#like fr no one made you admit out loud that you think that. also any reasonable person would not think that
adora-but-ginger · 1 year
scrawled in sand
pairing: joel miller x gender neutral!reader
summary: a fight leads to a mistake that may be costly, and Joel might lose someone, again.
word count: 4.5k(ish)
warnings: typical tlou violence and the warnings that come with those, nothing in detail but some sexual thoughts so 18+, weapons/knives, mentions of the loss of children, joel is kind of being an asshole at some points, angst, fluff at the end though, reader is like a feral cat joining a group of feral cats, swearing, hallucinations kind of, spoilers for episodes eight and nine, talking of death, no y/n used, umm i think that's it
a/n: please don't ask me what this is, i don't have an answer. i chugged it out on a whim yesterday and make some edits today to fit the story better, and i'm currently trying to fill the hole that the end of the show has left so here this is! pedro as joel truly makes my brain go brrr, this series is fr consuming my life oh my god. thank you for reading! <3
one more thing! don't repost my stories, because only those who don't cover their cough or sneeze do that, and frankly that's embarrasing.
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credit to gif owner!
The letter started, and he felt the all too familiar feeling of guilt pool in his gut. The argument from earlier that morning back had ran through his head on repeat since you left him standing alone in the middle of the street, with nothing but the horses in the near distance remaining as his company.
He didn't know why he said what he did, or at least he didn't want to admit it. The ghosts of his past had been haunting his every waking moment the closer he got to you, after Ellie had asked you to come with them in Kansas City. To say you were a force to be reckoned with would be an understatement, and he frequently glanced to your features and saw the same fires that burned the kindle of broken memories in himself.
You were dangerous, fearless, and morally questionable. This meant that Ellie nearly fuckin' worshipped you, and that Joel followed not too far behind.
The fact that you were nearly breathtaking to him was also an added benefit. Had he met you before, Tommy definitely would've chastised him for fawning after someone so out of his league.
You were brutal, and had made your grand entrance by saving Ellie and his life when he thought he had failed once again. Even months after you had joined their little duo, he still hadn't figured out how he hadn't seen you in the shadows. You had gotten rid of the person holding the weapon to Ellie's head just as they were about to pull the trigger, the shock of this third unannounced party granting you the time to take care of the one suffocating Joel.
Apparently, you drew a line of morals somewhere, but the line must've been distinct only to you. You had introduced yourself to the two after making sure they were both okay enough to continue, and it didn't take him more than another twenty-four hours to know that somewhere along the line, you had lost a child too. He had never expressed his inference out loud, but only someone who personally knew the pain of losing a child like that would save a kid like that.
From then on, he could tell that his silent vow to protect Elle at all costs was shared with another--an unspoken agreement going between the two of you.
It didn't take long for his 'crush' (as Ellie called it) to develop for you, though he denied it at any and all costs. How could he not? You could take out a clicker in the most agile way he had ever seen, and still walk away looking saccharinely angelic. His angel of death, he called you, after a night of too much stale alcohol surrounded by the sounds of crackling embers and an audience of the stars. You had laughed, and it was the first time he had made you produce that sound.
To say that the thought made him a little weak in the knees would put it mildly, and he thanked the onlookers of dust and ice above him that he was sitting down.
You had told him that that was probably one of the nicest nicknames you had been gifted by another in the last two decades.
He responded with a small smile, one that hadn't seen the light of day in much too long.
You said you liked it, the way his eyes looked with the little crinkles, and got up to stand watch. He noticed the scar that adorned the length of your collarbone for the first time, and let his eyes travel downward for the briefest of moments, before he lectured himself on why he couldn't think like that, of you, of anyone.
Your guard slowly went down for him after that night under the stars, but that didn't mean that you were any less brutal. You plowed through infected with so much as a blink of an eye and a scoff, and could bring a person to their knees, in want of lust or life, often taking the latter.
You two had become close after the winter that he nearly died at the University and Ellie and themself had gone through some of the most trauma one could experience. In fact, the caring whispers you and him had shared during those weeks, well, he damn near thought he made them up out of how unreal they seemed. He remembers the feeling of your lips against his cheek, of you falling asleep on one side of him with Ellie on the other while he nearly bled to death.
He knew he loved you then, but chalked it up to his dying mind.
And then the incident with the hospital happened, and even though you had barely the slightest clue as to who these firefly folks were, you had informed him afterward that when you woke up and pestered Marlene into telling you what was happening with Ellie you blacked out--that there was a reason as to why he had given you that nickname all those moons ago.
Because even if these people thought they could make a cure, who was to say that it worked? These scientists, with barely any resources to perform the necessary tests, had no guarantee that they wouldn't fuck it up, or that they would even did the surgery right had they performed it. No practice on what to do, no clue as to if they even acquire the correct sample. In fact, the only thing that they could guarantee would be the blood of a fourteen-year-old on their hands.
Joel had met you halfway through his sweep of the first floor, the fireflies making the dire mistake of keeping you two on the same level.
He decided to lie to Ellie about what had happened earlier then, and you respected his decision to a point, but you told her that you couldn't speak for him, and that you had found the two of them through no innocent manner.
So now here the three of you were, in Jackson, Wyoming, with him head-over-heels for you, and you feeling quite the same. A home was given to you all, and Tommy had rightly taken up his role of annoying younger brother, reminding him that not only did he know those who were ordained within the town (should the time come for you to become him and Maria's sibling-in-law), but that it would contain the looks that those of all genders gave you.
Like he said before, you were breathtaking, and now he wasn't the only one who knew that.
You had let your guard down a little sine you all returned, but he could tell you were struggling with it. Acting as a parental figure to Ellie had come easy to you, which meant that Tommy wasn't the only one constantly pushing him to make a move on you. He wouldn't be surprised if Ellie and his brother had a damn bet going on as to who could get him to say something first. And even though you two shared a room and a bed, nothing was set in stone. You would only really go out when the other two were, besides patrols, which you damn nearly craved according to Tommy.
It was hard for you and him, but the effort was there. He would see a more relaxed version of you in the nights, with the musings spoken between you and him after the sun had set only heard when your arms were around him in bed and the lull of sleep was around the corners.
So, when you both came back after a significantly rough patrol and something within him snapped at your recklessness, the feeling so long subdued came out from the depths of both of your hearts.
"You need to start being more careful of your surroundings!" He had sharply huffed at you after you had gone in with your usual guard and lack of self-care. The shock at his sudden outburst on your face spoke for the both of you. He didn't know why he was so upset, this was nothing new, but his fears had started to best him.
"Pardon me?" You had said after removing the saddle from your horse.
"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about." He gritted his teeth and crossed his arms, your actions soon mirroring his. "You can't just go into spaces we haven't checked alone all because you feel up to it."
"I went in there because I knew that there were infected, I don't get why this is anything different than the usual." The shock had quickly faded into confusion at his accusation. As much as he knew your readiness for conflict of the physical, he knew that you were never one for that of the verbal. That was one difference between the two of you--you insisted that problems were to be figured out and dissolved as soon as they arose, for there was no point in letting an argument brew.
"It's just--" he shut his eyes and took a breath, trying to keep himself in check, recognizing the fear that still remained from how fast you bolted into the abandoned barn. "We're a family now, you n' Ellie n' I, and you have to start caring more about what you do and your safety."
"I have been, Joel. So a stalker got a jump on me when I turned my back, but it's happened to the best of us. I wasn't bit, I'm okay." You had reached for his arm, but he moved his stance back just enough for you to halt your motion.
Something hardened in his eyes at that, feelings of what could've happened if you were bit flashing across his mind like a bad movie. "What if we hadn't been on your six? Huh? What would've happened if you did get bit? I couldn't live with myself, and you know damn well that Ellie wouldn't take the news well either. What you do doesn't just impact you anymore. That's all I'm saying."
You had sighed, nodding. "You have to see where I'm coming from too though, love." Pet names had flowed relatively frequently between the two of you since the beginning of the winter, but he still wasn't used to them. He liked em', loved em' even, but a little voice in his head always told him he was getting too close. You both hadn't said those three words, but he was terrified that he would push you away the moment they entered the air.
"I just, never mind." He turned to walk away, which was his first mistake. He knew you wouldn't let the subject just go like that.
"No, no, let's talk this through. You have done the same thing countless times, hell I've had to pry those fuckers off of your back more than I should, but you still continue to do it."
He spoke with his back still turned. "Yeah, but with me it's different."
Mistake number two.
You had both moved to the street now, the lights of early morning filling the colour palette surrounding you both.
"What do you mean it's different? What, you think I'm weaker than you or somethin'?" Your voice held more bite with the claim, and he screwed his eyes tight. He knew that your ability to hold your own was a touchy subject at best, after you explained your amount of loss long ago, but it didn't even cross his mind that his words could've been interpreted in a different manner.
"That's not what I meant, and you know it." He was getting annoyed, he was tired, but he turned to face you nonetheless. It was too early for a disagreement, but alas, here you both were.
"Yeah? Because that's not what it sounded like."
"Listen," your name tumbled from his lips. "You know that I know you're not weak, I have never doubted your strength and I never will. Goddammit. I just think that you go in over your head sometimes, thinkin' that you can handle more than you can."
Mistake number three.
"I know damn well what I can and cannot handle, Joel." Your chest was starting to raise faster, and he could tell that you were getting fed up, but so was he.
"Can you just listen to me for once?!" his tone became louder with every word. Memories of his life before ran through his head, alongside your image. If you wanted to be so stubborn, he could too. Maybe that's why he said what he did next. "You know what? No. I can't do this."
"Do what?"
"For the past how many patrols, you've come back with some sort of scratch because you don't care about what happens to you, and I'm sick of it--"
"--I've been working on it, and you know that. This isn't an easy change for me."
"But you're not workin' hard enough!" his voice was raised now, and he saw your resolve start to break. The dam had opened, and now the flood was rushing in. "If you're goin' to go and get yourself hurt, go do it away from me. In fact, it might just be better if you go on and leave, save us the trouble of worryin'." The words were leaving his mouth before he could even realize what he was saying, and he regretted every word that he processed.
"You don't mean that." He could see your breath hitch, your chest stumble as you spoke.
"I'll be damned if I don't. Can't have us thinkin' you're not gonna make it back if there's no back for you to come to."
"Joel, I am trying to work on getting better at it." Your voice matched his tone now, the anger seeping through you. "You don't see me pointing out every one of your flaws, and goddammit you have your fair share. You know I love you regardless, and--"
Mistake number four.
His body tensed up at your accidental confession, and your eyes widened as you realized what you had said.
"What did you just say to me?" He was too fired up to process his emotions healthily, and all the alarms to run were blaring loud and far. Did he feel the same? most definitely. Did he know how to express that in the slightest? Not at all.
But you held your ground. You knew him and how closed up he was, hell, you were nearly on par with his level there, but you had said it nonetheless. "You heard me, and I've got the feeling that you've known it for quite some time now."
He couldn't stop though. "Don't come home tonight. I don't want you there. Hell, you should've gotten bitten, for all I care."
You cursed yourself for getting close to that old grump. You didn't mean to say it, but you meant it, and you thought he felt the same. You left him there, then, not allowing him to see just how his words affected you. It was ridiculous really, how you let him get to you, but you liked the normalcy of Jackson, no matter how bad you were at it. You felt bad for leaving Ellie, but you thought it was best. Joel was right in that manner, she deserved a guardian that could keep themselves alive.
So that afternoon you talked to Tommy about taking your horse for a little joyride that evening, and though he wasn't too happy with your push for it, he obliged. It was past midnight when you came into the building you used to call home. You got your little belongings together, those consisting of a photo of the three of you, some flasks of water, some flasks of a liquid that was not water, some food, some weaponry, a journal, and went downstairs.
You scribbled a little note for Joel and went on your way. You couldn't look back, because if you did, you'd stay. Part of you broke as you imagined Ellie's reaction come the morning, but you continued on.
You didn't know where you were going, but you didn't really care.
After talking with Ellie that afternoon about what happened once the guilt had consumed him, Joel sought you out. You hadn't come home that night, and though in his fury he told you to do exactly that, he didn't expect you to actually do it.
He had checked the spare bedrooms but found only empty spaces. His heart started to drop as his hopes to see you dwindled. It was when he walked to the kitchen table was he met with someone. Ellie sat there, eyes glued to the small piece of paper in her hands, a tear slipping down her face. At the presence of Joel, she whipped her head towards him.
"I thought you were going to fucking talk it out." Her eyes were red, and she spoke with a bite. "Go get your fucking stuff, we're bringing them back." She stood up and went to go gather her stuff he assumed, leaving the paper on the table. He walked over and picked it up, the guilt returning as he read his name in your handwriting.
Guess it really all was just one sided. You were the first person in years that I let myself care about, and I guess I'm facing the consequences. Like you said, you can't worry if I don't come back if there's no back to go to.
Tears welled up in his eyes, and he felt his heart become erratic.
I'm sorry. I hope you forgive me for leaving, but please don't hate me for it. If I were to stay, it would just be awkward between Joel and I, and eventually you probably wouldn't see much of me anyways. Love you, kid.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, this was a mistake. You'd been with people for too long that you grew to be rusty by yourself, and it was costing you, big time. You had been on foot for who knows how long now, but it was dark and sleep was slowly lulling you to its call, so you didn't hear that someone caught onto your trail and began to follow you. It wasn't until a twig snapped no more than fifteen feet behind you that you caught on, and by then it was too late.
A short fight later, death had found another, and there was a nasty stab wound in your shoulder.
You had thought to bring food and water, but why you forgot a med kit was beyond you. So, here you were, your horse waiting by the creekside, while you tried to find something that would hold enough pressure to prevent you from passing out. That was quickly coming to no avail though you realized, and you cursed at yourself for being so torn by rage from your fight with Joel to prepare properly.
You could see drops of your blood reflect in the morning dew that coated the grass. This wouldn't be lethal if you found a way to patch it up, but you were losing hope by the second.
Being agitated enough to find a solution, you decided to press on the wound with your hand, causing your sight to briefly black out in pain. A groan surpassed you, and you begrudgingly dragged yourself to your horse, doing your best to keep the reins in place via a bigger rock, and slumped down against it. If you could rest for just a few minutes and regain your breath, then you could focus better on what was around you that could help. Just a few minutes, you promised yourself, and the darkness overcame your shutting eyes.
It was the sound of another horse that jostled you from your unconsciousness. Looking around, it took you a half a moment to recognize where you were, a part of you aching for the comfort of your shared bed. But that's when everything came flooding back.
Joel. The fight. The note. The stabbing.
You looked skyward and groaned when you saw the paint of warm colour canvasing the blue. With a curse and a deep breath, you pushed yourself up, barely making it to a standing position before the pain overcame you again. You risked a look to your clavicle, and to your dismay, it was looking a whole (no pun intended) lot worse. You figured that you should've known that sleeping it off wouldn't heal a literal stab wound, but what the hell, it was worth a shot. The blood loss caught up to you making you lightheaded, and as you stumbled to your horse, you thought you were hallucinating, because you could swear that you heard Joel's voice.
The version of him that your mind had cruelly made up was coming closer, and jesus christ you were hallucinating Ellie's voice now too. The trees around you started to spin, and when you saw them turn towards the crest of the hill you looked up from, you actually laughed.
You were about to possibly die, and your mind had to punish you for it.
Calling up to the false images, you got their attention with slurred speech. "Shit, you can't even let me go in peace, can you?" Another sour laugh followed your accusation, and the hallucinations had their own conversation before rushing down to you.
Getting off Callus, Ellie slapped Joel's chest at the sight of your shoulder. "Holy fucking shit, guess we know what the blood trail led to." She moved to you after that with Joel not too far behind, but you put all the remaining strength into stepping back from them.
"I know you're both not real, but I don't know why you're still here." This must have been the precursor to death's entrance because that could be the only rationale for this. "You clearly got your way, Joel, now go away so I can please die with some closure."
It was a shame that this is how you went really, with a wound from a dirty blade, but alas. Fake-Joel crossed the distance between the three of you, grabbing onto your good side with eyes wide, examining the injury. "When did this happen?" His eyes sought yours, and you rolled yours in response. "Ellie! Get the bandages from my pack!"
You gave a poor attempt at backing away. "Can't you just leave me be? You told me to go and made it quite clear how you felt about me." You were slipping, and could feel the darkness whispering your name.
"I'm real, this is real honey."
The little amount of push in you snapped, because you scowled in response. "Don't call me honey." You glanced at his hands, noticing that they were moving to the wound. "Plus, if you were real, I wouldn't want to speak to you. So what, I said that I loved--" A gasp caught the end of your sentence, the pain clearing your sight as he started to put pressure on your shoulder. "--love you, but you knew it anyway. We were a family, like you said, and I let my guard down for you--" You had used more energy than you thought on that last sentence, with nothing more than a whisper allowing itself to get through for any other words you had.
Ellie had given Joel gauze by then, and he started packing the wound as best he could. "El, get the horses together, we're takin' them back." He spoke your name then, and you wanted to cry out to the universe for making you think this up. "Bet that felt real, yeah? Listen, I know I said some things earlier, but I really didn't mean them. I'm not that good with bein' vulnerable yet, and I'm still learnin', but I shouldn't have acted that way." Your name spilled from his lips again, and why was he saying all of this now? He continued to talk, but you didn't hear anymore, your eyes unfocusing and starting to shut, the darkness finally coming to claim you.
It had been nearly a full day that you were out, and even though Joel knew that it was partially due to whatever the doc had given you, he was damn near terrified. All of the day's events seemed like a blur, and by the time he was given the okay to stay in the room with you, he had had his fair share of tears. Ellie sat next to him in the chairs he brought up from the dining room, the temporary cot in his room that held you looking extremely out of place.
He had apologized to you more times than he could count while you were out, but the guilt that still racked him rang strong. He had failed, again, this time because he was too bull-headed to talk it out.
Ellie's nudges brought him out of his train of thought, her voice saying your name as your eyes opened. A string of cusses flowed from you as you came to, and he couldn't help but chuckle. Once he had offered you some water, he saw your features twist into skepticism.
"If I'm dead, this is not what I was expecting."
Of course you'd say something like that, trying to diffuse any awkwardness of the situation. Joel played off of it, because he'd prefer this to anger any day. "Yeah, we're actually angels."
That got a snort out of Ellie, and a weak smile from you, one of his own following not soon after.
A few seconds passed in the welcomed silence of each other's presence, but all too soon things became real again.
"I don't know how much you remember from out there, but you gave us a real scare." His hand gingerly reached for your arm, silently asking for permission to hold it, sighing a breath of relief when you nodded. You weren't one for physical touch, especially after an argument, so this felt like a hopeful sign "I really am sorry about what I said to you. I shouldn't have, and I didn't mean a lick of it. I care about you more than I have for nearly anyone else, and I--" The words caught in his throat, and your eyes followed his as they searched the room for an answer.
"Joel," you murmured, eyes on him. "Shit happened, we can talk about it all later, yeah? You don't have to give any confessions now." You kept trying to break the tension there, and he could assume it was due to Ellie being there.
He pushed through though, because Joel Miller was a stubborn man, and damn it if he hadn't been working up the courage to say it since you all re-entered Jackson's gates. "No, no, I want to say it, and I mean it."
"I love you too."
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smizzy · 2 years
Being Angela's sibling and dating El
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mannn im finna whip dis hoe
angela having a soft spot 4 u cus ur her sibling
but shes not kissing up ur ass 24/7
just mildly picking on you
it was all well until you saw a brown short haired girl getting laughed at by your sister and her friends
you didn't say anything knowing how Angela was, but you made a mental note to make sure to look out for that same girl
as time went by she started telling you more and more about the same girl
stories about how she treats her, jokes made in class about her, names being thrown around
you found out her name was Jane and her brother Will both coming from outta state
she was cute you'd give her that
you wanted to talk to her, maybe more
yeah Angela's mischievous actions ticked you off day by day
but during those days you were getting closer to Will meaning also getting closer to Jane too
on the first day you talked to both of them you told them you swore you weren't like your sister
They were on the fence still more so Jane and ofc u don't blame them after the image your sister technically gave you both
But Angela started noticing you staring out for someone during school
or saying you have something for school and spending less and less time with her
not too long after Will, Jonathan, Joyce started noticing when you were brought up she have a reddish pink tint appear on her face with the most adorable blushing smile
it's just so easy to see how much she's into you
and they think it's the most cutest thing ever
the incident at the roller-rink left you stunned but you couldn't say she didn't deserve the hit.....
days pass and you get even more close with Jane, maybe even little flirty remarks, you were in deep babe
After school you heard loud snickering knowing what was happening already, you walked over to Jane helping her up and picking up her dropped belongings and putting them back in her bag
"just give it up already Angela, she's clearly desperate now just spare all of us the time"
it was the first time you ever stood up for Jane
Angela had to make sure she wasn't trippin fr
she scraped her chin with a scratch on her cheek so thinking it was good idea you told her to sit still as you go find any type of first aid in the Hopper-Byers house
As you began treating her she asked you in a low soft voice why you did what you did back at school
you couldn't say anything, like your words were stuck in your mouth
not cus of how scared you were to admit how you felt, but the closeness of face to face ratio
"y/n" you hesitantly moved your eyes up to hers
And in a quick movement she placed her lips right on yours mking you burn up, you dropped the cotton ball and place you hand in hers until you realized what was happening and you pulled away
"I don't care" she said after the sudden quick step back "Honestly I don't care when it comes to being with you, ever since we met it's just been you on my mind"
from there on you knew he rest would be history
the Byers family loving to have you over anytime even on school nights
photos! photos! photos!!!
she feels the most purest love with you
Angela treating her a little nicer day after day when she's over at your house
meaning she'll stop bothering her at school
your gf has the most thanks to give to you from finally getting Angela off her back to winning the most fantastic, affectionate, loving, kind, charming, cool, stunning, humbled, sexy, hilarious girlfriend of all time
you make her feel all mushy whenever you guys kiss
wishing hopper and everyone in Hawkins would meet you
teaching her how to cook and bake
y/n shrine in her room
stick drawings of you both with everyday accessories and hearts around with blushing cheeks is a must 24/7
thinking about a future with you
if eleven gets something from the store she's getting one for y/n you best believe that mate
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tastybluesprite · 1 year
Ok I started this a couple days ago but now it’s time I posted it. I only did a few characters but maybe I’ll do a part 2 with more heh
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- Most Ticklish guy ever to exist fr
- Like he’s insanely so
- Mei loves torturing him lol
- She knows ever one of his weak spots and it drives him crazy
- I don’t think he’d be embarrassed about it but if I pair this along with my headcanon that he has adhd and can get overstimulated too quickly, I’d say he can’t handle it for too long
- His worst spots are his feet, underarms, and sides
- But his death spot is probably his belly
- He can’t handle any touch there like it’s too sensitive lmao
- His laugh his loud and bubbly and is endearing to majority of people who hear it
- He’s honestly a ler also
- Not as much as most people he knows though
- He won’t admit it but he’s never won a tickle fight before (ESPECIALLY with Mei)
- He doesn’t really tease the person he tickles so much as he more complements the person he tickles
- “Awww your laugh is so cute!!!”
- “Wow how’d you get your skin to be this soft?”
- (He actually learned this form of teasing from Wukong lolll)
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- I honestly don’t think she’s that ticklish tbh
- Like she’ll giggle and stuff if you tickle all the normal places one would be ticklish, but besides that not much
- It KILLS MK that he can’t get her back easily
- Buuuttt she does have one death spot
- *cough* Her feet *cough cough*
- Get her feet and she’s thrashing and begging for mercy
- But she LOVES tickling MK
- She thinks his laugh is so adorable and just constantly enjoys hearing it
- She’s a RUTHLESS ler
- An absolute menace
- She can dominate almost anybody in a tickle fight
- Part of what makes her so dangerous is that she can take mental note of each persons reactions so she can easily figure out all their weak spots and death spots
- She loves to use baby talk for teased
- It’s so damn flustering lmao
Sun Wukong (Monkie King)
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- I hate this loser so much /affectionate
- As much as he loves tickling people (being the trickster he is who loves making people laugh), he is actually super ticklish himself
- Also do y’all remember him having stage fright (which had me laughing my ass off lmao it was so funny), because him being ticklish would make him even more adorable
- His stomach, ribs, and thighs are pretty bad spots, but get his armpits and he’s literally dead
- He’ll probably do almost anything you say lmaoooo he’s so ticklish there
- When MK found out he had a field day
- I mean, THE Monkie King, all powerful god and deity… is ticklish?
- He made MK swear not to tell anyone (wouldn’t want to ruin his rep after all) but of course MK told Mei
- Also if his laugh gets loud enough he’ll snort
- Which is another thing he’d also rather die than admit
- Funnily enough he isn’t that embarrassed about being ticklish
- He understands that’s just the way body’s work and sees it more as a instinctive defense mechanism to protect yourself
- But he’d rather die than admit he likes it lmfaoooo
- He’s he’s a ruthless ler also
- He likes to tease by stating the obvious of the matter
- “Ohhh I’m sorry does this tickle?”
- “Bud I can’t hear you over all that laugher it’s too loud!”
- It’s honestly scary
- But he is a trickster so what would you expect lolll
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- Just like Sun Wukong, he’s also ticklish
- I like to think he’s equally as ticklish, and has similar tickle spots to Wukong
- Though he has a death spot on his ribs
- Digging in there will have him hysterically cackling
- Unlike Wukong, who doesn’t actually mind being ticklish, Macaque would honestly rather die than admit it
- Wukong loves to torture him
- When they get into fights that become physical, Wukong will use tickling to take him down
- Sometimes when he’s being a little shit, Wukong uses tickling also to bring him down a few pegs
- I love the idea that he’d be very much incapable of saying the “t word”
- He absolutely cannot and it’s hilarious
- Even hearing it is flustering and embarrassing
- Sometimes Wukong will tease him by randomly saying it (such as “that has me tickled pink!” that sort of thing)
- He HATES it lmao
- Wukong is the worst teaser and tickler for him but it’s only because he knows him best
- He knows just what to do and say to torture him and take him down
- Someone help him lol /j
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magici-if · 1 year
Martin zoning out is so sad 😭 he's fr a sad wet cat 😔, but would any of the Ro's fight back to gain Mc's affection again? (Beaides dem, of course, seeing as her way would be gift giving) what if they realize their attempts are actually working?
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a sad wet cat is so accurate for Martin lmfao (referring to this post)
i wrote a whole papyrus for echo cus I was like “hear me out-” as legit NO ONE agreed w me that Echo would try to regain MCs affection. idc my friends don't know her like i do
(everyone is here, i just changed the order)
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Would give up/respect MC's wishes:
Dominic, Harley, Martin
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Dominic is very passive in general (there's a joke somewhere), it's not that he wouldn't make the first move, but if MC moves on and says they don't have feelings for him anymore, he'll respect that and find ways to cope. It's ingrained in him: the thought that he can somehow change MC's mind or affect the outcome is 100% foreign to him.
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She'd be devastated by it, but Harley would respect MC until the end and long for the moment her feelings would also fade away. What she wants most of all is to be with MC, and if that can't happen in a relationship, she'll take all she can get and be a good friend to them.
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Martin is a gentleman: it would hurt him a lot, but he'd definitely give up on the whole situation and acknowledge that MC has moved on & he should too. Unlike Dominic, it's also a matter of insecurity for him. He feels that he lost his chance forever: he somehow made MC like him once, but that 'mistake' won't happen twice, in his mind.
