#please just imagine him as this like teenager with a crush on the mean guy i love him
gentil-minou · 9 months
Excerpt of chapter 3 my fic for WIP Wednesday!
“Oh,” Wei Wuxian starts, the fry he swallows feeling like lead. “Uh, just um, me, Jiang Cheng, and then A-Yuan and Lan Zhan—” Mianmian and Mo Xuanyu let out synchronized, surprised gasps, gawking at Wei Wuxian. He fidgets with a plastic straw under their unwanted attention, already regretting bringing this up. “Lan Zhan? Do you mean Lan Wangji? You met Lan Wangji?” Mianmian asks incredulously. “And he let you call him Lan Zhan???” Mo Xuanyu pipes up, practically vibrating out of his chair as he leans toward Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian coughs, clearing his throat and leaning away as if he could lean far enough to escape this. “Yeah,” he says, wishing they were talking about literally anything else. He’s not even sure if he can bring up the whole “his-child-ran-away-to-find-me-and-thinks-I'm-his-dad-but-I'm-not-so-I-had-to-bring-him-back” thing. Are there rules for this? “I, uh, was visiting. We had breakfast this morning and chatted. It just came up, I guess.” It takes every ounce of energy left in him to not think about anything else involving their little “chat” this morning and he hurriedly stuffs another fry in his mouth. Unfortunately, his companions are even more interested now. “You chatted? Over breakfast??” Mianmian prods, looking at Wei Wuxian as if he’s primetime entertainment. Mo Xuanyu has forgotten completely about personal space as he kneels up on his stool to get a better view of Wei Wuxian trying to burrow into himself. “What was it like? What did you eat? What was he wearing? The soft blue sweater? Or that shirt with the ribbon? Did you spend the night? Did he invite you over? Can you bring me next time? How sexy was his morning voice?” Wei Wuxian chokes on his fry and coughs violently, reaching for a glass of water and time to think of something to say that doesn’t involve thinking about any of…all of that.
Read the fic here!
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Guys I suffer from jojo brainrot, I know its not my usual writing , but I need to get this out of my system. NO SPOILERS they/them pronouns, sfw, Request open
Also for obvious (and legal) reasons in josuke and okayasu ones reader is like 16.
Also I didnt finish jojo part4 yet so some stuff might be eee not accurate?
More jjba dating headcanons!!
Including Kars, Santana, young Joseph, Jonathan, Josuke, Speedwagon, Okuyasu
Homie will litteraly pet them. My guy has god complex, thinks that humans are so so smol and so so tiny
Picks them up like some lil baby and probably carries them around everywhere
S/o mostly just vibes in his huge mansion while Kars plots some evil emo stuff (again)
Quick reminder that this guy was doing ah mimimimi ah mimimimimi😴 for last few centuries so s/o has to explain him a lot of stuff
Imagine him getting jumpscared bcs your phone made a noise, or him just walking up to light switch and turing lights on and off repeatedly. Mans fascinated
Also guy is a walking muscle so no matter how big or smol s/o is they going to be picked up and carried around, probably he uses only one hand too btw
Pls brush his hair he will litteraly melt
"Human why you carry tiny talking square everywhere? Is it magical?"
My guy will take their phone and 'accidently' take 50selfies, but not in sexy way, but in 'his face is zoomed to camera and you see only his eyes and forehead' way
His love language is quality time, understanding and gifts
Hates germans btw
Will give them random stuff, like he will litteraly bring them a microwave and be like "human explain meaning of this". But also gives them shiny rocks, jewellery, hair accessories. If s/o wants a new car, my man gonna litteraly pick up first car he sees and bring it to them
I am convinced he eats food with his bare hands. S/o has to give him tutoral how to use knife and fork, he won't like it >:(
Young Joseph
Homeboy hands are everywhere, if my guy doesn't hold their hand, he is putting his hands on s/o shoulders or waist or just kisses them
Doing make-up together. And nails. And hair. All of this while shittalking his enemies and talking about all the drama.
Tequila Joseph first dragqueen in history btw
Never go on plane with him, no matter how romantinc he promises it will be. Do not
Also makes fun of Ceasar that Joseph was the first one to find a partner not him😍
S/o and Ceasar probably meet up sometimes to just complain about how dumb Joseph sometiems is😭
Will litteraly do anything to impress them frfr
Not boyfriend, but Husband material
My guy will be on walk with his homie speedwagon and litteraly act like teenager girl with crush. All blushy, shy and asking for advices
Gives them handfuls of flowers, but like Jonathan's sized handful (alot)
Loves walking with s/o and holding hands ofc
My boy will blush and die if s/o does first move
Pls s/o beat dio up he sucks
The best boy husband
Bros gonna be so protective, like fr my guy will be worried if s/o goes to shop and doesn't come back in more than 20minutes
He will blush if s/o tries to hold his hand
Mumbles a lot about hair routine and hair products, and probably likes to comb s/o hair
Okayasu probably cried when he found out that Josuke has a partner btw
The sweetest boy alive
Guy will accidentally spoil them. Also they are basicly immortal due to all crazy daimon stuff
If s/o sees stands... OMG PLS pls hug his lil man, his stand i mean. It looks very hugable
Playing video games when s/o and josuke lied to his mom that you came over to teach him some school stuff>>
This dude
This guy
Will litteraly beat anyone up, for no reason anyways. He just do be like that.
He is very dumb, please be patient
Isn't romantic, he tries to act cool and tough, but he is unintentionally cute! Like he will go to s/o house in middle of day, knock on door and he like "sup babygrill I bought you some ice cream"
If you guys play any kind of competitive game he might let them win! But he never tell them that of course
Also he is very physical, but not in romantic/sexy way but in 'dub me up homie/sup give me high five' hes very bromance. he also enjoys just leaning on them, like yall just stand waiting for bus and this dude will put like half his body weight on them
Once he had a nightmare and called them at 3am
Btw sorry that characters are all over place and not organised, I am sleeby
My guy will shank anyone for you babe
Talks, a lot. So if s/o is a listener type, they will get along well
Goes to Jonathan and asks for advices about relationships!
S/o steals his hat and he pretends that he's offended, but pls dont stop you look cute!
My guy is very very...unorganised... total mess of a men if it comes to life. I dont even know if he has a house btw
Cuddles on couch when he's sure that noone is around>>>
Will read them to bed if that helps s/o fall asleep
He has poor eyesight but he doesnt wear glasses. Bonk him pls
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simpforfandoms · 11 months
If possible, would you be willing to write Remy LeBeau x reader on their first date. Please and thank you
I tried really hard to write a first date but I just can’t so this is as close as it gets
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You don’t know how you got here, one second you’re chaperoning a prom and the next Remy is asking if you want to get out of there. And maybe it was the spiked punch (did they really think you wouldn’t notice?) or the fact that you had the slightest bit of a crush (god you sound like a highschooler) on the red eyed mutant that made you say yes. So that’s how you end you’re taking a stroll with Remy throughout the courtyard looking for any teenage mutants doing scandalous things and talking about pointless things
“In France is french kissing just kissing? Or french fires just fries?” You ask
Remy gives you a look, “I’m not French”
“But you know French?”
“Yes but I’m Cajun not French”
“Okay but you can still answer the question.”
“probably just called fries.”
“I thought so.” You shrug, you pause before adding, “not that you have to answer but, what happened between you and Rogue.”
You have been curious. You had heard rumors that they had gotten a divorce so in your eyes his response could be “I don’t know what your talking about” or just confirm that they had divorced. Nevertheless you convince yourself that they’re still together, as not to get you’re hopes up.
He shrugs, “we wanted different things”
You stay silent even though you know you should probably comfort him. Thoughts running through your head a hundred miles per hour. Wait so if him and rogue weren’t together does that mean that this wasn’t just a friendly stroll, could it be like a date? No. Remy could never see you romantically. You hardly know the guy besides secret glances and friendly conversations. Plus Anna Marie is so cool. After being with her he would never go for you. He’s an x-men, you’re just a teacher that teaches at the academy. Nothing special. Not like you save lives or anything. Unless you count evacuating the school as it blows up for the hundredth time.
He eventually notices your long standing silence and asks you a question, one that you didn’t hear but mumbled a ‘yes’ in response.
“do you wanna go somewhere to eat?” He asks
That brings you out of your daze, and you shoot him. A questionable look, “what? We still have to chaperone”
He rolls his eyes, “I never signed up to chaperone”
“What? Then what are you doing here?”
He lets out an oh so attractive chuckle, “isn’t it obvious darlin? I wanted to be with you.”
What. Why would Remy Lebeu of all people want to be with you. As previously discussed, he was an x men and you were, well you.
“So you went to a boring school dance just to be with me?” You almost laugh at the absurdity.
“it’s almost summer, you’ll leave soon and I won’t see you”
“And that’s a problem how”
“God do you play dumb.” He chuckles, “cause I’ll miss you.”
You? He’ll miss you?!?! You?!?!
As if he can sense your questions he answers, “I’ll miss over hearing your lectures every morning, and you always saying goodnight to everyone in the building including me, and how you remember my coffee order after I told you one time-“
“That’s because it’s just black.”
“My point is, I’ll miss you”
“I’ll be back in 3 months” you say
“To long to go without seeing you”
You laugh, “fine I can go for a burger”
“This is the best burger I’ve had in my whole life,” you state before taking another bite
“I’ve had better”
“Yeah sure.” You roll your eyes
You look at the time, “oh shit we have to get back before Charles realizes we’re gone.”
“I’ll handle it, don’t worry darlin.”
“You sure?”
After some delicious burgers Remy walks you back to your dorm or living quarters.
“Sooo…” you pause, “I had fun.”
“Me too.”
“goodnight Remy” You go to turn around but he grabs your arm before you can. And gives you a goodnight kiss. Was it everything you imagined? Maybe.
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silencesscreams · 5 months
Peter parker x reader reunion after high-school imagine!
remember me?
peter parker x f!reader (fluff)
warnings: drinking, fluffy fluff, use of y/n, kissing, she/her pronouns referring to reader, implied hook up at the end, kind of short, reader has hair long enough for it to be tucked back behind her year (but if you don’t ignore it, it’s not really important)
a/n: okay so i don’t know if this was exactly what you wanted but i hope you like it!! keep in mind english isn’t my first language, sorry about any grammar mistakes! also, i didn’t know what version of Peter Parker you wanted, so i used Ned to fill in a part of the story, but if that’s not the one you wanted please ignore that (sorry sorry)
You hated the concept of high-school reunions, you thought they were invented for the jocks that were never really able to move on from their popularity.
But still, ten years after your high-school graduation, you were waiting for some courage to overcome you and help you enter the restaurant that was owned by a rich guy you used to study with and see all the people that had seen you over your teenage years. This wasn’t going to be a fun night.
“Y/n?” You heard a male voice call out, distant but getting closer. You turn around and face yourself with Peter Parker and there was absolutely no way he had gotten even prettier. Ever since your sophomore year you had a huge crush on him, you both had most of your classes together, and you always talked to each other.
“Peter!” You smile, and he gives you a hug, holding you by the waist. He still had the same smell, in ten years he didn’t switchcolognes.
“How have you been?” He questions after pulling away.
“Great actually, I got this job in an industry like six months ago and recently got promoted. How have you been?”
“Good, I mean, the usual stuff, work and all. Are you waiting on anyone?” He asks, looking around.
“No, I was just trying to not freak out about this. Doesn’t it make you feel old?”
“A bit, but I’ll handle it. You look great by the way.”
“Thanks, Parker. You too.” You can’t help but smile at his compliment. He opens the door for you and grins.
“Shall we?”
“Thank you.” You enter the restaurant and he follows you. Fidgeting on your purse’s strap, you try and find a table for you to sit, you could see a lot of the friend groups stayed the same. Your best friend has canceled on you the day before, she had gotten a flu or something, so Peter showing up was kind of a miracle for you.
“There’s my table. I asked a friend to save me a seat, but I’m pretty sure you can sit with us.” Peter said, pointing to the table with only one guy sitting in. You were pretty sure you recognized him but you didn’t remember his name. “But you don’t have to sit with me if you don’t want to. I just guessed since you said you were alone”
“I’d actually like to sit with you, if you don’t mind”
“No, of course I don’t.” He smiled timidly and walked you to the table.
“Hey Ned, remember y/n?” Peter asked and you quickly remembered. Ned, he always hung out with Peter. You felt bad for forgetting, but it had been 10 years.
“Hi Ned.” you shook his hand as he got up from his seat to reach yours. Peter pulled a chair for you right next to him, you politely thanked him and sat down, putting your purse on the chair to your left, as Peter sat to your right. “Thanks for letting me sit with you.”
“No problem.” Ned said, looking at Peter with a weird look on his face. It was like they were having a whole conversation in front of you without even speaking.
“I’m going to go get a drink, do you guys want something?” You asked, trying to do something nice. They both shook their heads in a no motion.
“Okay” you whispered and went to the bar.
“I can’t believe you got THIS lucky!” Ned whisper-shouted at Peter.
“I’m just doing her a favor, she was alone at the door, I just wanted to help her out.” He replied, running his hand through his hair, trying not to smile.
“Please, everyone knows how big of a crush you had on her during school. You spent four years drooling over her, and you called her almost every day for a year after we graduated! Don’t lie to me, Parker.”
“Okay, I did get lucky meeting her outside.” He said, playing with a napkin on the table. “Do you think I should try again?”
“I don’t know. I know she’s alone at that bar and you should buy her a drink.” Ned points to you, leaning on the marbled counter. “At least before someone else does.” He pointed to a guy who used to be in the basketball team walking towards you.
“I’ll be back” Peter stated, getting up and walking quickly towards you. He came up from behind and rested his hand on your waist, seeing the guy immediately stop walking and turning around.
“Hey” you greet him again, your heartbeat racing.
Peter waved to the bar attender who was distracted looking at something on her phone.
“What can I get you both?” She asked walking to you and Peter.
“A vodka-coke and…?” He looked at you, waiting for you to order.
“A martini, please.” You reply, watching him as he paid for your drink. “You don’t have to, really.”
“No, I want to.”
“Thank you, Peter.” The sound of his own name coming out of your mouth sent him to heaven but quickly brought him back. He looked at you, eyes squinting, he couldn’t read you. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t. Once your drinks arrived, Peter thanked the woman serving you both and led you back to the table with Ned. You had been laughing at a joke he made.
The night went on quickly, you and Peter had spent most of the night flirting, he had even tucked your hair behind your ear once.
Every time he made you laugh, you unconsciously would touch him, pushing his shoulder, a quick tap on his knee.
You didn’t really mind once his hand rested on your thigh. And you did not hate it once he started squeezing it while you laughed. You loved every second of it, but you just imagined it was friendly touch.
As the reunion came to an end and Ned had already left, you told Peter you were going home.
“Mind if I come with you? Just to make sure you get home safe.” He asked, giving your thigh a caring rub before he got up.
“Not at all.” You say as he helps you put your coat on.
“I’ll call a cab.” He states, giving you his hand to help you up, but not letting go as you do so. He takes you to the entrance, making small talk on the way there.
Once you got to the door you saw it was snowing. You couldn’t help but smile. He turned off his phone and told you the cab would be there soon. You recall telling Peter how much you loved snow when you both were younger.
“You want to go outside, don’t you?” Of course he remembered.
“I really do.” You say, chuckling as he pulled you by your hand, opening the door to get outside. It was cold but you loved every second of it.
“Remember that school trip in senior year?” You nodded, looking at him as he spoke.
