#i also want to eventually do barbara and steph
hypewinter · 10 months
I'm sorry did someone ask for Cass?
Dick Jason Tim Damian
Danny wants to enjoy his reincarnation but quickly discovers his new life isn't picture perfect. His parents are apparently trained killers and are attempting to turn him and his sister into the same. He's having none of that so he convinces Cass to run away with him. They end up in Gotham where they are discovered by Barbara before eventually going to live with Bruce. The Cain siblings are incredibly close. They are very protective of each other and seem to almost have a secret language only the two of them can understand. But most importantly, whenever they're in the field together, they're in perfect sync. It is very terrifying for anyone who witnesses it. Including the bats.
The Cain siblings have been pitted against each other since they were little. Danny resented Cass, especially because she was nothing like Jazz (the brainwashing really set in with this one). Eventually his father sent him to train elsewhere. During his training, Danny heard that his sister had run away. Good riddance. Maybe now he'd be able to prove to his father how superior he was. It wasn't until a few years later that he finally got his chance. Danny was suddenly summoned by his father one day for a special mission. The man coldly told him that he'd be hunting down his sister and putting an end to her once and for all. Danny couldn't help but grin to himself. This mission would be too easy.
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fishfission-dc · 1 year
Batfamily Powerpoint Night! (Part 9: Barbara)
<<Part 8: Duke    |    Part 10: Alfred >>
Barbara: Alright, my turn!
Tim: Frankly I’m terrified for what’s about to happen
Dick: Oh Babs will be nice, don’t worry :)
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Dick: I stand corrected
Steph: Oh god
Bruce: [sighs and puts his head in his hands]
Barbara: I organized it roughly from newest vigilantes to oldest, since more patrolling means more room for spectacular failures
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Duke: It was a bad day for me
Jason: HA
Steph: Been there, done that. Not on TV though that really sucks man.
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Jason: [Hysterical laughter]
Damian: One multiplied by one?!
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Duke: From this mask view footage Batman is just watching this go down
Bruce: He said he didn’t want help. Felt like a teaching moment.
Damian: (muttering) I was fine.
Dick: Damian we were not going to drive you to 5th grade with a knife in your liver.
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Steph: You’ve had this footage for four years?!
Barbara: I keep a file for blackmail. Cass doesn’t really have much, though.
Cass: (signing) I did learn the dance. Eventually.
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Steph: You deserve every joke we make about this
Damian: Your idiocy must be remembered
Dick: Yeah Tim this is pretty bad
Jason: Can I have that mask view footage
Barbara: I got ya
Tim: I hate it here
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Jason: I really can’t defend this one
Dick: Why...? Did you shoot the trashcan?
Jason: I thought it was looking at me funny
Damian: The trashcan?
Jason: I was up for 52 hours give me a break.
Barbara: Do you want to tell them why you pulled two all-nighters in a row? Or should I?
Jason: You are an evil, evil woman. How do you even- nevermind. Of course you know everything, why do I even wonder. And for the record, the first night I stayed up for a case.
Barbara: And the second night was for Animal Crossing.
Jason: ...perhaps.
Duke: Oh my god.
Steph: And you laughed at me?
Bruce: (sighs)
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Steph: Stop you were adorable in high school
Barbara: Thank you, but the braces? The acne? The bangs? 15 year old Barbara had no idea what she was doing.
Dick: I for one thought you were very cute in high school.
Jason: Stop flirting or I will leave
Bruce: Why were you both on a roof at night in your school uniforms?
Dick: I think let’s move on
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Dick: Nevermind nevermind go back
Tim: Oh my god, Dick.
Duke: ”Purposely” ?!
Dick: I was nine
Damian: I knew better by age 9.
Bruce: Lessons were learned. I hope.
Jason: I’m starting to think I was one of the better Robins
Dick: I felt like I see sounds for three days...
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Bruce: All traces of this were wiped from the internet.
Barbara: Oh Bruce, you know I’m better than that.
Dick: Hold on, hold on, we need an explanation.
Alfred: (as he walks by) A little too much to drink goes a long way...
Jason: No way. Even I haven’t been that stupid.
Duke: What did you buy at CVS
Bruce: ...apparently... I bought lollipops.
Steph: “Apparently” as in the next morning you didn’t remember putting on the Batsuit, going to CVS, buying lollipops, and talking to a guy with an audio recording device?
Bruce: ...yes.
Cass: (signing) Very bad. Very funny, but very bad.
Damian: Also an ineffective use of a smoke bomb if this civilian saw you walk away...
Bruce: Barbara, you have made your point.
<<Part 8: Duke    |    Part 10: Alfred >>
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Batkids Hobby Headcanons
Dick - Gymnastics is the most obvious one. When he was younger, Bruce initially didn't want him to compete in competitions, or even join a team, because Dick would have an "unfair advantage". However, he eventually gave in and allowed him to join the school's team. Another hobby he has is baking. In most cases, he is forbid from the kitchen, however he is a fantastic baker. He is also very good at making fantastic stews, which Alfred has even claimed to be better than his own.
Jason - He's a literature nerd, with a particular love for the classics; Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte are his favorite authors. However, we all know Jason is a theater kid at heart. He did every school play at Gotham Academy, and though he hasn't acted in anything since his resurrection, he still goes to local theaters with Alfred fairly often. He's also a fantastic cook, and the only person in Wayne Manor (other than Alfred) to never receive any sort of kitchen ban.
Tim - Photography is Tim's favorite hobby. His first camera was one of the most meaningful presents from his parents when he was younger, winning several photography competitions. He hasn't indulged as often since becoming a vigilante. Barbara still keeps him on-call as her blackmail collector though, which he does happily. He's also into skateboarding, finding skate parks to be a nice escape when he needs time alone. Many of his photo shoots occurred at the skate parks, for very emotionally charged urban photography. Other than those, he likes disassembling things to see how they work. This destructive hobby was punished and frowned upon when he was younger, but when Bruce discovered that Tim enjoyed taking things apart, would start leaving things around for him to play with, like old microwaves, or failed bat-projects. Tim also loves comic books, of which he has an impressive collection.
Damian - Art is something Ra's looked down upon, calling it "weak" and "insubstantial in society". However, it was still something Damian enjoyed, so he had to keep his hobby a secret. He was terrified Bruce would kick him out, when he found the sketchbooks hidden in Damian's room, however Bruce just asked if there were any supplies Damian wanted. He's still a bit self conscious of his art, but he is more open, giving paintings to his family as gifts, and even entering in an art show. He still has a fascination with knives from his time with the League of Assassins, and enjoys collecting ones that interest him, particularly vintage knives, and unique knives made out of unconventional materials, or those with intricate designs. Jon was the one to get him into video games, which he denies enjoying, but the hours he's put into Cheese Viking would say otherwise.
Cass - Ballet was one of the first things she fell in love with after being adopted. It was so similar to how she was raised-people talking with their bodies-but without the violence she so loathed. She easily convinced Bruce to sign her up for classes, and for once, it was something she could do, to communicate with people in a way she knew well. Another interest she picked up was astrology. It was something fun that she didn't necessarily believe in, but was a comfortable guidance. Damian hand painted her a custom tarot deck, and she has a small collection of crystals she finds pretty. Zatanna has offered to enchant some of them for her, but Cass declined the offer, saying that giving them actual magic enchantments removes the aspect of belief that she found comforting. She understood that the black tourmaline necklace Bruce bought her wouldn't actually keep her safe, but it gave her comfort, and a sense of safety, especially because it was a gift from her dad. (author's note: I don't actually know that much about astrology, tarot, and crystals, so if anyone wants to add to this and give a more realistic description of how it works, I would love to see it)
Steph - similar to Dick, she is a gymnast, though not quite at Dick's level. She is also into martial arts and has taken a few classes in Taekwondo and Boxing, and whatever other free classes were being offered at the community center. Cartoons and anime are pretty big interests, as well as video games. She often jumps around from hobby to hobby, and has several miscellaneous skills in a little bit of everything. (author's note: a lot of Steph I based off of myself. She's a character I relate a lot to, so a lot of myself is projected into her. Her height and weight being one of them. However, that was also because DC doesn't seem to know what a human woman looks like, because most of the female characters in the Batfamily are 5'4" or 5'5", and around 120 lbs, including Steph. So I just borrowed by height and weight from highschool, when I was at peak physical fitness, at the gym 4 times a week, and doing 2 sports, once meeting 2 times a week and the other meeting 3 times a week. That would place her at 5'8" and 155lbs, which is far more reasonable for an active vigilante. rant over). She also feels like the kind of person who would be into scrapbooking. Most of her pictures are stolen from Tim, and the pages are brightly colored with fun stickers and glitter.
