#look. look. i learned to cook with whatever ingredients i had and it means you make do with what u got
huginsmemory · 2 years
favorite ramen recipe 🙏😮? wanna try smthg ober than chicken and pepper🥴
Oh I can absolutely share it! The thing is though, it's not really a single recipe I use- it really depends on what I've got in my fridge at the time, haha, which makes it really versatile as a recipe. I have a tendency to 'free-style' a bit as I cook so the recipe isn't going to be given to you in cups, my apologies, nor is it really gonna be done in a 'traditional' ramen manner, as I tend to bastardized recipes. Below I've broken it down into three different categories: there's the stock, there's the noodles and there's toppings.
Put on a pot to boil- half the size of the bowl you have is one portion, as you'll be adding noodles and toppings on top of the broth. So eye the water going in for how many portions (bowls of water) you want. Mix in any broth base- I have a preference of beef, as I feel that would be closer to what is generally used in ramen, but any will do (I generally use more than the suggested amount of broth to put in since I like things salty). Some vegetable broth however will be very heavy in flavour of celery- so I would steer clear of those, but if that's all you got then that's all you got! Into the pot it goes. I then slice ginger and garlic and throw it in as well- for six cups I maybe put in 3-4 medium garlic cloves and about 1.5x the amount for ginger. Pour in soya sauce- for about six cups I maybe put in 1/3 cup of soya sauce. Let simmer.
That's a general broth; however you can mix it up by adding miso and removing most of (or leaving in) the ginger and garlic to get a miso-ramen. Or, you can add a few star anise and a stick of cinnamon and if you have it a bit of all-spice and 1-3 cloves to get a similar flavour profile to pho.
Find noodles; obviously, if there's ramen or Asian style noodles then that is preferred. Vermicelli or other glass noodles are less ramen-like but also perfectly serviceable. If you're really desperate, spaghetti noodles can also work, but then that's blasphemous and why are you not having spaghetti then? have I done this before when I was young and unaware and working with limited ingredients? Yes.
Boil a separate pot from the stock, and this is where you'll boil your noodles in- if you're lazy, then you can also boil your noodles in the stock pot. However, boiling your noodles in the stock pot means your noodles if left in long with get soggy which is not as desirable. This is also why if there's leftovers (which there always is) put the noods and the broth in separate containers. But again, it REALLY depends on how much work you wanna do.
This is where it gets fun. You can put whatever you want on-top; obviously, there's preferred things to put on top, so I'll list a few of my favourite.
Eggs! This means a third pot on the stove, or if you strategically remove the noodles out of their pot, you can boil the egg in the noodle water. Peel, cut in half and plop on top of your noodles the two halves. Or, a less preferred method, fry an egg sunny side up instead to be added, or just crack an egg into the simmering broth.
Meat- honestly, cold cuts and bacon are the best for this (assuming your not out buying the presliced raw meat specific for having with hotpot or something). If it's cheap soft bacon, I suggest frying it in a pan breifly before putting it on top of your soup, as if you dont cook it, you tend to swallow the slippery bacon whole which is not particularly pleasant. Cold cuts such as sliced ham and baloney (yes, baloney) are really fucking good in ramen, and are cheap and easy to get. Lie/tuck the meat in once the noodles and the broth and veggies have been added to the bowl; the broth will heat up the sliced meat. Or, lazily just throw the meat into the pot. That works perfectly well as well, and if you have thick slices of something this may work better as well.
Tofu you can also add! What I like to do is pre-slice the tofu thin and let marinate in a soya sauce-brown sugar sauce. If you're feeling fancy you can add a bit of grated ginger and chopped garlic for extra flavour, then fry it up in a pan (with lots of oil, to minimize burning) to get the tofu nice and crisp, and can be laid on top of the ramen when assembling it. Or you can just cut it into chunks and throw it into the broth while it's simmering as well. All different modicums of how much work you wanna put into it!
Veggies- these you chop up and toss into pot while it's simmering. Any type of non-poisonous mushrooms, sliced, also work as well as things such as Bok Choy, carrot, onions, cabbage, eggplant, corn, lotus root, leeks, dried seaweed, so on and so forth. Search up toppings to ramen/hot pot and you'll get a long list of things you can add! I generally ogle my fridge and go, hey that would do well in it and toss it in. You can also gently heat thinly sliced eggplant until it's soft on a frying pan and let it sit in soya sauce-brown sugar mix (or even just soya sauce, or you can pour it on top while gently heating) and it adds an extra kick of flavour when you add it into your ramen.
Cheese! Grated cheese (I like cheddar for this) can be placed on top to add an extra savoury taste and pairs really well with spicy broth.
Green onions I like to chop up and add as a garnish in the end.
Assembling the ramen at the end looks like this (if you go the more extra route): add noodles to bowl, then pour over broth with veggies, and then place in any protien, fancy veggies/tofu or cheese, and then place on top chopped green onions. Add soya sauce and spicy sauces to taste! Hope this wasn't too confusing, and enjoy your ramen! ❤️
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samwisethewitch · 5 months
How I Get the Most Out of Meat When Cooking
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As someone who 1.) was 100% vegetarian for ethical/religious reasons until very recently, and 2.) recently had to reintroduce meat for vitamin deficiency reasons, limiting waste as much as possible when I cook with meat is really important to me. For one thing, I feel like I owe it to the animal that died to get as much use as possible out of its body as a way of honoring its death. For another, meat is expensive (ethically raised meat even more so) and I want to get my money's worth.
I recently bought a bunch of lamb for my family's holiday dinner, so I wanted to share my attempt to practice the Honorable Harvest in my meat consumption. This is new to me, but I wanted to document the attempt because it's been a fun learning process for me! If you want to actually learn about honorable consumption I encourage you to read the works of Robin Wall Kimmerer and other indigenous ecologists, since the Honorable Harvest is based on indigenous North American practices. (Though there are other cultural practices all over the world.)
Step One: Sourcing the Meat
I am very fortunate to have enough disposable income to buy ethically raised meat, which tends to be more expensive. This is a privilege. Other people are not able to spend this extra money on their meat, and that doesn't make me better than them. Feeding yourself is morally neutral, and a tight budget is not a moral failing. Most meat alternative products (Beyond Beef, Impossible, etc.) are also pretty expensive. If the factory-farmed meat at the supermarket is the only thing in your budget, use that.
If you DO have some extra funds, local farms are a great place to source meat. The reason we had lamb for the holidays is because a local farm recently culled their herd and had lamb on sale. In the past we've gotten beef from a relative who raises cattle. I encourage you to learn about farms in your area and what they have to offer. CSAs and farmers' markets are great places to start. You can also ask around at local restaurants about where they source their ingredients.
When I say "ethically raised meat," what I'm really talking about is pasture-raised animals. Cage-free animals may not live in cages, but they can still be kept in cramped, dirty, inhumane conditions and be sold as "cage free." Pasture-raised animals are able to graze and forage and generally wander around within a paddock. For some animals like chickens you can also look for "free range," which means the animals are unfenced and are able to wander freely. Since I don't cook meat often, I try to get free range or pasture-raised meat when I do buy it.
In some areas, you may also be able to find certified ethically slaughtered meat, which means the slaughtering process has been designed to cause as little suffering to the animal as possible. That kind of certification isn't really available where I live, but it might be for you!
And of course, hunting or fishing yourself is also an option. If you kill the animal yourself, you know exactly how it died and can take steps to limit suffering as much as possible. Hunting isn't a skillset I have, but if you do more power to you!
Step Two: Cooking the Meat
This is the easy part. Depending on the cut of meat you got and the dish you are cooking, you may need to remove bones or trim fat, but aside from that it's just following a recipe.
For our holiday lamb stew, I used this recipe. I have Celiac disease, so I subbed gluten-free flour and replaced the beer with red wine. I also added rosemary and garlic for a more Mediterranean flavor to compliment the wine.
Step Three: Organs and Bones
This is where the breakdown is for a lot of Americans. We don't cook with bones or organs very often, and we tend to throw away whatever parts of the animal we don't want. That is not honorable consumption. Part of the Honorable Harvest is using every part of the being that died to feed you.
Most organs make great stew meat. My favorite Nicaraguan beef stew is made with tongue, and my indigenous Hawaiian relatives make stew with pig feet. And while I don't like them, lots of my Southern family members love chitlins (pickled pig intestines). Lots of cultures eat organs, and you'll find plenty of delicious recipes if you look!
Bones are typically used to make stock, which can be used as a base for future soups and stews. There are lots of recipes for DIY stocks and broths, but I usually fry some onions and/or garlic, deglaze with wine, and then add the meat/bones and the water, plus salt, pepper, and herbs for flavor. Most animal bones can produce two batches of stock before they lose flavor. (For really flavorful stock, leave some meat on the bones.)
Once the stock is done, you'll still have bones to deal with. Contrary to popular belief, cooked bones are not safe for dogs to chew on. (But raw bones usually are!) Instead, I strip any remaining meat and gristle from the stock bones, give those scraps to my pups as a treat, and then use the stripped bones for something else. With a little extra processing, the bones can be used as a fertilizer in a garden, a calcium supplement for chickens, or a safe treat for dogs and/or cats.
This was my first time processing bones, but after boiling them for, like, 12 hours in water with salt and vinegar, they were soft enough to break apart with my hands. I'm going to grind them to make bone meal.
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expiredc2 · 5 months
Omg as a writing prompt/ idea how about bimbo reader messing up a really simple recipe and Carmy has to guide her literally through every step. But he’s not demeaning to her in any way he just genuinely wants to teach her how to cook
first time ever writing a prompt yay! (this one ended way longer than i thought??)
today you wanted to learn how to cook, but only a simple recipe that internet told you was "easy." you took this task upon yourself as overtime, you felt bad for carmy always cooking for you and it was about time.
the simple recipe in question was a mac and cheese recipe, which shouldn't be too hard, you thought. carmy ended seeing you in his kitchen, whining quietly while scrolling deperately on your phone and reading the recipe.