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Would try to regain MC's affection:
Demetra, Echo, Evander
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As I said, Demetra would immediately activate and retrace all the steps that led to MC liking her. She would be very methodical about it, such as by getting MC the book they said they really wanted to read, watching the movie MC is obsessed with at the moment so they can talk about it, etc.
If she realised her attempts were working, she'd straight-up admit her feelings.
She'd have a blast if MC specifically asked her what she was doing, squinting their eyes at her. "Just trying to get you to like me again.", she'd very shamelessly answer. wink wink
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If one could ghost someone irl, that's what Echo would do, at least in the beginning. Again, she'd mostly avoid MC, the thought of trying to regain their affection not even crossing her mind.
However, she would probably either 'slip up' and tell MC about her feelings in the heat of the moment, or decide to tell them to gain closure or get it off her chest. She may avoid MC in the beginning, but at the end of the day, she misses them and longs for their presence.
Once the cat's out the bag, her friends will have definitely succeeded in hyping her up to do this and that to regain MC's affection. After realising her attempts might be actually working (after a lot of convincing on her friends' part) she'd ask them out and confess her feelings...again.
A joint or a few shots beforehand, MC and Echo sitting on the grass, Echo with a paper in hand. She'd either read it out loud or pass it to MC, so they could read it while she'd hide her face in her arms.
And if MC was unhinged enough to read it out loud-
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Evander would treat it like a huge joke to save face; but under all the humour, he'd hide his real feelings. He would firstly bring it up under the disguise of a funny one-liner; then go radio silent about it, and never mention it again after realising MC has moved on.
He would still try to regain their affection, though in his own special little way. He'd try to use his trademark jokes and tease MC a lot about everything, even the dumbest things. He would act like a caricature of himself, thinking that's what made MC like them in the first place, so he'd pump the Evanderness up to 100.
If he noticed his attempts to be working, he'd go back to the 'normal' Evander; he'd joke about liking MC and stop annoying them on purpose so much. He still wouldn't do anything too direct though, at most he'd sent 'ironic' pics of him holding a rose with his teeth (he thinks he's hilarious) and ask MC to hang out a lot.
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Exchanges and Compromises - Chapter 21
Chapter 22
"Huh, and the Birds said I'm their resident conspiracy theorist." Tim remarked as he check-mated Dick's chess piece. Dick groaned in dismay, but didn't fuss. He has to admit that, not only Tim was a much better strategist, his own mind was not fully in the game, either. The game was literally only an excuse for the three of them to go over to the Drake House.
Damian sighed in frustration. "Grayson, really, if you wish to use this game as a decoy, we might as well have Drake and I do a game..."
"That'll keep us here all day, and you're a sore loser." Tim scowled at him. Thus far, out of the dozen of game the two have played, Tim had managed to defeat Damian 4 times to one. Damian was not pleased at each loss and would throw a tantrum, i.e., he would flip the table. Fortunately, each loss happened at the Manor and Alfred was always present to pick up the scattered pieces. "Besides, I don't want to have to crawl under the furniture to retrieve my pieces." Tim added.
"Have you located the Waynes, yet?" Jason asked, clearly changing the subject. After a few weeks of knowing him, Dick has come to the conclusion that one of the reasons Damian's mother had chosen Jason to guide and/or guard her son was because Jason was the type of person who would face problems head on; but not seek it.
"Dr and Missus, yes. They're in Switzerland in a medical conference. Dr Wayne is speaking. We also have an agent in attendance who could tell if Dr Wayne or Mrs Martha are... their original selves or not." Tim winced. "Euh... that sounded wrong on so many levels..."
"Someone is likely impersonating Bruce, and has likely used surgical means to alter his appearance to mimic Bruce. Stands to reason we suspect his parents either being in the know, or have been... 'modified', as well." Barbara commented through Tim's laptop. "So... where is the real Bruce?"
"Won't his parents know?" Dick wondered. "I mean, my parents would have lost a gasket if I went missing for an hour, let alone... how long has it been? Nearly four months?"
Everyone was silent for a good few seconds before Dick realized the insinuation and implications of his words. If their 'conspiracy theory' happened to be true, the real Bruce Wayne has been missing for four months and no one was aware of it. The real Bruce Wayne might have been killed and none was the wiser.
"I'm more concerned that this guy has made an association between Tim and the Birds..." Barbara remarked.
"No, I didn't give anything away." Tim clarified. "As far as he could tell, it had been me who gave the evidence of Bane's murders to the cops. I never mentioned any names, and I made sure to track each and every queries made on me, online or offline." Because Tim would. Next to Barbara, Tim probably has the highest level of paranoia within the gang. Dick sometimes wondered if their respective smartness have something to do with said paranoia.
"Yeah, I trust you won't give away anything. But he's made presumptions. It still scared me a bit." Barbara said.
"I'm personally more concerned as to where my father is. There are a plethora of complications if this man continue to present himself as father, both with the Wayne Enterprises and the Al Ghul side of the business." Damian intoned.
"At least one of us is focused..." Tim muttered under his breath, before looking at Barbara and said, "you remember the lip reading thingy?"
"I remember, Tim. And luckily, I've gotten Cassandra to transcribe it. It..."
"Cassandra who?" Jason suddenly interrupted her.
"She's an associate of mine. She's not deaf, but has a problem with words. She is, though, able to lip-read--" Barbara started, but Jason cut her off again.
"Yeah, but what's her last name? Does she have one?"
Barbara glared at him quizzically. "Cain... I don't think..." she replied, and Jason groaned out loud. "What??"
"She's Lady Shiva's daughter..." Jason replied, and something cold ran down Dick's spine. The Birds of Prey might have prevented Lady Shiva and her men from assassinating Damian, by way of open battles between the ninjas and the Birds - plus the Green Arrow and his partners; and sending a lot of the Shadows' higher ranking men scattered, be it in prison, hospital, or simply left town.
But now, they might have unwittingly placed Damian yet again in Shiva's radar.
"How much do you trust this Cassandra person, Babs?" Tim questioned, a little quietly.
Barbara was quiet for a long time, before answering. "I think it's time you boys meet her. I personally would trust her with my life. I never knew she is Shiva's daughter, but if you see her, you'll understand why I trust her."
Dick watched the exchange passively, wondering if the usually infallible Barbara Gordon has finally made a faulty decision.
And boy was Dick glad that Barbara was not wrong. At least he thought so. No-- he assessed so.
Cassandra Cain was not anything like Dick pictured she would be. Lady Shiva, the leader of the League of Shadows that had murdered the Al Ghuls, were the epitome of a warrior: armor wearing with a plethora of adornments that Dick knew could be weaponized - much like Jason's armor, or Dick's own original Talon armor; head held up high, constantly challenging all and every living being before her, nary a hair dared to escape the tight bun she wore it on; lean but powerful musculature; and tall.
Cassandra was the near 180 of Lady Shiva. Especially now that she was wearing a massive hoodie with 'Gotham-U' emblazoned on its front, sweatpants, and slightly disheveled bob-cut hair with layers that softened her heart-shaped face even more. She has the same Asian features as Lady Shiva, but her eyes lacked the challenging condescension that was prevalent in Shiva, even through mere photographs or video footages of her. Also she has a cute little dimple that Shiva did not have.
Jason, however, did not share Dick's sentiments.
"Cain," he growled. She smiled at him.
"She's not gonna fight you," Dick told him. Her posture clearly did not show offense, or intentions thereof.
"I'm not risking it," Jason scowled.
"Risking what?" A blonde girl in her late teens walked out of the kitchen area. Barbara had decided that they - Damian, Jason, and Dick - ought to go and meet Cassandra on their own, without Barbara as referee. Tim came along, if to keep Damian company while Dick and Jason assessed the situation, in spite of his protest of 'I can guard myself, Grayson!' - to which Tim had replied exasperatedly, 'yeah, but having these two arrested because some good citizen thought they were abandoning a minor in a running car is not conducive to our plans of staying out of sight!'
Logic, the only way Damian would operate, apparently.
"Who are you?" Dick asked. Barbara didn't mention there would be another person there.
"I'm Steph, Cass' roomie. They friend of yours?" she asked Cassandra.
"Friend... no--" Cassandra replied in a halting tone. "Red Ghost," she pointed to Jason. "Not enemy."
'Steph' blinked. "Oookay, you have something to do with Oracle's riddle, I think." she remarked.
"Yes and no," Dick replied, but Jason cut him off.
"Me, I'm just here to see if she would finish her mother's work." Jason drawled.
"Oh? I thought you didn't have a mother?" Steph wondered toward Cass, as the latter shrugged slowly to answer. "What. Wait up. Cass was raised by her dad, who's MIA-- or is it KIA? Anyway! What mother?"
Jason looked confused for a few seconds, and then he stepped closer to Cassandra. Now Dick could see that Cassandra was uncomfortable, and might end up punching Jason. "You don't know your mother, but you know me." Jason stated.
"Yes," Cassandra replied uneasily. But it was Steph who reacted physically first. She put up a hand against Jason's chest.
"Whoa, wait up, buddy. You're not allowed in, yet!" she snarled. Jason was actually a few steps past the doorway, but he stepped back.
"Apologies, I don't intend to be threatening. But you," he looked back to Cassandra. "Did you know who your mother is?"
Cassandra shrugged slowly again. "I know," she said. "Never see her."
"Did you know what she did? To the League?"
Cassandra's eyes were full of questions - and from what Barbara said about lacking linguistic abilities, Dick guessed that she wanted to ask so many questions about his mother to Jason, but didn't know how or what words to use. She confirmed Dick's suspicion when she turned her head to look at Steph with pleading eyes. "Help," she said.
"Look, buddy, Red Ghost, or whatever your name is; Cass has been living with me in the past two years. Before that, she was living on the streets for a year after she ran away from her dad. She's never met her mom." Steph explained, stepping between Jason and Cassandra. "Whatever you think she did..."
Jason shook his head, interrupting her. "Lemme repeat myself, I have no intention to threaten her. But I need to assess whether or not she is safe for me and my charge."
Steph did not seem convinced, she glared at Dick, instead. "And you? You here to gang up on us or something?"
Dick held both his palms up and outward, "hey, I'm actually here to bail him out if he got outmanned." he grinned disarmingly. "Anyway, I'm right, aren't I? Or, rather, O was right, wasn't she? She's harmless."
Jason was still having some sort of soundless, eye-to-eye discussion with Cassandra. Either that, or a game of ninja-chicken.
Both Dick and Steph nearly shrieked in horror when Cassandra leaped onward and-- hugged Jason.
"Uh..." Steph muttered. "We missing something here, aren't we?"
"Uhm... I think so." Dick agreed. And then shrugged at Stephanie's glare. "Don't look at me, I ain't the ninja 'round here." he drawled.
"I ain't, either, but I'm less freaked out now 'cause I know my resident ninja is... kinda hugging your friend. Or is this some method of ninja-disarming thing I don't know of?" she replied.
Cassandra sniffled out loud, and Jason finally looked up and at Dick. "We... have an agreement." he croaked, sounding as if he'd been the one who was crying. "I don't hurt her, she won't hurt me. So..." he gave them a slight shrug.
"Telepathy," Steph nodded, assuring herself. Dick wasn't so sure if he could argue her out of her conviction, or if she would understand the body languages Jason and Cassandra were displaying to each other. "So... you still haven't told me what you're here for?"
"Yeah, I'll... I think I'll kinda wait for his decision for a bit. And tell O that they're not trying to kill each other or something. I think." Dick checked a little over Jason's shoulder. Cassandra was still sniffling a little, and Jason's arms around her looked more protective than stifling. Dick tapped his commlink that would connect him to both Oracle and Tim, "I think we're good here, O." he reported.
"I know," Barbara sniffled, too. "That was... thank you, Jason. Tim, you can bring Damian up now."
Damian's presence in the apartment was... rather anticlimactic, if not downright comical. For starter, there were no quiet, and the bickering between Damian and Tim of 'I can get myself up there, Drake!' and Tim's 'I'm not planning to hold your hand when we cross the street, either, but I'm not looking to get arrested, either, Damian!' were preceding their arrival. Cassandra had looked at Dick quizzically at the noise, and Steph had groaned something along the line of 'I don't get paid enough for this...'
Jason looked unfazed, until Damian burst in through the door after being shoved by Tim. Then Jason closed the door and told Cassandra, "Shiva killed Damian's mother and grandfather."
Cassandra sniffled again, and knelt in front of Damian.
"What?" Damian asked, confused. "While I'm not one against accolades... but what is this, Todd?"
"This is Cassandra. She's apologizing. She has never met her own mother, but has heard of her... reputation." Jason explained. "She felt like she has blood in her hands, too."
Damian hesitated for a mere few seconds, and Dick wondered how is it that someone like Talia Al Ghul, believed to be a cold-hearted killer just like Lady Shiva, could raise someone like Damian. "We do not believe that the child shall carry the sins of the father, do we?" Damian replied. "Or in this case, the sins of the mother."
"No we don't," Jason agreed.
"Then rise, Cassandra, for you are yet to sin against me." Damian said regally. Behind him, Tim rose both of his eyebrows and mouthed 'wow' toward Dick. Dick nodded in agreement. For all of his haughtiness and arrogance, Damian was more pragmatic than pedantic.
Jason's slight smirk suddenly reminded Dick that it was not just Talia who had raised and guided Damian. There was also Jason Todd, the most pragmatic person Dick has ever seen. Probably second only to Tim, third to Barbara. Jason was not raised initially as a member of the League of Assassins. He had grown up on the streets of Gotham. It stood to reason that he would reason his way out of anything, including Damian's mentality.
"Okay, do we continue this crying fest or-- Hi, I'm Stephanie Brown," Steph interjected, introducing herself to Tim.
"Tim Drake, nice to meet you." Tim accepted her extended hand gingerly. Dick would swear he could see the flicker of interest in her eyes promptly fade as she followed Tim's gaze toward Jason.
Dick sighed. "Hey, O, you have the footage ready for me to show Ms Cain here?" he asked idly, just to change the subject and cut through the sudden concentration of teenage hormones.
"Tim does," Barbara replied. "You kids good there? I need to divert my attention a bit." she added.
"Yeah, there's me for adult supervision, anyway." Dick quipped and switched off the commlinks before Barbara could protest. "Okay, folks, let's get back to business here."
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capaldiera · 2 years
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iceeckos12 · 3 years
A time travel au. angst and h/c. inspired by this post
Warnings: jon’s very low self-esteem
“What do you think of him?” Jon suddenly asks, staring blankly at the wall of the breakroom.
Tim pauses in the middle of chewing his sandwich to give him a long, considering look.
He’s mostly decided to suspend his disbelief until further notice, simply to keep from losing his mind. What else is one supposed to do when future versions of Jon and Martin, who are also apparently dating, tell you that your workplace is currently involved in a plot to end the world? Ideally he would’ve processed one big revelation at a time, but apparently they don’t have time for that, so goodbye grip on reality, it was nice knowing you. I’ll hit the restart button as soon as things start making sense again.
Tim wipes his hand across his mouth, swallows, and asks, “You mean Jon II?”
Jon rolls his eyes, like Tim’s being obtuse on purpose just to annoy him. “Yes, I mean...him. Me. Jon II.” Then his nose wrinkles amusingly, the same way it always does whenever he says the moniker. He’s hated it since the beginning, but it was a battle he quickly lost, what with all three of his assistants opposing him.
Normally, Tim wouldn’t have thought twice about shrugging and answering, but...Jon’s been uncharacteristically quiet lately. Oh sure, he’d blushed up a storm upon learning that his future self and Martin were dating, and he’d expressed his own misgivings at the beginning, but...since then he’s been eerily, silently watchful. In Tim’s experience, when presented with this sort of puzzle Jon generally buries himself in research, and doesn’t emerge until he’s good and ready to do so.
There’s something else on his mind.
So Tim puts down his sandwich and gives himself a moment to think carefully through his response. “I mean...he’s a lot like you, obviously. But he seems…” What’s a polite way to say, the trauma and the boyfriend seems to have made him a little more easygoing? He certainly smiles more freely than he ever has, which...honestly, makes Tim want to cry sometimes. How horrible, that so much abject cruelty had just made him more kind. “...tired. A little less high-strung?”
“I see,” Jon says, turning his mulish gaze to his curry, dragging his spoon through the thick sauce.
Tim waits a beat longer, but when nothing else seems forthcoming he prompts, “Why do you ask?”
Jon’s reaction is only to press his lips into a thin, tight line. Tim knows this mood; he’s weighing how insecure he’ll look if he says whatever’s actually bothering him out loud, versus how much he wants someone else to hear it. Pushing him now will only make him clam up, so Tim just waits.
Tim’s patience is rewarded when Jon blurts, “But you like him. You...you all do.”
“Yes,” Tim says slowly, because it’s true. Martin’s so enamoured with a Jon that actually likes him that he keeps bringing him tea just to get another glimpse of that gentle, thankful smile, just to strike up another conversation about nothing. Sasha has decided that he’s the most interesting thing that’s ever happened to her, and insists on consulting him whenever she reads a new true statement.
Tim’s personally a little unnerved by the awful, sad way future Jon looks at him sometimes, or the way he flinches back whenever someone tries to touch him without warning. But he’d taken Tim aside and quietly explained everything he knew about what happened to Danny, so.
Oh, Tim thinks, feeling like an idiot for not realizing it sooner. Jon may be an old hand at fooling others with his grumpy persona, but Tim knows that he’s just using it to hide his massive inferiority complex. “Wait, are you jealous?”
Jon ducks his head, and his ears darken. Gotcha, Tim thinks. 
“Jon, you know that that’s still you, right?” he explains gently, quietly relieved that it’s not something more complicated. “We like him just as much as we like you, because you’re the same person.”
“But he’s not the same, is he?” Jon protests. “Look at the scars on his neck, on his hand. And he has panic attacks, and he flinches at loud noises, and, and—”
He breaks off, biting down hard on his lip, threading a hand through his hair.
Tim stares at him, feeling off-kilter, like he missed a step coming down the stairs. That doesn’t sound like jealousy. “...Jon?”
Jon shakes his head, his breath escaping him in thready, devastated gasps.
He can’t tell what’s going on in Jon’s head, and it’s starting to scare him. “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”
Jon just sits there for a moment long, tugging at his hair, staring sightlessly at the middle distance. Tim gently untangles his fingers, giving him something a little more solid to hold onto.
“You all like him,” he says at last. “You all...he’s so kind, and he’s funny, and you like him, because someone hurt him first. He’s different—we’re different—because someone cut our throat and burned our hand, and you like him better.”
Tim’s horrified. “Jon—”
“Should I accept that?” he continues, the words flooding from him like a dam finally exploding in a shower of groaning wood and weathered stone. “Do I—how do I carry on knowing that I could be the person I want to become, if only I give myself to monstrosity, if only I let myself be hurt like that?”
“Of course we’re not going to let that happen to you!” Tim interrupts, voice higher and more frightened than he meant it to be. He’s applying duct tape to a raging river. He has no fucking idea how to fix this. “You don’t deserve—”
“Don’t I?” Jon demands, whirling on him, eyes flashing. “Don’t I deserve to be happy? Or am I unworthy of even this kind of improvement? Am I doomed to be like this forever?” Tears well in his eyes, spill over. “Don’t I deserve it?”
And then he slowly, inevitably, dissolves into tears, his slim shoulders shaking as he curls over and buries his face in his elbow. Tim drapes an arm across his back, angling his body so he can gently tuck Jon’s head against his shoulder. He doesn’t know what else he’s supposed to do. Even if Jon were in any shape to hear it, he has no idea how to fix this.
Tim could tell him that he and Martin and Sasha all think that he’s fine the way he is, and it’s the stress of an apparently eldritch job that’s causing him to push people away, but he doubts Jon would believe it. Words mean nothing when actions have been screaming something entirely different all this time, and Jon’s always been more observant than they give him credit for.
“Oh, Jon,” he whispers when the tears finally start to slow, dropping a kiss onto silver and black hair. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that you felt that way.”
Jon pulls away and shrugs, averting his reddened eyes. Tim squeezes his elbow to prevent him from retreating entirely. They sit like that for a moment, Jon going very still and very tense under Tim’s hand, settling into the vulnerability like an open wound.
“I’m sorry,” Jon says finally, sniffing heavily. He’s aiming for his usual brusque, dry tone, but his voice is shaking, and he’s not fooling anyone. “That was unprofessional of me.”
Before Tim can stop himself, an incredulous laugh rips out of him. “Jon,” he says quickly, “We’re well beyond professional. You know that, right? You don’t have to hide from me.”
Jon flushes. “Yes, well—it was unfair for me to put this on you, as your fr—as…” His expression goes all fragile and uncertain, and Tim’s heart aches.
“It’s not unfair,” Tim corrects gently. “As your friend,” and here he pauses for emphasis, “I want to know when you’re feeling like this.”
“Oh,” Jon murmurs, then straightens and scrubs the teartracks from his cheeks. “Oh.”
Tim nods reassuringly, takes a deep breath, and makes an educated guess. “I know you’re scared, Jon. We all are. This place is...horrible, and seeing what you went through is...terrifying. I can’t imagine how that must be for you.” He lets his eyes flicker up. Jon’s still watching him, rapt, and good, good. I haven’t lost him. “I won’t deny that he’s getting along with Sasha and Martin quite well, but...but that’s not because of what he—you—went through. It’s because….right now, you’re pushing people away because you’re scared, but he’s already done that. He knows that pushing people away just means you end up alone. It doesn’t mean he’s a better person, just that he’s a little wiser.”
“But how can you be sure?” Jon asks, leaning forward, eyes big and desperate.
“I mean, I wouldn’t have become your friend if I didn’t like you,” Tim admits unashamedly.
His bold honesty is rewarded by Jon flushing and ducking his head.
“But even so,” he continues, sobering, “Even if you were the worst person on the planet—and you’re not—you wouldn’t deserve to be hurt like that, no matter what the outcome. Does that make sense?”
Jon looks thoughtful as he says, “I—yes. Yes, that makes sense.”
He can tell though, that Jon doesn’t quite believe him. That’s okay—honestly, it’s what he was expecting. Tim’s been running headfirst into the wall that is Jon’s terrible self-esteem for as long as they’ve been friends. This problem is going to take more than one half-assed pep talk.
That’s okay, though. Jon’s worth the effort.
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
how do u think the boy would be in a party😈😈
SYNOPSIS: blue lock at a party
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, rin, chigiri, naruhaya, niko, nanase, gagamaru, kunigami
WARNINGS: mentions of underage drinking and weed (but no one actually takes anything), swearing, mentions of throwing up and food, again pretend they're all friends and go to the same school because it's more fun to think that way. ooc rin maybe? idk i like pretending he's not as miserable as the manga makes him out to be 🤗 he deserves to have fun i think
A/N: no cause this was soooo fun to write tysm anon, i got through this in a flash cause i loved this suggestion sm :') literally one of the most fun requests i've ever gotten eeee!!!!! also this made me miss my irls bye corona can suck my balls fr
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i feel like this would be his first big party aw lol, so he’s kind of nervous LMAO.
gets handed a beer by someone, has his first sip of it ever, and immediately spits it out. mutters “how the hell can anyone drink this?” and “discreetly” pours the rest into a bush.
mainly stays with nagi, chigiri, kunigami, and bachira and they just talk throughout the night
(bachira only sits down and talks after his energy dies down. i'll elaborate on this below the cut).
keeps asking nagi “what song is this?” throughout the night LOL. makes a mental note of what songs to add to his playlists.
slightly nods his head to the music, aw cute. goes a little harder and lip syncs/raps along when he really likes the song, though (i stand by my word when i said he loves “neon guts”)
does accidentally bump into someone, but isagi starts a convo with them after he apologizes, and they hit it off right away 🥰
but, the person left early and isagi, ever the dummy, forgets to ask for their number.
and he's actually so disappointed in himself when he realizes, too 😭
not drunk or anything at all, but boy, the way he’s acting makes it seem like he is.
the self proclaimed “life of the party.”
can be found “dancing,” though i use that word generously because to classify whatever he’s doing as “dancing,” is a stretch, to every song, even if he doesn’t know the words LOL
really likes when throwbacks come on!!!! he does dance to the lyrics and not the beat sometimes, though 😭
but, bachira looks like he’s having so much fun, it’s so cute, he’s definitely been waiting for this moment his whole life 🥰
if you were dancing with him, bachira would 100% take you by the hand and spin you around
also forces gets isagi to dance with him but isagi’s so awkward 😭
bachira also ends up jumping in the pool sometime later that night. yells “cannonball!” and everything, like, okay michael phelps 😭
he doesn’t have extra clothes so reo has to give him some and they're so fucking big on him LOLLL
texts the groupchat “i was sooo crazy last night😂” in the morning LMAOO, okay babe calm down
takes it upon himself to make sure none of his friends die LOL
only drinks water and diet coke 👍
his mom calls in the middle of the party to ask how he's doing and bachira and nagi are doing stupid shit like yelling “pass the weed” and fake moaning 😭
isagi and chigiri tell him to tell her they say hi LOL
really likes when the dj puts on 90s/2000's r&b/hiphop songs (i'll die by my hc that kunigami's an oldies fan)
mostly sways side to side to the music, but he did also dance a little, per request of bachira, and ended up talking to a cute person a for little, too 🤗
offers to help clean up in the morning
at least two drunk girls have mistaken him for their friend, and another four have asked to touch his hair.
tried to use one of reo’s many bathrooms, found a couple making out, outwardly said “gross,” and then left to find another one 😭
nods his head and taps his foot to the music, not much of a dancer.
also a people-watcher, and he points out things he sees are happening to his friends.
“guys, i think misa and her boyfriend are breaking up, look.” leave that poor girl alone bro 😭
finds himself laughing a lot that night because damn! his friends are funny, whether they try to be or not.
not really a party person, but chigiri actually had a lot of fun 🥰
also on the dancefloor! doesn’t really dance, per say, but he jumps up and down and does the fist pump thing 😭 he has the spirit, let's give him that.
drank a lot of soda, so he’s filled with energy. also pees in at least three of reo's bathrooms.
talks to his friends, but also makes new ones! also i feel like he takes a lot of pictures LOL. he needs the finsta content 😭
plays truth or dare, or something like that. ends up having to do some stupid shit like smack raichi’s ass and run away, but naruhaya did make out with the girl next to him, so fair trade, he thinks.
also ends up in the pool, but he’s playing chicken with gagamaru and some other people. does not win a single round, but he had fun 😇
leaves with like four plates of food and one of reo’s decorative towels for some reason???
goes through a bunch of reo's shit 😭 he's not taking anything, but he's just curious LOL
strikes up very, random conversations with a bunch of people out of nowhere, good for him!
weirdly good at darts, very good aim.
although one round, naruhaya accidentally distracted gagamaru and one of darts ended up in reo's wall 💔
“it's fine, he has the money to fix it,” naruhaya shrugs as he walks away from reo's now punctured, wall. so true bestie!
gagamaru somehow ends up giving some drunk stranger some “life-changing” advice. (whether it's good or not is debatable)
they thank gagamaru for changing their life and he never sees them again
irritates the fuck out the dj because nagi keeps asking him to play one specific song over and over again.
it was good the first time, don't wear it out for the rest of us bae 😭
doesn't really dance, just nods his head, maybe raps along a little, too
when he talks to the girls that come up to him, nagi says stuff like “yeah, the host and i go way back, we’re best friends.”
