#the honorable harvest
samwisethewitch · 4 months
How I Get the Most Out of Meat When Cooking
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As someone who 1.) was 100% vegetarian for ethical/religious reasons until very recently, and 2.) recently had to reintroduce meat for vitamin deficiency reasons, limiting waste as much as possible when I cook with meat is really important to me. For one thing, I feel like I owe it to the animal that died to get as much use as possible out of its body as a way of honoring its death. For another, meat is expensive (ethically raised meat even more so) and I want to get my money's worth.
I recently bought a bunch of lamb for my family's holiday dinner, so I wanted to share my attempt to practice the Honorable Harvest in my meat consumption. This is new to me, but I wanted to document the attempt because it's been a fun learning process for me! If you want to actually learn about honorable consumption I encourage you to read the works of Robin Wall Kimmerer and other indigenous ecologists, since the Honorable Harvest is based on indigenous North American practices. (Though there are other cultural practices all over the world.)
Step One: Sourcing the Meat
I am very fortunate to have enough disposable income to buy ethically raised meat, which tends to be more expensive. This is a privilege. Other people are not able to spend this extra money on their meat, and that doesn't make me better than them. Feeding yourself is morally neutral, and a tight budget is not a moral failing. Most meat alternative products (Beyond Beef, Impossible, etc.) are also pretty expensive. If the factory-farmed meat at the supermarket is the only thing in your budget, use that.
If you DO have some extra funds, local farms are a great place to source meat. The reason we had lamb for the holidays is because a local farm recently culled their herd and had lamb on sale. In the past we've gotten beef from a relative who raises cattle. I encourage you to learn about farms in your area and what they have to offer. CSAs and farmers' markets are great places to start. You can also ask around at local restaurants about where they source their ingredients.
When I say "ethically raised meat," what I'm really talking about is pasture-raised animals. Cage-free animals may not live in cages, but they can still be kept in cramped, dirty, inhumane conditions and be sold as "cage free." Pasture-raised animals are able to graze and forage and generally wander around within a paddock. For some animals like chickens you can also look for "free range," which means the animals are unfenced and are able to wander freely. Since I don't cook meat often, I try to get free range or pasture-raised meat when I do buy it.
In some areas, you may also be able to find certified ethically slaughtered meat, which means the slaughtering process has been designed to cause as little suffering to the animal as possible. That kind of certification isn't really available where I live, but it might be for you!
And of course, hunting or fishing yourself is also an option. If you kill the animal yourself, you know exactly how it died and can take steps to limit suffering as much as possible. Hunting isn't a skillset I have, but if you do more power to you!
Step Two: Cooking the Meat
This is the easy part. Depending on the cut of meat you got and the dish you are cooking, you may need to remove bones or trim fat, but aside from that it's just following a recipe.
For our holiday lamb stew, I used this recipe. I have Celiac disease, so I subbed gluten-free flour and replaced the beer with red wine. I also added rosemary and garlic for a more Mediterranean flavor to compliment the wine.
Step Three: Organs and Bones
This is where the breakdown is for a lot of Americans. We don't cook with bones or organs very often, and we tend to throw away whatever parts of the animal we don't want. That is not honorable consumption. Part of the Honorable Harvest is using every part of the being that died to feed you.
Most organs make great stew meat. My favorite Nicaraguan beef stew is made with tongue, and my indigenous Hawaiian relatives make stew with pig feet. And while I don't like them, lots of my Southern family members love chitlins (pickled pig intestines). Lots of cultures eat organs, and you'll find plenty of delicious recipes if you look!
Bones are typically used to make stock, which can be used as a base for future soups and stews. There are lots of recipes for DIY stocks and broths, but I usually fry some onions and/or garlic, deglaze with wine, and then add the meat/bones and the water, plus salt, pepper, and herbs for flavor. Most animal bones can produce two batches of stock before they lose flavor. (For really flavorful stock, leave some meat on the bones.)
Once the stock is done, you'll still have bones to deal with. Contrary to popular belief, cooked bones are not safe for dogs to chew on. (But raw bones usually are!) Instead, I strip any remaining meat and gristle from the stock bones, give those scraps to my pups as a treat, and then use the stripped bones for something else. With a little extra processing, the bones can be used as a fertilizer in a garden, a calcium supplement for chickens, or a safe treat for dogs and/or cats.
