#sweet fan fiction
cutiecattr · 3 months
Shout out to all the lovely people who take time out of their day to comment on fics!!
Oh my gosh I read every single comment I get on tumblr and AO3, yall make my heart explode!!
You guys are extremely underrated. Thank you for all the support you give us writers!!!
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sealsdaily · 5 months
Today's Seal Is: The Humble Blubberbeast
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buckyalpine · 2 years
I love my Grumpy Bucky !! He’s secretly a softie , I know he is ! So I have another ask for him ! Bucky being a literal asshole to anyone and everyone !! Except his girl that he has heart eyes for . When he’s being flirted on he is borderline offended cause he very obviously has a girl and he’s not all that kind about turning girls down ! He’s ruthless when he’s training recruits , he’s an asshole to everyone . But his girl !? His sweet angel !? He is the softest human alive ! And Sam would tease him about it . One moment he’s longingly staring at you , tucking hair behind your ear and the next he’s staring daggers at Sam ! But then you hop on his lap and his back to being your sweet , soft boyfriend ! At home he’s laughing to something silly you’re doing , tackles you on the sofa and tells you how much he loves you ! He’s not shy of PDA either . Kisses too deep for people to be around , possessive hands . He just looks like a meanie when he’s out 😂
Bucky is only soft for you
YES YES YES YES. Bucky's entire essence is being a complete teddy bear for you and you alone.
Honestly, imagine the new recruits are all whispering about getting to train with Sergeant Barnes.
"I heard he has a girlfrined through"
"I know right?"
"How cares, we'll see how loyal he is when I'm grinding on his fat di-
"Oh my god, he's going to hear you!"
"Good, then he'll know what to expect"
Bucky heard it all and he's absolutely offended. He feels sick. How could anyone think they could replace his angel, fuck no. He's already stoic around everyone, but knowing the trainees are trying to get into his pants knowing he has a girl? He's ruthless.
First of all, he doesn't let them touch him. No. Ew. He calls over some of the senior trainees and directs them on what to do with the newbies, critiquing their form the entire time (not for no reason, but he's much less kind about it)
Imagine their faces when you walk into the gym and he just melts. He's such a puppy for you, his eyes are sparkling, hes grinning when you make your way over to him.
"Hi babygirl"
"Hi Sergeant"
Oh what that word does to him when it comes from your lips. He kisses you deeply, keeping his hands on you for longer than necessary. The girls are rolling their eyes and avoiding eye contact and honestly he doesn't care cause he's not doing it to show them shit. He's doing all this cause he's just that in love with you.
Sometimes, he gets lost in how adorable you look, just staring at you with heart eyes while you telling him about you day. He's playing with a piece of your hair, tucking it back and Sam is having a fucking field day with this. He can't believe what he's seeing, Bucky Barnes blushing and simping and so deep in love. Bucky's heart eyes disappear when he narrows his eyes at Sam, who is still snickering.
You don't even notice, you happily sit on his lap, still talking about your day and your little puppy is back, his nose is nuzzling your cheek, hes peppering kisses onto your face.
The team is watching a movie and he's making his way downstairs. All he sees is you. You grin when you see your boyfriend approaching, giving him grabby hands. He tackles you onto the sofa, kissing you all over, wrapping his arms around you, trapping you.
"Hi angel!"
"Hi baby bear" You giggle, your nose nuzzling with his.
The team doesn't know what to do with themselves, they don't understand what's happening.
"Did she just call him baby bear?"
"Am I high"
They get used to it eventually, but only parts of it. Bucky gives no fucks; he will pick you up and pluck you onto the counter, making out with you like a horny teenager, fucking 8 in the morning while Steve just wants to grab his coffee.
Possessive hands. All over. You're always in his lap, he's always touching you in some way. When he's really in a mood, he marks you, sometimes in places only you can see but when this one agent gets too close to you, he makes sure he marks you in a way no one will look at your twice.
But when he's back with you, wrapped in your warmth, you have your sweet teddy bear again and he'll never let you forget just how much he loves you.
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beforeimdeceased · 9 months
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tlou2 is based on the israeli occupation of palestine, how you can help
pairing: ex!abby x reader
synopsis: you try to escape the thoughts of your ex with a little partying and she shows up to ruin it all.
content: oral (r!receiving)
author’s note: thank u so much for 1.2k i love this little community we’ve got on here! you guys make me so happy i can’t thank you enough <3
“I can’t even enjoy this stupid fucking party, Oh my god!”
You were currently spiraling in a far corner of the bustling house. Drink in hand with a scowl on your face. You take a sip of the liquid, letting it slide down your throat and settle into your stomach. You were waiting for the buzz to kick in and ease your nerves.
You’d just seen Abby, your ex, prancing in with another girl on her arm. A very pretty and smiley girl who you’d never seen before. You were wondering how they’d met and what they’d talked about when Dina came over to snap you out of your thoughts.
“You’re not gonna let her ruin your fun, right?” She gently rubs your arm and you’re so touch starved the gesture nearly makes you cry. It’s been a week since you’d parted ways with the blonde, and the lack of her presence was weighing down on you. You’d missed her smile, her kind eyes, and the way she always knew how to make you laugh.
But she wasn’t perfect. Neither were you, you couldn’t be. Tension grew in the relationship. You went from wanting to be around each other all the time, to avoiding each other at all costs. If you saw her post that she was at the gym, you were making an illegal u-turn in the middle of the road to avoid seeing her. That wasn’t a relationship, and it had to end.
Funny how you were still avoiding her.
“Dina I can’t dance, I’m gonna be sick.” You hold your stomach, tugging against Dina’s grip on your arm. She looks at you empathetically, placing a kiss on the back of your hand. “Babe, Are you going to stop functioning properly because of her? Forever?”
Before you can respond, commotion ensues. Ellie can be heard cursing following the sound of glass breaking and a crash. “Okay, hold on. I’ve gotta stitch up my girlfriend.” She rolls her eyes before rushing into the direction of the noise. A crowd of people swallow her, keeping you from following her.
You decide you need to just wash your face off in the bathroom, and get your ass out there. Abby is just another girl that got away. She’s clearly moved on, so why can’t you? You weren’t going to let her sour your night. Plus, Dina was your ride and you had to wait for her to fix Ellie up.
You can’t get the bathroom downstairs open, and after asking about 7 intoxicated people you find safety in the basement. There everyone was either high, tripping, or both. More importantly, they were not paying attention to who was going into the bathroom in the far left corner.
It was big, which was unsurprising considering how large the basement and the house was itself. Incredibly clean and it looked like the perfect hideout spot. You decided you’d stay in there scrolling through your phone until Dina sent her usual “where r u?” text.
The familiar sound of the ping on your phone interrupts you mindlessly moving your thumb. Out of the corner of your eye you catch the first letter of the sender, and nearly throw your phone.
Abby ❌: Where’d you run off to?
Was that meant for you? Did you want to find out? You stare at the message letting your eyes unfocus. Biting your lip you ready yourself to respond, but you’re stopped by the three dots indicating she’s typing.
Abby ❌: You in the basement?
You wish the window in there was bigger, because it would’ve made escaping a lot easier. Instead of responding, you look for the easiest solution to your new found problem, which happened to be the door. You open it, and a presently surprised Abby is on the other end smiling at you.
“Oh, you opened it for me?” You walk back as she walks in and watch as she closes and locks the door. “You’re still so sweet.”
“Where’s your friend?” You ask, arms crossed. It was upsetting you that you were so jealous, but it made sense. The end of your relationship was rocky, but you’d still only broken up a week ago. The wound was fresh, and she was poking her fingers in it.
“I don’t know, probably making out with someone upstairs.”
Realization hits you and you’d never admit it but you felt relief. Abby can read you though, she knows you better than anyone. A wide smile spread on her stupid cocky face.
“Were you jealous?” She tilts her head a bit and it makes you bite the inside of your cheek. She’d always tilt her head while she was deep inside of you. Chuckle and ask “You like that?” As if you could even fucking answer with how hard she was fucking you. The memory sends a shiver through your entire body, and it delays your response. She takes note of that as well and your body language. Arms crossing and uncrossing while her eyes trailed up and down your body.
She was looking at you like she was struggling to contain herself. You could almost see her thoughts projected over her head. “I miss you. I miss fucking you.”
“Would it be wrong for me to be jealous?” You back up towards the sink, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Another memory of her with her hand over your mouth, pounding into you mercilessly, flooded your mind. She takes note of this before moving closer to you.
Her body is close enough that if you reached out, you would be touching her freckle speckled skin. You fear that if you don’t lean into her, you’ll tip over. That you’ll fall splat on the cold bathroom tile. That you’ll sink into the ground and disappear, if you don’t touch her right fucking now.
“I guess not.” She leans over towards you, and you think she’s moving in to wrap you in a hug, but she’s just pushing past to look in the mirror. She notices how your face falls at her movements, and turns to look at you.
“Someone has to be honest here. Want me to start?”
No was at the tip of your tongue before her lips crashed into yours. She cups your face and you almost don’t notice her backing you up against the sink. Your back hits the edge of it, causing it to arch and your head to lean back. Abby takes the opening, latching her lips onto your jaw and then your neck.
“I fucking hate you so much right now.” You close your eyes, body contradicting your words. You lean into her strong and firm arms. Pulling your body into hers. “I hate how I couldn’t go a week without you.” Is breathless and desperate as it leaves your tongue.
She’s on her knees now, positioned in between your legs. She struggles to remain composed enough to tease you. Lustrous desire causing her mouth to salivate. You help her get your pants off, kicking them to the side, before her fingers loop into the band of your underwear. “It wasn’t easy for me either.” She pulls them down in a frenzy. “I missed the way you moaned my name.”
She latches her tongue to your heat, swirling a harsh circle against your sensitive bud. You would’ve lost your balance if she wasn’t holding your legs open and up with her arms. fingers on the inner corners of your cunt, spreading you wide for her. There was no mercy, and no slowing down. Her mission was to make you see stars.
“Fuck.” Is all you can let out and she hums against you in agreement. The vibration sending a wave of pleasure straight to your core. You tangle your hands in her hair, grappling at it to keep her right where you needed her.
And she never fails to deliver. Tongue buried into your walls while her nose swipes against your clit. You bite back a moan which causes her to move her hand and squeeze your ass, pushing the sound out of you. It’s clear and melodic, music to her ears. If anyone happened to walk in she wouldn’t want to stop. She wanted to hear more from you. She needed to.
You can barely hold back your orgasm. With the way she has you spread completely open for her, entire face buried into you moaning against your cunt. You let the wave rush over you, eyes rolling back into your head as her name rolls off your tongue.
You shake a bit, overwhelmed from the high and her face still buried between your legs. Now is when you feel a bit disappointed in yourself. At how hard it was to stay away, how easy it was to give into her, and how you’re going to have to explain this to Dina.
Abby kisses up and down your inner legs, catching all of your juices on her tongue. It feels so good before you hear that damn ding from your phone once again. She reaches over to grab it out of your pants pocket and hand it to you. Speak of the devil.
Dina 💖: where r u?
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tartigglez · 7 months
nsfw, fem!reader, this was supposed to be rlly soft but turned out a lil yan-ish, aftercare hours
thinking about diluc when you wake up on his chest and can't help but notice that the room smells of nothing but sex.
he smiles at you, kisses the top of your head, and tries to wipe the mascara lines away from underneath your eyes.
"so pretty, my pretty girl"
the love in his eyes as he places a hand on the back of one of your thighs, rubbing gently with his thumb.
the sound of his heartbeat right underneath your ear, it speeds up a little when you smile back at him.
he's home.
nsfw masterlist || sfw masterlist
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slytherheign · 8 months
THE ARCHER | charles leclerc
PAIRING: charles leclerc x fem!reader
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SUMMARY: nothing and no one ever stays the same, you just have to hold on and hope that everything will work out in the end. these are dark nights.