“way back,” my ass, but whatever nagi 🤨
knocks out in one of reo’s guest rooms. someone finds him when they’re trying to look for the bathroom and they draw a mustache and a bunch of other stupid shit on him 😭
tries to leave before reo makes him help clean up in the morning. does not work 👍
dumbass also ended up losing his phone (reo bought him a new one so nagi doesn't really care)
gasses himself up sooo much when he’s trying to hit on girls.
“yeah, i'm about to go D1 after high school, just wait on it,” yeah, okay raichi 🙄
also tries to show them his highlights, bye. babe, i mean this in the nicest possible way but, i do not care, can we just kiss 🙏
i feel like he’s one of those boys who likes to take his shirt off for no reason, so raichi most definitely ends up shirtless at some point of the night 😭
takes pictures with reo’s fancy cars in his garage to flex 💀 gets annoyed when reo says raichi can’t drive them. raichi doesn't even have his license 😑
plays pool and is actually not that bad. does almost accidentally blind isagi with his cue, though.
he's with some girls but, he’s a dummy and he didn’t know his other hoes would be there, so imamura had quite a few drinks spilled on him here and there.
still somehow leaves with like three new girls snaps, four numbers, and a bunch of lipstick stains. not even gonna lie, i respect his game.
actually a really good dancer, and he knows he looks good, too. knows the words to every drake song that comes on, argue with your mom.
lip-syncs the words to you when you dance together and it makes you more flustered than you would think 🙄
the type to pull you close and wraps his arms around your waist or around your neck
actually really fun to talk to. always in the loop with drama and stuff, so he's always got some interesting conversation topics. and he's funny 😭
obviously, the party’s at his house. what’s the point of having a rich teammate if you can’t exploit them for their possessions?
jokes, but reo did offer to throw it at his mansion house in the first place.
actually really likes throwing parties lmao, so he jumped at the opportunity.
posted on his snap, “party at my place su for address‼️” LOL
natural charm + raised with good manners = reo being an amazing host
but, reo does have a little group of girls following him around the entire night 👎
and it irritates the hell out of whoever reo’s trying to talk to because they’re all up on him, making it hard for reo to pay attention 😑
also doesn’t help that he entertains them and flirts back and dances with a couple of them, too
and looks good when he dances, too UGH!!!! he's the type to run his hands up and down your body while he dances with you 😣
i hate this man 👎 /j
practicing. he didn’t come. sike! rin has a social life, too, come on now, y'all 🙄
talked a big game about how he wouldn’t show up then he still came anyways, like rin, what 😭??
super good at cup pong and he knows it. he keeps beating ryusei and if you look closely, rin has something reminiscent of a smirk on his face.
a foot-tapper, not a dancer, which sucks because he’s not even bad at dancing, either 👎
a couple of girls come up to rin to flirt, but rin doesn’t give them the time of day. no response or anything just a little side eye 😭
rin just talks to his friends and that’s it, really.
actually internally glad for the chance to kickback and relax for once, tbh.
but, he refuses to admit he had any semblance of fun. (he did, rin’s just a weenie 😒)
the team forced him to come 😭
niko’s already a homebody and he doesn’t like loud noises or large social scenes, so he wasn’t too jazzed about going somewhere where the both of those things combine.
also he's picky with music so LOL. does like that one remix to the pursuit of happiness, though
he’s a wall-stander, i hate to break it to y’all. just watched everything from a distance and didn't talk to anyone except for isagi and his friends.
bye, if you don’t get off the damn wall and dance (he'd dance with me i'm different 🥰🤗)
keeps opening and closing his phone so he looks busy but that mf is literally just going through the settings app 😭
called his mom to bring him home an hour and a half in 👎
i hate to admit it, but he’s the annoying first year that documents everything on snap bye
he’s just excited to be there but like, there is no reason for his story to be half an hour long.
i'm not watching all of that! sorry that happened to you or good for you 🤗
probably playing games like spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven. is very proud of himself for kissing four people in one night #bigmoves 🥳
stays with his group of friends and they're sooo loud and rowdy LMAOO. #firstyearthings
you can literally hear them laughing over the music, but they're having fun, so it's fine (at least of those kids hits people when they laugh too)
also dances, too! has super good energy and a natural sense of rhythm surprisingly 🥰 also a good hypeman!!!!! honestly, he's just really fun to be around tbh
overall, has a lot of fun, as you can tell by his story 😇
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kankuroplease · 3 years
Can you tell us more about Katsura and her relationships with Shino? :)
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Well this came out longer than expected BUT it is sectioned (not proof read, so oops). Hope you enjoy 🖤
About Katsura
For starters, she’s very aware that she’ll never be this great kunoichi. She’s not from a major clan that has special techniques, her chakra is barely above average, and her size is a disadvantage.
So to compensate for what she sees as short comings; She trains, studies, and tries to keep up with her teammates/not be a burden.
Will train with her sister even past her team training exercises.
Katsura is very logical about things. There’s always a logical explanation or way of handling things.
Loves writing and will carry a notebook to write in wherever she may go.
She also enjoys dressing up just because on her off days.
Doesn’t want anyone to look at her though. It’s annoying and uncomfortable to her when people she doesn’t know pay her too much attention.
She isn’t proud of it, but she has played dumb and showed some skin to get information on missions. It’s amazing how idiotic some people are over cleavage 💀
Very envious of civilians with soft hands and has definitely invested in creams to try and help with her callouses
She has been helping at her grandparents bakery from time to time for as long as she can remember.
Its one of the reason she bakes so much. She doesn’t want to get rusty~ the other is it seems to make her friends happy.
Never had a crush before Shino and just assumed she wasn’t capable of feeling like that. Genuinely curious how people can just develop crushes on people they don’t really know.
Gets really excited when one of the beetles she raises does well/finds a mate. Like she is so proud of her beetle-companion.
Also gets very upset if it gets flung off a branch by its competitor or mate. She will pout and try to soothe said beetle-companion.
Beyond ticklish. Tries to hide it but even the slightest playful touch of her neck will have her laughing and snorting.
Touch starved, honestly. Will never admit it but she loves hugs. They make her feel warm and fuzzy.
She doesn’t remember her mother at all because she was so young when she passed away, but she still will visit her grave to ask her to watch over her father. He’s getting old and he’s still a recluse.
Absolute morning person and likely to want to crash before 8 pm if she’s not on a mission
Poisonous~ no but fr, she’s crafted her own poison to coat her sword in
Her sword is her baby. Custom made just for her by her father. No one is allowed to handle it for the previous reason.
How It Started
When she met Shino, it was simply by chance. Her dad told she was small but strong like a beetle.
And unfortunately, the beetle he compared her too got away before she could observe it and collect information on it properly.
So she went searching for her escaped beetle and ran into Shino.
Who told her he had no seen that bug but told her where can probably find one.
She was highly insulted but her father raised her not to let her emotions take control of her actions
So she let it go (sort of) and followed his advice. Which did lead her to her first pet beetle
After that, she made a point of saying hi or waving to Shino whenever she’d see him around for helping her out.
And they built a friendship over the years and all was fine with the world. They’d go bug hunting and Shino became someone she really respected and enjoyed talking to.
She could listen to him talk about insects all day because he sort of lights up and his knowledge was pretty impressive
And his voice is nice too~
Also, she really liked his dad too. He was so kind and even accepted cookies she had baked for Shino before realizing he was on a mission.
She totally loves Shinos bugs (before she realized she loved Shino)! even asked their names. Not that she would remember all of them or even recognize one from the other, she was just very curious about these special little guys.
It took the coming of war for her to realize just how much Shino actually meant to her.
And she didn’t expect to survive the war either. So she put all her feelings in an origami beetle that she gave to Shino.
It wasn’t like anyone unfolds them anyways, so it’s safe.
But by some miracle, they both survive.
Now she’s blushing heavily whenever he’s around because ‘oh no’, yes she’s always been aware his conventionally good looking but this feeling keeps growing and now his looks are a burden on her heart and mind
She was honestly pretty embarrassed about that origami beetle he still has sitting a little too close to light for her comfort.
All it would take is for him to look at it in the light to see her confession and she’s not even supposed to be alive to face this possibility.
Tried asking her father what he liked about her mother and none of that matched her (soft figure and extroverted bubbly personality) and Aori gave her ‘the talk’ while completely red faced.
And once she told her teammates, they basically told her to stop being a chicken and just tell him how she feels.
now Katsura does find that just telling him would be the most logical thing to do… but it’s easier said than done.
What if he doesn’t feel the same? Can they still be friends?
Shino pricked up on her not so subtle changes in behavior and wasn’t sure what to make of it.
She’s standing closer, stealing glances when she thinks he’s not looking, jumping a bit when he’d call her name, blushing and losing train of thought whenever their hands accidentally brush, etc.
He’s almost certain he knows what all this means, but maybe it’s just wishful thinking?
Katsura has always smiled easily for him and never seemed to forget him no matter how long it took for them to see each other again.
Maybe it was the way she always was so proud to show him her latest beetle she nurtured from larval or how she seriously always told his beetles to take care of him for her before any missions no matter how small.
Perhaps it was the fact that she always told him she thought he was amazing
Maybe it was the way they both could comfortably enjoy each other’s company without words
Or maybe the way she fussed over the children’s novel she was writing.
The way she always made sure other acknowledged him in group settings by mentioning him or asking him questions.
Her snorting laugh that she’s so embarrassed about had grown on him too. Also made it easy to find her
But at some point he’d developed a crush of his own, so it would be great if she felt the same.
It’s not until Kiba discovers the origami beetle and ask who gave him the love letter
Shino’s like… love letter?
Kiba holding it up to the light so Shino can faintly see the writing in it.
Kiba guesses it’s probably from that mean little thing that always seems to be around Shino these days. In fact, he’s pretty sure it’s her because of the faint scent still on it.
Shino looks calm on the surface but inside, Shino.exe has stopped working. Some quite a few bugs are escaping and kiba is cackling because he f**kin’ KNEW IT!!
Now they’re both acting strangely with each other trying to figure out their timing but what better timing than during one of their forest walks?
Shino waits until they’re absolutely alone (None of his bugs spotted Katsura’s nosy teammates) and Katsura is distracted by if her beetle is ready to find a mate/leave home.
She’s humming to herself that this one doesn’t seem to want to leave when Shino murmurs he can’t blame the little guy. He wouldn’t want to leave her side either.
Queue Katsura turning red and telling him not to joke like that, because she might get the wrong idea.
He tilted his head before asking her why would joke about that? He likes her, and the rest was a blur as her heart was beating too loud to hear everything he said outside of the end of his confession.
Of course she said yes too loudly and then asked him to repeat what he said because she wants to know remember his words forever 🥰
Them as a couple
Once they become official, nothing much changes honestly
They still go on bug hunts and walks in the forest, but will to hold hands while doing these things now.
Shino isn’t into too much PDA of course, but he doesn’t mind her cuddling up to him in private. In fact he welcomes it.
Katsura is the first one to say ‘I love you’ and she’s not shy about saying it.
Will leave him notes to read each day if either one of them has a particularly long mission. (they are numbered and yes she expects him to wait and read them)
He’s also been the subject of several questionable dishes because baking is her thing, not cooking. She is very sorry, Shino.
They both decided she should to stick to cookbooks for awhile after the last random dish
Garden picnics are something they both enjoy whenever their schedules allow and Katsura actually knows how to prepare foods for such an occasion
Shino will have a few more butterflies than normal join them because he knows it will make her smile.
Took them awhile to share a passionate kiss because, they’re both patient types and were waiting on the other to take the lead
But once they did and she heard his beetles buzzing— and he sighed against her lips that was it, she practically jumped on top of him and then apologized profusely later
Shino knows she’s capable, but will still get things down from higher shelves for her.
Katsura loves tracing shapes in Shino’s palms and can/will fall asleep holding his hand. His hands are always so warm and calming to her
She knitted them matching sweaters for winter because she really liked the idea. They didn’t turn out perfect but Shino wore his anyways and made her whole day!
Shino was very supportive of Katsura retiring to take a bigger role at her grandparents bakery and pursue writing. It’s something she always enjoyed and he’s ngl, the thought of them having more time together made him happy.
Katsura was also very supportive of Shino becoming a sensei! What a cute job and she could get intel of what kids may be interested
Both of them would still rather eat at home but will go with their friends. Katsura is more likely to convince Shino it’s good to socialize every once in awhile… although if he wants her to be more selfish with him, she will gladly do so~
Overall just a really sweet couple that’s over the moon about each other 🖤
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hongism · 3 years
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ateez reaction to their s/o being pregnant:
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he would be absolutely over the moon first of all
beaming overjoyed so thrilled
he would immediately be thinking of names as soon as he gets the news
then he would be asking you all sorts of questions
whether you’re okay, how you’re feeling, whether you need him to more
he would definitely take up more chores around the house for you
he just wants to make sure you have the most painless experience you can possibly have
and if you’re uncomfy or in pain, then he’s gonna feel the same bc it hurts to see him baby in pain :((
will be singing to your stomach every single night before you go to bed
will be playing music for the baby and holding his phone speaker to your stomach 
“how many pairs of socks do you think the baby will need?”
“should we get a backup stroller? no? too much?”
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seonghwa was Made to be a parent okay
he has such a caretaker attitude to him and being a parent would be his biggest accomplishment
just having a baby and taking care of you throughout your pregnancy would be his life goals
he would drop Everything for you esp during your pregnancy
and when he first gets the news, he wont want to leave you alone for a second
he might get a bit overbearing at times but it’s all out of love
he Will rub your feet and ankles without complaint
he will OFFER to do it even if you’re like “ew gross honey no”
he just needs to take care of you so don’t deprive him of that he’s fragile too
“i can go to the store right now if you need me to” “you’re making dinner” “and?”
“don’t open the door, i’ll do it for you, okay?”
more under the cut!
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yunho would be the Absolute Best Father
he was also made to be a parent
he’s the type who would talk to your stomach constantly throughout your pregnancy
he would tell the baby about his day and your day
he would gush about you and talk about how wonderful you are
would try to help out and do more chores
but somehow he always manages to get the vacuum cord tangled around your houseplant and knocks it over every time
and you’re like “babe just let me do it”
but he’s determined to Help so you just have to let him do it
he would 10/10 be littering you with compliments 24/7
“wow you’re glowing today look at you”
“is that a new outfit? you look amazing!”
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yeosang is a sleeper fr bc he might not seem like it but he secretly wants a baby so badly
he might be a little quiet in his excitement and happiness but seriously he’s so!!! 
you’ll probably get calls from the other members like ‘pls shut him up he will not stop talking about the baby’
but he gets shy about showing his excitement in front of you
especially if you’re in pain because he will feel bad for not being able to do more for you
so he’ll suddenly show up with your favorite things and a new blanket or he’ll randomly prepare baths for you
he will do little things that add up a lot bc he just wants to do whatever he can to make you comfortable
“i got your favorite takeout for tonight, i figured you’d want it”
“i went out and bought the baby supplies you had written down”
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i keep saying this but honestly all of ateez would be such great dads like come on
and SAN would be a stellar father
he’s so caring and gentle and lovely
such a precious bean :c who just wants to give you the universe
and he’ll want to do the same for the baby too
that’s his baby yes he’s gonna do anything for his child
even before the baby is born, san will be spoiling tf out of her
super fascinated whenever he sees the baby kick
like omg that’s in you?! that’s in you! woah that’s so neat?
he’ll have so many questions too like does it hurt how do you feel all that jazz
he will give you daily massages and sing to you softly to make you feel better :c
“omg i heard a heartbeat” “that’s my stomach growling idiot” “omg the baby spoke to me just now”
“i picked up three strollers today - a day stroller, a night stroller, and a groovy stroller for park days” “you what.”
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mingi would be so overjoyed to the point of tears like mans will be sobbing when you tell him you’re pregnant
he won’t know what to say so he’ll just motion to your stomach and cry harder
he’s so ready to be a dad but at the same time he’s really nervous
even when not around you, he will just always be asking questions
the other will be like “he asked about babies for six hours today but i don’t think he retained any information”
he will have a little notebook to keep track of things to do
keeps notes on how to change diapers and how to properly burp and feed a baby
he just wants to make sure everything is Perfect for his little one
writes down little love letters to the baby too once a week
so that he can give them to your child later on
and he would be so excited about it 
“look baby i wrote another letter for mini me!”
“if the baby starts crying in the middle of the night, don’t worry about getting up. i’ll take care of everything”
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it would take a minute for wooyoung to realize what’s going on
even if you say “i’m pregnant” he might just go ._. for a minute before he realizes what you’ve said and it really sinks in
then cue loud screaming and happiness
he is still going to be as chaotic and loud as ever
just with a bit more excitement now bc! he’s gonna be a dad! he’s so excited
sometimes though on late nights where you two are up bc you aren’t feeling well
he’ll admit that he’s really scared of messing up along the way
and he worries about whether he’ll be a good father
but he’ll get back to feeling better and less anxious after you talk him down some
he may not be the best helper but! he’s trying his best and that’s all that is important okay
“i got pickles!” “wooyoung i hate pickles” “omg really? i read that pregnant people love pickles :((” “i’ll eat one pickle just for u”
“i’m getting the baby a dinosaur costume so we can set her loose in the dorm and watch her terrorize seonghwa” “wooyoung no”
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jongho would try to contain how happy and excited he is
he doesn’t want to startle you with how thrilled he is but he’s over the moon
will probably just sit around and think about it all the time for weeks
10/10 would sit around and laugh and smile to himself while thinking about the baby
the others might call and be like “he’s doing the thing again” so you would have to call and ask him how he’s doing and stuff like that
the two of you could probably spend hours on the phone just talking about the baby
he would 10000% sing to you and the baby both
definitely get on his knees in front of you and sing to your stomach
just too much elation to be contained in his body 
best helper tho like jongho is good at everything and he will Prove it dammit
“i set up the cradle today and put it in the spare room for now, but i’ll move it into our room when the time comes”
“do you think the baby will recognize our voices by the time she’s born? will she recognize my singing?”
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enchantzz · 3 years
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ART & VAMPIRES - V - Oxford
Amy, Mitchell and Rick travel to Oxford, where Rick’s life as a vampire started. They find a clue in an antique box, which leads them on a treasure hunt to find a book of spells.
1 - Memories
2 - Treasure Hunt
3 - The Book of Spells
Art & Vampires Series - Master list and notes here
2 - Treasure Hunt
Rick was staring at the text on the piece of paper. It was there, right in front of him. His eyes had gone over the text a million times. Had an actual female guarded the book? Has guarding the book been passed down to later generations? Had it been hidden behind a painting of a lady?
‘Maybe there is a grave or a tomb under the Camera?’ Mitchell suggested.
‘No, there isn’t, there never was in the past either,’ Rick said, frowning. ‘I’m searching my memories, but this happened a good hundred years after I left, so in that time, things could have been added to the Camera. I’m leaning towards an inanimate object, not so much a live person guarding the book at that time.’ He sighed and sat back. He put his hands on the back of his head.
Amy walked into the room. ‘Still no answers?’ she asked.
‘No, not yet,’ Rick said. ‘What have you got there?’
Amy was carrying a small bust. It was carved ivory. It had been in one of the boxes, where they also found the writing casket.
‘I don’t know if this is worth anything, but I thought …’ she started.
‘Of course!’ Rick exclaimed.
‘Oh ok.’ Amy said, surprised.
‘No, no, I mean I have it. I think I know where the book is,’ Rick smiled. He stood up and left the room.
‘But… wait, where?’ Amy tried, but Rick was gone. She looked at Mitchell, but he just shrugged. He didn’t know either.
It wasn’t long before Rick returned with his laptop. ‘I need to find an image of the inside of the Camera,’ he said and started googling. He was peering at the screen, searching for the right image, while Amy and Mitchell followed the searches on the screen with great anticipation.
‘Can’t you just tell us where it is?’ Amy said, her impatient self dying from curiosity.
‘Patience, Amy, patience,’ Rick mumbled.
Mitchell muffled a laugh and Amy hit his arm, exactly knowing why he was laughing.
‘Oh come on, Ames. It's a little funny. You really need to learn to be patient,’ he grinned.
‘I AM patient. It’s just that I don’t have an eternity like you guys do. I have limited time, you know and besides, I’m highly interested. It’s not curiosity.’
Mitchell threw his head back and let out a loud laugh. ‘Oh my God, Ames! Just call it by its name. You are super curious and highly impatient. Just admit it.’
Amy shot him an annoyed look, but she didn’t have time to reply.
‘Here!’ Rick interrupted. He pointed at the screen. He had found a picture of the inside of the Camera and he enlarged it as much as he could. ‘Look in the upper right corner. There is a bust of a lady above a ledge. See that partition underneath it? I bet that’s where she hid the book.’
‘Wow, after 250 years, you still remember,’ Amy said, peering at the picture on the screen. ‘I should be lucky to remember what I did this morning,’ she added, half in thought.
‘If she doesn’t remember this morning, then you’re doing something wrong buddy,’ Rick teased, looking at Mitchell.
Mitchell made a face.
‘Oh, I don’t mean literally,’ Amy said when she saw Mitchell’s face. ‘I very well remember what he and I did this morning.’ She looked at him, a smile playing on her lips and her eyes full of lust. Mitchell looked as if he was about to jump her there and then.
Rick looked from one to the other and grunted. ‘Ok, I’m out of here,’ he said, grabbing his laptop and leaving Amy and Mitchell to whatever they were going to do, which was definitely something he didn’t want to be in the room for, he decided.
It appeared that they didn’t have any chance to do anything remotely what they had in mind, because a car approached the house. Lena and Alana had arrived.
'Amy, Mitchell.' Rick stopped them before they reached the front door to let Alana and Lena in. 'Don't tell them about the location of the book. I want Lena to try and locate it first, using her powers. Let's see if she can confirm what I think is the hiding place.'
Mitchell and Amy agreed and Amy hurried to the door to let them in.
After the ladies had settled in and they had caught up over lunch, they got to work.
'I'll be on my way to get you those library cards then. This should be fun,' Alana grinned.
'No snacking, Lana! I'm serious!' Rick said sternly.
'Alright, alright,' Alana said, sounding disappointed. 'If you say so.'
'I say so, ' Rick warned her.
When she was out the door, Rick turned his attention to Lena. 'So, is there anything you need? '
'Yeah, if you have a map? I can use Google maps on my tablet, but I prefer working with a paper map,' she said.
'There is a framed map in the office, ' Mitchell suggested. 'Will that do? '
'Yeah, that will be fine,' Lena confirmed.
They got the map down from the wall and carefully removed the frame. It was an early 20th century map of Oxford.
'Perfect, thank you,' Lena said and she started to concentrate. She was holding her dowsing pendulum, asking questions and trying to make contact with her spirit guides. After a while, she pointed at the map.
'Here. I think it might be here,' she said. She was pointing at the location of the Radcliffe Camera.
Rick and Mitchell looked at each other. 'That confirms my thoughts,' Rick said.
'What do you mean? Did you know where it was hidden?' Lena asked, surprised.
'I didn't know for sure, but the text in the letter pointed in that direction. Isabelle wrote about the lady under the dome and at one point, I remembered that there is a statue above a ledge on the second floor. There is a partition right underneath it, which could be the hiding place.
'But then why did you ask me to locate it?' Lena said. 'I don't understand.'
'I wanted to be sure. You basically confirmed without any knowledge, so chances are, that it really is hidden there.'
'Right,' Lena said. She was half in thought.
'Are you OK Lena?' Amy asked.
'Yeah...Yeah, ' she said. 'It's just that… ' She looked at Rick. 'What did you say her name was? The lady who wrote the letter?'
'Isabelle,' he said. 'Why?'
'That name is so familiar…' She stopped talking, looking very pensive. Amy, Rick and Mitchell were quiet.
Then Lena started talking again. 'When I was casting the locator spell, I got in contact with a lady. She is not one of my regular spirit contacts. I haven't been in contact with her before. But she felt so familiar. Maybe it was Isabelle.'
'Did you get an image at all? ' Mitchell asked.
'Yeah, actually, I did, ' Lena said, smiling softly. 'She looked very kind. She had long and wavy dark hair and I think there were flowers in her hair.'
Mitchell and Rick looked at each other.
'Blue flowers?' Mitchell asked.
'What? How, how do you know? ' Lena asked, surprised.
'We saw her yesterday. In the back room, ' Rick said.
'Oh my God!' Amy exclaimed. 'There is a ghost here and you didn't tell me!!' She started to freak out a little and wanted to leave the office.
Mitchell grabbed her by the arms and said 'Hey. Hey, Ames, look at me. There is nothing to be afraid of. She is a very kind lady and she does not mean any harm. She can't hurt you or touch you and she wouldn't. You have to believe me. You are safe. You are safe with me, OK? '
Amy calmed down a little and nodded. She really didn't like ghosts.
'So now what? ' Lena asked.
'So, now we wait for Lana to come back with the swipe cards, ' Rick said.
'How will you know she can get them?' Amy asked.
'Oh, you can be sure of that,' Mitchell said with a smile on his face. 'She is the queen of thieves and cons.'
'I do want you to think of a way to either conceal us or to keep people away when we go get the book, Lena, ' Rick said. 'It is a working library and we need to get to that ledge unseen. I will probably have to remove a stone. I don't think it will be directly on the ledge, but hidden behind a slate. Here, let me show you, ' he said and opened the laptop to show her the photo of the Camera.
'Oh, that will be tricky,' Lena said. 'We need to check if there are less busy times. Maybe when they open or when they close.'
'Let me call Lana, ' Mitchell said, taking out his phone. ' Maybe she can get that information when she is robbing some poor fellow of his library card.'
'Or you google it,' Amy said. She walked up to the desk and within seconds they had the answer. 'Looks like you'll be going in towards closing time,' she said.
'That's settled then,' Rick said. 'Let's wait for Lana to return and work out the details then. You girls go catch up. Maybe you'd like to go somewhere? Mitch and I will work a bit more on cataloguing the antiques. '
Amy and Lena happily accepted that offer. They got their bags and coats and they were off.
'So, how are things going with you and Mitchell? I've hardly seen you in the past weeks,' Lena said, taking a bite off her carrot cake. They had found a nice tea room and a cosy corner to chat.
'Yeah, we've been busy. And before you make any smart remarks, I don't only mean with each other, ' Amy giggled.
'I wasn't going to, ' Lena said with a straight face.
'Liar, you so were, ' Amy winked. They both giggled.
'We're good though. We're really good. I mean, I think that I might annoy him sometimes, but I blame him. I mean, he doesn't always tell me everything and I don't like that. And sometimes he makes me handle clients of which I know that he doesn't want to handle them himself. When I go against him, he can get really bossy, ' she sighed.
'Erm… yeah, because he actually IS your boss, hon,' Lena smiled. 'You should really listen to him when you are at work. It would be good to separate work from private matters. '
'I know, I know,' Amy admitted.' But it's hard, you know. I mean, I don't do very well with authority, I guess.'
'Well, just be careful that you don't make Mitch so angry that he doesn't want to be with you anymore. It took you long enough to get together, now don't go and lose him, ' Lena said.
'We have ways to make up though, ' Amy winked. 'But I get what you are saying. And I do need to put in more of an effort, I guess. I promise I will try.' She took a sip of her tea. 'Hey, hold on, Mitchell didn't put you up to this? Did he?'
