#like it's so tired. it's been done it's run it's course let's move past it
liinos · 6 months
it's crayz bc i know my sisters will vent to each other about me/talk about me when i'm not there but *i* can't do that with either or them bc they always tell the other and it's like 🧍🏻‍♀️ well who am i supposed to vent to then🧍🏻‍♀️
#like i can. but i also in the back of my mind am like well this will probably get back to the one i'm venting about and then she'll be mad#so like. i'll just subject you guys to it bc a girlie needs to be able to vent for sanity#saur annoying tho i'll show my sister Anything like i'll send her a reel or a dance vid (bc she also likes kpop) and she Always#has to nitpick every single thing about it and *she* knows best of course bc she did xyz 20 years ago like girl....#like i'll send her stuff being like i like this or i think this looks neat and suddenly she's an expert on singing and dancing 🧍🏻‍♀️#and i know some stuff you can be like well that sucked without knowing anything bc you have eyes/ears but she Is an expert ofc#like i'm not sending her shit being like omg this is the most amazing dance ever this person is a Perfect Singer...#she also has Such internalized misogyny that she will bring up unprompted and it's always word for word the same thing like you cannot#complain about our other sister saying the same things a lot WHEN YOU DO THE SAME...#not even just about that but like in general she will bring up a topic unprompted and it's the same spiel every. single. time#i know we all repeat things we only have so many things to bring up but like. it drives me Nuts it's like a script#and i don't think she realizes she does it given that she complains about other people doing it but jfc girl#but her whole being the most special person ever thing coupled with the i'm an expert bc i did this 20 years ago thing... driving me insane#and her most special person thing coupled with the internalized misogyny... once again you are in your 30s please work on that#like it's so tired. it's been done it's run it's course let's move past it
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sincerelybubbles · 25 days
pairing: spencer reid x reader
word count: 1.8k
warnings: angst, resolved angst though!! i keep promises!! also, shower scene but sfw !! i am just a slut for an innocent shower scene
part 1
Spencer doesn't come back that night and you sleep alone in the bed. It's too big, too empty, too quiet.
Your morning feels liquid without him. He usually makes the coffee, you figure out lunches. Brushing past each other, gentle hands, gentler smiles.
Everything feels hollow -- off-kilter. You're late to work for the first time in years, running behind with raw eyes and no reminders of the time shouted across the room.
Of course, you're used to the mornings that he's away. When he's in a different state you do this alone all of the time, but it's punctuated with texts and calls and promises that this isn't your new normal.
But now, the possibility hangs low over your head, a storm cloud dripping steadily over you as you work.
Annoyingly, the weather doesn't reflect your mood: it's sunny, there's a breeze, leaves cover the ground. It's the sort of weather you would convince Spencer to take a walk in. It's the sort of weather that, eons ago, he would have noticed and brought you out to walk in without you asking first.
It's not easy to notice when the shift happened. One moment he was exactly who you fell in love with: passionate about his job, sure, but equally excited about you. But, slowly, he changed. Like ice melting in water left outside, the parts of him that made every moment apart worth it slid down the glass and evaporated. The Spencer left is vacant, reading files at home even when you know he doesn't need to. He hasn't planned a date in months, hasn't texted you because he read something new that he wanted to share, hasn't seemed to see you for longer than a few seconds in weeks.
You tried to bring it up to him but the conversation was put aside because of a work call. He had to go but he pressed a kiss into your hair, hugged you tight, and promised you would work on it. Together.
That was over a month ago and he's made no effort. If anything, things have gotten worse. You can't remember the last conversation you had with him that had any true substance.
"Alright, go home." Your boss' voice cuts through your thoughts, startling you into the now.
"Go home, get some sleep, you look like shit," he says, shaking his head at you. "Don't argue, you're only missing a few hours, we'll survive without you."
Thanking him, you gather your things and begin the walk back to your car, scattering the fallen leaves with your feet.
You try to think of anything else as you get in the car, turning on music. It's hard, but you do it. You think about what to cook for dinner, what chores need to get done, mundane things that usually plague you.
You don't think about if you still have a relationship. You refuse the thought every time it creeps into your mind, shaking your head as if to physically remove the thought.
Spencer's car is in the driveway when you pull in. You put the car in park and stare at it, letting your head slowly fall forward and cheek rest on the steering wheel. He was so rarely home in the middle of the day on weekdays. You're not sure if you're ready to face him but know you have no choice.
With a sigh, you get out of the car and make your way into the house.
You can hear him moving around in the kitchen when you push the door open. Quietly, you slip out of your shoes and set your things on the table. Without saying anything, you go to your bedroom and start the shower.
You're tired of always initiating the conversations. You're tired of seeking his attention, practically begging for it, only to be shut down. Let him come to you if he's really sorry -- if he even is sorry.
You've been in the shower less than a minute when you hear your name being called. The bathroom door opens and you can just make out Spencer's head poking inside the room through the shower curtain.
"Hello?" He asks, stepping inside.
"I didn't hear you come in." You don't answer him, wetting your hair instead. "Can I sit?" He asks after a moment, his voice hesitant.
"Sure, if you want."
You watch as his shadow crosses the bathroom and he sits on the toilet, slouched, forearms resting on his knees.
"I was an idiot last night," he starts. You stay quiet, silently agreeing as you begin to shampoo your hair. "I can't honestly say anyone or anything is more important than my job. And I know you understand that, you've always understood that. I mean, I'm saving lives. Protecting people. What I do, it's important."
"I know," you say, softly.
"I know you know," Spencer says, just as softly, voice hurt. "But that doesn't mean you're not important or that I can treat you as less of a priority. Because you are, you know. A priority. Pretty much my main one."
You hang your head under the warm water, watching it drip through your hair and take the suds away with it. The soap runs down your arms, down your legs, and swirls around the drain. Steam lifts over the curtain, filling the air and making your eyes hazy.
There isn't much to say other than, "I haven't really felt like one."
"And I was an asshole when you tried to tell me, I know." Spencer rubs his hands across his face, voice agitated.
"What happened?" You ask, eyes still trained on the drain.
"Nothing, really. I think I just let myself get too sucked in. I mean, you've always been so consistent in my life, even before we got together, that I just sort of always expect you'll be there for me."
"I will," you admit, leaning against the wall of the shower so you can watch his shadow move as he speaks. It's true, you'll always be there for Spencer.
Spencer shakes his head, leaning forward and resting it in his hands. "You shouldn't have to if I can't prove the same is true in reverse. I should be just as consistent. I used to be just as consistent. I prided myself on how well I managed our relationship and our job. I got too comfortable, too cocky, too sure that I couldn't fuck this up that I ended up doing just that."
"I don't think you've fucked this up." Spencer laughs, low and harsh, lifting his head to look at the ceiling. "No, really. I think you just fucked up but it's nothing that can't be fixed."
"You deserve better."
"You are better, Spencer. I know you are. You're just going through something. I don't know what, I don't even think you know what, but if you let me in, we can work through it together. Just, you can't push me away."
"I don't even want to push you away, that's the thing. I can tell when I'm doing it but I can't figure out how to stop."
"Well, this is the best way to start. By telling me. I trust you. I trust us. Do you?"
"I trust you," Spencer says, voice breaking. "And, yeah, I trust us."
"Then that's all we need, no?"
He joins you in the shower a few minutes later. All innocence, helping you wash your hair and letting you wash his. The water is warm, you're in each other's spaces, not talking but just together.
It's the mundane task that truly starts to make you feel better. He's gentle as he works conditioner in your hair, eyes shut in peace when he bends down for you to run your fingers through his.
He jumps out before you to grab your towel, opening it and wrapping you up before hugging you. Warm, steady, he rubs small circles on the nape of your neck, under your dripping hair, where he holds you close.
"I was going to make dinner, I was making a list when you walked in," he says when the two of you make your way back into the kitchen. "I wasn't expecting you to be home yet."
"I was sent home early because I looked tired. Well, he actually said 'like shit' but I know what he meant." You send him a sarcastic smile as you sit down at the kitchen table, leaning forward to look at his grocery list, puzzling out what he wants to cook. "What about you? Why are you home so early?"
Hands shoved in the pockets of his sweats, Spencer shrugs. "Today is pretty much just a paperwork day. I got what I needed to get done out of the way and went home. The team was confused but they'll be fine."
"You left early?" You ask, raising an eyebrow and your gaze to watch him.
"Like I said, you're a priority, too. You deserve to be treated like one. I can't leave early most days, but the ones I can ... you deserve that, at the very least."
You stand, shuffling over in your socks, to hug him around the waist. His hands come to wrap around your shoulders without hesitation, smoothing over your hair.
You stand like that for a minute, his grasp firm, your nose pressed into his neck.
"We're going to be okay," you whisper, just as much for him as yourself.
"Of course," he replies.
here u guys go, luv u <3
i have something else (much much better writing quality wise imo) in the drafts so keep an eye out!! this is just a silly little thing but i still enjoyed seeing ur guys' reactions to it !!
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girlgenius1111 · 5 months
got love struck went straight to my head
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alexia x reader smut :) 18+
alexia has been in a bad mood all week. she finally tells r what she needs to feel better. bottom alexia rights [literally thought i would die writing top alexia but i had a few requests, and this was fun].
Alexia was irritable, in a way you hadn't seen her since her injury. This time, though, you really weren't sure what the cause was. She was playing well, the team was playing well. The two of you weren't having any problems, as far as you could tell. Nothing had changed in the last week, except that Alexia was acting like she had a stick up her ass 24 hours a day. She barely spoke, opting instead to glare at everyone around her, and when she did speak, it was to snap at whoever was nearest.
You were tired of it and so was the team. Your teammates had been approaching you all week, asking what you'd done to piss Alexia off. You didn't have an answer, and you were just going to let it run it's course, sure her moodiness would pass. That was until Jona pulled you aside after practice, telling you that whatever was going, you had to fix it, because he couldn't take another day with grumpy Alexia.
She was clearly upset about something. The thing was that Alexia was very much the dominant one in the relationship. You weren't really used to having to strong arm her into talking to you; normally she had to do that with you. You'd give it your best shot, though, not really sure how it would go.
You made your move after practice that day, walking into the living room to find her on the couch, grumpy look on her face, scrolling on her phone. Deciding to be bold, you grabbed it out of her hand, and put it in your pocket. She looked up at you, raising an eyebrow, and wordlessly reaching her hand out for you to give it back. It was hard not to, honestly; Alexia could be incredibly intimidating when she wanted, and you weren't used to being on the receiving end of it.
"I want to talk."
"I do not." She responded bitingly, really glaring up at you now.
"Alexia," you sigh, taking a seat on the couch next to her outstretched legs. "What is going on with you?"
"I do not know what you are talking about." She said stubbornly, crossing her arms. She looked like the picture of defiance, like a child refusing to eat her vegetables.
"Love, you absolutely do. You've been mean to everyone this week, including me."
There was a flicker of insecurity across her face at that.
"Alexia, it's me. Tell me what's going on. If something is bothering you, I want to know, I want to help."
Alexia gazed up at you, weighing her options. She took a deep breath, but didn't speak. Instead she grabbed your hand, lacing her fingers with yours.
"I need you." She murmured. You weren't really sure what she meant, and you didn't want to read the situation wrong.
"What do you need from me, baby?"
Alexia squirmed slightly, a blush heating her cheeks.
"You" she responds. You thought you understood now, but it didn't make much sense. Obviously, you and Alexia hadn't had sex in the past week, because she'd been in a horrible mood, but you hadn't gone long without it. Certainly not long enough to warrant the desperate, pleading look in her eyes. Something else was going on, you were sure.
"You have me, Alexia, I don't understand." You figured playing dumb may get Alexia to get frustrated enough to tell you what she really wanted. It worked.
"No, amor, I need you. I need you to fuck me," she declared, looking somewhat unsure. Normally, she was the one that did the fucking. Of course, she got off too, but the way she said it seemed like she wanted you to be in charge. If anyone was a textbook top by definition it was Alexia. You hadn't considered that she wasn't entirely happy in this role.
You remove your hand from her grasp, instead resting it on her thigh. Her breath catches, and you know exactly what she wants.
"Are you needy, baby?" Alexia only nods her head in response, cheeks still flushed red. "Is that why you've been grouchy all week? Because you need me to fuck you?"
"Si, I need it so bad," she responds, almost breathless from your hand moving up and down her thigh.
"Alexia, why didn't you tell me that?"
You would fuck her. You just needed her to understand that she had to ask for the things she wanted, especially when they weren't the norm between you two. Alexia's eyes drop from yours as she shrugs.
"I know you like it when I am in charge. I did not know if you would be open to changing things up," she admits.
"I want what you want. If you want me to be in charge, I will. I need to hear you say it, though, Alexia. Tell me exactly what you want." You're fully teasing now, unashamed.
Alexia squeezes her eyes shut, summoning her nerve, before she opens her eyes again.
"I want you to tell me what to do, I will be good for you. I want you to fuck me, please, amor," she said, her voice quiet. You truly had been completely unaware that Alexia had a thing for praise. It was not something you'd be forgetting any time.
"With what?" You ask. The question takes a second to register. You can tell the second she understands, though, because her face turns even redder, which you didn't know was possible.
"Your cock," Alexia whispers, and you smile smugly down at her. You stand, and she rises quickly, a whine escaping her lips. You turn back to her, bringing her in for a heated kiss. She allows you you take complete control, one of your hands lacing into her hair, holding her securely against you. You pull back after a minute, not letting her get too far.
"Take your clothes off, and get on the bed." You tell her, your words not more than a whisper against her lips. You really are startled at how fast the midfielder follows your instructions.
You take your time, heading into the bedroom after her once you're sure she's had enough time. You find her sitting on the edge of the bed, completely naked, looking nervous. You don't want her nervous, though, not at all. You cross the room fast, gently taking her face in your hands.
"Take a breath, baby," you tell her. "We'll only do what you're comfortable with, and we can stop whenever you want, alright?"
Alexia nods, looking more reassured. She leans up, lips searching for yours. You kiss her softly, pouring your love into it, hoping to ease the rest of her anxiety. She looks dazed when you pull back, and you know you've succeeded.
"Lay down," you tell her, and she does. You allow your eyes to hungrily scan her body, taking in her full breasts, her rippling abs. Her thighs are parted slightly, and you're sure you're seeing wrong when you think you see wetness smeared along the insides. There's no way she was wet enough for that yet.
You take your time taking your own clothes off, stripping right in front of her, eyes not leaving hers. Her pupils are blown wide looking up at you, and her legs are pressed together. You move to the bedside drawer, pulling out the harness she normally wears, and the dildo you love taking the most. You step into it, fitting the cock into the harness, but struggling to tighten it around your hips.
You walk back over to her as you fight with it, and Alexia's fingers quickly replace yours, expertly tightening the straps around your body. Her eyes are stuck on the strap, her lips parting slightly, before she looks up at you.
"Can I suck it?" she asks. You try not to let your surprise show, as you tell her she can. Not a second later, she's taking your length into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down. She gets it nice and wet, before she takes it fully down her throat, gagging slightly.
You're sure your jaw is dropped at the filthy sight in front of you, and you can only watch as Alexia chokes on your cock, eyes shutting as she moves. You tangle your hand in her hair, gathering it in a makeshift ponytail, before tugging lightly on it. She moans in response, and you're encouraged, guiding her to move faster against the fake dick.
After a few minutes, Alexia has tears in her eyes, and spit dripping from her chin. You pull your strap out of her mouth, gently wiping her face off with a towel you always kept near the bed.
"Good?" you check, thumb moving softly back and forth across her cheek as she pants for breath.
"Si, soy tan buena" she replies breathlessly. You guide her to scoot back on the bed, climbing on top of her. Once again, you connect your lips with hers, pushing your tongue into her mouth, easily dominating the kiss. You nibble on her bottom lip, relishing in tiny whine she lets out into your mouth, feeling her hips move under you.
You move your leg to nudge her legs apart, not breaking the kiss, and press your thigh up against her core. You pull back from her face in shock, as she is completely drenched. Her eyes are closed, and she is completely focused on grinding against your leg. You leave it for now, pressing your lips back to hers, making out for several minutes as she moves against you.
When she begins to pant into your mouth, not able to keep up with your kisses, you pull back, removing your leg from in between hers. Her eyes fly open, looking up at you desperately. You climb off of her, spreading legs wide open, and taking in the sight in front of you. She is literally dripping, hole clenching and unclenching, clit peeking out of it's hood. You're sure you've never felt her this wet before.
"You're fucking soaking, baby," you whisper, and she nods. "Is this all for me?" you ask, gently running your index finger through her slick. Her hips buck up into your hand.
"Si, all for you, bonita. Please, I need you," she begs, eyes wide. Having heard enough, you push her legs farther apart, and bend down, running your tongue through her. She moans at the first contact, and you press a hand onto her abdomen, stopping her movements against you. You know what Alexia likes, and you know she is in no mood to be teased, so you set a fast past with your tongue, pushing in and out of her entrance.
You lick her wetness up, though it's quickly replaced, enjoying the salty tase of her on your tongue. You focus on her pussy for another minute, before moving up to flick your tongue across her clit. She cries out at this, hands tangling in your hair. You pull away.
"Play with your nipples," you instruct, and she complies instantly, bring her hands away from your hair, up to her sensitive chest. She rolls her nipples in between her fingers, and you reconnect your mouth with her core. She's been wet enough for a while, but only now do you ease a finger into her. It slides in easily, and soon, a second joins it. You keep your pace steady, wanting her to ask for more.
"Mas rapida, por favor," she gasps, body writhing on the mattress. You give in, beginning to pump your fingers in and out of her at a rapid pace. At the same time, you take her clit into your mouth, suckling hard on it, and Alexia comes hard, crying out your name. You work her through it, listening to her whimpers as she comes down, hips still moving in tandem with your hands.
You stand, pulling her to the edge of the bed, legs wrapping around your waist to keep you against her. You drag your strap over her center, enjoying the way she moves against you, desperate for more.
"Amor, no more teasing," she pleads. "Need your cock in me,"
"Okay, baby," you soothe. "You've been so good for me, gonna fuck you now," you tell her, watching, entranced, as she gasps at your words. You line up and push into her. Alexia lets out a guttural moan, and you almost do as well, struck with how tight you find her. She's soaked, though, and she doesn't seem to be uncomfortable at all as you drag your cock in and out of her at a slow pace.
Alexia is in a state of pure pleasure under you, hands fisted in the sheets, head thrown back. Your arms are wrapped around her legs, and you start to move faster, gripping her hard. You're pushing in deep, and she moves one of her hands down, desperate for more stimulation. Just as she's about to make contact with her swollen clit, you grab her hand and press it back into the mattress. Her eyes fly open, looking up at you desperately.
"No, no. I'll take care of you, pretty girl, you just relax," you state, moving your hand from where it held her thigh, moving her leg out of the way, and beginning to rub firm circles over her clit. Alexia is moaning with every thrust now, and you know she's close. Her hand comes down again, this time to grab your free one. She brings it up, guiding it to wrap around her throat. Your eyes search hers, needing to know that she is completely comfortable. You only see arousal in her eyes, and you squeeze lightly. That's all it takes, before she's falling over the edge, body spasming as she comes.
You let up for only a minute as she comes down, pulling out only to flip her onto her stomach. You pull her hips up, before sliding back in, and she whimpers at the stimulation.
"One more for me, beautiful, wanna come with you," you tell her. Alexia's back arches more, and her ass presses back into you. You palm it with one hand, feeling the harness press against your clit. Normally, you don't think it would be enough for you, but the sight of her under you, fucking back against your strap as she breaths hard, watching your strap disappear into her, coming out dripping, is more than enough.
Your groan as you pound into her, pressing in harder and faster than you were before.
"Are you going to come with me, Ale?" you ask.
"Si, estoy tan cerca, amor," she responds, words broken up by whines. You can see a sheen of sweat on her back, and take in how her legs shake under her, and know she is close.
"So good for me, Ale. My good girl. You like it when I fuck you, hmm?"
Alexia's hips stutter as she gets closer, your words dragging her towards the edge, fast.
"Si, si mi amor, soy tu buena chica," she gasps, apparently losing the ability to speak english.
"Come for me now Alexia, come on my cock," you grunt through gritted teeth, hips pressing in as you feel your orgasm begin to wash over you. Alexia screams out your name, neighbors completely forgotten, as you bury your cock deep inside her one last time, grinding against her as you work yourself through your orgasm. You collapse on top of her, resting her forehead on her back, panting.
Alexia is a mess beneath you, and you pull out slowly, maneuvering her onto her back, despite barely being able to move yourself. Alexia looks incredibly overstimulated, though, body still twitching. Once on her back, Alexia lets out a pitiful cry, reaching for you. You slide back onto the bed, pulling her into your side.
"Mi niña perfecta, te amo mucho, Ale," you tell her, pressing light kisses onto the side of her face. She's still silent, nuzzling her face into your body. You rub her back soothingly, waiting for her body to stop trembling.
"Thank you," she says quietly, the words mumbled into your neck.
"Of course, Alexia. Next time, tell me what you want, hmm? Don't make our whole team suffer because you need me to fuck you."
Alexia laughs against you. It will be enjoyable, tomorrow, to watch her try to explain to your teammates what was behind the sudden change in mood.
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bratzforchris · 1 month
Inked Daisies (Chapter 4)
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Summary: For the past year, you've been running the flower shop that's next door to your friend, Matt's, tattoo studio. But what happens when the feelings start to get more than friendly?
Read Chapter 3 here
Pairing: Tattoo artist!Matt x floristfem!reader
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: This is more of a fluffy filler chapter, but I still love it because soft and grumpy Matt <33 Enjoy!!
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“Get away from me,” Matt growled, swatting Nick’s attempt to wipe the dried blood off his nose with a wet cloth. “‘M fine.”
The vibe inside your small apartment was less than comfortable. Matt was leaning against the kitchen countertop, holding an ice pack to his bruising cheek while his older brother tried (and failed) to doctor him up. You wanted to help the boys, you really did, but you were still a bit shaken up from the events of the evening. You felt awful that Chris had had to stay at work while the three of you headed home. You curled yourself into your blanket burrito further, watching with wide eyes. 
