#they bring me so much seratonin though
nuclear-wiener420 · 5 months
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just some fruity lil babes :)
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sending random anon love to my favorite fma blogs. 💕
this blog gives me so much seratonin. all of your blogs are great but something about this one is just *chef's kiss*
it takes a special kind of person to breathe life into a companion character like hayate, kudos to the mun!!
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((Oh my goodness, Anon, you're so sweet! I'm so glad you're enjoying my Hayate here! To be perfectly honest, I base a lot of how I write his mannerisms off of my own dogs! They're not shiba inus--they're actually mutts, just puppies we rescued that had been dumped on our land--but some mannerisms just carry over!
But honestly, Hayate is a delight to write. Its fun to think of things from his perspective, and its fun to write him reacting to things. And most of what I get is pretty light and fun, (although I'm not opposed to things where Hayate gets to show his fierceness) so it's nice to bring that fun to the dash!
I'm so glad that you enjoy my Hayate, though! Thank you so much for sending me this sweet message!
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silentmoths · 1 year
Of all the fursona's you could have...why a Moth?
Haha you know, that's a fair question.
But I dont really see Moth as a 'sona' as much as I see them as a mascot...though I'll admit I actually enjoy drawing moth more than I do my actual fursona because they're a simple little skrunkly and making all these tiny 2-4 frame animations with them brings me seratonin.
As for why a moth. *points at username* that's why. lmao.
So for future reference
Moth: Blog mascot They/them pronouns Tiny little ball of chaos Dusty
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Lerx: Actual fursona She/They pronouns Will bite you at this point they're kinda benched, but I still see em as my actual 'sona' opposed to moth. this may be subject to change over time tho.
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fire-atwill · 3 years
I'm always lowkey hating on Mal just cause I don't like him that much and I forget that I don't like Alina either. Whenever I reread I'm just iffy about them both.
I don't hate them (I know it seems it cause I try to justify not liking them) I just don't like them cause I don't wanna. They irritate me and I just like Genya, Tolya, Tamar, Zoya, Nikolai etc more.
I think I like secure characters. Main characters always have the 'finding who i am' sub plot while the side characters have the 'i know who i am now i grow from here' which i just prefer.
I have enough emotional instability, I don't need yours too.
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Season 4, Episode 8: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
EEEEUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH this was by FAR my least favorite episode so don't expect me to have many kind things to say about it D:<
The Good (what little there was of it):
Robby and Tory were like...the ONLY redeeming quality of this episode
They fucken CARRIED the damn thing, honestly--I don't know if I could have stomached it without them
"Did you just ask me to prom?" "Strictly a tactical move" Okay only Tory and Robby would flirt like this and god is it ADORABLE
While I am cranky that they wasted screen time bringing back Stingray of all people, "You were never a part of this team. You're a buffoon. A joker. An embarrassment." is my new go-to insult and I will now be using it regularly
Lol somehow I forgot that Daniel has other New Jersey cousins who can cause shenanigans. I am always eager for shenanigans
Sam's prom dress is almost the exact shade of pink mine was and thus I am obligated to compliment her fashion sense and color preferences
Also CALLED that her dress would be pink or purple!!! And does she ever SLAY in pink, go get it girl <3
Okay I know everything's gonna go to shit later but I'm happy these two get a few minutes of cuteness at least ;__;
Damn...the fact that Shannon was able to pick out red flags with Terry Silver immediately is making her grow on me. Like she's definitely not been the best mom, but the woman has good instincts and I have to respect that. "If there's one type of guy I know, it's a rich guy who wants something" indeed
Shannon might be smarter than I've been giving her credit for honestly
Miguel picking up Sam and spinning her ;_;
GODDDDD why can't they be happy for ONE NIGHT
Moon dancing with GIRLS like the sapphic queen she is!!!!
GOD if only one of them was her new girlfriend and she was off the market to one Eli Moskowitz ;___;
Man why won't they let that relationship DIE ffs
Okay okay back to good things, sorry
You know, I can take solace in the fact that Eli and Demetri did in fact go to prom as each other's date and are just too inconceivably stupid and far back in the closet to realize it
Idiots (affectionate, but frustrated)
Also, Demetri's prom suit is just as delightfully hideous as I've always dreamed it would be, and I am thrilled about that
Additionally, no straight man could ever wear a pac man suit to prom and manage to actually pull it off, hence proving further that Demetri is gay as all hell and just in very deep denial about it
AW, Dem tryna cheer up Eli when Eli’s bitch ass doesn't appreciate his very handsome and sarcastic date just because Dem's not a girl ;__;
At least Demetri looks apologetic when he gets dragged off by Yasmine??? That's something???
Eli's tryna be happy for Dem even though his heart is breaking in a million pieces, god bless
Okay not Yasmine seeming more excited to see Moon than Demetri, who she supposedly flew in from Sydney for
NO SERIOUSLY it's like:
Yasmine, upon seeing Demetri: Ah hey :) What's up, you :) Yasmine, upon seeing Moon: *excited sapphic screeching*
Also not Moon breaking into a huge smile and letting out this elated little "I can't believe you're here! <3 <3 <3" and then breaking into lovesick giggles
And, what? You think I'm NOT going to ship them??? Eat my ENTIRE ass actually
Okay, you know what??? MAD respect for Tory and Robby walking in in an ABSOLUTE power stance
Saw some people throwing shade at Tory's dress, but those people are wrong and leopard print fucks actually
Okay I mean I do appreciate Johnny trying to protect his kid from Terry Sleazer but like...Johnny you IDIOT, this absolutely has the vibes of him taking you to a secluded place to murder you??? Then again, it's very in-character for Johnny to just go anyway
Johnny Lawrence is only the most tragic of idiots
Aw, the WAY Sam looks at Miguel when they start slow dancing
She's so happy ;__;
I'll admit they DO have a few pretty great moments in this episode
Oh my GOD Tory and Robby are so fucking petty and EXTRA and it's absolutely glorious
Look at them, carrying this entire fucking episode on their backs
I can't believe they're just the actual embodiment of the Fake Dating fanfiction trope
Like they legit said "let's go to prom together to piss off our exes and make them jealous" and then actually started liking each other??? Classic fanfic move
Yeah okay the Anthony subplot is mildly amusing, I forget how sassy and hot-tempered Amanda can be
Love that for her though!
"Now why do you think you love your daughter more than your son?" GODDAMN YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO JUST OUTRIGHT CALL THEM OUT LIKE THAT
Okay she got them good with that notepad, I'll give it to her
Shannon was a dancer??? And she taught Robby??? THAT'S SO FRICKEN CUTE
I feel like they just really understand each other and can find a comfort and solace in each other they haven't been able to with anyone else and I think that's beautiful ;__;
She's showing him Soft Tory, where she doesn't feel like she has to be tough and badass ;_;
Pretty sure she was NEVER that vulnerable with Miguel so like
Keenry >>>>> Tori/guel actually
"Are they still watching?" "I don't care" *sobs*
I'll give it to you, Season 4, you got me very emotionally invested in the two dudes who were my least faves last season...that's impressive
ALSO if you look in the background during the Tory and Robby dance scenes, Moon is hanging around RIGHT BY Yas and Demetri the entire time
And I swear to GOD, I caught Moon turning and stealing a couple glances at Yas
Moon has a big fat lesbian crush on Miss Discount Regina George, send tweet
I’m betting she was hanging around Dem and Yas because she was trying to work up the courage to ask if she could “jokingly” cut in, but never could quite be brave enough :( :( :(
No I don’t CARE if I’m reaching actually, this headcanon is giving me a seratonin boost and that’s all that matters
There’s even a super brief shot of Yas and Moon dancing together, so fuck it, I’ll take my lesbian scraps
Aight that's a sick LA-city-lights-at-night shot, I'll give it to 'em
Y'know what? I predicted Eli would be third-wheeling Demetri and Yasmine and NOT Sam and Miguel, so like...I guess I won there???
He's clearly hanging around Dem like a lost puppy, so...at least we got one half of the ship being gay af
As much as you can fuckin win anything when you're getting Yasfuckingmetri shoved down your throat -__-
Alright alright alright I'll admit Stingray beating the shit out of the neighbor who’s got a stick up his ass was pretty damn funny
I GUESS he can get one last moment of glory before Terry Silver pummels him to kingdom come
I'll admit I kinda loved seeing Daniel take a page out of Johnny's book and cut the shit with Anthony, cuz like...I honestly don't think there'd be much other way to get through to him, the way he just...does whatever he wants lol
Also Daniel shouting Johnny's "QUIET!!!" was beautiful
Breaking the iPad was taking it a liiiiiittle far though
"Seems like you're always behind me in line. First Miguel, now Robby. I have a half-eaten cupcake in there if you want some!" DAMN GIRL YOU ARE A SAVAGE
I honestly have to stan, that was a sick burn
Okay, you know what? I was hoping for a karate brawl at the prom because teenagers fighting each other in formalwear is deeply hilarious to me. And this episode DELIVERED on that front. Granted, I was hoping for a larger karate fight that included Demetri and Eli pummeling the crap out of Kyler, but I'll take any prom karate fight.
And like...given Sam’s trauma with Tory and Johnny’s recent influence on her, I’m not really surprised she started shit and tried her luck with “striking first”
Like yes it led to a clusterfuck disaster but it was a neat character beat
On the upside, I don't think my most beloathed Tori/guel and S*mR*bby are going to be getting back together anytime soon, because Tory and Robby are in fact very into each other
Giving me legitimate hope that Samiguel and Keenry will be endgame because like...I don't think Robby and Tory are going to suddenly stop being utterly smitten with each other any time soon
Look at you smooching kids!!! Happy for you!!!
I would like to personally thank Robby Keene and Tory Nichols for singlehandedly getting me through this episode
Welp, I mean. They couldn't bring back Stingray without having him get his ass handed to him by an unhinged karate grandpa, so like...I guess that's something.
The Bad:
Okay WHY did we need to bring Stingray back? Like
We're all here for the kids and the karate dads and the evil karate grandpas
And we spent a good precious 3 minutes of screentime on Stingray stuff that I don't think anyone cares about
Literally the ONE good thing about bringing the man back is that we got "You were never a part of this team. You're a buffoon. A joker. An embarrassment." but that's IT
They could've used that screentime to actually like. Develop Demetri and Yasmine's relationship a tiny bit so that we actually give half a shit when she flies back to go to the prom with him like???