Lena laughed. 'No, Amy! Of course not. But I know you. And I know him. It would be a shame if things fell apart because of your work relationship.'
Amy made a face, but she knew Lena was right.
'So, want to tell me about making up?' Lena asked and winked at Amy.
Back at the house, Mitchell and Rick were sorting through the antiques when Alana came in and handed over two library cards.
'That was fast, ' Mitchell said. 'You didn't eat them did you?'
'No, Mitch, I didn't eat them. Rick told me not to, remember? ' she said with a sour face. 'Besides, I don't always need to eat people to get what I want. I have a talent for that. ' she said smugly.
'Are you going in tonight?' Mitchell asked, looking at Rick.
'I would like to move as fast as we can, but I think it's wise to scout the place first. I want to take Lena there tonight though, to get a feel of the place and to see if she can come up with some sort of spell to keep people away from that section. And while we are there, maybe she can feel if the book is there. Since she is a witch, she might be able to sense its presence'
'Good plan,' Mitchell agreed.
That evening, Rick and Lena walked to the Camera.
‘Do you think the book is really there?’ Lena asked.
‘I hope so,’ Rick said. ‘And you know, Lena, I’m well aware that the book could be dangerous to us. But if there is anyone I would entrust it to, it is you. If there is indeed a book of spells, I honestly want you to have it.’
‘That means a lot, Rick,’ Lena said. ‘And I know that I have the power to hurt vampires if needed, but believe me, I will never use it against you guys.
I have come to see that there are good vampires too. My auntie taught me that there is balance in everything, so I believe that even though some vampires are evil, there can be good ones too.
I’ve seen enough over the past time to know that you are the good guys. I mean, there was the incident with Barry and I don’t approve of taking lives, but the human scum who were in league with him, had it coming.’
‘Thank you. I appreciate that,’ Rick said. ‘But we weren’t always like this. You are aware of that? We have killed in the past and not because people had it coming, but because of the bloodlust.’
‘Yeah, I know. I’ve thought about that and it’s not easy to accept, but I’m someone who tends to live in the present and not so much in the past. Not that I approve of what you did, of course, but it was a long time ago. You know, as long as you don’t hurt me or Amy and you are really good to us, I think that we will be alright,’ she smiled.
‘We will never hurt you or Amy, for sure. You can trust in that,’ Rick assured her. ‘So what about Alana?’ he asked.
‘Well, I don’t approve of her ‘snacking’ as she calls it, but as long as it stays with snacking and she doesn’t force people and she doesn't kill them, I could turn a blind eye, I guess. I am rather fond of her as a person. I can’t help it. She’s a lot of fun, you know,’ Lena said.
‘Yeah, Lana knows how to party through life,’ Rick smirked.
They had arrived at the entrance to the Camera. 'Here goes, ' Rick said. They took out their swipe cards and entered the building. In the dome area, Rick stopped. He looked up and around and took in the sight.
‘Are you alright,’ Lena whispered, gently squeezing his hand.
‘Yeah, yeah. It’s just strange to be back here. So much has changed, but this was my home, you know. I haven’t been back here since the late 1700s,’ he whispered. ‘Come on, let’s check out that section on the second floor,’ he said.
It was not too busy at that moment and they found a way up. The section where the book supposedly was, was empty. They walked up to the archway where the bust and the ledge were.
‘Can you sense anything?’ Rick asked, looking at Lena.
Lena concentrated and stared at the ledge ‘I’m definitely drawn towards this spot,’ she said. ‘Can’t we have a look now?’ she asked.
‘No, I want you to be prepared and it has been a long flight and a long day. I need you well rested and in top condition when we get the book,’ he said. At that moment, three students walked into the section, whispering and giggling softly.
‘Come on, let’s go,’ Rick said. 'We'll try and get it tomorrow. There are supposed to be even fewer people tomorrow evening, according to that website Amy found.’
They left the library and walked home. Lena was in thought and Rick didn’t mind the silence. He had the chance to think as well.
He had never regretted his choice to become a vampire, when he was offered the chance. Seeing all those books in the library reminded him of how many books he had been able to read beyond his human years, the travels he went on, the things he had seen, the development of society. It hadn’t always been easy, but he was grateful for all the extra years he had and how he had spent them. He just hoped that this book wouldn’t bring an end to that, but he had to trust Lena, and he did.
So, is Amy's curiosity and impatience going to cause issues between her and Mitchell? Will they be able to keep their work and private relationship separate? How do they make up, exactly? 😉 Will Rick and Lena be able to get the book? Questions, so many questions…
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@laurfilijames @the-poldarkian @linasofia
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glxssylaufey · 3 years
Mischief Maker - Chapter 2
a/n: i’m sorry this is a bit longer than usual ahh! i also apologize if the writing is a little bad or if there’s any mistakes, i tried my best :) also i apologize if you’re not on the taglist, it didn’t let me tag some of you. anyways, enjoy!
summary: loki x reader ; The time has come to attend Stark’s party. How will the reader handle Loki’s mischief?
word count: 5,156
warnings: mentions of alcohol and drinking, mentions of bullying, language, slightly spicy hehe
taglist: @alex-sulli @delightfulheartdream @mademoiselledubois @destructivebliss @kingtwhiddleston @madcrazy50 @rachel-voychuk
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It was no secret that Tony Stark loved to make a grand entrance to everything he does. This morning was no exception. The time was around 8:15 when Tony practically kicked your door down to rip your blinds open. Sometimes you almost felt as if he was just another father figure in your life.
“Rise and shine!” he announced, forcing sunlight into your room. “We have a big day today, Y/N, c’mon!” he spoke as he continued to shake you awake. You lazily blinked open your eyes, groaning when Tony ripped your blankets from you. You already knew what he was here for.
“Alright, whatcha got for me?” Tony asked as he looked for the paintings he had requested the night before. You sighed.
“A headache, that’s what I have for you.” you replied, shoving your face back into your pillow.
“No, you’re not allowed to have a headache.” he simply stated. “Let me guess, you don’t have any paintings picked out?” You sat up on your bed, rolling your eyes when you saw Tony standing in the middle of your room with his arms crossed like a child.
“I can pick some out in literally five minutes, Tony, just let me wake up.” you said waving your hand at him, hoping he’d be satisfied with your answer.
“Yeah? Well make it quick, I don’t have all day.” he argued, walking towards your door. “By the way, breakfast is ready.” Tony said in a sing-song voice before leaving your room. You simply hummed in response, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Today was going to be difficult, you already knew. Even though you were agreeing to spend your time with bidding paintings at the party, you still had your heart set on sneaking Loki in somehow. You were just stumped on how you would get that to happen.
After a morning of much needed breakfast, you got ready to face the day. Tony had asked both you and Natasha to go to the store to pick up a long list of supplies for the party. So there you stood, scanning the store’s large selection of alcohol bottles, not knowing which one Tony would want.
“What does he have on the list?” you ask, turning to Nat. She quickly scanned through the dramatically large catalog and shrugged.
“Just whatever looks good, I guess.” she replied before looking back to the shelves. Without another word, Natasha settled for three huge bottles of vodka. You don’t argue, seeing as you were just as clueless as to what Tony would want. “So tell me, what’s been going on with you?” she asks suddenly. You both proceeded to explore the store for whatever else the list requested.
“Oh, you know.” you paused. “The usual.” What ‘the usual’ was, you had no idea. Your life hasn’t exactly been normal since Thor had brought Loki into the Avengers Tower.
“Like what, painting pretty pictures and babysitting gods?” Nat laughed, plopping a case of Coca-Cola into the shopping cart. You were about to protest against her teasing when you realized that truly was what you have been doing for the past two days.
“Yeah, pretty much.” you admitted with a sigh. Natasha chuckled, before a moment of silence.
“How’s Loki?” she asked suddenly. The question made you tense up. It wasn’t that you hated talking about Loki, just something about him made your mind go blank.
“He’s fine.” you replied plainly. You then noticed Nat raise an eyebrow at you as if she knew that you were hiding something. Which she did, of course. You opted to continue, not seeing a point in lying to your friend or yourself. “He’s not as awful as everyone claims him to be. I think he’s just misunderstood.” you persuaded. Natasha nodded, listening intently.
“What makes you think that?” she questioned. That’s when you realized Natasha only knew the Loki that had invaded New York city, much like everyone else. She only saw the villain of the story and not the god that you saw up on the hill. That’s when you began to pour your heart out.
“Yesterday when I took him outside, I saw a side of him that I don’t think anyone else has seen before. He told me stories about Asgard and it sounded like so much more than just some ancient legend. It seemed so normal. He seemed so normal.” you explained, almost passionately. “I don’t know, Nat. I think he’s actually really sweet.” you admitted. Natasha’s eyes went wide.
“Oh my god, Y/N, you like him!” she gasped. Your heart practically stopped at her accusation. There’s no way that you had feelings for the God of Mischief.
“Oh my- absolutely not!” you stammered. “I’m just simply being kind!” you insisted. You could feel your face burning, undoubtedly displaying your embarrassment.
“Y/N, you cannot like Loki, that’s insane!” Nat declared. You could practically feel the stares from the other people in the store, considering how loud the two of you were being.
“I just said I don’t!” you corrected her.
“But you most certainly are lying!” Natasha accused, halting the shopping cart.
“I’m not.”
“Say that to me with a straight face then.”
“HA! I knew it!”
You both continued to bicker and squabble for the rest of the shopping trip. It wasn’t until you and Natasha reached the checkout line that the childlike arguing returned back to its normal conversational tone.
“Oh god, what will Tony think?” Natasha said with a gasp. You groaned, covering your face with your hands. The longer you listened to her babble on about Loki, the more you realized she could be right. You admit, Loki was a fairly attractive person. Plus his gentlemanly charm didn’t help your case much. Oh, who were you kidding? Loki was downright gorgeous and you knew it. No matter how much you tried to convince yourself otherwise, you knew that you were slowly catching feelings for the god.
“Tony can’t know, he’d have a fit.” you spoke almost in a whisper, as if Tony was listening to your conversation.
“Oh, so you admit it? You do have a crush on Loki?” Natasha asked eagerly.
“N-no! Well, yes, but you can’t say a word about it!” you pleaded almost in disbelief at what you had just admitted. You had a crush on the almighty Loki and there was no denying it. Natasha simply giggled like a school girl.
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” she assured you. Except the way she continued to smile about it the whole car ride home showed that she was going to have a difficult time keeping your secret.
“Wipe that smirk off your face, Romanoff, nobody can know!” you suddenly said as she drove the two of you back to the Avengers Tower.
“I’m sorry, I just have to say it.” she started. You shook your head, knowing this conversation wouldn’t end anytime soon. “You should try to make a move tonight.” she suggested, giving you a smug smirk.
“Oh c’mon, you know he’s not allowed at the party.” you claimed. “But I have been thinking about ways to sneak him in tonight.” Natasha mocked a gasp.
“Y/N, how scandalous of you.” she poked fun at you, causing you to giggle. “I must say though, I think you can absolutely do better.” she suddenly stated, making your jaw drop slightly.
“What do you mean?” you asked, slightly put out.
“Loki is a mass murderer!” Natasha indicated. “Not to mention he’s tortured our friends and acts like a complete asshole.” she continued. You wave your hand at her in an attempt to silence her.
“Like I said, he’s changed.” you defended. Natasha didn’t respond, leaving you two in silence. After some time, you thought of your task to sell your paintings at the party. You decided that it could be best if you were to just leave Loki in his room. Plus, it’s not like everything Natasha had said wasn’t true. Perhaps it's for the best that you don’t get too close with the terrorist of New York.
Third Person POV:
Loki watched his brother pace the floor as he sat on the bed, pondering ways to sneak himself into the party. The longer they allowed time to pass by, the more hopeless Loki began to feel.
“We’re short on time brother, this won’t work.” Loki sighed. “I say we just go with my idea.” he suggested. Thor gave him a stern look and crossed his arms.
“Loki, we are not going to tie up one of the party members to disguise yourself as them.” Thor lectured his brother. Loki scoffed at Thor’s statement. After a bit more pacing, Thor snapped his fingers as a scheme formed in his mind.
“But perhaps disguises are not such a terrible idea after all!” Thor quipped with a large grin. Loki raised his eyebrow at Thor, signaling him to continue with his thought. “Think back to when we were children. That trick you always played on me when you would transform yourself into a snake just to stab me.” Thor explained with slight annoyance in his voice, remembering those times of his childhood.
“If you’re suggesting I slither into the event as a snake, I don’t think the midgardians would be too pleased with serpents being let loose in the building.” Loki glared at Thor, thinking it was a poor idea.
“Yes, but that’s only if you are caught.” Thor urged with a devious smile. He knew his younger brother was always up for a challenge and this task seemed perfect for him. Loki gave the thought a second chance before chuckling to himself.
“Excuse me, brother.” Loki sighed, standing up from the bed. “I have a party to attend.”
Stark’s party was full to the brim with people. You had already known ahead of time that the event would be completely packed, yet the amount of people still managed to astonish you. So there you were, greeting people as they walked in. You gave warm smiles and shook hands with the ones who offered it. After some friendly greetings, you were approached by Tony who had ushered you away from the entrance. You expected nothing less from him.
“Alright Y/N, this is your deadline. Where’s the paintings?” he asked, feigning impatience.
“Relax, Tony, I’ve got everything set up by the bar.” you advised him, gesturing towards your stand which displayed the art.
“Oh good, because I’ve already promised like four people that I had museum quality shit here.” he shared quickly, walking towards your platform. You roll your eyes and dramatically sigh at Tony.
“Of course you have.” you said, following him. “Well I suppose I should get to work then.” you said, observing the line of people in front of the small stage.
“Good thinking. Thanks again, Picasso.” Tony thanked you, giving you a quick pat on the shoulder before sauntering over to a large group of people. You took a step onto the platform and strolled over to the small microphone displayed on a stand for you. Everyone took note of your presence and gave their full attention to you. You looked out to the crowd before sighing. As much as you weren’t in the mood to converse with a large amount of people, you always had an open heart for Tony.
“Hello, everyone!” you greeted into the microphone. “My name is Y/N and I am the creator of these paintings presented before you today. Let’s just start with a little bit of browsing, shall we?” you suggested, hoping the crowd would see eye to eye with your proposal. Much to your relief, they did, nodding their heads with agreement. “Great! Bidding will start in ten minutes.” you announced before turning the microphone off. You sighed in relief, happy you had extra time for yourself. In all honesty, you just needed time to get a drink. You were convinced you could never survive a Stark party without some sort of alcohol to give you an extra confidence boost. As you made your way to the bar, you were halted by no other than your friend Thor. He was dressed quite dapper, yet casual enough to give him easy mobility.
“Ah, Y/N! So lovely to see you.” he greeted, with a beer bottle in his hand.
“Thor, it’s great to see you too.” you nodded at him with a cordial smile. “You look striking tonight.” you complimented.
“Oh, you’re too kind. You look very well put together yourself.” Thor chuckled, giving you a friendly wink. You were wearing a nicely fitted red dress that fell right above your knees with lace to give it alluring details. You also wore black heels to give you an extra two or so inches.
“Thank you very much.” you blushed, giving him a curt nod. You began to walk away to retrieve a drink from the bar, but it seemed Thor had different plans. He quickly stepped in front of you, halting you in your tracks.
“One more thing!” Thor announced. “I believe my drink requires a refill.” he explained waving his empty bottle almost nervously. You chuckle lightly, wondering why he was telling you this.
“Are you asking me to get you another beer, Odinson?” you snicker. Thor’s eyes widen as he begins to stammer for the right words.
“No, no! My apologies, I’m perfectly capable of getting my own drink. I’d just like for you to join me.” he specified, gesturing towards the bar, awkwardly smiling.
“Oh!” you exclaimed in delight. You felt having your friend to accompany you would help ease your mind. “I’d like that, thank you.” you said as you started to walk. Thor followed closely next to you with a beaming smile.
Everything was going perfectly.
Once you reached the bar you took a seat on one of the tall bar stools. You were scanning the menu when Thor set his empty bottle on the counter before taking a step away from the bar.
“Please excuse me, Lady Y/N. I believe Stark has called for me.” Thor stated quickly. Confused, you turned to look at the large mass of people Tony was talking to. You could’ve sworn Tony hadn’t even paid attention to anything but his guests. Before you could question anything, Thor had already quickly turned to walk the opposite direction. You sighed, turning back towards the bar when you realized there wasn’t even a bartender to tend to you.
“Well this was useless.” you muttered to yourself. As you were about to stand from your seat, Thor’s beer bottle began to shake. You froze, thinking your eyes were just playing tricks on you. Suddenly, a small snake began to crawl out of the bottle and onto the counter. You gasped, jumping from your seat in shock. Surely you were imagining things. The green scaly creature paused to curiously look up at you then turned to slowly slither down the opposite side of the bar. You approached the bar once more, peeking over the top of the counter to search for the snake. Then with a green glow, the snake quickly transformed into the one and only Loki Laufeyson. He simply sighed, brushing off his gorgeously tailored black suit and looked up at you.
“Good evening.” he greeted casually. Your mouth hung open, completely caught off guard at what you had just witnessed.
“Loki, you- how- you aren't supposed to be here!” you stumbled your words in confusion.
“Yes, but was it not you who said I shouldn’t be cooped up in my chambers all day?” Loki snorted playfully. You had no possible way to protest. Instead you resorted to looking around to make sure nobody was looking in your direction. This earned a barely audible groan from Loki. “I presume you wish for me to change back and slither my way back to my room then?” he questioned.
“No!” you declared maybe a little too quickly. “It’s okay, you can stay.” you said trying to remain calm. Loki smiled at how flustered you were, finding it almost amusing.
“Verywell.” he settled calmly. “Now, my lady, may I offer you a drink?” he suggested with a tone that gave you uncontrollable butterflies. You blushed at his offer with a nervous smile.
“I think a red wine will suffice, thank you.” you replied as naturally as you possibly could. Though of course it was a difficult task trying to keep calm. Loki just nodded and turned to prepare your glass. You couldn’t help but look over your shoulder to be sure nobody was watching you. You knew that Stark practically had eyes everywhere, not to mention anybody could easily take a glance at Loki and recognize him from New York. Because of this, you spoke the first thing that came to your mind.
“Loki, we have to get out of here.” you uttered straightforward. He paused pouring your glass of wine to give you a puzzled look. “Tony is bound to realize that you’re here. Plus the bartender could come back at any moment.” you told him, quickly standing to your feet. Loki just nodded before setting the wine bottle down with a slightly disappointed sigh.
“Lead the way then.” Loki said almost in a testing tone. Without another word, the same green glow from earlier masked over his body and changed him back into his serpent form. Loki snaked back into the beer bottle that he had once emerged from, hinting for you to carry him as Thor did. You grabbed the bottle from the counter and turned to walk from the bar. Where you were headed was beyond you. At this point, you were simply just trying to get away from the crowd of people. As you walked, you looked down at the empty beer bottle to be sure Loki sat comfortably in his glass container. He simply looked up at you and poked his tongue out at you in response. As a result of not watching where you were walking, you ended up walking right into a woman’s body, nearly knocking her over. You gasp, taking a step back from the mystery person.
“I am so sorry!” you exclaimed before quickly looking down into the beer bottle to affirm Loki was okay. Though what you were not expecting was a familiar voice to respond to your apologies.
“Well would you look at who it is.” the woman spoke with a chuckle. “You were always quite a clumsy girl.” she remarked. When you looked up to identify the woman, you couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your mouth.
“Alice Weaver!” you exclaimed. You didn’t know who to expect the woman to be, but it certainly wasn’t her. Alice was a girl you had met back in highschool. She had insisted on devoting her teenage years to making yours miserable. It had started when her boyfriend at the time had broken up with her and he attempted to use you as a rebound. Her jealousy for you has been undying ever since.
“It’s so nice to see you again, Y/N!” she grinned, her shrill voice dripping with sarcasm. “How have you been?” she asked.
“I’ve been fine, thanks.” you said, shifting from side to side. You made an attempt to walk past her, but of course she quickly stepped in front of you before you could make any distance.
“Oh good!” she quipped as she looked you up and down. She then caught sight of the beer bottle in your hand. “I never took you for a beer drinker, though.” you panicked a little, hoping she wouldn’t see the small snake hiding inside of it.
“It’s for a friend.” you quickly whipped up an answer. Alice scoffed.
“That’s what they all say, isn’t it?” she questioned, keeping her seemingly sweet smile on display. You gritted your teeth. In all honesty, you were still in shock that she was even here in the first place. “Anyways, I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to hear that I’m actually staying at the compound until tomorrow. I’m here to assist Stark on research.” she went on. You listened in disbelief.
“Research?” you asked plainly, your throat running dry.
“Yes of course, I’m studying engineering and physics.” Alice gushed.
“Wonderful.” you spat as friendly as you could possibly muster. You went to take a step and she walked in front of you yet again.
“Oh, Y/N, shouldn’t you be over there bidding those… pictures?” she said, pointing over towards your stand. “Here, I’ll hold this for you!” she said quickly snatching the beer bottle. You gasped trying your best to grab it back.
“Wait, no! Alice, I need that!” you yelped, struggling to grab the bottle back. You were suddenly pulled back from her, leaving you empty handed.
“Y/N, what the hell are you doing?!” Tony whisper-screamed to you, retracting you from Alice. “I have a group of very unhappy people waiting for you. Now stop bugging my student and do your job.” he exclaimed before softly shoving you towards the small stage. Now you were panicking. Tony Stark and your high school nemesis were in possession of Loki and you couldn’t do a single thing about it. So there you were, nervously walking up onto the stage and turning the microphone on.
“I am so sorry for the delay everyone, I ran into some issues.” you spoke to the crowd nervously. “I suppose I’ve kept you all waiting long enough, let’s get started.” you clapped your hands together, trying to seem as normal as possible. As you continued to speak out towards the crowd, you watched from afar as Tony and Alice continued to talk. You could tell by the way the two kept glancing over at you, they were certainly speaking of your behavior. You shakily sighed, going to grab a painting to exhibit it on the easel. Once you were back in front of the microphone you opened your mouth to speak but was abruptly interrupted when you felt something crawl down the back of your neck, causing you to squeak. This earned a suspicious reaction from the people in the crowd. You quickly recomposed yourself when you heard little snake hisses behind your ear. Loki. You were immensely relieved that he managed to sneak out of the bottle. He must have quickly slithered up your arm and up your back when Alice had grabbed the bottle from you. Although you were beyond grateful for his escape, feeling his cold scales on your bare skin made you shutter. You quickly cleared your throat.
“Excuse me, I just am not myself tonight.” you managed to squeak out. “A-anyways, do we have any takers for this piece?” you stuttered out. As you continued to make biddings for your painting, you could feel Loki leisurely slither down your neck and into the back of your dress. You slightly jumped at feeling Loki enter the back of your dress, making your heart race. “Sold!” you nearly barked out, hoping it would get Loki to cease his crawling. It didn’t. He continued down your dress until he rested over the back of your bra. You began to walk as casual as possible to your next art piece. As you bent down to pick it up you felt Loki crawl to the side of your dress towards the cup of your bra. After picking it up, you subtly brushed your bicep over your side, hoping to halt Loki’s movement. With your luck, this seemed to only spur him on. Loki then made haste to sneak into the cup of your bra, causing you to gasp.
“Can we hurry it up, please?” a very impatient man nagged from the audience. You groaned in response, not entirely sure if it was from the man’s remark or Loki.
“M-my apologies, sir.” you apologized, clearly annoyed yourself. “I guess I just have a chill I can’t seem to shake.” you admitted to the audience, but mostly directed towards the small snake currently resting in your bra. You felt him nestled comfortably against your skin, finally stopping to rest. “Next up is one of my personal favorites. Do we have any takers?” you spoke out to the crowd. You continued the bidding, trying the best you could to ignore the fact that Loki Laufeyson, the God of Mischief was presently relaxed in the cup of your bra as a snake. As you continued speaking, you felt him hiss from time to time causing his small forked tongue to brush the skin of your sternum. You swore it made your breath hitch everytime. This continued until every single piece was presented to its new owner. By the end of the night, you ended up with a large amount of cash though you didn’t seem to care much about that. While you granted the very last person your last painting, Stark approached with a drink in his hand. You whined to yourself upon seeing him. You were far too flustered to even deal with his snarky remarks.
“Congrats, Y/N! You got the job done.” Tony joked. You leered at him, walking off the stage.
“Tony, not now.” you said, trying to walk away.
“Oh don’t be such a sour puss, you got loads of cash.” he continued to provoke. “Hold on, I got one more thing for you.” You felt your body stiffen. You sigh, turning on your heels to face Tony.
“What?” you asked plainly. Tony flashed you a smile as he handed you the drink he had come to you with. Whiskey on ice.
“For you, it’s on the house. Just a ‘thank you’ for tonight.” he said, sounding truly genuine. You couldn’t possibly stay mad at him, even if it was Tony Stark. You took the glass from him and returned the smile.
“You’re welcome.” you smiled. Just as you were about to take a sip of your much deserved reward, you felt Loki abruptly start to move again. He began to creep his way out the side of the cup of your bra, passing into the opposite one. This resulted in a yelp that had been caught in your throat all night, startling Tony.
“Y/N, are you-”
“I have to check on Loki!” you quickly shouted setting the drink down. “H-he’s been in his room all night!” you swiftly made an excuse. Thankfully, your excuse was adequate enough for you to get out of there. You swiftly speed walked to the nearest bathroom avoiding any more interruptions. The quicker you moved, the more agitated you could feel Loki getting. As you made your way to the bathroom you could feel him continue to slither around your bra. Once you finally reached the bathroom you slammed the door shut and pulled the hem of your dress away from your chest.
“OUT!” you screamed. Loki listened, crawling out of your bra and down your leg. Once he reached the floor, his magic glow covered him once more, turning him back into his godly self.
“Well…” he panted, clearly shaken up from how speedy you walked. “Could you have moved any faster?” he nearly growled. You could feel your anger rise and your patience snap.
“How is any of this my fault?!” you shouted at him. “What in the hell were you doing, going into my bra like that?” you asked. Loki rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“Oh my apologies, in case you didn’t notice, I had nowhere else to go!” he snapped back. You loudly groaned as you covered your face with your hands.
“Tonight was a disaster, all thanks to you!” you argued, pointing a finger at him.
“Me?!” he barked, causing his voice to echo throughout the bathroom. You jumped at his sudden loudness. “I put all my efforts in sneaking into this awful party just so I could simply serve you a drink to thank you for your generosity from yesterday.” he spoke loudly, slowly approaching you. His words shocked you. You hadn’t realized that Loki only wanted to attend the event just so he could show you some kindness. Your face fell, almost feeling sorry.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.” you said in a softer tone. Loki remained irritated, taking another big step towards you so there was almost no more space between the two of you. Your breath became ragged.
“Perhaps next time, at least make an attempt to stay calm and keep yourself from squirming.” he requested bitterly.
“You want to speak about squirming?!” your voice raised again. “How about next time, you don’t go into my bra!”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic.” Loki rolled his eyes. “Your breath betrays you, Midgardian. If I didn’t know any better, the hitch in your throat would tell me that you rather enjoyed it.” he mocked. You could feel your face burn a bright red, embarrassment flooding your emotions.
“Y-you disgust me!” you spat out. Loki snickered almost as if he was purposely trying to provoke you.
