#jason death
cabin10diaries · 1 year
hey sorry but your boyfriend kind of died. yeah, sorry, blade to the back. uhm, he made a whole mess. he's kind of like, bleeding all over the beach right now. yeah sorry there's a god crying over him too.
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the-usa-fame · 2 years
Why Jason David Frank Died In 2022
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He was an American actor. As an actor, he was known for his role as Tommy Oliver in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and other shows... READ MORE
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ashoss · 3 months
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patrol is fun :DD
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violent138 · 2 months
Obsessed with Batkids that came after Jason's death accidentally letting slip things they know about him/talking about him like he's there:
Tim: "Not that he's-- I mean, the way Bruce talks about him, sometimes it's like--
Duke, simultaneously: "We hired a medium last week to communicate with his spirit."
Steph, accidentally bursting out of the kitchen while Damian is being interviewed: "Someone tell Jason he's an asshole for finishing all the peanut butter." *spots camera crew and freezes*
Damian: "Jason's what I named our new dog. Right Baba? He's the dog we saw last week at the shelter."
Bruce, through gritted teeth: "Yes, I remember saying that we had too many animals already, but anything to make my kids happy."
Steph, awkwardly sidestepping out of the frame.
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Headcanon that when Jason so much as says “ow..” on the comms the rest of the batfam immediately assume he must be dying.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
How small must the world be for both Bruce and Tim to witness John and Mary Grayson's deaths
Or for 10-year-old Duke to crack the Riddler's puzzle before Batman swoops in and saves the day, long before his powers came into play
Or for Sheila Haywood to leave her son only to end up assisting his killer a decade and a half later
Not to mention the popular fanon concept of Jason knowing baby Damian in the League of Assassins
Now imagine how many other invisible strings could've tied them together
Like what if Tim and Jason went to the same school when Jason was Robin but all they shared was the occasional bump and "excuse me" in the busy halls
Or what if Babs was a tutor and helped an elementary-aged Steph finally understand her homework only for the Browns to cancel after a couple sessions because they couldn't afford it
What if the first person to buy Cass a hot meal was Kate on one of her travels
What if Alfred witnessed young Selina shoplifting groceries but chose to turn a blind eye
What if Jason lived on the same streets as the Row siblings and gave little Harper tips on how to use tools and defend her brother
What if Steph and Duke shared the same school bus, only he sat in the front while she was toward the back
What if the first person to teach Tim how to tie his shoes was Bruce at a gala because Jack and Janet were busy talking to someone important
What if Bette did a DNA test for fun and found a connection in Nanda Parbat but just assumed the results was faulty because she knew her whole family, right?
What if 8-year-old Dick, the day before his parents died, stayed at a cheap hotel near Crime Alley and found 4-year-old Jason wandering alone and said, "I'll be your big brother for tonight"
What if the universe knew they were made for each other and wouldn't rest until they realized it too
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trashmakerarticle · 8 months
Everyone thinks that dick was the golden child when in reality it was Jason.
Clark: Bruce who was your favourite robin?
Dick: obviously it’s me?
Tim: it’s dick
Damian: I am superior robin, it will be me.
Bruce: it’s Jason
Everyone: WHAT?!?!???
Bruce: why are you so surprised? He didn’t jump on too my chandeliers which I had to replace each week
*everyone looks at dick*
Bruce: he didn’t drop out of school
*everyone looks at tim*
Bruce: I didn’t have to stop him from killing everyone who annoyed him
*everyone looks at Damian*
Bruce: in fact, he enjoyed school and handed all his homework in on time, we would spend hours in the library reading his favourite classics. He even helped Alfred with most of the cooking, He was my little boy
Jason: stop spreading lies, I hate you go away
Bruce: my precious little boy
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yourlocal-edgelord · 25 days
feel like one day the batfam would just grow fed up of jason bragging that he died once and use it against him
Jason: You know i died on-
Bruce: My son died once, it was a very hard time for us all we spent it grieving
Jason: …
*Jason walking in with a stab wound*
Dick looking at the dagger clearly alarmed: What happened baby bird?!?
Jason: No big deal, nothing compared to my de-
Dick: you know my baby brother died once, he could die again, I’m going to get B to bar you from patrol since death is so traumatic for you.
Jason pausing wide eyed: WHAT?!?
