mistress-ofmagic · 11 hours
@c0mputersaysn0 yaaaaay!!!! Let me know what you think!!!🥳🥳
Around the Realms in 80 days - chapter 22
Pairing: Reader x Loki
Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.
Okay I don't know if any of you guys are still out there and still wanting an update for this story but I'm providing one anyway! I really do hope that you're still with me (and if you can't remember what happened that feels like a good time for a re-read right??)
Read this story on a03!
find all parts to this story on Tumblr here:
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You’d had better days, you mused. 
Better weeks, months, years…
“If you continue pulling that face it will get stuck and you’ll get wrinkles” Loki chimed behind you. 
You glared up at him, scowling even harder out of spite. 
He grinned down at you.
After Loki’s admission two days ago, his mood had been…interesting. He had stayed beside you in the hospital when he could, but he kept swapping between being distant and being close. 
No real change there then, you thought.
You hadn’t brought the whole being a frost Giant thing up again, despite your thousands of questions in case you pushed him too far and he got annoyed with you and decided to stop visiting. 
Now however, he seemed to be in a good mood although you felt that had more to do with the fact he was currently pushing you around in a wheelchair. 
His eyes had lit up when the nurses had suggested it, despite the fact you felt well enough to walk really and for most of your journey you would just be in the lift anyway. You had protested multiple times but now Loki had got the idea in his head there was really no persuading him otherwise.
“Isn’t this nice?” He asked, too jovial for your liking. 
You put your tongue out and rolled your eyes when you thought he wasn’t looking. 
“I saw that you little chit.” 
He rocked the wheelchair like he was going to tip you out. 
“LOKI!” You yelled, gripping to the sides of your chair. 
The lift attendant had looked pale when you’d first stepped in, and now he looked rather green.
Loki roared with laughter. 
“Oh come on darling, you really think I would throw a vulnerable maiden out of her chair?”
Before having to face that your answer to that question might actually be no and that you knew Loki would never do anything to hurt you, or the fact that this was the third time he had called you darling, the doors of the lift opened onto the floor where you were meeting with Stark and the Avengers. 
Apparently Tony had wanted to wait until you were a bit better before doing a debrief on what had gone down on Muspelheim.
Loki wheeled you down small corridor and into the large meeting room. Like many of the rooms in Stark towers, the windows were completely glass and looking down onto the city below. It was as far as being outside as you had got in the past few days and you stared out, longingly. 
Distracting you slightly from the view, was the Avengers sat around the table. Thor was there of course, as well as Captain America, Natasha and Dr Bruce Banner. A smaller cohort that had welcomed you in when you had first arrived. 
Natasha seemed to assess you with cool eyes, but Bruce shot you a sympathetic look which you felt was a lot to do with the fact you were wearing a very cool and flattering nightie with Shrek’s face all over it as it was the only thing that could fit over your bandages. 
Loki wheeled you into a space that had been left chair-less for you as he took the one next to you. 
Tony gave you a tired smile.
“How you feeling kid?”
“Better thank you. And thank you for the care on your wards too!” 
He brushed you off with a wave of his hand. 
“I suppose I should thank you for saving Rock of Ages life too.” Tony shot Loki a disgruntled look. “He is helping us with this situation after all.” He said, as if he wasn’t particularly happy about it. “Its nice to see you taking your babysitting duties very seriously, although next time I’d appreciate it if you stay away from certain death, he’s not worth it.” 
Loki gave a half shrug, “that’s one thing we agree on.” 
You scowled again. 
“Plus now you are officially hired as a member of my workforce, it reflects badly on me.”
You snorted, “If the babysitter club ever want a new member i’ll be the first in line. And don’t worry, I have no desire to face certain death ever again.” 
Although I would save Loki again, a little voice in your head added that you pushed down into the depths of your subconscious. 
“So, Wonderland’s still with us, but we still no nothing about the current alien threat to Earth.” Stark said gloomily. 
“Well, we found out Surtur’s made some sort of deal with someone to er…cause something.” Thor supplied.
Stark pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Next to nothing then. Natasha?” 
She shrugged. “Nothing at any of the reported sites, no sign of anything coming in or out.” 
“We did learn that they are taking humans for something.” You piped up. 
Everyone stared at you and you immediately regretted speaking at all.
“One of the fire demons told me.” You mumbled.
“Is there no help from your…lot?” Steve asked to Thor. 
“Sadly, Ragnarok is a myth across the other realms too, not just on Midgard. There will be many that don’t take it seriously seriously. And, no one would be bothered enough about a few missing humans to get involved in an intergalactic war.” Loki shrugged. 
Stark scoffed “A few?”
He pulled up a page a hologram of various news stories over the past few weeks, of humans going missing, seemingly vanishing without a trace. 
It was worse than you thought, and it seemed the rates where going up by the day. 
“The fire demon I spoke with, he told me I could go with him, somewhere where they could make me more powerful.” You spoke again. 
Tony and Bruce swapped concerned faces. 
“Did he say anything else?”
“No, not really, just promises of a greater future or something.”
“Well it might not be much but, good work.” Steve said, and flashed you an all American pearly smile and you blushed in spite of yourself.
“Yes, Latte has proved herself to be truly courageous on this trip.” Thor agreed. 
“Oh well, I don’t know about all that.” You murmured feeling your face burn up. It was only an accident anyway that you had found anything out, it’s not like you’d stormed up to a fire demon and demand he speak to you. 
Nevertheless, you were only a few beats away from kicking your feet and giggling but you refrained yourself.
Loki muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like “suck up” and you glared at him, taking a long swig of water to cool yourself down. 
“You reap what you sow kid, I’ll be recruiting you to do further missions with Loki if you’re not careful. Who knew the worlds rudest goth could make friends? And a lowly earthling at that.” Stark challenged.
You tensed. You weren’t really 100% sure if Loki actually did consider you a friend, or if he would take offence at the insinuation. 
But Loki leaned back in his chair, “We are friends, friends with benefits.” 
You choked on your water and it spilled down Shreks face as Thor gave you a pat on the back that nearly sent your lungs through your mouth. 
While you recovered no one knew what to say, Steve and Bruce looked alarmed, you weren’t sure if that was at Lokis statement or the fact you had spat out half a glass of water and Starks mouth was hung wide open, his eyes open comically large, Natasha looked mildly amused.
“Its not…” You said between coughing. “That’s not true…Loki…Loki doesn’t know what that term means…he…he can’t….”
You turned to him.
“Where did you even hear that being said?” You spluttered. 
He narrowed his eyes at you. 
“You deny that we are friends in front of Stark and his goonies?”
“I’m not denying were friends Loki, I’m denying were friends with benefits. That doesn’t mean what you think it does it means something really specific on Earth. What…What benefits does our friendship bring?”
Loki shuffled in his seat “Well…you have taught me how to use a midgardian communication device and I have taught you…”
You cut him off “Great, expect thats not what friends with benefits means here it means…” You blushed heavily again. 
“It means friends who…” you tried again. 
Loki was watching you carefully with an eyebrow raised, the corner of his mouth starting to twitch and your uncomfortableness.
“Friends who fuck.” Natasha finished off helpfully. 
You felt your face grow even redder if that were possible. 
“Ah.” Loki said, in a measured tone although you thought you noticed a very light blush across his pale complexion. “I understand now that that might have been misleading.” 
“Well thank God we cleared that up.” Stark sighed, “I thought we were going to have to admit you to the psych ward instead of the burns ward.”
You stared down to avoid eye contact with Loki, feeling a bit awkward. 
“What’s the plan?” Steve asked. 
“Asgardians?” Stark aimed at Thor.
“We won’t get anything more information from Surtur…”
“The people of this planet are disappearing! Into thin air! And some Alien thingies are the culprit! How can I be the protector of the human race if I don’t even have any leads!” Stark yelled. 
Thor and Steve swapped looks. 
“There might be more information we can gather across the other realms” Thor shrugged, “If the true enemy behind this is thought not to be human then they could potentially come from another Realm.”
“We would have no idea where to start though, it’s not like the nine realms are a small area to cover.” Loki argued. 
“Doctor Foster does a lot of research into the nine realms, will she have any information for us?” Tony asked Thor hopefully.
“I…I can ask her to see what she has found.” Thor placated. 
“In the meantime, we have our best scientists searching the skies for any sign of alien invasions.” Bruce added. “Tony I’m sure we will find something, we’ve got people going to sites where people have disappeared and looking into traces and signals that have been left behind, something is bound to flag up. And the researchers will keep monitoring the fire demons.”
Stark sighed. And you got a feeling that until this thing was settled he was never be satisfied, knowing the people of Earth were in danger. 
“Meeting adjourned or whatever… I need a fucking drink.” 
“13 down, 7 letters, a drawing intended to explain how something happens.” 
Oliver nodded, writing it down. 
“Okay… 5 across, 5 letters, spaghetti for example that’s got to be pasta…what about this one, 8 letters, endurance.”
“Stamina? No wait, that’s only 7…patience?” 
“Yeah, has to be.” 
It was the day after Starks meeting. Loki had wheeled you back into your hospital room after the meeting and then he’d had to then leave pretty sharpish, stating he had something he needed to do although you wondered if he still felt awkward about the whole friends with benefits thing. Then again, you wondered if Loki ever really felt awkward about anything, or if he was immune to embarrassment.
After the meeting you had been so damn tired that by the time he’d wheeled you back you’d been nearly asleep. The meeting was the most you had done since the attack and it had exhausted you. 
Plus you were still pretty drowsy from all the pain medication you were on. You’d expected him to call over a nurse but instead he’d actually gotten you the medication you needed and then to your extreme surprise, he’d picked you up from your chair bridal style and put you into bed. 
You were almost too sleepy to have noticed what was going on, but shockingly you were certain he had left a featherlight kiss on your forehead before he left. 
Maybe you had imagined it in your sleepy state, after all he hadn’t been in to see you today.
The nurse had visited today and checked you over, changing your bandages. She had assured you your burns were healing nicely, and Loki’s fast thinking of applying his cold skin to your stomach and chest had saved most of your skin resulting in you only needing a smallish emergency skin graft.  
You’d also been joined by Oliver, who had come prepared for the nurses recommendation of resting as much as possible by providing cross-words. 
“You’re pretty good at these.” He gave his lopsided grin. 
“Symptoms of a misguided youth I’m afraid. I might not have gone to Harvard but I am pretty nifty with a crossword.” 
“Harvard’s overrated.”
“Alright for you to say Mr Ivy League.”
Oliver chuckled. “Wait this is a cryptic one, it says ‘to tantalise the left is a plant.’
“Huh? Wait let me see.”
Oliver stood up from the chair and brought the book over to you. He perched himself on the edge of your hospital bed and you moved over to give him more room.
“Do you need any more medication?” Oliver suddenly asked. 
“I should be good thank you.” You smiled at him. 
Man he was so sweet. Loki had done the same thing yesterday but still. It was nice to have someone else here who cared about you. 
You caught his blue eyes. He had nice looking eyes you noticed, but they missed the tint of green you were used to seeing in Loki’s eyes. 
Actually, why where you thinking about Lokis eyes at all?
Oliver placing his hand over yours on the bed brought you back to the present moment. 
“I was thinking, maybe when you’re feeling better I could take you….”
Before Oliver could finish his sentence, the door to your room opened and Loki strode in. 
Loki took in your close proximity to Oliver, and the fact you were holding hands and his eyes narrowed. 
There was a moment of awkward silence, and for some reason your natural instinct was to jump back sheepishly from Oliver. Despite having no reason at all to feel guilt, you still felt…something.
“I had come to see how you were faring, but I see you have company already.” Those blue/green eyes you had just been thinking about were harsher than you had seen them in a while. 
“We were just doing cross words.” You said, lamely. 
Instead of keeping your mouth shut you continued like an imbecile. “Erm were stuck on a cryptic one if you wanted to help…”
“And intrude on this…personal moment.” He sneered.
“That wasn’t…I mean we were just…” You started and then sat up further in bed, trying to look authoritative, which was harder than you might think for someone attached to an IV drip. “Actually I don’t have to explain myself to you.” 
“Oh, I see.” His voice was cold, and it felt like the room got colder too.
“What do you see?”
Loki ignored you.
“Get out.” He directed at Oliver. 
Your temper started to rise.
“Hey, he doesn’t have to leave we were in the middle of something.”
“Look, um maybe I should just go.” Oliver spoke up squeezing your hand before standing up. 
“I’ll leave the book here for you for when you get bored. I hope you feel better, I’ll come visit again soon and bring some more stuff.” He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. 
Kudos to Oliver, he walked past Loki out of the room without crying or screaming.
After he had left, Loki breezed into the room and arranged the flowers at the table at the bottom of the table like he hadn’t just yelled at your friend to leave. 
“Dude what is wrong with you?” You directed at Loki. “I am allowed to have friends!”
He rolled his eyes. 
“He clearly wants to be more than friends.”
You made a funny noise in the back of your throat. You wouldn’t be totally against Oliver having more than friendly feelings, a distraction from these insane feelings for Loki that keep creeping up out of no where might be a good thing, right? 
Not that you had any feelings for Loki, obviously.
Loki studied you closely before clearing his throat. 
“Are you and this mortal…friends with benefits?” 
“Loki!” You glared at him.
His facial expression remained calm as he continued staring at you.
“I’m simply asking."
“No! No, God I wish you had never learnt what that term meant. Also I am sleeping next to you every night where would I find the time?”
“Yes, you are aren’t you.” He said, too smugly for your liking. 
“Although I do have every right to explore…you know, that side of things with someone if I want to.” 
His eyes narrowed again, and stood up taller.
“We are in the middle of a crisis here. Is now the right time to be engaging in a dalliance?” 
“You can’t be serious!” You said indignantly. 
“I’m being very serious!”  He matched your tone. 
"Are you giving me a lecture right now on my love life?” When he didn’t say anything you continued. 
“You don’t even care about humans, why are you even bothered about this crisis suddenly?”
“You’re being ridiculous, you can’t seriously mean to engage with this… mere mortal. ” 
“I’m being ridiculous? You’re being ridiculous! In case you forgot, I happen to be a mere mortal too!”
Loki kind of did look taken a back for a second, as if he had actually forgotten that. 
“What I get up to is not even any of your business.” You told him
“Fine.” He sneered, walking towards the door.
“Fine!” You shouted back. 
He slammed the door behind him as you threw your puzzle book at him. 
“Ah!” You screamed to yourself. 
The cheek of that asshole to have a go at you for letting yourself engage in some dating when he was the one that slept with Ylva while you were touring around Asgard. 
You tossed and turned around in your bed, but eventually the drowsiness kicked back in and you managed to fall asleep. 
One moment, you were fast asleep, the next moment you heard an explosion. You sat up quickly, disorientated and confused. Another explosion sounded and you got up and ran to the window.
You blinked and blinked again. 
A piece of metal fell seemingly from the sky and you looked up. 
The tower was under attack. 
Notes: I hoped you guys enjoyed this and are still liking the story!!
@creationsbyme  @kikster606  @slytherinintj13  @th0rswh0res  @huntress-artemiss  @jannieka394 @stefffrs  @misswimberly @thedistractedagglomeration  @yoongissidebitchh  @purplekitten30 @mischief2sarawr  @johnmurphys-sass 
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@Im-a-slut-for-fluff  @jainaeatsstars @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic
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mistress-ofmagic · 1 day
Around the Realms in 80 days - chapter 22
Pairing: Reader x Loki
Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.
Okay I don't know if any of you guys are still out there and still wanting an update for this story but I'm providing one anyway! I really do hope that you're still with me (and if you can't remember what happened that feels like a good time for a re-read right??)
