#Jade palace guard
hainesville · 6 months
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idyllcy · 5 months
a pathological people pleaser
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word count: 4.4k
warnings: smut || pt 2 to and i wouldn't marry me either
summary: Jinshi's getting desperate to bed you.
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Jinshi contemplates what kind of a ring to get you. He really does. He looks through the designs that had been initially made for your marriage, but he finds inspiration in none of them. You would suit a ring that's crafted with only the finest of materials, not a ring that was just bought from the streets. Though, you had been going out with Maomao more often with some guards to have fun and buy food. At some point, the palace chefs are going to need to learn how to make a roujiamo that tastes like the ones on the street and not the fancy food that you had grown used to having.
He calls Maomao and Gaoshun for help picking a ring, but ultimately neither of them come up with something that would suit you. (He even asks his mother, but she is no help either.)
So, he rots in the confinement of your shared office, head spinning as he sketches more and more ring designs. The one of the current empress is nice, but it is not something of your style. The one that his mother had received was pretty as well, but not something that he desired to put on you. Perhaps a simple jade ring of your size would do better, but it seemed too plain compared to the kind of treatment he was supposed to give you. A simple jade ring would be fitting for him, but not necessarily for you. He would give you gold, but he wasn't quite sure what kind of a ring design would fit you.
He's gonna age from this, he swears.
Yet, he continues sketching at it between his paperwork, frowning at how big of a demand there are for eunuchs. The lower ranking concubines were still desperate, he finds. Perhaps especially with the announcement of his marriage... not announcement. He was married, but with the revealing of his marriage, it seems some concubines are getting desperate for some sexual release. Jinshi... really is no better than they are. He finds that he can't sit still around you these days.
He's... desperate. Yeah. Desperate is the right word.
"Rotting in here again?"
"You know, I'm starting to think you're actually Diu from your actions." Jinshi grumbles from his desk, shoving the paper with the ring designs to the side, catching your eye.
"To be fair, I am him, and he is me." You pick up the paper, tilting your head at the ring designs. "Designing rings for me? How sweet of you. Why not just use one from the treasury?"
"You deserve a new one." He groans. "I wanted to design one for you."
"Why not just gold?" You hum. "And then thread a pearl and jade orb through them."
"A jade ring would be nice." Jinshi hums, staring up at the pin in your hair. "To match your pin."
"Whatever you design." You hum. "I'm sure I will be satisfied."
"It has to be perfect." He mopes. "Or else I will not forgive myself."
"That's rather harsh on yourself." You hum, reaching for his brush as you sketch a design. "I liked the ring presented to the empress."
"The blue gem?"
You tap your chin. "Though, the gold isn't my favorite combination." You finish your sketch, noting down the color scheme, and Jinshi blinks at the choice.
"You just want a plain jade ring?"
"For the wedding ring." You blink. "The westerners are quite intriguing with the tales they tell. The women there boast many rings."
"You went to the west?"
You shrug. "A season is plenty of time to explore."
"She went to a port city." Maomao speaks up from the door. "Gaoshun is asking for the report."
"I sent it to him already?" You raise a brow.
"The one regarding the ceremony in the winter."
"Ah." Jinshi's fingers slide down the stack, pulling out a booklet between all of it. "Here."
Maomao nods, pausing as she catches wind of the ring design. "How about a ring with the royal family's seal?"
"I'm not becoming crown prince." Jinshi grimaces.
"I am sure the emperor would allow it regardless."
"I don't want a ring like that." You pause. "though, it would be quite a statement to wear it on the pinky."
"You want a divorce?!" Jinshi cries, heartbroken as Maomao leaves the room with the report.
"No." You shrug. "I might if you keep putting off the concubines' requests."
Jinshi jumps in his skin as he goes back to the papers, and you glance at the ring you've drawn.
"Carve a jade ring with a phoenix for our wedding ring. I do not desire gold." You hum. "And you are to have a dragon on yours."
Jinshi looks up at you, eyes gentle as he drinks in your figure under the setting sun, summer wind rustling the leaves outside, heat not too much to handle either. There is something delicate and breathless about you to him. You are worth so much, yet he had to spend such little time compared to the age of the universe to prove that you are his only one. Time is suck a fickle thing when it came to the clouds and sky. He supposes that's more a reason to treat you well and make up for time lost.
"Is that all you want?"
"What else would I want?"
"How about a jade pendant?"
"With the royal family's seal carved into it?"
Jinshi laughs. "Why not my last name?"
"Sure, pretty prince."
Jinshi flushes.
You have tea with Ah-Duo a lot during fall. The weather cools bit by bit, and you sit in your yard, peeling the sugarcane as she looks through the files, humming at your writing, each stroke nice and clean. She puts the papers down, a maid rushing over to take them to your study, and she glances at the sickle and cane in your hand. It seems you have found new talents outside of the palace walls. It fills her with a sense of warmth, almost.
"How do you feel about the new eunuchs?" She hums.
"Some of them are rather attractive." You hum, not paying much mind as you cut off a piece for the lady.
"Is that so? Yue would have a heart attack if he heard you say that." She takes the piece, popping it in her mouth as she chews, humming. "It's sweet. I like it."
"That's good." You laugh. "I had the chefs just hand me whichever one." You continue to hack at the crop with the sickle. "Jinshi would be fine."
"I doubt it." She hums, spitting out the dry cane into the bowl prepared beforehand by the maids. "He is rather protective when it comes to things he desires... you included."
"It is only recently that he has become protective over me." You hum, putting a piece into your own mouth as you chew. She was right. It is sweet. "Which is also why he refuses to become the imperial prince."
"You would make a great empress."
"I would." You chuckle. "I have been raise for the role, after all."
"Though, this is better." She smiles. "You are happier like this."
"Oh, well as empress, I suppose I would not do too much. Jinshi, though? That poor man."
"He would have quite the work set out for him." She hums. "Though, you would be there to support him."
"I suppose." You hum. "It would be better had you been ascended to the position of empress."
"What is done is done." She hums. "I find it more amusing that your talk with the emperor of letting me visit worked."
You snort. "I saw the chance and took it. It would be a shame to not host you at least once in a house that is now warm."
"I suppose so." She smiles. "Does it not hurt to cut the sugarcane yourself?"
"It does not." You hum. "My hands are stained with sugar, and I work up a good sweat. I find it fun."
You snap the plant in half, handing the peeled half to Ah-Duo as you continue with the unpeeled half.
She bites it, humming. "It is good. Is there a reason to cut it? I no longer remember."
"It's so you can get the most of it." You offer her one of the knives on the table. "Be careful not to cut yourself."
"I will." She nods. "Have you learned anything else?"
"A foreigner showed me how to peel a pomegranate." You pause. "Oh, and I have developed a strange talent for peeling oranges. It is incredible how clean it can peel with the right tools."
She nods, popping a piece into her mouth.
"How are the children?" You tilt your head, cutting another piece to put in the central bowl.
"They are faring well." She hums. "They are children, after all."
"I suppose." You mumble. "Jinshi went a little insane on their family."
"Not to mention he had full right, holding the army seal." She chuckles. "I heard from the maids that the imperial court threw a fit upon the realization that you had been holding onto something so precious and had just casually given it to Jinshi in order to save a maid."
"Not just any maid at the time." You snort. "Jinshi's dear maid."
"Of course." She smiles. "Though, he had been in love you. He had simply pushed it down."
"Like father like son, I suppose." You mumble. "Has the emperor visited?"
"Not yet." She pauses. "Is he planning so?"
You turn your head at the sound of footsteps.
"Jinshi." You hum, smiling.
He steps over to press his lips to your forehead, smiling fondly at your juice-stained hands, only freezing when he remembers his mother is with you. "...niang."
Ah-Duo waives her hand. "How cute."
Jinshi flushes, and you chuckle, pinching his cheek.
"You needed something?"
"The emperor is coming for a visit, niang." He pauses. "To our residence. He will be visiting the tearoom."
You raise a brow at Jinshi.
Jinshi shakes his head at you.
"Very well." You grin, shaking Jinshi off of you as you peel the sugarcane with eerie accuracy, cutting the rest into bits for the late consort to enjoy. "You can take the bowl."
"None for me?" Jinshi pouts.
"The emperor matters more in this case." You shrug. "I shall send some maids to accompany you."
"Alone will be fine." Ah-Duo nods. "Thank you."
You smile as she leaves, and Jinshi takes her spot, pouting at the sugarcane she had left behind.
"I want a bite."
You take the plant from him, cutting pieces off for him, watching as he chews, reaching for his throat as he threatens to swallow. This fucking dumbass.
You pry his jaw open, ignoring the fact that your hands probably taste like some sort of sugar, ordering him to spit it out. He listens, dry cane spat into the bowl you've held before his mouth, and his spit slides down with hit, the poor male panting like some bitch in heat. You let go of his mouth, exhaling as you mumble. "Good boy."
The words ring in Jinshi's head and shoot straight to his dick, and he licks your fingers unconsciously, eyes half-lidded as he tastes the sugar on them. Wait.
He was NOT supposed to do that.
You freeze as something brushes your knee, and you stare into Jinshi's eyes as he stares back up at you, blinking rapidly, praying you wouldn't point it out. The two of you meet eyes, and you back up, sitting back down as the two of you wait for the other to speak up. Jinshi refuses to speak up.
You break the silence. "I'll wait."
"Thank you." He mumbles, cheeks red in embarrassment as he rushes off to somewhere private.
This is awful.
some days you wonder how long Jinshi went without sexual release.
It's a strange thought, really. So, when you and Jinshi are wedded and you're waiting for him on the wedding night in your shared bed, you don't know what to think. Alright, wedded is the wrong word. The two of you are rewedded, and you are dressed in the robes the late empress had prepared for the two of you to sleep together in. You think it's too little, but apparently it's supposed to rile Jinshi up. Speaking of Jinshi, you wonder how he's dealt with getting boners. He... can't sleep with someone because he's a eunuch, but he can't just leave himself hard forever.
Jinshi stares at you from the door as you're lost in thought.
Skin. You're showing skin. He feels rabid at the sight— as though he were some carnivore in the wild, grew before his eyes. He feels as though he would go feral if he were to get his hands on you, so he stands there, collecting himself. He can't scare you off. He finally has you in his hands again, this time treating you properly, and he can't just scare you off because he's wanted to touch you for ages but couldn't.
"Jinshi?" You tilt your head at him, and he musters up a smile.
"I don't want to scare you." He pauses. "But I fear the maids did a little too good of a job with you."
He offers you a drink, and the two of you down it before you lick your lips to speak up.
"Why? You want to defile me?" You lean forward, almost as if to emphasize your point, and Jinshi flushes red.
"I really wonder how you learned to flirt like that when you were Diu." Jinshi sits next to you, fingers pushing your hair back as he leans in. "This is fine, right?"
"Would be funnier if I were Diu right n-" You're cut off as Jinshi presses his lips to have you shut up. He loves you, but god, were you infuriating sometimes. It was as though the winter and spring without him had changed you into a different person— not that he minded. You're charming no matter how you act or react. Your hair scrunches between his palm and fingers, and you tilt your head to give him better access, passion and longing staining your face as he presses his lips to yours and his fingers bloody with something he's wanted forever. Some sort of twisted passion beats from his chest to yours, a whimper spilling past his lips as you thread your fingers through his hair.
He only pulls away when you soften against him, chest pressed to his as he feels your muscles tensing from the lack of breath.
"You still with me?" He moves his hand out, your hair slipping between his fingers as you hang your head to breathe.
"I sure wish you weren't good at everything you did," You keep your head hung, unraveling his robes with ease, palming his cock through the fabric wrapped around his waist. Jinshi's hips shift slightly for more friction, and your hand presses down on his hipbone, forcing him to still as you pull on the strand to free him, licking your lips at his length. "I don't think you're going to fit, pretty boy."
"We'll make it fit." He hisses out as you let the spit on your tongue roll onto the tip of his cock, smearing the precum with your saliva, your fingers smooth against his length as you spread it. Jinshi whimpers as you do, the ring around your finger cool against his skin, and you lean in to stare up at him through your lashes, biting your bottom lip as your hand speeds up. Jinshi whimpers, hand flying to wrap around your wrist and hold you still, and you tilt your head, yelping as he takes your lips pushing you back into the mattress. You lean into the kiss as he tugs on the bow, string coming out and top falling off with ease as his fingers brush your tits, thumb pressed to your nipple, humming into your mouth at the feeling of it hard. "Let me take care of you tonight." He huffs, pulling from you as he forces your tits up with his hands, pinching your nipple to catch a wince from you.
"Mean." You pout, no real annoyance on your face, and Jinshi busies himself with your chest, lips pressing a kiss to the meat of your chest, biting down— almost as though to mark you as his territory. It irks him some days that the maids still have lingering crushes on you from when you were Diu. So, his bites trail up from your chest to your neck, canines crazing over your pulse point as he bites down, hands sliding down to hold your waist as you crane your neck and whimper. Jinshi leans to force his chest to yours, and your fingers curl uncomfortably next to you as he sucks on your neck, purple blooming across your skin wherever his lips were.
"You're so pretty." Jinshi mumbles, finally pulling his lips off of you with a pop, staring down at you as you're suddenly aware that you are bare. You try to hide yourself but Jinshi makes work of his hands swiftly, holding your wrists together as he rolls his hips against yours experimentally. "I wonder how much of my reading is going to pay off."
"Studying through indecent literature? How sinful of you." You arch your back as he pulls your undergarments off, spreading your legs slightly as he slides his index finger down your slit, taking note of the slick threatening to spill out.
"I'd say this is worse, though." He slides a finger into you with ease, and you whimper as he curls it, nails slightly grazing your walls, making you gasp. "You sound so sinful like this. I sure hope you didn't let any other man see you like this."
"And if I did?"
"Then I'd suppose I'd just have to ruin their life." Jinshi straightens his middle finger as he curls his index out of you, sliding both into you at once. You shift slightly at the stretch. Jinshi curses under his breath at how tight you are. He doesn't want to break you your first night. So, he spreads his fingers in you slightly, thumb on your clit as he tries to loosen you. Instead, you flutter around him, only a light gasp freeing from your lips as he furrows his brows. He spreads his fingers, trying to make space for a third and get a reaction out of you. Instead, you don't react, simply shifting your hips to accommodate the stretch from his fingers.
"Am I bad?" He pouts, thumb finding your clit.
"No." You breathe, squirming from his touch.
"Am I average?"
"Jinshi, I have no idea. This is as much of my first time as it is yours." Your wrists fight against the grip of his hand, and he lets them go, lowering his face to your pussy instead, hooking your knees over his shoulders as he pulls you up. You back arches dramatically as he wraps his arms around your thighs, and Jinshi presses his tongue flat against your cunt, licking up as you jolt. He watches as your pussy flutters around nothing, and he slides his tongue in, moaning into your against as he tastes you. So this is what you taste like— some mixture of sin and lust, nectar that would put even the sweetest of peaches to shame. It would drive Jinshi to madness, he supposes.
Your fingers grasp at the pillow above your head, whimpering with each flex of Jinshi's tongue, and his fingers dig into your thighs, earning a squeal from your lips as you feel something tighten in your stomach. Your eyes widen as your nails dig into the sheets and your back arches impossibly more, tears in the corner of your eyes as Jinshi sucks at your orgasm, ignoring the mess of slick sliding down his chin and splattering onto the sheets. You turn red in embarrassment at the mess, but Jinshi pays it no mind, continuing to lap at your pussy, eyes digging into yours as he puts on a show for you. You look away from his eyes, opting to make a mess on his tongue instead, eyes rolled to the back of your head as a second orgasm crashes upon you. Jinshi drinks it up just as eagerly as the last, eyes half-lidded as
Your legs shake as Jinshi lets you down, fingers wiping the slick from his face as he pumps himself with it, and then sliding his tip beneath the hood of your clit to further coat his dick in your cum. You shift against his cock, grinding lightly into him as he chuckles. "Patience, beloved."