“We sat together on the bus and you were so happy because it was snowing. I’d never seen someone so happy because of a natural phenomenon.” He laughed, turning to face you.
You looked at him, he was so pretty. He had snowflakes falling on his hair and a stupid smile.
“You know, that was probably when I realized how into you I was. I mean, I always knew, it just seemed surreal that my seventeen-year-old self could feel that much.”
“Peter.” You whispered, feeling your body heat up with how fast your blood was flowing.
“Y/n, my teenage self wouldn’t ever forgive me for not kissing you tonight. And my right now self probably won’t either.” He was so close you could feel him exhale, and finally he could read your expression. His right hand went behind your neck and pulled you in, leaning to kiss you.
It was a quick peck first, then you pulled him in again, open-mouthed. He had a citric taste in his mouth from a tequila shot he had before. You felt it strongly once his tongue entered your mouth. His hands were now on your hips pulling you as close to him as possible, yours were on his shoulder and behind his neck.
As soon as he heard a car, he pulled away, making you miss his mouth on yours.
“Thats our cab.” He pointed out, conducting you to the car.
“Right.” You say, laughing a bit.
For the whole ride he kept his hand interlaced with yours, you couldn’t hide your smile.
Once the car got to your place, you didn’t want him to go home.
“Do you want to come with me or…?” You ask, looking at him with hopeful eyes.
“A lot.” He answered, smiling like a little kid.
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bunthebreadboy · 3 months
so i’ve been on my atla bs once again, and while rewatching today i got the lovely thought that azula reminded me of a specific kpop idol and spiraled from there. so. here’s my personal list of kpop idols as atla characters!!
these are mostly based on vibes and/or visuals. by no means do i mean to make idols i think are similar to the show’s antagonists out to be bad people!!! i will give an explanation behind my thoughts as well.
also disclaimer, i know next to nothing about boy groups, so please spare me lol
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seungkwan (seventeen) as aang
- once again, i know nothing about boy groups
- i did however watch the devil’s plan (amazing show by the way, it’s on netflix) and the positive but still very determined vibe seungkwan brought to the show reminded me of aang
- also, this selfie of him reminds me of the one scene with aang in the flower crown
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jihyo (twice/soloist) as katara
- extremely hard workers who trained for years to get to where they are now
- have natural leadership abilities and are total mom friends
- would cuss someone out if they were very annoyed
- thanks to jeongyeon and her water bottles, jihyo is actually a pro waterbender already (jeongyeon is pakku but without the misogyny. the entire pakku/katara fight is just a compilation every single concert encore where jeong and jihyo bicker)
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chan (skz) as sokka
- this honestly just felt right
- every time i see a clip of chan on a live i end up laughing
- i have also heard from stays that skz would collapse without chan and i very much think the same of sokka since he’s the ideas guy
- also aussie sokka lmao
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hyunjin (loossemble) as toph
- competitive level 1000000 (please watch one episode of loossemble assemble and tell me i’m wrong)
- would do something out of spite but is also very protective of friends
- cannot be left alone without causing hazards
- theft (“stealing can be fun” -hyunjin)
- chaos reincarnate when younger, calmer (a bit) when older
- toph would also wear that shirt and pretend she didn’t know what it said even though sokka told her
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heejin (artms/soloist) as suki
- i mostly thought of this because heejin and hyunjin are former loona members and good friends. which would make the scene where suki saves toph from drowning even funnier imo
- but also have you SEEN this woman’s muscles??? i have full confidence that heejin could handle her own in a fight
- every sapphic i know who’s seen atla had a crush on suki growing up and every sapphic loona stan i’ve met (which is most loona stans) has had a crush on heejin
- heejin’s lore in loonaverse is basically being a god and i personally equate that to suki
- also, they’re dorks
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siyeon (dreamcatcher) as azula
- LITERALLY THE REASON I THOUGHT OF THIS POST (specifically vision era hello???) LOOK AT HER
- siyeon is at the scene of the crime like 90% of the time something chaotic happens in dreamcatcher so i can fully imagine her cosplaying azula and running around with sparklers or something
- she’s also very good at looking evil in mvs so i think she could play azula
- that scene in the deja vu music video right before the last chorus when fire shoots up from behind her? she’s literally a firebender
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seonghwa (ateez) as zuko
- i know absolutely NOTHING about ateez aside from a couple of their title tracks but this man looks so much like siyeon i couldn’t resist
- idk i just feel like they’d be good at being the fire disaster siblings
- he also looks like he’d eat up the “the scar is not on the wrong side” line for some reason???
- was probably an angsty teenager at some point
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miyeon (gidle) as ty lee
- nobody can out femme either of these two
- cute extroverts who could also be deadly (like imagine x-file miyeon during boiling rock)
- i feel like ty lee would LOVE doing dance challenges with anyone and everyone
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bibi (soloist) as mai
- i am fully aware that bibi isn’t an idol but i couldn’t resist
- she just gives the mai vibes honestly. you know that trope where the guard asks the character to hand over all of their weapons and just stands there and stares as said character pulls out knives from everywhere? that is both bibi and mai
- bibi is also the queen of every concept so i fully believe she could probably play the entire cast of atla in a chaotic one-woman show
anyways i hope you enjoyed my chaos rambling and i kind of want to do this with other shows so if you liked this please leave me recommendations!
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dufferpuffer · 24 days
I may get judged for this but
Sirius/Severus/Remus is my guilty pleasure, but only when Sirius and Remus are the ones pining hopelessly after Severus since their school days and being assholes about it because 1) they're teenagers from toxic households and/or traumatic upbringing in the 70s and can't handle their homosexual thoughts, 2) they're adults even more traumatized than before and, while they can handle their homosexual thoughts now, they're very much still assholes about it because it makes them feel better about it
And 3) Severus is oblivious to all of it because his brain can't conceive the mere possibility of those two feeling anything but disdain for him (+he also hates them and would rather jump off the astronomy tower than consider them in a romantic light)
That's the only dynamic in Sirius/Severus/Remus fics that I find acceptable. A bit messy, I know
(Bonus: This creates a tense shift in Sirius and Remus' friendship because, despite what their fans and numerous headcanons provide, I don't think they'll be willing to share their love interest. That would only happen if their rival in question was James)
Hello :^) long time since you asked, I suck If I had a nickle for every time someone said Sirius/Severus/Remus was some sort of 'guilty pleasure' I would have two nickles. Why is this guilty...? Sounds normal to me I talked a little about my thoughts on this ship Here - just one concept of how I think it would go. I'm just gonna ramble more B)
Big agree on Severus not being able to comprehend it. He would think they are trying to mess with him again. Bully him. Take the powerful, intimidating aura he has carefully constructed for himself and make him slip and fall on his face. "rather jump off the astronomy tower than consider them in a romantic light" lol
Remus' flirts are so vague. Some hopeful little comment paired with a nervous gaze from his big wet eyes... Severus is cautiously confused, the intent flying over his head. He snaps back an insulting quip. Remus sighs, frustrated that he can't get his feelings across.
Sirius is far more straight forward: the type to lean against a door-frame, using his height to his advantage, and say something that can't be mistaken for anything but a flirt. Severus treats it like a threat. Like he is about to be dangled upside down again, his pants ripped off. Sirius doesn't realize how smirking and saying 'That doesn't sound so bad~' isn't appealing.
I personally struggle to imagine situations where Remus and Sirius don't have friction, even just as friends. That's the part of their relationship that interests me most: How their friendship has eroded. I do think both being after the same person would erode it more.
Remus has a jealous streak. He thinks Tonks has a crush on Sirius...? He snaps. "UGH... he ALWAYS gets the girls..." Even though he doesn't have the balls to pursue her himself.
Knowing Sirius was after the same man... I mean, its Sirius. He can't win against Sirius in terms of charisma or beauty or... anything!!! I think Remus would curl up into a ball and 'give up'... while also crawling back to try again and again. Every time he does, it reeks of tentative desperation - wanting to appear friendly and meek to Severus, 'I know I scared you when we were kids but I'm not a threat! I will roll on my back for you, please please look at me.'
Sirius, knowing Remus is after the same man... Frustrating. "Look, Mate - let me have this! You had 12 years to make a move...!" Sirius is an emotionally wise and reasonable guy. I actually think as long as he feels secure he would be pretty good at handling jealousy. But he doesn't feel secure: He can't pin Severus down. He can't catch him. The greasy bastard is too slippery. Remus has all the freedom to go and chase him down outside of the house - Sirius has to wait for every time Severus comes to visit, like a goldfish waiting for his flakes.
Desperation of a different kind: He will proactively change tactics like Australian weather - one day soft and sappy, on his knees apologizing, making a show of it... The next day hot and bright, charming smiles, pinning against the wall. Bushfire to flood. He doesn't know what to do because he doesn't really understand Severus, not unless they sit down and have a man-to-man chat. But Sirius is too desperate. He is lonely. It hurts. He isn't very patient.
But... what happens when Severus works out that either of them, maybe both, are... actually sincere? They would have to bare their souls for him. Completely. Severus is a dominating man in general, at least at first - but especially for his bullies. They would need to be on their knees.
Since Severus isn't too fond of them, that opens the door to alot of dom/sub stuff. Severus enjoying grinding his heel in their face... figuratively, and perhaps literally. He thought they were trying to humiliate him, oh ho... no. He is going to humiliate them.
Personally I'm more into sweetness than rough stuff. I don't know if Severus has it in him to say "...I forgive you." - but maybe that is something he could relish, too. Probably easier to say to Remus than Sirius. He can at least recognize that Remus didn't mean to be horrifying - and he can see how he struggles with it.
Hm.... anyway uuuhhhhh two men worshiping smug Severus' cock
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iicloudyiiddyy · 8 months
I saw that you wanted requests, and then I saw that you write for sally face and I rushed right over! Currently thrown back into my sally face obsession lol. Anyways, could I request some platonic headcanons for a fem reader being part of the main gang? Basically just what it's like to be friends with them and being part of their group, what kind of shenanigans reader gets into with them, just friendship stuff if that's okay ^^ and feel free to throw some romantic stuff in there like who is most likely to develop a crush on reader. Hopefully this isnt too much I'm sorry if it is
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I feel like it is Ashely who originally introduced you to the group
You two were originally pretty close friends and she decided to bring you more!
Now for the first impressions…
Larry would immediately warm up to you
you two would hit it off as if you didn’t know what the word stranger was!
Todd would sorta be indifferent to you originally
smiles and nods at you but goes on with tinkering with his projects 
But I feel like sally would be awkward at first with you..
Like how he reacted when he first saw Ashley…imagine how he reacted with you! 
He was originally worried on how you would react to his prosthetic 
But you never showed any negative expressions!
You had nothing but love and support to give!
And you were funny and pretty!
How was he supposed to react to that?
But as you guys hung out more and as Todd and sal saw how you interacted with the other half of the group they would warm up considerably more!
I feel like it would be so hectic…
But so fun at the same time..
You and Todd would so have study sessions together! 
Sometimes Larry would join but we all know you never get any work done with him around
Todd and you could talk for hours about the most interesting topics! 
Larry would most definitely put his two cents here and there and it would always crack you up!
Todd would always be exasperated but Larry means well!
Larry and you would be the best of twins.
When I say you two get into the deepest shit together I mean it.
He’s your partner in crime what can you say?
With Ashley I can see her having painting sessions with you and sal would just be in the back struggling..
You guys definitely have treehouse hangs!
If you got into some demonic shenanigans that treehouse would be your go to.
You and sal would be smoke buddies, if he can’t hang with Larry than it has to be you
He finds you so endearing 
he can get so scared if his own thoughts…(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
But one day you two are just chilling high asf and his munchkin of a cat comes crawling over 
Immediately you cherish gizmo and he cherishes you. 
Probs likes you more than sal
Sal already liked you but seeing this?
A fellow cat person?? Say less 
As soon as sally saw that he was never letting you go.
Now for the shenanigans you guys get into….
I can just see larry convincing you guys to try out this goofy Oujii board with cheeto dust he saw off E-Bay
And Todd’s like “ it would be good data..”
So here you guys are speed running through the halls because the demons wasn’t in the mood to deal with 5 emotionally traumatized teenagers..
May or may not have accidentally let more demons in Addison apartments
You and Ashley have friend ship bracelets. It’s just a fact!
Feel like you, Larry and sal would go to a gas station in the ungodly hours of the day and create the worst abominations with candy, Gatorade, packets of sauce, and yogurt and have you guys try them.
Probably pranked Todd with some of the worst ones..
For romance I would feel like Ashley would love to draw in you if you were her S/O 
(TW) : if you had sh scars are any scars of any kind she would draw hearts and stars on them
Same thing with sal, he loves kissing them,
making sure you feel the love he never got
For the one who would be most likely to develop a crush… 👀 
I think sal would..
If you showed never wavering love and devotion to that man he would just melt 
actually tears up if he showed you his face and you didn’t recoil back 
Like what did he do to deserve you?
Nothing bbg it’s all you
*sobs* give him love!
If you were with Larry I imagine you guys having late night drives…
Listening to ear fracturing death metal as you talk about your guys hopes and dreams..
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Tʜᴀᴛs ɪᴛ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ! I ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀᴅ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏɴs!! I ᴡᴏʀᴋ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴍʏ ᴀɴᴏɴs ғᴇᴅ! ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ! ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ᴅᴇʟɪɢʜᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴀ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2!
ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀɴᴏɴ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs! ɪ sᴍɪʟᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡʜᴏʟᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ I ᴡʀᴏᴛᴇ ᴛʜɪs! ᴀs ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀғʀᴀɪᴅ ɪɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʀᴇǫs! I ʟᴏᴠᴇ sᴘᴇᴡɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ! ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ, ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ , ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ, ᴏʀ ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴛᴏ sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ! THANK YOU ♡︎
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idpreferteadarling · 2 years
is it magic or destiny?-Kit Connor x reader
My first time writing fanfic so please dont judge me :’)
pairing: Kit Connor x (female) reader
first pov
summary:in this parallel universe you are a witch (but you aren't aware of your power or knowing that you’re a witch). While simping Kit through your phone and admiring him you wish that you can meet him right now. Then everything went white and you feel like you been falling from a great height. Opening your eyes you find yourself…..where? Read to find out
Warnings: there might be some cursings and eventual smut
English isn't my first language so pls be nice,if i make any mistakes pls let me know so that i can improve it in the next chapters.
Part 1
It was a saturday afternoon, after fighting with your mom about you not wanting to go to her friend’s wedding and being left at home in the end,you were quite annoyed not because your mom left without telling you(well partly) but because she decided to do that AFTER forcing you to go and made you put on your makeup,dress nicely in a short white dress. You were pissed off because now you have basically wasted your time for nothing. Laying on your bed,you decided to pull out your phone and go through Instagram,liking every pics of Kit. You have had a celebrity crush on Kit for some time now,I mean who can resist that charming smile and perfect hair and beautiful eyes and omg you can go on all day talking about how gorgeous and kind he is. Looking at his smile, you started to feel better,much more relaxed and happy and somehow peaceful. Oh if only he knows how deadly his smile is, it puts you at ease in a very special and indescribable way. You slowly close your eyes,your mind drifting and you begin to imagine about seeing Kit,talking to him,wishing you could see him in person.