"baby you doin' alright?" he asked worriedly as he watched you scurry around his kitchen. you nod lazily, not even trying to hide that you don’t have anything under control.
"yes carm, i'm fine, i got this," you attempt reassure him with a half-meant smile but it was clear you really needed help. "i'm just trying to cook babe.."
he smiled shyly from the thought of you wanting to learn how to cook. he rushed to your side, wanting to help you.
"so, what're we making here?" he says while examining both of their surroundings, seeing a bunch of food items scattered everywhere across the counter that are presumed to be ingredients.
you sigh heavily before turning around to face him with a pout. “mac and cheese..”
he pulled you in to give you a playful kiss on your forehead before pulling back and brushing your cheek with his thumb. “you seem to be struggling, you want some help?”
you nod while giving that pouty look again. carmy smiles as he lets go of you and allow him to help you.
“let me take a look at the recipe,” he sticks his hand out waiting as you hand your phone over to him. he skims through it quickly and gives it back to you when he’s finished.
he starts reading out the words on your screen slowly. “let’s start with the first step, alright? okay so it says here to boil your macaroni until ‘al dente’ for 8 minutes.”
“okay and what the hell does al dente mean?” you giggle between saying your sentence then bending over to get a pot from the lower cabinets, filling it up with water and setting it on the stove.
carmen take a brief moment to think of an explanation that’s easy for you to understand. “it means still somewhat firm.”
you listen to him explain while staring at the “heat knob thingys” on the oven confused. carmy notices your obvious confusion and walks over to help you.
“carm, how hot should this be..?” you ask shyly, embarrassed to ask while looking over your shoulder to see him.
“around… here,” he sets it to a certain heat before giving you a quick smile, making sure you take in the information.
you pour macaroni inside the pot of boiling hot water and let it cook. you start smile, feeling proud of yourself.
carmy ended helping you make the “roux” or whatever fancy cooking thing he said. he noticed that the instructions was a bit too complicated for you and didn’t fully understand it so he decided to watch from the sidelines and jump in whenever needed.
the recipe required a saucepan, but you ended up taking a different pan without noticing. once you placed it on the stove, carmy tapped on your shoulder lightly.
“baby, you’re using the wrong pan, the recipe says you need a sauce pan,” he says softly, trying not to sound condescending.
your cheeks flush in embarrassment and rush to get the sauce pan. “right, you’re right.” you say in a meek tone.
you started to embarrass yourself even more but carmen didn’t even seem to mind. like, you forgot to add milk to the “roux” which he immediately noticed and helped you with it.
“so next time, remember to add the milk, okay baby?” he gently rubs your back trying to comfort you.
you needed his help again when you had to stir in the cheese. you were intimated by the heat and it became difficult to stir.
“carmy baby, it’s scary..” you whine while backing away from the boiling pot. he smiled then helped you by standing behind you and stirring it for you with his hands guiding yours.
your hard work paid off as you needed up finishing you mac and cheese. it was okay, but you were proud anyways. carmen was especially proud of you. he didn’t even care that the food was mediocre, he was just proud because it was your first time cooking and it turned out pretty good.
“look at you my little chef, you wanna come work at The Bear with me?” he teasingly asked, reaching over your shoulder and pulling you in.
“i would love to, chef.” you laugh softly, placing yourself deeper in his arms.
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grandline-fics · 6 months
Hello! I loved your sanji fic and was wondering if you can write another one where readers hearing aids broke and in the meantime of usopp fixing them, reader just stays in the kitchen as they feel safer there with Sanji. (Requesting this because my hearing aids broke during school and I’ve been feeling a little down lately ;-; also a little extra if you want to add into this, sanji realizes they are really sad without it and like he tries to cheer them up by writing on a paper that he wants to learn sign language. Or like he knows a little sign language and tries to communicate with them and it makes reader really happy and they help teach him more signs. Maybe he asks how to sign I Love you and signs it to them—jkjk
But feel free to write whatever you feel comfortable with \(0v0)/
DESCRIPTION: When your hearing aids break, Sanji’s there to keep you company and cheer you up
WARNINGS: depictions of a deaf/hearing impaired reader, some angst mostly fluff
WORDS: 849
A/N:  I'm so sorry you've been feeling down because of your own hearing aids being broken but I hope you're doing better now and that this helps. Really hope you like it <3
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You knew that it was an accident but still you couldn’t help but feel upset by it all. Upset at Luffy for getting too excited about an island coming into view and knocking into you as you were passing your hearing aid over to Usopp so he could do some routine maintenance on them causing them to fall to the deck. You were upset that you didn’t act fast enough and that Nami came storming forward to scold your Captain only for her foot to crush the very thing you needed to hear the lecture. You didn’t need to hear the impact or look down to see that your hearing aids were broken, her and Usopp’s expressions said it all. 
Now you were left sitting in the kitchen, waiting for Usopp to work on the lengthy repairs while the others were off exploring. That was another thing to feel upset about. Slowly you lifted your gaze from the table you’d been resting your chin on to look at the cook who’d volunteered to stay behind too.You couldn’t help the sickening guilt twisting in your stomach as you watched him work on meal prep for the evening meal when the others returned. Sanji didn’t have to stay here and you knew he’d been looking forward to going to a new island in search of new ingredients for his cooking and yet now because of you- in some aspect at least- he didn’t get to go. 
You tried to tell yourself that Sanji was a grown man and was capable of making his own decisions but deep down you knew he was only staying behind because of you. While the two of you had feelings for each other and were prone to flirting, nothing had actually happened between you both. You sighed slightly, wishing that you could make this whole sorry mess up to him in some way. Suddenly Sanji’s gaze lifted from the vegetables he’d been cutting and he looked to you with concern and he offered you a reassuring smile. Quickly you folded your arms on the table and lowered your head to rest against them. It made you feel worse to see him smile at you that way.
Sanji’s smile fell when you hid your face away, dejected and not your usual bright self. This was why he insisted on staying with you, he knew you would blame yourself for this. He also knew that had Nami or Luffy stayed behind instead they would have clumsily tried to apologise and cheer you up in their own way which would no doubt make you feel worse. As he finished the last of the prep he slowly worked out how best to approach this. Just because your hearing aids were out of commission until Usopp worked his magic didn’t mean you’d suddenly changed. You were still you.
With your head still down you didn’t fully sense Sanji’s approach, thinking the subtle vibrations of his feet against the ground to be just him moving about the kitchen as normal. However you felt the dim thud of something being left on the table beside your elbow. Peeking out from behind your arm you were met with the sight of your favourite drink and snack waiting for you while Sanji casually slid into one of the free seats at the table with you. He couldn’t help the wide grin on his face when he saw the sadness flit away to be replaced with excited delight. After smiling brightly and pulling the food closer you set about enjoying what he’d made for you. 
Sanji smiled softly, it was a good first step in cheering you up but there was still more he could do and there was something he’d been working on. He just hoped he didn’t mess this up. Seeing that you’d almost finished your comfort food he lightly tapped your hand to get your attention. When you met his gaze you saw that he was suddenly anxious, tense and you became concerned. Then you watched him lift his hands and shakily begin to sign.
 “I was going to surprise you when I was better.” He began nervously, deciding to speak the words as well. It was a relief that you knew how to read lips, the last thing he wanted was for anything to be lost in his clumsy movements. “But if anyone needs cheering up, it’s you. Your face is too beautiful to be hidden away and sad. I’ve been learning from a book Robin had but maybe you could teach me properly?”
Extremely touched by the surprise gesture that he’d no doubt been learning very hard to accomplish, you couldn’t help but break out into happy tears and nod. Only Sanji would go above and beyond like this and it was all for you. “Thank you.” You signed and wiped your tears away to look at him properly with warmth and gratitude. 
“It’s a date.” Sanji replied with his usual charming smile before reaching over to take your hands into his and placing a gentle kiss against your knuckles.  
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salty-croissants · 4 months
Hello, it's me again! Sorry to bother, but can you make about Bullfrog and Rayman/Ramon with the reader that loves cooking (mainly desserts), please?
Thank you for the request !
This is a very original and neat concept , I really enjoyed writing for it :D 
Hope it turned out okay ! 
Details : use of gender neutral reader ; 
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
When he first discovered your hobby Bullfrog was immediately enthusiastic about it , and to this day whenever you cook something for him he is simply overjoyed : 
< Oh - is that for me ? Thank you so much mon amour ! > 
< Hehe , no need to thank me sweetie … it’s nothing much , just thought I’d try a new recipe this time around . > 
< Now now , don’t underestimate yourself my dear : this already looks and smells delicious , I’m sure I’ll love it ! > 
If you ever decide to make something that comes from France to surprise him , Bullfrog will be absolutely delighted …
I mean , his beloved making an effort to get closer to him in such an adorable way ? Boy , his heart is going to positively melt ❤️
< Here Bullfrog … I know you had an especially long day today , so I thought it would be nice to end the evening with a little something I made ! > 
< *gasp* - y/n , this mille-feuille looks wonderful ! 
