#and like 10 minutes in. i squint at a figure across the park and i go. is that my fucking brother???
real-life-cloud · 8 months
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melancholy-of-nadia · 11 months
Thursday Night (m) | jjk
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title: Thursday Night (Boba & Ride) pairing: jungkook x f. reader rating/genre: m ; smut ; SEVEN alt. AU, college / university au, friends to lovers summary: Just another day of Jeon Jungkook waking you up in the middle of the night to get boba tea with him across town at your favorite late-night spot, Pekoe. Turns out, this is not just another nightly outing to get boba, but also a chance for the two of you to finally get out of this sexually-charged friend-zone and fuck in his Mercedes Benz G-Wagon. warnings:  car sex, vaginal fingering, edging, multiple orgasms, breast play, nipple licking, unprotected sex (well, reader is on the pill), RIDING, slight choking, creampie, body worship, Jungkook is wearing SWEATS, implied that jk vapes, awkward positions in the car bc they are HORNY and don’t care note: okay, so i originally wrote the first part of the wholesome boba date a year ago after Left & Right came out (and made it kinda based on my late night boba runs with friends in college pre-pandemic). But I never finished it, until Seven came out a few days ago and SUDDENLY I WENT BACK TO THIS AND DID A 180 AND SLAMMED SOME SMUT ON IT. VERY SPICY. Thank you for the whore thoughts, Jungkook. Thank you @daegudrama for editing and fixing the messy smut. Stream Seven!! and FEEDBACK & Comments are much appreciated !!
total word count: 4.5k drop date: july 17th, 2023, 10:30am PST CROSS POSTED ON AO3 (honeyjamjoon is my user on there) - -
Dozing off slowly as your mind wanders through the stages of sleep to reach REM, you’re suddenly interrupted by a distant ringing sound in the distance.
It sounds like… your phone? You recognize the familiar “Shooky Shooky” theme song of your favorite cartoon cookie and his 7 pals you set as a ringtone weeks ago.
Waking up with eyes still heavy from sleep, you reach your hand out to grab your phone from your bedside dresser. You squint at the bright screen seeing who the random caller is that is getting in the way of your slumber before you wake up later for another dreaded day of uni classes..
Jeon Jungkook. 
Of course it was him, you think. He’s the friend you made at the beginning of the semester in your Japanese class, where he found out that both of you took the class to be able to watch anime without subtitles. Just a pair of total weebs.
Then you kept running into him at university club events, specifically the Korean Student Association Curry & Karaoke night where both of you fangirled (fanboyed?) over IU and spent an entire night singing her discography while taking soju shots together. At this point, you knew he was just destined to be your bestie for life.
However, Jungkook has a terrible sleep schedule where he sometimes stays up until crackhead hours to do random things like late night drives (yes, he is paying the ridiculous parking permit fee to have his car on campus). He had previously invited you to get some In-N-Out with him and his upperclassmen friend Namjoon which resulted in a late night drive where you ended up on top of a mountain about 40 minutes away from campus at 1am.
While the view of the city down below was nice, you couldn’t stop freaking out about how to get back to your uni with the terrible data reception showing no map directions. Namjoon did his best to help you remain calm from a pending panic attack while Jungkook giggled, but reassured you that everything would be fine and he would figure it out. And he did. Never had you been so glad to be back on campus with some leftover animal style fries in hand.
Not many drives with Jungkook were that adventurous, but they were all late at night. Which you didn’t like due to the fact that you liked to sleep early and wake up early for your morning classes. Very contrasting dynamics being best friends with a night owl.
You answer the phone in a raspy, sleepy voice, “Hey Jungkook, what’s up.”
 “Hey— were you asleep? Sorry, I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out and get some boba, but—”
“NO!” You answer immediately. “I was taking a power nap, I AM UP! I WILL GO GET BOBA WITH YOU!”
Your voice is suddenly loud with excitement through Jungkook’s phone speaker. You’re glad you live in a single room in your 4 bedroom dorm apartment where loud sounds aren’t as easily heard by your roommates.
 “REALLY? OKAY! Let’s meet in front of my dorm building. I’ll see you in a bit.”
Boba will really get you to do anything, especially when it might be the spot Jungkook loves to take you to that is across town. It closes at 1:30am and also has a club-like aesthetic where a lot of people go to hang out at night. There are gaming consoles and a pool table, but the drinks are sadly non-alcoholic. Still good though.
 Wearing a black hoodie and your old black volleyball shorts, you head out to the front of the building next door where you find Jungkook sitting on a bench under a streetlight’s glow. He is wearing a black t-shirt and jacket, contrasting his white pants. 
 He looks good, you think as you walk up to him. He’s texting someone before he looks up at you.
 “So are we getting boba or should I head back to sleep?” You giggle pointing to the parking lot to signal him to get up from the bench.
 “Oh, we’re getting boba for sure and you won’t be sleeping anytime soon.” He speaks starting to head towards his black Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon in the parking lot while you follow behind him. Suspicious phrasing, but you brush it off. You have a dirty mind after all.
 “So, we’re going where exactly?” "Pekoe! My favorite boba spot in town," Jungkook replies with a mischievous grin. "I've been craving their Taro Taro. It's like drinking a purple cloud!" He exclaims excitedly. 
 You laugh at his description, knowing he has a knack for making even the simplest things sound exciting. As you hop into the passenger seat of his car, you fasten your seatbelt.  "And what about you? What's your drink choice tonight?"
 He glances at you, his eyes sparkling with amusement. 
 "Well tonight, I'm getting my fav from there! Pretty in Pink! Jasmine milk tea with strawberry sounds like the perfect combination of sweet and floral."
He nods in approval. It was just another testament to how well you knew each other's preferences. The car roars to life as Jungkook starts the engine, the soft purr resonating through the vehicle. I love being the passenger princess when Jungkook is driving.
As the two of you drive through the city streets, the night envelopes you in a sense of tranquility. The familiar sights pass by, but tonight they seem different. There is an undercurrent of excitement, a subtle shift in the air that mirrors the budding emotions in your heart.
Jungkook, always one to fill the silence, begins cracking jokes and making silly comments, aiming to make you laugh. And laugh you do, your genuine giggles filling the car with warmth and joy. You can’t help but be drawn to his infectious laughter and the way he effortlessly brings a smile to your face.
As you approach Pekoe, the neon sign glows in the night, welcoming you to its cozy embrace. The two of you step out of the car, the scent of freshly brewed tea swirling around you. Inside, the ambiance is lively, with people chatting, sipping their drinks, and enjoying each other's company.
You join the line, eagerly waiting for your turn to order. As you reach the counter, the friendly barista takes your requests, preparing the Taro Taro and Pretty in Pink with skillful hands. The drinks are handed to you in their signature, vibrantly lit cups, and you can't help but admire the aesthetic.
With your boba in hand, you find a cozy corner in the café, settling into plush seats. The first sip of your Pretty in Pink sends a burst of flavors dancing on your tongue, the sweet strawberry complementing the fragrant jasmine tea perfectly. Jungkook's eyes widen in delight as he takes his first sip of the Taro Taro, a satisfied smile gracing his lips.
As you sit there, enjoying your drinks and engaging in light-hearted banter, you can't ignore the subtle change in your feelings as of late. The laughter, the shared moments, and the genuine connection you have formed with Jungkook begin tugging at your heartstrings. The thought of him being more than just a best friend dances at the edges of your mind, like a gentle melody waiting to be fully embraced.
But for now, you cherish the present moment, savoring the boba and the company of the person who has become such an important part of your life. The night is young, and as you exchange playful glances with Jungkook, you can't help but wonder what other adventures await the two of you in the days and nights to come.
Leaving Pekoe behind, your boba-induced bliss carries you as Jungkook suggests going to one of your favorite lookout points—a hidden spot where you can see the entire city spread out below. The mere thought of it ignites a sense of anticipation within you, and you nod eagerly in agreement.
Driving through the winding roads, the city lights twinkling like a sea of stars, the atmosphere inside the car begins to shift. A subtle, sensually charged energy envelopes the space, like an unspoken understanding between two souls on the precipice of something new.
As you arrive at the lookout point, Jungkook parks the car, and you both stay inside, cocooning yourselves in the comfortable silence that only close friends can share. The dimly lit interior creates an intimate ambiance, casting soft shadows across Jungkook's face, and highlighting his features in a way that makes your heart skip a beat.
 Leaning back against the seat, you gaze out at the breathtaking view before you. The cityscape stretched out like a living breathing entity, its pulsating energy matching the intensity of the emotions brewing inside you.
 The silence between you feels charged with unspoken desires, the air thick with anticipation. You steal glances at Jungkook, his eyes fixed on the mesmerizing city lights. The soft glow plays on his features, highlighting the curve of his lips and the gentle slope of his jawline. In moments like these, you can't help but admire the kindness that resides within him.
 Lost in your thoughts, you feel a gentle brush of Jungkook's hand against yours, sending a jolt of electricity through your veins. The touch was innocent, yet it carries an unspoken invitation, daring you to explore the uncharted territories of your friendship.
You turn to him, your eyes meeting in a silent conversation that spoke volumes. The unspoken question hangs heavy in the air, begging to be acknowledged. With a hesitant yet determined smile, you reach out, intertwining your fingers with his, intertwining your destinies in that single act.
The connection between you deepens as time seems to stand still. His touch sends a rush of warmth coursing through your body, awakening a dormant desire that had been slowly bubbling beneath the surface. The intensity of the moment was undeniable, drawing you closer, your hearts beating in sync.
Neither of you speaks a word, for words seem inadequate to capture the raw emotions coursing through your veins. Instead, you find solace in the silence, in the electric current that flows between you, igniting a flame that burns brighter with every passing second.
As time passes, your relationship with Jungkook was left to simmer and reduce to being only friends. Holding his flirty gazes or even his hands has become part of the fun. A challenge of sorts.
Despite that, there will still come a point where you will finally lose your footing and can no longer stand your ground. You just can’t just be friends with Jungkook, and neither can he.
“I really want to kiss you right now,” He says, refastening his gaze on you.
“You should,” you say, without blinking. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. Crossing the line you’ve been afraid to cross with him.
The lump in your throat twitches, but he reaches over from the driver seat and caresses your jaw with his hand anyways. Determining again to hold his stare, you stroke his cheek with your thumb. But his eyes close on their own as his lips move unhurriedly towards yours, they’re as soft as his approach.
At this moment, it may have seemed like you were hesitating, uncertain in this newfound situation, but in fact, it was quite the opposite. Since you two can’t stay here forever – returning to campus is rather inevitable – the lightness in his tread is completely deliberate. You both want, no, need to savor every millisecond.
You feel the heave of his exhale when he kisses you with a little more intensity. Cupping his face in both of your hands, you feel your pulse drop aggressively into your pelvis and fall further in towards him. Your hands snake back behind his head and grasp his hair to pull his face closer to yours. Your lips only part briefly to make room for your tongues to slip back and forth.
Jungkook grasps a handful of your hair and cranes your neck back while simultaneously pulling your body in closer. Jungkook's lips trailed a path of featherlight kisses along your neck, his touch sending shivers cascading down your spine, igniting a symphony of tingling sensations that left them craving for more. He pulls away quickly, greedily drinking in the stale cold air like he has forgotten to breathe that whole time. His eyes follow the trail of his fingers as he thumbs the bare skin of your outer thigh.
“I always like seeing you dress casually, in your cute shorts and oversized hoodies.”
You follow his gaze and smile. “It’s what I feel most comfortable with. But I don’t let many people see me like this because I look so bummy.”
Jungkook looks up once again to meet your eyes and mirrors your smile back to you. “But you still look so beautiful.”
In unison, both your lips draw back together. Without breaking your chain of kisses, you climb over to the driver’s seat to straddle him. Your restricted position prevents you from feeling his likely erection hiding underneath his sweatpants to press against you. But you are actually too preoccupied with devouring him through the kisses to worry about that yet.
His hands move down the length of your torso past your waist, over your shorts, onto your thighs. He slips one hand under your oversized hoodie, cupping your ass and giving it a gentle squeeze. Your hips swivel and thrust towards him, causing the top of your head to rub against the ceiling of his G-Wagon.
“At this rate, I am definitely going to look like a hot mess when we go back,” You say, feeling around for stray hairs that may have been charged with static electricity.
“Here.” Jungkook invites you to lie across the passenger’s side of the vehicle. “This might be better for you then.”
You recline slowly lifting your hips to rest your butt on the center console before lying your head on the passenger door’s armrest. Your knees fall apart to reveal your short skin-tight shorts to him. He leans over you moving between your legs and running the back of his hand up your inner thigh. Still lost in the darkness of your eyes, he rests his head on your knee and squeezes the fleshiness of your thigh. As Jungkook's fingers gently squeezed, another heat surges through your body, accompanied by a swarm of delicate butterflies fluttering in your stomach. The innocent yet electrifying touch sparked a wave of anticipation and desire, leaving you yearning for more. You also realize that even the simplest gestures from Jungkook have the power to awaken a new deep and undeniable lust within you. 
 You sit up to meet his face and kiss him again. You can taste the taro black tea boba and a slight smoky strawberry-watermelon nicotine on his tongue. Lips locked, you pull him down with you and wrap your arms around his neck. The position is awkward but stubbornly tolerated, all the same, both of you unwilling to pull apart. Both of you are like a couple of desperate teenagers fighting through the objective discomfort to exhaust every last second before curfew.
 Finally, Jungkook leans back in his seat again. You stay where you were, hoodie hiked up past your belly button and legs spread out. He uses his hands to gently pull down your shorts, like pulling away the curtain to reveal the main stage.
 Then he stops, planting that poignant gaze of his on you. A street lamp painting a streak across your torso to expose his mental photograph.
 “You really are absolutely gorgeous tonight, Bunny,” he says, which has you awestruck at this moment. 
 Bunny is the nickname he gave you a while back because you are a massive Sailor Moon fan. You both make fun of the cringey 90s dub of the show where Usagi is nicknamed Bunny. He likes to call you that when you have space buns.
 “Thank you,” You say with genuine gratitude, your knees swaying with an imaginary breeze caused by giddiness. You love how he speaks endearingly to you.
 With the back of his fingers, Jungkook gently caresses your inner thigh from knee to groin. The tingling trail he leaves in his wake triggers a shiver from the backs of your knees. He flips his hand over to fuse the warmth from his palm with the heat radiating from your vulva. Your clit is begging for attention and your your pussy clenches around the air desperate for something to fill it. Jungkook grins. You like to imagine that it’s because he too realizes all that potential he holds in the palm of his hand.
 He runs one finger along the hem of your underwear. When his hand turns around to go back the way he came, he gently slides his fingertip to the underside of the hemline rubbing the back of his finger against the skin. You lean your head back and shut your eyes, letting out a long sigh of relief.
 "I have waited so long for you to touch me like this," You whisper.
 Though yours are closed, you imagine that he never takes his intense eyes off you. He moves your panties to one side. He spreads his fingers down again over your vulva. You hear his lips smack gently as he licks his thumb. He brings his hand back down to you, gently pressing the pad of his thumb against your swollen clit. Remaining there for a moment, he faintly increases the pressure and finally begins to rub gentle circles around it.
 You feel yourself squirm in the seat, simultaneously moving closer to him and trying to pull away. Jungkook’s arm stretches out to the back to grab his Squishmallow pillow in the back seat to use as a cushion underneath you for comfort. He claims he has these pillows here since he takes naps in between classes in his car.
 Your lower back arches and your hips pressed into the cushion beneath you. But as quickly as you had been overcome with nervous tension, your body relaxed into this space, back into the seat.
 The circles turn to an up-and-down motion as you grow squirmy under the delicate burden of his touch. With two fingers on his other hand, Jungkook teases at your opening. When he finally enters, you inhale sharply in approval. His fingers are just barely inside, but it is all you need. He massages you gently from within. He slots his thumb partially inside to coat his thumb in your wetness and leads it to make persistent strokes over your clit. 
You feel yourself contract and squeeze around his fingers. He moves them in a little further, intensifying his come-hither curl deeper inside.
 A chill rises behind your ears and at the nape of your neck, heating up as it trickles down your spine toward your tailbone. One knee presses into the back of the seat as the other reaches for the dash. Tension swells in the fronts of your thighs as your heels try to dig into the seat cushion beneath him. Your hips rise, begging Jungkook to continue.
 Your breaths are craving, yet distended, and all your focus shifts inward, concentrating on the movement of his fingers, inside and out. Forgetting everything else. Really feeling it at the point of contact. Your eyes are still closed when you drink in a long inhalation, and release it with equal intention, feeling the intensity of your pleasure growing with every subsequent breath.
 “We…” Exhilaration forces the words back down your throat. Try again. “We should drive back…”
Strong thumb still resting on your clit, his other hand rises to hush you with your own wetness. “Not yet, love.” Love?! You couldn’t question the new nickname bubbling out from his lips because your mind was consumed in total stimulation. You’d talk about this sometime after, you thought.
 His burgeoning arousal was becoming more apparent in that confined space. You can hear his breath grow huskier as he resumes his rhythmic stimulation of your clit. You can smell the rising excitement dripping all over the cadence of his fingers.
 Your mouth falls open to usher forth a silent scream. Your pussy clenches around his fingers and your pulse throbs into the pad of his thumb. Your head presses back into the armrest and you worry momentarily that you might push right through the door, but your worries are wiped clean before you can finish that thought. Vision turning all white and shaky.
 Jungkook slowly slides his fingers out as your body goes limp. He leans back to watch you bask in the fallout of your body quake. Your head falls limply to one side while your body struggles to recalibrate – slowed breathing, relaxed pulse, fallen temperature, faded bliss.
 “Just truly stunning…” he repeats.
 You are caught somewhere between pleasure-induced paralysis and a voracious desire to continue and make hungry love to this man. You reach up, grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him down towards you, forcing him to meet you at eye level.
 “Thank you,” You whisper softly into his ear. You kiss his neck, feeling the echoes of his hammering heart press into your lips.
 He breaks the kiss and rests his head on your shoulder. He shyly hides his face, hesitant to bring up his next request, “I want you to ride me. Think you could last through another orgasm?”
 You giggle at how needy he is being. “Honestly, yes.” 
 Jungkook tries to refrain himself from squealing and gets up from his position. He sits to adjust his seat back and partially slides off his sweats and boxer briefs.
 His dick is a blush shade, long and hard. “Wow…” You mindlessly speak your amusement leading him to giggle in response.
  You get up from laying on the passenger seat and climb over the center console to sit on his lap. Your lips meet in a passionate kiss yet again, while you pull his shirt off. You slide your hands slowly down his chest and abs, your small cold fingers send a shiver through his body. You lightly touch his tattooed arm, tracing each intricate design. 
 Jungkook lifts your hoodie in response to your actions and giggles upon seeing the sight underneath it. “Hehe, you’re not wearing anything under. So scandalous, Bunny,” Before you can refute his teasing, Jungkook buries his face in your breasts. 
 His soft lips slowly kiss up your cleavage to your neck. Jungkook gently sucks the sensitive spot on your neck, causing you to moan. You thread your fingers through his long black hair and tug. Jungkook winces submissively at your actions.
 “I thought you said you wanted me to ride you?” You taunt, teasing him by rubbing your wet folds along his hard dick.
Jungkook groans and grabs your hips, lifting you above him. He tugs the thin fabric of your panties to the side again before lining up his cock to your entrance and lowering you slowly onto his cock. You moan, tilting your head back in pleasure and enjoying the sensation of him filling you up.
 “Shit. You’re so tight.” Jungkook stills inside you, letting you adjust to his dick inside you.
 You experimentally lift yourself up, using his shoulders as leverage, then sink back down. Jungkook inhales sharply, biting his bottom lip as he watches you fuck yourself on his cock.  He keeps his left hand on your waist, strong fingers keeping you steady. He pushes the hoodie above your chest and massages your left breast. His tongue circles your right nipple, the sensation causing you to clench around his dick.
 “Fuck, feels so good.” he moans softly. He’s so cute, your fucked out brain thinks.
 You grab Jungkook’s hand from your left breast and slide it up to your neck, giving it a light squeeze to indicate what you want from him. He shakes his head and you halt your movement.
“No, Bunny, not today. Today, I’m going to make you scream so loud that you’re going to come back every day for more.” He feels your pussy involuntarily tighten around his cock, sucking him further into your tight walls. “You’d like it if someone caught us like this, wouldn’t you? Let them see how I ruin you,” Jungkook snickers as he teases you.
“You’re so-” You can’t even finish your sentence as Jungkook thrust deep inside of you. This causes you to lose your balance and rest your head on Jungkook’s shoulder, giving him full control over your body. He bounces you on his thick cock until you can feel your high approaching.
“I’m gonna cum, Jungkook.” You announce after a series of muffled moans, your voice barely coming out as a whisper. He tightens his grip on your ass and slides one hand down to rub your clit for added stimulation to the impending time bomb of pleasure.
 “Let go, love.” As his movements quicken, soon, he feels your pussy clenching tightly around his dick. 
“Jungkook!” You scream as you come. You kiss his neck while coming down from your high. Feeling spent, you collapse on Jungkook’s body, relishing the feeling of his muscular body moving against yours.
 Jungkook knows he can’t hold out much longer when he feels your pussy pulsate around his dick. “You can cum inside me, I’m on the pill.” You whisper in his ear shyly, feeling his erratic movements inside you. 
 He digs his fingers into your hips thrusting deeper and more erratically before he comes inside you. He thrusts a few more times to ride out his orgasm before he leans back in his seat in exhaustion.
 You both lay there in his car while you catch your breaths and pepper tiny kisses on each other’s bodies. Afterward, Jungkook lifts you up and removes his cock from inside you. You shiver from the emptiness and feel his come slowly drip out from inside you. You quickly slide up your panties into place, pull up your shorts and then readjust your hoodie before collapsing onto the passenger seat.
You watch Jungkook quickly pull up his boxer briefs and sweats. You both look at each other in your fucked out states, all messy and laugh. 
“I THINK we should go home now. It’s like almost 3am,” You laugh nervously looking at the time on your phone. 
“We should!” He chuckles. “So Bunny…tomorrow…boba, same time?”
“Just come over to my dorm tomorrow. The roomies are out, so we can watch Chainsaw Man and do this again. My wallet can’t deal with more boba runs, and then bonking and losing sleep when I have a 9am class.”
 “I’ll be the one treating you to boba from now on,” He smirks at you curiously. God, you really found someone amazing in your life.
As the night sky embraces the city with its velvet darkness, Jungkook drives back to campus. The cool breeze whispers through the open windows, sending shivers down their spines as you two reveled in the afterglow.
Your fingers intertwine on the center console, a tangible connection that symbolizes the bond you share. The radio softly plays Keshi, providing a soothing soundtrack to the journey. You two glance at each other, smiles dancing on your lips, eyes filled with a mixture of contentment and desire to keep doing this again. Maybe boba and riding every day from now on.
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luminari-mc · 3 years
Meeting the brothers for the first time, if the exchange program hadn't happened (headcanons)
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A/N: I say headcanons, but those ended up being longer than intended, so I'd say they're more short stories than anything. But hey, that means more food for you. Also I guess Belphie is a bit more "chill" (still kinda pissy though) towards humans in this because he never had to hear about the exchange program idea.
Warnings: Slight physical aggression towards Mammon in his part.
Whether it was for personal reasons, or to conduct private meetings under Diavolo's name, Lucifer was no stranger to the human world. After many centuries as a demon, he had grown to learn how to blend in among the masses, and how to act like a normal "human". Usually, he would keep quiet, and only interact with the people he needed to. A simple way to avoid unnecessary trouble, but also to finish his duties as quickly as possible. However, today happened to be one of those days where Lucifer rarely went out of his way to impose himself on the business of others.
He was patiently waiting in the shade of a luxurious hotel's pillar, strategically avoiding the brighteness of the sun as his finger brushed over the screen of his phone, before eventually raising an eyebrow. His contact had warned him he would take a bit more time to arrive, which only made Lucifer sigh as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. Him who had made it a rule to always arrive early at these meetings to finish them under an hour...
'Hopefully next time, you'll learn not to waste my time.' the thought crossed his mind as he watched the people coming and going out of the hotel in front of him. The human world felt even more of a bee hive nowadays than it did a hundred years ago. His eyes followed the stern faces of workers and employees, some carrying deep marks of exhaustion under their eyes. Yes, this world really had transformed in such a short amount of time, and its people along with it.
"I still had 10 minutes left, are you kidding me?!"
Another thing Lucifer was used to, was to hear loud arguing between people. He already dealt with it on a daily basis whenever his brothers happened to get at each other's throats, so being the witness of a group of humans throwing fits in public at each other, not caring about the looks that others would give them, wasn't unusal for him either. Curious though, he glanced towards the origin of the voice, only to see a normal human and one in a blue uniform facing each other, the latter placing a ticket on the windscreen of a car.
"You're in front a private hotel, you should know you aren't allowed to park here."
"The spaces for the taxis are right there! While this is a spot for anyone! You have no right to give me a ticket when I'm parked correctly!" You threw a hand in the air, not about to let yourself be tricked into believing his words.
The tone of the warden suddenly turned more threatening. "I'd watch your mouth if I were you. I could call the police and have you arrested right here if I wanted. I work for this hotel, and I'm the one who dictates whether you have the right to park in front of it or not."
Lucifer squinted his eyes at the scene. Oh, an average human responding to a figure that had more power than them? Now this was a sight he'd rarely see on his visits. But definitely one that always rubbed him the wrong way, especially when the one at fault wasn't the one being accused.
"Actually," his presence left the two humans confused, especially for the one he was now standing by. "I happen to have been waiting here for half an hour. Those parking spots have a time limit of 20 minutes, correct? Yet, when I arrived earlier, this person's car wasn't present yet. I assume you happen to know basic math, right?"
Your eyes grew wide at the cocky smile that birthed on his face. And here you were thinking you couldn't respond more boldly to a private warden, this man was literally standing there with his arms across his chest, and throwing these kinds of words in the warden's face like it was nothing. The warden's face grew even more furious, asking the demon in disguise in front of him to mind his own business and step away. But despite his demands, Lucifer did not move an inch.
"You said you worked for this hotel, correct? Coincidentally enough, I was just about to have a private meeting with the owner. It would be a shame if he ever learned one of his employees was menacing a person I was vouching for now, wouldn't it?"
You aren't sure exactly how and why, but the warden took a step back, before retrieving the ticket off the windscreen and muttering apologies on his way back to the hotel. You glanced at the man beside you, quickly noticing the intense red color of his eyes. Had they just shone for a moment...? No, probably just your imagination.
"You know," he turned towards you, shaking his head, "sometimes stating the truth won't always help you. That's how the world works. But next time, don't hesitate to mention me if you ever have trouble with him. It should be effective enough to put his tail back between his legs."
You muttered your thanks as he turned his back to you, and your eyes followed him as he and another man greet each other before stepping inside the hotel. The owner asks him if anything had happened outside, to which Lucifer only mentions a "pest problem", earning a confusing look from the owner in return.
Lucifer wasn't normally one to meddle with human problems. But doing so from time to time fed his pride greatly, as he got to watch them cower before him and walk away in shame. It always felt so satisfying to see it happen. And yet, he couldn't still place his finger on why, but as he was standing by you earlier... he had felt a warmth he hadn't experienced in a long time. Dare he say, you had almost seemed familiar.
Yet, he had never come across your face before. Even as he stepped into the House of Lamentation late in the evening, your image wouldn't leave his mind. What about you, a seemingly normal human, could captivate him so much? No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find an answer.
Oh well. To help with this curiosity of his, this encounter with you today, wouldn't probably be the last.
Another day, another random summoning from the witches to the human world. How he despised when it happened without any warning, whether it pulled him straight out of his bed in the middle of the night, when he was in class, when he was in the middle of a heated poker match, or in his current case... in the middle of lunch.
It was daytime in the human world, and his eyes had yet to adjust to the brightness of the sun as two witches walked beside him on each of his sides. Mammon always kept silent in these moments, mostly because he wanted to keep a low profile while surrounded by humans, but also because the witches had quite the influence over him. A single misplaced word, and a curse could be placed on him at any moment.
At some point though, he made the mistake of responding to one of them on a bad tone, and a loud argument began to ensue between the two, all while under the curious and worried faces of passersby. One of the witches quickly started slapping him with her handbag, reminding him who was the superior one in this situation. In the Devildom, this would have gone completely unnoticed, and Mammon was also no stranger to punishment, so getting slapped by a bag was only midly annoying at best. What neither he, nor the witches could expect though, was for a human to step between them to break off the fight.
"Hey, leave him alone! Or do you want me to call the police?!"
The witch with the bag frowned with a groan, while Mammon, who had your back facing him as you took on a defensive stance in front of him, could only stare in confusion at your intervention.
Stupid human... If you knew who we were, you wouldn't try and get yourself involved like that.
"Hey, I'm actually with the-" he tried to say, only to be cut by the witches announcing their departure.
"You. Same time tomorrow, and you better not raise your voice against us again. We'll forget about this, but only this time."
As if you didn't even exist, the witches turned their backs before walking away. Mammon placed his hands in his pockets, looking at the back of your head. Really, could this human have picked a worse time than try to insert themself into his business? As he was about to let them know he was part of their group, he noticed your trembling hands.
Got scared, too? Tch, don't bite more than ya can chew.
"Sorry, are you okay?" you finally turned to him. "I've been walking in the same direction for a while now and couldn't help but notice how uncomfortable you seemed to be. When they started hitting you, I just couldn't walk by and let it happen."
Huh... So they had actually noticed for a while? And still decided to intervene? He had to admit, for as long as he knew how humans were... he really didn't expect anyone to actually care about a guy being hit by women in the street.
"Do you want me to call the police?"
"Nah, it's fine," he shook his head. "I'll just... get back home. I got my brothers waiting for me. Appreciate the intervention, though. But maybe try not to put your nose where it doesn't belong too much. T'would save you some trouble if it were to happen next time."
Wanting to get back to the Devildom as soon as he could, he turned his back to you before waving his hand in the air. Upon coming back home, Mammon quickly approached Lucifer to ask how a human could be protected from curses. The last thing he wanted, even if the matter was about a random, selfless human such as you, was for someone to be hurt because of him.