Maybe have a Yasmine scene where she's in the Sydney airport feeling conflicted, texting Dem or smth. It could be an opportunity to learn more about Yas and develop her a bit outside of just being really obsessed with Demetri or whatever
Like no, this wouldn't make me ship them, but at least it would help Yasmine feel like less of a fucking prop and more of an actual like...person
Right now she's literally just a "coolness prize" and I have 0 emotional investment in her and Demetri's relationship
I also know basically fucking nothing about it, considering we went from her making out with him in the halls and being super embarrassed about it to her being all over him and having no personality outside of it
Like, what, is it supposed to be a triumphant moment when she pops up at prom??? We still barely know her and, again, have basically no reason to be invested in her character OR her and Demetri's relationship
Unless you like looking at hot girls and projecting onto Demetri I guess
Bottom line is if the writers actually want me to root for Dem and Yas, the BARE MINIMUM is to give Yas some depth and some personality aside from "horny and occasionally mean"
Also it's real Daniel-and-Johnny-get-the-hell-over-yourselves hours
Maybe have one (1) reasonable, mature discussion instead of jumping at every opportunity to yell at and belittle each other and you wouldn't have so many issues get between your goddamn dojos
These stubborn fuckers are legit so wrapped up in their own self-righteousness that I am starting to very much want to slap them
Okay random little nitpick BUT
I'm so sorry but the little bows on Sam's straps look kind of tacky, don't kill me ^^;
Lowkey distracting D:
Other than that I like the dress tho!!!
Okay SO
MONSTER rant ahead
Literally as soon as we get to the prom everyone starts acting OOC as SHIT, it's insane
Like I shit you not, basically the only ones who aren't acting like they've been replaced by cheap imitation dopplegangers are Robby and Tory
Hence why, as previously stated, those two fuckers carried the entire episode
So for starters the No Homo'ing here is somehow even more atrocious than in Episode 5
And that was BAD
But like yeah of COURSE they have Eli complaining about him and Dem not having prom dates just to make SURE we know they're not each other's prom date -__-
Because god forbid we think they might be on a date for one goddamn second
And also every heterosexual in existence clearly spends every waking moment lamenting the lack of a romantic partner, and can never just...vibe with their friends at dances???
Like Demetri goes "dateless" to prom SOLELY with the intent of hanging out with Eli so he won't be alone, and then the writers make Eli not only appreciate it 0%, but also actively bitch about not having a girl on his arm???
Fuck OFF
It just feels so OOC, too, like...yeah, going to prom without an official date can make you self-conscious, but like...at this point in Eli's arc, I feel like he should kinda be over the need to get a gf for social status, you know?
And let's be real, high school dating (and prom dates in particular) is like 90% about social status
Like it would be one thing if the need to be in a relationship or be desired by girls was something that Eli still has to kind of overcome, but I don't get the sense that's where they're going with this??? It's just like "haha let's make the heavily queer-coded dude SUPER focused on girls so no one will ever suspect he's queer-coded!!!"
Also they deadass flew Yasmine all the way back from Australia solely to No Homo Demetri and Eli once again -___-
Like??? What was even the point of the "Yasmine goes to Australia" plotline???
Seems like they were trying to introduce conflict in Demetri's love life or something, but then they just solved it immediately
"Oh no, Demetri's girlfriend can't go to the prom with him!!!! Jk yeah she can"
Okay??? This made me feel absolutely nothing
Once again obsessed (derogatory) with the fact that the writers cannot ever let Demetri and Eli have ONE scene alone together without insistently sticking in a reminder that they're both straight
Like if they were actually just chillin straight bros you wouldn't need to TELL us they're just chillin straight bros all the time???
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure they don't do this kind of thing with like...Demetri and Miguel. Or Demetri and Chris. Because in those cases, the writers trust us to interpret their bond as purely platonic
But with Dem and Eli??? The showrunners know DAMN WELL how gay they come across, and they gotta constantly try and do "damage control" over it -__-
When will Yasmine's personality return from the war??? More at six
I'm still so upset that she went from being horrified that anyone would think she was dating Demetri to being all the fuck over him, and it happened entirely offscreen
What on earth happened to change her mind about openly dating him??? Guess we'll never fucking know
I can't believe I deadass said "maybe Yasmine and Demetri dating won't be so bad"
I really trusted the writers to portray it as the shallow fling it was set up as instead of like...the high school sweetheart romance of the century I guess
What--and I once again cannot emphasize this enough--the FUCK
Guess I am BooBoo the Fool
Here I thought these ultimately empty, shallow high school relationships would actually be shown as being
You know
Ultimately empty and shallow
Cobra Kai really tryna tell us "if you and someone in your high school find one another attractive and kiss a few times, y'all are absolute soulmates and you have found true love"
EXCUSE ME, you're telling me the SAME Demetri who put his arm around a shaved, sadboi Eli and told him he didn't care how he did his hair or what he went by or whether he was into coding or karate, he would always love him and be his best friend--
You're telling me THAT Demetri ditched Eli at the prom to go grind on his one-dimensional girlfriend, and didn't even invite Eli to go dancing with them???
Who the hell is this pac man-wearing fuck and what has he done with my boy??? This is character assassination of the highest caliber
Are you fucking SERIOUS??? They're having Eli still be hung up over Moon??? Bro you dated her for like 2 minutes, and we're literally never given any reason to think it was because of something other than just her being hot and popular. And now it's been, what? Like a year???
The writers will not let Eli move the hell on, despite the fact that Moon clearly has, and it pisses me off so much. Eli needs to let Moon go, and the narrative really should not reward him for being hell-bent on rekindling a romance that seemed to be based on literally nothing except physical attraction anyways
See but I KNOW it's going to and that angers me on a deep and profound level
Like my dude high school relationships end all the TIME and that's FINE! Teenagers are just getting used to an onslaught of hormones and experimenting with romantic relationships, and people in high school are constantly growing and changing so much that it's difficult to really build a lasting romantic relationship. When hormones and attraction are that intense, it's not uncommon at all for there to be a very strong spark for a little bit and then it completely burns out. With Hawk and Moon, we were never shown any deeper connection between them to build a lasting relationship off of. The fact that we're just supposed to take the writer's word for it that it was a deep and profound relationship with these puberty-riddled high schoolers is just ridiculous.
On that note, Eli thinking his first high school girlfriend is his soulmate or smth is also ridiculous. Although Eli is chaotic, intensely emotional, and sometimes kind of impulsive, we're shown he's overall an intelligent dude--he should really be smarter than this :/
Also ALSO in Episode 5, he showed basically NO signs of still being into Moon (aside from "oh when did she and Piper break up?"). Like he literally was completely focused on Demetri and Yasmine until Moon talked to him directly! And when Dem asked him about it, he seemed to have accepted the fact that Moon had a girlfriend and was legitimately ready to move on.
And now all the sudden he's being a piney sadboi for her again??? Because...she's available, and he's not allowed to move on for some reason??? Fuck OFF
I'm telling you, character assassination all AROUND in this episode
"We have to show Eli continuing to be obsessed with his first girlfriend instead of defining himself outside having a gf and trying to heal the friendships he drove a stake into last season, which are really more important to his overall character arc"
Like what a weird and vaguely gross writing choice
Moon really deserves better than to be endlessly pined for by a clingy ex who just will not let sleeping dogs lie I guess
Like I don't think I need to say it but your ex from a two-month relationship still being hung up on you like a year later proooooobably shouldn't be portrayed as a good thing. Or romantic. Or flattering in really any way. Especially when you've shown literally 0 signs of having any lingering feelings for him at all.
Sorry if I'm repeating myself, I'm just really angry about fucking H*wkM**n being pushed on us in such an insanely poorly-done way
I mean I wouldn't like it being pushed on us regardless but the way they do it is especially Cringe
Anyways I'm being reminded that as much as I've come to despise Yas/metri, I'll always despise H*wkM**n more
At LEAST Yasmine and Demetri had wedgies to bond over
WHAT do Hawk and Moon have in common?
The answer is ??????????????????????????????????????????
I guess eventually I'll have to stop ranting about this and start ranting about everything else I hated in this episode
So remember how I said everyone is acting egregiously OOC this episode??? I sure as hell didn't just mean my boys Demetri and Eli
Do not even get me STARTED on Miguel
Actually no, I WILL get started on Miguel, whether you like it or not
So Tory and Robby walk in and Sam and Miguel are Big Mad, right
Understandable, have a nice day. BUT
Both Sam and Miguel have heavy trauma centered around Tory and Robby. Robby paralyzed and nearly killed Miguel, and Tory severely assaulted Sam with seemingly-murderous intent twice
Naturally you would think one or both of them would have, perhaps, a goddamn panic attack--or at LEAST want to get as far away from their former aggressors as possible, instead of just standing around and shooting glares at them
With Miguel it's especially egregious because like. Your girlfriend showed you the scars she got from Tory in the hospital, and you know she's been badly hurt by this girl. And you can't be bothered to check up on her and make sure she's okay when she starts acting tense, upset, and anxious around her former attacker???
It's outrageous, like...Miguel has been shown to care SO MUCH for Sam, and to an extent he's never had eyes for anyone but her (if you consider Tory a rebound, which...she kinda was tbh). Why the hell isn't he more worried about her assaulter being nearby???
Like the Miguel Diaz I know would have pulled Sam aside like "Hey, are you okay with them being here? If you're uncomfortable we can go home and watch octopus documentaries"
Or at the very least I feel he would have opted to, you know, not DANCE RIGHT NEXT TO THESE PEOPLE WHO TRAUMATIZED HIM AND HIS GF
Like why even??? Just go to the other side of the dance floor, where you don't have to worry as much about like...getting severe PTSD flashbacks
On that topic, literally WHY is Miguel suddenly still into Tory??? He has not been shown to have ANY lingering feelings for her like ALL SEASON
Also this is still the chick who assaulted his current gf, who he has always, sorry to say it, liked better than Tory anyhow
As if he'd EVER pine for Tory when he's with the girl he's liked from DAY FUCKING ONE
I buy these lingering Tory feelings 0% actually
Also bro WHY is Miguel annoyed at Sam for shooting glances at Robby and Tory, like??? Again, this was the girl who BRUTALLY ASSAULTED HER together with Sam’s possibly vindictive ex, of COURSE she's tense and wants to keep an eye on them
To make sure, you know, SHE AND MIGUEL DON'T GET ATTACKED
Which, given these four's history, is not completely out of the question, dojo "truces" aside
Bottom line is Miguel is highkey being a dick and uncharacteristically unconcerned about his girlfriend's legitimate PTSD, and this is NOT the Miguel Diaz I know and love
"I guess Moon's not coming" "I'm sorry, did you say something?" Yo, where are the Cobra Kai writers at? I swear, I just wanna talk
As if Demetri WOULDN'T be checking in on Eli constantly. Ffs that's just what Demetri DOES.
Like Demetri went to the prom solely to keep Eli company, as established before, and now he suddenly doesn't give a shit about sidelining Eli and making him feel super awkward???
And of COURSE the showrunners can't pass up an opportunity to remind us that Eli is totally straight and still obsessing over the ex he had no chemistry whatsoever with -___-
This H*wkM**n shit is gonna make me do a homicide I swear
No way this fucker is really my boy Demetri, they've replaced him with an awful, awful clone
The REAL Demetri and Eli decided not to go to prom and are at Eli's house playing video games this entire episode actually
WHERE is management, I am going to throw some hands
Can I throw this entire episode into an incinerator
Except for Robby and Tory, y'all are angels and you can stay
Aight so while I do appreciate Daniel giving Anthony the harsh call-out he deserves, like I said before, breaking the iPad was a LITTLE much
Seems not great to scare your kids into compliance but okay
"You think I broke your heart? You broke mine too" girl what
Sam has literally never been shown to still have feelings for Robby since the breaking-Miguel's-back incident, what the FUCK
Damn, this is really the "try to convince everyone Sam and Miguel still have feelings for their exes and utterly fail at it" episode huh
Like even when Sam talked to Robby at the skate park, she entirely seemed to miss his friendship???
