#this time i made the gifs myself from the sprites
soriastrider · 8 months
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fun date ideas: rotate repeatedly
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stardestroyer81 · 1 year
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Y'all wanna watch Star TV?
Perhaps one of my favorite aspects of Pizza Tower is the TV HUD element, which shows our portly paisano's reactions to pretty much everything that happens to him in-game (For better or for worse), and given that I've drawn myself in the game's style, I wanted to attempt making a HUD TV for myself on top of practicing Pizza Tower's trademark wiggly lineart animation! 💙🍕✨
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jovial-thunder · 17 days
Pre-alpha Lancer Tactics changelog
(cross-posting the full gif changelog here because folks seemed to like it last time I did)
We're aiming for getting the first public alpha for backers by the end of this month! Carpenter and I scoped out mechanics that can wait until after the alpha (e.g. grappling, hiding) in favor of tying up the hundred loose threads that are needed for something that approaches a playable game. So this is mostly a big ol changelog of an update from doing that.
But I also gave a talent talk at a local Portland Indie Game Squad event about engine architecture! It'll sound familiar if you've been reading these updates; I laid out the basic idea for this talk almost a year ago, back in the June 2023 update.
We've also signed contracts & had a kickoff meeting with our writers to start on the campaigns. While I've enjoyed like a year of engine-work, it'll be so so nice to start getting to tell stories. Data structures don't mean anything beyond how they affect humans & other life.
New Content
Implemented flying as a status; unit counts as +3 spaces above the current ground level and ignores terrain and elevation extra movement costs. Added hover + takeoff/land animations.
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Gave deployables the ability to have 3D meshes instead of 2D sprites; we'll probably use this mostly when the deployable in question is climbable.
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Related, I fixed a bug where after terrain destruction, all units recheck the ground height under them so they'll move down if the ground is shot out from under them. When the Jerichos do that, they say "oh heck, the ground is taller! I better move up to stand on it!" — not realizing that the taller ground they're seeing came from themselves.
Fixed by locking some units' rendering to the ground level; this means no stacking climbable things, which is a call I'm comfortable making. We ain't making minecraft here (I whisper to myself, gazing at the bottom of my tea mug). 
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Block sizes are currently 1x1x0.5 — half as tall as they are wide. Since that was a size I pulled out of nowhere for convenience, we did some art tests for different block heights and camera angles. TLDR that size works great and we're leaving it.
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Added Cone AOE pattern, courtesy of an algorithm NMcCoy sent me that guarantees the correct number of tiles are picked at the correct distance from the origin.
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pick your aim angle
for each distance step N of your cone, make a list ("ring") of all the cells at that distance from your origin
sort those cells by angular distance from your aim angle, and include the N closest cells in that ring in the cone's area
Here's a gif they made of it in Bitsy:
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Units face where you're planning on moving/targeting them.
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Got Walking Armory's Shock option working. Added subtle (too subtle, now that I look at it) electricity effect.
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Other things we've added but I don't have gifs for or failed to upload. You'll have to trust me. :)
disengage action
overcharge action
Improved Armament core bonus
basic mine explosion fx
explosion fx on character dying
Increase map elevation cap to 10. It's nice but definitely is risky with increasing the voxel space, gonna have to keep an eye on performance.
Added Structured + Stress event and the associated popups. Also added meltdown status (and hidden countdown), but there's not animation for this yet so your guy just abruptly disappears and leaves huge crater.
UI Improvements
Rearranged the portrait maker. Auto-expand the color picker so you don't have to keep clicking into a submenu.
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Added topdown camera mode by pressing R for handling getting mechs out of tight spaces.
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The action tooltips have been bothering me for a while; they extend up and cover prime play-area real estate in the center of the screen. So I redesigned them to be shorter and have a max height by putting long descriptions in a scrollable box. This sounds simple, but the redesign, pulling in all the correct data for the tags, and wiring up the tooltips took like seven hours. Game dev is hard, yo.
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Put the unit inspect popups in lockable tooltips + added a bunch of tooltips to them.
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Implemented the rest of Carpenter's cool hex-y action and end turn readout. I'm a big fan of whenever we can make the game look more like a game and less like a website (though he balances out my impulse for that for the sake of legibility).
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Added a JANKY talent/frame picker. I swear we have designs for a better one, but sometimes you gotta just get it working. Also seen briefly here are basic level up/down and HASE buttons.
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Other no-picture things:
Negated the map-scaling effect that happens when the window resizes to prevent bad pixel scaling of mechs at different resolutions; making the window bigger now just lets you see more play area instead of making things bigger.
WIP Objectives Bullets panel to give the current sitrep info
Wired up a buncha tooltips throughout the character sheet.
Under the Hood
Serialization: can save/load games! This is the payoff for sticking with that engine architecture I've been going on about. I had to add a serialization function to everything in the center layer which took a while, but it was fairly straightforward work with few curveballs.
Finished replacement of the kit/unit/reinforcement group/sitrep pickers with a new standardized system that can pull from stock data and user-saved data.
Updated to Godot 4.2.2; the game (and editor) has been crashing on exit for a LONG time and for the life of me I couldn't track down why, but this minor update in Godot completely fixed the bug. I still have no idea what was happening, but it's so cool to be working in an engine that's this active bugfixing-wise! 
Other Bugfixes
Pulled straight from the internal changelog, no edits for public parseability:
calculate cover for fliers correctly
no overwatch when outside of vertical threat
fixed skirmisher triggering for each attack in an AOE
fixed jumpjets boost-available detection
fixed mines not triggering when you step right on top of them // at a different elevation but still adjacent
weapon mods not a valid target for destruction
made camera pan less jumpy and adjust to the terrain height
better Buff name/desc localization
Fixed compcon planner letting you both boost and attack with one quick action.
Fix displayed movement points not updating
Prevent wrecks from going prone
fix berserkers not moving if they were exactly one tile away
hex mine uses deployer's save target instead of 0
restrict weapon mod selection if you don't have the SP to pay
fix deployable previews not going away
fix impaired not showing up in the unit inspector (its status code is 0 so there was a check that was like "looks like there's no status here")
fix skirmisher letting you move to a tile that should cost two movement if it's only one space away
fix hit percent calculation
fix rangefinder grid shader corner issues (this was like a full day to rewrite the shader to be better)
Teleporting costs the max(spaces traveled, elevation change) instead of always 1
So um, yeah, that's my talk, any questions? (I had a professor once tell us to never end a talk like this, so now of course it's the phrase that first comes to mind whenever I end a talk)
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
trevor zegras x fem! hughes! reader
pt 2 to Teenager in Love
summary: in which y/n and Trevor’s relationship gets revealed.
warnings: pet names, mention of anxiety, alcohol, loving brother-sister relationship (kisses on cheeks)(yes, i made that a warning, so if that icks you out..)
notes: to clear up the timeline, Trevor and y/n got together in June of 2022, and this is set in February of 2023
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we’ve been in California for all of 5 hours and i’m bouncing off the walls to see Trevor. first the team went to check in to the hotel, then Jack, Jesper, Dawson, Ryan, and John decided to go out for dinner, and i was hoping that would be my chance to skip out and surprise Trevor at his apartment, but Jack wouldn’t let me out of his sight. now we just got to a bar, where Trevor will be joining us. it’s not exactly the alone time i would’ve liked to have with him, but at least i get to see him. i’m sat in a booth with Dawson while the other guys grab drinks.
“you’re antsy.” Dawson acknowledges. he looks me up and down, from my lip biting to my bouncing leg. “why are you so fidgety?”
“i’m not.” i know my denial is no good, but i still attempt.
“yeah, you are. look at you.” i can’t help but glance at the entrance for what feels like the hundredth time in the past five minutes that we’ve been here, waiting to see my boyfriend walk through.
“i think i’m just still wired up from the flight. i hate planes.” the lie slips off my tongue easily, but with the way he still eyes me, i don’t think he believes me.
“sure.” he drags out, and before he can say anything else, the other guys arrive back at the table. Jack slides a sprite in front of me, and i send him a look. he was supposed to get me a beer like he and the guys are drinking.
“don’t give me that look.” Jack says. “you’re too young to drink.”
“that never stopped you. Quinn used to get you beers at bars all the time before you turned twenty-one.” i tell him, but i still take a sip of the soda anyways.
“yeah, but you’re not me. you’re my baby sister. if it were up to me, you wouldn’t even be allowed to drink at twenty-one.” i roll my eyes. overprotective brother at its finest.
“i’m a year younger than you. it’s not like i’m twelve. you can’t keep calling me your baby sister.” i tell him. he levels me with a look of his own.
“you’ll always be my baby sister. and as your big brother, it’s my job to take care of you.” i give up. having had this same fight several times before, i know it’ll always end the same way; with him getting his way.
my sight goes back to the entrance, and it’s then that i see Trevor and his friend Jamie walk in. i sit up straighter, peeking over the heads of others in order to watch him as they make their way over to the booth. i bite back a smile, but it’s nearly impossible after having not seen him since his game in New Jersey a month ago. and before that we had gone five months without seeing each other. much of our eight month long relationship has been long distance, so every chance i get to see him means the world to me.
i feel a gaze on me and look over to see Dawson watching me with a suspicious look in his eye. i quickly take a second to calm myself down, there’s no way Dawson could catch on. if Jack hasn’t even noticed, then i don’t think anyone will.
Trevor stops in front of the table, a wide grin on his face.
“Hughsie!” he exclaims and Jack stands up to give him a hug. Trevor nods a ‘what’s up?’ to the other guys before his eyes settle on me. “i don’t get a hug from my favorite Hughes?”
i finally let my smile grace my lips and i slide out of the booth, possibly too fast to be casual, and wrap my arms around his neck.
“i missed you.” i mumble into his neck. one of his hands rubs my back as the other wraps around my waist.
“i missed you too, babygirl.” he whispers in my ear. i pull away way too soon for my liking, but we can’t risk Jack getting suspicious. i slide back into the booth, but instead of Jack sitting next to me, Trevor takes the spot.
the guys all start talking, joking around with each other, but i’m unable to focus. my only thoughts being on Trevor’s hand, which rests on my thigh under the table, causing a shiver to rush through me. he looks down at me for a second and i smile up at him. i feel like a dope, but this boy really does make me so happy, even with the simplest of touches. he looks back at John, who’s saying something about basketball, but i keep my gaze on him, watching him smile and laugh. i barely even notice the smile that spreads across my face at the sound of his laugh.
i feel a kick against my leg and look across the table to Dawson, who’s eyes flicker between Trevor and i before he gives me a ‘what the fuck?’ look. i feign innocence, shaking my head and shrugging my shoulders in a ‘what?’ motion before finally paying attention to the conversation at hand. it’s less than a minute later that i feel my phone buzz in my back pocket. taking it out, i see a text from Dawson.
From: Dawson 🇨🇦
what the hell is going on with you and Trevor?
my eyes widen and i look up at him from across the table, only to find him already watching me. i look back at my phone, typing a reply before i look back at him.
To: Dawson 🇨🇦
idk what u mean
he sends me a distrustful glance before he drops the topic and goes back to talking with the guys.
“i’m gonna go grab a drink, you wanna come with me?” Trevor leans down to whisper in my ear, eyeing my almost empty glass, and i nod. i grab my glass, sucking down my last little bit of sprite before we slide out of the booth.
“i’m gonna go grab a beer, anyone need another one?” Trevor asks. they all shake their heads.
“i’m gonna go get a refill.” i inform Jack. he nods and retrieves his wallet from his pocket, grabbing his debit card and holds it for me to take.
“here, use this.” he says. i’m more than aware that Jack’s love language is gift giving, most specifically, he likes to pay for my things. no matter how big or small, and no matter how many times i resist, if i’m with him and i go to buy something, he ends up paying for it. he claims it’s his way of paying me back for all the hockey practices i had to go to when we were younger.
“i got her drink, J. no worries, man.” Trevor speaks up. Jack sends him a look, but then shrugs and puts his card away. Trevor leads the way to the bar and i follow behind him, pinky linked with his so that i don’t lose him in the crowded establishment. when we get to the bartender, Trevor orders a beer and another sprite for me. he looks over at the booth full of our friends before wrapping his arm around my shoulders, tucking me into his side and placing a quick kiss on my temple.
“you coming home with me tonight, pretty girl?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“i would if i could, but Jack has us sharing a hotel room, so he’ll know if i’m not there. i’m sorry, Trev.” i tell him.
“it’s okay, babe. i understand. we’ll just have to make the most of our time here tonight.” he smiles and it makes my heart skip a beat. how did i get so lucky? “you feeling up to some of our lake house tricks tonight?”
i smile at the memories of our lake house rendezvous. sneaking away to have quick make out sessions while everyone else was distracted or making up excuses at the same time in order to get away for a little bit.
“yeah, i think we could make that happen.” i gaze up at him with love in my eyes. i wasn’t sure if our relationship would really work with us living across the country from each other, but we’ve found ways to make it up. he’ll have flower deliveries scheduled for while Jack is at practice, i call him after every game so that he can rant to me about it all, we have facetime movie dates, and we make the best of the time we get when we do see each other.
he smiles down at me before letting me go to grab our drinks that were just slid in front of us. we walk back to the table, slipping back into our seats, and i see Dawson giving us a look again. i level him with my own look and he narrows his eyes at me then goes back to talking to the guys.
i stay mostly silent for the the next half hour, only speaking when anyone asks me a question. but when i notice Trevor take the last sip of his beer, i poke his hand, which has reclaimed its spot on my thigh. he turns his head to look at me.