“There it is again.” he pointed out. “You get flustered so easily, it’s almost pitiful.” You remained silent, stunned by his remark. He continued to stare at you, his face dangerously close to yours.
“I hate you.” you whispered. What happened next was completely out of your control. Instead of getting anger out of Loki, your statement sparked something uncontrollable. He swiftly grabbed your hips and crashed his lips upon yours, sealing you both in a passionate kiss. Before your mind had time to register what was happening, he pulled away, removing his hands from you completely. He examined your face, searching for any sort of restraint. Realizing what he had just done, he became worrisome.
“My most sincere apologies, I-” you quickly cut him off, pulling him back into yet another searing kiss. Your heart was pounding out of your chest as the kiss grew hungrier. His hands traveled up to your face to pull you in closer, making your breath quicken. Your mind was racing with all sorts of emotions, but you knew one thing was for sure: you didn’t want this moment to ever end. But it did. You both quickly pulled away from each other when the door to the bathroom swung open. Your head snapped to look at whoever entered the bathroom and your heart sank when you realized who it was. Alice Weaver stood at the door, looking both you and Loki up and down. She laughed in disbelief at what she saw in front of her.
“Am I interrupting something?”
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chenziee · 3 years
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Thank you @kerowyn-fr​ for the cute prompt :D I hope you like it :)
When Garp handed him the newspaper with a stupid grin on his face, former fleet admiral Sengoku already knew he wouldn't like what was written inside. Taking a deep breath, he slowly unfolded the papers and immediately, the huge, bold headline punched him in the face, making him nearly choke on his tea.
Somehow, he wasn’t even surprised that Morgans found out about Kaido’s defeat faster than the navy but goddamn it, this bunch of kids really did it. Sengoku honestly didn’t think he’s see the day of Kaido’s fall, much less for it to happen thanks to some stupidly young pirates—the words ‘Straw Hat - Heart - Kid Alliance’ seemed almost mocking at this point. Damn brats doing the government’s job for them again.
Although, he did have to admit he would love to see Sakazuki’s face when he found out about this.
Looking at the attached photo of the apparent post-victory celebration, Sengoku’s eyes zeroed in on Trafalgar Law’s blurred figure and despite himself, he smiled. The kid might be a pirate, a member of the worst generation no less, but Sengoku still couldn’t help but feel proud of him, proud of the child Rocinante died to save. When he had talked to him on Dressrosa, he was worried the pirate was going to burn out, or completely lose his way after getting his revenge, but his lively—if annoyed—expression while he ate his rice ball and shoved at an equally annoyed Eustass Kid’s face with his foot… It gave Sengoku the feeling that instead, he had found himself somewhere along the way.
With the ruins of Onigashima behind him, he really looked like he was about to own the seas  and Sengoku hoped Roci was watching and was happy about the man his adopted son had grown into, about the great things he had managed to accomplish.
Just then, Garp moved to stand right behind Sengoku, reaching over his shoulder to poke at the photo. “Can you believe these three? They can’t even celebrate beating two of the emperors at once without fighting. I bet you Luffy started this,” he said, before bursting out in loud laughter.
Sengoku had to laugh as well. It really was ridiculous; they were like three little peacocks showing off their tails to see whose is the prettiest.
Wait, three?
He frowned, looking at the photo again. Now that he thought about it, Law really wasn’t the type to shove at someone with his bare foot, judging from how reserved he always acted during warlord meetings—all two of them that he actually bothered to show up for anyway. But he could only see Law and Eustass so where was the little Monkey?
Now that he looked closer, he could see that the foot in Eustass face was twisted at an unnatural angle that could only mean the ankle was either fractured several times over, or it was made of rubber. Following the limb with his eyes, he finally noticed another body splayed on the ground in between Eustass and Law, and soon he also found the arms that held up a plate stacked full of rice balls. It looked like the little Monkey was trying to keep the plate as far away from Eustass as he could and Sengoku was sure those rice balls were the whole reason of this scuffle. Then, he finally reached his head resting against Law’s thigh, clear threat in his eyes as he bared his teeth, looking like he was ready to bite Eustass’ metal arm off.
Sengoku shook his head in disbelief. It was no wonder he didn’t notice him at first; for one, his black hair was blending almost perfectly with Law’s dark coat, and two, who would look for the little Monkey in someone else’s lap? Certainly not Sengoku, and certainly not in Law’s lap.
Suddenly, the reality of what he was seeing downed on him.
Someone had a few questions to answer.
As the Polar Tang pulled up to the Thousand Sunny one sunny afternoon, Law was surprised to see another small ship already there, swaying gently in the waves next to the Straw Hats’ ship. He didn’t recognise the vessel so at first he assumed maybe Straw Hat’s brother came to visit but then he noticed the navy flag and froze.
Listening carefully, he couldn’t hear any fighting; it was completely quiet, almost eerily so. But Law couldn’t see any damage anywhere, and the navy ship seemed too small to be a threat in the first place. The more he thought about it, the stranger it all seemed. He gripped Kikoku tighter, gesturing to his crew to wait at the Tang for now before he called forth a room and teleported himself onto the Sunny.
His anxiety wasn’t eased when he opened his eyes to see absolutely no one on the ship. Looking around the deserted deck, he tried to at least find some signs to tell him what in the world had happened but there was nothing except something that looked like a half-eaten newspaper page.
He was almost starting to panic when he noticed some movement in the direction of the kitchen and when he looked, he found all the missing Straw Hats in a huddle by the door, the movement he saw apparently being Tony climbing over everyone else to get as close to the door as he could.
Law sighed, rubbing at his forehead. He swore he would murder all these people one day—if they didn’t manage to stress him out enough to kill him first.
“What the hell is going on here?” he asked when he made it up the stairs to stand behind the Straw Hats, making everyone turn around to stare at him.
“Torao, hi!” Tony whisper-shouted from where he was hanging onto Nami’s shoulder, the only one who bothered with a greeting.
A long and heavy silence filled only with the crews judgmental, accusing stares followed. Honestly, this crew was so damn lucky their doctor was so cute or he would have beheaded all of them and stuck them to the mast.
“Well?” he prompted, raising an impatient eyebrow.
Several glances were exchanged until finally, Roronoa looked at him. “We were hoping you would explain why Luffy is getting a lecture.”
Law only gave him a blank look, trying to let his silence speak for itself but before the intended effect could arrive, Usopp interrupted, “Yeah, you could have warned us. Why didn’t you tell us who your grandfather was?”
“For real. I almost had a heart attack when he got on board,” Nami added with a glare at Law as if it was somehow his fault.
“Right? Between Sanji, Luffy, and Torao, I can’t tell whose family is crazier.” Usopp shook his head before continuing in a disappointed tone, “And the fact neither of them bothered to tell us is ridiculous.”
Black Leg clicked his tongue then, lightly kicking Usopp in his shin. “Don’t lump me in with them, my only family is in East Blue.”
“What the fuck are you people on about? My whole family is long dead,” Law snapped, his fingers flexing threateningly as his grip on Kikoku tightened again.
A beat of silence passed. Then Robot slowly raised his hand and pointed at the kitchen with his thumb. “Explain why this guy came here demanding he talks to his ‘grandson’s super boyfriend’, then.”
“And why he then grabbed Luffy and dragged him inside to talk about you. They’ve been in there for about half an hour now. I only hope Luffy isn’t getting squeezed to death,” Nico Robin added oh-so-helpfully.
Law’s head was spinning. First a nonexistent grandfather, now he was suddenly Straw Hat’s boyfriend? Ridiculous. He might have liked being around him, maybe his heart even fluttered when Straw Hat smiled at him in that blinding way of his, and perhaps he's been letting Straw Hat touch him more than strictly necessary, possibly even holding his hand once or twice but they weren't dating. Hell, Law hadn't even confessed yet.
He shook his head to make himself focus on the matter at hand. This 'grandfather' was a more pressing matter than his unaddressed feelings. "I'm going in," he sighed, then paused, looking around the eavesdropping huddle of people. "And get the hell out of here or I'll toss you in the sea."
"Sure you will," Nami muttered with a roll of her eyes, a smirk on her lips.
Law shot her and all the other grinning idiots a glare, which finally made them all shuffle away. Law was sure they’d be back the second he closed the door behind himself, though. With a sigh, Law gripped the handle and pushed the door open.
As soon as he entered the kitchen, two people and a goat turned to look at him and Law did a double take. Straw Hat was one thing. A random, actual, live animal on board was weird, but he’d seen much weirder on this ship. The old man who was sitting opposite of Straw Hat, however, that was a completely different issue.
“What the fuck?” Law muttered, unable to say anything more coherent.
“Hello, Law,” fleet admiral Sengoku said with a nod.
“Torao!” Straw Hat greeted as well, grinning and waving at him before he pulled out the chair next to him. “Come sit, your gramps has really good rice cakes!”
Law slowly turned to stare at Straw Hat instead and, a short moment later, moved forward as if on autopilot, too stunned to do anything but comply. Only when sat down and Sengoku tilted his rice cake packet towards him did Law manage to break out of his trance. “You're not my grandfather," he blurted out, eyeing the rice cakes suspiciously.
Sengoku hummed. "Technically not but you are still Rocinante's boy so I feel responsible for you."
Law blinked; it was true Cora-san was like a father to him and Sengoku did say Cora-san was like a son to him but that seemed a little shaky a connection to warrant the old man going around claiming he was his grandfather.
"We've been chatting about you," Straw Hat said, stretching his hand out to grab a handful of the rice cakes Sengoku was still holding out, then offering a few to Law.
At that, Law finally conceded and accepted the snack. He had to admit they were pretty tasty. "What about me have you talked about?" he asked, doubtful, yet almost afraid of the answer.
Straw Hat pursed his lips and frowned, quite obviously trying to remember the actual contents of the conversation. "Just how cool your powers are and that I shouldn't break your heart or something. It's not like I'm going to do that though, why would anyone do that?"
"Break my—" Law sputtered, his eyes going wide as he stared at the pirate who seemed like he didn't understand the implications of such a statement.
"I was just making sure your boyfriend was aware of the worth certain people place on you and your devil fruit and the danger that puts you in. Also that I will feed his precious hat to Baarbara if he makes Roci cry,” Sengoku explained, pulling out a rice cake of his own.
Ignoring the use of Cora-san’s name over his own, Law took a slow, deep breath before responding curtly, “I can take care of myself—”
“That’s what I said,” Straw Hat next to him announced proudly.
Law paid him no mind, simply continuing— “and he’s not my boyfriend.” He frowned, then added one last question, “Also who the hell is Barbara?”
“Baarbara is my goat,” Sengoku said fondly as he glanced at his pet, who was by his side happily chewing on something that looked suspiciously like one of Nami’s maps—Law really hoped he was wrong about that one. “But are you sure about that?” the former fleet admiral asked with a raised eyebrow, his eyes dropping down’t Law’s body to pointedly stare somewhere just above the tabletop.
Only when he followed his gaze did Law realize the position he was in. Somewhere along the way, Straw Hat had turned to the side in his chair, putting his legs over Law’s lap and, for some reason, Law had apparently put his own hand on his knee without even noticing. It was… yeah, it felt pretty damn intimate and Law felt heat raising to his face.
Slowly, he looked up at Sengoku, who looked like he was trying very hard not to burst out laughing. Then, his gaze slid to the side to glance at Straw Hat.
The other pirate was grinning back at him, looking entirely too amused by Law’s mortification, and Law scowled. “You’re not my boyfriend,” he said quietly, sounding uncertain even to his own eyes.
“I kind of am,” Straw Hat said, his grin widening even more. “Torao, you can be so stupid sometimes.” As soon as he was finished speaking, he started laughing in that cute, contagious, absolutely maddening way of his and Law…
Law has never felt so dumb and mortified in his life.
Yet, he still couldn’t find it in himself to push Straw Hat away when he leaned forward to give Law a messy, loud kiss on the cheek. Somehow, this had turned out to be simultaneously the absolute worst and best day of Law’s life.
He was still not showing his face around the Sunny again for a while though.
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stillwithkoo · 4 years
Royal Spies and Everything Nice
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Summary: It's hard being a princess who's also an undercover spy, but with the help of your rival and sort of boyfrienemy Prince Jeon, maybe you'll make it through alive.
Tags & warnings: fluff, angst, some violence, just beware- jk. Rivals2luvers, some shrek characters make an appearance cos i smoke cracK das wut i smoke. Smut in the end, a lil cussing etc.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Commissioned for @nochusyn 💋 tysm for being so patient ilyyy and im so happy i didn't d13 so i could finish this! Shsh xx (if y'all wanna commission me just message me here on tumblr!)
Wc: 10k+++
A/N: I almost di3d writing this so pls read it n check it out char- begging? Lol jk. But fr, I was so sick with 39.5 fevers and I didn't even know when i would finish it but I'm so happy I finally did today! This is also like a late jk bday present. Ily all and JK always! 💜
Once upon a time in the futuristic land of Royalea, a secret spy academy was made for royals to train and become professional spies. After years of suffering from invaders and having their kin kidnapped and slain by the same invader rebels, the royals wanted to put a stop to it all, they wanted to protect their children, their future heirs.
They had learned from their past mistakes and devised a plan to become stronger. They strictly trained their children at a young age to help in preparing them to face all kinds of enemies. So that when the time comes, they will be able to protect themselves. They won't be the ones cowering in fear, feeling helpless and begging for mercy at the hands of their enemies.
They will be the ones invading other lands and eradicating anyone who threatens to come in their way. That is how they innovated their land. With their newfound courage and mindset. Within just a few years of establishing the academy, they had the latest gadgets and technology the neighboring countries would envy. Their princes and princesses trained brilliant in combat. To them, it didn't make their heirs any less poised and graceful just because they knew how to fight. Those times are done, and they knew what was most important having witnessed the chaotic events that happened before.
Although most of them thought that- not everyone did. A few royals still wanted to live the traditional way, they preferred to raise their royal children by the book and with grace, as they say. They reasoned that their heirs' responsibilities were to lead a land, not play as guards. They were curious about the superb technology their land had now, but they limited their use of it. Your parents were one of those traditional royals.
The queen was about to enjoy the morning's prepared feast, when she caught you in the corner of her eye wearing a cloak heading for the door. You were probably planning to sneak out before breakfast again. "Y/N, come back here dear. You were trying to sneak out again right? Where have you been running off to these days? I hope it's not where I think it is, because I've told you not to go there-" The queen had ranted but you cut her off. "It's not where you think it is okay? But even if it was, why won't you let me go anyway? How will I be safe If I don't know how to defend myself?"
"You know why we forbid you to go to that place. You're safer here. You don't need to become a brute to be safe. That's why there are guards to protect you, you have your own knight Hoseok to protect you-" The queen rambled and explained only to be interrupted by you again. "Well I don't want to just rely on the guards and my knight, your majesty. I wanna be able to protect myself whenever and wherever. You say I'm safer here, but you can't always assure that. I don't know why you won't just let me be a-" It was the queen's turn to interrupt you, "And I don't know why you keep on insisting to disrespect and disobey me. Don't finish that sentence or you'll regret it princess. Actually, If you won't listen to me then maybe you'd be better off inside your room the whole day. Guards, please escort Princess Y/N to her room and make sure she doesn't leave the palace."
"This is so unfair! Why are you doing this to me?" You exclaimed. "You know why, my child. It's because I only want to keep you safe. I'm doing this for you so don't dare to disobey me again, or you might have to stay in your tower for a year again." The queen warned. You didn't bother to retort anymore, it was futile.
You were bored, your breakfast was sent to your room but you didn't have the appetite to eat. You were supposed to be assigned to a new mission today, it just sucks that your mother had seen you on the way out. All of it sucked. This castle you're in, your mother, (though you loved her deeply, she can sometimes be so difficult and strict.) everyone on this planet, Prince Jeon, wait… Jeon Jungkook. That's it! Maybe if his panties aren't in a twist today- maybe he can help you get out. It won't hurt to try though, so that's what you decided to do. You took your phone and messaged him.
To Agent 🐰: 9:18 am
Hey bunny I need your help.
To Agent 🦊 princess: 9:19 am
And why should I help you? 🤔
To Agent 🐰: 9:20 am
Because I'm stuck here and I can't fight you if I can't get out. So come here and get me 😜
To Agent 🦊 princess: 9:21 am
Touché. But what's the magic word princess? 😉 you need to say it.
To Agent 🐰: 9:22 am
Ughh. Fr? Fine. Pls help me my furry prince and hurryyyy.
To Agent 🦊 princess: 9:23 am
I'm otw my princess. And for the Nth time I told you I'm not a furry!
Jungkook arrived to the palace after a while, the queen was always delighted to see his presence. "Prince Jungkook, It's a pleasure to see you. If you don't mind me asking, what brings you here today?" the queen inquired. "It's a pleasure to see you too your majesty. I actually came here to see Princess Y/N, is she busy?" Jungkook said albeit knowing you were stuck in your room.
"Oh not really. Let me ask the maids to get her for you."
"Um, if you don't mind your majesty, I can just go into her room myself. If that's okay?" Jungkook asked. "Of course that's okay dear. You know where her room is right?" Jungkook nodded.
Jungkook was taking a little too long, you thought. If only you had another choice, you wouldn't conspire with that annoying prince. After a few seconds, you heard someone knocking on your door. Could it be him? "Jungkook is that you?" you inquired. "No, I'm not Jungkook miss. I'm just your friendly neighborhood spiderman." you opened the door and there stood the handsome ebony haired prince. "Spiderman your ass, what took you so long? I've been waiting here for ages!" You whined. "Sorry princess, I did try to hurry a little for you. Anyway, what's the plan?" The prince said as he sat and made himself comfortable in your bed.
"Hmm. I was thinking maybe you could convince my mother to let me go out with you today," You looked at him directly, trying to convey what your plan is with your eyes. "Even though I'm supposed to be grounded. Maybe you could tell her that we're gonna practice archery, or we're gonna conquer other lands, whatever just do your thing. As gross as it is and I don't know why but, she's quite fond of you so- help me get out of here." Jungkook stares at you and notices how your long brown wavy hair falls over your face. He always thought your hairstyle matched perfectly to your face. You were actually kind of perfect to him. But he'll never tell you that of course, even if you or someone threatened to kill him.
"And what do I get by helping you princess?" He smirked. He loved teasing you and making you irritated, he thought it was kind of cute how your face would turn red from anger after he irritated the shit out of you and when you get flustered. Everytime he teased you he couldn't help but think you were sort of cute. "You can get the satisfaction of me letting you get more points on the top spies leaderboard." You replied smartly.
"As if you'd let me do that without chewing my ear off. Please give me something that's actually factual."
"Fine. Hmm, how about me promising not to insult you for a week even if you annoy the hell out of me?" You suggested smiling a little manipulatively at him. "Eh, that's lame. How about you do me a dare and maybe I'll agree to your planposal." He retorted and smirked arrogantly. You hated when he smiled like that, he's always so cocky and just because he looked handsome as hell- not that you'll admit it out loud ever, doesn't mean you'll fall for his insufferable cute ass. Wait did you just say handsome and cute? Ew. You meant evil. Yes that's what you meant… Anyway.
"Please don't say planposal ever again," You rolled your eyes at him. "Regardless, it depends on what the dare is. If you want me to run around naked and flash the whole kingdom then that's not gonna happen baby." You told him strictly.
"Don't worry princess, as satisfying that concept is for me, I don't wanna be the cause of blindness and curse the whole land." What the heck did he mean? Did he just insult me? "Whatever, Jeon. Just tell me what you want." You demanded.
"I want you." What? Did his last tiny brain cell die and now he's talking nonsense?
"What?" you replied flustered by his weird statement.
"I want you to do this mission for me. That's my dare. Why are you flustered though? Did you think about something else?" He taunted and smirked again, It's like he never stops being cocky when he's around you.
"Of course not. I'm not delusional like you. And what mission is it that you can't seem to do it yourself? Is Prince Jeon a little scared?"
"I'm not scared. It's just no fun to do it myself when I can have my princess to do it for me. That's my condition though if you want me to help you get out of here. I'll help you escape, and you'll help me when you're out. Is it a deal?"
"Hmm, tell me what mission is it and maybe I'll agree." You proposed. "You'll know when you do it, so I'm not telling you right now. Also, I want you to do another little thing for me." He grinned evilly. You have a feeling you're gonna hate him even more for what he's about to make you do. Nevertheless you agreed, if that meant he'd help you get away from your mother today. [INSERT PIC]
You were finally able to get out of the palace thanks to Jeon Jungkook's annoying face. You don't know how he charmed your mother, but at least she bought the act that the two of you were practicing your archery skills. You got what you wanted, but at the cost of your ego. You couldn't believe you actually praised Jeon Jungkook in public and embarrassed yourself on social media. Anyhow, the two of you were now on the way to the academy riding your respective monocycles. (the ones the guys in Men in Black used to ride, if you've seen the movie.)
It didn't take long for you to arrive, and before the other royal spies could see that you two came together, you already told Jungkook to maintain some distance beforehand, and act as if you didn't just hangout awhile ago.
You parked your monocycle and just as you were about to go inside the academy, you noticed how Jeon Jungkook gathered the attention of some girls and even boys too. Maybe it was the way his hair still looked perfect and fluffy in the wind, or the way he walked so gracefully just how a prince should. Either way, you couldn't deny how popular he was. He was every prince/princess' dream guy. No one could resist him, and maybe you couldn't too, maybe that's why you loathe him a lot.
In Prince Jungkook's defense, it wasn't his fault he was born so damn beautiful. He didn't pretend that he didn't notice the stares and the attention people gave him. But he also wasn't so cocky about it. He was still quite humble if he might say, and he was a shy guy too. He didn't actually care about everyone's attention, well maybe except one. It was still confusing to him how you always thought he was cocky because he was popular, as if you weren't cocky and popular too? He wondered if you noticed the other princes gawking at you when you walk by, or the insecure princesses rolling their eyes because they can't be you. You weren't even just a princess, you were one of the best spies in the academy too.
You were practicing your knife throwing skills when you noticed a presence beside you.
"Go on continue, don't mind my gorgeous presence here." He said.
"What are you doing here Jeon? And what do you want? I'm busy," you retorted. "I just wanted to remind you about our deal princess. The mission I want you to do, it's at 1800. Just wanted you to be ready."
"I'm always ready Jeon."
"I know but you might need a good luck from me personally for this one, that's why I came to see you before you go. Good luck my princess, be safe." He said and left you wondering if the mission was truly as dangerous as he hinted.
It turned out that the mission was quite harder than you expected. You had to overthrow a mad king, but not just any mad king- he was a retired superspy too. It didn't help that his army were giant killer robots, and although you've trained at a young age, it was still a little difficult to defeat them alone. You understand now why Jungkook made you do this mission, it was a trap.
That insufferable prince- he'll see when you get out of this hell hole, if you get out of here alive he'll really get his ass kicked. "Ballsacks!" you cursed as you barely dodged the laser beam the giant robot just shot at you. You were debating now if you should call reinforcements but you didn't wanna lower your pride for him even more. You didn’t wanna give him the satisfaction of knowing you're failing this mission.
Just as you thought you were gonna get crushed by one of the ginormous robots- to your surprise, the nasty thing got blown into bits.
"I knew these bubblegum bombs would come in handy someday," the voice spoke. "It's really unprofessional of you to leave your gadgets behind princess. You should be thankful I decided to bring them here to you." Of course it was the insufferable agent rabbit.
"What are you doing here Jeon?" you inquired rudely.
"What does it look like I'm doing Y/N? I'm saving your ass from getting killed." he retorted, and you were taken aback when he called you by your first name. It was a rule that agents should call each other by their codenames, you wondered if he forgot about that. "How dare you call me by my name! You know that isn't allowed. Call me by my codename you idiot, and I don't need you to save me, I can save myself thank you very much." You retorted.
"You called me by my name first! Whatever, and sure you can, you were obviously not about to get crushed just five minutes ago. I didn't even get a sincere thanks from you 'cause in case you forgot, just like how you forgot your gadgets, I saved you princess." he said snarkily. "Well, I didn't ask you to, but fine thanks a lot! I'm so grateful you saved me. Happy now?" So what if he saved your ass this time, it's not like he saved the world? And you were only in this predicament because of him anyway. This was his mission and he made you do it, maybe it was your fault for underestimating the mission hence, you only brought a few gadgets- but that's not even such a big deal. So why is he blaming you and making such a fuss about this? You really despised his ass.
"That still sounds so insincere princess, but sure I'll accept that, we have bigger robots to fry right now anyway-"
"Don't stop attacking them annihilate them fast!" The mad king exclaimed as he instructed his gigantic robots to attack the two of you even harder. You heard his minions reply and called him Agust, maybe that was his name. Jungkook and you were hiding at this point, their attacks were getting stronger and you really needed to finish this mission fast but that's still a problem for now. Luckily Jungkook thought of a plan, and he decided you should use the remaining bubblegum bombs to destroy all the massive robots, but you had to chew the gums first before blowing it on them.
You blew the last one on the king and successfully eradicated his existence for good. It was satisfying to defeat him albeit it wasn't that easy.
"Ugh, finally we can go home now." Jungkook whined. "Yeah, mayhaps I can't believe we could work as a team." You added. "A team? I did all the work though? Without me you'd probably be-" you cut him off, "Yeah sure, whatever but I still helped blow the gum bombs! Anyway, we better leave now my mother's probably worried."
"I would be too, if I had a daughter like you." he remarked. "What's that supposed to mean Jeon?" You glared at him. "Oh nothing, nothing my princess." there he goes again smirking like a cocky idiot. Gross. He didn't even stop grinning when you rode your monocycles all the way home.
"Prince Jeon, Princess Y/N, It's late. What took you so long?" The King inquired. You were surprised to say the least that it wasn't your mother, the queen who was waiting for you when you arrived. "Sorry if I took her out so long your majesty, we decided to visit my kingdom after practicing archery and got distracted. We didn't realize the sun had already set when we were done, my apologies." Jungkook smoothly reasoned.
"It's fine, next time just don't stay out too late. Though Y/N dear, what happened to your dress? It's as dirty as a peasant! Is that how a princess should behave and carry herself? You're lucky your mother isn't here and on an emergency meeting right now, or you'll be grounded for life!" Your father added. "Dad I-" you were about to defend yourself and explain when Jungkook cut you off.
"It's actually my fault, your majesty. Please don't blame Princess Y/N. We were playing at the castle, and mayhaps we had too much fun. I apologize again, your majesty." Jungkook looked at you in a conspiring way, as if to tell you to ride along with his story. "Very well. You should stop apologizing son, accidents can happen." Wow. Your father didn't get mad at the obnoxious rabbit prince, but he got mad at you, how fracking fair. It's totally fine. You truly felt great. "Although you both should always be mindful of how you look and your actions, you are royalty after all." The king added.
"Of course dad, even though I didn't ask to be born like this…" You quipped, voice lowering a little as you finished saying it. "What did you say Y/N?" "Nothing dad, can I go eat dinner now? I'm hungry as heck. Bye Jeon, have a safe trip on the way home." You told Jungkook and were already heading to the dining area when your father decided to say something that stopped you from going there completely, "Mind your language dear, also it's truly quite late, aren't you starving Prince Jungkook?" The king inquired, staring at Jungkook to check his reaction. "Um, It's late your majesty I should be heading home, and I don't know if Princess Y/N wants me to eat with her…" You glared at him and mouthed 'What the fck Jeon? You frackin pig!' well obnoxiously he looked like a rabbit with his big bunny teeth, but the way he was acting now- he was like a starving pig. The king ignored what Jungkook said and told him, "Nonsense boy! I'm sure Princess Y/N will be delighted to have you join us for dinner. I already ate actually, but I'd love to join you both for dinner again I could get some snack- you can't always have enough snacks!" The king exclaimed enthusiastically.
