#because i seen some people mistaking shield as my oc when she's yours
chachacharlieco · 1 year
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one of the many mophield doodles that I'll never post HAHAHAA.
Shield belongs to @crowind1
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi, Eve
Rose here from yesterday, thank you very much for the Birthday message, I wasn't expecting you to read it let alone reply but I was looking for Coops kids Birthday fluff specifically. It doesn't matter if you don't have time however as I don't want to be a bother.
Hello Rose, and happy (belated) 20th birthday! Sorry for the wait--I really wanted to get this one right to celebrate such an important number. I hope your day was absolutely fantastic! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, but Stella is an OC
Combined with asks for Sirius lightly making fun of Remus' accent and Remus yelling at a game show (@nazar4114)
“Medusa!” Stella shouted with all the force in her thirteen-year-old lungs. Remus leaned forward on the couch. “Medusa!”
The front door opened with a creak. “I’m h—”
“Yes!” they cheered in unison as Nicole answered correctly. Remus turned and gave Stella a double high-five, feeling his heart squeeze at the vivid joy on her round face. “Good guess.”
“I knew she was gonna get it,” Stella said with a pump of her fist as she turned back to the show and folded her legs underneath her.
“Gonna,” a familiar deep voice mimicked from the doorway. Paper bags rustled before footsteps stopped behind the couch; Remus tilted his chin up without sparing a glance, and Sirius pressed a laugh-laced kiss to his cheek before dropping one on Stella’s head as well. “You sound too much like your dad.”
“Love you, too,” Remus said wryly.
“I’ll take ‘Myths and Moths’ for 400, please.” Nicole’s voice snapped his attention back to the screen, and Stella narrowed her eyes.
“Daily Double!” the automated voice announced. Stella gasped; Remus bit his lower lip. “This mythical shield was wielded by Athena, and is sometimes said to be made of goat skin.”
“Aegis,” Stella whispered, then raised her voice. “It’s the Aegis, Nicole. You know this.”
“We know you do,” Remus said, scooting forward. “You just guessed whose head is on it.”
Nicole’s buzzer went off with two seconds to spare. “What is the Aegis?”
“Hell yeah!” Stella whooped.
Remus turned to her and raised his eyebrows. “Excuse you.”
“Are you two going to do this the whole afternoon?” Sirius asked from the kitchen, obviously amused. “We might need to get the neighbors some noise-cancelling headphones.”
Stella blew a dark lock of hair out of her eyes as she flopped her head back. “It’s almost final Jeopardy, papa. We have, like, ten minutes.”
Sirius blinked at her, then shook his head. “I swear you two share genes.”
“Ope, you caught me,” Remus said over the noise of the commercial break. “When I was 20 and had literally never left Wisconsin, I went and had a secret kid in Maine who looks terribly like you just so that someone would watch Jeopardy reruns with me thirteen years later. Oops.”
“It’s the truth,” Stella said with great gravity. “I remember.”
“Mon dieu,” Sirius muttered, though he couldn’t keep a smile down. He had never been able to hide around Stella, not once in the three years since they had adopted her. It was one of the things Remus loved most about him. “By the way, nobody under the age of fourteen is allowed in the kitchen for the next…hour. Ish.”
Stella squirmed around until she could rest her arms on the back of the couch. “What if I get thirsty?”
“I’m sure you can invoke birthday privileges and ask your dad to get something for you.”
“Birthday privileges?” Remus scoffed. “Nobody in this house has a birthday today. Yours was last month, and mine’s in March.”
“It’s my birthday,” Stella said.
“What? No, it’s not.”
“Your birthday is in June.”
“It’s today.”
“Or maybe July?”
“It’s today, in December, when there’s snow,” she insisted, throwing herself back against the pillows. “Come on, dad, that’s not funny anymore.”
Remus raised his eyebrows. “Is somebody too old to find their poor old dad amusing now? Can you go back to being twelve so somebody will laugh at my jokes again? I know, I know, we're super lame compared to all your friends’ parents—”
“So lame,” Sirius agreed from the kitchen.
“—but I like to think we get one more year of pre-teen cuteness before the teen angst takes over.”
Stella sat up again with a groan. Looking at her, Remus saw a mix of himself and Sirius that had always baffled him, considering they had adopted her comparatively late in her life; beneath it was something uniquely Stella. Maybe it was her double-jointed elbows, or the board-straightness of her hair next to their curls, but there was no mistaking that she was her own person through and through. He loved that about her. “I’m not going to be a terrible teenager.”
Sirius poked his head around the edge of the kitchen—his nose was adorned with a smudge of flour. “Can I record that for future use?”
“Ooo, using the French,” Remus hissed. “That transformation is already beginning.”
“It’s not like you were bad teenagers, right?” She settled upside-down on the couch with her flamingo-patterned socks high in the air.
“I almost convinced Grandma to let me dye my hair blue, but otherwise I was pretty good.”
“I was terrible,” Sirius laughed. “I didn’t talk to anybody for a solid three years.”
Stella frowned. “How? I think I’d die if I did that.”
“He’s stubborn,” Remus stage-whispered.
“I heard that.”
Stella suppressed her laughter as best she could, but she was about as good at hiding her emotions around them as Sirius was. She didn’t really giggle—the amount her voice had deepened over the past three years always gave Remus whiplash—but her laugh had the same cadence as it did the first day they heard it. While Stella had been quiet at first, it only took love and time to bring her out of her shell. Within a year she settled into their lives like she was always meant to be there.
A thoughtful look crossed her face. “This is my last year before high school.”
“Does it feel different?”
“Not really.” She paused, then shrugged. “And a little. I don’t feel older. It just feels like there’s stuff I won’t get to do anymore.”
“And a lot more you will get to do.” Sirius left his dishtowel on the counter before joining them on Stella’s other side. “You can drive soon, you’ll get a longer curfew, you get more freedom…”
“I guess.”
“What are you going to miss?” Remus asked as she toyed with the hem of her shirt. It was a basic Lions FAN jersey; he was fairly sure she bought it to be ironic. That, and she only wore one of theirs if she was upset with the other, or if one needed a boost at a game.
“I dunno.” A few beats of silence passed. “My classmates. My team. It feels like everything’s going to turn upside down.”
“You can still keep in touch with your friends, and I bet your team won’t be too different,” Sirius said quietly. “Even if it does, that doesn’t mean you have to give all of them up. People change in different ways. They come and go on their own time.”
“There’s going to be a lot of upside-downs over the next couple years, kid.” Remus offered her a smile. “But you’re going to be just fine.”
“You two sound like such dads right now.”
“This might shock you, but that’s because we are.”
The corner of her mouth tugged up and she lolled her head to the side to look at Sirius. “Is the cake done?”
“Fifteen more minutes.”
“Will you watch final Jeopardy with us?”
“What’s the category?”
“US Presidents.”
Sirius exhaled through his nose, but nodded. She grinned and turned herself upright to snuggle against his arm. “You just enjoy watching me lose.”
“Alright, is everyone ready?” Sirius called from the kitchen.
“On three,” Remus said, raising his phone camera. “One, two, three!”
“Happy birthday to you,” over a dozen voices sang. They were off-tempo and so out of key the composer was probably spinning in his grave, but Stella’s clear joy didn’t waver for a millisecond even as her cheeks reddened. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Stella, happy birthday to you!”
Finn, of course, dragged out the last note. So did Leo, Logan, Kasey, James, Lily, and Talker in varying degrees of awful harmony attempts. It was terrible, and beautiful. “Make a wish,” Sirius said softly as he set the cake down and stepped back. His eyes were the brightest quicksilver Remus had seen in many moons.
Stella closed her eyes, took a breath, and blew as hard as she could—the entire room erupted into cheers when all the candles went out. She was laughing and blushing at the same time when Remus turned the lights back on, though the humor won out in the end and she helped pass plates of cake to her many aunts and uncles. Like every year prior, Regulus managed to smear a bit of frosting on her chin, only to immediately deny it with great offense when she noticed. It was becoming a bit of a tradition—one that Remus never grew tired of.
I know what I would wish for, Remus thought as he looked around the table at their patchwork family. Celeste, Dumo, and his own parents had no doubt spoiled their first grandchild with ‘cusp of adulthood’ gifts, and Natalie and Lily would certainly steal her away after cake for some girl time. Finn and Logan would remain the fun uncles while Leo and Regulus kept their thrones as the cool uncles; Stella would interrogate Jules on the intricacies of high school for at least an hour before they destroyed everyone in a snowball fight. The world they built together had a place for everyone.
I would wish for this. This, for us, forever. It wasn’t a bad eternity to imagine.
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mighty-ragnarssons · 3 years
Knocked Up | Modern Vikings AU | Chapter I
Relationships | Modern Ivar x OC Summary | Ivar always thought he'd be one of those people that never find the love of their lives. But then he found her - or, as the story goes, she bumped into him. He never saw it coming. Then he had to deal with it, and all the consequences that came along. Warnings | some smut, a little angst, harassement, teenage pregnancy
You can read in AO3 as well (click here). 
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Chapter 1
There was no one in town that didn’t know about the Ragnarssons, the children of the famous Ragnar Lothbrok. They were fearless, they were reckless, and they were dangerous, just like their father. That’s what everybody said.
Bjorn was the eldest, the first-born of Ragnar’s first marriage with Lagertha. There had been a daughter too, Gyda, but she had passed away terribly young. After that, Ragnar had only sons born from his second marriage, this time with Aslaug. First came Ubbe, then Hvitserk and Sigurd. All of them perfectly healthy and strong boys that, much like Bjorn and to Ragnar’s amusement, took after their father in several ways. Unexpectedly and accidentally, however, there was a fifth child, the last son of Ragnar, Ivar. 
Ivar was very different from his brothers.
Born with a bone condition, he was crippled from the start. It was not just his legs that wouldn’t allow him to ever walk on his own, but a whole lot more pain coming from his frail bones that were never to be trusted. No wonder he grew up as a vulnerable, angry, and sad kid, despite being his mother’s favorite and most protected son. And now, as he was becoming a man, people called him mad and a drunk, a wild card with whom everyone rather stay away from. Ivar didn’t mind, he preferred to be tamed than to be pitied after a lifetime of being looked down on. In fact, he would do everything in his power to remain like this. It was the only way to prove himself and stay out of his brothers’ shadow and, most importantly, his father’s to who Ivar was the least favored son, something which hurt the boy more deeply than his constant physical pain.
“Hurry up, Ivar. Crawl faster, or else when we get to the club Ubbe and Hvitserk will have gotten all the best girls” Sigurd’s voice echoed loudly through the house. 
Ivar was there a second later clearly annoyed at his brother’s mocking tone. “Last time I checked, dear brother, you need me to drive you. So shut up. Let’s go.” 
Sigurd couldn’t argue back. He did need Ivar to drive them to the club. He kept failing at taking his driver’s license. It was humiliating to have to need his crippled brother to drive him, but Ubbe and Hvistserk, the bastards, hadn’t been home. Minutes afterward Ivar was behind the wheel of his accessible SUV and off they were.
Thirty minutes later they were skipping the line to get into the club. The Ragnarssons had their ways.  If there was one circuit in which their name was known by everyone, it was the nightlife one. No party would ever start without one of them being there. Ivar and Sigurd joined Ubbe and Hvisterk in the VIP area. As usual, Ivar took a corner where he knew he’d spend the next few hours drinking, smoking, and glaring at the dancing crowd. Perhaps if someone caught his eye he’d make a move, but usually, it was more like his brothers to do that.  
“There you go” Hvitzerk handed him a joint “Don’t look so serious, Ivar. The night is young. Enjoy!” By the looks of it, it was clear that he was already a bit high. But again it was Hvitserk and unusual would be to find him sober. “A lot of pretty ladies out there. Want me to pick one for you?” 
Ivar knew Hivtserk was only joking, but he still didn’t like it. His brother, ignoring Ivar’s cold glare and much to his annoyance, started pointing out to random girls who were dancing. “Oh, look at that one. C’mon Ivar, ain’t she a treat to stare at?”  
Thankfully, Hivtserk stopped his stupid game once their oldest brother Bjorn joined them, bringing shots to everyone with the help of his wife, Torvi.
“Brother, to what do we owe the honor?” Ivar said, throwing one of his ironic smirks. 
“I bring good news. Father is going to be released from jail sooner than expected. In three months to be exact! I had to pull some strings but it’s settled”
The news was received with different reactions. Sigurd didn’t seem that happy, while Ivar was the opposite. Ubbe was the first one to hold one of the shot glasses and started the toast “To Father! To Ragnar!”
Ragnar had been in prison for almost three years due to white-collar crimes, having been convicted of corporate fraud and money laundering. His sentence would’ve been of more than ten years, but Ragnar had his ways and was able to cut a deal for five years. And now, apparently, he would only serve almost four. Throughout this time it had been Bjorn taking over the leadership of the family’s successful business, Northmen Ventures, of which all of Ragnar’s sons had become the sole shareholders just before he was imprisoned. This explained why they were one of the richest families in their Norwegian city of Bergen. 
Bjorn,  now age 30, had been the natural successor of Ragnar. Not only because he was the oldest and perhaps the favorite son of Ragnar, but also because at the time he was the only one with a university degree, having just graduated from Law School. Yet, all of Ragnar’s sons were meant to get involved with the business. At least that was their father’s wish. Ubbe, now 24, had just graduated from Architecture School but had recently joined Bjorn on the company’s executive board.  Ivar wasn’t given the opportunity to help out, something which he grudged his older brothers - for dismissing him for his age, despite the fact that he’d watch and learned as much from his father as possible since an early age. Now 19 he was a freshman in college taking Business Administration. Then there were Hvitserk, 23, and Sigurd, 21,  the ones more adamant about following in their father’s footsteps. Hvitserk was using the money they were all getting to sustain his pricy bachelor lifestyle, and so was Sigurd who dedicated most of his time to art and music. Neither tried to pursue a higher education degree. 
“Don’t get too excited. Father will be back and then what? It’s not like he cares about us.” Sigurd, the mood killer, chugged his beer aggressively “He didn’t let us visit him in prison not even once. Not even Mother was allowed to. He didn’t even care for sending a postcard for Christmas!”
“He must have had his reasons.”
“And he left us the company”
“And so what? He just wanted to prevent it from ending up in the hands of the government.  Fuck him! You might all want to play the role of doting sons, but I’m not gonna tag along” After this Sigurd stormed off.
The remaining brothers looked at one another. A little bit of what Sigurd had just said resounsed with them, but at the same time they were excited to welcome back their father. Things would be very different with him around. 
“I say we celebrate.” Ivar said, not minding Sigurd. He couldn’t wait for his father to be back so that he could prove himself once and for all. He was no longer the defenseless crippled child he was when Ragnar went away. 
Despite the good mood he was in about Bjorn’s good news, Ivar wasn’t vibing with the club’s atmosphere that night. Hvitserk and Ubbe were making out with some random girls, Sigurd was nowhere to be seen and Torvi and Bjorn had left already. Instead, he was craving for some adrenaline and he knew just the way to get it. Texting his dealer, he left the club with the help of his crutches.
Nothing was to stop him except that on the way out someone bumped into him almost causing him to lose his fragile balance. Fury grew on Ivar who was about to yell at whoever made the mistake of infuriating him that night, but that’s when her face lost the blurriness of a few seconds ago and Ivar lost his balance again but for a completely different reason.
“Oh, no. I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to...shit” 
“Bitch, get back! For the hundredth time, you’re not getting in!” 
The girl’s expression quickly turned one of desperation. “I told you I have to. My cousin needs help! Don’t stop me, please” Her words were towards the bouncer that was now pulling her back, but her pleading eyes were on Ivar as if asking for help.  
“Hey, let her go!”  Ivar didn’t know why, but his rage got up to new levels when he saw the bouncer getting his filthy hands on her. “I said back off. Take your fucking hands off of her.”
At Ivar’s command the bouncer let her go. It didn’t matter that he was a big muscle guy, Ivar took a step towards him and faced him with a cold death stare. 
“She’s coming in with me, do you understand?”
“Ragnarsson, she is a minor. I can’t let her in.”
“I’m not asking.” 
His tone set it. He nodded so that the girl got in the club ahead of him. She didn’t even say a word, going immediately in. Ivar had to hurry himself inside to catch up. 
“Fuck, there’s so many people” she noticed looking absolutely lost.
“Let me help you.” he offered. 
“The bathrooms. My cousin... she called me, she didn’t sound fine… I’m worried something’s happened... She said she couldn’t move” she was trembling as she spoke. Ivar reached her hand with his. 
“If she is here we are going to find her.” he assured her “Follow me” 
It was not typical of Ivar to help a lady in distress but as he was guiding this girl through the crowd of drunk dancing people he couldn’t understand the need he was abruptly feeling for shielding her and, worst of all, to comfort her. These feelings left him uneased, but he was not going to dwell into that right now. If his suspicions were right and her cousin was somewhere in the club, then she was probably drugged to the point of unconsciousness and in a position to be taken advantage of. 
They swiped all the bathrooms at the club until at last they burst into one where a girl was noticeably knocked down in a corner.
“Cathrine!” the girl immediately crouched down on her cousin. “Cathrine, can you hear me?” 
“All of you, get out” Ivar demanded the girls who were inside. Some tried to complain, after all he was the guy in a female bathroom. These same girls that had paid no attention, or they just didn’t care, to the other girl on the floor. He then went outside as fast as he could and got a water bottle.
“She’s awake, but barely. Says she 's dizzy. She’s not talking right” 
“She was likely drugged” It wouldn’t be a first in that club “Make her sip some water” he threw the water bottle at them. He really wanted to level down to them, but with his crutches and all it just wouldn’t go well. “I’m gonna find help.”
 He ‘raced’ to the VIP area. Only Hivtserk was there with a girl on top of him. What was wrong with his brothers for acting as if their corner was a place of public foreplay display?
“Hvitserk, I need your help!”
“Go away Ivar” he grumbled and continued to suggestively run his hands on the brunette over his lap.
Ivar had to take the matter into his hands. The first thing he found was a leftover cocktail on the table which he threw at the girl. Her immediate squeak was so high and audible despite the deafening music. She practically jumped from on top of his brother.
“You crazy motherfucker!”
“What the fuck Ivar?”
“I don’t have time to explain. Come with me. I need your help.” 
Usually he didn't have much faith in his brothers - after all they were a pain in his ass most of the time - but this time he was really hoping to call on Hvitserk’s good senses. Fortunately his prayers were answered and his older brother followed him back to the bathroom
“What’s going on?”
“There’s a passed out girl. We need to get her out of here.”
“Would you go so far as in to get laid, little brother? Oh, you sicko” 
“This is not the time for jokes, asshole. You’re the sicko for even suggesting that”
Ivar was almost regretting getting Hvitserk to help, but the truth was that he alone wouldn’t be able to carry the girl out from the bathroom. The moment they got in there Hvitserk got a bit more serious and kneeled next to the two girls. 
“Let’s get her out of here” 
Together with Hvitserk, the girl helped raise her semi-unconscious cousin. People inside the club were so fucked up that they didn’t drop one second to look at them leaving. 
“Take her to my car” Ivar indicated and so they did. He unlocked his metallic grey SUV from afar and went on to open the backdoors where they laid the girl. “Let her get some fresh hair. It will do her good.”
“Should we take her to the hospital?” Hvitserk suggested.
A loud “No!” came from the inside of the car.
“She can’t. It will be too complicated” said the other girl but not without hinting her dissatisfaction.
Ivar finally took a moment to fully look at her. Dressed  in just a pair of jeans and a warm sweatshirt, she was lean and tall, but at least a good ten centimeters shorter than himself. Her blonde hair was tied in a messy bun with some strands falling down on her face. He had to hold the instinct to gently brush those aside. And her eyes… They were a very greyish blue color like he had never seen before. They were mirroring worry and nervousness. 
“I’m calling a cab. Thank you for your help. I don’t know what I would’ve done if it weren’t for you” she said facing Ivar and Ivar only. 
“I can drive you.” he offered without thinking.
“We already bothered you enough -”
Ivar cut her off “Nonsense. I’m going to drive you” he declares in a way that offered no other option.
Relief poured from her gaze “Thank you”
It was quite the drive, further out of Bergen’s city center. By the time they got there the passed out girl - Cathrine - had regained consciousness, albeit feeling nauseous and dizzy. Hvitserk carried her alone in his arms to the inside of the house and further into her bed. It was time enough for her to fall asleep like a rock.
“She seems just to need some rest. Keep her hydrated when she wakes up.”
“If she was drugged then it should wear off her system soon”
“Noted. I don’t know how to thank you both” 
“You could go on a date with one of us, how does that sound?”
“Hvitserk!” Ivar admonished in reaction to the girl’s shocked expression “Please, ignore my brother. He, too, has drugs that need to wear off his system”
“You’re no fun, Ivar” Hvitserk couldn’t argue back on the drugs part. “A pleasure to help, milady. Until next time” He did a silly bow and left the apartment back to the car. 
“Is he always like that?” 
 “Most of the time, yeah.” Ivar shrugged his shoulders “Hand me your phone” Because she did without complaining, he got it and put his number in there “I’m Ivar Lothbrook. Whenever you need help.”
What he really wanted to say was ‘text me’. He didn’t have the nerve for that, tho.
For the first time that night she finally showed a glimpse of a smile “Honestly, thank you. I don’t know what I would’ve done without your help, Ivar Lothbrok” 
Her hand was touching his and for a moment everything seemed to stop. The way his name sounded on her lips… A shiver went down his spine. He wanted to hear it again, but most importantly he wanted to know her name.
But in that exact moment a horn yelled. Goddamned Hvitserk. He was going to wake up the whole street, which was the opposite of what the girls had asked. “I better go drive him home now or else he’ll wake up the whole neighborhood” 
Yet Ivar was finding it difficult to leave. To leave her. Another honk made him take the necessary steps.
“I mean it when I say for you to use my number whenever. Stay safe”
He finally closed the door behind him and walked back to the car, but not before looking over his shoulder. There she was, by the window, waving goodbye with a shy smile on her face.
He needed to see her again.
The next morning Ivar woke up rather hopeful of seeing a text message. Seeing there was none, his day didn’t kick off exactly on the right terms. Throughout the day he checked his phone more times than he cared to admit and each time he grew impatient and irritated. What was it about that girl to make him like this? It’s not like he usually gave a crap about whoever he met.
“What’s wrong with you? You’ve got a right cob-on” his older brother Ubbe asked later that day when they were all chilling by the firepit  in the backyard of the Lothbrook’s home.
Although in Norway it was uncommon for people their age to still be living at home, in their case that’s how things were and worked out great most days. Usually it was just the four brothers and the house was  big enough for them not to be in each other’s ways.. Their mother, Aslaug Lothbrok, ran one the country’s finest art galleries. After her husband’s arrest she had moved her gallery to the capital city, Oslo, instead of their home city. Lately she spent most of her time there rather than at home. 
“It’s nothing. Leave me alone” 
“He’s hung up” teased Hvitserk “Still thinking about the pretty blondie from last night, brother?”
Right that moment Ivar wished he could smack the mocking smiles out of his brother’s faces. 
“Well, well, well Ivar. Didn’t know you had company last night.”
“He didn’t.  Not exactly. None of us did” Hvitserk proceed to put Ubbe on the loop in regards to their little episode last night. “Instead of asking her for her number, our little brother gave her his. Wrong move, dude.” Ivar immediately regretted telling this to Hvitserk. “Don’t be so bummed out, Ivar. There’s plenty of fish in the sea. Speaking of…”
A blonde Ivar doesn’t care much about exits their home in Sigurd’s company, both appearing content which can only mean one thing. Margrethe is a constant guest at the Lothbrok’s and probably the only female with the fame of being acquainted with all of the brothers’ rooms. Although a favorite among the Ragnarssons, to Ivar she’s nothing but an unpleasant company he is forced to tolerate after they fall out months ago. 
“If that’s the fish you’re hinting at, I’d rather go vegan” Ivar mumbled under his breath.
I hope you liked it! It’s my first Vikings fic :) Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language. At least five more chapters will be on the way.
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l-wannabe-l · 3 years
Short Circuit
Chapter 1: First Impressions
During the events of T2 John's half-sister, Aria catches the attention of the T-1000. Having failed a second time Skynet starts targeting the people who will one day fight beside John.
T-1000/Austin x OC
This first chapter will follow the movie but it will start diverging soon. I'm still new to fanfic writing so feel free to leave a comment.
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It was gone.
Not in my closet or my drawers or under the bed.
It was gone.
The little money maker that I made and the little brat took it. I grab my cardigan and make my way out into the hallway. He's probably made it to the mall already (and he didn't even think to invite me), spending money that's not his. I mean it's not mine either but that's not the part I'm upset about. Knowing the way he drives on his bike I'll be lucky if the atm card is still working when I get it back. As I looked for my keys, they were RIGHT HERE I SWEAR, the doorbell rings. Seeing as it's not my house I don't go to answer. I hear the door open accompanied by a tired sigh.
Todd must've gotten it.
"Are you the legal guardian of John Connor?'
That's never a good question. I take a peek around the corner to glance at the man at the door. The first thing I notice is that he's wearing a police uniform. Yup, not good.
"That's right, officer. What's he done now?" A very valid question that the officer ignores as he seems to scan the house, pausing briefly as he spots me before turning his attention back to Todd.