I want to emphasize once again that this is the first we've seen or heard ALL SEASON of Sam and Miguel still carrying ANY kind of torch for Robby and Tory
Even for a silly karate soap opera this shit is just insanely whack
"Tonight was supposed to be for you and me and you ruined it" BRUH
Like your girlfriend is understandably on edge because her previous assaulter shows up, you show 0 concern or empathy about this, and then you get all up her ass for doing exactly what both y'all's mentor has always taught you about striking first and not taking shit???
I mean yes, starting shit with Tory was not the wisest thing to do, but given Sam's trauma and constant concern about Tory coming after her, it's absolutely understandable
Sam lost her temper and lashed out, yes, but it's worth noting that from her perspective she was preemptively striking to get the upper hand in the case that Tory tried to attack her
Which, given Tory's 2 cases of assault against her, isn't a terribly unreasonable assumption--promise to Amanda not to attack Sam or no
Anyways so like...now Miguel is getting mad at SAM and accusing her of RUINING THE NIGHT because she was understandably upset and uncomfortable with her, you know, ASSAULTER being nearby???
Fuck OFF
It's Peak Douche and the most egregiously OOC shit I've ever seen
Like suddenly he doesn't care about Sam's trauma or try to factor it in when she's behaving out of sorts??? Eat my ENTIRE ass
Where the hell is the real Miguel Diaz??? Did someone kidnap him??? Is he playing video games with the real Demetri and Eli???
Sam was more in character than Miguel for sure BUT
She should be much more pissed at Robby for, you know, BREAKING HER BOYFRIEND'S BACK and then looking like he might attack said boyfriend again???
Like it's a little more in-character for Sam to get wrapped up in her rage enough that she doesn't stop to think about how Robby's presence could be affecting Miguel
But she still should have checked in with him somewhat
They BOTH should have checked in with each other when the people who traumatized them walked in, wtf
Like how do you butcher Samiguel so bad in what should probably be the most romantic episode
"You're doing just fine. I love you." "I love you too, Robby" EXCUSE ME
You have the audacity to come here, on the DAY of my Samiguel character butchering, and butcher Johnny Lawrence's character too???
I'm going to light something on fire
Look I hate to be That Guy but lowkey Johnny has been shown to love Miguel more than Robby
Like I don't think either Miguel or Johnny are really in the wrong for that, because like...you can't help that you're just going to form deeper connections and vibe more with some people than others, y'know? And you can't fully help who you love, and how much you love them
Like it's nice that Johnny wants to reconcile with Robby but like
I just CAN'T see him choosing Robby over Miguel tbh
Nor can I see Robby being more on his mind than Miguel while he's in a drunken stupor :/
Damn, first Demetri and Eli, then Sam and Miguel, now Johnny and Miguel...is this episode TRYING to do every single relationship in this show that I like dirty????
And now they're making me watch Miguel cry and ripping my heart in half, as if I wasn't already upset ENOUGH god damn it
In summary AYVKUZDTGWCIYKTDETKCTW (derogatory)
This episode burned not just my house down but my entire neighborhood down
Look what you've done, Cobra Kai, now I'm homeless
Hol up I need to lie on my couch and cry (derogatory) for a while
Someone PLEASE give me the strength to get through the last two episodes, I'm going to need it :/
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
Don’t you love me?
A/N: Ok first of all my apologies for being so late was really caught up with my exams and other stuff. Tried my best to do justice with your request. Hope you like it.
Can you do a Peter Parker x reader where Peter already lost his virginity at some point but the reader is virgin and it’s her first time? Basically soft considerate Peter checking to make sure she’s not in pain and being really big on consent, like, she has to verbally say yes because he doesn’t want to violate her in anyway, like literally even having his hands anywhere on her, even if it’s just around her shoulder, he’ll check to make sure she’s okay first. Probably starting out watching a movie on Peter’s bed (like lotr or The Hobbit, I have a head canon that he loves those movies) Requested by : @tom-holland-gives-me-seratonin 
Pairing : Peter Parker (aged up) x reader
Warnings : 18+, SMUT, mature content
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You met Peter Parker in the first year of your Uni. Both of you were pursuing your Bachelors in Biophysics from the prestigious Empire State University. For you his first impression was that of a cute awkward nerd in thick rimmed specs who got all nervous around women. But something of him intrigued you especially when he sometimes used to mysteriously disappear in thin air without any clue. Like one time when your biology teacher turned villain Prof Miles Warren aka The Jackal unleashed his spiderman clones in the world. Peter was the first one to disappear from campus and within seconds Spiderman appeared to save the day. 
You only got to know him better when you were paired with him for a research project. You had to work with him to find out the biochemical composition of a substance. First it was all professional between you but slowly you started to grow feelings for each other. Small talks led to dates and then a full fledged relationship. You were still oblivious of his alter ego but that was a matter of time when one night you heard a knock on your window and you were shocked to find a red and blue spandex suit clad none other than your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. He seemed to be badly wounded and once he took the mask off to reveal who he was underneath you were exhilarated with the fact that it was your sweet nerdy boyfriend. That night he had come to tell you that you both can't be together because of the dangerous life he leads. And he doesn't want to lose you just like he lost Gwen who became the collateral damage of his fight with Electro. Instead you made it clear that in no means you are going to leave him. He needs someone to take care of him and you want to be that person in his life. From then there was no looking back for you two. 
You were happy and cherished every moment you got to spend with Peter. He was the sweetest and kindest person you have ever met. You always felt a thrill around him now that you know about his secret identity but you wanted that same thrill in your love life too to be specific your sex life. You have been in a relationship for one and a half years now but you never got to the sexy part. Whenever you used makeout and things got a little heated he used to back out immediately in spite of painful strain in his pants. You could feel he was holding back for some reason you don't understand. 
Sometimes you thought maybe you were the problem because you were a virgin inexperienced. You knew about his past relationships with Gwen and MJ maybe he doesn't find you that attractive. You tried dropping hints occasionally grinding on to him while sitting on his lap kissing him or intentionally touching him on his crotch but he never used to pick up on it or straight away ignored them. But now you are desperate now if he doesn't make a move you surely will. You don't want to die a virgin. 
It was a lovely evening May was out of town so you came over at Peter's to spend the night with him. You were snuggled close to Peter on the couch practically laying over him watching one of his all time favorite The Hobbit his hand wrapped around you drawing lazy circles on your skin. Your eyes were trained on the TV screen, eyebrows knitted in a frown as you gnawed your lower lip. Peter noticed that and he knew you only did that when something is bothering you. 
"What's wrong babe?" He asked sweetly like all the time he does. 
''Huh?" You were snapped out of your daze. 
"Nothing Peter." You replied dryly. 
"C'mon don't lie to me I know something is bothering you." You sat up on the couch and looked at him carefully before straight away asking
"Peter don't you love me?" Peter was taken aback at your sudden question. 
"What? No, Y/N what made you think that? Did I do something wrong? Oh is it for me not showing up for the presentation with you. I'm so sorry Y/N but I had to go on that mission the Avengers needed me. I promise this will never happen again." He continued rambling which melted your heart at how pure and innocent he was and now you started feeling guilty for making him feel like that. 
"Hey, ssh, ssh.." You sit up on your knees cradling his face with your hands bringing him close to your chest. He stopped rambling, nuzzling his face into your warm chest. 
"I'm not mad at you for ditching me at the presentation though I was a little at first." You shrugged 
"But that's ok I made peace with that a long time ago because with great powers comes great responsibilities." you chuckled making Peter smile but he still wasn’t convinced.
"Then what is it darling?" He nudged you. You gathered all your courage taking a deep breath and shut your eyes close before blurting out. 
"I want to have sex Peter! I know it was a little straight forward from me but Peter we have been together for more than a year and I love to spend my time with you, cuddle you to sleep, making out on a lazy Sunday morning but I want more. And every time things start going there you back off leaving me high and dry. You ranted. 
"Oh" that was the only reaction Peter gave you after your nearly one minute rant. 
"I don't want to sound pushy. I know I'm a virgin not as experienced like you and maybe not as attractive like your previous girlfriends. But I want to do it with you, I want you to be my first." You continued with your rant.
"Hey, hey…" he sat on his knees cupping your face with his large calloused palms. 
"I'm so sorry Y/N for making you feel like that. Believe me you are the most beautiful and smart woman I have ever met in my life." 
"You know with this superstrength and my heightened senses I sometimes can't trust myself. What if I get too carried away and end up hurting you? And the last thing I want is to hurt you Y/N." his gaze dropped to his lap. 
"Hey look at me" you placed your hands on both sides of his face making him look at you. 
"You. Can. Never. Hurt. Me. Do you understand?" you said gazing firmly into his eyes. He nodded, smiling and sealed his lips to yours. The kiss grew heavier as he pushed you back making you lay down on your back on the couch. His lips never left yours, you slightly parted your lips allowing him to slip his tongue inside your mouth. His hands went under your sweatshirt drawing lazy patterns on your skin gently tugging onto it. You broke off the kiss trying to catch your breath and got up a little as Peter helped you to pull off your sweatshirt revealing your lacy bra. 
He slotted himself between your legs and you wrapped them around his hip out of instinct. Peter kissed your cheeks slowly. You tilted your head a little as he dragged his lips down your neck, nose brushing against your flushed skin as he left butterfly kisses all over your exposed skin.
"Let me show you how much I love you." His glanced up to you voice low which sent shivers right down to your core. 
He moved down further leaving a trail of wet kisses along the valley of your breasts as he pulled down your bra and latched on to one of your nipples sucking on to it gently, his other hand fondling with your other breast. You moaned as your nipples felt sensitive under his touch. Your fingers tangled with his soft brown curls as he licked and gently nipped on to your skin. His hand went to your back unclasping your bra as you slid it and threw it away. Your hands tugged on to his shirt he took the que and took it off. A light gasp escaped from you at the sight of his taut abdomen muscles as you ran your hands gently over them encircling your hands around his neck pulling him down to kiss him again. He then crawled down placing soft kisses along the way from your chest to your naval and pulled down your sleep shorts. He felt himself twitch at the sight of seeing you all soaked up for him. 
"Who made you this wet babe?" He asked you teasingly running a finger through your clothed heat
"You Petey." You whimpered, biting your lower lip. Oh that pet name from your mouth did things to him as he felt himself grow painfully hardert in his sweatpants. He hooked his fingers to the waistband of your panties and looked up to you eyes seeking permission. You nodded to tell him to go on. He peeled them off you. You felt a little intimidated as you closed your legs a little before Peter stopped you. 
