#now all i gotta do is convince her to do Halloween costumes
Clone wars headcanons about everything and nothing
Ahsoka has a decent amount of allergies but only a handful are actually life-threatening and no matter how much she tells Anakin that it never stops him from treating them all the same
And by treating them all the same I mean he’s slapped some snacks out of her hands because he knew she was slightly allergic to it
In his defense the clones are really bad at keeping track of her allergies and because of that they have fed her a couple of things that were lethal to her and ever since then Anakin’s never really trusted them with food
Also in his defense Ahsoka once ate something she was highly allergic to on a dare (the poor clone didn’t know she was allergic) and all she did to remedy the situation was hand said poor clone her EpiPen before passing out
Unfortunately the clone didn’t know how to use the EpiPen so Ahsoka ended up passing out and Anakin and Rex had to rush her off to the med bay because they didn’t know how to use the EpiPen either 
Because of this incident the clones weren’t allowed to give Ahsoka food and there were a couple of signs that said “blue to the sky orange to the thigh” around the ship
I feel like everyone in Clone Wars is simultaneously touch-starved and tactile which is a very fun mix especially when I think about Ahsoka and everyone else because I like to think whenever Ahsoka asks for a hug 9.5/10 she gets one 
Master Plo is the most used to this cause Ahsoka’s been like this since she was a child and he’ll admit he’s spoiled her with hugs 
If you were to ask her what his hugs feel like she would say they feel like childhood or that feeling you get when you smell something that you could only find in your home when you were a kid
Obi-Wan is an interesting can of worms because he’s as tactile and touch-starved as the rest of them but he’s also incredibly touch-adverse which results in him declining hugs 5/10 because he just can't fathom touching someone in that moment
But when he does give Ahsoka a hug she’ll say there’s nothing like it and she would often describe it as a breath of fresh air and very soothing on stressful days 
Rex is most likely it give Ahsoka a hug bro is simply the hugger™ and she would describe his hugs as comforting if not a little awkward but grounding none the less kind of like hugging a weighted blanket just out of the drier 
She doesn’t get to see Padme nearly as often as she would like which means she tries to get a hug whenever she can and Padme will never decline her hugs if anything she initiates most of them
Ahsoka doesn’t remember her mom or her hugs well but if she had to give an example of what a hug from her mom felt like she would say Padme’s 
Anakin honestly isn’t comfortable with touching people he doesn’t know well but when he does feel comfortable with someone he’s clingy 
Ahsoka will never admit this half cause it’s embarrassing and half because she fears it would hurt the other’s feelings but Anakin’s hugs are easily her favorite something about the all-encompassing hug makes her feel safe and secure like nothing else 
But the funny thing is that sometimes he doesn’t really have the energy to hug Ahsoka so he’ll just put all of his dead weight on her which usually results in one of two reactions from her 
one. Is usually her saying “Hug me like you love me” or something along those lines to which he will squeeze the everloving force out of her or two. “Hug me like a normal person” which usually gets the smartass response of “Who said I was a normal person”
So it’s pretty obvious that Anakin and Ahsoka have their bigger competitions but they’ve also got little ones like who can make the funnier face when Obi-Wan is trying to do his work which normally ends with the duo hunched over laughing and Obi-Wan finding another place to work 
The: “Who can accurately make the noises Obi-Wan makes while stretching” challenge which just usually results in the clones worriedly checking in on them cause it sounds like they’re in pain
The: “Who can eat more ice cream” challenge always ends with Anakin regretting his life choices and Ahsoka doing the dishes because she feels bad 
Long story short they’ve got a lot of challenges cause they’re competitive little weirdos but the funniest part is they rarely keep score of who the winner is so they’re in an endless cycle of useless competitions 
Obi-Wan has slowly collected mugs for everyone he’s close with and they have a nice little home in his otherwise empty mug cupboard 
Anakin and Padme have matching from Naboo because Obi-Wan took them shopping when they were pretty young 
Padme can’t drink tea with them as often as she would like but when she can schedule a small tea break Anakin makes sure to smuggle all their mugs out of Obi-Wan’s kitchen
Ahsoka’s mug is possibly one of Obi-Wan's favorites it’s a good size and practical but’s also got nice intricate color-changing details because they both thought it looked cool
Cody and Obi-Wan’s mugs are pretty similar but their main difference is the childlike handwriting on the bottom of one that says “to: Obi from: Ani”
Rex doesn’t get a mug until later and it’s the most unconventional and inconvenient mug in all of creation the poor dude has to hold it from the sides because his hands don’t fit in the handle
And its design pisses Obi-Wan off every time he sees it the only thing that’s stopping him from smashing it into hundreds of little pieces is that Rex picked it so in the cupboard it stays 
Sometimes the group forgets that Ahsoka isn’t human which leads to very funny circumstances 
Like Rex losing a decent amount of credits trying to call Ahsoka’s “bluff” of being able to bench twice his weight 
Or at the fact that Obi-Wan was once hiding from Ahsoka and Anakin because he didn’t want the duo to see the extent of his injuries from a solo mission 
But he forgot that Ahsoka could smell and hear better than the average being so she was able to track him down pretty fast (she was also freaked out cause she could hear his erratic heartbeat and smell the blood so that wasn’t a pleasant experience for her) 
Or the number of times when she’s eaten an unholy amount of food just for Anakin to wake up at 3 am to find her scavenging for more cause she’s still hungry 
And let me tell you seeing some small hunched-over little creature with reflective eyes at that time of night would make even the chosen one screech like a banshee
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Margaritas and Misunderstandings
Raphael x Reader
Summary: Raphael never expected to meet his soulmate, especially not at a college Halloween party.
Notes: I love writing college-age turtles lol and I also really love soulmate aus and haven’t written any on this blog yet, so enjoy! Let me know if you want more parts to this one, I really like Raph and reader’s dynamic here.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, swearing
Word Count: 2k
Reader Is: In college, female
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Raphael had been convinced the words on his arm were a joke, some cruel reminder the universe had given him that he was unlovable. He wasn’t meant to have a soulmate. Look, he’d urge himself, standing in the mirror. Look at that. Ain’t no one gonna love all that.
The ink had appeared around the time Raph turned eighteen, about a month before his eighteenth birthday, in fact, when his existence was still, for the most part, a secret and every girl he’d interacted with thus far had fainted when they saw him, April included, though she was now a very dear friend of theirs. He was twenty-one now. He and his brothers were going to a human college on the surface, slowly but surely integrating themselves into human society.
Raph had been convinced, really truly convinced, that the words on his arm still didn’t mean anything, couldn’t mean anything. Until Leo met his soulmate, that was.
He remembered the frantic message to the group chat the brothers shared. Leo was at the library. The others were en route to study with him, but he’d gotten out of class before the others. Sure enough, he’d bumped into some quiet little bookworm in the library and said the words on her wrist, causing her to say exactly what was written on Leo’s in return.
That had been a few months before, right at the beginning of the school year. Leo was dating her now, obviously. Her name was Isabella and Raph thought she was…nice. It kinda made him sick how perfect she and Leo were together. Just reminded him how alone he was, but more than that, it stirred up the anxiety deep in the pit of his stomach, the constant reminder that he did have a soulmate and someday…they’d look him in the eye and say “Shit, I’m so sorry!”
Even if he did have a soulmate. Even if they did find him someday, what was the point? It seemed like they weren’t very happy to see him, whoever they were.
So Raph went about his life, trying to ignore the words on his wrist as best as he could, dreading the day when his soulmate would reject him, just as he knew they always would.
“Hey, (Y/N), you’re coming to the Halloween party this weekend, right? It’s at the Sigma House.” Your roommate said, sitting across from you at the library. Her name was Lindsay and she was a pretty blonde girl majoring in criminal justice. She was going to be a lawyer someday, ala Elle Woods and wanted to do her best to make the world a better place.
“I don’t know about that.” You chuckled, shaking your head. “You remember what happened at their homecoming party, right? I’m not much of a party girl, apparently…”
“Oh nonsense, you learned your lesson. You’re still just…learning your limits, is all. Gotta build up that tolerance somehow.”
You scoffed. “Yeah, from right beside the toilet maybe.”
“What, like lightning’s gonna strike twice? It’s Halloween! It’ll be fun! Plus, where else are you gonna wear your cute lil’ costume? It’s not like we can go trick or treating anymore.”
“Valid point.” You shrugged and chewed on the end of your straw. “Fine. I’ll go.”
“YESSSSS! I’m texting Isabella. She’s bringing Leonardo.”
“Ah yes, the elusive Leonardo.” You took a sip from your iced coffee. “Supposedly he has three brothers that all go here too, but I swear I haven’t seen any of them except him the, what, two times we’ve met him.”
“I think he’s nice.”
“I think he’s nice too, but you’d think it would be easier to spot them out and about.” You chuckled. “Oh never mind, I spoke too soon.”
“Where.” Lindsay turned around, catching a glimpse of the large, hulking turtle walking into the library, side by side with a slightly smaller turtle carrying a skateboard.
“Don’t look too fast, oh my god.”
“Ooh. He’s…”
“I was gonna say ‘big’ but yeah, that works too.” Lindsay giggled. “Oh my god, (Y/N), I didn’t know you were into that. You know, I saw that Ice Planet Barbarians book at the B&N in the mall if you—”
“Shut up!” You hit her playfully with the book you had sitting on the table.
The large turtle in the red flannel caught your eye and smirked, giving a little half-wave. You waved back, cheeks fully flushed from your conversation with Lindsay.
“Oh my god he just waved at you. Oh my god!”
“Shut upppp!” You rolled your eyes, sliding down your seat.
The Sigma Halloween Bash finally arrived and you slipped into your costume, Raven from Teen Titans, right down to the cape you’d spent the better part of a day sewing yourself.
You looked over yourself in the mirror. You looked hot, you admitted, admiring yourself in the costume. It was no wonder she was everyone’s first cartoon crush.
“You ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready.” You turned around to face Isabella, who was dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. “Aww, you look cute!”
“Thanks! It was Leo’s idea.”
“Speaking of whom…are the boys coming over here first or…?”
“They’re meeting us there. Lindsay told me you guys saw Raph, huh?”
“Oh yeah. Forgot about that.” Your cheeks reddened at the mere mention of his name. “Raph, huh?”
“Raphael. He’s…nice. I don’t think he likes me all that much, but Leo says he gets better once you get to know him.”
“One of those.” You nodded. “Good to know in case I run into him completely shitfaced. Try to make a good impression.”
“Good luck with that.” Isabella chuckled, ushering you downstairs so you and your other roommates would walk the few blocks to the party.
For Halloween, it was pretty warm outside with a nice breeze, costumed college kids marching down every sidewalk to find whatever party they were headed for. And, as usual, you were following the biggest stream of kids, straight into the Sigma house.
The music was deafening and the second you stepped inside, one of the drunk frat guys handed each of you a can of White Claw, which you grimaced at and handed to Lindsay, who took it with a smile. Instead, you set out in search of a Margarita, the one drink you knew you liked, thus far. Your search was successful. You poured yourself a glass of the sweet lime drink and found your roommates again.
“There she is!” Lindsay pulled you to her and spun you around as you sipped from your drink. “You find your Marg?”
“The boys are on the way.” Isabella reported, bobbing along to the music while reading from her phone. “Should be any—Oh, there they are! Leo!” She waded through the crowd, pushing her way to the giant turtle who was dressed in the Beast’s suit from Beauty and the Beast. That was cute.
Raph wandered into the kitchen and out of your sight, but not before you saw the large foam spikes taped to his shell. He was dressed as Bowser. That was really funny, actually.
The party continued and you had a second margarita. You were deciding on whether or not to grab a third and then decided to commit when you saw him still hanging around the kitchen.
So, tipsy as ever, you walked through the frat house to the kitchen and poured yourself yet another drink.
“Ayo Raven! You look good did you make that yourself?” asked the shortest of the turtles, although he still stood at least six feet tall.
“I did! Thank you so much! I loved the show as a kid.”
He grinned. “I did too. I’m Mikey, by the way. You’re Isabella’s roommate, right?”
“I am indeed. (Y/N).”
“Well, (Y/N), it’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too!” You beamed, scanning the kitchen. Huh, not sight of Raphael. You wondered where he’d gone. You thought for a moment and second-guessed your third margarita for the night, decided to get a glass of ice water instead.
When you walked back out to the other room, you found him alright, stumbling right into him and spilling your water all over him.
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” You apologized, looking up at him. He stared back down at you, his eyes wide.
“It’s you? Yer…Wow, I just, uh…I…I didn’t think it would be you.” He stammered, reading through the words that had been etched onto your wrist since high school. You rolled up your sleeve, glancing down at them to be sure before looking back up at him, sobering up almost instantly.
“You’re my soulmate.” You whispered, starstruck in his presence.
“Let me get ya some more water, alright?” He offered, taking the empty solo cup from you, his giant hand gentler than you could have ever imagined it to be. “I’ll be right back.”
“O-Okay.” You nodded, still, for lack of better word, shell-shocked where you stood, the world crumbling around you until he finally came back with another cup of water.
He handed it to you and you were sure you were gonna drop that one, too, but you didn’t, miraculously, holding onto it for dear life. “You wanna get some air?”
“Yeah.” You nodded.
Tentatively, Raphael offered his hand to you in the crowded room. He didn’t expect you to take it. In no reality could he imagine this pretty girl dressed as a superhero to take his hand, but you did, slipping your hand into his and letting him lead you out into the backyard.
The sounds of the party faded away. There were a few people out on the deck making out, but the grass was wide open, the perfect spot to get away from all the noise in there.
You were both quiet for a while, your heart hammering in your chest as you sat down next to him. You took a long sip of water, chasing the edge of the margarita away.
“So uh…it’s okay if ya…uh…I shoulda practiced this.” He shook his head, letting out a pathetic chuckle. “I get it, I mean, if yer not…into me. I saw ya laughin’ at me at the library the other day.”
“Oh fuck, no I wasn’t I…kind of the opposite, actually.” You admitted, counting your blessings you had some liquid courage in your body for this conversation. “I’m Isabella’s roommate. Lindsay and I both are and I…I just kinda blurted out that you were hot and she…she was making fun of me, not you. I’d never make fun of you.”
