#green robin
fakeicecubes · 2 months
Reasons why the rest of the JL believes Batman and all of his children are metas/cryptids
-Weirdly good instincts
-They only see the bat and kids at night
-Hasn’t died
-If they have died, they came back within the year
-The JL has seen all of them at one point or another stay up for 96 hours straight and act semi-normally
-One time Batman was stabbed and started bleeding green(it was slime Bruce packed for kids to play with if they were at a crime scene)
-Red Robin didn’t cry while watching A Dogs Purpose for Young Justice’s movie night(he did, the mask hid his tears)
-They all know an absurd amount of Golf facts
-Somehow none of them age
-All of them are friends with a super
Wonder Women has the list and they update it after every mission.
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elkscreams · 4 months
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A right of passage at this point
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gildedlead · 5 months
Duke: …So, is Two-Face like, B’s ex or something?
Steph: I think it’s more of a situationship? They still seem to have some feelings going on there.
Jason: Yeah right, and get accused of cheating on Selina? I think not. They’ve been dating for as long as I can remember.
Dick: That’s…strange, cause I’m pretty sure he and Clark are married. Big Blue gave him a ring and everything.
Damian: A Kryptonite ring. One that Father keeps in a lead lined safe with the rest of the alien’s bane. Besides, everyone knows Mother’s laid her claim to him already. Only a fool would interfere with such a union.
Cass: Talia and Bruce are about as divorced as two people can be.
Tim: No, you guys are all missing the point. If we want Bruce to have a partner, we need to pick the most profitable option for us. [ pulling up a PowerPoint ] Hear. Me. Out.
—-Later, At the Watchtower-—
Oliver: Bats, why are your kids inviting me over for dinner?
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jesterraconteuse · 1 month
Hal Jordan finding out about Nightwing: YOU. You have a *kid*?
Batman: well... Technically he's my oldest and age of majority... But he's still my kid.
Hal Jordan: OLDEST? YOU HAVE MORE? 2? 3?
Batman visibly annoyed:... 6... Legally.
Hal Jordan: I'm going home. This has single handedly killed my willpower for a week, I need to process this.
Superman: Ah so you finally found out. I'm proud of him honestly, good to see he's willing to bond with others again.
Hal Jordan: You knew?
Superman: ...His kids basically call me Uncle Supes. I've babysat. I was around when he still just had Nightwing
WW: They're so cute! Children of such strength and bravery. Not to mention his dog, his cat, his cow... His son has animals even I've never seen before!
Hal Jordan: I've had enough.
And Hal hasn't even learned about his crime fighting cousin, batwing, Oracle, bluebird, Spoiler, and of course Jarro.
Note: everyone knows Supes is a father, he's the dad to talk your ear off about it but he's too nice with too much country charm for anyone to say anything about it. WW and Martian Manhunter are the only ones who listen absolutely intently.
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ghost-bxrd · 30 days
Oliver Queen and Bruce Wayne are childhood best friends.
Green Arrow hates Batman’s guts.
That animosity— and his aim to subtly piss Batman off at every turn— results in Green Arrow and Red Hood collaborating on a trafficking bust.
This somehow results in discovering that the Red Hood is his best friend’s supposedly dead son.
Oliver doesn’t know how he’s going to fix this, with Jason refusing to want anything to do with either Bruce or the Batman of Gotham (who everyone knows is dating the former)… but one thing’s for sure:
He needs to bring the kid home. Oliver can’t bear to watch Bruce suffer any longer when the cause for it is sitting at his kitchen table, alive, and stuffing his face with waffles.
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"My favourite superhero is Green Lantern!"
"My favourite is the Flash!"
"Mine is Robin!"
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mcuxhp777 · 3 months
just imagine how stressed the jl would be after finding out that bruce has a biological son. he's batman, so of course, he's not going to get laid, right? then he introduces the new robin that acts and looks a lot like him and the jl malfunctions
Diana: So, he's not adopted?
Bruce: No, he's my son
Clark: How did you? How can you? How did this happen?
Hal: What Clark's trying to ask is, how did you get laid?
