#Batwoman 4
robin-buck1ey · 2 years
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(Let’s not forget that bat woman is canonically gay)
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safeandsound8 · 9 months
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What a finale! Can't wait for Gotham City Sirens!!
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
Jason and Bruce be like 'i HATE Tim and Stephanie,they're AWFUL and the WORST and RUINED MY LIFE' and then Tim and Stephanie literally look like this
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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Kate Kane in Harley Quinn vol 4 #26
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supergirlfansworld · 1 year
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Un día como hoy 9 de diciembre del 2018 se estrenaba el Crossover Elseworlds , hoy cumple 4 años de su estreno.
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4. A cohernet Arrowverse after „Crisis on Infinite Earths“
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„Crisis on Infinite Earths“ was supposed to make the Arrowverse better, instead it got worse. The Crossovers, we were promised by stetting all the shows on the same Earth, did not happen. „Black Lightning“ still felt off and did not gel with the the rest of the shows. „Superman & Lois“ was reveald to not even take place on Earth Prime after over two years pretending to be taking place there. „Batwoman“ referenced „Supergirl“ for important plotlines, but „Supergirl“ never referenced „Batwoman“ back. No one seemed to notice or care that Kate Kane was supposedly dead and then not-dead again, or that there was another Batwoman all of a sudden. Supergirl didn’t ask for help fighting Leviathan, Barry did not ask for help when Iris was trapped in the Mirrorverse or when she became time sick. Ray was the only one, who ever noticed the Legends were gone and unreachable. The Justice League did exist and apperantly met up, we just never saw it happening. Whole events were redated between episodes in more then one of the shows, and there was no working timeline anymore (believe me, I tried making one).The Future was changed several times and not changed at the same time. The remifications of „Crisis“ were different on the different shows, and who remembers what and what actually happend on Earth Prime and what didn’t never became clear. Alex seemed to get her memories of her real life back, but still had Earth Prime Memories a season later. Cisco’s Memory Restoration drug never came into play, nobody noticed that there was not supposed to be a Black Canary anymore. Sara didn’t seem to know her dad was alive again after returning from Oliver’s Funeral, but did know later and for some reason Ray and Mick did not stay for the Funeral and returned to the Waverider before she did. Even though there weren’t supposed to be doppelgangers anymore, they found loopholes for still having them all the time. In short: The shows felt wider apart then ever before. It was like no one was talking to each other anymore.
Probably because they weren’t. And yes, much of this is due to Covid, but other things are like little things, that could have been avoided by communication between the Writers of the different shows, or did not even make sense on the show they happend on (like the thing with Alex’s memoriers).
Somewhere in the Multiverse there must be a version of the Arrowverse, where things were better post-Crisis, sadly it’s not the timeline we are living in.
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buffysummcrs · 3 months
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WLWMEME: 4/9 tv characters ♡ ryan wilder (batwoman)
Like everything good in my life, I thought my time with the bat was temporary, but it’s for real now, and I’m not in your shadow anymore. I’m it. I am Batwoman.
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
Rank the batfam's hero names
Nightwing, Flamebird, Azrael: 10/10 no notes
Huntress: 9/10 I don't think the name quite matches the look but it's still pretty badass
Oracle: 8/10 I can see where she's coming from but aren't oracles supposed to see into the future
Bluebird: 7/10 because it's better than what's coming after this
Robin: 6/10 since so many people have held that title
Batwing: 5/10 a little derivative but it fits
Red Hood: 4/10 I feel personally victimized that Jason Todd isn't a real person that I could have a drink with
Batman/Batwoman/Catwoman/Batgirl: 3/10 anything with a man/woman/etc. suffix loses points for originality in my book
Spoiler: 2/10 sorry Steph I love you but it doesn't work outside a specific context
Signal: 1/10 you're named after a lightbulb
Orphan: 0/10 I get the message but that doesn't automatically make the name good
Red Robin: -5/10 might as well call yourself Applebee's
Drake: -1000000/10 who greenlit this I need to have a word
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rhaenyratargaryns · 11 months
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PRIDE MONTH CELEBRATION WEEK 2023 Day 4 - Dynamic   ⤷ Ryan x Sophie (Batwoman)
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alltheprompts · 2 months
Danny phantom x DC au #11
A prompt based off today(4/17) bat appreciation day.