“Fine. If you wanna be a bitch, deal with it yourself. It’s your fault, anyway.” Nick hissed, stalking off to another room. 
Matt sighed, looking like he wanted to say something to Nick, but he didn’t. He simply watched his brother go, still holding the ice pack to his cheek. Before you knew, the brunette was sitting beside you, scrolling through his phone. In the light of the dim lamp that you had turned on, you examined Matt closely, looking at the tattoos that littered his bare arms and the small, silver ring that glinted in his nose. Despite his bruising cheek, black eye, and bloody noses, you felt a small twinge of butterflies in your stomach at his shirtlessness. 
“Are you okay?” You whispered softly, trying to keep all your emotions from coming out in your voice. 
Matt sighed, placing the ice pack on the coffee table and leaning back into the couch cushions, hands tangled in his hair. “I’m fucking tired.”
“You didn’t have to do that, y’know…” You murmured, scooting closer and unfolding the blanket across your friend’s lap as well. 
“He fucking touched you without your permission.” Matt growled, blue eyes darkening as he turned his head to look at you. 
“I know…and I appreciate you protecting me. But I don’t want you to get seriously injured over some asshole.”
“He touched you without your permission.” Matt grumbled unwaveringly, folding his arms over his chest. 
In a leap of faith, you moved all the way next to Matt leaning your head against his shoulder. The boy wasn’t exactly the affectionate, cuddly type like his brothers, but he didn’t move when you did so. He simply flinched softly before relaxing, making no noise besides the soft rise and fall of his breathing. You relaxed into the soft warmth of Matt’s body heat for a moment, letting the room air out before you spoke again. 
“You’re special.” You hummed. 
Matt raised his eyebrow, looking at you resting on his shoulder. “What do you mean?”
“No one has ever done that for me…” Now that the adrenaline in your body had relaxed, you found yourself smiling at Matt’s actions. You didn’t like that he had been hurt, of course, but the fact that he would go to those lengths to protect you lit a fire in your heart. “So thank you.”
“You deserve that. Anyone does,” Matt mumbled. “No one should be touched without their permission.”
You simply made a small noise of acknowledgement, before returning to your quiet state for a bit. It wasn’t until you heard the brunette let out a muffled groan that you looked up, brows furrowing with worry. “Are you okay?”
“C’mon Matt, don’t lie,” You poked his stomach gently, not missing how his cheeks reddened. “What’s up?”
“Something.” You huffed in a way that was unintentionally adorable. 
“You’re annoying.” he grumbled, but a small smile was tugging at the corners of his lips. 
“You haven't made a move to get me off your shoulder, though.” You pointed out.
Matt rolled his eyes, finally speaking softly. “Jus’ have a headache.”
“From the fight or…?”
“I haven’t been sleeping well lately.” Your friend admitted quietly. 
Matt’s insomnia was no secret to you. In fact, you were the exact same way. There had been many nights where you two would both be awake long after Nick and Chris. You were never loud, or did much, but you were empathetic to each other’s pain. Physically not being able to sleep over a long stretch of time was awful, especially when you had particularly bad episodes. That was probably the reason you and Matt even had anything more than acquaintanceship. Your ‘problems’ that the other two triplets didn’t have brought you together, like the nights in high school that you both spent poring over his sketchbook. 
“I know this question fucking sucks, but is there anything I can do?” You asked softly, still laying on his shoulder. 
“Could um,” Matt swallowed down the lump in his throat; he fucking hated depending on people or asking for help. “Could I have some Ibuprofen? Please?”
Your face dropped into a frown at Matt’s simple, yet pleading request. You stood up off the couch, covering Matt with the rest of the blanket you’d been occupying. “I’ll be right back.” You said with a smile. 
You made your way into the ensuite bathroom connected to your bedroom, noticing Nick had made himself at home, watching Rupaul’s on your television. “Hey.”
The oldest triplet paused the show, turning to look at you. “Is he letting you play doctor?” Nick asked, observing how you were rifling through your medicine cabinet. 
“Kind of,” You shrugged, grabbing the bottle of pain reliever, as well as the small bottle of melatonin that you kept for the awful nights, in vain hope the supplement would work. “I think tonight was more of an emotional thing than anything.”
Nick knew exactly what you were referencing. “Oh?”
“He said he hasn’t been sleeping well,” You shook the small bottle of pills. “I get that way. When you’re so sleep deprived, you aren’t exactly rational.”
Your friend knew about your own struggles with sleep, which made him more understanding as to why Matt was opening up more to you. “I figured. He’s just never been violent like that. It was kinda shocking is all.”
“He’s not violent, Nick,” You scolded. “He was worried and thought that was the appropriate thing to do. He was defending me.” You found yourself blushing at the way you were defending the middle triplet, hoping it wasn’t overly visible. 
“You got a crush on Matt?” Nick asked with a chuckle, never out of tune with people’s body language.
“Don’t be stupid.” You rolled your eyes, making your way towards the door. 
“Okay, lovergirl.” 
You ignored that little comment, opting instead to stop in the kitchen and get Matt a snack before you brought him the medicine. Despite being a florist, you found yourself drawn to nursing and healthcare. There was no way in hell you would let anyone take Ibuprofen on an empty stomach. You found a lone granola bar laying on your countertop, grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge as well. 
“I come bearing gifts!” You smiled cheerfully, coming around the couch and plopping everything in Matt’s lap. 
The brunette hadn’t moved since you’d been gone. All he had done was shrug the blanket closer around his shoulder, leaning his head back against the couch cushions, eyes closed softly. If you hadn’t known better, you would’ve thought Matt was asleep, but the dark bags under his eyes and the soft twitching of his eyelids told you otherwise. He blinked his eyes open softly, the standard bright blue that was Sturniolo eyes significantly dulled. 
“Thank you. My head is fucking killing me.” he groaned. 
You shook out three Ibuprofen into your palm, along with one melatonin and passed them to Matt. “Take these and then eat and then you sir will be watching your favorite movie and relaxing.”
Despite feeling like shit, Matt rolled his eyes. “It’s like my mother is here right now and she’s in Boston.”
“You love me.”
“I do,” Matt said nothing more for a moment until he shot up. “Shit. Not like…like that,” he blabbed. “As a friend, I mean. God, I’m sorry. That was weird.”
You had never heard Matt speak so many words in one sentence, nor were you expecting him to say he loved you. “I…” You chuckled and burst out laughing, desperately fighting the warm feeling spreading through your insides. “How much did you drink, Matt?”
“None.” he said pointedly, hating the way his cheeks were flushing. 
You noticed the way Matt was fidgeting softly, most likely feeling embarrassed. “You know, I’ve known you for seven years and I still don’t know what your favorite movie is,” You grabbed the remote for your TV off the coffee table in an effort to not shove Matt back into his shell after he’d just opened up to you. “What is your favorite movie?”
“That’s for me to know, and you to never find out.” Matt said plainly, starting to eat the snack you had brought him. 
“Tell me,” You pouted. “C’mon, it can’t be that bad.”
“Tell me or I’ll tickle you.” You said with an evil grin.
“You promise you won’t laugh?” the annoyance in Matt’s tone had been replaced by the same soft Matt that had made his appearance earlier. 
You couldn’t lie. As few and far-between as your one-on-one hangouts with Matt were, you liked this side of him. It was different, in the best way possible. Gone was the rough exterior that the rest of the world got to experience. This Matt felt more human, almost making you wish that he could be more than just your best friend’s brother. 
“I promise I won’t laugh.” You acknowledged with a gentle, genuine smile, cuddling up to his side again. 
Matt swallowed down the pills you had supplied him with, taking a swig of water afterwards. “...it’s Tangled.”
“Really?” You felt like your heart could burst in your chest at the moment. Rapunzel had been your favorite princess for as long as the movie had been out. You hadn’t been expecting that answer from a ‘tough guy’ tattoo artist, but when you really thought about it, the movie suited Matt perfectly. “That’s mine too!”
Matt looked down at you, resting on his shoulder, an emotion he couldn’t explain overtaking him. “You’re just like Rapunzel. Chatty and naive…but very kind.”
“Thanks? I think?” You chuckled, migrating over to Disney+ and flicking on the movie. “Now relax. Chris will kill me if he comes home and realizes we ditched him for no reason.”
The brunette hummed a soft agreement, keeping his eyes fixated on the screen as the movie began to play. There were so many things he wanted to tell you, like the fact that he didn’t think you were truly chatty or naive, or that he appreciated you truly caring for him more than he could ever speak, or that the reason for the early departure from the club wasn’t for no reason; someone had hurt someone he loved, and when that happened, he had a problem with it. Instead, he said nothing else, choosing to refuse to acknowledge his brain screaming at him that he had just said and thought that he loved you. You were Chris’ best friend, and by extension, his as well. 
You two fell into an easy rhythm, watching the movie with sleepy eyes. The next thing you knew, Matt had shifted so that he was able to lay down more, resting his head on your chest. You practically froze with shock, hoping he couldn’t hear the way your heart began to beat wildly. This was new territory between the two of you. Whenever you shared platonic cuddles with Nick and Chris, you always initiated. Matt always declined your invitation to join, until now. You relaxed back into the couch cushions, listening to his breathing even out as he shrugged the blanket more over the two of you. At that moment, you realized that you could've stayed this way forever. You hoped that whatever possessed Matt to open up tonight stuck around, because this felt like true progress in your friendship.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
You looked up as the door to your apartment opened quietly, the clock reading 3:37 AM. You had given all three of the triplets keys to your place, knowing that you trusted them quite literally more than anyone else you knew. Chris stepped into the entryway, looking drained as he set down his backpack and slid off his Vans. 
“Hey,” You whispered softly so as not to disturb Matt and his movie. “Did everything else go okay?”
Chris nodded, not yet noticing the position you and Matt were in. “I mean, fights are pretty common. People moved on quickly,” he shrugged. It was then that the boy noticed how Matt was laying, his brows perking curiously. “Is he…asleep?”
You had noticed that Matt’s breathing had become more even, but you hadn’t thought that he had actually fallen asleep. You had assumed that the movie would’ve held his attention, but then again, the events of the night, combined with being dead tired and melatonin, was a match for Matt. You looked down at the sleepy boy on your chest, hiding your fond smile. “Yeah.”
“Hmmm.” Chris hummed in acknowledgement, sitting on the other end of the couch. 
“I think that’s why what happened tonight…happened,” You said softly. “He hasn’t been sleeping, Chris.”
“He never does,” Chris’ tone suddenly became cynical as he stood up off the couch, padding back into the kitchen. “Kid never learns.”
“Is everything…okay?” 
“Just tired,” Chris smiled at you as he poured himself a glass of water, trying to ease your mind. It wasn’t your fault that Matt couldn’t sleep. “Is it cool if I stay over?”
“You know it is,” You teased, thankful that whatever fog had laid between you two for a moment had lifted. “What was it you told me last month? That’s like asking about your own house?”
“God, you have the memory of an elephant when you want to.” he sighed, rolling his eyes playfully. 
“I know,” You smirked smugly. “G’night Chris.”
“Night, Y/N.” he said fondly, placing a soft, friendly kiss to the back of your head as he made his way into your guest room. 
You switched off the television, placing the remote on the coffee table once more and covering yourself and Matt fully with the blanket. You laid a pillow behind your back, making yourself more comfortable to sleep. As much as you loved your bed, you hated the idea of disturbing Matt, especially knowing that he had been struggling to sleep lately. If letting him rest meant you were sleeping on the couch, you would do it. 
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tags ♡: @jake-and-johnnies-slut @chrissfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxysc-blog @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @spencereidenthusiast @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @sturncakez @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @patscorner @julesgrl @0strawberrysorbet0 @strombolilovr @matt444nixi @remussbitch @devthepoet1221 @mattyblover07 @loisnotaa @mollyquinnxoxo @graysturns @pepsicolapussy333 @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @m00n-0n-paws @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @raysmayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @billsslutt @aemrsy
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warnersister · 5 months
Dark! Isaiah Jesus x Reader “forever”
Where you try to leave him but Isaiah refuses to fathom the idea that you don’t want to live in his fantasy forever.
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Isaiah rounded the corner onto the street where his house was, pace steady as he looked forward to spending the evening with his little fiancée after a tiring day dealing with some business with the other Peaky boys.
He’d expected you to be in bed already, waiting up for him like a good girl to ask about his day and dote on him the way he’d like you too. But when he opened the front door and let out a loud “I’m home sweetheart” he could hear your pottering upstairs becoming more wicked, and sounded almost frantic to him. He inhaled deeply, anger slowly seeping through his veins and he attempted to establish that gentle dominance he tried to have with you instead of getting truly angry.
In his head it wasn’t true; blindly convincing himself over the past few weeks that the news he’d been receiving wasn’t real. They were just making it up. He’d hired a few men to follow you when you’d started dating - needing to know where his missus was at all times when he couldn’t accompany you. And since the beginning of the month they’d trailed you to a bank, a lawyer and a travel agency which you’d left with a one way ticket to France by ferry. But no, you wouldn’t do that to him. You loved him. You’d promised him forever when you accepted that ring. Of course you wouldn’t do that.
But now, stood in the entrance to your house, he flared his nostrils and shook his head, gritting his jaw as he calmly went around and locked all the doors, windows and exits on the ground floor before putting all keys in his coat pocket, hanging it by the door.
He walked upstairs at his usual pace, rolling the sleeves of his bloodied shirt to deal with your nonsense. He’d walked to the shared bedroom, noticing the light pooling into the hallway, slipping in as he watched you click your suitcase shut. He entered the room fulls and quickly shut the door behind him. You jumped at the sound of the door closing, too absorbed in your own mind to notice him there.
He crossed his arms across his chest, watching you straighten yourself up and could almost see the internal convincing it took you to speak to him. “I can’t do this anymore Isaiah.” You started. “Put the suitcase away yn.” “I can’t keep living your lie. I had a successful business, I was happy. And now I’m just as much use as a chocolate fire guard.” Isaiah stayed silent. “I appreciate all that you’ve done for me. But it’s time for me to go.” You say, picking the suitcase up and pulling the engagement ring off of your finger. And Isaiah started laughing. “You’re funny love.” He shook his head, refusing to believe that you would ever consider leaving him. “I’m serious Isaiah.”
His eyes darkened suddenly, a hazy mist filling the dark voids in place of his pupils as he inhaled deeply. “You think I don’t know what you’ve been doing, taking money out of my account. Hiring a lawyer that works for the blinders. Buying ferry tickets to a country which language you can’t speak.” “I’ve been taking lessons.” “Which I pay for.” He moves away from the door and back towards you, you don’t back away. “You’ve bought a suitcase with my money. Wearing clothes that I’ve paid for, running away in shoes I had made, with a confidence I created. I made you Yn. You will not do this to me.” You stayed silent.
“You’re just confused. You’ve never had a man love you and you don’t know how to feel. You’ve never had such a sense of security and you’re not used to it. Cause you think you’re a strong woman when internally you’re trying not to let go of that little girl’s hope.” You looked down at your feet contemplating his words, wondering what you would actually do once you reached France.
He lifted your chin to meet his eyes with his thumb and index finger, analysing your face. “So what you’re going to do my love, is you’re going to unpack that suitcase, put your clothes away. Give me the money and the ticket and you’re going to put that diamond back on your finger and you’re going to be Mrs Jesus like I know you want to be. Then you’re going to get ready for bed, lay in that bed beside me while you apologise for being so silly and then I’ll consider forgiving you and we’ll go back to how thinks were. Yeah?”
You looked at him for a minute before silently moving away to open your suitcase back up and he knew he had you wrapped around his finger.
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plussizefantasia · 24 days
Trust Issues
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Bucky x BlackCat!reader
Chapter 2/6 of the BlackCat!reader story that I had a request for!
<Prev / Next>
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Language, Bucky and Reader being kinda mean to each other.
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” The first words Barnes has uttered in nearly two hours. “There's only one fucking bed.” It didn’t occur to you to ask the front desk woman if there would be two beds, after all, you and Bucky were supposed to be playing a couple this weekend and couples didn’t need two beds. “Well buck up, Buckaroo, looks like we're sharing for the weekend."
“I’m not sharing a bed with you, you kick in your sleep and snore like a buzzsaw.”
“You’re a filthy liar Barnes, I do not snore.”
“No comment on the kicking?” He raises an eyebrow at you. You just roll your eyes and push further into the room. 
“Well, I’m not sleeping on the ground. So you can either be a chivalrous manbaby and curl up in that tiny-ass armchair or be a grown-ass man and split the bed with me. Your choice.”
Bucky grumbles under his breath, in a language that you don’t speak but hearing it admittedly sends a shiver running down your spine. You don’t really have time to stay and talk him out of his funk. The two of you are only here for the three nights and the last night was the gala so any and all recon needs to be done before then. 
Of course, the team of low-ranking agents who just want to do their fucking part to save the world or some bs like that have already put together a file of information for you. You’ve been burned before though and like to take care of yourself more often than not.
So you inwardly thank Tony Stark for the nice digs and head to the bathroom to get changed into your suit. 
You want to scope out the event space tonight as well as the governor's office the only problem was that the two buildings were practically on opposite sides of the city and you’ll have to take pretty much the whole night in order to get what you need. 
That means despite the fact that you are ridiculously tired from being in the car all day you’ll have to dawn your fur-lined catsuit right away and book it to the State Capital building before the last of the over-caffeinated halfway to burnt-out political interns leave for the night and your usual slip-in-behind-someone-who-isn’t-paying-attention entrance will fall off the table.
You pretend that you don’t see Bucky’s eyes bulge when you walk out of the bathroom in your full get-up, but you feel flattered nevertheless. There’s something to be said about the way donning your suit makes you feel, when you have the mask on and the suit zipped all the way up you feel invincible, powerful, badass, and let’s not kid anyone, sexy as hell.
The way Bucky can’t keep his eyes off you as you move about the room gathering the things you’ll need for your night of recon makes you think that he’s on the same page as you about that last one. But that’s all it is, you remind yourself. You’ve got good assets and when they’re tightly wrapped in a nice little bow they look alright, Barnes doesn’t like you he’s a man… he likes tits and ass. They all do. 
“I’m heading downtown, need to scope out entrances and exits and see if there’s anything in the governor's office that could help us bring him down.”
“I’ll come with.” Bucky moves to grab the bulletproof leather jacket that Steve had gotten him for Christmas this past year.
“Thanks but no thanks Barnes, I’m perfectly capable of doing recon on my own. Besides, you’re not exactly what I would call… stealthy.”
“I’m stealthy as fuck kitty.”
“Don’t call me kitty, and whatever you need to tell yourself, old man. I'll be back. Treat yourself to room service or something, I heard brooding makes you hungry.”
“I don’t brood.”
“And I don’t snore. See, we can both lie.”
Your night is uneventful. The only thing catching your eye is how suspiciously squeaky clean the governor's computer is. You don’t find much that can help you in your mission. The ballroom is a bust too although you do manage to come up with several escape routes should things go sideways the night of the gala. You end up rolling back into the hotel room at around three-thirty in the morning. Not expecting Bucky to still be awake you try your best to make as little noise as possible so that you don’t wake him.
It ends up not being necessary as he is already awake, lounging in the armchair nursing a glass of whisky, and staring at the door you've just come through.
“Don’t tell me you waited up for me? That’s so sweet Barnes.”
“I didn’t want to be the one to tell Fury that his favorite pet got in some trouble.”
“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, Barnes, I am not Fury’s pet any more than you're Steve’s.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” He scoffs and takes another sip of his drink.
“Well, you’re off the hook I guess I’m back safe and sound so you can finally go about getting some much-needed beauty sleep.”
“You really can’t take anything seriously, can you? I’ve been waiting here for hours because you left without letting me in on your little plan.” Bucky stands up and places his glass on the side table next to him. You have no idea where the hell this anger he has is coming from but you’ll be damned if you let him talk to you like this. “We’re supposed to be doing this mission together and the first moments you’re left to your own devices you run off and risk yourself unnecessarily.” He's getting heated and it's rubbing off on you.
“What the hell is your problem James?  I didn’t ask you to wait for me! You’ve been a bit of an ass all day and I’m really fucking tired of it. I’m here to do my fucking job, are you?” Hindsight is a bitch though and you realize after you say the words to him that poking the bear is probably not your best option at the moment, nevertheless, you’re a glutton for punishment so you dig in even more. “I mean first you get all moody in the car because of some shit you brought up in the first place, then you stay up waiting for me like you’re my dad or some shit making sure I get home safe. I know that you don’t like me, I get it and if I’m completely honest I don’t really like you either. No matter what you think or want though, we have a mission to complete and I’ll be damned if I let some metal-armed brute fuck up my perfect completion record.” You don’t really remember taking breaths but obviously, you have or you’d be passed out after that long ass speech. 
It doesn’t get you the reaction you want though, instead, Bucky just clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth and lets out some long-suffering sigh like you’re the bane of his existence or some shit. You let him throw his grown-man tantrum and don’t move to stop him from huffing and puffing around the room until he goes to lie down on the floor.
“What are you doing?” you ask, every syllable dripping with exasperation.
“Sleeping, what does it look like?”
“Yeah, I can see that your trying to sleep like a caveman on the cold hard ground what I don’t understand is why, given the big ass bed right here.” You carelessly lift one hand and gesture towards the California King bed with admittedly really comfy-looking sheets spread across it. 
“I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you Kitty, I thought I had told you that.” He practically snarls.
“I thought you were kidding. What? Afraid you’ll get cooties or something?” 
“I’m not sharing a bed with you Y/N. Drop it.”
“Fine. You know what? Fucking be like that.” You grab a pillow off the bed and throw it down at him. Before grabbing one for yourself and taking up position on the floor a few feet away from him.
“What are you doing?” 
“Funny, I thought I just asked you that.” You reply laying down on the ground with your back towards him.
“You’re not sleeping on the floor Y/N it’ll mess up your back.” `“Well then I guess you have a choice to make. Either you get over yourself and we both get to share the nice bed, I’ll even put up a pillow wall to protect your dignity if you’re that worried about it.  Or we both sleep on the floor and I wake up tomorrow morning as grumpy as you because my back hurts.” You let the silence reign for a few seconds after you're done, still facing away from him and waiting for him to make the decision.