Finally, today of all days was the grand opening of the Nekonomicon convention! Since the owner of the con was a demon in disguise working in the human world, Levi had found little to no problem getting Lucifer to accept and let him go there for a day. And after much waiting done in the long queue leading to the building, he had finally been let in. His eyes were sparkling as bright as two suns upon looking at all the human-exclusive merch, manga and anime that hadn't been released in the Devildom yet. He wasn't about to let any stupid human normie get their hands on his precious treasures though, so as soon as he was inside, Levi did not waste a second before putting figures, plushies, games and books inside his bags.
At some point, he came to a stop in front of a stall, and his mouth was practically watering at what he had in front of him. A brand new, absolutely beautiful, limited-edition of a Lord of Shadows figure. He had only heard about it in the legends! Well, that is, the legends being the forums he visited. But he still couldn't believe he was laying his eyes on it! So few people liked the third lord as their favorite character, so the figure only ended selling poorly and being quickly forgotten by TLS fans and collectors. This was an absolute miracle. This figure had to be there for HIM. It had to be!
As Levi quickly approached the stall, and began to stutter about the figure to the seller, the latter only snickered in response.
"Sorry pal, someone just bought it from me." He pointed his thumb behind him, and Levi could only watch in despair as none other than a simple human was given the packaged figure by the second stall owner.
He felt both defeated and furious. How dared this ignorant, simple, stupid and lowly human steal his favorite lord from him?! He bet they didn't even know who the Lord of Shadow was! There was no way they could recognize how grand he was, nor understand the depths of his character and personality! In a fit of pure, raw jealousy, Levi stomped his way towards the human.
"Y-You!" He pointed a finger right in your face. "Are you really a TSL fan?!"
You leaned your head backward enough for his finger not to touch your nose, frowning in response. "Huh? Of course I am, why would I buy this otherwise? What's your problem?"
Levi was actually taken aback by your words. Wait, they really are? I mean, of course anyone would know about how amazing TSL is, but they're a complete normie! And they're a human!
"B-But, why would you buy this lord specifically?! No one even likes him, it's always "Lord of Corruption" this, "Lord of Corruption" that! You're actually telling me you bought this while fully knowing his potential as a character?!" He watched as you clung the figure closer to your chest.
"Maybe that's what you're thinking, but I always preferred the third lord better. His friendship with Henry is what really made the series shine, and I haven't spent hours reading and watching TSL for someone to greedily take that figure away from me. Maybe you shouldn't hang around people who despise your favorite character that much?"
His words were caught in his throat in an instant. The Lord of Shadow was also your favorite? But... how? Everyone he knew always preferred the first or second lord, yet here was a human who actually liked the same character as him? Gritting his teeth, he had to recognize it... maybe you weren't as normie as he thought.
In a last attempt to satisfy his envy, and before you could step further away from him among the crowd, he quickly pulled out his phone before sliding back in front of you to shove it in your face.
"Here! This is a 200 questions quiz about the third lord that I found online! Tonight, let's see if you're really as big of a fan as you say!"
You arched an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge?"
After considering leaving the guy physically on read, you shrug your shoulders and accepted his offer. Before any of you knew it, you had already exchanged your names on a messaging app you both happened to use, before turning your backs to each other, both chins high in the air. While you huffed how impossible this man had been, Levi was fully ready to prepare himself for the quiz, and save his honor as a Lord of Shadows fan.
Tonight... a showdown would take place!
After much complaining to his oldest brother to be allowed to go buy a book that had only been released in the human world, Satan was finally able to go get his new precious at a bookstore. Not wanting to head back home straight away though, he decided to sit in a nearby park, mainly to enjoy the peace and quiet he couldn't get in the Devildom. However, the silence that had accompanied him for the first few minutes of his reading session was quickly interrupted by the sudden appearance of a group of children playing soccer. Although frustrated, Satan kept his focus on his book. He was used to this kind of racket, so all he had to do was to create the scenes in his head realistically enough to block out the sounds. That is, until another type of noise caught his attention.
Sitting on another bench farther away, your own book was thrown away out of your hands by an upcoming ball that had been accidently kicked your way by the kids. You knew letting them play so close to you would end up bringing you misfortune, and unfortunately, your fears had come true. You threw yourself on your feet, anger suddenly taking over as you yelled at them. "Can't you go play somewhere else?!", the small humans only replying with hushed excuses before grabbing their ball and running in the opposite direction. A huff escaped you as you bent down to grab your book, the red cover now completely stained by the mud it had fallen in. As you opened it to see how many pages had been saved, your frustration only grew even more. The ball had rendered it completely unreadable.
In a desperate attempt to save it, you try to wipe the mud away, fully knowing how useless your actions would be. Satan, although a demon, still wants to remain a gentleman towards another book lover. He stood up from his seat before heading your way.
"Mind if I take a look at this?" His presence next to you is more surprising than his question. Yet, in your confusion and recent fit of anger in public, you extend your stained book towards him. With a swift movement of the hand, he swipes the mud away from the cover, a smile soon appearing on his lips.
"I can't believe it happened on its release day, of all days. I spent months waiting for it to be in stores, I almost even fought with other customers earlier to grab one." You let your frustrations out, not minding if you happen to tell them to a complete stranger.
"Well, this might be your lucky day." Satan said, before handing you his book. To your surprise, it is the exact same edition than the one you were reading. "Here, you can take mine. I don't doubt I'll be able to find a new one without much difficulty."
"A-Are you sure? They only sold limited quantities of this, the store I went to had its stocks depleted in less than an hour!"
"Don't worry, I have contacts who can help me find another one. I insist."
He pratically placed the book in your hands without waiting for your response. You looked at the brand new, leather cover. It still even smelled new.
As you tried to take your wallet out of your pocket to pay for his book, Satan immediately shook his head, telling you that he doesn't need any compensation for this. Knowing that he helped someone who likes the same author as him is a worthy-enough reward on its own. As he eventually departs, you hadn't even noticed that he had taken your dirty book along with him.
After this encounter, Satan proceeded to use a spell to bring back your book to its original state, much to his own pleasure. In the next few days, it weirdly becomes a habit for him to ask Lucifer's permission to go to the human world, stop at this same park, and glance on your figure sitting on the other bench from time to time while you enjoy the book he gave you, as the two of you read to the sounds of birds chirping, and kids playing soccer.
It wasn't out of the ordinary for Asmodeus to sneak out in the human world to grab the latest fashion. He just loved getting on the latest trends, and buy the newest clothes and makeup he could get his hands on! Plus, the next best thing after gathering all he could find in multiple bags, was to look at all the beautiful human faces he had around him. What a forbidden paradise their realm was.
As he entered his upteenth store of the day, Asmo offered his brightest smile to the salespersons, and began to browse through their selections. After shoving multiple shirts and jackets on his arm for him to try, his attention was quickly caught however by the other person standing on the opposite side of the clothing rack.
Their eyes moved from left to right as they checked the different pieces of clothing, seemingly not finding any that matched their interest. As they turned around to search elsewhere, Asmo smirked. Any opportunity to accost a lone little lamb such as them was always one he wouldn't miss. Plus, they simply looked too adorable for him to ignore.
"I think blue would suit you better." His sudden appearance by your side surprise you, causing you to bring the top you were checking closer to your chest. "Mmmh, but maybe green would be a good choice as well. We'd have to match it with something else though, but I think it would bring out the color of your eyes even more."
He smiled sincerely as he grabbed a shirt off the rack to show it to you. "Like this jacket! Doesn't it look nice? Oh, and the texture is also very comfortable! Here, take a look!"
You practically had no time to let a word out as he placed it in your hands. Despite him showing out of nowhere, he didn't seem to be ill-intentioned. "T-Thank you?"
"No problem honey, I wouldn't want you to pick you something dull after all." His gaze as he stared directly into your eyes sends shivers down your back, although you weren't sure if it was caused by the intensity of it, or because of the peculiar color of his irises.
You offered him an awkward smile, before continuing to browse through the rack. Next to you, however, Asmo's eyebrows pinched together. He had just tried to charm you, and yet you had showed no response to his magic. Had he not tried hard enough?
Just to make sure, he tapped your shoulder a few moments later, offering you another top, and taking the opportunity to gaze into your eyes once more as you take the shirt from him. Still, nothing happened. The demon grew confused, for all humans he had used his charms on had always been very receptive. Not a single creature was immune to his magic! At least... that's what he had always thought until now.
Shortly after, Asmo quickly introduced himself, and the two of you actually make casual conversation, with him sharing his knowledge on fashion and the like to you. To his pleasure, he ended up learning about your name, and the both of you eventually part ways.
Even after coming back home, and receiving the usual punishment from Lucifer for having snuck off without his permissions, his mind seemed to always wander back to you. You were a normal human, and yet, his power, even though he was the embodiment of Lust, hadn't worked on you. He spends the entire night pondering about the encounter, and about you.
Perhaps, to solve this mystery... another visit to the human world would be necessary.
It was a miracle that Lucifer had allowed Beel to go to the human world to feast on some human food, as long as he didn't eat actual humans. "You best behave yourself", he had told his younger brother, who to retain his demon impulses, had decided to never spent a single minute while in the foreign realm without having food in his mouth. His next stop was at a food vendor doing their business on the side of the road, serving their customers straight out of the small truck that served as their kitchen. Beel had always found that those were the best places to order food from, simply because he didn't have to wait forever to get delicious meals served to him.
After waiting in line, not without feeling kind of out-of-place among the other humans, his turn finally came. As he approached the vendor, his mind having already set on the most popular dish the vendor could make, he expressed his order. However, he quickly received a negative answer, heari,g that the person in front of him had obtained their last serving of the day. Needless to say, these news crushed him.
You came to an abrupt stop as you turned around with your serving in hand, quickly noticing how disappointed the man behind you was that he couldn't have gotten what he wanted. Being a regular here, you didn't seem to recognize him, however. A tourist, perhaps? As you looked between him and your food, you pondered for a few seconds, before quickly catching up to him in front of the line.
"Excuse me-" you raised your hand to get his attention, "here, you can have mine."
The expression of surprise on his face could have almost made you laugh, if it hadn't been for his quick answer.
"Really? You would give it to me?"
"Yeah, it's no problem. You don't seem from around here, while I almost eat this pretty regularly. And those are really delicious, anyone should try it."
There is a couple seconds of hesitation from Beel, feeling both weird for accepting food from a random human, but also because he really, really wanted to eat. And if someone was offering him food out of pure kindness; and he ended up refusing it, would he really be the Avatar of Gluttony?
"I appreciate it." He nods, grabbing the food before quickly remembering his manners. "Let me buy you something in return, so that your money won't be wasted."
You were about to protest, but Beel was quicker on asking suggestions from the vendor. You decided on something that was definitely cheaper than what you had previously paid for, and Beel had noticed it. After offering your thanks and goodbyes to each other, the demon is amazed at how good the food you offered turns out to be. In the weeks that pass, Beel quickly and coincidentally becomes a regular at the food truck, and you start to wonder if he really didn't "bump" into you on purpose when getting your lunch there. Not that you really minded, in the end.
He still couldn't believe it. Not only had Lucifer ordered him to go to the human world with Beel and Mammon to clear out a mess that his idiot of a greedy brother had caused, but he had also actually managed to lose them both. Why couldn't have Lucifer chose someone else for this trip? Had he forgot how much he despised humans? Even if their world were to burn, he wouldn't care in the slightest. So having to actually roam around in their realm, but also being forced to interact with them to find his brothers again... If he hadn't lost Beel as well, he would have just left Mammon right here and there. Having to go back to this place after so many centuries... what a pain in the ass.
And so here was Belphie, arms crossed, sitting in an almost empty subway train, and his phone stuck between his ear and shoulder as he tried to read a map of the different stations of the line he was on.
"Stupid idiot, be more precise." He grumbled, his mind tired and frustrated by the incompetence of Mammon to direct him on the right path. "Also, is Beel still with you?"
"Of course he is! I've had to even restrain so he wouldn't wander off to a restaurant, so be more grateful towards your older brother!"
"Just shut up and tell me where I need to go."
Once Mammon had given him a detailed-enough image of the place he'd have to walk to, and which station he'd have to leave the train at, Belphie ended the call before putting the phone back into his jacket's pocket. He didn't even think it necessary to fold the map that layed across his lap right now, he'd most probably have to use it once he left the subway. Why was the human world so complicated to navigate? How he wished he could be in bed right now.
He had just enough time to glare at a human sitting on the other side of the train before his exhaustion caught up to him and made him fall asleep. As if he had closed his eyes for only a couple of minutes, he felt a hand on his shoulder, shaking him awake.
"Sir- this is your stop, isn't it?"
He was about to tell whoever was touching him to piss off, until his brain turned on again and his eyes stopped on the station's name, which was the exact same one as Mammon had told him to exit the train at. Not paying a single mind to the human who awoke him, he hurriedly got up from his seat, stepped out of the train with his map in hand, and walked into the subway to find the exit.
He came to an abrupt stop in the middle of a set of stairs before turning around. "Why are you following me?"
You froze on the spot, eyes wide open at his accusation. You quickly explain that you're not following him, this happened to also be your stop. He gives you a look that tells you he's not buying yours words, despite them being sincere. You mention having overheard where he's supposed to head though, and offer to show him where it is. Belphie only stares at you for a few seconds with a frown on his face, before turning around and resuming climbing up the stairs. You sigh, and keep walking behind him. So much for being nice to random people.
'Mind your own business, human'. As if on top of it all, he needed one of them to dig their nose where it didn't belong. But the more he climbed up, and the more he felt his eyelids becoming heavier, he was starting to reconsider their offer. He desperately wanted to sleep, and if finding his brothers on his own took him too long, he'd only end up falling asleep somewhere and then getting lost himself. Reluctantly, as he reached the top of the staircase, he turned around and waited for you to reach his level.
"Alright, maybe I do need directions."
You could see as you both stepped out of the subway that he didn't seem like the kind of person to like talking to others in general, and you'd be lying if you said the heavy silence between the two of you didn't make you slightly uncomfortable. But you figured, might as well help him find his siblings and do your good action of the day. Luckily, guiding him proved to be relatively easy, and after coming to a point where you two had to part ways, you took out a small piece of paper to draw him the rest of the path.
Belphie took it before giving a half-hearted thanks, and going on his merry way to the address. You simply watched as he disappeared behind a corner, feeling suddenly exhausted, as if the entire interaction had taken the rest of your energy.
After giving a slap behind Mammon's head and ignoring his question about the drawn map he had with him, Belphie hurried his brothers so they could go back home. Strangely, the paper didn't meet its end in a trashcan upon coming back home. Instead, Belphie kept turning it around in his hand as he sat on his bed, his cheek cupped in his palm. Something about that person he had encounter intrigued him. He expected all humans to be as self-centered as your usual demon, not caring whether their neighbor was cold or hungry. But with the way you had smiled at him as you handed him your drawing, wishing him "good luck" in finding his brothers... a foreign feeling began to grow deep within the pit of his stomach.
'Maybe some humans aren't total hypocrites, I guess...'
Taglist: @the-wilted-amaryllis, @amistytown
869 notes · View notes
by-soleil · 2 years
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Pairing: Chwe Vernon x Female Reader
Word Count: 2K
Genre: angst, just angst (okay maybe a little fluff in you squint)
Warning: kissing, conflicted vernon
This fic was inspired by "Spell - Niki"
A Vernon birthday special<3
This dangerous game you’ve been playing with Vernon, have gone out of your control. Your friends keep warning you that you’re playing with fire. And Vernon is not someone who can easily be fixed. He’s never gonna show you the same love you’ve been showing him for the last couple of months. And that you and Vernon should just stay friends.
You of course know that your friends intentions are great, not wanting you to swallow the hard pill that you know you’d have to swallow eventually if you keep this shenanigans up. But upon seeing or even just thinking about the boy, your heart turns into a mushy mess. Risking the better part of your sanity for the greek-god looking boy that keeps addressing you as his ‘good friends’.
“We should get our nails done. I keep breaking a nail, its ridiculous.” one of your friend says from the bean bag across the room. Flashing her broken nail so everyone could see.
You cringe, “That must’ve been painful. I’m down, my gel’s all chipped anyway. What about you?” you turn you head to your other friend who’s currently busy with her laptop.
“Yeah, sure. Give me like 10 minutes, I have to submit this paper. How are y’all not panicking over this? This shit worth a third of the final mark.” she throws suspicious glare towards the both of you.
“That’s one of the reason you should get a boyfriend, babe. Our boyfriends got it done for us hours ago—oops, I mean my boyfriend and Vernon did. Since, he’s not like your boyfriend or anything.” you friends sarcastically say, pointing her broken nail towards you. Making you roll your eyes, months of being teased have numb you from their remarks.
The thing about Vernon is, you could never figure him out. He doesn’t talk much with other people, sometimes even with you. But when he does, it’s like a joy ride down the happy abyss that is Vernon’s mind.
Your phone rings with Vernon’s name flashes on the screen. You read the room, knowing what happens next is not gonna end well. You stand up and leave you bestfriends dorm room.
You smile at the screen and pick up the call. “Hey, what’s up?”
You can hear his car stopping through the phone then the familiar sound of handbrake being pulled up. “Are you still at Wonwoo’s girlfriend?” he ask softly with voice so deep you thought you’re drowning.
“Yep, still here. Why you ask?” you ask despite fully knowing he wants to see you and is probably out front already.
He pauses for a bit, you can hear him opening a packet of snack. “I'm at the parking lot. Wanna grab something to eat and hang at my place?”
Classic Vernon date night combo. Not that you mind, you’d take all the time he’s willing to give you. It’s like he’s got you under some spell.
A smile breaks on your face, forgetting the fact you just agreed to get your nails down with you friends.
When you step back inside the room, you friends throwing you a knowing annoyed look. The one that used to bother you, but not anymore. “Sorry, I’ll have to raincheck on the nail. Vernon’s out front.” you gather your stuff, avoiding any of their gaze.
“You should leave his ass.” you hear your friends high-fiving, agreeing with each other. Ganging up on you.
“He loves me guys, he’s just scared. It takes time to heal.” you sigh, stuffing all you belongings into your suffocated tote bag. Maybe you should’ve let Vernon bought you that pretty—and super expensive—bag. If you ask, he’d probably drive you to the store right now. He never really say no to you, except for the rare times you asked him to make the relationship official.
You’ve known Vernon since freshmen year, you saw how he broke down when his ex left him for an accountant that she met at the starbucks down the street of your campus.
How he slowly pull himself back up and eventually got tangled with you in this mushy mess. So, you know better than to pester him for a stupid label. You know he likes you, loves you even. He just wont say it out loud. But through his actions, you hear him loud and clear.
After escaping your friends rage, you skip down the parking lot and beeline for his car. “Oooh, you smell good.” you greet him with a quick peck on his cheek.
“Thanks, just showered at the gym. I know you don’t like to hug me when I’m all sweaty.” he ruffles your hair making you gasp. Hands flying up a second after to smooth the mess he just created. “Did you know, tea tree oil body wash is good for bacne? I don’t.” he laughs.
You smile, so wide your vision blurred. Guess tonight you’re having happy abyss Vernon. Your favorite Vernon.
“Duh, that’s why I keep buying them. Who told you?” you hide your smiling face as you fasten the seatbelt.
“My sister. You know what, let’s get some, I wanna get some for you to use when you’re staying over.” He nonchalantly say not knowing the damage those words just did to your mushy heart.
With excitement filling up your whole body, you lean back to his side and plant kisses on his cheek. You need an outlet for all this butterflies.
“Yeay! Let’s go!” you practically shout as he drive his car out of the parking lot.
When you finally reach Vernon’s apartment, you are beat. Shopping with Vernon is never a 15-minute thing. Everything catches his attention.
“I don’t think I'm going home tonight. My legs are screaming.” you plop down on his bed, staring at the ceiling you’re seeing a few times a week.
“Then stay, I’ll drive you home before class starts tomorrow.”
Duh, of course he has to drive you tomorrow, how else are you gonna get to your place since Vernon lives off-campus in his fancy one bedroom. Well, there’s always uber, but why bother when this pretty man offers you a ride every time.
When you're out of the shower smelling like musk and tea tree oil—if that even make sense, you make your way to his closet. Passing him who’s sitting on the edge of his bed trying to solve a rubik’s cube.
Your eyes immediately dart to the big shopping bag with tissue paper peeking everywhere. “Is that—” you paused, reaching for the bag. “Vernon, come here a sec.” you call for him.
He doesn’t even look at you, his eyes are focused on the stupid cube he’s holding.
“What is this?” you hold the shopping bad to his chest, making him looking at you for a few seconds before focusing back to the damned cube.
“Oh, it’s the bag you wanted but told me not to get.” his tone is very unbothered, as if dropping a slump of cash on a purse for someone you keep calling ‘friend’ is normal.
You roll your eyes, “Exactly, then why did you get it?” you drop the bag and fold your hands in front of you.
“Cause you need a bag, that poor thing had its time. What’s up with you?” his eyes finally left the cube for it to land on your furious one.
You walk out of the closet and sit on his bed. Slightly cursing yourself for not snatching a hoodie from his closet. Now you have to have the talk again with Vernon, only this time you wearing a freaking bath robe.
“Why are you making this difficult? You needed a bag and I wanna get you a bag.” he asks with a voice so deep you had to shake your head in order to fight back the mushy feeling.
“You don’t just give your friend a bag that costs a few grand, Vernon.” Vernon sighs, closing his eyes when he finally connected the dots to where this conversation is going.
You then stand up, taking his face with both of your hands to pull him into a kiss. It’s silent as you and Vernon trade mouths. But through his lips, you can hear everything. Loud and clear.
Pulling away, you keep your forehead glued to his. “Why won’t you trust me?” you breathe. Making him close his eyes. “You know I’ll stay. You keep saying ‘all the stakes are high’ but you know damn well I’ll get myself a wings.”
You can feel his breath slowing down with every move your fingers make on his jaw. Knowing him like the back of you hand to easily calm him down.
He doesn’t say anything when his eyes starts to open. “I know you love me Vernon, I do. If it’s me changing my mind out of the blue and left you that you’re so afraid of, I’ll show you. I’ll show you how I’ll stay through it all. I’ll wait for heaven to break this spell you’re under. I promised you.
Minutes passed, he doesn’t say anything. His lips pursed together, holding his words at bay. The words you’re so desperately want to hear.
But Vernon stay silent. For a long time.
After what feels like forever, his hands cup you jaw. Bringing you lips together, giving you no answer. Just keep dragging you down under the spell you wish to break.
“Please don’t ever change,” he breathes between kisses. Eyes red from holding back tears.
“I won’t,” you keep chanting, hoping it’ll be engraved to his brain.
“I don’t wanna lose you. Don’t leave me.” it pains you to hear the words spilling from his mouth.
You bury you head on his chest as he pulls you to the bed. He cradles you like a baby in his arms. Soothing hands running down you back. Pulling you deeper into the realm of unconsciousness.
You wake up the next morning with throbbing headache from all the crying you did last night. Vernon is nowhere to be found.
You get ready, slipping into his hoodie—that you for sure will keep. “I got you coffee,” Vernon burst into the room, startling you. His gummy smile plastered on his face.
“Thanks,” you give him a small smile, taking the coffee.
Vernon acts like nothing happened last night. Casually kissing the top of you head before pulling you out for breakfast—if cereal and hot pocket counts.
The drive to your place is very calm. With Vernon humming to the music cheerfully. As if nothing ever happened last night.
When he drops you off, he pulls you in for a kiss. Then he pulls away with a smile. Though you’re very tired with this endless cycle, you can’t help but to give him a smile back.
You throw yourself on the bed, sighing so loud you afraid yourr\ grumpy neighbor would stomp your door anytime soon.
Without even realizing it, tears started falling out. Leaving darken stain on your bedsheets.
You close your eyes. Praying.
Praying? You never pray. But with this throbbing pain in your chest, you’ll take all the help you can get to get Vernon out of the spell. Or better yet, taking you out of the fucking spell.
more of my stuff on my masterlist🤍 & twitter🌞
special tags; @aedreamzy @eleven23
my taglist are open<3
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bangtangalicious · 3 years
death valley (m) | part 8
summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize
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pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: jin x reader, jungkook x reader, taehyung x reader
genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au
wordcount: 9.0k
warnings: reader discretion advised. rough sex, physical roughness, sadism kink, pain kink, breast play, fingering, elevator sex (semipublic), praise kink, dirty talk, unrealistic endurance (this is one day LMAO), attempted fire play, bondage, guns, attempted shootings, knife play if you squint, spanking, degradation (name calling, slut shaming, being really mean lolol thanks jin), crying kink? lot of crying, toxic and manipulative behaviors, jin steps on you so there’s that, character death, heavy drug use, paranoia/fear, voyeurism, sex while intoxicated, me trying to put some humor where i can, sweet dom!jungkook, wild dom!jin, and a sprinkle of dom!taehyung ;) ALSO eyebrowpiercing!jungkook. very important. 
a/n: s/o soowoozoo!bts for being my inspo. 
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | series navi | masterlist |
F L A S H F O R W A R D--
Goosebumps spread across your skin as the silence set in. The room was chilly, air conditioner buzzing in contrast to the slick humidity of the summer night waiting for you outside. The white light made your eyes ache, the walls were plain, dry, empty.
You stared blankly at the table in front of you. The sound of the pen scratching paper made you ache, remembering kinder days when you and Hobi would be goofing around and writing songs. How did you get here? How did you let this happen?
The previous night, you had dreamt of being at a concert, somewhere far from Death Valley. Losing yourself to music and molly, a soft pair of hands on your hips as you danced the night away, singing at the top of your lungs. Those same hands wrapping around your waist, nose tracing behind your ear to whisper to you how pretty you were. How hot you looked and how badly he wanted to tear your clothes off with his teeth. 
You allowing him to pick you up so easily, take you back to his car where you scrambled into the back seat. Like children. The first kiss was magic, you were glued to him and could barely move on. He wouldn’t leave you for a second, he wouldn’t let you breathe. Your lips were hot on each other, soft moans and giggles. Swallowed smiles as you drank one another in, bodies like waves crashing against each other.
Hands wandering until he had you where he wanted. Where you wanted. He loved you down so incredibly good. How he was able to tear you apart while still being so sweet, you could barely even fathom. His teeth dug into the flesh of your breasts, fingers hooking around your panties. 
His tongue ravished your figure. There was no part of you left untouched, no part of you that wasn’t completely ablaze with arousal. You would arch your neck back as he lapped away at the sweetness dripping between your legs, your hands combing through his wavy black hair.
His tongue knew where to go, he knew how you liked it, and your fist clenched as he fucked you with his mouth through and through. He always made sure you came first. Always. Every single time.
Whether you had mere minutes or long hours, he loved the way you tasted, making sure you knew that at every chance he got. Sloppy wet kisses traveled up your stomach to your chest, up your neck, hands caressing your ass, scratching your back, holding you close for a moment. 
You were whisked away into heaven, just briefly, as his thick cock would push into you. Your pussy pulling him in, wanting to feel the familiar but oh so incredible stretch that only he gave you. 
Taehyung. You sobbed as he fucked you, allowing him to kiss the glossy tears off of your cheeks as he rolled his hips, angling so perfectly to nudge deep within you. His sinister grin, his giggles, his chaos. You were in the hands of disaster but you never felt more safe. 
Why are you crying dumbass? He would find your state amusing, continuing to fuck you, thrusts long and smooth. Quick, but slow enough for you to savor each second. Your whining lost behind the wet sound of your bodies colliding.
Where are you? Are you watching this right now? You’re not really dead are you?
Stroking your cheek, he leaned down to whisper against your mouth. The words he would keep on saying, echoing back to you. Play along. I won’t hurt you.
What exactly you were playing, you were unsure. 
“Look at me” Your eyes darted up to meet Jin’s deceivingly innocent eyes. “I’m gonna ask you again, did you kill Kim Taehyung?” 
You gulped, sweat collecting onto the cold handcuffs around your wrists. Jin glanced at the mirrored wall, before letting out a heavy sigh. 
“It appears that Kim Taehyung was murdered about two hours before the party. We found your gun near the body.” Jin holds up the custom weapon Yoongi had given that was unmistakably yours. “Where were you at that time?” You felt your eyes getting heavy.
“I was” You lips were chapped, mouth clammy with a bitter taste. You looked him dead in the eye, stomach sickened by the amusement glistening within them as you struggled with your response. You knew he was getting a kick out of it. You wanted to spit on his face. You wanted to slap him, to scream, to flip the table and break out of the windowless room that caged you.
“I was with...y..” Jin smirked, leaning back. You cleared your throat, mind running a mile a minute.
“With who Y/n?”
You glared at him. He was treating this as some sort of role play. You felt queasy at the thought. Someone was dead. Dead. 
“You. I was with you”
F L A S H B A C K--
The morning rays slid through the expansive glass wall of the hotel room, causing Yoongi’s eyes to flinch, squinting as they opened and took in the day that presented itself. He sighed heavily, the weight of the previous night still on his mind. You were still asleep, but he could see through the chaffing beneath your wrists that you were not comfortable. He took the leash and fastened it to the headboard, ensuring you had no escape. 
Grabbing his keys, Yoongi quickly got dressed in a white hoodie and left the room. He needed to find out the truth for himself. He couldn’t afford to have you lying to him already. 
It was so frustrating to him that you couldn’t just be honest with him. He had been immensely open with you even if he was not proud of what he had to share. Why would you hide things? Hadn’t he proven himself to you? Hadn’t he done everything to win your heart?
Yoongi sighed. His anger issues were core to his being. It was part of his true self, but he had spent years trying to become someone you would fall in love with. All he wanted to do was make home in your heart, but no matter how many of your suitors he ended up threatening, beating to a pulp, and forcing them to bail on you, there was nothing in his power that could tear down that goddamn Park Jimin poster on your bedroom wall.
There was nothing he could do to stop you from writing small fantasies in your journal that you kept stashed in your bedside drawer. 
Yoongi would be lying if he said he didn’t come close to killing Jimin multiple times before. But he realized that would not have delivered him a solution. If Jimin died, you would mourn. You would still harbor that love for him and never have an opportunity to see what he really was. It was because of this Yoongi, with Taehyung’s helpful insight, had orchestrated a way to destroy Jimin in your eyes. 
Jimin was then introduced to Yoongi’s two weapons of destruction, Taehyung and cocaine. Yoongi worked hard to build himself up as a successful music producer. He had to be better than Jimin, had to make sure he could offer you everything Jimin could and more. 
To his surprise, you did move on from Jimin, at least the reality of him. But this fantasy of who he used to be remained pinned to your heart. After Jimin quit music, the mention of his name would still cause you to blush and smile. It made Yoongi want to throw up.