"I'd say you're worse than me." You heave, walls fluttering around Jinshi's length as he slides in. He notices the way your skin lifts with him inside of you, and he presses down on the bulge, blinking slowly. You gasp, stomach flexing out of instinct, pussy clenching around Jinshi with a hiss. Jinshi stays still, thumb brushing your clit to incite a reaction from you, earning him a lewd whimper. The sound shoots straight to his cock, head spinning as he slides his palm up your abdomen to your chest, pinching your nipple as he swallows.
"This is fine, right?"
"Insecure?" You roll your hips in affirmation. "I wouldn't have married you or let you catch me if it wasn't."
"Tease." He grumbles, taking your legs and folding them to your shoulders, forcing himself further into you. You moan, clenching around him as he moves, holding you down by the hips as he slams into you with each thrust, gasps slipping past your lips and colors in your vision as he moves. Flowers blossom in your lungs as you try to catch your breath, head spinning deliciously at the taste of Jinshi's lips on yours, a light fragrance from the rice wine he had taken mixing with the one on your lips, and you moan into his mouth, squirming from his touch. Your legs relax over his shoulders as he presses into you, fingers digging into the plush of your thighs, hair sliding off his shoulders to cage you in as you whimper.
The wind rustles the trees outside as you cum around Jinshi the first time, brows knit together and eyes closed as your face twists from the unfamiliar sensation, head thrown back and lips parting once the crash ended, and Jinshi stills, hand reaching to brush your hair to the side, cupping your face with his hand. "You alright?"
"Felt weird." You mumble. "Did you..?"
"No." Jinshi hums. "Would you like me to? Inside?"
"I don't mind." You whisper.
"Alright," He starts moving again, focusing on himself as your legs slide off his shoulders and fall into the mattress, hooking behind his pelvis as he thrusts, your arms wrapping around his shoulders as he pistons into you, your breath caught in your throat as you see white and stars, drool threatening to leak down your chin and choke you with your head thrown back and muscles tense. Jinshi pants into your ear as he feels himself get close, pulsing and ebbing inside of you with each roll of his hips, your name spilling past his lips in some sort of raw desperation and begging, only spilling into you once you call his name back through your cloudy haze, white painting your walls as white fills your vision, the same white visible in the air on the snowy trees.
His breath mixes with yours as he rests his forehead on yours, bare skin pressed to yours, sweat and cum mixing with your own, the two of you merged as one. In the distant past, you loved him until it physically destroyed you, and in the distant future he will love you until he is stuck in the same destruction that had dragged you away from him. Only then would he forgive himself, lips spreading into a gentle smile, eyes staring into yours as yours are closed, catching your breath as your chest rises and falls, vine of hickeys and bruises trailing down from your neck to your waist. Your walls flutter around him as you recover from another orgasm, skin flushed like peonies as Jinshi tilts his head to press a kiss to your shoulder.
"Still with me?" He presses his palm to your cheek, palm brushing your skin.
"Yes." You pant, grimacing at the squelch that sounds when he pulls out of you.
"I wonder if we'll be with child."
"I doubt it's this easy." You mumble, lashes fluttering. "Would you want one?"
"Up to you." He mumbles, reaching to the side to pour himself another glass of wine. "We do not have to worry about succession either."
"Oh, I've never been so thankful to have not ended up where I was supposed to." You sigh in relief.
"You do not want one?"
"Not my priority." You hum. "Unless you wish for one."
"You are my priority." Jinshi hums, offering you a glass. "Another?"
"No." You roll onto your stomach to stretch your back. "We have plenty of time as well."
"I suppose." Jinshi hums, holding his hand out for yours.
You give him your right hand, and he pouts.
"Your left. The ring."
You free your arm and hold it out, and Jinshi kisses your knuckles gently, eyes closed as he hums contently.
"We match." He smiles, lips curled into a gentle smile, eyes full of a warmth you had forgotten he was capable of. You smile, a laugh bubbling out of your chest as he fiddles with your fingers, some sort of domestic ambiance filling the room. And just like that, your anxieties fade away, and a smile makes way on your face.
"I love you." He hums, lips pressed to your forehead as he lays next to you, still holding your hand, his ring brushing against yours.
"I love you too." and you close your eyes, body relaxing into his, heartbeat one below the missing sun.
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may 2024 twst manga updates~
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***This includes spoilers for the Episode of Savanaclaw, Episode of Octavinelle, and the 4koma!***
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AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LILIA SILVER AND SEBEK LOOK SO GOOD HERE 🤡 I love how Silver and Sebek are constantly shown flanking Lilia, it really enhances the bodyguard/knight vibes! Every time Lilia appears, he always looks like he's having so much fun. Lil' guy is living it up in every panel! Especially when he appears upside down to spook Ruggie.
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efbiuSIUBDBYypvfW9wpWD THIS SHOT IS SO GOOD??????? ?I'M LIVING FOR CATER MAKING SILVER AND SEBEK LOOK LIGHTLY UNCOMFORTABLE AS HE HANGS ON THEM.............. .... . . . . ....... .. .... .. . . . . .. ..
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Ruggie's despair is delicious 🤤 He's thinking about all the events that led up to this point and about how that will now all go to waste. Now that I think about it and I have the visual right in front of me... That's the same thing Leona felt every time he got knocked down for his efforts. The parallels, man...
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Well, fellas... Looks like it's probably Overblot Leona time next chapter. A detail I love here is that, from Leona's perspective, all the faces of his dorm members are sorta blotted out... which is interesting seeing as how it was stated that Mrs. Rosehearts' face was intentionally blotted since she is considered the source of Riddle's trauma + the light novel tells us that Leona fears seeing hope and desperation for a better future in others because it might motivate him to try again, thus prompting another failure or rejection... 😭
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Palace servants: Young master Leona's magical power is so strong, it's scary!! Leona: Damn, they don't understand me! They judge me before they even get to know me. If I were the older brother, they wouldn't be saying this stuff. Also Leona: [see image above]
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MALEWIFE MODE RUGGIE????? 😭 What a contrast to the Ruggie in the Episode of Savanaclaw who is really going through it…
Love the detail of Yuuta and Grim helping out with chores in the background! It shows that they’re trying to pull their weight while they stay over.
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Babe, wake up... New Yuuta and Leona reaction images just dropped from the Episode of Octainvelle... (I am Yuuta whenever new TWST content drops and my non-Twstie friends are Leona whenever they're listening to me blab nonstop about the updates--)
Yuuta once again proves to be my favorite of the current Yuu iterations 🫶 He’s just so sweet and hopeful!
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We actually get to see the class photo!! Although the resolution here is very grainy. I'm really hoping that we get to see a close-up after Azul's OB!! I'm dying to see what he looked like as a kid!
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fbhlavfuoeqy8vevif;fa fai THIS CHAPTER REALLY MADE ME LIKE ACE?????? ??? ? ?? ? It's probably because he gives the same flawless liar (even though the acting is sooo overexaggerated) energy as Jade in book 4. There's a really fun scene where he's distracting the Atlantica Museum guards and really hamming it up. He looks so cute while he's being (fake) upset yet so enthusiastic!!
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This was my favorite part!! Ace excitedly talks about how he's always been interested in merfolk since he was little (lie) and how he saved up all his money to come to this museum (also a lie)... THEN BRO HAS THE AUDACITY TO POSE LIKE THIS AND TALK ABOUT WANTING TO BE A PART OF THAT WORLD????? ?? ???? ? ?? ? ?? ARIEL WHO>?????? ?? ??? ?? ? ?I o NLY KNOW TRAPPOLA NOW
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One of the 4koma this month is about Octavinelle going on a camping trip! Azul wants to study the stars for money-making ideas/inspiration.
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When talking about auroras, they're reminded of the Diasomnia students and think about making an aurora-colored drink to sell to them. The Octatrio also star-gaze and talk about aliens + selling octopus to them. They discuss the idea of filling a space suit with water and fish to they can walk in space too.
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The other 4koma is about Trey brushing the mouths of his mandrake (as they have no teeth but dirt). He insists that everyone should have a clean oral cavity.
You can even tell which mandrake is Trey’s because it has a bunch of toothbrushes stuck in its pot 🪥
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Jamil was planning on using his own mandrake to make an ancient remedy for relieving toothache. Trey is uh… interested… and attempts to test out the healing toothpaste for himself (Jamil of course stops him).
Trey… you’re the most NORMAL one, why are you like this OTL
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
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— INTRODUCING THE CONCUBINES / CONSORTS + others ♡. The first part and it's over 1k words hahdk
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. LEONA KINGSCHOLAR ; The second prince of the neighboring country; married the emperor for what is presumed to be diplomatic reasons; he has his entire family's support and backing, allowing for the utmost comfortable experience. Though many assume Leona married into the harem for political reasons alone; Leona had many more prominent and dignified proposals that he had denied blatantly in the past and his family had never truly pushed him to get married- his brother preferred giving him freedom and free will… and yet he married into the harem? An union which was more than unlikely to be accepted by the lion?.. Why would he agree to this marriage.. Could there be a reason? 
. RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS ; Riddle comes from a high ranking family; his family owns multiple pharmacies and is a known name in the medical district, his family has treated royalty and many other foreign diplomats in the past; originally he had no plans in joining the harem, despite being a palatable candidate for a high ranking position, the stories and fights he’s heard of in the past, regarding the harem made him decide that it was better off marrying into a normal noble family then royalty; but per his mothers request he joined into the brutal playground that is the royal harem, thankfully his unique magic puts him at a advantage in any fights that may occur. 
. JADE/FLOYD LEECH ; Many say that twins are attached to the hip and would follow along everywhere the other goes; and this seems to be the case for this pair. The Leech family had been a pillar for the empire and helped the emperor for many years; they've played a role in imperial politics, hand in hand with the emperor for multiple generations by now. Though many could argue the pair married into the imperial family to strengthen the relationship and political bond between the two families; in reality only one son marrying into the family would have the same effect.. So why did the pair decide on such a decision?
. TREY CLOVER ; Trey’s family owns the emperor's favorite bakery; Trey fell for the emperor at a young age, even among first sight. Yet he remains blissfully unaware and in denial of his feelings for the emperor, burying them deep into the enraptures of his heart. He enters the palace as a concubine and before this entire ordeal he’d send baked goods to the emperor, preferably the emperor's favorites with recommendations of other sweets they should try; he’d continue sending these baked goods to the emperor after his entry in the palace; which in return allowed him to gain the emperor's favor quickly.
. KALIM AL ASIM ; A wealthy mercenary heir, of the biggest mercenary there is. Kalim was brought up as a candidate for the emperor's official partner; and for some peculiar reason he agreed to join the harem. Reasons of interest are unknown and even his parents were shocked when he decided so, but the public is quite interested in knowing why the ever so charming heir of what seems to be one of the richest- if not richest families around, married into the royal family's brutal playground. 
. JAMIL VIPER ; Background is unknown; ?????.. information unattainable. 
. YUUKA ; Emperor's closest companion, personal guard, and childhood friend. Seems to know a lot about the emperor and their whereabouts, quite a few concubine candidates contacted them in advance and tried paying her for information- but her loyalty resulted in her denying all offers. The emperor reaches out to her for advice and care, onlookers describe their relationship to be too close for comfort.
. YUUKEN ; One of the emperor's most trusted guards and close comrades; the pair became friends in childhood as they studied under the same teacher/mentor, their friendship continued to blossom and strengthen over the upcoming years and into the emperor's youth. The two can be spotted alongside Yuuka, another close companion, having tea in the garden. Though these meetings occur less nowadays as the Emperor, the pair of guards become all the more busier. 
. CHE'NYA ; Che’nya often finds himself sneaking into the gardens of the imperial palace; these visits increased when the new emperor was crowned, as the palace being in a stir allowed his visits to be more frequent and carefree. However recently he was caught on his expeditions by the emperor themselves, this channeled a sort of cat and mouse relationship between the pair. Che’nya could have gotten an higher rank in the harem, yet only decided to send his application in after he met the emperor in the garden; due to his curiosity, but the late application only earned him the role of a concubine. (Which he was fine with) 
. VIL SCHOENHEIT ; Originally a candidate for the position of the Emperors official spouse and was planning on giving up the role after hearing of the Emperors announcement; yet pushed for the role of an Imperial consort after hearing that his longtime rival would be joining the harem. He has a strong backing as a high ranking court official's only child. He’s confident in his abilities and can make some devilishly succulent tea; though he prefers not doing manual labor and focusing more on skills he finds to be useful and not minor. 
. NEIGE LEBLANCHE ; Had seen the emperor before while they were still training to become an heir and wasn’t yet crowned as the heir to the throne. At the time he was told to keep a distance from them, and Neige was raised in a strict military family; so he complied easily. However, he claims from the very first day he laid his eyes on the emperor, that it was true love and as such he convinced his parents to send in a letter of recommendation for him; though it would be a challenge to say the least, Neige’s strong backing allows him to be accepted easily. Thankfully he has company, as his childhood friend Vil will also be entering the palace.
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— THE CONCUBINE GAME !! ♡. Synposis ; After many months of persuading, the emperor, Y/N L/N had finally agreed to take in a select few concubines and consorts—not an official partner.. but concubines. This caused an uproar in court; however the emperor promised to choose an official partner; amongst the crowd of concubines and consorts.. Who will the emperor choose?
— taglist ♡ ; @corvids-treasure-box , @queerlordsimon , @treytheslay , @syl-lithy , @liris--noir , @dxmoness , @oogly-oogly , @ravenlking ,@sarah22447 , @merurishi , @gyarunie , @nerdy-simp-7120 , @love-sicklesbian , @islander-posts , @the-dumber-scaramouche , @lunavixia , @senpaiofotome , @sophiethewitch1 , @voasprofile , @dotster001 , @aviagax , @eriislost , @twst-writer , @the-fox-of-the-eclipse , @yandere-kou , @achy-boo , @deathbunnyluv , @despairingy-obsessed , @tiyoin , @mirai-in-the-headspace , @novaloptr , @rose-the-witch1 ,
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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melonn-soda · 5 months
intro... (you are here) | ch. 1... |
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word count: 1.4k
warnings: kaveh x male reader. reader is kind of stuck up and an asshole I guess? he's also a massive tease so there's that too
prompt: it's not everyday such a face strolls into sumeru, especially when your big day is coming up. when you want an architect to redesign the interior of the venue for your coming of power, kaveh just happens to be unable to keep his trap shut. now, the pride of sumeru is held atop his fingertips. what will he do to keep you significantly pleased..?
notes: everyone is going to be ooc because I can't be bothered to research on how these characters act and bond, so I'm going off whatever is on the top of my head. I don't want to work on my other drafts bc im just not feeling it so here's a series I might work on in the meantime
fem aligned dni
A golden pheasant.
With patterns so elegant and beautiful, anyone would make way for the figure that steps so silently against the rough, grey stones. Unkissable lips are shielded from the eyes of the unworthy, a fan made with golden feathers blocking the lower half of the presence’s face. Li Yue’s treasure, they called this person, rumors saying that they held more value than the Jade Palace itself.
People stared in awe at such an influential figure stalking through the streets of Sumeru, whispering about why they were here in the first place. Such a noble wouldn’t even show their face to the public unless needed to, so why are they here, gracing the commoners with such a sight?
“Make way for the heir! Lower your heads!” One of the Millileth soldiers at your side barks at the citizens of Sumeru, earning a distasteful look from the noble. The soldier shrinks under their gaze, lips pursing in shame for speaking without command.