“God you’re so annoying you know that?” Bucky groans out as he moves to sit up and make his way towards the bed.
“I’ve been told it’s one of my best qualities.” You stick your tongue out at him and follow him to the bed. You follow through with your promise of a pillow wall placing three pillows length-wise between the two of you. Afterward, you turn around and turn off the bedside lamp, plunging the room into darkness. 
You wait for a few minutes thoughts racing endlessly in your mind. “Bucky?” You call out.
“What?” he mumbles back.
“Will you tell me a bedtime story?” You ask.
“Go the fuck to sleep.” You do.
The next morning you wake up to an empty bed, but an intact pillow wall so deem the night a success. Rolling over to check the bedside clock you see that it’s about seven and groan at the fact that Bucky’s absence apparently woke you up an hour before you had planned.
Bucky’s absence doesn’t last long, however, as minutes later he comes strolling into the room. He’s wearing a simple grey tee shirt and some black sweatpants but the entire front of his shirt is soaked making the grey a darker shade than it was originally. Similarly, his hair is dripping wet and you honestly can’t tell if he’s taken a shower yet or if he's just soaked with sweat. What confuses you more is that you don’t know which you’d prefer.
“Morning Sarge.” You call out from your place in bed. Bucky jumps a little like he forgot that you’d be in the room. 
“Morning.” He mumbled before making a swift turn and essentially hiding away in the ensuite bathroom. When you hear the shower turn on you know he's still in a mood from last night. You swear to whatever god there might be that this man is going to be the death of you. 
“I’m calling room service for breakfast do you want anything?” You shout at the bathroom door.
“Eggs and toast.” He calls back. You roll your eyes at his basic order but relent anyway and pick up the phone to call for the food. 
His shower finishes right about the same time that the food arrives. When he walks out of the bathroom in just a towel wrapped around his waist and a smaller one in his hand ruffling his hair to dry it you about choke on the food you hadn’t even started eating yet.
“Your foods over there.” You point to the little sitting area on the opposite side of the room from you. You're sitting crisscross across the ottoman at the foot of the bed. A plate of stuffed French toast with a side of sliced peaches perched on your lap.
“I figure that we should probably talk about the plan for the rest of the weekend, to avoid any more… angst between us.” You speak between bites of your breakfast.
“I thought we already had a plan but apparently that doesn’t mean much to you does it.” He turns his body to face you and crosses his arms over his chest.
“I’m not starting the morning off like this, James. You can either talk to me like an adult or you can sulk in the corner it’s your choice.” 
“I don’t sulk.”
“For a guy who doesn’t sulk or brood you sure spend a lot of time doing both.”
“I just- I don’t know why you always have to be putting yourself at risk.” You aren’t prepared for the tone shift of the conversation.
“I’m an adult Bucky, I can make those kinds of choices for myself.”
“I know you can, I just don’t see why you feel the need to.”
“What do you mean?” You can physically feel yourself start to get defensive. 
“I mean that for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve always gone the extra mile, covered every base that needs to be covered and even some that don’t. You push yourself to the point of exhaustion and you don’t seem to care. You do the job of ten people when you don’t need to and it makes me tired just watching you.”
“I wasn’t finished. Take last night for example. You went out and re-did recon that our team already did for us because you didn’t trust that they had done enough and what did you find? Nothing. Nothing that you didn’t already know from reading the mission file.”
“When did this become a fucking therapy session? I don’t recall giving you my insurance information Dr. Barnes and I’m not sure I can pay your hourly rate.” You try to deflect. He's right, you didn’t find anything new and you’d been a little pissed at yourself because of it, but you don’t need that shoved back into your face.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Push away your real feelings with jokes, Peter and Tony do the same thing and it drives me up the wall.” He stares at you.
“I don’t know what you want from me Bucky. I don’t know who you want me to be, you call me a kiss-ass when I try too hard, but you’ve been pretty clear on the fact that you don’t think I can be redeemed. You seem to care about me and yet give me shit about anything and everything that I do. I don’t know what to think or feel around you and it throws me off.”
“I do care about you.” 
You don’t know what to say to that, so you don’t say anything. You and Bucky sit in silence for what could’ve been seconds minutes or hours. Neither one of you is willing to be the one who breaks the spell that has settled over the room. Both of you are saved by the bell when Bucky’s phone rings on the desk in front of him.
“It’s Steve, I’ll be right back.” He gets up and moves to take the call out in the hallway. You still don’t say anything. But you do flop onto your stomach across the bed the moment the door closes behind him. 
You grab the nearest pillow to your outstretched hand and bring it to your face, screaming into it and letting out as many muffled curse words as you can before you run out of air. When you’re done throwing your mini tantrum you stand up, run a hand through your hair, and take in the deepest breath you’ve ever taken in. 
It seems that Bucky’s call with Steve is going to go longer than you thought so you might as well get ready for the day. You put on the flowing wide-leg pants and halter tank that you packed, it gives just the right amount of classy that goes along with your cover in case you needed to interact with anyone, while still being easy to move in and pretty damn comfortable to boot.
You return to your perch at the foot of the bed, this time with the mission files in your hands. Despite how many times you’ve poured over them you still want to make sure that you’re ready for the gala tomorrow night. The best use of your time right now is trying to figure out the best way to get close to the Governor at the party.
Since his computer had been a bust the best way to get him was going to be a verbal confession to some of his backroom dealings. Maybe with more time, you’d be able to pull together a bit more of a sting operation and pull out all the stops trying to catch him but you were on a time crunch. The gala is tomorrow and then after that the governor starts his reelection campaign.
Bucky walks back into the room and throws his phone on the bed next to you, “Steve said the analysts back home got word that there’s a new player to be aware of tomorrow. The Governor's son is gonna be there, he's been flouncing across Europe for the better part of the last five years and we’re not exactly sure why he’s back but we know it’s important. Think you can handle it?”
“Did you actually just use the word ‘flounce’ in a sentence.”
“Can you handle it or not.”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist Barnes, I got this.”
“I don’t doubt it, Kitty, in the meantime though maybe we should do some asking around to see what we can get on the kid.”
“Honestly, James I’m a little hurt that you think I’m that far behind you. Besides, I know exactly where to look to get the answers I’ll need.”
“And where is that exactly?” Bucky looks at you and raises an eyebrow. 
“His Instagram.” Snapchat, Twitter, and any and all other social media you can get your hands on. You know rich kids better than any other group of people in the world, they’re incredibly naive most of the time and some of the easiest targets because they’re sharing their entire lives with the world. If there's something to know about this guy, you’ll find it on his socials. 
You and Bucky spend the rest of the day and well into the night, doing your research. At some point, you’d been given access to the full guest list which allowed you to add some names to your internet stalking session. By two in the morning, you can confidently say that you know this guy and several of the other guests who would be attending better than they knew themselves. 
“Alright doll, it’s time for sleep.” Bucky grabs your laptop and closes the lid before taking it off your lap completely and plugging it in for you.
“What? I was just getting in the groove! I found another rabbit hole.”
“I don't know what that means but I know that it’s late and we have to be on our best game tomorrow so sleep it is.”
“You can sleep, but I need to keep working,” Bucky calls your name.
“This is the type of stuff I’m talking about, working yourself to death. Trust in the work you did today, trust that you’ve got everything you need. I do.”
You will never admit to the way that your heart thumps when you realize just how much faith Bucky has in you. 
“I’ve made that mistake before, trusting myself and trusting others, it never goes well for me.”
“Well then, work yourself to death and be sloppy and tired tomorrow if you want, but do it over there with just a desk lamp because I’m going to bed.”
“Fine. I will.” Stubbornly, you pick up the notebooks and files that surround you and move them all to the too-small desk in the corner of the room. You flick the lamp light on and groan at the dimness of the bulb. Bucky’s words bounce around your skull, you wouldn’t be sloppy. You were never sloppy. Sloppy meant getting hurt or worse. You couldn’t be sloppy.
Fuck. You couldn’t be sloppy, especially with Bucky’s life on the line too. 
You growl low in your throat as you flick the lamp off and begin getting ready for bed, pretending not to hear the triumphant snort that comes from the lump on the bed.
“Scoot over, you fucking starfish, leave some room for me.” You shove at Bucky’s back, nothing happens of course but he takes pity on you and scooches over anyway. “Do I need to construct another pillow wall Your Highness or do you think you’ll be okay for one more night?”
“I think I’ll survive. But know that if you kick me in the middle of the night I reserve the right to shove your ass onto the floor.” 
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Falling asleep on top of them
Feat. Kenma, Atsumu & Akaashi
You were hanging out in Kenma’s place after his practice was over, something typical between the two of you. Kenma wasn’t a fan of going out, and while he did some exceptions for you – like going to the cinema or a cat café – he much rather stay inside. Not like you minded really, your relationship was super chill and you liked being with him.
Sometimes you two play together; sometimes he plays while you watch, always explaining the lore of the game; sometimes you two sit there doing homework together; and sometimes, like today, you were hugging him by the waist cuddling him while he plays on his console lazily.
“Babe look, the monster that I told you appeared” he says enthusiastically looking at the screen. He was explaining you the game just a few minutes ago, about how rare one of the monsters was. However, he only received silence, unusual from you. Even if you didn’t care about the game, you always responded “Babe?”
He looks down to his chest where he found, in his opinion, the most beautiful sight ever. You squishing your cheek on his chest with a soft smile, stirring slightly when you heard his voice. His eyes went wide before lowly shushing you back to sleep, not wanting to wake you up.
He quickly turn his console volume down, staying completely still while questioning what to do. Should he wake you up? No, that wasn’t a good idea, it was 21:46 and you were tired, definitely not because he loves the sight, not at all. So he did the only logical thing, the thing that he would do only for you.
He turn off his console before shooting a text to your mom saying that you would stay with him. After that was done he slowly move the both of you, ending up with him lying down in his bed with you cuddling even closer to him.
“Goodnight babe” says kissing your temple, turning his light off before hugging you back. He could use a good night of sleep anyway.
Being Inarizaki’s manager and Atsumu girlfriend was definitely exhausting, but everything was worthy at the end.
Today was a particularly long day, you had to wake up extra early to have a talk with the coach, two exams and now the guys practice was running longer than expected.
You were sitting in the gym floor when they decided to take a break, it was past the time they usually finish but none of them didn’t seem to care. Atsumu immediately coming to your side as soon as he could.
“Are ya okay angel? Ya have been awfully down today” he says sitting down next to you
“You noticed?”
“Of course I did, I’m yer boyfriend. What happened? Are ya tired?” you nod sleepily, closing your eyes while lying on his shoulder.
His eyes widen a little at the sudden movement. He was used to affection, he was always hugging you whenever he could, but usually it was him initiating skin ship. He pass his arm through your shoulders, pulling closer to his chest to hug you tightly.
He lets you accommodate yourself in his chest, which you gladly do despite the sweat, at this point you were used to it. He feels your breath even out, so he kisses the top of your head in hopes you can relax more.
He can’t help the feeling of proudness that starts rising in his chest. The fact that you feel so safe to fall asleep on him makes his shoulders rise to the sky; nobody has trusted him this much before.
“Atsumu, go back to pra-”
“Shh, coach, my baby sleeping” he interrupts him, right now he doesn’t even want to go back to practice “can I practice tomorrow? I don’t want to wake her up”
“… Sure” says the coach taken aback.
Miya Atsumu has never denied practice, but for you, he will do anything.
These past few days have been hectic to say the least, between helping around your own club, cheering your boyfriend in his practices and your classes. In fact, all of your classes were getting so much harder that your stress was going to the roof.
Right now you were sitting in the grass of the Fukurodani gardens next to your boyfriend. His practice was pushed until much later, so he decided to help you out studying to spend time with you.
After a few minutes you began to get fidgety, and Akaashi being Akaashi noticed right away.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Yeah, just tired. It has been a long few weeks”
“In that case let’s stop. Come here” with that he took your things away from you and slightly pull you towards his lap. You don’t try to fight him, you know that you have not chance of winning when he set his mind on something. Also, you get to lay in his lap, which doesn’t happen that often.
You soon find yourself relaxing in his legs, his hand running through your hair helping you immensely.
Akaashi’s plan was to let you relax for a few minutes, but he didn’t really expect you to fall asleep there; he didn’t knew you were that tired, if so he would have force to sleep a lot earlier. He looks down to you, noticing how you were hugging his leg tightly with a relax smile on. He can’t help to smile at seeing you before looking at his watch; he has a few more minutes before going to practice, he supposes he can let you relax. He leans down, pressing a light kiss in your forehead
“Sleep tight love”
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kissitbttr · 10 months
summary: miguel’s trauma doesn’t stop you from loving him
a/n: fluff and bit of angsty? enjoy!
the first time you met miguel, you learned that he’s indeed a complicated man. haunted by a trauma that he can’t seem to let go nor move past from and you were okay with that.
you learn to live with his anger and grief that he has to carry everyday. he warned you beforehand that he is a complex being, how you won’t be able to take the amount of ‘burden’ he has weighing on his shoulders because it won’t be fair to you.
but your stubborn self refuses to go. your arms crossed, face forming an annoyed expression as he gave you a long speech about how he doesn’t deserve you. and he hates the fact you had an answer to everything. why were you so keen to loving him despite the flaws he has.
through that, you told him that you were willing to wait until he’s healed. no matter how long it takes.
from that moment, his soul burns for you. his love grows each day because you were indeed patient. luck had been in his favor ever since.
even that one night, where you watched him sit on his chair. watching clips of him and his late daughter ‘gabriella’ being replayed over and over. his expression soured each seconds with tears forming from the corner of his eyes.
who could blame him? grief is one hell of a feeling.
as you stand by the doorway, already in your nightgown getting ready for bed, you softly knock on the door.
“my love, are you coming to bed?”
hearing your soft voice speaks, miguel regains his composure. head craning towards you and you watch how his frown forms into a small smile,
you look like angel. how is it even possible?
“in a second, mi amor. just need to revise a few technical problems that keep happening back at the HQ, i’m sending the reports to Lyla right now” he confirms, eyes looking directly to you.
with a nod, you stride yourself closer to him. taking one good look of his state. and he looks exhausted.
“how are you, baby?” you sound concerned, kneeling down in front of him as you observe the details of his gorgeous features. “you look tired. what is it?”
as your knuckle reach out to thread lightly against his cheekbone, he sighs in contentment. eyes closing momentarily and feel your soft touch.
“nothing” he lies with a smile, grasping your wrist before giving it a kiss,
one thing you hate. you don’t like being lied to. especially by him.
“don’t lie to me, miggy” your tone sounds stern yet still soft. “what is it?”
he contemplates for a while, only finding himself get lost in your beautiful eyes. heart soaring at the sound of your concerns, which makes him feel like the only person he belongs to is you. and he loves the fact that his heart only beats for him and yours for his.
but, there are times where he wonders is it worth it? to drag you into his mess and makes you wait for him to finally break free from the grief that has kept him cages for a long period of time.
is he a good person to you? are you actually meant for him? he doesn’t want to let you go. you’ve become a part of his life and he sees a future with you,
“how could you always tell, cariño?” he breathes a small chuckle. he tends to feel amazed at how well you could read his mind
“you’re my person, miguel… of course i could always tell” you give him a smile, fingers softly running through his hair, earning a sigh from his mouth.
you watch how his eyes move down, gaze empty as he lightly shakes his head. a sob breaks from him and the way he hides himself from you makes your heart torn. because you know what has been occupying his mind,
‘dear god please let me heal him’ you think to yourself
“i just—I miss her— very much” his voice begins to crack, chest heaving as the tears now start to freely roll down his cheeks. “and fuck—lo siento mi amor—this is not…It’s been done too many times now and i—“
“hey no, stop” you hate how he has to say sorry for something he can’t control of. you move your body closer to him, palming his cheek. “you don’t have to apologize. never, miguel. do you hear me?”
“but it isn’t fair to you” he speaks, jumping his eyes back to yours. “it isn’t fair because—“
“what, because we’re married?” your eyebrows raised, seeing him nod with confirmation. “no. that is nonsense. you don’t have to put up this Mr.Tough guy with me. you get that? you can be vulnerable around me. I’m allowing you to be vulnerable around me.”
and it is true. you don’t find him crying is a sign of weakness nor is being tough is some sort of act like manliness. you want him to be comfortable around you because you love him.
“we made a vow to each other, remember?” your hands are cupping his face now, thumb grazing under his eyes. “ ‘through good shit and bad shit—
“ ‘i’ll pick you up when it gets too heavy’ “ he finishes the sentence before you do, remembering the vow you both took the night at your wedding.
his lips pulls into a smile. he remembers how the crowd erupted in laughter at your both silly antics, and how miguel had his hands around your waist and dipped you for a kiss before the revenant could even finish the ‘you may kiss the bride’ speech,
he couldn’t wait to make you his, that’s why he had to do it.
you let out a small laugh, nodding as you find the tears starting to build in the corner of your eyes as well. “that’s right baby.”
both of you gaze into each other’s eyes. millions thoughts of love comes into your minds and hearts, it feels like an eternity watching each other like this but none of you care.
it’s home.
“and i am telling you once again… that you get to exhale now. you get to breathe with me, and i will be there by your side and allow you to express you feelings and be whatever you want to be because you are my husband and i love you.”
he adores how you speak to him. a true poet that you are who manage to give him warmth and closure. things that he has been longing for and he had no idea he would be this lucky.
“i love you most, mi alma” he mirrors your expression before leaning down to kiss you softly on the lips,
lust, happiness, adoration… he’s pouring it all into that kiss.
for the longest time miguel had prayed for an angel, instead he received something better.
he received you.
and nothing could ever compare to that feeling.
a/n: fun fact that vow? it was one that my parents took at their wedding night hehe, I’ve consulted with my mom about that. anyways hope u guys love that😚🫶🏻
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wwbtsdty · 1 year
What Makes You Sweat | 18+
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Summary: You’re really getting tired of how much time your boyfriend spends in the gym when you have so little time together on his days off. So one day you decide to join him to see what really makes him sweat.
Rating: 18+
Genre: idol!au, smut, fluff
Pairings: Jungkook x Reader
Status: Oneshot
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Explicit language, dom!jungkook, sub!reader, smutty smut, sexual tension, big dick!jungkook, unprotected sex(wrap it before ya tap it!), oral sex, cocky!jungkook, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, praising, dirty talk, creampie, rough sex, spanking, bondage, squirting, begging, cursing, fingering, biting, did I miss anything haha.
Author’s Note: This has been sitting in my drafts forever, mainly because I was so upset I lost all my edits to it one day. Sooo I’m just gonna release it, with the premise that its extremely rough because I can’t find it in my heart to edit it again. So here it is, take it for what it is.. a quickie, dirty, unedited short story haha.
This is all fictional. 
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You sigh deeply staring up at the ceiling in boredom, you had tired of playing games on your phone or scrolling social media an hour ago. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, 10:44 PM... he’d been gone for two hours. Just what the hell does he down there for so long?
Surely most people didn’t work out this long every single day, it seemed excessive and it was starting to get on your nerves. You know he promised to keep his washboard abs for ARMY, but surely he didn’t need to work out every damn day to maintain those bad boys.
Grabbing your phone again you sent off a quick text to him.
Did you fall off the treadmill? Are you seriously still working out?
You and Jungkook had been dating for over a year now what he did for so many hours every day in that gym was still a mystery. You had never been tempted to join him before, when he was finished with you for the night you could barely move, let alone go workout. Meanwhile he was the energizer bunny, ready to go again and again until you finally caved and told him to go work off some steam.
The past few days though you’d had to work late because of your bosses stupid mistake. So you weren’t able to get home in time to soothe the bunny, he was always off at the gym so you would pass out on the bed.
Tonight though you’d had to listen to one of your coworkers gossiping about their sex life with their new younger boyfriend. Which of course in turn, got you thinking about how much you happened to miss your boyfriends delicious body, anxiously waiting all day to get home to him.
So here you sat, waiting on his bed, Bam having had long since given up on waiting for his dad and crawling into his crate to go to sleep. Your phone chimed suddenly causing you to practically lunge for it.
I’m just getting started babe, don’t wait up. 😘
Just getting started? What the hell does that mean? What exactly has he been doing for that last two hours?
You groaned, rolling onto your stomach in frustration as you stared at the text on your phone.
Don’t wait up he says! I hardly get to see him anymore, not with working full time and him getting ready for his next comeback, it seemed like their time together was becoming less and less these days—yet all he wants to do is spend time in the gym!
Jumping off the bed you squared your shoulders as you raided the closet for a pair of leggings and a sports bra.
Fine, if he wanted to work out then you were going to join him, sure it was the last thing you felt like doing, but if it meant you could spend time together then so be it!
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Jungkook had just finished up running for his cardio workout the last hour, pulling up the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat that had accumulated on his face.
Now that cardio was done he could start on weights, he needed to work his lower body today since he did upper body yesterday. Then of course abs as always to finish off the workout.
Taking a swig from his water bottle, his attention diverted as the door swung open, you walked in wearing what he guessed could pass as workout clothes.
But really there wasn’t much there, he sure hoped you didn’t wear that shit in public to workout or else there was going to be a conversation later.
“Hey, what's up? I told you not to wait up, i’ll probably be a while still.” He eyed you suspiciously, you had never come to workout with him. Not that it ever bothered him, it was more of his thing and that was totally fine by him.
“Well... you spend so much time here, I thought I would see what you get up to for once. Maybe you could give me some pointers as well, I should probably workout more anyway. I’ve been stuck at a desk all week.”
You shrugged trying to act nonchalant, but your eyes gave you away as you took in his appearance. It wasn’t fair how beautiful this man was, even coated in sweat--no, not even, of course coated in sweat this man was absolutely sinful. All you could think about was stripping that shirt off his delicious body and raking your nails down his chest.
You bit your lip, rubbing your thighs together for some sort of relief. You weren’t sure just how long you stood there ogling your boyfriend, but it was obviously enough for him to take notice.