"Could I speak with him please?"
"Could if he were here. Took off on his bike this morning so he could be anywhere." Todd answers with a shrug, clearly not giving two shits as Janelle joins him at the door.
"Do you have a photograph of John?"
"Yeah sure, hold on." She turns to grab her wallet and sees me hiding behind the corner. She looks at me expectedly probably thinking I know what's going on. I just shake my head. Like I would tell her even if I did know.
"You gonna tell me what this is about?" Todd tries asking again as Janelle rejoins them, handing off the picture.
"Just need to ask him a few questions. He's a good-looking boy. Do you mind if I keep this picture?" He asks as he studies the image.
"No, go on. There was a guy here this morning looking for him too." Janelle offers. This gets the officer's attention as I see him still and look back up. This surprises me too as I wasn't here in the morning and my foster parents apparently didn't think to tell me about some stranger looking for my little brother.
"Yeah, a big guy on a bike. That got something to do with this?" Todd adds. Dear God John, who are you getting involved with? The officer pauses for a moment before responding.
"No. I wouldn't worry about him. Thanks for your cooperation." He takes one last glance up in my direction. Our eyes meet. Only for a second before he's gone. But it's long enough to send a chill down my spine. Police officer or not that man is dangerous and he's heading straight for John. When John fails to answer his phone, that I got him by the way, I hurry to find my keys and make my way outside. The cop had left. He'll have to ask around to find John which should buy me some time.
It's a bit of a distance to get to the mall and the traffic of a Saturday afternoon doesn't help but I make it. I head towards the arcade on the second floor but have to backtrack around a corner when I spot the officer from earlier talking to some kids.
Christ, he works fast. This man really takes his job seriously.
The kids seem not to know anything as the man continues on and out of sight… in the direction of the arcade. DAMN IT. I hurry after hoping he'd walk past it which he does. I slow down to look through the windows hoping to catch a glimpse of John.
"Excuse me, have you seen…"
Stopped by the entrance I turn to look at the speaker realizing too late my mistake as I'm face to face with the very man I was avoiding. Because of the close proximity, I notice he's tall, and with a square jaw, bright blue eyes, and soft-looking light brown hair, he's handsome too. This is bad for me, because tall and handsome have gotten me in trouble before and I will not let it do so again. But he's staring, obviously recognizing me from not even an hour ago, so I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.
"Lo siento señor no hablo ingles."
His brow furrowed in confusion which I take as my cue to leave. So with an "Adios!" I duck into the arcade, send a quick thank you to my high school Spanish classes, and hide behind the first big machine I find. From there I see him enter the arcade looking left and right, scanning as he did earlier, before turning to a pair of girls by a pinball machine. I turn away to go find John eventually finding him playing Afterburner.
"A cop is looking for you, what did you do?" He spares me a glance before returning to his game.
"... Is this because I took the card machine? Listen Aria, I'm sorry but mine broke."
"I am pissed about that but no."
"Is it cause I didn't invite you? In my defense, you weren't home."
"John..." I begin when Tim, John's buddy, slides up to us.
"John, hey there's this cop scoping for you, check it out." That got his attention, and let me be upset for a second as he takes a look around Tim and the machine to see the officer questioning another kid who points in our direction. John grabs his backpack, I grab John and we both head towards the employee door briefly looking back to see the officer pushing kids aside to catch up. I open the door and push John ahead of me, both of us running.
"So you'll listen to Tim but not to me?"
"Tim never messed with me about surprise police inspections." Ever since we were young mom drilled into us that the police were bad news and, like the caring and protective big sister that I am, I decided to add to this training. Suffice to say John tends to double guess me now and then.
"That's fair." Turning the corner we surprise a worker who yells at us and who we ignore as we push through the exit doors. That's when we turn to see a large man in a leather jacket and sunglasses and I freeze up as he opens the box to pull out a shotgun the roses he was carrying crushed beneath him as he advances. John pulls me back the way we came, the man following as we try the other doors.
I chance a glance back to see he’s caught up with us. Another look forward reveals the officer appearing through the doorway, with a glare almost as menacing as the gun. I hear a click and a look back shows the shotgun has been leveled at us.
“Get down.”
Lucky for me John has the good sense to listen to the man as he ducks down pulling me with him. I cover him as gunshots ring above us. I look up to see the officer blasted back a few inches, silver wounds appearing where red ones should be. The man in leather grabs us, spinning to cover us as the cop starts emptying his clip at us. I hear the poor employee from earlier scream in pain as he gets caught in the crossfire.
John and I scream, fear gripping us.
The bullet fire pauses for a moment giving our (definitely not) human shield the opportunity to bust open the door to our left and push us in. He turns away just in time for the officer to finish reloading but is undeterred by the bullets finding a home in his torso as he continues his march forward. He levels his own gun, shotgun shells flying as he blasts one after another pushing the smaller man back until he falls and our savior is allowed to reload. As he does so the silver gaps fill in and the man rises from where he lay grabbing the gun and catching the bigger man off guard as he tries and fails to gain back control. So instead he moves to grab the cop but is instead thrown into one wall then another. Cement and plaster alike collapsing in their struggle until they both disappear through a wall.
Despite the obvious difference in size, the larger man is the one being thrown around like a ragdoll which spells bad news for us. So I grab John again, pulling him behind me as I head towards the door that leads to a staircase. We head down until we reach ground level, the parking lot, we run over to John’s bike, an old thing that was mine before I handed it down when I got a new one. Trying to start it up now I remember why I upgraded.
“John, your bike is a hunk of junk!”
“It was your bike first! Just start it already!” The engine finally starts running just as the doors burst open. The cop racing after us on foot as we speed off.
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glassessence · 3 years
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I got so inspired by everyone’s creativity that I created my own OC ^^” Even though she’s a member of the Purifying Force, I hope she’ll still be received warmly. Special thanks to @punishing-gray-raven-ocs​ for their detailed posts about character creation that really made me think about Lydias! 
Warning: I may have gone a bit overboard with the detail. It’s a long read! Also, I threw in a not-so-subtle reference to the most traumatic Memory Rescue mission lmao. So proceed with caution, I guess HAHA
Name                          Lydias: Umbral
Type                            Offensive Support-type Construct
Service time              1 year
Psychological age    24
Activation date         15 March
Height                         167 cm
Weight                        59 kg
Vital fluid type          O
Faction                        Purifying Force
Rank                            A
Weapon                      Chakrams (preferred) /  Gun
Damage type             70% Dark, 30% Physical
Lydias is a support-type Construct modelled after Watanabe’s Astral frame. She has extreme stealth capabilities and excels at tracking, making her ideal for the execution of rogue and infected Constructs.
Her missions mostly involve infiltration and spying, although she’s also been deployed on assassination missions. Those orders come straight from Nikola and their records are kept top-secret, inaccessible even to Bianca.
Her frame is designed for long-range sniping and comes equipped with visual accuracy enhancements and superb calculative powers. However, Lydias prefers to engage her targets in close combat. Killing Constructs from afar feels cruel and cold, like they really are meaningless machines instead of former comrades.
She truly believes in the good of the Purifying Force, but hates the things she has to do. She doesn’t feel like she belongs, but also can’t see a future for herself anywhere else.
Her fighting style is very graceful, featuring a lot of spins and flips that are reminiscent of a dance. Her signature move is called “Blade Dance.”
B A C K G R O U N D 
Lydias was born to a wealthy family in Babylonia. Her mother joined the war effort as a Commandant shortly after she was born and is known as the leader of the elite task force, Cybele. Since then, Lydias has always wanted to follow in her mother’s famous footsteps.
Originally a Commandant of the Black Wolves, a certain incident caused her to give up the position and apply for reconstruction. Despite having low compatibility for Tantalum-193, her application was approved after negotiations with Nikola. Following her surgery, she was transferred to the Purifying Force.
Shows affection through actions rather than words. Bakes cakes for the humans of Babylonia in her free time
Philosophical, often ponders on the nature of humans and of the war
Likes to make dirty jokes and tease others
Obedient to a fault because she doesn’t trust her own judgement
Comes across as cold, but is just awkward with introductions
Doesn't think very highly of herself. Ignores it when other Constructs call her "traitorous hunting dog" but secretly thinks they're right
Loves the sea and the fathomless depths yet to be explored. Likes to go swimming at every opportunity
Prefers to work alone, but overprotective of her comrades when in a team. Frequently throws herself in harm’s way to shield her teammates. Knows it’s not good, but is too haunted by her past
Trusts easily, but is very guarded with her heart
Knows how to dance a lot of old-school styles like ballroom and ballet, but is too shy to ask anyone to practice with her
Has memorised a lot of poetry from before the Punishing Virus outbreak
Gets intensely lonely and jealous when seeing close squad camaraderie like Gray Raven’s
Avoids Kamui because he reminds her of someone she’s lost
Has spied on Watanabe extensively under Babylonian orders and is deeply fascinated by him
Doesn’t trust Nikola, but is unable to disobey his commands
Secretly harbours doubts about Babylonia’s mission to reclaim Earth
Has obtained special permission to download the data of the Black Wolves and often reads the records to keep them alive in her heart
V O I C E   L I N E S
“Team leader? No, I refuse. You’re making a grave mistake.”
“I’m not suited for protecting people.”
“My opinion on the Forsaken? They’re hardworking, loyal, and--Nevermind. We seem to share a similar goal.”
“The Black Wolves? Where did you hear of that name?! Don’t mention it again!”
“I baked a cake today. Would you like some?”
“Yes, I can dance. But I’d prefer it if you didn’t tell the others…”
“I can teach you to dance. Privately, if you’d like. Haha, just kidding.”
“Becoming a Construct was a decision I made rashly. I don’t necessarily regret it, but…”
“Are we really doing the right thing? This endless war… All these years… What have we really achieved?”
A voice cracked over the intercom. “...dant…Com...ant...Commandant, do you hear me?!”
Lydias blinked. The urgency in his voice caught her off guard. Ferdinand kept his cool even in the most dire of situations. Something was very wrong. “Tell me, Ferdie.” Static. “Ferds? Come through!” Nothing. Communications had been poor ever since they’d entered this area, but they’d managed until now. For it to suddenly fail like that… it couldn’t be a coincidence.
“Shit,” she said, turning to the other two Constructs with her. “On guard, guys. Something’s coming and comms are down.”
Ilya grimaced. “Sure it’s not one of Ferdinand’s pranks again?”
“I wouldn’t put it past him,” Flora offered, even as she tightened her grip on her lance. “Pesky little bastard would find it hilarious.” Lydias said nothing. She was too tense. There was a taste in the air, a metallic tang that churned in her belly. Sweat dripped into her eye. Suddenly, a hand slapped her on the back. “Relax, Commandant,” Ilya chuckled. “We’ll protect you like always. No need to be so scared all the time.”
Something in her loosened, just a bit. “Shouldn’t I be the one protecting you?” she retorted, trying to project confidence. “You guys with your fragile little M.I.N.Ds?” Flora laughed, a deep-belly rumble that Lydias loved. The knot in her stomach unravelled some more. “You do that, Commandant,” Flora said. “We’ll just twirl our pointy sticks at the bad guys.”
Lydias was just about to say something snarky when she caught movement in the corner of her eye. She swirled, gun at the ready. There was still no word from Ferdinand. “I’m sensing a large Corrupted force in our perimeter,” Ilya reported. His voice had lost its casual lilt. “They’ve got us surrounded.”
Lydias cursed. “How’s that Memory retrieval coming along?”
“Slowly,” Ilya replied unhappily. Flora clicked her tongue. The Corrupted were visible now. They weren’t like anything Lydias had seen before. They carried advanced weapons - chainsaws and spears and bows - and seemed to be organised into phalanxes. Dread coiled in her belly. “We’ve been ambushed,” she breathed in horror. “Ferdinand tried to warn us. They must have blocked off comms.”
“Well, shit,” Flora grunted. The Corrupted army was within gunshot range now. “When the fuck did they get so smart?”
“Someone must be leading them,” Ilya said. “How did the information leak?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Lydias said. “We need to retreat. Now.” A bullet flew by her head, burning the shell of her ear as it passed. Her heart hammered. “Back off,” Flora growled. She twirled her spear, eyes flashing as she impaled the Corrupted soldier. Beside her, Ilya stepped forward, fast as a flash, and stabbed one through the neck. Lydias fired off three shots, watching in grim satisfaction as two buried themselves in the heads of two infected Constructs.
The scene descended into chaos just as Ferdinand’s broken voice sounded in her ear. “...n...way! Comm...ant!”
Flora stumbled back. She was breathing heavily. Vital fluid leaked steadily from several places, staining her coat a rich purple. Ilya was behind her, grimacing. His left arm was gone, torn away at the shoulder. Sparks flew from the exposed wires within. Beside them, Lydias swayed unsteadily. She clutched at her stomach. Red blood seeped through her fingers. All their attempts to break through had failed. Things were looking more hopeless by the minute. 
“Commandant,” Ilya said, voice strained. “Turn off my pain receptors.” Flora nodded. “Same here.” Lydias coughed wetly. Her vision was growing dim. “It’s dangerous,” she admitted, wishing she could shut off her own terrible pain. “But there’s no other choice.” She authorised the command. Her team’s face relaxed immediately. She met their determined gazes and nodded. “We’re all gonna go home. Together.”
Ilya smiled. Flora grinned. But there was a sadness in their faces Lydias didn’t want to acknowledge. Her connection with Ferdinand was still blocked. He could be dead for all she knew. She turned away from the thought. Just survive, Lydias. And take the Wolves home.
Together, the Black Wolves rose. Ilya with his dagger and Flora with her spear. Unseen by Lydias, they nodded to each other. An agreement, a pact. A promise. Renewed, they threw themselves at the Corrupted like cornered animals. Slowly, inch by painful inch, an exit was being forced open. Corrupted weapons dug into their bodies, but they pushed on. 
Lydias fought beside them, swinging her chakrams haphazardly. Her gun had run out of ammo long ago. She stumbled, half-blind, and almost skewered herself on the end of a Corrupted sword. She could hardly think straight; blood loss was making her weak. Suddenly, a voice crackled in her mind. “Commandant!” Ferdinand’s voice tumbled through her hazy thoughts. “The signal jammer is gone. What’s your status?!”
Her heart soared, bringing with it a brief burst of clarity. “Ferdie! It’s an ambush. We need support!”
“I’ve already informed Babylonia,” he said urgently. “Reinforcement is on the way. I’m coming to you, Commandant. Just hold on!” His signal blinked to life, moving rapidly towards their location. Lydias smiled grimly. Ferdinand was on his way. Support was coming. Surely, they would be okay. They would make it out of this. She just had to hold on for a little longer. 
Flora’s signal pulsed unsteadily and Ilya’s grew fainter with every breath. Lydias clung with desperation to the unstable M.I.N.Ds of her Wolves. I will protect you.
“Coming through!” A ray of energy tore through the Corrupted wave. Lydias spied Ferdinand’s face through the sea of blades. She almost wept with relief. “Retreat,” she said hoarsely, struggling to stay conscious. “Black Wolves, retreat!”
On cue, Ilya and Flora rushed through the tunnel, half-carrying Lydias with them. Between one ferocious breath and the next, they’d broken through the Corrupted circle. She tumbled bonelessly into Ferdinand’s open arms. He took a brief moment to survey her and paled. “The meeting point isn’t far,” he said. “Support will be there.” He picked up Lydias and turned to run, but Ilya and Flora didn’t follow. 
“Sorry, but this is the end of the road for me,” Flora said wryly. “Didn’t think it’d end like this.” She spat out a wad of purple fluid. “At least these fuckers will go down with me.”
“And you get the privilege of dying by my side,” Ilya said primly, readjusting his grip on his dagger. Flora laughed, an edge of sadness in her voice. “Yeah, old man, I guess I do.”
Lydias stirred in Ferdinand’s arms. “No,” she said, forcing herself to meet their gazes. “I won’t allow it.” 
“Unfortunately, Commandant,” Ilya said. “This time it’s not up to you.” He raised his remaining hand in a salute. “It’s been a pleasure working with you.”
“Go on,” Flora growled. “We’ll make sure nobody pursues you.”
Ferdinand pursed his lips, but nodded tightly. Lydias fought in his grip. She hardly even felt the pain. “No!” she screamed, or tried to. It was hard to tell where her voice was. “Don’t! I forbid it! That’s an order!” He started running. She watched helplessly as the distance grew. “Stop! Go back, we have to help them! Stop!”
In the fading light, Ilya fell and was immediately consumed by a horde of Corrupted hands. His signal weakened then blinked out. A scream tore itself from her throat. She thrashed in Ferdinand’s grip and felt his hold on her loosen. White-hot pain shot through her body as she tumbled to the ground. Mad with grief, she crawled forward desperately, mind blank except for the desire to be with her Wolves. 
Strong arms lifted her up. Ferdinand’s lively voice was dull. “Please don’t do this, Lydias.” 
“Let go, Ferdie,” she said angrily. “We have to--” Flora’s signal flickered out. Lydias felt her spirit break. “No,” she cried. “Please, no.” Tears streamed down her cheeks. Words abandoned her. The world seemed to shrink, compacting to a single thought: she had failed. 
She woke to white light. Something beeped steadily beside her. Tubes ran from her body to several machines like the tentacles of some deep sea creature. Her entire body hurt. Immediately, she reached for the Black Wolves, but their signals were absent, leaving her mind uncomfortably empty. Panic settled like ice in her veins. It couldn’t be. It was impossible. 
Surely, they had recalled their consciousnesses. Surely, she’d simply woken up early. And where was Ferdie? Gasping, Lydias stood, dragging her broken body to the wall of windows. She brought a fist to the cool glass. Nikola watched her from the other side. “Where are they,” she croaked. “What happened?”
He shook his head sympathetically. “They didn’t recall their consciousness. According to our records, Ilya and Flora died protecting you from pursuit. Ferdinand was infected.” His eyes were grave. “He guarded you until reinforcements arrived.”
She didn’t know if she could bear the answer, but she asked anyway. “And then?”
Nikola studied her for a long moment before giving in. “And then the Punishing Virus took over his M.I.N.D. He escaped because we prioritised your survival.” A desperate hope sparked to life within her. “So he’s still alive? Then there’s still a chance! Please, let me find him!”
“You know it doesn’t work like that.” 
“Please,” she begged. “Please.”
He turned away from her. “The Purifying Force has already been sent after him. I’m sorry, Lydias.”
Three weeks later
“Are you sure?” Nikola asked, studying her with intensity. “Your chances of success are only 47%.”
Lydias stared at him blankly. “I’m sure.”
“I’m afraid I can’t allow it. Commandants are valuable to Babylonia. Perhaps even more than Constructs. Few possess the will and compatibility to stabilize M.I.N.Ds. Someone as experienced as you is not expendable.”
“Then I quit being a Commandant. I refuse to lead another squad.” She looked away. “I couldn’t protect any of them. Not a single one.” Her voice broke. “I’m not… I don’t think I can--I just can’t.”
Nikola considered her with some pity. “What do you want then, Lydias?”
“You know what I want. I’m not afraid of dying.”
“I know you’re not afraid, but it seems to me like you seek it.”
She said nothing. Nikola sighed. “I’d rather not lose you completely. You have experience and ability. The Black Wolves were specifically chosen for that mission for your competence. Aife will increase our combat power significantly against the Corrupted.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s unfortunate, but these things happen at war.”
“Say whatever you want,” Lydias said stubbornly. “But this is my final decision.”
“Fine,” Nikola said. “Your attempt at redemption is admirable. I’ll grant your request, but if you survive, you’ll work directly under me. Is that acceptable?”
F A D I N G   L I G H T
Flora: Fairfrost - Voice Log 
*sounds of fighting* I hope this reaches you, Commandant. I don’t think I’m gonna last much longer and… *grunting* I just wanna say goodbye. The old man’s already gone. I felt his signal die out a while ago. He went down taking a blade for me, can you believe it? Even though I’m the Attacker Construct. *panting* You know what his last words to me were? “It hurts.” As if our pain receptors weren’t turned off. I know what he means though. *blades clashing* After all, we all wanna go back home with you. But life’s a bit unfair, eh? For once, I don’t mind. Protecting your back… it almost makes me feel like a hero. That ain’t something you experience every day, y’know? *metal tearing* I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you. For being someone worthy of love. *crash, wet coughing* It’s been my honour and privilege to have been one of your Wolves, Commandant. You’ll remember me, won’t you?
Ferdinand: Aegis - Voice Log 
Lydias… This will probably be my last communication with you. I never would have thought this would be how it ends, but… Well, I’m just glad that I get to spend my final moments with you. I can feel my M.I.N.D. slipping, but Babylonia will be here any second now. They’ll take care of you, the way I wish I could. *sigh* Ah, there are so many things I want to say. I have nothing to lose anymore, so I hope you’re ready to listen. *deep breath* I love you. The way you laugh at my jokes and tease me. The way you can talk about anything. Your smile, your lips. I love the way you kiss me. And of course, I love our late night activities… Such as you trying to teach me to dance. *short laughter* Were you expecting me to say something else, Commandant? You--*grunt, glitching* Looks like my time is running out. I should go, but promise me one thing, Lydias. Promise me you’ll keep your heart open, so that someone else can love you as you deserve. I--You--*glitches*
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heiress - 2
pairing: bucky barnes x oc!reader
a/n: this is part two of a four part series based on a song lyrics sent to me by an amazing anon with a reader based on my favourite oc. hope you enjoy xx
“letters strewn across your bedroom floor. such beautiful words but you can’t remember who they’re for“
previous chapter
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His memories had always been foggy. Even after slipping from HYDRA’s control, his memories were still foggy. He could remember almost everything through a sepia-like filter yet his memory as even more distorted the moment he looked at her. He had this gut wrenching feeling he had known her yet his foggy red tinted memories gave him no answer as to who this woman was and whenever he tried digging deeper into his subconscious. he would just get tired. Almost as if his own mind did not allow him to know her but he knew he must’ve seen her face or her figure somewhere and if he hadn’t then he must’ve known her in another life because whenever he looked at her, he felt comfortable. It was an odd sensation to explain, a deja-vu like feeling, a feeling which made him want to run up to her and held her into his arms but she was a stranger. Everything was strange here even Wanda who despite him having shared a few words with, looked so distant.
      - When did Wanda have time to have two ten year olds? -  Sam threw himself to one of the beds in the room the two of them had been assigned to. Sharon had gotten a different room yet Sam and Bucky were bunking together like 13 year old campers. - Also can she resuscitate people now? I mean, he’s an android but nevertheless. Oh my god, how did an android and a human had kids?
     - Do you trust them? Sharon isn’t too convinced.
     - Well, Wanda fought by our side so did Vision and Fury and Hill are with them. Unless they all turned evil, I think we can somewhat trust them. 
     - I don’t know, Sam. I ... I don’t trust the girl.
     - They’re almost all girls, cyborg brain. Be specific. Did specificity did not exist in the 40s?
     - The one who dropped her gun first.
     - Maybe, she’s Pierce’s kid or so says Sharon. Maybe you used to babysit her. 
     - No, I ...
     - Sergeant Barnes ... - Monica knocked on the door before allowing herself into the bedroom. - There were some letters in the file written by you. We believe it is not our right to intrude onto your privacy so we wanted to give them to you. 
     - God, every time I discover something about you, it makes you sound even older than you are. - Sam leaned against the bed frame as Bucky warringly took the letters from the Monica who left the room once her job was done.
The paper had grown old with time, yellowing around the borders of the Red Room envelopes they used to give the girls who behaved well enough so they could send their parents some news. He remembered stealing a few to try and write any memories which came through so he wouldn’t forget them when the officers erased him. Somehow they always found the letters yet there it was in his hands, a big stack of letters which seemingly hadn’t been destroyed. It was his handwriting that much he knew, however he did not know who Daisy was, he did not know who had the name to which the letters were addressed to. 
     - Who did you write letters to? Steve?
     - Daisy. - he didn’t mean to reply but those words just seemed to flow naturally from him and he was entranced by the name in his handwriting alone. 
The snow felt step onto the ground, it was cold, cold enough everyone was wearing jackets inside despite the heater being on and he seemed to have been transported back into his memories. Everyone was cold and covered but not her and no matter how hard he tried to make up her face, it was fogged up in his memory but he could see her, he could see her in her strap black ballet top and worn out pink ballerina shoes which she had particularly asked Madam B not to be replaced. He could see her, but he couldn’t make her out, he didn’t know who she was. 
    - Daisy, you’re going to get sick. - Bucky could hear himself speak but he wasn’t speaking, he wasn’t there, he was just reliving a memory. 
   - Don’t call me Daisy. I hate it when you call me Daisy.
   - Hey, cyborg brain? Are you ok? - Sam’s voice was echoey until he touched his shoulder and then he was harshly brought back to reality. - Don’t bug out on me, I don’t know how to reset you. 
    - Yeah, just thinking.
The night was long, too long and he spent every minute of it reading every single letter he had written this woman until they were all spread out across the floor of the room; but we loved with a love that was more than love me and my Daisy, I’m sorry Daisy, I miss you Daisy. Daisy, Daisy, Daisy, Daisy. He had read that name more than a hundred times and he still couldn’t remember who she was yet he knew he loved her or that he had loved her. The more he tried to remember it, the more his head hurt, the more the blurry memories turned red. He didn’t known who this woman who had meant so much to him was. He shoved those letters under the bed and left the room while Sam was sleeping. He need to clear his head, clearly this woman hadn’t meant that much to him if he couldn’t remember her, but he knew it was a lie. He knew she mattered.