“can you let me out? i need to use the ladies room.” i itch my nose after i speak, using our code to meet up. Trevor smirks before standing up and letting me get out of the booth before he sits back down. i look towards Jack, who’s attention has shifted me now that i’ve stood up. i bend down to talk to him privately. “i’m going to the bathroom real quick. i’m feeling a little overwhelmed and i need a moment.”
is it wrong of me to use my anxiety as an excuse to get away with Trevor? maybe. but what good is having anxiety if i can’t use it to my advantage sometimes?
“are you okay?” Jack asks, his face full of worry, and it makes me feel a little guilty.
“yeah bubs, i’m okay. i just need a few minutes by myself.” Jack nods, and reassures me to text him if i need him before pressing a quick kiss to my cheek. i rush off towards the empty hallway leading towards the bathrooms, sparing a glance over my shoulder to make sure Trevor was watching where i went.
i stand in the hallway for about 3 minutes before Trevor comes around the corner, backing me up so my back presses into the wall and laying his hands to rest on my hips.
“clever girl, timing it just perfectly so that i can say i need to get a new beer.” he smirks.
“so glad you caught on. i wasn’t sure if you would put it together.” my tone is teasing, but the way i snake my arms around his neck makes up for it. his fingers dig into my side, tickling me, and i giggle, squirming in his arms. he doesn’t give me much reprieve before his lips attack mine. he pulls back, tugging my bottom lip with him, making me let out a quiet moan.
“eight months and your brothers are all still just as oblivious as when we started.” he chuckles. “although i do wish i could tell Jack so he would stop harassing me about not pulling any girls tonight.”
“i wish we could tell him too.” i run the back of my hand across his cheek and he shivers at the soft touch. “but i think we both have a pretty good guess of how that would go down. and i like your pretty face too much to let him bruise it.”
he grins, ducking down once more to pull my lips to his. this kiss is unlike the last one. sweet and slow rather than fast and passionate. i let him slip his tongue past my lips, exploring my mouth and turning the kiss a bit more heated. he pulls against my hips, making my lower body press against his, and the feel of his growing bulge pressing against me makes my thighs clench in need.
“god, i wish we could spend the night together.” my words are mumbled against his lips and he hums in agreement.
“i knew it!” we both rip away fast, pushing away from each other so that we’re on opposite sides of the hallway. i look over to the entrance of the hallway, only to find Dawson standing there with wide eyes and parted lips. “i knew it. you tried to deny it, but i’m not oblivious!”
“shhh!” i shush him and peek around him, with wide eyes, frantically searching for Jack, but i find him still around the corner, seated at the table and talking with his friends. i bring focus back on Dawson. “you cannot, under any circumstances, tell Jack!”
“why not?” he asks, and it makes me want to shake him. has he not seen how protective Jack is?
“because he’ll fucking kill me, dude.” Trevor deadpans. “i’m sure you got the ‘stay away from y/n’ lecture!”
“well, yeah, all the guys on the team got it the second he found out she was moving in with him. but what i’m most concerned about is why you didn’t listen to him.” Dawson replies, raising an eyebrow.
“hey! don’t give me that look! i listened to him for years! i kept my hands to myself until she told me she liked me!” Trevor defends.
“okay, wait— don’t blame this all on me! you dared me to tell you who i liked!” i throw back at him.
“and i don’t regret it one bit, baby.” he winks at me and a slow smile spreads across my face.
“me neither. best eight months of my life.” i tell him.
“eight months?!” Dawson exclaims. i kind of forgot he was there for a second. “you guys have been sneaking around Jack’s back for eight. months?”
“to be fair, we’ve also been sneaking around behind Quinn and Luke’s backs too. not just Jack’s.” Trevor shrugs. bless his heart, he’s not making this sound any better.
“that’s not— that’s not better, babe.” i sigh, shaking my head and rubbing his bicep. Dawson just shakes his head and walks past us.
“hey, where are you going?” i ask.
“to the bathroom. where i was supposed to be going when i walked in on you guys sucking face.” he throws over his shoulder, not bothering to stop. once he’s inside the men’s restroom, i look over at Trevor.
“we should probably go back before someone else gets suspicious.” i frown, winding my arms Trevor’s waist and pushing my face into his chest. his arms wrap around my shoulders and i feel him press a kiss to the top of my head.
“yeah, let’s go babygirl.” he grasps my chin, tilting my head up and pressing one last soft kiss to my lips. “i’m gonna go back to the bar to get another beer, you can go ahead and go back to the table first.”
i nod and turn to leave the hallway, but when i turn around, there stands Jack. his hands are in fists at his sides, jaw clenched, and eyes full of anger. i freeze at the sight of him, and my face contorts in guilt.
“what the fuck did i just see?” he questions, his voice strained and low.
“that depends.” i tell him, feigning innocence as much as i can. “how much did you see?”
“well i think i just saw you two kiss. but i must be seeing things because my best friend and my baby sister would certainly never break the strict rules i have set, would they?”
i flinch. Jack has always been pretty good at that, making me feel even more guilty when i already am. he used to do it when we were kids, if i hurt him or broke one of his toys, and now apparently his talent for it never left.
“how long has this been going on?” he asks.
“eight months.” i whisper, looking down at my feet to avoid the look of betrayal that i know will be painted across his face.
“i can explain.” Trevor speaks up.
“don’t bother. i gave you one rule when we became friends. one.” Jack growls. “and you broke it. i told you to keep your hands off my baby sister, but you just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”
“hold on, that’s not fair-” Trevor is cut off by Jack.
“no! what’s not fair is you sneaking around behind my back!” Jack’ raises his voice.
“well how else were we supposed to date, Jack? you haven’t exactly been malleable about your stupid rules!” i snap. “i’m so sick of you, and Quinn, and Luke, and your stupid fucking rules! do you not realize how much they’ve fucked me up? i’ve never had a boyfriend before Trevor because you guys always scare guys off. i can’t handle difficult situations because you guys have never let me figure things out on my own. you guys are so overbearing! even dad is more laidback than you are. so give me a break! yes, i’m sorry, Trevor and i started dating behind your back, but if you would let me live my own life then maybe we wouldn’t have had to!”
my chest rises and falls in rapid breaths when i finish speaking. i’m scared for Jack’s reaction, but it also feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. i’ve held that in for so long, and with Jack not letting us explain, i could no longer help myself. sensing my emotions, Trevor takes hold of my hand, comforting me.
“how long have you felt this way, y/n?” Jack asks, his voice soft and sounding hurt. “you should’ve told me. we thought we were protecting you.”
“a long time. i’m sorry, Jack. i really am. i should’ve told you before, but i really didn’t want to hurt your feelings.” i tell him.
“and you? this isn’t just some game to you, is it? because if it is, you’ll never see me again unless i’m beating your ass on the ice.” Jack looks at Trevor, an eyebrow raised in questioning.
“this isn’t a game, Jack. i love y/n.”
he loves me.
he’s said it before, but hearing him tell it to my brother makes it feel so real.
“i don’t like this.” Jack sighs. “but you guys didn’t listen to me in the first place, so i don’t think there’s anything i can really do about it.”
i drop Trevor’s hand, rushing forward to pull my brother in a hug. his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me tighter to him.
“you’re my baby sister. i just wanted to protect you.” he whispers in my ear, and i let out a short sob.
“i know Jacky, and you did. but you went a little too far. and i should’ve told you when i first started feeling this way. i shouldn’t have kept it in, i’m sorry.” i cry.
“you don’t need to apologize. i do. i’m sorry, y/n/n.” he pulls away and presses a kiss to my cheek before speaking again. “but if he breaks your heart, he’s a dead man.”
i chuckle quietly, before stepping back beside Trevor.
“are we good, man?” Trevor asks.
“yeah, we’re good. but good luck telling Quinn. you think i was bad? think about what her oldest brother will be like.” Jack smirks. Trevor’s eyes grow wide, and he looks at me for reassurance but i just grimace. Jack kinda has a point. Jack might be overprotective, but as my oldest brother, Quinn takes the cake with his protective role.
a door creaks open and we all look back towards the men’s restroom. Dawson’s head peaks out.
“is it safe to come out now?”
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asklilmissrarity · 5 months
Progress Update on Melodi
Hello, everyone!
Happy New Year!
On December 15th 2023, I made the public announcement that Lil Miss Rarity will receive no further comic updates from me, finally confirming a common theory that I had lost the will to continue creating it. Lil Miss Rarity, just to confirm here, is now public domain and I encourage fan-blogs and will proverbially pass the torch to anyone who would like to take up the mantle.
It wasn't an easy decision to make because of how many times I'd promised I would never stop updating it, and I did in fact have future plans for it (I will be making a video on YouTube describing how I'd planned to continue the story, and how I would have ended it if I ever did).
But in its wake came Melodi, a spiritual successor to Lil Miss Rarity, and I've decided that a story-driven video game with ongoing updates would be the smartest decision, at least for the introduction to the series.
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And so along came this twiggy elf. (Important note: Her booby size on her sprite is exaggerated, same as her head size. The in-game art for cutscenes will show more proper body proportions.)
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Melodi is now just four directional (diagonal movement) sprite animations away from being a complete character sprite, which means creating a proof of concept will be just a matter of time.
As of today, I have completed:
The intro cutscene for the game, leading to the introduction of Melodi and her teacher, Eliah Sterium (Multiple full color images accompany that cutscene)
Seven unique songs entirely composed by myself (Literally learned how to make music a week ago just for this project)
Four directional movement sprites consisting of 6 frames of pixel animation each direction (Including separating each part to make them usable for other characters' sprites)
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Four directional idle animations consisting of 6 frames of animation each direction (Again, making paperdolls to use later for other characters)
A discord server for the ongoing production of Melodi RPG where I'll be answering questions, including answering as the characters from the game similar to the LMR ask-blog
27 (just counted) preliminary sketches to flesh out character designs and have reference for myself
Eliah Sterium's design, making the ladies go gaga
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Mountains of lore (a lot of which can be found in the Discord's lore channels)
Personalities for the primary cast of deadbeat magic school students
Art for the title screen
The entire storyboard for Episode 1 and Episode 2
The pricing model for the game (Episode 1 will be a free demo, and all remaining episodes will be bundled together in a $10 purchase)
The "Pet Cwow" option on the Quit Game menu and what happens when you pet him (You'll see)
The entire intro in-engine (Screencapped above with Eliah there)
Many new fans/friends who've introduced themselves in the Discord
And, I have received (on December 31st) my very first negative review of the game, which I will cherish. Someone who knew nothing other than "It's a game about an elf who goes psychotic" and saw the title art said that the game was basically doomed to fail because Melodi has large breasts, to which I replied "Imagine being this fucking butthurt over tits existing" which set him off into an obnoxious and insulting rage that ended with "Enjoy nothing but horny virgins playing your game and ignoring the dog water, generic ass story." A quote that I will never, ever, ever forget, and if I someday make a physical release of the game, I promise you, that quote will be on the back of the box.
There's even more than just all this, I've already sunk tons of hours of time and effort into the production of Melodi and I am super excited to continue.
I want to thank everyone for the support of the game so far, and I hope once people know more about the story and characters, the game sees the same kind of fandom that Lil Miss Rarity once had.
Luv you all
~Jay Tonique
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I’m Lovin’ It | Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Your wife has been talking non-stop about the new adult Happy Meals.  So when you surprise her with one after work one night, she finds herself surprised in more ways than one.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warnings: Smut (minors dni), language
Word Count: 1.9K
A/N: This was a request I received on Wattpad from @JGMG10 and was an absolute trip to write!  Enjoy!
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“Hey, uhh I’ll take one of those adult happy meals please.  The McNugget one, please?  With a sprite.”
You never ate at McDonalds, but for the past couple of weeks Wanda had been talking non-stop about the new adult Happy Meals.  Unlike you and your red-blooded American childhood, Wanda had never experienced the sheer joy of having your parents pick you up the iconic kids meal for lunch after a doctor’s appointment.  The idea of bringing that nostalgia back in an adult size made you chuckle, but to Wanda it was the chance to experience a part of childhood she wasn’t afforded.  So when you had to stay late at work and she told you she’d be stuck at school for an emergency faculty meeting you thought it would be the perfect time to surprise her with the tantalizing taste of Americana.
As you drove home, you smiled thinking about how Wanda would react to seeing the surprise you’d brought her.  You had already texted her that you’d take care of dinner.  She probably thought it’d be Thai or something that you two enjoyed.  She was definitely in for a surprise.  While she wouldn’t be expecting the McDonalds, there’s no way she would expect the minor change you made to its contents.
“Wands?  You home?” you hollered down the hall of your two bedroom apartment as you walked through the door, duffel bag of dirty scrubs in one hand and Happy Meal in the other. 
“No.  I’m on the beach, miles away from the bullshit of middle school politics,” you heard her shout from the kitchen.  
“Oh good, that means I can eat your dinner” you shot back, dropping your bag and kicking off your shoes.