“Hmm... you want to work out?” He sauntered up to you, eyes darkening as he crowded you against the wall, hands coming up to rest on either side of your head behind you.
Your held your breathe as you took in the sudden change in his demeanor. This was the man you had come to know all too well every night, the one that bent your body to his will.
“I missed you, feels like I haven’t seen you in weeks,” You whispered, tucking a strand of his hair back behind his ear. He smiled brightly, bunny teeth on display as he cupped your cheek leaning down to kiss your forehead sweetly.
Stepping back, he booped your nose cutely with his finger. “I always miss you.” Sighing sadly, “When this comeback is done I promise we will take a vacation, just the two of us. We can spend every waking moment with each other. We don’t even have to leave the bed.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively.
God, You loved this man so much. How you had gotten so lucky to land Bangtan’s golden boy, he was anything and everything you could ask for in a boyfriend.
“I was about to start some weights, you wanna start with some cardio?” Just like that your tender moment was gone and Muscle bunny was back. How did he just flip a switch just like that, was it part of being an idol or something?
Huffing loudly, you made your way over to the treadmill he had just vacated, turning it on the lowest setting. You walked as slowly as possible, staring aimlessly at the little television blasting some random entertainment show before you. Behind you sounds of grunting and heavy weights clinking filled your ears as he began his workout again.
It was about 16 minutes later, according to the treadmill, when you had finally reached your breaking point. His grunts and groans were driving you crazy, you could hardly walk for fear the slick coating your core would drip down your legs.
Stopping the treadmill you spun around to find him doing sit-ups on the floor, each time he sat up he gave a soft grunt. You bit your lip as an evil plan hatched in your head.
Two could play this game.
You sashayed over to the rowing machine, plopping down loudly on the seat as you fastened your legs in. Wrapping your fingers around the handle to pull back fiercely, you let out a whisper of a moan. You saw his head swivel around towards you at the noise.
Ha, take some of your own medicine Kookie!
You smirked, continuing to pull on the rowing machine. Arching your back with each tug so your breasts thrust into the air alluringly.
His gaze zeroed in on the way your breasts proudly displayed as you rowed, suddenly his grey sweats felt all too tight. He knew you were purposely trying to rile him up, and it was working. But his competitive nature would never let him give him.
Plus, he was actually enjoying having you here with him for once, and he had to admit seeing you working out made him proud.
Not like you needed to work out, eyeing that perfect ass he loved so much. Having you ride him reverse cowgirl was one of his favorite positions, he loved watching that ass bounce up and down on his dick.
Reaching down to adjust his hardening length, he pulled his gaze from your body to refocus himself. At this rate he was going to lose this game you had decided to play and turn this into a whole other kind of workout.
You had quietly crept over his way once he went back to finishing his sit-up, the slight sway of your hips driving him to distraction once more. He stopped, arms behind his head as he laid back looking up at you suspiciously, “You done already?” He questioned, regarding you as a smirk lifted his lips.
You weren’t going to give in that easily, sure you’d been annoyed he hadn’t come over at your show earlier while rowing. You couldn’t miss him adjusting himself and the tent in his pants though. You were getting to him too. It was time to change tactics.
Throwing your leg over his waist you straddled his stomach, hands splayed out across his chest as you nestled your core above his hardening length. Your fingers sliding slowly down his chest to push yourself back to lay against his knees causing your breasts to jut out towards his face tauntingly. “Nope. Just taking a break…”
His brow raised quizzically, thrusting his hips off the floor bouncing you in the process to signal you should move. “Alright princess, well I just finished sit-ups… so how about you give me some motivation to finish my pushups?”
His hands encircled your waist when you didn't move, hoisting you up into the air like you weighed nothing. He let your body slide painfully slow down his until your feet touched the floor, “Lay down.” His voice held a hint of command forcing you to lay down where he indicated unbidden. You watched as he knelt down at your feet, hands moving to either side of your head, his body hovering above yours.
“Now be a good girl and stay still.”
You bit your lip at his deep voice, his face coming closer before moving past yours, his breathe tickling your ear.
His whispered breathe across your ear sent a shot of arousal straight to your core, nipples suddenly standing for attention as he pulled back up.
Just as quickly he was pressing back down, this time you were more composed, your head swiveled around to nip at his earlobe.
“Two…” He groaned, pulling back with narrowed eyes.
The third time he decided to press his body flush against yours, hips rolling into your core for you to feel his now fully hard length.
You moaned loudly, frantically thrusting your hips up as he pushed up just as quickly. You glared up at that cocky bunny smile plastered on his face.
You'd had enough of this game.
You grabbed that taunt ass with both hands as he came down for the fourth push-up, rolling your hips seductively against his.
He growled, letting his body collapse atop yours in response. “Naughty girl. I told you to stay still, you can’t even obey one command? Am I going to have to tie you up so you don’t move?” His voice was pure sin in your ear, hands sliding slowly up your arms causing goosebumps in their wake, bringing them up above your head where he captured your wrists in one hand.
“So, we're done playing already? Just when the game was getting interesting...”
His right hand moved quickly down your stomach to cup your heat without warning. Your eyes flew open in surprise, arching your back sharply as you let out a groan of satisfaction at finally being touched, tugging desperately at his grip on your wrists to break free.
A soft moan escaped his lips, “So wet for me already? Does this pussy want to be filled so badly by my cock?” He trailed wet kisses down your neck, he bite the spot where your neck meets your shoulders quickly laving the tender spot with his tongue.
He sat back on his heels, admiring the way your breasts looked barely confined by your sports bra as your chest rose and fell rapidly. Taking your breasts in each hand to squeeze them together, dipping down to taking one of your nipples and then the other into his mouth through your sports bra, tongue circling it teasingly before biting playfully.
“Jungkook!” you gasped, hips thrusting against his hand in reflex, chasing some kind of friction. You could feel just how embarrassingly slick your panties and leggings had become at this point, providing barely any barrier.
Jungkook smirked, pressing the palm of his hand down hard against your clit through your leggings. "Is this what you wanted baby?"
Nodding frantically, "Yes! Yes! Please!!" You should be embarrassed at the way your hips followed his hand as he pulled back, but you were already past caring.
He released your wrists, sitting back on his heels as you whined at the lack of contact. Palming at his hardened bulge as he motioned to the bench behind you. "Go sit that pretty ass down on that bench."
Jumping up to obey, your body trembled in anticipation as you spread your legs displaying the large wet patch that has formed in the crotch of your leggings.
He quickly shed his shirt as he approached you, dropping to his knees between your thighs.
Your mouth watered as you admired that amazing body, eyes catching a drop of sweat dripping down his chest that you suddenly wanted to catch with your tongue. And those damn grey sweatpants, always showing just enough to drive you crazy. His hard dick filled them out so well now, you could practically feel it inside you already.
He made quick work of your leggings, peeling them down your legs. God you were practically soaking that bench already and he’d barely touched you.Grabbing your thighs to tug you down to the edge of the bench roughly. He admired your beautiful pussy for a minute, the material of your panties sticking to your lips making them practically transparent.
He slid his fingertip down your slit, pressing just the tip inside your pussy the material of your panties creating resistance from going in any further.
"All of this just for me? How long has my poor baby been suffering? If you’d just said you wanted to be fucked we could have ended this game quickly. But now I feel like making you wait… I won after all.” A smirk quirked his lips, leaning down to suck your clit into his mouth over the fabric.
“Fuck Jungkook!!” You squealed at the feeling of his mouth, the material of your underwear aiding the sensation. You slid your hand into Jungkook's hair, the other gripped onto the bench beneath you as you rolled your hips against his mouth.
Without removing his mouth from your clit, he grabbed your flimsy underwear tearing it off your body and flinging the offending material away. His mouth moving over your now bare pussy, tongue delving into your folds greedily.
You sobbed in relief, squeezing your thighs together at the sudden onslaught of pleasure that was almost unbearable.
Jungkooks digs his fingers into your thighs, keeping them open for his onslaught. "Ah Ah, don't hide from me." He quips smartly, sending a sharp smack to your pussy that causes you to jump, a whine escaping you at the stinging sensation as more arousal seeps from your lips.
He begins lapping at your clit teasingly, his fingers massaging your thighs as he enjoyed the whines escaping your lips.
“Kook, stop teasing!”
He takes your clit into his mouth once more, sucking strongly. At the same time slowly inserting one finger, curling it as he begins thrusting in and out of your sloppy cunt, rubbing that sweet spot each time.
You could already feel that familiar knot forming in your stomach and he’s barely touched you. Turned on beyond belief from their game earlier and not seeing him the past few days, or more specifically not seeing his cock.
"Tell me this isn't what you came down here for?" He remarks, pulling his digit from your pussy and bringing it up to his lips to taste you.
You screamed in frustration at the sudden emptiness, leaning up on your elbows as you regarded him between your legs not moving.
"Jungkook!" He just laughed at your situation, removing his finger with a pop from his lips, his tongue prodding his cheek. He reached down palming at his dick which had become so painfully hard. Your gaze followed his hand, jerking his length over his pants a few times in relief. He couldn’t wait to finally feel you wrapped so tightly around his cock, it had been so long, he was tired of using his own hand for relief. It was a poor excuse for that tight pussy he had come to love.
"Fine, okay! I came down to get fucked okay? I couldn't wait for you any longer… Jungkook! Please just fuck me already you idiot! I need to feel you!" you sobbed, throwing your arm over your eyes in embarrassment at your confession. Even after so many years you could feel embarrassment at how badly you wanted him at times.
He smiles all teeth at your confession, "Good girl, that wasn't so hard now was it? Did you really think I thought you wanted to work out? Unless you were referring to this workout." He motioned to himself with a cocky smirk, tongue running along his lower lip.
Before you could make a smart ass remark he plunged two fingers inside your pussy, thrusting them quickly in and out of you.
Shoving your sports bra up to reveal those beautiful pert nipples. Taking one into his mouth, his tongue lavishing attention on it as he scissored his fingers inside you, stretching you out for him.
"So fucking tight. How are you still so fucking tight!" He grunted, slipping a third finger inside of you.
You winced at the slight burn, your body already having forgotten the shape of his dick. As the burn ebbed, a delicious pleasure spreading in its place as your thighs quaked from the sudden orgasm approaching. Your hips thrusting in tandem with his fingers, chasing your high.
"Yes, Yes! Jungkook harder!!" You tugged at his dark locks, forcing his mouth harder against your breast.
He rubbed at your clit with his thumb, curling his fingers to continually hit your spot as he increased his speed. His fingers moving so fast you could barely keep up.
Suddenly you felt that cord snap inside of you, your back arching off the bench as you screamed out from your orgasm. A rush of liquid flooded Jungkook's fingers, spraying his chest as he dove down to taste your release. Tongue fucking your gaping hole as it quivered around his mouth, you tasted so fucking sweet he couldn't get enough of it.He pulled his fingers out to rub your clit as his tongue delved deeply inside of you prolonging your release.
"Ah, Jungkook no more.. please..."
He forced your thighs to wide as you tried closing them from the overstimulation, squirming away from his mouth. Your fingers tangled in his dark locks as you tugged at his head trying to stop him.
"I know you can, don't even think about stopping me."
He continued lapping at your sopping pussy, filling you with two fingers again as he sought that spot inside you.
You could feel the overstimulation already turning to pleasure again, moaning loudly as you thrashed on the bench with your fast approaching second release.
Jungkook sucked your clit into his mouth, fucking his fingers harder inside of you until you felt that damn break once more. "JUNGKOOK!!" you screamed his name loudly, black flashing behind your eyes as you squirted all over his face this time, your thighs shaking with the intensity of your orgasm.
You lay back panting as he removed his fingers, watching your gaping hole quiver at the emptiness. He licked his lips glancing down at your throughly fucked out face with satisfaction.
"Good girl, I knew you would do it." He sat back on his knees, chest glistening with your release. Standing up, he quickly kicked his sweats and briefs off, his cock springing to attention against his stomach. He wrapped his hand around his painfully hard length, sliding his fingers up and down a few times before his eyes caught on something in the corner.
You were so out of it, currently basking in your post release, you hadn't even noticed him move to the corner of the room. It wasn't until you felt something cold wrapping around your wrists that you startled to attention.
"What..?" you questioned, giving a measuring tug of your wrists to find them tied together with something.
"You were very bad tonight, trying to stop me from enjoying my prize earlier." He gave a sharp tug making sure your wrists were secured with the jump rope.
"So now your going to lay there and let me fuck you however I want." He whispered in your ear before standing up, he lifted your body up from the bench forcing you to now lay on your stomach.He eyed that beautiful ass now on display, delivering a harsh smack to your left cheek enjoying the red marring your skin.
You jumped at the sudden stinging of his hand, a new flush of arousal spreading throughout your body.
He knelt down at the end of the bench, adjusting some knobs. You suddenly found your feet leaving the floor at the same time the rest of your body leaned down closer to the floor. You felt incredibly vulnerable suddenly, ass up in the air, pussy quite literally on display for his viewing pleasure. You couldn't see where he was or what he was doing.
"Fuck, you're so perfect."
He eyed your position, having risen one side of the bench to lift your ass up to the perfect height, while the other was lowered for your comfort so you wouldn't be at a weird angle. He could see just how wet you were from this angle, your pussy dripping on the bench as your hole twitched with anticipation.
He ran his index finger through your slick, "Just for me."
You suddenly felt the head of his dick teasing your core causing you to thrust yourself back against him, you wanted to feel him filling you up so badly. But instead he kept teasing you, tapping his dick against your clit as he pressed a hand down against your lower back to hold you in place delivering a shark smack to your ass.
"Stay still." He growled under his breathe, pushing forward until the thick head of his cock sinks inside you, just as quickly pulling it out.
"Jungkook!" You screeched, wriggling against your confines in frustration, you feel a new wave of wetness seeping from your pussy. "Please, Jungkook, please fuck me! I need your cock.."
His fingers spread out across your ass, massaging at the reddened cheeks. "You look so amazing like this, bared just for me, pussy just waiting to be filled." He pulled your cheeks apart, groping as he watched the way your pussy twitched, admiring the mess you made of the bench already. He strokes his cock once before lining it up with your heat, coating it in your cum before suddenly thrusting forward sinking balls deep inside of you.
"Fuck!" you screamed out, suddenly feeling so full as he sunk so deeply inside you. You swear you could feel him all the way to your stomach. You clenched around him inside you, wanting to keep him inside.
He slowly pulled out until just the tip was left inside you, letting you feel every ridge and vein before harshly thrusting back in as your ass jiggled with the motion.
Suddenly his thrusts sped up, hips plunging into you as the bench jerked beneath you at the strength of his motion. Loud moans left your mouth as your body fought to keep up with his pace. Pleasure wracks your body, fighting against the orgasm already approaching.
He watched your ass bounce against his hips as he took your hips in his hand, forcing your body down to meet his thrusts. Your orgasm hits you as soon as he presses his thumb down on your clit, thighs shaking as your body releases for the third time tonight.
Jungkook continued thrusting through your orgasm, chasing his release as you felt him swell even bigger flooding your insides with his cum. He gave a few more lay thrusts as his cum started leaking out between your bodies soaking the bench below. He slowly pulled out from the warmth of your body, cupping your heat to keep his cum inside.
“Don’t let even a drop escape.” He commanded moving your hand to replace his as he went to slid his boxers and work out shorts back on.
You squeezed your legs together trying in vain to keep his cum from running down your legs as you to went to find your underwear and leggings he had thrown haphazardly. 
He gave your ass a firm smack once you had finished getting dressed, pushing you towards the door.
“Now be a good girl and let me finish my workout.” He flashed you a cocky grin before heading back over to the weights.
Your jaw dropped at his request, “Seriously?!?” 
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Remember to like, reblog and follow if you enjoyed!  💋
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thebigoblin · 2 months
as the sun rises
i've been working on this on & off for a couple weeks, and it's now complete! posting this here first, and will post it on ao3 this week!
He's just about to kiss Derek when he's pulled out of his sleep, his traitorous phone vibrating on his nightstand with a text message.
Who could be texting him? It's too early for socializing, and his brain is tired! But since he's not just a college student but also a human who runs with a wolf pack and is liable to delay rescue missions if he's not on his feet all the time — he's literally one-half of a two people operation in this pack who hold strategic braincells — he groans and opens his eyes.
His room is dark, but the curtains are blowing against a soft breeze, and slants of sunlight fall into place across his room. It's morning, then. Too early to really call it morning, but morning nonetheless.
Who would even text him right now? His pack cannot get in trouble this early in the day, can they?
Actually, they can, and they have in the past — he grabs his phone and opens it up to the text messages.
It's a message from Derek.
That says just one thing: Morning.
Stiles blinks at it. Tries to figure out if it is a secret code message or something. Scrolls back up further in their text thread, realizes Derek had an early night yesterday so of course he'd be awake early today, at 6 in the morning, and like all the mornings this past week he's sent Stiles a message.
Normally, he does it at reasonable hours, like 8. Which is Derek's usual wake-up time, given his usually scheduled afternoon shifts at the BHPD. Like it's the very first thing he does, eyes still blurry from sleep.
It's a sweet, delusional thought borne of Stiles' own desperate greed for Derek's attention, and it chokes him as much as it pleases him.
And there goes his sleep, running away like a headless chicken, at his predicament of being in love with someone he can not have.
Derek Hale is a legend from the myths, a werewolf amongst humans; he's honor and pride intertwined with a gut of trust he's sharpened over the years, the mistakes of his youth lending him a jaded perspective on his once easily-given faith. He is a man turned ashen with tragedy, turned once again into technicolor as years have climbed up.
Stiles was there, at the intolerable stage of it. When Derek was barely a man, a kid alone in the world, hurting and grieving, persistently angry, and with no vision. And he's been there since, once a spectator turned into pages in Derek's book. He's seen him become the man he is now, their relationship blooming under the throes of violence, of almost-dead-but-not-yet celebrations, of the pack letting Derek down and Derek learning to be better for it, instead of sulking and lashing out.
He has watched Derek become who he is now, and he has fallen in love with a man who is one of the strongest people he knows, and it's devastating because why would someone like that love Stiles? There's so much that Derek deserves, so much of which Stiles can not give. He deserves all the good things, and Stiles isn't something like that, is he?
The morning goes on like this: him in the bed, under the covers, the wind blowing inside his room a gentle contrast to his harsh thoughts. He is a year into college now, he's dated a few guys and girls, felt attraction but no connection to them before he realized what's wrong with him — he couldn't connect with anyone because he's already given his heart away, and he knows this is it for him. He's gone and done for, the kind of once-in-a-lifetime love they try to sell in movies and shows and books his claim now, except for the part where he gets the guy and the life of his dreams.
Maybe, just maybe, in a couple of years, he would have moved on. But today, all he can hear in his room is the sound of his heart breaking, his breath hitching, all because of a simple text and his sadist brain.
He hurts in a way he never has. He knows grief — he's lost his mom and that hurt, too, and still does. There's a piece missing in him, a part of him forever buried with his mom, and he's learned to live without it. And this hurts too, the clarity of never having Derek, in a way that is different but somehow similar. He's grieving for something he never had, a future he dreams of but knows can never be his reality.
He allows himself to fall apart today.
It's the Christmas break, the weather outside slowly getting more chilly than it was when he woke up. He burrows under the covers, the wind pecking his skin, his limbs too heavy from exhaustion of having cried his hours away to get up and close the window.
He should have closed the window, really.
He's fully under the covers, tear-streaks dried on his cheeks, sticky and a tangible reminder of his woes. Still, he hears it when there's a sudden thump, of a familiar pair of boots landing on his floorboards, and a decisive click of his window being shut close.
"You'll catch a cold."
Of course he's here. Stiles doesn't want him here, not right now, not when —
"Stiles... are you okay? The room smells like you just cried."
If it was any other day, any other reason, he would have appreciated it. They have a no-bullshit relationship. It's honest and grueling, but ultimately, it works for them. Stiles knows Derek trusts him, and that is more than he ever expected to receive from him, of all people.
But he has Derek's trust, and he knows he can not have more. So, he can not lose this, too.
"G'way," he mumbles, "Please."
Time stretches, his request hanging in the air. Then, the bed near his legs dips down, Derek's warm hand finding Stiles' hand, the one outside the covers, and holding it gently. Derek's fingers wrap around his wrist, and the chill melts away.
"I was worried about you," Derek confesses, voice soft. "It's nearly nine, and you hadn't texted me back, and now you're like this. What's wrong?"
Not even a year ago, Derek would have left long as soon as something like this happened, too raw for conversations like this, too naive to navigate a healthy dialogue between friends.
That's what they are, right?
Stiles pulls his covers down until his face is visible to Derek, something which prompts Derek's hand to move to his face, give a soft caress. He truly is worried, eyebrows furrowed and everything.
"Just a bad morning, I guess," he says, and it's almost the truth.
Except. Except, Derek knows Stiles' truth and lies, and not just by his heartbeat.
"If I can help, whatever it is, I will. Just tell me." He's so earnest too, for fuck's sake.
He's a great friend, truly.
Stiles smiles, small and ironic. "You can, and you can't." Derek gives him a confused look. Stiles shrugs, the best he can while lying down on the bed. "Trust me."
"I do, Stiles. Don't you?"
Stiles is angry now. It comes as a surprise to him — a hot, white flash of anger, zipping through him like lightning.
He sits up on the bed so abruptly everything falls — the covers, his phone, him. Derek stops him from falling on his ass, though, arms around his waist.
Even before he's in no danger of hurting himself he's saying heatedly, "Don't fucking pull that card on me. You know I trust you, so much it's impossible to put into words. If you asked me to drive a dagger in my heart I would, I would trust you to keep me safe. So don't even, Derek Hale!"
"I'd rather take the dagger in my heart, Stiles." Derek's eyes are hard, alpha red creeping into them. "Tell me what's wrong." His jaw works, as if he's finding the right words, and Stiles' anger goes away as fast as it came — he slumps in Derek's arm, his weight on the man beside him. Finally, Derek says, "Is this... If Andrew did something, I'll slash his tires."
He isn't expecting this. The hell?
