#ticklish!monkie kid
tastybluesprite · 1 year
Ok I started this a couple days ago but now it’s time I posted it. I only did a few characters but maybe I’ll do a part 2 with more heh
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- Most Ticklish guy ever to exist fr
- Like he’s insanely so
- Mei loves torturing him lol
- She knows ever one of his weak spots and it drives him crazy
- I don’t think he’d be embarrassed about it but if I pair this along with my headcanon that he has adhd and can get overstimulated too quickly, I’d say he can’t handle it for too long
- His worst spots are his feet, underarms, and sides
- But his death spot is probably his belly
- He can’t handle any touch there like it’s too sensitive lmao
- His laugh his loud and bubbly and is endearing to majority of people who hear it
- He’s honestly a ler also
- Not as much as most people he knows though
- He won’t admit it but he’s never won a tickle fight before (ESPECIALLY with Mei)
- He doesn’t really tease the person he tickles so much as he more complements the person he tickles
- “Awww your laugh is so cute!!!”
- “Wow how’d you get your skin to be this soft?”
- (He actually learned this form of teasing from Wukong lolll)
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- I honestly don’t think she’s that ticklish tbh
- Like she’ll giggle and stuff if you tickle all the normal places one would be ticklish, but besides that not much
- It KILLS MK that he can’t get her back easily
- Buuuttt she does have one death spot
- *cough* Her feet *cough cough*
- Get her feet and she’s thrashing and begging for mercy
- But she LOVES tickling MK
- She thinks his laugh is so adorable and just constantly enjoys hearing it
- She’s a RUTHLESS ler
- An absolute menace
- She can dominate almost anybody in a tickle fight
- Part of what makes her so dangerous is that she can take mental note of each persons reactions so she can easily figure out all their weak spots and death spots
- She loves to use baby talk for teased
- It’s so damn flustering lmao
Sun Wukong (Monkie King)
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- I hate this loser so much /affectionate
- As much as he loves tickling people (being the trickster he is who loves making people laugh), he is actually super ticklish himself
- Also do y’all remember him having stage fright (which had me laughing my ass off lmao it was so funny), because him being ticklish would make him even more adorable
- His stomach, ribs, and thighs are pretty bad spots, but get his armpits and he’s literally dead
- He’ll probably do almost anything you say lmaoooo he’s so ticklish there
- When MK found out he had a field day
- I mean, THE Monkie King, all powerful god and deity… is ticklish?
- He made MK swear not to tell anyone (wouldn’t want to ruin his rep after all) but of course MK told Mei
- Also if his laugh gets loud enough he’ll snort
- Which is another thing he’d also rather die than admit
- Funnily enough he isn’t that embarrassed about being ticklish
- He understands that’s just the way body’s work and sees it more as a instinctive defense mechanism to protect yourself
- But he’d rather die than admit he likes it lmfaoooo
- He’s he’s a ruthless ler also
- He likes to tease by stating the obvious of the matter
- “Ohhh I’m sorry does this tickle?”
- “Bud I can’t hear you over all that laugher it’s too loud!”
- It’s honestly scary
- But he is a trickster so what would you expect lolll
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- Just like Sun Wukong, he’s also ticklish
- I like to think he’s equally as ticklish, and has similar tickle spots to Wukong
- Though he has a death spot on his ribs
- Digging in there will have him hysterically cackling
- Unlike Wukong, who doesn’t actually mind being ticklish, Macaque would honestly rather die than admit it
- Wukong loves to torture him
- When they get into fights that become physical, Wukong will use tickling to take him down
- Sometimes when he’s being a little shit, Wukong uses tickling also to bring him down a few pegs
- I love the idea that he’d be very much incapable of saying the “t word”
- He absolutely cannot and it’s hilarious
- Even hearing it is flustering and embarrassing
- Sometimes Wukong will tease him by randomly saying it (such as “that has me tickled pink!” that sort of thing)
- He HATES it lmao
- Wukong is the worst teaser and tickler for him but it’s only because he knows him best
- He knows just what to do and say to torture him and take him down
- Someone help him lol /j
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gaybananabread · 3 months
Ooh Lego Monkie Kid? Don't mind if I do!
Do you have any headcanons for the Stonefruit Trio (MK, Wukong, and Macaque)?
⁠☆⁠—⁠⁠LMK Stonefruit Trio Tkl Headcanons—⁠☆
~Sorry this took me so long to get to! School is finding new ways to kick my ass every day istg- ANYway, it felt good to write for these goobers again! Thank you for requesting!~
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Sunshine boy is definitely a big fan of tickles. Laughing at just a few touches, bonding with his friends, watching them let their walls down for the sake of silly happiness? Yeah, count him in.
He likes both sides, though being tickled does have a special place in his heart. He’s a lee-leaning switch, but not by a whole lot.
He can only say the t-word on special occasions (extreme confidence, other lers/lees in it with him, drunken boldness). 98.71% of the time, he’ll go beet red at the attempt.
When he gets lee moods, everyone around him will know. He can sometimes just ask for help if it’s someone who’s used to his silliness, like Red Son or Mei, but other than that, it’s tacit signals.
He’ll run a hand through his hair a lot (exposing his side in the process), get way more fidgety than normal, speak in a higher pitch, and very nonchalantly stare at his friends’ hands. Not that hard to get the message.
Kicks, flails and squirms when tickled. He really tries not to, but his nerves pretty much go nuts. It’s best to pin him or get him from behind if you don’t want an accidental bloody nose.
Worst spots are his navel and lower back. He absolutely loses it whenever anyone so much as pokes there.
Melt spots are his palms and shoulders. Tickly massages and palm kisses leave him a puddle of giggles.
Really bright and bubbly laughter when you get him going. When it’s light, lots of little squeaks and half-hearted “no!”s
Sickly sweet while also a teasing mother-trucker. If you think that’s confusing, imagine how the lee feels-
The sunshine boy definitely has a fiery side, so watch out
“You’re ticklish here too? Seriously, this is adorable. You’re adorable.”
“Holding it in, huh? I think it’d feel a bit nicer if you let out that laughter. Don’t you?
“So many good spots, so little time… Guess I gotta get to work!”
“Your blush is so pretty! I think I’m gonna paint my nails that color…”
He’s incredibly considerate of boundaries, even if you’re obviously okay with it.
Checks in wherever you seem to be laughing a bit too hard, though you’ve only just got done giggling. It’s smart to set up a safeword so he actually does know when to keep going.
Confident lees will love him. He’s easy to fluster if you can say the t-word enough times, and he nearly dies if someone confidently asks him to tickle them.
An aftercare master. He makes whatever your favorite drink is, gets snacks, makes a cuddle nest and just hangs out with you. If you’re not big on touch, he’s fine to just watch some YouTube videos and chill out.
🍑Sun Wukong☀️
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We can all agree that he’s a straight-up switch. Loves wrecking people, adores being reduced to a giggly puddle of mush.
However, he refuses to admit any of that
He likes the feeling of being vulnerable around his friends, but the thought of saying that is terrifying for him (again, good luck getting him to say that. The great Monkey King allegedly has no fear)
He’s giggling like crazy before you even touch him.
If you even give a small hint of what you’re gonna do, get ready for him to run.
When you do catch him (he will eventually let you), he curls up like a pill bug and rides it out. If you mention his tail wagging, he’ll let out a string of adorably squeaky profanities.
His actual laugh is a lot less obnoxious than his “Monkey King” one. It’s bright and bubbly, full of squeaks and the occasional snort.
His worst spots are his ribs and his lower back, specifically the base of his tail. Good luck keeping him still if you go there.
Melt spots are his ears and hips. His hips are a bit of an obscure spot, but he will dissolve if you trace them.
Once you’re done wrecking him, he becomes a cuddly, sleepy little mess. Be ready to stay with him for at least an hour afterwards.
He’s such a chaos goblin I swear-
Loves the “Tickle Monster” trope. He can and will use his power to make clones of himself and/or shift his appearance for optimum tickle-ability
If he’s the one doing the tickling, he can say the t-word. This is a power he always abuses.
“The Tickle Monster’s gonna getcha, kid! Better run~”
“Oh sorry, couldn’t hear you through all that laughter. Did you say ‘keep going’? Perfect!”
“You know, I could stop, but where’s the fun in that? I think you can agree, can’t ya?”
“Your laugh is so fun! I could listen to it for centuries… But I think I can settle for five more minutes.”
It takes him a bit, but he does try to check in and see when you need a break. It’d be a nice idea to set a safeword or a clear tap-out beforehand, just in case.
He’s actually really good with aftercare. He makes the best lemonade tea, and he’ll attempt to make a good snack. Just watch out for any of his “inventive” cooking/baking methods.
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He acts like he hates it. If you don't know him all that well, he'll seem genuinely done with it.
If you do know him, however, he has tells. The way his tail twitches when the t-word is said, the way just a hint of pink settles on his cheeks, the way his arms just barely clamp to his sides…
Yeah, he's not as slick as he thinks.
Prefers being tickled most of the time, but he isn't afraid to wreck a bitch just because.
He will fight and deny it until the day his immortality runs dry, but he loves it.
Until you actually start, he'll act like he doesn't want it. Kicking, hissing, running, the whole nine.
The minute those wiggling fingers touch down, though? He melts.
All protest disappears, the only thing close being small “no”s through his laughter. His tail will wag adorably (be careful if you mention this).
He could just shadow-travel away, but conveniently “forgot because of the literal torture” he was experiencing or “couldn't focus enough” to do so.
Worst spots are his knees and his back. Him and Wukong share the infamous I-will-die spot at the bases of their tails, though this boy's is significantly worse.
Melt spots are beneath his chin and his ears. It is the cutest thing to just scratch beneath and hear his little purrs while he tries not to giggle.