The sounds of his shoes against the floor made him forget about her, her the ghost of a woman he loved. He continued to walk, watching the walls surrounding him until a glass wall broke the continuous light blue of the walls. He peeked through it and there it was, the woman he felt he knew in a black suit on pointe. He was hypnotised by the constant plié to on pointe as if it was nothing. Bucky went around, opening the door to watch her more closely.
   - How do you do it? - he asked, taking her by surprise. Turning around, she had fear in her eyes as she took a step back, something Bucky was used to. It no longer hurt as it used to. - The feet thing. I ... my sister used to watch ballet and they always did that. 
   - Oh, uhm ... it’s all about supporting your body weight onto your toes and wearing the right pair of shoes.
   - I’m Bucky, by the way ... Uhm, thank you for not killing us. 
   - I’m Y/N. - she extended her hand to shake his. - Is the room alright? Do you need anything?
   - Do you know who Daisy is? Sharon said your father is Pierce so I thou ...
   - I don’t. - she interrupted him. - I don’t really know a lot about my father’s private life. I’m sorry.
   - You’re too early for ... - Yelena entered the room in tactical gear, stopping once she saw someone other than Y/N. Her eyes searched for Y/N’s who were begging for help. - Fight training. Closed off fight training.
   - Right, I ... I was just looking for the kitchen. - he said but was still gazing her eyes
   - I’ll take you. - the blonde Russian gave him a tight smile, pointing towards the door and exiting with him.
The air that seemed to have been previously held on her chest came out almost in a wave and she felt herself slide against the mirrored wall until she was sat on the floor, head looking at the tall ceiling as if she were in catatonic state, and maybe she was, she didn’t know. How could she know if whenever he spoke to her all she could hear was that piano, that damned low piano and the mirage of him, the mirage of the life she wanted with him in Westview. She looked at her shoes, worn out, the pink satin which one was shiny new had black worn out spots over where there used to be an embroidered daisy. She was glad it was gone, she was glad it wouldn’t return. Nevertheless, she could still feel her ... Agatha, poking at whatever protected her mind. She could almost hear her calling out to her with promises of all she wanted. They had always gone after her ... the weak link, the one whose will was easy to break. It was no mistake the red room had given her the nickname Daisy out of all flowers they could’ve picked. She was easily broken, manipulated to be a strong fighter but easily broken by those who knew. She wondered if the Red Room was still out looking for her, looking for Yelena ... she wondered what control they still held over her, what control her father had over her. Both knew she was alive, both had tortured her with tapes of ... him. They knew she was alive, it was only a cat and mouse game until they took her away. Their experiment. Their unsuccessful successful experiment. 
    - God, he’s awfully chattier than I remember. - Yelena walked into the room, eyes lowering to where she was. - Who told you to take a break? Get up and fight me. 
    - He knows.
    - Chill, Y/N. He didn’t even know what a waffle maker was until now. He’s not gonna break through whatever you made Wanda do to him which, by the way, I’m against. - the blonde sat next to her. - You let Monica hand him the letters, of course he’s gonna wonder who Daisy is. Terrible name.
   - I’m sorry, Yelena, not everyone had the pleasure of having the code name Hyacinth. -  Y/N teased.
   - It was a great code name. The best code name.
   - No, it wasn’t.
   - Want the morning off? I could spar with Monica or Alexei. - Yelena gave her a kind look and an offer she couldn’t refuse. Last thing she wanted to do was to spar with anyone in her mindset. Yelena understood it, her too having dealt with her own trauma inflicted by the Red Room. In times like these, both girls had learned to leave each other alone to cope with whatever demons they had.
Y/N dragged her knees up to her chest like a kid, hair falling in front of her eyes as she fished for the dog tags under her shirt. She ripped them from her neck, letting the old metal tags slide through her fingers. She clenched the memorabilia of past emotions against her chest. 
  - Yelena said you were gloom. - Wanda walked into the room still in her pyjamas. - Besides your shield is down and your thoughts are loud. You ought to learn to control it someday.
  - Well, you seem to love getting in people’s minds.
  - Not yours. Whenever I get the particular pleasure of doing it  ... - she sat next to her, still in her dressing gown. - You’re either feeling guilty or in such pain. I think it’s time you speak about it.
  - She’s still in my mind ... Agatha. She lingers. 
   - What does she know? She couldn’t even give you an actually accurate mirage of Bucky. Two arms? Please. 
   - She’s gonna be after us non-stop, Wanda. She will pair forces with Ross to get what she wants and then all of this will be as worthless as it was. With Zemo if she needs too ... 
   - She can’t get to you, okay? - Wanda gave her a kind smile, the type of smile she gave the twins whenever one of them was sad but this time it didn’t help. She could hear her voice calling out for her, she could see the purple tint in her nightmares and while Monica and Wanda had learned to deal with it, mostly ignoring it, she could fell the witch’s influence in her stronger than ever. 
She remained laid against the wall of the training room even after Wanda was gone. She looked at the ceiling, fingers toying around with the humidity in the air making it fall onto the ground like rain. Fitting, she thought. Yet again, whatever she could do always seemed to mirror whatever she thought or felt like. It was past midday when she made her way from the gym to her bedroom to get dressed. She knew better than to leave the hex unaccompanied but what surrounded it was wilderness and she always felt at peace in wilderness, the soft sounds of birds chirping and the water falls always made her forget the screams from the red room, the purple aura from Agatha ... it just didn’t make her forget Bucky. She had always wanted to see him again, to apologise ... to ... she didn’t know what to do, she just knew she got tongue tied whenever she saw him, the guilt eating her alive.
    - Well, hello dear. - Y/N turned around, eyes shining white behind her iris as Agatha stood there in her purple peplum dress. - There’s no need for a fight, dear. I just want to talk.
    - Well, I don’t ... - she took a fighting stance but the woman merely shrugged.
    - I just came to give you a shoulder to cry. Word on the street is that your Bucky is around. Isn’t that wonderful, dear?
    - Based on your illusion of him, I’d think you wouldn’t even recognise him. 
    - You know, you’ll always be my favourite out of the three girls. You and I are very similar, my dear. Besides, I can help you, I know how your powers work and it’s not for cheap tricks. I can help you with him, I know what it is like to have someone take the person who you love the most be taken for you but I can help you, dear. You and me, we can get what we want, what it’s rightfully yours.
     - He’s not mine. - she meant her words to come strong, swiftly like the thunderstorm winds yet they faltered, as if they were only now registering in her mind. 
     - You know, dearest ... the good thing about the soul stone is that it made you who you are. The bad thing is, you’re not gonna be able to control what it gave you if your soul is in disarray. The more your mind battles, the more your ability will take hold of you.
     - What do you mean?
     - Why do you think Wanda got more powerful when things were falling apart in Westview?
     - Y/N! - Monica’s voice made Agatha disappear in a cloud of purple mist. Y/N turned her head to the side to see Monica make her way through the trees, decked out in her fighting outfit. - What are you doing here? You missed the early morning brief and you’re in ... whatever you’re wearing.
     - I just needed some time off. - she smiled. - Why are you in battle gear?
     - Darcy’s sure one of the books must be in the Red Room ... the one where you were trained. - Monica sighed, less than happy to have to bring Y/N back to that place but if there was someone who could navigate it, it was her. - Yelena was not trained by ... him, so she does not know. Y/N, I don’t think ... I think you and him should talk. 
    - There’s nothing to talk about. - she forced a smile, following Monica back into the hex. - We are different people, besides ... I don’t think he would forgive me at all.
    - Can you at least tell me what happened? What happened with him, what happened in Westview? Wanda says you’re in pain and I don’t want you to be in pain. You helped me when I was in pain, I wanna help you too. We’ve known each other for what? Five years discounting the Thanos thing? Six?
    - I will talk about it someday. Just not today.
    - Are you in the headspace to go with us? We can always try and see what Sergeant Barnes remembers if you’re not up to it.  
    - I am a professional agent. - she smiled. - I’m always prepared.
The sooner we get this book situation sorted, the sooner she wouldn’t have to look at him anymore. At least that’s what she thought and as such she had no problem returning to the place which she had escaped from years and years ago. Nevertheless, she was first and foremost an agent, someone who fought for others and for once she had to do just that. Be professional. 
She got dressed in her traditional black tactic gear and jacket before heading down to the room where they kept most of their ammunition. It had been Jimmy’s idea to arm everyone involved in a mission just in case despite Y/N, Wanda and Monica being capable to hold their own without it. Even so, having a knife or a gun on them had made wonders before. Normally the people they go against aren’t exactly fair and she had learned that the hard way. As she opened the door to the ammunition room, she came face to face with him lacing up his boots. It was the most common action yet it felt so foreign to see him do it, to see him be in control of lacing up his own shoe laces. Part of her was happy for him, happy he was happy, happy he was his own person but the other part of her screamed for her to let it go of her insecurities, he was not the same man she had known and she was definitely not the same woman. She was guilty for more than half his pain and that, that remained the same. 
Y/N ignored him, sliding past him to grab her own utility belt which was really nothing special except for the fact she had gotten everyone important in her life to carve their initials in them. Her point was if she was dying on the field, she had least had something which reminded her of the love which regardless of every bad thing she had done, still remained. She wrapped her belt around her waist and thigh, yet nevertheless it was still too loose. Damned belt.
   - You’re putting it wrong. -  Buck mumbled.
   - Pardon?
   - The belt. - he got up and walked up to her. - The second strap ... it’s too low on your thigh, should be higher.
   - Oh ... -  she moved her gaze away from him.
   - Here. May I? - he asked her, hoping to meet her gaze but she merely nodded still looking the other way. Bucky unclasped the strap from her thigh, bringing it up further up, his knuckles brushing against the fabric of her trousers. She slowly moved her gaze to look at him and he fixed her belt before he moved up, eyes staring into hers. They seemed to look at each other for a lifetime, before he cleared his throat. - It should be better now.
    - Uhm ... thank you, Sergeant Barnes.
    - Cyborg brain, how long does it take to lace up some boots? - Sam’s voice reverberated through the room making the two take each a step back going back to the distance between them. 
    - I have to go. - Y/N grabbed her jacket, exiting the room as fast as she could.
The plane ride was equally unbearable with her sat in front of him, catching his eyes every once in a while. God, she used to love his eyes. She still remembered being tangled in grey worn out sheets, laying across his chest just looking at him, looking at those eyes which always looked the same even when he forgot her. Those blue eyes, they were always the same despite the two of them being different people from who they were in the Red Room. Speaking of the devil, it no longer looked like one. It was falling down, the once crown jewel of HYDRA had worn out with time. The red walls were fading to brown, the spotless rooms were now filled with dust and ghosts of memories. It was gone, so how come it still haunted her?
   - Wanda and Sharon will take east, me and Sam west, Alexei and Yelena south and Y/N you can take north with Sergeant Barnes. - Monica suggested. Y/N shot her a way too familiar look, almost as if she were about to argue with her yet she understood the basis of her decision. After all, not everyone had ... a something controlling power. 
She took charge into the very familiar north wing of the building. They kept most off the girls who were yet to pass to the red room there and it had been her home for years. Bucky however, was remembering things which he couldn’t fully understand. He knew this place yet he didn’t remember walking these halls, he remembered the pain. He could still feel the pain, the much too familiar pain of having all he knew be gone.
    - You’ll take the right and I the left? Sergeant Barnes? - she put her hand on his hand, almost magically taking him away from ghosts of his pain. - Do you want to stop?
    - Yeah, I’ll take the left. - he rebuffed her, turning left.
The room seemed to take him in, memories of his own strained voice as he yelled out for some mercy returned to his consciousness, memories of things he had said, things he hadn’t said. He swiftly turned around, turning his gun to the door before turning back again to see a woman standing in front of him.
    - Woah lower the gun down, dear. - she had an eerily smile on her lips. Buck took a step back slowly but she moved her hand, a purple glow followed by the sound of the door closing. - I’m only here to help.
   - Y/N ... - he tapped his intercom but no sound came from it.
   - Yes, that’s exactly who we are talking about. You see I know who Daisy is, she knows who Daisy is. - she took a file from under her shirt. - Everyone knows who Daisy is but you. Now, I think it’s really unfair you don’t know so I decided to even out the game.
She threw the file onto the ground before disappearing. God, at least back in the 40s people only removed their faces. Bucky looked around, wearingly of his surroundings much more than he was before.  This room. was playing with his mind yet the file laying on the ground proved the woman wasn’t a mere mirage of his mind. He kneeled down too grab the file, opening it to reveal a passport photo of Y/N accompanied by an information sheet. He read through the first lines quickly until one particular fact stopped him. Known aliases: Daisy.
taglist: @lookiamtrying​
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 3 years
Ævi - The Protector
Hey, so this is going to be a mini series on something I have tried to do before. But I thought of a different way to make it shorter and to make it make more sense. I hope you like it, this idea has been in my head for honestly.. a couple of years now lol. I just decided I really want to put it down somewhere. And where is better than here? Am I right?! lol
Summary: This is set in 2010. There are no such things as superheroes. Right? Maybe Iron Man, but that is it. It has to be. Y/n was just trying to celebrate her birthday, but that quickly changed when she got a gift from a mysterious man.
Warnings: Fluff, violence, maybe one swearword
Characters: Y/n, Bjorn Ironside, Ragnar Lothbrok, Floki, Lagertha, OC Emma, OC Lars, OC Sanna, OC Nils, OC David Mentioned: Iron Man, Odin, Ivar, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, Rollo
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Part 2
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It has been days since the.. time travel? Happened. This is definitely not some weird dream. The servants have brought me clothes to wear. It felt kind of surreal to wear these dresses. I had only seen replicas in museums or they were very aged. But this, it felt real, it still had its color. And I think Bjorn told the people that gave me the clothes that I glowed golden and white, because I am only getting white dresses with golden jewelry. But there was one particular piece of jewelry I liked, It was a piece of a belt on it was a tree. I’m thinking it’s Yggdrasil. Funny, cause that was on that stupid card that I got. I had stashed that away under my bed. I walked out of my room to the front of the longhouse. Ragnar had given me a room to stay in. Even though I dressed the part now, I still felt very out of place here. Would there be a way back or would I be stuck here for ever. So many questions, but there was nobody to answer them for me. Deep in thought I didn’t notice Bjorn was standing right in front of me. I walked right in to him. “Hey! you need to be a little more on guard today! haha!” Bjorn said laughing at me. I laughed at myself. “What do you mean? What am I doing today?” I asked him a bit confused. They weren’t letting me in on all the conversations. “You’re going to be training. You might want to put something else on. I’ve seen women fight in dresses, but it will be easier if you had armor on.” He stated. “Wait what? I’m training for what?” He smiled. “For what Odin send you here to do. He knew we needed help and he send you.” 
They have been saying this since I got here. I didn’t believe it. Some higher power sending me here? Or did He. It was still all so confusing. But what could I do? I don’t know how to fight. And that glowing thing that happens every now and then.. I don’t even know what it is. Let alone control it.
“I think you really got the wrong impression. I don’t know how to fight.. I don’t know how to really do anything.” Bjorn put his hand on my shoulder. “That’s why we’re going to train you. The Gods were born with powers we cannot posses, but even they had to train to be able to fight.” I sighed. It was bad luck, it had to be. What am I supposed to do? “Now get dressed and then we’ll train.” Bjorn said as he patted my shoulders.
Servants had brought me some clothes where I could train in. They said it was of Lagertha, Bjorn’s mother. I had met her when I first got here. She seemed like a very strong woman, mentally and physically. I have also seen her fight and I would not like to be up against her. I’ve heard people say she is the greatest shieldmaiden. And so I have also read in books. It was so hard to wrap my head around me meeting people that have been dead for a thousand years. Or at least in my mind. Because it hasn’t happened yet here.
Then I have also met Floki. He is a little strange, but very kind. I am not sure if I like his laugh or if it is a little disturbing. I also met Bjorn’s brothers, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd and Ivar. They all seemed nice enough, but they all looked like a little scary. But I think that is what they wanted, to not look approachable. Then I also have met Rollo, Ragnar’s brother. He seems like he doesn’t belong. 
I walked over towards the place where I have seen everybody train before. “Hey!” Bjorn said waving at me. I came closer to him and he gave me a wooden sword. “Lets see what you got.” He told me. “Wait. Now? Shouldn’t you show me how to do it first? I don’t know how to fight.” I stammered. I thought that I would maybe start with observing and Bjorn would show me a few things, but not jump right into it. “The best way to learn is to figure it out for yourself and I’ve seen what you can do with that light. So it shouldn’t be hard.” He explained. “Well I didn’t know what I was doing. I still don’t know what I’m doing.” I said the last part under my breath. “Just charge at me. We’ll see from there. Come on!” I nodded my head. Here goes nothing.
I charged at him trying to hit his shoulder. But he quickly hit it with his wooden sword like it was nothing. “Come on you’re not even trying!” He said smiling going back in his stance. Breathed out through my nose. I tried again, but quicker. Again he hit my sword and now pointed his sword towards my neck. “Dead. Again!” He said loudly. I sighed. “You know, if you’d actually tell me how to do this it could be a lot easier.” He didn’t say anything, he only motioned for met to do it again. This time I went for his stomach. I charged at him and he hit my sword out of my hands grabbed my neck and put the sword up against my neck as well. We were standing so close I could smell the ale he most likely had before we started doing this. “Dead.” He said. I could feel his breath on my skin. This was the first time I was standing this close to him. He put the sword down, but he was still holding me very close. I could almost hear his heartbeat. He definitely heard mine. I was overwhelmed by everything here. And now Bjorn. Even though we had a rough start, he made sure every day that he was there for me. He introduced me to everyone. Most of all he showed me a kindness that I really needed right now. Also helps that he is pretty handsome.
I almost forgot he was still holding me. So I looked around and saw Lagertha. “Is that how you train everybody Bjorn?” Lagertha asked. That’s when Bjorn quickly let go and cleared his throat. “Well nobody can compete with you mother.” She smirked at that. “What has he taught you so far.” She asked me. “Uhmm-.” I started. She took that as her que. “Alright how do you stand?” She asked. I showed her awkwardly my stance. “What is that?! The wind could even knock you down if he wanted to. Do it like this. Your feet here, straighten your back a little, your arms forward, but not too much, yes like that. See a lot better.” She said when she was showing me. It felt more grounded. I nodded my head at her. “Alright when you are charging at him the easiest way to take him down is his legs or from the shoulders up. With a lot of power and training his torso as also a very good target. Be quick, because if this is life or death, you’ll only get one chance.” Lagertha told me I appreciated the help. I had no idea what I was doing. I gave it a go. I went quickly for the neck and this time Bjorn didn’t have time to hit my sword away. “Dead.” I told him. He laughed. “Very good. Now If I came at you, you’ll also would have to be quick. You will carry a shield of course, but those are heavy and you wont be able to hold your sword with both hands.”
Bjorn showed me some moves to defend myself and Lagertha showed me how to attack again. The both kept making good points, but in the back of my mind I still had the lingering thought that I didn’t belong. This was a mistake. 
After what felt like hours Bjorn finally said that I could stop and it was enough for today. I probably smelt horrible. “You did good today.” Bjorn told me. “Thank you and thank you for showing me how.” I smiled at him. “Got to thank my mother for that. She has trained many shield maidens before. She knows what she’s doing. She also showed me a lot.” I nodded. we started walking back towards the longhouse. “Can I ask you something?” I asked Bjorn. “Why me, why do you think I’m send here by some higher power?” I asked. It has been bugging me for a while now. “Because we prayed for you, we prayed for help and sacrificed so Odin would send someone and one day later.. here you are.” It must be coincidence it can’t be anything else. But then again, how did this happen? “Why did you pray for someone to come?” I asked. “Because out there in those woods there are things that we can’t fight. We first thought it was the English, but this is no human. That’s why we needed you.” I stopped walking. “What is out there?” Bjorn stopped as well and looked at me. “We think it is Hela or frost giants.” I looked at him with big eyes before I started laughing. “Frost giants? There is no such thing.” Mythical creatures. It’s ridiculous those are stories. “Why could that not be it when you are here?” He asked me. That was true. I did get here somehow and I don’t even know I science could explain this. Would there even be a logical answer.
Bjorn sighed. “Look, again, I have seen what you can do. And even though we have a strong army.. It would need some extra help. You are that help. You’re only holding yourself back. Let go of whatever thought is blocking you from holding back. You’ll see.” He told me sure of himself. He had more belief in me for only knowing me a couple of days, than I had in myself. He put his arm around my shoulder and motioned for met to walk back with him.
After I had cleaned myself up they had a gathering tonight, so I had to dress up. Again the servants had put down a white dress and some jewelry, but I decided to add the belt with Yggdrasil on it. When I walked out of my room there were already a lot of people inside. Most if them already drunk. I saw Floki and he quickly walked up to me. Pushing people out of the way. “Hi there y/n! I saw you were training today. You weren’t very good huh?” He said giggling. “Nope not really.” I said nonchalantly. I knew I was bad. I didn’t really want todo it. “I prayed for the Gods for a sign to give you strength, so soon you’ll be undefeated.” He said with another giggle. They had so much faith in.. in whatever was there. I appreciated it though. “Thank you Floki.” He giggled again and gave me his ale. “Oh no I don’t-.” I started but he pushed it in my hands. “Drink up little one.” I smiled and took a small sip. It was disgusting.
In the distance I saw Bjorn, so I excused myself and walked over to him. “Hi! You want some ale?” I asked as I pushed my drink in his hands. “Sure!” He said and downed the ale. I looked a bit shocked and impressed at him. “Wow, thirsty?” He laughed. “Anything handed by someone as beautiful as you I’ll take.” I immediately turned red of that comment of his. “There is that beautiful smile.” He said, which only made me turn more red. “How much did you drink?” I laughed. “Not enough! Here come with me I’ll get more.” He took my hand and guided me towards the table where they had put different kinds of foods and ale. “I really don’t want anything, I’m fine.” I said smiling. “No such thing! We are celebrating!” Bjorn said almost with a skip in his steps. “Yes, and what exactly are we celebrating?” I wasn’t sure before if there was actually something to celebrate or if they just wanted a excuse to party. “We’re celebrating you!” He called. Me? What did I do? “Why are we celebrating me.. I didn’t do anything.” We got to the table and Bjorn handed me a cup and filled it up with ale. “Well.. We’re celebrating for hope. You are our hope. And tomorrow we’ll have a sacrifice to make sure we’ll win our battle.” He said happily. I didn’t understand, no one was telling me anything. “What battle? What is out there? I keep hearing I’m send by Odin and that I’m your hope, but nobody is telling me why.. So why? Tell me what’s out there!” I demanded. I didn’t understand that I kept being told that I’m their savior, but nobody was telling me for what. “Well, we weren’t sure at first, but after we saw you fight today.. we knew, you-” “After you saw me fight? I failed miserably. I can’t fight, Bjorn. Who ever you’re hoping for to help you.. It’s not me.” I interrupted. 
“Y/n you are a quick learner. And how quickly you adjusted yourself every single time.. And not to mention in the woods when you made me fly back.. It is you. Whatever thought you’re holding on to that it’s not.. you need to let go of that. Everybody here believes in you. It’s just you who’s not.” Bjorn went on to explain. “You still haven’t told me what’s out there.” I stated, I decided to ignore what he said. I still didn’t believe any of it. It was a coincidence. It had to be. Bjorn sighed. “We think they’re frost giants.. But we believe Hela sent them. This dark figure with long black hair has been flowing around Kattegat. We think they’re working together.” Hela and frost giants? What? This has got to be some joke. But my curiosity got the better of me. “Why would they be working together?” That’s the part that didn’t make any sense to me. Because in the books I’ve read she has her own army, why would she need frost giants.. And why would she want earth? If it was real of course, because frost giants and.. Gods don’t exist. “Because Odin put her army to sleep and banished her from Asgard. She must be seeking revenge.” Right.. why didn’t I think of that.. Obviously that’s it. “And you think Odin has sent me to stop all of that from happening?” I looked at him and took a sip from my disgusting ale. I cringed slightly because it was so strong. “Yes of course!” He nodded like I cracked the case. “Why isn’t Odin here himself then? You know.. to stop it from happening. Because obviously he knows how to fight.. Where I do not know.” That made Bjorn close his mouth, he probably didn’t think of that. “You know what if these ‘Frost Giants’ show up I’ll help you fight. I just don’t think I’ll be that useful.” I said in a mocking tone. This was all ridiculous. Maybe I was still dreaming. Or I was in  some sort of coma, that would explain why I’ve been here for this long.  I didn’t notice at first but Bjorn looked a little disappointed by my comment. “Hey, I’m sorry.. It’s just, a couple of days ago I was somewhere completely different and now all these things are being thrown at me.. It’s just a lot. Nothing personal.” I told Bjorn as I put my hand on his arm. “I understand, I just.. You know what the battle is not today, so lets drink like there will never be a battle!” I agreed on that. As I slipped my hand down, Bjorn caught it. I looked at him with surprise and he kept looking at our hands. Then he looked back up to me. “May there be no battle.” He said as he pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed my hand. “May there be no battle.” I repeated and put my cup up and we cheered. I quickly took a sip and after a while the ale stopped tasting disgusting and now it was tolerable.
