#Steve rogers x teen reader
scarlettflame19 · 2 years
Bucky: Guess what Y/n? Y/n: What is it?
Steve: Bucky and I are adopting a kid
Y/n: Congrats. Who’s the lucky kid?
Bucky slamming adoption papers in front of Y/n: It’s you sign here
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marvelflame2010 · 1 year
Peter: *comes to the compound after school*
Tony: Hey underroos, how was school?
Peter: I have a list of 100 words to learn Mr. Stark
Y/n: Wow, that’s only 89 more than you know now
Peter: *shocked*
Shuri who was visiting: *dying of laughter*
Steve: Y/n Sarah Roger-Barnes
Y/n: What? He made fun of my jacket, I make fun of his vocabulary. 
Bucky: Look at it this way pal. At least she didn’t use violence
Y/n: Yeah! What Pops said. 
Steve: *slaps his palm on his face*
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firegal19 · 1 year
Steve: Y/n, were you paying any attention to what I was saying?
Y/n: Definitely! On an unrelated note, did you know that the ceiling has 234 tiles?
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Secret Boyfriend (Request)
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Warnings: teenage pregnancy, bad language words, Steve
Age: 16
Word Count: 3003
Requests: Closed. I would appreciate it if no one send in any more requests until I open them again I have so many of them to get done
Summary: You end up accidentally getting pregnant
Requested by: Wattpad user
Date: 07/01/23
A/N: a very special thank you to @griffin-girl-r for helping me with this story. Love you
Main Masterlist
You have been in a secret relationship with your boyfriend for 6 months. Exactly 6 months on Saturday.
You kept it hidden from your parents and your family that you were dating someone because you knew exactly how they would react especially since you're dating Peter Parker.
You had both been best friends long before so no one questioned why you were always together.
You didn't care about keeping this a secret from everyone well apart from your mom you told her everything that happened in your life. She was the only one that you could tell things to and you knew no matter what she wouldn't get mad.
She made that little agreement with you when you entered the teenage stage. You went from telling her everything to nothing within a few months and Natasha didn't like that.
"Can you not be so loud?" You giggled looking at your boyfriend 
 "I'm sorry. I'll try to not be so loud." Peter your secret boyfriend answered with a giggle of his own 
"Mama and dad could be home any second Pete and you know they both have super soldier hearing. You might be Spiderman but you won't see it coming if they hear us." 
 "I know." Peter sighed "But I can't help myself Y/N. You know how much I love you." 
 You smiled " I love you too sweet boy." 
 And with that, you brought your boyfriend back in for a heated kiss. 
You and Peter were too lost in your make-out session that both of you failed to hear the front door getting open as Natasha and Steve came back from the meeting they had at the compound. 
 When, by a miracle, Natasha fell pregnant with you, your parents decided that it was time to move out of the Avengers' compound and get their own house where you could grow up happy and safe. 
 "I'm going to check up on Y/N," Natasha told Steve as she turned around and started to make her way towards your room. 
Steve wanted to protest that she left him without a kiss before leaving but instead, he just sighed and threw himself on the couch, turning on the TV. 
Natasha thought you were sleeping so she didn't bother to knock on your door and just opened it. 
 "Y/N baby are you sleep..." Natasha started to say but cut herself off when she saw you laying on your bed with Peter on top of you 
"What the fuck?!" She shouted.
Scared by the loud scream, Peter quickly threw himself on the bed next to you and looked towards the spot from where that high-pitched sound came. 
 You were frozen in shock when you saw your mother in the door's frame looking at you and Peter with wide eyes and open mouth. 
 "Nat, are you okay?" Steve shouted from downstairs after he heard Natsaha's scream and you knew he was about to come running to your room 
 "Mama please no..." You shook your head "Let me explain please..." 
 Natasha looked puzzled at you for a second then after a moment of consideration she shouted back to your father 
"Don't worry babe. I'm okay. Nothing happened" And before she got to hear an answer from her husband, Natasha locked the door behind her and gave you and Peter her famous death glare and you knew you were in trouble this time. 
 Growing up, you and Natasha have always been really close. You used to tell her EVERYTHING. You were the biggest mama's girl in the world even though you loved your dad to death. You didn't mind keeping your relationship a secret from everyone else, but keeping it from your mom hurt as much as you knew it hurt her. 
 "Peter, can you leave us alone?" Natasha asked Peter and she was suspiciously too calm "Come again tomorrow." 
 Peter nodded and stood up from the bed in one move. He looked around thinking about the best method of leaving the house now that he couldn't use the front door with Steve downstairs, so he chose to leave the house through the window. 
Once Peter was gone you sat up on the edge of your bed and looked down at the floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the world, refusing to meet your mother's gaze. Natasha let out a deep breath and sat down next to you, 
"Since when?" Was all the ex-assassin managed to say 
"Since Peter and I had been dating?" You looked at her from the corner of your eye Natasha slightly nodded. "6 months." You quietly whispered
Natasha's heart broke. She felt so bad that you had kept this important thing from her. You used to tell her everything but ever since you had become a teenager, you stopped talking with her as much as you used to. 
 "Why haven't you told us Y/N?" Natasha turned to look at your face waiting for an answer you inhaled deeply 
"I was scared that you'll make us break up. Most specifically I am scared of dad's reaction. You know he's not the easiest man to deal with when it comes to his girls. Especially to me." 
 "Oh, sweetheart your daddy loves you. He would never do something that would hurt you." Natasha cupped your face and turned your head towards her, making you look into her eyes "And even if he thought about it, I would have never let him break you and Peter up. Never!" 
 You teared up hearing your mother's words. Maybe keeping this all from her was a bad idea. of course, she would have stood by your side and convinced your father that your relationship with Peter was a good thing. 
 "I'm sorry mama." Your voice waved as the tears in your eyes threatened to spill "I didn't think you would agree with me dating Peter." 
 Without a second thought, Natasha brought you in a tight hug. She thought that gentle parenting was the best way to go. 
 She could have yelled at you and made a big deal out of this but she didn't want to fight with you again. She wanted her little girl back. And if Peter was treating you right and was making you happy why would she stand in your way to happiness?! 
 "Y/N baby, you're 16. Wanting to date someone, having a crush or being in a relationship with the person you love are normal things at this age. It was going to happen sooner or later and neither your dad nor I could stand in your way no matter how much we wish you would be our little girl forever. This is life. This is the circle of life. The only thing we want for you as your parents is for you to be happy, healthy and loved. And if Peter is the one making you happy I support your decision baby girl." 
