#this is pretty much what you can expect from me in terms of media the next 6 days šŸ˜…
mitamicah Ā· 8 months
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Find time to work on prompt 13 for @kaarija-inktober on the train to Stockholm
And what a cute one šŸ„¹ today for the Frank edition of the promptlist is smile šŸ’š
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punksocks Ā· 7 months
Astrology Observations No.26
(Just based on my opinions, only take what resonates)
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-Aquarius mars can denote a career around trends, tech, and social media. It can also denote your career taking off during times of social progress or spearheading social progress. (John Boyegaā€™s career took off when he became the face of a much more diverse Star Wars, and a lot of his most celebrated roles have a social consciousness to them, pretty great if I do say so myself)
-Virgo venus gets the reputation of being picky in relationships (and they are) but I feel like Sagittarius Venus can be more fickle. Virgo Venus natives have a set of standards and attributes theyā€™re looking for, but Sagittarius Venus natives will put you on a pedestal then knock you off of it when you do something they donā€™t like.
-Underdeveloped Gemini Venus will ghost you in the middle of a crisis (man Pisces Venus too, but they may feel bad about it lol)
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-When it comes to a sense of justice, I feel as though (developed) Scorpio moons give everyone a run for their money
-I feel like Aquarius in big 3 (sun, moon, rising) can often find themselves being forced to be humanitarian/being made to work toward the greater good in some situations (to lend others money, to take care of friends/family, to befriend someone lonely, etc.) I feel like these placements often can be forced to give more of themselves than they are comfortable with (developed ones will often find a great sense of joy in connecting with others through care though)
-On the other hand I feel like Leo in the big 3 can find themselves being forced to pay attention to themselves/become the center of attention (elevated at a job for their hard work, given unexpected attention for a talent, etc.) With Leo placements I notice that in their home life or childhood they may not receive the attention they need, but early on they get attention from outsiders. So they end up going through this arch of getting more comfortable with their sense of self and being in the spotlight.
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-Aries placements can often be the first in their family to do something (go to college, start a business, etc) without more long term oriented placements things like businesses may not last though
-Virgo/Gemini/3rd/6th house placements and having an absolute weakness for stationary lol (I have a 3rd house Stellium and I have to force myself not to buy a sketchbook or notebook every time Iā€™m out, with a 40% success rate lol)
-I always expect Libra placements (especially sun/Asc/Venus/mars) to have a very blonde/fair/delicate features naturally but a lot of Libras have this gothic look, like raven hair ivory skin classic beauty (and a lot of PoC I follow with Libra placements can be much darker skinned, which is also a beautifully classic look)
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-I think Jupiter and Saturn count towards your personality, but since theyā€™re slower moving planets I view them as the bridge between the asc/sun/moon/mercury/Venus/mars placements that really directly define your personality and the generational planets that show up in traits across people in your age range (but effect everyone differently because of house placements and aspects)ļæ¼
-Do a lot of people get sick during Scorpio season? Or is it just me ?? (During the last week of Scorpio season like 6 people I knew got sick at the same time and I had a medical thing, wtf itā€™s uncanny)
-I think Neptune in Capricorn is a big reason that depression became such a focal point for younger millennials and elder gen z- well that and late stage capitalism but yknow. (Capricorns being prone to depression, and Neptune ruling over mental illness)
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-You may show more of the traits of the sign in your 12th house when inebriated (like sun in 12th may be more outgoing when they drink, moon in 12th may be more introverted/emotional, mercury in 12th may be more chatty and inquisitive, Venus in 12th may be more charming/romantic, mars in 12th may be more aggressive/antagonistic/s*xual)
-Mars in 12th/Pisces mars may find that unresolved tension sits on their subconscious and makes it hard for them to do other tasks
-Cancer over the houses can show where you feel at home (cancer in the 4th is super loyal to their family/mother, cancer in the 7th means you feel at home with a nurturing partner, cancer in the 9th means you feel at home abroad and traveling and with other communities or with religion, cancer in 11th means you feel super at home with your friends.)
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f1byjessie Ā· 4 months
sometimes the right words are hard to come across, and sometimes everything you need to say can be captured in an image.
( lando norris x photographer!reader )
ā”ā” part one.
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liked by mclaren, landonorris, and 505,281 others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername a smiley lando is the best lando in my books! to celebrate the end of the 2023 season, here's a handful of my favourite photos from throughout the year!
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mclaren What a happy lad! We can't wait to see that smile again in 2024 šŸ˜šŸ§”
ā†³ yourusername you and me both! šŸ¤šŸ§”
user she's got the dream job omg
ā†³ user IKR??? imagine just getting to follow lando around and take pictures of him all day, i'd be dead within the first hour
ā†³ user he'd smile at me and i'd be asking ā€œwhat are weā€ on god šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©
ā†³ user is that literally all she does??? she just follows him around and takes pictures??
ā†³ user thereā€™s probably a technical term for what her position is and i just donā€™t know it, but bc thereā€™s so much going on around the track at any given moment, sometimes the press and other media workers are focused on something or someone else, so sheā€™s hired on by mclaren to specifically focus on mclaren to make sure that there is content for mclaren or mclaren sponsors to use. sheā€™s not just landoā€™s photographer, she also takes photos of oscar, the pit teams, and the other staff that work in the garage, but she was hired on when lando started so her portfolio is pretty full of him. hope this helps!
user didn't know i could need so much orange in my life but here we are
oscarpiastri i see who the favourite is šŸ«¤
ā†³ yourusername you literally SAW me picking photos for your post too
ā†³ oscarpiastri yeah but you posted his first šŸ«¤
user guys this is the face of the 2024 wdc winner take it in now
user i could write a 50 page thesis on the importance of these photos and what they mean to me and how the serotonin they make me release could replace my depression meds
user ladā€™s like a mini danny ric with how smiley he is
landonorris best photog right here folks
ā†³ yourusername you're only saying that bc i always get your good side
ā†³ landonorris i'll have you know that all sides are my good sides šŸ¤Ø
ā†³ yourusername whatev helps you sleep at night luv šŸ˜Š
In 2019, when you took on the job of being McLarenā€™s lead photographer, you hadnā€™t expected it would garner you the amount of attention it has, or that it would slingshot your career to levels of success you never could have anticipated, or that you would get a best friend out of it.
When you first met him back in those early days, youā€™d thought Lando Norris was an arrogant, pretentious, self-righteous prick who thought he was hot shit because he was a Formula One driver. However, heā€™d quickly proven you wrong when heā€™d admitted to you that a lot of the confidence was an actā” carefully constructed to hide his insecurities about his performance both on and off the track.
ā€œI mean, weā€™re drivers, yeah?ā€ Heā€™d said. ā€œBut weā€™re also actors. Weā€™ve got these personas that we have to uphold even out here on the paddock, and Iā€™m always worried Iā€™m not playing the part well enough.ā€
It hadnā€™t made a lot of sense to you then, you thought he was pulling off the persona of Total Douche remarkably well, but in Shanghai, things changed.
After the Chinese Grand Prix, things were dour. Lando had DNFedā” the first in his Formula One careerā” which contrasted greatly with his previous accomplishment of P6 in Bahrain. Carlos Sainz hadnā€™t been doing very well, either, and it didnā€™t paint a very pretty picture for McLaren so early in the season. Youā€™d thought heā€™d throw a hissy fit, tear Daniil Kvyat apart for his role in the crash, or at the very least throw some shade his way, but he hadnā€™t done any of that. Heā€™d accepted his fate with grace, joked to the media about how boring the race had been because of what had happened, and then gone on to congratulate Carlos for at least finishing.
What was even more shocking, was that despite his disappointment and the frustration he mustā€™ve been feeling, instead of going back to sulk in his lonesomeness or drown out his feelings with booze and loud music at some club, heā€™d comforted you later that evening.
The morning of the race, as youā€™d been getting ready in your hotel room, youā€™d gotten a text from an unsaved number admitting to you that theyā€™d been taking part in a months-long affair with your boyfriend but had been previously unaware that he was already taken and therefore wanted to let you know to clear their conscience. Youā€™d managed to hold yourself together thenā” mostly because youā€™d already done your makeup and, quite frankly, didnā€™t have the time to sob it all off and then attempt to salvage itā” but as the day drew to a close and the adrenaline of the race and its excitement wore off, and with nothing else to keep you distracted, you were struggling to keep yourself composed.
Lando had somehow noticed in that weirdly perceptive way of his that something was off, and heā€™d sat with you, asked what was wrong, and listened when youā” through tearsā” explained the situation to him.
ā€œHe sounds like a total fucking muppet,ā€ heā€™d commented after youā€™d said your piece, and heā€™d done it with such a deadpanned expression that it had startled a genuine laugh out of you. Because yeah, youā€™re (now ex) boyfriend had been a muppet.
After thatā” and after all the rom-com and ice cream binging youā€™d both done in his hotel room afterward much to the chagrin of Landoā€™s nutritionist and the displeasure of his PR officerā” youā€™d rescinded your initial judgment of him. He was significantly less dickish than youā€™d originally thought, and it let you finally understand what heā€™d meant when heā€™d talked about putting on a persona.
The cocky, know-it-all prick that Lando pretended to be half the time was all just an act to hide his overly self-critical nature fueled by his insecurities.
By the end of the season, heā€™d gained a little confidence of his own and had subsequently toned down the assholery when he no longer needed to ā€œfake it til he makes it,ā€ and you were calling him your friend.
Itā€™s 2023 now, and heā€™s since been upgraded to best friend statusā” a role he takes very seriously, and constantly reminds you of.
ā€œIā€™m your best friendā”ā€ case and point, ā€œā”you have to come to Bali with me. Literally, like, what am I gonna do without you there? Do you expect me to just go by myself? What if I get lost? Or what if somehow the mafia, who have unknowingly had a hit out on me for years, track me down there and Iā€™m kidnapped and ransomed off for billions of dollars? What will you do then?ā€
ā€œYou just want me to take pictures of you,ā€ you answer, rolling your eyes only because you know he canā€™t see you through the phone.
He gasps in mock offense. ā€œI cannot believe you think I value you so little! I want you to take pictures of me and be here to help me make fun of awkward tourist spray tans so I donā€™t feel like a total asshole for being the only one who laughs.ā€
You laugh at that. ā€œWell, unfortunately laughing at bad fake tans doesnā€™t pay the bills.ā€
ā€œBut taking pictures of me does.ā€
ā€œYeah, when McLaren is paying.ā€ You turn back to your laptop, a photo put on pause mid-edit splayed across the screen. Itā€™s of Lando, as most of your photos tend to be despite your attempts at keeping things even between the McLaren boys. Itā€™s the last of the images you need to send over for their 2023 sendoff, and when itā€™s finished youā€™ll officially be without work for a painstaking two months. ā€œIā€™m on break too, technically, until they need promotional shit for the new season.ā€
He huffs, and you can almost imagine the childish pout on his face. ā€œWhat are you even doing, then?ā€
You hesitate, not because you donā€™t want Lando to know about your winter plans, but because you donā€™t really know how heā€™ll react, which means it could be anything between genuine happiness for you and congratulations, or abject horror and feigned screams of anguish. Heā€™s always been dramatic like that, but even more so now that heā€™s comfortable enough with you and himself to have crawled a decent way out of his shell.
Even still, heā€™s your best friend and it would make you a pretty shitty person if you didnā€™t tell him.
ā€œBelieve it or not,ā€ you start, wringing your hands together, ā€œbut Manchester City actually hit me up with an inquiry. Asked if Iā€™d be interested in working with them on a project documenting their training throughout the winter months. I said I would love to.ā€
He pauses for a good long moment, and you prepare for the screaming, but all he says isā” ā€œMan City? You traitor. I thought Man United was our forever!ā€
ā€œBe so fucking real right now, Lando Norris,ā€ you answer, laughing as you do so. Youā€™re relieved, at least he hasnā€™t gone the feigned anguish route, but you also canā€™t tell if heā€™s happy for you or hiding his true feelings behind humor like heā€™s prone to doing. ā€œYou know damn well you only watched them for Christiano Ronaldo and he hasnā€™t played with United since 2009.ā€
ā€œTechnically he played for them in the 2021-2022 season,ā€ he grumbles.
ā€œYeah,ā€ you deadpan, ā€œand he was dogshit. We both agreed to pretend it never happened.ā€
He groans, ā€œI canā€™t believe this. My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable.ā€
ā€œOh, get over yourself. Itā€™s only for the winter. Iā€™ll be back in McLaren Papaya by February when they need me snapping shots of you and Oscar next to the new livery,ā€ you promise.
The reality is that itā€™ll probably be sooner. McLaren has always been good about getting you back at HQ pretty quickly, either to get some snapshots of the beginning of Lando and Oscarā€™s pre-season return or to just capture some material of the engineers at work to promote their readiness. You understand why they canā€™t keep you around all yearā” no Lando and no Oscar means no youā” and with the sheer amount of content you capture and edit for them throughout the season, theyā€™ve got enough to last them the handful of weeks you arenā€™t working.
Unfortunately, you arenā€™t working with a driverā€™s salary to keep you sustained over the break and rent certainly hasnā€™t been getting cheaper. In past years, your bank account has been chirping with crickets when youā€™ve returned to work after the winter, and that was before your landlord had decided to make your life a living hell.
You have an important job, but itā€™s by far the most important, and sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Working in sports media taught you that early on.