What was this man doing to me? The whole night I was just blushing. He only needed to stand close to me or brush up against me and I would turn red. I had been trying to avoid his gaze as much as I could from embarrassment. And he knew what he was doing to me. Because every time he caught my gaze he would smirk and come closer to make it worse. He would even go as far as to bring me back to my room just to give me a goodnight kiss on my cheek and ask. “Goodnight y/n. Will you dream about me?” If I wasn’t red before this definitely did it. I didn’t have a come back.. I needed to say something. “Will you about me?” Stupid.. Why was this the only thing I could come up with? “I definitely will. You’ll never leave my mind.” Smooth. Dammit. “Well.. I’ll see you in your dreams then. Goodnight Bjorn.” I couldn’t say the last part more quickly before I shut the door. This man.. God.. 
With my head in the clouds I dropped on my bed. Not bothered to take me clothes off and put on the nightgown I was given. Besides the disgusting taste the ale was good for something, because I dozed off to sleep quickly.
I woke up by yelling and other loud commotion in the middle of the night.. or early in the morning. Either way it was still dark. “What the hell is going on?” I said out loud. I stood up, still slightly dizzy from the drinks I had. I walked towards the small window I had in my room. It was high up so I had placed a box under it to stand on. It was still very dark outside, so it was not morning. But outside I saw people running and screaming. What was going on? Then a man stabbed a woman in the back. I gasped and stepped back forgetting I was standing on a box and fell to the ground. I just saw a woman get killed. Why? What was happening? I stood up and walked back to the box to see outside. When I stood on the box trying to see what was out there the man or something I thought was a man stood there right in front of the window looking at me. That was no man, it was not even human. His skin was blue and his eyes were all red. I had never seen anything like that before. What was that? Then the thing came running even closer towards the window and got his sword ready to charge. I quickly jumped of the box I briefly looked back to the window and saw that that thing was trying to break it. Not needing to look back again I ran out of the door.
Nobody else was in the house. And besides of all the screaming from outside It was eerie quiet inside. I quickly ran towards the front door to get out of the long house. That would be safer right? That thing was trying to break the wall. Even though outside there is probably more of him. I second guessed myself and froze. I needed to hide here right? In the corner by the front door I saw some boxes. I need to hide there. I quickly ran over and made myself as small as I possibly could and hid. This is not real. I’m in some sot of coma and this is what will wake me up. It had to be.
Then I heard the door of my room break. I could slightly see between the boxes that the thing was looking for me. I made myself sit as still as I possibly could also trying to hold my breath. The thing was going around looking for me behind the throne that was placed in the middle of the room, the tables, behind walls. When he saw that I wasn’t there he started walking towards the door. Pleas don’t look here, please don’t look here, please don’t look here. I kept thinking to myself. And he got to the door. Ok, now go outside, don’t look here. Please, for the love of God, walk out that door. As he got to the door he stopped. Of course. He turned his head towards the boxes I was hidden behind. Fuck. He pushed the boxes out of the way with like it was nothing and then grabbed my ankle. “NO! LET ME GO!” I yelled. I was hitting him as hard as I could. For e brief second he let go of my ankle and I tried to scurry away only for him to grab me by my throat. My breathing got cut off instantly. He lifted me up in the air my feet trying to touch the ground. I tried to scratch his hands or hit him, but to nothing worked. Stars were starting to form in my eyes. “You’re it?” He said right when everything started to turn dark.
And then I fell to the ground with a thud. I was coughing up a storm and trying to catch my breath when I saw Bjorn pull out his sword from the things chest before he hurried over to me. “Are you ok?” He asked with concern in his eyes. “What was that.” Was all I cared about. He lifted me up to my feet and started to walk outside. “Frost Giants.” He said quickly before he pulled me to the side of the longhouse trying to stay out of sight. “Here.” Bjorn said pushing his sword in my hands. “What?! You’ve seen me fight.. No, I can’t do it!” I was freaking out. Only today I had trained for the first time ever besides that I almost got killed not one minute ago. “You’re gonna stay with me and if you need to use it use it.” He said sternly not giving me a option. So I nodded my head unsure. “How are you gonna fight them without a sword?” And he pulled a axe from behind his back and showed me. “Come on! It’s better if we get you out of Kattegat to safety.” He said as he started walking, but I was frozen in my spot. This all felt too real. I really almost could’ve died and now looking around I saw bodies laying on the ground. They were all dead. I could’ve died. Bjorn noticed my panic and quickly went back over to me. “Hey! You’re ok! I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” He grabbed my hand that was not holding his sword and looked at me. I didn’t want anything bad to happen to me or Bjorn or anybody in this town, but still if felt stuck becau- And then Bjorn planted his lips against mine. All of my negative thoughts seemed to fade away and for a second the screaming seemed to stop. As quickly as this moment cam it went away when he slightly moved away from me his lips still close, but not brushing against mine anymore. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” He repeated. “Do you trust me?” He asked  looking into my eyes. All I could do was give him a small nod, still afraid to do anything. But I’d follow him. He kept holding my hand and guided me away.
We tried to avoid being seen by anybody. This was the hardest thing I had ever done. Seeing and hearing people cry for help and not doing anything broke me. With every last scream I heard from the people that were loosing their life my heart broke and it actually physically hurt me, but I tried to push that feeling away as much as I could.
We were getting closer to the edge of Kattegat and it seemed to get quieter here. “Alright probably some people already made it out of Kattegat, if you follow this trail-” Bjorn started. “Wait you’re not coming?” I asked. “I have to fight for Kattegat.” He said as he kept looking around if it was safe. “What about me fighting Frost Giants. I’m not leaving without you and if you’re not leaving I’m not leaving.” I demanded. “It’s not safe-” He started but saw something coming closer. Bjorn got ready to fight instantly. Two Frost Giants walked closer with their swords in hand.
“Give up the girl.” One of them said. “You’ll have to go through me first!” Bjorn said loudly. What was he doing? He didn’t have to do that. But knowing he meant it I got ready to fight as well. Feet slightly apart back slightly straight and my sword up, but not to close to my face. Just like Lagertha taught me. The Frost Giants just laughed like this was some kind of pathetic joke. They came closer with their swords forward. They aimed high for Bjorn’s head, but he easily dodged it and hit them lower by their legs. While Bjorn was tall, these Frost Giants towered over him. One of them started charging at me and I easily dodged his first blow by jumping back, but as I tried to hit him back he hit my sword out of my hands. In the corner of my eye I saw Bjorn was gaining the upper hand, but me not so much. The giant hit me with his elbow in my stomach and I fell back. I crawled backward trying to get away from him when I felt I got to my sword. I decided to just put it in front of me and hope for the best. And at perfect timing the giant wanted to leap forward and tried to hit me with his sword, but he landed into my. He went limp quickly, but I cut my upper left arm by his sword. “Ahh!” I groaned. I decided to ignore the pain and see if I could help Bjorn. He must’ve lost the upper hand, because now he was being pushed back and fell to the ground. Without a second thought I held my sword a little tighter and ran towards the giant. I jumped forward and put my sword through his chest and then quickly pulled it back out. The giant instantly fell to the ground and didn’t move. I killed him. I killed two Frost Giants. 
Taking a deep breath I turned toward Bjorn and put my hand out to help him stand up. “See you’re a better fighter than you think.” He said smiling. Trying to make light to this situation I couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re so stupid.” He laughed at that. “Are you ok? Did you get hurt?” He asked all serious again. “I’m fine I just had a-.” I wanted to point at my cut, but nothing was there anymore. My arm was already healed, like nothing happened. But looking at my clothes clearly something did. The blood was still on it and there was a cut in my clothes at the place I got cut, but the actual cut was not there. ”I-I’m ok.. I thought I.. I’m ok-” I started as I felt a burning feeling in my lower abdomen. I looked down and saw a sword sticking out, before it disappeared back in my abdomen. My vision instantly became clouded and I felt light headed. looking down I saw blood gushing out of my abdomen. And then I fell to the ground before my vision turned completely dark.
Let me know what you think.
Also the sword that you see in the gif would be the same sword Bjorn gave y/n, just to get an idea of what it looks like :)
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A Chance Meeting
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So it turns out I have absolutely no self control.  So here you are; Thorin POV of ADM.  Enjoy, and be sure to let me know what you think!
Part 1 of ‘Matters of the Heart’.  Link to Series Masterlist
Thorin’s POV of A Deep Misunderstanding
OC(s) Used: Estel
Word Count:  2,267
Warning(s):  Rude Thorin, a mild swear word or two
I turned the map in my hands, trying to make sense of the twisting pathways of The Shire.  
Damn those Hobbits and their complicated city designs.  Why couldn't everything be straight instead of twirling around in circles?!
Glancing up to compare a street name on the map with those upon the wooden marker, I scowled in frustration.  I had already gone down the wrong path once, and I did not wish to repeat my mistake.  Well, then there was the other street I went down and got lost in.
"Why didn't the blasted wizard think to mention that there are multiple streets named after the same bloody plant?"  I grumbled to myself, striding down a pathway that seemed to match one on the map the aforementioned wizard had given me at our last meeting.
The dirt was well-trodden beneath my boots; pebbles crunching lightly with each step I took.  A light breeze gently guided the few clouds scudding across the bright full moon that lit my way.  The faded emerald flannel of my cloak and the hot Dwarvish blood that ran through my veins was enough to shield me from the breeze, but all the same I pulled the cloth tighter around me, disguising my figure.
The last thing I wanted was one of these Hobbits making a fuss about a Dwarf wandering through their streets in the dead of night.  That would just be the icing upon the cake to this already disastrous night.
Just then, I came to the top of the hill; a picket fence surrounding a round Hobbit dwelling that had the mark of Gandalf etched on the green door.  Vaguely, I could make out the sound of raucous singing and loud voices from where I stood.
Mahal, I was late.
Heaving a sigh of relief at finally reaching my destination, I opened the gate and trudged through up the cobblestones.  Stepping up onto the doorstep, I thumped thrice upon the door; my frustration getting the better of me.
Instantly the noise died down and silence fell upon the moonlight night.  I turned my gaze to one of the windows, trying to see who had all arrived before me.  
Then the door creaked open and I turned my head to look through it, gazing at Gandalf who was bent double as he stood in the entryway of the Hobbit hole.  A Hobbit stood just behind him, looking thoroughly put out.
"Gandalf.  I thought you said this place would be easy to find.  I lost my way, twice."  I murmured in a low voice, stepping inside.  "I wouldn't have found it at all, had it not been for that mark on the door."  I undid the chain fastening my cloak around my neck and pulled the garment off; folding it neatly and setting it aside.
"Mark?"  The Hobbit exclaimed, pattering over to the door to peer at it as Gandalf pushed it shut.    "There's no mark on that door, it was painted a week ago!"  He protested.  I ignored the peeved Hobbit and gazed around at my surrounds with a smile on my face.
Comfort was a word that described this place perfectly, and comfort was something that I longed for after a long journey from the Blue Mountains.
"There is a mark, I've put it there myself."  Gandalf replied to the Hobbit before turning to look over at me.  "Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield."  
I looked down upon the Hobbit, stepping closer to study him with a close eye.  "So, this is the Hobbit."  I murmured, disbelieving that this was whom Gandalf had talked so highly of.  Crossing my arms, I shifted on my feet.  "Tell me Mister Baggins, have you done much fighting?"  I inquired roughly, walking around the Hobbit to look him over.
He looked small and used to the comforts of home; hardly someone I would take along on a arduous quest.  He would be more of a liability than an asset.
The Hobbit shuffled on his feet, looking utterly bewildered.  "Pardon me?"  
I continued on with my questioning, taking in the fine linens he wore.  "Axe or sword, what's your weapon of choice?"  I asked, coming back to face the Hobbit.
He rocked in place, glancing down at the ground before returning my gaze.  "Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know."  He replied saucily, "but I fail to see why that's relevant."
I refrained from rolling my eyes, turning away from the Hobbit to look over at the others who had clustered in the doorway.  "I thought as much.  He looks more like a grocer than a burglar."  I smirked, looking back at Kili who grinned and laughed at my poking fun at the Hobbit.
The Hobbit looked disgruntled at my words, but stayed silent as I walked past him towards the doorway where Dwalin stood.  He and Balin turned and led me through the kitchen and into the dining room.
There in the dining room, a raven-haired woman worked at stacking plates; her back towards us as she picked up a pile.  Turning around, she started in surprise upon catching sight of us standing there, but kept her hold upon the plates.  
I was not one for petty, emotional feelings, but it would be a lie if I denied that I did not feel fluttering within my disloyal heart.  I was embarking on a dangerous quest; I had no reason to be lusting after a pretty dame.  But yet there was something about her that attracted me.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?"  I asked with a raised brow, curious as to why the Hobbit had a Dwarrowdame in his home.  They were rare enough within Dwarvish colonies, so how did she come to be in these parts?  
But before she could respond, Gandalf spoke up from behind me.  "Her name is Estel and I brought her along with me because I believe she can be of use on this quest of yours."
I turned to look at him, unsure if my ears were working properly.
Take Dwarrowdame along on a quest that might very well claim all our lives?  I should think not!  Particularly if she is as attractive...NO!  I cannot think of her in such a way.  I had no business pining after a dame.
"I do not think that she can be of any help on this quest, Gandalf.  We do not need another person to look after..."  I murmured meaningfully, but Gandalf paid no attention me and went on to take his place at the table.
The lass--Estel--was quick to hurry away with her load of plates, heading into the kitchen where she lingered.  I took a seat at the head of the table as the rest of my companions made their way back into the room and found a seat.  
Everyone talked quietly as they waited for some unknown signal, but I remained preoccupied in my thoughts.  I had seen many different dames during my lifetime, but none--not even the most beautiful--had sparked such feelings as Estel had when my gaze fell upon her.  
It was not like she was different--oh, but she was--she was shorter in stature, sturdy, dark-haired with blue eyes that glimmered like sapphires or kyanite gems found deep within the mines.  No different than any other dame I had ever met.
But yet, she was entirely different all at the same time.  Such a contradictory thing, but true nonetheless.
Soft footsteps sounded behind me, and the woman preoccupying my thoughts appeared at my side with a bowl in her hands.
"We saved some of this back for you, Master Thorin."  She murmured softly, setting the bowl down in front of me.  I gazed up at her delicate features--ignoring how my heart fluttered as I took in the slight smile she wore.  
"Thank you, Miss Estel."  I nodded, and she nodded back before turning away to settle herself beside Bofur.
Jealousy rose within me like a dragon as Bofur turned to talk quietly with her.  She laughed softly at something he said and I resisted the urge to bolt upright and separate them.  Why did it matter?  It was not as if she was my One or anything.  These were just lustful feelings brought about by my long journey.  Nothing more.
But Balin's voice drew my attention away from the raven-haired lass.  "What news from the meeting in Ered Luin?"  He inquired, setting his elbows on the table before him as he leaned forward with interest.  "Did they all come?"
I swallowed my mouthful of warm broth and nodded, pushing aside all thoughts other than the quest we were embarking on.  "Aye, envoys from all seven kingdoms...."
Later, after the Hobbit had fainted upon hearing the description of Smaug, I lingered in one of the hallways with Balin.  We watched as the Hobbit walked away from Gandalf, and Balin let out a sigh.
"It appears we have lost our burglar.  Probably for the best.  The odds were always against us.  After all, what are we?  Merchants, miners, tinkers, toy makers.  Hardly the stuff of legend."  He bemoaned, and my gaze flickered over to him as he stood across from me.
"There are a few warriors amongst us."  I countered softly, but Balin shook his head.
"Old warriors."
"I would take each and every one of these dwarves over an army from the Iron Hills, for when I called upon them, they answered."  I murmured, "loyalty, honour, a willing heart.  I can ask no more than that."
That was all they had to offer in the first place.
Balin watched me carefully as I twisted the key Gandalf had given to me in my fingers.  "You don't have to do this.  You have a choice.  You've done honourably by our people.  You have built a new life for us in the Blue Mountains.  A life of peace of plenty.  A life that is worth more than all the gold in Erebor."  He said quietly, but I only shook my head gently.
"From my grandfather to my father, this has come to me.  They dreamt of the day when the dwarves of Erebor would reclaim their homeland.  There is no choice, Balin.  Not for me."  
Balin smiled, his eyes twinkling at me.  "Then we are with you, laddie.  We will see it done."
I smiled gratefully at the elder Dwarrow, knowing that what I asked was no small feat.  We all ran the risk of losing our lives in this quest.
Following my conversation with Balin, we made our way into the sitting room where the rest of the Dwarrows had begun to gather before the fire.  Instantly, my eyes sought out Estel and after a moment I found her sitting alone, cradling a mug in her hands as she stared into the flames.
Upon my entrance, she glanced up and her gaze met mine for a instant before she looked away again, looking down at her mug.
Ignoring the urge to go and talk with her, I walked over to the mantlepiece, leaning against it and staring down into the orange and yellow flames that danced to unheard music.  
Slowly, I began to hum, losing myself in thoughts and memories of a day long past; a day when fire lit up the sky and ground shook beneath the feet of a dragon.
Far over the Misty Mountains cold.  To dungeons deep and caverns old.  We must away ere break of day.  To find our long forgotten gold.
The pines were roaring on the height, the winds were moaning in the night.  The fire was red, it flaming spread.  The trees like torches blazed with light.
Gradually, the rest joined in, choosing either to sing aloud or hum the melody.  The room filled with the heavy weight of sorrow as those old enough to remember the day recalled everything that had happened.  I scanned the room, my gaze lingered on the lass.
She sat mutely, her brow furrowed as she listened to the words.  Vaguely, I wondered how old she was.  Perhaps she was around Kili's age and had only heard the stories about that fateful day.  
I continued to watch her as the last notes faded away, the room falling silent once more, save for the crackling of the fire.  Drawing a deep breath, I pushed away from the mantlepiece and walked over to Estel, seating myself by her side.
It was strange; I felt nervous about approaching her.  
"Miss Estel, do you not know this song?"  I inquired in a low voice, and she turned her head to look at me; raven locks spilling over her shoulder to cascade down her back.
"No, Master Thorin.  I have never heard it before."  She answered, and I raised an eyebrow.
"You haven't?"
"No."  She bit her lower lip, drawing my gaze to it.  
I wanted nothing more than to steal a taste...  Mahal, what was I thinking?  
Drawing in a deep breath, I reluctantly focused my gaze on her eyes.  Estel continued to gnaw on her lip--driving me mad--as she glanced out the window behind the two of us.
"It is high time for me to call it a night I believe.  I will see you early tomorrow, Master Thorin."  She nodded to me as she rose to her feet; shooting me a smile that shouldn't have caused my heart to flutter like it did.
I had no business falling in love.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch32: The Impossible Choice. Part 2:  One Which Crumbles From Within
Summary: Katie faces an impossible choice- her husband or her brother.  
Warnings: Bad language, angst
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Wonderful edit again from @angrybirdcr​
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 32 Part 1
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Katie had no idea how long she sat waiting, lost in her thoughts and worries but eventually she heard a shuffling noise and spun round to see Steve supporting Bucky who was missing his metal arm. Both men were bloodied, battered, but alive. 
“Where’s Tony?” She asked as she stood up, looking at Steve.
Steve took a deep breath, “In there. It got out of hand but he’s okay.” Katie immediately headed to the door of the bunker.
“Katie, he won’t listen.” Steve shook his head sadly as he called after her. “This…it’s too far gone to fix.
“I have to try Steve, he’s my brother.”
She left the sentence hanging, not looking back as she moved back into the bunker. She had to try and talk him round, make him understand this was what Zemo wanted. It was the last chance to try and sort all of this out. If she couldn’t then there was no way Steve could go back. No way he would go back.
And she was going to lose one of them.
“Tony.” She spoke gently, walking towards where he was sat, back against a wall in the depth of the concrete building.
“You know, when Rogers asked for your hand in marriage I couldn’t have been happier. Finally you’d met someone that treat you well, looked after you. Now, I wish he’d never come out of that fucking iceberg.” He snarled up at her.
Katie took a deep breath. “You’re upset, I get that.”
“Really? You do?” Sarcasm dripping off every word as Tony glared at her. “That’s good because I thought for a moment you were missing the point.”
“What is the point, Tony? Do you think for one minute that I like what happened to our Parents?”
“How long have you known?” he looked at her.
“Since we took SHIELD and Hydra down.” She bowed her head.
“Two years?!” his voice rang round the cavern. “You knew for Two fucking years?” “I didn’t know for certain it was him until yesterday, I swear.” She took a deep breath “But Steve is right. It wasn’t Bucky that did it. It was the Winter Soldier.”
“Oh God, he’s brainwashed you as well.” Tony groaned, banging his head against the wall. “That man murdered our parents!”
“HYDRA murdered our parents.”
“BUT HE DID IT!” Tony yelled, “And whilst that mind control is in there he’s a danger and he needs to be dealt with.”
“He needs help.”
Tony laughed, scornfully “Frankly if you believe that, you’re the one that needs help.”
“We both know what it’s like to be tortured, to have your dignity stripped from you in a way people cannot possibly imagine.” Katie swallowed, turning to her brother “And for us it was weeks Tony, fucking weeks. He endured it for seventy damned years.” “He killed our mom!” Tony screamed. “And he saved my life!” Katie yelled back, her voice cracking. “The Winter Soldier did those things, not Bucky Barnes. Tone, this is tearing me in two. I can’t choose between you, I can’t do it!” “You already chose.” “No, I didn’t. I did what I thought was right. Not just the Accords but coming here. And you know it was right too, deep down or you wouldn’t be here either. You saw those soldiers in there, it could have been so much different.” Tony snorted. “For once in your life just admit you’d follow Rogers anywhere.” Katie shook her head, sniffing slightly as her eyes misted over “You’re my brother, my father even, and I love you so much, but he is my husband and I love him too. What am I supposed to do, huh? Tell me?” Tony looked at her, and turned away. He felt betrayed, by them both. But as much as he hated what she had done, he loved his sister beyond belief and he knew no matter what happened here there would be no winners. If she stayed her heart would break at losing Steve and she would end up inside that shit hole pokey until some agreement or deal was done. 
And if she left, she might be free, but then he would lose her. 
But Tony knew the thing that would break her the most was having to make that choice, a choice between a life on the run with Rogers, or being with him. He couldn’t see her go through that, he couldn’t see her miserable and without the man she loved, and who clearly loved her, despite the fact he might be an asshole. There was nothing else to do, Tony had to make the choice for her.
And moreover he knew he had to be the one to lose.
"I don’t even wanna look at you right now.” His voice cracked and he turned away. “Get lost, go on.” “And go where?” Her voice was strained. "Wherever your precious Captain is running to. And you best run fast. Because if Ross gets hold of you, you’re both gonna be in that pokey with the rest of them and I’ll make sure Rogers never sees the light of day again.” “And me?” Her eyes were wet with tears as she looked at him. “You went against the accords.” He shrugged, unable to meet her eye “Maybe they could get you a double cell.” Katie felt her heart breaking. Her brother, the man who had been there all her life, was actively pushing her away. This is what it had come to. But just as she was about to argue, try and see they could get a way through this, he delivered the final blow. “You know, I’m glad mom and dad ain’t here to see this, because they’d be so ashamed of you.” Tony took a deep breath before he delivered the blow he knew would kill her, and he was going to hate himself for it. “Hell, I’m ashamed of you.” That. That there, was the moment Katie felt her heartbreak. “Tony.” Her voice cracked “Tell me you don’t mean that.” “I mean every word.” Tony lied, forcing himself to look at her. He didn’t mean any of it, he was beyond proud of her, how strong she was. But he knew, this was the only way she could be spared the agony of a shitty choice. 
With a shaking sob Katie stood up and began to walk across the cavern slowly, giving Tony a chance to stop her but he didn’t. As she reached the start of the corridor she stopped, taking a deep breath and turned back to look at him through her tears.
“Me not telling you about mom and dad was a mistake. But I did it to save you from all this, save you from hurting because I figured you’d seen enough over the past goodness knows how long.” She shrugged, wiping her face. “I’m so sorry Tony.”
He looked away, not meeting her eyes because he couldn’t.  “Just go.”
She walked from the cavern as calmly as she could. Once she was out of site she began to sprint, wanting nothing more than the comfort of Steve. She was that wrapped up in her thoughts, twice she took a wrong turn and hit a dead end, screaming in frustration, before eventually, after what seemed like a lifetime she burst out into the snow before collapsing onto the floor, a loud agonising wail erupting from her chest.
“Katie?” Steve saw his girl fall to her knees, the noise she made chilled him to the bones. He sprinted straight towards her, ignoring the aching all over his body from the blows he had taken over the past three days or so. He dropped besides her “Honey?”
Katie took a deep breath before she looked up at Steve unable to voice her emotions or explain what happened. She simply bowed her head again and shook it. Steve sighed and placed an arm round her shoulder “Come on.”
With his help she rose to her feet, looking round. There was no sign of T’Challa. Zemo or Bucky.
“Where is everyone?” She sniffed, sliding her arm around Steve’s waist, more for support than anything else.
“T’Challa left about two minutes ago. He’s taken Zemo to the United Nations.” Steve answered as they trudged through the snow.
“Least Bucky’s in the clear.”
