#shed be like everyone keeps PETTING ME and giving me TREATS and telling me how CUTE I AM IM NOT CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
baylardo · 2 years
it would be haha funny if Q or Q jr. turned janeway into her lizard form again but she was like, yknow Herself and could talk and yap at them for doing it lmao
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gavin-plz-call-me · 3 years
The Brothers + Dateables & Luke react to MC owning a cat named lucifer
A/N- To attempt to avoid confusion, the demon Lucifer’s name will always be capitalized, while the cat lucifer’s name will never be capitalized.
“Now,” Diavolo said, obviously nearing the end of his speech, “Do you have any more questions, MC?”
You nod, “Is my cat up there all by himself?” you ask, “I don’t want him to get lonely, and without me he wont have anyone to feed him.”
The men, no, the demons in front of you stared, all obviously dumbstruck. You had been ripped out of your home, brought to a strange place, and told you were to live here for a year, and your first thought was of your cat? What a strange human you were.
“We can arrange someone to take care of your cat,” Diavolo said, smiling wide, but your face fell at his words. Diavolo seemed to sense your discontent as he spoke again, “Or we can arrange for your cat to be brought here?”
“Yes, please,” you spoke almost immediately.
Diavolo called for a demon named Barbatos, telling him to go to the human world to retrieve your cat. He disappeared then reappeared in a matter of seconds, your cat laying comfortably in his arms.
“Oh, lucifer,” You cooed, taking your cat away from Barbatos, kissing the cat’s forehead.
The hall went silent once again, before someone, the demon they introduced as Asmodeus, spoke up, “Honey, that’s Barbatos.” He said, a slight chuckle laced within the words.
Confused, you glance back up at the hall of demons, you point to your cat, “No? His name is lucifer.”
Can't decide if he's confused or insulted.
He's confused because, who the hell would someone name a cat of all things after a demon
and he's insulted because WHO THE HELL WOULD NAME A CAT AFTER HIM?
He's one of the strongest Demons in the Devildom, much stronger than a mere housecat, the insinuation that he, Lucifer, avatar of pride, shares anything in common with a cat has him fuming.
Of course, he shows none of these emotions outwardly, keeping his face stoic as always.
And any one of his brothers who dare joke about this cat's name will be hanged from the ceiling in a matter of seconds.
Is fairly annoyed with their shared name in day-to-day life, and not just because it's insulting.
But, many times a day, Lucifer'll hear his name called through the halls and, when he goes to investigate, one of his brothers is cooing over the damned pun intended cat.
Will eventually get used to lucifer and will definitely be seen cuddling with him.
Is like the dad who insists he doesn't want a cat, but as soon as he gets one they're inseparable.
At the end of the day, he loves that damn cat.
Laughs out loud at the revelation that the cat's name is lucifer.
Until he realizes now he has to look after the human and the cat.
Will complain about it in typical Mammon fashion, but he warms up to lucifer about as quickly as he warms up to you.
Buys him a bunch of cat toys when he has the grimm, and loves to play with him
especially with a laser pointer.
Also loves to cuddle, but always acts very tsundere about it.
"What is it lucifer? Oh, of course, you want to cuddle with the Great Mammon."
Will either steal lucifer from your room at night, or sleep in your room to cuddle with him and totally not you, of course, but you should be honored he's even sleeping in your room.
Thinks it's hilarious as well.
Though he prefers anime, Levi is well versed in other human media, especially classic Disney films, so, because of Cinderella, he's well aware that lucifer is a popular cat name in the human realm.
That doesn't make it any less funny, though.
WILL NOT allow lucifer into his room.
He has too many expensive figurines to risk it
Plus, he doesn't want to risk Henry 2.0 getting hurt.
Will only play with, pet, or cuddle with lucifer if he initiates it.
"He probably doesn't want to be pet by a gross otaku like me," as if cats know what otakus are.
Will, at some point, sew lucifer a costume that looks suspiciously like what his older brother tends to wear.
He may or may not have been hanged for that one, but it was totally worth it.
Like Lucifer, Satan is conflicted.
On one hand, cat! He loves cats, he wants to pet this cat all day, and give him kisses and cuddles and love.
On the other hand, Satan would rather his soul be ripped apart than give love to something named after Lucifer.
Will try his hardest to completely ignore the cat's existence.
Has to leave the room if lucifer comes in because he can't trust himself to not pet him.
Is like this with lucifer until he sees him respond to the name luci as well.
After that, you cannot separate Satan from lucifer even if you tried.
Spoils him rotten.
The two are often found reading together in the library, Satan leisurely petting lucifer.
Fights with Mammon at least once a day for lucifer and always wins.
Goes on long rants about how cat lucifer is much better in every way than demon Lucifer.
Another one who thinks it's hilarious.
Definitely thinks lucifer is cute but hates all the shedding, so he usually keeps his distance.
Like Levi, Asmo doesn't allow lucifer in his room.
Will constantly complain about fur getting all over his clothes.
Has had to buy more lint rollers in the first year you spent in the Devildom than he had bought in the last century.
Constantly posts pictures of lucifer on his Devilgram because, despite being a furry monster, he is just the cutest little kitten around.
Thinks the name is a bit weird but accepts it pretty quickly.
It's just a name, after all, lots of people who are very different share names.
lucifer's food has to be hidden from Beel because he can, and will, eat it.
"It just smelled so good, and I was so hungry."
Apologizes by buying him some luxury cat treats that took all of Bee's willpower not to eat on the way home.
At first, he won't interact with lucifer unless lucifer approaches him.
Beel is so big, and lucifer is so small, he doesn't want to crush the little cat.
But with enough time and reinforcement, Beel will pick lucifer up himself for some much-needed cuddles.
Before Belphie comes down from the attic, Beel'll bring lucifer up to their room at night when he's feeling a bit more lonely than usual.
Beel will invite you up to his room as well.
Finds out about lucifer after everyone else, due to the whole, being locked in the attic, thing.
Hears Asmo trying to coax lucifer into a good pose from down the hall.
"Oh lucifer, cutie pie, you gotta look at the camera."
Is surprised that Asmo is still alive talking to Lucifer like that.
Is even more surprised when he turns the corner to find Asmo talking to a cat, not his eldest brother.
Thinks it's hilarious, but Lucifer is already over it so teasing him about it doesn't do much.
Won't actively seek out lucifer's attention, but will gladly nap with him.
Beel continues his habit of bringing lucifer up to their room for cuddles when Belphie returns, so the three of them usually end up in a big cuddle pile.
Bonus points if he brings you up too.
Thinks it's very amusing.
Laughs about it, probably for a bit too long.
He can't help it, especially because he knows Lucifer is most definitely a bit upset about it.
Will tease Lucifer once or twice about it, but will ultimately leave it alone.
When he visits the House of Lamentation, he'll give lucifer a nice pat, hello, but won't go very far beyond that.
Read lucifer's name tag while he was collecting him from the human realm.
Wasn't surprised in the slightest because nothing ever surprises him
Is definitely excited to see everyone's reactions to his name, and is not disappointed.
If given the chance, he will spend hours brushing lucifer's fur and pampering him
but doesn't get the chance to do so often, if ever.
Has had a cat named lucifer in the past.
I mean, he's lived hundreds of years, it's not out of the realm of possibilities.
Named his own cat lucifer because he thought it was funny, and the humor hasn't faded since.
So he's very amused by this new lucifer in his life.
Will unabashedly cuddle and play with lucifer whenever he's given the chance.
I mean, this lucifer reminds him of his own cat, so he becomes pretty attached pretty quickly.
Whenever he visits the House of Lamentation, he'll hold lucifer until the very last minute he possibly can, and will be pretty sad when he has to leave.
Will joke about stealing lucifer, may actually try to steal him.
Like Levi, Simeon is pretty well versed in human media, so the concept of cats named lucifer isn't new to him.
Still finds it a bit funny nonetheless.
Tells Michael right away.
Likes cats well enough, and, when he's in the House of Lamentation, will seek out a few pets from the kitten
but he doesn't venture to the House of Lamentation too often, so he never grows too close to lucifer.
There are so many better names for a cat!
Like whiskers, or oreo, or simba.
Is genuinely confused, and maybe even a bit concerned.
He's afraid you were consorting with demons before coming to the Devildom and that's why you named him lucifer.
After his brief stay in the House of Lamentation, Luke is absolutely in love with lucifer.
Plays with him constantly.
Wants to pick him up, but doesn't know how to.
Luke will end up getting scratched eventually, but Luke forgives him.
Bakes lucifer special cat treats and hopes you'll let him feed lucifer one.
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
The Gift
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Tony says no pets in the Tower, but since when has Loki ever listened to him? Warnings: like one curse word A/N: Any Tom Hiddleston stans out there should get the Easter egg in this one :)
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Disclaimer: Picture not mine
“Oh, come on, Tony! Please,” you whined for the fifth time that week. “Not even just a little one?”
“Absolutely not. It’d make a mess of the place. Not to mention that this isn’t exactly the safest place for a pet.”
“So it gets into a lab accident and we have a super dog. Not the worst thing ever,” you said, half joking, though Tony actually seemed kind of intrigued now. You changed your tactic before he got any ideas. “Besides, it won’t make a mess. I’ll train it. And not all dogs shed.”
“I guess, but someone might be allergic,” Tony countered, thinking he delivered a winning argument.
“We can get a hypoallergenic dog,” you shot back, though you’d already checked with almost everyone and no one said they were.
Tony grumbled, running out of excuses to give as to why you couldn’t get the pet you’ve been pleading for the past few months. Tony had become somewhat of a father figure to you during your time in the Tower, and you’d been pretty sure you could use that to your advantage. Sadly, though, nothing had been working. In fact, that relationship had been more of a detriment to you than anything else as you didn’t want to make him upset with you. Otherwise, you might just go out and buy the pet of your choosing. Maybe even more than one. Although, to be fair, it was Tony’s building, and he was allowing you to live here rent free, so you should probably just drop it. But you really wanted a pet, and you knew you weren’t the only one.
“Sorry, but still no.”
“Fine,” you relented with an overdramatic sigh. “For now, anyway.”
“Thank you,” he said, going back to whatever he was tinkering with before you came in.
You pouted in the lab for a bit, hoping he might change his mind, but to no avail. Eventually you slinked out and went into one of the common rooms, plopping on the couch between Peter and Bucky.
“So, how’d it go?” Peter asked after popping a handful of Skittles into his mouth.
“No luck," you responded sourly, stealing some of the colorful candy from him. “None of my strategies are working.”
“What if we tried for something smaller?” Bucky offered. “Like a gerbil.”
“I guess,” you grumbled as you flopped back in exasperation. “But we’ve had our eye on that Cocker Spaniel for a while. A gerbil just wouldn’t be the same.”
“Yeah, I know.”
You all sat in silence for a bit and watched as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck argued about what hunting season it is, mulling over the situation. Admitting defeat seemed to be the most likely option at the moment, but you hated to just give up when you were sure there was a way to get what you wanted and not have Tony be upset with you.
“I’ve got it!” Peter suddenly shouted, bubbling with excitement. “We go and adopt it and then tell Mr. Stark that it just followed us home!”
“Except he wouldn’t let us keep it even then,” you stated, having already thought of that yourself.
“So we hide it. Simple,” Bucky chimed in. “By the time he notices, Peter will be so emotionally bonded to it, Tony wouldn’t dare take it away.”
“Great idea, Mr. Bucky,” Peter said, high-fiving him.
“Yeah, if only there weren’t cameras everywhere. Not to mention a home system that tells him everything,” you added, growing more upset at the lack of options by the minute.
You pushed up from the couch as the episode’s end was heralded by Porky Pig’s “Th-th-that’s all folks.” After waving bye to your friends, you headed to your room to brainstorm in silence. The figure lurking in the shadows didn’t even register in your mind, so you had no idea that a certain god heard your whole conversation. Not only that, he was about to fix all your problems.
“Mr. Loki, where are we going?” Peter inquired as he and Bucky were led into the city by the trickster god.
“All will be revealed, spiderling. I assure you.”
Bucky just shrugged when Peter looked at him, and so they continued following Loki through the busy New York streets. After hearing about your plight, he had hatched a plan to get you what you wanted. All it took was a bit of research on that infernal computer device, and he was pretty sure he’d found the right shelter. It was a far walk from the Tower, and since neither he nor his travel companions could drive, he resorted to taking the subway, an experience he’d rather not have again. Finally, they arrived at the destination, and Peter was about to burst with excitement.
“Mr. Loki!” he gasped. “This is exactly where we were looking for dogs!”
“But I have a feeling you knew that already,” Bucky said.
“Indeed,” Loki replied. “I must confess that I overheard your conversation in the common room yesterday.”
“Oh I get it now. You’re doing this for-”
“No time for speculation, we are here to get me a pet,” Loki interrupted, “Go on. After you, spiderling.”
Peter, still blissfully unaware of Loki’s true intentions, led the way into the shelter. They were greeted with the sound of happy barking and the distinct smell of dog treats. Loki had to admit, he wasn’t the biggest fan of animals. He found some to be more agreeable than others, such as a good steed, but overall he thought them to be more of a nuisance than anything else. Thor had bought a cat for Jane once, and it tore up half of his capes before he presented it to her. Loki was glad his brother kept it away from him and his belongings. Not to mention he didn’t appreciate the sheer number of similarities people said he had with felines. Dogs, however, he was fine with, so long as they were trained properly.
“Hello, how may I help...” the girl behind the front desk trailed off, her eyes going wide with excitement upon realizing who the trio was. “Y-you’re... Oh my gosh. My friends are never going to believe this! But, uh, how may I help you?”
None of the heroes were particularly comfortable with the attention and star struck gaze of the girl, so it took them a minute to get over their sheepishness. Loki looked at both his companions before realizing he would have to do the talking. He sighed but knew the look on your face would be worth it. You’d look at him the same way you had so many times before, whenever he did little things for you, whether it be rubbing your shoulders after a stressful day or brewing you a cup of tea on a chilly morning. The two of you weren’t dating, exactly, but you weren’t exactly not dating, either. Loki found himself incapable of asking you to make it official, lest it ruin what you currently had. He didn’t know what he’d do if you no longer casually held his hand or rested your head on his lap while reading in the evenings. Even though he was fairly certain you felt the same way, that last bit of doubt wouldn’t leave him alone. Besides, despite usually being quite a great thinker, he couldn’t come up with a good way to confess. He supposed that kissing you would do the trick, but he wasn’t brave enough for that, so getting you a dog would have to suffice for now.
“My friends here were looking at some of your dogs recently, and there is one that they are quite smitten with. We are here to adopt it.”
“That’s right! A Cocker Spaniel named Bobby,” Peter offered. “He hasn’t already been adopted, has he?”
“Nope!” the girl responded in a perky voice. “He’s all yours as soon as you fill out the proper paperwork.”
“Mr. Loki, are you sure about this. Mr. Stark told me I couldn’t get a dog.”
“Exactly. He told you, not me,” Loki replied, picking up a pen.
“Well, yeah, but I don’t really think he meant it just for me. I think it was more of a general kind of thing.” Loki and Bucky looked at him in exasperation for a second, wondering how he could still be so innocent, before he caught on. “Oh, ok. I get it now. Carry on.”
The three boys huddled around the page as Loki filled it out, providing Tony’s credit card as payment when the time came. It seemed appropriate, Loki thought, that Stark should have to pay for making you upset, and taking that in the most literal sense was the only somewhat acceptable way, it seemed. No longer could The God of Mischief go around stabbing those who hurt the ones he cared about. In a way, he missed the good old days, as he referred to them, but his new life led him to you, which made the rest of it fine with him, he decided, as he finished his signature with a flourish.
“There,” he declared, admiring the loop of his fancy, cursive L. “Finished.”
The girl disappeared into the back, only to return with Bobby a moment later. After giving the paperwork a quick once over, she handed the leash over to Bucky, who couldn’t stop the smile from growing on his face. Peter immediately bent down to scratch the dark brown dog behind his ears.
“Who’s a good boy? You are! You’re a good boy!” he cooed.
“Spiderling, he hasn’t even done anything yet,” Loki said, somewhat perplexed, as Bobby rolled over onto his back, stopping at the god’s feet. “Though, I do suppose he is a rather good boy,” he added, an inexplicable smile tugging at his lips.
One stop at the pet store and a taxi ride later, both unknowingly paid for by Tony, they arrived back at the Tower with the newest member of their family. It wasn’t even ten minutes later that Tony strolled into the room where they were playing with Bobby. He stopped dead in his tracks as he noticed the dog, happily playing tug of war with Bucky.
“What is that?” he asked, pointing at the Cocker Spaniel.
“A dog,” Loki deadpanned.
“Yeah, no shit. I mean what is it doing here?”
“I adopted it. Really Stark, for a supposed genius you ask a lot of obvious questions.”
“Don’t get snippy with me, Rock of Ages,” Tony quipped back, gritting his teeth a little. “This is my Tower and I say no pets, except for maybe a goldfish.”
“Yes, this is your Tower, but it is our home, is it not? As thus, we should be allowed the simple pleasures of life, such as having a pet. After all, studies show that having a dog can reduce stress, something I’d say is rather important for people in our position.”
Tony glared for a minute, not really having a good response to that. Then he called your name, certain you were behind this.
“No, Mr. Stark,” Peter said. “They had nothing to do with this. Don’t blame them.”
“That’s right,” Bucky also defended you. “It was all us.”
It was already too late, though, and you appeared in the doorway. Loki had been planning on presenting your gift to you in some cute or clever way, but all he had time to do was a magic up a bow on the pup’s head, a green one, of course. Bobby started happily yapping at your arrival and trotted over to you, looking for a scratch behind the ear.
“Oh. My. Gosh. He’s adorable!” you exclaimed as he rolled over for belly rubs. “You finally got a dog for me, Tony? Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Sorry, but I can’t take credit for this,” he said, turning down the hug you were offering him by putting a hand up. Then he pointed at the mischievous trio whose doing it was.
“Well actually, it was mainly Loki,” Bucky said, nudging the god in the ribs.
“But Mr. Bucky, we all- Oh wait. Awwww,” Peter gushed as he realized what Loki was feeling.
“Oh. In that case, thank you Loki!” you shouted, throwing your arms around him in a hug.
Without a second’s hesitation, he wrapped his arms around you, too, returning the embrace. “You are quite welcome, my darling.”
You nuzzled into the spot where his shoulder met his neck. In turn, he put his head on your own and breathed in your scent, forgetting the others in the room for a minute. It seemed you had, too, because you looked equally startled when Tony cleared his throat.
“Ok, fine. He can stay,” Tony conceded, “but only if he doesn’t wreck the place. And keep him out of the lab.”
You all chorused your thanks and, despite his harsh tone, could tell that Tony had already taken to Bobby, who was now the center of attention again. After playing with him for a bit, Bucky made some excuse about having to leave and took Peter with him, both of them wanting to give you some alone time with Loki.
“This really is very sweet, Loki,” you told him after a few minutes.
“Think nothing of it. It is my gift to you.”
“I feel bad, though. I don’t have anything for you,” you said, biting your lip. “Well, actually, I do have one thing that I can give you.”
“Oh? What would that be, my darling?”
The end of his sentence was nearly cut off by your lips crashing into his. The kiss was a little sloppy, but filled with so much love and desire that neither one of you cared. After gathering his wits, Loki kissed you back, cupping your cheeks as you grabbed his shoulders, still a little unsteady from surging forward.
“That,” you breathlessly whispered, pulling away as Bobby began barking again.
Later that night, Tony found you and Loki passed out on the couch, Bobby sprawled out across both your laps.
“Huh,” he mumbled, draping a blanket over your shoulders. “I guess it’s a good thing they got that dog, after all.”