"But dad-" you try to dissuade him to no avail, "No buts my lovely daughter, Prince Jungkook will be joining us for dinner. You should probably change your clothes before you eat dinner, Jungkook and I will head to the dining room first. Come along now Jungkook," The king beckoned as Jungkook followed him to the dining room. You were planning to have a peaceful dinner tonight, but of course Jeon Jungkook would ruin that as fracking always. When will he ever stop annoying you?
You went to your room begrudgingly, and changed into some casual clothes that were still appropriate for dinner but also for having an annoying guest eating with you. After a short while, you finally joined them to eat. You sat beside Jungkook and your father was at the center of the table. It wouldn't have been awkward if your father didn't start to ask obnoxious questions.
"So Prince Jeon, what have you been up to these days? Searching for potential wife candidates?" The king inquired. You glared at your father. Jungkook almost choked on a piece of steak he was eating, but he managed to answer after drinking some water. "Uh, I've been busy with my duties your majesty. Ensuring the safety of my people and thinking of ways to stop the remaining rebels. I haven't really had the time to look for potential wife candidates."
"Oh. It's good to hear that you prioritize the safety of your people Prince Jeon. But you're not getting any younger. Soon enough, you'll need a good wife to be your future queen and help you lead the kingdom. Do you have anyone in mind right now?" The king probed. "Dad- stop being so nosy." You said, annoyed and a little embarrassed. "I'm not, I'm just asking the boy if he has an idea or a person in mind to be his future queen. So do you, Prince Jeon?"
"Um- as I've said your majesty, I'm too busy to think about marriage right now. I'm still young though, so I'm not that in a hurry to get married." Jungkook replied a little uncomfortable but still respectful. "That's comprehensible. I think Y/N here," Your father said while looking at you, "is the same too."
"Although, I have someone in mind for her already." The king announced, making Jungkook feel something weird inside him. Jungkook wondered what the king meant- or who he meant? For some crazy reason, he can't imagine you marrying someone. Or someone else… Of course not that he wants to marry you! But- maybe it wouldn't be so bad at all too. "Okay, this conversation is over dad," You told the king. "We're done eating and Jungkook has to go home, so goodbye everyone I'm going to my room now." You stood up and went to your room in a hurry.
"But Y/N I'm not done talking you brat! I still haven't finished this delicious croissant-" The king quipped disappointedly. "She's quite a disrespectful brat sometimes, I wonder who she got it from- forgive my daughter Jeon."
"It's okay your majesty, I was about to leave too. I'll be going now if you don't mind-"
"Wait-" Jungkook stood up and sat again because of what the king said. "I hope you're not mad at her, she really is a little hard to handle." The king looked at him pitifully, "Oh, I'm not your majesty. Though I won't disagree with you on that statement- about her being hard to handle I mean…" he joked.
"Yes, she is quite stubborn. But I'm sure you can handle her quite well." Jungkook was confused again, what did your father mean? "I'm sorry your majesty, I don't really get what you're trying to say?" The king looked him in the eye gleefully and said, "I'm saying, I like you- for her. I think the both of you would make a perfect match." Jungkook blushed, oh. So that's what he meant.
"Don't you agree Prince Jeon?" The king teased him further. "I-... Yes I suppose so, your majesty." He shyly replied. It would be rude to disagree, or say awful stuff. "That is- if you're not secretly a couple yet, are you not?"
"No!" Jungkook replied a little too loud. "I meant- no we aren't yet your majesty. We're not secretly seeing each other…" he backtracked, calmer now. "Oh, you aren't yet. That's alright, the two of you are still young- there's still a lot of time. We're just excited for your wedding and to see our grandchildren! But all in God's perfect timing- anyway sorry for keeping you here, have a safe trip home Prince Jeon! Hopefully you'll be calling me dad soon." The king whispered the last bit as Jungkook was finally on his way out of the palace, but he still heard it to his dismay, and it didn't help in making the forming blush on his cheeks go away. The thought of getting married with you isn't so appalling to him- but having kids right away… it was weird to think about. The whole conversation was weird to think about and yet it was the most constant thing on his mind the whole night.
You were lucky the queen was still on an important meeting as you made your way out of the palace, or so you thought- when your father, the king shouted your name in your lawn. Of course he made you go back to your room, and unless you had important things to do outside you won't be able to go out. And because of that, you resorted to call the bunny prince for help again. So now, you're waiting for him to be your knight in shining armor and take you away from the palace again. After an hour of agony, he finally arrived and managed to convince your father with a shitty excuse to let you go with him. If you weren't seeing things, you might've thought they were whispering some secret information to each other. Your parents always looked like they were so elated to see that prince in the palace. Your dad was being weird now too. Men are such eerie creatures, you thought.
"Hey Jeon. What were you whispering about to my dad a while ago?" You called to him as you rode your speedy monocycles. "What?" Mayhaps he didn't hear you, as the wind gushed too loud. "I said- nevermind." You didn't bother to ask him what they talked about anymore, maybe it didn't matter anyway. You were nearing the academy, and you parked your monocycle right away when you arrived. Not bothering to look at him and see his fangirls flocking over him again.
You were practicing with throwing your dart knives when you overheard a girl and a familiar someone talking. "Baby! You're always so hot and perfect! you're on the top spies leaderboard again, marry me please!" Her rat-like voice annoyed you, so you decided to stare at her in hopes that she'll feel a little embarrassed at least. But to no avail, she only continued her mouth breathing sentiments."I don't mean to be rude Princess Fiona, but I'm not ready to get married right now." or ever with you, Jungkook wanted to add- but he only did in his mind.
And of course, the cause of this headache inducing fiasco is no other than Prince Jungkook, why are you even surprised? Why can't they be annoying somewhere else? Probably a million miles away from you? "Oh, I don't mean right away silly. Maybe in a few weeks or months? I just know we're meant to be my prince." Gawd, you're actually praying for her future husband. Hopefully he can stand her annoying rat-ogre voice. "I'm sorry Fiona, I really think I'm not the right guy for you. Although I heard Lord Farquaad seemed to have feelings for you." Jungkook suggested. "What? Lord Farquaad? Ew, he's a midget gross. Is that why you won't marry me? Are you jealous baby? You don't have to be!" she squealed and giggled, you had to stop yourself for aiming at her face, it wasn't the knife's fault and you were against animal cruelty anyway.
"No," Jungkook sighed, she wasn't getting it. "I'm not jealous. I just think you're better off with Lord Farquaad, and I'm better with…"
"Better with who? Oh please tell me Prince Jeon who's better with you rather than I?" She seemed to look around at other girls, hoping to find the answer to her question when Jungkook still couldn't reply. She only stopped when she noticed you looking at her too, so you looked away from her and turned your attention on a laser gun that was displayed instead. You were planning to tune them out fully, when she spoke something that triggered something in you. Something you didn't quite like.
"When you said you were better off with someone else, did you mean to say you were better off with someone like Princess Y/N? Are you serious Prince Jeon? She's not even that pretty, or that great of a spy." Hearing her utter those ill-founded words made your blood boil, how dare she point out your flaws and insecurity? You were already one of the best spies, yet you still trained to be a better spy everyday, even if you being a spy was against your parents' wishes- maybe that's why you couldn't control your next actions- you threw one of the dart knives at her direction.
Lucky for her, it missed her face by a centimeter. Actually, if you wanted to hit her you could've, but you just wanted to shut her up. And shut her up you did. She was too shocked to speak at first, too in awe at what happened. Until she regained her senses and confronted the perpetrator. "You! Y/N how dare you try to impale my face with that dirty knife! My father will hear about this!" she pointed at you looking mad and ogre-like at the same time.
"Oh stop being too dramatic Fiona, maybe it was an accident, I'm sure Y/N didn't mean to throw it at you." Jungkook said glancing your way, though it looked more like he was trying to save your ass rather than comfort the ogre like princess. "But I did though Jungkook. I meant to aim it at her to shut her up," You replied looking Fiona directly in the eyes. "See Jungkook? She didn't even deny it!" she exclaimed.
"Which I only did because of what you spoke about me. You had the audacity to insult and slander me, yet you got scared of almost getting what you deserved. Please Princess Fiona save it for someone who cares, it's not me or Jungkook but mayhaps another ogre does." You kept your knives and walked away from them. "Come back here you bitch! You still have to pay for almost murdering me!" she screamed wanting to follow you, but Jungkook held her back from doing so.
"Fiona stop harassing Y/N. You won't follow her nor will you continue to insult her, if you as much touch her hair or be near her- you'll be hearing from me. And I also won't hesitate to tell your father about what you're doing." Jungkook reprimanded her and left the fuming princess to follow after you.
Jungkook found you at another training station trying some new gadget that was actually quite useful to distract and even escape rebels, if you were in a hurry. You didn’t seem to notice him yet or you pretended not to, so he made his presence known by speaking first.
"That seems really handy, you could totally make use of that a lot when needing an escape for extremely hard missions." You were still ignoring him so he spoke again. "Not saying you always escape hard missions-" You interrupted him. "Then what are you saying Jeon? Just because I needed a little help from you on that difficult mission, doesn't mean I'll always need someone or something to save me. For the record, I don't always rely on gadgets to defeat enemies, I've successfully completed a lot of missions without them."
"I know that Y/N, I'm just trying to give you some advice." he retorted. "More like you're trying to prove to me that you're always right."
"But aren't I babe? I'm indeed always right,"
"Don't call me that, hearing you call me it just gave me a disease." You chided. "Oh really? I bet you secretly like it though, just like you like me." He boasted. "Wait what? Where did that come from? Are you on crack or did your last brain cell finally decided to leave you?" How dare he assume and say such horrendous things? He's probably hallucinating or something.
"Excuse me I don't do crack, but you don't have to deny it. I get it you're shy, and you were jealous of Fiona that's why you acted up a while ago-" he's truly insufferable. "Me Jealous? Please don't delude yourself, wake up from that dream it isn't healthy." You wanted to leave his delusional ass once more, but he prevented you from doing that when he cornered you to a wall and got too close for comfort. "I can prove it you know, that you're jealous," He was breathing hotly on your face, staring deeply into your eyes and slowly, he seemed to inch his face closer to yours- as if planning to steal a taste of your lips, you were so flustered that you decided to close your eyes. Waiting and kind of hoping to feel his soft lips on yours, but it never came.
Because just before Jungkook could kiss you, you heard someone cough, and the both of you decided to break apart from each other. "Ehem. Agent Y/N and Agent JK, I'm going to assign mission partners, you should both probably be at the assembly hall so you don't miss it." Your instructor said looking at the two of you weirdly. You both awkwardly looked at him back and nodded.
"Agent Fiona and Agent Farquaad, you'll be partners for this mission and probably the succeeding ones too." Your instructor announced, Fiona grimaced seemingly disappointed with who her partner was but not bothering to say anything. Meanwhile, Farquaad had a smile on his face as he was partnered with the gal he liked. When your turn came, you couldn't believe the luck you just had to be partnered with the guy you wanted to avoid the most.
"Agent Y/N and Agent JK, you’ll be partners for this mission and the succeeding ones, as you both are the best spies in this academy." Your instructor said with gleam in his eyes. Did he plan this? Did he think you and Jungkook got along well because of what he almost saw a while ago? What the hell? What is he doing? You were having an internal monologue, as you were still having a hard time processing the fact that you'll have to spend more time with annoying Prince Jungkook again. You couldn't believe it, you wouldn't. Your mental breakdown was interrupted by someone's disgustingly familiar voice speaking to you,
"So, partners huh? I'd say I'm glad to be partnered by a top spy in our academy, but I'm not really sure I am. Maybe 'cause I loathe it as much as you do?" You glared at him. "As if I'll be partners with you," you retorted and stormed off to find your instructor to plead with him.
"Um. Excuse me sir, can I please switch partners?" you pleaded to your instructor when you found him. "Agent Y/N… I'm sorry, but I chose your partners for a reason. Also, Agent JK is one of the best spy princes. I don't understand why you don't wanna be partners with him?" He replied.
"I know sir, but- we just don't get along that well, and actually, I think I can handle a mission on my own just fine." you explained. "I'm one of the best spies as you've said, and we all know that's true so… Please?"
"I'm really sorry Agent Y/N, but my decision is final. Your partner is Agent JK, and if you have problems with each other right now, then hopefully this mission will help you guys resolve it, and make you feel closer." Your instructor paused for a bit, you didn't know why but he was seemingly and suddenly in deep thought. "If you don't mind me asking and I don't mean to be nosy, but are you guys having a lovers quarrel or something?" he inquired.
"W-what? Of course not sir! Me and him lovers? Not in this lifetime. Why did you even think of that if I may ask?" you were flustered but curious. Did your instructor think of that because of what he saw a while ago? You didn't even know what truly transpired between you and Jungkook in that moment, you just knew that it felt right and wrong at the same time. "I think you realize that I saw you both a while ago, you two were pretty close to each other. I just thought you might be dating. It's a little disappointing that you aren't but that's okay." you fought another blush that threatened to show in your cheeks because of what your instructor said.
"But sir- why would it be disappointing?" you asked dumbly. "It's a little disappointing because you two look great together. You're both compatible in my opinion," he said looking at you seriously. "You're both top spies, both popular within the academy and even outside of it, you're both competitive, but you complement each other. Should I tell you more?" you didn't know if he was asking rhetorically or if he really wanted you to answer that question, so you just looked at the walls of the academy instead. But you also thought about what he said, did you and Jungkook really complement each other?
"If you don't have anymore questions Agent YN, I'll be going now. I still have some tasks to do, but remember that I'm rooting for both of you." he smiled at you knowingly, and your instructor went back to his room. Whether he meant that in regards to you both being spies, or the concept of you and Jungkook dating, mayhaps it was both- you didn’t know. But you were more scared than curious to ponder about it and find out.
You still went home together with Jungkook despite of the awkward air around the two of you, even if you didn't wanna be partners with him mayhaps you didn't have any choice, so why bother complaining about it anymore. You both chose to stay silent during the ride on the way home, not really talking until you arrived at the palace.
"You got home late again. What have you both been doing that's taking up your whole time and day?" The king inquired immediately when you both arrived. "Dad- we were just…" You replied until Jungkook cut you off again, he seemed to be doing that frequently these days.
"We were just hanging out as usual your majesty. Actually- we're hanging out too much because…" Jungkook hesitantly took a peek in your direction, "Because- we're dating." what in the name of crippled hairy ballsacks is he on now? Mayhaps he's really lost it and now cursing you.
"What the hell are you talking about Jeon?" you yelled and glared at him. He looked like he was trying to talk to you telepathically with his eyes, because he obviously can't do it with his mind. "Y/N- can you just play along-" he whispered to you. Your father wasn't all too happy with the way you screamed and cursed though, so he reprimanded you again. "Princess Y/N! Your language!" he also yelled brows furrowed in disappointment. "Have you forgotten your manners? A princess doesn't act like a tasteless fool!" he chided, you ignored him and pretended that you didn’t hear him. You just wanted to go to your room and disappear forever.
"And you Prince Jeon, is what you're saying the truth?" The king said as he looked at Jungkook pointedly. "Are you and Y/N truly dating? Why haven't you told us this? When did you both even start seeing each other?"
"Your majesty I can explain. Please don't be furious at us- or at least at Y/N that much-" Jungkook reasoned. "We wanted to keep it a secret for a while, as we were afraid of your reaction."
"Well aren't you afraid now? You just confessed your relationship in front of me." The king said. "We still are. Though I thought maybe you needed to know now, because secrets aren't meant to be kept forever." Jungkook explained.
"And is that truly the reason why you keep visiting Princess Y/N here and having all your rendezvous?" The king inquired again. "Well obviously dad, didn't you hear what he said?" You retorted smartly. You decided you were going to go with whatever this ballsack show Jungkook wants to play, if that meant your real secret won't be found out. (that is if they don't know of it already and are just letting you go for now.) Anyway, If this fake relationship is your escape pass then so be it. You were still planning to confront Jungkook about this shit show later though.
"Stop being sassy you brat, I wasn't talking to you, I was clearly asking our prince here." your dad scolded you. "Did you even court her properly Prince Jeon? I hope you did everything you can to truly deserve her heart."
"I- I did…Your majesty. I can tell you all about how I wooed her during dinner. That is if you'll allow me to stay for dinner?" Jungkook somewhat smoothly replied. You gave him a grim warning look- because he was really pushing it. Though mayhaps, you supposed him staying for dinner wouldn't be so insufferable- since you could talk to him after, and discuss what's going on in his heinous mind.
"Alright, Prince Jeon. You can stay for dinner, and maybe you can convince me if you're truly fitting for my dear Princess Y/N." The king replied.
Your father and Jungkook chatted amicably, though the king interrogated Jungkook a lot about your relationship. The king asked about how you both realized you were in love with each other, which was awkward because you weren't really in love. You let Jungkook do all the talking since he's a better liar in your opinion. Your father even had the audacity to ask when was your first kiss together? To which Jungkook almost choked on his water, while his cheeks burned red. It didn't seem like he'd stop interrogating Jungkook soon, so before he could ask Jungkook more personal questions like, if you'd slept together already- (It was common for the new generation of royals in your land to sleep around even before being wed.) You decided to interrupt and end their conversation.
You excused yourself from the table, telling your father you were full, and took Jungkook with you. The king surprisingly allowed you to go without a lot of fuss, but he did shoot you both suggestive looks. When you got to your room, Jungkook seemed to be relieved that you stopped the king from torturing him even further. Maybe using the word 'torturing' was a bit harsh- but that was kinda what Jungkook felt when your father asked him all those personal questions. Not that he was truly in pain, but more like he felt weird thinking about all the little white lies he told the king. He wondered if in the future it might come true? Would he still feel awkward or would he enjoy it? He was interrupted from his pondering when he heard your adorable voice, he realized you were talking to him.
"Hello?? Earth to rabbit prince? I was asking you a question but you seemed to be on planet mars or something," You commented while sitting on your bed. "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about some stuff and things…" He was thinking about the possibilities of you and him- was what he wanted to say, but he'll probably never say it even if he was blackmailed by an enemy. "Stuff and things huh? Are you the main lead of Walking Dead now? Anyway- I was just asking you why you suddenly decided that we should fake date?"
"I-" Jungkook sighed while sitting on the chair near your bed, "I thought you had the idea why already," he simply replied. "Well, maybe I do have an idea." you told him. "But is my idea correct? Did you do it so I could go on missions without having a hard time sneaking out on my parents?"
"I guess. Mayhaps, I wanted to help you in a way." he shyly admitted, avoiding looking at your direction. "For real though? Why? What's in it for you?" you inquired, curious as to why he did such things to help you. "I don't know, maybe just because," was his curt reply. "Just because? What kind of answer is that? It doesn't make sense. I still want to know Jungkook," you probed.
"Maybe it's just because I can okay?" you looked at him still unconvinced. "Fine- maybe because I feel a little bad for you. You have boomer parents who still think you should stick to being a prim and proper princess, when we both know how much you want to be an amazing superspy too. And you already are," He told you, looking at you proudly. "But, I know how much you want to protect yourself and the people you love. I know that you love being a spy and going on missions. So maybe, that's why I made the whole fake dating show." He proclaimed.
"Okay...that seems comprehensible. You didn't have to do it, but you still did anyway. So I wanna thank you for that." you told Jungkook honestly. "Actually I was mad at first, I was confused about what your plan was. I didn't realize you were doing it for me. But when I did, I guessed it didn't seem so bad after all." you confessed looking at him shyly. "It's okay, I didn't tell you about it beforehand too. So I can understand why you were mad." he replied.
"Uh… yeah. Though, I'm still sorry for being rude. I guess we'll have to get along because we're partners now anyway." you suggested. "Okay, I guess we should try to be friends since we're partners now." Jungkook replied. Maybe being friends with Jungkook wouldn't be so bad.
Your first official mission with Jungkook was at a nearby kingdom. It was reigned by the Kim family, and now ruled by their obnoxious tyrant son, Kim Seokjin. His beloved parents have been deceased for a few years now, that is why he's became king, and is doing whatever he wants with the land. Your mission is to teach him a lesson; and that is to learn how to share his wealth to his people. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He's using up all the land's wealth for his selfish needs, and leaving his people to die of hunger and starvation.
Meeting King Seokjin was quite amusing. He didn't even spare you a glance as he sat on his throne, and looked at his face in his handheld mirror. He seemed to focus on his face only, quite a narcissistic trait. He also didn't seem to take you both seriously when you told him that he should change his ways- before it's too late. That is why you had no choice but to make him listen to you even if you had to exert a little force.
You had shot the wall near where he was sitting with your laser gun, (you also finally decided to bring a few gadgets just in case.) therefore catching his attention, finally. "What the hell? Are you deranged? Why did you do that you imbecile! You could've hit my beautiful face! I could have you killed for trying to scratch my gorgeous face you know!" King Seokjin exclaimed. "Well we had to get your attention you narcissistic king. You won't listen to us." Jungkook answered him for you.
"Stop acting like a spoiled child, and help your people. They need you." You retorted. "Who are you peasants to even tell me what to do?!! Actually, how did you both even get inside here? Guards!" the tyrant king screamed. "We're just people who were sent to teach you a lesson. Your guards are asleep if you must know. We kind of knocked them out, sorry about that your majesty." Jungkook quipped.
"Who are you heathens? I don't have time for your tomfoolery, so if it's money you want then just tell me how much and maybe I'll give you some." King Seokjin proclaimed. "We don't want any of your dirty money. What we want is that you learn how to share them with your people." You chided. "Share my money with commoners? What kind of ridiculous thing are you talking about? I'll never share my wealth with useless peasants! Never!"
"The useless peasants you called are the ones feeding you, and are the source of the food you eat. You don't even pay them for their rice and crops, you only know how to take but never give back." "I don't care what you say! I'm not sharing my money with slaves or anyone else even til I die!" he screamed. It seemed like he truly wasn't gonna cooperate or change his ways, so you had to resort to doing things by force yet again.
"Fine, you're really not gonna change? Then we'll just have to make you then." You announced to him. "Oh. please make me!" King Seokjin mocked. "Oh we really are, until you learn your lesson you selfish king." Jungkook retorted. And before he could reply or notice, you were both tying him up on his chair that he loves sitting on. And when he realized what you had done, it was too late and he couldn't move anymore. "What are you doing? Let me go! You'll pay for this you crazies!"
"I think we won't be paying for anything unlike you, your majesty. Now if you don't want us to carry you and leave you outside for the townspeople to beat up- you'll give us the money to pay your people." Jungkook demanded. "How dare you threaten me?! I'm not scared of you buffoons! And I'm not giving you any of my money! If you don't untie me this instant, you'll truly regret it! I promise you both!" He exclaimed. "I see you still won't cooperate with us, Okay. Let's go agent Fox."
Jungkook motioned for you to untie King Seokjin on the chair, only to tie him up again as Jungkook carried him down his throne. You were about to go out and leave him on the streets for the townspeople to beat up, when he suddenly screamed and begged you both not to. "Wait! Are you really gonna leave me out there to get beaten up?! Please don't! They'll ruin my beautiful face! Ok- Okay! I'll tell you where my money is and share them to my people! Just put me down please!"
"Are you seriously gonna help your people now? Do you promise?" Jungkook inquired. "Yes! Yes I promise! Now please put me down." King Seokjin replied. Jungkook put him back on his throne and you both waited for him to do what he promised. After getting some money from his secret vault, he then fulfilled his promise of paying the people he's been indebted with for so long. You both went with him to visit the townspeople he neglected and left to starve. Surprisingly, he paid them without so much fuss and no complaints from him. Even the townspeople were shocked at his sudden actions.
After giving the people the money they deserved, You were both surprised to be invited by the King for dinner. He explained that he wanted to thank you for making him realize his selfish ways, and he wanted to show you how grateful he was by letting you enjoy a good meal. Not wanting to be rude and mayhaps you were both kinda hungry too, you accepted his offer of dinner.
The dinner with the king went well. Mayhaps too well that is. You were just finishing your dessert when you felt a little light headed. You didn’t wanna think about it too much and ignored it, but then you felt dizzy. You decided to ask Jungkook if he felt the same weird feeling you felt but when you looked at him sitting beside you he was already knocked out on the table. Something seems amiss. "Excuse me King Seokjin, there's something wrong with your food. Did you put something in it?" you asked struggling to stay conscious. You knew you were right, when you looked at the treacherous king. He was grinning. "Oh. Did I? It's such a shame you caught on too late my dear. Have a nice slumber!" You were really gonna kick his ass when you regain your strength. But for now you had no choice but to succumb to the darkness inviting you so enticingly. Your last memory being King Seokjin's taunting and laughing face.
You woke up confused and unsure of where you were, til you remembered the events of yesterday. The narcissistic king. The dinner. Jungkook. You guys blacked out. It was morning you guessed, but you couldn't really see anything since you had been blindfolded. Your other senses were more alert since you couldn't see, but you just wanted to feel if Jungkook was there with you. If he was near you. "Agent Bunny…? Are you here? Are you near me?" you called, you were glad the crazy king didn't tape your mouth to shut you up so you could call out for your partner. You were starting to get nervous because you didn't hear Jungkook respond right away. What if King Seokjin did something to him? Where did he take him?
You wanted to escape at that moment and find Jungkook, but you realized your hands were tied up. You couldn't do so much but try to thrash around and be free. Your gadgets were probably confiscated too, so you couldn't use them. You were still trying to escape when you heard a muffled sound that made you stop. Was it Jungkook? "Agent Bunny! Was that you? Are you okay? I'll get us out of here, don't worry!" Jungkook tried to reply, but of course all you heard was his muffled voice. You thrashed again as if it'll help you, when the traitor king made his presence obvious. "Oh you should worry. If you don't stop moving around, the rope that's holding you might snap. And you wouldn't want to know where you'll be falling into." he chided.
The rope that's holding you? What did he mean? Weren't you sitting down on a chair? Wait- is that why it feels weird and unstable? Are you… hanging in the air? Ballsacks. "Fine, since I'm feeling a little merciful today, I'll let your partner or is he your boyfriend? give you a little warning." the king said as he removed the cover on Jungkook's mouth, "Y/N- I meant- agent Fox! stop moving! The rope that's holding your chair is weak, If it snaps you'll fall into a piranha tank!" In Jungkook's haste to warn you, he forgot and called you by your real name again.
You didn't really mind his mistake that much right now, until the obnoxious king taunted you. "Wait- did I hear that right? Did your boyfriend just call you Y/N? Is that your name princess? It is isn't it? A dreadful name for a dreadful girl!" You weren't actually tasked to kill him but you just might. How dare he slander your name? Just he wait til you get out of here alive, you'll absolutely kick his ass! "Shut up you're the dreadful one Kim Seokjin! How dare you call her that, and insult her name!" Jungkook defended you.
"Yada yada. You're the one who should shut up. Do you want to be muffled again?" the king threatened your partner. "Let us go you foolish king! What do you gain from doing all of this anyway?" You inquired. "And what if I don't huh? What are you gonna do about it? Nothing! You can't do anything you tied up fools! You asked me what do I gain from this? A satisfying revenge! And now your boyfriend is gonna see you get eaten by piranhas, but he won't be able to do anything but watch." He retorted.