ā€œWho knows?ā€ Landoā€™s voice snaps you back. ā€œMaybe Jack Grealish with his perfect hair and perfect calves will steal you away and youā€™ll be in sky blue forevermore.ā€
You laugh, ā€œJack Grealish is a happily taken man, and although he does have perfect hair and perfect calves, Iā€™m more of a Haaland girl anyway.ā€
He guffaws. ā€œI canā€™t believe Iā€™m hearing this. Youā€™re so far gone that you already have a preferred player. Jack Grealish is Englandā€™s poster boy! Everyone loves him whether they like City or not!ā€ He heaves a dramatic sigh. ā€œChrist, I can already feel you slipping through my fingers. I give it a week over there at Etihad before you call me up telling me I can find a new best friend because youā€™ve replaced me with Phil Foden and Julian Alvarez.ā€
ā€œFor someone who supposedly hates Manchester City, youā€™re certainly well-versed in their roster.ā€
ā€œWell duh, I need to know my competition,ā€ he says, like itā€™s obvious.
ā€œAh, yes,ā€ you snark back sarcastically. ā€œBecause you, a Formula One driver, have to be worried about the football players of Manchester City.ā€
ā€œApparently I do if youā€™re calling yourself a Haaland girl now!ā€
You burst into cackles and heā€™s following shortly after with chuckles of his own that eventually peter out into a comfortable silence. You are really going to miss him for the few months you arenā€™t working with him.
The Formula One schedule is so jam-packed across the season that it typically means youā€™re getting to see him every day for an hour or two at least, if not for the entirety of the time heā€™s at the track. You follow him and Oscar to their sponsor obligations, their interviews, and everything in between. Itā€™s honestly rare if youā€™re not getting a moment to goof off and dick around with one anotherā” and itā€™s even rarer for you to not actually see one another face to face in passing at the very least.
The off-season is your least favorite time of the year for this very reason, and though it makes you feel a bit full of yourself to think so, you imagine Lando doesnā€™t enjoy this time of year much either for the same reason.
ā€œI promise I wonā€™t replace you with any of the City boys,ā€ you say after the silence has stretched on a moment longer.
He huffs again, but you can envision the smile tugging at his lips. ā€œI suppose even if you do, Iā€™ll just show up to a match and steal you away again.ā€
ā€œAs if. Have you seen Grealishā€™s calves?ā€
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footballfansofficial BREAKING: Manchester City Forward Garrett Ward caught with mysterious woman revealed to be well-known Formula One photographer Y/N L/N! The two were seen sharing a romantic evening on Friday, the 5th of January, ringing in a passionate start to 2024. Garrett Ward has been with Manchester City since 2021 but was out on loan to a lesser-known Championship League team until 2023. He has just recently begun to play for his team again, but an injury early into the season has seen him benched for a majority of his time back. Y/N L/N is a photographer for Formula One racing team McLaren and has been working with them since 2019. Recently, she has been working with Manchester City to help promote a new docuseries following the menā€™s teamā€™s winter training. Check the link in our bio for the full article!
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user who is she? like genuinely how is she relevant šŸ¤”
ā†³ user no literally cuz like who even gives two shits about formula 1?
user girl works in f1 why canā€™t she stay there
ā†³ user iā€™m sure there are plenty of drivers whoā€™d smash her idk why she needs to try and get footballers too like bffr šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’
user aint no way this bitch is kissing my man rn
user literally what does he even see in her??? sheā€™s not even cute AND sheā€™s wearing man united colors šŸ’€šŸ’€
ā†³ user LITERALLY ME TOO?? like she posts him all the time on insta so i just kinda thought they were an item or smth?? trouble in paradise maybe
user sheā€™s fucking ugly wtf
user i wish these footballers who get with regular women would realize there are so many better girls out there that would ACTUALLY treat them well and would support them in their careers. like i bet this girl doesnā€™t even know anything about football. she works in f1 and thatā€™s where she should stay bc nobody cares about that shit round here. she probably doesnā€™t even know the first thing about how football works, but i bet sheā€™ll be at matches pretending like she knows whatā€™s happening. garrett ward is gonna flush his career down the troilet for this chick bc sheā€™s gonna convince him his busy schedule ainā€™t worth it and then city will be down a great forward for good, and itā€™ll all be her fault
user i mean sheā€™s kinda pretty tbf
ā†³ user stfu she really isnā€™t
ā†³ user she gen looks like any random bitch off the street
user these comments are not itā€¦. šŸ˜¬
ā†³ user maybe you f1 fans just donā€™t know how to handle constructive criticism
ā†³ user is the constructive criticism in the room with us rn?? cuz all iā€™m seeing is bullying and hatred directed towards an innocent woman whoā€™s only ā€œcrimeā€ was going on a date
user ok so she can take photos?? šŸ™„šŸ™„ maybe she should get a real job
ā†³ user sheā€™s probably only with him so she can mooch off of him like a fucking gold digger
user itā€™ll last a month max šŸ˜Œ iā€™m calling it
user ayo lando come get your girl
ā”ā” tags: @maih23 @urfavnoirette
ā”ā” a/n: here we have it! took me a bit longer than the start of american smile did, but lando's story is officially here! (and it's a whopping 2.9k words to start us off). first and foremost, before we get started, garrett ward is 100% an oc and obviously does not play for manchester city, and this is bc i would feel absolutely horrible portraying a real person in the way that garrett will be later on. gather from that what you will haha! regardless, i hope you enjoy this first part and stick around for the rest!
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xoxoemynn Ā· 5 months
For OFMD Tumblr friends who want a S3 and are scared of Twitter
First, no judgment from me. I very much get it. I resisted Twitter for a long time, and even though I'm now a bit more comfortable on it, it's still not my Fandom Home. There are a TON of valid reasons not to be on Twitter, but if you REALLY want to keep OFMD visible right now and help its chances of returning for a third season, Twitter is the best place to do it. Like it or not, Twitter is still the best social media platform for raising awareness and for instant news updates.
Tumblr posts don't make headlines. Topics that have been trending on Twitter do. And if we want this show to come back, we need to make OFMD impossible to ignore.
By now you've probably seen just how close we came to a S3, and if you're like me, you are RAGING and donning your battle jacket. But I get it can be intimidating to get on Twitter for the first time, so I thought I'd address some common anxieties I see. I'll put below a cut because this got a bit long, but I promise it's a quick read.
I don't know what to say! Where do I even start? That's okay! You don't have to create your own tweets (although it's great if you do). Amplifying other people's posts is also important. Go ahead and like/retweet/reply to other people's posts. This may also help you get an idea of what you may like to say in your own tweets.
Hashtags...yes? Yes! Although don't use too many or you may get flagged as a bot. The biggest one that seems to be emerging is #SaveOFMD. Other popular ones are #RenewAsACrew, #RenewOurFlagMeansDeath, and of course, #OFMD and #OurFlagMeansDeath.
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Should I just be tagging all the streaming services? Per @renewasacrew, no. It's counterproductive. You'll want to tag one streamer at a time and be specific. Below is an example of a tweet I made the other day -- use specific reasons why that that particular streamer may benefit from picking up OFMD.
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I'm scared. People are mean. Yeah, people are mean. But I will say the vibes over at OFMD Twitter are currently the best I've ever seen them. People seem to have united for the greater good and are being overwhelmingly positive and just trying to do whatever we can to save the show. (That said, again, I already had a pretty curated feed, and was very liberal with blocking users/terms I didn't want to see, but I've been able to spend so much more time in the For You tab than I ever have without being jump scared by something.)
But I don't know anyone there! Wouldn't I just be shouting into the void? Not if you use the hashtags! Fans are being really good about following those and engaging with the tweets. Plus, [Stede voice], I'm your friend. I'm xoxoemynn over there as well, I'll follow you back and engage with any of your posts that I see. Plus, what's been REALLY lovely to see is that SO many lurkers have come out of lurkerdom to support the efforts, and they are being welcomed with open arms, so you will not be alone. Again, I am telling you, vibes? Best I've ever seen them.
I can't get sucked into another social media platform, I don't have the time. The beauty here is you don't need to spend a lot of time. I've been on Twitter more in the past week than I have in the entire year I've had an account, and I'm still only on for maybe an hour total the entire day? I open the app, I check a couple accounts, I engage with a handful of posts, and I close the app. It takes all of five minutes. It's an extremely small lift that can have a very big impact.
My bet is on Zaslav expecting us to be upset, and that there may be a day or two of outrage, but then we'd move on. I'm sure right now he's trying to convince everyone that this is a fluke, and that it'll blow over soon. Don't let him win. Keep OFMD in the news. Be loud (but polite) and make Max and other streamers take note of what a passionate, loyal fan base this show has. Make their stocks continue to drop. Make it clear this is NOT just a fluke, it is NOT business as usual. It's a BIG fuck up with lasting consequences.
Twitter, for all its sins, is the best place to do this.
Now let's get our damned show back.
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crownmemes Ā· 2 months
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Assorted Media Sentences, Vol. 8
(Sentences from various pieces of media. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"You know, you're very, very cute. You're also very manipulative."
"Relax. You can't see everything coming."
"Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of the other guests?"
"I'm going to count to three. There will not be a four."
"That's the thing about war. People die."
"If you put your faith in people, eventually they're going to break your heart."
"You don't want to rush into things. You can't undo them later."
"You killed them all, didn't you?"
"I wouldn't be caught dead in that thing. It looks like somebody's nightmare!"
"We know too much about each other."
"I did not ascent to this position by being stupid."
"You just won't die, will you?"
"You take the law into your own hands and I promise you, you'll swing from one of those ropes out there."
"What the hell has my country done for me?"
"What did you say your name was again?"
"These last few years working for you, that's the first home I ever knew."
"How far do you expect to get in life with an attitude like that?"
"Are you talking about spying?"
"The worst thing you can do in this business is overstay your welcome."
"I always knew that you were the one. I just didn't have anything worked out, that's all."
"Who I know and who I don't is no concern of yours."
"You think this is who I wanted to be?"
"That's the second time you've saved my life, and I won't forget it."
"I never lied to you, you know that. I may not have told you everything, but what I told you was true."
"Oh God, you don't dance as well, do you?"
"If I don't kill him, we'll never be out of danger. It's his life or ours."
"That's a very nice suit. It would be a shame to ruin it."
"Innocent people die every day - they may as well do so for a reason!"
"Who are you really?"
"We all have our ghosts."
"With everything that's been going on, it's a wonder that we're not all crazy!"
"Relax. This is a matter of inconvenient timing, that's all."
"If you love someone, you've got to try and trust what they tell you is true."
"I don't suppose it's occurred to you that I might hugely prefer someone else?"
"If ever I have to break your neck, I promise to do it with a minimum of force."
"What exactly are you looking for?"
"In my line of work, it's best not to have any long term plans."
"I always thought my life would end like this. I just never thought I'd care."
"You know you're a nag? A very pretty one, but a nag."
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oncomingnight Ā· 11 months
Yandere! Rockstar
Hello everyone, I'd like to thank each and every single one of you for gifting me 300 supporters. I hope you all enjoy this piece and never hesitate to reach out to me.
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Ahmad is mainly known for the incredibly romantic meanings that are behind his songs. His music contains lyrics of desperation and devotion, going right along with his strongly captivating voice. Endearing terms and stories of myth that are from his culture tend to make an appearance in his music, creating a deeper sense of mystique.
His closet is filled with dark colors; Leather jackets, silk blouses, high waisted suit pants, trench coats and long sleeved shirts. He dresses quite modestly for someone that's coined the name of 'rockstar' but his sense of fashion suits him incredibly well.
His fan base has recognized that every single one of his songs are about you. The way he describes the subject of his love suits your exact appearance, plus a track of his is named after you. His supporters have nothing but complete admiration for the relationship the two of you share.
His obsessive tendencies are laid bare when it comes to the lyrics he writes. Here's an example, " Baby, I'm yours and I'll be yours until the stars fall from the sky, yours until the rivers all run dry, in other words until I die."
No matter what, you're always tagging along with him when he's on tour. If your job is an inconvenience, he'll make some adjustments so you're able to come with him. How is he expected to survive several months on end without the love of his life present? He won't be able to.
By adjustments I mean threatening your boss, but don't worry about that!
As the two of you are settled on your shared bed inside of the tour bus, he snugly lays his head onto your chest, doe eyes looking up at you, practically begging for you to run your fingers through his silky black hair.
When the two of you are able to wander around the city you're currently located in for a show, he purchases trinkets for you! He enjoys dragging you towards photo booths and commenting on how beautiful you look in every single photograph. "Take a look at this one, you look so gorgeous, Ų­ŲØŁŠŲØŲ© Ł‚Ł„ŲØŁ‰."
With anyone else, Ahmad would be described as incredibly reserved and quiet. But with you, he's got his hands all over you, brushing your hair back so he can kiss your forehead, asking about your day, "are you hungry? How was your day? Do you want to go out to the garden? I love you, I love you I love you, I lo-"
He's the type of guy to try and nestle up closer to you, even when your skin is flush togethaer.
Ahmad enjoys both cooking and baking, he takes great joy in seeing your cheeks fatten up for a split second as you bite into the food he made for you, your eyes closing in pure contentment. He used to bake out of stress and the itching need to just do something, but now you stepped into his life and now he does it to see you smile and groan about how much you loved your meal.
Another factor in his fashion is mini gold hoops, the material is important to his culture and he also enjoys how positively the jewelry slightly alters his appearance.