 You tightened the hug as you started sobbing on your mom's shoulder "Thank you, mama. Thank you so much. All I want is for you and dad to be okay with me dating that's all." You choked out. 
 "We are honey I promise." Natasha rubbed your back "I'm going to talk with your father and make him understand that you dating isn't such a bad thing and even though you aren't as little as you used to be, you'll forever be his little baby girl. Our little baby girl and we'll forever love you. Now tell me..." She pulled away from the hug to look at your face "Are you two using protection?" 
 You loudly groaned "Mama!" 
 "What?!" Natasha groaned back "I mean don't expect me to believe that you and Peter have been in a relationship for over 6 months and all you had been doing it's just kissing." 
 You sighed tiredly. She knows you too well. "Yes we did mama. Trust me." You visibly rolled your eyes but Natasha chose to ignore it 
 "Thank you." She kissed the side of your head "Now tell me more about you and him." 
 True to her word, Natasha was the one to tell Steve that their little baby is no longer a baby and is now dating a boy. And not just any boy but you were dating Peter Parker and let's just say that Steve wasn't too fond of him. Captain America wasn't a big fan of Spiderman. 
 "Over my dead body!" Steve shouted that night from his and Natasha's room 
"Steve honey please calm down." Natasha tried her best to make her husband understand as she rubbed his arms "Y/N isn't that little anymore. She is growing up and she has the right to go out there and do stupid things and experience teenage love. Just because she's dating Peter right now doesn't necessarily mean that he'll be the only boy or who knows maybe girl she'll ever date. He's just the first." 
 "No Natasha! I don't want my daughter to be dating yet! Especially not him.2 That Parker boy isn't good enough for my baby girl!"
"Steven!" Natasha yelled "She will keep seeing him even if you want it or not. So you better accept the fact that they are dating and quit being so selfish. Y/N needs to have her own life. She has every right to start living and do things on her own." 
 "Nat I said I don't want-" Steve started again but was cut off by Natasha 
"Enough!" The woman shouted, "You're sleeping on the couch till you come back to your senses again." 
"Fine!" Steve yelled as he stormed out of the room.
Natasha knew that Steve will not be able to sleep on the couch for too much time and she was pleased to see that her old tricks still worked when her husband apologised the next day and said he'll allow their daughter to date only because Nat is okay with it. 
 You were really happy to be able to date your boyfriend without having to hide and be silent anymore. Natasha actually invited Peter over for dinner one night and it took Steve all his strength and a lot of glances from Natasha to not scare the shit out of Peter for having the audacity to date his daughter. 
 You were now fully happy. even your relationship with Natasha had started to go back to what it used before. That's how your mother knew something was wrong when you woke up the 5th morning in a row ready to throw up before you even got the chance to reach the bathroom. 
"Y/N I need you to tell me the truth." Natasha said with a stern but somehow still soft voice while rubbing your back after you threw up for the third time this morning "Have you and Peter not used protection?" 
"We did mama. I swear we did!" You cried out desperate, the thought of a possible unwanted pregnancy scaring the soul out of you "Maybe it's just a stomach bug?" 
 Your mother shook her head "This is already the 5th morning you keep on been sick. We need to check it." And with that Natasha disappeared out of the door without saying where she was going, leaving you on the bathroom floor. 
 When she came back about 20 minutes later, you had already calmed down and were laying on your bed staring at the ceiling. Your mother quickly put the pregnancy test in your hands and pushed you inside the bathroom again. It was the longest 30 minutes of your entire life. Waiting for the result of that test.
Natasha would have said the same but for her, it wasn't the first time she had to play the waiting game in a situation like this. The first time was 16 years ago when she took the pregnancy test only to find out she was pregnant with you. 
 "I'm scared." You admitted to your mother before looking at the test 
 "I know." She nodded but whatever the result is we're through this together." She reassured you With a last scared look at your mother you turned to look at the pregnancy test from your shakey hands only to find two pink lines staring back at you. 
 "What is it?" Natasha asked worriedly when she saw you go white as a ghost 
 "Positive..." You mumbled, turning the test so Natasha could see the result too.
A heavy silence fell over the room as you both just tearfully stared at the positive pregnancy test that was in your hands. 
 "I'm not ready to be a mom yet... I'm too young." You cried throwing the pregnancy test onto the ground.
"What will Peter and dad say?!" 
Natasha choked back a sob of her own then gently took your hands into her's "No matter what they say we'll solve this. Okay?! We'll do whatever you decide to do. Do you want to... You know... Maybe get an abortion if you're not ready to take care of a baby yet?" She carefully asked you.
You thought in silence about this. A baby is a lifetime commitment. A baby will forever need you. You'll have to be there for it at any hour of the day and night for the rest of your life just like your mother is now by your side. 
Thinking carefully about your words you confidently looked at your mother "I want to keep it. I don't care what anyone says or thinks. I'm going to keep this baby, raise it and love it forever. I'm going to be the best mother I can be for them. Just like you are for me." 
Natasha nodded and hugged you "If that's what you want baby then I'm going to help you in every way I can to raise this baby."
"Thank you so much, mama." You sobbed out "I don't know what I would do without you."
 Natasha smiled "Well you don't have to think about this because I'm here and I always will be." 
The next day you had a private conversation with Peter and told him you were pregnant with his baby and by all means, he wasn't happy at all. Peter broke your heart that day. 
 "I'm sorry Y/N but I want nothing to do with this baby. I'm not ready to be a father. I think that the best decision is to get rid of this pregnancy." 
These were the words that made all the love you had for Peter turn into hate as soon as they left his mouth. But you couldn't blame him either. You couldn't because you understood. You couldn't force parenthood on a 16-year-old boy that wanted nothing more than just a fun relationship during high school. So you told Peter it was okay, left one last kiss on his cheek and parted ways without a fight. 
This was the best choice. It was a mature one. If Peter was scared when finding out about the pregnancy, Steve was ten times worse to deal with. 
 Steve wasn't scared. Steve was angry.
And the only thing that managed to get him to not kill you and Peter was your mother that as always managed to calm him down before he got the chance to do anything stupid. 
"I want you out of this house!" Your father shouted as soon as he learned that you planned on keeping the baby 
"Dad please!" You begged "I have nowhere to go. Please let me stay." 
But your father was having none of it. He was only seeing red in front of his eyes and kept on demanding for you to leave the house. So you did. 
There was no point in arguing more about this. You needed to act like a grown-up and start thinking about a way to provide for your baby that was on the way. But the one thing you never expected was your mother following you. 
