machine-glass · 6 days
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luxthestrange · 2 years
TWST Incorrect quotes#221 The Fight
Yuu: Crowley, get the fuck out of here! You’re gonna get us all into shit!*Looks at how the RSA students are looking at them weirdly*
Crowl: I just wanted to see what was so important that you’d be distracted from your job~
Yuu:  What, I can’t have a break?
Crowl: We have the Spelldrive tournament on the line!
Neige: Hey, Sir. Why don’t you calm down?
Crowl: Why don’t you stay out of it?! Okay, this is our business!
Crowley showing a poorly drawn picture of them winning the spelldrive tournament
Crowl: Literally!
Yuu*groans in frustration, grinding teeth* Fuck, Crowley! Why can’t you stay out of my face for, like, five minutes?!
Crowl: Because I adopted you! And that should mean something!*Taking out the adoption papers he tricked you into signing that one time to make it official*
Yuu: Oh, what does it matter?! You’re not my real dad! I was almost eighteen!
Crowl: It still counts!*Pouts as he crosses his arms*
Yuu: Well, it shouldn't! I didn't need you then, asshole! I don't, now!
Crow*Eyes widen and gaze down in sadness*...
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Sequel to:
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dotster001 · 9 months
Meeting Their Future Kids With You
Summary: Vil/Idia/Crewel/Crowley/Malleus/Rook x gn! Reader. A child suddenly appears. And it seems to have a connection to you? Requested by @stygianoir
A/N: It's in my pinned post, and I've mentioned this in a couple posts, but if this is the first of my stuff you've read, I view NRC as an actual college, so reader here is 18+. If it makes you more comfy, imagine it as grad school age.
CW: spreading my asexual Malleus agenda, especially now that I've been spoiled for the fact that the dragon lays an egg and all it needs is love to hatch. ASEXUAL MALLEUS CAN NOW BE CANON Y'ALL!!!! Anyways...his kid is the only one with physical descriptors, so do with that what you will 😅
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Something was wrong. There was a presence at Ramshackle that shouldn't be there. Could it be? Could someone be trying to steal you from him? No! He had only just started courting you! It wasn't fair. 
He poofed into your sitting room and froze. 
You were snuggling what looked like…a small version of him?
You looked up and your jaw dropped.
"Wait, I thought this was you!" You looked back down at the kid who giggled and made grabby hands at Malleus.
Ah! Yes, he understood now. Draconia genes were strong. This child clearly was barely old enough to even hold a human form, it was not out of the realm of possibility that it had accidentally used a time travel spell. Perhaps that was even the child's unique magic.
He walked over to the child in your arms, scooped it up, and gave it a soft kiss between the two tiny horns emerging from their head.
"It's wonderful to see you, but it's time to go home, little one."
The child nodded sagely and vanished in a puff of green smoke. You looked at him in complete confusion, but he simply laughed, repeating his kiss, but this time to your forehead.
He knew you were his soulmate.
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He knew with a single glance. The familiarity the twin girls before him held in their gazes, the way they carried themselves, the hats on their heads. Everything screamed his influence.
And though that didn't make any sense, Rook knew his eye and his instincts were never wrong.
But there was something about the girls that was distinctly…..
"Rook! Hi- aw shit, please tell me you didn't kidnap some kids!"
So distinctly you.
The two girls shared what, to anyone but Rook, would seem like an unsettling smile as you approached the silent scene.
"Non non, they are just passing through, oui, petites fleur's?"
"Oui," they said simultaneously, grinning at you, their eyes taking in your every facial twitch.
"Uh, okay? Relatives of yours?"
"One could say that."
All three of them laughed, leaving you confused and a little frightened.
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It was a normal day like any other. Searching for Epel who had once again fled his lessons.
And he had found him in the worst possible place. A mud pile with an already very muddy teenage girl.
Epel splashed the girl with a childish giggle, and she laughed hysterically.
"Papa was right, you were crazy!" She giggled making a mud ball and throwing it at him.
He dodged and it hit Vil.
"Ah shit," she whispered under her breath. But after a second of reflection, she grinned. "Wait, why am I scared? You're not the boss of me."
Vil glared, and she suddenly looked apologetic again.
Both Epel and the girl stared at the ground, completely avoiding eye contact.
"What school are you from?" Vil snapped at the girl.
She snickered but said nothing.
"Who do I report you to?"
She laughed louder. "Nah, I don't have to tell you shit."
"Language," he snapped, and tears filled her eyes.
"It was all uncle Epel's fault. I told him I didn't want to play in the mud, but he made me do it!"
"You absolute rat!" Epel shouted, picking up some mud and preparing to throw it.
Vil cast a quick spell, freezing both of you in place. He stormed over and snatched each of your wrists, preparing to storm off with the two trouble makers in tow, when he saw the shimmering gold bracelet on your wrist. Engraved on it was L/N-Schoenheit.
He stared for a moment, then groaned.
"Epel, remind me to never let you around my future child."
"He's my godfather," the girl grinned impishly, and Vil felt a part of himself die.
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"Excuse me, I'm looking for my dad. You look like you could be related to him."
Idia knew he shouldn't have left his room today. All he wanted was a snack, and to maybe see you if you happened to not be in a class right now, and now this extroverted teenager was asking about his dad.
What the absolute fuck?
He quickly pulled out his ipad, typing something about how anyone related to him wasn't worth finding, when the twerp yanked the iPad out of his hands.
"Nevermind, I figured it out," the kid snorted. "Hi dad!"
Idia started stuttering. Not only was this twerp an extroverted teen who stole his iPad, he was also insane.
"Nah, nah, not today, not today…" Idia started muttering under his breath.
The kid rolled his eyes.  
"Forgot about this part. Guess they really did change you for the better," he started typing something on his watch, and a hologram popped up, showing the kid, you, and Idia…? Your and Idia's faces were a bit more lined than they were right now but….it was definitely you.
He stared at the hologram, his hair turning a bright red. 
"Oh! Hey Idia!" Your voice called from behind him.
He turned and waved to you shyly, then turned back to the teen. But he was gone.
And the damn boy stole his iPad.
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If his hair wasn't already dyed, those two freshmen would have given him gray hair by now.
Once again, they'd made a potion explode in his classroom. And once again, the fallout would be a pain to clean up.
Where you had once sat was a small child. A small child who was looking at him expectantly.
"Well?" She asked.
At first he had assumed this small child was your child form. But no. She looked nothing like you. Though, she did have a similar glint in her eye.
"Who are you?" He asked softly, not wishing to scare the child with the rage that was building up inside him. He'd told you again and again that your friends were trouble, and now look where it got you.
Wait. Where exactly were you?
Before the girl could speak, a red smoke filled the room, and a him with a few more wrinkles appeared, dragging you by the wrist. Your face was covered in a vicious pout.
"I already told them," future Crewel said, eying the freshmen with a vicious glare. "No need to repeat it."
He opened his arms in front of the little girl, a warm smile taking over his features, as the girl climbed into his arms, snuggling into him. He pointed at you and the freshman one more time, said, "Behave." And vanished into red smoke.
Present day Crewel pinched the bridge of his nose, and pointed at you.
"He already said it," you snapped,punching Ace in the shoulder for good measure.
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"Morning dad."
"Morning," Crowley muttered tiredly as he sipped his coffee.
Then he choked on it. There should be no one in his office right now. And there should be no one calling him dad.
He looked over and saw a kid who was somewhere between the age of 10 and 13 sorting through his stack of paperwork.
"Pardon me, but do you mind explaining what you're doing?"
The kid looked up and raised a brow in confusion.
"Um, morning paperwork?" He laughed nervously. "Wait did you forget that….uh, nevermind, I'll just go then."
The kid hastily made the papers into a pile, grabbed a backpack, and started to hustle out of the office. Only to be stopped when he bumped into you as you were storming into the office.
"Crowley! You promised you'd fix my goddamn roof!"
"Dad said I wasn't grounded anymore!"
Both of you shouted over the top of each other, and then stared in confusion.
The kid sprinted out of the office, knocking you over in the process.
Dire, meanwhile, released a delighted giggle, his face feeling warm as he grinned at you with a lovesick grin. Only to be annoyed as you brought up your roof again.
"If you excuse me, I have other things to attend to. I assure you that child will only cause trouble."
He ran out of his own office, no intention of actually finding his future son, only intending to hide from you.
Too bad you could always see through him, and were right on his tail.
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oepionie · 1 year
SYNOPSIS: your boyfriend and the different ways he pampers and spoils you rotten ♡
⊹ [ cw ] — mentions of winter storms, prefect is implied to have bad living conditions, mild violence in the tweels parts, jade breaks someone's wrist, crowley slander, ace slander◞
⊹ [ tags ] — FLUFFY! feminine reader! no gendered pronouns used, riddle uses his dorm position to spoil you, seeing trey driving is very hot, deuce biceps, leona and azul sugar daddy era, ruggie would rather freeze to death than have you be cold, jack carries you, jade and floyd will fight for you, rook makes you his muse and paints you, malleus renovates the entire diasomnia dorm for you, sebek carries your pink handbags◞
⊹ [ characters ] — riddle, trey, deuce, leona, ruggie, jack, azul, jade, floyd, rook, malleus, sebek◞
⊹ [ w.c ] — 4.9k+◞ | 🦇masterlist◞
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Princess treatment, Like—literally
Loathe is Riddle to admit—He can't deny the fact that being his lover meant you got special treatment. Prime example being your position at unbirthday parties. At the banquet table, just beside Riddle's designated throne, was your throne. Similar in style, it had a heart-shaped crest and golden frame; the only difference was that it was milky white rather than deep red. And despite his best efforts to downplay the favoritism shown to you, Riddle knows for a fact that he had the throne commissioned himself.
"Come with me." The dorm leader says as he moves towards you, leading you towards your throne. He didn't fail to notice how your legs shook slightly as you walked alongside him or how your hands didn’t leave his coat once. Not that he minded.
The redhead clasped your hands in his as he sat you down onto the leather seat before adjusting the train of your dress to ensure that it wouldn't bother you.
"How are you fairing?" Riddle asked softly, kneeling before you to slip a leather-clad hand behind your knees. He set your feet up on a plush stool and slipped your pointed heels off, gently caressing your ankles. "I overheard you earlier, griping about your feet aching. I certainly hope you're not pushing yourself too hard."
"Ah, no. I just chose the wrong heels today. They're too pointy." You sighed, poking at your crimson red heels, which were discarded to the grassy sides. Groaning, you reclined back on your throne, the billowing, fluffy skirt of the dress Riddle had recently gifted tumbling all about you.
"I see." Riddle nodded in understanding, taking your hand and pressing a quick gentlemanly kiss on your wrists. "The croquet game is up next. I suppose you'd rather stay here?"
"Yeah, I think I need some alone time," you sigh. Riddle squeezes once more your hand in reply, letting his eyes shut in contemplation.
"Very well," He hums, moving to gently tuck a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. "Do rest here a while, rose."
There was a soft smile as the leather of his hands glide across your back. "Oh, and, please let a member of my dorm know if you ever need anything. Worry not. I've instructed everyone here to be at your beck and call."
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— ♰ TREY
Passenger princess treatment<3
Every weekend, it was routine for Trey to whisk you away from your beaten-up dorm. After all, he was sure it was nice to spend the day in a place where you weren't inhaling dust and spiders every second. Both of you would always go over to his parent's café in the city for a simple little brunch date. And without fail, Trey would always pick you up at 9am sharp by the school gates.
"… I was made for lovin' you, baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you, baby
Can you get enough of me?"
Soft music played from the car's radio as the third-year weaved through the barren intersections, careful and slow. It seems as if the roads were merciful to you both today, calm and free of any traffic.
Trey languidly reaches one of his hands, calloused from his years of baking, over to rest gently on your thigh. His thumb rubs soft circles and nonsensical patterns over your plump skin while the other gripped the steering wheel in a loose hold, biceps flexing as he twisted the wheel to turn the car.
Focused as he was, you didn't miss how his gaze flits back and forth between the road and you, the expression swimming within them almost akin to a distant longing.
You place your hand atop his and lean against the passenger door. A wide grin spreads over your glossy red lips as you shake your head playfully. "Keep your eyes on the road."
Mirthful laughter spills from your mouth before your eyes flutter shut as you sway along to the song, mindlessly kicking your legs around. "Crashing and going to the hospital doesn't really sound like a good date idea."
A pensive smile creeps up on Trey's face, and he lets out a low chuckle. "Yeah? I just can't help it. You're a much more interesting sight."
He watched as the sun's dazzling light bathed your image in a beautiful, pleasant glow. To him, you looked ethereal, seemingly glowing and shining under the golden streaks of sunlight that pour through the windshield.
"What did I just say?" you sighed, smiling cheekily as you smoothed a hand over his clover-colored hair, fixing the stray strands moved askew by the wind from the open windows. "Hello~? Wonderland to Trey? Eyes on the road?"
He paused for a while before chuckling, his hands splaying out on the steering wheel as he turned his gaze back front. "Right, right. I'll be careful, princess."
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— ♰  DEUCE
Carries your things for you and will not let you do any heavy lifting at all plus he buys you drinks!
Screw Crowley Dire. You were sick of Ramshackle's awful, scratchy furniture. For once, you wished you could sit on something that wasn't littered with dust bunnies or looked like it came straight from the depths of the underworld—no offense to Idia. And so, using the money you had painstakingly saved over the last six months, you decided to buy a cute, frilly sofa.
Problem was—you couldn't lift it at all. It was too wide and heavy for your poor untrained arms. Fortunately for you, your boyfriend was more than happy to help ^^
"Um…Deuce? Are you sure you don't want me to work?" Perched atop the kitchen counters, you were worriedly staring down at him.
While he was preoccupied with lifting the couch, you were lazily sipping on a bubble tea—a drink which he bought for you himself. Humming, you let your gaze move from the soft line of his cheekbone, to the sharper cut of his jaw, before resting it onto the thick of his arms. " I don't mind helping, you know."
Deuce was standing by the door, arms tucked beneath the couch as he braced himself for lifting. "Yeah, I got this. Don't worry."
Now, why was he here, exactly? Well…First off, you didn't intend to call him at all.
In the middle of trying to haul your couch into Ramshackle's entrance, Deuce had appeared out of nowhere, offering his help. Despite your vehement denial, the stubborn boy wouldn't take no for an answer, and eventually forced you to sit down, shoving the bright, bubbly drink in your hand without saying a word.
So, here you were. Shamelessly ogling at him while he tried to find a way to bring the couch in.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt—Oh!" You gasped, hand flying up to cover your agape mouth when Deuce easily lifted it up as if it were made of air. In response to your expression of astonishment, he grinned and playfully flexed his arms. "See?"
While Deuce set the couch down in front of the TV, you slipped off the counters and strode over to him. Jumping into his embrace, you draped your arms around his shoulder and pressed a big kiss on his cheeks, watching in delight as his face exploded in pink. "You're so strong! Thank you so much!"
Deuce let a wobbly smile stretch across his burning cheeks, his hands slack atop your hips. "Y-Yeah! No problem."
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Sugar dad-I mean-financial help<3 + Hints at passenger princess treatment
Leona Kingscholar was not a romantic. Naturally, he has stayed to himself ever since he was little. This lion was not the kind to be sentimental, gooey, or emotional. So it is astonishing how quickly this stone-cold personality of his breaks down when he's around you.
Every little thing you do drives him into a lovesick frenzy, and he has no idea how to stop it. He wasn't particularly into grand displays of affection or romantic gestures. Ergo, in an effort to express his adoration, he turns to more…costly methods.
"Tell me what you want." Leona demands, tone serious as he wraps a rough yet protective arm around your hips. Both of you were standing smack dab in the middle of a large shopping mall. Though the more you stood here, the more you began to realize that this place wasn't really your…ordinary mall.
First and foremost, when Leona pulled up, there was private parking, and that was already intimidating to you in and of itself. Second, it seems like every single store in here was a luxury brand. You've seen a couple of these logos plastered onto the tags of Vil's or Jade and Floyd's clothes.
As a matter of fact, you were pretty sure their plastic bags cost more than your entire yearly allowance combined.
"Ah, um…"  A nervous sweat built up on your brow as you fished your wallet out, peering into what little funds you had. "Leona, honey—I just needed to get some school supplies…Is there a different mall we can go to?" You sheepishly smiled up at him. "I don't think I can afford to get anything here."
Silence immediately follows as Leona stares at you with a dumbfounded look. Blinking bluntly, he scoffs. "Who said you were paying?"
"Hu-Huh?" You stammered, fiddling with your wallet. The lion's eyes were ripped wide open in shock, as if the mere thought of you spending your own money on your own things was a criminal act. Something so ludicrous that even a person with his deceptive persona finds it distasteful.
"Ain't it obvious already? I'm paying," Leona huffs, dragging you to a nearby jewelry shop. Behind the glass were displays of glittering pearls and jewels, each of which had delicate and intricate carvings. "And we're gettin' more than stationary."
"But-!" You start, only to get interrupted as his calloused hand clamps over your mouth.
"No buts."