“Wait, you…” He grinned, amused. “Yer not serious.”
“I am, I swear.” You laughed, pulling your cape around yourself. “I like your costume, by the way.”
“Heh. Yeah, thanks. Low effort costumes are kinda my forte.” He shrugged. “Mikey did the spikes for me. Was kinda hopin’ you’d show up dressed as Princess Peach, to be honest.”
“You still wanted me to be the Peach to your Bowser even when you thought I was making fun of you?” You asked, pouting up at him. “Raph…”
“I wouldn’t’a held it against ya even if you were.” He shrugged. “Hell, my own sister passed out the first time she met the four of us.”
“You have a sister?”
“Her name’s April. We ain’t blood, but we are family.” He smiled. “I’d like ta introduce her to ya someday. If ya want, of course. I’m…I ain’t ever done this before.”
“Well you’re doing great.”
“Ya don’t have to lie.” He nudged you playfully.
“I’m not.” You giggled, nudging him back. “You are doing great.”
“You still drunk?”
“Not much.”
“What?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Those margaritas might be clouding ya judgement, shorty.”
“They are not.” You giggled, reaching for his arm, which he gladly gave to you. You grabbed onto him, a little cold now that you’d been out there for a bit.
“If ya need me to warm ya up, I can’t. I’m cold-blooded.”
“Oh right. That’s okay.”
“Ya wanna go back inside?”
“No.” You shook your head. “I just wanna sit out here with you for a while.”
He smiled, withdrawing his arm and putting it around you instead. He rested his head against yours, letting out a long breath as you sat beneath the stars. “I like that plan.”
Tags: @thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83, @dilucsflame33, @happymoonangel, @leleouwu
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theficplug · 2 years
Chef's Kiss
Carmy & Reader attend his sister's Halloween themed/ costume party.
Carmen Berzatto x Black Reader
[This was supposed to be posted for Halloween. So sorry babes your girl was going through it. But I hope that you still enjoy it all the same.]
18+ smut towards the end so please minors dni. go here instead
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Going out to party on a Saturday night when he could be at home in bed with you or going out to a drive-in movie with you was not Carmy’s favourite thing, but somehow you convinced him to attend Natalie’s adult costume party and dress up. 
Asking him while he was in a good mood because The Bear received 4 and a half star rating and making chocolate chip pancakes for the both of you was the key.
You both decided to go as Linguini & Colette Tatou from Ratatouille and you couldn’t be more excited to actually get out of the house and away from work for once. 
You couldn’t remember the last time that you two did something just for the fun of it because you both have been swamped in deadlines and projects and just not enough of each other for your liking.
He pulled together his costume from an old culinary school uniform from his closet complete with the hat and you ordered a sexier version of a chef uniform and a bob wig to complete your version of the Colette look.
You pull down the hem of the dress to fully cover your butt as you step out of the car and grab the bag from the floor. 
The nerves were also kicking in once you realised that you were going to be around the majority of Carmen’s family and a few family friends from his childhood for the first time. 
You were both standing outside your car in front of Natalie and her husband Pete’s home putting the finishing touches on your costumes. 
"You would look so good as a ginger! You gotta say the rat-patootie line for me at least once tonight." You say to him, spraying the last of the orange spray onto his mousy brown locks to complete the look now so that it wouldn’t stain everything at home.
He was holding the little plush Remy toy in one hand and toying with the engagement ring on your left hand with the other.
He sighed and shook his head no before you gave him a small “please?” .
“You know you want to.” you urge him to say the line with a small pout and he starts moving his hands animatedly.
“HEY. Why do they call it that? RATATOUILLE. It’s like a stew, right? Why do they call it THAT? If you’re going to name a food, you should give it a name that’s going to sound DELICIOUS. Ratatouille doesn’t sound delicious. It sounds like rat and PATOOTIE. RAT PATOOTIE. Which does not sound delicious.” Carmen recites, sounding exactly like a drunk Linguini and you fall into him , laughing at how he’s mimicking the character.
"Perfection babe, literal perfection." You say to him still laughing at the things your fiancé does just to see you smile.
Mumbling a little "thank you baby" with a small smile as he presses a soft kiss to your knuckles. 
"Can you see my lace?" You question and he's already well trained to know what you're referring to. 
He tilts your head down to get a closer look and shakes his head, placing a kiss to the top of your own. 
Carmy places his hands on the sides of your face and his eyes piercing into you made you feel like he only ever saw you and nothing else. 
“What are you looking at?” you ask with a small smile and he shakes his head,  kind of like he’s breaking himself out of his daze.
"You’re so pretty baby. I still can’t wrap my head around it. Can I have a kiss?" He asks, pouting his lips slightly for you to kiss him.
"You're so corny you know that?" you tease. “Love you.” You manage to say against his lips.
"That's true but you didn't say that last night when I was hitting it from the back. I believe your exact words were "yes chef, yes”, but you know I could be wrong. I kind of lose my train of thought when I’m in it. ” He teases.
Richie steps out of the backseat dressed as Shaggy from Scooby Doo with an “Alright, alright , alright. You two gonna help me with the piñata or am I going to have to suffer through a replay of what happened? Cousin, you better have washed that goddamn spatula”.
“You heard that ? When are you and Tiff going to make up because you’ve been on our pull out for like a week now.” You fire back and Richie raises his hands in defeat as Carmy laughs and grabs some extra bags of candy for the piñata and you grab the drinks from the backseat. 
The three of you make your way to the doorbell and Natalie, who's dressed full on as Margot Robbie’s version of Barbie, instantly lights up as she wraps her arms around your shoulders. 
Her husband Pete steps beside her fully dressed as Ken and greets the 3 of you with a small wave and a polite smile. 
“My girl! You convinced him to come and dress up? What kind of superpowers do you have?” She asks jokingly while giving your shoulders a soft squeeze. 
“Sugar, good to see you. We brought uh actual Ratatouille, a piñata , and Richie has a few cases of beer. ” Carmy greets her with a side hug and a nod after she finally lets you go.
“Richie.” She says dryly as she glances over his shoulder and sees him smiling in the background holding up a case of beer and the piñata. 
“Nat. Where do you want these?” Richie asks, referring to the cases of beer in his hands and ignoring the air of awkwardness.
You look between the two choosing to make a mental note of what happened there for when you and Carmen are in bed later.
“You really went all out. Sis, you’ve already won “best party” already for this year. Look at this!” You say to her looking at the life-sized spiders, punch with eyeballs in it, and all of the other realistic decorations scattered across the rooms. The kitchen even had a fog machine going creating a spooky atmosphere. 
Everyone dressed according to the theme and went all out with their costumes and looks ranging from scary to cute to “okay, that was a choice”. 
In the last 15 minutes you’ve seen everything from Kill Bill to Carrie to Charlie's Angels, and currently you were watching Barbie be whisked away by Mavis from Hotel Transylvania.
After you made your rounds greeting new members from his family it was time to play a few games. 
You and Carmy were absolutely crushing it at the “Guess The Horror Movie” game and ended up winning a new blender and a Keurig but you two were still going. 
“Baby- Babe, listen to me, focus, come on! I really want that Target gift card. Ooonne twooo-'' You sing to him trying to give him a clue of the movie and he’s shaking his head. 
“And that’s time! The correct answer is Freddie Kreuger, Nightmare on Elm Street.” his cousin Erin answers, dressed as Mavis from Hotel Transylvania and her husband dressed as Johnny wins the gift card instead. 
“Sorry baby! I don’t know why I got stuck on Friday The 13th for some reason. Next time, I promise.” Carmy apologises and places a kiss on your temple. 
“Next time I want you on my team, daughter because I could’ve used that Sephora gift card that was given away earlier.” Carmen’s mother, who’s dressed as Scarlet Witch says to you.
"Oh boys vs girls vs theys next round. We're about to rack up, mother in law!" You say competitively and you both clap hands in agreement.
At some point the two of you are separated and you are locked into a conversation with nearly everyone he knows and all of Natalie’s friends. 
They were trying to figure out everything from how you two met, who’s invited to the wedding, and in the process you were both invited to countless holiday parties.
“He has not been to a family event in what- 3 years. He hung around Michael like a shadow. Never brought a girl home. Hell, I thought that maybe he was gay. Nothing wrong with that but all of a sudden little miss sunshine comes out of nowhere and he’s full of life? And she’s got nonna’s ring?” You walk into the kitchen and overhear one of his cousins say to her sister and she nods while swallowing her drink.
“Maybe if you all weren’t such energy vampires draining the life out of him and realised that everyone handles grief differently then maybe you would’ve realised that all he needed was therapy and a lot of love. Which I give him everyday. I’d suggest you spend less time worrying about us and worry about why your husband has been over there eye-fucking Cruella since she arrived after everyone else. Because we’re good over here.” you advise and grab a Frankenstein sugar cookie off of the table next to them.
One of the cousins apologises for gossiping and her sister scoffs past you to go find her aforementioned husband.
You take a bite out of the cookie and watch as Erin walks over to you shaking her head. She hands you a glass of “Witches Brew” and leans against the table next to you.
“About time she got knocked down a peg. Sophia has always been a bitch since we were kids. I’m talking full on chopping one side of my hair to the top of my ear when we were 9 because she wanted to “play hairdresser”. My mom had to tell everyone that I was trying to look like Rihanna with the asymmetrical bob. My hair still won’t grow right to this day.” you both laugh for a moment and she nudges your shoulder.
“For what it’s worth. I’m glad to see him laugh. I haven’t seen him so genuinely happy since he was following Mike around on some adventure of the day. I don’t think many people realise that he was not only his brother but also his best friend. I know that he still blames himself for the disconnect. For what happened… You reached him when none of us could. And you’re glowing so he must be doing something right. He looks at you like you’re made of all the stars and wonders that the astronauts are constantly seeking. I just hope that he doesn’t fuck it up because I’ve already made a new friend tonight.” She smiles warmly at you and you nod. 
Erin continues to talk for a while about her new baby and starting a new business as a wedding planner and telling you that you should definitely give her a call when you’re ready to plan for your wedding. 
You were swaying to the music and sipping on the glass of “Witches Brew” when you noticed Carmen’s social battery dying mid sentence. 
He was zoning out and you can tell that the conversation he was having with his Aunt Catrina was not one that he wanted to be having. 
Carmy was ruffling his hands through his hair and picking at his nail beds and you knew that he was having a bit of sensory overload. 
Like clockwork his eyes begin to scan the room and you give him a soft smile.
"Love you" you mouth to him.
You watch his shoulders drop slightly and his jaw unclench as he tries to nod along to whatever she’s saying to him. 
“Thank you Erin, I’ll definitely give you a call girl because honestly I have no idea of what colour scheme I want or flowers or any of those things. How’s next Wednesday? Perfect. I’m gonna go get my fiance out of that trap.” You say to her as you excuse yourself from the conversation.
“Perfect- go go go lovebird. I’m going to go see if I can find my “Johnny” around here somewhere.” she says with a laugh and gives you a hug before going about her way. 
“Well, I just- just. He- he.” You frown as you hear Carmen begin to stutter, you can tell that he was getting overwhelmed at this point. 
You saunter next to him and rest your head on his shoulder, turning to nuzzle his neck and he instantly relaxes into your touch. 
“Missed you by my side, handsome.” you whisper against his neck. 
“So yeah, Michael called me 5 days before high out of his mind-” Catrina continues and you pretend to stumble into her as you switch on your heels and some of the dark red drink splashes onto her dress , staining her Dolly Parton costume.
“Oh for fucks sake. I am so sorry Catrina. I can’t walk in these damn heels. Honestly, I should’ve just worn sneakers.” you lie and Carmy turns the other way to try and hide his laugh. 
“It’s alright, sweetheart.  Excuse me Carmen. Let me go see if I can find some club soda around here somewhere. Don’t go anywhere.” she says and leaves you two alone finally. 
You guide him to a dark corner of the room so that he can catch his breath and relax away from the buzzing of the social scene. 
He wraps his arms around you two as you back into a wall and rests against it comfortably.
“Do you want to go home? Just say the word and we can get out of here and into our pjs with the rest of the flan that you made last night. I would be so down.“ You suggest as you sway your hips to the music in the dark corner of the room while Thriller plays in the background. 
“I’m okay. Catrina never knew how to read a room and I just wanted you back in my arms.” Carmen wasted no time placing kisses onto your neck and shoulders while his hands trail down your arms while dancing with you.
Albeit, he was a little offbeat but he was making an effort.
You sneakily press against him firmly and you chuckle softly when you hear him let out a little shocked gasp.
You never stop moving your hips to the music as you begin to roll them and feel him harden against your touch while matching your movements. 
“Baby you can’t do this right now. I don’t want to go through the rest of this party hard as fuck tonight.” He laughs, laced with a soft groan. 
“Who said you had to? I believe that I saw a bathroom down the hall to the right.” You tease and walk away knowing that he was going to be right on your heels.
Carmen knocked three times before you pulled him into the dark bathroom and your lips found his thinner soft pink ones. 
He rests his forehead against yours and lets his lips ghost over yours before he pecks your lips again and lifts you onto the black and white marble counter. 
He lets his tongue massage yours for a moment with his hands under your chef-style dress and he slides his warm hand into your panties, circling your clit before dipping two fingers into you. 
You grab his wrist and try to stifle your moans while Carmy sucks a love bite into the top of your breast.
Carmy currently had the “S” and the “O” of his tattoos in you and was trying to sink the “U” into you while you began to ride his fingers and bite into your plump bottom lip , trying to stay quiet and respectful. 
Carmen leans back to give you a look that says “why are you holding it in”. 
He wants to make you feel good and he likes to hear you when he makes you feel good he doesn’t really care whomever else hears it too. 
You remove his fingers and bring them to his lips and he does not hesitate to lick them clean.
 Ever the whore, he makes a show of savouring the taste of you while licking his lips and pulling you closer to him to taste yourself.
“Of all the delicious things I’ve tasted, the best by far will always be you.” He mumbles against your lips. 
 You move off of the counter and onto your knees, fumbling around in the dark with his buckle before sliding his pants down. 
