#the source is that I made thefuck up
qcomicsy · 1 year
Batfam members on a scale of how able they are on rolling a blunt.
Alfred Penyworth
He was a spy. There's nothing he doesn't know how to do.
Harley 11/10
Her wife is plant based. And she probably learned on college, she's a medical major they're all either stoners or coke addicts.
She also has a power trip about rolling for hot people, it's how she flirts. Used to roll for Joker and she's is bitter about it until this day.
Tim Drake 10/10
With the amount of stress this poor soul had to endure in his 17 years of living on this godforsaken earth, there isn't NO WAY he's not a stoner. Probably Kon/Bernard/Steph was the one who taught him. I'm voting Bernard because they met eachother in highschool and 2000's bernard looks like the post card of a early 2000's stoner kid.
Dick Grayson 9/10
He's pretty. Most pretty people don't know how to roll, because there's always someone else to do it for them so he learned literally years after the first time he smoked just to prove to himself he could do it.
Steph 9/10
Knows how to do it. Doesn't smoke much or regularly. It's a thing in a life time. Used to smoke with Tim, now smokes with Cass, mostly rolls for Cass.
Kate Kane 8.
Solid 8. No I will not elaborate on that fuck you.
Jason Todd 7/10
Knows how to do it (10/10). Hate to do it. Will do it for a friend though, will also complain the whole time (will also do it wrongly on purpose to the same person stop asking him). Does not smoke. The only person who ever saw him smoke is Arsenal (when they were teenagers) and Harley (don't ask) and he like to keep it that way.
HOWEVER if the person rolling is Tim Drake, and exclusively Tim Drake he will take it from Tim's hands and roll it correctly just to be an asshole about it.
Barbara Gordon 5/10
Her father is a cop, it's not worth it the migraine. Generally smokes if there's someone else who bought and someone else to roll, she also doesn't see much the appeal and hates not be able to be able to control of her own body. Will make exceptions for the birds of pray.
Bruce Wayne 6/10
He can if he sets his mind about it but he only had smoked half of the times as Bruce Wayne™ playboy millionaire so there's always someone a simp to roll for him and the other half with Selina, Harley, Khoa and Harvey. And. every. single. one. of them rolled for him (each one for a different reason).
Cass 4/10
Would learn if she sets her mind to do it, but Steph rolls for her and she doesn't wanna lose this. So she pretends she's clueless about it.
Duke Thomas 2/10
Doesn't smoke. He's a fast learner so if he wanted to do it,he would probably would catch up quickly.
Damian Wayne 0/10
He's ten.
Probably he will eventually learn when he gets older, but not because he wants to smoke. He'll learn by himself because he's Bruce's son and Nightwing's younger brother, he wants to be prepared. Probably would roll for his friends like Jason does.
yeah I know he's not actually ten but in my mind he is fuck you
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starr-chiild · 7 years
T6T thoughts?
I know this is my first TJLC meta, but I need to just vent some things out into the world.
First off, Sherlock getting close to Mary. He was almost forcing it upon himself to spend more time with her. He was maybe trying to keep her close to keep an eye on her, as well as keep her busy so she has less time with John. He’s also befriending her to make John happy. He can’t just keep hating his wife, or John won’t forgive him.
Mary’s attitude was in flux this episode. We saw her more caring and more engaged. But, when she showed up in the video, she seemed to be more like “herself”, which is a little cold and distant.
I think because of her shooting Sherlock, Moriarty got on her. She needs to make sure that Sherlock doesn’t suspect her so that he won’t be revealed.
He threatened either John or the baby, or both.
I’m betting baby. Mary’s fond of it, named Rosamund, after her. (Vain? Dunno)
So, she became sweet and happy. Started to love John a little more.
Her death.
The biggest part of the episode in general, also gives us ammo for the support of M theory. (Don’t worry I hate myself too)
Sherlock=Target is one of the first things established in the episode.
Sherlock cannot die. That is essential to the whole entire plan.
or if he does, it’s by Moriarty’s hands.
First off, Mary had a choice. She could’ve pushed Sherlock out of the way, but instead she decided to die like a martyr. “Redemption”? 
Ties with Moriarty. Sherlock can’t die. If Mary acted on her own accord, Sherlock would have taken that goddamn bullet.
Moriarty wanted Mary to die.
Ploy to rip Sherlock and John apart.
I remember a tumblr post saying something along the lines of “John didn’t see Mary jumping in front of Sherlock. All he saw was Mary dying and Sherlock doing nothing.” (Try and find source later)
John blames Sherlock and himself. Sherlock promised and now he has to raise a kid on his own. His mental illnesses would spike now and he would feel really guilty. Mary would know he was cheating on her.
Or did he really cheat? He called it off over text. He sent that long message, and he didn’t delete it. There was a grim look that John had when he stepped off the bus and saw her.
But when did he cheat on her? When did he have time?
The why is easy. Another tumblr (Find source later) used the connection of the flower and Private Life, so the flower symbolizes connection with Sherlock. Sherlock’s still on his mind. Him cheating is because Mary isn’t fulfilling him. And maybe this girl will take away the thoughts of Sherlock or the pain he feels.
Mary excessively calls John an angel (Contrasts devil imagery, putting John and Moriarty on the same plane. M theory is fucking happening). She knew. She was digging in that guilt before she even died and yet she continued to make it worse afterwards. She made her death count.
Moriarty is trying to weaken their connection. The Final Problem is happening soon and he needs to get SHERLOCK.
Hell which is related to the Devil- connection to Moriarty?
Clue for next episode???????
Date, Street, Place?
13-lucky number, colloquially has a negative connotation. (Friday the thirteenth) Unlucky?
The only thing I dug up was:
The Thirteenth Tale -Uses twins and one of main characters is Margaret.
It’s never twins.
The Royal Garden hotel. - I searched thirteenth street London. This pulled up, or the street outside it did. Placed near a lot of shops. But the Royal Garden Hotel seems important?
This is only speculation. I don’t think I really am going with anything useful here....
He’s emotional.
He worked all throughout the beginning. He was trying to keep his mind busy, didn’t like John and Mary together being all domestic. He hated it, but had to keep a connection/eye on Mary. Needed to tolerate it.
He said something that took me aback. He was “enjoying it while he can”
Death? Something else? John leaving?
He’s going to therapy and he was often faced with large bodies of water. He practically drowned in it.
He found out about AGRA. And destroyed Margaret Thatcher’s bust himself.
He was also wrong. The person he was chasing wasn’t chasing after what Sherlock figured out. If that pearl had been somewhere else...who knows what could have happened.
He’s a wreck now.
He hates Sherlock. Yet, still loves him.
Margaret Thatcher
Smashing her like six times right? Hah episode title.
But, could it mean that this show is going to smash her as well? Like that it’s going to be gay? AND THAT SHE’LL FUJING TURN IN HER GRAVE HAHAHA.
Sherlock had a very, very violent reaction towards her with lots of water.
Did she influence him to pick up Mycroft’s ways?
Sherlock fell in love with guys was told it was a sickness and picked up on Mycroft’s ways? Probably not, but it would be cool.
It’s about fucking cheesesticks.
Nah I think you guys got it.
Sorry, I wasted your guy’s time. I’m just really fucking brimming with emotions and thoughts. 
Sources: (specific posts)
Dedicatied to my wife:
help me
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