His social media is filled with photos that he took of his morning coffee, him in the studio, him and his friends but it's always mainly you. He'll caption a post of his with the words, "photo dump!" and it's just a bunch of photos he took of you.
You can't blame the man for being in love.
His fans aren't irritated by this, either, if anything they want to see more of you! They comment on his posts saying, "forget Ahmad, I want y/n", "yeah you're cool and all but where's our mom..?"
On the fridge in your shared home are tons of photos that are of you and him. Little magnets that he purchased whilst on tour holding them up.
Not only did he name a song about you but an entire album, it included songs describing the way he felt about you. "Pretty Woman" "The Look of Love" "I Only Want To Be With You" .
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Hello everyone, I know this isn't my best work but I wanted to get something out for you guys! Have a nice day and night.
798 notes Ā· View notes
unnecessarilygrandiose Ā· 11 months
this is something important about heartstopper that i think needs to be said, to aspec people specifically:
please be kind to isaac and the aroace representation we'll get come thursday.
aroace rep is something we get very rarely, especially on the screen. i can think of exactly two shows with aroace characters, and one of them is heartstopper. so it's not unfair of us to hope that we each get to see our experience represented in isaac.
but like. that's simply not going to happen.
isaac is one character. he can only represent one kind of experience about what being aroace entails. and every single aspec person has had a different experience with realising their identity and coming to terms with it. everyone has a different relationship with the complexities of their sexuality and labels.
and y'know, it could be disappointing to expect something from a character you thought was representing you and see them be something very different. hell, i can bet anything that at least a few aspec people will be completely disillusioned with whatever we'll get.
but 'i didn't like this' doesn't automatically mean 'it was bad'. maybe it means that 'this didn't represent me, which was sad, but it did represent some people, and it was a cornerstone in aroace representation in mainstream media as a whole, which is good.'
(i mean, i'm not saying there's a zero chance it'll be objectively bad and harmful rep, but the chance of that is extremely low, since alice is aroace themself. also, loveless is an amazing book)
i feel compelled to say this because we know that it's going to be a while before isaac is comfortable with his identity, which can be upsetting to watch because the 'you can't be happy without romance and whole without sex' is pushed pretty hard onto us on a regular basis, and there's this sort of defensiveness where we kind of want any fictional aroace characters to be immediately accepting of themself because no, we're actually very happy and completely whole without those things, thank you very much. this was the main criticism of loveless by many aspec peopleā€” that it didn't represent them because georgia struggled so much with her identity.
but. just because you personally didn't have to face that (and good for you!) doesn't mean it's not a very real experience many aroace people go through every day.
just because our first mainstream media rep of being aroace isn't an easy, feel good story, doesn't mean it's not important.
be as disappointed with isaac as you want if he doesn't represent youā€”but please still be kind to him. if we're too harsh in our criticism, the creators who worked on this story might feel discouraged from creating more aroace characters and stories.
more aspec rep, especially aro and aroace rep, is important! more rep means more variety! it means a greater chance of all of us finding stories we love and resonate to! but if we don't get everything we want the first time, please let's not call it bad and demotivate the very people who can give us more.
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transhawks Ā· 2 months
Probably because Dabi is not a child lmao. It is cringe af to want to see an adult man acting like a little pet to his childhood abuser and think of it like a nice cute thing. As if Dabi wasn't already fucked up enough.
This is a pretty fucked up way of looking at it.
"pet". So, a lot of abused as kids adults still have contact with their abusers. Maybe they have no other way of having survival and do it for financial reasons, maybe the abusers are their only support network. But aside from the "having to", you're missing another big part of the puzzle here. A lot of us love our abusers and acknowledge that as a part of them. And while the kneejerk reaction is "you shouldn't, they don't deserve it", I want to point out how fucking invalidating it feels to be told that it's "hate your abuser for what they've done" or "they're your family, you must forgive" as the only options. I've always said I want more media and stories where people like me can walk away or cut ties with abusive family because I don't think there's enough of them BUT I also don't want to shame or hurt people who want/need their own resolution of still being in contact or considering their abusers family. It's unfair to act like this a zero sum game.
No one wants Touya to "be a little pet" to Endeavor. Or at least I don't. But acknowledging it's love that fuels this and it's love that is very much a solution is a core part of the manga. It's sickening to me that you reduced the complexity of the Todoroki storyline like this, not going to lie.
And! He's fucked up! The whole story is fucked up! The whole point of Dabi, and Shouto, and just the Todoroki family is about how abuse and their societal expectations can fuck you up! Abuse doesn't often produce well-adjusted, logical or rational individuals, you have to work to undue to the literal brain damage it does to you! That's one of the whole issues with ABUSE, you know????
Dabi was emotionally abused and neglected and the root cause is so much because he genuinely loved his father, who did not know how to be an actual father and was too scared to learn/own up to his own failures. That produced this cycle. Wanting that core characterization of him to be acknowledged in fanon is not wanting Dabi to be a pet. It's wanting people to actually fucking engage with the material we are GETTING.
Let's be clear - the manga is ending with Dabi reuniting with his family. He's currently passed out and his father essentially trying to shield his family's bodies with his own body. This is not the kind of thing that's going to lead to "well, damn, i'm out of here" from Dabi. Maybe it will in a few years when there's so much more agency on Touya's part where he can choose the relationship he wants going forward. Recovery is never a straight line, and each child can define the relationship on their own terms, but it's absolutely clear that Dabi wanted that closeness and acknowledgment from his family NOW. He literally asks why it took so long in his near-death heat haze. And that means Touya and Enji will have to figure out a new relationship. If that bothers you, if you really wanted a revenge fantasy rather than an ending that relies on empathy and accountability going forward, then this is not the manga for you.
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Thoughts on Echo as amputee/disability representation
First and foremost, I am not disabled or an amputee and I donā€™t claim to speak for those communities. What little I do know mostly comes from this youtube channel (@oakwyrm), this post, and other research Iā€™ve done for my writing (and like one amputee I kinda knew in passing). By all means correct me and add to the conversation, I just have some thoughts I want to share because I havenā€™t really seen this discussed anywhere
So Echo is interesting. He is a triple amputee which is pretty rare in media. His disabilities come from extremely traumatic circumstances: injured in a near-death experience, imprisoned and dehumanized as an experiment with no autonomy over what happened to his body.
There are a few moments in the shows where Echo is treatedā€¦ questionably. Like this bit where Rex uses him as an example of the Separatists' evils to convince the locals to fight back:
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To be fair, yeah Echoā€™s treatment does prove that the Techno Union is not neutral like they claim. The modifications that everyone is gasping in horror at here obviously werenā€™t made with comfort and accessibility in mind, nor with Echoā€™s consent. But you still just want to be sure that ā€œThey took away his freedom, his humanity, they tried to turn him into a machineā€ is about using him as a living computer, not the fact that he is missing limbs.Ā 
The Batch is also pretty insensitive toward him and his trauma imo, which is weird considering they've supposedly also faced discrimination for their mutations
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Disabled people do have to deal with stuff like this in this day and age so I guess it can speak to those experiences. I think especially him being mistaken as a droid (and Hunter going along with it (bruh)) might resonate with some people.Ā 
Aside from that stuff, Echo isn't really treated any differently as a character/person which is really good (as low of a bar as that is).
We get this moment in CW where Echo contemplates that yeah things are gonna be different now
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While also (imo at least) showing that he is still the same person regardless, evidenced by the fact that he just echoed Rex :,) I also think it's significant that he joins the Bad Batch on his own terms and we're given a really emotional scene to specifically show that he's not just like 'lumped in with the other misfits' but that it is his choice to go where he feels his place is.
A lot of people, myself included, are disappointed that TBB didn't have more time to explore Echo's PTSD, but I think the one panic attack scene we did get is really good. Even thought it's minor it at least is an appropriate reaction from a guy who was medically tortured (which is more than I've come to expect from Star Wars shows lol)
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And it's really sweet to see Omega showing Echo some empathy and consideration.
It would have been nice to see more of his adjustment period, and other side effects like chronic pain and maintenance, but thereā€™s a lot of daily life stuff the show never had time for (i.e. we donā€™t know if he removed his prosthetics to sleep, but we also never saw him sleep anyway). His disabilities might take on a background role (much like the character himself sadly) but for the most part they arenā€™t invisible or erased, nor do they define his character and arc.
Physical Appearance
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Okay this one is bit dicey, bc on the one hand, yes complaints that Echoā€™s paleness (caused by burns from the explosion or chemical burns from the cryo-chamber) is whitewashing are totally valid. But I also think you can draw comparisons to real life conditions that affect pigmentation/complexion (like you know burns). So while I understand why a lot of fanart will depict him with his original skin tone and with hair, consider that there are real people who have to live with temporary or permanent changes to their appearance, and the idea of ā€œfixing" him by making him look more like his old self can be problematic.
It's also interesting to note that Echo could act as a reversal of the 'disabled/disfigured = evil' trope. He's pale and bald and wears black and red, which is so often visually associated with villains, but we all know Echo is the bestest boyā„¢
The Headpiece
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Echoā€™s headpiece is interesting because within the show we donā€™t actually ever learn much about it (idk if there is more info in books or whatever bc i donā€™t have them so?). He didnā€™t have it in CW so we know it didnā€™t come from the Techno Union and therefore Echo probably had more choice with it. We donā€™t know its exact purpose but itā€™s most likely related to his scomping abilities. When he is hacking with his scomp in CW, before he has his headpiece, itā€™s clearly very mentally straining:
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We donā€™t see him struggling like this in TBB once he does have it (though that could be bc he got more used to it over time). There doesn't seem to be much of an impact when he removes his headpiece in s3 ep14-15, except that he gets stuck in the ports every time he uses his scomp which is not something weā€™ve seen before:Ā 
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There might not be an exact real-world equivalent, but the headpiece is some kind of accessibility aid. It means that someone specifically designed a device to help him adapt to the changes the Techno Union made, as well as a helmet that integrates it. Itā€™s removable and visually very present, much like a cochlear implant would be. (A lot of people actually headcanon it to act partially as a hearing aid, since it makes sense that Echoā€™s hearing would have been damaged in the explosion, but there isn't really any indication of this in canon.) The headpiece is never really acknowledged in the show, but I think that's a good thing. It's something he needs/wants and it just exists, completely normalized, and that's pretty cool šŸ‘
Sigh... So from the very first episode of TBB I was really disappointed that the animation team or whoever completely visually erased Echoā€™s prosthetic legs (I think we all were, honestly, if fanart is anything to go by). Itā€™s one thing when heā€™s in armor because he would probably want to protect his prosthetics, but we literally see him in his blacks and there is no indication whatsoever that he lost his legs even though it was not left up for debate at all in CW:
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Like ??????!?
This is just really strange to me! Idk what went on behind the scenes with this decision but I donā€™t really see why it would be that much harder to animate or anything since itā€™s 3D and they've done it before. We do see some pretty sophisticated cybernetic technology in Star Wars canon that mimics real limbs:
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But Lukeā€™s fancy hand is technically 20ish years from now, so Anakin and Maul are more of a representation of what level we could expect here
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So yeah, for no apparent reason, his leg amputation is effectively, visually and narratively nonexistent. Which is not great šŸ‘Ž
The scomp on the other hand (uh lol!) is the complete opposite and I kinda love it!
At first I, like many others, thought it was a bit odd that they didnā€™t give Echo a prosthetic arm. Losing hands is basically a Star Wars tradition at this point, so robotic arms/hands are well established within the worldbuilding:Ā 
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We arenā€™t necessarily given a canon reason for why Echo doesn't get a cybernetic arm (again unless it's in some lore book I havenā€™t read, sorry). General fanon explanations Iā€™ve seen are that he either couldnā€™t because the Techno Union wired the scomp too far into his nervous system, and/or the resources to give him one were deemed too expensive for a clone (what about his legs tho?), or that he chose not to, usually because he thought the scomping was useful.Ā 
Regardless, I actually really love this choice (and it's the whole reason I made this post), because here's the thing: Thereā€™s a lot of problematic tropes out there that either erase/cure disabilities or compensate them with perks (like how pretty much any blind character is actually not blind by some sort of magic power). With amputees that is done with robotic arms. The character is still an amputee or course, and there is still value in that representation, if this story from Mark Hamill that makes me tear up is anything to go by:
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but for the most part these characters function like anyone else, just with a limb that looks a little different. Itā€™s no more than a video game skin, an able-bodied actor with a green screen glove. It ā€œcuresā€ the disability, or it actually makes the character even stronger than usual:Ā 
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It usually makes sense within the world of the story, but the reason itā€™s not so great in my opinion is that in the real world we just do not have technology anywhere close to that yet. Prosthetics can more or less replace any mobility from lost legs, but not for all the complexities of a hand (and even if they could the average person wouldnā€™t be able to afford it).
