#yes I’m still talking about the Loki finale
musclesandhammering · 7 months
It’s so funny how anytime some stressful cliffhanger happens in the mcu, YouTube and Reddit theorists will have you feeling hopeful and excited and hyped for the next project, but Twitter and Tumblr fans will have you falling into a deep dark depression.
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sserpente · 4 months
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A/N: I’ve been meaning to write this for so long. If you’re in the mood for some angst, you’re in the right place!
Words: 1743 Warnings: angst, poisoning
You didn’t know what hurt more. Was it the fact that the man—god—you had fallen for was on the brink of death, taking his last breaths? Or was it the very circumstance that no one but you cared?
Tony Stark had been very clear about it. He tolerated Loki only per Thor’s humble request. The God of Thunder himself was less than pleased that the Trickster was to serve his sentence on Earth of all places. It was Odin’s magic that restricted him, keeping him from causing even more mayhem after the chaos he unleashed in New York City.
They were even less delighted about him joining their self-proclaimed superhero group on missions even though Thor himself claimed that Loki’s wit and skills could prove useful.
You had nothing to say in the matter of course. If anything, you were declared crazy because you had expressed your affinity for the God of Mischief and that included Loki himself.
You couldn’t help it. The way he smirked, the way he talked, the way he sat in the corner buried in a book—one of the very few instances you ever saw him relaxed, not to mention the occurrence with the cat… oh, the cat. A stray—black and white, young, purring and dancing around Loki’s feet, desperate for his attention. And when he’d bent down to pet it and even conjured some food for it, it was the last piece of evidence you had needed to conclude that this man was not evil. Misguided, betrayed, hurt? Yes, all of those things and more. But not evil.
It was the latter. The very circumstance that no one but you cared hurt more.
Thor had left for Asgard already, seeking the advice of their healers. It was ridiculous, truly. In a life-threatening emergency like this, how could his banishment still hold any weight? He needed help.
Your enemy had been thorough, researching each and everyone’s greatest weakness. And Loki’s had proved the most fatal. Whatever the extra-terrestrial had coated their weapon in before it fired its arrow at the God of Mischief, it prevented him from healing, had him break out in a sweat and slowly lose a battle against the poison now spreading in his body.
“Loki? Can you hear me? Please stay with me. You got to stay awake, alright?” He was on the sofa, with his head placed in your lap. You stroked his forehead in an attempt to soothe him. Blue eyes found yours and you were unsure whether he wanted to tell you to stay with him or let him die in peace. You’d been singing to him too. Trying to keep him in the present, in the now.
By the time Thor finally burst back into the room, Loki’s breathing had become dangerously shallow.
“Did you tell them about the symptoms? What did they say? What’s wrong with him? How are we gonna heal him?” The questions gushed out of you like a waterfall before he’d even set his hammer down.
Thor, however, grew silent for a moment. “There… Loki was poisoned. The rat knew what he was doing. The arrow was likely infused with blood from a Memphis of Muspelheim mixed with a deadly dose of mistletoe essence.”
You put one and one together immediately. “So… you’re saying this poison was specifically made to kill a Frost Giant?”
Thor looked down. “Yes.”
“Well, did you bring the antidote then?”
“There… there is no antidote. Not on Asgard. And I fear… there is no time to search the realms. The Jötuns have spent millennia destroying every last drop of this poison. There is hardly any antidote left.”
Your heart sank. No… no! You were not going to let Loki die!
“There has to be a way. Somewhere we can…” Your lips parted. “There is somebody. Someone who has everything. You mentioned him before, you said you brought the Aether to him!”
“The Collector?”
“He has it. He must have it.”
“What, and you think he will give it to you without anything in return?” Tony said.
“I didn’t say that. I’m sure we can offer him something in return to make it worth his while.” You turned back to Thor. “Heimdall can take us there. Please, Thor. This might be our only chance.”
Perhaps you should have been surprised that the God of Thunder relented. There was no doubt he too wanted his brother to survive. The entire time you’d been preparing to leave, Thor was brooding and lost in thought. He wasn’t one for big words—but he cared and for the moment, that was good enough for you.
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The Collector’s place was dimly lit, eerily quiet and… it smelled awful. You took a deep breath regardless and gave a nod to Thor to venture forth.
“An Asgardian. And… a human?” The Collector tilted his head when you stepped into view. “What an… honour. What brings you to my humble domain?”
“We need your help. We’re looking for something rare. Thor’s brother Loki is Jötun and he’s been shot with an arrow drenched in a rare poison.”
“Hmm… yes, I’m familiar.”
“There is no antidote. If… if anyone has any left, it must be you.”
“So it must be… I do indeed have this antidote you speak of.” Your face lit up but judging by the Collector’s body language—a smug and repulsive expression, truly—he was not going to give it up easily.
“Surely, your Asgardian friend has told you of how the Jötuns have ensured every last drop of this poison gets destroyed. There was a need for an antidote no longer. The bottle that I have in my collection is… an antique, almost.”
“Fine,” you spat. “What do you want in return?”
“You see… I’ve never had a human in my collection.”
Your eyes widened, lips parting to respond.
“No!” Thor roared.
“Then I am afraid we have reached a dead end.”
“She’s not an object to be collected, she’s a person!”
“Thor!” Gnashing your teeth, you turned to him and took a deep breath. “It’s fine. Just take the antidote to Loki, alright?”
“No. There has to be another way.”
“Take the damn antidote to him, Thor!”
“I cannot let you do this.”
“You can and you will. He’s your brother, Thor! And I’m…” I’m in love with him. Heavens, was that stupid? Loki didn’t even know. It was absurd, wasn’t it? To sacrifice your own life in this way to see the God of Mischief live another day?
Yes. It was. But it… it felt like the right thing to do. Loki deserved another shot. A chance to redeem himself, to show the world that he was more than he let on. And a chance to have the damn world apologise to him, too.
“Tell him… tell him to live his best life, okay? Tell him… tell him not to be too harsh on himself. To… to love himself.”
“To love himself?” Thor frowned.
“Shut up and listen. Loki hates himself, don’t you see that? He hates what he is, he hates what he’s become. He hates himself. And you all played a part in that.”
“Why would you do this… for him?”
Your lips parted. “Tell him… tell him I fell for him.” There. You’d said it. But it didn’t matter anymore whether he’d reject you, right? You’d be here, wherever here was and Loki would be back on Earth, recovering. You’d never have to face his reaction after your confession and yet, he could live with the knowledge that he was not, in fact, so terrible, that no one could love him beyond a family bond like the one he shared with Thor.
“I… fine. I will. Mark my words, I will come back for you,” he added quietly.
You nodded. Was there hope? Possibly. Possibly not. But you did not doubt for a second that your sacrifice was worth it.
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You didn’t know how many days had gone by since Thor’s departure. One? Three? Ten? There was no sunlight in this place, no clocks. One of the Collector’s lackeys made sure to feed you regularly at least, other than that… you were on your own, caged in a pretty glass box until he figured out what to do with you. Unless of course… he was just going to keep you on display like this like the maniac he was.
If you didn’t know better, you would have asked him for a book. Surely he had some in his collection. It was boredom and solitude that would drive you mad sooner or later, that much you were sure of.
Every sound nearby became more interesting than the next. The cracking of the metal tiles, the flapping of wings of the caged bird opposite your own stupid box, the ruffling of clothing whenever you moved… a massive explosion forcing everything in its vicinity several feet into the air. Wait, what?
Your eyes widened and you stood. Were you under attack? Oh heavens, no, you didn’t want to be killed inside of a glass box! Would there be another explosion? What if the cage broke and you bled to death because of the shards piercing your body?
Chaos erupted, yet the Collector was nowhere to be seen. A scream escaped your lips when with a start, a figure appeared right before your cage, remnants of green shimmering light enveloping them whole. It took you a moment to realise that it was Loki.
“My… that is quite the predicament you have landed yourself in, pet.”
“I… w-what? Loki… you’re alive, you’re fine. What are you doing here?” Unable to process what was happening, you inched back when the God of Mischief broke the lock and opened the cage for you to climb out. Electricity rippled through you when he took your hand in his.
“Rescuing you, of course.” His sly smirk had you gasping for air as you leaned against him. Your knees and legs hurt from having to sit for so long.
“Thor told me what you did.”
“Did he also tell you…”
Loki nodded. Without another word, he leaned forward and stole a chaste kiss, leaving you breathless and wanting more.
“Come. The others are waiting on the ship. And then, my dear, I shall show you the proper Asgardian way of courting a woman.”
You smiled, relief flooding your entire body as he picked you up and carried you home.
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joyful-enchantress · 7 months
Loki’s costume at the end of S2E6 was perfect.
Yes, every part of it, down to those slippers.
And here’s my unsolicited (and delayed) thoughts on the matter.
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First, let’s talk about his robe. Not only was it utterly beautiful, down to the draping and the deep, rich shade of green (and I mean come on, would we expect anything less?), its style was incredibly symbolic.
If you look at previous Loki ensembles, especially the ones that include a horned helmet, there is an air of grandeur and finery about them. The exquisitely stitched, buttery leather; the shiny gold trimmings and metal armor accents; the dramatic, billowing capes and overcoats. Even the silhouette of these looks is broad and structured — one might even say severe. Everything about these past looks screams “Look at me; I’m important” and reinforces Tony’s own observation in The Avengers that Loki is a “full-tilt diva” — he longs for the respect and attention that he deserves (and has been denied almost all of his life) and that longing is reflected in his clothing. They are reminiscent of the royal palace in which he was raised. They allow him to be battle-ready, because he’s had to fight and claw for every scrap of love and attention he’s managed to get. They represent a broken prince. A warrior cloaked in royalty. A would-be-king.
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Now, compare that to his robe in Loki S2E6. It isn’t flashy. It has a soft silhouette. The shade of green is deeper and richer than we’ve seen; more earthy. An earthy shade of green which, in my opinion, is a nod to Yggdrasil, the cosmic tree that he will weave the branches of the multiverse into. The gold trimming across the front is subtle and understated - I even missed it at first and didn’t realize there was any gold trimming on the robe at all until I got a closer look later. It is simple. The draping is reminiscent of the robes worn by Buddhist monks. His robe reflects a Loki that has more wisdom and humility, and who has realized that being a good king — a proper god — means he will spend his life in service to others. It is the robe of a man who is confident and self-assured and knows exactly what kind of god he needs to be.
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Now let’s talk about the slippers. I noticed that they got quite a bit of flack immediately after the finale aired. And I get it — they’re an odd choice, especially when we are so accustomed to the dramatic boots and finely-crafted and statement-making dress shoes he typically dons. For similar reasons as the robe, they are symbolic and fitting for Loki’s development into a wiser, more humble character. Don’t get me wrong, these loafers are still impeccably stylish, and no doubt they are of the finest craftsmanship, because this is still Loki we are talking about here. But they have a purpose, and that purpose is to get him to his final destination. These simple slippers barely even protect Loki’s feet, showing us a kind of vulnerability that we’re unaccustomed to seeing from Loki. He isn’t guarded in this moment; he’s open, connected to his purpose, and sure of himself. The shoes aren’t for battle; they aren’t meant to impress. They are meant to serve.
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Now, about what is, quite possibly, my favorite feature of the costume. The horns. These iconic horns which we’ve associated with Loki from the very beginning take on an entirely reimagined look in the finale. First of all, they are bigger than any set we’ve seen resting upon Loki’s brow. So big, in fact, that they weren’t actually a physical part of the costume Tom Hiddleston wore. So big that they would likely hinder his performance if he actually had to bear their weight on his head.
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In addition to their size, the horns are made of the same temporal-infused material from which both HWR’s talisman and the citadel at the end of time are constructed. Gone are the opulent golden horns that glisten and shine with the grandeur of royal finery. These horns are dark and heavy. They symbolize the unfathomable weight of the burden that Loki bears in his godly endeavor to save the multiverse. The golden temporal material that runs throughout the horns like veins is reminiscent, to me, of Kintsugi, the Japanese art of mending broken things with gold. And in a way, Loki is a broken thing that has been healed and mended throughout his personal journey of self-acceptance and friendship, and is now more beautiful than he ever has been. More humble. More selfless. More godly.
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In addition to the horns, the cape, too, is the largest we’ve seen Loki wear. And while at first, this dramatically oversized cape may seem to stand in opposition to the humility that the rest of the outfit encapsulates, it works. It works because, like the horns, it is symbolic of the burden Loki has chosen to bear. This cape would be unbearably heavy; it would make even the most basic movement difficult. And on top of its sheer size, his cape even becomes torn into strips that are woven into the timelines themselves, literally securing his burden — his service to the multiverse — around his neck.
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Lastly, I want to talk about the way this outfit manifested. There’s been a common thread throughout this discussion about the humility and selflessness that this ensemble puts on display. And while that’s true, we’re talking about a relative level of humility and selflessness, when compared to Loki’s previous tendencies. This is still Loki we’re talking about here. He’s got a flair for the dramatic. He’s nothing if not intentional about the way he presents himself. And the way he marched down that gangway like it was his own personal runway, while his clothing fell away in shreds and tatters to reveal this completely fresh but familiar look, was completely on-brand for him. It was theatrical. It was glorious.
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His outfit at the end featured accessories that were heavy and larger than life. Those parts were a burden.
It wasn’t short on the style and drama that we’re so accustomed to seeing from Loki. It was glorious.
And every part of it, down to his humble shoes, was fit for purpose.
One look at this finale costume and you know, without doubt, that Loki is burdened with glorious purpose.
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A/N: If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading my unsolicited thoughts on this beautiful piece of costume design! Also, apologies for the delay in posting. I know some of you have been told this post was coming since the night the finale aired, weeks ago. Thank you for your patience with me as I gathered my thoughts and found the time to organize them and type them out.
