#you dont want to know how many versions of this ive made
habeascorpseus · 2 years
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to knowing the good times were good, only in wistful memory
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becauseplot · 9 months
Penciled Lines
(Cross-posted on ao3, if you prefer to read it there. Reblogs still appreciated!)
Missa wakes up, and he thinks he might be doomed. This doesn’t scare him nearly as much as it should.
Missa is awake early—by his own metric, anyway. His nocturnal nature causes “early” for him to mean “early night” and not “early morning.” Regardless, “early” means that Philza is not asleep yet, still going through his nightly rituals. “Early” means that Philza is sitting up in (his? their?) the bed, pillows propped up behind him, notebook in his lap, sketching away.
And when Missa wakes up to the soft scritch-scratch of a charcoal pencil on textured paper, his forehead just so happens to be brushing Philza’s hip.
Missa can hardly breathe.
Oh no.
He knows that if he gives any indication that he is awake, Philza will stop sketching, close his notebook, shift himself over until he is politely seated on his side of the bed, and greet Missa with a friendly smile. Philza has done it before, when Missa wakes up early. That’s how Missa knows he’ll do it again.
Thus, Missa can hardly breathe—his breaths have to be the slow in-out of sleep. He can’t so much as twitch, either. He has to keep quiet and play dead or else he’ll be found out. Seen. Caught living the lie.
“Husband,” Philza calls him. They’re not married. They share a bed. They’re hardly ever in it at the same time. They have a son and a daughter. Neither of them know Missa very well. Philza has had an extra set of armor and a skull on his backpack for months, waiting for Missa. Missa doesn’t even know Philza’s last name.
Philza is a good man and a good friend—and Missa doesn't deserve him. Still, he takes what he can get. Curls around it. Hoarding every innocent kindness Philza extends like a starving creature: the generosity of a backpack fully stocked with equipment; the trust Philza places in Missa to watch the kids when he’s asleep; and now, the courtesy of not moving his hip from Missa’s forehead to ensure his “sleeping” isn’t disturbed. Missa clutches all of these little offerings in his greedy claws and hugs them into his chest, even as the guilt eats away at him.
Because, regardless of the lack of mutual feeling, he loves Philza. He loves him so, so much, and that is why he is doomed. He can’t afford to lose what little he has. He can’t cross that line. 
So Missa lies beside Philza, forehead pressed against Philza’s hip, pretending to sleep so he can imagine that they’re not just lying in bed together, but lying in bed, together; and later, when Missa truly wakes, he will sit on his side of the bed and look at Philza’s face soft with sleep and think about how lucky he is that he still has a side-of-the-bed to begin with.
Missa doesn’t mean to drift off. When it starts to happen, he’s hopelessly torn between shaking himself awake and thus giving himself away, or remaining how he is, silently fending off the inevitable. In the end, Missa clings to that scritch-scratch sound of Philza’s pencil on the paper for as long as he can before the fog at last pulls him under. 
Eventually, he dreams. In fact, he dreams of the calloused fingers he dreams of every night, hands like his own, an artist of Death, cradling and shading the contours of his face—a softness dashing charcoal across his jaw, and over his cheekbones, and perhaps on his lips, too, if he’s lucky. Defining every edge of him.
A deep sigh. Phil stops sketching as Missa shifts in his sleep. He tilts his head up so that the tip of his nose is now just nearly brushing against Phil’s hip. The motion disturbs the wild splay of his dark hair, revealing more of his face: eyelashes, cheeks, warmth. Tender blush of something Stygian and otherworldly. New.
Phil’s lips tilt upwards. He turns to a fresh page, and he starts again.
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electriccenturies · 2 years
...why... why has the mcr fandom suddenly decided it's okay to call ppl slurs???
the misgendering is old news by now but the constant f*g f*ggot f*g f*g is new and AWFUL. it is NOT progressive or okay??? you get to reclaim it for YOURSELF, it is still a slur if you say it about others!!!! especially about ppl who have specifically asked you to not speculate or talk about their sexuality... and ppl who have almost certainly had that word used to hurt them.
like i cant speak about fr*nk or r*y but the w*y bros have both talked about people thinking they were gay in high school and being bullied for it. the 90s were NOT like now, it was not SAFE. that is also why ppl call m*key GNC btw since ive seen ppl complain about that. yeah what he wore is p normal NOW, but it was not back then??? you can't just remove context from things??? so yeah, m*key wearing super tight girls jeans and eyeliner and doing whatever the fuck he did to his hair back then (and even just being openly touchy feely with dudes??? like those heychris pics) WAS gnc in 2005. so, so wild to me how people have latched on to g*rard being the "true f*g of the band" or whatever when m*key was also pretty openly doing gay shit too. it says a lot about what people actually care about: making g*rard a paper doll to project onto — he was talking about YOU!!!! — rather than actually being excited to have successful, gnc, probably lgbt icons like that.
i just dont get how people can convince themselves they're being Good People and treating LGBT people well while they act like this. like trans is not a slur, she is not a slur, but it is 100% misgendering to call someone trans or she/her if they have never asked you to??? why is okay to misgender g*rard as a 'joke' but not misgender YOU?
it's because you treat transness as a joke, sorry!
#i have blocked so many ppl for calling g*rard a girl/trans/transfem/she/a f*g that theres barely anything left to see#I truly dont know what to say to ppl who think thats okay... how can they claim to 'love' and 'respect' g*rard#while blatantly violating his wishes? he has said over and over to STOP forcing labels on him#its not okay to misgender people i dont give a fuck if you're trans#its not okay to force ANY label on real human people or to call them slurs??? WHAT?!?! idk how this fandom got so twisted#g*rard has made it super fucking clear that his identity is none of our business and if he IS trans he clearly doesn't want to come out#(he's also clarified what he meant by he/they but ppl who take 'i identified WITH girls' as 'I identify AS a girl' dont care about that)#like ive said this before i think but believing he legit uses he/they pronouns also means that you think his brother and friends dont care#enough about him to do it since they ONLY ever use he when refering to g*rard#if he actually asks for smth then yeah of course ppl should respect it! but he HASN'T and he's straight up done the opposite#u think he's gonna ever feel safe coming out now that his words have been twisted and ppl think its cool to call him a trans woman?#idk its just Gross. it is the exact opposite of progressive and kind#think whatever u want like i have a Theory about a member of MCR but u know what? i dont fucking TELL people unless they bring it up first#and then only in DMs!!!#keep it to yourself if you have to talk about it!!!!!#im bitter about how ive been treated btw but i am trans positive... just not cool with THIS version of the 'trans community'#just if anyone was gonna throw that at me... i want changes but i do very much want trans ppl to be able to transition... ANYWAY
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alfheimr · 2 months
My Favorite Cheap Art Trick: Gradient Maps and Blending Modes
i get questions on occasion regarding my coloring process, so i thought i would do a bit of a write up on my "secret technique." i don't think it really is that much of a secret, but i hope it can be helpful to someone. to that end:
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this is one of my favorite tags ive ever gotten on my art. i think of it often. the pieces in question are all monochrome - sort of.
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the left version is the final version, the right version is technically the original. in the final version, to me, the blues are pretty stark, while the greens and magentas are less so. there is some color theory thing going on here that i dont have a good cerebral understanding of and i wont pretend otherwise. i think i watched a youtube video on it once but it went in one ear and out the other. i just pick whatever colors look nicest based on whatever vibe im going for.
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this one is more subtle, i think. can you tell the difference? there's nothing wrong with 100% greyscale art, but i like the depth that adding just a hint of color can bring.
i'll note that the examples i'll be using in this post all began as purely greyscale, but this is a process i use for just about every piece of art i make, including the full color ones. i'll use the recent mithrun art i made to demonstrate. additionally, i use clip studio paint, but the general concept should be transferable to other art programs.
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for fun let's just start with Making The Picture. i've been thinking of making this writeup for a while and had it in mind while drawing this piece. beyond that, i didn't really have much of a plan for this outside of "mithrun looks down and hair goes woosh." i also really like all of the vertical lines in the canary uniform so i wanted to include those too but like. gone a little hog wild. that is the extent of my "concept." i do not remember why i had the thought of integrating a shattered mirror type of theme. i think i wanted to distract a bit from the awkward pose and cover it up some LOL but anyway. this lack of planning or thought will come into play later.
note 1: the textured marker brush i specifically use is the "bordered light marker" from daub. it is one of my favorite brushes in the history of forever and the daub mega brush pack is one of the best purchases ive ever made. highly recommend!!!
note 2: "what do you mean by exclusion and difference?" they are layer blending modes and not important to the overall lesson of this post but for transparency i wanted to say how i got these "effects." anyway!
with the background figured out, this is the point at which i generally merge all of my layers, duplicate said merged layer, and Then i begin experimenting with gradient maps. what are gradient maps?
the basic gist is that gradient maps replace the colors of an image based on their value.