I think it's actually really super cool that Echoā€™s scomp bypasses the canonically-established amputee erasure and functions much like a stump would irl. He integrates it into his movements and everyday life and itā€™s (as far as I know) a lot closer to an everyday amputeeā€™s experience.Ā 
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It doesnā€™t define his character, it doesnā€™t hold him back, he lives a full life, the otherā€™s donā€™t treat him any differently, and heā€™s still a total karking badassĀ 
The only additional thing is that he sometimes uses it as a weapon (which given his story, I think itā€™s cool to see him taking back autonomy in a way, and we only see that like twice)
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And also the scomping, which could be seen as the 'added/compensating superpower' trope. But narratively it's no different than if he was plugging in with a hacking gadget of some kind (he didn't necessarily "need" to lose his arm for it) and itā€™s not like Echo is completely defined by this skill. Personally, I think it's well worth the positives of him actually having a visible and realistically impactful amputation.Ā 
I see a lot of posts or comments out there that say stuff like ā€œhow come Echo doesnā€™t get a hand?ā€ or fanworks that do give him one and I just think itā€™s a bit of a shame. If he did get a robotic hand, it just would have disappeared the same way his legs and Anakinā€™s arm did (aside from that one time he got yoinked by a magnet). When Echo did ā€œget a handā€ in the last two episodes there were comments like ā€œyay he finally got a hand! but it doesnā€™t even workā€ but I was actually so relieved that it didnā€™t! Bc for one thing that wouldnā€™t make any sense, he grabbed it off a droid, it wasnā€™t designed to implement with his scomp, that would be really complicated. But more importantly because it again refused to erase/cure his disability! It functioned like a real-world cosmetic prosthetic (useless beyond appearance) which is exactly what he needed it for, so that he could blend in better with his disguise.
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And he continually took it off throughout the episode and ditched it at the end. He only used it for the necessity of a stealth mission, he doesnā€™t feel the need to visually ā€œfit inā€ in his daily life.Ā 
And, last but very much not least, he made a dad joke and from my intel that is very accurate representation!
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TLDR: Echoā€™s scomp is actually really cool from an amputee representation perspective, especially within Star Wars, and I think that deserves some appreciationĀ 
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rafferty3207 Ā· 11 months
not to be impatient or ungrateful but too good to be true part 3 when šŸ˜©
its funny you say that today of all days bestie
Too Good to Be True (part three)
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warning: fem!reader, passing mention of creepy dude, angst (but only at the beginning dw), then tooth rotting fluff
A/N: I hope you like this ending! in my mind this is done but not over - I will definitely be doing drabbles of this pair in future, but for now I hope you enjoy!
part one | part two
ā€œOi, prick, are you even paying attention?ā€ Roy barks at Jamie, who is sitting staring at his phone.
ā€œEr, yeah, coach, itā€™s just -just-ā€
ā€œJust what? Spit it out?ā€
ā€œHow do ya access your voicemails?ā€
ā€œJamie. What the fuck are you talking about?ā€
He holds up the screen to Royā€™s face.
You have a new voicemail.
ā€œJamie, I wouldnā€™t worry about it, it's probably some berk trying to sell you organic viagra or something. Now please can we get back to the football?ā€
ā€œI just need to check Coach. To make sure ofā€¦something, but Iā€™ve never listened to a voicemail before.ā€
ā€œChrist you find new ways to make me feel old Jamie.ā€ But before he can make another comment, Roy notices the sad look in Jamieā€™s eyes. He hasnā€™t been his usual irritating self this morning, no sassy quips or anything, and he looks like heā€™s barely slept. ā€œWho are you expecting a voicemail from?ā€
Jamie looks up at him with those puppy dog eyes. ā€œOh for fuckā€™s sake, itā€™s that girl isnā€™t it? What did you do now, you silly twat?ā€Ā 
ā€œI didnā€™t do anything. I mean I kissed her -ā€
ā€œOh my god, that Simone Biles bollocks was about her wasnā€™t it?ā€
ā€œYeah, but it's an inside joke-ā€
ā€œHand me the phone.ā€
ā€œEr, I dunno-ā€
ā€œJust give it, Jamie.ā€ Jamie reluctantly passes it over. ā€œYou dial a three digit number, which will access your number. Youā€™re on the same network as me so-ā€ Roy types the digits and hands it back. ā€œBut once youā€™re done, youā€™re doing 50 press ups for wasting my fucking time.ā€ Roy goes into another room.
Jamie raises the phone to his ear tentatively. Of course, itā€™s you.
The gallery session had been, in polite terms, a complete shit show. You were late because you couldnā€™t figure out how to get into the building, then you couldn't find some of the papers with your plan on them, and therefore you spent several hours using what little you have of your phone battery to try and improvise a plan from your memories. Youā€™re finally done, but by this point itā€™s almost midnight.
ā€œThis is your first exhibition, isnā€™t it?ā€ Simon, the gallery owner looks at you hunched over, shoving the papers back in the bag.
ā€œYeah, how did you guess? Donā€™t answer that, that was sarcasm.ā€ You say, continuing to scramble. ā€œSo whatā€™s happening PR wise? Are we sending press releases, inviting reviewers, that sort of thing?ā€
Simon scoffs.Ā 
ā€œWhat? I get it I'm a nobody, but what about the big Emin retrospective youā€™ve got coming up in October? Iā€™ve seen posters for that everywhere.ā€
ā€œThatā€™s pretty much all her team. Besides, when youā€™re Emin you donā€™t need the PR really. Of course, weā€™ll do our best and weā€™ve got it on our website and social media of course, but our comms person resigned so at the moment weā€™re a rather limited team. This is such a short period, itā€™s an interim show. Itā€™s why we could offer it, but you knew that right?ā€
ā€œMhmm, yeah, of course.ā€ You say, biting your lip. You donā€™t know what you expected, instead wearily picking up your bag.
ā€œRight, I best head off, but Iā€™ll see you in two days!ā€ You power walk off while your voice can still sound fake cheerful. Now how do I go back from here? You wonder, pulling your phone out.
Of course, it dies at that very moment.
You eventually manage to navigate home, although the walk takes three times as long especially after one man seems to walk right behind you for ages until you get to the high street and the tube stops running mid way through, so you have to persuade a nice older woman to look up the bus route on her phone. As you walk into your house and flop onto the couch, you remember.
Fuck. You hoped he didnā€™t take your note the wrong way. You plug your phone in and sit huddled until the screen turns back on.
11 missed calls. 13 messages.
hey Simone xoxo
out at drinks at the moment but Iā€™ll be back asap xoxo
theres a cocktail i think youā€™d like hereĀ  xoxo
on my way home now! xoxo
where are you xoxo
u alright
u ok???
Where are you??
Just let me know ur home safe (or dont if u dont want to)
Im not asking to be creepy sorry if it came off like that
Im sorry if i scared you off
i shouldnā€™t have kissed you
Lets just forget it happened
Sorry again
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Letā€™s just forget it happened. You felt sick to your stomach. You picked up the phone with incredibly shaky hands and pressed the dial button.
ā€œEr, hey Jamie, itā€™s me. Sorry to leave you a voicemail, it feels old school doesnā€™t it? I donā€™t even know how to listen to my own voicemails, not sure why Iā€™m sending you one. Well I do, Iā€™ve rung a few times and youā€™re not picking up and everytime I try and say what I want in a text it comes off wrong - ugh, sorry Iā€™m rambling. Anyway, Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t reply, my phone has been dead the whole way home and I had to try and find my way back and the tube is shit and buses are shit and all I wanted was for you to come and pick me up in that ugly orange car of yours but I couldnā€™t. So thatā€™s that. Did you get my note? I completely forgot but I had the exhibition planning session today and everything that could possibly go wrong did and itā€™s been a fucking nightmare and to be honest Jamie, I donā€™t know why Iā€™m doing it anymore. I thought this was my one chance to finally become a big shot artist but it turns out I have to market it basically all by myself and I have no time and know barely anyone so letā€™s be honest, no one is going to come and it will all be forgotten about and I will prove once again I am the failure my father thinks I am.ā€
Jamie hears a shuddering intake of breath.
ā€œSorry, Iā€™m rambling again. Iā€™m sorry Jamie. I really did mean to wait for you. Iā€™ve still got your shirt and everything. Itā€™s just, Iā€™m so stressed and I need to finish these paintings but also why should I finish these paintings but also I want them to be perfect and - and - and I donā€™t want to do this over voicemail but I donā€™t want to forget about us but also I have so much work to do and Iā€™m so fucked -ā€
Jamie listens to you choke down a sob, before sniffing.
ā€œI have to go, but call me back or something. Or maybe I could see you at the exhibit? Youā€™ll probably be the only one attending. Goodbye, Jamie. Sorry again.ā€
Jamieā€™s heart was breaking, but not in the way he expected. You were so strong for him but all the while there you were, clearly dealing with your own shit and struggling and he hadnā€™t even noticed. He hated the idea that he had made things worse.
Now, he knew what he had to do.
It is the opening night of the exhibit and you are adjusting your hair for the fiftieth time. The gallery had extended their publicity to a small private view with a few glasses of wine and bottles of beer, but that was it. So you had spent the last three days painting almost non-stop, sending the invitations to everyone you know and barely sleeping. You just hoped your makeup would cover the dark circles under your eyes. You had worn your favourite dress and done your hair especially so you would at least feel like the real deal, but that was quickly waning.Ā 
It had been fifteen minutes and not one single person had showed up. The one event staff was already looking at you as if to ask whether they could go home early. You started to look at your phone while downing the glass of wine in your hand. Still not a word from Jamie. You hadnā€™t heard from him since you sent the voicemail and you felt embarrassed just thinking about it. It seemed like you were going to need more wine.
But then, a man enters. He is wiry, with a blazer and a glorious grey and black shoulder length mane. He is holding a notebook and looking around keenly. You have no fucking idea who he is.
ā€œCan I help you?ā€
ā€œAh yes, Iā€™m Trent Crimm.ā€
ā€œAre you sure youā€™re in the right place?ā€
ā€œIā€™m here for the exhibit Everything In Its Right Place.ā€ You nod, dumbstruck. ā€œAh, great, donā€™t mind me.ā€
You watch him as he looks at each painting before scribbling in his notepad. That was strange.
After him walks in one of the most beautiful women you have seen, followed by a small man wearing glasses.
ā€œHello, welcome to the Private View!ā€ You say a little bit too loudly, and you worry that the wine may have gone to your head. The woman leans over to you and of course she smells beautiful too. ā€œHello, Iā€™m Rebecca. Is it alright if some of my friends come in too?ā€
ā€œAbsolutely, the more the merrier!ā€
A couple more glamorous women file in, as well as some fancy looking older gentlemen in suits. Behind them is a colourful blond haired woman with an Essex accent and a very fluffy jacket, talking about how her PR firm which is on the hunt for new talent. You made a mental note to talk to her later, and as you do she looks over at you and winks, which makes you feel flustered.Ā 
The events staff comes over.
ā€œAre they on the guest list?ā€
ā€œOh yeah.ā€ You keenly nod, hoping they are not paid enough to grass you up.
And then walks in a very familiar moustachioed man.
ā€œWhy, you must be the modern Louise Bourgeois our Jamie has been speaking so highly of.ā€ You donā€™t expect the honeyed Southern twang and you find yourself blushing. Heā€™s more handsome than the small picture by Jamieā€™s bed gave away.
ā€œI wish! Although Jamie knew who Louise Bourgeois was?ā€
ā€œI mean, I think he is more of a Georgia Oā€™Keefe guy. But I love old Lou Lou. Art is a guarantee-ā€
ā€œOf sanity. Very impressive -?ā€
ā€œTheodore Lasso, at your service maā€™am. Although my friends call me Ted.ā€
ā€œAre we friends?ā€
ā€œI sure hope to be. Jamie will not stop going on about how great you are, so I thought I best see it in person myself.ā€ He offers a hand and you feel yourself go even redder.
ā€œWell, it is lovely to make your acquaintance, Ted.ā€Ā 
You see Trentā€™s head has whipped around this point and he is striding towards Ted.
ā€œTed youā€™re going to love these paintings -ā€ Trend hooks his arm in Teds and Ted waves you a goodbye as he is quickly dragged off.Ā 
You see all of Jamieā€™s teammates file in after Ted, including Roy who gives you a little nod. They have all brought people with them, including some women who you swear might be famous models, and before long the room is densely packed. You canā€™t believe it. You even have a few people come up to you to ask for interviews, and once the Trent man has sufficiently shown Ted around the room several times over, he asks if you want to be profiled for one of the big papers.
ā€œIā€™ve always liked highlighting promising new talent in any field, and I feel youā€™d be a great match.ā€ He smiles at you and you feel your stomach start to fizz. The one waiter who has been frantically pouring drinks for the last half hour runs over to you.
ā€œA couple of people want to buy the paintings, are they for sale?ā€
ā€œAll the ones without red dots are, yeah.ā€
ā€œHow much do they cost?ā€
ā€œHow much are they willing to pay?ā€ The waiter runs off and comes back, handing a long list of offers. Your eyes boggle at the amount.
ā€œFuck me.ā€
ā€œSomeone said they wanted to snap you up before Satchel did or something?ā€
ā€œI assume they mean Saatchi.ā€ The waiter shrugs. ā€œCall Simon, heā€™ll help with the sales.
ā€œI donā€™t think heā€™ll pick-ā€
ā€œSend him a picture of the offers. Heā€™ll definitely pick up.ā€
The waiter hurries off and you stare at the piece of paper. You canā€™t believe all this is happening. But you still check your phone.
Are you coming?
No reply.
ā€œTed? I donā€™t suppose you heard anything from Jamie did you?ā€
He smiles and taps his nose.
ā€œIā€™m afraid I was sworn to secrecy.ā€
You get back to your wine. That would be a weird response if he had told Ted he never wanted to see you again. But the whole day was starting to feel very weird. You decided to pop out for some fresh air.Ā  However, as you walk outside you see a very familiar orange car parked outside. In the driver's seat is Jamie in a suit, holding flowers, staring at his phone.
ā€œYou know, I didn't order an Uber.ā€
Jamie jumps.
