#TW: bugs mention
essentiamortis · 4 months
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she'd fallen into a routine with her traveling from between the surface and the underworld. it was becoming peaceful, welcoming almost. she has her duties in the underworld and a stable job working as a medical examiner. her job would be easier if she'd summon spirits but that would be crossing the line of balance. souls could haunt but she was limited to evidence at hand. injuries on the bodies, blood tests, toxicology reports, weapons used, medical history, samples taken from crime scenes, if they were found outside, decomposing with bugs or dirt nearby, she'd examine them as well. elizabeth combs through everything she can get her hands on, double back to check her own work.
she applies the same calculated skills to the same corpse lying upon the autopsy table. unidentified female, possible late twenties or early thirties based off bones. there wasn't much flesh left when she was discovered. from first glances, she could tell the body had to have been left out in the swelting summer sun for at minimum two or three weeks. further tests and examination would determine. petri dishes consisting of dirt and remains of bugs she'd gathered from the scene as well as off the body before transport sat on the table next to her.
she's continuing her examination of the visible wounds and overall condition of the body when she hears footsteps entering into her lab. "i do hope you are here to provide more evidence of value and not hounding me about an update like your fellow senior officers like to do."
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martyr-inthedark · 1 month
Make your Whumpee tired.
Whumpees that have been deprived of sleep by Whumper, so much so that they don't remember how to walk in a straight line and can't figure out whether the recent appearance of little black bugs in their cell are real or a hallucination.
Whumpees that can't get a full night's rest. They doze off, only to be jolted awake by their own anxiety of not knowing when Whumper would come back. Perhaps they are awakened by phlegm-coated coughs induced by their illness. They are awakened by nightmares, or by Caregiver who is worried they may succumb to hypothermia, or by a thunderstorm, or the rough blanket scratching their open wounds, or so on.
Whumpees who pull all nighters to protect their friends or lovers.
Whumpees whose eyes burn when they finally can close their eyes. Whumpees whose muscles twitch, who can't stop yawning no matter how hard they try to stifle it. Whumpees with dark, glassy eyes. Whumpees who are slow to react or have a hard time keeping up with the conversation. Whumpees with throbbing headaches. Whumpees with brain fog and memory loss.
Whumpees who have been on the run and have over exhausted their bodies. Their muscles and joints continue to scream long after its over. Whumpees with extensive blood loss. Whumpees who are malnourished.
Whumpees whose survivor's guilt keeps them awake, wondering what they might have done differently, whether it was all their fault, or why they were the ones to live.
Whumpees whose bodies are in chronic pain or illness and who have to hide it, causing muscle and mental fatigue. They keep going with a smile until they collapse or pass out.
Whumpees who break down in tears, begging to be left alone so they can rest. Whumpees who sob when they are told that the bed in front of them is theirs to use whenever they want.
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incorrectbatfam · 9 months
What are Alfred's punishment recipes???
Pickle custard
Carolina reaper salsa
Milk in paper plates
TikTok tuna casserole
Boiled muffins
Arkham mush
Tomato jello
Dry beans on wet bread
Swear word soap
World War II rations
Well done steak
Uncomfortably warm water
Macaroni and bees
Invisible soup
Eating all his cookies in front of them
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minced-mangoes · 6 months
I am in love with the concept of the demons in the devildom having to shed their horns, as well as possible shedding of fur, feathers, scales, or skin. With this we have to assume the demon's horns align closer to antlers than actual horns, since horns don't shed, but antlers do. Either way these are magical creatures so fuck logic. I can do what I want. Maybe they don't actually fall off, but instead shed a layer of keratin, keeping the horns shiny, strong, and unmarred. For some demons this shedding is easier, like for Lucifer and Diavolo's horns. However, with demons like Mammon and Barbatos, the details on the horn make it much harder to come off, often needing assistance.
The shed keratin from demon's horns can be used for other things, typically the creation of beauty products, and demons can get good grimm for handing in shed horn layers. I also think Satan will have to do this with his tail.
Now, the feathered demons tend to have the problem of occasional molting, and losing feathers. I'd also imagine they'd have to spend a lot of time preening and plucking their wings. Lucifer might need your help pulling a blood feather or two. Help him, please. Fur. I'm mostly thinking Belphie here. He sheds. Everywhere. Usually Beel helps by brushing out his fur, but you can definitely assist as well, it's lot of fur and four hands are better than two. Scales, this is for Levi. Please help him shed. It's not comfortable and he can't pay attention to his games if his scales have a layer peeling off. Dunk him in water, get him some nice rocks to rub up against, and peel off anything that gets really stuck. He'll be smooth, shiny, and happy afterwards.