Puts his villain experience to use
He'll use his shadow travel to sneak up on you/cheat in a chase. Nobody said he had to play fair…
He definitely makes clones to help himself. One to hold your arms up, another to grab your legs, and a few to get the more annoying spots.
Teasing in a playful-yet-asshole sorta way. If you're feeling shitty, he'll be such a sweetheart, but he's a shit 80% of the time.
“Wow, ticklish here too? You're just a walking tickle-spot at this point.”
“You think this is bad? Just wait till I call in the cavalry~”
“It must be hard, being this ticklish and all. How have you survived so far? Thought you'd have laughed yourself silly.”
“Just a few little pokes and you're down for the count. Would suck if some of the villains found out…”
“Worst spot, huh? Better buckle up~”
Somehow knows exactly when to stop every time. You don't even have to say anything: he just knows.
Masterful aftercare. He honestly loves cuddling with his lee afterwards, so you're getting some unless you specifically tell him no. He'll send a shadow clone to go get you a drink and some snacks if you want. Peaceful music listening and most likely a nap (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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phobiaoftickles · 11 months
Cuddly tickles
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Summary: MK was cuddling in Redson’s arms, half asleep with his boyfriend lazily scratching his back, until he accidentally scratched his ribs, and little does the monkie kid know, danger was quick to ensue.
Warnings: Tickles and gay boyfriends, Yes I ship spicynoodles, it’s cute.
Takes place in a hotel room, bc Pigsy, Tang, Redson, MK, Sandy, and Mei, went to travel. So yeah, this information will be needed later😭. And I’ll through in SWK and Macaque cause why not???🫣 Yes this is SWK and Macaque father figure in here, don’t like it don’t read it. Kinda doesn’t fit the characters, but I honestly don’t care.
“Ahhh, just keep doing that…hahah,” Mk giggled, melting in to the touch.
“Just go to sleep, MK, my hands getting tired…” Redson whined.
“Ok ok, just… *sigh* five more minutes…” Redson can hear MK snoring softly, so he moved his hand off his back to go to sleep too, but his hand moved on his side, and MK giggled and squirmed in return.
It clicked in the fire boy’s brain, his beloved boyfriend was ticklish. How could he not tickle him? He did yesterday, why not now, after MK totally tickled the shit out of Redson like 4 hours ago. This’ll be his revenge, so he decided to lightly scratch his sides, in return, MK giggled, but not exactly tried to get away from the perdicament he’s currently in. “Babe…. Hahahah, it ticklesss.”
“It does? How can me scratching your back, be ticklish?”
“Yohohou’re not scratching myhyhy back, you’re thihihickling my sides!!!” The monkie kid giggled out some more, and if his head wasn’t turned away from his boyfriend, he could tell that MK’s face was getting red tenfold, and Redson loved every part of it. His face, his ticklishness, his laughs and giggles and coughs and hiccups, and don’t forget he loves, absolutely loves, the kisses the brunette gives the red head. He absentmindedly stopped tickling him because he was mesmerized by the latter’s giggles.
Until he was pulled out of his trance by the one he was staring at, “Why’d you stop?”
“Wh-what, oh my bad, I’m sorry hun, I’ll keep tickling the devil out of you.” He leaned down and kissed his forehead while he still tickled his sides.
“Ehehehheehw, don’t shahahahahy that,” MK pulled away from the kiss and bent his head in his lover’s side giggling away.
If cuteness could kill, Redson, well… he’ll be dead before he got MK’s number. Love at first sight, am I right? “Awww, can’t you be anymore cuter???”
“Dohohohon’t tease me!” MK laughed a lil harder as Redson started squeezing his hips, unconsciously digging his head deeper in his side, making the vibrations tickle.
“Hey! Don’t laugh in my side, you idiot. It tickles!” Redson pushed his head away, still tickling.
“Oh! Wahahahahahit! You’re ticklish too, how can I forget about that?!” MK pushed Redson’s hand away, and tickled his sides.
“NO!! MK!! Stahahhahap!! I’ll buhuhuhurn you, if yohohohou don’t!!! Plehehehehase!!!” Redson tried to pull away, but his attempts were broken, as MK is much stronger than him at tickling.
“Nu uh, I don’t think it’s fair if you get to tickle me, and I can’t tickle you back!!”
“Ihihihit’s so fair!!! Behehehehcause you like ihihit and I dohohohon’t!!! Fuuhuhuhucking hell!! Sthahahahahap!!!” As MK didn’t stop the second time he was asked, Redson lifted up his free hand and tickled his outstretched side, making MK tumble on him, switching sides, allowing Redson to pin him under the taller one.
“You’ve been real bad, lately, maybe I should punish you harder.” Redson smirked down at MK with his arms pinned above his head.
“Yeah? And what exactly do you have in, mi-“ He gasped when he felt dull fingers flutter on his ribcage. “No. No! REDSON!! Babe, please, we can talk about this! Hahahaha, not there, please. I’m sorry, I won’t ever tickle you again. You can tickle me ANYWHERE but my ribs, you KNOW it’s a death spot of mine.” MK looked down, trying not to meet his boyfriend’s devilous face.
“Have trust in me, babe, I won’t hurt you… just trynna seek my revenge.” And as that, feels like the brunette’s life has flashed before his eyes, he descended on MK’s quivering body, squeezing the life out of it.
“Oh please, how can this-“ They both were interrupted by Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, Mei, SWK, and Macaque, slamming the door open, after Pigsy gently put the key card in, only to be staring at Redson on top of Mk, with his hands above his head, both shirts off, only in boxers. This doesn’t look good.
“What the hell are you doing to my, son?!” Sun Wukong exclaimed, with his hair in curl pins, and a robe on, with his bunny slippers.
Redson looked down at MK, and flew off of him on his side of the bed. They both hurried to put the blanket across both of them, as Redson put his hand out, “Nononono, this is NOT what it looks like! I was just tickling him!! Nothing more, nothing less!!”
“Well, I sure hope you do something less!! It is 1 am! Some people need their beauty sleep!” Tang fluttered his eyes, with his hair too in curl pins. (You can’t tell me otherwise he doesn’t do curl pins).
“Like the look.” Sun Wukong pointed at him.
“Why thank you-“ he was interrupted by Mei.
“Can you boys just go to sleep?! If I have to come out here again, I promise you, there’ll be more than a loud game of tickling.” She punched her fist, making the boys infront of them quickly agree.
“Yes ma’am” they both whined, huddling together, bc an angry Mei is not a pretty Mei.
“We promise to go to sleep!” MK tried to rush them out.
Pigsy, Sandy, Tang, and Mei, sighed and left the room, leaving SWK and Macaque. “You get off that boy, this instant!” The Monkie King, stomped his foot down, acting like an overprotective dad.
“Aw, come on, let them have their fun, plus we haven’t finished where we left off, you mind coming back with me, Peaches~?” The six-eared macaque winked at his husband, making him blush.
“Uh-uh, Yes!! Just give me a sec! I swear to god, if you hurt him, Redboy, I’m coming!!! Mark my words!”
“Not yet, you aren’t, now hurry up, I don’t like waiting.” Sun Wukong can hear his husband call from down the hall, and blushed some more. He stopped in his tracks before eyeing down Redson, and shut the door behind him, as he hurriedly chased after his husband.
Redson and MK’s face were all beat red, being embarrassed they were caught in the act. Until, Mk piped up, “wow, you sure are ticklish!”
Earning a pillow to his face, “shut up! Your laugh was the one that got us caught.”
They both laughed, as they settled down. Mk putting the pillow under his head as he dozed off.
Yeah, Redson would destroy the world for his boyfriend, and if it wasn’t destroyed, then he was dead. Boy, does he want to continue tickling MK, but that’ll wait till tomorrow.
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Hide and Seek
A/N: This is a Monkie Kid fanfic. I was finally able to write one after so long of thinking and watching the series. It was so hard to find season 4 but I did it. Anyway, hope you like it.
Inspiration: @tastybluesprite and @toast-is-ticklish
Summary: Mk has accidently turned himself into a 4 year old child. The effects will wear off by tomorrow, but for now, he wants to play with Monkey King. And Sun WuKong is more than eager to play too.
“Where are you...?” Sun WuKong trailed off as he heard faint giggles coming from his bed room. Ever since Mk turned into a kid, the gang has decided that it would be best if Sun WuKong were to take him. Mk was more familiar with it sense he’s been going to the Monkey King’s home a lot of times to train. Plus, the monkeys will be able to help Sun WuKong watch him as they wait form him to transform back.
Sun WuKong was a little nervous but he agreed since Mk was like a son to him. Even though he reminded them that he wasn’t the kid’s father or anything. Sun WuKong thought it was gonna be easy to watch him. He was a kid. It wasn’t like he could do anything unpredictable under the Monkey King’s watch.
Boy was he wrong.
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Mk was completely unpredictable. Sun WuKong had found out that Mk was a very curious child and filled with a lot of energy. Sun WuKong had no idea where he got it from. Because of the energy, Mk was knocking over object to see if they break or not. He would look into places that he wasn’t suppose to look into. And on occasion, Monkey King would had to keep him from falling from certain heights.
It became so bad that Sun WuKong suddenly yelled at the kid, telling him that he could’ve gotten hurt. He never wanted to be mean about it. He was just very concern for him especially in this state. Mk, startled by the yell, started to cry loudly. Sun WuKong facepalmed after realizing his mistake and without thinking, picked him up and rocked him in his arms. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you.” he said in a calming voice. Mk stopped crying and rubbed his eyes.
Sun WuKong frowned for a moment. He wanted to make Mk feel better but he didn’t know how. Suddenly, Sun WuKong felt Mk moving in his arms. Mk reached out for something as the Monkey King looked at what what the child was paying attention to.