WARNINGS: angst, time skips, doubts, overthinking, and family issues. let me know if i missed any warnings. [⚠︎︎RATING: G]
AUTHOR’S NOTE: inspired by taylor swift’s song with the same title. dedicated to @a1leexxa, i hope you’re having a great day!
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“You can’t do this alone,” your father told you, glaring at you with so much hatred and disgust.
“I can,” you replied.
“Your trust fund from your mother isn’t enough.”
“I got a scholarship.”
“You can’t survive without us.” 
You looked at your older brother, your tearful eyes asking him for support. He only stood behind your father, doing nothing.
So, this was it then.
“Watch me,” you replied, wiping the tears that escaped your eyes as you walked to your room.
Your bedroom was dimly lit, filled with scattered belongings and an empty suitcase on the bed. You sat on a chair, deep in thought.
They said blood was thicker than water, but what if that blood held you back from your dreams? What if staying meant sacrificing who you were meant to be?
You gazed at a faded family photo on your bedside table. Looking at the photo reminded you of all the times you tried to fit into their expectations. Your mother was the only exception, she only expected you to follow your dreams—the exact thing your father and your older brother didn't want you to do.
How many dreams have you crushed for their sake? But enough was enough. 
If your mother was still here, she wouldn't hold you back.
You stood up and began packing your belongings into the suitcase, quickly and determinedly.
They would never understand. They would never see the fire burning within you, urging you to break free from their judgment and limitations. Your mother taught you that dreams were worth the risk, they were worth the uncertainty that lay ahead. You refused to live a life dictated by doubts and disapproval. You knew you deserved to discover your true potential, to explore the possibilities that awaited you beyond these walls.
You zipped up the suitcase and took a final look around the room, taking a mental image of the life you were about to leave behind.
You were leaving behind the echoes of unsupportive words and unfulfilled dreams. From this moment forward, you were choosing to surround yourself with those who believed in you, and who would uplift and inspire you on the journey you were about to take. You might not have those people right now, but you trusted that you would find them soon.
You walked towards the front door, suitcase in hand, ready to embrace whatever was on the other side. You caught their eyes momentarily, casting them a glance before focusing your sight back on the door.
For years, you've allowed their lack of support to hold you back and to suffocate your aspirations. 
But not anymore. Not today.
Today, you set yourself free from the chains of conformity and rejection. Today, you allowed yourself to embark on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. 
It was time to leave.
It was time to chase after your dreams, even if it meant leaving everything behind.
It was going to be a combat, you knew that. But that didn’t stop you.
You took a deep breath before opening the door.
And then you left.
You were ready for combat.
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Leaving behind the familiar and venturing into the unknown was both exhilarating and terrifying, but you did it. No one believed you would succeed when you gave up everything to move and study architecture in Monaco, but here you were, doing the exact same things they said you would never be able to do and living the exact same life they said you would never be able to live. 
Cruelty wins in the movies, but not in yours.
Your roommate turned best friend, Charlotte, became your number 1 supporter and you became hers. You may not be related by blood but you two were sisters—always inseparable and never without the other.
You haven’t heard from your father or brother after you left them. You had their numbers and they still had yours, but none of you wanted to do something to initiate a conversation. There were times when you wanted to call, you’ve got a hundred thrown-out speeches you wanted to tell them but you just didn’t know how to say them so you always ended up not doing anything at all.
Easy they come, easy they go.
Charlotte came into your life as quickly as you lost your brother and father. You jumped from the train and rode off alone, but once you reached your destination, she was there to welcome you with open arms. As far as you were concerned, she was your family now. 
“I think we deserve a night out after those exams,” Charlotte sighed, stretching her arms before preparing to get ready.
“You know I always preferred staying in and just sleeping, but for once, I actually agree with you,” you replied. 
“Oh my god, is this real? Are you actually letting me drag you out of this room?”
“Yup,” you laughed, rolling your eyes before standing up and getting ready as well. “Where are we going anyway?”
“I’m thinking the casino,” she answered.
“Girl, what?” you stopped what you were doing and looked at her.
“What?” she asked.
“What are we even going to do there?” 
“Uhh… chill and gamble?”
“Right,” you sighed. “I forgot how rich you are,” you joked.
“C’mon, you can’t say no now,” she said.
“Oh, I’m not saying no. I’m still going,” you told her.
“That’s the spirit!” she hugged you.
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You went to where the drinks were while Charlotte stayed busy playing some games. You sat on a stool, waiting for your drink when a man sat beside you. You focused on your drink being made, not paying attention to who the person was. He started talking to you and you couldn’t help but look at him.
“Are you here alone?” he politely asked before he ordered his drink.
“I’m here with my best friend, well more of like my sister, but yeah,” you answered, thanking the bartender when he gave you your drink. “Are you?”
“No, I’m here with my older brother. He’s ther– wait, he’s not there anymore,” he sighed.
“I’m sure he’s somewhere,” you chuckled. “Why do I feel like you don’t want to be here?”
“I just got dragged here, to be honest,” he laughed. “I was enjoying for a while, though.”
“Was?” you asked.
“My social battery got terribly low and they all seem to have a lot of questions about my job.”
“And yet, you’re here talking to me…” 
“Thanks,” he said to the bartender before looking back at you. “Well, you looked like you needed someone to talk to. Am I wrong?”
“You’re not,” you smiled. 
“I thought so too,” he winked. “I’m Charles, by the way,” he reached out a hand.
“Charles Leclerc. Of course, I know who you are,” you shook his hand. “I’m Y/N.”
“You know me? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“You’re pretty important here, everyone knows you,” you sipped your drink. “I just figured you’ve already been pestered with questions a lot, so I’m not even going to try to ask you about F1.”
“I appreciate that,” he smiled.
“You wanna go somewhere for a bit? Somewhere with fresh air?” you asked.
“I was about to ask you the same.”
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That was the night where you hit it off. A couple of years later, you were official to everyone close to you that mattered. Soon, the public would know. But right now, you were just enjoying the tranquility of being in each other’s presence.
You stared at him as he dressed himself after taking a shower. There he was, the love of your life. Every time his eyes met yours, your heart skipped a beat. His gaze was like a warm summer breeze, sweeping away all your worries and doubts.
You gently smiled when he winked at you. He settled next to you on the bed under the covers, holding your hips and turning you so you were facing him. He caressed your cheek, looking at you lovingly.
His eyes sparkled as if they were telling stories only your heart could hear and you longed to listen to every whisper they held. It was as if you were home. Home in his gaze, in his arms, in his love. And each time he looked at you, you fell deeper and deeper, discovering new depths of affection for him.
But it wasn't just his eyes that captivated you. It was the way his presence changed the atmosphere. It was the way his smile illuminated every room. It was the way his touch electrified your senses.
He placed a soft kiss on your forehead before closing his eyes to sleep.
You took a deep breath. The moment his eyes were closed, you felt the familiar cloud of doubts looming in. One moment, your heart soared, confident in the love you shared, envisioning a future bursting with endless possibilities. The next moment, shadows crept in, whispering doubts, and questioning the path you trod together.
There must be some kind of downside to this. You were happy. And you knew that every time you were happy, there would be some kind of consequence in exchange for your happiness.
You closed your eyes in hopes of dying down your inner thoughts but amidst the darkness from your eyelids, you saw the room on fire and felt the invisible smoke surround your body. You opened your eyes immediately, withdrawing a shaky breath.
You looked at Charles who was deep in his slumber. He was far too perfect. Surely, there was a dark side to him? You searched for his dark side, but what if the dark side was right where you were because it was you?
You feared the uncertainty that awaited you. What if love was not enough to weather the storms that life would inevitably throw your way? What if your dreams would someday diverge and pull you apart instead of uniting you?
It was unnerving how love brought both immense joy and an overwhelming sense of vulnerability. Charles moved in his sleep, pulling you closer to him. He must’ve felt your uneasiness because he woke up just to ask you how you were. “Are you alright, chérie?”
“I am now,” you smiled, looking at his eyes. Amidst the sea of apprehension, a gleam of hope emerged. And it was him. It was Charles.
You found solace in embracing the present moment, cherishing how his arms embraced you, and trusting that, regardless of what might come, your love would anchor you through the churning tides of the unknown.
But still, you knew those dark thoughts would still continue to haunt you in the coming days. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put you together, but perhaps Charles would. He could always see right through you.
You have been the archer, you have been the prey.
Who could ever leave you and who could stay?
As you moved your body closer to Charles, you felt the arrowed heart necklace he gave you shift slightly on your neck. You held it in between your fingers, and then you whispered something only you could hear while you looked at his sleeping state.
“Help me hold onto you.”
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SLYTHERHEIGN TAGLIST: @writingstoraes @joshiiieeenesx
FORMULA ONE TAGLIST: @dreamingofautopia @lpab @matildrry @fangirl125reader @tall-tanned-tattoo @aundercover @stevesworld9 @princessria127
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Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Twenty-Five: Heart Felt Truths
Summary: 4.7k Curtis x Plus!Sized Reader. While still dealing with the power outage, you get to spend more time with Curtis's family and Curtis takes you out with Sophia to show you something special.
Warnings- None.
A/N- Wow it's been a while but I hope you all are still here for the ride. @what-is-your-plan-today edited this chapter for me ages ago, so I have to thank you for doing, I always appreciate your input with these two. @mumbles411 ... This is for you! You have been asking for this moment for a while. Again, THANK YOU EVERYONE for reading and sharing. Dividers made by the lovely @firefly-graphics
Chapter Twenty-Four / Masterlist
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There was a soft patter of feet across the old creaky floor and a giggle at the end of the bed. Curtis knew it was coming, had warned you that Sophia would probably crawl in with you both first thing in the morning. He let his gaze slit open to see her at the foot of the bed, grabbing onto the blankets to pull herself up. 
The room was still gray, the hues of dawn barely coming, not quite arriving fully yet and of course, his niece was wide awake right now. He was going to need coffee, coffee would require more work than usual with the power out. 
Maybe if he waited long enough Ella or Lisa would make coffee, that sounded like a better plan. 
Next to him, you stirred, lifting your head enough to see what was moving at the end of the bed, before you burrowed back into your pillows, making Curtis snort softly in amusement. You weren’t a morning person, not unless you had to be. 
“Uncle Curtis.” Sophia whispered, crawling up the middle of the bed. Curtis lifted an arm for her to come snuggle in against his chest, Sophia tumbling under the blankets while both you and Curtis shifted to give her space. “Momma is snoring.” 
“Does she sound like the train at work?” Curtis muttered sleepily. 
“Louder!” Sophia said with some enthusiasm and Curtis pressed a finger to his lips, pointing at you next to them. 
“Quiet voices, Y/N and I are still sleeping.” 
You were quick to fall back asleep while Sophia tucked herself up under her uncle's chin.
“Can I have your phone?” She whispered and without opening his eyes, he reached behind him on the nightstand, feeling around for the device. When he handed it to her, she expertly unlocked it and picked her favorite app he had downloaded for her. 
“Volume off Soph.” He whispered against the crown of her head, which Sophia compiled while she started her game. 
Curtis knew he wasn’t going to be falling back to sleep, but he could just enjoy this moment of peace before the day came blaring full force, requiring him to participate. Now very grateful that he had insisted the two of you get fully dressed again just in case this happened. He let his mind wander, recalling how good a day yesterday was for all of you. The house was full of laughter and games, Sophia keeping all of you busy while the cold weather and loss of power kept you all together. 
He knew Lillian and WIlford would have wanted their house like this, full of family and friends and no longer an empty shell of what was once a home. 
Finally, Sophia got bored and announced she was leaving, so Curtis let her back out into the cool air and he pulled in closer to you, hugging around your waist to press his hand under your shirt to rest just under your breasts, making you wiggle back into him. 