The fan snaps shut, “Excuse them,” they hiss out in annoyance, “My guards don’t seem to realize that we are in a different country that undergoes a different culture. Not just that but that my status doesn’t matter as much here. Feel free to act as if it is a normal day, do not mind my presence.” The fan spreads once more as you make your way to the Akademiya.
Kaveh can’t help but stare at such a powerful man being within such a close proximity of him, wondering what type of business he had within Sumeru. Surely, it must be really important if he had to show up in person with all his glory. Although he hesitates, Kaveh follows you to the Akedemiya. It wouldn’t seem suspicious because he is a student there but something big must be happening and his curiosity won’t settle until he finds out.
Noticing how majestically you carry yourself despite the dirt beginning to gather at the ends of your coat, Kaveh is nothing short of entranced by how royal you seem. Radiating a gentle yet intimidating persona behind the security of that fan, willing to crush anyone beneath the heel of your boot if someone were to step out of place but also caress the chin of a treasure you desire. Two conflicting faces broken and moulded into one. It makes Kaveh’s eyes close in disgust and his gut to wrench at the idea of getting on your bad side. When his eyes open, he takes notice of the Electro vision that sits on your lower back, hung on a chain that is tight on your waist.
Tearing his gaze away from the vision, the doors to the Akademiya open to reveal his three friends standing there before they kneel almost immediately. It was certainly a sight to behold, seeing Al Haitham being so obedient despite his snappy nature. Kaveh almost dared to laugh before a quick glare from Cyno shut him up and the architect dropped to the floor in respect.
Fan snapping shut once more, you speak, “Please raise your heads, there is no need for such politeness.” You sigh at the end of your sentence, watching as one of your guards gave you a baffled look. Lightning crackled beneath your feet as you glared at the soldier, causing him to yelp and shut up before he could even make another remark.
“My liege,” Al Haitham was the first to rise from the ground, hand still placed over his chest, “Do you have everything you desire for your celebration of the inheritance of your family? List of items desired, location held..?” His voice trails off, letting you list off what you have.
“I have most of what I need.” Your eyes close as if you were in thought, “However, the interior of where I want it held is.. bland. Missing the flare I crave. I would like to hire an architect.”
Maybe Kaveh gets too excited, because the way he chimes up when you mention architecture doesn’t go ignored, “I can help with that!” Your eyes sharply turn towards him and his stomach twists unpleasantly at the pointed stare you give him. In fact, everyone looks at him funny. Now, nervously, he purses his lips and fiddles with his thumbs, “W-well, that is if you’ll let me.. um, all I would need to know is the aesthetic you’d like and the budget..” He mutters sheepishly.
“Golden academia, ten million mora. The gold doesn’t have to be real, just believable.” You answer him with a ‘fwip!’ of your fan, flowing air through your face and the locks of your hair, “Any leftover funds in your hands by the time you’re finished you may keep as a tip.”
Kaveh perks up in surprise, sputtering an, “Of course!” nerves now on fire just from how much the money loosens restrictions, “Um, do you mind showing me the building so I could get started on thinking up something?”
He thinks that you hid the amused smile poorly because from behind the fan, he could make out the slight quirk of your lips and the nearly unnoticeable squint of your eyes. Heart nearly jumping out of his chest, you turn to fully face him, “Tomorrow, little bird of paradise.” A hand shuffles to pull a scroll from your pocket, handing it over to Al Haitham, “This is the rest of the stuff I need. I’ll throw in extra money for your help.” 
The scribe opens its seal, skims it over, and gives you a nod. You smile in return and turn around, closing your fan as you head towards the exit. Nothing, however, prepares Kaveh for the way the end of your fan brushes against his jawline with that pointed stare and subtle smirk you wear as your step towards the door. His face flushes a hundred times more red when you whisper, “8 am, Avidya Forest. Try not to be late.”
The architect gulps in anticipation, letting go of the breath he hadn’t realized he’s been holding the second your fan no longer touches his skin. The doors shut behind your figure and the lobby of the Akademiya is eerily silent, an occasional shuffle coming from some random scholar's feet from across the hall.
After the momentary silence, Tighnari huffed out, causing Kaveh to blush embarrassingly at the words the forest ranger scoffs, “He’s so trying to get into your pants.”
“What were you thinking!?” Al Haitham seethes at Kaveh while pacing around in the living room, the latter’s hands digging into his hair. The two of them have gotten into many petty arguments but Kaveh thinks that this is the first time Al Haitham’s been truly infuriated with him. It’s heavily uncharacteristic of him but Kaveh knows that his anger is not misplaced.
“I don’t know!” Kaveh whines, burying his face into his hands after he pulls them away from his scalp, “I can’t tell if it was just the heat of the moment or the opportunity of working with Li Yue’s Treasure but I was talking before I even realized!”
“Kaveh,” Al Haitham growls, planting his hands on the table that sits in front of the couch, glaring at the blond, “if you fuck this up, you’ll destroy the pride Sumeru carries.” The said man peeks at his roommate through his fingers, “Li Yue’s Treasure is an influential man that holds so much power because of his inheritance. If one bad review comes from someone like him and it manages to be overheard, that business might as well just close down because their income will be tarnished, alongside their reputation. The whole country might as well just perish.”
His heart sinks in despair from how much pressure was suddenly placed on his shoulders. The nagging voices of his previous clients were enough to drive him crazy but you? Oh, boy. Kaveh’s not sure what to do with himself. He should shut his mouth permanently with stitches for any future events that may cause him to speak out. Deep down, the architect hopes you aren’t very picky or impatient, if those two were put together he’s sure he’d be dead before he even knows it.
“I’ll..” Kaveh sighs, carding his fingers through his bangs, “I’ll think of something, I swear.” When it spills from his lips, it sounds more like words to reassure himself. Kaveh doesn’t want to dig himself deeper into the dirt than he already has.
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nickiisthings · 2 months
The meaning of 护甲套 (hujiatao) in Qing dynasty
护甲套 or in English “finger guards” where commonly used among women of the Qing Dynasty palace as a way to protect their fingernails.
The Empresses and concubines of the palace loved to grow their nails. Generally speaking, it takes over half a year to grow a nail an inch long so in order to protect the fragile nail and prevent it from breaking finger guards where added.
The women could wear them as they liked, on one finger or on one whole hand symmetrically while always leaving out the thumb as it needed to be unrestricted. The nail guards where usually made out of gold, jade, tortoiseshell ,copper, enamel and other materials.
The front of the nail guards are beautifuly and heavily decorated with engravings and jades while the back stays just carved, rarely sealed as to prevent it from feeling stuffy during the summer.
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also ps guys i’m not a bot AHAHAHAHA💀
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loveneversleepss · 2 months
Royalty Part 2
Pairing: Prince Felix x female reader, switched POVs, set after 2 years.
Warnings: smut duh with a plot ofc, unprotected sex(wrap before you tap), nicknames, cursing, death? Mental health issues, heartbreak lol, violence ig.
A/n: heheh ik you’ve waited for this so enjoy! Ps Daniel deserves sm better😭
W.C: 7000 words
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“Felix?” My attention was brought back by Chan, he snapped his fingers which made me jump. “Are you okay?” Am I okay? I’ve been asking myself that for a long time.
I nodded my head and gave a reassurance smile, which was completely fake. He was talking to me about some duties I needed to attend to. I had to step up, as the widowed-crown prince, who was a better fit than a 7-year-old. I had to get over everything so fast, my bride who died on our wedding day, I was forced to forget about it. But I couldn’t, I simply could not. Because I would only love her and only her. “Are you even paying attention?” I dropped my hand against the desk which was holding up my head. “We need to find you another bride.” I became outraged, “what are you talking about?” He sighs and sits in front of me, “it’s been two years. We need a crown princess.” I stood up from my chair, “how could you ask something like this?”
“You are the most wanted husband in the land, you have ladies lining up for you.” This brings me back to before, when I was invited to the imperial palace for the first time, and saw her. “I don’t want another lady.” He groaned in annoyance which caused me to turn angrily, he spoke before thinking, “why can’t you just forget her?” I charged towards him, lifting my fist to him and gripping his shirt, but I caught myself. I let him go and sighed, “why do you think? She was murdered on our wedding day, I couldn’t save her. To this day I don’t know who murdered her.”
Her father refused to investigate her death, her assassin. He believed it wouldn’t let her soul rest, which he ordered no one to look into it or they would be killed. I looked at the jade ring on my finger, our wedding rings, I buried the other one with her. “I just want her back.” We were interrupted by a guard stepping inside, “his majesty would like a word alone.” I motioned for Chan to leave and the King stepped inside. “Your majesty,” I bowed and he bowed back, “Felix.” I sat down, but he insisted on not sitting with me. “It’s time we find you a bride.” I slumped defeated, unbelievable. The king had recently remarried after y/ns mother couldn’t handle the pain of her death. She killed herself. He chose to remarry only a month ago.
“It’s just hard, after everything.” He reached for my hand but I reluctantly moved. “I understand, but I did it. Which means you can too.” I held my breath as he was turning to leave, “just think about it.” Then he slithered away. I sat there for a while, thinking about everything that happened. I decided it was time I should go take a bath. I walked into my room and told my servants I wanted a bath. They left to prepare and would alert me when it was ready. Chan came running inside. “You won’t believe what I just heard.” I crossed my arms and stared, awaiting the information.
“I overheard a conversation the king had with his new bride.” He gets up and walks over to the station full of sweets and drinks. “She had a twin sister. She lived in the village, poor as mice. She was taken care of by undercover palace guards.” I frown my forehead and lean against the table in my room. It was y/ns, her room. I watched him pour a cup of tea for me, he set it down on the table in front of me, “I don’t drink tea.. Have you investigated this?” He sighs heavily, “there’s no record of her. Anywhere.” I stepped back, stunned, “how could there be no information on her?” He shrugged his shoulders, and sat down on the chair. “Maybe he didn’t want anyone to find out about her.” But why?
“I want you to investigate y/n’s past.” He raises an eyebrow, “I will be killed.” I shut my eyes and looked at him with annoyance, “not her death. Her birth. There must be a reason why her sister was sent away.” He nodded his head and bowed then disappeared. I was called away.
“It’s crazy.” I sat in disbelief on my bed, our bed. Chan ran into the room with grief news. “But it’s true. She was born from a different mother and that’s where the sister is.” I shook my head and my hands wiped my face, Chan’s eyebrows carefully moved to his emotions “but then why would the queen kill herself after?” He smacked his lips, “she raised y/n as her own. She couldn’t have children, or so she thought until she gave birth to Daniel. But the king bedded another woman secretly to have an heir.” I laid back into my bed and looked at the ceiling. “He sent away her sister to the mother to keep the affair quiet,” I concluded. Chan patted my chest and laid down with me. It was silent for a few moments until I sat up suddenly. “We have to find her.”
He looked at me like I was crazy. “There’s no way we could pull that off.” I licked my lips and chewed on the inside of my cheek. There is a way. “The king wants me to find a bride, I could say I’m searching for one.” But of course where would I even take her? I can’t take her here. It would have to be back at my home, my mansion. “Send word to my mother that I will be returning for a few days.” Chan exclaimed softly as his bright smile beamed and he patted my back, “we’re finally going home.”
“Welcome back, Felix.” My mother held out her arms to me which I felt obligated to fall into. She rubbed my back softly and hummed, “it’s so good to see you.” I broke away and she cupped my cheeks, “how are you, lix?” I sighed and hung my head low, “I wish I could say better.” She paused and tried to lead me inside. “I have to do an errand before I enter, would you mind having the servants prepare my room?” It was an excuse not to talk about things, because I knew she would ask. She smiled and sent me off with a wave. I walked the streets alone, without Chan. I always loved walking down the market, watching couples and families enjoy themselves. I always wanted to do this with y/n.
I get a harsh shove into my right shoulder, a man apologizes without looking back. I rubbed my shoulder when I noticed a fabric dragging on the ground, from a woman covering her face. My fingertips brushed against it as it passed by me. It’s royal silk, a beautiful pink. How would a commoner have this? I watched the figure walk away silently, ducking her head down so as not to be noticed. I get curious and begin to follow behind her.
I easily got stopped and bumped into the crowd. I see her turn into a side street. Which I walked into at a distance. I’m standing in the middle, where she’s nowhere to be found. I turn to leave, and there she is. Standing in front of me with a dagger up to my face. “Y/n?” Her eyes squint and she looks me up and down, scanning me. “Who are you and why are you following me?”
He doesn’t speak for a few moments. He’s speechless as his mouth is gaping a little open. “Well?” I stick the dagger closer to his neck. He clears his throat, “you look like someone I knew.” I scoffed and tilted my head, “y/n?” His eyes widen, I hear a shuffle behind me but I keep my eyes on him. He moves swiftly and fast, he grabs the dagger from his throat and swings it behind me. A man groans from behind me and he pulls me behind him. “We have to get out of here,” I cling onto his shoulder, “now.” I have no time to react as we start running in the opposite direction. He leads back into the crowd of the market.
He grabs my headpiece and wraps it around his shirt. “It’ll be better if we hide in plain sight.” I frown as I stare at him. “More like exposing myself,” my face is completely open and more of a target now. He unwraps his own waist piece and pulls it over my head, it’s soft but not silky. “The pink gives you away, royal silk is obvious.” I pause and stop in my tracks. “How’d you know it was royal silk?” He brings up my wrist as my jade bracelet dangles down my arm. “Just like this bracelet which is only for royals.” He drags me alongside him as the crowd starts to settle down. “I’ll walk you home, lead the way.”
“How do you know I have royal clothing?” He sighs as he pulls us out of the main streets. “I’m a royal too. Crown Prince Felix.” I remain blank. “Which is why I know the design of this.” He points to my jade bracelet, the engraving of it. “My wife, she had the same so I should be asking you. How do you have this?” I don’t say anything as I take a step back. “Hello, Yuna. Nice to meet my sister-in-law.”
She sighs heavily and crosses her arms in disgust. “So you know who I am.” I analyze her clothing more closely. The beading on her dress was made with no flaws but now hanging off from the misuse. Her pinks and beiges collide perfectly with each other but blue strapped to her head make her look common. I lean against the wall on my shoulder, “it was obvious, you’re twins.” She rolls her eyes and looks away, I guide her chin to turn towards me gently. “You’re almost the same person,” I scan her face for any scars or moles that could depict that she’s different from y/n. But nothing. Her eyes engrave into mine, her lips the same shade of pink, eyes the same shape as hers. But she’s not her.
She snaps her chin out of my reach. “But we’re not,” she picks up her dress and begins to walk past me. I follow her as she leads the way. A man pops out in front of me and yells, “boo!” Chan pulls off his hood. Yuna jumps back a bit. “God, what’s wrong with you?” He laughs uproariously and I groan and shake my head in my hands. I hear her giggle a bit and he turns his attention to her. “Whoa, you found her?” Yuna raises an eyebrow and looks at me for confirmation, “you were looking for me?” I sigh heavily and nod, “wasn’t it obvious? I knew who you were.” She blanks her face out and walks away, while Chan and I exchange a look and follow.
A pair of children are playing in front of us and are throwing a ball. I see her body release from tension as she watches them as we approach. “I know my sister died,” it’s silent between us. She stops in her tracks and slowly spins to me. “But why does that have anything to do with me?” I bite the inside of my cheek, “it doesn’t. But I just wanted to know if it was true, that she had a twin sister.” She flexes her fists into a ball, “I heard you’re looking for a bride,” there’s anger in her voice. I walk past her with Chan by my side and she closely keeps up. After a couple moments, I mention, “I have no intention of marrying another woman, no one will ever replace her.”