 It is then when something happens, your mind goes blank,you feel like you're floating when you're supposed to be in bed. Confused,you open your eyes,only to see you are falling into a hole that looks like the hole Alice in Wonderland fell into when she travels to a different world. You are so frightened that you shut your eyes tightly,hoping this was all a dream but you can still hear yourself screaming,you continue to fall and after what felt like centuries,you land on something. It isn’t the cold hard ground like you expected but was something soft and quite bouncy instead. Slowly opening your eyes,you find yourself landed on a bed,someone’s bed. You are in someone's room. It has some posters on all of the walls,an organ,a desk with a lamp and laptop on it,a tv,anything that you may expect to see inside a teenage room. You start to panic,where are you?? How on earth did you manage to come here when you were just on your bed 15 mins ago?? Before you can process anything,you hear footsteps outside the room,it sounded like it was coming towards this way. Shit! who’s that? What am I going to tell them? What if they’re some kind of perverts or maniacs? What if you get arrested for breaking into somebody’s property?? What are you going to tell the police without sounding like you’ve gone crazy? Who's gonna believe a 17-year-old kid saying they somehow magically appear in this room?? The footstep is getting closer and closer,your breathing starts to pick up pace while your head is filled with billions if not millions of different scenarios.
“Oh no,I’m so fucked” is the only sentence you can think of as the doorknob begins to turn. A blond(or ginger?you’re not sure,your brain can’t processed) guy walks in,he is tall and surprisingly handsome,his fair skin seems to have some sunburnt and he is extremely fit in that t-shirt which hug his body perfectly and his pair of sweatpants (definitely not your ass drooling over some unknown guy in this weird situation,you just can't help it,damn it brain). He is looking at his phone,not being aware of your sudden presence. He just stands by the door after closing it,still looking at his phone,surfing the internet(at least that’s what you think he was doing). You stopped breathing completely,partly because you’re scared and partly because you’re mesmerized by him. Taking in his appearance, you started to feel familiar, like you have seen him somewhere. Yeah,you’ve definitely seen him before,but where? He raises his head towards you,his eyes lazily follow sometime after and that’s when realization hit you,hard, it was Kit. Kit Sebastian Connor.
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seriphic · 7 months
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࿐𓇢 ♡ sun yuhui, to be or not to be. twenty-three, first year in drama & theatre. together for daehan's student rep! find him in the yellow hall.
hey guys, you can call me leon and i'm so so so excited to be here! i'll be introducing sun yuhui, resident hopeless romantic and enthusiastic thespian! three fun facts about him: he has ~4 different dating apps downloaded, he sobs every time he watches kung fu panda, and he's a sagittarius sun, cancer moon, cancer rising (if that means anything to you?) i will be hitting up every single one of you for plots eventually, but please feel free to drop a like and i'll manifest into your dms first (lmk if you would prefer discord instead)!!
now for a lil overview of him... please also check out his stats and ability pages if you want! i won't be going into them much, or this would get egregiously long...
࿐𓇢 background — full page can be found here!
yuhui's father owns & manages a casino business (very seedy, borderline illegal). his mother was an employee at one of the locations. yuhui was unplanned; they get married after he's born
he was born with wings! but the hospital removes them in surgery and are paid off to keep it hush. they don't grow back afterwards, so his parents just let it fade and never tell him about it
he was brought up with the expectation of eventually taking over the business, so he spent a lot of his childhood in the casinos in hk/macau/offshore locations (not a great place for a kid to grow up in)... he was also homeschooled and taken along with his father to all his business trips
when he becomes a teenager his wings start to come back. for a while they keep hiding it through removing or covering them, until the jig is up and he gets database'd. it's viewed as a stain on their family name, and after that he starts taking all these shady meds that his parents give him to keep up appearances
in general his parents are super controlling over him his whole life, partially out of fear stemming from him being born Weird and Anomalous, and he is never allowed the opportunity to explore his ability (nor does he want to tbh)
eventually he enrolls in sua under business management, and is allowed to live on campus by himself! he's motivated to keep meeting his father's expectations at first, but then the taste of independence starts rewiring his brain chemistry a little
when he gets closer to finishing his business degree he makes some realizations… he realizes he doesn't want to become his father, he realizes he hates what his parents have set up for his future, he realizes he has no drive to keep doing this anymore and he slowly stops showing up to classes, contemplates dropping out, etc
he also feels so unbearably lonely and empty by himself that for around 2 years he throws himself into relationships — he’s pretty much always on the dating app/party hookup grind to find people to imprint on way too intensely, and as you can imagine none of them last very long (and every single breakup makes him cry and throw up and beg to be taken back, even the relationships that last less than a month) (yes he probably has a personality disorder)
his flop era only starts to end when he transfers to a major he actually likes doing (drama) !!! it's like the first time he's ever broken out of the mold and decided to make a major decision for himself
࿐𓇢 today's status check:
right now yuhui is not very emotionally stable; he’s coping with being Single (gasps of horror) and having an absolutely debilitating crush plaguing his mind
(but sometimes he still gets lonely enough that he opens up his Do Not Text!!! contacts list of his sua exes and ... he Texts...)
he's rehearsing a decent take on hamlet onstage right now (if he does say so himself) (ask him about his interpretation of hamlet and he won't stop talking for an hour)
he does student politics with together for daehan very passionately and is pretty good at it except his main motivation above everything is that he Really wants to be liked/accepted by normal human people so so so bad
he's a big house pulgasari fan!!! first row with house color hearts painted on his cheeks waving a banner around jumping up and down!!! doesn't hurt that their vice captain is kindaaaa (yuhui vc: HEAR ME OUT!)
he has not yet informed his parents about switching majors… every time his father calls he just starts lying and sweating uncontrollably and he feels like he has a sword hanging over his head about to come down any moment when they find out! but it's fine!!
he IS the wings guy but he Does NOT fly and no he will not fly if you ask him to fly, and he will NOT fly if you push him off a high place (surprisingly common misconception) (please don't push him off anything)
࿐𓇢 connection/plot ideas!!!
fwb/exes/former-slash-recent hookups: (any gender) of which yuhui has many, the lines between them blur, and they probably all end semi-disastrously... but maybe they could still be friends? or maybe seeing your muse's face makes yuhui leave immediately to dry-heave over the bathroom sink? or maybe your muse says good morning to him and it gets him searching on naver “how to move on”? (note that this connection won’t lead to any endgame romantic ships!)
alternatively, friends he meets specifically to go to parties or clubs with and they text each other when they’re back safe or if they need a wingman (yuhui literal) for a certain hot person at the bar etc etc
forced friendship? yuhui finds that he likes and respects your muse a lot, so of course he takes any excuse to talk or see them daily, maybe a little too much... does it come off as overbearing or annoying? does your muse match the energy? or do they try to shake him off but he keeps not taking the hint...?
classmates/people involved in theatre? self-explanatory
alternatively ‘why is this mf trying to speak to me dressed like a victorian street urchin at 8 in the morning with an era-accurate accent?’ and it’s yuhui using your muse for warm-up…
other student govt people pls
ppl he bonds with over being insecure about their anomaly and patching up way too much and they share tips with each other on how to mitigate side effects (unserious idea but group anomaly therapy plots where they go around the circle sharing their anomaly-based traumas, but when they get to yuhui he's sobbing too hard over your muses' stories to speak)
yellow hall neighbors or friends to have sleepovers/all-nighter study sessions with & people he recruits to help him memorize lines (read him his script) and maybe give him pointers!
i'd love an antagonistic relationship too! give me an excuse to write yuhui being passive-aggressive nice and fake sickly-sweet to your muse…
and that's all for now! thanks for reading all of this and i'll be in your dms shortly!
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
It's time for the famed episodes I've heard alot about and to meet my favorite boy!
Series I'm currently on : the original series
Episodes watched: 02X01-02X02
Episode names:
Amok Time
Who Mourns for Adonais
Amok Time
Ok so right off the bat they get into the fact that Spock's been acting strange , not eating , ect.
Chapel coming in with the plumeek soup ( please I don't know how to spell it it's a made up soup )
I wonder who had to throw that soup across the hall seems fun
Also it's kinda brushed over they Spock threatened to snap bones' neck and McCoy seems very amused by this threat
Screams at you like it's a violent threat (and by all means might be ) " I'M NOT FEELING WELL AND I WANT TO GO HOME"
Slightly new intro , this is the intro that I'm used to from childhood
He's not even getting reprimanded for being violent towards chapel he's just like " you never take a break , that's how I know something is wrong " , really Jim that's how you know something is wrong ?
Also the comment about how a woman shouldn't bring a man who isn't her husband lunch and that is inherently sexual somehow is just brushed over like it's nothing the 60s were wild
Why does he start shaking so bad the second that Jim leaves ?
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also the event that they were supposed to go to and took a detour from is now a week earlier then before
They decided to not detour to Vulcan
Spock changed the course back to Vulcan
Spock is yelling at Kirk to lock him in his room
Spock's getting a physical
Jim's gonna get the pon farr talk
" Spock's not gonna tell anyone what's going on not even you" " I'll make him tell me "
" the birds and the bees are not vulcans captain "
" haven't you wondered , how vulcans choose their mates ?" Jim looks so much like he's trying hide excitement and curiosity at that , like shatner played this man to be so gay
These little tidbits between Sulu and Chekov about the course constantly being changed is so cute
Kirk is really risking everything to keep Spock alive
Chapel's happy little smile when Kirk says they're going to Vulcan
" your face is wet"
Spock is flirting with chapel
Spock asking Kirk and McCoy to be his best men at his wedding
Imagine working with this guy for like years you consider him a close friend and then one day there is like video call in the middle of the conference and this woman comes on the screen and says hey to the guy and you ask him who that was and he just goes "my wife " like you should know that already but he's never once told you he has a wife like this shit is so wild
Marriage or battle to the death
All of those fucking bells
I love Vulcan wedding fashion all of the metallic clothing
T'pao talks like and looks like my grandma
Damn imagine showing up to a wedding and the bride rejects the groom before it starts and tells him he has to fight someone to the death or he'll die
Spock sounds like an edgy teenager while he's saying that Kirk doesn't know what he is getting into
Why is stonn always making that face it makes him look so stupid
Weapons wrapped in purple velvet
" oh so no one was gonna tell me this was a fight to the death ?? Until I already accepted that bullshit "
Oof the way he fell on his arm I know that's gotta hurt
Pulled that medicine out of now where
Kirk being handed different weapons and having the face of what the fuck is this , what is this for ?? Is the best
Kirk's dead
" tell Chekov to find the nearest prison so I can turn myself in "
Man t'pring is kind of a bitch
" I shall do neither "
Jim's alive
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Look at that smile
And then he immediately pretends like he's not happy and excited
Ay ! T'pao coming through with helping the enterprise crew from being reprimanded by star fleet for going to Vulcan
" I don't know what your talking about I didn't have an emotional reaction when I thought I'd killed the captain not at all "
Who Mourns for Adonais?
Scotty's got a crush
Hey it's crazy hand and master hand
The giant hand has grabbed the enterprise
Does the hand belong to a giant phantom space baby ?
What's the name of that movie where they all have the flower crowns ?? Is it midsommer?
This floating head entity looks like he's from that
He's gonna crush the ship because they wouldn't listen to his bible reading
" you and your officers are invited but not the one with the pointy ears he looks like this one guy that I used to know who was sooo boring "
Man this lady hasn't slept in over 24 hours and they brought her along for this shit , I'd be so peeved off
" I am Apollo " " and everyone in Russia thinks I'm incredibly attractive , yeah sure bud"
" Chekov please not right now "
"earth women mmmmm"
Just , just this :
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He's also not letting them leave because he wants to be worshipped
Apollo is doing some Cheshire cat shit
He's also basically throwing a temper tantrum
Chekov and Scotty are ready to shoot a bitch but can't
Damn Scotty just got back handed so hard he was sent flying
Apollo kidnapped Caroline
Wait how do they know that he's Apollo on the ship he only said so to the landing party after they got there
So according to this dude all of the gods left the planet rather through death or in search of new worshippers
" Spock's contaminating this boy jim "
Apollo shocked Scotty with lightning and is force choking Kirk
" like that cat in the Russian story "
"We're gonna sacrifice one of us so the just of us can jump on the off handed chance he doesn't disappear "
The plan has failed because Caroline jumped between them and basically did what those high school couples do when the boy gets into a fight and then the girl jumps in the middle and holds his face going " this isn't you babe , you don't need to do this , look at me babe I'm all you need "
" how old are you ? " " I'm 22 sir" " then I'll handle it by myself "
Like what does that have to do with anything
At this point the lieutenant probably thinks this is all a dream she hasn't slept in over 24 hours and hasn't had any coffee either
" your a human you need to help out your fellow human "
Why do they keep having the women of the ship falling in love with a very obviously terrible person they have known for only a few hours
" Tell me more about yourself " " what more is there to tell I am Apollo " " yeah but like tell me about your childhood , your hobbies there's got to be more to you then just what your name is " " but ... I'm Apollo??"
" I've been studying you this entire time , your nothing more then a test subject" lmao get wrecked
They destroyed his shit and now he's real mad
He became so depressed from rejection that he died
I like how gods just exist in star trek like that's just a thing
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Perfect Characters
When I was a kid, I read a book series first published in the 1950's. It followed the daily life of a teenage girl. I read about what kind of trouble she got into at school, and the places she went to on weekends and holidays.
I loved the stories. They weren't so 'out there' as the stories we have today. I could do what she did, and it was easy for me to imagine myself in her shoes, doing those things. Or it would've been, if the girl in the story wasn't perfect in every way.
She had perfect, flowing, curly hair (I have curly hair, and let me tell you, it's far from perfect).
She had flawless skin, bright blue eyes, the softest lips, and just the right amount of freckles for her to be cute.
Everyone at school loved her, except for one girl, who was the mean girl of the series that nobody liked. Still, the MC would constantly be nice to her and invite her to places.
She was the smartest girl in her grade, even though she hated studying and would often leave her books after an hour to go play with her friends outside.
She was musically gifted. The best pianist in town. Nobody could play the piano like her. She played the school's anthem on the piano during assemblies, and once won a piano competition against the other best pianists in the country.
She was athletic. The got first place in everything she tried out for, though she never signed up for anything because she was just there 'for fun' and didn't have time for athletics between studying, practicing the piano, playing netball (star netball player too, let's not forget that), and being the town menace.
Everyone who knew her, loved her. Even when she was caught stealing peaches from her neighbour's yard, she would be forgiven almost instantly and the neighbours would then help her take peaches off their trees.
Her parents weren't rich, but it was said multiple times that they were richer than most others in town. Her dad was a surgeon, and her mom made and sold jams and preserves (while everyone else's moms stayed at home).
Her ONLY flaw was that she obsessively jumped from one square to the next on the sidewalk outside her house. And when her foot landed on a join, she would start over. Even in emergencies, she couldn't just walk across this patch of sidewalk.
I loved her stories as a kid, but it was always bittersweet. I hated the girl. I thought it was jealousy. She was everything. Everything that I couldn't be. She was the best at everything she did and I wasn't the best at anything at all even when I tried my best. Even though I didn't want what she had, I thought I hated her because I was jealous. I was that mean girl in the book who nobody liked. I wished that someone else had been the main character. I wished that there was something she wasn't good at, but whenever she tried something new, she had to be the best.
Then, when I was older, I realised that my dislike for her wasn't about jealousy. I read the books again as a teenager and realised that this girl was probably the most narcissistic person on the planet. She had to be the best at absolutely everything. She always had to get her way. If someone else was better than her at anything, they were the bad guy. Her friends never got to win any bets. They never got a chance to shine. If she was caught doing something bad, the people punishing her were in the wrong, or it was unfair. She shunned the boy who had a crush on her for years, but when she needed something, she would give him that 'please, for me?' She was extremely kind hearted, but only when other characters were around to see it.