You take a moment to kiss thighs and from base to the flushed head that matches the colour of his strawberry lips while running your hands over his thighs again. 
You look up at him as he tries to find a wall to brace himself against while you kitten lick the prominent vein on the underside of his shaft before teasing the slit of him with your tongue. You place soft kisses to the tip to tease him slightly.
“You want it? You want me to take it into my mouth? I need you to use your words.” You tease, still licking from the base to the tip again.
“Yes. Yes, baby. Stop teasing me like this. Come on. Please?” 
You take a moment to spit over here knowing that he likes it sloppy. You made sure to look him in his eyes as you slid him past your plush soft two toned lips into your mouth. 
Carmen looks down at you smiling for a moment before rubbing your jaw and helping you take him deeper into your mouth. 
“Oooh fuck. I’m gonna be honest. If you keep looking at me with them pretty brown eyes I’m not going to last longer than 5.” He admits breathily as you begin to bob slowly, letting your mouth and throat massage over him and you hum really vibrating against him. 
“I- I- have to be in you. You’re too fucking good at this and you’re going to make me cum if you don’t- if you don’t come up now.” He says quietly to you and you let out a laugh only further massaging him. You massage his balls softly and he lets out a whine almost, grabbing the back of your head and pulling you off of him. 
He once again lifted you onto the counter this time laying you back onto it and pulling you to the edge so that he can have full access to you. Carmen fumbles with your panties for a moment trying to get them out of the way before making sure to slide himself up and down your slit.
Carmy slides against the plush raven colored curls of your mound using this time to return the teasing and coat himself in your honey. 
“Carmen.” You warn 
“Okay, I know. I know.” He taps it against your clit one last time before pushing into you with a long drawn out moan of your name. 
It takes him a moment to bottom out. You were already mewling at the way he tilted your hips and rolled his own into you, stretching you out to the hilt. 
Once he set the pace he placed his hands on each side of your face and begin to fuck into you at a rhythm that already made tears prickle the corner of your eyes. He knew your body better than the map of his hometown and he knew just how to stroke you to get you where you needed to be.
His kisses were hot against your skin as he pulled down the top of your dress and bra to your mouth at your nipples. The little soft dark ochre colored buds stood at attention as he sucked skillfully on each. 
“You feel like fucking heaven, my love. You’re so warm and wet for me? Is this all for me?” He questions next to your ear before putting his fingers in your mouth, getting them wet so that he can rub at your clit in soft slow precise circles just the way that you like it.
“It’s all for you baby, fuck. I’m getting close. ” You whimper and you wince for a moment at the counter digging into your back from the angle that he had one of your legs on his shoulder and the other one open for him to see all of you.
Carmen doesn’t miss anything when it comes to you and he slows his pace to search your face for the cause of that wince.
He leans down to kiss up your neck and to your lips before looking into your eyes. “What’s wrong mama? Is this hurting your back? You want to switch?” He asks, pulling out slowly and helping you stand up.
Carmen takes a seat on the bathroom counter before sitting you up onto his lap. It was his turn to whine softly as you rocked down onto him. 
“All the way to the bottom baby. You can take it. Mhmm, I know you can. Ooh fuck, good girl. You’re so good for me. Taking me all the way down to the base. Good job baby. Fuck, can you feel that?” he whispers against your lips while pulsing inside of you and his brows furrowed together and he tips his head back.
You moan into each other's mouths almost instantaneously when you sink all the way to the base, stretching you out again.
His hands are splayed out on your back and hips and then down under your costume to hold your cheeks and help you bounce at a steady pace. 
He resists the urge to spank you and instead opted for gripping your ass like a vice as he begins to twitch inside of you and you open your eyes to look at him. 
He smiles sheepishly at you knowing you can feel him practically throbbing inside of you as you tease him at this point pulling almost all the way out and then slamming down onto him again. The lewd sounds echoing throughout the marble bathroom. 
“Mhhmm okay, fuck me then. Fuck, get it. Fuck me harder then. Come on. Fuck me harder baby.” He moans and you can only answer him with broken moans of your own. 
It felt like he was spearing straight into the spot where you needed him most with every drop and roll of your hips. 
You both let out a long sigh when he adds jolts and thrusts of his own in tandem with yours. Carmy’s hands make their way between your legs again to rub at your clit and leans forward to kiss your nose. 
“Ah shit, baby , baby, baby, slow down. Baby. I-. Oh fuck, I’m right there. Mama, fuck I’m right there. It’s too fucking good. It’s too good. I’m-” he whines out against your neck and you can feel him finishing inside you as his stomach clenches and he grabs you hard enough to leave bruises on your hips tomorrow morning. 
You begin to milk him as you grind your hips slowly as your own orgasm washes over you and the sensation mixed with the way he’s still skillfully playing with you and licking up your neck and the shell of your ear. 
“You okay?” Carmy sighs, holding your chin in his hand and looking you over with a small satisfied smile on his face.
You smile against his hand letting out a laugh at your current situation. 
“Fucking better than ever, but we’ve got to get out of this bathroom before someone notices that we’ve been gone for like 30 minutes.” you say getting off of him and you both let out a moan at the feeling.
He helps you clean up and adjust your dress before you help him put his hat back on and you leave the bathroom first , laughing to yourself. 
You notice some people looking at you and then Carmy walking out behind you and entering the room where the party is still going. 
You look around the room and find Natalie dancing next to her mother and Pete and she gives you a wink when her eyes catch yours.
Richie walks over half drunk and with a smirk plastered on his face. 
“Well shit cousin, what vampire attacked you on your way to the bathroom?” He jokes and you look over at him with lipstick all over the collar of his coat and bright purpley-red love bites forming on the column of his throat and the side of his neck. 
“I don’t know dickhead, maybe the same one that’s on Tiff’s neck over there.” Carmy fires back and Richie smirk drops instantly.
“ Who the fuck invited that ass-wipe? It’s family only.” He says and you both laugh because Richie’s technically not even blood-related but he’s family.
“You coming with us cousin or you’re going to work it out with Tiff? We’re gonna call it a night.” Carmy asks and Nat walks over, giving Carmen the Remy and presents that were lost throughout the night.
“And listen to another round of whatever you two had going on last night? Hell no. I’m going to get this prick out of her face.” Richie says patting Carmy’s shoulder and walking off.  
“I’m guessing Remy didn’t make the cut for the little bathroom adventure. Don’t worry, I'll be sending you a bill for the cleaning supplies. Asshole. You two are taking off already?” Natalie says half jokingly, pushing Carmen.
“Yeah, you know how it is. I’m old now. It’s 11. Gotta be up at 5 tomorrow so I’m gonna try and get some sleep. Say goodbye to mom and everyone else for me?” he asks and you give Natalie one last hug.
She whispers a “thank you” in your ear before letting you go.
“Yeah yeah. Get out of here loser... It was nice to actually see you smiling tonight and just being here in general. I’ve missed you, you know.” She says and he nods fully understanding what she meant. 
“Family dinner, next week. Our place, Thanksgiving. See you then.” Carmen reminds her and he takes the presents from her and with that you two are on your way home possibly for round two and three and that flan that was mentioned earlier.
 4 months away from being married and you still couldn’t be happier with your choice for a life partner.
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
no thoughts, head empty, being steve’s secret admirer
this either works in highschool au or him working at family video so i’m writing them both up for you to choose!!
after he breaks up with nancy along with billy being billy steve definitely loses some confidence so usually while he wouldn’t bat an eye at notes from secret admirer’s he’s surprised to see a cute little envelope taped to the inside of his locker and since it’s inside he immediately knows it’s a friend of one of his friends. he considers throwing it out but ends up reading it and is really touched. shenanigans ensue with steve trying to make his friends fess up on who it is while reader is bribing everyone to keep quiet and help—
family video where steve starts to find little notes left in different movies he has to rewind the tapes for and is hellbent on figuring out who it is because it should be easy just find out who rents what movies and boom! only problem, reader keeps bribing his friends and some people they vaguely know into renting movies for them to slip notes into. shenanigans ensue <3
Secret Admirer
a/n: BABY IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG BUT I FINALLY GOT TO IT😭😭😭 i got the letters inspired by to all the boys i've loved before UGH,,fucking love that movie. anyways! i really hope you enjoy it and i SWEAR i'm getting to the other ask you sent me!! there are no pronouns used so this IS gender neutral :D credit to the gif owner! <3
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Steve stares at the pink envelope that's taped inside of his locker. He looks around cautiously expecting Billy and his friends to come out and start laughing at him. Sure, he thinks to himself, make fun of the guy who just got his heart broken. Steve grabs the envelope and is tempted to throw it out, but when he sees the pretty For: Steve with a heart drawn next to his name he decides to keep it. He looks at the clock that's above a classroom door and decides to skip his last period for the day. He quickly finds his car in the student parking lot and throws his stuff into the passenger seat before he gets settled into the driver's side.
He sees the pink envelope sticking out from under his backpack, and his eyes sweep the student parking lot before he grabs it and gently opens it.
Dear Steve, do you remember the Halloween party in 5th grade? My mom helped me plan my costume weeks before the actual party and I was so excited that I didn't tell anyone about it. When I got there, it was like everyone got the memo that costumes weren't cool except for me. I already had a bit of trouble fitting in, but when I got to that party I felt like a complete outsider, and then you walked in dressed up in your devil costume. It was that moment I felt like maybe we were the cool ones, and everyone else was an outsider. I like to think that that's the moment I started to fall for you, the little horns on your head were almost as red as your cheeks when you sat next to me. (the only other kid in a costume.) It kinda sucks that you're more popular now and that we lost touch, but Steve Harrington you will always have a special place in my heart. Yours Truly, your secret admirer.
Steve doesn't know what's come over him but his face is almost as hot as Hawkins gets during the summer and he knows his cheeks are as red as the devil costume he wore that day. He closes his eyes trying to recall the face of the person he sat next to, but he could barely remember what he had for dinner last night. He let out a sigh of frustration and looked at the letter in his hand.
“Who are you, secret admirer?” he mumbled to himself before he stuffed the letter in his backpack and drove home.
“You know, there's gotta be a less weird way to do this,” Robin said from above you.
You shushed her and hid around the corner again, your back pressed against the wall. “What's happening? I'm too nervous to look!”
Robin smiled and let out a sigh. “He's looking around trying to find the person. I can't believe you convinced me to unlock his locker for you.”
You nudged Robin with your hip. “You know you have a soft spot for me and my intense feelings.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. See you after class?”
You nodded your head and made your way toward your last class of the day. It's true though, for as long as you can remember you've always been told that your feelings can be a little…much. Naturally, being told that you started to repress your feelings and tried making yourself smaller. Every single emotion you felt you just wrote down, and soon enough journaling became your favorite thing in the world. Once class was over you made your way past Steve's locker, pouting a little when you didn't see him at the locker.
“Hey, do you think he'll know it's me?”
Robin got onto her bike and looked over at you.
“When was the last time you guys talked?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Maybe last year?”
Robin scoffed and shook her head. “He's got shit for brains, can't even remember what he ate for dinner last night.”
You let out a laugh and hopped onto your bike. A part of you was relieved that he'd never find out it was you, but the other part felt let down. You kinda wanted him to know it was you, maybe something could even come out of this. You were broken out of your thoughts when you felt Robin tug at your backpack.
“Jesus! You almost got hit!”
You watch with your mouth slightly open as a car speeds past you both. You mumble out a sorry to Robin and scoot your bike away from the curb.
“What are you thinking that's got you so distracted?”
Your face flushes as you shrug your shoulders.
“Gross, you're thinking of Steve aren't you?”
“I'll pay you five dollars to put another note in his locker.”
Steve smiled as he pulled into the school’s parking lot. He's gotten three letters this week so far, and they're actually making him look forward to school now. Reading your letters is his favorite part of the day, he just can't seem to figure out who you are. He walks into school and sees Robin messing with his locker. He walks up behind her, making sure to clear his throat after a few more seconds of her struggling.
“What are you doing Buckley?”
Robin freezes her movements and slowly turns around to face Steve. She let out a nervous chuckle and waved awkwardly at him.
“Steve! What are uh, what are you going here?”
Steve furrows his brows. “It's a school robin. I'm kinda forced to come here so I can graduate.”
Robin quickly shoves the note behind her back and nods her head.
“Cool, that's cool. Small world huh? I mean who knew-”
“What's behind your back robin?”
“M-my back? Uh, just my backpack. Yup! My handy dandy backpack, can't live without-”
“Are you my secret admirer?”
Steve knew that she wasn't, but if it meant she’d stop rambling then Steve would ask again and again.
“Gross! In your dreams king Steve.”
Steve let out a scoff. “That's former king Steve to you.” He reached around robin’s back trying to get the note, but robin was quick and stepped back.
“Why are you here so early? Aren't popular people supposed to be the last people here?”
Steve tried to grab the small envelope from her again but failed.
“Can I just see the letter?”
“What letter? I have no letter-”
“Who writes them?”
“Why'd you change your lock?”
They both stared at each other waiting for the other to crack, students were starting to flood the building.
“I asked first,” said Steve.
“God, what are we in second grade? Tell me why you changed your lock.”
Steve rolled his eyes and opened his mouth ready to say something when he got interrupted.
“Robin, we're gonna be late for first period!” you said while walking up to her. Steve turned to look at you, he had an odd feeling that he's seen you before. Your name was on the tip of his tongue, where has he seen you before?
“You know how much I hate history!” Robin said with a pout.
“And you know how much I hate being late, let's go.”
Suddenly it all clicked for Steve.
You looked at him confused. “What?”
“You were an angel! For Halloween!”
You felt your eyes widen and you let out an awkward cough. How the hell did he find out it was you?!
“I don't-”
“Last year! You dressed up as an angel.”
A sigh of relief escaped you and Robin started to laugh loudly.
“Haha yeah! Angel! That was good old y/n here! Well, if you'll excuse us we need to go!” Robin shoved the letter into his chest, grabbed your hand, and started to run toward your history class.
“Bye y/n!” Steve shouted.
You turned your head to catch a glimpse of him and sent him a smile.
“see ya hair-rington!”
Steve chuckled at the nickname and opened the letter Robin gave him.