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so, with this particular gradient map, black will be replaced with that orangey red tone, white will be replaced with the seafoamy green tone, etc. this particular gradient map i'm using as an example is very bright and saturated, but the colors can be literally anything.
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these two sets are the ones i use most. they can be downloaded for free here and here if you have csp. there are many gradient map sets out there. and you can make your own!
you can apply a gradient map directly onto a specific layer in csp by going to edit>tonal correction>gradient map. to apply one indirectly, you can use a correction layer through layer>new correction layer>gradient map. honestly, correction layers are probably the better way to go, because you can adjust your gradient map whenever you want after creating the layer, whereas if you directly apply a gradient map to a layer thats like. it. it's done. if you want to make changes to the applied gradient map, you have to undo it and then reapply it. i don't use correction layers because i am old and stuck in my ways, but it's good to know what your options are.
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this is what a correction layer looks like. it sits on top and applies the gradient map to the layers underneath it, so you can also change the layers beneath however and whenever you want. you can adjust the gradient map by double clicking the layer. there are also correction layers for tone curves, brightness/contrast, etc. many such useful things in this program.
let's see how mithrun looks when we apply that first gradient map we looked at.
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gadzooks. apologies for eyestrain. we have turned mithrun into a neon hellscape, which might work for some pieces, but not this one. we can fix that by changing the layer blending mode, aka this laundry list of words:
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some of them are self explanatory, like darken and lighten, while some of them i genuinely don't understand how they are meant to work and couldn't explain them to you, even if i do use them. i'm sure someone out there has written out an explanation for each and every one of them, but i've learned primarily by clicking on them to see what they do.
for the topic of this post, the blending mode of interest is soft light. so let's take hotline miamithrun and change the layer blending mode to soft light.
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here it is at 100% opacity. this is the point at which i'd like to explain why i like using textured brushes so much - it makes it very easy to get subtle color variation when i use this Secret Technique. look at the striation in the upper right background! so tasty. however, to me, these colors are still a bit "much." so let's lower the opacity.
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i think thats a lot nicer to look at, personally, but i dont really like these colors together. how about we try some other ones?
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i like both of these a lot more. the palettes give the piece different vibes, at which point i have to ask myself: What Are The Vibes, Actually? well, to be honest i didn't really have a great answer because again, i didn't plan this out very much at all. however. i knew in my heart that there was too much color contrast going on and it was detracting from the two other contrasts in here: the light and dark values and the sharp and soft shapes. i wanted mithrun's head to be the main focal point. for a different illustration, colors like this might work great, but this is not that hypothetical illustration, so let's bring the opacity down again.
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yippee!! that's getting closer to what my heart wants. for fun, let's see what this looks like if we change the blending mode to color.
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i do like how these look but in the end they do not align with my heart. oh well. fun to experiment with though! good to keep in mind for a different piece, maybe! i often change blending modes just to see what happens, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. i very much cannot stress enough that much of my artistic process is clicking buttons i only sort of understand. for fun.
i ended up choosing the gradient map on the right because i liked that it was close to the actual canary uniform colors (sorta). it's at an even lower opacity though because there was Still too much color for my dear heart.
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the actual process for this looks like me setting my merged layer to soft light at around 20% opacity and then clicking every single gradient map in my collection and seeing which one Works. sometimes i will do this multiple times and have multiple soft light and/or color layers combined.
typically at this point i merge everything again and do minor contrast adjustments using tone curves, which is another tool i find very fun to play around with. then for this piece in particular i did some finishing touches and decided that the white border was distracting so i cropped it. and then it's done!!! yay!!!!!
this process is a very simple and "fast" way to add more depth and visual interest to a piece without being overbearing. well, it's fast if you aren't indecisive like me, or if you are better at planning.
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let's do another comparison. personally i feel that the hint of color on the left version makes mithrun look just a bit more unwell (this is a positive thing) and it makes the contrast on his arm a lot more pleasing to look at. someone who understands color theory better than i do might have more to say on the specifics, but that's honestly all i got.
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just dont look at my layers too hard. ok?
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dilucsfav · 1 year
have you ever made a fanfic of the reader being a dom to people who are least expected to be a sub, example is dottore since people think he's a dom or even zhongli?
NO IVE ACTUALLY NOT REALLY THOUGHT ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS?? well i have but never acted on such deed (no shame in the sinning game)
I had lots of fun with this! ive never written for some of these characters before so this was a challenge :) PLEASE TELL ME IF YALL WANT A FEMALE VERSION, THERE ARE SO MANY DOMMY MOMMY CHARACTERS I COULD WRITE ABT
also,,, should i do this with very sub/switch genshin men, except them being dom to the reader instead?? like for example kaeya, tighnari, xiao, childe, scara YES SCARA IS A FUCKING SWITCH DONT EVEN ARUGE WITH ME
idk y’all should let me know anyways here’s your guys’ meal of men tonight
dom reader x genshin men hcs & scenarios (ft. dottore, zhongli, cyno, alhaitham, diluc, dain, ayato)
warning(s): LOTS of nsfw,,, actually mainly that tbh LMFAO
at first, he'd only let you toy w/ him cuz he thought it was cute and he could easily tease you about it later
but shocker... you actually end up flustering him in the process. dummy fooled himself tbh
actually he was quite surprised that you were able to suade him with your words and body language
"Oh, doctor... don't keep me waiting...!" you'd moan and cry, grab his shirt collar and yank him to your lips, teasing his throat with your thumb and giving his body glances
made his little act crack SO fast
you'd easily get some neck kisses in while he's dazed, his flustered face staring ahead as his hands hesitate to wrap around your pretty hips
bro is high key into biting?? like definitely would allow you to squeeze a hickey or 2 in
oh, youre a big sweet talker?? good, use that to your advantage cuz you could REALLY tease this harbinger through facial expressions and super good fucking persuasive language
^^the tone of your voice... mhm that's what makes him crack
his throat between your fingers and a smirk on your lips as you kiss the tall, flustered man. literally he doesnt know what to do LMAO
every time you try to bring it up he'd instantly deny his reaction
^^"I was not flustered. I was just allowing you to have some fun."
dw doctor daddy, we all know ur a fucking dirty lier
call him a good boy, see what he does
yeah so- this man probably folds so easily over you
spoiling this big baby with kisses will result in his blushing mess of a face. trust me.
"My dear Zhongli, hush. Please let me do this for you."
^^barely takes any begging from your part. he'd allow you to spoil him any day
secretly just loves it but shh you dont know that <3
every kiss and peck and hhhhh will just make his blush grow
bonus points if you include inappropriate touching
"im the geo archon" this, "im rex lapis" that...... but how about we talk about his moans when you pull his fucking hair?
(or the crack in his voice when he's begging you to do the nasty w/ him)
^^ or his whimpers when you give him hickies?? he'd ABSOLUTELY be into marking, and you cant change my whore ass mind
stop cuz when you fluster him he instantly becomes so submissive its literally so funny
he would literally convince you with his fucking noises HES SO VOCAL JUST LIKE ITTO
(actually now that i think about it, the only geo character that wouldnt be vocal would be albedo? god hes so fucking hot i need to write for him soon
you being all cute n shit is enough for his breath to be taken away. hes so so in love w/ you hhhhhhhhhh
cyno is literally so fucking daddy he makes me-
your actions would fluster him. i dont think he'd ever admit it, or be super vocal about liking it, but he'll never try to stop you (cyno is such a manwhore i'd fuck him so fast yall dont even try me)
yall ever thought about cyno's STRONG love for riding? no? hahah,,,.............
well i fucking have.
^^he would just lay back and let you ride him omfg me next pls
^^...perhaps small thumb rubs into the side of your thigh to encourage you to keep going. only if youre lucky ofc gotta be grateful
"Ah, Cyno... gonna be a good boy for me and let me f-fuck you? Hm, mm?"
phew the reader is kinda hot idk, kinda want them to dominate me instead of cyno
(this is random, has nothing to do with the fucking hcs, but yall seen that tighnari x cyno nsfw drawing on twitter where kaveh spends the night w/ them and tighnari is riding cynos dick with kaveh trying to sleep next to them? and kaveh is like "i wanna go home..." no? just me? k.)
would probably get flustered if you two are making out and you use tongue. idk cynos a little silly. definitely weird ass would let you spit and lick all over him and he’d thank you, what a manwhore
who wouldve ever imagined a submissive haitham? not me for sure
he'd literally gasp when youre being dominant and teasing his pretty cock
chokes on his words. he'd probably let you choke him with a necklace, collar, or just something around his neck that you could pull
oh you thought i was joking? no.
"be a good boy, now, Haitham. only good boys get rewards. Do you think you deserve it?"