And for the demons with wings that aren't feathered? I assume they'd need to be cared for as well. The thin wing membrane will need moisturizing. For the bug demons? help them shed their exoskeletons. I'm thinking specifically Beel and Asmo here. Yes, I headcanon they have to shed like bugs. Beel not as much, since he's a fly, but Asmo's sin animal is a scorpion, he's gonna need to get rid of that old exoskeleton as he grows. Also he comes out so much shinier and more beautiful! You gotta help him be as gorgeous as he can be!
All and all demon forms need a lot of maintenance. But that's okay, you're there to assist. Hey, maybe this will help you bond. And when you need a little help with caring for yourself, your demons will repay your kindness. ~~~ Tomi here! I take requests via my ask box! Please PLEASE PLEASE drop ideas or just things you want me to talk about there or in my comments,,, I eat stuff like that for lunch,,,
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THOUSAND SPIDERS ATTACK 🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️
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little-pup-pip · 4 months
25 Days of Agere Moodboards! Day 24: Ideal Vacation!!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was making pizza in the kitchen when I saw a cockroach on the floor. When I tried to kill it it stood up on two legs and whipped out the tiniest assault rifle I’d ever seen.
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greenteacryptid · 8 months
When I was a very small child, I drew a bunch of posters advertising to not kill bugs because they're misunderstood creatures. I took them to my headmaster to put them up, and he scoffed and said "you want to tell people to NOT kill bugs? Why?"
That really stayed with me
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maofa · 1 month
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something something beetles>one piece
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solomons-poison · 1 year
Obey Me request (if you're accepting rn)
Do you do Headcanons? Side characters comforting MC that had a cockroach fly on their face
If not then just Barbatos comforting MC with that same scenario?
If you don't like that scenario then maybe with something you're okay with?
Comforting S/O After a Cockroach Attack
A/N: Hi! I was accepting headcanon requests (closed upon posting this). This gave me the shivers, I cannot stand bugs touching me and especially not on my face, so I can only hope my loves would save me :( I went with side characters as I couldn't really come up with enough content or ideas for just one character for a headcanon ask, I'm sorry, but I hope you enjoy these sweet short headcanons
Featuring: GN reader || Diavolo x reader, Barbatos x reader, Simeon x reader, Solomon x reader, Mephisto x reader, Thirteen x reader, Raphael x reader
Warnings: mentions of bugs/cockroaches; relationship with suitor not specified, up for interpretation
Regular human world cockroaches are awful enough to deal with. But being in the Devildom, you often come across some truly monstrous equivalents of animals and bugs, some you've grown used to and even liked. But some of them were truly terrifying, and unfortunately, your worst nightmares came true when you had one of those monstrous Devildom cockroaches flying down at you. It took what felt like hours to escape the damned thing, and your shaking form immediately sought out the comfort of your closest confidante...
When you go to Diavolo and tell him what happened, he may laugh a little at first, but don't be angry. He's just always delighted to see all the different reactions you have. It's especially fascinating to him to see how unfazed you are when handling a multitude of demons, especially the likes of the Seven Avatars, but the likes of a bug scares you instead. But he's reminded of a certain butler who also has a certain, unexpected fear...
He'll offer to protect you from them in the future and comfort you for now by cuddling with you. He may even make some dumb jokes to try to distract you and help calm you down, or have you sit beside him while he's working. And if you'd like, he'll also share with you about something that he can't stand, as well (so long as you promise not to tell anyone else, including Barbatos).
When you come running to Barbatos, he's convinced there's a war going on with how worried and freaked out you seem. But once you get the chance to tell him what happened, he's thankfully understanding. He knows too well about dealing with attacks from.. unwanted creatures, and can only imagine how he'd freeze up if he dealt with a rat.
He takes you to his room and makes you some soothing tea or other hot drink to help calm you down. He might invite you to a little baking date to get your mind off of what happened, both by making yourself busy and getting the reward of a delicious treat at the end.