"Don't be shy darling,you have no idea how pretty you are." He praised which made your cheeks turn to the brightest shade of pink. He spread your legs wide and ran his finger through your slick folds you let out a whimper at his touch. He brought his finger coated with your wetness to his mouth and sucked on it. 
"You taste so sweet babe can't wait to taste more of you." He leveled his face to your soaking core placing butterfly kisses on your inner thighs making you squirm. Finally he decided to pay attention to the place where you needed him the most. Peter hooked his arms to your thighs and placed a soft kiss on your heat and you felt like your whole body combust into flames. He licked a long, bold stripe through your slit as you gasped loudly. You  moaned as he sucked on to your bundle of nerves flicking it with his tongue.
"Shit! Peter this feels so good!" Peter smirks against your heat delving into you as if you were his last meal.
He inserts a finger inside you and begins pumping it in and out of you simultaneously sucking on to your clit. Your body arched when he added another finger. His long slender fingers hitting all the right spots inside you as Peter felt your legs tremble in pleasure. Your hands went on to grab his hair tugging on it as his groaned face nuzzled into your heat. He lapped up all your juices. You felt yourself reaching the edge as a tight knot started to grow in your stomach clenching around his fingers.
"Let go Y/N I got you." He coaxed you curling his fingers inside you and you felt the coil snap as you orgasmed incoherently moaning his name. Peter worked you out through your high. He pulled away and slowly crawled up to you. 
"You okay?" You hummed in reply still coming down from your high. He kissed you and you tasted yourself on his lips. 
"Y/N you have to promise me if at any moment you feel like it's too much you will stop me ok?" 
"Yes Peter I'll."
He got up and went to fetch a condom. He got rid of his pants and boxers and your eyes went to his throbbing length. You felt a little jittery as you were lying down on the couch in anticipation of what was going to happen next. 
"It's rude to stare, you know." He quipped, you rolled your eyes.
He pumped himself a few times before tearing the foil and rolling the condom over his length and got on top of you propping himself on his forearms. 
"It's going to hurt a little, I'll go slow don't worry." He brushed his tip on your folds spreading your wetness, then slowly guided himself inside you. You winced at the stinging sensation squeezing your eyes shut when you felt his tip stretching you open, your hands grabbed on to his biceps tightly. Peter’s eyes were trained on you as soon as he noticed your painful expression he stilled himself completely pulling out of you. 
"Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry Y/N." He asked with a worried face and it made you fall in love with this man all over again making you forget all your pain. 
"It's ok Peter, I'm fine. Just you know you are a little big for me. You said coyly.
"Okay I have an idea" he sat up on the couch leaning his back on the backrest of the couch as you sat up on your knees. He pulled you into his lap placing your legs on both sides of his thighs straddling him. He slowly guided you to position your and lower yourself onto his shaft. 
"Just relax, take your time baby. I’m here for you." He reassured you. You went down carefully taking your time accommodating him inside you. You both let out a moan when he completely filled you up stretching your walls. You stayed like that for a while letting yourself adjust to him. 
"Fuck! You're so tight baby, I’m not gonna last long" he whispered brushing his lips against your ear making you shudder. He slowly guided you to lift your hips on and off him. 
You caught on to the rhythm and began to move up and down on your own, riding him at a slow pace. Your palms placed flat on his chest the faint stinging sensation fading away as little waves of  pleasure took over you making you moan softly. Peter hesitantly placed his hands on your waist trying not to grip on it too hard. 
"It's okay Pete you can hold me I'm not made of glass, I will not break so easily." You chuckled. He wrapped his arm around your waist and another hand went to your face brushing away the hairs falling on your face. You began to pick up speed, your hips rolling onto his shaft harder and faster, beads of sweat forming on your bodies, your breasts rubbing against his muscular chest. You pressed your forehead to his closing your eyes starting to feel a little tired. Peter noticed that and held on to your hips stilling you at your place as he bucked his hip thrusting deep inside you hitting your g spot. 
"Oh Pete right there!" you moaned. Peter began thrusting inside you with a new vigor as you clenched hard around him feeling the coil tighten inside you again. You were a moaning and panting mess by now your head dropped to the crook of his neck nibbling on to his smooth skin. 
"You’re gonna cum for me darling?'' You could only nod in reply.
"Then cum for me, let me see my baby fall apart on my cock." A few more deep thrusts and you felt your walls pulsate as you came all over him. His thrusts grew sloppier as he chased his own high. You felt him twitch inside you and with a final thrust he was soon spilling inside the condom. You collapsed on top of him, face nuzzled into the crook of his neck, feeling exhausted from the speed and intensity of the deed you just engaged in.
"Wow" you said in between erratic breaths. 
"You did so well babe." he mumbled, kissing your hairline while caressing your sweaty back with his hand as you both came down from your own highs. A few seconds passed before you finally sat up and lifted yourself off him. His hair was a mess, his soft brown eyes staring at you intently before lifting his hand to your cheek brushing his thumb on your cheekbone. 
''You're so beautiful."
"Shut up" you felt shy under his gaze as you lightly slapped on his chest and rested your head against his broad chest again. 
"I love you" you mumbled, closing your eyes listening to his slow and steady heartbeat. 
"I love you too" he wrapped you in his arms sighing with content. 
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tigtoggle · 2 years
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Okay finally! Some actually finished art I made! Though I guess cause of how tumblr works this is the most recent so it’s less ‘finally’ and more like ‘oh wow im reading these in reverse and you spammed a shit ton of crap’ 
Anyways, we got two WONDERFUL ADORABLE KIDDOS James and Shun belonging to the almighty @donutdrawsthings !! I love them so much,, Doni’s characters bring so much seratonin, they are fantastic ^w^
Also an AU drawing of a character known by like 2 people as Glitch!Eddie, who is basically just an excuse to draw an insane version of a lad who has like negative amounts of facial expression. and also glitch marks. because uh. fuck you, that’s why
Anyways to quote ‘fuck you thats why’ WE ALSO HAVE TRAIN SQUARE!! I LOVE SQUARE!! SHE BELONGS TO @BRAK-PAK AND HE RECENTLY DROPPED THE PITCH FOR DEAD END VOYAGE WHICH IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN ALREADY YOU MUST!! now go watch it [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp7jmyA1M6g ]
And last is a design trade with a friend Tog! I drew a human version of his character Caden, and in trade he made me a friggen adorable hyena wizard! 
Anyways, you actually get context for these because there’s a reasonable amount of them, unlike the doodles... oops
sorry for all the rambling hope u enjoyed :]
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userpoe · 3 years
for the characters ask game: each of jedistormpilot? 🥺
You coming in with all three of my babes, bless
First impression: I thought she was incredible, relatable, and a complete sweetheart.
Impression now: can you please be a little less relatable hon??? can you bls do that? I love her lots and I love the emphasis she has on found family because that's everything to me
Favorite moment: mhm that's a toughie. She's got a lot of great scenes! But I think it's actually the sequence when they meet Zorii, cos that scene just...showcases all the reasons I love Rey? She hangs back, observant and inquisitive at first (ignoring Zorii and instead asking Poe for more information), then immediately leaping into action once her friends are put into danger, and once the threat is dealt with, offering her hand to Zorii and showing her compassion and gentleness. It's just 😘👌 fantastic
Idea for a story: I'm not sure tbh! I'd really like to see her struggles with connecting to the spiritual side of the Force explored though.
Unpopular opinion: I like her arc in TROS, but I especially love that Leia trained her...I also like her dynamic with Kylo because *munches popcorn* villain/heroes having complex dynamics and having to work together is my bread and butter even if I do spend an inordinate amount of time watching the sequels cheering "WRECK EM BB" when they fight
Favorite relationship: jedistormpilot babey
Favorite headcanon: I like to think that Rey's mom was a pilot in the original Rebellion, who knew Dosmit Raeh - the pilot Rey's helmet once belonged to - and Rey was actually named after her.
First impression: I loved Finn so goddamned much you guys. I thought he was incredible and sweet and so fucking funny, he was one of my favorite parts of the Force Awakens.
Impression now: MY BOY. MY GENERAL. I still love him so fucking much??? He's literally the best okay.
Favorite moment: when he fights Phasma, because "rebel scum" has lived rent free in my head since 2017.
Idea for a story: canonically Finn goes undercover aboard the Finalizer (which. Damn. The big dick energy), and I like the idea of him nearly getting caught but a handful of stormtroopers help him and then in return, Finn breaks them out and brings them to the Resistance. Cos you know... rescuing people aboard the Finalizer's kinda his thing.
Unpopular opinion: I have no idea if this is unpopular or not but watching Pacific Rim Uprising last night really made me wish John got to keep his English accent for Finn instead of them going for an American one.
Favorite relationship: again I'm saying jedistormpilot because I literally cannot and will not choose between his dynamics with Poe or Rey because they're both seratonin rushes.
Favorite headcanon: I really really love the thought that Finn might be from Corellia. Don't ask me why, but I just think it'd be so fucking good.
First impression: In the theaters it was a very eloquently thought "oh no, he's hot" followed by a "I'm in love" about five minutes later. I really liked that he was sarcastic but wasn't an asshole, because I honestly just....from what we knew about Poe before the film dropped, I was expecting that? So Poe being this very confident, sarcastic, gentle and encouraging man was a big surprise and an even bigger reason I fell as hard as I did.
Impression now: this character...means so damn much to me. The only other character that ever really meant this much to me was the Doctor when I was a kid (I say that like he still doesn't). Poe is a huge, huge comfort character for me and I just. Love him a lot. In ways my neurodivergent ass can't fucking put into words.
Favorite moment: *wants to cheat and include the ending of issue 13* okay from the movies? Probably the TIE Fighter escape or the rooftop scene in TROS with Zorii. I love the escape sequence just cos of how Star Warsy and fun it is - and it's a great example of Poe's personality? The rooftop scene I love because it's just...a really great moment of vulnerability from him. OH GOD AND THE HANDTOUCH? When he's trying to decide what to do with Finn and Rose's plan and goes to Leia to gather his courage and resolve and he puts his hand on hers I just. gOD.
Idea for a story: I really want to write a fic based off a dream I had last November where I was on a mission with him, Finn, Rey, Kaydel, Rose and Beaumont...but I don't know if I'd want to write it as a reader fic or damerey fic (I think it'd be appropriate for a reader fic, since it prompted me into getting back into reader fic).
Unpopular opinion: I don't! Think! He's arrogant!! This comes up a lot in some canon novels and it drives me batty everytime because like... he's confident yes he can be smug sometimes yes, but he doesn't try to be impressive (most of the time) he just says the truth that he has the experience to back him on. The fact that "vainglorious" "self-involved" and "narcissistic" are all terms that have been canonically used abt him annoys me to no end. He's cocksure, yes, but for every positive thing he has to say about himself, he's got even more praise and encouragement for the people around him.
Favorite relationship: Poe and Leia. Like. God. They're everything to me.