“Don’t you even think about it, mister.” She charged into the front hall from the kitchen, a glass of red wine in one hand and the bottle in the other.  She’d already changed out of her school clothes, exchanging her slacks and sweater for one of your hoodies and a pair of gym shorts.  “What’d you bring?  I hope it’s lasagna.  God I hope it’s lasagna.”
“Nice try, Garfield, but I got you something a little more…exciting.”  You held up the box for her to see.
Wanda’s eyes grew huge as she looked at the colorful cardboard box in your hands.  “Is that a Happy Meal?” she asked in stunned disbelief.
“All yours, babe.  I’ll make myself a sandwich.”
Wanda squealed with delight as she ripped the box from your hands and raced into the kitchen.  “I GOTTA SEE THE TOY!” she shouted.
You smirked as you followed her into the kitchen, anxious to see her reaction.  You turned the corner just as she placed it on the island in the center of the kitchen and ripped open the top.  She stood on her tiptoes to peer in the box.  And you watched as her expression of excitement quickly changed to one of confusion. 
“Babe?” she asked.
“Yeah, what’s up?” you replied, feigning confusion.
“There’s…there’s something wrong with the toy.”
“What’s wrong with it?”
Wanda reached in and pulled out a gigantic flesh colored dildo.  “Either they’re trying a new sex positivity promotion or somebody’s got some explaining to do.”  You couldn’t tell if she was amused or annoyed.
“Well, I’ve got that training coming up and I’ll be gone for a couple of weeks.  And that’s the longest we’ll have been apart since we moved in together, so I wanted to get you something so you can take care of yourself,” you explained.
Wanda held the dildo in her hands, examining it from every angle.  “It’s bigger than you,” she finally declared.
“Ouch.  Way to rub it in.”
“I’m just pointing out the obvious.”
“I just wanted to make sure my best girl was well-taken care of,” you smirked.
A devilish look appeared in Wanda’s eyes as she ripped the plastic packaging off the silicon toy.  “Normally I’d say let’s eat and then play, but tonight I don’t want to wait,” she said, her voice low and sultry.  She moved the box to the counter before slamming the suction cup end of the dildo in the middle of the counter.  
“Fuck,” you murmured as Wanda rushed to you, grabbing your face and crashing her lips against yours.  Your hands roamed down to her hips, grabbing them so tightly you figured she would bruise.  The kisses were rough and passionate.  You swiped your tongue over her lips, begging for permission to enter her mouth.  She moaned as your tongue began exploring hers, causing you to sink your hands down to her ass.  
“Ow,” she muttered as you pushed her back into the island, your thigh coming up to rest between her legs.  She rolled her hips against your leg, attempting to relieve the ache that was building in her.  
“Sorry,” you replied between kisses you were applying down her neck.  She hissed as you but down on the sensitive skin.  “Off,” you said as your hands made their way to the waistband of her shorts.  You tugged them down her legs as she wrapped her arms around your neck, stepping out of the shorts and kicking them across the floor.  “This too,” you whispered as you grabbed the hem of the hoodie and tugged it up.  Wanda released your neck to pull the sweatshirt off herself, leaving her bare chest exposed to you.  You eyed her breasts greedily, wanting to spend the rest of night with your face buried between the supple mounds. 
“Eyes up, tiger,” she joked. Your eyes snapped to hers, which were teeming with arousal.  She had hopped up and was sitting on the island, swinging her legs off the end.  
You stepped forward, placing your hands on her legs and spreading them to reveal her glistening cunt.  “Wet already, sweetheart?” you teased, sliding one hand down between her legs.  Wanda groaned at the contact.
“Wanna feel your cock, daddy,” she whined.  You started to run circles around her clit, deepening her arousal.  She bucked her hips against your hand.
“You want to try daddy’s new toy, huh, princess?”  She nodded vigorously.  “Good,” you said, giving her clit a sharp slap.  She groaned at the sudden sting.  You stepped back toward the kitchen table, unbuttoning your pants to slide them and your briefs down your legs.  You were already hard at the thought of what was to come.  “Now ride it,” you commanded as you leaned back on the table.  
Wanda swung her legs around and crawled to the dildo sitting in the middle of the island.  She looked at it hesitantly.  While it was only an inch longer than your own dick, it was significantly girthier.  “It looks too big,” she pouted.
“Come on, baby girl.  You can do it.  I wouldn’t have bought it for you if I didn’t think you could handle it,” you coaxed.  “Be a good girl for daddy.”
She nodded as she positioned herself over the phallus, lining up the tip with her slick entrance.  Slowly she began lowering herself onto it.  You groaned as you watched her pussy envelope it.  Wanda hissed at the sensation of being stretched so much.  “Hurts too much, daddy.”
“Come on now, Wanda.  You can do it.”  You wanted to see it buried to the hilt inside her, your cock twitching at the thought.
“Fuck, that’s so much,” she moaned as she took all of the dildo inside of her.  Wanda sat still for a moment, allowing herself to adjust to the sudden intrusion.  As the pain started to subside, she started to slowly roll her hips back and forth.
“That’s it, Wands.  You’re doing so well.”  You grabbed your cock with one hand and began massaging it, jerking yourself off in time with the movement of her hips.  She kept a steady rhythm, rolling them forward and back as she placed her hands in front of her to brace herself.  She moaned as it struck the right spot inside of her, causing pleasure to course through her body.
“It feels so good,” she groaned.  “It feels so good, daddy.”
“Did daddy get a good toy for his princess?” you asked, groaning as you continued to pump your cock.
“Mmhmm,” she whimpered, her hair plastered to her face with sweat.  Her chest was heaving as she fucked herself closer to orgasm.
“Good,” you replied.  “Now fuck it like you mean it.”
Wanda leaned forward on her hands, bringing her hips up and slamming them down.  A loud moan erupted from her lips as you saw her shudder.  As she felt her peak building her movements became sloppy.  She moved her hips faster and faster as her moans became louder and more frequent.  You stared in awe as you watched this beautiful woman fall apart on your island.  Sweat poured down her forehead, her cheeks flushed with heat, and her soaking pussy squelched every time she moved.
“Fuck, daddy, I’m gonna cum,” she moaned.
“It’s okay, princess, you don’t need my permission.” You bit your lip, stifling a groan as you watched Wanda explode into orgasmic bliss.  Her eyes rolled back into her head as her mouth opened into an o-shape.  Her hips slowed as she rode out the aftershocks of her orgasm.  
“Oh god, that was so fucking good,” she panted.
You pushed yourself away from the table, pulling off your t-shirt as you walked to the island.  Wanda was still on the dildo, her hands on her knees as she fought to control her breathing.  She looked up at you as you placed your hands on the island and leaned your face into hers.  “My turn,” you whispered.  “Get off the counter and turn around,” you commanded.  Eyes wide with anticipation, Wanda obeyed, a loud pop sounding as she lifted herself from the toy and jumped down.  Her legs faltered as she landed, weak from the sheer intensity of her climax.  You grabbed her by the hips and helped turn her around.  “Lean forward,” you whispered as you brushed her hair away from her neck.  She leaned forward onto the cool marble and placed her hands out to brace herself.
You grabbed your cock and slid it around her swollen pussy.  Her juices coated your tip as you teased her slit.  Bracing her lower back with one hand, you guided yourself in with the other.  
“Shit,” she breathed.
Your thrusts started off slow, but within a matter of seconds you had both hands on her hips and were plowing into her.  The kitchen was silent except for your moans and the ungodly sounds that resulted from your throbbing cock committing unholy acts against her soaked cunt.  The sound of your flesh slapping hers was music to both your ears.
“Oh god, Wanda, I’m close,” you moaned as you felt her walls squeeze you.  You gripped her hips tighter as you felt her legs start to give out.
“Me too,” she whined.  “Cum in me, daddy, I wanna feel you fill me up.”
You groaned as you felt yourself release hot strands of cum inside her.  Your orgasm spurred her own, her walls tightening around you as she screamed your name through her second orgasm of the night.  
You collapsed on top of her as you came down from your high.  Breathing hard, you pulled out and watched your cum spill down the back of her thighs.  Wanda pushed herself up and turned around, gripping on the island for support.
“Wow,” she breathed.  
“So you think it’ll work while I’m gone?” You asked, motioning with your head to the dildo that was covered in her juices.
“Mmhmm,” she nodded.  “Best surprise ever.”
You smiled as you went up to plant a kiss on her lips.
“Now pass me my nuggets, Y/N.  All that fucking made me hungry.”
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foxglovepng · 19 days
Random Headcannons 1🌼🥀
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Requested: No
CW: Slight mention of drugs & Alcohol in Deuce's, mentions of panic attacks, TW mention of Donut Daddy, Gets a little deep in some of these.
Characters: Heartslabyul
I made some random headcannons to try and get myself back in the writing mood so I hope you like them. If you don't agree that's fine you can scroll and these are just my opinions. <3
I have a fun time writing these and I'm considering posting more headcannons until I finally get the motivation to write more.
Not proofread
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When it comes to Riddle I have a hard time with him because he is one of my least favorite characters, but in a way I feel for him because the way I describe him is Mommy Issues with a side of anger issues. (Also here his dad at?)
Behind Riddle's back everyone shits on his mom and tries to help Riddle with acknowledging his mom is a bad person and tries to help him see that.
When Riddle get's older I can see him being able to stand up to his mom and will slap back at her (Not physically) he also gets therapy to be able to cope with what she put him through.
A bit more positive, but post NRC Riddle gets a hedgehog and names it Rose or Heart.
He has personal deep beef with Donut Daddy on tik tok (Don't look him up PLEASE) he literally is that one Euphoria verse when he sees this man. When he got introduced to this man he was like "What the fuck is he doing to those PASTERIES." and now he holds a deep grudge and actively shits on him.
Weird head cannon but Trey is buff because I said so I MEAN LOOK AT HIM at his family's bakery he must be lifting some really heavy stuff right so he has to be buff in some way or another.
Cater moves around a lot from his father's job and currently resides in the Land of Pyroxene (If I am correct) I feel like it's possible Cater could have met Jack, Vil, and possibly Epel at sometime in his life he either doesn't remember or he does and doesn't mention it.
Cater goes skateboarding and he also knows how to roller skate and has ones with the light up wheels.
He's also very musical and can play the guitar so by this knowledge I am saying he can play Electric, bass, Acoustic, and the ukelele.
"Is that a baton in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" He sung to Trey (It's cannon because I said so)
In his delinquent stage he definitely dabbled in drugs & alcohol with his gang (Via Cigarettes and weed). He turned down anything that was super hard although he probably got laced sometime and swore off weed but continued Cigarettes.
Whenever he gets urges to smoke he uses a nicotine patch but that's on rare occasions he chose to be an honor student and he gets panic attacks on occasion from his past as he wants to become better for his mom.
Some more positive headcannons him and Ace play video games a lot together and even though he tries to be an honor student he's still a teenage boy who wants to have fun so sometimes these video game sessions can go very late into the night and they fall asleep during class and start beefing on who's fault it was.
According to his Phantom Bride Vignette he loves roller coasters and horror movies meaning he probably loves Junji Ito and I will die on that hill. Another thing I want to add is he loves Jojo and different anime's that have a lot of fighting (Jjk, black clover, soul eater, seven deadly sins, demon slayer, castlevania) although I heavily believe his favorite is Jojo. He's an avid TPN and My hero hater.
Another thing someone on tik tok made casual wear sprites and said Ace was a closeted emo he listens to Pierce the Veil because I said so. I also feel like he occasionally goes skateboarding with Cater just to hang out with him.
(Updated on 5/12/24 to change Banner and title)
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Errmmm annual update,
How are things goin for ya (not about sensetale specifically, just in general)
I appreciate the general check up as i haven't posted anything in a bit, but for a little update i guess, got a new job, pays me more and doesn't give me as many hours, this is a good thing as i can pay my bills just fine without having to work as much, but i am getting called in a lot and i need more money in general so i'm sorta trying to build stuff up... got a new name, i'm still keeping my old one i just have two first names i switch between now so that was funky but it made me feel a little better so it's nice got on HRT a while ago and it's fucking with me emotionally i think either that or i'm experiencing periods as it's not all the time, but it's too soon to tell if it's this or that so right now i'm just enjoying the general effects of it and learning how to deal with stronger emotions, this is a good thing i no longer feel as dysphoric about myself but it still comes from time to time as for projects and stuff i'm working on? got quiet the load honestly, no progress on sensetale for mental health and general self confidence issues, it's still on hiatus until i can get good enough to make the sprites i need or find someone willing to help me out but in non-sensetale related projects... well... i did wanna keep some stuff a secret but some of these have been in the work for a while so... what the hell might as well show some off I appreciate the general check up as i haven't posted anything in a bit, but for a little update i guess, got a new job, pays me more and doesn't give me as many hours, this is a good thing as i can pay my bills just fine without having to work as much, but i am getting called in a lot and i need more money in general so i'm sorta trying to build stuff up... got a new name, i'm still keeping my old one i just have two first names i switch between now so that was funky but it made me feel a little better so it's nice got on HRT a while ago and it's fucking with me emotionally i think either that or i'm experiencing periods as it's not all the time, but it's too soon to tell if it's this or that so right now i'm just enjoying the general effects of it and learning how to deal with stronger emotions, this is a good thing i no longer feel as dysphoric about myself but it still comes from time to time as for projects and stuff i'm working on? got quiet the load honestly, no progress on sensetale for mental health and general self confidence issues, it's still on hiatus until i can get good enough to make the sprites i need or find someone willing to help me out but in non-sensetale related projects... well... i did wanna keep some stuff a secret but some of these have been in the work for a while so... what the hell might as well show some off
vs. mad mew mew genocide route edition! i love mew mew as a character and i've been really inspired to make something relating to her i just didn't know what to, well recently i got my insperation and have been coding it out, don't know what the ending is currently but i have a rough idea of what i want to do, hopefully you will all enjoy it the song is Dummy! from UNDERTALE: Alternate, thank them so much for letting me use the song! couldn't hope for a more fitting battle theme that just so happened to accidently match with the character i was making the fight for lol I have more projects i'd love to show off but tumblr only allows for 1 video so you'll have to have the shitty gifs instead
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after undertale yellow released I loved the concept of everything so much but i really wish some more attention to the lore had been put in, but hey there was still some really cool stuff they did like i loved the guns and ammo types, so i decided to work on what it would look like for the blue soul which i nicknamed melody as her healing things are music notes and clovers are well clovers, this spawned a whole thing where i started making characters and ideas and... honestly i don't think it will go anywhere soon.... if at all but hey a mouse can dream huh? well i might as well show off some characters with little to no context huh?