Clark: Especially with you brooding all the time
Bruce: It just happened
Diana: *Picks up Damian* He's quite cute
Damian, about to stab Diana: I am not cute
Diana, who is used to kids with a sword due to being raised on Themyscira: Oh and he's a warrior by heart
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fishfission-dc · 11 months
I think Roy Harper is the personification of all those “my unemployed friend on a Tuesday” memes. Even if he was employed. Like you’d walk into his home and it’s just full of Contraptions. He just does Things and the purpose is unintelligible
Jason is like this too but in a less noticeable way. Roy is like “I welded a toaster oven to my assault rifle to see if it would do anything when I zapped it with a taser” and Jason is like “I read four textbooks and wrote an academic paper about the Mesopotamian grain economy”
“what did you guys do today”
“we liberated a country and then I built a motorized couch that’s technically street legal and then Jason blew up the road couch”
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file808 · 4 months
I have a head cannon that non of the batboys favorite superhero is batman, but they don't know that he isn't Tim and Damians favorite.
Jason or the most loyal Wonder Woman fan: Dick I can't believe that you're a Superman fan
Dick an superman fan: Hey at least I'm better than him. *Points to Damian*
Damian: Tt I'll have you know that I'm an avid fan of Black Canary. Father is not my favorite hero unlike somebody. *Glares at Tim*
Tim: You know that Batman's not my favorite hero right?
Dick genuinely shocked: WAIT WHAT!?!?
Jason: Yah Tim, Damian makes sense but you??? You have been such a Batman fan sense the beginning.
Tim: Like a year after becoming Robin Batman stopped being my favorite. Why is this such a surprise?
Damian: So Drake who's your favorite now?
Tim: Green Lantern!
Dick: Which one? There's a whole Corp of them.
Tim: ...
Jason: Tim...which one??
Tim:*Sigh* Hal Jordan.
Bruce in the distance: REALLY HAL JORDAN?!!!?!!
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ktkat99 · 1 year
Headcanon that the real reason all the other Justice Leaguer's avoid Gotham is because there is a running joke with the Gotham press that every hero in Gotham is either Batman, or a Robin.
Superman stops an attack drone from burning down a city block?
NOPE! News headlines read "Is Robin's new ability to fly proof he's really a vampire??"
Black Canary busts a smuggling ring?
"Batman's second female Robin. Will she last longer than the first?
Green Arrow catches a bank robber?
"Green Robin's facial hair and exactly what citizens think about it, page 3."
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Nightwing #115 Pride Variant Cover
reposting this as it's own thing
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dieubius · 5 months
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some recent doodles i thought were funny
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
I just really like the trope of Danny getting summoned, alright?
After he shoved Pariah Dark in his coffin shaped locker what what Danny hoped to be for all of eternity, the half unfortunately inherited all of Pariah’s responsibilities.
“What was it again? With great powers comes great responsibilities?” Danny let his head hit the table with an audible thunk. He’s in his “office,” the ghost zone’s approximation of where he might be able to do work seriously. The house- the extension of his haunt- had added the room right next to his bedroom. Danny had to lift all of the paperwork from Pariah’s castle (that’s now also a part of what’s considered Danny’s but he doesn’t think about that) and move it to his main haunt.
He prayed to the universe at large to let him off. Danny hated doing homework- science not withstanding because at least he understood that- let alone an asshole’s centuries worth of work. Danny bemoaned the fact that he was elected the King. He didn’t even defeat Pariah all by himself, so why couldn’t the others do it?!
Like a wave of merciful fate, the beginning tugs of a summoning pulled at his core.
“Thank Ancients!”
Danny scrambled to grab a sticky note, unfortunately glowing green as things tended to in the Ghost Zone, and scribbled down that he’s been summoned and to not look for him until his vacation work was done.
With that note done, Danny decided to bring his A game to the summoning. Allowing his secondary form to wash over him, Danny quickly checked the mirror to make sure he was presentable. A bright glowing ice crown- not the crown of fire, because it was essentially useless without the ring and Danny wasn’t keen on being a king, let alone a near infinitely powerful one- settled across his brow showed his status. A cape, this form’s best feature, made of an expanse of galaxies, nebulae, and frost cling at the end was swept over his shoulders and pinned together with a cloak pin made of clusters of black holes.
A couple of additions to his normal hazmat suit and his trusty thermos at his side, Danny all but dove into the summoning magic with an excited whoop of glee.
As Danny got closer to the magic-made portal, he could hear the whispers of the living presences beyond it.