“He’s not.” Steve sighed “Even if he’s proven not guilty they’ll want to lock him up, especially whilst HYDRA are in his mind.” He stopped at the bottom of the ramp to the jet and turned to face her, taking a deep breath as he knew this was it. The point at which she was going to have to make a decision on what she did next, and his heart was breaking for her.
“T’Challa has offered to help. He’s given me the coordinates to Wakanda and says he has someone there who could assist in fixing whatever it is Hydra did to Buck’s mind.”
“If the UN catch on he’s harbouring him it’ll cause even more trouble.” “I know, which is why they can’t find out.” Steve looked at her. “T’Challa is going to tell the UN that we’re all here so they can send a craft out to pick everyone up. Then the cover story is that in the meantime Bucky and I escaped, and no one knows where we have gone.”
“Think they’ll buy it?” She asked, ignoring for a moment the fact that he had said Bucky and I, not Bucky and us.
“They’ve no reason not to.”
“And he really thinks he can help him?”
Steve nodded. “So that’s the plan. Take Bucky and lay low for a while, at least until I can figure out what to do next”
He paused for a moment and then looked up the ramp before taking a deep breath and looking at her.
“I didn’t want any of this to happen” he sighed, “and if you don’t want to come I’ll understand.” He took a deep breath, as he grabbed both of her hands, the tears swimming in his eyes. “I don’t ever want to force you to make a choice so whatever you do decide, I’ll understand, I just want you to know that I love you, I’ll always love you.”
Katie looked up at him, his last words were barely audible above his choked back sob. She knew Steve was going to run, and that he wouldn’t settle being behind bars, but he was offering her a way out, a chance to stay with Tony. Her husband had never, not once through this entire situation pressured her to take his side. And she hadn’t taken his side, she had done what she believed was the right thing. But now, when it came down to it, there was simply no choice for her to make. Tony hated her, the Accords had finished the Avengers, Ross would make sure she was locked away…and the thought of Steve not being with her broke her more than anything.
There was nothing else left for her to do but go.
Her eyes misted over as she looked up at the man who was her world, her everything. “I can’t stay.” She whispered “Not without you. Please don’t leave me.”
“Leave you?” His voice cracked and he pulled her into his chest, hard, hands pressed at the base of her back and her head as she fisted her hands into the dirty material of his uniform. “Never, Doll.”
“Then get me out of here.” She pulled back to look up at him, gently using her thumbs to wipe away the tears on his face that had run down below the line of his helmet.
“Are you sure?” He had to ask again. “Because if we do this, there’s no going back. You might be able to sort things with Tony if you stay.” “When I’m locked up in prison?” She shook her head “What’s the point in that. Besides, we both know that you wouldn’t stand for it. You’d break me out in a week.”
He gave her a soft smile, she was right. He would. She leaned up to place a soft kiss on his lips before she turned and strode up the ramp into the jet, wiping her eyes and putting her weapons away silently. Steve followed her in and she turned to look at him when she spotted Bucky who was looking significantly worse for wear sat on one of the seats.
“You okay?” she said gently. He looked up and swallowed.
“I’m sorry, I really am.” His voice cracked and his head hung again.
“I know.” She shrugged sadly as she headed over to cockpit.
Steve settled in the pilot seat just in front of her, removing his helmet and punching in some co-ordinates. Moments later the jet was airborne.
“Auto-pilot locked. ETA 4.5 hours” Katie muttered, reading the computer before she stood up and dropped her hand on Steve’s shoulder. “Think it’s about time I patched you boys up.”
“Start with Buck.” Steve instructed gently, standing up “He’s worse than I am.”
She moved to the back of the jet and began rummaging in the first aid boxes gathering various things before she told Bucky to sit on the gurney in the medi-bay area of the jet.
“This is probably gonna sting a little.” She bit her lip as she began to wipe gently at the various cuts and bruises on Bucky’s face. If it hurt he didn’t give any outward signs that it did. She then moved to the back of his head, clearing up a nasty gash from where he had taken a hit and, once that was done, she checked his arm. There was no new wound, but his metal arm had been removed just below the shoulder blade, leaving the metal socket intact.
“Does it hurt?” She asked him gently.
She looked at Steve, shrugging as if to say that she had done the best she could and he nodded, looking at Bucky.
“Why don’t you rest?” He nodded over to the seats. “We’ve got a while before we arrive and I doubt any of us had much sleep last night.”
“You guys certainly didn’t.” Bucky said slyly as he stood up. Katie shared a look with Steve who she was amused to see had flushed from the neck upwards, the patches of his face that weren’t dirty were now a bright crimson.
“Walls in hotel rooms are thin.” Bucky continued, grunting slightly as he dropped into one of the seats, leaning back and closing his eyes.
Katie bit her lip as Steve sat down on the stretcher, same place Bucky had sat before. She studied his weary face and noticed that there was a huge bruise forming on his right cheek and a smaller abrasion on his left. His nose had at some point been bleeding and there was a split in his lip, but all in all his helmet had saved him for the most, as he was nowhere near as bad as Bucky. She gently wiped at his face, as tenderly as she could to avoid hurting him. She cleaned off the dirt, dried blood and then the cut above his eye, before moving to the one on his lip. As she touched it with the antiseptic wipe he hissed slightly.
“Stop being a baby.”
Steve opened his eyes and simply watched his wife’s face intensely. Her eyes were red rimmed from her crying and he couldn’t help but wonder what Tony had said to her when she had gone back in.  But he knew she would tell him when she was ready. Eventually she finished and dropped the wipe she had been using into the dish to her right, and he placed both his hands on her hips and pulled her closer to him, so that she was stood in between his legs.  
“I love you so much.” He whispered gently. She brought her hand up to brush across his now clean but bruised face and sighed. 
“I know.” She dropped a soft kiss onto his lips, careful not to aggravate any cuts further. He would heal fast, he always did. In a few days there would be no evidence of any of these.  
From over in the corner of the jet there came a soft groan “Get a room. Preferably not next to mine.”
It was three hours into the journey before Katie finally told Steve everything. What Tony had said, how he had told her to leave, and that he was ashamed of her, and Steve’s heart broke for her as she cried again, her tears falling to his shoulder as he sat and simply held her before insisting she also took some rest. He knew what Tony had said was bullshit, the man was ridiculously proud of his sister, and he found himself understanding why he had done it. To save her from an impossible choice. Tony was as selfless as the next person where his sister was involved.
About forty-five minutes or so later, when Katie was fast asleep, Bucky woke up and he noticed Steve was sat in the seat at the front, simply staring out of the window.
“Got anything to drink?” He asked, and Steve’s head snapped round.
“Should be some water in the fridge, hang on…” “I lost my arm Punk, not my legs.” Bucky grumbled, heading over to where Steve was directing.
“Glad to see your attitude is still as bad as ever.” Steve raised an eyebrow as Bucky threw a bottle to him which he caught in his right hand.
“Yeah well, there are somethings even being brainwashed can’t get rid of.” Bucky sighed as he headed over to the seat by Steve. Clasping the bottle in his knees he worked the top off with his right hand and took a deep swig.
“Do you really think they can do it? You know, get whatever Hydra put in my head out?”
“T’Challa seems to think so.” Steve nodded, looking at his friend.
“Well, perhaps when he has we can catch up properly.” Bucky’s voice was wistful.
”Like old times huh?” Steve smiled, a twinkle in his eye.
Bucky grinned, before he grew serious again. “You know I did think about finding you, but…” 
Steve looked at him for a moment and then leaned forward slightly. “How much do you remember?”
Bucky sighed, “I remember most things, about my life that is, but at first it was just a big jumble. That’s why I wrote it all down.”
The two men fell silent again, Steve full of his own guilt again for not going back for him that day he fell from the train. He could have spared him all of this.
“How did you do it?” Bucky asked suddenly, making Steve look back at him “Wake up seventy years in the future and just carry on?” “Katie.” Steve answered instantly, not even needing to think about it.  “I came out of the ice, I’d lost everyone I knew, had no idea what to do, but then she turned up. Almost like it was meant to be.”
“I thought Steve Rogers didn’t believe in fate?” Bucky teased “What was it you used to say? You make your own luck?” Steve chuckled “I didn’t, I mean I don’t really, but whatever it was be it fate, luck, circumstance, hell, I’m just glad it happened.” He trailed off, before he carried on. “You know, I loved Peggy but that was nothing to what I feel for Katie. I can’t imagine being without her.”
Bucky looked at his friend, smiling. He had always known that when Steve found the right dame he would fall hard and fast, and it was clear he had. After all of his bad luck before the war, it was nice to see the man so happy and loved. But Bucky wasn’t going to let it lie without the chance to tease his friend. He grinned and looked at him, a cheeky smile spreading across his weary face.
“Yeah she’s pretty hot too. How did a punk like you manage to pull a gal like that?” “Buck!” Steve groaned exasperatedly as Bucky laughed.
“I’m just playing with you Stevie. I’m glad you found someone.” He smiled gently. “Just gutted I wasn’t at the wedding, well properly anyway. You looked happy though when you came out of the church.”
“I was. And I wish you could have been there properly too pal.” Steve’s voice taking on a teasing tone “But Sam made a pretty good substitute best man.”
“Wait, you had Seagull as your best man?” Bucky’s tone was indignant.
“He’s a good friend.” Steve paused again, before he took a deep breath. “You know I haven’t thanked you yet for saving her life.” He nodded over to where Katie was curled up in a seat under a blanket “I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there.” “Right time right place.” Bucky shrugged “You know, I didn’t recognise her at first, just heard all this screaming and, well she was in a bad way.” “I know.” Steve dropped his head. “They…they hurt her.” Bucky didn’t need to ask what they had done to her. He could imagine.
“She’s okay now though, right?”
“Physically yeah.”  Steve nodded “Mentally, well, she still has nightmares sometimes but don’t we all? She’s strong though, way stronger than me.”
“I dunno from the noises I heard last night you seemed to be pretty strong.” Bucky quipped and Steve groaned
“Sorry, our walls at the compound are soundproof so…” He offered an explanation, blushing again.
“Yeah, well the first time we just kinda ignored it but then when you started again an hour later, then again, well, frankly it was a little gross.”
“Guess we just got a bit carried away.” Steve felt the heat spread up his neck.
“Sam said you were showing off.” Bucky smirked causing Steve to snort. “You got some stamina, bud, I’ll give you that.”
“Something we both thank Dr Erskine for on a regular basis.” Steve shot back cheekily and Bucky barked out a laugh.
At that point the alert on the cockpit started to go and Katie sat up, rubbing her eyes as the noise roused her. Steve shot her a smile, pretty sure he was still blushing, and then turned to look at the dials on the cockpit
“Hey.” She approached the front, dropping her hand to Bucky’s shoulder as she pressed a soft kiss to Steve’s head. “We here?”
“I think so.” Steve frowned, “The co-ords are telling me to drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0…only…”
Katie looked ahead, it was nothing but a thicket of what looked like jungle.
“You trust T’Challa?” she asked, settling in a seat behind him.
“Then do it.” She said simply, looking at him like he was an idiot.
Bucky smirked slightly and Steve rolled his eyes, but obeyed all the same. They passed through the trees as they simply disappeared, like a computer image and they were left with the skyline of a beautiful city. Katie let out the breath I hadn’t even realised she had been holding.
“What the fuck?” Bucky whispered, and Steve laughed in agreement.
They were welcomed by T’Challa’s Mother, younger Sister Suri and a few members of his King’s Guard. T’Challa was on his way back from the UN and wouldn’t be back for an hour or so, so in the mean time they were given something to eat and a place to clean up, Katie taking her time in the scalding hot shower in their luxurious suite. Steve had stayed with Bucky and she was glad, as she broke down once more thinking about Tony, wondering where he was. Once she had cried all the tears she had left to cry, she dried off and crawled into the bed passing out almost immediately. She didn’t feel Steve climb in besides her later on that night. He stayed awake for a lot longer than she did, having spent the evening with T’Challa who had filled him in on what the UN had said. Tony was home okay, he knew that much, and the authorities had accepted T’CHalla’s explanation, essentially meaning he, Katie and Bucky were outlaws. For once in his life he had no idea what to do next, and the guilt at dragging her into this was eating him up. With a sigh he wrapped his arms around her, pulled her close and drifted into an uneasy sleep.
The next day felt slightly more positive. After breakfast Suri took Bucky into her lab for a scan on his brain. Bucky had worried that going into a scanner would remind him of the machine Hydra used and could bring out the Winter Soldier again, but Suri had simply smiled and shook her head, before using what looked like a beaded bracelet to perform the scan.
Now she stood over a tablet looking at the image.
“Your mind has been fighting this the whole time.” she said tapping a few places on the tablet and bringing up a hologram image of Bucky’s brain for them all to see. She pointed to a bright, pink line which snaked all over the image “That’s what they put in there but it hasn’t melded properly, which I suspect is why you required constant…how to put this…recalibration I suppose.” she pondered something before she turned to look at the soldier and smiled. “I can fix this.”
“Really?”  Bucky said, his head jerking up as he looked at her, his eyes shining.
“I may have to engineer something new equipment wise, and it could take me a few months to do it- but it is reversible.” She nodded, voice oozing with confidence as she looked at the scans of Bucky’s brain on the screen
“How?”  Bucky frowned, hardly daring to believe what she was saying. He would be free…
“I can cut it out.” she said, like it was something she did every day. “Like I say, it has not melded to your brain. Think of it as foreign object, not a part of you, and all foreign objects can be removed.“
Katie squeezed Steve’s hand as Steve let out a loud breath as he looked up at the ceiling. Bucky was going to be ok. He glanced down at his wife who smiled at him, as they both turned to see Bucky’s eyes were wet as he wiped tears off his face. Suri dropped a hand to his shoulder.
“You won’t have to live with this anymore, Sergeant Barnes.” she said to him.
Bucky looked at her, then to Steve before his face crumpled and in a stride Steve had closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around his friend in a brotherly hug as Bucky sat on the bench, unable to believe that he was going to be free, finally free from Hydra. Katie watched the two of them as T’Challa gently squeezed her shoulder as he and Suri made to leave the room. She followed them, pausing in the doorway to turn to look at the two men, Steve stepping back from Bucky to look down at him as he wiped at his face, a teary smile crossing his features.
It had cost them everything, but at least there was something good going to come out of it all.
**** Chapter 33
**Original Posting**
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fanfictrashdump · 3 years
Universe in a Jar, 5 - Phase 4 fic
Recap: Some days ago, I reblogged this post about the magical trio. And then my brain went off on a monumental tangent and, I wrote Universe in a Jar.
Characters: Stephen Strange, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Wong, OC
Rating: T?
Warnings: Language! Mentions of sexual encounters, sarcasm, terrible storytelling, and typos prob.
Summary: Baby-sitting beings arguably more powerful than him goes awry for Doctor Strange. He knows one person who can possibly keep them isolated and out of trouble. Well, he knew someone who could… he hasn’t seen them in decades and for stupid reasons.
Previous Chapter
"You have to stop getting frustrated, pet. You know that is what's keeping you from achieving anything," Loki suggested gently, holding onto Persephone's shoulder and giving it a squeeze. The way the words rolled off his tongue gave indication of just how many times he had repeated them. His voice was still gentle, the way it always was when speaking to Persephone, a gentle urging rather than the acid tone he was known for, but the thinning of his patience was beginning to bleed through.
Persephone groaned, falling back onto the living room rug with a dramatic flail. "I know! I just–I can't visualize it!"
"We're just molding the glass. Taking your magic and giving it different shape," Wanda added, helpfully. Luckily, Seph couldn't see the grimace set on the witch's face. "Take the house, for example. How did you shape your portal to fit into your apartment so that you could stuff the farmhouse in it?"
"I didn't. I summon, it happens. Like a fluid, it just fills the shape of whatever it's in. I can't actually control it."
"You can," Loki interrupted her rant, "because I can. I already showed you that I can warp the walls. So, you can, too."
With a huff, she threw her forearm over her eyes, as if this shielded her from the rest of reality. "I don't understand how it works. I haven't needed to understand how it works. The books aren't helping and this is stupid!"
Seph involuntarily flinched at Stephen's voice coming from beside her. When she peeked over her arm, she found him crouched down to her right, a calm look set on his face–very different from the borderline pitying and frustrated looks she was getting from the rest of the room.
"Here." He held out a bar of her favorite chocolate for her to take, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
"Where'd you get this?"
Stephen then smirked. "Portal'ed into Old Man James' shop. Can't believe he's still alive, by the way. He has to be a hundred and ten, by now." He shook the bar. "Go on. You know you need it. Studying isn't your thing."
Seph sat up quickly, fidgeting in her place as she fought with the wrapper. "I didn't tell you–I thought you were busy–I didn't intentionally not tell–"
"Hey, you're fine." He waved away her concern. "We both know I don't have the patience to teach."
"That's not true. What you lack is the desire."
He laughed. "That too." He paused just long enough to reach over and tear the wrapper in the corner. "I have some things to take care of at the Sanctum. Do you think you can manage with these two?" He offered a nod in response to hers and he rose to his feet. "Chocolate and a five minute break when she gets overwhelmed. Works miracles," he muttered to Loki as he brushed past and patted him on the back.
"Thanks, Stephen," Seph called after him as he walked through the portal he had just made by the door.
He waved it off for the second time that day, seeming so much more level-headed than she ever remembered him being, and disappeared into the Sanctum halls.
Loki and Wanda stared at each other before the witch plopped onto the sofa nearest Persephone. "Why aren't you asking Stephen to help? He seems to know how you function pretty well."
"Learning from him is a nightmare. He actually has all the patience in the world, but I get easily frustrated, and then he gets frustrated… It goes south very fast from there." She shrugged.
Wanda groaned. "You know, you two not having sex is putting a real damper on our progress."
Loki snorted somewhere beside her and Seph stuffed a chunk of chocolate into her mouth.
"She's not wrong, pet."
"Well, you're both going to have to deal with it, OK? This is not up for debate."
Persephone's brow furrowed as she concentrated once again on the veil between the worlds. So far, not even a glimmer was present in her efforts and it was getting more frustrating by the moment. Tutting quietly under his breath, Loki slipped onto the floor beside her. His hand trailed gracefully down her shoulder until he grasped her hand in his. Locking their fingers together, he gently pried her digits open with his own.
"Focus. Can you see where your magic touches reality?" With a shudder brought on by his velvety voice in her ear, she shook her head in the negative. "Can you feel it, then?" She gave a nod. "Stretch your hand to where you feel it begin." He followed her movements until their entwined fingers were nearly touching the wall. No one could deny the smile on Loki's face at the imperceptible twitch of her fingers as the static of magic prickled at the tips. "Your magic is something flowy. Like silk or satin." He hummed under his breath for a beat as he paused to think. "Maybe lighter. Like gauze or gossamer. It's curtain between realities, keeping Nebraska inside of New York. A house within an apartment. An infinite within another infinite. How much or how little one world seeps into the other depends on how much you open the curtain. You control the curtain and you need only to grasp the fabric," he closed his hand around hers, "and pull it open."
His hand moved both of theirs back and a sliver of boring beige wall peeked through the intricate wallpaper that filled the house. Persephone gasped, doubly so when Loki let his own hand drop and the gap between worlds still existed. Committing the sensation to memory, she opened her hand and reality sealed itself back again.
"Once more, love. Peel away the garments and let reality figure itself out," he murmured and another shiver ran down her spine. This time she didn't hesitate, and though her attempt was a little shaky, soon a swathe of beige was barely visible. "There's a clever girl." His fingers danced over the curve of her waist, prompting Seph to stare questioningly over her shoulder. Their eyes locked, eternities passing in quiet contemplation of each other.
"Monster, monster, monster!" Wanda called in a panic, magic swirling in her hands ready for attack.
Seph dropped the divider with a shriek at the sight of the twisted maw of what she assumed was a hell beast. The creature hissed and growled as it slipped through just shy of this reality stitching itself together. Without missing a beat, Loki flicked his hands forward and the monster dissolved into green sparks and stardust that flickered and sparkled on the hardwood floor.
"It's just a void hound. No need to panic," Loki announced matter-of-factly.
"A what, now?" Wanda asked, twisting her hands with sneer to rid the floor of whatever remained of the creature.
"Void hound. Your people call it the monster under the bed or the grim. It's just a shadow that slipped through the cracks in reality."
"You knew this could happen?" Seph had shuffled all the way back against an armchair and away from the walls.
"It's a possibility, but I was here. Besides, I just wanted to show you what was possible. You can open the walls between realities, but what you want to do is mold from the inside. Hounds can't slip in if you don't give them a place to slip into, after all."
"So," Wanda began, "if I hadn't been here and stopped you from eating each other's faces off, what would have happened?"
"Consumed by ever-looming darkness and despair in the void, most likely."
The short silence that followed nearly drained the color from their surroundings.
"Nope. No more magic. Don't need it. Bye." Seph rescued her chocolate bar from the corner it had been flung and was moving quite swiftly out of the living room.
Loki rolled his eyes, a little glad he was well out of her sight. "I was kidding, love! Nothing's going to harm you."
"Nope. I don't–" A loud screech interrupted her. In her distraction, she had not seen Stephen arrive and was not expecting the warm hand on her shoulder.
"Jesus, Peep! It's just me!" He glanced at Loki and Wanda with a disappointed look. "You get rid of it?"
"Yeah, Loki turned it into dust," Wanda retorted simply.
"Good." Stephen turned to look at Seph's tight-knit brow and wide eyes. "Why are you running away?"
Seph answered the question for one of her own that she deemed far more pressing. "There's monsters!?"
Stephen frowned. "Sorcerer, witch, alien sorcerer," he started, pointing at himself, Wanda, and Loki, in turn. "At what point did monsters become too implausible?"
"I don't want monsters!"
"Which is why I told them not to have you opening the veil, but clearly that bit of information didn't stick."
"You told–you knew I was doing this?"
Stephen couldn't help but smile at the little notch forming between her brows, even as his right thumb smoothed it away. He nodded as if there was nothing to it. "I asked them to. I knew you wouldn't ask for help to try out what you've read and I didn't want you to try on your own."
Persephone sighed, her head hanging forward between her shoulders as she tried to work out the situation in her head. She gave up shortly after starting. "Why?"
Stephen shrugged. "I want to fix my mistakes. This is what I can give you, right now. Skills, support, making sure you don't go out without proper tools in a very confusing world. It's not much, but–"
"Shut up, Steve!" There was an edge of exasperation in her tone, though her volume remained soft. "You really gotta learn when to skip self-deprecation station." She wrapped her arms loosely around his waist with a little groan that he replied with a quiet sigh and a gentle, almost hesitant kiss on her forehead.
"My Jiminy Cricket has been busy. I'm out of practice."
"I am not a cartoon cricket, Strange. Or your conscience, for that matter. You wouldn't be in this shitshow if I were," she mumbled from somewhere within the t-shirt he wore.
That pulled a heartfelt chuckle out of the Sorcerer. "You say that, but I call Loki a conceited twat–"
"Be nice!"
"–and that happens."
"To be fair," the Asgardian Prince cut in, "he's not entirely wrong. Though he mistakes conceit with confidence."
"Oh, no, I am confident you're a–" Persephone's hand slammed onto Stephen's mouth, though he continued mumbling behind the makeshift muzzle. He would later swear up and down that it was the principle of the thing that made him finish. Stephen peeled her hand off, shit-eating grin beaming at her. "Do you want some help with portals?"
"Help from the Sorcerer Supreme? Lucky girl." Wanda's tone earned her a half-hearted glare from the woman still clinging to said Sorcerer. "What? It's cute! Stephen pretending he's not still in love with you, you and Loki pretending you definitely don't want into each other's pants, all us pretending we're not delaying an inevitable, tragic end by hiding out–"
"You are way out of line, Wanda."
The witch stomped a warpath, eyes glowing red and tendrils of scarlet weeping from her person. Seph jumped back, sharing a short look with Loki, a mutual understanding to de-escalate the situation if it got too out of hand.
"And you have no idea what you're doing, Strange! We're wasting time. My family–"
"Is a manufactured fallacy! Do you know how many holes you created in the multiverse just because you wanted to play house with Vision? Wong's up to his neck in timelines to be corrected, which I can't help with because I don't want you rooting around my brain to figure out where they are!"
"Stephen…" The hand wrapped around his bicep both made him start and settled down his anger long enough to notice he had been poised to deliver a blow of equal magnitude as Wanda was planning. He snapped his fists closed, orange runes disappearing. "Peep, step back."
Ignoring the command, Seph stared at Wanda with a quirked brow. "Drop it."
"Persephone–" The witch's lip quivered.
"I know. I understand, Wanda. But you two have the potential to destroy each other. Let's not do this. Please." Everyone let out a collective breath when Wanda chose to cross her arms and avert her gaze. "Thank you." She squeezed the bicep in her hand again. "You know, the tractor has been stalling a lot. I'm pretty sure it's the injector." Stephen opened his mouth to protest. "Please. For me?"
The group watched Stephen nod curtly and turn on his heel, marching out the kitchen door towards the barn.
Loki cleared his throat, awkwardly. "I'll put the kettle on, shall I?"
"Thanks, Lo." Letting her shoulders sink, she stepped quietly towards the witch and opened her arms. "Come here." There was no hesitancy at how Wanda launched herself into Seph's embrace, promptly breaking into a sob. "I know, honey. I know."