Dear Steve, I hope you haven't figured out who I am, although I have a good feeling you won't. A little birdy told me that sometimes you don't even remember what you ate for dinner the day before. Do you remember the first time you came to school after you cut your hair? I do, it was seventh grade and you had your hoodie thrown over your head to hide your hair. The teacher made you take it off because of the whole no hoodies on when you're in class, and I remember you taking off your hoodie and the whole class laughed at you. I've never seen someone look so upset before and I don't think my heart has ever been broken until that very moment. When we got to choose partners for that day's assignment everyone avoided you. You were sitting in the middle of the classroom and you looked so…lonely. I decided to help you out the way you helped me with the Halloween party. When I sat next to you, you gave me the biggest smile and you even shared your supplies with me. You've always been so sweet to me Steve, I admire you for that. I hope you find out who I am soon so that we can reconnect or something, even if you know how I feel. I'll see you around hair-rington. Yours truly, your secret admirer.
Steve felt a lightbulb go off when he read your last line. That nickname, the nickname only you called him, the nickname that you gave him in seventh grade and stuck with until today. Steve was quick as he ran to your classroom disrupting the lesson your teacher was giving. All heads turned to him and for a second he felt like he was in seventh grade again. Whispers were circling the classroom and people were starting to point at him. Steve could feel himself starting to back out of the classroom until he locked eyes with you and you gave him a small wave.
“I hope you have a good reason for interrupting my class, Harrington.”
Steve started to fumble with his words, he should've come up with a plan before bursting through your classroom door.
“Sorry, Mr. Robinson! Steve told me he was going to drop off a book he borrowed from me.”
Your teacher looked between you and Steve.
“Yeah! My lock is stuck though, I was just wondering if I could borrow y/n to unlock it for me.”
Your teacher waved his hand dismissing you, mumbling under his breath about how he doesn't get paid enough for this. You walked into the hallway with Steve and rocked back and forth on your heels.
“So uh, what did you actually need?”
Steve reached into his backpack and pulled out all the letters you wrote for him. Your eyes widened as you grabbed the letters with shaky hands.
“It's you, isn't it?”
You let out a nervous giggle and nodded your head. “Sorry if you're disappointed.”
Steve shook his head. He grabbed the letters from you and gently held your hands.
“I'm not disappointed.”
“You aren't?”
He chuckled and pulled you in for a hug.
“Far from it. How about after school today we go down to that diner that just opened up?”
You blushed and looked down at your feet. “Like, to catch up?”
“I was thinking more like a date.”
Your head shoots up to look at him, your eyes scanning his features trying to figure out if he was joking or not.
“As a heart attack.”
A smile returns to your face as you nod your head.
“I’d like that. A date with you that is, not the heart attack. Please don't have a heart attack.”
Steve laughed, and you swear that you would do anything in the world to make him laugh like that.
“Go to class dork, I'll see you after school.”
You smile and kiss his cheek waving goodbye to him while you walk back into your classroom. Steve puts both hands into the air before he sprints down the hall and hits an exit sign with his hand as a celebration. It falls to the floor with a loud clatter and some teachers peek their heads out of their classroom, rolling their eyes when Steve gives them a small wave.
“Harrington! My office, now.” the principal said.
“Totally worth it,” Steve said while making his way to the office.
“Wait, don't give me detention, I have a date tonight!”
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mrsometimes11 · 8 months
As I scroll Tumblr during this spooky season, I notice a lot of very good fanart depicting Ducktales (2017) characters in Halloween costumes, and it gets me to thinking how big of a crime it is that we only got one Halloween episode.
Seriously, we got two Christmas episodes, three if you count 'The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!', which does take place in the Christmas season, but doesn't have much in the way of holiday themes and doesn't use a different title-sequence, but only one Halloween one, we were robbed on that front.
Anyway, all this is to say, if we got a second Halloween special, what costumes do you reckon the characters would wear, I'll go first.
Scrooge - the same glowing skeleton costume, that guy is not gonna be buying a new costume every year.
Huey - the burning JWG he once hallucinated, gotta spread that nightmare fuel.
Dewey - Darkwing Duck, he's doing a costume with LP
Louie - Webby, she's family now, so free reign to dress as. Yes he is just wearing a bow in his hair, but damn if it isn't convincing.
Webby - Scrooge, we all know she's secretly been cosplaying as him for years, but, now she's passed the 'it has to be scary' thing you know she's going to be dressing as him at every possible opportunity.
Lena - in contrast to her usual look, something a lot brighter. She isn't wearing any costume, per se, and she definitely isn't copying several elements from Webby's normal clothes, and is not competing with Louie.
Violet - normal clothes, she doesn't realise it's Halloween.
LaunchPad - Gosalyn, he's doing a costume with Dewey, and as this is his first proper Halloween he's gone all out, and it's the quite possibly the most horrifying thing ever.
Donald - Storcules, he won't mind, they're best friends (acquaintances!)
Della - Selene, good combo with Donald.
Penumbra - Della has dragged her along, no she isn't in any special costume, because she's scary enough as is.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
ST Jonathan Byers x Reader - Obnoxious
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Warnings: intoxication, underaged drinking, angst, abandonment
Summary: You convince Jonathan to sneak out with you to go to a Halloween party. (Season two spoilers!)
“This is a bad idea.” Jonathan whispered, his usual casually panicked demeanor playing on his features. 
“Oh, grow a pair, Byers.” you retorted, crouching around the framing of the staircase that connected the two stories of your home. Finding your father asleep on the couch, you grinned, and turned back to your best friend. “It’s a great idea, wanna know why?”
He sighed, rolling his eyes, knowing exactly what you’d say. “Because you came up with it?”
“Because I came- yeah! You’re learning, good for you!”
He rolled his eyes again. “What if we get caught?”
“Puh-lease. Your mom has been begging you to go out and have some fun, you really think she’ll care if you go to a little party?” you asked, cocking a brow.
“Oh, yeah, my mom’ll give me a weird look and then your dad with bury me in the back yard and build a patio on top of my bones.” You simply hushed him and instructed him to follow you around the corner, through the living room, right passed your dad.
You were a complicated topic for Jonathan. He hated the situations you put him in, but he couldn’t tell you no. The two of you weren’t dating, the farthest thing from. Whenever the question would arise, the two of you would just sputter out excuses for why you found the other revolting. And you were revolting to him, with you gross sense of humor, your snaggle toothed smile, and snorty laugh.
Regardless, he he was, stopping on the side of a desolate road, on the left side of his car, hastily shimmying into an embarrassingly short pair of shorts that came with the Camp Crystal Lake Councilor costume you’d force him to wear, all the while, having to restrain himself from glancing at you, doing the same on the other side of the car.
“There’s no way I’m wearing this in public.” he retorted, settling back into the drivers seat. “My dick is longer than these shorts.” You snorted at him. 
“So, either you’re exaggerating the length of the shorts, or admit to having a micro penis, either way, that's embarrassing for you.”
“Shut up.”
Minutes later, the car screeched to a halt in from of a busy suburban home. Lights and music streamed out of the windows and party goers occupied space in hoards. You were ecstatic for your first party, especially attending with one of the closest people in your life. Classmates stared as the pair of you walked into the house, and through the various rooms, trying to find your place among the crowd.
Suddenly, you heard a feminine voice call out from the kitchen, making it’s way over to you. “Jonathan! Hey, I’m so glad you came!” Your smile faltered as Nancy slipped passed other teenagers into your view. Jonathan seemed to perk up instantly. 
“Nancy, hey what’s up?”
 “Oh, (Y/N), I’m sorry, I totally didn’t even see you.” she smiled, wrapping her arms around you, causing you to back away from the contact. “Oh my gosh you guys are too cute! The Jason kids, right?”
You rolled your eyes. “Camp Crystal Lake Councilors.” you corrected. She was obviously wasted, and judging by the stain on her shirt, you guessed that she’d been unsupervised. As if on que, Jonathan seemed to take note of the stain, as well as her swaying movement. 
“Woah, Nanc, you okay?” he asked, caringly reaching out, laying his hands on her shoulders to stabilize her. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. My boyfriend’s a dick, and left me here, but now you’re here.” she replied, running through the full range of emotions during her sentence, ending with a blissful fondness. “I have a headache.” she mumbled, dropping her head on his chest.
Your blood boiled in your chest, watching her fall all over him, and watching him cater to her in a way he never would for you. You knew it was unfair to be angry with her. She was intoxicated, and a victim of abandonment. That didn’t make it hurt any less.
“Listen, (Y/N), I’ve gotta go,” Jonathan said sorely. Your heart sank with disappointment. 
“W-What...?” you asked, tears brimming your eyes, intending to say more, but just lacking the heart to go on.
“I’m really sorry, I should really take Nanc home.” he apologized, his brows knitting together, as he hoisted the drunk girl’s arm over his shoulders to carry her away. 
“But...how am I gonna get home..?” you asked, not actually caring about that, but more about his promise to spend Halloween with you.
“It’ll come back for you after the party ends, I promise. Just try to have fun while I’m gone.”
With little left to argue, Jonathan was already dragging his love interest toward the door, her knight in red short shorts. Red short shorts that you’d made from scratch.
As soon as you were sure his car was gone, your fists clenched. You stormed off to the kitchen, harshly snatching a solo cup from the stack on the table and dipping it it into the punch bowl, before throwing it back. One drink turned into a few and soon, the level of the punch in bowl was too low to dip your cup into. Cursing your best friend’s name, you threw open the fridge door, unbothered by the clinking of glass containers in the door as it slammed into the wall. Angrily, you hoarded as many cans of beer you could fit into your purse before deciding it was time to leave.
The outdoor air was cooler than you remembered it being earlier in the evening. Frankly, you weren’t even sure how much time had passed, nor did you care. You just wanted to get home. Pulling a can out of your pause, you guzzled a bit of it down, before cringing at the taste. You’d never had actual beer before, and you obviously were not a fan. You tossed the can at a passing car in distain, before crumbling to sit beneath a street light. 
The screech of brakes pulled you out of your dramatic self pity as you realized that the car had stopped, and the owner was getting out. “Shit.” you mumbled, standing up in defense, to run or to fight, you didn’t know.
“Hey, What the fuck! Who the f- (Y/N)?” You focused on the infuriated man to recognize him as..,Jonathan? His brows raised, as he began to jog over to you. “What the hell are you doing out here, (Y/N), you should be at the party.” he asked, concerned.
“You should be at the party.” you spat. He sighed.
“Be fair, I couldn’t just leave her there.” he explained. “She was in danger.”
“I don’t care about that.” you sniffled, rubbing your eyes, dropping back down onto the side walk. 
“(Y/N), what are you talking about?” You tugged on his jeans, not looking up at him, still rubbing your eye.
“You went home to change.” Jonathan dropped his head in shame. 
“Yeah...I did.”
“You said you’d come back after you dropped Nancy off.”
“I did.”
“You’re a liar, Jonathan.” You spat. “You lie about everything!” Jonathan sighed, sitting down beside you. 
“I know.”
“You’re a jerk.”
“I know.” he replied, waiting for your to get everything out of your system. This was how all your arguments went.  “Anything else?” He was surprised to hear you fall silent, ending the barrage of mild middle school insults. “(Y/N)?” As you choked out a few sobs that you’d been holding onto, Jonathan’s head snapped to your direction as he threw his arms around you. “Hey, hey, hey, what’s the matter?”
“You still love her..” you sobbed, cradling your head in your knees. “You love her and I want you to love me!”
“(Y/N), you’re drunk, you don’t mean that.” he whispered, dismissing your confession. 
“Yes I do!” you shouted, unravelling the ball you’d rolled yourself into. “I crave your attention, Jonathan! I want you to look at me the way you look at Nancy. But I settle.”
“Settle for what?” he asked cautiously. 
“For your time.” you responded weakly, wiping your tears away. “Any sliver of time that i can convince you to spend with me. Hell, Jon, I spent two weeks making these stupid costumes just or you to wear it for an hour and bitch the whole time!” your head fell back into your arms as you began to sob again.
Suddenly you felt a weight on your shoulders, and you were enveloped in Sherpa warmth. Looking up, you found yourself blanketed by Jonathan’s jacket as he looked up at the sky. 
“You’re dead wrong, as usual.” he smiled softly. “I’m not in love with Nancy. Do I still like her? Sure. Would I take the chance if she asked? Absolutely. But she’s not at the top of my list.”
“W-Who is?” you asked, sniffling. 
“Just this obnoxious girl, she’s so annoying. She begs be to give her homework answers, shows up at my house just to bug me, and if I’m not home, she swaps embarrassing stories with my mom.” Now sure he has your captive attention, he turned his gaze back to you, looking deeply into your eyes. “And she spent two weeks making us Halloween costumes, just to drag me to a party I didn’t want to go to.”
“You love me...?” you asked, a hint of wonder in your tone. 
“Duh, I figured it’d be obvious.” he chuckled. “Why else would I let you get me into trouble so often?” You giggle a bit, hugging him. “Now, can I take you home? It’s cold as shit out here.”
It wasn’t long before Jon’s car was entering your block. He smiled softly at you sleeping soundly in his passenger seat, his coat still draped over you. As he approached your driveway, he cut off his headlights, so as not to wake your parents. Just as he parked into the drive way and disembarked, he only got as far as your door before the sound of the garage door rolling up startled him. Behind it, sat your father, who already had a strong distain for Jonathan, sitting in a wooden chair, with a baseball bat.
“Son, you’ve got a lot of explaining to do.”
Hey, if you liked this, and possibly want to check out some more NSFW Jonathan content, check out Lace! I worked really hard on this one, and it got lost in the algorithm, so if you’d check it out, I'd deeply appreciate it!
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Haunted House
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Pairing: Steve Harrington/ Reader
Requested By: NA
Word Count: 2,808
Summary: Steve convinces you to go to a haunted house for Halloween and protects you from the scary monsters.
Content Warning: Descriptions of small town haunted house scenes. I use the word "blood" a lot, but I mean fake blood. Ya know, corn syrup and food coloring stuff.
