#childhood ptsd tw
borawinters · 11 months
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Full Name: Bora Demirci (birthname), Bora Winters (adopted name).
Nicknames: Bo, Bear.
Pronouns and Gender: He/Him, Cis Male.
Birthday: September 10th, 1987.
Birth place: Istanbul, Turkey.
How long have they been in town?: 30 years (with some gaps).
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Housing: Aurora Bay Drive.
Occupation: Owner of Oasis night club.
Family: Adrien Winters (adoptive father).
tw domestic abuse, parental death, childhood ptsd, bigamy // @aurorabayaesthetic
born in istanbul, turkey.
only child of emre and defne demirci.
his earliest memories of birth parents are clouded with fear, a combination of transference from his mother and genuine terror at his father's temper.
the increasingly tense situation at home was what caused his mother to flee her home country and seek to start a new life with her son far away from him.
bo was five when they eventually landed in aurora bay, where defne became fast friends with ella and adrien winters.
his already shaky world was flipped on it's axis once again at the age of 6 when his mother passed away suddenly in the night. bo was the one to find her in her bed and to this day he can still recall how cold her hands were.
the details of her death aren't known to him even as an adult, which was a choice he made to protect himself from something he's not sure he'll ever be ready to know.
with his life in upheaval and the possibility of his father being sought out as his remaining parent, he was lucky that adrien and ella stepped in to take him in and look after him in the immediate weeks following his mother's death.
he was 7 when they officially adopted him.
when he turned 18 he took on winters as a last name to honour the man who raised him rather than carry the name of the man who wasn't and never would be a part of his life again.
wasn't a troubled teen by any means but he did like to party and that carried on through his early twenties and into adulthood.
included in that was a stupid drunken marriage in vegas when he was 21, which he intended to get annulled and didn't because avoiding a problem is far simpler than dealing with it.
took five years to complete a degree in finance but eventually got it at 23.
moved to new york at 25 to put it to use and eventually began working as a stockbroker.
found he had a talent for it and built a client base fast.
crossed paths with juliet harkness at 28. the pair of them fell for each other hard and fast and ended up "married" by the time he was 30.
unbeknownst to juliet their marriage isn't valid because bo never had his first marriage annulled. messy.
the pair of them tried for children for over a year before their relationship broke down incomparably. any hope for reconciliation were dashed for hi after she left and he found birth control that she was secretly taking while they were trying.
moved back to aurora bay full time at 31 and has been there ever since.
worked remotely for a couple of years before deciding his life and his occupation needed a soft reboot and decided to invest his savings.
he bought a place in seabrook quarter that he rents out and oasis nightclub where he's a very present boss.
can often be found there making sure things are running smoothly.
may indulge in a shot or two in the right company.
+ confident, persistent, diplomatic.
- dishonest, impulsive, cold.
bear is a nickname that was used by both his moms.
bigamist on paper!!! rip, dumbass.
can speak fluent turkish and can understand it though his written skills are a little rusty from lack of practice.
big music fan, can be fussy over what's played in oasis.
likes to innovate, is always ear to the ground to try and sus ideas on how to make the club more appealing and generate business.
dave ramsey superfan.
adopted son of @adrien-winters
ex-husband of @juliet-harkness
boss of @lorelailewis, @ulyflynn, @callme-harris, @sebitorres, @fxckaubreycarson & @xoimani
former fling of @jordanmitchell
(technically still) husband of @rominacortez
friend of @greengideon
complicated with @cherryxkoch
former hook up of / sold house out from under @tillycai
former fling / employer of @valentinahq
step-sibling adjacent of @dancingdanvers
cousin of @alaraxdemir
non-legal husband / co-habitating not by choice with @selindogn
his vegas wifey from when he was 21. heavy plotting will be required for this, but can for sure be juicy bc the echoes of it have caused a lot of carnage in his life rip.
his employees always. bants on bants.
his seabrook tenants! (1-2 ppl max) could be very fun to plot.
connections wise he’s pretty much an open book right now, but some baseline ideas that can be springboarded off are:
a best friend / ride or dies / close friends / childhood friends / pseudo-siblings / friends / drunk friends / new friends / former roommates / people he knew from college / people he met on his travels / people from his new york days / employees.
flirtationship / friends with benefits / one time hook ups / tinder matches / unrequited crush (can be either way) / exes from high school / exes from his twenties / exes from his thirties / exes on good terms.
enemies / former (best) friends / exes on bad terms / frenemies / rivals / negative influence / former employees who think he's an asshole (bc he can be) / folks from his early days in nyc who's money he lost on risky investments.