 As soon as the older redhead had seen her husband kicking their only child out of the house she couldn't be there anymore. 
 After an ugly fight between your parents, Natasha chose her daughter and followed you to help you start a new life for yourself. 
Nine months later after everything your baby was born. 
 It was a healthy baby girl and you decided to name her Natalie after your mom. 
"It's my way of showing you how grateful I am for everything you have done and are doing for me, mama." You had told Natasha after she burst out crying happy tears when she met her granddaughter for the first time. 
 Peter visited you one time so he could meet his daughter but still, he wanted nothing to do with her and you were okay with it. 
"Maybe he'll come along later. You know Your father didn't want to be a part of your life too when I first told him I was pregnant. Men are scared of the responsibility that comes with a family. and Peter it's just a boy. I know he'll be more present in his daughter's life as time goes by." Your mother tried to assure you the best she could Sadly, Peter never came along. 
He stuck to his decision of not wanting to be a father. But surprisingly the one man that came back to his senses after Natalie was born was your father that took on the role of a grandpa. 
It's true that you are still young but looking at your baby daughter peacefully sleeping in your arms you don't regret a thing. And you couldn't be more grateful for your mom and for the fact that your relationship with her not only that it turned back to how it was but the bond between you both actually got, even more, stronger and unbreakable. After everything, you finally learned that you should never keep your secret boyfriend away from your mother no matter what others say.
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Can i request avengers x teen!reader where she feels a bit left out because she's young and when they see it, they show her that they love her still and she's their baby? If you wanna write it ❤️
Left Out
Pairing; Avengers x teen!reader, Sam Wilson x teen!reader
summary: the team always leaves you out of the celebration after the missions until a new team notices and brings it to there attention
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"Great Job Team!" Tony said to 6 of his teammates: Steve, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, Clint, and Y/n. You were the newest and youngest addition to the team, this only being the 2nd mission you have been on with them. "And good job out there Y/n, the super speed sure came in handy today." You just nodded your head and smiled. "Thanks, Tony!" you responded.
"Usually Plan I assume?" Clint said looking at the billionaire. "Of course Katniss, the party starts at 8 so be there!" Tony said as he pointed at each of his teammates. "Um, party?" Y/n said as she looked at her coworkers. "Oh um," Bruce started to say before Natasha interjected.
"After big missions like these, Tony likes to throw parties to celebrate. Unfortunately, they are more adult parties so you can't come." the redhead stated as she sat down next to you on the bench of the Quinjet. "Oh," you said, "do these happen a lot?" you asked the group. "Not too often anymore now that you are here," Steve said giving you a warm smile. "Okay, sounds good," you said as you sent the group a smile. "I can give you company if you would like," Bruce said, the two of you were very alike in your introverted ways.
"that's fine, I still have some shows I want to catch up on." Thor came over and gave you a hug. "Thank you Lady Y/n, you are appreciated," he shouted. "Okay.. too much.." you tried to say until Thor finally let go. As the quinjet finally landed, Tony turned towards the team and clasped his hands together. "Let's get the party started."
It wasn't a one-time thing.
It turned into almost every mission that Tony was involved in or anytime the community wanted to celebrate the Avengers, excluding Y/n. You should have said something to someone, but as the youngest, you felt you didn't really have a say in the after-party. And it wasn't like they were ignoring you all the time, they were great friends and teammates. But the after-mission part just became routine that nobody noticed or asked how you felt.
The group just came back from another mission, this time with Sam Wilson with them. He was a new teammate and you didn't know him too well. But you knew that he worked at the VA and was a therapist of some sort.
"Seriously Y/n you did great on this mission, we couldn't have done it without you kiddo," Clint said as he patted your back. "Thanks, Arrow" you responded. "Hey Tony what time does the party start?" you asked. "Um around 9pm so you can go get your dinner quickly then head upstairs," Tony responded. You wanted to ask if you could all hang out as a team but with the way everyone responded to the party news, you didn't want to bring everyone down.
"You send Y/n upstairs for the party? Why doesn't she join?" Sam questioned looking puzzled. it wasn't a secret that you were one of the most helpful avengers. Your powers have helped a lot on a mission and saved countless lives, including your teammates. Before you could even speak, Steve spoke on your behalf.
"They like to spend after a mission in their room. It's routine for them." Steve said as he started to remove part of his mask. "You are okay with this Y/n?" Sam asked concerned. You put on a fake smile and nodded. "Yeah, as Steve said, it's routine," you commented. Sam could see you were hurt inside, but knew now wasn't the time to ask about it.
Later on, once the party was in full swing downstairs, you were in your room in your favorite pair of sweats and got a cupcake and a candle out of the fridge in the room. You had on y/f/m in the background as you sat on the bed with the cupcake on a plate. You were about to light the candle when you heard a knock on the door. "Come in," you responded. You were surprised someone even came to check on you.
Sam walked in and closed the door behind you and let out a sigh when he saw the image in front of him. "Please tell me they didn't forget your birthday or else I'll go down there and beat their asses." he quipped. You laughed as you shook your head. "No don't worry, it was just my 50th mission today," you responded as you lifted up your cupcake. "Want some?" you asked. Sam came and sat on the bed, "yeah why not." he responded.
The two of you ate in silence for a while before Sam spoke up. "Do you like spending your nights in here after missions?" he questioned looking at you. "Depends, most nights I don't mind, but on missions where I know I did a lot of help and they don't even include me in the celebration, that's when it sucks," you responded. "I thought that I would be invited tonight," you stated. You gestured to a short y/f/c dress that was in your closet. "I even had an outfit picked out." you laughed. It was stupid when you thought about it.
"Well go put on the outfit." Sam said with a straight face. "wait, really? I can come?" you asked with hope in your eyes. "I'm part of the team now, and I know it's no good for you to celebrate a big milestone alone," he said as he got off your bed. he extended his hand, which you took. "Now hurry and get ready, I don't want to wait all day." You turned towards Sam with a smile on your face. "Thanks, ill hurry I promise," you said as you locked your bathroom door.
Ten minutes later, the two of you were heading downstairs and the avengers and company were shocked to see you with Sam. Tony and the rest of the team were quick to approach you. "Hey, what are you doing down here kiddo? Thought you would be upstairs." Tony said with a glass of whiskey in hand. "She never wanted to be-" sam started before you put your hand on his arm. "Sam, I got this," you stated before turning back towards the group.
