#'and they never came back. just because you're an angel doesn't mean you have to be a fool.'
you've heard of good omens now get ready for: FOOD omens. it's just aziraphale having one of those restaurant shows where the host goes around the world to different restaurants and trying their food and meeting the owners and such.
#i've been rereading/listening to the book again and i love coming across all the little bits i forget#like how much aziraphale enjoys eating food. like hell yeah man food is delicious you ENJOY that food my friend!!!!#bluebird.txt#good omens#i think the intro to diners drive ins and dives has guy fieri in his car so i'm just imagining the intro with crowley fucking SPEEDING#and aziraphale hanging on for dear life#and then in the show aziraphale would just gush about the complete history of the dishes and such and he would eat and finish every#single plate he orders bc no point letting food go to waste#and since he's an angel and he can't get full so he could theoretically just. eat anything he wanted to#is this weird. i hope it's not weird i just absolutely love how much aziraphale loves and enjoys and savors food.#i should write a fic or something#i love aziraphale so much. he's great. he's a bitch. he doesn't break rules but finds ways to do shit that's not technically allowed#he almost killed a child. he uses any means short of actual physical violence to keep people from buying his books#'and they never came back. just because you're an angel doesn't mean you have to be a fool.'#'not A southern pansy mr shadwell. THE southern pansy'#well if you MUST know I GAVE IT AWAY#he says things like beebop and wiggle on and thinks tartan is neat#he doesn't understand telephones or voicemail and 'whenever he gets his mind into the 21st century it always gravitates to 1950s'#HE LIKES DOING MAGIC TRICKS THE HUMAN WAY BUT HES EMBARRASSINGLY BAD AT IT#and he is NOT good with children apparently#i could go on#i truly forgot how much i love aziraphale. how terrible of me.#target audience of this post is me at this point#if you've made it this far in my tags hello have a good day gsgdvfbfbshf#EDIT WAIT HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT AZIRAPHALE'S 'I BAKED CAKE THEN SOME KIDS TRIED TO ROB ME SO I SENT THEM HOME WITH CAKE'#GOD I LOVE HIM SO MUCH#HE GAVE THEM A STERN TALKING-TO GSGDGVDBFJXHZUHRJF#he's just great
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bountycancelled · 9 months
OPLA characters reacting to a sweet, girly reader who turns out to be a a ruthless fighter
genre: headcanons, fem! reader, kinda suggestive??, idfk just read it bro
requested: nope, but reqs are open! pls, for the love of god, request for the opla♡
feat: zoro, sanji
a/n: reader's feminine but not female if that makes sense, only witting again because I'm obsessed with the one piece live action. also, this may be a little ooc, since I haven't watched the anime/read the manga, sorry about that! also, if you wanna be added to my perm taglist, pls feel free to ask!
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when you first joined the crew, zoro was immediately unsure of what exactly you brought to the table. I mean, they already had a swordsman, a sharp shooter, a navigator, a dumb cook and a captain/motivational speaker. so what were you doing here?
from luffy's explanation of you, he was aware that you were a good fighter, but he had never seen you in action.
the only things he had seen from you were stuffed animals laying around the ship, pastel outfits he could spot for miles, and bows that had been put in his hair while he slept.
he was tolerant of you at best, and straight up apathetic at worst, but finally, there came a time where someone tried picking a fight with you since you seemed like an easy target while you were walking with him and nami.
although he wasn't particularly fond of you (lies), he still felt the need to defend you as a crewmate, but the ass whooping you gave the stranger made him freeze in place.
there was blood splatter on your pretty face, deep red sploches of your cute clothes, and a look of pure hatred in your eyes. and you had never looked more beautiful in zoros eyes.
that was the first time zoro had ever smiled at you. sure, he had slightly smirked at your cuter tendencies, but in that moment he was truly smitten with you.
from that day, zoro wanted to train with you. what you lacked that he had in experience, you made up for in absolute cruelty when fighting. you were quick, agile and you weren't afraid to make zoro hurt, and he loved every second of it.
zoro would sometimes smile when he saw bruising on his body from his time training with you but catch himself and go stone faced immediately. no, he was not falling for you, absolutely not.
except he was, and the next time you showed up by his side with a slight limp, some tears in your cotton candy coloured clothes, blood all over you, and a sadistic smile on your face, he would tell you as much.
sanji is unsurprisingly, enamoured by you the second you join the straw hats.
I'm talking, looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky, cheesy and constant compliments like "you're cuter than any of your stuffed animals, yn-swan~" and even brushing up on his baking skills to bake you aesthetically pleasing sweet treats that always put a smile on your face.
if I'm being completely honest, it doesn't bother him that he doesn't know exactly what your strengths are, you could be amazing at everything like barbie or you could literally not know night from day and he'd still admire you all the same.
one day, you're wearing bottoms that are on the shorter side not that sanji minds at all and you're out exploring the island you're at with him by your side, holding all your bags because in his words "angels don't do hard labour when he's around" when someone decides to hit on you.
you reject them politely, but when they make a less than appropriate comment about your outfit, you click your tongue and shake your head, readying yourself to hospitalise someone.
sanji's mood switches to one of being happy because he's around you to one of murderous intent the second this rando tries you, but you already have them wheezing on the floor with broken nose before sanji can even lift his leg off of the ground.
you're back to usual self, fixing the bow on your hair while complaining about how fucking hard it is to get blood stains off of your clothes, while sanji is thinking about how fucking hard he is
safe to say that this heartless, terrifying side of you makes sanji fall even harder and question whether or not he's a masochist.
he'll still insist on doing things like carrying you anywhere (most of your shoes you impractical as fuck, but style>functionality always) lifting things for you and treating you like a piece of fine china because that's exactly what you deserve, no matter how badass you are.
only difference is, now he'll never come to aid when it comes to kicking ass, because he enjoys seeing you take people to heaven and back more than anything.
he compliments now range from "omg you are the most adorable, lovable, doll-like angel I've ever seen" to "please punch me, step on me, make my nose bleed, choke me-" and he's now ten times more annoying about you than he was before, which no one thought was possible.
believe me when I say that images of you in frilly outfits with your eyes gleaming like diamonds eveytime you make someone bleed occupy 90% of his thoughts. (the other 10% is all things cooking, of course.)
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
Steve knows the kids don't mean it when they make him feel stupid. Mostly because they're just as dumb as they are smart. If they were curious enough, they'd stick a fork in an outlet. That's what Steve was for, and he's okay with looking out for them until they realize they can start doing it for themselves. They're learning. . .slowly.
Of course, Eddie doesn't realize this until after Vecna, and he's running around like a chicken with his head cut off and he's trying to stop Max from smothering Mike with a pillow in his sleep. Suddenly, he's a stressed-out dad smoking on the back porch at the homecoming party they've thrown at the Munson's new home. He's watching them run around the backyard, looking tired, and Wayne is laughing at him.
"It's not funny," Eddie muttered. "I love those kids but they're going to make me go gray."
"Or lose your hair," Wayne said in amusement.
"Don't even joke about that," Eddie said.
"Got you something, boy," Wayne said and handed him a small box.
Eddie opened it up to reveal a world's greatest dad mug. He looked up to find Wayne drinking out of a world's greatest grandpa mug.
"Seriously? Did you buy that for yourself?" Eddie asked.
Steve came out on the porch, drinking out of a world's greatest mom mug.
"Not you too," Eddie said.
"I think it's funny," Joyce said from beside Hopper.
"Even if it's about one of your kids?" Eddie asked, and she just grinned.
"You know, I think Will and El are the only ones we don't have to worry about," Steve grinned, sitting next to Eddie. "They're angels."
"That's true. . .wait, what's Max doing to Mike?" Eddie asked.
"Well, it looks like Mike has fallen asleep in the grass, and Max is. . .Max is giving Mike a free haircut," Steve said as he sipped his coffee.
"Yeah, I figured that was coming when Mike said skateboarding is stupid," Hopper said.
"You knew Max would cut his hair?" Eddie asked.
"You gave her the scissors, didn't you?" Steve asked.
Hopper stared off in the distance as he sipped his own cup of coffee. Joyce looked at her husband in horror.
"Should we stop him?" Eddie asked.
"Nah," Steve said.
"What did he say to you?" Eddie asked.
"Well, Dustin joked about us acting like a married couple, and Mike said that I would never marry you in a million years," Steve scoffed and looked at Eddie seriously. "I would marry you in a heartbeat, baby."
Mike yawned and stretched, his brows furrowing.
"Does anyone else feel a breeze?" Mike asked.
"He's looking this way," Eddie said with a grin. "May I kiss you in front of everyone?"
"Absolutely," Steve said with a grin.
Eddie leaned forward and captured Steve’s lips with his.
"Finally," Robin said, coming out of the house.
She was sipping on a mug filled with tea. On the mug, it said: world's worst godmother. Dustin came out a moment later wearing a hat that said: world's loudest child. Eddie glanced at Wayne with an amused look.
"You really went all out, huh?" Eddie asked.
"We had plenty of hush money," Wayne shrugged.
As Max wondered inside, she handed Dustin a pair of scissors.
"What am I supposed to do with these?" He asked.
"Oh my God! My hair!" Mike shrieked. "Henderson! You're dead!"
"It wasn't me, I swear!" Dustin exclaimed and ran off when Mike started chasing him.
"Dustin! You butthead!" Eddie exclaimed. "No running with scissors!"
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theangeliczen · 2 months
nct dream’s reaction to you in lingerie? 🙏🏼
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♡ scenario: you order lingerie online and want to see your boyfriend’s reaction when you try it on.
♡ genre: fluff, suggestive
♡ minors do not interact
♡ 'art' and' jump' by tyla and 'slow it down' by benson boone
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the minute that you step out of the bathroom, mark's eyes bulge, and his jaw drops in complete awe. mark already believes that you are a goddess walking among humans, but to see you in such revealing and gorgeous attire pushes his belief further. his eyes are already scanning your body shamelessly as you let out laughs at his state. when you turn around to look in the mirror, mark almost moans at the sight of you from behind. i mean, come on, we all know mark is an ass guy.
you step closer to him, a smile on your face as you stand right in front of him. his hands fidget to touch you, looking between your body and your eyes as if asking for permission. your smile widens as you nod, resting your hands on his shoulders before you feel warm palms enclosing your waist. i don't see mark being horny at first, more in awe of your beauty. it's only later that he will come to you and ask to wear it later that night, leaving open-mouthed kisses on your neck.
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although you and renjun are quite vulnerable with each other, he still goes red in the face when seeing you in lingerie for the first time. you can visibly see him gulp from the other side of the room, his hands in his lap to hide his visible problem. his eyes never leave your body, hoping to burn the memory of your angelic body in his mind. he is speechless, trying to find the perfect way to tell you that you're beautiful, but no words can describe the feeling. his eyes will venture your body, taking in everything.
he will stand immediately, moving across the bedroom to stand in front of you. his hands find your hips as his eyes trace each detail of the lingerie, his hands moving down your thighs and then back up your waist. once he has admired every part of your body, he leans in to capture your lips in a kiss, hoping to portray how he feels in the simple action. he feels successful once you push him towards the bed, kneeling down with a smirk on your lips.
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within the first few seconds of jeno seeing you, he would be amazed with his famous puppy eyes, his lips parting slightly to let out an inaudible gasp. though, it wouldn't take long for a smirk to appear on his face, eyeing you up and down hungrily. it was actually jeno's idea to try on lingerie, as it was obvious he had a thing for it. he just really loves seeing you all pretty for him. jeno doesn't need to say anything when he wants you closer to him, leaning back on his elbows and spreading his legs which has you drooling (i mean come on, we've all seen the jeans)
he will ask for you to spin for him slowly, running his tongue over his lips as you do so. he pats his lap as his smirk grows because he knows he got you worked up just from his gaze. once you're in his lap, he isn't holding back, pressing his lips to yours and hands exploring your body. he will definitely be throwing praises left and right, wanting you to feel more confident in the lingerie as he wants to see it more often.