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rainywhispersblog · 6 months
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lostmf · 7 months
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a-sip-of-milo · 5 months
It's always infuriated me hearing people say that children have it easy. It's only gotten worse as I've gotten older and have been able to reflect on my childhood and see the children around me grow up.
They do not have it easy. They don't get a say in most important things. They're seen is unintelligent, yet expected to understand things that full grown adults struggle with.
They've got a job, which is school, that is actually proven to not be working for a lot of them; myself included. They're expected to sit still and in silence for at least forty minutes at a time, and those with ADHD are treated as though they're immature and lazy because they often physically can't do it.
Far too many of them have abusive parents that lie through their teeth to make people think everything is fine, and of course, who would believe the child over the parent?
Aspects of abuse has been normalised. Parents are sympathised with when children open up about the things they've gone through, especially if they're not physical. They're told that their parents are only doing this because they love them, or that the child needs to start seeing things from their point of view. Meanwhile, adults can freely complain about their children on public forums and to friends and family and get away with it because "it's hard being a parent".
Fuck off and do better.
DNI Believers of narcissistic/borderline/anti-social/histrionic abuse.
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psychocitysblog · 1 year
I wake up everyday just waiting to go back to bed.
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to0needy · 8 months
i was just a kid who wanted to be loved
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unstablemotions · 7 months
Every book about PTSD will repeatedly mention how your personality will change after the traumatic event. How this is an indicator that you have the disorder. How this is a universal experience for everyone who suffers from post traumatic stress.
But I never got to have a life before trauma. That person was killed before they were alive. All that remains is a broken shell from where a child was ripped out with violent teeth.
I didn't change from my trauma, because I never existed before it began.
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an4failure · 1 year
do you ever have the feeling that you suffered something traumatic as a kid but you can’t quite figure out what it was?
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ed-recoverry · 6 months
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nmolesofadrenaline · 9 months
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the-edgy-fuckerz · 4 months
"Mental health matters" until its a minor struggling with substance abuse
"Mental health matters" until someone doesn't want/refuses help
"mental health matters" until someone struggles with an addiction
"Mental health matters" until someone is unable to do 'basic' hygiene
"Mental health matters" until someone is deemed violent and scary
"Mental health matters" until someone doesn't 'look like' their struggling
"Mental health matters" until someone has bulimia or bed
"Mental health matters" until someone wants to get worse
"Mental health matters" until someone is a dropout or unemployed
"Mental health matters" until someone has disturbing intrusive thoughts
"mental health matters" until someone is delusional
"Mental health matters" until someone struggles with hallucinations and hearing voices
"mental health matters" until someone is extremely scared of other people
"Mental health matters" until someone has violent outbursts
"Mental health matters" until someone has trouble masking/ can't mask their illness
"Mental health matters" until it doesn't fit your romanticized view abt it
(feel free to add onto this)
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sage-hazeline · 1 year
how do you reconnect to life after being disconnected for so long
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samvents · 1 year
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[ID text — I met evil when I was only a child.]
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lostmf · 5 months
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By @hel7l7
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a-sip-of-milo · 7 months
You didn't deserve to be filmed during your most vulnerable moments. You didn't deserve to have them put on the internet for everybody to see, even if it was "just for friends and family". It's not funny and you're not overreacting for feeling humiliated, upset or uncomfortable because of it.
That goes for the people who initially gave consent as a child. It doesn't matter. Shouldn't have happened regardless, and I hope you can find peace.
Believers in narcissistic/borderline/anti-social/histrionic abuse DNI
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psychocitysblog · 1 year
Why does being alive have to be so hard?
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