ā€œJesus woman, you nearly scared the living daylights out of me!ā€
ā€œI could say the same of you. Can I come in?ā€
He gestures to the seat next to him. You walk around and slide into the car.Ā 
ā€œYou look stunning.ā€ Jamie says, looking over you and you suddenly feel very naked in this dress.
ā€œThanks. Itā€™s certainly an improvement from when you usually pick me up.ā€ You fiddle with your hem. ā€œSo can you tell me why youā€™re sitting outside my exhibit instead of going inside? Youā€™re the only person here who is actually on the guest list.ā€
He looks back down at the flowers.
ā€œI dunno. I guess I was worried you might not want to see me after, y'know" He nods his head towards you. The kiss. Before you can reply, he starts talking again. "Thatā€™s why I got everyone else here first.ā€
ā€œThis was all you?ā€
He looks out the front of the window.
ā€œI mean the boys wanted to come anyway, but I spoke to Rebecca and Ted and Keeley. It was Tedā€™s idea to invite Trent, because he knows lots of people at papers, and Keeley knows people through her firm and Rebecca knows loads of rich guys because I dunno, sheā€™s rich and fit -ā€
You reach over and gently touch his arm.
ā€œThank you Jamie, this means a lot - ā€
ā€œAny time. I just want you to be happy, you know?ā€ You grip his arm a little tighter.
Ā ā€œBut you didnā€™t have to do any of this. I would have been happy if you were the only person who showed up.ā€ Jamie finally looks at you. You just stare at each other for a moment, saying nothing. At this point you reach over and tenderly place your lips on his. He doesn't resist, immediately putting his hand on the side of your neck. Your hands start wandering down his torso before he pulls away suddenly.
ā€œI don't want you thinking I'm trying to buy you or something. Me and Roy watched Pretty Woman the other week but I swear-"
"I know Jamie. Besides, you haven't even bought a painting yet." You try to laugh him off but he holds you firm.
"I just want you to remember you earned this. You are really, really talented, it's just - it's just everyone needs help sometimes"
You are suddenly struck silent for a moment, your eyes watering.
"Ah fuck, I didn't want to make you cry again!"
You sniff. "This is good crying though, I swear! I just never realised you were so wise."
"Oi you cheeky mare, I'm trying to be nice!" You both laugh, before he reaches over and threads his fingers between yours. "I think Iā€™m in love with you, you know?"
He looks up at you, uncertain. Your stomach is fizzing, but in a way that makes you feel like you could fly. You smile.
"I know. The thing is, I'm in love with you too, Jamie Tartt." You stare at each other, before your lips crash into each other, your hands crawling all over your torsos and necks, your breathing becoming more ragged before Jamie pulls away again.
"Now come on you, this is your big night, remember. We better get inside before we have to go right here in the back like a pair of teenagers."
You place a hand on his thigh. "I mean, that sounds good to me."
""You are gonna be the death of me, I swear." He opens the car door.Ā 
"Actually, to be fair there is one painting I think you should see."
The two of you stroll into the gallery holding hands.
"Fucking finally." Roy exclaims, before patting Jamie on the shoulder. "Now don't fuck it up Jamie, I like this one." You and Roy share a smile. You felt like you had something to thank him for, but you werenā€™t sure what.
"I see you met Jamie." You turn around to see a small old woman in colourful clothing.
ā€œSylvia? What are you doing here, I thought you werenā€™t back for another week?ā€
Sylvia gestures to a handsome older gentleman in the corner ā€œOf course I had to see your exhibit darling! Now donā€™t worry darling, Iā€™m staying with one of my good friends.ā€ She winks before leaning in conspiratorially. ā€œYouā€™ll have the flat all to yourself.ā€
ā€œSylvia!ā€ You swat her arm.
ā€œWhat? Your mother told me you were going through a dry spell. Iā€™m just so glad you and Jamie finally got to meet.ā€
Your mouth is agape. You said that months and months ago -
ā€œJamie darling, it's so nice to see you again!ā€ Sylvia airkisses Jamie, before swanning off. You lean into the crook of Jamie's shoulder. Youā€™d say you hate how natural it feels, but you fucking love it.
ā€œDo you think Sylvia set this whole thing up? Between you and me?ā€
ā€œWell, she did keep telling me she knew the perfect woman for me, with a fantastic arse-ā€
ā€œJamie!ā€ You poke his cheek. ā€œAlthough speaking of fantastic arse, let me show you my painting!ā€ You drag him over to the biggest painting in the room. It is rich and vibrant and while somewhat abstract, almost definitely a nude. ā€œWhat do you think?ā€
ā€œI think it will be perfect in my living room. Well, almost perfect.ā€
ā€œAlmost? What else could be more perfect than this?ā€ You gesture to the bum cheeks.
Jamie rolls his head as if mulling it over.
You roll your eyes. ā€œOh my god Jamie Tartt, where did you pick up such a naff line? Youā€™re lucky you are very handsome.ā€ You reach up to kiss him, your fingers brushing his neck and jaw. and he leans to whisper in your ear.Ā 
ā€œYou know, now youā€™re gonna be a famous artist now, someone may actually try to kidnap you. You might need some form of security.ā€
ā€œTrue. Do you know anyone?ā€
ā€œNo.ā€ You laugh. ā€œBut I do know an excellent driver. And he does know a lot of excellent private spots.ā€
ā€œHow soon can he start?ā€
ā€œHow about right now?ā€ You take his hand in yours.
ā€œSounds perfect to me.ā€
Ah hope you all enjoyed this two silly billys in love! Pls send me requests of any headcanons/drabbles you'd be interested in seeing that I can bash out while working on this new juicy Roy Kent fic!!
@thebookwormlife @taytaylala12 @eugene-emt-roe @skewcherries @okkkkkkkksure @beingalive1 @gothicwidowsworld @atjamesbbarnes @e-mmygrey
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor Ā· 10 months
Pretty Petals 25
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Warnings:Ā this fic will include dark content including rape/noncon, kidnapping, violence, sexual acts (fingering, oral, anal, dp), coercion, bondage, and more tags to be added as the series progresses. PREPARE YOUR PANTIES, HOES.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary:Ā You go on a self-improvement retreat, but not all is as it seems.
Girls and Flower Name List HERE!
Characters:Ā Ransom Drysdale, Lloyd Hansen, Lee Bodecker, Curtis Everett, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Loki, Andy Barber, Hela, and multiple OFCs
Note:Ā I am like in dread of work so here it is lolll
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. Iā€™m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I havenā€™t forgotten those!)
Love you all like birds love to appear everytime you are near. Take care. šŸ’–
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Zinniaā€™s screams haunt your prison. Thatā€™s what it is. Not a cabin. Not a house. Not even a fortress. No, you are all trapped here.Ā 
Her first night there is shrill and horrifying and endless. Not just for her but all of you. The rare night spent alone but only knowing that she suffers for it. None of you are so foolish to think these men would show pity for her inexperience.
You hear Azalea through the wall, sobbing. A few times, you find yourself awash in a flow of grief. Swollen eyes succumb to drowsiness and you wade through the night in painful sleep, waking now and again to the throbbing ache behind your brow.
The last time you rouse, youā€™re not alone. The weight in the bed next to your grumbles and shoves you back down as you try to sit up. Ransom rolls over as you lay flat on your back. He tweaks your nipple through the thin layer of your camisole and pats your chest.
ā€œGood girl, Lily,ā€ he closes his eyes and is just as quickly snoring again.
Is it starting all over again? Back to the basics. You and Ransom. You hate to admit it even in your head but his return is almost comforting. You know what to expect when itā€™s just the two of you.
You donā€™t sleep again. You canā€™t. You just lay staring up at the ceiling, watching the morning slowly spread across the plaster. Itā€™s a startling calm that undermines your reality starkly. A reminder that this tiny corner of the world is forgotten and hopeless in a vast world that keeps turning.
You shift onto your side and hide your face in the pillow. You keep your back to Ransom as you rattle with suppressed sobs. It would be so much easier if you could just stop thinking.
You sniffle and try to tamp down your tears. You miss your apartment. After how long of cursing that cramped box, of wanting to be anywhere else, you would kill just to see your ratty couch again. Just to sleep on your lumpy futon or stare into your scant fridge.Ā 
Freedom isnā€™t what you thought it was. Freedom is waking up to an alarm every day and going to a job you hate so you can make a few dimes of your own. Freedom is parsing out that measly check in a desperate struggle to survive. Freedom is that sliver of choice you get in doing so. Itā€™s surviving, all the same, but on your own terms. Not on theirs.
You want to give up, so badly. You should. It only hurts to fight but you wonā€™t. You canā€™t. Dahlia is right. You can still have that freedom, in that you can choose your end.
You wipe clean your face and sigh. You glance over at Ransom and carefully fold back the blanket from over you. You sit up, jostling as little as you can as you shimmy out of your camisole and panties.Ā 
You ease yourself back on your elbow and turn onto your side. Your reach beneath the crumple edge of the duvet and feel around blindly. You wrap your fingers around his dick. Heā€™s soft but not for long as you stroke him slowly, fondling his limpness until heā€™s hard and groaning.
ā€œLily padā€¦ā€ Ransom breathes and pets your temple, ā€œwhatā€“ā€
You hush him as you drag your hand up his stomach. You plant your palm on his chest and lift yourself up. You shove the blanket away from his body and hook your leg over him. You reach beneath yourself and angle his tip along your cunt. You straddle him, inching onto him as you let out a hum.
Heā€™s stunned by his awakening. In that moment, you have power. You have something you can use. You sink to your limit and moan, twitching around him as your nails dig into his firm muscle. His hands crawl up and down your sides as he admires your body.
He shudders and lets out shallow breaths as you rock. You feel the tension knot in his stomach as you trail down. You sense the vulnerability in that moment. You see yourself smashing his jaw in with your fist or bringing your hands to his throat and squeezing until heā€™s gagging.
You resist that fatal urge and buck fast, the noise of your bodies clapping in the early morning hue. The bed shakes as you huff out your effort, closing your eyes as you cling to the vision of your liberation. The fantasy of violence driving you onward.
Too soon, you know it. Wait, watch, calculate. Donā€™t strike too soon. Not alone.
ā€œLily,ā€ Ransom frames your hips as he pulls you down harder and harder, ā€œfuck, what are youā€“ā€
ā€œShhh,ā€ you smother his mouth and fuck him harder, leaning over him as you flick your lashes open, ā€œI missed you.ā€
He watches you as you hover over him. You poke your fingers between his lips and delve into his mouth. He bites on your knuckles as you keep your hips tilting. He babbles around them as he quakes beneath you. Almost there.
ā€œYou going to cum inside me,ā€ you hold back your disgust at the words, ā€œhmm, I want you tooā€“ā€
He gurgles and his eyes roll back as he spasms. You feel the heat burst inside of you and push yourself up. You lean back and ride out his climax. You stop only as heā€™s breathless and prone. Then. You could do it then. You could hurt him. You could murder him.
You sit paralysed, horrified at what youā€™ve done and what you think of doing. They made you a monster too. Theyā€™ve filled you with a rage that will never leave you. You will never escape the fractures theyā€™ve rented into you. You can never fix yourself but you donā€™t care about that. You only want to break them.
The morning brightens through the curtains, rousing Ransom as he sits up with an effort not to disturb you. His caution is uncharacteristic and confounding. Youā€™re already awake but you donā€™t let him know. You just watch his back as he rubs his eyes and combs his fingers back through his hair.
He yawns and stands, his naked ass greeting you unceremoniously. You squeeze your eyes shut and listen to him move around the room. A low growl in his throat but no words. He dresses in silence and to your surprise, does not try to touch you. He leaves you confounded, hidden beneath your eyelids as you try to figure out what ploy is at hand.
You stay buried in dread, waiting. For his return. For some disturbance from outside; for screams, for thumps, for the eruption of chaos that comes every day. It doesnā€™t come. You only hear the deliberate movement of bodies trying not to be heard.
You get up and near the door. You grasp the handle and turn it, slowly, easing it around until the mechanism stops. Youā€™re locked in. Fuck. Itā€™s not a surprise but you want to know whatā€™s going on out there.
You lean against the door, cupping your ear with your hand as you try to hear. Who is it? How many? What are they up to? Itā€™s just a shuffle that you canā€™t make sense of, capped by the final and jarring snap of the front door. You can tell which it is by the weight of it, by the subtle creak of wood beneath several pairs of feet.
You retreat back to bed and sit, thinking. Ransomā€™s scent lingers along with the dread. They must be plotting something new. Another chase, another game, another humiliation. Thereā€™s a new girl so that means you all must suffer. Thatā€™s how it works. Their fun is your punishment.
You go into the bathroom and crank on the tub. Itā€™s a small relief amidst the oppression of this place. You ease into the water and recline against the porcelain. There is no sense in letting them taint what little time youā€™re afforded to yourself. Those tiny moments when you can try to retrieve your sanity.
You think of the night before. You feel weak as the heat of the water seeps into you but there remains that sliver of anger, fueled by the memory of Dahliaā€™s words. Of the fury laced in her voice. You canā€™t do this for yourself but when you think of the other girls, you find it hard to admit defeat.
You donā€™t emerge until the water is cold. You pull the stopper and go through the usual. The routine thatā€™s become second nature. To keep yourself moisturised and pretty for these tormentors. It brings a sardonic chuckle to your throat. You do it nonetheless, there is something soothing in the simple tasks.