It was his tail. Mk loved the way Sun WuKong’s tail moved. His tail was in a swaying motion, always getting that way whenever he was thinking about something. Sun WuKong smiled at the boy’s interest and waved his tail in front of Mk’s tiny nose. Mk tried to catch the tail and giggled when it tickled his nose. Sun WuKong chuckled at the tiny giggle. “Is my tail tickling you?” Mk grabbed the Monkey King’s tail but Sun WuKong made it so that the tail had slipped away. Mk tried to catch it again, reaching out his tiny arms at his goal.
The two of them stayed like this for a while. Sun WuKong letting Mk catch his tail and tickling him whenever Mk did catch it. After that, the two of them started to get along.
Now, it was around night time and it was time for Mk to go to bed. So, Sun WuKong decided to play hide and seek with Mk. Mk always wanted to hide so Sun WuKong was the Seeker. And here they were.
Sun WuKong smirked when he heard his young pupil’s giggles. “I know you’re there, little monkey.” Monkey King said, using Mk’s little nickname for him. Another giggle came from his bedroom as Sun WuKong silently stepped inside his bedroom. He understood why Mk chose his room. It has plenty of places to hide. But, it only took one good look for him to notice that Mk was hiding in his closet under a pile of clean clothes.
“Huh, where’s my monkey?” Sun WuKong cooed, pretending he couldn’t see Mk. Mk tried to hold in his giggles as Monkey King pretended to think. Sun WuKong walked over to the pile of clothes and flopped on top of them. Sun heard Mk’s laughter through the clothes. “I don’t know where my lil’ monkey is.” Sun WuKong playfully pouted as he slipped his hand under the clothes pile and poked Mk. He smiled more when he heard him laugh. “Wait a minute. Is someone in there?” Sun WuKong started to take some of the clothes from the pile until he found Mk.
Mk squealed as the bright light from the room filled his eyes. Sun WuKong gasped dramatically. “There’s my little monkey.” The Monkey King grabbed Mk and hoisted him into the air before catching him. Mk burst into a fit of laughter. “And now it’s time for my meal.” The Monkey King said as he pretended to eat Mk by filling his tiny tummy with gentle love bites. Mk’s laughter went up an octave.
Realizing that Mk was running out of breath, Monkey King put Mk down letting the 4 year old hug his tummy. “That hehehehe tickled.” Mk said in the most adorable voice possible. “Of course it did, monkey.” Sun WuKong replied, using his tail to lightly tickle Mk’s cheeks and ears.
“Alright lil’ monkey, it’s bedtime.” Mk shook his head as Sun WuKong picked him up and placed him in his arms. “Nu uh. Not tired.” Mk said as the Monkey King raised his brow. “Whaaaaa, you gotta be tired ‘cause I’m tired.”
“Again. Again!” Mk chanted as Sun WuKong rolled his eyes. “Okay. One of more game of hide and seek. Then, it’s bed time.” Sun WuKong declared as he placed Mk on the floor and watched him cheer. “Ready!” Mk said as Sun WuKong covered his eyes. “Monkey see, monkey doo, where ever you are, I’ll find you.” Sun WuKong heard Mk’s laughter coming from the living room. He counted to ten and set off to find his pupil.
“Lil’ monkey? Where’d you go?” Sun WuKong called out, the little ball of laughter coming from Mk trying to decrease. Sun WuKong followed the sound to the living room. He saw his old video games by the TV and some messy pillows on the floor. Thinking that Mk was there, Sun WuKong lifted one of the pillows. Mk wasn’t there. “Huh?” A faint giggle picked up as Sun WuKong turned his attention to the couch. There was a small purple blanket that was on top of a another pillow. The blanket looked a bit lumpy and it squirmed a little too.
Sun WuKong smirked. He reached over to pick up the giggling Mk, but stopped himself. He always surprised Mk by poking or teasing him. Maybe he should try something different. And he knew exactly what to do. The Monkey King swung his tail and snuck it right under the blanket. Because Mk wasn’t wearing anything on his feet, it wasn’t long before the child felt the soft fur on Sun WuKong’s tail. Sun wiggled his tail slowly on Mk’s feet, making him giggle and squirm around. “Hey, do I hear giggles?” Sun WuKong teased as the blanket that was covering Mk suddenly fell to the floor.
“Is that my little monkey?” Sun teased again, using his tail to carry Mk off the couch. Mk laughed as he was being lift up upside down. “Monkey! Monkey!”
“Yeah, that’s right. You are a monkey.” Sun replied while booping Mk’s nose. As Sun WuKong turned the 4 year old right side up, Mk started to yawn and stretch his arms. “Guess that means it’s bed time.” Mk shook his head lazily. “Oh no you don’t. You’re a sleepy monkey. Now close those little monkey eyes.” Sun WuKong interjected as he walked back to his bedroom.
The Monkey King gently placed Mk on the bed and tucked him into the covers. “Not...sleepy.” Mk tried to say before another yawn escape from his lips. “Yes you are. Cheeky little monkey.” Sun protested, giving Mk one last little tickle on his neck. Mk let out a soft giggle before pulling the covers up to his neck and closing his eyes to fall asleep.
Sun WuKong ruffled the child’s hair and turned off the lamp. “See you in the morning, Mk.”
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helleboretks · 7 months
HAH! Got 'Em!!!
Hello hello hello! First fic in a couple months for my newest fandom Lego Monkie Kid! This is a Lee!Nezha, Lers!Wukong, Mei and MK ticklefic, so if it isn't your forte, no need to read!
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(This is Nezha, if anyone wants to gaze upon this absolutely beautiful specimen uwu)
Summary: Wukong wanted to test out if their resident Third Lotus Prince was ticklish. Only Buddha knows what kind of chaos arose from it.
“This is purely experimentative, kid.”
“No it isn’t, Monkey King.”
“Yeaaaaah-no, no it isn’t.”
Mk snorted with a roll of his eyes as Wukong took a few strands of fur from his head, gently blowing on them to produce a few feathers.
“C’mon! You can’t say you’re not curious. I know that look in your eye.” He was right, of course, Mk was pretty curious about this idea too. Would Nezha actually be ticklish? Given that he was reincarnated from a plant-a lotus no less-there had to be something his body did and didn’t replicate from the original, right?
“Has he ever even been tickled before?” Mk wonders aloud, sitting down in the seat next to Wukong. The Noodle Shop was pretty empty today save for his friends and, well obviously, the Lotus Prince himself. Mk’s both surprised and relieved that the man actually found time to take a break, and even felt honored that he’d want to spend it here, with them.
Now he’s wondering how long it’ll be until he regrets it.
“Hmm, not from what I can recall? No???” Monkey King squeaked, looking as if he was seriously racking his brain for some kind of memory. “Yeah no, not from what I can remember.”
“If he’s actually ticklish you’re going to kill him.”
“Oh Pfft, nah he won’t die. You can’t die like that! I think.”
Mk was not about to tell Monkey King that you can, in fact, meet death by tickling. Not right now at least.
No one seemed to notice the little cluster of feathers floating closer and closer to the prince, who found himself in a rather engaging conversation with Tang about some history or other that Mk couldn’t parse out. They both waited with bated breath as he shifted his arms to rest comfortably on the counter.
“Welp, I’ve got nothing to lose.” Famous last words, but alright.
And then the feathers shot into Nezha’s armor.
And look-
The sheer volume of the scream Nezha let out as he flew right off the chair-Mk couldn’t help but crack up laughing as Wukong ducked under the table in surprise, trying to stifle his own laughter.
“HAH!! GOT ‘EEEEEEEEEEEM!!!” Mk screamed as Nezha grabbed and tussled at his clothing, shrieks erupting from his throat.
“Lotus boy!? Mk what did you do!?” Mei exclaimed, clearly less intent on helping and more intent on actually knowing what the fuck they had done.
“THERE’S SOMETHING IN MY ARMOR! THEHEHERE’S-OH MY GOHOHOD WHAT THE FU-” You could just hear Wukong’s dry wheeze from under the table as Nezha’s franticness caused him to bump into one of the chairs, practically crumbling onto one of the tables as Tang choked on his noodles with a chortle.
“Are you-Oh my god, Lotus boy’s ticklish!” Mk nodded to Mei’s statement, and honestly, he was pretty surprised by just how much those feathers affected the man. He was laughing up a storm from wherever those feathers were tickling him, Mk couldn’t really see where they were, but he knew they were doing something.
Or he’d probably just never been tickled in his life and the sensation shocked his soul right out of his body.
That’s also a possibility.
“What the hell? Oi, Monkey King, is this your doing?!” Apparently Pigsy had been the first one to catch onto the real culprit, and Mk banged a fist against the table with a snort as Wukong let out an offended gasp from his hiding spot, popping out into the open.
“I will have you know, mister man of the pigs! I didn’t do nothing!” Wukong sassed, shaking his head from side to side, wagging his finger disapprovingly. That, however, masked the fact that he was probably making those feathers move even faster, because Nezha’s laughter went up an octave right after.
“WUKOHOHOHONG!!! I-I’M GOHONNA KIHIHIHILL YOU-” Monkey King gave an especially skeptical look, turning to Mk, who too was laughing hysterically, just not from the result of being tickled himself. “Yakow, I’m not so sure he’s actually going to do it. I mean, look at the guy! Look at him, take a good look!” Monkey King jested, grabbing Mk by the cheeks and directing his attention back to Nezha.
He could see Nezha, half his body on the table, the other half on the floor as he gripped the edges of the wood, laughing up a storm as he practically vibrated like mad. His face was alight in an adorable blush of pink, eyes squeezed shut with a wobbly, wide grin to boot. He really didn’t look anywhere close to being capable of killing Monkey King in the state he was in.
But then he saw Mei hopped off her seat, a damn near devilish look on her face.
He knew Nezha was in for some shit.