Favorite headcanon: I like the idea that when he was seventeen after he left Zorii (and toppled a criminal empire good for him), he stayed with Yegar on the Colossus for some time before he got the courage to see Kes again. I also headcanon that Poe is kind of....an amplifier for the Force.
send me a character!
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
Can I send you a meme I made to include in part 10? (if you make one)
yes, you absolutely can, i love seeing what you guys came up with!
This is my gigantic ask answering post!
your social media AU is also a masterpiece
thanks so much!
Hey if you dont mind me asking do you or your followers remember seeing a post flosting around of a map of gotham where someone had drawn in what districts each of the batfam worked out of??? Like Crime Alley was Red Hoods area , Bludhaven was Nightwings etc?????
i couldn’t find it i’m so sorry, but i could find this map of what the different districts are. if someone does have the map could you please send it to me or reblog it?
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hot take batman is more of a himbo than brucie wayne ( @the-real-peter-parker )
you’re absolutely right and you should say it.
Your mind! Absolutely love the memes, I live for them. ( @telekingesiscaine )
aww that’s so sweet of you to say.
hi! i just wanted to let you know that, despite the fact that I have never touched a batman comic in my life, your gotham memes series fill me with inexplicable joy and I am very thankful for its existence
okay you’re so nice, and i’m really glad you like them.
I can’t stop thinking about your Gotham memes. They bring me so much joy
aww it brings me a lot of joy as well. it’s always so nice to read people’s reactions.
I just want you to know that your gotham memes restored my faith of Tumblr. ( @bonillart )
Oh wow that’s such a compliment. i’m so happy you enjoyed them!
oh so Gotham is just like my country
okay this one is about the gotham politician memes and i’m so sorry for you if they’re in any way similar. 
I enjoy your gotham memes. Thanks!
you’re welcome! and thanks so much for your message.
i love your memes from gotham citizens perspectives so much they are hilarious ( @allulily )
i love making them so much as well. it’s so funny how there are supposed to be like people in between all the villains, goons and vigilantes and it’s incredibly fun to explore what they’re thinking and going through.
hi! i saw your post about dick being so white in nightwing 2016, and i just wanted to say that romani people can actually be white, cause from what i've learned it's more a culture than an ethnicity. but yeah there was zero reason to make him *that* white lol like what even 😭😭
yeah i know, it was so weird though, he looked like a plaster wall. i just meant that the artist’s working on dick should at least be consistent in his race, culture and skintone, because it’s coming across as pretty sus.
ur gotham memes have filled my seratonin levels for the next week thank u
all these sweet messages have filled my seratonin levels so thank you.
So I love your blog funfacts ( @headinfantasy )
thank you so much!!!
i love your posts <33
thank you very much! (may i just say i think the <3 looks like an icecream cone more than it looks like a heart, it is a vital part of my philosophy)
i’m so glad you do!!!
I need you to NEVER stop making Gotham memes. They are the only things keeping me together
okay, i probably never will because i love doing them so much, but the only thing i can think of right now is 90 year old me sitting behind a desktop computer from the early 2000s just making memes for my audience of geriatrics.
this is me. on my knees. begging you for more dc universe civilian pov memes.
this ask is hilarious to me because i kept putting off answering these, so this one is from last week when i’d only made like 2. but yeah, you can get off your knees now i made more.
Sorry for all the reblogs you’re going to get from me. I just found your blog and it’s my new favorite thing! ( @steggy5ever )
thanks so much! 
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pepperful-qt · 4 years
hi can u write smth on like headcanons on what type of person would tsukki tendou iwaizumi and kenma crush on 👁👄👁
ooh funfun. this is something i do a lot for characters i write about to make the reader character realistic, so this is right up my alley :3 this focuses primarily on personality rather than physical types (with a small exception)
*just a heads up, this is LONG
the type of person they crush on w/ Tsukishima, Tendou, Iwaizumi, & Kenma
for Tsukki it wouldn’t necessarily be someone exactly like him, but they’d have definite similarities
they’d earn his respect before they’d get his heart
hands down this person needs to have a thick skin. i think generally Tsukki doesn’t outright insult or harshly tease (like with Hinata & Kags) the people he really cares about or has affection for (look at his relationship with Yamaguchi), but he is blunt and sometimes unintentionally snaps or is just straight up mean
if someone is easily affected by that, it’s a no go, sorry
not to say they couldn’t get their feelings hurt, and he would feel bad especially if his crush had already developed, but initially there would need to be a resistance or retort to that kind of thing. they’d understand that his words come from a place of both honesty and care, and any lashing out is just a result of stress and unresolved emotion
yeah he’d be attracted to intelligence and wit
part of me just thinks he enjoys mental stimulation and someone who can make him think not only piques his interest in the person but also makes him enjoy and look forward to spending time with them
at the same time, being able to enjoy comfortable silence is important too
and wit. he’d definitely tease someone he has a crush on though and i’ll tell you why
he has two goals: get them flustered or get them to smile/laugh genuinely
he’d love someone that can tease back, and makes him work for a reaction
and--this is important--makes him smile and laugh
speaks fluent sarcasm
not a pushover, and not afraid to call him out when he goes too far 
they probably have weird habits or specific tastes or something, which he picks up on as the perceptive guy he is occasionally he uses them as fodder for teasing
they’d be someone with layers ha shrek or with personas they switch between easily, like going from sweet to stone-faced roaster
to tack onto the mental stimulation, you know how Yachi said Tsukki treats everything logically and approaches his blocking like a difficult test question? to an extent the same would apply to that person
he’d be figuring out how they tick, what makes them laugh, etc, and in the process of that it turns into a different kind of interest
it takes him a bit to figure out why exactly he likes seeing their smile or spending time with them, or why he cares so much
a certain subtle air of confidence
i think Tsukki would appreciate music taste
someone who is caring and generous, but doesn’t make a big deal out of it
they’d quietly offer help to a classmate if they noticed they’re struggling, or bring back an extra drink for him from the vending machine like it’s the most casual thing in the world
someone that cares about themselves, but not obsessed with themselves
to quote a favorite song of mine: sweet with a mean streak (not mean really, but not afraid to bite back)
* * *
simply put, it wouldn’t be any average person
there would be something about the person that initially caught his eye, something unique that makes them stand out just a little
examples of this could be: a sharp tongue, a book or manga they always have on their desk, a keychain, dyed hair, wearing headphones all the time (he wonders what they’re listening to)
these would be things that make him interested and start paying attention to the person, eventually even striking up a conversation
in terms of personality, I think he’d enjoy someone with a sense of humor. obviously we know he can get along with most people regardless of that (ushijima) even if not everyone understands him, but someone that isn’t thrown off by his dramatic personality and responds in kind would definitely excites him
he likes to chatter, so a good listener and/or someone that’s a good conversationalist would be great tbh
and i’ll just say it, if this person is a manga/anime fan, or just knowledgeable on pop culture in general immediate bonus points. shared passions are great
an acknowledging smile or greeting, especially before they’re acquainted, actually goes a long way bc he has a history of being shunned and mocked by his peers. just that simple kindness which is unfortunate that not treating someone like that would be seen as kind is really important to him before he realizes it
a huge thing i think for him is feeling comfortable being himself around them. that itself allows him to be more open with his emotions and actually develop a crush
so going back to humor and a teasing relationship, it would need to be the type that doesn’t insult things like looks or anything like that. he has a history of insecurity that is still probably present, even if he’s mostly dealt with it, but again, being comfortable is huge. tasteful and dumbass humor only
someone who’s not afraid to say what’s on their mind. he appreciates that kind of directness, and finds it entertaining to an extent
there’s also a certain unpredictability and spontaneity with this person that keeps him on his toes and excites him. he loves a challenge
he’d love someone who shamelessly compliments him. truthfully it’s a bit of an ego thing, but in a specific way:
for Tendou, volleyball is his safe haven. that’s where he grew his confidence and skill and made his friends, so it feels nice for him to have someone appreciate the things he’s good at and cares about when he’s worked so hard for it  
and he loves looking and feeling cool, and being showered in compliments is a great confidence booster heyhey seratonin
he’d love to make them laugh
if they compliment something like his looks, humor, passion, etc that will always really touch his heart. he’d brush it off with an “i know right~?” but in reality he’s freaking out because those are important parts of his self that have really been ignored or unrecognized by most people
this person would become another safe haven where he feels accepted and confident, and genuinely enjoys being around <3
* * *
the first thing i thought of for Iwa is someone authentic
a person who is true to themselves and the people around them
he despises fake people. those types were usually the ones always confessing to Oikawa or improving themselves for him. he just thinks it’s wrong
a nice laugh. i don’t mean pretty and refined necessarily, but one that is genuine and contagious and unforced
maybe it is a naturally pretty or refined laugh, but what matters is that it’s a laugh that is theirs, not for anyone else. that’s what’s attractive to him and makes his heart speed up when he hears it
a person who is thoughtful, considerate, and compassionate. like Tsukishima, he appreciates the quiet type of kindness
but he finds it amusing when they get just a little flustered when another person points it out
another little thing, but he’d probably find someone who’s a bad flirter absolutely adorable
he’d appreciate someone emotionally intelligent and perceptive
this is a person that is usually aware of how others are feeling and is able to adjust themselves to be the most effective in that situation
for example, they can adjust their own behavior to make someone feeling nervous at ease or defuse an angry person getting out of hand
this means their advice and comments are taken much better
tbh i could see him liking someone both reserved or incredibly expressive
so they could be the type that’s an extroverted hard-to-hate ball of sunshine, or a calm individual who’s respected and whose presence is appreciated by everyone
either way, he’d notice it
this is really the exception to the ‘disliking fake people’ thing
and he’s a hot-headed, tough-love kind of guy. his caring nature is often hidden behind that behavior  
so he’d admire that kind of social ability and understanding
another thing that i immediately thought of for what he’s attracted to: passion and ambition
what their passion is is less important than the fire in their eyes when the topic comes up, or they talk about their aspirations and huge, sometimes unattainable goals
this doesn’t mean they have their life figured out, but they care both about the future and living in the moment
this is just a hunch, but he’d probably be more inclined to like an athlete or someone that takes care of their body and physical conditioning
someone who challenges him to be better. someone who understands what it means to be proud and understanding your own imperfections at the same time
a vocal supporter
whether it’s yelling his name from the stands when he makes a spike, or encouraging him to follow his passions after high school, or bragging about him to their friends, having someone unapologetically express their belief in him just makes his heart soar
but really, he likes someone who can cheer him on and tell it like it is when he needs it. he’s a pretty tough cookie so he doesn’t mind bluntness (actually prefers it)
i see him liking someone who can surprise him too
the kind of person to hit him up at midnight to go for a drive under the stars or have a dance party in the park to music from a bluetooth speaker
a passionate, authentic, and level-headed adventurer
* * *
i’ve written so much Kenma recently lots of these traits are probably obvious lmao
first things first, he just needs to be able to vibe with them
it sounds obvious, but it’s really important. just being able to exist and not feel pressure to be someone he’s not is huge
another boy who loves comfortable silence, or someone who can talk and not mind him being minimally responsive sometimes because he is listening he’s just quiet
he’s an actions>words type of person though
so if they ask about his passions and actually show interest in him that’s great, and he notices, but following through is even better
examples: remembering his favorite flavors, engaging in conversation about the game he’s playing then the next day asking if he beat that level he was stuck on, asking how the tournament went when he mentioned how tired he was from consecutive preparatory practices the week before
things that show they do pay attention, and they do care
someone who looks out for him
this comes in many forms: bringing him a drink and snack bc you know he’s been up all night binging a new game and is probably dehydrated and hungry, or gently guiding him by the arm when he’s got his nose in his game and would definitely walk into traffic, or taking over in a conversation when they recognize he’s just hit his social quota
again, actions>words
along with this interest in him, trying to playfully get him to smile or get a reaction out of him would be annoying at first, but eventually would get him more and more flustered
sound contradictory to what i said before about him needing to feel not pressured? it is a little bit. he doesn’t get it either
really it’s the fact that this person wants to show the way he already feels
okay like Tendou, i feel like i have to say that if they play games or at least are knowledgeable about them, or even want to learn about them, it’s immediate bonus points
it’s one of his two loves. they don’t even have to be good at games as long as they can engage or listen to his rant about the history of a series or how the game mechanics differ between two different platformers and why one may be considered smoother gameplay, but it’s actually more restrictive--
you get it
someone who just casually checks in. “how are you doing?” then moves on and doesn’t make a big deal, but will listen if he needs to vent
like Iwa, he likes someone who’s straightforward and genuine
and like Tendou, there’s something about them that is unique that he latches onto
needs someone “interesting” that always brings some new experience
like Tsukki, he likes mental stimulation why do i keep using the others as examples lmao 
they need to have a sense of humor. may surprise you, but he is bffs with Kuroo, and someone witty is someone who’s interesting
he’s always got a lot on his mind, he’s always thinking
they’d need to be someone he feels comfortable conversing with and sharing his thoughts with, and is a good and responsive listener
some sort of intellectual capability
when he gets to the point where he actually seeks out their company, he starts to realize his feelings
and when he does, he’ll feel more nervous initiating interaction (afraid he’ll say or do something wrong) 
they need to be someone who will take the initiative and seek him out too, and that would only intensify his crush
this turned into more of a character analysis,, oops?