You had to see for yourself. Yoongi learned what it was that attracted you to Jimin and embodied just that. You liked that you had to chase him, you liked that he didn’t give a shit about you. You liked that he never noticed you and you had to pine for his attention. You liked that he was dedicated to his music, you liked the lifestyle he was associated with. You liked his lack of emotion and fantasized of him showing his true colors to you and only you, a sensitive, sweet, charming guy. Anger was not a part of this persona at all. 
When he felt like he had driven Jimin crazy enough with the drugs, he decided to plant rumors on stan twitter that Jimin would be signing with his label. Using his personal relationship with the singer, he was able to sign him on. He conveniently then offered you a summer internship, knowing full well you would be coming for one reason alone. Park Jimin.
Yoongi wanted you to fall straight into his arms. He rented out every available apartment for the months you were searching for a place to live, forcing you to reside in his building. He wanted to win you over naturally. He wanted you to work with Jimin, hook up with Jimin, and end up loathing him. Loving Yoongi instead. 
Jimin’s gang activity was getting on Yoongi’s nerves. Taehyung told him Jimin was in Death Valley, that you saw Jimin at Death Valley. When Yoongi heard from you, not Taehyung, that you had been kidnapped, along with Namjoon nonetheless, Yoongi had enough. He was used to giving Taehyung plenty of unsupervised jurisdiction, so Jimin’s accident was not a surprise to him. 
But you sympathized with Jimin, which was not what he wanted. He then decided to take things into his own hands, threatening Seokjin into throwing the fight to leech Jimin of every cent he had. He broke into your apartment, fucking everything up so that you had no choice but to come to him. To need him. 
And when Jin didn’t lose, he had no choice but to reveal to you who he was. Even after all his honestly, all his trust, you still lied to him. 
Yoongi was furious. He arrived at Death Valley, using the front entrance. Pulling a mask over his face, he barged in, surveying the silence as a sign that the bar was empty. Through the kitchen he arrive at the back storage room, accessible only by key, where all of the surveillance had been set up years ago. 
Monitors were spread across the wall, but Yoongi’s eyes narrowed in at one that was coming up with no feed. Your apartment. Someone had fucked with the cameras. Yoongi types away at the main monitor, enlarging your apartment footage and reeling back to find the moment the device was destroyed.
He sees Taehyung, whispering something to you. Next thing he knows the stream is blank. He grits his teeth, as all the pieces fall into place. He was a fool. How could he have been so blind? Taehyung must be in love with you. He must have, after watching you for so many years. Yoongi scowled at the thought of the ways Taehyung may have seen you, naked, vulnerable, ways that only he should. 
He had trusted Taehyung. Taehyung had only ever shown interest in money and Yoongi thought that was enough. Taehyung must have fucked you over and over again once the cameras were dead. What a whore. It made sense then that he had cut the line through his branding on you. He was the only one who could have. He had access to you and he was psychotic! He must have forced you to lie. You wouldn’t ever hide anything from Yoongi, no, Yoongi was the man of your dreams. You felt grateful that you had him, didn’t you?
He tilted his head, cracking his knuckles before he punched the glass screen, causing the feed to go haywire and sparks to erupt. Kim Taehyung. You are dead to me.
Yoongi growled lowly before picking up his phone. “It’s me. I need to see you. Now” 
Hobi kept his hand on the small of your back as he led you down to the hotel bar. The two of you nodded politely at the staff members who were busily preparing for the big event. The bar was empty aside for a few guests enjoying their brunch-time mimosas.
Hobi couldn’t really revel in the fact that the two of you were getting drinks together, almost like a date. His mind was too caught up in the initial shock he felt when he saw you tied up in his boss’ bedroom. He felt upset, but moreso he felt violated. He wondered if you were getting taken advantage of. Did he promise you a promotion? Was he manipulating you?
Punishing someone like that, Hobi was never one to kink shame, but it seemed a bit much. The name burned into your skin did nothing to ease his concern. Someone who was possessive, violent, impulsive. It reminded him of...
Hobi didn’t know. He didn’t know who gave him orders. He really didn’t care once the cash rolled in, but it began hitting too close to home. He wasn’t thrilled about hurting Namjoon, but two duffel bags of cash were enough for him to momentarily set aside his morals. 
“What should I get?” You surveyed the small menu of cocktails. “What’s gonna fuck me up the fastest?”
Hobi snorted, “Tequila” He twirled your hair as your gaze remained glued to the menu. The thought of you being in danger upset him greatly “Y/n...when did Yoongi brand you?" You called the bartender ordering a line of shots to which the they glanced at the clock before giving you a weird look.
“The night of the rematch” You told him, reacting before you realized what you had said. Your lip tucked between your teeth as you tried to conjure an excuse. A row of shot glasses was placed in front of you. You took one, gulping it down before letting out a heavy sigh. The bitterness burned down your throat. You basked as the liquid hit your mind, easing you slightly.
“Yoongi was at the fight?” Hobi recalled the wild night that the three of you had been at Death Valley. It was the first time he ever saw the man giving him orders. The man was tall, broad, had dark hair and wore dark clothes, face covered in a mask. Could it have been...Yoongi?
“Y/n!” The two of you turned to see Jungkook approaching the bar. He had changed his hair, the blue swapped for a short black cut, and you couldn’t help but double take at his new eyebrow piercing. 
You downed another shot, glancing at Hobi who had raised his eyebrows seeing the drug dealer. Jungkook gave you a light hug, waving timidly to Hobi. You smirked, another shot down the hatch. “Easyyyy Y/n” He placed a hand on your back as he slid into the seat next to you.
“The fuck are you doing here?” Hobi sneered. Jungkook rolled his eyes, used to the condescending treatment of gang members. "Didn’t you get stabbed or something?”
“I did!” Jungkook grinned, “In fact, that’s exactly why I’m here. I think I figured out who Mr. Bossman is, and I wanna fucking kill him”
Hobi rolled his eyes, “Oh really”
“Kim Seok-motherfucking-Jin baby. He stabbed me. He’s the one who showed up and threatened me to move out of Y/n’s apartment, so he’s probably also the one who called for the kidnapping. And he might have called for Jimin’s accident. It makes so much fucking sense”
Jin did what? There was not enough alcohol in your veins to act like you didn’t fully understand what he had just said. Jin had Jungkook move out? It wasn’t impossible. And that’s what scared you. You blinked at Jungkook incredulously, “But he’s literally a police officer”
Jungkook’s grin widened, “Exactly! It’s fucking brilliant. He’s a cop, he fights for the other side. He wins no matter what and can never get caught. No one would ever suspect him. Winning despite being threatened? Who threatened him huh? It’s a fucking ploy. You’re not dead and neither is he I bet. Kingpin. Boom”
You felt sick, knowing that Yoongi was not the only person you needed to be worried about. It was almost funny how blatantly misinformed Jungkook was. “Wow you guys are idiots.” You muttered under your breath, taking another shot before coughing roughly. Should I tell them? Why did Jin lie? Is this even the truth? Jin always tried to pin things on Jungkook, but you defended him. Hearing his words now made your head spin. He’s lying. Jungkook is lying. You wanted to scream, frustration flooding through your veins as you clenched your fists.
“I’m gonna tell Jimin and Taehyung what I know. They will give me so much money dude.” Jungkook chuckled, “And then they’d kill him, oh God finally”
Hobi pursed his lips, mouth feeling dry as he reflected on Jin’s eerie words before he shot him in the leg. He didn’t know where Jin was anymore, handing him off to be taken somewhere. It didn’t make sense. His orders were to seize Jin if Jin won the fight. Why place an order like that all? Why do any of this?
“Y/n, come with me.” Jungkook tugged at the sleeve of the oversized Nirvana shirt you had thrown on after your shower session with Hobi. You giggled, the thought of Taehyung coming into your slowed thoughts like a hurricane, tearing up any understanding you thought you had of the situation. There was only one thing you believed. Only one thing you knew with full certainty and it was all you could hold onto.
“Oh my goodness it’s Yoongi. It’s Yoongi. It’s always been Yoongi” The words spilled from your lips like the tequila that dripped down the side of your lips as you took yet another shot, giggling like a ditz. Jungkook and Hobi exchanged confused looks with each other, only making you laugh more. “I would fucking know okay!” Your laughs grew loud, “I was locked up in his fucking apartment and where the hell were all of you huh? Dumb fucking idiots!” You buckled over, laughing into Jungkook’s chest.
“Jungkook” Hobi sighed, “I gotta get back to work. Can you get her sober please?” Jungkook nodded. He held your waist tightly helping you stand, walking with you carefully to the hotel elevator.
The laughter wouldn’t stop. Passerbys shot the two of you dirty looks as Jungkook pulled you into the elevator easily. Through it’s glass walls you could see the midday skyline, where outside people hustled through life as if everything were normal. Must be fucking nice. “Y/n” Your laughs began to choke in your throat, turning instead to the sobs you tried to suppress with whatever will you had left. 
Jungkook placed his soft lips on your shoulder. Hands sliding onto your waist as he peered at you curiously, “Y/n, is everything okay?”
You shook your head, the elevator door closed as tears began forming in your eyes. Your voice croaked, “I’m dead. He’s gonna kill me. T..taehyung is gonna kill me. I...I know he will. He’s everywhere. Everywhere.” You looked around frantically, suddenly feeling hyperaware of the security cameras littered throughout the public space. “I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone...I” You hiccuped. Jungkook pulled you into a tight hug.
“It’s okay ssh” He stroked his thumbs them across your cheeks, cupping your face affectionately. “I’m here aren’t I?” You sniffled, nodding lightly. “I got you okay. No one is gonna hurt you”
You stared into his kind brown eyes. You did not trust him, your entire body was screaming at you not to trust him. His fingers danced down your figure, freely gliding over your heaving chest, desperately trying to breathe with the fear that choked you from within.
You blinked at him, eyes glancing down at his pouty lips before finding his eyes again. “Y/n” Jungkook whispered, barely inches from your lips. “I won’t let anyone hurt you okay. I promise”
Fat tears rolled down your face at his words. Jungkook clicked his tongue, cooing at you as he continued to wipe away your hears. “Oh you poor thing” He held you to his chest, kissing the top of your head, before tilting your face up to his. 
He leaned in, eyes fluttering shut as his lips landed on yours, swallowing you into him. The taste of tequila was evident on your lips as he kissed you softly, and you allowed yourself to surrender to his warm touch.
You felt heat pooling in your chest as his fingers trailed up your legs. He traced circles into the inside of your thighs, letting his fingers tease the edge of your shorts. 
“Jungkook” You inhaled sharply, his hot breath tickling your neck as you tilted your head back. He licked his lips before sloppily latching onto your collarbone, sucking down to litter your skin with wet kisses as his fingers slid down your shorts, just barely so that he could roll his hips into you.
He pushed you back against the glass, fingers trailing across your bare thighs before sliding beneath your panties. Jungkook ran a finger over your clothed folds, making you clench down. 
“Y/n” His voice sounded equally as desperate as yours, barely audible over the sound of his heavy breathing. “Fuck I missed you” You gasped as his fingers slid under the fabric. He pushed a finger in, allowing your tight cunt to accustom to it before adding another finger not long after. 
His other hand slid beneath your shirt, pushing your bra up so he could run his thumb over your nipples, his touch featherlight, leaving you breathless. You rolled your eyes back in pleasure, bucking your hips up as he slowly pumped you with his fingers.
“That’s it baby, just like that” He whispered, lips pressing into your neck. You let out a shaky moan as his fingers quickened, pumping in and out of you as you latched onto his shoulders. “Look at me. Look right at me baby”
He brought his lips over yours, just brushing them across your skin so he could gaze deep into your eyes as you fucked yourself onto his fingers. You cried out his name as the friction began to overwhelm you. His fingers easing you right where you needed them, pleasure searing through you as he watched your every move.
"So good for me” He pulled his fingers out, doused in your sticky arousal before he placed them into his own mouth. Your eyes widen as he licked of every last bit of you and smiles. “You taste so fucking good baby”
He kisses you again, harsher this time as his hips roll against you. Your fingers grip his hair as he pulls down his sweats, allowing his cock to spring out. 
“You want my cock?” He ran his tongue over your lips, tugging at them slightly as he stroked his cock. You could feel his hand moving between your legs. “You want my big cock in your little pussy?”
You gulped, nodding as Jungkook looked down, lining his tip against your folds, pushing in only slightly before meeting your eyes again. “So warm and wet for me, fuck” He pushed in further, groaning as you spread your thighs wider, allowing him to thrust as deep as he could. He stilled briefly, kissing you again “You take me so well baby fuck. So fucking tight for me. My pretty baby” He stroked your face, thumb pushing into your mouth slightly.
“Does it feel good?” He mumbled, pulling out just slightly before rolling his hips back into you. He picked up a rhythm, fucking you deep and slow, hands clawing at your breasts.
“Yeah...feels really good” Your eyes fell shut, enjoying the fulfilling pleasure of his movements. He pulled your shirt up, burying his face between your breasts as he continued to fuck up into you. 
“Mmm yeah I bet” He pushed your bra up, allowing his fingers to pinch you nipples. He took one into his mouth, wrapping his tongue around the small bud as he began to suckle you, looking up to your face and enjoying your reactions. “You’re so fucking pretty you know that right?” He sucked on your breast harshly before leaving it with a soft kiss and moving onto the other. “So perfect for me”
His thrusts quickened, driving you up the wall as his hands fell to your hips. You burying your face in the crook of his neck as you felt your high approaching. “Jungkook...I’m...”
“Yeah?” Jungkook’s voice was raspy with lust, “You wanna cum baby? Cum for me baby, cum all over my cock, wanna hear you make those pretty little moans when you cum”
You cried out with every thrust as he pushed you over the edge, and you felt your pussy burst with pleasure as you came, the sloppy sounds of your arousal echoing through the small space. Jungkook groaned as the hot liquid covered his cock, allowing him to slide in and out of you with ease. 
“There you go. Good girl. Good fucking girl, just like that” He gasped, feeling his cock twitch slightly, buried deep in your cunt, “Want me to cum inside you baby?” You nodded, whining slightly, “Yeah? You want it baby? Huh?” Jungkook’s hips thrust furiously at you, and he cupped your face, bringing his forehead against yours so he could look into your eyes as he came. “Want my cum? Want me to fill you up baby?”
“Yeah. I want it. Jungkook please,” Your whiny voice was enough to have him spurting through you.
“Holy fuck” Jungkook buckled over, holding you tight as cum shot out of him, filling you up and leaking out onto the floor.
He pulled out of you quickly, pulling up his sweats while you fixed your own clothes. Sweat painted his forehead as he looked at you, panting with a big smile on his cute face.
“I missed that” He confessed, pulling you back into him by the waist. He knelt down and pressed his lips on yours, letting his hands slide to your ass and squeeze them softly. 
You heard a familiar ring as the elevator door reached it’s destination. You jumped away from Jungkook, unable to get far as the strong boy’s hold on you remained steady. 
"I see stabbing you once didn’t really drive home the message huh Mr. Jeon Jungkook” 
You felt goosebumps spread as you heard the sinister tone of Jin’s voice. He stood leaning against the elevator as if he had been waiting for you, twirling his knife around aimlessly between his fingers. “Too bad, I unfortunately can’t kill you yet” He turned to you and winked, “Both of you come with me”
Sweat trickled down from Namjoon’s neck, his eyes glued to the tattered punching bag in front of him. His muscles were still sore, bruises still spattered across his bare chest. He didn’t care. He was sick of feeling helpless. Under the dim lights of the boxing gym, he pushed himself, another hit, more force, ignoring the pain shooting through his limbs with every strike.
“Don’t overdo it” Namjoon rolled his eyes at the sound of the familiar voice. “Last thing you want is to get injured again” He turned to the sound of loafers echoing across the concrete floor.
“What do you want Yoongi?” Namjoon sneered. The producer smirked slightly, patting the punching bag playfully before pacing around Namjoon.
“I’m gonna kill Taehyung, and I know Jimin is gonna break hell. I need you to protect Y/n for me. Can I trust you, Namjoon?” His voice was stern.
“Man, fuck you Yoongi” Namjoon groaned, “I put my life on the line for you constantly and you still have to fucking ask? Promise me. I want out after this. Promise me a record deal”
Yoongi shrugged, “Okay fine. I’ll sign you. Don’t let her out of your sight.” Yoongi inhaled sharply, “And I swear to God Namjoon if you even think about touching her, you’re dead to me. And I will know if you do.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes, lips parted, desperately trying to catch his breath. “Yeah okay. Just get me my fucking record deal”
Yoongi pursed his lips, pulling out his phone and handing it to Namjoon. “Paperwork is ready. You have one job. Don’t fuck up again” Namjoon clenched his fist as Yoongi chuckled in amusement. “I have some business I need to deal with personally. Keep her safe Namjoon, please”
You gagged, a puke-ish feeling clogging your throat as you coughed out. Your head was throbbing with pain as you squinted against the gleaming lights from the chandelier above your head. Glancing around, you realized you were back at Jungkook’s place, large dark wooden floors adding to the ambiance that just screamed rich in your face. The plushness of his large bed evident beneath you. 
You get up slightly, peering across the room where you see Jin handing a large duffel bag to Jungkook, whispering something into his ear. Jungkook nods eagerly, shaking Jin’s hand before exiting. He turns back to you, smiling as he realizes you are awake.
“Hey party girl. Recovered from our little day drinking session have we?” Jin chuckled. You scowl, searching around you as your throat desperately demanded water. Jin handed you a glass. “I just got Jungkook caught up, but you and I need to have a little talk” 
You exhaled before emptying the entire glass down your throat. “I know everything” You scoffed in spite, “I know everything you did, you fucking maniac”
Jin smiled wide at the term, “I know. Jungkook told me you think I was behind all of the stuff that’s been going on, stabbing him and kidnapping you. I mean,” Jin laughed, a tinge of condescendence in his voice, “You don’t actually believe that do you? Like, seriously how dumb are these guys. At least you’re smart”
You frowned at his tone, unsure of how to respond. Jin raised his eyebrows at your silence before continuing, “Oh come on Y/n. Use that little brain of yours hm? What the hell would I be gaining from all this? It was Taehyung.”
He extended you a hand, helping you out of the bed and pulling you up to stand before him, “What did he tell you huh? That he’s Yoongi’s friend or some shit? Taehyung doesn’t give a fuck about Yoongi. And I know you know about him screwing over Jimin. He’s trying to take over both gangs, not just Jimin’s, and he’s been lying to you this whole time.”
The bargaining chip. “What do you mean?” You followed the flat echoes of his footsteps down the hallway into the same office that you had Jimin tied up only a few days ago. You suppressed a smile as you noticed the curtains were still torn.
“He’s distracting Jimin and Yoongi with you. He wants them to get up against each other so that he can sway the gang loyalties towards him by showing that their leaders priorities are off. Look here” Jin motioned towards a laptop on the large desk, playing security footage of what appeared to be Death Valley’s parking lot, where people were loading bags of cash into what could have been Taehyung’s car. “He’s robbing them. And you know what else Y/n? When he’s done with all of this, he’s gonna kill them both.” 
No. No way. Betrayal stung you as you process Jin’s words, “You’re just a pawn in his game. You were bait. He just needed to you get Jimin and Yoongi to fight amongst each other. And you let him, didn’t you?” Jin chuckled, patting your cheek. “I know he kept telling you that you could trust him. That he wouldn’t hurt you. It was bullshit Y/n. This man only cares about one thing. Himself”
You thought back to the first night you laid your eyes on him, back when his hair was a faded green, his sweaty tan skin contrasting his dark leather jacket. The look of familiarity in his eyes and the gleam from his diamond studded watch. You were a fool. He strung you along.
“Where is he?” You growled, “I wanna hear it from him. I wanna ask him myself”
“Absolutely. In fact, if you’re up for it, I was wondering if you would be down to do another little mission for me” Jin winked at you. You scowled, folding your arms over your chest, “If we don’t kill him first, he’s planning on killing Yoongi tonight before the party. I know because I got him to let me in on his little coup” Your heart dropped, “You don’t want that do you?”
"No” You blurted. 
“So let’s kill him first. Come on, let’s go get you dolled up for this party”
As you left the office, you couldn’t help but notice a familiar figure standing at the other end of the hallway.
Namjoon? Your eyes locked with his. He pressed a finger to his lips before pointing at Jin and shaking his head. What is he trying to say. Namjoon seemed to have a warning look in his eyes. You simply shrugged at him, before running down the hall to catch up with Jin.
Namjoon exhaled, watching from a window as Jin and you drove off, likely heading to the hotel. Looking at his palm he saw the way his nails left imprints in his skin from how hard he was clenching his fists. Namjoon wasn’t necessarily a fan of Taehyung, but he knew a thing or two about him from Yoongi. Taehyung would never kill people. He was averse to it for some reason, Namjoon always thought it was ironic for him to be a gangster given that quality. Taehyung could torture anyone, threaten anyone, but he didn’t have it in him to take a life. 
Which meant that Jin was lying to you. Namjoon never liked Jin. Even aside from all the hits he had taken from the strong man, he always felt something was off about the guy. He feels uneasy about what he had just seen transpire, and decided to go find Yoongi. 
“Do you want some coke?” You were in the middle of washing your face when Jin walked in with a bag of powder. “I could use a hit, I don’t know about you”
“Oh hell yes. Thank you” He poured out a line on the bathroom counter using a quarter, watching with a small chuckle as you inhaled the drug, nose pressed against the cool marble. You sighed, wiping your nose and flashing a big grin in the mirror “Damn. I needed that. I didn’t know that you use”
Jin bit back a smirk, “I do.” He poured another line on the same place, this time taking a hit himself. “A lot”
“Oh. Officer Jin is a druggie like the rest of us huh” You teased. Jin poured himself a gin martini, taking a sip, eyes alight with amusement. “Does that turn you on ever? Do you ever have a hottie cuffed up and they’re like please Officer does that..you know..turn you on?”
Jin’s eyes widened at you “Not any hottie, no. Now if I had you cuffed up saying that” He chuckled, pulling you to him by the waist “That’s a whole other story” You pushed him away playfully.
“What?” Jin said mockingly, “Don’t remember that night where I gave you the best orgasm of your life?” His traced his lips up your jaw, and you could feel his smile against you.
“Wow. Cocky are we?” You raised your eyebrows. “I’ve had some pretty good sex in my life. Hard to say if that was the best”
Suddenly, Jin pulled his knife from his back pocket, glancing in the mirror as he traced the blade across your neck just enough for you to feel the sharp cold metal glide on your skin, pinching without actually making you bleed. “Don’t even lie. You loved fucking me. Don’t you remember? How fucking wet you were?” His breath was hot against your lips, but it was the look in his eyes that had you weak in the knees. 
Taking his knife, he slit clean down your shirt, tearing it off of you to reveal your bare chest. “On the floor slut” His whispered, flirty demeanor now shifted into something dark. Something feral.
You gulped, taking care to slide your bottoms off, not wanting him to slice them up before lowering yourself down onto the tiled bathroom floor. 
Jin set the knife aside, pulling out his lighter and setting in on the counter before shedding his own clothes, even he kicking off his shoes. He lifted his foot, and you watched with a curious gaze as he placed his foot on your chest. He kept the weight off of you, much to your relief, and you couldn’t help but feel absolutely filthy as he rolled your breasts under the sole of his foot. You had never done anything like this. It seemed so dirty, but felt so good. 
“Oh my god Jin” You gasped as he switched onto his other leg, taking his foot and shoving it into your mouth, watching in amusement as you gagged over his toes.
“Look at you. On the fucking floor. Naked little whore. Letting me do whatever I fucking want.” He removed his foot from your mouth, letting you catch your breath before you looked up at him with quivering eyes.
He felt blood rush to his cock at your expression. Licking his lips, knelt down, climbing over you to gently trail his fingers where his foot had been moments ago.
“And you love it” He sneered, letting his nails dig into your breast, “You love the pain don’t you you fucking slut?” When you didn’t answer he grabbed your jaw, pushing his fingers into the edge of your mouth. “I asked you a fucking question”
“Y...yes” You exhaled. You felt his fingers tease your clit, teeth tugging on your lobe as he laughed darkly.
Jin reached for the martini glass “Turn over” He growled. You found yourself with your breasts pressed flat against the floor, Jin’s cock pressing into your ass. You gasped as he poured the drink onto your back. “This is gonna burn. And you’re gonna take it like a good girl. I know you are, you let Yoongi do it so I can too”
“Wait what” Jin pressed your face down with one hand while the other grabbed his lighter, “Jin. Hold on.” Your voice rose in fear, which only turned Jin on more. He watched as you writhed under him, trying desperately to get away. “Jin seriously. That’s not funny”
“Shhh. You can take it” He cooed, flicking the flame on he slowly lowered it to your skin, bringing it nearer and nearer to the doused skin. You yelped as you began to feel the concentrated heat. Your entire body was petrified. “Enjoy it baby. You like it. You love it. You let Yoongi do it so why can’t I?”
“Jin. It’s not you, I'm just not ready for something like this please” Jin cocked his head aside in irritation, stopping the lighter before it actually touched you and tossing it aside. “I didn’t let Yoongi brand me he just did.”
Jin stilled momentarily. “And you still love him? Even though he did that?”
You didn’t answer. That alone was enough for Jin to rage. He slammed your face back down, the blow giving you a dizzying sensation that hat you getting wetter by the second. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He growled, “How can you love someone like that?” He pulled your face up, bending you back until you were flush against his chest. “I don’t want any of them touching you again. You understand me?” He let go, giving you whiplash as you fell back to the floor. “Ass up. Now” He spanked your ass hard, causing you to yelp. The stinging pain vibrated to your core. You couldn’t help but love every second of it. 
Jin knew that you were scared of him, he could feel it. He could also see the way your thighs would clench whenever he did anything to you. You were his favorite drug. He was going to ruin you.
He grabbed his belt from the pile of clothes on the side, “Hands under” He demanded, rolling his lip through his teeth as you obeyed him right away. He took the belt tying your wrists to your knees under you.
He took a moment to admire his work, your shivering body all his for the taking. You had no where to run. He had you now. “Who gives it to you the best him?” Pulling you towards him by your thighs, he didn’t care that your knees would burn against the smooth tile as he lined his cock up with your folds. He spat down, a glob of saliva landing on your ass before he used his cock head to rub it all over you. He could hear your shaky breath, your whiny moans that made him want to fuck you even more. 
He slapped his palm  onto the curve of your ass, bending over your to growl into your ear “Filthy whore. You disgust me. You let them all just do whatever they want to you, don’t you have any fucking self respect?” He could see his words were hitting close to home. You pursed your trembling lips as Jin smacked you again in the same place. 
“When will you fucking learn huh? This pussy” He reached his hand to harshly cup your cunt, shoving two fingers inside you without warning. “This pussy belongs to me. You’re mine. My cockslut whore” Taking his fingers out, he shoved them into your mouth “You taste that? That how desperate your needy little cunt is for me”
Your legs were strung together, making it all the more painful when he finally began to push his cock inside you, using his fingers to scissor you open so that he could get deep inside you. His length pushed against your tight walls, your cries and curses only motivating Jin to push further. 
“Who owns this cunt huh?” Jin pulled your hips back, burning your knees each time as he pulled you on and off his cock. Your ass slammed into him with each blow. 
“You do. Holy fuck, you do” You gasped, practically screaming as your whole body ached with pain and pleasure. 
“That’s right baby” He pinched your clit, making you yelp as he flicked at it, pounding into your relentlessly. 
“J..Jin” You mumbled, lips still half pressed on the floor, “Jin please. Feels good” Jin scoffed, “Gonna cum...gonna cum” You inhaled loudly as you felt your high approaching. Your eyes clenched shut as he edged you closer and closer, fingers furiously attacking your clit until he stopped.
You let out a loud sob as Jin yanked you up by your neck “You really thought I would let you cum whore?” His grip tightened, cock twitching at the way your voice sounded choking, the water streaming from your eyes and the drool at the edge of your lips. He kissed you, licking it all up in the process.  
“Look in the mirror. Look at how pathetic you are. I want you to remember the only person who’s ever gonna let you feel this good” You looked at your reflection, seeing only your faces and the way Jin’s nails dug into your neck. He pushed you forward so that your chin was on the countertop. You coughed out, watching as he resumed his thrusts, punishing your clit with the jarring movements of his fingers. 
You screamed, pleasure crashing over you in a wave of tantalizing heat. You gushed onto his cock, tears falling from your eyes due to how overwhelming the sensation was. Jin continued to whisper filth right into your ears but you could no longer hear anything. Your vision became hazy, not minding the blow when Jin shoved you back onto the floor and pounded you to his own release.
On the other side of the wall, Namjoon leaned his head back and sighed, glancing down to see his cock in his hands, now completely covered in cum.
Taehyung chewed on his gum nonchalantly as he paced around the luxurious hotel, checking out all the fun features. The pool deck was nice, the lobby exquisite, and his favorite part, the cafe, smelt delicious. 
Yoongi had asked to meet him in his suite. On his way there he ran into you, and you knocked his breath away. He always thought you were beautiful, but tonight you looked elegant. It was such a surprising contrast to your usual getup, but you looked amazing. He was about to tell you just that when he finally registered the hurt look in your eyes.
“You liar” You slapped him with everything you had. Taehyung backed away in surprise. “How could you use me like that? Over and over again. I trusted you. You were really the only one I thought had my back. Without a fucking doubt” You lunged towards him for another hit but Taehyung held your wrist firmly.
“What are you talking about? When did I use you?” Taehyung looked around frantically, “Calm down okay, let’s go somewhere and talk this through.” Your eyes flared in anger. 
“Don’t fucking tell me to calm down! You’re gonna kill them!” You screamed. Taehyung squinted, noticing the slight redness in your eyes. He sighed in understanding, pulling you by the wrist into a corridor. 
“Y/n. Breathe. Tell me what’s going on” Taehyung attempted to calm you down but you were enraged. “And what the fuck are you on?”
Admittedly, you and Jin had ended up doing many more lines of coke, perhaps even molly, you were no longer sure, but you washed it down with the bottle of gin, finding it unprecedentedly hilarious that Jin liked to drink gin martinis. 