“Your hand is still cold.” You muttered, pulling the blankets further over them. 
“Hmm sorry, do you want me to stop?” He nuzzled the back of your neck as he slipped further into the bed, spooning you from behind. 
“No, it's warming up now.” Your hand rubbed against his arm around you and settled over the top of it. “It’s cold out there, isn't it?” 
“Yeah Honey, I should go check that fire.” Curtis made no move to get up, just letting himself not leave his little warm bubble for a few more moments. “I was hoping Lisa or Ella would start coffee.” 
“Oh god…” You half twisted to face him, your eyes hopeful. “What are the chances?” 
He grinned, pushing up to lean over and kiss you, morning breath be damned, he was feeling good and wanted you to feel just as good. “Give me ten minutes and I will be back, with coffee.” 
You squealed in laughter as he flushed more kisses across your nose and then pulled away while you flipped all the blankets back over yourself. 
Curtis hummed as he went down the stairs, his bare feet cold on the floor when he landed on at the bottom, making him hop from one foot to the other till he got to one of the runner rugs he had scattered around the downstairs. He glanced around to see the bedroom where Lisa had the door eased open enough to let heat in but she must still be in bed. The pullout couch where Ella had slept with Sophia was back to being folded up in place, meaning his cousin must be awake. Curtis assumed Sophia was in Lisa’s bedroom by the sounds of a tablet playing a cartoon.
“I already got the fire going.” Ella said from the kitchen as she stepped into view, a steaming mug in her hands as she sipped from it. “It was chilly.” 
“Thanks, I should have gotten up and checked it earlier.” Curtis bypassed her, stealing her cup to sip from. When she smacked at his back, he flashed her a grin and took another before handing it back to her with a grimace on his face. “Too much sugar.” 
“Heathen.” Ella sputtered as she claimed her mug once more, scowling at him. “I need it to sweeten me up. Mom’s here, but you mind watching Soph for a while? I gotta get to the aquarium, check in on what the upcoming plan is and help feed. Cole already sent me a message saying he was there all night.” Ella sputtered to herself as she glanced once more at her phone. “Idiot never told me he actually needed help keeping everything functioning.”  
Curtis was busy at the stove to make you both a mug, giving a nod. “Of course, you know I’m never gonna say no to watching my favorite niece.” He motioned with his hand that she should go. 
“Your only niece and this is why I keep you around. You are useful.” Ella teased as she savored more of her coffee. 
“Glad to be useful.” Curtis pipped up as he mixed everything together. “Want me to take you over? I don’t think it snowed or anything last night. But you never know what the wind kicked onto the roads.” He peered out his back window over the sink, but it looked like yesterday, his backyard knee deep in snow.
“Nah, I’m good. Stop trying to take care of all of us.” Ella scolded him while draining the last of her cup, Curtis mimicking her with a roll of his eyes. “Have more fun today, chill out. You are just getting the hang of it.” She winked as she set her mug in the sink. “Even Mom noticed how much you have changed.” 
“What do you mean changed?” His brows arched in surprise. 
Ella continued getting ready to leave, sliding on a jacket and stuffing a scarf around her neck. “Yeah, she said you hadn’t laughed like that since you were a kid.” Ella gave a wave. “And yes, if I need anything, I will call. See you later!”
Curtis mused a moment at what Ella said. She was right though just as she had been before Christmas, he was happier. Life has been better since the beginning of September. It made him smile, a content feeling settling in his chest. 
His thoughts drifted to last night and how different even that was for him. Last night he was overcome with just needing to feel you and make you feel good. He didn’t even have his own pleasure in mind when he was with you. It was all about making you feel beautiful and appreciated. It wasn’t sex, it didn’t feel like sex. 
Sex was always good, but that wasn't it. He never was that kind of intimate with someone, rarely did he bring anyone home before and the times he was dating, sex was always just for fun. Now you lived here part time and it was still for fun, but he craved that connection it built each time as well. 
This was more and the tingles of realization tickled his mind. Love, that was love and it settled like he was wrapped in a blanket around him. 
He really loved you. 
Curtis inhaled deeply in a calming manner as he let this knowledge take hold, in the silence of his kitchen with the morning sun shining bright to light up the room, he glanced up, looking around the old kitchen, swearing he felt someone with him. 
“Is this what it's like? You two would know.” 
As he picked up the mugs to bring back upstairs, Curtis could have sworn he felt a hand on his shoulder like it was confirming that it was a yes. 
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You rolled to your back, still wrapped up in clothes and blankets, the sun warming your face. A soft smile played on your lips. Last night had been incredible, you never felt such passion and connection with anyone before. It made flutters fill your belly, excited at what overcame the two of you last night. Whatever it was, you wanted more of that feeling, that feeling that it was just the two of you in the world.
Curtis had always been an affectionate man with his loved ones and that attention was what you felt last night. His complete devotion. You wanted to think of it as love, but you just weren’t quite sure that’s what it was. You thought Jake loved you, he said it early on to you and you were sure that's what it was for you too. Towards the end, he said it less and less, only when he was trying to persuade you to do something you didn’t want to. It was always the nudge to push you to do what he wanted till that last night. The memories that you had yet to talk about out loud with anyone made you shudder for a second, pushing it away. 
That was something you still weren’t ready to deal with. 
Instead, you went back to thinking about last night, your connection with Curtis, how it felt so absolute for you. Curtis never said anything beyond needing you, but it felt like so much more than just a quickie for you two. 
But you didn’t want to jump to conclusions.
You were still mulling over the sensation when Curtis came in, two mugs carefully balanced. You pushed up to a sit, taking a steaming mug gratefully to take a sip. 
He knew you well, having your coffee made just the way you liked it. “Ella is already out the door, I told her I didn’t mind watching Sophia today.” 
“Mmmh.” Your eyes closed peacefully as the caffeine worked its magic. “Anything you wanted to do? Or anything you had to do away from the house? I don’t mind sticking around with Sophia while you go out.” You offered and peeked at him while you took another sip, sensing his surprise at your offer. “What?” 
“You would do that?” Curtis asked incredulously, like you were offering the world. 
“Well yeah? Why wouldn’t I? I love hanging out with Sophia, she is such a great kid to be around.” You shrugged it off, still not seeing why he was so surprised. 
Curtis blew on his coffee before taking a rather large swallow, getting as much of the hot liquid in him as possible to prepare for his niece's energy before answering. “Not many jump at a chance to babysit, especially someone else’s kid in my experience.” He shrugged back, a grin forming on his face as he leaned forward to peck your lips affectionately. “So thank you, I know Ella would let you take Sophia anytime. But today you are stuck with me. I don’t have to go anywhere.” He set his mug down and rubbed at his head, waking himself up further. “I wish the power would come back on so I could trim this down.” His fingers tugged at the slightly longer strands, making your gaze lift. 
He might not like the longer strands, but you did. You bit at your lip and set your mug aside to shift to a kneel before him, running your hands through his hair and marveling at how soft it felt against your palm. “Not gonna lie stud, I like it.” 
A wicked gleam formed in his eyes as he watched the way you enjoyed touching him. “Do you now… I might have to keep it.” Your fingers tightened in the short hair, barely able to tug on it a bit. 
“Will you? Not for long, I just really want to…” Your fingers gave another slight pull to drag his head back to expose his neck, making you lean into it, nipping playful kisses along his bobbing adam’s apple. Your tongue darted out, another playful seduction that made Curtis groan in your hands. 
“Anything for you.” He muttered, letting himself enjoy the change in the room, both of you edging on staying in bed just like this. 
“You spoil me Curtis.” You let your hands smooth through his hair and lean into him while he wrapped you into his arms, pulling you in against him while stealing a coffee laced kiss from you. 
“As long as you will let me.” He winked and the bedroom door creaked open to show Sophia poking her head in, staring at the two of them. “What's up Sophia Bear?” Curtis questioned while you moved back for your mug on your nightstand. 
“I’m hungry!” 
Curtis pushed up and swiftly grabbed a giggling Sophia in his arms. “Alright, let's go feed you, what do you say? Brussel sprouts? Last I knew that's what little cubs like you eat.” 
You give him a look and snort into your coffee, Sophia mimicking you with utter repulsion. “Ice cream!” 
“No way kid, it's cold out already and you want ice cream? How about…. A chicken leg?” He wrapped his hand around her ankle giving it a shake and lifting like he was gonna take a bite out of it. 
“NO!” Sophia squealed, squirming till he dropped her on the bed, making her roll into you to protect her from her uncle. When she was snuggled in your side, she contemplated what he could make her. “Tater tots.” 
“Where am I supposed to get tater tots, Soph? Powers out.” Curtis flopped back on the bed next to you two. “I can make you some toast.” He started and she gave a sigh and rolled her eyes. 
You pipped up just as Curtis was gearing up with another hopeless suggestion. “Have you ever had cinnamon sugar toast?” 
“What’s that?” Sophia asked and Curtis smacked his palm against his forehead. 
“Oh I forgot all about that. Sophia wouldn't want that though… it's too good.” 
“No, I want it.” Sophia started and you shrugged, sipping from your coffee. 
“You sure, I mean… It's pretty special. Much more special then tater tots and ice cream.”
You said in all seriousness and Sophia’s eyes got huge. 
“I want it.” 
You looked at Curtis, his eyes showed relief that you were able to bring Sophia around to the suggestion of something easy. “Alright kiddo, let's go make it together.” He held his arms out and the bouncing child leaped at him, clinging around his neck while Curtis moved to a stand. “My grammy used to make this for me and your mom so I got the super-secret recipe.” He glanced over at you still curled up on the bed, savoring more of your coffee. “Take your time coming down Honey.” He dropped earnestly and you nodded with a smile, watching as the two of them headed for the stairs, Sophia now asking questions about the super secret recipe. 
You sighed in pure happiness at where you were right that moment. 
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The morning went quickly, Ella sent a message saying that she was going to be at the aquarium for the day helping out, which Curtis told her to take her time. Sophia loved the cinnamon toast, which you also diced up an apple with some yogurt you had in the fridge, luckily still cold. Lisa came out later in the morning, looking bleary-eyed and angling for some hot water that you heated on the stovetop. 
You were able to keep Sophia entertained with coloring at the table while you read through some manuscripts looking for the next drama club play. Curtis was back and forth between hanging at the kitchen table, coloring with Sophia and out in his shed out behind the house, a motor once in a while sputtering to life before it would die out. Lisa spent her time in the living room, back to her crochet project. 
When you sank in the couch next to her, Sophia cuddling up under some blankets next to you to watch her tablet, you took a few more lessons from Lisa, listening to her talk about more of Curtis’s past as a kid and her own memories of her childhood in the house. 
It was late afternoon when Curtis triumphantly came inside, Sophia having just woken up from a nap in her grandmother's bed, all bundled up back in the blankets on the couch watching some other cartoon Ella had saved for her.
“How would you two feel about going for a ride?” 
“What kind of ride?” You asked, knowing he wouldn't ever consider taking the vintage Camaro out in the snow. However, Sophia jumped right up as if she knew what he was talking about. 
“Yeah!” She bolted down the hall off the kitchen for where the coat closet was. Lisa tucked the blanket over her leg all that much more. 
“Have fun and be safe.” Clearly she had no interest in going. 
“Snow machine.” Curtis grabbed your coat to hold it up, enticing you to join them. Sophia already was trying to wriggle into her snow pants. 
“Oh no way, you have one?” You asked excitedly while going to stuff your arms into the jacket sleeves. 
“Yeah, an old junker, but with some tweaking she works just fine.” Curtis admitted while you zipped up your coat. 
“It’s not gonna break down on us, is it?” You asked with a tease, but the worried hint was still there, questioning if he had to work on it.” 
“It’s fine, trust me.” He turned to help Sophia, who was almost dressed now while you were also pulling on more clothes for the wintery ride. “Right Sophia Bear?” 