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littleoddwriter · 4 years
F#ck You, Don’t Leave Me | Roman Sionis x Male!Reader
"17 and 18. I need you + I can't do this anymore: roman x reader, reader is suffering from a meltdown (it could be a build up thing, it could be triggered by something, you can choose) and choice words are thrown, they get into an argument sorta thing but roman doesn't notice at first and thinks reader is just being bitchy but then roman looks at reader and sees the signs that this is more than a petty fight (18. I can't do this anymore, I'll let you decide what "this" is like relationship, life, everything) so roman helps calm reader down by being soothing (soft but in a roman way, I know you can keep him in character because you're brilliant) and then reader is like "I need you, don't leave me" (17) sorta thing, so more hurt/comfort idk I just know you'd do this sorta writing justice because I know you get how I feel" @theamazingspideymerc​
summary; You have a meltdown/an episode and a misunderstanding, which morphed into a fight between you and Roman. It gets resolved in the end, though.
notes; TW // Meltdown/Episode (I based this off my really bad BPD Episodes, so, idk); Yelling/Fighting; Rough Handling (shortly mentioned because Roman grabs your wrists a little too tightly); Abandonment Issues (I hope those were all possible triggers). Male!Reader; Light Daddy!Kink (Roman’s usual pet names for reader); Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Pettiness; Misunderstanding.
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You felt it bubbling up time and time again over the past week. Every time you pushed it down. Every time you tried to ignore it. Every time you suppressed it until you were completely numb.
But then, something happened - you couldn't even remember what - and you exploded. You started shouting, screaming, throwing things, punching and kicking. You cried, tears burned tracks into your reddened cheeks. Your vision was blurry and red.
Roman ran over to you, when he started registering the commotion coming from the bedroom. When he saw you like this, he stopped in his tracks for a moment, confused, unsure.
"Would you fucking stop already? Fuck! What the fuck is wrong with you?" He yelled at you, trying to be heard by you and agitated by your behaviour.
"Fuck you! Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! Fucking go!" You shouted right back.
It lit a fire in him.
No one fucking talked to him like that, let alone yelled at him.
In quick strides he came right up to you, getting in your face. With a little too much force, he gripped onto your wrists, just like Victor usually did with him, when he was so enraged.
"Fucking look at me, you little asshole!" He snarled.
Breathing heavily, you did. You didn't say anything, just stared at him with so much hurt and anger in your eyes.
"Listen you little fuck. No one fucking talks to me like that. No one. You hear me? I don't give a fucking fuck that you're my boyfriend. You do not talk to me like that. 'Kay?"
Tears welled up again, burning your eyes once more.
Sometimes you didn't understand why you were even in a relationship with him. Sometimes you didn't understand why he kept you around. Sometimes you didn't understand why something like this hasn't happened earlier.
On the other hand you were confused. What have you said to him? You couldn't remember. You didn't even notice that he was in the room until he was right in your face.
"I-I'm sorry," you said anyway.
What were you even apologising for?
"Good. Clean your shit up, will you? Fucking hell," he rasped, letting go of your wrists and turning his back to you.
Hurt and confused, you stood there, silent tears falling and trying to suppress the sobs that wanted to get out of you so badly.
Fuck you, you asshole! You thought.
Despite your anger and frustration, you did as you were told and cleaned up the mess you've made. All the while, you were still fuming. Tears steadily streamed down your face, quiet snivels left you here and there, when you couldn't hold them back any longer.
When you were done, you went to the bathroom and washed your face with cold water. You stood there for a few minutes, hunched over the sink and wondering just what the fuck happened there. Was this how it was going to end?
No, it couldn't possibly be. It was just a fucking argument. A misunderstanding. But the way he reacted to you left you unsure. You didn't want him to leave you, but you also didn't want to stay with someone who would yell at you - and possibly hurt you - instead of trying to calm you, when you had an episode like that.
Your wrists still throbbed a little because of the tight hold Roman had on them; and so did your heart due to the words he'd said.
The rest of the day, you couldn't help but either ignore or snap at him, whenever he tried to talk to you as if nothing had happened.
You were so fucking hurt.
At night, you went to bed with him as you always did. Instead of cuddling into him, though, you turned your back to him, quietly shedding tears.
The next day, you continued to treat him like that. You knew you were being immature and an asshole; and that you should just open your damn mouth and talk to him about this, but you couldn't make yourself do it. You couldn't gather the courage to do it. You were afraid that if you brought it up, he would really leave you.
What use was putting it off then?
Later that day, you sat on one of the chaise longue's, reading a book.
After a little while, you faintly registered Roman's familiar footfall coming closer. You didn't look up, didn't visibly or audibly acknowledge his presence. He let out a frustrated little noise. Then he sat down next to you. You forced yourself to shift away a little, despite your entire body and mind yelling at you to lean into him.
"Fuck. You know I'm not good at this fucking sentimental shit. But I received your message. Loud and clear, 'kay?" Roman started, a hint of... desperation? - frustration? - in his otherwise raspy, harsh and yet somewhat soft voice.
You kept quiet and turned to the next page of your book.
"Would you at least fucking listen to - or even just look at me?"
With that, you lowered the book, gently placing it on your lap and looked at him with an inquiring gaze.
He nodded in acknowledgment and thanks.
"Right. So, I- Fuck. 'Kay. I realise that you aren't just being petty since yesterday. I guess what happened there was more than just some senseless words thrown around. Am I wrong?"
"You're not wrong," you whispered.
"Will you tell me what the fuck exactly is happening here, right now? Because if you'd rather break up with me, then you better just fucking do it. Don't fucking play me like that."
"I- I don't know. I just can't do this anymore, Roman."
"You can't do what anymore?"
"Having everyone fucking stomp on me, for example. Having people react so fucking badly to me when I have episodes like that. Having someone spit in my face and tell me that they don't even fucking care that I'm their boyfriend. Just to name a few things."
"Y/N, I didn't mean any of that."
"Yeah, right," you huffed.
"Oh, come on! I wasn't the only one saying some shit there. Don't act like a fucking angel."
"Right, right. What the fuck did I exactly say? 'Cause I honestly can't remember. I didn't even know you were there until you gripped my wrists so tightly and were right in my damn face."
"You didn't?"
"No, I fucking didn't!"
"Shit," he muttered under his breath, running a hand through his hair, messing it up a little.
"I thought- well, it sounded like you were yelling it at me. You were shouting 'Fuck you' repeatedly and told me to 'fucking go'."
"I wasn't talking to you. I'm sorry, no, I- fuck. I wasn't talking to anyone in particular. It just happens when I get like that."
"Right. Shit, baby, this is a mess."
He put a hand on your thigh and squeezed it. You put your own hand over his on your leg, intertwining your fingers.
"I'm sorry. This is all my fault, fuck, I'm sorry," you whimpered.
You felt so fucking guilty. All of this just because you misunderstood each other so badly.
"We're both at fault, I'd say. And you know I'm usually not one to admit to being guilty."
A wry smile forced itself on your face, before you were overcome by the crippling anxiety that you tried to suppress since the fight. You had been so scared that he would leave you.
"I need you, Roman. I need you like air, I- Please don't ever leave me. Please!"
Roman put his arms around you and pulled you flush against his chest, nuzzling your hair.
"Ssshhh, no. I'm not leaving you, baby. You're my little prince after all, hm?" He murmured, shushing you softly.
You nodded against his chest, shifting a little, so that you could wrap your own arms around his middle.
"I'm just so sorry. I've been an asshole instead of just talking to you. I was just so scared that when I- that when I brought it up, you would tell me to fuck off. I'm sorry."
Roman kept shushing you, rocking you back and forth gently.
"It's okay, sweet boy. It's alright. We're alright, 'kay? No break-up. Nothing. Just a stupid misunderstanding. It's over now, 'kay?"
"Okay," you whispered hoarsely.
You pulled back a little and looked up at him. He was smiling at you, tears shone in his eyes. You were taken aback by the sight.
Then he leaned towards you and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. You melted right into it. You had missed it. It has been roughly twenty-four hours since the fight, which was way too fucking long to go without physical affection from Roman.
"You mean so much to me, my little prince," Roman murmured against your lips.
It was the closest thing to a love confession you would ever get from him.
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okaybutlikeimagine · 3 years
Forever’s Not So Long
(hi, major apologies but I actually wrote something canon compliant and it hurt lol. also preface: this is not me advocating for or demeaning religion or Catholicism. my family is Catholic but I don’t call myself religious. I just listened to DeVotchKa and cried over Billy)
TW: mentions of Catholicism, questioning religion, implied/referenced domestic abuse, implied/referenced child abuse, major character death
(it’s also on AO3 if you’d rather read it there)
Billy never understood it: going to church every Sunday when he had cartoons and corn flakes and PJs at home. He never understood having to wear his fanciest, itchiest shirt, especially because only the one would do so his mother had to wash it and iron it every week- even though she burned herself on the iron a handful of times through all her distractions. He never understood wanting to go somewhere where they told you what to do. It was all they ever did there, and there were few things he hated more than being told what to do. Stand and sit and stand and kneel and sit and stand and sing and speak speak speak. There were too many words he didn’t understand. There were too many people talking at once. There was too much and yet not enough going on to the point that he felt under stimulated and overwhelmed and desperate to crawl out of his skin and that incredibly itchy shirt.
There was no sense to be found in his grandmother either, and the way she clutched at her bible on her way to church. They used to drive her every Sunday, but then they moved further away and trips to church got less and less frequent until they stopped altogether. Still, she walked herself to church every week, some weeks every day. Billy only knew because his mother complained and worried herself sick over it. His grandmother insisted she wanted to. She had to.
“Just because you lost your devotion doesn’t mean I’ll lose mine.”
It took a couple years for Billy to understand the words.
And still it was nonsensical. So many questions of why sped through his head.
Billy would spend some weekends at his grandmother’s house and on those weekends, she’d drag Billy to church with her small wrinkled hand on his limp and sore arm. It didn’t matter how old he got- he was 9 and insisting his parents had let him stay home before and still she made him walk with her there. Stand and sit and stand and kneel and sing and speak and speak and speak.
“It’s good for you.” She insisted. Billy thought wistfully of TV and his grandmother’s pet cat that would lay next to him on the couch.
And on those Sundays, as Billy stood bathed in the bright light of the morning sun slipping through the colorful windows, somewhere in the middle of all those serious people, in his itchiest shirt that had wrinkles in it because his mother had been too sad to work the iron lately... his grandmother wept. Every time. Wept silently, tears spilling down her cheeks in rivulets of quiet emotion Billy couldn’t understand for the life of him. Eyes shining brightly, drowning in something indistinguishable, speaking the same words as everyone with a hushed voice like a promise to the world or herself or maybe someone Billy couldn’t see.
Billy never understood. More than that- he never forgave. He couldn’t help but turn angry eyes onto the building around them and the man at the front and the book gripped tightly in her hands. Too many factors in his grandmother’s anguish over something he couldn’t even understand.
But some moments etched themselves in Billy’s mind, and brought themselves to light on quieter days, in quieter moments of reflection and wondering. Moments when she would grasp his face… when she held out her shaking hands and stilled them on his cheeks, wet with tears because he was just a toddler and he watched a cat die in the street and he couldn’t understand. When she looked deep into his eyes and mumbled something that sounded like one of those promises and shed a tear for him and pulled him close. When she brought him over to light a candle to whisper a promise. When she gripped his shoulder and guided him to the kitchen to get a treat. When she prayed over her ice cream and over his too… maybe it made sense.
The time she introduced him to friends at church that smiled bright and friendly smiles and said “what a good kid”. The time she guided him through the church in the early morning when they got there before the service and she explained every picture and every story. The time she made him that fish pot pie that warmed him up from the inside out, because Easter was quickly coming and she explained why they couldn’t eat meat as they sat in front of the window and listened to the rain.
All the times she gripped her beaded cross over his bedside when he would fall ill, and closed her eyes tightly and rocked back and forth with it when one of the sicknesses got more serious. When he recovered just fine, and she laid a necklace with a woman on it over his neck and onto his chest- that same woman he saw everywhere in the church, the Mother. And then she looked at him with teary eyes and a watery smile as she allowed him to run off to play.
Maybe… maybe then, it made sense. In fractured moments of love and cherish, he could understand somewhere inside of him. Sometimes the devotion he saw in her eyes and felt in her actions made his heart feel right in ways words couldn’t describe. And those times, he could almost understand, as her passionate belief licked his wounds.
And he tried to hold onto that. Damn did he try to hold onto it- he’ll tell that to anyone. But it angered him still. Kind and beautiful moments never overshadowed the pain. It drove him wild with confusion and sadness and maybe something close to fear if he thought about it. At times he saw her as a woman possessed- obsessed and clinging to words and wishes and pleas of humanity. She clung to her book instead of taking her medicine. She yelled at his mother as she cried to her, begging her to listen. She walked and walked and walked even when she could barely keep herself up. She accepted rides only when she was begged to.
She gave her book to Billy’s mother one morning, after she had finally convinced them all to join her at church again. She handed it over with shaking hands and healthy eyes- healthier than Billy had seen them in a long time. Bright and clear. A smile that was a comfort. A look that was so serene.
She died suddenly the next day. His mother got a call from the neighbor who had gone over to check on her and ask if she wanted some baked goods. His mother wept the rest of the day and tried desperately to hide her tears behind smiles in front of Billy.
And Billy feared the book. Then he hated it. Then… he craved it.
A classmate mentioned the death of her own mother in class. She walked like she was in shock still. There was sadness in her movements. Billy learned the word “mourning”. He felt the despair encapsulate his heart as if he was mourning too- could imagine the pain and the sorrow and feared ever losing his mother. He remembered when his grandmother helped him understand death, so he wandered to his parent’s room and over to the book. He snuck in and stole it away and read what he could- the start of the world and the good deeds and the stories his grandmother once told him in the church.
He read about sacrifice.
Seven feet…
He read about hope.
You told her…. The wave was seven feet.
He read about humanity, and compassion, and understanding.
You ran to her… On the beach.
And he wanted that with him.
Yelling matches began. Infrequent until they weren’t. Crashing and shattering began. Quiet until it wasn’t- until it made its way nearer and nearer to his room. Until words became wails of despair and agony to “stay away from him”. When Billy began to clutch the book in shaking hands, began to rock back and forth, began to mumble words to himself he still wasn’t sure he understood.
Until he started taking sacrifice seriously. When his mind decided things were literal.
Stop it! Don’t hurt her!
Because she sacrificed. He heard so much. He figured sacrifice happens in lots of ways, in many forms. And he could sacrifice, too- get between it as well as his small body would allow. For the good in the world, and he saw a lot of good in the world, and she was the brightest.
So he could sacrifice.
But then she stopped. The book didn’t prepare him for when she would give up.
He wrestled with it for years.
How long? How long?! I miss you…
He thought sacrifice was a thing that always happened for the good. She told him he was all the good in the world- he was the sun and the moon and the stars and the Earth. He was every fantastical being. He was the light in her days.
But then she was gone- in a sudden and dizzying whirl of memories and pain, she became intangible. He watched, tired and dizzy from sleep, in the late late hours of the night as a cab raced her away from their home and into the darkness. It was an attempt to sneak away. Not even one last hug.
She left without her son, and Billy couldn’t fight the thoughts that in her flight, he became her last sacrifice.
I don’t understand… why not? Please Mom, don’t do this…
And he fought with himself more than anyone. In less than a month he was dodging jeers and anger and resentment and pain. He found himself mourning. He clung to the book while his ears rang from the yelling. He clutched it with red and shaking hands, clawing into the cover with desperation. He held it to his chest and begged for it to help him. He laid in bed and listened closely for the sound of the liquor bottles being slammed onto counters and he held the book. He mumbled the words he knew. He wondered if his grandmother could hear him up in the better place- if she was disappointed that he got the words wrong or just proud of him for trying.
Phone calls were frequent until they weren’t. Bruises weren’t frequent until they were. Billy clutched at his chain and the pendant and let hot tears hit his arms for the only Mother he had left.
And then the anger rose again. He quickly realized how he never forgave, and never should. How he couldn’t. Tears to books weren’t worth it- they only wrinkled the pages and blurred the words.
Sacrifice wasn’t worth it. Not when it involved leaving him in hell anyway.
Loud music drowned it out. He could make his ears ring all on his own.
Fights numbed it. He could bruise his body up on his terms, or bruise another body just the same.
Pushing away feelings fixed it. It can’t hurt to be someone’s sacrifice if you don’t care about them.
There were seagulls.
And he didn’t care.
He shoved the book in the back of his closet. He berated himself for ever thinking the words were real. He kicked himself for believing words and pleas were safeguards against anything physical. He sat and wondered to himself angrily, angry as all of Hell and every wretched being inside it, how he could remember his grandmother’s empty tears and think it was sane. Think it was reasonable. How he could experience her death and think it was understandable.
Fuck feelings and wanting and pleading. He didn’t care.
Not then.
But now...
She wore a hat… with a blue ribbon.
Now now now...
A long dress… with a blue and red flower.
Days have been gray for years. He also left his sun. He didn’t pack it with him.
She left him then she left him and then he left her too. Left it all behind.
Y-yellow sandals… covered in sand.
But he never found a way to leave behind the memories. Even when they fade in pulses, they don’t leave him. In the dark of night, he sees them. In the light of day, he sees them. In the sunshine and the shadows.
He sees them now.
She was pretty.
He sees her and her smile. Feels her and her warmth. His body has been so cold for so long… has been freezing for days but maybe also for years. He’s been cold for so long. But the chill of the ocean that he remembers like he turned 9 only yesterday… he remembers that differently. He remembers that’s different.
Her laugh is a song and her eyes hold prayers. The sand is so soft beneath his feet. The seagulls are calling him home.
He feels tears and he sees them too… on another face, bloodied and saddened and desperate as the flames of Hell themselves. Desperate, perhaps more like the clouds of a more promising place, beckoning him to something better.
Maybe desperate like the Earth. Like the trees and the leaves and the grass. Desperate like a human.
She was really pretty.
Yes… yes she was.
She was the sun… she was the sun and the moon and the stars and the Earth. She was every fantastical being. She was the light in his days.
And just because light fades, doesn’t mean it can’t come back. The book has told him. Told him light can return. Told him light is there if you only search for it. Told him sacrifice is for light.
Oh god that book… Where is it....
He’s been in the darkness for days. Weeks months years. There’s been so little light. But there was one… one that came into his mind when he was wallowing and forgetting himself. A girl, who held her hand out and looked at him like a human. Made him feel human for the first time in a long while. Let him shed a tear before the monster took over him. Let him show her all the fears of his life.
And that light is here now, talking him out of himself… now now now-
And you… you were happy.
Sacrifice is for others. Sacrifice is for those who depend on you.
Sacrifice is for the light brushing his cheek. For the child in his heart still, begging in pleas he’s borrowed from his grandmother.
He stands on shaking legs, with the light of the sun in his heart and with hot tears filling his eyes, and he wishes with all of him that he had that book. His fingers twitch at the memory of feeling it in his hands. His heart lurches at all the memories- memories of women who held him close and begged to some invisible force that his life be easy.
He remembers, briefly and vaguely, the pleas of his grandmother. That he be happy and healthy and safe. That life be easier for him than any of them because he deserved it. She begged and pleaded all the time. She hoped and she wished.
His body aches standing here, staring down the monster that mirrors the evil that’s taken over his body and made it its own. And still, he’s within himself again. He sees it as clearly as he can with tears and with headaches and with every last memory and every last strike of pain.
There’s fear coursing through him… but that’s what comes with sacrifice. He knows that better than anyone, he thinks. He allows himself that last, tiny bit of selfishness.
Sacrifice isn’t easy. It’s pain and it’s fear- it’s the worry that maybe it won’t work. Maybe it won’t be worth it. Maybe the pain searing his hands at holding every evil thing back is only giving mere seconds of grace before the world ends anyway, putting all his actions in vain.
But this monster is him too. It’s the thing consuming him. With every strike it takes to his body, it’s attacking itself, and he knows this. Even mere seconds of grace can be worth it… maybe sacrifice isn’t always about success, just for the chance of hope. Isn’t that right? Just for a chance...
It’s violent… does sacrifice always have to be so violent?
His body falls… does sacrifice always have to end with someone fallen?