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Giving you his coat when you're cold and just being sickeningly sweet<3
Ruggie was used to working for others, and this habit of his pours over to you. Though it wouldn't take long for people to notice that his acts of labor was…different with you.
For others, Ruggie works because there's an exchange, a benefit, or a payment for him. For you, however, he does things with no motive in mind. He would never ask for more because he genuinely didn't need anything more, and if he ever did, a simple kiss or hug from you would be plenty.
It was a frigid winter day and both of you were walking to school together, a routine you both developed over the past few months. As you followed him through the deep snowfall, the cold wind nipped and bit at your skin, making you shudder. Despite the struggle, you push on, the rough pads of your boots dragging along the thick blankets of snow.
Unfortunately for you, the flimsy cardigan you bought at Sam's did nothing to keep your body safe from the cruel winter.
While Ruggie's oversized warm coat helps kept him sufficiently warmed up, you, on the other hand, are struggling. You know you should have gotten a thicker coat, but this was all you could afford last minute.
Ever so caring, your boyfriend is quick to notice this and turns back around, trudging through the snow to meet you.
"C'mere," Ruggie drags you into his embrace and starts to slowly inch the coat off his shoulders. With your form now pushed against his body, he takes the chance to press a soft kiss against your cheeks. At the exchange of affection, both of you erupt in soft giggles, lovesick grins stretched across your lips.
The moment feels intimate, loving, and safe.
"Here ya' go." Suddenly he's engulfing you in his thick cloak and zipping it up. Protesting, you try to give it back, but all he does is snicker and shake his head. He peppers warm kisses on the side of your bare frostbitten neck, relishing in the giggles that spill from your lips. "Keep it. I can handle the cold. I'm used to it but I can't have you freezin' out here, now can I?"
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— ♰  JACK
Carries you when your feet start to hurt, tee hee
Jack was strong and well-disciplined. He's worked hard and trained himself to peak physical condition, yet even then, he's continually seeking to improve himself even more. He's tried it all: fitness routines, weight lifting, and sports. And it pays off.
His strength has proven useful in a variety of circumstances. from physical education classes, sporting events, marathons, and, strangely enough, carrying you when your heels begin to hurt your feet.
Jack looks around the booths as he takes your hands in his, pulling you along the festival crowds, "Hm. I think the takoyaki stand is around here. You were craving that earlier, right?" If it weren't for the intense dull ache at the bottom of your ankles, you would have been delighted to hear about the delectable octopus snack.
Instead, you hissed and pulled on the beastman's hand, halting to a stop, unable to take the torture of your heels any longer. "Jack, hold on a second."
Groaning, you slouch down on a nearby bench and kick off your heels, scowling at the dull throb that's pressing itself against the back of your foot. Jack quickly knelt down by your side, ears alert and tail swishing.
"What's wrong?" He questions as he drags your legs over to rest on top of his firm thighs. "Do your feet hurt?"
"Yeah," you sigh. "I kinda regret putting on heels at a festival like this…I didn't realize it would hurt so bad. I just wanted to look cute."
The wolf ponders for a moment before swiftly turning around, presenting his back to you, "Get on."
"Eh?" You blinked, tilting your head to the side. Jack looks away, keeping his head tilted to the ground as a dark flush swept over his skin. "I'll carry you…I-If your feet hurt, I won't mind carrying you."
"Oh!" Smiling, you slip onto his back and wrap your arms snug around his neck. Jack clutches your heels in one hand while the other grasps onto your thigh. The beastman easily stands up, supporting both his and your weight as he heads towards the food stands.
"Who knew you were such a softie, Jack! Hehe." You tease, pressing a kiss against the side of his neck. The beastman flushed even more, avoiding your gaze at all cost.
"Tch. I-I don't go around doing this for anyone."
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— ♰  AZUL
Sugar dad-I mean-financial help<3 #2
Azul lived to spoil you.
For you, the octo-mer gleefully buys mountains of clothing. Your entire wardrobe has been thoughtfully planned by him (and often rapidly purchased, Floyd is always the victim to his 12am shopping whims).
Other than clothing, he's also quite fond of jewelry. He clasps pure pearls to your ears, drapes diamonds over your neck, and slips rings onto your fingers. It would be the highlight of Azul's day to see the items he had purchased for you proudly displayed for all the students on campus to see.
"Shall we?" he asks softly as he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you up from your chair. The smooth white silk of your dress cascades off the plush leather seat, draping down to your ankles. Azul swiftly guides you away from the lounge, signaling at both Floyd and Jade in the corner to clean up before turning his attention back to you, once more. "I hope the food was to your liking, angelfish?"
"Oh, it was," you confirm, a smile playing on your lips. Leaning up, you press a warm kiss against his lips, one which he returns. "Thank you for the wonderful night, Azul! The dress as well. It looks beautiful."
"Why, of course." The octo-mer hums, running his hand up your back. As he slips both of you into his room, he shuts the door with his foot and guides you to his vanity. "Though I do have one last gift."
"Another?" You chuckle, "Don't you think you spoil me too much? I don't want it to seem like I'm leeching off of you…"
"No, you could never," Azul says as he motions you to a seat near the table of his vanity. The octo-mer reaches over and opens a drawer, revealing a nice velvet box.
As the box is opened, a gorgeous sea-glass necklace with a stunning silver-coral colour is exhibited to you. It sat prettily atop a white plush pillow, winking at you. Azul deftly runs a hand up your neck to pull your hair back and your lips parts in a "o" when he clasps it on.
"Azul," you breathlessly murmur. "I can't possibly—This must have cost a fortune."
"It's for you," Azul smiles. "Only for you."
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— ♰  JADE
You have scary eel privileges'
It was not uncommon for Jade to come knocking at your door in opportune times of the night to accompany you out for a walk. You mentioned once how you loved stargazing and Jade hasn't let that go since. For he too had always carried a fondness for the night, more specifically, the moon.
It was constant, a repetitive lustrous cycle, and despite his thrill seeking nature, he took comfort in its consistency. Walks with you were the highlight of his week, and he certainly does not take interruptions from pesky little bugs lightly.
The night sky above Ramshackle was littered with painted specs of sparkling stars, burning brightly amidst the gradients of blue and black. Jade had a firm hand situated by the small of your back, gently guiding you along the dirt path of the trail.
"It's so beautiful…" You murmur in astonishment, craning your head up to peer up at the canvas of stars. Chuckling, Jade tugs you in closer to slip his large jacket over your shoulders. "I'm glad you like it, pearl. I do hope it's not too cold?"
"Not at all."
Both of you continue along your hike, going deeper and deeper into the thick, dense forest. As you trudged on, a bundle of wild mushrooms caught your eye and you halted to a stop, recognizing the patterns and spots on the fungi in a book Jade had once shown you.
"Wait here a moment. I just saw those mushrooms you wanted so bad. I'll go get it!" Before Jade could even reply, you were already off, sneaking past tall bushes and prickly trees. 
Just as you were about to pick your first mushroom, a low growl interrupts you. Freezing, your eyes dart upward to see a Savanaclaw student towering over your form. 
He did not seem happy.
"Oya? You're that Ramshackle punk, aren't you?…I have to say, Leona let you off real easy after that little spy mission you did in our dorm." He sneers, rolling the joints of his shoulders and moving closer, backing you up against a tree. "That's all good with me…Cuz' If he won't do something bout' it, then I will."
Suddenly, he was drawing his fist back, aiming for you. The sudden shift happened so quickly that all you could do was flinch and hunch over, preparing yourself for a hit.
Only for it to never come.
"My, my," a familiar voice muses. Breath hitching in your throat, you peek up and see Jade looming behind the boy. The eel's hand was coiled tight around the beastman's wrist, clasping tighter and tighter until there was a sickening snap. 
"How foolish of you to think I would allow that."
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You have scary eel privileges' #2
Floyd was a lot softer and caring than a lot of people would give him credit for. That or he just gives you special treatment. After all, the big bad eel found you endearing. You were his one and only beloved little shrimpy. 
You were the one who stood by him even when others dismissed him as strange or frightful because you loved and adored him wholeheartedly. So, he can't help but be protective of you.
Nothing will ever hurt you so long as he's by your side.
"Shrimpy? What're you doing here?"
Sniffles and cries wreck your chest as you curled up on Floyd's bed, clutching his shrimp plush tight in your arms. Said eel was standing by the door, a look of shock plastered onto his features before it turned ice-cold as he approached your weeping form.
"My poor shrimpy…" Floyd rasps, tugging off his gloves to cup your wet cheeks with his big hands. "What's wrong with my shrimpy? Did someone do this? I'll squeeze 'em if they did."
The eel crawls into bed with you, tugging the plush out of your arms and slipping himself into your embrace. Soft warm kisses are peppered on your wet cheeks as Floyd coos at you.
Sobbing, you raise a hand to furiously wipe at your eyes before exclaiming, "It's Grim again! Why does he have to be so difficult?! I worked so hard for my alchemy exam, but it seems like he doesn't care! He's brought our grades down again!"
"It's that cat of yours again, huh?" Floyd clicked his tongue, thumb pressing against the corner of your teary eyes. He pressed a warm palm to your cheek, examining your face with close inspection as he slowly reached for your hand and set it down atop his beating heart. "No worries. Just let it all out, shrimpy. I'll have a talk with the baby seal later hehe~"
You sniffed and brushed his comments aside as you pulled away from the embrace, an action which made him pout. "…I'm not sure he'd even listen. Grim is as stubborn as a rock." 
"We'll see about that, shrimpy." Floyd scoffs, a frown on his face clearly visible as he pulls you closer once more.
"Yanno, I'm pretty good at alchemy myself." Floyd chirps, a dark grin slowly stretching across his cheeks. "I'm sure the baby seal won't mind having a private tutor session with good ol' me."
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— ♰ ROOK
This man WORSHIPS the ground you walk on.
As they say, "Before you die, experience the love of a writer, poet or painter. If you're lucky enough to be an artist's muse, they will immortalize you." Such a muse you were to Rook.
Though it would take quite a lot of coaxing before he could have the pleasure of having you as his muse, at the rare moments you did agree—Rook did his utmost best to do you justice on the canvas.
Portraiture looked into the life of the subject, revealed what was hidden deep inside, and examined it. With his hunter-like manner, Rook was all too acquainted with this study.
"A-Am I doing this right?" You murmur, trying your best not to move around as you held a bouquet of daisies up to your chest. There was a cream-tinted dress draped across your body as you reclined against the backdrop Rook had set up.
"Oui. Such beauty in your gaze, trickster. Angels lurk behind your eyes." The hunter flirts, resolute gazed locked onto your flustered ones as he drags his brush against the palette. There was an experiment with the hues for a time before he blended a few other colors.
"I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to do this." As he'd found the color he wanted, Rook turned back to you. He took careful note of every nuance and detail of your glowing visage and committed as much as he could to memory. Rook knew he’d have to make your portrait perfect. He simply couldn’t allow for anything else.
"You're very persistent," you huff with a small smile on your face. "I had to cave in eventually, huh?"
"But, of course!" Rook cheekily grins, turning his attention back to the canvas. "I can't let a chance like this pass me by."
Time passed and layers upon layers of color came together to form the picture he sought after. Out to the right, spread across a lush sofa, was your incandescent form. And he surely didn't hold back on the details. The creases in the fabric, the curve of your smile, and the contours of the plush pillows scattered on either side of the plush crimson sofa all draw the eye.
It was a large painting that he had boldly placed in Pomefiore's living room, much to Vil's chagrin. Try as he might, the dormleader couldn't get the hunter to remove it at all.
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Princess treatment? pff. That's cute. No, it's queen treatment to him.
You had a bad tendency of rambling on about whatever that came to mind, often without realising that another person was in the same room as you. Even if you initially didn't mind this little quirk of yours, recent events have made you realise that you should probably curb your mouth-running.
Even more so considering that your partner, caring as he was, had a tendency to be quite…impulsive. Especially when it comes to matters concerning your comfort and well-being.
Malleus was flipping through a catalogue of colour samples and scrutinizing each texture with careful judgment. Slipping the page into your hands, he murmurs, "This is all rather lovely. Perhaps a dark crimson will suffice. Or would you like this wine red dye, my dear?" The dragon looked at you, patiently awaiting your response.
Only for there to be none.
You stood awkwardly at his side, your cheeks flaming up with shame. Tugging at his coat, you rose up on your tiptoes and whispered quietly, "Tsunotaro…when I whined about it being cold, I didn't mean for you to go this far."
"Oh?" He quirks a brow up, "Do you not like these colors?"
"Mal," you utter gently, handing the catalogue back to him. "I don't really think we need to—"
"Young Master. If I may," Sebek interrupts, voice raising to a strained high squeak, "Please do tell. Why are we replacing every.single marble floor in the dorm…with carpet?"
Malleus draws you in his arms, all while ignoring the enraged stare painted on Sebek's face. "My darling's feet become frigid cold when they walk along the marble flooring. I think it's due time for it to get redone," he says while running his hands tenderly up your back and gazing at you with a ghost of a smile on his lips.
Sebek blinks, a strained smile sneaking up on his cheeks, "Well. I'm sure they can use slippers—"
"Nonsense." Malleus snarls, eyes flashing a luminous green. "How dare you even think of subjecting them to such a ludicrous act. Hmph. Using…slippers—How preposterous." 
"No. I think my way is much better." Shaking his head, Malleus turns back to the catalogue—paying no mind to the grief-stricken look on his retainer's face. "Now dearest, do you think burgundy would look good in the kitchen?"
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Carries your sparkly pink purses for you, slay king<3
Sebek was not a fool. The fae was well aware he could be a bit…much at times. And even if he doesn't express it, he really values your nearly infinite patience with him. 
The boy was awkward at affection, and this is especially highlighted when it comes to anything involving romantic gestures. Even though your snappy crocodile was hard-headed and stubborn at times, he still showed you how much he cared in his own little ways. Even if it were something as simple as carrying your sparkly pink bag around the campus.
"You ought to have known better than to jest so lightly about Diasomnia that way!" Sebek barks out, a leather-clad finger digging deep into Ace's chest. However, as opposed to being upset as Sebek had anticipated, the ginger chortles, muffled giggles sneaking past his clamped up lips.
"Sebek, buddy." Ace wheezes out, shoulders shaking from the strain of his suppressed laughter. "It's kinda hard to take you seriously…wh-when you have that."
The Heartslabyul runt gestures towards your designer purse, which was snugly resting against Sebek's bicep, slung over his shoulder. 
It was quite the eye-catcher. The sparkling pink diamonds of its handle twinkled a bright brilliant white, so bright in fact that it was almost blinding. 
Epel takes notice of the logo and crocodile keychain attached to it and he perks up.
"Oh, it's one of those girly-lookin' designer bags Vil is always yappin' about," Epel points out, squinting his eyes to get a better look at it. "Ain't that the prefect's bag?"
Unfazed by Ace's mocking, Sebek scoffs arrogantly, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Indeed, it is. As a knight-in-training, it is only right for me to possess the quality of a gentleman. Chivalrous acts like this are nothing to be ashamed of." He abruptly snapped his head over to glower at Ace, who was sitting rather comfortably in the cafeteria bench, crossing one leg over the over as he met Sebek's irritated stare. "Not that I anticipate someone like you to ever have experience with it.."
Sebek then rose from the table and strode boldly in the direction of your classroom, the pink bag swinging with each heavy step he took. Epel was leaning over the table, placing a shaky hand on Ace's shoulder as loud laughter racked through his body.
"Darn' right," Epel cackles, wiping the tears away from his eyes before turning to the ginger. "Nice ta' see someone still has sum chivalry…Unlike you, Ace."
The ginger visibly deflates, rolling his eyes as he mutters, "Yeah, yeah. We get it. He's down bad."
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꒰ ♡🧷: if you want to be tagged for ALL of my works, comment here!
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 10 months
Requested by @captaincvans
Dean Winchester x little sister!reader, a little bit of Sam Winchester x little sister!reader
Synopsis: your big brother Dean has always been your protector
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It started when you were four years old. Dean answered one of John’s phones, and was shocked to hear your tiny voice on the other end.
“Who is this? How did you get this number?”
“My mommy,” you were sobbing into the phone, and Dean’s heartbeat picked up. Had someone hurt the little girl on the other end? “My mommy said to call if-if bad things happened. She said it was my daddy’s number.”
To say Dean was shocked would be the understatement of the century, but he forced himself to remain calm, if only for the little girl who clearly needed help. John had gone out on a job, and Sam had walked to a nearby store to grab some supplies.
“Ok, well where’s your mommy?”
“The monster…he-he…” you broke down into sobs, and Dean didn’t need to hear anything else.
Dean was usually used to waiting for John’s orders before doing just about anything, but somehow now he knew just what to do. Every instinct inside him screamed to help you from the moment he heard your voice.
He didn’t know then, but that instinct would follow him for the rest of his life.
Dean’s relationship with you was different than his with Sam. Dean had practically raised Sam, but he literally raised you. The older the boys got, the more John left them for hunts. And there was the age difference; he was only four years older than Sam, but Dean had already grown up and started hunting by the time you came into his life. And after John died, the two of you became closer than ever, and he took on his role as caretaker even more seriously.