Read this story on a03!
find all parts to this story on Tumblr here:
Tumblr media
You’d had better days, you mused. 
Better weeks, months, years…
“If you continue pulling that face it will get stuck and you’ll get wrinkles” Loki chimed behind you. 
You glared up at him, scowling even harder out of spite. 
He grinned down at you.
After Loki’s admission two days ago, his mood had been…interesting. He had stayed beside you in the hospital when he could, but he kept swapping between being distant and being close. 
No real change there then, you thought.
You hadn’t brought the whole being a frost Giant thing up again, despite your thousands of questions in case you pushed him too far and he got annoyed with you and decided to stop visiting. 
Now however, he seemed to be in a good mood although you felt that had more to do with the fact he was currently pushing you around in a wheelchair. 
His eyes had lit up when the nurses had suggested it, despite the fact you felt well enough to walk really and for most of your journey you would just be in the lift anyway. You had protested multiple times but now Loki had got the idea in his head there was really no persuading him otherwise.
“Isn’t this nice?” He asked, too jovial for your liking. 
You put your tongue out and rolled your eyes when you thought he wasn’t looking. 
“I saw that you little chit.” 
He rocked the wheelchair like he was going to tip you out. 
“LOKI!” You yelled, gripping to the sides of your chair. 
The lift attendant had looked pale when you’d first stepped in, and now he looked rather green.
Loki roared with laughter. 
“Oh come on darling, you really think I would throw a vulnerable maiden out of her chair?”
Before having to face that your answer to that question might actually be no and that you knew Loki would never do anything to hurt you, or the fact that this was the third time he had called you darling, the doors of the lift opened onto the floor where you were meeting with Stark and the Avengers. 
Apparently Tony had wanted to wait until you were a bit better before doing a debrief on what had gone down on Muspelheim.
Loki wheeled you down small corridor and into the large meeting room. Like many of the rooms in Stark towers, the windows were completely glass and looking down onto the city below. It was as far as being outside as you had got in the past few days and you stared out, longingly. 
Distracting you slightly from the view, was the Avengers sat around the table. Thor was there of course, as well as Captain America, Natasha and Dr Bruce Banner. A smaller cohort that had welcomed you in when you had first arrived. 
Natasha seemed to assess you with cool eyes, but Bruce shot you a sympathetic look which you felt was a lot to do with the fact you were wearing a very cool and flattering nightie with Shrek’s face all over it as it was the only thing that could fit over your bandages. 
Loki wheeled you into a space that had been left chair-less for you as he took the one next to you. 
Tony gave you a tired smile.
“How you feeling kid?”
“Better thank you. And thank you for the care on your wards too!” 
He brushed you off with a wave of his hand. 
“I suppose I should thank you for saving Rock of Ages life too.” Tony shot Loki a disgruntled look. “He is helping us with this situation after all.” He said, as if he wasn’t particularly happy about it. “Its nice to see you taking your babysitting duties very seriously, although next time I’d appreciate it if you stay away from certain death, he’s not worth it.” 
Loki gave a half shrug, “that’s one thing we agree on.” 
You scowled again. 
“Plus now you are officially hired as a member of my workforce, it reflects badly on me.”
You snorted, “If the babysitter club ever want a new member i’ll be the first in line. And don’t worry, I have no desire to face certain death ever again.” 
Although I would save Loki again, a little voice in your head added that you pushed down into the depths of your subconscious. 
“So, Wonderland’s still with us, but we still no nothing about the current alien threat to Earth.” Stark said gloomily. 
“Well, we found out Surtur’s made some sort of deal with someone to er…cause something.” Thor supplied.
Stark pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Next to nothing then. Natasha?” 
She shrugged. “Nothing at any of the reported sites, no sign of anything coming in or out.” 
“We did learn that they are taking humans for something.” You piped up. 
Everyone stared at you and you immediately regretted speaking at all.
“One of the fire demons told me.” You mumbled.
“Is there no help from your…lot?” Steve asked to Thor. 
“Sadly, Ragnarok is a myth across the other realms too, not just on Midgard. There will be many that don’t take it seriously seriously. And, no one would be bothered enough about a few missing humans to get involved in an intergalactic war.” Loki shrugged. 
Stark scoffed “A few?”
He pulled up a page a hologram of various news stories over the past few weeks, of humans going missing, seemingly vanishing without a trace. 
It was worse than you thought, and it seemed the rates where going up by the day. 
“The fire demon I spoke with, he told me I could go with him, somewhere where they could make me more powerful.” You spoke again. 
Tony and Bruce swapped concerned faces. 
“Did he say anything else?”
“No, not really, just promises of a greater future or something.”
“Well it might not be much but, good work.” Steve said, and flashed you an all American pearly smile and you blushed in spite of yourself.
“Yes, Latte has proved herself to be truly courageous on this trip.” Thor agreed. 
“Oh well, I don’t know about all that.” You murmured feeling your face burn up. It was only an accident anyway that you had found anything out, it’s not like you’d stormed up to a fire demon and demand he speak to you. 
Nevertheless, you were only a few beats away from kicking your feet and giggling but you refrained yourself.
Loki muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like “suck up” and you glared at him, taking a long swig of water to cool yourself down. 
“You reap what you sow kid, I’ll be recruiting you to do further missions with Loki if you’re not careful. Who knew the worlds rudest goth could make friends? And a lowly earthling at that.” Stark challenged.
You tensed. You weren’t really 100% sure if Loki actually did consider you a friend, or if he would take offence at the insinuation. 
But Loki leaned back in his chair, “We are friends, friends with benefits.” 
You choked on your water and it spilled down Shreks face as Thor gave you a pat on the back that nearly sent your lungs through your mouth. 
While you recovered no one knew what to say, Steve and Bruce looked alarmed, you weren’t sure if that was at Lokis statement or the fact you had spat out half a glass of water and Starks mouth was hung wide open, his eyes open comically large, Natasha looked mildly amused.
“Its not…” You said between coughing. “That’s not true…Loki…Loki doesn’t know what that term means…he…he can’t….”
You turned to him.
“Where did you even hear that being said?” You spluttered. 
He narrowed his eyes at you. 
“You deny that we are friends in front of Stark and his goonies?”
“I’m not denying were friends Loki, I’m denying were friends with benefits. That doesn’t mean what you think it does it means something really specific on Earth. What…What benefits does our friendship bring?”
Loki shuffled in his seat “Well…you have taught me how to use a midgardian communication device and I have taught you…”
You cut him off “Great, expect thats not what friends with benefits means here it means…” You blushed heavily again. 
“It means friends who…” you tried again. 
Loki was watching you carefully with an eyebrow raised, the corner of his mouth starting to twitch and your uncomfortableness.
“Friends who fuck.” Natasha finished off helpfully. 
You felt your face grow even redder if that were possible. 
“Ah.” Loki said, in a measured tone although you thought you noticed a very light blush across his pale complexion. “I understand now that that might have been misleading.” 
“Well thank God we cleared that up.” Stark sighed, “I thought we were going to have to admit you to the psych ward instead of the burns ward.”
You stared down to avoid eye contact with Loki, feeling a bit awkward. 
“What’s the plan?” Steve asked. 
“Asgardians?” Stark aimed at Thor.
“We won’t get anything more information from Surtur…”
“The people of this planet are disappearing! Into thin air! And some Alien thingies are the culprit! How can I be the protector of the human race if I don’t even have any leads!” Stark yelled. 
Thor and Steve swapped looks. 
“There might be more information we can gather across the other realms” Thor shrugged, “If the true enemy behind this is thought not to be human then they could potentially come from another Realm.”
“We would have no idea where to start though, it’s not like the nine realms are a small area to cover.” Loki argued. 
“Doctor Foster does a lot of research into the nine realms, will she have any information for us?” Tony asked Thor hopefully.
“I…I can ask her to see what she has found.” Thor placated. 
“In the meantime, we have our best scientists searching the skies for any sign of alien invasions.” Bruce added. “Tony I’m sure we will find something, we’ve got people going to sites where people have disappeared and looking into traces and signals that have been left behind, something is bound to flag up. And the researchers will keep monitoring the fire demons.”
Stark sighed. And you got a feeling that until this thing was settled he was never be satisfied, knowing the people of Earth were in danger. 
“Meeting adjourned or whatever… I need a fucking drink.” 
“13 down, 7 letters, a drawing intended to explain how something happens.” 
Oliver nodded, writing it down. 
“Okay… 5 across, 5 letters, spaghetti for example that’s got to be pasta…what about this one, 8 letters, endurance.”
“Stamina? No wait, that’s only 7…patience?” 
“Yeah, has to be.” 
It was the day after Starks meeting. Loki had wheeled you back into your hospital room after the meeting and then he’d had to then leave pretty sharpish, stating he had something he needed to do although you wondered if he still felt awkward about the whole friends with benefits thing. Then again, you wondered if Loki ever really felt awkward about anything, or if he was immune to embarrassment.
After the meeting you had been so damn tired that by the time he’d wheeled you back you’d been nearly asleep. The meeting was the most you had done since the attack and it had exhausted you. 
Plus you were still pretty drowsy from all the pain medication you were on. You’d expected him to call over a nurse but instead he’d actually gotten you the medication you needed and then to your extreme surprise, he’d picked you up from your chair bridal style and put you into bed. 
You were almost too sleepy to have noticed what was going on, but shockingly you were certain he had left a featherlight kiss on your forehead before he left. 
Maybe you had imagined it in your sleepy state, after all he hadn’t been in to see you today.
The nurse had visited today and checked you over, changing your bandages. She had assured you your burns were healing nicely, and Loki’s fast thinking of applying his cold skin to your stomach and chest had saved most of your skin resulting in you only needing a smallish emergency skin graft.  
You’d also been joined by Oliver, who had come prepared for the nurses recommendation of resting as much as possible by providing cross-words. 
“You’re pretty good at these.” He gave his lopsided grin. 
“Symptoms of a misguided youth I’m afraid. I might not have gone to Harvard but I am pretty nifty with a crossword.” 
“Harvard’s overrated.”
“Alright for you to say Mr Ivy League.”
Oliver chuckled. “Wait this is a cryptic one, it says ‘to tantalise the left is a plant.’
“Huh? Wait let me see.”
Oliver stood up from the chair and brought the book over to you. He perched himself on the edge of your hospital bed and you moved over to give him more room.
“Do you need any more medication?” Oliver suddenly asked. 
“I should be good thank you.” You smiled at him. 
Man he was so sweet. Loki had done the same thing yesterday but still. It was nice to have someone else here who cared about you. 
You caught his blue eyes. He had nice looking eyes you noticed, but they missed the tint of green you were used to seeing in Loki’s eyes. 
Actually, why where you thinking about Lokis eyes at all?
Oliver placing his hand over yours on the bed brought you back to the present moment. 
“I was thinking, maybe when you’re feeling better I could take you….”
Before Oliver could finish his sentence, the door to your room opened and Loki strode in. 
Loki took in your close proximity to Oliver, and the fact you were holding hands and his eyes narrowed. 
There was a moment of awkward silence, and for some reason your natural instinct was to jump back sheepishly from Oliver. Despite having no reason at all to feel guilt, you still felt…something.
“I had come to see how you were faring, but I see you have company already.” Those blue/green eyes you had just been thinking about were harsher than you had seen them in a while. 
“We were just doing cross words.” You said, lamely. 
Instead of keeping your mouth shut you continued like an imbecile. “Erm were stuck on a cryptic one if you wanted to help…”
“And intrude on this…personal moment.” He sneered.
“That wasn’t…I mean we were just…” You started and then sat up further in bed, trying to look authoritative, which was harder than you might think for someone attached to an IV drip. “Actually I don’t have to explain myself to you.” 
“Oh, I see.” His voice was cold, and it felt like the room got colder too.
“What do you see?”
Loki ignored you.
“Get out.” He directed at Oliver. 
Your temper started to rise.
“Hey, he doesn’t have to leave we were in the middle of something.”
“Look, um maybe I should just go.” Oliver spoke up squeezing your hand before standing up. 
“I’ll leave the book here for you for when you get bored. I hope you feel better, I’ll come visit again soon and bring some more stuff.” He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. 
Kudos to Oliver, he walked past Loki out of the room without crying or screaming.
After he had left, Loki breezed into the room and arranged the flowers at the table at the bottom of the table like he hadn’t just yelled at your friend to leave. 
“Dude what is wrong with you?” You directed at Loki. “I am allowed to have friends!”
He rolled his eyes. 
“He clearly wants to be more than friends.”
You made a funny noise in the back of your throat. You wouldn’t be totally against Oliver having more than friendly feelings, a distraction from these insane feelings for Loki that keep creeping up out of no where might be a good thing, right? 
Not that you had any feelings for Loki, obviously.
Loki studied you closely before clearing his throat. 
“Are you and this mortal…friends with benefits?” 
“Loki!” You glared at him.
His facial expression remained calm as he continued staring at you.
“I’m simply asking."
“No! No, God I wish you had never learnt what that term meant. Also I am sleeping next to you every night where would I find the time?”
“Yes, you are aren’t you.” He said, too smugly for your liking. 
“Although I do have every right to explore…you know, that side of things with someone if I want to.” 
His eyes narrowed again, and stood up taller.
“We are in the middle of a crisis here. Is now the right time to be engaging in a dalliance?” 
“You can’t be serious!” You said indignantly. 
“I’m being very serious!”  He matched your tone. 
"Are you giving me a lecture right now on my love life?” When he didn’t say anything you continued. 
“You don’t even care about humans, why are you even bothered about this crisis suddenly?”
“You’re being ridiculous, you can’t seriously mean to engage with this… mere mortal. ” 
“I’m being ridiculous? You’re being ridiculous! In case you forgot, I happen to be a mere mortal too!”
Loki kind of did look taken a back for a second, as if he had actually forgotten that. 
“What I get up to is not even any of your business.” You told him
“Fine.” He sneered, walking towards the door.
“Fine!” You shouted back. 
He slammed the door behind him as you threw your puzzle book at him. 
“Ah!” You screamed to yourself. 
The cheek of that asshole to have a go at you for letting yourself engage in some dating when he was the one that slept with Ylva while you were touring around Asgard. 
You tossed and turned around in your bed, but eventually the drowsiness kicked back in and you managed to fall asleep. 
One moment, you were fast asleep, the next moment you heard an explosion. You sat up quickly, disorientated and confused. Another explosion sounded and you got up and ran to the window.
You blinked and blinked again. 
A piece of metal fell seemingly from the sky and you looked up. 
The tower was under attack. 
Notes: I hoped you guys enjoyed this and are still liking the story!!
@creationsbyme  @kikster606  @slytherinintj13  @th0rswh0res  @huntress-artemiss  @jannieka394 @stefffrs  @misswimberly @thedistractedagglomeration  @yoongissidebitchh  @purplekitten30 @mischief2sarawr  @johnmurphys-sass 
@lonadane  @imalovernotahater @lokisgoodgirl  @laliceee @dlwrish  @paetonnn  @lovelysizzlingbluebird   @reas-writing  @buttercupcookies-blog @acidcasualties @alialiclouds 
@buckybarneslovesteve @evelyn-rathmore 
@Im-a-slut-for-fluff  @jainaeatsstars @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic
71 notes · View notes
mistress-ofmagic · 3 days
@roostersmustache THANK YOU!!
Around the Realms in 80 days - chapter 22
Pairing: Reader x Loki
Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.
Okay I don't know if any of you guys are still out there and still wanting an update for this story but I'm providing one anyway! I really do hope that you're still with me (and if you can't remember what happened that feels like a good time for a re-read right??)