There are shrieks, distant and muffled…
Light fades and enters and fades, pressure appears on his arms and his name is being spoken. His mind briefly registers the face, the face of a girl he’s sacrificed himself for enough times he couldn’t count. A girl he’s stood in front of, metaphorically, to block any pain from reaching her. A girl he’s inflicted pain on, despite.
“I’m sorry.” is all he can force out, even through the desperation licking at him to say more. Say it all. Say everything.
In his last breath, the pain fades until all he can feel is the stickiness of the pendant on his sweaty and broken chest- the Mother pressed to him.
And he thinks of his grandmother. Thinks and wonders, with the wispy, fleeting thoughts going dark and black… thoughts of a place of hope and how his grandmother must be there- waiting with her clear eyes and kind smile and shaking hands to help him through it. To grab his arm and show him around. Just like she always did.
He wonders if he should thank her for the book.
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justasimplesinner · 3 years
Hey sinner, I was wondering, Ince it's my birthday on Monday and all, could I maybe have some Arkham Riddler and/or scarecrow Headcanons pretty please?
no problem baby, hope you have a kickass birthday!!
Arkham!Riddler hcs:
Ed can't sleep without you. he literally cannot fall asleep. that's one of the main reasons he doesn't sleep all that much - because you're not always there. y'know, he always had this thing where he hugged the first thing he got his hands on in his sleep, be it a pillow or even a wrench. but then you came. first time he slept in one bed with you, when he reached out, you never pushed him away. he clung onto you and you hugged him back and caressed his hair and back as he snored into your chest
when he sleeps with you, he doesn't wake up from nightmares. actually, first time you let him rest on you, he slept for 12 hours straight, only stirring once when you tried to wriggle out of his grasp and go to the bathroom. and that manchild fucking got out of bed and trailed after you, quietly waiting until you're done so you can both go to sleep. he'd sit on the fuckin toilet with you if he could
as i mentioned earlier, he snores, and does so pretty loud - after having his nose broken so many times, it started healing a little crookedly and he started snoring. you'll have to get used to that. oh, and he also snorts. when he laughs sincerely, y'know, that real belly laugh, he snorts like a pig and it's really endearing (he was a little self-conscious about it around you at first)
he spoils a lot with gifts, partly to make up for the time he spends working, partly to show you he can give you things nobody else can. some of the gifts are store bought, but most of them are handmade - sometimes he'll make you something to make every day life easier and help with chores, sometimes he'll build you a fucking coffee machine from scratch because you said your one broke, sometimes he'll just create a little decoration to remind you of him, so you know he's always there
his thugs are really fond of you - not only are you polite and actually treat them like human beings, but you keep Ed at bay. your presence is obviously calming to him and you have a lot of good influence on him, which they're grateful for. they like to joke around with you and sometimes even invite you for a simple chat with beer or a game of poker. Edward was really opposed to the idea of you spending time with them but at some point he landed with a beer in hand, fries on the table and cards laid out before him and you didn't hear him complain. well... not that much, anyway
his robots are part-sentient, in a way that they're able to feel curiosity about the world around them and constantly learn new thing by themselves, without him having to constantly reprogramm them. they're kind of like children - but only kind of, and they treat you two kind of like parental figures. especially you, since Ed programmed them to see him more as a god or something along those lines. also, whenever there's any oncoming danger, the robots closest to you immediately run to your side to be ready and protect you
a stray cat once wandered into the orphanage, where you were currently helping Ed with painting the walls, and the robots immediately percieved it as a threat and almost anihilated it. it was a shitshow. and you also kept the cat, much to Edward's displeasure (he was bullshitting, you saw him baby talk to it and pet it more than once)
Arkham!Scarecrow hcs:
before the Croc accident, he was really chaotic and energetic and also a hazard to society. you were never bored because Jon always did some stupid shit, most of the time only because he's just clueless about social norms. you saw him eat coffee straight from the jar once because he was to fixated on his research to wait for the water to boil
he really loves making you laugh with his sarcastic quips. honestly, he just loves making you laugh. but also scream. he's a master at sneaking up on you and suddenly gripping your arms/waist or enveloping you in a hug out of nowhere and in the most unexpected places. he once did that while you were making dinner and ended with a whole pan worth of spaghetti on his head
he was a contortionist and could manipulate his body any way he wanted, and let me tell you that he scared you half to death because he was laying on a position so inhuman that you just thought he fucking went and killed himself on accident and landed with his limbs all over the place
he loved dancing with you, he was a very skilled dancer before he suffered all that damage. after the accident, he can't really spin you around like he used to. to be honest, he can't really do anything he used to do with you. he's really changed after the accident, and he really needs your help with practically everything. he hates it, especially since he knows he often took what you two had for granted and wasn't the best partner out there, and suddenly not only will he never be able to have fun with you like in the past, but he's also become kind of a burden - no matter what you say, he can clearly see how exhausted you are from dealing with him all the time. quite frankly, he has no fucking idea why you even stayed with him
he really does everything in his power to show you how grateful he is for all you do. he often has trouble expressing his true feelings because he hates being percieved as weak (this intensified after the accident) and can't get it through his thick skull that telling you he loves you doesn't make him weak, but he spoils you to the best of his abilities. you always get what you want and his gifts are always thoughtful, and whenever he gets you a book, he somehow always knows which one you'll like the most. he does everything in his power to pay you back for your kindness
that man actually shed some tears more than once over the fact that you love him so much that you decided to waste your life with him. of course he fucking wants you and it'd kill him if you left, but he knows it'd be better for you if you did. but despite all the self-loathing he feels at himself, he's possessive as hell. despite the fact that behind closed doors, he feels like he doesn't deserve you, he makes sure everyone knows not to touch you or even think about touching you, because you're his. you choose to stay with him, even after what happened, and there's no way you're getting out of this one
and listen, he may have become more... tame, but he's certainly not boring. despite everything, this man is still the chaotic god of the universe, and he'll be damned if he stopped making you laugh to the point of tears. and let's not forget that man has crows as pets - the shenanigans that ensue are not like any other and you'll never see anything even slightly similar to that dumbassery on planet Earth
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chibi-pix · 3 years
Hey guys!  I felt it was a good idea. I want to share photos and a bit about the cats I have. Some are at home (Mama’s place), some at my Grandpa’s place.  So, how about it?  Time to introduce the cats!
Name: Soot Age: assumed 6 or 7 years (adopted three or four years ago) Location: Home Skills: Pissing people and cats off while being adorable. Occupation: professional asshole Likes: Yogurt, Pop Tarts, hiding under my dresses, chasing the ladies, and horror video games. Dislikes: Kisses, vacuum cleaners, my singing Extra: Soot has no understanding of my personal space. Under my skirt, across my chest, trying to get into my yogurt, you name it. He loves snacks, especially smoothies made with milk, yogurt, and frozen strawberries. He does not show signs of lactose intolerance. When we adopted him, he was so scrawny. Now he’s a chonk. He may be a smidgen overweight, but he’s happy. 
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Name: Christmas Age: maybe 17? (Adopted three or four years ago) Location: Home Skills: healing purrs Occupation: Polite old lady Likes: Snuggles, giving her own cat scans, making my leg go numb Dislikes: someone trying to clean her butt, someone getting the mats out of her fur, me not paying attention to her Extra: She’s an older lady. She’s a bit sore with her age and maybe weight; she struggles to move, but she always comes to sit on my lap or shoulder for love. Her purrs are comforting and helps with my headaches. With her age, she doesn’t groom herself like she used to, so she gets mats. Mama and I have to team up to get them out.
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Name: Bandit Age: possibly 17? (She’s Christmas’ sister and adopted with her) Location: Home Skills: telling time without a clock Occupation: Judging others
Likes: treats, catnip, the laser pointer, calling for the manager Dislikes: being picked up, being pet too much, me being one minute late giving her her treats Extra: She’s always silently judging others. Me singing? Judgment. Another cat licking a bag? Judgment. The videos I watch? Judgment. My sneeze? She’s damning me to hell, I’m sure. However, she is kind and caring, If I’m not feeling well, she’ll let me rest longer. 
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Name: Baby Boo (Baby) Age: maybe 14 or 15? (Adopted three or four years ago) Location: Home Skills: Summoning demons from the dark pits of hell and turning invisible in the shadows Occupation: witch’s familiar Likes: lurking in the shadows, being pet, sitting on her tower and watching over the peasants, yogurt (but she is lactose intolerant, so I don’t let her have any) Dislikes: demons not obeying her, when the Hellgate suddenly opens up while she’s enjoying a snack and it interrupts her, dancing, and Soot. Poor Soot.  Extra: This is the cat of a witch and I’m pretty sure while she appears to be in her teens, she’s actually the ancient spirit of a scorned witched, cursed to live out her eternal life in the form of a cat, watching over witchlings and commanding legions of demons. She is also the one most likely to kill me in my sleep, but she doesn’t because I’m her person. Thank you, Baby. You make me a proud witch.
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Name: Cimmaron (Cim) Age: 11 or 12 (adopted on a farm when he was a year old) Location: Grandpa’s Skills: being cute Occupation: executive art supervisor Likes: sitting with me while writing or drawing, trying to wake up Grandpa, milk from cereal, gravy from beef stew Dislikes: showers (not that I force him) Extra: Cim is a wholesome lad. He likes to chill and see what’s up. He tends to follow me around when he’s not spending hours sleeping on mine or Grandpa’s bed. He accompanies me for my showers, keeping an eye on me.  He was most likely reincarnated and therefore has the soul of a gentle old man.
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Name: Buffy Age: seven (adopted when he was about a year old) Location: Grandpa’s Skills: sleeping Occupation: horny freeloader Likes: reminding the dogs who are about fifty pounds each that he was there first, boiled chicken, yelling for attention and then snubbing those who are willing to pet him, Voltron: Legendary Defender Dislikes: being picked up Extra: This freeloader doesn’t contribute. He caught one mouse when he was a year and a half old and that was it. He tends to jump up on my bed to cuddle one of the dogs and watch cartoons with me. He knocked up another cat that my grandparents adopted.
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Name: Horatio (H) Age: about 6 (born at the house; Buffy is the father) Location: Grandpa’s Skills: sleeping, eating, and screaming Occupation: screaming freeloader Likes: food. Cat food, chicken, bacon, apple pie, toast, anything he can get to. Dislikes: being picked up, my sister Extra: This guy. He is an absolute chonk. We know he is. But he won’t exercise for anything and when we try to feed the other cats, he shows up wanting food, too. He’ll scream whenever he sees fit and when someone would check on him, he just walks away. He also likes to lay across an entire step on the stairway. Asshole. But cute. His three sisters were adopted by a nurse who took care of my grandma. He’s now an only child pretty much and he sure tries to remind us of that and tries to get us to spoil him. Also, while he loves toast, we do not give him toast. We have birds who have plain wheat toast with their breakfast; one of them dropped a piece and before one of the dogs could get it, Horatio laid down with it and started eating it.
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Bonus of Buffy and Horatio.
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Name: Foreigner Age: Unknown (stray) Location: Grandpa’s Skills: existing Occupation: supervisor Likes: Walks with grandpa, keeping an eye on Grandpa when he’s working in the yard, sleeping in my chair, chasing after my feet Dislikes: Other cats and dogs invading his space, Ink (another cat) Extra: He just showed up out of nowhere, as cats tend to do out in the country. He was skittish at first, but he warmed up to Grandpa very quickly. Now he’s just part of the family. He is not allowed in the house because he doesn’t get along with the indoor lads and Grandpa’s got a bird. Foreigner also supervises when the horses get out, making sure we’re all okay and can get them back.
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Name: Ink Age: unknown (stray) Location: Grandpa’s Skills: Hunting Occupation: Wanderer, professional barn protector Likes: catching mice and other pests on the farm, being admired, keeping his plans for world domination a secret, sunbathing, making cars stop on the road because he’s an idiot who plays in the street and thankfully cars don’t go through often Dislikes: Feriegner Extra: This is a cat with a plan. He was probably sent here from another planet or is a warlock in cat form, slowly observing others and planning to dominate the planet. He wanders off for days at a time, perhaps looking for weaknesses in the planet’s defenses. He’s done with everyone’s shit, but love and affection restores his faith in humanity.
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And that is it. These are the lovely cats of my life.  I hope you all enjoyed meeting them.  Until next time. 
Editing to add Myst. She’s fictional, but she’s still a cat.
Name: Myst Age: eternal (created three years ago) Location: going back and forth between the spirit realm and the mortal plane Skills: can go through walls Occupation: existing Likes: sleeping on shoulders, chasing ghosts, people, sleeping on the computer Dislikes: holy water Extra: Myst is a spectral cat from an unknown location. She’s rather recognizable for her fairly transparent body and skull-like face. She floats, shifts size, can be a blob, is very expressive, and doesn’t shed fur. Of course, she sheds a sort of ecto-plasm and it’s hard to wash out. She’s a wholesome cat who likes attention. 
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Rumors.”
This one is going to be interesting and contains a list of some random and outlandish rumors. Feel free to comment the rumors you have heard about humans and where, in the galaxy, they came from :)
As it turns out, there are a lot of misconceptions in the galaxy about humans especially from those aliens who have not yet seen a human. I, as a scientist, was interested in learning about these different viewpoints and how they diverge from each other because t-- in my experience -- there are many outlandish and sometimes wildly opposing rumors related to their species.
So as a little experiment, I have gone around the galaxy and asked all of the different species to describe a human to me in as much detail as they possibly can thinking it would be an interesting experiment to compare the different sides. 
As a disclaimer, this will not be a full list, because I couldn’t get access to some of the species, but hopefully the scientific community might find this interesting.
Bran: Hulking monsters, that’s what I heard, hulking monsters with an immunity to poison. They can walk through water like it’s nothing, and they are absolutely unstoppable. You can't outrun them, you can’t outclimb them. They have a ravening, raving biological urge to hunt and kill. I have a relative who has met a human, and he told me that if you ever run into a human your best bet is to back away slowly. If you run they have a predatory instinct to chase you, so you have to be careful. 
Celzex: The humans are nothing special really. Sure they are rather tall, and they have the proper thoughts of mighty warriors, but when you get right down to it they are merely naked giants. They have very long legs, and strangely enough they are not intimidated by our demonstrations of superior might in battle. Furthermore humans are very touchy-feely. They are always trying to touch you when they get the chance, which seems rather odd since they don’t seem to do it to any other species.
Iotins: Humans are like nothing we've ever seen or known. They are almost like magic, did you know that humans can detect, sense, and identify particles in the air at only a millionth of a percentile. There is no way to hide form a human , and if they want to find you they can do it. Humans are always hungry, and if it weren't for GA laws they would probably eat everyone. As far as a description goes, humans are…… bony and lumpy with legs that are too long and fingers that are too long. 
Tvek: They’re beautiful…. Beautiful gods. So graceful like when they move they flow like water, when they smile they light up a room, and when they laugh it's like the twinkling of stars overhead. They are so wise, and just and fair and they understand so much that we never could. Humans are so powerful, and they could easily dominate the galaxy if they chose to do so, but they do not because they are wise and gentle. If you ever get the chance to hear a human sing, you should do it because it is as if the creator of all things lent secret power to their voices. Humans have the power to fly you know and they can control the element of fire.
Vrul: Illogical infuriating, and down right annoying in most cases. Even if you were to learn the human language, you would never be able to understand them because often  they say things they do not mean or they say something and mean the opposite. Everything they do is in a strange code, like they will be talking about cats and dogs but really be referring to the weather. Not to mention they have a plethora of bodily signals that are impossible to read. They have too few limbs, to much hair, and an excessive amount of extra senses, like particle detection. Everything about humans is aggressive and violent and they should be treated as such. 
Tesraki: Well I’ll tell ou about humans. I have heard so many stories that I might as well be an expert. First of all humans are freaky and hairless with massive holes in the side of their head and sharp bones sticking out of their faces that they use to crush their prey. Their skin is supposedly translucent so you can see their innards from the outside, like veins and stuff under the skin. I heard they are all rubbery and stretchy and their fingers have extra joints in them. They have full laws and you can see their bones protruding ready to break from their skin. Humans can hear almost as well as we do, but they can see hundreds of different wavelengths of color. People say that humans drink meat, but I am pretty sure they don’t drink blood. My uncle tells me that you should never sign a contract with a human because they will probably steal your soul. Oh, and never give a human your true name because they might come find you later.
Burg: Humans! Humans are rotting scum, absolute filth. They are a pathetic squishy maggoty creature that wins all of its engagements through cheating and guile. They have venomous saliva and are a walking biohazard. Everywhere they go they shed disease and dead molecules to permeate the air. I am told, if you live long enough with a human, you will be forced to clean your space of germs and dead human particles built up about your home. They have no honor, and their words are filled with lies. Their skin is soft and they hide their skeleton on the inside, and when they talk it is a grating screech all cut up and sharp. Humans are dul creatures, but they are useful in battle because of how durable they are.
Drev: Humans are strange creatures. They are a great warrior race, though they are small and weak in body. They have no armor to speak of and thus are very easy to kill. However, they grow stronger the more limbs of theirs you remove because they will replace them with machines. Humans are much more vicious than any other species we know because they kill to kill they do not kill for honor.
Rundi: humans are an absolute PR nightmare, that is what they are. Every time there is a human involved you can be sure they are going to do something reckless stupid or scary. Make sure that everything in your vicinity is non toxic to humans because they WILL put it in their mouths. Humans are like children, they are curious in a bad way and they have no issue lying to you if they see the need, especially in politics. If you have to oversee a human you will be constantly trying to justify their mistakes or getting them to behave. They are especially annoying in large groups were their social nature creates unusual hierarchies which are difficult to work with.
Prodigum An inconsequential might. A mere trifling interest. Humans are small, soft and weak, However they do have lovely singing voices. I have a colleague who owns humans. He keeps them in a cage and has them sing to him. Really humans are pretty easy to control as long as you feed them and give them shelter. Other than that they are no more useful than an exotic pet.
Gibb (one of the crazy ones): They are dark gods, dark gods concealed within a flesh prison just waiting to be released. They are a creature of immense power and strength being dampened by the hindrance of a physical form. Why do you think humans are so powerful, why do you think humans have an innate sense of danger because they are connected to the ether around them, and they long to return to the embrace of the universe as a being of pure power.
Gromm: To put it lightly, humans are kind of dumb. I mean they are very brave and they are very generous, don’t get us wrong but they are generally bumbling and like fun more than they are serious. I would suggest having a human as a friend but not a work colleague.
Common rumors about humans.
They drink blood 
They eat flesh raw
They have control of fire.
They can divine the future.
They cannot pass through a circle made of ground sulfur.
They can hypnotize you with their singing.
They can hypnotize you if you look them in the eye.
They are really a parasite living inside a human meat suit.
If you make a deal with one, you are bound for life 
You should never tell one your true name.
If you use their rue name they can hear you and will be able to find you.
They breathe acid.
They are venomous.
They are magic 
They are indestructible.
They have wings.
They can smell fear.
You can fend of humans with talismans made of copper
Feel free to add to the list of myths about humans if I have missed some your help would be greatly appreciated. 
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aliensunflower-fics · 4 years
(( Hia! So here’s a little Lukanette fic I wrote because I get inspired way too easy and it happened. Enjoy because it’ll be back to Daminette right after this! ))
It hadn’t been intentional. At least not at first. All Marinette had wanted was a way to express herself a way to let out the emotions that threatened to pull her under, drown her, destroy her. She was Ladybug and if she let that negativity eat her up alive she would not have the luxury of getting akumatized having a tantrum then being saved. That wasn't how this worked. Luka was the one who saved her he saw the dark water filling her lungs and when she felt ready to take her last breath he extended his hand. And she had taken it unaware that the water would turn to gasoline or that Luka would help strike the match that would light her on fire and turn her into a star for the whole world to see.