^^as you’re pulling the bidings against his neck
ok personally alhaitham isnt my type, but if ur taking submissive alhaitham...?... i may. MAY. SLIGHTLY jog for him
jokes on him, you'd get a such a rise and pleasure from his submissive ass
unfortunately... we have yet another victim of the big tiddy game. he'd totally want you to touch all over his man titties
^^not even just the boobs, he turns into an absolute slut when you praise his body
trace your fingers all over his abs and watch him get off so fast LMAO
when i die, i hope i dont get to the gates of heaven and get dragged down to hell cuz i like writing about silly little submissive men getting hard
hear me out hear me out. he’d praise you sm but in like a “please keep going im gonna cum” submissive type of way? you know what i mean?
ngh imagine his face getting all pathetic and weak god ngh im no slut for alhaitham but god
i rarely see any sub diluc fics i need to fix that soon BUT ANYWAYS
when hes being bossed around by you he'd become such a whore but in such a respectful way
HE'D ABSOLUTELY SAY "yes sir/ma'am" when youre the dom GOODDDKDKDD
he' take your wrists whilst he’s on his knees, staring up at you, waiting patiently for you to command him
im drooling as im writing these for diluc btw btw
he's not really used to such attitude but he wont question it in the moment CUZ HE LOVES THE ATTENTION
hear me out, HEAR ME OUT.
^^^ ….ive always headcanoned this, but diluc is definitely NOT a dirty talker (i strongly believe this fight me) or tbh i don’t think he’s that good of a talker during sex either way
^^^ but hear me out. imagine he’s like fucking you, but your fingers are holding the back of his ponytail to keep his face jerked forward, where your lips are just touching his ear lobe while you praise him and whisper sweet nothings into his ear?
“Mmm, oh s-so good for me! Keep it going, ahh, just like that. That’s my Diluc.”
drooling sweating crying sobbing and
i think he’d totally be down bad for some soft dom… like you praising him, commanding him and being rough with him, but at the same time so lovingly and gently?? yes pls hes totally down
y’all dain simps are some other type of down bad fr (that’s a good thing i promise)
absolutely another victim of loving riding. absolutely. HE’D BE A BOTTOM SO FAST IF THAT MEANT HE WAS ABOUT TO BE RODE FR
dain would whimper. im literally so right
this has nothing to do with him being submissive but why the hell would he sweat so fucking much during sex? idk i love dain but he looks so musty IM SORRY IT HAD TO BE SAID
not trying to dain slander im sorry im just nervous ive never written for him b4💔💔
call him a bad boy and naughty and tease him just a bit and he’ll fold
honestly i think teasing him just would make him so antsy, so on edge, so desperate and impatient, he would just get all whiney and flustered and such a manwhore
push him against the mattress, maybe even yank his hair a little and tell him he’s a piece of shit that needs to beg for attention and to be kissed by your gorgeous lips
stop if you gave him a blowjob and tease him until he can’t take it just imagine tears staining his cheeks while he’s begging you to give him a break
he’d curse from overstimulation, prolly screaming “shit” 80 million times and “fuck” every time you chuckle or smirk at his desperate ass
“Oh, you want me to stop? When you begged and pleaded me to touch you badly, Dain?”
^^ i can imagine you listened and stopped, but then he’d get sad and beg for it again LMAO
such a mess for you and wouldn’t try hiding it tbh
okay im actually so excited to write for him, ive never written for ayato but i’m not really into ayato im sorry guys (i like his sister though)
It kinda startled him a bit when your fingers grazed his chest and you pinned him against a wall—
would actually kinda fight it at first?? but he also wouldn’t after a while cuz he looks down on everybody and thinks he’s better than everybody else LMFAO live laugh love ayato
anyways,,, when you’ve got him between your fingertips, instantly you become royalty to him.
you are called either ma’am/sir, or you’re called my lady/prince/your majesty
^^or some shit like that idfk ayato’s fucking wild as hell
hear me out… ayato’s absolutely, 100%, definitely, into sucking your fingers
just imagine you’re going to town on his dick and you shove your fingers down his throat to make him stop crying so fucking loud
god and he’s totally into it pls— sucking on your fingers so good so that he’s quiet just for you🙏
“Hush up, Ayato. You don’t want Thoma to hear you when you’re this vulnerable to me, do you?”
bro would gag and cry and grip your body and and
he’d so rough, dirty, submissive, but just like diluc, in a respectful way
imagine brushing your thumb on his beauty marks and the little moles he has— his heart would skip a beat
dw, you and ayato wouldn’t have to worry abt bothering anybody cuz im fucking thoma in the next room
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kennediffed · 9 months
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pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader
description: you're casually playing the RE4 remake when you learn that the main character that you've been crushing on can talk directly to you (aka 4th wall breaking shenanigans)
word count: 548
contents/warnings: 4th wall break, gender neutral reader (no pronoun usage), ooc leon(?), shenanigans ensuing, barely edited/proofread
this is so fucking goofy im so sorry MASTERLIST
You couldnt help but stare at your screen while in a safe area at the character you've been controlling. The sight of him made you want to kick your feet and twirl your hair like a schoolgirl who had a crush.
You see, the remake to one of your favorite games had just come out and you intended on spending the whole weekend playing the game from start to finish. Well, that was the plan, until you started staring at the protagonist with heart eyes. The way the devs modeled him was… oh boy. The things you would do to him.
You couldnt help it though, Leon Kennedy was a looker, there was a reason why you, among many other people, simped heavily for him.
Man, why cant you be real? you thought silently to yourself, continuing to stare directly at him. Although you were alone, you couldnt help but feel like someone was watching you while you eyed him.
that was when something unexpected happened.
"y'know, im flattered, but are you gonna keep ogling me or are we gonna get a move on?" a familiar voice spoke in an annoyed tone.
that earned a jump from you. did… did leon just… address you? you looked at your screen to see Leon looking at you, a disappointed look present on his face and arms crossed.
"Yeah, you… y'know its rude to stare, right?"
You sat there in shock, he WAS talking to you. but HOW? this was supposed to be something that was one-sided. why was he talking to you?
"cat got your tongue?" he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
"w…wait have you been able to see me this whole time?" you asked hesitantly. "and… hear what i say??"
He gave you a small smirk "yeah, you could say that"
"uhhh" you trailed off, scratching the back of your head gently "well this is embarrassing". Since you deducted that he could hear you, you realized that he most likely had heard your thirsty comments about him. and that was enough to fluster you. "sorry for the comments" you mumbled, almost embarrassed by your actions
you heard a soft chuckle in response "dont worry, im used to it by now…" he replied "but i bet youre confused right about now, am i right?"
you sat up in your chair, putting down your controller before making eye contact with him once more. You had so many questions but you werent even sure if you were to get any answers to them. you started out with a simple one; "so… how long have you been able to hear what ive been saying?"
"since you started playing the other day, i'd say" he responded flatly.
"gotcha, gotcha…" you responded. "guess i gotta watch what i saw now since i know you can hear me now…" you twiddled your thumbs in pure embarrassment.
"hey, like i said, its all good," he reassured "im kinda flattered that people see me like that"
you picked up your controller again, ready to move on with the game "i think im gonna keep playing now" you mumbled "do you just… emulate what im doing with my controller or… how does this work?"
"something like that… lead the way" you heard him say in response.
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fanofthelamb · 1 month
Hey just wanted to say about the most recent comic, I hope you dont feel bad or shame about it!! Its very lovely and I will personally fight anyone who says otherwise.
hehe ty,,,,,, this ask has been on my mind for a while tbh. it makes me feel so nice <3 so here's some sketches, new and old!!!!!!!!! ill throw it all under a cut so ppl dont drown in all the pics. enjoy anon!!!!!!! (sketch dump the squeakquel!!!!!!!!!!!!)
i made these like 3 weeks ago but i only really posted a cropped version w/ just the giant kallamr squid , featuring @aychama and @paintpaintpaintman lambs :D
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i've been sitting on them bc i wasnt entirely sure about how everyone felt about each other, and while i still am not I feel like everyone likes each other at least!!!
i also wanted to draw people's lambs reliving a bunch of my childhood memories, but i felt the idea wouldn't be accepted because i don't know how many people would related to em. these sketches are new since all i had was a jpeg of thumbnails, but they are @paintpaintpaintman , @spiderin-space , and my lambs!! the first pic is just them enjoying some honeysuckles, trying to buy some candy at the weekend market, and visiting kids in better looking neighborhoods than they lived in AHHSASHHSA i dont think i care to complete this but it is really fun drawing the lambs being lambs.
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a sketch of heket nd leshy i appearantly NEVER posted because i wasnt happy with how leshy turned out. a shame, really.
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i also wanted to draw all the cultists in different outfits, but it turns out i really was not interested in finishing it at the time. i do think valefar and narinder turned out kinda cute tho !!!!!!!