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not all of these are major characters but just stuff I wanted to show off, if people wanna make art or ask about it, the au name is official "Undertale: Era of Integrity" but for now you just get the designs and simple mechanics that i showed off, i have more to talk about
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an underfell project! this was mainly learning to code KR and fuck around with my idea of an underfell au that takes the canon version and makes small tweaks here and there, i made some sprites to show what i mean
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again not really giving out much info, if people wanna know more let me know i guess! no official name just some underfell concepts i've been working on I do wanna make some playable fights eventually but i'd need to work out some kinks first to make it all work some other projects that feel too small to sorta show off stuff of are a Tale's end sans fight (like from the comic) i was working on with friskbits actually helping quiet a lot and a help_tale sixbones fight (again from the comic) both are almost done but also both have big hurdles i'll need to get past before i finish it, for tale's end it's just... writing, frisky is normally busy and i had major writers block, writing for what you may ask? the comic surely has most of what i need right? haha I wish, there are so many options and it all comes back to that stupid flower, i have like 20 endings based on if you kill or not and then reset and do a certain action, I have the main endings coded but the great flowey remembering my resets makes it way harder to actually finalize the sixbones fight is mainly the absorb stuff, as we never saw that in the comic so i sorta had to improvise and making it looks cool! but I'm sorta just winging it i guess i'm also working on a mettaton date, this one with an overworld, you know how alphys, undyne, and papyrus all got dates? oh and sans too sorta, well toby literally mentioned dating mettaton on the kickstarter and never delivered! so i'm doing it myself, date the sexy rectangle... eventually i'm still on the overworld stuff and need to finish designing mettatons room fully, i'd show some stuff off but i'm not sure how long it's gonna be plus this post is already hella long so just gonna cut this here and maybe talk about it later there is some other stuff here and there but it's mainly just ideas, I had an idea of something something deltatravelers something something OFF but i'm prob not even gonna do that, maybe i'll make some sketches or mock ups for it later but eh i wanna finish projects first i have too many on my plate currently I know a lot of people might be mad, that i'm working on other projects and stuff while im supposed to be working on sensetale, but I'm trying to improve skills and general get better at making the content so people can enjoy it more, and when i was ready i would try and work more on sensetale maybe remake the area do new poses make new characters or sprite something unique and cool, one of the reasons i don't post or even answer questions on this is i don't want to get people's hopes up that this will return soon, i really want it to return soon but I don't have the resources or time to commit to it I had a thought that maybe, I should make this a general au project stuff, so I can show off more stuff and see what people like but i've had 20 or so projects i've never finished. I wouldn't want to show all this cool stuff off and never deliver on it. But perhaps if that is what would everyone would enjoy more, seeing progress and stuff i'm working on, if people would be okay not seeing sensetale in favor of more content? just food for thought, i want to see what people think before i act.
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mikuni14 · 5 months
Three clarifications: 1) all my opinions are completely subjective and based entirely on my feelings, 2) I definitely left out a lot of what I wanted to write, and I will probably remember it after the New Year lol 3) The Sign wins all the best categories, BUT the series isn't over yet. I included it in my list anyway (I also included Twins)
Unfortunately, 2023 is me continuing the trend started in 2022, i.e. dropping the series, sometimes even just before the finale. There are about 35 series I dropped this year (!!!!!). Some of them I literally stopped watching the moment MLs appeared on the screen, like Dinosaur Love. Sorry but nope. Why is this happening? Perhaps because of the huge number of series. Before, I watched everything, even the worst productions, because I simply had no choice. Now there are so many new series, also so many great older series that I can come back to with pleasure, that I don't regret dropping something, that in the past I would have forced myself to watch until the end. Life is too short to waste it on mid series 🤷‍♀️
My list:
Perfect relationships: Our Dating Sim, Jun&Jun, The 8th Sense, Love in Translation, MickTop - My Universe, The Sign, Twins, Our Dining Table, Sing My Crush, um, Destiny Seeker 😄
Perfect relationships minus this one thing (usually an awkward kiss, sorry, this is very important to me): Unitentional Love Story, Laws of Attraction. WHY. These are not Sotus times, it's 2023, there are no excuses, learn to kiss, it's the easiest thing to DO
Many series disappointed me, but most of all, the one in which I had such great hopes: Chains Of Heart, come ON, this series had EVERYTHING to become one of the best series this year!!
Characters most harmed by the plot: Boston and Babe. I will also never forgive Between Us for what they did to the most awesome couple ever: WinTeam
Interesting series that pleasantly surprised me with how different and unique they are: Be My Favorite, Bake Me Please
Series that I have watched until the end, that are a complete waste of time and that I have bad memories of: Step by Step and La Puie
Characters that were just plain awful and that I would avoid in real life: first and foremost, of course, that EUN JI bitch and Tae Hyung (The Eighth Sense) also Sangin (Sing My Crush), practically everyone from Only Friends, Phat and Saengtai (La Pluie), Pat (SBS), Wen (Moonlight Chicken), Charlie. I'm not writing about terrible parents, there were a lot of them this year
The craziest series I've watched anyway: Till The World Ends 🥳
It's been a year of shows about workplace romance, but only a few managed to portray it in a good, even cute way without creepy power imbalance: Jun&Jun, ODS, Love in Translation, probably Cherry Magic (still airing)
New stars✨ that rocked my 💖: Daou (LiT), Babe (The Sign), Frame (Twins), Guide (IFYLIA, Bake Me Please) and Mark Pakin, my king 👑
My obsessions this year: Jae Won (The 8th Sense), Charn (LoA), Yang (Love in Translation), Im Han Tae (Sing My Crush), Sprite, THARN and Phaya. Overall, 2023 was full of characters who were a wonderful mix of pathetic and crazy in love and who made me feel like 🥺😍😭🥳. These were the men (and boys) mentioned above, but also Yoon Tae Joon (Unintentional Love Story), Cheng (Chains of Heart), Pisaeng (BMF), Tinn (My School President), Mick (My Universe). I love all of them 💖
Hot guys 🔥: ok, there were a lot of them this year, but definitely Chi Jun (Jun&Jun), Yang (LiT), Im Han Tae (SMC), Palm (NLMG), Songkhram (Destiny Seeker), Way and Alan (Pit Babe), Yoon Tae Joon (Unintentional Love Story), Mark Pakin in all his roles, obviously Tharn and Phaya ✨
Characters that I always look at with fondness, that I watched with real pleasure,, who brought only high-quality content and made this year better for me: Tharn, Phaya and their friends (YAI), Tinn, Charn and their friends (NAWIN and the girls), Mick (MU), main couples from SMC, Jun & Jun, ODC and LiT, Our Dining Table, Yoon Tae Joon (Unintentional Love Story), MR. TIWSON 👑, Peach, Sprite (every time I write the names Peach and Sprite I crave a fruity drink 🍹)
Hottest scenes 🔥: everything that is happening in the PhayaTharn universe so far, and
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With so many series from Thailand, surprisingly few made a huge impression on me, the same in the case of characters or couples that I was obsessed with and which I would happily rewatch many times. I was even more surprised by Korea, which, with an incomparably smaller number of series, still created real gems, fantastic couples and interesting, liked characters. It was Korea that gave me probably the most interesting character this year: Jae Won. Although Thailand shot a Tharn-shaped arrow straight into my heart at the very end of the year 💘
It was a very good year, hope 2024 will be even better. What I wish for myself and all of you, my lovely jellyfish bolsters 😘😘😘😘😘
I wanted to thank everyone here for being so awesome this year, everyone who wrote great reviews and funny posts and notes, everyone who worked hard to gif the best scenes and who promoted the series fiercely. I watched many of my favorite series only thanks to your gifs. I love you all so much, you are the best! 🥰
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
The Sinner and the Saint Ch 1
Pairing: Mafia!Boss Bucky x f! reader
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A/N- Deep breath. Promised myself I would jump and publish this today, so here we go. This is a completely different story than any of the others I’ve written. Please read all warnings before proceeding- this is not the universe you’re used to me writing in if you’re familiar with my other stories. THIS IS NSFW, REPEAT, THIS IS NSFW. DO NOT PROCEED IF YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH ANY OF THE WARNINGS FOR THE CHAPTER OR THE STORY. It’s my first time publishing anything in this world, let’s see what happens. There is a lot of world-building in this chapter, just hang with me, okay? And for the record- I fully support anyone who chooses to use their body in whatever industry they choose. You do you, babe, and I love you for it.  
Warnings for this chapter: f! reader, reader is an exotic dancer, some slight angst, swearing, fake names. 
Story Warnings: Mafia Boss Bucky and all that comes with that, and a lot of smut, slow burn relationship. Reader has a pet name that she will primarily be referred to as through the story, but there will be a moment of Y/N. 
Chapter 1
Flash ‘em that sweet, seductive smile....and done. Music fades- thank god. 
The crowd went nuts. You turned like you were going to exit, stopping to slip your thumb along the side seam of the tiny black lace thong you were wearing- just about all you were left wearing at this point- and a downpour of dollar bills fluttered onto the stage as the roaring of the crowd grew. It technically wasn’t against the rules to make them THINK you were going to take the thong off- just as long as you didn’t actually do it- and it always got you more tips. C’est la vie. You fluttered your fingers over your shoulder as Rhodey announced your stage name again over the mic, and you made your exit to uproarious applause. 
You managed to suppress your eye roll until you were back behind the shimmery silver mylar curtain. Sprite the stage hand darted out to gather your clothes and tips as the lights dimmed over the runway you had just vacated. You snatched the robe you had left on the hook back there and quickly covered up. It had been just your luck to draw the short straw tonight and have to perform to “Cherry Pie” by Warrant. You used to like that song, but ever since you had to take this job, you’d come to hate it. All the women who worked here hated the song. They heard it every freaking shift. But there was something about it that just made their clients go feral. So every night, someone had to dance to it, and tonight had been your unlucky night. 
You stretched your neck from side to side, trying to keep the frustration inwards and off your face. You’d been told many times by the other girls that you wore your heart on your sleeve. You’d always been a highly emotional person, acting on your feelings first. So you worked doubly hard to keep up the smile while you were onstage. The girls who smiled and played nice always made more money. And god knows you needed that money. 
You had moved to New York City with the same big dreams every kid in the midwest had. You were going to be a professional dancer. Maybe in the ballet, maybe a Rockette, maybe on Broadway. You didn’t care where- you just wanted to dance. You’d thrown your life into training since the age of four, taking any and every class you possibly could. You’d placed top of your rank in competitions, gotten leads in your school recitals and musicals, even gotten a scholarship- nothing could stop you. Except the harsh realities of trying to be a working performer in New York. 
That’s how you ended up at Voulez Vous two weeks ago. They were advertising for specialty “dancers” and you had been desperate, not having had a gig in at least a month with rent being very much due. Voulez Vous was the most upscale strip club in New York City. Much to your surprise, you’d loved it instantly. This place was fantastic. Clean, professional, positive work environment. A lot nicer than some of the other dancing gigs you’d gotten. Taking off your clothes wasn’t that big of a deal to you, especially after some of your...past extracurricular activities. And you still got to dance here- after a fashion. 
They treated each other wonderfully. Most of the other girls were friendly and sweet. Natasha Romanoff was the best boss you’d ever had; kind, loyal, but firm and no nonsense when she needed to be. The pay was incredible, not to mention the tips. It was the only way you were surviving in New York while still trying to go on as many auditions as possible. The late nights of your job made it a challenge, but you were determined. So you put on a carefully crafted and seductive smile every night, pretended you were onstage at Radio City Music Hall, and danced your heart out while dropping your clothes on the stage. So your dreams had to change a little; you could do this. 
But it didn’t change the fact that dancing to ‘Cherry Pie’ still SUCKED. 