“Yeah! Uncle Curtis goes fast.” 
“Not too fast!” Lisa called from the living room and Curtis huffed.
“Of course not.” Then he ushered you two out the door before any more questions could be asked. Out in the backyard, you three crossed to an older modeled two-seater. You stalled a bit, noticing it was just the one. 
“Are you sure Curtis? It might be too much with both of us on it.” 
Curtis tugged you closer, easily lifting you by your waist which you yelped in surprise and he perched you up on the back seat, making you sit slightly higher than his. “Honey, I swear this thing can easily handle more then the two of us.” Sophia was already climbing on, grabbing at the handles like she was going to drive. You fidgeted a bit while Curtis leaned forward, hands braced on the machine's seat as his forehead dipped with yours. “I also have something I really want to share with you. Please?” 
When he asked like that, how could you continue to question it? With a nod, you smiled and Curtis dipped his head enough to kiss you, making you giggle as he disappeared into the shed to go grab some helmets. You fit yours on while Curtis made sure Sophia’s was on correctly. Eventually, he swung himself onto the sled and settled with you as you wrapped your arms around his waist to press up behind him. Sophia sat in front of him, protected in his arms, excited to go. He turned the key, and the sound of the machine filled the snowy area and you lurched off into the woods, on a well-worn path Curtis had made over the years. 
It was exhilarating, watching the trees zip by as Curtis took turns on occasion, leading you further away from the house. He was sure to slow at the curves, having you all lean just right to keep the sled from tipping on the uneven ground. Eventually, you guys made your way towards the snowy covered lake, severely frozen over in the late winter months, all across it were tracks where other people enjoyed the freedom the lake provided. Sophia squealed excitedly from the front, loving the rush of the machine with all the speed it gave. Curtis revved the motor several times, making her all that more excited. 
He took you along the lake’s edge, letting you all see the quiet expanse of the town, just the occasional lights and hums from someone’s generators making a disturbance in the quickening approaching evening. The sky was turning all hues of color, stars quickly dotting the landscape's edge of the lake. The wind howled across, making you feel the bite of it escaping under the helmet and you would hide your face against Curtis’s shoulder when he turned the machine towards the middle of the lake, opening it up fully to zip further away from the shore. It wasn't far though before he started slowing back down, the ice far ahead was giving way to choppy water where the lake was to wild to freeze over.
You lifted your head to admire the way the snow glinted off the bit of light coming from the stars and moon above where twilight finally gave way to the night sky. The frozen crystals started putting on a show, once the motor quieted, the water could be heard even from quite a distance away. You leaned off Curtis’s strong back to sit up straight again, tugging off the helmet to let the cool air wash over your face. Curtis swung off onto the ice and helped Sophia off. 
“Soph, what are the rules when we are on the lake?” 
“No going past Mater.” She patted the snow machine and Curtis gave a nod before letting her go. 
Sophia pushed herself across like she was ice skating on her boots, back towards the shore. He popped his helmet off and held out his hands to help you off as well. Swinging your leg over the seat, you slipped off, sliding into his arms, which he held you up with a grin. “Watch out, it's slick Honey.” 
“We need ice skates.” You clutched at his jacket till you were steady.
“Next time we can grab some. I have a bunch stored in the shed I kept the snow machine in. The snow is kept just shallow enough here by the wind to easily skate.” Curtis backed up slowly, taking your hands and bringing you with him while Sophia shot around you two, giggling and dancing to some music she was imagining.
“Is your snowmobile named Mater, after the Disney truck?” You asked as he suddenly swung you closer, making you two grip at each other.
“Last winter she was obsessed with Cars. She named the Camaro Lightning McQueen.” 
You laughed with a tilt of your head. “Perfect name. You know, I used to skate all the time with Jade when we both lived in Lake George together. When she moved to Florida, no one was interested.” You shared while you two slipped on the ice, using each other for balance. “What did you want to show me?” 
“Look up Honey.” His head tilted back and you followed suit to see a night sky as brilliant as your first date. Only here the Milky Way took over, stretching overhead in a light-colored streak, dappled with so many stars it was impossible to count them all. “Do you know what mythology says that is?” 
You gave a slight shake of your head, still in awe of the miracle above you. Curtis turned you around so you were tucked under his chin, your back pressed to his chest. “That’s the bifrost or birost depending on what you're reading. A rainbow bridge from earth to Asgard, where the Norse gods live.” 
“Did Wilford tell you that?” You questioned as you admired the sky, appreciating all that much more, you could tell from Curtis’s tone that it was a thing of beauty and wonder for him too. 
“He did, he would bring me out here on nights like this. Usually ice fishing, we had to hike out here. But I always looked forward to it, when you get to see something like this…” His tone drifted off, tucking his face in closer to your neck, you could feel the warmth of him seeping into you. Around you Sophia plopped in the snow, singing Frosty the Snowman although it was the very beginning of March. “Honey, I gotta tell you something. I’ve been waiting all day, for this moment really..” 
You tore your gaze away from the wonder above you, trepidation seeping into your pores. Curtis sounded so serious what you turned in his hold, to face him. Whatever he was going to say, you wanted it to your face, so that there was no mistaking what it was.
“Honey…” His hands came up to your cool face, the touch warming you as calloused fingers slid against the softness of your full cheeks. “I love you, I have for a while and right now, when I get to show you some of my favorite wonders in this world that I have never wanted to share with anyone else, you have to know.”
You let out a huff of surprise at his words, not at all what you were expecting. Your lips parted, unsure of what you were about to say because so much was filling your mind in this moment, standing before Curtis, someone who treated you better then anyone ever has before.
“Before you say it Honey, mean it. I don’t want you feeling like you need to say it because I did… do it when you are ready to, if you ever are.” 
That was it, you literally couldn't fall more in love with him anymore and you shook your gloves off to fall at your snow-covered boots. You placed your warm hands over his on your cheeks, to feel his hold in your own and luck would have it warm up his fingers with yours as you weaved your touch into his, tucking his hands down and closer to your heart, your warmth able to fill him. 
“Curtis of course I love you! You showed me what I wanted in this life, what being with someone should be like. You have so much to give to everyone in your life and every day I count myself lucky to be yours, to be able to love you back.”
His blue eyes were soft in the small bit of light the Milky Way provided. Around you Sophia was still entertaining herself, flinging herself across the ice and smacking into Curtis’s legs, making the two of you tumble on the ice into the snow, laughter ringing out from you. A very shocked Curtis rolled off you enough to make sure you were okay while Sophia pulled herself up off the ground. Curtis gave a quick glance at his niece, who was happily back to skating on the patch of ice before turning back to you. 
“Are you okay?” He leaned over as you lay in the snow under him, looking up once more at the Milky Way streaking across the night sky, so clear without the light pollution from the nearby city. 
“More than okay Curtis.” You pushed yourself up on your elbows, facing him. “I'm the happiest I have ever been and that is because I am with you.” You felt his arm slip under you, pulling you up enough to share the most passionate kiss you have ever experienced. 
The stars shine as your witness.
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sxirenzz · 3 months
General cuddling/sleeping headcannons for Ellie Williams! 🎀
Tw: Nothing just some headcannons
Afab reader! ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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꒰ა ˚₊ ✧・┈・╴﹕꒰ ᐢ。- ༝ -。ᐢ ꒱﹕╴・┈・𐑺 ‧₊˚໒꒱
🧷 ✧ ˚. I think Ellie would definitely be big spoon just because she’s more on the masculine side and she just seems like the person but some days she would definitely go for small spoon. She also snores realllyyyy loud because I said so 😘✌🏾.
🧷 ✧ ˚. She loves to tangle your legs with hers, it’s really comforting for her. Her legs get tangled a lot because she moves them a lot in her sleep. She’s the type to only have her legs move around though < like slight kicks and stuff like that >.
🧷 ✧ ˚. Since she works out a lot and her arms are very lean, she holds you very tight and close to her. When you try to get up to pee or get water it’s a struggle to get up because she’s holding you down😭😭.
🧷 ✧ ˚. Whenever she sleeps with you she sleeps on top of like a blanket, she has her arms around your neck and all of her body weight on top of you. She’s also a really deep sleeper so like I said about getting up at nights, it’s gonna be really hard😭.
🧷 ✧ ˚. When you guys cuddle she like to put your her head in the crook of your neck because she likes how warm/safe it makes her feel. She also holds you a lot when laying down, she holds your back and the back of your neck.
🧷 ✧ ˚. Ellie loves to cuddle under blankets and in warm areas because she just likes it warm. Ellie runs warm because she moves around a lot so she’s constantly very hot. So whenever you guys cuddle you don’t a blanket .
🧷 ✧ ˚. She likes to sleep face to face because she just likes seeing your face when she wakes up. On the topic of waking up, I feel like Ellie would she up very late unless you force her to get up. Even when she doesn’t stay up late she still wakes up super late. (Totally not saying that because I wake up late).
🧷 ✧ ˚. When she’s not sleeping with you, she sleeps on her stomach because she’s used to sleeping with you and having her stomach pressed against yours.
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꒷︶꒥꒷‧₊ ໒( ” •̀ ᗜ •́ ” )७ ₊˚꒷︶꒷꒥꒷
Just something short for my first writing so I hope you guys like it for my first time ✮
Request are open! :)
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ducksrus · 3 months
The tag “Batfamily meets the justice league” has such a special place in my heart 🤍
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cutiecattr · 1 year
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Art for my fan fiction moon lit waves
Moon likes to note new things he’s learned inside his notebook, and when he learned the Mers body has many functions and uses when it came to survival he couldn’t help but write it all down.
Sadly though you and Sun found his notebook and decided to write in it.. I don’t think he’s happy…
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fitzs-trained-monkey · 2 months
The Blood of the Covenant
(Below) A note presumably written by one Sebastian Sallow, dated 1922.
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To whomever may find themselves reading this, I regret to inform you that the pages in your hands may very well be the only documentation in the world detailing the truth concerning The House of Gaunt. This tale you're about to read won't be written in the history books. Alas, as I write this the Ministry and all the rats that didn't go down with the ship are hard at work scrubbing away any and all proof of just how deeply their corruption truly ran. But even if it costs me my freedom, I will not allow my friend's suffering to be forgotten. This time, I'll speak the truth - no matter the cost. And if you, dear reader, are the only soul who ever reads this, so be it. Maybe I'll finally have done something right. - Sebastian Sallow
Continue to Chapter One: First Steps (Toward White-Faced Cliffs)
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modernperplexity · 3 months
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Chapter Rating: E (18+) Minors DNI, mention of alcohol consumption and substance abuse, fluff, angst, sexual tension.
Word Count: 5,634
Pairing: Frankie x f!reader
Chapter summary: A glimpse into Francisco's past, You meet the guys, and Santiago (that meddling little shit) gets his way you'll see ;). This time we'll see soft and sexy Frankie, that's all I'll say for now.
A/N: Hey y'all! Chapter 4 is finally here! As always, my inbox is always open to chat/suggestions/ questions etc. Please feel free to comment/reblog. I love hearing from you! Also, please excuse any typos you may encounter.
If you'd like to join the tag list click here :) or let me know in the comments.
Happy reading loves!💜
Series Masterlist
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Chapter 3 / Chapter 5
Chapter 4: Whiskey Sours & Sweet Confessions
“Are you shitting me!?” Ashley's eyes glazed over with pain and rage, “Are you fucking shitting me, Francisco!?” She slammed the mini zip lock bag on the dining table, her rage hung heavily in the air between them. 
Frankie’s silence was deafening as he stared at the bag in defeat unable to tear away his gaze from the evidence Ashley had discovered. His mouth went dry, his voice caught somewhere between self-loathing and guilt of the choices that led him to that very moment.
“OH!.. So you have nothing to say?!” Again, there were no words in response to her confrontation, “God, you are so.. so-” She stammered, her voice quivering with indignation.