“Here! Lemme help you out, buddy!” Mei spoke too cheerfully to be anything but a trap, but with the way the Lotus Prince was too preoccupied trying to get a grip of himself, he realized that fact a little too late, practically squealing as Mei snatched him by the sides, skittering her nails all over.
Wukong laughed as Nezha flew back unintentionally, right into the person who was making it worse. He kicked his legs as Mei struggled to hold him up with a huffing laugh, scrambling to grab her biceps and shake them.
And not for the first time, Mk doesn’t see the stoic Lotus Prince persona that Nezha tries so hard to keep up. He just sees Nezha; a man who seriously needs a break, and a little too ticklish for his own good.
So you can’t entirely blame Mk for wanting to be a prick.
He jumps over the table, letting out a weird as hell war cry before snatching Nezha by the legs. “YOU’RE COMIN’ WITH ME, MY DUDE-”
Nezha shrieked as Mk began to drag him around the floor, Tang really choking on his noodles as Mei howled with laughter, whipping out her phone to record the absolute madness. Nezha was gripping his ribs-which is probably where Wukong’s feathers are- shaking his head manically as he tried to wrench himself from Mk’s grasp.
“MK, NAHAHAHA-” “HEY!! I just cleaned those floors, kid!!!” Wukong slapped his hand on the table repeatedly as Pigsy called out, and Mk defiantly continued to drag this man everywhere he could, still carefully avoiding chairs and table legs as he went.
“WELL I’M USIN’ IT, DADSY, I’M BUSY!!” Mk shouted back as Mei followed behind him, catching it all on video.
“The poor man! Mk no!” Tang laughed, clearly not as against it as Pigsy is, who stared in dumbfounded disbelief as the two kids messed with the Lotus Prince himself. Nezha, meanwhile, was trying to cling onto anything with a solid structure but was doing nothing other than dragging chairs and tables out of place in his hysteria.
“Look at this BOI-” Mei cheered, causing Mk to wheeze as he shook Nezha’s legs from side to side, the man letting out a squeak as Wukong hopped over.
“WAIT, I GOT THIS!!” That was the only warning that any of them had gotten before a whole barrage of feathers descended on the prince, who screamed in shock before that shock quickly dissolved into the most batshit manic laughter Mk had ever bore witness to.
Mei wheezed, the grip on her phone trembling as the man on the ground thrashed damn near violently, and Mk had to hold tighter onto his legs so he wouldn’t get himself a boot to the face.
“I. AM. FEATHER-BUDDHA!!!” Wukong cried, throwing his hands dramatically into the air as Mei got the bright idea to place her phone down, grab Nezha’s arms, and hoist him the rest of the way up.
“FEATHER JESUS-” She cried just as dramatically as the two swung the prince back and forth, laughing themselves silly as Nezha laughed himself into a tizzy.
For a split second, Mk swore he saw macaque walk in, stare, and then slide right back out in one smooth motion and just-wow, what a great cameo.
“MACAHAHAHAQUE, YOU TRAHAITOR-” Oh he saw him, oh shit-
“I do not exist. Good luck.” Wukong wheezed and almost fell off the damn table as Macaque took his seat at the counter, turning away as if he weren’t just called out to.
“GUHUHUYS, QUIT IHIHIHIT!! PLEHEHEHEAAHAHASE-” Nezha pleaded, trying so desperately to wiggle his way out of the situation. Mk took the liberty of being the local gremlin.
“Ohohoho! But my little nezzy-wezzy-” So many wheezes wrung out at once as Nezha shrieked in embarrassment. Mk hoisted him up so that he had a grip of his knees, Mei slowing down the swinging to a stop as Mk jostled him further.
Wukong, sensing that some more shit was going to go down, slowed the feathers to somewhat of a more breathable speed, and Nezha choked on the breath he sucked in. The smile that forced itself onto his face was both down-right adorable, and freakishly foreign to him. That is something that’s going to have to change, then.
“You know, to be the best gremlin out there, all bets are off the table.” Mk dramatically announced. “AND SO!!” Nezha jumped at the loud tone, anticipatory giggles already spilling from his lips.
“What the heck he’s already laughing, awe-AND SO,” Mk repeated with a dramatic pause. “Mei, get his shirt.”
His bestie didn’t need to be told twice, Nezha letting out a shriek as she pulled his shirt up and away from his belly. “LOCAL GREMLINS!! ASSEMBLE!!!” She cried-
Right as Mk blew a raspberry into the center of Nezha’s belly.
There was a loud pop as Nezha exploded into laughter, and a few gasps and awes went around as a pink glow tinged Mk’s peripheral.
He continued to blow raspberry after raspberry with hardly any pause, and he probably would have winced given just how loud and downright evil Nezha’s laughter was, giggles and cackles as he thrashed and squirmed. It was absolutely hilarious.
“HE’S EXPLODING PETALS, MK!!” Mk paused in his raspberry blowing to pinch at the back of his knees, causing a knee-jerk reaction as he grinned at the petals that had shot out into existence, floating to the ground as Nezha snorted.
“God damn, the guy’s got a set of lungs.” Macaque chuckled, placing his hands over his ears with a grin. Mk laughed with a shake of his head, before diving straight back in, this time nibbling with an added sound effect of ‘nom nom nom’.
The petals exploded from him again.
“MK STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP OHMYGOD PLEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHASE!!!!” Nezha cried as if his life depended on it, repeated pops that were just too cute to be real filled the room as the distinct smell of lotuses overwhelmed Mk’s nose as he just kept going and going, blow after blow after blow after-
“JESUS CHRIST KID, GIVE THE MAN A BREAK!!” His record broke with a laugh with the way Pigsy had to shout so loud just to be heard over Nezha’s screaming.
It was when Nezha was so weak that all he could do was tremble and laugh, that Wukong removed the feathers and poofed them into hair, when Mei and he finally-gently-placed him on the floor, and Mk had ceased his merciless tickling, that the man gulped down proper breath since the whole ordeal began.
“Ohohoho, that was golden!” Wukong laughed as he answered to Mk’s high five, Macaque snorting at the way Nezha curled up into a tight little ball, lotus petals surrounding and covering him as he lightly tried to fan his face in hopes of ridding the embarrassed and exhausted blush on his cheeks.
“You damn near killed him, you idiots.” Pigsy sighed in exasperation, looking over the mess that had become his shop within a matter of minutes in very heavy disappointment.
“What-” Nezha panted as he sat up, burning with the rest of his gradually dying embarrassment. “What was that!? Wha-what did you do??” Mk tilted his head in amused confusion, as did Mei and Wukong. “C’mon dude, it’s just tickling! It’s not like it can hurt ya!” Mei dismissed.
A silence was Nezha’s response.
Silence soon enveloped the shop.
“You…you do know what that is, right? Nezha?” Wukong asked with a tilt of his head, this one verging on the dangerous territory of ‘this better be a fucking joke or I swear to the Celestials-’
Nezha just stared at them like they’d grown three heads.
“Oh my God he doesn’t know what tickling is-”
Nezha yelped as Mei latched onto him in a tight embrace, which caused Mk to automatically snort. Oh this was just sad, both the hilarious kind and also the not-hilarious kind.
Staying in one room to protect a map for thousands of years really must do something to ya, huh?
“I’m actually fucking remorseful. I send my regards.” Macaque hummed, before giving a half-assed salute. “See you on the other side, Lotus Prince.” And then he disappeared into the counter’s shadow. Just like the shifty monkey, doing something like that.
“This is gonna go terribly.” Tang interjected, polishing off his third bowl.
“I’m actually thinking of closing the shop for today, I can’t believe this.” Pigsy grumbled, retreating back into the safety of his kitchen.
Nezha, during all of this, seemed to grow even more confused as the multiple comments were shot fired, and he looked at Mk who only gave him a solemn grin, because even he wasn’t about to mess up what would be-
“This will be the greatest day of your life, Lotus Boy!”
The most disastrous day of his life, courtesy of the local menace, Mei.
“Now! First on my list would be some hands on experience-”
Nezha let out a shrill shriek as Mei’s hands immediately dive for his sides.
A shriek that will be just one of way, way, way too many to come.
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elliotthedork · 1 year
Hello!!! I stumbled across your pinned and saw you’d be open to doing requests? You totally don’t have to do this, but maybe something for Lego Monkie Kid with shadowpeach and Mk?
Like I imagine it that Mk is tickling Wukong, but Wukong tells him Macaque is ticklish also just to make him stop, and then Mk wrecks Macaque lmao.
If not totally don’t worry about it! Have a great day/night! I love your work so much!
Thank you so much for the request!
I sprinkled in some Wukong ganging up with Mk in here 💅❤✨💁
Lee(s): Wukong, Macaque, Mk mentioned
Ler(s): Mk, Wukong
Mk's dialogue will be in red
Wukong's dialogue will be in orange
Macaque's dialogue will be in purple
The 3 monkey boys were chilling inside of Wukong's little hut on flower fruit moutain. Playing video games, watching movies and bonding with one another. They all desided it was a good idea to take a break from training and just have a fun night to themselves
However whatever was happening in front of Macaque, was something he wasn't sure weither or not counts as 'bonding'
The events that occured before was Mk concentrating on the video game in front of him, fighting the final boss. When Wukong would taze Mk's ribs to make him lose
Basically Wukong being the annoying little shit he was
Well Mk got fed up with Wu's antics and manged to get the upper hand on his mentor and pinned him on his stomach and tickled his ribs
Macaque watched the two dorks in awe. Wukong's blissful laugher filled the room with pleas of mercy leaving his mouth. Macaque watched his old friend be tickled to peices, just like what they did when they were children
Wukong noticed the smile on Macaque's face and thought that mac was laughing at him. Wu needed to think quick of how to get out of this situation
"HEHEHEHY KIHIHIID MAC'S TIHIHIHCKLISH!" Wukong cried out in an attempt to get his successor off of him
Mk stopped in his tracks and looked over at Macaque with a shocked expression on his face. Macaque's eyes slowly began to grow more and more wide with slight fear. He hadn't been tickled in years, and he couldn't exectly remember how ticklish he even was
Mk's smile grew into a smirk and made his way off of Wukong, allowing the light-furred monkey to get up
"wait, Wait, WAIT!!!" Macaque screeched as he jumped higher on the couch, one of Wu's little monkey friends flew off of Mac's head as he quickly stood up
Wukong and Mk chased Macaque for a good 3 minutes, jumping through each of Mac's portals in an attempt to follow and catch him.
