salvationbled · 4 years
there’s a lot he can say about rebekah’s survival. but he doesn’t, choosing to say nothing instead. it seemed a lot of rebekah’s survival had depended on her brother. much like some of his own had. “right, and what were we in the 20s?” he asks rhetorically, brows shooting up as he looks back at the blonde. she’s a few paces behind him, so he waits for her to catch up to him. he watches as she walks, knowing, even before she stops talking what’s about to happen. she trips on something, feet getting caught and causing her to fall. he throws an arm out, easily going to catch her around her middle before she can hit the ground, though it proves almost unnecessary. rebekah merely uses his arm to grab onto as she steadies herself first, and then straightens herself up, dusting herself off.  
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a small chuckle sounds from his dry lips as he looks at her that he tries to cover by lowering his head. stefan eyed her, amusement in his green eyes, even if he tried enormously to keep it from reaching the rest of his face. “mm, sure you are.” he nodded towards a fallen tree. “do you need a second to stop and sort your boots out?” he asked, feigning innocence as he drew his arm back, his lips starting to curl. “i’m sure the others won’t mind us stopping for a shoe emergency..”
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“just be careful.” / @salvationbled​.    ↪ protector / protectee starters.
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“you can’t possibly think i’ve survived the last thousand years by being reckless.” nevermind that she spent ninety of those years daggered, left in a coffin under her brother’s careful control, dead to the world for all intents and purposes. not exactly something she likes bringing up most of the time.
“you’re the one who was just saying i’m an original, rem —” her booted feet crunch over fallen branches and leaves, and it’s downright embarrassing when she trips, her heel digging into the soft dirt when she steps, sinking right in as she stumbles. she doesn’t even see stefan’s arm shoot out to catch her, even as her own easily wrap around and steady herself, stopping her before she falls. if she’d been human, the blonde’s sure she’d blush, blood rushing to her cheeks and neck. instead she just feels silly, embarrassed. his chuckled laugh doesn’t help either, even if he at least has the decency to try and hide the sound as she straightens, brushing hair from her face, letting out a small huff. “i’m always careful.”
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salvationbled · 4 years
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she knows exactly how this would look to anyone, from the outside looking in. a vampire slayer, in the circled embrace of a vampire? no one would believe it. she wouldn’t have, either, were she anyone else — and more specifically, if he were anyone else. her brothers think she’s playing with fire, a dangerously thin line she walks that threatens to either be the best thing that’s happened to her, or quite possibly the worst. she knows the risk of being involved, she knows it goes against both their natures at their very core, and yet, she’s never been able to bring herself to care. there’s something different about him, something that makes him stand out against all others.
unlike most of his kind, he’s never shown himself to be a monster.
her hands fall gently to his waist once she’s turned in the circle of his arms, fingertips finding the soft fabric of his clothes as she hooks her fingers in the material, using it as a hold to keep herself steady while his hands skim over her skin. every touch brings a small electrical current that runs under her skin, and isabelle raises her eyes up to meet his, lips twisting in a smile. “you shower is much bigger,” she offers as a belated reply, her tone teasing even as she takes half a step closer to him, taking a steady breath as she lets the steam fill her lungs. “and there’s less chances of having a brother barge in unannounced because he needs the bathroom, right now.”
she strains her ears for a moment, trying to pick out any tell tale sounds that would mean his brother’s lurking somewhere in the shadows, ready to make some stupidly witty comment that’ll put her in a worse mood than the demons have already. when she hears nothing, and his fingers find the sticky hem of her shirt, she allows her gaze to return to his, her smile transforming into a grin. there’s a silent question in his gaze, and she easily lifts her arms in answer, slowly raising her hands above her head in a long stretch that feels only longer as the once silky material of her shirt slides over her skin.
the shower sputters slightly, the water pressure changing for half a second as though it’s offended by how long she’s left it running instead of properly getting in, and isabelle lets her arms fall once more, skimming over her hair before settling on her hips, dark eyes bright with some sort of playful challenge. “so, am i slime free? or did you miss a spot?”