“Just say it.” Frankie surrendered, one hand covering his eyes, seeking brief solace from the heat of her anger. 
“-Pathetic! I don’t know why I am even surprised anymore! This is so like you!”
The words stung as they reached Frankie who was sitting at the small dining table. Ashley’s yelling had prompted a sharp cry from Camilla who was only 8 months old. The guilt of losing Tom, the money, and the casualties of that mission haunted Francisco. He hated who he became but couldn’t fight the shadow that loomed over him. Ben had his boxing gig, Will went into overdrive at the VA, Santiago up and left for months at a time, and Frankie, well, he’d come back and dove head first into his only escape; the only thing that kept his body from feeling heavy.
“Ash, I’m s-” He could barely get a word out.
Ashley raised her finger to his face, the anger burned brighter in her eyes, her words laced with pain. "You promised!! Frankie!! You promised that things would be different. That we’d have a better life! But instead, you left me alone, responsible for everything, to care after your fucking kid..”
“Look, you can insult me all you want. I know I’m a piece of shit and I deserve it, okay!?” Frankie’s hands raised in defeat, “I deserve it, but don’t talk about Camila like that ..she’s your daughter too!”
“Well!” A slow clap accompanied her judgemental scoff, “look who finally decide to act like a father that actually gives a damn!”
"I... I never meant for it to come to this, Ash," he finally managed to say, his voice trembling. "I know I've fucked up- repeatedly. But please, believe me when I say that I never stopped caring about you or Camila."
Ashley turned away, her tears flowing freely now. "You have a shit way of showing you care, Frank. Time and time again you prove me right, I can't trust you. I can't keep playing this game."
She ran her fingers through her hair as she stared out the kitchen window “This isn’t what I wanted, Frank. I didn’t want this life, You left me alone in this, meanwhile you’re out there spendng the little money we have just to feel whatever the fuck it is you need” she paused, no longer being able to hold back tears, before she let out what she had wanted to say for the past few months, “I’m done... I’m done with you! We both know none of this is gonna change.”
“Ash, I’m sorry..I’ll get help this time, I promise.”He reached out a hand, desperate to bridge the evergrowing chasm between them.
“Don’t. touch. me.” she pinched the bridge of her nose, and drew a sharp breath “Get the fuck out”
Frankie’s eyes went wide, his words failing him once more.
“GET OUT!!” Ashley managed through her anger, tears now streaming down her face as she threw out a bag of his things and slammed the door. 
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Frankie dusted off the steel green amo box he had stored on his top closet shelf. His hands hesitated to reach the latch. It wasn’t often that the box saw the light of day. In it, Frankie held pictures he didn’t want around the house but that he knew someday Camila would ask for. Pictures of him and Ashley from the night they met, of Ashley’s pregnancy which Frankie begged to take- Ashley who always begrudgingly complied. 
He looked through the old mementos and photos as his hands began to shake. One of Ashley and Cami at the hospital, Camilla’s newborn hat, and the tiny plastic medical ID bracelet among other things. He hesitated knowing what lay at the very bottom of the box. A dainty silver ring that he had bought a few weeks after he found out Ashley was pregnant but could never bring himself to give to her. It seemed like the obvious next step after having a baby.
Frankie always wanted to be a father. When he found out about Ashley’s pregnancy he was terrified but excited nonetheless. Reality hit him hard when the hospital bills came in, one after another. Money was tight and tensions were high between them before he lost his license and only became worse afterwards. Pope’s offer for the Lorea mission was insane but it offered him a chance to provide for his struggling family. A way to prove that all that time in the army and special ops wasn’t wasted. It was a weapon to fight back the voice inside his head that deemed him useless.
It had been a couple of days since Ashley had reached out. Should he respond? Did he even want to? The memories of seeing Camila for the first time, wrapped in a hospital blanket, so tiny and fragile, flooded his mind. The promise he made to himself to protect his little girl at all costs lingered. Now, he faced the difficult question: should he allow the woman who had abandoned him, who had heartlessly left Cami, back into their lives? Would he be selfish as a father if he refused to let Cami see her mom? Ashley had the potential to trigger him, but perhaps she had changed... or had she? His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a knock on the door, breaking the cycle of contemplation that had consumed him since he opened the box.
“Texted the boys, they’ll meet us at the bar in an hour” Pope pried the door open a bit more when he saw the pictures scattered on Frankie's bed, giving Frankie a knowing glance while he leaned on the door frame, “You good?”
Frankie paused, that period of his life brought on a plague of complicated emotions, “Yeah...I uh- I’m fine”
“What are you going to do?” Santiago glanced over to the phone beside the box on Frankie’s bed.
Frankie dragged his hands over his patchy beard, “I.. don’t want to think about that right now”
“Good. Drinks on me, we’re celebrating tonight!” 
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“We got our pilot back boys!” Ben cheered from the corner of the bar. The “unhappy hour” neon sign provided a dim blue light over the booth where they sat.
“It’s been a long winding road, man. We’re proud of you, Fish!” Will clapped Frankie on the shoulder and handed him a glass
“Never met anyone more deserving..You belong in the sky” Ben added with a genuine smile, glad to see his brother happy again.
Frankie chuckled, “I still can’t fucking believe it. I get to have my wings back!” He sighed with deep relief “In all seriousness, I can’t thank y’all enough. You all had my back when I lost sight of everything that mattered”
“Hey, that’s in the past. You’re our brother, we’d do it all over again- no questions asked” Santiago replied.
Ben nodded in agreement and took a sip of his beer, “So, how does it feel to be back up there?”  
“It's like nothing else, the freedom, the rush, the sense of control... It's fucking indescribable” He grinned, “I’ll take ya next time” I don’t mind the extra flight hours.
“Sign me up, but please, Fish, no more near-death experiences, alright? I had enough of that last time.” 
The men all burst into laughter and clink their glasses together, “to Catfish!”
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Michele practically dragged you out of your apartment. She had agreed to meet a few of her coworkers at a divey bar in town and insisted that you meet them. The night was slightly cooler than most Florida nights but not drastically colder- it is Florida after all, prompting you to wear a thin green cardigan paired with a black mini skirt that highlighted your curves, sheer black tights, and your comfy black combat boots.
She gently clasped your hand, leading you through the bustling crowd, the melody of The Smiths' "This Charming Man" filling the air around you. Your heart nearly skipped a beat as your eyes locked onto Frankie, a beer in hand, making his way towards the illuminated jukebox.
The sight of him left you momentarily breathless. "Everything alright?" Michele's concerned voice breaking through to you.
You blinked, forcing yourself to focus on the present moment. "Yeah, umm... Frankie's here," you managed to reply, your voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.
Michele's eyes widened in surprise. "He's here?" she echoed, her gaze darting around the bar.
"Over at the jukebox," you informed her with a subtle nod in Frankie's direction.
Her eyebrows raised in approval “Damn, he is fine, but you better go over there before blondie wins him over.”
“Wait, what?” Heat surged in your chest, a stark reminder of the truth you could no longer hide. The thought of someone else with him sent a pang of jealousy coursing through you. Oh no, is that the barista from the coffee shop?
Your eyes were locked in, unable tear away from the scene unfolding before your eyes. When it dawned on you, Frankie was no longer looking at her, he was now looking at you. A subtle spark of recognition and excitement flashed across his eyes, fleeting but unmistakable. Frankie briefly introduced her to Ben, who immediately wore a bright smile, before heading toward you.
“Talk to him!” Michele urged with encouragement, “Have some fun.. And PLEASE have something good to tell me afterward!” She squeezed you tight and handed you her shot of whiskey, “I’ll find you later... if you want me to find you.” She added with a wink before disappearing into the crowd.
As Frankie drew nearer, a surge of anticipation swept over you. With Michele's words echoing in your mind, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what was to come. With a quick flick of your wrist, you downed the whiskey Michele had given you, its fiery warmth spreading through your veins, emboldening you for the encounter ahead. You turned around and nearly collided with Frankie, “Oh, Jesus!” You blurted, your heart pounding in your chest as you stumbled back a step, caught off guard by the sudden proximity.
Frankie smiled, appearing amused and slightly concerned, ”Everything alright?” the genuine concern in his voice already putting you at ease.
“Just needed a little liquid courage, I guess” A nervous laugh escaped you.
Frankie chuckled, his eyes twinkling. “Well it looks like you can’t go a week without running into me” He teased, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“I seem to have that effect on people” You chuckled, grasping the silver chain of the clutch you selected for the evening, “What are you doing here?”
“The boys brought me out to celebrate” He paused and leaned in closer, taking in the warm cherry scent of your perfume on the crook of your neck, his voice a hushed whisper, “I passed my pilot exam.”
“You passed the exam!!” Your eyes widened with excitement as you cheered, unable to contain the joy bubbling up within you. Without a second thought, you wrapped your arms around Frankie's neck, drawing him into a tight embrace. “Frankie, this is such great news! I’m so proud of you!” 
Frankie’s grin widened his arms wrapping around you in return, the warmth of your body against his causing his heart to race even faster. “Thank you” he said, his voice tinged with sincere gratitude, “It’s been a long time coming” His eyes lingered over you as he pulled away, your face mere inches away, "You know, I couldn't have done it without your encouragement. Our conversation at the coffee shop meant a lot to me"
Your cheeks flushed pink at Frankie's heartfelt words, a shy smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Well, I'm glad I could help in some way," you replied, your heart swelling with pride and admiration for the man in front of you.
"What are you drinking?" Frankie asked, his eyes sparkling.
"You're here to celebrate you, but you want to buy me a drink?" you teased, raising an eyebrow in mock disbelief.
"Just think of it as another coffee," he winked, his playful demeanor displaying no signs of surrender.
"A whiskey sour, please," you smiled, unable to resist his charm as you watched him effortlessly command the attention of the bartender. His presence seemed to fill the room, making everything else fade into the background.
As you observed him, a smile emerged from the corner of your lips, his hands made your glass seem three times smaller. "He buys me coffee and my drinks," you remarked with a playful sigh, adding a hint of dramatic flair. "A true American hero."
The widest grin spread across Frankie's face. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this at ease. Despite the complexities that could arise in whatever was happening between you both, he pushed those thoughts aside, not wanting to dwell on them, not tonight at least.
"Here," he said, handing you your drink, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. Without hesitation, he casually took your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours "Come on, I want you to meet the guys." 
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“Well, well, well- would you look what the cat dragged back in” Pope revealed a mischievous grin after taking a sip of his beer, his gaze shifting between you and Frankie.
You smiled, “Nice to see you again too, Santiago” 
“I’m just messing, Hermosa” Santiago chuckled, getting up to hug you. “That was meant for Fish.”
“So this is Peech!” Ben exclaimed with a grin, pulling you into a strong and warm embrace, “I know the speech sessions are for our lil Camcam but I can tell you’re great! Fish hasn’t shut up about you since day one!” 
Your cheeks flushed pink, Frankie too smitten by your nervous laughter to pay Ben any mind, aside from a brief sidelong glance in his direction.
“You’re kind of a celebrity ‘round these parts, darlin” Will added sweetly, “It’s good to put a face to the name finally.” 
“Likewise!” you agreed, “Well since we’re all here to celebrate our pilot,” you lightly nudged Frankie, “Why don’t I get us the next round?
 Ben sipped the last of his beer, and set down his glass, “OH I like her!” 
The atmosphere was filled with laughter and positive energy. The men bantered and shared stories of their early days in the military with you. It came to you as a surprise to feel so effortlessly at home with the group. You would have never pictured feeling so at ease while surrounded by men. Your quick wit and charm drew them in. As the night wore on and drinks flowed, Frankie found himself becoming even more infatuated with you, displaying the palpable string of tension that existed between you both. It hung in the air, creating an undercurrent of anticipation and curiosity. The subtle stolen glances, lingering touches, traces of smiles. It all prompted knowing looks from those around the table. Santiago who of course, was the first to notice, wore a mischievous grin, earning him a swift kick under the table. 
