#why could this urge not have struck me BEFORE I showered???
badolmen · 11 months
*hottest day of the week* I need to disassemble and clean my box fan IMMEDIATELY
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brains4brawn · 1 year
Summer Camp, Football
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I was so excited for science camp, it would be my last year as I would start college in the fall. The camp was huge and divided into four major sections; Arts, Sports, Science, and Space with Sports taking up most of the land. The different parts of the camp didn't mingle too much but every Fourth of July there was a gigantic celebration.
It was great seeing old friends and getting to bunk in one of the smaller Sci cabins. My best friend Jeff was assigned with me and we went over the catalog to see what classes there were for the seniors.
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In the distance we could hear the rowdy football jocks. It was a trade off, the smaller more private cabins were on the outer perimeter close to the sports section, specifically the footballers. Jeff and I just ignored them while we made our schedules for the following 8 weeks. I started to unpack my huge suitcase into the dresser beside my bed, in the second drawer was a small football key chain with the camp logo emblazoned on it. I picked it up and got a slight static shock, I showed it to Jeff and he thought that some meathead must have forgotten it. We both laughed and well both got slightly turned on at the thought of one of those jocks sleeping in our beds.
The day went by quickly and soon we had our introduction dinner and met everyone in Sci. Soon though I was in bed, tired but excited for tomorrow.
Tomorrow came to early, I awoke at 4:19 am with tons of energy! It was like lightning had struck, i bounced out of bed and began to quietly pace hoping not to disturb Jeff. I decided to go outside where I heard grunting in the distance. I followed the sounds to a flat track woven in-between some cabins where some big jocks were doing an early morning run. One of them saw me and motioned to me, for some reason i went closer. This guy was stunning, he was shirtless and showing off his rock hard body. I felt my penis begin to tent as i drew close, He asked why I was here and I made up some story that my dad always takes me on early jogs and if i could join them. He looked me over and then said that any bro is welcome to join.
I got back around 6:30 my body sore but energized. Jeff was still softly snoring on his side of the cabin. I quickly went to the bathroom and took a shower. Jeff was just getting out of bed when I re-entered the bedroom, he rushed past me into the vacant bathroom, while he was getting ready I still was overcome with energy. I went to a spot on the wood floor and proceeded to do some pushups until I heard the shower turn off.
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The next week flew by as I developed a new morning routine. Every morning I'd be up at 4am and jogging with Seth and his bros. They were all really welcoming, and I was having a great time just not thinking. Heck, Jeff even commented one day that I was looking healthier. It felt weird to keep this from my best friend but I know he wouldn't understand. Even though the guys here were awesome, Jeff had been bullied practically his entire life back home.
Afternoons soon became torture as my Sci projects were becoming harder to focus on. My body was brimming with energy and I couldn't wait for the two hours of free time before dinner. Jeff and I used to sit and watch the hunky Jocks play their different sports during the afternoon breaks but now I had the urge to join them. I feel bad for ditching Jeff but now I get in the water and go for a swim or grab some boots and go on a short hike.
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Its been almost four weeks since camp started and I haven't felt this good in years. Every morning I get up and run with my bro Seth and the gang, then go and work out at the sports camp gym. By the time I get back to the cabin to shower and change Jeff is already gone. I feel bad for the little bro, he's obviously gay and a guy with my bod can't be easy to room with. It still kinda sucks that I'm in a Sci cabin but at least I'm not far from the rest of the footballers. After morning PT I go to strategy sessions and game history. Then the afternoon is spent playing touch footie with the guys.
The Fourth of July was a blast. All the different sports teams came together and we had scrimmages all day. The Sci Nerds showed off some dope looking robots and the Space Dweebs launched rockets. Later on the Theater Dorks put on a talent show, then came a cookout dinner BBQ. Lastly came the fireworks. As the sky was bombarded by the light, I noticed Jeff off by himself. Not wanting anyone to be alone I picked up my things and moved closer to him. Sitting next to him it was hard not to notice just how much smaller my cabin bro was.
At first he tried to ignore me, but fuck i am not someone who is ignored easily. I scooted my perfect ass up beside him and he told me to go away. I just sat there letting him get used to my presence, I felt an odd need to be protective of the little guy. I heard a sigh and then in a whisper Jeff asked if I knew how perfect I was.
Well duh, I am tall proportionally muscular and let's face it, any guy would be lucky to have a piece of me. Something awoke inside me, feelings that I knew were there but didn't want to admit. I was Mr. Popular, big man on campus, life of the party, but somewhere in the last month I had devolved a crush on this lonely nerd.
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It was after midnight when Jeff and I got back to the cabin. I woke up with the little nerd spooning against my bod. Fuck it felt good having him next to me, my morning wood pressed against his back. Jeff woke up slowly and I felt the goosebumps as he realized his situation. His head tilted up and he looked into my eyes, I took the chance and kissed him gently..... which quickly turned into a passionate make out session... which....well, let's say the little nerd is one of the best cocksuckers ever. The moment I erupted into his mouth a slight bit of static electricity passed from me into him.
From then on we became inseparable. Jeff joined me for morning PT and came to support the team in our mock tournament with our sister campgrounds, while I tried my best to support his Sci shit. By the time we left, Jeff had put on some decent size and was getting along with all my bros on the team.
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Two men stand in the tiny cabin, marveling at how they'd spent so much time in such a cramped space. The taller man had just finished his second season in the NFL while his shorter husband had become the CEO of his own successful startup. The men stood there, reminiscing on how they met the summer before college and how they couldn't imagine life without each other. Jeff gave his husband's hand a squeeze before the two of them started their summers as owners of this special place.
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windblume-wishes · 1 year
Silver - Father? Is Something Wrong With Me?
After reading the translation for Silver’s Dorm SSR I had the sudden urge to write this small fic here- mind you, there will be minor spoilers contained in this tale.
𝕃𝕖𝕥’𝕤 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕨, 𝕀 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕖𝕤 𝕒 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖…
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The sun set below the horizon of the Sage Isle, by now all students were supposed to be in their dorms preparing for their nightly routines and supper. Silver had just finishing up a sparring match in the courtyard with Sebek- earning the impressed gazes of his peers who once looked down on him. He felt better about himself, well, almost better. The pain of not fitting in pained his pure heart, the agony of never being able to argue back when he was scolded for just being himself. It began to take a toll on the boy’s spirit but as always, he hid his feelings deep within.
But not tonight, for he had enough, he just needed to see his father. The unbearable urge to just leap into Lilia’s awaiting arms and cry tugged at him as if it were chains. Silver was not normally one to just run to his father and cry, he barely cried, even as a child. However, he did let the dams break once in a while, now was that time, the perfect time. He quickly prepared for bed, taking a shower and drying his flawless silver hair, clothing himself in some soft pyjamas and some comfortable slippers all before setting off to his father’s bedroom.
Upon approaching the room, he could hear the rapid clicking and tapping of his father’s controller and the occasional curse word of being in an in-game battle. He sighed and knocked on the door, hoping his father would open.
Just inside the room, Lilia could hear a faint knocking sound- he could already sense who was outside and that something was not right. Immediately, he turned off his game and went to the door, opening it to see Silver standing there with sadness and pain in his eyes.
“Silver? My child, what’s the matter? Did something happen?” He asked softly, bringing his son inside his room, closing the door behind him. “Oh my sweet baby boy…”
“Father, I-I’m sorry for interrupting your gaming but…”
“Nonsense, child! As your father I put you first, you are still my baby even after all these years, Silver, now tell me what’s wrong… Seeing your beautiful eyes with such anguish worries me.” Lilia replied, placing a loving hand on Silver’s face, stroking his cheeks as he has done since he was a baby.
“Is there something wrong with me? I know every pediatrician I’ve seen in my younger years and every doctor has said I am perfectly healthy why do I still fall asleep randomly? I’m different, father, I’m not normal… because of this I get scolded continuously for my laziness by my teachers…”
Tears began to fall from his aurora eyes, it broke the old fae’s heart seeing his son so distraught- it was the feeling almost every parent gets when their child cries and pours their soul out to them. Absolute heartbreak.
“Professor Crewel yelled at me earlier today, I hid my true emotions but- but it just hurt so terribly, father! It hurts to always be picked on for whatever this condition is! I cannot help it, I have no control… I’m powerless…”
Those words struck Lilia’s heart like a sword, he knew the professors could be hard on his boy but he never imagined that it would be so emotionally damaging to him. Since Silver was a baby, Lilia knew he was different but not in a terrible way- it was a good different. Silver was the light that old man needed in his life- sleepiness and all.
“Silver, I want you to listen to me well, you are not powerless, I did not raise a powerless young man- I raised a fine, kindhearted, protective, honest, and true knight. This sleepiness you have may be a pain to you, absolutely, but it is what makes you who you are.” Lilia replied softly, bringing Silver into a hug and held him tightly, pecking soft kisses on his head and cheeks. “I would never have you any other way! Besides, I have always loved my baby boy for who he is!”
“What if I still miss my lessons because of this sleeping issue? I just can’t take the scolding anymore…”
“You leave that to me, the only one that knows I am your father is Crowley- so I think it will be quite fun to let the secret out to your professors~ Kufufufu!” Lilia smiled. “Silver, my sweet child, I can feel that you need a good cry- so let it all out, as always, Papa is right here- as he always will be…”
Silver waited a few seconds before unleashing a pained cry into his father’s shoulder the same way he did when he was smaller. Lilia only whispered reassuring words of comfort and petted his son’s soft, silver hair, occasionally kissing his head in between words. He never seen Silver with such pent up emotion ever in the 17 years he had raised him, it truly broke his old heart into millions of microscopic pieces. Silver always walked about with his signature poker face but only those who knew the boy well could tell his true emotions- but this? This was a whole different level to Lilia.
Eventually Silver felt himself grow tired, his tears being reduced to just sniffles and small sobs, but never once did Lilia loosen his hold. He gently guided Silver’s head to his pillow and grabbed his bat throw blanket to tuck him in. Lilia began to hum a small Briar Valley tune to help Silver sleep peacefully, slowly but surely he fell into a deep sleep. Lilia kisses his head and lay down next to him stroking his hair, soon enough another knock came at the door and the smooth, deep voice of Malleus sounded.
“Lilia? Might I come in?”
“Yes, child, come in in~” Lilia whispered in response, just loud enough for Malleus to hear.
The door knob turned and in entered Malleus who now wore a worried look on his face upon seeing Silver resting with tear stains on his face. Did someone dare harm the human child he helped raise?
“What happened? Was it a nightmare? Was it someone at school?”
“It was Professor Crewel again, he scolded Silver once more for his sleepiness… it breaks my heart, Malleus, he cannot control his condition- it takes him by surprise and has nearly killed him before. But to hear that he has been the center of constant scolding for it…”
“It pains you as his father, I know. What are you going to do about it? Surely the professor would listen to a parent?” Malleus replied, using magic to clear Silver’s face from tear stains.
“I sure hope so… I know Crewel simply does not understand what Silver is going through but I may have to step in and talk to him. You and I know very well this situation has only worsened for Silver as he grew up… Malleus, I am beginning to fear the worst.”
Malleus sighed, he knew all too well what was happening to Silver and how his condition worsening would affect him in school. “Should I accompany you then? I have been with Silver since his infancy, I can provide my own experiences.”
“No need, just leave it to me, it’s time I stepped in and put an end to this situation. It is a father’s duty to protect his child- even if it simply informing a professor.”
The Next Day - Saturday
Lilia awoke to Silver stop dozing off next to him, he did not have the heart to wake him up so he simply let him sleep in despite the fact he would have slept in regardless. He quickly wrote a note for Silver just in case he awoke and he was not around and a second one for Malleus to stay by Silver as he slept so no one would wake him- not even Sebek.
Lilia hurried out of the dorm, making sure to use magic to send Malleus his letter he left in a flash. Only seconds had passed before he made it to the potions lab, he opened the front door and walked in, making his way to the bicoloured haired man who sat at his desk grading papers. He looked up to see Lilia and sighed, nothing involving that Fae was ever good. Especially when his trickery was known well amongst the staff.
“Vanrouge, is there something you need you forgetful mut?”
“Oh how harsh~! You should not speak to an old man such as myself so harshly you know, shock can end one of my age~” Lilia replied back with a crack of his old back.
“Then what is it? I know you did not simply come here to yap like a chihuahua. SPEAK!”
“It’s about Silver… My son…”
Crewel was speechless, this whole time he was under the impression that Silver was an orphan- his papers had no parent to contact, no surname and his birth records were, to put it lightly, a mess. Never once did he expect to hear this to his face.
“Silver is your son?! How much did you have to bribe that old bird to hide that information?!” He yelled in surprise, truly not wanting to believe the fae in front of him. “Vanrouge, you have done many tricks to the staff before and I will not tolerate one of this scale-”
Lilia held a hand up to signal a pause, holding up the adoption papers and some pictures of when Silver was a newborn. “You see? I would never lie about my child. I may be his father but you must understand why I kept this a secret. Now onto the matter at hand please.”
“Y-yes, of course. What is it?”
“Since the day I first held him in my arms I knew something was different about him- nothing terrible, goodness no, but there was something. That something would be his sleeping condition. Through his years he has seen many different doctors and all say he is fine, I’m his father and I know when my baby is not fine. His condition has only worsened- falling into a deeper sleep than the last. There were times where it has taken me hours to awaken him…”
Crewel’s eyes widened, never once had he expected to hear this information. “Pardon my asking but was he cursed? I realized such sleeping curses have only been told in our history books but hearing you talk about his condition in such detail makes me wonder.”
Lilia sighed and shook his head. “I have wondered myself but I sensed no magic on him when I first cradled him- I suspect he was born with it. So I ask you, please go easy on him, this is beyond his control. I understand your frustration, I do, but he cannot help it..”
Crewel sighed softly, looking into Lilia’s eyes for any grace of a lie but he found none. “Alright, I suppose I can go a bit easier on your puppy, and I will make sure to speak with him about our conversation.”
Lilia nodded with a smile and bid the stunned professor farewell.
Later that evening in the teachers lounge…
“Quiet yourself, Divus! That boy sleep talks enough for me to get bits and pieces of who his father is- I also caught him addressing Lilia as ‘Father’ more than once.”
“I knew to, my friends on the other side be tellin’ me all ‘bout their lil secret!”
“So I was kept in the bloody dark- I see how it is!”
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crystalsnow95z · 11 months
Drabble written within two hours just because inspiration struck. Posting as is because I'm so lazy.
Sickie; Yoongi with bad cold.
Caretaker: mostly Jin
Why do they have to be so loud? Yoongi puts in his earpieces to try to muffle the sound of Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook warming up their voices. They were singing nursery songs, but singing it at a higher octave with each line, seeing who could hit the highest note.
He usually isn't bothered by their playful nature, but even after taking medicine, he still felt pressure behind his eyes, the high pitch sounds making it worse. A tickle in his throat made him cough again, trying to muffle it. Maybe the medicine just wore off..
"Are you sure you're feeling up to this Yoongi?" Jin asks voice thick with worry. "You've been coughing all morning.." He swore that Yoongi had been running a fever when he woke him up, but when staff checked when they got to the venue, he was only a fee degrees warmer than usual.
"I can do it, it's been three years since we've been here, and I don't know when we can come back. It's just my voice. It's fine Hyungie.." Yoongi coughs into his arm, wincing at the pain. "I'll just leave the shouting to the others.."
"It's time for the sound check." A staff member tells them, giving Yoongi his escape from his only hyung.
"Okay, we're coming, thank you.." Namjoon answers with a bow. "If you change your mind no one will blame you okay? Sometimes you're just unlucky.."
"I'll ask staff for some medicine after the sound check. I'll be okay." Maybe if I say it enough, it'll be true.. Yoongi goes with the others onto the stage, staying close to Hoseok, leaning against him. Hoseok's takes Yoongi's hand, giving it a squeeze. "Your energy being low before the concert even started isn't a good sign." J-hope frets over him, pushing a lock of hair behind his ear.
"The crowd will give me energy. I'll be.. Heh'ehhitchew..!" A sneeze cuts him off, wiping his nose with his sleeve, sighing with irritation.
"Hyung just admit it. This isn't just a little cold.." Hoseok finds a tissue. "If you're going to go at least try to clear your nose.."
"I'll be fine." Yoongi tries to feign confidence, clearing his throat to try to stop from coughing. Yesterday, it was an annoying tickle, but today, he was completely congested, his sinuses leaving pain behind his eyes. He turns his head away from Hoseok blowing the mucus out the best he can. "Gross.." he murmurs, throwing it into the waste bin.
"Take it easy, okay?"Hoseok squeezes his hand, feeling a little more at ease when Yoongi's breathing comes softer than before. "Please don't push yourself, please?"
"Hey hey.." Namjoon's voice through his mic makes the crowd roar with excitement, making Yoongi bite his lip as the pain flares up, pinching the bridge of his nose. I can do this. It's fine..
Everyone had started playfully talking to army, but when Yoongi goes to take his turn, instead of his voice coming out, he nearly coughs into the mic, quickly pulling the mic away and coughing into his fist.
"Min Yoongi. Min Yoongi.." The crowd screams his name, giving him the strength he needs. They're so excited to see me. I have to push through.
"Army are you ready for tonight?" Yoongi usually yells the words, but couldn't get his voice above his normal speaking voice. "Make some noise!"
The screams sounded louder to Yoongi than it did any of the previous shows they've done that month, but he couldn't tell if it was from his aching head or if army were actually louder.
The crowd chanted and screamed as the other members walked around the stage, making hearts and blowing kisses, showering army with affection as they sang their parts.
Yoongi pushes through his part, ignoring the urge to cough and pressing his fingers on his chest as he finishes, going to the edge of the stage for water. I sounded so bad..My voice cracked at the end.. He smiled when he made eye contact with someone trying to push away his negative thoughts, regretting it when they let out a shrill scream.
He goes back by the other members, feeling a wave of nausea from the pain, swaying into someone. Yoongi felt someone's foot under his, apologizing when he saw Taehyung next to him, looking at him with a worried expression. He's not doing well..I gotta do something.. he's swaying.."Hyungie.."
Yoongi's eyes were dulling, and tears were forming. His skin glowed with sweat, and Taehyung could see his hand trembling.
"Hyung lean on me okay?" Taehyung orders gently, removing one of Yoongi's earpieces to speak with him, unsure if he even understood him.
My vision..everything's fading.. I'm gonna faint.. I'm so dizzy.. Yoongi involuntarily let's out a soft moan, leaning into Taehyung just to stay on his feet. Despite Taehyung being right behind him his voice sounds far away, as if he were listening underwater.
Taehyung keeps his hands firmly on Yoongi as he quickly moves to hug him from behind, holding Yoongi by the waist as he sings his part, singing a half second behind the music. Army squeal loudly to see Taehyung's sudden display of affection of the Daegu rapper, unaware it wasn't just love that made Taehyung hold him so tightly.
Yoongi's knees were threatening to buckle from underneath him, and Taehyung holding him was the only thing that was keeping him on his feet. Taehyung hides this fact by making it look like he's just playing,lightly swinging Yoongi to the beat of the music,but the other members look over with concern when they see Yoongi not putting up any fight.
Yoongi is completely out of it for another minute before recovering, panicked for a moment when he momentarily forgot where he was. Pulling away from Taehyung to stand on his own, he takes a few deep breaths to clear his head.
