#Self talk
positivelyadhd · 2 years
i cannot stress enough how much of an impact changing the way you talk to yourself can have on your mental health. swapping out self deprecating jokes and changing unhealthy sentiments like "i hate myself" and "i want to die" to kinder, more forgiving ones like "i need a break" and "i'm trying" can make such a difference to how you view yourself. the things we say to ourselves become a part of our lives and so we deserve to me kinder to ourselves in our heads.
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positiveupwardspiral · 3 months
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honeytonedhottie · 6 months
inner conversation⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🧁
something that i've noticed is that ppl associate affirmations as something that u repeat to urself, and although that is what an affirmation is and a way that it can be used, the whole point of affirmations is to use repetition and make it a thought that u naturally have without having to think about it. like, if ur affirming that ur rich constantly, then it'll become a thought that u normally have. once its a thought that u normally have, you'll experience it.
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ur supposed to make make ur inner conversation match ur fulfilled desire. ur mental conversations matter! ur inner-speech manifests.
observe ur inner speech bcuz its the cause of future action, inner speech reveals the state of consciousness in which u view the world.
our inner-conversations, make tomorrow's facts, put off the old conversation that isn't serving u and adapt new thoughts that'll create the life that u want for urself.
from neville goddard's book "awakened imagination" it says :
stop all of the old mechanical negative inner talking and start a new positive and constructive inner speech from premises of fulfilled desire. inner talking is the beginning, the sowing of the seeds of future action. to determine the action, you must consciously initiate and control your inner talking.
construct a sentence that implies the fulfillment of ur aim. example, if u wanna be in a relationship with an sp ur sentence could be "im happily in a relation ship with _" and repeat it until ur inwardly affected by it
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femmefatalevibe · 5 months
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Manage & Overcome Fear
Ultimately, fear is born out of anxiety over some sort of distrust –whether it's grounded in logic, emotion, perception, past experiences, etc.
Fear arises from an unknown – any new experience, opportunity, failure, relationship, changes in habits/routines, etc. So, ultimately, this fear is your way of coping with not distrusting others to do what you expect or desire and/or not trusting yourself to be able to cope with a certain environment, habit, responsibilities, changes, interpersonal conflict, etc.
To depersonalize fear, recognize that it's an anxious/emotional response to either a reasonable or illogical unknown/uncertainty. Then, I see what my realistic options are on how to handle the situation and proceed with my following actions by answering these questions:
Looking back at this moment in a year's time, what do I wish I would've done?
What red or green flags are my anxieties discounting or telling me to overlook?
How many of my concerns are grounded in reality, and how many are based on assumptions or negative self-talk?
If a friend was handling this situation, how would I proceed?
Once you answer these questions, you're forcing yourself to take the emotions out of the situation and see all of the key players + moving parts more objectively to make a rational decision.
You have to calculate the best possible outcome for yourself, but ultimately, the goal of overcoming fear is to stop holding yourself back from what you want and live without regrets.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 8 months
What if it's not you "being stupid" but simply you "being distracted/tired/stressed/overwhelmed"?
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theliteraryluggage · 5 months
Introducing: "the day was faster than me"
reframe your executive dysfunction today!
"I got nothing done today": defeatist, self-deprecating, probably untrue
"the day was faster than me": dynamic, respectful, implies there was a race and you did your best
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theambitiouswoman · 9 months
SELF TALK. Replacing the NEGATIVE things we say to ourselves with POSITIVE words 🦄💜✨✨
When we say bad things about ourselves, our minds and bodies pay attention and start believing those things. It's like a cycle. When we keep telling ourselves we're not good enough or can't do things, our minds start thinking it's true. These bad thoughts can make us act in ways that match what we believe, like avoiding things because we think we'll fail. Over time, our brain gets used to these thoughts and they become a regular part of how we see ourselves.