The only time she did something nice out of the goodness of her heart was when she opened her home to some homeless kids, but I'm willing to bet money that she was expecting a room upgrade in the afterlife.
This character was so shallow, but the narrator painted her in an angelic light. 'Look at this character! She's beautiful, she's talented, she's smart, she has a good heart, good friends, and good family. Imagine this is you, dear reader, this is everything you want to be and more.'
I write now, and I've decided not to write any flawless characters. Everyone has flaws. Everyone has strong opinions based on little to no information. Everyone does bad things. Everyone has been unkind at one point or another. Everyone loses their temper at times. The balance is just in not letting those flaws define your character. Your character doesn't need to be flawless for them to be perfect.
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holycrimin · 2 years
Lloyd x Reader HCS/Mini-Fic at the end
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Before meeting Lloyd, you were pretty good friends with Kai and Nya. Scratch that— you were practically siblings.
Growing up, you'd always try to help them. Whether that be lending them extra food, or giving them your old, but clean clothes.
So of course they had to introduce you to the gang! I mean, why wouldn't they? It took them a few years from fear of you getting hurt, but they eventually came around.
When they took you over, you were nervous, but excited! I mean, they're the ninja, how cool is that?
As for how they reacted.. well..
Cole and Zane seemed pretty fine with you, and Cole actually tried to get to know you better at first. You're besties now.
Zane just kinda minded his business at first, not in a rude way he just kinda.. minded his business politely. He eventually talked to you more often though.
Jay was a little suspicious of you first, but brushed it off since you were Nya's friend.
Sensei wu was pleased to find that they had other friends apart from their little group.
Pixal tried to scour the internet for more information on you (to see whether or not you're a threat,) only to find just.. really dumb videos you posted of you and the Smith siblings goofing around.
She trusts you after that.
As for Lloyd, he was like Jay, a little suspicious of you. Y'know, trust issues and all.
If you were to have met him before SoG, he'd hesitantly brush it off and talk to you sometimes.
If you were to have met him after SoG, however.. He'd be incredibly cautious of you. Like, to the point where if you're hanging out with the gang, he'd give you a "if-you-try-anything-i-will-murder-you" stare. Yeah.. yikes.
Either way, it definitely wasn't love at first sight. He's the type of person to get to know someone first before 'falling' for them.
Eventually, he warmed up to you more and more. And then.. uh oh.
Day by day, he gets this weird urge to just.. be around you.
He doesn't know why, he just does.
If this is before SoG, he'll be a little touchy and smile more often when you're around. It's so obvious that the others are surprised you still haven't noticed.
If this was after SoG, he'd still be the same, although he becomes more reserved the more he realizes his feelings for you. He does get touchy, yes, but not as much as he normally would've.
He's still scared of commitment since the whole Harumi thing.
Before SoG: Incredibly sweet, it's almost sickening.
After SoG: Still sweet, although more reserved. like... longing stares and just getting blushy when you hug him, stuff like that.
He doesn't know how to flirt, his idea of flirting is just complimenting them.
"Hey! I like what you did with your hair!"
"Really? Thanks. :)"
So you can imagine how frustrated he is when his "advances" don't work
Eventually turns to Kai and Nya for advice.
Kai literally has no idea what to do to win someone over.
So he instead ops for Nya, since she's in a relationship and all that jazz.
"You like them? Well.. have you tried just being honest?"
"Nya! I can't just.. do that!"
"Why not? The worst they'll do is say no. If you think they're going to hate you, they won't. Trust me, I literally grew up with them."
With a sigh, he eventually took Nya's advice and just went for it.
It took him weeks just to try and build up the courage to ask you out. The guy might look like the most confident dude you'll ever meet, but he's only a teenager after all. There's gotta be some insecurity in him somehow.
Today was the day. Damn it, he's nervous but he'll do it! He's been hyping himself up for weeks, no way he can back down now. He already told Kai and Nya about it, and since Kai can't really keep his mouth shut, he ended up telling everyone except for you.
The crew has been teasing him about it relentlessly for about a week and half now. "Lloyd's got a crus-!" "Jay please shut up."
And now he's finally got you alone. Just you and him, in the living room. Okay.. he can do this. He takes a step forward.
Anxiety immediately struck him. Gah! What was he thinking?? Just give up alr– no no, you have to, or else you're going to regret it later.
With a deep breath, he gathered up more courage. "..you just gunna stand there?" You playfully tease, not knowing the weight of his situation. He felt his heart drop to his stomach. "U-uh.. no no! I'll come in."
"Are you okay? You look nervous. Did something happen?" You asked, a little concerned for him. "No!... well..." he rubs the back of his neck.
"There is something i've been meaning to tell you." You've never seen him this serious and nervous before. "What's on your mind?" "Well.. I.. uh.."
You sit patiently, waiting for his response. He mumbles something incomprehensible. "Uh, sorry? I didn't catch that." You gently asked, as he again mumbled it.
"..I can't hear you, sorry.. you don't have to tell me if you don't want to!" You say, trying to save the situation. "I like you, okay?! And-and not just as a friend. I.. I like you in a romantic way." He blurts out. "I..! I mean..!" He turns away from you.
Your face turns so pink, you almost didn't notice the tears forming in his eyes. But when you did, you tried your best to communicate that you felt the same way.
You grab his hand as he was about to leave, "Hey! Wait-! I like you too!" You quickly say. "I.." you sigh, "I really do like you, Lloyd. Infact, i've liked you for months now. I love the way you carry yourself, I love how even in the darkest of moments, you still manage to get yourself together." You keep going, lowering your head as for him to not see your flushed cheeks.
His eyes light up, "I love your smile, your–" you say, being interrupted with a kiss on the forehead. "Alright alright, that's enough. You're going to make me all red." You look up and sure enough, he's almost as red as a tomato. Well, with that kiss he placed, even if it was just on the forehead, certainly made you shut up.
"I think it's time i ask you properly." He holds your hands near him.
"Will you be my lover, [name]?" He looks at you, eyes soft as cotton and a smile sweet as honey.
"Of course." You both smile, sharing an embrace. "Oh and by the way, you owe me a real kiss next time!" He chuckles, "Yeah yeah, i know. But let's move slowly, okay?" He let's go and locks his hand with yours.
"Okay." You respond gladly, leaning your head against his shoulder.
You honestly never thought this would ever happen, But.. you're happy you two are finally together.
Jay, Nya and Kai were peeking around the door trying to see what happened. And since they're all nosy, they wanted to know what was going on aswell.
"So? What happened?" Cole quietly asked, "Well Lloyd's confessing... DUDE! they're blushing!" "Shh! Okay... Oh my god Lloyd planted a kiss—" "ON THE MOUTH?!" "SHHH! They're going to hear us!" They whisper yelled, "As i was saying, Lloyd planted a kiss on their forehead!" Nya exclaims, causing everyone to gasp lightly, except for zane and pixal.
"They both seem to be a perfect fit together, I don't know why you are all surprised." Zane says, nonchalantly. "Yes, I do agree with Zane. Besides, we all knew how he looked at them on that day. It was obvious." Pixal agrees, a soft smile on her lips.
"Oh man! Now i'm the only single one!" Kai whisper-yells, jokingly irritated. "Cole doesn't have a spouse either, though?" Zane exclaims. "Yeah well that's because he's Cole." "Yeah, and i'm not really interested in a partner right now."
"Guys, I think we should stop spying on them, they're about to leave." Nya says, alerting them. "Oh crap! Right! I'll see you later guys!"
The rest of the gang say their goodbyes aswell, although the topic of you and Lloyd's relationship was still incredibly relevant to the crew, and the media.
You swear, you couldn't go two tweets without someone mentioning you guys' relationship. Although it was weirdly.. well recieved, for some reason? You expected there to be more backlash but, almost everyone was supportive!
Sure there were a couple bad apples here and there, but it was generally well recieved! Although you couldn't care less about what the media says.
You're happy with him and that's all that matters right now.
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imhidingonceagain · 2 years
Things that might potentially happen in the Teen wolf movie and scare the shit out of me:
(of course this is just my opinion)
1. Allison actually coming back as a real person: I mean... If she's a ghost, a vengeful spirit or if we see her in flashbacks that's cool, but if they revive her somehow I think that's bullshit.
2. The new girl being Kira's replacement: It's almost a fact that she's her replacement but if they make her 100% like Kira I think I might actually throw up.
3. Them making the new girl and Liam a couple (Related to the previous point): I am a big Thiam shipper and therefore this is one of the things that scare me the most. J. Davis recycled Allison and Scott's story with Liam and Hayden so... Also Dylan Sprayberry and the new actress have been suspiciously together but I really really hope I'm wrong.
If you're not gonna give us Thiam at least don't crush our spirits like that. Let Liam's love life ALONE please.
4. Them ignoring Theo's existence: This one is also related to the previous one. Theo was alive and was considered an ally to the pack. He had a redemption arc and was very important for the development of the last two seasons. Also... We have seen that they're going to somehow mention the Dread Doctors (based ok Khylin Rambo's Ig Stories) and Theo was essential for that storyline so if they ignore his existence or just blatantly kill him out of screen I'm gonna riot.
I don't think Jeff imagined how popular Theo Raeken would become. If you want proof go to Teen wolf's Twitter account and see how many people mentioned Theo when they knew about the movie.
5. The possibility that Eli Hale is Stiles replacement: Listen... NO ONE will ever be capable of replacing someone as iconic as Stiles. But I wouldn't be surprised if they try to somehow replicate his personality making Eli Hale a Stiles 2.0 instead of giving him his own personality.
6. Making Kate Argent Eli's mom: Teen wolf's timelines have ALWAYS been messy. But I'm still trying to figure out how Derek Hale has a 15 year old son. Derek would be in his 30's in this movie but for him to have a 15 year old son he would have to have him incredibly young. And we know what a fucking creep Kate Argent was.
I was hoping he would be his and Braeden's child but I obviously don't think that's the case given Eli's physical appearance.
7. Breaking up Stydia: I was watching The teen wolf wiki guy's video and the dude (he's a weirdo by the way but sometimes he brings useful info) and he said that we shouldn't expect to see "teenage relationships" lasting and that ships are not even important in a supernatural/fantasy series. I couldn't disagree more. Teen wolf's writing was messy most of the time and many of us stayed for the characters and their relationships. So why building something so loved by the fandom (or at least many people in the fandom) like Stydia and then destroy it out of camera? People are already pissed that they were cowards who didn't dare to give us Thiam endgame so... If they erase Stydia... Well they might as well sleep with an eye open.
10. Makings Lydia and Jackson super close: I know that people started to like Jackson in S6 but to me... He never actually did something that actually gave him a redemption. And it honestly boils my blood that they acted as if he never was abusive towards Lydia. Listen Jeff... MAKING SOMEONE GAY DOESN'T AUTOMATICALLY MAKE HIM A GOOD PERSON.
11. Them pairing Mason and Jackson: Okay hear me out. I know this is probably a stretch but J. Davis has made the weirdest relationships before and since Aiden and Corey are nowhere to be seen, I wouldn't be surprised if they pair Mason with Jackson just because they're both LGBT.
I don't know dude... I hope I'm wrong.
Ps: English is not my first language so I apologize if my grammar sounds off.
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qslovebot · 2 years
A Fresh Start (Part Two): Max Cooperman
Part One
Summary: Max’s crush worsens and so does the reader’s, it worsens and worsens until they both cave.
Pairing: Sub!Max x Fem!Reader
Warning: major tension, kissing, smut, sex, oral sex, submissive Max <3, a little fluff here and there
“Max is just like that. He can’t stay in one place for long, don’t worry about it, y/n.” Sarah said, putting away the paper plates and tossing the garbage bag into the garage. “And he hasn’t seen you in like three years so I wouldn’t put it past him to be shy.”
You nodded, sitting back on the couch where Max was a few minutes ago before he fled. You were having some issues with the idea of Max in your head. He was so sweet now, not gross, not boyish and immature. Your chest was flushed and your lip was between your teeth. Was it bad you were having these thoughts about Max?
Thinking about making him blush. Thinking about making him avoid your eye contact. Making him fidget where he sits, making him feel restless and unable to sit still…
You ran your hand through your hair and let out a breath. No more thoughts about Max like that… no more imagining your hands in his curls while he- no. No more of that. No more imagining his pathetic whimpers of never being pleased properly before. You could just tell he was never actually given anything good- no! Stop thinking about that, stop.
You ran your hand through your hair and breathed out, hard. You needed to apologize, that was it. Nothing more, nothing less, just an apology.
“You okay?” Sarah asked. You couldn’t just tell her that you were trying to fight your attraction to her younger brother. “You’re all flushed, do you need water?”
“Yeah, thanks,” you replied. Sarah went to get you a glass. “It’s great being back, but a little overwhelming to see all the changes in person.”
Sarah nodded, bringing over the water which you drank immediately, “I can’t imagine, but I’m so glad you’re here to stay now. We can do everything we couldn’t. There’s a new movie theatre, there’s an old arcade that they revamped and reopened. Max goes there all the time but you and I could probably tag along with him one of these days.”
“Sounds fun,” you finished the glass. “We should tomorrow.”
“Oh my god, do you want to sleep over? Like old times, when we were younger?” She jumped once and it spread a smile on both of your faces.
You nodded, forgetting about Max a little better now. “Yes! Oh my god it would be perfect. Theres this guy I’ve been meaning to tell you about-“
“A guy?”
You and Sarah launched into conversation about this guy she liked at her place of work and it was like you never left at all. Everything was the same, you were laughing, having fun. And you were staying over, so it would be just like when you were younger teenagers.
Max lost another video game to Jake. He was not thinking right at all anymore. You were on the front of his mind. “Maybe it’s just the fact she’s come back into my life as an available girl and I want her because I think somehow I could get her but I can’t?” He said, laying on the floor.
“I still think she’s into you, dude.” Jake replied, still playing the game, but without multiplayer. “She is an available girl and you 100% have a chance with her if you actually put effort into it.”
“It’s more like 85% because she’s my sisters absolute BEST friend. From childhood. I’ve known her since I was like four and she was five. She never used to be so attractive to me, why can’t she just… be ugly?”
Jake guffawed, “I feel you. But stop stressing about the sisters friend thing. If anything, that issue makes it hotter. Forbidden.”
“I don’t want anything hotter I’m already burning in my skin,” Max sighed. But the forbidden part sparked something in his chest. But was it worth it? “I gotta find a way to deal with this.”
“I hate to bail on you, but Baja just called.”
“Her parents aren’t home. I’m going to go do what you’re too afraid to.” He chuckled again at Max’ fearful expression. “Have some tips before I go. Make her know that she’s safe, be dominant, and don’t stop until she’s squealing or tells you to stop. Oh and use protection.” Jake tossed him a string of five condoms and got up out of his chair. “Call me in a few hours okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” Max looked at the protection in his hands and nodded. “Have fun.”
“You too. Let loose. Peace.” Jake walked out the bedroom and down the stairs, passing you and Sarah on his way out.
Sarah waved, “Thought you were staying over,” she said. He shook his head.
“I have a girlfriend thing to deal with. Nice meeting you, y/n. See you.” And he winked at you and gestures upstairs before quickly leaving. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Sarah didn’t even seem to notice it.