So, needless to say, hunting wasn’t in the cards for you. Of course Dean taught you how to defend yourself, but he knew that once you started hunting, you’d be stuck in that life forever, and that wasn’t a choice he was going to let you make as a teenager.
A part of you always wanted to fight him on it, not because you thought you’d love hunting, but because your big brothers risked their lives on an almost-daily basis, and you wanted to be there to help them. However, it didn’t take long for you to realize that being on a hunt would just put them in more danger; Dean would be so worried about you that he wouldn’t keep his head on straight. You weren’t going to be the reason he got distracted and killed on a hunt.
So you stayed behind.
But that didn’t mean that you were always safe.
“Crowley I swear, if you touch one hair on her head-“
“Let me guess, they’ll never find the body?”
“Oh no, they will,” Dean’s fists were clenched so hard, his palms were going numb. “They’ll find it, and they’ll keep finding it. Little bits, everywhere, maybe I’ll even drop you in a couple of different states. I’ll cut you up nice and slow, it’ll take weeks before you’re dead, and that’s if I’m feeling generous enough to let you die at all.”
“My my my, someone is very protective about his little pet. However, your mummy should’ve taught you some manners, because you see…” Dean flinched when he heard your screams over the phone. “I don’t like to be threatened, squirrel.”
“Ok, ok!” Dean relented. Your screams stopped.
“Good. Now, here’s my ultimatum,” Crowley’s voice rose in anger, “If you ever want to see this little runt again, the first thing you’re gonna do, is drop the attitude, and show some respect!” Crowley cleared his throat, and returned to his easygoing, neutral tone. “After all, I am the king of hell. And then, after that, you’re going to stop meddling in my affairs. That’s not so bad, is it?”
Dean was about to throw out a snarky response when your voice broke in.
“Don’t listen to him, Dean. He’s just a liar, he’ll betray y-“ your desperate, frightened voice cut off with a high-pitched scream, and Dean could swear he heard Crowley laughing.
“Now now, darling, that’s not very nice. Name-calling is for children. Oh that’s right,” Crowley’s laughter started up again. “You are a child.”
“Stop it!” Not seeing what was going on was driving Dean insane. He could only imagine what Crowley was doing to you. “Alright, Crowley, you get what you want. Just let her go!”
The screaming stopped again.
“Now, that’s sweet, Dean. But I’m afraid I don’t exactly trust your word. So, I’m going have to keep your little rugrat here for a little longer, just to make sure you make good on your promise. Deal?”
“No no no, Crowley you can’t just-“
“I think we’re done here.”
The click that followed might as well have been an atomic bomb.
“We got a location.”
Dean had never jumped up that fast in his entire life.
“Finally, let’s go.”
“Dean, hold on,” Sam placed his hand out, stopping Dean in his tracks. “We don’t know how many demons are guarding it.”
“You know what, Sam? I don’t really care. There could be a thousand demons in there for all I care. She’s in there, so I’m going.” Dean brushed past Sam, who reluctantly followed him into the Impala.
“I’m just saying, it would be nice to have a plan.”
“I have a plan.” Dean peeled out of the driveway and sped along the road.
“The plan is get her back.”
You heard them before you saw them. It would be impossible not to; the screaming of demons and the thud as bodies hit the floor wasn’t exactly quiet.
However, when the door burst open, it wasn’t your brothers who came in.
Crowley rushed toward you, his hand outstretched to grab you and teleport you with him. A split second before his hand reached your shoulder, the demon blade whizzed past his ear and struck his arm, throwing him off balance and onto the floor. Before he could get back up, Dean was on him, not even bothering with the knife as he pounded on Crowley’s face. Sam rushed in after him, grabbing Dean by the shoulder and pulling him off.
“That’s enough, Dean! Just use the kni-“
Before either brother could move towards the demon blade, Crowley had disappeared.
“No!” Dean slammed his fist against the wall, and was about to do it again when he heard it.
Never, not even when you were little, had Dean ever heard you sound so small; so fragile. He turned, his gaze instantly softening, his fists relaxing as he rushed to your side. He quickly untied the ropes holding you to a metal chair, and as soon as you were free you collapsed into his waiting arms.
“You’re ok,” Dean’s eyes stung as he gripped you tightly to him. “You’re safe now, I’m here.”
“Is she ok?” Sam stepped up behind Dean, and Dean reluctantly pulled away to check you for injuries.
There was a gash along your cheek, and he saw several cuts on your arms and legs, but what really worried him was the blood covering the front of your shirt.
“Baby, can you…” Dean touched the pool of blood dripping down your stomach. You lifted your shirt a few inches, and he saw a deep cut running along your ribs. Blood was still gushing freely from the cut, and Dean quickly removed his top layer of flannel, pressing it against the wound.
Sam flinched when you cried out, and Dean winced.
“I know, I know it hurts honey. I need you to hold it there, though.” You took the shirt from him and he nodded, “Yeah, good, press it tight.” He glanced around one more time to be sure no demons were coming, before he scooped you into his arms. You cried out again when he jostled you, and he tried to ignore you as he turned to Sam.
“You gotta watch my back, I’ve got her, but I don’t know if there are any more demons still here.”
Sam nodded, taking the demon blade.
“Alright, I’ll drive.”
“Do we need to take her to a hospital?” Sam glanced to the back of the Impala, where your head was resting in Dean’s lap as he held his shirt against your cut.
“I’m ok,” your voice was quiet, almost sleepy.
“We should take her in,” Dean insisted.
“It doesn’t look like she’s lost that much blood,” Sam hesitantly argued.
“Dean, I’m ok,” you turned your gaze from your injury to your big brother. “Really, just stitch me up. I’ll be fine.”
Dean relented hesitantly, mostly because he didn’t put it past Crowley to try to alert local authorities to all the bodies he’d left in his wake saving you. The last thing you needed was to be stuck in a hospital while Sam and Dean got arrested.
“Alright, ok. But you gotta stay awake, understand?”
You were silent for a few seconds, and when your voice lifted he could hear the tears you were trying to hold back.
“He wouldn’t let me sleep.”
Dean felt the white-hot anger rising in him, but he forced it down.
“You…but you were gone for three days.”
“I know. But ev-every time I tried to sleep…” you picked at one of the cuts, and Dean got the picture. He glanced up to see Sam gripping the steering wheel with all his might, his knuckles turning snow-white.
“I’m sorry,” Dean’s soft voice was only beat by the softness in his eyes as he looked down at you. “I’m so sorry. But you gotta stay awake just a little bit longer, I’m sorry.”
You knew he wasn’t just apologizing for that.
“Dean, it’s not your fault.”
He turned to look out the window, and you knew he didn’t believe you.
“Dean,” you tried to raise your voice, but it just sent you into a fit of coughing. His head whipped back to look at you, and he squeezed his hand under your head, lifting you up a little so you could breathe.
“Honey, don’t talk, don’t talk. You’re ok, just breathe.”
“Dean,” you took a deep breath, “Dean it’s not. It’s not your fault-“
“Shh, shh,” he insisted, eyes flitting nervously over your face. “Kiddo please, don’t talk.”
“Then say it.”
Dean sighed, and you knew he wouldn’t mean it, but you wanted him to say it anyway.
“It wasn’t my fault.”
“I’m sorry,” Dean winced when you sucked in a breath, trying desperately to stay still as he sewed you up.
“I’m ok,” you insisted.
“Ok, I’m done,” Dean tied off the last stitch, and you hesitantly stood and headed to your bathroom to shower off the blood that was all but covering you.
Dean sat on your bed while you were gone, staring down at the blood on his hands, disgusted but somehow unable to get up to wash it off.
He stayed there until you returned, a clean shirt and your pajama pants on. You stepped up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He glanced up, opening his mouth to speak before closing it again. You tugged on his arm without speaking, and he followed you mechanically as you pulled him into your bathroom.
You turned on the sink water and guided his hands under the flow, rubbing his hands until they were clean and your blood was running down the drain. You handed him a soft towel, and he slowly dried his hands.
The two of you stood there in silence, unsure of whether to move or not. Then suddenly, the two of you moved in sync. He opened his arms just as you moved towards him, and he wrapped you into his arms. One of his hands cradled the back of your head, while the other rested on the small of your back. You felt his chin rest on the top of your head, his arms tightening around you.
“I’m so sorry,” he choked.
You wanted to tell him it wasn’t his fault, but you knew that you could scream it til doomsday and Dean still wouldn’t believe it. So instead you said what he needed to hear.
“I’m ok.”
You weren’t the only one who hadn’t been able to sleep during your captivity, and you knew it. Dean looked horrible, his eyes dark and his hair greasy and sticking out in strange angles. You didn’t think you could convince him to eat or shower, not yet at least. He hadn’t left your side in the hour since you got back, and you figured he would want to watch over you while you slept.
So, if you couldn’t make him eat, you figured you at least knew a way to make him sleep.
You let him tuck you into your bed before grabbing onto his arm as he turned to go.
“Stay with me,” you insisted. He nodded and reached to grab a chair.
“No, with me,” you lifted a corner of the blanket. Dean didn’t speak, he just climbed in next to you and let you lean against his arm.
After a few minutes, Dean’s breathing evened out and you smiled.
He was your protector, always.
But maybe there was some ways that you could save him, too.
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hxjikonn · 1 year
Congratulations for your milestone!!!!
Can i perhaps request twst platonic comfort long fic with the staff with Lilia separately perhaps saying like “i’m proud of you” and pat reader’s head please? Reader gender is GN and preferably uses with ‘you’ instead of pronouns please if its possible—
of course no pressure for this request— i just need a comfort becus daddy issues lmao but sam is more like big brother vibes
A/N: Thank you anon! I’m gonna cry this is actually so frikkin cute 🥹, I’ll do my best take on this one and I hope you like it. I do have a limit of 3-4 caharcters only so I’ll do Lilia, Crowley, Trein and Crewel ♥︎ also p.s sorry this took so long 😭🤚🏻
Peer Pressure
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☆Staring☆: Lilia Vanrouge, Dire Crowley, Mozus Trein, and Divus Crewel.
Synopsis: Twst Dads Staff and Lilia, being the father figure you never had. Yes! I’m talking to boys, girls, gays and non-binary baes who has daddy issues 🥹
Heads up/Warnings: Mentions of Stress, Lil small smidge of angst, VERY LONG AND NOT PROOFREAD Platonic! rs with reader.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Studying in NRC was no cake walk, that’s a given fact, and more so when you’re a magicless nomad from who knows where, as much as you’d love to just blend in with the crowd and not be noticed, you stuck out like a sore thumb.
You were treated as a weak poor unfortunate soul who fate has thrown to the wolf den to be eaten alive without a fight, You didn’t like how they perceived you, you didn’t like how you were treated as a push over who couldn’t stand a chance in this school. So you made yourself keep with everyone else despite not having a speck of magic in you.
You really are doing everything you can to be treated as an equal by everyone, but even when you’re giving it your all, it’s never enough for them to respect you, no matter how many overblots you face and how many dorm leaders and students you help, you will always amount to nothing in their eyes.
Still you tried, tried to keep your chin up, but you’re only human, and you can only take so much. You were sat in the deepest part of the school library, the ancient history section, where dust had collected on the bookshelves having been left unnoticed for so long, not a single beam of light could peek through the thick books that rested on the high shelves. No one bothered to go here, It was silent, this became the place you’d go to when you feel that you’re about to break.
Slowly, the dark and tiny enclosed space was filled with your quiet sobs and sniffles, shaky breaths and gasps were heard coming from your tiny curled up figure in the corner…you couldn’t handle it anymore, it was heavy, it hurts, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell anyone because you felt like it’d fuel the idea of you being weak and in need of help…
Unbeknownst to you, someone other than yourself lurked in that corner of the library, and that someone had heard your soft weeping, slowly and carefully he approached your tiny figure, you were sobbing on your knees desperately trying to hold yourself together, you were too caught up on keeping quiet that you hadn’t notice Lilia sitting beside you.
“You know…it’s normal for children to cry right?” He said, loudly enough for you to hear but quietly too since he didn’t want to freak you out. You slowly met his gaze, with swollen eyes glistening with tears, you sniffled and wiped your cheek with your sleeve “I’m not a child….” You retorted, voice hoarse and weak.
“Oh but your not an adult either?” He said ruffling your hair, you didn’t like this, it felt like he also saw you like everyone else in this school, puny. You brushed off his hand, you sighed…upset, you buried your head back in your knees “I really don’t feel well right now Lilia-senpai…I wanna be left alone” You mumbled, not another word was uttered after you said that, you thought he left, so you resumed to your pitiful state of feeling sorry for yourself.
It wasn’t until you felt soft pats on your head that you settled down a bit, “When Silver wasn’t feeling well when he was little, I’d always stay by his side until he’s better…children can’t be left alone when they dont feel well, or else they wont get better” he softly spoke to you, you could only answer with sniffles and hiccups.
“M’not a child…” you answered, still hiccuping trying to catch your breath from crying to much, “If you’d known how old I am, you’d probably see yourself as a fetus…” he joked, “I’ll never be equal to you guys will I?? I’ll always be the weakest one here…no matter what I do” you voiced out, you didn’t even know if you were shaking from anger or sadness…
Lilia felt it though, your emotions, he sighed and draped his school overcoat on your shaking frame, and continued to place soft pats on your head to calm you down again, “That was quiet offensive, you don’t even know how I think of you and yet you assume that…” he scolded, “You call me a child…” you snapped back at him
“That’s because you are one and yet you act like you should be the one running NRC, I need you to understand that I’m not calling you a child because I see you as a feeble human being, I call you that to remind you that you’re still young…it’s too early for you be stressed out, that’s a middle age man’s job” He scolded you holding both your face with in his hands, wiping your tears with his thumbs.
“You’ve already done so much…I’m proud of you for keeping up with everyone in NRC despite you not possessing magic, it’s amazing, even Malleus thinks so…” he added, you felt yourself calm down, more so when he pulled you into a hug, you felt safe.
“Now rest, we cant have you exiting the library with puffy eyes, people would think they were stung by bees!” He jested, chuckling at himself. “I’ll wake you up when I feel that you’ve had enough sleep…” he patted your head and hummed a tune, tired from crying, you eventually gave in and let his hums woo you to sleep.
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Dire Crowley
Once again, you were called to Crowley’s office, not because you caused trouble no, you barely had the time in your day to do that. It was because somehow he probably has yet another taxing job to give you, that or he’s gonna scold you for something, what is it? Who knows? Sometimes it’s the most random things.
You knocked and waited waited for him to say you could come in…when he did, you walked in groggily, and shut the door behind you with your foot, you didn’t bother with politeness and courtesies, you were too exhausted for that, plus you knew he probably got used you’re attitude by now as you were used to his.
“What nowwwww???” You groaned, flopping on the chair infront of him. “Would it kill you to have some manners prefect?” He scolded, “Cut me some slack I’m tireeedddd” you whined in your hands. “Well I hope you being tired means you’ve done everything I told you to do, and I called you here to ask you if you’ve visited Savanaclaw-“ “to solve their flea infestation problem? Yeah It’s done. Savanaclaw is flea-free.” You cut him off, your voice monotoned and unenthusiastic.
He was surprised, “Well then, I assume you’ve also finished re-planted the flowers of wonderland in the botanical garden.” “YUP” you quickly answered. “What about the concerns of Pomfoire students about their stollen chemicals?” He crossed his arms “It wasn’t stollen, They misplaced it somewhere.” You answered again.
“Mandatory Dormitory maintenance check ups? Have you organized the School calendar events? Did you solve the Octavinelle and Scarabia feud? ” He started throwing the tasks he gave you. “Done. Done. And hmmm let me see…yup all done.” you replied as you picked on your nails. Crowley was shocked you managed to finish everything in a day, at this point he started to doubt you didn’t have magic.
“Have you….uhm….” He tried thinking of a task he hasn’t asked you about, “have you…done your homework?” He had nothing. You looked up at him with a confused look, but still answered “Yeah?” He cleared his throat and readjusts his tie “Hm…Well done then, you did well” he said.
“Can I go now? I haven’t eaten all day and Grim’s probably throwing tantrums because he hasn’t had his tuna sandwich…” you asked, he only nodded. Still kind of shock that you did every task he sent you to do. “Uh…’kay, bye I guess…” you stood up to leave, weirded out by the headmage’s sudden silence.
He only came back to his senses when he heard the door shut, and realized you’d left…you left to go home and eat cuz you haven’t eaten all day, yeah…wait… “HAVEN’T EATEN??!! ALL DAY??!” He shouted, shooting up from his chair to go chase you. His automatic Papa bird mode was up and running…literally. You thought you were safe from a scolding session, well you were wrong.
“PREFECT! Y/N! STOP RIGHT THERE!” He commanded, far across the other end of the hallway. You stopped, hearing his voice, you sighed and turned your back to see him speed walking his way over to you. “Here we go…” you said to yourself, preparing for the scolding, you didn’t know what it was about but you were preparing still.