🏷️ @peachyjinx @acidcasualties @muddyorbsblr @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @mochie85 @tallseaweed @give-me-a-moose @fictive-sl0th @coldnique @maple-seed @loopsisloops @gigglingtiggerv2 @simplyholl @superficialdomina @mischief2sarawr @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @wheredafandomat @liminalpebble @ladyofthestayingpower ++
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Footloose - Flufftober 4
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Summary: Loki is part of the Avengers now.
Rating: Teen
Square I5 filled for @lokibingo: Feelings denial  
Square 7 filled for @puretombingo: “Dance with me.”
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Warnings: fluff, banter, idiots in love
Trope: Enemies to lovers
Words: 980+
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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“I got it, Tony. This party will be the most spectacular and awesome party mankind had ever the pleasure to witness,” you roll your eyes at Tony’s antics. He wants you to help him check the guest list and won't stop talking about the event. “How about you invite some male stripper for the ladies too. I bet they’ll give us a good show.”
“We want this evening to be spectacular, not vulgar,” Tony scrunches up his nose. “We will have music, the best food, the finest wine and alcohol.”
“Fine, have it your way. Now, how can I help you, Tony?” You look around the room. There is not much left to do. The party planner did a great job. “Tony?”
“You’ve got a special task this time,” he wraps one arm around your shoulders, walking around the room. “Loki is now part of our team.”
You purse your lips. Loki is still the guy attacking New York City. “The answer is no.”
“You don’t even know what I want from you.”
“If it includes being around Loki Laufeyson, the guy influencing me with his tricks to get me to strip in front of my friends, I’m out,” you grunt. Loki managed to use his mind games to make you do unspeakable things. Like eating pineapple on pizza.
“He offered redemption and promised to never use his powers to influence you again,” Tony tries to persuade you to help him with his problem, but you’re not convinced. “A lot of important people, and the press will be around. We need to show them that Loki changed.”
“How? Shall he sing a chanson?” You snort. “I don’t think he will ever not be an asshole and a Trickster. We don’t need him to cause trouble with one of his dramatic entrances again. Do you remember the last time he made an appearance in public?”
“Y/N, please do this for me. Loki refuses to attend the party. We need him to smile, and act like a gentleman.”
“You want me to convince Loki to attend the party? That’s the important task?” You huff. “You can’t be serious.”
“Please, Y/N. For me. You’re the only person besides his brother Loki talks to.”
“Yeah, to harass me. He’s always sassy and gets on my nerves,” you snap at Tony. “If you want me to do this dirty job, you will buy me the most expensive dress, shoes, and accessories for the party.”
“Deal,” Tony drops his arm from your shoulders to shake your hand.
“If there’s a catch, I’ll cut your balls off in your sleep,” you point a finger at Tony. “No tricks, Stark, or you’ll regret doing business with me.”
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“Move your ass out of your room and follow me. We are going to buy a suit for you, and you’ll behave like a good boy today,” you yell outside Loki’s apartment. “Get out, or I swear I’ll not be nice any longer.”
“Darling, you look dashing,” Loki pokes his head out of the door, smirking. “I’m afraid I got no time for you. Check in later. How about you come back in a few weeks?”
“I said, get out of the room, raven-haired rat,” you purse your lips, close to breaking the door down to get Loki out of his room. “I don’t have all day. It’s only three more days until the party. We need you to make an appearance. Just say yes and let me buy the suit for you. You can come to the party, and dance. Maybe have a drink or two.”
“Loki, this is not a request, it’s an order. Move your ass out of the room,” you grasp for his hair, harshly tugging at it. “Come on. Don’t make such a fuss.”
“I don’t want to dance,” Loki wrinkles his nose.
“Because you can’t dance?” You grin. “Did Loki Laufeyson finally admit his defeat? Is there something he cannot accomplish?”
He opens the door to step outside, a dagger in his hand. “I’m warning you. Never underestimate Loki Laufeyson, God of mischief. I’m the Master of Dance, I just don’t like dancing.”
“Well then, let’s buy a suit and you can stand in a corner and watch other people having fun…”
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“I hope you know I had to cancel my date for you,” you grunt as Loki walks next to you. He insisted on not going alone. Which means you are his plus one for the time being.
While you try to find a way to get rid of Loki and keep your promise to Tony at the same time, the Avengers watch you and the raven-haired trickster with interest.
“She made it,” Tony can’t believe Loki is following you inside the ballroom. “It was worth the money.”
Thor frowns when his brother grabs your hand to guide you away from the Avengers and toward the dance floor.
“What are you doing?” You wonder as Loki guides you to the middle of the dance floor. “Loki? What are you up to?”
“I remember vividly that you suggested a dance,” he says. “So…dance with me?” He bows and offers his hand to you. “Please give me this dance.”
“I-“ you take his offered hand, hoping he doesn’t want to trick you once again. “If this is a joke, I’ll kill you.” You growl, but your cheeks heat up as he smiles at you.
He grins. “I’m counting on it, my love.” You end up in his arms, swaying to the song he requested before coming here with you. “I hope you know; I’m courting you…”
Loki twirls you around, grinning as you squeak and hold tight onto him as he gets even faster. Your feet move on their own, and you cling to him when the room starts spinning.
“What are you doing?”
“I don’t want the others to watch us.” You rest your head against his shoulder and close your eyes. “I manipulated reality a little bit for this dance. You only belong to me tonight…and forever.”
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A demon's victims
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Summary: You're a demon in the year 2023 and all you want is some fun and a new girl, well exactly what your looking for walks into a cafe you were occupying, maybe your hundreds of years of being around was finally about to pay off, especially when Wanda's ex interrupts you
Also demons are known in this universe but they're not just walking around, so it's still a little unusual seeing them around
Relationships: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff (platonic/best friends), Wanda Maximoff/Demon!Reader, Natasha Romanoff/Demon!Maria Hill
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Demon!Reader, Demon!Maria Hill, Natasha Romanoff, Loki
Warnings: Minors DNI! Blood, swearing, talking about Smut (no actual smut, not yet ;)) Let me know if I've missed anything
Words: 3,900
A/N: There will be a part two but I don't know when it'll come out, probably soon though
“She’s so pretty” you looked across the room at the lovely brunette that just walked in, looking around nervously but when her eyes finally settled on who she was looking for her body relaxed and she smiled making her way over to her friend
Loki scoffed as he watched you basically drool over a stranger “don’t you have any dignity?”
“Says the riddler knock off to the spawn of satan” you spared a glance to the man giving him a wink and looking back at the woman now sat with her friend laughing about something
“So what’s your plan? Stare at her like you’re in a romance movie until she falls in love with how possessive and crazy you are?”
“Hey! I’m not crazy” you said taking the brownie from the man’s plate and eating it
“But you are possessive?”
You laughed “damn right I am, what’s mine is mine and no one can take those things from me” your head perked back up after hearing her laugh again “and I can’t wait to have her all to myself”
“Nat stop you’re too funny!”
“I'm not lying though Wanda! He's so robotic, did it feel like doing it with a toaster?"
Wanda shoved Nat playfully getting her out of the solum mood she was in "seriously Wanda I am sorry about the whole thing, but maybe its for the best, let's go out tonight!"
"Oh I don't think-
Nat carried on "shh its gonna be great there's a club near here, and we'll definitely be there"
Wanda sighed but agreed none the less "okay sure, yeah it'll be fun"
You smiled overhearing the whole conversation and turning to Loki
"Time to get your dancing shoes on"
He groaned "why do I have to go with you?"
"My wingman"
"You have your own wings Y/n I don't need to hold them"
You really didn't think you'd have to explain a simple sentence to a man younger than you
"Loki I'm thousands of years older than you why do you act older than me?"
"Just to piss you off"
The music was way too loud for you and you absolutely hated it but anything for a pretty woman
"Fix your face Y/n" Loki pushed a drink into your hand bringing you out of your thoughts "I will when she walks in, we've been here 2 hours and she hasn't come yet"
"Don't be so sad my little demon, look who just walked in" Loki gestured to the door and you quickly spun to look and see Wanda and her friend walk in "oh wow, she looks incredible"
Loki scoffed "she's in jeans and a t-shirt"
"You're wearing khakis you dork" you spat back but the man just laughed "yes but I'm not trying to manipulate a woman"
You rolled your eyes " not manipulation, more like coercion using my incredible flirting skills"
"Well go on then, go and get your little victim"
You straightened yourself up downing the rest of your drink and kissing Loki on the cheek to which he pushed you away quickly "you know I hate when you touch me!"
"I love you too my green obsessed little weirdo"
"So you're completely sure you're not looking for anything?"
Nat had been looking between Wanda and a figure in the corner when she asked and Wanda looked at her oddly "why do you ask? And who are you looking at?" Wanda spun around searching for the figure and her eyes landed on you
You blew her a kiss in response and a wink making the woman blush and Nat giggle, turning around she slapped Nat on the arm "hey! That hurt" Nat joked "She's been staring at you ever since we came in"
Wanda smiled "do you think she likes me?"
Nat rolled her eyes "Wanda I mean this in the best possible way, it doesn't matter if she likes you likes you, she probably just wants to fuck you and that's fine! Go have fun"
"Nat! Why do have to be so crass?" She turned around again taking a glance at you, when you waved back she turned back and took a deep breath "okay I think I'm gonna go over" she didn't move and that made Nat laugh
"Wands you actually need get up and do something"
She shook her head "I can't"
"Bless her, she's nervous, good that'll make her blood taste better"
"I don't know what you're narrating but it's weird" Loki slid up to you pulling you out of your thoughts and you jolted "dude! I was in the zone"
"That was awful never say those words again"
"Anyway, see you later" you started walking over the two looking to the bartender for two whiskeys which you picked up on the way
"Hey pretty ladies, whiskey for you both?" You placed the drinks down onto the table standing above Wanda seeing the blush crawl up her neck
"Why thank you handsome" Nat graciously took the drink taking a sip "mhmm sweet, thanks"
You offered her a sweet smile "only sweet drinks for some sweet ladies"
You watched the two exchange glances back and forth and decided to take the first move placing your hand on Wanda's shoulder feeling her tense "are you okay princess? You seem a little tense, do you need some air?"
When she didn't answer Nat answered for her "she definitely needs some air, I trust you to take care of my girl"
"I'll return her in perfect condition"
Nat nudged Wanda making her jump up and practically in your arms making you laugh "a little jumpy? Come on?"
You looked to her friend
"She's called Wanda and I'm Nat"
You thanked her "thanks Natalia, I'm Y/n, come on Wanda"
She hadn't said anything since you took her outside "are you okay Wanda?"
She quickly nodded "y-yeah I'm okay just nervous I guess"
You smiled holding in a laugh "there's nothing to be nervous of, I do want to say you're very pretty"
She looked up at you and you put your hand on her face stroking her cheek with your thumb
"You think I'm pretty?"
You nodded "I think you're fucking beautiful actually"
She smiled pushing forward to kiss you suddenly making you pull back suddenly, something you definitely didn't want to do looking at her now shocked face
"Oh god I'm so sorry-
You shushed her with your finger "no no Wanda it's okay I just wasn't expecting you to be so forward"
She started shivering and you pulled off your jacket giving it to her "let's go back inside, if you still want to suck face there's a private room I have a key too"
Wanda smiled at you hugging the jacket tighter around herself "this is not going as well as I thought it would do, I've just come out of a 4 year relationship with a man"
You chuckled "you're so cute, if you want to take things slow I understand"
She shook her head "no no I need to do something stupid"
"Trust me I am so stupid, I didn't even know my best friend was flirting with me until they flat out asked to sleep with me"
Wanda looked at you oddly
"Oh I didn't sleep with him, definitely not into men, anyway come on it's going to rain"
You led her back into the building but instead of going back to her table you directed her through a small room closing the door behind you both
Wanda looked around the small room admiring the small amount of light throughout the room and the small refrigerator
"Theres some water in there if you want one" you said sitting down on the small couch leaving a space for Wanda which she took gladly scooting herself close enough to you that she was basically on your lap so you decided to fill the gap pulling her onto your lap straddling you making her squeal
"Y/n!" She laughed grabbing your shoulders to keep from falling and nuzzled her face in your neck
"You were practically on my knee anyway so why not?"
There was a nice silence that filled the air for a few moments before Wanda lent forward asking to kiss you this time, you smirked and lent forward connecting your lips, soft as first but then turned hungry with both of you fighting for dominance, you won that battle when your fingers dug into her hips and she gasped letting your tongue in
When air finally became a problem, for Wanda at least, you and your demon lungs couldn't care less, she pulled back breathing heavily "woah, you're great at kissing"
You both laughed still keeping close to each other "so, am I better than a man?"
She lightly slapped your arm "don't bring him up when I'm straddling you"
There was a sharp knock on the door making you both jump and Wanda quickly eft your lap much to your dismay "I'm killing whoever just interrupted us"
begrudgingly you got up and opened the door and it slammed opened nearly knocking you over
"Wanda what the fuck are you doing with this fuck girl?!"
The man stormed in with a stressed looking Natasha behind him, when you glanced at her she mouthed a sorry
"hey woah who the fuck are you?" You tried remaining calm but this douchebag wasn't helping you
You looked to Wanda who was looking to the floor scared to say anything so you tried again "hey dickhead!" He finally looked at you "are you her ex?"
He rolled his eyes "we're on a break but she didn't say anything about fucking other people"
Nat scurried behind you hugging Wanda close while you dealt with the situation "okay well I was under the impression that you two broke up and I'll be honest by the look of Wanda right now she's right"
He scoffed squaring up to you and you had to hold back a laugh "oooh big man are you? How about you calm down and just take a fucking seat"
He didn't listen and pushed you
"Ooooh okay I see how this is going to go" you laughed pushing him back to the ground with strength that surprised him "what the hell?"
Your eyes glowed red as you knelt down to him close and growled "you need to stay away from Wanda, if I hear you have come anywhere near her I will make it my mission to make you so fucking miserable for the rest of your pitiful life and it won't be a long life trust me"
To Wanda and Nat they couldn't hear anything you were saying and Wanda was getting nervous "what's happening?"