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some motherfuckers WAY too happy to see a corpse (i still think its hilarious when my whole cult gathers around a corpse and makes googoo eyes at it what is their problem LMAOOOOO)
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i ended up changing how i draw the 3 wives so the wifestack is no longer relevant (also there's 2 more that werent existing when this was drawn) but i still look at it sometimes. i think we should stack every wife on top of each other.
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and the last one is part of me figuring out how i wanted the lamb. ive always known i wanted them JACKED i just cant decide how ripped i want this lil bastard. i think the current lamb is a good fit for me personally.
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anyway that's doodlestack jr,,,,,,,,,,,,, SORRY FOR THE PINGS TO EVERYONE I PINGED I LOVE U GUYS LMFAO <33333333333 and everyone else CHECK OUT EVERYONE I PINGED THEY ALL MAKE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dejasenti99 · 28 days
well hi :3 welcome to deja’s skinblending guide. this is my first full written tutorial so excuse me if its not very good LAWL before we get started, here's the tools i'll be using
tray importer
photoshop 2022 (theres cracked version everywhere on tumblr)
blender 4.1
sims 4 ripper
blender + the ripper aren't required to make skins, plenty of people don't go that extra step, but i love using it for placement help
okay lets fuckin go gamers heres my very in depth process for making my ocs skins
miss dolly is gonna be our model today. she already has a skin but im gonna add some little details for the sake of example + some tats cause ive been meaning to anyway.
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so when i first get started on making someone a skin, ill find a good base to use and then add details from other categories like nosemasks, eyebags, contours, etc.
my fav skin creators are @sims3melancholic and @thisisthem. my bases are usually thisisthem, and then i'll pick through a couple s3m skins and make notes on my phone about what parts i wanna take off of them (like, say, i like how a certain s3m skin's nose looks. i'll use that instead of a nosemask)
my goal when im gathering things i wanna add is to free up as many slots as i can. id rather add cheshire's freckles onto her skin than use up the freckle slot in skin details that i could use for something else, yknow?
ill repeat this process for makeup next. obviously im not giving my ocs permanent full glam, but some lipsticks can add better texture, you can get highlights/blush from........the blush section LOL and i love using this obscurus eyeliner at a low-ish opacity
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just adds an extra level of detail i love. i think what keeps my sims looking consistent next to each other is that i tend to use some of the same details all across the board
make sure for all makeup/skin detail/tattoo category swatches you use, you make note of what swatch it exactly is. when you go into s4s to export the file, you're gonna have to manually select it and if u cant remember what skintone u chose out it can be annoying :/
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note that she is completely nakey aside from her piercings while i pick what im gonna use for her skin! no clothing but u can keep on their hair. this is so we have a clear view of everything (and i mean EVERYTHING) for blender.
after you make sure u save the sim/household to ur gallery, you can close out of cas and save ur game! i forgot to do this bc im a fucking idiot but its okay bc you will not. its not REALLY necessary to do this as long as you know exactly what packages you need to locate for texture exporting
step one is done!!!! close out ur game
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i have a million fucking characters so i made a deja senti skinblending folder to keep it all organized :-)
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this is what it looks like inside. gives u a pretty good overview of what ur gonna be doing tbh. the 't' folder is all the textures we're about to export
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thankfully i do have a version of dahlia saved in my gallery so even tho i didnt go it before i closed my game i can still show u what to do in tray importer lol. i have multiple sims in one household, so i narrowed it down by going up top and selecting dahlia / human / and her everyday outfit.
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since im gonna give her this blush, i right click and hit open w package viewer so itll find it and open s4s for me
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anime wow sound. im gonna change the color manually in photoshop so it doesnt matter to me what swatch i export. hit that green export button under the list of diffuse/shadow/etc (u dont need to worry about all those options, just diffuse) and save it to ur folder!
once ur done gathering ur textures ur good to close out of tray importer and s4s(we'll come back to s4s later tho)
thats step two! the quickest step lawl
this is where i start being a little extra. u dont have to rip ur sim and use blender if u dont want to, but i think it can rly help bc the default sim in s4s doesn't have ur sims facial features and can make ur skins look wonky/wont give an accurate representation of how itll look in game. this cuts out having to go in game/out of game over and over to check
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so in simripper once u load up ur sim, the important part is to make sure u have it set to export the dae with separate meshes. once thats done u can import it into blender and there's plenty of other tutorials out there how to use simripper n all that.
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so once u get the dae loaded into blender im gonna send u on a little side quest over to this ask i answered where i explain how i separate eyes from the head mesh. next thing ur gonna open is photoshop! or whatever u have thats similar
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say hi to flat dahlia. u should have ur own guy but flat open now too :-) along with everything else ur gonna combine. in my case its blush and a titty mask. im gonna start w the blush so i zoomed into her face in blender. i went into the blush file and copied, then back into my base skin file and pasted into place with crtl+shift+v
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please do not be like me. make sure u rename ur layers as you copy and paste them into the main skin file. do this because it DOES matter what order ur layers are in. u dont want to put ur highlight under ur nose mask cause the nose mask will just cover the highlight etc etc. i already lost what layer the new blush i added is. what is wrong w me
so when u have ur first detail pasted on and in place, ur gonna save the base skin file as a psd. then go into blender, and in the little textures window ur gonna replace the diffuse file ur dae came loaded with with ur new psd file
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u should see the change u made but mine was super subtle so im gonna show it to u when i put on the cleavage overlay
when it comes to stuff like this, ur obviously gonna want to pick the closest to ur skintone swatch as u can. i did not do this, because again, im an idiot
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mine is way too pale LAWL whoops. we can fix this tho
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i add a hue/saturation adjustment and make it a clipping mask using that square w the arrow so the adjustment will ONLY affect the mask
from there i just make little adjustments until the color match up is as perfect as i can make it. for example for this, ik that it needs to be a little warmer and a little more saturated, so im gonna bump the hue and saturation sliders to the right and it was pretty much perfect
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tiddies with no mask > with mask no adjustments > with mask and adjustments
and ur gonna go ahead and repeat that process with every single thing u wanna add to ur skin.
so as for tattoos! this is another thing ur gonna wanna rename the layers for because depending on how heavily ur sims can be tatted it can get A LOT
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here's psyche's neat little tattoo folder. its separated into where the tattoo is and then
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what it is
i find all my tattoo inspo on pinterest using flash sheets/keywords in the search. my ocs usually have sub-boards that i hoard inspo in for them specifically. dahlia doesnt have one bc ive never seen her as the most tattooed person, but i think she'd have some at least
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this process is pretty much the same as putting on skin details! its all about adjusting to what u like. for example, i like when my sims tattoos are a little faded and a bit blurred at the edges cause it looks a little more real
when it comes to images i find on pinterest, ill save the image and first try to make it as clean as i can
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for example, this lil guy
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a curve mask made the whites brighter and the blacks darker as u can see. then ill go into filter > reduce noise to soften the harsh edges
then i flatten it, copy and paste to the skin file, n place it wherever i want it to go :-)
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louder anime wow!!!
okay so now ur gonna want to make sure u .psd file is saved (it should be bc we've been checking our progress w blender) and then merge the visible layers (NOT flatten, merge visible. we need the transparency around the skin to be in tact)
ur done in photoshop and blender!!! good job :-)
step whatever number we're on. back into s4s!
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ur focus is over here. make sure the option filled is the top one, and then hit the cas button
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this menu will open, ur gonna go up to part type and find the option skin details, forehead. pick the first forehead wrinkle option that appears and hit 'next.' itll prompt you to save ur new file n give it a name, i usually just make it my sim's name cause i have a folder in my mods folder for specifically my cc
remember wayyyy back when we were exporting the skin details? ur gonna go back to that same section and hit 'import' instead of export. select ur skin's .png file, and poof !
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ur skin :DD it looks great man good job
this part is EXTREMELY important. go up to the warehouse tab
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in the 'data' section ur gonna see a box at the top labeled 'filter.' thats where i typed in 'compos' just so it would show me JUST the compositionmethod section since theres a lot of shit in there lawl. yours is initially gonna say '3,' but we're gonna change it to '0' mind you, this is because MY skins are all alpha. maxis match overlays do not show up on my skins because my comp method is set to 0, meaning it has top priority essentially.
after you do that, you can hit save and place that .package file you created into your mods folder!!! and GUESS WHAT BESTIE UR DONE!!!!! U DID IT :DDDD
of course, as always, you can always dm me if youre stuck on anything or need any more clarification. i am always open to help as much as i can. i rly hope this helped :-)
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wonyoungismn1glowup · 6 months
Can you make a guide on Wonyoung ?
Omg yes!!!! *Wonyoungism:
FIRST: Who Is Wonyoung?
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Wonyoung is a kpop idol! (A singer of korean Pop), her fans (Dives!, The kpop group is called IVE) made a Self Improvement Aesthetic about her! Called "Wonyoungism" similar on "Jennieism" and "Haerinism" Now dont worry cuz its NOT a religion 😭 Also I adore her!!!