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mintmatcha · 3 years
Okay nothing gives me as much seratonin as ukai interacting with his gaggle of dumb children; he’s irritable because he’s quit smoking and even though he tries not to show it half the karasuno team is able to sniff out emotions like a bloodhound (for volleyball ofc) and it just turns into the kids having a secret meeting to figure out which dumbass pissed off their coach (hinata is so offended to be the first suspect)yachi blames herself)tsukki suggests a survivor style vote)suga brings popcorn
i HC that the team doesn’t know anything about his personal life so everything is a surprise to them.
suga and tsukki already know that he gave up nic (tsukki put the pieces together and Suga noticed he’s chewing WAY too much gum) but they both enjoy the chaos
then hte conspiracy theories about WHY he quit start (they’re convinced he’s dying for a while)
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darkelite020 · 3 years
Bad Batch thoughts & predictions Ep 7
Continuing these written reactions/predictions somewhere cause itd be fun I think to see what actually ends up happening and remembering what I thought at the time so im dumping it here, youre welcome. (Feel free to discuss if you want) if you want to keep up with it im gonna be tagging these as #jay rambles about bb
- Ruby? Did I forget? Who/what is Ruby? -- Oh ok. Interesting bounty I suppose. - Wrecker and Omega have a completing mission tradition? That is SO cute. - Hooded person is here >>  -- I’m still holding out on my rex or ahsoka predicition because I think it would make sense for the sisters to call them since theyre friends with ahsoka and obviously she knows about clones and Rex is/was with her last we saw him... but the hooded persons eyes definitely aren’t ahsokas so I think it’s rex and if it is Im gonna be so happy - “Thats not her ugly side?” FFF Tech you bastard I love you - I SEE THE WHITE AND BLUE ARMORED ARM IM GONNA SCREAM - I’M SCREAMING -- REX I MISSED YOU SO MUCH I’M SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU AGAIN AHHHHH --- I KIND OF POKED FUN AT MYSELF THIS WEEK REBLOGGING A MEME OF A GRANDMA SAYING ‘REX WILL BE IN THE NEXT EPISODE’ AND SOME YOUNGER PERSON EXCORTING THEM AND SAYING SOMETHING LIKE ‘OK GRANDMA LETS GET YOU INSIDE’ OR SOME SHIT BUT **VIOLENTLY POINTING AT THE SCREEN** MY LOVE IS HERE - Cid shut the fuck up he is a KING how dare you - Oh no. Oh god. “thats a long story.” Is he going to talk to him about his pov with 66 and about the ship and Jesse AND FIVES OH FUCK -- So it skipped to Rex talking about the end of the war but we didn’t hear really the story itself, and I really hope thats not all we get when it comes to him talking about the people he and at least echo knew. Like if he talked about Fives learning about the chips and not being listened to and that resulted in 66 because of the chips where activated and made them betray the jedi but we get no reaction from Echo I’m going to be pretty disappointed honestly. Like I get the bad batch not really knowing the squad so they have excuses but Echo did, and I really hope they don’t do the thing “Oh well Echo was caught by droids so now he doesn’t care about them anymore” because... that sucks. Like honestly Echo wasn’t even super crazy about seeing Rex either tbh (I get that Echo feels like he doesn’t fit in with regs and thats all fine and dandy) but it kinda feels like he doesn’t give a shit about what he’s gone through with other people. ---Rambling and getting off topic now because I have some shit between Echo and Fives: but if thats the case like we all know it fucked up Fives when he thought Echo was dead so if Echo isn’t the same way about Fives I guess thats just like... depressing and it sucks because everyone sees them as “that duo”. Again we really don’t know what Rex said exactly so its possible it didnt get brought up but if it did...  - Wrecker picking up Rex is so cute but you can see the fucking worry in Rex’s eyes for being picked up by him cause Wrecker would throw him and agjsdb I love it. - Omega straight up being like “youre old” while looking at Rex’s face PFFT no filter kid. - REX KNOWS ABOUT WRECKER -- Good I’m very happy Rex is calling them out on this inhibitor chip shit. ‘Oh crosshair was just an exception’ should definitely not be an excuse. - Oh alright so the glimpse in the trailer was a junkyard and not the same thing. Same kind of ship but not where the graveyard is. Honestly thats kind of a relief. - OH SHIT I WAS TALKING ABOUT FIVES NOW THEY ARE BRINGING HIM UP IM GONNA CRY ABOUT FIVES ALL OVER AGAIN -- wait.... now I don’t know if they know or not about him. - The scenery in this show is really pretty im just gonna go ahead and give some appreciation. - Oh no Wrecker! Pull up the rope!!!!!! He can climb but you can also pull him!!!! -- Thank god. - Omega talking about if something goes wrong? It’s not like theyre all gonna die at the same exact time.... like theyre only gonna do the surgery one at a time so... Omega what are you imagining sis? Like if one person turns? It’s still kind of unlikely that they could defeat the other very talented people in the room. - OH SHIT TECH YELL FOR HELP - HEY THIS HURTS MY FEELINGS DAVE HEY HEY -- LIKE YEAH THEY CANT POSSIBLY KILL THEM ALL CAUSE THE SHOW NEEDS TO GO ON BUT HEY --- Lowkey predicting they could all turn by the end of the show season cause like if they dont beat wrecker and cant use the medical bay then they are fucked. Also especially think this is gonna happen because one of the directors literally said the second half of season 1 is gonna get emotional and holy shit can you imagine. ---- WHAT IF THEY DO AND ITS JUST OMEGA AND REX TEAMING UP TO SAVE THEM HOLY SHIT AND ITD GIVE EVEN MORE OF A MEANING TO THE WORDS “THE BAD BATCH” - Holy shit this fight Wrecker grabbed ECHO BY HIS FUCKING FACE - Ok I was seriously wondering about Omega’s concerns but now HOLY SHIT CAUSE THATS ALL I CAN SAY LIKE THEYRE NOT DEAD BUT OH MY GOD I DIDN’T THINK ITD GO DOWN LIKE THIS - THANK YOU REX OUR HERO - I know we’re all having a moment after Wrecker but can you guys like team up to move him off the table and get your own done like even if its a bit risky cause we don’t need a repeat of what just happened like yeah theres not enough time in the episode for it but still - The *immediate* little head pat “Hey kid” ;-;
- Ok I’m glad theyre getting them out - THE GENTLE REASSURING TOUCHES IN THIS EPISODE *deep breath* ARE GIVING ME SERATONIN  - Wreckers apology ;-; THIS IS SO FUCKING SAD AND CUTE - Rex is leaving already? :( Be safe you funky little space soldier. - Not really surprised the empire is gonna know they were there cause it was only a matter of time but if theyre smart theyd get off planet and back to Cid before the empire gets there to see whats up.  -- Im sure they’ll realize they removed their chips though, I wonder if crosshair will show up (he probably will) but if he does rather its gonna be a fight there between the empire and bb maybe the bb can win and save crosshair or they have to retreat and something else goes on idk. - Would love if Crosshair was saved because he really got the short end of the stick and is being called “the bad batch” but like he’s not even really there with them for the show so far... also you can tell subtly that he doesn’t like being alone which is fucking sad :tm: because all his friends are gone and it hurts even more now because wrecker was talking about how he didn’t want to do things and he was trying not to hurt them and stuff in his apology and you know damn well Crosshair is the same way about his friends he’s probably just a lot less expressive about it.  -- Honestly even bad batch aside can you imagine how terrible all of the clones feel like all the regs over all knowing theyre the downfall of the jedi and thinking that they were trying to resist it too. Like they know whats happening and deep inside theyre themselves but they cant do shit about it. That fucking hurts me.  This is a longer post but this episode was a roller coaster for my emotions.