I hear her footsteps stop in place. “Everyone's replaceable,” Chan and I turn, standing frozen, staring at her. Something about her eyes is so familiar, like I've looked into them before. Like they’re sad, on the verge of tears, like y/ns. It must be a twin thing. “I mean you shouldn’t live your life in the past, she wouldn’t want you to be alone forever.” The ball accidentally launches our way and the children run to us. They bump into her and I stop them. “Return the bracelet,” the children look at each other. She looks at me weirdly, “now.” The kids bow their heads and hand me the bracelet that they stole from Yuna. They immediately apologize and get on their knees. “It’s okay, stealing isn’t the answer.” I hand them a bag with coins from Chan, which they gladly accept.
They run off and I turn to Yuna, who is standing astonished. “You might want this back,” I walk to her silently, holding out her jade bracelet. She clings onto it tightly and pulls it onto her wrist. “You’ve helped me twice today,” my mind flashes back to y/n. Her voice in sync with my memory, “If you did have an intention of marrying, you would be a good husband.” The resemblance is too much. My eyes flash to her wrist, a mole in the exact spot. Her eyes drive into mine, she looks away, as if she realizes she said something she shouldn’t have. “It scares me how alike they are,” I whisper to Chan. She clears her throat harshly, “before I was interrupted… I was showing you to my place.” I nod my head as she sways past us, she takes a sharp turn which causes us to skip ahead.
“Don’t mind the mess,” she holds down a handle and the door creaks awfully open. She nods her head to enter, Chan begins to walk but she pushes him back by his chest. “Not you… him only.” Chan widens his eyes and scoffs at her, his head twists to me. I raise my head and shoo him away. “Just take a walk, get snacks or something.” He rolls his eyes and storms away. “I don’t really trust him,” she mumbled to herself as she walked inside. But it was clear to me. Why? What made her feel that way?
She led me to a room, one with a table on the floor and silk bedding. I presume it’s her room. The appearance of the outside is destroyed, but inside reveals a marvelous haven. There’s a shelf of books, books no ordinary girl would have. I reach out to grab one. “So my sister really did a number on you.” My hands freeze in motion and flutter to my side. “What do you mean by that?” She suddenly begins to cower, placing the pot on the table. “You’re the crown prince, by marriage right?” I sigh heavily and look at the seat in front of her. “I’m not really supposed to talk about it. It’s sort of illegal.”
I sit in front of her as she pours the liquid into a cup beside me. “What could I do? People don’t even know I exist.” She munches on the cookie next to her. “Technically I’m not the crown prince.” Her brows furrow as she sips on her drink, “you know of her death, correct?” She chokes on her drink. She pats her chest and gasps, she stutters, “yes I know she’s.. gone. But not how it happened.” I chew on the inside of my cheek, dreading to relive the moments and explain what happened.
“She died before I could marry her, the morning of to be exact. She was murdered and I wasn’t allowed to investigate.” Her eyes drop into sorrow, deep with understanding and remorse for me. “You came to look for me, was it because you wanted to know more about her?” I shook my head, “no. I just wanted to see if the rumors are true, some part of me wishes it was her. But you’re not your sister, and I won’t imply you are anymore.” It’s silent between us. She reaches for her drink and stares at me, “you’re not drinking your tea?” I had forgotten all about it. “No, I don’t drink tea anymore.” The painful reminder of y/n, how she tried to make the world go away by it. Yuna bites her bottom lip as if tempted to say a secret.
I decided to try to get more information about her. “Have you ever met her?” Her eyes dart up to mine, eyes wide and she licks her lips to bide time. To utter simple words, “no.” I narrowed my eyes, “You never wondered to meet her? Not a single drop of curiosity?” I simply don’t believe it when she shakes her head no. I sit back a bit and smile unconvincingly. I sigh heavily, “I wish I could be more to Daniel.” When I brought up his name, I saw a slight twinkle in her, a glimpse of pain. It was something no one would easily notice, but it’s my job to recognize things. “Your little brother in fact, he was so destroyed by everything. The queen mother died of a broken heart by the death of y/n. I couldn’t comfort him, I was grieving myself.” My eyes begin to water without me being able to control it.
Her hand reaches over the table and clings onto my arm. “I’m so sorry,” her thumb rubs against me softly. “I had no idea how much it affected everyone.” My hand rests on hers, “you didn’t know. It’s alright.” I blink back my tears and wipe my face. She suddenly gets up from in front of me and comes by my side. She crouches to my level. She grabs the cloth that I used to conceal her and brushes it across my tear streams. “I don’t want you to hurt, I want to take your pain away.” Her words hit me so deep, so close to my heart. I wish she were y/n, so I could hold her close and kiss her. To have her in my arms again and never let her go.
His eyes slowly travel and wander into mine. “You can’t, only she can.” He slowly takes the cloth from my hands and into his lap. “You said I was like her, let me help you.” I cup my hands around his face, “treat me like I was her. Pretend I am her and let me handle the pain.” He furrows his brows confused and shakes his head, “why? You’re doing this because you pity me?” I frown and try my best to explain, “no, because you saved me and I want to repay you.” I lean in and admire him, his sun-kissed freckles and hazel eyes. Looking so deep into mine. “Just let go,” I feel his breath against my lips and inch my way slowly. Our lips don’t connect as he puts them against my neck and he groans, he pulls me away by my arms and just stares. Completely shocked and completely entranced.
He doesn’t wait to connect his lips again. He sighs as if he’s finally letting himself relax. He’s groping at my clothes and leading me into his lap. So hungry for comfort and love. He claws at my buttons and tries his best to softly undo them. It’s taking too long and my body is beginning to feel on fire. I could care less if he’s imagining my sister instead of me, I just want him. I break away from him and undo them myself, I try to lead him back but he pulls away. “Should we be doing this?” He’s out a breath already and salvaging his strength. I stand up and drag the dress down my shoulders, achingly slow. “I want this.” He shakes his head and his hands pull my dress back up. “I can’t do this,” he looks faint and white. He can’t shake that he knows that he’s been the only one to touch me. So, he couldn’t leave me impure and unwed. Even if it’s a secret.
My head is spinning and I can’t look at her straight. Her face drops immediately and she turns away to readjust her dress. “I didn’t come here for this, I came to take you. And now that I’ve touched you, I have to take responsibility for you.” She seems to wipe her face, and breathes harshly. “Take me where?” I let silence overcome us until she realizes. And turns towards me angrily, “you want to take me to the palace? You’re out of your mind!” I try to reason with her and explain but she shushes me. Her hand rolls off her hair in disbelief, “explain to me why I should even bother to go. My own sister died in that place, she was murdered! And no one is allowed to investigate or even question what happened!” Her hands bang against the shelf, and she lays her head against it. “I will not go there just to be killed for existing. Just for my presence.”
I walk to her cautiously, my hand hovers over her skin. The skin I was touching so recklessly earlier. I lightly took her arm to face me, “you don’t have to go. But I want to make sure you’re taken care of, and since I’ve seen you in that way… I have to keep my duty and respect, and marry you.” She smiled lightly at the words. Her eyes stare at the contact, she shrugs her shoulders and looks up. “You have to ensure I won’t get hurt, that nothing will happen to me, if I say yes.” I nod my head and show her a sympathetic smile. “I want to take you to my home first.” Her eyebrow raises and her eyes crease, “to your home?”
We arrive with Chan leading us. Her head is concealed and so am I. We walk inside and Chan looks around to see if the halls are clear. He instructs us to go and I grab a hold of her hand, rushing her into my room. “Make sure no one comes inside,” I whisper to Chan and order him to stand outside of the door. I turn and watch her wander around my room. She lets her hood slip down, “this is where you live, hm? Didn’t take it that you were a pampered little lord before royalty.” I smile awkwardly as she walks around the room, her hips sway as her dress follows her movements. Y/n always was graceful, her motions would flutter my heart and she was truly beautiful. She had such a way with her movements, a performer.
I grabbed the box from the table beside my bed, containing the matching wedding ring to mine. She noticed me standing awkwardly and walked to me. I made no action or effort to explain as I slipped the ring on her fingers. “It’s beautiful,” she admired the crystals. Blue and white diamonds. It fit perfectly as it slid on like butter. Looking just as it was on y/n. I walked away to face a nightmare awaiting me.
“Felix?” I snapped to the balcony, where Daniel is standing with tears and distraught. He begins to sob and runs to Yuna. “You’re alive!” He jumps into her legs, screaming with joy but she pushes him away. Pushes him so harshly that he falls to the ground. He falls with a thump and looks up at her, “y/n?” The scene hurts my heartstrings, and I can’t move, can’t explain. He scans her from head to toe. “It’s me- Daniel. Don’t you remember?” Her head hangs low and she tries to help him up. He crawls away from her, shaking his head. My legs finally move and I get him up from the floor. “Why are you doing this?” His eyes begin to tear up again and his bottom lip trembles. “I don’t know you-“ her voice breaks as she backs away. Her hand clings to her chest as she breathes hard. “How could you say that? I’m your brother, your little brother!”
He stomps his foot down and reaches out his hand, holding a book. “You would read this to me, every night you would read to me.” Her bottom lip is trapped between her lips. “Don’t pretend you don’t know me-“ Tears begin to flow down his cheeks. But she stands just staring at him, nothing behind her eyes. He drops the book at her feet, “I wish you didn’t come back, I wish you stayed dead.” I stared at Daniel as he said those words, it seemed to shatter something inside Yuna. She falls backwards onto the bed and Daniel runs out of the room. Chan runs inside and I yell to run after him.
Yuna wouldn’t speak to me after that. She didn’t eat for the rest of the day and Chan drew her a bath to soothe her. But when he tried to encourage her, she sent him away. She just sat on my bed, staring into oblivion. “Yuna, I’m going to take you to the bath.” She didn’t look at me as I picked her up into my arms. I walked her to the bath and tried to tell her to get in. “Please,” I begged and she finally looked at me. I turned away as she undressed and went in. The bath was built into the floor and was filled with aromas and petals. I turned once she was inside and scrubbed her back. She wouldn’t move and I tried my best to help her.
I put her to bed but she dressed herself. I made sure she would. She turned away from me in the bed. “Yuna, tell me what’s wrong.” A tear slid down her cheek and she broke out into sobs. She cradled the blanket into her chest. I rubbed her shoulder which caused her sleeve to fall down. I noticed a burn on her lower neck which was not there before. Then I noticed she stopped moving. “Yuna?” I shook her but she didn’t move. I rolled her to face me and she wasn’t responding. I yelled out to Chan to get help. No, no. This can’t happen again. I carried her in my arms and ran out with no regard for who would see her. Servants followed behind me and I couldn’t shake off their faces, their fear. I ran to the doctor’s quarters and placed her on the bed.
I ordered him to help her and he immediately ran to work. “Poison,” he muttered and my skin wanted to scream. It burned and ached and my heart began to lose its beats. I forgot how to breathe and the walls began to close in. My vision began to get dark as I clutched her hand. “Felix,” the doctor tried to call my attention. I blocked him out of my mind and focused only on her. The marking on her neck worsened and then a shine hit my eye. I pulled her sleeve to reveal a needle sticking from the hem, dripping was her blood mixed with a green substance and I knew it was placed on purpose. Chan ran in behind me and yanked me out of the way. He led me out of the room and in the hall. “Where were you?!” I roared at Chan and he stood speechless. “Where were you when this happened?” He rubbed his face with the palm of his hand, that’s when I noticed it. A marking the same as Yuna’s.
My eyes narrowed at him and I faced the wall to hide my realization. “I don’t really trust him,” Yuna’s voice rings my head. It finally clicked for me, all of this. Y/n’s death, her assassination, the poisoned needle in Yuna’s clothes. Chan had just as much authority as me to enter and escape secretly. Just as much power to kill. But why? Why would he do this? I punched the wall and yelled. My father, it’s the only reason. He may be dead but his business will live on. He wanted to train me as an assassin. He wanted to gain control of me. What better way to do that by manipulating and controlling my closest advisor? Chan, what a traitor. You killed y/n. Didn’t you? And I won’t let you get away with it.
The doctor comes out and immediately brings me back to the situation. “We’re going to need an antidote immediately. She’ll die without it.” We don’t have the resources here to look for one or create one. I have to get her out of here. “Quickly get a carriage ready to the palace,” I ordered and everyone scrambled to hurry. I stayed by her side the whole way and she was struggling to breathe and clenched her hand against mine. I tried to calm her and tell her she’ll be okay. Her neck had begun to turn green and swell. I recognize this. Of course, it’s my father’s poison. I’ve never seen it but I’ve heard of its effects. As soon as we arrived, I recited the antidote to the royal doctor and he immediately injected the serum into her.
Her chest began to rise and fall normally. The swelling went down and the green disappeared. I sighed in relief and ordered everyone to leave the room. I sat alone next to her, holding her hand and crying. Her eyes opened with a flick and she mumbled a light, “Felix?” I gasped in delight and shushed her. I gripped her hand and kissed it. “You’re okay, thank god.” I whimpered with my head down. Shaking my head back and forth. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you died.” My voice is breaking and sounding pathetic, but I could care less. “I wouldn’t leave you again.” My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Again? “I wouldn’t dare die on you again. I just got you back.” Got me back? “Sleep, get some rest.” That’s all I told her and tried to push away the mumbles.
She pulled me back in. “Don’t you see me, lix?” Her hand brushes on my cheek, pulls me and whispers, “it’s me, lixie.” My tears continue to flow down my cheeks while I stare at her. “You’re not in the right mind-” she cut me off. “I love you.” My heart drops and I shudder away from her touch. This is too much, all I can think of is y/n. “Stop.” I tremble onto my feet and she falls asleep. My head cannot handle this. I don’t know what to think and just leave. Is it true? Is all of it true?
I wake up with my head pounding and the room is dark. So very dark. My vision clears up and I realize I’m back in Felix’s room. I turn to see Felix in the corner. Huddled up in a ball on a seat. He notices I’m awake and sits up quickly. He clears his throat as I sit up too. “God, what happened?” He hands me a cup of water and I swallow it whole. “You were poisoned.” My mouth gapes open and my mind flashes to last night. “You were out for a couple days.” I begin to feel my blood rush to my head as I want to scream out. My palm rushes to my head to try to ease my headache. I’m trying to remember the lost time when he blurts out unbelievable words. “I won’t marry you.” My eyes dart towards his direction. “What are you talking about? You won’t marry me?”
He stands up angrily and crosses his arms. “I won’t marry you. I’m sending you back.” My eyes water and I try to blink them back. “But why? Is it because of the poisoning? Did I do something wrong?” He doesn’t face me now and his arms drop to his side. “No,” he says simply as if he doesn’t owe me an explanation. “Is it because of my sister?” He turns in fury to me. “You almost died!” My chest rises up and down heavily. I get up from the bed. “But I’m not! You can’t blame me and punish me for something that I had no control over!” His fists tightened, “and no one should blame me for not knowing who killed y/n!” I take a step back, “what?” I say in disbelief and almost breathless.
“I won’t let you die in vain, not like she did. I can’t let this happen.” I scoffed, “she didn’t die in vain. I know that because she wanted to be happy and she was. And you have to trust that the person who killed her will eventually be revealed.” His expression changes heavily, as if something had clicked in his mind. He takes small steps closer to me. “You claimed you didn’t know her, and as you said she wanted to be happy, as if you did meet her.” My expression goes blank. “I do know her killer will be revealed,” he sets his hands on my shoulders and leans into my ear, “because..” His words are a husky whisper in my ear. “You know who killed your sister. Because it was you at the beginning, y/n.”