Duke - he gives off the vibe of a soccer player. However, because of his focus on school and crime fighting, he just plays for the rec team. It's a fun activity that he can enjoy when he was time, and also use to explain away his fitness level and injuries. He's also a huge movie buff, enjoying to analyze every aspect of the film, from the characters, to the camera work, to the framing of each scene. He isn't as interested in making his own movies, but gets very into it when he does. Quentin Tarantino is his favorite filmaker, however Damian has stared getting him into foreign films as well.
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eggplantwaffles · 6 months
i think a big problem with modern batfam comics is that they have so many characters that kinda just overlap- here’s my ideas for how to give each of them their own “niche” to make them unique. Some of this is canon or alluded to is some way- but a lot is just what i think makes sense for each character.
Bruce Wayne
Bruce retires, it’s the only way to give all his kids / kid adjacents their own chance to shine. i’m sure he grumbles about it and watches from the bat cave obsessively, but i’m the end he’s learned to trust the batfam and lets them take care of things.
Dick Grayson
I actually really like where Dick is at in comics right now, i mean it’s not perfect- but I like the idea of Nightwing being a “better” version of Batman for Blüdhaven. He leads the Titans, which are now on par pedigree wise with the Justice League, and as Dick Grayson he is an active member of the community in Blüdhaven, trying to use all his resources to help people. So basically not much changes here.
Barbara Gordon
This one’s easy, just make her Oracle all the time- in the most bad dads way possible. Give me paralyzed Barbara Gordon who has eyes and ears all over the world and is the center of ALL super hero activity. She leads the Birds of Prey, she’s in the ears of all the bats, she’s IT for the Justice League- she does all of it.
Jason Todd
I liked Jason’s character best when he serves as an antagonist. Jason goes back to being a crime lord, and we bring back his ideals of trying to control the crime as opposed to trying to stop it. Jason has good intentions, but he lacks the idealism of the other bats who are constantly trying to save the city without compromising any morals. I think that Jason often butts heads with Tim and Cass (mostly Cass due to her very strict no killing rule) but is mostly left alone by Steph and Damian, who are more willing to accept his methods even if they don’t love them.
Tim Drake
Tim should travel the world “conspiracy hunting,” kind of like how he took down the League of Assassins, except he probably chills out on the blowing up bases all around the world that might (definitely) have people inside. Tim is supposed to be the best detective of the Robins, so lean into that- I want globe trotting - mentally unwell - detective stories where Tim fights big secret organizations or takes down corrupt governments. He is also still apart of Young Justice, though they are all a bit older and are a less official group, the core four are still close and work together- they help keep Tim grounded and remember that he doesn’t have to do everything alone.
Stephanie Brown
I think Stephanie kind of separates herself from the batfamily after her time as Batgirl. I don’t mean that she give up fighting crime, or even gives up wearing the bat symbol, I just mean that she becomes a mostly solo act. Steph becomes Gothams main hero, she does normal vigilante stuff, patrolling the streets, saving the city, detective work, the typical bat stuff. But she’s far more connected to the people of Gotham than Batman ever was, stopping and talking to kids, handing out blankets to the homeless, doing cool flips and batarang trick shots for civilians passing by. Eventually she is the hero most Gothamites associate with their city, and she represents the good parts of Gotham- giving the people hope that they aren’t doomed to be consumed by the city, but that they will be stronger because of it. I also think that things are kinda awkward between her and the bats (except for Dick, Damian, and Barbara) and she tries to keep her distance a bit, considering she was kinda treated like shit as Spoiler and i think Steph deserves to be bitter about that, for a little bit at least.
Cass becomes Batman, but she operates globally. She’s not like early-Bruce batman who stayed in Gotham, she’s more similar to later batman. She’s in the league, she goes on funky missions to space or other dimensions sometimes, she fights the world ending threats that someone with no powers really should have no business fighting. She also works frequently with Tim and they do some fun little espionage stuff. And while she does return to Gotham, she’s mostly content to leave the city to Steph now- except for all the times she gets into fights with Jason, it bothers her that Steph rarely messes with his operation.
I really love the idea of Damian getting more into the magical part of DC, I think he should absolutely end up with a Justice League Dark team and learn to do cool magic shit. He goes on a training montage quest like Bruce did, except he’s learning all about magic and demons and cool stuff like that. He has cool magic swords and is sort of the connection between the more grounded part of the universe and the magic parts. He also does a fair bit of globe trotting, looking for ancient mystical artifacts or magical worlds and stuff like that.
Duke Thomas
Duke also mostly stays in Gotham, he’s kinda doing his own thing as The Signal- he still operates during the daytime meaning he doesn’t cross paths with Steph or Jason too often on patrol. There’s not much to change here because Duke is already unique in that he 1- operates during the day and 2- is the only meta-bat, so I don’t need to make a niche for him, DC just needs to use him more.
Random Stuff
- Duke is starting college and takes night classes at Gotham U, Steph is also still in college and is graduating soon
- Tim is either Red Robin, or operating under a new name (I think the Vulture or Condor would be kinda cool but idk)
- The Batfam does not get along like a real family, they are dramatic bitches who fight all the time and have cannot all be in the same room
- Damian and Steph are super close, she was the first person to insist on treating him like a child, which he hated but now that he’s older is grateful for (but he’ll never admit it)
- Damian also sees Dick as his father figure, Bruce is just kinda also there
- Bruce, Alfred, Damian, and Cass all live at the manor- but Damian and Cass are rarely there as they travel a lot and got shit to do
- Barbara lives in the clock tower, she technically lives alone but usually one of Cass, Dick, Dinah, or Helena will be crashing there
- Steph lives alone in the same house she grew up in, her Mom has moved to California or something for a fresh start as she is finally sober, but at this point Steph doesn’t need her. It’s very sad as Steph never truly had a mother, but she’s happy that Crystal is getting another chance away from Gotham.
- Duke swears he’s seen Jason at night classes at Gotham U, but Jason won’t admit it
- The only ones Jason talks to semi-frequently are Dick and Tim, the relationships are super rocky though. Dick sees Jason as his brother first, and since he’s in Blüdhaven he tries not to concern himself with Jason’s business. Tim and Jason do fight a bit but Tim is more lenient than Cass so he can tolerate Jason’s shit if he feels like it’s for the best.