Of course it makes sense how Jungkook was able to see where you were right now, the king didn't blindfold Jungkook like he did with you. But he covered his mouth instead. "You're wrong, King Seokjin. I'm gonna save her and you can't stop me!" Jungkook screamed furious at the king. "And how are you planning to do that? You can't even get up from your seat. I'd tell you I'd like to see you try, but I've already wasted too much of my precious time for this nonsense." King Seokjin yawned seemingly to show his boredom and annoyance. "Guards! Pull the rope and bring her down." He ordered to them, but before they could pull the rope and feed you to the piranhas- a commotion happened.
And there stood, two people you didn't expect to see. "Our instructor was wondering where you two were ya know? Tsk. For supposedly being the best spies you two are getting rusty." Fiona the ogre looking princess said. "Anyway, sir told us to find you guys and save your asses, that's why we're here. I don't like you but sir asked us to save you both- so it's whatever." Fiona said as she got rid of the guards who were still trying to pull you down. Of course Agent Farquaad came with her too, and he was the one who helped untie Jungkook. Seokjin was still shookt at how his plans crumbled ever so quickly, that he just stood there mouth agape.
For the first time in your life, you were kinda relieved to see her. You finally got out of your restraints and you wanted to face King Seokjin right away, but Fiona's next words stopped you. "Now that we've saved you both, our job here is done. Though next time, try to do your job better idiots so we don't have to do it for you." she told you as they were about to go, you didn't have the time to get mad at her so you just ignored her, but before they actually did she told you one last thing. "Oh I almost forgot, there are rumors about rebels planning to attack this dumb king who hostaged you. They might be on the way here now. We'd love to help ya guys, but we have other rebels from another city to take care of. So ttyl!" and then she scurried off with her partner.
Well it's not like you can't fight the rebels yourselves, but an earlier warning would've been nice. You moved closer to Jungkook who was keeping an eye on the now submissive king. "So bunny, what's the plan now?" you inquired. "I guess we wait for them to arrive and defeat them all." was his reply. You nodded in agreement, of course that's what you're going to do.
The rebels arrived not long after, and it was quite a taxing battle, but nothing you weren't used to. They carried high tech weapons too, but you managed to steal some from them and use it on them. Just as one rebel almost shot King Seokjin, you managed to pull him to the side just in time and save his plumpous ass. To say he was shocked that you saved him, was an understatement. He was literally in awe that you still saved his life, even if he had tied you up and almost fed you to the piranhas.
The act was actually enough that he started to mayhaps have a change of heart. After a hundred butts kicked and a few exhausting hours later, you finally defeated the rebels. Police reinforcements came to collect most of them (because a few rebels always manage to escape) and took them to jail, meanwhile you've never wanted more but to get back home already and just lie on your bed for a month. Your partner looked exhausted too, but still undeniably handsome. Not that you'll ever admit that to him. You were actually missing home, even though it's only been a day. Your parents would probably- oh glob, your parents! They're probably worried sick now. You hope you'll still be allowed to go out after this.
You were so busy worrying if you'll get grounded, that you didn’t notice the narcissistic King coming up to you. "Hey." He called out, breaking you out of your thoughts and surprising you. What did he want now? "I just wanted to say, thanks for saving me. You shouldn't have, but you still did anyway. And I'm sorry for everything. Promise, I'm being sincere this time." He seemed sincere with his apology, even though he couldn't really look you in the eye that well. You could say he was embarrassed? Or guilty? Maybe both. Still, you wanted to tease him and so you probed. "Are you really being honest now? Or is it another act of yours to deceive me again?"
"I'm being sincere this time I swear, I really felt awful about what I did to you. What I did to you both." he corrected. "I realized how selfish and crazy I've been, and I'm honestly sorry for that." "Well it's great that you realized your mistakes. I forgive you I guess, I don't wanna hold grudges for too long anyway." you replied. "Really? Thank you so much! I swear I'll prove to you that I'll change for real this time." he exclaimed getting your partner's attention, making him check up on you both in case something's wrong.
"Is everything alright with you two?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah bunny. He was just apologizing that's all." you replied. "Oh ok. Wait- he apologized? For real? How unbelievable." he then sent an accusing look at King Seokjin. "Yes he did. He seemed genuine so let's just let bygones be bygones." "Yeah. You sure he won't drug us to sleep again?" "Jungkook-"
"I won't. I should've never, it was truly wrong of me. I'm sorry for taunting you and for every wrong thing I've done. Believe me, I really do feel shitty for hurting you guys who saved me." King Seokjin heard your conversation and decided to apologize to Jungkook too. "If there's anything I could do to make it up to you guys, just please tell me. I'll do it in a heartbeat." "Hmm. Maybe there is something you could do." Jungkook suddenly had an idea.
"Princess Y/N! Where have you been? we've been worried sick about you! Your mother couldn't sleep waiting for you!" Your father said when you finally arrived home. "Dad it was just a day, we were invited by our friend King Seokjin to stay for the night because it was getting late." you reasoned.
"King Seokjin? Is he the gorgeous man standing next to Jungkook right now?" your father inquired. "Yes dad," "Who is he? Why didn't you both tell us about him?" "He's our new friend, we helped him and he felt grateful so he made us stay for the night."
"It's amazing how you can plan quite a perfect lie my dear, you may have fooled your father- but we both know you can't fool me." the queen finally appeared. "So tell me Y/N, where were you really?" "Mom… I can explain-" "Were you at that spy academy of yours? Or going on those nonsense missions weren't you? I'm very disappointed in you Y/N. I thought you had quit being a useless spy. But of course, you had lied to me." she scolded you. You didn’t know what hurt more, the fact that she was disappointed in you, or the fact that she thought and probably still thinks- you're a useless spy.
"She isn't a useless spy, she saved me for crying out loud!" you were surprised to see King Seokjin was actually defending you. Maybe he truly had changed. "It's true your majesty. She isn't a useless spy, in fact she's one of the best spies in our academy. She's one of the best spies I know." Jungkook added. "Spectacular, but I don't recall asking you both for your opinion. So I suggest you both stay out of this. King Seokjin it's nice to meet you but you can go home now. As for you Prince Jungkook, you should probably leave too. I had a feeling you influenced her, and I was right." the queen reprimanded.
"Jungkook didn't influence me! I wanted to be a spy on my own. I just don't understand why you won't let me. Do you not love me mom?" you exclaimed. "Enough Y/N! Not another word from you, or you'll be spending your whole life in your tower. You're grounded for a year, and that's final. Guards, escort Princess Y/N to her tower and make sure she stays there for a year." you can't believe your mother right now, she had done this before when she first discovered what you were doing in the academy, and now she's doing it again. "Darling, don't you think you're being a little too harsh on our daughter? Locked for a year in her tower? Isn't that quite too much-" the king interrupted but the queen silenced him. "No I'm not being too harsh on her, you're too lenient on her that's why she keeps being a brat. She needs to learn how to listen to me, I'm her mother and the queen after all.
You lashed out on some of the guards on the way to your tower, you were just so upset you couldn't believe it had come to this. You could've escaped them easily, but you didn't want to be disowned by your family. So you decided to take your punishment.
You scrolled through your phone for the nth time today, and you were bored. Luckily, she at least let you had your phone. You wanted to see if you had new missions to do, but you felt conflicted too, because you can't disobey your mother this time. You were just planning to take a nap again when a strawberry hit you on the face. You looked at your window to find out where the strawberry came from, and you were in awe to see it was your bunny prince on a drone airplane. "Jungkook? How did you- why are you here?"
"To get you out, of course. Who else would help you other than me?" he cockily said. "You didn't even tell me you were coming. Anyway, thanks for wanting to take me out of here, but I can't. Even if I really want to escape, I can't anymore Jungkook." you refused. "You can't or you shouldn't? I know you're afraid of disappointing your mother again baby, but I think she'll understand. Besides, I think she was just angry at that moment. She probably wants to let you go back to your room now."
Your heart warmed at his pet name for you, but you still can't agree to go with him. "Exactly, Kook. Maybe she'll want to end my punishment sooner, but what if she finds out I disobeyed her again? She'll be furious, and I don't want my punishment to be extended." "Well what if she doesn't find out? I'm sure she can't see me when I'm this high on the ground. And I promise I'll bring you back home before they check on you. Come on princess, do you really wanna stay here alone in your tower, for a year?" he persuaded. "I don't… but ugh, I hate you Jeon Jungkook. Fine, just let me get my stuff." you caved in. How were you supposed to say no when a guy as annoyingly handsome as prince Jeon asked you?
You hopped on the airplane drone and went away with your handsome prince. You and Jungkook just flew around the land, it was awe inspiring to look at the villages and people from above. When he finally brought you home you felt a little glum that the day had to end. You were relieved that you weren't caught by the queen though. You were relieved to have Prince Jeon with you. You texted your instructor about your current situation and why you can't go on missions for a while. He told you he understood, he truly is the best instructor.
Jungkook came to see you again the next day. He didn't take you away this time, he just stayed with you and you two talked all day. Jungkook visited your tower everyday, and you couldn't help but fall for him each passing day too. One night, the two of you finally shared your first kiss and it felt amazing. He didn't come back the next day though, which made you feel worried that he didn't feel the same way. Unbeknownst to you, he was actually planning how to get you out of your current situation- while he couldn't stop thinking about your kiss too.
"Y/N, it's been 3 months since you've been locked here in your tower. I don't mind visiting you but, don't you miss going on missions with me? Don't lie, I know you do. We need to get you out of here." Jungkook declared. "Jungkook is that why you didn't come yesterday? 'Cause you were planning my escape from here?" you inquired still a little upset, he didn't come to see you yesterday. "Yes actually. Why? Did you think about something else?"
"No… I just thought- nevermind it doesn't matter." "Of course it matters princess, tell me what's on your mind." he asked you moving closer to touch your cheek fondly. "I thought you didn't like our kiss… And that you thought it was a mistake. Am i right?" you asked honestly.
"No you aren't baby. I loved our kiss, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I'm sorry I made you think that way, I really was just busy pondering how to get you out of here. But I have a plan now, and that's why I'm here to ask you if you'll agree with it."
"You do? You have a plan? Why do I have a feeling it's gonna be chaotic… But fine- I wanna hear it anyway,"
"Run away with me."
Ballsacks, he's kidding right? Your Jungkook is kidding right?
You made a decision that day that changed your life. You ran away with Jungkook and lived at his palace. You were finally free to go on missions without worrying about what your mother would say. Jungkook kept your existence at the palace a secret at first, putting you in a secret room no one else knows but him. But of course as all secrets do, all secrets will be revealed. His parents found out that you were now living with them, and they were shookt but thankfully they let you stay.
They advised you to tell your parents though, so your parents would stop worrying about you. You did tell your parents about your whereabouts, you missed them after all. But you also told them you couldn't live with them, if they can't accept you for being a spy. You only talked to your father, the king. As your mother didn't seem interested to talk to you. You hoped she'll accept you for who you are someday.
3 years passed and you've decided to return to the palace, your home. You're full of nerves as you're worried about how they'll react to you coming back, but also because you have an important thing to talk about to them. You had returned to inform and personally invite them to your wedding. Your relationship with Jungkook grew stronger over the years, and one lovely night he proposed to you, which you accepted of course. That's why you're now getting married and elated to be one with him.
You're with Jungkook as you faced your parents. They looked quite surprised to see your presence again after a few years. Your father smiled at you and he seemed happy to finally see you again. Your mother on the other hand, still looked indifferent as before. "My dearest princess, I'm so glad you came back." your father told you. "I'm happy to see you too, dad." you smiled at him. "Actually, I'm here- I mean we're here, because we wanted to tell you something very important. Jungkook and I are getting married."
They didn't seem surprised to hear that actually. You guessed they figured out why you came today. "We want to personally invite you to our wedding. It'd be great if you both were there." you added. "Of course we'll be there. It's a good thing we didn't have to push through with the arranged marriage we planned for you guys before. It's spectacular that you fell for each other naturally." the queen surprised you all when she replied. She didn't seem to mean it with malice but with all honesty.
"Wait- you were planning to make us have an arranged marriage?" you inquired, you weren't mad anymore just shocked that your parents had planned to wed you with Jungkook after all. "Yes. Well it was because Jungkook's parents are our friends, and your marriage would be great to strengthen our kingdom. We're sorry if the knowledge infuriates you now."
"It doesn't. I'm just surprised that's all. Anyway, mayhaps we're truly meant to be as I'm still marrying him now." you said quite fondly. "The preparations have started as the wedding is in 3 days, the stylists will come soon so please tell them if you need something. I already picked yours and dad's clothes, I hope you don't mind. Can I stay in my room for tonight? Jungkook can take the guest room." you asked. "Wait Y/N. I wanted to apologize for being a cruel mother to you." the queen's words stopped you. "I'm sorry for locking you in the tower which made you runaway from us."
"I'm sorry for not believing in you, I always knew you were a great spy- I just didn't wanna acknowledge it because I was scared of losing you. And I did anyway. I guess I'm just sorry for being a bad mom and for everything my dear. I hope someday you'll be able to forgive me." you could feel the queen's remorse through her words and facial expressions, and you realized there wasn't really anger anymore. You were just sad for the lost time. "Thanks mom, that's all I've ever wanted to hear. I just wanted you to be proud of me. And you aren't a bad mother, I understand now why you did those things. Though they're quite questionable, but I forgive you. I already did a long time ago." You hugged each other and were finally glad to be on good terms again.
Your wedding day came, and everything went perfect. You wore the loveliest wedding dress, and Jungkook wore the fittest suit. You only invited your close friends and family, you actually just wanted a simple wedding. The selfish but now kind King Seokjin, came too. Along with your fellow agents, Fiona and Farquaad. They all watched as you two sealed your newly formed union with a short but sweet passionate kiss.
After the glorious event, you were now inside Jungkook's room fidgeting and anticipating- what to do for the remainder of the night. You had just finished taking a relaxing bath, and were now dressed in your nightgown. Were you finally gonna do it with him after abstaining for years? Thoughts ran through your mind while waiting for Jungkook. He had to go somewhere for a bit because of some emergency prince duties. He was even busier now, that they want him to take over as the new king. But surely he'll make time for you on your wedding night right?
You were getting sleepy waiting for him when after a while, the knob to his door slowly turned. And then came your prince- and husband, the person you've been waiting for. "I'm sorry I took so long baby, the council and the advisors were just so-" "It's okay Kook, just come here and lie with me," you called. You didn’t even realize the implications of your words until you said them, and you couldn't take them back. You blushed furiously at seeming so desperate.
"I will my love, I'm just gonna take a shower first, then I'll come join you in bed" he chirped. After Jungkook's long agonizing shower- (or it just seemed long to you, when he really didn't take that long) he finally joined you in bed. Though, you couldn't face him because you were so embarrassed of your daring words awhile ago, that you may or may not have meant. You pretended to be asleep, but of course Jungkook knows you too much to know you were just pretending. "I know you're awake baby, don't pretend to fall asleep on me now. Not when we haven't made love yet."
Jungkook's words made you a little wet, okay maybe a lot. How can he be so irresistible? You tried to take a peek at his face but failed miserably, as your attention went to his beautifully sculptured body. He was lying so close to you without any clothes on! You almost saw his dick if not for the sheets covering it. "Like what you see my love? I didn't put any clothes on yet, 'cause It would be stupid if I'm just gonna take them off in a bit. I've really been waiting for this night Y/N," he said, touching your back through your nightgown tracing your curves.
"I'm finally gonna claim you and make you mine, can I make love to you now my love?" Jungkook sincerely inquired, and you gave him your permission because you wanted him to. You wanted him to make you his and you wanted to make love with him too. And you showed how much you loved each other all through the night. You loved it when he treated you so delicately, and he wasn't in a rush. You loved it when he sucked your perky nipples until they were so sensitive and swollen. You loved it when he thrusted inside you while kissing you at the same time and holding your hand. You loved your partner in crime Jeon Jungkook, the most loyal agent and bunny in the world. Your prince and your husband. And you're pretty sure he loved you too.
And they loved happily ever after. Fin. 🧚🏻‍♀️
A/N: tysm for reading! If you enjoyed please reblog and leave a nice comment! 🥺💜
Btw! This is the pic dat's should've been on the insert pic but tumblr luvs to f- me raw in the ass, so it re-arranged it. I'm only on mobile so i can't do sht so im very sorry!
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Big Brother
Poe Dameron x Fem!Reader 
Summary: Basically a bunch of short scenarios where you and Poe are getting closer and your older brother doesn’t like it
Warnings: Sexual innuendos, your brother being kind of a douche, some guy can’t take no for an answer
How you first met
“Poe, this is Jack Lighthill. He will be joining your squadron for this mission”, Leia introduced the stranger. 
Poe stretched out his hand for the other man to shake. 
“Hi, I’m Poe.” 
Leia looked from one man to the other. She couldn’t quite pinpoint why, but there seemed to be a hostile energy between them. 
“Jack, why don’t you get settled in? Poe, I have some more questions regarding your last mission”, she said. 
With a nod in the general’s direction Jack left the room, completely ignoring his new commander. 
“Poe, I must ask, do you two know each other?”
Poe shook his head. 
“I have never seen that man in my life, but he doesn’t seem to like me very much.” 
Leia just nodded in agreement. 
It wasn’t until a few days later, right before black squadron had to leave for a mission, that Poe saw Jack again. He was talking to a young woman Poe had not seen before and before he knew it he walked over to them to introduce himself. 
“Good morning, Jack. Ready for the mission?”, Poe asked. He tried to put on an encouraging smile, which Jack dismissed. 
Poe was slightly disappointed in this new recruit. It wasn’t that he wanted everyone to love him, but Jack seemed to hate him without rhyme or reason. Poe, trying to remain professional, turned to you. 
“I don’t think we’ve met, I’m Poe Dameron”, he introduced himself. 
Other than Jack you took the hand he offered and shook it. 
“(Y/N) Lighthill. I’m still quite new.” 
At the mention of the shared last name Poe couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. You seemed nice and friendly, could you really be married to someone like Jack? 
You seemed to sense Poe’s confusion and jumped in before he could ask any questions. 
“I am Jack’s younger sister.” 
“And she’s strictly off limits”, Jack added. 
Poe was confused. Sure, he had noticed that you were pretty and had a nice smile, but he hadn’t said anything in that direction. 
“Stop it, Jack. Commander Dameron wasn’t trying to flirt, he was just being friendly”, you scolded. 
Your brother scoffed but his gaze softened a bit. 
There was an awkward silence for a moment before Poe started talking again. 
“We should get into our x-wings. It was nice meeting you, (Y/N).” 
You smiled at Poe, a small gesture that set off butterflies in his stomach, though he tried to ignore that. 
“You too, commander.”
Poe nodded at both of you before turning around to head to his x-wing. He was just a few meters away when you and your brother started bickering. Though he tried not to listen he did make out the words “Back off” and “up to no good” in Jack’s voice and you trying to reason with your brother. 
BB8 let out a few beeps, which made Poe laugh. 
“I don’t know why he hates me, but at least (Y/N) is nice.” 
And pretty, he added in his mind. 
Everyday life 
When someone is flirting with you 
While Jack didn’t grow to like Poe, over time he started accepting him as his commander and one time he even admitted that he was a good pilot. Only to himself, though, after a few drinks. 
Despite your brother not liking Poe, you enjoyed spending time with the pilot. It didn’t take long for the two of you to become friends and after a couple of weeks you were nearly inseparable. 
You still sat in front of your data-pad in the command center hours after the sun had set. There was just so much to do, you couldn’t afford to take a break.  In fact, you were so absorbed in your work that you didn’t even hear the door opening and closing or footsteps coming near. 
“I knew I’d find you here”, Poe said. 
He stepped closer to where you were sitting, but you didn’t look up. Not when he sat a tray down next to you, not when Poe pressed a kiss to your hair, not even when he started massaging your tense shoulders. 
“You should take a break”, he whispered in your ear. 
You just nodded, not lifting your eyes from your work. 
“I bet you haven’t eaten all day and are sleep deprived”, he continued. 
This time you did stop working and turned around. 
“You’re one to talk! You never rest when there is work to do. Just last week you fell asleep next to your toolkit while repairing your x-wing.” 
Poe pulled a nearby chair closer and sat down next to you. 
“And then you found me and made me eat something and walked me to my room. If I remember correctly, and we both know I do, you didn’t leave until I was fast asleep in my bed, just to make sure I’d actually sleep.” 
Poe was right, that was exactly what had happened. And you had a feeling that’s what he would do with you. 
“At least eat something. Then I’ll even let you finish whatever you’re working on before taking you to bed.” 
You grinned. 
“So, you’re taking me to bed? Are you sure that’s appropriate, commander?” 
Poe hated to admit it, because you were friends and because he just wanted you to get a few hours of sleep, but he couldn’t help the rush he felt when you talked in that flirty voice and called him commander in that tone. 
She’s not trying to flirt, she doesn’t know how her words make you feel, he told himself. And it was true, you really had no idea. Sure, sometimes you flirted with Poe on purpose. It was fun, he was cute and, even though you’d never admit it, part of you enjoyed when he flirted back, but today you really didn’t know what you were saying. 
“(Y/N), that’s not what I meant and you know it.” 
Instead of answering you just put your arms around Poe and rested your head on his shoulder. You just couldn’t help it, he was making you feel safe and secure and that made you even sleepier than you were to begin with. 
“While I’d love to let you sleep in my arms, sweetheart, you should eat something first and then sleep in your bed”, Poe muttered in your hair. 
Just as you were about the reply a loud voice called out your name. 
“What do you two think you’re doing?!” 
You lifted your head, only to meet your brother’s eyes. 
Jack stepped closer. He put a hand on your shoulder and rubbed it softly. And though the touch felt nice, it was nothing compared to the short massage Poe had given you earlier. 
“Dameron, what are you doing with my sister?”, Jack asked. 
Despite being incredibly tired you managed to roll your eyes at your brother’s behaviour. 
“Jack, stop it. Poe was just bringing me dinner and trying to get me to go to sleep.” 
Your brother scoffed. 
“Trying to sleep with you seems more likely!” 
Now it was Poe’s turn to jump in. He rarely raised his voice, not even the countless time when Jack called him Dameron instead of commander or when he told him to stay away from his little sister or even that one time he overheard Jack saying he didn’t deserve to be in command. 
“That is enough, Lighthill! I am friends with your sister, whether you like it or not, and I care about my friends, that includes bringing them food and getting them to sleep and, yes, hugging them. And besides, (Y/N) is a strong, independent, capable woman, she can take care of herself and doesn’t need her big brother to yell at everyone who comes close to her.” 
Despite the situation a small blush crept up your face at Poe’s words. Of course you knew he valued you, but he’d never said anything like that out loud before. 
You knew your brother well enough to know that he’d either back down or explode any moment, so you decided to take control of the situation. 
“Jack, I’ll finish this report and eat dinner with Poe, then I’ll come find you and you can walk me to my room, deal?” 
You could tell the men weren’t really thrilled at your proposition, and to be honest neither were you, you would have preferred to spend the rest of the evening alone with Poe, but you didn’t want to hurt your brother’s feelings or risk him getting even madder at Poe than he already was.  
“Sounds good”, Poe agreed after a moment of silence. He looked at you with a small smile. 
“Fine”, Jack grumbled. His expression softened when he turned from Poe to you. He pushed the hair that had come loose from your ponytail behind your ear. “I’ll see you later, (Y/N/N).” 
Without another word your brother turned around and left. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll talk to him, tell him I don’t need his protection, at least not from you, and that he can’t treat you like that”, you apologized as soon as the door closed behind Jack. 
Poe opened his arms for you again and pulled you close. 
“I should talk to him as well. He should know I’d never hurt you. But I also know I’ve been soft on him, I didn’t want him to hate me any more than he already does, but he needs to realize that I am his commander and he has to show me some respect.” 
Poe put his head on yours, which was once again on his shoulder. 
“I am so not looking forward to that conversation.” 
He waited for an answer for a few moments until your soft breathing told him you had fallen asleep. 
“Seems like I’ll be the one to get you to bed after all.” He chuckled. “Sleep well, my love.” 
I actually wanted to add a few more scenarios to this, but since it is quite long already I decided to post a second part instead, so stay tuned for that. 
“I don’t like him”, Jack said as he joined Poe. 
For the past couple of minutes Poe had been watching you. Not only were you wearing a beautiful, maybe slightly too tight, shirt that brought out your eyes, you were also talking to a new recruit. 
“He’s been staring at her chest for at least five minutes now”, Poe added. Even though he was surprised he and Jack agreed on something, he tried not to let it show. One wrong move or comment could make the other man hate him again. 
“Does (Y/N) not realize he’s flirting with her? Or is she actually into... him?”
Jack turned away from his younger sister and the new recruit to look at Poe. 
“I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t realize, she’s oblivious to your flirting, after all.” 
Poe opened his mouth to deny ever flirting with (Y/N) but a single look from Jack silenced him. Before either of the men could say anything else they were distracted by your laugh sounding through the hanger. 
“Perhaps you should go over there and get her away from that creep”, Jack suggested. His tone was even icier than anything he had ever said to Poe. 
The commander looked at him in shock. “
“You want me to go over there? Why?” 
Jack took his time answering, instead he kept staring daggers at the recruit who now had his hand on your shoulder and was getting closer to you. 
“(Y/N) will kill me if I intertwine. And I don’t hate you, I just don’t like you getting close to my sister. She’s too good for you.” 
The confession stunned Poe. Jack didn’t hate him, of course that didn’t mean he liked him, but at least he didn’t hate him. Deep down Poe always knew Jack was being hostile because he was trying to protect you, but this statement basically confirmed his suspensions.
“At least we can agree on that, (Y/N) really is too good for me”, Poe finally said. 
It was something Poe knew deep down, but hated to admit to Jack. You were everything that was good in the galaxy, like the eye of a tornado you were a beacon of hope, you offered peace and a kind smile to those around you. Where you brought peace in the middle of a war, Poe was a soldier, through and through. Where you followed orders and did you job, Poe was headstrong and took too many risks. It wasn’t just that Poe thought you were too good for him, you were too good to be true, simply as that. 
“Are you ever gonna go over there or are you gonna watch that creep feel my sister up?”, Jack asked, pulling Poe from his thoughts. 
Yes, the new recruit was getting closer to you. He now had his hands on your hips and was swaying with you, almost as if the two of you were dancing. And while you hadn’t told him to back off, you didn’t look to comfortable either. It was about time Poe stepped in. 
“I’ll make sure he’ll leave her alone”, Poe promised the other man. Without waiting for a response he walked right over to the two of you. 
Your back was to Poe, but he could still see your entire body relaxing the moment you heard his voice. 
“(Y/N), I haven’t seen you all day. I missed you”, he said. 
Poe was unsure of the best way to handle the situation, so he just decided to ignore the other guy for now. 
He stepped closer and put an arm around your shoulder before pressing a kiss to your temple. Instantly the recruit let go of you and took a step back. 
“I had no idea the two of you were a thing”, he said, finally forcing Poe to turn his attention to him. 
Because he didn’t quite know what to say Poe opted for a moment of silence. He removed his arm from around your shoulders and placed it on you waist instead, rubbing soft circles where the recruit had touched you earlier. He pulled you even closer when he felt you leaning into the embrace, a warm, happy feeling overtaking his nerves. 