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“ah, so that’s why you came here, hm? my shower and my lack of interrupting brothers?” like damon knew how to be subtle. or not barge in on either of them. he cracked a smile at the thought. well, their brothers were similar in some regards, even if they were total and complete opposites in others. “have you met damon? he kind of makes up for it, even if there is only one of him..” 
he watches as her focus seems to change to one of concentration. as if she’s listening for something else. something other than the sounds in this room. “damon’s not here,” he says quietly, answering her thoughts, her unasked question, with a smile that matches her own. a grin. 
they’re alone. finally. finally.. it had only been a few hours.. and yet, that hardly seemed to matter. 
with isabelle’s arms being raised above her head, her body stretching languidly for his aid, he pulls her camisole up, slow, deliberate, unsticking it from her skin and letting it drop to the floor behind her. her arms fall again, as do stefan’s, his fingertips falling against the skin of her arms once more as they begin to fall before letting them trace the curve of her neck, brushing her jaw as he pushes her damp, sticky hair back. 
his hands curl gently around her neck, long fingers seeping into the hair at her nape whilst his thumbs caress her jaw, and then turn downwards, hand covering her shoulders as his thumbs meet her collarbone.
the vampire sinks his teeth into his lip at the question, the playfulness in her eyes, looking thoughtful. his eyes are bright, like light shining through the canopy of a forest clearing on a summer’s day, and he lets them fall slowly over her skin, hands coming to rest at her shoulders where he thumbs lightly at the straps of her bra. “mm,” he hums, letting go of his lip as he brushes the material aside, stroking her skin in the same movement so the straps fall down her shoulders. green eyes take in her skin, one hand sliding back, unfastening the catch of her bra at her back, and then both his hands are falling, fluttering at her back and her waist, tracing inwards, down her stomach. “slime free?” he repeats, raising a brow at her, his eyes dancing playfully. “isn’t that what the shower’s for?” stefan asks, teasing her right back as he raises his eyes from her goo-coated skin. her clothes hadn’t really done much to stop it. 
she may as well have been wearing nothing at all..
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salvationbled · 4 years
his face is a mask of blood and gore as ripped pieces of the broken body lay strewn about him on the ground. stefan’s hands fluttered uselessly over the lifeless body, trying desperately to reattach the parts that had been ripped from it. incoherent muttering could be heard as he fussed over the body, his bloodied hands shaking with every pass over it. “you’re okay,” he told them, “i can fix it. it’s okay..” he shook the person in his arms, the pieces he’d put back together falling apart once again. he sobbed and dropped his head into their chest, voice broken as both he, and the body, shook. 
“i’ll fix it, i’ll fix it..” the words are repeated, muttered into the dead girl’s chest. “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry, i--” 
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stefan’s head snaps up, hearing footsteps and a voice. a female voice. his body curls protectively around the other one, shielding it from further harm as she comes into focus, and instantly, it seems, she knows. his tear and bloodstained face looks from the newcomer to the dead body, forest green eyes pleading. “i don’t know how it happened, but i-- she’s dead. i-- killed her. i tried, i tried to fix it, i tried to put her back together, but she--” his voice faded, breaking once again as he looked at the face below him. “she’s dead.”
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the smell of blood is so thick in the air, elena can smell it before she even comes close. metalic, harsh and heavy, it feels like it coats her nose, her throat, and turns her stomach. there’s a part of her that wants to turn away, can only imagine the image that waits for her as she crosses the clearing. she doesn’t expect to find someone else there first though, hunched over what looked like a limb body in their arms. blood coating his hands, staining the fabric of his shirt. immediately she grew tense, her fingers curling as her nails threatened to extend into claws. “what did you do?” / @salvationbled!
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salvationbled · 4 years
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salvationbled · 4 years
i am.. tentatively here. 
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salvationbled · 4 years
“Almost. It’s a big word for me. I feel it everywhere. Almost home. Almost happy. Almost changed. Almost, but not quite. Not yet. Soon, maybe.”
— Joan Bauer // Almost Home
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salvationbled · 4 years
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salvationbled · 4 years
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planet of love, richard siken
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salvationbled · 4 years
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✩ shadowhunters rainbow meme ✩ ↳ izzy + purple (requested by @tateinski, @shewitches, @packleaderluke, anon)
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salvationbled · 4 years
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salvationbled · 5 years
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salvationbled · 5 years
“Fingers tracing letters on your skin.”
— Six Sexy Words
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salvationbled · 5 years
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with the slayer out on patrol and his brother away on a hunt of his own making, stefan had been alone in the house all day, and it hadn’t taken long before he’d turned to his vast collection of books;
he was just getting to the point of gatsby’s great return when he heard sounds from the other side of the house. he closed his eyes, listening. then, hearing the sound of water running, the vampire lowered his head -- as well as his book, -- smiling, and got up. 
her scent was everywhere. all through the house. even before he reached the large master bathroom on the main floor.
the tension in her shoulders, the same one he felt around her, in the air, seems to drain from the room as stefan gets closer to her. as he kisses her. as his hands curl around her hips, leaving nothing but the two of them and the rising heat of the room behind.
a smile graces isabelle’s features. the same way that stefan’s lips turn up in a slight smile under his kiss. “missed the shower here?” he asks her, with his lips against her skin. the words are quiet, mumbled into her shoulder as he kisses her again softly, only raising his head as she combs her hair forwards so he can swap sides, leaving her another kiss behind. 