Fortunately, Wu saw a chance and took it and used his tail to trip Macaque's foot. Causing him to fall over
Wukong quickly pinned Macaque's arms above him which allowed Mk to scribble all over his ribs
While it wasn't often Mk was a ler, when he did, he was absolutly merciless and didn't let his lee go easily
Macaques cheeks began to puff up. There was no way he was going to let those two fools win. He was determined not to laugh
"C'mon monkey king help me out here!" Mk shouted over to Wukong, realizing that the rib tickles alone weren't doing anything
Wukond scaned the situation around him. Trying to figure out a way to tickle Macaque without having to let go of his pinned arms
Then he remembered Mac's most ticklish spot
Macaque prayed and hoped that the two would get bored the longer Mac held in his laughter. Just as he thought he waa about to be home free, Wukong had other plans
Wukong kept one of his hands held onto Macaque's pinned wrist, then brought his hand up to Mac's ear and fluttered a finger behind one of his six ears
Which was Macaque's most ticklish spot
All of the laughter Macaque was holing in came out as Wu continued to wigglie Macaque's ears. Mk now moved down to Mac's sides
"I forgot how ticklish your ears were" Wukong teased "How adorable!"
Macaque's cheeks began to glow bright red at the word 'adorable'
"Shuhuht uhuhp you bastard!" Macaque said, trying to sound intimidating. However that was kinda difficult to do while being tickled to a giggly mess
Wukong noticed Mac begin to lightly kick when Mk moved down to tickle Macaque's sides
"Alright bud you might wanna get off of him before he kicks you in the face" Wukong suggested to his successor
Mk streched as he climbed off of Macaque. "That was fun! We should do that again sometime!" Mk cheered as he stood proudly above Macaque
"YOU'RE GONNA GET IT YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!" Macaque shouted as he jumped to his feet and began to chase Mk around. Mk began to shriek as he ran for his life
Wukong stood there and looked at his two buds and smiled. He was happy to have Macaque back in his life
Sorry this took a little while to write. I was focusing on school stuff and my grades are finally decent now but i hope you enjoyed the fic! I had a lot of fun writing it!
Reminder that my requests for both tickle and non-tickle fics are open! Feel free to send some in (please read my request rules first!)
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thestarfilledsea · 2 years
HEY 😭 now i’m picturing like. swk just pausing and a soft smile on his face
Then, in his moment of weakness a monkey finds a tickle spot and Wukong starts scream-laughing for mercy
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top-tier-tickles · 2 years
I have a Dark Deception Tickle AU, but before I start showing that, here's some general tk headcanons:
Doug Houser:
• Switch
• Super heckin ticklish
• Worst spot is his thighs
• Wasn't tickled much in his life, so the sensation is a lot worse
• He isn't used to positive physical touch and affection due to.....y'know....his awful childhood
• His underarms are a bad spot, too
• His back is ticklish as well
Like he can't even handle a simple back massage it's that sensitive
• He'll get you back....sometimes.....
• In the AU, Doug isn't killed by violent attacks, but dies from being tickled mercilessly to death
Helen Bierce:
• Ler
• Not ticklish at all
• If you hang around the ballroom instead of gathering ring pieces for too long, expect sharp nails skittering on your sides.
• "How amusing, they must've hit a good spot to get you screaming like that."
• Her tickles don't work on Malak, so she just uses physical violence on him
• When she gives you a new power, you feel a slight tingling sensation in your ears for a few seconds
Murder Monkies:
• Lers
• Are they ticklish? Nobody knows...
• Not even Malak
• In the AU, their hands are replaced with large feather dusters instead of knives
• They hold there victims down and gang up on them
• Expect raspberries aplenty
• In the AU, the Chef Monkey has giant feather rollers instead of pizza cutters
• Ler-leaning switch
• She's got them c l a w s, so of course she's skilled in tickling
• She'll scribble on your knees and elbows with a pen, so watch out
• She's a kid, so she's also ticklish
• Her worse spot is her sides
• Its all a bit of a game to her at first, it's only when Malak shows up is when she gets serious
• Her portals will shock you with electric tickles if you walk through them
Gold Watchers:
• Lers
• They're statues made of gold, so they're not ticklish at all
• Looking at one to freeze it only leaves room for another to sneak up on you
• They whisper teases in your ear when they get close
• The belts on their shoulders hold tools such as pens and brushes
• They gang up on you to hold you down. They're made of gold, so they're impossible to push off
• They will blindfold you so they can move freely without being frozen
• Their axes are replaced with feather dusters
Dread Duckies:
• Switches
• They have feathers, so they're masters on the giving end
• They will laugh if you ruffle their feathers, however
• Their laugh is very squeaky
• Their tickles are very gentle
• The mini heads in their mouths will hold you up by the collar of your shirt and let the other duckies have at you
• Doom Ducky is the same, but their hands are the only ticklish spot on them
Clown Gremlins
• Lee-leaning switches
• These little shits are hyperticklish
• They sound like Beetlejuice when they laugh
• Tbh, they love tickles, both giving and receiving
• Death spot is the belly
• They'll pile up and have at you
• During the bossfight, the minis hold you down while the goliaths gently scratch you
Reaper Nurses:
• Lers
• They don't let anyone except their own touch them, so nobody knows if they're actually ticklish
• The little medical exams are very ticklish in the AU
• The needles they have with make you more sensitive
• When they have you on the floor, they'll trace their fingers along your back, using the excuse of analyzing your spine and muscles
• The electric traps tickle you, too
• Matron doesn't tickle, she just kills you
Joy Joy gang:
• They're all switches
• Lucky is the most ruthless when it comes to tickling, teasing about how he "never loses"
• Lucky's ears and sides are super sensitive, though
• Penny will push you down and squish your belly, her feathers make it worse
• She'll squeal and squawk if you ruffle her neck feathers
• Hangry always goes for the ribs and sides
• Its Hangry's belly, go for his belly
• In the AU, they wear belts with baby oil and other tools
• Joykill is a monster ler
Mama Bear:
• Ler-leaning switch
• She's a mom, so she's trained in this field
• She's only abusive to mortals, but a VERY good mother to demons
• Malak is the only one that tickles her
• Her voice is veeery teasy
• "Look out~ Mama's gonna make you smile!~"
• Will not hesitate to use nursery rhymes to tease her victims
• The Trigger Teddies will climb on you to nibble and scratch you
• The Trigger Teddies are also very ticklish, however.
• In her mutated form, Mama holds you with her hand and gives you raspberries with the giant teddy hand
• Ler-leaning switch
• Ticklish and he fuckin hates it
• He only allows Mama Bear and Agatha to tickle him
• His ears are sensitive, but only Mama knows that :3
• Chases you down in his shadow form and w r e c k s you
• "Now, tell me mortal, what makes you SCREAM?~"
• Worst spot is the underarms
And that's everything for now! Let me know if ya'll want some more!
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magnussfossbakken · 7 years
@hipstersteve tagged me in the answer 11,  ask 11, tag 11 tag thingy, thaaanks ! ♥
1. Favorite movie you’ve seen this year? In all honesty I’ve only seen two movies this year, Moonlight and Wir sind jung. Wir sind stark., so yep Moonlight 2. What color is your bedroom painted? Ok so the two smaller walls are white whereas the two bigger ones are red. But they’re all very badly painted and mainly covered with posters tbh 3. Recommend a book The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller  4. Where do you shop most? New Look, Monki, H&M’s men section and thrift shops 5. Are you afraid of spiders? Yes and therefore I’m terrified of living alone ‘cause no one will be there to get it away from me 6. Have you ever met a celebrity? OK SO i have a lame story so basically there was that french tv show called “D&CO” (which according to wikipedia is more or less the equivalent to “Flip This House” in the US?) and they were filming in a house just across my middle school so me and a bunch of other kids went and waited for the host of the show, Valérie Damidot, for like super long, like i’m pretty sure almost all of our lunch time, to get an autograph. She arrives, I get my autograph I’m happy whatever it was the first time that I saw someone somewhat ~famous~ and I proudly leave it on my desk once I’m home. A few weeks later, my cousin comes home when I’m not there and, what do I see when i get back? She had made an autograph of her own on Valérie’s and I remember actually being upset about it :’) All of that to say : is Valérie Damidot considered a celebrity? Probably not, so I haven’t answered the question at all ‘cause I’ve never met anyone famous (the French premiere of Civil War where I saw RDJ, Don Cheadle, Emily VanCamp and one of the Russo Brothers from like super far away is still the best thing that happened to me tho) 7. What is your favorite pun? Honestly I’m really bad at puns and the only thing I can think of is “Qu’est-ce qui est jaune et qui attend ? Jonathan” and I don’t even think it qualifies as a pun 8. What was the last TV show you binged? Please Like Me 9. Are you ticklish? I know I was when I was younger but if anyone tried to tickle me right now I think I would be more pissed than anything else 10. What is/was your favorite subject to study? I really like the German Literature and German Civilization classes I took this past semester, and I’m reaaally excited about taking German Philosophy next year! (so yeah basically I enjoy more the one field of my double major/degree/thingy that I don’t plan to work in)(i’m calling it in four years I’ll be a german teacher instead of pursuing my studies in ethology ‘cause I’m gonna fail in biology at some point or another) 11. If you had to choose only ONE otp, what would it be? ahah shit 
And here are my eleven questions for you to elude:
Where was your last vacation?
