn’t. apparently just being married to you isn’t enough, not when everybody and their mother can pick up on the fact that the two of you absolutely loathe each other. but taehyung wants his inheritance one way or another, so he decides that desperate times call for desperate measures: the two of you need to fall in love, and you need to fall in love fast.
Four Weeks x KTH @/gukyi
➝ summary: Four weeks. that’s how long you’re trapped on campus after missing your flight home because of a grossly overtime final. and as you’re walking around your empty campus, thinking that you could sink no lower, you find yourself alone in the art building with a certain freshman-year-dorm-neighbor from hell, and he’s got an offer that you don’t think you can refuse: he’s staying on campus this winter break as well, and he’s happy to let you live with him.
Or, four weeks is all it takes to fall in love.
Let it Snow x KTH @suga-kookiemonster
➝ summary: It all started by accident, but it continues by choice—even before you began sleeping together, things with your friend taehyung have always been comfortable and easy. simple, and this new arrangement between you is certainly no exception to that rule. well...that's definitely what you thought before a major snowstorm traps the two of you in his apartment over the holidays. now? now, it is quickly becoming apparent that things are a bit more complicated than you realized.
The Hush Series x KTH x JJK @/suga-kookiemonster
➝ summary: Four seats, five bodies. “careful, sweetheart,” he breathes into the shell of your ear, hands tightening over your waist in warning. you lick your lips, pausing just long enough to ponder: what if you don’t want to be careful?
Bad Influence x JJK @noteguk
➝ summary: In which you know Jungkook is a bad influence on you, but you can’t avoid falling for him every time.
Wicked x JJK @/noteguk
➝ summary: In which incubus!jungkook likes to ruin pretty innocent things, and you might just be the perfect target. 
The New Law x JJK @theunknowncryptid
➝ summary: After half of the Earth’s population is killed, International Governments take drastic action and Y/n is forced to live her worst nightmare.
The Clue x ? @/theunknowncryptid
➝ summary: After being locked inside their restaurant, Y/n and the boys must fight for their lives to escape the night and discover a murderer.
Once Upon a Bracelet x JJK @/ladyartemesia
➝ summary: You were born to nothing, but your powerful craft caught the eye of a charming prince. However, his distinctly un-charming younger brother challenged your betrothal and is routinely challenging you. Jeon Jungkook is (probably) a former necromancer and (definitely) the wrong prince…
But the bracelets tell a different story.
Scattered Stars x JJK @taegularities
➝ summary: It’s easy to despise Jungkook when your contradicting magic doesn’t allow you to touch each other without fatal consequences - but what if your eternal enemy turns out to be your soulmate with whom you, unfortunately, do fall in love? 
Obsidian x KTH @/kpopfanfictrash
➝ summary: The world of magic is divided into dark and light, witches and warlocks, choice and fate. You’re a prodigy of light, a witch who works within the police force. You’ve heard of Taehyung in passing, spoken in whispers as the warlock of dark who has the world holding it’s breath.  All this changes on the night you’re assigned as security for a mysterious singer named V and you come face to face with Taehyung himself. What happens after that might be fate.
The Art of War More x JJK @/kpopfanfictrash
➝ summary: Jeon Jungkook had messed with you for the last time. That was what you thought when the hockey team – led by the insufferable Jungkook – kicked your dance team out again from your reserved room at the gym. In retaliation, you planned a prank of epic proportions and were caught in the act by none other than Jungkook himself. Before the rift between you could grow any deeper, you accidentally overheard something you were not meant to hear. Something which overshadowed even your heated rivalry. Faced with the choice between obvious wrong and teaming up with your worst enemy – you reluctantly chose the latter. But what will you do when feelings you once thought of as hatred become something decidedly… not?
The Truth Between Us x MYG @/gukyi + @jimlingss
➝ summary: A book deal should be the most exciting time of your life, but there seems to be a constant and omnipresent damper on your mood in the form of a certain min yoongi, who you would just cut out from your life, if he weren’t your editor. but then, the world shifts beneath your feet, and you begin to wonder if maybe you’ve always been looking at life from the wrong angle.
Under Wraps x KTH @jungkxook
➝ summary: There’s nothing you and taehyung seem to hate more than each other - except for christmas. having recently been dumped by your (now ex) boyfriend only seems to make this holiday even worse. but when taehyung suggests that you should pretend to be dating each other to save you both the embarrassment, pity, and bothersome questions from family and friends alike for a fun carefree month of celebrations, you can’t possibly say no.