Just as you angrily tied the sash of your robe, Gamora came up to you, a sympathetic smile on her face. She held out a bottle of water to you. “Thanks,” you said, trying to force the fake smile back on your face. Gamora and you had become close over the past two weeks- she was sarcastic and sweet, with a fierceness that you could only envy. 
She huffed a kind laugh at your attempt to hide your feelings about getting saddled with ‘Cherry Pie’. “Sorry that you ended up stuck with that song tonight, but girl, you KILLED it,” she said, taking off her own robe and hanging it on the hook yours had just recently occupied. “You have got to teach me that leg thing you do. They are losing their damn minds every time you pull that out.”
“Yeah, I guess it’s becoming my signature move,” you said, a little proudly, trying to keep up the smile. “I wasn’t sure where to throw it in- did it work on that high note part?”
“God, that was perfect timing. You nailed it, baby. And now, just think! You’re out of the drawing pool on that song for at least a week!”
That cheered you up instantly, causing you to actually smile. She grinned back. “Atta girl,” she said, gently slugging you on the shoulder. “Listen, rumor has it there’s a new round of dancer auditions over at Zemo Studios in a couple days. You should totally go.” Before you could say anything, Rhodey announced Gamora’s number. “Thank me later,” she hissed with a grin before bursting her way through the silver mylar curtain to loud cheers. 
You shook your head, but couldn’t help smiling. Gamora was always looking out for you, even on those days where you weren’t so great at looking after yourself. Sprite came hustling offstage, narrowly avoiding Gamora and handing you a wad of crumpled bills. “Here you go, Miss Angel,” she said with her typical mischievous grin. She looked like she was about twelve and straight out of Neverland, but Natasha had assured you she was overage and just incredibly genetically lucky. You smiled, peeled off a ten, and handed it to her. Sprite’s grin grew- you always tipped her well.
“Thank you Sprite,” you said quietly, then made your way back to the dressing rooms. You were so focused on turning the bills the correct way and putting them in monetary order that you nearly ran right into your boss. 
“Whoa,” Natasha said, grabbing you by the shoulders so you didn’t collide. You looked up quickly, nervous. “Where’s the fire, babe?”
“Oh shit, sorry Ms. Romanoff,” you gasped, both from the surprise and the immediate guilt welling up in you. You should have been watching where you were going, idiot, you hissed at yourself. You nearly plowed your boss over, moron. What if she thought you were intentionally being rude or disrespectful or-
“You’re okay, sweetheart,” Natasha laughed, trying to calm the panic on your face. She knew that you were still nervous after only being here two weeks. She rubbed your arms kindly. “And please- call me Natasha, okay? I promise it’s alright.”
“Right. Sorry. Again.”
“No problem. C’mere, I have something I need to tell you,” she said, gesturing over her shoulder to the dressing rooms. You tried not to be nervous- the boss wanting to talk to you mid shift never seemed like a good thing, but Natasha was cool as a cucumber, so it couldn’t be anything that bad, right? You followed the petite red head into the small dressing area. As soon as the door was closed, she immediately turned to face you. 
“Okay, I know you’re still new here, and I don’t want to freak you out, but...you’ve got a booking in the VIP Champagne Room. Right now.” 
Your heart stopped. Oh god. The Champagne Room. You knew the club had a whole section of them but you had never been booked in one yet. Your nerves went into overdrive and turned your veins to ice. 
Natasha took the wad of money out of your hand and sat you down in front of the dressing room mirror. She began delicately fixing your hair and your makeup from all the hair tossing and sweating you’d done during your number. 
“Trust me, honey, there’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s not nearly as bad as what you’re thinking, okay? I know the guy, you’re going to be safe with him. Just...try to make a good impression, alright? He’s a frequent flyer around here. He does this with all the new girls. He likes to introduce himself, and talk to you a bit. He just wants to get to know you and make sure you’re doing okay. That’s it.”
“Uh huh,” you said faintly, staring at yourself in the mirror, trying to will the nerves away as she pulled you out of your seat, and draped a sheer lace wrap dress around your body. “Just...get to know me?” you asked quietly, hoping she’d understand what you were trying to imply. She stopped and faced you with a gentle smile, knowing you needed reassurance right now.
“The rules for the Champagne Room are always in place, no matter who it is,” Natasha said firmly, taking your ice cold hands in her warm ones. You vaguely noticed that her hands were a bit calloused- surprising on such a quiet, gentle person- but your brain was much more occupied with what she was saying. “They keep all their junk in their pants at all times. They are not allowed to touch without your consent. You can take anything- ANYTHING- you want to off, but only if YOU want to. They can’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do. If you want to do more while you’re in there, that’s your choice, and yours alone. But you are not required to. Consent is still alive and well in my clubs, and always will be, thank you very much,” she added with a little grumble at the end before letting you go and draping a fake diamond necklace around your neck.
You knew it was true. At least 3 people got tossed out every night for touching or trying to touch the performers. No one touched Natasha’s girls without their say-so. “And,” she added, as she touched up your lip gloss. “Fury will be right outside the door. If you need him, you just say the code word and he’s in the room with you immediately. But you won’t need him. Like I said, I know this guy. He wants to talk and that’s it. I swear. So just be your good girl self, and you’ll walk out of that room in one hour with more money than God.”
Before you were even close to ready, you found yourself outside the pale pink door marked ‘VIP’, Natasha whispering encouraging things in your ear that you barely heard. This was the most luxurious of the rooms in the place, so whoever it was definitely did have money, like Natasha said. You tried to remember that this was apparently a ‘thing’ for whoever this was, and tried to banish the self-hating thoughts about why anyone would pay so much money just to spend time with you. The fake diamond crusted Fuck-Me Heels you were wearing gave you confidence; fake confidence, but hell, you’d take anything you could get right now. You took a deep breath, reached out, and turned the gold door knob. You entered the room. 
And your heart began to beat in a way it never had before. 
Sitting on the expensive blue velvet chaise lounge, nursing a tumbler of bourbon, was the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen in your life. The deep, ocean blue eyes caught yours immediately. Neither one of you moved as you locked gazes. His dark brown hair was cut short, nearly buzzed on the sides, with just enough on top for you someone to run your their fingers through. There was no hint of stubble on his jaw (that could clearly cut glass- it was that defined), like he’d just shaved. He was wearing an off-white suit with a black shirt, patterned with gold. His left ankle was propped up on his right knee, patiently waiting. His black leather-gloved fingers were gracefully curled around his glass, and his eyes stayed locked on yours as he slowly brought it to his sculpted and expressive mouth. After a long sip, he set the glass down on a crystal coaster sitting on the table next to him. And he gave you a seductive smile.
“Good evening, Miss Angel,” he said. The timbre of his voice made you want to both melt and snap to attention, all at the same time. There was something so...intriguing about his tone. Dominant. The notes of his voice that said this wasn’t someone you wanted to mess with, but...something more too. Something deeper. Something that made you want to melt to your knees and  bow at his feet, but prove yourself too. It was the strangest dichotomy. And you couldn’t figure it out right now- you were too busy gaping at him. “And how are you tonight?”
Suddenly remembering that you were at work and here to do a job, you recovered your own seductive smile immediately, although it was nowhere as near panty-dropping as his was. “I’m wonderful, thank you,” you purred demurely, causing the corner of his mouth to pull up. Good. He wasn’t entirely immune to your charms either. “And how are you, Mr....?”
The gorgeous man brought a gloved finger up to his lips for a moment, rubbing them as if he was thinking. He looked over at his tumbler of bourbon. “Nick,” he finally said. 
“Just Nick?” you asked shyly, determined to stay on the right foot with this guy, no matter how mind-numbingly hot he was. He grinned as he stood up, and looked back at you. 
“Ol’ Nick, if you want the full name.”
“Ol’ Nick?” you repeated in disbelief. There was no way this man was what anyone could consider “old”. 
“Yup. Ol’ Nick. Like the devil. Figured since you were “Angel”, I’d give you a name that matched yours. A...worthy adversary, if you will,” he said, one eyebrow bobbing up in a challenging way. 
A challenge. Hm. That sparked something in you. 
“How kind of you,” you said, letting your eyes twinkle at his mischievously. “I love a worthy adversary.” The corners of his gorgeous lips pulled up even more, seeing that you were playing along. “So what can I do for you, Nick?”
To Be Continued....
Chapter 2
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fault-classic · 11 months
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May and June were pretty busy for me, so I didn't have as much time to work on game dev. I'll condense what I've done over those two months into one post.
May and June's work was focused on building a CAMP area. This is where the party gathers outside of the dungeon, and where Ashley can save the game, switch out party members, and rest to restore HP and MP.
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It all started with this mockup image here. Originally the Camp and the entrance to the dungeon were supposed to be two separate rooms with a fade-to-black in between them, but that idea didn't make it past the initial concept stage.
The idea for the trees to form this black barrier around the room perimeter was also thrown out - I couldn't use the same principles for designing interiors as I did for outdoor areas. It would take a different approach.
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Getting the look right was an involved process. My first blueprints for the entrance made it out to be this enormous megastructure when I actually constructed it in-engine.
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Gluing the trees together like A Link to the Past was a good idea though.
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Attempts to pare the map down into something more manageable resulted in this awkward half-way step. There were still too many repeated textures for my liking, it was still too big, and it kind of looked like it was under construction instead of being in ruins.
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This is the last mockup I went with before I collected the assets and actually built the thing in engine.
I found it useful from a technical perspective to start with a very blown-out, saturated colour palette, and then work "subtractively" from there, dialing down the colours using the in-engine tools as appropriate.
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Have I shown off the diagonal stair movement before? That was something I coded myself. The tops and bottoms of the stairs act as little triggers that change the outputs of the movement keys as appropriate. You don't have to zig zag down the stairs like I've seen in some RPG Maker games.
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Party members who aren't currently following Ashley will hang back at the campsite. Ashley can swap them out like so - but the assets for everyone aren't quite done yet. Yolei doesn't have a walking sprite!
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I did a lot of experimenting to figure out the range of different palettes I could get without making changes to the tileset assets themselves.
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I coded an in-game clock that ticks down when Ashley walks around outside of camp. The weather conditions and lighting change depending on when the party returns to camp - this would be late in the day, around sunset.
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If the Ashley returns to camp after dark, the remaining party members will have a little fire set up.
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The effects to make this fire work right are really elaborate. I might make a second post to explain everything that went into it.
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The Best Place To Be
Fandom: Elvis Presley, American Actor, Elvis Movie 2022
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Reader, Jerry Schilling, Dr 
Word Count: 2660  // Rating: Mature
Summary: Tours are well oiled machines but what happens when there’s a spanner in the works
Tags/ Warnings: Request, Requested Fic, Kisses, Established Relationship, 70s Elvis, Elvis on Tour, Tour Schedule, Ill Health, Abdominal Pain, Fever, Nausea, Vomiting, Hospitals, Planes, Fear, Arguing, Angst, Love
Notes: hope whoever requested this likes it. also if you ask me something the surgical nurse in me will always go to something surgical. I have no apologies. 
Elvis Tags:  @literally-just-elvis-fics @caitlin1996
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Request from anon:  Could you do one where the reader isn't feeling well but doesn't tell Elvis and she faints?
‘Our only duties, as far as I could gather. Our only duties, our only-’ I mumbled, trying to get the words on the page in front of me to stick in my head though I wasn't having much luck. The book in front of me had been laying in my lap for the past twenty minutes but I had barely made it through two sentences as every time I did a familiar wave of pain flowed through my abdomen making the words melt from my brain. I was sitting in the dressing room, trying to ignore the hubbub that came with the preshow, and trying to distract myself from the pain I had been having on and off all day.
I didn't have time to be ill. Ten cities in ten days meant that for the foreseeable future, my life was a blur of cars, planes, hotel rooms and show venues and though I wasn't working I was still expected to be part of the team. To show up, grin and bear it until we were safely back in Memphis and I could have time to slow down. It wasn't that I didn't want to know what was wrong. I just didn't want to cause problems. When it came to Elvis the goal was clear. Keep him well, keep him working. With me? Who knows. I could be shipped off to a hospital in a state I didn't know or forced to go back to Memphis. I didn’t want that. Or worse. Elvis would insist the tour be rejigged, which meant I’d be receiving the Colonel’s wrath. No, I knew what I needed to do. Hang on and wait it out.
But it was hard, especially as another wave of pain flowed through me bringing with it a round of nausea that made me feel as though I was going to hurl even though I knew full well there was nothing left in me to throw up. I clutched my stomach and closed my eyes, trying to breathe through the ordeal going on inside me.
'You falling asleep on me?’ came a familiar velvety voice which made my eyes snap open. Elvis had come out of the bathroom and was giving himself a final once over before he had to head to the stage. As he fiddled with the cuffs on his suit he watched me in the mirror awaiting my response. ’M'tired,’ I said. It technically wasn't a lie. I was exhausted. Whilst he’d slept soundly on the plane I’d been tossing and turning, unable to get into any position that seemed comfortable. Throw in a day of driving, prepping and general busyness I wasn’t the most spritely. Elvis moved towards the couch I was sitting on and captured my chin with his fingers, tilting my face upwards as he leaned down and kissed me. 'Well don’t be calling it a night just yet,’ he smirked, pulling back, 'you know I love it when you’re watching.'