But if we say good things to ourselves, it can be really helpful. When we're kind in how we talk to ourselves, it can make us feel better and stronger. It's like giving ourselves a little boost of confidence. When we're positive, we can handle problems better and feel less stressed. When we believe good things about ourselves, we might do better in different situations. So it's important to notice how we talk to ourselves and try to say nice things, even if we don't always feel that way.
Negative: "I always mess things up." Positive: "I sometimes make mistakes, but I also learn from them."
Negative: "I'm so stupid." Positive: "I'm smart and capable; everyone makes errors."
Negative: "I can't do this; it's too hard." Positive: "I can handle challenges with effort and perseverance."
Negative: "I'll never succeed in anything." Positive: "I have the potential to achieve my goals through hard work."
Negative: "Nobody likes me." Positive: "I have people who care about me and value my company."
Negative: "I'm a failure." Positive: "I've achieved many things and will continue to grow."
Negative: "I'm not good enough." Positive: "I am enough just as I am, and I'm constantly improving."
Negative: "I'm a burden to others." Positive: "My presence and contributions make a positive impact."
Negative: "I always mess up social situations." Positive: "I can connect with others and enjoy social interactions."
Negative: "I'll never get over this." Positive: "I can heal and move forward from difficult situations."
Negative: "I'm so ugly." Positive: "I am unique and have qualities that make me attractive."
Negative: "I'll never be as good as them." Positive: "I have my own strengths and talents that are valuable."
Negative: "I'm a loser." Positive: "I have the courage to try and the ability to succeed."
Negative: "I'm always so awkward." Positive: "I am learning and growing in social interactions."
Negative: "I can't handle criticism." Positive: "I can learn from feedback and use it to improve."
Negative: "I'm too lazy to accomplish anything." Positive: "I have the energy and determination to achieve my goals."
Negative: "I'll never be happy." Positive: "I can find joy and contentment in the little things."
Negative: "I'm a failure as a parent/friend/partner." Positive: "I care and do my best to support those around me."
Negative: "I'm too old/young to do that." Positive: "Age doesn't define my ability to pursue my passions."
Negative: "I don't deserve good things." Positive: "I am worthy of happiness, success, and positive experiences."
Negative: "I'm a failure because I haven't achieved enough." Positive: "I'm on my own path of growth and accomplishments."
Negative: "I can't handle stress." Positive: "I am resilient and can manage stress with effective strategies."
Negative: "I'll never be as talented as others." Positive: "I have unique talents that make me special."
Negative: "I'm so clumsy." Positive: "I am improving my coordination and skills."
Negative: "I'm too shy to make friends." Positive: "I have qualities that others appreciate and I can connect with people."
Negative: "I'm not good at anything." Positive: "I have strengths and abilities that I can develop."
Negative: "I'm a burden on my family." Positive: "My family supports me and we help each other."
Negative: "I'll probably fail, so why bother trying?" Positive: "I have the courage to take on challenges and learn from them."
Negative: "I can't trust anyone; people always let me down." Positive: "I can build meaningful and trustworthy relationships."
Negative: "I'll never find love." Positive: "I am deserving of love and can create meaningful connections."
Negative: "I'm not creative at all." Positive: "I can express my creativity in different ways."
Negative: "I'll never be able to speak in public." Positive: "I can develop my public speaking skills with practice."
Negative: "I don't deserve success." Positive: "I am capable of achieving success through hard work."
Negative: "I'm so disorganized." Positive: "I can improve my organization skills with time."
Negative: "I'll never be happy with my body." Positive: "I can make healthy choices and appreciate my body."
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aborderlineblog · 8 months
Sometimes you just gotta say to yourself, “I see you, I hear you, the emotion you’re feeling is so so valid and real. AND right now, we’re going to choose a different path than the one you want to take.”
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theereina · 9 months
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Late Nite Self-Care
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beegalactica · 3 months
the power of positive self-talk
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The words we speak hold so much power. Our words can enforce our positive self-concept, or drag us into endless spirals of self-doubt. The way we talk to and about ourselves is important more than ever in a world where others' opinions, beliefs and expectations are constantly being forced down our throats.