“So” Santiago interrupted Ben who had been bragging to you about all the fights he’d won recently, “has Catfish ever told you about Truth or Spare?” Santiago’s eyes eager for your response.
Ben whistled, “oh, here we fucking go”
“Oh come on..its just a game” Santiago hissed.
“What is this? Highschool?” Ben shook his head 
“WhAt Is tHiS HiGhScHoOl?” Santiago mocked in return.
A hesitant look flashed across Frankie’s face,“I don’t know Pope” 
“It’s okay, I want to hear about this.” You chimed.
“He’s trying to get you to play this drinking game we all played when we enlisted in the army.” Will explained, directing a knowing look in Santiago’s direction, “But there’s no pressure.” 
“We all played when we joined the squad” Ben said with a reassuring smile “some supposed way to build trust but really it was our excuse to get drunk on our days off” 
You nodded, curious to learn more, "Hmm.. How do you play?" you looked at Santiago waiting for an explanation. 
"You have to choose between answering a personal question with complete honesty or taking a shot. It's all about testing your limits."
Frankie's hesitant expression didn't ease, but he spoke up nonetheless. "Yeah, but it can get intense. Some questions really push your boundaries, and the drinks add up quickly."
Will half smiled "Shit’s about to get real, but seeing that your drink of choice is whiskey, I take it you can hold your own" He added with a wink.
A mix of excitement and apprehension settled in your chest. "Alright, I’m in."
“Atta girl!” Santiago nodded approvingly. "Welcome to our circle of trust. Just remember, once you start playing, there's no turning back."
You nodded, and met Frankie’s eyes with a playful smirk, "Okay, but Frankie goes first."
As the game kicked off, the group went easy on you. They couldn't help but laugh as you shared stories of your younger self sneaking out on summer nights and the satisfying moment when you finally stood up to your childhood bully after being pushed off your bike countless times. They absolutely loved that one. But as the game progressed, things got more intense. The questions became more personal, pushing boundaries and leading to more serious unearthing. You spilled the beans about that time you accidentally sent a sext to your grandma consequently making her blood pressure drop, sending her to the hospital earning “oohs” and laughs from the group. Pope begrungingly admitted to having a crush on one of Ben's exes. Ben got caught in the act during a threesome by one of the girl's ex-boyfriends, Will confessed to hooking up with the same flight attendant multiple times on different flights, and then there was Frankie, who got stuck in a janitor's closet for four and a half hours after hooking up with a girl at a concert and had to resort to peeing in a bucket (Yep, that was the last time he ever saw her). 
Then Santiago’s question changed the air around you, “Are you seeing anyone?”
“No” Your response quick and easy, too easy to satisfy Santiago’s agenda.
“Do you currently have feelings for someone?” He prodded.
A fiery warmth spread across your chest at his second question, rendering you to an absolute halt. His words seemed to pierce through the din of the crowded bar, leaving you momentarily speechless.
"Um, well, I... I mean, you know, it's complicated," you stammered, your words slurring slightly as you struggled to form a coherent response. Frankie's presence heighten your flustered state, making you feel more unsettled than usual. The alcohol coursing through your veins seemed to amplify your nerves, leaving you feeling jittery and out of sorts.
Desperate for a moment of reprieve, you took another sip of your water, hoping it would help to calm your frazzled nerves. But instead, it only seemed to exacerbate your unease. "I, uh, I just...I do," you blurted out, your eyes widening in alarm as the words escaped your lips. With a sudden rush of embarrassment, you instinctively covered your mouth, as if trying to snatch back the breath you had just spoken.
Ben whistled in response, “Whoever he is, he is a godamn lucky guy” his eyes flickering briefly towards Frankie who held back a smile and preferred to fidget with the corner of his napkin than to look up at you.
You stole a quick glance at Frankie, hoping to gauge his reaction, but he kept his eyes fixed on the table, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. Despite his attempts to appear nonchalant, you couldn't shake the feeling that he could see right through you. Before the awkward silence could stretch any further, a buzzing at your hip provided a welcome interruption, breaking the tension that had settled over the table. Grateful for the distraction, you quickly reached for your phone, hoping to find solace in the familiar glow of the screen.
"S-sorry, I gotta take this," you stammered, your voice trembling slightly as you hurriedly scooted out of the booth and made your way to the patio area.
Once outside, you fumbled for your phone, your heart racing with anxiety. With trembling fingers, you answered the call. "Michele... Jesus Christ, I-I've never loved you more," you breathed into the phone.
“Hey, I just wanted to check in, you doing alright?” Her voice tinged with genuine concern.
You breathed in, composing yourself, “Yeah, I’ve been having a great time.” The alcohol coursing through your veins making you increasingly aware of your intoxicated state
“Of course you are chica! you’ve been surrounded by four smoking hot guys practically all night!” she quipped with a sassy tone, “That’s right, I saw them!” 
You couldn't help but giggle at her playful remark as you swayed your way to the balcony.“Where are youu?” You asked, struggling to keep your balance.
“I’m out by the exit, heading out in a few but I wanted to make sure you’re good.” She giggled but not at anything you said. You thought you heard a male voice in the background, murmuring something and calling her "baby."
“Call me if you need anything, yeah? Except for condoms, I only have one of those in my purse” You could practically hear her mischievous smile over the phone.
“OH MY GOD!” You burst into laughter, “love you, I’ll text you when I get home”.
“Love you, bye!” Michele responded, her voice warm with affection before the line went silent. You ended the call and tucked your phone back into your purse, not yet ready to return to the company of your friends inside.
Just as you were about to gather your thoughts, a gentle hand landed on your shoulder, causing you to startle.You spun around faster than you realized you could handle in your current state, only to find Frankie standing there, his hands held out in a gesture of apology.
 “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you”. He said softly, his eyes filled with concern as he steadied you with his touch.
You responded with a shy smile, mesmerized by the way his deep brown eyes sparked, even in the dim twinkling lights of the patio. “It’s okay” 
“I, uh, I wanted apologize about Pope.” His hands lingered on your arms, and you couldn't help but notice the way your heart fluttered at his proximity. “He can get intense”.
“Oh F-frankie, you don’t have to do that, itss all fun and games”. Despite your attempt to remain composed, you found yourself increasingly aware of the effect the game had on you, the warm, fuzzy effect of the drinks settling over your body. So much so that you nearly tripped on your own feet. "Oops!" you giggled, feeling the edges of your cheeks flush with embarrassment. 
“I think it’s time to get you home” Frankie smiled sweetly at your clumsiness before realizing the implication of his own words, “I uh, I mean, not like that. I just–”.
You placed a finger on his lips “Shhh..” quickly stealing a glance of his eyes and back to your finger, your voice soft but insistent “Jussst take me home”, Frankie’s gaze made you nervous “....there’s no way I can drive like this” 
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The bar pulsed with excitement, even though it was well past midnight. Frankie's touch was like a gentle yet firm anchor as he guided you through the sea of people, his presence stirring a whirlwind of emotions within you. You'd often fantasized about what it would be like to spend a night out with him, but never did you think of a moment like this. Frankie opened the car door for you, his eyes filled with a subtle tenderness as he helped you settle into the passenger seat. His caring nature was warm and reassuring. As you glanced around the interior of his car, you couldn't help but notice how spotless it was. Of course, you thought. He did have a military background afterall.
The engine roared to life, the sound blending seamlessly with the melody of Gerry Rafferty's "Right Down the Line" playing softly in the foreground. It was a song you knew well, its familiar notes adding to the magic of the moment. Frankie loved night drives, particularly on nights like tonight when the air carried a hint of coolness. He couldn't help but steal glances at you, as the wind played with your hair, brushing it across your cheeks. He watched with a smile as you sang along to every word of the song without a care in the world. It was as though each lyric held a piece of your soul, released into the air with each heartfelt note. In that moment, under the starlit sky, Frankie found himself captivated by the raw beauty of your uninhibited joy, feeling a warmth spread through him at the sight of your carefree spirit. It was a moment he wished he could freeze in time, etching it into his memory as a reminder of the magic that existed in the simplest of moments spent with you.
Your hand reached for his, reminding him that this, whatever this was, was actually happening. There was this air of trust between you.
"Still feeling okay?" Frankie asked, his voice soft as he glanced at you, his eyes reflecting the dim glow of the streetlights nearby as the car came to a stop.
You nodded, offering him a reassuring smile. “I'm okay. Thank you for driving me home"
Frankie squeezed your hand gently. "Anytime. I want to make sure you’re safe, Hermosa."
A soft blush tinted your cheeks at his words, and you looked out the window, trying to hide your smile. 
Frankie stepped out of the car, and opened the door for you. He offered his hand, assisting you up the stairs that led to your front door. The yellow glow of the overhead bulb cast a warm hue over his features, accentuating the sharp lines of his jaw and the curls in his hair.
As you climbed the steps, lost in thought of his features, you stumbled, your foot catching on the edge. With a surprised yelp, you began to fall forward, but Frankie was quick to react, reaching out to steady you, once again.
"Whoa there clumsy," he chuckled, a smile playing on his lips. "wouldn't want you taking a tumble."
You both couldn't help but laugh at your own tipsy clumsiness, the tension of the moment dissolving into shared amusement. "Thanks," you said, flashing him a grateful smile. "Guess drinks and stairs don’t mix."
Frankie grinned, his eyes sparkling with humor. "No problem, but you know, I've never seen anyone trip going up stairs before. You've got talent!” He chuckled
Your laughter only grew louder at his quip, and after a moment of catching your breath, his eyes met yours and you decided to take a chance. 
You paused, liquid courage spurring you on. "Can I tell you somethin?" you asked, your voice tentative.
"Of course, Hermosa," Frankie replied, his expression curious.
You took a deep breath, gathering your thoughts before confessing, "I really should have kissed you that first night we met."
For a moment, there was silence between you, the weight of your words hanging in the air. Then, Frankie's smile widened, a warmth filling his gaze as he reached out to gently cup your cheek.
"Then why don't you?" he murmured softly, his thumb brushing against your cheek.
Your heart skipped a beat as Frankie's words hung in the air, sending a thrill coursing through your veins. His touch was electrifying, his thumb tracing gentle circles on your cheek, sending shivers down your spine.
You could feel the heat of his breath against your skin, his lips tantalizingly close to yours, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still as you drowned in the intensity of his gaze.
"Maybe… I will," your voice barely above a whisper, hardly audible over the pounding of your heart.
Frankie's smile widened, a playful glint dancing in his eyes. "I dare you."
With a surge of boldness, you closed the remaining distance between you, your lips meeting his in a sweet, exhilarating kiss. It was everything you had imagined and more, a perfect fusion of passion and tenderness that left you breathless and craving more.
As you pulled away, a grin spread across Frankie's face, his eyes sparkling with joy and affection."Looks like dreams really do come true," he murmured, his voice filled with desire.
Your heart raced as he leaned in for another kiss, his lips crashing into yours. This time with an intensity that sent sparks flying, fueled by hunger and desire.
You melted into him, tangling your fingers in his curls as his kiss deepened, each touch sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body. Frankie's hands reached for your thighs, wrapping you around him, as he carried you up the stairs and into your apartment with ease.
“Bedroom” you managed to breath out in between kisses “Mmm…to the…left”
You collapsed onto the cool sheets of your duvet when Frankie paused “Wait..” his chest rising and falling as he leveled his breath, his tone suddenly serious “let's…let’s slow down a bit”
“Yeah” you responded, a confused look flickered across your face, “Okay, you’re right. We probably should”.
"I like you, a lot," Frankie admitted, his gaze softening as he looked into your eyes. "But I want to do this the right way and–“ He stopped mid thought glancing over at your open bathroom door  “I also couldn’t help but notice that annoying leaky faucet!” 