Before you knew it he was standing infront of you, hands on his hips like a disappointed mother. “What did I miss this time?” You asked, “Apparently Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner” he answered. You blinked a couple of times, confused and dumbfounded. “Huh?” Was all that came put of your mouth.
“I can’t believe you! How could you not eat for a whole day?! Are you mad?! Have you gone koo-koo over the tasks I gave you?! You could get sick!” He scolded, you thought he was joking, so you laughed “Oh I get it…Don’t worry I won’t die, you won’t lose your errand runner” you joked. Wrong move.
The expression on his face was something you hadn’t seen before, usually you’re not at all fazed by Crowley, however this time you felt your stomach drop, but not to fear, it was something else. “Errand Runner….? Is that why you forgot to eat?…Is that how I make you feel…?” He spoke, uncharacteristically sad…
“Uh n-no, I was…I was just joking…” you denied smiling up at him, though you did feel like an errand runner most of the time, it was clear that Crowley didn’t know you felt that way. Silence was all that was heard between you two. Crowley was only looking at you, “Uhm…I should…go” you spoke, breaking the noiseless awkward situation.
You bowed and turned to your heel and left. For the rest of the night, all that filled Crowley’s mind was worry…You went to school the next morning, the happenings from yesterday was now long gone and done for you, it was weird and awkward sure, but you didn’t think it was that deep.
However it wasn’t for Crowley. As you were listening to Trein’s lecture, Crowley decided to pop in your class. “Is Y/n present?” He asked, poking his head through the door, “Y/n, The headmage is looking for you.” Trein spoke, unbothered, still writing on the board.
You looked up from your notebook to see Crowley by the door, this was unusual, since he only called for you when you dong have class. But you thought it must’ve been urgent. So you stood up and went to him. “Something wrong?” You asked, he smiled and shook his head, “Oh no, I just came by to give you this.” He handed you a lunch box, you looked up at him confused “wha-“ you were cut off with a headpat “Go back to your seat now, make sure to finish all that food, after class though, dont eat in class.” He said pushing you back so you’d go to your seat. “Sharing is good but Dont share that. You eat it.” He warned before waving you goodbye as he closes the door and leaves.
You were now left with a lunch box in your hand, you looked down and there was a sticky note on top of it that read “Do your best in class! I’m proud of you!” With a crow doodle on the bottom…you smiled at the note and went back to your seat. Guess you wont be missing meals anymore.
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Mozus Trein
Exam week. Probably the worst week in a student’s entire school year. Most even called it Hell week due to how dreadful and stressful it is. What’s worse is that you’ve been transported in a school that is in a world where you knew absolutely nothing about.
So everything you’ve learned from your homeworld, is USELESS here. Especially history. Back in home exams about history usually only contained questions about previous presidents, wars, kingdoms, ruler, and dates but here their history included magic. Which you don’t have and have Zero to No knowledge of.
You’ve concluded in your mind that you’d probably be butchered and served for lunch after you take this test because there’s no way you’re going to pass it. But what’s the harm in trying? Right? You spent hours and hours after every test everyday before the history exam in the library. Under a piles and stacks of books about twisted wonderland’s history. You felt yourself get lightheaded a couple of times but you shook it off.
Then came doomsday. You were sat in your usual seat, sweating bullets, leg bouncing from anxiety, the test wasn’t even handed out yet but your lips were practically chewing gum at this point since you’ve been gnawing on them for the past 5 minutes.
When the test was handed out, you tried your best not to accidentally have a mental shut down and forget everything you’ve studied for. You were already nervous from the questions, more so when Trein started walking around and observing everyone as they take their test.
Out of everyone, you had to admit, Mozus Trein, was the most intimidating teacher you had. Failing his class was an equivalent to a coffin and funeral party. So you tried your best to keep calm and focus on the questions. You didn’t rush it like some of the others, it didn’t matter if you were the last one in his class as long as your confident you’d pass.
You skimmed through every question time after time making sure you had the best answer. “Y/n. I said Time’s up. Hand in your paper or I won’t accept it.” Trein’s voice broke your trance, and there it was again, the anxiety, you weren’t done, you weren’t confident that you’d get a passing grade yet. But him staring you down made you hand give up the paper faster than lightning.
“Sorry, sir.” You meekly spoke. He took your paper and shortly after he dismissed the class. You couldn’t even sleep that night, and the night after, and the next night after that. It was that big of a deal. Came the end of Hell week Exam week it was time for the teachers to hand back the now graded test papers.
And lucky you, Your first class of the day was Trein’s. You went in with bags under your eyes from all the sleepless nights and the countless hours studying in the library. You hoped for the worst, that way you wont be disappointed when it does happen. Once the classroom was filled, Trein greeted you all like usual, “I’m sure everyone is well aware of what day it is, and I’m neither disappointed nor surprised by the result of last week’s exam, as I expected this already. Needles to say I’ll be seeing MOST of you again in the same class next year.” He stated, mercilessly, It was like venom. He went around the class handing the test papers one by one.
You gulped hearing what he just said as you waited for him to hand you yours, part of you told yourself you’re one of those people. What’s worse is that, he only placed the other students their paper on their table and left, so why is he HANDING you yours???You gulped as you took the paper from his hand, the test paper was faced down. Still standing there even though you had already took it. You thought of your funeral party already.
You flipped the paper with shaky hands…you couldn’t believe your eyes…it was a perfect score…you looked up at your teacher in shock “I think you mixed up my paper with someone else’s sir…” you said, only earning a small laugh from him. He placed his index finger on top of your test paper “that is your name? Is it not?” He asked, it infact YOUR NAME.
You left your jaw hung open as you stared at the paper infornt of you, your shocked state was broken when he pated your head “Very good Y/n, Surprisingly the one who isn’t from twisted wonderland is the one who scored the highest in my class, I’m very proud of you for that. Keep it up” he praised as he walks back to his desk.
You felt yourself smiling happily. You passed. YOU SCORED HIGHEST. You looked up at Trein who was now infront of the class writing in the board about the next lecture he was about to discuss and you hurriedly took out your notebook to write down notes. Soon the class you oh so feared to fail now became your favorite class to attend.
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Divus Crewel
You had no magic, no knowledge of it, and you don’t even know how to use it. Magic was already a hassle to learn, and you already progressed slower than most of the students in your class. Not in potionology though. This was wayyy easier to catch up with.
You see potionology class like what you used to do as a child, when you’d mix shampoos and soaps and tooth paste and pretend to be a witch in the bathroom. You liked this class since it was fun and you didn’t struggle that much with it. You cant say you’re that best student, that would be exaggeration. But you were one of the students who does better than everyone else.
Up coming this week was pop quiz Friday, usual pop quizzes included answering a sheet of paper, however in potionology, Crewel thought it’d be nice to put the pop in “pop quiz” to good use. The task was that you’d try to perfect a potion that pops when you threw it, the bigger the “pop” your potion made, the higher your score would be.
So ahead of time, you started doing research and tests on your potion, you sometimes went to Pomefoire or Heartslabyul to ask Rook or Trey for advice since they’re both in the school Science Club. You’d go to the library to borrow books about explosives, you’d go shopping for a concerning amount of flammable chemicals and other stuff in Sam’s shop. To the point where Sam actually made a promise to himself to call Crowley if you came back again.
After all that you’d go back to Ramshackle to test more stuff out. It took a lot of sleepless nights and failed attempts, you didn’t give up though, plus you and grim (and sometimes even Malleus) were having fun in the back yard of Ramshackle blowing stuff up. If you had neighbors they probably would’ve moved out by now
One day you finally had one you were confident had a passing grade. Probably not the best one out there but one that can get you a high score.You wrote down the recipe so you could remake it in the lab when Friday came, you’re more than excited to see this experiment of your blow their minds, not literally but kinda literally.
Then came Friday, the day you’ve been waiting for. You were nervous, happy and the anticipation was killing you. When greetings were exchanged the “pop quiz” began. Everyone was focused on their own potions, and so were you. Holding in your hand was the recipe and your other was carefully dripping and dropping chemicals on to beakers and test tubesz
You didn’t want the whole room to blow up…yet. As you hear some students groan out of frustration or sigh in relief, you grew more and more competitive. When the timer rang, you were already finished, everyone had their bottles clutched in their hands in fear of them accidentally dropping it and causing mass destruction.
“Alright pups, line up, we cant risk causing accidental arson, we’re going out on the field to test your potions.” Crewel said to the class, one by one your classmates start to line up. Careful not to trip as the walked. When you were all outside, and in a safe distance from the school building, Crewel had you all stand behind a magic barrier so no one would get hurt.
One by one students started to throw their potions, explosion after explosion, some disappointingly small and some scarily big. You were thrilled, you couldn’t wait for your turn. When your name got called you confidently strode infront to throw your potion. As you were about to Crewel lightly smacked your head with his teaching pointer. “Goggles Y/n, your goggles.” He warned. You muttered a tiny ‘oops’ and put on your goggles.
“Alright, on my count…” Crewel said, as he counted down to 3, when you heard three you threw it hard as you could and….nothing. You were shocked…embarrassed as you heard the chuckles and laughs from behind you. You were positive you tested this before and it worked, you must’ve done something wrong. How could you fail the one class you actually enjoyed.
Your cheeks grew hot when you heard small teasings from your classmates, Crewel reprimanded them but you knew even he was embarrassed and disappointed by this miserable failed attempt. You had failed him. As you were all about to walk back to the lab, small sparking noises were heard from where you had thrown the potion.
You all looked back and so did Crewel, he put up the magic barrier once again, the small sparks turned into big once, then…unexpectedly, the big sparks exploded scattering itself throughout the field…then there was silence. Not like the last time though, the silence this time was more like the calm before a storm. Crewel knew this, so he had the magic barrier expanded to cover all around you guys.
Suddenly explosions emerged, not just one, but multiple, more than you could count, it was loud and destructive and chaotic, everyone was panicking. When it finally stopped, the school grounds looked like a battle field. You thought this meant detention until you graduate, but then you heard Crewel laugh and clap his hands.
He went to you and ruffled you hair “GREAT JOB Y/N! THAT WAS OUTSTANDING!” He praised as he clasps his hands together. The other students…well most of them at least also had clapped their hands and applauded your work. No words was said but it seemed that Crewel had already adopted and favored a pup in his class after that day.
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twst-trash · 2 years
Oops, All Babies!
Also affectionately dubbed My Harem’s Children Came to Find Me in My Own Timeline!
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Based off of this drabble that I had no idea would be so popular. Thank you to the person who commissioned this second part and allowed me to crank it out faster!
Now a mother of 23 six-year-olds, you’re tasked with keeping all of their little emotions in check. If that wasn’t hard enough, you also have 23 fathers-to-be barking up your door in a dick-measuring contest to see who’s the most fit to be your spouse.
content: fem!reader x literally everyone, reader has children (in alternate timelines), sfw.
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Ambrose the 63rd doesn’t quite know what to do about Dire Crowley’s sudden visit to the Royal Sword Academy grounds. The students were spooked to see the feathered man rush past them as his cape swept the halls, striding past each student with reckless abandon. Ambrose’s office door is nearly flung off of its hinges by Crowley’s over enthusiastic swing.
“Lord Crowley,” he nods in the direction of the man, wizened features twisted with confusion. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Save the pleasantries, I implore you.” He wheezes, winded from his walk up RSA’s seemingly endless staircases. “There’s been a dilemma.”
At first, Ambrose believes it’s simply Crowley’s flair for the dramatic talking- but the other headmaster is twitchy, losing feathers by the minute. As out of character it is that Crowley sought help from the likes of himself, it would be even more out of character for Ambrose to turn a blind eye to a compatriot in need. “Very well. What plagues Night Raven Academy?”
Crowley takes a deep, stuttering breath. The next word out of his mouth is spoken like a curse, as if uttering its name alone was enough to doom them both. “Children.”
Meanwhile, in Heartslabyul…
“Smile for daddy, baby!”
Cater’s photo gallery is filled to the brim with his child’s face, a perfect blend of his and your features. The boy loves the attention- something clearly inherited by his father- happily standing still or posing for the many, many photos his dad took of him. Cater scoops the boy into his arms and leads him back to the tea garden, where you sip tea and watch over your children scattered about the yard.
The Heartslabyul dormitory is more than stimulating enough for the kids, you have come to find out, as you watch Ace and Deuce’s respective children run amok. The boys are in a fierce competition with each other, constantly trying to one-up the other, whether that be who was the fastest or who could jump the farthest or even who could spell the most words correctly. You smile over your teacup at them, their behaviors mimicking that of their fathers’ all too well.
“My kid is definitely beating yours.” Ace pipes in from his seat at the table. The strawberry tart that sits in front of him has tiny finger marks from where his kid had ungainly dug his hands into for a piece, but he seems mostly unphased by the ordeal, shoving a forkful in his mouth while Deuce fumes.
“Hah? Wanna run that by me again?” Deuce starts indignantly, cocking his head to the side as if it were a threat.
“Drop the delinquent act in front of the children, Juice.” Ace snaps back, and Deuce backs down, his anger replaced by a reluctant grumble. “Don’t want them picking up any bad habits.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Deuce mumbles, looking softly at his child, whose running had torn up much of Heartslabyul’s once pristine sod. You squeeze Deuce’s hand reassuringly, still amused at the blatant similarities between father and son.
You shift your gaze to meet Riddle’s from across the table. It’s almost comical, the contrast between his burning red face and his collected composure. The grip on his teacup is far too strong for a person unaffected by the current circumstance. You know exactly what’s running through his head right now: these kids are breaking every single one of the Queen’s rules.
Still, with his own son perfectly copying his demeanor, from his posture to his tight teacup grip, Riddle lets himself relax under his son’s purposeful watch. He’s different from his mom- you know he’d be a good dad.
To your left, Trey is explaining to his daughter in his lap about how he made all of the pastries for the tea party. Her eyes glow, shining with interest as she surveys Trey’s impressive arrangement of treats. Unlike Ace’s kid, her fascination with the baked goods was less because she was hungry for them, but because she was curious about them. You could tell that she already had the makings of a good cook.
Ace and Deuce spring to their feet when they hear a loud thud from the other side of the hedge maze. It could only be their children. Even when going to save them, they look like they’re in a competition against each other.
Cater takes the opportunity to sit next to you, child situated on his lap. You smile up at the small boy, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. Cater follows suit, kissing the other side of his face as well. The child giggles, clearly pleased with the attention showered upon him.
“We’d be the best parents~” Cater laughs to himself, ruffling his son’s hair, “Don’t you think, Prefect?”
“Not as good as me-“ Ace’s voice rings, followed shortly by Deuce’s protest of ‘or me!’ from the other side of the hedge maze.
“I think we’d be the best parents.” Trey pipes in, a charming smile on his face. “I’ve got a lot of experience, you know. Raising my siblings is no joke.”
“Prefect, I think we all know that we’d be the best parental duo.” Riddle states, to which the mini version of him nods.
“So,” Cater tries again, his boy waiting just as expectantly. “Who do you think the best dad is?”
“I-“ You sputter, not expecting to be put on the spot like that. “I-I have to go! Lots of kids to see, you know?”
And with a kiss on the head to all of your children (and, regrettably for them, none of the fathers), you’re off to see the rest of your brood.
Later, in Savanaclaw…
“Get off me.” Leona sleepily grumbles. “Now. Or else.”
“Not scared of you, papa!” His- no. His and your daughter exclaims, a toothy smile stretched across her face. She looks so much like you- aside from the beastman features, her tail and ears and killer canines to match. “Mama wants you to wake up.”
“I do.” You begrudgingly say, watching as the beastman’s ear twitches at the sound of your voice. “Get up. Or else.”
Leona grumbles but surprisingly gets out of bed. His daughter squeals, happy to see her father be dragged out of sleep, and goes to hug his leg.
“Damn anklebiter.” Leona groans, but he makes no effort to remove the small child from his calf.
Moving to the Savanaclaw common room, you’re greeted by the sight of Ruggie and his son play-wrestling. Ruggie lets his son pin him easily, laughing breathily when his son lets out a victory screech.
Jack is also in the common room, doing part of his daily workout regimen. His usual routine usually included a few reps of push-ups, and today was no exception. Except, of course, for the little wolf beastman sitting atop his back, legs crossed as his father worked out.
The Savanaclaw boys were all very physical. It makes you wonder about your daily lives with them, if you were to end up with any of them. Would your days be spent underneath the hot sun, running, playing, and training your kids to be in peak physical condition? You’re not sure you can handle all that. But the children in front of you, so happy and content with their fathers, makes you reconsider.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and the peaceful little symbiosis happening within the common area is altogether ripped apart.
“You’re delusional if you think this timeline belongs to anyone else.” Leona grouses, folding his arms in front of his chest. “I already have that herbivore wrapped around my finger.”
“Riiiight.” Ruggie says, rolling his eyes. “I’ll believe it when I see it. The Prefect likes me and my kid better, no question about it.”