Andrew was the last person he went on a date with, almost two months ago. It didn't work out between them, it never does between Stiles and people, and this was more of the same. But the thing is, he didn't tell Derek about Andrew. It was their first and last date, and the only one he had told about it was...
Derek continues, oblivious to Stiles' confusion. "Ever since you came back to town you've been distant, and if it's because of something your boyfriend did —"
"Woah, what the fuck?" Stiles' voice rises, this time the heat replaced with a level of perplexed he hasn't felt since ages. "He's not my boyfriend, he's not my anything. We went on one date, like weeks ago. What's Lydia been telling you?"
A warmth blooms inside his chest at Derek being so protective of and vindictive for him, but he forces himself to not be affected by it right now. He can loathe Derek's instincts as an alpha when he's alone again.
Derek, for his part, parts his mouth in surpise. "Have I been stupid this entire time?" he says, more to himself than Stiles. "Then what's wrong with you?"
And now they're back at the problem asking for the problem.
Stiles sighs. "Listen. I'm happy you're such a good friend, but some things just aren't meant to be shared, okay?"
"You tell me everything." Stiles scoffs. "Stiles."
They both look out the window, where birds are flying, free from the complex human emotions. The sun is high in the sky, real morning now beginning.
"Why do you keep texting me anyways?"
Derek's eyebrows are raised when Stiles turns to look at him. They're seated with barely an inch between their bodies, and the turn of his neck has them almost sharing the same breath.
Stiles licks his lips, and he must imagine Derek's eyes tracking the movement.
"I can't ask you what's bothering you, and now I can't text you either?"
"Not what I— the morning texts, I meant. Of course you can text me, but the morning texts are new and I'm just... asking. And why can't you text me good morning? Why is it just a morning?"
Derek stares at him. Stiles knows he's thinking something, debating whether to share whatever is going through his head, or not.
"You don't have a boyfriend?"
Stiles rolls his eyes. "No, Derek. I do not."
Derek takes a deep breath, as if he's bracing himself for something huge, something he has high hopes for, something he can not bear to lose but he has no idea if he gets to keep it.
Stiles suddenly has a feeling, and if that is true, he's going to murder himself just to relive the pain one last time, because if what he's thinking is true, then he's stupid as fuck and he deserves it.
"I text you morning and not a good morning because the mornings aren't good."
"Okay... why aren't they? Good, I mean."
Derek is looking into his eyes, a vulnerability in them that Stiles has seen before, but still it feels like he's seeing it for the first time. Like this is a part of Derek he hasn't seen previously, a part that has been kept hidden purposefully finally brought to light.
Derek moves, and the miniscule distance between them is gone, eaten up by the anticipation building in the room.
Derek's hands come up to caress Stiles' face, thumb rubbing circles at the dried tear-tracks, the motion comforting. He says, "Every morning, I wake up in my bed, alone, and it's such a shitty way to start my day. Every morning is just another day, and all I can think is, the mornings would be good, really good, if you were in my bed with me, too."
Stiles swallows hard against the lump forming in his throat. "You're joking."
"Never, not with us. Not about this."
Stiles' breath hitches. Derek comes closer, rests their forehead together. Stiles closes his eyes against the closeness, the dread that this is a dream.
"You're too important to me for me to make a joke out of this, Stiles."
He's crying again. "But I don't deserve you."
Suddenly, the warmth of Derek is gone.
When Stiles opens his eyes, Derek is pacing, a glower on his face.
"Isaac can't be right, can he?" Stiles makes a confused noise. Derek rounds on him, then decides sitting down on his knees is a better option. Stiles' morning is so confusing, he starts counting Derek's fingers as well as his own when Derek holds both his hands, rests their limbs on Stiles' thighs.
There's twenty fingers. Ten his, ten of Derek's.
"Stiles. Why don't you deserve me?"
He does his best to not cry. "You're... amazing, Derek. I. I'm just me, you know?"
It seems silly to say it. It's one thing to believe it, another to put it into words.
Derek squeezss his hands. "I've loved you for a long time, longer than I have realized it."
"And I felt the same. You're you, and I'm just me. You deserve better."
"You are the best thing that can happen to anyone!"
Derek chuckles at Stiles' vehemence, squeezes his hands once again. "Pot's calling the kettle black. I felt the same, you know," he repeats. "That you deserve better. So I never told you. And you started dating others. But then..."
"Isaac. What has he told you?" He doesn't know what he could have told Derek. It's not like Stiles and Isaac are close, but there are things their pack does, like meddle in each other's affairs, that has him realizing how troublesome their pack is.
It's not like Stiles has even a single subtle bone in his body.
Derek smiles. "He told me that he's got a bet going for us to get together before the New Year." Stiles isn't surprised, not really. He smiles back. "Yeah, the pups have a bet going, and Lydia and Isaac seem to be on the same page."
"Jesus. Her too? What did you say?"
"The whole pack is in on it. I was surprised they would do such a thing. They can't force two people together when one of them isn't into the other one." He moves forward, until their foreheads are touching once again, and this time, Stiles takes one of his hands and presses it to Derek's head, cards his fingers through the soft hair.
"Then what happened?" He prompts.
"Isaac laughed in my face when I told him I was disappointed because I didn't think he and others would stoop so low. And then he told me I might be an alpha but that I'm stupid if I haven't been able to figure out that you like me back."
Stiles laughs, rather nervously. "I always worried you'd figure it out and we'd not be close anymore."
"I did figure it out, actually."
"WHAT?" He shouts it in Derek's ear, who winces and pulls back. "Sorry, but why the fuck didn't you say anything?"
Derek stays on his knees, but he inches a bit backwards, creating a safe distance between Stiles' mouth and his ears. "I didn't want to lose you."
"How could you lose me when you liked me and realized that I liked you back? That doesn't even make sense." Derek gives him a look. Stiles rolls his eyes. "See, I didn't say anything because I've always believed you deserve nice things, and I've mutually never believed I'm a nice thing. But if you told me you liked me... I would have been selfish."
Derek's expression turns soft. "You're the best thing to happen to me, even as just friends." Stiles' cheeks heat at the proclamation, and he ducks his head. When he looks back up, Derek is smiling back at him. "I've wanted you to be mine for a long time. And when I say mine, I mean it. For life. Building a future together and all the good and bad that follows. But all I could figure out... at least what I thought I figured out... was that you liked me casually."
Stiles gets up from the end of the bed and pulls Derek up by offering him a hand, which he takes with a full-tilt smile, bunny teeth and all. "No part of me is casual for you. I never believed I could feel like this, but if anything, everything I feel for you is cosmic."
Derek's smile grows until it's a full-on grin, and Stiles feels the width of it, the rush of Derek's blood, the pure joy of their stupidity taking second place to communication in the kiss Derek pulls him into — Derek's arms wrap around his waist, his own around Derek's shoulders, sliding up and down, on his stubble, his cheeks, his hair. The kiss itself is sweet and hot, their mutual joy imprinting itself in the endless journey of time with their noises of appreciation.
They kiss and kiss, tongues touching and lips bitten raw, until the necessity of oxygen forces them apart. As soon as they break apart Derek moves on to his neck, the press of his lips electric, and Stiles is the happiest man on Earth.
Well. Except for Derek, of course.
"Good morning, Derek."
Derek growls and bites down, intent on marking. "The best morning," he agrees, and Stiles can only moan, feel the pain of being claimed, and revel in the moment.
He still has thoughts of being unworthy in the back of his mind, but what he told Derek was true: if Derek wants him, he'll be his. He'll be selfish.
He'll love Derek Hale as long as he breathes.
Once the hickey is painted on Stiles' neck, Derek tips his jaw, their eyes locking onto each other. He says, "I love you so fucking much, baby."
Stiles smiles. Derek seems to be on the same page as him, and it's starting to feel like Stiles will be a part of Derek's book for a long, long time.
Maybe, just maybe, till even the last page of the book.
It truly is a good morning.
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ghostbeam · 1 year
600w, reader cuts their finger, one mention of blood dripping against the cutting board, inspired by how every time I chop anything I think about how Bakugou would murder me for how I hold things
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“Hold you fingers right or I swear I’ll fly home right fucking now.”
Your boyfriend’s voice sounds over the phone as you continue to chop vegetables on the cutting board. With his eyebrows pinched together as he watches you through the phone screen, Katsuki sucks in a sharp breath at the sight of the blade of your knife coming entirely too close to your fingertips.
Sent on a mission out of town, the two of you had been FaceTiming every night for the past couple of days. With time zones, your boyfriend settles into bed around the time you start making dinner for yourself. It had been the perfect arrangement until he had to watch you wield a knife.
“You promise?” You tease, staring up at his worried face through the glow of your cellphone screen as you continue to chop up cabbage.
“You’re gonna cut yourself. I’m hanging up.” Katsuki says, voice stiff as he watches you.
“No you’re not.” You don’t stop chopping. Of course he’s not. He has to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.
“Move your fucking hand.”
“Oh my god, it’s fine, baby. I’m being careful.” You finally pause to look up at him. He’s moved to sit up in the hotel bed that he was previously lying against. His shoulders are tense and his lips are pursed. It makes you giggle.
“You’re very clearly not.” He clicks his tongue.
“I’m getting it done, aren’t I?” You speak, going back to the task at hand. He sighs over the phone.
“I’m serious.” You’re going to kill him. All he can do is sit and watch and wait for the inevitable. You mock him, stubbornly holding your hand in the way he’s told you time and time again not to.
“Ooh he’s serious—ow!” The blade of the knife comes down on the tip of your middle finger, a small gash opens and a drop of blood falls against your cutting board. You may have ruined dinner. You hear Katsuki curse.
“I fucking told you. Let me see.” He commands, sticking his face much closer to his phone than before.
“It’s fine! I’m fine!” You tell him, bringing your finger to your mouth and sucking on the open wound. Your boyfriends eyes widen at the action, running a hand through his hair.
“Fuck! I’m coming home!” He moves to get out of the bed, watching you through the screen. He breathes a sigh of relief when he sees you move to the sink on the other side of the counter. You’re at least washing the gash instead of getting the germs from your mouth all over it.
“Katsuki, it’s just a tiny cut!” You tell him over the sound of the water. He groans.
“No more cooking. I’m sending u money to order out. I’ve shown u so many times how to hold your hand when you’re chopping—“ He switches from to an app on his phone to send you money, transferring enough so that you can have dinner (and dessert for that matter) the whole rest of the week. “god, lemme see it.”
“Stop! Im okay! Im putting a bandaid on.” He watches you walk out of frame, likely looking for the band aid’s in the first aid kit in the bathroom. When you return, you’ve wrapped a patterned bandaid covered in stars around the tip of your finger, showing it off to him in the form of flipping him off. He rolls his eyes.
“My fucking stomach hurts. You stress me out.” He tells you, falling back into the bed and holding the phone above him.
“Katsuki.” He hears your voice over the phone. He moves his eyes to look at your face on the screen. You’re a little sweaty from the heat of the kitchen, and he can tell you’re tired from the day you’ve had. His face softens.
“What.” He speaks softly.
“I love you.” You smile.
“Love you too.” He says, “even though you can’t use a knife correctly.”
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littlereaderxfandoms · 5 months
Weekend Gone Wrong
caregiver!hotch x caregiver!spencer x caregiver!derek x little!fem!reader + little friends
Summary: This weekend has been in the making for two weeks. Two weeks of no regression and constant stress. Hopefully, nothing goes wrong.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort (?)
Length: 3.1k words
You shut your laptop with a sigh, exhausted, when you see a text from Derek that they were leaving the office. The last two weeks have been bad for you mentally, physically and emotionally. The guys haven’t had a chance to be home in the last almost three weeks due to back-to-back cases, you found out that your parents couldn’t pay for your university anymore because of which you have picked up more shifts and started another job while the guys were working and one of the courses you are taking this semester is kicking your butt. With the whirlwind that it has been over the last few weeks, you and the guys had decided to have this weekend off for everyone so all of you can catch up, relax and especially indulge in some much-needed little-caregiver time.
You were really looking forward to this and couldn’t wait for the guys to get home. Unfortunately, you still did have a little bit of waiting to do as they drove home. You decide to heat up the food you made for everyone, having had decided to wait for them to eat dinner together. Although, you didn’t think it would be past midnight by the time they got home. You didn’t mind though, since you hadn’t really realized the time anyway as you worked on some assignments. You also got yourself a glass of water, knowing the guys would inquire about water and food and quite frankly, you had not done a very good job in either department about looking after yourself.
You can’t help but smile as soon as you hear the door open, resisting your urge to run to them and jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store. But even if you did it, it was justified because this was better than a whole candy store. Okay, maybe not a whole candy store but definitely a trip to the candy store.
“Hey, princess.” Derek grinned as he pulled you into a hug after dropping his bag by the door, but you could see how tired he was as you hugged him.
“Darling…” Aaron pulled you out from Derek’s arms and into his, squeezing you tight before you pulled away and hugged Spencer, knowing he wouldn’t have spoken up.
“How was the trip back home? I have dinner heated up, we can eat and talk?” You say, turning around in Spencer’s arms.
“You,” Spencer kisses your cheek as Derek and Aaron smile at you before starting to move to the kitchen, “are the most amazing, beautiful, and caring girlfriend ever. I can’t believe we got this lucky.”
You giggle as you pull away from him, pulling him to the kitchen where the other two are already setting up and getting the food plated. “You’re only saying that because I’m feeding you.”
“Never!” All three chirp in, making everyone laugh.
Everyone stands around the kitchen counter, eating your home-cooked lasagna as you talked about anything and everything with each other, forgetting how tiring the last few weeks had been.
Well, that is until Derek’s phone rings, breaking the trance. Derek goes out to answer it, letting the three of you be.
“Hey guys,” Derek comes in, looking a little serious as he came back in after a few minutes, “it was Ace.”
You can see everyone turning serious at that, including yourself. Ace is one of the littles in your local community as somewhat of a friend. He is in a relationship with a caregiver, Jason, and another little, Jenny. The four of you have never liked Jason and have warned Ace and Jenny about the same but the two of them said that they loved Jason and were not willing to discuss it with any of you. That had drawn a drift between the friendship but you had made it clear that if they ever needed any of you, you were just a call away.
“What happened?” Aaron is the first to ask.
“Apparently, things have been going bad and they need to get out. Jenny is involuntarily regressing and Ace has been struggling. They need a place for a few days.”
“They are more than welcome here, they know that,” Spencer says, making Aaron nod in agreement.
“I just wanted to ask everyone if they are okay with this before I tell them that they can come over,” Derek said, looking at you for final approval.
“Of course, they can stay with us! They are our friends!” You speak up, not really thinking about what it would mean for the weekend you had planned.
A few hours later, a regressed Jenny was sleeping on your couch while Ace, you, and the guys went over how to best help the two. It was decided that it would be a regressed weekend for all three of us as Ace had been struggling a lot too.
You were none too happy about it as it meant that you would basically be having a little sleepover, something you have never done before.
After figuring out where everyone would be sleeping, Ace and you were sent to bed while the guys cleaned up and put Jenny to bed. You tried to wait up a little to see if one of the guys would come with you to kiss you goodnight but only got hugs and a nudge to get to bed, just like Ace. Thankfully, the exhaustion from your long shifts at your jobs helped put you to sleep almost immediately, reminding you that you needed to tell the guys that you had gotten a second job at some point.
The next morning was… horrible to say the least. You woke up with a migraine, probably a result of your lack of self-care over the last few weeks. Jenny seemed to be in baby space and kept crying loudly unless one of your caregivers was holding her. Ace was… like a way too energetic toddler, to put it nicely as he threw tantrum after tantrum, broke a bowl because it wasn’t the one he chose as it was your favorite, and wouldn’t eat anything the guys made until after they had made it.
All you wanted to do was stay in bed after realizing what the situation was downstairs. Unfortunately for you, the guys never allowed you to stay in bed past nine without a good reason. And with how annoyed, tired, and frustrated they were, you almost felt bad for Derek as he came into your room and almost yelled at you to get out of bed, not waiting to hear what you had to say as he was called back downstairs.
This weekend was supposed to be peaceful and relaxing for everyone and so far, it had been anything but. And it didn’t get any better as the day progressed. The guys were preoccupied with Ace and Jenny while you kept to yourself, studying in your room, after getting an unfair timeout because you didn’t want to give Ace your favorite stuffed bear after the way he had been so playing badly with your other toys. Yeah, being little was out of the question after that.
You knew that the guys were trying their best here and that Ace and Jenny deserved this regression time as much as you if not more but you couldn’t help but feel hurt and neglected. You were trying your best to be nice and welcoming but it was hard for you too and it felt like that wasn’t being acknowledged either. After the disastrous day, you hoped that tomorrow would be better as the guys came into the room to kiss you goodnight and read you a bedtime story with an apology about not being able to spend enough time with you like you had been planning.
“Plans don’t always work out. It’s okay.” You shrugged with a smile.
“You are way too understanding princess.” Aaron kissed your forehead again.
“Did you get any little relaxation time at all today?” Derek asked, making you shrug again, not wanting to make them feel bad.
“Had a lot of studying to do.” You bury your face in Aaron’s chest so you don’t have to look at them. “But I’m tired now. I’m sure you guys are too. Sleep?”
The guys murmured their agreement as the four of you went to bed for the night, Derek and Spencer giving you a few more kisses before letting you get to sleep with Aaron.
The next day did not turn out good either. You were out of groceries and the guys had decided that everyone would go to the supermarket together when you offered to be big and go get them. Clearly, they didn’t like the idea even remotely. But the disaster at the supermarket definitely made them regret their decision.
Ace was running around constantly while Jenny insisted that she wanted to be holding hands with two of the guys. You were doing pretty good and you could see how grateful the guys were for it as you helped them without a ruckus. However, the manager, who was also your manager after you started working there a couple weeks ago recognized you and was all too happy to chat with you, making the guys shoot you questioning looks. Then, as you used the employee discount during checkout, Aaron finally spoke up about it.
“Since when do you work here?” Aaron asked as he put the groceries in the bag while the others got ice cream from the truck outside. “You didn’t tell us you changed your job.”
“Um… yeah… We really need to talk ab-“ You were cut off when you heard a commotion outside, seeing Derek and Spencer trying to get Ace and a crying Jenny away from Jason.
“Shit.” Aaron quickly picked up the bags before starting to make his way out after making sure that you followed him.
Everyone quickly piled up in the car, getting on our way back home. The guys checked on Ace and Jenny before everyone fell silent. After sorting out the groceries at home, Ace, Jenny, and the guys talked in their office while I cooked dinner for everyone, wanting to get a distraction.
As everyone settled down for dinner, it was announced that Ace and Jenny were going to move in with Jenny’s parents for now and that it was their last night there. You also realized that the day was coming to an end… along with the weekend. Tomorrow, you would be getting back to work and classes while the guys would be going back to work too.
While you were glad to have been there for your friends, it hurt that the chance you had gotten to relax after weeks of loneliness and stress was gone, just like that. And that night, as the others decided to have a movie night per Jenny’s request, you left and cried yourself to sleep.
Waking up to an empty bed the next day didn’t help how you felt about the weekend as you got ready to leave for work, catching a glimpse of the others asleep in the living room as you left.
The next few days were a blur of you barely being home and the guys hounding you to try and talk to you. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to talk to them but you just didn’t have time anymore. You were quite literally spending the nights at the library as you stressed over the approaching midterms, you weren’t looking after your health, you were managing events for three different societies on campus and everything was just too much. It felt like there wasn’t enough time in the day to get everything done.
You weren't sure if it was a good thing that whenever you were home, the guys weren’t. You were somewhat grateful, not wanting to confront them. But at the same time, you were feeling lonely and guilty for not being there for the guys.     
It wasn’t long before the guys put there foot down.
As you entered the home on Friday evening, if the chatter was anything to go by, you could tell they were all home. At 2 pm. Mhm-mhm. This was not good.
“In here!” You heard Derek yell out, making it certain that there was no running away from this.
You take your time, putting your things away before going to the kitchen where the guys were standing around the counter, snacking on some chips and popcorn.
“Hey darling.” Aaron gave you a side hug, kissing your forehead. “We need to talk.”
“Let me give her a hug first!” Derek exclaimed before coming to you and pulling you into a bear hug, making your eyes water. You didn’t realize how touch starved you were until now. You hugged him back tighter, trying to keep your tears at bay.
“Oh baby.” Derek hugs you tighter when he feels your tears wetting his shirt as you bury your face in his chest.
“Is she okay?” You hear Spencer whisper, before you pull away and nod, going to stand by him and giving him a side hug.
“I’m okay, just tired. And missed you guys.” You mumble as Spencer pulls you into a proper hug.
“Turn her around Spence.” You hear Aaron instruct Spencer as he turns you around in his arms while still hugging you from behind.
“Before we start this discussion, we need you to know that we love you and this is not about us breaking up with you so don’t even let your brain go there.” Aaron gave you a look, knowing you would go to the worst-case scenario first. You nodded before speaking up, “I love you guys.”
Spencer kissed you head while Derek and Aaron gave you a smile.
“Honey, you have been pushing us away lately.” Aaron started with a sad smile.
“And you are almost never home.” Derek adds pointedly.
“Yeah… about that… I kind of took up a second job…” You cringe a little as they give you a look.
“And you are telling us that now? When did you start?” Derek asks, eyebrows furrowed.
“Why did you even get another job to begin with?” Spencer asks and you can hear the confusion in his voice.
You sigh as you start to explain. “My parents won’t be paying for my university anymore. They have given me access to the loan but I want to try and not use much from it.”
“You should have told us princess.” Aaron looks at you with a softened expression.
“You know we can help right?” Spencer speaks up.
“We earn more than we need anyway. We can help you pay for university.” Derek adds.
“But I don’t want you to do that. You guys already let me live here rent free.” You protest.
“I own the house, of course I’m not going to let you pay rent.” Derek shakes his head.
“Yeah but still! I don’t want to make you pay for my university too!” You protest.
“Because you feel like you owe us?” Aaron asks softly, making you look down. You don’t want to hurt them but if something were to happen in the future, you didn’t want to feel like you owed them. And university wasn’t cheap.