Thank you mon chou , thank you so much ! ~ > 
< I’m really happy you like it my love ! ~ 
I’ve … never really made one of these before , so I really hope I got everything right with the ingredients … would be a shame if it just looked nice but didn’t have a good taste , y’know ? And - >  
< You worry too much … I’m sure it’s amazing , like everything you do ~ > 
< Heh … never miss an opportunity to flatter me , hm ? ~ 
Seriously though , thank you … you’re a sweetheart ~ > 
Whenever the two of you are in the kitchen and you’re busy cooking , Bullfrog is going to just stare at you , mesmerized by your every movement as you mix the ingredients together to make whatever food you may have in mind come to life …
While your boyfriend already adores you , seeing just how creative and passionate you are makes him love you even more … if that’s even possible ;//)
< I see you back there ~ > 
< Ah , I’m sorry my dear … I just can’t help but look at you , tu es magnifique ~ > 
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Rayman 🧡
Given how busy he is with his work as the Eden Late Show host , I doubt that Rayman is able to find time to actually cook for himself … 
Not like that’s a problem for him anymore , now that you’ve entered his life .
< Aw - did you make this for lunch y/n ? 
Thank you , you shouldn’t have ! > 
< Don’t worry about it Ray , it was my pleasure ! 
I know you got a lot to do later , so hopefully this will help you get the energy you need to deal with your schedule … it’s my job to take care of you , remember ? > 
< Heh , how could I forget … ? 
I love you so much honey , I really appreciate you doing all this for me ~ > 
You often prepare food that Rayman can carry over to the studio in a lunch box to make sure that he eats properly ( he often forgets about it ) , and you better believe that he’ll be talking about how well your cooking skills are to anyone passing by … 
< Oh , you won’t believe how good these are - you’d expect them to be from a bakery , but actually my y/n made them for me ! 
They’re so talented - and pretty , did I mention pretty ? > 
The sheer determination he has to make those around him know how much he appreciates you … it never fails to make you smile :,//) 
Rayman definitely tries to cook something for you when he has enough time on his hands , and while he still has a lot to learn you can’t help but feel your heart skip a beat whenever he walks in the room , proudly displaying something he made … 
He really tries his best for you , his beloved partner , and that thought alone always warms your heart . 
< I don’t know … maybe I didn’t use enough flour , I hope this isn’t too bad … > 
< It’s not bad at all hun , it’s a really good first attempt at a chocolate cake ! 
Thank you for making this for me ~ > 
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Ramon 🖤
You often end up cooking things that Ramon especially enjoys eating to cheer him up when he’s not having a good day , and the way he smiles at you with genuine gratitude whenever you do that brings you more joy than anything else ever could …
< Here you go love , luckily there were enough ingredients to make some apple pie ! > 
< Heh .. you really remembered that one time I said I liked it ? >
< Of course ! 
Besides , I know today has been pretty harsh , so the least I could do is do my best to make you happy … you deserve it . > 
< Thanks y/n … you’re amazing ~ > 
Much like before , Ramon does his best to cook for you sometimes , being very worried about disappointing you … only to be surprised by your adorable reactions .
< Uh , actually … I tried to make us some dinner tonight , since you were tired .
I’ll be honest , I wasn’t entirely sure about some stuff I was doing , so I just hope I didn’t make a mes - > 
< Aw Ram - thank you so much ! It looks great !
I’m really looking forward to eating it now that I know you made it ! > 
< You … really think that ? > 
< Mhm ! > 
< Heh , well let’s hope this lives up to the chef’s expectations then ~ > 
< Gosh I … heh , I’m nowhere near a chef sweetie , but thank you nonetheless ~ > 
Ramon could hold you in his arms for hours while you tell him all about a new recipe you found , or some other cool cooking fact : 
it’s like all the fears and worries he has completely disappear , the soothing sound of your voice making him forget about being a wanted criminal who is at risk of getting caught at any minute .
< I’d definitely love to try out this honey cheesecake sometime : it only takes ten  minutes to get done , and it doesn’t need that many ingredients !
Though I did see two different ways of using the butternut biscuits , so I’m not entirely sure of which one works best … but I think picking one and starting off there would be good to determine which is better , and plus - > 
This man can’t get over how cute you look when you passionately explain something related to your hobby …
Ramon holds on to those precious moments for as long as he can , as always feeling immensely lucky to have you by his side . 
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goingmerryfics · 24 days
hi again! :D I hope you're doing well! im back with the killer requests again- could i request killer as a girl dad?
Girl Dad w/ Killer, Ace, & Law
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Content: Obviously SFW & no reader mentioned, just characters and their little girls <3
Notes* YES and I added two more characters because I really wanted to do this prompt!!
He, also having long hair, LOVES to braid her and have his hair done/played with by her, too. It doesn’t matter how dumb he looks- with uneven ponytails, too many hairclips and bows everywhere -he loves the time spent together 
In fact, doing her hair in the morning is his favorite way of spending time with her. He loves getting a new request for a style every day, and it doesn’t matter how outrageous it sounds because it’s for his little princess
He would even ask around/read some books to teach him how to do hair like any mother would know how to do
He would also be so excited to teach his little girl how to cook! Not because of gender roles of course, but because it’s an activity that he loves to do and is a good life skill for anyone to have.
His lessons start with him holding her and letting her watch, then continue on into letting her add ingredients, and when she’s old enough and understands the dangers of using the stove/oven and knives and such, lets her stand beside him and make her own mini meal while he does the same, so she can watch his steps and perform them herself
It’s great, because she gets to have the freedom of adding whatever ingredients she likes to her food, while learning a life skill hands-on, and also getting to spend time with her dad
She adores her father, too
Only when they’re alone does he take off his mask and let her see him with no restrictions
And of course at one point, he had to explain why he looks the way he does. Maybe she was too young to understand it fully, but she loves him no matter what and that’s all that matters
And as she ages, she begins to look like him, too. At first it makes him uncomfortable- to have a little copy of his face, he wonders if she’ll face the same insecurities and hardships that he does when it comes to self-image. But that’s not the case at all- in fact, she adores that she looks like her daddy!
In a way, she teaches him how to love himself a little bit more.
He has no idea how to be a dad and he’s so confident in his ability to wing it until he actually comes face to face with the newborn baby girl. Then he panics
He doesn’t know how to parent! He’s hardly responsible for himself! 
Everything is a journey with him. Changing his first diaper, dealing with the constant crying, even making his first bottle is a disaster 
he lit it on fire trying to warm the milk with his devil fruit
And if you think for any moment that it would get easier as she grows, you’d be dead wrong.
She is just like him in terms of activity. She runs everywhere. Gets into everything she’s not supposed to, even at the age where she knows better. She just likes to watch her dad panic and run after her, it’s fun
She’s just as much of a hot-headed trouble maker, and at half his strength at Ace’s age, still just as daring
She’ll challenge anyone, which means Ace really has to keep a close eye on her when they’re in public. There are too many people out there that are happy to hit a kid if need be
But if anyone were to actually lay a finger on her, he would burn them from the inside out.
He calls his daughter his little firefly because of how she lit his life up after having her. For a self-deprecating man who believed himself unworthy of love to have someone in his arms who adored his every move, it only proved how needed he was by others. Not just her, but everyone in his life.
He loves to show her off to anyone that’ll listen, just like how he adores Luffy. Except he’ll hold her up like a trophy he’s won while he does it
While he has a hard time scolding his daughter, he does have his own way of parenting- it’s called distraction. Is she throwing a tantrum because she wants something she can’t have? He’ll start to tickle her, or pick her up by her ankle to hold her upside down, or do anything to make her laugh
He’s a work in progress dad, but he makes it work enough for the both of them. At least he’s proud that he can be a better father than his own was
Law would be strict father, but he would melt with his little girl, and it’s a struggle for him
He values education and knowledge, and would want to teach her everything he knows. But that gets boring for a child, and sometimes he forgets that his little sweetheart needs a brain break every now and then
It’s not that she dislikes hearing her dad talking about medicines and health conditions, but sometimes what he tries to teach her is a little outside of her level of understanding
It would take a little bit for them to get on the same level, with Law reading some parenting books on the matter, but eventually they get into a rhythm of holding a daddy-daughter study session
It’s great. It means they get time alone to spend with each other, and while she’s studying, he can catch up on his own work, stopping only occasionally if she has a question about the text she’s reading so Law can clarify what it means in words that she can understand.
Therefore, his little sweetheart becomes very smart very quickly, and even starts to spout facts that she finds interesting at other crewmembers on the ship. Law is so proud.
Speaking of the others, he’s so protective of his daughter that he even restricted Shachi and Penguin from spending too much time with her after they taught her their mischievous pranks
He doesn’t want her to think that doing things that could potentially be very mean to others is funny. That’s his precious little sweetheart there, he wants her heart to be pure forever
Unfortunately for him though, he often finds her with them, scheming things that no matter what he does, he just can’t stop them because he could never actually give her trouble for something so small. It just annoys the hell out of him
With his past, Law is very careful to watch her health and when she is sick, she’s treated like royalty. Law brings her anything she wants, carries her everywhere, and spends as much time as he can with her all the while blaming himself for her sickness, even if it’s something completely unavoidable
She’s a little bit spoiled since Law won’t really punish her too hard
(Once he put her in timeout and she cried for a little while, and Shachi and Penguin had to hold him back when he immediately tried to go back on it and run to hug her to tell her everything was fine)
But no matter what, they love each other and that’s all that matters
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starry-nights-garden · 10 months
✧ WayV Yangyang x gn!reader ✧ words: ~800 ✧ genre: fluff ✧ warnings: suggestive ✧ prompts: kitchen counter make-outs + “i’ve had a terrible day at work so just kiss me”
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Your shoulders ache and your back feels strained when you finally come home that night. You silently curse through gritted teeth when you accidentally drop your keys as you’re about to unlock the door, and picking them up to look for the right one a second time feels like it requires way too much effort. At last, the door opens and you can drop your bags and take off your shoes by the entrance, before scuffing right over to the living room. You let your body collapse down onto the sofa, and for a while you just sit there and stare at a wall, before your ears register the rustling noises coming from the kitchen.