I'll Float Away x MYG @/ppersonna
➝ summary: Years after the breakup, yoongi, a successful award-winning rapper with an unhealthy addiction, finds your wedding invite on Facebook.
Heartstrings Melodies x MYG @whitesparrows97
➝ summary: Min Yoongi, the fuckboy of the whole college and the guy all girls fall for, should be your soulmate? You don’t believe that, you don’t want to believe that. Therefore, you and your best friend make a pact: She pretends to be you and gets together with Yoongi. Nothing can go wrong with that, right?
Love is a Foolish Thing x KTH @/whitesparrows97
➝ summary: Falling in love… it sounded so simple. Falling. Like one wrong step, a small stumble and you were deeply in love. But there was nothing easy about love.
Bound x OT7 @/kpopfanfictrash
➝ summary: In a world where marriage isn’t by choice and love isn’t an option – will you ever find happiness? Or just continue to search? 
Inevitable x JJK @ahundredtimesover
➝ summary: You convinced Jungkook to break up years ago so he could pursue his lifelong baseball dream. Now he’s back home, staring at you, and the little boy next to you who looks unmistakably like him.
Please Love Me x JJK @/ahundredtimesover
➝ summary: As the only unmarried Jeon and Kim children, your families propose a union to symbolize your unbreakable bond that spans generations. But despite developing an affection for Jungkook growing up, he never returned it; he never seemed to like you, actually. You’re okay with the proposal, but surprise surprise, he isn’t.
Nice Guys Finish Last x KNJ @ktheist
➝ summary: You thought you were over yoongi’s dick move of ending your engagement through his parents - not even a text when he disappeared out of your life. that’s why you agreed to the newly arranged marriage with his brother, namjoon, but on the brink of your wedding day, it becomes apparent that you haven’t really let go of the past as you tear up in front of your soon-to-be husband at the back room of the church.
(Why) We Got Married x KTH @/ktheist
➝ summary: They say the 7th year of your marriage is always an uphill battle - but with the existence of your prenup coming to light thanks to taehyung’s lawyer slash family friend’s slip of tongue - first it reached your and his families, and then your family’s close friends and then your family’s close friends’ friends until - almost everyone is speculating on the grounds of you and taehyung’s marriage being anything but love.
You’re not sure if you’re even going to make past the second year mark in your marriage. But is the reason you got married really as important as why you choose to stay or leave?
F is For x JJK @1kook
➝ summary: We collectively had a vision of a hot lecture bae fuckboy and well... Here we are.
The Dark x MYG @bratkook
➝ summary: Your small town thrives on the occult, luring tourists in with endless themed festivities, but the only place you’re determined to see is the mysterious club that comes to life the week before Halloween. what makes The Dark so exclusive, and what secrets are they hiding behind closed doors?
Lovely Demons x PJM @/kpopfanfictrash
➝ summary: As penance for a crime committed long, long ago, the Witch Council banished you to the feared Tholoss forest. Your sentence was one hundred thousand days of solitude – or death, whichever came first. Your only hope of salvation comes from the demon names routinely sent your way; creatures who escape the inner circles of Hell and pose a threat to the mortal realms. For each demon you kill, days are removed from your sentence. For years you’ve existed, biding your time, until one morning you receive a name which throws your entire world into chaos: the name of Park Jimin, High Prince of Hell himself.
Rattled x JJK @gukslut
➝ summary: "He should have hung up the phone. He should have called her crazy, insisted on some kind of proof. He should have used a condom. He should have spent the last two hours searching the internet for the safest infant car seat. Instead, he sat, glassy-eyed and numb, watching the sun rise behind the building he’s parked in front of."
Warm Hands (Ice Cold Heart) x PJM @hobidreams
➝ summary: For those of you who belong to the upper echelons of society, the holidays are synonymous with parties. lavish and (in your opinion) excessive gatherings — opportunities to show off what you’ve accomplished and acquired over the year. unfortunately for you, tonight’s particular celebration features two special guests: the man you thought you would be with for the rest of your life, and the man you married.