Wanda's response was a half-choked and raspy, "I'm sorry."
"It's fine. We'll all be fine." Seph led them to the sofa, gently carding her fingers through auburn tresses in an effort to soothe her friend.
"He just doesn't understand."
Persephone chuckled. "Oh, honey. That is not true. He probably understands better than anyone." She titled her head to catch Wanda's gaze. "He's been losing people his whole life. He's still convinced he's responsible for some of them."
Wanda pulled away, sinking into the back cushion with a scowl. "Then why won't he let me search for my family?"
"Every Universe is slightly different. It's an amalgamation of every alternate path to every decision. There are hundreds of millions of Universes and the one where your family is still alive, may also be the Universe where Thanos won, or Vision joined Ultron or you died. It wouldn't be your family." She shrugged. "In his own, twisted way, he's trying to protect you."
"I don't want his–"
"Protection. I know. But… can you trust that he's doing it for good reason? If you work with him instead of in spite of him, I think you'd get a lot farther."
She got a scoff in return. "I hate him."
Seph giggled. "Join the club. He has one of those faces… and attitudes… and egos."
She smiled up at Loki who had brought out a pot of tea and was precariously balancing two mugs atop it. Craning her neck, she glanced out of one of the back windows to see Stephen scuffing his way up the hill to the barn. Smirking, she slapped her thighs with a resolute nod and got herself out of the sofa.
"I need to go check on him. He'll probably come back and apologize, later. Thanks for your help, today. It was actually good to understand how the portals work." Just as she rounded the corner to exit the house, she paused, stepping backwards until she was back in the living room. "Just for the record, if you ever feel the need to comment on my or anyone's love life to get a barb in because you're frustrated, again, I will lock you in a box and you better hope to God that Stephen and Loki can get you out. Understood?" She held Wanda's gaze until the witch nodded, cheeks reddening. "Perfect. Thanks for the backup, Loki."
"Yes, ma'am," he replied, smirking behind his mug and giving her a two-fingered salute before she disappeared out the kitchen.
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kangaracha · 3 years
tell me about your ocs tho
you asked for this
so it’s been like, a while, since i really looked at my ocs outside of zombies, and also my work with the most proper ocs for zombies isn’t published yet, so i’m just going to do the three from other fandoms that i have big fics for and if you wanna hear about my little zombies ocs you can ask about em. okay. okay.
this is also really hard cause these characters go through so much change over the course of these fics, and i’m trying not to give away spoilers xD i will try. my best.
the OG. the one and only. the working-through-your-teenage-frustrations character. i love her.
mcu -  read sparrow
so the thing with imogen is that i wanted to do something different to the other oc fics I’d seen so far in this fandom. which is not to say those fics were bad or anything, i love them, i just want to be different. I was interested in writing a character that was like....not the perfect fit for the avengers, or the girl that got along with everyone, and then i saw TWS and related media (lookin at you, agents of shield), and i was like, ‘okay but if you were just hydra by name and working by shield values and principles all that time, and then suddenly you had to get up and kill your coworkers....’ and imogen Began.
i find her interesting for her wit and dry humour, her sarcasm and her big attitude - but also, her frustration with life, the deep-cut anger that she’s carrying with her like a rock, her struggle with self-worth and the way she presents herself to the world, and her complete average-ness in a place where everyone is exceptional. she’s nothing special - she’s just skating by, actually, she’s a high school dropout and on probation as a shield agent, and she’s really only off the streets because hydra value her as an object that might hold some valuable information related to a twenty year old cold case that doesn’t even have any relevance anymore in the grand scheme of things.
in sparrow, she finds something to relate to in clint barton - avenger, but also human disaster zone, making things up on the fly, most overlooked superhero of the century, completely regular guy with one unusual skill. she has to learn to be open to change and to want to be a good person, instead of an angry, ignorant person who will blindy follow whatever order she’s given and pick fights with anyone that disagrees with her. she also realises a lot of things that she should have realised sooner - that what’s left of her family is toxic as hell, that she’s been blindy following the forces of evil for years, that she doesn’t have to be an angry child from a broken home anymore, and that there’s a whole, scary world out there waiting for her and she can go and find anything she wants.
the rest of the trilogy, flicker and swift, follow her finding her way in the world, figuring out who she’s going to be and what she’s going to do, which is very relatable to me rn. it’s like therapy. flicker is also a great opportunity for me to have a crack at writing a romance as a side plot, and getting to let this character grow and realise her own self-worth and that yes, she can actually love and be loved in lots of different ways, is so satisfying. swift is just the icing on the cake, swift is her coming into her power, in her own way, it’s her looking back and realising that she’s changed her life and that she could do it after all, it’s a satisfying ending, i promise. i’m going to share it with you one day.
the slaughter of the lambs is kind of the sequel to the very first ac game that i always wanted and never got - except it’s not about altair because. i’m ~special~. the fic is set 20 years after the game, in the Levant, and is split into 4 parts spanning most of marwa’s lifetime, starting in 1211 AD and ending in 1257 AD and following her through the golden era of the assassin’s and the brotherhood’s downfall. it’s canon complaint, but runs like....canon adjacent. it’s its own story.
assassin’s creed - read the slaughter of the lambs
marwa begins this story as a novice training in masyaf, the only female assassin in all of the levant. she’s raw and half-trained, never seen combat, her strength and ability put into doubt every day - but she’s talented too, and she works twice as hard as the boys, determined to prove everyone wrong. she’s tough and scrappy because she has to be to survive in the world she’s put herself in, and just a little too self-confident, which leads her to a downfall but also an important learning curve about wit and wisdom and loyalty, and the importance of striking a balance between free will and service to a cause. 
the rest of the story follows these themes on through the times of most upheaval in her life, as she struggles with following the creed and the beliefs of the assassin order and playing her role as a soldier for this cause, and with doubt and acting in accordance with her own personal morals and beliefs, which as time goes on and the assassin’s change, she finds do not always align. she has a strong sense of right and wrong and a strong character to back this up, and she strives throughout her life to become wise like her mentors were and to guide the world as best she can towards the right kind of future, as an assassin is supposed to. 
i wrote this character to explore the idea of being a servant to a higher order, to being faceless and lost to time and serving your cause knowing that, and how you find peace with giving your life over to that. especially coming from this day and age, when everything is recorded and everyone wants to be remembered for something, i found this interesting to explore. as marwa developed as a character, the other things came; her struggle with blind loyalty and festering doubt and the careful balance that she needs to strike between them, the folly of youth and the wisdom that she gains as she grows older, and the struggle of being a woman living in a male-dominated period of history and dedicating herself to a craft usually reserved for men. 
the first thing you need to understand about this fic, and this character, is that this is the therapy fic. this is me working through my own issues, but like also add +10 drama so that it’s interesting. and a romance plot, because i need the practise.
pokemon - read to go beyond your borders
angie’s story is mostly a sword/shield fic, though i borrowed some characters and stuff from diamond/pearl. the timelines are not canon. it’s set the year after the events of sw/sh, in galar. it follows angie through the gym challenge and her own personal conflicts, of which she has a laundry list. the fic finds her freshly arrived in galar from her home region in sinnoh, having run away from her responsibilities and the pressure of them at home looking for some kind of answer to her problems, or reassurance that she’s still good at what she does.
angie’s main conflict centres around her being the champion of the sinnoh league, a talented and experienced pokemon trainer sitting painfully exposed in the public eye. she struggles hugely with the reality of this position, and all the expectations that are put up to the person that holds it - she’s expected to be the strongest trainer in the region, to keep up a positive public image as the figurehead of the pokemon league, to be on the job most days of the year and ready for whatever it might throw at her. there’s always someone pushing her to be better, to present herself the way they think she should - and she’s used to being pushed and to being shaped, but there’s only so far you can bend a person before they will break.
angie is burnt out. she’s been in the public eye since she was five years old and competing in pokemon contests, and she’s far from the perfect princess of the league. her mistakes follow her around like a black cloud, creating controversy every time she reaches a new goal and drawing more and more bad press every time she messes something up. she doesn’t know what her own goals are anymore, and she doesn’t know where to go from the platform she’s found herself stranded on - she’s clinging to a position she’s too afraid to admit she doesn’t want anymore, and she’s scared to fall, or to break, or to look out to different horizons.
angie’s story explores the double-edged sword of fame and fortune, the satisfaction of being the best but also the scrutiny people place you under, the impact of ‘cancel culture’ on an individual, depression and anxiety and the endless circles of guilt in a toxic family environment...but also the hope of finding new horizons and finding the courage to take those first steps into the future that you want. it’s a coming of age kind of story, it’s young people finding their feet and new friends and new dreams and supporting each other through hard times. and it all ends well, which, to me, is the most important thing.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH22
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4, 225
- Author Note: I have been busy working from home :< apparently third wave of virus really hit us hard here, stay safe everyone xx
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Chapter 22 
“What should I wear” Seul rummaged through her closet finding a perfect outfit for her to wear to this so-called date with Yoong. “First of all, why should I pay attention on my outfit? It is just Min Yoongi. Doesn’t mean he is going to show up” she plopped on her bed with sour face.
“It couldn’t be a prank, right? Is he planning to embarrass me?” Seul talked to herself letting out a dramatic gasp in process.
“So, you have a date with Yoongi” her mother voice spooked her a little, causing her to sit up immediately. Mrs Hwang was leaning against the door with a teasing smile on her face. She made her way inside taking a seat beside her daughter “When is the date?” Seul turned crimson red.
“It is not like what you think. He asked me to accompany him to do this stupid bungee jumping” she scowled in annoyance “And it is random” Mrs Hwang gave her hand a soft pat. “Once in a while I’m glad you are living the life like a normal girl at your age” her mother smiled affectionately.
“Living the life like a normal girl at my age, yes. But not with Yoongi” she sassed earning a soft chuckle from the older woman. Seul’s eyes scanned the clothes scattered on her bed trying to spot the best outfit to wear, but it failed her again. Groaning in frustration, she turned to face Mrs Hwang “If I wear this white blouse and skirt, I am not overdressing myself, right?” chewing her lower lips, Seul hoped her mother could be a great help.
As Mrs Hwang soothed the soft fabric, she shot her daughter a bewildered look “Who wears skirt to bungee jumping? You got to be kidding me Seul” realizing her mistake, Seul slapped her forehead scolding her short-minded thinking. Why was she acted all silly today? Was it because of Yoongi? Not this issue again, she had enough.
The older woman pulled out blue skinny jeans underneath piles of clothes and handed it to Seul “Wear this with that blouse you picked earlier, don’t forget to bring your jacket. It is still cold outside” beaming cheerfully, her heavy breathing normalizes. She had no idea choosing an outfit to go out with Yoongi would be this hard, alright maybe she’s the one who complicate things.
“Mind to tell me, what happen between you and the boys? To be exact, Yoongi. You two seem friendly” her expression was unreadable, not even Seul could read what’s on her mind.
“Nothing much, we become friends. The boys are friendly and relatable. I like having them as my friend. As for Yoongi and I, do not have any weird idea because we both are just frenemy? We are not even friend or that is what I thought” her confident level deflated at the thought of Yoongi.
Mrs Hwang eyed her girl with a disapproval look. She was sure there’s more of the story that Seul tried to hide from her. This girl had been showing her resentment towards Yoongi since day one making it appeared suspicious to her.
“Mom, don’t you think Yoongi is a complicated man?” the question had been playing in her head for quite some time, it was matter of time to express it aloud.
“He is a complicated man. But he has the softest heart of all. Seul, Yoongi-ah has been going through a lot of thing in his life. Are you aware that he had depression before?” Seul’s eyes widened in pure shock. It never occurred to her a rough man like Yoongi would have that kind of illness because from her eyes, Yoongi has the strongest character in comparison to others.
“How is it possible? He looks fine to me..I mean…from the way he acted around me, he looks quite strong” she murmured.
Mrs Hwang shook her head “He appears to be strong, but he is a broken young man inside. He too has insecurity. Never trust what they show to you. It is how they mask themselves. What I am trying to say, try to see the other side of them instead of judging how they acted around you. Those boys are still kids to me. Poor kids to experience such thing at this age” she sighed deeply.
Seul forced herself to smile yet it came out bland “It must be hard to live their life as celebrity” she empathized them.
“It is not easy. The only reason why I insist on preparing meals for them because out of all things happen in their life only that makes them feel normal. They work hard all day, shielding their pain and tiredness from the world to chase their dreams. Those boys deserve to be treated like some normal boys, who crave for normal life” her mother’s words got Seul to reflect her attitude towards them back then. She felt small and disgusted of herself. How could she be selfless and refuse to see other point of view? She is not the only one with issues and problems, there are other people outside have awful fate as compared to her.
Her mother stroked the top of her hand and flashed a motherly smile “Do not be too hard on them and yourself. Serious relationship can wait, as for now focus on what makes you happy. Don’t feel burdened by it” her eyes were brimming with tears now. Mrs Hwang could read her like an open book without she needed to tell her everything that had been haunting her these days.
“Aw, why are you crying?” she cupped Seul cheeks, stroking away the tears that started to stream down wetting her cheeks. Seul chuckled softly “Thank you, mom. You are the best” pulling the love of her heart into a tight embrace.  
Will it be harmful to follow the flow of life?
What if someone gets hurt in the end?
What if she needs to make a choice?
Seul shuddered at the though of making a choice when she was not sure of her own feelings.
Bad move, Ji Seul.
Tapping her feet anxiously, Seul was getting annoyed of waiting. The more she anticipated Yoongi’s face to appear before her, the slower the time moved. It was 5PM and he was nowhere to be seen. Not even a text from him, Yoongi stood her up for sure. She shouldn’t have trusted that guy. Grumpy Seul decided to leave the scene before she made fool of herself. Hugging her jacket close to her body to seek warmth, she stood up from where she sat and left the area.
Sound of heavy footsteps behind her along with faint hollered put her steps at halt. Turning her heels to the source of the voice, she was greeted by the image of Yoongi sprinting for his life towards her direction. Eyeing the guy carefully, Seul grew concern “Yoongi are you alright?” he held his palm out while panting heavily.
The weather was cold, yet she could see bead of sweats on his forehead that started to trickle down his milky skin. She felt guilty. Judging from the way he dressed, he did not even bother to put his black mask over his mouth. Thankfully, his signature bucket hat was enough to cover half of his small face.
“Lets sit down, you look dead” she reached out to touch his arm, leading him to the bench nearby. Yoongi leaned back in his seat, steadying his rapid breathing. His heart was about to jump out soon. Seul on the side couldn’t stop worrying over Yoongi condition, she feared the guy might pass out there by any second now.
She used the end of her jacket to wipe off the sweat on his face gently. The small gesture flustered Yoongi but a soft smile was evident on his face as he enjoyed this little attention that he got. “Calm down your breathing, you will be fine in few minutes” she whispered.
Yoongi took the chance to watch how she puffed her cheeks in and out while dabbing the sweats on his face dried. Even to this extent, Seul knew how to shake the deepest core of his heart. How ironic for someone who’s madly in love. Was he in love?
Inhaling a deep breath, Yoongi held her hand down while smiling softly “Thank you Seul. I am fine now. Sorry, for making you wait” he muttered.
“I thought you stood me up. I was about to leave” she grimaced. Not that it was something to be upset of, but she was freezing. Today’s weather was not helping her either. Yoongi chuckled upon his eyes landed on her Rudolph nose, and gently rubbed it with thumb. Her heart pounded madly at this slight touch, causing her to pull away slowly giving a little space for her to normalize her breathing.
Yoongi softened “I won’t do that because it is a date after all” he winked. She cleared her throat allowing the redness engulfing her cheeks. Seul would never get used to Yoongi sudden change of attitude around her and some more to see Yoongi in different perspective was hard for her. It came to her realization, this softened her as she learnt to accept Yoongi’s rough side. She no longer had negative thoughts on Yoongi well unless he annoyed the hell out of her.
“Are you ready, lets go?” without giving her time to digest, Yoongi had already dragged the clueless girl to the counter. After flashing their admission ticket, one of the workers led the couple to elevator, making their way up to the 24th floor. Her mind started to get dizzy just by hearing the numbers. Just, how tall it would be? She rubbed her sweaty palms against her jeans.
“Yoongi, I am here just to watch you jump right?” she gulped showing off her fear. Yoongi looked at her in disbelief, his forehead creased into a frown “No way, I am dragging you down with me” she shrieked.
Yoongi laughed “I don’t know you are a scaredy-cat” Seul let out a low disapproval scowl, glaring her way to playful Yoongi. “I value my life, so I am not going to jump especially with you. Hell no. You are going to cut off my wire and let me die!”
“That sounds like a good idea. Plotting your murder sounds easier than I thought” he fired back with playful smirk on his face.  
“I KNEW IT! You are planning to kill me since start” she hissed. Bemused, Yoongi swayed his body to face pale Seul, like a reflex she pressed her back against the elevator “Wait, wait. Don’t come close. I know what you have in your mind” she squeaked.
Clicking tongue inside his mouth, he trapped her between his body, tilting his head with an amused look, “You can lean on me. You will be fine” he whispered dangerously close to her ears. Seul felt extremely high right now. Yoongi quickly pulled away when he heard the ding sound opening the door not long after. Seul walked after her with flushed face, as her mind diligently spout curses after curses.
The staffs greeted them warmly assisting the couple to get ready with the safety gears before their jump. Seul kept on pestering Yoongi about not wanting to jump with him but to her dismay, the stubborn guy won’t budge and pretended like her cries never existed. He insisted of bringing Seul down with him which was sounded absurd to her.
What was his motive?
Yoongi walked over to Seul as he noticed how she appeared scared and panic, making it hard for the staff to put on the safety gears on her. He motioned the staff to let him take over the task which he gladly complied. The staff left not long after giving the space for the couple. Her gaze who at first diligently scanned the area seeking for some sort of strength were now on Yoongi. His hand found its way to her waist, clasping the gear near her torso. The closeness of their body was killing her heart instantly.
“Relax Seul. It will be fun and as soon as you open your eyes, you will realize it is already over” fiddling with the clasp on the other side of her waist, he whispered. “It is never too late to back off now” he exclaimed.
“You should have said that sooner!” she gasped in delight. Yoongi rolled his eyes at her response knowing how unpredictable this girl could be, what did he expect from her again.
She is Ji Seul for pete’s sake.
Yoongi shot her disapproval look upon seeing Seul showing her agreement on his words “So, you are planning to waste my money and just watch me jump?” he teased her in hope this stubborn girl would find even the slightest guilt in her heart. Which appeared to be none.
“I didn’t ask you to spend your money on me. In fact, who brings a girl to bungee jumping on their date!” he heard her protest as her lips was tugged into a small pout. He’s going crazy over Seul, everything that she did was either too cute or sexy to him. Insane.
He snickered “You consider this as a date then?” she found herself being cornered. As much as she felt like smacking the sense out of Yoongi, she was trying to contain her annoyance and anger at once. If an only she could smack Yoongi hard. She would gladly do that.
“That is not the point. The point here is no one brings their date to a 24-floor building to do free jump. THAT IS NOT ROMANTIC AT ALL”
“Missy, it is not a free jump it calls bungee jumping for a reason. I have no idea that you want to do romantic thing with me, I will schedule our second date as soon as possible” he sneered sarcastically.
“Whoa hold on! No more dates with you! Your definition of romantic would involve scary thing like this one” she knocked Yoongi’s head over his helmet causing him to groan in frustration. Did her nasty remarks weren’t enough now she’s using her fist to harass him? Great, he had to put up with her weird antic, again.
Yoongi put on the small helmet over her head, squishing her face just to annoy her “That is up for me to decide, now let’s get ready. We are going to do the free jump” he gave her cheeks last squish, pulling the girl with him to the platform.
She could feel rush of fear in her blood stream, as she gulped upon her feet landed on the platform. Her grips on Yoongi’s arm tightened as soon as she saw the dizzying image beneath her feet. Seul felt like bursting into tears right now, and Yoongi sense the girl trembling hand.
“Are you ready?” one of the staffs stood at the edge gave them an encouraging smile.
Seul took a small peek at the image underneath her again, and quickly hid her face in Yoongi’s soft arm. “Yoongs…I don’t think I can do it” her inaudible mutter was crystal clear in his ears. He softened and told the staff to give them a moment. Yoongi released his hand from her strong grip and cradled her head in his hand “Do you trust me?” his sugary smile melted her heart. Her fear earlier on starts to subside, even though she was not confident whether she could handle the aftermath of the jump.
“If anything, happen you will be responsible. But what if you let go my hand” she blinked her tears away. Seul’s biggest fears were height and she had never been good in coping with it. Yoongi awed at her change of attitude in contrast to Seul sassy and fierce side, she could be a baby sometimes.
He encircled his arm around her body, embracing her tight “I will not let your hand go, trust me alright? Let’s do this” he stroked her waist. Yoongi slid his hand underneath her thigh, lifting her up causing the girl to squeal.
“MIN YOONGI WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck in reflex.
“So, I won’t let your hand go?” he said with a cheeky smile showing of his gum.
“This is your plan?”
“Let me down. It is even scarier this way. I am like one floor higher!”
“Just hold me tight Seul. Stop complaining!”
“How can i-YOONGS YAH-“ she screamed loudly when he purposely dangled one of his legs of the platform. Seul could feel his body wobbled to regain balance making the girl to clutch onto his back shirt tighter.
“I fucking hate you” she spouted some vulgar words out of annoyance.
Yoongi let out a low chuckle “Language, Seul” he signalled the staff that they were ready to jump, “Ready your heart, this is going to be the best jump!” he whispered softly. Her nervousness doubled as soon as she felt he moved slightly closer to the edge of the platform.
“Oh my god, this is bad idea. You are dead meat min yoongi” she buried her face in his shoulder, biting it slightly to ease her nervousness. It came out really naturally not that she wanted to flirt him in the middle of their life or death.
With a last smile, Yoongi pushed his body completely off the platform while holding onto Seul closed to him “OH GOD” she squeaked upon the cold breeze hit her already freezing skin. Yoongi pushed her upwards a little causing the latter to squeal fixing her position so she was more comfortable.
Both of them bounced a little following the tightness of the wire, a wide grin never left his face since then. He had fun holding onto Seul in his arms. The happiness that he never felt before.
When she opened her eyes, she found Yoongi was staring into her dark orbs. Confusing as it sounded, Yoongi was using his eyes to communicate. Ugh, only if she could decode it. His gummy smile was back on his face “I told you it would be fun and I won’t let you go” he leaned closer, however Seul buried her face at the crook of his neck shyly.
Why was she feeling embarrass and affected by this?
Biting his lower lips, Yoongi stroked her back as they waited until they descended safely on the ground. He set her down as soon as they feet landed on ground. He helped Seul to take of her safety gears, and she thanked him, avoiding his gaze at all time. Yoongi liked to see her shy side, for some reason he looked calmer than her fierce side.
The couple bowed politely as gratitude before leaving the site with mixed feelings inside. Seul and Yoongi walked side by side in total silence. They seemed to enjoy the cold breeze and the empty street. It was calming this way. To her distaste, her belly gurgled loudly as she patted it to quell its sound from being heard.
His brows quirked in amusement “Someone is hungry. Let’s find something to fill that empty tummy” Seul looked down embarrass with her own weird antic. Out of all day, her stomach acted weird only to throw shades on her face.
“Any idea where to eat?” his lips were pressed into thin in a deep thought.
“Fish cake and ramen?” she suggested.
It was his turn to protest “Who eats those on a date?” he scoffed.
“You consider this a date?” she teased.
“Yes I am. Unlike that someone” his response made her pout slightly.
“Killing yourself is not a good date!” she disagreed.
“But you survive. Thanks to me” Yoongi intertwined his hand with hers before she could say something nasty again. “Let’s get your fish cake and ramen” Seul swore to god, one day she would definitely straggle this man for dragging her around without her consent.  
The couple ended up walking further along the river, and Yoongi’s handsome face alight with merriment as his eyes fall upon the small convenience store. Coincidently, just beside the store there was a small stall selling their hot fish cake. They entered the store selecting their favourite ramen, and Seul insisted on paying the food considering Yoongi had spent his money on the force free jump. Even though he never agreed on it yet who could stop Seul?
Exiting the store, Seul set her ramen on the table “You take a seat, I will purchase the Eomuk!” she exclaimed in excitement. Reluctant, Yoongi sat down watching the girl swaying her body happily purchasing her favourite food.
“Aigoo, young lady. Why are you out in this weather without extra jacket?” the old lady shook her head showing her concern. Seul rubbed the back of her neck with a sheepish smile “I was in rush, so I forgot to bring extra sweater with me. Don’t worry, I am fine” the old lady handed her the fish cake in a cup.
“Are you on a date?” her eyes travelled to Yoongi as the corner of her lips was tugged into a meaningful smile.
Seul smiled nervously “He is a friend of mine. It is not like that”
“You two make a great couple. Be happy” she thanked the old lady and made her way to Yoongi. She sat across him, placing their food on the table “What took you so long? Did the ahjumma know me?” he asked with curiosity.
She cringed “Why would she? You are just Min Yoongi” “BTS Suga” he corrected.
“Yes, bratty BTS MIN SUGA” she rolled her eyes. Seul ignored the guy in front of him and started to dig in. Ramen and fishcake are the best combination for this cold weather. At least her empty stomach now was well fed. Occasionally, she would steal a glance at Yoongi. He was struggling with his food as it appeared to be too hot, yet he insisted on pushing the noodles inside his mouth.