You shook your head and turned back to Sarah. “So tell me more about your guy.” And that went on until late. Sarah was on a sleep schedule thing apparently where she took melatonin and was asleep by 11:30, so you found yourself a little bored when the time came. You rid yourself of your top layer, leaving shorts and a tank top on in order to sleep.
Sarah pulled out the futon for you, but you lay there, bored, in only twenty minutes or so. And Sarah was already sleeping. You couldn’t just fall asleep with the embarrassing moment with Max looming over you. You touched his lip, that was horrible. He fled the room and he didn’t come back. Ugh.
You just wanted to walk over to his bedroom, open the door, apologize and slowly get down on your knees to properly apologize, and no! None of that! In the dark room your mind could wander but not this dark room, with his sister only feet away.
You decided to get up. Sarah was still a heavy sleeper, but when you accidentally tripped on her trash can, she stirred. So semi-loud noises would wake her. Noted. Be quiet.
Really, you just went to get more water. To down it, to try and drown out that burning in your chest. You hardly knew Max anymore, you couldn’t possibly be thinking this much about him.
Maybe it was just how he seemed so sweet. So untouched, in a way. And he wasn’t just hot now, he was pretty. Kind smile, warm eyes, long lashes, soft lips, clean curls. Taller, broader, a little thinner but not by much, more in the face and neck areas. Such a pretty face and under his shirt was most likely a pretty body.
You drank more water, then went back up the stairs to go try and sleep again, but just as you approached Sarah’s door, the door to Max’ room opened and you locked eyes. Your heart skipped a beat and so did his, seeing you like this. In this state, in the dim hallway light.
“Just getting water,” he said, going to walk past. He stopped for a second though, his heart pounding. At the same time, you spoke in unison.
“I’m sorry,” you both said.
“For touching you, I shouldn’t have-“
“For running off, it was shitty of me, I-“
Max cleared his throat and you tasked a second before you spoke again. “Won’t happen again.” There was a bit of Max who was silently screaming for you not to mean those words, because right now in your pyjamas, you could do anything you wanted to him.
“It’s okay…” he breathed. “Do you… want to come hang out in my room? I can show you more footage I have. Sarah sleeps pretty early, so.” He took a shot.
The fire continued to burn within you. “Uh… sure.” And you followed him back into his room quietly and he shut the door. You could speak up again. “Does Jake leave you a lot for his girlfriend’s sake?”
Max opened his computer, “Yeah. Not like I mind though, she’s important to him.”
“Are they just booty calls or actual genuine reasons to leave? Sex is great but I wouldn’t leave a friend’s to go have it.” You sat back on his desk again, feet dangling off the ground. You brought the idea of sex back into Max’ brain and it took him a second or two to realize you’d said it.
“I think today was a booty call but other times it can be serious.” Max said. He was getting distracted and you were getting bold.
“I consider friends more important than sex.” You mentioned that casually. The way you sat on his desk was currently driving him too crazy to be able to function. Your words, just the way you mentioned sex around him had his mind scrambled. “Would you?” You smiled a smile with a newborn fire behind it.
Something about being in his room… changed your thoughts. Was it really so wrong to think of him like this, especially as he stood across the room from you. Max shook his head, “I don’t really have anyone to leave anyone for… so hypothetically no.” Hypothetically. So he didn’t have anyone…
He was trying not to nervously sweat. You were in his room, in your shorts and your top. Your shoulders and thighs exposed. You were so pretty under the dimmed lights, how could he not think about what he wanted you to do to him under them? You tilted your head at his answer and smiled a bit. It made his heart skip a beat.
“Do you want to see some footage from the skate park?” He continued, breaking that tense silence.
“Sure.” You hopped off of his desk and walked over to where he was now sitting in his chair at the table in the corner in front of his laptop. “Do you skate too?”
“Sometimes. I usually stay out of most things to film. It’s better to be behind a camera than with a broken arm.” He smiled and you nodded. “I’m not that horrible, but I’m pretty bad.”
You looked over his shoulder down at him and he looked up. There was a moment of eye contact before you spoke again, “I heard that wipeout videos are trending now, so maybe we should hit the skate park and you can lend me your camera.” You joked.
“Probably not worth it,” he shrugged, looking back at his screen to pull up some videos.
“It would be worth it for me,” you reasoned jokingly. Max snickered a little.
He showed you some videos and explained both the skateboard moves and the camera lenses and film methods for them. You listened intently because you did actually care, but you also liked the way he spoke. It wasn’t in a mansplaining sort of way, it was the explanation of someone who understands what other people understand. And the way he looked when he was speaking about something he was passionate about was just… so… mmhm.
There was also those moments where you locked eyes for too long. Max’ heart sped up, his hands got extra gesturey, and you found yourself looking at his lips a lot, just as he was looking at your waist and your collarbones.
You were standing so close to him, like how you sat earlier when Jake was around. Max was hyper aware of every move you made because it would touch him. Every time your hand brushed his shoulder, he wished it would grab his face and force his face toward you. But he banished those thoughts every time…
You eventually backed up to sit on the edge of the desk again. Max moved too, to sit on the edge of his bed facing you. It was getting late. He was getting a little curious. “Did you think about anyone from here when you moved?”
“Sarah, mostly.” You replied. “I didn’t really have anyone else to care about.”
He nodded, “What did you think of me before you left?”
“I thought you were my best friends little brother who was always in the way,” you smiled. He chuckled.
“I was a chubby little shit,” he nodded. “I thought you wore too many sequinned shirts. And that you needed to put your hair down because it looked so tight.”
“It was so bad,” you laughed. “I didn’t know what style was.”
“You look prettier now… or, shit, just… pretty now.” he nodded. And the tension that had dissolved with friendly banter, was now back simply with one compliment. Max was losing his mind, immediately regretting it. But you smiled a little.
“Thank you, so are you,” you replied. The eye contact stuck for a moment more, then he looked away. He was imagining you calling him pretty in more than this context… he had to stop or he’d run into the same issue as earlier. You left his side for a moment. “It’s good to be back here again. There’s so much that’s new here to do, and old things to do again. Old friends to see and new friends to make.”
“Definitely,” Max was fending off his mind from those thoughts that kept creeping in. It was getting harder and harder to stop them, especially when you looked at him like that. He couldn’t do anything, he had to keep his morals. How would Sarah feel if you two made out? How would Sarah feel if she knew that you were in Max’ room after hours? He had to keep his head about him, he didn’t want her to be angry.
“You’re flushed,” you noted, that fire in your chest moving into your stomach. Was the flush from you? Was he pink because of you? You had to test this theory immediately.
“I’m probably tired,” Max lied to you. He had to lie. There was nothing else he could say. However, he had his eyes still trained on you. You gestured to his bed.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” You asked, knowing your plan. He shook his head, so you sat on the edge and with your arms folded across your chest, basically just brought attention to your chest. You pretended to look past him at his wall, but you noticed how his eyes flickered right where you wanted them. He must have turned a deeper pink because at this point his posture changed to hide his face.
He was not as confident as Jake. If Jake was here, he would tell Max to take control. But what if he wanted to be the one controlled? ‘Don’t stop until she’s squealing’ but what if Max wanted that to be him? If he were Jake, he would be able to make that move… if he were Jake he would have the confidence to.
You had to test him further. “I had my first kiss here, so now I’m realizing I might run into that kid again.” You sighed. “I don’t even remember his last name.”
Max smiled, “Sounds scary.”
“Does your first kiss still live around here?” You asked, leaning forward a little so his view was better. He swallowed hard.
“I don’t think so. I think she moved when she graduated.” He said, nodding.
“That’s sad. First partners suck.”
“She wasn’t my… partner. She barely even kissed me, she just thought it would be fun to. “I haven’t… really had anything.”
“I’m sorry,” you said. The desire to be his first was kind of killing you. If he hadn’t had a partner, had he really experienced anything sexual? Fuck, that fire within raged on. It was wrong, though… it was wrong. “It’s late.” You added.
Max’ eyes were trained on you. Were you leaving? Both of your minds were warning yourselves, the tension in the air was thick. It was bonding, it was magnetic. The air itself was warm and and filled with these electric currents which was exactly why you had to go. For your sake, you thought. And Max thought it was probably better that way, if you just went to bed.
“Mhm,” he said. It was hard to breathe with the tension in the air. He wanted you so badly, he wanted to touch you, he wanted you to touch him. Jake would already have you. Jake would make a move.
But Max wanted you regardless of Jake’s advice. Max was not Jake. Jake didn’t want you, he did. He watched you slip off his bed and walk quietly to the door, a friendly smile on your face. It hid the fact you were thinking the worst things about him.
“Thanks for giving me something to do,” you said, in his doorframe.
“Mhm.” He nodded, eyes on your lips. It was wrong, it was so wrong… All of Jake’s advice was bullshit. It would never suit him, Jake would never understand the urge he had to be used by a woman.
“Goodnight,” you replied, small smile still there. You kissed him on the cheek and that’s when everything broke. Your lips left his cheek and you took a step back to go back to his sisters room but Max grabbed your wrist and with rebound elasticity the tension exploded and he pulled you not only into him, but your lips connected perfectly in one swift but harsh movement. He would not say goodnight yet.
It was like the fire in your stomach spread like a wildfire through your veins the second he kissed you. Hot, burning, and if this was wrong, it was too fucking late. You kissed him back, pushing him with you back into his room and shutting the door behind you, to which Max kissed you against the second it was closed.
He was good at it. He tasted good, too. You grinned into it as you pushed him back onto his bed. He sat down and you continued to kiss him standing up, tilting his head back and allowing his hands to grip your waist. Your hands gripped his hair, kissing him like you were starved of him.
“Mmm,” he let our a noise close to a whimper, but similar to the sound you’d make when you like something and it was beautiful. You tightened your grip on his curls and instead of another sound like that, he let out a full groan to which he immediately muttered, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
You chuckled a little, “It’s okay, but we have to be quiet if this is what you want.”
“I want you,” he said, quite literally intoxicated by you already. Just a few long kisses and he was gone. His eyes were half-lidded as he kissed you again. You kissed him back with long-lasting strides, his soft lips against yours. There was no battle, he let you stay over him. In fact, he pulled you onto him, so that your knees lay aside his hips and you sat up over him.
He touched your cheek gently to move your hair from your face but he kissed you the same as you kissed him. “You can touch me,” you whispered, pulling his curls just a little more. “Is this your first time?”
“Yeah,” he mumbled. “I’ve only done certain things but never-“ he panted, “never in full.”
“I barely know you, though, is this really what you want?”
“Go out with me tomorrow?” He said shyly. You just smiled. “Please.” He followed up. That please meant more than just ‘please go out with me’. “This is what I want.”
You nodded, “Shhh,” and kissed him once more, this time pushing him onto his back as you did so. Very gently you pushed your lower half against his, grinding ever so slightly. He shut his eyes right, trying not to make a sound. He was so beautiful, so innocent, it made your heart beat hard.
Speaking of hard, Max’s predicament was back. The one he’d left to hide from you, you were now directly the cause of it through friction. You rocked your hips just a little as you kissed him just to feel him writhe, to feel him open his mouth soundlessly from how good it felt. He understood the sound rule, that was good.
His hand gripped your hip, moving upward to your waist. The grip was tight, but not harming you. It was good, it was right. This couldn’t be wrong. The way his lips touched yours, it was like sex itself. Sweet. So sweet. Your hand moved down between, rubbing over the bulge in his pants gently. “Ah-“ he breathed, trying not to make sound. His eyes shut tight and his nose scrunched slightly and he blushed. He blushed pink.
“Is it okay if I take these off?” You asked. He nodded, hesitating. “You know you can say no at any point, okay?” You whispered. He smiled a little.
“I know, I haven’t-“ he shrugged, “-actually taken anything off fully. Please continue, I’ll probably die if you stopped.” He chuckled a little and kissed you once more, gently. And then the kiss deepened again and instead of his pants being removed, he pulled your shirt off from over your head. He was taking his time, not stalling, but getting himself ready.
He gawked for a second and you pretended to judge him for looking, then you smiled and the kissing continued as you rocked against him. He pulled his own shirt off and you rid yourself of your bottoms. You watched him look down at his pants, “I can wait.” You said, to make sure he felt okay. He nodded, eyes on your lips, on your chest, on your thighs.
“Can I try something?” He asked, curious, hungry.
You nodded, “Whatever you want.” If you were going to take his virginity, you wanted it to be good for him to learn from, a good experience overall. It wasn’t just the rush of dangerousness anymore, there was a burn of genuine liking for Max.
He nodded shyly and this time, climbed over you. You kissed him as he laid you back, but that kiss of his strayed away. He kissed your chest, your stomach, and kept going down. You wondered if he’d done this before, but he’d asked you to try it, so you were thinking maybe not- but that changed as his nose brushed your clit first try.
He got into it, his tongue dipping gently, moving the way it should. You gripped his sheets, biting your lip so that you’d stay quiet. He was good at this, he was really good at this.
His nose touched the right places while his tongue hit others and it was like nobody ever before. He was the only one willing to without being asked or provoked. You’d only been with two others but this was by far the best. Your hands moved from the sheets into his hair like you’d imagined. He kept going and it was fast an you could feel an end coming. “Max,” you said breathily. “Max, don’t let me finish, not yet-“ He understood immediately and came back up and wiped his mouth. It was too good to end like this, you wanted more.
“I could do that for you,” you said, gesturing to his pants and the oral sex he’d just given you a heavenly minute and twenty seconds of. You’d give him whatever he wanted.
“I want to be inside,” he said, his face inches from yours, but shyly. Blushing, he was blushing again. At his own wants. You slowly undid the button of his pants and he did the rest, keeping eye contact. He smelled like you now, you noticed, and you kissed him anyways. “Can I please?” He asked.
“Mhm,” you nodded. He reached for a condom that you didn’t know he had. He was pink and hot and you didn’t want to draw too much attention to his dick that stood hard and erect, facing you with nothing to contain it. It was perfect and you looked back at him while he rolled on the protection. You sat up, pushing him back down onto his back for the final time. “Tell me everything you want, quietly. Don’t hold back on details.”
“Just you, just you in every way possible I just want you to fuck me… just fuck me, but face me and kiss me when you can and-“ his words were a jumbled mess. Gorgeous nonetheless.
“Can I?” You hovered above him.
“Yes. Please.” He sighed quietly. You hoped he wouldn’t make too much noise or this would be over fast. He gripped your waist again as you lowered yourself down. You gasped slightly and he stifled a groan. Would he last?
You started out slow, moving up and down and back and forth simultaneously and very slowly. “This okay?” You asked. He couldn’t answer, he just nodded. He was making muffled noises, little whimpers, small sounds that killed you.
“Faster,” he said. You moved faster for him, but he got a little louder. You held back from making noise as well, but it was hard, considering that this was a virgin and this was great sex. “You’re so pretty, fuck-“ he groaned.
“Did you rub one out in the bathroom when you ran off earlier?” You asked. His eyes watched your chest bounce as you bounced on him. You were realizing things about him now.
“Wanted- I wanted to then…”He said, tilting his head back. “But I already did- I- You’re just so perfect, I- I couldn’t help it. I needed you.”
“You have me,” you mumbled. His blush was now a full flush and you went a little harder. His fingers dug into your skin. You leaned over and kissed him to quiet how loud his groans got. He felt so good, you struggled to keep quiet yourself. You were surprised he lasted this long as a virgin, but you wouldn’t complain. “Are you close?”
He nodded as you kissed his jaw. You were lucky he had a new bed that didn’t squeak. “What can I do to get you there?” You continued.
“Harder, please,” he begged. You smiled, “Can I finish inside?” You loved that he asked for permission, even with protection.