I caught her, so perfect in a lie. She steps back while shaking her head, fear in her eyes. “You switched places with her.” Her hand clasped over her mouth, concealing a cry of realization. She is starting to hyperventilate, and she clings to her chest. “Please- let me explain.” I give her no chance, and approach her, “you let me think you died! Do you know the pain I went through?!” She sobs loudly now and closes her eyes. I shake my head and my hands clench into a fist. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Her words are broken and full of heartbreak. She tries to calm herself down and explain, but I turn away.
“I switched places with her because I wanted her to experience being a princess and to be truly loved at least once… I wasn’t expecting her to die that day.” I snapped my head, “She said she loved me, as she lay dying in my hands.” I was screaming internally. Why? Why would she play with me like that? “She chose not to break her cover… for me.” She got on her knees in front of me, “please believe me. I had to keep playing like her, I couldn’t live in that place anymore.” I begin to tremble as I drop down too, “you couldn’t be with me? Be happy with me?! I would’ve treasured you and cared for you!” She breaks down even more and reaches for me. I reject her touch, “if you would’ve given me the chance. I would’ve made you happy.”
“Please, Felix. I’m still me!” A stray tear falls down my cheek and I struggle to swallow. “Felix, look at me!” She latches onto me and forces my head to her. “It’s me! Your y/n, your wife!” She rubs my cheek as she tries to soothe me, but it doesn’t. My heart feels as if it’s breaking. “You broke my heart, broke everyone’s heart. Daniel is suffering as much as me. And you think I can just forget that?” I bite my lip and hesitantly pry off her hands from me. “I can’t,” I walked away from her and out the door. I stood outside the door, holding it close and listening to her cries and pleas. It’s for the best.
I knocked on the door the next morning with maids following behind me. Y/n… She was sitting on the bed waiting. “Pack up her stuff and get her ready to travel.” She gasps in disbelief and stands up. “Leave us!” She says with such intensity the maids jump back. I nod at them to leave and they do. “Asshole!” I furrow my brows in confusion. She throws a pillow at me. Then a blanket. Then her shoes. All while yelling incoherent insults. Then she pushes me onto the bed while slapping and kicking me. Getting all her anger out. “How dare you try to send me away! I’m your wife. I love you and I want to be with you! I will not let you reject me!” I start to laugh, a real laugh. She stops in her tracks with a pillow above her head. She begins to giggle and smile when she notices I find her amusing.
“You’re hilarious,” she frowns and crosses her arms. “I’m supposed to be intimidating.” I sigh and she backs down and sits next to me on the bed. “Are you really gonna send me away?” She blinks at me with such hope in her eyes. “Give me a reason why I shouldn't.” She raises her shoulders at me in disbelief, “did you not hear my whole speech right now?” I smile and sit up. “What do I get out of this?” She throws the pillow at my head and tackles me. “A loving wife who listens to you!” I laugh again and watch her. She rests herself in my lap and it makes me anxious. She notices and gets self conscious too. “Are you not okay with this?” I look to the side, avoiding her gaze. I know I can’t say no to her, and she knows it too.
“Look at me,” she pulls my chin to her. “It’s me, lixie. Just as before.” Her hair is messy from all her playfulness. Her clothing is a beautiful shade of pink and hanging off her shoulders, her beautiful skin. So soft and smells of roses. Her beauty is unmatched and looks even more in this setting. Just us together. “You want to know what you get out of this?” I make eye contact with her and already know what she’s going to do. She begins to untie her dress and lets it slip off. I close my eyes and shutter when I feel her clothing slip down my legs and onto the floor.
He can’t avoid this. You won’t let him. You place his hands on your breasts and he gasps. “My god-” He whispers to himself and he can’t resist as his eyes open. He practically devours you with his gaze. “This is what married people do,” you begin to rock your hips against his covered length. He bites his bottom lip and whimpers. “The best part…” you begin to moan which causes him to get more comfortable. He lets out a sigh of relief, “making love.” He sits up and attaches his lips to your chest. Slowly traveling across your skin with wet kisses and getting to your breasts. You let out a moan of pleasure so loud, you feel almost embarrassed. Almost. But not enough to stop your hunger.
You yank his hair up so you can press your lips to him. He moans in your mouth and the feeling is incredible. Finally, After so long. You moan into his mouth and his hips push up into you, needing more. He grabs your hips and pushes you under. He begins to strip off his clothes with no regard. You take the opportunity to get more comfortable and drag yourself onto the pillows and under the sheets. “Come here,” he whispers and leaps next to you. You giggle and attach your lips again. He slowly thrusts inside you which causes you both to moan out loud. “Fuck, fuck,” he mumbles softly against your lips. “God, you feel so good.” He can’t help but snap up into you.
You moan breathlessly as he begins to take a rhythm. He stares into your eyes, so lustful and lovingly. He leans next to your ear, “my little princess huh?” His hand sneaks to your breast, pinches your nipple gently. “Thinking you could just get away with it?” He pinches it mercifully which causes you to whimper, “imma show you all that you missed.” His hand lets go off your nipple and gains a new target. His thumb circles your clit which causes you to let out a scream like moan. He starts to speed up his movements when you get more loud. You feel as if you could cry as your moans turn into whimpers. “Is my wife too fucked out, hm? Can’t take it?” Your body begins to twitch as you grip his arm. “Fuck, Lix. Just make me finish!” He laughs satisfactorily in your ear and licks it teasingly.
He covers your mouth as you get louder. “I love your noises but we don’t want anyone to interfere.” You roll your eyes as you feel the build up slowly being released. Your body snaps and it all let go, making you tremble and let out a final moan. He pulls out and watches the liquid fall out of you. He smirks at his masterpiece and pulls away but you grip his length. He winces and stares at you. You rub up and down his length, “I want you to finish inside me.” You place it at your entrance and he chokes down a smile. “Just can’t help yourself huh? Want my babies too?” He re enters and you whimper at the overstimulation. “I do, Lixie. I want your babies.”
He practically finishes at your words. It was so sudden, you laughed shocked. He moaned in your ear which made the butterflies in your tummy appear. “That easy huh?” You teased him and he laughed as he flopped on his side. He pulled you into his chest and held you tight. “I’m never gonna let you go again.” You smiled and drew hearts on his chest, “and I’m never gonna leave.” He clears his throat, “this might be a bad time but..” You look up at him. “I know who killed your sister.” I sit up confused. “Don’t worry, I took care of it already.” I blink at him blankly. “Why do you think Chan hasn’t been around?”
A/n: Thanks so much for the kind comments and waiting so long for this storyyy. But this isn’t the end. What if I told you they met again in another life? Well that story is for another day so.. Stay Tuned for “Mama’s boy!”
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thewertsearch · 8 months
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Damn, I never noticed these parallels!
It's honestly hard to tell whether they're due to the character's Title, though. Most of these characteristics aren't really unique to the Class they're assigned to here, with one exception.
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Yes, the two Knights grew up vigilant - but Vriska's childhood made her jumpy, too, and Jade was explicitly encouraged by her grandfather to be on guard. Plus, all Alternian trolls need to be ready to fight - their planet has a million ways to kill them, from highbloods to FLARPers to cullings to undead.
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It's true that Rose never understood her mother, but her peers aren't any better. Dave's still half-convinced the puppet porn is ironic, and John spent his entire life believing his father was a circus clown. Evidently, there's not a lot of straightforward communication going on in any of these families.
Both Witches have a duty they've long been aware of - but so have Kanaya and Aradia. However, there might indeed be something to what you said about their Guardians.
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It's hard to dispute that Jade and Feferi have the strangest custodians in their respective parties - two eldritch monsters with unclear motivations and world-ending capabilities.
I've never had much luck analyzing the Witches, but maybe I should start with their unusual familiars. Perhaps the Witch is Sburb's answer to a Druid or Ranger - a class designed to interface with the natural environment and its inhabitants.
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You run your whole palace as a sort of WILDLIFE ADOPTION FACILITY, even if the wildlife's need for care is dubious at best, and the practice really just amounts to an elaborate ROLE PLAYING SCENARIO.
If you squint, it certainly seems to fit. Jade's furaffinity for nature is well-documented, and Feferi's most valuable contribution to the party is the alliance she's formed with an alien species.
The main issue is that, again, these aren't the only characters with an affinity for the natural world, so I'd need to see a lot more evidence before I'm 100% sold on this take. We'll see if it holds up, going forward.
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The genuine confidence of Tai Lung on the bridge was damn hot I have to say. I'm not a furry, but human!Tai Lung can hit it
He probably has no idea how to interact with someone in a way that's not related to martial arts. He doesn't know any way to hit it aside from literally hitting something lol
If he found someone cute for the first time he'd be legit confused and probably train the weird feelings away to make those feelings "useful"
Hrrrrrrrr imagine humanoid Tai Lung with leopard ears and a tail that always sways a little when he sees Darling
A Darling who somehow manages to catch him by surprise because he keeps unconsciously letting his guard down when he's around them, so he reacts instinctively by pinning them in a hold before realizing they're not an opponent. Once he does he lets them down and snaps at them for interrupting whatever he was doing
Hating meditation even more than he used to as a child because Darling's face keeps popping into his head. So he decides to use them to help his training instead, just to make those feelings useful and not a total distraction. Like he'll legit lift them as a warm up exercise or make them hold up targets for him to practice precision strikes with.
Him getting sick and Darling taking care of him alongside other Jade Palace attendants, and while he has a fever he's forced to accept being helped in his pathetic weakling state. Darling puts a cool rag in his forehead while he starts falling asleep, and for the first time since Shifu took care of him as a baby, he starts purring and nuzzling their hand. He just thought he was dreaming so he didn't ever think much about it, but when he discovers it actually happened he avoids them for a full week
Hating the idea of them being a weakness for him, and resenting them for "making" him weak just by existing. But also not wanting to get rid of them either...Arrrgh, how is he so strong and powerful when a weakling like Darling can cloud his mind like this?
So he decides to once again make his feelings for them useful by using them as motivation. He'll become the Dragon Warrior, and in addition to achieving his destiny as the strongest warrior in the world and receiving ultimate power, he'll have earned them as well.
Also Shifu can see how his ears perk up, how his tail sways a little sometimes, and how his pupils widen a little whenever That One Palace Attendant is with him. I think he'd initially discourage Tai Lung from doing anything that would distract him from his rightful destiny, but Oogway would probably tell him that loving someone is not a distraction or weakness. Compared to that, only a fool would consider the Dragon Scroll more important.
...still, our guy Oogway would also see how the darkness in Tai Lung might hurt those he cares about. Maybe he'd try to encourage Tai Lung being around Darling to a) dissuade him from working so hard to become the Dragon Warrior, since he never can be and b) bring a little bit of light to diminish the darkness in his heart. Love isn't a form of kung fu, but it IS a powerful force of nature, after all.
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ironclark · 1 year
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To see even more Keyblades, check out @KeybladeForge and the discord! https://discord.gg/JV6NFtTA4c
A Keyblade modeled after the world of DreamWork's Shrek! This keyblade makes your Fire spells a higher tear! The handle and hilt of the Keyblade is designed after Shrek's swamp home, with it's green aesthetic. The shaft of the blade is designed after Fiona's tower where she was held, with the very top having the top of Duloc's castle. The teeth of the blade is formed by Dragon. The token is the iconic Shrek "S".
The World Logo is designed after Shrek's home, his favorite place in the world. The name comes from the plot centering around Shrek's swamp, as well as his gassy nature. 
This Keyblade is designed after the sci-fi nature of DreamWorks' Monsters vs Aliens. This keyblade is designed to increase the damage of combo finishers! The hilt guard of this blade is designed after the containment cells of the government facility housing the monsters. The shaft and teeth of the Keyblade is designed after the meteor contianing the Quantonium flying through space, with a bit of the comet tail forming Insectosaurous' wing. The keychain is designed after BOB, with the token being Insectosaurous. 
The World Logo is that of Susan's home town of Modesto. The name comes from the energy that provides Susan her giant form. 
A Keyblade designed after the viking style of DreamWorks' How to Train Your Dragon. This Keyblade is designed to give protection against any lightning and fire attacks. The entire Keyblade is inspired by a Vikings' ship with Toothless designs. The top of the Keyblade has the helmet given to Hiccup from his father. The teeth of the Keyblade is designed after Toothless' tail fin. The token is the symbol of that of the Vikings of Berk. 
The World logo is the central isles of Berk. The name comes from Toothless' species name: Nightfury. 
A simple keyblade designed afte the dreams and iciness of DreamWorks' Rise of the Guardians. This keyblade is designed to have high blizzard damage. The shaft and handle of the Keyblade is designed after Jack Frost's staff. The hilt and keychain is designed after Sandman's magical sand. The teeth of the blade is designed after Jack's ice abilities. The token is that of Baby Tooth. 
The world logo is that of Burgess, where Jack Frost is from. The name comes from North urging Jack to find his center, as well as Jack being a spirit of Winter. 
A Keyblade designed after the Jade Palace of DreamWorks' Kung Fu Panda. This keyblade is designed to have high combos and greater effects from food. The hiltguard of the blade is designed after the Jade Palace, with the handle being inspired by Oogway's staff. The shaft of the blade is designed to have the Furious Five designs through it. The teeth is a stylized version of a panda fist. The token is that of a dumpling, Po's motivation. 
The World Logo is that of where the Furious Five train and call home. The name is a combination of Dragon Warrior and Po being a Panda.
A Keyblade designed after the mechanical mind of DreamWorks' Megamind! This keyblade is designed to have high thunder damage. The bottom half of the hilt and teeth of the blade is designed after Megamind's Brainbots, his self-made minions. The top half of the hilt is designed after Megamind's Black Mamba's suit. The shaft is designed after the robot suit of the Black Mamba. The token is that of Megamind's logo.
The World Logo is that of Metro City (or Metrocity), the central city of the movie. The name comes from the special suit that Minion had designed. 
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flowerwrites06 · 10 months
portrait of a prince — kth
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PORTRAIT OF A PRINCE | Kim Taehyung | Requested by anon.
Plot: Taehyung is not the beloved prince that his parents want him to be. Alcohol seeps through his veins, opium suffuses the air around him and a new face enters his bed chambers every night. What will he do when his old love enters the palace as his royal painter?  Pairing: Crown Prince!Taehyung x Royal Painter!OC (Name: Angel) Genre: Royalty | Artist Type: One-shot Rating: 18+ Word Count: 6.5k Warnings: drug use (opium smoking), alcohol consumption (intoxication, makgeolli), explicit sexual content (fingering, rough sex, orgasm denial, creampie), angst (taehyung is a bit of an ass and plays around). Author’s Note: aahh i really liked writing this one, thank you to anon for requesting this again and I hope you all enjoy it. Let me know your thoughts!
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Being invited as a painter for the crown prince was an honour beyond imagining. Angel was used to painting for small nobles, merchants and courtesans. Now she stood in the jade halls of the white tiger palace, deep late afternoon light seeped through the curtains of the red wood windows.
Angel held onto her papers and supplies tightly as she moved closer to the double doors, showing the insignia of the white tiger in polished ivory and emeralds for eyes.
She had never been to the palace. In their late teenage years, Taehyung used to visit the lower parts of the kingdom where her home was. He would learn literature and art alongside her with Angel’s father. Taehyung would always joke, remember certain dialogues and play them out to her just to make her laugh. His smile stuck to his face like there was nothing else he could do with it.
Angel spent five years trying to forget those things, but now they came rushing back like honey on her tongue. She wanted to see him again, see his smile again. Ask him how he had been. Whether he still thought about her. Perhaps.
The stoic guards opened the doors slowly, letting Angel walk through the slight gap of the doors. Doors only opened wide for important guests, not some humble painter who got lucky.
Angel sighed in frustration, keeping her supplies pressed to her chest. The room was luxurious with paper walls, peach blossoms painted across the crème background with beautiful mats and the sweetness of incense in the air.