"I don't know Wands, it'll be okay though, were you enjoying yourself before we barged in?"
The woman blushed and Nat resisted shouting in joy instead whisper shouting "oooooh you little devil, I don't blame you, she's really hot"
At that moment Wanda's ex jumped up and bolted for the door, you turned around still with your red eyes and looked at the women "he won't bother you anymore princess"
"What's wrong with your eyes?...."
You sighed deciding you couldn't be bothered to hide anymore, maybe they wouldn't run out of the room screaming "I'm a demon okay? A soul sucking hell dweller who thrives on the pain from humans"
The women looked at you warily so you stepped forward giving your hand to Wanda to grab which she did "Wanda, what do you have to say?"
"You're a really good kisser" it was a whisper but you heard it laughing along with her
"Wanda are you serious? She's a demon! Pretty sure they are evil"
The woman shrugged "honestly Nat I've been through so much shit what's the worse a demon could do?"
"You're amazing, I can't wait to get you in bed" you yanked her close, kissing down her neck sucking purple marks into the skin hearing her groan but pulled away not wanting to get ahead of yourself "you're going to be my favourite meal"
Nat was sick of being left out "well if we're sleeping with demons now do you have a friend? I imagine demons are hard to come by separately"
You laughed "actually I do, do you like men or women?"
Nat was taken aback but answered "oh you do? Okay women"
"Okay" you fished your phone out of your pocket dialling a number "hey Maria what are you doing? Well I've got a girl here, no shut up we're not sharing stop asking for it, just get down here now, yeah she's really hot"
You waited a minute before turning to Nat "what's your blood type?"
"Why?" Nat asked cautiously
You shook your head "just demon reasons"
"O negative"
You nodded speaking back into the phone "O negative, yeah yeah I know it's common, least it's not O positive"
After a few more minutes another knock at the door interrupted you and you hung up the phone going to open the door revealing a brunette woman leaning against the door "is that my suit?"
She rolled her eyes "you have like 800 suits Y/n let me have 1 blue one" she pushed through the door and smiled at the women "hello beautiful ladies" she pointed to Wanda "by the way you're looking at Y/n I can tell you're not mine, but you" she pointed to Nat trying to hide her smile "you want me" walking up to Nat she held her hand out
"I'm Maria"
Nat took a hold of her hand and Maria twisted it to bring it to her lips placing a kiss to her knuckles
"I'm Natasha"
"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman, not to be forward but I have a really comfortable bed and it's so lonely without a hot woman there"
You scoffed "Maria what did I tell you about awful pick up lines?! Its 2023 now, you have to be respectful"
"That was respectful! I told her my bed was comfortable, nothing more respectable than that"
You took hold of Wanda's hand "okay well you two have fun, Wanda and I are going to go"
"Where are we going? I don't really want to leave Nat"
Before you could reply Maria proposed an idea "why don't we all go back to our house? I'm sure Loki can be somewhere for the night"
"Fine, but we're not having sex with these ladies in the same room, last time we did that it didn't end well"
Maria burst out laughing "that sounds so sinister Y/n! We promise nothing bad happened ladies, just a few sore thighs and raw backs, a few bite marks, but no one died"
That didn't fill the two with much confidence so you kissed Wanda on the cheek "I promise you'll be treated like works of art, fragile and delicate"
Wanda shrugged "I'm not that delicate"
Your breath hitched "oh? So I can do whatever I want to you? I can use your body as my canvas?"
Using your fingers you started to trace patterns on her exposed skin under her shirt but Maria stopped you "hey hey I know how you get with your fingers, let's go back to the house, where's you car?"
You shrugged never letting your eyes leave Wanda's body "forget the car, lets just apparate"
"Pretty sure that would make these two sick"
"Not if we distract them with kisses"
Maria turned back to Natasha "we can take an uber if you want to be more comfortable?"
Wanda managed to look away from you to Nat "come on Nat you're normally the one making me do crazy things"
Nat felt a headache coming on, crazy things are good and fine but absolutely fucking stupid sleeping with demons crazy things were not on her bingo card
"Listen to your friend little red, Maria here will take such good care of you"
Nat glanced between the 3 of you and just sighed "thank you Maria I think I'd be more comfortable in an Uber as long as Wanda's okay"
Wanda nodded "I'm absolutely fine Nat" turning back to you "let's go!" She jumped into your arms wrapping her legs around you tight "hold on tight honey" you two apparated away leaving Maria and Nat alone
"Now that we're alone how about we have fun here?" Maria took her suit jacket off revealing a sleeveless shirt showing off her defined muscles
"How are you so muscular?!" Nat blurted out quickly covering her mouth is slight embarrassment but Maria just laughed throwing her jacket to the sofa "oh honey I am a demon, I love going to the gym and pissing men off with my muscles"
Nat was stunned "god you could bench press me so much" she whispered and Maria smiled "I could do so much more than that detka"
Nat gasped "you speak Russian?"
"I know you're Russian, so why not try and impress you"
"If you can cook I'll get on knees right now"
Maria smirked "I make an incredible beef Wellington"
Nat laughed stalking forward kissing Maria hard both of them falling onto the couch, Nat straddling Maria and Maria placing her hands on her hips, when she pulled away Nat was breathless while Maria wasn't "it's weird how you don't have breathe"
The demon shrugged "I find it helps in certain situations"
Nat rolled her eyes knowing full well what she meant but refusing to acknowledge it
"I do want to ask a favour from you"
Nat raised an eyebrow "oh?"
"Let me taste you"
"Taste me how?" She said with a suggestive tone
"Well eventually the way you're thinking off, but no I mean something sweet and red" Maria licked her lips honing in on her neck
"Woah! My blood?!" Nat tried pulling away but Maria kept a close hold on her "shh honey I promise it'll be fine, why do you think Y/n asked for your blood type?"
"Well I was little preoccupied actually, I still can't believe any of this!"
Maria calmed Nat down "okay okay, have you ever given blood?"
Nat nodded still not relaxed in Maria's hold but not trying to move away much "it's just like giving blood, two little pin pricks in your neck, a slight pain and some dizziness then you're all good"
Maria's logic made a little bit of sense but Nat was still unsure "you won't kill me?"
"I wouldn't kill a beautiful woman like you, I promise just a little bite and then I'll fuck you so hard you forget all about your neck pain"
"Maria grinned gently grabbing a hold of Nat's hair pulling to the side for more access to her neck. She kissed a sweet spot hard making it tender enough for her fangs to go right through it.
"Relax honey, your heart is racing, it'll be a lot less painful if you breathe, come on let's breathe"
Nat relaxed and focused on her breathing then on the feeling of Maria's hands that started stroking the skin on her back, gently scratching her
"That's it" Maria said finally piercing the skin feeling the blood coat her mouth making her groan at the taste
Nat's legs started to give out and Maria felt that gently sitting the both of them down on the couch still drinking the blood, when she finally had her fill she slowly pulled away licking the holes until they sealed up.
Nat's body was slightly limp weakly pulling herself up to look at Maria "hey pretty girl, thank you for letting me drink from you"
"Mhhph okay" her eyes closed and she was asleep in seconds sticking to Maria's body "yeah, I think we'll be keeping you two, if Y/n can get Wanda to give in just as easily as you"
Maria kissed her cheek leaving a blooded mark making her giggle, what a fun time she'll have with her in the future
"Jesus Christ that was wild, give me a few minutes please" you placed Wanda down on your bed kissing her forehead "I know baby it's okay it's a little weird as first but it gets easier every time"
"So I have a little question for my pretty girl" you asked walking to your closet to take your suit jacket and shirt leaving you in a sports bra and trousers, Wanda was watching you closely half paying attention
"You can ask me whatever you want wearing that"
You laughed going back to the bed sitting next to a now sat up Wanda "good, so obviously I'm a demon and I'm glad you're okay with it, but do you know what that means?"
Shaking her head no you let her straddle you letting her get comfy before continuing "it means that I like to drink blood"
"Like a vampire?"
You closed your eyes growling "no and don't ever compare me to those soul sucking leaches ever again"
"Oh okay, I'm sorry"
You soothed her stroking your hands along her jean covered thighs "it's okay, vampires and demons just don't get along that well, anyway the reason I say about drinking blood is because I think you'll have some delicious blood"
"You want to drink from me?" She asked innocently and you loved it "yes princess, I promise it won't hurt much, just like two pin pricks in your neck"
Your explanation made it slightly better "okay you promise you won't hurt me?"
You chuckled "what happened to not being delicate?"
"Yeah well spanking me and biting me are two different things" your eyes widened "spanking? Bloody hell Wanda, maybe I'll skip the blood"
You both laughed but you couldn't wait anymore, you started kissing her neck, finding a spot you liked sucking hard making the skin soft enough for your fangs, when it was soft enough you pierced the skin hearing a groan from Wanda making you suck harder, fuck her blood was delicious!
Having your fill, you finally stopped drinking and licked the holes in her skin to close them up "thank you princess for letting me drink from you"
Wanda's whole body felt heavy with her whole weight on your body, she was definitely sleepy "you can sleep honey I'll be here when you wake up" Wanda's eyes were closed already, yep definitely asleep already.
Your phone in your pocket buzzed making Wanda shift slightly but you shushed her kissing her hair when she stopped, you looked at your phone
Maria to Y/n
How'd you do?
She's delicious
We're talking about blood right?
For now ;)
Ugh whatever, Nat's blood is good too, so we keeping them?
Oh hell yeah!
Your phone buzzed with another message from someone else
Loki to Y/n
Did u get your victim? I came in the house B4 but heard groaning so left
For the love of satan just start spelling things correctly!
But yeah I did and so did Maria, you can come back into the house she's asleep
Asleep? Did a bad job did u?
Fuck you I just drank some of her blood so she's very tired now
Yeh K sure that's the reason
😠 don't you ever 'K' me again you asshole!
🥰 Luv u
You threw your phone to the side choosing to kill Loki later letting yourself lay down bringing Wanda with you making her comfortable "we'll have so much fun together"
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lokisbiiiitch1993 · 9 months
Loki x Stark Sister Reader Headcanons
What if Loki joined the Avengers after the Battle of New York and his Imprisonment - Thor convinced everyone Loki was mind controlled / manipulated and is good now
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Thor probably convinced Loki by telling him - he could be more,he could be good - that he thinks the world of him and thought Loki and him would always fight side by side
Thor : Loki, life is about… it’s about growth, it’s about change, but you seem to just wanna stay the same. I guess what I’m trying to say is that you’ll always be the God of Mischief, but you could be more. - that got Loki thinking
Loki : Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to earth?
Thor : Yes, of course. People on earth love me, I'm very popular.
Loki : Let me rephrase that: Do you really think it's a good idea to bring ME back to earth?
Thor : Probably not, to be honest. I wouldn't worry, Brother. I feel like everything's gonna work out
Loki was skeptical but still joined his Brother and the other Avengers
In the Beginning everyone ignored and avoided him - Tony mocked,provoked and was irritating towards Loki
Thor told Loki to give them Time - everything will be alright
A week later you come to the Avengers Tower visiting your Brother Tony Stark because you haven't seen him in a while - he is always busy
In search of Tony you went to the Common Room - you were shocked as you saw Loki standing besides Thor
Thor smiled at you - saying - Welcome,Lady Stark - I hope you are doing well
What is he doing here - you said sharp pointing at Loki
Ohh Brother,was allowed to join the Avengers he is good now - Thor answered serious
You really believe that ? After everything he has done? - screaming - angry you bumped against Loki's Shoulder on your way out
Loki smirked - I like her - he thought to himself
As you finally found your Brother ,he explained he has not much time he is very busy
you should go annoy someone else
go to our newest Team Member he must be very bored and lonely anyway
no one talks much with him
that's kinda sad you thought
he hasn't done anything suspicious - or hurt anyone
don't look at me like that he wouldn't dare to hurt you - Loki was mind controlled as he attacked New York - that's what Thor told everyone - Tony said
I will only talk with him when i see him on my way out - you said to yourself
A moment later you see him from behind -walking away
He has a nice Ass you thought
Loki , you shouted
He turns around -What do you want little Midgardian? Screaming at me again or bumping against my other Shoulder ? He said with a Smirk
I .... just want to talk with you?
About what?
Me? Are you searching for something to use against me?
No - I what ?? No i am sorry... I just... came here to see my Brother but he is a Workaholic and has no time for me ... he said I should annoy someone else - you told him frustrated
your Brother is an Idiot - just like mine they can compete for who's the biggest Idiot
You smiled at Loki - you are funny - I thought you only have murder in your mind
Well...That varies from moment to moment - Loki said with a smug look
Suddenly your Phone rang - I am sorry I have to answer that but I hope we can talk again soon -you told Loki
I am sure we will, Darling
Since then every Time you came to visit your Brother - you talked with Loki
You enjoy his flirty and Sassy Nature
Two weeks later your Brother hosted a Party at the Avengers Tower - you tried to stay off side and enjoy the Food and Drinks .
All of a sudden Loki stands beside you - complimenting your Outfit Choice
Darling, the green Dress looks exquisite on you, you look so beautiful I can't take my Eyes off you
You know how to make a Woman feel pretty but I have to say you also look very damn Handsome - the Suit fits you very well.