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haechan is excited long before you come out. he is another one who worships the ground you walk on, so when you said you got new lingerie, and you wanted to show him, he was shaking from excitement. a boner had already formed in his shorts, even if he was only picturing you; that's the effect you had on him. once you walk out, he feels like he came on the spot. you looked way more beautiful than he could have ever imagined. he doesn't bother hiding the effect you have, jaw-dropping dramatically and his eyes scanning over your body.
of course, haechan being haechan, starts whining that he can't see you properly and wants you closer to him. the minute you step closer, his arms are around your waist and pulling you until you're standing between his legs. his fingers trace along the details of your outfit, his eyes meeting yours as you gasp at the contact. he traces his fingers along the hem of your underwear until you let out a whine, begging him to do something. there is no way it was coming off anytime soon.
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very much like mark, jaemin would not look at it in a sexual way immediately. as soon as you step out, he smiles widely, admiring how elegant and stunning you look. his eyes are all over you, especially your own face. as much he loved this, he knew it was a vulnerable state to be in and he didn't want you to be uncomfortable. once he sees that you're comfortable, he doesn't stop himself from looking everywhere. he loves the contrast of your skin and the lingerie, highlighting some of his favourite parts about you.
another one who would be proud to be your boyfriend because, in all seriousness, no one else could come close to comparing to your beauty. he stands from the end of the bed and makes his way to you, taking your hands in his as he presses kisses to your cheek. he lifts one hand, spinning you slowly as praises leave his lips. he spins you to face the mirror, standing behind you and pressing a kiss to your shoulder. i feel like he is one to want to make love afterwards, and did I say praise? yeah.
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this man is already smirking when you walk out, although his cheeks are the brightest shade of red. the type who will pretend it doesn't have an effect on him, but it really does. the only thing he doesn't hide is the boner growing in his pants, adjusting himself so you can see it clearly. he's in complete awe, obviously not showing it (but actually is) as your eyes meet his. he looks down at his lap, gesturing to his problem, and you make your way towards him with a smile on your face.
he thinks you don't notice his shaking hands or the red on his cheeks as he pulls you to him but you definitely do, letting out a giggle as you poke his cheeks. he doesn't let you do much more as he pulls you to the bed and hovers over you, getting straight to the point. he wants to see the lingerie from every angle so it's safe to say that the lingerie will be staying on.
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jisung would turn red the minute he sees you in revealing lingerie. he would be giving you glimpses but he wouldn't have the confidence to keep his eyes on you. he laughs nervously and covers his face, looking down at the floor as he feels himself become hard in his shorts. this would make his face even more red, using a pillow to cover himself. you would have to be the one to make the first move, walking over to him and lifting his chin to make eye contact with you. once you give him a nod, jisung slowly scans your body and takes in his view of you.
he would be so nervous to touch you, his hands fidgeting on the pillow in his lap. you reach forward and grab his hands, placing them on your hips. you move the pillow from his lap, blushing a little when you notice how hard he is before sitting in his lap. i feel like jisung would like seeing you in lingerie, so i can see him asking you to wear it more often once he gets more comfortable. not without stuttering though.
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stinkysam · 2 months
Lucifer Morningstar - Wrong impression.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “May I request Hazbin Lucifer x Gojo! Gn reader? Strongest vs the strongest energy” - anon
Reader : you / yours
A/N : probably didn't go the route you wanted… but I'm not that good with character!reader. Hope you still like it !
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When meeting you, Lucifer was quite nervous. You were one of the strongest overlord of hell and had made your way up very quickly after your arrival down here. Upon shaking your hand, beads of sweat glided down his forehead.
What kind of business did you have with his daughter ? Why were you here ? He wondered, eyeing Charlie quickly.
His smile was a big toothy one but you could tell he wasn't very comfortable, he even wiped his hand on his coat after shaking yours. Subconsciously.
You weren't necessarily imposing or intimidating -though you were really good looking- so he had no reason to be nervous. You were even warm and welcoming toward him. And quite charming. Yet there was something else about you he couldn't put his finger on.
And you don't become an overlord by just being kind and goofy. You had to be powerful and dangerous. But who said you couldn't be all that ?
He expected it to be a ruse to manipulate his daughter and him. So with squinted eyes he watched your every move to find the moment you would drop the act.
But it never happened. Maybe it was because he had so much on his plate ? Trying to form a bond with his daughter, keeping an eye out for Alastor and another one for you.
But your warm smile seemed genuine and you never once put yourself between him and Charlie like Alastor had done, claiming she could almost call him “dad” in their song.
You seemed to be close with Charlie's friends as well and they didn't seem to be worried about themselves with you being an overlord. You even seemed like a close friend of theirs. And the feeling was apparently reciprocated.
With a frown, Lucifer decided to give you a chance, waiting for you to slip up and show your true intentions, but it never happened. Until the fight against Adam with his exorcists.
Like him you had arrived late and like him again you had shown arrogance and confidence as you fought the angels. You killed them without mercy and easily and it even looked like you were finding it… boring ?
They were too weak for you and you knew it. It was easy to protect the cannibals and Charlie's friends.
You clearly wanted to have a go with Adam but let Lucifer handle it, you knew he could stand against him after all.
And he did.
Charlie had to stop him from landing the finishing blow and you wondered if you would have listened. If Lucifer had listened then maybe you would have too.
But Nifty didn't seem to have the same moral compass as you or Lucifer as she stabbed Adam to his death. Several times. While laughing.
The fight was over, very few exorcists remained and Lute flew away with them and Adam's halo. You helped rebuild the hotel with a nice song to motivate you and your friends and especially Charlie who felt down after all the bloodshed.
But before you could leave to go back to your quarters, Lucifer came to you, rather nervously. You turned to him, and stared.
“Er… You're not so bad, finally.” Lucifer said, fiddling with his bow-tie before extending his hand out.
“You thought I was bad ?” You raise an eyebrow, amused and shake his hand. This time he doesn't wipe it on his coat.
“The whole overlord title doesn't really go in favor of being… good.”
“Neither does the title of King of Hell. And yet, here you are !” You smiled, nudging him lightly with your elbow and he chuckled at your remark.
“Yes. I guess so.” Lucifer smiled and looked up at you. “Thank you for being here for my daughter. I mean it.”
You only grinned proudly, planting your hands in your pockets after patting his shoulder.
“Oh well, she's worth it.”
Lucifer returned your smile, happy to see Charlie had a powerful friend like you beside her. Not like that radio demon who seemed more than sketchy. Maybe he could count on you to watch that demon and stop him from harming his precious daughter.
And maybe even he could see you as a friend.
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uc1wa · 10 months
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18+ minors dni
tags: fem reader, cockwarming, mentions of penetrative sex
big tough, bad, strong jason is sensitive.
the man kills and fights all night, he has to be strong while he's on patrol. so when he comes home to you? his little wife who knows how to take care of him?
he thinks you’re the sweetest girl in the world.
he climbs through the window, always landing on his back, sometimes staying there for a beat longer if it's a real bad day.
and you... you're the perfect wife he could ask for.
you're guiding him to the edge of the bed, robe hanging loosely around your frame as you take his red mask off, dropping it to the side. you're so graciously, slowly unzipping him of his cargo pants, you know he can't do it without you, right? his pretty green eyes watching you with hunger and want. if eyes could beg... the 6'4 man in front of you would be crying on his hands and knees.
your small hands pull out his larger than life length, and he whimpers just at the small feeling. he's been the one taking initiative all day, he needs somebody to take care of him, remember?
and he's sorry that he came home like this... came home hard and frustrated. he never means it! it’s just difficult when he knows he’s coming home to you. what else is he supposed to do?
and when you place your legs on either side of him, your hole wet and slick and ready for him, he’s reminded you’re made for him. he bites his lip when you slide down. staying there, because he just needs the comfort of you being wrapped around him right now. he needs your tightness around his cock if he even wants to think about being the red hood again tomorrow.
his cheeks turn pink, like they always do and his head rests in the crook of your neck, licking and kissing sloppily and slowly as his cock is being warmed by you. he doesn't move. he doesn't grab your hips and move you against him... he could pump you full right now, his tip hitting your cervix feverishly. instead, he whines against you, whimpers as he lets you lead.
he whispers that you're the only one made for him. you prepped yourself before he came just so he didn’t have to wait an extra minute. you know you’re his angel right?
and he stays there, he’s good for you! he’s grateful and wouldn’t want you to think otherwise.
his big, rough, scarred hands sit on your hips, rubbing soft circles as his lips let out little and quiet moans. reminders that you’re his. that nobody could compare to you. that your pretty body is made for him.
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we-out-here-simping · 3 months
You, Me, Lonely.
(s.h. x reader)
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from the river to the sea (educate yourself and help however you can)
Summary: you love Steve, Steve loves you. But maybe you both want different things from life.
Warnings/tags: reader menstruates (reader has uterus), abandonment issues, the ‘six nuggets’ talk, suggestive
Word count: 3.4k
a/n: huge huge huge thanks to @procrastinationprincesses for helping me out with this fic and giving it an ending (ur amazing sanjana <3)
writing and posting something because i might have to go MIA for a lil bit (miss me while I'm gone will ya?)
fic is inspired by ‘You, Me, Lonely’ by FIZZ i absolutely love this song like its so close to my heart ughh what can i say I'm a little bitter about the six nuggets scene 
also if you couldn't tell already I have major abandonment issues and an anxious avoidant attachment style. It will reflect in what i write soz :(
In the quiet of the night, you wish for this to last forever. That you'll have him forever.
When you came out of the shower you found him asleep on his side of the bed. His side– the one closer to the door. ‘so I can protect you from anyone who'll try to steal you from me’, he had justified it when you asked him why he was adamant on that side.
you had turned off the bedside lamp ten minutes ago, slipped under the duvet, as quietly as possible so as to not wake him up. on your side of his bed. your bed.
He always sleeps on his stomach, one hand under his pillow and the other extended a little towards yours. His body moves with steady and slow breaths, back rising and falling under the covers, head peeking out from under the rumpled up duvet. his cheeks are squished against the pillow cover. His hair is a mess from the lack of hair product, and still damp from the shower he took before you. There's a few strands of his brown hair sprawled across his forehead too. With your softest touch you brush them away from his eyes.
You wonder what he was dreaming. you hope it was something nice. He looks calm, at peace, and very, very pretty.
You look at him and you know you love him. You want to love him forever.
Love had never seemed like the type of thing you’ll get– like it wasn't meant for you. But then you met him. This boy. This boy who you never thought to be your type. You never thought you even had a type. But his boyish charm and stupid grin won you over.
Your heart doesn't skip beats around him anymore, and you’d think that that means he doesn’t have that same effect on you anymore but that would be wrong. You don’t think you’ve ever loved anyone as much as you do to him. You don’t look at him and get butterflies in your stomach, you look at him and… you’re sure. your heart is quiet and sure. You don't think you’ve ever been sure before.
You want to be sure forever.
He feels like the comfortable still of rain after a scorching hot summer, like the calm and cold breeze that cools you down. Like standing at the top of the mountain, looking at the clouds and valleys below, he feels like the crisp air that fills your lungs. Like the comfort meal your mom makes– the one you can never really recreate, the one that tastes the best when it comes from her. 
You love him and you know. You know. You know he likes you, loves you even. 
Steve Harrington loves you like a dream, and you're worried that one day he’ll wake up, look at you and realise that he deserves so much better. He’ll wake up and he’ll leave for work and he’ll bump into a pretty angel of a girl with a disposition as bright as his. And he’ll never return. people fall out of love. People fall out of love all the time.
You wish for him to love you forever.
How long is a forever anyway?
You wonder what it'll be like. When you're older, with wrinkles, white hair and weaker limbs. 
It's like you see it.
You and him in a bed– just like now but older, wiser, more tired. His back turned to you. There'd be distance between you two, you’d want to move closer and hold him– but you wouldn't. You’d just stare at the back of his head, counting all the grey hairs you’d memorised like all the moles and wrinkles on his skin.