Big huge massive shout to my scary little bestie @strvngerrose because I genuinely don't think this fic would have happened without her because ya girl does not do haunted houses. Fanks, luv 😘
Steve Harrington Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
The line was long and moving slowly. The sun had started its evening descent shortly after you got in line and was now fully set. You were surrounded by darkness and the sounds of excited patrons in line around you. It had been Steve's idea to come to a haunted house. You tried to be as excited as he was, but it was hard. You'd never been a fan of being frightened. But when Steve pouted his lips and gave you the biggest puppy eyes he could, you relented. 
And now you stood in a line that wasn't moving with your arms tightly around your boyfriend. "I'm sorry, baby," he sighed, tightening his arms around you. "Didn't know the line would be this long." 
You pressed your palms into the back of his sweater, your arms beneath his jacket to get as much warmth as possible. "It's fine," you told him looking up to meet his eyes. "You're gonna make it up to me later." 
"Oh, am I?" He asked with a smirk. "How so?" 
"You're gonna start by letting me wear that sweater I love. The green one?" You started, earning a playful eye roll. "And then you're buying me pizza. And breakfast in the morning," you added quickly. 
Steve smiled and pressed his cheek to the top of your head. He took a deep breath through his nose, your perfume mixing with the scents of the corn maze and pumpkin patches that surrounded the haunted house. His eyes fell closed and his hand began to rub along your spine. "So an old sweater and a pizza is all?" 
"And breakfast," you corrected. 
"And breakfast," he agreed. 
You complained once more about being cold and how slow the line was moving. Steve smiled at you while he explained that they have to space out the groups so the "actors" have time to get back in their hiding spots between groups. You had to laugh at that title, both of you knowing that the haunted house that was two towns away from Hawkins was manned but volunteers from the area. Nobody was a professional, just locals in costumes and makeup. That part, admittedly, did make you feel better. 
Your heart began to pick up pace as you inched closer to the entrance. Steve tried his best to calm your nerves. "You're gonna be fine," he said quietly, running his hand up your arm. "Just remember that legally, they can't touch you." 
"I wasn't worried about that, but now I am!" 
"They can't do anything," he giggled. "They're just gonna jump out and scare you." 
"I don't want that either." 
Steve smiled, his lips falling to your temple. "Just hang on to me, I won't let the bad guys get'cha." 
Just as you were about to reply, a comment about him being a tough guy on the tip of your tongue, the group of half a dozen high schoolers in front of you were gone. You watched them walk through the weathered wooden door and immediately heard terrified screams from the other side. The guy running the entrance must have noticed the scared look on your face. 
"You guys ready?" He asked with a giggle that grew into a full laugh when you pulled your eyes away from the door in front of you to him. "Give ya 30 extra seconds then you gotta go," he laughed again. 
Steve put his arm out to you silently. You took it, both hands clutched around his bicep so tightly you almost felt bad. He looked at you, his eyes questioning. You simply nodded. You weren't ready, but it was now or never. 
"Have fun…" the attendant groaned, extending his arm to usher you through the door. 
Steve stepped forward, effectively pulling you along beside him. He pushed open the door and you were met with inky darkness as soon as it closed behind you. Your heart pounded in your chest so hard you swore you could hear it. Before you could even begin to process the darkness around you a man in a rubber clown mask jumped out from around a corner. 
You screamed so loudly it actually surprised you. Your hands tightened around Steve's arm as you buried your face into his jacket sleeve. You felt his warm fingers on yours. You couldn't help but smile as he tried to comfort you through his own giggles. 
"It's okay, babe," he chuckled quietly. "Just a guy in a mask." 
You continued to walk blindly, Steve guiding you through the dark. You turned your head to press your cheek to his shoulder. Your eyes were still closed impossibly tight, but you hoped they wouldn't notice. Max had told you that they tend to pick on people who seem the most scared. 
Your shoulder brushed against a doorway as Steve continued to lead you through the house. You instinctively opened your eyes just in time to see a man in a blood covered doctor's coat staring at you. He held a hacksaw in one hand and a length of what you assumed was intestines in the other. A woman laid on the table in a hospital gown that was ripped open at her stomach, blood and guts spilled out over her and the table beneath her as she screamed and writhed. 
Your footsteps quickened, desperately trying to leave the room as fast as possible. Steve laughed again beside you. The sound of his giggles did little to soothe your panic. A part of you almost felt like he was making fun of you, though you knew that wasn't the case. Steve was just a nervous laugher. 
The next room was a horrifying kitchen scene. You had to walk right through the middle of the room while people on both sides of you tried to scare you. It worked. An old woman stood at the stove in front of a large pot. A hand stuck up from the pot as multicolored lights flashed around you. She mixed the contents on the pot with a large ladle before removing it and stepping towards you. 
"Wanna taste?" She asked in a shrill, grating voice. Thick, red liquid dropped from the ladle onto the floor as she pushed it towards you. You shook your head, pressing deeper into Steve's side as she cackled loudly. 
Suddenly a man wearing blood stained overalls appeared at your other side. He wiped a large blood covered knife on his leg, a cheshire grin that showed all of his teeth wide across his face as he spoke. "You don't like Mama's cookin'?" He growled. 
"We're vegetarians!" Steve squeaked beside you. A laugh ripped through you, pulling the bloody man's glare to you. He took half a step closer, knife raised to his chest. Before you knew it Steve was pulling you away. You walked beside him through another door into a dark hallway. 
Steve took a few cautious steps forward, his hand coming up on to cover yours that still held tightly to his arm. Suddenly a small window in the wall beside you opened with a loud slam of the door that covered it. A girl with dark makeup and blood around her mouth screeched at you from the window before slamming it closed. You jumped away from her, your scream mixing with the  girls as they echoed around you. 
Steve laughed again. "There's a boyfriend attached to that arm, babe," he said through giggles. You looked up at him, eyes wide and questioning. "You just body slammed me into the wall." 
You wanted to apologize, to ask if he was okay. Before you could he was rounding a corner, walking down another hallway going back the direction you'd just come from. You reached another turn and the hallway was suddenly chillier as a cold breeze blew. 
"Shit," Steve muttered under his breath. "I'm sorry, babe." His apology, though well intentioned and probably sincere, scared you more than anything in the house so far. Your heart hammered in your chest as you silently walked with him, afraid of what he was apologizing for. 
As you continued down the hallway you suddenly heard loud, aggressive music playing. The music grew louder, the wind grew colder until you were at a door. What looked like long black trash bags were hung across the otherwise empty doorway. The music shook the walls of the house as you stepped through the black plastic. Your vision was suddenly assaulted by bright white strobe lights. 
Outside was nothing but violently flashing lights and chain link fences as far as you could see. Half a dozen or so people in torn blue coveralls shook the chain links loudly. They looked like they were trying to get to you, fingers poking through holes in the fences. 
Steve's hand held yours tightly as he tried to navigate both of you through what you quickly realized was a maze. If the person who had designed this maze set out with the intention of making a person cry, they were very nearly succeeding. This part wasn't necessarily scary, but the loud music and flashing lights were overstimulating and unnerving. Suddenly you heard your name in a deep, gravely voice right over your shoulder. 
"Fuck off, Eddie!" Steve yelled over the music. You turned to see Steve smack at the fence behind you. Eddie's face was covered in fake blood and Halloween makeup, his dark hair even more a mess than normal. You felt a single tear finally break through the barrier of your lower lashes as you looked at him, his face obscured by chain links and lights. His toothy, maniacal grin fell and suddenly he was just your goofy friend in bad makeup. He motioned for Steve to step closer to him. Steve was cautious as he did, putting his ear to the fence. Eddie leaned as close as he could and quickly whispered something to him. 
Steve nodded his head and turned back to you. "C'mon," he said just loud enough for you to hear him. "Close your eyes." 
You did as he said without hesitation. Your eyes closed tightly as you buried your face into Steve's shoulder. You felt his hand suddenly on your temple, warm and heavy as he covered your face. He made quick work of guiding you through the maze. The men on the other side were still yelling and shaking the metal fences. The music overhead was still impossibly loud in your ears. But you couldn't see them, and the part of you that still thought a blanket would protect you from a serial killer felt safe tucked into Steve's side. 
It wasn't long before the music began to fade behind you. Steve stopped suddenly, his thumb rubbing gently against your hair when you stopped beside him. His lips met the top of your head as he spoke softly, hours voice muffled. "I'm so sorry, baby," he said again. "Completely forgot that part." 
You didn't trust your voice, tears still pricking painfully at the backs of your eyes. You pulled your face away from his shoulder and looked up at him. He wore a sad, sorry smile as he leaned forward to press a soft kiss to your forehead. You uncurled the fingers of one hand that was wrapped around his bicep, dropping it to take his hand in yours. The other stayed firmly around his arm. He took a few steps forward, towards a break in the wall of dry corn stalks that bordered the haunted house. 
The break turned out to be your saving grace. The exit. A large, hand painted wooden sign baring the single most beautiful word you'd ever seen hung over the exit. All you had to do to get there was walk straight, down a path that had been cleared. It was maybe 50 yards ahead. So close, but so far away. You wanted to run to it but you didn't want to let go of Steve, and you didn't trust your own feet over the uneven ground beneath you. 
You fixed your eyes on the sign, grinning as you inched closer and closer. You were about to let go of Steve as you began to feel a sense of relief wash over you. Twenty more feet and you'd be home free. Just as you were beginning to feel safe, just starting to relax your shoulders, you heard it. A chainsaw revved somewhere in the corn on your side. You pressed closer to Steve. You felt his hand tighten around yours. You prepared yourself for the worst as you looked at the stalks beside you. 
"OH, GOD!" Steve suddenly yelled from your other side. He jumped, nearly taking both of you to the ground before he started running. You dragged behind him as you heard the man who had scared him call out. 
"God can't help you now, pretty boy!" 
You looked behind you. In your frenzied state you barely saw him wave a chainsaw over his head before retreating back into the tall corn stalks on Steve's side of the path. Good trick, you thought to yourself. 
Steve kept running before halting abruptly a few feet outside the exit. He leaned forward, hands on his knees. His chest heaved beneath his jacket as he panted. You noticed a group of younger kids, probably in their early teens giggling at him over his shoulder. You smiled, knowing you'd probably act the same way if you hadn't just experienced it for yourself. 
"Fuck," he sighed, looking up at you. "Okay, that part was scary." He admitted with a sheepish smile. 
"You were supposed to protect me and you damn near left me in the corn!" 
He stood up straight, his smile growing. He wrapped his hands around your waist loosely. "He had a chainsaw, baby." 
"So you were just gonna let me hacked to pieces by a murdering hillbilly?" 
"And I'd tell the world you fought like a wildcat until the end." He teased with a smirk. 
"Get away from me, Harrington," you said, hands on his chest but using no effort to push him away. 
His close lipped smile as he pressed his chest to yours told you he wasn't going anywhere. "How about we get you that pizza I owe you, wildcat?" 
"I think I deserve bread sticks now, too."
He unwrapped his hands from your waist, taking your hand in his. "You absolutely deserve bread sticks," he agreed as he began to lead you to his car. 
The drive back to Steve's apartment was more or less silent. The only sound to be heard was that of the radio playing softly. Steve's hand was firm on your knee as he drove, your own hands pressed to the vent on the dashboard in an attempt to get back some of the body heat you'd lost while in line. He tapped his thumb to our knee in time with the song on the radio. 
Once you were back at his apartment Steve immediately pointed you towards his bedroom, where the green sweater you loved was hung. "Grab the blanket when you come back," he told you. "I'll order the pizza." 
The old sweater was soft and warm as you slipped out over your head. You pulled the sleeves down over your hands, tucking the edge into your palm with your fingers. It was clearly well loved and starting to show its age as you played with some frayed threads on the sleeve. You made a mental note to try and sew the sleeve tomorrow once you had it home. 
You pulled the blue comforter from the bed and made your way to the living room. Steve was already set up on the couch, drinks on the coffee table in front of him. You took your spot beside him, tucking your legs under you and curling into his side. He wrapped one arm around your shoulders beneath the blanket as you got comfortable for the movie he had started. 
"Think ya made Eddie feel bad," he whispered with a smile. You looked up from the TV to meet his eyes, your brows furrowed. "You, like, started crying. He told me how to get out of that fuckin' maze." 
"Who knew one little tear was all it would take to break big, bad Eddie Munson?" 
Steve's smile grew and his arm tightened around you. He pulled you close to his chest. Your hands wrapped around his waist as the opening scene of the movie began. You wondered to yourself how much of the movie you'd actually see. Steve's scent surrounding you and the steady best of his heart beneath your ear was quickly lulling you to sleep as he held you. You didn't even try to fight it, instead snuggling closer to Steve and allowing your heavy eyelids to fall closed.  
Feedback is always appreciated! Requests are open! Have a great weekend! 🥰
If you want to be added to my Stranger Things taglist, please let me know! I also have individual tag lists for Steve, Eddie, Robin, and Steddie.
Tag List: @manyfandomsfanvergent @paradoxicalconundrum @strvngerrose @redwineanddnicotine
Steve Tag List: @johnricharddeacy
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lost-technology · 7 months
Actually, I Really Like Candy Corn
Tri-Tober Fanfic shorts Prompt 31: Diablo Setting: Trigun Maximum (and potentially other canons) Summary: The Earth Forces introduced old Earth holidays to Noman's Land to boost morale and to try to get people to accept their rule. Children both young and very, very old take to some of them with enthusiasm.