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gotham-rat · 4 years
pandemic headcanon time!
by the sixth day, dick was starting to lose his mind in his apartment, and thought, “fuck it, I’m quarantining at the manor” so he showed up, in the same ratty t shirt and board shorts he’d been wearing for a week. alfred just sighed and opened the door for him to come in. he managed to dig up his robin themed fidget spinner he’d bought years ago, and constantly flicks it around. he’ll do anything to avoid the slightest boredom: walks on his hands, flips over anything he can, the smaller the space the better. he hasn’t had a vacation or break in years. he’s not used to do doing nothing. he hates it. every fiber of his being wants to punch someone in the face just to feel something. he decides the best way to quell the boredom is to pester his siblings. it’s gotten so bad that now, if he enters a room full of them, they’ll all scatter faster than he can blink.
he’s an animal crossing quarantiner. you can fight me on this. and he has a weird obsession with red’s fake art. in fact, he’s picked up painting as something to fill time and will replicate the fake famous paintings. bruce thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world, and when damian throws his paintings away after finishing (he doesn’t care about them that much) bruce always swipes them and hangs them up and tweets about it. damian also is a little bit on the germ-freak side. not a lot, but the situation makes him uncomfortable. if anyone has to go outside he insists on masks and bringing hand sanitizer and staying at least seven feet apart. otherwise he’s been pretty chill.
bruce, like dick, doesn’t like being cooped up but can at least function. his kids have noticed that he spends just a little too much time on twitter nowadays though. he likes playing games at dinner like “would you rather”, but always takes it so seriously that no one else can really enjoy them. he’s slowly falling out of his work out routine. he ate cheese puffs for the first time because of jason. he hasn’t had time to read a book for fun in years, and now he’s going through stacks of them. he takes them out of tim’s room or orders them online. he’ll sit outside or in his office and read for hours. the cutest thing is when tim and bruce have both read the same one and they talk about. they’ll have full discourse about characters and plot points and arcs and sometimes even get into arguments. it’s pretty entertaining to watch.
tim is, well, he’s definitely found a way to spend his time. if you walk into his room you’ll find three different boards tacked up on the walls. newpaper cutouts and prints and pictures pinned with red string on each of them. he hacked into the gcpd database and is pulling out a whole bunch of cold cases. he’s literally already solved one and called the victim’s family about it. out of all of them he’s probably broken the lockdown rules the most because his cases have required him to sometimes go out and look for people, places, etc. but he does most of it remotely. he stays in his room when he’s not working on a case, only emerging for coffee or a seriously needed melatonin. he’s trying to fix up his sleep schedule a little bit, but it’s not really working. he’s resolved to having at least one randomly placed nap in the day, which is better than constantly staying up.
steph got the fuck out of gotham. as soon as word was spreading about a possible lockdown, she hugged them all goodbye and booked a cheap flight to california. she knows some people there and is currently quarantining with them. they have a beach house and everyday she’s outside: swimming, tanning, surfing, snorkeling. she’s embraced it fully as a well deserved break. and lord knows she needed it. she’s constantly facetiming the others, and making fun of them for being stuck in bleary gotham.
no one sees her, except when she comes out to swipe some snacks. at this point bruce isn’t really sure if she’s actually staying at manor. in reality, she is, she just sleeps a lot, or climbs out the window and onto the roof to chill. she sketches and sketches, having already filled up three notebooks since quarantine started. alfred is the only one who knows she sneaks out onto the roof. he doesn’t say anything. sometimes she’ll sleep up there and take pictures of the moon and stars and sunrise cause she likes something pretty to look at when she’s sad. her current thing is binge watching shows. she’s pretty obsessed with a few ones on netflix. she tends to hyperfixate on a few characters for a while before moving to others.
barbara is not at the manor. she’s staying in her own apartment but is rarely there. she volunteers anywhere she can. she sets up signs at the gotham hospital to thank workers, she lends a hand to the gcpd a lot when they’re short on staff and need help. she shuts lockdown protests tf down on social media. because of how big her platform is on twitter, she uses it to post updates and information and just keep everyone well informed. she’s the only batfam member who contracted corona with serious symptoms, but that was in march and she’s tested negative for it now. recently she ordered specific masks for everyone in the family, including alfred ofc, and sent it to them as gifts. when she’s not out volunteering or helping, she stress bakes. a lot. it’s all recipes she actually learned from bruce and she safely hands out her sweets to essential workers.
he has abandoned all responsibilities. the waynes can clean up their own damn messes. he literally just chills, checks on cassie, plays the occasional board game with dick. sometimes he does leave just to drive around fairly empty gotham. he doesn’t get out of the car and still wears a mask so it’s all safe but it’s just to relax for a bit. he’s also invested pretty heavily into some podcasts.
jason is having a breakdown. he keeps spray sunscreen by his bedside, so when he’s sad he can spray it into the air and get a whiff of it for seratonin, softly whispering “beach” to himself when he does. he has stubble climbing over his face, mismatched socks, and is in the most need of a haircut. he’s always falling asleep on the couch, the kitchen floor, by the pool. he keeps trying to make food (and he sucks at cooking) and has almost cut off his fingers everytime. now he has three bandaids on his right hand and two on his left. one’s normal, another is pokémon, there’s a lightning mcqueen one, a bright pink one, and another is batman themed. now he just tosses something, anything into the microwave and consumes it mindlessly. he doesn’t know the time, or what day it is. he likes to float face down in the pool until someone comes out and says “jason, it’s time to get out before you die” and he grudgingly does so, only to go and lie face down in the living room for a while.
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libsterslobsters · 4 years
Black Dog...
A Bucky Barnes x Reader fanfic
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A/N: The motherfluffer strikes again! I know I said I was going to do a pt 2 of "What Is and What Should Never Be", but I was sitting with my doggo tonight and this is what I was inspired to write. It's more of a prequel, I guess.
Summary: There's not much Bucky wouldn't do for his best girl, but when she suggests they get a dog to help them readjust to life after the final battle with Thanos, he's not so sure it's a great idea.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/ fem! enhanced! Reader
(reader can see moments into the future as well as understanding all languages and processing new information quickly, plus she's also a super soldier)
Warnings: Slight angst, mild swearing, fluff!, mentions of PTSD and panic attacks, No editor, we die like men
“You want to do what?”
Bucky considers himself a fairly reasonable person (well, there is the “was brainwashed for over fifty years” part) and he prides himself on valuing whatever his girlfriend (fiance he reminds himself, she kept the ring on for five years) says instead of only listening to come up with a response, but this time, he’s almost certain he’s heard wrong. At least, he hopes he has.
“I want to get a puppy.”
That’s exactly what he thought she said. “Or really a dog of any age.” Where to begin with that suggestion.
He likes dogs. He had one before the war. But that was back when it was safe to walk through Brooklyn at night, not to mention walk your dog along the sidewalk after dinner. Back before sudden noises in the night, however light or normal they are made him bolt upright in bed and reach for the knife he still keeps on the nightstand just in case. Before fighting “bad guys” was part of his every-day life, and way before he himself had become a bad guy. All of that considered, there’s only one way he can answer.
“I don’t think so, doll.” The corners of her lips turn down and her eyelids lower.
“Oh.” She’s more disappointed than she’ll let on. Maybe there’s a way to smooth it over.
“Why did you want a dog?”
He takes a seat on the sofa next to her (they were going to settle into their usual after work activity; watch something neither of them will remember later as an excuse to be together, usually with her legs resting in his lap and a bowl of popcorn between them) and silently wills her to look up, not be saddened by something he’s done. Goodness knows she’s had enough of that to last a lifetime already, and the wedding isn’t for another month.
She shrugs, still absently picking at her pilling sweater.
“There’s been studies done on how having a pet helps lower stress levels and raise seratonin levels. That helps with PTSD and sleep disorders.”
Something that used to just apply to him, but after Thanos, it’s as often her waking up from a nightmare that felt just a little too real or staring at words in a book that she’s not even seeing long after midnight.
“Plus-” She laughs, but it’s not the unbridled sound he treasures, it’s… bitter somehow. “-it’ll be like exposure therapy. We’ll be forced to leave the apartment for more than groceries and work.”
It seems as if the outside world has become even louder and more unbearable since the world ended and restarted again.
“All of that sounds good-” There’s the beginings of a smile on her face. He hates that he’s about to crush it all over again. “-but what about the logistics of it?” She frowns, clearly confused. “We don’t know where we’ll be living once your lease is up-”
“There are plenty of other apartment complexes that allow pets.” He nods.
“Yeah, but not all of them. And on top of that, when we’re away on missions, who’s gonna look after the pooch?” She seems to be considering it, mulling it over, then-
“Here me out: we train the dog to come with us on missions and do reconnaissance.” The smirk on her face lets him know that it’s a joke. Good. Then she’s not completely devistated.
“If the situation looks too tough, we’ll send him out ahead of us. While he’s licking their faces and their guards are down because even the worst of the worst can’t resist a cute puppy-”
“We storm the place?” She nods, shoulders shaking in a quiet laugh.
“You’re catching on! And, we can order a special doggy uniform since you can find anything on the internet these days.”
That’s the final straw, and before he can even consider it, he’s laughing too.
“You do make a pretty compelling argument, but let’s stick a pin in it until this thing-”He indicates her left hand, which is now resting casually against his thigh. “-becomes official.”
“Fair enough.”
She’s doing better now, she thinks. Better than she was for the past few months. Still, after her last class at the community college lets out (so many new enrollments now that the population is back to normal, and the majority of them have no memory of the hell those who survived the snap endured for five years), she sits in her car for a solid half hour, shaking and crying her way through a panic attack. When it passes, she reaches for the makeup bag hidden in her purse and, in an effort that’s really muscle memory at this point, repairs the damage to her face. There. Nearly normal.
Driving home is considerably more difficult than it used to be now that there’s more cars on the road, but the route is familiar, so that’s some comfort. Not everything changes. She really should pick up some potatoes and cubed beef for tonight’s dinner, but after the day she’s had, facing a crowded supermarket seems like just a step too far. Takeout, then. Maybe a pizza. After all, she’s got the same chemicals running through her veins as he does, which means their metabolisms can keep up with excess calories. It’s one of the better side effects of being “enhanced” as her file is labeled.
She’s so busy thinking about which toppings to order that she barely manages to swerve in time to keep from hitting the animal slowly limping towards the curbside.
The miriad of horns honking from behind and beside her let her know that her decision isn’t a popular one. Still, she eases the car to the curb and as soon as the coast is clear (she should just run into traffic… no, that’s an intrusive thought, acknowledged and dismissed), steps out.
The animal made it across, at least. Animal, because she can’t be sure what species it is. It’s trying to get away from her, but the poor thing is limping badly, so there’s not much chance it’ll manage that particular feat even if she weren’t faster than the average human. She approaches with caution (if she were to be bitten, would it even effect her? More than likely not) in case she startles it.
“It’s alright.” She’s got it cornered now, and she can see that it’s a dog. A pathetic lump of matted fur and mange with at least one broken leg, but a dog none the less. She crouches, holding her hand out in front of her, palm open.
“You’re okay, sweetie. I’m not going to hurt you.” The poor thing is shaking, letting out low growls that quickly turn to whimpers as soon as she touches it. “You’ve had some tough luck, haven’t you? Yeah.”
She can’t tell what color it is under the filth and… her breath catches in her throat… blood. Black for now, but maybe a lighter color once it’s washed. However, the tongue that peeks out from a swollen muzzle is unmistakably pink. “Good boy. Or girl. I’m not going to look close enough to find out right now. Don’t worry.” It’s not a huge dog. She could probably lift it. That is, if it’ll let her. “A car hit you, didn’t it? Hurt that poor leg of yours.” She leans closer to get a better look. No collar. A stray, more than likely, and definitely a mutt. The decision is made. She’s not leaving it here.
“Alright. I’m going to get you some help, but that means I have to pick you up. Now, I’d appreciate it if you’d kindly refrain from biting me when I do that, okay?” She takes the blink as agreement. “Here we go.”