“You used me! To fuck with Jimin! And Yoongi! You lied to me! Everything you said was a fucking lie, everything you did, every stupid word that came out of your stupid mouth was a lie! You just want power. You’re selfish, and...and...you’re gonna KILL them” A dramatic gasp left your lips, Taehyung almost laughed, “You’re gonna kill Yoongi. I...I can’t let you do that”
You pulled out your gun, cocking it and pressing it against Taehyung’s chest. He instantly put his hands up. “Y/n. Y/n stop. That’s not true okay you’re not thinking straight. Don’t do something you’ll regret”
Your hands trembled around the gun “You’ll kill them. You’ll kill them both...I can’t let you do that”
“Hold on!”
Too late. You pulled the trigger.
Hobi wandered through the parking lot looking for his car. His eyes narrowed on a familiar vehicle, thinking back to when he had loaded the drug money from the last fight. 
So. Is that guy Yoongi then? The one I kept seeing? Hobi wandered over to the car. Peering inside the passenger window, his eyes locked on a small item on the floor of the car. He squinted to read it, it appeared to be some sort of credit card.
He stepped back, realizing what the name on the card was. He glanced around before taking the end of his gun and ramming it into the door handle. The door creaked open, allowing Hobi to swipe the card up. He slid it into his pocket, before hurriedly returning to the hotel. 
Namjoon’s eyes widened as he watched you pull a gun out on Taehyung. He had been thoroughly entertained as you yelled and slapped him, knowing full well that you were high out of your mind. 
Namjoon couldn’t understand Jin’s plan at all. He had eavesdropped on everything so far, as per Yoongi’s orders. Why would Jin ask you to kill Taehyung, why wouldn’t he just do it himself? He knew you would hate yourself if you actually killed him. 
He had also been thoroughly disappointed at how easily Jungkook had bought into Jin’s agenda as well. The things people do for money. Namjoon sighed, realizing that he was pretty much acting on similar motivations. 
You were ready to pull the trigger, and Namjoon was almost certain you wouldn’t do it, until he saw your finger begin to curl. He ran towards the corridor as fast as he could.
“Hold on!” He yelled, but it was too late. Taehyung’s eyes flew shut.
Namjoon blinked, not hearing the familiar gunshot sound. You looked equally confused, glancing down the barrel of your gun. Taehyung let out a shaky sigh of relief, sliding down the wall.
“It...was a blank” You mumbled. Namjoon rushed to your side, pulling you away from Taehyung. “What the...what was I just about to do?” His heart clenched as your lips parted in shock.
“Taehyung are you okay?” Namjoon asked. Taehyung nodded, clearly shaken up but managing to get a hold of himself. 
“What the fuck is going on?” He growled, “Who gave her a gun? And who gave her drugs while she had a gun? Fucking hell”
Namjoon stroked your back as you let the gun drop to the floor, the weight of your actions finally hitting you. 
“I’m so sorry. Taehyung I...” You looked into his eyes. Those eyes that always left you questioning what was really going on in that pretty head of his. 
“Yeah. Jin fucking fed her some interesting stories about how you’re using her. At least I hope they’re just stories” Namjoon peered at him. “I’m Namjoon by the way, we haven’t officially met”
Taehyung shook his hand “Hi Namjoon. I heard you make pretty decent music” He chuckled ironically, “Y/n, I need you to tell me everything Jin said. There’s been some sort of misunderstanding, I promise you I wasn’t taking advantage of you.”
Namjoon made a face, exchanging a glance with you as you nodded slowly. Namjoon was not entirely sure he should believe Taehyung. He supposed it wouldn’t matter, when he knew that Yoongi was planning to kill Taehyung anyways. The more information he had, the better he could at least keep you out of trouble. 
P R E S E N T  D A Y--
Security escorted you and Jimin out immediately as the media broke into a frenzy trying to figure out what had happened. You had hoped your acting skills had convinced him. 
After Taehyung sobered you up slightly, the three of you had sat and schemed. Using everything the three of you knew, you were able to figure out that it really was Jin behind Jimin’s accident, your and Namjoon’s kidnapping, as well as Jungkook’s attempted murder. He was able to do all of this using Hobi’s help, but Hobi seemed not to know that he was receiving orders from Jin.
The question remained how and why. 
“I know you’re not going to believe me. So I have proof” Taehyung pulled his phone out, pulling up a recording of Jin tied up somewhere.
All I ask, is that when the dust settles, Y/n is mine. And I get to kill them. My way
You felt queasy seeing his earnest expression through the film. Namjoon’s jaw clenched, recognizing crazy when he saw it, wishing he could have knocked the guy’s brains out beforehand.
“Listen to me. This guy is dangerous. I don’t really understand why he’s doing all of this. He said he wanted to help me, but clearly there’s some other motive here. Otherwise he wouldn’t go behind my back.” Taehyung muttered.
“The only way to know what he wants is to see what he does next” Namjoon pitched in. 
You glanced between the two men, feeling weirdly relieved that you finally had some solid answers. Having Namjoon by your side after so long was the best thing you could ask for at the moment, and you clung to him, hands wrapped around his arm tightly. He thought it was cute.
“Let me fake my death. Let’s see what he does.”
The drivers took you and Jimin to the precinct. You looked around for Namjoon but he was nowhere to be seen. Your eyes met Jin’s briefly as he signed some paperwork. He winked at you.
“Can I have the body taken to get an autopsy report please?” You weren’t phased by this. Taehyung had said he had enough contacts to make it truly believable that he had died. Jimin’s face was void of emotion as he watched the stretcher go past with the body on it.
You left the hold on his hand, your blood running cold as the body nears you. It was loosely covered with a white sheet, but the arm hung out limply from the sight.
That watch. That’s his watch.
Jimin pressed his lips to the top of your head, sliding his arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to him “You okay babe?” 
“I...no yeah, I’m just shocked” You stammered. You looked up at him, allowing him to place a loving kiss on your lips.
Jimin felt for you, he really did. He himself was generally an emotional person, it was not something he ever tried to hide. But he always felt like his emotional energy was valuable. He didn’t feel the need to cry. Not for Taehyung.
Jimin stroked your back softly, “It’s scary, I know. I know baby, but don’t worry” He licked his lips, eyes briefly meeting Hobi’s from across the room. Hobi gave him a knowing look.
“Don’t worry. It’ll all be over soon”
ᐊ——[ previous ] series navi | masterlist | [ next ]——ᐅ
a/n: WOOHOOO. the fun is really gonna start now. did you miss yoongi? don’t worry, he’ll be back. drop your theories in my asks! who killed taehyung? what’s jin’s deal? 
smut pairs are up for next week! poor oc, she really needs to eat some food. yikes.
see you then & thanks for reading <3 happy juneteenth! 
taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie​ @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies​ @infernal-alpaca @shrimpmsg @meowmeowyoongles @rjsmochii @liltangerined @littlrmills14-blog @issysor @arandomblackgirl @adoringinsanity @giadalin @jeontier @kaithezaftig @jinssexytoe @nonnis97@minyoongiboongi @happygirl62304 @just-me-and-myselfs @purplepebbles @channiespup @lilacdreams-00 @kianam @thmrdrs @kpoppin-mel @namjooningelsewhere @lolzerss @planetsope @ohmykim @xyahrinx @bangtan-army @you-are-my-wind
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The Covid Crush
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Evan Buckley x Reader 
Warnings: mentions of covid, injures and fires, a lil steamy make out session, mentions of babies and pregnancy, chim being disgusted by y’all (jokingly)
Category: fluff 
Word Count: 2k
Author’s Note: based on Buck’s “covid crush” 
The line rang a few times before he picked up. “Buck’s phone, you’ve reached.. Buck” he laughed making you smile. Even though he couldn’t see you, he always brought a smile to your face. 
“Hey you” you said, pushing the door shut with your foot. 
“Hey! Aren’t you at work ?” he asked, you could hear the voices on his end getting quieter with each step he took. 
“I’m on a break, I thought I'd call and check up on you. How are things at the station ? Is everyone okay ?” 
“Yeah, everyone’s alright for now. I’m good too, thanks for asking” you could practically hear him roll his eyes over the phone. “Oh, forgive me. How are you doing today, Evan ?” you laughed, “I'm good, I'm off at-” the bell went off. 
“That’s my cue, talk later?” he asked, the sound of his heavy footsteps jogging down what you could assume was the stairs. 
“Of course, be safe Buck” you said, “always.” he replied, ending the call.
Although you and Buck weren’t together, you still worried about him, especially with everything that was going on now. It was like your heart was out of your body and running aimlessly into fires everyday. You originally met Buck though his sister, Maddie because you worked with her at the call centre. Buck had come by to see her or pick her up, ending with the two of you bumping into each other. Over time, you became friends and hung out a few times, seeing each other at Maddie’s for game night too. You weren't sure when it turned into something more but you wouldn’t want it any other way. 
Maddie walked into the break room, “hey” she smiled at you, “hey” you took a sip of the coffee in front of you. 
“Is that coffee ?” she stopped in her tracks. 
“Yes it is, there’s a fresh pot” 
She made her way over to the coffee pot, “one cup Maddie, you know the rules” you mumbled, she shot you a glare. “not you too” she groaned, pouring the hot liquid into a mug. “Hey! I'm doing baby Buckley a favour here” you raised your hands playfully. “yea- wait, what did you just call my baby ?” she looked over at you once more, “baby Buckley ?” your brows furrowed, it wasn’t anything strange. 
“Y/n, have you been hanging out with Buck ?” 
“Your brother ? No, why ?” you lied to her, you didn't want to but the two of you made a promise to each other to keep your little conversations a secret. 
“He calls the baby, baby Buckley” she laughed
“Well it is a baby and you are a Buckley, so that makes sense” you smiled at her and got up, “gotta get back to work, see you out there?” you asked, she nodded. 
“Enjoy your coffee, one cup remember!” you hear her groan at your reminder as you walk back out. 
The phone rang, you were driving home from the call centre. Tumbling through the console in the middle, you find your phone. Buck’s cheesy contact picture popped up. It was some selfie he had sent you during the holidays of him dressed as Santa to help Eddie surprise Christopher. 
“Hello Evan” you answered his call, he groaned rather loudly. “Everything okay there, big guy ?” 
“y/n, what did I tell you about calling me Evan ?” he asked you, you laughed, “nothing worth mentioning my darling, how was your call ?” 
“It was fine, the regular day for me, pulling people out of burning buildings” he sighed. 
“Any injuries?” 
“Just a few bumps and bruises on the family but they’ll be fine” he replied made you smile, he could be so oblivious. You truly wondered how he was a firefighter sometimes. “That’s good but I was asking about you” you turned into your building parking lot. 
“Oh,” he laughed, “I'm fine, also a few bruises but nothing too bad” 
“Heading home for the day ?” 
“Uh, no. Eddie wants to get home to Chris so I'm picking up his shift for him.” 
“Oh, that's sweet of you Buck” 
The door opens on his end, you walk up the stairs to your apartment. “Is that your little covid crush?” you can hear Chim ask him, Buck groans. 
“Stop harassing me Chim, why don’t you go call your girlfriend or something?” Buck mumbles, Chim laughs. 
“Hi Buck’s friend, I'm Chim!” he shouts so you could hear him which made you laugh. “I’d tell you to tell him hi but I feel like that might get us in trouble won’t it ?” you asked as you kicked off your shoes. “Yeah, I'll talk to you later hun ?” he asked you. 
“Yeah, if you work overnight, call me tomorrow ?” 
“Of course” 
“Oh, Buck ?” 
“Yeah ? 
“Be safe” 
It’s the crack of dawn, literally and your phone rings. The only person that could be calling you now had to be Buck. Squinting your eyes at the brightness of your phone, you pick up and groan. “Hm what is it ?” you mumbled, rolling back onto your side, your phone against your pillow. 
“Oh my bad, I thought you had work this morning, that’s why I called” he whispered, now realizing that he woke you up. “It’s cool,” you yawn, “going home now?” 
“Yeah, what's the plan for today ?” he asks, you hear the Jeep’s engine come to life. 
“Uh maybe some grocery shopping and catching up on Netflix. I have a shift tonight. What about you ?” 
“Maybe some sleep, a shower and back to work. Oh I also have to do groceries, Chim keeps eating everything in the house” he groans making you smile. 
“Why don't you just send him home? Maddie’s working too, he’ll be fine.” 
“I don't want to be mean, you know? He let me crash at his place. Speaking of Mads, how’s baby Buckley doing? you see her more than me” he chuckled, as do you, remembering your conversation with Maddie 
“Good, they’re both good. You know, I called the baby, baby Buckley and she asked if I had talked to you recently” 
“Hm, did you tell her no?” 
“No, I told yes” 
“Buck, I'm kidding, relax” 
He let out a sigh which made you laugh. It wouldn’t be horrible if she knew but you guess he wanted to keep it on the lows, it's only fair that you respect that. There was a pause in the conversion, Buck was humming along to the song on the radio, soon enough he started singing. He was 100% off-key and you could hear the tapping along to the beat on his steering wheel as well. You laid in bed listening to him sing off key for a good few minutes until he called out to you. 
“You know, I could pick up some stuff from the store for you, if you wanted ? I can just drop it off later” you offered 
“That would be nice, thanks. But uh- maybe you could actually stay when you drop the stuff off ?” he asked 
“Don’t you have work?” you asked, the sound of his footsteps thudding up the stairs, you figured he got home. 
“Yeah, but if I’m an hour late, it’ll be fine” once again, there’s a pause in the conversation but it comes for your end this time. 
“Y/n?” the shower is running on his end, he sounded distant, the phone was on speaker. 
“Just checking my schedule, what time does your shift start ?” you question him
“9, what about you ?” 
“9:30. I’ll see you tonight Evan, enjoy your shower” 
“Sleep well babe” he hung up, you tossed your phone to the other side of the bed and went back to bed. 
Buck opened the door, taking the bags from you. “Come in, thanks for these” he raised the bags and rested them on the counter. 
“How much do I own you?” he asks, your back turned to him while you wash your hands. 
“Don’t worry about it” 
“No, c’mon, this is a lot” Buck leans against the counter, you turn towards him. There’s a little bruise on his cheek and a scratch mark by his chin, your hand comes up and cups his face. His hand wraps around your wrist as your thumb rubs the scratch mark on his chin, Buck turns his head slightly to press a kiss to the palm of your hand. 
“I’m okay” he whispers, his other hand finding your waist, pulling you closer to him, your chest against his. 
“I know, doesn't mean I don’t worry” your hand comes down from his face to his chest, both of your hands now resting on his chest as you look up at him. Buck’s arms wrap around you as he picks you up and spins you around. 
“Evan! Stop it!” you laughed, grabbing at his shirt, he sets you down on the counter. Buck stood between your legs, his hands rubbed at the sides of your thighs. Your legs wrap around his waist as his arms wrap around your shoulders, pulling you into a bone crushing hug. “I take it, you missed me?” you mumbled with your face squished against Buck’s chest. “More than you know” he kissed the top of your head. 
Your phone buzzed, ruining your sweet moment. “Who is it ?” he asked, holding up the phone, the time was 8:45. “Alarm, I gotta go sweets, I have work soon” 
“Oh come on, you can be late one day, right ?” He kissed your forehead
“You have work too” you reminded him, he ignored your comment, kissing down from your forehead to your cheek. 
“Buck, don’t” you muttered as your hand came up to the back of his head, your fingers tangled in his hair. You knew the game he was playing and it was a dangerous one. 
“10 minutes” he mumbled, his lips against your skin, now moving down to your neck. 
“5 minutes” you bargained with him. Buck laughed and shook his head, “you know we’re gonna be here for more than 10 minutes right ?” His hands cupped your face as he leaned in for a kiss, one of your hands grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to you, closing the gap between the two of you. Buck’s hands slid down from your face to your chest and then to your stomach, ending up on your hips. You pull on his shirt, he lets go of you for a moment to pull it off and then his lips are back on yours. 
The two of you are so wrapped up in each other that you don't notice the front door unlock, Chim walks in to find the two of you making out in the kitchen. Buck’s shirt is on the floor, Chim picks it up and tosses it at the two of you.
“Are you guys serious ?” he groans as he shuts the door. You pull away from Buck, a blush across your cheeks. “Hey Chim,” Buck laughed, pulling back on his shirt. “Thought you had work ?” Buck asks, Chim shakes his head. “I’m done, shift changes in an hour.” 
“You guys couldn't have made out in bed or something ? Like a normal couple ?” Chim asks, you and Buck reply at the same time, “we’re not a couple” the two of you look at each other and smile. 
“Whatever, but c’mon! I eat breakfast there guys, that’s gross” his face screwed with disgust making you laugh. “Sorry” you gave him a smile, looking over at him, now on his way to the bathroom. Buck’s hand comes up to your chin, pulling your attention back to him, his lips are on yours again. 
“You guys do know you're breaking the social distance regulations right now, right ?!” Chim shouted from the bathroom, you could hear him laughing. 
“Shut up!” Buck shouted back, his hands cupping your face and pulling you back in for another kiss. 
taglist: @ssa-volturi​ @dralexreid​
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lovetorn · 3 years
soccer game [roommate!dream au]
pairing: dream x f!reader
summary: roommate!dream watches your college soccer game
w/c: 1.3k+
a/n: turning this into a mini blurb series maybe? if people want it? lmk guys!! enjoy this :)
roommate!dream masterlist
“Is he here?” Your best friend, Niki, asks. You shake your head, looking at the bleachers, unable to spot your 6’3” roommate, Dream.
“He probably won’t even come. I only mentioned it last night and I heard Sapnap telling him they had plans with the team today, so I don’t know,” You say, tightening the laces of your soccer boots. You ignore the looks Niki gives you.
Your coach clears his throat and after he catches the attention of the rest of the team, he begins.
“Ok, this is our biggest game of the season. We have to win,” He says and there are multiple cheers from your teammates in reply.
He reads out the team list and soon enough, the referee is blowing his whistle. You stand from your spot in the team circle and shield your eyes from the sun to try and search the crowd for Dream. With no luck, you sigh and run onto the field to take your position.
You look over your team, clad in black and white, and then over to the other team who are in red. The first half goes by fairly quickly, despite it being 45 minutes long. The score is 9-7 to the other team and your teammates are starting to get annoyed by their dirty plays.
As you run off the field, you hear someone call your name. You turn to the right and see Dream, dressed in a white hoodie, black jeans, and socks and slides. You roll your eyes at his choice of footwear and grab your water bottle before you jog over to him. Breathing heavily, you stop in front of him.
“You came!” You exclaim, smiling brightly at him, ignoring the way your chest warms at the sight of Dream wearing your team’s colours. Dream nods, his hair falling in his eyes. You almost reach up and brush it to the side but he beats you to it.
“I did! The plans with the team fell through and there was nothing to do so, here I am,” He smiles. The idea that you were a second option makes your stomach flip, but he’s here. You smile up at him, your hand moving to rest on your forehead to block out the setting winter sun.
“Well, thanks for coming—I know it’s not as exciting as your team,” You take a sip of your water bottle. “But at least you actually came”
“And you’re actually pretty alright at soccer,” Dream teases, flicking your forehead. You scrunch up your nose and slap his hand away.
“Yeah, thanks.” You joke, swinging your arm that holds your bottle, back and forth.
Dream laughs. “No! I didn’t mean it sarcastically—I knew you were good at this but—ugh.” His head lands in his palms and you squint at him. The tips of his ears are red and when he pulls his face away, his cheeks are tinted pink. You choose not to comment.
“I got it, Dream,” You laugh, taking a few steps backwards. “Listen, I gotta go...” You throw your thumb over your shoulder.
“Yes! Sorry. See you after the game?” He asks as you turn around, giving him a thumbs-up behind you. Your gaze drops to your boots as you return to your team who are all standing, ready for the whistle.
“Whose that?” A girl in your team asks, pointing at Dream’s retreating figure. You turn to look back at him, your eyes following his broad shoulders.
“My roommate.”
“Is he single?” She giggles.
You nearly choke, but scoff and laugh it off. “Very.” You don’t miss the way she shares a look with another girl and the pair start giggling together.
You brush off the odd feeling in your chest and glance over your shoulder until you find the blonde again. He sits in the middle of the bleachers, his hands on his knees and his gaze on you. Your eyes widen and you face your team again. You suddenly feel self-conscious in your uniform and start noticing all the areas that are slightly too tight. Pulling at your shorts, you place your water bottle back with your bag and rejoin the team before the referee blows his whistle indicating the second half.
You exhale slowly, ready for the next 45 minutes of intense gameplay. Taking your position on the field, your eyes fall in the direction of Dream. You nearly miss the sound of the starting whistle and the other team kicking off.
Sprinting up the field, you take the ball off of a blonde girl in red and dribble it towards the goal. You pass it across the middle and Niki kicks it at the goal. Although, the goalie is too quick and stops it before it can hit the back of the net. You groan and look at the sky.
You jog backwards to watch the goalie kick the ball into the air and feel a pair of eyes on you and immediately become hyper-aware of them. Dream’s gaze is distracting—but nonetheless, you run up the field, again, and call for the ball before kicking it into the net. This time, the goal lands and the referee blows his whistle to mark a goal. Your eyes widen and you throw your arms in the air, laughing. Your teammates run towards you, giving you high-fives and side hugs, before moving back into their starting positions.
You stop yourself from glancing at Dream, but you’re too excited. Your eyes meet his and you notice his bright smile. He gives you a thumbs up and you roll your eyes playfully, grinning back at him. The vibrancy of green eyes watching your every move keeps you on your toes.
The game continues like this for a while—your team scoring goal after goal and only letting in 2 from the other team. The game rolls to a close and you’re exhausted. Your coach subbed you off in the middle of the half and then put you back on with 10 minutes left—which is when you scored your second goal of the game. The adrenaline that coursed through your veins is wearing off now and the full extent of your tiredness is hitting you.
The whistle is blown to signal the end of the game and then you’re cheering again. 14-11 to your team.
After celebrating with your team, most of the crowd had dispersed from the bleachers and the other team left. You grab your bag and water bottle from its spot on the ground next to the bench and laugh at something Niki says.
You hear your name, deep and loud, and lift your head to see Dream, again. You bid Niki goodbye and make your way towards the blonde.
“Why are you still here?” You laugh, falling into step beside him. You notice he's walking towards the car park.
Dream digs around in his pocket before he replies. “Need a lift home?” He smiles, dangling his keys next to his head.
You giggle and nod, shoving him lightly. "I would love one." His hoodie under your fingertips is worn, and the intention behind him wearing it causes your heart to race slightly.
“Did you like the game? I know it drags on forever and it’s boring at times but—”
Dream mumbles your name. “I really enjoyed it, it was fun,” He then says, his face dusted pink. “And you were really good.”
You almost don’t hear the last part, but as soon as you catch it, you feel your cheeks heat up. “Oh, uh, thanks, Dream.”
The silence that hangs in the air is comfortable, but an underlying vehemence leaves your head buzzing and your skin on fire.
"Maybe I'm your lucky charm," He grins cheekily, his voice back to usual with a hint of cockiness. "Since you only scored goals when I was there."
You roll your eyes. "Shut up."
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kim-miyeon · 3 years
Hell Above-Chapter One
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PAIRINGS: Hwang Hyunjin X Female Reader
WARNINGS: Mafia!AU, strong language, violent scenes, use of weapons, mentions of blood, mentions of sex trafficking, murder, suggestive language, sexual scenes, unprotected sex. 18+ Please.
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This is a Wasteland, My Only Retreat.
The faint roar of the vehicle engine rumbled lowly as you sat in the driver seat of your car, both of your hands resting softly on the steering wheel. Your annoyed sigh released itself as your head turned to look at the sleek folder that laid in the seat next to you. You smirked to yourself as you averted your eyes back to the rusted standing building in front of you. The allure of the night caused the whole scenery to match the mood of this dreadful evening. Your eyes scanned over the area surrounding, four black cars parked to the left side of the building, the whole estate heavily guarded with about fifteen men, the soldiers. You stared for a bit before looking up to your rearview mirror and allowing your eyes to observe you. It was almost cliché the way you looked for the part you played. The way your features could kill a man alone and you knew that better than anybody. Reaching your hand into your purse that sat on your lap, you pulled out an item that was set to complete such a look of power,  your blood red lipstick. You moved closer to the rearview to get a better view as you applied a layer of the tint on your lips, bringing your character to life. You rubbed  your lips together and cleaned around the edges before your eyes naturally diverted to a dark figure walking towards your car.  You groaned in annoyance as you unbuckled yourself and grabbed the folder to the right of you. Turning your keys in the ignition off, you opened the car door, throwing your legs over onto the pebble ground, where the heels of your black boots met. Your whole appearance could have blended into how dark the night became as you wore black jeans and a black sweater, paired with your favorite black trench coat. The only color that could be determined was the deep red on your lips and the silver gun that hung by your side. 
“YAH Y/N!”  the voice of the figured called out and you heard the thick accent of an Australian native come through
You slammed the car door shut behind you as you inhaled the cool freshnes of the autumn night. Shifting your direction to the young man walking closer to you. He had a slim figure, soft blonde strands that fit his small face and hints of freckles that coated him. On a usual day, he would be smiling and spreading his contagious positivity. But on nights like this, he was different. We were different.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He asked sternly, voice low and accent deep. You walked towards him with the folder in your hand.  
“Is that anyway to greet your elder, Felix?” You smiled back playfully, shoving the folder into his chest. He grabbed a hold of it flipping through the contents before looking back at you.
“How did you find out?” he sighed in defeat. 
“Well, I heard you caught a mouse,” You said as you started to walk towards the building,  with Felix following, “the cat wanted to play.”
“You shouldn’t be here, Y/N,  you know you can be comprom-” 
“Cut the bullshit Felix,”  You waved your hand,  pushing away the topic. “Just tell me what you know.”
Felix groaned and you looked over to him, stopping both of your tracks, “He was one of the associates. Caught taking pictures and asked too many questions.” 
“Is that why the soldiers are here?” You asked, arms crossing over your body. 
“Mhm. We don’t know which associate can be trusted, and didn't want to create more trouble.” 
You squinted in confusion at his statement and Felix bit his lip as if he was debating to reveal anymore. 
“We think he might be working with ‘Y’.” 
Y. The alias name of a mystery person who has had multiple failed attempts in trying to reel you out. Or reel out whoever they can in all honesty. Pathetic and yet intriguing, as you and your family have been on the hunt for this mystery person for the past 6 months. Your interest spiked up to the new found information. 
You laughed sinisterly as you turned back to walk towards the entrance of the building. “God, I love a good Friday night.” 
“Y/N, I’m serious. You really shouldn’t be here. We don’t know the multitude that ‘Y’ is working on,” Felix pleaded.
“So we find out.” You stated.
 “We are. YOU just can’t be here because Min-“ you stopped in front of the door to the warehouse and you turned around to Felix who cut himself off from finishing his sentence.
“Because what, Felix.” You gritted.
Felix sighed and looked at you. 
“Minho doesn’t want you here”
You clicked your tongue and scoffed in disbelief at the sentence. You felt the blood bubble in your veins as the adrenaline from anger rushed through you. 
“Last time I checked, Minho wasn’t my fucking boss.” 
You marched up to the warehouse doors and pushed it open. Felix following you as you both walked into the dark and musty place, smells of decaying animals and blood surrounded you immediately, which could have bothered any normal individual, but the smell was too natural for you. 
Straight ahead was a dim light shining on a profound scene. Your sight was captured by a man tied to a chair, hands cuffed behind him, blood hanging from the ends of his hair dripping down his cheeks and arms. Barely hanging on to whatever life he may have left, he raises his head to a man who you assumed performed such a violent assault. The man’s brown hair was sweat ridden and he wore his white dress shirt with sleeves rolled up.  On his hand sparkled a set of brass knuckles that he wiped off with his handkerchief. Walking closer, you witness the man as he swung his forearm back and connected another blow to the captured man's face, earning splatter of blood to the floor and a grunt from the victim. You scoffed softly as you approached such a disappointing scene. 
If it weren’t for the loud clicks of your heels to suggest your arrival, it could have been the dark demeanor you had when you came into the lit area and the man looked at you, first in surprise and then annoyance. It was hard to admit, but he was attractive, his muscles bore through his shirt and pants. His face was one that could ruin a woman. His dark sweaty hair stuck to his forehead from the work he put in for the night. He scoffed when he saw you and you crossed your arms over your chest and smiled at him. 
His eyes switched his gaze to Felix who approached behind you.
“You had... one job.” Stepping forward and raising his finger to emphasize Felix’s one job of the night, implying that it was to make sure you weren’t there.
Felix bowed his head in an apologetic manner and you laughed as you looked down at the floor and the back to the man.
“You’ve been relieved of your duties for the night Minho, you can go.” 
He laughed at you and came closer, “I’m not going anywhere.”
“It wasn’t a suggestion.” You stepped closer to him.
Minho paused and looked at you as you held his gaze sternly. He finally let up, cursing in the air, understanding the consequences of disobeying you. 
Minho turned to grab his coat and walked away calling out for Felix to come with him.
You breathed out in content and removed your coat. The man sitting in the chair raised his head slowly as he had heard your heels come closer to him. You grabbed his bloody chin and forced his head up to look at you as you examined to damage Minho had done. 
“Tsk tsk tsk, he really did a number in your face.” You let go of his chin and he hung his head low again. 
“Who are you?”
“Who am I?” You smiled at the question asked, “I can be whoever you want me to be.”
The man raised his head slightly as he saw you walk over and grab an empty chair, pulling it to sit across from him. You sat down and crossed your leg over the other one and pulled out a box of cigarettes from your back pocket, along with a lighter. You pulled a cigarette out with your mouth and lit it as you inhaled deeply. The smoke burning the back of your throat, almost sobering you for a second.
 “Who am I?”  you reiterated, “ Well truthfully, I don’t think that’s as important. I actually came here cause I wanted to get to know you more”
“I already told the man before that I don’t know anything.” 
You sucked in air as you pulled the cigarette out from your lips “See I could believe that, however, I know that’s not true, right... Danny?”
You paused as you saw no reaction, “ … or is it better to call you...SungHo.” 
He looks at you in immediate terror and you smile, inhaling another drag.
“How do you-“
“Kim SungHo, father to two beautiful young girls, Mina, 3,  and Hyerin, 5. A loving husband to Kim Ji Hye for 10 years. Congratulations, your anniversary was last month right?” You asked innocently as you watch the man in front of you begin to widen his eyes to your knowledge. 
You pulled another drag from the cancer stick, “A former professional photographer. You had your own business that went bankrupt, right? So you opted into your dangerous pleasures to feed your girls, huh?”