He'll also be sure to educate you on how to prevent and treat bug infestations. After all, he's very familiar with dealing with unwanted pests, so he wants to be sure you're prepared to deal with them in the future in case he's not around to protect you.
Simeon, the sweetheart that he is, deeply sympathizes with your fear and is very very sweet about it. He'll provide you hugs, back pats, or even just lend an ear if you want to tell him about what happened. His empathetic self will even shiver after hearing about the bug's description, truly feeling for you and the ordeal you went through.
He may also offer to handle the bug for you, but please don't take him up on it 😬 He might get just as freaked out as you, and then both of you are screaming and running away, which only stresses Luke out. Instead, it's best to let him recruit someone else to handle the bug and perhaps settle down in his room while he reads you some poetry or maybe even TSL.
Solomon may laugh a little, like Diavolo, when you tell him what happened, but he'll be quick to apologize if it makes you angry. He's lived a long time and been to so many places, he's so used to all manner of creatures and is completely unfazed by the things found in the Devildom. Once you've calmed down some, he'd be happy to teach you about other crazy creatures commonly found in the Devildom, hoping maybe some prior knowledge will help you at least a little bit in future encounters.
If you'd like, he'll happily teach you a spell to destroy the bug the next time one attacks you, or he may even offer to find and take care of the one that had come after you. Once that's taken care of, he'll be sure to take you on an outing to somewhere fun so you can forget about what happened. At worst, he may try to cheer you up with baking something for you, in which some distractions might be needed. But maybe you can give his cooking to the cockroach...?
Mephisto won't make it known to you, but just the mention of a cockroach is enough to get goosebumps on his skin. He sympathizes with you about dealing with such disgusting creatures, and immediately takes you out of there to somewhere perhaps with open air, particularly if its the gardens or a park, somewhere that has a more peaceful feeling to it.
He may be a little mean though and tease you about getting scared by a bug when you're surrounded by demons. But it's easy to see he's just doing that to distract you and make you feel at ease rather than actually insult you, if the gentle look in his eyes is anything to go by. He'll take on a big brother role that he's used to and be your protector for the day.
Thirteen is also loathe to admit it to you, but she hates those cockroaches as well. Anything that flies at her face is a big NO. But luckily, she has her trusty inventions to deal with those pests, all manner of fly swatters, just general melee weapon-looking tools, or traps.
If you ask her nicely or feed her ego a little, she'll help you bug hunt to get rid of the gross things. After all, she doesn't mind the idea of you owing her a favor for her heroic efforts. But really, she's a sucker for you and will hunt down anything that threatens you or your wellbeing.
... What do you want him to do about it? I'm kidding. Raphael is a little underwhelming in regards to how comforting he is, but it's mostly because of his stony facial expressions. His eyes show that secret gentleness he has, and although he's not great about verbally comforting you, he'll provide a brief but sweet hug.
If you'd like him to, he's willing to hunt that cockroach down with his spears, although the idea sounds a little nasty to him. But if you don't want to go the murderous route, then he'll just provide you pleasant albeit quiet company until you've calmed down. He's not great at small talk, and he'll be very awkward about it, but he'll try to find things to distract you with and get your mind off them, like puzzles or telling you stories about working with Michael.
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pmak2002 · 2 months
There was something peaceful about laying on the bathroom floor with your sickly husband asleep on top of you.
He had a terrible stomach bug that had been keeping him up all night. You enjoyed the quiet that had finally settled in your small bathroom.
You laid awake as you played with Timothee’s sweaty curls.
You were grateful that he was finally able to get some rest. He had been miserable all day and now he was up during the night too.
You peppered kisses on his head and hummed to yourself. You could hear the sounds of NYC outside the window of the apartment building.
Timothee’s stomach gurgled uncomfortably as he laid ontop of you. Only wearing tank top and shorts as he was sweating buckets.
You rub his back and coax out a few burps and farts from him. His normally slim body was bloated from gas and it made him miserable and uncomfortable. Despite the bed made from multiple blankets and pillows on the floor next to you.
Timothee had rolled over to lay on you instead. He only wanted to be held while he slept. So you were stuck until his body decided it needed to purge itself. Thankfully he had been asleep for a while and you hoped it stayed that way.
You don't know how long you are out for. But when you wake up Timothee has gotten up groaning in pain clutching his stomach. He looks at you eyes glassy and tired.