Jack scoffs. It’s unusual to see him butt into arguments, but he can’t help himself from putting his two cents in on this particular situation. “With all due respect, Leona, I’m not sure that you’re the most qualified to be a father, considering your daughter’s been clinging to you for the past half an hour, and you’ve barely acknowledged her.”
Plus, he adds in his mind, I’m clearly the best fit to be a parent here.
Leona growls, but heeds Jack's warning and scoops his child up. Her eyes immediately light up as he lifts her. She really does look like you- and like him- which stirs something unfamiliar within him. (Parental instinct, in your lion boy? It’s more likely than you think.)
“Wonder how many times it took us for her to pop up.”
His statement dawns on you slowly, causing you to smack his chest indignantly.
“You’re disgusting.” You say, rolling your eyes.
“What? I’m just sayin’ what we’re all thinking.”
“I hope there’s a timeline where I kick you square in the balls so you can’t have children.”
Leona covers his daughter’s ears and tsks at you. “Is that any way to speak in front of our damn kid?”
Parents of the year, all of them.
Even later, in Octavinelle…
Azul’s kid is, regrettably, just as much of a crybaby as he is. In different ways, granted. While Azul could mask his emotions with layer upon layer of false confidence and business expertise, his daughter had yet to find out how to do so. Instead, her true and honest emotions come out whenever they please. It’s refreshing- the sincerity. Azul was surprisingly good at comforting her, though, talking her through her emotions in a surprising display of gentle parenting.
You can’t tell Jade and Floyd’s kids apart. It’s almost inevitable that their children would look the same, they’re identical twins, of course they’re going to look the same. But unlike their fathers, even their personalities are a little hard to match. Jade’s daughter has a lot of qualities that Floyd has, with her silly demeanor and take-no-shit attitude, even at her age. Floyd’s daughter, on the other hand, seems much more serious than her… cousin? Half-sister? The multidimensional travel was almost as confusing as the fact that they were related from both sides of the family. Ugh.
“Shrimpy’s gonna have my babies.”
You gulp at the implication of the plural tense, Floyd’s mood suddenly shifting and making the air in the Monstro Lounge unbearably tense.
“Now now, Floyd.” Azul chastises, voice low. “No one said the Prefect wouldn’t- just maybe not in this timeline.”
“Azul.” Jade says with a warning smile. “Please don’t talk to Floyd like that- we don’t know what could happen between now and then. It could be any of us- the ones that are still around, that is.”
You’re suddenly reminded of the fact that Jade is scarier than Floyd half of the time.
You slowly back your way out from the Monstro Lounge, not wanting to know what went on behind those closed doors after you left.
Later, later, in Scarabia…
To your surprise, Kalim and Jamil’s kids seem to like each other a lot.
You watch as they splash around in the oasis together, laughing and dancing and just having a good time. The sun in Scarabia was sweltering, unrelenting as your body sweats underneath it, but being able to watch your kids makes it feel a little better.
Kalim’s boy is so much like him- a beaming light of cheerful energy. If you try to imagine a future with the two of them, you can envision it being one of smiles and laughter. You can also envision the slightly less ideal scenario of having two Kalims around. Of course it would be lovely, but it would be draining.
Jamil’s kid seemed quite unlike Jamil himself at first glance, but upon spending time with the boy, you were quick to find out that he was just as talented as his father. Academically smart, good at dancing and singing- it seemed as though the kid was just like Jamil, but without holding himself back.
“I can’t wait for our kids to be friends in the future!” Kalim beams, oblivious to the greater implications.
“There’s no way that our kids can be friends.” Jamil tries to explain, holding the bridge of his nose to soothe the impending headache.
Kalim ponders this for a moment before lighting back up. “Oh! Because they’d be brothers, right? Half-brothers, because the Prefect is their mom!”
The shorter boy smiles as if he had solved Jamil’s riddle, to which Jamil just sighs. It seems as if he had resigned himself to let Kalim think whatever he wanted.
You take the moment to slip out of Scarabia undetected.
Later still, in Pomefiore…
Rook’s kid has the most uncanny way of sneaking up behind you. No matter how  aware of your surroundings you think you are, you most certainly are not aware enough for Rook’s child. Her favorite move is to ambush you from behind, exclaiming ��mommy!’ as she practically tackles you to the ground. A hunter’s instinct is genetic, apparently.
Epel’s kid is tall for a kindergartner. It makes him both proud and envious at the same time. Would his kid surpass him in manliness even at age 6? These were the thoughts that Epel tried to shoo away as he played with his son, who was strong, too, he had come to find out. Still, when prompted by Vil, his son was more than happy to offer himself to the facials and makeup that came his way. It made Epel’s head spin.
Vil’s child is beautiful- of course he is- and completely idolizes his father. The three of you spend a lot of time watching Vil’s movies together, laughing as your son plays along to Vil’s parts, reciting them by memory. He loves when his father braids his hair, loves taking care of himself, and is hooked on a simplified version of Vil’s skincare routine already.
The Pomefiore students don’t outwardly discuss among themselves who they believe to be the father in their dimension- they all believe it to be themselves, obviously. That doesn’t stop them from talking shit about the other dorms, though.
“Well, all I know is that it surely isn’t Kingscholar’s timeline…” Vil likes to mumble underneath his breath. “The darkest timeline, that one is.”
After a short passage of time, in Inginhyde…
Idia’s son loves his Uncle Ortho. You can see so many similarities between the two of them, more so than him and Idia. The boy is an extrovert, for one. He had been socializing with the other kids from the other dorms, much to Idia’s chagrin. Still, if there was one thing that he and his son could relate to, it was video games.
It’s cute to watch them bond over the games that they both like, their eyes sparkling in the same way when presented with their favorite series, gushing about characters and gameplay and everything else in-between.
You are more than happy to sit in Idia’s room and watch them play, commenting here and there about their performance, and even hopping in to play sometimes. It warms your heart to see Idia get along so swimmingly with his son.
“I-I’ve run the probabilities through this algorithm I’ve created.” Idia suddenly admits, the tips of his hair flaring pink in embarrassment. “The chances of me- of us ending up together is 1 in 300. That’s only a 0.33% pull rate! That’s one of the most broken rates I’ve ever seen in any gatcha.”
He huffs, an uncomfortable wash of disappointment caressing his features, voice suddenly muttering. “Shitty probabilities for the good end.”
He’s muttering more about how he needs to ‘level up his charisma stat for a higher chance’ or something of that nature when you decide to stay just a little longer. You squeeze his hand and watch as your two boys- in some dimension- play games together, occasionally hopping in and switching out with either of them.
Eventually, in Diasomnia…
The inhabitants of Diasomnia are surprisingly cohabitual with their children. Given Lilia’s role of caretaker, it almost makes sense- after all, Lilia’s child is essentially Silver’s brother, and Silver’s child is Lilia’s grandchild… this whole thing really does make your head hurt.
Lilia never thought that he’d have a biological child. He had raised many children in his life- was still raising Silver and Malleus, essentially- but seeing the way his and your genes mixed together was fascinating to him. He loved that the child had your nose and his eyes and pointy teeth. Lilia would raise a million of them if he could.
Silver’s child is just as sleepy as he is. Most of the time you can find them passed out on the same couch, or lying underneath a tree with their head in his lap. When the three of you snuggle together, something you had begun to do when Silver’s kid kept insisting that you should, it feels so comforting- like you really could be family.
Sebek’s child is a clone of him, you swear. He walks like him, talks like him, and even worships Malleus like him. You suppose it makes sense- once Sebek is too old to continue serving Malleus, who would be better to take up his mantle than his own son?
And Malleus… Well, Malleus has been over the moon since he found out the two of you had a child together. He’s so gentle with your kid, and you for that matter. He held the both of you as if you would break if he held on too tight. He loves you, he loves your child, and he does everything in his power to make sure you know that.
“Papa?” The child pipes up, inquisitively.
“Yes, darling?”
“Where’s the baby in Mama’s stomach?”
It takes a moment for you and Malleus to realize what he had said. Two kids. It affirms to him it wasn’t just a mistake, that you had chosen to love him as he had chosen to love you.
Malleus’ heart couldn’t be fuller.
At last, in the Teacher’s Lounge…
Unbeknownst to you, two other children had popped up out of the blue and manifested within the teacher’s lounge.
When Ambrose the 63rd and Crowley return to Night Raven College, they're surprised to see Crewel already sitting in the Teacher’s Lounge with two young boys. One looks suspiciously like Crewel, his hair swooped over the same way and same intense gray eyes. The other sits next to him, wearing a handmade mask that looks suspiciously like Crowley’s own.
“Seems we have two more possible puppies in the fray.” Crewel says, ruffling his son’s hair in the same way you would pet a dog. “Isn’t that something?”
“Not from this timeline, clearly. No mystery there.” Crowley sighs, though a strange fondness for the boy overtakes him as the diy-crow’s mask slips from his face, revealing a shining golden eye, much like his own. He adjusts the mask- a paper plate cut in half with crudely glued feathers and a beak messily drawn on with sharpie- for his son, a soft smile taking over Crowley’s face despite himself.
Crowley sends for you (and all of your children and fathers-to-be shortly after that), and your stomach drops when you see two more kids.
You imagine yourself older, perhaps a professor at Night Raven College, teaching your favorite subject. Maybe you would’ve fallen in love with them by bumping into each other in the hallways, or reaching for the creamer at the same time in the Teacher’s Lounge. Before you know it, the kids are wrapping themselves around you, the same chorus of ‘mama, mama, mama!’ that you’ve come to get used to. You smile at them and kiss them on their foreheads before sitting down to listen to what Crowley had gathered you all for.
“I had to dig into the recesses of Royal Sword Academy’s archives for these, but I was finally able to find them.” Ambrose begins, fishing out three rainbow colored stones from his pockets. They shine iridescently, splashing the walls with prismatic color when they catch the light. “They’re multidimensional travel stones. They’re nearly impossible to find in the wild, and synthetically made duplicates are simply not strong enough to pull a person more than one-to-two multidimensional branches away.”
“We’ll install this into a specialized mirror capable of interdimensional travel.  These will send the children home,” Crowley begins, his gaze shifting to you. “And it has the power to send you home, too, Prefect.”
This hush is even more painful than the one that had blanketed your previous conversation about the children. They were all so caught up wondering whose timeline won out in the end that they hadn’t stopped to think of the alternate outcome- that it was no one’s.
No, not no one’s. Yours.
You reach out to Ambrose and trace your finger down the surface of the smooth stone laying flat in his palm- but something happens when you run your hands along those stones.
A thousand different images flash through your head. It’s a blinding light show of futures to come and pasts rewritten. Your physical body bleeds into the light, feeling every outcome as if they were written into your molecules. Every heartbreak, every joy melded together and crashed into each other and coursed through your veins. Is this it? Which timeline is mine?
Your body is sapped back into your physical form as a cacophony of voices call your name. Your hands reflexively jump from the stones, as if you had been burned, taking several steps back as you caught your breath. Your eyes, now firmly placed back into your skull, scan over the sea of worried faces.
Ambrose approaches you, a comforting hand rubbing your back, reeling you back into reality.
“They’ll take you home when we plug them into the mirror.” He explains. “We can do it now with the children, or we can do it later- it’s purely up to you.”
You look around the room, surveying the grim expressions of everyone around you.
“Well,” You begin, your voice pattering off at the end. Their friendship, camaraderie, and dedication to you (hell, to your hypothetical babies, too) were enough to sway your decision. “… It would be a shame not to finish the semester.”
The boys give their tearful goodbyes to their children. You really had started to love them as your own. Even people you weren’t sure would be attached to their kids were having a hard time letting go.
When the last child slips into the portal, there’s a sad empty feeling that wells within everyone’s stomach.
“In light of everything,” Crowley begins, “The Prefect will stay here until the end of the semester- and then it’s her choice if she decides to go home or not.”
And that invigorates the boys once more. No, they weren’t hopeless, they did have a chance with you- but neither would their fate be set in stone. They needed to work to prove that they were worth staying for.
And maybe someday, one of them might see their child, smiling up at them with all the warmth and love a child can give to their parents, once again.
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miserable-sarah · 1 year
Sam Winchester:
Caught (NEW) ~ Y/n needs to relax, Dean leaves and Sam takes the opportunity to help her. ~ 18+, NSFW, SMUT.
The Date ~ Y/n is getting ready for a big date with Sam, Sam surprises her at the date. ~ No warnings, very sweet story.
The Red Dust ~ Sam and Y/n go on a hunt together, it goes sideways and they get hit with a spell. Y/n needs release and doesn't know how to get it. ~ 18+, NSFW, MDNI, choking, smut.
What? ~ Rough sex with sam, a couple months later you find out you're pregnant and you tell him after a hunt. ~ 18+. NSFW, MDNI, pregnancy
Listen ~ You go on a bad hunt, a hunt you weren't supposed to go on. ~ 18+, Daddy Kink, NSFW
Bad Boy ~ Sam is possessed by a demon. A Vey hot Sam. ~18+, NSFW
Shy Sam ~ Sam likes you, Dean teases him about it. ~ No warnings.
Something New ~ Y/n is casually drinking at a bar, Souless sam approaches. ~ 18+, Souless Sam, mentions of killing/murder, NSFW
I'm Here ~ You get taken by Crowely, Sam finds you and saves you. ~ 18+, NSFW, Kidnapping, mentions of smut
Sammy ~ Sammys got a big crush on you. ~No warnings, just cute.
Hurt ~ You and Sam get hurt during a hunt, you get some days off together. ~ voilence, fluff.
Sam's Got A Crush ~ How Sam would act when he's got a crush. ~ Blurb, No warnings.
I Will Always Love You ~ Y/n is depressed. ~ Sad, language.
Party ~ You and Sam go to a party and play spin the bottle. ~ Teenage Sam and Reader (18), Drinking.
Are You Alright ~ You asked Sam to be more rough in bed. He delivers. ~ 18+, NSFW.
Dating Sam ~ Dating Sam ~ Blurb, No warnings.
Just Thinking ~ Y/n can't help but notice how good Sam looks. Y/n has a lot of dirty thoughts. ~ 18+, NSFW, mentions of sex.
For the First Time ~ Sam and Y/n meet through Donna. ~ No warnings.
Thank you ~ Sam hates the way Dean treats you, he takes you from Dean. ~ 18+, NSFW, Abuse.
I Have To Tell You ~ Y/n gets hurt on the hunt, Sam decides he needs to tell her how he truly feels. ~ Reader getting hurt.
Feel Loved ~ Y/n has bad luck with relationships, she's really lonely and wants to feel loved. ~ 18+, NSFW, drinking, bossy Sam, bossy y/n.
Sam? PT. 1 ~ Sam is a demon. ~ 18+, NSFW, Demon rough Sam <3.
Sam? PT. 2 (Final) ~ Demon Sam ~ 18+, NSFW, tied up.
Dean Winchester:
I Care (NEW) ~ Dean and Y/n break up, after a few months Dean saves her from a vamp nest. They make up. ~ 18+, NSFW
I'm Back! ~Y/n leaves randomly one day, Y/n is gone for 6 years. She comes back. Dean hasn't gotten over her leaving. ~ fighting, no other warnings.
I Dare You ~ Dean protects you. ~ No warnings.
Dean's Got A Crush ~ Dean's got a crush on you ~ Blurb, No warnings.
I've Missed You ~ You haven't seen Dean for 6 years, he left you. He didn't want you to get hurt. You run into him during a hunt. ~ 18+, smut
Dating Dean ~Dating dean ~ Blurb, No warnings.
Life Is Hard ~ Reader is depressed. ~ Sad
Time For Bed ~ quick little fluff. ~ No warnings.
Can I See Your Tattoo? ~ Y/n finally gets the nerve to make a move on Dean ~ 18+. NSFW
Just Go Away ~ Dean gets mad at Y/n after a hunt. ~ 18+, NSFW
Fucking Car ~ Y/n is mad because Dean spends all his time working on his car. ~ 18+
Finally ~Y/n and Dean have a crush on each other, the never tell each other. One day Y/n walks into the bathroom while Dean is in there, he takes control and kisses her. ~ 18+, smut, Loving Dean (warning for the heart. )
Lucky ~ Y/n gets kidnapped by Crowley, he tortures her trying to get info, Dean and Sam save her. Dean eventually tells her that he wants a life with her. ~ Voilence, torture, blood.
Please. ~ You wanted to dominate over Dean for once and he let you. ~ 18+, NSFW, sub Dean.
Sam, Dean, Prefrences:
NYE Parties ~ Sam and Dean's NYE ~ No warnings.
How He Would React ~ How he gets when you flirt with someone else. ~ 18+, NSFW
Bucky Barnes:
Mine (NEW) ~ Bucky is your boss, you always had a little crush on him. He has one on you too and he shows you. ~ 18+ only, NSFW, Smut, sir kink, Dom(Bucky).
I hate you ~ You and Bucky get stuck on a mission together 18+ ~ Smut mentioned, voilence, language.
You forgot me ~ Bucky gets controlled again, he forgets you. ~ Fighting, language.
Let's go on a date ~ You and Bucky meet in 1940, he takes you out on a date. You end up meeting again after he's taken. ~ Language.