“We’re not”, you finally said. “Poe is my best friend.” 
The feeling didn’t vanish, but for just a moment it dulled a bit. Of course Poe knew you were friends, just friends, but sometimes he didn’t want to be reminded of that small detail. Especially when others though the two of you were dating. 
“Is that so?”, the other man looked from you to Poe and back again. “So I guess there is no reason you can’t go out with me.” 
Even though Poe didn’t think it was possible, you leaned even closer into his body. Your discomfort was clear from how tense your body got. 
“I’m sorry, Matt. But I’m just not interested.” 
Matt stepped closer to you once again, while trying to keep his distance from Poe. 
“So you’re seeing someone else?” 
And just like that Poe’s heart stopped. He knew, of course he knew he was your best friend after all, that you were single, but there was a tiny part of him that dreaded your answer. 
“I am not seeing anyone. I’m just not interested in going out with you.” 
Matt looked you up and down. A dark glow rose in his eyes. 
“I bet I could change your mind, though. Give me a chance, babe, and I promise you won’t regret it.” 
It was when he stepped even closer to you and reached out to touch you again, completely ignoring Poe’s presence, that Poe started seeing red. 
“Listen, (Y/N) does not need a reason not to be interested in you. And she certainly doesn’t need a boyfriend as an excuse not to go out with you, you-” 
“That’s enough!”, your voice cut Poe off before he could call the other man something he might come to regret. 
You gently removed Poe’s arm from your waist and took a step away from him. 
“Poe is right”, you said to Matt. “When someone says they’re not interested you should back off, whether they are dating someone else or not. Otherwise you’re signalling that you respect another man’s, or woman’s though I doubt that is the case with you, presence more than a simple no. No means no, no matter the reason.” 
In that moment Poe realized three things. One, you could stay calm and keep your cool even when you were furious, a quality he admired in Leia and had never realized you possessed as well. Two, you didn’t need anyone’s protection. Not his, not Jack’s, not anyone’s. And three, he was hopelessly in love with you. 
Without another word, and with his head held high, Matt turned around and disappeared down a nearby corridor. The moment he was out of sight all the held up tension left your body. You turned to Poe with the sweetest smile on your face and he felt his knees go weak. 
“Thank you, my love, for trying to defend me. I shouldn’t have let this go on for that long, however, I think I led him on.” 
Not wasting a single second Poe pulled you into his arms. Your body was warm and soft against his and he could smell something that was distinctly you, a mixture of the standard shampoo everyone in the resistance used, the tea you drank for breakfast every day and just a hint of grease from spending time in the hanger. 
“Do not, for one second, blame yourself. You were just being nice and he tried to take advantage of that. I’m gonna talk to Leia and get him kicked out. We might need fighters, but not badly enough to put up with fuckers like that.” 
A quiet laugh made your whole body vibrate in Poe’s arms. 
“I appreciate that, but I think I’m gonna talk to her myself. Maybe a stern lecture is all he needs, to make sure he doesn’t bother anyone again. I’d rather never see him again, but we need every helping hand we can get and he didn’t hurt me or anything.” 
Poe hated to admit it, but you were right. Of course he couldn’t get anyone he didn’t like kicked out and he was sure Leia would have told him the same thing. 
“But if he ever tries anything like that again, with you or anyone else, he’s gone”, Poe agreed. 
He felt you nod against his chest and pulled your arms even tighter around Poe. 
You were glad he had stepped in, even though you could handle it yourself, knowing he was right there next to you and could step in anytime gave you courage. And whether he had come over because your brother, who you knew was glaring at Poe right this second, had told him to, because he wanted to be a good friend or because, as a small part of you hoped, he was jealous of someone else flirting with you, you were glad he was here. 
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patchofsunlight · 3 years
Stand You | Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Bakugou insists he can’t stand stupid Y/N, even while he changes his entire routine to fit her in it.
WARNINGS: if this doesn’t show up on tags for the fifth time i will simply give up on it, cursing, bakugou is a lil bitch but he’s also a softie, there’s a nosebleed at one point but nothing concerning tbh, aizawa and recovery girl find young love amusing, shouto is baby
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Y/N wasn’t sure of exactly when she started thinking of Bakugou Katsuki as a friend. Maybe it had been during their first year, after the first time he allowed her to join his study group alongside Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina; or maybe it had been a bit later, when she hugged him tight in the middle of a crowd, almost as if she could squeeze the pain being kidnapped by the League of Villains had brought him, and he let her — while All Might fought his last battle and all of Japan feared for its future, Bakugou let her hold him.
She was deeply aware of the fact he tolerated her at best, as he made that abundantly clear every chance he got. He didn’t exactly hate her presence, but she was on thin fucking ice, and, even though Y/N knew this, she still managed to somehow develop a crush on the angry ash blond, like the stupid idiot she was.
It was ridiculous, to be honest, especially considering how there was no way he would ever feel the same. She would go as far as saying he didn’t even know her name — “Stupid,” he called her (how enchanting!) —, so, yeah, there was absolutely no possibility of her feelings being reciprocated in any way, and the dumb hug they shared was nothing but a coincidence. He was a bit shaken, a bit shocked, and those few warm minutes didn’t really mean anything.
Y/N didn’t mind. She was okay being Bakugou’s friend, satisfied with study group meetings and the occasional sparring. That way, at least, she could be sort of close to him, and that was pretty much enough.
Katsuki wasn’t sure of exactly when he had stopped thinking of Y/N L/N as another stupid extra. Maybe it had been when he found himself walking a little slower while she accompanied him towards class, or maybe it had been a bit earlier, when she hugged him tight in the middle of a crowd, almost as if she could squeeze the pain being kidnapped by the League of Villains had brought him, and he let her — while All Might fought his last battle and all of Japan feared for its future, Bakugou let her hold him.
He didn’t particularly like her. She talked too much, too fast, too loud; she insisted on walking him to and from the dorms everyday; and she was weak, stupid, useless. To be completely fair, Bakugou would say he despised her.
And yet, he found himself around her way more often than necessary.
“Hey, Bakugou, wait up! Let’s walk together!”
He groaned loudly at the sound of her voice, having been hopelessly hoping she wouldn’t be able to catch up. 
“Fuck, no. Get out of my way, Stupid!”
He slowed down nonetheless, soon walking by her side. Her smile was bright and excited as she kept on blabbering about something Kirishima had done when they were paired up on training that day.
He couldn’t fucking stand her.
“— and then he threw me off the training mat so easily! Who taught him how to do that? I wanna do that!”
“I don’t give a fuck, Stupid.”
“— but I won the second time we sparred, so I guess we’re even. It was fun.”
Y/N never seemed bothered by his harsh words. In fact, she usually either ignored them altogether, unfaltering and patient, or laughed and added some opinion of her own to his rage. It was maddening — she couldn’t take a hint.
Moments like this were common, almost routine. If Bakugou didn’t know better, he would’ve thought the girl had taken quite a liking to him. It was an obvious conclusion, considering she was always around him in some way or another, trying to spark up friendly conversation and letting him know how her day went.
(It was so, so calming to have her here like this. He would never admit it, but hearing Y/N’s endless rants brought him a sense of security he had never really felt before. She talked too much, that was for sure, yet he didn’t really care. It was okay if it was her.)
He couldn’t fucking stand her.
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“Come on, try again. We’ve gone through this already.”
“I can’t, Bakugou. I—I’m sorry.”
The ash blond sighed, running a hand through his hair. The bite to his tone had disappeared after a couple of hours, red gaze intensely attentive to the frustrated tears gathering in the girl’s eyes. Every other student had gone back to their dorms, and the librarian seemed very intent on shooting the duo angry looks as if to tell them to hurry up and leave already, finally allowing their long afternoon shift to end.
“Yes, you can. I know you can. Try again, you’re almost fucking there.”
Katsuki had never been good at positive reinforcement. He was better at screaming and cursing and insulting, and, yes, he had tried that with Y/N a thousand times before, but he could see how hard she was trying. He noticed how disappointed and tired she was, and he couldn’t find it in himself to be anything less than what he recognized as incredibly soft. He was glad they were the only ones in the library — he wouldn’t know how to explain himself if anyone saw him like this, watching this random girl who he refused to call a friend mess up her homework in various different ways, talking quietly to stop her from crying.
“We don’t have all fucking day, Stupid. You can do this, go on.”
Yeah, definitely not good at positive reinforcement.
“Okay,” she inhaled deeply, pencil moving slowly through the paper, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. 
There was a slight crease between her brows as she worked, and Bakugou felt the sudden urge to rub it away, which he rejected immediately. That was ridiculous! There was no reason for things like this to plague his mind — L/N Y/N was an idiot, and he didn’t deliberately think about her in any way, form, or universe. She wasn’t worthy of his thoughts.
“Is this it?”
His attention immediately returned to the equations and messy notes on her notebook while he looked it over, a surprised glint taking his eyes.
“Yeah, that’s basically it. It could be better, but you got it right.”
“I did?”
“You did. I told you you could do it, Stupid.”
Katsuki choked on his own air when the girl jumped towards his place on the table, hugging him tightly by the neck while spouting a great variety of thank you’s and praise, disrupting the angry librarian. Bakugou could feel his cheeks heat up under the worker’s glare, both with irritation born from their silent attitude and from the weird warmth growing in his chest at Y/N’s attention. 
It was the first time she hugged him since the kidnapping accident, and it felt different. It wasn’t a comfort hug like last time, no — it was almost like she had been so happy she couldn’t stop herself from touching him, and that thought alone was enough to send sirens flaring inside his head. Every single inch where her skin touched his seemed to tingle, a calming sensation flowing through his body.
He instantly decided he hated the feeling, pushing her off harshly but still a tad more carefully than he would’ve if it was anyone else.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, no need to freak out. Let’s just get done with this already and go back to the dorms.”
She smiled widely as she picked her things up, shoving them inside her backpack and patiently waiting for him to do the same. Strangely, the explosion boy couldn’t find it in himself to meet her eyes, avoiding the light blush he feared would coat his features when he saw her staring at him like that, with that pretty — no, not pretty, no, he didn’t think she was pretty in anyway — with that stupid smile on her face.
“I’m glad we can walk back together,” the girl declared cheerfully the moment they left the big and lonely library, strolling through the empty path side by side, the sun nowhere to be seen. “It’s late already.”
“Whatever,” he groaned back, refusing to look at her yet still maintaining a pace he was sure she could keep up with.
He couldn’t fucking stand her.
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Bakugou felt hyper-aware of every movement beside him. For a few days now, his heart would pump a bit faster whenever she smiled, and his skin would crawl with what he could only describe as the craving to have her hold him again.
It made him weak, and he wouldn’t have it. Bakugou Katsuki was a lot of things, but he refused to be weak.
Specially because of someone like Stupid.
“What grade did you guys get on last week’s math test?”
They always sat next to each other during lunch. It wouldn’t be that bad if it wasn’t for how her knee touched his ever so softly, her body too close for comfort because of Kaminari’s presence on her other side, pressing onto her enthusiastically each time he spoke. Kirishima had asked her once if she wanted him to exchange places with the electric boy, but she simply laughed it off — Kaminari’s manners were endearing, in a way. For some reason, those words gave Katsuki the urge to break Kaminari’s nose.
“I got an 87,” Y/N declared, delight dripping from her words while she played with the food on her plate.
“Y/N!” Mina’s smile was so big it almost didn’t fit on her face. “That’s almost 30 marks higher than you got on our last test!”
“I know!” Bakugou scowled at her excitement before she turned her head to look at him, a sunny grin directed entirely to him, stealing all the air from his lungs. “Bakugou is an amazing tutor!”
“Damn right I am,” he managed to rasp out, clearing his throat loudly before shoving a bunch of spicy noodles in his mouth. Kirishima and Sero exchanged a look.
He would never admit it, the raw pride that consumed his chest at her happiness. He knew how hard she had worked for that test, and was glad to see it went even better than she expected. 
“Maybe now you could tutor me, Y/N,” Kaminari wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, causing a laugh to escape the girl’s lips while she turned away from Katsuki to stare at him.
“I would love to, but I’m pretty sure I would make your grades even worse.”
“Hey,” Bakugou barked angrily, fighting off the blush creeping up his ears, “don’t sell yourself short, Stupid. You’re not that much of a dumbass.”
A heavy silence fell down on the group, surprised stares pointed to the ash blond. He could feel his stomach twist in anger at the unwanted attention, yet something about the way her smile widened at his words caused his irritation to decrease exponentially.
“What are you idiots staring at?” he lashed out despite the calm settling inside his heart at the sight of her, rolling his eyes at the bunch of morons he called his friends.
“No, nothing,” Kaminari’s voice was high-pitched in obvious lying that brought out snickers from everyone else on the table but Bakugou himself. “Nothing.”
“It better be nothing, Dunce Face, or I’ll kill you.”
“Of course,” Kirishima bit down on his lip to contain his laughter, “don’t worry about it, Bakubro.”
The day went by slowly and way more often than not Bakugou found himself stealing glances towards where he knew Y/N’s seat was. There was a weird whispering in the back of his head, reminding him of how her arms felt around him when they hugged in the library the week before, reminding him of the warmth that invaded his skin and implanted itself in his brain, reminding him of how bright her smiles were and how nice her laughter sounded.
Oh, there was something wrong. Did she have some sort of secondary quirk guilty of making him feel like this? Never before had he ever given her much thought, even though he had to admit his mind wandered to her sometimes and he did try to somehow be nicer to her, but it wasn’t because he cared for her or anything, right? Of course not! He just thought she wouldn’t be able to take his usual self and he didn’t want to deal with her crying or whatever. It wasn’t because he cared about what she thought of him, hell no! Bakugou didn’t waste his time worrying about others, that wasn’t like him at all.
Bakugou Katsuki didn’t think about L/N Y/N, he didn’t, he wouldn’t.
The ash blond forced his gaze away from her once more, trying to make sense of what should’ve been neat notes instead of the mess of scribbles staring right back at him. He snarled to himself, immediately considering his disorganization as entirely her fault. How dare she play with him like this? How dare she think herself worthy of his time like this?
He couldn’t stand her.
And yet, less than two hours later, there he was, listening to her rant about this one movie she desperately wanted to watch while they walked beside each other after class. It would be so easy for Bakugou to pick up his pace and leave her alone, but his body refused to obey his mind’s wishes, and so he kept himself slow enough for her to stay with him.
He couldn’t fucking stand her.
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His whole body was sore, barely able to move his arms after overusing his quirk all evening. Bakugou knew he shouldn’t push himself this hard, but he refused to falter, refused to stay behind and risk being weak again. He needed to get stronger, smarter, and, for better or for worse, that involved long training hours. 
The path back to the dorms was strangely lonely without a certain girl keeping him company — not that Katsuki minded, he obviously didn’t. Some loneliness was very much appreciated after the last couple of weeks, which were filled with study group sessions and stupid walks. 
He sighed heavily when the 2-A dorm finally came into his range of vision, causing his tired figure to relax. He was almost there — he would soon be able to eat something, take a nice shower, and then fall straight into bed. He would soon be able to rest, and that was the only thing in his mind.
The ash blond kicked his shoes away the moment he reached the door, tossing them aside without a second thought. 
He would’ve liked to say he bee-lined to the kitchen.
He didn’t.
“Stupid, what the fuck are you doing?”
Y/N looked up from the common room coffee table, startled by the sudden interruption. She studied him for a second before answering, “I’m just looking over some homework. Why? Did something happen?”
He grunted in distaste, unable to stop himself from sitting down next to her on the couch. Every single one of his muscles felt like it was on fire from overexertion.
“It’s fucking late. Didn’t we study yesterday? Did you even have dinner yet?”
She tensed slightly at his angry questions, returning her stare towards the papers in front of them. “Yeah, but I just thought it’d be good to go over everything once more. I’ll just eat some crackers for dinner, it’s fine,” she shrugged nonchalantly, missing the way his eyebrows furrowed at her words, “where were you anyway?”
Katsuki simply rolled his eyes, arms crossed. “It’s none of your fucking business, Stupid. And you can’t have crackers for dinner, that’s not a proper meal.”
“What are you gonna do about it, Bakugou? Will you cook me dinner?” Her tone was teasing, joking, but he stood up immediately, snatching all the papers and notes from her and walking to the kitchen without a second of hesitation. “Hey, what the fuck!”
“Come with me already, you dumbass,” he snarled angrily, a tint of red covering his cheeks, “what do you want to eat?”
Her voice suddenly went soft, “Bakugou, I was kidding. You don’t need to get me dinner, I can just heat up some ramen or—”
“Shut the fuck up, Stupid. I was already going to cook dinner for myself anyway.”
He wasn’t, actually. He planned on eating leftovers from lunch, but he knew there wouldn’t be enough leftovers for both of them, and it was good to prepare some lunch for the next day, anyway. It wasn’t like he was doing it for her, of course not! It was just… Mutually beneficial. Yeah, it was mutually beneficial, not—not special treatment. He didn’t care about Stupid, he didn’t.
“Can I help with anything?” she asked nervously, face flushed from bashfulness and hands fidgety. Katsuki shook his head, ignoring the twitching pain on his forearms as he stirred the pot.
“Just sit down and wait.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N bit her lower lip with furrowed brows. “You seem tired, I don’t want you to do everything by yourself.”
An angry remark sat on the top of his tongue, but the ash blond hesitated. Well, if she helped with the simpler things this would be done faster, and he could go back to his room and rest earlier. Besides, the idea of cooking and spending time with Y/N in the kitchen caused some type of warmth to take over his chest — a warmth that wasn’t exactly insufferable.
It felt strangely soothing, hearing her hum while slicing vegetables and waiting for the noodles to cook through. It felt even more strangely soothing to sit before her on the kitchen table, staring anxiously while she took the first bite of his food. The worst, however, was the way her smile brightened up the room when she started rambling about how good it tasted and how much of a good cook he was and how he now had to cook for her more often. He disagreed loudly, the tip of his ears burning with embarrassment, saying he didn’t cook for her — he cooked for him, and she just happened to be there too. She cackled, and his heart seemed to burn.
He couldn’t fucking stand her.
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Seventeen minutes. Y/N was seventeen minutes late.
Had she forgotten about it? God, she was the one who brought it up in the first place, and now she was the one making him wait. Katsuki felt incredibly stupid sitting in his dorm floor, a bunch of her favorite snacks neatly organized next to the nightstand and pillows on the ground for them to sit on. It was supposed to be a study date or whatever, even though he repeatedly refused to call it that (“it’s not a date, Stupid, it’s just one of our homework sessions like always!”). 
They had been spending a lot of time together between studying at the library, walking to the dorms, and cooking and eating dinner, and Bakugou had to admit he didn’t absolutely hate it. Don’t get him wrong, Y/N was still annoying and stupid and insufferable but—but something about her made him come back every single time, ignoring the knowing looks from his friends and the snickers from his classmates.
Despite his anger, a bit of worry started to blossom inside the boy’s chest. Stupid Y/N (and he hated how affectionate the mean nickname sounded to himself at this point) was rarely late — he had been seeing her after school hours enough to know. The girl was always on time and, when she wasn’t, she made sure to let others know why.
There was no text from her, though, and it made his fingers twitch uncomfortably with the urge to make a phone call and check if everything was alright.
Not that he cared if she was alright or not, because he didn’t. She was just—just some girl who decided to invade his life with no permission whatsoever and then stayed. He didn’t care about her.
And yet— 
“IcyHot? What are you doing with Y/N’s phone? Where the fuck is she?”
Bakugou couldn’t muster any reason for why Todoroki would’ve been the one to pick up the call instead of her. They weren’t even friends! Yes, they knew each other and he was vaguely aware of the fact the two had sparring sessions every once in a while, but not enough so for Todoroki to feel comfortable using her phone or for Y/N to bail on their study date.
“Oh, Bakugou,” Shouto’s tone was as casual as always, almost as if this was a common occurrence (which it wasn’t), “hey. Y/N is with Recovery Girl right now. She got into a fight, but she is okay, just a few cuts and bruises. I was the one to stop the fight, so Aizawa asked me to wait around while she gets checked up on. Do you want me to tell her anything?”
Bakugou had been out the door when he heard the words “Recovery Girl”, speed walking to the nurse’s office while Todoroki rambled. He could feel his heart picking up its pace. Why would Y/N get into a fight? God, this wasn’t like her, and the prospect of someone purposely picking a fight with her filled him with the most raw type of anger possible.
“What the fuck did she get into a fight for?” he voiced his concerns, and he was pretty sure Todoroki just shrugged.
“These two boys were saying things about—”
“Todoroki? Who are you talking to?”
“Miss L/N, I’m still not done with you—”
Katsuki furrowed his brows at the commotion heard from the other end. He could easily recognize her voice, even though it sounded raspy and tired, but the next bit of conversation was too muffled for him to understand. The future hero could already see Recovery Girl’s office a few meters away, and it made him walk a bit faster.
“Give me the phone, Todoroki.”
“Miss L/N, you are still bleeding—”
The door opened violently. Y/N met Bakugou’s glare and felt a bad shiver go down her spine.
Shit, they were supposed to have that study date today. God, did he come all the way over there just to scold her? 
Heavy silence fell over the small group of people. Aizawa and Recovery Girl exchanged a quick look, the small lady’s arm still extended towards the girl in a failed attempt to grab her and drag her back to the hospital bed, even though she was definitely not as hurt as they made her out to be. Yes, she had a bunch of nasty bruises after throwing hands with two random guys from the year above her, and, yes, her nose hadn’t stopped bleeding yet, but she was mainly okay. Todoroki had gotten there pretty quickly and stopped her from making things worse, so she was fine.
“What the fuck did you do, Stupid?”
Yeah, he definitely went all the way there to scold her.
“Uh. Now, that’s a good question!” She consciously chose to ignore the smirk on Aizawa’s face, pulling her phone from Todoroki’s grip a bit more violently than necessary. “You see, I’m sorry for my tardiness, I know we had plans, we still can—”
“I asked you what the fuck you did, Stupid. I’m waiting for my answer.”
“Miss L/N picked a fight with two third years after hearing them talk about one of her colleagues in public. Thankfully, Mr. Todoroki intervened,” their teacher cut in, crossing his arms and staring as the girl cleaned up a stray drop of blood on her lips with the back of her hand. “She’ll be getting a written warning and will hopefully stay out of trouble.”
“Yes, sir,” she muttered, frowning when Recovery Girl started fussing over her again, sticking band-aids all over the small cuts on her face. Y/N had refused to accept Recovery Girl’s quirk treatment, aware that she was very busy and that it wasn’t necessary for the school nurse to tire herself out for just a few bruises. She was so intent on glaring at her elders that she didn’t notice the worry swimming in Bakugou’s red gaze.
“Good. Can you two get her back to the dorms?”
“Yes, I—”
“Fuck off, IcyHot, I’m taking her back by myself. Find something to freeze or whatever.”
Katsuki grabbed her by the arm, dragging her out of Recovery Girl’s office without a second’s worth of hesitation. He wouldn’t even look at her, fuming the whole way to the dorms. Still, he walked slow enough for her to not struggle to keep up.
“Are you mad?”
He snickered humorlessly, “of course I am, Stupid. How the fuck did you get yourself into this? And you fucking left me waiting, too, you idiot.”
Usually, Y/N didn’t care about his harsh words. Y/N didn’t mind his angry remarks. This time, however, she felt tired, and she had just gotten into a fight because of him, so she refused to take it. She had tried so hard to get close to him, to make him like her. The girl could feel tears gathering in her eyes from fury and sadness — how stupid was she to actually believe he would ever like her, be it as a friend or more? She should’ve known better. Dinner and studying and walking together meant nothing to him. She was just a bother, and she should’ve noticed earlier.
Y/N halted, pulling her arm away from his hand with rage and deception coating her every feature, “shut the fuck up, Bakugou. I don’t have to give you any explanations, you piece of shit. If you’re so pissed about it, why don’t you just leave me alone, huh? I’m done keeping up with your bullshit. I always try to be a good friend to you and you just keep doing this! You keep pushing me away and treating me like an idiot, and I deserve more than that!”
The explosion boy had a crease on his forehead, a cold feeling going through his body. The angry look in her eyes was something he didn’t recognize, and suddenly she felt so unreachable, so far away. He quickly decided he hated it.
Why did he hate it, though? They had nothing to do with each other. They were barely friends. Wasn’t this what he wanted? He couldn’t fucking stand her, he didn’t care about her. This was what he had wanted for months now — for her to tell him to leave, for her to not stand him too. Why did it feel so wrong, then? Why did he feel the urge to collect her in his arms like she loved to do with him? Why did he just want to hold her and tell her he was worried and that he couldn’t wait to spend more time with her, that he couldn’t wait for their stupid study date? And, yeah, it could be a date if she wanted it to. God, he’d accept any name or title she gave their meetings if only they could go on forever.
How long had this been going on? When did she make him so attached to her? Why hadn’t he noticed it before?
“Fuck you, Bakugou,” she muttered, slightly out of breath after her short outburst, face dark with frustration, “those idiots were talking about you and about how you should be a villain or whatever, and I got mad. That’s how I fucking got myself into this, because I care about you. Thanks for caring, asshole.”
The girl turned to walk away, and panic bloomed in the boy’s chest. He didn’t know why exactly, but he knew he couldn’t let her leave. He couldn’t let her leave him, couldn’t let her think he didn’t care, because he was just now seeing he did — so, so much. Of course he cared about her and all her silly manners that made their way into his heart and stayed there, on the edge of conditioning him to feel better whenever she was around. Of course he cared about her and the study dates and the sparring sessions and all the stories she loved to tell, of course he fucking did. Of course.
Katsuki was quick to grab her arm again, pulling her so close to him their chests bumped. Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion.
“Bakugou, what the fuck are you—”
“I like you. I really—I really do,” he shook his head, trying to gather his own feelings. “A lot. I was worried. I’m sorry.”
Y/N blinked.
“You were worried? About me?”
“Yes,” he scratched the back of his neck, looking away to hide his blushed cheeks, which didn’t go unnoticed by her attentive eyes. A smile played on the corners of her mouth, and Y/N let herself enjoy the rapid bumping of her heart, the flustered sight of the one boy she had fallen for. Flustered because of her. She could feel a rush of confidence building inside her chest. “I guess… I guess I care about you, too. Even if you’re absolutely insufferable,” he added clumsily, causing her smile to widen considerably, “I can’t fucking stand you, to be honest. You annoy me to no end.”
“Now do I?” she took a step closer, so close that he could feel her breath on his face and it made his head spin. “You don’t seem very annoyed to me, Bakugou.”
“Katsuki,” he corrected thoughtlessly, feeling his face warm up even more when he took notice of his own words.
“Right,” Y/N nodded, smirk on her face, “Katsuki, then.”
He opened his mouth to make a mean remark that would push her away enough to give him space to breathe, but he was suddenly interrupted by her lips on his. Before he could register it, she was gone, speed walking back to the dorms. After a few shocked seconds, he started running after her, calling her name angrily and trying to conceal the dark red on his face, neck, and ears.
“Hey, come back here, Stupid! What the fuck was that?”
Bakugou couldn’t have ignored the way his heart fluttered at the sound of her laugh even if he tried, a lazy smile taking over his lips immediately.
“I can’t stand you either, Katsuki.”
“Oh, shut up.”
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