You kissed his nose, “Mhm.” And then you went harder, faster, and covered your own mouth to stop from moaning. He made a new desperate noise that nearly debilitated you and made you finish on the spot. It was almost a cry for help from the pleasure and you let him do it out loud because it sounded so good. You kept bouncing, he tilted his head back again, hands on your waist tightening again.
He was so perfect himself, under you, writhing. His eyes were so glossed over, you could see how far gone he was just by looking at him. He whimpered again, followed by another muffled sound and his chest rose and fell harshly. He was really close, “Fuck-“ he said in a whisper. Then he said it again, louder, with more enunciation despite his teeth grit together. “Fuck.” He was reaching his absolute peak. “You’re so beautiful, I- fuck- I’m almost there.” He looked like he was close to tears and his chest rose and fell sharper, less rhythmically and you knew this was his end, so you went even harder, even faster until you were at your edge too, then watched as he spilled over and you followed, seconds after.
It was so good, your eyes lost their sight for a moment, fading in and back out like a 50s movie. You had to cover Max’ mouth to silence the sounds he made as he finished, while you quieted your own. Your orgasm had lasted over ten seconds, making this literally the best sex of your life ever.
You let yourself down to lay on his chest, him still inside of you. You were both recovering, breathing hard. “God, fuck that was good.”
“Really?” He asked. He sounded surprised.
“Yeah,” you said, nodding with it. “Probably the best I’ve had. I’m not even kidding, you’re good at this.”
“I didn’t even think this would be memorable. I just thought I’d get my virginity taken and you’d go back to your room immediately.” He sighed.
“Fuck no, Max.” You sat up a little and got off of his dick, but not off of him. “No, I like you. I wouldn’t have fucked you if I didn’t.” You assured him. He smiled a little. “Definitely memorable.”
“You’re not joking?” Who hurt him?
“No,” you chuckled. “I’m not joking, you’re perfect. Everything about what just happened was good. Don’t even think for a second I would regret this because… holy shit.”
“Holy shit,” he repeated. You both smiled. You got up quietly, used a few tissues to clean yourself off of anything, then put your underpants and shirt back on. He watched from his bed, his lower half now covered by his comforter, thinking about how lucky he was that you gave him everything he wanted from that experience.
“I wish I didn’t have to go back to the other room soon,” you said. “I’d stay here with you if I could.”
“You actually like me?”
You were kind of miffed, but you crossed the room again, put one knee up on his bed and used that to lean in and kiss him. He kissed back as you put your hand on his jaw gently, but the kiss was firm. You broke the connection for a second more. “Yes. Stop doubting me.” You smiled and touched his cheek. “I like you. We should hang out soon. Alone.”
“Like a date?”
“Yes.” You nodded. “You’re cute, you’re sweet, and I am admitting my crush on you after sex which is weird, but I know what I want. And you asked me earlier, remember? This is what I want.”
He was blushing again. “Then we figure out how to tell Sarah.” He said. You nodded, smiling. “I think I’m still in shock, honestly.”
“No, me too.” You agreed, smiling. “I really wish I didn’t have to go, but I do.” You kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you later.”
“Mhm.” He nodded. You put on your shorts, “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Sex.” He smiled. You grinned, touching your hair.
“Thank you too.” You nodded. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” He repeated. You turned off his lights and shut the door. You returned silently to Sarah’s room and slept peacefully.
In the morning, you were downstairs with Sarah, making a smoothie for breakfast in their big family blender. You were talking about some new movies that were in theatre and Max came down the stairs, bed head and unsurprisingly clothed again.
“You look happy,” Sarah noticed. Max tiredly waved to you and Sarah generically, making eye contact with you a second longer. You shot him a smile.
“Good sleep,” he replied.
“You want some?” You gestured to the smoothie. He nodded, walking over to the other side of the counter as you poured him a glass too.
“Thanks.” He said, scrunching his nose a little before taking it and going to the couch.
Sarah nudged you and leaned into your ear. “Don’t tell him I told you, but I think Max has a thing for you.”
“Oh god, really?” You questioned innocently.
“He totally does. What a weirdo. But I’d support it. You’d be my sister-in-law if you and Max-“
“Too far,” you laughed, taking a sip of your smoothie. “Let’s not go that direction.” You glanced over at Max.
“Just saying.” Sarah shrugged, teasingly. Oh there was so much she didn’t know already, but at least the support was there. It might be easier than expected.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Obsessed with your imagines you so when they have 3 kids and they’re all older! What about one where Harry has to have a sex talk with his kids OR y/n and Harry come home to find their kids throwing a party? I think both could be super funny
this has me excited cause i love the idea of them throwing a party when y/n and harry are at date night!! (does contain smut)
oli - 21, felix - 19, belle - 16
“We’re so fucking screwed.”
“Belle, for the millionth time, chill the fuck out.”
But how the fuck was anyone supposed to be chill when there was a full-on house party, close to being a rave, occurring in their house? A house that was their mum’s life work. A house party that their parents new nothing about. A night where absolutely anything and everything could go wrong.
The three siblings stood at the bottom of the stairs, in front of the door, looking around at the scenes occurring between each room. There were girls whispering to each other on the sofas, there was a group of guys playing beer pong in the kitchen and there was a large group of people hanging around by the pool and some even taking a dip. What had meant to be a low-key party had managed to turn into the whole neighbourhood plus the next town over. It was completely overboard.
“Who’s idea was this again?” Belle asked, clearly not understanding the full reasoning behind a full fledged party in their house.
“All of ours.” Oli responded, when in reality it was really just his, and a bit of Felix, idea.
“Nope. I’m not getting grounded because you two dickheads wanted to be rebels.” Belle put her hands up as if to stop this whole situation. She did not want to be a part of this and yet had somehow got screwed up with it all.
“So what are you going to do?” Felix asked.
“Anywhere where this doesn’t have my name stamped all over it.” Belle gestured around her, all of them groaning when they heard something smash from a nearby room. They were actually going to be locked up forever after this.
“Belle, mum and dad are out for the night. Dad said he booked a hotel for them to stay over at, so they won’t even be back until tomorrow morning.” Oli explained, trying to calm down his very nervous sister.
“Yeah, plus if you’re so insistent on leaving why did you get so dressed up?” Felix did have a point. Belle had gone through the effort tonight to be looking as best she could. She was sporting a little black dress with black fishnet tights and her trusty Doc Martens. It was a very colourful outfit, as she would explain. Belle had even gone to the effort of adding glue-on gems to her makeup. Whereas her brothers were just wearing sweaters and trousers and trainers. Typical teenage boys.
“I’ll bet that’s why.” Oli nodded behind Belle and smirked as he watched his little sister turn around.
Megan Dover. Belle’s high school crush and cleverest person in the year. Felix and Oli caught Belle blush when their little sister looked at Megan, waving to her cutely. Belle was a lot more introverted than Megan, but Belle didn’t mind. She admired that Megan was so outspoken and kind and smart, but too bad they didn’t truly know of Belle’s existence. At least, not really.
“Alright fine, i’ll stay, but just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Belle rolled her eyes and then walked off in the direction of the kitchen - if she was ever going to speak to Megan she’d need at least 4 shots in her system.
“Be safe little B.” Oli waved her off and then the two brothers looked at each other knowingly. “Is Heather here?”
“Not yet no, think she’s coming with the girls in a bit.” Felix checked his phone as his brother questioned him. “What about Bea?”
“She’s upstairs.”
“Why? I thought we weren’t allowing anyone upstairs?”
“Dude she’s my girlfriend, I think she gets a pass.” Oli patted his brothers back and then saunters up the stairs two at a time to go and find his girlfriend and reintroduce her to the party.
Another smash of something glass sounding came from the kitchen, along with a turn of screams and mumbles of oops.
“Fuck, we are so screwed.” Felix muttered under his breath as he made his way to the kitchen to clean up whatever was now broken.
Meanwhile, you and Harry were basking in each other’s presence at a fancy new restaurant downtown called Caste Inn.
Harry decided it was time for you to have a treat and so was taking you out for dinner and then retreating to a fancy hotel, where he would not let you rest for the whole night. He was already being really handsy this evening, but you kept swatting his prying hands away because you were in public.
“Babe, c’mon i’m dying here!” He whined as you swatted his hand away from the skirt of your dress for the fifth time since mains. You were lucky you were in a crescent shaped booth so it was hard for anyone to see what was going on underneath the table, but you still felt so exposed.
“Quit it Harry.” You sniped, returning your attention back to the desserts menu. The restaurant was that kind of place where the portions are sparrow sized and yet cost you as much as it would to donate a kidney, so there was no surprise that you were still hungry and had room for dessert.
“Just wanna love on my wife.” He pouted next to you, keeping his arm slunk around the back of the booth to continue to caress your far shoulder delicately.
“We’re in the middle of a restaurant, you’re crazy.” You snickered, trying your hardest to focus on the desserts; Tiramisu, Chocolate Orange Gateau, Pecan Pie, Creme Brulé and an endless list of more mouthwatering yumminess.
“Fucking crazy for you, yes.” He kissed your cheek once, twice and then bit it too on the third, making you moan slightly at the exposure of it all. “You used to let me do this kind of thing all the time, what happened hey?”
“I got old.” You laughed, but really you felt saddened by the thought of it. You were approaching your forties and you felt as though time wasn’t on your side anymore. Life was all flying by so fast and it was becoming so hard to stop it for a moment to see how beautiful it all is. Harry could tell you were faking your happiness in that moment and he hated that you felt this way. He loved you. He would worship the ground you walk upon. Nothing would ever be too much of an ask for him if it meant keeping your happy. Yes, you were getting older, but it didn’t mean that was a bad thing. At least you were getting older together and becoming maturer together.
“Talk to me, love.” He gently asked, knowing there was something on your mind that was bothering you.
“I just… I just feel like i’m getting older—”
“You are love, yes.” He interrupted you, which earned him a slap to the thigh. He didn’t let your hand go though, leaving it to rest on his tight thigh.
“And then suddenly that’s going to be it. No more Y/N.”
“Don’t say things like that to me, please love.” Harry shook his head, squeezing your hand a little tighter.
“And I feel like i’ll have regretted not doing so many things. Like I won’t have lived my life.”
“Things like?”
“Things like riding a motorcycle with you. Things like staying up all night with a bottle of wine and a good bit of Elvis. Reckless things, like skinny dipping or crashing a high school party. Things like, having my husband finger fuck me in a public restaurant. I remember when everything seemed so free and chaotic and I loved it. Now I feel stuck.”
“Stuck how, love?” Harry leaned in closer to you, his eyes full of love and determination because if that’s what you wanted he could give you all those things - especially the orgasm.
“I’m a mum, H. You’re a dad. We’re parents,m. Good ones at that. Aren’t we supposed to be grown up and responsible now? We don’t get to take risks anymore, because we have a family right? God, I sound so pathetic.” You sighed and put the menu down, not thinking about which pudding you wanted to fill yourself up with anymore.
“Babe. If you want to ride a motorcycle and go skinny dipping then let’s fucking do it. Why are you so afraid to hold back? Because we have kids, because darling believe me when I tell you - however much it disturbs me - our kids are out doing just as many reckless and crazy things as we used to do. Maybe we should fuck the prestigious system and show our children, all parents - including us - that adulthood, parenthood, doesn’t define the choices you make. We do.”
You couldn’t stop looking at your husband, drinking in every last drop of his beauty. His words filled your heart with rose petals and chocolates, warming you up delightfully. God, you were so lucky to have him. He helped you through the most toughest of times and continued to stick with you, not because a ring says he has to, but because he loves you. Undeniably and irrevocably loves you.
That was all it took for you to comply.
Quickly, you moved one of your legs under the table cloth so it draped over Harry’s thighs and made an opening between your legs. The cloth hid everything well, along with the dirty napkins that sat upon your laps.
“Wh- what are you doing love?” Harry asked confused, after not hearing a word back from you for his earlier speech.
“Harry I love you, I do, but will you just shut up and fuck my pussy with your fingers already.” You whispered wetly against his ear with your lips. He groaned at the words and tightened his grip around your leg, widening the gap he had to work with.
His hand slid underneath your dress slowly, squeezing the flesh of your thighs in tease, until he got to where your panties were. Or at least where they should be.
“Shit, you’re not wearing any pants?” Harry asked quizzically, pushing his fingers against your glistening pussy and feeling just how ready you were for him.
“Oh fuck!” You muffled out before Harry quickly slapped your slit because you were making too much noise, which only then made you squeal a bit more. He slapped your cunt hard enough the second time for you to get the memo that you needed to be quiet - but fuck was that a challenge. As much as you can be quiet, you just don’t like to be. You like knowing that your moans and whines turn Harry in even more, just as much as you love hearing his.
“Fucking hell, soaked already.” His fingers toyed with the folds of your cunt, feeling how puffy they were between his ringed fingers. “Gotta be quiet for me okay?” Just as he started pushing his delicious fingers inside of you, the waiter turned up at the table with a cheery face and not a bouncing clue what was happening between the two of you.
“Desserts?” He asked politely with his charming smile, but you didn’t see it for too long before having to close your eyes shut at the sudden movement of Harrys fingers. He wasn’t stopping on the waiters behalf, in fact he was more forcefully going for it. He moved his fingers in circles inside of you, thumbing over your clit in the way he knew you desired most. He was insatiable.
“No, just the bill please. Need to take my wife home to take care of some things.” Harry spoke for you both, not understanding why he was being so open with the amount of information he was giving away. But fucking hell you didn’t care because his fingers were providing you pleasures beyond reason.
“Yes Sir. I’ll only be two minutes.” He smiled again before he was gone, taking the menus with him.
“Here that baby?” Harry whispered into your ear, moving his fingers more freely now there was less of an audience, “you’ve got two minutes to cum.”
Questioning his authority would have to wait, for Harry got to work very quickly and perfectly. His fingers slicked in and out of you so erotically and if it wasn’t for the live music and loud chatter of the room, the sounds of his fingers driving in and out of you would be heard by everyone. His fingers curled to all the right places, touching the most sensitive parts of your walls and hell did it feel blissful.
“I’d say you’ve got about a minute left baby, and I think you can cum for me before then. Can’t you? Or am I not good enough for that kind of release anymore?” Harry taunted you and pressed wet kisses to your ear. You were too lost in euphoric paradise to notice, or even care, whether anyone could see or was watching you both. You were too focused on your husband. Your Harry.
“N-no. I can cum. You’re so good - shit - so g-good.” You stammered out, breathless from the air stolen from your lungs because of this erotic moment. This was so bad behaved of you both that you were starting to get a high off of it.
“Cum for me then baby. Do it. I’ve got you.” He kissed your lips to capture the moan that trailed off your tongue as you reached your high. You felt so high and yet so safe. Harry steadied you as your legs shook and kissed you senseless, to quieten your whines. He admired that you had been so willing for this and he would be lying if he said he didn’t have a raging hard-on right now.
“I love you,” you raced out quickly, “I love you.”
“I love you, Y/N.” He kissed your lips again and withdrew his fingers from your dripping cunt. You picked up a napkin but he quite quickly took it away from you, throwing it to the other side of the table.
“What are you doing?” You whisper shouted, needing to clean yourself up.
“More like what are you doing?”
“Cleaning my mess.” You said frustratedly.
“Leave that to me.” He spoke whilst holding intense eye contact with you, bringing his fingers that were coated in your arousal to his lips and sucking them dry. Every last drop worked its way into his mouth and he salivated at the taste - the smell.