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gffa · 9 months
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I cannot even BEGIN to describe how feral this trio of characters makes me, like set aside any potential shipping stuff, just as three characters who each have unique relationships with each other but each of those relationships winds up affecting the other character in this trio. Like-- Dick and Babs are sometimes a team together, two young heroes who are developing a friendship, two young heroes who understand what it's like to work with Tall Dark and Spooky and his need to control everything, that they both understand the other has a need to prove themselves, a drive that will not be stopped no matter what Batman tries to tell them. And eventually they will have an unshakeable relationship, whether romantic or platonic, they will always support each other. And Bruce will use that dynamic to help give Babs gear that will keep her alive until she ~wises up~, and Dick plays along with it, pretends that he's giving it to her because he has a crush on her, meanwhile it actually came directly from Bruce. Yet it also does help give her a sense of someone rooting for her, because Dick genuinely is! Dick and Bruce have a whole encyclopedia set of issues and undercurrents totally separate from this, god knows I've devoted like two hundred posts to trying to chip off even a fraction of Whatever Is Going On Over There, while here they're not yet father and son, but they're not not at that point at the same time, they're just not acknowledging it, but they're also partners, they tag-team Barbara with the good-cop/bad-cop routine when they have her in the Cave to ask why she's doing this, but Dick will turn on a dime and spray her with the knock-out gas, even though he'd projected a harmless aura and sneakily being on her side up until then. Bruce and Barbara have a conflict-driven dynamic, she wouldn't mind having his approval, but it's not why she does what she does, she's not driven by it, she's not motivated by it, this isn't about him. But when they clash, she's often mad as hell, because he wants to treat her like he treats Robin, someone that he can set the rules for, someone he has the right to interrogate and she tells him, no, you don't have a monopoly on helping people or even wearing a Bat-themed symbol. He's not an influence in her life and she genuinely does not want him to be, but at the same time he casts such a long shadow and he's set the mold for all of them, that he's an influence in everyone's life in the Gotham vigilante scene.
And I keep thinking of that one future Gotham Knights issue where Dick tells Bruce that he and Babs are dating and she's so annoyed because SHE wanted to be the one to tell Bruce just so he didn't get to pretend to be all-knowing on her, when Dick just laughs in her face because she's being so cranky and weird about it, he thinks it's hilarious that they're trying to use him as a pawn in whatever chess game they have going between them, because he loves them both but also he's not going to play by those same rules, you guys have fun with that, he'll just watch with popcorn from the sidelines and laugh at you.
Just!! The slippery and sliding dynamics between these three!! At ANY GIVEN TIME two of them could be going through something that spills over onto the third and you never know which two it's going to be! And it's complicated and thorny and crunchy in the best way, there are always good moments and bad moments, and no two dynamics are the same, like what Barbara has with Dick is completely different from what she has with Bruce, which is completely different from what she has with her dad, while what Dick has with Barbara is completely different from what he has with Bruce, while what Bruce has with Dick is completely different from what he has with Barbara, and I'm not sure any other trio really comes close to that (other than maybe Bruce & Tim & Steph, but other than in a few runs, I'm not sure how much of a foundation that is to who the characters are to each other on a bigger narrative level). It's not that they don't exist outside of each other! It's very easy to find Bruce & Dick stories that aren't influenced by Babs at all, it's very easy to find Dick & Babs stories that aren't influenced by Bruce at all, it's even reasonably easy to find Bruce & Babs moments that aren't about Dick at all. They're not all tied up in each other. But they have built their foundations around each other. Bruce, because Dick was the one who knocked down his emotional walls and opened his heart up to having a family. Dick, because Bruce raised him and gave him a path forward in life, gave him direction. Barbara, because if she's going to love Dick (as a friend or as a boyfriend, whichever), he doesn't come without the Bat influence and she has to be aware of the space that takes up in him, as well as if you're a Bat yourself, you're eventually going to clash with Bruce, and boy has she.
And I'm just really, really into that kind of "multiple moving pieces on the board" dynamic, especially when it's not always nice or soft, because each of them care about the other (some more than others, granted) but they are all massively stubborn and often angry people who do not get pushed around easily, who will find a way around you if you try to get in their way, and you never know which two are going to be in conflict and just how that's going to spill over onto the third. I JUST REALLY LOVE DYNAMICS THAT DON'T FIT NEATLY OR EASILY INTO A SINGLE CATEGORY.
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Batfam members on a scale of how able they are on rolling a blunt.
Alfred Penyworth
He was a spy. There's nothing he doesn't know how to do.
Harley 11/10
Her wife is plant based. And she probably learned on college, she's a medical major they're all either stoners or coke addicts.
She also has a power trip about rolling for hot people, it's how she flirts. Used to roll for Joker and she's is bitter about it until this day.
Tim Drake 10/10
With the amount of stress this poor soul had to endure in his 17 years of living on this godforsaken earth, there isn't NO WAY he's not a stoner. Probably Kon/Bernard/Steph was the one who taught him. I'm voting Bernard because they met eachother in highschool and 2000's bernard looks like the post card of a early 2000's stoner kid.
Dick Grayson 9/10
He's pretty. Most pretty people don't know how to roll, because there's always someone else to do it for them so he learned literally years after the first time he smoked just to prove to himself he could do it.
Steph 9/10
Knows how to do it. Doesn't smoke much or regularly. It's a thing in a life time. Used to smoke with Tim, now smokes with Cass, mostly rolls for Cass.
Kate Kane 8.
Solid 8. No I will not elaborate on that fuck you.
Jason Todd 7/10
Knows how to do it (10/10). Hate to do it. Will do it for a friend though, will also complain the whole time (will also do it wrongly on purpose to the same person stop asking him). Does not smoke. The only person who ever saw him smoke is Arsenal (when they were teenagers) and Harley (don't ask) and he like to keep it that way.
HOWEVER if the person rolling is Tim Drake, and exclusively Tim Drake he will take it from Tim's hands and roll it correctly just to be an asshole about it.
Barbara Gordon 5/10
Her father is a cop, it's not worth it the migraine. Generally smokes if there's someone else who bought and someone else to roll, she also doesn't see much the appeal and hates not be able to be able to control of her own body. Will make exceptions for the birds of pray.
Bruce Wayne 6/10
He can if he sets his mind about it but he only had smoked half of the times as Bruce Wayne™ playboy millionaire so there's always someone a simp to roll for him and the other half with Selina, Harley, Khoa and Harvey. And. every. single. one. of them rolled for him (each one for a different reason).
Cass 4/10
Would learn if she sets her mind to do it, but Steph rolls for her and she doesn't wanna lose this. So she pretends she's clueless about it.
Duke Thomas 2/10
Doesn't smoke. He's a fast learner so if he wanted to do it,he would probably would catch up quickly.
Damian Wayne 0/10
He's ten.
Probably he will eventually learn when he gets older, but not because he wants to smoke. He'll learn by himself because he's Bruce's son and Nightwing's younger brother, he wants to be prepared. Probably would roll for his friends like Jason does.
yeah I know he's not actually ten but in my mind he is fuck you
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francisofgotham1 · 9 months
Catholic Bat Family HC (inspired by @incomingalbatross)
This is inspired by @incomingalbatross's posts on the same subject that I absolutely adore because of all of the complexity around it (and how similar his code is to Catholic Christian teachings), and being a Catholic myself, I identify with it. Her works can be found here, here, here, here, and here (as well as a couple of asks).
Okay, here we go. First, a synopsis of the posts and asks:
Bruce was raised Catholic (and yes, Martha is Jewish, which is not the same thing as religiously Jewish). He drifted away in adolescence, but came back during his Training Abroad. He starts Confession with "I'm Batman" and added a chapel to the Manor.
Alfred is Anglican, and while he and Bruce have agreed to disagree, they strive for common ground.
Dick is "umbrella" Christian, i.e read the Bible to him, was taught pray, attended services, and was baptized, but it was never formal. When he came to the Manor, Bruce never pushed to convert because he's very sensitive to the "making a kid go against his dead parents' wishes" idea. He remained a believer, went to church w/ Bruce and Alfred, and deeply respects Bruce's faith, but he never had a deep connection with it all.
Jason, on the other hand, is FIERCELY Irish-American Catholic, has a battered rosary, and has a strong devotion to the Holy Family. He and Bruce click on this immediately, both how Bruce understands his troubles and how much Bruce wants to help him. And maybe Jason wants to become a priest? (aka Father Todd).
But then, of course, Jason dies and Bruce mourns hard. However, his faith is the only thing that keeps him sane and going. ( he prob. comes back bc of Superboy or Bat-Mite? But not solely the Pit).