Take Me Home ~ A guy hits on you, Bucky gets jealous. You find it hot and want him to take you home. ~ Smut, NSFW, choking, praising kink.
Date ~ Bucky takes you out on a date after being told by your cousin Clint. You and Bucky have a wonderful time. ~ NO warnings.
Never ~ Steve leaves you and Bucky helps you get through it. ~ Sad, death
Chris Evans/ Steve Rogers/ Lloyd Hansen:
Sunshine ~ Lloyd takes you. ~ NSFW, 18+, Blade kink, Daddy Kink, ect.
I Don't Really Give A Shit What You Want ~ Chris pisses you off so you give him the silent treatment. He gets back at you. ~ 18+, NSFW, rough.
Sit ~ Chris comes back from a trip very frustrated. ~ NSFW, 18+, ect.
Let's Stay ~ Steve wants to stay home. ~ No warnings.
Impressive (NEW) ~ Steve always has to be in control ~ 18+, NSFW
I Need You ~ Thor comes back, he's sad, mad, and needy. ~ Smut, 18+.
I've Missed You. (NEW) ~ Thor comes back from Asgard, he shows you how much he's missed you. ~ 18+, NSFW, sweet but rough Thor.
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minimallyminnie · 1 year
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Unspoken Words.
I’m trying out a new format for my posts so don’t mind me~
Summary- When Azul focuses too much on work than you, it doesn’t go well. Will he chose work or his significant other..?
Tw: Reader being sad, Azul crying, yes there’s a fucking child
Tags: Gn Reader x Azul Ashengrotto, Gn reader, Yes you are the prefect, Azul being a silly himbo/hj, happy ending, gn child, you can imagine yourself with the kid being biological or adopted, whatever you choose
Enjoy you poor unfortunate souls…
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“Azul?” You called out into his study looking for your love
“I am very busy right now. What do you want?” He said, not looking up from his contracts
“They’re…they’re in bed, you don’t need to worry about them but, when will you come to bed?”
He voice displays no emotion as he continues on working
“Not right now. Later.”
You bite your lip and grip the door handle tighter. You wanted him to come back to sleep by your side. But work always was first place in his life rather than anyone or anything else.
“Azul…I…” You look up with a tiny piece of hope that he would look at you but to no avail. “Nevermind…I love you Azzy…” You don’t hear a response back but rather a pen scratching the paper.
Sighing softly, you head to the cold room hurt.
You lie down on the bed, underneath the blankets but yet, you’re still cold.
Taking your pillow, you hold it and just let your tears leak down.
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Azul was a smart man. Yes, he overblotted because of various things…but he’s a smart man.
He managed to get his business far and profitable. He’s successful. The Maestro cafe being much further than he’d ever imagined.
Azul has a family and a successful life…
Yes, his family wants to spend time with him but he’s trying to keep everything together so he can grow his business and provide for them.
But…he doesn’t know why his heart feels like it’s yearning for something…
Like he’s doing something wrong, but what is it?
He ends up dozing off in the end.
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Jade, Floyd, Azul and you are startled by the small child that just walked into Maestro cafe and hugged Floyd’s leg
“Floyd?! We literally took a class in biology to use prote-“
“Let’s not say that in front of the kid!” You cut Azul off
He picks up the child, expecting them to cry
“Ooh~! I could squeeze you to death little guppy!”
“Floyd! You’re going to scare-“
Instead of crying or screaming, the guppy laughs and puts their hands on Floyd’s cheeks
You put the cleaning cloth into the back of your pocket while you and Jade laugh at both of them
“Aww~! Can we keep it Jade? Azul?”
“I think we should since we need more helpers~”
“Cut it out you two, we don’t even know who’s it is!”
“You shouldn’t call a child an it…” You told your friend
Once the youngest hears you speak, they look at you and make grabby hands
And then they call out to you using their name for you
And everyone looks absolutely shocked
“I’m sorry, what.”
“Little shrimpy has a guppy?!”
“Oh great seven, you didn’t tell us this~”
Floyd happily hands the child to you and instantly, they laugh in your arms
“This baby isn’t mine! I swear on my life you three!”
And the twins start to draw closer to you as Azul looks terrified in the back
“Papa!” The 5 year old reaches to touch Jade’s cheeks
“Jade, Floyd, [Name]! Did you three have one child altogether or something behind my back?!”
“No!” “Perhaps!”
And it happens all over again…
When you four tell Crowley about it, he tells you to deal with it yourself in a paraphrased term until the baby bit his arm
He then says to keep it in Ramshackle or Octavinelle, which to keep Grim from complaining or arguing with the child, you all decided to keep them in Octavinelle
When you asked Lilia about it, he said that the baby was somehow sent to the past and that he was able to get it back at the end of the week
You silently celebrated in your confusion towards the young child. It was Monday so you only had to last until Sunday! Good enough!
After your shift at Maestro cafe, you always went to the vip room with Azul and Jade to see Floyd hanging out with the child
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Strangely enough, they didn’t seem to want to play with Azul very much. Going as far as clinging onto one of the Tweel’s or yours arm instead and a frustrated Azul not knowing what he did wrong, rereading contracts
In the middle of the week, you’re busy doing something with the rest of the first years and the twins have to make up a test so it’s just Azul and the small child that for some reason, did not like him.
The child sits far away coloring with crayons, quiet, not trying to bother him to play with them. Like…it’s some sort of burden.
Azul wonders as he writes on another contract what he did wrong
And he finally gets his guts together
Rolling up the paper, he sets it aside and moves closer to the child
“What are you drawing?”
“…My family.” They say quietly, unlike the boisterous yelling they do with the others
“May I take a look?”
“Y’never look when I wan’ you to.”
That perks Azul’s attention up
“Do you know me in the future?”
The child nods hesitantly
“You…you’re my real papa. Y’don’t like me very much though.”
Azul’s eyes widen
“I-I’m y-your father?”
“Yeah…” They stop their drawing and slides it to Azul’s side
There was them in the middle of you and the Tweels. Azul being on the other side of the paper.
“[Child’s Name]…May I ask you why ‘I don’t like you’ in your time and why I’m far away even when I’m your father?”
“Y’don’t play with me. You don’t eat with me n’ [Nickname] at the table, you…you always in your study room working on…c-cont-racts.”
A sniffle comes from the child
“I see Jadey and Flo around more than you…I can see [Nickname] being sad cause y’not there. You..you only care ‘bout work.”
Oh and how Azul’s heart shatters hearing about this. He does get with his crush and have a family, but he took it for granted. Future him took his happy family for granted. The route he’s going now, only focusing on his own profit, will only cause pain.
He cusses in his head.
“No, no, I don’t care about work. Not now.” Azul moves to the child’s side, picking them up into his arms and hugging them tightly
“I don’t know what happened in the future but, I would love you. No matter what. Future me is quite silly so do not believe in him.”
“You…you really wanna be my daddy?”
“I don’t ‘wanna’ be, I am your father. I shouldn’t have taken that for granted. To have a cute mini octopus like you in my life as well as your [Nickname] makes me feel happy. I don’t know what will happen once you get sent back but for the rest of this week, I will give you everything.”
“Pinky promise?” Azul rubs the tears away with a handkerchief as they point their pinky out. He smiles happily
“Pinky promise.” He clasps their pinkys together
After they finish crying, they turn over to the table and scratches the former paper with a black crayon before getting a new one
“Oh? Why did you do that?”
“Daddy wants to be with me! I wanna remake it now!”
“Can I draw with you then?”
Needless to say when the three of you rushed over to the vip room expecting the baby to cry or be alone, you all are surprised seeing a Azul with them in his lap, both drawing while having a conversation.
What’s more surprising?
The soft expression Azul has on his face.
Your heart beats a bit faster as adoration pops up in your chest.
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Lilia had told you all that after he sent them back, that everyone would lose their memories. With that, Azul used that to his advantage and told you three who the child really belonged to.
The Tweels spent an hour teasing you and Azul about it
When it’s time to say goodbye, Lilia is busy reading the spell while the child hugs the twins tightly
“Bye bye Jadey! Bye bye Flo!”
“Wahh…does guppy have to go…?”
“Unless you want a time paradox or something, yeah they do.” Lilia pats both of twins on the back
Fortunately for you and Azul who were watching in the back, the twins backed off and gave you a moment’s peace with your the child.
“[Nickname]! Papa!” They come up and you both kneel down to reciprocate their embrace
Your eyes lock with Azul’s and for a split second he sees you in a wedding outfit. Your left hand which was laying on top of the guppy’s head was adorned with two rings.
He blinks and sees you in the normal school uniform but can’t help but smile happily at his future family.
“Remember our promise. Ok?” He tells them once you three part
The smaller nods excitedly before standing in front of a waiting Lilia
And thus, he casts the spell. The spell replaces everyone’s memories with what should’ve happened without the child
And they start to progress again…
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Azul wakes up, flinching
He doesn’t know how but he woke up from this…strange dream.
Did…did he really only focus on work?
He thinks back to the past few months and his face retorts in horror of the realization
He has. He needs to make it up to his family before it’s too late.
Azul rushes out of his study to the bedroom to see you asleep with puffy eyes
He leaps on the bed, shaking you in near tears
“H-huh? Azul…? What is it? Do you need something��“
He cuts you off with a hug that pins you back to the bed
“Azzy?! Wha-what’s wrong?!”
“Please forgive me. I’ve been a terrible husband and father recently. Focusing o-only on work, how silly of me to lose sight of what I truly love.” His arms tighten around you
“Azul…can’t breathe…”
Azul quickly pulls off of and sits up anxiously. Waiting for you to say you don’t forgive him or divorce him but what comes next is nothing but a soft kiss to his lips.
“I’m just happy that you finally realized it. I was so scared I lost you. But just to note, I’ll kick your ass if you do this again.” You whisper in his ear as you hug him tightly
“I’ll take that anytime.” He then sneaks under the blanket with you and held you throughout the night, whispering to you that he would never leave you again.
In the morning, he asks the twins to take over for him today. They happily agreed, cheering over the phone. Seems like they noticed his change in behavior too.
He chuckles to himself before he feels your presence next to him, rubbing your head into his shoulder.
“It’s rare you cook.”
“I plan on doing this more. Haven’t done this for you two in a long time.”
You laugh and kiss him before you both hear small footsteps in the hallway
“[Nickname], I have brushed m’ teeth by myself!” They stand proud before their shock is evident on their face at Azul’s presence
“Hi little guppy,” You pat them on their head as they look at Azul with hesitation “Good job on brushing your teeth all on your own! Papa is off work today so he can spend time with us. Wanna say hi?”
You look at him and his expression is bitter at how he left you two alone. He catches your glance and sees how you just tell him to try.
He walks towards his kid as you watch the stovetop.
Kneeling down, he held the smaller hands in his.
“I…I haven’t been a good father for you my dear fry. I’m so sorry for that. To pay attention to my work more than my own family was a huge mistake. I wish to make it up to you in any way no matter how long it takes. I’ll look at your drawings, play with your toys, cook your favorite thing. I love you so much. I am so, so sorry.” He looks down sadly as he tells him
“Nuh-uh! You’re my daddy. You are my papa! You said sorry and you wanna color with me! I like that. Jadey and Flo took care of me but you’re my favorite! I love you too!” The child grins brightly at him and Azul wells up in tears again, hugging the small child’s frame tightly.
And a whisper came from them
“You kept our promise. I’m happy.” And they rush off to the table once you call for them to wash their hands and eat.
The whispered phrase nudges at him
‘Was it…truly a dream or did we both experience that…?”
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My dumbass kept thinking about how this sounds like The Christmas Carol wayyy too much. Anyways best Christmas movie 10/10, fight me. @demon-lover-669 thank you for the prompt. That was delicious.
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strangesthirdeye · 7 months
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Little star (Ineffable husbands x toddler! Reader)
Summary: Just two celestial beings taking care of their toddler who is bored.
Warning: toddler, sweet, Aziraphale in shock, Crowley is chill, The age of the reader may be in 1 or 2 years, two hubby is romantic, fluff. Plants. Pretend that ep 6 never happen, Az and Crow is married!
As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"She shouldn't be near any books here.. It's- It's dangerous!" Aziraphale reasoned with a worried expression on his face. Well, he tried to give an excuse so that his book wouldn't be damaged by you actually because he loved his book more than himself. Huh.
Crowley groaned. "Ngk- she wants your attention, Angel. You're always devoted to reading books. Just let her spend time with you if you don't want her near your books" Crowley picked you up from behind.
Your expression changed to stunned then you happily cheered as your daddy picked you up. You like it when your daddy picks you up. He is very tall and the moment he picks you up, you can see the view at your daddy's height. It is quite different from your papa. Papa usually hugs you tightly and it's quite comfortable and warm for you, making you always sleep in his arms. It is very comfortable like sleeping on a cloud.
"well, you see, Crowley. I have work to complete but not only just reading, but I need to settle a little message from Maggie about the black disk I ordered from her. It seems like the things I need will take a long time to arrived. Why don't you umm.. take care of her for a while after that we can enjoy hot chocolate together after I finish this work." Aziraphale suggested to his husband.
Crowley grumbled then adjusted your position in his hand that was about to fall. You smiled widely in Crowley's hand and rested your head on Crowley's shoulder.
"I'm bored" you said flatly then sighed with boredom.
"You better finish your work quickly, angel." Crowley muttered then walked into the living room of the bookshop with you in his arms.
Aziraphale just shook his head a few times then put on his glasses and continued writing a message to Maggie.
As soon as the two of you arrived in the living room of the bookshop, Crowley sauntered over to the couch and placed you on the couch. You sat up straight looking at your daddy with innocent eyes. Crowley just grumbled and slumped into the seat in front of you lazily.
You blinked a few times then grumbled like your daddy and slumped onto the couch lazily mimicking the actions Crowley was making. Crowley noticed what you did in front of him.
"You sure as hell are bored aren't you?" Crowley stated at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Papa doesn't want to play with me and you just sit on the chair. I am so bored" you complained in your small voice.
Crowley was silent for a moment. It's true tho. Crowley just sits around all day while Aziraphale is just busy with his book leaving you alone to play in the bookshop. No wonder you start showing your behavior to show that you need the attention of both of them. You are bored and they have no time at all to play with you. They were busy with their own affairs after Jim's case was over or should I say Gabriel's case. You love Jim not Gabriel. He's fun and a bit weird but fun to play with. He always treats you like a friend and sometimes Jim is a bit naive to follow whatever you say because to him you are a great friend. But after Jim's case is over, you have no friends to play with.
Crowley straightened himself to look at you with sympathetic eyes under his tinted glasses. "oh, Star. come here" Crowley opened his hand to you.
You quickly ran into Crowley's arms and hugged him tightly. Crowley's hands then hugged tightly around your small body and stroked gently. Crowley leaned his head and kissed your hair softly.
"Fancy a quick journey to the plant room?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Yell at them, Star. They're just stupid plants that don't know how to grow well" Crowley encouraged you, who was held by him facing the plant.
You grumbled angrily while swinging your arms in the air. "IS DAT A SHPOT?! IS IT? HUH?! YOU'VE MADE DADDY DISHAPPOINTED!"
"again, Star. Now they're afraid of you. Good!" Crowley grinned proudly. You are still in his arms facing the plants with a furious face.
"No more SHPOT OR I WILL BURNT YOU!" your face turned red with how angry you were.
Yup, you are indeed the daughter of Crowley and Aziraphale but more to Crowley when it comes to plants or how lazy you are. But your interests and things you like are the same as Aziraphale. Sometimes you are friendly with people you know and sometimes you are grumpy with strangers. So basically you are a mix of demon and angel as a result of Crowley and Aziraphale's miracle. Tadaa.
The plants there trembled in fear. You sighed heavily and looked at the plant with sharp eyes. If looks could kill, the plants there would have withered and died long ago. Crowley chuckled and turned your body to face him. Crowley then hugged you tightly and kissed your head.
"Good job, star" Crowley complimented proudly.
You looked at your daddy with emotion and pressed your face to his chest tightly with a thousand 'thank yous' to him.
"Crowley? what's that noise?"
Crowley turned and looked at Aziraphale with surprise. "well-"
"please don't tell me that you encouraged her to yell at the plant again." Aziraphale massaged the bridge of his nose.
"She's bored, Angel. It's not wrong if you want to spend time while she's bored, isn't it?" Crowley responded as he walked closer to his husband with you in Crowley's arms.
"no it's not wrong, dear. but you shouldn't encourage her to do that. It's enough for you alone to yell at the plants but not with Y/n. She should encourage the plants properly and not get angry at them all the time"Aziraphale advises Crowley.
Crowley grumbled and walked away with you in his arms. You leaning your head on your Daddy's shoulder lazily. Aziraphale sighed and followed Crowley from behind.
"it's seems to me that this little poppet is a bit bored, isn't she?" Aziraphale poked your cheek with his finger.
"No shit, Angel" Crowley cursed lowly.
You gasped and patted your daddy on the shoulder with your small hand. "Papa! Daddy said bad words!"