This was my first time processing bones, but after boiling them for, like, 12 hours in water with salt and vinegar, they were soft enough to break apart with my hands. I'm going to grind them to make bone meal.
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turtledotjpeg · 7 months
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silly lil farming sim AU drawn for a discord server event :) i got a little too lazy to include all the characters i had wanted to, so please imagine for me:
linssen quietly surrounded by a flock of chickens on the nostrade farm. only successful chicken whisperer
canary and alluka hanging out at the flower shop/seeds shop and that killua's face looks less wonky
cheadle is the town mayor. we don't talk about the previous mayor.
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robanilla-arts · 1 month
My rare pair is Farm x Dream
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hear me out.
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
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I didn't make this meme but I found it very objectum
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italoniponic · 2 years
Hi, can i just say I love your writing! Can i please request a scenario with Jamil where you are his secret admirer and start leaving gifts and cards in his locker all addressed under 'secret admirer' and everyday it always shows up somehow everyday and he can't figure out who it is but realizes it when you say something word for word from one of his letters? I just want to give him the world- thank you!💖
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, anon!
I actually got Jamil to realize it a little earlier but not like fully, it’s just that I think he would suspect the reader at some point but not 100% believing it. Just wanted to inform you about that. This was a really funny story to make, from every little detail to Jamil’s journey to understand things and finally the reveal moment. I love to write Jamil, he’s a mood and at the same time, he’s so complex and interesting, especially about the way he deals with his emotions and how he sees the world around him. Like, really, I just want to hug Jamil so tight with all the love and care I feel for him <3
And I included Azul for a brief moment bc… their dynamic is precious (you never had a friend like him~)
Thanks for the request <3 |
Jamil Viper x gender neutral reader / scenario / 2,2 k words / secret admirer / fluff / bits of comedy / Aladdin references / use of “you” pronouns
Cherry’s Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
Secret Admirer's Wish
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“Dear Jamil,
I will never really be able to detail enough how much I admire you and feel grateful for everything you do. There may be hard times, but somehow you always lift your head and find a way to keep going. I wonder where you get that strength from. Would I be able to do the same? Maybe I could also help you, be your support? But I don't think I'm good enough for that. Well, I passed by the city and these shoelaces reminded me of you. I think you’re in need of new ones, but you don’t have time to go out to buy. Hope you like it. The receipt is fixed on this note in case you want to exchange it for something else. But it's no use asking for me in the store, I'll let you know~ 
I hate to repeat it, but I really hope you like it. It's a very sly style! With love (and apologies for the pun),
Your secret admirer.”
Jamil didn't know if this was luck or bad luck. Lately, he was receiving a lot of letters and gifts from a mysterious person, a supposed secret admirer. The gifts weren’t a problem — whoever this person is, they knew his style very well and almost always got what he was wanting to buy right.
But the letters made Jamil very suspicious. So many beautiful words, compliments, promises of admiration and feelings. If Jamil didn’t find these letters in his place in the class, hidden in the space where he kept his school material, it was found in his basketball club’s locker.
He couldn't get it out of his head that this could all be a prank. With each new note, Jamil thoroughly studied the letter and style of phrases, trying to associate it with someone. Trying to find small openings that could reveal the true identity of the sender.
Jamil had his own list of suspects to go through some investigation.
It could have been Kalim trying to actually become friends with him, but that possibility was dismissed pretty quickly because it wasn't his style to keep a secret for so long — and in such a discreet way. Kalim would have revealed all on the second day, loudly and with all the excitement that he had been keeping for a long time.
Another possibility would be Ace or Floyd, as they were his teammates at the basketball club and prone to silly pranks. Overall, it would be more likely because they had the opportunity to observe Jamil more closely to know some of the things he needed — though, not all of them.
“Well, well! Another gift from your admirer, senpai?,” Ace leaned on Jamil's right shoulder, a wide grin on his face.
“Oh, look, a snake shoelace. What do you think, Umihebi-chan?,” Floyd took his place to the left side of his colleague, also entertained by the situation. 
That made Jamil very suspicious but he just kept the themed shoelace and note in his pocket, and kept going as if nothing had happened. Although Floyd and Ace could be the authors of those “little cute letters full of admiration and affection”, he didn’t think they would have so much literary tact to write something so flowery and sincere.