Then Tim shows up, and things change again. Tim is Protestant (maybe), and so he starts debates with Bruce when things get quiet. It reminds him of Jason sometimes, and the contrast can be jarring, but it's good. Tim is also earnest about his faith, and somehow becomes church friends with Clark (who of course, is Midwestern Protestant). They probably end up converting Kon together.
Then, Jason comes back and he is angry at both Bruce and the Church because he's "struggling to reconcile what he used to believe with the tremendous, staggering injustice he's been put through and that he sees others going through." (copied from here). It is also a given that his relationship with Bruce and the Church are very intertwined. It means, though, that any progress in mending one leads to progress in the other. It all begins with Jason dipping himself in Lourdes (HEAVY symbolism there), and as it goes on, he and Bruce start to bond: helping in the field, trusting each other with territories, Bruce giving him the rosary back, going to Mass on the same church (but never speaking), etc. It's gradual, but it works.
Then Cass, Steph, and Damian comes in, and WHAM! Bruce is sent back in time, or "dies".
Dick comes into the faith fully in deeply regrets not having Bruce there with him when it happens. Damian goes along and becomes passionate in his own way. This acts like a beacon for the other siblings to come into the faith fully (except for Tim).
Jason keeps going with his journey, and eventually becomes the spiritual leader of the family (in a way).
Also, Selina starts kind of antagonistic, but thanks to a nudge from Bruce and her sister (Sister Maggie), she develops her faith independently from others
Father Brown is referenced as Bruce's spiritual adviser; Flambeau is also referenced to.
Now this leaves us with a couple of areas/characters to play around with: Tim, Steph, Cass, Duke, the Rows, Barbara, and more....
Which I will do in another post because this is way too long. Once again, go check out @incomingalbatross, she has some amazing work that goes beyond Batman (for example: Doctor Who, Dracula, Ranger's Apprentice, Catholic things in general, Psych, and more). Anyways, have a good one!!!
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ekat-fandom-blog · 8 months
Reverse Batfam AU
I don't have all of the Batfam in this line-up because I don't know them at all. There are some that I'm not in any way confident I could characterise so I might make a second version of this with the more well known Batfam members and exclude Duke, Steph, Cass, and Barbara. But, for now I do like my idea. I'm not planning to write a fic or anything with this so if anyone wants to use this specifically, go ahead.
But this is extremely long so everything's under the read more link.
I had to mess around with ages quite a bit because otherwise things do not fit at all. I did want them to come into the family in reverse order as well as reverse their ages.
Age differences: Duke->Damian - 1 year younger Damian->Steph - 4 years older Steph->Tim - 1 year younger Tim->Cass - 3 years older Cass->Jason - 6 months younger Jason->Dick - 4 years older Dick->Barbara - 1 year older
Oldest to youngest: Damian, Duke, Tim, Steph, Jason, Cass, Dick, Barbara
Ages when Dick arrived: Dick 8, Cass 12, Jason 12, Tim 15, Steph 14, Damian 18, Duke 17
Ages when Barbara joined: Barbara 14, Dick 15, Cass 18, Jason 19, Tim 21, Steph 20, Damian 24, Duke 23
Their Stories:
Duke Thomas- The first ward since he was taken in after Damian in canon (as far as I remember). Got into hero business at around the age of 9 because his parents got caught in a Joker attack and he created a "We Are The Knight" group consisting of kids that had suffered from the aftermath of the various villain attacks. A few years later, he became Batman's second sidekick - Signal. After moving out of Wayne manor kept the moniker and joined the Outsiders hero group. He still works with Batman but tries to keep his distance due to him being overbearing. He remembers growing up with Damian being hard, but they mended their relationship by the time Damian moved out. He survived Damian because (1) he wasn't adopted, (2) his parents are still alive, and (3) his powers.
Damian Wayne al Ghul- He took great pleasure in ridiculing Duke for everything from his hero name to his role in the family, but eventually grew to really enjoyed his younger brother's company (even though he'd never admit they were brothers or that he enjoyed Duke's company.) He became Batman's first sidekick, Shadow, (at the age of 10. he arrived 1 month after Duke.) as tribute to both his time spent in League of Shadows and his start to becoming Batman's shadow. He created a teen group outside of Gotham called the Titans (composed of him, Superboy, Raven, and Beast Boy) when he and Bruce started fighting but never quite left Gotham entirely.
Stephanie Brown- She joined the crusade as Spoiler at 11 and lasted only a year before being killed by Black Mask. However, that was enough time for Damian (16 when she died), Duke (15), and Bruce to become attached to her. Her death (and Bruce's subsequent burst of overprotection leading him to kick out Damian and Duke) caused Damian to shed the mantle of Shadow and become Nightwing. She does come back 6 months later leaving the others feeling confused and a bit betrayed, but mostly happy she wasn't actually dead. She creates the moniker Batgirl after Bruce tells her she can't be Spoiler any more.
Tim Drake- He joined the crusade at 13, 4 months after Spoiler's death, which hit Bruce really hard, caused a fight between Damian and Bruce (that ended with Damian and Duke moving out), and Batman became more violent than he had ever been. After failing to convince Damian and Duke to join Batman on patrol and stop avoiding him, he became Drake. Damian didn't like him initially, but tried to be there when Tim needed him. Damian also convinced Tim to change him moniker to Shadow because "Drake" was too close to his name to be effective at hiding his identity. Before Steph came back, he went through the Joker Jr thing and Batman and Signal helped him recover from the majority of it since Nightwing was on a Titans mission. He was just finishing up his training with Shiva when Cass joined the crusade. He was officially adopted one year later shortly after his parents died (because Steph and Cass were around to catch onto his shenanigans).
Cassandra Cain- She joined at 10 years old shortly after Tim did and shortly before Jason did. She originally called herself Orphan, but switched to Black Bat once she was adopted by Bruce.
Jason Todd- He joins a few months after Cass does (age 11) and gets adopted quickly. He and Tim get along extremely well and bond by making fun of Bruce. He takes on the moniker of Batboy when he joins the crusade. He avoids dying in Ethiopia because his siblings decided to go after him while Batman was investigating the illegal weapons trade there.
Dick Grayson- He becomes Bruce's ward at age 8. The entire Batfam was there when his parents died. Everyone's there when he shows everyone his first suit designs and the moniker he chose and why. They try very hard to convince him to choose darker colors and add more armor. He stanchly refuses because he wants his hero name and uniform to honor his parents. They do manage to convince him to add pants to the design. He convinces Alfred to make the suit with the promise that he won't go out until he has Bruce's approval. He doesn't uphold that promise and is crime fighting by the time he's 9.
Barbara Gordon- She'd been watching the bats for a few years before she decided she wanted to become a vigilante as well at age 14. She followed Batgirl for a while asking to be her sidekick or help with the tech stuff. After a few 'no's, she created her own outfit made out of Spoiler, Black Bat, and Batwoman halloween costumes. Names she came up with for herself were Red Bat, Batshadow, and Batlady. When she officially joined the group, Steph gave her the Batgirl moniker and took back the name Spoiler.