I nodded and smiled though I could feel uneasiness building inside me. That was the other problem. Though I wasn’t officially a member of the crew I did have a role. I was an unofficial mascot. Someone he needed to get him through the touring schedule. He liked having me by his side, watching every single show and being honest with him about it. I calmed his pre-show jitters and helped him ride his post-show highs but the thought of doing that tonight seemed like a mammoth one. I was comfortable sitting on this dingy little couch in the dressing room and I wasn’t sure how well I’d fare standing at the side of the stage amidst the heat and the noise. Elvis didn't notice my reluctance as he moved to check his hair out in the mirror, in fact, he didn’t have much chance to do anything as there was a knock at the door and Charlie appeared.
'Ready to go boss?’ he asked. Elvis turned and nodded, walking towards me and holding out a hand to help me up from the couch which I did so with as little wincing as possible. He didn't let go of my hand until we were out of the dressing room but before he did he brought it to his lips and kissed my knuckles gently. Then he was lost to the flurry of the crowd. I filtered back allowing his entourage to walk with him, firing questions at him as they walked in step. I could feel myself shrinking backwards, trying to ignore the dull ache in my stomach which twinged with every step. The coolness of the stadium’s corridors was a welcome relief to the warmth I was now feeling in my cheeks from exerting myself just a little but that quickly fizzled away as we walked out into the auditorium and I felt the Phoenix heat melded with the warmth from the stage lights and the thousands of bodies crammed inside waiting with eager excitement.
As the sound of CC Rider echoed out the crowd started to cheer and Elvis limbered up, taking to the stage to rapturous applause. I watched him go, feeling the same awe and pride I felt every night even though I had seen the show a thousand times before. Yet that feeling was only fleeting thought as my discomfort returned almost immediately. I moved myself to a secluded corner, resting against trunks that held equipment in order to keep myself upright. That wooziness from before was present again but I kept myself focused, watching Elvis as he moved around the stage entertaining his fans. I don’t know how long I managed to stand there, focused on the show before another wave of pain hit.
'Are you okay?’ Jerry said as he appeared at my side. As I turned my head to look at him my vision faltered, blurring his face in front of me before it focused back in sync. 'I’m fine,’ I said. 'You don’t look good,’ he said. I moved to wave him off but as I took my hand off the trunk I stumbled, not having realised how tightly I had been gripping it to keep myself upright. Jerry’s hand caught my elbow steadying me. 'Okay you need to sit down,’ he said. I could feel his grip tight against my elbow as he waved to one of the roadies for some help. ’M'fine,’ I said, though my voice sounded as if I was hearing it from underwater. My vision blurred again accompanied by ringing in my ears as I felt a searing pain ripple through my abdomen.
And then nothing.
As I came to I could feel myself being gently deposited down onto a soft surface and I cracked open my eyes to find Jerry watching me with concern as he placed me on the dressing room couch. He moved out of the way, though he perched on the arm beside me as Dr Nick appeared in his place.
'That was some drop,’ he said as he gestured for me to offer him my arm, which I did obediently. 'What happened?’ I asked. 'You went white as a sheet and then hit the deck. Scared the crap out of me,’ Jerry said with a frown. 'Sorry,’ I mumbled sheepishly. 'Your blood pressures down a bit,’ Dr Nick said as he took the cuff off my arm. 'I’m fine honestly,’ I said, attempting to sit up though it was done with a wince as I felt searing pain. Jerry and Dr Nick pushed me back down gently. 'Have you got pain?’ Dr Nick asked. 'A little,’ I said, though he looked at me skeptically, 'okay a lot.’ 'Since when?’ he asked. 'Last night,’ I said. 'Where?’ he said, his hand following mine as I placed it gently on my right side. 'Does that hurt?’ he asked, pressing sharply on my side, making tears sting my eyes. 'Yeah,’ I said, trying to breathe as steadily as I could. 'Any nausea or vomiting?’ he asked. 'A little of both,’ I said, 'but I haven't eaten anything today so the nausea isn’t that bad.’ 'That’s not exactly a plus,’ Jerry said. 'Any fevers?’ Dr Nick said. 'I don’t think so,’ I said watching his face closely as he frowned, 'why what is it?' 'I think-’
'Where is she?’ I heard Elvis’ voice say panicked. He burst in, followed by several guys offering protestations but he wasn’t listening to them. His face was frantic as he came in quickly kneeling by my side as he placed a hand tenderly on my cheek. 'Are you okay?’ he asked, worry in his big blue eyes. 'I’m fine,’ I said though he only took that in for a millisecond before he was looking for a second opinion. He glanced at Jerry who shrugged and then at Dr Nick, 'what’s the matter, Dr Nick?' 'Well it could be a couple of things,’ he said, 'I wouldn’t want to say for definite but she’s got pain and vomiting-’ 'They said you passed out,’ Elvis said quickly. 'It was nothing,’ I said as Dr Nick continued, betraying my denials as he said, 'she did but I think that was more due to her being weak from not eating today.’ 'You’ve not eaten anything today?’ Elvis said. I could see the cogs whirring in his mind as he tried to think about every moment we had spent together and whether or not he recalled what I had consumed. He’d been bleary-eyed this morning at breakfast drinking his coffee and reading his paper whilst I pushed pancakes around my plate. And lunch was on the go as always, easy to hide if needs be. 'Didn’t feel up to it,’ I said. He seemed to take my answer on board but there was something behind his eyes that I didn't like. Anger.
'So what doc?’ he said turning to look at the older man who shrugged. 'Like I said I wouldn’t want to say for sure without tests but that would mean going to the hospital,’ he said. 'Then that’s where we’re going,’ Elvis said matter of factly. 'But we’ve gotta leave and the tour-’ I started to protest. 'Will wait,’ he said looking pointedly at me before he stood up. I could feel the shift in his mode. He was the boss now, looking at the guys who were lingering by the door, 'get a car to take us to the hospital and call ahead. I want a room sorted for when we get there.’ 'What about Dallas?’ Vernon asked with concern. 'Keep it on the books for now. Have the plane on standby so it’s ready if we can make it,’ he said, 'and let the Colonel know.’ 'He’s not gonna be happy about it,’ Vernon said. 'I don’t give a rat’s ass what he’s happy about,’ Elvis said. Vernon nodded and scuttled out the door. A few of the boys lingered too making him glare at them, 'haven’t y'all got things to be doing?'
There was a murmur of agreement as he looked down at me that feeling of disappointment not waning though it softened a little as I felt a pain flow through me again and moved to clutch my stomach. He turned away, mumbling, 'Isn’t there something you can give her?'
'Yes, yes,’ Dr Nick said turning to his bag of tricks and rummaging around in it until he produced a vial of something and started drawing it up. I glanced at Jerry, the only one who hadn’t left and he smiled at me for a moment though it was pulled away from me as Elvis said, 'Jer.'
I watched Jerry jump up obediently and go to his boss. They talked in low whispers for a moment before Jerry clapped him on the back and headed out the door offering me one more smile as he did. As he left Elvis turned around and came and sat on the coffee table beside the couch watching as Dr Nick finished up what he was doing. The pain was eased now, whatever he had given me working instantly though it hadn’t done much for the nausea.
'I’ll ring ahead to the hospital,’ Dr Nick said, 'hopefully we can get some scans arranged for as soon as we get there.’ 'Thanks, Doc,’ Elvis said glancing towards the door. Dr Nick followed his gaze and then nodded subtly. 'Right, I er, I’ll leave you to it. Not too long though. The sooner we get her there the better,’ he said. 'Right, right,’ Elvis said. I watched him as he watched Dr Nick leave the room. Then his gaze fell on me. There was an ounce of compassion behind his gorgeous blue eyes but I could see the tension he was holding in his jaw and it was enough to make me feel like I was a naughty schoolgirl.
'E,’ I mumbled trying to get out words even though I didn’t have a plan for what I was going to say. 'Why didn’t you tell me?’ he asked. 'What?’ I said feeling whatever I was going to say suddenly not compatible as a response. 'You didn’t tell me,’ he said, 'you’re in this much pain. Hardly eaten anything, heading for hospital and I’m the last to know.’ 'You had a show,’ I said. 'When did it start?’ he asked pointedly. 'E,’ I said guiltily. 'When did it start? Because I can bet it wasn’t when you were at the side of the stage,’ he said. I looked at him for a moment and then looked away feeling enormously guilty.
'Last night,’ I admitted. Elvis scoffed. 'So you did have time to tell me,’ he said shaking his head. 'When?’ I said, 'we had places to be. Venues, cars, hotels, planes. There was never a right time and I didn’t think it was that serious-’ 'But you didn’t know that!’ he said his voice louder than intended, 'you could’ve…I could've lost… you don’t know what it is. You can't take risks with your health baby.’ 'Elvis,’ I said sadly. I could see the anguish in his eyes as he said it, catching himself on the idea of losing me. He was always so protective over those that he loved, especially when it came to their health. Losing his mother so young made him careful. I had just been so focused on making sure I was doing the best thing for him I hadn’t thought about what he would actually want.
'Honey…you need me to tell about this stuff. No matter what,’ he said. 'What about your tour? I mean we’re going to be at least three hours behind and that’s if they can figure out what it is right away and the Colonel’s gonna hit the roof-’ 'I don’t care about that,’ Elvis said coming to kneel beside the couch and placing his hand on my cheek. 'But-’ 'I. Don’t. Care,’ he said watching me closely. I hesitated for a moment taking in his look of concern and allowing it to soothe me just a tad. 'Good,’ I giggled, making him watch me with amused concern until I explained, 'you can be my buffer from when he shows up shouting the odds.' 'You think I want to incur his wrath?’ he chuckled his anger and frustration disappearing, 'ain’t having no one in that room except medical professionals.’ 'Not even you?’ I asked quirking an eyebrow. 'I’m the exception,’ he said as he helped me sit up. There was a dull ache inside me now though it was nothing as it had been before. 'Maybe we can play doctors and nurses,’ I giggled as he pulled me up to standing where I clung to his side. 'That sounds like a plan,’ he said leaning down to place a kiss on the top of my head. I didn’t feel 100% right but beside him was the best place to be.
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moreteethplease · 7 months
Devlog: The Museum of Found Things
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> Play it here!
Your search for something you've lost leads you to a strange little museum. Stay a while and browse; who knows what you may find?
The Museum of Found Things is a short bitsy game where you explore a rather strange and unusual museum—a place where lost things just might go. It was made for the BITSY FEST jam.
Devlog under the cut.
Choosing A Concept
When I saw the theme of the game jam, "museum", my mind began spinning with ideas almost immediately.
My first idea was to make a game with the concept that everyone carries a museum inside of them, filled with their experiences and memories. If you're lucky, someone might let you visit their museum, and you have to take care of your own museum and curate it if you want to let people in. This was more in line with the stuff I tend to make: prose accompanied by visuals and a heavy-handed metaphor.
But my last few bitsy games have all been like this, and they've been fairly sad or serious, so I wanted to do something just a little different. I toyed with the idea of making the museum a very lighthearted, joke-filled experience. I considered forgoing the whole museum thing and making it more of a cabinet of curiosities linked to one strange and eccentric person. Ultimately, though, I felt that these were too similar to my previous games.
I was lying in bed on vacation with my partner when a song began to play in my head: "The Place Where Lost Things Go" from Mary Poppins Returns. I thought, what if it was a museum of lost things? I mulled it over, but I felt that this concept was somewhat overdone already, and I didn't want to just rip everything from a musical song.
I talked about this with my partner, and he said something about how if they're in a museum, they can't really be that lost anymore. This clicked everything into place for me. It would be a museum filled with things that are found, whether because they're always getting misplaced or because they've were lost long ago and finally rediscovered. And thus, The Museum of Found Things was born.
Making The Game: The Rooms
I made the game by first determining the rooms in the museum and what each one was meant to represent. I really can't help myself with metaphors, you see.
I decided that each museum room should look almost exactly the same except for its star display in the center of the room. This made it much faster to make each room, as I just needed to copy sprites and add dialog to them.
Most of the rooms are adequately explained via both text and subtext, but I wanted to highlight my favourite exhibit. In the fourth room, which is dedicated to things that are found renewed and reclaimed, is a glass display case featuring replicas of people's tattoos. This is meant to signify feeling like your body is yours again, and I tried to illustrate that clearly: one has a Medusa tattoo, one has a semicolon tattoo, and the final is one half of a pair of top surgery scars.
Outside of the museum, I added a small grave dedicated to a former partner who passed away. I thought it would be amusing to write the epitaph on the tombstone in the style of Lemony Snicket's Dismal Dedications. I think she'd find it funny.
Making The Game: Everything Else
Writing-wise, I tried to keep the tone light, even when heavier subjects were discussed. The heaviest and most serious exhibits I allowed to speak for themselves.
I always like using borksy hacks to do all sorts of fun stuff, and this time around, I used it to allow me to edit rooms from textboxes so the curator's sprite only becomes interactable after a player has examined everything in the room. I also used borksy to allow dialog choices. I remember the first time I used the dialog choice hack for my game Making Tea At The End Of The Universe. It wasn't too difficult, but it took a bit of trial and error. I'm so proud of the fact that this time I had no trouble with it at all!