Aziraphale looked at Crowley with an unpleasant look on his face then took you from Crowley's hand and hugged you tightly to his chest.
'come on!" Crowley argued.
Aziraphale ignored him and cooed at you. "now then, Y/n. How about we go relax and drink hot chocolate while listening to classic songs.. what do you say?"
"Can I have marshmallows too, Papa?" you asked for permission while looking at Aziraphale's face with stars in your eyes.
"What's the magic word, dear?" Aziraphale narrowed his eyes at you.
"Can I have some marshmallows too, please?" you corrected.
"yes you may, my dear.. Good girl. let's go" Aziraphale praised you and walked towards the kitchen leaving Crowley there to make hot chocolate before he snapped his fingers and automatically the classic song started playing.
Crowley just stared. Then started following Aziraphale from behind.
"Can I have hot chocolate too? with marshmallows." Crowley said.
"magic word, Crowley" Aziraphale replied.
"oh, come on.." Crowley paused. "please"
Aziraphale looked at Crowley and approved. "very nice"
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book-place · 1 year
Toddlers and Toys
Warnings: mentions of child abandonment, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Crowley x daughter reader, Aziraphale x daughter reader
*not my gif*
Summary: It’s Christmas day, but you appear to be the only one in your household to care
A/N: Welcome to the bonus day of Book Places 12 Days of Christmas Celebration
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Daddy! Papa!” You cheered, little feet pattering loudly against the carpeted floor, “Wake up! Wake up! It’s Christmas!”
Crowley groaned, turning his face to bury it further in his pillow, “Shut her up, Angel.”
“You’re the one who wanted her,” His husband mumbled back, eyes not even opening as he responded, already drifting back off into a slumber.
“Well, I didn’t know that she planned on getting up at the crackass of dawn everyday.” He grumbled back.
You giggled at your fathers antics, hopping up onto their bed and jumping in between them, eyes dazzling with excitement as you shook the bed to try and stir them from their sleepy states.
“It’s Christmas!” You repeated.
“I heard you the first time.” Crowley grumbled, “Now go back to bed.”
“I don’t wanna-“ You were cut off by Aziraphale pulling you down gently and wrapping his arms around you, snuggling you to his chest in hopes of all three of you being able to go back to sleep.
Crowley and Aziraphale had found you, abandoned by the side of the road, about two years ago, when you were merely three years old.
Shockingly, Crowley had somehow been the one to find it in his heart to want to take you in right away, though it wasn’t as if it took much to convince his husband to feel the same.
“Papa!” You complained, trying to wiggle out of his grasp, “Help me, daddy!” You cried desperately, flailing your arms around to try and grab ahold of your other father.
After a couple of unsuccessful attempts to raise your parents from bed, you fell backwards with a huff, ignoring your papas content hum when you did so.
Finally, when their breathing had once again evened out, you were able to slide out of Aziraphales grasp and softly move off the bed before smirking in a way that was all too much like Crowley’s, and flipping on the bright lights.
Crowley automatically hissed dramatically as if the artificial light was blinding him as he brought the covers over his face. Aziraphale, on the other hand, slowly sat up and looked around in confusion.
You giggled at the two of them before spreading your arms and jumping up and down, “Come on, daddy! Come on, papa! It’s Christmas!”
Your light haired father released a sigh through his nose before throwing back the covers and getting out of bed when he realized that there was no arguing with you today.
“You too, daddy!” You called, walking over and taking his arm while trying to drag him out of the sheets.
“No,” He complained as he fell limply to the floor, “It’s too early, child.”
Aziraphale smiled softly at the two of you, walking over and scooping you up into his arms, “Come now, Crowley, it is Christmas after all.”
“Yes, yes,” He grumbled, slowly dragging himself off the rug, “I heard her the last fifty times.”
You giggled again, leaning over and planting a sloppy kiss on your fathers cheek.
He sighed, reaching out and ruffling your hair. He never could stay mad at you.
You tugged at Aziraphale’s shirt and whined a little, “Come on, papa, I wanna go downstairs.”
“Alright, alright, calm down, young one.” He chuckled slightly to himself and sent an amused glance towards Crowley, who just crossed his arms and grumbled under his breath a little.
Aziraphale used his free hand to grasp onto Crowley’s, and the three of you made your way downstairs.
As soon as you reached the foot of the steps, you audibly gasped as your eyes widened and little and your head snapped back and forth in wonder.
The entire first floor had been decorated to absolute perfection thanks your dads- and a little bit of miracles- the night before so that it would be ready by the time you woke up.
Christmas lights hung from the ceiling, trees were in every corner with ornaments and shining, bright stars proudly displayed on the top.
An excited squeal escaped your lips as you arrived in the living room, where the biggest tree in the house stood, a bit poorer decorated than the others because the husbands had let you do it a couple days prior.
And underneath, were mounds upon mounds of presents.
You bit your lip- though it did nothing to stop your ever growing smile- and bounced up and down slightly in anticipation.
“Well, Crowley,” Aziraphale said in mock wonderment, “Whatever shall we do with all these presents?”
Said man smirked a little as they both looked down at you, “Why, I don’t know, Aziraphale.” He teased, “If only we had someone to open all of them for us.”
You looked just about ready to burst by then.
“Oh my.” Aziraphel fake gasped as he looked down at you, “Do you think our daughter would possibly be interested in opening all of these gifts?”
You nodded your head vigorously in return.
“Hmm,” Your other father put a hand on his chin as if he were contemplating, “You know what, all right, you can open them, little one.”
You squealed again and pumped a fist in the air, hugging their legs tightly before diving into the wrapping paper and boxes.
On it went, with Crowley and Aziraphel lounged comfortably against a couch, and you ripping open the boxes full of toys, candies, and more that they had both gotten for you.
By the time you had finished, wrapping lay every which way, and you were curled up under the tree, surrounded by all your new things, sleeping steadily.
Crowley scoffed lightly at the sight of you, “And she thought she wasn’t tired.”
Aziraphel chuckled as he looked at you with fondness, “I think she rather enjoyed herself.”
“Indeed,” He lolled his head to face his husband against the back of the couch, “Merry Christmas, Angel.”
“Merry Christmas, Crowley.” He said back, taking his husbands hand with a smile.
Ineffable Husbands 😇- none yet
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What if Crowley(spn) had a kid and the Winchester’s almost kill them? What would/how Crowley do/react and what would the Winchester’s do?🤔
That’s My Goddamn Daughter!
Team Free Will x cambion!reader
When Castiel locates another cambion, potentially with the power to kill a knight of hell, he and the Winchesters go after her but then Crowley shows up claiming she’s his daughter.
Warnings:  MOC Dean, mentions of rape but really just misunderstandings, blood, concussions, I have no medical knowledge, swearing, reader gets knocked out a lot lol
WC: 2.2k
A/N: I kind of want to do a part 2 to this. What do you guys think?
Minors DNI
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“I’m sorry what? Can you repeat that?” Castiel sighed, slightly exacerbated. He thought he explained the situation pretty well. Dean’s eyes were wide in both shock and disbelief and Sam just looked exhausted.
“Like I said before, there is another cambion in existence and she could be the answer to the Mark.” Dean swallowed the last of his now warm beer and glowered at the angel.
“And you didn’t think to tell us this before now?”
“Dean.” Sam started but the elder held up his hand to stop him. Cas sighed, mentally preparing himself for a classic Dean tirade that always seemed to come when he presented the brothers with a new lead.
“You’re hiding things from us, lying. How do we even know if this so-called cambion is the real deal? Why didn’t she show up before?” The angel’s eyes rolled, why did they have such trouble understanding?
“There was a spell concealing her from the angels’ view but for some reason, that spell is now gone. I assumed it was tied to someone in her family, possibly the parent that was a demon. But now, that demon is dead so the spell is gone.” Sam seemed to accept that answer but Dean was more skeptical.
“So what do we do if we do find this girl? Just ask her to come back with us for tea and cake? She most likely knows that daddy dearest was a demon and might want revenge and we are probably the ones that did it or we know them. So what then?” 
Sam leaned against the war room table beside his brother. “Dean’s right. Remember that kid Jesse, he had a whole town under his thumb without even thinking about it and he was just a kid. What could an adult with an obviously powerful parent do?” Dean nodded along and Cas had the distinct urge to smite them both.
“We need to take that chance. She might be our best shot at killing Cain without the First Blade.” Dean huffed, still clearly miffed at being so blatantly brushed off by the angel. 
“Alright fine but you can’t get mad at me when I say I told you so when this inevitably goes wrong.” He shrugged and Cas smirked slightly, happy to get his way.
“Well that was easier than expected.” Dean sulked, sitting on the motel room bed pouting like a child. The woman had been easy to find, in fact it was too easy. She was a goddamn librarian in a small town where everyone knew her face.
No locks on her doors, no weapons in the house. She welcomed them in with open arms after Sam fed her their story of being lost and needing directions. She gave them pie and lemonade, answering every question they asked, including Dean’s flirtatious ask about a boyfriend.
Her head dipped and she avoided eye contact as she shyly replied that no, she didn’t have a boyfriend. Sam smacked Dean upside the head for that when she wasn’t looking. Cas, getting sick of the circling conversation mixed with too much human lust, had stepped forward and knocked her out with his grace.
He caught her soft body as she crumpled, ignoring the pointed looks the brothers sent him. “She would’ve come willingly.” Sam pointed out but Cas replied with a simple, “There isn’t enough time for you two to ‘convince’ her.”
Sam blushed and Dean just smirked, too proud of himself. They quickly smuggled her out to the car and started the long journey home. Now, they were taking a break for the night and Dean watched as the girl slept on, blissfully unaware of everything going on in the world.
“She really doesn’t seem demonic. She’s just-“
“Nice.” Dean finished his brother’s sentence for him, saying the word like it disgusted him. “Are you sure she’s the half-breed we want?” Again, Castiel was questioning why his destiny was intertwined with the Winchesters. Y/N shifted in her sleep, curling up on her side cutely, giving out a large sigh.
Cas stood at the foot of the bed, intensely watching the men who flanked her on both sides, like guards watching over their ward. “I can sense her power, it is far greater than any other cambion. Her blood has old magic in it, she is quite possibly descended from a natural witch.”
Sam froze, his entire body going stiff with surprise. “I’m sorry, so this girl is a product of a natural witch and a demon.” Cas shook his head, arms crossing over his chest.
“No, the magic is too deluded for the witch to be her mother or father, it is more likely that it is her grandparent.” Sam’s eyes flicked down to the girl, somehow already feeling incredibly protective of her. She was by far the kindest person he had met in a very long time, how could she have such evil in her blood? But he was wary, both because of her power and the fear of what could happen should she succumb to that power. He knew that feeling, that rush from demon blood, how addicting it could be.
Dean could feel the heat radiating from her body as she rolled closer to him. The mark was quiet around her, soothed like a feral cat getting love for the first time in its life. But how dark could she get, what was she capable of? And who in the hell was her demonic parent?
“We should keep moving. If we found her so quick, there’s no telling who else would be coming after her.” Cas nodded and fluttered away, presumably to ensure that no demons had followed them.
Dean moved away from her as quickly as he could, a curling in his gut making him feel like he should be repulsed by her but her presence also called to him. He fished a half-drunk bottle of whiskey from  his duffle bag and settled himself in the chair in the far corner of the room. “Get some shut eye, I’ll take first watch.”
Sam pulled a ratty blanket over top of her, careful to not wake her and took a seat on the other bed. “Do you think this could work?” Silence settled over the brothers.
“It’s our only shot.” And with that, Sam settled back against the thin pillows, keen to get any rest he could to escape his swirling thoughts.
A rattling woke Dean from his alcohol induced slumber. With a groan, he lifted his head from the back of the chair he had accidentally fallen asleep on. His neck screamed in pain but that was nothing compared to the throbbing in his arm.
The mark burned and the rattling became louder. His green eyes fluttered open, only able to see vague shapes in the dark room. A shadow stood by the door, their hand on the knob, desperately trying to open it. “Please please please.” Her voice was filled with tears and a panic that made his heart lurch in his chest.
“Sweetheart.” The sound of his own voice made her work even faster at trying to open the door, but it was of no use. She screamed and Dean bolted forward. Moving faster than even he could comprehend, he grabbed her, wrapping a large palm over her mouth to keep her from making any more noise.
Her back hit the mattress with an exhale of air through her nose. Her eyes were wide with panic, her breathing quickening becoming erratic as his muscular body settled between her plump thighs, shoving her skirt up her legs. She tried to grab at Dean’s shoulders to shove him off but using his free hand he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head.
Tears rolled down her temples, wetting the sheets below them. “I’m not going to hurt you. You need to trust me.” Her head shook furiously beneath his hold, on the edge of hysterics. 
“Dean?” Sam muttered sleepily, sitting up in the bed. “What’s going on?” His hair stuck up in all different directions as he lazily looked around the room. His eyes landed on the situation in front of him and everyone froze.
Suddenly, the room exploded. With no hesitation, Sam launched himself at his older brother and tackled him to the floor. “What the hell were you doing!” Dean thrashed violently.
“She was trying to run! I had to stop her.” 
Sam snarled. “Not by doing that.” Dean landed a good punch to his jaw, knocking Sam for a loop but his grip remained strong even as his head spun.
Seeing her chance, Y/N slipped from the bed as quietly as she could but her legs gave out as soon as she rocked forward onto her feet. She yelped, catching the boys’ attention and they watched her fall, almost in slow motion.
Her head slammed against the corner of the bed before slamming into the floor. Blood pooled under her forehead, her eyes went hazy before they shut. “Shit!” Sam scrambled off of his brother, fear coursing through his veins like a fire. He slid a hand under her head, cupping her face gently. “C’mon open those eyes for me.” 
But she didn’t respond. Thick fingers fit against the dip of her throat, and he struggled to find her pulse. When he finally did, it was thready and weak but it was there. He breathed a sigh of relief. “She’s alive, probably a bad concussion though.”
“Son of a bitch!” Dean growled, sitting up against the bed frame. “Why does this shit always happen to us?” As gently as he could manage with shaking hands, Sam lifted Y/N into his arms, resting her face against his strong chest. He could now feel the way her own chest rose and fell with shallow breaths.
Sam laid her on his unmade bed, keeping her on her side in case she got sick. The wound, a small gash on her right temple, had slowed its bleeding. It wouldn’t require stitches, just a couple butterfly bandages. “I don’t know, Dean.” He sighed and got to work fixing her up.
Meanwhile, Dean was stewing, thinking. She could have used her powers to save him off, to escape but she didn’t. She was just a normal girl getting involved in something that she didn’t want to do. “What are we doing Sammy? That girl doesn’t have any powers, she’s just a kid.” 
“Without the blade, we have no chance at getting rid of the Mark. She’s our best shot.” But there was no conviction in his tone. Sam was also doubting the integrity of this plan but he was desperate. Dean with the blade was far more dangerous than this girl could ever be, they needed her.
“How dare you touch my daughter!” The door burst violently, shattering under the force at which it was hit. Crowley stood, absolutely fuming in the entryway, eyes red with pure rage. Sam and Dean sprung into action, their guns drawn.
“What are you talking about Crowley?” Dean shifted so his body blocked the demon’s view of the girl on the bed. His shoulders were tense, the Mark telling him to protect her with everything he had. But apparently, Crowley wasn’t having any of it today.
With a wave of his hand, the boys went flying into the wall, their guns tossed away and ropes appearing from nothing to pin them down. “I told you I would find the blade and this is how you repay me! You kidnapped my daughter! Lust after her! And then you harm her!” His voice thundered through the room, shaking the foundations of the building with his fury. “You sniveling weasels! I kept her out of this life for a reason!”
The Winchesters struggled against his hold. Crowley loomed over the double bed, intensely staring at the woman. “She was never meant to know. I just wanted her to have a normal life.” 
Dean’s nostrils flared with anger as the demon leaned forward and cupped her round cheek with one hand while the other brushed against the bandage on her forehead. “Don’t touch her.” The hunter snarled. His arm burned as the mark screamed at him to rip apart anyone that even so much as looked in her direction.
A vein in Sam’s neck ticked in time with his pulse while he pulled at his bonds. He could feel the loosening of the ropes around his wrist. An angel blade rested on the chair Dean had been occupying, if he could get even one arm free, he could grab it. “You are the ones that hurt her! Not me!” Crowley snapped but didn’t take his eyes off of her.
“Last warning.” But he disregarded the Winchesters and instead lifted Y/N from the bed, taking extra care not to hit her any more than she already was.
Her face easily tucked into the dark material of his suit shirt as he held her close. “Stay away from my daughter.” And with that, both him and the ropes disappeared, leaving only her sweater and the bitter smell of sulphur.
The boys collapsed to the ground. Dean wasted no time as he scrambled forward in a desperate attempt to reach the now gone pair.
“Son of a bitch!”