Join me for Drinks , you invited him
As you wish, Darling
After flirting and drinking for hours
You slurred drunk - There's something about you that makes me want to grab you and kiss you
Maybe tomorrow my Love ,I will bring you to a Guest Room, you had enough Drinks today - Loki stated amused
My Masterlist
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woundlingus · 1 month
Colour Grading, Insincerity, and Loki is right and Gabriel is wrong; a Lokiel Meta
It’s the big gun, it’s the mother lode of me ripping apart Unfinished Business frame by frame to feed my shipping and laying out all my thoughts on the matter clearly as can be so maybe I can sway some people sitting on the fence or at least give some context to those who see my posts and go “wtf” because they’re not viewing this through the lens of my insanity. Want to know why these guys haunt me? Here;
Credit where credit is due, the one thing I’ve always really liked about supernatural is how they use colour grading to tell the story, and it’s not really all that secretive that the Gabriel episodes look aesthetically like some of the best episodes because they colour them very specifically to set the tone for them;
The three big tells that something trickster is afoot in the episode, (and I apologise for the scuffed quality on some of these, I’m skating the tumblr upload rules).
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(Tall Tales 2x15)
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(Mystery spot 3x11)
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(Changing Channels 5x08)
It tells us that whatever is currently happening typically feels very real to those experiencing it, but is actually not at all. This is make believe. It’s a figment of Gabriel’s imagination that he’s whipped up at his own convenience to tell the story he wishes to impart upon the narrative. While this is obvious in the earlier season when they’re still shooting on film and using the dark overlays to create a spooky ambiance, it still follows through to the end for Gabriel until he puts down the trickster label and picks back up the archangel one and officially joins the Winchesters bringing him into the same dark coloured world that we’re used to viewing. There’s a sadness in it, that Gabriel went from all these bright colours to essentially having his spirit snuffed out by Asmodeus, but it gives us a very clear point to reference when things are real and when they’re make believe.
Obviously Gabriel is a liar, we’ve all known that to be true since his very first appearance- but there’s one incident that I talk about often that bothers me deeply but I’ve never really explained why.
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The hotel with the rest of the trickster gang.
Gabriel tells this story three times in a pretty short time span- short enough for Dean to remember and call him out on it in the moment, and every time he tells it the story is altered ever so slightly.
I was alone with porn stars in Monte Carlo
I was alone with Loki and Co in Monte Carlo
I was with porn stars AND Loki n Co in Monte Carlo
He’s always been a very unreliable narrator, but this one was particularly on the nose and when it comes to “continuity errors” Gabriel is always aware of them, he does it on purpose because he wants to get caught. We should ask the question, why did it take you three attempts for us to hear this?
He tells his final iteration of the story in grand bright colours, telling feats of his sexual exploits and how good he is at cards, “and then everyone clapped and cheered for me” and then Loki Judas betrays him because Gabriel is so cool and his brothers are so tough and Loki was scared witless and hoping to avoid bloodshed blah blah blah…
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Here’s what the real world looks like in comparison to Gabriel’s little fantasy he’s got running here-
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This matches the rest of supernatural, this is a realistic portrayal of events through the eyes of Sam and Dean. This is the bitter reality Gabriel is avoiding with his fantastical little displays; he’s a broken little man who is hurt, injured, and scared.
So, Loki tells another variation of this story, yes? Gabriel was the betrayer here, not Loki. Gabriel ran out recklessly and while passing world saving information to the Winchesters, both saving the world AND the vast majority of Loki’s family, he cannot convince Odin to leave and he dies in battle (and like, he would’ve gone to Valhalla can we just unclench a little?). That is why Loki chooses to damn Gabriel to Hell with a very reckless move to attempt to take down an archangel, sell him to a demon, and then cross his fingers and pray his bestie- the 6th most powerful thing in all of creation ever- doesn’t break free from this pitiful demon eventually and come looking for him. But the environment tells another story, look;
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It’s the return of the high vibrancy filter, because this room isn’t real, Loki isn’t real, and neither is the story he’s telling. What are the tricksters, if not liars and showboats?
There’s a huge lack in vulnerability which is what they’re both trying to paint over in these scenes to make themselves cool, to make themselves the victim, to make themselves untouchable. Loki tells a half cocked story about the archangel bastard who took his father, completely detached from any real sort of attachment to Gabriel or Odin- even says himself that he hates Odin! And in a story where we know the ending is Gabriel at the hands of Asmodeus he spends ninety nine percent of the story talking about pornstars. They cannot be vulnerable with these outsiders watching them, they also don’t seem to want to admit to themselves what the crux of the issue is here.
They both want to be the ultimate victim of the situation, they’re painting these half done stories trying to convince an audience (Sam and Dean) that doesn’t care that they are right and the other is wrong—
Until they meet each other;
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You can lie to everyone, but you can’t lie to yourself.
We’re back, grounded in reality in this moment when they come face to face with each other, the lighting darkens and becomes gritty once more meaning all facades are down and what’s transpiring here between them is without tricks, and there’s an honor in that when it is a battle between two very clever tricksters who could make this endlessly complicated if they wanted to. When they fight, Gabriel is next to silent (listening, or trauma response? You can decide) and Loki does all his talking for Gabriel and Gabriel alone. They have no one to impress here, they sent the Winchesters on a fools errand to have this moment alone creating a tense intimacy where Loki shreds Gabriel’s facades and calls him out for what he truly is and lays out his deep rooted fears and secrets bare, letting us as the outside party they’re unaware of know that what the two of them were here wasn’t some ordinary friendship or half cocked deal out of desperation, but a real and honest bond between two beings terrified, alone, and looking for safety and someone to confide in. They’re each others secret keepers. Long time confidants. Their most trusted. The reason both of them ran to begin with, in a plan that would involve them wrapping themselves so tightly around the other they’d become one in all ways but physical, and promise to keep each other and that secret until death do them part.
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It is bloody, and messy, and Loki has no real way of winning this fight because he cannot hurt Gabriel in any way that matters because he’s an archangel and whether he takes damage or not he will live because of the way he was made, only one of them is killable here and only one of them has any intention of killing the other and it’s not Loki. It’s never been Loki. Ever faithful Loki.
They made a vow, and maybe it was childish and unrealistic but that’s what the two of them are by nature are they not? Fickle, childish, and endlessly devoted. To their families, to their lovers, to their fathers, to each other.
Loki should run at this point, if he has any intention of wanting to live. He’s not stupid, he knows Gabriel better than anyone else in the world and Gabriel acknowledges this by how hurt he is emotionally by the way Loki talks about him and the secrets they’ve passed over the thousands of years they’ve known one another. He’s smart enough to know sentiment won’t save him here, it didn’t save his sons, Sleipnir tried that already and it failed spectacularly. Gabriel is here to kill him, and when you take into consideration the wild power imbalance here in this battle what Loki is doing is essentially laying his head down on the chopping block for Gabriel. He’s a smart creature to survive this long, he could be gone if he really wanted to be just like the many times we watched Gabriel disappear.
He doesn’t.
To me, the crux of their story here is abandonment. You left me. Gabriel made the choice to break his vows, and chase after a family he left behind and even though YES it was for a noble reason that is still nothing when it was a personal stab in the back to Loki who also left his family behind to run away with Gabriel and didn’t go for Odin even though the call was put out to Loki to join the gods for the evening.
Loki didn’t go for his family, but Gabriel did.
Loki didn’t go to save his father in an event they were both invited to, Loki had the opportunity to go and save Odin and he chose his bond to Gabriel over saving him. Gabriel discarded his vow and went anyway, and Odin died.
Gabriel betrays Loki, and it’s not that Odin died, it’s that Loki was willing to sacrifice the opportunity to save him and Gabriel couldn’t say the same for his own family. Odin died for nothing, when Loki could’ve been there the whole time to come get him, and he was robbed of that opportunity while Gabriel went behind his back to do exactly that for his family.
Loki was faithful to his own detriment, and Gabriel was not.
Gabriel is punished fairly in Loki’s eyes because this isn’t just about some deadbeat dad (who chained Loki in a cave to torture him). This is a slight of a much more intimate nature. This was a betrayal of the worst kind.
Gabriel is unfaithful.
Everyone knows that Asmodeus is the demon Prince of lust, but in a little more detail that’s not entirely what makes him up. The cardinal sins are the worst because they are what you inflict upon others, an upon your very soul. Lust is something inherent to the condition of just being alive, but the sin is in the act of hurting others and yourself, so the vast majority of what Asmodeus is imagined ruling over is the adulterer, he is most often the one depicted punishing the unfaithful. Loki wasn’t just looking for a way to hurt Gabriel for the sake of inflicting pain, the trickster is never like that. The trickster doesn’t strike just to maim. Loki is sending a very explicit message to Gabriel by giving him to Asmodeus of all people;
“You were unfaithful.”
— Okay, maybe it’s wrong to say that Loki had every right to do what he did because it was definitely still A LOT to do to someone, but it’s far more understandable when the emotional weight of Gabriel’s crime is made clearer. You probably shouldn’t torture anyone ever for any reason— I’m avidly anti-torture— but dick move Gabriel…
And look, yeah they both sleep around and invite porn stars and hookers to the hotel rooms and what not and I certainly will not hang my ‘Gabriel is a bad person here’ hat on the human morality of monogamy because I think it’s shallow and a disservice to the kind of bond the two of them actually have, but there’s an extra added pain in it that Gabriel also turns up for his ex girlfriend in this situation who is willing to betray him for basically a can of pop but not for Loki who will let Odin die to protect Gabriel.
Gabriel comes back, and he offers no apologies because he isn’t capable of learning his lesson, he is selfish by nature (Also the inherent message of the nature of Hell and torture being one that is wholly unnecessary and cruel, punishment never breeds change internal or societal, you can’t change and reform under immense duress it just further traumatises and keeps you locked in the cycle, the system of Hell shouldn’t exist period). Instead, Gabriel comes to kill Loki’s boys so he can watch them struggle and die first before Gabriel delivers the final blow to the man himself. Would you want to live after all of that either, entirely alone without your family or the one who loved and understood you the most- or so you thought?
And could Gabriel live with it either, knowing the punishment didn’t fit the crime but that Loki had a point (see script) and he wasn’t innocent either and it’s cost him everything because now he gets to look at what it was he saved and it’s a brother who seeks him out in the dark just to torment him about his abuse?
And the story ends circular here, devastating me personally even further by twisting the knife.
Gabriel ran away because his family was so horribly broken, and Loki took off with him to escape his torture. Together they made the plan to become one and Gabriel could use Loki’s face and name to hide among the pagans, and his archangel might to take all the hits being thrown Loki’s way and keep him hidden, because no one’s going to fuck with the god who has the freaky new upgrade and just escaped the slammer. Slowly over time what was Gabriel and what was Loki had melded into two very similar personalities, a little different based on their life experiences, but still so the same they were indistinguishable to everyone but each other.
The core difference between them is their life experiences.
Until Gabriel comes back, tail between his knees and asks Loki to please take him back and let him resume playing the ‘Loki’ character, and Loki says sure, and he binds him and and subjects him to torture at the hands of Gabriel’s very own snake in the cave. Mouth stitched shut. “Be me, then,” He says. “Be me in my entirety.”
And Gabriel comes back after this, bitter and angry and he picks up a weapon and he starts knocking Loki’s family down piece by piece, stalking them through the night no matter how far they run, to make sure Loki’s family is as broken as his own before he delivers the final blow to end his life.
Loki’s family as shattered as Gabriel’s, Gabriel as shattered as Loki himself. Fully one in death.
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avengersfantasies · 11 months
A Night With Him in Bucharest - 4
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Summary: Bucky needs to go on a mission for work, and you agree to help him. However, when you see one of the people he's now working with, you back out of helping them physically for the safety of you and your son.
What to expect: Uhhh
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
Taglist (people who asked and that I think may be interested): @pattiemac1 @justsebstan @winterslove1917 @crist1216 @lady-loki-barnes-djarin @kandis-mom @vonalyn @ilovetaquitosmmm
There was a knock at your door
            “Buck, I think they’re here,” you told him.
            He looked out of the peephole and opened the door. “Hey, thanks for comin’,” he greeted the two men before introducing them to you. “This is Sam, and this is –”
“Zemo,” you cut Bucky off – your eyes staring daggers through him. “Why are you in my apartment?”
“You two know each other?” Bucky asked – genuinely concerned.
You scoffed. “Who do you think was the one who ordered me to assassinate you?”
“I don’t think we should focus so much on the past,” Zemo butted in. “We have much more important matters to deal with.”
Without thinking, you lunged for the man – wrapping your hand around his throat and pinning him against the wall. Sam and Bucky attempted to get you to let go of him, but it was no use…you were finally seeing the man who had caused you so much pain after all these years…you wanted nothing more than to tear him to shreds right there in your living room.
            “Momma?” James’ little voice called out from the hallway. His voice brought you back down to reality. “Momma, what you doin?”
Immediately, you let go of Zemo with a shove. “Go to your room, buddy,” you told your son – still staring at Zemo.
“Is I in trouble?”
“No, buddy,” Bucky chimed in. “Momma and daddy have some things to take care of real quick, okay?”
“Otay, daddy.” With that, the three-year-old went back into his room.
Gently, Bucky led you over to the couch – never taking your eyes off Zemo. “Why are you here?” you seethed.
“Cute kid,” Zemo commented – pointing towards James’ room.
            Sam finally spoke up. “Woah, hang on…is he…? Yours?”
“Yeah,” Bucky sighed. “It’s a long story.” He sat down next to you, and the other two men sat across from the couch in the armchairs. You were still too full of anger to speak, so Bucky spoke up for you. “She’s going to be working with us,” he told them.
“How so?” Sam asked.
“She is a super soldier,” Zemo informed him. “I was her handler…the one who made her into what she is.”
“I thought you hated super soldiers,” Sam accused.
“Yes, but how ironic would it have been to have one super soldier eliminate all of the others?” Zemo chuckled. “Clearly, my plan failed.”
“Because I’m stronger than you,” you spoke through gritted teeth. “I did offer my help to Bucky, but now…I’m not feeling up to it…Good luck.” You turned to look at Bucky. “All of you.”
 Angrily, you got up from where you were sitting and stormed off to your bedroom – locking the door behind you.
“She seems a bit upset,” Zemo pointed out – earning a glare from Bucky and Sam.
“Sam…can you listen out for James?” Bucky asked – getting off the couch. “I’ll go talk to her.”