Its a way they look up to wonyoung, The BIG reason on why they did this is because of THIS video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elMYA0H0jek
Second: what is Wonyoungism
They now use wonyoung as a inspiration in wonyoungism to make yourself the better version!, In MANY ways like: Studying to get better grades and a brighter future, Pilates and workouts, confidence and blah blah. Basically 2 in one : physically and mentally
In similar ways like Song Jia and The wizard liz!!!
Now A guide!!!!!:
First (This is something that I do) How do you imagine your best verison? Does she wake up early? Does she do pilates daily? does she study for 2 hours daily? Is she confident? And etc!!! Then you write it down! (On a note or journal so you can keep reading it and reminding yourself what you want to became) ALSO PLEASE KEEP IT SIMPLE!!! Dont overwork yourself then you will became drained and say you will do it tomorrow!!! Lets start things simple like "She studys atleast 1 hour daily" Then YOU TRY to do that daily until you achieved your goal!!! (Also motivation isnt always gonna work ITS SELF DISCPLINE thats gonna work, FORCE yourself nobody isnt gonna always help you so help yourself! :/) Then after that maybe You can try newer highs!!!
Apps That have wonyoungism Motivation/vids/posts/helpful stuff:
And thats all the apps i know, For mentally is to listen to podcasts, read affirmations, and etc also if you have mental problems PLS seek a therapist!!!, Im just a simple girl!! not a pro!!!
Also remind yourself before doing something "Is this something my best verison would do?" I swear it will help!
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anthroposeen · 6 days
tmagp 19 relisten notes!
tma/tmagp spoilers under the cut as always, and im so sorry i keep posting these late, ive been a very busy bee!
- she's been collecting evidence about alchemy, with some of the examples including: transference, the spiritual substitution of elements, but an 'incomplete' version (pointed out by sam)
- she almost encourages sam to continue his research into the institute, telling him he was handling it well and teasing him with having information about it. i dont think she means it in any nefarious way, i think its most likely she wants to have another person to confide in and trust her findings to as she goes, and she finds having a second pair of eyes useful for research.
- he knows about alchemy from researching the institute, as they were very interested in the field. i think its important to note that he specifies he started learning about alchemy during his research, not during his time at the study. this doesnt mean alchemy played no part in the study with children, it could be that sam was too young to understand or they didnt involve the kids directly in that process, but the distinction feels important
- sam reveals he wants to try and let go of the magnus institute research (not followed by a glitch) because alice has been warning him
- sam has realized hes receiving incidents related to his conversations and interests, "are the computers listening to us?" he poses the question to alice, though, knowing shes unlikely to take it seriously or agree. i think he'll likely bring it up to celia next, but i do think its important he continues to involve alice in his questions despite her seeming indifference
- as usual, she doesnt believe theres anything supernatural about fr3-d1 and thinks the system is too buggy to do anything that advanced
- shes continuously getting jmj errors throughout her interaction with sam, and seems to be the only one experiencing the issue (no one else is complaining about them or getting them on-screen at least). i think its because she refuses to interact with the bait; the one time she received a targeted incident she chose to ignore it, so it seems that jmj have abandoned trying to reason with her
- this conversation with sam drives her to go visit colin at his house, and she still doesnt believe him ("idiots, idiots all the way down") though i do think she'll notice the connections between her conversations with sam and colin
- shes very angry at lena for not giving her any protection or back up during assignments, clearly still shaken up by her encounter with bonzo (and that was with someone there as well)
- shes aware that starkwall have offered security to the oiar before, assumedly from her family and their connections since this seemed to be very hush/hush when sam and alice were discussing it
- she refuses to give gwen any back up because as she sees it, gwen volunteered for the job, blackmailed her, and is a bit entitled to safety she doesnt grant to others (she demands a body guard on assignments but has no problem with endangering celia)
- she rebuffs the starkwall idea, saying they escalate situations (and are likely not trained to delegate with externals, but to enact the protocol upon them when necessary)
- its revealed she used to be in gwen's position, and has completed many assignments alone before (getting a hint at her journey climbing the corporate ladder)
- she tells gwen to resign if she refuses to do her assignments (an offer she made to colin as well. and we see how distance and unemployment are suiting him and teddy respectively)
- she muses that gwen can have her family find her a new, better position if she does quit
- he's correct in assuming alice's phone is listening in, and refuses to let her enter with it on
- it sounds like hes boarded himself into his house (you can practically see the 4 different locks in the door gap) as he speaks to alice, and he sounds weak and ragged
- "you should be worried for yourselves"
- "what i need is to not be seen. he sees too much already" i dont think this is directed at chester/jon or augustus/jonah, rather i think the man whos been managing colin (the one requesting he make an app) is facilitating the surveillance of the office, but i still dont know the level of sentience jmj may have
- "not that anyone cares as long as it balances out", hes put together that the oiar is trying to establish a balance between the forces relating to alchemy, but wont go so far as to stop all suffering by them. he specifically references mercury and sulfur as elements in the equation
narrated by chester, directed at sam.
- this incident somewhat follows chester's normal themes: mentions of the magnus institute as well as using an incident relating to their recent conversation *(note on this in the extra comments)
- letter to robert boyle, from the bureau of robert hook (speaker), dated 1684 (before the tma!magnus institute was founded)
- the letter calls for help on the matter of isaac newton, who has been working in alchemy and treading upon 'mad scientist' territory, inciting use of "the protocol". its referred to in this way several times, never mentioning magnus in any way, making me suspect that the name could be a monicker claimed by the institute (or tmagp!jonah) as its own interpretation of the protocol. this also goes to show how old the protocol is, drawing into question if it has always remained the same or if it needs to undergo changes
- its revealed that the protocol was enacted over the entirety of london, potentially explaining why the magnus institute is based in manchester instead
- newton is working on the vegetative propagation of metals
- newton kept a mangy dog around the lab, important potentially for a connection to the corruption as we knew it in tma
- within the lab, there was a large, glowing element, the perfected work of wilhelm holmberg, an early chymist (bridge between the disciplines of alchemy and chemistry) who was working on transmutations of metalic elements
- the element was actually a small tree enveloped in a solution unfamiliar to the speaker.
- newton refers to the tree as a living work (a living organism) rather than a mineral
- the tree bore fruit that newton wanted hook to taste -> clear parallels here to the story of adam and eve, the lesson to not eat the forbidden fruit, when newton quotes a latin bible verse directed to adam
- isaac fed the fruit to the dog, which began to transform very similarly to the tree-hybrid man we heard from in episode 3 (flesh falling from the body, as tendrils root into the ground and it sprouts branches) and with an outside perspective, we can see the dog open one eye to look upon hook.
- this also draws another parallel to the bible (though this could be entirely coincidental), but newton feeding the element to his dog makes me think of abraham attempting to sacrifice isaac to god
- hook was horrified by the knowledge and consciousness within the dog's gaze, "it knew me not as a beast knows its master, but as a man knows another" / "it saw me and it knew me"
- newton 'cured' the dog by pouring the glowing solution over the dog, returning it to its normal form
- hook wants to enact the protocol to stop newton from spreading this to a human, fearing what evil a person could accomplish if given omniscience (another theme common to a chester-narration but equally well suited to an augustus one*)
- he specifies that the protocol should be enacted to destroy newton's lab and experiments, but not to harm newton himself, demonstrating that the protocol is a violent method of achieving balance
"just curious", said by celia in response to sam asking why shes looking into alchemy
extra comments:
- *i think that there was a scheduling conflict with the voice actors resulting in a switch between augustus and chester's incidents (since they read incidents back to back that seem to match each other's style and it seems odd that augustus would read a modern incident only for the next episode to match his usual flavor. im unsure if thats been confirmed by ajn or any other member of the crew, but if thats not the case it raises some very interesting questions about the nature of what each voice reads (do they have any control over it? is it driven by preference? by code? by the man colin is referencing?)
- any time gwen's family is brought up (usually as a gotcha) she steps down from the confrontation and deflects. i think she may have a rocky relationship with them, explaining why shes desperate to move up in the oiar, why she doesnt want to quit, and why she seems to cling to fragments of her posh life when she can
- this episode confirms the alchemy theory, and we now have a pretty solid base to start researching from. there seems to be a heavy emphasis placed on transformation between elements (with the trinity of alchemy being the mind, body, and soul) and keeping a balance of all the elements. though, sam observed the model/evidence that celia had wasnt complete. i think that the oiar classification book is a list of potential transformations of the trinity, and documents the different elements used to enact the transformation. i dont know much about alchemy, so ill need to do a deeper dive when i get the chance!