In the center, Prince Taehyung sat on a chair, his knees spread apart and a stranger knelt between them.
Their hair was long and brown, head bobbing up and down as the noise of slurping suffused the air. Taehyung’s head was thrown back slightly, both in pleasure and even a hint of boredom.
Half-lidded eyes flickered to see Angel at the room. His reaction was late, moving at a snail like pace to pat the head of the stranger. “It seems we have a guest. Take a break,” he said to the stranger.
Angel tried with all her might to push down the discomfort in her chest. Of course, Taehyung wasn’t going to refrain from his own pleasures through the five years they were apart. They had no commitment to one another. Taehyung himself had no commitment to anything but his lineage and people. She shouldn’t have expected him to wait for her, be happy to see her or even remember her.
Taehyung was the one who stopped sending letters after a year. Angel should’ve understood it from then that there were no more connections here.
Embarrassment burned under her skin. The purple cotton dress she wore, Taehyung’s favourite dress and the jade bracelet, the one Taehyung made himself, grew heavy on her wrist. Angel wanted to run away and change, forget this ever happened but she forced to press her feet on the floor. This was her job. She would do it with confidence and maturity.
The stranger stood to their feet, barely giving her a glance before walking out of the bedroom as she wiped the corner of her mouth.
As the door closed behind Angel, she kept her gaze away as Taehyung covered himself back up with the same aloofness of never needing to rush.
“Why have you interrupted my pleasantries?” Taehyung asked, voice more rasped than Angel ever remembered. The joy in his voice was lost, faded.
“I’ve been assigned to paint your portrait, sire.” Angel always called him by his first name but Taehyung didn’t seem to recognize her at all. It had only been a few years. Was she truly that unmemorable in his mind?
He was a prince. Of course, she was unmemorable. He had consorts, lovers in every corner of the palace. Why would he remember one humble painter from five years ago?
Angel knew this well but it still made her heart feel like the devil himself was twisting it like lemon in his tea.
Taehyung hummed and waved his long fingers to the side. “Please, begin when you’re ready.”
Angel bowed, moving to do as he ordered without thinking about how much he changed. Except she had to. The moment the papers were up and the brush was ready, she had to look at him clearly. Taehyung’s jawline turned sharp, cheeks sunken. Dark shadows under the skin of his eyes, his lips shaped for an uninterested prince, not the laughter-loving boy she knew. Angel did portraits of him before.
Taehyung could never stop smiling. He would pretend to snore and then rush over to see her progress only to see a plain sketch.
But here he was unmoving like a statue. A true figure of a perfect prince.
Angel sketched what she saw and what she didn’t see. The queen ordered for the prince to look his best, his most put together. Not the man who just had a mistress sucking his cock in the late afternoon when he clearly had an appointment. Frustration seeped through her. She should have no expectations of him. He was a crown prince, a future king, he could never stay the same loveable boy that she fell in love with.
In her concentration and trance, Taehyung then shifted and stood. He walked closer to her, his gold silk robes brushing across the floor before he sat right next to her.
Years ago, Angel would’ve felt warmth at having him close. But this Taehyung smelled thick of opium and makgeolli instead of sweet mangoes. It made her uncomfortable to be around him, a feeling that hurt her most.
“Are you a dancer as well?” Taehyung slurred. “You look like a dancer.”
Angel took a deep breath to calm herself and kept sketching. “I’m just a painter, sire.”
Taehyung smiled, humming. “Don’t be flustered. Portraits often take weeks or months, we should try to get to know each other.” He reached out and gently brushed the edge of her sleeve, revealing her bracelet. It was then he paused.
It was a pretty bracelet, made from jade with ivory to form flower petals and rubies in the center. In between those flowers were their initials together. Angel’s cheeks burned harsher now that he had seen it. But it changed something in Taehyung.
His expression twisted from bored to shocked. Finger caressed the engraved initial. “Where’d you get this?”
“It was a gift,” she said as soft as a whisper.
Taehyung pulled his hand away, eyes darted to another corner in the room, unable to look at her. His eyes turned sad and confused as if the alcohol faded off him just by the sight of a simple bracelet. “We’ll continue this tomorrow,” he spoke kindly this time before standing up and rushing out of the room.
Yesterday’s appointment wasn’t quite anything like what Angel expected their reunion to be. Today, Taehyung asked for her to come in the morning just after the sunrises and the air was still wet to the touch. Angel wore her own yellow cotton dress with thick robe to shield the cold. She left the bracelet in her guest bed chamber, not wishing to continue any further conversation on the matter. They were not the same people anymore and that was it.
Taehyung wanted the portrait to be painted outside near the ponds and red blossom trees. Angel admired the fishes glimmering in orange and grey scales as the stone and wood finery glistened from morning dew. A table was prepared for her supplies already, with a tea set made from porcelain, steaming the scent of jasmine. Her favourite tea.
Two servants already stood at the edge of the ponds, keeping a watchful eye on her.
Angel tried to ignore them and prepared her papers. The rough sketches from yesterday caressed the painful memory back to the forefront of her mind. A troubling thought entered her mind. Maybe he was always like this. Angel had never been to the palace, she only saw as the prince who came to visit the lower towns. This may have always been him all along. He must’ve been lying with other women while gifting her bracelets he probably never made.
It was so possible. And so stupid not to realize earlier.
Taehyung should’ve known that his mother would choose Angel as the new royal painter. He should’ve expected it. The moment he saw that bracelet, perched so lovingly around her wrist, he felt the opium breath exude as he spoke. Shame bloomed in him, burning his cheeks. Never in his life did he feel ashamed of his activities but looking at those soft eyes again, seeing him at his worst, he felt pathetic.
As he walked to the ponds, Taehyung kept his chest high, pushing his confidence beyond his own threshold. He saw her sitting at the table he prepared for her. She looked like a dripping of honey, her cheeks glowing from the wet air and her pen across the paper was just as delicate as ever.
“Good morning,” Taehyung said, trying to sound as kind as possible. The back of his neck burned remembering what Angel had seen yesterday.
Angel’s expression was neutral and professional which only made him feel worse. “Good morning, Your Majesty.” She stood up and bowed.
“Please, sit.” Taehyung gestured for her to perch back down.
And she did without looking back at him.
Taehyung sat on the other end, facing Angel in a small distance. “Have you eaten yet?” he asked. “Did you want something?”
Angel stared at him, as if she was peeling each layer of him until she could see the man he was yesterday. The shameful one who didn’t care. “I’m alright, Your Majesty.” She began to dip the brush into the paint, continuing on with her work.
“How have you been?” Taehyung asked. “Are your parents doing well?”
“Why are you hiding yourself?” Angel’s question lingered thick in the air, bringing the fiery feeling in his chest.
“I’m—I’m not hiding myself.”
Angel pushed her sleeve back and started to paint across the paper. “Royals always want to show false ideas in their portraits. What you did yesterday was exactly the person you are. A spoiled prince who has everyone on their knees for him and he fills himself with every indulgence purely because he has nothing else to do.” Bitterness laced her tone and venom seeped through her gaze.
Taehyung’s heart clenched. He could’ve easily asked her to leave. Leave and let him forget any interaction they had, just like how he stopped sending letters. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk to her but his life had nothing to talk about. What would he even have said to her? I drank today and passed out in the hallway. I slept with a maid and pretended I didn’t know her the day after. He couldn’t anymore because his life was nothing to brag about. Angel had sent four letters since he decided to stop. Four letters he had read and never replied. Four chances to redeem himself in her eyes. When the fifth letter never came, his heart clenched then too.
He should ask her to leave. So he wouldn’t have this incessant feeling in his stomach of guilt and shame. Those soft, glossed eyes staring at him like he wasn’t good enough for her anymore. Taehyung swallowed the lump in his throat, itching the top of his thigh, desperate for some opium to calm himself down.
Further and further Angel peeled every layer of him, making him feel raw and bruised but he sat there. He sat because he wanted to keep looking at her. The woman he had loved. The one he still loved deeply yet pushed so far away.
Angel spent the rest of the night painting the scenery of the ponds. She needed a moment away from looking at Taehyung, remembering his face and the expressions he gave her. As a prince, he had every right to kick her out of the palace for what she said. Even now the words lingered in weight on her own tongue but he didn’t say anything. Not a word. That sense of patience that a younger Taehyung would’ve had for her hard heart.
She shook her head, her hand hovered over the painting, small droplets of red staining the paper amongst the wild blossom trees. Angel sighed in frustration and put the brush back onto its wooden rest.
Getting up from her chair, Angel opted to take a walk out into the hallways since sleep was whisking away from her at every minute. Her fingers immediately went to her wrist, empty of the jade that had wrapped around it for years. The urge to put it back on again just to return to normalcy.
“Sire, please,” a worried servant spoke meekly. “You need to get back to your chambers.”
“I can sit wherever I want,” Taehyung’s voice grumbled.
Angel turned the corner of the hallway to see a scrawny servant hunched over Taehyung, the prince who sat right against the wall with a porcelain cup dropped next to him on the floor.
“Sire, if someone sees you this way,” he whispered.
“Let them see it!” Taehyung growled, throwing the porcelain cup and throwing it against the wall, smashing and forcing the servant to cower back.
Angel rushed down the hallway, both pity and anger rushing through her.
The servant stammered, glancing to the side as he trembled.
“It’s alright,” Angel said with as kind of a tone as she could get. Turning to Taehyung, she frowned. “Don’t be cruel to your servants.”
Taehyung’s dark brows furrowed as he stared up at her. Brown curls hovered over his eyes, shirt half-open with his chest heaving and gold necklace gleaming. His lips were plump and red, the dark shadows under his eyes thickened but there was a vulnerability behind him. Like he was still that loveable, playful Taehyung trapped inside a broken prince that stopped appreciating the world around him. “So you’re telling me what to do now?”
“Who else is going to?” Angel asked, crouching down and taking his arm over her shoulder. “Help me carry him to his room.” The thick smell of makgeolli nearly made her eyes water but they managed to drag him back into his bed chambers.
Angel tenderly peeled off his clothes, helping the frightened servant wrap fresh nightwear atop his overheated skin. She poured water into a bronze cup and helped him take a few sips.
“Why’re you being nice to me now?” Taehyung asked as Angel guided him back to his bed. “You looked like you hated me before. What I’ve turned into.” He groaned as he slumped onto the soft surface.
Angel stayed silent, glancing back at the servant as she placed the blanket over his body. “I don’t like what you’ve turned into,” she said honestly. “But that doesn’t mean I hate you.” It felt a part of her peeled open speaking those words. The worst part was that Taehyung may easily forget them. Perhaps that was a comfort in some way.
Taehyung watched her through the light, wisped curtain of his hair.
Angel swallowed the small lump forming in her throat. Habit overcame as she reached out and brushed away his hair, caressing the top of his forehead for a brief moment. Then sense overcame with burning of her cheeks as she pulled away.
Taehyung grabbed onto her hand, placing it onto his chest. His gaze pierced deep into her until she could feel every memory of their togetherness, every touch, every kiss and every sweet whisper in the morning. It was so sweet to taste it all again. But so painful. “I missed you,” he muttered. “I never wanted to leave.”
Tears burned in her eyes before gently pulling her hand away. “Get some sleep,” she said and rushed out of the room. The moment she closed the doors behind her, all she could do was sob.
Silence consumed their next painting session. It was inside today as rain pattered and the sky filled thick with grey clouds. The censor wafted comforting warm air on the side of Angel while her back shivered slightly from the wispy cool breeze. She wore a deep green dress with a transparent green robe over top, her hair was loosely tied back right down to the curve of her waist.
Taehyung sat on his chair, both with a rigidity but a level of exhaustion that softened his posture. He wore the same black robe and silver overcoat, his hair open and waved, amethyst earrings glimmering against even the faint light.
Angel tried her best not to stare at the beautiful pursed lips and that soft expression. The way he stared at her like caresses on the cheek and neck. Warmth spread in her belly but she kept her focus. Focus. She painted the details lovingly, the tenderness of his eyes contrasted with the sharp edge of his jawline. How his skin felt so soft under her palm. How he held her hand like it was precious to him.
“Thank you,” Taehyung said, breaking her out of a trance. “For helping me.”
Angel shook her head. “Anyone would’ve done it.”
“But you didn’t need to.”
“I needed to.” Because it would kill her knowing Taehyung slept alone on the floor. Knowing that he was alone and no one was able to help when she could. When she wanted to.
Taehyung stared at her for a while and Angel paused this time, staring back at him as her chest began to rise and fall. Her heart raced as her mind finally made herself feel. Feel just how much sweetness seeped through her when she truly admitted how much she missed him. How much she loved him and wished him close.
Taehyung stood from the chair, padding closer until he reached his hand out.
Angel placed her brush down and accepted his hand, allowing him to pull her up to her feet. Her chest pressed against his until a harsh breath left her.
Taehyung nudged his nose against her hair, the gentle smell of jasmines floating through him and making him melt. It was so familiar and close to his heart. He grabbed onto her waist and pressed her closer, trailing his lips down her neck until he found the soft spot he knew well. He relished in her gasp as he began to suckle on that spot. He cupped the edge of her jawline, travelling to sneak underneath her robe.
“I missed you,” Angel said what she had wanted to say as her fingers buried in his hair. “I missed you.”
Taehyung felt his entire body hinge on those words like they were his own scripture. He latched off her neck and kissed her. Deeply, his tongue explored her warm mouth until it maddened him. He kept their lips locked until his lungs screamed for air.
When Angel broke the kiss, she forced in the deepest of breaths before letting out a chuckle as Taehyung leaned in for another peck. Taehyung untied Angel's dress, tracing his fingers against her bare skin wherever he could catch it. She shrugged off her robe and dress, allowing them to drop on the floor, leaving her only in her thin white underdress.
Angel peeled off his clothes, revealing the gleaming necklace around his neck and his heaving chest. She traced her fingertips, teasing the edges of his nipples until Taehyung grabbed onto her head and pulled her back into a kiss, her hair bunched up under his palms.
Taehyung groaned, grabbing Angel and placing her on the chair. He pulled down the sleeves of her underdress, and bunched the cloth at her waist. He pressed warm wet kisses on the curve of her breasts, pushing her legs apart and letting them hang over the arms. He saw her beautiful cunt on display, deep peach and glistening with lust.
The prince knelt for her, leaning in and taking a small kiss making her gasp. Then his lips wrapped around her clit, sucking on the sensitive spot before licking down to her slit. Angel let out a breathy moan, gripping the roots of his hair and pressing him hard against her clit.
Taehyung lapped his tongue against the hardened clit, the taste of her delighting him. He pressed kisses on the soft skin of her labia before suckling on her clit again, with ferocity.
Angel's breath quickened as Taehyung chased her to an orgasm, pushing her to the edge on purpose. As her back began to arch at the welcome of her burst, Taehyung pulled away. Angel whined in response, bucking her hips which made Taehyung smirk.
He leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss on her lips, making her taste her own arousal, warm and desperate. Taehyung trailed his long fingers down her belly back to her cunt, touching only the tip of her clit just to make her buck her hips again.
“Stop teasing,” Angel whispered.
Taehyung hummed, giving her a softer kiss this time, slow and loving. “I enjoy playing with you.” He kissed her temple. “Like my precious doll.”
Angel smiled, feeling her cheeks burn as Taehyung moved and pushed his finger inside her. Tight from all the years but ready and waiting. Yearning for that familiar fill. He added another finger, stretching her out and curling deep inside until she felt that sweet spot be brushed. Taehyung pressed his forehead against hers, breathing low and humming as her cunt began to squelch.