"I never wanted to be upstairs. During our first mission together, you guys kind of sent me upstairs because there was a party. And you promised that it would only happen every so often. And that didn't turn out to be true, and I was too afraid to say anything to correct you guys. But tonight was my 50th Mission, I was hoping that we can do something as a group to celebrate, and it seems you had all forgotten about it.” you stated to them. The group all looked incredibly guilty.
"It was your 50th mission?" bruce asked. "Yeah," you said with a laugh as you pulled back some hair. "I'm sorry Kiddo, we should have done better," Clint said with a sad face. "Yeah you should have." sam said annoyed. "How about this, I can kick these people out, give us an hour to clean up, and we can eat ice cream and watch a movie. sounds good?" Tony asked coming over to give you a hug. You looked up at him and smiled. "That sounds perfect." Tony smiled back before nodding toward Steve.
"Attention, everyone. Unfortunately, we are going to ask you all to leave so we can spend some team bonding time. But before you go," he said as you notice Natasha gave you a glass of your favorite drink and gave you a quick hug. "can we all raise our glasses to Y/n. Tonight was her 50th mission as an avenger, and we wouldn't be more grateful to have such an incredible person on the team. To Y/n." Steve said. The crowd responded as everyone cheered in your honor.
You wiped some of the tears from your eyes as you saw the guest leave down the main exit. Thor turned towards you and gave you a good pat on the head. "We are all very proud of you young one. Would you like some Asgardian Liquor to celebrate?"
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book-place · 5 months
The Avoiding Act
Warnings: unhealthy studying methods, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Avengers x reader platonic
Request: Hey! Can you do MCU x Teen!reader, whose been feeling stressed out lately (I have exams coming up) and she also struggles with mental health. She constantly avoids the team because she knows they'll tell her to sit down and take a break, but one day they forcefully make her sit down and talk to them, and they're all telling her to take it easy and that they believe in her or something, and she's starts tearing up because she's never had anyone tell her reassuring things before she met the team, and one of them (preferably Bucky, Loki, Tony, or Steve) just hugs them? And like they end up watching Disney movies or something, and she falls asleep on Tony or Steve? Thank you!
Requested by: @wolfmoonmusic
*not my gif*
Summary: Your team hasn’t really seen you in over a week, and they start to grow worried
A/N: This isn’t my best work- but I don’t think it’s too bad; also I wrote this forever ago and just forgot to publish it
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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You practically had it down to a point by now. You had memorized your entire team's schedule in such a way that you could avoid them perfectly.
Steve was using the training levels at exactly 5:05 every morning, being the first one up- besides you. That was easy, just avoid all of the workout rooms. Bucky was sometimes up at that time as well, but he just stayed in his room.
Up next was Nat and Bruce. Nat would start off her day on the balcony of either her room or the one connected to the living room. Bruce would make a beeline for his lab right away and hide in there for a while. So naturally, you just skipped out on all three of those places.
That’s when it got complicated. The late sleepers were Sam, Tony, and Clint. Meaning, their schedules were unpredictable. But that was only in the sense that you didn’t know which time they would get up. All three of them would head straight to the kitchen as soon as they got up though, so all you had to do was make sure that you weren’t in there any later than 10:00.
That left your room, which you never stayed in because then they would be able to find you, and any other of the many empty rooms left in Avengers Tower.
Some might call you paranoid, but you made sure to switch rooms every two hours, that way you weren’t in one place long enough for them to find you there.
The reason you were avoiding your team?
It wasn’t becuase you didn’t want to see them or loved them dearly, it was simply becuase you needed to study.
To outsiders, that would seem like a weird reason to be hiding from your loved ones, but not when it came to you.
When you studied, you studied.
You hardly ever took breaks- not even to eat and sleep.
And if your team knew this, there wasn’t a doubt in your mind that they would try to make you take a break. To take care of yourself.
You couldn’t have that happening, the biggest exam of the year was in three days and taking a break was not an option.
It was a day like any other in the past week, you were in a random conference room on the seventh floor, going on the eighth day without seeing your team for more than five minutes a day.
Like normal, you were hunched over a textbook, eyes sweeping back and forth along the pages as you eagerly tried to take in any bit of knowledge you could come upon.
It was well past dinner- not that you had eaten other than a granola bar early in the morning before the late risers made it to the kitchen- and your team, six floors up, were sitting around one of the many living rooms.
“So you’re telling me that nobody saw Y/N today?” Steve asked, standing in the middle of the room with his arms crossed over his chest, eyebrows creased with worry.
Clint and Sam shook their heads in sync from their respective positions on the couch in front of him. Bucky, who was leaning up against a wall with his arms crossed, repeated the gesture.
Nat and Tony both let out identical signs at this, the redhead running a hand through her hair.
“It’s been like this all week,” Bruce spoke up, concern lacing his tone, “I’ve hardly seen her for more than two minutes a day. Whenever I try to find her- she’s not anywhere I’d think she would be.”
“Same,” Natasha piped up, “It’s almost like she’s avoiding us.”
“You don’t think… she’s actually avoiding us, do you?” Sam asked, leaning forward in his seat.
Steve ran a hand down his face and sighed, “Why would she avoid us, though?”
Even Tony had the decency not to interject with one of his normal, snide comments. Instead, he announced, “JARVIS, tell me where she is.”
The team's eyes all widened in sync, clearly none of them had once thought of using the AI system to find you.
Instead of boasting about how he was just smarter than they were like Tony normally would, he just kept his lips in a thin, closed line and awaited the answer.
“Miss. L/N is currently occupying conference room number seventy two, on the sixth floor.” JARVIS’s voice rang out through the room, and everyone was on their feet in an instance.
Within the last week, every one of them had gone out of their way to try and look for you, never knowing where you were or if you were alright.
The door to your study room flew open and you let out a small yelp of surprise, jumping at the unanticipated arrival of every member of your team.
It was silent for a moment after they all pushed and shoved past each other to stumble into the room, as you all just stared at each other.
“O-oh, hey guys,” You stuttered, letting out a small, nervous chuckle, “What’re you doing here?”
“Why’ve you been avoiding us?” Sam blurted out without answering your question.
Multiple people face palmed and let out slight groans at his bluntness. Bucky- who was standing closest to him- slapped him upside the head. With his metal hand.
That had to hurt.
The question immediately made you defensive, and you crossed your arms, visually crawling back into your shell.
“I’m not avoiding you,” The words weren’t as firm as you would’ve liked.
“No?” Tony asked with a singular raised eyebrow, “Then why have we only seen you for five minutes in total this week?”