“Babe?” you call out, and your boyfriend answers, albeit a bit delayed.
“Baby? You’re home?” Yangyang walks around the corner, ready to greet you with a bright smile, but once he sees the state you’re in, his expression shifts and he raises his eyebrows. “Did something happen?” You groan, not even wanting to talk about all the details that made this day so terrible.
“I had a bad day and I’m really exhausted,” you simply state, and a moment later you feel your boyfriend wrapping his arms around you from behind, squeezing you tight.
“My baby had a bad day?” he coos, snuggling up closer to you and pressing his nose and lips against your cheek. He faintly smells like vegetables and seasoning, and you’re wondering if he’s attempting to cook something for dinner. “Do you need some coffee?”
“At this hour??” you retort.
“There’s nothing a cup of coffee can’t solve,” Yangyang states as he gets up, letting go of you.
“It certainly can’t solve whatever just went down in the past hours…” you mutter.
“That bad?”
“But you didn’t get fired, right?” You ignore the concern in his voice and you let out a bitter laugh.
“I wish…”
“Well, let me at least make you some dinner then,” Yangyang proposes as he walks back to where he came from.
“Babe, you can’t cook…” you remind him, but you follow suit into the kitchen anyway. 
“I’m learning!” he argues, pointing at a recipe on his phone that he’s trying to follow and some half chopped up ingredients. 
“Sure…” You sigh and you hop up onto the free kitchen counter on the other side. 
“Babe…” he calls out to you as he walks over, resting his hands on your thighs and tilting his head to the left slightly. “You’re not supposed to sit on the kitchen counter while someone else is making food.” You’re speechless. You’re tired and in a bad mood overall, and he thinks now is the time to scold you for something like that. However, you don’t really have the energy left to fight, so instead you put your hands over his.
“Baby, please… I’ve had a terrible day at work so just kiss me.” The mischievous grin on his face disappears immediately, and after a second of processing the meaning behind your words he lifts one hand to put it behind your neck, pulling you closer.
“Okay,” you hear him mutter before closing the distance between the two of you, and when you feel his lips moving against yours you can finally relax a bit. He kisses you slowly at first, but when he pulls back and you both catch a glimpse of each other’s faces, you immediately connect your lips again, kissing each other more passionately now. Hungrily, he runs his tongue across your lower lip, and you permit him to deepen the kiss, while you throw your arms around his shoulders and you bury your fingers in his hair. Breathlessly, you part, and you find his gaze burning with desire for you behind half-lidded eyes. So you lean in again for another kiss, but soon his lips wander to your jaw and he leaves a trail of kisses down your neck. You sigh, enjoying the tingly sensations coursing through your body, and you hold him close as if to tell him not to stop. 
“Babe,” you mumble, and he comes back up to kiss you on the lips, before answering.
“I think you should cook a little later,” you say in between kisses. Knowing exactly what you’re trying to tell him, he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you off the counter and making you stand right in front of him. 
“Yeah,” he agrees, lips only parting from yours to speak. “I think it can wait.”
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Inspired by Kathani Sharma’s hatred of English tea and the fact Anthony is absolutely WHIPPED for this woman. Here is my ficlet. Thank you a million times over to my incredible beta @tofanasmuse ilysm.
Let me know what you think, send requests anytime, and free Palestine.
–Grace Williams xo
Word Count: 562 | Rating: General | Vibe: Fluff
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Chai Love You
Kate Bridgerton still had little desire for Anthony to splash around his money on expensive gifts, despite her change in title. She appreciated living comfortably, sure, she would not deny that, but spending the family fortune on lavish clothes and hats was not something that brought her a great deal of joy.
Of course, to every rule there is an exception. They had barely stepped off the boat in Bombay, but Anthony could already see how Kate was settled in a way she never was in England. More than anything else, the flavours of this city and country were refueling Kate’s soul. Anthony tried to appreciate them, but his English palate recoiled from the amount of chili.
Anthony, like any respectable doting husband, insisted on shipping whatever spices Kate desired back to England. Unlike most gifts proffered by her husband, Kate welcomed this one most happily.
Now here Kate stands, one week past her honeymoon, as the only Bridgerton who knows how to turn on a stove, making herself chai long after everyone else has gone to bed.
“What are you doing?” Anthony asks softly, leaning against the doorframe to the kitchen.
“Oh,” Kate turns, slightly startled, “I didn’t mean to wake you when I got up. I’m making a pot of chai,” she looks back to the stove, lightly stirring the mixture of milk and spices.
“I’m most impressed you know how to,” he replies amusedly, pressing himself off the wall.
“You’re impressed I know how to make a drink native to my culture?” she raises an eyebrow.
“No, of course not,” he rushes to clarify, “that you know how to use the,” he spares a look combining embarrassment and disdain, “stove.”
“You cannot be serious,” she snorts unbecomingly, falling into uncontrollable laughter that is much too loud given the hour of night.
“Did the cook not make chai this afternoon?” Anthony huffs, resting against the table in the centre of the room.
“She did…” Kate says slowly.
“What is it, Viscountess? Lady of the household?”
“Evidently my written instructions were not clear enough. The chai the cook made was, for lack of a better descriptor, inadequate.”
“Would you like to hire a second cook? One who specialises in Indian cuisine?”
“That’s most thoughtful of you to offer,” Kate smiles, placing a terracotta cover over the flame once her chai finishes brewing. “If a household this large has always had only one cook, then I shall not change that. I will just have to teach the cook of my culture’s food.”
“And you will do a most excellent job, of that I am certain,” Anthony grins proudly.
“I will do my best, to teach a cook how to cook,” she hums bemusedly.
“Is your chai adequate, my love?” he asks fondly, watching each delicate movement of the cup to her lips.
“It is perfect,” she sighs happily, unsure how she went without it for so long during the last London season. The two months since they had left India was long enough.
“I shall see to it that we always have the ingredients you require on hand,” Anthony promises, bringing her empty hand to his lips.
“If the Bridgerton fortune is to go to a collection of spices you cannot pronounce, I will ensure it does not go to waste. I shall see to it that you learn to love chai.”
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corvuscorona · 25 days
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The best thing about birthdays, all the time but ESPECIALLY in adulthood, is the opportunity they give you to really commit to a Themed Celebration of some kind.
I'm in adulthood + it was my birthday recently, and also, about 6 months before that birthday, @2000sanimeop & I were driven permanently insane by Stranger of Paradise, so obviously the only reasonable course of action was to invent an Astos-themed cocktail, learn to make edible crystals (for cake decorations), make burgers with squid-ink brioche buns, accidentally find a real recipe for a joke "what if tater tots were cube-shaped" idea we had at like 11:00 at night one time, and completely, fully go to town, all weekend, on manifesting The Jackstos Meal physically in our home.
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(Art by @2000sanimeop)
Please allow me to sell you on the KING OF THE DARK ELVES.
First & most importantly, it tastes fucking amazing. Having chosen ingredients based mostly on wishes + vibes, I wasn't sure what to expect, exactly, but between the berry flavor of the cassis, the orange in the curaçao, & whatever arcane bullshit is going on with the indigo gin, the final product tastes impressively like bubbly sangria.
Secondly: one (1) of these things is enough, which feels appropriate, somehow. An Astos cocktail should be powerous, I think, & this POTION of a drink fits the bill.
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It's elegant. It's over-the-top. There is so much alcohol in it. I cannot recommend the KING OF THE DARK ELVES enough.
If you can't find Astos-themed cocktail picks, homemade is fine.
[ Gold North Star Charm ] ☆ [ gold jump rings, any ] ☆ [ Circle Top Cocktail Picks ]
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Now, about the crystals.
They're strawberry-flavored! We used this recipe for kohakutō, which uses just sugar, water, agar agar [1], food coloring, and flavor extract (plus citric acid, if you feel like it).
[1] Ignore what it says about having to use the one specific brand of agar agar. What they mean is that this recipe is written for agar agar with no included sugar; if there's sugar in the brand that's most available to you, just do math about it! (Sorry. It will work, though.)
It took a couple of hours to cut the crystal shapes, but it was enjoyable, meditative work, and the candy itself doesn't take long to make at all. We got strawberry flavoring specifically for candy-making, which came in very very cute small tiny bottles, at Michael's.
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(The Birthday Soul Burst Cheesecake was orange-flavored, and also purple. This gave it an effect not unlike those skittles where the colors don't "match" the flavors, or a mystery flavor airhead, or some other Trick Food. It was awesome. Look at this thing!!)
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But, hey, now that we know everything about the crystals...
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Are those cubes?
(Yes.) There is a real, existing recipe, on our real internet, for cubes made out of grated russet potatoes. I made them. It was pretty easy, but if I had to do it again, I'd start earlier in the day (the "freeze the slab of cooked potato shreds before cutting it into cube shapes" step, while not strictly necessary, would have made it easier to get clean lines), and I'd probably try replacing the potato starch with a slurry of potato starch and water. I've used the slurry method for sweet potato fries in the past, and it gives them a really nice, crispy coating.
( I would, however, stick to my guns as far as "refusing to deep-fry them" goes. Nobody should have to deep-fry anything on their birthday. Also, I was correct to add some dried thyme and parsley while I was initially cooking the shreds. )
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(Art by @2000sanimeop)
Overall, the Cubes were a good first attempt, and made an appropriate side to eat with the Burger of Darkness [2]. The little glass cauldron of terrifying red slop, to the left of the plate in the photo above, is of course Jack's Chaos Sauce [3].