You’d notice his breathing, the rise and fall of his chest and you would have known him so long and so well that you'd just know that he wasn't actually asleep. you'd know why he wasn't asleep.
there'd be a pain in your chest. You would know what it is, why its there. You would gulp and try not to think about it.
“Do you always stare at me in my sleep?” his groggy voice pulls you out of your own head.
You blink, multiple times. Forever, right.
He softly smiles up at you. You blink away before moving to lay on your back, the sheets rustling with your movement. “sorry I woke you up”, you mumble an apology, staring at the ceiling, you fail to hide the shake in your voice.
“Yeah.” the sheets beside you ruffle but you keep your eyes trained on the ceiling. it seems inevitable. You know, one day it'll happen and despite having expected it, it’ll be the greatest heartbreak of them all. 
“Thinking ‘bout somethin’?” he sounds a bit more awake.
“When am I not?” you shake your head and laugh hoping he doesn't notice that it isn't real, thankful that the curtains didn't let in any moonlight and that you had turned off the lights.
“What is it?” but this is Steve, he doesn’t need to see you to know how you’re feeling.
“Were you lying about liking the pasta I made?”
“No, Steve it was good”, a real laugh slips out of you, and you finally look at him. He’s leaning on his elbow, the messy head of hair in his hand, looking down at you. You suddenly wish it wasn’t so dark so you could see the colour of his eyes, the moles and freckles on his skin.
“Then what?”
“Nothing.” your gaze moves back to the ceiling.
“Must be something if it's keeping you up”, you feel him shift closer to you. He smells of fresh shower, mint, shaving cream and washed laundry. 
“No, I'm just….  not sleepy.”
“Yeah?”, he raises his eyebrows with a sly smirk, “Well, I know a way to make you sleepy”, he leans down– both arms caging you in, landing a kiss on your neck before trailing further up to your lips. and its lovely, so god damn lovely, you don't want it to stop but this hurts.
“Ste– mmph– Steve stop”, you turn your face away, because if he keeps going, you think you'll cry, palm pushing flat against his bare chest, “I’m– I'm not in the mood.”
“Okay, I'm sorry”, he moves back onto his one elbow. The silence gestates for a while, you can feel his eyes on you. The ticking of the clock is the only thing heard through the room before he softly says, “Hey, please tell me what's happening?”
“Nothing”, you shook your head, “I’m just tired.”
“You just said you're not sleepy.”
“J– just go back to sleep okay? sorry for waking you up”, you turn onto your side, face away from him. 
He sidles up behind you after a second or two, warm breath across the back of your neck, you squeeze your eyes shut. “yeah, like that's gonna put me to sleep", he mutters behind you.
His arms snake around your waist, pulling you in closer, “C'mon, you know I wont be able to sleep after fighting”, burying his nose in your hair– he sighed.
“Did you just sniff my hair?”
“Yeah, I do all the time. smells s’good."
"You pervert", you both laugh lightly at that, your hand going for his around your waist, before your smiles fall and silence takes over once again. 
You lick your drying lips, you forgot to put on lip balm again, “We’re not fighting, Steve.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
You take in a deep breath in, fingers drawing patterns on the back of his hand, you breath out, “m’sorry.”
His arms squeeze tighter around you, he lets out a quick sigh before placing a kiss on your shoulder, “I’ll forgive you if you tell me what’s going on with you.”
“Steve…”, your voice trails off, you're not even sure what you were going to say.
“Is it— Is it your…. Uh, that time of the month?”
That makes you want to roll your eyes at him and smack his chest but you restrain yourself, you’re not sure if you want him to see your eyes right now anyway. Instead, you sigh,  “I had it last week, Steve.”
You got it in this very same bed. Awoken by cramps in the middle of the night. and Steve, your lovely Steve had given you a hot water bag while he took off the sheets and put on fresh new ones and then gave you a soft massage that put you to sleep.
“right... yeah, sorry," he says all sheepish, “So what is it then? Did someone say somethin’ at work?”
“Did I.. " he hesitated a little, "did I say something?”
“...no”, you curse yourself for pausing before saying it.
“I did, didn't I?”
“No, no. you–”
“honey, you should tell me if I ever say stupid shit– you should call me out immediately–”
“You didn't say anything stupid or whatever. I'm the one who's being stupid.”
his hold on you loosened, he shifted back to give you space to turn around, “What did I say? Hey, look at me,” you finally turn in his hold, facing him “what did I say?”
“We’d have the cutest little kids, won't we?”
“..what?” You stood infront of the kitchen sink. your hands stopped their scrubbing at the pot you were washing. You tilted your head towards him who had his head rested on your shoulder, his arms around your waist.
“Little Harringtons”, you could hear the smile on his lips.
“Or maybe we get our names hyphenated. That works too, it’d be cute”, his hands hold your waist, his duty of drying the plates abandoned. “They’d have my fabulous hair, and your pretty, pretty eyes– cutest kids around the block”
“Our kids?” you repeated dumbly.
“Yeah, and six of ‘em. six little nuggets. They’ll make up half of a football team”, he giggled, warm air hitting the side of your face, “Doesn’t that sound lovely?” he smiled at you.
“...yeah. Yeah, it does.” you smiled back at him which only made him grin wider. His arms tighten around you again, and lips start a trail from behind your ears to down your neck.
You scoffed softly "You’re supposed to help me wash dishes you filthy animal." 
“Oh, fine,” he gave you an over dramatic sigh, before his hands left your sides, skin feeling lonely as ever.
“No, it's fine. I’m almost done anyway", you went back to scrubbing at the bottom of the pot, "Just go and take a shower, you reek.”
“Alright, fine, I’ll go!” he groaned, playfully as a kid, before he leaned against the counter, looking at you with his ‘Harrington charm’. His voice is silky when he asks, “Will you join me?”
“Steve." you said it almost as a warning.
“I don’t hear a no.”
“Okay then, no.”
“Tomorrow morning…?”
“I have an early shift tomorrow, you horndog.”
“We'll make it work.”
“Okay", he sighs, “come up quickly though, I wanna be the big spoon today”, pecking your cheek before leaving for the shower upstairs.
Looking at him, you brush the now mostly dry hair falling on his forehead, tucking it behind his ear. Your fingers lingered there, you smile, “nothing, Steve.”  your thumb rubs back and forth on the apple of his cheeks. “You didn’t say anything. it's stupid.”
His hand reaches up to hold your fingers in place, he turns his head a little to kiss your knuckles, “okay, I didn't say anything” he kisses your knuckles again, gaze stuck to your face, “but could you tell me what it is you think you’re being stupid about?”
God, I love him, you think. “Don't worry about it”, your voice barely a whisper as you attempt to give him a smile. You move closer, planting a slow kiss on his lips which are so much softer than yours– he never forgets his chapstick.
And god, you needed this, your brain stops when you kiss him. thoughts quelled and its quiet again. After some time though, your throat starts to burn and your chest is on the verge of a sob. So, when you pull away, you fail to hide the stuttered breath that you take in.
Steve knew there was something to worry about, but when he hears your breath that almost sounds like a sob, he’s immediately on high alert. Before he can brush your hair out of your face to look at you, really look at you, you bury your face in his chest.
It takes him a second to realize that you’re crying and it breaks his heart because you’re trying to hide it.
“Baby..” he feels you curl in further, your face warm against his skin. He moves to pull you in closer, palm holding the back of your head. He just wanted to take away whatever it was that was bothering you. He tried to pull away to get a look at your face to help you calm down but you wouldn't let him. He settles on carding his fingers through your hair, rubbing circles on the little sliver of exposed skin between your t-shirt and shorts, hoping it gives you some sort of comfort.
"Honey", it is then that you finally let in a shaky breath. he feels the skin where you hid your face get wet maybe with tears, sweat, snot, he didn't care-- he just wanted to take all your pain away.
You both stay that way, and you're suprised by how much you sob, how hard you heave. You weren't sure how long you stayed that way, maybe minutes, maybe hours, however long. It feels like forever.
At this moment, encased in Steve's arms, breath hot against his skin, despite the nose plugged with snot, lashes clumped with tears, eyes squinted shut, you think this is comfortable. Yet it hurts. Because you'll have to pull away. It hurts so damn much because you know how this can go, you know it can hurt so, so much more. You know it will hurt.
You want this to last forever, however fucking long one of those is.
So, you hold on longer because, you’re selfish with your love for Steve. You're selfish because despite the heartache, you’ll have him, for as long as you can.
His hold on you gentle yet firm, as if afraid he'd break you. In your head, he already had. He tries to pull away again, to look at you but you can't. Your eyes still squinted close, willing it all to be a stupid dream. “Honey, I promise you whatever it is, you can tell me”, he says, voice soft as feather. Of course it's not a dream.
Your tongue betrays you, “Its…s–” stupid. Silly. It really doesn't feel stupid or silly, but god, you're so scared that you can't say it, you didn't want to say it because if you do it’ll come true, wont it?
“Whatever it is that you think is stupid," he assured you as if he could read your mind, "I still want to hear it because I know I won't think it's stupid."
suddenly it burns, and you need air. you sit up and try not to think about how ridiculously not pretty you probably look with snot running down your face, “What if- what if we- we end up hating each other?” you manage to say through hiccups.
“What?” he sits up as well, he says as if you had said the most ridiculous thing, “I'll never hate you, honey.”
For some reason, tears fill your eyes again at that, “Steve, you don’t know that.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“No. Ste– people fall out of love, Steve- all the- all the time.” It terrifies him how convinced you sound of it.
“Do..... do you think you’ll fall out of love with me?”
The question startles you, its evident in your wide eyes, “Wha– what?”
“Do you think… you’ll fall out of love with me?" he repeats, "You think you’ll hate me?”
You shake your head, the tear that had been sitting on your lower lash finally slides down your already tear-stained cheek.
“Good." he wipes the wet trails left behind with his thumb, "then, why would I hate you?”
Your face twists into an expression that Steve wasn't sure what to describe it as. a deep frown on your lips, chin wobbly, brows scrunched up together, eyes red and tired yet nostrils flared. “‘Cause", you start but before you could continue another sob leaves you. you look down at your lap, trying to catch your breath. it takes you a minute before you begin again, "do you remember.... what you said about our kids?”
He nods, heart clenching at the way your voice breaks, “I don't think I can… do that”, he doesn't think he's ever heard you sound so broken. “I– I don't think if I– if I want that.”
He sits silent and you think this is it. maybe forevers aren't that long after all.
More tears fall, more sobs leave you, you don't bother to wipe them. What's it matter anyway? He hates you already. He's probably thinking of a way to let you down easily because he is kind like that “Honey.. I want a family..” you feel your heart ripping in two and you just can't look at him.
“And I want you to be a part of that family. I– I want you to be the person I built a family with, no matter the size." He wipes at both your cheeks again, making you look at him, "even if its just us.”
The relieved smile he expected from you isn't there, instead, you frown, the crease between your brows deepens. the part that hurt the most was that you push his hands away, “you’re saying that now, but what happens when years down the line, when we’re old, you– you end up resenting me. Y- you love me right now, I know. But how do you know you wont end up hating me like, ten years later?”
“I dont want to watch you grow old and hate me and then leave me, Steve. I’d rather end this now if we’re destined to just end up unhappy together.”
“We’re not. Okay? We’re not. I know I wont hate you, ever.” He reaches for your hands again. He kisses your fingers before continuing, “And I know that I want you, just you and whatever that– that that comes with. We could never have kids and I would never hate you for it.”
“You won't be happy", you say meekly, like he'd be mad at you for speaking what was on your mind to him, “You wont hate me but you wont be happy either”, you muttered, chin ducked into your chest.
“Honey”, he hooks a finger under your chin, tilting your head to make you look at him, to make you understand. “you’re what I need to be happy. You make me happy. And.. I’d hope you need me to be happy too”, a wet chuckle escapes you at that. A hint of a smile on your face despite the tears.
“You do, don’t you?” he clarified with a soft smile of himself.
You nod, "yeah", letting out a loud sniffle.