I had trouble with the curator sprite. I wanted them to be memorable and strange without being too detailed and taking away from the relatively simple museum rooms. After a lot of unhappy reworking, I remembered I'd downloaded some 16x16 fantasy sprites by kcaze a while ago, and they're all free to use! I chose a djinn sprite and adapted it, adding animation as well so the curator appeared as lively as their personality.
Sadly, I couldn't find any music that I felt truly fit the vibe of the game better than silence did, so the game is silent for now. I doubt I'll change that, but hey, you never know.
Well, thank you for reading this! If you're interested in playing the game, check it out here!
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travelerbasilau · 1 year
Something’s a bit different this time…
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What is Traveler Basil?
A silly, laid back OMORI AU where instead of being.. ahem “sent away”, Basil finds himself being tossed around HEADSPACE and taken under the wing of multiple bosses!
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What to expect from this blog?
This is mainly just a way to dump all of my doodles and things I’ve made for this AU, since I’m not taking it too too seriously and need a place to put all of the info neatly and organized!! But I think it’d also be fun to do a sort of ask blog thing.. to both have some fun playing around with certain scenarios, and to help myself flesh out the AU, too!
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Will this blog contain spoilers? Any warnings?
This will indeed include spoilers, and though this AU may not explicitly include such topics, OMORI is a psychological horror game that touches upon topics such as mental health, anxiety, depression, and suicide. It also includes flashing imagery that may affect those with photosensitivity. Scroll safely, my friends!
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Thank you for stopping by! Feel free to send in any asks, inquire about the AU, or maybe just ask Basil himself! ;D
Resources used and credits below!
[Wiki for sprites / talking icons!]
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thewertsearch · 2 years
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In Davesprite's timeline, he and Rose - who presumably know a lot more about the game than we do - don't bring up the status of Jade's dream self, even though she'd have been safe from the meteor that destroyed her island.
If she was alive, she would have contacted her co-players - either through Pesterchum, or in person, via a daisy-chain of Gates and transportalizers. My working theory is that a dream self simply can't exist without its counterpart. You can live without it - lucky for Jade - but not the reverse.
Now that that's out of the way...
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...yeah, I think Vriska has a pretty good chance of dying for good.
Doc Scratch seems to think her days are numbered. I don't fully trust the guy, but this statement has to pay off somehow - it's too heavy-handed to be ignored. Something Vriska does is going to go very, very wrong.
I don't expect this to happen anytime soon. She's around in the Veil during Project Trolling, so I think this Final Vriska Incident will occur some time after the trolls 'lose' their session to the Mistake. That sounds like something a 'winner' like Vriska would take personally, and maybe she'll do something drastic to try and squeeze a victory out of their defeat.
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If I had to guess, I think Vriska will employ a dangerous cheat that backfires on everyone and everything - but especially her. She's been fucking around for most of her screentime, and eventually she's bound to find out.
I don't have too many other death predictions. I mentioned before that I think the Guardians might die, but that was one of a list of scattershot predictions I made for fun, without much evidence to back them up.
I think my justification was that the death of one's parental figure(s) is a common trope in RPGs and coming-of-age stories, and Homestuck is both. Plus, Kanaya was convinced that Sgrub killed the troll Guardians...
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They don't really have much to do any more, do they? This session is unwinnable, so they can't fulfill whatever game purpose they originally had.
Shit, I've half-convinced myself now. I really don't want these guys to die, especially since we still know precious little about their motivations. I guess we'll see what happens.
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Sollux's prophesized death is a freebie. I really hope he somehow pulls through, though, because I have a soft spot for the lil' nerd.
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I think we've been told exactly how Lord English will be killed - and I'm sure Slick will be the triggerman. I'm looking forward to this.
I think our four kids will be sticking around until the end, as are particularly shippable important trolls like Karkat and Kanaya. I'm not so sure about the trolls that are getting less focus, though - I could see the likes of Gamzee or Nepeta dying if shit hits the fan.
I do have one more prediction. It's not a death, but it's adjacent.
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I think Aradia is becoming progressively more alive. She's gone from a fully dead ghost, to a mostly dead sprite, to a semi-alive cyborg - and I don't think she's going to stop there.
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Her body is already on the way out, and she's probably going to want a new one, without any of Equius's 'alterations'.
I predict that Aradia will have a new body made, and that this one will be an even closer approximation of her living self. Maybe she'll transform from a mechanical cyborg into an organic one - presumably one with her actual blood color.
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enchantinglyjade · 2 years
Milk & Honey - Ch. 13
Austin!Elvis x Black!OC
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Summary: In an attempt to put a stop on Honey’s performance at Club Handy, Pearl only brings Honey and Elvis closer
Warning: NSFW 18+, Nudity, racial issues, swearing, Pearl being a bitch, Elvis being a ‘without me’ guy | NSFW Warnings: First time, fingering, daddy kink, pretty vanilla but purposely a little fast and awkward srry
Song: Giving Him Something He Can Feel - En Vogue
“I’ve been giving it a lot of thought and I feel awfully bad bout the way I been treatin’ ya. I overstepped my boundaries and I wanna make it up to you. I wanna get to know you better. Go talk somewhere.”
I pause eating my dinner entirely to study her in disbelief. “Gee, Pearl, that’s suspiciously kind of you…”
She puts her hands on her hips, “Now, I mean it! You’re my sister and I wanna get to know you as such. I even asked Daddy if I could borrow the car and everything.”
I bring my dirty plate to the kitchen, reluctant to go anywhere with her anytime soon. “I got a show tonight, I can’t.”
She waves her hand in the air, brushing off my words. “Oh, it’ll be quick. I’ll drop you off after.”
What is she planning?
I sigh, realizing she’s unlikely to let this go. Seems to always get her way when she sets her mind to something. “I guess.”
She speeds down the interstate, passing by car after car.
“Pearl, we’re going awfully far, don’t you think.” I hold onto the door, watching the ‘Welcome to Arkansas’ sign fly by.
“Oh, it’s just right up here. We should fill up first though.”
I catch myself on the dashboard as she swerves into a gas station lot.
She does actually have a license, right? Matter of fact, how old is she anyway? 
A man in a gray jumpsuit runs out of the shop, eyeing me as he makes his way over to the pump.
I don't like Arkansas already.
Pearl perks herself up in the mirror. “Would you mind buyin me a refreshment from over there while they fill up the tank?” She waves over towards a vending machine near the door, handing me a dime.
“Sure.” I agree, hesitantly stepping out of the car.
I quickly walk over to the machine, hoping no one else inside will see me for I sensed I’m not exactly welcomed here.
I study the selections. She didn’t tell me what she wanted. “Do you want cola, Sprite, or oran-?”
I get cut off by the sound of the engine revving. When I turn around, she’s speeding off down the road.
I stand there, unable to move from shock.
I can’t believe she would do something like this. I could get killed out here!
She made this into something much bigger than just Elvis now. Either she’s too young and stupid to realize the seriousness of this or she really is just a vile woman.
My heart starts thumping, brain racing trying to conjure up any sort of plan. 
She done ran off with my purse and my dress for tonight too. Shit!! How am I going to get to Handy? I perform in an hour!
I look around, searching for any clue, any sign.
That’s it! A payphone.
I race to the machine attached to the side of the building, but then my heart drops. PAYphone. She has my wallet. What am I supposed to- THE DIME!
I jump in joy, sliding the coin into the slot, so very grateful I didn’t spend it on a coke for the witch earlier.
“Hello? Elvis? Baby?” I ask into the phone, frantically waiting for a voice on the other line.
“Honey?” Gladys answers.
Shit. “Hi. Sorry. Is Elvis there? I need to talk to him.”
“He’s right upstairs. Elvis! Honey’s on the phone for you!”
“Be right down, Mama.” I hear him faintly call in the background.
“He’ll be down in a second.” She reassured me.
“Okay, thank you.” I impatiently tap my foot, heart picking up again.
Oh for the love of God, quickly before time runs out on the machine.
“Hello?” His deep southern accent comes through the speaker.
I let out a breath of relief. “Oh, God, Elvis. I need your help.”
“What? What is it, Bumble?”
“Can you pick me up and bring me to Handy?”
“Course. I can stop by your house on my way there, no problem.”
“I’m not at home.”
“Well, where ya at?”
There’s a pause.
“Bumble, what in the Sam Hill are ya doin in Arkansas?”
“It’s a long story, I’m just over the bridge at a Shell. I can smell Memphis barbeque from here, but I’d rather not swim Mississippi.”
“Well maybe Greyhound makes boats now.”
“Elvis! Please! This is serious.” I say, suppressing a laugh despite the situation.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m comin.” He chuckles
Just as he’s about to hang up I remember
“Wait! I hate to ask, but could you pick up a dress for me. Mine got…ruined.”
“Yeah, I don’t mind. I’ll getcha som’ cute and be right over. Now, don’t go makin any bad decisions over in Oklahoma, ya hear?”
“Arkansas! And I won’t. I’ll just be rig-”
Just then, the phone’s snatched from me. I spin around in a huff seeing one of the gas station workers hanging the phone back up, two more men behind him.
“Alright. That’s enough now. Get on out of here.” He demands.
I hear the two in the back whisper out something about Elvis, mocking me while I scurry away.
“Over here callin for an ‘Elvis’.” They cackle.
I huff. Assholes. 
As much as I'd love to stay and give them a piece of my mind, I needed to find a way to stay in the area and wait for Elvis before they had time to do something stupid like call the authorizes on me.
I pretend to walk down the street past the shop, glancing back at them now and again to see if they were still watching. Once out of sight, I quickly jump behind the building, waiting there for as long as I can. That is until the one man comes around the back to grab some tools and finds me.
“Hey! I thought I told you to scram!”
Just then my knight in a shiny, pink Cadillac pulls up scanning the area for me.
I quickly run past the men, heels clacking against the cement, smiling at their dumbfounded faces when they see me get in the car with THE Elvis Presley.
He watches with wide eyes, looking between me and the workers.
“Bumble, what-”
“Drive before they call the cops.”
And like that, we're out.
“How did you manage to get stranded in Arkansas again?” He asks driving down the interesate, ‘Welcome to Tennessee’ flying past the window.
I look at my hair in the mirror, deciding what style I should go for tonight.
“Pearl.” I say picking at fly aways.
Maybe I should just wear it down.
“What about Pearl?” He asks, confused.
I groan, he has to know now, as much as I didn’t want anyone knowing I’m related to such evil. On the bright side, maybe it’ll stop any of her future plans if he knows. “Pearl’s my sister. Dad dragged her up here from the swamps of Alabama and she’s been tryna steal you from me and ruin my life since the second she got here.”
I take my hair tie out, causing it to get caught in a nap. I hiss, having no choice but to pull at it.
I peek at Elvis. He looks at me with his jaw hanging in the wind.
“Well, gee, must be quite the family reunion over at your place.” He slowly pivots his head back to the road. “Damn, that why I caught her tryna jump the fence at Graceland?”
I snort, ratting out my straightened hair to give it a fuller look, the dent from my ponytail actually coming in handy for once, giving me a nice wave.
“That’s too bad she’s a psycho, I was startin to think she was kinda cute.”
I drop my hands from my hair, snapping in his direction. “What?!”
He takes my hand, laughing. “Bumble, I’m just messin with ya. Now, quit actin like you ain’t my only girl.”
I use my free hand to slap him on the arm with my coat.
He retracts himself away from me. “Ow! You got a mean sting to you, Bumble. Should start callin you Wasp.” He shakes his head, a small smirk in the corner of his mouth, laughing at his own joke. He really thinks he’s funny, doesn’t he?
I roll my eyes, unable to stop a smirk from appearing on my own face. He laughs seeing my smile in the corner of his eye, knowing he got me. “How’s Ma holdin up?” he asks between chuckles.
I sigh, remembering the other night. “She seems to be handling it pretty well actually. Caught ‘em dancin together.”
He smiles, giving me a soft look. “Oh! I got some’ for ya.” He points behind him.
I turn around, surveying the back of the car to find a dress neatly placed across the seat. It’s pink, of course. It has a sweetheart neckline and an hourglass shape which will hug my figure nicely.
I gasp. “It’s beautiful.” Quickly, I hunch over the seat, throwing myself over to land in the back.
“What in the hell are you doin now?” He asks unbelievably.
“Don’t look!”
I peek out the window, making sure I don’t look indecent in front of any other cars. Luckily, he has the roof up this time. Then, I take a deep breath, lifting my shirt off, exposing my bare chest to the open.
He shakes his head at my nonsense until he checks his rearview mirror. 
His face lights up as he looks back and forth between the mirror and the road. He hollers, stretching his arm across the back of the seat, lifting himself to try and get a better view.
“Woo! What’s all goin on back there?” He exclaims, turning his whole head to watch me now. “And I wasn’t invited none?”
“Will you watch the road!” I shout, gesturing to the front.
“Have ‘em out just a little longer for me?” He begs, looking at me through the mirror.
I gasp. “Elvis, we’ll be pulled over just being seen together, I ain’t gettin arrested with my titties out too!” I cry out, shimmying my pants off as well.
“Mama, that ain’t fair. You been doin a whole lot of teasin these days.”