You put on a white dress; a simple short baby doll. You go to the window and look out at the back deck, the pool sparkling in the morning light. Leaves sway above reflecting in the water and birds flit from branch to branch.
The soft click of the lock beneath your door handle jolts you. You turn to face the door as it opens and you repress a tide of fury as Hela smiles at you. Sheā€™s back in a flowing caftan, patterned with geometrical bands and edged with a crochet scallop. She looks ridiculous.
ā€œBreakfast is served, Lily Flower,ā€ she declares, ā€œwonā€™t you come join us?ā€
You donā€™t say a word. You come forward but she doesnā€™t move from your path. She watches you with a placid smile.
ā€œLily, do you forget all Iā€™ve taught you already?ā€ She challenges.
ā€œNo, Gaia, I am coming,ā€ you assure her flatly. ā€œI rememberā€¦ I remember it all.ā€
She looks down at you and her lips curl further. She hums into a laugh, ā€œyou are still my favourite. I always knew you were the prettiest of my flowers.ā€
You try not to show your distaste. She is condescending. You see it now. Those nights you sat at your computer in those nonsense seminars, she was conditioning you, all of you.
She leans in and you fight not to recoil. She tilts your chin up with her long fingers and kisses your lips. You let her and she parts with a sultry breath.
ā€œSo sweet,ā€ she whispers and gives a final stroke to your cheek.
She spins, her caftan fluttering and leads you through to the dining room. You take your seat among the several other girls already arranged around the long table. Azalea stares dead ahead, Zinniaā€™s head hangs low behind her hands, and Violet traces her fingertips over the table as if drawing a picture.
The others are brought in, one by one; Dahlia claims the seat beside you, Marigold emerges with her black hair in tangles, wearing the same outfit as days ago, Daisy enters without expression or reaction, and Rose looks around with an almost cloudy look in her eyes.
Hela floats in and out. She sets a dish of fruit before each of you, along with a cup of greek yogurt, and some yellowish tea with a pungent smell. You all just sit without reaction, glancing at each other in uncertainty.
ā€œPlease, dig in, girls, we have a day planned for all of us. We will take yoga on the deck. You recall our first days. And we will have some trust building activities. This is about rejuvenation. As the season comes to an end, we must all welcome new beginningsā€“ā€
ā€œWhat?ā€ Dahlia growls.
Azalea pops her head up, ā€œis itā€¦ fall?ā€
Violet glances out the sliding doors, ā€œthe night comes earlierā€¦ā€
Thereā€™s a lull as you all realise itā€™s been so long since your arrival. So long that you hadnā€™t noticed the changes all around you. You can smell it in the air, the slow transition is coming, you see it in the sky.
You exhale and peek over at Dahlia. She looks back at you from the corner of her eye as she picks up the bamboo spoon and examines it. A new safeguard. Canā€™t do much damage with that. She scoops up the yogurt as the other girls languish in their dissonance.
ā€œI canā€™t believe weā€™ve come this far,ā€ Dahlia declares.
You grab your spoon and mirror her, the other girls doing the same, going around the table until youā€™re all choking down the flavourless yogurt in a silent accord. You will play along. The season is not the only change coming.
A day passes, then two. With no hint of the men. Itā€™s strange but ominous. Almost as if knowing the men are around is comforting. Then at least, you know what to expect.
You have another morning yoga session, on your color-coded mats, by the pool. Each of you follow Helaā€™s direction; making the moves, taking each breath long and low. After, you laze around the pool in a communal daze.
Youā€™re unnerved by the languidity thatā€™s settled over the house. It echoes those early days when this was only a retreat, when it was fun, when it felt like summer camp. When you still wore your own name.
Thereā€™s something coming. There has to be.Ā 
Dahlia lays beneath a pair of square sunglasses, as black as her string bikini. Her muscles shine with sweat as the sun kisses her skin. You see the strength corded around her petite frame.
Hela looms not far away, on one of the longers as she has Violet sit near her. They speak in hushed tones. Each of you has your turn, beckoned to ingratiate yourself to the mighty Gaia. You roll over and put your chin in your hand.
Your eyes settle on Zinnia. She sits alone, heading hanging, hugging her knees. You canā€™t imagine how alone she must feel. The rest of you came here together, you went through each step with a sense of camaraderie, but she was introduced to you all as another set of abusers. Your guilt bubbles over and you stand, leaving Dahlia by herself.
You near Zinnia, almost shyly, and stop before her. She doesnā€™t look up, she only cowers in your shadow.Ā 
ā€œCan I sit?ā€ You ask.
She doesnā€™t answer, just shrugs. You lower yourself across from her and cross your legs. You donā€™t know what to say, you just felt like you had to come over.
ā€œIā€™m Lily.ā€
She sniffs and picks her thumbnail. You take a breath and glance over. Hela watches you. You donā€™t doubt sheā€™ll be curious but what else are you supposed to do? Youā€™re all just sitting around, waiting.
ā€œI know I canā€™t apologise because what happened happened. Iā€™d hate all of us too. I could point out that weā€™re just the same but that wonā€™t change how you feel. Iā€™m not trying to absolve myself. Iā€™m just trying to say youā€™re not alone soā€¦ if you ever need anything, I can do my best and I can speak for the rest that they will too.ā€
She blinks at the ground then slowly raises her head. She meets your eye and you wince. Her cheek ticks and her eyes gleam.
ā€œI remember you,ā€ she murmurs, ā€œin the meetings. We were in the same breakout group.ā€
Your lips part and you gape at her. She is familiar. Oh, god. Sheā€™s just another dupe.
ā€œCorrine,ā€ you remember and she nods, her tears flowing out. ā€œItā€™s a beautiful name but you canā€™t use it here.ā€
She gulps and wipes her cheeks, ā€œI know. He told meā€”ā€ she turns her head away, ā€œhe taught me my name.ā€
You shake your head and aver your eyes in turn. You donā€™t know what to do or say. She puts her legs down and leans forward, touching your arm gently, ā€œIā€™m not mad at any of you. Iā€™m scared.ā€
ā€œWe all are,ā€ you assure her, ā€œand you do need to be mad. At them. The men.ā€
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angsthology Ā· 4 months
š–¤“ intro to camellia ayudisha (ft. the commentary by yours truly)
-> series masterlist
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Camellia, oh, Camellia.
She is as pretty as her namesake and as delicate as its petals.
If Jupiter was a hail-storm disrupting oneā€™s lives (the so-called journalists are very dramatic, they should try writing a screenplay instead), Camellia was the gentle breeze in the early morning greeting your skin. If Jupiter has the sky and storm in her control, Camellia was the wind god that has control over whether or not your hair is going to stick to your lip gloss.
Not everyone can understand her beauty but anyone who does has been blessed with the right retinas.
Her presence is one that people debate whether she should be driving at all when she feels like royalty (and letā€™s be honest, a passenger princess), someone in deserving to the throne under that crown.
She is the person you think of when you hear the phrase ā€˜pretty girlā€™. Fitting to her name, she looked like she was hand-picked in the prettiest flower field; sweet dark chocolate-colored eyes under her long lashes (everyone, me included, very jealous of those) ā€” her dark, once black hair turned brown from her continuous sun exposure (especially the one that is in her hometown), her skin that warm-toned tan color. And you could never miss her delicate face, cheekbones high and visible on her round faceā€”(something everyone goes crazy for? Post-race glistens where all of her light makeup is either gone or has become one with her skin giving her face that glow).
When people throw around the term ā€˜Grid Princessā€™ it only truly sticks to her and only truly serious with her.
Everyone knows the story, the ā€˜mythā€™ of Camellia Ayudisha; had her father not meet her mother, had he not marry her, had he not created Camellia, she would be a princessā€”well, sheā€™d also be nonexistent but if she did existā€”she does, but under different circumstancesā€”she would be.
You get what I mean.
She is how one might sayā€¦ perfect.
The perfect role model, perfect ā€˜introā€™ of sorts, the perfect woman.
She was, the firs and foremost of ā€˜her kindā€™, she set the path for women in motorsports, and there was no one better to do it than her. She is perfect.
Perfect Camellia is the media angel, perfect Camellia would never go against the rules, perfect Camellia would never out-do her teammate in equal machinery. (well, she still did.)
The perfect male fantasy as to what a female Formula One driver should be.
Well, she was perfect to them. For the first three years of her career, she was as well-behaved as everyone expected her to be, she didnā€™t fail anyoneā€™s expectations. The perfect fantasy.
ā€œWHAT IS THIS? Camellia Ayudishaā€™s Toro Rosso has overtaken Nico Rosberg in the Mercedes! If she keeps this up for a few more seconds she will be making history as the first ever woman to win a Formula One Grand Prixā€¦ Oh my Goodness! SHE CROSSES THE FINISH LINE! THE CHECKERED FLAG HAS WAVED FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS WEEKEND! CAMELLIA AYUDISHA HAS WON THE TWO-THOUSAND-SIXTEEN JAPANESE GRAND PRIX!ā€ the commentator yells into his mic, cheers following in the background at what just happened.
The crowd was loud with their gasps and cheers, even those who werenā€™t her supporters managed to had the jaws slack.
Her radio was much worse,
ā€œTHAT IS P1! MEL, YOU JUST WON A GRAND PRIX! YOUā€™RE THE FIRST WOMAN IN HISTORY TO WIN A GRAND PRIX! CONGRATULATIONS! P1 oh I canā€™t take this, take it in Melā€¦ youā€™ve just made history.ā€ Her engineer and entire team celebrated in her ears, prompting tears to form in her eyes.
When they heard her voice again, her emotions were contagious, ā€œDemi apaā€¦ Oh my God, oh my God, oh my Godā€¦ I did thatā€¦ā€ her voice giving away her tears. ā€œI canā€™t believe itā€¦ā€
ā€œOh, you best believe it, this is your day! A day for women and girls everywhere, we all thank you.ā€
ā€œOkay, Ray, I mean this in the nicest way possibleā€¦ please shut up.ā€
And when they thought she was done talking to cry by herself, they were wrong.
ā€œTHIS IS FOR YOU MALIQ!ā€ she cried into the radio, saying the words with her Indonesian accent heavy on her tongue.
Theyā€™ve just witnessed history live in front of their eyes.
Then there are the luckiest interviewers to have been blessed to get her first few words minutes by the history-maker herself.
Right after she was done getting weighed, Camellia walked over to her post-race interview. Her mouth in a permanent smile, one might mistake her for having just inhaled glue with her entire face.
ā€œLook at you!ā€ the interviewer greeted happily, ā€œYouā€™re glowing!ā€
She laughed lightly, ā€œFirst time Iā€™m hearing that. Thankfully not in a different circumstanceā€¦ā€ her comment making the reporter and herself crack another laugh.
ā€œNo, seriously, youā€™re beautiful!ā€ she can only smile at the compliment, ā€œI guess winning does that to one, huh?ā€
She chuckled again, ā€œI guess soā€¦ā€
All-the-while she didnā€™t realize the visible tears that had ran down her cheeks, the tears that were still running down.
ā€œAre you crying?ā€ he asked with a light-hearted laugh.
When it came to her attention, Camellia immediately wiped it away and looked at the tear on her knuckle, ā€œI canā€™t stop it, I swearā€¦ā€ she replied with the same light-hearted laugh.
ā€œYou just made history! I wouldnā€™t be able to stop crying too if I were you!ā€
It was known from then on, Camellia was not afraid to show emotion, her vulnerability. She took it all with great pride.
Many says she was ā€˜weakā€™ but more stated that she was unafraid, she was fearless.
ā€œWow, look at that, only nineteen-years-old and had just marked her spot in history by winning her first Grand Prix.ā€ The commentator narrated as the dark-haired girl was seen walking towards the podium with the 1st cap in one hand and the other pushing her hair back.
ā€œEven the way she walks, just look at her! So elegant.ā€ As she stepped on the top podium, teeth shining with her smile. So sweet, so beautiful.
ā€œNow letā€™s hear it for the Indonesian national anthem.ā€
The smile on her face was the smile no one has seen before ā€” which was saying a lot cause Camellia smiles for ninety percent of her life.
As her anthem plays, she removes her winnerā€™s crown only for it to be replaced with the sun as if she wore a halo as her crown.
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To the world, she couldā€™ve done no wrong.
Ugh, untilā€¦
Jupiter Nightshade once again ā€˜ruined something that was once greatā€™. ā€” the media claimed.
Maybe there was always a flame inside of Camellia that the world had yet to see before ever in her Formula One career, a flame that was only set the season she met the rookie in Renault.
When the rookie won the driverā€™s championship in a Renaultā€”it triggered something in her.
A rookieā€¦ had wonā€¦ a championship before her. ā€”In a Renault of all things! The first Renault driver with a championship since 2006! That was three histories she made in her first year.
In the early days of 2019, after months-long silence from the driver and her team, emotions and tension bubbled over the internet over their radio silence.
Until eventually, it broke out:
BREAKING: Camellia Ayudisha to leave Red Bull.
BREAKING: Camellia Ayudisha to join Mercedes in 2019.
Thatā€™s when all hell broke loose.
The reactions to her move grew opinions from the internet.