“Good. I know its scary but you’ve gotta put your trust in me. Trust me enough to believe in me when I say that you are what makes me happy. and I am happy."
He wipes away gently at your face, ridding it of the tear stains, “Sometimes, you’ve just gotta trust. I promise I’ll never break it.” 
You sob again but it's lighter than before, you wrap your arms around his neck and feel the weight you felt get lifted, you sniffle into the crook of his neck, "thank you."
You feel his lips on your hairline, "Let's go back to sleep, yeah?"
"Yeah. You still wanna be the big spoon?"
"yeah, I think you need to be the little spoon today." he pulls you down with him, your back to his chest, kissing the skin behind your ear he finally settles in beside you.
You call out his name, he hums in response. "how long do you think a forever is?"
"I don't know, honey."
"Can we stay like this forever?"
"Um.. if you mean us staying forever then yes, definitely forever. But, if you meant me being the big spoon forever, baby, I'm not sure if I'll be able to commit to that."
You laugh, "I love you." you confess.
"I love you too."
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bi-writes · 5 months
hello 🐝!! hope ur doing well, luv!
was thinking about bff!roommate!simon loving readers food. the reader starts baking and cooking for fun and uses simon as a test subject to rate the food LOL. reader's food slowly becoming one of his comfort things and maybe him risking cooking for/with them
just pureeee fluff!!
had this idea while looking at my burnt brownies LMFAO
wish ya the best ⚡
this is so sweet. this came out much angst-ier than i intended lol.
more bff!roommate!simon (part 7/?)
cw: mature language and content, suggestive language and content, simon is big 👁️👁️, the mask doesn't come off, aNgSt and LoNgInG
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it's one of the first dinners that simon spends with you in your new apartment. he has never lived in a home that he didn't hate coming back to.
when he was a child, he feared his father. when he was an adult, he feared the loneliness and the quiet; it left room for the thoughts in his head to manifest and grow claws. but now, he found himself in the back of a car after deployment without dread in his chest.
when he steps into the foyer, the apartment is warm. there is no dust on the forgotten, bare counters. there is no screaming, no crying, no hushed voices and angry eyes. there is a warm yellow glow throughout the apartment; the lights you have put up since he left cast such a comforting shadow across the inviting furniture, the pictures you've hung on the wall are happy, the books you've put away and the candles you've lit are familiar.
and there's a smell. something smells so good. he closes the door behind him and locks it, setting his bag down. he follows the sounds coming from the kitchen. there's the sound of something simmering, cutlery hitting a wooden cutting board.
when he emerges into the kitchen, something in his chest constricts. you've got your bottom lip between your teeth as you concentrate on peeling some potatoes, trying to be careful not to nick the tip of your finger. there's a pot on the stove, a low fire lit as something cooks. there's more candles, a glass of wine there, a neat mess of vegetable scraps and ingredients.
he doesn't know what to call it; the taste of the word in his mouth sounds something like home.
and there's your smile. a bright, shimmering thing that comes over your face, relief in those gorgeous eyes and glossiness in your gaze as you hold back the excited tears you're overwhelmed with. you drop the knife you were using, hurrying around the counter to greet him, and simon grunts as your arms fling around his neck, bringing him down to your level as you hug him tight. there it is again--something tight and mean in his chest, something that feels good but something he can't say out loud.
"y-you're home--" you pull back gently. "you're back."
you smile, and simon catches the tear that escapes before it can run down your cheek.
"w-welcome home," you whisper, and you mean it, and his breath is stuck in his throat because something was waiting for him here, and it is you, and you are perfect.
"'ello, luv," he murmurs. "somethin' smells nice."
"yeah, i--" you sniffle, taking his arm and bringing him into the kitchen. simon is still fully dressed in his gear, sturdy jeans with holsters fastened around his thighs, a thick belt, a tactical vest tight around his broad torso. you pick up a tasting spoon, dipping it into the stew and holding it up to him. "tell me how it tastes. i'm...trying something new."
simon meets your eyes from under the mask before he lifts up the fabric slightly. you don't pay attention to the corrugated skin you see, the discoloration; you just smile and feed him the spoon.
he closes his eyes gently. he has been living on ready-made meals in the field and the food prepared in the mess halls. the food isn't bad--but it isn't made like this. it doesn't come with an angel feeding it, it doesn't come with an apartment filled with peace, it wasn't made with that unspoken thing that is shared between the walls of this place.
it tastes wonderful. it's warm, and it sits so nice in his stomach, and simon wants more immediately.
"still needs some time, got to get the potatoes done," you say, as if reading his mind. "it'll give you some time to wash up."
and when he comes back, you're still there. he blinks; this isn't a dream. you're still in the kitchen, asking him how he's feeling, your hair in front of your eyes as you pick up plates and bowls and more things you must have picked up when he was gone--what the fuck is going on?
who's house am i in?
what kind of fucking dream is this?
when do i wake up--when does this all get taken away from me? because i don't fuckin' deserve this--ghosts don't eat--ghosts don't get to live, and they don't get to share these memories, and they don't get to fall in lo--
"simon," you say softly, putting a small bowl into his gloved hands. his dark eyes fall, focusing on the curve of your lips and the softness of your skin and the way you feel in front of him. "ready to eat?"
yes. yes, yes, yes--
simon has been waiting all his for this feeling. the domesticity of home, the familiarity of not being alone, the serenity in something not unknown. and this would not last--he knows this deep in his bones. dead men do not get to savor these moments; he knows his demon will come to collect the time he's stolen, but for now, he will sit at the table he shares with you, drink in the warmth that you bring. he will listen to the gentleness of your voice, and he will fight tears one day in the field trying to remember exactly how you sound at this exact moment in time.
and he will try again to keep this feeling. he will pick a day that you work, a day when you are gone, and he will try and recreate the homecoming you gave him. he will fuck it up--of course he will, because simon was never taught how to love someone else like this. but somehow, he knows you won't care.
you will look at him the way you're looking at him now--simon puts the stars in the sky, the moon into orbit, gravity in motion, he brings the heat of the sun and the snow in the winter, and maybe he doesn't do this with the world you live in, but he does it with whatever lives inside of you, and it's enough for you to know that this is all that matters.
his hand along your thigh, his eyes on yours, the thing that is stuck between his teeth that he won't say but that you can feel in the air.
the thing between you that follows you, even when you go to bed that night in separate rooms. the thing that keeps you up at night knowing he is just across the hall, that he's right there, he's right fucking there--
he's right there.
so why can't i just have him?
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celaenaeiln · 3 months
“always an angel, never a god” and making it about the robins with batman is heartbreaking and all but have you considered:
the robins to the previous robin.
robins 2-5 looking at robin 1. the hero worship, the love they have for dick grayson. they want to live up to “the golden boy” “the golden standard”. they want to make him proud.
but dick grayson himself? he looks at batman, in his eyes he doesn’t live up to his mentor. sure he thinks he’s good, but it’s not like he thinks he’s the best. to himself, he isn’t “the golden child”, he’s not “the golden standard”, there’s too many mistakes, too many sins, to make him view himself the way others view him
“always an angel, never a god.”
Anon are you providing a sample? Drop the album!!
Just - Perfect.
There's actually a time when Damian is feuding with Tim about something and he's like Grayson is the "Golden Child", Todd is the "Black Sheep", and you're something something. He didn't actually say "something something" but you get the point. Damian doesn't like to be forthcoming with his words, but - "We were the best, Richard. No matter what anyone thinks." THOSE WORDS CAME OUT OF HIS MOUTH. The fact that Damian literally calls him the golden child tho is literally ascending me. He loves his dad.
Jason gets fear-gassed once in Truth & Justice (2021) comic and it reveals that one his worst fears has always been about living up to the massive legacy Dick left behind. There's a change in the way Dick is portrayed because Jason is terrified of Nightwing, not Dick. Because he knows that Dick loves him and stuff but Nightwing is downright petrifiying. Because Nightwing and as Robin, Dick created the firsts for everything. The first partner, the first side-kick, the person who created their world. Not just Jason's but Dick opened up the gateway to Every. Single. Hero. That came after him. And he did it perfectly. He excelled in every aspect imaginable and then surpassed them to create the golden standard that every single person that came after strived to touch. Not just for what they should do, but who they should be.
Tim straight up tells Dick to his face every time that Dick is the best robin that ever existed. No squalms, no hesitation, it's just pure fact for Tim. There is simply, no one better.
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Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth
Stephanie didn't have a lot of interactions with Dick and she wasn't close to him but she still had a huge deal of respect for him. It was almost deference, the way she treated him. I considered that it might be because he was Batman but she treated Batman very differently than she treated Dick!bats.
But despite literally every single Robin thinking how perfect Dick is, how unattainable he set the standards, Dick himself feels so pale in comparison to his mentor.
I wrote this post a long while back regarding Dick's thoughts of insecurities about bruce to the tune of Toxic Thoughts by Faith Marie which pretty much encapsulates all his worries. But the thing is, even Bruce tells dick how amazing he is and he's so much better than him, and he means it.
There's a time when Bruce fights each of his former robins and he takes them all down easily but he's trekking his way to the last one and he's says "Attack of the Robins, that leaves only the first one. Hand-to-hand, the toughest of them all." He says this all in his mind. Which means when he tells Dick he's better, he really means it but Dick? Dick will never, ever understand the weight of Bruce's sincerity towards him. He always thinks he's not a good enough leader, good enough detective, good enough whatever there is. In his mind he will never be good as Bruce in anyway because for him Bruce is the best person to ever exist. For him, despite everyone in the entire superhero community exalting him and singing his praises, he feels he'll never be like his hero.
"always an angel, never a god."
Anon, that - 😌🤌✨
Glorious. Simply a magnificently apt description.
But you know who this insecurity really affects more than him?
The Robins! Literally everyone else!
You know, there's actually panel about Roy that explains how he feels about Dick's insecurities towards Bruce-
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Arsenal Issue #2
And the reason why I brink it up is because I think this is exactly how Jason feels about Dick. In Jason's eyes there is no one better than Dick and it's a nasty feeling that the person he thinks it the best feels inferior to someone else.
Tim also has opinions on the same line except in his case, he hates Dick's unconditional loyalty towards Bruce (yes I'm referencing gotham knights). He loves Bruce but he hates that Dick loves him to the point that he'll follow him endlessly because he has this romanticized, rose-sunglasses view of Bruce. WHICH IRONICALLY ROY ALSO FEELS-
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The Titans (1999) Issue #15
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Gotham Knights Issue #26
Where it bothers Roy and Jason that Dick would think anyone is better than him, it rankles Tim and Roy that he's being subservient to a mentor he's far better than.
Even Steph was like, "Dude we need you. Where were you?"
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Batman and Robin Eternal Issue #2
And Dick's like "Bruce needed me.."
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Batman and Robin Eternal Issue #2
He looks so tired, doing God's bidding. But this aligns perfectly with the fact that Bruce has a canonical god complex AKA consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. People who have god complexes are highly dogmatic in their views, meaning the person speaks of their personal opinions as though they were unquestionably correct.
Literally and metaphorically he's an actual angel because he works as a messenger of God (Bruce in the DC world) and is the epitome of goodness, someone who always offers comfort and aid to everyone.
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Home Is Where The Heart Is
Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.6k
Warnings: angst, fluff
Summary: Just because you're brought back to him doesn't mean you're going to stop doing what you love. You tried to make a life for yourself by going to college for fashion design. You want to keep normalcy even though you're far from it.
Between Love and Hate Masterlist
Squares Filled: image prompt (U1) (2023) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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After promising yourself you’d read more this year, you decided to read a few chapters every night before bed. You were sitting in the comfortable reading chair your grandma let you have when she got sick. She used to sit on this thing and read to you all the time, now it was your turn to sit and read to her. The only noise was coming from the TV where you put on a YouTube video of rain sounds. It wasn’t raining but with that video, it felt like it. You picked up your glass of wine and took a small sip just as you finished chapter five.