 It had started with music lessons. A guitar being slid into her waiting hands and a patient teacher. Luka had seen her spark fading bright eyes dimming Juleka who had always spoken kindly of Marinette began to hesitate and change Luka watched as she let her purple fade from her hair and changed clothes when he tried to ask her why shed mention a new girl Lila how Lila said this or that picking at anything and everything Luka tried to tell his sweet baby sister that she didn't need to change for anyone but she was scared to lose everyone but especially Rose. It has been only a week after that event when suddenly Luka was told he was being kicked out of Kitty Section. When he looked for an answer it was the name Lila Rossi that came back.
 Eventually he set out to find Marinette hoping she would have answers to his questions, but what he found was hardly the girl he knew more like a scared husk the song in her heart was a nightmarish harmony. Fearing she’d be akumatized before his very eyes he took a seat behind her slid his guitar in her hands and helped her work her emotions out. The melody she created was heartbreaking the tears she cried were worse. After that Luka made it his goal to seek Marinette out and help her work out the emotions. She started picking it up and they started regular lessons. Her parents were left speechless when Marinette asked for a guitar instead of a mannequin or fabric for her birthday.
 The day Marinette first sang Luka was left speechless. They had been playing together for months, in that time Luka learned just who Lila Rossi was. A liar a manipulator a bully. She had the school running like her personal kingdom and after stripping Marinette of everything, her reputation, her friends, her position as class president, she started targeting other students. It was not as head on as it had been with Marinette but rather subtle manipulation she made Juleka change herself to fit in, she broke up Kitty Section, she ruined relationships, and kept Adrien as a pet. But even still Marinette loved him until one day Lila decided that even the feeling love was too good for Marinette. Luka had still never found out what Lila or Adrien or both had done but that day Marinette played her new pink guitar like it was the only thing keeping her a float but then she started singing her gorgeous voice carrying lyrics of pain, anger, and betrayal.
 When she was done she all but collapsed. Luka felt as though he'd seen her soul and what he noticed was that the spark in Marinette wasn't dead yet just waiting to be fanned into a fire. And Luka, well all he wanted was to see her light up the world like she was always meant to do. Luka knew someway somehow he needed to get Marinette up on a stage. She was a born star and Luka would do anything to see her shine.
 Jagged Stone had been not only eager but insistent on hearing her sing and play. Marinette stared down at her pink guitar she had no one to blame but herself. After all she had been the one to introduce Luka and Jagged and they’d hit it off so when Luka told Jagged that his honorary niece was a star in the making what was she really expecting. But Marinette was terrified she wasn't meant to be on stage but behind it yet here she was guitar in hand with Jagged and Penny looking at her expectantly. She wanted to cry and puke and hide she had no control of her body when it ran from the room. Luka was quick to catch up, finding her hyperventilating in the hallway.
 “I-I cant! I cant Luka! I’m not made to stand on a s-stage! I can't do this! N-not alone!” She tried to control her sobs but tears kept falling and her body was shaking. Luka knelt by her side and wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders offering the support she so needed.
 “Who said anything about you doing this alone?” He saw the way her eyes widened as she looked at him. Truthfully he had not pictured himself next to her on that stage but he suddenly understood that if she was to shine for the whole world to see then she needed him by her side and really how could Luka ask for more?
 They returned to Jagged’s room and with Luka at her side Marinette played and sang. When the duo finished Jagged and Penny erupted into applause and by 7pm that evening Marinette found themselves agreeing to be trained by Jagged Stone and all his many connections. That night Luka laid on his bed exhausted when he heard a knock at his window when he opened it Ladybug slid in. Seeing her up close Luka could see how tired she looked. He had noticed Chat’s many absences and how much harder Ladybug had been working as a result clearly it was taking its toll on the superheroin. Wordlessly she held out the snake miraculous and Luka took it with great confusion. The news playing in the other room gave no indication of an akuma attack and Ladybug herself did not seem in a rush. Just as he was about to open his mouth Ladybug spoke.
 “You were right… who said ANYTHING about me doing this alone.” Luka’s eyes widened and he tightened his hold on the miraculous. Just how long? How long had Marinette been facing the world alone? Well no more! Putting a comforting hand on her shoulder he smiled and nodded understanding flashed between them and she burst into tears before hugging him closely and de-transforming. The next morning when Luka and Marinette left the boathouse together hand in hand with pink cheeks and shy smiles only Juleka was surprised, later when she asked her brother about the incident he answered honestly that Marinette had cried herself to sleep in his arms and he hadn't had the heart to wake her.
 Having someone by her side in and out of the mask who liked her as she was changed the music in her heart. Luka would not lie, being a hero was tiring but akuma were back to being defeated in record time. Opinion of Ladybug skyrocketed back up and soon Viperion merchandise started selling better than Chat Noir. Every news outlet was all over the Ladybug and Viperion development theories of all kinds sprang up that Chat Noir wasn't helping because he was jealous or that he and Ladybug had broken up, that Viperion and Ladybug were in love. People got pictures of the pair holding hands on a late night patrol and it was all anyone could talk about. Luka could not help but be pleased when Marinette relayed the news that Lila Rossi was furious at not being the center of news at school for a few days. But what made him happiest was the confidence and strength he saw regrowing in Marinette.
 A few weeks later, Marinette had introduced Kagami and Chloe to Luka. It had been awkward with all the different personalities but Marinette gave them balance, she was growing with each rehearsal with every song and practice she got brighter. Chloe who had never known real friendship where she wasn't in control and now was just as alone as Marinette in school seemed bothered and annoyed at first but Luka could tell her melody was softer then she showed and was eager to preen under Marinettes genuine encouragement and praise. Kagami who had met Marinette through an old mutual crush was cold and harsh but melted easier than expected when treated with the friendship she truly desired. They made an odd group and Luka was honestly confused but happy that the old Marinette was coming back stronger than ever and was eager to find honest people in the world.
 The first time Kagami and Chloe were invited to rehearsal they ended up holding hands as they listened to Marinettes newest song a duet with Luka about growing love in unexpected places. And if Luka and Marinette could hardly make eye contact afterwords no one said anything about it in between teasing Chloe and Kagami. When both girls asked to join everyone was shocked. But Chloe was quick to scoff.
 “Jeez, Marinette! Did you really think two rich girls from influential families wouldn't know how to play an instrument? Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” Chloe refused to admit she’d learned the piano in hopes of playing with Adrien and Kagami knew multiple instruments and shyly admitted to having self taught how to DJ in hopes of being able to throw her own party.
 Of course Marinette was over the moon to have them join the duo. But now they needed to name themselves, they argued about it over pizza in Jagged Stone’s suite while Penny and the aforementioned star listened in and laughed. In these moments away from those who hurt her Marinette was filled with light and fire her hand racing as she sketched all manor of designs. Luka who could not help but look at her in awe suddenly felt a name bubble to the surface.
 “Wildfire.” They all paused to look at Luka a heavy silence falling over the room giving Fang the opportunity he needed to drag away half of Chloe’s unattended pizza. Feeling his cheeks flush Luka scrambled to try and find the words he needed to explain but Marinette spoke before he got the chance.
 “Its perfect.” She grinned a wild look filling her eyes. “Our music its wild its raw! No one would expect it from any of us! But thats what we are! Were wildfire! And we are going to light Paris on FIRE!” The room erupted into cheers and Jagged Stone screamed out his signature Rock n Roll! Luka didnt cheer he just let Marinettes words vibrate inside of him as he watched the fire in her eyes blaze.
 A day later when two new heroes joined Viperion and Ladybug, Luka wasn't surprised at all he felt Chloe made an excellent ‘Wasp’ and Kagami was definitely a perfect fit for the dragon miraculous. But whether they were in or out of costume the group worked like a well oiled machine. They spoke without speaking backed each other up without question and the double dates were not only fun but were impossible to ruin akuma attack or not. But maybe even better was that with the final pieces in place ‘Wildfire’ was finally able to put finishing touches on songs and begin releasing them. Jagged insisted that the music be released without revealing who any of them were just yet his arguments were pretty solid, all of them needed to be coached on how to deal with the stress of stardom but apparently more importantly Jagged stressed there was NOTHING Rock n Roll about just revealing who they were without an epic concert of some kind.
 When Wildfire hit the number one spot in fan popularity Marinette felt grateful for heading her honorary Uncle's advice. The secrecy surrounding the band had fans running wild, theories from the realistic to the alien were circulating. They continued writing and releasing songs all the while being trained for everything from live performances to dealing with the press. Marinette felt like maybe dealing with the press would be easy after she let her parents know about Wildfire in their eagerness to show support while still being secretive they played all of Wildfire’s song on repeat in the bakery and regularly sent her to band practice with macaroons. Marinette blossomed under all the fresh positivity in her life Tikki and Master Fu were practically glowing with pride at the young chosen. Luka felt like he might go blind from how brilliantly she burned his heart that he felt could never hold more love for her filled even more and he knew he'd do anything to keep her happy.
 The day she arrived at practice bruised and bloody broken guitar in hand Luka would have given Hawkmoth anything for revenge until Marinette collapsed into his arms and asked to play guitar with him the same as when he’d first started teaching her. Chloe had left school early to catch Kagami’s tournament, Marinette had wanted to go but had been late so many times to school that week that the teacher threatened to give her detention if she missed one more class. So Marinette had waved Chloe off telling her to cheer twice as loud so that it was like she was there also. The rest of the school day had been mostly uneventful, with Luka and her friends help Marinette’s confidence had returned so even with the whole class sneering at her day in and day out she no longer backed down. But it seemed like Lila had not been happy about that and had only been biding her time. Now with Chloe gone she struck.
 “I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THIS MARINETTE!” Marinette who was pulling her guitar from her locker froze and looked at Alya with confusion. The girl was absolutely furious.
 “And what, may I ask is Lila accusing me of this time?” The whole class was glaring at her and Marinette felt herself grip her guitar tighter.
 “UGH! I can't BELIEVE I use to be friends with someone like YOU! But I’m sure you’ll just keep playing dumb! So il jog your memory! You DESTROYED Lila’s dress! That was a gift from her late grandmother! Oh but I guess you can't stand the idea of anyone else dressing up for Adrien!” Marinette mentally sighed she hadn't so much as spoken to Adrien in months. Hearing the pitiful fake sobs Marinette glanced over Alya’s shoulder sure enough there was Lila sobbing into Adrien’s shirt vague stain covering the clearly cheap dress. The blonde was glaring at her but Marinette felt nothing. Finally Marinette sighed.
 “Listen, if I say im sorry and vow never to speak to Adrien again can I go? I have somewhere else to be.” Alya narrowed her eyes and Marinette knew that would not be the end of it. She began looking around for an escape route but quickly noticed she was surrounded. Alya smiled a ugly horrible smile and Marinette felt her stomach twist.
 “Oh your not going ANYWHERE Marinette.” Marinette saw the girls eyes fall on her beloved pink guitar, the one her parents had struggled to buy her, the one that held so many precious memories. She felt Kim grip her arms tightly and she screamed as she was lifted into the air kicking wildly. “Oh calm down Marinette, this is just justice. An eye for an eye right?”
 Alya had all but ripped the guitar out of Marinette hands before slamming it against the ground over and over. Marinette had wanted to close her eyes but she kept them open and watched. Watched as her old best friend grinned like a madwoman as she slammed the precious instrument into the ground. Watched as Lila Rossi held Adrien close and smirked. Watched as Adrien did nothing but pout like an inconvenienced child at Marinette for crying as her guitar broke. Watched as they all bore witness to it, all except Juleka who closed her eyes tightly and looked pained and ashamed while holding Rose tightly. At least some felt guilt but Marinette was too devastated to care. When Kim let her go Marinette rushed to the remains of her guitar sobbing but the tears blurring her vision kept her from noticing Alya’s well placed foot she landed hard face first in the remains of her guitar, the wood cutting into her skin. But she didn't care all she could do was gather the remains of her precious instrument before she ran out. Not stopping till she was safe in Luka’s arms.
 Now they sat as they once had when it had all started. Her back in his chest his arms wrapped around her guiding her small fingers over the guitar strings but it was different this time. In the past he had helped her play out her feelings but this time they played out their feelings together. His anger deep resounding, her sadness echoing soft, his concern questioning gentle, her relief delicate easy. Luka removed his hands from overtop hers to wrap his arms around her waist protectively letting his head fall into her shoulder. Marinette continued to play letting her feelings out as she did so, comfortable in the knowledge that that only Luka could understand what she was truly saying. The melody was confused at first trying to find itself Luka smiled to himself thinking how it was just like Marinette to struggle for words. Marinette soon found her music soft gentle there was an underlying sadness but that was to be expected, she found a rhythm and Luka hummed along he was still angry but he knew Marinette did not want revenge she wanted only for the truth. The music grew slowly it was warm and loving his heart melted and his grip tightened but Marinette played unbothered pouring her love and care into each note. She loved him and he loved her and in that moment even with all the horrible things that had happened and had still yet to come they were content.
 An hour or so later when Kagami and Chloe arrived the store was retold and new anger sparked Chloe fumed and yelled while the ever calm Kagami sat like stone eyes staring into the remains of Marinette's most precious guitar as if trying to comprehend the senseless act of cruelty. But there was nothing to understand, only cold cruel reality.
 “We can’t just let this go! They’ve gone too far!” Chloe despite all the advancements she’d made stamped down her foot angrily. It made Marinette who was burrowed comfortably in Luka’s arms snort in amusement. She shifted turning in Luka’s lap to better address her friends.
 “We won’t. But were not stooping to their level either. I want the truth and I want to live my life free of lies and guilt and shame! They may have made me feel useless took me lower than ever before but Im not ever letting anyone do that to me again!” Marinettes words were so firm so full of fire that no one questioned her. There was a moment of silence before Chloe grinned.
 “Alright. What do you need?” Marinette returned the grin her eyes darting around before she spotted her sketchpad. She had a song to write.
 Months passed by and Wildfire announced that they were ready to be seen for the first time by the world in their first ever concert and a few days after that mysterious envelopes appeared on the desks of almost every student in a certain class at College Francoise Dupont. Almost because one Chloe Bourgeois and Marinette Dupain-Cheng had not received any such mystery envelope though they didn't seem bothered by that at all. As the class filtered in no one paid attention to the two girls sitting in the back together chatting amicably and sharing macaroons. Instead everyone was busy looking curiously at the unmarked delivery on their desks though none dared open it without Lila. Finally the class queen arrived followed by her ever loyal reporter they took their seats and sure enough Alya with permission opened the envelope, the following scream of joy was almost enough to shatter glass.
 “Oh my GOD! Lila girl! You are to good to us! Front row seats to the first ever Wildfire concert hosted by THE Jagged Stone! Pinch me I’m totally dreaming!” Everyone now eager to see if what Alya said was true ripped open their envelopes and gasped. Lila knew she had not bought tickets she knew she wasn't responsible but her sheep were well trained so anything good was obviously her doing and she was quick to lie.
 “Well of course! Didn’t I tell you guys I had a surprise in store! And Jagged was so insistent on me being there but I totally refused to go unless all of YOU could come!” The class erupted into compliments showering the girl in praise for her selflessness.
 “I just hope you didn’t extend your generosity too far SOME people really don’t deserve it!” Alya shot a look at Marinette and Chloe. Lila was pleased to note that neither girl had an envelope it was almost too easy.
 “Oh Alya you know I would have invited them but everyone in Wildfire and me are actually good friends of mine and they refused to let me invite my bullies! But I really wish it could have been the whole class.” She wiped a fake tear from her face and practically threw herself at Adrien demanding comfort from the boy.
 Chloe and Marinette however said nothing only watched the charade with growing amusement. Marinette caught Juleka looking at her and an invisible message passed between the two before Marinette smiled warmly. Juleka had finally had a long talk with her brother and Marinette and had finally redone her purple streaks there was no more tension between them and if anything Juleka was excited to see Lila’s empire fall. For the rest of the day all anyone could talk about was the concert and Lila eager to keep eyes on her kept piling on lie after lie.
 “I'm sorry I didn’t get us backstage passes but you know how celebrities are! Oh but don’t worry Alya i'm SURE I could get you an interview! I mean were just that close!” Lie after lie the bubble grew larger and Chloe could not wait to watch it pop.
 On the night of the concert weeks later the one who might have felt the bubble pop hardest was Alya. With their tickets in hand the class had been treated wonderfully they got in easily had the best seats and compliments rained down on Lila for everything. Jagged Stone had played some music to keep the crowd entertained but then finally the time came for Wildfire. The lights dimmed and Alya felt her heart pounding in her chest this was it! The music that started was unfamiliar and Alya heard Nino and Adrien excitedly whisper about how they must be starting with a totally new song! The music got louder instruments being added Alya felt shivers run over her body the dark stage not betraying a thing until all at once the music hit a peek the lights flared and there they were Wildfire for the first time in the flesh.
 Alya was dizzy with excitement her eyes darting around trying to take everything in she was obviously recording everything on her phone that dizzying excitement at the thought of her next scoop is why she remained blind to what was truly in front of her. The lead singer had her eyes closed letting herself soak in the music as she played with her band Alya felt she was so familiar but it wasn't until her eyes slowly opened as she sang the first words that it dawned on everyone. Those bluebell eyes were unmistakable.
 “MARINETTE?” It was Adrien who shouted it first he sounded horrified. Alya wanted to say he was wrong but despite how different the bluenette looked from earlier that day it was her. The blue flames that danced in her eyes the confident and almost wicked smirk as she sang her voice so different but now familiar like a siren drawing in the crowd.
 “Its… not just Marinette.” Alya could barely hear Nino from the roar of the crowd and fire filled song on Marinette’s lips. But he was right slowly the class looked from person to person. Luka was possibly the easiest to recognize having changed his style the least. Chloe was next her hair and makeup altered but her unmistakable yellow theme showing through. The other girl was harder to pinpoint but finally Alya brain supplied a name ‘Kagami’ she remembered seeing Marinette climb into the girls car with Chloe for a shopping trip.
 The memory made her jaw clench. Why had she not been invited? Why had she not been told? Marinette was lead singer for THE most popular band is paris and yet Alya her best friend knew NOTHING. ‘But are you really her friend?’ Alya felt her grip on her precious phone tighten until her knuckles were white. Of course they were friends! They had to be… Alya felt her shoulders sag as she listened to Marinette’s song. It was raw, anger, betrayal, fire, and Alya couldn't help but feel the lyrics were aimed at them. Her eyes looked over the pink guitar in Marinette's hands the one she played so expertly now and Alya bit her lip remembering the precious guitar she’d ripped out of Marinette’s hands and destroyed. The lyrics and tone of the music changed it was still heavy still the rock and roll Alya never would expect from Marinette. She tried to focus on what she was singing but it was painful to hear, moving on, getting stronger, burning those who wronged her into the ashes of the past. It got louder and louder and the concert Alya should have been loving felt like torture Marinette and her band all of Wildfire was practically screaming now it was passionate it was raw, it was a slap in the face.
 When the song finally ended there was silence then a roar of applause the crowd loved it. But near the front the group save Juleka who was overjoyed and yelling wildly sat numb the lyrics coupled with realization of what was done and said leaving them feeling exposed. Lila however felt nervous her gut churning her mind racing, before the concert was over she needed to find a lie to cover for everything or her kingdom would crumble. When the applause died down the music began anew each song was different and unique each conveying emotions wild and unchecked and in Paris a land where emotions were kept so lidded due to Hawkmoth it was like a breath of fresh air. Then the music slowed the love duet that had helped skyrocket the band into popularity in the first place. Marinette who for the most part stood apart and in front stepped back to be near Luka the two looked at each other as they sang their eyes never parting as they sang together then back and forth the soft loving smiles they had was enough to fill Lila with jealousy, the liar had thought she'd taken away the love of Marinette’s life but here on stage for all to see the two were practically declaring their undying love for all too see. And one glance at Adrien Agreste showed how unhappy how clearly jealous he was.
 Finally what felt like an eternity later and 2 encores later the concert came to a close. Marinette grinned as she took the microphone into her hand waving enthusiastically to the crowd. “Thank you each and every one of you for coming out to Wildfire’s first ever concert! We cannot wait to perform and sing more for all of you another day!” The crowd cried out praises as the group disappeared behind stage. Soon people began to file out but the class stayed where they were struggling to process all that they had just heard and witnessed. Finally it was Rose who broke the silence.