If it was really a prank and not just a very blatantly cruel act of love delusion, the duo would have done something more clichéd, predictable and affected. Jamil knew how to recognize empty words even on paper. In fact, it’s a very fine line between complete naivety, genuine kindness and the most plastic stupidity ever manufactured.
With the end of club activities, Jamil changed the laces on his shoes while reviewing his investigative thoughts. He wouldn’t rest on his case. As if he was going to let someone just praise him for no reason! Especially since it was attracting a lot of attention to him.
The others were already beginning to notice the preference of that mysterious person for Jamil — and him only — so they started teasing Jamil to see if they could discover information that even he didn't know. 
There was also the fact that he really wanted to find out about this person at all costs. At least to thank them, talk a little and convince them that all that motivational support was enough. Well, he didn’t want this person to waste so much of their time on him just to compliment and support him.
Although — oh, it was so embarrassing to admit — Jamil was starting to enjoy being pampered. Just a bit. It seemed so petty of him to think like that and it absolutely corroded him inside, but he couldn’t help it.
This is a person who understands a lot of my style…, he grumbled to himself.
Jamil finished the knot in his favorite wine-red sneakers and noted the contrast to the black shoelace with blood-red rhombuses, a yellow aglet with two tiny red dots one on each side. He wondered if maybe it would look better in his PE sneakers because the color palette would match more.
During his walk to the hallways, Jamil remembered the detail in the note that informed him about the receipt and about how it would be ineffective to ask in the store who made the purchase. The sentence ended with a swung dash, as if the person was trying to be comical or humorous.
“Jamil-san! Floyd told me about your new shoelaces…,” an exaggeratedly kind voice sounded in that poor unfortunate guy’s ears. “Let me be the first to praise you for having such a kind admirer!”
Jamil stopped static halfway through and turned alermed to the most unbearable colleague in his class — in his opinion. Could Azul be his secret admirer? He would literally strangle the merman with his shoelaces, more convinced that this was an attempted bribe than an actual prank.
“How... would you describe this style, Azul?”
Jamil had thought of something. The likelihood of Azul answering the same from the note was small because the colleague was not at all careless but it wouldn’t hurt to try.
“It's quite ‘you’ if I may say,” Azul answered, pulling his glasses closer to his face. He had his standard friendly smile. “I confess that I would have bought you something more practical aesthetically. A light-grey shoelace that would match any outfit... including Octavinelle's uniform for the Mostro Lounge.”
I pity the people who will be your victims when you hunt for employees in the future..., Jamil thought to himself. 
But Azul had raised a vital point: had he been the admirer, he would have made a very different purchase. In fact, the gifts Jamil received had an average and sometimes cheap price and were quite simple, something that someone would be able to buy with a reasonable allowance. 
As stingy as Azul was at times, to hook a big fish like Jamil and make him his precious ally, he would have tried harder and bought more expensive and valuable things. He would have known things about Jamil through Floyd's eyes, but not in such a deep way as to write down what Jamil needed to hear and at the same time, things that sounded so natural.
There was only one person left, even if Jamil couldn’t allow himself the luxury of certainty.
“Thanks, Azul. You were very useful,” he said, saying goodbye to his colleague.
“Did I?”
“Useless! I meant useless!,” Jamil corrected himself. The last thing he wanted was to owe a favor to that suspicious octopus.
“Just this once, I'll let it pass,” Azul’s eyes squinted as the other ran out of there. “I already have someone who is paying this debt…”
Saying that you were tired was a mere statement. 
In order to raise money for some of Jamil’s gifts, you made a deal with Azul to work at the Mostro Lounge for about three weeks now. And that day was pretty exhausting. Added to this, you took advantage of your little fifteen-minute break to run to the basketball court and leave one more note and gift for Jamil.
The day before, you went with Jade to the village to buy more groceries and ended up passing by a shoe store. Managing to lose track of your senior — or thinking you had — you walked in and found a pair of shoelaces that immediately reminded you of Jamil.
Your original plan was to buy him a pair of sneakers, but the options were too expensive and he was more in need of shoelaces than new shoes. Not that he said it with all the words, but you could tell by the state of his frayed shoelaces. All you wanted was to put your feelings into words and actions — even if he didn't know it was you.