Tim: cool shirt steph
Steph: Thanks i tye dyed it with cass
Jason: You know i died once
Tim sighing and looking out the window wistfully: It wasn’t you that died jason, it was the mAgIc iN rObIn
*steph cracking up*
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desos-records · 4 months
suddenly struck with thoughts about the devastating concept of Jason Todd
because he was good. because he had a bleeding heart despite every reason not to. he loved school and was good at it. he was the first to be adopted, with little pretense of guardianship. he did everything he could to be a perfect Robin and live up to an impossible ideal. he only ever wanted Bruce and Dick to like him.
because he met Bruce in the same place and on the same day that Bruce's parents died--the single defining moment of Batman's existence. and he made Batman laugh. he hit the Dark Knight, Terror of Gotham, with a tire iron. he wasn't afraid of the man who turned fear into a weapon.
because he couldn't save his mother from herself, but he tried. because he was too good not to try and save the woman who gave him up. too good to play the Joker's game. the crowbar didn't kill him, the bomb did. he died knowing he wouldn't make it and tried anyway. he died a hero.
because other Robins have died, but none of them put an irrevocable tear in the mythos of Batman. because Jason Todd always dies, in every universe. he dies for the sins of his father. he was put to death by popular vote, sacrificed by the crowd. doomed by the narrative and doomed by the audience. the boy who only ever tried to prove he was good enough--wasn't good enough.
because he has every reason to be angry. because he didn't ask to be murdered, didn't ask to be brought back, and when he did everyone acted like he was better off dead. Bruce tried to kill him and nearly succeeded. he's blamed for his own death and blamed for his resurrection. he can never come home because the house is haunted by his own ghost.
because he's been the hero, the victim, and the villain. because his family and his writers and his universe don't know what to make of him. they don't know how to look his tragedy in the eye. and how can you?
it hurts to look at the hero who cannot be good enough, the victim who will only ever be angry, the villain who can sometimes be right. the audience hates to feel complicit and, in this exceptional case, they are.
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clarebear-0925 · 5 days
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false alarm everyone he’s fine
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There’s an alternate universe where Jason Todd got killed via tumblr poll where only like 20 people actually voted on whether or not to kill him and the other 20,000 voted the vanilla extract option
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uinferno · 2 months
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Love Under the Red Hood as a story but this always stood out to me.
Quick doodle to reacquaint myself with drawing.
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cardinalcheerio · 4 months
Half the time I'm like, "can we have jason todd media not all about his death"?
Then I realize. If I died I would never shut up about it.
"Can you get up and grab that for me?"- absolutely not. My legs are tired from death.
"Will you go to the store with me?"- leaving the house?!? What if I die AGAIN.
So yeah, anyone who thinks jason talks about his death too much. Be honest. We'd all do the exact same thing.
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kittykatninja321 · 21 days
I’ve recently come around on “Jason’s death is big in true crime community” aus. I hope Bruce is the main suspect and I hope that there’s a small but very loud and annoying group of white women in their 30s who are trying to gather enough evidence to send him to jail I hope the true crime girlies are on his ass!!
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violent138 · 2 months
Damian: "Red Hood has a pretty severe concussion. What do I do?"
Tim: "Extraction's still ten minutes out, just keep him talking."
Damian, urgently pressing the comm: "I don't want to talk to him, he's even more insufferable than usual."
Jason, lying on the ground, eyes closed: "That's funny Junior, because head trauma's the only thing that makes you bearable."
Damian, to Tim: "I'm leaving. It won't be the first time we've had a closed casket."
Tim, groaning disgustedly: "Robin--ugh, seriously, just stay there and keep him awake."
Damian, seething even more when he sees Jason's smirk: "Fine."
Jason, cracking open one eye: "Aww, are you concerned about me?"
Damian: "Shut up. The only thing I'm concerned about is our family's reputation after your public wipeout on that stupid motorcycle."
Damian: "Are you still awake?" *kicks him* "Todd?"
Jason, grinning: "You said our family."
Damian, furious: "I didn't. You've lost more brain cells than you could afford."
Jason: "Wait 'till Tim hears, I think he'll want a group hug. Bruce is probably going to get emotionally constipated. Dickie would probably cry--"
Damian, panicking as he hears the Batmobile get closer: "Stop. Do not tell him--"
Jason: "You better erase every single fucking video of me crashing then."
Damian: "You have a deal."
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
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So… about that audio…
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