#and I’m just laying in bed with cramps and he’s yelling and I can’t get comfortable bc pf the sunburn and period cramp combo
milo-is-rambling · 10 months
Played the sims 4 until my eyes hurt and now I’m laying in bed kind of miserable
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kentolove · 2 years
When Tsukishima gets comfortable, he really gets comfortable.
You learned that eight months into your relationship, when Tsukishima walked into the bathroom—with you on the toilet—heading for the sink to brush his teeth.
“Kei!” You nearly scream, clutching your chest to calm yourself down. “I’m using the bathroom here?”
“I can see,” he says, and you groan, throwing your head back in defeat. It really doesn’t help that the mirror is perfectly placed, in a way that allows your Kei to look at you directly in the eye while you sit on the toilet looking as unflattering as ever.
“Then leave? I can’t even piss in peace.”
“Why would I leave?” He puts the toothbrush in his mouth, “I’ve seen worse.”
“It’s impossible to argue with you,” you cry. And you’re right. Tsukishima Kei is insufferable, and he may be too comfortable with you already.
You learn Tsukishima has no sense of personal space soon after.
When he loves someone, his affection comes in odd ways. Sometimes it’s a flick to the forehead, other times it’s a teasing remark, and today, it’s him asking you if he could stay with you while you shower.
It’s not necessary the worst request, but when you consider the fact that he’s asking to sit on a stool and talk to you while you bathe, you find it a bit strange.
“Why would you even want that?” You ask him, all while you get ready for your nighttime shower.
“I just wanna be there.”
You shrug, tell him “sure”, and move on with your day. He sits on the toilet seat as you shower, recounting his day and all the small things that ticked him off.
“I never knew you could talk this much,” you laugh. He’s not necessarily the most quiet partner, but words are often few when it comes to your Kei. He’s more of a listener than anything, telling you how much he likes to hear your voice when you “bitch about everything.” (His words, not yours.)
Once you spend enough time with Tsukishima, though, you learn that he’s not evasive, just caring. He cares for you in ways you’ve never been loved before.
He shows you this when you feel as if you’re looking the Grim Reaper in the eyes, period cramps eating you away, and laying in your shared bed.
“Get up,” he whispers, careful to not yell for he knows how much you hate loud noises.
“Don’t talk to me.”
He knows it’s the cramps talking, so he only responds with a roll of his eyes.
“Okay,” he says, and begins to lift you off the bed. You nearly scream in shock, hitting his chest lightly.
“Put me down!” You kick your legs as he carries you bridal-style towards the bathroom. You know what he’s doing, trying to motivate you to not wallow in your pain, but you’re far too stubborn and in too much pain to care.
“Don’t ignore me!”
“You told me not to talk to you,” he retorts, gently placing you on the closed toilet seat and kneeling in front of you. “I ran a bath for you.”
You stare at him, head tilted to the side, and you wonder how you got so damn lucky.
“You want me to strip you, or?” He speaks up in the midst of your silence.
“Don’t be an ass.”
“That’s what I do best,” he smiles, lifting your hands up to remove your shirt (it’s his, really) from your body.
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jungwnies · 1 year
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syn ' he was having a bad day, and unfortunately takes it out on you. how does it end? pairing ' bf!taehyun x gn!reader
496 words
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you and taehyun never fight, and that’s not an understatement.
he is always level headed, and never tries to argue with you. there are never even any petty fights.
except for today, he just was not having it. he’s stressed, he’s preparing for the japanese comeback, and he’s just super worked up because he wants the fans to see the best of the best.
usually when he’s stressed out, you don’t really bother him, just simple questions like, “have you eaten,” “do you need anything,” and things like that.
so that’s what you did, when he walks into the house you ask, “did you eat yet?”
taehyun shakes his head and walks straight into the bathroom, which he never does.
you didn’t think much of it considering you know how anxious and stressed he’s been recently, but when he goes into the kitchen scavenging for food you can’t help but ask him what he wants to eat.
“god y/n, i don’t fucking know, stop asking so many questions.” he didn’t yell it, he didn’t shout it, he didn’t even raise his voice, but he said it extremely stern.
you were taken aback and sat back down on the couch ignoring him, he continued to look for food while you sat on the couch watching tv, a bit awkwardly.
you didn’t want to confront him, and you decided to let him have a few minutes to himself to calm down.
eventually he walks into the bedroom with a snack, you didn’t really want to follow him into bed, so you grabbed an extra pillow and blanket from the closet and set up the couch.
taehyun sat in the room alone wondering where you were, and he regretted what he said to you. he was hungry, he was upset, and he was stressed, but that was no excuse for how he acted.
when he walked out the bedroom to go apologize, he saw you sleeping soundly on the couch. 
his heart couldn’t help but ache at the sight of you cramped up on the couch, he sat in front of you on the floor and brushed the hairs from your face. he accidentally wakes you up, and you grumble.
 “y/n, i’m sorry, will you come to bed with me?” he whispers slowly, taking the blanket off you.
the cold air hitting your skin woke you up slightly, “next time, will you talk to me about your stressors, instead of snapping?” you ask, very quietly.
taehyun kisses the top of your head, “of course, i’m so sorry y/n.”
you smile and stand up and taehyun walks with you to the bedroom, “i can’t sleep without you next to me.” he whispers as you get into bed comfortably. taehyun lays beside you and wraps you in his warmth, “it’ll never happen again, i promise.”
you nod and fall quickly back sleep in his arms.
taehyun admires your feature as you sleep and whispers, i’m such a fool.
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2022 © jungwnies
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stararch4ngelqueen · 8 months
Hi!!! Huge fan and I hope you had a good day in your part of the world💗💗💗
I was just reading ur period comfort fic with jay and was absolutely inspired with this idea for an (unequivocally self-indulgent) new fic:
what if reader has intense pain on their period (like can’t stand, can barely move, everything hurts/aches etc.) and goes nonverbal when the pain gets too much BUTT reader and jay had an argument before he went on patrol and so reader feels like they can’t call him because he’s still mad at them so reader just sticks it out miserably by themselves. only until jay asks oracle to check on your vitals (because he’s a cute little worry wart and still cares a lot🥰) and sees that you’re heart rate and breath rates are wildly irregular and he rushes home (fuck batman he can finish the job himself HIS BABY IS #1) and sees you bundled up in the covers curled in a ball crying. comfort, apologies, and making up and caretaking ensues!!!
i’m so sorry if this makes no sense or it isn’t something you’re comfortable with (your comfort is #1 bestie)!!!! Also, feel free to modify in any way!!!
It makes good sense!! I have no problem writing this ✨
I hope yours is going good as well! It’s a very under weather day for me, so I apologize if this isn’t what you were expecting! ❤️
Time written - 1:27 a.m
Tags: Period. Slightly broody Jason. Special guest star menstruation crustacean.
Part 1 in reference
Being miserable chased you around like a damn disease today, doing lots of more harm than good.
The kind of pain that left you breathless. An agony so severe you find yourself apologizing to any God that listened, mentally screaming at your body to give you a damn break. It was a miracle how you managed to make it from the kitchen towards your bed, forgetting to get your charging phone from the couch.
Sure, you had your watch. Yes, you had a device nestled in your end table drawer used for emergency calls. Wayne-Tech, Batman related stuff.
You didn’t use it. Either you didn’t have the strength, or too hot-headed, you didn’t reach for a button.
You believed it wasn’t going to be as bad. The cramps you’d get about a week prior before you start weren’t as painful this time. This morning had such high hopes, such high promises for a good day.
It was too early to think too highly about it.
Your body believed it would be funny to fool you, forcing you into this pathetic, crippling state shortly around ten. Rarely would you start at night.
You would’ve thought the blame belonged to someone else, anyone else other than what you experienced now. It felt like your insides were being torn apart by devilish hands, nearly making you ponder the urge to scratch against your own abdomen.
The room was normally cool, but your body was terribly hot. A peculiar shiver brushing down your spine, your susceptible body curled up in a pitiful ball along the mattress.
The house was quiet and empty, save for your choked gasps as you son through this horrible pain. You craved comfort, more comfort than any warm blanket could provide.
The biggest comfort you quietly desired more than ever wasn’t here. It was a miracle that the front door still clung to it’s screwed up hinges after being recklessly slammed shut.
You two argued over cereal, over which take out to get from what restaurant, over celebrity crushes. His side eyes were as dangerous as his criminal bloodlust, but they were always done out of amusing intent.
This time was different. You couldn’t remember when it started, recalling when it ended was now a painfully dulled blur in the back of your head. The argument was nearly verbally severe, with enough yelling to rouse the worry of your neighbors. If they even cared.
No one really does in Gotham these days.
You lay in your pitiful slump in bed for what felt like hours. In your distress, you weren’t aware of your charging phone going off in the living room. Your screen bombarded with texts and still ringing phone calls.
One of Jason’s few reliefs he had was through a distasteful crook on patrols, as violence was a great distraction. On such a slow start, Red Hood was left stalking with his own thoughts, dealing with his temper all alone in the night’s silence.
Just because he was stubborn now, doesn’t mean that he didn’t have his moments of clarity once he caught a break. He sent you a reluctant, one worded sent text at first before rushing on. He couldn’t help but shake off this suspenseful feeling though, like a tense dissatisfaction on his tongue. Was it guilt? Was it shame?
Did he feel sorry for what he basically caused? Did he at least wanna attempt to own up to it?
After ten minutes, he sent another text. Again, he sends another after seven minutes, then another around three. You weren’t answering them at all, which was a little surprising. You believed you held a distasteful quirk about answering texts too fast, which was what Jason adored about you, responding to him in under five minutes. Or ten at most if you were busy.
It always let him know you were never bored of him.
This only made that suspenseful ball in his gut grow a little heavier, so he started to call.
After about three calls, still you didn’t answer. Now that hall grew hotter and hotter.
It makes the most obvious sense that you were still angry at him, but the least you could’ve done was pick up the phone and cussed him out before abruptly hanging up. Or at the very least send his calls to voicemail after a ring or two, but that wasn’t the case,
The longer he stared at his rumbling phone screen, the worse his anxiety began to grow. Soon enough, he couldn’t take it anymore.
The Bats had an auspicious way of knowing if him or anyone else didn’t keep up their patrol routine. Jason put off this thought many times, giving less of a fuck now as he rushed home.
“Where the hell is your phone??” Came his booming question once he enters the bedroom, noticeably breathing a bit heavy from his rushed pace.
Upon your failure to answer in your trembling state, cowering under your blankets, you hear his heavy boots quickly approach the side of the bed. Opening your teary eyes, you see two milky mask sockets staring you down, still clutching his own phone in hand.
Jason would’ve questioned you over how many times he’s had to call, over how many texts he sent. He could’ve, but he didn’t.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice changed from roughly arrogant to gentle softness while pulling off his mask, relieving you of that annoying heavy breathing behind the barrier.
Because everything fucking hurts, asshole.
If you were still angry at him, it would’ve been a shouting match all over again. No, all that’s left now is physical and mental pain.
Without another word, he rummages through both your drawers looking for something. Cursing when he couldn’t find it, he turns towards the closet, reaching up ahead on the top shelves until he found what he was looking for.
He leaves the room, making your sensitive mind wonder if he had the gall to up and leave again. Especially knowing the debilitating state you were in.
Beep. Beep. Beep. The faint chime of the microwave echoed from the kitchen.
You wondered wrong.
Jason returns, pulling the blanket back just enough to expose your torso. Pulling up your shirt just enough, he proceeds to apply a warm, heavenly weighted plush stuffy along your tummy.
A chorus of euphoria washes of your tense body, your unknowingly clenched jaw finally relaxing. You whimper out in temporary relief at this beautiful sensation, the application of warmth promising a slow, eventual comfort that would easy your agonizing pain.
“When did you start?” He asks, but you don’t answer. More like you can’t, really.
“Can’t talk, huh?” His forehead slowly settles along your temple, exhaling through his nose. Pure blooded guilt mixed with cold hard sympathy in his system, making his heart beat heavily as he fully considers your pain.
“God, don’t pull an idiot move babe,” he murmurs against your cheek, his forehead settling along your head.
“That’s my job. You were right about that.”
You were stubborn, but not that hurtful towards the man you love. Unless he did something where it was really necessary.
Jason remained by your side until you were comfortable enough to sit up, never minding having to warm up the heating pad one more time. He doesn’t say much after his last words as he brings you a calorie rich snack and some pain medication, sitting idly by while opening a water bottle for you.
He gets you to a hot shower after the painkillers slowly prove they’re kicking in.
Fresh clothes were piled on the bathroom counter for you after the seething hot shower, consisting of one of his shirts and a pair of your old shorts you didn’t care much for.
Dinner, or an incredibly early breakfast, was one of your favorite cup noodles. Quick, hot and easy, so you could take a strong sleep medication and rest this horrible night away.
Jason by now was unbearably silent, too silent. Occasionally, he asked if you were okay or if the cup was too hot to hold while you slurped your noodles. Red Hood became a quiet, doting dog, keeping behind you as you shuffle to bed, still dressed in his gear.
It was only after you were settled back into bed in your much better state did Jason decide to finally relax, comfortable enough to take off his gear.
You were left watching as he turned around, pulling off his taunt, black shirt he wore under all that armor nearly every night. A faint hiss pushes through his nose as the fabric tugs on his freshly bandaged gash, just shy from his right shoulder blade.
“I didn’t mean it,” you exhale, tears dribbling over the bridge of your nose. “You’re not stupid, Jason. I didn’t mean it.”
He still keeps quiet, his head slightly turning as he acknowledges the pain you were still in. He doesn’t blame you for your anger, it just makes him feel more stupid for being mad at you.
He kept getting hurt, and you always took care of him. Sometimes, he kept getting hurt too much. You couldn’t help getting more and more worried for his safety while he chooses to shrug off the pain.
Now here he stood, with a wounded shoulder, wounded pride and a trembling girl needing his support now more than ever.
“Wouldn’t blame you if you did, sweetheart.” Jason sighs after crawling into bed beside you, making sure you remained ownership of all thick blankets.
“I’m sorry,” Jason whispers, peering down at you with sympathetic eyes. “I’ll try to be more careful.”
Your heart nearly melts then and there, a lingering stress vanishing from your mind for now. That’s all you asked for out of the entire argument from earlier. You knew his job was dangerous, but all you asked out of him was to be more cautious about his surroundings, to not be as reckless.
You could only help bandage and kiss his wounds so much. You never minded, but him coming home with at least three harsh gashes from possibly infectious blades put a toll on your hormonal stability.
“That’s all I wanted,” you gently say in return, accompanied with a soft sniffle.
Jason smiles before scooting just a little closer, proceeding to hold you with his good arm. A content cloud of warmth invaded your area, keeping you feeling calm and satisfied as your tired eyes mindlessly trail along his silvery autopsy scar.
“You can forgive me later,” He muffles against your cheek, lacing your skin with various gentle kisses. “Get some sleep, Hood’s gotcha now.”
You close your eyes, hiding the dramatic roll that proceeded shortly after.
“Also,” he piques in his murmur, a hint of cheekiness invading his tone of voice. “Kinda know of other ways to help with the pain.”
“Jason.” You groan with a light grimace.
He smirks a bit, only growing from the faint crinkle in your eyes and refrained smile. Just the reaction he wanted.
Had to throw this in 🦀
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nohoney · 1 year
bby im on my period and need touya to make it better ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
sending you smooches and laying a blanket over you bb ( ̄ε ̄@)
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“Okay, which one do you want: the llama or the avocado?” Touya asks as he holds up two soft heating pads out to you. You point to the llama with the tip of your foot before dropping it back down on the bed and laying onto your side, trying to be comfortable. The avocado stuffy is tossed somewhere on the floor, Touya unzipping the belly of the llama to pull out the little heating bag from its body. “Snacks? Juice?”
You’re getting annoyed at your boyfriend but he’s just doing the standard routine when it’s that time of the month for you. “Cranberry.” You answer curtly, reaching for your laptop and opening it up so that you can just throw on something to distract you from your cramps. Your lower back thrums with pain that makes you groan.
Touya knows to just get out the room before you yell at him for something ridiculous like him breathing too loud (he doesn’t) or giving you a weird look (he wasn’t) or even accusing him of being annoyed from you being annoyed (he is but he won’t say it).