"I'm okay.." Yoongi whispers to Taehyung, just in time for Jimin to finish the last verse of the song, just barely recovering on time. My visions still fuzzy..but I can't let the crowd know.. Taehyung lets go of his waist but grabs Yoongi's hand, the seven boys meeting up center stage to say a quick 'see you later' and return to back stage. Taehyung keeps his arm around Yoongi as they bow, not risking him falling forward, leading him down the steps.
"Yoongi-hyung fainted on stage." Taehyung blurts to the other members as soon as they enter the back room.
"Seriously?" Hoseok's eyes widen, putting his hand on Yoongi's back. "Hyung you can't do this if you're already that weak..
"What? That's why you were holding him?" Jungkook questions, reaching to touch Yoongi's cheek.
"You should sit down." Jin orders softly.
"We need to get a doctor." Namjoon tries to control the situation. "Give him some space guys.."
The members all started talking at once, making Yoongi's head spin once more. He steps back, trying to escape all the grasping hands and worried team. Please be quiet..
"I was just dizzy for a few seconds, that's all. It's no big deal. He's just overreacting." Yoongi tried to calm their worries, giving a glare at the younger Daegu boy for telling them this. It took every ounce of willpower he had to regain consciousness, but he didn't want the others to know.
"I'm just worried about you.."Taehyung squeezes Yoongi's hand, but Yoongi pulls his away from him, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Well, worry about yourself. You already messed up during sound check."Yoongi didn't want Taehyung or the others making mistakes, but his voice came out more aggressive than he intended instantly, regretting his harsh tone when he met Taehyung's misty eyes.
"I'm just worried about you.." Taehyung blinks quickly to fight off the tears, pointing his nose upwards.
Jin notices it too, wrapping his arm around the vocalist. "Yoongi-yah, I know how frustrating it can be to not be in good condition before a show, but you don't have to take it out on us. Apologize to Taehyung.."
"I'm sorry, Taehyung-ah.." Yoongi says sincerely, placing his hand on his shoulder. He usually didn't lose his patience so easily, especially not with the youngest of members. "I should've said that.. I just have a headache and it's making me irritable.."
"It's okay.."Taehyung hugs Yoongi. "I know i messed up my timing, but i couldn't let you fall in front of our fans."
"I know, and I'm grateful.. I'm just pissed at the situation not you..." Yoongi pushes Taehyung away, coughing into his elbow.
Their's short embrace was enough to get the others set back on track with the core problem. Could Yoongi perform?
"Yoongi-hyung, you've been coughing all day and hardly ate the past few days.." J-hope frets over Yoongi, helping staff dry the sweat off his face. "And you look pretty pale. Are you sure you can do this?"
"I just need to take some medicine, I already talked to staff this morning, and it's just a cold. I'll be fine." Yoongi tries to calm Hoseok, trying to not get frustrated with Hoseok too. It's the same conversation i had with Hyung earlier... "Don't worry about me, just focus on getting ready for the show. I'll take it easy. Okay?"
"Alright, just.. know your limits, okay?"Hoseok hugs Yoongi before going to get changed for the concert. He's so stubborn, but there's nothing I can do..
Yoongi changes into his set clothes, not realizing how much he was shaking until he tried to put his earrings in, almost stabbing his earlobe.
"Let hyung do it." Yoongi jumped in surprise when he heard Jin's voice next to him, taking the hoop from his unsteady hand and putting it in place, doing the same for the other side. "I brought you some medicine and some vitamins." Jin tells yoongi while opening the bottles, putting a mixture of tablets into his palm. "These should help keep your strength up and help with that migraine.."
"Thanks, hyung.."Yoongi sniffles then sighs. "I hope i can at least get better by day three..my voice sounds so congested.."Yoongi takes the cocktail of tablets with a gulp of water. "Heh'ehhitchaaugh.." Yoongi sneezes with an annoyed whine at the end.
"If you need to stop at any point during the show, you need to tell us, okay? Your health comes first above anything else. If you don't feel like you can do it, we can work around it." Jin says, sounding like a concerned parent, rubbing his thumbs gently over Yoongi's temples. The soft motion ebbs some of the pain away.
"If it gets to that point, I'll let you know..thanks hyung.." Yoongi coughs into his fist, Jin rubbing his back. He can feel the eyes of the other members looking at him, sighing. "I hate this.."
"I know yoon, but just remember no one blames you. Rest up until it's time to go. Hyung will wake you up in time to warm up." Jin says, taking his jacket and balling it up on the floor as a pillow. Yoongi obeys, his body instantly growing heavier as soon as he lays down.
"I love you yoongi." Jin gives him a quick kiss on the top of his head, brow furrowing with worry when he notices Yoongi's eyes already closed. He's exhausted..
"You too.." He murmurs his reply, already half asleep.
"Yoongi really isn't well.." Yoongi hears Namjoon whispering, but he felt too groggy to open his eyes. "He's got a fever and his coughing hasn't let up much."
A fever? No. No.. Sh*t.. I gotta pull myself together.. Yoongi sits up slowly, Namjoon's jacket falling off him. When did he cover me up? How long have I been asleep?
"Namjoon-ah, don't worry about it, I'm feeling better now.." Yoongi wasn't lying, but it wasn't by much. His headache dulled down, and it didn't hurt as much to talk, but his body still ached all over, and he felt freezing despite the fact it was so hot backstage. I have to perform..
"You don't look like you're feeling better, but you know your limits more than I do, just pace yourself okay? I don't want you to pass out again, hyung." Namjoon says, ignoring his gut feeling to tell him to stay back. He knew how much this meant to Yoongi all too well.
"I won't. I can do this.." Yoongi tells Namjoon, but it was more for himself, he holds out his hand for Namjoon to pull him to his feet.
"Staff called five minutes, we were just coming to wake you. We wanted to let you rest as long as you could." Jin gives Yoongi a cup of green tea with lemon. "Maybe this will help your voice a bit.."
Yoongi sips it,wincing when he swallows. Its gotten worse..it didn't hurt to drink before..The liquid did nothing to soothe his swollen throat, but he thanked Jin nonetheless.
The members gathered together, chanting to psych themselves up, Yoongi biting his lip to avoid coughing, adding his two fingers to the pile but not shouting with the others.
The seven boys go to the steps leading to the stage, yoongi staying close to his only hyung.
"My poor Yoongi.." Jin squeezes his shoulder. "Please take it easy, okay?"
Yoongi nods, soaking in the cheers of the crowd when they enter the stage, quickly getting into position, starting with black swan. He closes his eyes, letting his body go through the motions from muscle memory when he wasn't rapping, the synergy of the crowd giving him the strength he needed. His voice was drowned out over the background music, army having to be quiet to hear him.
He was okay for the first two songs, but when he was on the sidelines for mic drop, he couldn't suppress his cough anymore. He felt Namjoon take his mic from his hand when he doubled over so his coughing wasn't caught on the mic.
No. It can't come back yet.. it hasn't even been that long..His cough made the pulsating headache return, him rubbing at his temples for the few seconds he had to spare before his part came brushing his back against Hoseok when they switched who was rapping, his voice came out with a cough for the first few words but quickly recovered.
Namjoon was ready to back him up, holding his mic close to his mouth, but Yoongi already had several voices singing with him.
Army had joined him, Yoongi taking out one of his earpieces to hear them, letting them sing the last line, walking to get his tea to dry to soothe his throat.
"You did well."
"You got this!"
"We love you min Yoongi."
"It's okay!"
Army shout encouraging words in several languages, but instead of making him feel better, he felt the pressure to try harder. These army traveled from all over the world.. i have to try harder.. Yoongi takes a deep breath, putting his cup down and running to his spot.
After mic drop, they did their greeting, bowing to army. "Hello, we are BTS!" The members go down the line with individual introductions. We aren't even halfway over yet..and there's the rap medley..
Yoongi sits on the stage, closing his eyes. The stress only made him feel worse. He was freezing, though he was sweating under the stage lights. Nausea washed over him, wrapping his arm around his stomach.
Jin takes a seat behind him, pulling him to lean into him. "You need to calm down, Yoon.." Jin whispers. "If you keep worrying like this, I'll have to pull you. You're doing fine. Army understands. You have to understand, too. They don't care about just the music. They care about you."
Yoongi takes a few deep breaths to calm himself. Only just now hearing army never stopped chanting for him.
"Army doesn't want you worrying about being good. They just want you to be happy and healthy." Jimin tells Yoongi, his words making army scream with agreement.
"Army.." Yoongi talks into his mic, the crowd falling silent. "I have to admit it, i can't give you my all, but I'll give what I can, but I'll need you to help me"
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Hush: Mike Durate x Reader
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Tagging: @nessamc   @xmoonknightlyx   @jayblackpanther   @crazy4chickennuggets   @annetje   @mysoulisasunflower    @202rosebudd   @littleone65  @thesandbeneathmytoes  @storiesofsvu​
Mike hated the night, perhaps now more than he ever had. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling as lay in bed. His entire body was still but he was far from relaxed. His mind was racing, he could feel his synapses firing as he tilted his head to look at the empty spot alongside him. The bed felt too big without you. Over the past few months, he had become used to sleeping with you by his side, despite the temperature you would always nestle against him, a part of your body always touching his even in sleep.
He missed that about you, your ability to make him feel alive, to feel like he was someone you could depend on. You had given him a deeper sense of worth. Reminded him who Mike was and he relished that because he had locked himself away for far too damn long. He longed for you, his heart ached all the time and it made it hard to focus. He regretted his decision to leave you; he had been foolish and vulnerable, rushing in to cauterise the pain before deciding if it was best in the long term. Now as he lay in bed, imagining the press of your warm body against his did he finally realise what his problem actually was.
Despite what he had told himself over and over again, he was terrified of rejection. He had turned his greatest weakness into his best defence, erecting barriers to protect himself over the years.
You knew him better than anyone in his life, but could you love the darkness in him? He didn't think anyone could. It was a part of who he was, and it had gotten him through more than his fair share of bad times. For him and you to truly be together he would have to show you that side and the idea of you running from that destroyed him. By taking you out of the equation he had been protecting himself, he didn't want to give you an opportunity to hurt him, so he had hurt you instead.
He closed his dark eyes, inhaling deeply, imagining your familiar floral scent filling his nostrils the way it did when you slept beside him. He wanted to roll over, to gather you up in his arms and bury his face in your hair. He wanted you with him, his lips on your skin as you said his name. His resolve was snapping, he could feel it bending under his selfish urges as he imagined what it would feel like to be whole again, you here with him where you belonged.
He climbed out of bed, his bare athletic legs swinging over the side as he stripped the cool sheets from his naked form. The chill in the air struck him suddenly, causing goosebumps to prickle on his skin. He groped for his navy-blue dressing gown, the one that you always liked to wear after a shower and wrapped it around his nude body, cinching it at the waist with the belt.
There was a knock at his apartment door. The sound was gentle, almost timid. He opened it as if by compulsion.
"Mi vida." he whispered, a small smile playing across his lips as his eyes lingered upon you.
Your hair was loose, falling across your face. He couldn't believe that it had been over six weeks since he had last spoken to you. 
Mike opened the door even wider as a gesture for you to step over threshold. 
"Mi vida, there's so much I want to say..." he uttered.
Your soft pert lips were on his, your body pressing urgently against him, your fingers combed through his messy dark hair. His strong arms wrapped around you, drawing you even closer and clasping you to his wanting form. Your tongue dipped into his mouth, desperate and seeking as your hands slid down across his chest and came to rest on the knot holding the dressing gown in place. He wanted you; he wanted you so badly he almost lost it when you undid the belt of his dressing gown.
“Mi vida…” he implored.
“Hush Mike, we’ll talk about it later.”
Love Mike Durate? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
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“I love your ass.”
Virgil froze.
He was halfway up the steps out of the lounge in the comms room. The sun was starting to peek over the horizon in the east, lighting up the room enough just enough to push away the gloom of a restless night fuelled by coffee.
And the reason for that restless night was admiring his butt.
He turned around slowly to stare at the cocoon of blankets on the couch. The holoprojector was spewing forth some documentary on the wilds of the Pacific Ocean and the musical backdrop just added to the concept of how great his ass was.
“It’s perfect.”
Virgil blinked again at the rosy smile on his little brother’s face. “Why are you looking at my butt?”
He shrugged. “Dunno. Just struck me all of a sudden.” And yes, those eyes were studying Virgil below his waistline.
He had the sudden nonsensical urge to cover himself up.
Not that he was dressed anything out of the ordinary. Just wearing his every day flannel and jeans…from yesterday. He needed a shower and some serious rack time.
But Gordon…yes, it was Gordon admiring his butt and grinning up at him blearily from the sofa…Gordon needed him.
So he was there.
All night.
Virgil nodded once. “Okay. I’ll take that under advisement.” He stepped up the last step onto the hardwood floor. “But first, I need more coffee.”
“Come sit with me, Virg. I want you to see the whale shark.”
He kept walking. “Sure, but coffee first.” If he didn’t get his coffee, he was going to fall on his face and then where would Gordon be?
A small voice answered him from the back of his mind that Gordon had three other brothers, a sister and a Grandmother all willing to help him.
But the voice was stepped on by Virgil’s own need to make sure Gordon was okay.
And that meant coffee.
“Viiiiiiiiiiirgiiiiiiiiiil! Commmme baaaaaack!”
Virgil stopped halfway to the kitchen and let his shoulders drop. “I’ll be back in a moment, Gords. I promise.”
“But you’ll miss the olliepus.”
The what? Despite himself Virgil turned to find an octopus crawling across the holoprojector. He stared at his brother, actually concerned that Gordon truly had lost the plot if he couldn’t name one of his favourite creatures. “Olliepus?”
“And a giant cram! They’re visiting Minerva!”
Virgil turned at that. Minerva Reefs were just to the north-west of them.
Gordon’s expression was lethal on the puppy dog scale and hit its target enough to wipe out the coffee urgency emergency with a flick of those long dark-blonde eyelashes.
Virgil was at the top of the steps down to the lounge before the strike even registered.
Proof of how tired he actually was.
But Gordon was patting the seat beside the tangle of bed clothes that Virgil had hauled down here with him, and, if he was honest, Virgil was on his last legs.
Gordon had been injured the day before yesterday, in a rock slide. Virgil had been with him and he should have seen it coming, but he didn’t and consequently he had been kicking himself ever since.
Broken leg, broken ribs and a nasty concussion mixed with medication that sent his brother loopy led to a long night and a clingy big brother who, despite being ordered to bed by both his bigger brother and his grandmother, couldn’t leave Gordon alone.
So he had sat with him all night, watching him breathe and thanking all the powers that be that he was safe.
Gordon didn’t sleep well. The situation brought back memories and his subconscious mind threw up nightmare material several times during the night leaving Virgil trying to calm his brother down on multiple occasions. It was one reason why Virgil couldn’t leave him.
The thought of his little brother waking up alone from one of those nightmares while high on medication….no, just no.
So Virgil stayed.
No doubt Scott would demand he rest the moment he climbed out of bed - yes, Virgil was up before his big brother for once in his life…mainly because he hadn’t gone to bed yet.
He found himself seated beside Gordon before he could think otherwise.
“Virg!” And Gordon snuggled up beside him, head against Virgil’s shoulder, arms wrapped around his torso. “Thank you. You’re the good bro. You understand.” Gordon rubbed his face against Virgil’s shirt. “And you’re warm and fluffy”
Virgil stared down at his ill brother. The bruising on his forehead was still livid and painful to look at. “Good to know, Gords.” But he relaxed back against the couch and took comfort from the warmth half smothering him.
Gordon was asleep in his lap moments later.
Virgil sighed and closed his eyes. There wasn’t going to be any coffee.
On the holoprojector a helicopter flew across the northern most reef of Minerva, a commentator babbling about the history of the region, but no one heard it.
Virgil began to snore.
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empressofthesunwriter · 8 months
Nothing is True
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… Everything is permitted.
What is real?
What is not?
Is she just turning crazy or are other powers at work?
One thing is clear Kohana will get to the bottom of this and maybe change the whole Ninja-World at the same time.
S.I. Third Shinobi World War 
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Since Obito’s Grandma doesn’t have an official name I gave her own. ^^
I hope you like it. :D
Chapter 8: New Discoveries
The next day, before it was time to meet with her team, Kohana walked into the Uchiha District.
Where else could she find information about Uchiha Madara and hopefully his lover, her ancestor, Haruno Sakuya?
Soon she reached Obito's house and knocked on the door.
Her teammate opened it after a few seconds.
“Yes, hello?”, he yawned cutely, still sleepy and in his sleepwear.
Konoha wished to have a camera to immortalize this moment.
Obito was adorable!
But she was here on business.
“Morning Obito-Kun, shouldn’t you get ready to meet up with our team?”, she couldn’t help but tease.
It was like lighting struck him, waking the Uchiha full up.
“Huah! Konoha-Chan?! Aww, don’t tell me you really will pick me up till I get my tardiness under control.”, he whined.
Gosh, he was so cute.
The urge to kiss his cheeks was strong in Konoha.
Why was her crush such a cutie?
So unfair!
“I’m also here for that.”, she told him and hid a giggle as he groaned. “But I need your help with something.”
“Huh? What is it, Konoha-Chan.”
She took a deep breath.
What she was going to ask could get Obito in trouble and that’s the last that she wanted.
Needless she said: “Uchiha Madara. I learned recently that my ancestor Haruno Sakuya was his lover did you know this?”
Obito's eyes widened at the mention of Uchiha Madara and Haruno Sakuya.
So he knows something!
That was surprising.
He quickly composed himself and replied, "Yes, I've heard about it. But it's not something we talk about openly in the district. It’s all hush-hush...Uchiha’s don’t normally date or marry outside the clan. But..."
The boy waved her over. Konoha stepped closer so that he could whisper in her ear.
She ignored the warm shower over her body as his hot breath stroked her skin.
“But...My Grandma told me that Sakuya was a special case. She was a welcomed guest in our clan since she was a Miko devoted to Amaterasu, our patron goddess. So as she and Uchiha Madara courted, the clan was okay with it. Even the Elders and they were always a pain in the ass.”
Huh, that was interesting.
“Sorry, but wasn’t Madara the Clan Head? Couldn’t he marry whoever he wanted?”, wondered Konoha.
The Uchiha shook his head.
“If you want to bring an outsider into the clan you need the permission of the Elders. Whatever just a normal shinobi or the clanhead.”
Double huh.
“Konoha-Chan do you wanna come in? Grandma knows more about this stuff than I do. She met Sakuya when she was a little girl.”
Well, if Obito's grandma personally knew her ancestor, who was she to say no?
Konoha thanked Obito for inviting her in and followed him into the kitchen.
His grandma, Uchiha Keika, was sitting on the kitchen table drinking a cup of tea.
“Obito-Chan who was it on the door?”, asked the elderly lady.
“Gran you remember my friend Konoha?”, said Obito putting a hand on Konoha’s shoulder. “She wants to ask you something.”
The Haruno bowed down.
“I hope I don’t disturb.”
That’s when Keika looked at her and blinked owlish.
“Incredible...you look exactly like her! Aren’t you a Haruno, child?”
“Yes I’m Uchiha-San.”
“Aww, any friend of my Obito can call me grandma, sweetheart.”
Now Konoha awed in her head.
Obito's grandma was as sweet as she remembers
“Alright, grandma, I look like who?”
“I met her when I was a child and she a grown woman, but you have the same face, eyes and hair colour as Sakuya-Sama.”
Konoha couldn't believe it.
She looked like her ancestor, Haruno Sakuya.
That was unbelievable!
And also strange.
Not only was she reliving the life of her ancestor, but she looked also like her.