You shrugged, “I’ve been busy!”
“Busy doing what?” Clint prompted.
That was when you fell silent.
Your team didn’t say anything, though. They just kept staring, awaiting your reply.
The silence dragged and dragged, suffocating the room and everyone in it until you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Studying,” You finally said softly.
Another silence followed, but this one was broken by Bruce, “And how many breaks have you taken to take care of yourself?”
They all knew you so well, they knew what your study habits were like. How unhealthy they were.
You shrugged stiffly, moving your eyes to face anywhere but where they stood.
“N/n,” Nat sighed, moving over to you, “You need to take care of yourself. This isn’t healthy.”
Steve moved up beside her, watching as you still avoided looking at any of them, tears filling your eyes, “We only say this because we care about you.”
His words were what finally made the first tear slip down your face.
“I know,” You whispered.
With a sigh, Steve opened his arms and wrapped them around you in a much needed hug.
Almost instantly, you broke down, relaxing in his arms and crying and crying until there were no tears left.
Someone from around you gently moved a piece of hair out of your face and someone else rubbed your back comfortingly.
When you finally opened your eyes, you were surrounded by your team- the people that cared for you more than anyone- who all wore soft expressions.
“Let’s take a break,” Steve whispered, stopping down to place a kiss on the top of your head, “You deserve it.”
Sniffling slightly, you nodded and allowed your team to lead you away and to one of the living rooms.
Tony had announced that you would all be having a movie night and you would be the one to pick what to watch.
Normally, there would be a lot fighting and bickering about what movie- but nobody said a word this time.
Some went off to get snacks- others getting blankets- as you all spread out around the room comfortably.
You ended up between Steve and Nat on the couch, the ladder absentmindedly running her fingers through your hair whilst you picked what you wanted to watch.
In the end, you settled on an old Disney classic, and we’re able to settle in while the opening music began to play.
“Thank you, guys.” You said softly to the room, truly meaning it.
“No need to thank us, n/n. We’re here for you. No matter what.” Steve said from beside you.
By the time the credits rolled around, you were fast asleep, breathing steadily with your head resting against Steve’s shoulder.
Said man smiled down softly at you, making sure to keep his movements to a minimum as you got some much needed sleep, surrounded by your loved ones.
We are Groot 🤎- @lovanitu @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @irethepotato @femalemarvelself @mukbee @its-hell @ip747 @i-writes-things @popfishjr @mitsuki-murakami @mythixmagic @toecrust69 @etanordoesbullsh1t @wolfmoonmusic @nutellani @hyunzrii @scarthefangirl
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
so i checked out your guidelines and you said that you like plot to be included too so i hope this isn't too much for you.
R is 11 here if that's okay with you.
can i ask you to write an avengers x teen!reader where tony adopts a kid from foster care and the team is trying to get her to open up but she locks herself in her room because she's used to moving from home to home or being abused in the system so she's scared to do anything normal like interact and stuff like that. when they showed her room on the first day she was hesitant to go in bc she's used to poor treatment. Wanda and Nat are the first ones to notice her behavior and they point it out to the rest of the team. they come up with a plan to help her but it only pushes her further away from them bc she isn't used to that much attention. they decide that when she's ready she'll come to them so one game night she tip toes downstairs and peaks in the living room to see them having a good time. wanda or vision senses her energy and she tries to silently sneak back but they invite her in and she reluctantly joins them. she isn't too familiar with the games they're playing so they teach her then afterwards they watch a bunch of movies and they're glad they can give her the family she never had.
Summary: Sometimes it takes a while to find your true family.
Pairing: Avengers x teen!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1116
a/n: This is not too much at all! Thank you for the request :) (I’m sorry this is terrible)
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore
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Walking into an entirely new surroundings is always anxiety inducing, but it’s especially scary when the people leading you to your so called new room are the world’s mightiest heroes.
There’s two men and two women in front of her, she knows who they are, of course, but she isn’t going to bring it up. Surely they have already sensed it.
One of the men, Iron Man, or Tony, as he told her to call him, is talking constantly. His hands are moving up and down, side to side as he gestures to different rooms and what’s in them. He is walking right in front of her, creating a sort of barrier between them. Wanda on the other hand, is walking next to her, occasionally glancing down at her.
Y/N keeps her eyes on Tony’s back. She doesn’t want to look anyone in the eyes or seem too fearful by mapping out the place.
“And this here,” Tony stops walking and opens a door, “is your room.” He turns to look at her with a big grin.
Not moving, Y/N stares inside the room. The four of them keep looking at her, waiting to see her reaction, but they get none.
Tony clears her throat. “You can go in, kid.” With small steps, she goes into the room. “We know it’s a bit empty, but you just tell me whatever you need and want, and I’ll buy it.”
She doesn’t need anything. It’s not like this room will be hers for long. It’s usual for her to stay in a home for a month at best. So, it’s better to not get attached to anything or anyone.
Wanda has a frown on her face as she watches Y/N set down her tiny bag. She’s worried of the girl, but puts those feelings on the side, this is a big change after all.
“Should we leave you to settle in?” Steve speaks up when the silence starts to drag on for a long time. “Someone could come get you when dinner is ready.”
With a nod from Y/N, the four of them close the door and leave her alone with her thoughts. With no one around, she lets out a deep breath and starts inspecting the room. It’s bigger than any other room she has had, and cleaner.
It’ll definitely be harder to leave this room behind when the time eventually comes.
After two very uneventful days, Natasha and Wanda have started talking with the other Avengers how Y/N doesn’t seem to get better, even though they’re giving her plenty of space. So, they decide to try another approach.
Wanda knocks on the door with a huge smile. Some of the other team members are behind her with boxes.
Opening the door only slightly, Y/N peeks through the gap. “Hi!” Wanda waves. “We got you something, if you could open the door a bit more?” Her voice is gentle and on the quieter side.
Y/N opens the door properly. Her eyes widen when she noticed the others and all the boxes waiting there. “We bought you some furniture and decorations.” Natasha brings one of the boxes in the room. “Obviously, we don’t know for sure what you like, but I think we got some good stuff.”
She stays frozen on her spot, out of the way, staring at the others walking in and out of the room. There are so many of them at the same time. Y/N doesn’t understand what they’re doing. Is this a test?
In fear of being punish for a wrong reaction, she decides to not react at all. Her hands are shaking behind her back, but she doesn’t let them see her fear. She just stares at them with a stoic expression.