One spoke, ā€˜I need to lie down.ā€™ (me too, and I did kinda) ā€” another yelled, ā€˜her and Lewis as teammatesā€¦ SIR LEWIS HAMILTON AND THE PRINCESS, I won.ā€™ (they do look beautiful together, who doesnā€™t love colonizer and colonizee royals as teammates) ā€” unfortunately another man spat; ā€˜who does she think she is? Red Bull quite literally boosted her career.ā€™ (she is Camellia and she did everything she has achieved herself, thank you very much and shut the fuck up.) ā€” but when a man speaks (again, unfortunately) another person (as delusionally great they are) says; ā€˜CAMELLIA AYUDISHA 2019 WDC!ā€™ (I like the spirit and enthusiasm, keep it up, youā€™re going to need it.) ā€” ā€˜damn, no more Indonesian colonial times teammates [broken heart emoji]ā€™ (I mean, well. I donā€™t even know what Iā€™m supposed to say to that.) ā€” and you obviously cannot forget the ones who is always going to be there for her; ā€˜Iā€™m glad she left, I did not like the way they treated her there. To hell with that rocket ship, as long as sheā€™s happy and okay thatā€™s all Iā€™m going to need for now.ā€™ (she appreciates that a lot).
I mean, itā€™s not like any of that will matter, Camellia was known to be chronically offline. A grass-toucher, if you will. But by her profession, you could say gravel-toucherā€¦ enough.
Her name eventually became the equivalent to ā€˜surpriseā€™. ā€˜Cause somehow, just somehowā€¦ she shocked the world again the time 2021 came around.
BREAKING: Audi to join Formula One for the 2021 season.
Carlos Sainz Jr. to drive alongside Camellia Ayudisha in Audi for the 2021 season.
The Royalty, the Flower, Lā€™Angelo; Dewa Ayu Camellia Anisha Primaningtyas.
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not proofread | taglist; @disneyprincemuke @eugene-emt-roe @nikfigueiredo @treehouse-mouse @sadieurlady @trouble-sistar @almostjollypizza + ask to be added (crossed out means i cant tag you)
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lyney-s-bitch Ā· 11 months
hi, i read your hcs for nagi earlier and i finally got the courage to request something too! :) can i get sfw and nsfw hcs with bachira? thank you in advance, and keep up the good work!
Oh sweetie, thereā€™s no need to be shy, especially not about sending in an ask!! I promise I donā€™t bite (or do I-?šŸ˜)
Thank you so much for sending in this request, enjoy!!
Bachira Meguru - fluffy/spicy hcs || 18+ (under cut)
ā€¢ Bachira is absolutely the kind of boyfriend where you would say "Heā€™s not only my partner, heā€™s also my best friend"
ā€¢ heā€™s not someone you would call "romantic", but he is just very affectionate in general and will constantly give you little gifts and trinkets (ex.: a plushy that reminded him of you)
ā€¢ if you go to the beach together, he will come running to you with a new shell that he just found every few minutes; he will absolutely insist on taking all of them back home, heā€™s a collector (not only of shells, also just of the most random things ever)
ā€¢ heā€™s overall a very giving partner and doesnā€™t expect anything in return, he honestly just loves making you smile and being able to laugh with you
ā€¢ itā€™s very important to him that you get along well with his mom, which is honestly not hard at all because sheā€™s an absolute sweetheart (when you first met her she was like "Nice to meet the future Mrs. Bachira!")
ā€¢ the lock screen on his phone is probably a picture of you drooling in your sleep or something of that sort; he is, however, open to negotiations - you could definitely convince him to take a cute picture of the two of you instead (only if itā€™s silly enough, everything has to be silly with Bachira)
ā€¢ he definitely sets that drooly pic as his home screen instead though
ā€¢ speaking of, his social media is FILLED with pictures of you and him (and pics of just you); he only has one account, his official one, but he uses it like a spam account because he genuinely dgaf - and thatā€™s beside the fact that he just thinks youā€™re absolutely perfect and wants everyone to see
ā€¢ it has occurred multiple times that you had to practically beg for him to take a picture down because you think you look absolutely horrendous in it, so now he SOMETIMES asks you first before he uploads anything (you had to give him an actual checklist of things to watch out for that are a no-go, selfies with your sleeping form are one of them)
ā€¢ Bachira is extremely laid-back because he has full faith in you and your relationship, so jealousy is nothing that would ever even come up from his side
ā€¢ on the flip side, itā€™s better if you are not on the jealous side either because Bachira is just extremely friendly and pretty touchy with basically everyone
ā€¢ he has absolutely no shame and "personal space" is a term that simply does not exist in his vocabulary, neither with you nor with anyone else, so if you value your personal space from time to time, youā€™re gonna have to be very explicit about it and explain it to him
ā€¢ heā€™ll TRY to respect it but I feel like he literally just doesnā€™t know any boundaries, like, this man would not bat an eye when youā€™re sitting on the toilet; he would barge in, do what he came to do, wish you good luck and walk back outšŸ’€šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ (he strikes me as the type that wouldnā€™t even close the door behind him iabfosbfls)
ā€¢ I am convinced that Bachira watches old kid shows from time to time, mainly because they remind him of his childhood, but opposed to back then, he now has someone to watch them withšŸ„ŗ (pls thatā€™s so sad but so wholesome)
ā€¢ does the grabby hands whenever he wants cuddles/a hug, his eyes practically staring into your soul and making it impossible to deny him - heā€™s a very physical person, so expect LOTS of random hugs and cuddles, both at home and in public
ā€¢ this man is freaky and NEEDY - can and will go whenever and wherever without hesitation
ā€¢ he is definitely not against sex in (semi-)public places, in fact, he might actually prefer that over doing it at home - heā€™s kinda an exhibitionist and no one can convince me otherwise
ā€¢ heā€™s utterly in love with you and your body, he literally loves everything about you and heā€™s not afraid to show it in every way he can; mainly in the form of praising and showing you off
ā€¢ Bachira has absolutely no shame WHATSOEVER, actually, he definitely has the fantasy of doing it in front of a webcam at least once; he also casually offered some of his teammates to watch the two of you going at it before (they thought it was a joke except for Otoya and probably Lavinho tbh, they wanted to take him up on it)
ā€¢ ok but hear me outā€¦ GOING LATE NIGHT SKINNY DIPPING WITH BACHIRA. thatā€™s it, just think about it.
ā€¢ his favorite thing ever is pleasuring you with his fingers; eating you out is a close second, but nothing beats watching your facial expressions up close when heā€™s working you to ecstasy
ā€¢ heā€™s not into edging at all, but heā€™s extremely into overstimulation - both on you and on himself, so the good news is you wonā€™t have to beg him to let you cum, the bad news is you might have to beg him to stop LOL
ā€¢ you donā€™t know how the man does it, but he somehow does not slow down at all even after reaching his own climax, and he just keeps going until his body can literally take no more; you better match his libido cause both his stamina and energy are fucking crazy, broā€™s a monster (lol)
ā€¢ Bachira would oftentimes wake you up in the middle of the night because heā€™s horny - well, heā€™d keep grinding himself against you for some relief, you waking up is honestly just a matter of time cause heā€™s not exactly holding back
ā€¢ on the contrary, he will keep whispering to you all the while, moaning shamelessly into your ear "Mmmh I really really need you babyā€¦ Gonna help me take care of this, arenā€™t you? Ohhh, my good girlā€¦"
ā€¢ he genuinely adores the way your body reacts to his touches even when asleep, it gives him some kind of kick, even more so when he manages to build up your orgasm without you being fully conscious - though if youā€™ve made it this far without waking up, heā€™ll definitely be waking you up now for the grand finale
ā€¢ heā€™s a big fan of finishing together; itā€™s like the ultimate bonding experience for him, and heā€™s naturally incredibly good at managing both of your pleasure to time your climaxes perfectly
ā€¢ his favorite positions are basically all positions that allow him to see your face and to let his hands roam freely all over your body (aka heā€™s not a fan of positions that require him to hold you in place)
ā€¢ after sex, he usually just wants to cuddle up to you (preferably still naked), rubbing his face against yours affectionately with a happy grin to make you giggle before settling in for a little (or big) nap
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celluloidbroomcloset Ā· 6 months
People in other fandom are criticising the 1st gentlebeard kiss again, and I think we need to discuss how this is the result of oversexualation in queer media
Iā€™m assuming that other fandom refers to the Canyon? Iā€™ve mostly either blocked or been blocked by them, it seems, which is perfectly fine by me. They donā€™t want to see me and I donā€™t want to see them.
Iā€™ve written, as have others, about how thereā€™s a clear progression to those kisses, from the very tentative sweetness of the first and the absolute confidence of the last. In that beach scene, Ed can barely get out what he wants to say, and Stede doesn't immediately clock what it means (because he's dealing with that initial emotion of "I make...you...happy?"). Iā€™m not sure what was wanted with the first kiss? Like, full-on snog? How would that make sense to either of those characters at that point? It might even have looked like assault, since Stede is obviously surprised and not quite expecting it. The fact that it is gentle and unsure is part of their relationship - theyā€™re figuring out who they are to each other, and Ed especially is being so careful about how he does it.
In terms of oversexualization generally...I'm not a queer media scholar or critic, though I've done work with queer theory and I know a lot of Hollywood history. So much of mainstream queer media was initially about subtext and suffering - characters that were typed as queer without being made explicitly so (because they literally couldn't), stories that treated queerness as a mental illness or that ended in death and destruction. So there's been a natural pushback against all that, often outside the mainstream and then more into the mainstream now. I think there was also a desire to shock the straight world, hence things like John Waters's films, Rocky Horror, etc. (not knocking these - I fuckin' love 'em), which are also in conversation with pornography.
With Our Flag Means Death and a handful of other shows and films (Good Omens, A League of Their Own, Heartstopper, etc.) there's been major movement forward, in part because there are more queer writers/artists/creators getting a say in mainstream texts. But there's still that fear of assimilation - because mainstream. So there's a cadre that will demand that if it's queer, it's gotta be explicit. It's gotta shock the straights. Which leads, eventually, to a sanding away of complicated emotions and nuance and not allowing characters or plots to progress in an organic way. There has to be space for sexualization if it's natural to the story, but it can't be forced.
I would absolutely have been upset if all we ever got was that beach kiss, and all we ever saw was Ed and Stede barely kissing each other. That wouldn't have made sense to the story that was being told. I even remember messaging my friend after "Curse of the Seafaring Life" that I was glad they "finally got a proper kiss." And looking back, even then, I was pretty much thinking that that's all we were gonna get, because I've been so conditioned to just expect crumbs in mainstream media. (Also, like, I remember very well how Ellen lost her sitcom when she came out, how people had an absolute fit about Will & Grace featuring a nonromantic same-sex kiss, and how all the interviews around Brokeback Mountain were along the lines of "how terribly uncomfortable was it to kiss a dude?!" So the idea of two straight actors maybe possibly not being grossed out by kissing each other is relatively new, in terms of media history.)
I think some of this is a desire for all queer media to be all things. That if any show doesnā€™t do ALL THE THINGS, then it is bad and problematic. And thatā€™s just not the nature of art. It would be awful if they tried to do all the things. It wouldnā€™t work. But that's also a result of having so little explicitly queer stuff, especially from mainstream shows/films, that when something like OFMD or Good Omens comes along, it gets picked apart and people are upset that it didn't do all the things. The more queer stories there are, the less we'll have to depend on single works and the less infighting there will be.
Well, there, I wrote way too much. This is all very complicated and I'm not trying to pretend that it's easy to distill down or that I'm 100% right here. I'd be happy to hear other opinions or caveats (that are not "no, I love Izzy, therefore you're wrong").
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ptsdangeldust Ā· 5 months
tw rape / abuse / suicidal ideation / self harm
can i just fucking say that the "poison" scene was just fucking flawless to me. as a survivor of rape and psychological abuse it was so fucking hard to watch and hit on every note i wanted it to. the suicidal ideation, the self destruction, the pain, the torment, the addiction, the hopelessness, everything.
[this got long LOL big analysis of ep4 basically]
also it's a little funny how easily i called it when the pilot came out that angel was gonna have ptsd and cope with it through hypersexuality . like this was obvious from the start to me and they do telegraph / foreshadow it from the first episode pretty well in my opinion. like ALMOST too much. but at the same time i'm kind of glad. like that's what i like about the show is that it *is* so raw and over the top when it talks about this kind of thing. that's why i like campy edgy uncomfortable shit bc where the fuck else am i gonna hear anyone specifically hit the perfect sweet spot of just exploitative-feeling enough to feel palpably uncomfortable in a way that just like. perfectly conveys this message. in my opinion, obviously.
it's like so crazy to me that i had this exact high expectation for the show and adjusted for edginess and got exactly what i wanted and then some. like. god. they hit every note in succession all at once and then tied it off with a beautiful, nuanced but genuinely well paced and well thought out resolution.