What’s that one song that’s always stuck in your head these days?
As a child, how did you picture yourself at your current age?
Is/are there any language(s) you wish you spoke?
What was your first job?
What’s the name of your childhood teddy bear?
What’s the most magical place you’ve ever been to?
What’s your favourite historical era?
Do you prefer your books with a hard or soft cover?
Where are you right now?
How would you describe the city you live in?
Annnd I’m tagging @no-weewee-in-my-valhalla, @artantino and @giorno-tranquillo and since I’m short of eight people like litterally anyone who wants to answer
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tickletails · 1 year
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Someone asked for lee macaque
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tastybluesprite · 1 year
Can I get some Lee Wukong n some Ler Macaque?
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THANKS FOR SENDING!!! This was so much fun to write!!! I love lee Wukong with my whole heart and soul. I just absolutely love these monkey dorks so much. Also I was too tired to proofread this so pliz excuse any mistakes lol. Hope you like it!!!
Warnings: Tickling, so if that’s not your cup of tea just lee scrolling. Otherwise, just lots and lots of fluff :)
Summery: Wukong pulls a prank on Macaque. Chaos ensues.
“GET BACK HERE WUKONG!!!” The dark haired Monkey demon yelled as he chased after the sage through his cave for a home. The Monkey King, being his usual trickster self, decided he was bored and wanted to pull a prank on his beloved friend Macaque.
Obviously Macaque didn’t take too kindly to this. He was merely minding his business when Wukong had snuck up on him and set a baby monkey friend onto him, crawling around him under his clothing and basically tickling him senseless, until Wukong decided he’s had enough and summoned the monkey off him.
Macaque took this ordeal as a challenge.
Wukong almost made it to a hiding spot in the cave that Macaque couldn’t get him from, when Macaque had jumped on him before he could escape.
They wrestled for a bit on the floor, until Macaque, with the strength of rage on his side, he managed to overcome the latter, straddling him and pinning his hands above his head.
“Any last words, your annoyingness?”
“I-ihit’s your highness to you ahahactually…” Wukong snarked back at him, already breaking with anticipatory giggles.
Macaque shrugged. His funeral.
He suddenly began digging into his side, causing Wukong to convulse and erupt into giggles as he tried desperately to squirm away. “Nononohoho Mahahacahahaque whahahait!!!”
Macaque smirked. “Did you seriously forget just how ticklish you are? Should’ve thought about that before you decided to bother me.”
He moved to his belly, causing his laughter to increase as the black haired monkey began gently digging into it.
“MAHahahaCAhahaque dohohohont ihihim sohohohrry!!!” Wukong cried through his laughter, which became uncontrollable.
“Sorry, huh? Nah. You’re a repeat offender, so clearly you need more intense punishment to get the message into your pea brain not to mess with me again.”
Macaque then drilled into the monkeys ribs, causing him to explode into cackles, his squirming becoming more desperate.
“NOHOHO PLEHEHEASE!!!” Wukong cried. In truth, his ribs weren’t even that bad. Under different conditions, he might’ve even been able to tolerate it.
However he knew now Macaques plan and where this was going, and he didn’t like it.
“What’s wrong? Don’t want me going higher?” Macaque teased, watching Wukong noticeably freak out more as he moved his free, non Wukong pinning hand little higher up.
He slowly moved his hands directly under the sages armpits just on the topmost rib, taking extra care to drill deeply.
By now Wukongs cackles became hysterical, drumming his feet on the floor behind Macaque.
Macaque shot him a smirk that Wukong would be able to clearly process for the last time until his doom, and then Macaque, suddenly letting go of Wukongs hands, shoving both of his own hands into his underarms.
Wukong slammed his arms down, gluing them to his side. The shriek he had let out was loud enough to wake a village. But most importantly, he was gone. Macaque finally broke him.
Macaque chuckled at the sight of it. Wukong was completely flushed and twisting around violently, trying to escape the hands as he gripped Macaques wrists tightly. His mouth was opened in a face slitting smile as he laughed his heart out. Macaque couldn’t help but laugh a little himself. The great sages laughter was too contagious!
Although Wukong was immortal and so didn’t need to worry about breathing, Macaque figured he was looking pretty tired, so he figured he had enough.
When he finally stopped the tickling, Wukong hugged himself tightly, as to protect himself from any further attacks.
“Yohou okay, ya big baby..?” He teased, poking at the monkeys cheek.
Wukong was a puddle of giggles as Macaque patted at his arms, trying to calm him down.
“Ihihihim ohohokahahay….” The giggly monkey slurred.
“Did you learn your lesson?” Macaque asked the giggle puddle.
“Nohoho prohomihisehes… AHHAHA SOHOHREHEY!!” Wukong flinched and burst into squeaky tired laughter when Macaque poked his side.
“Ohohkay! Ohohkay…” He exclaimed with a chuckle. “Ihim done I promise.” He finally got off him, allowing Wukong to curl up tighter.
Macaque noticed Wukong fall asleep and he smiled softly to himself at the sight. He was too adorable for words.
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gaybananabread · 8 months
TickleTober Day 16 - Unusual Spot
I POSTED IT TODAY IT COUNTS! I have been wanting to do a fic for this baby for who KNOWS how long! Just kept putting it off cuz I'm me (T×T). There is a lack of content for this boy, and I intend to fix it. Very self indulgent this month lol. FInally back from out of state and tired af, cities kicked my ass. I hope your spooky seasons are amazing, and that y'all Enjoy!
Lee: Red Son
Ler: Mk
Summary: Red and MK are in the hero's apartment, lazing around and hanging out. Being himself, Mk finds a way to make the evening a bit more interesting.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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The Demon Bull family had always been odd. Varying loyalties, their place in history, the creation of the Samadi Fire, all of it. Red Son knew this better than anyone. Never in his life, though, did he expect to be with the Monkie King’s successor in his pajamas.
And never did he expect to enjoy it as much as he did.
One of Monkie King’s movies was playing on Mk’s laptop, though the demon wasn’t paying it any attention. He was much more focused on the young hero’s face. The captivated, cute face of a fanboy watching one of his favorite films. Even though he saw him every day, Mk had not gotten over his starstruck obsession with Monkie King’s media.
The Monkie Cop movie ended, finally snapping Mk out of his small trance. He looked at Red Son bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. The boy hadn’t said a word for the entire hour, besides mouthing a few lines of dialogue. “Uh, sorry. Got a bit too into it, didn’t I?”
“You’re alright.” Red Son’s voice was a bit softer than he liked. He quickly followed it up with a snarky comment, wanting to save face. “Believe me, any break from your voice is a cherished moment.”
Mk took no offense from his words. He saw right through the silly attempt, shaking his head. “Okay, Red Boy. Whatever you say.” That got a pillow thrown at his head.
Now that the film was over, the boys needed to find something to do. Red was happy to just sit in silence, as he had for the duration of the movie. He leaned back on Mk’s bed, finding the softness of his covers and plushes rather inviting. His apartment was…modest, to say the least. That was a minor comfort within itself. He might have even dozed off in the peaceful room. But, Mk being Mk, couldn’t sit still to save his life.
Red had barely taken a breath before he felt a hand toying with his hair. He opened his eyes, suppressing a smile. “Yes, noodle boy?”
“Nothin’. Can I play with your hair?” The simplicity and innocence of the question surprised him. They had been getting closer, normalizing touch, affections and compliments for the touch-deprived demon. Still, small things such as hugs and silly affections caught him off guard. “I- uh- well, I suppose I’ll allow it. “
He sat up, taking his pony tail out and giving Mk access. His red, fluffy hair tumbled down his shoulders. He didn’t let it down often, besides when he went to sleep. For Mk, however, he made an exception. The monkie kid knew full well how soft he made the demon. And he loved it. “Aww, thank you, Red!”
The boy just huffed, bringing his knees to his chest as ten fingers ran through his hair. He was decently tired, letting his guard down and enjoying the gentle head scratches he was getting. For a few seconds, it was pretty nice.
That changed, however, when Mk tried to braid his hair. It started with a small tingle, Mk’s fingers brushing his ears as he gathered the hair by them. Then it grew to an annoyingly persistent buzz, the boy’s nimble fingers accidentally scratching his neck and ears every so often. Red managed to hold in his verbal reactions, his cheeks almost matching his hair as he tried not to squirm.
It took Mk maybe thirty seconds to realize what was happening.
His friends were big on physical affection, tickling being one of their most common bonding activities. With the way he was acting, Red’s neck and ears must have been pretty good spots. “You good, Red Boy? Your face is starting to match your name.”
“Sh-shut up you bohozo!” He had tried to put some heat in his voice, but it sounded more whiny than anything. The giggle that slipped out wasn’t helping his case either.
“Wow, so menacing. I’m terrified.” A mischievous, teasing smirk came onto Mk’s face. Red Son couldn’t see his face, but he could hear it in his voice. Mk knew, and he was done for.
Red tried to run from him, but the other boy saw it coming from a mile away. Before he could bolt, two surprisingly strong arms wrapped around him, holding him in place. Mk pulled the boy onto his lap, poking and prodding at his sides.
Airy, almost childish giggles escaped the “villain,” quickly filling Mk’s small apartment with life. The monkie kid would listen to the sound for days if he could. And, of course, he had to tease. Who would he be without a little playful banter? “I mean, I knew you were stupid ticklish, but your ears too? That’s kinda adorable.”
It took everything Red Son had to keep his hair from burning. Typically, he’d just let his locks react with his emotions, but that time was different. He didn’t really think Mk would appreciate getting burnt and having his sheets on fire. “Nyohohohoodle bohohoy! Gehet ohoff!”