A laugh bubbled up from your chest, you breathed in still catching your breath “I’ve been bugging the landlord about that for months!”
Frankie grinned, his eyes lighting up. "That's an easy fix! I can come by sometime and help you out with that."
A warmth spread through your chest at his offer, and you couldn't help but smile. "Oh really?” Your voice offering a tone of mischief ,”I'd like that," you replied, feeling a sense of anticipation building between you “I’d like that a lot actually”
Without hesitation Frankie leaned in and planted a quick tender kiss on your forehead before settling beside you. The warmth of his presence beside you filled you with a sense of comfort and contentment, and you couldn't help but snuggle closer, savoring the closeness between you as a comfortable silence enveloped you both. But soon, conversation resumed, flowing effortlessly between you as you discussed your favorite movies, swapping recommendations and sharing anecdotes about awkward date experiences.
Frankie's laughter filled the room as he recounted a particularly embarrassing moment from his past, and you couldn't help but join in, sharing your own humorous stories in return. The more you talked, the more you realized just how much you had in common, and each revelation brought you closer together.
At one point, Frankie leaned in close, his voice low with mock solemnity. "Well, now that we've shared all our embarrassing stories and secrets, what are we going to talk about on our first date?"
A blush crept up your cheeks at his teasing remark, but you couldn't help but laugh. "Guess we'll just have to come up with some new material," you replied playfully.
As the conversation lulled, Frankie glanced at the clock and sighed. "I should probably head home," he said reluctantly.
But before he could move, you reached out and gently grasped his hand, your voice barely above a whisper. "Please stay," you pleaded quietly, "For me."
For a moment, Frankie's expression softened, his gaze meeting yours with a mixture of surprise and tenderness. And without another word, he nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he settled back into bed beside you. 
But before sleep claimed you, Frankie's quiet voice broke the silence. "You know, you're half right about that first night we met."
"What do you mean?" you responded, now propping yourself up to look at him.
"I should've kissed you," he admitted, a hint of regret in his tone. "I should've made you put your number in my phone or something." He chuckled softly, his fingers gently playing with strands of your hair.
Your heart skipped a beat at his confession, "Well, lucky for you, it's not too late," you replied, reaching for his phone on the nightstand, a smile tugging at your lips.
And as you melted into each other's embrace, the world outside faded away, leaving only the two of you wrapped up in the quiet stillness of the night. With the gentle patter of rain as your lullaby, you drifted off to sleep. 
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Chapter 3 / Chapter 5
@aquanatalie @spookyjamie333 @casa-boiardi @gaypoetsblog @jitterbugs927 @leed-bbg @kittenlittle24 @your-voice-is-mellifluous @jedi-in-crocs @bitchwitch1981 @pastelnap @pimosworld @76bookworm76 @littlemisspascal @southernbe @missladym1981 @anoverwhelmingdin @inept-the-magnificent @harriedandharassed @brilliantopposite187 @partyofone3413 @bunniboo0015
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celestialvoyeur · 5 months
I recently read a fic called ‘Will you be my fake boyfriend’ by yaoichan12. It was a lot of fun and really nicely written and there’s a scene in it where both Spock and Jim take part in a music competition, with Spock playing his lyre and Jim opting for a guitar. In the fic they play separately but I decided to let them jam together, so here they are 🥰💙💛
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littlelioncub43 · 1 year
Ugh, YES. I wanna grab Eddie by the collar, drag him to his van, push him in, and suck the life out of him in the nearest parking lot.
Hehehe yes you get it 😈
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He just looked to good. Way too good.
There was no way you couldn't think about anything other than sucking Eddie off. He had finished up a deal and left you to wander around the strip mall until he was finished (he hated bringing you with him to deals, too dangerous). You thought he looked especially hot today, somehow his jeans just hugged his thighs a little tighter than normal. Then he was talking about how excited he was for your movie date coming up, and asked if you wanted him to buy you anything from the thrift store you were currently in. You can only take so much before you snap.
So you smile softly and simply grab the collar of his leather jacket and tug him behind you.
"Come here," is all you say as you pull him to the van parked in the far corner of the parking lot. Eddie follows, confused but still following. The next thing he knows, he's shoved in the backseat with his pants and boxers around his knees while you're practically fucking your face on him. He had to bite down on the hem of his t-shirt to keep from screaming.
It was fun.
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harry-styles-obsessed · 9 months
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Wouldn’t miss it for the world
Just a cute lil something! Daddy! Harry again. Enjoy my loves!!
©️ please do not copy or translate my work.
“Is daddy not coming?” Your eyes moved down to look at Alex your son, Timmy stood beside Alex both looking at you expectantly “he’s on your sweethearts… he would be here if he could… you know that.” You spoke softly squeezing Alex’s cheek lovingly. Both boys 8 and 7 had a football match and this was the first match Harry couldn’t attend… he was of course massively disappointed but it was hitting the boys hard. They wanted to see Harry being proud of them and whistling and just supporting them. “I’ll record it so he can watch it okay?” The boys nodded and you smiled “there’s my boys.. now go out there and smash it!” You smiled giving their cheeks a kiss watching as they ran towards where their coach was stood, their T-shirts grubby with grass and mud ‘STYLES’ written on the backs of their shirts which honestly just melted your heart.
The football match started, and immediately it was successful, your boys doing you proud- scoring two goals instantly. What they didn’t know was that you and Harry had planned a surprise for them. Harry had lied by saying he had a tour date that evening, when he didn’t… it was one of the days he was actually free and he wouldn’t miss his boys football match for the world. You smiled watching Timmy score again making you jump up and down as you clapped your hands, Timmy instead of running with his teammates instead ran straight towards you, jumping into your arms a soft laugh coming from you as you gripped onto him tightly “well done buddy. You’re doing amazing,” you kissed the top of his head “thanks mum! I love you!!” He then ran straight back onto the field immediately beginning to play again, both boys doing you proud as usual and as the boys continued playing you soon felt two hands cup around your hips, arms wrapping around your stomach “boo” Harry spoke into your ear making you smile and you looked at him “hi honey” you turned around in his arms kissing his lips gently before wrapping your arms around him fingers gently rubbing against the nape of his neck,
“The boys missed you dearly… they’re gonna be so happy when they see you.” You spoke with a soft laugh, Harry stroking his thumbs against your hips gently “well I missed them. And missed you.” He then slowly pulled away, keeping his arm around you his eyes remaining on the boys who were the main team players. They were both amazing. You both stood wrapped in each others arms, watching as your boys did you proud.
An hour and a half passed, lots of goals and lots of emotions and as the boys scored again the coach blew his whistle pointing in the direction of your sons’ goal- they had won the match. You grinned clapping your hands, Harry joining you before he placed two fingers either side of his lips as he whistled loudly that whistle travelling far both boys hearing it Timmy and Alex snapping their heads in the direction of the whistle before their eyes lit up, tears glossing over their eyes “daddy!!” Alex was first to move sprinting over to Harry before colliding into the man’s embrace, Timmy walking over hand covering his mouth as tears streamed down his cheeks. He was a daddy’s boy, certainly, he missed Harry so much that it was often incredibly difficult for him to sleep at night without being tucked in by harry. Alex gripped onto Harry, arms locked around his neck before Harry focused on Timmy holding one arm out for the boy but the poor boy was starstruck
“I thought you weren’t coming” he cried out softly Harry’s heart breaking, Harry slowly letting go of Alex pressing a kiss to his head before standing up and walking to Timmy “heyy..” he soothed crouching down before he pulled him close, wrapping his arms around him tightly “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, mate..” Harry muttered softly Timmy gripping onto the man nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck “I missed you…” “I missed you too,” Alex soon stood in front of Harry, Harry smiling softly extending one arm out towards him, him happily rushing into his arms as Harry held his boys…. His beautiful little family. You snapped a quick picture a happy smile on your face. Your boys had done you proud… but also done you proud for always being their honest self. Not afraid to show their emotion. Harry then slowly stood up with both boys in his arms, squishing them together as they burst into fits of laughter their cheeks wet with tears which you were quick to wipe away pressing a kiss to each of their cheeks before kissing Harry’s his eyes falling onto you as he smiled lovingly
“You really think I would let my beautiful family down hm? No way.” He spoke before placing them down onto the floor again the boys practically remaining latched to harry as if making sure he wouldn’t disappear again. “How about we go have a movie day at home yeah? Have a takeaway tonight?” He asked the boys immediately cheering as they ran off towards the car, Harry chuckling before wrapping an arm around you his lips locking around yours gently before he pulled away looking into your eyes “I’m so glad I’m back home… for good now..” he spoke making you furrow your brows “for good? What about tour?” “It finished last night.” He spoke your eyes lighting up a happy laugh leaving your lips… you now had indefinite quality time with your husband and your boys… your beautiful little family.
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slytherheign · 21 days
AFTERGLOW | charles leclerc
PAIRING: charles leclerc x fem!reader
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SUMMARY: the dark nights may have already passed but the biggest storm is just beginning. the daylight is becoming harder to be seen, and now you see yourself questioning if love will be enough to conquer all—even the afterglow.
WARNINGS: angst, hate, doubts, cursing/swearing, and arguments. let me know if i missed any warnings. [⚠︎︎RATING: G]
AUTHOR’S NOTE: inspired by taylor swift’s song with the same title. I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S FINALLY HERE! this is way overdue and i apologize. i owe you guys a lot of fics for being absent for way too long. this is dedicated to ALL of you! thank you guys so much for the never-ending support.
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At first, it was just a few comments here and there, snide remarks about your differences—how Charles was way too good for you or how you didn't fit into society's expectations. You brushed them off, laughed them away, thinking that their words couldn't penetrate the walls you had built around the two of you.
But little did you know how wrong you were.
The online hate began to escalate, turning into a relentless storm that seemed to follow you wherever you went. Your private moments were invaded, dissected, and judged by people who had no right to pass such harsh judgment. Their words became a constant presence, infecting your mind, and sowing seeds of doubt and insecurity.
“So, she basically has nothing… and then she decides to date Charles, who obviously, has everything. I don’t know about y’all… but I feel like she’s just dating him because she knows he can provide for her.”
“She’s giving me golddigger vibes.”
“No cause fr what the hell did she do to get Charles to fall for her.”
Your eyes were glued to your phone while Charles was making dinner. No matter what application you seemed to open, you were all over social media. After Charles decided to launch your relationship to the public, both your names became trending ever since. 
“Chérie, do you know where the pasta is?” he asked. He was opening the cabinets in the kitchen quite loudly but all the noises were drowned out as you scrolled further down the comments.
“Imagine this… she leaves everything, including her family and friends, just to focus on herself. What makes us think she wouldn’t do the same to Charles?”
“Selfish. That’s one word I would describe her.”
Your hands began to shake and you felt the tears pooling in your eyes. 
“Nevermind. Chérie, I found it!” he cheered.
This time, you heard his voice. Yet again noticing how accomplishing little things seemed to cheer him up. God, he was such a light. His soul was so pure and innocent.
“Charles needs to leave her while it’s still early omg.”
“Give her a few months and we’ll see just how much she’d damage him.”
Now that you were thinking about it, it seemed that everyone you come across with ends up in ruins. It was always dreams before relationships for you, life before love, and self before others.
Maybe they were right. You were selfish.
“Either she leaves him or Charles leaves her first. I hope it’s the second one.”
“He needs to escape. She’ll hurt him more the longer he’s with her.”
The more you read their words, the more they were becoming true in your head.
“Charles does not deserve someone like her. I said what I said.”
You glanced at him, his back facing you as he cooked dinner. He was humming a song, a soft song he would always play on his piano for you. It was impossible to stop the tears that started falling. 
You were scared. 
Scared that what they said was true and that the longer you were in his life, the more you’d damage him.
You were scared for him.
And scared of you.