[2] A normal burger, except that the bun was made with squid ink. My household is split 50/50 on whether this made it taste weird or not, but it LOOKED fantastic. Incidentally, if you're like me 1 calendar year ago & think burgers might be kind of a pain in the ass to cook indoors, check out this method from smittenkitchen. (The Burger of Darkness is topped with Colby-Jack (lol) cheese, dijon mustard, and the pickled red onions on this page, also smittenkitchen.) [3] I know what you're thinking. "What could that possibly fucking mean?" Well, it means that I combined mayonnaise, white vinegar, and S&B crunchy garlic topping, which are all 3 of the ingredients for a dipping sauce I have made in the past for also sweet potato fries, and then I added red food coloring until it looked scary and bad. It tasted perfectly acceptable, but dealt psychic damage to everyone present. I recommend trying this. For fun.
The skull-shaped cocktail picks, I bought on a whim well before I knew what I was ever going to do with them. I like to think that this was fate, speaking to me via deeply mysterious channels, as usual.
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They now live with the Astos picks, in my cupboard, where I can easily reach them anytime I feel like it, which I hope will be often & for every possible reason.
🥳 💀 ✨
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sparklefics · 2 years
Honey, Dumpling
Bucky Barnes and F!avenger!reader pining over each other.
Warnings: Language. Misunderstandings.
WC: 1,499
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"Aim a little higher, like this," He proceeded to adjust your arms, hands lingering on your elbows, "but don't lock your elbows. Remember the kickback."
Bucky was giving you some more training on fire weapons, you were far better skilled at hand to hand combat and knives, and thanks to Clint you were pretty decent with a bow.
"Not bad, Agent."
"Thanks, Sarge.” You beamed at him with a smile as you took off your safety gear. “Though I wish I had a special skill I could teach you but–" you stop yourself short before you make a sexual innuendo, though it could already be too late.
"Actually, I've been meaning to ask you if you could teach me how to cook."
"You don't know how to cook?"
"Back in my day we used to boil everything. So all I can make is pasta and open a jar of sauce, I don't think that qualifies as cooking now does it?”
"Okay, then meet me in the kitchen, say in 30 mins?"
You expect Bucky to take to cooking naturally, he is pretty handy with a knife. He looks comfortable enough in the kitchen, though a bit lost with not being familiar with all the gadgets and the array of the ingredients.
Bucky didn't think this through. Like at all.
Knives. You. The Kitchen. You. Fire. You. Heat. You. Close proximity to you.
It was a bit too much to handle.
He thought that maybe this could be a way to get closer to you, get to know you even more, more specifically if you were interested in him.
Could and would he ever muster up the courage to ask you to dinner?
But all this close proximity to you had only made him fuzzy and distracted.
"So what would you like to learn how to cook?"
He takes a minute to really think about it. "Dumplings? Is that difficult to make?"
"Ambitious but doable. I love dumplings!" You squeal and wander off to the pantry to gather ingredients.
First you get to working on the dough while Bucky chops veggies for the meat. You tell him how to season the meat for the filling of the dumplings and set it aside to work on the dough.
Before letting Bucky knead the dough you hand him some gloves, "Here, you don't want dough to get stuck in your fingers."
Bucky smiles, his heart doing somersaults over the fact that you know how fussy he is over his vibranium arm. "Thanks, Y/n."
You roll out the dough and show him how much stuffing to put in and how to crimp the edges. It takes him a couple of tries but he eventually gets the hang of it. He is surprised to see how many dumplings you two made, it's way more than what you two could eat.
"Can we freeze this stuff? I don't think I could eat all this."
"Yeah, we can totally do that. I prefer to freeze it after cooking it though so we'll do that first and we can just freeze whatever is leftover."
Halfway through cooking the dumplings you realize you forgot to make the dipping sauce so you instruct Bucky on what to get you from the pantry.
He hands you the ingredients as you list them, Soy sauce, red pepper flakes, chili oil, garlic, ginger…
"Yeah?" He answers.
You look up from the mixing bowl to find Bucky looking at you all puzzled.
"I meant, pass me the honey."
"I knew that." He smirks and hands over the bear shaped bottle. "Here, Honey."
You were so excited about the prospect of spending more time with Bucky you couldn’t wait to tell Nat about your afternoon lesson with Bucky.
So you called her and told her. Nat insists that Bucky likes you and wants to spend more time with you.
“Trust me, Nat. I'd be his, if he asked.”
“Does he know that?”
“I don’t even know how to go about telling him.”
“Good god.” Nat groans and you can practically hear her eyes roll back. “Figure it out.”
“He’s my friend, Nat. It’s special with him, I don’t want anything to get in the way of that.”
Things were tense with Bucky after that cooking lesson. It was so confusing trying to figure out what goes on in that brain of his. His eyes always find yours whenever he enters a room, but then he never comes over and talks with you. In fact he barely goes to the gym anymore— at least not while you’re there.
"I'm telling you Nat, he is not interested. I think I might’ve spooked him when I accidentally called him Honey.”
"You two are idiots–blind idiots! When are you going to realize that man worships the ground you walk on?" Nat smacks the back of your head.
“You deserved that. In fact when he comes back from his solo mission I promise I’ll smack him too.”
"He went solo?”
“Yeah, I thought you knew.”
Bucky avoided you for weeks.
First he volunteered for a solo recon mission. You knew he hated going on solo missions from the moment he joined the team. After he came back from doing recon, he avoided you at all costs and you didn't even know why.
He even ignored your texts.
That hurt.
Regardless of what you think what might've happened, he could at least have the decency to return a text.
Hey :) I'm glad you made it home safe. lemme know when we can train together.
Hi :P just checking in. I haven't seen you around. you okay?
I made dumplings.
Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?
It pissed you off, and rightly so. You were done waiting around wondering what you did wrong so you decided to confront him.
"Barnes!!" You knocked on his door, forcefully announcing yourself. "FRIDAY, unlock this door."
"I'm afraid I can't authorize that, Agent. Sergeant Barnes banned you from his quarters." FRIDAY announced.
The tears that gathered in your waterline quickly spilled, "Why—Fuck this! I hate you!!"
"Now you know how it feels!" Bucky shouts from inside the room.
"Say that to my face you fucking coward."
When Bucky opens the door you're surprised to find him looking all kinds of wrecked, his eyes red and puffy clear signs he'd been crying. "I just need some space, is that so hard to understand?"
"No, it isn't. What I don't understand is why you're avoiding me– and just so we're clear I'm not leaving without an answer." You’re quick to wipe the stray tears that fell down your cheeks, crossing your arms over your chest in a clear gesture that says ‘I’m not going anywhere’. "I need to know. I haven't been able to sleep in weeks!! I've been wracking my brain, going over every conversation we've had and I just don't understand what I did to you. I deserve an answer. You are my friend, you owe me that much."
"I didn't know that…you've been having trouble sleeping?"
"Duh! And you would know that if you answered my fucking texts!!" You punch his shoulder and grimace when your knuckles crash into the solid vibranium.
He grabs your hand and runs his fingers over your sore knuckles. "I'm sorry." He whispered and pulled you inside his quarters. "I was just trying to give you space."
You two stand there with the door closed, not moving from your spot.
"Bucky, when did I ever ask for space from you?"
"You didn't have to. I heard you talking with Natasha… I know about your crush…”
Trust me, Nat. I'd be his, if he asked.
Those words haunted him. He shouldn’t have been eavesdropping, as soon as he heard you say that he walked away… and missed the rest of the conversation.
In retrospect he should’ve stayed and listened, would’ve saved him all this heartbreak.
Suddenly your mouth goes dry and you can barely get the words out. "You know?"
"Yeah…I just didn't want to get in the way for you. I just want you to be happy and like you said I am your friend–"
"Wait, let me stop you right there. Bucky, you are not in the way of anything.”
Oh god! This is it. You can practically hear Nat in your head ‘tell him you idiot!’
“You are the way."
Bucky just looks confused.
"Fuck! Nat's right. We're both idiots–blind idiots!" You take a hold of Bucky's hand and grab his chin to make sure he's understanding. "Honey, you're the guy I was telling Nat about."
"Oh? Oh. Oh!" A smile spreads on his lips. "I owe you one hell of an apology." He rests his forehead on yours.
"Me too. I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I don't actually hate you–quite the opposite really." you murmur that last part but he still catches it.
"I love you too, dumpling."
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Yandere Brotherhood (X men Evolution) and preteen fem reader who has Prehensile Hair and can talk to animals and is being fostered by Mystic.
Oooo, yes, more Brotherhood! I can do that, but I keep the Reader gender-neutral, or as the Reader's gender (which means for each Reader, it is whatever they are). Cool mutation idea! Let's try this out:
Your new guardian was pretty weird.
Not just because she was a mutant and a principal (and maybe evil?).
She had other kids at the Brotherhood home, and so far-
There wasn't anyone your age.
Your powers were pretty cool, with prehensile hair, in the shape of tentacles, that curled and grew long, wriggling when you were uncomfortable or curious. Your other power was even cooler, being able to talk with animals, and have them understand you.
It meant you made a lot of friends amongst the natural world...
But it also meant you earned quite the interest from the older teens.
You're looking at a little frog, who's wandered close by after the rain, and are approached by Toad, or Todd, as you try to call him.
"Yo, little teen, what's up?" he asks, squatting next to you in the grass. His tongue flicks out for a second, snatching a mosquito.
"Nothing much. Ribbit-Croak-Plip-The-Third here says he's never seen an amphibian as big as you. Yeah, I know, little guy, he pretty cool. Did ya want to say hi?" You pick the frog up, gently holding it so it can look at Todd. "See? He's kinda like you!"
"It- he... can understand you? And you understand him?" Toad asks, scratching at his hair.
"Yep! And he says he would like to be your friend!"
"That's... That's pretty cool. You're cool, little frog man," he replies, and taps his knuckle against the frog.
"He said you're cool... Okay! Ribbit-Croak-Plip says you're cool, too, and that he knows where some good worms are. If you want, he can show you," you translate.