Read this story on a03!
find all parts to this story on Tumblr here:
Tumblr media
You’d had better days, you mused. 
Better weeks, months, years…
“If you continue pulling that face it will get stuck and you’ll get wrinkles” Loki chimed behind you. 
You glared up at him, scowling even harder out of spite. 
He grinned down at you.
After Loki’s admission two days ago, his mood had been…interesting. He had stayed beside you in the hospital when he could, but he kept swapping between being distant and being close. 
No real change there then, you thought.
You hadn’t brought the whole being a frost Giant thing up again, despite your thousands of questions in case you pushed him too far and he got annoyed with you and decided to stop visiting. 
Now however, he seemed to be in a good mood although you felt that had more to do with the fact he was currently pushing you around in a wheelchair. 
His eyes had lit up when the nurses had suggested it, despite the fact you felt well enough to walk really and for most of your journey you would just be in the lift anyway. You had protested multiple times but now Loki had got the idea in his head there was really no persuading him otherwise.
“Isn’t this nice?” He asked, too jovial for your liking. 
You put your tongue out and rolled your eyes when you thought he wasn’t looking. 
“I saw that you little chit.” 
He rocked the wheelchair like he was going to tip you out. 
“LOKI!” You yelled, gripping to the sides of your chair. 
The lift attendant had looked pale when you’d first stepped in, and now he looked rather green.
Loki roared with laughter. 
“Oh come on darling, you really think I would throw a vulnerable maiden out of her chair?”
Before having to face that your answer to that question might actually be no and that you knew Loki would never do anything to hurt you, or the fact that this was the third time he had called you darling, the doors of the lift opened onto the floor where you were meeting with Stark and the Avengers. 
Apparently Tony had wanted to wait until you were a bit better before doing a debrief on what had gone down on Muspelheim.
Loki wheeled you down small corridor and into the large meeting room. Like many of the rooms in Stark towers, the windows were completely glass and looking down onto the city below. It was as far as being outside as you had got in the past few days and you stared out, longingly. 
Distracting you slightly from the view, was the Avengers sat around the table. Thor was there of course, as well as Captain America, Natasha and Dr Bruce Banner. A smaller cohort that had welcomed you in when you had first arrived. 
Natasha seemed to assess you with cool eyes, but Bruce shot you a sympathetic look which you felt was a lot to do with the fact you were wearing a very cool and flattering nightie with Shrek’s face all over it as it was the only thing that could fit over your bandages. 
Loki wheeled you into a space that had been left chair-less for you as he took the one next to you. 
Tony gave you a tired smile.
“How you feeling kid?”
“Better thank you. And thank you for the care on your wards too!” 
He brushed you off with a wave of his hand. 
“I suppose I should thank you for saving Rock of Ages life too.” Tony shot Loki a disgruntled look. “He is helping us with this situation after all.” He said, as if he wasn’t particularly happy about it. “Its nice to see you taking your babysitting duties very seriously, although next time I’d appreciate it if you stay away from certain death, he’s not worth it.” 
Loki gave a half shrug, “that’s one thing we agree on.” 
You scowled again. 
“Plus now you are officially hired as a member of my workforce, it reflects badly on me.”
You snorted, “If the babysitter club ever want a new member i’ll be the first in line. And don’t worry, I have no desire to face certain death ever again.” 
Although I would save Loki again, a little voice in your head added that you pushed down into the depths of your subconscious. 
“So, Wonderland’s still with us, but we still no nothing about the current alien threat to Earth.” Stark said gloomily. 
“Well, we found out Surtur’s made some sort of deal with someone to er…cause something.” Thor supplied.
Stark pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Next to nothing then. Natasha?” 
She shrugged. “Nothing at any of the reported sites, no sign of anything coming in or out.” 
“We did learn that they are taking humans for something.” You piped up. 
Everyone stared at you and you immediately regretted speaking at all.
“One of the fire demons told me.” You mumbled.
“Is there no help from your…lot?” Steve asked to Thor. 
“Sadly, Ragnarok is a myth across the other realms too, not just on Midgard. There will be many that don’t take it seriously seriously. And, no one would be bothered enough about a few missing humans to get involved in an intergalactic war.” Loki shrugged. 
Stark scoffed “A few?”
He pulled up a page a hologram of various news stories over the past few weeks, of humans going missing, seemingly vanishing without a trace. 
It was worse than you thought, and it seemed the rates where going up by the day. 
“The fire demon I spoke with, he told me I could go with him, somewhere where they could make me more powerful.” You spoke again. 
Tony and Bruce swapped concerned faces. 
“Did he say anything else?”
“No, not really, just promises of a greater future or something.”
“Well it might not be much but, good work.” Steve said, and flashed you an all American pearly smile and you blushed in spite of yourself.
“Yes, Latte has proved herself to be truly courageous on this trip.” Thor agreed. 
“Oh well, I don’t know about all that.” You murmured feeling your face burn up. It was only an accident anyway that you had found anything out, it’s not like you’d stormed up to a fire demon and demand he speak to you. 
Nevertheless, you were only a few beats away from kicking your feet and giggling but you refrained yourself.
Loki muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like “suck up” and you glared at him, taking a long swig of water to cool yourself down. 
“You reap what you sow kid, I’ll be recruiting you to do further missions with Loki if you’re not careful. Who knew the worlds rudest goth could make friends? And a lowly earthling at that.” Stark challenged.
You tensed. You weren’t really 100% sure if Loki actually did consider you a friend, or if he would take offence at the insinuation. 
But Loki leaned back in his chair, “We are friends, friends with benefits.” 
You choked on your water and it spilled down Shreks face as Thor gave you a pat on the back that nearly sent your lungs through your mouth. 
While you recovered no one knew what to say, Steve and Bruce looked alarmed, you weren’t sure if that was at Lokis statement or the fact you had spat out half a glass of water and Starks mouth was hung wide open, his eyes open comically large, Natasha looked mildly amused.
“Its not…” You said between coughing. “That’s not true…Loki…Loki doesn’t know what that term means…he…he can’t….”
You turned to him.
“Where did you even hear that being said?” You spluttered. 
He narrowed his eyes at you. 
“You deny that we are friends in front of Stark and his goonies?”
“I’m not denying were friends Loki, I’m denying were friends with benefits. That doesn’t mean what you think it does it means something really specific on Earth. What…What benefits does our friendship bring?”
Loki shuffled in his seat “Well…you have taught me how to use a midgardian communication device and I have taught you…”
You cut him off “Great, expect thats not what friends with benefits means here it means…” You blushed heavily again. 
“It means friends who…” you tried again. 
Loki was watching you carefully with an eyebrow raised, the corner of his mouth starting to twitch and your uncomfortableness.
“Friends who fuck.” Natasha finished off helpfully. 
You felt your face grow even redder if that were possible. 
“Ah.” Loki said, in a measured tone although you thought you noticed a very light blush across his pale complexion. “I understand now that that might have been misleading.” 
“Well thank God we cleared that up.” Stark sighed, “I thought we were going to have to admit you to the psych ward instead of the burns ward.”
You stared down to avoid eye contact with Loki, feeling a bit awkward. 
“What’s the plan?” Steve asked. 
“Asgardians?” Stark aimed at Thor.
“We won’t get anything more information from Surtur…”
“The people of this planet are disappearing! Into thin air! And some Alien thingies are the culprit! How can I be the protector of the human race if I don’t even have any leads!” Stark yelled. 
Thor and Steve swapped looks. 
“There might be more information we can gather across the other realms” Thor shrugged, “If the true enemy behind this is thought not to be human then they could potentially come from another Realm.”
“We would have no idea where to start though, it’s not like the nine realms are a small area to cover.” Loki argued. 
“Doctor Foster does a lot of research into the nine realms, will she have any information for us?” Tony asked Thor hopefully.
“I…I can ask her to see what she has found.” Thor placated. 
“In the meantime, we have our best scientists searching the skies for any sign of alien invasions.” Bruce added. “Tony I’m sure we will find something, we’ve got people going to sites where people have disappeared and looking into traces and signals that have been left behind, something is bound to flag up. And the researchers will keep monitoring the fire demons.”
Stark sighed. And you got a feeling that until this thing was settled he was never be satisfied, knowing the people of Earth were in danger. 
“Meeting adjourned or whatever… I need a fucking drink.” 
“13 down, 7 letters, a drawing intended to explain how something happens.” 
Oliver nodded, writing it down. 
“Okay… 5 across, 5 letters, spaghetti for example that’s got to be pasta…what about this one, 8 letters, endurance.”
“Stamina? No wait, that’s only 7…patience?” 
“Yeah, has to be.” 
It was the day after Starks meeting. Loki had wheeled you back into your hospital room after the meeting and then he’d had to then leave pretty sharpish, stating he had something he needed to do although you wondered if he still felt awkward about the whole friends with benefits thing. Then again, you wondered if Loki ever really felt awkward about anything, or if he was immune to embarrassment.
After the meeting you had been so damn tired that by the time he’d wheeled you back you’d been nearly asleep. The meeting was the most you had done since the attack and it had exhausted you. 
Plus you were still pretty drowsy from all the pain medication you were on. You’d expected him to call over a nurse but instead he’d actually gotten you the medication you needed and then to your extreme surprise, he’d picked you up from your chair bridal style and put you into bed. 
You were almost too sleepy to have noticed what was going on, but shockingly you were certain he had left a featherlight kiss on your forehead before he left. 
Maybe you had imagined it in your sleepy state, after all he hadn’t been in to see you today.
The nurse had visited today and checked you over, changing your bandages. She had assured you your burns were healing nicely, and Loki’s fast thinking of applying his cold skin to your stomach and chest had saved most of your skin resulting in you only needing a smallish emergency skin graft.  
You’d also been joined by Oliver, who had come prepared for the nurses recommendation of resting as much as possible by providing cross-words. 
“You’re pretty good at these.” He gave his lopsided grin. 
“Symptoms of a misguided youth I’m afraid. I might not have gone to Harvard but I am pretty nifty with a crossword.” 
“Harvard’s overrated.”
“Alright for you to say Mr Ivy League.”
Oliver chuckled. “Wait this is a cryptic one, it says ‘to tantalise the left is a plant.’
“Huh? Wait let me see.”
Oliver stood up from the chair and brought the book over to you. He perched himself on the edge of your hospital bed and you moved over to give him more room.
“Do you need any more medication?” Oliver suddenly asked. 
“I should be good thank you.” You smiled at him. 
Man he was so sweet. Loki had done the same thing yesterday but still. It was nice to have someone else here who cared about you. 
You caught his blue eyes. He had nice looking eyes you noticed, but they missed the tint of green you were used to seeing in Loki’s eyes. 
Actually, why where you thinking about Lokis eyes at all?
Oliver placing his hand over yours on the bed brought you back to the present moment. 
“I was thinking, maybe when you’re feeling better I could take you….”
Before Oliver could finish his sentence, the door to your room opened and Loki strode in. 
Loki took in your close proximity to Oliver, and the fact you were holding hands and his eyes narrowed. 
There was a moment of awkward silence, and for some reason your natural instinct was to jump back sheepishly from Oliver. Despite having no reason at all to feel guilt, you still felt…something.
“I had come to see how you were faring, but I see you have company already.” Those blue/green eyes you had just been thinking about were harsher than you had seen them in a while. 
“We were just doing cross words.” You said, lamely. 
Instead of keeping your mouth shut you continued like an imbecile. “Erm were stuck on a cryptic one if you wanted to help…”
“And intrude on this…personal moment.” He sneered.
“That wasn’t…I mean we were just…” You started and then sat up further in bed, trying to look authoritative, which was harder than you might think for someone attached to an IV drip. “Actually I don’t have to explain myself to you.” 
“Oh, I see.” His voice was cold, and it felt like the room got colder too.
“What do you see?”
Loki ignored you.
“Get out.” He directed at Oliver. 
Your temper started to rise.
“Hey, he doesn’t have to leave we were in the middle of something.”
“Look, um maybe I should just go.” Oliver spoke up squeezing your hand before standing up. 
“I’ll leave the book here for you for when you get bored. I hope you feel better, I’ll come visit again soon and bring some more stuff.” He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. 
Kudos to Oliver, he walked past Loki out of the room without crying or screaming.
After he had left, Loki breezed into the room and arranged the flowers at the table at the bottom of the table like he hadn’t just yelled at your friend to leave. 
“Dude what is wrong with you?” You directed at Loki. “I am allowed to have friends!”
He rolled his eyes. 
“He clearly wants to be more than friends.”
You made a funny noise in the back of your throat. You wouldn’t be totally against Oliver having more than friendly feelings, a distraction from these insane feelings for Loki that keep creeping up out of no where might be a good thing, right? 
Not that you had any feelings for Loki, obviously.
Loki studied you closely before clearing his throat. 
“Are you and this mortal…friends with benefits?” 
“Loki!” You glared at him.
His facial expression remained calm as he continued staring at you.
“I’m simply asking."
“No! No, God I wish you had never learnt what that term meant. Also I am sleeping next to you every night where would I find the time?”
“Yes, you are aren’t you.” He said, too smugly for your liking. 
“Although I do have every right to explore…you know, that side of things with someone if I want to.” 
His eyes narrowed again, and stood up taller.
“We are in the middle of a crisis here. Is now the right time to be engaging in a dalliance?” 
“You can’t be serious!” You said indignantly. 
“I’m being very serious!”  He matched your tone. 
"Are you giving me a lecture right now on my love life?” When he didn’t say anything you continued. 
“You don’t even care about humans, why are you even bothered about this crisis suddenly?”
“You’re being ridiculous, you can’t seriously mean to engage with this… mere mortal. ” 
“I’m being ridiculous? You’re being ridiculous! In case you forgot, I happen to be a mere mortal too!”
Loki kind of did look taken a back for a second, as if he had actually forgotten that. 
“What I get up to is not even any of your business.” You told him
“Fine.” He sneered, walking towards the door.
“Fine!” You shouted back. 
He slammed the door behind him as you threw your puzzle book at him. 
“Ah!” You screamed to yourself. 
The cheek of that asshole to have a go at you for letting yourself engage in some dating when he was the one that slept with Ylva while you were touring around Asgard. 
You tossed and turned around in your bed, but eventually the drowsiness kicked back in and you managed to fall asleep. 
One moment, you were fast asleep, the next moment you heard an explosion. You sat up quickly, disorientated and confused. Another explosion sounded and you got up and ran to the window.
You blinked and blinked again. 
A piece of metal fell seemingly from the sky and you looked up. 
The tower was under attack. 
Notes: I hoped you guys enjoyed this and are still liking the story!!
@creationsbyme  @kikster606  @slytherinintj13  @th0rswh0res  @huntress-artemiss  @jannieka394 @stefffrs  @misswimberly @thedistractedagglomeration  @yoongissidebitchh  @purplekitten30 @mischief2sarawr  @johnmurphys-sass 
@lonadane  @imalovernotahater @lokisgoodgirl  @laliceee @dlwrish  @paetonnn  @lovelysizzlingbluebird   @reas-writing  @buttercupcookies-blog @acidcasualties @alialiclouds 
@buckybarneslovesteve @evelyn-rathmore 
@Im-a-slut-for-fluff  @jainaeatsstars @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic
71 notes · View notes
mistress-ofmagic · 3 days
Around the Realms in 80 days - chapter 22
Pairing: Reader x Loki
Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.
Okay I don't know if any of you guys are still out there and still wanting an update for this story but I'm providing one anyway! I really do hope that you're still with me (and if you can't remember what happened that feels like a good time for a re-read right??)
Read this story on a03!
find all parts to this story on Tumblr here:
Tumblr media
You’d had better days, you mused. 