“The bill Sir.” The waiter interrupted you without knowing. Harry took out his wallet and used his card on the card machine, before signing his name on the cheque as if to affirm that he has paid.
“Thank you.” Harry spoke kindly, completely different to how he was with you all but two minutes ago.
“Thank you Sir, Ma’am. Have a lovely rest of your evening.” And he wad gone again with his smile.
Harry turned to you with the largest grin on his face, “Oh we will.”
“Oli stop eating the leftover lasagne it’s for mums lunch!”
Belle was rushing around trying to chill everything down. The party was so out of control that even Oli and Felix were wasted. Megan was blowing hot and cold with her too, so she had no idea where she stood with them.
People were everywhere. Too many people that it was becoming claustrophobic. Felix was currently playing beer pong with a group of his friends, Heather attached at his hip, whilst Oli was sitting on the kitchen countertop eating cold lasagne. The boy was like chuffing Garfield. Belle was doing her best to keep calm, but as the night progressed it started to become worse and worse as it got harder to control.
As Belle turned to leave the kitchen, her brother clearly not listening to her, she bumped into someone. Kyle. Fucking Kyle. The guy who had obsessed over her to the point where Harry was seriously considering getting a restraining order on him to protect his daughter. He was a straight A creep and Belle hadn’t even realised he’d been invited to this party. Then again, over half of these people had most definitely not been invited.
“Oh hey Isabelle.” He stressed her whole name, knowing how much she hated it. Well, she didn’t hate her name she just hated him saying her name.
“Go away Kyle.”
“But I just got here.”
“And now you can just leave. Party’s ending anyways.” Belle stood her ground, but her hands were shaking from being even remotely close to this guy. He was disgusting to the point where if you were stuck between having to choose between being with him or eating mouldy cheese, you’d eat the cheese on a fucking silver platter.
“Looks quite alive to me.”
“Well i’m shutting it down and you’re going to leave. Now.”
“You need to liven up Belle.” Kyle chuckled through his nose, making him look scary as he towered over Belle, “let me help you.” He leaned forwards to grab her arm but she was quick to push him away.
“No! Leave me alone!” Belle shouted, trying to dodge around him but he was quicker. He grabbed her arm tight and pulled her back to him, chest touching chest. “Get off me Kyle.” Belle squirmed in his hold, which only made Kyle happier - the creep.
“C’mon Bella, live a little.”
“My name’s not Bella and I told you to get the fuck off of me.” Belle pulled back with all her might, whilst kicking him square in the balls - probably hard enough so he’ll never be able to have children - and then drove her knee up to crack his nose - successfully. Damn, that felt good. Heavily badass, actually.
“You fucking psycho!” Kyle held his nose and his balls in pain, straightening himself up as if to launch himself with fury at Belle. Luckily for her the outburst between the pair had caught attention of people - including Oli and Felix.
Oli was quick to step in front of Kyle, Felix just behind him. “You dare lay a fucking finger on my sister and I swear to you you’ll regret it.” Oli threatened, fists curled tight at his sides.
Heather came to hug Belle, comforting as she cried through the after shock of the situation. She’d been so brave and handled herself so well though. “You okay?” She kindly asked.
“Y-yeah.” No.
Everyone was now watching. The music had been muted to the point where you could tell it was playing but you couldn’t tell which song it was. Friends of Oli and Felix were standing close by in case things got messy, which normally only happened between the two brothers and not this way. Doors could be heard opening and shutting as people came in and out from places to watch the debacle occur between the hosts of the party and the unwelcome visitor. Oli and Felix knew they had to be careful though, because one wrong video and it could badly effect their dad’s career. Belle shook in Heathers arms and wished this nightmare of an evening to be over.
“Oh the whore’s not worth it anyways.” Kyle laughed, rolling his eyes as he pointed towards Belle.
“The fuck did you just call my daughter?”
Oh fucking shit balls.
“Dad?” Belle asked warily, seeing his dad stood in the doorway of the front door, her mum standing close behind him with her hand tightly clutched to his. As much as Belle was terrified that her parents had busted them, she also felt safe in their presence.
“Oh and here comes perfect-dad-of-the-year Harry Styles to the rescue.” Kyle teased which made Felix move forward in protest of his words.
“Fix.” Harry sternly called his name, making his son stop and look towards his dad who was shaking his head with a soft smile. Harry walked over towards Belle first, you still clutched tightly to him. “You alright?” He asked sincerely, not looking cross or disappointed at all. Belle nodded quickly and kept her head pressed to Heather’s chest. Harry turned to see his boys, raising his eyebrows to wordlessly ask them the same question to which they nodded too.
Harry dropped your hand, leaving you to stand with your sons, and left your forehead with a kiss before making his way to Kyle. “You okay boys?” You asked again, even though you knew Harry just asked.
“Yeah. Are you mum?” Oli asked, coming to wrap his arm around his mums neck to comfort her. He was so kind and thoughtful, just like his dad.
“Listen up, Kyle.” Harry started, keeping a good distance between him and the boy, “If you ever come near my family again i’m ordering a restraining order. That’s not a threat, it’s a promise. If you break that order you’ll be going to jail. Big league jail too. Again not a threat, a promise. So you’re going to leave my house, this property in its’ entirety and go home to sit in your room and think about whether you would prefer to be in a prison cell instead. Do you understand?”
Okay, you’d be lying if you said his authority didn’t turn you on.
“Y-yeah.” Kyle mumbled pathetically.
“I said do you understand?” Harry repeated again, clearly not satisfied with the answer given.
“Yes Mr Styles.” Kyle said more surely, before scramming from the house, from the party and from the neighbourhood.
“Now everyone out of my house before I call the police.” Everyone knew how that was not an empty threat and dashed out of his house. Some looked at him in awe, because this was probably their once and only chance of being in the presence of the Harry Styles. He sighed as he walked to the kitchen, leaning against the kitchen counter to think.
“Should we—” Belle started to talk but you cut her off.
“No, hunny. Let me go talk to your dad. You lot,” referring to your children and girlfriends who’d kindly stayed behind in support, “can go fetch some bin liners and start cleaning this all up.” You pointed around to the mess that was your house, before walking off to the kitchen.
You looked around at the mess. A broken vase. Litter everywhere. Half-drunken drinks left on the table. Bottle openers you definitely didn’t own before tonight. Trousers? You couldn’t help but giggle at the surrounding sight.
“What’s got you laughing?” Harry asked, still in his fancy shoes and fancy coat, you still in your fancy heels and your fancy coat. Yet, you were both standing in what looks like a garbage dump site. Harry moved his hand away from his face and looked at you with a blank expression.
“You were right!” You laughed.
“Your reaction as if that’s a bloody miracle, love, which kind of an ego crush, but continue.” He rolled his eyes and you rolled yours in response. You clicked your way over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, he kept his wrapped around his own obviously still closing himself off.
“Our kids are being reckless and crazy.” You recalled dinners earlier conversation, smiling up at him in admiration.
“I didn’t actually mean it, it was just a quick way to make you feel better.” He groaned in frustration.
“Well gee thanks babe!” You laughed at the whole irony of this situation. “Harry, babe, look at me,” you had to used your hand to turn his cheek to face you, stroking his cheek to calm him, “adulthood - parenthood - doesn’t define the choices we have to make. We do. And our children, apart from that last little bit, seemed like they had the most freeing and most brilliant night yet! Let them be reckless H. Let them make mistakes. Just because this happened doesn’t make us bad parents, and it doesn’t make us bad parents if we decide no punishment—”
“Ha like that’s going to happen!” Harry cut you off and you glared at him to just shut up.
“Just shut up, you oaf. Let the kids live while they’re young.”
“You did not just reference one of my songs.” Harry looked to the ceiling as he smiled widely, before shortly laughing at how cheesy that was. “Oh my god Y/N!”
“What? Was is that bad?”
“Yes, babe. Yeah it really was.” He looked back down at you to see you smiling and he couldn’t help but cup your cheeks and kiss you silly. His perfect lips fit yours and you tasted him until you couldn’t breathe. “I love you.”
“I love you. Now go help clean up.” You ordered him, making him look at you confused.
“What the hell have I done to deserve this?”
“You booked the hotel for next weekend instead of this weekend you div. Now go.” You smacked his backside and he strolled back over to you and pushed you into the counter. You gasped at the sudden motion.
“Do that again and let’s see what happens.” He whispered dangerously against your lips.
“Go clean up and then see what’s waiting in our bedroom.” You bit your lip and tugged Harry’s hand to under your dress, giving him only a slight feel of how wet you were before letting his hand go and walking away.
“Kids, hand me a bloody bin bag. Now!”
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OK so I got this idea. S/o (who's this time has to be female) is also an octo mermaid but still from another world. So s/o gets into one of the pools and they discover she's a blanket octopus (if you haven't seen a female blanket octopus they're one of the most beautiful octopus out there with their gradient colors) and they get popular af like everyone is like "wow she's such a beautiful meroctopus" Yada yada. And Azul it's mad. Part 1
Part 2. And both Jade and Floyd notice it and decide to tell s/o who is shocked and sad because they have a HUGE crush so they decided to give him a gift. Since they know he doesn't have a octopus pot they decide to make him one. After months they give it to him and confess and he's shocked and ask for their forgiveness as it isn't their fault. At the end he and s/o cuddle inside of the octo pot in their mer forms.
OMG THIS TOOK ME FOREVER!!!! I probably got this ask before thanksgiving so I am very sorry that it took me this long, HOWEVER, it is the longest oneshot I have ever written so that’s quite an accomplishment. There are photo references that go with this story as well so check those out before you read. 
Warnings: Slight language, insecurities, fluff, very very minor angst, fem!s/o
Word count: 4,710
Azul x Reader: Cuddle Pot
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The above images are references for the s/o’s octopus species and the octopus pot. I don’t know who the original artist is for the second so if you know please let me know so I can give credit where due.
   “Wait seriously? You’re a mermaid!” Ace practically shrieks and you giggle. Placing a finger to your lips, you shush him as Deuce slaps the back of your over energetic friend’s head. 
   “Yes. I am a mermaid, but you can’t tell anyone yet.”
   “Why not?” Jack questions. His tail flicks in confusion.
   You sigh and think back to the last time anyone found out about your true form. Most of the people back in your world found merpeople to be odd and cursed. It was considered a disability and a disease. Human society often shunned what they didn’t understand. And that lack of understanding led to fear. 
   A boy in your old school had been your middle school sweetheart for approximately 7 months before you decided to tell him your secret. He had seemed so eager to finally go swimming with you that you had naively believed that it was all going to be fine. However when he stared at your flowey, shimmering form you felt yourself grow worried that he would no longer like you. 
   “Babe,” you started, leaning closer to try and grasp his face with your smooth, webbed fingers. “It’s alright. It’s just my merform. It’s going to-” He quickly slapped your hand away and stumbled back. 
   “F-freak, monster, disgusting. Stay away from me you animal! We’re over you deceiving B*tch!” He quickly ran away from the side of the lake where you had brought him. As dawns lovely lights sprayed your body with pinks, and soft oranges, tears slid down your cheeks and into the water below. He hated you. Oh what a fool you had been to think that he would be different, that he would love you anyway. 
   School had become increasingly difficult after that. Word spread fast and you were quickly isolated by everyone you had called a friend. Eventually you moved to a new place and decided that you would never love again.
   This wasn’t the case however in Twisted Wonderland. You were so pleasantly surprised to find people like you, and they weren’t considered freaks because of it. It had been a shock and you quickly found yourself yearning to tell others about what you truly were. Fear had you back though. At least up until that point.
   “I had a bad experience with someone I cared about back in my home world.” You stated softly. The boys looked at each other and smiled. 
   “Well this isn’t that world. You're good to go here since I can’t imagine anyone judging you for what you look like in this place.” Ace’s words reassured you.
   “He’s right. At NRC it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be bullied because of something like this. But what are you anyway?” Deuce questioned. 
   You giggled and leaned in closer to the 4 people sitting at the lunch table, (5 if you included Grimm, but he already knew). “I’m an octopus.” You said with excitement and slight nervousness.
   “Really? That sounds so cool!” Epel was quiet but excited when he spoke up for the first time since the conversation started. You smiled to yourself and mentally sighed in relief that the people you had next trusted with your secret didn’t view you any differently. 
   “Wait hold the phone. Octopus? Like Azul?” Ace pressed close enough that you could reach across with a napkin and wipe the side of his cheek that had been smeared with BBQ sauce when he scarfed his lunch.
  “Yes and no, Azul is a Common Octopus, which means that he is the standard octopus you mostly see around the ocean or in pictures. Basically what you imagine when someone says Octopus. I’m a different type of octopus, one that is more rare.” You pulled out your phone while talking to bring up an image. You held the phone so everyone at the table could see.
   “This is a female Blanket Octopus. We’re pretty rare but we are also one of the most beautiful kinds.” 
   Everyone went wide eyed and watched the screen as you scrolled through images of your fellow eight legged friends. Epel turned to you and grabbed your shoulder. 
   “You absolutely have to show us your merform.” Ace, Deuce, and Jack all nodded in agreement. You flushed and fiddled with the hem of your shirt. 
   “I don’t know guys. It would be a hassle to find a place where we could do it and I’m not sure I want anyone else seeing me. What if someone shows up and freaks out?” This time it was Jack’s turn to speak when he leaned back before smiling slightly.
   “Not that I care but I personally would show up to support you if you needed it. Besides, the school pool is closed after dark. However I’m pretty sure Ruggie has snatched a copy of every key to every lock in the building.”
   “Of course he has.” Deuce says rolling his eyes. “That hyena couldn’t keep his paws to himself even if his life depended on it.” You giggled but ignored the comment in favor of asking Jack if he could get the key. The wolf nodded and you told everyone to meet you by the pool at 9:30. Your friends nodded in agreement just as the bell rang.
   The air was humid and warm, it was perfect for a late night swim, although your clothes would likely stick to your body when you changed back. Still you shifted uncomfortably at the idea of getting in the water with what you are wearing. A pair of leggings was slipped on underneath a waterproof skirt. You had a jacket over your bikini top but per usual you were unable to wear bottoms unless you wanted them to tear. You would have to be very careful not to let the skirt go up before you shifted.
   A sigh left your lips and Grimm, sensing your nervousness, rubbed up against your leg in silent comfort. Your friends were unlikely to freak out but it was still nerve wracking to think about exposing your true form to other non-merpeople. Hundreds of scenarios where something went wrong filtered through your head and promised that your anxiety wouldn’t leave anytime soon. 
  “BOO!” Half a shriek pierced the night before a hand clasped over your mouth.  
   “Shishishishishi.” You turned around in surprise and pulled the fingers away from your face.
   “Ruggie! What are you doing here?” You whisper shouted. The hyena snickered again and held up one finger. He made a circular motion and a key ring twirled around in response. 
   “Jack said you needed to get in here. Thought I’d tag along.” The smirk on his face irritated you but you couldn’t be surprised. You should have known that having Jack of all people ask for keys to break into the pool after hours was going to raise some eyebrows. Honestly you should have just asked him to invite Ruggie along anyways. Key or no key the hyena was likely to want to know what was going on. 
   “Alright fine, but if you tell anyone what you saw here today, and I mean anyone, then I will hide your piggy bank from you.” Ruggie’s eyes went wide before they narrowed.
   “You have my word.” You smiled knowing that you had convinced him to keep your secret despite the fact that if he really had told someone you wouldn’t have actually done more than try and punch him. Of all people you knew how precious money was in this world, considering the fact that you had none.