 “Lila you…You! Lied! To us!” The small girl was trembling huge tears threatening to fall from her large eyes. Juleka placed a supportive hand around her to keep her steady. Alya reflexitively went to defend Lila only to bite her tongue. Lila had said she was best friends with Wildfire, she claimed the tickets were her doing, she’d been saying for months all Marinette wanted was Adrien and she’d bully anyone for him but she sang of Luka and smiled for him. Just how many lies had Lila told?
 “R-Rose how c-c-could you! I would never lie! Right Alya!?” Lila sobbed out. “I-I’m so hurt you would say s-such an AWFUL thing!” Lila threw herself into Adrien’s arms crying into his chest.the class exchanged a look they were confused. It was Nino who came to Rose’s defense first.
 “You said you were Wildfire’s friend but Marinette like hates you dude.” The class murmured in agreement which gave Nino the encouragement to continue. “Also I just don’t believe Marinette would sing like that about Luka if she was really after Adrien you know?”
 “SHE- SHE’S JUST USING THAT LUKA GUY!” Lila’s facade was cracking the panic she felt bubbling into her desperate words. The class was muttering now, were the tickets really her? What about saying she was Prince Ali’s secret lover? Or saving Jagged Stone’s cat? Had he had a cat?
 “There’s an easy way to solve this you know.” The class looked at Juleka stunned waiting for her to continue. “We just ask Marinette.” She pointed to Penny Rolling who stood at the entrance to the backstage checking her clipboard. Lila was quick to try and cut in but Alya gripped her tightly and dragged her towards the backstage the class in tow none noticing the amused smile on Juleka’s lips.
 Getting back stage was surprisingly easy Alya had all but demanded to see Marinette and Penny would normally refuse but when she saw Juleka in the group she gave a forced polite smile and guided them. When they entered the room where Wildfire was relaxing Alya felt the air and whatever she had planned to say leave her body along with her soul. Marinette sat her back to Luka’s chest the boy holding her tenderly a soft smile on his face as he watched his beloved Marinette negotiate with a CROCODILE ‘Fang’ Alya’s mind supplied about how no the scaly creature did not NEED another slice of pizza and no puppy eyes would change that. Chloe meanwhile had her head in Kagami’s lap while she redid her nail polish. Kagami was lovingly stroking the blondes hair while arguing with Jagged about which pizza toppings should be illegal. The whole scene was too much and Alya felt her brain short circuit and rage build it should have been HER she was Marinette’s best friend!
 “Well, well, look what the alley cat dragged in~” Chloe had been the first to notice vengeful wicked smile plastered on her face as she sat up and wrapped herself in Kagami’s arms. “I hope you all LOVED the show!” Alya felt her rage build until she felt she’d pop.
 “HOW COULD YOU MARINETTE! I thought I was your BEST FRIEND! Why didn’t you tell me!” Fang who’d previously been relaxed turned and growled at Alya causing the girl to shrink back.
 “Oh please Alya.” Marinette’s voice was cool, the blue flames dancing in her eyes. “You? My best friend? I think that would require us to talk. And your daily insults hardly count.” Alya felt a pang in her chest guilt eating at her shame staining her cheeks.
 “Tch. I  know Ive certainly never heard of any friends who break each other guitars on purpose.” Kagami’s voice was like ice piercing the classes hearts shame and guilt wracking them.
 “So… Lila really was lying then?” Alya shot a glare at Nino causing the boy to wither under his demanding girlfriend gaze. It was Chloe who burst into laughter first high and mocking followed by Marinette. Alya bristled not understanding what was so funny. When Marinette was done laughing she stood Luka easily letting her go his loving eyes watching his now confident sweet girlfriend.
 “Lila is a liar.” It was a fact nothing more but it bit like teeth. Marinette began slowly walking back and forth in front of the class “She’s lied to all of you. About everything, she isn’t Prince Ali’s secret lover, she isnt Wildfire’s good friend, Ladybug’s got no clue who she is, no she didn’t buy you the tickets tonight, I’ve been dating Luka for months, I don't care enough to bully her, and for the last time Jagged Stone never owned a cat.” To that Jagged cheered and threw his beloved Fang another slice of pizza.
 Lila burst once more into sobs and clung onto Adrien as she whined about how cruel Marinette was. “Oh those are the fakest tears I’ve ever seen! I can’t believe any of you fell for it! Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!” The class looked if possible even more ashamed. Finally Adrien who’d been silent broke.
 “I can’t believe you Marinette! I thought we’d agreed but no you had to pull this ACT all because I didn’t love you.” Marinette simply scoffed letting herself fall back on to the couch and into Luka’s waiting arms.
 “Oh please Agreste. I never agreed to anything. And in case you didn’t notice. I don’t need or want YOUR love.” Luka who had seemed previously content to sit by pulled Marinette close to himself protectively she giggled at the rare show of jealousy. Nino’s eyes widened as he stared at Adrien.
 “You knew?” The class paused finally realizing. “Adrien, bro answer me! DID YOU KNOW!” Adrien stiffened and nodded. That was it the class erupted accusations firing in every direction Lila sobbing trying desperately to get pity. The noise was silenced when Kagami loudly whistled. But it was Chloe who spoke.
 “Listen. As fun as it is to watch you idiots realize just how stupid you’ve all been its been a long night for us~ So I think its time for dear Uncle Jagged and auntie Penny to give you your farewell gifts. What do you think Marinette?” The bluenette was comfortably nestled in Luka’s arms gently caressing her boyfriends cheek with a small hand but she gave an absent nod to go ahead. With the signal to go ahead Penny handed out large stacks of paper to Lila and Alya respectively.
 Alya felt the numbness return to her body. Adrien had known, shed destroyed Marinette’s guitar and trust, Lila had lied potentially as Mari had said about EVERYTHING, how could things be worse. At Lila’s screech of horror Alya finally looked down at the papers. “Your… Suing us?” Her tongue felt like led.
 “Oh not us.” It was finally Luka who spoke the usually calm boy clearly containing some hidden rage he felt toward the class though it seemed Marinette’s touches helped him remain composed. “Just some celebrities including Jagged are. After all you wrote a LOT of stories about them.” The boy looked pleased.
 Beside her Lila kept sputtering angrily but Alya was completely frozen this had to be some mistake! Marinette! Marinette would help her. “Mari gurl! Your joking right?” Alya grinned wildly looking much like a crazed animal “I mean you won't let anyone sue me! You’ll help me right? You know I'm sorry about the guitar thing!” Marinette’s eyes grew uncertain the fire in them dimming Alya felt her heart leap in hope until Luka took her gently by the chin and they looked each other he silently shook his head no and just like that the wildfire in her eyes returned. The bluenette looked at her old friend and Alya felt like her skin was on fire.
 “I think its about time you all went home.” Alya screeched trying to protest Adrien and Lila joining in. Juleka left the rest of her stunned classmates to sit with Luka absently petting Fang as the chaotic confused student body was pushed out by security. Luka smiled proudly at HIS wildfire his beautiful brave Marinette the spark in her was brighter than he'd ever thought it could be she was a beautiful star one he felt undeserving to be loved by. As if reading his thoughts she smiled and kissed him sweetly.
 All of this, none of it had been intentional. Not falling in love with both music and Luka. Not exposing or getting her class sued. No all Marinette had ever wanted was to express herself proudly to feel each emotion good and bad. But as a member of Wildfire Marinette had gotten everything she’s wanted and more. As she curled into Luka ever warm and comforting arms she felt herself relax in a way she’d never thought possible. Yes nothing had been intentional but it didn’t need to be.
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kiarcheo · 3 years
Meowsunderstandings 1 / 2
'Oh.’ If Cathy could dig a hole in the floor and disappear, she would. ‘Ignore me, I swear that I’m usually not this much of an idiot.’
‘We know.’ Jane reassures her.
‘And even if you were, we wouldn’t mind...I mean, we love Anne anyway, don’t we?’
This has been in my WIPs folder for at least 6 months if not more, but I decided it was time to dust it off because I didn't have the greatest week and I needed some levity. Should have the second part ready and post it next weekend.
Can read on Ao3 here
Part 2
In Cathy’s defence, it was a totally understandable mistake. And she had not been alone in that. But, of course, as the one dating the subject of the misunderstanding, she is the one teased about it.
It all started at university, in class, where Cathy had ended up paired with Anna. It turned out that they actually got along quite well and became friends outside of lessons too. Which led to meeting Anna’s girlfriend, Jane, and then a relatively new friend of Jane’s, Catalina. And, because it’s a small world, to discover that they were old family friends. Catalina had recognised the surname and asked if she was a relative of Maud Green. Apparently Catalina had met Cathy when she was a baby…which obviously Cathy didn’t have any recollection of.
Anyway, they all hit it off.
As new friends, one of the first topics to be covered had been housing. Between complaints about housemates, landlords, buildings and neighbours, it always guarantees plenty of fodder for conversation.
And when Catalina, whom Jane called Lina and had shrugged when asked if they could call her that too, said, ‘I have a housemate, my Kat’, with a warm smile, well, forgive Cathy for thinking she was talking about an actual cat. Especially when the topic of pets came up and Lina said ‘Does my Kat count?’ with a laugh. ‘I mean, she is independent, obviously, but-’
Cathy remembers Jane and Anna sharing her own slightly confused expression because of course cats are pets, why should it not count??
It didn’t help that Lina would say stuff like:
‘Rain check? Kat is sick, has been throwing up all day so I want to keep an eye on her.’
send a voice message on the group chat that ended with ‘Sorry, have to go. I have a Kat on the table and I don’t know why.’
And then there was the time she was distracted and then admitted that she was worried because she didn’t remember if she had locked the door and she didn’t want anything to happen to her cat.
Or she would talk about cleaning and how often she has to vacuum. Because two girls in a house mean lots of hair too. And you know what? Cats can shed hair too! And Catalina would not be the first person to refer to pets as you would do to a person (or treat them as such)!
And she literally replied to the question ‘How did you get your cat?’ with ‘Well, she was living with…someone I knew. When she had to move, taking her along…was not really worth the trouble, all the documents and stuff. Especially since she would be coming back anyway. And it just made sense…we already knew each other and got along well. We could keep each other company. And me and Anne might have our disagreements, but she knows she can trust me with her Kitty.’
Or should Cathy talk about the texts? Despite what people might assume, Lina uses lots of emojis. So when texts such as ‘Movie night’ or ‘Girls’ day’ were paired with others like ‘Snuggling with 🐱’ or ‘Day in with 🐱’ … Well, forgive Cathy for thinking that Lina talking about her Kat was talking about an actual cat, as in an animal.
‘Where is your cat? Hiding?’
Jane asks, looking around. It’s the first time Lina is having them over at her house – them being Anna, Cathy and herself – as usually it’s more convenient and easier for everyone to meet at places around or close to the campus.
‘She went out, but she should be back soon.’ Lina chuckles at the way they all seem eager to meet her. ‘You’ll meet her, don’t worry.’
They fell into an easy conversation, the topic forgotten until...
‘Cathy? Cathy?’ Catalina calls out. The girl in question has her cup half-way to her mouth – a couple of degrees more and she would be spilling the tea all over herself – and her eyes fixated towards the door.
Everyone turns around to see what is capturing Cathy’s attention.
‘Did Anne die?’ Catalina tilts her head as if to look for something behind a girl in basketball shorts and a sport bra, high ponytail with pink tips.
‘Almost.’ Another girl drags herself in. She drops on the floor. ‘Was it your plan all along?’ She wheezes out. ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’
‘I thought you knew…have you seen her?’ Catalina gestures to the girl still standing there, barely out of breath. ‘She is fit!’
‘I thought it was metabolism…I have a good one too.’
‘Good metabolism doesn’t give you abs like that.’
Cathy’s attempt to avoid looking at the exposed skin glistening with sweat fails completely when Lina mentions them. If the humming coming from the other girls is any indication, she is not the only one.
‘Come on, I’ll let you shower first.’
Anne moans, reaching up with grabby hands.
‘What? You want me to carry you?’
‘Are you saying you can’t?
‘Is it a challenge?’
‘If that’s what it takes…’ Anne shrugs from her spot on the floor, unrepentant.
The girl sighs but crouches down. It doesn’t seem to take too much effort for her to lift Anne in her arms and start walking, her hold confident and comfortable as if it had happened many times before.
‘Yeah?’ The girl turns around.
‘You can use my shower if you don’t want to wait.’
‘Thanks Cata, you’re the best!’ she smiles brightly at her before leaving the room, Anne in her arms.
‘That’s your Kat?’  
Cathy hears Anna asking but after that, she honestly has no idea what the others talks about or even what she is thinking until the girls returns, Anne once again carried in Kat’s arms.
Kat gently puts her down on the armchair before leaving the room again. ‘Need anything from the kitchen?’
‘No, thanks!’ Catalina calls back, before addressing Anne. ‘You know, they say you should keep moving, this is only going to make the pain worse later on.’
‘That’s a problem for future me.’
‘I would apologize saying that she isn’t normally like this, but I’d be lying.’ Catalina turns towards her friends.
‘Hey!’ Anne protests as Kat comes back, sitting on her armchair’s armrest and passing her a glass of juice.
‘Thanks Kitty.’
Catalina is going through presentations when Cathy suddenly comes back to earth. ‘Wait, you’re Lina’s cat??’
‘Possibly?’ Kat replies, hesitant confusion in her voice, while Anna, Jane and Lina look at their friend weirdly. They probably already went over it. Oops!
‘I mean, it’s Katherine.’ The girl continues.
‘Me too!’ More odd looks.
‘But most people call me Kat. Or Kitty.’
‘I better be the only one calling you Kitty.’
‘And the overprotective one is Anne,’ Kat slings an arm around the other girl, ‘if she didn’t present herself.’
‘Cathy? You alright?’ Jane asks as they walk towards the bus stop after leaving Catalina’s home. ‘You’ve been spacing out.'
‘Yeah.’ She nods. She hesitates, before blurting out. ‘Do you think they are dating?’
‘Who? Kat and Lina?’ Jane laughs.
‘No! Anne and Kat!’
‘I’m sorry, but am I the only one who thought that when Lina talked about her Kat she was talking about a cat, like, actual animal cat, meow?’ Anna interrupts them.
The look exchanged between Jane and Cathy gives her the answer. ‘So it wasn’t just me.’ Anna nods to herself, relieved.
‘Some things make more sense now,’ Cathy muses aloud, ‘like Lina not having her scarf because she gave it to her Kat.’
‘And some things don’t.’ Jane points out. ‘Kat on the table, anyone??’
‘The cat is on the table.’ Anna laughs. ‘Sorry.’ She can see her friends don’t understand why it’s funny to her. ‘When you learn English as a second language, that’s often one of the first sentences you learn.’
‘How did you meet?’
They are all back at Catalina’s house, this time Anne and Kat joining them from the start.
‘We were frenemies.’
Anne’s answer doesn’t really explain much.
‘We dated the same guy.’ Catalina expands on it.
‘Henrat.’ Anne mutters darkly, before adding, ‘Not on purpose.’
‘Certainly not.’ Catalina scoffs.
‘He told me he was going to break up with her. That it was taking some time because they had been together for years and it was hard. And well, naïve mistake of thinking myself different or better…Spoiler alert, if someone cheats on someone with you for months, chances are they will cheat on you too, sooner or later.’
‘Oh.’ That was not the story Jane was expecting when she had asked.
‘Yep. So…soon after we officially get together, Henry is out every night, just sleeping around, like what the hell?!’ Anne looks around, as if seeking support from her audience. ‘So I thought if that's how it's gonna be, maybe I'll flirt with a guy or three just to make him jel. Henry finds out and he goes mental. He screams and shouts, like so judgemental.’ She rolls her eyes.  ‘We were at a party and he was like "you damned witch”, which wow, talk about outdated, but anyway, I go “mate, just shut up, I wouldn't be such a bitch, if you could get it up”.’
‘It rhymed!’ Kat points out like she does every time Anne tells the story.
 ‘Is that what you said?’ Anna sounds impressed.
‘Yep. Everyone heard that too. He’s been wanting my head since.’ Anne shrugs. She didn’t regret it a bit. ‘And not in the sexy way.’
‘So it’s a “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” situation?’ Jane looks like she is trying to wrap her head around it. She isn’t sure she would be willing to be friend with someone she got cheated on with, doesn’t matter if they are not together anymore.
‘Not really. I didn’t want anything to do with her…or Henry. Until I saw him harassing a girl. Well, flirting according to him, but she looked so uncomfortable and so young. Especially compared to him.’
‘Yeah, I was 16.’ Kat pipes up.
‘So I shooed him away. Comfort the girl, who was pretty shaken. Have her call someone and wait with her…and who shows up?’
‘Anne.’ Jane guesses correctly at the same time.
‘And that would have been the end, but Kat wanted to thank me and keep in touch and…it’s really hard to say no to her.’
‘Yeah. Especially when she gives you the KHoward look.’ Anne nods solemnly. It’s a patented weapon she has fallen victim of many many times.
‘Uhm? The what?’
‘Do it, Kitty.’
‘It’s not a party trick.’ Kat protests. But everyone is looking at her expectantly. She lets out a sigh. And she obliges the request.
‘AWW.’ Jane coos, while Anna nods. ‘I get it.’  
Cathy is just speechless.
‘Yeah. And suddenly that scene in Shrek made sense.’ Catalina adds.
‘It didn’t before??’ Anne looks almost offended.
‘Well, I never had a cat before, how was I supposed to know?’ Catalina defends herself.
‘Wait!’ Cathy suddenly exclaims. ‘K?’
‘Yeah? Katherine, you know?’
'Oh.’ If Cathy could dig a hole in the floor and disappear, she would. ‘Ignore me, I swear that I’m usually not this much of an idiot.’
‘We know.’ Jane reassures her.
‘And even if you were, we wouldn’t mind...I mean, we love Anne anyway, don’t we?’
A betrayed gasp. ‘Catalina! You turned my Kitty against me??
Catalina is laughing so hard that she is crying. 'My Kat, I love you so much!’ She finally wheezes out.
Cathy is smart. She is! But apparently she turns into a complete simpleton in the presence of pretty girls...or more specifically of one pretty girl called Katherine Howard. Sure, she had fumbled in front of girls before, but never to this degree. An absolute and utter disaster.
‘Anyway,’ Catalina starts again after regaining her breath, ‘long story short, we kept in touch. It was not Kat’s fault what Anne did, anyway. And they were living together and when Anne had to move, it made sense for Kat to come and live with me.’
‘But now you’re back?’ Cathy’s question is completely disinterested, of course.
‘Soon permanently.’ Anne smiles at Kat, nudging her.
‘Where are you going to live?’ Anna asks the younger girl. ‘Are you going to move out or stay here?’
‘Oh, she is trying to win her back.’ Catalina nods towards Anne.
‘I never lost her.’ Anne retorts.
‘I’m not a prize to be won.’
‘I’d argue about that.’ Cathy mutters, getting an amused look from Anna, the only one who heard her.
Kat heaves a sigh. ‘I would suggest we could all live together, but I don’t think I can deal with this on a daily basis.’
They hang out. It’s quite difficult to get everyone together, between classes and jobs and other commitments, but in smaller groups it’s easier and more common. That’s how Cathy finds herself at the pub with Anna and Anne, her and Anna celebrating having finished a big assignment and Anne joining because Kat and Catalina don’t particularly like going out drinking and she misses doing it.
Cathy has mixed feelings about Anne. Is she pretty? Yes. Is she smart? Yes. Is she funny? Yes. Does she hate her a little bit? Also yes. Is she going to get drunk while trying to keep up with her (and Anna, but her Teutonic constitution puts her on a whole other level)? Again, yes.
She pretty much checks out, lost in thoughts, until a shrill ‘Kitty’ brings her back to the present...and to Anne hanging from Kat’s neck, nuzzling into her. ‘You came!’