“I was just doing what I can,” He mumbled.
“Life in prison without parole. I heard they were even considering the death penalty for the men they found, men like you, right SungHo?” You scooted closer to him as you watched a tear roll down his face. 
“Did you like taking photos of those girls? Did you like watching them beg for their lives?”
He cried and choked on his own tears as you stood up and flicked the cigarette to the ground and stomped on it to put it out. 
“Tell me who you work for SungHo.”
“I can’t” he choked out.
“Oh SungHo, you don’t want to make me mad. I’m worse than that man before. Way worse.”
Sungho just cried and you grew intolerable to the minutes that past as you waited for information. You knew that beating him the way Minho did was foolish. So you did the one thing none of those bastards could ever. You grabbed your gun and cocked it back aiming for his head as he cried softly. You notice the lack of adrenaline, the almost inviting acceptance he was having to a moment of death you could implicate. So you moved your aim towards his groin.
“STOP! STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” he screamed. 
“Tell me who you work for Sungho, my patience is at an all time low.”
“What did he want?”
“When’s the next time you’ll see him?” He paused and you lowered your gun and fired a gunshot right into his crotch. He screamed in pain and you aimed your gun back at his head. 
You stepped back and relaxed yourself as you had found all the information you needed. You stood back looking at him as your mind thought back to the kids he had. You can’t protect them y/n. You watched as Sungho cried out in the pain as he bled. Your curiosity got the better of you in the moment as you twirled your gun.
“Did you find out who the boss was?” 
Sungho breathed out heavily,“I took pictures of the man before you.” 
You smiled in disbelief, “and you believe him to be the boss of the Lee Family?”
“The associates say that he is the only one they have seen and fits the description of the son of Lee Won-Shik.” He looked up at you and your face went pale. 
That name. One that you knew too well. Your father’s name.
You aimed the gun back at his crotch and fired another bullet in anger. SungHo screamed and gritted as blood began to pool from his groin area, surely ending whatever reproduction system he had left.
“I know, it’s a shame.” 
The pain you inflicted caused you to wonder how painful it could have been. You just watched him bleed out and scream as he begged you for help. You turned and saw the camera lying on the table and you walked over to pick it up. You scrolled through pictures of Minho leaving offices and greeting people, people who worked for your family for years. Any leakage of this information could be detrimental. The whole thing put a sour taste in your mouth. 
“Unfortunately Sungho, you won’t be dropping off this camera tomorrow.”
“It’s a shame. A man who watches girls younger than your own daughters be taken from their families and exploited in such a distasteful manner… makes me sick.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You walked over and you cocked your gun back again as you aimed the gun to his head. 
“Also, Lee Minho doesn’t run this family,”
You turn to Sungho who was crying in pain and pulled the trigger of your gun watching his head fall back as blood and pieces of his head splattered, coating the wall and floor behind you both. You move away and placed your gun back in your holder as you turned back to grab your coat, walking toward the exit. Leaving Sungho’s dead body to bleed out. 
“I Do.” 
Outside, you see four men talking as you closed the large door behind you. Their views shifted on you and you watched as Minho walked up to you in anger.
“Three gunshots. You killed him.” He spat. 
“He saw my face.”
“I had everything under control.” 
“An interrogation that lasted two hours is your version of under control? What kind of questions did you ask Minho? What kind of camera does he use? Can he get you a deal at Best Buy?” you mocked.
“Like he told you anything! You were in there for 30 minutes and now we have a dead man and no information, I bet. I bet you killed him because he disrespected you as a woman! I know that really gets your blood boiling and you act like a deranged child!”
“Do you want a demonstration?” You grabbed your gun and aimed it at him until you hear a yelling from behind Minho. 
“GUYS SERIOUSLY.” You turned your eyes to the boy who yelled out at you and sighed as Minho began to relax is demeanor. “We are family, we shouldn’t be fighting like this.” 
“Seungmin’s right, we could be in a world of trouble and we need to work together now.” Felix reassured as he walked up to you and Minho and pushed your gun down. 
You walked up to the group as Minho avoided eye contact with you. You stood next to Seungmin who was looking at you with caring eyes. You smiled because he was the type to always bring down the heat of conversations and make everyone regroup. Next to you stood a smaller boy, with blue hair. He had a soft fox like face and you smiled at him as he admired you. 
“What information did you find?” The younger one asked you and you nodded. 
“He worked for ‘Y’ in exchange for immunity to his crime charges to come later this week. That camera is supposed to be delivered tomorrow at the train station on the west side but unfortunately there’s been a delay.” You looked the boys who were nodding their heads all except Minho. 
“And I saved both of are asses tonight, Minho. The associates are talking a lot among themselves, they believe you are the alleged son of my father. He has pictures of you meeting with secret partners. Had I kept him alive, our secret would have been revealed and the Hwang family would had found you, not just ‘Y’.” You informed. 
“Thank you.” he muttered. 
“Everyone report tomorrow 9 AM sharp. Seungmin put together a strategy plan for going forth on the ‘Y’ issue. Felix  dispose of the body near the train tracks, make sure you make a note for ‘Y’ to see. Minho,-”
Minho looked at you carefully having calm down from the interaction earlier, “Kill all the associates. None of them can be trusted.”
The boys all parted was and the youngest member stood by your side looking to you innocently. “What would you like me to do?” 
“I need you to go find Sungho’s family and bring them to safety tonight. Don’t tell the others about it Jeongin, keep your tracker on. Take your soldiers with you.” Jeongin nodded and you hugged him close as he went off. 
You walk towards your car and your phone dings in your coat pocket. You pulled it out and read the message that flashed across the screen. 
“Just got on to my connecting flight, see you soon ❤️-HJ” 
You smiled and put your phone back into your pocket, as you opened and sat in your car, ready to go home.
You opened the oven and was blasted with a rush of heat as you removed the roasted potatoes in the pan and placed it on your stove top. The sound of the ongoing sizzle was still coming from the potatoes drowned out by the soft playing of jazz that you had in the background on your speaker. To the left of your view was the  piece of steak you had searing on your pan. It had been a while since you had a nice home cooked dinner. It had been a while since you two have eaten together like this. It had been a while in general. Since you last saw him, leaving you a kiss, one that you still remember fleshed on your lips, and watched him drive away. Just the thought of you two being in the same room made your stomach flip. He was captivating in the sense that he could make you drown in his aura and remove everything around you. It was like you were light like a feather, floating around him, and he was the gentle hand that caught you every time. You blushed to yourself, deep in thought as you began to place the food on the plates you had grabbed from the cabinet above you, remembering how incapable you were when reaching all the dishware in your house, becoming grateful for the way he towered you and helped you in these moments.
You just missed him. And it was difficult for you to admit to yourself that he made you feel secured. There was always fear when you thought of him and how you felt towards this man only to be reminded of how deep of a hole you dug for yourself. Your heart ached every time you had to remind yourself what your true mission was, what the point of this relationship meant. And yet, you pushed it all away. You turned an eye to the ratchet truth because you needed more time. It was a constant fight between heart and mind. Playing a double character all this time exhausted you even when you felt like you were completely and unapologetically yourself in front of this man.
You carried the plates over to your small dining room table and placed them at each end. Stepping back, you absorbed the smallness of the dining room area in your home. You laughed as you took in the lack of luxury in the space, and the lack of luxury in general. You lived comfortably, you never felt drowned in bills, you never went hungry. You had a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in. And yet, if anyone were to ever find out about your true income, they’d wonder why you opted to live in a one story house on the north side of town. You were able to buy the whole damn country if you wanted to. You were able to live a life of luxury and protection, but this is what he wanted. He wanted to show you that he is not who he really is and you acted like you didn’t know what he did, who he was. All these years, he played a character too. That’s how you knew that he loved you the same, if not more. You knew that in order to be with you, he had to tell you, because you had to know what it meant when you took his last name. But in his secrecy, you saw the need of protecting you from a world you already knew so much about and also the aching to hide away and be normal. 
You sighed as you reached over to the bottle of wine you had on the table. You unscrewed the bottle and grabbed your glass as you poured yourself a decent amount of red lush. You raised the glass to your lips as you walked slowly to the mirror on the back wall of your dining room. You looked at yourself, watching how the simple silk black dress hung loosely down your chest. Smiling, as the silk draped over your breasts teasingly and stopping just inches from your knees. Your hand caressed your collarbone, down to your chest as you rose your other arm to bring the glass of wine back to your lips. You drifted your eyes from the mirror to your drink as you took another sip of the sweet liquid. It was almost alarming the way your attention was brought back to the mirror when a figure appeared in your peripheral. Your eyes widened in shock as your breath sucked in rather quickly. You looked at the man through the mirror, as he stood long and tall. Dressed in a pair of freshly pressed black slacks, a white long sleeved satin shirt, and blonde straight hair that was tied in his most comfortable form. Half up with two strands caressing over his face. His complexion was such a creamy tone and had a natural airbrush effect. His thick pink lips were painted on his face with intent to make a woman go insane. His eyes were sharp hiding his dark orbs that made your heart flutter. 
Ethereal would be an understatement to describe him. He simply was created by all the gods.
He smiled softly at your longing gaze through the mirror, sticking his hands in both of his slack pockets,  tongue drifting over his bottom lip naturally. 
“I didn’t hear you come in,” you managed to choke out as you turned around swiftly to now face him.
“Should I have knocked?” The sound of his voice was honey and danced through your ears. It almost made you shudder. You exhaled a breath at his comment as he began taking small steps towards you, looking at the mess you made in the kitchen. “What’s all of this?” 
“I made dinner.” You sat the glass of wine on the table as you felt your skin tremble with anticipation as he made his way over to you. 
“What did you make?” He was so close, voice dropping volume as he walked closer to you.
“I-I made s-steak and p-potatoes,” closer.
“Mmm,” he hummed and got closer.
“and s-some salad-d…” closer.
Until there he was, in front of you. Eyes finally connected, his natural scent and cologne invading your sense of smell, you wanted to drown in it. The heat of his body could be felt on your own as he kept taking steps, making you stumble back until your back was against the wall. He removed a hand from his pocket and placed his fingertips on your forearm, brushing softly, slowly and teasingly dragging his fingertips up your arm as you felt goosebumps form.
“I thought maybe we could, sit and eat..”
Fingertips now close your neck, grazing over your shoulder blade. He tilted his head and his eyes looked down at your body and slowly came back to match yours. He hummed at your words and you eagerly let him stroke over your sensitive neck. It felt like years since you’ve been touched and the thought of him taking you, all of you,  flooded not just your mind, but your core. 
“That all sounds very nice but,” he paused as his fingers slid up to your chin pulling it gently to face him as he started down at you. He was now  centimeters over your face, you were convinced you could already feel his lips graze yours. “I’m actually craving something a bit more….sweet.” 
You were almost in euphoria, your mind was clouded with anticipation and desire. Lust was dripping down your legs and you were falling down a hole. Everything around you went black and it felt like it was just you and him. You barely heard the words that came out of his mouth.
“there’s ice cream in the freez-“ 
“Just kiss me.” 
You nodded frantically as he pushed into you against the wall. One of his hands slamming against the wall, the other wrapped around your waist as he brought you closer to his craving body. You had your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him deeper. His lips molded over yours in such an artistic way. It was simply amazing the way you two fit into each other, as if the heavens created you from the same strand of souls. One in body, spirit, and mind, you both became. You longed for the taste of him and it was as if on cue, he connected his tongue with yours, deepening your kiss. There was so much fire and passion, it was as if you two were begging for this. You moaned into him, feeling the vibrations against his lips as he pulled away from you to catch his breath. Eyes hooded, orbs dark and the light of the room stinging your sight as he moved his head to pepper kisses on your bare neck. Your body responded to him by tilting your head to the side and he used his free arm to slip down the back of your thigh, hiking your leg to his hip. The wetness of his tongue coating the hidden veins of your neck as he nipped softly, earning the sounds of your moaning. You felt his hard aching dick push near your core as his fingertips brushed further up your dress, barely touching where you needed him the most. He pulled back, panting and eyebrow cocked up at you as you licked your lips craving his delicious taste again.
“No underwear?” You felt your blood run cold as you remembered your lack of undergarments under the dress. You knew this was how you two would end up but your mind had erased every detail you had planned the moment he revealed himself to you. You just smiled seductively to him as he growled.
“I know my baby girl didn’t think she was going to tease me tonight.” 
In one fluid motion, you were lifted off the floor, legs around his torso as he carried you to your kitchen island sitting you on the cold surface, your bare ass touching the marble and you hissed at the sudden feel. He wasted no time pushing all your dishware away and you heard the sounds of metal crashing to the ground, as he made room for you to lay. 
“Normally you would have been punished for that,” he uttered referring to your attempt to edge him on. He pushed you back so you could lie on the counter, you grunt as you felt the shivers down your spine. He pushed the  fabric of your dress up, revealing your dripping  heat. He nearly groaned as he saw the way you glisten and wasted no time taking his long finger to drag  up your slit. You arched your back in delight as your pussy throbbed painfully for him. He leaned over your body, lips close to your ear as he let a low hot breath.
“But I’m fucking starving.” 
You watched as he leaned down your body and bent his knees to make himself align face to face with your core. He never broke your gaze as he did so and you hitched a breath as you felt his velvet lips kiss your inner thigh.
“Don’t tease,” you moaned out involuntarily. It was all too much, your mind was so foggy and you heard his low chuckled.
“I have to savor every part of my meal, babe”  his hot breath hit your wet lips and your breathing heightened. It was agonizing.
A sigh of relief and a cry from your lips rang out as he dragged his long hot tongue over your slit, collecting every drop of arousal you produced and laying flat against your throbbing clit. Your hands immediately rested on his head, fingers intermingling with his soft hair. You pulled yourself up in reaction as he lapped you sensually, drinking you, eating you. You were a mess, eyes shut and rolled to the back of your lids. Intoxicated by the way he performed. He looked up at you as you cried and heaved, sweating beads forming from the edges of your hairline. Profanities slipping from your mouth with every movement he made against you. You felt his tongue part your slit and insert inside of you, lapping all he could, moaning into you. You laid back and groaned, hips bucking up at him to chase more. Licking his way back up to your needy clit, he took the bud into his mouth, sucking and licking it. You felt two of his long digits slip into you with ease and stretching you out. 
“Oh my fucking god.” You cried out as you felt him bring you close to your edge. The white hotness built in the pit of your stomach and your legs began to shake. You felt his fingers curl inside you and he lapped deliciously, eyes looking at you as you held on to his head. He smiled as he saw your fucked out face and your mouth was opened, loss of words. He pulled back from your pussy and replaced his ministrations  with his thumb as he kept fingering you. Leaning forward he kissed you, your juices coating his face as you tasted yourself on him. He moaned when you arched your self into him and he pulled back to look at you. He knew you wanted to cum. He could feel the way your walls pulsated against his fingers and saw how fast your chest was rising and falling. Licking his lips he came closer your face, forehead resting on yours, one hand now pushing your hips down and the other fucking you into ecstasy.
“Cum for me baby girl.” He pecked your lips softly as you moaned “Cum for daddy.” 
Your body spazzed and you cried out to him as he enclosed your cries by kissing you passionately. His fingers slowed down their pace and pumped into you deeper, thumb grazing over your worn out clit, which made you convulse every time he flicked over it. He pulled back and stood over you, pulling his fingers out of your dripping core. You tried to catch your breath as he raised his fingers to his lips and slipped them into his mouth. You watched as he sucked your taste of him. It made your cheeks flush red and grow needy again watching the erotic scene. 
“I missed the way you taste,” he smiled at you. You smiled back and found the strength to raise your body to him, sitting up and grabbing his belt loops pulling him closer to you. He bent down and cupped your face as he kissed you again. Your hands fiddling with his belt and buttons of his pants frantically, craving his dick more than ever. You wanted to watch him come undone the way he did with you. As you started to unzip his pants he pulled back and placed his hands over yours. Your innocent eyes looking into his in confusion as he held your hands away from his pants. He knew what you wanted to do, but he had other plans.
“Later, love. Right now I just wanna be inside you” he said softly. You smiled and he resumed, taking his pants off along with his underwear. You watch as his hard dick sprung out of the fabric and you gasped in delight. He wasn’t big or small, but the perfect length, the perfect girth. You licked your lips in the thought of being filled by his cock. He took a hold of his dick  and rubbed up and down your slit, coating himself with your cum. You groaned due to your sensitivity and lied back down on the counter again.
“I can’t wait to ruin you” he stated as he inserted himself into you. 
“Oh my god, Hyunjin.” You slipped his name out for the first time of the night. His hands slammed on the side of your head, as he hung his head low by your neck, stretching you out. You heard his sighs and groans in your ear. He slipped an arm under your head, pulling you close to him and you gripped his shirt as he whimpered, “Even after all that and your still so fucking tight.” 
He snapped his hips into and you yelped. He groaned into your neck and his free hand found yours as he intertwined his fingers with yours. 
“Faster, daddy” you whimpered.
He lifted his head to look at you, “You want it faster, love?” 
He was pumping in and out of you slow and deep. His body melding into yours and your juices slipping out, pooling under you. You bit your lip at his question and you nodded. He pushed his way up and towered you again, grabbing a hold of your legs firmly. He began to quicken his pace as the room was filled with the slapping of skin. The feeling of him inside you was immaculate and you cupped your breasts through your dress as your mouth slipped out anything that came to mind.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck” 
“You like that baby girl, you like when I fuck you like this?” 
Your back arching off the counter again as Hyunjin fucked you into another world. It was almost impossible for this man to not bring you into a state of bliss. Each snap of his hip hit you in exquisite ways. His deep grunts and moans sent bubbles in your stomach you watched as he would roll his head back to the pleasure you gave him. The way he spoke to you in moments like this were difficult to overcome. You could cum just by his words alone.
“God y/n you feel so fucking good.” 
You could feel the pit of your stomach grow light again. Your walls began to pulsate around him and he could feel that you were chasing your second orgasm of the night. He smirked at you as you began to convulse, feeling the white heat rise to your ears.
“Are you gonna cum again, love? Am I making you feel that good?” 
“Yes Hyunjin, fuck, you’re fucking me so good...” 
“God dammit.” He growled. 
Everything paused for a second as Hyunjin grabbed you off the counter, still inside of you, and he carried you to the dining room, kicking one of the chairs out for him to sit on. He sat down bringing you on top of him, slamming down on his slick member. 
“AHH,” you moaned, tossing your head back at the different angle you had of him.
His hands rested in your ass and he leaned into your ear, “fuck yourself to oblivion, love”
You nodded as you rested your hands on his shoulders. You began to rock yourself back and forth on his dick, moaning loud. His hands helped you as you felt your orgasm grow closer and you began to lose your strength. 
“Come on baby, give it to me,” you rocked faster and faster and soon you felt your orgasm inch closer. The pit of your stomach churned and the walls of your pussy clenched. “That’s it baby, cum for me.” 
You cried out again and you felt your lower half give out to the intensity of your orgasm, you stopped moving for a second as you breathed in heavily trying to catch your breath. Hands still resting on Hyunjin’s shoulders and head hanging low, you felt so light, so spent. Hyunjin gripped your hips and began snapping his hips up into you, your eyes shut tightly as you gripped him, screaming. Your head now resting on his shoulders, body almost limp to the overwhelming orgasm you just had. Hyunjin fucked into you like a mad man, having not reached his high yet. You moaned into his ear at the overstimulation as he grunted to you. You finally felt like you had enough strength to finish him off and you began rocking yourself back to meet his thrusts.
“FUCK” he yelled as you didn’t let up. Your lips found the skin under his ear and you lapped and sucked on it tasting the sweat that formed in his neck from tonight.
“I’m gonna fill you up so fucking good.” 
You smiled against his skin as his thrust grew sloppy. Your lips moved to his ear and you placed a soft kiss before whispering, “do it, baby.”
He groaned on cue and whimpered as he snapped his hips into you hard. You felt the warm spurts of his cum hit your walls inside you and you didn’t let up to the way you rocked against him, wanting to milk him dry. He gasped and tried to hold you still, unable to handle the sensations. 
“Fuck, oh my god y/n,” he sighed as you stopped overstimulating him and just sat there in the chair with him still inside you.
You raised your head to look at him, both of you  fucked out, and you smiled as you leaned in and kissed him again. He cupped your face into the kiss and held you there. The heat radiating of your sweaty bodies and the smell of sex filled the air as the both of you kissed each other with so much need. Pulling back slowly, you rested your forehead against his with your arms around his neck.
“I am never leaving for that long ever again” he stated and you laughed as you moved a piece of his hair off his sweaty forehead, fingertips lightly touching his vein that the top that always came out when he was working hard like that.
“You were gone for a week” you responded and he pecked your lips a few more times and moaned softly.
“A week too long” he smiled and caressed your lower back as you still sat on him. “I missed you too much” 
“You’re back now, and I’m not letting you go anywhere” you kissed his nose cutely and he pulled you in for another kiss.
“Sorry about dinner.” 
“It’s okay, I’m glad you got what you were craving” he smiled.
“Oh honey, that was just an appetizer” he stated as he lifted you both up off the chair. You felt him grow hard again inside you as you laughed. He kicked his pants off his ankles and began walking you to your living room. Finding your couch, he laid you down and kissed your neck as you giggled. He pulled back and made a goofy smile as you reached your hand to caress his face. He tilted his head to kiss your fingertips softly as you smiled adoringly to him. 
“I love you so much y/n”  He leaned in to hover over your lips and your heart skipped a beat to his words.
Because you knew that no matter what, you were falling into that hole, deeper and deeper. And you didn’t know if you wanted to escape, no matter the consequences. Because this, here like this, with him was all you wanted. For the rest of your life. 
“I love you too Hyunjin.”
A/N: Ahhh, it’s out. The first chapter!! I hope you like it and are excited about the series as I am! If you made it to the end and are reading this you are loved <3 
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aiekerman · 3 years
Easy - Eren Jaeger
Eren Jaeger x Reader - fluff, college!au
AN - If you saw me post this before, no you didn’t. But in actuality it is a repost I just changed it to second person oops. But anyway, hopefully anyone who sees it for the second time likes it again lol. 
(A part 2 and/or prequel does exist for this in my brain if anyone was ever interested!)
Song vibes: Easy by Troye Sivan ft. Kasey Musgraves
Summary - Just a pair of friends that definitely do not like each other. But leave their rooms at midnight for each other with no hesitation, and know each other’s food orders, and are low-key affectionate with each other.  A pair of friends.
Y/N: Hey :)
Eren drags his head out of his textbook as his phone goes off. Pushing stray hairs back off his forehead and out of his eyes. His tired eyes lit slightly at the sight of your name. His fingers quickly replying
Eren: Hey u
He glances at the time, 12.03 am, he frowns, worried whyyou were awake so late. Three bubbles appear on his screen as he waits for your reply to arrive.
Y/N: U up?
Eren: I’m texting u back aren’t I?
Her reply takes slightly longer this time, and his mouth crooks up at the side, picturing the eye roll you were most definitely doing.
Y/N: Shut up
You know what I mean
Eren: Yeah I’m up
Last minute studying
He pulls the phone from its charger and leans back in his chair, one foot against the desk leg and swinging back slightly. You take a little longer to reply and his eyes drift to the top of the screen where your contact picture is. His mouth betrays him again and a smile ghosts over it. 
The picture is simple. A candid of you sat proudly in front of a sandcastle you were making at the beach during spring break. Your legs splayed either side of it, covered in sand. You were smiling up at someone, probably Sasha, your hair a wavy, salty mess, blowing in the sea breeze.
Your reply finally comes, vibrating the phone in his hand and dragging him from his thoughts. He rolls his eyes at your message.
Y/N: Midnight Taco Bell run? :)
Eren: Have you been smoking?
Y/N: No I just also happen to be doing midnight work and have a craving
His fingers move to reply before another message comes through, very quickly, and he pauses.
Y/N: And I miss your dumb face
Eren: You mean my pretty face?
Y/N: I change my mind I’m asking Jean
Eren: Shut up I’m getting ready now
Y/N: :))
Eren chucks the phone over to his bed, staring at his textbook for a second. He knows he should keep studying, or better yet, go to bed. But he misses you too. He stands from the seat and shuffles around his room, quietly as possible. Armin was definitely asleep and would definitely make a dumb comment about Eren being whipped for someone he wasn’t even dating.
Eren brushes off the thought and pulls his sneakers on, swaps his gym shorts for sweatpants and scrapes his hair back into the best bun he can manage. 
After wandering out of his room he grabs his keys and wallet from by the door and shuts it over with the quietest click he can manage. 
On his walk to his car he sends one more text.
Eren: Getting in the car now
Eren: I’ll be like 10 mins
Y/N: I’ll be the cute one in pyjamas ;)
He laughs at the flirtatious message before switching on his car and driving off. 
His mind doubles back to what would be Armin’s comments on the situation. They weren’t dating, but flirting between friends was entirely normal. He shakes off feeling the need to justify his relationship with you. You were friends, best friends. That almost hooked up once. The first time you met. But now you were just friends.
Before he even realises it he’s pulling up at the kerb by your building, his eyes glancing up to the door and watching a shadowy figure emerge. His head leans back against the headrest when her form comes into the dim street lights.
You’re dressed the same as him, sweatpants hugging your hips and an oversized hoodie drowning your top half. He squints for a second, was that his hoodie? Nah, it probably wasn’t, you had similar taste in hoodies anyway. You push the hood back when you reach the car, a mess of hair tumbling out around your face. It resembled a bedhead, but he knew you well enough to conclude you’d been sleepily running hands through it all night to make the mess. Tugging at the roots in efforts to stay focused on whatever it was you were working on.
You tug the door open and pull yourself into the seat. Situating yourself before turning to him and pushing your glasses up her nose, foregoing contacts at this hour, ‘Hi.’
He smiles down at your smaller form, ‘Hey you.’
‘Let’s get going.’
He raises an eyebrow at you, watching you slide down in the seat. Your eyes are wide as you stare back, ‘What?’
You roll your eyes and push yourself back up, reaching for the seatbelt, ‘Yes, mother.’
Hearing the belt click in place he pulls off, satisfied with your safety being secured.
You grab his phone from the cupholder, and push it under his face slightly, not obstructing his view but close enough for him to give it a quick glance and unlock his face ID for you. You start scrolling spotify and find your combined playlist, made with midnight food runs in mind. RnB starts flowing out of his speakers.
Dropping the phone back in the cupholder you turn to look at his profile, ‘So what you been studying for?’
‘Psychology final, not until next week but after I kinda bombed the midterm I don’t wanna be caught off guard. You?’
‘Final project is due in two weeks. I’ve kinda got it finished but I’m not sure.’
He smiles, knowing you were just being a perfectionist about it.
‘Am I gonna get to read it?’
‘Why do you want to?’ You laugh at him, looking over at his profile that was focused on the road ahead, but seeing his lip was pulled up in a smirk.
‘Cause you haven’t shut up about it all year, I wanna know if all the support snacks I’ve bought you have been worth it.’
You scrunch up your face and shove it down into the hoodie you were adorned in. It smelt like Eren. Wait, was this his hoodie?
‘Huh, nothing to say back?’ His grin is too smug as he steals a look at you. You glare up at him, ‘Shut up.’ 
Silence settles over you in the last minutes before you approach the destination. You push yourself up to sit when the glowing sign comes into view, your eyes lighting up again.
‘Drive thru or sit in?’ Eren questions, approaching slowly as he waits for an answer.
‘Sit in, please.’ He nods before swinging into a parking spot.
You both jump out and Eren rounds the car to your side, bumping you with his hip in greeting now you were out of the car. His hands are stuffed in his pockets but you grab hold of his sweatshirt sleeve gently as you start joking about how you had to sneak out without setting off Sasha’s food radar.
Inside you bounce ahead of him slightly, up to one of the self serve screens and start ordering. He smiles softly at how you had to shuffle the too-long hoodie sleeve up to let your hand emerge.
He comes behind you and places his chin on top of your head, watching as you confidently tapped at the different items.
‘You haven’t asked what I wanted yet.’ 
‘I know your Taco Bell order, idiot.’
‘Maybe I want something different this time.’
‘No you don’t.’
The screen goes black for a second while loading the checkout and he glances at your reflection. You push your glasses up your nose, looking up and sticking your tongue out at him when you see his eyes already on you. 
He smiles before ruffling at your already messy hair and standing back to pull out his wallet. Glancing up, he catches you doing the same and suddenly moves quicker, as do you. Whipping out his bank card and reaching around you to tap it on the terminal, the familiar beep of a successful transaction going off before you can push your card in the bottom slot.
Eren grins in triumph while you stuff your wallet back in the hoodie and grumble, ‘Stupid contactless card.’
You pull the receipt from the machine while he walks over towards a booth, dropping into the seat and stretching his legs out while watching you.
Your hands are shoved into the hoodie, you sway and shuffle around on you feet. Standing still was never one of your strong suits. 
A smile takes over Eren’s face as you yawn and rubs at your eyes, pulling the hood up over your head and pulling at the strings slightly. He chuckles at the image of your head being swallowed. You turn at the sound and frown at him, mouthing out ‘don’t laugh at me.’ Prompting his laughter to continue on.
He settles back in the booth when their number is called and you wander up to accept the tray of food.
Dropping yourself down across from him, the two of you automatically begin splitting out their food, almost instinctively knowing which packages were for who; Eren always had the nachos, you never deviated from fries. 
You ate in silence for just a moment before you pick up conversation again, ‘Are you gonna go to Jean’s party after finals?’
‘So bold of you to assume Jean could pull off a decent party without me.’ He smiled, stuffing a bite of his burrito in his mouth as you giggle. ‘What about you?’
‘I mean yeah probably, if everyone else is going.’
‘Well, Jean has got me and Connie roped in to help with set up, so Connie will make Sasha go, and Sasha will make Mikasa go, who will make Armin go, who will make sure I don’t flake off early and I’ll make sure you stay.’
‘Connie and I.’ You correct, reaching for your drink.
‘Shut up.’
‘Also, Eren Jaeger flaking early from a party is wholeheartedly unheard of.’
‘I left the last one early because someone needed to be walked home after throwing up.’
You pause with the straw at your mouth, eyes narrowing in a glare. 
‘You can’t get too messy this time anyway. Bertolt is gonna be there.’
You scrunch up your face in confusion, ‘Why’d you say his name like that.’