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azalea-bee · 2 months
@juicezone the other part of your question!! :D
this ended up getting super long bc i had so many thoughts about various dc characters so hopefully u don’t mind hehe
9. do they identify with any specific labels (regressor, flip, pet regressor, etc.)?
dick- he thinks of himself as a cg! i think he definitely regresses too but it takes him a while to come to terms with it. eventually he gets comfortable with calling himself a flip :]
tim- ooh. i’m conflicted bc i love other people’s regressor tim headcanons a lot but in MY head i mostly see him just being a babysitter sometimes!
cass- definitely a regressor but not aware there’s a word for it yet. she makes a great cg too bc she can instantly tell when someone goes baby mode :D
jason- a regressor! the babiest guy ever. he hates it but it helps him a lot so he learns to work with it <3
duke- maybe regressor? i haven’t made up my mind about about him yet, i need to read more of his stuff :] but i think maybe an older kid regressor!!
damian- regressor! and also a pet regressor, not sure what kind of animal though? cat and/or dog most of the time probably :]
barbara- babysitter mostly! in my head she wouldn’t want to be solely responsible for anyone as an official cg but she doesn’t mind watching someone occasionally! usually cass. and she’s also great for helping out over comms if someone regresses on patrol by accident <3
steph- i picture her as a tween/teen regressor most of the time, like a 12-15ish range! i think it’d be so subconscious most of the time tho that she doesn’t notice or label it for a long time. i can also see her age dreaming to a younger age to play with other small friends!
kon- ooh. a flip! i think he’s already such a mom friend that it’d be pretty natural to take care of his friends. but he definitely regresses too, little kid range mostly! and i think he’d pet regress/dream to play with krypto sometimes too :D
bruce- idk what label he’d use, but i think he regresses around alfred sometimes! i don’t see him being a cg to his kids very often, but maybe with cass or dick if they ask him to :] and he’d take care of clark if needed too!
clark- regressor! he’s just a little guy :D
now for two who aren’t bats or supers (sorry) but i love them so i’m adding them:
cassie- regressor! to me she is a very wild/hyperactive regressor who is very difficult to corral due to her powers, but she really wants to be good! she just gets excited :]
bart- super wild regressor just like cassie, except he thrives on mischief and stubbornness lol. woe to anyone who has to watch them at the same time (it’s usually kon)
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bobbinalong · 1 year
Your “Steph keeps the kid” au is incredible! Do you have ideas about the relationships between little Allie and the batfamily? Does she call them Aunts and Uncles? What about Young Justice? Are they the uncles and aunts as well? Sorry I am having a lot of emotions.
I'm so happy people are liking that AU, honestly. I've been meaning to draw some more of it, so I think that I will be doing tomorrow. As for your questions: I hadn't invested too much thought in it, but this is a perfect excuse to do that. So! We're doing this from youngest to oldest. (This is gonna be way too long.)
Damian, when he comes along, is faced with a rambunctious three-year-old who wants to be his very best friend. He's not used to other children, he's not used to the idea of a big family, he just pushed her step-dad off a dinosaur. She does not care. And he gets used to that eventually. I don't think she'd ever necessarily call him uncle (they're only like seven years apart), but they are close. Having another kid around does him some good.
Sorta skipping Duke because I haven't read enough of his comics, BUT I know he's cool with Cassandra and Damian, who are both more than cool with Steph and Allie, so they'd hang out eventually. He's a bit of a daredevil, I know that much, and a bit of a nerd, and I think Allie would like him. If he wants to be Uncle Duke (it's not like Bruce ever officially adopted him, his mom's still around, but he IS part of the Batfam), he'd absolutely get to be.
Young Justice don't find out for a while. Mostly because they don't even know exactly who Robin is. I think they'd just ... as a collective be very surprised by their sixteen-year-old teammate having a (step)child, but they took Anita having to raise her re-incarnated infant parents so well, I frankly don't think anything would throw them for long. They're some of Tim's best friends, they'll grow into being this kid's aunts and uncles. (Bart's her favourite.) (Because he's mine.)
Cass absolutely adores this kid. They first meet when Cass breaks into Steph's room (the only time Steph ever gets the jump on her), and she's not letting go. Steph brings her around the clock tower sometimes. Practicing to read is easier when you do it for a curious little girl. The baby doesn't expect long conversations. Cass has no experience with babies but she knows exactly what not to do, so what can go wrong, right? And she absolutely insists on being Aunt Cass.
I'm skipping Jason because frankly, I don't know enough about him to talk about him in any capacity. I know even less about him than Duke.
Dick is Tim's big brother. He almost fell off a roof when Tim told him his girlfriend was pregnant. He is not ready for his baby bro to have a baby of any kind, step or otherwise. But Tim's a good kid and Steph seems to be one, too, even if Bruce doesn't always seem to think so, and they're gonna need all the help they can get, and he's not immediately gonna take off his mask, but fuck it, he's Uncle Nightwing now. And Uncle Dick eventually.
Babs is ... not too keen on a baby in the clocktower at first. Or on Steph, even, when she's vigilanty-ing. But Tim's her bud and it's not like he's gonna change his mind on any of this, and Steph's stubborn as hell, too, and at least Cassandra is practicing her letters when Allie's around, so. O well. She comes around to her eventually. And probably doesn't want to be Aunt Barbara at first but ends up being exactly that, anyway.
Bruce is. Tricky? He's very hot and cold on Steph. He doesn't want Tim to reveal his identity to her until he does (and then does it himself), so he's not happy when Tim takes that step without consulting him in this AU. Allie's also born during No Man's Land, so at that time, he has bigger fish to fry. Jack and Dana are still around, too, so he's not yet Tim's (adoptive) father. He's not terribly involved in Allie's life, I think. And he still dies soon after Damian comes along and I'm not yet sure if I'm resurrecting him. So. I think they're getting closer before he dies, but no Grandpa Bruce in this AU, unfortunately.
Alfred seems to be very protective of Tim. He's angry with both Bruce and Steph when Bruce tell her who Tim his. (Which doesn't happen here, but. Just as a baseline.) I think he wouldn't be too excited about Steph at first. He's an old man. Maybe a little old-fashioned, too. But I think once he's sure that Tim is safe and happy and that this is what he wants, he'd get right to making cucumber sandwiches for Steph, too. His boys are just always his first priority.
And ... that's the main fam, right? I think. I hope. All the people I can say anything about in any case. This isn't the absolute happiest of AUs, but it is happy-ish. And it does end in relative harmony.
Thank for the ask. Hope I answered it properly. Feel always free to send more, if you read all that, haha.
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codemonki · 3 months
Ok so I have a in progress owl house AU with the bat family. Now they don't really easily paste into the existing roles so there has to be a bit of editing and small changes. Here is the current role swap list.
Luz: Duke Thomas
Gus: Cass?? Maybe?? May give her a more dramatic backstory that Gus and that she left the "Emperors Coven" a while ago???? And she'd be older making Steph the younger one of the 2.
Willow: Steph??? Bc of the relationship between Willow and Amity?? Not quite accurate to Tim and Steph but drama?? Maybe?? Post breakup??
Hooty: Alfred...? Posh hooty....
Hunter: Damian
Golden Guard: Jason Todd
Ok so that needs some explaining, I kinda had to split that character into two because Jason could "die" and then come back as the crimson guard, but Damian fulfills the role of having been related to the Emperor. It'll be weird but kinda work?? I think??
I'm also not sure if I'll make Damian a grimwalker. I may be able to make him one that Talia may have raised?? In replacement of her old child she had with Bruce before they split??
Raine: Talia?? This could be so cool actually (Talia fits better in this role but It would be fun to have superbat. Unlikely though)
Eda: Bruce Wayne
Lilith: Kate Kane
Ed: Dick Grayson
Em: Barbara Gordon
The Emperor: Ras Al Ghul (dont know his situation! Talia may be a half elf in this)
They aren't aren't related but I feel like they got the vibes. Also idk if Dickbabs will be a thing here. I think it may have been a childhood relationship but they're almost outta school and Dicks with Kory.
if anyone has suggestions for who King may be lmk or how some changes in this could work??
Robin is a palisman that transfers around, Dick Grayson had it first, it being a palisman of one of his parents before they passed. When Jason started to hang around him and Bruce at the bathouse it eventually transfered over to him, and then transferred to Tim afterwards.
Dick Grayson did get a new palisman eventually though!! And it's reminiscent of Nightwing.
Jason does die and gets brought over to the Emperor and becomes the Crimson Knight and is stationed with Damian a lot. So missions Damian goes on, he is there as back up (As per request of Talia). He's a lot like the Young Justice Redhood at this point and my design is also reminiscent of that.