Prompt 31: Diablo Actually, I Really Like Candy Corn A knock at the door brought Milly’s attention.  Kids were shouting and covered in pumpkin-guts, all of which she’d been trying to save because no one wasted any potential food in Noman’s Land.  The denizens of the Hopeland Orphanage wanted to simply throw patches of sloppy mess at each other, but she’d promised them roast pumpkin seeds and pumpkin pie later if they’d just let her gather it all up instead.  The Earth Forces had introduced a long-forgotten old Earth holiday to Noman’s – Halloween.  They’d introduced quite a few, spanning different cultures – something to boost the morale of the populace (there were a few native holidays, but very few, since struggling to survive had taken up more than enough of people’s time).  The Earth Forces thought that “injecting some joy into the backwater” might make the people more amenable to work with their governance.  Halloween was, well, it was something strange – but beloved by children the world over because it meant that adults had to give them treats – and that if they did not get treats, they had a degree of permission to be utter little gremlins.  Milly was volunteering at the orphanage doing carvings of Jack’s Lanterns to Ward off Evil. Soon, they would be dressing in costumes to play pretend, also a part of the supposed evil-warding ritual.    She answered the door.  “Trick or Treat!”  Little Maria screamed behind her.  “It’s… it’s El Diablo!”  The children all started shouting “Diablo! Diablo!” and laughing as they pretended to be scared of the tall costumed devil that stood at their door.  A man in red pajamas like what Milly’s grandpa wore with a fake tail pinned to it and donning plastic horns shook a plastic pitchfork and threated to drag all of the children to the Hot Sauce Factory where they would only get candy that tasted like chili peppers.  The short woman beside him groaned.  “You’re a grown-ass man, Vash.”  “Oh, Meryl!  How cute! You look like a little kitty!”  Milly piped.   Meryl was, for the most part, dressed normally, but she sported a pair of fuzzy fabric black cat ears.  Her nose was blackened and she had black streaks across her cheeks.  “The lunk convinced me to dress up.”  “Aw, Meryl,” the devil said, curling his hands together, “You wouldn’t want to ruin my first Halloween, would you?”  “It’s everyone’s first!” “And we agreed to take the kids out Trick or Treating!” Vash added.  “We should dress the part, right? “Alright, now,” Vash said, bending down and pulling an invisible line on his tail to make it curl upwards, “We’ll wait for you to get into your costumes.  And…um… clean up.”  “Diablo!  We’ve gotta defeat El Diablo!”  “Oops, he’s being climbed on…” said Milly.  “Oh, hey! Could you be a little more gentle?”  “I’ve got some candy corn for anyone who will get off of Mr. Vash.”  “Candy corn sucks!”  “Actually, I like candy corn,” Vash said from the floor.  A little boy stepped out front from one of the back rooms.  Vash managed to get himself untangled and to a standing position.  He simply stared at the child.  The kid was wearing a red duster coat, had spiked up their hair with way too much gel (and seemed to have pasted some broom-bristles into it for good measure) and was carrying a rubber-dart pistol.  Vash rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.  “I…uh… probably should have expected this.”  “You’re famous, Mister,” was all the kid had to say.”  “Of course I am,” Vash replied with a too-big smile.  “I’m El Diablo.”  
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myfriendtheghost · 1 year
more domestic josh thought:
him letting you pick a movie, so you pick a cartoon disney movie he hasnt seen before. the two of you are cuddled close in bed, he has your legs in his lap and he’s rubbing circles on your hip. the fairly lights on, and he’s making the silliest comments. “if you were stuck as a frog, i would totally convince someone to turn me into a frog too. or i would kiss you. then we can both be frogs. and use leaves as our mode of transportation”
i definitely think he makes up random tunes in his head, so when he’s doing a chore, or if you’re grumpy he will sing a song about it. “my munch, is in a crunch. she’s gotta get her work done, and it’s a bunch! she’s very grumpy, and probably wants some lunch!” to which he serves you some fruit and a sandwich.
him folding laundry while you lounge on you shared bed and watch him. he loves folding, and you do the laundry so it’s a perfect trade off! he’s so meticulous about it. if the fold looks ugly, he will completely restart that fold. he even remembers the one time you told him it’s important to keep your bra cups from being crushed, so he stuffs all your socks in them for the time being, until you can put them all away properly.
going to homegoods with him!!! he would be amazed. he remembers when you bought a blanket with dogs in a halloween costume once, so now he insists to keep up with the theme and will buy a blanket with dogs according to the nearest holiday, so for easter hed put a blanket with dogs in bunny ears in the shopping cart.
brushing your teeth next to him after a long day, and him making the goofiest faces in the mirror. he’d pretend to be rabid before spitting out his toothpaste just to make you laugh. when you reach over to grab the floss, he’d grumble about how much he hates flossing but still take some because you’re flossing too.
him noticing your medicine supply is low. he’d go up to you, and say he wasn’t snooping or anything, but he noticed your prescription is running a bit low, so you should call the pharmacy soon.
while cooking, he would sing the ratatouille song to himself. he’s butcher most of the words, but you understand the point.
he’d love to watch you play animal crossing. he’d ask so many questions! “munch, why does that owl talk so much?” “what are those stars in the dirt?” “why did you miss that butterfly!! what if it was worth a lot of money??” (it’s a common butterfly)
did u …… did u know I have a blanket with dogs in Halloween costumes on it
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plumbogs · 1 month
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Every morning, Alexander consults the gnome for his daily missions. if he doesn't do this the gnome will become very displeased and call upon his army, just like in that one movie he watched as a kid that totally didn't have an irreversible deep seated impact on him.
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today he actually went to class for once. sure he arrived an entire hour late and was bored after 40 minutes of taking notes so he stood up and started loudly bitching about how bored he was and how he wanted to do something fun and interesting but he's going to pass the semester now.
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Meanwhile, Melody and her perfect GPA make some medicine because everyone has the flu and I'm tired of it. I trust her with this i think she can change the world
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he has been healed. all thanks to melody's powerful mind and skills and talents. what a good friend. She had a dose for herself but didn't bother making any more.
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She took a crack at making a toy robot to pass the time, and failed miserably. She is still not cut out for toys.
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They still needed groceries and can't just steal food from diners every day because eventually someone's going to crack down on that, so Melody bought 600 simoleons' worth of apples.
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he did absolutely fuck all as usual. they also bought halloween costumes while they were out... but those will not be revealed until next round. what do you think they're going as
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The cat enjoys all that balcony access during the day. He watches the dorm from afar and judges passing students.
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he basically runs this whole campus to be completely honest
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melody enjoys spaghetti on the balcony... this is so real. balcony spaghetti is where you find yourself.
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This stupid llama ran into their apartment so Alexander convinced him through some reasonable method to clean the entire apartment for them. Including a good toilet scrubbing. Whatever blend of charm or intimidation he used did the job and kept stray school cheers at bay, giving him a chance to throw yet another party. It's the last party before finals the next morning. they gotta do it.
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well at least they're all having fun. I neglected to think when I was werewolfing Benedick that he and Melody had a thing going on, so now it's a fully werewolf boyfriend household. a happy coincidence. nature is beautiful.
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Alex takes out a second plate of spaghetti and listens to Hal talk about fish while the others enjoy the amenities. Melody and Benedick were making out in the bathroom. the cat was sleeping. it's a good party.
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everyone gathers to watch Lucy play SSX3 and enjoy more pasta. That and ignore the ceaseless knocks at the door carrying noise complaints. grow up who cares that you're all trying to sleep so you pass finals the cool kids are trying to have fun.
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And the next morning they both pass finals. Melody's a senior and Alex is a Junior. so close to the end.
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ryqoshay · 2 years
How to Handle a Nico: All It Takes
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Rating: G? Words: 610 Fandom: Love Live Parent Fic: How to Handle a Nico Time Frame:  October of Maki’s 3rd year in high school and Nico’s 2nd year of college Event: Promptober 2022 Event Source: Idol Fanfic Heaven channel on Discord Prompt: Time
Author’s Note: Primary entry for Oct 2nd’s prompt
Summary: Nico and Maki go costume shopping
“So, Maki-chan,” Nico said as she and her girlfriend entered the seasonal store “what do you wanna see Nico wear this year?”
“Hrm…” The redhead dutifully began to inspect the displays of Halloween costumes.
While Nico certainly had several ideas of her own, she couldn't help being curious about what Maki might choose. Historically, she had made her own costumes to save money, only splurging for an accessory or two. But now she was trying to divide her day between professional, though only part time, idol duties, and college courses, while still managing to find time to spend with her girlfriend. Thus, she had given into Nozomi's suggestion to just buy a costume for the upcoming Halloween-themed μ’s reunion.
“How about this?” Maki suddenly suggested.
“Nico is not a dog.”
“The tag says it's a werewolf.”
“Doesn’t matter, it's nowhere near cute enough for Nico.”
“I dunno… I think Nico-chan would make a very cute weredog.”
“I thought you said it was a wolf?!”
“Maybe a Pomeranian?”
Nico growled. Maki chuckled and reached up to pat her head. Nico nipped at her hand, earning more laughter.
“Fine, then Maki-chan should wear this.” Nico grabbed a nearby outfit.
“Charmander?” Maki raised an eyebrow.
“It fits with Maki-chan's fiery temperament.”
This time it was Maki's turn to growl and Nico's to giggle.
“Alright, then what about this?” Maki produced a pair of wings.
“A moth?”
“A continuation of your cocoon ‘costume’ from last year.”
“Yeah, I got that.” Nico put a hand on her hip. “But really, one time is all it takes for Maki-chan to never let Nico live down a little prank?”
Nico sighed dramatically.
“Would you prefer this?”
Nico leaned in to inspect the new outfit. “What’s a Dullahan?”
“You don't know?” Maki raised an eyebrow.
Nico shook her head.
“But Nico-chan was the one who tried to convince me her head fell off last year.”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I know what a Dullahan is.”’
“Headless horseman.”
“Why didn’t you just say that then?”
Maki sighed.
“I’m kidding, Maki-chan. Of course Nico knows what a Dullahan is. She has been dressing up herself and three siblings in all manner of costumes over the years.” She reached out to take the costume and inspect it further. “And honestly, this dress is pretty cute, in a kinda sorta Gothic Lolita type of way.”
“Great, then let's get it.” Maki suddenly grinned.
Nico narrowed her eyes.
“Suggested accessories are this black cloth bag for you to wear over your head. Don’t worry, it's thin enough that it won't impair your vision much, just hide your head.” Maki held out the accessory.
“But Nico's adorable face would be hidden then!”
Nico pursed her lips.
“It also suggests we get a prop pumpkin to stand in for Nico-chan's missing head. But I think we can carve a real one instead.”
“Maki-chan is mean! Nico is too cute to use a pumpkin for her head!”
Maki rolled her eyes. “Alternatively, we could just paint stiches on Nico-chan's neck. I'm sure I could make them look pretty realistic.”
“That… actually is a good idea.” Nico admitted. “But if Nico is gonna be a headless horserider, she's gonna need a horse.”
“Awww…” Nico pretended to pout. “Anyway, a Dullahan is kinda like a collector of souls, right? So, Maki-chan should match with some other reaper costume.”
“Maybe a hooded robe and a prop scythe, like those?” Maki pointed.
Nico shook her head. “Too easy. There's gotta be some other death god type outfits around here. Let’s find one!” And with that, Nico grabbed Maki's hand and pulled her deeper into the store.
Author’s Note Continued: A bit of a sequel to last year’s 2nd prompt where Nico wraps some prop in a cocoon of sheets for Maki to find, only to sneak up behind her as a ghost.
And on the topic of last year’s prompts, it was joked about on Discord to pair last year’s prompts with this year’s. And I’ve managed to do it for my primary entries for four days now. No idea if I can keep it up all month, but we’ll see. So last year’s first prompt was Shadows, which I fit into this year’s Daybreak. And this time I worked Cocoon into Time. That said, I haven’t held myself to the same challenge for bonus entries.
And finally, props to anyone who caught the Easter eggs from my other works here. ^_^
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Halloween approaches in Oishi-Na Town!
Don't really have a lot to say, but as a little bonus, I had a dream last night where Amane wanted to did a backflip in her civilian state, crashed chest first into the ground and spent the rest of the episode lying there, refusing to get up in shame, so the rest of the girls had to convince her she wasn't cringe to make her feel better.
I don't remember the exact details, but it was literally the funniest thing ever to my dream self, but of course I felt really bad about it at the same time.
Anyways, spoilers I guess...
-Costumes! Jacko! Candy! Horror Films!
-"I'm going to invite my parfait."
-Narshe! He's still in jail!
-A picky eater, taken to an incredible extreme.
-Narshe's logic is the most petty-ass thing I've ever heard and I love it.
-It fits very well with him trying to drag Amane down to his level.
-Oh shit
-...suddenly, I feel even worse about my Amane dream now, oh dear.
-Parfait get!
-Oh shit
-"Parfait good. Peace..."
-Holy shit, she tore into that.
-Oh shit, she grab.
-Wow, I... I knew we'd be delving into Amane's character a bit more this episode, but I didn't expect a silly "just before Halloween episode" to have this kind of presentation. The colors are vivid, but the shots focused on Amane use more "natural" colors, focusing on the environment more than the buildings. Then when Mari-chan comes in, we see Oishi-Na's typical pinks and yellows, just barely out of focus. I'm not really an expert on framing or color theory, but I think these are really cool shots.
-Witch Mari. Let's go.
-Viewing yourself as a demon, huh Amai-kaichou?
-Pure, just, and beautiful! Gotta keep it up!
-Arigato, Mari-chan.
-Shut down.
-Jesus, the silence.
-Wow, that outfit gives me big Remilia Scarlet vibes. I dig it.
-Yuin's got that pumpkin vibe.
-Oh hell yeah, pie! Koko-neechan with the pie! Like the red riding hood look.
-Ran's panda look is absolutely adorable.
-Aaaaaaand Seccy's here! She seems to have gone into mass production.
-Recipumpkin Pie! Available for a limited time only.
-Lots and lots of Pumpkin Pie!
-Well, it was nice having Pumpkin Pie exist while it did, rip.
-Fuck it, this is our Halloween party now!
-Well crap,
-Ohhhhh, Amane... :(
-"Amane but fucked up isn't the Amane I know"
-Damn, Amane...
-Holy shit
-"You don't have to forgive someone who's done horrible things to you, but you shouldn't let the things they did affect who you are now." is something a lot of people don't get spelled out to them like this, so I'm very happy to see this message becoming more widespread in recent years.
-Become one with the Pipis once again!
-Sally forth, Cure Finale!
-Pretty Cure! Finale Bouquet!
-Kome about to Kome-Kome all over those guys.
-"Man, his mix-up game sucked."
-Amai-kaichou! It's time to f e e s t
-Ahhhhhhh, that frame! It's so pretty!
-Might have that as my new wallpaper for a bit.
-I enjoyed this episode quite a lot!