‘Of course, I did. You called.’ Kat says as if there has never been any other option.
Did Cathy mention that she hates Anne a bit?
‘Time to go home?’ Kat asks, while rubbing Anne’s back.
Anna raises an eyebrow at Anne, still wrapped around the newcomer, and then chances a look at Cathy, slumped on the table. ‘I think we better.’
‘Do you have a car?’
Anna shakes her head. ‘No, I planned to drink so...’
‘Good.’ Kat smiles at her. She is happy to play chauffeur if it means her friends are being safe and responsible. ‘Let’s get you all home.’
Anna helps Cathy to Kat’s car while the younger girl helps Anne.
‘Cathy, where-’ Kat looks at the rear-view mirror only to see that the girl is asleep. ‘Do you know where she lives?’ She asks Anna, the only one still awake.
‘I know she lives in a hall on campus, I might even remember which one, but no idea about the room, sorry.’
‘That’s okay. I’ll just take her home with us, then.’
‘Are you sure?’ Anna looks to the backseat, both girls dead to the world.
‘Yeah. I can carry Anne, I’m sure she won’t be much of a problem either.’
Kat drops off Anna and then drives home. Once she parks, she texts Catalina to open the door for her.
She picks up Anne and carries her home. ‘Can you stay at the door and keep an eye on the car?’ she asks Catalina before manoeuvring inside, careful not to bump into anything lest Anne wakes up. Few minutes later she comes back, goes to the car, and picks up Cathy.
‘What?’ Catalina takes the car key Kat is holding with her teeth. ‘Say that again?’
‘I said hand because I wanted to drop the key in it.’ She adjusts her hold of Cathy. Not that she is heavier than Anne, but she has no qualms grabbing and holding Anne, and if she grazes her butt or her boobs, so be it. Cathy is a relatively new friend, and she is more conscious of any touch, no matter how accidental, that could make her uncomfortable (well, if she was awake to realise it, anyway). ‘Lock up for me, please?’
Storytime: I was 2000 words deep into this when an atrocious doubt came to me…was Kat actually pronounced the same as cat?? English is a weird language and not my native one so I started to worry…did I just base my story on something that made no sense? Also (perhaps more important), had I butchered people’s names for years without knowing? As someone whose name is often mispronounced (well, in the UK at least, since it’s Italian), I felt really bad about that. So I asked a native-speaker friend and he said it sounds the same. So if he trolled me (he told me he wasn’t, but who knows) and Kat doesn’t sound as cat…I hope you enjoyed the story anyway (and let me know so I can get back at him!)
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twisted-nox-sidus · 4 years
I was in the mood for fluff.
Headcanon AU prompt: Child!Strix suddenly warps to TW! As the dorm leaders argue who would be the first to take her in for the time being, she selects the dorm leader on a whim and grows attached. Saddled as babysitters by Crowley, how do the dorms take care of her? 
Note: I had made a post of Child!Strix before. Keep in mind that she’s mute at this age and relies on actions than words to communicate.
Baby Strix fled to the safety of Riddle’s long cape and curled up inside despite his protests. She was in a cocoon by then.
The card boys almost dread the worst when Riddle came back cradling a sleepy little girl wrapped snugly in his cape like a blanket. The sight was so tender, they were nearly convinced it was someone pranking them.
Riddle was confident to show Strix a wonderful time at Heartslabyul. On the same day he had Trey bake his delicious cakes and treat her to his favorite strawberry tarts soon after.
The boys take turns carrying her. They almost die of diabetes whenever Strix gives nuzzles on their cheeks and hugs around their necks. So precious! She’s an angel! Deuce actually cried (manly tears mind you) once. Ace was never gonna let it up.
The Heartslabyul gang are just one big family. Trey and Cater are the parents, the first-year trio are their chaotic kids, and Riddle is the exasperated eldest son who tries to keep the whole family in line.
Strix plays dress-up with Cater and he does her hairstyles. It’s clear he totally dotes on her the most as he has an older sister. Having a little sister like Strix is delightful!
“Can we adopt her? Please?” “Cater, the headmaster already signed the custody papers.” “Really?!”
Ace and Deuce alternate carrying Strix as she paints roses red. They also make up quicker when Strix is around so they don’t make her sad.
The hedgehogs and flamingos are quite attached to Strix. They were practically surrounding her. Cater had abused the camera roll by then. He can’t bring himself to delete a single pic! But his memory storage is near reduced to tears...
Bonus: Che’nya randomly popped in during their tea party sweeping Strix off her chair and adoring this cutie patootie. Strix’s shock subsides when she noticed the pierced pointy cat ears and pets them while Che’nya carried her on his shoulders. He even only made his head visible so he’d give the others a spook when he came back while Strix is too focused on his kitty ears to realize it. It was so surreal, let me tell you.
Strix approached Leona and looked up with sparkling blue eyes. Fluffy kitty ears are nice! Not scary!
Leona groaned. He himself doesn’t want to take in a kid -especially a girl- back to Savanaclaw. She makes easy prey the moment she steps in. He has a weak spot for children, too.
To Leona’s bewilderment, the girl climbs on him like a tree until she sat on his shoulders and touched his cat ears. She nuzzled her face in his mess of hair and smiled, pleased.
And so, Leona returned to the dorm with a baby owl perched on his head. When she was asleep he dumped the job onto Ruggie. He should get paid for this, damn it. He didn’t sign up for babysitting!
Strix’s attention would wander to Leona’s flicking tail. She would try to catch it and run around Leona’s legs to try to get a feel, or pounce on the bed if he’s sleeping, however it would slip out of her tiny reach. She seems to have fun, though. She behaves like a cub sometimes, it’s really adorable.
Strix would do her best to help Ruggie clean Leona’s room. If only the dorm leader would follow her example...
Baby Strix growling stomach is like a mouse squeaking. Ruggie didn’t think a child’s stomach could make such cute noise.
Jack is saddled with a kid while Ruggie and Leona take care of their own duties. Where is the instruction manual for this?
Strix would fall asleep on Jack’s tail that substitutes for a pillow. Or his fluffy head, one way or the other. It’s easy to watch over a kid when they’re asleep almost 24/7. When she is awake, she would climb on him like he’s a jungle gym.
One time when he gave her an awkward pat on the head, she firmly held his hand in place and she. Freaking. Nuzzled into his palm. Nuzzled her nose to it with a cute smile and blush.
Jack only had Strix for five minutes, but if anyone harms her he will kill everyone in the area and then himself. It’s that meme :D
Every time they go out, the boys would firmly place their hands over her ears to block any foul language Savanaclaw has to offer. They also make it clear to other fellow students to keep their paws off her. Her innocence must be protected.
Similar to Riddle, Strix went to hide under Azul’s draped coat. Azul then eagerly agreed to take her in. There’s profit to having an adorable guppie at Mostro Lounge, is what everyone called him out on. Azul doesn’t deny it.
Floyd definitely carries Strix by the shoulders. At first it was all fun and games, with how tall being on him was... Until he sporadically pretended to almost drop Strix that she clung to Jade’s secure arms while trembling like a leaf. For once, Jade had a justified reason to smack his brother on the arm without rousing sibling hostility. Floyd got depressed by the flick of a switch.
Strix’s eyes always wanders to the view of the underwater scenery. Her face was glued to the window in Mostro Lounge for how beautiful and breathtaking the sights were. Once, she lied on the floor in the glass corridor admiring the fishies that swim by. She never got tired of it for hours.
Floyd took the opportunity to join her on the floor in hopes of making up to her. Child Strix is a gentle soul to have forgiven him, and the two spent time just relaxing together until Jade and Azul came to pick them up (of course it was weird for two people to be on the floor). Strix was asleep by then.
Strix got curious about the grand piano. Azul played a few tunes before inviting her to join him. She pressed a few random keys that were out of tune, of course, but Strix was excited regardless. The glint of intent interest to explore the practice made him chuckle.
He teaches her the basics. He also encouraged her that her hands are perfect for the piano, which is no lie, and that she would become a wonderful pianist if she continued practicing, much to her delight.
Baby Strix would doze to sleep as Azul played relaxing music, all curled up while her head was atop his lap. What a pure soul this one is.
“Kalim put Strix down!!”
Jamil has another -literal- child to babysit. At least Strix is well-behaved unlike Kalim. Why can’t he take a page from her book?
Kalim has plenty of siblings. His brotherly love rubbed off Strix and made her open up to him more quickly than others.
Kalim bought every kind of ribbon that looks good on Strix. Too bad practically everything is adorable on her.
Jamil really doesn’t mind feeding another mouth. He’s whipped up feasts that feed hundreds of guests for Kalim’s banquets and parties, especially at the last minute. What’s two people to sweat about?* Magic carpet rides are exhilarating for Strix. They were like the baby roller coasters she rode on, but this must be the grownup’s version.
Strix admires Vil’s dorm outfit between her fingers. The interior red design has fancy apple designs.* Vil boasts how even a toddler recognizes his beauty to compare to other students who fail to see it through their thick skulls.
Like Cater, Vil dresses her in outfits deemed complimentary to Strix and her stunning blue eyes. Strix didn’t mind since Vil was having fun.
Strix is amazed by Epel’s apple craftsmanship. It’d be a shame to eat them, she feels. After being reassured he’ll make more again, she never leaves a crafted apple to rot.
Strix finds Rook’s mannerisms and French confusing, but that’s okay. She’s a child that doesn’t know better. Though she has a feeling she’d still find him elusive even as a grownup.
Like a kitten, Strix is all-too curious about Idia’s long blue flaming hair and paws at the tips. He had to bunch his hair into a ponytail during her stay.
Idia has his little brother Ortho. Surely he can handle Strix. “Those are two separate things!” He’d exclaim. Too bad that doesn’t prevent him from being a babysitter right off the bat.
Ortho is excited. Now he’s in the shoes of a big brother. He hopes Strix will be an incentive for Idia to come out of his room.
Strix liked how warm and comfy Idia’s jacket (his “school uniform”) looks. She slipped inside while Idia was taking a shut-eye from the monitor and zipped up the zipper before snuggling closer to his warm body heat. It’s like hugging a heater.
Idia woke up to a fright. What if he crushed her under his weight?! That’d be dangerous!
He looks down to see the content smile on her lips. With a sheepish huff he plopped his head back on the pillow. Another five minutes wouldn’t hurt.
To every dorm leader’s surprise and fear, including Diasomnia’s himself, baby Strix fled to Malleus’ side. His intimidating aura should have warded her away, yet when Strix looks up from the folds of his cape with pure and honest blue eyes, there was no fear. Even as a toddler she knows no fear of one of the most powerful magicians in the world.
Strix dislikes thunder, and thus is scared of Sebek and his lightning bolt for hair. She would flee behind Silver’s leg and stay away from Sebek as much as possible.
Sebek had to befriend her through an owl marshmallow pillow (after listening to Lilia’s advice). Watching her squeeze the pillow made many shed tears from the sweetness. You could practically see flowers and soft light surround the two.
Sometimes they would walk in the lounge to see Strix dozing in the sleeping Silver’s protective arms wrapped around her securely. Like two peas in a pod.
Lilia is amused whenever he looks behind to see Strix lifting his oversized Diasomnia uniform as much as possible from the floor. She follows him like a duckling because of that.
Once, Malleus got depressed for not being invited to an event. Strix tugged on his pant leg and he picks her up. Then she pats his head before giving him a hug in consolation. How sweet, though he realized how the roles have switched; he’s the child, and Strix is much mature for her age.
The day after that Strix would pull him over to where everyone sat before a pretend tea party set. If Malleus had the shame to cry he would have done so. Ugly sobbing, amirite?
Malleus may not admit it out loud, but he’s happy. At least someone knows to remember to invite him. The fact it’s a human child says a lot.
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lis-likes-fics · 4 years
Severus Snape x Professor!Reader
(You can also find this and more on my Wattpad Page, @Mrs--Marvel! I hope you enjoy!)
You were a professor at Hogwarts. Severus Snape had become the new headmaster and the once lively halls of Hogwarts had now become gloomy.
The famous students, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley had not returned for their seventh year at Hogwarts and everyone began to wonder what had happened to them.
You had a snake, her name was Esperance. Even though Hogwarts didn't allow snakes as pets, Dumbledore allowed it for you, though you both had to keep that secret.
You used the Engorgio and Diminuito Charms on her so she would fit in your pocket out of your room. The only other person who knew about your snake was Headmaster Snape, even then, he let you keep her.
You never knew why.
Everyone had been called to the Great Hall. You walked along side your house as you lead the students. When you arrived, it was dead silent, all of the students lined up in their house groups.
You felt Esperance wriggle around in your pocket, you stuck your hand inside and pet her a little to calm her down. When you stuck your hand back out, you rested it at your side.
Suddenly, Snape entered the hall, his robe billowing behind him. He passed you, keeping his face forward. You took a deep breath and lifted your head as he walked to the front and center, putting his hands in his pockets.
There was a silence until Snape finally spoke, "Many of you are surely wondering, why I have summoned you at this hour..."
"It's come to my attention, that earlier this evening... Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade."
At the mention of his name, students and professors began murmuring.
"Harry Potter?"
"Sighted in Hogsmeade?"
"He's back?"
"Now..." Snape spoke, grabbing everyone's attention once again, "should anyone...student or staff attempt to aid Mr. Potter? They will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transcription, further more... Any person found have knowledge of these events...who fails to come forward...will be treated...as......equally guilty."
Pause. Snape began walking through the four groups down the middle. He suddenly stopped next to you, giving you a quick glance and turning his attention toward the Gryffindors.
"Another...If anyone in here...has any knowledge...of Mr. Potter's movements...this evening...I invite them to step forward."
Another pause.
"Now..." He finally finished.
There was a long silence, you didn't dare look up. You kept your attention to the floor, every now and again looking inside your pocket to make sure Esperance wasn't creeping out.
After a long, suspenseful silence, someone stepped out of the group. You looked to see who it was, everyone began muttering, talking to the person next to them.
When you saw him, you gasped slightly, muttering, "Mr. Potter?" He spoke, "It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies...you still have a security problem, Headmaster. I'm afraid it's quite extensive."
The doors to the hall opened as a herd of witches and wizards stepped into the hall, marching up to stand behind Harry.
Snape stared at Harry. He looked miserable. You wanted to reach out and grab his hand, but you stayed where you were, keeping your attention on what was happening.
"How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night? Tell them how you looked him in the eye...A man who trusted you, and killed him. Tell them."
Suddenly, Snape whipped out his wand. Students gasped. Esperance began to wriggle madly in your pocket, you placed a hand on your pocket to soothe her.
All of the students and staff spread out into the corners of the room. You and McGonagall the only ones to step in front of Harry.
As much as you liked Snape, you had to protect him. You and McGonagall stared down Snape. He looked you in the eye, a sudden emotion flicking between them, gone before you could identify it.
You held your wand out, waiting for him to make a move. McGonagall moved her wand in a circular motion, fire coming out of the tip. You didn't fire a spell, if he was going to attack, you were going to defend.
Snape only blocked the attacks that McGonagall made. It was strange to you. If he meant to hurt anyone, he was strong enough to do.
But he didn't. As McGonagall moved forward, you stayed, standing by Harry in case a spell was directed toward him.
Snape used a shadow spell and headed toward the window, breaking the glass as he darted through.
McGonagall yelled, "Coward!"
You turned to Harry, "Are you alright, Mr. Potter?"
He nodded, "Yes, Professor. It's good to see you again." You nodded back to him, "It's good to see you, too."
Hogwarts was at battle, Death Eaters were trying to get into the castle, but the student and staff alike fought to keep each other safe.
You had followed the Golden Trio, whether they went, trouble followed and you would help them if they needed it.
As they stood down next to a shed. You joined them. They jumped at the sight of you. Ron spoke, "Bloody hell, professor. What are you doing here?"
You shushed him, "They have enough help there. You need help as well."
They nodded to you and you all looked through the broken window, seeing Snape and You-Kn- Lord Voldemort.
You almost shivered at the name, but you brushed it off. "You have performed extra-ordinary magic with this wand, My Lord, in the last few hours alone." Snape said, his hands behind his back.
You held your breath at the sound of Voldemort's voice, "No. No. I am extraordinary. But the wand resists me. There is no wand more powerful. Ollivander himself has said it. Tonight, when the boy comes."
"It will not fail you, I am sure...It answers to you, and you only."
"Does it?"
"My Lord?"
"The wand, does it truly answer to me? You're a clever man, Severus. Surely you must know... Where does its true loyalty lie?"
"With you...Of course, My Lord."
"The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly, because I am not its true master. The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine."
You gasped, "No." You stood.
He continued, "You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus. But only I can live forever."
"My Lord..."
Voldemort swished the Elder Wand, Snape gasped and fell back. You took out Esperance and spoke quietly, "Engorio."
Esperance grew big, growing to a length a little bigger than Voldemort's, Nagini.
Voldemort spoke, "Nagini...kill." The snake darted toward Snape, striking in a deadly kill. Before it could make the last strike, Esperance shot after it, taking a good bite, but not effectively killing it. The snake disappeared with Voldemort.
The three rushed out with you. You knelt next to Snape. "No, Severus. No." You turned to Esperance, who slithered toward you. "Go get her, girl." You told her, apparating her to the castle.
You turned back to Severus, taking his face in your hands. Harry was next to you. "You're not dying." You told him.
You pulled out your wand, using a spell that could heal him. You knew one that he made, you just hoped it worked. "Vulnera Sanetur."
You saw his wounds healing slowly. As he spoke to Harry, you continued to heal his wounds. Snape cried in pain as he told Harry, lifting his hand to his face.
"Take it. Take it up, please!" He said.
"Give me something! Quickly, a flask. Anything!" Hermione got him a vile. Snape turned to you, "Take it."
You set your wand ti the side, Hermione giving you another vile. You and Harry each took one. "Take them to the Pensieve."
You looked him in the eye. "Severus..." You muttered the spell again, the wounds healing slowly.
"Look at me." He said. Harry looked him in the eye, you did as well. You couldn't lose Severus. "You really have your mother's eyes." He turned to you. You looked deep into his eyes as he spoke, "I..."
Severus began to grow cold. You uttered the spell once more through tears before checking his pulse. Please, just a beat. Please. You thought.
His pulse was slowly, you didn't know if he was going to pull through. You continued uttering the spell, not will to give up. The wounds healed. You checked his pulse again.
Did you do it? You couldn't tell. Please pull through. "I need to get him somewhere safe. He can't die." You said.
"Professor...he's gone." Harry told you. You yelled, "He's not gone!"
Harry stood. He and his friends slowly left, leaving you to Severus.
Take them to the Pensieve.
You knew you had to. You had to. For Severus.
You looked at him once again. You leaned forward, placing a soft kiss to his forehead, you mumbled through tears, "I love you, Severus Snape."
You stood slowly, dragging yourself away. He can't be gone. He isn't dead. No. He'll be back.
You headed to the Pensieve. By the time you reached it, Harry was already gone.
It was empty, dark. You walked up to the Pensieve. You took the vile, examining it briefly before pouring it in the water.
You took a breath in and placed your face inside.
Black wisps rushed down and formed into the memories of Serverus Snape. Snape sat at the table, quiet, his straight up at he examined the room.
"Please welcome a new member of our staff, Professor Y/N Y/L/N." Dumbledore announced. You stepped out of the corner and in the view of the students, taking your place behind your chair, placed next to the potions master, Professor Snape.
You sat next to him. He spoke slowly, as if testing you, "Severus Snape." You held out your hand, "Hello. It's nice to meet you, Professor Snape."
He nodded, taking your hand. You were the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Even more beautiful than Lily Potter.
The black wisps took place again, swirling around to find him stopping by your class, watching you teach your students as they smiled at your lesson.
You looked to the Gryffindors, "Mr. Weasley. The next time you see Fred and George, please tell them to try not to fold their assignments up and try to fly them across the room. It's terrible for cleaning."