And that's how you helped Toad and your frog friend make a new friend.
Lance and Fred learn you can lift things with your hair- tentacles- hair-tacles, when you're trying to cook dinner one night.
Two thick strands hold up the mixing bowl as three thinner ones add in herbs, milk, and creamy chicken soup. A few longer pieces are setting up the pan with rice, while the rest dice up the chicken meat. It's busy, enough so that you don't notice them come in right away.
"And that's what Toad said he heard from- Woah! Your hair's moving!" Fred exclaims, and you turn to look at him, as well as Lance, who'd he been talking with. You wave at them, as well as one your hair-tacles.
Lance's face turns pale, then a little green. "I... um. I think I might need to sit down a minute," he mumbles, plopping down into a chair by the chipped table. Fred only comes closer, looking at them and the ingredients.
"Whatcha cooking?"
"Chicken and rice casserole."
"Does it taste good?"
"... May I touch one of your... thing-a-ma-jigs?"
"Sure," you say, turning back to the bowl, now being filled with the diced chicken, the now-free strands opening up the oven as you pour the mixture into the pan. You feel a light touch on one of the tentacles, gentle and shaking. With a quick curl, it bumps the hand. "Boom, hair bump," you chirp, adding in some rice and stirring it into the mix, and once it's settled in the pan, you pop it into the oven.
"So... it's not snakes?" Lance asks weakly.
"No... It's like a little octopus," Fred says in quiet awe, bopping another one with a finger, earning a small bop back.
"Oh... So... An Ursula version of Medusa?" Lance says, then looks at the nearest tentacle. It boops him on the nose, then ruffles his hair. "Hey, leave the hair alone!" That only gets a giggle out of you as you wait for the casserole to cook.
Pietro isn't much issue, and neither is Wanda, both accepting g it without much problem, especially once you gift them a kitten, one who happily purrs the moment you plop it into their hands.
"This is Potter, they love people, they're an orphan, and they saw you, Wanda, and wanted to know if she needed a mouse catcher and loyal guardian. They also saw Pietro and said he'd like to nap on him, that he vibrated and so he must purr so much and be happy," you babble, stroking its small head with slow ministrations.
"... I will guard them with my life," Wanda says firmly, petting the kitten as it only purrs louder.
"... And I guess we could use a mouser. But it's not sleeping with me!" Pietro mutters.
(The kitten ended up sleeping with him, and would do so every night after, never being kicked out no matter how much Pietro acted mad) (He wasn't, the kitten, Potter, said it was cooed over and cuddled and given so many kisses that they couldn't help but give the purring mutant and the powerful guardian all the kisses it could give)
Mystique didn't cause as much mischief when you were part of a mission, but that didn't stop her from setting you up in odd situations.
"Why do I have to pretend to be your child?" you asked, looking up at the currently-disguised mutant.
"Because, my dear, it is imperative we catch Xavier while his guard is down," she practically purrs, then pulls you into a hug. "Now, let's try to get closer; I think I see our opening."
The two of you walked around the park, enjoying the pond and nature around you, even getting ice cream together. It was the perfect act, enough to let you two spy on the X-Men's older leader/guardian (it wasn't an act for Mystique, she just wanted to spend time with you and show you off to Charles).
It was pretty nice, overall, being with the Brotherhood.
You just had to keep away from the X-Teens, or otherwise you ended up grounded.
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olivyh · 1 year
Jamil x male reader please. But with a language barrier, the language that the reader speaks is one that's very common in our world (like Spanish or something idk) but doesn't exist in twisted wonderland. So readers just been coasting by on his very limited Japanese/English until now.
Maybe they're cooking together (alien recipes, which is actually just Guatemalan or columbian food but to jamil its alien food) and then reader just starts flirting with him in Spanish and its just????? What????
A/N: Hello! I normally write for gn! reader, so that's what I went with- I hope that's alright <3. I also don't speak much Spanish so some of the phrases might be wrong since I used google! I love this concept, though!!! I wish TWST would expand on the use of language in their universe (I know in the novel there's a translation spell where everyone on campus can understand each other, but what about Yuu/mc? Either way this is a fun idea to play with! I also use "Commonspeak" for English/Japanese since England/Japan doesn't exist for them and it seems to be a common language for them!
Jamil wasn't quite sure how he'd ended up in this situation- cooking dinner with his friend on a Friday night, with the rest of his dorm fast asleep. Moonlight shone in brightly through the open window, illuminating the kitchen that was dark aside from the light above the stove shining down on the sizzling frying pan and the ingredients splayed out along the cold countertops. Truthfully, he was certain that his small crush on the prefect wouldn't go very far, especially since they could barely understand each other past a few words.
When he'd first met them, he instantly realized their struggle- unable to tell Ace off for doing something and having to focus harder on their conversations to even pick up on the smallest hints. Not to mention the variety in accents throughout the whole school; He could have sworn that they were going to have a meltdown when the Octavinelle trio started speaking to them and they learned that mer add clicks and chirps to most words. Truthfully, he'd felt a stab of pity for them and their limited understanding of Commonspeak.
Nevertheless, he still had a job to do. He felt as though he didn't have time to aid some otherworldly student. They had friends who were already helping them, he'd believed.
So why, why were they shaking him awake with that petrified look in their eyes? Covered in blot and sand that clung to their clothing and hair, sweat and tears combined on their skin as he faded in and out of consciousness, barely able to make out their shouts of half-Commonspeak half-alien language.
What he could understand was the pain in their voice, how their tears slipped past their eyelids and dripped onto his dusty and still partially blotted skin, how, no matter how much pain they were in due to the snakes that were latching onto their skin, they never let him go. He'd believed that everyone would be comforting Kalim- so why were they at his side now?
If you asked Jamil, he would, after lots of denials and snarky remarks, tell you that was when he fell for them first.
Now here he was, in the empty kitchen of his dorm, silent aside from the occasional clinking of dishes against the counter and the sizzling of whatever alien dish they'd decided to cook with him tonight. He wasn't sure what to do- he'd seen dishes similar to what they were making, but he didn't know exactly what they were making, so he felt as though he couldn't help much aside from cleaning the area they were cooking in. Fragrant aromas filled the room, and a selfish part of Jamil prayed that nobody else in the dorm could smell it so he could have a little bit more time to keep the prefect to himself.
"What is this, again?" He didn't mean to break the silence, speaking slowly enough for them to understand without becoming too distracted.
"It's chicharron colombiano y arepas con queso," He hums, finishing up the dishes and piling them onto the drying rack, turning away from the sink and leaning against the counter, watching their deft hands as they keep adding to the plate beside the stove.
"That's a lot of food," He comments offhandedly, mentally slapping himself for sounding so unenthusiastic. He shakes off the pit in his stomach as they begin to speak slowly.
"You didn't eat," Jamil pouts as they lift their head to meet his eyes. They look at him with so much concern and affection that he finds it hard to tear his gaze from their own, despite the uncomfortable fluttering of the butterflies in his stomach and the way his sweatshirt suddenly became too hot despite the chill that hung around Scarabia.
"You eat too, then," He argues. "I can't finish it all on my own."
They hum and nod. "I will, bonito."
"Bonito?" He questions, leaning in closer as he watches their shoulders stiffen and their movements pause for a moment.
"Eres bonito," They repeat, suddenly hyper-focused on the food in front of them rather than the man standing just to their right. He tilts his head.
"Que?" Jamil notices how they jolt and their head whips to him and feels a surge of pride course through his veins- he wanted to wait until he knew a little bit more of their language before he surprised them, but he supposed now was a good enough time. Besides, seeing how their face flushed and they attempted to hide in on themselves was more than enough of a reward. Despite his best efforts, there was no dictionary for their language, so learning it was a constant struggle for the man (who felt too embarrassed to ask them to teach him, especially not with how scattered his focus was whenever the two were alone. He was glad that he remembered that word now).
"Donde aprendise aso?" They ask him, voice climbing an octave. He chuckles, glad to have the upper hand in this situation for once.
"Tu," He, as suavely as he could with how badly he felt his hands were shaking from the nerves, takes the spatula from their hands and goes to flip the meat inside the pan. Was he saying it right? Were they looking at him out of the shock of his knowledge, or because he was mispronouncing something?
He turns to notice their pout before they mutter something under their breath, slowly plating the rest of the food and turning the stovetop off.
"Hm? What was that?" He tries to hide the teasing grin on his face and stifles the chuckle that bubbled up his throat at the shock that was plastered across their face. "Eat up before it gets cold."
"Es por eso que te amo," They smile up at him innocently before taking a bite of food, chewing slowly. Jamil raises an eyebrow and goes to his own plate, eating in silence. The flavors melt against his tongue and he feels the way the love poured into the meal seems to seep into his heart as well, the domesticity of the moment being something he wanted to savor just as much as the meal. After a little bit, both of them lean back against the counter, their plates cleared.
Jamil grabs the dishes first, shaking his head when they offer to help him clean them off.
"You cooked. I'll clean," He states simply, going back to the sink. Despite his best wishes, and his attempts to clean as slowly as possible, they're called back to Ramshackle. Jamil tries to hide his disappointment and the way the room suddenly seemed to get colder as they pack their things.
"Gracias," He says to them, walking with them back to the meal. The soft, shy smile on their face as they turn to him is more than enough to hold over his heart until the next time they were to meet.
"De nada," They chirp, turning to step back through the mirror.
"Tab masawuk, habibi," He ducks his head, hoping that the darkness could conceal his blush from them until they were to leave. They stare at him, confusion written on their face as their eyebrows furrowed and their head tilted ever so slightly. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight," They beam, disappearing through the mirror. Jamil sighs happily, staring longingly at the spot where they once stood before turning and practically skipping back to his room, mind racing as he replays the night in his head over and over again.