‘Because, you haven’t got laid since spring break, he’s cute and you said you guys have gotten super close from your fiction writing class.’
You roll your eyes at the tall boy’s explanation and shrug, ‘He’s kinda cute. I guess. And we haven’t gotten super close, we barely knew each other before the class.’
‘Exactly, he’s at perfect arm’s length for a hook up. You deserve it after all the stressing you’ve done this semester.’
You shrug again. Setting your drink back on the table and leaning back, your feet stretching out to bump against Eren’s, you think about it.
Eren watches you, yourr eyes staring out into space. Bertolt was cute, he didn’t get around that much from what Eren had heard of the boy, but he was sweet enough that he knew he could trust him with you, even just for a night.
But even as he looked you over, dark circles beginning to shadow under your eyes, figure swamped in your loungewear and hot sauce staining one edge of your mouth. You were way out of Bertolt’s league.
‘You’re probably way too good for him anyway.’
‘Even just for a hookup?’ Your eyes meet his green ones, your mouth showing a teasing smile starting to form.
He stuffs more burrito in his mouth and nods.
‘You think I’m too good for everyone.’
He swallows and reaches for his drink, ‘cause you are.’
‘Was I too good for you, is that why you didn’t have sex with me?’ You start grinning and laughing as he chokes on his drink. He leans an elbow on the table as he coughs, glaring at you through his lashes.
Eren sticks a hand out at you and gestures for you to cough it up. You pull a dollar from your wallet and stuffs it in his hand.
He imagines it’s the same dollar he gave you last week after he joked about your almost hook up. The metaphorical ‘don’t talk about the time we almost had sex’ jar was essentially the same dollar passed back and forth.
‘Was that one worth it?’ He raises an eyebrow at your giggling face as you reaches to open your crunchwrap, nodding in a satisfied manner.
You hold the hexagonal taco in your small hands and Eren chuckles. You eye him, taking your first bite and speaking out a muffled, ‘What?’
‘Your tiny hands always make those things look huge.’
‘Maybe your meaty boy’s hands just make it look small.’
He sticks a hand out in front of you, palm spread out to show the full size, ‘My hands are not meaty. And they’re no bigger than average.’
‘What are you talking about?’ You mirror him, lifting your hand to press a palm against his, the tips of your fingers just brushing above the second knuckle. 
‘Your hands are just tiny.’
‘No, they only look small because yours are huge.’
You both fall silent, two sets of eyes trained on your pressed together hands. Eren ignores the feel of his heart pounding up against his chest.
What was wrong? They’d held hands before? 
The ring of your phone blaring out an alarm drew both of them from the trance. Eren slid his fingers to interlock with your’s, playfully pushing your hand back towards your body.
‘Who’s calling you at this hour?’
‘No one, I, uh, I set an alarm for one thirty am. Otherwise we’d sit here all night, knowing the two of us.’
He lets out a small laugh, nods in agreement and starts to gather up your trash. His eyes run over your face just before standing, choosing not to make fun of the blush gracing your cheeks.
You stand and fall in stride next to him, bumping his hips with your own and poking his side, ‘What about you?’
‘What about me?’
‘Got your eye on anyone for Jean’s party?’
‘Nah, I’d rather just chill. I’ll probably spend half the night making sure Jean stays relatively sober for his own party.’ You laugh at the idea, nodding your head fervently. Jean usually ended up the messiest of the bunch.
The exit into the cold night air, and your body is immediately taken over with shivers. Eren rolls his eyes but loops an arm around your shoulder, his own body a constant furnace. You hum in appreciation, leaning into his side as he rubs at your arm.
Climbing into the car, he blasts the heat. This time you pull on your seatbelt with no need for prompting, your head turning to stare up at him, the raise of her eyebrows translating to You happy?
He stays quiet, pulling on a cheesy grin that answers back, Very.
You flop back into your seat, a yawn overtaking you and the heat of the car soothing you The effort to keep your eyes open immediately doubled.
‘You can close your eyes. I’ll wake you when we get to your building.’
You look at him with a sorry expression, ‘But I dragged you out I shouldn’t-’
‘Sleep, idiot,’ he cuts you off, lifting a hand from the steering wheel to run over your hair, long fingers running through it. Always a surefire way to make you sleepy.
You drift off quickly, a smile softly laid on your cheeks.
Eren feels his heart beating hard once again. He swallows it down. Focuses on the road. Just friends was easier.
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fluffi · 3 years
pairing: jay x gn!reader genre: fluff, badboy!jay, highschool!au, friends-enemies-lovers!au word count: 2k event: for @lovesick-net​​ and (early) jay day 200421 <3 author’s note: simple little one-shot for jay’s birthday (i wont be uploading anything for his actual birthday). i had to speedrun this fic because i kept changing the plot and this hasnt been proofread twice (unlike my other fics) T-T i hope it’ll still work out. warnings: (reader makes one bad decision)
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Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring
The alarm clock stopped its boisterous wailing
10 more minutes. I don’t have to style my hair today.
Thirty minutes passed.
Ugh. I’ll just miss assembly.
This time, the ringing stopped before he could slam his hand over the alarm clock.
“Jongseong, do you not have school today?” Jay could only make out a bush of black that stood above him as he sat up, dazed and drowsy.
“Yeah, I do. I’m about to get ready. Why?”
“It’s 9 am! You should be at school! At this point, you don’t even have to go anymore.” His mother huffed in disappointment.
It was an exaggeration, but she had a point. School started at eight in the morning. It was already an hour later but he was still sitting in bed.
“I’ll get ready now. 10 minutes. Good to go.” He shooed his mom away, already running to the bathroom to wash up.
“I’m leaving now Jay. You know darn well that I have an important meeting today and I can’t miss it just for you to not get a tardy. Heck, you’re already late! You’re-”
“Mom! I can’t walk to school! It takes too long.” Jay whined as he brushed his teeth, his muffled voice interrupting his mother’s speech.
“Young man, stop interrupting me. I told you a week ago about today’s event and it’s not my fault that my oldest son can’t take care of himself. You’re going to have to take another mode of transport, you’re old enough to deal with this yourself!” With that, his mother stormed out of his room, her feet obnoxiously thumping on the floor.
“I’m also your only son...” Jay muttered. 
Of all days, why did she have to have her meeting today? Monthly evaluations aren’t that important. Dangit, I should’ve been taught how to drive. Jay returned to his rapid multitasking, grabbing his school uniform while washing his face. He didn’t even look twice,
After taking the quickest shower he had ever taken in his entire life and shoving all of his essential (what he determined as essential, at least) belongings into his bag, he opened to door and dashed outside only to be met with…
Rain everywhere. Drenching the front yard’s perfectly tended flower garden and creating heaps of watery mud. It was pouring at 9.15 am. There was thunder and occasional flashes of light zooming through the clouds. The city was in shambles.
Not like, shamble, shambles. It was shambles in Jay’s opinion as he groaned and stomped his way through the rain.
Screw school. Screw this stupid rain, screw my alarm clock, screw this-
“Dude, why are you running in the rain? You’re soaked. Are you heading to school?” A pink-haired boy in a red Ferrari shouted from across the street.
Jay sighed in relief, immediately running across the road to said Ferrari. “Choi Yeonjun. You are a life-saver. Could I get a ride real quick? I’ll pay back for engine fees and for soaking the inside of your Ferrari with rainwater.”
“Hop right in, and don’t worry about returning. Let’s have some fun with this baby.” Yeonjun smirked and revved the engine, swerving past cars and buildings like it was a little RPG game.
At this rate, I’ll make it to school in no time.
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“Dude, I’m so sorry. I guess you have to walk.”
Just as he thought things were taking a better turn, Yeonjun decides to show off his new driving skills and zooms through roads at a rapid speed, so fast that he crashed the car by a tree. It was a miracle that both of them didn’t get hurt but as far as Jay was concerned, he could worry about that some other time. This was just slowing him down on his long and tedious journey towards his form of hell.
On the bright side, the rain had stopped and the sunshine was back as if nothing had happened.
“I’ll get going to school.” Jay internally groaned and started sprinting in the direction of his school.
“Hey, at least I helped you get closer to school! Didn’t I?” Yeonjun shouted from behind and coyly smiled.
Such a boastful punk, Jay thought. “Whatever, bro!” He turned back and gave his older friend a quick wave before dashing off.
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“Park Jongseong! You’re late...again.”
“I’m aware.” Jay didn’t spare his English teacher an eye and slung his backpack over the chair, about to take a seat.
“Stop giving me attitude, I’m your teacher.Why are you tardy for the fourth time this month?”
“Alarm clock.”
“Alarm clock what? Are you afraid to speak up? I don’t see you acting like this in the hallways.”
Jay looked down at his feet and sighed before side-eyeing his teacher. “Overslept, okay? Sir if you could just let me off the hook you would be able to proceed with your Shakespeare nonsense.”
The entire class snickered. It was no secret that Jay loathed Mr. Jung, the English teacher. Who didn’t? Mr. Jung treated every student in school like they were incapable toddlers and it was a wonder that anyone would dare to stand up to his stupid remarks. Jay’s carefree attitude towards his horrible teachers was one of the reasons why he earned so many fangirls.
Not like you were one, of course. You watched as he pulled his chair out and sat next to you out of the three other vacant seats at the back of the class.
Mr. Jung rolled his eyes and continued writing on the blackboard. “Also, Jongseong,” he added, “you’re wearing your school shirt the wrong way round. See you in detention for your tardiness.”
A few of the girls in a few seats in front of him whispered rapidly, although whispering didn’t stop Jay from finding out about their gossip.
“Lol! So much for being the bad boy of our grade. He looks like a wreck today.”
“I know right? I wonder what the other fangirls will think of this. Should we send the pictures to the fan club?”
The second girl giggled. “Yeah, duh. Name it jay-park-wreck-images.”
So much for my reputation. Jay could only roll his eyes as he pulled out his supplies, ignoring the camera clicks coming from the seats in front of him.
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“Oh, yay. At least I’ll have a detention buddy now.”
Jay eyed you up and down like your statement was some sort of monstrosity. “Detention? You, detention? Pfft.” He laughed.
“Yeah, Jay. Me, detention. Why are you so happy about it? Glad to be stuck with another girl?”
“What, no-no. You just...don’t seem like the type to be in detention. How’d you get it?”
“This..may be kind of embarrassing, but...” You turned to the side and Jay gasped.
On the sleeve of your uniform was a...rabbit? It wasn’t too obvious as to what the marker doodle was but it was apparent that you had intentionally spent time to draw on it.
“Look, I was bored in assembly this morning and found a spare marker in my pocket! Don’t judge, we all know how bad assembly can be.” You blurted just as Jay was about to ask why you had done what you did.
“You could’ve just drawn on your hand or done something else with the marker.” Jay sighed and shook his head at your dumb decision.
“I was out of my mind, okay? Ugh, Assembly always drives me nuts. I got called out for for the horrendous ink bleed when Mr. Jung saw as I walked into the classroom. He said it ‘didn’t follow school guidelines’.”
“For once, I agree with Mr. Jung. It was a stupid choice, you know? If you didn’t draw on your uniform then you wouldn’t have to go to detention now.”
“Jay Park, the bad boy of school, is telling me to be a rule abider. Biggest twist of the century.” You rolled your eyes.
Jay frowned and turned back at you, losing that little spark in his eyes that he once kept. “I’m not a bad boy you know? I just don’t like the system in place here.”
“As if anyone is going to believe that. Go hang out with another girl of yours. I’m not here to be your toy.”
“People like you are the reason why everyone thinks I’m a bad person. I thought you were different, you know?”
You had been preoccupied with taking notes for class, but now you looked at him with squinted eyes. “Well, I am different. Different as In someone who doesn’t fall for your useless charms. Go suck up to your fangirls or something.”
Jay rolled his eyes and scooted away from you. He thought he had been lucky to meet you, but he guessed not.
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You always do this, you idiot. You were so close to making a new friend.
You put your hands in your head and side-eyed Jay, who seemed to be struggling as Mr. Jung blurted out an entire unit’s summary.
The boy hadn’t brought any stationery and was definitely on the wrong page of the textbook. You figured that he was this disheveled from his absolute lack of planning but you still felt bad.
His hair was a mess, it was still damp from the rain before. If only you could help him style it…
Why do I want to touch his hair? That’s weird and gross.
You were so occupied with thinking about Jay that you realized that he was still struggling in class.
Maybe you could make things better.
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“I’m sorry.”
Jay was struggling to find the page you guys were on for class when a pencil blocked his view.
“What do you want?” He said as he tried to look past your pencil swinging.
“It’s a pencil for you since I realized that your table is practically empty and you’re going to need something to take notes with for later. Also, it’s page 153, not 53.” You leaned over to help him flip the pages.
“Oh, that makes so much more sense. I was wondering why we were relearning unit 3 when finals aren’t even near yet.”
You raised your eyebrows, looking up at a relieved Jay. “So you do pay attention in class.”
“Of course I do! I’m a student. You should stop using that stereotype on me.” Jay frowned and a tinge of disappointment shadowed his face.
“Right, I know. I’m sorry. I’m trying to work on it, it’s rumors and assumptions that have built up over the past few years and I understand that it shouldn’t get in the way of our friendship.”
“Friendship? We have a friendship?” Jay chuckled and cocked an eyebrow up, teasing you.
Maybe it was that eyebrow slit or the weird tension that was building up between the both of you. You felt your face heat up. “I mean- yeah, friendship. Are we not friends?”
“I don’t know, hun. I thought we were something more.”
It was perfect timing as the bell rang and you immediately started packing things into your bag, eyes glued to the clock instead of the amused boy next to you.
Jay laughed, running his hands through his blonde locks and watching as you started running out of class, your eyes occasionally looking back at him to see if he was still staring at you.
“See you in detention!” He called, drawing the attention of your classmates.
Jay Park needs to learn how to shut his mouth. Everyone was now staring at you and you were flustered, embarrassed, shocked, and confused. The weird mix of emotions were driving you nuts. All you could muster was a little nod and you dashed out of there as fast as you could.
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“Today we’re going to learn about Murphy’s Law. It is where anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”
“But everything that can work, will work.” Jay raised his hand and added, sparing a glance at you jotting notes in the back of the classroom, oblivious to his reference towards you.
“You’re right Jay. Murphy’s Law works both ways. Reversing it is considered part of science…”
Today morning was a storm (figuratively and literally) and everything seemed to be going wrong for Jay. Murphy’s Law prevails. but there’s always a rainbow after the storm. You were his rainbow and his lucky charm.
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2021 © fluffi
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝘼𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙯: 𝘼𝙘𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙂𝙁 𝙃𝙖𝙨 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙚
❥𝐾𝑖𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑗𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑔
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"I know it's your job honey.....but I'm really not sure how to feel about this..... I'll support you no matter what though..."
You shook your head and held Hongjoong's hands in your own, running your thumbs across the top of his knuckles in a gentle motion.
"I know it's not easy Joong...but thanks for understanding." You smiled at him.
Pouting, he asked.
"Promise you won't fall for your co-actor?"
Chuckling you kissed his pouty lips. "Impossible when I've already fallen for you."
That comment made Hongjoong smile again....even if he was pouting once again after the showed aired and your kissing scene was trending all over. You came to visit him at the studio, food in hand for him and Eden, who had gotten used to having you around.
"Hi Y/N." He greeted you.
"Hi Eden- nim. Hongjoong?"
Hongjoong merely sat there, arms crossed as he glared at the screen in front of him.
"He's been like that all afternoon. I think you should do something." Eden decided it was his cue to leave for a couple minutes.
Tapping his shoulder, you called out to him again.
"Kim Hongjoong?"
He startled you by spinning around and facing you, suddenly blurting out:
"You're still interested in me right?"
Which caused you to burst out laughing.
❥𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎
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Maybe if you had told Seonghwa beforehand that you were going to have a kissing scene, everything would have been better. But you were busy with filming and he had to practice endless hours for their upcoming comeback that it was difficult to even talk for 5 minutes and it completely slipped your mind.
So one day, you came home and where you were surprised to see Seonghwa standing there, arms crossed as he tapped his foot on the floor.
"Oh Hwa! Didn't expect you here." You said.
"That makes two of us who weren't expecting things." He huffed out.
You raised an eyebrow at him.
"What are you talking about?"
Seonghwa tilted his head, his voice full of passive aggressiveness as he said:
"I'm talking about this!" He held up his phone, showing a screencap of you kissing your co-star.
"I take it you're not happy?" You asked him.
Seonghwa scoffed before letting out a dry laugh.
"Oh no! Of course not! I'm totally fine with someone else exchanging saliva with my girlfriend." He replied sarcastically, holding up his phone again.
You cringed. "Stop the sarcasm. It's only cute when Yeosang does it."
"Oh! So now even Yeosang is cuter than me?!" He exclaimed.
"Park Seonghwa, stop this nonsense before I throw your lint roller in my cat's litter box."
❥𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑢𝑛ℎ𝑜
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You felt Yunho shift awkwardly next to you, his hand reaching for some of the popcorn that was in between both of your bodies.
"Yunho, you know it's not necessary to watch it if you don't want." You reminded him, knowing what scene was about to come up next.
Yunho immediately plastered a smile on his face.
"No honey! It's ok. I'm your big, supporting boyfriend who will cheer you on no matter what!" Lifting his fists up, he tried to show enthusiasm, but you could tell he wasn't being genuine.
Yunho glued his eyes back on the tv, one of his legs nervously swinging back and forth. He seemed to be doing fine during the whole confession scene, but when you and yours co-star kissed, he accidentally swung to hard that he ended up hitting the coffee table in front of him. You were about to check up on him, thinking he got hurt, but he just started laughing nervously.
"I'm ok! Just a muscle spasm." He joked.
You never took your eyes off him, knowing that beneath that smile, he was feeling sad and rather insecure about you kissing someone else. You were happy he at least tried to be happy and supportive of you, but you also knew you hated to see him upset.
Sitting up, you turned off the tv and then scooted closer to him. Leaning in, you placed a soft kiss on his lips, making sure to give them one quick peck before pulling back.
"I love you my not so little pup." You giggled at him as he blushed and looked down shyly.
Yunho turned back to you before pushing you down on the couch, pressing you against his back as he wrapped his arms around you.
"I love you too Y/N. And you really did do amazing."
❥𝐾𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑒𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑔
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Seonghwa shouted at him when he didn't answer for the 6th time.
"Huh?" He merely took a 1 second glance at the older male before gluing his eyes back on the tv.
"We can change it to something else-"
"No! I will watch it!" He exclaimed, surprising everyone at how loud he got.
"Yeosang....bro.....if you're not ok with this, it'd be better if you don't watch it." His longtime friend Wooyoung advised him.
"I'm ok! I'm totally fine! Just peachy." He picked up his boba tea and began sipping it at a rather fast pace, his eyes squinting at the tv in front of him.
The other guys looked amongst themselves, trying to decide to let him be or change it. Hongjoong ultimately told them it was Yeosang's call and therefore, they watched the rest of the drama.
When your character got kissed, Yeosang halted his sipping, eyes focused on the screen. The other guys tried not to say anything, but when the kiss got a little bit more heated, San couldn't help but let out a "ooooh" while Jongho covered his eyes and made a gagging noise.
Meanwhile Yeosang spat out the leftover liquid into his cup.
"I'm not ok! I am not ok!"
Standing up, Yeosang retreated to his bedroom, where he proceeded to crawl under the covers of his blanket and start groaning dramatically.
Getting up and following him, Wooyoung shook his head as he dialed your number.
"Ok, so your kissing scene broke him. So you better come over with some fried chicken and fix him or else I'll make you pay for making me deal with him if he's not repaired in 2 hours."
❥𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑖 𝑆𝑎𝑛
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As soon as San heard rumors that you were going to have a kissing scene, he immediately called you to make sure they were lies.
He screeched when you indeed confirm there'd be a kissing scene.
"I'm totally against this! I will not allow this to happen."
You asked the boys to keep him from coming over to the set, but unfortunately San was a cat that could easily slip unnoticed. So you were only made aware of his presence while you were in the middle of shooting your kiss scene because while you and your co-star were leaning in, you heard an extremely loud cough from behind you, which unfortunately got recorded.
"Cut!" The director yelled.
You turned around and nearly flipped out when San merely greeted you with a wave, as he simultaneously glared at your co-star. You spent about 10 minutes trying to shoot the same scene, only for it to be ruined every time due to San's antics. He'd either pretend to sneeze really loudly, push off certain props that made loud noises, even messed around with one of the ropes that sent a sand bag catapulting down the ceiling, nearly injuring your co-star.
"Oops. I just wanted to see what that lever did." He smiled innocently.
Having had enough, you grabbed him by the ear and dragged him out, all while he cried for you to stop in a high pitched voice.
"Listen here Choi San, this drama is supposed to be my big break and I will not have you ruining it for me, got it?!" You warned him.
San merely nodded with a pout.
"Please just don't enjoy it."
Rolling your eyes, you pecked his lips.
"Dopey cat. I only enjoy your kisses."
❥𝑆𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑖
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The other guys began laughing as Mingi stared wide eye at the tv in shock as he watched you lip lock with your co-star.
"Mingi! Calm down bro!" San clapped like a seal, dying from laughter.
"It's only acting." Yunho patted him on the shoulder.
Mingi looked back and forth at the tv and them.
"Please tell me there's new technology that edits kissing instead of actually having people physically do it."
His sentence only made them laugh even harder, while he just sat there, pouting intensely. He continued pouting even after you came over to spend time with him. At first you thought he just had a bad day or missed you a lot more than usual. He was clinging onto you even more, his arms instantly wrapping behind you, face hidden on your neck as he nuzzled his nose against your skin. Every time you pulled him off because you needed to go somewhere or get something, he'd follow behind you, linking pinkies with you or holding onto your arm. Then when he began pecking your lips at random times, you knew something was up, which didn't take you long to figure out.
"You saw the scene didn't you?"
Mingi immediately nodded, huffing softly as he cuddled up to you, resting his head on your stomach. You chuckled and ran your fingers through his hair.
"Mingi if it makes you feel better, I thought of you while filming it."
Although he didn't say anything, you knew he was more than likely grinning like an idiot in love.
❥𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑊𝑜𝑜𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔
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You really did try to keep Wooyoung from finding out about the kissing scene, even going as far as asking the guys to distract him from watching your drama. But Wooyoung was smarter than you thought.
"There's something she doesn't want me to see. Isn't there?"
So the boys had no choice but to sit there and watch your drama with Wooyoung. He just sat there, straight face throughout the entire thing. But when you kissed your co-star he got the biggest smirk on his face.
"Oh.....so that's what you didn't want me to see." Wooyoung already began thinking about how to mess and tease you with this information, which was exactly the reason you didn't want him finding out in the first place.
As soon as you walked in your apartment, Wooyoung switched the lamp on and turned around in his chair, arms folding across his chest.
"Welcome home cheater."
At that point, you knew you were screwed. And he made sure to milk it for days. If you tried to hug him, he'd squirm out of your embrace. And if you tried to kiss him, he'd turn his face away and say:
"No! I'm not kissing you with that dirty, lying, cheating mouth of yours."
You had enough one day when he refused to cuddle with you though, so you opted for a different option. Getting up, you went over to his room, Wooyoung barely paying attention. When he heard Yeosang scream, he turned his head and watched him run out.
"Please just show your crazy girlfriend affection! She crawled into my bed and attempted to cuddle me!" Yeosang shivered from the physical contact.
Getting up, Wooyoung stormed over to the room.
"So now you're gonna be replacing me with my best friend?! Nuh uh! Come here so I can cuddle you!"
❥𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑖 𝐽𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑜
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"Jongho, remember....stay calm." Hongjoong reminded him.
"Hyung...please. I'm mature and understand this was strictly professional. I'm not going to get mad." Jongho rolled his eyes at the leader.
"Ok, just in case though."
Yunho and Mingi proceeded to sit on opposite sides of him on the couch. Jongho merely scoffed.
"Wow so much for having faith in me. Some older brothers you guys are."
It was good of them to take precautions. Jongho tensed up when he saw your kissing scene, which then turned to outrage when he saw how your co-star's character deepened the kiss and made it even more steamy.
"Hold the fuck up! I thought this was just supposed to be a tiny kiss..."
He glared at the tv, as if trying to set it on fire.
"This is a fucking makeout scene!"
Unable to contain himself anymore, Jongho yelled as he got up from the couch, Yunho and Mingi immediately holding him back from destroying the tv or any other furniture within his reach.
"Guys be careful! He's loose!" San exclaimed as he climbed on top of the couch, Wooyoung following suit.
"Seonghwa! Get some apples for him to relieve stress and anger!" Hongjoong ordered as he attempted to calm Jongho down.
Meanwhile Yeosang just sat there quietly, munching on one of his chicken drumsticks, watching the chaotic scene unfold. Shaking his head, he picked up his phone and called you up.
"Your boyfriend's gone feral. Do you want to come tame him or can I call animal control to come take care of him?" He asked.
"Seriously Yeosang? You're an ass. I'll be there soon." You sighed as you hung up, making a mental note to yourself to pick up all of Jongho's favorite foods.
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
497 notes · View notes
. 1:47am . -  Part Two
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Corpse Husband X FemReader
Summary: After accidentally calling Corpse, Y/N and him are trying to not be awkward in a park, so they play 20 questions. Corpse won’t let Y/N forget she ignored his 8ball request (she 100% did) 
Warnings: slight angst if you squint, cursing, mentions of car accidents and guns being pulled
A/N: i literally cant believe anyone read part one, thank you sm for the nice words and stuff :) 
Part 2 of ???? 
You were sitting on a park bench with your skateboard next to you. The world around you was quiet, other than the occasional car speeding down the busy road next to the park. You pulled out your phone and checked your notifications, nothing. The last text you got was 10 minutes ago from Corpse saying he was on his way. 
“What the fuck am I doing?” you questioned yourself as you looked down at your board. It’s from junior year of high school. It was a beaten up Black Label skateboard, one that your crush from high school picked out for you. The only time you ever actually used it was when the two of you rode your boards together downtown after school. That was until he then began dating your other friend - then you never touched it again. 
Your gaze never parted from the board until your phone buzzed as your phone screen lit up. A text from Corpse appearing across your screen. 
Corpse: here. 
You lifted your head and looked around in the darkness. The park around you is completely empty, the swings standing lifeless as the grim night air creeps around you. A slight chill makes it’s way up your spine and you began thinking to yourself, ‘am I going to be fucking murdered?’ The fear began to sneak upon you, your skin now crawling. Eventually, you heard the sound of a skateboard rolling towards you. Slowly, you’re able to make out the figure on the board as it begins to approach you. 
Tall, slender build, curly hair hid under a beanie, dressed in all black with a pullover hoodie. They effortlessly rode the board until their foot touched the ground, the board now stopped before you. They had a mask on, hiding most of their facial features aside their eyes and up. You were in shock, this is the first time you’ve seen him in person. In fact, you weren’t even sure if Sykkuno ever actually met up with him, despite living in the same city. Your nerves began to creep up more as you studied what features of him were available to view. So far, you declared he has the prettiest set of brown eyes you’ve ever seen. 
“Hey, y/n.” he spoke quietly, his deep voice erupting into the eerie night air. He stepped off his board and sat next to you onto the bench. 
“Hey, Corpse” you responded while giving him a small smile, looking down at your hands and twiddling with them. You were nervous being in his presence. Something about how mysterious he’s always been caused you to feel intimidated. Though, in person, you saw how anxious and awkward he actually was. He wasn’t looking you in the eyes, his hands were stuffed in his pocket and wait- was he shaking? This all made you wonder, why were you so nervous? 
He let out a breathy laugh and turned to face you, studying your features. You felt blush begin to rise to your cheeks. His high pitch laughter was one you had originally only heard through your headphones in-game, hearing it in person was a whole different experience. 
“You nervous?” he questioned you
“Uhh,” you locked eyes to him, you could tell he was smirking underneath his face mask with the way his eyes moved, “yeah actually, really fucking nervous honestly.” 
“Me too,” he chuckled and leaned forward, not making eye contact with you anymore. He rested his arms on his knees, “really fucking nervous.” 
“Why?” you let your eyes rest on his figure, studying his movements as he adjusted his beanie and anxious pulled his sleeves down to cover his hands. 
“It’s the first time I’ve been out of my apartment in fuckin’ days,” he slumped into the bench now while looking off into the nighttime, “Plus I haven’t seen more than half of my friends in person. Uhh, actually all of my friends.” 
“Well, ain’t I special?” you said, confusion festering inside of you. You felt yourself so intrigued by every movement and word that let his mouth. You wanted to watch him and listen to him talk for hours. What the fuck is happening? 
He looked over at you, yet another smirk hiding underneath his mask, “I wanted to ask you in person…”, he adjusted his seating to now face you again, “Why the fuck did you ignore my 8-Ball request?”
You stared deadpan, another laugh escaping you, “No fucking way. I totally fucking responded to that.” 
“No you didn’t,” he quickly responded, “you definitely didn’t.” 
“You brought me in the middle of a park at basically 4am to argue about 8-Ball?” You questioned him, watching his features soften more. A smile grew upon his face, brightening what you could see of his face. 
“Yes, yes I did actually.” You didn’t respond, instead you squinted your eyes and stared at him. “I-uh- I wanted to also, you know, actually talk to you?” He mumbled, “We never actually talk. Plus, you called ME at wee fucking hours in the mornin. Don’t you spin this around on me.” 
“It was an accident!!” You retorted, laughter escaping your lips so easily it felt natural to be sitting and laughing on a bench with him, “I didn’t mean to be weird and randomly call you!” 
He moved slightly close to you, slowly closing some of the space between the two of you, “Well, I was the weird one and asked you to hang out at 3am, so we’re even I guess.” 
You could smell his cologne and aftershave, and fuck it smelled amazing. He continued to mess with the sleeves of his hoodie, pulling them over his hands and tucking them anxiously in his pockets. 
“Okay, okay, my turn. What made you ask me to ‘chill’ in this park?” 
You studied him, awaiting his response. “Same reason you ‘accidentally’ called me,” he said, putting air quotation marks over the word accidentally. 
“Oh?” you jokingly questioned him, “and what’s that?” 
You wondered what he looked like under the mask. You wondered how his hair looks under his beanie. You wondered if he smelled even better under the layers of his hoodie and what appeared to be another sweatshirt underneath. Your mind began to wonder how his voice sounded like when he first woke up, or what he sounded like when he was half asleep. More thoughts began to dance throughout your head as you stared at him, looking at his eyes which showed he was smiling under his mask. 