First and Last and Always x MYG @floralseokjin
➝ summary: You and Yoongi broke up two months ago. It was mutual, you’re positive, but there’s one teeny tiny issue... You never told your parents, and now they’ve invited you back home for Christmas. Both of you. You can’t say no, but you also can’t bear to go alone, so you do the only thing you can think of, plead with Yoongi to come with you and pretend like everything’s okay...
Mind in the Gutter x JJK @/kpopfanfictrash
➝ summary: Starting over is never fun. Especially not when you decide to take the phrase fully to heart; new job, new city, new coworkers and new relationships. When you are dragged to a happy hour by your new co-worker, Taehyung, you end up sitting beside a (very) cute, (very) shy IT worker named Jungkook. Several drinks later, he mentions he is in a professional bowling league with his friends and you rather enthusiastically invite yourself along. As time passes and you begin to grow closer, you still find it impossible to read Jungkook. Working in the same company and seeing each other so often, it is only so long before one of you snaps. But who?
Wicked x JJK @adonis-koo
➝ summary: In a desperate hope to stop war from breaking you are a serviced to wed the most vile man alive, the one who has committed atrocities and war crimes beyond comprehension, he who is responsible for the fall of many nations, the wicked prince who’s heart is made of stone. You are to marry a man who challenges every belief and moral you stand for, all while being faced in a foreign land with nobody but yourself too trust…But are you both truly that different? Or is hate not too far from love?
Euphoria x JJK @btssavedmylifeblr
➝ summary: At the end of your life, you are given one day to live again with the man you loved. A lifetime’s love story told in a single day. 
A Holiday Snowdown x JJK @/kpopfanfictrash
➝ summary: The Inn on the Hill is in trouble. Or that's what your boss, Namjoon, says during the last-minute All Staff holiday meeting he calls. You need money, and you need money fast, or his parents are planning to sell the resort. When no one can think of an easy solution, Namjoon proposes his parents' idea: a weeklong social media blitz with a celebrity guest. The celebrity? None other than Jungkook Jeon himself: two-time Olympic gold medalist, world-class snowboarder and the nation's sweetheart. What's the problem? You happen to have met Jungkook Jeon before, and sincerely hoped you'd never see him again.
Ember Burning x JJK @/kpopfanfictrash
➝ summary: The dragon riders of Duret Ghal are known across the continent; fierce warriors who take to the skies on their leashed, winged beasts. You are the last Dragon Queen of Ashya, ruler of a dying species who can transform from human to Dragon at will. When a new foe emerges which threatens both Dragon and rider alike, you find yourself forced to broker peace with your former enemy. The King of Duret Ghal, and a dragon rider himself: Jeon Jungkook.
Raise the Bar x PJM @/kpopfanfictrash
➝ summary: You and Park Jimin have been rivals for as long as you’ve known one another; ever since he tripped you in the front row of your first dance convention. When you graduate from high school and enter Russet Ballet Academy, you tell yourself you’re leaving all past quarrels behind. The main problem with this though, is that your past seems determined not to leave you alone.
Worse still, the obstacles you face while out in the real world might prove more challenging than anything your enemy has to offer.
Like a Pirate x KNJ @yoon2k
➝ summary: You were immediately met with heavy boots stomping right in front of you, the mindless chatter ceasing as the voices you had blocked out drifted back into your consciousness. Your eyes trailed up the tall body of the human that had dared stepped close to you. Your teeth bared as you met his eyes. His woefully cruel and boasting eyes. Kim Namjoon.
New Guy x KNJ @kithtaehyung
➝ summary: All you want to do is have a successful meeting after experiencing dwindling attendance. but the new guy is completely disrupting things... or is he?
This Christmas x MYG @/suga-kookiemonster
➝ summary: It's been a while since you've been home for the holidays, but this year, you finally plan on rectifying that. things are going well for you—great job, great friends, and a new boyfriend who you have a pretty great feeling about—and it seems everything in your life is finally slotting into place. but, of course, the past is a relentless specter and the universe always has a way of humbling you. in a ridiculous twist of fate, you soon find yourself stuck in a car with the very reason you have avoided coming back in the first place.
Signed in Black x MYG @yoon-kooks
➝ summary: Min Yoongi. That was the name magically tattooed to your skin. You were told he was your lover by fate. And as cute as it would be to have a soulmate, Yoongi was the last person you ever wanted to be bound to. But thankfully, there was a way to remove the tattoo. All you had to do was convince six Bulletproof Fairies that the two of you were in love.