I lean over the seat, pressing my breasts against his shoulder blade. “But I wanna wait, baby.” I mock him, sucking on a spot just below his ear.
Thank the Lord he has good driving skills.
He adjusts uncomfortably in the seat, pressing himself further into my touches. “You are pushin your luck, little girl. Maybe I don’t wanna wait no more.” He says, biting at his smirk.
I giggle. “There. You got your ‘little longer’.” I pull away, pulling the dress up my legs. “Now, eyes forward.”
We pull up to Club Handy, hand in hand, just minutes before I need to take the stage.
Vickie scrambles us at the door. “There you are. King just got up there, then it’s you.”
I nod. “Okay. Could you hang my coat upstairs for me?” 
I take it off, passing it to her. She takes the item from my hands, running up the steps.
Just as I’m about to push through the club entrance, Elvis stops me. 
“Woah, hol’ on. Do ya gotta wear that?” He says, looking down at the new pink dress.
“What’s wrong with this?” I giggle, confused.
“I mean- You can’t put your old clothes back on or nothin? They weren’t all that bad.” He raises an eyebrow, hopeful to change my mind.
I cross my arms. “You bought this!”
He’s at a loss for words. “I know I did, I know. It’s just that-. You just kinda-. Damn, I didn’t think this through.” He mumbles to himself, scratching the back of his neck. “It shows a lot.”
I roll my eyes playfully. “Well, I think it looks nice. Besides, there’s nothing we can do now. I gotta get on soon.”
He reaches out to hold my hands. “I know, and it does look nice. I just didn’t know how tight it would fit’cha. I don’t know how much I like you goin out there like that.”
I smile, standing on my tiptoes to plant a quick kiss on his lips. “They can look, but they can’t touch. That’s just for you.”
He scoffs, “Well, you’re damn right it’s just for me.” He states frankly. He puts his arms around my waist, pressing me against him so that my breasts bulge out of the dress. He drops his voice, deep and smooth, “But I want all the lookin too.”
I sigh, anxious to get onstage but so badly wanting to stay in his arms. “Well, sometimes I want you all to myself too, but I’ve learned to make sacrifices.”
He’s been beat. “Fine, but I’m gonna have to punish you later.”
I smile, giving him a deep kiss. “Can't wait.” I shoot him a wink, before turning around to push through the club doors. I make sure to emphasize the sway of my hips with every step I take while he follows loosely behind me.
I glance over my shoulder with a smug smirk. 
He shakes his head with a smile and a look of warning that sends shivers through my body.
All this flirting made me think of the perfect song.
King nods to me as I walk past him to the stage. I whisper to the band, asking if they knew the tune.
I spin back towards Elvis with that same smugness as they start playing.
I start with a gentle two step, swaying to the beat of the intro.
“Many say that I’m too young
To let you know just where I’m coming from”
I let my hands travel up and down my curves, putting on quite a show for him. 
He doesn’t turn away for a single second, just keeps staring at me with that look in his eyes as I sing through the song.
I run my hands up through my blonde hair, earning a few whoops from the crowd and another warning from my boyfriend.
“But you will see it’s just a matter of time
My love will surely make you mine”
I walk up to him, still pridefully swaying my hips.
“So, whaddya think?” I ask him
“You really are something, ain’t ya?”
He bites his lip, shaking his head with a more serious look than I had anticipated him having after watching my performance. “I can’t wait any longer, kitten.”
Kitten? What is he-
“What do you-? Are you-?” I stutter through my words, unable to form the right question.
“You know what I mean, baby.”
I barely take a breath before we’re racing outside. Unfortunately, we instantly get greeted with fans the second we push past the club doors.
Word must have gotten out.
Women scream his name as we push past them to the car.
“Well, I’m livin’ in a world of ghetto life
Everyone seems so uptight
But nothings wrong and it’s alright, my man”
I don’t know how we do it, but somehow we make it back to Graceland. Fans and reporters guard the fence, flooding us with screaming, questions, grabbing, and camera flashes. Both of us knew we’d be all over the news tomorrow.
He puts his arm around me, bringing my attention back over to him as if to tell me ‘pay them no mind’. He doesn’t look at me, but begins thumbing circles into my shoulder at the beat to every camera flash. I was worried what was going through his mind, if he cares that others are seeing us together like this, but he just kept driving forward with a face of determination.
He parks the car in front of the house, aggressively pulling the gear shift into place. I jump out of the car with him, too impatient to wait for him to come to my side to assist me out. The immediate second our bodies collide, we can’t take our hands off one another, kissing up the steps as reporters try capturing our photo through the distant front gate bars.
“Family’s out.” He whispers between kisses, as we tumble through the front door.
I yelp out a laugh as he lifts me up, carrying me to his room.
“I like the way we carry on
His love will send me on and on with my man”
He sets me down gently on his bed before climbing over me. He meets me halfway in a passionate kiss, raven hair tickling at my forehead.
I feel a hardness poke at my thigh and my insides instantly begin to throb. I want so badly to have him between my legs but the tightness of the dress inhibits most of my leg movement.
I begin unbuttoning his shirt, one of them lace ones he knows I love so much. Looking up, I meet his eyes. Dark, blown out pupils stare back at me. “You got those mysterious, dark eyes you were talkin about.” I tuck back a strand so I can better look into them.
He takes my hand from his hair, holding it against his plush lips. “Are you sure you wanna do this, Bumble. I don’t want you to feel pressured.”
I press my palm against his cheek, studying every detail of his face.
His round face I watched mature into the sharp edges of a man. The blonde hair that would tell me it’s dreams of becoming a superhero until it finally found its home in Captain Marvel black grease. Ears that taught me how to hear the sounds of angels sing and devils shriek in every ounce of music that crossed our ears. Blue eyes that saw me for who I am and never squinted at my differences. Lips whose kisses I’ve fantasized about since before I even learned how to read. The love, the history, the trust between us. There isn’t a damn person on this Earth I’d rather be here with right now.
I felt born to be his.
“Touch me, please.” I say breathlessly.
His face brightens with a smile. “Anything you want, queen bee.”
“I’m givin’ him somethin’ he can feel
To let him know this love is real”
The pink dress is thrown to the floor, already long forgotten, our tongues battling one another in a passionate dance.
“I’m gonna make you feel so, so good, baby.” The cold metal of his watch stings against the warm and sensitive skin of my thigh and he toys with the hem of my underwear. Slowly, he pulls them down my legs, discarding them to the floor as well.
His hands scan every surface of my body as if he’s seeing me for the first time. He works up from my calves, up to the curves of my hips, past my stomach, over my breasts, and finally landing on my face.
“Beautiful.” He whispers. “You hear me, Bumble? You’re perfect.”
His words make blood rise to my cheeks. I hide my smile with my hands, still feeling shy even though this wasn’t the first time he was seeing me so naked.
He takes them away, so he can kiss every inch of my face. “So pretty, mama.” He speaks gently in my ear. His hand grazed back down my body, before finding a spot against my clit, gently rubbing circles on it.
My chest hitches against his lips, as he kisses down to one of my nipples, sucking and swirling his tongue on the sensitive bud.
Slowly, he presses a finger against my opening, pushing in until my wetness engulfs him all the way to his knuckle. I clench around him, trying to get what sensation I can out of the small digit. He stills, allowing me time to adjust, but I beg him for more, causing him to slip in another to massage the roof of my canal, but still refusing to start moving. After a few desperate whimpers and ungodly hip grinding, it’s not long before I have him pumping his fingers in me and swirling his thumb on my clit, chasing my high. I hum out a moan, holding his head against me, running my fingers through his hair as he sucks harder at my skin. He curls them, rubbing just the right spot to make me see stars behind my closed lids.
Pleasure builds fast within me from being so needy for him. When he feels me begin to quiver against his fingers he pulls away. “Wanna feel you, baby.” He whispers, sitting up to work his pants off. I follow him up, eagerly helping him undo his buckle. He stands up, kicking off his pants and boxers. It’s not until he’s completely undressed that I slow myself down.
As he kneels on the edge of the bed, he notices the sudden change in my behavior and comes to a halt, searching my face for a sign of discomfort.
I stare down at the foreign body part. It was my first time actually seeing one, though I wasn’t exactly shocked by its looks, all that dancing and grinding helped me figure out a lot more about his size and shape then he probably realizes, still, I feel…hypnotized by him.
“Bumble? Everything alright? I can stop if you need me to. I don’t wanna-”
I cut him off with a kiss, showing him that everything’s fine, but he remains still, waiting for my word. I run my hands down his chest, fingers jumping against every bump in his abs. He shivers under my touch, watching me intensely. My lips leave a wet suck on his tensed neck, before kissing downward.
I shimmy myself down the bed, ass wiggling in the air. I can hear his heartbeat quicken as he stares down at me between his legs. Slowly, I lean forward, placing an ever so small kiss at his very tip. He hisses, shaft twitching upwards at the sudden stimulation bumping against my nose before coming back down to rest on my lips again. I smirk against his flesh, then whisper, “I need you,” my breath grazing down him.
I open my mouth, sticking my tongue out, but before I even get the chance to leave a lick on him, he pushes my shoulders until I land backwards on the bed. He kisses me, vibrating against my lips with a guttural growl. “Baby, you drive me crazy. I need you so bad, you don’t even know.”
His tip grazes my entrance, twitching once again from the warm sensation, throbbing and aching to be inside. He reaches between us, swirling himself in my juices before positioning himself at my hole.
"You ready?"
I bite my lip with a smile. Never been more ready in my life. “Yes.”
He leans on his left forearm, so both of us can look down to watch the sight of me take him in. With a deep breath, he pushes his hips towards me.
Slowly, inch by inch, he presses forward, filling me in a way I’ve never felt full. I throw my head back, eyes squeezed shut and toes curled, hissing at the blissful, splitting stretch. A deep moan drags out from his throat as I squeeze the absolute hell out of him. “Oh, mama. You’re even tighter than I imagined.” 
Finally, he fills me whole, hips touching hips. My walls adjust to secure him into place and have no intention of letting him go. “Wanted this for so long. You lyin beneath me, all tight on me.” He holds my face, leaning down to capture my lips. I whine against him, tears stinging the corners of my eyes as my senses overwhelm in the best ways possible.  “Baby, I’m gonna make you feel so good. I’m gonna take care of you. I promise, baby.” He says between kisses.
He starts with small, gentle nudges against my cervix, slowly working his way up to full length thrusts. I bury my face into his neck, whimpering into his skin as I wrap my limbs around him, holding him for dear life. Any pain that was produced quickly melts away as pleasure builds up in me for a second time. A loud moan escapes past my lips.
“There you go darlin’. Feel good, baby?”
I hum against his neck as an answer. A plethora of emotions fly past my mind at the agonizing speed that he thrusts into me. “Elvis, please.” I manage to whisper out.
He props himself up on his forearms, but I still cling tight to him. He wraps one arm under my back to support me from just hanging there off of him. I suck on his neck, needing my mouth to be occupied on something.
“What is it, Bumble? Tell me what you need, babygirl.”
“Faster.” I mumble through my kisses.
He chuckles breathlessly. “You need Daddy to do it faster, baby?”
“Mmm!” A moan bounces out of me, as he quickly speeds up, plunging into me. I throw my head back, crying out in pure pleasure. My back arches high off of the bed, breasts now free to jump at his every thrust.
“Ooo, sing it for me, baby. Make those beautiful sounds.” His voice trembles, barely holding himself together. “Music to my ears.” He thrusts even faster. He growls, bending down to leave a sloppy open mouthed kiss on my sternum. 
The wet sounds that echo through the room are completely obscene and would have been embarrassing had I not been in absolute heaven at the moment.
“You gonna cum, baby?” He pants out.
I nod, squeezing my eyes shut and slapping my hand over my mouth. He holds me flush against him as I moan and tense, coming undone around him. In that moment, the world was at peace and all felt right. I felt at home in his arms and nothing else in life mattered. He moans out loud at the feeling, not lasting much longer before having to quickly pull out to release onto my lower stomach.
My legs shake and my core clenches in disapproval of the sudden empty feeling. My once straight hair, now beginning to curl, sticking to the side of my face from sweat. His lashes flutter open, eyes returning to their normal soft blue state. He brushes a few strands of hair out of my eyes, before cupping my cheek. “There she is. There’s my girl.” He says sweetly, caressing me with his thumb.
We lock eyes, panting against each other's faces.
“How was it, baby?” He asks out of breath.
“Mmm, let’s do it again.” I kiss him, giggling onto his lips. “I gotta call, Ma.”
He squints his eyes, confused I’d bring my mother up after this. “Right now? Why?”
I giggle once more. “Tell her I ain’t never comin home.”
The next two days are a frantic blur of ecstasy. Elvis never bothered to turn on the news station, and ignored each and every one of Colonel’s many calls. Shit, we barely left his bedroom except to get food or make an occasional call to Ma to let her know I was alive. All my previous stresses and worries dissipated and I could only keep one thing on my mind. Lord, we just couldn’t keep our hands off of each other. I barely remember doing anything else for those 48 hours other than get lost in euphoria with him. Our new little discovery of our bodies kept us distracted from the bumpy roads ahead, but little did we know this would only be the beginning of the end.
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