Tim's got the mid parents, may lean into the way Amity's parents are. He also doesn't have older siblings there to help out until Duke shows up and convinces him to go stay at bathouse permanently or something. (Dick and Babs do have a friendship with him though at school and try to get him to go to Dicks house more often but he doesn't)
Haven't thought about Stephs situation enough so if anyone has any ideas!!
As for covens, (I haven't thought about them enough RIP, will be added to as I get my act together)
Dick: Illusionist (Bruce doesn't have as bad of a relationship with the school as Eda did, though it did get worse after Dick started going!!"
My thought process was Illusionist is a very performative coven and he is a performer at heart <3
Jason: Bard Coven
I wanted to draw him with a guitar. Sue me. (It was a tiktok lmao I can't remember if I had any real reasoning)
Kory: Construction Coven
Because I could see her wanting to make things and she's strong
Duke Thomas: light glyphs so many light glyphs
He's gonna go through the Luz route and found the Bad Bat Coven (tm)
Bruce: Head of Bad Bat Coven
If anyone has any ideas for what covens other people will be I'd like to know 🥺.
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bitimdrake · 2 years
Was Dick welcoming towards Cassandra and Steph when they first joined the family? I’ve heard conflicting things about that
For when Cass joins the batfamily, this one's a yes.
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Dick and Cass meet in Batman: Legends of the Dark Knights #120, in the midst of No Man's Land. Dick's a little skeptical at first, but that's more because he's (rightfully) skeptical of Bruce's judgement. Bruce has spent months pushing everyone away, and now has finally called them all back only to abruptly drop "btw, I met this girl and she's part of the team now."
However, with Barbara stepping into vouch for Cassandra as well, Dick jumps on board pretty quick and welcomes her.
On the flip side, when Cass joins the Wayne family years later, the answer here is no. (Which is probably why you've heard conflicting information.)
This part comes with a huge caveat: it is built off bad plotlines and characterization. Cass had just gotten out of the evil!Cass arc--a rare case of DC editorial intentionally trying to destroy a character (as opposed to the common case of them doing it accidentally). A belated retcon declared she was brainwashed and not really evil, to salvage the situation.
In the wake of that, we have the Batgirl vol 2 mini, which is about Cass seeking redemption, and ends with Bruce offering to adopt her. And, presumably because the writers wanted an antagonistic force, Dick is...a huge asshole in this one.
I could try to justify this decision if I had too--they were never close to begin with, and Dick is skeptical that she's better now, and maybe he's overprotective of his current family especially after Cass nearly killed his beloved little brother Tim. But the way Dick is written in this mini is just so over-the-top aggro and distrustful of Cass it's hard to swallow.
Anyway, this thread gets continued in Batman and the Outsiders vol 2 #13-14, where imo the characterization is not quite as bad but still pretty bad. Dick eventually admits he wasn't totally comfortable with Cass's adoption, and the two make peace.
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If we're talking about when Steph first became Spoiler, was briefly endorsed by Bruce as Spoiler, or became Robin, this one has no answer on account of Dick and Steph never interact. Literally they were in one scene together that entire time, and never spoke.
Dick's main exposure to Steph was through what Tim told him. He's a little skeptical about Tim dating this girl--especially when he mentions her pregnancy--but that's about it.
Dick and Steph finally interact for real years later when she becomes Batgirl, which marks her true acceptance into the batfamily, and uh. No, Dick is not welcoming.
Steph makes the inauspicious introduction of ignoring Oracle's instruction to stand down and accidentally freezing Damian in the middle of a fight in Batgirl vol 3 #5, and Dick goes to argue with Barbara that Steph shouldn't be Batgirl.
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But unlike the Cass part above, this one actually makes sense!
Beyond Dick's overall stress level as a newbie Batman and Steph's poor introduction, Dick's second-hand impression of Steph up to this point is not good! She's the girl who accidentally started a gang war that got a bunch of people killed, faked her death and let Tim (and others, but Dick just cares about Tim here) be consumed by grief for over a year, and then accidentally started another gang war.
His impression is, of course, biased and one-sided. But it's also completely logical for him to distrust Steph and see her as a liability! I approve of this interpersonal tension.
Dick is still able to see and appreciate when Steph does well though, and she proves herself. By the end of the arc, he changes his mind.
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incomingalbatross · 11 months
Hello, I hope you're doing well.
I really love your content, especially the Catholic BatFamily stuff, because being a Catholic myself, I was always really interested in the parallels between Christian Catholic beliefs and Batman's morals.
So, could we get more Catholic BatFamily content? There's so much more I want to know, like how would Jason and Bruce reconcile, does Bruce bring Steph into the faith after a few years, whether would Duke become Catholic or whether would he be Episcopalian (because his parents seemed to have taught him good morals growing up), does Bruce bond with Helena B. (Huntress) a bit more because of their faith, how is Selina in the middle of all of this, and more. Please, I need answers!! (if you want to, of course).
Oooh, also, I think St Joan of Arc is perfect for Cassandra (or Maria Faustina, or Jude Thaddeus)
Again, love what you do, keep doing it, and have a good one!!
Hi! I'm doing well. Hope you are too.
Thank you! I'm glad you like it. It's just...there's so much virtue in this mythos, and so much suffering. In Bruce's life particularly. And the heroism and the iconography and... YEAH. I might have run out of words today. :P But Catholic Batfamily holds a lot of meaning for me.
Unfortunately, I haven't been really actively into Batfamily stuff recently, so the ideas aren't flowing! "How do Jason and Bruce reconcile" is a question that has SO many potential narratives in its answer, of course, and I think I go back and forth on whether Jason would reconcile with the Church or with Bruce first. One would lead to the other, I think, but which first? I don't know. I AM a big fan of Jason having wanted to be a priest as a teenager and eventually fulfilling his vocation, though. Father Jason Todd is good.
...I also think Jason ought to go to Lourdes. I'm honestly unclear if Pit Madness is canon or purely fanon, but either way the waters of Lourdes as spiritual healing for the Lazarus Pit boy just sounds right.
I don't know about Steph either! I'm inclined to say she's more likely to go to church with Tim or Barbara, or walk into her campus ministry one day and go from there, but I don't know where she's at.
—and okay, I am remembering that SOMEONE on my dash or very close to it was doing a whole series of Batfam members paired with corporal works of mercy?? I can't FIND it but the one I'm remembering has Stephanie and a soup kitchen and it's very good. Augh.
Anyway! I like Helena Wayne Huntresses more than Helena B. Huntresses, so my own universe would probably be more like "And this is Huntress, who is not-coincidentally also Catholic, because she's Bruce's daughter from an alternate Earth." :P But if you have thoughts on Bruce and Helena B., go for it!!
Joan of Arc does sound like someone who would resonate with Cass. The valiance, the purity, the determination to Do Her Duty no matter the obstacles... yeah. Or the others! I shamefully know St. Maria Faustina less than half as well as I should, but yes. And honestly, I think St. Jude might be the patron saint of Gotham. :P
Thank you very much, again! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed my thoughts.
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havendance · 9 months
Scattered Batman: War Games thoughts
It honestly wasn't as bad as I was afraid it was going to be. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of parts that were bad, but it also moved at a quick pace and I have definitely read comics that were way more of a chore to get through
Still way too much torture though. I purposefully skipped all the scenes where Steph got tortured but other people also got tortured in this and why is there just so much?
I do like that Bruce actually asked for help/called in the cavalry at the begining of the event rather than running around making things worse a bunch of times. Of course the only help he called in was Batgirl and Nightwing, but baby steps!
I actually enjoyed most of the entire first act of war games. It was focused mainly on chaos exploding on everyone being on the ropes and doing damage control. It was quick moving and I like seeing the bats on the ropes. Plus, there was the
I did like both Cass and Tim's storylines throughout.
And then of course, act II onwards just went downhill. Look, I wish Zeis had succeeded in killing Black Mask when he was disguised as Oprheus because he just sucks.