The microwave beeps after heating the little bag and Touya’s filled your favorite tumbler cup with cranberry juice. He gives you the juice first before he’s stuffing the heated bag back inside the belly of the llama. He watches you get comfortable, pressing the llama heating pad against your lower belly. “Anything else?” he asks, needing to make sure all bases are covered so he can retreat and leave you in peace.
“Yeah, some vicodin.”
Okay, you’re not in that bad of a mood if you’re able to make a joke at least.
Touya kisses your temple and leaves the room, keeping the door closed and closing it gently because last time you were on your period you accused him of closing the door with an attitude (he did but wasn’t going to admit it).
He goes to his drawing desk, flicking on the light and grabs his headphones off the stand. There are several sketches laid out on the surface, working on a sheet of flash designs and four designs for a client of his he’s supposed to tattoo soon.
While Touya works in the other room, you’re suffering in the bedroom. The first day is always the worst and you can’t help wanting to throw a fit. You want to throw your plushie but you want to snuggle it, the actor in the show is kinda cute but now he’s starting to look ugly, you want to go yell at Touya for no reason but you know you shouldn’t. The range of emotions that go through you annoys you just about as much as it annoys your boyfriend when he becomes the target of your mood swings, which he always points out that you get extra cranky before your period starts.
It really explained why you were tempted to punch that crying kid at the grocery store last week.
The time comes when you’ve got to go the bathroom and check to see if you’ve got to swap out to a new tampon. Unfortunately when you also check, you’ve also bled into your underwear as well. “Fucking damn it!!” You yell louder than you’re supposed to but it’s annoying when this happens!
“Doll, what’s wrong?” Touya asks from his desk, apparently having heard you over his music.
“I fucking bled into my panties! I’m so pissed!”
Touya knows the drill, grabbing new period underwear and waiting just outside the bathroom door. It cracks open and he slips his hand in, feeling it plucked from his fingers before the door shuts close again. He goes back to his desk, resuming his activity from before.
Inside the bathroom, you stand at the sink and pour hydrogen peroxide over the fresh blood that stained the cotton of your underwear. At least you caught it before it could become a period stain. You repeat the process of pouring the hydrogen peroxide, rinsing with water, wringing the underwear and repeating until you feel that you’ve gotten the blood out. You inspect the fabric and you’re relieved that there’s no stain.
But you emptied the bottle and you’re on your last tampon.
“Touya!” You call your boyfriend’s name as you exit the bathroom after cleaning your hands and tossing the cleaned out pair of underwear into the hamper. “Touya!”
The headphones come off quick and he looks back at you, “Yeah?”
You don’t like the way he said ‘yeah’ to you but you let it go for now. “We need to run to the store. I used up all the peroxide and I need more tampons.” You inform him, watching him stand from his desk and start to go towards the front door to get his shoes on. “I wanna come.”
“You’re cramping,” Touya points out and even though it’s a bad thought, he wants you to stay behind if your cramps are bad so that he doesn’t hear you complain while in the car, “just stay home and I’ll go to the store.”
“Nooo! I wanna go!” You groan, “I want food too!”
Touya can at least be grateful that when you’re on your period, you know exactly what you crave and you don’t play a guessing game with him. “Just text it to me, stay home.”
“Are you trying get away from me? Is that why you don’t want me to come?”
You end up accompanying Touya in the car, holding your freshly heated llama pad against your tummy. The car ride is quiet except for the music that plays, your boyfriend letting you have control over the music as he drives. He keeps the key in the ignition and the engine running when he pulls into the parking lot. He’s got the checklist in his head for what you need, intending to just be in and then out so you can get home quickly.
“Can we stop by that taco truck on the way home?” You ask just right before he leaves the car.
“I can make you tacos at home.” Touya says in hopes of making you change your mind. “You know it doesn’t work like a restaurant with them, we can’t just order in for takeout ahead of time. We have to wait in line to order and get the food.”
“Well I’m sure the line would be short if you get there fast.” you tell him with no room for argument.
Ugh, he does not want to argue.
A bag of all your necessary period needs are tossed into the backseat and Touya makes the drive all the way to the area you want your food from. He reaches one hand to pet your head after hearing you groan, his peripherals catching how you pet the head of your little llama plush. Once again, he pulls into a lot where the truck is parked at and he’s fucking grateful that there’s only two people in line.
He barely makes it back to your shared home when your attitude kicks in again, walking slowly beside you as you start to hunch over from the cramps. “Almost there, okay?”
And you make it, thank fucking goodness you make it, settling yourself at the dining room table and leaning on the surface of it with one arm while the other one helps itself to the bag of food. Touya is left to take all your period items and sort it into the bathroom cabinet.
“Hey, thanks for putting up with me.” You tell him as you lay back into bed after having eaten, your llama being held against you again, “I know I’m really annoying whenever it starts.”
He says that you’re not (you are).
“Love you.” He tells you as he gets ready to return to his drawing desk. Touya’s hand rests on the top of your head, slowly stroking your hair knowing that the gesture will mean something to you, even if it doesn’t make any of your symptoms any better.
“Love you too.” you take his hand off your head and kiss the inside of his wrist, just right where your initials are tattooed at along with a small heart. And in turn his initials are tattooed on your wrist as well with a little flame. “Now leave me alone.”
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louissolovely · 7 months
matt comforting reader when she just breaks down bc she’s on her period
ੈ♡ IM SORRY ⋆。˚
summary- Matt comforting reader on her period request (I’m sorry I didn’t know if you wanted a story or hc’s so I just went with this😭 sorry if you wanted hc’s I just wasn’t sure)
warnings- periods, swearing, moody reader, annoying Matt💀
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It was about 3:29 and you haven’t gotten out of bed to do anything all day. You haven’t started bleeding yet but usually the day before you actually do start bleeding you get the most gut wrenching, stomach turning, excruciatingly painful cramps. You tried using your heating pad but you would get frustrated and unplug it because of how hot and sweaty you were feeling. You honestly wanted to give up and sleep your pain away but your body just wouldn’t let you.
It was now 4:56 of the same routine and you couldn’t take it anymore. One more thing and you were done. Just as you had that thought the door knob on your door turned and there standing at your doorframe was your boyfriend Matt and that goofy ass smile. “y/nnnnnnnn” you wanted to die right then and there.
“Whatcha doooin” him dragging out his words like that made you want to sit up and rip his tongue from his fucking throat. With much love of course. “Matt..can’t you learn to knock on a fucking door? Gtfo”. “Damn wtf is wrong with you” it made you so mad how he thought you were joking. You wanted him to leave but he wouldn’t budge. “If I wanted you to come in the door would’ve been fucking open dumbass. Get out please.” He looked at you for about 5 seconds then you saw a smile grow on his face.
He jumped into your stomach on your bed “maaaaattttt..” you didn’t have the energy for yelling. Tears were already forming in your eyes. You pulled the cover up to your eyes as he kept trying to pull them down to see your face. “Dude what’s your problem” he started giggling. He then said something that made you want to grab his fucking hat off his head and shove it in his big loud ass mouth. “Are you on your period or something” he was still fucking laughing. Why was he laughing. Nothing was funny to you. You finally just stopped squirming and sat still under the blankets which made him flinch. He heard a soft sob. Several more after. He pulled down the blanket to see tears streaming down your face and he’s just devastated.
“Baby.. baby noo what’s wrong” he whispered. you didn’t say anything you just continue to silently cry. “Baby I was just playing I’m so so sorry”. He grabs your face and wipes your tears softly but you just gently push his hands away. “I don’t feel good. I’ve been in bed all day and I haven’t done anything. It’s hot and I’m sweaty and I’m in pain and I wanna die..” Matt knew what you were talking about. He felt so horrible for bothering you and saying what he said. “Aww baby I’m so sorry I didn’t know. Let me lay down with you I’ll be quiet I promise”. You don’t say anything but you pull the blanket from underneath him and open it up inviting him in.
He takes his hat off and places it on your side table. He rests his face on your chest and synchronizes his breathing to match yours. He moves his hand to your bare side making you jerk slightly because of his cold hands but it felt so nice. You wrap your arms around his head and twirl his hair in your fingers. You slowly start to rest your eyes finally being able to take a nap for the first time that day. Happy wife happy life🫶🏽
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buckysgrace · 1 year
Thirty Four
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CW: period sex lmao
“Hey,” Billy sighed as he plopped down next to her on the bed. She raised an eyebrow as she looked at the blonde boy that was now laying down next to her. His skin looked even more golden than before, and his freckles were more prominent among his cheeks and nose. She figured it was from being in the sun for so long the past few days, “What are you doing?” He handed her half of his chocolate bar, which she gladly took. She probably ate it much too fast, but it satisfied her cravings and her sweet tooth. He barely had any bruising that she could notice from Friday with Neil. She was glad, she didn’t want the constant physical reminder of how she had sold him out. She felt guilty enough as it was. 
After the last night they had been together, Billy had been preoccupied with work. He had been doing doubles the past three days and barely seen her. She wasn't sure if that was because he actually had to work, or if he was doing it so he could avoid her. She still wasn’t sure what she had done, but figured she was overreacting at the same time. Her period seemed to come the morning after he left her alone, at the worst time, and she had spent her days in the shower crying over her confused feelings. She had decided that if he could easily ignore her then she could do the same. She stayed far away from him, not even allowing herself to look at him for too long. It was like he had soon figured it out and had spent the past night driving her crazy with subtle touches and longing looks. Still, she stayed away. She didn’t want to be the first one to break. It looked like he had finally had enough. She felt almost smug about it. 
Everything was still weird to her. Her mom had been acting like nothing had happened, while Neil was acting like Kim was the worst thing to happen to her. Still, he didn't yell or treat her the same way that he treated Billy. She supposed she was grateful for that. She had wanted to talk to Billy about everything, but he acted like he was too busy to deal with her. Except for last night, but she was far too bitter to deal with him by then. Max was away more than what she was around. Kim felt lonely, not quite understanding why her mom was so set in stone on staying with someone like Neil. 
“Wishing I was born a boy,” She whined pathetically, holding the stuffed cow he had gotten her, close to her chest. It was more comfortable than her pillows and she had gotten accustomed to waking up with it wrapped in her arms. She still had Billy’s shirt tucked away and had no real plan of returning it to him, “How was the pool?” He still smelled of chlorine as he turned to face her, looking a bit perplexed.
“Why would you want to be a boy?” He rubbed his hand up her waist slowly, playing with the hem of her shirt, “It wasn’t too bad. Those little shits are annoying.” Billy responded. Kim knew better though. She knew that he enjoyed teaching the little kids to swim much more than he liked screaming at the older kids. She tried to ignore the burning on her skin from where he had touched her. She sighed softly, wishing she could indulge in his actions. 
“I can’t do anything,” Kim grumbled, holding the stuffed cow under her chin as she chewed on the last remainder of chocolate, “I’m on my period, but I’m not pregnant.” She told him, smiling playfully as she shifted on her pillow. She wondered if she pressed the pillow up in just the right position that the cramps would slowly start to fade away. Billy smirked mischievously as he turned to face her, his necklace dangling against his black tank top. She thought about tugging on it until he was closer to her. 
“Lucky for you, I know the perfect remedy,” He pushed her red hair out of her face, trying to get a clear look at her. She wrinkled her eyebrows in confusion, “Do you want to know what it is?” He sounded too eager as she considered him. She had a feeling it was completely inappropriate. 
“More chocolate?” She asked playfully, half hoping that it was true. It took a lot for her sweet tooth to be satisfied. He shook his head, twisting her hair in ringlets around his finger before tugging on it softly. She shot him an irritated response but he simply placed a kiss against her nose gently. She felt her entire face break out into a blush from his sweet gesture.
“No it doesn’t involve chocolate,” His lips trailed across her cheek, warming them as he dipped into her neck, “It’ll make you feel good.” She felt a familiar feeling growing between her legs as she focused on how his lips moved against her skin. She hated how easily he had this effect on her, only it felt as if it was twice as bad.
“I like chocolate though,” She gulped, growing a bit nervous as she felt her hips shift forward towards her comforter as Billy sucked on the spot on her neck that drove her crazy. His teeth grazed against her skin softly and this time she couldn’t resist grinding her hips down into the bed. She felt his lips curl into a smile and she was sure he was proud of the effect that he had over her, “Billy, I can’t.” She whined, forcing herself to stop. Everywhere he touched felt like it affected her more than usual. Even rutting against her blanket felt that much more pleasurable. It was like torture.
“Why?” He mumbled as he dove back into the crook of her neck, licking at her skin softly. She felt a soft moan leaving her lips as he did so. Everything he did made her feel on the edge and ready to submit. She wished she could fight her body a bit harder, but she felt like she melted right against him. 
“I’m bleeding,” She whined again, sounding like a small child, “It’s gross and dirty. It’ll get everywhere.” She huffed, trying to remind him why it was a bad idea. He scoffed, drawing back enough to face her.
“It’s natural, so it can’t be gross and dirty,” He reminded her, his blue eyes watching her expression amused, “Plus, it’s just a bit of blood. I don’t mind that.” She stared at him, almost horrified. It sounded so taboo. She hadn’t ever read or heard about someone having sex on their period before. Surely, there was some uncertain rule that this was completely off limits. The way that Billy watched her told her otherwise. 
“You don’t care if you get covered in blood?” She asked simply, fiddling with her hands and not quite believing what he was saying. She was sure his dick was his favorite thing in the world, and she couldn’t imagine him wanting to get it dirty. He grinned.
“I’ll wear a condom, plus,” He drew circles on her arm softly, “It’ll help with your cramps. I promise.” She peered at him for a moment, wondering how on earth he could know about that. She quickly thought about how many women he had been with and reminded herself that she didn’t want to know how he knew. She would probably be traumatized by the end of it. Still, she found herself growing tempted as she thought about his words. She was cramping a lot and she wondered if it really did help with her the pain she was feeling at the moment.
“Alright,” She whispered as she glanced back towards him, “Um, where should we do it? I don’t want to ruin my blankets.” Billy was scooting off of the bed as soon as she agreed to have sex with him. She looked at him curiously as he crossed her bedroom to leave, and she was unsure if she should follow or not.
“I’ll be right back!” He yelled from the doorway. She was baffled for a moment as she shook her head, pulling the stuffed cow back to her chest so she could rest her head on it. She watched as he appeared quickly, carrying a stack of towels. He kicked the door shut behind him, “Get up really quick.” She did as he asked, sitting up at the edge of her bed as she watched him move one of her pillows and cover it with towels. 
“How do you want me to lay down?” She asked him, uncertain of where she was supposed to move. He held onto her gently, laying her hips down across the pillow so her bottom was up high in the air. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, resting on her elbows as she tried to adjust. Kim was unsure, feeling as if she was in a similar position to what she was when she told him they shouldn’t do this anymore. Despite having towels spread to cover every possible inch she still didn’t feel like this was very safe, “Is this hygienic?” She asked suddenly, sitting up on her elbows a bit so she could look at him. He chuckled, squeezing her butt as he answered her question.
“Yes, the only bad part is the mess, but I’ll worry about that. I just want to make you feel better,” He persuaded as he pressed his hands against her hips softly. She liked the way his fingers massaged into her skin. She nodded, trying not to feel embarrassed when he slid her shorts and underwear down to her knees. The scratchy towel rubbed up against her as she tried to adjust again until the pressure on her stomach from the pillow was comfortable, “Better?” He questioned. She glanced back at him, looking at the cocky smirk on his face. 
“I guess so,” She mumbled as she played with her fingers, resisting the urge to pick at her nail polish. No matter how hard she tried to paint her nails she couldn’t help but pick at them. She listened to the sound of him pulling his pants down his thighs. She had the sudden urge to turn and watch him, “It doesn’t hurt this way does it?” She thought of another question, so she had the excuse to turn and face him. She felt excitement growing in her lower stomach as she stared at his hand pumping his hardening length between his legs. He pulled out a condom and slid it over himself, looking at her amused like he could tell what she was doing. 
“No,” He smiled, moving his hand slowly up his length. Kim wished that it was her small hand that had a hold of him, “It will feel really good. I promise.” He traced his dick up between her wet folds and she quickly turned away, not wanting to see the reaction on his face when he finally realized he’d be getting blood on him. His reaction never came. He pushed his tip inside of her slowly and she found her mouth opening in awe from how easily he pushed into her. There was no friction between the two of them as he filled her quickly to the brim. He leaned on top of her, sighing in relief as his warm air fanned her face. 