“What if you earn it?” Spencer asks.
“What do you mean?” You tilt you head back to look up before Spencer pulls away and turns to around again so you can look at him easily.
“Well, you look after the house when we aren’t home which takes away the burden of getting a house sitter. You keep everything clean while we are gone too and help us with chores during other times. This way, we will be paying for the chores and house sitting you are doing for us.” Spencer explains while everyone listens intently, Aaron and Derek nodding along.
“That’s actually a good idea. We can even come up with a pay rate for it. And if we come back from somewhere and the house isn’t clean, then we can deduct from that pay.” Derek adds.
“I agree. Does that sound fair to you darling?” Aaron speaks up as you lean on the counter, biting your lip as you contemplate.
“I mean… yeah I guess that sounds fair. But I still don’t love it.” You bite your lip nervously before Spencer pulls it out, kissing you cheek softly.
“You can still keep doing one of your jobs. We just don’t want you to overwork yourself sweetheart.” Aaron gives you a soft smile, making you smile at them.
“Gosh, how did I get so lucky with you guys.” You think out loud.
“I think it might have a lot to do with your word vomit during your field trip at the bureau.” Spencer teases, making you blush as you are reminded of the first time you met.
“Okay, now that that is cleared up, you need to regress.” Derek says with a somewhat stern look.
“I need to email my manager and hand in my two week notice first. And I have a meeting with my drama society execs tonight. So… I don’t think today is a good idea.” You explain.
“Well, get the email to your manager done. After that, you are eating a snack and then taking a nap before your meeting.” Aaron directs you, making you smile at the instructions.
“After that, the rest of the weekend is ours and you are not getting out of regression this weekend. And we are also making you a regression schedule so you have scheduled relaxation times.” Derek adds.
“We will try to be there as much as we can, but if we aren’t then we will constantly be checking in over call.” Aaron says, leaning forward on the counter.
“We also need to apologize.” Spencer interrupts. “Last weekend, it was supposed to be our weekend. You were amazing through out the weekend even though we seemed to have neglected to look after you the way we had planned.”
“Spencer is right. We should have been more attentive towards you last weekend.” Aaron adds, nodding. “We are sorry honey.”
“Yeah, babygirl. We should have done a lot better. Forgive us?” Derek gives you a soft smile.
“Hmm…” You act like you are thinking. “Only if I get to stay up tonight.”
“Nope. You can have an extra scoop of ice cream but bed time isn’t budging.” Spencer said right away while Aaron and Derek nodded in agreement.
“Okay fine.” You pouted playfully but giggled as Aaron attacked you with tickles, trying to run away as Derek tried to save you and Spencer joined Aaron in trying to tickle you.
The rest of your night was the best one all week. Maybe things wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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sacredsnape · 1 year
Could you do a one shot for Remus please, after a full moon he doesn’t come back home immediately and reader is just worried and when he does come back he snaps at her because he’s tired, she gets hurt, gives him silent treatment but still tend to his wounds then cries and he hears her
I love this request, it has me in my feels 🥲
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Genre: angst/fluff
Warnings: mentions of injuries and blood
Remus wasn't home yet.
He usually returned home the morning after the full moon, but now it was nearing noon, and you were worried sick.
"Remus?" you called every time you stepped outside, hoping to see him. You and him lived in a cottage near the woods he'd run into to transform, so it only made sense that he'd appear there.
You eventually just sat outside on the front porch to wait, your leg bouncing with nerves. You felt hot tears well up in your eyes and trickle down your cheeks, falling onto your shirt.
Suddenly, the bushes lining the woods rustled. You quickly stood up, grabbing your wand just in case before crying out in relief when Remus stumbled out of the bushes.
"Remus!" you cried, running over to your boyfriend. He was in bad shape; he was more scratched up than usual and had a nasty gash on his arm that was still bleeding heavily.
"Oh, Remus," you sobbed softly as you reached him, opening your arms to hug him, "I thought I'd lost you-"
"Don't fucking touch me," Remus snapped. Your heart dropped. You stood back, staring at him in shock. "Leave me alone, Y/N."
Remus brushed past you, limping towards your cottage. You didn't move, your heart hammering as an icy shock coursed through you.
What did you do wrong? You greeted him the same way you did every time he came home, so why did he snap at you?
More tears filled your eyes, but they weren't tears of relief anymore. You struggled to swallow the lump in your throat as you entered the cottage, following Remus's trail of blood to the bathroom.
You found him already submerged in the bathtub, the water up to his chin. He didn't look at you as you walked in, his eyes trained on the water surrounding him, which had turned dark red.
"Remus," you tried again, a little desperate this time. "Why are you-"
"Stop it," he cut in, his voice gruff as he dragged the sponge across his muddy, bloodstained arms. "Just stop it, okay?"
Remus couldn't bring himself to look at you. He knew that you were crying, judging by your shuddering breaths and sharp inhales, and he felt extremely guilty. He had been in a terrible fight with another werewolf and was far too exhausted to talk to you right now.
Despite your anger and hurt, you huffed, sitting down on the edge of the tub and snatching the sponge from Remus. He still didn't look at you, causing your heart to break even more.
You reached for the bottle of body wash and squirted more of it onto the sponge. You began to wash Remus, being careful with the deep wound on his arm. The two of you sat in stony silence that was only interrupted by the gentle splashing of water and your sniffling.
After the bath, you helped Remus dry off and dress. You cleaned and dried his wounds, bandaging them with care. You then drained the water in the tub and threw the dirty towels into the laundry. Finally, you gave Remus his healing potions. He didn't thank you, simply drinking them and then handing you back the empty vials.
Remus went to bed. You went to the living room and cried your eyes out into the cushions on the sofa. You felt miserable, your mind racing as you wondered what, if anything, you had done wrong.
Maybe he was cheating on you. You'd seen the way other women looked at him whenever you two went out together. You couldn't blame them; Remus was indeed very handsome, but he was yours, unless all that attention from other women was starting to peak his interest.
The cushion you had your face buried in smelled like Remus. Chocolate, coffee, and cinnamon. You let out an angry sob and hurled the pillow across the living room, watching through teary eyes as it knocked down a photo of you and him from the mantelpiece.
The glass frame shattered on the hardwood floor. You winced at the unpleasant noise, standing on wobbly legs to investigate what you had done. The photo was of you and Remus on your first date exactly a year ago today. It sat lopsided in the shards of glass, and you cautiously bent down to pick it up, gasping when a sharp corner nicked your finger.
Cradling your bleeding finger, you looked at the photo. You were sitting on Remus's lap, his big arms secured around your waist. The photo moved, showing you laughing at some corny joke you'd heard, while Remus smiled at you with so much kindness and warmth on his face. You two had been at a friend's party, you having ended up on his lap after a dare made by said friend. You remembered how flustered you had felt in that moment, especially after feeling your now boyfriend's bulge brushing against your bare skin in your skirt.
Remus was your lover. He always had been and always will be, even if you were pissed at him, and he was ignoring you.
You had to fix this. With more sobs leaving you, you impulsively gathered up the broken glass in the air with your wand. They levitated before you, and you were halfway to the kitchen to put the frame back together, when your wand slipped from your trembling hand and the glass fell, shattering further.
Some of it cut you mid-fall, and you gave up, slumping onto the kitchen counter with your face buried in your arms as you wept, your cries echoing around the small kitchen.
You screamed in surprise when you suddenly felt large, warm hands pulling you up. The hands turned you to face their owner, and you saw Remus standing before you, his face and voice etched with genuine concern.
"Sweetheart, what are you doing? There's glass all over the floor. Your hands are all cut up too," Remus spoke softly, cradling your tear-stained face in his bandaged hands.
You struggled to catch your breath, your words slurring slightly as you tearfully asked, "Who is it, Remus? Who are you cheating on me with? Is it Madam Rosmerta?!"
Remus stared at you for a moment before laughing, shaking his head. "Madam Rosmerta? Dove, what are you talking about? I'm not cheating on you with anybody. You're my only love."
"Then why have you been ignoring me ever since you got home?" you sobbed, burying your face in his chest out of habit. The soft fabric of his cardigan nuzzled your cheek, and you whimpered and held onto him tightly.
"Love, I'm so sorry," Remus sighed as he rubbed soothing circles into your back, embracing you. "I'm just tired. I got into a bad fight with another werewolf. I shouldn't have snapped at you or ignored you, though. There's no excuse for my behavior. I'm so very sorry, my baby."
You whimpered again. Remus gently kissed the top of your head, looking around at the glass all over the floor. He noticed the photo and put two and two together, squeezing you.
"How did the photo break?" Remus softly asked you, continuing to rub your back. You shook your head, refusing to answer in fear that he'd get mad at you.
Remus squeezed you again. "It's okay if you broke it," he promised.
You sighed and finally looked up at him, your heart swelling with love. You loved Remus no matter what and he seemed to feel the same, as he kissed you deeply and held you closer.
"It's okay, darling. You're okay. Let me take care of you," Remus soothed. He pulled away to grab bandages from a cabinet, keeping his hand on your hip. You giggled as he cleaned and bandaged the cuts on your hands, his lips grazing your forehead.
"There we go. We're both going to end up looking like mummies with all these bandages if we get any more injuries," Remus chuckled quietly, kissing your cheek.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, hooking your arms around the back of his neck.
"For what?" Remus mumbled as his lips wandered down to your neck, kissing you there.
"I don't know."
Remus laughed against your neck, the vibration of his voice slightly ticklish. "Then don't say sorry if you don't know what to be sorry for," Remus said lightly. "In fact, you have no reason to be sorry. I'm the only one who should be sorry."
"But I forgive you," you answered meekly, wiping your eyes. "I'm not mad at you anymore."
Remus leaned up to kiss your lips, his lips soft and warm against yours. "That doesn't mean I've forgiven myself. I feel terrible for making my girl cry."
"I'm okay now," you insisted, despite tears continuing to leak from your eyes. Remus wiped your tears away with his thumbs, humming lowly.
"What can I do to make it up to you?" he asked, resting his chin on your shoulder as he hugged you flush to his body.
You ran your fingers through his hair, feeling him smile against your neck.
"Just talk to me next time," you sighed, pecking the side of his head. "You know I'm always here to listen to you and take care of you."
You felt his smile grow. "That I can do, my love," Remus said. "I promise."
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acescorazon · 6 months
Title: Changes
Chapter: 11/?
Word count: 5875
Warnings: Crocodile, panic attacks, and Buggy's back to thinking his suicidal thoughts.
Chapter except:
Buggy has honestly never met a more infuriating man in his life. Crocodile is so cryptic and hard to please at times, and Buggy just… Whatever. He doesn’t care. He’d just be wasting his time if he gets annoyed by Crocodile. He finishes what little work he has left and then sighs in content afterwards, “Okay, i’m all done.” He announces to Crocodile who for some reason looks slightly disappointed…? Is that the right way to describe his face right now? It doesn’t matter, he asks Crocodile if there’s anything else he wants Buggy to do while he’s still around, and Crocodile shakes his head in response. “...No, that’s it…Thank you.” Thank you? Did Crocodile just say…
Buggy glances over at Crocodile, and he’s unsure of how he’s even supposed to respond at a time like this, “...What…?” He asks.
“....Thank you…” Crocodile repeats quietly. 
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Contrary to popular belief, Buggy is actually a leader and has a crew of men to oversee. He can't afford to spend his entire day organizing and cleaning up Crocodile's mess from the past couple of weeks, and yet, that's the exact situation Buggy finds himself in. Instead of letting Buggy run his island like he should be doing right now, Crocodile keeps him holed up in the meeting room all morning and well into the afternoon. 
It's awkward and stressful, and Buggy hasn't been able to relax for even a minute. Every little move or sound Crocodile makes causes that feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach to grow worse, and every part of him is telling him to get the hell out of the meeting room, and fast before Crocodile’s mood can turn sour, and he ends up hurting him again. 
And yet, Buggy remains seated uncomfortably close to Crocodile. He wants to leave more than anything in this world, but he can’t muster up the courage to do so. They sit in silence for the most part, with the occasional sounds of Crocodile yawning or lighting up yet another cigar and exhaling deeply, but Buggy didn’t expect to chat and gossip all day with Crocodile. He’s actually glad things are somewhat still normal between the two. Crocodile seems less hostile, sure, but that’s probably because he’s just exhausted. 
It’s not enough for Buggy to simply put away all the documents and folders on the table, no, Crocodile wants things organized into three separate categories: Business plans, contracts, and intel, and anything else can be considered miscellaneous and can be properly organized later. On top of that, he wants all the documents in the boxes on the floor looked through and properly sorted as well, and he even wants all the boxes properly labeled. It’s a lot, and Buggy still doesn’t know how Crocodile managed to clutter up the meeting room in such a short amount of time, but he doesn’t question it, he simply gets to work, starting with organizing all of the data and information Crocodile has somehow managed to compile over the course of god knows how many days, weeks, months, or even years.
To make matters worse, occasionally Galdino stops by even though Crocodile said that Galdino had other important things to do and that he couldn’t get him to do his bullshit tasks for him instead, and whenever he does, he’s always overly nice, and extremely dedicated to Crocodile as always. He brings him frequent cups of coffee, but never offers Buggy anything, hell, he doesn’t even look in Buggy’s direction, and part of Buggy wants to call Galdino out again, but it’s pointless. 
So much for being friends.
It’s around three in the afternoon when Crocodile finally breaks the silence between them, “Hey… why don’t you go get lunch?” He suggests quietly. It’s a little late for lunch, but Buggy’s sure that he could get a couple of his men to fix him something up. He is a little hungry, and he’s so damn tired of looking at papers. He’s been organizing Crocodile’s crap all day, and he’s hardly made any progress, but he thinks he’s gotten at least the intel part of his filing done, or at least he hopes he does. Crocodile didn’t ask for any, but Buggy really thinks they need to invest in some file cabinets. He didn’t think they’d need any before, but after seeing just how many documents Crocodile has, he thinks they definitely need them now.
Buggy finally stands up again after sitting for hours and hours without hardly moving. His back hurts slightly, but he doesn’t dare complain to Crocodile, he just wants to get the hell out of here, and is about to do just that when Crocodile speaks up again, “And come back after lunch, okay?” He orders.
Jeez, can’t they just call it a day? Buggy still has other things he has to do, most of which are for Crocodile himself, he really doesn’t want to have to come back here and do more filing. He holds back a groan and gives Crocodile a small nod, “Sure thing…” He mutters, and after that, he makes his leave.
“Be back in thirty minutes, Cl… Buggy!” Crocodile calls out to him just before he can get too far away, and Buggy cringes slightly now that he’s out of Crocodile’s view.
Well, there goes his appetite.
This sucks. Thirty minutes isn’t enough time away from Crocodile. Usually, he only spends an hour, maybe two hours tops with Crocodile during meetings and afterwards he has all day to recover. Yet today he’s just supposed to stay all day with him or most of the day with him and only get a thirty-minute break to mentally recover? God, what did he do in his past life to deserve this? 
Buggy decides to skip lunch altogether. He hates to admit it, but Crocodile’s right. The crew have been living more or less off Sea King these past couple of weeks, and Buggy isn’t in the mood to have any today, or really eat in general anymore, so instead he takes a walk around the island in an attempt to clear his mind a little bit.
He greets and waves at various members of his crew as he walks by them, and every time he sees one of his men sitting around or goofing off, Buggy once again wonders why Crocodile couldn’t have one of them do his dirty work. Buggy’s sure, no, he’s positive that any one of his men would eagerly organize and file all of Crocodile’s important documents, but nooo, of course, Buggy has to be the one to do it.
It just doesn’t make any sense… But whatever. 
As he continues his little stroll, eventually he ends up running into Alvida, who grabs him by his elbow and pulls him to the side. “Hey! What was going on last night with you and Hawkeye?” She asks, and Buggy can see the curiosity shining brightly in her big brown eyes. She looks around before leaning forward and lowering her voice slightly, “Are you two… you know?” Are they what? Buggy thinks, frowning.  
“No, I don’t know. Just what exactly are you asking right now?”
“You know…”
“No, I don’t know!” 
Alvida sighs loudly. She looks around again, almost as if the two of them are discussing something they shouldn’t be right now before whispering to Buggy again, “Dating, or maybe hooking up?” she asks in a tiny voice, chuckling afterwards. “C’mon, you can tell me, I won’t tell a soul.” 
Buggy’s eyes damn near pop out of his skull and, despite his devil fruit powers, those are some of the only things that are supposed to remain attached to Buggy at all times. Buggy repeats the question in his head once, twice, and then a third time. Are he and Mihawk dating or hooking up…? 
“No! Why would you even think that?!” Buggy screams horrified and slightly appalled at the mere suggestion of Buggy being romantically involved with Dracule Mihawk of all people. He loves Alvida dearly. She’s like a younger sister to him, really, but at this moment he just wants to throttle her. How in the hell could she possibly think that Mihawk and Buggy were an item?! 
“Buggy,” Alvida calls out. She places her hands on his shoulder and looks into his eyes, “You can tell me the truth, I won’t judge you.”
“Alvida. Look, I don’t know what you thought you saw, but–”
“I saw Mihawk making heart eyes at you, Buggy The Clown.”
The hell is she even talking about right now? Mihawk must have been with someone else named Buggy The Clown last night because he sure as hell wasn’t looking at him with heart eyes or anything like that. Not that Buggy was looking at Mihawk, though, because he tried to avoid eye contact with him at all costs, but he just knows Mihawk, he’d never be interested in Buggy like that. In fact, Buggy’s still surprised Mihawk wants to be his friend or whatever."
Buggy exhales a loud sigh of his own, “Vida, look me and Mihawk don’t have that kind of relationship, and you know it.” 
“I don’t know,”  Alvida replies, dragging her words out and sounding almost playful as she talks to Buggy, “You two look like you’ve made up quite a lot.” They haven’t. Buggy still hates the guy! He’s… he’s just tolerating him more or less at this point!  
Buggy shakes his head. He looks down and checks his watch, then groans when he sees what time it is. “Look, I don’t have time for this, i have to get back to the meeting room and help organize Crocodile’s mess.”
Alvida raises an eyebrow, “Why are you helping him?” She asks. What does she mean, why is he helping him? He has to! He’s in debt to him, and when Buggy explains that to her, she gives him another strange look, “...But Galdino and I offered to help him clean the meeting room up earlier, and he said he didn’t need any help, and told us to go away…” 
Huh? Buggy thinks, confused yet again, this time by the sudden revelation. “I don’t know, Alvida. He just called me in early this morning and told me to help him, so that’s what I’m doing. Look, I’ll talk to you later, okay?” He gives her a quick hug before hurrying back to the meeting room but swears he hears her mutter something along the lines of, “Hm…interesting.” while he’s still within hearing distance, but Buggy has no idea what that could even mean or if that’s what she actually said in the first place. 
If that’s what she actually said, what’s so interesting about Crocodile ordering Buggy to do some work? Crocodile’s been bossing him around since the moment he stepped foot on Emptee Bluffs Island, what’s different and interesting about that now? Whatever, Buggy doesn’t get it, and he definitely doesn’t get why she suddenly thinks Mihawk and him are seeing each other, but he doesn’t want to get any of it either. 
Buggy makes it back to the meeting room a little early and finds Crocodile resting his head down on the meeting room table, perhaps sleeping quietly. Buggy isn’t quite sure if the other man is asleep or not, but he hesitates for a moment, unsure if he should leave or if he should continue to work like Crocodile instructed him to. In the end, though, he decides to quietly turn back and just leave, but before he gets the chance to do so, he hears a deep voice call out to him from behind, “You’re back already?” Crocodile asks, sounding a little dazed.
Buggy spins around on his heels and forces a smile onto his face, “Yeah, I decided to come back a little early...” He tells Crocodile in a hushed voice, and then after that he quickly takes his seat at the meeting table again, still avoiding eye contact with the exhausted man. 
Crocodile slowly raises his head and runs his large hand over his face, “By the way, after you get done, can you ask Hawkeye to drop by and see me?” He asks. What the hell? Why can’t Crocodile just… Ugh, whatever. Buggy is just going to stop questioning Crocodile and focus on his work instead.
Buggy nods silently in response. He doesn’t ask any of the questions that are lingering in his mind, instead, he resumes his work from earlier, moving on to sorting through all of Crocodile’s business plans, and, boy, does he have a lot of them. He really thought this whole Cross Guild thing out, and it looks like Crocodile is serious about their little organization (not that Buggy ever doubted him.) and he has long-term plans for it for the next five, maybe even ten years.
God, will Buggy even be alive in five years? Maybe and the thought of having to spend the next five years with Crocodile is just… awful. He hates Cross Guild so much and finds himself once again regretting that he even borrowed money from Crocodile in the first place. Five years, maybe ten, or even twenty years of his life potentially down the drain all because he borrowed some money from Crocodile after the war. Man, he fucked up. 
The room falls silent yet again as Buggy tries to hurry up and get his work done for Crocodile, but it almost feels like Crocodile is actively making his workload grow. He constantly hands him more papers or documents that need to be put away, and Buggy is equal parts tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed. How is he supposed to get any work done around here?! And how is he supposed to do all those other things Crocodile wants him to do, if he can’t even finish this one extremely tedious task?! Also, is Buggy Crocodile’s damn secretary now? Because he feels like Galdino would be much better suited for the job... 
The hours slowly drag on and on, and on, but eventually dinner time approaches and Buggy finally gets the courage to look up at Crocodile, ���Hey… Uh, can I finish the rest tomorrow?” He asks, hoping, praying, even that Crocodile won’t suddenly grow furious with him and lunge at him. He’s almost done sorting through all of Crocodile’s business plans and ideas for the future; ones that still include taking over various desert lands like stupid Prickly Pear Island, as well as various boats he wants designed, and hideouts he wants built for them.
Crocodile takes a moment to think before finally replying, “No... I need this done today, but you can take another break if you want.” Why does he need all this done today?! He has weeks, maybe even months of paperwork and plans cluttering up the meeting room, and he really expects Buggy to be able to get it all put away by tonight?! But why? Crocodile’s serious about this Cross Guild shit, and they’re going to be doing it for a very long time, so why does everything need to be organized and ready now?! 