Better weeks, months, years…
“If you continue pulling that face it will get stuck and you’ll get wrinkles” Loki chimed behind you. 
You glared up at him, scowling even harder out of spite. 
He grinned down at you.
After Loki’s admission two days ago, his mood had been…interesting. He had stayed beside you in the hospital when he could, but he kept swapping between being distant and being close. 
No real change there then, you thought.
You hadn’t brought the whole being a frost Giant thing up again, despite your thousands of questions in case you pushed him too far and he got annoyed with you and decided to stop visiting. 
Now however, he seemed to be in a good mood although you felt that had more to do with the fact he was currently pushing you around in a wheelchair. 
His eyes had lit up when the nurses had suggested it, despite the fact you felt well enough to walk really and for most of your journey you would just be in the lift anyway. You had protested multiple times but now Loki had got the idea in his head there was really no persuading him otherwise.
“Isn’t this nice?” He asked, too jovial for your liking. 
You put your tongue out and rolled your eyes when you thought he wasn’t looking. 
“I saw that you little chit.” 
He rocked the wheelchair like he was going to tip you out. 
“LOKI!” You yelled, gripping to the sides of your chair. 
The lift attendant had looked pale when you’d first stepped in, and now he looked rather green.
Loki roared with laughter. 
“Oh come on darling, you really think I would throw a vulnerable maiden out of her chair?”
Before having to face that your answer to that question might actually be no and that you knew Loki would never do anything to hurt you, or the fact that this was the third time he had called you darling, the doors of the lift opened onto the floor where you were meeting with Stark and the Avengers. 
Apparently Tony had wanted to wait until you were a bit better before doing a debrief on what had gone down on Muspelheim.
Loki wheeled you down small corridor and into the large meeting room. Like many of the rooms in Stark towers, the windows were completely glass and looking down onto the city below. It was as far as being outside as you had got in the past few days and you stared out, longingly. 
Distracting you slightly from the view, was the Avengers sat around the table. Thor was there of course, as well as Captain America, Natasha and Dr Bruce Banner. A smaller cohort that had welcomed you in when you had first arrived. 
Natasha seemed to assess you with cool eyes, but Bruce shot you a sympathetic look which you felt was a lot to do with the fact you were wearing a very cool and flattering nightie with Shrek’s face all over it as it was the only thing that could fit over your bandages. 
Loki wheeled you into a space that had been left chair-less for you as he took the one next to you. 
Tony gave you a tired smile.
“How you feeling kid?”
“Better thank you. And thank you for the care on your wards too!” 
He brushed you off with a wave of his hand. 
“I suppose I should thank you for saving Rock of Ages life too.” Tony shot Loki a disgruntled look. “He is helping us with this situation after all.” He said, as if he wasn’t particularly happy about it. “Its nice to see you taking your babysitting duties very seriously, although next time I’d appreciate it if you stay away from certain death, he’s not worth it.” 
Loki gave a half shrug, “that’s one thing we agree on.” 
You scowled again. 
“Plus now you are officially hired as a member of my workforce, it reflects badly on me.”
You snorted, “If the babysitter club ever want a new member i’ll be the first in line. And don’t worry, I have no desire to face certain death ever again.” 
Although I would save Loki again, a little voice in your head added that you pushed down into the depths of your subconscious. 
“So, Wonderland’s still with us, but we still no nothing about the current alien threat to Earth.” Stark said gloomily. 
“Well, we found out Surtur’s made some sort of deal with someone to er…cause something.” Thor supplied.
Stark pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Next to nothing then. Natasha?” 
She shrugged. “Nothing at any of the reported sites, no sign of anything coming in or out.” 
“We did learn that they are taking humans for something.” You piped up. 
Everyone stared at you and you immediately regretted speaking at all.
“One of the fire demons told me.” You mumbled.
“Is there no help from your…lot?” Steve asked to Thor. 
“Sadly, Ragnarok is a myth across the other realms too, not just on Midgard. There will be many that don’t take it seriously seriously. And, no one would be bothered enough about a few missing humans to get involved in an intergalactic war.” Loki shrugged. 
Stark scoffed “A few?”
He pulled up a page a hologram of various news stories over the past few weeks, of humans going missing, seemingly vanishing without a trace. 
It was worse than you thought, and it seemed the rates where going up by the day. 
“The fire demon I spoke with, he told me I could go with him, somewhere where they could make me more powerful.” You spoke again. 
Tony and Bruce swapped concerned faces. 
“Did he say anything else?”
“No, not really, just promises of a greater future or something.”
“Well it might not be much but, good work.” Steve said, and flashed you an all American pearly smile and you blushed in spite of yourself.
“Yes, Latte has proved herself to be truly courageous on this trip.” Thor agreed. 
“Oh well, I don’t know about all that.” You murmured feeling your face burn up. It was only an accident anyway that you had found anything out, it’s not like you’d stormed up to a fire demon and demand he speak to you. 
Nevertheless, you were only a few beats away from kicking your feet and giggling but you refrained yourself.
Loki muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like “suck up” and you glared at him, taking a long swig of water to cool yourself down. 
“You reap what you sow kid, I’ll be recruiting you to do further missions with Loki if you’re not careful. Who knew the worlds rudest goth could make friends? And a lowly earthling at that.” Stark challenged.
You tensed. You weren’t really 100% sure if Loki actually did consider you a friend, or if he would take offence at the insinuation. 
But Loki leaned back in his chair, “We are friends, friends with benefits.” 
You choked on your water and it spilled down Shreks face as Thor gave you a pat on the back that nearly sent your lungs through your mouth. 
While you recovered no one knew what to say, Steve and Bruce looked alarmed, you weren’t sure if that was at Lokis statement or the fact you had spat out half a glass of water and Starks mouth was hung wide open, his eyes open comically large, Natasha looked mildly amused.
“Its not…” You said between coughing. “That’s not true…Loki…Loki doesn’t know what that term means…he…he can’t….”
You turned to him.
“Where did you even hear that being said?” You spluttered. 
He narrowed his eyes at you. 
“You deny that we are friends in front of Stark and his goonies?”
“I’m not denying were friends Loki, I’m denying were friends with benefits. That doesn’t mean what you think it does it means something really specific on Earth. What…What benefits does our friendship bring?”
Loki shuffled in his seat “Well…you have taught me how to use a midgardian communication device and I have taught you…”
You cut him off “Great, expect thats not what friends with benefits means here it means…” You blushed heavily again. 
“It means friends who…” you tried again. 
Loki was watching you carefully with an eyebrow raised, the corner of his mouth starting to twitch and your uncomfortableness.
“Friends who fuck.” Natasha finished off helpfully. 
You felt your face grow even redder if that were possible. 
“Ah.” Loki said, in a measured tone although you thought you noticed a very light blush across his pale complexion. “I understand now that that might have been misleading.” 
“Well thank God we cleared that up.” Stark sighed, “I thought we were going to have to admit you to the psych ward instead of the burns ward.”
You stared down to avoid eye contact with Loki, feeling a bit awkward. 
“What’s the plan?” Steve asked. 
“Asgardians?” Stark aimed at Thor.
“We won’t get anything more information from Surtur…”
“The people of this planet are disappearing! Into thin air! And some Alien thingies are the culprit! How can I be the protector of the human race if I don’t even have any leads!” Stark yelled. 
Thor and Steve swapped looks. 
“There might be more information we can gather across the other realms” Thor shrugged, “If the true enemy behind this is thought not to be human then they could potentially come from another Realm.”
“We would have no idea where to start though, it’s not like the nine realms are a small area to cover.” Loki argued. 
“Doctor Foster does a lot of research into the nine realms, will she have any information for us?” Tony asked Thor hopefully.
“I…I can ask her to see what she has found.” Thor placated. 
“In the meantime, we have our best scientists searching the skies for any sign of alien invasions.” Bruce added. “Tony I’m sure we will find something, we’ve got people going to sites where people have disappeared and looking into traces and signals that have been left behind, something is bound to flag up. And the researchers will keep monitoring the fire demons.”
Stark sighed. And you got a feeling that until this thing was settled he was never be satisfied, knowing the people of Earth were in danger. 
“Meeting adjourned or whatever… I need a fucking drink.” 
“13 down, 7 letters, a drawing intended to explain how something happens.” 
Oliver nodded, writing it down. 
“Okay… 5 across, 5 letters, spaghetti for example that’s got to be pasta…what about this one, 8 letters, endurance.”
“Stamina? No wait, that’s only 7…patience?” 
“Yeah, has to be.” 
It was the day after Starks meeting. Loki had wheeled you back into your hospital room after the meeting and then he’d had to then leave pretty sharpish, stating he had something he needed to do although you wondered if he still felt awkward about the whole friends with benefits thing. Then again, you wondered if Loki ever really felt awkward about anything, or if he was immune to embarrassment.
After the meeting you had been so damn tired that by the time he’d wheeled you back you’d been nearly asleep. The meeting was the most you had done since the attack and it had exhausted you. 
Plus you were still pretty drowsy from all the pain medication you were on. You’d expected him to call over a nurse but instead he’d actually gotten you the medication you needed and then to your extreme surprise, he’d picked you up from your chair bridal style and put you into bed. 
You were almost too sleepy to have noticed what was going on, but shockingly you were certain he had left a featherlight kiss on your forehead before he left. 
Maybe you had imagined it in your sleepy state, after all he hadn’t been in to see you today.
The nurse had visited today and checked you over, changing your bandages. She had assured you your burns were healing nicely, and Loki’s fast thinking of applying his cold skin to your stomach and chest had saved most of your skin resulting in you only needing a smallish emergency skin graft.  
You’d also been joined by Oliver, who had come prepared for the nurses recommendation of resting as much as possible by providing cross-words. 
“You’re pretty good at these.” He gave his lopsided grin. 
“Symptoms of a misguided youth I’m afraid. I might not have gone to Harvard but I am pretty nifty with a crossword.” 
“Harvard’s overrated.”
“Alright for you to say Mr Ivy League.”
Oliver chuckled. “Wait this is a cryptic one, it says ‘to tantalise the left is a plant.’
“Huh? Wait let me see.”
Oliver stood up from the chair and brought the book over to you. He perched himself on the edge of your hospital bed and you moved over to give him more room.
“Do you need any more medication?” Oliver suddenly asked. 
“I should be good thank you.” You smiled at him. 
Man he was so sweet. Loki had done the same thing yesterday but still. It was nice to have someone else here who cared about you. 
You caught his blue eyes. He had nice looking eyes you noticed, but they missed the tint of green you were used to seeing in Loki’s eyes. 
Actually, why where you thinking about Lokis eyes at all?
Oliver placing his hand over yours on the bed brought you back to the present moment. 
“I was thinking, maybe when you’re feeling better I could take you….”
Before Oliver could finish his sentence, the door to your room opened and Loki strode in. 
Loki took in your close proximity to Oliver, and the fact you were holding hands and his eyes narrowed. 
There was a moment of awkward silence, and for some reason your natural instinct was to jump back sheepishly from Oliver. Despite having no reason at all to feel guilt, you still felt…something.
“I had come to see how you were faring, but I see you have company already.” Those blue/green eyes you had just been thinking about were harsher than you had seen them in a while. 
“We were just doing cross words.” You said, lamely. 
Instead of keeping your mouth shut you continued like an imbecile. “Erm were stuck on a cryptic one if you wanted to help…”
“And intrude on this…personal moment.” He sneered.
“That wasn’t…I mean we were just…” You started and then sat up further in bed, trying to look authoritative, which was harder than you might think for someone attached to an IV drip. “Actually I don’t have to explain myself to you.” 
“Oh, I see.” His voice was cold, and it felt like the room got colder too.
“What do you see?”
Loki ignored you.
“Get out.” He directed at Oliver. 
Your temper started to rise.
“Hey, he doesn’t have to leave we were in the middle of something.”
“Look, um maybe I should just go.” Oliver spoke up squeezing your hand before standing up. 
“I’ll leave the book here for you for when you get bored. I hope you feel better, I’ll come visit again soon and bring some more stuff.” He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. 
Kudos to Oliver, he walked past Loki out of the room without crying or screaming.
After he had left, Loki breezed into the room and arranged the flowers at the table at the bottom of the table like he hadn’t just yelled at your friend to leave. 
“Dude what is wrong with you?” You directed at Loki. “I am allowed to have friends!”
He rolled his eyes. 
“He clearly wants to be more than friends.”
You made a funny noise in the back of your throat. You wouldn’t be totally against Oliver having more than friendly feelings, a distraction from these insane feelings for Loki that keep creeping up out of no where might be a good thing, right? 
Not that you had any feelings for Loki, obviously.
Loki studied you closely before clearing his throat. 
“Are you and this mortal…friends with benefits?” 
“Loki!” You glared at him.
His facial expression remained calm as he continued staring at you.
“I’m simply asking."
“No! No, God I wish you had never learnt what that term meant. Also I am sleeping next to you every night where would I find the time?”
“Yes, you are aren’t you.” He said, too smugly for your liking. 
“Although I do have every right to explore…you know, that side of things with someone if I want to.” 
His eyes narrowed again, and stood up taller.
“We are in the middle of a crisis here. Is now the right time to be engaging in a dalliance?” 
“You can’t be serious!” You said indignantly. 
“I’m being very serious!”  He matched your tone. 
"Are you giving me a lecture right now on my love life?” When he didn’t say anything you continued. 
“You don’t even care about humans, why are you even bothered about this crisis suddenly?”
“You’re being ridiculous, you can’t seriously mean to engage with this… mere mortal. ” 
“I’m being ridiculous? You’re being ridiculous! In case you forgot, I happen to be a mere mortal too!”
Loki kind of did look taken a back for a second, as if he had actually forgotten that. 
“What I get up to is not even any of your business.” You told him
“Fine.” He sneered, walking towards the door.
“Fine!” You shouted back. 
He slammed the door behind him as you threw your puzzle book at him. 
“Ah!” You screamed to yourself. 
The cheek of that asshole to have a go at you for letting yourself engage in some dating when he was the one that slept with Ylva while you were touring around Asgard. 
You tossed and turned around in your bed, but eventually the drowsiness kicked back in and you managed to fall asleep. 
One moment, you were fast asleep, the next moment you heard an explosion. You sat up quickly, disorientated and confused. Another explosion sounded and you got up and ran to the window.
You blinked and blinked again. 
A piece of metal fell seemingly from the sky and you looked up. 
The tower was under attack. 
Notes: I hoped you guys enjoyed this and are still liking the story!!
@creationsbyme  @kikster606  @slytherinintj13  @th0rswh0res  @huntress-artemiss  @jannieka394 @stefffrs  @misswimberly @thedistractedagglomeration  @yoongissidebitchh  @purplekitten30 @mischief2sarawr  @johnmurphys-sass 
@lonadane  @imalovernotahater @lokisgoodgirl  @laliceee @dlwrish  @paetonnn  @lovelysizzlingbluebird   @reas-writing  @buttercupcookies-blog @acidcasualties @alialiclouds 
@buckybarneslovesteve @evelyn-rathmore 
@Im-a-slut-for-fluff  @jainaeatsstars @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic
71 notes · View notes
mistress-ofmagic · 4 days
Around the Realms in 80 days - chapter 22
Pairing: Reader x Loki
Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.
Okay I don't know if any of you guys are still out there and still wanting an update for this story but I'm providing one anyway! I really do hope that you're still with me (and if you can't remember what happened that feels like a good time for a re-read right??)
Read this story on a03!
find all parts to this story on Tumblr here:
Tumblr media
You’d had better days, you mused. 
Better weeks, months, years…
“If you continue pulling that face it will get stuck and you’ll get wrinkles” Loki chimed behind you. 