“That’s nice,” She breathed out truthfully. She had been worried that the feeling of his cock being stuffed inside of her would make her cramps more painful. He had been right, she seemed to be relaxing more at the feeling of his dick inside of her. She laid her head forward softly, feeling as if she could nap like this, “Oh my god, Billy.” She panted out, the side of her cheek dragging along her pillow with his movements.
“I told you I’d take care of you,” She could hear the smirk in his voice as he thrusted forward again, and she resisted the urge to grind back against him. She whined softly as he dragged her hips back against him, his cock nudging against her bundle of nerves. She clenched her hands into fists around her sheets, “You feel so good baby, so fucking good.” He praised and she bit her lip, feeling herself wince a bit from how harshly he was gripping her. She understood suddenly what he meant when he had said there was pain that could be pleasurable.
She was thankful everyone else was already gone because her moans were filling the empty house and bouncing off of the walls. Billy was pulling her hair out of her face again, desperately kissing her neck as he drilled his dick into her. She yelped, facing him surprised as he bit down on her shoulder hard. She watched as he pulled away, the marks from his teeth remaining against her skin.
“Does it feel good, baby?” He whispered softly, dragging her hips back against him as he grunted. She gasped, feeling her eyes clenched shut as the feeling of his cock hitting her g-spot traveled up her back and down her legs. She cried out, nodding frantically as she watched him. It felt so good, and she didn’t want him to stop, “Use your words.” His eyes narrowed and he slowed his movements against her. She thought of how he had made her sit on his lap, filled with his cock and unable to move. She didn’t want to repeat that again.
“Feels so good, Billy,” She moaned out, fairly sure she sounded like the videos of the women he watched, “Love your cock so much.” She promised him, biting her lip hard as he smacked her bottom. She felt her walls fluttering around his hard cock, pulling him in deeper every time he pulled back out. Billy yanked on her hair softly, making her look up at him.
She stared up at his ocean blue eyes, noticing how dilated they looked. She traced the lines of pleasure across his face and felt herself clenching around him as she thought once again how wrong all of this was. No matter how much they convinced themselves, it was wrong. Her mouth was parted as she moaned again, and he took the opportunity to let a line of drool drip down from his mouth onto her lips. Her tongue darted out to lick up his saliva quickly, not wanting to waste a single drop. She could feel her clit throbbing again after doing that, it always made her feel so bad when he’d spit on her. 
“You’re such a good girl,” He praise as he relaxed the grip on her hair and let her lean forward towards her pillows again. She was glad as she was able to easily hide her blush, though she was unsure if he would even notice from how flushed her body felt from their activity, “Taking my dick like a little whore, doing what I say.” He was grunting as he spoke, his
She could feel her ears turning red from the sound of her pussy squelching around him, the sound echoing in the room. She was so wet. She tried not to feel too embarrassed because it was clear that Billy clearly loved it by the way he was cursing above her. She liked listening to the sounds he made, liked feeling that she made him come undone in the same way he did to her. 
“Hear that baby, that’s all for me,” He grunted against the side of her face, whispering huskily into her ear. She nodded; mouth open as she concentrated on how good he was making her feel at the moment. His tongue flicked against the side of her cheek as he squeezed her hips even tighter, “Tommy would never fuck you this good. He’d never treat you as good as what your stepbrother does.” She cried out when he bit the side of her neck. He had never bitten her before and now he had done it twice in one session. She whimpered, rolling her hips back against him in agreement. She was sure that no one else would ever make her feel this way.
“You’re so good to me,” She pleaded through her moans, sweat dripping from the back of her neck as she found herself growing near her orgasm. The muscles in her stomach were tightening in a more intense way than ever before. She found it hard to speak as he drilled into her, the pillow he had set underneath her was almost flat from how hard he was fucking her, “M’close.” She breathed out against the side of her pillow, clinging to it tightly.
“You gonna come on my cock?” He was grunting against the side of her face as he went between kissing her neck and biting her. She liked it all the same, “Gonna be a good girl and come for me?” She felt her muscles clenching together in her stomach as she became more frantic for her release. He was pushing into her so easily.
“Billy,” She whined out as he looked up to face her, “You fuck me so good.” She spoke breathlessly as she did her best to roll her hips back up against him. She couldn’t be too sure, but she swore she saw his cheeks blush.
He tilted her head back, kissing her roughly as he stuck his tongue inside of her mouth. She whimpered softly at the feeling of him slamming into her repeatedly as his tongue flicked against her own. He squeezed her hair softly, pulling her up so that she’d look at him.
“Are you my good little cock slut?” He asked roughly, angling his hips so that he hit that spot inside of her each time as sparks raced up her back. She felt her toes curling as she nodded frantically, forgetting that he was holding onto her hair so tightly.
“Yes,” She whined as he used his other hand to smack her bottom again. She was beginning to realize that she liked when he did that, “I’m your good cock slut.” She repeated his words back towards him, looking up at him with her best doe eyes. He dove his head in again, crashing his lips onto hers as he wrapped a hand around her neck and licked inside of her mouth. She was whining in awe, thrusting her hips back as she tried to push him in ever deeper.
“So fucking needy,” He tsked as he pulled away. She wanted to point out that he seemed just as needy with the pleasure etched on his face and the way the rhythm from his hips had become unsteady, “Your little cunt is so tight and wet.” He breathed against her face, groaning into her ear as he snapped his hips forward again. She dug her fingers into the stuffed cow, feeling her walls clamp down on his hard cock.
“Oh, oh my god, Billy!” She shook around him, her back arching up against his sweaty chest as she came undone around his cock. Her eyes clenched shut as his lips sucked on her neck and she was sure he was leaving another mark on her. She thought of Neil suddenly, moving her head away so it wouldn’t be too obvious, “Fuck.” She whined out in awe as he continued to hit that sweet spot inside of her. His hips stilled as he toppled on top of her with a loud groan, filling the condom.
“Feel better?” He asked after a second, his lips pressing against her nose softly. She nodded, still in a haze as he circled his hips and his dick rubbed against that spot again. She yelped softly, unable to bring herself to another orgasm.
“So much better,” She told him earnestly, “No more though.” She whimpered softly, still feeling him pulsing inside of her. He pecked her lips gently, pushing the red strands out of her face so he could look at her clearly. 
“Do you mind when I call you that?” He asked suddenly. She blinked at him confused, not quite sure what he was talking about. She looked at his swollen lips.
“Call me what?” Her breath was finally starting to settle back down on her lungs as he played with her hair gently. She really liked when he did that and wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or not. She was worried she would actually get attached now that he was acting so sweet to her.
“A slut,” He seemed to consider it for a moment, “I can stop saying it if you want. I don’t want to make you feel bad. You’re not really a slut, you know that right?” She sat up a bit, trying to focus on him and not the feeling of his dick inside of her.
“What?” She repeated again, trying to make sense of why he was saying this, “Oh, is this about what your dad said? No, I don’t mind when you call me that. Trust me, I’ll tell you if I don’t like something. I know I’m not really a slut.” She responded shyly, feeling intimidated by the way he was watching her. She was more than happy pretending to be Billy’s slut. She didn’t necessarily want to break that dream. Billy nodded, looking at least relieved over what she had said. She hated Neil for always ruining everything.
Billy raised off of her after a moment, pulling out softly. She felt horrified at the sound that echoed between her legs and the rush of wetness that pooled out after him. She listened to him ripping his condom off and wondered if she should move to clean herself. She was sure she was a mess. It didn’t take long for him to grab one of the other towels and clean her softly before pulling her underwear and shorts up over her hips.
“Do you want to join me for a shower?” He asked suddenly as his hands lingered against her lower back. She turned to face him, noticing for the first time how her arms felt as if they were beginning to go numb from being in the same position for so long. She smiled nervously, feeling like a shower would be nice.
“Sure,” She responded shakily as he helped her to the side of the bed. She grimaced when she looked at the blood-stained sheets and then back towards him. He didn’t seem bothered or disgusted as he wrapped them up in a ball, “Sorry.” She mumbled, feeling embarrassed.
“Why are you sorry? I’ll clean it up, it’s just a bit of blood.” He laughed it off as he stuck out his hand and helped her stand. She felt her face burning again, realizing he wasn’t letting her hand go. This would be the second time they had held hands and he hadn’t immediately pulled away from her.
“Yeah, okay,” She responded a bit unsure of herself as she stood near him, watching how his blue eyes grew brighter from the sunlight hitting them, “Are you going to the Fun Fair?” She blurted out suddenly. He looked at her amused as he tilted his head.
“Fun Fair?” He questioned, chewing on his bottom lip. She felt her hand squeezing around his and she was worried he would pull away from her. She shifted awkwardly.
“You know, for the fourth of July. I think Mom wanted us to go,” She was referring to her and Max, but she didn’t want him to feel excluded. She thought this could be another way that they could all bond, “It might be fun. You like roller coasters.” She told him softly. He looked surprised that she would remember that.
“Sounds a bit nerdy but I guess I can go,” He chuckled as he walked out of the room, keeping their hands interlocked as they walked. She was biting her lip hard, trying to keep from saying something out of turn. She wasn’t sure if she had misheard their conversation the other night. This seemed to be very monogamous to her. He pushed the bathroom door open and locked it behind her, “I’m sure they just want us to babysit though.” He pulled his hand away from hers as he headed towards the tub and turned the water on. She felt as if she could still feel his hand in hers as she watched him.
“Oh, I’m sure,” She smiled sheepishly as she danced around the fact that he didn’t have to go if he didn’t want to, “I’m sure there will be a lot of kids.” She watched as he began to undress. She shifted before she did the same. This would be the second time they’d be showering together. She hoped her red face wasn’t giving her thoughts away. She still hadn’t been able to go into their parents' room after their little fiasco. She hadn’t heard anyone complain about the sheets either and she began to feel a bit guilty about it. Billy still seemed unbothered.
“I’m always surrounded by damn kids,” He muttered under his breath. She knew he was putting on a tough act but didn’t say anything. They were almost in July, school would be starting before long, and the pool would be closed down. She wondered what he would do if he didn’t get the spot at the mechanics garage, “As long as you buy me food I’ll go.” He told her, his blue eyes looking at her mischievously as he pulled his shorts down. She looked away quickly, ignoring the thing dangling between his legs.
“I could buy you food?” She questioned him as she undressed and slowly made her way into the tub. The water was still too chill for her liking, so she turned it up a few notches despite his protest behind her, “Although, you ate all of my popcorn and candy the other night.” She told him, letting the water hit against her back and calm her nerves. He stepped in front of her and closed the shower curtain.
“You weren’t complaining when Steve was doing it,” He made a face as the water touched him but seemed to slowly grow adjusted to the temperature as he fought for the spot underneath the water with her. She took a step back when he began to shake his wet hair like a dog, “How is it my fault he ate it all?”
“You had your own snacks with Tina,” She reminded him, a playful smile lighting up her features as she put her body soap on her sponge, “And you still ate all of mine.” Billy grumbled under his breath, and she shook her head as he protested. His hands began to snake around her body as he rubbed the suds into her skin.
“I’ve got it,” She told him as she started to wash herself off. She glanced at him again, noting how he looked almost offended from how she had pulled away from him, “I don’t want you to get messy again.” She explained herself, hoping he didn’t think she was mad at him. 
“I mean, you bathed me.” Billy reached as his fingers brushed against her hips. She kept herself from jumping away, her skin sensitive from how he had gripped a hold of her earlier. She shook her head.
“I did not clean you there. I was trying to get the puke off of you, which was disgusting by the way,” She mentioned as she got her long hair wet again. Billy was wiggling his way towards her again, “Plus, I’m pretty sure you just want to play if you get your hands down there.” She knew she was right by the way he grumbled. She wondered if he could be addicted to sex in the same way he relied on drugs and alcohol. She thought that it may explain a few things.
“You just ruined all the fun,” He mumbled as he used her shampoo bottle to wash his hair. She stared at him curiously for a moment, watching as he lathered the soap through his blonde curls, “Hey, are you going to return my shirt?” He changed the subject, still massaging the soap in his hair as he turned to face her. She took the opportunity to put shampoo in her own hair, trying to ignore how she had been trying to avoid giving it to him entirely.
“Oh yeah, it’s in my room,” She responded as casually as she could, acting like she hadn’t been wearing it to bed every night, “I can get it after the shower. She was hoping by then that he would forget about it again. She didn’t want to give it up. It smelt like him. She liked how big and baggy it felt on her, and if she closed her eyes tightly enough, she could still feel the flames from their skin touching.
“You can keep it,” He said after a minute, “It was old anyways.” He quickly added, brushing it off as he turned away from her and started to wash his toned body off. Her eyes lingered against his tanned skin. She dropped her hands from her scalp, trying to drink in the details of his skin.
“Oh,” She tried not to feel too giddy inside. It sounded like he hadn’t wanted it anyways and she didn’t want to seem that desperate, “Thank you.” She smiled anyway, rubbing her hand across her arm as she watched him. He glanced towards her again.
“I told Tommy to leave you alone. I think he finally got the hint,” She snapped her head towards him as she began to wash the soap out of her hands, “No, I didn’t hit him. He’s actually my friend, I don’t think he’d really do anything dumb.” She figured he was referencing Jason and the other boy at the moment. She nodded unsure as she continued to wash her hair.
“I didn’t think Neil would get so mad,” She admitted, unsure if she should bring up his father at all, “I didn’t think he’d care.” Billy snorted and she looked at him confused as she began to put conditioner in her hair. He looked at her as if she was clueless.
“You’re like his little golden child. You don’t ever do anything wrong, and you get good grades. He likes you more than he likes me.” She frowned but Billy didn’t seem bothered as he took over her spot under the water again. She knew he wasn’t saying it to sound mean but it made her feel guilty all over again. She didn’t know if she should apologize or not. He beat her to it as he started to speak again. She wondered if he was talking so much because he had missed her the past few days too. She began to wash her hair out quickly, noticing how the water in the shower was beginning to cool down. Billy waited until she was finished before he shut it off. 
“I really thought you were ignoring me,” Billy handed her their towels as he began to quickly dry himself off. She watched the remaining droplets of water drip down his toned stomach before he wiped it away, “I was beginning to think that I did something wrong.” He admitted as he stepped out of the tub. Kim began to dry herself off, feeling a bit sheepish as she watched him. She didn’t want to admit that she did think that he had done something wrong by leaving her. She knew what his reaction would be if he said that.
“It was just my period,” She mumbled softly, “I wasn’t really ignoring you. I was just moody.” She lied softly as she worked on drying herself off and not staring at his muscles as he moved. She wished he could understand how she just wanted to lay with him for a while after sex. She liked when they acted like they were close like this. He nodded as if he accepted the answer, and she began to feel her thoughts wander. 
“How did you lose your virginity?” She asked suddenly when he was beginning to redress, and she was still drying off. She lingered in the tub, not wanting to make a trail of blood on the floor. Billy looked up in the mirror, meeting her eyes in the glass. 
“Uh, babysitter,” He replied, looking away from her to brush at his wet curls, “I think I was twelve, I think it was right before my thirteenth birthday.” She stared at him, pausing her movements as she stared at his reflection. He had been that young?
“With your babysitter?” She tried her best not to sound like she was judging him. She was more concerned than anything, “How old was she?” She began to dress herself after drying her skin off. Billy chuckled, turning to face her.
“I think like eighteen. What can I say, older women have always been attracted to me.” He teased, looking unbothered as he began to style his hair. She didn’t like the feeling that was growing in her stomach.
“Billy, that’s kind of gross. I mean it would be like if one of your friends got with Max and she’s older than what you were then.” Kim walked up to the counter and started to brush her hair. He glanced at her, looking a bit amused. 
“It’s different. Don’t worry about it,” He reassured her, tilting his chin up in the mirror as he examined his neck. She realized he was looking to see if he needed to shave again, “How’d you lose yours?” He teased, drawing the conversation back towards her. She rolled her eyes, trying to hide the smile as she brushed out her wet curls. She realized that one day someone else would ask her that question and she would either have to leave out details and lie or casually admit that she had let her stepbrother take her virginity in some dingy motel.
“Yeah, pretty sure you know.” She responded slowly, turning away from facing him. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against the corner of her mouth. She glanced towards him, resisting the urge to touch where he had kissed her.
“I’m going to clean up your room. Take your time.” He swatted her butt, smirking at the glare she sent him as he walked around her. She sighed, looking in the mirror and noting how red her cheeks were. She wasn’t sure about the feelings that were swarming in her chest, but she ignored them, not wanting to complicate anything else. She quickly dressed herself again. She turned, lifting her shirt up and pulling down on her underwear as she noticed five small bruises near her hips. She could feel her body growing warm again as she realized what they were from. She quickly pulled her shirt down, ignoring how hard her heart was beating inside of her chest. She picked up her towels and opened the door, letting the steam exit the bathroom. 