   Footsteps alerted you to the approaching presence of your other friends. You turn
around and find Jack, Epel, Ace and Deuce walking over to you. They wave and Jack frowns when he spots Ruggie.
   “What are you doing here? I thought you already gave me the key.” The hyena snickers and points towards the key Jack was holding. 
   “I gave you the one to the janitors closet, which I’m gonna need back by the way. I wanted to see what was going on for myself so I hung out here till Y/n came over, and then I figured it had to be interesting if she was involved. I didn’t know there was gonna be a crowd though.” He looked at you, “This must be one hell of a surprise if you got all the first years here.”
   Deuce pointed out that Sebek was a first year as well but the hyena shrugged it off saying “he doesn’t count as a student since he’s basically just a guard.” You figured that was Leona’s opinion and Ruggie agreed.
   “Guys it’s already late and I don’t wanna get caught so let's go in already.” Everyone nodded and Ruggie opened the gate. 
   Carefully you unzipped your jacket as you walked over to the bench. The water appeared calm and undisturbed, allowing a clear view of the illuminated bottom which was surprisingly clean considering teenage boys flung about in the water all day.
   You sighed and shrugged the jacket off before stepping out of your shoes. Setting down the bag with your extra clothes you mentally prepared yourself for what was about to happen. 
   Ruggie leaned closer to Jack and whispered something you didn’t catch but Jack’s response of “You’ll see.” was enough to tell you what had happened. Pushing your anxiety out of the way you lowered yourself into the pool, sighing as the cool water licked your skin. Giving yourself a moment to relax you let your worries leak into the water around you. You had always felt better in the water. It’s a merfolk thing.
   “Are you guys positive you won’t freak out?” You called to the edge of the pool where your friends were standing. 
   “Not unless you grow 10 heads.” Ace sniggered until Epel elbowed him. You rolled your eyes and looked suspiciously over to Ruggie who still had no idea what was going on. 
   “No promises.” You sighed, but smiled when Jack nodded at you, signaling that it would be alright. Who were you kidding Ruggie was a hyena man who grew up in the slums. What did he care? Feelings of worry taken care of, you sunk deeper into the water and closed your eyes.
   The feeling that comes with shifting is always a little strange. It’s almost like your skin has been turned to putty and it is remolding itself and when it reaches the desired outcome it snaps back into place and holds like it has been that way the whole time. 
   Once you felt the transformation had completed you righted yourself in the water and peeked an eye open to look at your friends. Ace and Epel had their mouths wide open in a gasp. One that quickly turned into a smile. Jack looked as though he had just witnessed a miracle and Deuce was still in shock. Ruggie’s reaction was by far the most extravagant. His eyes were wide and his mouth was curved into a questioning gape. He had taken several steps back and his ears lay flat on his head. Behind him his tail bristled and stood fairly straight, pushing up the too large shirt. 
   You bit your lip and examined their faces trying to come up with a conclusion to what they were feeling. 
   “That… Is so cool!” Ace blurted out excitedly and ran over to the pool's edge to get a closer look. Deuce and Epel followed him and Jack trotted over as well, but not before snorting at Ruggie. The hyena man looked your form up and down and took in the swirling shades of color that decorated your now sea creature bottom half. He made a small noise before shaking himself and casually patting down the fur on his tail, which was still tense but not as much. 
   “Ok, of all the things I’ve seen. That, I was not expecting.” You giggled at Ruggie’s flustered reaction and felt yourself relax now that you knew pitchforks and torches weren’t coming out. 
   The hyena moved closer to the pool and joined your other friends who were staring at you in awe. You blushed uncontrollably as you felt their gazes roam your colorful body. Decorative markings that spread up to your collarbone changed to a darker shade with your blush.
   “So like can I touch you?” Deuce smacks his hand against Ace’s chest and gives him this look that says “dude you can’t just say that''. You giggle and glide closer to them before lifting your arm which was for the most part pretty human, but had a lavender shade to it and a long silky strip of webbing that shimmered as it moved. The longest tentacle on your body rose out of the water as well and you shivered as the webbing stuck together in an uncomfortable manner. 
   Ace leaned forwards and stroked your arm and tentacle. His eyes were filled with curiosity and wonder. Deuce looked a little more unsure but Epel had no problem reaching out and gently caressing your webbing. Ruggie joined him and Deuce eventually stuck his hand out to stroke your arm, but Jack held back and decided that ultimately he only wanted to look.
   “Wow! This stuff is so soft!” Epel said excitedly. He was generally pretty quiet so you were glad he was comfortable enough to speak out. 
   “It’s so colorful. If we had silks this pretty in the savannah then we’d have lots of money. Say, where could I find more of your kind.” Ruggie’s smirk told you that he was just joking but you glared at him anyways and flicked water his way. 
   The hyena flinched and shook his head before laying his ears back and moving away from the water. Jack and Ace laughed at the antics before Ruggie growled playfully and distracted them from what had happened moments before. 
   It was then that Ace leaned a bit too far forwards and fell straight into the pool. You jumped and swung your tentacles back, instinctively spreading them out to make yourself look bigger. 
   You willed your body to relax as you recovered from the little panic attack and laughed when Ace’s head bobbed to the surface. He sputtered and swam over to the edge and climbed out of the pool. He lay on the concrete and breathed heavily while the boys around him cackled. Ace glared and stood up. 
   “You jerks I’ll show you how you like it.” Deuce shrieked as Ace shoved him into the water. You laughed with everyone else as Deuce came up for air. Sensing a sudden threat of being pushed into the water Ruggie backed up against the gate and watched as Jack pushed Epel in before diving in himself. The five of you giggled and splashed as Ruggie snickered at your antics. 
   You were so glad your new friends didn’t mind your merform. Even better, they really liked it. It felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders as you dived down to swim with your friends. As the five of you splashed and played with Ruggie distracted with your antics, none of you noticed a dark form smirk in the bushes. Nor the click of the camera that he had with him.
   The next day was a nightmare. Apparently someone had spied on you and your friends and photographed you in your merform. People swarmed you asking you all sorts of questions. It was difficult to just get through the halls. Luckily none of the people who stopped and talked to you had anything unkind to say and the stares you received were more curious than malicious but it was still an uncomfortable situation to be in.
   For the most part people who knew you were pretty considerate about your space and privacy. Cater seemed absolutely thrilled to know that you were an octopus but only asked if you were alright with everything going on, instead of bombarding you with questions. 
   Kalim was a little more enthusiastic about the whole situation. Jamil ended up apologizing for him and pulling him away. Vil and Rook subtly commented on your merforms beauty before moving on. Diasomnia rarely came near you but Lilia gave you a sympathetic smile. Trey offered you a few baked sweets as he sensed that you were overwhelmed and as for everyone else you had yet to see them.
   The person you were most worried about seeing though was Azul. He was an octopus merman like you, yet you had never seen his merform. Unless you counted his overblot the only time you had seen him in full shift was in the picture you had borrowed from the museum. 
   He and the Leech twins will probably have an absolute field day over the fact that you’re also a mertype. You worried what Azul was going to think of you hiding it. Over the past few months you had developed a crush on him. You had a plan to confess and everything, but now that the secret was out you were worried that he wasn’t going to like you for keeping it from him. In truth you planned on telling him first, but figured there was no harm in letting your other friends know. Turns out there was and the whole school knew.
   Trapped in your thoughts, you failed to notice the two approaching twins and bumped into them as you turned around a corner.
   “Hiii~ Shrimpy-chan~!” Floyd’s ever changing mood seemed to pleasant as he greeted you with a smile and not a squeeze. 
   “Hello, Y/n. How are you today?” Jade's gentleman persona greeted you but failed to hide the questions and mischief in his eyes. 
   “Just say it already. I know you two already know.” You sighed and watched their faces light up with excitement. Floyd grabbed your arm and took off, dragging you behind him. “Wait!” Soon the three of you arrived at an empty classroom which you were promptly shoved in before the tweels followed, shutting the door behind them.
   “Y/n, my apologies for Floyd’s exuberant behavior, but we have been meaning to speak with you in private since the most recent exposure of your true nature.” Jade was calm and collected as always when he spoke and gently fixed your crumpled uniform which had been shifted while running. 
   “Shrimpy-chan! We have something to tell you!~” Floyd sing-songed before sitting on a desk.
   “What? Wait what is it? And where’s Azul? Wouldn’t he want to speak with me too? If this is about a deal the answer is no.” You folded your arms in front of you and put distance between yourself and the seemingly respectful brother. The twins looked at eachother and you caught a glimpse of something passing through their eyes before Floyd pouted.
   “Aww, what’s wrong with making deals with us? We promise to be real nice this time and not leave you homeless. You could stay with us at Octavinelle!” You rolled your eyes as Floyd giggled and swung his long legs despite the fact that they could easily reach the floor from his seat. 
   “The truth is, Azul is jealous.”
   “What!” You turned and exclaimed at Jade’s statement. The tall mage nodded and continued with a strange look on his face like he wasn’t bothered by this at all. 
   “You are far more beautiful than him in your merform and he is bothered by it. Everyone has always shunned him for his octopus body and now you present yourself as one and everyone goes wild with excitement over your gorgeousness. Something he believes to never have possessed.” 
   You were stunned. Azul was jealous of you. He was upset because you were more beautiful than him. No. You wanted him to love you, not be bothered by you. Why hadn’t you thought of Azul’s insecurities. He just wanted to be an attractive merman and here you were, the same mertype as him and you were advertising your beauty to the world where he had to hide his away due to the fact that he was insecure. 
   Not bothering to say a word you quickly left the room and raced down the hall. You needed to fix this as soon as possible. Otherwise Azul might not like you ever again. Two pairs of mismatched eyes watched your retreat and shone with anticipation. 
   “How long do you think it will take?”
   “Not long Floyd. Luckily she was already prepared before we released the picture.”
   Azul was so over this whole thing. He had rewatched the video and looked at the pictures about 20 times. You were so gorgeous and graceful in your merform; it just made him frustrated that he couldn have been admired for his tentacles. They were simple and slimy so most people hated them yet you were swathed in colorful silks that attracted every creature in the ocean. While most would swim by him or threaten to eat him, any sea animal that came across you would be hypnotised by your beauty. 
   The worst thing about you being an octopus is that it gave him one more reason to tell himself that you will never love him. He was so drab and you were well amazing. Of all the creatures in the sea you had to be a blanket octopus. If you had been a simple mermaid or even better a common octopus like him then surely he would have a chance with you at least. 
   A sudden knock on the door startled the mage and he stood quickly to make sure he looked alright before answering the door. You stood anxiously as he opened the door and grabbed his wrist before he had the chance to shut it. Surprisingly, Azul offered no resistance as you dragged him to the entrance of the aquarium. 
   Octavinelle’s aquarium had two sections, one was for regular fish and the other sea creatures that were on display from the mostro lounge. The other was for the residents. Any and all merfolk could use the aquarium if they felt homesick or separated from their true forms. This was where you chose to place the gift you had made. 
   Coming to a stop you turned and looked at Azul. He looked confused and excited at the same time. You took this as a good sign. 
   “Azul. Will you swim with me?” The merman’s eyes widened and he stood there processing your request for nearly a minute before responding.
   Giddy with glee you quickly leapt into the water and shed your clothes before transforming. Rising to the surface you looked up at him from just underneath the surface and he peered back at you.
   Strange. He thought for sure he would feel angry again when he saw you but the darling flush on your face and how you were genuinely happy to swim with him gave him another feeling all together. It bubbled inside of him and made him blush as he slowly lowered himself into the cool water beside you. 
   It had been a while since Azul had consciously shifted so he was a bit worried that he would do it too fast or slow and something would go wrong. Fortunately he was able to shift without incident. Once shifted he suddenly felt very self conscious. As a common octopus he was far more simple and plain compared to your swirling and colorful body. 
   You didn’t seem to mind however as you twirled and circled around Azul excitedly.
   “Come on I have something to show you.” Azul frowned in confusion but followed you regardless. You led him to a sort of grove area that he had never seen before. It was very well hidden but gorgeous as well. 
   You looked back at him excitedly and pushed through the sea vines to an open area where a ray of sunlight fell across and illuminated the gift you had spent months on. Azul’s jaw dropped when he laid eyes on the octopus pot that sat in the middle of the small room. 
   The base was grey and made of some type of stone. Around it sat lavender pillars and corals that surrounded the base except for the entrance. The round opening was smoothed and carved in a delicate design that resembled sea coral. Behind it sat a dark velvet cloth that was tied back with a golden rope.Azul assumed that was to block the entrance or allow for privacy. 
   The inside was decorated with lavish pillows in all sorts of cool shades. They were illuminated by a small yet classy lamp that hung off to the side. The outside of the pot was for the most part smooth and grey with a few purple undertones, but off to one side there sat a carving that resembled the waves and water foam, on top off which held a large pearl that glinted in the sunlight. On the other side a darker grey octopus clung to the top portion of the pot and spread its tentacles out in an elegant manner. Azul took note that the few that rose off the pot appeared to be for hanging things and one looked suspiciously like it was meant to support a staff. 
   You floated in place for what felt like hours as you waited for Azul to react. You reminded yourself to stay patient as he might not respond to it immediately. When he finally did react he did so without words. He simply pointed to himself and raised his eyebrows. You nodded excitedly before bowing your head bashfully. 
   “I’m so sorry that I upset you Azul. I never meant for it to get out in the first place. I was actually planning on telling you first and then giving this octopus pot to you since I know you don’t have one. Then things got messed up and everything and I’m so sorry. I think you’re beautiful in your merform and I hope you’ll accept my apology.” Your face burned when you spoke and you swished your tentacles nervously.
   “What?” You looked up when Azul spoke and saw confusion on his face. “I’m not upset at you. It’s not your fault you’re beautiful. Besides I could never be upset at you, octopus or not. I was distraught because I thought you were so amazing and I’m so plain and that there was no chance that you’d like me back.” You gasped and watched as his face slowly turned pink. 
   He dove into the pot and curled up, mentally berating himself for letting that slip. Shocked you glided over to the entrance of the pot and leaned your head in.
   “Azul. Do you mean that? Do you really like me?” He didn’t respond, you took a deep breath and admitted your own feelings. “Well I like you so…” His head snapped up and he let his expression grow into an ecstatic smile before coughing into his fist and composing himself.
   “Well in that case, do you want to come in and lay with me?” Azul ignored the fact that his face felt like it was on fire and waited as you giggled and moved in beside him. 
   “I’d love to. What do you think of the pot?” The merman smiled gently at you and spoke as he curled his tentacles around you and yours, him. 
   “It’s exquisite. I couldn’t love it more. Where did you get it?” 
   “I made it.” You muttered and flushed at the surprised and impressed look on his face. He shifted closer to you and gripped your hand with his. 
   “You did an excellent job. Thank you.” Your fingers intertwined with his and you pressed your forehead against his. 
   “I love you Azul.” You mumbled sleepily.
   “I love you Y/n.” He spoke before shutting his eyes and enjoying the warmth that spread through the pot. You’re silky webbing fell across the two of you like a blanket and after a stressful morning Azul allowed himself to slip into a comfortable sleep.
   Two pairs of heterochromatic eyes watched the two octopus merpeople sleep soundly inside the pot and smirked with wicked teeth. 
   “How did you know she was an octopus as well?”
   “Floyd, surely you must have noticed. They both smell like takoyaki.” The eels laughed and quietly zipped away, leaving the octopus pot behind.
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