- the dog's transformation struck me as a very clear example of what makes a person a person, the question of tmagp (tma asked what made a person a monster). this poses that people have a level of consciousness that allows for evil and good, for complex recognition and knowledge, and potential. this is also playing on questions of free will (hook is concerned about what choices a person would make if given a higher level of sentience by newton's element. in tma, annabelle cain mused that Tolstoy cpuld be correct in his estimation of free will, that if a person was fully omniscient it would be revealed they have no free will, that by knowing every variable a person's actions predictable and set.)
- it was great to hear colin, even if hes clearly losing it in the physical manifestation of a VPN that he calls a house. i dont believe that the old fears still exist, but that seems to be the only explanation for how hes behaving. hes demonstrating every symptom of a victim of the eye, and i cant think of another element or force that could be triggering this exact reaction
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Being Inarizaki's Manager:
Dating Atsumu Miya
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*he really does have gorgeous eyes tho 😫
Atsumu Miya featuring Inarizaki x Fem! Manager Reader
Warnings: Swearing, possessive Atsumu, reader gets injured (very minor injury but this is Atsumu we are talking about 🙄)
AN: This was requested by Atsupremacy!
Oh YN... dear dear YN
You absolute sweet angel 🥺
Honestly we are all wondering how you got here
How did you manage to snag THE Atsumu Miya
Seriously, his fan girls are SEETHING rn we all know it
But, to many peoples surprise, it's not as complicated as you might think it is
It all started when you first became a student at Inarizaki
You were the new girl in the school so automatically you became the subject of many conversations
"Have you seen the new girl? She's gorgeous!"
"Hey that new girl? She's a second year right? Lucky assholes!"
It didn't take you long to become familiar with everyone
And soon, you found yourself befriending Osamu Miya
You probably shared a cooking class let's be honest 😏
You got paired up with Osamu who had noticed you around school
"Hey, yer that new girl aren't ya?" He asked
"Yeah! And you're Osamu Miya. I've heard all about you from the girls. You are quite the popular guy," you say smiling
Please YN you made Osamu blush so hard 😊
You chat and work with Osamu just as the bell for lunch rings
You grab your stuff, walking towards the door when Osamu approaches you and asks you if you want to have lunch with him and his friends
"Sure- I'd love-" you start to say
When all of a sudden, I hear this agitating, grading voice
"SAMU! WHAT THE HELL, IVE BEEN WAIT-" a man looking a lot like Osamu saying coming up to you, stopping as he stares at you
Atsumu rn 👉🏻👁👄👁
Osamu just rolls his eyes and walks away, hoping you'll get the hint and follow him
You don't get the hint 😐
"Hi! I'm YN," you say, smiling at the blonde version of Osamu
Atsumu is still just staring 👁👄👁
Osamu stops, turns and rolls his eyes again at the scene, "come on YN, I don't want to the stupid rubbing off on ya"
Osamu grabs your hand as you giggle, Atsumu still standing there
"Would you like to come with?" You say
Atsumu only nods, still looking like a fool and follows
From then on, I'm sorry to say but you've got yourself a permanent Miya shadow
Literally, once Atsumu opens up to you, he doesn't stop talking
Soon he's waiting for you after class, for lunch, heck the man is even LATE TO PRACTICE A FEW TIMES 😱
YN what is this affect you are having?!?!
It's one day during lunch that the situation of needing a manager is brought up
"Gin it's your turn to fill water bottles today," Suna says sitting down as Ginjima grumbles
"God I hate that!"- he says as Aran laughs, sitting across from you
"Well it wouldn't be a problem if we could actually have a manager,"- He says, chuckling
"Yeah that will never happen," Michinari says rolling his eyes 🙄
You look at everyone confused and ask, "why?"
"Because of dumb and dumber,"- Suna interjects, the table laughing
"I'll be your manager!" You say, smiling wide
Atsumu stops eating half way to his mouth, Aran and Omimi just look at you
"I dont know YN," Kita says
"Why not? I mean I can fill water bottles and help set up nets. I'm not incapable, plus I know a little about volleyball from watching you guys practice," you say, defending your case
Atsumu is just looking at you
Please this man is falling so hard for you
But it could be a catch 22 having you as the teams manager
Sure he'd be close to you all the time but that would mean the team as well as other guys would be close as well
And Atsumu is a jealous and possessive man YN ✋🏻
Before Atsumu can even open his mouth, Aran speaks up
"I say we give her a shot. I mean she seems to be able to stand Samu and Sumu so she can't be that bad right?"
"I'm beginning to think we should take offense to this Sumu," Osamu says
Atsumu doesn't say anything, still staring at you as you look to him and smile
God he loves when you're happy and if this makes you happy, then he'll do it
Unfortunately for Atsumu, his daily affirmations of "YN likes you and nobody else. You are the greatest setter in the entire world. You are better than Tobio" doesn't work ☹️
Because the first week of you being the teams manager, Atsumu has almost lost it on all of his teammates
Several times in fact, Osamu has had to talk him down off the "YN is not yours" ledge
Atsumu's blood would boil everytime he saw Suna's fingers graze yours when you handed him a water bottle
Or when Omimi caught you after you tripped over your own two feet carrying towels
But the final straw was hit when it was Osamu who was on the receiving end of your affections
Atsumu had just set the ball to Osamu for their famous minus tempo attack
When Osamu slammed the ball into the other court, you screamed in excitement
That is what set Atsumu off
Ope 👀
The entire gym falls silent
You stare at Atsumu, lips pursed shut
You had no intention on hurting Atsumu's feelings, you were just so excited 🥺
"I'm sorry Sumu. You're right I shouldn't have done that. That was a great set," you say before turning to go to the hallway
Atsumu knew he messed up and he was so mad at himself
He let his jealousy get the best of him
Before anyone could say anything to him, he ran after you finding you sitting on a bench
He came up to you, kneeling in front of you as he grabbed your cheeks and lifted your delicate face, your eyes meeting his
"YN I'm so freaking sorry I yelled at you! I- I just got so jealous. I really like ya YN and I just want to impress you,"he said, his sad eyes now looking into yours
"You- you like me Sumu?" You said, stuttering
"I do pretty girl, I really do," he said
"I like you to Sumu," you said grabbing his face back and pulling him in for a light peck on the lips
When you pulled back, he smiled, pulling you in, kissing you harder
"Ugh will you two knock it off?!? YN I told ya the idiot liked you," Osamu said, Suna right besides him recording
"Wait you told YN I liked her?" Atsumu said looking from Osamu to you
"He told me this morning after I told him I liked you. I asked him how I should confess and.."
Atsumu smiled at you, kissing you again before pulling you into a tight embrace
"You're mine now YN," he said, whispering into your hair as he hugs you tight
"Sumu let yer girlfriend go! You're suffocating her!" Osamu yelled again
Atsumu pulled back, standing up and extending his hand to yours
You walked back to the gym, hand in hand as you continued practice
The next few months were a dream
You and Atsumu got into a routine of being a couple, much to the dismay of ALL of the Miya fangirls
You got use to the name calling and jealousy they brought because of your status as Atsumu's Girlfriend
You knew Atsumu adored you, always holding your hand or holding you close as you walked together
When Spring Nationals rolled around, you were so excited!
This was your first big tournament and you were ready!