I feel like the Danny would see this a as the perfect day to mess with the bats of the birds and bats in the family. And posts on social media that man this would be the perfect day to show some appreciation for batwing, batman, batwoman, Batgirl, black bat and any that I forgot and start a trend. (He would also do this on bird appreciation day, May 4 for the birds)
The bats would have no clue why there is a sudden increase in bat themed decoration or why there are areas with signs that say gifts for the bats and more. Danny would be proud that he started this.
Later, oracle finally explains what Danny did and that the birds will get one in a few weeks. Depending on if he knows them or just generally lived in Gotham and appreciates heroes in general is up to the writer, but if he is just some guy who started a new holiday for the bat fam. It would kinda be funny when they found out he was an unappreciated hero and just wanted the bat fan to know that they were. They would in turn leave little gifts for Danny on the day he first appeared as a hero. It makes him cry a little.
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List of Bat Family Team-Ups and Crossovers from the Batman: Reborn Era
While to me the late 90s and early 00s produced the quintessential Bat Family, 2009-11 (plus Convergence) gives us a maturing and quickly evolving Bat Family; forced to reckon with the themselves and their pasts, to sustain a future. Crossovers had a very different tone to 10 years prior; all that shared history now boils to the surface, asking if these already complicated relationships, new and old, will stand the test of time. I also added links and bolded my favourites.
For newer readers: This is the period after Bruce Wayne's "death", which caused a reshuffling of monikers and Gotham to break into chaos. The extended Bat Family at this point includes Dick Grayson (Batman III), Damian Wayne (Robin V), Stephanie Brown (Batgirl IV), Barbara Gordon (Oracle), Helena Bertinelli (The Huntress), Dinah Lance* (Black Canary II), Tim Drake-Wayne (Red Robin), Cassandra Wayne (Black Bat), Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Kate Kane (Batwoman II), Renee Montoya (The Question II), Jason Todd* (Red Hood II) and Bruce Wayne (Batman I).
Team Up Comic Runs
Batman and Robin 2009 (#1-26)
Dick and Damian
Batgirl 2009 (#1-24)
Steph and Babs
Birds of Prey 2010 (#1-15)
Babs, Helena and Dinah
Team Up/Crossover Arcs
Battle for the Cowl (#1-3)
Dick, Babs, Tim, Damian, Helena, Selina, Squire, Cass (cameo), Dinah (cameo), and Jason (antagonist).
Batgirl Rising: Point of New Origin (Batgirl 2009 #1-3)
Steph, Babs, Cass (flashback), and Dick and Damian (cameos)
Revenge of the Red Hood (Batman and Robin 2009 #4-6)
Dick, Damian, and Jason (antagonist)
Life After Death (Batman #692-697)
Dick, Helena, Selina, Babs and Damian
Blackest Night: Batman (#1-3)
Dick, Tim, Damian and Babs
The Eighth Deadly Sin (Batman Annual #27 & Detective Comics Annual #11)
Dick, Renee and Damian
Leviathan (Streets of Gotham #5-6)
Helena, Babs, Dick and Damian
Batgirl Rising: Core Requirements (Batgirl 2009 #5-7)
Steph, Babs, Dick and Damian
Collision (Red Robin # 9, Batgirl 2009 #8 & Red Robin #10-12)
Tim, Steph, Dick, Babs, Damian, and Helena (cameo)
Blackest Knight (Batman and Robin 2009 #7-9)
Dick, Kate, Knight & Squire, and Damian
The Flood (Batgirl 2009 #9-12)
Steph, Babs, Selina (antagonist), Helena (antagonist), and cameos for Dick, Tim and Damian.