His summoners! Hopefully it’s not a cult again, even if he thought they were pretty funny trying to summon the king of the dead to kill more people. Not funny “haha,” funny weird.
How should he do this…? Scary? Funny? Oh! Or maybe he should ditch the crown!
Danny grinned, waving his hand to dispel the crown of ice. It was nice, but he was in a dungeon critter mood today.
“Oh, this is going to be gooood.”
Danny cracked his knuckles and put on the most dead-inside-and-outside expression he could manage, modeling it off of the Nasty Burger workers during closing shift. The halfa stepped through the portal.
“The ritual is completed! You will all face the might of Pariah Dark, the eternal king of the dead!” The villain of the week cackled as his cult cheered. Wonder Woman, scuffed and injured from the magical bolts these magic users had shot at her earlier, grimaced and raised her sword.
“We will defeat Pariah Dark,” she proclaimed. Her allies rallied at her proclamation and readied themselves for another fight. “This world will not bow to the likes of you!”
“We are all but mere ants before the king of the dead! Pariah Dark will bring forth the reckoning this shitty world deserves!”
“Actually, Pariah Dark’s kind of busy, so you’re gonna have to leave a message.”
Green Arrow’s arrow jerked towards the new voice. Batman paused, hand holding batarangs at the ready. He, out of all of them, knew better than to underestimate a young voice.
A gloved hand shoved through the green portal, using the edges like a door frame to heave itself through. A humanoid shape, with sharp ears all but crawled out of the Lazarus green portal. Batman wondered if this was what Jason saw when he came back to life.
"Lord Pariah Dark is busy?!"
The figure- a boyish not-human- heaved a sigh. "Do you people seriously think that the High King of the Infinite Realms isn't swamped with work?"
"And who are you supposed to be? His secretary?" Hal asked, Ring glowing and at the ready. Wonder Woman tensed and mentally struck Hal away from the list of people to consider for diplomatic missions.
"Me? I'm a glorified paper pusher." The being turned back to the cultists, his cape containing the universe swished behind him. "Did you have a message for Pariah Dark?"
"He was meant to rain down death and destruction!"
"Okay, first of all, I feel like you guys are missing a really important point." The being pointed at the cult leader. “It’s not called the King of the Dead for no reason, you know. Death comes for everyone eventually. Also, I have to do a seriously giant amount of paperwork every time one of you fruitloops gets the bright idea to cause an influx of deaths.”
Danny stomped across the circle, grabbed the collar of the cultist leader’s cloak and yanked him down. He shook him. “Do you people have any idea how annoying it is?! Huh?! Do you know how long the A-354 Form is?! Stop trying to get Pariah to kill people! I’m sick of the paperwork, dammit!”
"How- how did you get out of the circle?!"
The cultists and the heroes squared up, ready to fight the possible common enemy: Danny.
Danny is having the best time of his half life. Screw kingly dignity, Danny’s gotta de-stress somehow! He had a whole bag of complaints!
"You wrote the circle wrong, idiots! Ancients, are you people even literate? What even are those scribbles?" Danny kept shaking the cultist. Wow, what an amazing stress ball!
“Uh- hey, he looks kind of sick…” The Flash said, trying to be a good hero and mediate before escalating. Danny snarled and Flash held up his hands, gulping in fear as Danny’s eyes narrowed at him. “Did I… do something?”
“You,” Danny hissed. “You mother- fruitloop! Stop screwing with the timeline, you giant red-! Do you know how annoying it is to readjust the death count every time one of you little merry red jesters takes a jaunt through time and space?! Do you even know how many complaints I had to field?! Oh, boy you’re all going to regret summoning me today, because I’ve had a long time to think about what I’d do to everyone who made me work overtime!”
Danny bared his teeth, eyes sparkling with mirth as he froze the cultists.
"We're not letting you take over the world," Hawk-Woman said, raising her mace that pulsed with electricity.
Danny snorted to hide his wince. "I'm not interested. Just let me punch him once. Just once." Danny pointed at the Flash.
"Honestly, I can't even blame you," Black Canary muttered, fists raised.
"Wha-! Canary! That's so rude! You traitor!"
"Shouldn't have put skittles in my shoes then. Those hurt, Flash."
"Enough." Everyone shut up at the sound of Batman's command. "What do you mean they wrote the circle wrong."
Danny, who was watching the byplay with interest, shrugged. "They wanted to summon the Ghost King, right? We've had a... change of leaders recently."