Anyway, I already talked about the torture stuff :/
The thing is, I think because I skipped the bad parts and I knew both that Steph was going to die and that she would eventually come back going into this arc, her death actually made me less made than say, Sarah Essen's death in No Man's Land which is in some ways much less egregious (I'm still annoyed about that). If I HAD been a comics reader in 2004 and not a possibly-illiterate child whose mom wouldn't let them read comics at that age anyway, I probably would've been pissed! But context is everything.
But to backtrack a little, Bruce was like "I was never going to implement the war games plan" but he also had Orpheus going undercover to get control of the hill? It certainly looks like you're laying the groundwork my dude. I mean, he still could have been planning to not go all the way and made the contingency plan in question recently, but still. Out of universe, it's clearly laying groundwork for the War Games event.
Hmm, what else did I want to bring up. Oh yeah. Bruce, trying to take control over the entire GCPD is definetly a major overstep. You deserve to be wanted by them after that. Seriously dude, you didn't even have control over the GCPD during No Man's Land where there was no goverment. Your whole stchick involves acting outside of the law. You can't just do that dude.
Also, him hijacking Oracle's systems was also an asshole move. I think it is interesting the way that they had the interection of the urban legend batman mythos with the event. He's out during the day, being captured on camera for the first time in ages and it's in the middle of a major disaster. Terrible PR all around. The batman is real and this is his fault. I do think that's a fun move.
I am here for Barbara beefing with Batman, he was a dick to you during the event! But also the whole tower blowing up thing at the end was clearly because it was required by editorial. You're telling me you don't have knockout gas or batgrade tasers in there? Your only option was to blow up your home base?
Like, he also was a major presence during No Man's Land, but that was No Man's Land.
Anyway, this was clearly an event that was designed to make some major changes to the status quo. I will probably have more opinions on these changes as I read more comics, but for some initial thoughts:
Batman & co wanted by the GCPD. I'm a big fan of this one. Make him have to face greater odds with fewer resources than he's used to!
Stephanie dead. Lame :/
The Birds of Prey no longer based in Gotham. I am tentatively optimistic about this. I did like the era of Oracle being a key player in Gotham, but her being an idependent force not tied to them is defintely something she deserves! Of course, if this just results in her being exiled to Birds of Prey rather than playing a major role in the rest of the universe that'd be disappointing.
(Of course I also primarily only read Bat books, so uh, I don't think I'd see this either way.)
Tim and Cass in their Blüdhaven era: why not? I've heard good things about this.
Black Mask being a key play: grump grump grump I don't like him.
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tesalicious2 · 1 year
Are the Batfam Skiers or Snowboarders
Bruce skis for sure. Idk he just gives me those vibes. He probably knows how to snowboard but just prefers skiing. He will attempt small tricks and can usually succeed but refuses to do anything more cause of his ‘old bones.’
He wears all black. Jason and Steph eventually got a jacket with the bat symbol on it and he now where’s that religiously. His skis are really nice and are black with white streaks. His helmet is black and has those attachable ears that make it look like a bat (gift from Dick ‘to complete the look).
Dick for sure skis. Mostly because when he first saw skiing, it was at the Olympics and the jumps reminded him of the trapeze. So he skis really well and can do jumps. Occasionally will fall and lay there, laughing. He only goes with his siblings (usually Jason) since it’s more fun that way.
He wears blue pants, silver boots, and a black coat with the blue Nightwing sunbird on his chest. His helmet is blue and black mixed. His skis are black and blue. He also has attachable ears he wears with Bruce ‘to match’.
Steph is a snowboarder, the chaotic energy with the disregard for safety is her. But she’s the kind of snowboarder that will stop and help people up when they fall and maybe teach kids a thing or two.
She wears purple, her jacket is a lighter purple. Her board has a white base, and purple/green flames on the edges with a skull in the middle. Her boots are black and her helmet is gold and purple (very deep almost black.)
Barbara is a skier, just cause I feel like that’s her. But she probably knows how to snowboard and does sometimes. She’s about 70/30 about it. After she’s shot, she can’t do either but everyone bought her a sled with skis on the bottom so she could still go down the runs if she wanted to.
She wears gold pants, black jacket with a bat on the back. Her helmet is all black. Her boots are black and her snowboard is all gold with bats all over it. Her sled is black (so people can easily see her) with a Giant bat on the front and and Damian painted on the flames.
Jason is both, equally, but he snowboards more since he likes to do jumps and tricks a LOT. He’s probably on par with Dick. He likes the technical challenge of skiing but the fun of snowboarding. (He also like snowboarding cause the boots. Btw, as a skier, I am eternally jealous of those boots they look so much more comfortable). He’ll just randomly meet kids on their first ever run and decide to go down with them to help, once he spent the day with a kid who was left alone by his friends, very fun.
He, of course, wears a red helmet. He wears black pants with a lot of pockets, and a plain brown jacket (he bought it for himself and still uses it but not often), currently a brown jacket with a red bat on the back (gift from Dick). His snowboard is black with a red skeleton on the side (it’s like pulling itself up) in a graveyard. He wanted to put his name on a grave but decided not to bc his family would be upset, (he does, it’s just hidden and very tiny).
Damian I feel like snowboards but knows how to ski. He probably snowboards more because he better at it and thinks it’s cooler (but would never say it). He tried to teach Jon but was terrible. Alfred ended up teaching him but they still had fun.
He wears a gray jacket with black sleeves, and black pants. His helmet is black but has those spikes on it (gift from Jon) that every kid has. His board is just plain black until Jason stole it and got it customized with a ninja on the bottom with a katana.
Tim snowboards, it fits him. He doesn’t know how to ski and refuses to learn. He just likes snowboarding better. If really pressed he’ll try skiing but would prefer to never do it. He feels like hes flying and he looks like he’s not even trying at all. Arms not moving, chill relaxed posture.
He wears a muted red jacket, black pants, and gold helmet. His board is is black and gold, it was stolen and returned with a Red Robin on the bottom about to fly.
Duke doesn’t know how to do either until Jason and Alfred teach him. He ends up liking both equally but snowboards more because it’s easier for him to do.
He wears all gold with black boots and a black bat on the jacket. His board is straight gold with a large black bat on the bottom and a kinda metal/tech look. He has the ears as well, in gold.
Cass skis, she likes the feeling of being more technically challenged. She wants to try snowboarding but hasn’t really found the time. If she did, she’d go with Steph and Jason. They’re good teachers and fun to be with.
She used to wear all black but changed the jacket out for one with a gold bat on the bat and gold in the tops of the shoulder and top of the sleeves. She has the ears but doesn’t always wear them bc she forgets to put them on.
Alfred does both extremely well. He prefers skiing but taught all of the Batfam. He was a spy of course he knows how to ski in a suit. He can do anything with doing either. He has all the gear, waxes, and boots in tip top shape. Despite what most would think, he loves to ski and goes the most often out of the family.
He is honestly the most difficult to do, he could ski in a suit and that would work. So, he wears a gray pants, a gray jacket the the top of shoulders and sleeves are black. His ski boots are black and his skis are somehow more expensive than Bruce’s. They were a gift but he won’t say who. His helmet is black. He does not wear the ears, but if with family, he will wear them so they can pick each other out of the crowd.
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teleportationmagic · 1 year
Continuation of this post about reverse Batgirl ft. Babara.
Cassandra's the first one to run into Babs.
It's been a few years - they've gone through a few more Robins. Bruce picked Jason up off the street, Tim dropped Robin for a second, Jason took it up. Jason died. Tim picked it back up again. There was a memorial to a dead boy in the Batcave, before he came back. Hoodie was on the streets again, no matter how much Bruce resents it.
The way she runs into her is... unorganized. She's launched by a creature straight into the side of a townhouse and flips so that her legs frame the redheaded teenager instead of making contact, before launching herself back into the fight and wrestling the thing to the ground. She leaves it tied up, and intends to make a quick visual check before moving on to the other three creatures that are rampaging through Gotham (Joker did a Thing) (Don't ask) when Barbara sticks out her neck and tells her to stop. Asks if she has a plan - asks if she knows where they are.