Their humble dinner was quiet and calm without their endless banter. For once, Yoongi and Seul could sit together in one place without throwing shades on each other. That was a huge improvement.
“Can I ask you something?” Yoongi put down his chopstick, resting chin on his palm. It made him even cuter than he already is. Seul tried to focus and stopped herself from ogling the man in front of her.
“Go on”
“This is quite personal though” she gave him an assuring nod letting him to continue. After the talk that she had with her mother this morning, she was determined to change her attitude and treated Yoongi better if he didn’t pick any fight with her.
He gulped the heavy lump on his throat “Do you like Jungkook and Jimin?” he questioned. The questions were rather unclear to her, yet Yoongi was dead curious of this. The mere thought of it made it hard for him to fall asleep.
“Of course, I like them. They are kind and friendly”
“You do realize they like you more than just a friend, right?” Seul froze at his question. Not this again, she thought no one would question her this after that night. “I know Yoongi. They told everyone about it” her palms started to get sweaty again. She disliked this intensity.
“Have you given it a thought? Whether you are going to accept them or reject them?”
“I can’t sort my feelings right now. Everything happens so fast. I never thought of this to happen even, so I am sorry if I appear selfless. However, I have made it clear to both of them that i don’t have the answers with me. I can’t stop someone to fall in love. Love is too subjective. What I know now, I am giving them a chance. A chance for them and for me to discover my feelings further” sighing deeply, Seul looked disturbed.
Yoongi gazed at her face longingly “You are reconsidering their feelings?” she nodded in response. He ran his hand along his neck, giving it a little massage as he continued “There is still a room for someone in your heart, am I right?” she threw a weird glance at his way.
“Of course. I haven’t made up my mind, it is still available. Now, why are you asking me this?” she examined his expression with so much interest.
“Just wondering if I have the chance. Seems like I do have the chance” he muffled.
“Excuse me?” her eyes rounded staring at him blankly.
Realizing his foul mouth had said something that he was not supposed to, Yoongi arose from his seat “Lets head back! I must get to the studio in an hour. I will walk you back” he started walking away leaving dumbfounded Seul in her seat.
“YAH!” she strutted behind him following the guy quietly. I swear I heard him said something about him having a chance. Was it just me? Seul moaned mentally not liking this game that he played with her.
Don’t be weak now Yoongi. This is not right. Yoongi mentally scolded himself.
  This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved
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geeky-introvert · 4 years
Dusk Of Time . Ivar X OC
Summary: She hasn’t seen her husband since he was forced to flee from Kattegat from his brothers. As part of their plan she tried to escape in another direction with their daughter but were caught by Bjorn’s men. Now, she was forced to remain. They called it as their guest, she called it as their prisoner…..One-shot.
Word count: 3037
Warning: Angst.
Tag list: @lisinfleur​ @mdlady​ @didiintheblog​ @alicedopey​ @rekdreams247​​ @mblaqgi​ @oddsnendsfanfics​ @aphnxrising​ @happydaysandersen​ @therealcalicali​ @naaladareia​ @inforapound​ @captstefanbrandt​ @waiting4inspiration​ @tabalugax​ @p8tn0lish​ @igetcarriedawaywithyou​ @laketaj24​ @darlingp​ @tephi101​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @lordsexmachine​ @wonderlandofsu​ @alwaysbenhardysgirl​ @sparklemichele​ @ivaraddict​
If anyone else wants to be added to the tag list let me know please.
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Prisoner, that’s what it felt like for Reyna, despite how many times they all kept trying to convince her that she wasn’t, but she knew the truth, she knew they were lying. Where had it all gone so wrong?
It only felt like yesterday that she met Ivar for the first time, both right away falling for one another. She didn’t care about his legs, of course not, she loved him for who he was.
Then everything happened, so many storms, Aslaug and Sigurd died, break ups between brothers, wars and then both Ivar and her were king and queen of Kattegat.
He wasn’t the perfect husband, she’ll admit that, who what man was? She loved him with all her heart and she knew he felt the same of course about her, someone to trust and love. They all made choices, some good and bad, everyone makes mistakes.
Bjorn brought people together, much bigger than Ivar’s and took back Kattegat. They both managed to flee and following Ivar’s plan she left with White Hair and they would meet Ivar along the Silk Road. It was a good idea.
Suddenly Bjorn’s men surrounded them. White Hair fought bravely and died a warrior. However she wasn’t killed and brought back to Kattegat. There Bjorn demanded to know where Ivar was. Even if she knew she wouldn’t tell him, or anyone. That was her answer.
Now, a little over a year had passed and she was kept within Kattegat, never out of sight and never left alone. Yes, she wasn’t in chains or in a cell, but she could never have her own peace without one of Bjorn’s men following her, it was digging her head in.
Every night she was forced to eat in the hall with them all. They all thought all was well but it really wasn’t, she hated this, hated them, hated that they kept her here. From time to time again she has attempted to escape but never got too far.
She stopped doing it when she found out she was pregnant with Ivar’s child. A beautiful gift, one her and Ivar have tried for so long and the gods finally blessed them. Only problem was that Ivar wasn’t there for the birth or first bit in her life.
Yes, she had a beautiful baby girl, and named her Aslaug, after her grandmother. Ivar would’ve liked that she thought.
If only Ivar knew that she was alive, and they had a beautiful daughter. She missed him so much and no one understood how she was feeling.
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
One morning Reyna took a stroll on the beach in hopes to avoid the guards but of course they were watching her like a hawk. All she could do was try to ignore them and focus on Aslaug in her arms as she babbled making Reyna smile at her, her only joy here.
“Reyna.” Hearing her name she only turned her head to see Ubbe and kept on walking.
“I wish you weren’t like that towards me.” He sighed, making her roll her eyes.
“How else do you want me to be? It’s been over a year. Surely you and everyone know how I feel about being trapped here.” She didn’t raise her voice, not wanting to concern her daughter.
“You’re not trapped here, we’re only protecting you.” She’s heard it all before.
“I don’t need protecting. Not trapped you say? So can I just leave? It’ll be one less thing for you all to worry about and not a waste of time for the guards. Is it that simple?”
His silence lingered and she scoffed shaking her head a little. “I didn’t think so.”
“We’re not your enemy, Reyna.”
“I know, but you keep me, no, us here against our will in this place.” She simply told him. “No one understands how I’m feeling, how….how much I miss him. Yes, he fucked up a lot but so has everyone else. Mistakes happen and we move on, but Bjorn had to make it such a huge deal about it. Now that he’s king he thinks he has a leash on me. Well this dog tugs and bites, and I’ll continue to do so until I’m free. No one will ever tame me.”
Feeling Aslaug’s small hand touch her face she brought her gaze to her beautiful girl and gave a smile smile before kissing her palm tenderly.
“I would like to be alone now, Ubbe. Don’t worry, I’ll be at the hall for dinner, not like I have a choice.” She then kept walking while Ubbe stopped letting out a heavy sigh. He even told the guards to keep a small distance to try and give her space, not that it made any difference.
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
Sitting in the hall at the table with everyone was never fun. She hated it, seeing them all looking so comfortable with their wives. Well, at least not everyone. Hvitserk was looking, well, he’s had better days. Looking at him Reyna watched as he ate some mushies and drowned it down with some mead against his shaky hands.
She’ll put the blame on Ivar for that. After all he did treat Hvitserk not in the best way and even killed not one but two women he loved. Having him turn against Ivar in the end was no surprise to her, and to see him like this did break her heart a little for him.
With Aslaug in her lap she hand fed her some soft food as she eagerly ate while zoning out everyone else, their voices muffled before she was suddenly brought back hearing Bjorn calling her name.
“Reyna, did you hear me?” Looking up she saw everyone looking at her now, Bjorn talking and staring at her firmly making her sigh.
“No, I didn’t.” She wasn’t even interested in what he had to say, and yet he still went on.
“I said Ubbe has told me you’re unhappy.” Looking at Ubbe she saw him avoiding her gaze. “Tell me, what is it you’re so unhappy about? You have good food, a daughter, a place to sleep and under protection. Why is this not enough?”
Letting out an amused chuckle she shook her head holding a smirk.
“I’m unhappy because you keep me here. Those guards are not protecting me but watching me, to make sure that I won’t leave. I can take care of myself, I don’t need help nor do I want it. All I want is to be left alone in peace, to leave this place but you continue to hold me here against my will. That is why I’m unhappy, Bjorn.”
The silence was set around the table, each of them staring at me, then at Bjorn before looking down at their food, unsure what Bjorn was going to say or do by her response.
“You whine and you complain. Just be grateful I didn’t banish you like I did with the rest of Ivar’s men, branded, to live and die in the forest.” He bluntly said back.
“Perhaps you should’ve.” She bluntly said back. “You’re the one who wants to keep control over me, to keep me here, to keep me away from Ivar, because you all know how much I mean to him.” It was there only weapon against him, keeping his heart away.
Bjorn glared at her but the feel of his mother’s touch was what stopped him from saying anything harsh back at her. Of course, he was always a mother’s boy.
Aslaug started to whimper softly from the arguing and she right away kissed the side of her head gently bouncing her to try and sooth her child. Once settled I looked back at everyone.
“I’m not hungry. I’m going to bed.”
Standing up she left. No one tried to stop her or say anything.
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
A few days later Reyna entered Hvitserk’s cabin with her daughter. Out of everyone, he was the only one she was willing to see, to talk to, only because of how he was and slowly becoming with his addiction getting worse. No one else would do anything, not even Ubbe.
She also felt at fault. Ivar didn’t treat him the best but knew deep down he loved his brother, he just had a weird way of showing it. Then Margrethe was killed, then Thora, woman he cared about deeply. Yes, both wanted Ivar gone and he did what any ruler would do, but it was just how he did it and behind Hvitserk’s back.
He didn’t deserve to suffer like that.
“Hvitserk?” She called out his name softly, looking around the messy cabin only to find him in the corner whimpering and shielding himself. “Hvitserk?”
“Go away!” He yelled making her jump back a little, Aslaug as well but didn’t react much else. His raised voice was just a surprise, but she was there and wanted to talk to him.
“There are no ghosts here, just me, Reyna, remember?”
He then slowly looked up at her, his eyes bloodshot and loose hair hanging down his face.
“S-she was here….Thora….where is she?”
“She’s gone.” Reyna answered softly and sat on the bed. “I’m worried about you.”
“I’m fine.” His answer couldn’t fool anyone.
“You’re not fine. This addiction, it’s getting worse, you need to get yourself clean if you’re to think clearly again, to fight in battle like you used to. I miss him.”
Hvitserk whimpered as he sat on the bed beside her, rocking back and forth like a crazed person and this tore through her heart. The man was suffering and she didn’t know how to help him.
Then Aslaug reached over, touching his hair making him look at her. Suddenly his face became soft as he stared at his niece with curiosity as she did too.
“She knows you’re hurting.” Reyna told him with a weak smile. “Remember when you held her for the first time? I was afraid you wouldn’t give her back.” She joked a little.
But this caused him to start crying softly. “I would love to have a child. A son, or a daughter, I don’t mind, just someone to love. Beautiful children of my own.”
Reyna then handed Aslaug into his arms, watching as she settled in his lap and beamed softly up at her uncle reaching her tiny hands up to touch his face. For the first time in a long while she saw a smile on him as he touched her back. He would be a good father one day.
“And you will. One day, you will have a child.”
She stayed with him, smiling down at her daughter as she made Hvitserk smile. Perhaps there was some hope for him to heal, get better. All she could do was hope for the best.
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
That hope was long gone. Lagertha was dead. Hvitserk killed her.
As expected Bjorn was furious as was everyone. Reyna couldn’t do anything as Bjorn slapped him around, yelling and spitting in his face, humiliating him.
Yes, Lagertha was a famous shield maiden but her time was due. Her fate was decided. Reyna found out from the seer that it was Lagertha’s fate that one of Ragnar’s sons would kill her. Honestly she thought that might be Ivar, but it took an unexpected turn.
There was much she wanted to say, to bring herself between them, to defend Hvitserk but she had a daughter to think about. Her heart clenched so much. She didn’t want to lose him.
She was forced to be there when they brought Hvitserk to the pillar to be burned alive. Of course she tried to leave, to look away, but the guards forced her, ordered by Bjorn. Ubbe even tried to step in to stop this but Bjorn would have none of it. He wanted her to see, to see what one day he wanted to do to Ivar. He wanted to hurt her.
However it didn’t happen, all because Bjorn wanted him to feel Valhalla but not receive it. Then he was tossed out of Kattegat, chained and at the start of the winter. He wouldn’t survive, and it was a fate that was worse, to starve and freeze to death.
Within days Ubbe and Torvi were leaving for Iceland and suddenly she felt all alone. She asked to come, at least she would be out of Kattegat then, away from Bjorn and Ubbe even thought this to be a good idea, but Bjorn wouldn’t have it.
Like she said, she was a prisoner.
She saw Ubbe feeling sorry for her and they hugged, knowing it was going to be the last.
“You be good for your mother, sweet Aslaug.” He said rubbing her cheeks.
“Safe journey, Ubbe. We shall meet in Valhalla again.”
“Yes, we will.”
Watching them leave was harder for her, and then she was more alone than ever before, trapped under Bjorn’s rule. She was a shield maiden but a mother as well. That was all she could do for herself, to think about her daughter.
“You hate me.”
Hearing Bjorn in the hall as she sat by the fire she narrowed her eyes up at him.
“Of course I do.”
“I’m not your enemy, I’m trying to help you.” She rolled her eyes at his answer.
“And as I’ve said many times for the last year I never needed help, only to be left alone and be freed from this place, but you continue to be stupid about it, saying all this crap about protecting me when all you were doing was keeping me away from Ivar and stopping Ivar from having his heart back.”
Gunnhild joined his side then. “Please, this is not the time to argue. He just lost his mother, his son and the crown of all of Norway.” Now it was time for her to be cruel.
“Yes of course, and that is Bjorn’s fault.” The very mention of her made Bjorn stiffen. “Oh, did I hit a nervous, Ironside?”
“Enough…” His voice was strained but this didn’t stop her.
“You banished those bandits and that got your son killed. You expected too much to happen for yourself and that’s why you lost the crown for all of Norway. The seer once told me that a son of Ragnar would kill your mother. All this time I thought it would be Ivar, but I was wrong. She knew she was going to die, it was what the gods fated for her. Do you think she would be so proud of you for what you did to Hvitserk?”
“I avenged her, I did the right thing. Now, shut up…” Bjorn looked about to explode.
“You know what I think? I don’t think either of your parents are proud of you. You’re growing old, Bjorn, tired, and you keep making mistakes. All men die eventually, even you Ironside.”
Reyna got up and left the hall, Gunnhild held Bjorn so he wouldn’t go after her, but the guards did, as they always do.
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
All she heard was there was an army called the Rus coming into their lands. No one else would tell her anything, not even the whispers through Kattegat.
Gunnhild lost her child and she felt sorry for her. It was like the gods were slowly turning against Bjorn’s happiness and rule.
After the winter Bjorn set out his armies for their arrival to go against them. As expected she was forced to remain in Kattegat with two guards. This was going to be her chance to get away.
Waiting for the right moment she killed each of the guards with a simple stab in the neck and felt finally free once they were dead. Nothing was keeping her there. But her mistake was leaving it too long, because as she packed some things the Rus suddenly came into Kattegat in victory.
“Shit.” She already had her armour on, ready for a fair fight. Looking down at Aslaug she kissed her forehead. “Be brave, my sweet child.” Covering her then came out into the hall just as some of those Rus came through the front doors, dressed in funny helmets and thick dark furs.
With her shield and blade in hand they advanced on her. It all brought back memories in her time in battle against the Saxons, what life used to be like, before it all went to shit. She killed one, another one and then the third before another seven came in. There were too many, she’ll die in battle against them.
Reyna watched as Hvitserk suddenly came through, all cleaned and dressed up again and hair braided back like he used to have it. He looked so much better, and alive.
“Hvitserk…” She suddenly dropped her half broken shield and bloody blade and wrapped her arms around him. “I thought you were dead. I’m so glad you’re alive.”
Pressing her forehead against his she suddenly had questions. “How did you end up with them? What happened?” Before he could answer though a thudding sound suddenly came to ears.
Looking she saw it was Ivar, the same as she last remembered him almost two years ago.
“Ivar…” Tears pricked in her eyes as she slowly came closer to him before he grabbed and hugged her tightly against his chest. She had her friend back and her husband, finally.
“I’m sorry I took so long, my love, my queen.” Oh how she’s missed his voice, his warmth, everything about him so much, her handsome husband.
“Yeah, you took your time, you silly fool.” She joked lightly making him chuckle before the kiss.
Ivar then ordered the Rus to go about through the settlement while they stayed and suddenly Hvitserk came back over with Aslaug in his arms, keeping her safe and showed her to Ivar.
“Meet our daughter, Aslaug.” She said kissing his cheek as Ivar sat down and took Aslaug in his arms, shock and curiosity shining through his eyes.
Aslaug’s blue eyes shined back up at her father and wouldn’t stop touching his face, fascinated.
“She’s beautiful.” Ivar said making Reyna smile warmly. “My family, I have you back. We’ll never be apart again, I swear it.”
“Yes, we swear it.”
She had suffered too much, they all have. Aslaug let out soft cooing sounds as if she knew who he was while Ivar held her close kissing her cheek and Reyna’s lips.
Together, as it should be.
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is-it-madness · 4 years
My Glorious Purpose | Loki x OC Chapter 4
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A/N: Hi all! I hope you’re enjoying the story so far. Just wanted to let you guys know I will try to post the next chapter as soon as I can, since I had to break this chapter into two. It would’ve been waaay too long. So I’ll try to post it in the very near future.💜
Pairing: Loki x OC  (Tera Digitalis)
Word Count: 2.7k+
Warnings: Battle, mentions of blood
Chapter 4: The Battle of New York: Part 1
(Tera's POV)
I feel myself laying down on something soft. I don't remember going to sleep last night. Suddenly, the memories hit me. Thor being real, Natasha taking me to her interrogation, and Loki. I bolt up, but it's too fast, I become dizzy.
"Whoa there, кроли." Someone nearby says.
I feel a hand on my arm.
"You okay there kid?"
I recognize the first voice as Natasha's but the second...
"In the flesh," he responds.
I'm no longer seeing stars. I look up to see Natasha, Clint, and a very battered Thor standing by my bed.
"Clint! You're okay!" I fling myself on him.
"Whoa, there kid! I'm glad to see you too, but jeez, calm down. I'm still recovering here."
"Sorry," I apologize sheepishly.
He shrugs and gives me a hug. "It's okay. You're worth it."
I pull away from his embrace. "So what happened? How's Clint back? Why does Thor look like he's been rolling it dirt?"
Thor gives a hearty laugh at my last statement.
"Loki believed he could rid of me by dropping me from his cage. But, he could not. Because I am mighty!" He proclaims, raising Mjolnir to the sky.
Nat sits on the bed next to me.
"I'm sorry Bunny."
"For what," I ask her, confused.
"I told you everything would be okay when I left you in Loki's room. I was stupid to think I could trust that trickster with you. I promised you I would come back for you, but I didn't. When Fury said he found you I-I was scared I had lost you."
I take her hand in mine. "It's not your fault Nat. We're dealing with the biggest threat we've ever had to face. We make mistakes. These things happen. And besides, I'm fine."
"She is right, Lady Romanoff. Loki only cast a sleeping spell on her. He did not harm her in any way."
At that moment, Steve enters the room. "Good, you're alright. How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine, it was just a sleeping spell."
"In that case, it's time to go."
"Go where?" Natasha asks.
"I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?"
Clint speaks up, "I can."
Steve looks at Nat, who nods at him reassuringly.
"Got a suit?" Steve asks him.
"Then suit up."
Steve, Clint, Nat, and I walk towards a quinjet. Nat and I had to convince Clint and Steve to let me join them.
"Come on, please? I've been training with Nat for the past few months!"
"She has. And besides, she knows a lot of Loki's powers and what he's capable of."
Steve sighs, "Alright, fine. But you're responsible for her Romanoff."
"I already am Rogers."
We cross the tarmac. Clint with his arrows, Steve with his shield, and Nat and I with our knives and guns. When we enter one of the jets, a S.H.I.E.L.D. engineer runs up to us.
"Hey, you guys aren't authorized to be in here."
"Son, just don't," Steve tells him with a look.
We fly towards Stark Tower in New York City. As we near, Nat radios Tony.
"Stark, we're on your three heading north east!"
"What, did you stop for a drive-thru? Swing that park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you."
Clint and Natasha are piloting the plane. They release the canon gun. Tony flies past us at high-speed with the Chitauri following close behind him. Clint and Natasha begin to release continuous fire at the troop in front of us. They fly us through the smoke and up to Stark Tower. We circle around the building, blasting the army who are firing at them. One of the wings is grazed by Chitauri gunfire. We slow down as we come to the balcony of the tower. There, we find Thor busy, smashing Loki's head into glass on the catwalk of Stark Tower.
"Nat!" Clint says.
"I see 'em."
Loki turns to face the jet. He throws Thor to the ground, then blasts one of the jet's rotor blades with his scepter and it catches fire immediately. Thor gets up, and furiously charges at Loki and tackles him. That's the last I see of them as the quinjet falls to the ground.
Natasha and Barton hold on for their dear lives. Cap grabs a hold of the ceiling as I wrap my arms around his waist. The plane grazes against buildings. Steve's feet are lifted off the ground, I tighten my hold on him, scared to let go. Clint tries to maneuver the jet away from buildings and he's able to bring us, crashing, to the street. We slide several yards, before coming to an abrupt halt. Natasha and Barton remove their headsets, open the ramp, and we all run out the jet and towards the base of Tony's tower.
"We gotta get back up there," the captain tells us.
No one replies, we freeze in our tracks because high above the tower is the portal. And coming out of the portal...
"Oh my God," I say in horror.
A giant armored Leviathan, the warship of the Chitauri, and more fleets of warriors bleed into the sky.
We watch it fly past us as warriors jump onto the side of buildings and crash through the windows, gunfire following immediately after.
"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asks in disbelief.
"Seeing. Still working on believing," Tony answers through our earpiece. "Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"
"Banner?" Steve repeats.
"Just keep me posted," Tony says.
Clint, Natasha, and I crouch behind a taxi cab, our weapons drawn, preparing to fight. Steve runs over.
"We've got civilians trapped," Clint tells him.
The army flies past us and we see Loki with them on one of the flying crafts.
Steve growls. "Loki."
Loki and his following troops blow up the streets, laying waste to everything in their path. The police and civilians run for their lives as chaos rains down upon them.
"They're fish in a barrel down there!"
Nat turns towards me. "Are you ready? You can leave if you want. I won't judge."
"I will!" Clint calls as he runs toward the fight. I would have smacked him but he's already engaging in combat.
"No, no. I'm ready. I can do this," I tell her firmly.
She smiles, "Alright then intern, let's see what you can do in a real battle."
Natasha and I stand and we begin to fire our guns at an incoming group of Chitauri. We crouch down again as Clint bends behind an overturned taxi.
Nat turns to Steve. "We got this. It's good. Go!"
Steve looks at both of us. "Don't worry Steve, we can handle them," I say reassuringly.
"You think you can hold them off?"
"Captain," Clint says from his position, "it would be my genuine pleasure."
Clint reaches for an arrow, quickly nocks it, and shoots, hitting one alien in the head, while the arrow quickly separates into more arrows, killing three more Chitauri. Natasha and I stand and we quickly resume our fire. Steve jumps off an overpass, rolling onto a bus and into the street.
Clint helps people off a nearby bus as Natasha and I shoot our pistols at Chitauri. He runs over to us and rapidly sets off a barrage of arrows, raining down on the enemy as we continue reloading and shooting.
"Just like Budapest all over again!"
"You and I remember Budapest very differently," Clint replies.
"What happened in Budapest?" I ask. I thought I heard all of their stories, but I guess not.
"I'll tell you later!" Nat yells.
"Maybe I should tell her! We have different views on the story."
"I don't care WHO tells me, I just want the story," I bellow over the gunfire.
We soon engage in hand to hand combat with the invaders. Clint trips one with his bow. He pulls an arrow from his sheath and stabs it. I see Natasha use her Widow's Bite on a warrior as she sits on his neck. I use my knives to stab their heart and slice their arms and legs off. Clint is tackled by an alien, I run to help him, decapitating the beast. Natasha picks up a Chitauri weapon and uses it to fight off the warriors. One warrior tries to slice her head off and she slides, dodging it. She spins down onto one knee before shooting at one of the aliens charging towards me. He flies backwards. She continues to hack them away from us, defending my back while I watch hers. Clint runs towards us, slides, then fires more arrows at the growing number of enemies. Our circle becomes smaller and smaller, the three of us being forced closer together. I begin to accept my fate. This is how I'm going to die. By the hands of a monster, no thanks to a certain god of Mischief. We nearly have our backs pressed together, when Steve jumps into our fight to help. He slams the Chitauri away with his shield and suddenly we are able to expand our circle a little more.
"So lovely of you to join us," I tell him.
"Hey, someone's gotta rescue the civilians, right?"
"Hey! I saved some too, you know!" Clint wines.