You glared up at him, scowling even harder out of spite. 
He grinned down at you.
After Loki’s admission two days ago, his mood had been…interesting. He had stayed beside you in the hospital when he could, but he kept swapping between being distant and being close. 
No real change there then, you thought.
You hadn’t brought the whole being a frost Giant thing up again, despite your thousands of questions in case you pushed him too far and he got annoyed with you and decided to stop visiting. 
Now however, he seemed to be in a good mood although you felt that had more to do with the fact he was currently pushing you around in a wheelchair. 
His eyes had lit up when the nurses had suggested it, despite the fact you felt well enough to walk really and for most of your journey you would just be in the lift anyway. You had protested multiple times but now Loki had got the idea in his head there was really no persuading him otherwise.
“Isn’t this nice?” He asked, too jovial for your liking. 
You put your tongue out and rolled your eyes when you thought he wasn’t looking. 
“I saw that you little chit.” 
He rocked the wheelchair like he was going to tip you out. 
“LOKI!” You yelled, gripping to the sides of your chair. 
The lift attendant had looked pale when you’d first stepped in, and now he looked rather green.
Loki roared with laughter. 
“Oh come on darling, you really think I would throw a vulnerable maiden out of her chair?”
Before having to face that your answer to that question might actually be no and that you knew Loki would never do anything to hurt you, or the fact that this was the third time he had called you darling, the doors of the lift opened onto the floor where you were meeting with Stark and the Avengers. 
Apparently Tony had wanted to wait until you were a bit better before doing a debrief on what had gone down on Muspelheim.
Loki wheeled you down small corridor and into the large meeting room. Like many of the rooms in Stark towers, the windows were completely glass and looking down onto the city below. It was as far as being outside as you had got in the past few days and you stared out, longingly. 
Distracting you slightly from the view, was the Avengers sat around the table. Thor was there of course, as well as Captain America, Natasha and Dr Bruce Banner. A smaller cohort that had welcomed you in when you had first arrived. 
Natasha seemed to assess you with cool eyes, but Bruce shot you a sympathetic look which you felt was a lot to do with the fact you were wearing a very cool and flattering nightie with Shrek’s face all over it as it was the only thing that could fit over your bandages. 
Loki wheeled you into a space that had been left chair-less for you as he took the one next to you. 
Tony gave you a tired smile.
“How you feeling kid?”
“Better thank you. And thank you for the care on your wards too!” 
He brushed you off with a wave of his hand. 
“I suppose I should thank you for saving Rock of Ages life too.” Tony shot Loki a disgruntled look. “He is helping us with this situation after all.” He said, as if he wasn’t particularly happy about it. “Its nice to see you taking your babysitting duties very seriously, although next time I’d appreciate it if you stay away from certain death, he’s not worth it.” 
Loki gave a half shrug, “that’s one thing we agree on.” 
You scowled again. 
“Plus now you are officially hired as a member of my workforce, it reflects badly on me.”
You snorted, “If the babysitter club ever want a new member i’ll be the first in line. And don’t worry, I have no desire to face certain death ever again.” 
Although I would save Loki again, a little voice in your head added that you pushed down into the depths of your subconscious. 
“So, Wonderland’s still with us, but we still no nothing about the current alien threat to Earth.” Stark said gloomily. 
“Well, we found out Surtur’s made some sort of deal with someone to er…cause something.” Thor supplied.
Stark pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Next to nothing then. Natasha?” 
She shrugged. “Nothing at any of the reported sites, no sign of anything coming in or out.” 
“We did learn that they are taking humans for something.” You piped up. 
Everyone stared at you and you immediately regretted speaking at all.
“One of the fire demons told me.” You mumbled.
“Is there no help from your…lot?” Steve asked to Thor. 
“Sadly, Ragnarok is a myth across the other realms too, not just on Midgard. There will be many that don’t take it seriously seriously. And, no one would be bothered enough about a few missing humans to get involved in an intergalactic war.” Loki shrugged. 
Stark scoffed “A few?”
He pulled up a page a hologram of various news stories over the past few weeks, of humans going missing, seemingly vanishing without a trace. 
It was worse than you thought, and it seemed the rates where going up by the day. 
“The fire demon I spoke with, he told me I could go with him, somewhere where they could make me more powerful.” You spoke again. 
Tony and Bruce swapped concerned faces. 
“Did he say anything else?”
“No, not really, just promises of a greater future or something.”
“Well it might not be much but, good work.” Steve said, and flashed you an all American pearly smile and you blushed in spite of yourself.
“Yes, Latte has proved herself to be truly courageous on this trip.” Thor agreed. 
“Oh well, I don’t know about all that.” You murmured feeling your face burn up. It was only an accident anyway that you had found anything out, it’s not like you’d stormed up to a fire demon and demand he speak to you. 
Nevertheless, you were only a few beats away from kicking your feet and giggling but you refrained yourself.
Loki muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like “suck up” and you glared at him, taking a long swig of water to cool yourself down. 
“You reap what you sow kid, I’ll be recruiting you to do further missions with Loki if you’re not careful. Who knew the worlds rudest goth could make friends? And a lowly earthling at that.” Stark challenged.
You tensed. You weren’t really 100% sure if Loki actually did consider you a friend, or if he would take offence at the insinuation. 
But Loki leaned back in his chair, “We are friends, friends with benefits.” 
You choked on your water and it spilled down Shreks face as Thor gave you a pat on the back that nearly sent your lungs through your mouth. 
While you recovered no one knew what to say, Steve and Bruce looked alarmed, you weren’t sure if that was at Lokis statement or the fact you had spat out half a glass of water and Starks mouth was hung wide open, his eyes open comically large, Natasha looked mildly amused.
“Its not…” You said between coughing. “That’s not true…Loki…Loki doesn’t know what that term means…he…he can’t….”
You turned to him.
“Where did you even hear that being said?” You spluttered. 
He narrowed his eyes at you. 
“You deny that we are friends in front of Stark and his goonies?”
“I’m not denying were friends Loki, I’m denying were friends with benefits. That doesn’t mean what you think it does it means something really specific on Earth. What…What benefits does our friendship bring?”
Loki shuffled in his seat “Well…you have taught me how to use a midgardian communication device and I have taught you…”
You cut him off “Great, expect thats not what friends with benefits means here it means…” You blushed heavily again. 
“It means friends who…” you tried again. 
Loki was watching you carefully with an eyebrow raised, the corner of his mouth starting to twitch and your uncomfortableness.
“Friends who fuck.” Natasha finished off helpfully. 
You felt your face grow even redder if that were possible. 
“Ah.” Loki said, in a measured tone although you thought you noticed a very light blush across his pale complexion. “I understand now that that might have been misleading.” 
“Well thank God we cleared that up.” Stark sighed, “I thought we were going to have to admit you to the psych ward instead of the burns ward.”
You stared down to avoid eye contact with Loki, feeling a bit awkward. 
“What’s the plan?” Steve asked. 
“Asgardians?” Stark aimed at Thor.
“We won’t get anything more information from Surtur…”
“The people of this planet are disappearing! Into thin air! And some Alien thingies are the culprit! How can I be the protector of the human race if I don’t even have any leads!” Stark yelled. 
Thor and Steve swapped looks. 
“There might be more information we can gather across the other realms” Thor shrugged, “If the true enemy behind this is thought not to be human then they could potentially come from another Realm.”
“We would have no idea where to start though, it’s not like the nine realms are a small area to cover.” Loki argued. 
“Doctor Foster does a lot of research into the nine realms, will she have any information for us?” Tony asked Thor hopefully.
“I…I can ask her to see what she has found.” Thor placated. 
“In the meantime, we have our best scientists searching the skies for any sign of alien invasions.” Bruce added. “Tony I’m sure we will find something, we’ve got people going to sites where people have disappeared and looking into traces and signals that have been left behind, something is bound to flag up. And the researchers will keep monitoring the fire demons.”
Stark sighed. And you got a feeling that until this thing was settled he was never be satisfied, knowing the people of Earth were in danger. 
“Meeting adjourned or whatever… I need a fucking drink.” 
“13 down, 7 letters, a drawing intended to explain how something happens.” 
Oliver nodded, writing it down. 
“Okay… 5 across, 5 letters, spaghetti for example that’s got to be pasta…what about this one, 8 letters, endurance.”
“Stamina? No wait, that’s only 7…patience?” 
“Yeah, has to be.” 
It was the day after Starks meeting. Loki had wheeled you back into your hospital room after the meeting and then he’d had to then leave pretty sharpish, stating he had something he needed to do although you wondered if he still felt awkward about the whole friends with benefits thing. Then again, you wondered if Loki ever really felt awkward about anything, or if he was immune to embarrassment.
After the meeting you had been so damn tired that by the time he’d wheeled you back you’d been nearly asleep. The meeting was the most you had done since the attack and it had exhausted you. 
Plus you were still pretty drowsy from all the pain medication you were on. You’d expected him to call over a nurse but instead he’d actually gotten you the medication you needed and then to your extreme surprise, he’d picked you up from your chair bridal style and put you into bed. 
You were almost too sleepy to have noticed what was going on, but shockingly you were certain he had left a featherlight kiss on your forehead before he left. 
Maybe you had imagined it in your sleepy state, after all he hadn’t been in to see you today.
The nurse had visited today and checked you over, changing your bandages. She had assured you your burns were healing nicely, and Loki’s fast thinking of applying his cold skin to your stomach and chest had saved most of your skin resulting in you only needing a smallish emergency skin graft.  
You’d also been joined by Oliver, who had come prepared for the nurses recommendation of resting as much as possible by providing cross-words. 
“You’re pretty good at these.” He gave his lopsided grin. 
“Symptoms of a misguided youth I’m afraid. I might not have gone to Harvard but I am pretty nifty with a crossword.” 
“Harvard’s overrated.”
“Alright for you to say Mr Ivy League.”
Oliver chuckled. “Wait this is a cryptic one, it says ‘to tantalise the left is a plant.’
“Huh? Wait let me see.”
Oliver stood up from the chair and brought the book over to you. He perched himself on the edge of your hospital bed and you moved over to give him more room.
“Do you need any more medication?” Oliver suddenly asked. 
“I should be good thank you.” You smiled at him. 
Man he was so sweet. Loki had done the same thing yesterday but still. It was nice to have someone else here who cared about you. 
You caught his blue eyes. He had nice looking eyes you noticed, but they missed the tint of green you were used to seeing in Loki’s eyes. 
Actually, why where you thinking about Lokis eyes at all?
Oliver placing his hand over yours on the bed brought you back to the present moment. 
“I was thinking, maybe when you’re feeling better I could take you….”
Before Oliver could finish his sentence, the door to your room opened and Loki strode in. 
Loki took in your close proximity to Oliver, and the fact you were holding hands and his eyes narrowed. 
There was a moment of awkward silence, and for some reason your natural instinct was to jump back sheepishly from Oliver. Despite having no reason at all to feel guilt, you still felt…something.
“I had come to see how you were faring, but I see you have company already.” Those blue/green eyes you had just been thinking about were harsher than you had seen them in a while. 
“We were just doing cross words.” You said, lamely. 
Instead of keeping your mouth shut you continued like an imbecile. “Erm were stuck on a cryptic one if you wanted to help…”
“And intrude on this…personal moment.” He sneered.
“That wasn’t…I mean we were just…” You started and then sat up further in bed, trying to look authoritative, which was harder than you might think for someone attached to an IV drip. “Actually I don’t have to explain myself to you.” 
“Oh, I see.” His voice was cold, and it felt like the room got colder too.
“What do you see?”
Loki ignored you.
“Get out.” He directed at Oliver. 
Your temper started to rise.
“Hey, he doesn’t have to leave we were in the middle of something.”
“Look, um maybe I should just go.” Oliver spoke up squeezing your hand before standing up. 
“I’ll leave the book here for you for when you get bored. I hope you feel better, I’ll come visit again soon and bring some more stuff.” He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. 
Kudos to Oliver, he walked past Loki out of the room without crying or screaming.
After he had left, Loki breezed into the room and arranged the flowers at the table at the bottom of the table like he hadn’t just yelled at your friend to leave. 
“Dude what is wrong with you?” You directed at Loki. “I am allowed to have friends!”
He rolled his eyes. 
“He clearly wants to be more than friends.”
You made a funny noise in the back of your throat. You wouldn’t be totally against Oliver having more than friendly feelings, a distraction from these insane feelings for Loki that keep creeping up out of no where might be a good thing, right? 
Not that you had any feelings for Loki, obviously.
Loki studied you closely before clearing his throat. 
“Are you and this mortal…friends with benefits?” 
“Loki!” You glared at him.
His facial expression remained calm as he continued staring at you.
“I’m simply asking."
“No! No, God I wish you had never learnt what that term meant. Also I am sleeping next to you every night where would I find the time?”
“Yes, you are aren’t you.” He said, too smugly for your liking. 
“Although I do have every right to explore…you know, that side of things with someone if I want to.” 
His eyes narrowed again, and stood up taller.
“We are in the middle of a crisis here. Is now the right time to be engaging in a dalliance?” 
“You can’t be serious!” You said indignantly. 
“I’m being very serious!”  He matched your tone. 
"Are you giving me a lecture right now on my love life?” When he didn’t say anything you continued. 
“You don’t even care about humans, why are you even bothered about this crisis suddenly?”
“You’re being ridiculous, you can’t seriously mean to engage with this… mere mortal. ” 
“I’m being ridiculous? You’re being ridiculous! In case you forgot, I happen to be a mere mortal too!”
Loki kind of did look taken a back for a second, as if he had actually forgotten that. 
“What I get up to is not even any of your business.” You told him
“Fine.” He sneered, walking towards the door.
“Fine!” You shouted back. 
He slammed the door behind him as you threw your puzzle book at him. 
“Ah!” You screamed to yourself. 
The cheek of that asshole to have a go at you for letting yourself engage in some dating when he was the one that slept with Ylva while you were touring around Asgard. 
You tossed and turned around in your bed, but eventually the drowsiness kicked back in and you managed to fall asleep. 
One moment, you were fast asleep, the next moment you heard an explosion. You sat up quickly, disorientated and confused. Another explosion sounded and you got up and ran to the window.
You blinked and blinked again. 
A piece of metal fell seemingly from the sky and you looked up. 
The tower was under attack. 
Notes: I hoped you guys enjoyed this and are still liking the story!!
@creationsbyme  @kikster606  @slytherinintj13  @th0rswh0res  @huntress-artemiss  @jannieka394 @stefffrs  @misswimberly @thedistractedagglomeration  @yoongissidebitchh  @purplekitten30 @mischief2sarawr  @johnmurphys-sass 
@lonadane  @imalovernotahater @lokisgoodgirl  @laliceee @dlwrish  @paetonnn  @lovelysizzlingbluebird   @reas-writing  @buttercupcookies-blog @acidcasualties @alialiclouds 
@buckybarneslovesteve @evelyn-rathmore 
@Im-a-slut-for-fluff  @jainaeatsstars @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic
71 notes · View notes
mistress-ofmagic · 4 days
@kikster606 thank you!!! So glad you liked it!!🥳🥳
Around the Realms in 80 days - chapter 22
Pairing: Reader x Loki
Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.
Okay I don't know if any of you guys are still out there and still wanting an update for this story but I'm providing one anyway! I really do hope that you're still with me (and if you can't remember what happened that feels like a good time for a re-read right??)
Read this story on a03!
find all parts to this story on Tumblr here:
Tumblr media
You’d had better days, you mused. 
Better weeks, months, years…
“If you continue pulling that face it will get stuck and you’ll get wrinkles” Loki chimed behind you. 