Pipeline: Chapter Two (The Question: Pipeline or Detective Comics #859-864)
Renee and Helena
The Hit List (Red Robin #13-17)
Tim, Dick, Damian, Cass (epilogue), and Steph (cameo)
Batman: Imposters (Detective Comics #867-870)
Dick, Babs, and Renee (cameo)
Black Mass (Batman and Robin 2009 #16)
Dick, Damian and Bruce
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Batgirl
Steph, Babs and Bruce
The Great Escape (Batman #703 & Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Batman and Robin)
Dick, Damian, Tim and Bruce
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Oracle
Babs, Bruce, and Steph (cameo)
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Red Robin
Tim and Bruce
Planet Gotham (Batman: The Return)
Bruce, Dick, Steph, Damian, Babs and Tim
Batman: The Black Mirror (Detective Comics #771-781)
Dick, Commish Gordon, Babs and Tim
All the Rage (Detective Comics Annual 12 & Batman Annual 28)
Dick, Bruce and Renee
The Lesson: Frogs, Snails & Puppy-Dog Tails... (Batgirl #17)
Steph and Damian
Judgement on Gotham (Batman 708, Red Robin #22, Gotham City Sirens #22 & Batman #709)
Dick, Selina and Tim
The Streets Run Red (Batman and Robin 2009 #23-25)
Dick, Damian, and Jason (antagonist)
Five Minutes Fast (Batgirl 2009 #22)
Steph and Squire
Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes!
Steph and Bruce (part 1) | Bruce, Dick, Damian and Tim (part 2)
Hostile Takeover (Birds of Prey #12-13)
Helena, Renee, Babs and Dinah
The Gates of Gotham (#1-5)
Dick, Cass, Damian and Tim
7 Days of Death, Part 3 (Red Robin #25)
Tim and Cass
Storybook Endings (Batman #713)
Dick and Damian, but cameos for Bruce, Tim, Steph, Babs, Helena and Selina.
Unsinkable (Batgirl 2009 #24)
Steph and Babs, cute cameos for Damian and Cass
new reader note: Flashpoint ends Post Crisis continuity here but the 2015 Convergence event revisits this continuity for one last time, giving us a few more complete endings.
Father and Sons (Convergence: Batman and Robin)
Bruce, Damian and Jason
The Love Song of Stephanie Brown (Convergence: Batgirl)
Steph, Cass and Tim
Just One More Thing… (Convergence: The Question)
Renee, Helena and Kate
Birds of Rage (Convergence: Nightwing/Oracle)
Dick, Babs and Dinah
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
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Stephanie @ Tim after Gotham ressurected her when she got killed as Robin
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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tired af Batwoman in Harley Quinn vol 4 #27
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7.      Batwoman Season 4
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While we only got a little teaser for next season at the end of Season 3, there definitly were plans for Season 4. Being cancelled was not an the agenda, so much is for sure. Having finally found their style with Season 3, Season 4 hopefully would have stayed commited to that style and those characters. Wildermoore Fans would have finally gotten their Season, Batwing Fans would have finally gotten their Season, Montoya would have hopefully gotten a bigger part in Season 4, and Ryan might have finally met other Arrowverse Heroes.
But the show was cancelled, so none of this will ever happen now. Yes, there still is the #SaveBatwoman Movement going on, but by now we should accept the hard cold truth that it is going nowhere. Female Black Bat-Family Members are not acceptable for Warner right now, in case you did not notice. So Season 4 of „Batwoman“ will stay as dead and buried as the „Batgirl“-Movie.