Someone knocked on your front door loudly, causing you to spill your wine in shock. Only a few drops but if you let the stain sit, you were never going to get it out. Who could be knocking at your door this late at night? You set the wine and book down before you walked to the front door. You peered through the peephole but it was completely black which meant that whoever was on the other side was covering it.
“Who is it?”
You practically ripped the door off the hinges once you heard his voice. He was leaning against the door frame, blood all over his clothes. He was hurt and if the blood didn’t tell you that, his pained expression did. Bucky came crashing inside but you caught him before he could fall to the ground. He was a very heavy man but you did your best to hold him up. You didn’t care if blood got on your clothes.
“Bucky, are you okay? Shit, I should take you to a hospital.”
“No hospital,” he shook his head.
“I said no,” he said again, this time a lot firmer.
“Fine. Come on.” You dragged him to your bedroom and let him lie down while you prepared to take care of him. “Don’t move.”
You ran into your adjoining bathroom and grabbed whatever you could find that might help him before rejoining his side on the bed. When you did, he had his shirt off. Even with all the bruises and cuts, he still looked like an angel to you. An angel marred by humanity. An angel with black wings. You sat next to him on the bed and used gauze to start cleaning the blood off his skin.
“What happened to you?” He refused to answer you. It was always like this. This wasn’t the first time he’s gotten hurt like this. “Bucky, please tell me what happened to you.” You pressed the gauze against one of his wounds and he hissed in pain, causing you to wince as if you were the one who was hurt. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I’m sorry,” he sighed. “I’m sorry for showing up like this.”
The more you took care of him, the more tears welled in your eyes.
“You’re always getting hurt,” you sniffled. “Where do you go? What do you do?”
“Let’s just say some men I talked to didn’t like what I had to say. It got physical.”
“Where are they?”
“Right where I left them,” he chuckled.
Once his wounds have stopped bleeding, you carefully cleaned them with a damp rag and some antiseptic.
“Are you going to tell me what you do for work?”
“No,” he said quietly.
“Do you not trust me?”
“If you can believe it, you’re one of the few I trust right now.”
“Do you not love me?”
He reached up and caressed your cheek. You leaned into his touch and closed your eyes slightly.
“It’s because I love you that I can’t involve you in this.”
You bandaged his wounds as best as you could, and while you were throwing everything away, Bucky got comfortable in your bed. You joined his side and slipped underneath the covers. You carefully laid your head on his chest, the part that didn’t hurt.
“You know I worry about you, right?”
“I wish you wouldn’t. You don’t need to worry about someone like me.”
You smiled and kissed the tip of his nose delicately.
“I worry about the people I love.”
Bucky gripped your jaw gently and kissed you. Bucky was definitely keeping secrets from you but you decided to put that on the back burner for tonight. That night, all you needed was Bucky.
You’re enjoying a quiet morning eating breakfast in the kitchen when your phone goes off. It’s a message from an unknown number. You look at the chef to see her engrossed in her duties, and you pick up your phone to see who could this message be from.
UNKNOWN: Hey, it’s Gio. I’m hoping I made a good enough impression for you not to forget me already. YOU: Hey, Gio! No, I didn't forget you. GIO: Good. Look, I wanted to check in on you after everything that happened at school with the shooting. You’ve been gone for a while YOU: Yeah, I needed a week to calm down after all that. I’m okay, though. GIO: Glad to hear it. Are you going to be in school today?
You bite your lip nervously. Bucky wouldn’t like it if you stepped one foot outside this mansion without him. Fuck that! He’s not the boss of you! He can’t keep you prisoner here. Go to school if you want to go to school.
YOU: Yes, I am. GIO: Cool! I look forward to seeing you in class :)
You finish breakfast before heading upstairs and getting dressed. There is a reason you’re in college. There’s a reason why you’re taking fashion design classes. You’re not going to let someone like Bucky take that away from you. After getting dressed in something warm, you head downstairs. You’re looking at your phone so you don’t see Bucky before you run right into him. He grips your shoulders to prevent you from falling, and you look up at him in shock.
“Where are you going?”
“You can do school here.”
“Not for the classes I need to be in person for, and since you wrecked my car, I need to leave now to catch the bus.”
Bucky��s jaw ticks in anger or annoyance, you’re not sure. You can practically see the cogs turning in his head. He rolls his eyes at losing his inner battle.
“Fine, I’ll take you to school.”
“With no bodyguards. I don’t need Sam and Steve lingering in the classes like weirdos.”
“Only if you promise not to run.”
“I thought you liked chasing me.” Bucky smirks slightly but decides against saying anything else. You finally have time to see what he’s wearing and your mouth waters when you see his very loose gray sweatpants that hang low on his hips. No! Bad girl! Don’t think about that! But he’s so delicious and you really do miss the way his body feels against yours. Don’t make me smack you. Fine. “I’ll wait by the car while you get dressed. There’s no way you’re leaving the house wearing that.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he smirks.
God damn it. He leaves while you wait by one of his cars. You’re not sure which one he is going to take since he has about a million of them inside his garage. He joins your side wearing a three-piece suit. He must be going to the office today. You’re not sure if you prefer him wearing sweatpants or in a suit. Sweatpants. Definitely sweatpants. No shirt. Obviously.
He picks the Range Rover and you climb into the passenger seat. He never lets you drive now or when you two were dating. He often claims that you always have been and will always be his Passenger Princess. Not that you minded much because it gave you the opportunity to stare at him. Ahem. Admire. Apparently, there’s a difference.
“Lose something over here, pisică?” he smirks. You snap your eyes forward and pretend like you aren’t admiring how good he looks. You look in the mirror and see another black SUV trailing behind that no doubt has Steve and Sam in. “What are you going to school for?”
This is a safe topic to discuss and you relax in your seat.
“Fashion design. I really want to start my own line of clothes.”
“I remember you were saying something about that,” he smiles.
“Well, I only just started college. It’s a few classes while I get my general out of the way, but I like it.”
Bucky pulls up to the side of the campus where your first class is. You’re not sure what to say. You look at your phone to see you have forty-five minutes before your class starts.
“Thanks for the ride.”
You’re about to get out when he stops you.
“What time does your last class end?”
“I’ll pick you up then. Right here.”
“Okay,” you whisper.
You leave the car but the feeling of his eyes on you doesn’t go away. You’re about half a football field away from him when you turn and look at him. He’s still staring at you so you scurry off with a blush. He chuckles and pulls away from the school, deciding to trust you that you’ll be there when he picks you up. Your first two classes go by without a hitch and your third class is your favorite--Fashion Design 102. The classroom is set up like a lab with desks that can only fit two people. The walls are covered with fabrics, the ground splattered with paint, and a bunch of mannequins are scattered about. Gio sits at one of the long tables and smiles when he sees you.
Oh, yeah. You told him your name is Rayne. Since Bucky found you, there’s no reason to keep that secrecy. You take a seat next to him and blush slightly from embarrassment.
“My name isn’t Rayne. It’s Y/N. I was going through stuff when I told you my name, but I’m okay now. I’m sorry I lied to you.”
Gio chuckles in amusement. “It’s no problem. I know a bit about running from your past. I get it. I like Y/N better, anyway.”
“Are you doing okay?”
“Yeah. I needed time to process what happened.”
“Again, I get it,” he nods.
There’s no way you’re going to tell him that what happened was because of you. All you want to do is focus on your design class. Gio is interested in designing men’s clothing which you know he will be good at. All his sketches are amazing. The professor has people teaming up to create an article of clothing so naturally, Gio asked you to be his. Before you can start designing, you have to have sketches.
Gio wanted to make a suit while you wanted to make a dress. You two compromised and you’re making a dress. He’s picking the color and fabric while you two create the design.
“So, what’s your deal?”
“With what?” you chuckle and continue sketching.
“You’re gorgeous, there’s not secret about that. You’re funny and very smart. Last I remember, you don’t have a boyfriend, right?”
Bucky immediately comes to mind. If you were to tell Gio no, he’d kill him for sure. Technically, you never broke up with him. You just ran away. Gio sees the look on your face and chuckles in amusement.
“It’s complicated, I guess. Like I said to you before, it wouldn’t be fair to you if I couldn’t give you my all, you know?”
“Yeah, I do. Friends?”
“Yeah, friends,” you smile.
The class ends once you finish the design on sketches. You only have three classes but the fashion one takes two hours. Bucky pulls up to the meeting spot exactly at three and looks for you. He sees you walking with a man taller than you. He looks younger than Bucky and leaner than him. He still has muscle but not nearly as enough as Bucky have. You’re leaning into his side with a smile on your face, laughing at something he said. Bucky tries to let it slide that he’s standing so close to you but when Gio pulls you into a hug, his blood boils. He honks his horn and you jump away from him in shock.
“Sorry, that’s me. I gotta go,” you chuckle nervously. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
You walk over to Bucky’s car and get in the passenger’s seat with a frown on your face. Bucky has a grumpy smile on his face and you roll your eyes as you put your seatbelt on.
“Don’t give me that look. I’m allowed to have friends.”
“Friends don’t touch your ass when they hug you.”
“He wasn’t.”
“Do you remember what happened to that man in my meeting?”
He doesn’t have to say the words for you to know what he means. You whip your head toward him and glare as hard as you can.
“Don’t you fucking dare. If you do, I will leave again, you’ll never find me, and we’re done.”
Bucky is silent for twenty minutes before smirking.
“Are you saying we’re not done now?”
You can’t stay mad at him. You want to be pissed at him but then he says shit like that and makes you fall for him even more. The rest of the car ride is spent in silence except for the light stream of music coming from the speakers. Bucky pulls up to his mansion and escorts you inside. The first thing you see is a trail of rose petals leading from the door to the kitchen. You gasp when you see the table set for a romantic dinner for two. Candles, flowers, hot food, and alcohol.
“What is this?”
“I figure I owed you dinner after everything.”
“You didn’t have to do all this.”
“I know. I wanted to.” Your stomach flips upside down and your heart swells in happiness. “Plus, I slaved over the stove all day for you.”
As happy as you are, you can’t help but feel sad. Bucky have proven he can be this sweet and good man, so why the hell is he in the most dangerous business? He’s messing with your head and you’re not sure what to think. Don’t think. Just be in the moment. All your problems will still be there tomorrow morning. Right. Be in the moment.
That’s what you do, and you and Bucky have a nice dinner where your problems slide into tomorrow and nothing else matters but you two. After dinner, Bucky walks to you to your room as if he’s walking you home after a date. You know what happens after a date. Bucky did the same thing after every one of yours, so you’re not sure what’s going to happen here. You stop outside your room and look into Bucky’s blue eyes.
“Thank you for dinner. It was delicious.”
Bucky reaches out and cups your jaw. You part your lips and he runs his thumb along your bottom lip. He cups the other side of your jaw and pulls you toward him. He kisses you desperately and grips your hair to keep you in place. It’s been so long since you’ve felt his lips on yours and it’s making your knees weak. He slides his tongue into your mouth to meet yours and licks every inch he can. By the time he is pulling away, your brain is numb.
“Night,” you mumble.
It doesn’t matter how hard you try to stay away from him. You can’t.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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hiaon · 2 months
How bout oc x male robot reader?
Reader is a robot made to make life easier for other people, basically cleaning, cooking, teaching, etc. but there's a hidden feature that allows him to help people with sexual needs.
All bots are unique, cuz people get to customize them, from their hair to their clothes, but something that not many people know is that you can customize their dick size and tightness.
Male robots are programmed to be tops and female bots to be bottoms. But Oc manages to make reader a bottom somehow?
Bots are also really humanoid from their body to their personality, mean they can 'feel' pleasure.
My sweet angel
Programmer!Oc x Robot!BottomMale!Reader
Better late than never right? Btw don't be shy writing a request because sometimes I have a lot of motivation but also, no idea what to write at all 🥸.
Disclaimer: Sexual intercourse, & Dacryphilia
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There is this company that grew a lot since it changed a lot of lives of the people a lot.
The company ' RoboNet ' grew because of their futuristic bots. It's decades advanced to other robots, and human like bots that you customize to your liking.