Something was definitely not normal about that.
"Grandma, I'm so grateful for your time. I've been trying to learn more about my ancestor and her connection to Uchiha Madara for months," Konoha said eagerly.
"Of course, dear. It's always nice to see young people taking an interest in their family history.", Keika smiled kindly to her and then turned to Obito. “Take an example from your friend Obito-Chan.”
“Gran!”, whined the boy.
“Obito-Chan go make some tea for Konoha-Chan, while we talk. Sit down, dear.”
Both kids did as Keika asked them.
So while Obito heated up the tea again, Konoha sat in front of the older Uchiha.
"Can you tell me more about Sakuya's relationship with Uchiha Madara? How did they meet?" Konoha asked, leaning forward.
The old woman took a sip of her tea before answering. "Sakuya-Sama was a Miko devoted to Amaterasu, which is our patron goddess. She often visited our clan to perform purification rituals and offer blessings. That's how she first met Madara."
The old woman giggled.
“Sakuya-Sama was a real beauty. A lot of men and women in our clan crushed on her. When I saw her the first time, I thought she was some nature deity herself. I bet you will grow up to be just as beautiful.”
This made Konoha bashful, looking into the tea cup Obito placed in from of her as the boy joined them on the kitchen table.
“Really Gran?”, wondered Obito. “Some of our clansmen were crushing on Sakuya?”
Keika nodded. "Yes, but ironically it wasn’t Madara who first caught her eye. It was Izuna, Madara younger brother. They were inseparable from the moment they met. They became quite good friends, their relationship resembled the one siblings had. Madara was quite jealous that a woman spending so much time with his beloved brother and also he felt like Izuna was favouring a stranger over him. Actually Sakuya and Madara butted heads on more than one occasion, they were like cat and dog."
Keika took another sip of her tea before continuing. "But eventually Madara saw the error in his ways, after a lot of shouting matches between him and Sakuya and between Izuna and himself. It’s said that Izuna told his brother he would always be his most precious person, but he was allowed to have others too. Madara accepted their friendship, but then Izuna died at the hands of Senju Tobirama. You both truly know the story."
Both kids nodded.
“I know that Sakuya was also friends with Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, I can’t image how it felt to hear your friend killed your other friend.”, mumbled Konoha.
"It was a devastating time for her and Madara. But this was the Warring States Era for you. Friends could become foes in one second, foes could become your friends.”, shared Keika with them. “In their grief for Izuna, they became friends and eventually in time Madara and Sakuya fell in love with each other.”
"Their love was a forbidden one, as Uchihas were not allowed to marry outside the clan. But Madara was the Clan Head and had some leverage, so he went against the Elders' wishes and married Sakuya in secret. They kept their marriage hidden from everyone, even their closest friends and family members."
Konoha's eyes widened in surprise. "They got married? I had no idea."
"Yes, my dear," Keika said with a smile. "Their love was strong enough to overcome any obstacle. But unfortunately, it was short-lived. Madara became consumed by hate and his desire for power. He never could forgive Senju Tobirama for killing his brother, even if it was war back then and it was killed or to be killed, then he didn’t become Hokage and our clan was tired of the fighting. Sakuya had found in her heart the power to forgive Senju Tobirama and worked with Senju Hashirama, Tobirama and Uzumaki Mito to create a peaceful village and better life for all of us. Sakuya couldn't bear to see Madara become someone she didn't recognize anymore. She tried to save him from himself, but you know it was fruitless.”
Keika sighed sadly, "It was a tragic end to their love story. Madara and Sakuya parted ways, with Madara going down a dark path that ultimately led to his downfall. Sakuya continued to work towards peace and prosperity for the village until her death. She married a civilian man, and had a son and a daughter with him. Her son, Haruno Oga is your great-grandfather, right?"
Konoha simply nodded.
Keika took a deep breath and continued, "But you know, Konoha, I always felt that Madara regretted his actions towards the end. He realized too late what he had lost in Sakuya and how much she meant to him. It's a tragedy that their love couldn't survive the turmoil of those times."
The Haruno listened intently to Keika's words, feeling a sense of sadness wash over her. She couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if Madara had chosen differently.
Would her ancestor still be alive today?
Would their love have survived?
Obito cleared his throat, breaking the sombre mood in the room. "So, Konoha-chan, did you find out everything you wanted to know?"
Konoha nodded slowly, still lost in thought. "Yes, thank you both for sharing your knowledge with me. It means a lot."
"Anytime dear, it was lovely having you over. And Obito-chan," she turned to her grandson with a stern expression, "make sure you're not late for your team meeting again."
Obito groaned playfully as Konoha stood up from the table.
"I'll wait for you outside then, Obito," she said with a small smile.
Quickly Obito finished his tea, got dressed and joined Konoha outside.
As they walked towards their meeting spot, Konoha couldn't help but think about the tragic love story of her ancestor.
It was both beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time.
She wondered if such a forbidden love could exist in today's world, where people were more accepting of different cultures and backgrounds.
It made her think about her own feelings for Obito.
She had always found him cute and charming, but now she realized that there was something deeper there.
Maybe it was the way he talked about his grandmother and his clan with such passion, or the way he had helped her uncover the secrets of her family history.
Whatever it was, Konoha knew that she wanted to explore these feelings further.
However, at the same time, she couldn't shake off the feeling that their love would also be forbidden.
After all, they were from different clans and had different backgrounds.
Would their relationship be accepted by their families and friends?
Would they be able to overcome any obstacles that came their way?
When they approached their team, Obito turned to her with a serious expression. "Konoha-chan, I hope you won't tell anyone about what my grandma told us. It's a sensitive topic in our clan."
Konoha nodded understandingly. "Of course, Obito-kun. Your secret is safe with me."
Then Konoha was reminded again why thinking about being with Obito was useless since not even a second his eyes landed on Rin, he left her side to talk to his crush.
Something like a dying whale sound left her lips.
“I don’t get what you see in this idiot.”
Shocked Konoha turned to a deadpanning Kakashi beside her. She didn’t even hear how he had approached her.
“I-I don’t know what you mean...”
The Hatake just deadpanned harder.
“Of course.”
Konoha felt her cheeks heat up as she tried to compose herself.
She couldn't believe she had just made such a sound in front of Kakashi. But the truth was, she couldn't help it.
Watching Obito fawn over Rin was like a punch to the gut every time.
She sighed and looked away, trying to hide her embarrassment from Kakashi. However, he seemed unfazed by her outburst, almost amused even.
"You know," he said after a moment of silence, "sometimes what we see in others is not always rational or logical."
The Haruno looked back at him, confused. "What do you mean?"
Kakashi shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe Obito sees something in Rin that we don't. And maybe you see something in Obito that he doesn't see in himself."
She felt her heart skip a beat at his words.
Was Kakashi suggesting...no, it couldn't be possible. She shook her head and tried to push the thought out of her mind.
Yet as they continued to watch Obito and Rin together, Konoha couldn't help but wonder if there was more to their relationship than meets the eye. And maybe, just maybe, there was still hope for her own feelings towards Obito after all.
“Good morning, kids.”, called them Minato-Sensei.
Surprised Konoha blinked at the beautiful red-haired woman on his side.
She seemed familiar...
Suddenly she got one of her visions!
Minato-Sensei and the woman, Kushina were her name, throwing themselves at the claws of the Kyuubi to protect a little blond baby on an altar. In their last moments, Kushina talks to the baby, Naruto, their son, giving him advice to become a good man...
With a little hiss, Konoha messaged her hurting temple.
God this was a heartbreaking vision!
What would happen if she didn’t manage to change the future?
In no way in hell would she let Minato-Sensei and Kushina get killed, leaving little precious Naruto alone in the world?
As the team gathered curious around Minato-Sensei and his guest, Konoha tried to keep her composure and focus at hand.
Sadly her mind kept drifting back to the vision she had just experienced. She couldn't let it become a reality!
“Kids, I want you to meet someone, this is Uzumaki Kushina.”, presented Minato-Sensei the grinning red-haired woman. “She is one of Konoha's best Fuin Jutsu and Kenjutsu Masters, also she is my girlfriend.”
“Nice meeting Minato-Kun cute little Genin.”, cooed Kushina at them. “He told me a lot about you, let’s see..”
The red-haired started to point at them.
“Cute brunette with lilac stripes and already a prodigy in medical Jutsu you must be Rin.”
This made Rin giggle cutely.
“Charming black-haired boy with goggles who is really good with his fire jutsu, you are Obito from the Uchiha Clan.”
The boy rubbed his nose shyly.
“Adorable green-haired girl with cool glasses, a prodigy in assassination techniques and has this cool weapon named Hidden Blade, you must be Konoha.”
Konoha couldn’t help but blush at the praise.
“And the last of you....”, dramatically Kushina stopped before she grinned even brighter. “Kashi-Kun we already know each other.”
Kakashi ignored that Obito seemed to die of laughter, hearing Kushina's nickname for him and just deadpanned at her.
“Hello Kushina-San.”
Minato-Sensei had also an amused smile on his face. “Kushina here wanted to see for herself how good you guys already are. So today you will spar against her.”
Why did Konoha have a bad feeling about this? Kushina smiled at them promising a world of hurt and pain.
“So we four against Kushina-San?”, asked Rin to clarify.
“That’s right, Rin-Chan.”
Kushina got her Katana out, heaving now an evil look on her face.
“You four need to work to together to get me, Dattebane!”
Then she started her attack!
The four Genin were no match for Kushina's skills.
She moved with such speed and grace that they could barely keep up. Also, she threw at them Fuin Jutsu traps like no tomorrow!
Kakashi tried his best to coordinate their attacks since he had already fought Kushina in several meetings, sadly it seemed like they were just getting in each other's way.
Kushina was enjoying herself immensely, laughing as she dodged their attacks effortlessly.
It was clear that she wasn't taking the fight seriously at all.
This was so frustrating.
Suddenly, Konoha had an idea. She signalled to the others to back off and let her take the lead.
They looked at her sceptically, yet she gave them a determined nod.
The Haruno actives her Eagle Vision.
The world turned into the familiar black space, highlighting the persons in a blue Aura.
Since Kushina was their opponent she was tinted in red.
And in gold were the weak points of the Fuin Jutsus Traps!
A little smirk formed on Konoha's face.
She totally ignored Kushina's sword slash and concreted to hit with her Hidden Blade the weak points.
The Fuin Jutsu Trap destroyed themselves with satisfied pops.
“What, Dattebane?!”, shouted Kushina shocked.
Not only she was shocked.
Anyone was.
How did Konoha do this?!
Grappling the change that Kushina was distracted, Konoha made fast handsings.
She thanked her brother Kizashi mentally that he had shown her this Jutsu.
“Earth Style! Headhunter Jutsu!”
Thanks to the Jutsu Kushina was buried to the head into the ground.
The other Genin rushed forward to help Konoha finish the job, however, Kushina just laughed and broke free from the trap with ease.
"Not bad," she said approvingly. "You kids have some potential."
Minato-Sensei clapped his hands together in admiration. "Well done! I'm impressed by your teamwork."
The four Genin beamed at them.
“I’m impressed by you Konoha-Chan. How do you find the weak spots of the Fuin Jutsu Trap and disable them like that...Are you interested in Fuin Jutsu?”, wonder Kushina.
Before Konoha could say something Obito shouted: “What the heck?! Konoha since when do you have golden eyes?!”
Oh shit, she had forgotten to deactivate Eagle Vision.
Now all looked at her interested.
“Konoha.”, said Minato-Sensei calmy. “Do you need to tell me something important...like how a new Kekkai Genkai, especially a Dojutsu, awakened in you?”
Oh shit, what should she do now?!
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bukojuiice · 3 years
— genshin boys and how you take care of them when they’re sick.
ೃ ft. childe, diluc, kaeya, zhongli, and xiao x gn! reader
ೃ tags: modern au, headcanons, and tooth-rotting fluff.
ೃ 200 to 300 words per character.
ೃ genshin masterlist  ♡ mha masterlist  ♡ aot masterlist
ೃ note: if you enjoyed this, please do reblog! and if you want to be a part of my taglist, answer this form! ♡
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Childe has a very strong immunity system. No lame flu could ever get him. Mayhaps it's the below 0-degree temperature in Snezhnaya that helped his body grow accustomed to certain climates and temperatures? Because according to him, he "takes colds and kicks ass." However, after having too much fun and getting too competitive with Scaramouche at the Dragonspine Ski Resort, he's struck down with a terrible fever. From Sneznaya's Greatest Love Machine to sick babie in (y/n)'s care. He's not necessarily the whiny type but Childe is very helpless. Whether it was intentional or not, he couldn’t help himself at all. He forgets about the cough drops he has to drink and you have to remind him about it, when he refuses to eat Goulash fresh from Dragonspine and demands for alphabet soup, or when you're doing work in the living room and he comes up to you wrapped in a burrito blanket, asking for cuddles because "hugs are the best medicine." to which, you would reply with a hard "no." because you couldn't risk the both of you getting sick. (Even though you were craving hugs from him too.) Due to your boyfriend's stubbornness, it took a week before he could fully recover. And when he did, you bet he rushes to you, screaming, "I'm cured!" peppering you with kisses on your cheek and enveloping you in hugs that you've longed so much from him.
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Colds are Diluc's worst enemy. Whenever he got remotely sick when he was a kid, whether it be a runny nose or a small allergy, his immune system literally betrays him. So, when he gets sick, he literally gets sick. Since then, He vowed to maintain a healthy body. You've never even seen him get a headache! It's always been Diluc taking care of you whenever you’re down with a cold. You had always wished for a moment where the tables would turn and it would be you taking care of him for once. That would soon happen on a particularly normal day. Diluc approaches you and asks if you could check his temperature. You bring out a thermometer to check if he has a fever, and it read 38 degrees. Diluc suddenly panics. His face red as a tomato and feeling woozy and lightheaded, your boyfriend wraps his arm around you for support as you bring him to your bedroom. Then, he suddenly sneezes. An adorable sniffle you did not expect to hear from your boyfriend or from anyone as handsome as him at all. It was the cutest "achoo." you've ever heard. You giggle, reaching for his neatly folded pajamas in the closet and handing it to him. "Pretend you didn't hear that." He says coldly, trying to not act embarrassed. Since that night and until he became well, you barely left Diluc’s side. He's wrapped in a blanket, his usual well-dressed get up is replaced with a dark gray hoodie and joggers, your stuffed plushies are cuddled up beside Diluc to keep him company whilst he's bed-ridden, and you're bringing him healthy and delicious meals to help him get better soon. When he had finally recovered, Diluc thought that maybe getting sick wasn't all that bad. Especially if the the one most dearest to him could love and care for him so well while he’s at his weakest.
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Kaeya tries to hide his cold at first. He doesn't want to make you worry too much. After all, he's not the type to get so sick easily anyway. T'was the cursed downpour of rain on that particular Wednesday night after his evening classes to blame for all of this. When you're around him, he clears his throat every time he has the urge to cough, He tries to sneeze as quietly as possible so you wouldn't hear, and he takes his daily medicine for colds behind your back. It wasn't til you accidentally hear his loud coughs whilst he was on his phone when you realized that he had a cold for the past few days now. You were a bit sad at first because Kaeya shouldn't have hid this from you, and yet, you quickly understood when he told you why. Since then, you've been taking care of him. He would lie on your lap as you apply a fever patch on his forehead, massaging his temples, as he coos adoringly at your gestures of affection. In fact, he loved the special treatment that he was getting from you  so much, that even if he was getting better, he still asked if you could rub his temples to ease the pain he's been feeling from his common colds. Although it is very clear that he's already free of his illness, you chose to play along with him. and so from then on, giving Kaeya a loving massage became a part of your daily routine, and he was loving every minute of it.
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As a herb and tea enthusiast, Zhongli is able to keep a healthy mind and body. Chamomile tea before the two of you go to bed and a scented humidifier wafting around your house to rid of the germs. However, after eating something he had ordered for the both of you on Postmates and not knowing there was seafood in it, his mild allergies suddenly strike him with a severe cold. Zhongli hates this feeling. He hates not being able to get up, water the plants, read his books, or stroll around the city with you. He had no physical energy to do anything. He kept your house as clean and as influenza-free as possible. Yet here was, on your shared bed, speaking in a nasally but cute voice, a glass of orange juice on the bedside table, and tuned in to the Discovery Channel because it was the closest he could get to the wonderful world around him whilst he was sick. "I miss hearing your soothing voice." You say jokingly, drying a hot towel so you can pat and place it on Zhongli's forehead. "I'm afraid I can't do anything right now, my love. I'm sorry. A-Actually... my body feels hot. I think I need to take a  shower." Wearing a bathrobe or else he'd shiver and have his condition worsen, you help your boyfriend take a hot bath by washing his hair and help dry it right after. Zhongli wasn't the type of boyfriend to ask for these kinds of things, but it was such a sweet gesture. You gingerly wash his hair, spread shampoo around his auburn streaks and small upward curls, and massaging his head in the process. He hums in delight whilst you giggle at his utters of praise, leaving him once you're done with your deed. After a relaxing bath that had probably defeated the colds that was plaguing him, Zhongli is back on his feet the next day. Unfortunately, you were the next victim of this stupid flu and now, it was Zhongli's turn to take care of you and making sure you would get the love and treatment that you had given him.
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Calling your boyfriend stubborn when he's sick is quite an understatement. As a very productive person, Xiao always sets a certain amount of things to do as his goal for the day. Going to the skate park, hanging out with you, playing sports, or playing video games were just many of the activities he would do in a span of a day. But, when he catches a cold after staying up too late (sleep is for the weak! According to the Vigilant Yaksha as the mad lad had stayed up till 7 AM) after getting too invested in playing Resident Evil Village, he comes down with a flu that same afternoon. And so, his usual routine of going to the skate park, hanging out with you, and playing video games were soon to be replaced with lounging in the bed, taking medicine, being reprimanded by (Y/N) for moving too much, and feeling like shit because he can't do anything at all. You will literally shoot daggers when you see your boyfriend dashing around because he's supposed to be in bed, getting all the rest he can get. You were very strict with him, simply because you had to. Xiao was very careless after all. You were cooking dinner that same night when Xiao comes up to you, resting his chin on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist and whispering, "I can go to school with you tomorrow." "Xiao... no you won't. Go to back to bed. I'll bring you the Veggie Radish Soup there." You reply harshly, paying no attention to him at all. His tsundere tendencies were showing when you deliver the soup to him and he grumbles, "Y-you don't have to take care of me like this. It was my fault as to why I got sick in the first place. I can take care of myself, you know." You raise an eyebrow, giving him a knowing yet loving look. "I know that. But, I'm doing this because I love you. You're my freaking boyfriend for petesake! Why would I not care for you like this!?"