“What do you think?” Wanda asks once the things are set. “You can obviously change things around if they aren’t to your liking, but this is a good start, yeah?” When Y/N just nods mutely, Wanda’s smile falls.
A silence falls over the room. Very uncomfortable and heavy silence. “Well,” Natasha clears her throat. “We’ll let you be.”
When the door closes, Wanda and Natasha glance at each other. “That didn’t work out the way I wanted.” Wanda mumbles. “I really thought that’d help her get out of her shell.”
“Maybe we just need to let her be.”
She huffs. “I know, it’s just so difficult when I can basically hear her worries.”
“It’ll happen, lets just do it on her terms.”
A week goes by where it almost seems like Y/N pulled into her shell even more. She wouldn’t speak to anyone, or even want to physically be in the same room as someone else. One of the team members always had to go knock on her door and leave a plate of food in front of it, so she would eat.
Most of the team got back into their regular routines, though their worry stayed the same, but they couldn’t stand outside her door forever. Wanda and Natasha would talk to her through the door at times, even if the conversation was fully one sided.
Today, the Avengers decided to spend the evening playing different board games. It’s not unusual for them, as they like to do bonding activities together.
Tony knocked on Y/N’s door to ask her to join them, but only got a small head shake as an answer. However, after an hour and a half, Y/N opens the door carefully.
She sneaks towards the living room, being cautious not to make any noise. Stopping right before the room, she peaks in. All the team members are laughing and shouting together.
Y/N takes deep breaths to calm herself down, these kind of situations still make her incredibly nervous. Suddenly, Wanda turns to look at her.
Her eyes turn wide and she is just about to turn away to go back to her room’s safety, but Wanda speaks up before she can. “Hey, sweetheart. Do you want to join us?” Now some of the others turn to look at her.
With hesitance, Y/N starts walking towards them. They’re surprised by this, but try their best not to show it. “We’re playing Monopoly. You ever played it?” Tony asks as Y/N sits between Wanda and Natasha.
“That’s alright, we’ll teach you.” Wanda smiles, putting one more pawn to the board.
Y/N stays quiet for quite some time during the game night, but when the evening goes on, she starts initiating conversation more and even leans on Wanda’s side at times.
Maybe this family is different after all, it certainly isn’t ordinary.
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lilylovelyxo · 1 year
*Arguing heard in Avengers Tower*
Bruce: (gasps) “Uh-oh.”
Steve: “Ouch…”
Pepper: “Oh, god.”
Dad Tony: “Don’t you talk to me that way, Miss Smart Mouth! You just bought yourself a ticket to your room.”
Y/N: “Oh, fine. Best money I ever spent! You can’t ruin anything in there.”
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B-u-c-k-y? Bucky
Pairings: father!Bucky Barnes x child!reader, featuring Steve Rogers x child!reader and Tony Stark x child!reader (all platonic)
Imagine: The beginning of your relationship with your father and a glimpse at the progress
Warnings: angst, fluff, mention of Hydra, mention of child mistreatment, mention of experiments, reader describes as tiny to clarify more that hydra treated them bad, mention of medical equipment such as syringes, not proofread, if you find anything else please tell me
A/N so don’t know where this came from but I haven’t been able to write something in months so I’m just happy to be able to write again hopefully, don’t know if I like it or not but here we go anyway enjoy
Kinda short, dunno about 2000 words or so
might make more parts to this
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Sparks lit up the dark corridor as Bucky and Steve walked down the stairs to be met with red lights flashing above each door as the alarms blasted their annoyingly high pitched sound that made your ears ring afterwards. One look at each other, they gave a nod and split up as they took one side each of the corridor.
The first room Bucky opened was filled with cabinets made of plastic and in each was different kinds of test tubes with what looked like some kind of poisonous liquid. Syringes were spread out over the desks neatly. Bucky felt chills run down his spine as he saw the hospital bed (or more like a table with white a quilt?) in the middle of the room. Handcuffs made to restrain a person laid neatly on the bed. Blood covering the sides of the bed and his mind went back to 1945, when Arnim Zola experimented on him. Which had coincidentally also been at a hydra base. His gun raised as he searched the room for any kind of lifeforms, when he found none he went on to the next door.
This continued for at least five more doors, some of them being lab rooms and some what looked like prison cells fortified with extra protection, meaning whoever had once been inside couldn’t have fled on their own.
When he opened the sixth door, Bucky scanned the room and had it not been for the red lights flashing once in a while and the lamp that flickered out a dull light he would've missed the tiny child in the room. Knees pressed to their chest. Hospital gown clinging to their skin from blood and cold sweat. The room had cold chills and even for Bucky who tolerated the cold more than others he could feel the freezing temperature in the room. He lowered his gun and put on the softest expression he could muster during these circumstances. Bucky glanced out the door and yelled out with a soft voice (to not startle the child) once for Steve, Bucky’s gaze not soon after fell back to the quivering child, that was you, who stared at him with wide scared eyes.
Bucky took a careful step towards you as he kneeled down slightly to put his gun onto the floor. He gave you what was supposed to look like a kind smile but looked more like a grimace as he thought about what you must have been through. As soon as you saw Bucky coming closer he watched as dark blue smoke covered your tiny frame and not a second after you were gone. Bucky stopped in his tracks and looked around the room for you. His eyes fell on the coroner farthest away from him. You had covered your ears with your hands and your eyes were shut. Your body was tense and knees still pressed to your chest as you quivered further into the corner. Bucky stayed in place not knowing entirely what to do. At that moment he saw Steve walk through the door sparing a glance towards you before back at Bucky his shield raised as they both heard people run their way. With a sigh from Bucky they both left you for the time being as Hydra soldiers started to fill the end of the corridor.
As soon as you heard the sound of shots (your hands not able to muffle out the sounds that came right outside of the room you resided in) die down you opened your eyes. You watched with curious eyes as Bucky (not that you knew his name) walked into the room once more. Like before he put his gun down and gave you a kind smile, this time his hand slowly reached out for you. He watched as you pressed yourself girder into the corner as you stared at his hand.
“hey, hey, okay, it’s okay” Bucky raised both his hands into the air to show he meant no harm as he cautiously took another step closer. “I won’t hurt you” Steve watched from the door opening as Bucky interacted with you. His gaze shifted to the metal objects (or what looked like toys for children) in the room that had started to slightly hover over the ground, including Bucky’s gun.