You glared up at him, scowling even harder out of spite. 
He grinned down at you.
After Loki’s admission two days ago, his mood had been…interesting. He had stayed beside you in the hospital when he could, but he kept swapping between being distant and being close. 
No real change there then, you thought.
You hadn’t brought the whole being a frost Giant thing up again, despite your thousands of questions in case you pushed him too far and he got annoyed with you and decided to stop visiting. 
Now however, he seemed to be in a good mood although you felt that had more to do with the fact he was currently pushing you around in a wheelchair. 
His eyes had lit up when the nurses had suggested it, despite the fact you felt well enough to walk really and for most of your journey you would just be in the lift anyway. You had protested multiple times but now Loki had got the idea in his head there was really no persuading him otherwise.
“Isn’t this nice?” He asked, too jovial for your liking. 
You put your tongue out and rolled your eyes when you thought he wasn’t looking. 
“I saw that you little chit.” 
He rocked the wheelchair like he was going to tip you out. 
“LOKI!” You yelled, gripping to the sides of your chair. 
The lift attendant had looked pale when you’d first stepped in, and now he looked rather green.
Loki roared with laughter. 
“Oh come on darling, you really think I would throw a vulnerable maiden out of her chair?”
Before having to face that your answer to that question might actually be no and that you knew Loki would never do anything to hurt you, or the fact that this was the third time he had called you darling, the doors of the lift opened onto the floor where you were meeting with Stark and the Avengers. 
Apparently Tony had wanted to wait until you were a bit better before doing a debrief on what had gone down on Muspelheim.
Loki wheeled you down small corridor and into the large meeting room. Like many of the rooms in Stark towers, the windows were completely glass and looking down onto the city below. It was as far as being outside as you had got in the past few days and you stared out, longingly. 
Distracting you slightly from the view, was the Avengers sat around the table. Thor was there of course, as well as Captain America, Natasha and Dr Bruce Banner. A smaller cohort that had welcomed you in when you had first arrived. 
Natasha seemed to assess you with cool eyes, but Bruce shot you a sympathetic look which you felt was a lot to do with the fact you were wearing a very cool and flattering nightie with Shrek’s face all over it as it was the only thing that could fit over your bandages. 
Loki wheeled you into a space that had been left chair-less for you as he took the one next to you. 
Tony gave you a tired smile.
“How you feeling kid?”
“Better thank you. And thank you for the care on your wards too!” 
He brushed you off with a wave of his hand. 
“I suppose I should thank you for saving Rock of Ages life too.” Tony shot Loki a disgruntled look. “He is helping us with this situation after all.” He said, as if he wasn’t particularly happy about it. “Its nice to see you taking your babysitting duties very seriously, although next time I’d appreciate it if you stay away from certain death, he’s not worth it.” 
Loki gave a half shrug, “that’s one thing we agree on.” 
You scowled again. 
“Plus now you are officially hired as a member of my workforce, it reflects badly on me.”
You snorted, “If the babysitter club ever want a new member i’ll be the first in line. And don’t worry, I have no desire to face certain death ever again.” 
Although I would save Loki again, a little voice in your head added that you pushed down into the depths of your subconscious. 
“So, Wonderland’s still with us, but we still no nothing about the current alien threat to Earth.” Stark said gloomily. 
“Well, we found out Surtur’s made some sort of deal with someone to er…cause something.” Thor supplied.
Stark pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Next to nothing then. Natasha?” 
She shrugged. “Nothing at any of the reported sites, no sign of anything coming in or out.” 
“We did learn that they are taking humans for something.” You piped up. 
Everyone stared at you and you immediately regretted speaking at all.
“One of the fire demons told me.” You mumbled.
“Is there no help from your…lot?” Steve asked to Thor. 
“Sadly, Ragnarok is a myth across the other realms too, not just on Midgard. There will be many that don’t take it seriously seriously. And, no one would be bothered enough about a few missing humans to get involved in an intergalactic war.” Loki shrugged. 
Stark scoffed “A few?”
He pulled up a page a hologram of various news stories over the past few weeks, of humans going missing, seemingly vanishing without a trace. 
It was worse than you thought, and it seemed the rates where going up by the day. 
“The fire demon I spoke with, he told me I could go with him, somewhere where they could make me more powerful.” You spoke again. 
Tony and Bruce swapped concerned faces. 
“Did he say anything else?”
“No, not really, just promises of a greater future or something.”
“Well it might not be much but, good work.” Steve said, and flashed you an all American pearly smile and you blushed in spite of yourself.
“Yes, Latte has proved herself to be truly courageous on this trip.” Thor agreed. 
“Oh well, I don’t know about all that.” You murmured feeling your face burn up. It was only an accident anyway that you had found anything out, it’s not like you’d stormed up to a fire demon and demand he speak to you. 
Nevertheless, you were only a few beats away from kicking your feet and giggling but you refrained yourself.
Loki muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like “suck up” and you glared at him, taking a long swig of water to cool yourself down. 
“You reap what you sow kid, I’ll be recruiting you to do further missions with Loki if you’re not careful. Who knew the worlds rudest goth could make friends? And a lowly earthling at that.” Stark challenged.
You tensed. You weren’t really 100% sure if Loki actually did consider you a friend, or if he would take offence at the insinuation. 
But Loki leaned back in his chair, “We are friends, friends with benefits.” 
You choked on your water and it spilled down Shreks face as Thor gave you a pat on the back that nearly sent your lungs through your mouth. 
While you recovered no one knew what to say, Steve and Bruce looked alarmed, you weren’t sure if that was at Lokis statement or the fact you had spat out half a glass of water and Starks mouth was hung wide open, his eyes open comically large, Natasha looked mildly amused.
“Its not…” You said between coughing. “That’s not true…Loki…Loki doesn’t know what that term means…he…he can’t….”
You turned to him.
“Where did you even hear that being said?” You spluttered. 
He narrowed his eyes at you. 
“You deny that we are friends in front of Stark and his goonies?”
“I’m not denying were friends Loki, I’m denying were friends with benefits. That doesn’t mean what you think it does it means something really specific on Earth. What…What benefits does our friendship bring?”
Loki shuffled in his seat “Well…you have taught me how to use a midgardian communication device and I have taught you…”
You cut him off “Great, expect thats not what friends with benefits means here it means…” You blushed heavily again. 
“It means friends who…” you tried again. 
Loki was watching you carefully with an eyebrow raised, the corner of his mouth starting to twitch and your uncomfortableness.
“Friends who fuck.” Natasha finished off helpfully. 
You felt your face grow even redder if that were possible. 
“Ah.” Loki said, in a measured tone although you thought you noticed a very light blush across his pale complexion. “I understand now that that might have been misleading.” 
“Well thank God we cleared that up.” Stark sighed, “I thought we were going to have to admit you to the psych ward instead of the burns ward.”
You stared down to avoid eye contact with Loki, feeling a bit awkward. 
“What’s the plan?” Steve asked. 
“Asgardians?” Stark aimed at Thor.
“We won’t get anything more information from Surtur…”
“The people of this planet are disappearing! Into thin air! And some Alien thingies are the culprit! How can I be the protector of the human race if I don’t even have any leads!” Stark yelled. 
Thor and Steve swapped looks. 
“There might be more information we can gather across the other realms” Thor shrugged, “If the true enemy behind this is thought not to be human then they could potentially come from another Realm.”
“We would have no idea where to start though, it’s not like the nine realms are a small area to cover.” Loki argued. 
“Doctor Foster does a lot of research into the nine realms, will she have any information for us?” Tony asked Thor hopefully.
“I…I can ask her to see what she has found.” Thor placated. 
“In the meantime, we have our best scientists searching the skies for any sign of alien invasions.” Bruce added. “Tony I’m sure we will find something, we’ve got people going to sites where people have disappeared and looking into traces and signals that have been left behind, something is bound to flag up. And the researchers will keep monitoring the fire demons.”
Stark sighed. And you got a feeling that until this thing was settled he was never be satisfied, knowing the people of Earth were in danger. 
“Meeting adjourned or whatever… I need a fucking drink.” 
“13 down, 7 letters, a drawing intended to explain how something happens.” 
Oliver nodded, writing it down. 
“Okay… 5 across, 5 letters, spaghetti for example that’s got to be pasta…what about this one, 8 letters, endurance.”
“Stamina? No wait, that’s only 7…patience?” 
“Yeah, has to be.” 
It was the day after Starks meeting. Loki had wheeled you back into your hospital room after the meeting and then he’d had to then leave pretty sharpish, stating he had something he needed to do although you wondered if he still felt awkward about the whole friends with benefits thing. Then again, you wondered if Loki ever really felt awkward about anything, or if he was immune to embarrassment.
After the meeting you had been so damn tired that by the time he’d wheeled you back you’d been nearly asleep. The meeting was the most you had done since the attack and it had exhausted you. 
Plus you were still pretty drowsy from all the pain medication you were on. You’d expected him to call over a nurse but instead he’d actually gotten you the medication you needed and then to your extreme surprise, he’d picked you up from your chair bridal style and put you into bed. 
You were almost too sleepy to have noticed what was going on, but shockingly you were certain he had left a featherlight kiss on your forehead before he left. 
Maybe you had imagined it in your sleepy state, after all he hadn’t been in to see you today.
The nurse had visited today and checked you over, changing your bandages. She had assured you your burns were healing nicely, and Loki’s fast thinking of applying his cold skin to your stomach and chest had saved most of your skin resulting in you only needing a smallish emergency skin graft.  
You’d also been joined by Oliver, who had come prepared for the nurses recommendation of resting as much as possible by providing cross-words. 
“You’re pretty good at these.” He gave his lopsided grin. 
“Symptoms of a misguided youth I’m afraid. I might not have gone to Harvard but I am pretty nifty with a crossword.” 
“Harvard’s overrated.”
“Alright for you to say Mr Ivy League.”
Oliver chuckled. “Wait this is a cryptic one, it says ‘to tantalise the left is a plant.’
“Huh? Wait let me see.”
Oliver stood up from the chair and brought the book over to you. He perched himself on the edge of your hospital bed and you moved over to give him more room.
“Do you need any more medication?” Oliver suddenly asked. 
“I should be good thank you.” You smiled at him. 
Man he was so sweet. Loki had done the same thing yesterday but still. It was nice to have someone else here who cared about you. 
You caught his blue eyes. He had nice looking eyes you noticed, but they missed the tint of green you were used to seeing in Loki’s eyes. 
Actually, why where you thinking about Lokis eyes at all?
Oliver placing his hand over yours on the bed brought you back to the present moment. 
“I was thinking, maybe when you’re feeling better I could take you….”
Before Oliver could finish his sentence, the door to your room opened and Loki strode in. 
Loki took in your close proximity to Oliver, and the fact you were holding hands and his eyes narrowed. 
There was a moment of awkward silence, and for some reason your natural instinct was to jump back sheepishly from Oliver. Despite having no reason at all to feel guilt, you still felt…something.
“I had come to see how you were faring, but I see you have company already.” Those blue/green eyes you had just been thinking about were harsher than you had seen them in a while. 
“We were just doing cross words.” You said, lamely. 
Instead of keeping your mouth shut you continued like an imbecile. “Erm were stuck on a cryptic one if you wanted to help…”
“And intrude on this…personal moment.” He sneered.
“That wasn’t…I mean we were just…” You started and then sat up further in bed, trying to look authoritative, which was harder than you might think for someone attached to an IV drip. “Actually I don’t have to explain myself to you.” 
“Oh, I see.” His voice was cold, and it felt like the room got colder too.
“What do you see?”
Loki ignored you.
“Get out.” He directed at Oliver. 
Your temper started to rise.
“Hey, he doesn’t have to leave we were in the middle of something.”
“Look, um maybe I should just go.” Oliver spoke up squeezing your hand before standing up. 
“I’ll leave the book here for you for when you get bored. I hope you feel better, I’ll come visit again soon and bring some more stuff.” He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. 
Kudos to Oliver, he walked past Loki out of the room without crying or screaming.
After he had left, Loki breezed into the room and arranged the flowers at the table at the bottom of the table like he hadn’t just yelled at your friend to leave. 
“Dude what is wrong with you?” You directed at Loki. “I am allowed to have friends!”
He rolled his eyes. 
“He clearly wants to be more than friends.”
You made a funny noise in the back of your throat. You wouldn’t be totally against Oliver having more than friendly feelings, a distraction from these insane feelings for Loki that keep creeping up out of no where might be a good thing, right? 
Not that you had any feelings for Loki, obviously.
Loki studied you closely before clearing his throat. 
“Are you and this mortal…friends with benefits?” 
“Loki!” You glared at him.
His facial expression remained calm as he continued staring at you.
“I’m simply asking."
“No! No, God I wish you had never learnt what that term meant. Also I am sleeping next to you every night where would I find the time?”
“Yes, you are aren’t you.” He said, too smugly for your liking. 
“Although I do have every right to explore…you know, that side of things with someone if I want to.” 
His eyes narrowed again, and stood up taller.
“We are in the middle of a crisis here. Is now the right time to be engaging in a dalliance?” 
“You can’t be serious!” You said indignantly. 
“I’m being very serious!”  He matched your tone. 
"Are you giving me a lecture right now on my love life?” When he didn’t say anything you continued. 
“You don’t even care about humans, why are you even bothered about this crisis suddenly?”
“You’re being ridiculous, you can’t seriously mean to engage with this… mere mortal. ” 
“I’m being ridiculous? You’re being ridiculous! In case you forgot, I happen to be a mere mortal too!”
Loki kind of did look taken a back for a second, as if he had actually forgotten that. 
“What I get up to is not even any of your business.” You told him
“Fine.” He sneered, walking towards the door.
“Fine!” You shouted back. 
He slammed the door behind him as you threw your puzzle book at him. 
“Ah!” You screamed to yourself. 
The cheek of that asshole to have a go at you for letting yourself engage in some dating when he was the one that slept with Ylva while you were touring around Asgard. 
You tossed and turned around in your bed, but eventually the drowsiness kicked back in and you managed to fall asleep. 
One moment, you were fast asleep, the next moment you heard an explosion. You sat up quickly, disorientated and confused. Another explosion sounded and you got up and ran to the window.
You blinked and blinked again. 
A piece of metal fell seemingly from the sky and you looked up. 
The tower was under attack. 
Notes: I hoped you guys enjoyed this and are still liking the story!!
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mistress-ofmagic · 4 days
Around the Realms in 80 days - chapter 22
Pairing: Reader x Loki
Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.
Okay I don't know if any of you guys are still out there and still wanting an update for this story but I'm providing one anyway! I really do hope that you're still with me (and if you can't remember what happened that feels like a good time for a re-read right??)
Read this story on a03!
find all parts to this story on Tumblr here:
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You’d had better days, you mused. 
Better weeks, months, years…
“If you continue pulling that face it will get stuck and you’ll get wrinkles” Loki chimed behind you. 
You glared up at him, scowling even harder out of spite. 
He grinned down at you.
After Loki’s admission two days ago, his mood had been…interesting. He had stayed beside you in the hospital when he could, but he kept swapping between being distant and being close. 
No real change there then, you thought.
You hadn’t brought the whole being a frost Giant thing up again, despite your thousands of questions in case you pushed him too far and he got annoyed with you and decided to stop visiting. 
Now however, he seemed to be in a good mood although you felt that had more to do with the fact he was currently pushing you around in a wheelchair. 
His eyes had lit up when the nurses had suggested it, despite the fact you felt well enough to walk really and for most of your journey you would just be in the lift anyway. You had protested multiple times but now Loki had got the idea in his head there was really no persuading him otherwise.