In fact, you didn't know how much longer you could keep this secret. Jamil was very smart and sooner or later, he would get to you. What could be a desire or a fear depending on his real feelings for you.
You sighed, sprawled exhausted on the floor of Ramshackle’s entrance.
Your quick run and your dismissal of the day have tired you out a lot. It would probably take you another twenty minutes to get up and actually walk into your dorm. The Sun was milder at least, given the fact that it was getting closer to the end of the afternoon. You vaguely watched the horizon, not really paying much attention to the landscape.
That's why you got a bit scared to see two shins obstruct your vision and as you lowered your gaze, you recognized Jamil's new shoelaces.
“J-Ja-jamil!,” you looked up and saw the boy above you, his expression serene and quiet as always.
“Everything okay? You... are in a very bad state,” Jamil wanted to spare you from his concerned opinion that you looked horrible.
You let out a deep sigh, eventually relaxing too much.
“If a huge cobra had choked me to death, this wouldn’t have been the most difficult part of my day.”
“Sorry, I forgot that you guys don’t understand these references…”
Truth be told, sometimes you say very incomprehensible things. But Jamil didn’t clinged too much on this. Instead, he bent his right leg, leaning on the floor with the tip of that foot to show you his sneakers.
“What do you think of my new shoelace?,” Jamil asked with a small smile. His eyes were so tight but so far out of reach that you didn't even notice how he looked like a cunning snake ready to pounce.
“Um, cool,” you complimented automatically, although too tired to express much emotion. Suddenly you laughed. “It's a very s-s-s-sly style, if you know what I mean.”
“But of course I understand... my secret admirer.”
“Oh, thanks. You’re so understandable sometimes, Jamil.”
Wait... secret admirer?, you repeated in your own head, slowly reasoning out what had just happened. It made you really stand up and hold him by the shoulders, desperate.
“No...! I...! Ah! I mean...!,” your ability to speak seemed to be gone.
Jamil, on the other hand, looked as shocked as you. He had come to you because there was no one else who could be close enough to him to understand him the way the words in those notes made it sound. But in all honesty, he wasn't sure if it could really be you.
He had approached cautiously, ready to wash his hands and ignore the whole situation if he had to. Jamil would have given up on finding out who that mysterious admirer was since the person he really loved couldn’t reciprocate him. 
In the last forty minutes, he had planned all the ways to reject his admirer — because not being matched by the one he wanted would already be enough pain. However, it seemed like he didn’t need to do any of this. 
“So it was you all along,” Jamil said, his eyes steady on you. “I'm glad.”
You were surprised to see Jamil smile, even though he looked down when he did. He didn't know how it made your heart melt to see him so determined one moment and then, shyly melt. You touched the side of his face, making him face you again. 
You had planned to write your next secret admirer letter all about the beauty of Jamil’s charcoal gray eyes but maybe you could say it another time. And in front of him too, at last!
“Jamil, are you a genius? - you asked, seeing Jamil raise one eyebrow in confusion. “Because you always fulfill my wishes.”
It was a silly pick-up line, you both knew that. But Jamil started laughing anyway. He tried to cover his mouth to muffle the sound, in vain. People say that because you're in love, you genuinely laugh at someone's jokes even if they're not very good. Maybe it was because that phrase softened the mood between you.
Either way, it was a beautiful scene to watch. Behind you, a beautiful and splendid sunset. Jamil — having at least controlled his laughter — tried to hide his smile from you, who regarded him as the most precious thing in your world.
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spacedlexi · 2 years
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every time i play stardew it makes me want to work on my farm sim
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dykals · 2 years
don’t think i forgot you bitches were shipping bilbo with the fucking dragon
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littlegalerion · 7 months
Some little tid bits about Dragonborn lore that hit hard for my Dark Urge Dragonborn:
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Clan means everything. This is referenced so many times in dialogue options for a dragonborn player. I always have Moon choose it, but in a sarcastic or dreadful way. Her only sense of "clan" is Bhaal's cult, most likely a deeply seeded notion given to her by her mother. Even her own mother would have chosen the cult over her, and Moon is aware of this. Always was. It wouldn't surprise me if Moon eventually killed her, either out of personal pleasure or as an act of offering towards Bhaal- maybe both.