"Who is the leader now?"
Danny waggled a finger at Batman. "Nuh-uh. I'm gonna collect my over-time compensation, which is punching the Flash, and then we can negotiate for information."
"I don't want to get punched, Bats!"
"The alternative is that I let the current Ghost King have a go at you."
"Oh my god, just get punched, Barry!" Danny heard Green Lantern Hal Jordan whisper.
"Ugh, fine. No one video this."
Immediately, three phones go up to record the Flash getting decked by a teenage looking ghost. Danny floated closer and wound his fist back, letting loose some of the ghost strength he normally keeps restrained. "This is for my overtime and for Clockwork, you jerk."
The halfa slammed his fist straight into the Flash's face, knocking him clear into the air. Superman catches him but Danny no longer paid attention to the Flash, petty vengeance enacted.
"Honestly, I don't have a problem with you as a person. You're kind of cool. Break the timeline again in the next three months, though, and you're on my shit-list."
"What do you want in exchange for information?"
Danny hummed. "Depending on the level of information, and I reserve the right to not answer any questions. For the name of the current Ghost King..."
He did want that new gaming console. And Jazz could use some help with her rent.
"I want $5,000 and a plate of really good spaghetti."
"I have cash."
Danny nodded at the Dark Knight. "You just carry $5,000 in cash on you? Who does that?"
"I like to be prepared."
"And he's rich," Superman chimed in.
The Flash reappeared with a plate of spaghetti from an Italian place he teleported to. "Here you go. Fresh, and pleasedon'tscrewwithmyafterlife."
Danny shoveled the spaghetti into his mouth, jaw unhinging like a particularly disturbing snake right before he dumped the whole thing- plate and all- down his throat. "Thanks! The food didn't even try to kill me this time! You're good."
"Does your food try to kill you all of the time?!" The Flash- Barry, apparently- asked.
Danny nodded as he took the cash from Batman's gloved hands. "Totally. It sucks."
"Identity." Batman demanded.
"Oh, yeah. The current ghost king is me."
"You have been swindled. Bamboozled. Outwitted and outsmarted," Danny snickered, shoving the bundle of cash in his chest. "But seriously, I'm the king. We got rid of Pariah a while ago."
The crown of ice materialized.
"You said you were a glorified paper pusher!" Hawk-Woman chortled.
"I am! I'm pushing so many papers across my desk, it's unending, I swear!"
Batman growled. "You tricked us."
Danny smirked, "You got tricked." Red Robin, in the corner, snorted quietly. "Anyways, if you've got more interesting things around here, I'll considering busying myself with that instead of sentencing you to an afterlife of paperwork."
The adults straightened, grimacing. "Beast Boy is green," Hal offered up.
"Hey!" Beast Boy shouted, offended at the easy way Hal offered him up. He turned to Danny. "But have you ever seen a green chinchilla? Super cute. Watch!"
"Woah!" Danny clapped. Yes, he'll hang out with them before dragging himself back.
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Bernard: i lied. i don’t like sex. put your clothes back on babe and watch my power point presentation about What The Fuck Is Going On Between Batman And Twoface
Tim: …
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flamingpudding · 2 months
Cujo, Beats Boy. Beast Boy, Cujo
An exhausted Richard 'Dick' Grayson, also known as Robin, was holding up a green puppy that he had chased through the entire Titans Tower and had slobbering his face several times now, to the other Titans. An eye twitch was hidden under his mask, and he did his best to ignore his own tierdness as he stared down his friend while he held the green puppy.
"Something is wrong with Beast Boy."
All he got was stares from the others....
In the Infinite Realms Danny was also holding a green puppy up to the other ghost eyes worried as he realized that the puppy was also missing its usual collar and strangely subdued and quiete, instead of his usual normal overly eager state.
"Something is wrong with Cujo... should I being him to Frostbite?"
There was a beat of silence before the puppy spoke up. "Uhm... Dude, I am not Cujo?"
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batfamgalore · 10 months
Oliver: I knew you two couldn’t stay mad at each other.
Dick: Oh yeah. We’re closer than ever.
*Dick and Roy hold up their hands and they are both handcuffed together*
Bruce: You wanna tell me how this happened?
Roy: Well, Wally thought-
Bruce: Oh man, I wish that boy would stop doing that.
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