"loser, baby" was so fucking perfect as the counterpoint to "poison" in this episode. also charlie coming in and being purehearted but not knowing what she's doing and making it worse. but angel ultimately understanding that she meant to help and it's not her that's the problem obviously. and then husk is ultimately the one to give a shit about angel (with some encouragement, which like i honestly appreciate that he doesn't take angel's bullshit and isn't just the like Token Black Savior who has no character or agency of his own [of course i'm white so don't take me as the authority on this issue but i'm certainly aware of it]) and like not only try to stop him from self destructing but like relate his experience and make him admit he has a fucking problem. sooooo much of abuse is built on making the victim think they're at fault for what they're going through. the way val makes him look in the mirror and say "yes" outloud to himself over and over while literally holding his head and threatening him was such a good way of driving that home. and then we see angel have so much pride poked at so easily when he's called fake because he's SO aware he's putting on an act. he lets himself be exploited because he thinks it gives him a sense of control. can't be called fake if i'm an actor. can't prove i'm ever real. never have to BE real. never have to admit that anything is wrong and come to terms with it.
and so husk comes right the fuck out and says it. you're a loser. you're washed up. you're a has been. you're self destructive. you hurt everyone around you. ..... and you're not alone. THAT'S the important part. that's the real thing that gets you out of abuse. people. not being alone. like not just KNOWING that THEORETICALLY you're not alone but actually having people show up and help you and put in the work and relate to you and listen to you and let you listen to them. that's why abusers chronically work to isolate people. because it's so much easier to exploit someone who has absolutely no support system. who only answers to them. who has no one to turn to if shit goes sour.
ok also the fucking hypersexual self harm? i have NEVER seen that portrayed so accurately and so explicitly before. i feel like basically every single time i see it talked about at ALL in media it's either 1) portrayed as like sexy or ultimately good 2) strays totally the opposite direction and is talking more about cycle of abuse shit (which yes that's also important but not what i'm after) 3) really just hinted at / i have to like extrapolate it from vague hints or 4) exists in shitty media that is not ultimately trying to tell a story about escaping abuse it's just talking about a tragic waif and trying to make you feel sad. which is just another kind of exploitation really. so it was very refreshing to see it made very clear that angel was going around *trying* to get drugraped (which is NOOOOOT the same as consent. but i'm not going to get into that) because he was trying to hurt himself. he knew it wasn't good for him and he sought it out anyway. he could have wound up dead and he did not care. that's how low his self esteem is. that's how little he thinks of himself. that's how absolutely terminal his suicidal ideation is. i like used the word 'passive' at first but no i would not call that passive he is clearly actively suicidal hsuidguhds (ftr passive suicidal ideation is like. 'i wish i could go to sleep and not wake up.' but not actually acting on it. active is when you start purposely not looking both ways when you cross the street. that's basically what angel was doing)
anyway yeah. ep4 was kind of the peak for me i'm ngl HUIDGHIS obviously i'm very excited to see where things are going in general but especially more huskerdust........ i would like live if they didn't actually end up together but it feels clear to me that they genuinely care about each other and at least angel does seem to have... romantic-leaning feelings for him. would be cool if they had some scene where husk is like just cuz i care about you doesn't mean i'm going to be your magic saviour through love or whatever. bc i feel like it would be so easy for angel to immediately want and/or expect that. i did personally coming out of my abuse where i was absolutely desperate for real actual non-abusive love of any kind but i was NOT remotely healthy enough to truly accept it then even if it had actually been handed to me and i wound up in something that was..... better, yes, but ultimately still toxic and not completely ideal. not abusive, no, just not like. healthy. lol. but i do have good healthy happy love now so i'm glad lol <3 but like anyway this is a common thing with abuse survivors and it would *make sense* to see it but like i wouldn't put it past them to just go straight into "and then angel got better immediately and they got together and everyone lived happily ever after the end" HSDUIGSHUID but like idk man. we'll see LOL
also i did want to comment on like...... the fact that the scene was worked on by someone with a legit rape fetish who was like straight up into angel/val as a ship and thought it was like cool and fun or whatever. like. i really don't think the scene itself came off as glorifying rape or abuse. it's blatantly obvious that it's not good and the emphasis is placed entirely on angel's pain. and like it's. it's not porn. it's evocative. it's explicit. but the purpose of the scene is not "look at this hot sexy sex" it's "look at this horrifying abuse". like yes obviously there are gonna be people who get off on it but people can get off on anything if they try hard enough. porn is art explicitly meant for jacking off. not everything about sex is porn. i think if you interpret it as glorifying sex you're honestly out of your goddamn mind. the song ends with angel talking about how he wants to fucking die because of it. is that glorification to you?? really???
ultimately, *I* think it's good. i think, objectively, the team did an extremely good job. give them an award or something. i swear. where's the oscar. my boy angel needs his oscar LOL
... one last note, because this is tumblr: this is very triggering material. probably it should've had a better warning of some kind. but it is telegraphed/foreshadowed like i said and the show is rated 16+ on amazon (i feel like it should be 18+ imo but it's like. it's repeatedly listed as being for adults/"R rated" in promo material at least) and sex and violence are listed right there at the top of each episode where it shows the rating so like. idk man. that's as much warning as is usually given for this kind of thing ngl. i absolutely am not saying it's not triggering. but it is important to portray triggering things. it is important to talk about these things to give people in these situations someone to relate to and to give them the language to understand how to escape abuse, first of all, and like also art in general *should* be challenging. i think they genuinely said important, unique things and said them well. they did wayyyy better than i thought they would. for real. like esp coming from viv knowing her past like. clearly someone in the room actually knew what they were doing lmao (one of the writers for hazbin also worked on the episodes in helluva that covered similar abuse recovery material so. you know)
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colleendoran Ā· 1 year
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OK, so you are looking at a comic I did back in 1990 that changed my life in so many ways. Not the way youā€™re thinking of.
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It taught me some very important lessons about the comics business, fame, and more importantly, how fame doesnā€™t rub off. And how having reasonable expectations will keep you centered and on the right path.
Many people donā€™t internalize this lesson. And now that our industry is no longer just Fandom Culture but is now Celebrity Culture, we see more and more creators with incredibly unrealistic expectations getting into comics, expecting the sun and moon to rise out of whatever they do, and being disappointed and frustrated when they don't.
I got occasional mainstream comics work in the early 1980ā€™s, but I was still looking for my big break years later, especially since a major gig I was working on got shelved forever. I cannot even begin to tell you just how much being out of the eyes of the market for YEARS at a time while you work on a gig - and then the gig never coming out - can absolutely sink your brand.
Nowadays we have social media. Back then, you had no way to be seen if your work wasnā€™t being published. People forgot about you in about 15 minutes.
So when I got a gig working on Amazing Spider-Man, you bet I was thrilled. And even more thrilled when the darned thing sold like crazy. This issue of Amazing Spider-Man outsold previous Todd MacFarlane issues. And I knew Marvel was looking for a new artist. Huzzah! I outsold Todd! Maybe the new artist should be me!
You can imagine how pleased and excited I was to go to conventions and sign copies of a book that hundreds of thousands of fans bought. It was fun getting my first big lines of fans. I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to push my other works to them as well.
But few Spider-Man fans were interested in my other books. They could not possibly care less about Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld, thatā€™s for sure.
The Spider-Man glow was gone in no time. And Marvel picked Erik Larsen to be the regular artist.
I might as well have never worked on Spider-Man for all the long term good it did. Were it not for that one brief shining moment of royalty check (which was darned good,) it had no effect on my prospects.
While I got more work at Marvel, I was scrambling to make a living and took on too much, doing sub-par art that didnā€™t please anyone.
I realized pretty quickly that Spider-Manā€™s fans werenā€™t my fans. I might as well have been a spark plug on that issue. Fans lined up, got me to sign a book, and forgot about me the next day.Ā 
(Yeah I know some people say they love that comic, but I often hear from people who tell me how much they hated my art back then and how much they grew to love it later. Thank you, Iā€™ll take it.)
Anyway, it was all a very tough lesson. But I appreciate that I learned it early before I got to the point where I could never learn it.
Fame isnā€™t transitive. It doesnā€™t rub off.
The public needs more than your proximity to something they know to transfer their attention to you and your work.
A lot of people got a taste of this in the early 1990ā€™s. For a while, self-publishing was The Big Thing. I self published A Distant Soil and did well for some years, at one point making more than I could in mainstream comics, until the market crashed in 1996. A lot of creators thought if they just went to Image Comics, theyā€™d all be millionaires.
That didnā€™t happen for almost all of them.
An old frenemy saw how well I was doing self publishing and assumed that if they just transferred their mainstream comics fan base to their creator owned work, theyā€™d get rich.
But that didnā€™t happen. Their self-published work sold a fraction of what mine did. Their project died in the red. I never got my art back, including work from an unpublished future issue of the project. I remember being with this creator at a show and enduring their fury at how fans werenā€™t paying attention to them and their project.Ā 
How could this happen? They were a star mainstream creator!
The mainstream cred did not transfer to the other work. The fans wanted the famous characters, not the indie project they were trying to push.
There was no point in explaining this either. Iā€™d learned this lesson myself, but this person never learned it.
Most people never learn it.
How is it that I work on Famous This or with Famous Person and why am I not famous Too?
Because fame isnā€™t transitive.
Iā€™ve worked on projects that got a lot (and I mean a lot) of buzz, but there are projects that didnā€™t necessarily set the world on fire that did more for me as an artist and for my finances than ā€œbigā€ projects did.Ā 
Reign of the Zodiac and The Book of Lost Souls, both early/mid 2000ā€™s comics with mediocre sales set me on a solid financial footing because they are two of the few regular monthly gigs Iā€™ve done in all my years working in comics. That monthly paycheck paid more than the projects Iā€™d done before them. The financial and emotional stability was beyond price. I loved everything about those projects.Ā 
Except for their premature demise.
The one and only famous project that had a major transformative afterglow effect re: me and my work was Sandman. I met Neil Gaiman years before I worked on Sandman, before he was famous. I only worked on two issues. Many other artists were far more important to the project than me, of course. Then I went for nearly twenty years solid without working with Neil at all except on a pinup and short story adaptation of Troll Bridge that almost no one remembers.Ā 
I started working with Neil again when he saw some art I did for a book for Tori Amos back in 2008. Tori Amos fans didnā€™t flock to my side when they saw it, yet another example of how Famous People Fame Doesnā€™t Rub Off. But I lavished time and attention on the project, did the art on spec with a completely new style and process, and showed it to Neil. I asked Neil if heā€™d take a chance at working with me again after lo, these many years and let me have a go again at adapting the story Troll Bridge that Iā€™d botched in 1998. Neil said yes.
After The Book of Lost Souls got killed back in 2006, I could barely get arrested in comics and I wasnā€™t sure I had a future. I was shocked that Neil said yes.Ā 
That Tori Amos job reestablished my working relationship with Neil and brought me to Dark Horse Comics, a publisher which had shown little prior interest in my stuff.
It took me years to complete Troll Bridge and during that time, Peter David contacted me to ask if Iā€™d work on Stan Leeā€™s autobiography. That came out of the blue, and boy did I appreciate it. It sold like crazy, which was unexpected, really.
So I went from Not Being Able to Get Arrested in Comics in 2008, doing 1$ sketch cards and working for page rates I worked for in 1986, to Not Being Able to Remember What I am Doing Because I have Too Much To Do in 2022. I mean literally couldnā€™t remember I did a pinup for a gig back in February, and I not only forgot about it, I didnā€™t know it was published last June.
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It looks like I had a super fast and fun run up if youā€™re just looking at my highlight reel. But it wasnā€™t. Iā€™ve had peaks and valleys, (a few very fine peaks, the best being around 1993 and the other now), and sometimes the ā€œbig timeā€ projects I thought would make my career held me back worse than the ā€œsmall timeā€ ones. ā€œBig timeā€ projects got shelved or came and went, quickly forgotten, and I said no to other projects while I was busy, and the one that got away ended up getting made into a multi-million dollar film franchise that would have set me up for life.
If just being next to a famous person or working on a famous project was a guarantor of success, than Iā€™d have been hugely successful every day of my adult life.Ā 
That is not how it works.
Even the famous people are not as all that as you think, otherwise you wouldnā€™t see so many actors with haunted looks on their faces at conventions.
I met Neil before he was famous, but it took over thirty years for me to establish a solid working relationship with him.
Iā€™ve worked with famous wrestlers, actors, musicians, politicians, a Pulitzer Prize winning author, and on almost every single major licensed character there is. And Iā€™m not super-famous or rich. I mean, I never wanted to be famous in the first place, but Iā€™m not completely unknown in my field, and Iā€™m not poor (anymore). Still, seriously, folks. Iā€™m not going to movie premieres and living in Hollywood.Ā 
I actually get asked about that, and I think itā€™s so funny.
I was watching some recent art auctions, and I was absolutely shocked to see original pages by an Eisner-nominated creator go for rock bottom prices, mainstream interiors at around $50 per page. I could not believe it. This artist is over 40 years old. I wonder if things will turn around for them.
Time will tell.
In the end, itā€™s not all about the people youā€™re standing next to. Or the character. Or the company. Or the award. And it's certainly not all about you.
Fans are here for you one minute, and forget about you tomorrow. Then you get $50 for your Eisner nominated art.
Art either takes off or it doesnā€™t. You either take off or you donā€™t.Ā 
And then you can fly too close to the sun and fall.
Worse yetā€¦you just fade and no one even notices that you crashed beautifully into the surf.
If people knew what the magic formula was, theyā€™d be selling it and everyone would have what they want out of their art life.
But there is no magic formula. There just isnā€™t.
Everyone wants to be special to someone. Especially artists. Everything you create is special to you.
But it is extremely rare that what you create is as special to others as it is to you. Sometimes artists are just like everyone else.Ā 
Here and gone.
Fame and success is not transitive. And they're not forever.
Thatā€™s the lesson.
I'm working on Good Omens right now. The Kickstarter pre-sign up news is here. No, it's not an icky newsletter, it will just let you know when the Kickstarter launches.
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I have a Patreon. I'm funding the final volume of my space opera A DISTANT SOIL with it, but I won't be working on it again until Good Omens is complete. I have one of the most active and productive Patreons on the site.
I'm also on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram. Not too much though, they are distraction pits.
Make art because you love it. Because the rest...well, good luck. If it happens for you...it happens. And I hope it does.
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