“I wanted to get to know you better. Ya’know, actually talk and stuff.” He responded, breaking the shared eye contact and looking around you.
“And stuff?” you giggled, watching his nervous reaction. His hands were stuffed in his jacket pocket again.
“I don’t fucking know, what do normal socially inclined people do?” 
“Okay, how about this,” you spoke into the uncomfortable silence that fell between the two of you after you ran out of small talk. You two were staring at each other, motionless. “20 questions?” 
“20 questions?” he questioned you, narrowing his eyebrows in confusion
“Yeah, why not?” you laughed nervously, something about him made your nerves on high alert, “you start!” 
You positioned yourself to face him on the bench, crossing your legs in front of you and resting your arms on your legs. You gauged his reaction, the look of confusion flooding his face.  
“Uhhhhhh,” he turned to face you, mimicking the way you were sitting -  crossing his legs in front of him on the bench, “uhh- i don’t fucking know, favorite color?” 
“Blue!” you exclaimed, “I’ve always loved darker shades of blue, like turquoise or- well it’s not blue-blue but aquamarine too.” 
“Aquamarine? That’s a fancy color, heh. Guess mine.” 
“Black?” you giggled, looking his outfit up and down, it was about fifty shades of black. 
He laughed his signature high pitched laughter, adjusting his sleeves to again cover his hands, “Correct. How did you guess?”  
“Oh just a hunch, that’s all. It’s your turn.” 
“Uhhh,” he pulled out his phone and began typing rapidly. You stared at his hands, luminated from his phone screen. His chipped black nail polish was uneven on his nails, his rings shining bright against the light. His hands were veiny, you found yourself unable to look away, “I’m ass at these things, so lemme google something.” He began clicking rapidly, “…. Okay okay I’m ready. Got some questions and all” He held his phone up to hide the questions as he stared at them. 
“That’s cheating!” you giggled, reaching for his phone, “you’re a fucking cheater!”
“No, no, no, there are no rules. You did not say any rules. No rules! Ahem- okay.” he cleared his throat, scrolling through the question list, “holy fuck these questions. Ok- okay this one is good. So, ahem,” he put on a fake announcer voice, causing you to giggle even more, “Have you ever been in a car accident — and it was your fault?”
“Well damn,” you laughed, “where the fuck did you find these questions?”
“Hey man, I didn’t write the question. Anyway, you gotta answer it. Spill the beans, hunny” 
“Oh geez, well yes, I have been in a car accident, no I didn’t cause it.” You watched as his face softened, a look of sorrow clouding his dark eyes, “It was when I was in high school. A friend of mine- an old friend- was driving and another car blew a red light. It was a minor accident. No one was hurt or anything, but it fucked with my anxiety for a while. I still hate driving now. So I prefer public transportation.”
“Oh fuck- I’m glad you’re okay- jesus fuck. I’m sorry.”
“Honestly, I was paranoid about any cars. I refused to get in them for about a year, but I’m able to drive now, no worries. Anyway- your turn.” 
“I for one, have never been in a car accident, thankfully. However, I have had a gun pulled on me inside of my car, if that counts.”
“You WHAT?” you interrupted him, leaning closer to him, “ex-fucking-cuse me?” His nonchalant way about talking about that baffled you. 
He giggled, how was he giggling over this? “Yeah it was fucking wild man, straight fucking wild. I lived though.” 
“Okay, my turn. Why the fuck did you have a gun pulled on you?”
“You’re not letting that go, huh?”
“NO.” You shot back at him, “that’s fucking nuts.”
“It happened so fast, I can barely recall most of it. Guy tried to rob me, but I’m too fucking broke and didn’t have anything. Threatened to blow my head off, then fucking left. I still don’t know why the fuck he picked me. Do I even appear to look like I have any sort of value? But I lived, so there’s that.”
“Oh my fucking god.” That’s all you could manage to say, the thought of anything bad happening to him now begins to worry you. You have the strong urge to protect him from all evil, at any costs. 
“Yeah- straight fucking nuts. Anyway, my turn.” He began to scroll through the questions pulled up on his phone, letting out hmms and huuhs? until he finds a question that he deems worth asking, “What embarrasses you the most and/or what’s been your most embarrassing moment?”
“Hmmmm,” you took a moment to ponder the question, there’s a lot of things you’ve done that really embarrass yourself, “Okay so I was on a date with this guy I was really into in college, like I loved this guy before we even went out.”
“Was he cute?” Corpse asked, resting his elbows on his legs and his head on his hands, a pensive stare in his eyes as he peered at you.
“Uhhhh, really fucking cute actually….,” you were lost in his eyes, you couldn’t make out the rest of his face, but you’ve declared him as one of the most attractive people you’ve seen, “... uh anyway, so we were out on a date-”
“I can’t relate.” he interrupted, laughing again. 
“Huh?” you, again, we snapped out of your story. 
“Being on asked dates, can’t relate. I have never been asked on a date.” 
“I don’t believe that. Anyway-”
“O really? I legit have never been asked out on a date,” he let out a breathy laugh, “I’ll let you finish though.” 
“Well this isn’t a good date, anyway we were at the movies on a date and it happens to be the same exact movie theater his ex was at. Same movie, same time, same everything.” 
“Oh no…” Corpse knew exactly where this was headed. 
“Yuuupp, it was a ploy to run into his ex-girlfriend. They ended up getting back together right after that happened. Exact reason I hate the entire Purge series now.” 
“Evil. Straight fucken evil. I’m sorry.” he leaned his hand over to lay it on your leg, “that’s actually fucked.” 
He was touching you. His hand was on your leg, right above your knee. You felt the sensation of touch shoot up from your leg to your stomach. Your heart began pounding a thousand beats a second. Why were you acting this way? Why was your heart racing at an innocent touch to express sorrow? You tried your best to ignore it.  
You shrugged, although it still has taken a major shot to your self esteem, “I mean, it still stings but they have two kids now so, good for them I guess.” 
“At least you’re not spending the money on diapers now,” he laughed, moving his hand away and giving you finger guns, “that shit is outrageous.”  That was the cutest shit you’ve ever seen.
“Okaay, my turn. So have you really never been asked on a date?” You watched his reaction, he quickly rubbed the back of his head again, letting out an anxious laugh. 
“I mean, I’ve been on dates with my ex before and like, two other people, but I was the one to always ask ya’know. I never had anyone take interest in me first. I’m always the initiator. It’s not really that deep though. I actually like not being bothered with relationship shit honestly. Anyway, my turn.” 
Why did that upset you? You felt a ping in your heart. A ping of sadness. What’s wrong with you?
He scrolled through the questions a bit, searching for a good one to ask. 
“Okay, this one isn’t as cringe, what's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you?”
You thought for a moment, looking at him staring back at you. A smile forming underneath his mask despite the lack of sleep hitting you both. The early morning sky began to form around you two on the park bench, you couldn’t deny it, he was attractive. You couldn’t see his face fully, but his visible features were inviting. You wanted to see what he was hiding on the mask. He had warm eyes, curly mess hair, you imagined he was more attractive than you imagined under the mask. “Well, I’m sitting on a fucking park bench at like 5am with Corpse Husband. Completely unplanned, no sleep at all. Answering questions about our lives in the darkness. Totally random, almost face reveal and all.”
Wait what the fuck - were you just flirting with him? Why are you flirting with him? You couldn’t tell, but he seemed to blush. 
“Oh shut the fuck up,” he laughed leaning over and playfully nudging your arm, “this is after you randomly called me, don’t forget that.”
“I knew you never actually wanted to talk to me.” 
“Ohmyfuckinggod.” you reached over and snatched the phone from his hand. In the process, you accidentally touched his hands, you felt another surge of butterflies rush through you again. You tried to brush them away and scrolled through the questions, “do you believe in soulmates?” 
Of all questions, you asked that one. You wanted to smack yourself. What were you doing? 
He raised his eyebrows, bringing his hands to his chin, rubbing the front part of his mask. You wondered what he looked like without the mask on again. Thoughts of his skin racing through your mind, “Huh. I don’t honestly. I don’t think anyone is truly meant for anyone. Love is fucking hard, yaknow? Sure you can be attracted and interested in someone. But to actually have a meaningful, fulfilling relationship, it doesn't just happen. You need to actually want it. Want to actually work and build with them. No one is someone’s actual soul mate. Don’t even get me started if someone dies.” 
“Period sis,” you laughed, “I’d like to believe there’s someone for everyone though.” You were a hopeless romantic, it’s showing. 
“My person is the one that probably was murdered or something,” he laughed, looking down at his pant legs, “I kinda gave up on relationships and shit anyway. I’m not really the ideal partner.”
“Why?” you didn’t mean to ask that immediately after he spoke, it slipped out
“It’s my turn, mam.” He laughed, taking his phone back, “ooooh here’s a goodie, when you can’t sleep at night, what keeps you awake?” 
“Everything,” you blurted out, laughing, “fucking everything.” 
You paused for a moment, letting go on any filter you’ve had set, tiredness is setting in and you have no control over your words, “I always feel like I’m never really good enough, yaknow? Like I don’t really belong anywhere. I feel like I’m an outsider everywhere. I guess, I guess that’s what keeps me awake at night. Damn that got really fucking emo.” 
He nodded, the two of you not speaking for a good minute. He finally broke the silence, “Yeah, yeah. I actually fully understand that feeling.” 
“My turn,” you didn’t look at the phone this time, “so why did you give up on relationships? Or finding in love, or whatever.” 
Why did you care so much? Why are you asking him this? 
He took a deep breath, letting up a breathy chuckle, “Ah fuck, I-I don’t think I’ve ever talked about this before - like out loud.” He paused for a brief second, you were moments away from telling him it was fine without answering, but he continued on, “I- I don’t really see myself as a good partner honestly. Like, I don’t go outside much. I don’t show myself anywhere - that’s actually unfair to my partners. I can’t see myself being able to fully invest myself into a relationship either, I have so much other shit going on. My life it’s self is a fucking mess, I’m a fucking mess. I don’t deserve that sense of happiness either.” 
“Why’s that?” You questioned him, staring into his eyes. Those big brown eyes shined back.
“I just don’t. I can’t go outside without fucken panicking, without worrying someone will find me. That’s why my ex left me. I couldn’t do anything with her, no, for her. She wanted to go out and do all of these lavish things, but me? I couldn’t. Literally would fucken panic at the thought. Hyperventilate, shake. What the fuck is wrong with me? I wouldn’t want any parts of that either. She got tired of waiting for me to fix myself and left. I can’t blame her, she had every right to. I can’t see myself committing to anything. I’m so accustomed to everyone leaving. I-I can’t put myself through that heartbreak. I don’t want to put myself through heartbreak again. I- I don’t know. I’m scared to get attached. I-” 
You were staring at him, lost in his eyes. Lost in the emotion of his voice as he spoke. Raw, unfiltered, passionate, and real. Every croke as he spoke, every pause, stutter. Your heart was about to break. Who hurt him so badly that they caused him to feel broken? To feel betrayed? To feel so unloveable. You wanted to speak, but you were lost in him confessing his heart to you randomly on a park bench in the center of the city.
“Corpse,” you breathed out, watching the tears begin to well up in his eyes. Wait, he’s about to fucking cry. Holy shit. How do you calm a crying person? Do you even have tissues on you? You’re not prepared for this. 
He turned his head away and cleared his throat, trying to hide his watering eyes, “Fuck I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean-uhhhhhh- fuck- uhhh, ignore me.”
“Corpse,” you again said, reaching over to grab his hand. You made contact with the top of his hand, feeling the top of his rings grace underneath your palm. His skin is soft and warm. How the fuck is his skin so soft? You wrapped your hand around his and you lost control, you squeezed his hand to let him know you were there. You were listening, processing his emotion. You were letting him know you cared. 
“Thank you, y/n.” he looked back over at you, flipping his hand around so your palms are now touching. He intertwined your fingers together. His eyes are watering still, now vulnerable and more alive.
You were holding hands. Your heart began racing, you imagined it would jump out of your chest. He scooted himself directly next to you, your legs touching now. He rested his head on your shoulder, keeping your hands intertwined. His hair smelled like… was that cherry blossoms? His head was heavy on your shoulders, but it never felt so perfectly placed. He let out a deep sigh and you felt the breath on your shoulders. You began to panic inside, but it wasn’t a bad panic. It was a nervous panic. 
“Of course,” you whisper, laying your head on top of his, “damaged goods gotta stick together.”
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myelocin · 3 years
tomato sauce for hello, and mornings for i love you
synopsis: “you are the who, love is the what, and this is the why.”
genre: fluff | wc: 2,300+
characters: konoha akinori
this is why i need you | jesse ruben
a/n: HALLOW??? HALLOWWW?????? @gg9183 MY ANGEL MY LOVE HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY TO U we will ignore the fact that i am late i meant to post this yst but my laptop updated and i didnt save a fat chunk of this LOL. (speech aside) i love you. konoha loves u. i’m in this corner of the world blowing a candle for u and cheering u on always. happy birthday my best girl <3
It’s a good day to love you today.
Konoha’s up by seven, then at the grocery store by seven forty-five. A quick breakfast in the car: just a bottle of orange juice and a bag of chips that he just knows you’ll scold him for.
Pick up the balloons after heading to the bakery, then finding a way to somehow sneak all of what he has prepared in the house before you wake up. He smiles, delighting in the thought of another year with you.
Three birthdays together, a little apartment situated close to the city, and a multitude of inside jokes that would piss off Bokuto on the days he feels excluded. You snicker with him when he whispers his commentary towards you in the theaters, and he’ll do the same when you critique how the popcorn tastes that day.
There’s a lot of unknowns that balance what keeps the joy afloat, he thinks. He doesn’t know what to say when calling the doctor for his yearly checkup, and he doesn’t know how to counter the what-if scenarios the two of you usually talk about.
Sitting in his car, he chuckles. The rush hour of the morning borders unforgivable today, and while he could have sat still in his car, grumbling about the inconvenience, he settles for huffing towards it instead—defining factors like that as one of the inevitables in life.
So he thinks of you.
He left the house a little before sunrise, with you still asleep in bed. On the left side, wrapped in 75% of the blankets, with the plush cradled in between your arms. Some days he regrets winning that for you. While you said the expression on the hamster’s face mirrors his when he’s coming home from a rough day at work, it’s also the same plush that’s usually sandwiched in-between the two of you every time he tries to hold you at night.
Some days it’s like that, but today, he’s thankful it’s there to keep you company while he’s out here.
He’s always heard about the things people do for love, and while in the beginning he was never one to believe in its influence, as he catches a glimpse of himself on the rearview mirror, he laughs. There’s at least ten paper bags from the grocery store—all of which are meant just for breakfast, and a box with the god-awful hot pink wrapping paper he couldn’t have changed at the very last minute.
It’ll have to make do, he supposes. Slip ups happen sometimes, and in love, perfection is only a far-fetched dream.
In youth, love is make believe. Love is the ice cream truck that passed by his street every afternoon, and the coins his mother would leave out on the kitchen table for him just enough to treat himself. Love is the stories and the idea that he’d find a hand to hold and squeeze tight, even if all the boys in class would roll their eyes and stay away from the cooties.
Love is good.
Then as it stays good, love becomes great.
He learns of that the second he turned twenty and met you on aisle three of the grocery store at 2 in the morning. Pyjama bottoms, hair in a bun, and you’re squinting at the labels—trying to decide whether to get chocolate or vanilla for the frosting.
He said his hello then, because love at that time was also the three second push that came into his life as a show of brevity.
Konoha eases off the brakes, letting the car roll for a good couple of meters before slowly coming into a stop again—the traffic still present.
With a sigh, he resorts to tapping on the steering wheel and reliving through the memories again. He had no game then, he realizes. He approached you with half of the pickup line he plucked from reddit jumbled up as he said it, and he had a tomato sauce stain on his shirt.
Now that he thinks about it, he looked a little sleazy.
But the world has its ways of redefining what it means to be perfect, he supposes. What happened after was you turned your head, two tubs of frosting on either of your hands, and a smile already cracking its way through the prior confusion on your face.
And shit, he remembers, that’s all it took for him to realize that perhaps this is what they mean about the great that comes with the redefinition of love.
From then, you became a fixture of his every day. Three years since tomato sauce stains and your icing dilemma, he still learns more and more about you, finding home and falling in love as the days go by.
So today is a good day to love you.
Your third birthday you’re celebrating with him, and he’s in his car crawling his way through the traffic with a jar of tomato sauce and two kinds of canned icing in the paperbags in the back seat just to commemorate the first hello.
Tapping his finger against the steering wheel, he smiles. There’s a comfort in knowing that you’re headed home. Back to you, back to love.
He hopes that god awful plush is keeping you warm, Konoha thinks with a smile. Then with a laugh, he steps his foot off the brakes again, the world letting what’s there flow as motion comes once more and eases him into the road that brings him closer to you.
An hour later, he’s trudging up the stairs.
To be fair, in the parking lot he did try to think of at least a speech to present to you. Perhaps the classic ‘I love you, babe. Happy birthday,’ followed by a suave look, a bouquet of flowers, and breakfast in bed. He smirks, knowing even though blunt sentimentality has never been you nor his’ style when it comes to communication, you always had a soft spot for the moments where he did remind you that his love will always have the intention to stay.
Staring infront of the door, all it takes to put himself together is a deep breath, an honest smile, and just like that, he’s good to go.
Cake in hand and the strings to the balloon pinched in between his fingers, he nudges the door open, trying to be quiet as he cranes his neck and listens for noise inside the house. Delighting in the silence, he makes his way in, careful so he doesn’t disturb the peace.
Mornings have always been easy with you.
You wake up around the same time as he does, and breakfast is always shared at a table for two. Easy conversation, sleepy smiles, and little chuckles sprinkled before the beginning of the day is kickstarted.
Konoha smiles. There’s a cake with a smiley face iced in the center and a bouquet with all your favorite blooms in tow. A whole lot of love is the product of the bits built one on top of the other from the everyday that remains his—though it’s as much as yours too.
There’s love found in home, three years shown within, and the subtle promise of a lifetime in the presence that stays.
“You know,” a voice jolts him. Konoha, wide eyed, turns towards the kitchen, quickly spotting you.
You’re sat in your usual spot by the window, a bowl of cereal in front of you, and his hoodie wrapped around your frame. You smirk at him, spoon in hand, eyes to him. “If you’re going to surprise me, you could have probably pulled it off if you didn’t have a whole concert in the shower.”
His tongue pokes his cheek, the red on his face displayed in full colors because of how bright the morning is. “Last night you said you were sleeping in, so I figured you’d be knocked the fuck out till 10 or something.”
“That was the plan,” you laugh, shifting your eyes back down to your breakfast and scooping up a bite.
You hear a huff, then when you turn to him, you smile again. Konoha’s standing a little awkwardly in the middle of the living room now. His Donald Duck house slippers on, and his socks aren’t even matching. On top of the paper bags on the table, he’s still trying his hand at balancing the cake, bouquet, and strings from the balloon in his hand.
He’s looking at anywhere but towards you.
Laughing softly under your breath, you throw him a lifeline. “Want me to turn around and have you clean up your entrance so that I can pretend to be surprised when you say happy birthday?”
When you look back up, he’s already made it halfway across the living room, just now stepping into the kitchen to plop down on the seat in front of you. Puffing his cheeks, he sets the boxes down on the clear end of the table and leans forward. Meeting him halfway, you smile as he presses a quick kiss on your temple.
In laughter, he eases into love. “Happy birthday,” he smiles.
Smiling along with him, you hold out the spoonful you meant to give to yourself in offering towards him. “Morning.”
Even though he’s a little disappointed he couldn’t pull off the surprise, the smile on his face is still cheeky when he faces you. Mornings are easy, he thinks again, because love is.
“I can still cook for you,” he offers, taking the fork from your hand and reaching in the bowl to pick at the bits of fruit instead of the actual cereal.
You quirk a brow in his direction. “By that do you mean you’ll just plate the takeout you got and hide the boxes so you can tell me you cooked for me?”
“Will that impress you?” Konoha laughs, the smile on his face easy.
“Depends,” you shrug. “What kinda takeout did you get?” Peering into the boxes he tries to shield with his body, he eventually moves away with a laugh when you swat him on the shoulder and poke him to the side. “Was anything even open this early?”
He points the fork with the slice of strawberry in your direction, his face smug. “I ordered in advance.”
Narrowing your eyes, you lean forward and take a bite, laughing when he gives you a look for biting the piece you don’t doubt he’s been eyeing for a while now.
You snort, recalling the memory of him hunched over the desk the other night, shooing you away everytime you’d enter the room. “Tell me you didn’t bother that poor auntie at 11 in the evening just for this?”
He looks away, eyes closed. “I’m a resourceful man.”
“She’s in her sixties and 11 is probably three hours past her bedtime!” you laugh.
Konoha looks at you anyway, smiling. “But are you happy I got you your pastries?”
Eyeing the box, it doesn’t take much for love to resettle into peace again, your joy quickly mirroring his. “You drove all the way there for me?”
“Always for you,” he responds, like it’s the most obvious thing.
You reach forward and pinch his cheek, finding love in the silly bits of him too. “But you always complain about how annoying it is to drive this early in the morning. I know rush hour’s a bitch,” you try to reason.
He shakes his head. “I know. But it’s your day.”
“You drove there last week too when I was craving,” you mutter. Konoha crosses his arms one over the other, and leans his head against it down on the table. Looking through his lashes and up at you, he beams. “That’s because I love you.”
Poking through a bigger piece of fruit from your bowl, you bring the fork towards him, until it’s just barely poking at his lips. “You know, you’re really sweet when you’re decided.”
Accepting the strawberry, Konoha suppresses a chuckle. “I’m always decided when it comes to you, what do you mean?”
Shrugging, you sift through the contents of your bowl, looking for more slices of fruit. You’ll add more next time, you note in the back of your mind. He smiled more when he ate the strawberries instead of the initial blueberry.
“I also got tomato sauce and icing,” he admits, tilting his head to the paper bags still on the coffee table in the living room. “To commemorate hello.”
“So you’re a poet now, I see,” you tease.
“I can be a lot of things in this life.”
You tilt your head. “Like?”
“I’ll tell you once I think about more things that impress you the most.”
You smile. “Just be Akinori.”
He smiles again, love written along the peace in his expression. “Deal.”
“It’s nice to be loved,” you tell him, eyeing the bouquet with the blooms and the cake with the smiley face peeking through the window of the box.
“Because I love you, that’s why,” he replies.
Morning is easy.
A table for two, light conversation, and a history lived and loved even though silence tends to resettle in the room from time to time. Memory relished through love and the flow of the day nurturing enough for him to delight in the moment and feel at ease because this is the kind of love that’s meant to stay kind for a lifetime.
“Happy birthday,” he smiles, and when you look at him, he thanks his lucky stars for that three second rush of brevity that pushed him to begin love with a hello.
ily always <3
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tatooedlaura-blog · 3 years
Maybe WE don’t believe in YOU!
It’s throwback Thursday time ... this is a goodie from 2009 (dragged kicking and screaming from Gossamer) ... oi, these things amuse me at times :)
any and all errors are from the original post and have not been changed to preserve giggles and chuckles :)
He saw her sitting halfway up the bleachers, amidst yelling parents and clapping children. He knew she'd gone outside a good 15 minutes ago but since she'd neglected to come back, he though he'd better go and collect her. He didn't move fast, more at his usual long-strided amble given there wasn't much to hurry about anymore. Since the police station was next to the elementary school fields, he didn't have far to walk; soon standing beside the rickety aluminum riser seats.
She didn’t notice him at first but when she did a general sweep of her surroundings, as was natural habit at this point, she lit on his face staring up at her and with a barely noticed head-tilt, she gave him a half smile.
Figuring this was an invite of the most discreet kind, he picked his way through the scattered crowd, settling next to her without a word. Silently, they sat together through the last minutes of the game as well as through the exodus of people, kids, strollers and family dogs.
It wasn't until the last person stepped off the field that Mulder turned to her, squinting against the late afternoon sun, "hi."
Pushing her hair back, only to have the light breeze ruffle it again, "hi."
"So, got a little tired of Sheriff Blowhard and his parade of blightless minions?"
"A little. There's only so much blowharding and blightlessness one can take. Besides,” nodding towards the now deserted field, "they looked like they needed another fan."
Knocking shoulders with her gently, "you know, if we get our paperwork done, we can get the hell out of Dodge."
Holding silent for a moment, "promise me our next case won't be like this. I don't think I can do this again anytime soon."
"Well, I'll try to order us up a nice, juicy monster but don't hold your breath."
"Just promise to try. That's all I ask."
One glance into her tired, dull eyes made him nod, "promise."
"All right then." Standing and holding her hand out to him, "let's, as you put it, get the hell out of Dodge."
"If only the place was actually called Dodge."
"Getting the hell out of Parson Village doesn't exactly have the same ring to it, does it?"
Finally down on the ground, they walked back across the parking lot, "not really."
Working through the last of the forms, they said good-bye and left, glad to be leaving the place behind them. The drive back to the hotel was quiet but a companionable quiet, one where Mulder left the radio off and Scully stared out the open window, enjoying the fresh air and the colors of the setting sun.
Back at the hotel, "do you still want to leave now or wait until the morning?"
He knew she would prefer to go than stay and since he wasn't tired, "now works for me." Checking out went by in a flash and once Mulder had made a not so secretive trip to the vending machines, they were off, "you sure you want to drive first? I'm awake."
Scully just turned the car on, "I'm good for now. I'll let you know when it's your turn."
"Fair enough." Putting his seat back to a decent incline, he settled in, "mind if we keep the windows open for awhile?"
She gave him a smile, "as long as you don't mind me having the wind blown look."
"Naw, you wear it well."
"Okay, now you're just buttering me up."
With a laugh, he rested one arm at his side, the other on the middle compartment, hand dangling by the shifter, "just say thanks, Scully."
"Thanks, Mulder."
He was feeling a bit mischievous but held off until they had been on the road for a few minutes. From his position, he could tell no one else was on the quiet country road and in a fairly nonchalant way, he made like he was turning on the radio but instead, pushed the shifter forward into neutral.
The engine revved, Scully looked around in panic, then saw Mulder's hand beside the stick, "what the hell?" Shoving it back in drive, she swung and hit him near full force in the chest, "are you insane?"
Now for the fun part.
Wincing, he curled his arms to his chest, pretending the blow had actually hurt him, "damn. I was just gonna turn the radio on. I bumped it on accident." Plastering an appropriate grimace on his face, "there's less painful ways to kill me, you know."
Her face scrunching in honest apology, "I'm so sorry. I thought you did it on purpose. I … I'm sorry."
Rubbing his chest for good measure, "remind me to ask before moving next time." The urge to laugh nearly won but he held it in, "I feel extremely sorry for any suspects on the receiving end of your fist."
Automatically reaching over, she wrapped her hand around his forearm, "I'm sorry."
"S'okay." Wondering how long she'd keep her hand there, "was kind of funny though, wasn't it?"
She shrugged, "maybe it will be later but right now, I just feel bad."
"No harm, no foul, right?"
Keeping her hand on him with no sign of letting go, "right."
They switched places a few hours later, Scully beginning to yawn and stretch to keep herself awake. Mulder, who'd managed a nap, readjusted the seat and mirrors before looking over at her, "all set?" Head already lolling on the seat and eyes closed, she only nodded.  As always amused by the swiftness she could fall asleep, he pulled the car out of the gas station and back on the freeway.She slept for about a half-hour, then woke again when he hit a bump in the road, "sorry."
Shaking the cobwebs from her brain, "no, it's okay." After re-positioning the seat back, she stared out the window for a minute before, "where are we, anyway?"
When he turned to look around, she swiftly reached over, flipping a small switch on the dash, "we're about 10 miles from the middle of nowhere."
"That's specific."
He gave her a lopsided grin before looking back through the windshield.
She wondered how long it would take for him to notice.
Not long, she soon discovered.
Taking a cursory glance at the speedometer, he slammed on the brakes, throwing them both forward slightly, "what the hell?" When he had looked, he saw in horror that he was doing 120. Still talking to himself, "there's no way in hell I was doing 120."
Playing along, "what?! You're going 120? I don't need to die tonight, Mulder."
"I didn't realize …"
"Just slow the hell down!!"
He shrank into the seat and heart pounding, he brought his speed back to 75 but when looking out the window, he would swear they were nearly crawling. She then watched him look from the speedometer to the road to the speedometer once again, then to the smile she couldn't contain, "why the hell are all the gauges in metrics now?"
Reaching over, she re-flipped the switch, turning everything back to normal, "did you really think I'd let the neutral thing go unanswered?"
Instead of being annoyed, he looked at her admirably, "nice."
She was sound asleep again an hour later when Mulder discovered he was contemplating how long he could shut his eyes before it got dangerous. Poking his finger into Scully's thigh, "hey, you awake?"
When she only mumbled, he knew they were both done for the night but with only an hour left to go, he debated pushing it.
Until he heard his tires running on the rumble strip.
Yeah, it was time to stop.
Especially when he saw it … a bright beacon of hope in the distance.
24-hour, anyone can sleep in the damn parking lot, beautiful, shiny Wal-Mart.
He pulled off the exit ramp and soon, he stopped the car in the center of a vast expanse of parking lot. Cracking the windows so they wouldn’t suffocate, he put his seat back, stretched and promptly fell asleep.
A blissful sleep that lasted almost a full two hours, until, “what the hell?”
The sound of her voice jolted him upright and his hand caught the horn, beeping it obnoxiously as he blinked against the painfully bright light in his eyes, “huh?”
By now, she was rolling down the window and being the least polite he’d ever heard her, “what!?”
The flashlight lowered but all Mulder could see was the spot it had burned into his retinas. The spot spoke in a low, male voice, “evenin’ folks.”
Again, Scully rolled off with, “what!?!”
“Just wanted to make sure you were all right.”
He could feel Scully building rapidly towards some other, more improper phrases and heading her off with a hand on her arm, “we were tired and thought we’d take a nap instead of wrapping ourselves around a telephone pole.” As the spot began to fade, he could make out an older gentleman behind the lowered flashlight, “I thought people could park and sleep here for the night?”
“RVs can park but ya’ll aren’t in an RV so I thought maybe you were havin’ some trouble.”
Hearing Scully sigh resignedly through her nose, he spoke again, “no trouble, sir. Just tired.”
“Well, ya’ll be careful.”