You walked in the back with Atsumu as he held your hand, Osamu, Suna and Ginjima following
YN and her bodyguard squad I can't 😫
You started setting up for the teams first match against Karasuno
The boys were warming up when you decided to run to the bathroom
Karasuno had been warming up as well and everyone was ready to go
You figured a quick break wouldn't hurt so you didn't tell Atsumu or the team you were leaving
Bad choice already YN
Coming out of the bathroom, you walk back to the gym, the doors suddenly swinging open just as you reached for the handle, causing the heavy door to slam into your hand
"Ohh ouch!!" You wince as you see the person opening the door peer around it
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I had no idea someone was out here," the tall boy said, his Karasuno orange beaming
You shake it off and smile, you're sure you'll have a bruise there but it wasn't the boys fault
"Hey its OK! It wasn't anyone's fault," you say, putting your hand up and wincing again as the funny movement made your hand hurt
"Here let me look at that," he says, grabbing your hand
"I'm Tobio Kageyama by the way, I play for Karasuno," he says, checking over your hand
"I'm YN LN, Manager for Inarizaki," you say
"Yeah I know, I-I saw you in there," he says blushing
He looks so cute when he's blushing I can't 🥰🥰🥰
You chat a little as Kageyama checks your hand out, making sure it's not broken
What you both don't know is that the door to the gym is still open 👀
You know the gym where everyone is practicing... 👀👀
The gym where your boyfriend currently resides 👀👀👀
It's literally like 30 seconds of you and Kageyama talking before Suna notices
"Hey- what the hell," he says studying you
Osamu looks up at him and then to the door
"Oh shit-" he says
Atsumu turns around to see what's happening, his eyes following his brother and Suna's to see you standing with Kageyama
It takes 0.02 seconds to register before Atsumu absolutely loses his shit
"KAGEYAMA GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER," Atsumu says, running full speed towards you and Kageyama
Atsumu grabs your bad hand from Kageyama, causing you to wince and whimper
Atsumu looks at you, then at Kageyama, his eyes filled with rage
"WHAT IN THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?" He growls, ready to fight Kageyama on the spot
Osamu and Suna come up, the rest of the team as well as Karsuno in toe
"Sumu stop! It was an accident! I hit my hand on the door as Tobio was coming out. He didn't do anything to me," you plead, looking at your boyfriend
His gaze is locked on Kageyama, arms possessively around you
"Sumu please-" you beg as he finally breaks his stare with Kageyama, looking down to see you smiling at him
He breaths in, looking back up to Kageyama before turning away and walking you to the bench
You sit down, Atsumu at your side as he gently grabs your hand and looks it over
He grabs a wrap and tape, making sure to be gentle as he bandages you up
He doesn't speak, still seething with anger
You don't say anything, waiting for him to cool down
When he finishes, he grabs your injured hand, turning it palm up and kisses it lightly
You meet his eyes and melt 🥺
"I love ya pretty girl, and I don't like anyone touching what's mine," he says, pulling you closer
"I love you too Sumu," you say back, giving him a light kiss before he returns to the court, his intense gaze reappearing as he narrows in on his target
Boy would I hate to be Kageyama right now 😅
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
Rating Every TNBA Redesign Cos Why Not
The New Batman Adventures was the last season of the infamous Batman the Animated Series, although it moved to another less strict network. Because the producers wanted to do crossovers with the Superman animated series, they gave the series and its characters a more streamlined style to it. Now I dont wanna blame Bruce Timm entirely since there were many artists on staff back then who did the redesigns but because I hate this coomer, Im going to anyway. In BTAS, you can tell each character apart and they have their own unique outfits and looks to them. But here, these are some of the most unimaginative superhero/villain designs Ive ever seen. Although some did surprise me and were not that bad. So, for a bit of fun, here's my look at each Batman character's redesign in the final (and worst) season of the show.
(Not counting Robin cos he's a different character to Dick Grayson or characters that had very little changes like Clayface or Harley Quinn)
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The big emo rodent himself. For his redesign, I like the more sleek look to Batman's cape...thats it. His original design is really hard to perfect. Its got everything. Why tamper with perfection?
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I actually kinda like Batgirl's redesign. The yellow gloves and boots really help her stand out and its the one of the few times the darker toned outfits actually accentuate a design rather than ruin it. Too bad Bruce Timm couldn't stop salivating over her and the rest of the women in this show. So next time you see someone consider Bruce Timm this legendary storyteller of Batman, give them a healthy reminder that he shipped this college girl character with her mentor/surrogate uncle figure FOR YEARS.
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Its like they sucked away all of Alfred's snark and replaced it with a cardboard cutout. Literally, he looks so sterile and empty. Who had the idea of making Alfred look more bored and done with everything? Also whats wrong with his chin??
Commissioner Gordon
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Good ole Commissioner Pringle got off pretty much unscathed but I think they made him a touch too old considering they gave him a more lanky body, which makes him look more feeble and weak. Dude looks old enough to be Babs' grandad
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Ohhhhh boy. So Joker's redesign is infamously considered by fans as one of the show's worst redesigns, to a point even the showrunners were like yeahh. And thats not unwarranted. He looks like an inverted Dr Draken and im so glad they redesigned him again for Batman Beyond and onward.
Seriously he's A CLOWN WHERES THE MAKE UP?!!
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I know Two Face is just a redrawn version of the original design with the TNBA streamlined art style but I want to draw special attention to the monster side of Dent's face. Notice in the original it looks more manic and feral? Heavily contrasted with the conflicted, guilty look on Dent's normal side? But here, in the redesign the monster side is less scary and Dent looks way too bored and angry. The overuse of black lines doesnt help.
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She looks like Harley Quinn or Barbara wearing a catsuit. Starting to see a pattern here?
Baby Doll
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Its a tough call cos they both look very good but Im gonna lean towards the redesign cos shes got that creepy doll look down to a T (Annabelle would be proud) whereas her original design looked more like a Tiny Toons character.
Scarface and the Ventriloquist
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I like the redesign cos of the exaggerated style of the rest of the show perfectly captures Scarface since he's, yknow, a puppet and having the Ventriloquist be shown to be scared and submissive really does show how the puppet is ironically the puppetmaster.
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Actually I like both of them. They both give off that sophisticated element Penguin is known for and after so many reiterations of him being this crass Scouse-talking crime boss, its nice to see versions of him going back to his rich asshole roots.
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In the original, he has a luchador-style mask and wrestling suit fitting his Spanish roots. Here, he straight up looks like a gimp. Its really bad. Embrace your heritage, Bane!
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They went from Frank Gorshin to Jim Carrey for Riddler (fitting cos Batman Forever came during TNBA's development) and I love that. So I love both of them. Nice to see a villain with some fucking colour in TNBA cos im tired of seeing all this black outfits. Also his cane being an extended question mark instead of a question mark on top of a regular cane is genius.
Mad Hatter
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Both of them fit Hatter's deranged stalker vibes perfectly, but I wish they kept the colour scheme for the redesign cos Hatter's new colour scheme looks too rounded and doesnt stand out.
Poison Ivy
Killer Croc
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Finally, now he looks like an actual crocodile instead of whatever the hell he was supposed to be!
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Okay, who the fuck decided to make Scarecrow look like the Babadook? Cos I want to give them a raise. Holy mother of piss, that is terrifying. That shit belongs in the Arkham games. I still prefer the old design cos it has that perfect blend of goofy and gothic. He looks like a Cacturne now that I think about it.
Mr Freeze
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beautifulpersonpeach · 11 months
BPP, am really really interested to read your thoughts on Seven!
Ask 2: Hey bpp, can i be honest?? Ive been checked out of the fandom but still keep track of any music releases. So i didnt know abt any rumors abt 7. Imagine me being kind of disappointed that it’s another english song from jk when i watched the mv😅 it feels like his most promoted songs since last year has been all eng song… idk i wanted & expted something diff… i didnt like l&r, dreamers and now 7… it’s back to back lol. Tbf i didnt like My You too and thats in korean. At least not enough to listen!again after the first listen.
Im happy that still with you is finally on spotify tho. I’ll still be waiting excited for his album whenever it comes out. Hopefully ill find something i like in it!!
[BPP Note: Both asks above were sent before my "I don't like it..." post. The asks posted below were sent afterwards.]
Ask 3:
Same here
All the hype didn't matched with the song
1. rest members songs had so much depth and substance to it while this was the cliche boy chasing a girl song. Like we always dont need deep songs but the quality could be so much better. This was like just another pop song.
I think I'll put this on same level as BAD DECISIONS. But for bad decisions, atleast the chorus was staying on my mind while for this nothing was catchy enough for us to humm. Just because it's JK it will get hype but otherwise it's so generic. I think I liked LEFT and RIGHT way better than Seven. Even the rap portion felt so unnecessary and boring.
2. MV was kinda nice because of the production but concept was too shallow, the stalking and chasing was so outdated. In my country we have like 9293928843837 MVs in this same concept that not many make the same theme songs again.
3. The choreography. We haven't seen the full version. But for tiktok they do the highlight portions if that's so mediocre idk how rest will be. It was again giving the same mediocre showing off choreography and for me backdancers ruined it with their awkward moves.
4. they wanted this song to be played everywhere around the world. But there was nothing catchy enough to attract gp or go viral on tiktok, even if we sped it up. The only way to make everyone listen is to shove it down their throat but doing payola. But idk if investing in payola is worthy for the song. I also doubt the longietivity, as for me it was boring after 2 listens. I'll rather listen Like Crazy or wildflower or closer 20 times than listening this once.
5. I HOPE he'll bring something fresh to the table for his album and don't involve this mediocre producers who uses the same formula and same superstar persona to make a song successful. He is so much talented to sing a song which is so rich in melody and lyrics. And he can produce way better songs by himself.
Prolly a 4/10 for me
Ask 4: troye sivan's rush (which also came out last night) is exactly what I wish Seven was. I don't mean that in a 'I expect the things JK to make to be gay' way just in the way it's a fun, very danceable, sexy summer song that doesn't pull its punches. Something about seven feels too run through a commercial sanitizer a few times, even with the explicit lyrics.
Hi Anon(s),
Jungkook likes to fuck.
Rather, Andrew Watt likes to fuck and thinks Jungkook can relate.
JK has been talking about wanting to show more mature and explicit sides of himself for a good long while now. So I’m glad he’s finally gotten to do that, confirming for us why he keeps getting noise complaints from his neighbours since the mattresses all over his apartment don't help.