“Sure thing, man.”
“And you,” Bucky pointed at Zemo, “better stay right there.”
            Bucky knocked on your bedroom door gently – able to hear the soft crying coming from within.
            “Baby girl,” he spoke softly, “can you please open up for me?”
Bucky sighed. “We need to talk through this.”
Wanting answers more than anything, you did as he asked and opened the door – letting him come inside before closing it again and sitting back down on the bed. “Talk.”
Bucky sighed and sat next to you. “I know he’s a…bastard, okay?” he began. “I had no idea about what he did to you.” Bucky wiped a tear from your cheek.
You looked up at him with saddened eyes. “He took everything from me,” you managed to say through hiccups. “He ended my career…my life as I knew it…I was about to make Master Sergeant when he stole my livelihood from me.”
Bucky wrapped his arms around you – pondering how to word his thoughts. “If I say something, I need you to promise me you won’t go off on me, okay?”
“Depends on what it is.”
Bucky gave you a soft smile – stroking your cheeks and clearing them of any tears. “Baby…I know how much it hurts you to have lost all of those things…believe me…I do,” he began in an almost pleading tone. “But what if he hadn’t done those things?
“Then I wouldn’t have suffered like I did.”
“But we might not have met,” he argued. “And if we hadn’t met, then James wouldn’t exist.”
You looked down. Deep inside you knew he was right. All of those things had to have happened for a reason. The little boy you and Bucky made was the light of your entire life, and you didn’t know where you’d be without him. You wouldn’t trade anything in the world for James…even if it meant you could go back to your previous life before being captured.
“I still hate him,” you responded quietly. “But I’ll help…for you.” He held you tight in his arms. “But I swear to God…if he says the wrong thing to me…I will kill him.” You looked up at Bucky with fear in your eyes. “Bucky…he knows the words.”
“He won’t use them,” Bucky assured you. “If he tries, you tell me, and I’ll kill him myself.”
You sighed. “Bucky…I’d feel better if I helped from here.”
“How so?”
“I worked intelligence in the Army,” you told him. “Covert intelligence…I can find anything you need.”
“Deal,” Bucky agreed – handing out a comm to put in your ear. “Easiest way to stay in communication.”
You gave him a sad smile. “You don’t think I’m being a…coward?”
“Of course not,” Bucky assured you. “He knows your control words…I’d be wary too.”
“Okay,” you exhaled. “I’ll start digging into what I can find on the serum.”
You grabbed your laptop and began your search from the basics – watching Bucky change into his gear out of the corner. Subconsciously, you bit your lip at the sight. It didn’t go unnoticed by the soldier, though.
“When I get back, baby,” he chuckled – kissing your lips gently. “I’ll let you undress me.”
            Once he finished getting dressed, you and Bucky headed back out into the living room where you saw your precious son talking lively with Sam and Zemo.
            “…and den my daddy gave me these!” James exclaimed – showing his newly acquired dog tags.
            “I bet you really like them, don’t you?” Zemo asked.
“Ya!” James exclaimed happily.
The sight of Zemo talking to yours and Bucky’s son infuriated you. “Hey, buddy, come here please,” you called out to the toddler.
“Momma! Daddy!” he ran over to the two of you – giving you each a hug.
Bucky knelt down to his level. “Hey buddy, daddy has to go do some work for a little bit. I need you to help momma out, okay?”
James nodded. “You be back tonight?”
Bucky smiled and held his son tight. “I promise I’ll come back home to you.” He held his dog tags that now hung around his son’s neck. “If I’m ever gone for more than a day, hold onto these and remember that I will come back the first chance I get…with these, you’ll always have me here.”
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chthonicgodling · 3 months
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welcome to an Elysium Drama Update tHAT IVE BEEN VAGUING AND HYPING ABOUT FOR THREEEEEEEE MONTHS 😱 yes you ARE reading this correctly! After all this time of spiraling deeper and deeper RECENTLY and after the VERY long tumultuous past of the previous decade-ish - the Taki Fuego Trifecta Trio (their tag here) is HAVING AN ENTIRE BABY BY CHOICE AND ON PURPOSE— oh mmmmYYYY GGGGGGGOD—
All five of these illustrations feature completely canon dialogue dating back from January when they first started trying for a baby. now that Loki finally confirmed that he’s actually pregnant a few weeks ago - clearly out loud and in words - it is finally time to reveal this news to all of YOU!
Congratulations YOU are now part of a select few! NO ONE ELSE IN THE PALACE KNOWS YET.
The baby Loki is now incubating is sired by Tory!! with Maci of course knowingly and delightedly pulling all puppet strings “behind the scenes” aka like, to the left of them or whatever on the bed.💞How did this even fucking happen you may be asking??!!! They went from fun bedroom dynamic to let’s have an entire babBY?!?! Well- just like the way these playfully suggestive drawings (every one of these convos took place during…… during. uhhhhhhhhhh) are slyly ambiguous in the way I chose to draw them - let me explain the decision of this baby in the same,, extremely sanitized way:::
Maci and Tory.,,, will say.,,, literally anything. And During one such occasion,, it dawned on Loki - and them too, honestly — suddenly with a full record scratch that — wait are you actually being serious?? WAIT DO YOU *ACTUALLY* WANT A—
As nudged upon here and also in my many recent lore essays, please remember that Loki’s ~antsy~ when it comes to his pregnancies and history of children; due to the prior tragedies that had befallen the first six he’s always made it a habit of just vanishing, paranoid and anxious, each time he’s found himself pregnant. However Maci and Tory unequivocally and wholeheartedly asking him to make a baby with them because 💞love💞 and 💞lust💞 and 💞clingy vibes💞- again LITERALLY the first EVER baby ON PURPOSE EVER- was enough to IMMEDIATELY make him go starry eyed. Even though over these past few months since Tory first initiated the talk Loki had…. Still has……. refused to admit that and continued to be his usual vaguely hostile and suspicious self but….
As of today he’s six weeks pregnant (he can always, magically, tell right away) and he has not yet disappeared.in fact he hasn’t even left their BED or their SIDE in THREE MONTHS. 🥺 mhy god hellO., Loki you’re so full of shit and they’re onto you. Maybe stop blushing so much.
and so now begins the countdown to NEW MYSTERY BABY and the shenanigans that will follow; ONCE AGAIN I am FLOORED and THRILLED and WATCHING all this with my jaw on the FLOOR. ‼️they’re not a throuple this is just uhh fun things to do with your platonic friends!‼️ (oh my god I’m gonna lose my mind for fucking real—)
All the dialogue in the orange bubbles + Tory himself of course belong to @fenixethekid , hiatused, once again trying for real to kill me im pretty sure.Maci & all pink and green bubbles are mine; EeL is mine too idc; do NOT tag this with the m word; I hope this has been worth the hype (and I’m pretty sure I was EXTREMELY obvious about hinting at this so?!?!?! GOLD STAR IF YOU’D ALREADY GUESSED THIS NEWS!)
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fanficshiddles · 8 months
The Call Of Fate, Chapter 22 (Final Chapter)
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Jade was in awe when they arrived on Asgard, but was even more in awe when she met Frigga.
‘My god, you’re so beautiful!’ She blurted out, making Frigga smile widely.
‘Thank you, my dear. So are you, I can see why Loki has fallen in love with you.’ She said and knowingly looked at Loki, who blushed. ‘Loki, you best head inside while I get Jade ready for the ceremony.’
‘Of course.’ Loki said excitedly as he kissed Jade on the forehead before rushing into the great hall, where Jade could hear lots of voices inside talking excitedly.
Frigga took Jade’s hand. ‘I’m sorry about everything you’ve had go through this last year. I hope that marrying Loki will be a happier fate.’
Jade smiled and her eyes began watering. ‘It definitely will. I love him, so much. If it wasn’t for him, I really don’t know what I would have done.’
Frigga tucked Jade’s hair behind her ear. ‘There is nothing expected of you here, just be yourself… If I may say, you don’t look entirely comfortable in that dress. Would you like me to change it for you?’
‘Yes! Please! This is so uncomfortable, and not my style at all.’ Jade said as she looked down at said dress.
Frigga pondered for a moment, then with a wave of her hand, had the dress change into one that suited her much better. It wasn’t quite as dramatic and showed her figure off in a better way, yet with elegance. And instead of being white, it was golden.
‘I can change it if this isn’t for you.’ Frigga said as she had a mirror appear next to her for Jade to see.
Jade gasped as she looked in the mirror, it was a stunning dress. Perfect… well, almost.
‘It’s so beautiful. Thank you! But could you maybe add some green in somewhere?’ Jade asked shyly.
Frigga grinned. She then had some green added to the dress around the neckline and around the hem at the bottom.
‘Thank you! It’s perfect.’ Jade said excitedly.
‘Now, one last thing…’ Frigga looked over Jade’s shoulder and nodded.
Jade heard footsteps coming towards her. She turned around and began crying in happiness. It was Richard.
‘Dad! You’re here! I can’t believe it!’ She ran to him and hugged him tightly.
Richard began crying, and when he stepped back to look at her properly, he cried some more. ‘Jade… I never thought I’d see you again, never mind actually be able to walk you down the aisle.’
They both cried and hugged some more. Frigga sorted her make-up for her, then opened the grand hall doors and she began to walk down the aisle with her dad.
The grand hall was incredible, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Then she noticed the guests there, as well as Asgardians for Loki, all the Avengers were there. Plus her band mates. However, when she got near the front nearer Loki, she saw her mum. So of course, she had to give her the biggest hug before then carrying on to Loki.
Who took her breath away.
She was blushing as she got to Loki, who took her hands and struggled to get his words together from how beautiful she was.
‘I…’ He looked down and took a deep breath. ‘I can’t believe this is happening.’
‘Me too.’ Jade whispered and giggled from nerves and excitement. ‘Everyone’s here!’
‘I wanted it to be perfect for you.’ Loki pressed his forehead against hers. ‘Nice touch with the green on your dress.’ He smirked.
‘Of course.’ Jade laughed. ‘I see where you get your talents from now.’ She said as she glanced over at Frigga, who was looking on proudly.
Odin then cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention so he could begin with his speech.
Loki couldn’t stop gazing into Jade’s eyes and he couldn’t stop stroking her cheek or holding her hand. Jade felt utter happiness, and she was still in disbelief. What was to be the worst day of her life, was now the best. And it was just the start.
Odin's words were a bit of a blur for the couple, just so wrapped up in one another. After saying their I do’s, Odin slammed gungnir down to the ground three times.
‘I now pronounce you, husband and wife. Prince and Princess of Asgard.’ Odin announced.
‘I love you so much, Loki.’ Jade said as she began tearing up again and so did Loki.
‘I love you so much too, my darling.’
Everyone erupted into cheers as they kissed.
‘You’ve saved me.’ Jade whispered over his lips.
Loki held her face in his hands.
‘You’re my cupcake. And as the law states, no one takes my pudding.’
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redrydersrequiem · 4 months
The Raven and the vampire
Chapter 1
This is a twilight and marvel mashup, the daughter of loki finds her soulmate in jasper Cullen and the twists and turns it will take them both
Note this is my first fanfic ever please be nice. I’m trying I constantly reread and change/fix these. As of 1/25/24 i've redone this story it is no longer a reader insert. I want to thank everyone who liked the original and hope you like the updated version more, this was my first ever fic and i've slowly grown as a writer so everyone enjoy
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It begins like every other day on Asgard, sunny and golden, gilded with light, as the sounds of a baby’s wails break the silence of the healing wing. Loki paces back and forth, waiting to be with his wife and newborn. The doors swing open and an attendant comes forward.
“You may enter your highness, your wife and child are all cleaned up and waiting for you”. Brushing past the attendant, Loki heads straight for the figure sitting up against the backboard of the green silk bed.
“My darling, how are you? How do you feel? Do you need anything? Are you hung/…’..
“/Loki, calm down. I'm perfectly fine. A little tired but it was all worth it to finally meet our daughter.”
“it’s a girl”
“Yes ,my son , she is a beautiful baby princess and here she is ready to meet her parents .”
Walking to the new parents with a bundle of green and gold cloth in her hands, Frigga handed the new princess to her mother. The baby was a light blue theraise markings prominent on her body, tuffs of deep black hair crowned her head Asher scarlet eyes opened to take in her parents. Lady Sigyn didn't even pause at the baby’s coloring, long since having broken Loki of thinking himself a monster due to his heritage
“She is half Jotun like we expected but her body should adjust to the environment soon just as her father did” queen Frigga states noticing her son had yet to say anything. Loki just stared at his daughter's small form resting in his beloved's arms, slowly offering his finger to the babygirl. Skin turning blue as the bay gripped it in her small hands
“She’s beautiful”,
“Yes, she is! oh Loki look,”
The new parents watched as scarlet eyes gave way to white with beautiful amethyst irises, skin turning a beautiful pale like her fathers with a dashing of freckles like her mother
“She looks just like you, my prince, beautiful dark hair and all.”
“She looks. Like the both of us, a perfect blend. My little Raven, Elara frigga Lokidottir Princess of Asgard.”
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800 years have passed and the young princess has grown into a young woman of grace and beauty. A mage like her father and grandmother before her, and warrior in her own right. I mean, how could she not? With private training form an actual Valkyrie, and the literal goddess of war and god of thunder (god of sparkles lol) as her aunt and uncle. In all her time though, she has grown up around love,seeing it in her parents' faces as they look at one another. In her baby brother's eyes as they babble up at her, Her grandparents and uncle and so many others, that she was ready to find it herself.
“Mother, father, I've done it.” Elara omimites as she bursts into her parents sitting room. Sigyn was sitting on the floor with the twins as they had tummy time while Loki was next to her legs crossed at the ankle reading a book to the two of them.
`What is that my little raven?”
“ Father, I've completed the spell to find my soulmate.”