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ೃ taglist: @mignonextte @inlovewithadeptusxiao @duhsies @qimiie @kozu-zumi @volleybloop​
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sopeverse · 3 years
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genre: fluff and pregnancy!au
warnings: pregnancy, mentions of insecurity, bangtan being soft over the thought of starting a family with you so proceed into this disgustingly fluffy trap with caution !
note: okay so me promising to finally post my long awaited yoonkook fic was a fucking lie - so please have my unnecessarily cute indulgence into dad!bangtan. also, this is over 7k words so please with the utmost respect shoot me :)
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this dork didn’t even notice you were pregnant until three months in
he’d be so oblivious the whole time, not once catching onto the small bump you were slowly but surely forming
he’d just stare at you in disbelief whenever your cravings got the better of you, putting foods together that he deemed D I A B O L I C A L
he’d let you know that
cause as we all know, he’s the king™ of food
he’ll encourage your increasing eating habits though, loving the look of content and your stuffed cheeks that he makes a point to pinch every chance he gets
turns out you were having excessive cravings cause of the MASSIVE child you were currently carrying in your stomach
istg when you finally tell him you’re pregnant the first thing out of his mouth is,
“that explains why you were eating peanut butter and cucumber together!”
and he just has this look on his that says, ‘i’ve finally cracked the code’
and you have to resist the urge to slap him upside the head cause tHAT REALLY WASN’T THE POINT HERE
okay but #1 supportive boyfriend right here
he’ll volunteer to rub lotions on your stomach every night before bed
mostly because they seem to relax you but also because he likes how soft they make his hands
also the type to talk to your baby when you finally fall asleep 🥺
he’ll have his cheeks pressed softly against your bump, gushing over how excited he is to finally be a dad and how much he’s gonna spoil and care for them
and you couldn’t help the small smile tugging at your lips once you heard his gentle coos cause you really struck lucky with this soft muddle of mush you call a boyfriend
he’s so ott too
like five months until the due date and he’ll already have the spare room done up into the cutest little nursery
and you have to pester him to stop buying pink baby clothes and toys cause he has just simply ruled out the possibility of it being a boy
just hits you with, “c’mon babe, it’s the 21st century, boys can wear pink too.”
and after taking in his pink silk pyjamas and bunny slippers you realise you don’t have the energy to argue with this man
you think he indulged you in your cravings before? he’s 100x worse now that he know you’re eating for two
it could be two in the morning and he wouldn’t care, slipping on the first pair of shoes he could find and rushing to the nearest store whenever you show the slightest signs of being peckish
also buys the entire store
and stays up ‘helping’ you eat the treats cause he knows how bad you start to feel after giving into your cravings
leaves small post-it notes around you apartment when he’d gone to the studio, reminding you to eat and not stress yourself out
he hates leaving you alone on those days, the thought of something happening to you or the baby is enough to make him feel insanely guilty
trust he’s tried to convince his managers to grant him maternity leave too they weren’t having it
and he’d be (◞‸◟) everyday in practice until the baby is born
he’s so incredibly loving and doting towards you
showers your body in a million and one kisses whenever you feel the slightest bit insecure
and reminds you of how much of an angel you are between every gentle press of his lips
you’ve always been beautiful to him, but seeing your bump grow bigger with each passing day just makes him fall deeper and harder in love with you
which no one thought was humanly possible cauSE THIS MAN WORSHIPS THE GROUND YOU WALK UPON OKAY
just the thought of finally starting a family with you is so surreal and he’ll be in a state of bliss the whole nine months
freaks out when your water finally breaks
he’ll be a mess, phone balancing on his shoulder as he screams at namjoon to tell the boys as he grabs your overnight bags, tripping over every possible obstacle in his path while trying to clm you amidst the chaos
and you’re just 눈_눈 cause you really forgot how dramatic this man is
seems like he’s bringing that trait into fatherhood to hshdjd
you swear he breaks about ten different traffic laws trying to get to the hospital
only calms down once the nurses take over and rush you to the nearest private room
lets you hold his hand in a crushing grip, soothing words being whispered against the side of your head as he encourages you to push harder
he almost wants to beat himself up seeing you in so much pain, but once he hears a shrill cry and your hand relax in his hold he swears his eyes turn into hearts
he’ll try to hide the small tears gathered in his eyes once the nurses take the small child away to clean, pressing kiss after kiss against your lips and reminding you how well you did as you sleepily lean further into his affectionate touches
he’s just so proud of you and won’t shut up about it for hours
and he doesn’t have time to gloat that it’s a girl, cause he knows regardless he’d be in love
there’s no tearing him away, trust me
he feels so complete in that moment, watching the boys and his family coo over the babbling baby as you snuggle closer to him on the small hospital bed
he’s convinced nothing can diminish his happiness
not even taehyung and jungkook trying to teach your daughter curse words five seconds after she’s left your womb
another oblivious cutie in our ranks
he’s so quick to pick up any quirk or change which is why you find it so amusing that he didn’t seem to notice you were pregnant despite the obvious bump you made no effort to hide
he’s always so wrapped up in his work that he literally won’t catch on unless you were to snatch his headphones off and scream it in his ear
which is exactly what you do
the human personification of (°-°) when you show him the pregnancy test
for a good five minutes you’ll think he’s broken and have half a mind to call bighit to repair him but once that gummy smile takes over his face all your worries wash away
he won’t even try to hide it either, calling everyone in his contacts cause he’s gonna be a dad!!
then cringes once he gets to hoseok as the younger screams about finally being an uncle :’)
you secretly find it cute that they’ve all turned into giddy kids at the thought of a baby in the gang
he’s so insanely attentive towards you
like this man will shower you in love and there’s nothing you can do about it
makes sure to buy you all your favourite treats and plushies for when he’s gone to work for long periods of time
and sends you a message to ‘look after yourself or else i’ll come over there and kick your ass’
threatening but caring 🥰
he always feels so selfish about being stuck at the studio and practice all the time so please comfort him this smol boy
he won’t admit it but he genuinely thinks he’s not gonna be a good dad for the longest time so you better remind him that he will be the B E S T
he’ll eventually start to bring his work home with him and spend more time with you cause if something were to happen to his two favourite people he’ll r i o t
whenever he does show up to practice he’ll be worrying over you constantly if he’s not spamming your phone asking if you’ve eaten and got enough rest then he’s complaining to the boys about how much he misses you
to the point where they’ll literally just force him to leave so that he can finally shUT UP
they’re all secretly super excited though and can’t wait to be uncles
but hoseok has already made it clear that he’ll fight all of them and you if he doesn’t get to be godfather
bath time together has become a tradition in your household
he got sick of your whining and pouting about standing up for too long in the shower and being unable to reach places cause of your growing bump
so this man will spend a full half hour running the most *chefs kiss* bath for you with all your favourite scents and soaps
and lets you rest against his chest as his fingers gently massage your scalp, occasionally placing small kisses against the expanse of your shoulder while muttering sweet words against the heated skin
marry him or i will >:(
he’ll force you to lay against the bed with your tank top raised above your exposed stomach, watching lovingly and playing with his disheveled hair as he softly grumbles against you
he’ll be so love-struck and won’t stop gushing over hoe excited he is to finally meet them you literally have to resist the urge to get your phone out and video the cute interaction
then lowkey threatens it and says if it hurts you he’s gonna fight
with love of course <333
despite being insecure about his future parenting skills he swears to himself and you that he’ll never let his kid feel like he doesn’t support them
he knows what it feels like to lack support from your father so he ensures that he’ll lay the affection on extra thick
i’m not saying he’s gonna be the best dad in the world but that’s exactly what i’m saying
he won’t even have time to register what was happening before he has you, himself and everything you could possible need packed into the car before your water even broke
he’ll be so calm and reassuring on the outside but you could see from the nervous lip biting and the skin of his knuckles turning white from tension as he gripped the steering wheel that he was far form it
he’s so relived once he finally gets you to the hospital and the nurses take over, giving him time to finally breath before calling the rest of the boys
he’s stressing out the whole time - insisting on staying in the waiting room cause he couldn’t bear the sight of you in pain
but once the nurse calls him in for the final push he’s by your side in an instant
his words will get stuck in his throat as you groan for the final time, not once minding the crushing pain of your hand squeeing his own before going slack
he swore time started to slow as the doctor presented your daughter before cleaning her and wrapping her up in a blanket
he’s so careful and hesitant as he takes hold of her, a look of awe in his eyes as the baby squirmed against him
literally the only thing going through his mind is, ‘fuck, i’m actually a dad’
and istg man sheds a tear cause he finally started the family he so desperately wanted with you
swear he passed his :] trait down to her as she babbles up at you both
you both never felt so content, the months of pain and stress coming o an end as you lay your head on his chest - watching as your daughter softly played with his fingers
before hoseoks loud voice broke through the room,
“so i’m still the godfather right?”
king of the dumbfounded club
despite all the signs being there you’ll literally have to spell it out for him before he even notices
this man will go about his day as if you weren’t carrying his unnecessarily huge child inside of you
hoseok always expressed to you that he dreamed of starting a family with you one day, but with the surge in popularity with the band and your relationship still being kept from public view you were worried he’d be less than pleased with the timing
trying to keep it a secret proved easy considering your boyfriend had his head in the clouds 99.9% of the time
but it was yoongi who told you to finally man up and tell him before threatening to do it himself
which left you wondering as to how the fUCK HE KNEW? YOU DIDN’T TELL ANYONE?!
he just knows everyones darkest secrets
this boys is so :D when you finally tell him
as soon as the words leave your lips he has you in the tightest embrace known to man and smothers your face in kisses, gushing over how excited he is without letting you go for once second
everyone in a ten mile radius knows you’re pregnant within an hour
and he may have accidentally posted your baby scans to the bts official. instagram oops
sets it as his lockscreen
also has them in his wallet for safe keeping
but also because he just turns to mush every time he looks at the lil bub and thinks about how excited he is
will cling to you 24/7
whenever you’re cooking or preparing a meal in the kitchen he’ll be behind you in a minute, tracing gentle circles on your hips and leaving soft presses of his lips against the side of your hide as you go about your business
will happily brush his teeth while you’re using the toilet
he’ll just use any excuse to be near you
to the point where you’ll have to say,
“hoseok sweetheart, i love you so much but leave me the fuck a l o n e.”
he’s an angel so he won’t take any of your snaps or sarcastic quips seriously, already knowing how much of a toll pregnancy has been having on your mood
so he won’t hesitate to spoil you constantly
whenever you’re sad he’s sad, that’s the vibe in your relationship
he knows you better than anyone else so when he sees that you need your space and be alone for awhile he’s straight out the door and on his way to the dorms
not before showering you in all the kisses and gathering you all the treats and sweets his arms can carry beforehand though
if you even D A R E try to life a finger this man will have a tantrum
he just hates the thought of you straining yourself too hard and hurting yourself or the baby so he’ll offer to do the chores around the house with no hesitation
then collapsing on the bed later that night and snuggles into your side while complaining about how tired he is
and you hate to admit it but you’re lowkey happy cause now he can’t take what you do around the house for granted ✨
you’ll still give him forehead kisses though cause the pout sitting on his lips after he finishes his chores is just too cute to resist
he goes into full a hysteria whenever you accidentally bump into something
he’s on his knees and muttering apologies to your bump before you can even comprehend what is happening
“mummy’s just a dumbass baby, sorry.”
and grrrr you wish you could hit him but he is just too precious
if you thought this man was already soft at the thought of finally starting a family with you just wait until nightfall
his sleepiness gets the better of him and he just turns into a mush of love, facing you on the bed and hand gently caressing your bump
he always gives you a gentle goodnight kiss before going to sleep and has gotten into the routine of giving your bump one too
everyone under the sun could tell he was already in love with this child
also locks himself in the bathroom to secretly phone his mum or sister to give him advice when you get especially pissy
and they literally just sigh and say, ‘women’
he still hasn’t figured out what to do with that information
the type to have a ‘#1 dad’ bumper sticker on the back of his car
even though it’s no where near the due date yet
he’s just too excited 🥺
goes into full panic mode when you finally go into labour
you’ll have to be the one to calm H I M down
he’s screaming into the groupchat before your water has even fully broke
he just really wants everyone to be there when the baby’s born and has already made it clear that he’s gonna end their friendship if they don’t show up in time
you still aren’t sure if he’s joking or not
he’s so helpful during your contractions and will do all the breathing exercises that he got from the baby books with you
will also assign a job to each of the boys
yoongi had to be your on call assistant which he wasn’t to happy about
he’ll act annoyed about the whole thing but his heart warms at the thought of you two dumbasses finally having a baby
when the nurses say it’s time to finally get this sucker out of you hoseok will be by your side in an instant
will mutter encouraging words against the side of your head and not once take his gaze off you
he’s so patient and calm too, seeing how strong you where during the whole thing despite the small tears glossing over your eyes made him so proud
once the baby is born you swear his eyes fucking SPARKLE
and when the nurse has finally cleaned the small boy off and handed him over that man has scooped him up and burst out the door to the others
he’ll have no problem presenting that child like rafiki from the lion king
but after all the excitement is over and he ushers everyone home he turns into that ball of love again, laying beside you on the cramped bed and wrapping you up in his arms - worshiping your face in gentle pecks as you tiredly lean against him - smiling against his lips, the small baby happily asleep in your arms
he swears he’s never felt so complete until that moment
istg he knows before you do
he won’t even give you the slightest inkling that he knows
he’ll only start dropping hints around three months in - starting to be more careful around you and constantly reminding you to not stress yourself out
his gentle caresses and sweet words were never a rarity throughout your relationship but you noticed his hands softly lingering against your stomach, tracing the flesh despite your bump hardly showing yet
he knew you were holding off telling him in fear the news would interfere with his career so once you finally gathered the courage he’d be all set
you knew he’s be an amazing dad regardless so gathering your confidence you’d walk into the living to announce the news only to close your mouth at the sight presented in front of you
you wanna kick him for being such a tease with you but just the sight of him soften the edges of all the sharp corners in the house made you so soft cause you’ve never seen someone so excited and ready for something in your life
king of showering you in love
whenever you get down about your appearance and start complaining about the extra flesh around your thighs of the stretch marks decorating your skin he is by your side and worshiping your body before you can even finish your thoughts
he thinks you look so sexy and beautiful carrying his child and sometimes finds it hard to keep his hands away from you
seeing your stomach grow bigger with each passing day triggers something primal inside of him and he becomes much more protective over you
he instantly knows when insecurity washes over you and watches sourly as you stand in front of the mirror for hours on end - loathing every part of your body
he’ll sneak up behind you and admire you through your reflection, forcing your eyes to follow the light tracing of his hands as they ghost over your skin
muttering softly about how angelic and ethereal you look while pregnant
he literally won’t let you leave the mirror until his words are implanted in your mind, cause the mere thought of you thinking you weren’t worth it or pretty enough just because the months of pregnancy has taken a toll on your body makes his heart hurt
he genuinely thinks you’re so prefect and will be sure to remind you every possible chance he gets
just marry him already please 😓
swears he’s the cool dad but you know deep down he’s the dorky, embarrassing one that trips in front of his child's friends and tells them awkward stories to make them uncomfortable
also the hot dad but we been knew
and he can’t help but laugh when you threaten to beat up any of your child's friends in future if they so much as look at him
also the type to cook you dinner every night just to take the stress off
when the baby kicked for the first time he freaked out
genuinely thought he did something wrong to make them react like that would get so in his head about being a dad
and you have to shut up his rambling worries with a deep kiss cause god you love this man but he overthinks every possible thing
another sweetheart that feels so guilty about working all the time
his mind doesn’t rest for one second when he’s at practice, tripping over his steps and stumbling more than usual cause he just can’t stop stressing out about you and the baby
sends you cute little messages of encouragement throughout the day
you’re always knocked out on the sofa by the time he gets home and he swears the guilt eats him alive
he’ll scoop you up and tuck you away into bed - using the opportunity to softly caress and talk to your bump
he doesn’t even know if the baby can hear his overexcited words or not but he likes to think it does
kissing your head gently and whispers a soft ‘i love you’ against your skin before doing the same to your stomach
he gets a call one day while he’s at the studio that you’ve went into labour and this man goes into full windows shutdown mode
speeds through that building and into his car like lightening cause he’d rather die than miss any second of the birth
once he gets to the hospital he practically forces the nurse to escort him to your room and his panicked exterior and wide eyes is enough for her to comply without question
once he gets through that door and sees your worried expression and glassy eyes - worried he wouldn’t get there on time - relax, he feels so ashamed
covers your face in a million and one kisses as an apology and is immediately in dad mode
he literally turns into your support pillar and will let you squeeze his hand when the pain becomes too much, not once minding the crushing pain you inflicted on his fingers
encouraging words and soft kisses galore
you’ve never seen a grown man want to cry so much once that baby is born
like you’ll have to comfort him once the nurse passes you the tiny bundle of joy, already knocked out in your arms and looking like the perfect little mix of you and joon
the next few hours will just go by in a blur for the both of you - both your families and the boys wanting to coo over the little girl
but once everything is over and the room is settled with just your small family, he can’t help but admire you lovingly cradling the baby, tutting lowly as you tried to breastfeed her
and he’s just so completely 🥺 cause those nine months of constant stress and worrying were 100% worth it
he caught on the moment he noticed your morning sickness
he’ll just stand in the doorway of the bathroom like a lost child, wanting to help but not knowing how so he’s just so 🥺 watching you throw your guts up
let’s you sit on his lap and cleans you up afterwards, soothing stroking your hair as you bury your head into his neck - neither of you caring about the coldness of the tiles beneath you
he’ll let you cry against him for the rest of the night
and won’t regret it when he’s yawning his way through rehearsal the next day with namjoon nagging his ear off  
under all his concerns and worries this man is so fucking E C S T A T I C
you both had been planning to have a baby eventually so the fact that it was actually happening (albeit unexpectedly) sends him to cloud nine
he wouldn’t feel the need to have a big announcement or reveal either - both of you wanting to keep it your little secret until the time was right
and apparently the right time was him accidentally posting the baby scans to twitter while trying to send them to his mum
twitter crashed that day
when he sees how worried you become about the effect the pregnancy will have on his career and such, he swore his heart broke
he wouldn’t waste a second before snuggling you against his chest, kissing your worries away and reminding you that neither you or the baby could ever be a burden to him
and after he’s done wiping your tears away and comforting you, he’ll literally just get up and say
“okay, let’s go get the crybaby some mcdonalds.”
and you don’t even have the energy to argue with him cause f o o d
istg he has baby names picked out before you even know the gender
he’s in a constant state of bliss every time he sees your bump become bigger
he’s so in awe of it
like the fact that your future child is just lazying away in your stomach, being all beautiful and the perfect mix of you both  
blows his mind everytime
everytime you both go out shopping with each other he’ll mange to sneak every baby related thing into your basket without you noticing
and just :) innocently once you get to the checkout and your bill racks up with bibs, bottles and tiny shoes
he fully knows that they’ll grow out of them in 0.2 seconds A N D the fact that they don’t need them at all cause what newborn is flexing their designer drip
he just can’t help himself sometimes
please stop this man cause he goes wild and ends up buying more clothes for the baby and they’re not even born yet
he won’t get a proper night sleep if he doesn’t wish your bump goodnight and press a soft kiss against it, before paying your lips the same treatment
and you think it’s the most precious sight
he loves going to baby scans with you
he’ll cancel whatever plans wedged into his schedule that day just to go with you
and if he finds out you went on your own he’ll try and divorce you
even though you’re not married
you’ve never seen a man so at loss with words until he sees the outline of your baby appear on the small monitor
and he’ll just touch the screen and be like
“that’s really my baby?”
and you have to stop yourself from joking, ‘actually no it’s jungkooks’
cause you already know he’ll give you the silent treatment for about week for saying that
everytime you talk to this man his mind will always wander back to the pregnancy
like you could ring him up just to see what he wants for dinner later and he’ll bombarded you with a million and one questions on how the baby was doing
his main concern is missing the first kick
and when it finally does happen, you just silently take his hand and place it on your swollen stomach, feeling the small jolts of the baby
and he’s so 😔 cause the baby is saying hello!!