Either having it as a male or female. Long hair or short.. Even how they look like you can customize, it set the world on a storm on wanting one. Even one of this bots can make you famous in social media, so you'll be getting your money back when you buy the bot.
Their freakishly human like attitude, and actions left a huge mark on the lives of others for the better.. It also left a huge mark on the adult content industry.
Not only they can do whatever you want with the robots body.. The robots have a special system that only adults have access, their program is pretty simple.
The women is always bottom, and the man is always top. And, Elliot. He didn't like that, I mean sure it was fine for others, but no options for sexually frustrated gay man like him. So today, in his basement and has extensive knowledge about these types of robots because his brother is the lead programmer of the robots that RoboNet has.
Basically, he begged for his brother to teach him how to code such futuristic bots.
So now he is literally coding the man from his dream, and his brother got a model— You. — For being promoted being the lead programmer. His brother didn't really need it so he customize to Elliot's type. (He had a whole list to perfect you)
His brother pulled some strings to make changes that the other male bots didn't have, and also his brother knows how freaky is little bro is now.
He specifically tell his brother not to code you because he knows how and what he will make you become. You.
Finally, he's done coding. He's so ready to meet his literally ideal partner.
And finally the moment he have been waiting for, opening ideal partner.
"Please Choose a Name." You said, and Elliot was just shocked because that how he imagine you sounding like!
"Y/n" Elliot said, nervous.
"Thank you for choosing a name, Please wait." Elliot is practically scratching to just hold you, just sitting there opening up for him.. I mean literally.
You finally opened your eyes, and looked at Elliot.
"Hello... Uhm." You avoided your eyes from him because he was just starting so much. Yes, Elliot noticed.
"Oh! Sorry about that, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. M-my name is Elliot." Elliot already wants you so much because you we're literally what he was longing for for so long..
From head to toe, to how you talk in act, and just how you're there just fiddling your thumbs, sitting there.
"It's okay." You said, Damn. Elliot doesn't know what to do, he didn't really came in prepared. He was just so excited to have a chat with you, literally his dream man.
But then he remembered, he programmed you to really like baking. Like really like it.
"Uhm.. D-do you want to bake with me?" Elliot feels like he is an highschool girl that asking out her crush on out a date. Elliot is already feels embarrassed Infront of his ideal partner.
He saw your eyes sparkle, and he was holding for his self-control even second that your with him. His heart is going to explode from all of this happening.
"I would love to bake with you." You finally looked into his eyes.
Elliot knew this was going to be a little bit harder to contain himself with you, but he knew it isn't going to be for long.
When baking, the tention surrounding you two earlier melted down into two people just baking and having fun. But this situation didn't really stop Elliot for having a boner from time to time, because you kept reminding him on how much he wanted you.
And now, and finally, this was his last straw when he got some cream in his mouth and you decided it was a good idea it lick it.
Wait, did he programmed you to do such sly things?
After that, Elliot couldn't handle it anymore and bend you over the counter.
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"Ugh! I'm sorry.! I didn't mean to lick it.." You we're embarrassed that you we're being bent over in the kitchen counter.
"Then why did you lick it then?" Honestly, Elliot is smiling so hard like a highschool girl got to go to prom with her crush.. You really are perfect for him.
"I don't.. know.." You said just trying to avoid his eyes, but you can't because you are stuck with him bending you in the counter. Also, you didn't know why you licked him! You just went for it when you saw you had a chance..
Elliot is smiling like an idiot, and even blushing on how you blush. Like, wow it looks actually like human being blushing. His brother did a good job!
"Is it okay if I have sex with you?" He just have to make sure, because consent is the best thing for a first time.
"Erm.. S-sure.." You we're blushing so hard, especially your ears. They are angry red, and Elliot finds that adorable. You're so perfect.
Elliot didn't waste time in taking off his pants and your shorts, and holy crap your ass is huge. Ahem! Anyways—
Elliot couldn't resist on slapping your ass, he was mesmerized, it looks like it moves like jelly. It earned an surprised squeal from you.
He became harder because of the sound you made, and your body was made to leak out of your ass and of course your member. But this is probably on of the first kind it's kind that they have made,
His brother really our done himself by doing this for his younger bro. Elliot will be forever be in his debt. Since you looked ready and all lubed up,(with your own lube-like liquid coming out of your ass) he entered.
When he entered, you definitely need to get used to his size. After all this was your very first day and he didn't even controled himself when you just licked his face. You just know a lot of stuff will happened like this in the future.
"Are you okay-?" "Y-yes I'm fine... You can m-move now" Y/n cuts him off, he wanted him to start already.
Even if Elliot was a little experienced (he mostly spend time masturbating to random pornography.) He exactly knows what to do to you in this situation, his only goal is to make you feel good.
So he did what you asked for, he started off slow, when he saw that you we're handling it well he started to go faster. Now it got to the point where you we're moaning a lot, and he liked that so he kept speed steady.
"Uhg..n! Y-your so perfect Y/n!" You may have not heard him because you we're to cock drunk to even thing at that ever moment, but if you did you would have be blushing hard again.
"Y-you look so p-pretty! Ugh.! Being fucked l-like this haaa.." He truly meant ever damn words that was just randomly being thrown at you.
He noticed you we're crying, but you didn't say anything, so he thought it was out of pleasure. Fuck, he like— no. Loves seeing you like this. He wanted to see more so he broke the pace by being even faster.
That set up to be the right thing to do because he got what he wanted. You we're crying because of to much pleasure, and the moaning surely was currently being heard by the poor neighbors.
"So fa-fast! Ahg!" You moaned while pretty tears fall perfectly from your eyes.
5 minutes have pasted and you are finally getting ready to let out his load. As well as Elliot. Elliot didn't expect you to hold out for this long for him, he was so proud of you.
"Ugh.! Ima 'bout to come.! Ha..." You moaned out to him.
"T-then come my baby boy." When he said that you came, and he came after.
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He bathed you and made you drink water because caring for your loved once is always good. You need rest so he carried you to bed.
"Good night my sweet angel" Kissed your forehead and lips. Because only one kiss is a bummer.
You two slept like babies.
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ladysroom-zaza · 1 month
College AU: popular!reader thanking nerd!g!p rosé for helping her pass her exam by riding her in the back of the campus library
Many people think that being popular means being the rude and mean girl you see in the movies, but it's not true at all. You're the contrary of that stereotype, being kind and friendly with everyone in college, it doesn't matter how nerd or loser they are. And karma must exist, because you're good behaviour came back with an unexpected ally.
In fact you were desperate for your next history exam, you knew nothing when an angel appeared to help. Rosé, the shy nerd of the class, seeing the angst on your face, asked if you needed help to study and you gladly accepted, almost crying out of happiness. So, for a week straight you met in library, where she did her best to teach you all she knew.
The result? You didn't take the same vote as Rosie, but you easily passed that test, allowing you to keep living your popular student life; altough you knew the merit for that success was of someone else and you had to reward her.
You asked to meet each other one more time in the library, at the usual spot: an hidden table placed the back of many high shelves. The situation got immediately steamy with you sitting on her lap and grinding your ass against her bulge.
"You're so smart and kind, Rosie. Why don't you let me help you this time?", you purred in her hear, giving her shivers all around her body. You got on her knees, pulling off that goofy baggy jeans she always wears, and, damn, you didn't expect her to have such an huge cock.
"Why were you hiding this monster, Rosie?", you asked with a seductive tone, before taking it in your mouth, lapping your tongue around her hard shaft. It was so girthy and thicc, such a perfect cock. Even if your plans included just a friendly blowjob, maybe it was the case of upgrading her reward.
The poor nerd girl was squirming under your touch, or better, your tongue, it was an adorable view. You let her cock go and sat again on her lap, this time facing her. "Ready for the real fun, my silly nerd?", you said in her ear, before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.
Without interrupting the make out session, you took her glasses and you wore them. "How do I look?", you asked with a smirk, and you could swear that at that question her cock became even bigger somehow, she had to be really excited.
Keeping the control of the situation, you put your panty to the side, letting her big tip slowly enter your pussy. "Shit, you're gonna destroy me", you commented, and that sentence kinda made snap the shy nerd.
Without any warning, she pulled your body down, letting the rest of her cock stretch you like never before. That sudden pain and pleasure made you instantly cum, creaming around her cock, that was far from being over.
"I'll make you see who is the loser now", she growled before starting to move her hips and pound mercilessy your hole. "It's this that you wanted, right? Being destroyed as a slut", she added.
You didn't know from where that anger was coming from, but you didn't want her to stop right now. She slapped your ass, keeping to thrust into you, you moaned loudly but now was her time to capture your lips in a needy kiss.
You didn't know if she was virgin, but if she was, well...she was a natural then. The only thing that saved your pussy from being wrecked more was the half blowjob you gave her earlier; she couldn't resist any longer and just blasted her load inside your womb.
"I-I'm s-sorry...", she apologized, once her normal persona came back, too shy to look you in the face, even if her dick was still around you. "Don't be, you were amazing", you praised her, taking her chin to make her look at you instead. From that day, you had many more "study sessions" in that library.
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ncis-nerd · 2 months
Girl I've Always Been
Ship: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanov x GN!Reader Warnings:
Smut, exhibitionism, degradation, pet names, use of clit cream (receiving), strap (r receiving), fluff, brief mention of eating problems. Reader has a uterus.Aftercare, fluff.
About: Nat goes to the grocery store only to come back home, thinking her gf is in a meeting but walks in on them fucking. What happens next?
Nat dropped the grocery bags on the floor as she arrived home. Their fridge was practically empty, it was time to go shopping. Nat doesn't even know how it could get so empty, Wanda made Nat go and get some food, and safe foods for y/n. Knowing about their texture problem with food, it's practically impossible to get them to eat. Nat sighed and began to put the grocery away. She assumed Wanda was working and Y/n was either cuddling with her on her lap or playing video games. Either way, Nat was about to go find out.
As she approached the red-heads office, she heard a series of moans. That could mean no good. Nat walked in on Wanda in a meeting, Tony's voice in the background, her camera and audio of her office and y/n being fucked against their large glass window. Nat smirked "So this is why you sent me away. So you could have some private time with our partner." Nat began to make her way over there.
By the volume of the moans she heard earlier, she Nat can already assume what happened. Y/n was being needy while Wanda was on camera so Wanda decided to fuck them like the slut they are, whoring them for the whole world to see.
Telling y/n to be as loud as they want so the neighbors can hear "I needed to take care of them, darling. I can't just have our little plaything interrupting my meeting and get away with it. Now can I dear?" Wanda explained as she relentlessly pounded into y/n with her strap, from behind.
Y/n's breasts pressed against the glass, whining because it was cold. “Cold daddy” y/n whimpered." Thought you wanted Daddy to fuck you? Maybe you should watch mommy fuck daddy instead. Tie you up and don't let you highlight the ache between your legs." Wanda hummed. Y/n's eyes widened. "No please! Please daddy I'll be good!" Y/n squeaked, making eye contact with nat for the first time since she came back, only to be met with a smirk.
"Wow, they're really needy, huh. Never seen them this desperate, what did you do Wanda?" Nat chuckled. "Dunno but I think I have the perfect thing if they can be good long enough then I'll try it out on them" Wanda murmured, turning to Nat and whispering something in Russian. Nat left the room. "M-mommy?" Daddy wants to reward you." Wanda softened, reaching for y/n's hand. She leads them to the bedroom, only to be greeted with Nat and a little tube of cream in her hand.
Y/n looked at Wanda confused. "I know you're confused baby, but just trust me here, okay?" Wanda spoke, motioning for y/n to get on the bed. They listened and climbed up. Nat handed the tube to Wanda. Wanda joined y/n on the bed and told them to spread their legs. Wanda squeezed some of the stuff on her finger. She then spread it on y/n"s clit. They whined immediately at the coldness and unexpected touch. "It's okay detka" Nat cooed from across the room, simply just watching the two of you play.