I suddenly see a beast taking aim at me with one of his weapons, preparing to fire, but before I am able to fire at him, he and the surrounding aliens are struck by lightning. They are brought to their knees, dead. Thor drops down from the sky, landing beside us.
"What's the story upstairs?" Steve asks him
"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable."
We hear Tony in our earpiece, "Thor is right, we gotta deal with these guys."
"How do we do this?" asks Nat.
Steve looks up to see more Chitauri fly by. "As a team."
"I have unfinished business with Loki," Thor tells us.
Clint is readying some arrows when he says, "Oh yeah? Get in line."
"Save it," Steve tells him. "Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him, these things can run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us to..."
He trails off at the sound of an engine sputtering towards us. We look to see Dr. Banner riding an old fashioned motorcycle. He dismounts, and walks toward us as we gather around him.
"So, this all seems... horrible," he says, surveying the damage.
"I've seen worse," Nat tells him.
"No, we can use a little worse."
Steve reports to Tony, "Stark, we got him."
We hear Tony ask, "Banner?"
"Just like you said."
"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you."
Tony flies around a corner and towards us, followed closely by one of the huge Leviathans.
My eyes widen in horror, while Clint and Steve look on calmly. Thor growls and tightens his grip on Mjolnir.
Nat stutters, "I-I don't see how that's a party."
"Maybe it will blow up into confetti?" I ask softly.
Tony draws the monster low to the ground and it skims the road. Dr. Banner turns towards it and begins to walk straight for the Leviathan.
Steve follows him. "Dr. Banner, now might be a really good time for you to get angry."
"That's my secret, Cap." The doctor responds, looking back at Steve. "I'm always angry."
As he turns back around to face the oncoming alien, green suddenly sprouts through his skin and he grows in size, ripping his clothes to shreds. He immediately punches the Leviathan, smashing its face into the ground, but its body begins to roll over its head, coming to crash down on us.
"Hold on!" Tony yells.
He blasts a small missile at the creature when it's armor falls off. The missile explodes as it finds its target. An inferno blasts from the monster, flames and debris engulf us. Clint grabs my hand and we sprint away like mad, ducking in an alley. Thor just stands there taking the blast, while Steve grabs Nat and protects them with his shield. The heat scorches us, the surrounding cars melting from the intense heat. I can hear the cries of the Chitauri as the monster crashes and burns. Clint pokes his head out from the alley, checking to see if we can emerge safely. He takes my hand and we regroup in a circle. The Hulk roars, Clint nocks an arrow, Thor readies Mjolnir, Nat and I reload our guns, Steve stands ready with his shield and Tony hovers above us, next to the Hulk.
We look up, only to be greeted by more Leviathans and hundreds of warriors flying through the portal.
"Guys?" Nat and I say together.
"Call it, Captain." Tony tells him.
"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash."
Clint turns to Tony. "Wanna give me a lift?"
"Right. Better clench up, Legolas."
Tony grabs Clint and flies him up to the top of a building, then flies off.
Legolas, huh? Gotta make fun of Clint for that later. I smirk.
Steve turns to Thor, "Thor! You gotta try and bottleneck that portal, slow 'em down. You got the lightning, light the bastards up."
Thor spins Mjolnir around, and takes off into the sky.
Steve turns to face Nat and I. "The three of us, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here." He then turns to face the green machine behind us. "And Hulk!
The Hulk growls, turning around to face Cap, who points towards the incoming Leviathans.
Hulk grins, then leaps off, taking out dozens of warriors that are on the sides of the buildings—grabbing, smashing, and throwing them.
Natasha and I stand side by side, fighting the monsters together.
"How am I doing boss?"
"Not bad intern," she answers with a quick smile.
She is suddenly thrown upon the hood of a car. I run towards her to help as I notice the warrior about to attack her, but before I can, a Chitauri comes out of nowhere and tries to slice at my neck. I bend, sliding past him, but his blade makes contact with my forehead. I quickly come up behind him and sink my knives into his back.
I turn to see Nat wrestling the Chitauri gun from its grasp and shooting him back. Steve lands behind her, and she twists around with the gun ready, about to shoot, until she realizes who it is. She lowers the gun and leans against a car, blood dripping from her head and lip. Blood oozes from my head wound and I lift a hand to wipe away the blood because it starts to obscure my vision. I poke at the gash, just above my right eyebrow. It's not deep, but it's long, at least three inches.
"Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal." Nat tells Steve.
I giggle. They turn to look at me, shocked at how I found this funny.
"Yeah Cap." I repeat. "Not a dam thing."
Nat just rolls her eyes at me. She's heard me use that joke so many times now.
Steve looks confused, but decides to ignore my statement. "Our biggest guns can't touch it."
"Well, maybe it's not about guns," Nat states, looking at the portal.
"You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride."
Natasha glances up, watching the Chitauri crafts fly past. She makes her way over to the other side of the overpass.
"I got a ride. I can use a boost though."
A look of understanding crosses his face, "You sure about this?" He asks readying his shield in front of him.
I quickly move out of the way.
"Yeah, it's gonna be fun!" She says without excitement.
Nat runs at Steve, who uses his shield to boost her up. She grabs on to a passing Chitauri vehicle. We look up as she flies off in the distance.
We get hit by a blast from our right, but Steve raises his shield to protect us. We turn to see more warriors coming, inching towards us, carrying their blasters.
"C'mon kid. Let's kick some butt."
Part 5
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escapingreality1992 · 4 years
The Dark Empress and Her Sorcerer: The Beginning
This is a series connected to Loki’s Immortals Healer. It follows Lucy Sebastian, who can control all aspects of darkness, and Stephen Strange. What starts off as a fake marriage becomes real as they get to know each other while training and fighting alongside each other.
Stephen Strange X Female OC
           A woman watches from a rooftop as chaos spreads throughout New York City. She watches as a race of extraterrestrials come barreling out of the sky to cause harm to innocents. Anger seeps through her, the darkness coiling around her body like snakes. She heard the news of a certain God of Mischief who wanted to rule over Earth. It’s him she saw first; it’s him she first noticed the real cause of his motives.
           She had seen him escape from one of the SHIELD headquarters, darkness exuding out from around him. She’d seen it from a mile away. She knew what she had…must do. She meant to act, take it from him then, but there was a problem. Loki had mind controlled some people, who could stop her; who get in her way. She didn’t want to have to kill them. They were innocents after all. She chose to wait to see what happened.
           Then came the rumors of his wife, the healer, who had been arrested because SHIELD had thought she was part of the plan to rule Earth. It’s too bad she thought Loki was dead. She’d been banished to Earth and she didn’t know what had truly happened to her one true love. The woman watched over her as well. The Immortals Healer, everyone called her. The woman thought she was useful and sat back to see how she could help the civilians around her; or simply to help stop her husband.
           The woman watched as the Chitauri continued to terrorize her people. She sighed, knowing she had better get to work. She clenched her fists, surrounding herself in darkness, appearing on the ground in front of a group of the aliens.
           “Hello. I’d like you to stop hurting these people,” she greeted them. She knew for a fact they didn’t understand her, would attack; which is exactly what happened. Sharpening the darkness, she shot it forward, impaling the entire group like chicken on skewers…only with black blood dripping onto the metal. She continued her defense, disappearing when necessary, conjuring the darkness to resemble shadowy figures who would help her defend the civilians.
           She dealt with most of the creatures, retreating when she saw an opportunity to deal with the God himself. She levitated to the tower and landed before Loki and his wife. Clara, that’s her name, she thought to herself.
           “Hello, trickster. Goodbye, darkness,” the woman said. She curled her hands outward, lifting Loki into the air. The darkness came to her easy, spreading out into a thick shield of glass, which she shattered with a shard of black. It was corrupted, not meant to be used by anyone or anything. She learned long ago to distinguish between the two. Most people only saw it as evil, and she found out how much she was hated for her abilities. She had been constantly shoved away when she could have provided help to loved ones. Loved ones who perished from it because they couldn’t control it…or killed because they had chosen to embrace the evil part of it.
           The woman watched as the two lovers spoke to each other, as they showed unconditional love for each other. A pain shot through to her heart. She yearned for it, knowing she might not be able to have someone of her own. Someone who could love her. Oh, how wrong this woman was. Give it a few years and a person would come into her life who would shower her with love of his own.
           “As sweet as this is, I should really introduce myself. My name is Lucy Sebastian. I helped during the battle. Too much darkness and the source came from him. I took most of it, but…sweetie, he’s been through a lot. Take care of him,” She said. The woman disappeared. Back to her apartment, back to her loneliness. A few months later, she met a man who – at first – wanted to betray her to his employer.
           As she sat alone reading a book, she was interrupted by another person. She sprang into a defensive posture, relaxing when she recognized the Ancient One.
           “You’ve got some nerve coming in here,” Lucy greeted her.
           “You’re impressive. A darkness ability…used for good. I came to recruit you. We need another teacher to show other uses of it,” the Ancient One said.
           “You could be of great value to us,”
           “Look, lady. I said no. I haven’t the best track record of teaching anyone. The last few I tried to help decided to slaughter a bunch of people. One couldn’t get a hold of it and managed to explode his insides all over an unused subway train. I have no desire to repeat past mistakes,” Lucy snapped. The Ancient One tilted her head.
           “You’ll meet him one day. In a few years. I’ll be at the Sanctum Santorum should you decide to change your mind,” she told Lucy. Then she vanished into a portal, leaving Lucy to wonder how she knew about her secret desires.
   Five Months Later
           Lucy Sebastian walked the streets of New York; Manhattan to be exact, when she heard yelling.
           “Stop it. You’re hurting him,” a woman screamed. Lucy ran off to the source of the voice and noticed three things. The first being three people standing in an alleyway; two men and one woman. The second was one man being strangled by coiling darkness, which also had some electricity. The third being the second man looking terrified of what he was doing. Meaning he couldn’t control the power.
           Lucy took action and conjured two shadowy figures to hold the man losing control of his ability back from hurting anyone else. She also produced a sword of black glass to sever the coils from the man being strangled. He fell to the ground, while the other looked at Lucy with shock at what she had done.
           The victim, who had dark hair and dark eyes, fled from the two of them into the arms of the woman - who had fire red hair and blue eyes – trembling from fear.
           “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. This just exploded out of me. I couldn’t control…” The terrified man, who had sandy brown hair and green eyes, said.
           “I know. I can help you. First, you must apologize to these people,” Lucy told him.
           “Don’t bother. He could have killed my fiancé. I should call the…p-police,” the woman said. Lucy surrounded the alleyway in darkness, no one to see what would happen.
           “I don’t believe that’s necessary. He had no control of his ability. It was an accident. Should you choose to call the police, they might think you were crazy. After all, it is a little bit of darkness. Though, I wouldn’t imagine they would want to deal with me. I assume you’ve heard of the Dark Empress,” She threatened. Both the man and woman nodded, trembling at the name alone.
           “We won’t say a thing. Let us go,” the man said.
           “Gladly,” Lucy released them, turning her attention on the man beside her once the other two people had left.
           “What’s your name? I’m Lucy. Let me help you. I can teach you to control it,” Lucy told him.
           “Reid Granger,” he answered her. Reid would be Lucy’s newest student, though he meant to betray her and turn her over to his employer, Frank Michaels; His employer had better, crueler uses for the Dark Empress. However, this would all change the more Reid and Lucy spent time together. He would grow to love Lucy like a sister and when the time came, he would refuse to bring her to Frank. It would cost him everything.
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sciencelings-writes · 4 years
The Golden Birdcage
A quick fic of my ocs in my fantasy au type of thing - This one features Rose and Adisa mainly but if there is any interest at all, I’ll write in more of my ocs
Rose dreaded the coming day, more than she dreaded any normal day. Today she cemented her place in the monarchy of the high fae. Before she was just a princess, an heiress, a disappointment. But today she was forced to step up to start taking power over the people she was destined to rule. 
She was sure that she wasn’t the only one to dread it, she’d never really been popular among her people. She wasn’t born with a power that was seen as honorable or anything. While her mother could create massive crystalline spherical shields that protect the thousands of miles of their kingdom and her father could harness the power of their sun with powerful blasts of energy that could decimate armies, Rose could only heal. Sure, healing was an important and necessary power, but for a royal sunborn fairy? It was incredibly weak for the royal line, which was known to be the most powerful of the fae. There were rumors of her not being a true heir, being adopted, or a product of infidelity, but they were false, and there was no conceivable reason that she was born the way that she was. 
For years she held her head up high and ignored those who looked at her like she was less than anyone else. She could not retaliate or express how she felt about it to anyone, not even her family. But it got so tiring. The only time she could rest was after she was dismissed for the day and could be herself alone in her room without any serving fae. She would take off her corset and release the tightest parts of her elaborate braids. She would let out the pent up emotions that she had been keeping inside all day, usually by writing which would be promptly burned with a candle or she would release her frustrations by sparring with a dummy. She always felt better with a sword in her hands. 
But today would be worse than any of the days before. Not only would she not be alone for a single second, but it was one of the biggest days of her life and there was a lot of pressure on her. She had spent weeks preparing herself. Writing and memorizing a speech that she would have to recite in front of thousands of very important people, rehearsing the ceremony a dozen times with her mother pointing out a flaw every time. Sometimes it was something small like a hair out of place or a break in her facial expression, or a wrinkle in her dress, and sometimes it was detrimental like when she forgot a word or she stuttered causing her mother to yell at her. A stutter meant weakness and a mistake in words meant a lack of preparation, both of which were not a good sign in a new leader. Rose had always been sick of the perfection demanded of her. 
Since the moment she woke up, she had been attended to with a handful of her servants focused on different parts of her appearance. Three doing her hair, two doing her makeup, and two more working with her clothes. She didn’t love being crowded at the best of times but this was definitely not comfortable for her in the slightest. She could barely breathe, her skin was covered in golden paints and powders, and the heeled shoes she had to wear everywhere was just the tip of the iceberg. She already deeply anticipated the end of the day when it would all be over and she would be free. 
What made the day more bearable was that she was friendly with her servants. She wouldn’t call them friends but they respected each other and gossiped about anything that was going on in the palace. They were some of the only people who talked to her like she was a person and not a princess under the protection of the most powerful fae in the lands. They learned not to be afraid to joke around with her and be upfront with her as they were fully aware that she had no plans to punish them for not agreeing with her at every point. She knew that not all of them were on board with her becoming the queen but they still encouraged her and let her be at least slightly open about her feelings about things like food and music. She wouldn’t dare let their conversations stray close to topics she was more passionate about where she might let something more unsavory slip. 
They arrived early in the morning when the shields were still dark. They were much more excited about the day than she was. Their excited chatter echoed throughout the pale stone halls enough to wake her several minutes before they even arrived. She relished her few moments alone before she was to be swarmed with familiar faces. 
The handful of assorted fae scrambled in, a man adorned in indigo who was in charge of her dress and was the best at tying up her corset all nice and tight with barely enough room to breathe, a few older women in orange and violet respectively who would weave her hair like it was a decadent tapestry to place in the throne room to be showed off to prestigious guests, a young woman and a young man tasked with turning her face from pale and freckly to a work of art. 
Rose was embarrassed to say that she didn’t know their names, not because she didn’t care to know but because she was just horrible at that kind of thing and had forgotten. Now after years of service, she was too afraid to ask. She remembered that the older women had grandchildren that worked in the kitchens and at the market and that one of them used to sing as the castle bard but pairing them with names was harder for Rose to remember. She was pretty sure that one of them was named Hesta but she could never remember which one it was. 
“Good morning!” One of the elder fae sing-songed, “Today is the day!” 
“It sure is isn’t it…” Rose said less than enthusiastically. 
“Well now, don’t be nervous!” The serving fae collectively dragged her to get to work. She did her best to follow along and work with them but with all the chaos, she had a bit of trouble. Within seconds there were brushes passing through her orange and white hair and powder already being applied to her face. She rested her hands on the poles on both of her sides in anticipation for when the corset was to start its asphyxiating process. 
“I’m not nervous…” She gained a few trivial stares when she said it, “Okay, yeah, I’m a little anxious this isn’t exactly a small thing.” She sighed. 
“Of course, but you’ll do fine. You’ve prepared so much, I’d frankly be surprised if you managed to breathe at an imperfect moment.” The older fairy chuckled.
“Yeah, I know…” Rose took a couple of deep breaths, it didn’t help but it made her look more in control. She gripped the posts tightly and planted her feet on the ground as the white corset started to squeeze her organs. “It won’t all be bad, I guess I’m going to have to start to get used to being stared at.” She grunted at a particularly violent pull of the threads. 
“You’ll do fine princess. You’re much stronger than they say that you are. Believe me.” 
After several painstaking hours, Rose emerged for the pre-coordination ball in the ceremonial flowy iridescent white and gold gown. Her pearlescent pale segmented wings emerged from the openings in the white drapery that trailed behind her. She wore her small gold winged crown that would be replaced with a bigger more elaborate one during the ceremony. Her hair was braided tightly in a beautiful if a little painful bun style with ribbons coming from a flowery hairpiece made of pink and gold lilies and full white roses. Her makeup was filled with warm pinks with gold details framing a golden sun painted on her forehead. Her pointed ears were adorned with gold earrings linked with chains and dangling white opals. 
She had to admit, the look was impressive. She looked like a celestial sun goddess and it made her feel better from how painful it was to achieve. She fluttered through the air to the dark chamber for the hour of meditation before the first ball. She was only left alone to wait for a few seconds before a voice broke through along with the sudden sounds of muffled crowds from the nearby rooms as the door opened and closed. 
“You’re slouching.” Roses mother announced from behind her. 
“I don’t think it’s possible to do so your highness. This corset feels like it’s made of steel and melded to my body.” She said bluntly. 
“Your posture includes your neck darling.” The red-haired queen of the sun fae walked around her daughter as if she was inspecting her for a single piece of lint. 
“If I had my neck any more vertical I wouldn’t be able to see the floor.” She sighed. When her mother looked satisfied she placed herself in front of her. 
“You look…” Rose waited for her mother to nitpick something, saying that she looked like a golden pig or a crane in a dress. “Like a queen.” Rose raised her eyebrows in shock. That was probably the most positive thing she had said in weeks.
“Don’t mess up your makeup!” Her mother demanded, back to her old attitude again, nothing good could last for very long apparently. 
“I could sit through a hurricane and my makeup wouldn’t even smear.” 
“It’s almost time. I have guests to attend to, do not be caught off-guard.” Her mother demanded, “We have practiced this a hundred times, you would have to be an idiot to get something wrong.” Rose tried not to feel hurt from the comment. 
“Thanks.” She grumbled. 
“Do not miss your cue!” 
“How would I miss it, Someone literally yells my name.” 
“I’m sure you’d find a way.” And with that, her mother traded places with a guard in golden armor. 
Rose closed her eyes to start the hour of meditation. Others in her place have claimed to see visions or deceased members of the royal family or even the sun herself. For the first half-hour, she just saw the back of her eyelids. Pure darkness. She had to let her mind wander or she would fall asleep or worse, get bored. She focused on the warmth of her magic through her veins, it was the warmest at her palms, like she was holding hands with someone. The comforting warmth combated the unnatural darkness around her. 
After an eternity of all-encompassing silence, she heard a voice. It was quiet but in the impossibly silent room, it was as clear as day.  
“You’re being wasted here.” the voice was deep and female. Blunt, like she was stating a fact. “They can’t help you. This place is killing you.”
Rose wanted to answer out loud but she knew the voice was in her head and she was acutely aware that she wasn’t alone in the room. She didn’t expect the things she would hear in there to be so… real.
“She’s suffocating you. You were meant to be free.”
‘I want to be free.’ Rose tried to manifest the pure yearning through her thoughts to whoever was speaking to her.
“You will be freed. Are you willing to pay the price?” 
‘I’m going to be free if I have to do it myself. I’m sick of not having any control over my own life! I don’t care about your price.’ Anger started to bubble in her chest, the normal heat generated from her powers was amplified by the years and years of rage that had built up. 
“I like you, princess,” The voice chuckled, “I feel like you’re going to be a great ally.” 
Rose heard something beyond the voice, like in the world outside of her mind. She opened her eyes and the dark room was no longer dark in the slightest. Glowing gold and pink clouds swirled around her and she emitted a golden light from her skin and eyes. The guard was huddled in the corner with his eyes wide. He looked afraid. For some reason, this gave Rose a powerful sense of euphoria. 
Unfortunately, as soon as she had realized her power around her, it started to regress. The swirling clouds started to slow and her skin started to fade. Not before the door opened though. The chamber’s main door opened to the ballroom, filled with every important fae in the Dawn and Dusk kingdoms. They all saw the thick clouds exit the room as she did and even more bazaar, she was smiling. Not like the polite smile she had practiced all her life but one of true genuine delight. Even her mother was staring.  
Rose walked out of the dark room and to the balcony for all to see. The room was quiet. The music had stopped playing. Not out of respect but out of shock. After a long enough moment, someone very familiar spoke. The voice front the dark chamber. 
“Now that was quite the entrance, Princess.” A fairy approached from the crowd dressed in black and green wearing a white mask that featured a long beak.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Rose's mother announced as she stood up from her golden throne. 
“Don’t interrupt your majesty.” The strange fae spat. “I’m sure you’ll want to hear me out.” The queen managed to control herself and she sat back down. The dark room fairy waved her hand which caused a green intricate witches circle to appear at her feet and dark black clouds to swirl around it. Gasps erupted from the room. This wasn’t a fairy at all. A witch had snuck into one of the most important fae places. The natural enemies of the fairies were the magic folk and one had managed to slip into a major fae event. 
The witch’s dark thunder clouds expanded throughout the massive room and her glamour faded. Her green butterfly wings turned into huge black feathered wings. Her curly brown hair cascaded off of her shoulders from their hiding spot and a black cloak waterfalled from her shoulders. A black staff topped in a birdlike skull appeared in her hands. Rose thought that she was so incredibly beautiful in the most unorthodox way. 
“Relax relax,” The witch bellowed. “I’ve come bearing a gift for the princess. Better than any gift the fae could hope to offer her.” She disappeared in black smoke and appeared right next to Rose. But she wasn’t afraid in the slightest. Both the king and the queen stood abruptly at this action. 
“I have a purpose for you. The lost Fae Princess needs to be found, and who better to find her than her sister! The caged bird will be trapped no longer.” The witch grinned. “Oh, and if you refuse-” she pointed her staff at the king and queen and they were covered in smoke. Once the smoke lifted it looked like nothing had changed but by the look on the monarch’s faces, something certainly had. “Your kingdom will remain unguarded and unprotected by the most powerful among you.” Surely enough, when Rose looked out the glass windows, the crystalline shielding around the palace was gone, without the shields, there was no night and day. Only the eternal light of the sun blazing onto the lands. “I’m sure my kind would be enthused to know of your newfound vulnerability.”
Rose stayed silent. She wasn’t afraid of the witch, she had been taught that the magic folk were wicked and scheming. But though the appearance of this witch was sinister and destructive, she was giving Rose exactly what she wanted under the guise of it being to lift a curse. She wasn’t just giving Rose a way out, but also a purpose, a quest, an adventure, a sister? Rose had only heard rumors of a lost princess but she thought they were just that, rumors. Like she was not her father's daughter despite having his white hair woven through the red she had inherited from her mother. 
“You won’t even be alone on your journey. For a price, I will give you an object that summons me whenever you need me. I am nothing if not giving.” 
“What kind of price?” Rose raised her eyebrow, speaking for the first time since the witch appeared. 
“A small price for my help. All I ask for is a kiss.” The witch smirked, as if she didn’t expect Rose to take up the offer. The crowd had gasped, a kiss from a witch was said to be cursed. It was like signing a contract with the devil. But Rose didn’t need the promise of help from the woman, she would’ve kissed her anyway for freeing her. 
“Deal.” The witch looked a little surprised but she laughed as all the onlookers looked horrified. Rose however was not remorseful in the slightest. The sooner she could leave her mother's presence, the better. Rose knew the corrupt nature of the fae more than anyone and she was sure that they wouldn’t even miss her. 
“Wonderful. Now, you can’t go on a quest looking like that!” The witch spoke directly to her instead of projecting to fill the whole room. She gently lifted Rose’s chin with a dark claw-like finger and their lips met. 
Around her, the decadent white gown started to get covered in smoke and changing dramatically. Rose felt the corset loosen and the skirt tighten and wrap around her legs to form pants. The smoke rose to her hair where the tight braids fell around her shoulders and unwove into freshly curled locks. She felt weight on her back of her small assortment of weapons that were forged by the fire giants for sunborn royalty. A sword with a golden hilt adorned with a triple set of feathered wings, a matching bow and a quiver full of arrows and a golden dagger to finish the set. Her heels were replaced with practical laced up boots that were a hundred times more comfortable. Even her makeup was affected. The layers and layers of powders and paints lifting in an instant leaving only the flaked remains of the sun imagery on her forehead and her golden lips. 
Throughout her transformation, her lips were still firmly planted on the witches. She probably lingered for too long as the kiss made her heart flutter and she tried her best to preserve the feeling. 
They parted, and the witch held out a dark metal object. A razor sharp knife with the imagery of a white bird skull carved to it’s hilt. 
“Point it to the sky and say my name and I will come to you.” The witch assured.
“What is your name?” Rose took the knife and examined it before looking upwards at the witch. 
“Adisa. Adisa Crow.” 
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