The Weasley nodded and you looked at the door, seeing Severus. You smiled and turned back to the board to continue teaching. Snape could help but let the smallest smirk through.
The memory switched to the Yule Ball, you in your beautiful gown. Severus walking up to you as he asked, "Would you like to dance...Y/N?"
You smiled, "I'd love to, Severus."
Again, the wisps returned, switching to the face that haunted the entire wizarding world. Voldemort.
The traitor, Peter Pettigrew, flicked his fingers like claws as the haunting face of Lord Voldemort passed by.
"Can you risk your life every day to protect the boy?" Dumbledore asked.
Snape spoke, "He possesses no measurable talent, his arrogance rivals that of his father's and he seems to relish in his fame..."
It switched once again.
Dumbledore's hand was burnt, a ring set to the side as Severus examined it.
"Drink it, it will contain the curse to your hand, for the time being. It will spread, Albus."
"How long?"
"Maybe a year?"
Severus swished his robe as he went to leave. Dumbledore stopped him, "Don't ignore me, Severus. We both know Lord Voldemort has ordered the Malfoy boy to murder me. But should he fail, I should presume the Dark Lord will turn to you. You must be the one to kill me, Severus. It is the only way. Only then, will the Dark Lord trust you completely. There will come a time, when Harry Potter, must be told something. But you must wait, until Voldemort is at his most vulnerable."
Snape asked, "Must be told what?"
"On the night Lord Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow to kill Harry...Then, Lily Potter cast herself between them...the curse rebounded. When that happens, a part of Voldemort's soul...latched itself onto the only living thing it could find...Harry himself. There's a reason Harry can speak with snakes...There's a reason he can look into Lord Voldemort's mind...A part of Voldemort lives inside him."
" So, when the time comes...the boy must die?"
"Yes...yes. He must die."
"You've kept him alive, so he can die at the proper moment? You've been raising him like a pig for slaughter."
"Don't tell me now, that you've grown to care for the boy."
Severus' face was blank. He swished his wand in the air and muttered, "Expecto Patronum."
A doe...and a (your Patronus) illuminated through the air, dashing around the two wizards. They danced together as they darted through the window, disappearing slowly.
Dumbledore spoke, "Lily...and Y/N. Both? After all this time."
Snape replied slowly, "Always."
It switched to a memory of you. You smiled at him, laughing little at the teachers' table in the Great Hall. Snape couldn't keep his eyes off of you as you both talked.
The black wisps reappeared, rushing back up.
You pulled your head back up and caught your breath. You covered your face as you cried. "Severus."
He can't be gone.
The Battle at Hogwarts was won. The sun shone on the castle, fallen and crumbling. You tended to as many people as you could.
You found Esperance as she slithered down the hall, students and staff jumping back at the sight of her.
You spoke, "It's okay. She won't hurt you unless you threatened her or me." She came to you and you held your hand out. She placed her head on it and you carefully picked her up.
You grabbed your wand and shrunk the snake to a normal size to let her rest on your neck. She hissed in your ear, flicking her tongue out as you walked down the halls.
You went outside to the Whomping Willow, placing your hand on it. You didn't know why, but it didn't freak out at your touch. You had a way of calming it. It sway slowly in the breeze and you leaned against it, sitting down with your back against the bark.
You remembered the times you and Severus spent here. Suddenly, you heard a noise, "Who's there?" You asked, whipping out your wand.
As the figure stepped out slowly, your wand dropped to your feet. You took a step back and covered your mouth. "Severus!" You yelled as you threw yourself into his arms.
He held you tight and spoke, "Y/N." You wrapped your arms around his neck, never wanting to let go.
He smiled, a rare one. When you finally pulled away he looked into your eyes. He spoke, "I love you, Y/N Y/L/N."
You smiled, replying truthfully, "I love you too, Severus Snape."
You leaned forward and your lips connecting in a kiss you've been wanting for years. You loved him and he loved you.
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astralastrid · 4 years
USUK/UKUS survey by @americapersonified
Tagged by @hariible so here we go!
In what decade did they officially become involved?
The fics have ruined me. So I'd probably say during or after WWII. Plus that's when the "Special Relationship" was coined.
Who tops? (USUK or UKUS?)
*Looks at the UKUS server I made* idk you tell me
Honestly though Arthur probably has more relationship experience, so he's more confident and willing to take the lead. Alfred is actually secretly shy and modest about this stuff! (I mean, I do think we Americans are more conservative and modest when it comes to romance?) Plus like, Alfred finally feels like he can trust someone and let them take care of him, that he's loved when the whole world mocks him... Whoops got a little angsty there
Was either of them a virgin before their first hookup?
It's time for me to unveil my demi!America headcanon that's just me projecting aw yeah
Alfred is. He actually thought he was ace before he met Arthur because he was never interested in that kind of stuff, preferring to cuddle instead. But once he met Arthur he trusted that he'd take care of him and stuff and wanted to try it.
If not, to whom did each lose his virginity?
Alfred to Arthur.
Arthur to? Idk Francis probably? I do see FrUk as like, a past thing. Along with SpUk and PortEng. So one of them probably.
(Read more bc LONG post)
Are they more patient with each other in private, or do they bicker/tease each other all the time?
Haha projection time 2.0
Bro, like, a good relationship should have teasing anyway (unless your partner isn't ok with it!) so definitely. But Alfred actually gets self-conscious about the things that Arthur teases him about so he has to stop and tell him how much he loves him and stuff. But in general they're more patient because they've come to understand each other and love the other's quirks.
Will they ever get married?
Yeah but after a while. Alfred wants to do it right away but Arthur rejects him, saying that the don't need rings to prove that they love each other. He promises he will eventually. I like to think after gay marriage legalized in the States they celebrated by getting married.
If so, where will the wedding be held? (Add other details if you wish.)
Hopeless romantic Ame time!
Can you have more than one ceremony? No? Oh well. Summer wedding in America, Fall Wedding in England. I don't know much about wedding planning but I read a headcanon that was like "their vows were so beautiful it made everyone cry" and I support that. Both of them cry during the other's too. Lots of tears shed on both sides during everything. Lots of white and silver and gold because yeah. None of this stupid "one of them wears a dress" business. Like, it's ok for a relationship to be masc/masc and fem/fem like don't heteronormalize it. So two tuxes. Probably no "walking down the aisle?" Maybe they both come in from the sides idk. A cheer when they kiss. "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis is their first dance. Arthur probably sings "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" after their first dance. Wedding cupcakes is galaxy brain so wedding cupcakes. Multiple flavors.
At whose house do they most often stay together?
Alfred's. It's larger anyway.
Do they refer to each other by their nation names or human names?
Human names. Nation only for business.
What pet names do they have for each other?
Arthur: Love, (The most common one) Darling, Dearest, Dear, Poppet (2nd most common) Alfie (extremely rare, or when drunk. Alfred adores when he calls him this though.)
Alfred: Babe, Baby, Artie, Art, Honey, Sweetie, Sweetiepie, Sweetheart, Sweetcheeks.
Who drives?
Both, Alfred loves to drive! But Arthur gets nervous because Alfred can drive like a New Yorker, (that is, aggressively, quickly, a bit dangerously, lots of honking from him and others) especially when he's in a rush or late, and god help everyone when he has road rage.
So Arthur judges the mood and insits if he knows Alfred is probably gonna drive like that.
Is Alfred good at making Arthur’s tea?
Dude of course. It's never quite perfect of course, but you don't date someone for decades without learning how to make their lifeline. In this vein Arthur also knows how to make Alfred's coffee. (And since this isn't a question, Alfred likes it blacker than black in the mornings, and all sugared and creamered up after work and in the evenings.)
It’s universally accepted that Arthur sucks at cooking. Does Alfred enjoy cooking? Is he good at it? Or does he usually stick to McDonald’s and fast food?
Ok yeah but I headcanon Arthur can bake, like really well. Ok yeah I know about his scones but maybe he's just bad at making those specifically.
Alfred loves to cook. He loves to grill even more. But he likes to experiment and try new stuff and he's damn good at it (because cooking is just another science!) So his meals are like comfort food. Almost restaurant quality. Boy could be a chef. But he also loves his fast food and instants. (Kraft's Mac and Cheese is so good.) And yeah he loves Mickey D's but have y'all ever been to like, Noodles and Company or Sonic? Like, there are some GOOD fast food joints and I'm sure he loves them all. Arthur probably doesn't like burger joints but does like places like Panera.
Do they shower together? (Often; not specifically for sex.)
Sometimes? Idk man it's hard as shit to wash your back so yeah? Also the tenderness of giving your lover a bath? I'm🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Who smells better? (In your opinion.)
People just smell like, people, and to the other they each smell like home.
How vocal are they in bed?
Alfred’s so LOUD lmao. But Arthur loves it. If he was more of a memelord he'd record and make a remix of his sounds.
Who has the more active libido?
Definitely Arthur.
Is spending time together easy, or are they forced apart for long periods at a time?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't know how politics work? Do important government officials have to be there in person for meetings?
Let's have two senarios here:
Let's say they do, and they have to be apart for periods of time. Both the boys have separation anxiety and HATE being apart, so there's always the fear and the paronia and concern when they are apart, and they have almost daily video chats. It's really hard on both of them. They text and call often too. They miss the other dearly. When they reunite they kiss and cuddle like they need it to survive. They're much more affectionate with each other and spend every moment they can together to "recharge" before the "hyper-affectioness" goes down. Leaving is super difficult. Lots of tears and hugs, promises to be back asap, longful stares and apologies. Cursing their job and such. Desire to quit or face the consequences and just stay. (Which is completely blocked by the other.)
Let's say somehow they work something out and they can spend long amounts of time together with minimal travel. Sometimes they get into fights or just get on each other's nerves or just need some alone time. Alfred will go run or excercise while Arthur goes to a café until they're ready to make up/miss and want to see the other. Business trips help keep tensions low, but they're still painful.
Are they wealthy? Or do they live modestly?
I’d say like average people. Arthur probably likes it a bit more tasteful and stylish though, so little hints of wealth. Also, Arthur basically has a library for his book collection that acts as his study and Alfred has his own study and a gaming room. They have the prettiest garden you ever did see though. And a really nice patio. With a nice backyard and grill.
For Alfred specifically: Glasses on or glasses off?
On! Except in the bedroom.
How often do they break up?
Rarely if at all. They probably did once and missed the other so badly that they promised never to do it again, and always talk it out. Sure they get into fights and one of them will storm off, but they both understand that that usually means the other needs to cool down before they can talk.
Open relationship?
Did Arthur actually care for Alfred before the American Revolution?
I really want to say yes, because of how it was portrayed, but honestly? I don't think the U.S. was any different from England's other colonies. He'd occasionally check up on all of them, but he was super surprised at how fast America grew.
Of course once the war happens he's riddled with regret. Maybe if he treated him better this wouldn't have happened. War with a colony for their independence is ugly anyway. Even after the war, I don't think England was as heartbroken as it was portrayed. I think he was depressed about it for a while, but eventually got over it. It still took him, like any colonizer, a while to see him as an equal though, which infuriated America. However they are both completely over it and don't talk much about it anymore. It's all in the past for them.
@milopottz (I know we don't interact but 👀)
Tag people if you want, so
Also @alifeasvivid and @anyone who wants to
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lastcrystalwitch · 3 years
Feeling Guilty Taking Time for Myself
When there are many things that need to get done, sometimes it seems like I am looking at a to-do list that is never going to end. I attempt to run around the house, studious and determined, to meet the day with expectations that I will have a cleaner house vs. the mess that it was previously in. I just need to remind myself that doing a little bit every day will get me to the cleanliness level that I am so desperately searching for.
I grew up middle-upper class. My mother was a house wife, and took great pride in keeping the house clean. Even if I go over there now it is spotless.
This means I grew up with a discipline system that when you made a mess, you were criticized, punished, or scrutinized. Needless to say, it is ingrained in me that success comes from being clean, neat and tidy. When dishes aren't piled in the sink, there will be no excuse for bugs to take up residence. When I lived in Arizona in with an ex who liked to have parties and friends over who never picked up after themselves, forced me to deal with infestations of cockroaches. Much to my horror and the irreverence of my ex-husband and his roommate who left pizza boxes half way piled to the ceiling. Not only was I unappreciated, but I was busy. I worked two jobs and went to school full time, paying most of the rent and paying for my college and his. I put him through school. I wonder if he ever got off his entitled ass and put in the hard work and got his degree? I was not respected, appreciated, and my needs were never put first unless I put them first.
2012 was a horror show.
I have lived in filth, much to my dismay and been completely out of my control from people moving in animals who had fleas, and possibly parvo, and have payed over a grand fixing my mom's house infested with fleas because of other people who brought their pets over my house and infected my pets. I have been the one, time and time again, to self sacrifice myself to help others, fix others problems, clean up their messes. Now that I am older, and wiser, I am learning what it is that makes me tick. And for me its unacceptable for others not to help out.
But I have to change. I have to be able to tell others that they have to help instead of just expecting them to pick up a broom and get to work. I just don't want to sound like a nagging person. But I realize that others simply don't have the same priorities that I do. And this is a difficult pill to swallow, kind of. Never assume that someone knows how you feel. How can they? People can't read minds. You can read a room. You can read someone's body language. But unless you let them tell you what the hell is going on inside their head, you can only assume. And circular thoughts of assumptions lead to misunderstandings. Lack of communication period will break up a relationship.
I need to get better at saying what I want. What I need, and what I expect. That is what has made trouble in the past with roommates. I just have such an ungodly fear of hurting other people's feelings. A real fear that is as real for me as a natural disaster is real to the residences of that area. This debilitating fear of rejection, and fear of disappointing others can no longer be an excuse for me not to move forward with growing as an individual. And self reflection takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of work. But if we never strive to get better ... we never will.
But I've had only 25% control of the cleanliness of my house so far. With myself usually being the only person who cleans out of the 4 people who used to be there, its easy to feel out of control, hopeless, constantly stepping on wires, dirt, dust, and trash and dirt absolutely out of control. I was the only person cleaning routinely for the past 2 years basically. No one else seems to put cleanliness as a priority except for me. It simply felt like no one cared. And I thought no one cared on purpose. That they didn't care about me. I thought that since the house was never cleaned, it was all up to me.
But at what cost?
Its possible to keep a spotless home, or at the very least a tidy home, but everyone has to be on board.
Oh. And did I mention? My house has been a construction zone for the past two years with people constantly moving in and out of it. I helped purchase the house, but I have had zero control over the residents.
I grew up with a manipulative narrsacistic mother, a misunderstood dad who was never there because he was always at work, and a single brother who turned to bullying as a way to deal with what he was going through growing up. There were always feelings of I am not good enough. I am not a good enough student. I am not a good enough daughter. I was always trying to please others, and dealt with more mental abuse than you can shake a stick at. Its enough that I wrote journal after journal so I'd never forget about the unfairness exacted on me, horrific stories that would make you want to put your fist through the wall.
The bullying and constantly being told that my emotions and thoughts were wrong, and then told how I should be thinking, forced me into thoughts that self harm and mutilation is acceptable. Its really not okay to be treated that way. Because if I'm not doing something right I should be punished. I have since identified this as an irrational thought. But this was just a dip into my past reality. No one can ever scream at me and abuse me the way that I have done to myself. Because I expect it now. Before, I was okay with that. That was normal for me.
When I GTFO of my moms house in 2007, she called the cops on me because she thought, correctly, that I was running away. For me, it always takes someone else who cares about me, to tell me, no. The way that your mom treated you was wrong. My friends have told me, previous boyfriends, and even their entire families have told me what an abusive dysfunctional family I have suffered through as I was raised.
You know what makes me laugh? My mom is so caught up in herself that she cannot see how she's hurt me. She tells me that my previous boyfriends manipulated me and brainwashed me into thinking that she was the bad guy. Which wasn't true. I ran because I needed to get the hell out of toxicity at any cost or I was going to cut too deep one day and that would have been the end of it. Had I stayed in that situation. There was so much injustice that I was suffering, that when my chance came to not only get a college degree and move forward with my own life, I took it. Moving out in the middle of the night, not telling my mom where I was going. Getting married so that I could put myself through college, which I did. Taking my favorites with me and gaining guardianship of my best friend who was 16, and moving her out of a toxic situation as well. I picked everyone up that I cared about, and with the three grand that I had saved from working Monday-Friday since I was 15, I took others with me. I helped others start their life over. I helped give myself and others, that second chance that they were so desperately in need of. I saved a life. And I will never take that back or change my mind that leaving the best decision that I ever made in my life.
With one roommate out the door for new beginnings, and the second one about to venture off on great adventures, I will have only two weeks to have the house to myself for the first time since I bought it two years ago. My life partner and I will be alone in the house with just our pets, and dreams. I am greatly looking forward to it.
I plan to clean the house spotless before his family moves back in with us, two weeks after everyone has left. Honestly though I am very excited to have his family stay with us. His sister is super smart, retired Navy, and has a brilliant mind that is second to none. Her husband is a happy go lucky go getter that doesn't mind sacrificing a day to help me go run errands. He is able to keep most of the things on my list in his head, and its amazing because this means that I'm not forgetting a butt ton at the store. Their daughter is a cunning little angel. She's super smart. 4? I think?
I'd really like to take them to a park once it warms up and do some professional photos for them. They have a beautiful family! And some of the kindest coolest people I've ever met.
His sister is interesting to talk to. She has a mindset that is very different than mine, and very logical based, where I have a very intuition based mindset. She illuminates points of view, that are refreshing, feministic, and not selfish, but thinking of yourself first, which is what I am trying to work on.
My brother in law once told me I needed to stop being passive aggressive. I'm working on that.
I think his sister is a very good role model for me, and I look up to her because my brain is always flooded with how I can take care of everyone else, and while she has a kind heart and good morals, she always looks out for herself and family first. This is different than what I do, which I'd like to change. Because It is difficult for me to think of myself first at all. Except the bare minimum.
For people like me, I have heard, it can be difficult to relax. It can be easy to get overwhelmed because I flood my brain with a list of tasks half a mile long, and think of others worries more so than my own. My old way of thinking was, if I make them happy, and help solve their issues, they'll be happy and that will make me happy. But this is a flawed way of thinking I am realizing.
Don't judge me. We all learn life lessons at different times in our lives. I have had a lifetime of poor inner thought process that I finally feel like I have the tools I need for self recovery, and reprogramming my brain.
It has been a hard past year. Many, many dramatic changes, heart break, and suffering. Many many tears have been shed, bonds have been strengthened, people have been pushed to learn lessons they haven't learned yet either. Not just me. We've all changed. We've all grown. The difference between me and everyone else is, I'm ready to become a better version of myself through self reflection, not succumbing to negative self talk, but shaping my mind to be more positive instead of me just mentally putting myself down. I'm using tools like, meditation, exercise, positive self talk, gratitude, routine, spending time with myself for myself, music, writing out thoughts, and getting enough sleep, which I aim for 7 hours a night. Sometimes I make it sometimes I don't.
But these are the tools that anyone can use to help them feel better and improve themselves. I highly recommend using these tools which when you realize that if you take care of yourself and listen to your inner voice, and take control of your feelings ... it's the recipe for happiness.
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joannevixxon · 4 years
Love Comes At A Cost
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An Elsamaren fanfic by JoanneVixxon on AO3
The Fifth Spirit is one of many myths that came to life. And, not all myths are meant to be saviours in times of woe.
Just as Arendelle welcomes Queen Anna into her reign, the Northuldra wade through their newfound freedom under Elsa’s protection. Unbeknownst to them, lurking behind shadows awaits a monster whose anger finds peace in the demise of innocent lives. 
[Chapter 1: Anna’s Astute Mind]
Preview: “How ever cold a fortitude of silence Elsa bore, it melted, came undone at the seams, shed its mask of immaculate armour, once Elsa leaned forwards to rest her elbows languidly against the railing, as if to ask for back rubs instead. Like a steed to its master, the Queen of Ice and Snow bowed her head ever so slightly to her Northuldra companion.”