She must look strange, emerging from an alleyway in the middle of Brooklyn with at least thirty pounds of unidentifiably colored dog in her arms, but if any of the other motorists notice, they don’t let on. Thank goodness for technology. With the press of a button, her car unlocks and she’s able to deposite her new friend in the passenger seat before settling behind the wheel once more. “Siri, show me the nearest animal hospital.” Once the gps is online, she adds as an afterthought, “Call Barnes.”
Somehow, when he picked up the phone and the first words out of her mouth were, “Bucky, you’re not gonna believe me…” he didn’t expect it to result in him sitting in a veterinarian’s office an hour later, waiting to hear about a dog he’s never seen. Well, that’s not quite true. She did snap a quick picture. Even though he knows it probably wasn’t at it’s best, that had to be the most pathetic lump of fur and fleas he’s ever laid eyes on, through a photograph or otherwise. He’s not even sure it had both ears!
None of that matters though, because now he’s sitting there, pretending to study his phone with his baseball cap drawn low over his eyes and a pair of sunglasses to boot while she flips through the same magazine for the fourth time. If he’s being honest with himself, he doesn’t think the dog’s going to make it (actually, it might be kinder if it didn’t, the pooch is in such bad shape), but he’s decided it’s best not to bring that up. Time will tell.
“Are you mad?” That’s the first thing she’s said since he arrived and she informed him that they’d taken the dog back for immediate surgery.
“That depends. Did you walk into traffic to save him?” It probably wouldn’t hurt her, considering she’s strong enough to stop a car if she really wants to, but it’s not exactly a healthy habit to get into. Especially if they’re trying to be inconspicuous.
“No.” She flips another page. “Although I may have swerved to avoid hitting him, then chased him down into an alleyway and cornered him by a dumpster.”
That sparks a memory from the early days in Romania, the ones where he thought he was dating someone for the first time since the forties (albeit, moving very, very slowly) and she was under the impression that he saw her as a little sister. Her apartment was the equivalent of “low rent” and when, halfway through ‘Singin’ In the Rain’, a rat made it’s unfortunate appearance, she told him, “No, don’t kill it! Just get rid of it!” while standing on top of the coffee table (because clearly, that was so much safer than the floor). In the end, he did catch the rat (thanks to her precognition), and they safely moved it and it’s nest into a quiet corner of the courtyard. That’s when he realized he was in way over his head with this girl, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. It’s still one of his favorite memories, so-
“ ‘Course not.” She doesn’t look entirely convinced, so he wraps his arm around her, pulling her close despite the plastic waiting room chairs. “Why would I be mad at my girl for having a big heart?”
She chuckles, leaning into him. “You mean I’m a softy.”
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
Before she can reply, the door swings open. It’s late, and they’re the only ones left waiting, so it’s no surprise when the woman in scrubs stops in front of them.
“Your dog made it through surgery, although we did have to amputate the front left leg.” Huh. That’s the same one he lost. “We also took the liberty of giving him his rabies and heartworms shots, and since you said it’s a stray, we’ll call animal control to pick him up once he’s awake.”
That’s for the best. She may have a thing for hard luck cases, wounded animals, and lost teddy bears, but it’s not like they can keep the dog. He’s come around to the idea of getting a pet at some point (maybe he’ll surprise her at Christmas), but an animal that’s in that bad of condition… it’s a lot of work, and he’s not sure either of them is up for it (well, if truth be told, if he’s up to it).
“Did you want to come back to see him?” She looks up at him, clearly trying to get a read on what he’d rather do. He could just say no thanks, they’re alright. It’ll only make things harder when they have to go home. But, it’s obvious she wants to, and he’s not great at telling her no.
He’s panicking just a little as they walk through a maze of corridors and metal doors that lock behind them. Calm down, it’s just a vet’s office, not a prison. You’re not going to have to fight your way out.
Finally, after the dozenth turn, the vet announces, “Here we are. He’s still a little groggy, and we had to shave him. It looked like he could use a trim anyway.” and pushes open another locked door.
Even with his leg repaired and his fur at least partially groomed, he doesn’t look like much. There are indeed two ears; one of them is just crooked, folding down instead of sticking straight up. He still couldn’t guess at the breed, but with all the muck washed away, it’s still a black dog. There’s an I.V. attached, and Bucky’s expecting that the most it’ll do is whimper if it’s touched, but as she approaches the table and gingerly begins to pet it between the ears, the dog’s eyes open, and it licks her hand.
“Hey, boy. You made it through. I knew you were a fighter.” Is it sticking it’s tongue out and- “Whoa. Your breath could take out an army!” -attempting to lick her face.
“We think he’s about eight months old. May get a little bigger, but not much.”
He’s a decent sized dog. Not exactly one you’d chose to guard your house, but not a lap dog either. And he seems friendly.
“Some nice people from animal control are going to come get you once you’re all better and they’ll find you a good home.”
Unlikely. After all, the dog’s a tripod. He’s going to regret asking this, but-
“Is there anything else wrong with him besides the leg?”
The vet shakes her head. “Nothing that a flea bath, mange treatment, and a few good meals couldn’t fix.”
So really, it wouldn’t be THAT much work. He’s seen plenty of dogs who can still walk with only three legs. He needs to get ahold of himself. The dog might not even like him. Animals are funny; they can tell a bad person from a good one, and if he’s being honest with himself, he’s not sure if he qualifies as the latter after all he’s done. There’s only one way to find out.
“Hey, boy.” He reaches out his hand (the metal one, because even if it’ll heal quickly, he’s not crazy about being bitten) and scratches under the dog’s chin. “You had a hard day, didn’t you?”
The dog sniffs at his arm and then, wonder of wonders, his back leg starts to kick. “But you still seem pretty happy even if you are a little worse for wear.”
He really shouldn’t do this. It’s a lot of work, having a dog of any kind. They don’t know where they’ll be living once her lease is up, and oh yeah, they’re getting married in three weeks. But, the big puppy dog eyes look up at him (the dog’s looking pretty desperate too), and he knows his decision’s made.
“Think Stark ever designed armor for dogs?” Her brow knits in confusion.
“You know, since we can’t very well have him out there on missions without some sort of protection.” There it is. Recognition.
“Are you serious?”
“No.” The beginnings of a smile freezes on her face. “There’s no way we’re taking an innocent dog into a situation with hostiles. Are you nuts?” That laugh gets him every time.
“So we’re keeping him?”
He nods.
“We’re keeping him, doll.”
She hasn’t looked this purely happy in ages. For once, the memories of the past and worries about the future are completely forgotten, and that makes it worth it. That, and, well… he is a pretty cute dog.
Author's note: here's a picture of my good boi and writing pal, Rigby.
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hazelenergy · 4 years
Inktober reflection, last days 25-31.
Here we go!
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Inktober day 25: Auspex
I remembered that I like my portrait art and loose ink style. I let myself get that unfinished look and it felt good to do that. The brush strokes for her hair and the lighting on her nose are very well done. Need to watch the freckles...they are all a bit one toned and the same size. Spatter works better for this effect.
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Inktober 26: Toreador
Composition of this is well done. The call back to the v20 character sheet was a nice touch. I did it earlier with the ghoul piece, but the personal touch of Eli's character with the thorns and lighting instruments is nice. My favorite detail is the slim white line that pops their head forward and keeps them from blending with the shadows.
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Inktober 27: golconda
I think this one is a bit weak on composition and execution. I was going for the loneliness kindred may feel when they achieve this enlightenment. I think instead it reads more like a pious woman near prayer. Eh. Can't get em all.
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Inktober Day 28: Prince
Okay this one was so fun. I adore a lot of the characters on vampblr. Moineau is one of them. And I love your guys reactions when I draw them. It brings me so much seratonin y'all don't even know. Composition is fantastic, but I got bogged down trying to find the right reference image for her. In reality, I should've just went for it. I am very happy with how this turned out, not happy with how long it took.
I'm also really proud of the details of her hair and dress. I love doing detail work, but it's critical for an artist to know when to say enough on a piece. I'm glad I kept working this, it's exceptional.
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Inktober Day 29: Animalism
This one I got into some trouble with. It is fine to use reference images to assist your work. I got lazy and made this too similar to what I based this off of. It's important to make the piece your own. Granted, this is my style, and my techniques. But it is not my composition. And I'm very self critical about that.
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Inktober Day 30: Final Death
This one was one of the ones I nailed. It's so cool and a wonderful showcase of different techniques. The story of this one is easy to read, but beautifully open to interpretation as to what happened.
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Inktober Day 31: Yourself as A Vampire
First off, I wanna say that I really hope I don't become a vampire, I have enough issues that should probably be resolved with therapy. But. This was fun to work on. I always try to make the final piece something I spend a lot of time on and really finish strong. This self portrait is very accurate to my reference image and it's been a very long time since I've done a self portrait. I think it showcases the proper amount of smug that I try to keep in check...but fail frequently 😂
Since I spent more time on it, I was able to give more attention to details and layers. And it was worth it. The hair. Those tiny tiny highlights were a bitch to get right. The shadows on the brush are really well done. I think where I could have provided more details were the hands. They are a bit cartoony for the rest of the piece. And that came down to the lighting in the shot. I should've reprinted the reference after a level correction, to see the shadows and highlights a bit clearer.
When I first started this journey I wanted to learn how to replicate tim Bradstreet's work. Did I do that? Kinda. I mean this in a nice way but it's a brag. I can replicate any style given enough time and the right tools. I think I once got a grasp on how the man broke down his process, I began incorporating my own style and techniques. Which honestly, is way cooler. Rather than fully copying his work, I learned how to make it my own. And that's more important. I'll give a breakdown of how I do that in another post.
I thought the feeling would be way more joyous when I finished the 31st drawing. Instead I kinda felt myself dreading... Now what? I learned a lot of new techniques, reforged a love of loose ink styles and crosshatched shading, and learned how to utilize multiple references to create my own work. Now what?
Well, I have several projects that I think could benefit from this style. I intend to keep using these techniques both digitally and physically as I continue this journey as an artist. I aim to get a store running, where people can purchase my best pieces. And with a little luck...I'll get my work published. For now though, I'm resting. I'll keep you guys posted as I continue to create new art.
But lastly. Thank you all! Thank you for your continued support. Thank you for reblogging and commenting on it! Thank you for for your entertaining tags! It's been one of my favorite self motivated projects to work on. And it's been made even better because I got to share it with all of you. Here's to more of what we love and continued awesomeness. 🌹🦇🖤 ~Steph
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If you could choose *one thing* (or more if you cant choose lol) that you'd love to see in the new TES game, what would it be? I really really want there to be adorable children of different races, the thought of a child argonian or khajiit gives me so much seratonin sjdksjd
that sounds adorable... would they be called kittens? khajittens??
that’s a tough question though... if i could bring things back, then the gamut of spells and magic system from morrowind/oblivion. in terms of a new thing that will almost certainly not be in the game, a party system like in dragon age
but they’re both game mechanic things, i honestly don’t know what world-building elements i would want. except perhaps -- along the lines of your suggestion -- hearthfire but unironically good this time
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