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loveforcarmen · 4 months
- 𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘯 | - 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘻𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘰 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘰𝘤 𝘤𝘰𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘳
NOTE: new chapters will always be posted on wattpad first!
| please let me know your thoughts on this chapter once you finish, thank you!!
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MARGARET ADLER'S life had revolved around food since her birth. Her mother owned a small restaurant in Northern California called, Beatrice's Diner. That place was her second home up until her mother's passing.
Shortly after the funeral, her father flipped and sold the land the diner was on, packed everything up and moved back to his home town of Chicago, Illinois with Margaret. 
Their new apartment was cold. Empty. It lacked the warmth that her mother provided through her paintings and photographs she had framed around their California home. There was not a family photo around the house. It hurt her father too much to even see his late wife's face.
There was never the pleasant smell of homemade food wafting through the house, just whatever canned items her father picked up along with his 12 pack that would be gone the next morning. Margaret tried her best to master her mother's recipes from her cookbook but always fell short from the lack of ingredients or her father getting drunkenly involved in her cooking process, sabotaging it without meaning to.
Margaret grew up resenting her father.
"God, I hope this is the right address." Margaret muttered as she approached the sign that read "The Original Beef of Chicagoland". The restaurant had clearly been established for a while or was just kept poorly.
Or both.
She pushed the door open, the hinges squealing slightly. The bell above the door rung as she stepped inside. Sydney sat slumped over the register, but perked up at the sound.
"You must be Margaret?" she asked, pointing at her with a pen. Sydney walked around counter to meet Margaret. She wore the standard outfit, a white tee with black slacks paired with a blue apron. She extended her hand out and Margaret took it, giving it a firm shake.
A loud crash came from the kitchen followed by a male voice yelling, "Fuck"
"Um.." Sydney scratched the back of her neck, "Just ignore that. That's Richie." Her pen waved around in her hand as she spoke, "Your application looked great; we're going to show you the ropes today so you can hopefully start tomorrow."
She began to walk to the kitchen and Margaret took this as her que to follow. The kitchen was bustling as everyone was getting ready for the lunch hour rush. It was loud. Exciting.
"We'll just teach you the basics today, like procedures - behind!!" Sydney called out loudly as she walked around a short woman, "That's Tina." she pointed behind her at the woman. "As i was saying, like procedures and stuff." she finished her sentence as they moved away from the kitchen.
They rounded the corner to the 2 rows of lockers in the back. They weren't very big at all, just wide enough to fit a pair of shoes side by side. There was billions of post-its and reminders on the sides of the both lockers.
"Go ahead and pick a locker, doesn't matter." Sydney laughed, "Well it does matter, don't take a locker that's obviously claimed." she smacked her pen repeatedly on her palm.
Margaret winked, "Got it." She picked the locker at the end of the row and set her worn leather coat and beige tote bag on the hooks. She closed it, but the door swung back open. She tried again and got the same result.
Sydney interjected, "Oh that one does that all the time, you just got to.." she lined her foot up with the bottom, giving it a swift kick, "kick it towards the bottom." Margaret looked down and saw the dents from others in the past doing the same.
Sydney continued to show her around the kitchen, telling her tips on how to get the clunky kitchenware to work, advice on what not to do. "I learned that from experience." she would say every once and awhile. She introduced Margaret to the rest of the family, and they all took immediate liking to her despite her being an outsider in their world.
Well everyone but one took an immediate liking to her. Except Carmen Berzatto.
"Carmen," Sydney caught his arm, stopping him, "This is our newest hire, Margaret." Carmen turned back around, irritated. The front of his apron was stained with some type of red sauce, if Margaret had to guess.
Carmen looking at Margaret through the corner of his eye. She was on the smaller side, just below his shoulder. She wore a green, knit top paired with blue denim jeans with 2 red stars on each ass-cheek. Her outfit was completed with her blonde, curly but unkept hair.
"Nice to meet you Margaret," he looked at her with his annoyed expression, then back at Sydney, "Can I go? I got something to take care of."
"Yeah, sure, whatever." Sydney spat, clearly ticked off by his rudeness. Once Carmen was seemingly out of earshot, she leaned over to Margaret, "By take of something, he means have a smoke break." she said quietly.
"I heard that!" Carmen called from the front of the store, before opening the door.
Sydney finished up her small tour of the kitchen, which ended near closing time. "You need help cleaning up? I have no where to be." Margaret asked sweetly at the doorway of the restaurant. That was a lie, she had an Al-Anon meeting to attend but if she was late, it wouldn't be the end of the world. She wanted to make a good impression.
Before Sydney could open her mouth, Carmen butted in, "No, we're fine but thank you." he called from the kitchen. She located him and watched him furiously scrub a pan for 5 more seconds.
"Thanks for the offer. Bye Margaret." Sydney waved her off from the kitchen. Margaret waved back and left with the ding of the door.
"What's her deal?" Carmen asked Sydney as he swept. He held the dustpan with his foot, carefully sweeping the floor contents into it.
Sydney stopped sweeping to look at him, "Who? Margaret?" she put a hand on her hip while the other one held the broom.
Carmen had also stopped sweeping, "Yeah." he paused for a beat, trying to gather his thoughts, "She's just too..."
"Sweet?" Sydney finished for him. Carmen nodded his head then went back to sweeping. He bent over to the pick the dustpan up off the ground. Sydney walked closer to him, "What's wrong with that?"
"She won't last in this environment." He set the broom against the wall and tossed the handheld dustpan into a bucket in the corner, "She seems like a pushover."
He walked to his locker and began to pack his things up for the night. Sydney followed his same actions then walked to her locker. "Just give her a chance, you don't even know her." she threw her jacket on, fluffing the hood up.
"I'm usually right about my assumptions." he gave a sarcastic smile as he closed his locker. He leaned against the wall, waiting for a smart-ass response from Sydney.
Sydney zipped her coat up, "Oh really? What was your assumptions about me when we met?"
"Stubborn." He pushed himself up off the wall then headed out of the restaurant, "Bye Syd!"
"Bye." she said grumbled as she flung her pastel scarf over her neck.
Margaret arrived on the steps on the church for the Al-Anon meeting a little bit early. She pulled out her phone, checking the time. 15 minutes early. She opened the doors quietly, peeking her head in. They were just setting up when she got there.
"Margaret!" the group leader greeted her with an embrace. Margaret offered to help set up for tonights meeting and the leader happily accepted. They set up the chairs in a large circle, taking up half of the space they were allowed in the church. The pool of people slowly started to trickle in as the start time was nearing.
The meeting began, people sharing what they needed to get off their chest for that week. As everyone shared, Margaret scanned the group, looking for new and familiar faces. She was almost through the entire group when she stopped on one.
Carmen sat directly across from her.
He had lost the apron but kept the black slacks and white tee, which was covered by a fleece-lined corduroy jacket. She noticed the red sauce from earlier stained near the collar of his shirt.
The 2 made eye contact by accident, causing both looking away quickly. A minute went by before Carmen suddenly grabbed his backpack and stood up to leave.
"Thank you for joining us Carmen!" The group leader called out. Carmen let out a quick "yup", pushing the church doors open and leaving in what seemed like a hurry.
Why did he leave?
Syndey used the slow morning to show Margaret the system they had installed. She was a quick learner, making mental notes throughout the entire training process then eventually put in charge of prepping the vegetables for tomorrow. Sydney was stationed next to her, in case she needed to ask any immediate questions.
"You know what you're doing, you got it." she reassured.
Throughout the morning, she continuously kept making awkward eye contact with Carmen. When 3:30 rolled around, Margaret excused herself to take her break. She walked out the back door, unaware of Carmen's eyes watching her as she left. He noticed her white shirt was too big for her, most likely one of the extra ones from the back.
If they were on speaking terms, he would've ridiculed her.
Margaret sat down on the wooden crates near the door drawing in a deep breath. She rested her head in her hands as memories of her mother played through her head like a movie. Being back in the kitchen like that reminded her all too much the diner. She lifted her head up, blinking rapidly to hold back the tears welling in her eyes, repeatedly smoothing her apron to try and calm herself down. She stood up just as Carmen had walked out to take his smoke break.
"Hey." she greeted him. He swiftly walked past her, mumbling a "hi" back as he pulled a lighter out of his pocket. He flicked it a few times before it finally caught. There was a long beat of silence before Margaret spoke, "Who was it for you?" she asked, one hand on the door. Her question certainly caught Carmen off guard.
He turned around, wanting to confirm what he just heard, "Excuse me?" he took in a long draw of his cigarette as he waited for her to ask the question again. He watched as she delicately tucked a piece of floppy hair behind her ear.
She cleared her throat, "I saw you at the meeting. Who was it for you?" she asked again, but with less confidence.
Carmen shook his head and turned back around, "Can't a man have a fucking cigarette in peace?" he said, blowing the smoke from his lungs. Margaret huffed and went back inside, annoyed by his response.
Once he heard to door shut, he relaxed. Carmen could feel his heart beating faster as memories of his brother ran through his head. He lifted the cigarette to his lips with a shaky hand, taking one last inhale. He flicked the butt on the ground, exhaled and crushed it with the toe of his shoe.
He ran his hand through his hair, breathing deeply and counting down from 10.
"Why is Carmen so complicated?" Margaret asked as she washed her hands. She grabbed the striped towel above her to dry her hands.
Sydney sighed, "That's just Carmy. It's always a guessing game when it comes to his mood."
"Carmy?" she recited as she returned to her station, picking up her knife. She delicately diced the remaining onions on the cutting board, pushing them aside to put away later.