he’s the most supportive and calm of them all when your water breaks
he’ll have you in the hospital before your mind can even wrap round the situation, reassuring you the entire drive there
but he won’t hesitate to THREATEN every last doctor there if they dare hurt you or make you uncomfortable in any way
cue to the entire building just sweatdropping™️ cause this smol man can be scary when he wants to be
won’t leave your side no matter how long your labour takes
constantly tells you to take deep breaths and will lets you squeeze onto his hand, thumb rubbing over the flesh of your palm to help soothe the pain
despite never shutting tf up during your pregnancy he’s at a loss for words once he actually lays eyes on his new baby girl
everything around him will disappear for a second and all he can focus on is the sight of you cooing down gently at the small child, letting her take hold of your finger
and he can’t help but admire your beauty in that moment, the glow of afterbirth completely taking over your spent figure
he swears it’s the most beautiful sight ever
and can’t resist the urge to take out his phone to snap a quick picture
capturing the moment forever
only for you to throw the baby bottle at him for being such a dumbass and not turning his phone on silent, effectively startling the newborn
he’s new at this parenting stuff, cut him some slack :’)
another member of the confused squad™️
he doesn’t have the slightest clue about what’s happening around him most of the time and that certainly doesn’t change when you unexpectedly become pregnant
so please help this poor boy out
even when your bump started to become more noticeable and you’ve grown out of some of your jeans, he’ll still be so helpless and lost 😔
you’ve never seen someone so happy when you finally let it slip
that boxy smile you adore so much just tugs at his lips and he doesn’t even give you a chance to get the words fully out before he’s picking you up and bringing you into the most bone crushing hugs ever, twirling you around the spacious apartment in joy
he’s such an excited pup and you swear nothing can wipe that adoring grin off his face
he’s so soft for the reminder off the day, finding it hard to believe that you’re actually carrying your soon-to-be child in your stomach
his hands constantly brush against your belly, sweating every two seconds he can feel the baby kick even though it doesn’t even have legs yet to do that
he’s just can’t contain his excitement, leave him alone :’)
he talks to the baby before you get ready for bed, helping you apply your lotions to the swollen bump while gushing over how much he can’t wait to spoil them
and you just run your fingers through his soft locks, smiling gently down at the overjoyed pile of mush you call a boyfriend  
everyone say it with me - we don’t deserve kim taehyung
he’s also so good at making you feel better about getting too big for some of your clothes, not hesitating to tell you how pretty you look every morning despite the extra weight
he won’t let you for a second T H I N K about talking down on yourself
cause as far as he’s concerned, whether you’re 100 pounds lighter or 200 pounds heavier - you’re still the most beautiful  angel he’s ever laid eyes on
this man can’t keep a secret to save his life so he’ll let it slip you’re pregnant within the first week for sure
and when you sit down to watch the boys’ first live interview since their recent comeback, you were horrified to watch the love of your life blurt out the news while bouncing excitedly on his seat
and the rest of the boys are just starting at him in :o cause bro at leAST TEN MILLION PEOPLE JUST HEARD THAT??
he gets an earful from you later though
and from his mum
and his manager
and the fans
he sits on the sofa unmoving for an hour, a pout sat on his lips as you refused to talk to him
he’ll leave the softest of kisses against your cheek and mouth, muttering how sorry he was for being such an idiot
and you can’t help but grin against him cause he sure was stupid as shit
but he was YOUR idiot
everyone is super happy for you guys though, cause the love behind his eyes everytime he’s caught looking at you is undeniable
and what’s one more person for him to give a piece of his heart to? 🤧
after all the excitement is over and the full severity of the situation dawns on him, he gets so in his head about being a parent
he’ll start worrying about tours and long days at rehearsal, the thought of you raising  the baby alone without his help while he’s stuck at work all day is enough to make him curl into your side at night - burying his face against your neck and letting all his worries out
just soothingly stroke the back of his neck and mutter encouraging words and he’ll be okay eventually
he’s also a major dork and makes a ton of dad jokes before he’s even officially become one
yeontan is his #1 so don’t expect him to put the baby first
literally whines,
“how am i gonna fit another baby in my life when i already have tannie?”
he’s the epitome of puppy dog eyes when you go into labour
he’s so lost and doesn’t know what to do, wanting to help soothe the pains of your contractions but not knowing how
despite naivety regarding the situation he’ll also be super comforting, holding you tightly against his chest and muttering against your forehead as you take deep breaths - ignoring hoseoks’ screams towards yoongi to drive faster
once you finally get to the hospital HE’S the one ordering the doctors around
he just wants to make your labour as comfortable as possible and will literally slid the nurse a $20 note to get you a more private and bigger room
he’s so attentive and sticks by your side through the whole thing - praises and encouragement tumbling from his lips
but he just melts into a puddle of love once he finally lays eyes on your beautiful creation, softly shushing her quiet cries
nothing can take away his happiness in that moment, laying on the cramped bed with you as you cradled the baby to sleep, admiring her soft features
he’s gonna be in a state of bliss for the next few weeks, i’m warning you rn
also floods every social media platform that day with an overload of polaroids of your little family
and everyone is just so :’) cause if anyone deserves to be happy it’s this man
jungkook.exe has stopped working
as soon as he notices you’re pregnant he already knows the other boys are gonna beat him up
they all see you as a little sister and are c o n v i n c e d this man can’t look after himself despite a baby
but just the thought of starting a family with you makes him so giddy and soft, he doesn’t even have time to worry about what the others will do
he’ll pretend he doesn’t know just to troll you
he can’t help but think how adorable you look when you finally do, eyes avoiding his own and fiddling with the sleeves of your his sweater
literally all he says is,
“yeah well you weren’t very fucking subtle.”
and continues scrolling through his phone as if you hadn’t just dropped the the most life changing news on him
and you have to resist the urge to THROTTLE him alive just for being such a little shit
but he’ll make it up to you later, cuddling against you in bed and begging for your kisses - constantly whining against your heated skin that he was just joking
and you just give into his loving pecks of reassurance, smiling cutely against your face as you both bask in the newfound feeling of finally becoming parents
as inexperienced as he is when it comes to babies and pregnancy he makes up for it by being the most caring of boyfriends
he loves to prove you wrong cause he simply thinks you’re the most ethereal angel to ever walk into his life and still finds it hard to believe that you wanna settle down with his dumb ass
whenever you get particularly insecure about your body and hide away in your shared bedroom he’ll bust that fucking door down, not wasting a second as he’s worshiping your skin and kissing every last stretch mark and imperfection
and he knows how tough pregnancy can be emotionally so when he sees the small tears glossing over your eyes as he smothers you in his love, he’ll softly kiss them away too
whenever your bump starts to become more noticeable he’ll give you his hoodie to help hide it, knowing you weren’t comfortable sharing the pregnancy yet
he also thinks you look majorly cute being swamped in his overly large clothes
and he’ll leave small presses of his lips on your forehead, purposely avoiding your mouth just to be a tease
istg you both had the most perfect announcement planned for everyone, wanting to do it in the comfort of your home with all your loved ones gathered
and this man just goes and reveals it on vlive accidentally ಠ_ಠ
it’s safe to say you both broke the internet that night
he’s already clocked out on all the nappy changing responsibilities before the baby is even born
he’s not about to touch whatever goes on down there - no matter how much you chastise him
makes fun of the way you waddle once you start getting even bigger
to the point where he’ll imitate you and swiftly run away when you catch him cause he knows you aren’t able to catch up with him 😭
also puts things you’re looking for on the highest shelf possible just so he can watch you struggle
fucking divorce this man please cause he’s just gonna spend his time tormenting you
he didn’t have many doubts about being a parent during the pregnancy but once you finally do go into labour this man will be a complete mess
he won’t even be able to enter the hospital room - pacing the waiting area and breathing heavily into a paper bag that taehyung so graciously lent him
and everytime he even thought of stepping foot past the door he’d just shake his head and continue his worrying
before yoongi eventually got sick of his stressed pacing and pushed him into the room, holding the handle forcibly to prevent him from leaving
and you’re sitting there wondering why the f u c k your boyfriend is being forced into the birth with you and pulling on his hair when you’re the one that’s pushing a baby the size of a bowling ball out of your body
he’ll try to be as comforting as he can, hesitant words of support slipping past his lips as he tried to block out your groans of agony
you know that scene in friends when rachel is going into labour and accidentally headbutts ross and he falls to the ground and says ‘you have no idea how much this hurts’ and the whole room just stares at him cause bRO YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS CURRENTLY PUSHING YOUR MASSIVE CHILD OUT OF A TINY HOLE AND YOU’RE COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR HEAD?! yeah that’s jungkook the entire time
everything is such a blur and rush for him, but once he hears that soft cry istg he has the biggest heart eyes you’ve ever seen on someone
starts fussing over you and presses kiss after kiss against your face, not paying any kind to the sweat that gathered
and he won’t stop confessing his love for you
he’s so insanely protective over you both as soon as the nurse hands him the newborn
just feels the immediate need to protect and love and you’ve never seen a more heartwarming sight
shushes the small babe quietly and cuddles him close to his chest, letting you tiredly lean against his shoulder as you both admire the tiny bundle of joy
despite everyone thinking you were too young to have a child, you both knew you’d have it no other way
now he just has to convince you to get matching tattoos of your baby’s initials
if you can finally settle on a name that is
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© sopeverse — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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ameliora-j · 3 years
before i fell // dm x reader
words: 2.8k
warnings: angst, talk of a breakup, mention of loss of virginity, mention of not eating, mention of not sleeping, pansy is kinda ooc and so is draco, the slytherins are assholes
a/n: i used a lot of olivia rodrigo lyrics bc i listened to SOUR while writing lol. lmk if i should add other warnings and happy reading babies!
you would be cliche and say that you fell in love the way that you fall asleep. slowly and then all at once. but you couldn’t because you didn’t. it wasn’t a john green novel and you weren’t hazel grace lancaster. falling in love wasn’t simple, and that description of it truly… didn’t describe anything. falling in love was more complicated than that. there were more layers to it than that. falling in love was rather… quick and unexpected. unexpected like snow in the middle of march. or rain when there’s not a cloud in sight. quick like waiting months for an event and finally when the time comes, it feels like you blinked and then it was over.
falling in love with draco malfoy was all of these things and more. falling in love with draco malfoy brought upon more layers than that. falling in love with draco malfoy brought pain. not just any kind of pain, no… horrible, heart wrenching, gut twisting pain. pain that began by bubbling itself in your chest right at the center of your heart, then slowly but surely worked it’s way outwards. encapsulating your entire body and making every inch of your body ache. pain like when you get attached to a character and the author kills them off. pain like when you finish your favorite book and you realize that you’re not truly in that universe and none of that actually happened. pain like when you’re two hours, fifteen minutes, and twelve seconds into avengers: infinity war and peter parker says “mr. stark, i don’t feel so good.” pain that you’ve never felt. pain that can’t be described. pain that you felt for days. pain.
you thought it was strange when the platinum blonde slytherin sought you out. he came to you one day while you sat silently at the black lake. you were alone, but only because you liked to be. you had friends of course, many actually, but you chose to be alone. the black lake was your place of solace. then along came draco. he sat beside you, a good distance away, but his presence was known. you looked to him for an explanation but he offered none. just smiled at you and turned to his notes, so you did the same. the second time he came, he sat closer, but still in silence. the third time is when he struck up conversation.
“yln, yeah?” he questioned.
“yn, actually. but yes, yn yln. and you’re draco malfoy?” you asked.
“i am,” he smirked at your knowledge of his name and then you returned to your studying. after that, the two of you talked every time he came and sat with you. short discussions about the weather or the potions assignment. you don’t know when, but soon they became longer. discussions of your day and your family. your interests and how you got your name. how you loved the rain and the stars and how you loved hogwarts, but you often missed home. draco knew you inside and out and you knew him—and before long, you called the tall, skinny blonde your boyfriend.
you walked the halls of hogwarts together, hand in hand. draco walked haughtily with a hard scowl and you with a bright smile. while you walked cheerfully and waved to your friends and to first years while draco glared at anyone who dared look at the two of you. he took you to parties in the slytherin common room and you wore his jersey proudly at quidditch games, even when he played against your house. he bought you lavish gifts at all of your trips to hogsmeade and he showered you in kisses, praise, and affection. you were whole heartedly smitten with the sole heir to the malfoy fortune.
it was one fateful day in the common room when your heart absolutely exploded. that was the day you knew that you fell in love with draco malfoy. you had been a thing for about two, going on three, months. you were sitting in the slytherin common room, reading in silence when he asked. you were pressed against his chest and he pressed a soft kiss to your head. “‘ve been meaning to ask you something,” he murmured gently. this caused you to close the book and turn your full attention to him. “want you to wear this,” he said, holding out a ring. “it’s the malfoy family crest.”
your stomach and your heart exploded into billions of butterflies and you launched yourself forward, straight into his chest. millions of emotions overcame you as you squeezed his neck as tight as possible. you nodded into his neck as a few stray tears fell. he kissed your head repeatedly as he slid the ring onto your finger before pressing his lips to your’s gently. you giggled excitedly as you stared down at the ring on your finger. “do you like it?” he asked you.
“i love it, dray. i love you. thank you s’much,” you confessed for the first time as you cuddled back into his chest. you don’t know what it was that made the blonde boy seek you out, but you’re glad he did. if only you knew the true nature of his intentions. but alas, you were oblivious.
it was the beginning of the school year, on the train to hogwarts. in the compartment of what was labeled as “the slytherin squad.” there sat theo nott, pansy parkinson, blaise zabini, and—your now boyfriend—draco malfoy.
they were all sitting around, taking the piss out of draco for all of his past failed relationships when it was brought up. “i’ll bet malfoy couldn’t get a girl to fall in love with him if he paid her,” theo spoke.
“i’ll take that bet,” draco countered.
“alright. but we get to pick the girl,” blaise decided.
“what?” pansy asked as theo began to look around the compartment. it was a few minutes before he found the victim. it was then that your fate was sealed. there, sitting in the back corner, head tucked deep into a copy of the fault in our stars, was you. you. awkward and quiet. you with seemingly no friends. poor little unsuspecting you.
“that one,” nott smirked evilly.
“what the weirdo?!” draco exclaimed incredulously. “no way!”
“so then you forfeit?” blaise asked, causing draco to release a frustrated exhale.
“alright i’ll do it,” he rolled his eyes.
“then we give you five months. make yn yln fall in love with you in five months and we’ll do your homework for the rest of the year,” theo posed.
“and if i don’t?” draco asked.
“and when you don’t… thennn,” blaise taunted as he searched for a deal that was fair.
“then we get two hundred galleons each and you have to apologize to potter for making his life hell,” theo smirked. draco scoffed at this and rolled his eyes, but nodded nonetheless.
“and what are my conditions?” he raised an eyebrow.
“she has to say it first. you can do anything you want or need to get her to say it, but you cannot say ‘i love you’ first,” blaise spoke.
“this doesn’t seem fair to yn,” pansy piped in.
“shut your mouth parkinson. no one asked your opinion,” theo growled with a roll of his eyes. but it was too late. there was absolutely nothing the girl could do to get the three to change their minds. she just had to sit idly by and watch draco malfoy break your heart as she said nothing. she wished that she could stop it, but their minds were made up. and the three of them were very stubborn.
it was a few days after draco gave you his ring when your bubble came crashing down. you were walking to meet draco at your spot at the black lake when blaise and theo intercepted you. you knew who they were, of course you did. they were your boyfriend’s best friends, however why they were currently speaking to you, you had no idea.
they told you it would be quick. that they just wanted to show you something in the slytherin common room and left little room for argument, so you had no choice but to follow them there. they sat you on the couch and began to discuss your relationship with draco. you were very confused and had no idea why you were here. “so… draco hasn’t told you?” blaise mocked a gasp of shock.
“no?” you raised a soft eyebrow as you stared on. this made theo smirk evilly as he pulled up a projector and pointed his wand at it. a picture appeared, it looked like a memory. “what’s this?” you asked before the boys urged you to ‘shh.’ you sunk further into the couch as you idly watched on.
you truly weren’t paying attention untill you heard the voice of your boyfriend. the words he spoke stung. you were soft. emotional. the way he spoke about you absolutely crushed you. it would crush anyone, but it shattered you especially. “she’s so fucking weird!” “i’ll take that bet.”
‘s all you were. all you ever were. just a stupid belt. another notch in his belt. it was that moment that draco had barged into the common room. but by then, it was already too late. the tears had already sprung to your eyes and you were preparing for a torrential downpour as you heard his voice. “i’m out!” he announced breathlessly. he froze in his run as his eyes fell on you and what was playing on the projector currently. “bunny…” he whispered softly as his hand touched your shoulder, but you quickly jerked away as if his hand had burned you on contact.
“don’t call me that. don’t touch me,” you demanded as the tears began to fall. “that’s all i was? a bet?” an involuntary whimper sounded from the depths of your throat. “i feel so stupid.” you shook your head.
“no, bunny please listen to me,” you didn’t allow the boy to finish as you wrapped your arms tightly around yourself.
“don’t call me that!” you demanded. “in fact don’t call me at all. don’t… don’t talk to me draco. ever again. i can’t believe i fell for your stupid joke. i feel so… i feel like an idiot,” you spoke. you shook your head, hastily wiping at your eyes untill you saw stars. it was then that you decided to walk away.
“YN STOP!” draco yelled. “LISTEN to me,” he demanded.
“NO!” you shouted as you turned to face him finally. “godric draco, i wish you would’ve thought this through before i went and fell in love with you,” you sniffled as you wiped your snot on your sweater sleeve.
“yn please just let me explain. please listen to me, please,” he begged.
“i feel like you betrayed me,” you shook your head. “i told you everything. you were my everything. draco i loved you. i actually loved you. i thought you loved me too but i guess you’re just a really good actor,” you sniffled once more. “i hate you draco. i really fucking hate you. i don’t want to hear your bullshit explanation because i know that you’ll never feel sorry for the way i’m hurting right now.”
“it was a bet!” draco shouted as you walked away, hand on the door knob. you scoffed as you muttered a sarcastic, ‘no shit.’ “that’s how it started yes, but then i got to know you. i figured out who you were. i learned that your favorite color is yfc and that you prefer night over day because you love the stars and that your favorite star is scorpius and you would name your son after that star one day. i learned that you love to read and you love when it storms but you're afraid of the thunder. you only dance when you’re drunk and you giggle when you’re nervous and i love that giggle. with everything in me i do. your favorite book is yfb and you choose to be alone but you let everyone be your friend. you’re gorgeous. inside and out and while it may have started as a bet, somewhere along the lines i fell in love with you so yn please. please don’t leave,” he whispered the last part as his voice came out broken.
you took a deep breath in before you began to speak. “you couldn’t have cared less about someone who loved you more. i’d say you broke my heart but you broke much more than that,” you shook your head as you furiously wiped at your eyes again. “i gave you my all draco. you were my first everything. i gave you my virginity for merlin’s sake. all to find out that i was just some stupid bet,” you scoffed.
“yn please believe me when i say that you’re so much more than that,” he begged again. “i came to tell them that they won. that i wanted out because i fell in love with you too!”
“it doesn’t matter if you don’t see me as a bet any longer. the fact is that you did. i’m worth so so much more than that.” your breaths were ragged as you spoke. “i really wish that you had thought this through before i went and fell in love with you.” you repeated with a small sniffle. “don’t you think i loved you too much to be used and discarded? don’t you think i loved you too much to think i deserve nothing?” you were openly sobbing at this point.
“yn please believe me when i tell you how sorry i am…” he spoke softly.