“Soulmate? Spell? Darling what are you talking about, you're still so young you shouldn’t have to be so worried about that.”
“Mother you and father were only 200 years older than me when you both finally married and much younger than that the first time you met and started cavorting with each other. Besides, I'm ready. I want to have what all of you have, especially before I'm used as a pawn to help diplomatic affairs, I want to find my other half.”
“My little raven, we would never allow the allfather or anyone else to use you as a pawn. Besides i second your thoughts”.
“Loki why am i not surprised you are some howenvloved with our daughter trying to leave
“Dear, it will all be fine trust me I would do nothing that would harm our little raven” he kisses his wife soothing her while gesturing to elara to carry on with her proclamation ,
“go ahead love tell us what you’ve discovered”
“ Mother?” Sigyn pinches her mouth looking between her mischievous husband and equally energetic eldest
“Fine, I will go along with you and your fathers plans but i wish to be there when the spell is cast and part of the travel discussions”
“Absolutely mother, I can do the spell now, i just need the maps of the realms”
Loki summons all the maps he's collected over the years including a globe of earth and sets them up for his daughter, when a thought finally occurs to him.
“Odin forbid this adventure, send you to Midgard.”
“Loki we will be supportive of whoever it ends up being and wherever it ends up taking her. Besides, if you didn’t want her to go away, you shouldn’t have helped her make the spell to begin with.”
“Your words cut deep my love. I simply hoped for her future match to be here in Asgard.”
“Of course you did, dear. Now sweetie, let's proceed with this event.”
The maps of the realms litter the giant green carpet. In front of you, setting the small golden bowl of which to concoct the spell in the middle of th wide green rugs.”
“So I modified a spell to find a lost item and a spell to show your hearts desire, combining the two with a very complicated magic circle I should be able to find my soulmate”,
“Very impressive little raven”
“Thank you father ok lets start. The purple magic flows from your fingers towards the bowl containing the two simple spells ingredients while your power spreads out forming the magic circle. As soon as it's complete a bright pulsing light shoots up. Dancing around Elara several times before shooting over to the maps.
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“It's working!” Sigyn happily. Awes watching her daughter work.
Pulsing around the realms maps the light simply hoovers before shooting for the Midgardian globe encasing it insistently
“Oh joy of course my daughters soulmate is a Midgardian”
“Honestly, I think it serves you right Loki”, Sigyn states picking at her husband and his distaste for midgardians “but you don’t even know who or what this midgarden is. Who knows, they could be gifted like our dear Wanda”
“Yes my darling” Loki says as he collapses on the nearest couch.
“Well go on my little raven, let's see where in Midgard you will be visiting”
Walking over to the globe, Elara peers over to what small words have now been illuminated.
“It’s a place called….. Forks, Washington.”
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sserpente · 8 months
Loki Season 2 – Episode 1 RECAP
Also from now on, as usual, in addition to the keep reading tags, I will tag posts that contain spoilers with the hashtag "#loki season 2 spoilers" and "#loki spoilers" so you can filter them from your dashboard until you're ready!
Did I stay up until 3 a.m. to watch the first episode again? Yes. Yes, I did.
We are starting off so damn STRONG. Damn it, I just wanted to hug Loki so bad. He’s been through so much shit and he was so heartbroken and desperate! Imagine you get to cup his face and just tell him to take a deep breath with you! What made it even more painful was the moment he fully realised that Mobius didn’t recognise him—his one friend, the one person who likes him for who he is… and he doesn’t remember him… and then the relief on his face when was in the right place again!
Loki was so panicked about the impending war. For good reason, obviously but it truly shows that Thor: Ragnarok lied. Loki wouldn’t be a bad king, now hear me out—in The Avengers, Thanos had the upper hand. You all remember that one scene where he sort of backtracks and says “It’s too late… it’s too late to stop it…” but can’t join forces with Thor because The Other was watching him? Loki understands the sacrifice for sure and in the first Thor film, when he tried to wipe out Jötunheim, what I believe is that he wanted to prevent the war that Thor himself had started by attacking those Jötuns. Loki’s not about violence and causing pain and destruction, he just got caught in the middle of it several times, and circumstances forced him into choices that were not heroic. We knew that already, of course… but it’s nice to see that reflected in the series. Besides, we don’t need him to be a hero. We just need him to be Loki. 🥰
The jokes were spot-on, not too silly, not out of place, in my opinion, but sprinkled in just right so far. Skin? Also, can we please talk about the warning on the floor that said Spaghettification? Come on! 😂😂😂
Now in that sense, O.B. is indeed brilliant. A lovely and light addition to the serious bureaucracy of the TVA for sure!
I really wasn’t worried about Loki making it back safely, somehow. Let’s face it, they wouldn’t have killed him in the first episode of Season 2. With that being said… I hope for their sake he stays safe at the end too, otherwise, I will hurt a lot of people! 🙂
X5… X5, what are we gonna do with him? I hate him. Of course, I do. He’s got something about him that just makes you want to slap him in the face. 😒
Now there are two questions we immediately ask ourselves, right? Where, or rather, when did Sylvie come from? And who pruned Loki? Was it another Sylvie, or another Loki? Another Mobius? B15? An antagonistic character who realised their wrongs? A new character? A Kang Variant? They’ve definitely left us some loose ends! 🤔
And lastly… it’s absolutely heartbreaking to see how much Loki cares for Sylvie despite what happened at the end of Season 1. She basically betrayed him! For reasons Loki understands, of course, but still… it broke his heart… and hence it broke mine. He was so ready to stop the others from going after her even though he was facing the very gruesome time slipping problem. 😭
If you’ve seen the video I posted earlier, you’ll know that I have already seen Episode 2 as well today. I won’t lose a word about that one until next week though! 😉 All I’m gonna say is that we’re in for a treat. 😏
PS: I want that TVA handbook as a notebook for my writing.
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tripleyeeet · 1 year
✒️ hello my dear! could i ask for a drabble inspired by this song where basically loki courts asgardian!reader with huge gifts and promises but they don't really need that, just his love? I just want something really sweet and happy. okay, love you, byeeee <3
first off, love you, hi <3
second, okay, i absolutely love httyd so when you requested this i only slightly screamed. that being said though, i really don't know if i did this justice??? ahhh i hope it's okay. i changed a couple of things to make it easier for my brain to write but hopefully you still like it???
also to anyone reading this, if you'd like your very own fic feel free to read this post and then send in a request!
PAIRINGS: Loki Laufeyson & Asgardian Female Reader
SUMMARY: There's always rumors circulating throughout the kingdom of Asgard, but what happens when one turns out to be about you?
WARNINGS: Literally none???
There’s talk amongst the kingdom, as per usual. A rumour of sorts running through the land’s highest families. Like always, you’re completely unaware of who starts it. As well as who it goes through as it ultimately falls onto the ears of your cousin Mads who tells you about it during archery practice. 
As you move to pull back your bow, you notice how low his voice is. How his eyes slightly narrow into tight slits as they survey the area, making sure none of the maids are within hearing distance. “Odin’s finally pawning off the frost giant,” he whispers, just before you take your shot, making you momentarily slip and send the arrow flying way too low. 
Angrily, you curse under your breath as it happens, hearing your cousin snort and proceed to take his own, landing it perfectly in the centre circle of the dummy just fifty yards away.
  Ignoring your claims, he knocks his next arrow with ease. “It’s not my fault you’re blinded by love.” 
“I’m not blinded by love,” you scoff, your eyes rolling practically to the back of your head as you watch him take another near-perfect shot. “I’m just… surprised.”
You shrug your shoulders and look around. So far none of the help has suddenly appeared like they usually do, leaving you thankful as you knock your next arrow. “That Loki would agree to it.”
“Agree to it?” Mads laughs.
“You and I both know it’s not a matter of agreeance. It’s a matter of peace.”
“Ah yes, the Odinson’s, a family known for their abundance of peace,” you mock, instantly feeling a twang of anxiety build in your chest once you realize what you’ve just said. “I mean, I uh—“
“Relax. I’m not going to storm the castle and tattle on you for insulting our beloved king,” he assures, watching as you look at the target in front of you, honing in on the centre, before taking a deep breath and pulling back the bow in one tight motion. 
“You can just do it yourself once you move in.”
Your arrow shoots directly into the ground a couple of feet in front of you. Again, you curse, this time much louder, drawing in the attention of Tora -your lady in waiting- who’s suddenly scurrying up the path with worry in her eyes. 
“I swear to—“
“Is everything alright, m’lady?” Tora, the living embodiment of fear itself, runs to your aid without question, causing you to sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Yes Tora,” you drone.  
“Are you sure? You seem awfully distressed. Can I get y—”
You open your mouth to respond but Mads beats you to the punch. “She’s fine, Tora. Just a tad ticked that I keep upstaging her archery skills.” 
If it wasn’t for the shock of the informational bomb he’d just dropped, you would’ve pounced on him then and there, elegance be damned. Instead, though, you merely just glare and listen to Tora as she lets out a sigh of relief before apologizing and taking her leave. 
“If I wasn’t required to uphold a certain standard in public you’d be on your ass right now.”
“I highly doubt that, princess.” 
Princess. Norns, you want to kill him. Right here, right now you want to pull back your arrow and pierce it right through his thick skull. 
“You know false gossip is frowned upon.”
“Yes, but who are we to say what’s true or false?” Ever the annoyance, he nudges your elbow with his, wiggling his brows in such a mocking way you feel your chest start to ache with uncertainty because there’s no way this information is real. Sure, the prospect of Loki being married off could be probable. He’s at that age where people are starting to question his marital status but he’s… Loki. Your friend. There’s no way they would’ve chosen you. 
“Who told you?”
“Who do you think told me?” he scoffs. 
Immediately, you feel like a fool for asking, already well aware that it was his sister, Freydis. 
“Where is she?”
Before Mads can even shrug you’re dropping your bow and racing to her quarters, feeling your heart begin to race as you run up the path, motioning for Tora to stay put. Reluctantly she does, giving you a nervous look as you tell her you’ll be back soon even though you’re not entirely sure. Freydis is often selective when it comes to information. Being one of the biggest keepers of it, she can be quite fickle regarding trust, especially with something as serious as the future of the king’s son.
It makes you nervous about what’s to come —thinking about the possible results. 
For example, if it is true, what do you even do? How do you process? It’s not as if you can, really. Arranged marriages like these, as you’ve often witnessed, tend to go from zero to one hundred at the drop of a hat, leaving both parties too exhausted to deal with the consequences beforehand. Plus, knowing Loki it’s not as if he’d be willing to share his thoughts on the matter. 
Considering he’s always been closed off, even throughout your constant years of friendship, he’d most likely just grin and bear it for publicity's sake. Play the part of the loving husband. Hold your hand, kiss your cheek —make sure the world knows you’re his and no one else’s. 
To the people you’d be the perfect couple, but to you?
There’s an inkling of pain that resides throughout your chest once you think about the alternative. That instead of you it’s perhaps some other woman being thrown recklessly into his chambers. Somehow it fills you with dread as you round the corner of the path, your mind moving at such high speeds trying to figure out how you should react that you don’t even process the body that’s crashing into you. 
At first, it hits you —knocks the air right out of your lungs as you fall prone— but then it hits you. Like a freight train, your innermost thoughts rush out of you as you look up to see Loki’s wide eyes staring at you from above. 
“Is it true?” 
He doesn’t say anything. Instead, he just looks at you, settling on the vision of your dishevelled appearance before him. 
“Lo?” you ask again, feeling his hand extend to meet your own once he realizes you’re still on the ground. Without protest you take it, feeling the coolness of his skin mix with the heat of your own as he pulls up, asking if you’re alright. 
“I’m fine, thank you,” you say, watching him stand there, hands now at his sides. His fingers rub against each other nervously as he looks around the path, avoiding your gaze entirely. 
“Loki, is it—“
He nods, finally making eye contact. “Who told you?”
You’re tempted to lie in case there are consequences but ultimately admit the truth. “Mads… but to be fair it was Freydis who was the first in our family to find out.” 
As expected, Loki shakes his head. “Course it was.”
“Obviously it’s a mystery as to how she found out,” you blurt out, your nerves suddenly becoming more apparent the longer you look at him. 
He’s wearing his nicest leathers today. The ones that hug his frame just right. Across his skin, he’s adorned himself in all his usual colours, dark greens with charcoal and hints of gold. Like usual his hair is pushed back behind his ears, dangling just beneath in a way that somehow seems different despite how standard it is for him. 
“You uh, you look nice today.” 
Your words throw him off for a moment, his face screwing up in confusion until he eventually looks down and realizes. “Oh, yes, right. Thank you. So do you.”
Like him, you look down to see your archery gear covered in dirt from the fall. “Only the best set of pants for my future, uh…”
“Husband?” he offers, a cautious grin plastered across his face. 
Just the sight fills you with a certain warmth you’re not entirely sure you’ve felt before. Your hands, already covered in sweat seem to double in perspiration the second you see the slight embarrassment in his eyes and the way he immediately searches your face for an approval you don’t know how to give. 
An approval you’re desperate to offer despite the circumstances. Despite you and him and this whole new arrangement, you have to navigate. It’s odd, really. Surreal. This idea that two people being forced to spend the rest of their lives together at the expense of someone else’s gain. 
It’s barbaric, isn’t it? 
You’ve always been the kind of person that agreed with the notion of freedom. That, regardless of an individual's nobility they should be able to choose the person they love over everything else. Things like shared resources and politics shouldn’t be a factor in one’s future marriage. 
And yet, the longer you stand there, thinking about it —this idea of you and him and everything that’s suddenly been thrust upon you— the less awful it sounds. Because despite everything, Loki as a whole is good. He’s kind and smart and albeit, a bit of a troublemaker but in your experience never at the expense of your happiness. In fact, he’s always treated you well. Respecting you in ways that other people hadn’t. Growing up, he never saw you as this woman being trained to wed a higher man to bring further respect to her family. He only saw you as you, a rarity nowadays. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
“You just did,” he jokes.