He squirmed and twisted in the noodle boy’s arms, trying his hardest to get away from the tickles. He knew Mk was strong, but damn, that boy had a grip. Red tried to pry his friend’s arms off, but he just wouldn’t budge. That shit was thoroughly enjoying himself.
Thanks to the shoving, Mk’s attention was drawn to the demon’s hands. Maybe…oooo, it was definitely worth a try.
Wrapping his legs around Red’s waist to keep him pinned, Mk grabbed one of the boy’s hands. He pried Red Son’s hand open, gently scratching his palm. He was not disappointed.
“hEY- MK! Youhuhuhu BOHOHOZOHO!” Red jerked his arm, shocked at how ticklish the surface was. He knew that his powers made his hands a bit sensitive, but that was a whole new level of wow.
His giggling got very pitchy, little squeaks piercing the sound. Mk thought it was adorable, but Red Son wanted to combust. Literally.
The thrashing had grown wild, Red’s hair getting all frizzed up as he twisted around and tried to get out of the tickly hold. A few embers sparked around his fluff, fizzling out before they had a chance to do any harm. Just another thing to add to Mk’s long list of “Cute Red Son Quirks” he’d made.
“Palms too? Seriously, this is adorable. You’re adorable.” He’s trying to kill him… The ticklish boy squealed, the odd sensations mixed with the teasing doing him in.
If it were anyone else, they’d be covered in burn wounds and bite marks. Red only let his walls down around Mk. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he was touch-starved and especially adored Mk’s affections. Definitely not…
It was a miracle that nobody heard him; his laugh was loud and pitchy, randomly switching between giggles and frantic squeals. “Youhuhu- you nYOOHOHODLE BRAHAIN! R-REHEhehelease mehe at ohohonce!”
If he could think straight, he might have thought to try and stand up on the bed. His legs weren’t restrained, just drumming on the bed. That, however, was pretty much impossible; thoughts of “oh fuck that tickles” and “he’s so mean” and “this feels kinda nice” were taking over his mind. The mighty Red Son was a giggly puddle in the boy’s lap.
Mk decided he could be even more of a menace. Switching hands, he began to tickle the other palm while simultaneously blowing on the blushing boy’s ears. Red would forever doubt and dispute the snorty squeal that flew from his lips at the tickly combination. That was just cruel.
“NYAHOHOHOhohohoho! Youhuhu pehEHEHEhest!” He tried to scrunch up his shoulders, hoping to block the unfairly ticklish gusts. He just couldn’t quite get them up high enough, always leaving at least one ear exposed. Mk had known that Red Son was ticklish before that little encounter. He had not, however, known to what extent, nor did he know all the unusual and cute places that got the dramatic demon giggling.
That sound…whoooo. Mk could feel his own cheeks get a bit pink at the other boy’s reactions. He was glad Red couldn’t see his face; the color was slowly nearing tomato status. There was just something about his laugh that made Mk’s brain buzz and sent butterflies to his stomach. Best not to dwell on why… There was a very cute boy on his lap in need of a good tickling that required his attention anyway.
He would let his fingers wander, tracing Red’s wrists and arms every so often. The poor “victim’s” eyes were squeezed shut, both out of embarrassment and mirth. It gave Mk a lovely excuse to stare at his rosy cheeks and get lost in thought.
He looked amazing, even when he was laughing like a toddler. The way his nose crinkled as he snorted, the small embers that flicked about whenever he hit a good spot, his lips as they stretched into a wide smile… God, he needed to fix his brain.
Their silliness probably would have gone on for the rest of the evening. That is, until someone knocked at the door, both breaking the mood and interrupting their moment. “Mk, Red Boy? You guys good in there, we heard some noise!”
And just like that, it was over. Mk released Red’s hands, pulling him completely against his chest and turning them both away from the door. He knew that the demon wasn’t fully comfortable with being that vulnerable around the others, even Mei.
Rubbing small circles on the fiery boy’s palms, Mk pulled a blanket over them, pretty much concealing everything except the tops of their heads. She probably wouldn't come in, but just in case. “Yeah, we’re good! Just watched a movie, goofed off a little!”
“Okay, dinner’s in a half hour! Pigsy’s making your favorite!” The sounds of Mei’s confident stops down the stairs receded, leaving the pair in almost complete silence; Red Son was still giggling softly. Mk immediately got a bit worried, thinking it might have been too much. “You okay, Red? Did I go too far?”
Red Son just groaned into his shirt, surprisingly cuddling up next to him. He was tired, feeling soft, and just didn’t give a fuck in that moment. Mk was comfy, the bed was soft, and he was sleepy. That boy was gonna nap, whether Mk liked it or not.
A small sigh of relief escaped the small hero, followed by a soft chuckle. He was precious when he wasn’t threatening his friends’ lives… “Okay, I get it. You got twenty minutes, I’m not missing dinner.”
The sleepy boy muttered something before dozing off, drowning any embarrassment or pride in the softness of the covers and comfort of Mk’s homey scent. He hadn’t really minded the tickling; as much as he’d deny the fact, he kind of enjoyed it. Still, he was less than proud of some of the noises he had just made. Best to sleep it off…
Mk’s fingers twirled a strand of Red Son’s fluffy hair, remembering what had started the whole thing. He loved spending time with the demon and introducing him to all the qualities of friendship he had missed out on. Physical affection was his favorite, by far. And that…well, he decided that was his absolute favorite way of showing it.
The two relaxed in Mk's bed, enjoying each other's company after the giggly encounter. Mk made a mental note to explore more of those…uncommon spots that had made his friend so giggly. It wasn't a bad hangout. Honestly, his new favorite way to spend an afternoon…
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tastybluesprite · 1 year
for the prompts- 36 with wukong and macaque? If youd like
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They are so freaking adorable and I love them so much ok? Anyway here!!! I hope you like it 😄👍
36. "Oh, you think that's funny? Fine. I'll give you something to laugh about."
Prompt list
Wukong loved making fun of Macaque. It was like a must to tease the ever living daylights out of him. Especially when Macaque face planted on the floor out of his own clumsiness. Much like now.
“OhOHohomyhygohohdddss thahat wahahas ahamazihing.” He was so weak from laughing so hard that he collapsed.
Macaques face was bright red from embarrassment. As much as he was mortified by it, Wukong teasing him made it so much worse.
“Shut up Wukong!” Macaque cried angrily.
“Oho yeheah? Whahat are yohou gohohnna doho trihip ohon mehe?” Wukong was in tears as he collapsed into more laughter.
"Oh, you think that's funny? Fine. I'll give you something to laugh about." A smirk grew on Macaques face.
Wukong threw him a questioning look before Macaque charged at him. Soon he had him tackled to the floor.
“W-wahahait whahat ahare yohou dohoing?” Wukong was now giggly from anticipation, trying to catch the latters hands.
“Redeeming my dignity.” He said simply as he then began furiously digging into his sides.
“H-heheheyyyy dohohont!!!” He burst into bubbly giggles.
“Don’t what? What is it that you don’t want me to do Wukong?”
“T-tihihckle mehehe!!”
“Tickle you? Got it, you ass.”nMacaque said simply, as he then dug into his ribs.
“NONOHOHO DOHOHONT!!!” Wukong cackled at the new, more intense sensations.
“Apologize and I’ll think about it.” Macaque told him with a grin. He loved when Wukong was completely at his mercy. He found it adorable how he’d writhe around aimlessly, and just laugh his heart out.
He then grabbed Wukongs wrists and forced them above his head.
“Ok. I’m gonna give you 5 seconds to apologize. If not…” he made a wiggling motion with his fingers just above one of the great sages underarms.
Wukong giggled at that with anticipation, practically feeling the ticklish sensations there already.
“…. Five.”
“Mahahac d-dohohont!!”
“Yohou skihiped threehehee!!!”
They looked at one another in silence. Macaque grinning evilly at him.
And Wukong was gone. He couldn’t make another coherent sentence. God he should be lucky he’s immortal or he’d probably die from embarrassment, lack of being able to breath, and possibly insanity.
“GAHAHAHA MACAHAHAHAHA!!!” He kicked his legs off desperately.
Once his laughter grew near silent Macaque finally stopped, settling on tracing shapes lightly on his stomach.
“You ready to apologize now your majesty?” Macaque asked him with a smirk.
“N-nohoho wahahay…” Macaque then raised an eyebrow as he went back to his armpits, merely resting his fingers against the spot.
Macaque wasn’t even tickling him! He was just he only freaking out. Macaque didn’t think he could be any more adorable.
“Apology accepted, I guess.” He said with a grin as he poked the others nose, getting up and leaving the giggly mess to curl up in his hysteria.
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tastybluesprite · 1 year
got any Red Son headcanons?? I think he’d be like… mega ticklish
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Dude Redson can fight me all he wants he is and will always be extremely ticklish. Or as you say mega ticklish.
- He gives major worst spot tummy vibes imo
- It would be so funny since I headcanon that MKs worst spot is his tummy also, so Redson would basically have the same worst spot as the person he “hates” lmfao. It would be so embarrassing for him.
- He’ll say he hates it but actually likes it. He obviously didn’t get much affection as a kid since his parents were both scary villan mfs, so meeting the squad (Mk, Mei, Tang, Pigsy, Sandy) introduced him to new forms of affection. Tickling,
- Like he’s never been tickled before, so it’s completely new to him. Like he knows what it is and stuff but he’s never really experienced it.
- Mei loves poking him. Like little pokes in the side and such. It drives him crazy lmfao.
- I like to think that his laugh is actually really light and childish. I just think it would be funny if it was because his normally personality is so intense and dramatic.
- As I just said he’s very dramatic, and as such obviously he gets so dramatic when tickled. Like he’s thrashing and kicking n stuff. Don’t be surprised if he ends up hurting someone if they tickle him lmao.