It is so easy to get stuck in a fixed mindset, where you catastrophise every little inconvenience as if it's the end of the world. You know it's not, but at the moment, it feels like the worst thing to ever happen to you. Here's how to tackle those negative emotions and affirm yourself through the art of positive self-talk:
Rewrite the narrative. You are the author of your own story. Instead of "I don't think I can ever recover from this", tell yourself "I don't know how or when, but I will get through this."
'Fake' it till you make it. I hate this quote generally because I believe that new things will feel foreign and strange at first, but this doesn't mean that it's a fake practice. Do whatever you need to do, to get you to believe, but don't lose sight of yourself. It might seem strange at first, but one day you'll be able to say that you'll be okay and actually believe it so keep moving towards that moment.
Practice the art of consistent practice. Learn to catch yourself when you find yourself growing in negativity. Try to reaffirm yourself, and metaphorically swim back up to the surface. Some days, it will feel like the tides are against you, but catastrophising events in life can lead to a whole host of physical, emotional and mental side effects.
Allow yourself to feel. Positive self-talk should not be misconstrued with toxic positivity. You are allowed to be sad. You are allowed to sit in bed and bawl your eyes out. You are allowed to feel your emotions. You just need to be able to acknowledge how you feel, and still be able to bounce back.
You are your own best friend. If your best friend was having a bad day, would you tell them that they're pathetic and they deserve it, or would you try to show them just how loved they are? If you'd put them down, then you need to rethink what a friend is. If you would try to uplift them, why won't you do this for yourself? Instead of blaming yourself, comfort yourself. Be that friend and tell yourself those words of encouragement that you would give to someone you love and care about.
At the end of the day, you should be someone that you love and care about.
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kariiimm · 9 days
You took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces
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manifestisnow · 2 years
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Focus on what you do want and not what you don't want.
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th3run · 1 year
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Haven’t dropped a good meme in a hot minute. HERE U GUIES GOOOOOO
Remember to follow when you reblog 🌸🥹
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kindnotestoself · 5 months
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[Refuse to become your own bully.]
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positivelyadhd · 2 years
reminder that you are enough just as you are.
you don't need to change or be more productive or do more to be enough.
you always have been and always will be enough by simply existing and being you.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 3 months
If you've been highly criticized/yelled at in your past after any sudden decision you've made or if you have been played around or been unappreciated while you were just trying to do something good/nice, the shameful/guilty feeling born at those times may still be lingering inside of you. Anytime you make a sudden decision/choice without asking for confirmation about its nature or give away something from yourself (even something material like eg. a very little amount of money) it makes you wonder if you've done the right thing or if you've been deceived somehow. This happens cause you have unconsciously learnt from similar past experiences that you're "not good enough" or a bit "too stupid/naive" to make good decisions by yourself.
This feeling may have been hindering you also in other situations, like when given an important choice or something similar you may try to avoid taking a final decision without asking for guidance or suggestions to others (generally those who criticized you, like eg. your caregivers), leaving them in charge of your life so that you won't be making mistakes or feel like a failure. But this way, you may end up never really experiencing life as you deserve to. You may end up chosing things you don't want or blocking yourself when given important occasions out of fear to fail and be seen as the usual "stupid" person you were and still are (only in your mind: you're not that for real, ever). You're not stupid nor naive nor any other adjective you have been called/calling yourself: you meant your best and just didn't know what to do exactly or how to act maybe, or you were a bit too impulsive; but you had to try and learn your lesson like that. You were so criticized because you were triggering a trauma in the other person but you had to make that mistake in order to experience life and understand something (and tbh you were very likely made believe that the mistake you made was bigger and much more important than it actually was). Please forgive yourself and remind yourself you have grown and learned all you need to try and protect yourself if that's the case. There's nothing wrong in giving away when done with pure intentions, don't ever feel guilty about it. Even more for giving to yourself.
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