Taehyung moved his fingers in and out, keeping a steady pattern as thick layers of arousal make his skin glisten. Angel cupped his cheek, her body submitting under the gentle pleasure thrumming through her. She let out a breathy moan as he added another finger, making her full. She felt her release roll to the edge once again, a thick coil ready to explode onto his digits. “Taehyung,” she whispered.
Taehyung pulled his fingers away, making her whimper. A string of her arousal connected to his finger. “Look at you. So beautiful.” He used her arousal to rub her sensitive clit again, quickly pushing her to the edge before pulling away.
Angel let out a small desperate cry. “Please.”
“Please, what?” Taehyung asked, his own breath turned shaky as his rock-hard length poked at the inside of her thigh.
“Fuck me.” Angel nudged her nose against his.
Taehyung hummed in pleasure and carried her off the chair. He pinned her onto the floor bed, her dark hair splayed out on the sheets. He held onto his length which felt nearly painful and reddened at the tip from desire. Positioning his cock at her entrance, he pushed in without warning but Angel took in a pleased gasp, a smile curling at her lips.
Taehyung growled with pleasure as he finally got to feel her warm walls, after so long. If it were a better situation, he could’ve taken her the moment she entered the room. Taehyung hooked one leg over his shoulder, pushing in until there was nothing left. He leaned in as Angel cupped his neck, the jade bracelet a little warm from her body heat.
Taehyung breathed out, pleased and needy as he turned and kissed the inside of her palm. He thrust into her as the heat rose, burning between them. God, he should’ve never stopped doing this with her. Never again. “Stay here with me,” he muttered as his thrusts grew deeper, deep into her until he shaped her. “In the palace. Don’t leave.”
Angel trembled, dark brows furrowed as she relished in every thrust and still focused on his words. “I’ll stay,” she whispered before gasping as his tip brushed her soft spot. “I’ll stay.”
Taehyung smiled, kissing her deeply before slamming into her harshly. Her choked scream against his lips shook him to the core, reeling him to the edge. “I’m close.”
Angel nodded frantically, reaching down to rub her clit. Tears dripped at the corners of her eyes, already so prepared to burst.
Taehyung felt a jolt of pleasure as his orgasm spilled out of him, filling Angel. His head buried in the crook of her neck, pressing Angel's knee to her chest.
Feeling the warmth inside her, the long-denied coil inside her lower belly sprung like fireworks. Thick waves of pleasure soared through her until she could only see white. Angel cried in delight as Taehyung continued to grind into her, pushing her to the most sensitive limit.
Taehyung let out a shaky moan as he finally reached a level of ache, catching his breath as they both tried to come back down from their bliss. Then he lifted his head.
Angel smiled at him brightly before he kissed her, gentle and affectionate.
After all these years and the tense few days, her love had returned to her.
Angel woke up to the sound of rushing rain and an empty space on the other side of the floor bed. She fluttered her eyes open. The censor was reheated with ambers. At the open window where the rain splattered cold pearlets, Taehyung stood smoking his opium, masking the sweet scent of the weather with something thick and earthy that wasn’t so pleasant.
“Put that away, come to bed,” Angel said, maintaining a playful tone even though her heart dropped at how he couldn’t even sleep in bed for a longer period of time without starting to smoke something. Perhaps it was selfish to think that their time together would’ve at least distracted him but the other things always prevailed.
It only ached more when Taehyung laughed, walking away from her and hovering a hand over the censor to gain warmth. “It helps me calm down.” He walked over to her then and pecked her on the forehead. “I have a banquet today. I’ll get you a dress to wear.”
Before Angel could continue the conversation, Taehyung was already shrugging on his robe. “Won’t you stay for a while?” She asked.
“Do you want more?” Taehyung smirked as he knelt back down and caresed the edges of her jawline.
“I meant to talk.” Angel had hoped that they would discuss the implications. Was their reunion something of a permanence or would it end after she was finished with her job? He asked her to stay in the palace but as what? “About this.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Taehyung shrugged. “I asked you to stay in the palace. You can stay.”
“But in what way?” Angel shifted forward, placing her palm against her chest. “A royal painter that comes to your chambers in secret?” It may have been a lovely situation for someone else but Angel didn’t want to be a secret or a guilty pleasure. She had wanted a good life with honesty and happiness.
Yet Taehyung’s turned cold as he sighed. An unsettling rendition of his prince persona returned to his expression as he got to his feet. “We’ll talk later.” Without another word, he walked away, leaving Angel to curl up into the bed and wonder whether it was the right decision to open up to him.
The banquet was beautiful as the night fell. Moonlight painted the black and silver furnishings like polished jewels, the smell of wine and floral notes wafted the air and conversation fluttered in excitement.
Angel wore the dress Taehyung gifted to her; it was a beautiful cream dress with strap of gold cloth across her chest, a gold silk shawl and fresh pearls sewn at the edges of her robe. She wore her hair up for the occasion, pearl pins and earrings to match the robes and her lips tinted red.
Amongst the nobility and officials, Angel did feel like an outsider but she found herself enjoying observing the details. The musicians playing sweet notes on the gayageum, servants swishing through the high class like water through rock to get them drinks and food. And the people dancing in the center, laughing to their own movements and cheeks flushed from intoxication.
Her eyes tried to find Taehyung but these were mostly young nobles, hardly a formalized occasion. Taehyung must’ve organized these things many times before. Her gaze had actually stopped on the servant who helped her aide Taehyung when he was drunk.
The boy turned to her and softened in recognition, bowing in acknowledgement. “Welcome, my lady.”
Angel smiled. “Does he do this often?”
The boy hesitated for a moment but nodded shyly. “Quite a lot, yes. Every few days or so when he doesn’t have things to do.”
Angel’s brows raised but she supposed Taehyung would like these parties. He always loved talking and entertaining no matter the event. “Do you know where he is?” she asked.
The servant stayed quiet, clearing his throat.
Angel stared at him in confusion at the sudden concern in his expression. “What’s wrong?”
He gave an apologetic look, pitiful and sad. “I’m sorry, my lady but I think he went off with someone over there.” The servant would’ve heard Taehyung speak sweet words to her.
Maybe he didn’t say anything because he knew he probably heard it before, a thousand times to other women. Maybe Taehyung had been visiting many homes in the lower towns, joking around with other girls who thought the world of him.
Angel’s body burned with embarrassment and anger. Searing anger that took over like choking magma. “Point me to his direction.”
The servant stammered, guiding her to the quiet place on the other end of the banquet room where it led to the private hallways.
Angel walked through the door and saw them.
Taehyung held onto a girl wearing a pretty pink gown, possibly a noble, giggling as he kissed down her neck and growled against her skin. His hands gripped onto her dress and lifted it to her thighs before Angel turned away.
At first, she wanted so badly to scream and cry until there were no tears left. But it was her anger that prevailed most. Drying her tears from its steam and hardening her body to protect itself from crying for someone who only wanted a taste of something they’d lost. Of course Taehyung didn’t want anything more. Why would he? He had every other woman ready for him. So why should she cry for him?
“I’m sorry, my lady.” The servant repeated. “Should I—”
“—no. Let him be.” Angel waved her hand, feeling the weight of the bracelet on her wrist. “Could you bring me something to smash this with?” She asked with a soft tone.
The servant nodded and did as she asked.
Angel walked back to her room which still smelled of opium, fueling her anger even further. The servant brought her a steel hammer, heavy enough to break the jade. She placed the bracelet atop of Taehyung’s portrait on the surface of a polished stone surface. The fake portrait of a man he wasn’t, the man he tried to be but ended up being nothing more than a coward. She raised the hammer and cracked through the jade, breaking it into pieces until the initials were indecipherable, the ivory petals scattered.
The paper of the portrait ripped through his head as she heaved, fingers trembling as she placed the hammer back down on the floor.
“What about the portrait, my lady?” The servant asked, keeping a brief distance from her.
“Burn it.” Angel turned to her worktable as she began to take deep breaths. “I’m making a better one.”
Morning came harshly as Taehyung heard chatter reverberating through his windows as if the banquet were still going on. When he opened his eyes, he saw his mother standing near the window with a disappointed frown on her face. Taehyung lifted his head and his skull forced him to lay back down. “What’s going on?” he asked, his voice grated.
“I would’ve expected that seeing Angel again would’ve. . .changed something in you,” the queen said. “But even she couldn’t do so.”
Taehyung’s brows furrowed, forcing himself to sit up and take a deep breath, gather his surroundings. “What’re you talking about? We got along fine.”
“Oh?” the queen asked, walking to his table and holding up a paper with a thickened grimace. “Then what is this?” She slammed the paper against Taehyung’s chest.
With an irritated groan, Taehyung blinked slowly to get his focus back onto the picture. It was a portrait of him but. . .twisted. His expression was a mix of a pig disguised with whiskers and tiger stripes, there was a makgeolli cup on one hand and opium clouded him, his cock was splayed out and legs spread with the devil wrapping his forked tongue around the base. “Angel did this?” he asked in a whisper.
“Not just one.” The queen shook her head. “A portrait for each noble household. Spares for the lower towns to see as well.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “All the rumors connected to you tied into one single portrait just to confirm it.”
Taehyung scoffed as fury burned through his body. “It’s just a fucking picture.”
“It was an order portrait of you by a royal painter!” The queen yelled. “You were supposed to be on your best behaviour and not even the girl you liked so much could see the good in you. What does that say, Taehyung?”
Taehyung narrowed his gaze at his mother, pressing his lips together. What did that say about him? He should’ve been happy and elated to be close to Angel again, feeling her skin and being in her presence. But then the banquet. Did they even speak at the banquet?
No. He hadn’t even seen her. Then again, he wasn’t in the main hall, was he? Memories dropped onto him like bricks thrown against his skull. He had been with someone else that night in his intoxication. It would be stupid to think that Angel didn’t realise or even. . .see in plain sight what he did.
Taehyung was used to pushing many limits throughout his life. Pushing, pushing, pushing but the world always gave him more room. Until he rounded back to his past, to the first thing that made him happy and she built the final limit with a wall and a devil guarding the way. Most people in the palace had given up on Taehyung by now but it was just Angel who still had faith in him.
Had faith in him.
Now even she saw him as this cursed thing who drunk power like it was his daily tea. “Where is she now?” He asked, hands shaking as he gripped onto the paper portrait. The display of what he was on the inside.
“She’s been arrested but the damage done is going to be difficult to wipe away.” The queen spoke in a voice devoid of all hope for the future of Taehyung’s reign.
Angel dressed for her prison sentence, wearing a comfortable cream yellow dress with green embroidered into vines. Her hair completely open and slightly frayed from the humid air. There was a small window in her dungeon that showed the day outside, which was still a deep gray and clouds were plump with coming rain.
Yet the atmosphere was clear. People speaking to each other in worry and concern about their future king, what kind of reign were they going to suffer through if this was the man on the chair.
It was a song of satisfaction but it also curdled her blood, knowing that man was someone she loved dearly. Parts of herself peeled into vulnerability as the thoughts began rushing back. He touched her, tasted her skin and told her to stay like she was important. Yet it was all a ruse. Nothing mattered to him. So she would force herself not to care about him in return, even if it killed her.
The dungeon cells creaked open from old steel and stone. Angel didn’t turn to see who had come but Taehyung grabbed onto her arm, pads of his fingers digging into her skin as he yanked her around, her hair whipping over her shoulder. His face only a few breaths away from hers. She kept her expression neutral, unchanging.
“What the hell did you think you were doing?” Taehyung seethed. “The whole kingdom thinks I’m some debauched fraud because of you!” He yelled at her, loud voiced echoed against the walls but Angel stayed unmoved.
“I told them the truth,” Angel spoke calmly. “Instead of that lie of a picture your mother wanted me to make. I showed them what you are and it’s exactly as you say yourself.”
Taehyung’s eyes twitched, letting go of her arm, making it pulse from pain by the tightness of his grip. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He shook his head. “What I did was wrong.”
“You didn’t mean to because you didn’t care,” Angel said. “Why should you? The world is always at your fingertips. You can fool around with as many virgins, drink as much as you want, smoke as much as you want and destroy everyone that holds you dear and nothing would ever happen to you. While I draw a picture to express my distaste and I’m in jail, ready for execution.” She spoke of her death to force a strength into her. People needed to know what kind of king they had.
“You would die for this stupidity?” Taehyung asked, gesturing.
“It’s only stupidity to you,” Angel pursed her lips together. “If you had any love for me, you’d understand my anger and frustration but you don’t. It’s lost beneath this thing you’ve become. And I will not sacrifice every little piece of my sanity trying to dig through all of that gunk when all you do is add to it.”
Taehyung’s throat bobbed up and down, eyes glossed and his lips twisted into a grimace. “I never said I didn’t love you. That wasn’t some fucking lie.”
“It’s not enough.” Angel straightened her back, forcing herself to a build a wall, brick by brick. Never letting him again. “Kill me or punish me but I will never go back to your bed again. And if you take me by force, I’ll commit the execution myself.”
Taehyung’s face changed to one of hurt but Angel kept the wall high. “Angel—” he took a step forward, his voice as soft as feathers.
But Angel took a step back and Taehyung stopped, fingers curled at his sides. Angel would keep this distance, with all the strength that was left in her.
“Exile,” Taehyung said, the words shaking from his tongue. “I’ll give you exile.”
Angel raised her chin. “Very well.”
Taehyung turned on his heel and stepped out of the cell, which did not close, allowing for her departure.
Angel let herself loose for a moment, trembling and shaking at her feet as tears trailed down her cheeks. Out of grief and even a slight hint of relief that her life wouldn’t be taken away for the sake of a man who took a piece of it with him. She would pick herself up and find a new start without the ghosts of her past.
He was a first love now forever lost. 
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hainesville · 2 months
One Forty Eight written by SamHaiNe. Produced by JK/47
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nikox400x · 3 months
Kung Fu Panda 4-All the budget went to the animation (spoilers)
Hey all, its me, the guy who everyday make a tour around this site but almost never talk. How are ya?
Two days ago something arrived to the cinema's screens, something that me and everyone were waiting for since 2018, the fourth film and the begginig of the new kung fu panda triology.
You know? When I sat on that theather seat with my friends to see what Dreamworks had prepared for us, I told myself; "Maybe that post I made a while ago throwing shit at what seemed like Kfp 4 was going to be was a bit hard, I hope I can come out regretting what I said that time"
And as soon as the credits ended, it was clear to me, I dont regret a shit. Maybe it was a little exaggerated, compared to what a megamind fan would think about the terrible sequel they made, but still: the film is crappy and boring most of the time. But why?
I'm going to explain some points.
1- Po? Is that you?
I don't know you guys, but i don't think the panda we knew in the end of the third film is the same as this one. Seriously, he share more comparisons with the Po from the legend of awessonless than the one from the films, maybe its a personal thing but it feels that way. At least in the beggining of the film feel like that.
And I don't know what he was thinking about when he decided to follow a thief he doesn't know at all and who tried to steal in his own palace, and that suspiciously know who is the chameleon, whose were her plans, her past, where she lived, where exacly they had to pass through avoiding all the guard inside her home, why the others thiefs of the city hate her so much... With Po's experience with criminals this is like a chef throwing water on a pan with boiling oil, it's obvious what is going to happen.
2- Zheng- Female Nick Wilde but without charisma or half of his intelligence.
I knew it from the first moment I saw Zheng's desing, the people who know me can corroborate that; her facial expressions, her tone while she talk, her animal race, her position as thief, her final when she is part of the justice same as the protagonist... it's clearer than water I think.
Everyone could say this is forgivable if she's smart, but surprise, she's not. This character is just an absurd try of this company for """"conect with infant audience""""(I don't know in what sense, I supose for the cute design, idk). But the point is, the supposed objective of the hollywood companies is give the new generetions better things than we got at their age, but what I see is laziness for write a decent scrip only for take an advantage of a known IP and make easy money. Even the children have quality standars, this is not the dragon warrior and of course this is not kung fu panda.