“You’re almost done anyways, you might as well finish what you started.” Crocodile states simply without so much as looking up at Buggy. That’s… That’s beside the point! Buggy’s been stuck in this cramped meeting room that smells like Crocodile and his damn cigars for the past nine hours and it’s driving him crazy! Nine hours! He’s been here for nine hours and there’s still more crap to go through, it’s ridiculous! 
Buggy bites the inside of his cheek. He feels absolutely frustrated yet defeated right now and all he can do is sigh quietly, “Yeah… you’re right.” He agrees, or at least he pretends to agree with Crocodile. In reality, he’s so annoyed that Crocodile forced him to waste his day, but still, he doesn’t say anything to annoy or anger Crocodile. And he’s actually a little relieved when Crocodile dismisses him for dinner.
He no longer feels flashy or like a leader, and that’s all because of Crocodile. He feels like he’s at the bottom of the hierarchy when the truth of the matter is he’s at the very top, but you wouldn’t know that by the way Crocodile treats him. You’d think Crocodile was the ‘leader’ of Cross Guild and one of the four emperors, and not Buggy, but whatever, it doesn’t matter… It just sucks. Man, what the hell happened to him? 
Tonight Cabaji, Mohji, and of course, Richie, all join him for dinner as they sit in Buggy’s main tent and have supper, and as usual, Mohji and Cabaji are overly worried about Buggy. “How are you, captain?” Mohji whispers to Buggy, keeping his voice down, ”Is he being a dick to you again?” he asks. Well, Crocodile’s been a pain in the ass, but he hasn’t yelled or even threatened to beat the shit out of Buggy all day, so that has to count for something.  
Buggy shakes his head, stabbing at the asparagus on his plate with his fork. Truth be told, he’s feeling a little uninterested in the vegetable and even the meal in front of him, but like always, Cabaji and Mohji insist he eats a little because ‘he needs all the energy he can get to lead their great and powerful crew’ or something like that. “Nah, I think he’s tired or something, he hasn’t even really talked to me today.” He tells them, “We’ve just both been kinda doing our own thing…” 
Cabaji and Mohji both heave a sigh of relief, “Good, good.” Mohji replies, and Cabaji follows suit, “Good. That’s good, maybe he finally realized he should be a little nicer to you.” He suggests and a moment later everyone at the table laughs as they mock Crocodile in secrecy. That’s a funny idea. Crocodile? Finally, realizing that he’s done something wrong and being man enough to admit it and try to change his behavior? Yeah, that would be the day.
 “But just in case he starts getting impatient, do you want us to come help you out?” Mohji asks.
Buggy considers the thought briefly as he gives Richie the rest of his food and strokes his mane gently a few times. In the end, he shakes his head again, “Nah, I can handle it.” He insists. He could have used the help earlier, but at this point, he’s got a system and can handle his workload on his own. Plus, he doesn’t want to hear Crocodile bitch and moan about Cabaji and Mohji helping him out and saying something rude and snarky like: ‘What? You couldn’t file a couple of documents on your own? Fucking useless clown.’
Yeah, Buggy’s useless… Yeah, he knows. Maybe that’s actually why Crocodile wanted Buggy to do his organizing for him. Maybe this is all part of some convoluted scheme to get Buggy to mess up on a trivial task, so Crocodile can degrade him more and once again point out how useless Buggy is.
Buggy knows he’s useless though! He knows he’s useless and pathetic and unworthy of living… He doesn’t constantly have to be reminded of all that. He knows Crocodile has made sure to make that fact abundantly clear on several occasions. 
“Seriously, Captain… at least let us come sit with you while you work,” Mohji pleads, and Cabaji nods his head eagerly in agreement, “Yeah, even if we don’t do anything, we still want to be there with you in case something happens…” It’s a sweet gesture, and Buggy appreciates it, he really does, but he doesn’t want Cabaji and Mohji to have to witness how Crocodile treats Buggy, not that they don’t already know, but still. Nor does he like the idea of Crocodile getting angry and potentially taking his wrath out on one or both of them, even though Crocodile’s fury has more or less always been directed at Buggy and Buggy alone. He still wants to keep his men safe no matter what.
If someone’s going to take a beating or be humiliated and degraded, it should be Buggy, and Buggy only.
Buggy bids farewell to his beloved men a few minutes later. He gives Cabaji and Mohji both a tight hug and assures them that everything is okay and that they’re just anxious about nothing, and then gives Richie a couple of more pets before he heads back to the meeting room. As soon as he’s away from the others, though, his mood takes a turn for the worst. He feels like a complete failure of a captain. He can’t even comfort his men these days, and if he can’t even do that much anymore, then what good is he? He hates it. Crocodile is right. He’s a good-for-nothing coward who doesn’t deserve to liv– 
Okay, he needs to stop thinking about that. He doesn’t even know where all those thoughts came from, Crocodile’s hardly even said a word to him today, and yet… his words from the past are back, and tormenting Buggy for some reason. It’s annoying, he doesn’t want to have those thoughts and tries to force them away, but they just continue to resurface and cause Buggy more anguish. 
 Worthless coward who can’t do a goddamn thing. Pathetic Crybaby. You aren’t worth keeping around…
Buggy blinks and suddenly finds himself in the meeting room again after another break that goes by way too quickly for his liking, but he doesn’t even remember stepping inside. He shakes away all of his negative thoughts and has a seat at the meeting room table again. Okay, he can do this. He’s going to finish sorting Crocodile’s papers and then go straight to bed, and when he wakes up, he’s going to get started on all those other things Crocodile wanted him to do for him. He takes a deep breath and tries to settle his chaotic mind a little before he gets back to work. 
Stupid. Pathetic. Worthless.
“...How was dinner?” Crocodile asks, glancing up at him briefly before looking back down at whatever he’s been working on all day. He successfully startles Buggy out of his thoughts though, and for that Buggy’s kind of glad, Again with the small talk… he thinks, fighting back the urge to groan. There’s no way Crocodile cares how Buggy’s dinner went, so why is he even bothering to ask?! He doesn’t care about him. He hates him and wants him dead, and-– 
Still, Buggy gives him a quiet answer, “Fine…Thank you.” 
Crocodile looks back up at Buggy, almost seeming like he has something he wants to say, but he shakes his head instead and allows yet another awkward silence to fill the room. Buggy doesn’t question it, the less he has to talk to Crocodile, the better, and he gets back to work. He pretty much has everything sorted and even has all the boxes in the room stacked neatly on top of each other and separated by categories in different parts of the room.
He’s still not done though, but almost, and he’s trying to hang in there despite his constant discomfort while being By Crocodile’s side. Just a few more things, he just has to organize the rest of Crocodile’s junk that didn’t fit into the three specific categories Crocodile mentioned earlier, and that’s it. 
Crocodile once again speaks up a little while later while Buggy is going through a pile of what appears to be receipts for weapons that Cross Guild has purchased, “Uh, Buggy…” He calls out, and Buggy freezes for a moment, afraid that Crocodile will give him even more papers to sort through. He looks up and locks eyes with Crocodile, and Crocodile, yes, Crocodile, is the one who actually looks away first, “Never mind.” he mutters a moment later.
Buggy goes back to what he’s doing after that, only to have Crocodile disrupt him once again a few minutes later, “Look...There’s something I want to say,” He says, but as soon as Buggy looks up to acknowledge him, Crocodile clicks his tongue, “....Forget it.”
What the hell?!
For a moment Buggy is afraid that he’s doing something wrong and that Crocodile is going to start yelling at him, but that never happens. Instead, Crocodile looks away from him again and redirects his attention to the papers in front of him again.  It’s fine, it’s fine. Buggy’s made it this far, he can keep on going. There’s only a couple of more folders on the table that need to be put away. He can do it, and after this, he can say that he actually made it through a single day with Crocodile without getting his ass whipped … but then again, maybe he should shut up before he jinxes it. 
“Hey, um…” Crocodile mutters.
Buggy has honestly never met a more infuriating man in his life. Crocodile is so cryptic and hard to please at times, and Buggy just… Whatever. He doesn’t care. He’d just be wasting his time if he gets annoyed by Crocodile. He finishes what little work he has left and then sighs in contentment afterwards, “Okay, I’m all done.” He announces to Crocodile who for some reason looks slightly disappointed…? Is that the right way to describe his face right now? It doesn’t matter, he asks Crocodile if there’s anything else he wants Buggy to do while he’s still around, and Crocodile shakes his head in response. “...No, that’s it…Thank you.” Thank you? Did Crocodile just say…
Buggy glances over at Crocodile, and he’s unsure of how he’s even supposed to respond at a time like this, “...What…?” He asks.
“....Thank you…” Crocodile repeats quietly. 
It takes a while before Buggy can actually formulate a response. He’s so caught off guard by Crocodile’s sudden expression of gratitude that he… he just kind of short circuits. “I…” He looks at Crocodile and then down at his lap, “Uh… you’re welcome?” He replies, unsure if he’s still even living in the same dimension as before. Crocodile is actually thanking him for doing something for him, and It’s weird… Really weird. The comment didn’t sound rude or insincere, but there’s no way that Crocodile would genuinely thank Buggy for anything.  Maybe he really is dreaming right now because there’s no way an arrogant prick like Crocodile would ever be thanking him. He’s supposed to say something snarky… like… like, ‘Tsk, it took you long enough, clown…’ He’s not supposed to thank him. 
Buggy is worthless… He’s pathetic… He doesn’t know how to do anything… He…He fucks everything up, and it’s a damn shame that the World Government made someone like him one of the four emperors. He doesn’t deserve that title, he doesn’t deserve the fame and power he has. He doesn’t deserve anything, actually.
Again Buggy can’t help but wonder what changed…? Mihawk is one thing. Mihawk was there when Buggy was drunk and chewed him out, and he said after that little incident he regretted the way he treated Buggy… Buggy gets that… He’s still struggling with the truth and trying to see his feelings as genuine, but he gets it. Crocodile on the other hand… Why is he being like this?
Buggy doesn’t like this… He feels like there’s something he’s not getting or like there’s something he missed. Buggy’s been away from Crocodile for a couple of weeks, sure, but surely that’s not enough time for Crocodile to have a sudden change of heart … He feels like things are rapidly changing around him, but like he’s stuck in the same place. What changed? Why is Crocodile being nice now? Is this even him being nice? Is Buggy just so used to being mistreated that he doesn’t even know what true kindness looks like from Crocodile?! 
“Uh, I’m going to call it a night then,” Buggy announces, getting up from his chair and now extremely desperate to get far away from Crocodile so he can just sit down and think about all that’s been happening these last few weeks. Before he can leave the room though, Crocodile speaks up again, this time sounding like he’s in a bit of a rush, “Um, Buggy wait…!” He orders, and a moment later he finally says it. He says the one simple phrase that just makes something snap inside Buggy.
“Look… I’m sorry.”
He’s… Sorry…?
There’s a long pause as Buggy tries to process the words just said to him. He’s sorry… He said he’s sorry… He… He apologized to Buggy?!... He actually apologized to Buggy. When Buggy’s confused mind finally processes Crocodile’s words, all he can think is: Liar. Fucking liar. He’s not sorry, he can’t be sorry. Buggy knows Crocodile well enough to know that Crocodile has never regretted a single thing in his life. He’s sorry for turning Buggy’s life into a living hell? He’s sorry for scaring Buggy shitless and making him feel like his life is something that can easily be taken away? No. Nah. He’s not. He’s not sorry for that, nor is he sorry for beating or humiliating Buggy. He’s not sorry for making Buggy hate himself or his life and wanting to just end it all instead of having to deal with living another day with Crocodile. He’s not sorry, he’s just a goddamn liar. 
Buggy turns around, and he can feel tears running down his face, but doesn’t care.  His brain isn’t working anymore, it stopped working the moment Crocodile had the nerve to apologize to Buggy. He’s probably not even being genuine in the first place, but that doesn’t matter. Liar, liar, liar. Crocodile is such a liar, and Buggy can’t stand it. He hates liars. He’d rather Crocodile be blatantly cruel to him and constantly insult him than pretend to be nice to him and pretend that he cares or that he’s regretful for everything he’s put Buggy through. 
If Buggy were in the right state of mind, he’d tell himself to take a deep breath and calm down. This is the break he needed. He could accept Crocodile’s apology, he could come up with some bullshit response, he could do anything that would assure his safety, but Buggy just…He can’t think properly anymore. His heart is pounding at an alarming rate, and he feels like none of this is real.
It can’t be real, it just can’t be. 
His mouth moves on its own, “Liar.” He says, and Crocodile looks taken aback by the insult, but Buggy keeps going. “Liar, you aren’t sorry.” he tells him, “You can’t be sorry. You’re just fucking with me again.” And as he speaks, the volume of his voice begins to rise, “You’re lying to me.”
“I’m n–”
“Stop fucking lying to me!” Buggy yells. This has to be some cruel joke. Crocodile isn’t sorry, and yet said man starts to argue back with Buggy, but why? They both know he’s nothing but a liar! Why is he even trying to defend himself right now?! Crocodile clicks his tongue, “Will you fucking listen to m–” No! Why should Buggy listen to him?! 
“Fucking let me talk!” Crocodile snaps, red in the face now, as he starts angrily yelling back at Buggy. No! Buggy doesn’t want to hear it. He doesn’t care what Crocodile has to say. He’s lying and even if he weren’t, Buggy would never, ever forgive him. He’s horrible, absolutely horrible, and Buggy has never hated anyone more than he hates Crocodile. “Hawkeye was right!” Crocodile says, still trying to get one phrase in without Buggy interrupting him and calling him a liar. “I fucked up, i shouldn’t have treated you like that. I’m fucking sorry, okay?”
“Liar!” “I’m not lying, okay?! I want us to start over again for the sake of Cross Guild.”
“Fuck Cross Guild!” Oh, words can’t even explain how good it felt to finally say those words. Crocodile and this stupid organization are a bane to Buggy’s existence. He hates them both, and he just wishes he were free of them. He doesn’t care anymore! Crocodile can sell him off or kill him, anything would be better than dealing with this asshole. He’s the absolute worst!
For some reason, Crocodile still tries to insist that he wants to make up with Buggy, though, “No, listen. Just listen to me, I agree with Mihawk, we should treat each other with respect and as equa–” 
“Oh, so you’re just saying this shit because Mihawk told you to?!”
“No! Why would i–”  
“You aren’t sorry. All you’ve ever done is made my life miserable and threatened to kill me over and over again, and I hate you.” 
Crocodile once again looks a little stunned by Buggy’s words. Why’s he acting like this is anything new or as if his good name is being dragged through the mud? It’s the truth! He’s said and done so many things to Buggy, and if Buggy needs to he can list every single thing he’s ever done to hurt him. He. Fucking. Hates. Him. Liar, liar, liar! What a liar! 
Crocodile grits his teeth and throws his hands in the air, “You know what? Whatever, I’m not fucking sorry then.” Yeah, Buggy knows! He fucking knows Crocodile isn’t sorry and that he’s just spouting a bunch of lies and nonsense to Buggy! “Just leave. Forget I fucking said anything. This was stupid and fucking pointless.” Crocodile yells. 
Yeah, it really was. Buggy has so much more he wants to say, but he doesn’t. Instead, he turns around and rushes out of the meeting room and past several people he didn’t know were even around. Galdino, Alvida, Cabaji, and Mohji all watch in confusion and horror as Buggy storms past them, crying again.  
“Captain…” Cabaji calls out… or maybe it’s Mohji, Buggy doesn’t know, all he knows is he’s ordering whoever’s talking to him to stay back and just leave him alone. He can’t take this anymore. He hurries back to his bedroom, feeling honestly sick to his stomach, and he knows that it’s his own fault for getting himself worked up, but still. He sits down and tries to calm down a little, but as the moments go by he suddenly realizes what he’s just done and who he was talking to and feels so much worse. 
He can’t stop crying. His face is covered with snot and tears, and no matter how much he tries to calm himself down, he just can’t. He tells himself that he’s alright and that he’s going to be okay. But he’s not. Nothing is okay, and they haven’t been since Crocodile and Mihawk came to Emptee Bluffs Island. 
He wonders what happened to doing what was right for him. What happened to ensuring his own comfort and making sure the beatings and insults from Crocodile and Mihawk stopped? He’s so stupid. So, so stupid. In one night he managed to somehow make everything worse, and it’s all because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. All he had to do was shut up and accept Crocodile’s apology. That’s all he had to do and yet…
He ruined everything.’
His throat feels so tight and it’s getting harder and harder to breathe. He hates this. What did he do to deserve all this? Why did things have to get this bad in the first place? Why can’t he do anything right? Why does he always fuck things up?! Why does Crocodile hate him so much?! He can’t do this. He can’t do this.
What if Crocodile tells Mihawk what happened? What if Mihawk thinks that Buggy is a stuck-up prick and changes his mind and decides that he’s going to go back on his word? What if they start their torment again? What if they beat him within an inch of his life daily? What if they continue to insult Buggy and make him feel lower than a worm at the bottom of the earth? Buggy can’t do this He can’t let things continue. He can’t let them get worse. He’d rather… 
He’d rather die. 
104 notes · View notes
ippipo · 4 months
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Gojo Satoru x Reader
Maybe waking up after sex wasn't bad in books you've read before. But you were sore. It wasn't all comfort and kisses. You genuinely felt like your vagina had been broken, not torn, broken.
"Satoru, wake up, hey." You shook his sleeping body. He stirred awake with saliva running down the side of his mouth. He wiped it on your shoulder to which you pinched his thigh. He winced and snorted.
You pointed at your legs, trying to tell him you were sore since you weren't used to having a conversation with him. He shuffled and moved to a position where his face was right in front of your cunt. He came closer to give it a lick.
"No. It hurts." You said while pointing to your legs. He realised what you meant and carried you to the shower. You both quietly cleaned each other up. He suddenly grabbed you by your legs and lifted you, making you squeal.
He lines his dick with your entrance and drops you right onto his hips. He fucked into your tired body till both of you came one last time, water running down both your bodies. He even touched your clit and toyed his fingers with it just to hear you whine.
Once you were done showering, he picked something for you to wear before he dried your hair. "My mom removed me from the family groupchat." You say after checking your phone. "Good riddance." He says and you hum in agreement.
It was around 9 in the morning. You get ready for work along with him in silence. Just as you were about to leave the house, he tugs at your hand. You look towards his direction in curiosity. He brings you closer and kisses your forehead. Not for the act.
Unbeknownst to your little cocoon family, rumours spread fast. And with those rumours, the past comes back to haunt you with its cruel ministries. Only God knows how it might affect your happy little marriage.
Your father first began talking about how you married a psychopath to his colleague. Of course, he didn't believe your father. When you first got married, your father talked about Satoru with pride, and he never stopped. But some definitely believed him.
However, a person who despised your marriage, may or may not have overheard your father's conversation. And she was bound to cause trouble. Because history never forgives.
Astha was your ex-best friend. She was your everything when you were 14. But that was not until you broke up with your first boyfriend. Let me walk you though this.
When you started dating your first boyfriend, you found out he had a crush on Astha. You were around 13 and a half that time. You talked shit about Astha to him so he would like her less. You were clueless that he liked you, not Astha, even if you were dating.
You made him hate Astha. But when you lost feelings for him and broke up with him, you went to Astha to talk about how cringe your relationship was. That was when you both became best friends.
Slowly, Astha began evolving into someone amazing. She was loved by everyone in school. She had everything, or so you thought. And while she rose to fame, you felt left out.
She began hanging out with her other friends and you both began falling apart. You were afraid that she would leave you. So you started a gossip account on your socials. There, you wrote gossip anonymously about everyone in your school.
One day, when you and Astha had a big fight, it started with you, who brought up the fact that she wasn't hanging out with you anymore, and it didn't end well. You got so angry that you wrote gossip about her on that account.
You began asking her from that account on why Astha and Y/N weren't hanging out together. That was because you wanted to know what she thought about you. If she cherished you enough or not.
When she refused to tell you about it, you got angry and did something you couldn't take back. You threatened to reveal about her sexuality on your gossip posts. This caused a lot of panic to her, affecting her grades.
You were hurt by your own actions. You decided to tell her about what you did. Of course, she got very angry. And she said she wanted to do nothing with you after this. You, too scared to lose her, changed the story.
You told her that someone was threatening to reveal your self harm cuts and made you write about her. You told her that you didn't know that they threatened her. You were disgusted with yourself.
You even posted your self harm picture on another anonymous account to convince her. But that didn't work out in your favour. She had told her other friend to block that account and unfortunately, revealed to her friend about your self harm. You didn't want anyone else to know.
You both never talked after that. Not until you were in a suicidal phase. Your third suicide attempt. You messaged her how much you loved her and apologized for hurting her but didn't reveal the truth.
After that, you moved on. You healed from the old you. You prayed that you'll never do what you did back then. It hurt others, but most importantly, it destroyed you. Your mental health had taken a big toll and you didn't want to ever go back to that phase again.
This was a secret you kept. A burden that you'll never let anyone else carry. Every night, it taunts you. You hated yourself for hurting someone so amazing. Life is cruel, but humans make it cruel.
The colleague who overheard your father was Leiah. She knew about all that happened with you. A bystander watching a fire accident. An entertained audience. And she loved it.
There was a company transfer program where they chose 6 workers from both the companies and made them work there for a week. A kind of internship program. Leiah was one of the 6 workers who was going to be transferred to the Gojos' company.
Satoru was going to be in charge of the 6 transferred employees as he was bound to take over the company in a few years. Even if his life in the business world succeeds, who knows about what calamity was about to strike in his already broken cocoon.
That brings us to a week later. "Hey guys! I'm Gojo Satoru, in charge of your team. Before I explain how this company works, I would love to get to know you all. Why don't you introduce yourselves? Start with you, from the left." He points at the guy.
"Hello! I'm Itadori Yuji, and I like watching TV and karaoke!" The pink haired guy nearly screams with enthusiasm as he stands. His energy wad too much for his black haired coworker to handle.