The Crown that is Ours x KTH @taeshobipop
➝ summary: You never wished for it, but it was inevitable — an arranged marriage to a royal stranger. The Crown Prince Kim Taehyung.
A year into your marriage and life still holds you firmly in its grip. How do you plan to steer through this mess when the public suddenly comes knocking at your door, pitchforks and torches in hand, threatening: "death to all who commit fraud!"
Into my Bones x MYG @inkofyoonkoo
➝ summary: Small slice-of-life scenes in non-chronological order that describe the slow growth of your relationship, started as a friends-with-benefits affair. Aka, Yoongi is dumb and learns that love can’t be controlled.
9 Months to Fall in Love x KSJ @/floralseokjin
➝ summary: It seems like everyone around you is either already in love, or in the process of falling, and while normally you couldn’t give a damn, finding out the co-worker you’ve had a teensy crush on is dating someone else at the office seems to sucker punch you right in the gut. It’s stupid, and you’re irritated at yourself, but you can’t seem to shake out of the funk you’ve fallen face first in.
Feeling lonely and heartsore, and mad for no reason, during drinks with your best friend you spot a man at the bar. Tequila confident, you make your way over to the stranger, and successfully one thing leads to another. The next morning you leave before he’s woken up, feeling satisfied in one way, but still as discontented as ever. Telling yourself it was an inebriated mistake, you quickly try to forget about it.
Only, three weeks later that night comes back to haunt you – in a very unescapable way…
House of Serpents x OT7 @smasmashie
➝ summary: Straight-A student by day, Kim Namjoon’s personal toy by night, you didn’t live a terrible life. At least not until you met his six equally depraved “friends.”
Bunny x JJK @btssmutgalore
➝ summary: An anonymous streamer puts on a show every couple of days. When you become one of his biggest fans, your social life takes a hit—you'd rather stay glued to your laptop and stare at him than go out and meet men in real life.
But, what if?
Et Sic Incipit x KTH @lavienjin
➝ summary: For Taehyung, born of old and  before the dawn of man, tempting mortals is nothing more than a  pass-time to quench his boredom. Everything changes when he met you,  literally too good to be true, but no human has ever resisted his pull. And he’s sure that you’re no different.
How I Love You x KNJ @/ahundredtimesover
➝ summary: Sometimes distance isn’t a space between two people, but cracks and crevices that build up over time. It's what you learned after being married to Namjoon all these years. But all it takes is a trip back home and the acknowledgement of what your relationship has become, and the realization that it might be the final puncture that would make everything else break. 
Hold Me Close x JJK @/ahundredtimesover
➝ summary: When Jimin hits a crisis, he enlists the help of his older sister - you - and his best friend, Jungkook, to put the pieces back again. That proves to be difficult when 1) Jimin’s a brat and a certified pain in the ass, and 2) Jungkook has grown and suddenly, you can’t keep your eyes off him. 
Love To Hate x JJK @/kpopfanfictrash
➝ summary: Born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you've done your best to rid yourself of the taste since you were old enough to walk. Occasionally though, your mother manages to rope you into an obligatory function – or a blind date with playboy billionaire, Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook stands for everything you loathe about the world you left behind, but you can’t deny the spark of attraction between you. Intrigued by the promise of mutual satisfaction, you agree to one night in bed… and quickly realize you’re in far, far deeper than you ever intended.
Officially Yours x JJK @/personasintro
➝ summary: you're his and he is yours on the paper – but what is the reality?
Love Again x PJM @taestefully-in-luv
➝ summary: A friend of yours is eager to introduce you to her new man but what happens when Park Jimin, the man who broke your heart 5 years ago walks in through the door?
The Lucky One x JJK @babystrcandy
➝ summary: Growing up you only had one goal: beat Jeon Jungkook. Sometimes you'd win, other times you'd lose. Sometimes he'd lose, other times he'd win. But you'd both walk away from the match thinking the other was the lucky one.    
Hours x JJK @sugakookitty
➝ summary: You walk across the hall and visit your neighbor Jungkook every Wednesday to drink, chill, sing some karaoke… watch some Netflix. But you always end up wobbling back to your apartment after hours of doing all kind of unholy things. Not tonight.
Candles and Flames x JJK @/taegularities
➝ summary: He wasn’t supposed to be yours. His foolery wasn’t supposed to target you. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
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