BTS has made songs explicitly referring to sex before (though it's been mostly the rapline doing so). So it's nothing new but I guess it's cool JK gets to share with us that he too has sex.
The question I posed to my friends immediately after watching the MV is, “Do you know who's been doing A&R for BigHit since 2020? I really need to know who is doing A&R for BigHit in America because they’ve been doing an appalling job lately. I'm starting to wonder if it's an inside job cause this song is kinda ass.”
That was me ~11 hours ago.
I didn’t like the song.
I’ve streamed Seven about 20 times since then I think, took a break from the song for a few hours, watched his GMA performance, caught a few minutes of the Wlive, then listened to it again just before writing this post and…
I still don’t like it.
Jungkook did a good job on the song, Latto's verse wasn't terrible, and while the song itself isn’t bad… the song isn’t good either.
It’s painfully, and at this point it’s a pattern so I have to add, predictably, mediocre.
Reserving judgement for the album, but Anons, I agree with you for the most part. The suits at BigHit are trying but they are woefully out of touch with the reasons BTS blew up in the West in the first place. I don't even feel like spending any energy doing a review or even trying to explain what I mean. So I'll just ramble on for a bit but try to keep it brief.
I have to give BigHit some credit because I can see what they're going for here. Andrew Watt is a very celebrated producer in the US, he won the Grammy award for Producer of the Year in 2021, he's got A listers in his portfolio. So, he's not a cheap name to book and I can see why the suits at BigHit thought he's the genius to gift them a song clinically designed for American radio.
But that pandejo phoned it in. There isn't a lick of creativity to be found anywhere in all 3 minutes and five seconds.
It reminds me of VIBE by Jimin and Taeyang, as the closest analog to the vague dissatisfaction morphing into annoyance and then pragmatic rationalization I experienced in that same sequence when listening to it the first few times.
The song is disappointing because we've all heard it before. Too many times, and we're bored of it. We've heard JK sing this sort of song for years, as covers mostly. So on one hand, while I guess it's nice JK gets to have an American summer JB-reject pop tune of his own, it's not good enough to be the track that introduces him to the world as a solo artist.
It's fine for any white, blonde, blue-eyed heartthrob that can ride on a pretty face and implicit bias to rack up accolades, it's not good enough for Jungkook.
And BigHit needs to start using whatever leverage a US$10.6 billion market capitalization buys you in Hollywood, to insist for songs that are at least as good as the songs made by BTS members and produced by their in-house team. It's a waste of money and everybody's time to fly a battalion to LA just to record 2014's summer hit in 2023.
In my opinion.
Still With You > Stay Alive > My Time > Stay > Left & Right > My You > Dreamers > Seven
All that said, I can't ignore JK has a taste for songs like this, and it's not his fault the song is shit (he didn't write, compose or produce it), so technically he shouldn't be punished for it. And the song is made for radio, while it's not my personal taste a lot of people really like the song (one of my friends likes Seven the most out of all the BTS releases so far), and it will catch on with some support. So, ARMY will support it including me, just to a lesser degree than I've done so far. Fingers crossed JJK1 has something solid on it.
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crescencestudio · 8 months
hello! i wanted to ask how you ended up getting involved with game development!! ive seen an played a bunch of your games so i think itd be interesting knowing how you got here and monetized it! (dw if you dont wanna answer, no hard feelings :>)
for how i got into game dev, in one word: impulse LOL
for the longer version, i always have loved visual novels. as much as i enjoy other games, there is something about visual novels specifically that are so special to me. so one day during the big covid Lockdown, i thought to myself how cool it would be to make my own game. thing is, i had no creative background—never made a story, very basic art background, no coding background NOTHING.
but i have a very unironic yolo mentality and so if i have the means to make a game before i die, why not? so i learned renpy, got really overwhelmed with the idea of making everything from scratch. there r so many aspects of games i never thought of. every single character needs not just art, they need a story, a design, a role, etc. then you need to repeat that for the plot. then you need to do that for the MC. and that’s just the brainstorming stage!!! so i stopped and dropped the idea in 2020 LMFAOkxosos
then a year later, during my phd program, i had some time during summer break and i decided to try again. Why Not? you only live once. even if it takes me my whole life to make one game, wouldn’t it be cool to say i made one? so i took the dive. made so much shit up. completely winged a million things. and here we are two years later with alaris, intertwine, and some other collab projects!!!
the monetization part is mostly because i don’t currently have the means to support game dev on my own. my hope is one day (when i graduate phd school), i’ll have more time and money, which will let me fund my hobby a bit more self sufficiently since i honestly rly hate the monetization part of game dev haha!! i guess i’d say i got into game dev mostly through pure interest and a yolo mentality and what’s kept me here is the satisfaction and reward that comes with the creativity (as well as the amazingly talented ppl i’ve met through it!!!)
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cgtg · 18 days
your new theme for tgcg is realy good and very impressive
whenever i try and like a post though it redirects me to a confirmation "do you want to like this?" page which opens your blog in like the thin tumblr blogviewing layout and i have to reopen the website version. idk if thats a me issue or if it can be fixed but i thougt id let u know jic
oh thank u 4 pointing it out, i hadnt tried likin my own posts yet hahah. not very elegant is it. do many themes do well w that? most the themes ive used prior dont even let u like posts from the desktop site, they dont even include it in their ui design.
that just made me realise, did they make it so u cant like/rb when ur on the specific post itself? im looking rn & i can see it on some ppls blogs & not others??
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now it just sayz that instead, at least 4 me.
ill try to learn more abt how this works, its a lil clunky but at least u can just back out 2 the desktop theme after liking stuff haha....
roflmao tumblr is plerplexing
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kylejsugarman · 8 months
Idk if you’ve answered this already but at what point in their relationship did Jesse tell Demi ab his past? How did that go over? How much does she know?
ive mentioned it some before but i haven't really gone super in depth!! as u all may know, i am very "and then everyone made it to alaska and everything ended up ok!! :)" minded, so i dont have a big dramatic revelation beat to my story and ultimately, jesse never tells demi that he's living under a completely new identity. however, he does tell her a Lot of other things, partially because he trusts her, partially because he feels guilty keeping things from her that might make her see him differently; he feels that she deserves to know how fucked up he is so she can escape him and avoid tying herself down to a mistake. jesse first tells her about his drug use after demi explains how her sister died, again out of that guilt and the expectation that she won't want to associate with a former(ish) addict, but demi saw firsthand how powerful addiction can be and isnt scared off. when it comes to his criminal history, it takes him a little longer to work up the nerve to disclose that stuff: he's afraid of both endangering her by letting her know what he's done and losing her. he drops a few things along the way, usually related to drug dealing and production since she was so understanding of that aspect of his past, but once they decide to get married, he feels that he owes it to her to be totally honest. the dark details of making and selling the drugs, being around violence and controlling figures. enacting violence himself. losing people. being sold into slavery. he leaves out specific identifying details (demi's never been a current events kind of person but he cant risk her connecting those dots) and places a lot of the blame on himself instead of trying to describe the people from his past who were pulling a lot of those strings. its basically an abridged version of the show's events, no names, no details in certain places (he doesnt even tell her which state he used to live in), and no forgiveness.
demi listens patiently the whole time, not asking many questions along the way. she tenses up when he touches on captivity, but otherwise her demeanor remains open and nonjudgmental. when it's over, she doesn't say anything, which is somehow worse than disgust. jesse is so wound up at this point that he flips out on her, insisting that this is her time to cut her losses. he's a criminal, a fucking murderer. he's evil. demi still doesnt react the way he wants and instead just waits until he's out of venom before reaching out to very gently smooth down his hair. petting the angry, upset dog instead of reflexively giving him away. "im sorry you've had to carry that around with you all this time," she says softly and that breaks him. because it Has been so hard carrying that around. demi asks a few more questions, clarifies a few more things, then tells him what she thinks. that she's seen how he acts now, how he treats people, how he treats himself. that she grew up with a father who sounds like the figures he alluded to in his story. that she is uncertain and insecure about a lot of things, but she's never been more sure that jesse is a good person and that she loves him irrespective of whatever came before. "im dangerous," he insists, a former fighting dog that would rather die than return to the ring. a hand on his own—"then why do i feel so safe with u?"
it's not perfect. there will always be things that jesse never shares with her and he will never totally forgive himself because as the one living person who knows the Extent of what went down, he feels that it's his responsibility to hold himself accountable for It for the rest of his life. demi's perception of him Does change, although not entirely in a negative way, and she is a little hurt that he expected her to bail so quickly and she can't lie and say that her mind doesn't occasionally drift to the fact that her husband has killed people. but at the end of the day, they're two broken people who were utterly convinced that their lives were over before they found each other. this is their second chance at life and they're never going to take that or each other for granted. whatever comes, they're going to face it together
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