“don’t tell me you’re sorry. feel sorry for yourself. because someday i’ll be everything to somebody else,” with this you turned away from him. you hastily opened the door and practically ran out of the common room and away from him.
at that moment you decided to forget about it. draco, and the bet, and love, and everything. like in the vampire diaries, you decided to turn your emotions off. you laid in your dorm crying for hours before you made that decision, however. your dorm mates checked on you often, but you never offered more than merely a half hearted shrug, letting them know that you were still alive, but barely breathing. you skipped classes and meals. you were a mere shell of yourself. it was about two weeks before you could face draco again. and even then you couldn’t truly. you went into the great hall and found “the slytherin squad” sans draco.
pansy looked at you sympathetically while theo and blaise basked in the glow of their new victory. you pulled the ring off carelessly as you stopped in front of them, hair disheveled and uniform askew. you had dark bags under your eyes from the lack of sleep you’d gotten in the past fourteen days and your eyes were rimmed red with the weight of your emotions. “c’you just give this back to malfoy,” you murmured half-heartedly as you dropped the ring on the table in front of the three. just speaking his name brought you pain.
your shoulders were sunken in defeat and you were but a shell of your usual cheerful self. you don’t even know when the last time you saw daylight or had fresh air was. “wait yln,” pansy called hesitantly. you turned to face her, still staring down at your mary janes as you pulled and twisted your fingers untill you heard your knuckles pop. “you… you really love him, don’t you?”
you just shrugged your right shoulder as you used the heel of your palm to wipe the snot from your rapidly reddening nose. “i was just some stupid bet,” you replied as tears begin to spill rapidly over your waterline.
“if it’s any consolation… it was those two bozos’ idea,” pansy told you as she pointed to blaise and theo.
“doesn’t matter,” you murmured. “he’s still a traitor,” you answered as you walked away, forgetting all about the slytherin prince and his stupid friends. forgetting all about how he hit you with a train of his “love.” forgetting all about how for three months he was your everything. forgetting all about how he wrote to his mum about you and you wrote to your parents about him. forgetting all about draco malfoy. the platinum blonde boy with stormy grey eyes who had a long story buried beneath his haughty exterior. the boy who you called your first. your first kiss. your first time. your first love. forgetting all about the boy that made you fall in love just to tell you it was all a bet.
attempting to revert back to how you were before you fell.
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taglist: @hellounicorn @mollysolo @i-love-scott-mccall @veela-essence
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close friends | t. holland
pairing: tom holland x fem!reader word count: 3.1k warnings: some language, some angst if u squint. otherwise it's just fluff and tom being tom. didn't proofread this. a/n: so tumblr decided to be a little bitch and deleted this t w i c e. so i had to write this t h r e e times. this came up in my head after i got like three notifications that tom posted something on his ig story, and then it turned out he deleted them. as always, english isn't my first language so i'm sorry if this gets confusing bye. also, i was listening to cardigan by taylor swift as i wrote this.
my masterlist
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so we all know tom sucks at instagram. that's a surprise to literally no one. no matter how many times you tried to teach him he still doesn't get it, and it was only a matter of time before he finally posted something he shouldn't have.
it was just one of those days, you missed him like hell. he was away filming the third spiderman, and you had to stay behind because of work.
naturally, you relied on face time and texts to survive and fill the void he left behind. you loved talking to him, listening as he rambled on and on about his adventures on set. a love-struck look on your face as you tried your hardest to stay awake despite the urge to close your eyes.
eventually, sleep took over you, and you drifted off with the sound of his voice lulling you to sleep. he stopped talking abruptly when he didn't hear your soft chuckling in reply to the story he was telling.
instead, he saw your sleeping figure, long steady breaths moving your chest up and down. and he cursed himself for making you stay up so late for him. he took one last look at you, taking a screenshot of your sleeping form.
he quickly hung up the video call and opened instagram instead, uploading the screenshot to his story,
'missing my favorite girl, thank you so much for everything you do for me. x @yourusername'
the next morning you woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing. at first, thought someone had died as one notification after another filled your screen. most of them came from instagram, so you opened that app first.
thousands upon thousands of mentions, tags and new followers. you frowned, and suddenly a text from your friend popped up at the top of your screen.
'omg just saw his story. so happy for u both'
who's story? what was going on?
you refreshed your timeline, and tom's icon appeared, a colorful circle around it. an odd feeling sank in your stomach. you tapped his icon and suddenly your screen was full of... you.
a picture of you, sleeping. tom's smiling form in a small rectangle on the bottom right corner.
oh god. you read the words he wrote, over and over again. your heart pounding in your chest, and a sudden wave of fear ran through your body. but then you read his words once more, and all you could feel was love. pure, unconditional affection.
sure, your families and closest friends knew about you, but you hadn't talked about making your relationship public yet, but there was nothing you could do now.
you sighed, leaning back on your pillows. a small chuckle left your throat.
you grabbed your phone once again, quickly facetiming tom. you knew he had an early call today, and you hoped you could catch him while he was still in his hotel.
it ran once, twice, and then you saw him, hair all over the place, bare chest. hands rubbing sleep off of his face.
"mornin', darling." he said, his raspy morning voice making you smile.
"hi, baby. did i wake you?" you asked, sitting up and crossing your legs.
"yeah but it's fine, princess. i did keep you up last night so it's only fair."
"i'm sorry about falling asleep on you, that was a really nice picture you took last night," you lifted one eyebrow, and watched as he smiled at you sheepishly.
"i thought you looked really pretty, you always look pretty," he said, grabbing the water bottle on his nightstand and taking a swing.
"thanks, i hope the whole world thinks so, too," you declared. leaning your chin on your fist, watching him expectantly.
he did not react like you had expected him to.
his breath hitched as he sipped his water, and suddenly all you could see was the cream-colored ceiling, as you heard him spitting out and coughing.
"tom! oh, my god! are you okay?" you asked, getting on your knees and holding your phone up to your face, "tommy?" you repeated when he finally stopped coughing, you could now hear his heavy breaths.
at last, you saw his curls appear from the bottom of the screen.
"wh-what did you just say?" his voice was rough, his chest heaving.
"are you okay?" you asked again.
"ye-yeah i'm fine. babe, what did you mean by 'the whole world'? did something happen?" he asked, frowning. you echoed his expression, watching him for a second.
“you posted a picture to your story,” you repeated, and he nodded.
“yeah, i posted it to my close friends, i-” he stopped mid-sentence, eyes growing comically wide. “oh shit, did i-” he caught himself off as he threw the phone to one side, you heard him fumbling around for his laptop and you snorted. “shit, baby, don’t tell me i posted it… fuck!” you couldn’t keep it in any longer, you broke out laughing.
“of course this is how the world finds out about us!” you continued giggling until your stomach hurt.
“fuck, princess i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, i swear i- why are you laughing!?”
“tommy, tommy! it’s okay, baby, don’t worry. i’m not mad,” you stopped once you noticed his pouting. “it’s fine, my love, i don’t mind. sure it’s unexpected, and a little sudden but i wouldn’t have it any other way. i knew what i was getting into when we started dating,” you told him honestly, wishing you were there to give him a hug and kiss him all over.
“darling, i’m really, really sorry. i swear i thought i tapped the green button like you told me to” he continued his sulking, nervous eyes glancing back and forth from his laptop screen to you.
“i know, baby, i know this is not your forte, and i really appreciate the sweet gesture, honestly. i love you so much,” you told him as you bit your lip. folding your legs to your chest, wrapping one around them.
“god, i love you. i swear i’ll make it up to you,” he ran his hand through his hair, giving you a quick peek of his bare chest.
“i’ll hold you to it,” you chuckled, you glanced to the clock on your nightstand, sighing when you saw the time. “i’ve gotta go,” you said as you stood up and stretched. a wicked idea ran through you head. “i’ve got like five meetings today, so i’ll probably be busy most of the day. just in case i don’t reply or something,” you made up you lie quickly. grabbing your laptop and opening a new tab.
“oh, okay. i’ll be on set until like 1 am, so we’ll talk tomorrow?” he asked, eyes bright. you nodded, biting your lip.
“definitely. i love you,” you blew him a kiss. he smiled, and you felt your heart swelling.
“i love you, too. good luck today!” he said as you reluctantly hung up the call.
you immediately got to work, calling your assistant and telling her you were taking a few personal weeks, and to email you in case of emergencies. next, you texted harry, asking him to call you once tom was busy on set.
you waited for the page to load, and once you had bought your one-way ticket to atlanta you hurriedly threw some pre-planned outfits into two suitcases, just in case. your phone rang and harry’s face popped up on your screen. you quickly answered the call, and let him know of your out-of-the-blue plan. he agreed to meet you at the airport and drive you to set. and because of your recent and sudden rise to fame, he suggested you wear all black and a cap. you followed his advice, throwing on some sunglasses as well, as you had seen tom do many times before.
once you reached the airport and checked-in, you bought some coffee and breakfast, as well as some food for the flight. you opened instagram, seeing all the messages and comments. you had seen how the fans reacted when their favorite celebrities announced a relationship, and you knew to expect the meanest comments, and even death threats. for your own sake and peace of mind, you allowed yourself to scroll until you read three of those, and closed the app.
once the plane took off, you tried to catch some sleep, preparing for the inevitable jet lag, but your mind kept buzzing from one scenario to another. so you took out your book and tried to read some chapters, putting in your earbuds, music playing quietly.
when you finally, finally landed, you stretched your legs and grabbed your bags, putting on the cap and sunglasses again, you spotted a familiar head of wild curls. you quickly approached harry.
“what happened to all black and a cap to go unnoticed?” you asked as he took one of your bags in his hands.
“think about it, two kids wearing black, a cap and sunglasses? people would think we’re up to no good.” he gave you a tight hug, you’d missed him almost as much as you’d missed tom.
he caught you up on everything he and tom had been doing these past months, you shifted in your seat in excitement, the sleep that was slowly taking over you on the plane had now disappeared from your body.
in what was probably a 15 -but to you felt like five- minute drive, you got to the hotel to leave your bags and take a quick shower. harry left you alone in tom’s room, making his way to his own room next door. he said he’d order something for you to eat whilst you got ready to see tom.
you took the quickest shower ever known to humankind, and when you walked out of the bathroom after using tom’s shampoo and conditioner, -you’d missed his smell all over you. the few forgotten hoodies and shirts that were once drenched in the smell of his soap and cologne, were now very faint.- you wrapped a bathrobe around your body, rummaging through tom’s clothes until you found one of his shirts.
you pulled it close to your face, sighing at the familiar scent you’d missed so much. you got dressed quickly, grabbing your now fully-charged phone and the key to tom’s room that harry had left on a coffee table. you knocked on harry’s door and he let you in.
“i just texted tom, he says they’ve got like three hours left.” you sat next to him on the couch, the table in front of you filled with food waiting to be devoured.
“my poor baby, they overwork him,” you pouted, reaching for one of the plates.
“it was his idea, said he’ll do anything that helps finish filming sooner.” you stopped chewing your food.
“wait, really?” you asked in disbelief, you knew tom loved his job, and you found it odd that he wanted to cut his time on set short.
“yeah, it’s been rough for him. not having you around, i mean, after he spent months with you. he’s been pretty distracted lately. messing up lines, he’s been waking up late and missing early calls...” your heart sank at the words. you ate the rest of your food with a knot in your stomach, cursing yourself for not getting there sooner. soon enough, you were back in the car, your leg bouncing up and down. you fell asleep on your way to set, waking up when harry parked the car and nudged your shoulder.
you stepped out carefully, your head turning back every few steps you took, in fear that tom might catch you. once you reached the stage where tom was filming, you flashed the visitor badge harry had given you to the guard and he let you both in. you walked in as you leaned down, your forehead against harry’s back, shielding you from the curious stares. harry told you to hide behind a giant box where they kept some lights whilst he spoke to the director.
although the box was big and tall enough to cover you completely, you crouched down, straining your ears for nearing footsteps. you heard two sets of feet approaching, your heartbeat racing.
you were met with your accomplice, a friendly-looking man behind him. you stood up as they approached you.
“this the girl?” the man asked, and harry nodded, “nice to meetcha, i’m jon.” you shook his hand, “okay, so we’ve cleared tom’s schedule for one week, we’ll need him back fully recharged and ready to work like it’s his first day on set, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like, if it means he’ll work better if you’re here you can stay until we're done. i really don’t mind, i just need my guy back.” you blinked at his words, nodding slowly. “we’ve got a couple hours left tonight, i’m all up for some cheesy reunion, but it’ll have to be when we’re finished, i can barely keep him focused as it is.”
with that he left, and harry led you to tom’s trailer, where you caught some sleep while you waited. like that morning, you woke up to your phone buzzing. you reached for it, sleep leaving your body as you read the text.
‘just finished filming for the night, i’m exhausted. miss u, love you. x.’
all rational thoughts left your head, you opened the door to tom’s trailer and sprinted out of there until you reached the set. your eyes finally, finally met his figure, and tears filled your eyes.
your legs moved on their own accord, you mumbled apologies as you crashed into people, but you didn’t care. tom had his back to you, and even though he wasn’t wearing the spiderman costume, you’d recognize that ass anywhere.
“tom!” you called out, stopping a few feet away from him. you saw him whipping his head around, eyes scanning the sea of people. you made your way up to him, “tommy!” you repeated, and he finally turned around.
his mouth wide opened in disbelief, arms twitching, feet running towards you as you did the same. you crashed into each other, your legs wrapping around him, arms around his neck, fingers curling on his soft hair. his hands running all over your back, your hair. pulling you as close as humanly possible.
whispers of ‘i love you’, ‘god, i missed you’, ‘never leave me again’, and ‘i promise’ were exchanged. you tightened your hold on his hair, pulling back to look at him.
“hi,” you whispered, your nose brushing his.
“hey,” he replied, burying his face on your neck again, pressing small kisses anywhere he could reach. his hands settled on the back of your thighs as he spun you two. you giggled, sniffling as a few tears escaped your eyes.
you could not care less about the people around you, all you could think about was the boy wrapped all over you, your favorite boy. tom led you back to his trailer, where you finally untangled yourself from him. he settled you down and you immediately wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him close to you again.
you had been starved of his touch for so long, there was no way you were letting him go anytime soon.
after many kisses, touches, tears, promises and more kisses, you left for the hotel. harry had already left, getting a ride from another cast member to leave you two alone. at that moment you swore you’d make him godfather of your firstborn child.
as you waited for tom to step out of the shower -you would’ve joined him, but three showers in a day seemed kind of excessive-, you laid down on the bed, throwing the covers over your body, tom's scent engulfing you. you breathed in happily. you tapped on your phone, replying to some work emails when you received a text from harry.
‘i believe the ball is in your court. you’re welcome.’
next, you received a picture of you and tom. harry must’ve taken the picture when you and tom were too lost in each other to even notice anyone around you. in the picture, your legs are around tom, bodies pressed closed together, your noses touching as you stare lovingly into each other’s eyes. it was a beautiful picture. and the black and white filter harry had applied to it made it seem like one of those old pictures of wives reuniting with their spouses after the war.
you smiled, heart swelling with emotion as you contemplated your options. you hummed quietly, tapping the instagram logo and waiting for the app to load.
you quickly uploaded the picture harry sent you tagging both him and tom and adding a quick caption before you shut down your phone. you were drifting off to sleep when you felt familiar arms around you.
you leaned into tom’s touch, your back resting against his chest, legs tangling with his as he interlocked his fingers with your own.
“thank you so much for being here, my love. i love you,” tom whispered into your ear, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“i’ll be here whenever you need me. i’ll always come back to you.” you turned around, facing him. you kissed the corner of his lips, and he cupped your cheek, his lips meeting yours in a slow kiss, filled with emotion. your fingers played with his fingers as you moved to straddle his waist. “i love you,” you broke the kiss reluctantly. as much as you both wanted to make love that night, you’d made it your top priority that tom took his time off to rest as much as he could, and that included that first night.
you gave him one last kiss, going back to your previous position. the familiar and comfortable weight of his arms around you, the feeling of his lips on your neck, his chest rising and falling against your back, you couldn’t ask for anything better.
the peaceful environment you had created suddenly burst like a bubble as tom’s phone pinged over and over again. you heard him grunting, arms reluctantly leaving you.
tom chuckled, putting his phone on do-not-disturb and throwing it somewhere on the bed.
“you’re perfect for me, my favorite girl.” you smiled, leaning into his touch as he kissed you all over. sleep quickly taking over both of you.
tom swore his heart stopped when he’d seen the picture you posted. you’d never looked more beautiful than when you were staring up at him, your bottom lip between your teeth. the words you wrote as a caption were the last thing on his brain as he finally succumbed to sleep.
‘i said, “i bet you can’t keep this a secret for five months.” he said, “darling, i won’t make it past three.” @ tomholland2013 it’s been 10 months, who won?’
edit: i just saw henry cavill's ig post and omg what is my life. pls respect celebrities' privacy and relationships.
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babyboibucky · 3 years
Project V: Pierced
Pairing: College!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky convinces you to get matching nipple piercings.
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, mention of oral, piercing pain lmfao, these two being dumbasses as usual
A/N: Maaaaaaaan, seeing Seb with them piercings really hyped me up to write shit lmfao
Project V Masterlist ||  MAIN MASTERLIST
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“Let’s get matching something.”
Bucky proposed as he lounged on your bed, his notes against his chest. You just got out of the shower, a towel wrapped around your chest with water droplets dripping from your neck down to your cleavage. You saw how Bucky’s eyes followed the droplets until it disappeared into your towel.
“Matching what?” You asked and started applying lotion all over your body.
Bucky’s ears turned red as he watched your hands slide up from your calf up to your thighs, the hem of your towel riding up a bit to expose your skin beneath. You snapped your fingers right in his face and made a face, “My eyes are up here, why the fuck are you so horny all the time?” you complained.
“You’re in a fucking towel and I can literally see your pussy from here. Of course I’m gonna feel horny!” he defended. “Anyway, matching something. What do you think?” Bucky asked again, turning to his side as he watched you continue with your post-shower routine.
You shrugged, “How about bracelets? Rings?” you suggested as you slipped on your underwear.
“Too basic.” Bucky said.
“Matching tats?” you asked and then gasped when an idea struck you. “Get a tattoo of my pussy and I’ll have your dick inked on my butt cheek.”
Bucky deadpanned at you, “Are you for real?” he asked. “Also, I don’t want matching tattoos. It’s too common. And Steve and Sam got matching tattoos. We gotta stand out ‘cause we’re not just regular best friends.” he explained, finally sitting up on your bed.
You were now clad in a loose shirt and skipped on the shorts. Turning around to face Bucky, you placed your hands on your hips. “You’re just jealous that Steve decided to get matching tats with Sam and not you.” you teased and sat down next Bucky on your bed.
Bucky rolled his eyes, “Whatever.” he dismissed and thought about what else the both of you can get.
You were combing your hair when Bucky found himself staring at your tits, noticing your pebbled nipples straining through the thin fabric of your shirt.
And then had a eureka moment.
“Let’s get our nips pierced!”
“Can I still back out?” you asked, tugging Bucky’s hand as the both of you entered the tattoo parlor.
You refused to get your nipples pierced, you clearly remembered shooting that idea down as soon as Bucky suggested it. But Bucky, Bucky, Bucky...he had a way with his words and his tongue that made you cry out yes to his suggestion.
Fucking Bucky and his talent at cunnilingus. If that man tried to convince you to help him hide a dead body by eating you out, you would’ve started digging a grave as soon as he was done with you.