Bucky’s eyes glanced towards the hovering objects and was a tiny bit glad that you hadn’t done anything to his left arm. “What's your name?” he let out a sigh as you didn't answer knowing you probably wouldn't answer anything he asked you, hell he didn’t even know if you could understand him. His head tilted slightly as he took slow steps forward until he knelt in front of you. The metal objects (except his arm) are rising higher into the air.
“are you alright, you hurt?” He said clearly as he watched you start to pick at the side of your arm where blood was running down onto your hospital gown. He watched as you picked at multiple wounds, some of them he could clearly see were from syringes and his eyes saddened. Both Bucky and Steve watched as you pressed yourself deeper into the corner, as you tried to hide the many bruises that littered your body.
“can I-we help you, can you let us help you out of here?” Bucky gestured with his hand to him and Steve as he said the word us. Once more he didn’t get a verbal answer but instead he got you to move out of the corner slightly. Bucky held his hand out to you once more and watched as you carefully placed your tiny hand in his much bigger one. He couldn’t help but to give a soft smile once more towards you.
"Can you walk?” And yet again there was no answer. Bucky looked at you with an uncertain expression as you stood up. Your body swaying from side to side. He carefully and slowly to make sure you could stop him if you wanted to, took you into his arms. Making sure you wouldn’t fall he stood up straight and started to walk towards Steve who smiled slightly at Bucky as he watched you shut your eyes and bury your head into his chest. The metal objects all crashed to the ground with a loud clatter of noise in various directions.
This had all been four months ago and Bucky had finally started to get you to trust him enough for you to let him teach you how to talk, write and read. By now you also trusted the rest of the avengers enough so that you wouldn’t try to hide from all of them except Steve (excluding Bucky). Tony would most days let you sit beside him as he made new iron man suits and at some time along the way he’d let you help him by using your powers to bend a metal the way he wanted it to be. This would in the end result in you running up to Bucky proud of your accomplishments and for Bucky to ruffle your hair and tell you how proud he was. These interactions with Tony also led to you having more control over your powers at least one of them. You still tended to teleport yourself unintentionally to the other side of the room if you were scared.
Today it just so happened that Bucky held another lesson with you to help you speak. So far you were able to say yes and no and some other basic things such as “hungry” and “tired”. However even though you were starting to learn you still most of the time stuck to being nonverbal and only shook your head yes or no or shrugged your shoulders when you didn’t know.
At this moment Bucky had tried to teach you to say his name and so far your tries had been good but as he knew you were a slow learner which he realized the first time he started to teach you, he knew you wouldn't be getting his name right in a while. For Bucky however this was just a minor setback as he felt he had to teach you everything after all as it so happened he was your father.
As soon as you had gotten to the Avengers base they tried to find out if you had any family that had filed a missing child’s report and to know what your name was as you refused to speak (them not knowing you didn’t know how to). Bucky had to promise you that he would be there for every test they did to you to make sure you were as healthy as you could be at that moment for you to let them be near you with any medical devices. As it turned out Hydra had somehow created you from Bucky’s DNA meaning he was listed as the father in the old Htdra records they found at the Hydra base they had attacked. They had also found out that you were around 8-9 years old. There wasn’t a specific date listed anywhere on when your birthday was, only what year you were born. This had shocked all of the heroes as they by the way you looked were way younger. All the more information they gained only made Bucky feel more guilty. Even if he didn’t know about your existence he still felt guilty over the things you had suffered with Hydra. The fact that you looked so much younger made him feel more guilty as it showed how poorly they had taken care of you. If he just looked at you he would assume you were around 5-6 years old and maybe your powers helped your appearance look younger but it still made him feel guilty.
Bucky had to shake himself out of his thoughts as he watched and heard you try to pronounce his name correctly.
“B-b-a-b-a-ck-y” You fumbled over the words as you hugged the Iron Man plushie Tony had given you a few days prior after he saw you holding a Captain America plushie. Ever since you hadn’t let go of the new plushie, much to Bucky’s demise and Tony’s ego.
Your father couldn’t help but to smile at you, it had been a long time since he smiled as much as when you came into his life and he hoped that maybe you could heal the part in himself that he found to be broken.
“not A” he pointed to the letter a in the book you held in front of you “sweetheart, it’s b-u-cky” Bucky pointed at each letter as he said them. He had originally wanted to teach you to call him dad first but as you had no idea what that word meant yet and only ever heard people call him bucky that's what he went with to for now to not make you confused.
Bucky chuckled slightly and remade his actions as before. He pointed to each letter as he said them. “b-u-c-k-y, bucky”
“That's right sweetie, B-u-c-k-y” Steve spoke from beside you as he took the other seat next to you as he brought you a plate with different types of sliced fruit as they were still trying to see what you liked to eat.
You took fruit from the plate and tasted it. Munching on it you smiled slightly up at Bucky. “Bu-cky, Bucky? Bucky”
Both super soldiers let out encouraging smiles as you repeated Bucky’s name as if it was a chant. Bucky’s smile held more pride than the others who had heard you as he ruffled your hair. He smiled more brightly as he watched you stand up and ruffle his own hair mimicking his actions. With that he let out a small laugh and kissed the top of your head as you sat down once more, ready for Bucky to teach you other words.
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dylan-hart · 1 year
peter: do you need help, mister loki sir?
loki: no thanks. i’m god.
(y/n): …
avengers: …
tony: (y/n)…don’t…
(y/n): …
steve: (y/n)…
(y/n): hi god, i’M DAD—
clint: [flips table] jUST ONE DAY OF PEACE IS ALL I ASK FOR—
yelena: [cackles in the distance]
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moiravim · 1 year
Sam and Bucky taking in Steve's child/teen
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Platonic Bucky x gn!yn
Platonic Sam x gn!yn
Summary: Bucky and Sam Being loving, overprotective father figures for Steve's child.
You were heartbroken when Steve didn't come back after returning the infinity stones. You were also betrayed that he talked to Bucky about it but not you.
Sam saw how uncomfortable you were around Bucky and immediately took you in. You stayed with him and started healing from the pain your father left you with.
When you cry over your dad, Sam pulls you into a hug and holds you tightly. He rubs your back in hopes of comforting you.
Eventually you start to miss Bucky so Sam starts to get in contact with him. Both are extremely overprotective of you and treat you like your their own child.
You are closer to Sam because of the time spent with him after loosing your dad, so Bucky gets jealous and tries to win you over.
They joke a lot about who you like more. If John Walker messes with you, he'll have to deal with two pissed off dads. Let's just say he won't be near you again.
Bucky tells you stories about your dad and what he was like before Captain America. Sometimes the two of you cry while thinking of happy memories with Steve.