You give him a half-happy, half-annoyed look once you realize that despite the awkwardness, everything between you is still okay. Still normal, in a way.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this? I mean, obviously your father’s pretty strict about arrangements but if you’re not comfortable —if you’ve got your eyes set on someone else I’m sure we could—“
He doesn’t interrupt you. Instead, he merely shakes his head and smirks, causing your words to fall to the back of your throat as you nervously swallow, watching him motion toward your hand. 
Without protest you offer it up, feeling your fingers twitch in the air until they’re being steadied by his own. 
“Honestly, I’m a bit irritated I didn’t get to be the bearer of bad news,” he tells you, and before you can even think of a clever response, you end up snorting and averting your gaze, feeling a wave of embarrassment as his thumb runs lightly along the base of your fingers. “I got all dressed up to tell you and everything.” 
As he speaks he takes a small step closer, watching the way your gaze continues to shift around the path, focusing on the grass or the trees or really, anything other than him. 
“I even skipped out on training with Thor and the others.” 
“That’s, uh, very… nice of you.”
You can feel his eyes boring holes into the side of your face. His pupils are impenetrable, staring at you like two black holes just waiting to pull you in. Desperately, you want to look at them —to memorize the way they dilate and constrict with every action and reaction. 
“I came to ask you something, if I may?”
This time you give in, noticing the slight growth of his eyes once yours make contact. Suddenly, they look lighter, filling his face with a newfound warmth as he pokes out his tongue to nervously lick his lips before clearing his throat. 
“If it’s alright, I’d like to do this. Properly.”
“Yes, properly. And not because Odin said so or because it’s the right thing do to politically. No, I—I want to do this because slowly I’ve come to realize that it’s what I want. Th—that you’re one I want.”
You open your mouth to speak but pause, noticing his other hand come up into the air between you. In it, his sedir flickers for a moment before pulsing brightly, prompting you to scrunch up your face in confusion when, barely a second later, a small wooden box appears before his palm. 
It’s made of ash, you notice, leaning it to scan the etchings that overtake the top. It’s simple in design but beautiful nonetheless, its presence leaving you almost breathless as you glance back up to Loki who’s suddenly smiling again. 
“It’s not much,” he says. “To be fair, I probably should’ve waited and got you something a bit better but I promise if you say yes I’ll get you everything. A horse, a castle, the finest gowns with the softest fabrics you’ve ever touched, the most delicious—”
Before he can even finish you’re closing the space between the two of you, ignoring the box in his hand in order to squeeze him tight and tell him you could care less about the gifts. 
TAGGING: TAGGING: @lovelysizzlingbluebird, @just-someone11 , @linaax, @eleniblue, @infinitystoner, @ozymdias, @use-your-telescope, @liminalpebble, @freegardenbanananeck, @lokixryss, @violethaze, @simplyholl, @coldnique, @mischief2sarawr, @jasperthechaosgremlin (if you’d like to be added fill out this form)
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anonymousewrites · 6 months
Portal to My Heart (Book 3) Chapter Seven
Loki x Reader
Chapter Seven: In Discussion
Summary: (Y/N), Loki, and Sylvie meet each other for the first time since their fight.
            (Y/N) and Loki waited in the parking lot until Sylvie finally emerged to talk.
            “It’s a short break, so talk fast,” said Sylvie, walking out to them with some food and a drink. She went to a truck, opened the back, and sat down. She carefully avoided (Y/N)’s gaze and attempted to appear nonchalant.
            “Sylvie, I know we’re the last people you want to see,” said (Y/N).
            “Right.” Sylvie’s tone was bitter. But why would you want to see me after what I did to you?
            “We haven’t come here to create trouble,” said Loki. But he did want to wring Sylvie’s neck for a moment and yell at her for hurting (Y/N).
            “Then why are you here?” said Sylvie, her gaze snapping up to Loki, still refusing to look back at (Y/N).
            “There’s a problem. Loki and I…we’re being pulled through time. Between past and preset and future, even in the TVA.” (Y/N) spoke and forced Sylvie’s attention to her. “And you were there. In the future. In the TVA. And you were looking for us.”
            “So?” said Sylvie, dully, taking her chance to look away.
            “So, the TVA was in danger, and you were there,” said (Y/N).
            “You two see the future now? Cool,” said Sylvie, taking a sip of her drink.
            “It’s not something we chose,” said Loki, frustrated with how blasé Sylvie was acting.
            “Look, as much as I’d love to see the TVA burnt to the ground, I have no intention of going back there,” said Sylvie sharply. “My life’s here now, and I’m not running. I’m happy.”
            “But you were there,” said (Y/N). “Explain what we saw.”
            “I don’t know, I don’t care,” said Sylvie.
            “You don’t care what’s going to happen to you?” said Loki.
            “That sounds a lot like the future’s already been written,” sneered Sylvie. “And we both know that it hasn’t. Not anymore.”
            “No, but you still make choices,” said (Y/N) sharply. “And your decisions led you there to find us. That means something, Sylvie. It means that something big is happening, big enough that we have to fight. I know you wouldn’t be there otherwise. But it’s big enough to force your hand.” She swallowed as her harsh words settled in the dust. “And, listen, even without the future being written, Loki and (Y/N) are slipping through time. That means we’re out of sync with everything else. Maybe that’s why we saw it and you still have a choice. But that doesn’t mean something bad isn’t coming.”
            “I don’t care about all of that. I want nothing to do with this,” said Sylvie, avoiding the sensibility of (Y/N)’s voice.
            “If we don’t work together, I can’t guarantee how long this—” Loki gestured to the world around them “—will be here.”
            “You have some nerve coming,” said Sylvie, glaring at him.
            “Nerve?” Loki glared back. “You’re the one who has the nerve to speak like that to (Y/N) after you nearly killed her.”
            (Y/N) tensed at the reminder, and Sylvie stiffened. “I—” she began.
            “She nearly died when we were time-slipping because I couldn’t get her to anyone to help her. So yes, this matters,” said Loki.
            “Sylvie,” (Y/N) spoke and drew all attention. “I don’t care what happened between us. I’m alive—” Sylvie felt her heart soar at hearing (Y/N) not be angry at her. “—But” Sylvie’s heart dropped again at the disappointment. “—if the TVA is danger and you had a reason to return, that means everything is in danger. Whatever is happening is bigger than the TVA. This is about everything and everyone.” She looked around. “This place—your home—could be in danger.” She gazed at Sylvie evenly. “Yes, He Who Remains was a tyrant and killing people and needed to be stopped. But he also could have been telling the truth in some way. What if something is coming and the TVA is the only defense? What if what Loki and I was right and there is nothing standing between this world and utter destruction? What if all worlds—all timelines and lives—are in danger?” (Y/N)’s gaze hardened. “What are you going to do if we’re right?”
            Sylvie had no response. She had no way to speak after the weight of (Y/N)’s words and all the emotions they inspired. “I’ve got to get back to work.” So she returned to what she knew and ran.
            “You gave everyone free will and are running away before making sure they’re safe to use it,” said (Y/N).
            For once, her voice wasn’t sarcastic or cruel, just disappointed, and Loki and Sylvie knew from experience that hurt so much worse. The pure sadness in their actions stabbed into their hearts, and Loki was quite glad it wasn’t him on the receiving end for once. No, only Sylvie felt (Y/N)’s words chipping away at her heart.
            “That’s the way free will works,” said Sylvie, forcing the ferocity into her words.
            “People can’t have free will if they’re unable to use it. That’s what the sacred timeline prevented. And that’s what utter destruction will do, too,” said (Y/N). Her frustration grew, and a headache set in alongside it.
            “And don’t forget He Who Remains. He and all his variants are coming. Someone needs to protect people from them starting a war or getting control again,” said Loki forcefully.
            “Just kill ‘em. Worked for me,” said Sylvie.
            Behind her, Mobius and Brad emerged from McDonalds. “Sorry to interrupt,” said Mobius, sensing the tension immediately. “I think Brad’s got something that he might want to get off his chest.”
            “Zaniac’s getting a sequel, and you’re all invited,” said Brad.
            “We can wait all day,” said Mobius.
            “No, we can’t,” said Brad suddenly, growing anxious. “We need to talk about this back at the TVA.”
            “Talk,” said (Y/N), folding her arms. She smiled. “I control you. So if you really want to leave, I’d start talking.”
            Brad took her seriously. “Fine, fine. If we stay here, we’re all gonna die.” He pointed at a man passing with his friend. “They’re gonna die.” He gestured at a woman. “Orange shirt, she’s gonna die. Most importantly, we are all gonna die. This is gone! Unless we—”
            Sylvie grabbed him, and her magic filtered into her mind and enchanted him to her command. She searched through his memories, and her eyes widened as she drew back with the truth.
            “They’re gonna bomb every branch,” she breathed.
            “Yeah, including this one,” said Brad.
            “Where do we go, Sylvie?” asked (Y/N) urgently.
            “I’ll show you,” said Sylvie, reaching down to a watch-like device. (Y/N) jerked upon realizing it was HWR’s Tempad. Sylvie’s clothes transformed into a green outfit of a warrior, and she turned to create a door.
            Mobius turned on his own Tempad and alerted the TVA allies. “B-15, incoming.” He shoved Brad through the door.
            “Mobius, what’s going on?” said B-15 over the communications.
            “Dox wasn’t looking for Sylvie,” said Mobius. She’s gonna prune all the new branches.
            “She already is,” said B-15 solemnly. “Mobius…she’s gonna kill them all.”
            (Y/N)’s heart dropped. All of those people were dying, and she was just standing there. She needed to do something to protect those lives.
            “I’ve got it,” said Sylvie, opening a Time Door.
            (Y/N) and Loki stepped through right after her and emerged in a warehouse. Instantly, they crouched behind several boxes before they were seen. Mobius joined them a moment later, and the four surveyed the scene in front of them.
            Dox had her whole operation in motion. Minutemen with charges stepped through Time Doors before remerging. They were doing just as B-15 reported: bombing timelines with reset charges. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes, and the thrum of her headache intensified as she watched the Minutemen carelessly throw away so many lives.
            “How are you on supplies?” said one man.
            “Low on reset charges,” said another.
            “What are they doing with the Time Doors?” whispered Mobius.
            “They’re connected to those Tempads,” said (Y/N), nodding to a stand with multiple Tempads hooked up. “And they look very similar to Brad’s.” That’s what his Tempad had been created to do.
            “Mobius, thirty percent of the branches have been pruned,” said B-15 over the Tempad. “They’re killing billions. Take Dox down now.”
            “Minutemen are carrying charges,” murmured Loki.
            “That’s how they’re bombing all the timelines at once,” said Sylvie. “With that control panel.”
            “If you guys get the Minutemen, I can sabotage the control panel,” said (Y/N).
            “Do you understand the Tempads’ modifications now?” asked Mobius.
            “Tearing tech apart works just as well,” said (Y/N). “And I’m good at messing with technology.”
            “Then we’ll distract them,” said Loki.
            He rose and ran at the minutemen with Mobius and Sylvie on his heels. He grabbed one man and threw him to the ground before he could reach the Time Door. Sylvie’s magic blasted some cables apart and shut down several Time Doors while Mobius punched a minuteman before he could set off a charge.
            “Our mission is compromised!” shouted Dox upon seeing them. “Set off what you can!”
            Several minutemen rushed towards portals, and (Y/N)’s adrenaline soared. She ran for the control panel, and a man tried to grab her, but she sidestepped and lunged for the control panel.
            Behind her, Loki grabbed the minuteman and threw him into another. He stole their pruning stick, and Mobius did the same while Sylvie wielded her sword.
            She grabbed the Tempads and ripped one out. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough, and the tough wiring wasn’t tearing.
            Break, damn it!
            (Y/N)’s eyes surged blue, and her veins glowed. The wiring glowed electric blue, and the color spread to the Tempads. The orange screens turned azure and exploded in a shower of lightning.
            “No!” shouted Dox, running at (Y/N) as she grabbed another panel and electrocuted it with the pure adrenaline and power rushing through them.
            (Y/N) let out a breath as her built up anger and her headache broke apart in the rush of her power slipping out. Her abilities strained to lash out, and (Y/N) let them explode in the Tempads and destroy the paths to the innocent branches and people being threatened.
            (Y/N) dodged Dox and backed up. Loki and Sylvie run up beside them.
            “Don’t overthink this,” said Sylvie, and she grabbed (Y/N)’s hand. Loki grabbed their other.
            (Y/N)’s eyes lit up, and her veins faded to green light as she powered up Sylvie and Loki, and their magic blasted outwards, taking down Dox and the final minutemen. They were thrown across the room into a heap on the ground, and the final bits of technology went dead at the touch of magic and pure energy.
            For a moment, (Y/N), Loki, and Sylvie stood tall together and looked at the fallen minutemen. They had done it together. And then (Y/N) let go of Loki and Sylvie’s hand, and the moment was broken.
            “Call B-15,” said (Y/N), glancing at Mobius. “We need to get them in cells before they do any more damage.”
            Mobius nodded. He knew that was the only way forward. And he knew that (Y/N)’s furrowed brow showed the weight of the pain of all those lives lost. They had prevented so much, but they had lost much more.
            (Y/N) stood silently as her headache pulsed solemnly, and she just watched as Time Doors opened from the TVA and their own people filed in to take Dox’s loyalists away. Loki and Sylvie didn’t speak either, but they box looked at her worriedly. It was unlike (Y/N) to be so quiet, so still. They thought she’d still be raging at Dox and everyone who had helped her kill so many people. It was scarier to see her like this.
            “Loki, (Y/N), it’s time to go,” said Mobius finally, walking up to them.
(Y/N) nodded and followed with Loki through a Time Door. Sylvie was last, hesitant to return to the TVA, but she needed to see what had happened.