“Isn’t this nice?” He asked, too jovial for your liking. 
You put your tongue out and rolled your eyes when you thought he wasn’t looking. 
“I saw that you little chit.” 
He rocked the wheelchair like he was going to tip you out. 
“LOKI!” You yelled, gripping to the sides of your chair. 
The lift attendant had looked pale when you’d first stepped in, and now he looked rather green.
Loki roared with laughter. 
“Oh come on darling, you really think I would throw a vulnerable maiden out of her chair?”
Before having to face that your answer to that question might actually be no and that you knew Loki would never do anything to hurt you, or the fact that this was the third time he had called you darling, the doors of the lift opened onto the floor where you were meeting with Stark and the Avengers. 
Apparently Tony had wanted to wait until you were a bit better before doing a debrief on what had gone down on Muspelheim.
Loki wheeled you down small corridor and into the large meeting room. Like many of the rooms in Stark towers, the windows were completely glass and looking down onto the city below. It was as far as being outside as you had got in the past few days and you stared out, longingly. 
Distracting you slightly from the view, was the Avengers sat around the table. Thor was there of course, as well as Captain America, Natasha and Dr Bruce Banner. A smaller cohort that had welcomed you in when you had first arrived. 
Natasha seemed to assess you with cool eyes, but Bruce shot you a sympathetic look which you felt was a lot to do with the fact you were wearing a very cool and flattering nightie with Shrek’s face all over it as it was the only thing that could fit over your bandages. 
Loki wheeled you into a space that had been left chair-less for you as he took the one next to you. 
Tony gave you a tired smile.
“How you feeling kid?”
“Better thank you. And thank you for the care on your wards too!” 
He brushed you off with a wave of his hand. 
“I suppose I should thank you for saving Rock of Ages life too.” Tony shot Loki a disgruntled look. “He is helping us with this situation after all.” He said, as if he wasn’t particularly happy about it. “Its nice to see you taking your babysitting duties very seriously, although next time I’d appreciate it if you stay away from certain death, he’s not worth it.” 
Loki gave a half shrug, “that’s one thing we agree on.” 
You scowled again. 
“Plus now you are officially hired as a member of my workforce, it reflects badly on me.”
You snorted, “If the babysitter club ever want a new member i’ll be the first in line. And don’t worry, I have no desire to face certain death ever again.” 
Although I would save Loki again, a little voice in your head added that you pushed down into the depths of your subconscious. 
“So, Wonderland’s still with us, but we still no nothing about the current alien threat to Earth.” Stark said gloomily. 
“Well, we found out Surtur’s made some sort of deal with someone to er…cause something.” Thor supplied.
Stark pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Next to nothing then. Natasha?” 
She shrugged. “Nothing at any of the reported sites, no sign of anything coming in or out.” 
“We did learn that they are taking humans for something.” You piped up. 
Everyone stared at you and you immediately regretted speaking at all.
“One of the fire demons told me.” You mumbled.
“Is there no help from your…lot?” Steve asked to Thor. 
“Sadly, Ragnarok is a myth across the other realms too, not just on Midgard. There will be many that don’t take it seriously seriously. And, no one would be bothered enough about a few missing humans to get involved in an intergalactic war.” Loki shrugged. 
Stark scoffed “A few?”
He pulled up a page a hologram of various news stories over the past few weeks, of humans going missing, seemingly vanishing without a trace. 
It was worse than you thought, and it seemed the rates where going up by the day. 
“The fire demon I spoke with, he told me I could go with him, somewhere where they could make me more powerful.” You spoke again. 
Tony and Bruce swapped concerned faces. 
“Did he say anything else?”
“No, not really, just promises of a greater future or something.”
“Well it might not be much but, good work.” Steve said, and flashed you an all American pearly smile and you blushed in spite of yourself.
“Yes, Latte has proved herself to be truly courageous on this trip.” Thor agreed. 
“Oh well, I don’t know about all that.” You murmured feeling your face burn up. It was only an accident anyway that you had found anything out, it’s not like you’d stormed up to a fire demon and demand he speak to you. 
Nevertheless, you were only a few beats away from kicking your feet and giggling but you refrained yourself.
Loki muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like “suck up” and you glared at him, taking a long swig of water to cool yourself down. 
“You reap what you sow kid, I’ll be recruiting you to do further missions with Loki if you’re not careful. Who knew the worlds rudest goth could make friends? And a lowly earthling at that.” Stark challenged.
You tensed. You weren’t really 100% sure if Loki actually did consider you a friend, or if he would take offence at the insinuation. 
But Loki leaned back in his chair, “We are friends, friends with benefits.” 
You choked on your water and it spilled down Shreks face as Thor gave you a pat on the back that nearly sent your lungs through your mouth. 
While you recovered no one knew what to say, Steve and Bruce looked alarmed, you weren’t sure if that was at Lokis statement or the fact you had spat out half a glass of water and Starks mouth was hung wide open, his eyes open comically large, Natasha looked mildly amused.
“Its not…” You said between coughing. “That’s not true…Loki…Loki doesn’t know what that term means…he…he can’t….”
You turned to him.
“Where did you even hear that being said?” You spluttered. 
He narrowed his eyes at you. 
“You deny that we are friends in front of Stark and his goonies?”
“I’m not denying were friends Loki, I’m denying were friends with benefits. That doesn’t mean what you think it does it means something really specific on Earth. What…What benefits does our friendship bring?”
Loki shuffled in his seat “Well…you have taught me how to use a midgardian communication device and I have taught you…”
You cut him off “Great, expect thats not what friends with benefits means here it means…” You blushed heavily again. 
“It means friends who…” you tried again. 
Loki was watching you carefully with an eyebrow raised, the corner of his mouth starting to twitch and your uncomfortableness.
“Friends who fuck.” Natasha finished off helpfully. 
You felt your face grow even redder if that were possible. 
“Ah.” Loki said, in a measured tone although you thought you noticed a very light blush across his pale complexion. “I understand now that that might have been misleading.” 
“Well thank God we cleared that up.” Stark sighed, “I thought we were going to have to admit you to the psych ward instead of the burns ward.”
You stared down to avoid eye contact with Loki, feeling a bit awkward. 
“What’s the plan?” Steve asked. 
“Asgardians?” Stark aimed at Thor.
“We won’t get anything more information from Surtur…”
“The people of this planet are disappearing! Into thin air! And some Alien thingies are the culprit! How can I be the protector of the human race if I don’t even have any leads!” Stark yelled. 
Thor and Steve swapped looks. 
“There might be more information we can gather across the other realms” Thor shrugged, “If the true enemy behind this is thought not to be human then they could potentially come from another Realm.”
“We would have no idea where to start though, it’s not like the nine realms are a small area to cover.” Loki argued. 
“Doctor Foster does a lot of research into the nine realms, will she have any information for us?” Tony asked Thor hopefully.
“I…I can ask her to see what she has found.” Thor placated. 
“In the meantime, we have our best scientists searching the skies for any sign of alien invasions.” Bruce added. “Tony I’m sure we will find something, we’ve got people going to sites where people have disappeared and looking into traces and signals that have been left behind, something is bound to flag up. And the researchers will keep monitoring the fire demons.”
Stark sighed. And you got a feeling that until this thing was settled he was never be satisfied, knowing the people of Earth were in danger. 
“Meeting adjourned or whatever… I need a fucking drink.” 
“13 down, 7 letters, a drawing intended to explain how something happens.” 
Oliver nodded, writing it down. 
“Okay… 5 across, 5 letters, spaghetti for example that’s got to be pasta…what about this one, 8 letters, endurance.”
“Stamina? No wait, that’s only 7…patience?” 
“Yeah, has to be.” 
It was the day after Starks meeting. Loki had wheeled you back into your hospital room after the meeting and then he’d had to then leave pretty sharpish, stating he had something he needed to do although you wondered if he still felt awkward about the whole friends with benefits thing. Then again, you wondered if Loki ever really felt awkward about anything, or if he was immune to embarrassment.
After the meeting you had been so damn tired that by the time he’d wheeled you back you’d been nearly asleep. The meeting was the most you had done since the attack and it had exhausted you. 
Plus you were still pretty drowsy from all the pain medication you were on. You’d expected him to call over a nurse but instead he’d actually gotten you the medication you needed and then to your extreme surprise, he’d picked you up from your chair bridal style and put you into bed. 
You were almost too sleepy to have noticed what was going on, but shockingly you were certain he had left a featherlight kiss on your forehead before he left. 
Maybe you had imagined it in your sleepy state, after all he hadn’t been in to see you today.
The nurse had visited today and checked you over, changing your bandages. She had assured you your burns were healing nicely, and Loki’s fast thinking of applying his cold skin to your stomach and chest had saved most of your skin resulting in you only needing a smallish emergency skin graft.  
You’d also been joined by Oliver, who had come prepared for the nurses recommendation of resting as much as possible by providing cross-words. 
“You’re pretty good at these.” He gave his lopsided grin. 
“Symptoms of a misguided youth I’m afraid. I might not have gone to Harvard but I am pretty nifty with a crossword.” 
“Harvard’s overrated.”
“Alright for you to say Mr Ivy League.”
Oliver chuckled. “Wait this is a cryptic one, it says ‘to tantalise the left is a plant.’
“Huh? Wait let me see.”
Oliver stood up from the chair and brought the book over to you. He perched himself on the edge of your hospital bed and you moved over to give him more room.
“Do you need any more medication?” Oliver suddenly asked. 
“I should be good thank you.” You smiled at him. 
Man he was so sweet. Loki had done the same thing yesterday but still. It was nice to have someone else here who cared about you. 
You caught his blue eyes. He had nice looking eyes you noticed, but they missed the tint of green you were used to seeing in Loki’s eyes. 
Actually, why where you thinking about Lokis eyes at all?
Oliver placing his hand over yours on the bed brought you back to the present moment. 
“I was thinking, maybe when you’re feeling better I could take you….”
Before Oliver could finish his sentence, the door to your room opened and Loki strode in. 
Loki took in your close proximity to Oliver, and the fact you were holding hands and his eyes narrowed. 
There was a moment of awkward silence, and for some reason your natural instinct was to jump back sheepishly from Oliver. Despite having no reason at all to feel guilt, you still felt…something.
“I had come to see how you were faring, but I see you have company already.” Those blue/green eyes you had just been thinking about were harsher than you had seen them in a while. 
“We were just doing cross words.” You said, lamely. 
Instead of keeping your mouth shut you continued like an imbecile. “Erm were stuck on a cryptic one if you wanted to help…”
“And intrude on this…personal moment.” He sneered.
“That wasn’t…I mean we were just…” You started and then sat up further in bed, trying to look authoritative, which was harder than you might think for someone attached to an IV drip. “Actually I don’t have to explain myself to you.” 
“Oh, I see.” His voice was cold, and it felt like the room got colder too.
“What do you see?”
Loki ignored you.
“Get out.” He directed at Oliver. 
Your temper started to rise.
“Hey, he doesn’t have to leave we were in the middle of something.”
“Look, um maybe I should just go.” Oliver spoke up squeezing your hand before standing up. 
“I’ll leave the book here for you for when you get bored. I hope you feel better, I’ll come visit again soon and bring some more stuff.” He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. 
Kudos to Oliver, he walked past Loki out of the room without crying or screaming.
After he had left, Loki breezed into the room and arranged the flowers at the table at the bottom of the table like he hadn’t just yelled at your friend to leave. 
“Dude what is wrong with you?” You directed at Loki. “I am allowed to have friends!”
He rolled his eyes. 
“He clearly wants to be more than friends.”
You made a funny noise in the back of your throat. You wouldn’t be totally against Oliver having more than friendly feelings, a distraction from these insane feelings for Loki that keep creeping up out of no where might be a good thing, right? 
Not that you had any feelings for Loki, obviously.
Loki studied you closely before clearing his throat. 
“Are you and this mortal…friends with benefits?” 
“Loki!” You glared at him.
His facial expression remained calm as he continued staring at you.
“I’m simply asking."
“No! No, God I wish you had never learnt what that term meant. Also I am sleeping next to you every night where would I find the time?”
“Yes, you are aren’t you.” He said, too smugly for your liking. 
“Although I do have every right to explore…you know, that side of things with someone if I want to.” 
His eyes narrowed again, and stood up taller.
“We are in the middle of a crisis here. Is now the right time to be engaging in a dalliance?” 
“You can’t be serious!” You said indignantly. 
“I’m being very serious!”  He matched your tone. 
"Are you giving me a lecture right now on my love life?” When he didn’t say anything you continued. 
“You don’t even care about humans, why are you even bothered about this crisis suddenly?”
“You’re being ridiculous, you can’t seriously mean to engage with this… mere mortal. ” 
“I’m being ridiculous? You’re being ridiculous! In case you forgot, I happen to be a mere mortal too!”
Loki kind of did look taken a back for a second, as if he had actually forgotten that. 
“What I get up to is not even any of your business.” You told him
“Fine.” He sneered, walking towards the door.
“Fine!” You shouted back. 
He slammed the door behind him as you threw your puzzle book at him. 
“Ah!” You screamed to yourself. 
The cheek of that asshole to have a go at you for letting yourself engage in some dating when he was the one that slept with Ylva while you were touring around Asgard. 
You tossed and turned around in your bed, but eventually the drowsiness kicked back in and you managed to fall asleep. 
One moment, you were fast asleep, the next moment you heard an explosion. You sat up quickly, disorientated and confused. Another explosion sounded and you got up and ran to the window.
You blinked and blinked again. 
A piece of metal fell seemingly from the sky and you looked up. 
The tower was under attack. 
Notes: I hoped you guys enjoyed this and are still liking the story!!
@creationsbyme  @kikster606  @slytherinintj13  @th0rswh0res  @huntress-artemiss  @jannieka394 @stefffrs  @misswimberly @thedistractedagglomeration  @yoongissidebitchh  @purplekitten30 @mischief2sarawr  @johnmurphys-sass 
@lonadane  @imalovernotahater @lokisgoodgirl  @laliceee @dlwrish  @paetonnn  @lovelysizzlingbluebird   @reas-writing  @buttercupcookies-blog @acidcasualties @alialiclouds 
@buckybarneslovesteve @evelyn-rathmore 
@Im-a-slut-for-fluff  @jainaeatsstars @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic
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mistress-ofmagic · 4 days
Also hi, some of you guys have changed ur usernames and I love that for you but my taglist is likely out of date, if your reading this and ur interested in still being on my taglist but have changed your username pls let a bitch know!
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mistress-ofmagic · 4 days
Around the Realms in 80 days - chapter 22
Pairing: Reader x Loki
Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.
Okay I don't know if any of you guys are still out there and still wanting an update for this story but I'm providing one anyway! I really do hope that you're still with me (and if you can't remember what happened that feels like a good time for a re-read right??)
Read this story on a03!
find all parts to this story on Tumblr here:
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You’d had better days, you mused. 
Better weeks, months, years…
“If you continue pulling that face it will get stuck and you’ll get wrinkles” Loki chimed behind you. 
You glared up at him, scowling even harder out of spite. 
He grinned down at you.
After Loki’s admission two days ago, his mood had been…interesting. He had stayed beside you in the hospital when he could, but he kept swapping between being distant and being close. 
No real change there then, you thought.
You hadn’t brought the whole being a frost Giant thing up again, despite your thousands of questions in case you pushed him too far and he got annoyed with you and decided to stop visiting. 
Now however, he seemed to be in a good mood although you felt that had more to do with the fact he was currently pushing you around in a wheelchair. 