Y/n's clit began to throb, more than usual. Y/n squirmed and squeezed their thighs together. Wanda looked at y/n lovingly "how do you feel baby?" Wanda asked with a gentle voice. Wanda gladly gives in. Her hand dips between y/n's thighs, she traces circles over y/n's clit. They jolt. At this rate, they're gonna come fast but Wanda doesn't care. All she cares about is making her partner feel good.
Wanda's hand trailed up to y/n's breasts. Wanda moved down, her head between y/n's thighs. She looks up at her angel, letting out soft moans. what does this feel so good, so different my love?" Wanda mumbled, as she started to suck on y/n's clit. They shook their head.
"Daddy put clit cream on you, it makes your clit more sensitive." Nat's voice said, from across the room. Y/n looks at Nat who now has her hands between her thighs, playing with herself. "See something you like?" Nat smirked, seeing y/n looking at her with wide eyes. Wanda sped up, resulting in y/n throwing their head back.
They arched their back but Wanda held them in place. "Gonna cum darling?" Wanda mumbled against her clit, smirking at the mess she's making of them. Y/n nodded breathless. "Cum for me my love" Wanda whispered.
Nat made her way over to y/n. "Can mommy hold you while daddy cleans up?" Nat whispered softly, meeting y/n's fucked out gaze. God they're so out of it. They agreed in response. Nat climbed onto the bed, they immediately clung onto her. Nat awed in response. She loves how clingy and cuddly they get after sex.
"Drink" Wanda spoke, bringing an opened waterbottle to y/n's lips. "You did so good moya lyubov" Wanda praised. After Wanda finished cleaning up, she saw y/n passed out in Nat's arms. Wanda quietly climbed into the bed, giving y/n a little kiss on the forehead. Careful not to wake them.
Wanda whispered "So daddy, I think we should use the clit cream more often." Wanda smirked at the Russian. "Seeing the effect it has on them, they'll definitely be good more often." Nat responded. "So where did you get the idea? I didn't even know we owned clit cream?" Wanda, amused asks her girlfriend.
"I um- I got it because I wanted you to try it on me" The Russian mumbled, her face turning red. Wanda smirked, seeing her flustered her girlfriend is. "I would love to sweetheart. Daddy also deserves a reward, doesn't she. I'm sorry sweetheart that slipped my mind." Wanda hummed.
a/n: like, reblog and comment for more works!
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al1fers-haven · 2 months
Alastor x Vox's wife!reader
Part 1 - Part 1.5 (You're here!)
You had been at the hotel for a couple weeks now, completely ignoring the news and any form of technology that Vox could find you on, even trying to steer clear from going outside, to begin with after a couple of times trying.
You had bonded a lot with the fellow members of the Hazbin hotel, you and Angel had bonded the most it seemed. Both having worked with the Vees and had romantic and sexual relations with them, it brought you together. Especially when it came to the harder nights the porn star seemed to have because of Valentino. "So...what's your deal?" Husk looked towards you as you looked down at the margarita he had made for you about 12 minutes ago. Attempting to figure out what exactly was going on and why you were here to begin with.
"What? Oh- nothin' much. Trying to wrap my head around this whole.." You waved your hand around in the air. "Redemption thing?" Husk nodded, grabbing his own bottle of whiskey and sighing. "What? You really believe in it?" You shook your head no, giggling a little bit. "No, I've met heaven. They won't let any soul go through anytime soon unless it is someone really important. You would think if souls could be redeemed I wouldn't be here, right?" Husk sensed the slight tension at the mention of heaven. A small smile on your face. "I uh...yeahh..." He let out a small noise and opened his bottle. "Well, why are you here? Alastor got you on a leash?" You sat up at that. Suddenly getting a lot livelier at the mention of the radio demon. "Oh! No, he would never! Uhm...i ran into him on the street, we had a nice talk. He's helping me hide from my ex-husband." Husk deadpanned, pointing his bottle at you. "What?" You lifted your glass up and chuckled a bit behind it, rolling your eyes. "I seem to get that answer a lot...I ran into him after me and my husband had gotten into a huge fight. Luckily enough he is one of the many people Vox can't touch! So here I am..!" You laughed nervously. Watching as Husk got more and more confused. "You were married to Vox? as in the overlord Vox?" You deadpanned, running a hand through your hair as your smile dropped. "Well he wasn't 'Vox, head of Voxtech' when I married him! We go way back to the living world." He slowly nodded. "Is he uh....treatin you well then?" Husk took a sip of his whiskey, leaning against the table. "Oh! He's been a complete sweetie to me! Making me snacks, even getting me some new clothes from Cannibal Town!" Your cheeks grew more and more colorful as you spoke about the overlord. Take a flustered sip from your drink. "You don't-" You took a loud sip from the drink. Your face continued to get red as he stared at you. "You do!?" "Listen, its just a small thing! It ain't going anywhere...Just...having a couple dinners with the fella.." Husk rubbed his face. A shameful look on your face. "What! He's the only guy who's actually treated me like a girl and not something to wife up! Can't blame a girl can ya?" Husk nodded. "Yes, yes I can blame you." "Really? Is it that bad for me to have a small thing for Mr. Strawberryhead?" Husk sighed, rolling his eyes with a mumble. "Well, it's not horrible? I mean, just fair warning he is a horrible person." You waved your hand, putting down your drink. "Eh, I've married worse. Believe me, vox was nothing more than an obsessive drunk who can't handle being told no. As long as he doesn't force me into anything I hate, then we are good! Or hit me." Husk stared at you baffled, a horrified expression on his face. "What? Is that bad!?" Husk nodded quickly. Grabbing your drink and refilling it. "Yes! That's- That is below the bare minimum Y/n! Cmon girl, you need to think about standards- Cmon, your standards are to not date a rapist or an abuser! That's- oh god angel has better standards." You slumped a bit. "Y/n, dear! I made some fruit salad, would you like some?" Alastors voice boomed throughout the bar room, making you perk up and look towards the fellow. "Coming Alastor!" You stood up, grabbing the margarita with a smile as you looked at Husk. "Uh..." He looked towards Alastor with a growl. "Thank you...Husk. I'll think more about what I want, how about that?" The cat demon nodded slowly, turning around and cleaning out a cup or two.
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nejiverse · 1 year
Tanjiro Kamado
In which Tanjiro comes back from his battle in the swordsmith’s village. Fem! Hashira! Reader
cw: kissing, tanjiro is so so in love
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1.08k words
"Pardon my asking but this is the sixth time you've sighed since we left the village. Is something the matter?", the female Kakushi asked a she tugged on the carriage.
Tanjiro was brought out of his thoughts by the woman's voice and he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly at the fact that she was able to count the amount of times he has sighed.
"It's nothing really...Y/n's gonna kill me when she sees all these bandages", he sulked. He tried to make it so he'd come with minimal wounds and bandages but clearly the demons he was fighting had other plans.
"Ah i've heard a lot about Y/n-san but have never gotten the luxury of meeting her", she responded. "I take it you two are close?".
Tanjiro stiffened and let his hands fall onto his lap in tight fists. "Yeah!", he exclaimed, a light shade of pink creeping onto his cheeks uninvited. "S-she's my girlfriend", he stammered.
They only recently put a label on their relationship and Tanjiro was still very flustered when referring to Y/n as his girlfriend. Everyone found it very endearing though.
"Oh wow I would've never guessed", she chuckled.
Tanjiro smiled serenely and before he knew it, his head was filled with thoughts of her. Her voice that spoke affirmations to him, her hands that always cradled his head when he was upset, her face that if he were to begin telling of her angelic features he would never stop.
"No one would. She's way out of my league", he lightly chuckled.
"Ah! I didn't mean it like that! Y/n-san just doesn't strike me as the romantic type".
Tanjiro's laugh grew louder. "She's really good at pretending, that's why".
Like the time he knew she was feeling sick but she constantly denied it saying she was perfectly fine and went on a mission anyway which ended up with Tanjiro carrying her all the way back. Or the other time she pretended she was fine the minute after a battle when really there was a gaping wound in her stomach.
It was her specialty to say the least.
"But even so I like to believe I survived this battle because of this", he held up his wrist which had a ribbon tied around it that was the same pattern as Y/n's kimono.
Tanjiro shook his wrist around in the air comically. "Are you..looking?", he cocked his to the side cutely. He was still blindfolded so he couldn't see.
The Kakushi woman laughed at his antics. "Yes I am".
He put his wrist down and fiddled with the ribbon. "She gave it to me so I wouldn't miss her but I like to believe it's a goodluck charm more than anything".
He couldn't wait to see her again.
After a while— a long while in Tanjiro's opinion— they arrived at the butterfly mansion.
"Thank you for bringing me back", Tanjiro thanked the Kakushi lady as his blindfold was taken off.
"You're very welcome", she bowed...except she was in front of him.
Tanjiro was curious as to who exactly took off his blindfold for him, and before he could even attempt to turn around, he felt a head rest on his shoulder and two arms wrap around his torso.
He could recognise those hands anywhere.
"Welcome back!", she exclaimed.
Tanjiro gasped lightly, feeling tears prick his eyes but but he pursed his quivering lips to stop them from getting any further.
He placed his hand over her own. "I missed you Y/n..", there was sadness laced in his voice, the happy kind. "So much".
Out of nowhere, Tanjiro grabbed the back of his head with his two hands when he felt Y/n hit him on the head. He turned around to her with a frown on his face.
"But you're an idiot! A stupid idiot! You promised to come home unscathed!", she spoke while flailing her hands around. "And you are very much scathed!!".
"But Y/nn! I said I couldn't keep that promise!".
She inspected the bandages on his chest and around his body. "You look like a mummy", she huffed.
Tanjiro chuckled. "But you know what came back unscathed?", he lifted up his wrist to reveal the ribbon that was perfectly in tact.
Y/n's eyes widened as she felt quite flustered. She couldn't believe he actually kept the piece of fabric safe the whole time he was fighting. It made her happy.
"But why?".
"It's just a ribbon".
Tanjiro tilted his head with a hum as if the answer to her question was the most obvious thing ever. "Because you gave it to me Y/n".
As if he couldn’t get her any more worked up, Y/n averted her gaze everywhere but Tanjiro. Suddenly the blue sky that’s always been blue was looking very blue today.
She must get her revenge. Since he got her so flustered, it was her mission to return the favour.
She closed what little distance was between them and wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing her lips against his own. Y/n’s eyes were closed but Tanjiro’s were wide open in surprise.
The kiss was long and relentless. She held his body close and used one of her hands to guide Tanjiro’s own to her waist before bringing her hand back around his neck again. He was always very awkward with his hands whenever they kissed.
Tanjiro closed his eyes and savoured the taste and feeling of Y/n’s lips. If words couldn’t suffice, her kiss could. A kiss that said ‘I missed you’, that’s how Tanjiro interpreted it.
Y/n moved her lips from Tanjiro’s to get some air into her lungs but also to get a glimpse of Tanjiro’s flushed face.
He was always so adorable with his half-lidded eyes and pink cheeks whenever they kissed.
Tanjiro hid his face in her shoulder and hugged her tightly around her waist, as if she’d disappear any second now.
She placed a kiss on his head and they both walked back into the butterfly mansion.
“Time for you to rest mister”.
masterlist :)
a/n: tanjiro was absolutely adorable in the last episode I couldn’t help myself
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rosexxi · 10 months
Hi! I love your FANFICTION so much you’re my favorite writer! I was wondering if you could do Mattheo or Theodore x fem! Reader based on the song exile and she has a crush on him but refuses to believe he likes her (he’s so in love with her guys-) but she just feels so alone even though she has friends. Don’t feel pressured at all to write this!
Stargazing 💫🌃
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Mattheo knows just what to say and what to do to cheer you up
a.n // tysm for the kind words angel!! it means so much 🫶 I haven't written in a while, so sorry if this is sucky :/
fluff // m.r x slytherin! reader
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"y/n? y/n?"