“Pls even her best friend, Charlotte, is better than her.”
“If I was him, I’d leave right this instant.”
You didn’t want to damage him. You didn’t want to taint someone so pure.
What you wanted to do was protect him. Protect him from harm, protect him from any damages, protect him from getting hurt…
“We need to protect Charles from her.”
But what if they were right? 
They were his fans for a reason. They care for him.
Surely, they know what’s best for him…
“When is girlie going to realize that she’s the problem.”
They were right.
You were the problem. 
You were the harm, the person who does the damage, the person who would hurt him.
“I hope they break up. It’s what’s best for Charles.”
Charles took the phone in your hand and threw it on the wall. You stared at him in shock. How long was he behind you? You didn’t even hear his footsteps. Did he see the comments you were reading?
“What the hell are you reading, mon amour?” he asked angrily. But when he noticed you crying, he softened his voice. “I was calling your name, asking you to taste the sauce. You weren’t answering so I decided to come here.”
You stared at your broken phone on the floor. He followed your line of sight.
“I can replace it. Don’t worry about it.”
He put his hand on your cheek, moving your face so you were facing him. 
“I-I don’t know what the other comments said, I only read about the last few ones,” he wiped your tears. “And I can assure you, I won’t break up with you. I’ll never do that.”
“Maybe you should,” you replied.
“Mon amour, I understand what you’re feeling right now. You’re not used to online hate and strangers on the internet criticizing you, but I am. And the best thing we can do is ignore them. They have no idea what happens behind closed doors and cameras. They know nothing.”
“Charles, they’re your fans. They were there for you even before I came into your life.”
“That doesn’t mean they know everything about me.”
“I don’t know, Charles…” you turned your face away from him, his hands dropping from your face in the process. You slightly distanced yourself from him.
Their words were poison and they went straight to your head. It was painful to admit, but you started questioning the strength of your relationship. How could you build a future amidst the chaos and resentment? You tried not to pay them attention, to convince yourself that love could conquer all, but the weight of the hate grew heavier with each passing day.
“Do I really mean that little to you?” Charles asked suddenly.
You blew things out of proportion, and now he was blue.
You looked back at him but you kept your distance.
“Why would you think that?” 
“Because you’re just throwing everything away like the last two years didn’t exist.” 
“Charles, no–that’s not—” you walked closer to him but he was the one who distanced himself this time.
“I’ve fought for this relationship, for you—time and time again. And you can’t do the same?”
You were speechless.
You put him in jail for something he didn't do.
“I told you countless times, I can protect you—I will protect you. Don’t you trust me enough?” he continued.
You pinned his hands behind his back.
“Charles, it’s not about you protecting me… because I know you will. It’s about—”
“It’s about what?” he stared at you, his eyes glistening with tears he was trying hard to keep from falling.
Thought you had reason to attack, but no.
You looked at him with tears, lips quivering as you prepared to say the words.
“It’s about what, Y/N?” Charles held your face with his hands, wiping the tears from your cheeks. “It’s about what?” his voice was shaking. “Tell me, chérie… please?”
Fighting with a true love was like boxing with no gloves. 
“It’s about me protecting you, Charles,” you whimpered. “Maybe the things that they’re saying are true—maybe you need to run away from me before I leave you. Maybe I-I’m not truly what you need…”
You covered his hands with yours. “Charles… maybe we should just—”
Chemistry 'til it blew up, 'til there's no you and him anymore.
“No,” he answered.
“Charles, I think—”
“I know what you’re thinking. And no—that’s my final answer.”
He let go of you and started to pace the room.
“We’ve made it this far… and you’re just going to give up now?” he stared at you, looking at your eyes for some sort of indication that everything was just a joke. All of his defenses broke and he didn’t even care if his tears started to fall.
Why'd you have to break what you loved so much?
“I hurt everyone I get close to. Charles, I’m just trying to protect you. Please–” 
“I don’t need your fucking protection! You! I need you!” he screamed in frustration.
And then he did something you didn’t expect.
He kneeled in front of you, holding your hands as he begged you not to leave him.
“Mon amour, just fight for us. Please, that’s only what I ask.”
“Oh, Charles… I really don’t deserve you.”
“Please, just stay with me… I’ll do anything you want. Just don’t leave me, mon amour, just s-stay, please.”
“Charles, p-please don’t cry, I-I can’t see you cry—stand up, please,” you cried.
It was on his face, the clear image of pain, and you were the one to blame. At that moment, you thought of every possible way this argument would end. You were already hurting him right now, what more would you do if you stayed? How much pain would you cause?
Charles stood up and cupped your cheeks with his hands. “Do you think it doesn’t hurt me?” he paused, turning your face so that your eyes were looking at his. “When they say all that shit about you? When they drag your name through the mud? When they feast over you on the internet? Do you think it doesn’t hurt me?” 
You didn’t know what to say.
“It hurts me too,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against yours as he closed his eyes. “But I can’t control what they say. If I could, I would’ve done it way too long ago.”
“This is the way the world works, Y/N. You have to realize that people say what they want to say and people do what they want to do. Everything is done with a choice.” 
He finally opened his eyes, pulling away from you and wiping his tears. He stayed standing in front of you, but he now maintained a distance.
You couldn’t deny the pang of pain you felt when he called you by your name instead of the pet names he loved to call you.
“I can’t fight for a relationship when the other one’s already giving up,” he said. 
“You deserve someone way better than me,” you cried. “Look what I’m doing, I’m already hurting you right now. I would just hurt you even more in the future.”
Instead of him getting sad, his face showed a different emotion. It was blank, it was as if the emotions that blew up moments ago exhausted him.
“If you decide to stay or not, just know that I love you.”
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You fucking hated yourself.
What the fuck did you just do?
Why didn’t you stay that night and why did you have to break what you loved so much?
You tried living without his presence for a week and it was horrible. You convinced yourself that you would eventually get used to a life without the warmth of his body next to yours or the sweet messages he would send every day. It was getting hard to reassure yourself that this was the way it was meant to be—you, away from him—when the only name your heart was calling was his.
You were miserable. You were breathing but you felt like you were already dead because your life had been taken away from you.
And you only have yourself to blame.
The truth was, you were weak. Each time you experience a block in the road, you immediately turn away. And you were ashamed of yourself for that. You were scared of losing Charles so you pushed him away. You left him before he could realize he needed to leave you.
You were regretting every single thing you did.
You regretted how you lived like an island, how you punished him with silence, how you went off like sirens, but above all, you regretted how you walked away.
Now you found yourself in front of his home, shaking as you slowly raised your hand to knock on the door. You hoped he was inside.
You knocked on the door hoping it was not too late. The door opened slowly after a few minutes, and after a week of no interaction, you finally saw him.
He was in the same state as you, maybe even worse. It was evident on his face that he spent most of his time crying. His eyes which were full of life before became lifeless, and he gave you the most lethargic look.
You wanted to hurt yourself because you knew you did that to him.
“Can I come inside, please?” you pleaded.
He stepped aside from the door and walked straight to the couch, not even sparing you a single glance. You followed him, sitting beside him as silence consumed the two of you.
“Hey,” you couldn’t help but cry as you looked at him. He had his head in his hands and you knew he was stopping himself from crying. “I’m sorry,” you said. “You don’t have to talk, I just want you to listen.”
When he didn’t move, you took that as a sign to continue. Honestly, you didn’t know where to start but you just let your heart guide you on what words you needed him to hear. 
“It’s all me, Charles. I’m sorry,” you stated. “It’s all me, in my head—I burned us down. I know I said a lot of stupid things but it’s not what I meant. And I—” you wiped a tear from your cheek. “I’m sorry that I hurt you.” 
He stayed still, hands still covering his face. You wanted him to look at you, but you knew you were in no position to tell him what to do when you were the reason he was this way. And so, you just continued to speak, hoping that deep inside his heart, he would find it in himself to forgive you.
“At that moment, I felt like the walls were closing in on me and the world was spinning out of control. I let my emotions take over and lashed out in ways that were unreasonable and unfair. I see now that I projected my own fears onto you, and I regret it. I regret everything I said that day. I let my assumptions take control and I assumed the worst without giving you the benefit of the doubt. I realize now that I sabotaged something beautiful, something we had worked so hard to build together.
“I didn’t want to do this to you. I want you to know that I take full responsibility for my overreaction. I'm aware of the impact it had on you, and I understand that you are hurt and feeling distant. But please, Charles, give me a chance to make it right. Give me a chance to show you that I’m capable of growth and that I’m learning from my mistakes.
“I can't promise that I won't make mistakes in the future, but I can assure you that I will do everything in my power to communicate openly and honestly and I will seek to understand your perspective before jumping to conclusions.
“I don’t want to lose you, Charles. I know trust takes time to rebuild, and I’m willing to put in the effort. You’re right, you’re always right— our love is worth fighting for. Please forgive me for being too weak, for walking away instead of staying. I misplaced my hurt and anger and I hurt you. I love you, Charles, please, at least look at me?” you pleaded.
And he did. He finally looked up. His eyes were red from crying as he held your hands in his. “That’s all I ever wanted to hear from you. For you to say that you’re willing to fight for us. I needed you to realize that for us to work, we have to meet each other halfway.”
“I know, and again, I’m sorry,” you apologized.
“Thank you,” he cried, cupping your cheek with his hand.
“For what?” you asked him.
“For coming back.”
You smiled at each other, leaning in for a kiss when you both got distracted by the light that suddenly shined through his large window.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue across the sky, you both stood side by side at the window. The afterglow of the sun painted the room in warm tones, filling the space with a sense of something you haven’t felt for a long time… peace.
You leaned your head against his shoulder, your hand intertwined with his. You watched in awe as the last rays of sunlight danced across the clouds, creating breathtaking shades of colors. For a moment, you swore the sky was pink.
"It's like nature's painting," you whispered, voice filled with wonder.
Charles nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the ever-changing canvas before the two of you. "Yeah, it's beautiful," he replied softly.
The two of you simply stood there, lost in the beauty of the moment. Time seemed to stand still as you basked in the quiet serenity of the evening. As the sky darkened and the stars began to twinkle overhead, you both reluctantly tore your gazes away from the window. But the memory of the afterglow of the sun lingered in your hearts, a reminder of the beauty that surrounded you each day.
For the longest time, you let hate consume you. It was like this dark cloud hanging over your head. You were so focused on what they all had to say that you forgot to appreciate what was right in front of you.
But then, something shifted. Maybe it was a moment of clarity or a whisper of wisdom from somewhere deep within. Or maybe it was him, Charles, that made you realize that conforming to hate wasn't getting you anywhere. It wasn’t making you happy, it wasn't bringing you peace. All it was doing was tearing you apart, piece by piece.
And in that moment of realization, everything changed. You finally made a choice—a choice to let go of the hate and embrace love instead. You knew it wasn't going to be easy, and it wasn’t something that happens overnight, but you were determined to commit.
You were beginning to see the beauty in the world around you. The fact that it could be the laughter of real friends, the warmth of the sun on your skin, or the gentle touch of a loved one's hand—you realized that true love was everywhere, if only you were willing to open your eyes and see it.
So now, you were choosing love by choosing him. You chose to appreciate the little moments of joy, the simple pleasures of life. You chose to let go of anger and resentment, and instead, filled your heart with kindness and compassion.
You would soon forgive your family.
Because in the end, love is all that really mattered. It was what connected us, what bound us together as human beings. And when we embrace it, when we let it guide us, we would find out that life is so much sweeter, and so much more meaningful.
So here's to love—in all its forms, in all its beauty.
And here’s to Charles, your lover.
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SLYTHERHEIGN TAGLIST: @writingstoraes @joshiiieeenesx @c-losur3
FORMULA ONE TAGLIST: @dreamingofautopia @lpab @matildrry @fangirl125reader @tall-tanned-tattoo @aundercover @stevesworld96 @princessria127
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