making a face as isabelle’s fingers reappear from her mass of hair covered in the green goo, her vampire raises an amused brow, letting his gaze lower down her front from over her shoulder, gaze getting caught on the places she indicated. “mm, funnily enough—“ another kiss is pressed to her, this time closer to the crook of her neck as his chest brushes up against her upper back the closer he gets to her. “i don’t mind at all.” he teases, whispering the words in izzy’s ear, tickling her with his lips as they brushed playfully against the shell of it.  
he hummed his acknowledgment, gesturing for her to turn around to him so that he could inspect her fully. 
“i’ll look for you,” 
the reply comes easy, the words ready at the tip of his tongue as he smiles softly at the sight of her turning within his space, irises rising to meet hers as she faces him, wearing a smile not unlike his own. 
steadily wandering eyes fall to her lips now, and he swallows thickly, seeing the way they part just slightly under his touch; his hands having found her shoulders and settled lightly there. 
the majority of his life, he’d spent alone. completely alone. hiding in the shadows. hiding from the world. and whenever he did return to his home, precautions were taken. whenever he visited family, he had to be sure to be seen human. 
to act human. hiding in plain sight. 
being with izzy was different. he didn’t move slowly out of fear of being caught out; he often moved that way with her because he needed it. he ached for it. to touch her. he needed the extra time with her; he didn’t breathe because it was what humans did, not out of habit, not because it was something he used to do and no longer needed, he breathed because he had to. because she made him. stealing his breath with her every look, every move, every touch. 
with isabelle; he felt for the first time what it meant to truly be alive.
each caress of his hands was a gentle brush against her skin as they slid the lengths of her arms, falling even slower to begin pulling at the light material of her camisole. “mm, well, you look beautiful. even with demon slime all over you,” he told her earnestly, focusing on unsticking the material of her cami from her hip before he looked up to meet her eyes, a silent question passing between them. 
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*walks up behind iz to kiss her on her shoulder* / @salvationbled​      ↪ unprompted & always accepted.
she’s covered in demon goo, and there’s some sort of smell she can’t seem to escape no matter how much of the mess she’s wiped off her clothes and hair ( ew ) as she can while she makes her way inside his home, hopefully not tracking too much in with her in the process. what should have been a routine patrol night turned out to be much more — two horny teenagers who should really know better than to be out late at night in the dead of winter, a vampire and of course, the one that takes the cake, the two ugly demons she’ll never remember how to properly describe when asked about later. it’s not a bad night, necessarily, just more than she’s used to for the nights like this. normally, with the cold weather setting in, it seems like all the uglies that hide in the shadows prefer to stay there. demon hibernation, or something. but of course, not these guys. no, they just had to be out and looking for havoc to wreak, making her night that much more colorful.
it would have been fine, honestly, had they not had to slime on her when killed. that part she could have done without.
she’s been letting the water heat for the last few minutes, standing just outside of the spray from the shower head as she lets fill the master bathroom when she feels him, the slight tug in her lower stomach she’s come to associate with her slayer senses picking up vampire presence. under normal circumstances she’d allow her body to tense, her natural instincts kicking in fiercely, just as her reflexes do. but given her location and the fact that she stands in a bathroom that’s not her own in nothing but her now ruined pants and camisole, she allows herself to relax as the cool temperature of his front presses against her back; a sharp contrast to the heat slowly filling the room.
when his lips land on her shoulder in a gentle touch, isabelle can’t help but smile. she should have called or texted him to tell him to expect her by after patrol, too wired up from her hunt and in desperate need of a better working shower than the one she shared with two brothers. but of course, by now he knows to expect her most nights, if she’s not so tired that all she can do is climb into bed and the fact that he clearly didn’t sense her as a threat is enough to tell her that. so instead she just smiles to herself, glancing over her shoulder at him before reaching up to brush her hair out of the way, groaning as her fingers come back covered in green slime.
“ugh. careful, i ran into some really slimey demons tonight, with an extra side of slime. i’m pretty sure i’m still covered in it, too. i’ve been too grossed out to look in the mirror, since i know i’ve got demon slime in areas demon slime doesn’t belong in, but i figured you wouldn’t mind me borrowing your shower to clean up.”
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salvationbled · 5 years
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salvationbled · 5 years
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she was my sister. i found her in pieces.
laura hale of the teen wolf franchise, adaptable to verses with canons such as the vampire diaries, shadowhunters, and more. completely headcanon based, sideblog to @runedwhip​. ©
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salvationbled · 5 years
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salvationbled · 5 years
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