Pansy's harsh tones cut through the silence that had previously filled your mind, bringing you back to the conversation that was happening around you. You were sat at your usual table, a snug booth, in the corner of an otherwise very crowded Three Broomsticks, with your best friends Pansy and Daphne. It was a cold night, a chill that nipped at your red nose, indicated that the colder seasons were growing. The autumn chill that crept through the cracks of the closed door, made you shudder, wrapping warm in your thin sweater and wool gloves, tightening your grip on your mug of hot chocolate. You had clocked out of the conversation some time ago, too preoccupied with the clock on the wall to care about your friends' boy troubles. Whatever argument it was that Pansy and Blaise had had again.
"Sorry what were you saying Pansy?" you mumbled.
She squinted her eyes at you, as though studying your face, "That doesn't matter. Are you ok? You're incredibly quiet." she stated as she took a sip of her butterbeer.
You shrugged. To be honest you weren't ok. You felt awful like there was this terrible weight on your shoulders, like you were trapped behind some invisible door. You didn't know if it was due to the weather, or simply because of yourself, but no, you weren't ok.
"I'm fine," you eventually sighed out, "just tired. I think I'm going to head back to my dorm." you weren't lying. You were tired. Tired of the school year, tired of seeing your friends busy in relationships whilst you fell behind. Just tired. So you collected your things and made your way back to the Slytherin dorms, flashing a smile as you did to ensure your friends wouldn't worry.
"Hey y/n, is everything alright?" came a familiar voice. You looked up from your feet to see Mattheo Riddle leaning against the stone wall leading up to Hogwarts, a lit cigarette in his hand.
You looked up at him confused until he pointed to the tear that had fallen from your eye.
"Oh." you simply stated as you wiped it away, "I didn't even realise."
"What that you were crying? Must be having a shit day." he stated.
You bit your lip. You hadn't realised how bad you were feeling until Mattheo had said it, and now it was taking everything in you to not cry in front of the schools bad boy. Well, you say bad boy but you always liked Mattheo, he was always nice to you and seemed to notice things a lot more than others did, so it was no surprise he caught you having a bad day. Others may have viewed him as aggressive and brash, but you always seemed to get the side of him that was much softer and gentle. It led to you quickly developing a little fancy to the boy. A harmless crush you had explained to Daphne and Pansy, when they had caught you flirting with him in Charms. Harmless in the sense he spoke that way to any girl and would never actually develop anything more with you.
"Heyy, don't start crying on me pretty girl, what's the matter?"
Pretty girl
it took everything in you not to melt into his arms, instead everything seemed to pour out, the awful feelings of tiredness and sadness that loomed over you, the irritancy you felt towards your friends that just groaned about their boyfriends, the irritancy you felt towards school. He just listened, occasionally taking a smoke of his cigarette, but maintaining eye contact throughout.
"I get it," he simply stated when you had finally finished, "It's hard when complex humans experience complex emotions. I hear you love, that feeling of loneliness when you're not actually alone. That feeling of emptiness whilst you're surrounded by your exhausting friends. I have it too, probably worse, Draco never does stop complaining. It's probably because you're overwhelmed, take a breather, you deserve it. But you don't have to keep it in."
"I don't?" you sniffled.
He shook his head, "I'll listen. Look I have detention now, but I'll find you later yeah?" he said, tilting his head to look you up and down, "You're freezing y/n."
He took off his hoodie and helped you put it on, "Let me see a smile."
You smiled up at him as best as you could, "beautiful" he muttered before he walked into the castle, making sure to smile back at you as he did. If only you knew he continued his smile well into his detention with McGonagall.
The Slytherin dorm was barren and quiet, for most students were still in Hogsmeade. Deciding to take advantage of the empty common room, you sat down in front of the fireplace, allowing the heat to warm you up.
Mattheo's hoodie was warm and smelt like him, and you couldn't help but smile as you cuddled into it. It was interactions like these that had you thinking your feelings for Mattheo were mutual. It would never last long, you always knew the truth. Mattheo simply didn't like you back and you were fine with that. Why would he when he could have any girl he wanted, one who preferably didn't cry to him when he simply asked if they were ok. But despite that, your talk with the boy, lead you to feeling in better spirits than before.
It wasn't long before Draco, Mattheo and Theodore came back from detention.
"McGonagall definitely has something against me, detention for the fourth Saturday in a row?" exclaimed Mattheo aggressively, as he threw his tie on the sofa. You turned to see the angered boy pull out a cigarette as he leaned against the fireplace. Upon seeing you, his gaze seemed to soften, as he gently exhaled smoke.
"You shouldn't scrunch your face up in anger so much Mattheo, you'll lose your charming good lucks." smirked Draco from the sofa.
"It's his good lucks that get him in trouble. If he had stopped flirting with Lavender maybe he wouldn't've gotten detention again." Theodore chimed in.
Your heart sank. Of course he was flirting with Lavender, the boy would flirt with anything that had legs, everyone knew this, especially you.
"Shut up I wasn't flirting," he said as he flicked something at the two teasing boys, "Besides Lavender's not my type." he shrugged as he sank to seat himself facing you. He smiled at you before turning his attention back to his two teasing friends.
"Yeah don't worry we know who your type is." they sniggered.
You rolled your eyes. You knew Mattheo would never like you. You knew of his multiple girlfriends and "situationships" that he flaunted around the castle. But still, you had hoped that when he said he would come to find you later, he didn't mean he'd come with his boyish friends to brag about his girl of the day. You got up and made your way to your room.
"You two just can't keep your mouths shut can you?" Mattheo questioned the two boys.
"Hey don't blame us, if you're so in love with her than just man up and say it," complained Draco, "Instead you do our heads in."
"I'm trying ok." Mattheo grunted.
"Try harder, it's been six years already and she still doesn't know."
"She must know a bit. I try to make it obvious, I'm nice to her." he simply stated.
Draco let out an obnoxious laugh, "You're so dense, Mattheo. That's not enough. You think being nice is enough, you can't flirt with loads of girls and expect y/n to think you fancy her."
"I know, I know," he grumbled as he got up, painfully aware of his behaviour the past few years, "I'll take to her see soon."
Mattheo left the common room, deciding a walk around the castle was good for his thoughts. He knew he probably flirted too much with other girls even though it meant nothing, but that was simply because it was all he knew. See, Mattheo knew his reputation was right. He was brash and awkward with his emotions, so feeling love towards you was an obstacle he didn't know how to overcome.
You hadn't spoken to Mattheo much over the rest of the weekend, and decidedly so, for you knew that seeing him would probably put you in a worse mood. But come Monday you started feeling in higher spirits, even engaging in boy talk with your best friends.
"But Mattheo likes you y/n, he called you pretty girl and love." Daphne had said when you told her of your interaction on the way to Transfiguration. You shook your head, "He says that to everyone Daph. He doesn't like me, why would he. He probably felt bad that I was moping around Hogsmeade, it was undeniably out of pity."
She shook her head and tried to come up with a million reasons as to why Mattheo must be in love with you. Even evidencing small interactions and late night conversations that had occurred over the years at Hogwarts.
"Look Daph, I like Mattheo and I am ok with liking him from a distance, he doesn't like me back, he can't, and that's fine." you finally said as you reached the classroom.
The lesson began, and at around 15 minutes, Mattheo strolled in. You rolled your eyes at his lack of respect and watched as he took a seat next to you.
"You look like you're feeling better." he whispered.
"I am better than before." You simply replied, turning to smile at him. He returned the smile and shifted his attention to the lesson.
Half away into the lesson, Lavender slipped Mattheo a note. You rolled your eyes at the boy again. Were them two a thing now. You liked Lavender. You didn't, however, like her that much for Mattheo.
"Are you two together now?" you voiced your thoughts.
"What? Who? Me and Lavender?" Mattheo whisper shouted, clearly taken aback, "No," he simply stated, "couldn't be further from the truth."
The lesson seemed to last longer as you stared at the clock. Eventually five minutes remained and as you packed away, Mattheo slid you a note.
'Astronomy tower at 9'
Before you could question him, he had left the classroom, leaving you highly confused.
"You came." Mattheo said softly, when you eventually arrived at the astronomy tower slightly after 9. You contemplated if you should come, but after encouragement from Daphne, who seemed more excited about the invitation than you, how could you not show up.
"You asked me to."
He was sat on the balcony, and as you neared towards him, you saw that he was sat on top of a plaid blanket, amongst pillows and a few lit candles.
"What's this for?" you asked, barely above a whisper. He didn't reply, instead he simply patted at the space beside him. You did. You both sat in silence for some time until he finally spoke.
"You're wearing my hoodie."
You nodded, "It's cold."
"It is," he agreed. The silence fell again and you saw Mattheo akwardly rub at the back of his neck, "When I was younger, I had insomnia, and whenever I was awake, I'd always go our tower, you could always see all the stars." he paused to take a hit of his cigarette, exhaling slowly as he gathered his thoughts, "You were sad. I thought if the stars brought me peace they'd do the same for you."
You admired the boy in the moonlight. The boy who everyone described as brash and reckless, seemed vulnerable and innocent as you stared at him, admiring how the moons reflection traced his features, making them appear softer. His brown, heavy eyes were fixated on his fingers as he fiddled with them, and above his eyebrow was a cut, no doubtly from a fight.
"You did all this? It's beautiful, the sky, the stars." you replied. You didn't know how to reply, to be entirely honest, you had never seen Mattheo this way.
He nodded, "It is beautiful." he agreed as he finally turned to meet his brown eyes to yours. Though you would describe his eyes as dead and tired, they looked full of life as he looked at you.
You couldn't help but let out a soft laugh at his intense gaze, "What is the sky or me?"
"You of course." he smiled.
You raised your eyebrows at him, "yeah? bet you say that to all your girls. You bring them here too?"
He shook his head aggressively, "never brought any girl here other than you and I'd like to keep it that way."
You nodded your head at him, though part of you still didn't believe him. He seemed to notice this as he continued speaking,
"And, I don't have multiple girls despite what the other boys say."
"You were literally just flirting with Lavender, and I've seen you with other girls."
"Lavender was helping me with this. She comes up with her boyfriend, and was telling me when was the best time."
"Oh." was all you could say.
"Yeah oh. And I might flirt with other girls but it means nothing, it's never meant anything." he took his gaze off of you and back to the sky.
"Why not?"
"Because," another exhale of smoke, "They're not you." he simply stated. As though it was something so incredibly obvious.
"Me? What do you mean?"
"God y/n, you're not always the brightest. You couldn't tell I like you, a lot."
You raised your eyebrows in shock. Was Mattheo Riddle confessing to you. Under the stars aswell you might add, how romantic.
"Me? Why didn't you say anything?"
"I tried," he shrugged "I was nicer to you, tried to pay more attention to you, but when you didn't say anything I just figured you didn't like me back."
"Mattheo. How was I supposed to know? You act like that with most girls."
He shifted in his seat to properly face you, discarding of his cigarette as he did.
"Now you know," he whispered as he leaned in to kiss you. But you stopped him, holding your hands up to prevent him.
"And you're being serious, Mattheo? Because if I'm just another girl to you, then I don't want it."
"You're not y/n, god how could you be, you're perfect. I've been wanting you since I first laid eyes on you in first year. You're everything I need and everything I want. I love you y/n, I genuinely thought I couldn't have made it more obvious. And when you didn't say anything, i got embarrassed like a stupid boy and turned to other girls but they mean nothing, now please can I kiss you."
But you didn't let him. Instead, you threw yourself at him, pressing your soft lips to his, taking his hair into your hands, doing what you've always wanted to.
You could feel him smile into the kiss, deepening it, and bringing up his hands to rub circles into your waist.
When the two of you finally pulled apart, he pulled you into his lap and turned his attention back to the sky.
"The sky really is beautiful. Thank you for bringing me." you whispered as you played with his hands.
"It is, and you're welcome. Wanted to bring you for a while, when I saw you the other day looking all down knew I had to finally do it. Can't have my pretty girl feeling down."
There it was again, pretty girl. You had to stop yourself from melting into him again.
"I like it when you call me pretty girl," you smiled, "Do you still suffer from insomnia?"
He nodded nonchalantly, facing you as he flashed an out of character toothy grin, "Kind of. I think I'll sleep just fine tonight, though."
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