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eldritch-crab · 1 month
I feel the need to talk about my personal Batfam timeline of important events (mostly people joining/changes in status quo) so imma scream it into the void and also I don’t know all the lore so I might miss something or I just don’t like it so I ignore it
Year -6:Bruce leaves to train around the world at age 18
Year 1: Bruce starts as Batman at age 24
Year 3: Bruce adopts a 12 year old Dick and he starts operating as Robin six months later
Year 4: Barbara becomes Batgirl at age 15
Year 5: Justice League is formed
Year 7: Teen Titans are formed taking Dick’s attention away from Gotham
Year 8: Dick quits being Robin at age 17 after a falling out with Bruce
Year 9: 11 year old Jason gets adopted by Bruce and becomes Robin
Year 10: Dick becomes Nightwing at 19 after a year and a half break from vigilantism
Year 12: Barbara is paralyzed at age 24 and Jason is killed a few months later at age 14
Year 13: Barbara after recovery becomes Oracle
Year 14: 13 yr old Tim becomes Robin and 13 yr old Stephanie becomes Spoiler
Year 16: Tim has to stop being Robin and Steph takes over until she gets “killed” and Tim takes up the mantle again
Year 17: 17 yr old Cass becomes Batgirl and 19 yr old Jason shows up as Red Hood
Year 19: 10 yr old Damian starts living with Bruce
Year 20: Bruce is “Killed” by darksied and Dick takes over as Batman, Tim becomes Red Robin, Damian becomes Robin
Year 22: Bruce returns and takes back role of Batman, Cass shares title of Batgirl with Steph
Year 23: 39 yr old Kate becomes Batwoman, Alfred is killed:(
Year 24: 17 yr old Duke becomes Signal, Damian kinda stops being Robin but not really?
Year 25: The Present
Ages (by my very bad math):
Alfred(at time of death): 75
Bruce: 49
Dick: 34
Babs: 36
Jason: 27
Tim: 24
Steph: 24
Cass: 25
Damian: 16
Kate: 41
Duke: 18
Ik these are not their canon ages but those do not make any sense and I like this a lot better tbh
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onepiece-polls · 6 months
OPLA fan cast polls - Top 10 winners!
By far most of the submitted fancasts were accepted by the fans, having had a minimum of 50% yay votes. But which fancasts had the most fans behind them? Here is the top 10!
10. Karen Fukuhara as Tashigi with 82.4% of the votes.
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Her experience with martial arts and sword fighting might have convinced the fans who weren't familiar with her previous roles yet!
9. Rhey Ripley as Charlotte Smoothie with 82.5% of the votes.
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Her wrestler build probably convinced a lot of people she could pull this off. And maybe the lesbians went wild about her.
8. Peter Capaldi as Dr Hiriluk with 84% of the votes.
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Once a doctor... (also, he just kinda looks like him)
7. Alexander Siddig as Nefertari Cobra with 84.5% of the votes.
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This Sudanese actor convinced the fans that he could play another desert kingdom ruler!
6. Amber Midthunder as Laki with 85% of the votes.
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With only 1 vote really against her (we will find you and hunt you down 😛), the fans think this native American actress is perfect to play Laki!
5. Jamie Lee Curtis as Kureha with 87% of the votes.
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With by far the most submissions, I had expected her to come out on top, but 5th place isn't bad at all either! Besides, she has practically been cast already, and the fans seem to agree! If someone else gets cast after all, there'd better be a real good reason for that!
4. Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson as Brogy with 88.1% of the votes.
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This tall strongman from Iceland seemed the perfect fit for the friendly giant!
3. Kevin Chamberlin as Tom with 89.1% of the votes.
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Tom's a fishman, Kevin is human. And yet, look at their faces: the same. The fans could do nothing but agree with this fan cast (though they would also love him as Wapol).
2. Michael Jai White as Ohm with 89.8% of the votes.
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Corporate needs you to find the differences between these two pictures.
The fans: "They're the same picture."
No one voted against this fan cast, so in that aspect you could say he should be the winner! However, a few more people needed to be convinced, compared to the number one...
And the winner...
1. Javicia Leslie as Miss Doublefinger with 92.9% of the votes!
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Her looks, her acting experience (as Batwoman for example), and her experience with different (combat) sports have convinced almost all of the fans that she is a perfect fit! We are looking forward to see Javicia as Miss Doublefinger in the next season (?) of the One Piece Live Action!
Thank you all for submitting your fancasts and for voting on these polls! ❤
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