Sydney turned around to stir her boil, "Yeah, Carmy is his nickname. Pretty much everyone uses it. Except Richie. Richie calls him 'Cousin.' I would suggest calling him Carmen for now, I don't think you're at the 'Carmy' level yet." Sydney added, making finger quotations.
Richie's voice cut Margaret off before she could answer, "Margaret, register!" he called from somewhere in the front. Margaret walked to the front, almost bumping into Carmen, who was coming back from in his smoke break.
"Sorry chef." she apologized and kept walking. Carmen just shook his head at her, walking back to his station. He was still ticked off from her question from earlier.
"Who asks a complete stranger that?" he thought to himself, as he took the meat out from the oven. "Fucking ridiculous." he said outloud.
Margaret sped-walked to the front, but Richie stopped her before she reached the register, "Can I call you 'Marge'? It's just that 'Margaret takes too long to say and 'Marge' is just easier, you know?" Richie asked.
"Um yeah, that's fine." she said as she walked over to the register. She turned back to the customer, "Hi, what can I get you?" she greeted him with smile.
"I didn't like my meal, I want a refund for it." he demanded. He was a larger man, both in weight and height.
"Well, you finished the meal sir, we can't give you a refund." she said, starting to grow anxious.
The man slammed his hand down on the counter, "Listen bitch, I asked for a refund so I'm getting my refund."
Margaret felt her nose sting as she looked over at Richie for help. He shook his head and silently encouraged her to figure it out herself. She turned back to the customer, "If you had something to give back to us, we could've given you a refund-" her voice wavered as she was cut off.
"I want my $9 back, fucking now!" he yelled. Richie set down the label maker and walked over to the register. 
“Sir, you can’t get a refund. You ate the entire meal.” he stated, clearly annoyed. His italian accent grew thinker with each word.
The man looked at Richie, then Margaret, then back at Richie. He scoffed, "I don't have time for this," and turned around to leave.
Margaret sighed, resting against the counter. "You okay, Margy?" Richie rubbed her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.
She looked up at him, brushing her hair out of her face, "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks Richie. But a nickname for my nickname?” They both laughed at that as Richie backed over to whatever project he was working on.
Carmen had watched the whole incident from afar.
"Margaret, a word." he called her back to the kitchen. She excused herself from Richie, then went to follow Carmen to his office. She walked into his office, which seemed like a large closet with shelving. There was piles of manila folders with papers sticking out of them that read "overdue", "rejected", etc.
"Sit down." he motioned to the chair in front of her. He stood against the wall, with his arms crossed. She timidly sat down, not knowing what to expect from him. She picked at her fingernails as she waited for him to finally speak.
"Why'd you get into this buisness?" he finally asked her. He kept his hard stare on her the entire time. She parted her lips to speak but nothing came out. "What was that?" he asked. She cocked her head slightly, not understanding what he was talking about. "At the register." he clarified.
"There was a customer-" she started but was cut off by him. She bit down on her lip to refrain from saying something rude.
Carmen pushed himself off the wall, "You let him walk all over you. Richie had to fucking step in." he said as he walked to the doorway.
"He didn't walk all over me." Margaret disagreed. Her back was turned to him, so she was not able to see his reaction.
He stopped, turning around to look at her, "If you can't hold your own, maybe this isn't the place for you, California." he said. He hit the doorway twice then left, leaving Margaret with her thoughts.
AU: so what did we think of the chapter?? like or dislike? i’ll post ch2 in a couple hours on here but it’s already on wattpad @littlesadcowgirl
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iandarling · 29 days
During lockdown Ian downloaded tiktok (he was pressured by carl and liam) He had to scroll past a lot of random bullshit but in the end he got onto cooking-tok
-Ian ends up watching cooking videos for hours on end, writing down a list of ingredients he needs and what to buy where
-His background with cutting coupons helps massively, as he’s able to buy good quality food on sale
-Mickey makes fun of him cutting coupons and grocery shopping “like a perfect little housewife” but he’s secretly happy Ian has a new hobby that’s harmless and gets him great food on the reg
-Mickey buys him a “stupid planner” for organising his coupons and recipes. He even helps cut out the coupons but “he’s gonna bitch about it the whole time”
“I saw this garlic salmon with rice recipe, wanna try that out tonight?” Ian asks as he’s looking over his grocery list
“ Sure man, you know I eat whatever” Mickey laughs because growing up in the milkovich house (and later juvie and prison) means he’s learned not to be picky when it comes to food
-Ian makes a lot of “healthy” foods, like salmon and chicken, but he always makes sure it’s tasty and not boring. Besides, mickey loves spicy food so he has learned how to balance spice and taste so they both like it
-Mickey complains that he never cooks anything sweet; “that’s called baking, mick”
-the next day Ian bakes mickey some chocolate protein bars (“they have peanuts in them too so it’s basically snickers! ”) mickey loves them
-Surprisingly, Ian’s new hobby makes it easier for him to bond with Tami and they often compare their recipies and have taste tests of each others dishes
-Mickey loves opening the fridge and seeing it full of food, healthy ingredients and snacks. It gives him a sense of calm knowing he will never go hungry again, and neither will Ian
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growup-gloup · 3 months
Make the Best of your Alone Time
Many of us live with someone. Whether it's our parents, roommates, or partners, living with someone means we get used to someone around us all the time. I don't know about you lovelies, my sometimes, I blank out on what to do when I'm suddenly alone after a long period of social stimulation. Even if you live alone, it's easy to get lost in the daily responsibilities that you forget to take time for yourself.
It's so easy to get sucked into doom-scrolling or marathoning our favorite shows, but there are so many productive ways we could spend that time if we could just remember those options during that time. Hopefully, this list can remind you not only of your options but motivate you by reminding you of your potential.
You can do it digitally, but I personally prefer the feel of the traditional pen to paper. If you have a prompt or something on your mind, write to process that. If you don't know what to write, you can just start writing whatever first comes to mind, even if it sounds like gibberish at first. Write about what you can see and hear around you. Focus on everything you're feeling at this very moment and try to put those feelings into words. Just write.
Try a New Recipe
If you have access to a kitchen, find a recipe that is one step above your cooking level and try to replicate that dish. This one may involve some planning, especially if it requires a trip to the grocery store. Alternatively, you can look up the ingredients you have at home to see what you can make with it.
I like to do this thing where I keep two different books on me. One fiction, and one non-fiction. I used to be able to finish entire novels within 24 hours, but that just isn't realistic with my schedule now, so I give myself a month to go through both of them. Pick the medium that works best for you, traditional, digital, audiobook. Bonus points if you reflect on what you read afterward, like what you liked, didn't like, and what you learned.
Deep Cleaning
I don't mind deep cleaning sprints at home, but I can't do it when there are other people around. Being home alone is the perfect time to clean your space as well as catch up on any errands that you've been putting off. Put on a podcast or a deep dive essay on YouTube in the background as you clean.
Passion Project
We all have things we wish we had time for but never get around to doing when we have time. No more. Whether it's a book you've been thinking of writing, an art project, or just something really cool that you want to do, this is the time to do it.
Get a New Hobby
Don't have a passion project? No problem. Start a new one. Try something you've always admired other people doing. The best part is that you don't even have to be good at it in the beginning. You just have to get started somewhere. Remember, it's about doing something, not showing people how good you are at it.
Learn Something New
Hobbies are great, but it's also great to expand your worldview. You could listen to informational things while you do other things, or you could take a free class online and take notes like you'd be doing for a class. Whatever helps you learn best.
Remember, this isn't a conclusive list. It's just a guideline to get you started on your first step. We all have to start from somewhere.
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grimalkinmessor · 12 days
12, 18 and 28 for ichini please
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
This is a difficult question to answer, because honestly I don't think they'd have been apart much in the months before Yoichi got bodied :') So it's hard to know whether they'd have been anxious apart or nor, but just going on vibes and desire I'm gonna say no.
Mostly because I think Kudo would be fairly well-adjusted to being alone, and unlike AFO I like him to have an inherent trust in Yoichi and his ability to take care of himself, so he's not anxious when Yoichi is out by himself nor is Kudo anxious when he himself is out on his own because why would he be? Yoichi is much the same in that he trusts Kudo to take care of himself, and also knows that his hero will come to rescue him if he calls :)
Ironically since their love is more pure they have a far easier time being independent. That doesn't mean they don't miss each other when they're gone though (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
INTERESTING because Yoichi is probably used to being the one cared for, right? Since his immune system is so bad and his body so frail? But I also think that would make him the BEST nurse, because he'd know very well what actually helps when Kudo is sick and what won't help much at all, so he can take care of him and help him get better without Kudo feeling smothered.
On the other hand—a Yoichi freshly out of the vault probably hates being doted on when he's sick. He doesn't want to be touched, to be talked to, to be looked at, he will fucking FIGHT you if you come near him with food when he's nauseous and ill. So Kudo likely doesn't get much of a chance to play nurse, unfortunately :') He just leaves water and protein shakes by the door of whatever room Yoichi has locked himself in this time to sweat out his fever.
Wounded though? Yoichi loves when Kudo is the one taking care of his injuries, because his touch is so so gentle. Hands he's seen do many, many painful things, hands that he's seen assemble and wield weapons with a soldier's grace becoming so soft and kind when he places them on Yoichi's skin. Kudo always kisses his hand afterward, always says "I know, mi tsukai, I know" when Yoichi hisses in pain, and Yoichi melts every time. Better than morphine, on God 🙏
28. Who’s the better chef? Do they cook for the other?
Yoichi! Yoichi had to learn to cook very early on—street rat problems smh—and as his brother brought home more and more lavish ingredients he got to be really good at it. He and Bruce Third are usually in the kitchen making food if you can't find them anywhere else in the compound.
Kudo cannot cook worth a shit though. That man burns water 😔
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