He was that good at it.
“Pussy.” Bucky teased.
“Using ‘pussy’ as an insult doesn’t make any sense because this pussy can take a pounding. You should know that better than anyone.” you spat back with a scowl.
Bucky frowned at you, “Okay, fine. I take that back. But no one’s backing out. C’mon, we’d be the coolest BFFs in town with these piercings.” he insisted.
You were about to retort back but was immediately cut off when a guy called both your names, confirming the appointment that was made a week ago. Bucky took your hand and pulled you with him further into the parlor, leaving you with no choice but to give in.
“Alright, so nipple piercings huh?” the guy asked. “Are we gonna do both...or?”
You raised your hand, “What’s the aftercare like?” you went straight to the point.
“Oh well, just don’t touch it for as long as you can. It takes about 6 months to a full year for it to completely heal. Wear a cotton bra or skip on it if possible. Try not to tug at the piercings so when doing the nasty, try not to include the nipples.” he explained so casually.
You turned to Bucky, “When doing the nasty, try not to include the nipples. You sure about this, Buck?” you asked, knowing how much Bucky loved playing with your tits during sex.
Bucky swallowed, “For how long should we avoid the nipple play?” he asked shamelessly.
“Couple of months to a full year.”
“Fuck!” Bucky hissed, ignoring how the piercer burst out laughing at his disappointment.
“So what? We still gonna do this or?” you asked.
Bucky pondered for a couple of seconds before letting out a sigh, “I really want us to be the coolest BFFs out there.”
The both of you decided to show off the piercings back at the dorm, wanting it to be a moment of surprise. The Uber ride was quiet for some reason, tension thick in the air.
“You screamed like a bitch back there.” you said, finally breaking the silence.
Bucky looked offended when he snapped his head towards you, “My pain tolerance is low, okay?” he excused. “And it really did hurt. At least I didn’t whimper like a whore.” he said.
It was true though, you did whimper like a whore getting fucked by three dicks all at once. You always thought you tolerated pain pretty well, getting a Brazilian was a regular thing for you and it never made you flinch. Nipple piercings though? Jesus fucking christ, you couldn’t even explain how much it fucking hurt.
You laughed sarcastically at Bucky’s rebuttal, “Better than screaming as if you were being pegged with no prep.”
As soon as you arrived at Bucky’s dorm, he scrambled to lock the door in hopes of Steve not coming home any time soon. He’d already seen you wearing Bucky’s boxers, he doesn’t need to see the both of you showing off your newly pierced nipples at each other.
“Okay. You ready?” Bucky asked as he stood in front of you.
“On three.” you said before starting off the countdown.
As soon as the countdown was over, Bucky reached for his shirt from behind, removing it at the same time you removed yours, followed by the thin bralette you wore underneath.
“Oh my god, we actually did it.” you snorted, looking closely at the ball closure ring that Bucky went for.
“Shit, I didn’t know you got straight barbells on yours.” Bucky asked, his eyes glued on your slightly red nipples. “Fuck, your tits look so good with piercings.” he grunted breathlessly.
You licked your lips and groaned at the confession you were about to make, “Look, I’m gonna be honest. I’m so fucking turned on right now.”
Bucky groaned, “Me too. Jesus, I thought I was gay because I got an erection when the dude pierced my first nipple. I mean, he was pretty handsome too.”
“I’m sure we can fuck but we just have to avoid the nips so just hit me from the back.” you said and quickly shimmied off your pants together with your panties.
Bucky rushed to remove his and went over to his bed, kneeling behind as you positioned yourself on all fours. You got so wet at the thought of Bucky’s nipples having piercings that you didn’t need that much foreplay to get ready. Bucky slid his fingers along your folds, gathering more wetness from your entrance before smearing it.
“Fuck, just get on with it!” you moaned and gripped the bedsheets tightly.
Bucky jerked his cock a couple of times before finally sliding easily into your cunt. He choked on his moan at the feeling of your velvety walls clenching around his hard cock. He had been hard too on the way home, no wonder there was tension in that Uber ride.
“Go fast and hard, I’m not gonna last.” you urged, pushing your ass back to meet Bucky’s thrusts.
Placing a hand on your neck and the other on your waist, Bucky fucked you the way you wanted. Thank goodness you started taking pills because Bucky didn’t have the patience to even put a condom on. He felt like he was going to nut as soon as his eyes landed on your pierced nipples, so perky and still swollen.
“Oh shit, fuck. I’m so fucking horny.” Bucky said, his jaw tensing as he watched your ass bounce every time he slammed back inside of you.
A couple more thrusts and your entire body trembled, a soft moan slipping past your lips when you came hard. Even without being touched, your nipples felt sensitive because of the piercings, the sensation only adding to your pleasure when you reached your orgasm.
“Shit, fuck. I gotta see those tits bounce. I can’t cum without seeing them.” Bucky said and pulled out to gently turn you around.
Now on your back with your legs spread open, Bucky slipped inside and continued to fuck you. His hands gripped the pillow beneath your head for leverage as he jackhammered you onto the bed, your hands finding purchase on his broad shoulders as you felt another orgasm approach you.
You lifted your head up to meet Bucky’s lips in a kiss, moaning into his mouth when you felt the tip of his cock kiss your cervix. Your vision blacked out momentarily when you came for the second time. Just as when you regained your senses, Bucky got lost in his own orgasm that he completely forgot about the piercings. He grabbed your left breast and pinched your nipple, your scream joining his loud moan when he came.
“Fucking hell, Bucky!” you cried out, the pain too much to bear that you also didn’t notice that your hand clawed at Bucky’s right pec with your middle finger getting caught in his piercing, accidentally ripping it out in the process.
“What the hell happened? Are you both okay?!” Steve worriedly asked as soon as he arrived at the ER of a nearby hospital.
Upon getting Bucky’s voicemail about rushing to the hospital, Steve panicked and went there as soon as he could. He had been Bucky’s emergency contact for a long time now and he was used to receiving calls from police stations due to how often Bucky got himself in trouble, especially when drunk. But Bucky calling, sounding like he was in immense pain, telling him that he needed to go to the hospital?
It was the first time it ever happened so it was understandable for Steve to panic like a husband who got a call informing him that his wife was going into labor.
You and Bucky exchanged glances, faces red from embarrassment before nodding.
“We’re good.” you curtly responded, scratching your neck.
“What happened?” Steve asked again, brows furrowing as he looked at you and Bucky alternately.
You nudged Bucky’s ribs with your elbow, widening your eyes at him as you urged him to do the explaining.
“We uh...werippedouteachothersnipplepiercings.” he murmured to himself.
Steve frowned, “I didn’t catch a word that you said.”
“We ripped out each other’s piercings by accident.” you repeated, clearly and slowly this time.
“Did your earlobes get ripped off or what?” Steve asked, taking a closer look at both your ears.
Confusion washed over his face when he noticed that your ear piercings were still intact and that Bucky didn’t even have his ears pierced. Steve straightened up and crossed his arms over his chest, looking at the both of you like a reprimanding father.
“What did the two of you do this time?”
A nurse stepped into the scene and offered Steve a kind smile before turning to you and Bucky, handing over a prescription.
“Make sure to follow the instructions when applying the ointment and both your nipples should heal properly.” she explained before walking out.
“Nipples?!” Steve gasped out.
Bucky sighed but shrugged in response, “At least we’re the coolest BFFs out there with matching nipple piercings.”
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond​ @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @im-squished @tcc-gizmachine​ @sipsteacasually​ @prettyintopeerpressure​ @weloveyasmin​ @est19xxshit​ @bloodhon3yx​ @dressed-in-prada​ @lizette50​ @thatfangirl42​ @sunflowerbunny2​ @unmagically​ @okiegirl24​ @sugarpunch-princess​ @enlyume​ @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp​ @lyoongx​ @just-deka​ @nobody-will​ @jaziona92 @elisebuitron​ @dpaccione​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x​ @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​ @iloveangstposts​ @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @its-yasbxtch​ @whoth3hellisbucky
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forever-emo-phase · 3 years
Mission Status: Sick!
Notes: Hello this is my first fic for Sanders Sides! It is inspired by @illogicallyinclined​‘s hockey AU! If you haven’t ever gotten into it, do it! However, you can still read even if you don’t know anything about the AU! Characters: Virgil, Logan
Ship: The whole thing is pretty much just analogical pining Warnings: Panic attack is described Genre: Just guys being dudes being gay. Fluff maybe? It’s not sad and that’s all I can tell you. Summary: Which is how Virgil arrived at his current situation, Logan tensely sitting at his desk in the middle of the night with shoulders so tight he looked like he was seconds away from shattering.
'It's a good thing that my homosexuality is stronger than my pride', Virgil thought as he opened a capri sun and violently squeezed it onto his sheets.
Check it out on Ao3 here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/33804841
Anxiety sucks. Virgil’s nails are always bitten down to the quick, hands never still, and the insides of his cheeks chewed and raw. If Virgil had to find a bright side, it would have to be his ability to read people. With just a look, Virgil could tell by the slump of his shoulders when Roman needed a little bit of extra praise. He would notice the redness around Patton’s eyes and know that he would need more company than normal. 
But the one person Virgil prided himself on seeing was Logan. It was almost second nature for him to sense the tension in Logan’s shoulders without even looking, he could almost feel it in the air. He could see when Logan needed to get out of his head and stop pushing himself before he broke. 
Dealing with Logan’s emotions, however, was slightly harder. If his approach was too physical, like he would approach Patton, Logan would withdraw. If he tried to take the same approach he would with Roman, showering compliments tempered with a light bit of teasing, Logan would get uncomfortable and retreat.
Which is how Virgil arrived at his current situation, Logan tensely sitting at his desk in the middle of the night with shoulders so tight he looked like he was seconds away from shattering.
'It's a good thing that my homosexuality is stronger than my pride', Virgil thought as he opened a capri sun and violently squeezed it onto his sheets. 
The thing with Logan is that he doesn’t care about himself. He will push himself to his limit and keep going, but, if someone else needs something? He will help as much as he can, even though sometimes it may not be overly obvious that he is helping.
“Hey Logan?” Virgil says from across the room, staring at his now soaked bedding. 
“Yes, Virgil?” Logan doesn’t look up from his computer as he sharply replies. For a moment Virgil wonders if this scheme was the best idea, it could fail horribly and Logan could be angry and refuse. But, the wheels were already in motion, his sheets were already wet, and there was no turning back.
“I fucked up.” He said plainly, watching as Logan’s head turned so fast to look at him that he was surprised that he didn’t hear a crack. Realizing how ominous his statement was, Virgil raised his hands and quickly spat out a placating “No it’s okay i’m fine!”
Logan let out a sigh before replying “What did you manage to do that was so dramatic that it required that statement, while I was sitting in the same room, only a handful of feet away from you?”
“Well…” Virgil started, choosing his words very carefully to make sure his plan could not fail. “I was panicking a little bit while I was drinking my Capri Sun and I squeezed it a little bit too hard. It spilled on my sheets and my bed is soaked now.” 
Logan’s eyes assessed Virgil, making him momentarily wonder if his lie was believable. Did his dishonesty show on his face? Was Logan about to get angry and yell at him? His hands began to shake slightly and his breathing picked up and, he thought wryly, at least now he wasn’t lying about being anxious. His fears were eased when he saw the slight softening of Logan’s face. 
“Oh Virgil,” Logan huffed out, his face morphing into an expression of fond exasperation, “You need to stop having drinks in your bed, especially ones of the extremely spillable and sugary type.”
Virgil shrugged, “It is what it is, you know?”
“It does not have to be the way that it is?” Logan said with a hint of confusion sneaking into his voice. “You can very easily change the circumstance.”
A small chuckle escaped from Virgil as he watched his roommate struggle to wrap his head around the statement. Logan was extremely smart, that was obvious, but watching him puzzle out modern slang and sayings struck Virgil as endearing every time. “It’s too late to change it now, you know?”
“You are correct.” Logan intoned and Virgil could already see some of the tension leaving Logan’s shoulders as he began to relax during the conversation. “Do you have a plan for drying your bedding before it is time for you to sleep?”
“Not at all.” Virgil said as he absentmindedly brought his hand to his mouth to bite his nails, but stopped as Logan let out a soft click of his tongue as a reprimand. As he lowered his hand, he absent-mindedly wondered if Logan was even aware that he had made the sound. Either way, Virgil found it incredibly sweet. “I’ll probably just sleep on the floor. My pillow is dry.”
Virgil made a show of picking up his pillow and feeling around for a dry blanket so that he could make a temporary bed on the floor, however, he was quickly interrupted.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Logan scolded lightly, “You can sleep in my bed. I will be up for a significant while longer doing work, it is no problem at all.”
Everything was falling into place for Virgil and he had to resist the urge to steeple his fingers together like a Bond villain. But his work was not finished, there was still one more task- Get Logan In The Bed.
“Dude no!” He exclaimed, “I’m not taking your bed! You’ve gotta sleep at some point!”
“Virgil,” Logan sighed, “I have a lot of work to do that I need to get done soon. I was actually planning to get up and pour myself some more coffee.”
Shit. If Logan got caffeine into his system, it was game over. His plan would fail and he would just be in Logan’s bed, and while that wouldn’t be the worst thing, it was not the plan. Panicking, he blurted out a quick “No!”
“No?” Logan said with a raised eyebrow, “What do you mean?”
‘Now or never’ Virgil thought to himself, before delivering the line that had inspired the whole plot.
“I wouldn’t feel okay with taking your bed, just in case you decided to sleep. Could we just share for the night?”
Logan looked puzzled, “I suppose, but I have already told you that I am not necessarily planning on sleeping tonight.”
“I know but.. I would feel bad.” Virgil said, his anxiety rising now that he was this far into the plan and there was truly no turning back. “Could you just… Would you just lay down for a minute? It would make me feel better.”
Judging by Logan’s expression, Virgil was convinced that he had lost Logan. His plan had failed and he felt a burn of shame in his chest, clenching his eyes shut. God he was so stupid! He should have just refused the offer to take Logan’s bed and slept on the floor! He should have not even tried this stupid plan! Virgil had not noticed his breathing picking up and his fingernails burying themselves into his palms as his thoughts spiraled into a pit of anxiety. He had not noticed until Logan’s voice washed over him.
“Virgil?” He said, somehow both softly and with authority. “Name five things you can see.” Virgil pried his eyes open, not really remembering when he had closed them. “Bed. Computer. Shoes. Water bottle. Posters.”
Logan nodded his head, with a small smile. “You are doing very well. Now four things you can touch.”
“Uhhh…” Virgil hesitated, eyes darting to Logan, “Sheets. Pants. My hair. Wet blanket.”
“Good job. Three things that you can hear now.” 
“Your voice. The air conditioner. Our obnoxious neighbors.” His breathing had started to slow and he could feel his body relaxing.
“Two things you can smell, you’re almost there.”
“Capri sun from my sheets and your disgusting coffee.”
“Last thing, one thing you can taste.” 
“Toothpaste.” With his breathing regulated and feeling calmer, Virgil smiled wryly back at Logan. “I’m sorry. That was… sudden.”
“You are perfectly fine. I have reassured you multiple times that I do not mind helping you.” Logan said soothingly. “Why don’t we go lay down? You are typically quite tired after these events.”
“Yeah… that sounds good.” Virgil said as he stood to move to Logan’s bed, straightening his sleep pants and he went. “Do… are you going to lay down too?”
Logan hummed, walking to his laptop to shut the lid, as well as flipping the main lights in the room off.  “Yes I suppose that I can for a moment. Just to assure you that I do not mind that you are in my bed.”
Virgil lifted the sheets of the bed and crawled under, scooting over so that he was next to the wall, leaving space for Logan to enter. “Alright. I promise I won’t keep you too long.”
“Well.” Logan said as he joined Virgil under the sheets, “I, in all honesty, could use the sleep.”
Virgil smiled at Logan with a soft “Good night then.”
“Good night Virgil.” Logan whispered, reaching up to turn off the light next to his bed, plunging them both into darkness.
The next time Virgil opened his eyes, the sun was shining through the window of the room and his head was resting on Logan’s shoulder. One of Logan’s strong arms was wrapped across Virgil and Virgil could hear Logan’s soft breathing against his ear.
Slowly reaching into his pocket so as to not disturb Logan, Virgil pulled out his cellphone, which was at 9%, and quickly snapped a picture before sending it to Remy with a simple caption.
“Mission accomplished.”
 (And that is the end! Feedback is very appreciated!)
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tojisveryown · 3 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦
© 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐣𝐢𝐬𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫
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Synopsis: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘑𝘑𝘒 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨
Warnings: 𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘦
Note: 𝘱𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘧 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘪𝘬𝘵𝘰𝘬 𝘭𝘰𝘭
𝘧𝘵. 𝘐𝘵𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘪 𝘠𝘶𝘶𝘫𝘪, 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰 𝘔𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘮𝘪, 𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘶, 𝘕𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪 𝘒𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘰, 𝘐𝘯𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦, 𝘊𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘰
𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐣𝐢
𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤- You saw this idea on tiktok and decided that you wanted to participate in it as well. You and your boyfriend Yuuji were always pulling pranks on each other and you thought pulling this one would get a good reaction out of him. You waited in his room for him to come back from his training with Gojo and once he came in he gave you a hug and laid himself in between your legs “Hey how was training?” you asked playing with his hair “Tiring, but thanks for waiting for me to get back.” you resisted the urge to laugh as these next words spilled out of your mouth. “Chris please go take a shower your sweat and grease just got all over my hands.” “Okay fine I’ll go take a sh- did you just call me chris?” he got up from your lap and turned to you making sure he heard you right. “No I didn’t now hurry up and take a shower, you smell.” he grabbed your wrists and pinned you down “Who’s Chris?” you stayed silent trying not to laugh, “Y/N? Tell me who Chris is or I’ll rub my sweaty armpit on you.” “NO I’M SORRY IT’S A PRANK!” nonetheless he still shoved your face into his armpit.
𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢
𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤- Nobara had told you about this prank where you’d pretend to hide someone in the closet while Megumi comes in as if you were cheating on him and you both gave each other a smirk and though it’d be fun to prank Megs. Nobara was standing guard over your room and once she saw the spiky black hair from afar she signaled you to get ready, as Megumi tried to open the door Nobara kept stopping him it wasn’t until he got supper suspicious that he pushed passed her and opened your door. The first thing Megumi saw was clothes discarded on the floor, both mens and womens (every body say thanks to Yuuji for allowing you to raid his closet), he looked up at you as you were hovering over your closet door with a blanket wrapped around you. Megumi looked at you with sad eyes and left your room, you heard the door next to yours slam and you and Nobara shared the same expression as you two faced each other. Nobara knocked on his door and Megumi opened after a new knocks “What?” you knew you fucked up big time especially since he sounded like he was in a bad mood “Hey I’m sorry-” “Why would you help her cheat? Aren’t we friends?” You wanted to run into his arms and tell him it was a prank but half of you was dying from laughter “Megumi, please just go into her room and see it for yourself.” he agreed. Megumi came into your room and opened the closet door to see the bastard you were cheating with, “SURPRISE SHAWTY!!” He looked at you and realized what he got himself into and plopped himself on your bed and started mumbling about how stupid you two were.
𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤- You were tired of all the girls that flirted with Gojo and you were tired of him for letting them flirt. You wanted to somehow get back at him and you came up with the idea to prank him making it look like you were cheating. With the help of Nobara and Yuuji you were able to make it look like you were cheating on Gojo. The three of you made it where your shared room with Gojo looked like someone else had been there. You waited for Gojos return and when you heard the door knob open you quickly wrapped the blanket around you and sat on a pillow to make it seem like you were on top of another guy, you let out a fake moan while you were bouncing up and down waiting for Gojo to react. Instead of Gojo getting angry and lashing out he pulled out his phone and started recording “Nice try babe, you don’t have the heart to cheat on me.” You let out a sigh and plopped yourself on the shared bed “Besides where would you find someone as sexy as me mhm?”
𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤- The idea struck upon you when you saw Gojo come into a meeting with a hickey on his neck, you wondered what would make Nanami snap from his stoic nature and atlas you came up with the idea to plaster a fake hickey on your neck and around the area where your chest was slightly exposed. You waited for Nanami to come out the shower and while you were doing so you were preparing some snacks that the two of you would share while watching the newest episode of your favorite show. Nanami came up behind you while you were putting a sandwich together and wrapped his arms around your waist, he pulled your hair to the side and have you a kiss on the neck, “I missed you, what did you do today?” “Oh nothing I hung out with Gojo for a while since we bumped into each other at the farmers market.” he went in for another kiss, this time his hot breath met your neck instead of his lips “Is that where you got the idea to give yourself a fake hickey?” Nanami was immune to pranks especially because he grew up with Gojo. Going along with the fact that he grew up with that man whore he was able to determine a real hickey from a fake one. “Nice try love.”
𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞
𝐈𝐠𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤- You and Maki were sending each other tiktoks and you came across a prank where the guy was ignoring his girlfriend and you sent it to Maki with the following text “LMAO SHOULD I DO THIS TO INUMAKI?? YOU THINK HE’LL GET MAD?” she replied with “LMAOO DO IT, HE’LL GET SO MAD IT’LL BE SO FUNNY” The next morning you and Maki walked to the fields to start training and as everyone started to gather you greeted them with a good morning, all but Inumaki. He stood there next to panda after you had passed by saying “Good morning panda!” Inumaki stood there waiting for his greeting and a kiss on the cheek but he noticed you were already on the track running next to Maki and Nobara “Did you two fight?” “Kelp?” Inumaki shrugged his shoulders and waited for the girls to finish their laps. Once he saw you nearing the end of the lap he walked towards you with a water bottle in his hand “Hey thanks for the water Yuuji!” Inumaki stood there dumbfounded, he watched as you grabbed the water from Itadori’s hand and chugged it down. For the rest of the afternoon Inumaki watched in silence as you engaged with everyone. Training was about to end meaning it was time to hit the showers to scrub off the dirt and sweat but before you could pack your things Inumaki blocked you from getting your stuff “Tuna tuna!” It was useless, you ended up getting passed him and began to pack your stuff “Talk to me... please?” your body jolted and the words “I’m sorry it was a prank!” slipped through your lips. You turned around and you were met with a fuming Toge, he began to scream out onigiri ingredients and when he saw that you were taking it lightly he began tapping his foot on the concrete floor waiting for you to finish. Wiping the tears off your eyes from laughing so much you began to apologize “I’m sorry Toge that was just too fu-” “Run laps.” 
𝐈'𝐦 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤- You absolutely adored your boyfriend, and you loved how charismatic he was but you couldn’t help but love to tease him in the most outlandish ways as possible. That being said you began brainstorming a dialog for the breakup prank you wanted to pull, you almost felt bad when he came home to you with flowers in his hand. “Hey darling I missed you a little extra today so I got you these.” you gazed at him and he gave you a warm smile as he pulled you into a hug “I wanna break up.” he flinched at the sudden words and broke the hug, his hand was laying on your shoulder “What? Did I do something wrong?” You looked anywhere but his eyes “No.. it’s not that.” Choso cupped your face with his free hand “Then what’s the problem? We can fix it right?” his thumb rubbed against your cheek “I’m just not happy anymore.” “Oh.” Choso backed away at the sudden phrase that left your lips. “Okay, well um. If this is what you really want.” He gave you a smile and extended the flowers out to you “At least keep the flowers, they are for you afterall.” You reached out to grab the flowers and grabbed the luggage that played as a prop for your prank. You walked out the door leaving Choso alone. After closing the door you immediately opened it back up and saw Choso bundled up in the corner, head down in his knees and arms wrapped around his knees as he cried there quietly, the sound of the door opening made him jolt his head up and you were met with a tear stained Choso “Y/N please don’t leave me.” You ran towards him hugging him tightly as you wiped the tears off. “Shhhh it’s okay my love it was just a prank, I’m sorry it was a stupid one.” Choso smiled under your touch, unknown to you he knew it was a prank the entire time due to how light your luggage seemed, but for a brief moment he truly believed the person he loved most was unhappy with him.
© 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐣𝐢𝐬𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫
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jeontaeil-archived · 3 years
Turn Right Onto Oh Shit Avenue //
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~ for @renhyucks "The First" collab ~
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Pairing: Haechan x Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut, Crack, Non-Idol AU
Words: 2.27+
Warnings: 18+ content, Read at your own discretion
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Your first road trip with your boyfriend Haechan was simply unforgettable.
You were out on a journey with no destination and that decision was proving to be worse than you thought. After getting on the path that you were on for four hours straight, Haechan suggested that you get off the highway and detour to a small little off-road lane. At first, the daring exit seemed promising. But before you knew it, you had driven over a sharp stone, thereby puncturing not only your front tire but also the back tire adjacent to it. Having only one spare, there was no way you could make the repair. To add to your misery, when Haechan attempted to call roadside assistance, he was unable to do so as there was no cell service. The only way you’d be able to get some help was if you went back to the main road. However, neither of you were willing to leave the car behind - even though you knew that no one would try and steal a broken down car - and so, after a competitive round of rock-paper-scissors, it was decided that Haechan would make the trip back to the highway on foot underneath the blistering midday sun while you sat in the car, chilling peacefully in the ac.
It took him quite a while to return. He came bearing good news. A tow truck would arrive at your location in about two to three hours. Until then, all you both needed to do was sit tight and try not to panic in the lifeless location that you were stranded in. That was easier said than done.
There wasn’t much of a view beyond the windows. Just miles and miles of dull, dead grass. Not having much to do other than sit idle, Haechan grew bored quickly. He turned to you with a stoic expression. “Wanna fuck?”
You scoffed at his ridiculous suggestion. “In the middle of nowhere? Umm, absolutely not,” you answered, earning a whine from him. “The fact that there’s no one here makes it like ten times more ideal. There’s no chance of us getting caught,” he urged. You rolled your eyes even though he had a point. “Still, I didn’t bring any condoms.”
Haechan narrowed his eyes at you. “When I suggested that we go on a road trip you should’ve known that car sex was included. I shouldn’t have had to explicitly state it.”
Was he being serious? If you guys hadn’t made this stupid detour and were still driving along the highway, was he going to pull over and bone you while unsuspecting civilians drove past you both? Or worse, would he book a room at some cheap hotel for twenty-something minutes of undeniable pleasure?
“Well too bad for you then,” you chided, crossing your arms. “If it was a part of your plan, you should’ve prepared better.”
Haechan threw his hands up. You were unbelievable. He never thought he’d see the day when you refused sex simply because you had no protection. “I can always pull out you know.”
You laughed sarcastically, though you actually found his words genuinely humorous. “I didn’t wanna be the one to tell you this, but your pull out game sucks ass Hyuck.”
Haechan gasped dramatically at your accusation, taking full offence. “Aren’t you the one who likes it messy? How can I not be messy if half-ass my pull out game?”
You raised your brows in a false sense of surprise. “So you’re telling me that you fake it then?”
“I don’t fake it. I just do it on purpose,” he corrects. You nodded, not believing him. “Oh really?”
“I could always prove it to you,” he presented triumphantly. You smirked. “Okay fine. Let’s fuck. but you can’t pull out and jerk yourself off. Otherwise, it won’t count.”
Haechan smiled and crashed his lips onto yours, pushing your seat back so that he could hover on top of you. He spread your legs apart, settling in between them and slipped his hand under your shirt, drawing small circles into your side. You tugged at his shirt, urging him to take it off. He was quick to do so, throwing the material in the back seat. Haechan peeled your shorts down your legs, bringing his hands to your clothed clit. You bucked your hips against his fingers, gasping into his mouth. Haechan took this as a chance to let his tongue run over yours. He squeezed your breast over your bra and pushed the flimsy fabric up to your neck. You fumbled with his pants, managing to grab his partially hardened cock. Haechan hummed and pushed his pants down all the way, letting his member spring free. You licked your lips in anticipation, playing with his tip. Haechan pushed your panties to the side and rubbed his tip along your plump folds. You held onto his arms when he finally pushed into you. He set a steady pace, rocking his hips into you comfortably. Your head fell back against the cool leather of the seat, legs spreading wider for him to go deeper. With one hand on your shoulder and the other on your thigh, Haechan kept his eyes glued to your cunt. He bit his lip, seething at how warm and tight your walls were. You began rubbing your clit, impatient to reach your climax. Haechan didn’t mind. In fact, he fucked you faster, pulling your body down the seat and throwing your legs over his shoulder. He held onto the headrest to maintain his momentum. Loud moans left your gaping mouth. The usually talkative Haechan said nothing, concentrating solely on his approaching high. You were the first to cum, walls clenching around his member. Haechan groaned as he felt your arousal gush down your walls, slicking up his cock. Gripping your thighs, he started rutting himself into you, ignoring your cries when the sensitivity started to settle into. Keeping your condition in mind, he hissed and kept going, right until he was about to nut.
An amused chuckle left you as he pulled out and haphazardly emptied himself over your pussy. You wrapped your fingers around him and stroked his length, milking him dry of every last drop.
“Does that count,” he asked, pulling his pants back up. He handed you a tissue to clean yourself up. “It barely makes the cut,” you replied, straightening yourself up again. Haechan snickered. “Just admit that you like it messy and we both win.”
About an hour into your wait for the tow truck, another disaster took place. The car’s battery gave out, leaving you to slow bake in the intense heat. Haechan had it easier, leisurely, splaying in his seat with his shirt off. You figured you could do the same, but there was no way of knowing when the towers would show up. Not wanting to waste the little amount of cool air in the car, Haechan forbade you from cracking the windows open. All you could do was sit and fan your face with the car’s insurance papers.
Almost a century later, a loud horn sounded from behind you on the road, startling you both. With a glance in the rearview mirror, you realised it was the towing people. Haechan scrambled to pull his shirt on and got out of the car, wincing as he shielded his eyes from the sun.
You watched Haechan talk to them from the window. He turned to you, motioning you to sit tight. After a while, They pulled your car up into the back of their truck and offered to take you back to their garage from where you both could book a cab and return to the city.
Since there was no space up front, they let you sit in your car, popping the windows open so that you wouldn’t die of suffocation. When the truck began moving, you were finally able to let out a breath of relief. It was still considerably hot out. But the sharp wind that hit your face was incredibly refreshing. Haechan’s once sweat matted hair was now fluffy and dry. Both of you were at ease, feeling grateful to have escaped that dreaded off-road where not a single soul was present. It was nice to be around life again.
It took some time but you eventually reached the garage in one piece. After collecting all your essentials from the car, you both headed out to a small diner nearby to recharge yourselves with some food and beverages. It was quiet between you, for the most part, both of you were equally exhausted from all the long and tedious travelling. It was safe to say that you’d lived out enough of your road trip fantasies for now.
After paying for your food, Haechan took out his phone, ready to book a cab. That’s the exact moment he realised that his phone was out of battery. A look of horror struck on his face. You cursed in frustration and pulled out your own phone. Luckily, it still had some charge, though barely surviving. Much to your dismay, however, you didn’t have a cab booking app and you knew downloading one would take ages. Still, you had to try.
As you had assumed, your phone ended up dying during your wait. Haechan was going to cry. Knowing that you both would be in the car for the majority of your trip, neither of you had brought your chargers. There was one back in the car but you couldn’t use it. Haechan was on the verge of tears. He had no idea what to do and neither did you.
“Should we just hitchhike?” Haechan stared at you blankly and shrugged. “Do we have any other choice?” You traced the rim of your cup, letting out a tired sigh. “Maybe we can spend the night at some motel and wait for our car to get fixed. We’ll have to come back to pick it up anyway so why not just stay till it’s ready?”
Haechan couldn’t argue with that. A waitress informed you of a cheap motel around the block. You both set out on foot, reaching it in no time. The building wasn’t too impressive. But it wasn’t like either of you were expecting much out of it anyways. You just wanted to lay on a soft bed and take a shower. You couldn’t stand how sticky and dewy your skin had gotten.
After booking a room, you both burst in through the door and headed straight for the bathroom. “Are we going in together,” Haechan asked when he saw you peeling your shirt off? You slipped behind the shower curtain and turned on the water without answering him. He got the memo and mimicked your actions before joining you in the small space. Leaning against his chest, you closed your eyes, letting the cool water cascade down your body. Haechan wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“I can’t believe this is what our trip led to,” you spoke, snickering to yourself. Haechan scoffed. “At least we’ll never forget it.” You turned around, throwing your arms around his neck. “Never in a million years.” Haechan smiled at you, leaning forward to press a quick kiss on your lips. Pulling him closer, you kept his lips on yours a bit longer, not wanting it to end just quite yet. Haechan stumbled back towards the wall, smirking as things started to escalate. You could feel his member beginning to harden up. Haechan let out a choked moan when you took a hold of his length, pumping it with vigour. His fingers found your clit, rubbing quick circles into it. “Fuck, turn around,” Haechan voiced, switching places with you. He pulled your hips back, bringing his tip to your entrance. Pressing your face to the cool bathroom wall, you moaned as he stretched you out with his cock. Haechan gradually brought himself to a steady pace, grunting in delight. Your head fell back, breathy moans filling the expanse of the small bathroom. This was the perfect way to destress after your terrible day.
You guys had quite a lot of fun in that motel room. Two times in the shower and once on the bed. Now, you two laid next to each other, naked and completely drained. Haechan giggled at the ticklish sensation of your fingers drawing shapes on his chest. You were cuddled up into his side, leg thrown over his lap underneath the covers. Both of you were seconds away from falling asleep.
“You know what y/n,” Haechan whispered, not wanting to disturb the peaceful ambience of the room. You hummed, looking up at him. “I think we should go trekking.” You couldn’t help but laugh at his ridiculous idea. “After today I don’t think we should ever leave the house unsupervised,” you retorted. Haechan shook his head. “Just think about it. We get lost in the mountains and get a chance to see life through Tarzan’s eyes.” He sounded fascinated by the thought. You rolled your eyes. “Shut up and go to sleep. You’re going crazy.” Haechan groaned. “Yeah, you’re right. Let’s sleep.”
He turned on his side, facing you. Snuggling deeper into him, you wrapped your arm around his hip, sighing into his neck while closing your eyes. His gentle and calm breaths were like a silent lullaby, helping you drift off. Just before you blanked out, Haechan gasped. “What is it now,” you asked, ready to kick him if he said something stupid? “I think I left our keys at home.”
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tagging: @chwe-yeeun | @jayvoir | @jisungismymom | @lqsience | @jakesavocado | @giveortake | @choijwiss | @treasuretaeil | @bts-txt-ateez | @heeslily | @sunoosi | @dong-hyuc | @borrovvedyoongi | @uwusforateez | @haechanswhore
send an ask or message if you would like to be added to the tag list!
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
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“I love your ass.”
Virgil froze.
He was halfway up the steps out of the lounge in the comms room. The sun was starting to peek over the horizon in the east, lighting up the room enough just enough to push away the gloom of a restless night fuelled by coffee.
And the reason for that restless night was admiring his butt.
He turned around slowly to stare at the cocoon of blankets on the couch. The holoprojector was spewing forth some documentary on the wilds of the Pacific Ocean and the musical backdrop just added to the concept of how great his ass was.
“It’s perfect.”
Virgil blinked again at the rosy smile on his little brother’s face. “Why are you looking at my butt?”
He shrugged. “Dunno. Just struck me all of a sudden.” And yes, those eyes were studying Virgil below his waistline.
He had the sudden nonsensical urge to cover himself up.
Not that he was dressed anything out of the ordinary. Just wearing his every day flannel and jeans…from yesterday. He needed a shower and some serious rack time.
But Gordon…yes, it was Gordon admiring his butt and grinning up at him blearily from the sofa…Gordon needed him.
So he was there.
All night.
Virgil nodded once. “Okay. I’ll take that under advisement.” He stepped up the last step onto the hardwood floor. “But first, I need more coffee.”
“Come sit with me, Virg. I want you to see the whale shark.”
He kept walking. “Sure, but coffee first.” If he didn’t get his coffee, he was going to fall on his face and then where would Gordon be?
A small voice answered him from the back of his mind that Gordon had three other brothers, a sister and a Grandmother all willing to help him.
But the voice was stepped on by Virgil’s own need to make sure Gordon was okay.
And that meant coffee.
“Viiiiiiiiiiirgiiiiiiiiiil! Commmme baaaaaack!”
Virgil stopped halfway to the kitchen and let his shoulders drop. “I’ll be back in a moment, Gords. I promise.”
“But you’ll miss the olliepus.”
The what? Despite himself Virgil turned to find an octopus crawling across the holoprojector. He stared at his brother, actually concerned that Gordon truly had lost the plot if he couldn’t name one of his favourite creatures. “Olliepus?”
“And a giant cram! They’re visiting Minerva!”
Virgil turned at that. Minerva Reefs were just to the north-west of them.
Gordon’s expression was lethal on the puppy dog scale and hit its target enough to wipe out the coffee urgency emergency with a flick of those long dark-blonde eyelashes.
Virgil was at the top of the steps down to the lounge before the strike even registered.
Proof of how tired he actually was.
But Gordon was patting the seat beside the tangle of bed clothes that Virgil had hauled down here with him, and, if he was honest, Virgil was on his last legs.
Gordon had been injured the day before yesterday, in a rock slide. Virgil had been with him and he should have seen it coming, but he didn’t and consequently he had been kicking himself ever since.
Broken leg, broken ribs and a nasty concussion mixed with medication that sent his brother loopy led to a long night and a clingy big brother who, despite being ordered to bed by both his bigger brother and his grandmother, couldn’t leave Gordon alone.
So he had sat with him all night, watching him breathe and thanking all the powers that be that he was safe.
Gordon didn’t sleep well. The situation brought back memories and his subconscious mind threw up nightmare material several times during the night leaving Virgil trying to calm his brother down on multiple occasions. It was one reason why Virgil couldn’t leave him.
The thought of his little brother waking up alone from one of those nightmares while high on medication….no, just no.
So Virgil stayed.
No doubt Scott would demand he rest the moment he climbed out of bed - yes, Virgil was up before his big brother for once in his life…mainly because he hadn’t gone to bed yet.
He found himself seated beside Gordon before he could think otherwise.
“Virg!” And Gordon snuggled up beside him, head against Virgil’s shoulder, arms wrapped around his torso. “Thank you. You’re the good bro. You understand.” Gordon rubbed his face against Virgil’s shirt. “And you’re warm and fluffy”
Virgil stared down at his ill brother. The bruising on his forehead was still livid and painful to look at. “Good to know, Gords.” But he relaxed back against the couch and took comfort from the warmth half smothering him.
Gordon was asleep in his lap moments later.
Virgil sighed and closed his eyes. There wasn’t going to be any coffee.
On the holoprojector a helicopter flew across the northern most reef of Minerva, a commentator babbling about the history of the region, but no one heard it.
Virgil began to snore.
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