His stomach making horrifically loud noises that sound like they really hurt.
timothee groans and rushes over to the toilet to have bad diarrhea, his shorts around his ankles and his whole body shakes from the effort of expelling watery waste.
You frown and go to kneel next to the toilet where Timothee removes his hand from his stomach to grab yours and place it where it hurts the most. You immediately begin to rub and gently massage his bloated belly.
“Hurting!” Timothee groans with each cramp.
“I know lovey I’m sorry.” You say. You gently massage his bloated stomach until he feels empty and has nothing left to expel out his backside.
You help him clean up and flush away his mess. Then help him return to the pile of pillows and blankets on the floor.
As soon as you sit down though he's on your lap whimpering and shaking. You frown as he's clearly becoming delirious from the high fever.
“Shh it’s alright you’re ok I’ve got you.” You say gently as you hold him in your arms. He buries his face in your neck.
Work had been a lot and he was so exhausted and in a way it was good that his body was forcing him to rest.
Of course he was absolutely miserable and in pain. That sucked but he needed all the rest he could get and now that he was sick. He could rest.
Timothee whines and nuzzles you.
You hold him tight and kiss his head. his stomach gurgling and bubbling as he sits on your lap. You use your other hand to gently massage his stomach.
You sit like this for a while holding him and trying to help him relax despite the pain in his belly. soon hes nauseous and leaning over the toiket burping up whatever is left in his stomach which isn't much of anything.
He whimpers and coughs as he spits into the toilet. You rub his back and stomach trying to help him find any relief from the aches in his gut.
"Why does it still hurt when I have nothing left?" He cries.
“I wish I knew.” You reply. You grab toilet paper to wipe his mouth. After tossing out the tissue you go and lay down on the floor with the blankets and pillows that were supposed to be for Timothee. He lays down on you like earlier and you wrap your arms around him and kiss his head.
“Time to sleep mon armor.” You say.
He yawns and you grab a blanket to pull over the both of you.
He sighs heavily and his entire body seems to finally relax and he falls asleep on you once again. You play with his hair until you fall asleep too.
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ljesak · 1 month
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not sure what my anthro bug audience is but my friend requested these and i had so much fun
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sortanonymous · 3 months
Wow. How come I didn't catch onto this about Soul of Sectonia?
TW: mention of assisted suicide
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Tim, holding a box: You promise you didn’t get me bees again?
Damian, from a distance: Just open it.
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pepperjackets · 10 months
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tornoleander · 1 month
I know you tend to like Skybound most out of all the seasons, but I finally found a blog about Ninjago that doesn’t try to shy away from the more mature themes and I desperately need to talk about the fact that Morro (who died at like fifteen) is drinking alcohol in Lloyd’s body. Like there isn’t any single way that this would be considered okay! Morro would have been too young to drink when he was alive and Lloyd was around the same age physically. The only thing that you could argue is that Morro died a long time ago so now he would be considered way older than fifteen. But that means nothing when you add Lloyd into the equation! Also, the night watchman! We never see him again and last we see of him, he’s alone in a room with Morro who is possessing Lloyd’s body. He was the only witness to something Morro was trying to keep a semi-secret. If Morro used Lloyd’s body to actually kill people, that adds a whole new layer of trauma.
Oh they did that, I also think about it sometimes.
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“It’s implied” in the situation meaning yeah it was but we can try to deny it still.
And you are correct, it’s messed up.
He was already controlling Lloyd, a trauma I rarely seen go into depth the way I wanna read. He lost FULL bodily autonomy, none of his actions were his own and he must watch Morrow use his strength to hurt the people he loves.
Just eating would be enough for me to get pissed. Like how fuckn dare you put something in my body. But Morrow intoxicated an unwilling minor. That happened.
And yes, Morrow is supposed to have been around the ninjas age when he died, drinking alcohol should not be something he can say “it’s been a while” about and has troubling implications for him and his already troubled past. (Though, he’s definitely old enough by the time he intoxicated Lloyd)
I’ll Have to look into the night watchman thing I think he was seen in a different scene? But if he hasn’t been seen since, Morro killing could be a good theory.
Mmm yes I “like” skybound. I do like thinking about mature themes I know some people really don’t like people “ruining” kids shows but please THEY PUT IT THERE. Also I am wholesome and kid friendly ALL DAY for work I LOVE my job but I let myself be 18 so you will suffer my Lego angst here.
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