She stepped out into the hallway, not noticing Billy as she walked down towards her room. She figured he must’ve stepped out to smoke as she didn’t see him in his room either. She opened her door and tried not to think about what had just happened in here. 
She stepped into her cool room, noticing how he had already taken her sheets to get them cleaned. She tried to ignore the boiling sensation in her stomach as it flip flopped. She didn’t know how to react to him being so kind to her. She wasn’t used to it. She hadn’t ever seen him act this way towards any of the girls he had been with before. She stepped up to her bed curiously, tilting her head as she looked at the stuffed cow, he had won for her. A smile spread over her face when she looked at the chocolate bar and the pink carnation laying neatly on her bed. 
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stranger-rants · 1 year
Thoughts on Billy doing water therapy post starcourt? 💗💗💗
For as long as he can remember, Billy has loved the water. His body has always felt in tune with it. He could smell the rain long before it arrived. He could ride the waves with ease. When he was stressed, nothing quite brought him back to equilibrium like floating in the pool or taking a shower. Billy loved the water, and it loved him too. It embraced him when his father wouldn’t. It soothed his aching muscles with its warmth when he was treated too roughly. It took Billy’s anger whenever he swam laps in school, and pushed him to be stronger. It gave him everything he needed to one day leave.
Physical therapy isn’t “working.”
He’s become way too familiar with the ground.
They make him use a walker to get himself up out of bed or out of his chair. His chest hurts. His stomach muscles spasm. His legs shake. If he pushes himself too hard, his heart can’t take it. It beats too fast. He feels dizzy. The room spins. He falls. He says he can’t do it. He’s had enough. No more! Just let me lay here. You should have let me die. Everything hurts. He’s exhausted… but more importantly, he wants to slip into the water again… to feel weightless. Let it carry him, instead of having to carry himself. But he can’t. His scars are still forming. There’s numerous incision sites still closing up. He’s had so many surgeries he’s lost count.
He would have to be wrapped tight in plastic to enter a pool, and a public pool is an absolute no in his weakened state.
Still, he longs for it.
Billy spends much of his early recovery severely depressed. He doesn’t talk much to anyone. They nag him, though. You have to get up. You have to do your exercises. You have to drink enough water. Ha! He doesn’t want to just drink it. He wants to be in it. Submerged. Even when he is able to bathe, it’s either with a towel and a bucket or a quick shower sitting in a plastic chair. The kind elderly people use so they don’t slip and fall and break their hip. That’s hardly anything at all. So, he’s snippy with the few people willing to help… Max, who in her own frustration yells fine and leaves him alone and Steve who knows a thing or two about being stubborn.
Steve offers to take care of Billy for the weekend. Everyone else is busy and Billy struggles a lot when he’s left alone, though he doesn’t admit it. They don’t talk much. They do their own things - just, when Billy needs it, Steve is nearby to help. It’s quiet for a while. Steve calls out into the living room. He can’t find him. He’s about to go into panic mode when he notices Billy sitting outside by the pool. He opens the sliding glass door, but Billy doesn’t move from his spot. As Steve moves closer, he can see Billy’s legs in the water.
“I’m not gonna drown myself if that’s what you’re thinking…”
“Didn’t think you would,” Steve says, but honestly he’s not sure what to think about Billy at any given moment.
“Feels good.”
Billy closes his eyes. His scars are healed enough. If he could just push his body into the water… but maybe then his muscles will cramp up and he’ll actually drown.
“You wanna go in?”
Billy looks at Steve like he’s crazy, but yeah. He wants to go in.
“Don’t think I can. M’not strong enough.”
“Nonsense,” Steve shakes his head, “I’m here, so if you feel weak or whatever, I’ll save you.”
Steve winks at him, earning an eye roll. He nudges Billy’s arm. “C’mon, champ. Let’s get you some swim trunks.”
That’s how it starts, with Steve guiding him back into the pool. It’s everything he thought it would be for his broken body. The stress leaves his muscles. He can breathe a bit easier. His heart beats at a steady rhythm, except for when Steve’s hands wrap around his scarred waist. The first time they only spend a few minutes in the pool before Billy clearly needs a nap, but there’s another time and another time and another time. Steve agrees to take care of Billy on weekends, and no one thinks about it much other than Steve being Steve - always trying to lessen everyone’s “burdens” but really this is good for him, too.
After a while, Billy’s physical therapist notes improvement. He falls less. His mobility is better. He can cope better with physical strain. She asks if he’s been doing his exercises and he says “more or less.”
Physical therapy is working.
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starlight-writer · 2 years
If your requests are open could I pleeease have moon boys helping you on your period? I’ve got a bad one and need some comfort 🥲 <3
Period Comfort
A/n: Ofc you can! I’m sorry you’re having a difficult time, I hope this helps!
Warnings: none, light pain and discomfort, fluff
Afab reader but Gn pronouns            Masterlist
King of taking care of you
Need pads or tampons? He’ll run to the store. Literally
And he’ll muster up his best death glare at anyone that mocks him for it
Want some snacks? He’s getting them
Want something home made? He’s learning how to make it as we speak
Need some cuddles? Move over, love, the Steven love bomb is headed your direction at full speed
While he doesn’t have much knowledge on periods, he knows when you’re uncomfortable and he‘d do anything to make it go away
Reads all about how to help cramps and what foods or drinks will make it worse
“I bought you chocolate, bananas, oranges, chamomile tea, and I’ve got a warm bath running.”
If you have a really bad period, like can’t get out of bed, he’s right beside you the entire time
He’ll read to you or just lay with you until you need something
If you’re hot, remove blankets, but encourage you to keep the heat pack on your stomach
If you’re cold, he’ll bring every blanket in the flat
If you bleed through, he’ll wave it off like it was nothing
“Don’t worry love, I’ve been cleaning blood out of my clothes for months, I can get this out in a jiffy! Why don’t you pick a movie and I’ll start on dinner?”
Will be very focused on how much pain medication you take and when you took it
“Sorry love, you’ve got to wait a few more hours, don’t want you taking too much and getting sick.”
Over all, he does research, very kind and soft, and always knows how to accommodate to what ever your feeling
Oh and don’t think he won’t take the day off of work, because he will gladly yell to everyone that his significant other needs him and if Donna wants to put him on inventory for the month, he’ll gladly take it to take care of you
He has more experience than Steven and Jake combined, but that doesn’t mean he’ll know exactly what to do
While he was married to Layla, he quickly found out women and afab people act differently on their periods so he’s a little hesitant on how to approach you, unsure of what you need from him
Buys anything you want because he can’t cook
Will kind of shyly ask what tampons or pads you use before going to the store and stocking up on them
Will absolutely argue with anyone that calls him weak or less of a man for buying you menstruation products
“You’re just sad no one loves you or trusts you enough to take care of them besides your mother!”
He’s not sure what foods help or don’t help, so he just gets what he used to get Layla
But he’ll gladly listen to any advice on how to help you if what he’s doing isn’t helping
Doesn’t do as much research as Steven, of course he’ll look up foods that’ll make you feel worse, but he prefers to ask YOU what YOU want
If you request a food that makes your period worse, he’ll suggest you eat something else, but doesn’t argue
You know your body better than Google
If you ask for cuddles, look out, the Marc train is rolling into the station
He loves give you affection so don’t be shy to ask for a kiss or just to be held
If you’re really emotional, he’ll be a little confused on what to do, but he’ll try his best
Isn’t as focused on what medications you take and when so he just kinda shakes out an amount and hands you some water
He gets beat up for a living and takes a lot of pain medication and it hasn’t killed him yet
As always, he’ll be very loving and soft toward you and please be upfront with what you want, he wants to help you as much as he can
He’s the boyfriend that would ask “what pussy size you wear?” when buying pads, but in a joking way
Don’t let that scare you though, he is very loving and will do anything for you
He will never be ashamed of buying you pads or tampons, he loves you and if anyone has the dumbass idea of calling him out for it, he’ll put them in their place
If you call him while he’s out working, whether it be while he’s a cabby or Moon Knight, and ask for cuddles or just his presence, he is dropping everything and running to you
Does a surprising amount of research
Not as much as Steven, but definitely more than Marc
“Cariño, is it true that everyone craves chocolate on their period?”
Tries to call your period something funny to make you smile
“What’s up, amor? Oh, are you having a red velvet cake?”
“Oh, it’s shark week?”
“Is the Red Sea giving us a visit?”
If it makes you uncomfortable, he’ll immediately stop
He never wants to make you uncomfortable, especially when you’re already in pain and uncomfortable for a whole week
This man never needs a reason to randomly hug you or give you a kiss so if you’re a very cuddly person on your period, he’ll be overly ecstatic that he gets to hold you all day
And for a whole week?? He might die of happiness
And if you don’t want to be touched, that’s completely fine with him
He’ll sit a bit away from you and talk your ear off about his day to try and distract you from the pain
“This cabrón walked right in front of the street and acted all shocked when I almost ran into him. Idiota absoluto. He’s lucky I’m an amazing driver.”
Will hold you all night, occasionally reheating your water bottle or taking the heating pad away to make sure you’re not gonna overheat
His life is always full of danger and running so he’s so glad he gets to be a part of these slow, domestic days with the one person he wants to spend them with.
Also, be up front with what you want from him
You’re his first serious relationship and he doesn’t want to mess that up so tell him what you want and when you want it
I promise he won’t get embarrassed, he loves you as you are and could never be embarrassed by anything you do
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
BTS Reaction || Cryptic Pregnancy [Request]
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - June 2022
Meaning: A cryptic pregnancy, also called a stealth pregnancy, is a pregnancy that conventional medical testing methods may fail to detect. Cryptic pregnancies aren't common, but they're not unheard of, either
The pain you'd been in was unimaginable, you couldn't believe you'd been left to wait so long in the emergency room until you were finally put into a room and getting seen to. It had been hours since you arrived and you were ready to go home and wait for the pain to pass on its own if you had to.
"It's going to be okay, you probably just have a stomach bug," Jin suggested as he wiped away some of the sweat from your forehead, gently pressing his lips against your temple before you screamed out in pain again. This had to be something more than a simple stomach bug, over the last few months you'd been getting sick a lot but this was nothing in comparison, this was a dull ache in your back and lower abdomen, with a blinding pressure in your pelvis.
"Mr and Mrs Kim?" A voice called out from the doorway, by now, Jin was pissed that you had been left so long and unattended without getting any kind of medical attention. He hated seeing you in any kind of pain so to see you in this much was torture to him.
"Where have you been?! We've been waiting for hours and it seems as though nobody cares how much pain my wife is in!" He yelled angrily as you grabbed his hand, shaking your head at him. The last thing you needed right now was some kind of media scandal of him kicking off at your doctor.
"We're a little busy, what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked as he walked further into the room, your head rolled back against the pillows as you shook your head this was far too much pain to be normal.
"I've been getting really bad cramps all day and I-" You couldn't finish your sentence as you let out a loud yell of pain, your grip on Jin's hand tightening so much his skin was starting to turn white.
"Ah, let's have a look." The doctor began flicking through your chart before asking you to prop your legs up on the side of the bed, you looked at Jin and whimpered a little. There were fresh tears beginning to roll down your cheeks,
"Is she okay?" Jin question, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"It seems as though, you're in labour. Did you know about your pregnancy?" The whole world seemed to stop spinning at that exact moment,
"My what?"
"Our what?" Both you and Jin spoke at the same time as you stared at the doctor waiting for him to start laughing and tell you that he was joking but that moment never came.
"Judging by that question I would assume not, lets's get you prepped you're about ready to push,"
"Push?! No...N-No I'm not, I can't." You stuttered out as you shook your head. You and Jin had been trying for a long time but you'd never gotten a positive result on any kind of test.
"Well, you are. I'll go and call a midwife, Mr Kim if you'd like to stay in the room that is totally fine." You stared at Jin who was staring down at you with widen eyes.
"We're going to be parents..." Jin said slowly before grabbing his phone.
After a long birth, you gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and you were laying on the bed with Jin, your arms holding your baby as Jin held you from behind. The doctor was in the room, filling out your chart when you decided to ask about what had happened.
"Doctor, how does something like this happen?" You questioned, not taking your eyes away from your child for even a second.
"There can be all kinds of factors that go into it, but you're very lucky to carry to full term. Most are born early because of the lack of diet help and prenatal care." You smiled softly as you stroked your thumb over the small cheek of your child, it was hard to believe you were suddenly holding your kid.
"We'll do everything for you, I'm sorry I don't have any scans," You whispered to the baby as Jin chuckled softly, 
"We'll get the boys to build your nursery right now," He added as you smiled a little, it still hadn't quite sunk in that you were parents. Since you'd given birth Jin had instructed the boys to go out and buy the best of the best for the nursery and begged them to get it up and running. Luckily for you both, you'd already painted and devoted a room to be for the baby when you first started trying so it was one last thing to worry about.
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"I'm fine, will you stop fussing over me!" You laughed while swatting Yoongi's arms away from you. He'd just helped you up from the floor even though you told him that you were perfectly fine with getting up yourself. You were at a picnic with the boys and their partners and some of their kids and Yoongi had been non-stop fussing you since you'd arrived.
"He's being overly protective lately," Jin's wife smirked as you shook your head at her,
"Ever since we started trying for a kid he's been like this." You told her as you smiled a little, it was sweet at first but it was beginning to get a little too much for you to handle.
"That was what? Seven, eight months ago?"
"Please, it's like I'm made of glass. This morning when I fell down one step he told me he was going to wrap me up in bubble wrap and carry me everywhere and I'm not even pregnant yet. Can you imagine what he'll be like when I am?" You mumbled, shaking your head at Jin's wife as she laughed softly 
"It's sweet though, that he's trying to be like that." She told you as you both began to make your way over to the food table.
"I love him but it's getting on my last nerve!" You said loud enough for Yoongi to hear as he smirked at you, 
"Love you too baby," He called out as you shook your head and walked over to the small table where there was food set up.
"I'm in the mood for KimChi," You told Jin's wife as you stopped in front of Jin's son and he smiled brightly at you.
"Auntie Yn!" He called out, wrapping his arms around you and smiling happily. All of the kids called the boys and their partners Auntie and Uncle, it was just how they'd been reaised.
"Hey kiddo, you still coming to stay at our house this weekend?" You asked as he nodded his head. Since Jin and his wife were going away you agreed to babysit for them, telling them it would be good practice for when you had your own.
"Awesome, I'll make sure we have all the games ready." You laughed softly before reaching for a plate when you suddenly felt something wet hit your leg. You rolled your eyes as you imagined one of the boys throwing water balloons around.
"Ew! Auntie Yn is peeing herself!" You frowned looking down and realising that something hadn't hit you but was coming from you, 
"W-What the fuck?" You gasped out as you looked at Jin's wife for help, she covered her kid's ears and rushed to go and get Yoongi.
"Auntie Yn said a bad word!" You whined as Jin's wife rushed her kid off and Yoongi came over to you, holding your hand tightly. 
"Yoongi...I-I think-"
"I know." He laughed looking down at you.
"But the tests all said negative, I can't be in labour!" You yelled at him as he laughed softly, already rushing you toward the car.
"So erm..." You started as you looked at Jin's wife, all of the boys had packed up the picnic early and headed to the hospital with you.
"I don't think I'll be babysitting this weekend, is that okay?" You asked as she bounced around your newborn baby girl in her arms,
"That's fine, you focus on you and your little family." She giggled as you looked at Yoongi and smiled. The doctors told you it was amazing you'd managed to carry her for so long without the proper care that a baby would need but you were just happy to have your little girl.
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"You're being stupid, why do we all need to take a pregnancy test?" You questioned your best friend as you watched her closely, she rolled her eyes at you. 
"It'll be fun! We're all trying for babies, so it'll be good to see if any of us are." You smiled weakly at the statement, it was a nice thing to do but ever since you and Hoseok had been trying for a kid you kept getting negative results.
"I got the best of the best tests for us, the ones they sell at the hospital," She handed you a small box and you nodded, you didn't want to be the one to bring everyone else down so you headed into a bathroom stall and did your work.
"Yn, I know you're worried but even if it's negative you can keep trying," Your friend said in the stall beside you as you smiled a little, you were a firm believer in everything happened for a reason and that you always landed wherever you were supposed to.