-It was a nice little exploration of Amane's less agreeable side, and... well, as I noticed, the way they limited the sound in certain scenes was a really cool touch. The message is very strong.
-Oh shit, GDILF.
-Anyways, yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to next episode. It'll be very fun, and if my next Donbrothers watch will be anything to go by, drive me absolutely insane.
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thedaveandkimmershow · 7 months
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We kind of didn't experience October. In a way. Sort of.
Our attention was focused on family in Orange County where it's sunny in the 80s and 90s. Kimmer was there for five weeks. Linzy visited a few days. I visited a few days. And while that in no way convinced us it's still summer...
It did take our minds off the Fall that was happening all around us up here in the Pacific Northwest.
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The timing of everything's messed up in it's own special way. We were on summer vacation in September. It was sunny here. It was sunny (and hotter) in Orlando. It was summer when we got back, pretty much.
A few days later, Kimmer was on a plane again and for sure that was a summer day. Sun was out and everything.
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Fast forward, though, five weeks and I'm at the airport with sweaters and gloves for Kimmer 'cause she was packed for summer in Orange County. Now it's middle of the night, temps dipping into the low 40s, high 30s. And then the next day it's overcast. Maybe a little rain. 50s. We're layered up with jackets on top. We've got the heat on inside the house.
Definitely Fall.
Especially as darkness descends on our days earlier and earlier. Especially with Kimmer handing out treats from a last minute Halloween stash of candy she bought a mere few hours before kids showed up at our door. Especially with a record setting number of kids trick-or-treating last night in some pretty involved costumes. And especially with last night's viewing of "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" A yearly family tradition reaching all the way back into our individual childhoods.
With Halloween less than 24 hours behind us, a page seems to have turned. As if we can now fully embrace the season we're in as it's happening. Not sure why that's so... although a number of other happenings happened to bring a lot of things to a close last night maybe. It's like the entire month of October was some kind of transition for us this time around.
Now we're in November, we've got Linzy & Kimmer's birthdays out in front of us. We've got Thanksgiving, of course. Linzy's got a Dream Patrol album release she's developing. She's gotta bunch of performances this month including a Midnight High gig at FREAKOUT! Fest this Saturday night, technically Sunday morning. Then gigs at Tsillian Winery and Willows lodge.
The BIG news is The Little Lies sold-out show at Portland's Aladdin Theater in early December, sharing a bill with the You're Wrong About and American Hysteria live podcasts. The venue holds an audience of something like 600.
A few days later, even BIGGER news. The Little Lies'll play two sets at Kraken Arena in Seattle, one before that day's game, one at the half. The arena holds up to 18,000.
Now, somewhere in our November/December, we're intent on a couple make-ups. One for Mother's Day and one for Valentine's Day, both of which we had to delay due to circumstances out of our control.
So those are also out in front of us somewhere.
Obviously, retailers have been doing Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas displays and product since October. Right now, though, we'll keep ourselves focused on this month's holiday, Thanksgiving, for which plans are up in the air. But for Kimmer already spending so much time in Orange County on behalf of her aunt, it seems staying put through the end of the year's our best call. Had the circumstance with her aunt not taken the month, we'd be celebrating the holiday with family in Orange County.
Mostly, though, the last two months have been so packed... Quiet Time seems the best gift we can give ourselves. Time with our feet off the gas. A bit of a peaceful bubble.
Which sounds lovely.
In the meantime, the things we know for sure is that it's Fall. A page has turned. And there's a lot at this end of the year that's out in front of us.
We'll deal with each, I suspect, as each one takes the stage.
For now, though...
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witchwyfe · 3 years
red lipstick | rc
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| pairing: (non canon) rafe cameron x female reader
| genre: fluff, college rafe, halloween fic
| content warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol/drinking, mentions of food, a few tears
| précis: you get your boyfriend to dress up with you.
| word count: 1,512
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You could barely believe it yourself when your boyfriend agreed to coordinate costumes with you.
Well, scratch that—you could believe it, but it was the particular costume you’d chosen that he agreed to—that shocked you.
Here you are in your hot Cruella de Vil costume—black dress, (fake) dalmation coat, and red gloves—drawing spots onto your boyfriend’s face.
He’s already wearing the white t-shirt you used a sharpie to draw spots on, and the dalmation ear headband you found online is sitting on the bathroom counter as the final piece.
“Nose or no nose?” You wonder, your eyeliner pencil hovering over his skin.
“No nose.” He responds. “Otherwise it’ll get on your face when I kiss you.”
You pull back an inch, raising an eyebrow. “Who says I’m letting you kiss me?”
A cocky smirk pulls on his lips, his own brows raising. “You really think you get to look that hot and not get a kiss from me?”
“I thought I always looked hot.” You pout playfully, crossing your arms against your chest.
“Wait baby, that’s not what I meant, you know you do and I—” His rambling is cut off by your laughter, heat seeping into his cheeks.
“You’re mean.” He pouts.
“You’re cute.” You retort, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. “Now c’mon and put this headband on, we gotta leave soon.”
You check your wig in the mirror, and touch up your red lipstick, before turning back towards Rafe. “C’mere babe.”
He stands next to you for an abundance of mirror pictures, before you look down, tugging your phone down to your gaze.
“Should I call an Uber, or do you wanna drive?” You wonder, looking up at him. “I’m probably gonna get drunk, so let’s not rely on me to drive.”
Rafe laughs, leaning forward to press a kiss to your forehead. “I can drive baby.”
“You sure?” You frown. “You don’t wanna drink?”
“Still living with the consequences of last night’s party, so I’m probably gonna stick to water. Maybe a drink or two.” He grins.
“Okay.” You peck his lips before grabbing your bag.
Less than ten minutes later, you’re pulling up at the house that Topper lives in—his frat’s house—and Rafe parks his car at the curb.
You hop out of the car before he can come over and open the door for you, earning a tiny frown from your sweet boyfriend. You grab his hand in yours, tugging him along.
“You look really fucking cute by the way.” You giggle, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. You look at the lip-shaped stain your lipstick left behind and grin proudly.
“Leave that on.” You tell him. “So, if anyone see’s you, they’ll know you’re all mine.”
His heart thrums against his chest, cheeks heating up despite the cool night air. “Bold of you to assume I’m leaving your side tonight.”
You make a hum of approval, before pressing your lips to his for a real kiss.
“God, quit mackin’ on each other and get in here!” Topper calls from the door, Kelce and both of their girlfriends, standing nearby.
You pull away from your boyfriend, more giggles spilling from your lips as you run up to greet your friends.
Layla—Kelce’s girlfriend—and Becca—Topper’s girlfriend—pull you into a little group hug and squeal your name excitedly.
“You need to catch up girl!” Layla giggles, holding up her cup. “Let’s get you something to drink.”
“Hell yeah,” You agree, turning back to blow a kiss to your boyfriend.
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“I miss Rafe!” You whine, dropping your head onto Layla’s shoulder. She laughs, sliding an arm around your waist to help you walk.
“It’s only been like twenty minutes,” Becca chuckles. “You’re cute.”
“Where is he!?” You wonder, reaching on your tip-toes to try and see better. You’re suddenly happy your boyfriend convinced you to wear your high-top Converse instead of the heels you were originally going to wear, and you’re hit with an overwhelming wave of love for him.
A few tears slide down your cheeks, and when Layla feels it dripping onto her collarbone, she freaks out.
“I thought you peed on me!” She giggles.
“I don’t pee from my face.” You grumble, using your thumb to wipe them off of her. “Did I ruin your dress?” You wonder, suddenly yanking your head up, and looking at her—eyes wide.
“Honey, a couple tears did not ruin Layla’s dress.” Becca says rationally. “And Layla, how the hell would she pee on you?” Becca laughs at your antics, the least intoxicated out of all of you.
“I miss Rafe.” You say again.
“I know you do. We’re looking for the boys right now.”
Becca struggles to pull her phone out of her pocket, not wanting to take her hand off your arm.
“Top just texted, he said they’re outside.”
You sigh in relief, now opting to put your weight on Becca, with an arm still wrapped around Layla. The three of you make your way outside, slowly, wobbling and stumbling.
Becca sighs heavily once you all make it outside, beeline-ing to where she sees the three boys standing in a circle, talking.
“Hi boys,” She greets, staggering toward them. “A little help please?”
“Is that Rafe!” You wonder, jerking out of your friends’ hold. You hurl yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He wonders, running a hand down your hair. “What happened?” He directs this question to Becca, worry etched onto his features.
“Nothing, nothing, don’t worry.” She assures. “She said she missed you and she started crying a little, that’s all.”
He nods before looking down at you again. “You’re crying because you missed me, sweet girl?” He murmurs, so only you can hear him. You nod slowly, looking up at him, mascara-stained tears tracked down your face.
“Don’t cry, I’m right here.” He soothes, kissing the top of your head. He runs his other hand down your back slowly, heart fluttering when you curl your face in his neck.
“I think maybe it’s time to call it a night.” Kelce suggests, looking down at Layla, who’s pressed against him, struggling to stand.
Becca nods in agreement. “Good idea. I’m wiped from hauling these two around.”
“Thank you for that by the way,” Rafe smiles, looking at Becca.
“Of course,” She waves her hand dismissively. “They’re my girls, I’ll always look out for them.”
“I love you Becca.” You say cutely. Now you direct your gaze at Rafe, pulling your face out of his neck. “You said you wouldn’t leave me tonight.”
He starts to laugh until he catches your pout. “Baby, I didn’t. You and the girls went to the bathroom for like twenty minutes. I was with you the whole time before that.”
“Okay.” You nod, satisfied with his answer. “I just missed you.”
“I missed you too sweet girl.”
“My little dalmation.” You coo, reaching up and squishing his cheeks. “Where’s my lipstick, Rafe? I need to give you another kiss.”
He laughs easily, tightening his grip on you. “It’s in the car baby.”
“Can we go get it?” You wonder, coupling a pout and puppy eyes at him.
“How about we go home?” He offers. “Then you can get your lipstick in the car?”
You sigh, biting your lip as if contemplating. “That’ll be fine.” You nod, grabbing his hand in your own.
“Goodnight besties!” You call, waving in the general area of your friends.
Rafe chuckles again, waving as he digs his keys out of his pocket. Rafe wraps his arm around your waist for the short walk to the car, your stumbling steps making him nervous.
Once you reach it, he opens your door, waiting for you to get in. “Do you need some help pretty girl?”
You turn to him, arms crossed against your chest, and one eyebrow raised. “I thought you said I was hot?”
He flushes, scratching the back of his neck. “You are. You’re pretty and hot, baby.”
When you don’t budge, he clears his throat before speaking again; “Come on, hot girl, get in the car for me.”
You grin ear-to-ear, nodding before climbing into the passenger seat. Rafe leans over you, buckling your seatbelt for you, so that you don’t even have to bother with it.
“Thank you handsome.” You grin, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
His skin flushes under your touch, and he just nods before shutting your door and getting in the driver’s seat.
“Did you have fun tonight sweetheart?” He wonders, once his own seatbelt is done, one hand on the wheel, and one stretched behind your seat as he prepares to back up.
“Yeah,” You smile up at him. “But I wanna go home and cuddle now.”
“We can do that.” He smiles back, endearment painting his features.
“Okay.” You hum happily, before tugging his arm into your lap, and leaning against him. “Wait, Rafe, one more thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Can we get McDonald’s too?”
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© witchwyfe 2021. absolutely no reposting, translating, or modifying, even with credit.
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gothamcitytrash · 3 years
The Bet
Steph - …
Jason - …
Steph - Truth or Dare?
Jason - oh fuckin finally something to do , erm … dare
Steph - I dare you to be nice to everyone for 24 hours
Jason - Easy
Steph- No snarky comments
Jason - less easy but still doable
Steph - or backhanded compliments
Jason - oh
Steph - no insults either
Jason - wait a sec…
Steph- AND you can’t leave the manor or force people to leave
Jason - ah fuck , nah i got this
Steph - and if you fail , you can’t eat Alfred’s cooking for a month and you have to say i’m better than you BUT if you prevail , i have to say that YOURE better than me … Deal?
Jason - you’re on blondie
——— Jason wonders off to get something to eat and sees Tim practising anime moves in the mirror ———
Jason - … nope , too tempting
—— Jason passes Dick’s room to see him dancing to ABBA in a Wonder Woman halloween costume ——
Jason - i’m fucked
——— Jason makes it to the kitchen and makes himself lunch , Bruce comes to sit down next to him . Jason sees that Bruce is making the ‘Parentface‘ while scrolling on his phone with his index finger
Jason - oh i’m gonna die
Bruce confused - ?!?
——— Jason walks to the door and opens it to see Steph standing there ———
Steph - Whatcha Doin?
Jason - Nothing , i er … i was just getting some fresh air
Steph - sure , i’ll let you quit if you say i’m better than you
Jason backing off - i walked from Ra’s Compound to Gotham City , i can do this and youll never hear that outta my fucking mouth
——— Jason panicking and sees Duke walking into his room ———
Jason - DUKE
Duke jumping out of his skin - PLEASE DONT HURT ME IM JUST A BOY
Jason - oh thank god , i’m not gonna hurt ya but you gotta help me
Duke befuddled - oh…kay
Jason - i made a bet with Steoh that i could be nice to everyone for the rest of the day
Duke - why? , why would you do that , you can’t go 10 mins without an insult
Jason - i’ve lasted 3 hours so far , and i have 2 hours left but Damian , Babs , Cass and harper are gonna and home soon
Duke - so?
Jason - SO , they’re getting back from the KISS concert
Duke - oh
Jason - yeah fucking oh
Duke - Damian went to a KISS concert?
Jason - he lost a bet to Steph too
Duke - gosh… she’s a menace
— Damian , Babs , Cass and Harper come home —
Jason - … their here
Duke - you have to go downstairs
Jason - i’m scared
Duke - it’s okay , it’s just saying “ you’re better than me steph “
Steph from the vents - thank you duke
Duke terrified - AHHH WHAT THE FRICK
Jason pointing up - she’s in the fuckin vent dude
—— Jason wonders off to the library but hears ——
Cass - Jay!