"Hello, I'm Fushiguro Megumi." He says with his palm raised. Satoru stares at him with a 'anything else?' look. "You already know me, what more do you want?" Megumi sighs when Satoru chuckles.
"I'm Kugusaki Nobara! I love shopping! And Maki." She whispers the last part without anyone hearing her, except her two best friends of course. Yuji pokes at her shoulder in a teasing manner and Megumi snorts. "Simp." He says with a smug look.
"I'm Leiah Logan, I like cooking and baking!" The auburn haired woman around her early 20s says with a forced enthusiastic tone. Her other three colleagues didn't really like her considering the fact that their expressions turned sour when she introduced herself.
"I'm Zenin Maki. You already know me." A green haired female, in her early 20s, says in a bored tone. Satoru deadpans at the lack of enthusiasm. "I'm Inumaki Toge." A white haired boy says with a slightly more enthusiastic tone. He deadpans when Satoru raises his eyebrow to indicate him to go on.
"You know me." Inumaki says. "Ugh, be more fun guys, c'mon!" Satoru tries to cheer them up. He slouches dramatically when he sees Maki, Inumaki and Megumi leave to their assigned work booths.
Satoru already knew them all except Leiah, so he had to explain all the directions to work in the company. Everything was going well. Leiah was quiet. For now.
It was the second day of their transfer and Satoru had an amazing idea. "Today we're going to work at my house since your booths are to be occupied by the new employees." He says. You both had a separate room for meetings of such and extra foldable tables and chairs.
"Do you want any particular food or have any allergies?" Satoru asks them. All of them reply with a negative. They pack their work materials and laptops and head to the company's cars.
When they all reach his house, Yuji was the first one to snoop around the yard and fawn over the indoor pond and swings. Satoru orders the food, but forgot to inform you that his transfer team was visiting.
You walk down the stairs in your pajamas, curious of what was going on downstairs. "Y/N!" Nobara runs towards you to hug you. These kids adored you. They loved the fact that you were okay with them invading your kitchen every time they visited.
You try to escape the situation out of embarrassment because you were still in your PJs. "Nobara, honey, hey, I'll change and come back, is that alright?" You tell her before scurrying back to your bedroom.
You come out of the room looking less homely but still comfortable. The three teenagers and the other three adults were sitting in the living room. Satoru comes up to you and pokes at your shoulder while you open the fridge.
"Hm?" You look at him. "Sorry." He says, unable to muster up the words to converse with you. But you knew exactly what he meant. He didn't tell you that his team was coming home for work. You flash a smile at him assuring him that it wasn't a big deal.
You both go to the living room with chips and soda. Suddenly, you look at your side, noticing someone painfully familiar. You couldn't figure out who it was though.
"Y/N, do you have those gummy bears? Y'know? The ones with those poppy things inside?" Yuji asks. "You didn't even say thank you for the snacks, stop being rude." Megumi bonks his head harshly.
You knew what he wanted and you already had a packet in your pocket. You threw it for him to catch and he smiled at you giddily before muttering a 'thank you'. Satoru watched you with a glint of adoration in his eyes.
"Hey, can I use the restroom?" Leiah asks, a book in her hand of some sorts. "Inumaki is using the lower one, why don't you use the one upstairs? It's in the room with the big bed." You tell her.
She thanks you and leaves the living room, ready for what was about to happen. When she enters the room, she opens the book to the page where your demise would soon begin. Your terrible actions were written down in a neat handwriting. Beautiful things can be quite dangerous.
She places the book on the desk and leaves the room before taking one last glance. An unnoticeable feeling of guilt washes upon her but she chooses to ignore it, wanting to avenge her sister's broken teenage.
She was just 7 when her sister, Astha, 14 years old, was found crying in her room. You had caused her so much mental strain that she couldn't help but breakdown. Leiah blamed you for everything.
Though it was just a teenage experience, Leiah didn't like seeing her sister cry. She despised you ever since then. She found out what exactly happened when she turned 15, and 5 years later, she has come to make your life miserable. Astha had already moved on from it after 4 months for the incident.
Leiah came downstairs and sat on the couch, next to Inumaki. He gave her some mint because he had extra left. Maki nudged him to give her some too. He gave her two.
"Time to work, peasants." Satoru says in an artificially cheerful tone. Megumi visibly cringes and leaves to the work room, his friends following his shortly after. Satoru makes his way to your bedroom to get his laptop that he forgot to take to work.
He stopped when he saw a book open on the desk. He didn't pay no mind to it until he saw your name. Curiosity got the best of him and he began reading it. It definitely wasn't yours, your handwriting wasn't so slanted. It seemed weird.
His heart begins to beat fast when he reads about what you did. A dreadful feeling seeps into his chest. What does he think of you now? Have you changed? Are you still the same? He wanted answers.
He sat there for an hour, slouching on his chair, trying his best to process everything. Were you still cruel? He wanted to know. But suddenly, a ring in the back of his head stops his panicking thoughts.
"Sensei, Y/N made lunch for us." Yuji's head props from the door. "I'll be there in a bit." He says and signals him to leave. The sound of your name makes Satoru's breath hitch. He married a fucking sociopath.
He walks downstairs and sees you arranging the table for everyone. He looks at you with blank eyes. Still not able to comprehend whether that was you or the real you or the cruel you. You wondered why he was looking at you strangely.
He notices a red stain on your finger. Once you were done arranging the table, you ran up to your room to find a bandaid. Satoru, now seated at the table, forgets the fact that he left the book open.
Curiously, you pick it up and begin reading it. The first sentence itself causes you to tremble. Did Satoru read this? Does he think differently of you now? A real sense of uncanny washes over you. The past never leaves until it's had its revenge.
You forget about the bandaid and calmly, still trembling, walk downstairs, hoping it was all a cruel prank. Your forehead was covered in sweat. Your hands were shaky. Your eyes were almost brimming with tears.
You walk slowly towards where Satoru was. You just wanted to look at him and see if he looked at you any differently. Your finger was now covered with blood. You were cutting the vegetables and cut yourself on accident.
You stare at him as he slowly turns his head towards you. You felt naked. Your past lay bare for him to see. Exposed and humiliating. He looked at you with the same blank expression. Both of your hearts are in a frenzy.
You open your mouth to say something, but you shut up immediately when he shoots a glare at you. You hoped this was one of your amusement acts. Begging for this not to be reality.
The day flew by slowly. You hadn't eaten lunch and you were locked up in the washroom. You hid under the sink, unable to find any other place for you to curl up under. You didn't want to face the world just yet.
Your childhood was taken away from you. Scratch that, it was never given to you in the first place. You were treated pathetically by your own parents, then by your school seniors who had bullied you for 6 whole years.
A knock interrupts your thoughts. You open the door with shaky hands. Satoru stood in front of you. Your face was covered in tears and you were afraid. Your breathing becomes frantic and you look everywhere but at him.
Suddenly, Satoru's mind stops its thought hurricane. You stood there, all your feelings, real feelings, lay exposed in front of him. The first time you showed him you. Your vulnerability seduced his guilt. A realisation hits him.
He remembers all the abuse you were put through. He knows what it feels like to some extent. Teenage is a time where your decisions are rash and scary. It seemed almost valid that you reacted this way to situations.
He jabs your shoulder, wanting to say something. Right now, all he saw was a hurt child. A neglected teenager. A misunderstood adult. Everything you did was a burden to your parents if it didn't carry an achievement.
"I wanted to kill myself." You muttered. "Huh?" He questioned. A conversation sparkling with potential to open up. "Three times." You continue. "Two for me." He adds. "Suicide right?" You ask to confirm. He hums.
"Reason?" He asks. "Mistakes and family." You mumble sleepily. "Just family for me." He mumbles back. You both sigh and fall asleep. The first time you and him talked about your past.
He begins to tear up. Ashamed for misunderstanding you. Disgusted with himself for thinking cruelly of you. He loves you. Every bare part of you. Every mistake you made.
He wanted to help you forget the past. He wanted to make a future with you. He understands you and he was willing to be with you through thick and thin. He even promised you through your wedding vows.
You both begin crying hysterically. You were still afraid. Was he going to leave you now? He was still afraid. Afraid that you might have thought he wanted to leave you. You were the only person who understands him, and he to you. No way will he ever let you go. Never.
"I-" You begin but you were soon cut off. "I'm sorry." He sniffled and whined again with tears overflowing. "I'm sorry f-for thinking you were cr-cruel." He stutters through his tears. You let out a hiccup, more tears flowing down your face.
"I'm sorry I am such a b-bad person." You tell him. "No, you're not." He immediately spat, before he hiccups. Once again, you both cry more. "I love you." He says, tears still not stopping. You gasp at the sudden confession.
You thought he hated you after finding out. "I love you too." You manage to let out between sniffles. He nods in relief. You copy him. When you're in love, you love every part of that person. Their past, their present and their future.
Satoru loves you. Every single part of you. And you love Satoru. Every single part of him.
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igotanidea · 11 months
Not like them : Nikolai Lantsov x reader
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idea/requests by @sublimepenguinpeach-blog : Reader is friends with Alina, met with Nikolai, who is smitten with her, but she reject al his advances since he remind her too much of the men who sexually harassed her in the past. But when reader starts flirting with Tolya, the price just could not hold it anymore.
I changed some things so they would fit the story better, but hope you'll like it :)
„You know he’s harmless, right? Just a bit too cocky and self-confident, but apart from that….” Alina started, taking a seat next to her friend on Volkvolny
“I know.” Y/N cut her off before the sun summoner could even finish the sentence “but those are men like him who …..” her voice broke a little.
“I’m sorry.” Alina looked down. “I never meant to remind you of the past.”
“Not your fault.” The other girl sighed deeply and looked at the ocean.
Back in the days, before she met Alina, she had her fair share of traumatic events. As if it wasn’t hard enough to be born into an esteemed Grisha family and yet, also being the only one who held no powers. Zero. Zip. Nada. Unless you count her social awkwardness and a bit of quirkiness.
And that…. well, it led to some complications, to say the least. Although no one ever said that straight  to her face, she was a black sheep of the family and it was showing in every gesture, every word and every action taken towards her. She was treated condescendingly, humiliatingly and blamed for so many things that were simply beyond her control ….
One day she just couldn’t take it anymore and snapped. Made a mess. Screamed at the top of her lungs. The quiet girl who was taking all the tease became a snarky, snappy, sarcastic and quick to respond woman.
Oh, if that girl ever held any power she would be an Inferni, no doubt about it. She just seemed to have an answer for everything, was not afraid and that blunt, big mouth caused her some trouble. Let’s just say that her father did not like the attitude. Despite her being ordinary, from that day she was practically forced to participate in a straight-regime training wish Grisha just to punish and humiliate her. And her inadequacy was quickly noticed by some of the guys there.
And used.
One night after particularly extreme practice, when she was walking home alone, tired, exhausted and barely moving her legs three of them laid out for her, grabbed her from behind and dragged her into the nearest empty house on the roadside.
“Get the fuck off me!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, squirming against the tight grip, but she was too small and too weak to fight against her oppressors. “I will not…..”
“Will you just shut up?” one of the boys said, tightening the grip on her. “You were asking for it from the moment you showed up amongst us. You don’t belong here. You’re not a Grisha.”
“Well you don’t deserve that position either!” she spat and that got her a slap on the face. Oh, that boy was surely not holding back his strength. “Fuck you!” she screamed
“I think opposite.” He smirked  taking a step forward “wonder if you’ll act the same when we are done with you. What do you think, gentlemen? Shall we draw lots who would be the first to play with her?”
Shit. She had to do something. Anything. But how could she possibly fight against three grown-up men? She was turning her head around frantically, using the fact that at this point her capturers started quarreling about the order of ……
And their absent-mindedness gave her a bit of leverage when she quickly wriggled herself free and started running as fast as she could. She might have been smaller but it also made her faster and due to some miracle she managed to escape. That was a relief, but her frantically beating heart, disheveled hair, torn coat and dirt on her knees was not something her parents accepted. They were disgusted by her outlook. And of course, she could never tell them what really (almost) happened. They would never believe her. Instead, she took her punishment, throwing some sarcastic comments, clenched her jaw and tried to move forward.
But the trauma stayed.
And those men got away with everything, and even worse – from that fateful evening started to harass her even more. Verbally. Throwing dirty jokes about her body, grabbing her while passing and making efforts to get her alone again, claiming that this was what she wanted.
And she snapped again. Causing a scandal, since after all she was a “no one” who dared to attack Grisha.
Since there was no one who could help her, she just escaped her hometown and were on the run since then.
And that was how she met Alina and Mal, who were probably the first people to accept her fully, never judge her and become her friends for good and for bad. They knew each other for a couple years now and there was nothing that these three wouldn’t do for each other.
Hunting for the seawhip amplifier included. And dealing with one, stupidly annoying price Nikolai Lanstov.
Y/N did not like him from the very beginning. Of course, he was annoyingly handsome with that infuriating smile and contagious laugh, with those shiny eyes that seemed to sparkle even more when he was at sea and his unruly, thick, curly hair.
But his attitude?
Just like Alina said. Cocky. Arrogant. Conceited. Sarcastic and so full of himself. This reminded her of those men from her past. And it was not a good memory. Therefore for the last weeks she has been avoiding him like a plague, trying to shield herself from the trip down memory lane. And both Mal and Alina supported her in this, while knowing where it came from. And they were never going to tell her secret.
The rest of the crew however, did not understand a thing. Especially Tamar and Tolya. They were a bit surprised that someone could have so much irony and  power to make their friend Nikolai speechless. She was probably the only girl who could begin to compare with Nikolai in the field of hiding true feelings and using irony as a defense, a shield. And that boy just loved to spite her.
And speaking of the devil…..
“Are you ladies enjoying the view?” upon hearing Sturmhond voice Y/N just rolled her eyes.
“Be nice.” Alina hissed turning around towards the prince.
“nice. sure. It’s not like you were the one to punch him the second we found out his true identity.” Y/N spat back
“That was only because you are slower than me…”
“It’s not like we are on vacation.” Y/N spit before Alina managed to stop her “In case you forgot, tsarevich.”
“Not with you to remind me. You should relax a bit, sunshine.” Nikolai smirked with that characteristic face expression that made Y/N clench her fists. He was just so freaking annoying. “And since you two are clearly gossiping here, may I ask who is the subject of those gossips?”
“What makes you think it was a person?” Y/N crossed arms over her chest, eying Nikolai with the most stern expression she could produce.
“Call it instincts. So?”
“No one you would know.”
“Really? Wanna bet I can find out who’s the lucky guy? I got resources to do that.”
“Saints! Only you can start bragging out of nowhere.” The hell Y/N was going to listen to Alina’s advice to be nice.
“That’s just a casual reminder that nothing can hide from me. And definitely not that blush on you face Y/N.”
“I am not…..”  
“Oh, you are. Is it because of me Y/N?”
“Pffff.” She scoffed and blew a raspberry. The fact was she was blushing, but the person who caused it was yet to approach them.
Even since she met him on the deck of Volkvolny he sparked something in her. Despite all her bad experiences and deeply hidden disgust and fright of men.
He was just different.
Y/n never knew a man who would recite poetry and be so … openly caring and romantic and courting and protective and ….
To say the least, she was a bit smitten by him.
Or maybe she was just deflecting.
But it was hard to hide that Tolya’s appearance immediately put a smile on her face.
“Are you ladies enjoying the trip?” he absentmindedly asked the exact same question as Nikolai
“I always enjoyed being in the open.” Y/N looked at him with glistening, bright eyes. Her answer, so different than before, got Nikolai pop his eyes and open his mouth wide. “Cat got your tongue, Nikolai?” she laughed lightly and it was his turn to blush. Once again, she got him speechless. And he hated that.
“Yes.” Tolya took a deep breath and closed his eyes a bit “That remind me of…..”
“Oh, no, please, do not recite the poetry again” Tamar chimed in, before her brother could say a word
“Just because you, my dear sister, cannot fully appreciate the beauty of the art, doesn’t mean that pretty lady Y/N cannot as well.”
“Pretty?” Y/N smirked. “isn’t that a little condescending?”
“It never meant to be.” The Shu man exhaled and his gaze focused on her “did you take it like that?”
“No. I don’t think I did. But still, I bet you tell that to every girl you meet.” She dared
“I haven’t met much girl lately. At least not since you, Y/N.”
“is it just me or are those two openly flirting with each other?” Alina whispered to Tamar, who were barely holding back a chuckle
“Looks like it.” Tamar gasped “Wonder who’s gonna make the bigger fool of oneself.”
“Nikolai, I think. Just look at his face. Not so reserved anymore.”
“Wait. You don’t seriously think that he might…..”
“I know him longer than you, Alina. I think he does. Just wait and see….”
“I did however, have many adventures and many stories I can entertain you with, Y/N. If you’d like to listen, of course.”
“Of course!” she practically exclaimed “It would be such a relief to listen to someone who can talk about interesting  things.”
“Y/N, you mind if I have a quick word with you beforehand?” Nikolai tried his best to act casual, but it was no use.
“Told ya.” Tamar raised an eyebrow at Alina
“Um, yes, I actually do mind” Y/N tilted her head. She just loved to dare Nikolai and push him past his boundaries.
“Too bad. “ he shrugged “I am the captain. You’re on my ship. So you will listen.”
“I am not…..”
“Now.” Nikolai commanded and that harsh attitude took everyone, Y/N included, by surprise. Sturmhond was not exactly known to lose his cool and temper.
“What?” Y/N spat the second he closed the door to the cabin. She was not even going to hide how furious she was at him “what on saints was so important that you just couldn’t wait a while?!”
“Me?” she frowned “what …..?”
“I don’t understand you.” he sighed “I just don’t. And believe me, I’m trying. ”
“What the…..?” she tried again, but he didn’t let her finish, taking a step forward, making her retrieve until her back hit his desk. The intense look in his eyes made her panic slightly. Saints. She was trapped. Again. With no way to hide. Suddenly her mind took her back to the past, to that barn, reminding her of her oppressors, of the past, of what happened, of how she was alone and hurting and forced to move past her trauma. “No….” her body trembled and she completely lost contact with reality, too immersed in the past “No…. please…. not again.” tears started falling down her cheeks and she sobbed desperately.
“Y/N?” Nikolai voice became alerted in a second, his gaze softening while looking at her, so broken and vulnerable. He had no idea what he did and why she acted like that. “Y/N, what happened? Hey, please, I …..” he hesitated, not sure whether to hug her or not.
“I hate you!” she cried out
“Why?” he sounded broken
“you are  just like them!”
“Like who?” this was all just too confusing for him
“Like those guys who tried to …. to…..hurt me” she shook again, hiding her face in hands and trembling again.
“Oh, love….” Now it became painfully clear and Nik could not hold back his instincts anymore, extending his arms and wrapping them around her, pulling her close, letting her cry into his chest, rubbing soothing circles on her back “I’m so sorry.” He whispered “But it’s ok. You’re safe now. No one will hurt you. Not when I’m around. I promise. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“How….how can you be like that?” she pulled back slightly, her broken gaze landing on him “How can you be so much like them with your attitude and confidence and smugness and yet, so different? I … I don’t understand it….. I ……”
“Y/N.” he smiled at her, cupping her cheek and rubbing her tears away “Look me in the eyes. Please.” she unwillingly raised her gaze and their orbs met “is that why you have been avoiding me and acting so rough and cruel? Tell me.” Nikolai said softly, not to startle her
“Yes.” She admitted, her voice shaking “that and …..”
“And what?”
“I can’t say it…..”
“Then let me.” he smiled “I fell for you. the second I saw you with your fiery eyes and sparkling eyes. The moment you slapped me down with that bad girl attitude of yours. Saints, Y/N, if I knew about…..”
“You cannot tell anyone about it!” she panicked again, struggling against his hold, but he only held her closer.
“Saints, girl! I’m telling you I love you and you keep projecting. Listen to me. Just listen.” Once again, he cupped her cheek and forced her distracted eyesight on him, the other hand resting on the small of her back. “I love you.” he simply said and somehow she knew he was telling the truth.
“You are not supposed to…..” she tried to object.
“Oh, saints!” Nikolai hissed, now completely drained of patience. He was done talking. Instead he just leaned forward and captured her lips in his. Oh, he wanted to satiate his hunger of having her, but at the same time, founding about her past made him slow down a bit. So instead of devouring her fully, he settled on moving his mouth on her slowly, softly, pouring all his feelings for her into that kiss. Trying to tell her, without using words, that whatever she may have thought about him, he cared. That he wasn’t like them. That he would never hurt her. He would protect her. He wanted her all to himself. And the sight of her flirting with Tolya turned him jealous and possessive. Hoping she would feel all that, conveyed by a kiss.
And the second he touched her, he was gone. The feel of her pressed against him, the fact that he finally, finally cold have her so close, not fighting against him, not spiting and biting and bittering was just too much for the poor boy. Prince, yes, but still, a boy in love, afraid of having his heart broken and scared of rejection, no matter how indifferent he may act.
But the way her hands immediately found a way up his arms and locked on his neck, how she moved slightly towards him, hugging and kissing him back with the same fire as he did, told him that maybe, maybe¸ those feelings were not one-sided. Saints, he could not get enough of the feeling of her lips and skin, the softness of her hair tickling his face, wishing he could just hold her like that forever, but eventually they both had to pull back for air. And when they did, he opened eyes, focusing on her beautiful face. She kept her eyes closed, breathing heavily, trying to contain everything she felt at the moment and processing it.
“Y/N….” he whispered, brushing his lips over her forehead, awaiting any words from her with his heart beating rapidly, almost out of his chest.
“I…. I think I love you too.”  She gasped, almost inaudibly, but he heard those words. The most beautiful words he could ever imagine.
“Of course you do. How could you not?” he laughed, but it was different than before. Not conceited or sarcastic, much rather laced with love, care and so much relief that she reciprocated.
“Stop ruining the moment!” she hit his arm, but smiled lightly and he couldn’t help but peck her lips again.
“do you think they know?” he asked, obviously referring to the rest of the crew
 “Who cares about them?”
“For once, I can agree with you” he pulled her closer again, the second kiss being more heated and passionate and she did not oppose to being showered in his attention and affection, not holding his desire back.
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