As he turned and walked away, Mulder looked at her irate expression, “hi.”
“You’re coming with me.”
Unbuckling her belt, “I have to go to the bathroom and you’re coming with me.”
Opening his door, “why are you pissed at me? I didn’t scare the shit out of you with a flashlight.”
“Just come on.”
She stalked across the parking lot, Mulder trotting to catch up, then settling into an easy gait until they got to the store entrance, “are you gonna make me come in with you or do I get to wait outside the door?”
With eyes narrowed, she left him in the entryway and disappeared into the ladies room. Deciding to go himself, he still beat her back and was leaning on the wall when she came out drying her hands on her jeans. She seemed calmer and leaning next to him, “I’m hungry.”
Gesturing through the doors that led to the actual store, “I bet there’s something in there, if you’re willing to risk it.”
“Lead the way, partner.” Both were shocked by the amount of people in the store, “what time is it anyway?”
Finding her wrist with his hand, he twisted her watch around until he could read it, “um, 1:15.”
“Why are all these people here? Don’t they have homes and beds?”
“Insomniacs make the best shoppers.”
She let a small chuckle escape her nose, “just find me something to eat.”
Well, she should have known not to A) shop when she was hungry and 2) shop with Mulder. She should have also put her foot down when he suggested getting a cart.
An hour later, they were finally through the checkout.
Scully had found some sandwiches, drinks and chips for them both, then stupidly gave Mulder control of the cart. He immediately steered towards the entertainment section and was soon pawing through the $3.99 DVD bin.
That killed a half-hour right there. Damn those bins and their B-movie classics.
After he’d found several handfuls of movies, he veered through men’s clothing for socks, housewares for a new shower curtain (which Scully silently thanked God about), hardware to replace the two flashlights he’d left in their hotel rooms, back to menswear  for the underwear he’d forgot on the first trip (black boxer briefs, much to Scully’s amusement), then finally through women’s clothing, where he stopped in front of a rack of slogan t-shirts.
Standing for a moment, he studied them, then picked one up with an alien beside a spaceship who was pointing out and stating, “maybe WE don’t believe in you.” Holding it against her for a second, he tossed it in the cart and finally moved to the check-out.
She followed, dumbfounded by the last hour of her life, “Mulder … why …?”
“Shhhh, it’s too late to argue and too early to win.”
Whatever the hell that meant, she graciously allowed him to pay for their food, along with the industrial size Payday bar she tossed in at the last minute.
As they ate their makeshift dinner sitting in the car, “why did you buy me that t-shirt? Do you really think I’m gonna wear it?”
Grinning with a mouthful of half-chewed turkey, “you will. You’ll be getting dressed for something and you’ll just get the urge to put it on. So you will and you’ll realize you like it and that’ll be that.”
“Is this how you get your shopping done because I can see why your cupboards are bare.”
“Never ask about a man’s shopping habits.”
“Trade you sandwiches?”
He handed the rest of his sandwich to her immediately, taking her partially eaten roast beef in its place, “no dressing?”
“So much to teach you, grasshopper.”
“I’ll drive if you want me to.”
Scully shook her head, “naw, I’m fine.”
“Well, I’m not tired now so I’ll keep you awake.”
With a grin in his direction, “God help me.”
“God’s probably asleep Scully. All you got is me.”
“Again, God help me.”
They were finally navigating Washington’s outskirts by 3:30. He watched her staring ahead and fought the demon lurking inside him.
He really shouldn’t.
He really, really shouldn’t.
It would be evil and wrong and cruel and more than likely funny as all hell … if she didn’t kill him afterwards.
He’d risk it.
Waiting another minute or so, he spied a light blinking in the distance and as they approached it, he braced his feet against the floor. Once they were about 10 feet away, he yelled, gripping the dashboard and the doorframe, “blinking yellow!!!”
She locked up the brakes, as expected, and bought the car to a screeching halt. The stop flung both forward, then back against their seats, with Scully screaming in his ear, “son of a bitch … it’s yellow Mulder! I don’t have to stop for a blinking yellow!”
Looking at her with as much seriousness as he could muster, “I didn’t tell you to stop.”
“Then why the hell did you yell ‘blinking yellow’ in my ear!?”
“I didn’t know if you saw it.”
He had never witnessed her nostrils flaring before and though he wouldn’t admit it out loud, she looked kind of cute doing it but … “are you trying to get us killed?”
He was now smiling despite the fact she had steam shooting out her ears, “there was no one behind us. I checked.”
Another nostril flare came his way before she turned the car off, still sitting in the middle of the intersection, got out and moving to his side of the car, pulled open the door, “drive.”
Still grinning, he scrambled over the gearshift, Scully sliding smoothly into his seat, putting her head back and closing her eyes.
Silence, he had not expected. Yelling, hitting, yes but not quiet. Quiet from Scully meant planning, concocting, calculating, organizing … quiet meant bad things … quiet meant very deep piles of shit with him underneath.
“Scully …”
Suddenly sober, he restarted the car, “I was just playing.”
“Home,” she repeated, then, instead of returning to sleep, she dug some gum from the glove compartment and proceeded to chew a wad of it, very loudly.
Now, he could take bullets, he could take slime, he could take beratement of the highest degree and, as demonstrated, he could even take bile but he absolutely despised the cud-chewing noises she was making. He withstood it for a long as humanly possible before, “could you please get rid of that? You sound like a damn cow.”
“You want me to get rid of the gum?”
“Where do you want me to put it?”
His mistake was answering too quickly, “anywhere. I don’t care. Just stop chewing it.”
“Okay then.” Undoing her seatbelt, she twisted so she faced him, and in a gracefully disgusting move, she rolled the gum in her fingers, then proceeded to push it up his nose.
He knew something was coming and completely powerless to stop it, he just sat there as a thumb-size chunk of grape Hubba-Bubba was fitted into his right nostril.
She then calmly sat back down and re-buckled herself in.
He left the gum there as he turned to her, “Scully?”
“Yes, Mulder.”
“I believe we’re even now.”
Her belly laugh echoed off the windows and he began laughing as well, slipping the gum from his nose and putting it in his mouth.
Through her laughter, she grimaced, “eww, that’s disgusting.”
“But it’s grape.”
They finally made it to Mulder’s apartment and since her brain had drifted completely, she didn’t really notice where they were until he stopped the car, “why are we here?”
“Literally or existentially because I don’t think I can take a metaphysical discussion at the moment?”
“You drove. You drop me off then drive yourself home.”
“Where’s your car, Mulder?”
Pointing to where he always parked, he saw an empty spot, “your house.” His head dropped to the steering wheel, “damn.” Looking at her out of the corner of his eye, “I’ll take you home.”
“No. I want out of the damn car and I want to go to sleep. Right now.”
“Then grab the bags from the store … I’ll get the suitcases.” They managed to make it in his door before dropping everything simultaneously. Mulder then re-picked up her bag and set it in his bedroom, “I’ll take the couch.”
“No, I will. I shoved gum up your nose.”
“And I yelled ‘blinking yellow’.”
Contemplating for a half second, “you’re right.”
He gave her a grin, “just help me change the sheets first.” Nodding, she had the bed stripped by the time he came back with a clean set. They finished in no time and he stepped back, nodding his head, “two people make that way faster.”
“Anytime Mulder but for now, I’m using your bathroom then going to bed.”
“Aye, aye captain.”
Meeting him in the hall on the way back from the bathroom, “g’night, Mulder.”
“’Morning, Scully.”
Before going to the bedroom, she grabbed one last thing, then changed, crawled under the clean sheets and was out before her head hit the pillow.
He woke up leisurely. The phone hadn’t rung, no one had knocked on his door, obnoxious garbage men hadn’t rattled the dumpsters … he had woken up because he had finally caught up on his sleep. Marveling at the idea, he stood and moved silently towards his bedroom to check to see if she was awake yet.
Finding her spread eagle on her stomach, covers twisted around her and bare leg sticking out, foot hanging off the side of the bed, he nearly laughed when he saw her wearing the neon green t-shirt he’d bought the night before.
Deciding to let her sleep, he went to the bathroom, then made himself a bowl of cereal. By the time he’d sat down with his second helping, he heard the creak of his bedroom door. Looking up, he saw her standing there, hair tousled, eyes partially open, wearing only the t-shirt, which fell to mid-thigh. Swallowing the frogs in her throat, “’morning.”
After a glance at the DVD player’s clock, “afternoon.” Without comment, she padded across the cool floor and dropped down next to him, curling her legs underneath her. Covering them with his blanket, she reached over, took the spoon and helped herself to a large spoonful of cereal. Shaking the milk off, she had it nearly to her mouth when he finally spoke, “I thought you said you’d never wear that shirt?”
As the cereal entered her mouth, her lips quivered in the slightest of smiles, “shut up, Mulder.”
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buckys-black-dress · 3 years
a fine line, part three
a/n: okay. here we go. part three bitches. tbh i write these author’s notes before i start writing, which is why i also have one at the end of the chapter-- so idrk how many more parts this baby’s gonna have. also, tumblr fucked up and ate my first draft, so fuck you tumblr. but here we go! enjoy, again, thank you for reading/sharing/commenting/reblogging whatever etc etc. i love you all! <3 -ali
wc: 2.5k
You truly think that you’re going to throw up. 
You haven’t moved out of your apartment since you came back from James’ apartment. 
Your phone has been non-stop vibrating since you got off your phone call with Natasha, and she’s the only one you’ve kept updated on the situation. You told her she could... vaguely explain to Wanda and Carol what happened, but you couldn’t bring yourself to leave your apartment. 
You were a mess, to say the least.
Natasha had tried to come by to see if you were alright, but you couldn’t let her in. You were embarrassed. James kissed you, and he made you look like a fool. He thought he could make things better by kissing you, but every time you remembered what his lips felt like on yours, all you could feel was humiliation.
Did he think you were that easy? That if he kissed you and slept with you, that it would erase your past with him? 
You didn’t know what to think, and it was eating you alive.
You usually knew. You knew how to think rationally, to think things through, and to make the right decision.
But now, you felt like you knew nothing.
And now, you have to show up to class next week and teach alongside the man who made you look like a joke. 
On the other hand, James was quite literally losing his shit. 
He felt like an idiot.
After he kissed you, he realized two things.
One, he was idiot.
And two, he liked you. A lot.
Well, it was more or less Steve that led him to both conclusions, but hey, he got there.
When he called Steve after you quite literally fled his apartment, he realized just how fucking stupid what he did was.
“Buck, you gotta see this from her perspective. For a year, you ridiculed her every chance you got, and all of a sudden you spring all this shit on her that you didn’t mean it, etcetera etcetera. And then you kiss her. She’s quiet, shy. I don’t talk to her about personal things much, but Nat knows. She trusts her, and she tells her about everything she’s been through. A week ago, she thought you hated her. You just humiliated her and made it look like she was easy, someone you could kiss and fuck and move past your history with her.” Steve spoke through the phone to his friend.
After listening to everything that Bucky said, Steve couldn’t understand just how stupid his friend was.
“I- I never meant for it to be like that. I do like her, a lot. And I feel like such an idiot for what I did before. She- After watching her sit in my house, after seeing her with Alpine, I just... I realized just how fucking wrong I was... And now she’s never gonna talk to me again.” Bucky realizes, and it hits him like a ton of bricks.
“Okay, you’re being dramatic, Buck. You guys still have to teach together next week. You just need to find a way to straighten things out with her by then, or else someone’s gonna report back to Fury that you two aren’t doing what you’re supposed to. And we all know that you don’t wanna be in trouble with him.” Steve continues to explain. 
‘You’re right... But how do I even reach out to her? She’s not gonna answer a text or phone call, but I don’t think she would appreciate me just showing up where she lives... And I don’t even know where she lives.” He tells him, trying to think of any way to reach you. 
“Well... I don’t how much I can help you from here. Just... be careful, Buck. Don’t end up doing more harm than good. Okay?” Steve carefully warns him.
“Yeah, I know, Steve.” Bucky tells him. “I gotta go, I’ll talk later man.” He concludes, promptly ending the call.
It’s Saturday, and Bucky’s panicking.
Why, you may ask? 
Well, other than the fact that he made a dumpster fire out of his relationship with you, he singlehandedly made all of your friends who were staff at Avengers University hate him.
He’s spent the morning calling Natasha, who promptly picked up and hung up right after. Then Wanda, who didn’t even bother answering. Finally, Carol. Carol didn’t really give away much, but she did want to help. 
Carol didn’t tell him which apartment you lived in.
But she did tell him what building you lived in.
“And why should I help you, Barnes?” Carol asked, well on her way to her meeting. 
Bucky was running to catch up with her, clearly walking faster to avoid him.
“I- Listen, just, give me something. Natasha and Wanda ‘ve been avoiding me, and I know they’re not gonna help. I-I’m desperate.” Bucky practically begs, and Carol can’t say she’s not shocked.
“Well... how far are you willing to go?” She stops her walking and asks. 
“I-I’ll do anything. Please, Danvers. I’ll buy you coffee for a week. Y-You can have my parking spot! Anything!” Bucky was ready to get on his knees if he needed to.
And that’s exactly what Carol wanted to see. 
“Hmm... I don’t know... How do I know you’re actually sorry for what you’ve done?” She questions, nose in the air. 
“Carol, I know I fucked up, alright? Steve and Sam can barely even look at me, Natasha and Wanda are ready to rip my head off on sight, and plus...” he paused, trying to lift the weight off his chest, “...plus, Y/N means a lot to me. And I know I acted like a goddamn idiot before, but it’s different now. I... I like her, a lot, and I never meant to hurt her. I... I need her to understand that.” Bucky was out of breath from his rant, and Carol squinted her eyes at him.
“I’m giving you one thing. You have to figure it out from there. Or else Y/N, Nat and Wanda would kill me.” The blonde says after a moment of silence. “She lives in the Livingston Towers. That’s all you get. I’m late to my meeting, bye.” She says, flipping her hair while strutting away. 
Now, it’s Saturday morning and Bucky’s at the lobby of your building. Although it’s definitely not half as lavish as his own, it was still lovely. Warm, cozy. The man sitting at the desk watches him as he approaches his small desk, and Bucky looks pale as a ghost. 
“H-Hi, I’m looking for someone who lives here?” He asks more than he says, making the man even more weary of him.
“Does this person know you’re coming to see them?” The young man asks dismissively.
“No, but uh, I was hoping I could see them anyways? I just need to know what apartment they’re in if you don’t mind-” Bucky speaks but is cut off short by the young man with the name tag that reads “Adam.”
“Listen, man, you’re not the first shmuck to show up here, begging me to let them up to see their ex that they ‘need to make it up to.’ If she’s not answering her phone when you call, maybe that’s a sign you need to let that shit go, dude.” Adam tells him, looking at his phone screen.
“Hey, kid, listen. She’s not my girlfriend, but I do need to make it up to her. I fucked up, but we’re colleagues, and we have a project that we’re supposed to work on starting tomorrow, but I don’t think she’s gonna show. I-I just... I need to see her. Please.” Bucky’s about to get on the ground, but instead another idea pops into his head.
Just as Adam’s about to dismiss him again, Bucky pulls out his wallet.
He pulls out a crisp $20 bill, slipping is across the counter. 
“Please?” Bucky’s voice is hanging on by a thread. 
“Fine, man, this girl better be worth it, I could lose my job-” 
“Yeah, yeah, get on with it. Her name’s Y/N Y/L/N.” Bucky says, waiting for the boy to type in the name.
“She’s in 10C. Good luck, bro.” He says, sitting back lazily in his spinning chair.
“Thanks,” Bucky can barely say before he clicks the button to call the elevator, hopping in and pressing on the 10 button.
He finds your place with quick ease, but he stands there for a few seconds, pondering. If he knocks, will you even answer? If you know that it’s him, will you open the door? What if you’re out, what if you went to grab coffee or something for Lucy? What if- 
And before he could think even further, the door swings wide open, shocking Bucky. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” Your voice was hoarse, like you hadn’t used it in days. 
You looked... horrible, to say the least. But James was glad he was even looking at you right now. 
“I-I we need to talk. Please.” He says, hoping you’ll hear him out.” Just give me five minutes. I’ll leave after that.” He pleads.
Wordlessly, you walk away from the door, leaving him just standing in your doorframe. He assumes this means you’re agreeing to the five minutes.
“Well?” You say, sitting back down on your couch, waiting for James to plead his case.
“L-Listen. I... I can’t even begin to explain to you how fucking sorry I am. I’m a complete idiot for thinking that kissing you was going to fix everything between us, for making you feel like I was trying to embarrass you by kissing you. I just- in the moment I thought it could’ve been the right thing to do, but after it happened I realized just how dumb I was to think that. And you have every right to be upset with me. Also... we still have to do our lessons together starting tomorrow, and I just wanted to know that we could still work together.” 
You sat in silence, petting Lucy who was curled up into your side. You held a mug of coffee in your hand, watching James intently. 
“Also, how did you know I was here?” He asks, brows furrowed.
You snort at the question, shifting in place. 
“Adam called me to warn me that a very persistent man was coming up, and that if I needed to escape to go out the fire escape or the storage closet and hide.” You say, giving no indication as to how you were feeling.
“He may be easily swayed, but he’s not a complete idiot. But you... you are a complete idiot.” You tell him.
Bucky’s chest tightens in an uncomfortable way, in a way that makes him want to throw up his breakfast.
“Did you just come here to see if I was still going to work with you?” You ask, waiting to see what he’ll say.
“Well, that wasn’t the whole reason. I needed to know that you were alright. I hurt you, and I understand that. I also don’t expect you to forgive me, but I need you to know that I know I fucked up. I’m sorry I didn’t realize it right away. And I’m even more sorry for making you feel like you weren’t enough this past year. I guess... 
I guess it was just my way, albeit childish, of coping with my feelings for you. When I first met you, I thought you were so beautiful, and I wanted to get to know you. But you were so quiet, and I just thought that was you rejecting me... So, I’m sorry. For everything Y/N.” James concludes. He stands up, moving towards your front door. 
“James, wait.” Your meek voice rumbled out as you stood up.
“You... you did embarrass me. Borderline humiliated. You shouldn’t have acted that way with me, I’m worth more than that kind of behavior. That being said, I appreciate you coming here to try and work things through. I... I was so hurt. You hurt me so bad, James.” He opens his mouth to apologize yet again, but you shake your head, continuing. 
“I liked you too. When I first met you, I thought you were so attractive. Intelligent, handsome, friendly. But then you started acting so... so different around me. I- I didn’t know what I’d done to make you so angry with me, enough to tear me down every chance you got. I was new, lost, fresh meat. But when you started saying those things, I was reconsidering my contract with AU. I appreciate the apology, but I’m going to need some time to process... whatever this is. Of course I’ll still do the lessons, but that doesn’t mean we’re buddy-buddy now, okay?” You finish. 
He’s looking at you. It’s like there’s something more you want to say.
“I just... I- how do I know you’re for real? With all this, I mean. How do I know you’re really sorry?” You ask, finally letting it out, your voice crackling.
“Y/N... How about this; this week, while we teach together, let me make it up to you. Let me show you just how sorry I am, that I’ve really changed. Please, let me make it up to you.” Now, he’s literally on his knees in front of you. 
Lo and behold, James Barnes. In front of you, on his knees. On the floor of your apartment. 
“James, get up, please.” He promptly stands back up. “You have one week. One week to show me you’ve really changed, that you really mean what you’ve just told me. That’s all you get.” You tell him, staring at him.
“Okay. One week. I’m not gonna let you down, Y/N. I promise. You’re gonna see how sorry I am, I swear.” James says, slowly making his way out.
“Okay. I’ll see you at work tomorrow, Barnes.” You say, holding the door, ready to shut it.
“Here I was, thinking we were on a first name basis.” He jokes, already outside.
“Watch it, Barnes.” You put extra emphasis on his last name, shutting the door as he steps into the elevator.
As you turn back into your house, you look at Lucy, who’s watching you with big eyes.
“What the hell is he gonna do, Luce?” You ask, plopping back down onto your couch and mindlessly turning on the TV again. 
You couldn’t even pay attention to it, just thinking of what this week will bring.
a/n: ooookaayyyy hey yall! end of chapter check!! sorry this one was short, this week has been literally kicking my ass. i had 6 labs due for my anatomy class today. anywayssss.... what do we think bucky’s gonna conjure up for this week? lmk in the comments what you think !!! kk, love you, bye!
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harrysgloves · 4 years
Fine Line (Chapter 3)
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>>>Catch up with the Fine Line Masterlist!<<<
word count: 2.2k
story summary: Since you were kids you and Harry had always walked that fine line of friends or something more. Now, pregnant by someone else, you find yourself staying with your long time best friend after things go sour with your boyfriend of 3 years. 
Singlemom!Reader x Harry Styles
chapter summary: You and Harry have a night reminiscing 
warnings: Language // .
a/n: I really need to make a story masterlist. Haven’t had the time to do that or edit (I’m lying I had time to edit. I REALLY hate it and decided not to.) Anyways, let me know what you think of the chapter! xx
"Maybe you should move in with Harry for a bit." Gemma said from the other side of the couch.
Your head instantly popping up from Abby's lap with a confused look written across your face.
"Nope." You said as you laid back down. Abby's hand rubbing your shoulder as you tried to go back to watching Clueless and eating your pickles in peace.
"Y/N, listen, I'm just saying maybe you shouldn't be alone. A lot of stuff can go wrong in pregnancy, you shouldn't be by yourself during it." She argued, pushing your feet off her as she leaned up.
"Gem, I'm not having Harry take care of me." You sighed, sitting up on the couch, your precious movie night abandoned by her constant worrying.
"Not take care of you. He'd just be here in case you have any pregnancy complications like a blood clot or fainting spells."
"I'm not going to have those." You said rolling your eyes and waving off those concerns with your hand.
"They're really common." Abby said from behind you as she paused the movie.
"Not you too." You groaned, your head against the soft cushion as you stared at the ceiling.
You knew they were saying it because they cared but you didn't want to impose on Harry's life more than you already were.
"Yeah, me too. I think it's a good idea." Abby said in a calm voice, like she was trying to not piss you off.
"In what world is me living with Harry a good idea?" You asked, sitting up straighter. Your eyebrows raised as you glanced at both their blank faces.
"He's got a whole slew of people following him. One sniff of a pregnant girl living with him and my life is all over the tabloids."
"Okay, minus that." Abby agreed with you as she laid back against the arm of the couch and you immediately felt bad for going off.
You could just look at her and tell she didn't want to leave you here. Alone and pregnant. Trying to figure everything out on your own.
"What if Jesse comes and gets really pissy with you again and starts throwing shit? What are you gonna do then?" Gemma shot back, determined to get you to stay here where she knew you'd be safe if anything happened.
"Call the police."
"The police? They'll take forever to show up and then who knows what'll happen in that amount of time." She said her voice growing louder the more irritated she got that you weren’t seeing her side of the argument.
"Gemma, this is crazy. I'm not moving in with him."
"Maybe you could stay until you have the baby?" Abby tried to reason with you as you shook your head.
"No, please, just drop it and watch Clueless." You mumbled, pregnancy hormones flaring in you, anger licking against your flushed skin as they dropped the subject.
You could take care of yourself and this baby just fine. You didn't need any help and Harry had too much shit in his life to deal with you.
"Y/N?" The sound of Harry's voice from behind you made you jump.
Your hand caught in the cookie jar, literally, in the middle of the night. The darkness around you quickly turned to bright white as he flipped the light switch. Your eyes squinting as they adjusted to the light.
"Sorry about them crashing here too. I didn't mean to mess up everything like this." You said as he passed you to get to the fridge.
"I told yeh 'S fine. Meant it when I said it." He said turning around to find you with a glass for him already in hand.
"Still." You shrugged as he took the glass from you and downed your fifth cookie in a row.
"Yeh hungry?" He asked, eyebrows raising at you over his glass of juice as you shoved yet another cookie down your throat.
Stupid rich people and their fancy junk food.
"Starving, oh my god." You cried out. Harry chuckling as he sat down his empty glass on the countertop.
"Wanna go get ice cream while the losers sleep?" He asked as he reached out to take your hand in his before you could down another cookie.
"Just like old times?" You asked with a smile.
His head lifted looking from your hands that were still connected to your eyes. A hint of a smile on his face with that soft look in his green eyes that you always adored.
"Yeah, jus' like old times."
It took over 10 minutes for you to decide on which type of ice cream you wanted. Your bottom lip under your teeth as you stared at the menu for so long Harry eventually ordered for you.
Luckily, he knew your indecisive ass well enough to know that chocolate with fudge and brownie bits was always your favorite even though you always said you liked strawberry ice cream better.
"You remember when you were 7 and you swore you could ride a bike even though you had never rode one before?" You asked him when he parked his car on top of a hill that overlooked the city. It wasn't the spot in your old town that you two used to do this at but it would work well enough for the night.
"Oh God, not this story." He groaned, his ears already tinting pink as you started to giggle at the memory of him that day.
"And you-" You said through laughter, having to stop and wait to calm down to continue. "You got on my bike and I kept telling you to get off it."
"Please stop." His cheeks a bright red as you started laughing harder. His hands over his whole face to hide his embarrassment.
"And- and you went flying down the hill and into Mr. Gibbs shed?"
"He was so pissed." Harry said once his hands came away from his face. You could tell he was still pretty embarrassed but he eventually joined in laughing with you softly as he ate the rest of his ice cream.
"You ran over all his tulips and I was freaking out running after you. Remember what you said?"
"Unfortunately." He mumbled as he finished off his treat, placing the empty container in the cup holder in his car.
"You said girls liked daredevils and that I'd like you cause you slammed face first into that shed." You said through laughter remembering sweet little Harry saying that to you with a straight face.
"If I remember correctly, you gave me a kiss that day." He said with that grin dancing along his lips as he looked at you, shrugging.
"It was on the cheek and I was 8!" You gasped.
"Worked out well for me." He said so content with himself, smiling out the window.
"Cheeky little thing."
"That's worked out well for me too."
"Piss off." You said, pushing his shoulder, his hand taking yours as he laughed.
The conversation died down between you as you finished off your ice cream one handed. Harry's still holding your other one. His thumb rubbing the back of your hand.
"You can stay with me awhile, y'know?" He said as you placed your now empty container beside his.
He was right, chocolate with fudge and brownie bits were definitely your favorite.
"Mhhh, no."
"Didn't think I was that bad of a flatmate." He huffed out all dramatically like you hurt his feelings.
"You know what I meant."
"I'm in London for a while then back to The States. You could stay at my place while I'm in California then you wouldn't have to live with someone if that's the problem." He reasoned with you and a part of you wanted to say yes but you knew you couldn't.
"Problem is the press, Haz. Don't want to deal with that on top of a break up on top of a baby." You only partially lied to him, his face falling slightly as you stared back out the window, your teeth chewing the inside of your cheek.
"Sure, Camille wouldn't want me to stay with you long anyways."
"She likes you." He said quickly. Your eyes instantly rolling as you turned to look at him, your eyebrows only raising slightly when he let out a huff.
"Okay, maybe she doesn't like y'that well. Its jus' 'cause we're so close, she feels left out when we hangout." He admitted and you knew there was a bit of truth in it but not the whole truth.
The truth that he never fully let go of that glimmer of hope things would find a way of working out between you two.
Camille may have been a model but she wasn't stupid, she knew from the second he introduced you to her that you were more than a friend but less than a relationship.
You two had always walked that fine line of friends or something more.
You admit, when you were younger you were absolutely in love with him but when he got discovered you knew your short time of him being your Hazza was over. He had bigger and better things to move on to.
Letting go of those feelings for him was the worst thing you had to go through. Watching on the sidelines as his life flourished into something so much more wonderful than anything you could have ever imagined for him.
You never regretted letting him go. Letting go of those selfish feelings of wanting him to stay and be with you instead.
You were happy you made the choice for the both of you even if it wasn't an easy choice. Even if there were moments when you'd look over to see him smile that toothy dimple smile that melted your heart and you could feel the edge of doubtfulness seep into your mind.
You knew deep down that you could never cage a bird as beautiful as him and expect it to be happy.
"Jesse always felt that way too. Said we had our own secret language."
"Probably why no one ever wants to play charades with us." He smiled as he pulled you across the seat to sit on his lap.
"Probably." You agreed, your head laying on his chest as your legs dangled over to the passenger seat.
"I'll always be here for you, know that right?" He asked, his hand rubbing up and down on your arm.
"I know." You sighed, somewhere between happy that you'd always have him as a friend and feeling guilty as shit for relying on him so much.
"Good. Can't have my little bunny be sad and lonely." He mockingly cooed as he ran his hand over your hair.
"Oh Jesus, not the nickname!" You groaned your hands slapping away his hands as he laughed, pulling you in closer to his chest to nuzzle his nose into your neck.
"Oh, so you get to call me Hazza? But I can't call you bunny?" He hummed into your hair that was covering your neck. Moving away from him when you felt your skin tingle.
"Y'used to love it so much." He pouted at you, big green eyes with his lip out.
"Mhh. I lied." You smiled as you booped his nose with your pointer finger. His eyes rolling at you but his lips formed a smile as his cheeks tinted the slightest shade of pink.
"Besides, it's not even a creative nickname you called me that because you said I liked carrots too much." You shrugged your bottom lip between your teeth to hide your smile as he moved back to glare at you.
"Never said it was a creative nickname." His hands brushing your hair off your face. The cool metal of his rings touching your skin almost made you pull away but the radiating warmth of his callused finger kept you in place as he lifted your chin so your eyes met his.
"Jus' one that's strictly yours."
You smiled but couldn't help the involuntary deep breath you took in. Something danced behind his eyes as he looked at you. A look you had gotten from him so many times before. It always made your stomach leap and soar.
"Awe, Haz, you do care about me." You cooed, leaning into his chest. His arms wrapping around you.
"Mhm. My heart has a special little bunny shaped hole right where you fit." He smiled as he rested his head on top of yours, holding you tightly.
For a second, you imagined what it would be like if things would work out with him. If his life didn't carry him on a different path. A path away from you.
If this was his baby and not Jesse's.
You sighed pulling away from him. Your voice soft as you said "We should go."
His head nodded as you pulled away from him and back to your own seat. Chewing the inside of your cheek as you looked out the window. His own eyes glazed over as his mind ran wild with thoughts in his head. His car in reverse without either or you talking.
You quietly tried to remind yourself to not put ideas in his head. To not let your heart get the best of you. Reminding yourself why you closed that door all those years ago
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