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I like to think Moon was raised on a twisted version of this. That she was taught all her "playthings" were to be "respected". Given her druid class, she was always directed at how predators treated their prey- a meaningful hunt. But again, with a cultist twist on it. All of Moon's victims were a boon to her father, so all held meaning. All deserved her utmost attention and time. Though most probably wished she had just ended it quickly...
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This has always been my canon for Harvest Moon from the start:
She was always desperate for approval from Bhaal, conditioned to desire it more than anything else in her life. She was born for the sole purpose of pleasing him, a faithful child, and if she fell short in any way, she was a waste of resources and time.
When the events of the betrayl of the Dark Urge took place, and she ended up with a tadpole plus amnesia, for the first time, Moon has that conditioning shoved aside. She was actually allowed to think for herself and what she wanted. Sure, Moon still felt the conditioning affects- hence the "urges"- but she was at last an individual. A very smart individual. One that quickly began to enjoy her newfound freedom.
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This is all VERY against how Moon was raised. She was taught to always safeguard her emotions, always prove calm, collected, and precisely emote nothing unless in the act of happily slicing through a victim. Such strong shows of emotion could either be used against her or be undesirable to her father, in which case she would be rightfully punished.
All her life, Moon has been fighting against her own nature. Very ironic, as she'd, as an adult, take on the druid class.
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A very small thing, but Moon does have a tail, and she does get a lot of looks from other dragonborn for it. One more thing that separated her from her kin throughout her upbringing, I suppose.
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bucephaly · 2 years
What would it be like, I wondered, to live with that heightened sensitivity to the lives given for ours? To consider the tree in the Kleenex, the algae in the toothpaste, the oaks in the floor, the grapes in the wine; to follow back the thread of life in everything and pay it respect? Once you start, it’s hard to stop, and you begin to feel yourself awash in gifts.
Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and The Teachings of Plants
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kenobihater · 7 months
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mistahjs-jester · 7 months
I'm taking a break from writing my current fanfiction and the one I put on halt to honor mabon and focus on my spirituality. I am trying to find ways to subtly and nicely honor Demeter and Persephone. May this harvest be good to each of you as the days grow darker. ❤️
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mrsmess · 1 year
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Chapter headers for Harvest Moon, prompt by anonymous.
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abyssruler · 2 years
dottore is the type of guy in modern au who’d play cbat while you’re having sex. and if you complain about it, he goes on several tangents about why it’s good and how it sets the right pace and rhythm. “it’s good for the heart, you see. sex isn’t just an intimate act between two people, it also acts as a cardiovascular—” you fall asleep not even ten minutes in.
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Scars house on wheels! I love it it looks so silly. And you can just hear the pure joy in his voice. Already loving the create series and I can’t wait to see what neat stuff everyone builds
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aiyexayen · 1 year
(DZZS LNY Mini Prompt Fest Day 8, also on ao3.)
Wen Kexing doesn't celebrate the first fruit of Siji Shanzhuang's replanted orchard.
Not because he's not pleased--it was a long wait, and they've done growing themselves in the meanwhile. Together they made a home again, this time in the shape of a bustling sect community: disciples, staff, friends, allies.
But the new fruit brings with it the duty of a waiting promise.
Early the next morning, before the sun's first rays call the more dutiful disciples out of bed, at an hour he usually spends curled up listening to A-Xu's steady breathing, he picks his new harvest while the chill nips his fingers and nestles it all in a basket. By the time the morning mist makes room for daylight, he's gone. Nobody will wonder where he is; secrets don't keep any better here than in Gui Gu.
The road through the southern forest is well-lit; it would be pleasant were he on any journey but this. And around the next bend, A-Xu is waiting for him.
Kexing pauses mid-step. Somehow it still catches him off-guard when A-Xu is the one following him.
Perhaps out of respect for Kexing's sombre mood he doesn't smirk, but his eyes twinkle with the satisfaction of getting one over on his zhiji. Unable to smile, Kexing simply nods; A-Xu falls wordlessly in step.
"Thank you," Kexing says after a minute.
"I promised," A-Xu replies. His voice is a shrug but his hand finds Kexing's, squeezes. "How dare I not meet my husband's parents?"
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portokali · 2 years
url change!!!
hi everyone this is anna catboylynch but im harvestlune now!
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