            They appeared in a control room of the TVA with the timelines displayed above them on a screen. Everyone stared at the display with silent horror. (Y/N) ached at the sight of the truth of what Dox had done.
            The bright lines displaying the living timelines were starkly contrasted by a cloud of grey fragments—dead timelines. Dead worlds. Dead people.
            “Those are people,” said B-15, unable to keep the hiccup of sadness from her voice. “Those are lives.”
            (Y/N) swallowed, and her hands curled into fists. She wanted to do something, but she couldn’t. Those lives were gone because she hadn’t been able to protect them.
            Loki saw her movement, and he reached out and took her hand. Her hand relaxed enough for him to slip his fingers between hers. He squeezed gently to remind (Y/N) that he was beside her. She wasn’t alone.
            The silence was only broken when a device beeped. Casey shifted slightly and spoke quietly. “There’s a hit on Renslayer’s Tempad.” It should’ve been good news to get a track on her, but after what Dox had done, nothing seemed alright.
            Mobius and B-15 tore their gazes from the screen and looked to Casey’s computer for more information. They had to keep going to keep more things from going wrong. Renslayer was loyal to the old ways of the TVA. She was a threat just like Dox.
            (Y/N) and Loki turned to face Sylvie, who was just staring in furious sadness at the display.
            She cut Loki off. “Is this the best you lot can do?”
            “We did all we could,” said Loki, and the unfortunate fact was that he spoke the truth. They had done everything they could, and it wasn’t enough.
            “Some defense,” said Sylvie. She narrowed her eyes. “The TVA is the problem. It’s broken; it’s rotten.” She lifted her (HWR’s) Tempad-watch. “I’m going home. If it’s still there.”
            A Time Door opened.
            “Sylvie,” said (Y/N).
            Sylvie paused and looked at her.
            “I’m sorry we couldn’t do more,” said (Y/N).
            Sylvie’s gaze softened for just a moment. “…I’m sorry for hurting you.” It wasn’t an acceptance of (Y/N)’s words, but it was something.
            “I know,” said (Y/N).
            Sylvie stepped through the Time Door and disappeared.
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vlkyriesgf · 2 years
i have a request for valkyrie :) ☾
“i think i’m in love with you” and “hugging without a reason” prompts from prompt list 3 and prompts 13, 14, and SOOTHE from prompt list one? cuddling would also be awesome and also if you don’t want to do anything specific all i really want is fluff and mutual pining/confessing feelings. tysm have an awesome day/night :)
a love there is no cure for // valkyrie x fem!reader
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a/n: “i think i love you” was played about 5 times while i was writing bc the vibe of this fic was legit that. also ty for requesting this anon! it nice to branch out on my writing w these prompts :)
summary: under all the stress of the current Thor situation, Valkyrie finally comes to terms with her feelings towards you
warnings: some angst but comfort at the end, sickly sweet queer pining, past relationship, hela lmao💀
word count: 1.1k
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The two of you decided to go back to Valkyries apartment after the meeting with the grandmaster. You both needed to talk about what you want to do with the current situations. Do you help Thor or the Grandmaster?
While you wanted to help Thor, Valkyries decision wasn’t very clear, you noticed that she’s been quieter than usual after the encounter with Loki. It ended up being a rather quiet walk, along with some small talk here and there.
You’re not sure what he showed her, something from her past maybe? It has to be. After knowing her for two years, nothing gets her this quiet. She even told you some time ago that she’s somewhat mournful of her history, though she was a drunken mess. You were surprised that she confided in you, that she was emotionally open and vulnerable with you at that moment.
As soon as the door opened, you beelined to the spare room she gave you. “Let me get some things, I won’t take long” you told her, leaving Valkyrie in the main room.
Val makes her way towards the big window, staring out to the city of Sakaar. Going through your things, you put whatever weapons or tools in a satchel of yours that you felt were essential to your plan. Well, at least the basics, you had no plan yet.
During that time, Val reflects on what Loki unfortunately showed her. The battle between Hela and the Valkyrie. The massacre of her fellow warriors. Specifically, the murder of the one she truly loved and cared for. She can’t help but replay that awful memory in her head. She also can’t sort out if the feelings she had for her are similar to the ones she has towards you.
You finally exit your room, making the prized scrapper snap out of her contemplative state. You put your satchel on the table and start to look for some tools that you swiped and stashed, thinking it might be helpful to whatever you were going to do.
Finally organizing your bag on the counter, Valkyrie brings out her dragonfang sword to place it on the counter as well, still kind of in her mind. Something finally clicked in that buzzing brain of hers, making her stop in her tracks and lifting up her head to see the back of you.
After double checking if you have everything, you’re just about to close tour satchel when you freeze up to the feeling of arms around you waist and a head resting on your back. Calming down, you remember it’s only you and Val in this apartment.
“Valkyrie?” you say in a quiet tone. “Yes?” she replies the same way, staring off at the floor. You both stand there trying to process what the other was doing.
“Why are you hugging me?” you asked.
“I’m not sure..” she says, her voice giving no hints on what she’s feeling.
You both aren’t sure what’s happening at the moment, your heads and hearts racing. You’ve wanted this but why now? Can you be excited about it? Would her feelings fade after a while?
Valkyrie isn’t too sure, she knows now that she’s completely enamored with you but would it be worth it? Can she be that vulnerable with you without getting drunk? What is she so afraid of? What if she loses you? She definitely doesn’t want to go through that again.
“..Do you want me to let go?” “Not yet.” You result on just asking her, the answers she’s giving you aren’t enough for you to know what’s going on with her.
“Val are you ok-” “I think I’m in love with you” she says almost breathlessly.
Silence fills the room, good or bad you haven’t the slightest idea but she definitely got you off guard. Processing the words that just came out of Valkyrie’s mouth, you try to sort out your own feelings though it painfully mutual.
“Say something, y/n.” she pleads, giving you a small squeeze as an idea fills her head.
You feel her head rise, her breath feeling close on the back on your neck. She gives a slow kiss behind your ear, letting her lips linger for a few seconds before giving a small peck. This surprised you, making a shiver go up your spine and goosebumps appearing on your arms and shoulders.
“You’re not messing with me right? Like this isn’t some sick way of you trying to get at something?” you ask as you turn your head to the side, seeing her look at you from your periphery.
“Why’d you think that?” she asks, wondering why you’re being so cautious about this. You shrug in response, looking down and seeing how she’s clinging onto you.
Always catching yourself staring at her arms, you took the time to appreciate them this close. She has small tears in the armor’s fabric speckled around from those shes rumbled with.
You then start to play with one of them, twirling it between your thumb and index finger as your wonder how she got that specific one.
“I know I pestered you a lot but that was just banter” she chuckled out.
“Wasn’t just banter, most were tricks too” you answer back with a matter of fact tone.
“They weren’t harmful though were they?” she says teasingly, squeezing you once more.
“Guess they weren’t.” A sigh leaves your mouth as you find you’re still fidgeting with the torn fabric.
“Look how about this,” she says while turning you around to face her.
Valkyrie looks down at you endearingly, her hand lifting and tilting your head to the side. She lowers her head towards you neck, pulling you in as close as she could by your waist.
Kissing where your throat meets the underside of your chin, you closed your eyes as Valkyrie nips lightly at the piece of skin. The feeling had you in a daze, moving your hand up to gently grab her upper arm.
“I’ll give you a proper kiss if you make it back alive, that gives you time to think about it too” she says as she lifts up her head to meet your face.
“Wait, “if”?” you ask, looking up at her. Though she expected it, she couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of your flushed face.
“Okay okay, when you survive. C’mon don’t forget your bag” she tells you as she places the strap on your shoulder.
Still in a haze, you’ve forgotten about what was happening regarding the situation. You feel her grab your hand and drag you towards the door. “Wait where are we going again?”
“We’re gonna help the Asgardian prince, assuming he hasn’t left yet.” You look at her in awe as she finally stated her position on the matter.
Your feelings have always been there for her, hoping that something as cheesy as her kissing you after an out of the blue brawl. So in the end, there would be nothing to “think about”.
You do want to be with her, you just didn’t think she’d be the first one to make a move, a bold one at that. Maybe when you do survive the imminent battle with Hela, you can show her how to properly ask someone out.
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lieutenant-teach · 12 days
Loki season 2 review (critical)
As usually, I’m late to the party, but the thoughts about the 2nd season have been bugging me since October 2023. Finally I organize my impressions that kept my brain working during cooking my breakfast almost every morning.
Frankly, too much quasi-sciency BS. Smth smth time loop smth smth. I just let all ‘explanations’ and ‘theoretical basis’ past my ears. Grasped the main events, not going deep into everything Ouroboros was explaining on screen. Getting my brain broken again trying to understand the logic of smth the creatives themselves didn’t bother to clear up in the writers’ room? No, thank you. Been there during ‘Avengers Endgame’, didn’t like it.
Loki becomes the main character in his own series! At last! /s Seriously, how low the fucking bar should be that the fans are glorifying the series for an absolutely natural thing – the title character, promoted everywhere as the main character, actually being the main character. And sometimes he even looked and sounded as OG Loki! Wow! \s Again, how low our expectations were so that a lot of us are happy to see these crumbs. The stupid beige suit is still on. My comments about his new costume in the finale are here.
Loki torturing Brad who’s being in the same position as he was only little time ago, and doing it with no qualms whatsoever… insisting he uses his number instead of a name… Using numbers instead of names washes away personalities, it’s a famous fascistic instrument to not see a group \ groups of people as humans. I immediately compared this situation with ‘Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ series. All good guys use names that the clones picked up for themselves (like ‘Cody’ instead of ‘CC-2224’ or ‘Rex’ instead of ‘CT-7567). Those who insist on calling them designated numbers are villains of the story. It’s obvious and natural. What’s wrong with the ‘Loki’ series creatives?
And, of course, no happy ending for Loki! Alone forever on a throne he never wanted. Actually, I didn’t understand if he could move from there. I read fans saying ‘he can travel through all time and space now’, but I didn’t find any creators’ comments about it, and the series never confirm so either.
How fucking annoying she was!
Seriously, this season changed my perception of Sylvie to the worse. When I watched the 1st season, I had no feelings about her. She didn’t strike me as a very interesting character, and the romance was awkward and not touching (I’m not even diving into idiotic ‘self-love’ metaphor and overall incestuous vibe).
But since s.2 ep.3 she was grating on my nerves everytime she appeared on screen. She’s absolutely incapable of realizing and owning her mistakes, pushing the blame on everyone around her. For example, in ep.3 she changes her mind about murdering Timely, but immediately says to Loki ‘Don’t make me regret this’. Lady, it was your decision! Yours and yours alone! Seriously, how did the creatives imagine her train of thoughts? ‘I do smth, but there’s Loki in the room, so if anything goes bad because of my decision, I’ll blame it on him’? Ah, yes, it did work in s.1 ep.6, when everyone in- and out-of-universe started to blame Loki on the freeing of the Multiverse.
She’s portrayed as an insolent selfish and self-centered brat. But what is worse, the creators thought they were writing her as being actually right! Like, when she and Loki talk in the bar in ep.5, she blames Loki for being selfish. I suffered rewatching this moment. Yes, he wants his friends back. But she – she is willing to go on heads of countless people to get what she wants, as she did in s.1 ep.6, the most vivid example. Destroying the Multiverse for her personal revenge (don’t get fooled by her non-existent ‘crusade for freedom’, as the creatives started to backpedal in interviews)? Why not! Does Loki want to keep his friends at this cost? She acts all selfish – but she is right in her selfishness, and Loki is wrong?
Generally, I’d say she isn’t needed in season 2. You remove her, and nothing would change. No her own arc – we had smth akin to the beginning of it in ep.3, but next episode it was forgotten.
At last I see Mobius as he was intended to be in regards to Loki! There’s a huge dissonance between his behavior towards Loki in season 1 and season 2. Now he actually acts as if he likes Loki, as he was always promoted to do. My general feeling was much more positive. If we forget everything that happened in season 1, I’d say ‘yes, they are friends’.
I’m not diving into nature of fascism that is represented by Mobius and the TVA, more was said by other fans.
I liked him most. At least he’s funny and doesn’t mistreat Loki – and that’s a lot for this series. But what I enjoyed most – fan theories about him. When he was announced first, I read wonderful ideas that he could be a Loki variant. Ouroboros as a snake biting its tail takes its roots in Norse mythology where Jormungandr, Loki’s son, is a huge snake encircling the Earth. Ouroboros as a Loki variant or a Loki’s son from another timeline would be a real homage to the myths and a really cool and unexpected decision opening up lots of plot and character development possibilities.
But of course, the creatives had no idea about this connection. I doubt they know who Jormungandr is at all, much less any symbolism derived from that.
Casey and B-15
Frankly, I don’t understand why Casey is paid that much attention. I only remember him appearing in s.1 ep.1 not knowing what ‘fish’ was and Loki threatening him. Suddenly he’s Loki’s friend and even given a backstory.
B-15 is Verity Willis. Fuck the comics, apparently. No truth powers, not Loki’s best friend. What’s the point, then? Ah, silly me, a cool Easter egg, of course. Again, just as in case with Mobius, a huge shift of personality between seasons. What bothered me is that she continues using her number instead of her actual name in the end of ep.6. At least the creatives could’ve given her a new name if in-universe she couldn’t associate herself with ‘Verity’ anymore. As in ‘TCW’ we have ‘Fives’ who derived his name from his number ‘CT-5555’, B-15 could be ‘Beenie’ or ‘Bea’ or smth.
In conclusion
A skin-crawling beige swamp of intriguing details to pick apart, some great philosophical ideas that could’ve been explored, and mess in the writers’ heads, with some hummocks of disdain to Loki and stumps of slaughtered worldbuilding.
But I don’t care much, sitting on a cozy beach of good Loki fanfiction and sipping ‘good Loki characterization’ plots in the warmth of ficwriters’ love for him.
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