Jason pretending to be invisible - …
Cass - Jay , the concert was so cool
Harper - yeah it’s was fuckin fun
Babs - even Damian was head banging
Damian - it was a fun activity , the outfits and face paint were a bit much
Jason physically recoils - ….
Harper - makeup
Damian - what did you just say Row
Harper - make-up , it’s makeup
Damian - you’re lying
Babs - she isn’t , technically it’s Bruce’s eyeshadow for patrol
Damian - i’m going to kill you Row
——— Damian stumbles over in his platforms ———
Everyone - huh?
Jason turning around slowly - i can’t be nice c not even for 7 stupid fuckin hours… STEPH YOU FUCKIN WIN ALRIGHT , JUST LET ME OUT OF THIS CURSE
Steph dropping down from the ceiling - if you want this to stop , you know what to say
Jason - ah fuck … Steph?
Steph with a shit eating grin on her face - yes?
Jason - you’re better than me
Steph - That was very nice Jason
Jason - so i don’t have to be nice anymore
Steph - pretty much
Jason - oh thank god
———————Jason takes a deep breath——————
Jason - Dick , that wonder woman costume is extremely unflattering and makes you look flatter than Stephs hair in the morning and you can’t sing at all
Dick and Steph - Hey!?!
Jason - Bruce ; you are the crypt keeper and the fact you can stand up without crumbling into a pile of dust is beyond me
Bruce - Watch it
Jason - Tim , pretend and try as you might , you’ll never be Goku and it’s ridiculous that you keep trying , you are a subpar power ranger at best
Tim - harsh but needed
Jason - and now you four , you all look like bruce’s first draft of his batsuit , and Damian , even in platforms you are only 4ft tall AT BEST
Damian - Watch your Tongue Todd
Jason at Harper- this is the first time you’ve ever been able to convince somebody of something because you fuckin suck at lying and it’s embarrassing to watch
Harper - Damn
Jason - Babs… Red hair doesn’t suit you
Babs - Say that again and see what happens jackass
Jason - and finally … Cass
Cass - :)
Jason - yeah i got nothing … phew i didn’t think i could go on much longer
Everyone - Hungry ?
Everyone replying - Yes?
Alfred - Dinners Ready!
Jason - fuck yeah
Steph - whoa whoa , where do you think you’re going?
Jason- to eat?
Steph - did you last until midnight with out being a dick?
Jason - oh no! , no! , no please don’t do this
Steph - Goodbye Jason
Jason falling to his knees like Darth Vader - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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yougetoneshot · 3 years
Suicide Squad: Reversal
What if team 1 and team 2 switched missions?
Focus is on Team 1: Flag, Harley, Captain Boomerang, Savant, Mongal, Weasel, Blackguard, TDK, and Javelin
Everyone lives AU
Chapter One
Flag looked around at his team and lamented his choices in life. His eyes fell on Harley, the therapist turned supervillain with a penchant for hyenas and large hammers. She was clapping excitedly at the despair of the man across from her struggling with his seatbelt.
“This thing’s a werewolf?! Yo, I don’t mess with werewolves, get me outta here!”
Captain Boomerang’s roaring laugh filled the entire helicopter as he joined Harley in enjoying Blackguard’s panic.
“Sit down! He’s not a werewolf. He’s a weasel.” Flag snarled to quiet down the situation. Blackguard was his least favorite addition to his team which was saying something considering weasel, the beast villain he’d just believed was a werewolf, was equally as useless. He’d begged Waller not to add him but she insisted his strength would be an asset despite his low IQ. At least the weasel didn’t talk.
“Get ready for the drop.” The pilot called back to Flag who nodded and ushered the others to stand as the back of the helicopter opened over the water.
“Go!” He yelled as the first of his team leapt from the chopper. Javelin, whose name pretty much encompassed his entire personality aside from the added foreign accent, hit the water first. He was followed by TDK, a villain Flag actually didn’t know anything about but trusted Waller enough that he must have some strength of benefit to the team. Savant, the forgetful genius fighter, and Mongal, the alien tyrant, jumped next. They were followed by Harley and Boomerang who made a competition over who could do the best dive. Flag had to shove Blackguard out before he and weasel jumped. As they all hit the water they heard the sound of weasel struggling against the current.
“Did no one find out if he could swim?!” Flag growled into his communicator. The team back at base remained quiet as he moved to help Savant save the unsavory beast from drowning.
“Is he dead.” Waller’s irritated tone buzzed over coms as Savant shook his head.
“He’ll live.”
An explosion lit up another part of the island and Flag furrowed his brow. “Waller-“
“It’s fine. Keep on mission, Flag.” Her tone sounded knowing so he pushed any concern for it aside. He had to trust her. What other choice did he have?
The rest of his team trudged onto the beach and groaned about being wet. He once again lamented not having a proper military team as Harley and Boomerang began convincing Blackguard he was covered in leeches. The dim witted villain was frantically and a bit too loudly checking himself for the leeches as Flag moved towards them. “Shhh! Stop messing with him or you’re going to get us all killed! We don’t have much time before a patrol comes by. We need to get deep into the jungle and make camp.” He grabbed Blackguard by the shoulder to stop him from ripping his clothes off. “There are no leeches on yo-“ Flag’s sentence halted as he spotted it- not a leech but definitely something akin to it stuck to the back of Blackguard’s neck. “Don’t move.”
“What?! Why?!! What is it?!! There are leeches aren’t there?!-“
“I said don’t move!” Flag pulled a knife from a holster around his thigh and began prying the small mass from Blackguard’s skin. The criminal howled which prompted Flag to slap a hand over his mouth. “Shut up or I’ll let this thing stay on your neck.” He finally provided enough leverage to pop the creature off of Blackguard’s neck and send it careening into the sand where it dug down into the dune like a tremor.
“…what was that.” Harley’s eyes were locked onto the spot in the sand that the creature had sunk into.
“Just a leech. Now come on, we need to get off this beach.” He waited for his team to all make it off the beach before he noticed a light in the distance.
A sharp pain in his shoulder then another in his leg sent him sinking to the sand. He heard shouts down the beach and yelled at his team to run as Harley moved towards him. “Go! Stay on mission!”
Waller echoed Flag’s order into Harley’s earpiece.
“Come on. He’s right, Harls.” Boomerang tugged her back into the foliage as soldiers surrounded Flag. “They ain’t gonna kill him, right?” Harley looked up at her Aussie pal and he tugged her down to hide in the brush.
“I dunno but we’re dead if we stay here.” He whispered into her ear as they watched Flag be apprehended.
“This changes nothing. You will still need to find the Thinker and infiltrate Jotunheim.” Waller’s voice hissed through their earpieces. “Don’t take this as some opportunity to bail. I can still monitor you from here without Flag’s supervision. One wrong move and I’ll blow your heads off. Now move.”
As Waller finished her threat, Harley looked around at the group who were all looking at her. “What are you looking at me for? Do I got something on my face?”
“I think they’re looking at you to lead us.” Boomerang whispered in her ear.
“Leader? No. Uh uh. I ain’t a leader.” She turned to Boomerang to argue in a less than hushed tone. “Boomer, I don’t know the first thing about leading a bunch of idiots!”
“Hey!” Blackguard hissed. “We can hear you.”
“Oh sorry, I meant six idiots and a lummox.” She sassed but then quickly realized he thought she was complimenting him. Harley turned back to Boomerang. “We are so doomed.”
“I believe in you, Harls. What would you do if you didn’t have a team?”
“I dunno. Probably get disguises?”
“Then that’s a start. Let’s go find some disguises.”
The group had little issue getting into town and breaking into a department store. Even here on this tiny island, American corporations had made their mark in the most American way- overpriced apparel.
“Alright everyone. I want you to look your most Corto Maltese-esque-ian.”
“What?” Half of them chimed in and she shook her head frustrated.
“Just don’t look like a tourist, yea?” She shooed them away to pick their own disguises. After a while, Javelin approached her in bright plaid overalls with no shirt underneath and a vibrant pink hat.
“..that is… PERFECT!” Harley clapped excited then noticed weasel next to him with a large novelty mustache stuck to his face. “Oh my, I didn’t even recognize you. That’s so good. Keep it.”
“I dunno, Harley none of these clothes fit me.” Blackguard walked over in what was clearly a child’s tshirt that hugged him like a crop top. Harley suppressed some laughter but nodded. “No. You look great. Promise.” She nudged Boomerang as he was shuffling through some AC DC shirts to find his size. He lifted his head and spotted the very tight children’s clothing clinging to Blackguard. He was less than successful at containing his laughter.
“He loves it.” Harley nodded.
“Then why’s he laughing?”
“Oh it’s just a joke I told him earlier. Nothing to do with you.”
“..oh.. okay!” Blackguard joined the other two members who were done picking their disguises.
Mongal returned in a large fluffy red dress and Harley gave her two thumbs up. Savant came back in plain jeans and a white v neck. Harley stopped him and plopped a ball cap on his head that said “World’s Best Grandpa” before giving him approval. TDK finally returned dressed like a cowboy complete with chaps and a cowboy hat. Harley had chosen checkered black and red jeggings paired with a workout top that said “would rather be sleeping” and a red leather jacket. Boomerang had finally found the appropriate sized AC DC shirt- sans sleeves as he tugged them off and tossed them aside.
Harley looked over the group one last time before placing her hands on her hips confidently. “Let’s go catch a Thinker.”
Outside the club, Harley briefed the group in the small van they’d stolen from a very cooperative Pepsi delivery guy. “Okay, the plan is to blend in and wait for this Thinker guy to show up. He should be here anytime in the next three hours so we gotta stay alert. That includes you.” She gestured to Javelin.
“Why do you single me out?”
“Because that devilish accent of yours could get us caught. Best if you stay quiet.”
“No. Your voice is now a precious gem that you must protect at all costs. Not another word.”
He nodded sadly as Harley turned to the rest of the group. “Let’s go.”
The group walked into the club and despite having a giant weasel with them, managed to get on great with everyone there. Most of the drunken patrons thought they came from a costume party and Weasel was wearing some kind of Halloween costume. Harley had the group split up to look for the Thinker. She paired them up with Mongal and TDK taking the back door, Boomerang and Savant at the pool table in the corner, Blackguard and Javelin on the dance floor, and she took the bar with Weasel by the entrance.
After about an hour, Harley started to become bored. As entertaining as it was watching Weasel get drunk, Boomerang lose at pool twice in a row to Savant, and Javelin teach Blackguard how to do the Cupid shuffle, she was getting antsy for a fight. Lucky for Harley, a fight was walking in as Corto Maltese soldiers walked in escorting the Thinker.
“I’ve got eyes on the Thinker.” Harley nodded over to Javelin who was by the jukebox. He then pressed a few buttons and Ballroom Blitz blared through the club. “Time to party, boys!”
Harley ran full speed at the nearest soldier and slid down between his legs to pop up behind him right next to the Thinker. She gave him a smile. “You might wanna duck.” Harley grabbed the back of his head and pushed it down as Javelin nailed the soldier posted behind the Thinker with his javelin from across the room. Boomerang took out the first two soldiers and Savant used his pool stick to prevent more soldiers rushing in from the entrance from getting closer to the group by targeting pressure points on their bodies with absolute precision.
At the back door, Mongal and TDK were having a blast letting a soldier walk in only to hang them by their vests on the tall coatrack mounted to the wall and knocking them out. Weasel ran around downing all the drinks of the patrons who’d abandoned them to leave the establishment. The entrance began to flood with more soldiers until Blackguard lifted the large jukebox and hefted it at the doorway with complete ease, halting the music and leaving the room in complete silence for a few moments.
“…you telling me you coulda done that the whole time?!” Harley choked out in shock. “I didn’t know he could that- did you know he could do that?!” Harley looked around at some of the rest of the group who shook their heads. “That coulda been very useful to know, just sayin.”
“Who are you people?” Thinker questioned irritably.
“Hey!” She shook him by his shirt collar. “We ask the questions round here!” Harley began shoving the Thinker towards the back exit as the team followed. They all squeezed back into the Pepsi delivery fan with Thinker placed in the middle of them.
“Okay, Bumble Ball Head, you listen good, you’re gonna take us to Jotunheim.”
“You’ll never make it past the front door. They already know what you’re trying to do. Your little friends on the beach have already been taken care of too.”
“..wait.. there were other people on the beach? Did we leave somebody else?!” Harley began counting the group as Thinker furrowed his brow confused.
“Are you not the Americans? The ones with the shark man?”
“Wait there’s a shark man?!” Harley squealed. “You mean to tell me Waller sent another team with a shark man and he wasn’t on my team?!”
“I don’t like sharks.” TDK brought up nonchalantly. “They could bite your arm off, you know?”
“Yea but not if you was friends with them, right?” Harley proposed and TDK shrugged.
“Fair point.”
“You’re all mad.” Thinker interjected.
“Well, that ain’t nothing new.” Harley chortled. “Now, tell me about the team at the beach. What happened to them?” Harley furrowed her brows as she raised a knife. “And if you ain’t telling me the truth, I’ll start cuttin off them pegs in your head.”
“They were apprehended and taken to the capital. With the exception of the shark man who is now a delightful new subject for me to experiment on.”
“Oh, you are just a piece of work, you know that?!” Harley waved the knife at him then looked at the group. “Listen, I ain’t much of a planner but seems to me like we could use all the help we can get getting into Jotunheim. We should go rescue the rest of the team to help us.”
“If they’re even still alive. El Presidente isn’t exactly keen on Americans. He’s likely already publicly executed them by now.”
“Well ain’t you just a bucket of rainbows!” She bonked him on the head with the back of the knife before looking back at the group. “It’s worth checking to see if any of em are alive.”
“I agree.” Savant nodded. “We got power in numbers, especially if the others are just as gifted in their abilities.”
“Right, anyone oppose?”
Mongal raised her hand slowly and Harley blinked a few times while pouting out her lips. “Yes?”
“I think we left the werewolf.”
Harley looked around at the group and sure enough the Weasel was not there. “Oh, fudge!” She sighed and nodded for TDK at the back to go back inside and fetch him. He returned with an unconscious and smelly Weasel, tossing him inside the van before it drove off towards the capital.
- Stay tuned for Chapter 2! -
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