Supernatural Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Sam Winchester
@pretty-npeach @jason-todds-bitch @honkytonkbabe @nini-trash-forever @mandyzsick101 @getoutofthere @luvvvjada @l9ckheed @onlystarshere @xoxokiaraaxoxo @star-dusst @marvel-mistress @aleck-cross
Dean Winchester
@pretty-npeach @jason-todds-bitch @andreasworlsboring101 @honkytonkbabe @nini-trash-forever @mandyzsick101 @getoutofthere @candy-coated-misery0731 @lyarr24 @luvvvjada @ladyburberry @l9ckheed @djs8891 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @stabmemaybe @star-dusst @marvel-mistress @graciespies @ruinedbythehobbit @aleck-cross
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bunnysbrainrot · 9 months
Kinktober Requests OPEN!
Hello, my dears! In case you didn’t know, I’m taking part in Kinktober this year! I’m referencing to @taylormarieee ‘s post for my prompts.
As of right now, these are my ideas and the requests for each prompt. Let’s work together to make it a great Kinktober!
A/N: There’s a variety of characters! Check my ‘Characters I Write For’ post in my bio!
The List So Far:
-Dacryphilia: (Soulless?) Sam [Request]
-BlowJob: Dean [Request]
-Handjob: Lip Gallagher [Idea]
-Thigh Riding: Sam (or Castiel) [Request]
-Oral: Dean/Sam/Reader [Request]
-Choking: Joel Miller or Negan [Idea]
-Breeding Kink: Sam [Request], Joel Miller [Idea]
-Daddy Kink: dbf!Joel Miller [Idea]
-In Public: Soulless!Sam [Request]
-Knife Kink: Demon!Dean [Idea]
-Fingering: Dean [Request]
-Size Difference: Sam [Request]
-Toys: dbf!Joel Miller [Idea]
-Threesome: Crowley/Castiel/Reader [Request]
-Edging: Castiel [Request]
-In the Shower: dbf!Joel Miller [Idea]
-In the Car: Dean [Idea]
-Rough: DemonBlood!Sam [Request]
-Overstimulation: Crowley [Idea]Castiel [Request]
-Caught Masterbating: Sam [Request]
-Voyeurism: Dean/Cas/Reader [Idea]
-Degrading Kink: Negan [Idea]
-Praise Kink: dbf!Joel Miller [Idea]
-Gun Play: Soulless!Sam [Idea]
-Dirty Talk: Dean [Request]
-Marking: Crowley (SPN) [Idea]
-Katoptronophilia: Lip Gallagher [Idea]
-BDSM: Joel Miller/Pedro Pascal [Idea]
-Auralism: Dean [Idea]
-Doggy Style: Sam [Request]
-Reverse Cowgirl: Sam [Request]
Prompts labeled [Idea] are subject to change upon suggestions!
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**I’ll update this post as more spaces fill up. It would be a huge help if you could reblog to get the word out!
Thank you for all of your support!
- Bunny
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Yandere Twisted Wonderland Masterlist
500 Follower Special~Pool Party
Maid Milker
Period Pain
When They Discover You're A Girl (WTDYAG) | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Divus Crewel | Who's Your Daddy?
Protective Father headcannons
Step-Dad-Pretending to be Happy
Step-Dad-You’re Bored
Crewel Daughter Reader Content (Cont’d)
Dire Crowley
Father headcannons
Crewel Daughter Crowley in love With Head Mistress
Mozuz Trein
Granddaughter headcannons
Older Brother Headcannon
Darling Reader
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Artemiy “Chen’ya”  Artemiyevich Pinker 
Neige LeBlanche
Crewel Daughter Avoid Neige Leblanche
With A Baby Who Hates Him
Rollo Felmier
Crewel Daughter x Rollo Felmier
Riddle Roshearts | Baby Love,
Slowly Falling Love
Tanjiro Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Ace Trappola
Mexican American Reader
Tanjiro Reader
Pool Party: Charging Up
Deuce Spade
Mexican American Reader
Tanjiro Reader
Trey Clover
Slowly Falling Love
Science Club Love Crewel's Daughter
Tanjiro Reader
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Cater Diamond
Science Club Love Crewel's Daughter
Getting Reader To Do the Sad Cat Dance
Leona Kingscholar
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Protective Older Brother
Crona Reader
Twin Sibling Reader
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Runt Sister Reader
Grandparents’ Misconception
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival 
Malleus in Love With Leona’s Little Sister Reader
Tanjiro Reader
First Year Sister Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
"I Won't Let You Hurt My Baby"
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Ruggie Bucchi
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival 
Tanjiro Reader
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Jack Howl
Trying To Court Fem Reader
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Mexican American Reader
Pool Party: Charging Up
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Azul Ashengrotto
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Slowly Falling in Love
Dwarf Octopus Reader
Dwarf Octopus Child Reader
Crewel Daughter Childhood Friends with Azul
Getting Reader To Do the Sad Cat Dance
Tanjiro Reader
Weapon Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Jade Leech
The Leech Twins
Slowly Falling in Love
Dwarf Octopus Reader
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Dwarf Octopus Child Reader
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Tanjiro Reader
Weapon Reader
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Floyd Leech
The Leech Twins
Dwarf Octopus Reader
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Dwarf Octopus Child Reader
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Weapon Reader
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Kamil Al Asim
Crewel Daughter Kalim’s crush
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival
Crewel Daughter Accidental Save
Tanjiro Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Jamil Viper
Crewel Daughter Kalim’s crush
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival Crewel Daughter 
Accidental Save
Tanjiro Reader
"I Won't Let You Hurt My Baby"
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Vil Schoenheit | Groomzilla, Discovery of the Queen,
Small Town Cult AU Headcannons
Meeting First Crewel Daughter
Crewel Daughter | Penpals
Crona Reader
Grandparents’ Misconception
Tanjiro Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Rook Hunt | Discovery of the Queen,
Small Town Cult AU Headcannons
Science Club Love Crewel's Daughter
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival
Tanjiro Reader
Epel Felmier | Apple Lover
Mexican American Reader
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Idia Shroud | I Need You,
Slowly Falling in Love
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Grandparents’ Misconception
Getting Reader To Do the Sad Cat Dance
Tanjiro Reader
Jinx Reader
Pool Party: Charging Up
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Malleus Draconia | Dragon and the Outcast,
Weapon Reader
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Crona Reader
Crewel Restoration Daughter Paint Job
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Crewel Daughter Courting (Diasomnia)
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival
Malleus in Love With Leona’s Sister Reader
Tanjiro Reader
Nezuko Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
"I Won't Let You Hurt My Baby"
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Lilia Vanrouge | Beware of the Fae,
Weapon Reader
Crona Reader
Crewel Daughter | Papa Lilia
Crewel Daughter Courting (Diasomnia)
Tanjiro Reader
Ancestor to Daughter in Law
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Sebek Zigvolt
Science Club Love Crewel's Daughter
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Mexican American Reader
Crewel Daughter Courting (Diasomnia)
Pool Party: Charging Up
Silver Vanrouge
Crewel Daughter Courting (Diasomnia)
Yandere Twisted Wonderland Masterlist (Cont’d)
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dotster001 · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist 2
Masterlist 1
This masterlist features fics and HC's that are about multiple characters.
Mean girl hcs- fem reader x Idia, Crewel, Crowley, malleus, Vil, and rook. A mean girl bullies you and they step in.
Period Simulator HCS- reader x Vil/Malleus/Idia/Rook/Crowley/Crewel you make your boyfriend try a period simulator.
Period Simulator HCs part 2- reader x Trein/Riddle/Azul/Jade/Sebek
Period Simulator HCs part 3- reader x Trey/Leona/Kalim/Jamil/Lilia
S/O like Rio Voleri Hcs- Jamil x reader, Leona x reader. S/O who is a lot like Rio Voleri from Court of Darkness? What could go wrong?
Sweet S/O Who's Dad is a Mafia boss HCS- Fem reader x Leona, Jamil and Vil
Passing out from Burnout Hcs- Floyd/Rook/Vil/Jamil x gn!reader. HC's for when reader gets burnt out, and passes out
Passing out from Burnout HCs part two- Malleus/Lilia/Trein/Crewel
Passing out from Burnout HC's Three- Riddle/Cater/Azul/Kalim
HC's for second years Crushing on Malleus'younger Brother First Years
HC'S for Diasomnia crew with reader who has been alive since titan times
S/O who wears a mask to hide their heterochromia HC's- Lilia/Riddle/Azul/Rook/Vil x reader
HC's for S/O who gives Cheka a kiss-Dorm leaders x reader
Househusband Au HC's- Crewel/Vil/Crowley/Rook/Malleus/Idia x reader
Househusband au HC's 2- Riddle/Cater/Leona/Deuce/Kalim
Queer platonic relationship HC's with aro dorm leaders and aro reader. First Years
HC's for when you accidentally call the staff dad
HC's when you call the Diasomnia boys Knight in shining armor or prince charming
HC'S for a significant other with a ton of pillows and blankets- x first year crew
Gyutaro-like Yuu HC's- Malleus/Cater/Ace/Ruggie/Deuce
S/O like Dia Akedia HC's- Jade/Vil x reader
When the "dad's" find out you are dating Neige- staff HC's
S/O like Toa Qelsum HC's- Ace/Deuce/Epel x reader
What kind of parents are they?
Riddle/Lilia/Trey/Cater x reader who loves to brag about them
Rook/Riddle/Ruggie/Trey/Sebek x reader with Ethereal Personality
They are dating someone, then meet their soulmate. What will the do? Ace/Sebek/Rook/Sam/Leona
Dorm leaders react to Piercings
Malleus/Lilia/Leona/Kalim/Vil x cynical s/o
Jack/Idia/Kalim/Floyd/Chenya x mc who wears headphones all the time
Housewardens and Floyd x ex gifted child MC
Overblot Crew x mc with 0 impulse control
Crewel/Crowley/Vil/Rook/Idia/Malleus on labor Simulator
Riddle/Leona/Ruggie/Lilia/Idia wake up to a cat on their chest, that belongs to you
Idia/Malleus/Rook/Vil/Crewel/Crowley meet their future kids
Calling Leona/Jamil/Vil/Rook a pet name in public
Jade/Leona/Vil/Floyd break up with you for someone else, and regret it too late
The Basketball boys get a kiss on the cheek after a win
Vil/Rook/Lilia/Malleus x fem reader who wears a witch costume for Halloween
Jamil/Sebek/Malleus x fem reader who makes them a feast when they're down
Memories of Wonderland- After a near death experience, you unlock memories you forgot you had. Chapters: One Two
Lab Safety- You're taking the school's safety into your own hands after one to many alchemy accidents.
How you met/enemies to lovers mini series for @stygianoir -Idia. -Vil. -Crewel. -Crowley. -Malleus. -Rook. Requested Additions: -Lilia -Leona
How They Get you under the Mistletoe - all boys x reader everyone else
For Tuna-Grim tries to get us a sugar daddy so that he can have good tuna. For Tuna; the Search Continues For Tuna;Snack Break Choose your Ending Bonus Features
Caterer-Fem!Reader. No one thinks you can cook for the entirety of Heartslaybul Dorm.
Comfort From the Depths- You're scared of the ocean, and octotrio help out
What kind of girl they like- all boys x fem! Reader Masc Version gn! Version
Look at this Photograph- Grim is tasked with photographing the boys for a beauty pageant. Why people would think he could it?
Lean on Me- You're at an RSA/NRC mixer and see an old friend....from your home world
That's What Friends Are For- Ramshackle is not allowed to participate in the founder's day festivities. Chaos ensues.
Self Love and Braided Bracelets- Y/N's harem of self care
Battle Royale- Y/N has a crush on someone! And everyone is certain it's them....
When you escape him series masterlist- Yandere x reader he adopts a child that looks like the two of you. You both escape, but he finds you years later.
The Ghost Groom- Fem reader is taken by the ghost groom! Can the boys save her? Probably not
Waking him up with a kiss- Jamil/Malleus/Silver x reader
Snowball War- Epel asks for your help in a prank that quickly spirals
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shiny-jr · 2 years
Have you ever thought of the imposter au with the staff of raven College? I could just imagine Crewel being the reason the reader is summoned to twst while not fulling knowing it (Probably coming in at the end to safe then after realize shits going down). That and maybe Crowley and Vargas going full mad dog and just chasing the reader like crazy. Maybe Trein tripping over his cat while chasing and reader/imposter feeling bad about it. Along with Sam using shadow creature to track the imposter down. Just a fun ideas I've been having, feel free to ignore.
I have thought about it before. I believe I even once mentioned that I would make a separate post for it eventually. Recently been thinking about platonic yan staff, so like fatherly type stuff for those of you with daddy issues.
Platonic yan Crowley! Wants to be your father figure so bad. Why won't you let him take you under his wing? You'd be his little fledgling! Ah, he must do his best to protect you! He is the headmaster of a prestigious school with unfortunately many arrogant troublesome students. Often he'll dramatically lament, inquiring why you don't wish to spend time with your dear old father? When you reply with a deadpan, "You're not my dad, Crowley." He'll break out into a melodramatic wail, oh woe is him that his own child does not wish to partake in any activities with him! Ah–– a way home, you ask? Well, during one of his many hours long searches in the library to find you a way home, something he adamantly assures you he's been doing, he had the most profound idea which he shall so graciously share with you! Why not stay in Twisted Wonderland and allow him to formally adopt you? Then you shall be his child and he will be sure to provide you with all the love and care you need! Isn't he a genius with such boundless benevolence?
Platonic yan Divus! Probably believes the whole world is out to get you. You poor little thing, far from home, lost and afraid, with no where else to go. Eventually he'll begin to doubt that Crowley is taking proper care of you, and deem his efforts as inadequate. Look at this wretched place, an old dorm filled with cobwebs and ghosts is supposed to be your home? An old oversized uniform and a handful of cheap worn clothes from the shop are all you have to wear? And your classmates, his own students, oh he knows what they're like. A bunch of ruthless mischief making pups! This is unacceptable! Divus will spoil you like his own. He has a soft spot for you, so when he's improving your conditions and getting rid of the old dirtied items, you hold up that feral monster cat and go, "Can I at least keep Grim? Please?" Ah, the puppy eyes. How could he say no to you? But that cat is getting a bath first. Oh, and he's incredibly wary of all the students. In his eyes, none of them are good enough to be your friends, and he's beginning to suspect all of them of trying to take advantage of you. Listen here, darling, you are not to trust any other men besides himself, are we clear?
Platonic yan Vargas! Oh god, not another one. Somehow, he's worse than the other two dads you've acquired. Especially because he thinks your escape attempts are some sort of crazy athletic training regimen. He's come to think of your monthly escape attempts as survival training, so not only is he enjoying himself but he's more than capable of keeping up and capturing you. Then dragging you back to NRC with a proud grin, boasting about how you got so much further than last time! "Let me go! Let go of me!" That's the spirit, he cheers. Seems like you're raring to train again, but now's the time regain your energy for next month! Eagerly tells you stories about his youth, how he was the strongest and most popular! He really wants you to look up to him, and he likes to think he's your favorite dad. Especially when it comes to Crewel, let's say they have differing opinions on how to properly care for you. While his counterpart prefers to pamper you, Vargas believes you need more activity and excitement in your life! Wouldn't you agree with him? Come on, give him a smile now!
Platonic yan Trein! The only real dad on the list. He has two sons that are already full adults now, and he believes you'd get along wonderfully with them. You would be their new younger sibling. "That's kinda... dumb. I'm not their sibling though." You comment, as he responds, it is not foolish to want all three of his children to get along. It's a bit annoying that you can never really get on his nerves, despite him being notoriously strict and a little intimidating with his stoic look. But like most of the dads on this list, he too has a weak spot for you. He still expects you to be a well-behaved though. No matter what you're like, he can handle it. After all, he's been a professor at NRC for so long, that he's seen and taken care of countless students. If you're looking for quiet time, he's probably the best to be with by far. He'll let his feline familiar Lucius sit on your lap as he serves you a platter of cookies with a hot beverage. When you do try to get on his nerves for whatever reason, it never works, so you end up plopping down beside him on the couch in defeat, angrily opening a magazine as he calmly continues to read a book. Now that the opportunity has present itself, he'd like to have a word with you. You should know that you are his pride and joy. That being said, should any of his students be pestering you, inform him immediately and he'll handle it promptly.
Platonic yan Sam! Most likely the best one to be with. It doesn't even feel like he's trying to be your dad, he's more like a cool but still concerning weird uncle. But if you had to classify him as a dad, he'd be the chill one. Although it is scary that he seems to know way more about you than you ever told him about. You suspect it has something to do with his friends on the other side. Whenever you're not with him, you have spied an oddly moving shadow or two... But the upside about that is, he always seems to know what you want. If it's small, he'll offer it for free. If it's a bigger item, he'll let you have it if you work the shop with him for a few hours. What's say you, huh? Sound like a deal? He'll entertain you a trick or two while you're here! Sam likes to call you his little good luck charm, because you tend to bring in more customers and just put him in a good mood. He choses to trust you, more than the other dads, probably because he knows you can't escape because he's always watching you somehow. You go on ahead, just be back by dark, you hear? He wouldn't want to send his friends to force you back home if you stay out late, m'kay?
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