"I know, I'm just..." You trailed off and shook your head, you didn't want to bring it up. You and Hoseok had an appointment in a few weeks' time to determine if there was something wrong with your eggs or his sperm and if there could be anything you could do better.
"On the count of three, we all turn them over. Okay?!!" Your friend yelled out as you all stood in the crowded bathroom, ignoring the strange looks you were getting from other women inside. You didn't blame them for watching you with weird looks on their faces, this wasn't something you would see or do every day.
"3...2..." Everyone turned their sticks over and you were fully ready to see a thick line to indicate that you weren't pregnant but you were instead met with a thick line and a slighter thinner one, 
"Yn? What is it? You look like you're about to be sick..." You looked at the test before looking back at your friend and showing her the test.
"No way," She whispered before reaching into her bag and pulling out more and different tests for you to try and do.
"I need to call Hobi," You squealed as you began getting more and more excited to take the tests.
It turned out you were pregnant, around four months along and you and Hoseok couldn't have been anymore happier about it.
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It was supposed to be a routine check-up with your doctor but now you were laid on your back and waiting for someone to give you an ultrasound. You'd mentioned to your nurse that you were getting irregular periods and after negative pregnancy tests, she decided a scan would be good to see if there was anything wrong with your kidneys or ovaries. Since Cysts could be common they wanted to rule that out for you.
"You're going to be okay," Namjoon whispered as he pressed his lips to your forehead, both of you staring at the ceiling as the nurse applied some cold gel to your stomach.
"Have you been trying to get pregnant at all?" She questioned as she began to get her equipment ready, it wasn't your first time getting an ultrasound for something that wasn't a baby. You'd been through this routine a lot of times before.
"For about three months, but it's been a little hard." She nodded her head as she began to put the wand onto your abdomen, looking at your kidneys first before shaking her head.
"Nothing abnormal there but let's just-" She stopped for a second as she looked at something on the screen, both you and Namjoon stared at her waiting for her to say something but she didn't utter a word. Your heart began to race as you stared over at her
"Is something wrong?" You questioned as Namjoon's hand found yours and squeezed it softly, 
"I just need to get my supervisor"
"What? Why?! Is there something wrong?!" You panicked before she shook her head and ran out of the room. Namjoon held you tightly as he tried to reassure you that it was probably nothing too bad, maybe something she couldn't read.
The second she came back the supervising nurse turned the screen away from you and Namjoon as they began moving the wand once again, your eyes locked with Namjoon's as you panicked a little.
"Can someone tell me what's going on?" You begged as you turned back to the nurses who didn't bother to look at either of you as they stared at the screen in confusion.
"We're a little worried here," Namjoon said slowly, trying not to get upset with them since they were just doing their job.
"Two moments please," The original nurse spoke as you gripped Namjoon's hand tightly, whimpering a little as you tried not to overthink everything that could have been happening.
"Mr and Mrs Kim?" You glanced at the nurse who slowly turned the screen around and clicked a few buttons. Seconds later the room was filled with the sound of a heartbeat.
"Is that-" You tried to ask but you couldn't find the words,
"Congratulations, you're pregnant." Your mouth fell open, as did Namjoon's as you stared at her.
"We're pretty sure you're around the two-month mark, we'll let you digest and we can continue on with the scan." You nodded as they both left the room, your eyes meeting Namjoon's as he smiled brightly at you.
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You rolled your head back against the sofa that was inside of the boys changing room and shook your head,
"I'm pretty sure, my period cramps have never been this bad." You told Jimin as he sat beside you panicking on the phone to the doctor, 
"Are you sure you're not pregnant?" The medic that worked with the boys asked as you stared at him,
"Pretty sure, all of the tests were negative!" You cried out as you held onto your stomach,
"I need to look," You trusted the medic but there was no way you were going to let him look under your skirt, 
"Jimin!" You screamed not wanting someone to do this right here and now in front of everyone.
"The doctor on the phone said to look as well, baby...You have to let them." He told you as he pressed his lips to your sweaty forehead, he didn't care that you were sweating buckets. All he cared about was getting you the help that you needed. You whined out as you looked at Jimin for help. You'd been in pain all day but you figure it was just because you'd gotten your period,
"I am not pregnant! I've had all of my periods! I've not been sick!"
"You could still be pregnant," Namjoon called out instantly wishing he hadn't when you stared at him with evil eyes,
"Let them check," Jimin whispered as he held your hand in his, squeezing it tightly as you looked at all of the other boys.
"UP HERE!" You screamed at the other members who were all going to look where the medic was looking but instantly moved toward your head as they watched the medic examining you as if they'd never seen anything like this before.
"You're in labour." The medic said as your eyes widened, there was no way. You would have known that you were pregnant, besides you were still getting your periods like normal.
"I'm what?"
"SHE'S WHAT?!" They called out as you stared at Jimin, scared to even move. Neither of you was ready to do this right here, the nursery wasn't built. You'd bought everything months ago but you'd not built it yet since you hadn't managed to conceive. That you knew of.
"Judging by the fact that I can see the head, you need to push."
"I am not giving birth at a concert!" You warned them all as you tried to sit up but Jimin shook his head, holding you down on the sofa.
"You don't have time to get to a hospital," Jimin said as he moved to sit behind you on the sofa so you were in a crunching position. You cried as you shook your head, you didn't want to do this here. Not in front of a room full of people when the boys were supposed to be on stage.
"Blankets, hot water, get us everything we're going to need!" Jimin ordered as you looked down at the medic, 
"Jimin, put the phone beside me so I can speak to the doctors."
Crying flooded the air and you were holding your little boy in your arms, sniffling as you heard an ambulance crew making their way into the room. Thanks to the traffic from the concert they'd take longer than usual to get to you but you'd had a successful birth and the baby was completely healthy.
"Someone should go and tell ARMY what happened," You laughed softly as you were loaded onto a stretcher while carrying your baby. 
"And someone needs to go to our place and build the nursery," Jimin ordered as he began to walk with you out of the changing room.
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"Tae, I really don't want to be here," You mumbled as you lay on the hospital bed and looked around the private room he'd put you up inside of. You'd been sick for a while now and Taehyung wasn't going to stop until he had answers. It had been about two months since you first started getting sick, the two of you thought it was pregnancy at first but after multiple tests saying negative, you were beginning to think it was something else.
"You're sick, we need to figure out why." He told you as he brushed his hand over your cheek, his heart breaking as you closed your eyes. You were so tired lately and you could barely sleep at night since you constantly felt the need to be sick or pee. 
"But it'll pass. I'll just sleep it off," You whined as you shook your head, trying to convince him to take you home. All of the tests had been done hours ago and all you wanted was a night in your own bed with food,
"Babe-" He stopped when a female doctor walked into the room and smiled at you both, she'd been the one doing all of the tests that morning and you were thankful she'd shown up.
"So, are you ready for your answers?" You hummed tiredly, sitting up in the bed and looking at her, she smiled brightly at you both before announcing.
"You're pregnant." Both you and Taehyung stared at her with your mouths open, it wasn't possible for you to be pregnant, you'd taken tests and they were all negative.
"What?" You questioned,
"Come again?" You asked again as if you weren't truly believing the words that were coming from her lips.
"You're pregnancy, Mrs Kim." You stared at her in silence, meanwhile, Taehyung couldn't help the smile that was beginning to grow across his face.
"But that's not possible, we've been trying but all of the tests-" You stopped when she turned the clipboard around to show the fact that you were indeed pregnant. Blood results, urine samples, everything was positive to suggest that you were in fact, pregnant.
"Blood results say the same thing, you're pregnant." She giggled a little excitedly but your mind went blank as you continued to stare at the results on the paper. Your hand carefully moved onto your stomach as you tried to imagine a human inside of you,
"And that's why she's been sick so much?"
"Yes, we're going to get you some prenatal care and we'll start getting to work on your scans. Congratulations." She left the room and Taehyung smirked as he turned to look at you, but you were still staring at the spot the doctor had been. You were over the moon about this but it was so jarring to be told that you were pregnant,
"And you didn't want want to come." Taehyung chuckled as he rubbed your back softly,
"I'm pregnant." You whispered slowly as if you were trying to get the words to register inside of your mind.
"Babe?" Taehyung questioned, looking at you as you continued to stare into the same spot.
"We're going to have a kid."
"Holy fuck!" You suddenly screamed out making him jump as you kissed him deeply, pulling him against you. 
"We're having a baby!" You yelled as he started laughing, joining in your yelling.
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"You can joke all you want, but I know I'm not pregnant." You told Jimin as you and the boys all sat down to eat breakfast together. They'd teased you ever since you'd come back from the bathroom after throwing up at the smell of bacon being cooked. You'd been sick for a couple of weeks now but this morning you thought it had gone away and that you were finally over the whole sickness bug.
"How else do you explain the throwing up?" Jimin asked as he arched an eyebrow at you. There were plenty of other reasons a person could be throwing up,
"Your food is disgusting," Jungkook teased Jimin as he pulled you down to sit on his lap, giggling a little as you shook your head.
"Besides, we took a bunch of tests. All of them are negative," You told them as you laid your head on Jungkook's shoulder. The two of you had been trying for a few months now but there was still no sign of you getting pregnant.
"Take another one," Jin suggested as he looked up from his phone, he'd been looking into pregnancy symptoms from the moment you told them you'd been ill for a while.
"I just read that taking them at different times in the day can contribute to it." You frowned a little, your doctor had told you to take them in the morning right after waking up and you doubted you were pregnant. You would have known about it if you were. 
"I doubt we're pregnant." You laughed softly but Jungkook seemed to be convinced by what Jin had said. Though, Jungkook had been trying to go to great lengths to get you pregnant.
"Just do it," He suggested while nudging you playfully to get off his lap. You hated the idea of it, since every time you took a pregnancy test Jungkook would get so excited only to get majorly upset if it was negative.
"Kookie. Every time I take one you get upset that it doesn't come back positive."
"I won't this time, just take it...Please." You sighed a little and headed into the bathroom, stopping at the door when you noticed Jimin and Jungkook following you inside.
"I don't need help peeing on a stick." You warned them before shutting the door and rolling your eyes and going to grab one of the tests from the cabinet
"What does it say?" Jin asked as he bounced up and down on the spot. The second you walked out of the bathroom you were greeted by six men all towering over you waiting for the results.
"Is it positive?" Namjoon asked as he tried to get closer,
"You stepped on my foot," Hoseok whined as he rubbed his foot, moving away from the group as you shook your head at them.
"Yn, don't keep us waiting." Taehyung cried out dramatically,
"Will you guys chill? You're worse than Jungkook who is..." Your eyes wandered to your boyfriend,
"Being unusually calm." You warned them as you saw your boyfriend sitting at the table and waiting with a calm look on his face. You didn't know if you should be more scared of that or not though. Normally, he would be beside you jumping up and down on the spot to find out the result so to see him too chill was alarming. 
"I SEE TWO LINES!" Jimin screamed in your ear as you groaned, holding your hand over your ear. You hadn't even looked at the test yet,
"I'm deaf now, thanks." You mumbled harshly before looking at the test and almost dropping it onto the floor and letting out a scream.
"What?" Jungkook asked as he got up, the boys all crowding around and cheering at you. 
"Oh my god," You yelled out, still staring at the stick in disbelief of what you were seeing,
"What?" Jungkook cried out again trying to make his way over to you, 
"Oh my god!" You sobbed out looking at him as he shook his head,
"IM FUCKING PREGNANT!" You yelled out before throwing yourself at Jungkook, wrapping your arms around him tightly before kissing him deeply.
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1 @agustdjoon @jin-from-the-block @acciocriativity @mwitsmejk @taeechwitaa @justbangtanthingz @stillwithlix @kookiekuu​ @lolalee24​ @hopeworldd-2​ @totallynoanalien​ @yubinism​ @ethereallino​ @heyjiminnie​ @aerastus​ @tinyoonsblog​ @cherrybubblesandvodka​ @kimahnjung98​ @halesandy​ @snigdha-14​
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threadsun · 1 year
Anonymous Asks: "(For the poly Jack x Y/N x Rory AU) Since Y/N has a separate room from Ian I’m assuming that they’ve got a one-person bed, and since in the demo Jack canonically shares a bed with them, it’ll only become more cramped if Rory sleeps in the same bed too. Y/N comes home after a stressful day at the Yogurtopia and gets sandwhiched between them both. Jack and Rory would absolutely take advantage of the opportunity to have Y/N caught between them lol, whether it’s just for wholesome cuddles or more . . . not-so-innocent time with Y/N"
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It’s almost embarrassing how much I go !!!! every time this AU comes up!!! As much as I love wholesome cuddles… I can’t pass up the opportunity to write some smut >:3c
Content: grinding, fingering, double penetration, belly bulge, creampie, a little light teasing/argument between Jack and Rory
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“Welcome to— oh fuck it, you don’t care.” You sigh, watching the chatting group of kids wander around getting yogurt.
It’s been a nonstop kind of day. It’s warm and sunny and just so nice out, everyone wants frozen yogurt. And apparently everyone wants to yell at you too.
You’re keeping a little mental list of things that are apparently your fault, including:
The frozen yogurt is too cold — no shit, sherlock
The cookies are too warm — I warned you, they’re fresh out the oven
There’s no peanuts at the topping bar — they’re literally right there, there’s a sign!
Someone’s child is being too noisy while getting their yogurt — yeah, buddy, I hear it too. But I’m not their parents and at least you have the luxury of walking out of here whenever you want
There’s no pistachio frozen yogurt — What’s wrong with you and when will retail workers win the legal right to hunt customers for sport?
You’re seething by the time Barry comes in to take over for you. You all but throw your apron at your boss, shouting a sarcastic “good luck” over your shoulder as you hurry out before he can ask you to extend your shift.
You stomp your whole way home, trying not to let the warm sunshine and delightful breeze soothe your rage. You want to keep being grumpy about your awful day, but it’s difficult when it’s so nice out.
By the time you get home, your anger has simmered into a mild annoyance. Your ghosts are nowhere to be seen, and that only sours your mood more.
You stomp into the kitchen to get some water. You stomp into the bathroom to wash your face. You stomp into your bedroom to change out of your awful uniform and into something more comfortable.
“Bad day, sunspot?” Jack’s voice is soft and cheery, and though you’re not facing him you can hear his sympathetic smile.
“Awful.” You huff out, almost tripping over your own feet in an attempt to get your trousers off.
“C'mere, cupcake.”
Rory’s sitting on the edge of your little bed, holding his hands out to help you. Jack is laying behind him, eyeing you with equal parts concern and love.
You stomp over to Rory, letting him help you out of your clothes. He’s gentle and patient, pressing the occasional absentminded kiss to your stomach and hips.
It’s hard to stay mad when your boyfriends are so sweet. Reluctantly, you let the annoyance slip away, replaced with fatigue. You pull on a big shirt and crawl into bed between them.
It’s cramped as always, Rory pressed against your back while Jack is squished between you and the wall. But there’s nowhere else you’d rather be. They’re warm and cuddly and you feel the bad day beginning to roll off your back.
They hold you in silence, giving you the time you need to recover from your shit day.
It’s perfect.
As your shoulders finally relax, Jack settles a kiss on your forehead. “Feeling better, sunspot?”
You mumble a little agreement as you snuggle into his chest, voice muffled by his shirt. Rory tucks himself closer to you, nose pressed to the back of your neck. You can’t help but grin a little.
He hums curiously. “Yes, sugar?”
You snicker, hips pressing back against him. You’ve been feeling his bulge against your ass, slowly growing harder as you’ve been cuddling. The closer he pressed to you, the more you could feel it. And now, you can’t ignore it any longer. You don’t want to ignore it any longer.
He groans softly as your ass grinds back against him. He huffs, the breath ghosting down your neck.
“It’s not my fault,” he whines, hands gently grabbing your hips to help you grind against him. “I’ve been excited all day. Tried to convince Jackie boy here to help me out, but he said we should wait for you.”
He’s pouting against the back of your neck, and Jack laughs a bit, reaching past you to squeeze Rory’s hip. “Moderation is important. I knew you’d want to get our sunshine involved, I didn’t want to tire you out before they got back!”
Rory’s voice is breathy as he grinds against you, lips brushing your shoulder as he speaks. “Moderation? You’re as…” a groan, “excited as I am.”