- If you get him on the back of the shoulders (light and soft tickles) he will literally melt. He loves it there and it embarrasses him to no end how much he loves it. It just feels so nice!
That’s all I can think of for now hehe
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tastybluesprite · 1 year
Training Session
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So I finally wrote a fic for them lol. I’ve added Lego Monkie Kid to my fandom list but I haven’t seen anything after the end of season 2 yet so no spoilers pliz haha… anyway, I hope you enjoy!!!
Warnings: This is a tickle fic so if that makes you uncomfortable don’t read. Also this is platonic!
Summery: MK finds out an interesting detail about the all powerful Monkie King
It was another day of training for MK. He and the Monkie King, were going at it in a duel.
“Yknow- bud-” Monkie King said through grunts as he tried blocking his mentees attacks. “You’re- really- getting- better- at this-“
If MK wasn’t so focused on trying not to get taken down for the millionth time, he would’ve glowed with pride at those words. He strived to improve, and to hear the person he looks up to most acknowledge his efforts, really meant a lot to him.
MK made to trip the god mid step as they fought, but the diety wasn’t gonna go down so easily.
Taking notice of this trick move, he dodged it and caught the Monkie Kids arm, pulling him down so he landed on his back with a loud “oof.”
“Euughh… that didn’t work out too well…” MK muttered sheepishly. Sun Wukong grinned endearingly at the kid. “Sorry bud! I was just too fast.” He grinned down at him.
“Can we try again? I know I can take you down!” MK insisted energetically.
Monkie King rolled his eyes light heartedly at his relentlessness, but he obliged nonetheless.
Back at it again, they swung, kicked, dodged…
At one point, MK missed his aim and ended up grazing his fingers against his teachers side. He didn’t expect the small, just barely audible squeak that escaped from the Monkie Kings mouth, as he jumped back instinctively.
MK had a momentary shocked look on his face, which slowly turned into a smirk that could rival the trickster deity.
“You’re ticklish? Since when!?” The student demanded, amusement filling his voice.
“N-no I’m not!” Monkie King exclaimed in defense. However MK couldn’t help but noticed how quick the reply was, as well as how slightly higher pitched his voice became.
“If that’s the case you won’t mind me doing this then?”
“B-bud what are you- NO!” He suddenly yelped out as MK tackled/shoved him with newfound motivated strength. He then wished he got away when he had the chance.
MK began poking up and down his teachers side and The Monkie King sealed his lips tight to keep the giggles down as he struggled against the kids grip.
MK then began digging in more forcefully and Monkie King had no choice but to give in.
“W-wahahait!!!” He burst out through his newly released giggles.
Monkie Kid beamed. It’s not like he never heard Sun Wukongs laugh before, as the god did it plenty. But not like this. It was more uncontrollable, carefree, and even a little childish (but in a good way).
“What happened to not being ticklish then? Your laughing doesn’t sound like ‘not ticklish.’” MK teased, now going further up to his ribs. Monkie King let out a squeal and was sent into belly laughter as his struggling intensified.
MK noticed that when he went to his ribs, the god had tightly jammed his arms to his side.
This inspired a realization.
He then tried pushing farther up, forcing his hands through, until…
“NAHAHA WAHAHAHIHIT!!!” The god absolutely exploded with cackles, kicking his legs wildly as he failed at trying to pull away desperately.
“Ahah! Found a weak spot!” MK declared, honing in on his underarms.
Monkie King was nothing but a puddle of laughter and squeals. He realized that he would not be able to pull MKs arms away, nor that he’d be able to make him stop due to how weakened he was. As much as his dignity protested, he had no choice but to surrender as he lay limp.
I mean, it’s not like the tickling would kill him (he can never die after all!) but the sensations were really getting to him. He wasn’t able to take it anymore. The tingly sensations were just torture!”
MK, seeing he was being serious, figured he probably should.
He stopped tickling and got off the Monkie King. It took a moment for him to recover and stand up.
“Lohooks like I finally got to take you down!” MK exclaimed.
“Yeah yeah don’t get too cocky about it…” Monkie King said, still slightly flushed.
“Why not? I said I’d take out down and I did! It’s not my fault you’re ticklish…”
Monkie King snapped. “Ok then. What about you my dear mentee… would you so happen to be ticklish as well?”
The rest of the training time was now full of MKs laughter. Let’s just say he learned his lesson.
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tastybluesprite · 1 year
Macaque sad and angsty and Wukong cheering him up?? Idk I want shadowpeach fluff lol
Cheer Up
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Such a cute request!!! I love them so much. Our angsty Monkey shadow Demon deserves happy tickles ❤️
Also I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this ship personally because according to the source material of the mythology (and someone more experienced with this) mentions that they technically do share the same DNA, and so technically making them brothers? That in mind, I tried writing this more… platonic? But it can be seen as a ship if that’s what you want. Idk I just hate incesty ships.
Warnings: Not much besides tickling so if that’s not what your into keep scrolling. Also spoilers for the end of season 3. Otherwise, it’s just a lot of fluff :)
Summery: Macaque is a little grumpy and down from everything that happened with Lady Bone demon. Luckily, Wukong knows exactly what he needs to perk him right up.
Macaque sat grumpy as he leaned against a wall of Wukongs home. It was only a two days since the Lady Bone Demon had reigned her terror and he had to admit he was a bit shaken up. But Wukong invited him to hang out now that he’s technically on their side again. Plus they did honestly miss being able to hang out just the two of them.
“Something on your mind?” The lighter haired Monkey deity asked as he sat down next to the darker monkey, somewhat surprising the latter out of his gloom.
“Nah… not much.” He mumbled.
“Aw Cmon don’t be like that!” The trickster grinned as he lightly poked his side, making the other flinch.
Wukong raised an eyebrow, “What was that Mac?”
Macaque blushed and turned away slightly, thought a small smile making its way on his face. “Nothing.”
This prompted the Monkey King to poke him again, but in the belly, causing an abnormally loud and uncharacteristic squeak.
“Oh you’re kidding me… is the great shadow demon… ticklish?”
“N-no I’m not! Leave me alone!” Macaque protested.
“No way! I wasn’t sure how to cheer you up, what with you looking so glum and all… but now I know a perfect way!”
Macaque made to get up and run for it but Wukong was faster and soon had him tackled to the ground.
“Oh no you are not getting away. That would dirty my title as one of the greatest tricksters ever to exist.” Wukong told him with a smirk as he had Macaques arms pinned above his head.
“Wukong let me go!” Macaque exclaimed with annoyance, trying (not very hard) to squirm away.
“Ahabsolutely not!” the Monkey King chuckled, “not until your happy again.”
And with that, he held both hands in one of his, and using his now free one to kneed into his side.
Macaque tensed up, trying to hold back any laughter bubbling up. He wouldn’t give Wukong the satisfaction.
“Aw what’s this? Are you hiding that laugh from me? Guess I’ll have to fix that.” And the Monkey king began gently digging into his belly.
Macaque couldn’t take it and he broke.
“Ahaha d-dohohont!!!”
“Aw.. there it is!!!” Wukong grinned. “You have such a pretty smile and laugh Mac! Why do you hide that so much?”
He fluttered his fingers around the darker furred monkeys neck, which caused a waterfall of giggles as Macaque scrunched his shoulders up as much as he could.
“Stahahahap- *snrk* dohohohont!!!”
Wukong stopped his hands suddenly. He bursted into laughter. “Ohoho myhyhy gohohds, dihihid yohoh juhust snohohort?”
“Noho I dihdnt…” Macaque told him, looking away in attempt to hide his blush and trying to push him off. “Gehet off me!”
“Uhhh… no way! I want to hear that again!“
And Wukong went back to his neck, causing his giggles to resume.
“Yohohoure suhuhuch ahahan *snrk* ahahahasshohole *snrk*!!!”
“This is literally adorable.” Wukong teased, though being genuine.
“Now.” He said suddenly. “Because this is to cheer you up and all, and that you seem to be growing more tired now, I have to deliver the final blow to enforce that positivity and happiness.”
“Ahand how wihill yohou mahanage that?” Macaque asked, trying to regain some dignity back by being snarky.
Wukong just smiled, releasing the shadow demons hands, he rested his own hands on Macaques ribs.
“W-wahahait Wuhuhukong nohoho!!!” Macaque was a mess of anticipatory giggles as he clamped his arms tightly to his side. Wukong just laughed. “I hahaven’t even dohone anythihing!”
“Wuhukong plehehease!”
“Oh shush you. I know you like it based on your tail wagging. If you want me to stop just say peaches ‘kay?”
And at that, Wukong began digging into the hyper sensitive ribs.
Macaque basically exploded with all the laughter that was pushing its way out of him.
He had to admit though, it felt really nice to be able to laugh this hard. It felt as if all his stress and frustration and other negative feelings he had were simply being washed away with his laughter.
“Ya gotta say peaches Mac…” Wukong told him teasingly.
But alas he did not say peaches.
Hold on…
No way.
“Woah… no way… you like this don’t you…?”
“Awww. You just get even more adorable every moment.”
“PEHEHEACHEHES PEHEHEAHACHEHEHES!!!” Macaque screeched through his laughter.
Following through with the rules, Wukong stopped immediately, getting off him.
Macaque curled in on himself, still giggling uncontrollably.
“Yohou okay there Mac?” Wukong asked, poking his side lightly.
Macaque flinched away from the poke but nodded.
Soon he regained his composure and got up.
“Sooo… how do you feel now?” Wukong asked the shadow demon.
Macaque didn’t meet his eyes, due to embarrassment, but he slowly nodded. “Um… aha lihittle behetter…”
Wukong grinned endearingly at him and pulled him into a hug.
Macaque wouldn’t really admit it, but he did truly appreciate Wukong and his antics.
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