Bucky and Sam love you more than life itself and are willing to do anything to keep you happy.
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Avengers Incorrect Quotes #14
(Peter and Y/n are playing who'll say WTF first)
Y/n: yk the animals that lay eggs don't have bellybutton.
Peter: pigs can eat anything, and that includes human.
Y/n: sometimes I just wish I can detach my head from my body then put it backwards so I can braid my hair.
Pepper, horrified:
Tony: it IS 3AM—
Y/n: Adolf Hitler was nominated for Nobel Peace prize
Steve: what the fuck—
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marvelflame2010 · 1 year
Steve and Y/n driving to the safe house after a mission
Y/n: Did you know that this jacket was the first thing I brought after escaping HYDRA?
Steve: Oh yeah, kid? 
Y/n: Mhmm
Steve: What is that, an Army Surplus with sleeves? 
Y/n: Ok, it has a lot of pockets! But I added my own modifications to it to fit my style.
Steve: ... I like your jacket
Y/n: I knew it, I knew you did, it’s so cool right?
Steve: It’s cool
Y/n: And you can fit so much stuff in it. You wouldn’t even know! 
Y/n: *now happy and proud about her jacket*
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firegal19 · 1 year
Peter: Guess what happened while Y/n and I were on patrol
Steve: What?
Peter: Y/n got cornered by 5 men twice her size
Bucky: Is she okay!?
Steve: Did she win?
Y/n walking in the room: Of course I won, I have 3 times the super soldier serum.
Steve: *fist bumps Y/n* Bucky: Steve, stop encouraging her!
Sam: Damn. Like father, like daughter
Bucky: Shut up Sam
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juiles · 7 months
Just a normal day
Requested: yes
Summary: an average day with a teen and her father and his team.
Warnings: none
Type: pure fluff
If you want to be added to a taglist press here.
Masterlist here.
Request form here.
(if anyone knows who drew this please let me know so i can give credit!!!)
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Today was a calm day. No one was out on a mission. Some people were writing up some mission reports but everyone was just lounging around the compound. A calm day. Y/n walked into the building, Friday alerting everyone around them that the teenager was home from school.
“Hello darling.” Steve said looking up from his piles of paperwork to see his daughter walking in, her backpack slung up on one shoulder, her phone in her other hand.
“Hi papa.” Y/n murmured plopping down next to the man with a soft sigh. “How’s paperwork?”
“Oh well you know. Average.” He said picking up his pen and starting to write again. “Homework?” This pulled an elongated sigh from the blonde teen who flopped her upper body on to Steve’s lap who chuckled and tucked a lock of hair behind the girls ear.
“Always.” She muttered with a small pout forming on her lips. “I don’t want to do it papa…”
The two heard a chuckle come from a redhead behind them. “Awe does the poor baby have homework?” Natasha rounded the corner and plopped down next to the man and his daughter. Y/n stuck her tongue out at the older woman. “Really mature kid.”
“Well i am a kid aunty Nat.” She said with a look before sitting up with a loud groan. “Time to do some AP calc i guess.” She said pulling out her binder from her backpack. The binder thudded on to the table making everyone glance up, most having an eyebrow raised at the loud sound it made.
“Damn kid. What kind of work are they giving you? It’s heavier than the files after the Battle of New York were.” Tony said shifting in his seat to sit back and look at her binder.
“It’s uhm… calc and then just normal classes? It’s average work load for students.” She shrugged and started her homework. “Whose day is it for dinner?” Natasha asked as she scrolled on her phone lounging next to the young girl.
“Wanda i think. But i could be wrong.” She murmured as her feet went to lay over her fathers lap. “Papa do you know?”
Steve gave a hum with a shake of his head as he finished signing off the paperwork in front of him. “No doll. Do your homework please.”
Y/n roller her eyes at her father before going back to her work mumbling about something no one could understand. Natasha stood up and walked in to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. “Want some coffee kid?” She asked looking over her shoulder seeing the blonde nod slightly. “Cream and sugar?” She once again saw the ponytail bib up and down and she poured the coffee for herself and the girl before bringing it back over making all the guys start to whine.
“You can’t just get her and you coffee?!”
“Why don’t we get coffee?!”
“Come on Romanoff!”
The teen merely smirked and stuck her tongue out at the men who preceded to all pout. “I’m her favourite. It’s very clear.” Natasha rolled her eyes and continued to scroll on her phone while the teen did homework. Tony coming over at one point to help her with calculus and Bucky and Steve helping out with her world war project for history.
All was calm until Wanda called dinner, causing all the guys to stumble over each other to get a spot at the table, all leaving a seat next to Steve open so the teen could sit there after packing her bag up. She came in with a sigh and plopped down beside her father.
Dinner was her favourite time of day. It was when everyone who was on earth and not on a mission, got together and had normal conversations and family time. It was very nice. A little loud, a little chaotic with all the guys trying to get all the food, especially when Thor was here but she wouldn’t change it for the world.
“Papa. Can you pass the peas please?” Y/n asked timidly looking over at the blonde man who hummed and put it on her plate. “Thank you.”
“What do you want to do after dinner baby?” He asked the teen as she looked around at the table. “Movie night?”
Tony whooped and looked at the teen. “Who’s picking mini cap?”
“I’m not mini cap and I am. You all pick lame ass movies.” Y/n said causing all the men to immediately protest. “Nope! If you don’t wanna watch my movie then fine but papa, aunty Nat and aunty Wanda and I are!” She said with a small huff making everyone try to muffle a laugh. “You’re so cute darling.” Steve said kissing his daughters head causing the girls cheeks and ears to tint pink.
The team all helped clean up from dinner before they all found their way to the living room where they all settled down. Thor sitting on the floor, leaning against the arm of the couch. Tony with Pepper cuddled up in a love seat. Wanda and Natasha cuddled on one side of y/n. Steve holding his daughter close on the other side. The whole family settled down to watch the movie that the teen had picked.
As y/f/m played, y/n started to drift off, her head buried into her dads neck just enjoying the calmness and love that came from being surrounded by her whole family. She felt herself be lifted and tucked into her bed and a scruffy kiss from her father who murmured a soft ‘I love you darling. Sleep good’ before leaving her to fall asleep contently.
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rachaelswrites · 1 year
Wanda: Y/n and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
Steve (sighing): What did Y/n do next?
Wanda: She chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Stucky!reader: Who wants a steering wheel?
(Quote from an incorrect quote generator)
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