His eyes had lit up when the nurses had suggested it, despite the fact you felt well enough to walk really and for most of your journey you would just be in the lift anyway. You had protested multiple times but now Loki had got the idea in his head there was really no persuading him otherwise.
“Isn’t this nice?” He asked, too jovial for your liking. 
You put your tongue out and rolled your eyes when you thought he wasn’t looking. 
“I saw that you little chit.” 
He rocked the wheelchair like he was going to tip you out. 
“LOKI!” You yelled, gripping to the sides of your chair. 
The lift attendant had looked pale when you’d first stepped in, and now he looked rather green.
Loki roared with laughter. 
“Oh come on darling, you really think I would throw a vulnerable maiden out of her chair?”
Before having to face that your answer to that question might actually be no and that you knew Loki would never do anything to hurt you, or the fact that this was the third time he had called you darling, the doors of the lift opened onto the floor where you were meeting with Stark and the Avengers. 
Apparently Tony had wanted to wait until you were a bit better before doing a debrief on what had gone down on Muspelheim.
Loki wheeled you down small corridor and into the large meeting room. Like many of the rooms in Stark towers, the windows were completely glass and looking down onto the city below. It was as far as being outside as you had got in the past few days and you stared out, longingly. 
Distracting you slightly from the view, was the Avengers sat around the table. Thor was there of course, as well as Captain America, Natasha and Dr Bruce Banner. A smaller cohort that had welcomed you in when you had first arrived. 
Natasha seemed to assess you with cool eyes, but Bruce shot you a sympathetic look which you felt was a lot to do with the fact you were wearing a very cool and flattering nightie with Shrek’s face all over it as it was the only thing that could fit over your bandages. 
Loki wheeled you into a space that had been left chair-less for you as he took the one next to you. 
Tony gave you a tired smile.
“How you feeling kid?”
“Better thank you. And thank you for the care on your wards too!” 
He brushed you off with a wave of his hand. 
“I suppose I should thank you for saving Rock of Ages life too.” Tony shot Loki a disgruntled look. “He is helping us with this situation after all.” He said, as if he wasn’t particularly happy about it. “Its nice to see you taking your babysitting duties very seriously, although next time I’d appreciate it if you stay away from certain death, he’s not worth it.” 
Loki gave a half shrug, “that’s one thing we agree on.” 
You scowled again. 
“Plus now you are officially hired as a member of my workforce, it reflects badly on me.”
You snorted, “If the babysitter club ever want a new member i’ll be the first in line. And don’t worry, I have no desire to face certain death ever again.” 
Although I would save Loki again, a little voice in your head added that you pushed down into the depths of your subconscious. 
“So, Wonderland’s still with us, but we still no nothing about the current alien threat to Earth.” Stark said gloomily. 
“Well, we found out Surtur’s made some sort of deal with someone to er…cause something.” Thor supplied.
Stark pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Next to nothing then. Natasha?” 
She shrugged. “Nothing at any of the reported sites, no sign of anything coming in or out.” 
“We did learn that they are taking humans for something.” You piped up. 
Everyone stared at you and you immediately regretted speaking at all.
“One of the fire demons told me.” You mumbled.
“Is there no help from your…lot?” Steve asked to Thor. 
“Sadly, Ragnarok is a myth across the other realms too, not just on Midgard. There will be many that don’t take it seriously seriously. And, no one would be bothered enough about a few missing humans to get involved in an intergalactic war.” Loki shrugged. 
Stark scoffed “A few?”
He pulled up a page a hologram of various news stories over the past few weeks, of humans going missing, seemingly vanishing without a trace. 
It was worse than you thought, and it seemed the rates where going up by the day. 
“The fire demon I spoke with, he told me I could go with him, somewhere where they could make me more powerful.” You spoke again. 
Tony and Bruce swapped concerned faces. 
“Did he say anything else?”
“No, not really, just promises of a greater future or something.”
“Well it might not be much but, good work.” Steve said, and flashed you an all American pearly smile and you blushed in spite of yourself.
“Yes, Latte has proved herself to be truly courageous on this trip.” Thor agreed. 
“Oh well, I don’t know about all that.” You murmured feeling your face burn up. It was only an accident anyway that you had found anything out, it’s not like you’d stormed up to a fire demon and demand he speak to you. 
Nevertheless, you were only a few beats away from kicking your feet and giggling but you refrained yourself.
Loki muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like “suck up” and you glared at him, taking a long swig of water to cool yourself down. 
“You reap what you sow kid, I’ll be recruiting you to do further missions with Loki if you’re not careful. Who knew the worlds rudest goth could make friends? And a lowly earthling at that.” Stark challenged.
You tensed. You weren’t really 100% sure if Loki actually did consider you a friend, or if he would take offence at the insinuation. 
But Loki leaned back in his chair, “We are friends, friends with benefits.” 
You choked on your water and it spilled down Shreks face as Thor gave you a pat on the back that nearly sent your lungs through your mouth. 
While you recovered no one knew what to say, Steve and Bruce looked alarmed, you weren’t sure if that was at Lokis statement or the fact you had spat out half a glass of water and Starks mouth was hung wide open, his eyes open comically large, Natasha looked mildly amused.
“Its not…” You said between coughing. “That’s not true…Loki…Loki doesn’t know what that term means…he…he can’t….”
You turned to him.
“Where did you even hear that being said?” You spluttered. 
He narrowed his eyes at you. 
“You deny that we are friends in front of Stark and his goonies?”
“I’m not denying were friends Loki, I’m denying were friends with benefits. That doesn’t mean what you think it does it means something really specific on Earth. What…What benefits does our friendship bring?”
Loki shuffled in his seat “Well…you have taught me how to use a midgardian communication device and I have taught you…”
You cut him off “Great, expect thats not what friends with benefits means here it means…” You blushed heavily again. 
“It means friends who…” you tried again. 
Loki was watching you carefully with an eyebrow raised, the corner of his mouth starting to twitch and your uncomfortableness.
“Friends who fuck.” Natasha finished off helpfully. 
You felt your face grow even redder if that were possible. 
“Ah.” Loki said, in a measured tone although you thought you noticed a very light blush across his pale complexion. “I understand now that that might have been misleading.” 
“Well thank God we cleared that up.” Stark sighed, “I thought we were going to have to admit you to the psych ward instead of the burns ward.”
You stared down to avoid eye contact with Loki, feeling a bit awkward. 
“What’s the plan?” Steve asked. 
“Asgardians?” Stark aimed at Thor.
“We won’t get anything more information from Surtur…”
“The people of this planet are disappearing! Into thin air! And some Alien thingies are the culprit! How can I be the protector of the human race if I don’t even have any leads!” Stark yelled. 
Thor and Steve swapped looks. 
“There might be more information we can gather across the other realms” Thor shrugged, “If the true enemy behind this is thought not to be human then they could potentially come from another Realm.”
“We would have no idea where to start though, it’s not like the nine realms are a small area to cover.” Loki argued. 
“Doctor Foster does a lot of research into the nine realms, will she have any information for us?” Tony asked Thor hopefully.
“I…I can ask her to see what she has found.” Thor placated. 
“In the meantime, we have our best scientists searching the skies for any sign of alien invasions.” Bruce added. “Tony I’m sure we will find something, we’ve got people going to sites where people have disappeared and looking into traces and signals that have been left behind, something is bound to flag up. And the researchers will keep monitoring the fire demons.”
Stark sighed. And you got a feeling that until this thing was settled he was never be satisfied, knowing the people of Earth were in danger. 
“Meeting adjourned or whatever… I need a fucking drink.” 
“13 down, 7 letters, a drawing intended to explain how something happens.” 
Oliver nodded, writing it down. 
“Okay… 5 across, 5 letters, spaghetti for example that’s got to be pasta…what about this one, 8 letters, endurance.”
“Stamina? No wait, that’s only 7…patience?” 
“Yeah, has to be.” 
It was the day after Starks meeting. Loki had wheeled you back into your hospital room after the meeting and then he’d had to then leave pretty sharpish, stating he had something he needed to do although you wondered if he still felt awkward about the whole friends with benefits thing. Then again, you wondered if Loki ever really felt awkward about anything, or if he was immune to embarrassment.
After the meeting you had been so damn tired that by the time he’d wheeled you back you’d been nearly asleep. The meeting was the most you had done since the attack and it had exhausted you. 
Plus you were still pretty drowsy from all the pain medication you were on. You’d expected him to call over a nurse but instead he’d actually gotten you the medication you needed and then to your extreme surprise, he’d picked you up from your chair bridal style and put you into bed. 
You were almost too sleepy to have noticed what was going on, but shockingly you were certain he had left a featherlight kiss on your forehead before he left. 
Maybe you had imagined it in your sleepy state, after all he hadn’t been in to see you today.
The nurse had visited today and checked you over, changing your bandages. She had assured you your burns were healing nicely, and Loki’s fast thinking of applying his cold skin to your stomach and chest had saved most of your skin resulting in you only needing a smallish emergency skin graft.  
You’d also been joined by Oliver, who had come prepared for the nurses recommendation of resting as much as possible by providing cross-words. 
“You’re pretty good at these.” He gave his lopsided grin. 
“Symptoms of a misguided youth I’m afraid. I might not have gone to Harvard but I am pretty nifty with a crossword.” 
“Harvard’s overrated.”
“Alright for you to say Mr Ivy League.”
Oliver chuckled. “Wait this is a cryptic one, it says ‘to tantalise the left is a plant.’
“Huh? Wait let me see.”
Oliver stood up from the chair and brought the book over to you. He perched himself on the edge of your hospital bed and you moved over to give him more room.
“Do you need any more medication?” Oliver suddenly asked. 
“I should be good thank you.” You smiled at him. 
Man he was so sweet. Loki had done the same thing yesterday but still. It was nice to have someone else here who cared about you. 
You caught his blue eyes. He had nice looking eyes you noticed, but they missed the tint of green you were used to seeing in Loki’s eyes. 
Actually, why where you thinking about Lokis eyes at all?
Oliver placing his hand over yours on the bed brought you back to the present moment. 
“I was thinking, maybe when you’re feeling better I could take you….”
Before Oliver could finish his sentence, the door to your room opened and Loki strode in. 
Loki took in your close proximity to Oliver, and the fact you were holding hands and his eyes narrowed. 
There was a moment of awkward silence, and for some reason your natural instinct was to jump back sheepishly from Oliver. Despite having no reason at all to feel guilt, you still felt…something.
“I had come to see how you were faring, but I see you have company already.” Those blue/green eyes you had just been thinking about were harsher than you had seen them in a while. 
“We were just doing cross words.” You said, lamely. 
Instead of keeping your mouth shut you continued like an imbecile. “Erm were stuck on a cryptic one if you wanted to help…”
“And intrude on this…personal moment.” He sneered.
“That wasn’t…I mean we were just…” You started and then sat up further in bed, trying to look authoritative, which was harder than you might think for someone attached to an IV drip. “Actually I don’t have to explain myself to you.” 
“Oh, I see.” His voice was cold, and it felt like the room got colder too.
“What do you see?”
Loki ignored you.
“Get out.” He directed at Oliver. 
Your temper started to rise.
“Hey, he doesn’t have to leave we were in the middle of something.”
“Look, um maybe I should just go.” Oliver spoke up squeezing your hand before standing up. 
“I’ll leave the book here for you for when you get bored. I hope you feel better, I’ll come visit again soon and bring some more stuff.” He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. 
Kudos to Oliver, he walked past Loki out of the room without crying or screaming.
After he had left, Loki breezed into the room and arranged the flowers at the table at the bottom of the table like he hadn’t just yelled at your friend to leave. 
“Dude what is wrong with you?” You directed at Loki. “I am allowed to have friends!”
He rolled his eyes. 
“He clearly wants to be more than friends.”
You made a funny noise in the back of your throat. You wouldn’t be totally against Oliver having more than friendly feelings, a distraction from these insane feelings for Loki that keep creeping up out of no where might be a good thing, right? 
Not that you had any feelings for Loki, obviously.
Loki studied you closely before clearing his throat. 
“Are you and this mortal…friends with benefits?” 
“Loki!” You glared at him.
His facial expression remained calm as he continued staring at you.
“I’m simply asking."
“No! No, God I wish you had never learnt what that term meant. Also I am sleeping next to you every night where would I find the time?”
“Yes, you are aren’t you.” He said, too smugly for your liking. 
“Although I do have every right to explore…you know, that side of things with someone if I want to.” 
His eyes narrowed again, and stood up taller.
“We are in the middle of a crisis here. Is now the right time to be engaging in a dalliance?” 
“You can’t be serious!” You said indignantly. 
“I’m being very serious!”  He matched your tone. 
"Are you giving me a lecture right now on my love life?” When he didn’t say anything you continued. 
“You don’t even care about humans, why are you even bothered about this crisis suddenly?”
“You’re being ridiculous, you can’t seriously mean to engage with this… mere mortal. ” 
“I’m being ridiculous? You’re being ridiculous! In case you forgot, I happen to be a mere mortal too!”
Loki kind of did look taken a back for a second, as if he had actually forgotten that. 
“What I get up to is not even any of your business.” You told him
“Fine.” He sneered, walking towards the door.
“Fine!” You shouted back. 
He slammed the door behind him as you threw your puzzle book at him. 
“Ah!” You screamed to yourself. 
The cheek of that asshole to have a go at you for letting yourself engage in some dating when he was the one that slept with Ylva while you were touring around Asgard. 
You tossed and turned around in your bed, but eventually the drowsiness kicked back in and you managed to fall asleep. 
One moment, you were fast asleep, the next moment you heard an explosion. You sat up quickly, disorientated and confused. Another explosion sounded and you got up and ran to the window.
You blinked and blinked again. 
A piece of metal fell seemingly from the sky and you looked up. 
The tower was under attack. 
Notes: I hoped you guys enjoyed this and are still liking the story!!
@creationsbyme  @kikster606  @slytherinintj13  @th0rswh0res  @huntress-artemiss  @jannieka394 @stefffrs  @misswimberly @thedistractedagglomeration  @yoongissidebitchh  @purplekitten30 @mischief2sarawr  @johnmurphys-sass 
@lonadane  @imalovernotahater @lokisgoodgirl  @laliceee @dlwrish  @paetonnn  @lovelysizzlingbluebird   @reas-writing  @buttercupcookies-blog @acidcasualties @alialiclouds 
@buckybarneslovesteve @evelyn-rathmore 
@Im-a-slut-for-fluff  @jainaeatsstars @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic
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mistress-ofmagic · 6 days
This is going to feel ambitious but I’m actually hoping to get my next chapter up on Sunday early next week keep your fingers crossed for me
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mistress-ofmagic · 6 days
This is going to feel ambitious but I’m actually hoping to get my next chapter up on Sunday early next week keep your fingers crossed for me
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mistress-ofmagic · 8 days
This is going to feel ambitious but I’m actually hoping to get my next chapter up on Sunday early next week keep your fingers crossed for me
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mistress-ofmagic · 8 days
This is going to feel ambitious but I’m actually hoping to get my next chapter up on Sunday early next week keep your fingers crossed for me
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mistress-ofmagic · 8 days
This is going to feel ambitious but I’m actually hoping to get my next chapter up on Sunday early next week keep your fingers crossed for me
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mistress-ofmagic · 9 days
Not to be dramatic but I have actually made some good progress today with chapter 21 🥳🥳
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mistress-ofmagic · 9 days
Not to be dramatic but I have actually made some good progress today with chapter 21 🥳🥳
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mistress-ofmagic · 11 days
Ugh I be trying to write this next chapter but I have such a brain block with it I just can’t picture it and it’s driving me insane 😭 I’m so sorry gang I honestly am trying! I need someone to bounce ideas off lmao
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