Jack gives an appeasing sigh, pressing his hips to yours to prove Rory’s words. He’s hard, as ready for you as Rory is. You can’t help but whimper as the two men grind against you, pressing you between them.
“There’s nothing wrong with desire,” Jack’s voice is annoyingly steady, even as he presses your hips together. “But you could do with learning to control it. Delayed pleasure is the best kind~”
Rory groans as he rolls his hips against you, fingers digging lightly into your waist. “Oh? Like you control your desire when you touch yourself while our cupcake is showering?”
Jack laughs, meeting Rory’s challenging gaze with his own. “Mmmmhm~” he hums out, rutting his hips against you and listening to your little mewl of pleasure. “It takes a lot of self control not to join them.”
Rory huffs against your skin, teeth grazing your neck before he presses a few kisses to it. His hands grab at your ass. Both of them are enjoying your body, gently grabbing and groping, kissing and grinding.
“What about when you sneak into their underwear drawer?” Rory presses, eyebrow raised.
Your heart skips a beat at the thought, unsure whether to be more flattered or embarrassed. “Jack…?”
Jack gives your hip a reassuring little squeeze, but doesn’t answer you. “It’s a perfectly healthy expression of desire.”
“Rory…?” You glance back at him, still hung up on the whole ‘Jack sneaking into your underwear drawer’ thing.
Rory gives you a soothing kiss, but also doesn’t answer you. “And when you—”
“Hey!” You stop moving your hips, huffing. “Come on, you’re both insatiable horndogs. No need to argue about who’s worse.”
“You’re right,” Rory presses an apologetic kiss to your shoulder. “We’re here to help you destress.”
You give an approving nod before raising an eyebrow at Jack. “And you?”
Jack looks sufficiently chastised. “I’m sorry, sunshine. It was immature of us.”
“And?” He glances around, as though whatever he forgot might lay in the room around him.
You laugh, leaning up to kiss him. “Do you really sneak into my underwear drawer?”
He flushes a charming shade of red, shrugging his broad shoulders. “As I said, it’s a perfectly healthy expression of desire.”
With an affectionate roll of your eyes, you pull him into a proper kiss. “Idiot,” you mumble against his lips, hands coming up to tease through his hair.
Rory settles behind you, leaving a trail of kisses up your neck. He reaches between you and Jack, hand slipping under your shirt. His fingers tease along your inner thighs, letting the back of his hand brush over Jack’s bulge at the same time.
Jack moans against your lips, tongue pressing politely but insistently into your mouth. His hands replace Rory’s on your ass, squeezing gently.
It’s hard not to melt when their hands and lips are on you. They’re so attentive to you. Your needs, your desires.
Jack’s tongue occupies your mouth, hands pushing your shirt up over your hips. Rory rolls over for a moment and returns with a bottle of lube. He warms it up in his hands before slipping his hand between your legs again.
He eases a single finger into you slowly, Jack swallowing your moans. You can feel Rory’s hard cock grinding against your ass as he works to finger you open for them.
You pull away from Jack and take a breath. “Clothes…?”
You can’t muster more than the single word, needy and desperate. But they understand. Clothes are stripped quickly and easily until you’re the only one with anything left on. Not that your shirt is getting in the way of Rory’s fingers or Jack’s wandering hands.
You take a second finger, and then a third. Your hips rock against Rory’s fingers as they curl and coax inside of you. Jack is murmuring praise in your ear, licking and nipping gently at the lobe to watch you shiver.
You’re riding the waves of bliss, letting yourself lose track of space and time, sandwiched between your boyfriends. They’re ignoring their own needs for the sake of relaxing you. Their hard cocks grind against you, making a mess of precum on your skin. But they don’t try to go any further until you’re boneless against them.
When you’re finally relaxed, head empty of all thoughts but them, Jack nods to Rory. You barely register the motion, too busy marking up Jack’s chest with little hickeys and bites.
Rory’s fingers slide out of you, hand easing under your thigh to lift your leg. You can feel his cock press against your hole and you moan something that vaguely sounds like “please.”
“Good,” his voice is shaky with desire as his cock eases into you slowly. “You’re so good…”
It’s familiar. The feeling of his cock filling you. Each inch presses in, slow and steady. He’s always so sweet about it, making sure you’re ready for him.
He gives something between a moan and a sigh once he’s fully inside of you. His lips press to your shoulder as he praises you softly.
“You’re perfect. You’re always perfect~” His hips start to move slowly, hands steadying your hips as he fucks you from behind.
“You’re taking him so well, sunshine~” Jack coos, hand stroking your stomach right where Rory’s cock is hitting your insides. “You’re doing such a good job.”
“Hey, cupcake~” Rory tries to keep his voice steady, but you’re so tight and warm around him that he can’t help but moan. “Are you up for trying something?”
“Hmmm…?” You’re barely able to focus on his words as he rocks his hips inside you.
“I think Jackie boy might like to join me. Think you can take us both?”
Both…? The word bounces around in your brain. You can’t quite grasp it as the head of Rory’s cock brushes against something deep inside you that makes you see stars.
“Give them a quick break,” Jack laughs. “They can’t possibly think while you’re moving.”
Rory’s hips still and he presses a kiss to your shoulder in apology. Jack’s fingers curl under your chin and he raises your head to look up at him. He waits until he sees clarity in your eyes.
“Do you think you can take me too, sunspot? We’ll take it slowly, I promise.” His voice is clear and gently, and you process his words slowly.
You nod after a moment, the heat in your stomach burning away any anxiety you might have felt about trying to take both of their cocks at once.
With your consent gained, Rory returns to his previous pace, fucking you nice and slow. Jack grabs the lube and reaches down between your thighs. His fingers tease around your hole.
It’s a stretch, just on the right side of painful, as he eases a single finger into you alongside Rory’s cock. The sound Rory makes is desperate, needy. You feel even tighter around him with Jack’s finger inside of you.
“Good, you’re doing so well for me, sunspot.” Jack settles a kiss on your forehead. “Just relax for me. I won’t make you take more than you can fit.”
You trust him. You trust both of them. If they say you can take them both… well, all you want to do is make them proud. The feeling settles warmly in your chest, adding to the slowly building heat inside you.
With every rock of Rory’s hips, Jack eases his finger in and out. It’s not long before he can work a second finger into you. It’s easier than you would’ve expected, had you been thinking clearly. But as it is, you’re so deep in pleasure that your body is willing to take anything they give it.
“Ready for me, sunshine?” Jack asks, hand already slicking up his cock with plenty of lube.
You nod, nails digging into his arm as you try to will him to fuck you already. You’re beyond coherent thoughts or words. All you know is that you need him inside of you.
Jack’s cock presses against your hole. Every time Rory’s hips move, he presses just a little bit more into you.
The first stretch is the hardest. You can feel it, almost too much for your tight hole. But he prepared you well, as promised.
It’s not long before he’s inside you too. Their cocks rub against each other inside of you, one pulling out while the other thrusts back in.
They set up a faster pace, hands and lips claiming you. You feel so full. One of your hands drifts to your stomach, and you feel a slight bulge where their cocks are moving inside of you.
You don’t have time to think about it. They’re hitting spots inside of you that you never knew were there. Your vision is spinning, your head light and fuzzy. You’re bathed in love and praise.
They’re nothing short of adoring as they work you towards your orgasm. You can feel the coil tightening inside of you, just waiting to snap. You’ve needed some sort of release all day, and now you’re chasing this one.
“So good~”
Their praise only fuels the fire inside of you. Your body bounces between them as they fuck you nice and hard. You feel yourself teetering on the edge.
“Gonna cum for us, sugar?”
“Please cum for us, sunspot.”
“We just want you to feel good.”
“You’ll feel good for us, won’t you?”
You cry out, toes curling as you cum for them. You tighten around them, feeling their rhythm slip as they both work towards their own orgasms. With you taken care of, they can finally cum.
Rory goes first, hips stuttering as he fills you.
Jack moans at the feeling of Rory’s warm cum spilling over his own cock. With a few final thrusts, he cums inside you as well. They share a kiss over your head, hands soothing along your sides lovingly.
“Oh gosh, sunspot. You’re amazing.” Jack sighs out, pushing your hair back from your face.
“You took us both so well, I’m proud of you.” Rory’s lips press a soft kiss to the back of your neck.
“Want us to get you all cleaned up, sunshine?” They’re both still inside of you, making no moves to pull out.
Rory raises an eyebrow at Jack and snorts. “Oh, so you can join them in the shower finally?”
You can’t help but laugh as Jack tries to sputter out a denial. But the pink flush on his cheeks says otherwise.
“Perverts, both of you!” You tease, content to enjoy the fullness of them inside of you for a little longer.
This was the perfect end to a terrible day.
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Attack on Titan: When You’re on Your Period (Modern AU)
100 Followers Event: Day 8/31
(Characters Included- Connie, Hanji, Mikasa, and Levi)
(Warning: Majority is fluff, comfort, and some crack but there’s NSFW in Hanji and Mikasa part)
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Connie Springer
You were laying down curled up in a ball on the couch, in pain cause of those damn stomach cramps. To top it all off you were also very irritable. Since you decided to take the day off work Connie was worried about you so he decided to visit you.
“Hey Y/N why weren’t you at work today?”Connie asked, while letting himself in your house.
“And why are you curled up in a ball”
“Why the fuck do you think?” You snapped.
“wElL hOw aM i sUpPoSe tO kNoW”
“Get out.” You glared at him.
“Got it.”
Hanji Zöe
You were laying on your shared bed holding your stomach from the cramps, the medicine you took was starting to kick in so your cramps wasn’t as bad as before but it still hurts a bit. Hanji comes home from work and instantly you knew something was up because Hanji quickly got out of their work clothes and just put on their white button up shirt and nothing else. They usually did this when they were really horny, Hanji goes over to you on the bed and gets on top of you, with eyes full of lust.
“Hanji..not now..” You say, slightly embarrassed.
“Why not sweetheart?” Hanji asks concerned and a bit disappointed at that response.
“I’m on my period so it would be gross if you did that with me.” You say breaking eye contact with Hanji.
“Hell my name is Hanji Zöe, does it look like a bit of blood will stop me?”
Mikasa Ackerman
- This girl got all the supplies you need. Pads? check, Tampons? check, Chocolate? check, Your favorite anything? check. Anything you want you can count on her.
- If you are laying down and having bad stomach cramps Mikasa would definitely lay down behind you and place both of her hands on your stomach to provide heat for you to help with the cramps. If both of you are feeling intimate then she would grab a dildo and lay behind your naked curled up body. One hand is holding you, the other is shoving the dildo in and out of you, while she’s telling you soft praises.
Levi Ackerman
- If you got blood on the bedsheets, Levi would be a little bit disgusted but he isn’t going to yell at you or get mad because he knows that obviously you can’t control it.
- He will wash the sheets and make the bed, then he will make you some tea. While he’s waiting for your favorite tea to be ready he will set up a heating pad for you if you get bad cramps.
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In the Masterlist there’s a link to make requests
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tomholland1996simp · 1 year
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We gotta go! || Tom Holland
Pairing: Tom holland x youtube!reader
Summary: The reader doing the ‘Starting an argument then having bad period cramps’ prank on her boyfriend Tom.
“Hey everyone, I hope your all doing well.” You smile into the camera that was set on the counter as you started your intro to your youtube video. “Today i’m going to do a prank on my boyfriend Tom. As you saw in the last video Tom had done a prank on me, where he was mean to me for 24 hours. So now this is a revenge prank, Tommy” You laugh a little into the camera.
It was true he did a prank on you and he acted like a dick, well mean for the whole day. He did apologise after though as you did get upset, you forgave him. “Someone did request this in my last video, so thank you for the idea. Toms in the shower so I have to be really quick.” You set the camera up so you can see the whole room, mostly the bed.
You go close up to the camera one last time, “I can’t wait to see his reaction, we have planned to go out with his brothers and his friends, so he probably expecting me to be getting ready-“ That’s when you hear a knock at the door, Tom entering as you jump into the bed going under the covers.
“Babe you in here?” He opened the door, his hair dripping wet, luckily he was wearing his grey joggers. “What?” You say tiredly.
“Sorry, I thought you was changing” He chuckles a little closing the door, using the towel to shake his hair to make it damp. Sliding his T-shirt on, he throws the dirty towel into the washing basket. “We gotta go” He tells you.
“No” You snuggle more into the covers.
“Angel, we gotta go!”
You try to hold in your laugh, “I don’t want too” You whine like a child.
Tom chuckles crawling onto the bed, “What do you mean, you don’t wanna go?” He moves the covers trying to get a better look at your face, kissing your cheek.
“Tommy, I just don’t wanna go”
“Get up lazy” He jokes, moving a strand of hair from your face. “No! I don’t wanna go” You raise your voice a little, Tom frowning a bit but he stands up trying to get you out of bed.
“They miss you, baby” He was talking about his brothers and friends, you hadn’t all hanged out in a while and it was true they missed you a lot.
Once he pulled the covers off you, you acted annoyed more. “Stop, seriously Tom. I don’t wanna go!” You tell him, hearing him say how he will carry you like a princess.
“Wait, Why you being mean?” He sadly asked confused why your mood had changed, earlier you was excited to go out with his brothers and friends and now your saying you didn’t want to go.
“I’m not being mean, If I don’t wanna go I don’t wanna go” Your now sitting up looking towards the camera and then back at Tom.
Tom sighed moving to the other side of the bed, “You knew we was going out all day, I thought you was excited to catch a few drinks with them” He goes to touch your arm to help pull you up, but you back away.
“Don’t touch me!” You yell at him, slapping his hand away from you. “It’s not funny I don’t wanna go, Thomas” You run your hands through your hair, noticing Toms face drop. You never call him ‘Thomas’, only when your mad or pissed at him you will.
“I hear you but I don’t understand why. Are you feeling well?” He was concerned that maybe you felt sick and didn’t want to tell him.
“No, I just don’t wanna go and talk to people. Leave me alone” You roll your eyes, laying back down and turning away from him, your back now facing him.
“You don’t have to talk to them, just come hang out. They miss you, they haven’t seen you in a while. They miss your pretty face” Tom sits down kissing your cheek and all over your face.
“Can you not kiss me right now” you shove him off you, sitting back up when he gets off the bed confused and upset.
“What did I do? What’s wrong?”
“Your just all in my face, pissing me off”
He walked over to his phone, checking the time. “We told them we would be there for 6, we’re gonna be late y/n/n.” Tom jumped back onto the bed, cuddling you to try get you to go or at least tell him what’s wrong. Then he laced your hands together rubbing his thumb across your knuckles softly.
You wanted to break then, he was being so nice to you when your being moody, starting an argument. “What did I just a ay about touching me?!” Moving his hand out of yours.
“Why you being mean? what’s wrong?—Is it that time of month?” He chuckles a bit, knowing how you get during that time. You never really tell Tom when your on, he just kind of knows. “No” You whine moving away from him as he sits up a little.
“Yes it is” He smiles, grabbing your arm.
“okay get off me. Seriously, stop touching me! I literally just asked you to not touch me” You snap, him moving away placing his hands on his thighs.
“Is it that time of the month?” He seriously asks wanting to know if it was because of that and not because your mad at him. “I know it is”
You try your best to not smile at him as you sit up once again. “It’s not and it makes me mad when you say that!” Slapping his chest a little, turning away.
“It is though isn’t it. Babe you could’ve just told me”
“It’s not” Tom laughs smiling at you being mad at him, “Don’t smile at me it’s annoying”
“Oh but that’s so sad though.” He still smiles.
Smirking a little, “No more quickies in the bedroom” This made your cheeks go red, if only he knew you was recording. You knew you would have to blurt that out of the video for the kids sakes.
You smile a little smacking his chest, “No Tom, stop. That’s why last night you was rubbing my stomach, why did you think you were doing that?” He actually did that last night.
“Yeah true, i thought you was kidding”
“No, I was not” You tell him, playing with your fingers.
“I thought you wanted some action” He jokes again, you hide the smile that he was starting to pull out.
You sigh, “No, you can just go without me” Laying back down sadly, he came and joined you.
“I’ll rub your belly for five minutes then we can go?” Tom suggests trying to make the situation better, you then move forwards in pain, clutching onto your stomach.
“Ow, ow, ow. I’ve got such bad cramps” You pretend to be in pain and start to cry.
“I’ve got you baby. You should’ve told me it was this bad” He pulled you into him placing a hand on your stomach to rub your belly. Now Tom felt really bad, he thought you was messing around with him wanting some loving affectionate attention. When really you are in so much pain.