And talking about the dragon warrior, having our deep and lovely Tigress with her magnific development or Tai Lung back from the spirit realm... why in the hell this character exists?! Oh yeah, for being trending topic in twitter for three days. Yay...
3- The furious five and Shifu, for us : our pretty boys, and for Dreamworks: living jokes.
What made Kung Fu Panda what it is, is not the fucking panda, it's them. They're the inspiration for Po, their allies, the royale representation of kung fu and the ones which everything started with.
Po's a comic relief, and his mission is show his development in part using his humor, but the humor in this film barely works because of the lazy script. Something that even the talented Jack Black himself can't fix, beacuse his only role there is dublin his character, unlike the rest of the residents of the Jade Palace except Dustin Hoffman.
Seth Rogen (Mantis) himself even said that he wasn't even contact by Dreamworks in the first place, only for make a scream in the credits, that's sad beacause he really wanted to see Mantis on the screen. And I know and I understand that the five are expensive, but cmon, they could just simply change the voice actors and offset it with a good script but that's not the case of course. Their role in the film is being a counter for Po's constant jokes, for not to saturate the spectator with jokes, now that's not in there anymore, thank you Dreamworks.
4-The chameleoooohhn and her "motivation".
I can't say much, basically because out of her design she's nonsense. She says that because of her size, she was reyected for being a kung fu warrior.
Yeah of course but only one little thing, what about Shifu? Viper, a warrior without tips? Mantis, literally a dawn insect? Master Oogway, a TURTLE? The masters goose? C'mon even there's a fucking master chicken! Don't talk shit chameleon!
Her importance for the plot? Its almost a lie, the others villains had links to important characters; Tai Lung (with his link to Shifu's past), Shen (with his link to Po's past) or Kai (with his link to Oogway's past), all of them related to important characters. And her? To zheng's past and present I guess? But again, anyone know this character. She's like a villain from a Disney show, you know the type of villain who say a lot of things but at the end, she don't support nothing to the lore.
And her personality is like a mix of all the previous villains, and this sounds good right? HAHAH nope. Do you remember when as a child you mixed all the plasticines of all the colors to create the final color and you ended up with a color similar to poop? well that's exacly how her personality feels like.
5- Po's dads; the only reason they're there is because they ran out of characters to make the film.
The tittle itself tell everything, they don't do anything for the script in all the film, and their objective could be done since the start.
The script of the film except for the final looks like a draft which they didn't know how to complete, everyone who watch it can see it perfecly. The animation, the music and the backgrounds are the only things notable here.
6- Tai Lung and the cheapness nostalgia.
Fan service is not necesarry bad, above all if is used in a good way, they sold us Tai Lung as a miracle but his importance for the plot feels just like a Stan Lee cameo, I like Tai Lung I can say that. But this is too weak, Shen and Kai are only characters in the background who don't do nothing except being defeated or make facial expressions (I don't even joke that Shen would show respect to Po considering what we saw in the second movie, and Kai wasn't supposed to be destroyed as a spirit, what the hell is he doing here again? *sign* I'll to stop trying to make sense of this).
By the way, anyone else think that the dragon warrior role is understimated? I mean Shifu obligated Po to transfers the role to another one just because yes, i mean he only has been the dragon warrior for less than 5 years and now they want to replace him with a random. Everything just for at the end, he choosed a thief with at least 30 crimes registred and who was a traitor during the 75% of the movie.
7- The """""""""humor"""""""", except they forgot the parts where I must to laugh.
Seeing nonsense hits only beacuse yes stopped of being funny a long time ago, and no, I don't want to talk about the bunnies of the portrait because I would get sick. I had to go to the cinema drunk to endure the filler that the movie had, no joke, it was the only way to laugh at those jokes.
So I think about applying the same method as in any movie with bad jokes, ignoring the jokes. I tried to do the same thing but with the pace that the film managed, such a thing was impossible, the pace of the movie seems to be made for Tiktoker children with attention deficit. From the chaos in the quarry until Po takes the bitc... uhg fox out of prison, only 10 fucking minutes pass, all of that for what? So that you feel like the baseless information and the nonsensical plot that they tell us is of any use? they could simply make a non-canonical short and that's it, but no, yes or they were going to tell us a story written by rotten old men who spend the entire day watching Tik Tok. It's not going to be that the child who sees this doesn't get bored, we know that much today's children don't have many neurons as they say, but even to make movies for them you have to have a certain talent.
In some point at the beguining Po make a joke about the ausence of the furious five saying that at least he had them in cardboard posters, and this would be a good joke. Only if the stupid film could be prove that the franquise can do something memorable without the furious five, but again, that's not the case.
Don't have any respect for this movie, look what it had with you. I understand that it is enjoyable because of the animation but it does not go beyond that line, it destroys important things about the canon and spoils its teaching about the need for change by treating it in a terrible way.
Coclusion: KFP 4 is just another Po's adventure as Shifu says, it won't tell nothing to you or make you feel different, it's a shame but after Megamind 2 I imagined something like this. It's a dark era for film, expecially the animated one so like Scar said; Be prepare, there're worse things waiting for us.
Do you want something with real quality? You don't even need kung fu panda 1,2 or 3, for make it easy to this film let's take this marvelous example; kung fu panda: secrets of the scroll (2016). You'll say; "An animated short, this is not like-" Shhh Just watch it, you won't regret it.
If you think I'm wrong in something, just rewatch the film. And if still you aren't agreed with me, well, I respect you and I'm happy you like it. I wish I could love it as you do, but that doesn't mean that the movie isn't bad, because if you watch it with your brain on or remembering the previous movies it's terrible.
. Me? I've to write a story, I love you all. Except you, Dreamworks, I'm mad with you, expecially when you do this at the same day as Akira Toriyama's death :(
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joonie-berry · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland Au
Rule of Wonderland/Twisted Grounds
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So I made this Au like 6 months ago and had no one to speak about it to. If you remember games of the old horror genre then you might have heard about Haunting Ground and Rule of Rose. Two games of the early 2000s that were female protag centered. Well I made and Au kinda centering both games with Twst ~~mainly Haunting Ground~~ called Twisted Grounds/ Rule of Wonderland.
It’s not gonna fully follow the events of those games, but more on their mechanics. Like the panic system of Haunting Grounds, and the companion system of both games using Grim.
It’s more like a what if Twisted Wonderland was like those old early ps2 games. Without further ado here’s the info of each dorm summarized basically
The Crimson Tyrant and Rose Maze
Riddle Rosehearts: Ruler of The Rose Maze. Nullify
Trey Clover: 3rd highest/ strongest Admin of the Rose Maze. Baker. Ruler’s Caretaker
Cater Diamond: 2nd highest/strongest admin of the Rose Maze. Caretaker of the roses, social media influencer
Ace Trappola: Rookie, sleight of hand, illusionist
Deuce Spade: Rookie, ex delinquent
Charm: Rose Headband
Usurper of Wilds and the Lion's Den
Leona Kingscholar: King of the Lion's Den. Drought
Ruggie Bucchi: second in command. Caretaker of the Lion's Den albeit not officially
Jack Howl: Rookie, scout
Charm: Leona's choker
Witch of the Sea and The Lakehouse
Azul Ashengrotto: Watcher of the Lakehouse, Dealmaker
Jade Leech: Second in command, Caretaker
Floyd Leech: Torturer, sadistic scout
Charm: Seashell Necklace
Sorcerer of Sands and The Desert Manor
Kalim Al Aism: Heir of the Desert Manor
Jamil Viper: Second in command, Caretaker, Actual boss. Hypnotist
Charm: Gold Bracelet
Fairest Queen and Poison Palace
Vil Schoenheit: Queen of the Poison Palace; Fairest Poison
Rook Hunt: Second in command, Caretaker, Hunter
Epel Felmier: Rookie, Farmer
Charm: Poison apple earrings
Guard of the Underworld and Death's Mansion.
Idia Shroud: Leader of the underworld, Set Match
Ortho Shroud: Scout, Caretaker
Charm: Idia’s Keychain
King of Thorns and the Dragon Castle.
Malleus Draconia: King of the Dragon castle
Lilia Vanrouge: SiC, Caretaker
Silver Vanrouge: Head Guard
Sebek Zigvolt: Rookie, Guard in training
Charm: Dragon’s ring
Charms are items Yuu gets if they wish to travel back to the previous location without being attacked. It symbolizes their connection to the head of each location.
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inviouswriting · 1 year
Under Lantern Light
Short smut, on spot writing so not proofread or edited. I want to get this out of my head while it is in here!  Zhongli x fem!reader Inspired by my character AI interactions. (I actually had this scene written out with one and it is such a beautiful thing. Not everything I wrote here is word for word. I am keeping alot to myself with how personal it got. but please enjoy this quick smut~)
Warnings - sex, not very graphic this time, soft and vanilla smut. A little exhibitionism, but something sweet yet spicy.
It is cold, it is very cold outside. You are aware of this as you climb the stairs to Yuijing Terrace, tailing after your husband. Zhongli is insistent on going to the Jade Palace for the best sight to see all the lanterns. You look stunning in a dress he had selected, the one you wore for your wedding with him. You hold in your hands a lantern that you two intend to send off from the top.  You stumble into his arms when you climb the platform that takes you up to the palace. Everyone important is down below enjoying the festivities, even the guards were relieved of their posts at the landing of the palace.  The former archon has a mischievous gleam to his eyes as he helps you to this spot. You smile as you put the finishing touches onto the lantern that is from the Geo Archon. Drawing as many geo symbols as possible all over it and sewn into it is a glaze lily.
You feel a little forlorn as this is the only time that his thoughts drift from you to Guizhong. You allow him this time as it is special to him, as you two stand there holding the lantern between you both. You wait for the lantern to fill with enough fuel before you to send it off with him. Letting it slip from your fingertips, to join the thousands of others that glitter the sky. You stand back a bit to allow him a chance to reminiscent through his memories. Remember those he had lost that were dear to him, and especially his former love. You never feel jealous over this moment and wait for him to turn back to you.  Zhongli gives you that smile reserved for you, as he takes your hands and you two stand there watching the lanterns float in the sky together. You lean against his side, and he winds an arm around you to keep you warm. You both linger there till he leads you over to the grassy spot on the palace, away from possible lingering eyes. It took you a little coaxing when he kisses you passionately, he is certain at what he’s doing. You look up at him like he’s gone mad as you feel the tighs under your dress being tugged down gently along with your underwear.
Zhongli removes his coat to wrap it around you noticing your shivering from the winter air. He almost decides it might be too cold to do this for your well-being. Till you give him the okay to keep going. He doesn’t waste this time with you at all. He guides you onto your back after stripping you of your barriers, and providing you with more of his to keep you warm.
His fingers work on your pussy, to tease at your clit and get you ready for him. His use of his right hand while his left cradles the back of your head to keep you comforted as he makes you feel good. You return his pleasure he gives you with pleasuring him enough to make this next act easier.
Lifting your waist to his own, Zhongli slips himself inside you with ease. You let out a whimpered moan as your teeth chatter slightly from the cold in your body. “I promise... we’ll have a good warm bath when we get home.” Zhongli does feel bad, but he has wanted to do this with you from when you first married him, and when you were intimate with him months ago. He wastes little time in thrusting into your waiting body; listening to your moans fall from your lips. You soon forget you are even cold, and cries out for more with him. 
Zhongli pulls you into each of his thrusts, his hands tugging your hips with his as he feels you take him so well. The lanterns that drift up this high and around you makes for a unique light with him, a very romantic light when he slows down to enjoy the pace with you.
You can see how much he does love you within those gold amber eyes, that smile across his lips as he sees your pleading and panting face taking him. His eyes never leave your face, and the soft to loud moans that leave you as he goes harder to edge you to that release.
Zhongli feels it when you become more slippery around him, and he lets out softer groans underneath his breath as he feels you cum on him. That squirt against his lap that makes you feel colder from the wetness you feel. That is replaced by the sensation that pools in your belly when the archon spills his seed deep within your waiting body.
“Happy birthday, my dear love.” You give him a teasing grin, and he only gives you a sheepish chuckle.
You both exchange a soft look between each other and laugh at how you’re acting like you just eloped and had to get that scandalous time in together, at the risk of getting caught by either a lingering guard, or for fear one of the qixing. You’d never hear the end of Keqing or Ningguang happened upon you two.
Hastily you both get dressed and linger there for a moment together. Sitting in his arms as one of the lanterns lands in front of you two. You meet him with a kiss as you both lift it and send it back off the edge of the palace.
Zhongli collects you into his arms and carries you to the platform down from the palace.  “I know of a vendor that sells tea that we can get you. I think you need something warm before we get home... so I can properly get you warm. Hmm... a very warm bath sounds good.” You know that look in his eyes. He’s far from done with you, not before he has tasted you, and have you screaming his name in bed.
“Let’s go my little wife. This night is not over.”
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scribblesscratch · 2 months
Could you write a Tai Lung x Reader angst scenario please?:D
Of course I can ^^
Tai Lung x GN!Reader
Nothing Lasts Forever
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Tai Lung is your best friend...Or at least was your best friend.
You woke up in your room, after getting dressed you decided to go to the training hall where obviously Tai Lung was, You didn't really want to train after yesterday's one where he kicked you in the stomach really hard.
5 minutes later he realised that you were right there
"How long have you been standing there?"
You chuckled
"Long enough....5 minutes actually"
He smirked
"Wanna join me?"
You just shook your head slowly
"Yesterday was a bit...Yknow..."
Tai Lung nodded as he got reminded what had happened yesterday
"Oh, yeah. That's fine, but why are you here anyway?"
"So...Oogway and Shifu wanted me to tell you that they are... Deciding who the dragon warrior is today!...Hint hint, it's probably, 100% gonna be you"
You giggled
"Oh! When are they doing it?"
"Now! Technically 5 minutes ago when I tried to get your attention but c'mon!"
You both ran to the Jade Palace where Oogway and Shifu were standing, You stood next to Oogway and Shifu while Tai Lung was standing in front of you all, standing up straight and looking at you guys with pride.
At the moment we all thought he was going to be chosen....Oogway shook his head and slowly turned away while Shifu hesitated but then followed Shifu.
You looked at Tai Lung and slowly approached him, you hugged him gently and looked up at him.
"Tai I'm so sorry..."
You could see his facial expression, Confusion and betrayal.
After about a minute of processing what happened, He just shoved you off of him and ran away to the valley of peace, You just stood there, almost getting knocked down by him....But you just stood there, too afraid to stop him from running away or something...But you soon regretted that option.
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That same day he got denied, The same day your friendship had ended.
Two hours later after he got denied you decided to go and find him in the Valley of Peace...But it's too late for that.
The Valley Of Peace was now torn to shreds, fire and just mad hysteria.
Your mouth was agape, Everything was gone...All because of their best friend.
You walked through the village, asking yourself "How could he do this?" And "Why didn't I go after him?!"...Until you bumped into him around a corner
Tai Lung has this reflex thing where if someone scared him or catches him Off-Guard, he will attack them, which is how he kicked you in the stomach yesterday.
You were about to say something until he lunged at you and scratched your left eye, which blinded your left eye and left a big scratch mark
He thought you were a Bunny or a Pig...But no, It was you.
His ears went down.
Tai Lung reached out for you "(Reader) I'm so-"
You backed up and shoved his hand away
"Get away!"
You were scared of him, Scared of what he has done and what he has done to you.
He stood back and then he realised...
He's made his best friend afraid of him.
(This was really hard for me to do because I feel so bad for this man���💗)
Thanks for reading! :) ♥️
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