That is a negative. The situation is quickly evolving, and its all hands on deck. Barbara offers to help - she'll moniter Twitter and TikTok, see if she can give Cassandra any information that'll be useful. She even has access to the police networks - she can really help her out!
Bruce, through Cassandra's ear, is very much against this. But Barbara will stay in her home (which, while uninsulated (anymore), is not actually unsafe) (well, any more unsafe than the rest of Gotham) so she gives her a comm (That's not why I gave you extras, Batgirl!) (You said if I lose them. Lost one.) and heads out to fight giants. Barbara guides her through the city, taking her from stop to stop - she doesn't just keep social media open, but instead she surfs through city plans and sewer routes. Cassandra follows her directions - sweeping up and down Gotham. Barbara knows, by the end of it, that her contributions helped. Significantly.
She asks if she can stay on full time. Not as a vigilante, no, but just as a helper, someone to collate all the information they needed, to point Batgirl in the right direction.
Cass is hesitant. Bruce is hesitant. Steph wants to meet her first, but is also hesitant.
It doesn't help that, during their next mission, it turns out that Barbara had patched herself into their comms network through the one they gave her. She's picked up a codename in the meantime - Oracle.
It's Duke who ultimately argues her in. It's clear she won't stop - hell, which one of them actually stopped when they were told? And while Steph has complicated feelings about this, but she can't quite argue that he's wrong. (Jason also has complicated feelings about this! But he outwardly, he comes down hard on Let Her In, Actually) (Tim and Damian are on side I-haven't-met-her-yet)
Moreover, he continues, she's not actually in danger physically. In terms of new vigilantes, she's relatively safe, all things considered.
So Oracle is pulled into the fold. A lot of her work in the beginning is done out of her laptop, but as time passes (and she gets better and better at what she's doing) it evolves into more complicated stuff - actual hacking and archival stuff.
Cassandra, on the other hand, is growing up. She's been Batgirl for eight years, now. Damian and Duke change their suits, but Cassandra just adjusts hers for height. And now she is a mentor, to a girl older than when she picked this suit up.
"Maybe." Steph reflects. "Your just getting old. In general. Midlife crisis time."
"Older." She replies, tapping her on the shoulder. "Anciiiiiiient."
"Rude, so rude."
Batgirl was important to her, undoubtedly so. But it belonged to Gotham, and to Bludhaven. Cassandra had stayed there for so long, had based herself in those cities. She remembers, being younger. In the year between Cain and Bruce, travelling the world, and helping, where she could. And she helped here, she really did, but. But.
Barbara stays as Cass's main support, but eventually she starts helping out with the Robin contingent. It's Cass who teaches her the fundamentals of self defence - defence being the operative word there. She builds up her skillset so she can run away, instead of the more offensively focused approaches of everyone else. And while Barbara works with Jason, Tim, Damian and Duke, even, occasionally, she's always most used to working with Cass.
(Steph is taking this well! Steph is taking this like an adult, who knows her position in whatever this is is secure! She is not jealous of the proficiency of a teenager! Shut up Damian!)
But the thing is not everyone is Cass. And Barbara makes a bad call - sends Hoodie into a situation he wasn't ready for, and while he made it out alive it was by the skin of his teeth, with a week's worth of rest in the Batcave.
Cass tries to explain to her that it's not the end of the world. That everyone's alright, that people lived. It's a visceral experience, for her - arguing down to a girl who believes unshakingly that this is her fault. That nothing can change that, redeem that. It's Steph, in the end, who can wheel herself into Commissioner Gordon's home and share that same experience - of not knowing. Of miscalculating. Of doing better, next time.
It's to the both of them that Barbara argues that she should be able to do fieldwork. Not forever - she doesn't want forever. But. If she has experience, if she knows what it's like for the rest of them on the ground, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Maybe she can keep herself from making this mistake again.
Cassandra points out that she'd onboarded under certain conditions. Barbara pointed out how much the rest of them risk their lives anyways, how they'd started much younger then she was. Stephanie taps the metal of her chair once. Twice.
She tells her how she lost her legs. That could happen to her too. Think on it.
They give her three days. In the meanwhile, Cassandra thinks as well. About Batgirl. About America. About the League base she'd found when she went to fight her mother, about the dead men left there.
People needed help. Gotham and Bludhaven, they had people and she'd learned the investigative skills she needed to help, on her own. And Barbara needs the legitimacy, the confidence. A mark of her confidence.
She discusses it with Stephanie. Stephanie brings up that Barbara might choose to do the sensible thing, actually, and Cass replies with a single upturned eyebrow.
She doesn't. And Batgirl is passed down again. Cass puts together another costume.
She won't leave. Not just yet, but she knows she will. When she brings it up to Bruce he maps out his own route, when he was new to this, working through Asia and Europe and Africa, picking up mentors and teachers who gave him the skills he needed. Maybe she'll learn something too. Something irreplaceable.
In the meanwhile, it becomes clear pretty soon that Babara's absence from the comms presents its own problems. Stephanie cracks her fingers, and decides to take the task up. Learning is a slow process - she predates the internet just enough for it to be slower, unweildy - but they trade. Old combat experience for tech experience, mixed in with social engineering. Barbara spent years cracking passwords through finding vulnerabilities in the code, whereas Stephanie shows her how to make the right phone call.
(Something else that is becoming clear is that Batman is getting older. He's not been a young man, by the time Cassandra had joined him, and he was getting no younger. There was time for a successor.)
(They just hadn't meant for it to be this soon - )
Bruce dies. Tim goes looking for him, leaving Robin behind, Jason following close. Duke, Damian, and Cassandra gather in the Batcave to decide upon a legacy. (Steph wants to tell them to roll dice for it.) It's not about pride, except in the ways it is - Duke as the most of experienced of them, Damian having known Batman alone and Cass as the one who'd worked under him the longest. There are objective metrics they could use for this, but it's not an objective contest.
"Trade it." Steph suggests, after a half hour of deliberation. "We still need Nightwing and Signal, and whatever Cass wants to take up now. Set up a rotating schedule, until you figure out the best fit."
"It'll be noticeable." Damian hisses, but it's a contemplative hiss.
"He did this alone, didn't he?" Cassandra points at each one of them and he inclines his head. "Yeah, but still. He thought that Batman had to be alone, that it was his to bear."
"It can be ours." Cass says, the simplicity feeling like a bell. Her eyes dart from brother to brother, something like certainty settling in the room. "All of ours."
There is also the matter of the child leaping through Gotham city, trying to avenge his parents. The ache of it brings Damian to his knees. The fifth Robin flies next to Batman, Batgirl on their side.
Robin and Batgirl start the beginning of something, slow and fumbling. That's a first, Stephanie remarks, and there's agreement across the board there.
Dick is Damian's robin, and Duke's, and Cass's. Barbara is Cass's Batgirl, and Steph's and Dick's. Tim and Jason send messages, from time to time - progress reports and stories. Damian has half a conniption when he hears that they're going up against the league.
Barbara partners with a bunch of other Gotham vigilantes - the Birds of Prey. Steph organizes them from her position in the Batcave, running comms and tracking movements. Barbara is by far the youngest of them, but her presence is appreciated, nevertheless. Dinah toys with taking her on as an apprentice.
Bruce comes back. Jason and Tim piece it together, and the pull on him, stumbling back into the present. Batman takes to the skies again - going from three keepers to two.
Then to one. Saying goodbye to Gotham hurts, when Cass leaves - but she leaves with a promise to come back, a kiss on the cheek for Stephanie, a hug for Bruce and Duke.
Barbara gives her a comm as she leaves. Takes a promise that she would keep it, no matter what. And that's a promise Cassandra keeps - voices of Batgirls old and new echoing through it.
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