“It hurts so bad” You cry into his arms as he rubs your belly soothingly.
“I know, baby. I wish I could take all the pain away if I could. You want some tablets?” He offered, knowing what you would need during these times. You nod your head as he heads out of the room going to fetch some.
“Guys he’s so sweet, I feel so bad I was being so mean. Tom I love you so much and i’m so sorry your the best boyfriend ever” You whisper as Tom comes rushing in with a glass of water and some tablets for you. “Tom it’s okay just go” You cry again, whining when you feel a “pain” in your tummy.
“No, i’m gonna tell them that we can arrange it for another day. I’m not gonna leave my girl alone, i’ve got to take care of you” He grabs his phone going to text the boys group chat, now you wanted to end it. He was being way to sweet.
“Wait, no, no. It was a prank. I’m joking” You laugh grabbing his phone as he stood by the bed.
“Wait, what?”
You wrap your arms around his neck, his going around your waist. “I’m so sorry, Tommy. I’m sorry for being mean to you it was just a prank, I wanted to see your reaction your so sweet. You was so kind to me after I was rude. I love you” You plant a kiss on his lips, finding him cuter than ever right now.
“That was a prank, I was so worried that you was actually in pain. Babe” He whines, knowing he got tricked again by revenge from the last prank he did.
“I’m sorry, but last time you made me cry. I love you though” You kiss his lips him kissing you back.
“I love you too, but wow princess, you got me. Seriously we gotta go” Tom chuckles, kissing your lips one last time before grabbing his things.
“Wait I need to-“
“You can fix your makeup in the car” He cut you off knowing what you was going to say. Tom grabbed your things, linking your hands together as you finish your video.
“Stay safe everyone, let me know other ideas to prank Tom”
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believaeu399 · 2 years
Residents with Teenage gen z mc with really bad periods
The residents know not to tease her or piss her off in any way Theo/Mozart and are extra nice to her
Since last time they made her cry and ran and locked herself in her room didn’t come out till the next day didn’t hear the end of it from comte
Sebastian gives her days off and brings stuff to help her with the pains
You know when she has it when you hear hollering,yelling and some familiar phrases she usually says
“Oh my FUCK I can’t do this ANYMORE!”
“Why couldn’t I be born a disgusting man?!”
“Why does god hate women!?”
“Everything would be easier if I had a penis!”
“I just want the back pain to end…”
Isaac and Mozart hear this from down the hallway
Isaac “Every day I’m thankful that I wasn’t born a woman”
When it first came she didn’t have any pads or tampons and she didn’t know what to do
She ended up asking sebas about it
“Can I- um- ask you something?” She felt awkward talking about this with a man but who else could she ask?
“Yes, what is it?” She was hesitant she didn’t know what he would say
He noticed this “You can ask me any-“ “I’m bleeding”
there was a moment of silence but then it hit him “you have the rest of the day off, go to your room I will bring in the stuff in a few”
Sometime snaps at the residents but apologizes the next day after she’s calmed down
Jean feels bad when he hears her cry cause of the pains
Thinks women as strong for dealing with these type of pains
“You deal with this each month?!”
Once held her hair up when she ran to the bathroom to throw up bc the pains were so severe brought her some marorons after
You see the teen contemplating her entire existence once a month more like every day
“Why couldn’t I be a man…” Arthur sees the mc laying on the library floor “What are you doing mc?” “Waiting for the devil to take me wanna join?” “Sure”
Dazai tells her stories to try and distract her from the pain
Mc ends up falling asleep bc his voice is soothing
Leonardo often catches her up late in the kitchen eating or cooking something
The teen uses lumire as a heater for her cramps LMAO
The guys find it funny that one day she’s so aggravated and sad and the next she’s so happy and bubbly like nothing happened
Theo stops teasing her for a while doesn’t wanna get yelled at again plus doesn’t wanna get stabbed with a sword by Jean
Sebas told Theo that exercise helps lower the pain of cramps and tried to get mc up and moving but refuses to get out of bed
He gets king and she ends up playing with him outside all the running around helps her
Napoleon also tries to get her up n moving they both go WWE mode but Comte doesn’t like it
Isaac once had to cover her skirt bc she bleed through by accident
She was so embarrassed and she started to cry
Isaac awkwardly tried to comfort her saying it was alright and it’s something that happens
When she does stain her clothes Comte takes her out shopping and let’s her buy anything she wants and needs
Sebastian sometimes asks some of the women from the town for advice on how to deal with a menstrual cycle most of the time evesdrop for this info
Vincent goes and check up on her the first few days since that’s when the pains hits the hardest
He’s also another member that feels bad when she’s in pain especially since she’s so young basically a child in his eyes so he tries his best to make her feel better
When Mozart knows she somewhere near where she can hear him playing he plays something soothing for her
They know when the hardest days have pass when the teen finally says good morning when she sees them
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mistress-ofmagic · 2 years
Around the Realms in 80 days- Chapter 15
Pairing: Reader x Loki
Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.
Notes: Um.... do you remember me and this story? I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get this up, depression really its sneaky grip round me there lmao. But we got something written and I hope you enjoy it! No warnings really other than bad language as usual hehehehe.
Read this story on a03!
find all parts to this story on Tumblr here
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You were stood in your new state of the art kitchen Stark was currently loaning you, wondering why on earth he had made it so difficult to use. 
Why were there no handles? 
How were you supposed to open anything? 
You had tried waving at drawers, waving under cabinets, poking them in various spots, pulling and pushing doors. 
“I’m hungry!” You yelled at the kitchen.  “Let me in!” 
You had awoken that morning to no Loki in sight. You had once thought there was nothing worse than waking up with Loki next to you, but waking up and finding you had started your period had beaten that. 
Surprisingly, you had found the bathroom stocked with feminine products, which made you wonder if Pepper had had anything to do with designing the guest rooms in Stark Towers. 
Stumbling back to bed, you had then slept until after lunch. 
Now you were hungry, cramp-y and pissed. 
Embarrassingly, you felt tears start to well up in your eyes. You just wanted some Weetabix, was that too much to ask for? Apparently so. 
You dry sobbed and lay down on the cold floor, waiting for something to kill you. 
Luckily for you then,  Loki entered the apartment. You heard him walk into the bedroom first, and then back into the living space.
Was he…looking for you? 
Finally he entered the kitchen. He paused.
“What are you doing on the floor, girl?” Loki asked sternly staring down at you. 
You blinked up at him and your eyes widened. 
He had clearly just come back from the gym or training going by the sheen of his skin. He was still breathing slightly heavier than usual and his hair was unruly and curling slightly. His shirt was sweaty, and you realised you had never seen him wearing such relaxed clothing before. Normally, he was in mostly leather and metal; unless he was asleep. But today he was donning a loose green shirt and black sweatpants. 
Unfortunately it was a good look for him, and your blood started to race. 
Must be the hormones…
You continued to gape and he scowled down at you. 
“I’m hangry.” 
His scowl deepened. 
“You are not making any sense. Are you well?” He asked dourly. 
“No. I’m hungry and angry, ergo, hangry.”
Loki rolled his eyes, unamused by your earthy slang and stepped over you to fill his water bottle at the tap. 
“Idiocy. Why don’t you eat something then.” 
You sat up. “You don’t think I’ve tried that? None of the stupid cupboards open!” 
Loki waved his hands and they all sprung open. 
“Thanks.” You mumbled, getting up. “How do I open them then when you’re not around?” 
“You need to wave in front of them.”
“I tried that!” 
“You need to do it gently.”
“I was doing it gently.” You huffed.
Loki shot you a look that suggested he doubted that and sat down at the counter. 
“What are you doing today?” He asked innocently. 
You narrowed your eyes as you joined him at the counter with your cereal. You immediately knew something was up.
“I was going to just head into town to get a decent coffee, and then maybe get some clothes. I can’t live in Asgardian outfits forever. Why?” 
You rolled your eyes.
“Why did you even bother asking me then.” 
He grinned at you. 
“Ugh fine, I’ll bite. What will I be doing?” 
“You will be helping yours truly interrogate the fire demon.”
You dropped your spoon and splashed milk on the table. 
“Absolutely not.” 
“That’s very strange. I seem to remember someone being adamant that they wanted to follow my every move yesterday.” He elongated the word “every” and leaned in across the table.
You felt your face heat up as his grew closer to yours and you fought the instinct to look at his lips.
“That’s not…I didn’t mean it like that, obviously.” You pulled back. “For one thing, I will not be following you to the bathroom.” 
“Your loss, darling.” He winked at you. 
“Gross I’m trying to eat here.” 
“Then I would suggest you eat more than cereal for today. Interrogating a fire demon will be no mean feet.” 
“I already told you, I’m not interrogating a fire demon.” 
“I already told you. You have no choice. You signed up to be my…”
“Babysitter?” You supplied helpfully. 
Loki glared at you. 
“I don’t understand why they would make me do that task with you, why not get an actual avenger to do it?”
Loki rolled his eyes at you, as though you were being extremely slow. 
“You pledged to work with me as no one else would. That was the deal little one. Besides, they are testing you too.”
His face seemed to loose some of its humour, and he looked at you seriously.
“Testing me?” 
“To make sure you are not secretly my…lackey.”
You felt your stomach drop. 
“They think I’m…a sycophant?” You whispered.
“Don’t take it personally, I’m sure they think I’ve mind-controlled you into it.” He said chuckling darkly.  “But yes, they will be wondering, and I would be prepared for further examination.”
When he caught sight of your face he added,
“They will have done a background check which I have no doubt will have come back squeaky clean, that will have adjourned them.” 
You groaned. 
“Fine, what should I be expecting then when we go to meet this demon?” 
Loki stared at you suspiciously. 
“Are you not concerned?”
You took a mouthful of Weetabix. 
“‘Bout what? Facing an otherworldly being? I do that every day don’t I, with you.” 
“Hm.” He stared at you, you guessed he was disgusted at your lack of table manners.  “There are a few differences between myself and a fire demon.”
“Oh yeah, like what?” 
“The smell, for one thing. Fire demons are not known for their cognitive abilities. They are brutish, they eat mortals like you for breakfast.” He eyed your continued eating. 
“Dumb, smelly and mean, got it. Hey, I thought you said they were different from you?” 
He narrowed his eyes at you as you grinned back, teasingly. 
“You continue to become increasingly loquacious and brazen. We might have a tentative fellowship, but do not make the mistake of testing my patience woman. Lest I throw you to the demon for breakfast on purpose.” 
“Yeah well, It’s a bit late for breakfast now.” 
“Lunch then, I’m sure he won’t be picky.” 
“You know, you have to follow through on your threats for them to be meaningful, you’ve been threatening me at least once a day since I met you.” 
“Is that so.” His tone drop as he spoke very carefully and quietly.
He stood up suddenly and you flinched back in your seat automatically. 
He leaned over the table, so that his hands rested on either side of you and his face was directly in front of yours. You froze in place. His blue eyes were still narrowed, darkened and dangerous. His breath grazed your face and you stopped breathing. 
God, what was I thinking…why couldn’t I just keep my stupid mouth shut…
You swallowed hard, and prayed he hadn’t noticed how nervous he made you. Loki smirked. 
“Feeling frightened?” He seemed to almost growl the words. How did he do that with his voice? 
You tentatively cleared your throat, knowing that if you tried to speak it would be squeaky and embarrass you further. 
You felt like he was a predator and you were his pray. Your eyes widened. He was truly very beautiful up close, especially with the intensity he was looking at you with. He smelt good too, sort of…manly. And his eyes looked so pretty and his lips so soft and…
“Absolutely not.” You shook your head and in a matter of seconds had pushed the chair back and stood upright. 
Loki looked momentarily shocked, clearly not expecting you to jump like you did.
“Absolutely not, what?”
You blinked at him. 
I am absolutely not having these thoughts about an alien that attempted a hostile takeover of my planet.
“I am absolutely not frightened. Now if you will excuse me, I will be using our shower first. Good day.” You turned on your heels and marched into the bathroom. 
Good day? Good day?? 
What the hell was wrong with you? And why did you suddenly sound like an old spinster from the Victorian times? Your heart continued to beat fast in your chest. You threw off your clothes and jumped into the shower, using some helpfully supplied shower gel to briskly scrub away all thoughts of Loki. 
Idiot, what the hell are you thinking? You cannot be having those thoughts about him of all people. You should not be having those thoughts at all given the situation you are in. There should be no thoughts of romance at all. 
… romance? 
Romance and Loki are two words that should not even be spoken together in the same sentence. 
“Ow…” You winced, realising you had scrubbed a little too hard while being stuck in your thoughts. 
Stepping out and patting yourself down delicately, you finished off your morning routine, put on some more clothes that weren’t yours and left. 
Loki wasn’t in the bedroom when you left, so you called out.
“I’m done now if you need to use the bathroom.”
“Norns woman how long does it take you to get ready?” Loki replied, as he walked into the bedroom. 
You ignored him but caught sight of yourself in the bedroom mirror and sighed. The quicker you could go shopping and buy some clothes of your own the better. You preferred the Asgardian dresses in all honesty to these…office wear garments? You had never worn a long pencil skirt and plain blouse before. You felt as though your clothes were picked by someone who had only ever seen woman as secretaries in films and run from there. 
You discomfort must have been showing on your face for Loki asked you.
“What’s wrong with you now?” 
You rolled your eyes. 
“Nothing, really I just don’t feel comfortable in these clothes, they don’t really feel like me.”
You moved away from the mirror. 
“Hey, what time are we leaving? Do I have time to go to the shops first?” 
“No.” Loki called from bathroom. 
You waited to see if he would provide you with any helpful information but you heard the shower turn on. 
Sighing again, you made your way to the couch and waited. 
 “And I take a long time in the shower?” You glanced at Loki. 
You were sat next to Loki in the tinted windowed car. 
A couple of bodyguards had come and collected you, to take you to where they were keeping the fire demon. 
You were not as nervous as you probably should have been all things considering, but you still felt pretty jittery as you waited. 
“I am a God, it is my duty to ensure I am always looking my best.”
“I’d call you Narcissus, only it’s the wrong mythology.” 
“Ah yes, Narcissus. Gets a worse wrap than he deserves.”
You narrowed your eyes. 
“Narcissus isn’t real…?”
Your voice turned into a question at the end.
Loki smirked at you but didn’t reply. 
“He’s not real, you’re joking with me.” 
He continued to smirk. 
“Oh my god, is Narcissus real?” 
Loki tutted, “Mortals are so gullible.”
You groaned. “Well you’re real, and you’re a myth.”
“I am no myth.” He said, stiffly.
“Actually you are.” 
“Well I am sat here next to you, do I look like a myth to you?” 
“I don’t know, I can’t see you because you don’t exist.” 
Loki rolled his eyes. 
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“I’m in a car owned by Tony Stark on my way to interrogate a demon from another planet, while set next to a mythical being. My whole life is ridiculous.” 
The car came to a sudden stop. 
“Why have we stopped? Are we here? Where are they keeping this thing anyway?” 
He pulled a face at your questioning. “How should I know?” 
“You’re the one with magical powers.” 
“Yes, and yet none of my magical powers seem to be able to stop you prattling on which is rather unfortunate.” 
“Hm that’s very funny.” 
The car door opened at both sides simultaneously. Taking a deep breath you exited the vehicle. 
Although it was chilly, the sun was very bright and the differences between the darkness in the car and this made you squint. It took a few seconds to realise where you actually were. You were on a large landing port, with the biggest aircraft you had ever seen in front of you.
“Woah…Jesus. This whole place is bigger than…than…”  You struggled to find a comparison.
Loki was uncharacteristically quiet next to you. You stole a quick glance at him and he was frowning slightly as he stared at the aircraft. Before you could ask him about it, Tony Stark was shouting and walking over to you. 
“Yoo-hoo! Reindeer Games and Alice in Wonderland.” 
“The Asgardians already gave me a nickname.” You informed him when he was closer. 
“Yeah well, no nicknames are as good as mine.” 
“I beg to differ.” Loki retorted. 
Stark narrowed his eyes at Loki,
“Recognise this place? Of course we’ve made some adjustments since you were last here.”
“I do, I seem to remember escaping your capture quite spectacularly.”
“And I seem to remember you killing my friend.” 
The men were staring at each other again, the tensions of old continuing to resurface. 
“Is that your plan? To recapture me in this craft?”
Stark sighed, 
“Hm. Unfortunately not. We could do without upsetting your brother and right now the threat to Earth outweighs everything else.”
He signalled to follow him. 
“Come on, let me show you how we’ve redecorated.” 
Loki strode off and you had to speed walk to keep up with him. He seemed dedicated to not letting Stark walk ahead of him, resulting in what ended up looking like a silly race between the two men. When you had finally caught up with them, both of them were pretending they weren’t a little out of breath. 
 Entering the helicarrier really did give you the sensation you were being abducted by aliens, and you continued to be in awe of the sheer size of the place.
“This is the control room, these guys are currently researching everything they can about the fire demons and the 9 realms.” 
You looked around a large room filled with computers and individuals in the same blue outfits working on them. If they were surprised to see Loki of Asgard waltzing in they didn’t show it. 
“It’s all very…Star Trek.” You commented. 
Stark snorted but continued, 
“For obvious reasons we couldn’t keep ol’ Charizard in the middle of New York so we figured the best place to put him would be out here.”
He signalled his head to follow him again. You continued into the helicarrier, counting different labs and rooms full of various people in white coats doing various things. You had to shake your head multiple times to ensure you weren’t dreaming this up. Finally, you arrived at a door, but before Stark could open it, it opened for him and a young man stepped out. 
Behind him, you could see Captain America and The Black Widow sitting inside, watching what looked like security cameras.
“Mr Stark!” The man grinned. 
“Ah! Reindeer Games, Wonderland, meet the whizz-kid, Oliver.” 
He must have been around the same age as you you noticed, with pale skin, shaggy brown hair and large glasses in that “I wear glasses but I’m cool” kind of way. He was cute looking, with converse and a badge on his white lab coat that read “Books! The best weapons in the world.”
“Hi!” He smiled at you. 
You grinned back, it felt like first time in ages you had been introduced to someone who wasn’t a superhero or a God.
You introduced yourself with your wildly forgotten actual name. “Nice badge, are you a tenth doctor kind of guy?” 
He peered down at his badge and laughed,
“Of course! Don’t tell me you have a different favourite…?” 
“No way, always got to be the tenth, I do think the ninth is a close second, he’s underrated.”
“This is fun, chatting with the youth, but if you’ll excuse us we have a monster to talk to. Save the flirting until the next staff party thank you.” Stark interjected. 
Oliver chuckled,
“Of course. Volrog is in position. We have cameras facing in all directions so he can be monitored. Oh and here - “
Oliver leant back into the room and grabbed some little earpieces.  “These are for you two to wear. So Mr Stark can communicate with you when you’re speaking with him.” 
You took the earpiece from him.
Oliver shrugged,
“We haven’t figured out how to translate what he is saying yet, but the noises he makes kind of sounds like he’s saying…Volrog.”
“He says his own name? Like an actual Pokemon?” 
Oliver sniggered, 
“Maybe we should try throwing a poke-ball at him, it's just about one of the only things we haven’t done.”
You laughed out loud, genuinely, since the first time you had arrived here. It felt almost alien to do so, and you felt out of practice, you’re pretty sure you snorted too. Still, Oliver looked pleased you had laughed at his joke. 
“Perhaps I will see you at the next staff party, if you’re lucky I’ll show you my collection of Pokemon cards.” He winked.
You chortled again, 
“You’re cocky for a doctor who nerd; that better not be a euphemism.” You raised an eyebrow at him, playfully. 
“Do you want me to interrogate a fire-demon today? I have better things to do than stand around and watch this pathetic display of mortal courtship.” Loki spoke, looking annoyed. 
Nothing new there.
Oliver shot you an apologetic look that said ‘how do you put up with this?’ But turned and smiled at his employer,
“I’ll be in lab 3 if you need me.” 
After giving you one last smile, he left down the corridor. 
Stark clapped his hands together. 
“So! This is where me, Romonaff and Steve-o will be watching you so no funny business. These guys- “ He nodded towards the body guards “will take you to see the demon. Pop your earpieces in and make sure they work…”
After having to listen to Stark singing “love is in the air’ down your ear for apparent testing purposes, and being kitted out with padded body suits, you were finally allowed to go and meet the demon. 
“I thought the avengers all got sexy outfits.” You mumbled to yourself, now looking like a child going out to play in the snow, bundled up in thousands of layers. 
You followed the bodyguards out of the room and out into the corridor and continued round.
The nerves started to set in a little more, what does one even say to a demon? What if he attacked you? How embarrassing to die on the first day of your new job. 
The bodyguards stopped at the next door and seemed to be waiting for the two of you to open it. 
“Here.” Loki turned to you. “I’m going to pass on all-speak to you, so you will be able to understand what the demon is telling you.” 
“Erm, okay, will it hurt?”  You braced yourself.
Loki shot you a funny look and then closed his eyes. You watched in awe, as green mist began to appear from his fingertips and swirled around his hands.  Suddenly the green mist stopped and he touched your shoulder lightly. There was a slightly strange feeling in your ear, like it had popped and then nothing. 
“Is is done.” Loki said gravely. 
You rolled your eyes, “Show off. Come on let’s get this over with.”
The room itself was pretty big and circular, with a large class cage in the middle and a control area to the side. The inhabiter himself, looked, on first glance, like a huge mass of fiery rocks. As it stood with your entrance, it unfurled into something resembling human atomy, a skeleton like face ablaze and small pools of fire where its eyes should have been. 
Loki strode in confidently, while you timidly followed. 
“Name yourself demon.” 
“Volrog”The creature hissed, displaying its long black tongue. 
Huh, guess he really was like a Pokemon. 
“Volrog, speak, why did Surtur lay attack on Midgard?”
The creature made a strange wheezing noise, you later realised was probably him laughing.
“You have no command over me Prince of Jotunheim, Laufey’s son.”
Jotunheim? Where had you heard that recently? You flicked your mind back over the past few days. Then it clicked, the woman in the pub had mentioned something about the Jotun’s hadn’t she? 
You flicked your eyes over to Loki. His face seemed paler than usual, his lips pursed. 
“I know not what you wish to gain by keeping silent, one poorly timed water fight and you’re volcanic ash.” Loki replied.
 The creature wheezed again. 
“Surely you do not care about these mortal beings? Didn’t you destroy half of your birth planet and then attack Midgard not many moons later? You do not mean to tell me you are suddenly sympathetic to the trials of others?”
You were one third listening to the demon, one third imaging Loki having a water fight and one third putting pieces together in your head about Loki’s past. If he truly was what the demon was implying, then how did he end up Prince of Asgard? Is that why he refuses to call Odin father? Would he need a piston or could he produce water out of his fingers?
On Loki’s part, he mainly ignored Volrog’s comments.
“Surtur does not normally have a care for the mortal realm. So, either he was convinced into it by another, no difficult task given how dimwitted he is, or he’s decided to turn his hand to poorly attempted invasions.”
“Surtur needs no convincing! The invasion was a success!” Volrog slammed a fiery fist against the glass window and you jumped automatically. 
“A success! Hah! You appeared on Midgard for a short time and then you disappeared, that doesn’t sound like a success to me. Now if you want to lead a real invasion…” 
“Unless…unless the attacks was a diversion.” You cut in, thinking aloud. 
Loki span round to face you.
“What?” He snapped. 
“I’m just staying, if this…er…guy…is saying that the invasion is a success maybe something else was happening, while the attacks were going on. In order to make it a success?”
“You know nothing” The demon hissed.
“Obviously. That’s why we’re asking.” You took a step closer to the glass. “There was another portal, one that no fire demons came out of but one that I walked into, one that lead to Asgard.” 
“Wormholes can appear at random…”
“What if someone could work out when the wormholes would appear? I mean that must be how they timed it so the demons could attack? There must have been other wormholes appear at the same or around similar times. Maybe they used the attacks as a distraction. If we could find the other wormholes on Midgard that opened that’s one step closer to finding what the true purpose of the attacks were… I don’t know maybe someone planted something on Earth?”
“Not bad Wonderland” Starks voice spoke in your ear. You silently preened with the praise. 
You jumped as the demon slammed his fists onto the glass again. 
I’ll never make it as an Avenger if I’m scared by every noise
“Why would Surtur agree to have his men go on a pointless attack on Midgard anyway? Distraction or not your leader has never shown a particular interest in the realm. Whose Surtur making deals with?”
“Something bigger, stronger and more powerful than you and these mortals can stop, God of lies. They are coming.” 
“Whose they? What they.”
More manic wheezing ensued.
“Tell me! What threat do we face?” Loki stood nearly nose to nose with the glass. 
The creature continued to laugh.
Stark sighed in your ear. 
“Abort mission. We aren’t going to get anything more out of him.” 
You sighed and made your way to the door. Loki paused for a second before following you. You left the room together and the door slammed behind you. The questions that the demon had brought up about Loki rested on the tip of your tongue. 
You opened your mouth to speak, but as if he knew what you would ask, Loki glared at you forcefully, surprising you into silence. 
“I will not speak to you about it so do not bother to ask, mortal.” 
After a moment of shock at his vehemence and a pang of hurt you glared back at him. 
“Fine. Just as well I’m not particularly interested in your sob story anyway.” 
One step forward, two steps back.
AN: What did you guys think? Will Loki ever fully open up to Latte? Will Latte be able to get over her pride to be patient with him? Who is behind the attacks and what do they want? Do you think Loki would pick a super soaker or water balloons in a fight? So many questions
Taglist: @creationsbyme  @kikster606  @slytherinintj13  @th0rswh0res  @huntress-artemiss  @jannieka394 @stefffrs  @misswimberly @thedistractedagglomeration  @yoongissidebitchh  @purplekitten30 @mischief2sarawr  @johnmurphys-sass 
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plushienanami · 2 years
Hey there! I absolutely LOVE all your content; it’s just perfection! I don’t know if you’ve done this already, but if you could do the Bucci gangs reaction to their S/O while sick or on their period I would be forever grateful!!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)╯♡
i think i’ve gotten your ask before love! i’m sorry it has literally taken me so long to post this and other works. i’ve been like mega busy and writing is like a hobby i do so please don’t be mad. I’m also on my period rn, i just got a few days ago and it really sucks ;-;
okay anon i present you this…please like it 👉👈💖
Bucci Gang Dealing with S/O on their Period
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
██████ 100% *_♡_*
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Giorno Giovanna:
At first Giorno wouldn’t know or pick up on the early signs that your period is coming. He is busy with work although it doesn’t mean he doesn’t spend time with you, just the small things don’t come to mind when he is enjoying the time he can have with his s/o.
Him, Bucciarati, and Trish are the type to pamper their s/o when they are on their period.
For starters, he would grant you any type of food you are craving and make sure to keep you warm wrapped in the fine fluffy covers of your shared bed.
Totally stocked with napkins and tampons of all kind just to make sure that you aren’t leaving a pool of red in your bed or the expensive silk nightgown he bought for you. Giorno just doesn’t want you frolocking in your own blood :/
Giorno keeps the room scented of fresh flowers and is the total type if your having cramps to get you up to walk them away. Moving and exercising your body is more healthy than laying there all day not getting the blood flowing.
He understands when your sore, bloated, and of course having mood swings.
Picnic dates. When I said he will make you go outside, he would also take you on picnic dates that are surrounded by flowers to get your mind off of icky stuff.
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Bruno Bucciarati:
A sweetheart. You want a doting man to pamper and be at your beck and call, well you have Bruno Bucciarati.
Will 100% drop work unless it is really important, although you're more important to him than work itself.
Everything is completely stocked up and he makes sure to have special linen for you so you are comfortable and not maybe accidentally staining the cotton bedsheets.
Bucciarati would make you take pain reliefs and give you a complete list of what you can and cannot eat. Sure you may have cravings, however, you can’t just give in to all of them especially if they don’t help your bloating or cramps.
He watches your favorite movies and shows while holding you in his warm embrace.
To be honest I see Bucciarati enjoying the time you on your period. He doesn’t like seeing you in pain or stress, yet he loves the excessive time he gets to spend around you.
Loves when you lay there curled up and he can lay you on his lap while playing with your hair or fiddling with your hands he loves so much.
Why need a heating pad when you have this lovely man.
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Leone Abbacchio:
Well, I wouldn’t say he would be the best to be around on your time of the month. I feel like he would lack that understanding that your cramps or mood swings are uncontrollable and may lash out at you for them.
Over time he gets more sympathetic and would begin to understand what you have to go through. He yells less, is less harsh and abrasive, as well tries to surprise you with things that would make you happy.
Out of all the bucci gang members, he would be the best to cuddle with. He is tall, big, warm, and that chest of his oh my…
Abbacchio doesn’t really like the sight of blood and doesn’t like to deal if you accidentally have a leak on the sheets.
Also, is confused when you ask him to buy your products from the store. He kinda stands there awkwardly and his pride won’t allow him to ask the employees for help. Expect random brands or packages with him claiming that they were all the same and what he could find.
Also is the most chill to be with during your period because he doesn’t talk too much or is too jumpy like Narancia would be around.
Very pleasant and calming to be around, plus he would make you some nice tea.
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Guido Mista:
There are times I sometimes can’t take Mista seriously and sometimes I can. This is one of those situations.
He would honestly try to help you, but it would always turn out badly.
Mista’s definition of helping you get through your period is doing some um NSFW things to help your flow.
Sure he would like to hold and cuddle you, but to be honest he can only lay down for so long before he gets antsy.
The type to tell you “I understand how you feel baby” then next minute asks you if you would like to could the dinner for the night.
Mista is also on the same boat as Abbacchio and Narancia. He would get to the store and start sweating from the variety of products. Would probably come out with nothing.
Although Mista does feed into your cravings and even sometimes joins you on them. He is a curious man and he thinks it's cute sharing the same food with them curled up in a buddle of warm blankets from the heating pads.
The best thing Mista does when you are on your period is honestly when he pulls you into his broad arms and gives you the cutest cuddles.
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Narancia Ghirga:
I’m going, to be honest, your going to have to explain to him what a period is. He has no idea or clue about it.
Narancia sits there like a little kid soaking up information that seemed so bizarre to him.
At first he would joke about it until he sees you literally actually go through it. He would be like “oh shit” and rush over to you.
Blood isn’t really a big thing with him, but he gets scared still knowing that you are technically bleeding.
Joining the Gang of Pad/Tampon Explorers, he would also be so confused. Fugo refused to help Narancia, by refusing he was in another fit of anger and Narancia thought it was towards him.
The employees notice him wandering cluelessly and will help him out. He is the first out of the 3 to be able to bring the proper merch back.
Also joins food splurges and things like that. He is super affectionate and if you get irritated easily, he could be a tad bit annoying.
He just wants to be around you and comfort you through these times. Not only is he able to take off work, but he gets to spend it with you <3
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Pannacotta Fugo:
Fugo would be in the middle. He knows and has learnt about a menstrual cycle, just hasn’t experienced it firsthand.
Not going to lie, it made him panic at first. Of course he kept his cool composure and masked it with that cool facade of his, but we all know that inside he was going haywire.
Makes sure to definitely bring you the proper sanitary items you need for your cycle.
He isn’t one for physical touch most of the time so you’ll need to really be pushy or talk about how much pain you're in.
He’ll feel guilty and apologize before bringing you in his embrace with his face beat red.
Fugo wouldn’t let you leave the little comfort room he made for you. He talks about how it wouldn’t be a wise idea since they all couldn’t understand you like he could even though Trish is a female too.
He is also the type to enjoy you during this time of the month because it guarantees more alone time the two of you could have together.
The only downside is that he doesn’t really like blood or the idea of you staining the sheets. It’s just really icky to him.
Despite his little germaphobe self, he isn’t bad to be around because in all honesty he just wants to enjoy the small alone time he gets to have with you.
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Trish Una:
Come on, out of all the Bucci gang members she would be the most understanding.
It’s kind of really wholesome when you're on your period and she is around.
No need to take store trips, she already has everything you need. She has your favorite food, drinks, heating pad, and pain killers to combat your period.
She is just like Fugo and separates you from the rest of the gang because they are stupid in her opinion.
The two of you have little movie marathons and she pampers you by giving you facials or giving you small massages.
Sometimes when the two of you are both on your period, you two are the ones who stick together. Both you lay together and just cuddle while sulking in the same predicament.
At least the two of you can pamper each other and share a heating pad.
She also is huge for comfort so expect to have the fluffiest and softest of sheets while you're sitting there in the cocoon of blankets she made.
Recommend and say she is 10/10 the best be with during your cycle.
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