[Chapter 2: This Warmth Has A Name] 
Preview: “This warmth. It has a name. Proclaimed at times most opportune. Sometimes it teeters at the edge of one’s lips— nothing more daunting than to have its existence brought center stage. It had always been there in Elsa’s life. Lurking behind curtains when Anna met her closed doors. Burning bright in her mother’s lullabies. It was Elsa’s oldest companion. The hot to her cold. The light to her dark. The quencher of her fears.”
Chapter 2: This Warmth Has A Name
It all started three weeks before, when Elsa had just turned twenty-six. 
Along with Honeymaren, Ryder, Yelena and the others, Elsa celebrated her “sorta-quarter- of-a-century birthday”— as Anna proclaimed it at every seizable opportunity— in Arendelle. A full week and a half whizzed through before anyone could fully revel in Christmas celebrations and solstice festivals. For the first time in forever, Arendelle stood hand in hand with the Northuldra, to ring in the winter season with a Yule Bell that sat atop the castle’s facade. 
It flourished into a jubilant eleven days, complete with every variant of chocolate-drenched dessert imaginable— fruits with chocolate fondue, chocolate mousse, chocolate tiered cake, chocolate parfait, you could go on forever. The doors to the Great Hall were kept open for the citizens of Arendelle to dance, savour the taste of scrumptious treats and seek refuge from the crisp winter air. As per Queen Anna’s request, the castle kitchen stocked a hefty supply of lutefisk to keep Elsa’s cravings at bay for another week or two. 
Elsa honestly couldn’t have dreamt of a more perfect occasion for which she could spend time with her family and friends, Arendellian and Northuldra alike.
She returned to the Enchanted Forest at night, welcomed at last by the quiet noise of forest critters and sea breeze. Though her body was tangibly there, kissed by the smoke wafting from campfires, Elsa’s mind had remained to saunter through the hustle and bustle of Arendelle’s winter parties. That was, until she realised how pensive Honeymaren had been throughout their journey to Northuldra. 
The two had yet to reach the level of intimacy that Elsa and Anna shared. Despite the stark contrast in their characters, the two sisters could detect each other’s disquietude in as much time as it did a whiff of chocolate from the kitchens— in other words, immediately. Aside from a chilly draft whisking into the room, Elsa had the habit of pressing into her palm where her gloves used to cause an itch, arching shoulders, vacillating around any space you’d call a window or a balcony. Anna usually stammered her way into a blabber, biting her bottom lip, flailing her hands and pacing in a spot altogether.
But what about Honeymaren?
Elsa dawdled her way to Honeymaren, who sat quietly on one vacant bought at their usual spot around the campfire, petting the nape of a baby reindeer. 
“Is this seat taken?” asked Elsa out of courtesy.
Honeymaren lips curved into a weary smile as she shook her head. Hesitantly, Elsa plopped down beside her.
“Honeymaren,” said Elsa, trying not to sound like an overly concerned parent. She settled with a tone of affability, with just a hint of nonchalance. “Are you okay? You’ve been a bit quiet,”
Honeymaren paused to survey their camp. Young brothers and sisters were plagued with a fit of giggles as they chased one another down on winter-crusted soil. In the large, oddly extravagant shed of ice— courtesy of none other than Elsa— reindeer herders could be seen sharpening their spears and daggers. Nourishing the camp with youthful music were the elders, who were either blowing into fadno flutes or plucking zithers. The night was as lively as it was serene.
“I’m okay. Just tired,” said Honeymaren. “Thanks for asking, Elsa. I appreciate it,”
Elsa tensed at the curt response, as she gently petted the baby reindeer’s hind. Somewhere amidst the reindeer’s soft coos of bliss, she hoped to find a balm to her fluttering heart. “Was Arendelle... a bit too much?” asked Elsa, though her question aimed furtively to the droopy-eyed calf. “I understand if it’s too noisy and colourful and overwhelming—”
“What? N-No, no at all, Elsa,” stuttered Honeymaren. Quickly peering into Elsa’s eyes, she placed a hand on Elsa’s back. “I love coming to Arendelle. The things you do with lingonberries! Who knew they could be tastier than they already are? And those boxes that magically tell you the time—?”
“Clocks! They’re amazing!” Honeymaren let out a chuckle.
Every tendril of muscle in Elsa’s body melted as Honeymaren rubbed her back. Any average citizen of Arendelle wouldn’t dare to come three feet into Elsa’s space, let alone rest a finger upon her cool skin. But, the Northuldra saw physical contact as a means of sharing one’s innermost sentiments, relaying passions upon the slightest brush of one’s shoulder, speaking louder than words, unvarnished and raw. 
“I’d go there everyday if I could...” said Honeymaren wistfully before looking away. There it was again. The look of apprehension shot to the ground, as if the hook of a piercing gaze could fish a fickle dream out from the barren soil. “I want to know everything there is about Arendelle... And the world beyond...”
This restless demeanor was anything but foreign to Elsa. She’d seen it countless times in the eyes of a young blonde, trapped on the other side of her mirror. The Forest to Honeymaren was perhaps what queendom was to Elsa in its dying months. A cage with its doors left ajar. A set of chains with its keys jangling by one’s feet. A trap, tattered, loose and unhinged. 
The prospect of breaking free from a prison that was once home, was becoming less and less an elaborate fantasy to Honeymaren and more an optional reality.
And it terrified her. 
The unknown. 
“I should bring you over more often,” said Elsa, before realising what had tumbled out of her lips. “I-I should introduce you to everyone. Give you a tour around the whole kingdom. See my favourite views, my favourite hiking trails...”
“Really?” Honeymaren’s eyes widened in disbelief. “You’d do that? For me?”
“Of course,” said Elsa in a daze. “Anywhere you want to go in Arendelle. I’m more than happy to bring you around,”
Honeymaren’s smile stretched from ear to ear. Just as Elsa opened her mouth to ask what had truly ruffled Honeymaren’s feathers, the brunette cradled the baby reindeer in her arms and rose to her feet, never leaving Elsa’s eyes unattended. “I want to show you something,” She cocked her head to the side and extended a hand.
Elsa stood, her hand fastening in Honeymaren’s. For someone who could triumph over her brawn of a brother in a spar, who could hang from a tree upside down, who could hold a baby reindeer then in the crook of one arm, Elsa never found Honeymaren’s hands any less delicate in her clasps. Elsa caressed her thumb over Honeymaren’s, making sure to come off as habitual than deliberate. Sure enough, her skin was just as soft as her touch.
“What is it?” asked Elsa, curiously.
Honeymaren bumped shoulders with Elsa and winked. “You’ll see,”
Fingers intertwined, Elsa let Honeymaren lead her to whatever it was she wanted Elsa to see, stealing glances to the back just in case her snowflakes had stalked them from above. 
Elsa was in control. For now. 
Into a small clearing, they entered, greeted by the soft amber light of a solitary campfire, on top of which perched a steaming pot of burbling stew. Several wooden shafts neatly lined the outskirts of the area, adjoined by several twines knotted in perfect bows. 
Had Yelena decided to bring a semblance of Arendelle’s lamp posts into the forest as decor? 
Once Honeymaren drew Elsa to the campfire, she jogged back to the tents to deposit the slumbering baby reindeer. It suddenly struck Elsa that Honeymaren had brought the reindeer along as an excuse to leave Elsa for a moment. 
Something was about to happen. Something special. Elsa sensed it. Hoped for it. Wished upon a thousand stars.
Out from the thick blanket of looming shadows, Honeymaren reappeared, with what seemed to be everyone else from the camp. Elsa fidgeted with loose strands of hair as the area flooded with family after family— little boys and girls, mothers and fathers, and elders. All eyes locked on her. With Elsa’s tension palpable from miles away, Honeymaren hastily returned by Elsa’s side with a reassuring smile, clasping one of Elsa’s hands with both of her own. For the first time since fleeing from her coronation ball, Elsa’s heart yearned to burst free from her rib cage. 
Could everyone see her tremble? Was she freezing the floor? Was that her snow?
Yelena finally stepped out, wearing the widest grin Elsa had seen from her. She took Elsa’s other hand, as did everyone else with each other’s shoulders, forming a human spiral.
“Elsa,” said Yelena, her deep voice stoic yet tender. “You and your sister have granted our people a freedom we have long abandoned in our prayers. For all the despair that has consumed us for the worst part of thirty-four dark years, you have kindled a flame of hope within our hearts, motivating our people to take steps in mending old wounds, to discover what lies beyond this sacred forest, to unite and thrive together as a community, and to live to our fullest potential. For your undying love to our families, we dedicate a vuelie to you, as a symbol of eternal gratitude,”
In an instant, the camp broke into song— into a vuelie that Elsa hadn’t heard before. 
Yet, its lilt was as foreign as it was familiar. Elsa’s magic pulsed through her veins to a rhythm not so different. Its cadence reverberated through Elsa’s bones, lulling her storm of thoughts to the peaceful voice she heard ringing in her ears. 
Her mother. Her siren. Her call. 
This was a vuelie, specially made for Elsa.
Elsa opened her eyes, to see the forest painted in a blue haze, by the ocean of fireflies buzzing behind barren trees, by the moonlit sky splashed a river of stars, by Bruni’s fire which blazed along the posts and their ropes. 
Elsa felt her entire body shrouded in warmth. This warmth. It has a name. Proclaimed at times most opportune. Sometimes it teeters at the edge of one’s lips— nothing more daunting than to have its existence brought center stage. It had always been there in Elsa’s life. Lurking behind curtains when Anna met her closed doors. Burning bright in her mother’s lullabies. It was Elsa’s oldest companion. The hot to her cold. The light to her dark. The quencher of her fears. 
Breathing life in as far as it echoed, the vuelie hushed too soon after it began and so did the soft buzz of forest critters. Elsa blinked into space, floating into reverie.
Yelena shot Honeymaren a glance, before turning to look at Elsa again. “Also,” continued Yelena with a smile. “Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, and have a Happy New Year, Elsa,”
This warmth. It was Love. It swaddled her, as if to celebrate her own being— once Princess of Arendelle, once Queen, now Fifth Spirit, now Elsa in her truest element. Elsa felt loved. For all her beauty and flaws, she was loved.
Years of preserving queenly composure crumbled as tears rolled down Elsa’s cheeks. The entire camp stood dumbfounded in silence.
Yelena seemed like she contemplated a gesture of consolation— a squeeze on Elsa’s shoulder, perhaps. In the end, she simply coughed into a fist. “It was Honeymaren’s idea,”
“H-Hey—” stuttered Honeymaren, panicking as Elsa’s weeps turned to sobs. “Elsa, are you—”
Elsa pulled Honeymaren into a tight embrace, knocking the wind out of Honeymaren’s lungs as their chests collided. They had never been this close, whimpers seeping into Honeymaren’s ears, shoulders trembling against Honeymaren’s chin. 
Worrying others for her personal turmoil was a peeve of Elsa’s that stood the test of time. And yet, she prayed for all that she felt bellowing within the confines of her tightening chest to find its way to Honeymaren’s heart. To have the burden of inexplicable pain be carried in companionship, than in solitude. To be taken care of. To be shared. To be understood.
Careful arms wrapped around Elsa. First hesitant, then resolute, Honeymaren rubbed Elsa’s back in a way she knew best— with fondness. Slowly, Elsa’s hug grew limpid. Her sobs lulled to heavy breaths. The weight of her arms rested on Honeymaren’s shoulders. 
She felt at ease.
If Decadence made itself the crux of one’s love, it would’ve taken the form of a human being named Honeymaren. She was as sweet as her name suggests. As soothing a balm as honey. 
“Thank you, Honey,” mumbled Elsa into Honeymaren’s collar. “ I love… I loved it,”
Yelena snickered, ambling away from the two. “Told you,” she said to another elder in a loud whisper. “If it’s Elsa, ‘Maren’ is never going to be her nickname,”
Elsa pulled away an inch, blushing. “Honeymaren,” 
“Yes?” replied Honeymaren, eyes widening.
“I-I meant to say ‘Honeymaren’,” Elsa looked furtively to the crowd around them, voice still cracking. “I don’t know why I said ‘Honey’. Well, I-I mean I do know. I just thought about how sweet you— t-this— was. You can be sweet. You are sweet. Goodness gracious. I didn’t mean—”
“Elsa,” said Honeymaren softly, wiping the tears off of Elsa’s pink cheeks. “You can call me Honey,”
“Oh... Oh, okay,” Sniffling, Elsa threaded her fingers through her blonde hair. “Only... if you want me to...”
“I’d like that very much, Elsa,” Honeymaren stroked Elsa’s knuckles with a thumb, blotting out any certainty Elsa had in the furtiveness of her caresses just moments before. Honeymaren hugged Elsa again. This time tighter. Warmer. “I love… I’d love that very much,”
Turns out that pot at the centre of the camp had bidos simmering away. It was a Northuldra stew that Elsa took delight in but had mixed feelings for— what with the carrots, potatoes… and reindeer meat. The thought of eating Sven, or the dozens of baby reindeer she coddled every morning with warm hugs and icy fractals, had always hovered above her head when she ate bidos, too nebulous to be tucked away, too vile to be hidden and ignored. 
Herding reindeer for sustenance was just something that irked Elsa. Or, perhaps, it wasn’t reindeer herding, but the sad reality that furry creatures live in as both epitomes of cuteness and victims of slaughter. Would she feel the same way about whitefishes used for lutefisk or chickens used for roasts, had she lived this close to her food?
“Onto your second helping?” teased Honeymaren, sitting beside Elsa. She pretended to thoroughly inspect Elsa’s bowl of bidos. “How unlike you,”
Elsa daintily covered her mouth with her fingertips as she swallowed, snapping out of her ponderance. “I like it,” said Elsa with a simper. “I want to… relish in this moment,”
“Oh?” said Honeymaren, intrigued. “And what kind of moment is this for you?”
Elsa’s eyes fluttered closed as she attempted to immerse herself in her five senses. The past year of meditation practices had proved this to be second nature. “I can see everyone having fun, dancing in the moonlight, chatting around the campfire… I can hear the echoes of my vuelie ringing in my ears.... The waft of embers tickling my nose…”
Honeymaren rested her chin on Elsa’s shoulder at this point. Maybe it was sisterly instinct, or better yet, a jolt of courage bestowed by the gods of sympathy themselves. Either way, Elsa found herself stroking Honeymaren’s head. 
Elsa figured that fatigue had washed over the brunette, being the mastermind of Elsa’s surprise. Elsa herself had a hand in planning a surprise for Anna’s 19th birthday and that culminated with a snowgie-infested cold. 
Surprises were no easy feat.
Elsa felt grateful but guilty, indebted to Honeymaren’s acts of kindness, compelled to repay her with the same sweet type of affection. A strong compulsion then surged into her conscience, coaxing her to try something that she’d seen Anna do to Kristoff time and time again. Gulping, Elsa threaded her fingers through Honeymaren’s thick black hair, and slowly, gently, casually, massaged her scalp. 
Honeymaren was pleasantly warm to the touch, like blankets that had been soaked overnight in body heat, or carpet tassels lazed before hearths. As if Honeymaren’s own body had betrayed her adamancy to not respond— not through the weakest of whimpers or the softest of sighs— she grew warmer and languid as Elsa’s fingers leisurely ventured their way from her crown to the spot behind her ear, before finally adding pressure right where her head met her nape.
Her silence was stifling to Elsa. Perhaps, there would’ve been no harm in continuing with a description of this moment. Which human sense was this? Touch? Once a taboo to Elsa. Now, an unspoken language of Elsa’s deepest desires. “The feeling of… your hair… in my hand,”
Honeymaren chose that moment to flinch away, staring intensely at the crowd, whose backs were all that could be seen from their seats. Elsa figured her caresses had truly gone unnoticed this time. Did Honeymaren hate head massages? Did Elsa cross a line? She should’ve asked. She wasn’t thinking through…
“I-I’m sorry,” stammered Elsa, hoping to squeeze some wisdom out of her thick skull as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “I shouldn’t have— Not everyone— I’m sorry,”
Something tickled Elsa’s wrist. Looking between her fingers, Elsa found Honeymaren trying to clasp her hand. Her soft grip seemed to say “look at me” and “look away”, all at once.
“Sounds like four senses,” whispered Honeymaren, her hot breath tickling Elsa’s ear. “That leaves taste,”
Elsa’s shoulders arched. “O-Oh… Well... I can taste bidos... lingering on my tongue,”
Honeymaren peered downwards, paying no heed to Elsa’s awkwardness. “I haven’t had the chance to... have a taste,”
Elsa took a deep breath. 
One thing she’d learned from Anna and Kristoff was that couples spoke in code, like a cypher of romance. Just that, she didn’t know if Honeymaren had actually meant to use it. 
They were merely friends after all.
So, was Honeymaren flirting? Or… Was she asking for a bowl of bidos? Was Elsa supposed to lean forwards and kiss her? Or stand up… and… grab Honeymaren a bowl of bidos? 
Should she ask what Honeymaren meant? 
That would’ve been pathetic. 
An embarrassment.
Time stood still, arms crossed, as Elsa listened to the cacophony of her thousand bickering thoughts. Her silence reeked the scent of docility. It was tempting. Magnetising. 
As if their proximity wasn’t all too indicative, Honeymaren inched closer.
Not before long, a strong gust of wind suddenly meandered its way through the crowd, taunting them with a sweep of dust and leaves. 
“Be careful of the fire, sweetheart!”
“What the...?”
“Is that—?”
“It’s winter! The last thing we need is wind!”
“Hush! Do not anger the spirits!”
In a heartbeat, the gust of wind halted before Elsa and Honeymaren, circling in a spot by their feet. Everyone spun around to trail the beast of a breeze, as Elsa and Honeymaren shifted away from each other, putting enough room to fit a reindeer between themselves. 
Honeymaren dipped her face into her palms.
“G-Gale?” called Elsa, acutely aware of everyone’s curious stare. The change in mood hit her like a whiplash. “Is that you?” 
Gale swivelled around Elsa’s wrist, yanking her by the arm. Stumbling forwards, Elsa found herself falling on all fours, palms digging into dirt.
“Gale? What’s wrong? What happened?” asked Elsa, flicking dirt away from her hands. She could tell how frightened the Wind Spirit was by its frantic whiffs.
The breezy spiral around her arm brought with it some dark liquid. As the embers of the campfire flickered across the soil, Elsa caught sight of a red tinge. 
It was blood.
“Water has memory…”
Holding her breath, Elsa blasted a small stream of ice, letting Gale reconstruct a scene they had witnessed. Building layers upon layers, the snow congealed into ice, and the ice crystallised into a sculpture of intricate detail. 
The crowd broke into murmurs of fright and confusion.
The sculpture took the form of a Nothuldra man with his back against a boulder. A dagger was unsheathed, perched atop unclenched fists. There was only so much that could be deciphered. But, that figure was as lifeless as it could have been for an ice sculpture. 
His hair was unkempt, nose wide, brows thick and chiseled.
Everyone made no mistake in thinking that it was Ryder.
Elsa didn’t dare turn to face Honeymaren. 
She shut her eyes and grimaced, bracing for a shriek, a swooning body, a clambering towards the sculpture, as she had done with Anna’s frozen form years ago. Instead, she found Honeymaren seemingly turned into a statue herself, speechless and riveted to the ground. 
Elsa felt as if her body was dunked into the depths of Ahtohallan.
“Honeymaren,” called Yelena, squeezing her way out from the crowd. She trotted to the two young women. “Honeymaren. What’s Ryder—“
“The reindeer,” stuttered Honeymaren, her voice suddenly small. “The herd… was missing one or two reindeer. He went to look for them where they were last grazing on lichen,”
Jumping to her feet, Elsa strode to a stream trickling down close by. “Nokk!” called Elsa, voice laced with panic. “Nokk, we have to go! Gale, lead the way,”
Amidst the yelps of awe and shock from the crowd, a vehement neigh echoed throughout the forest and a ferocious water horse emerged with a splash. Gale circling beneath her soles, Elsa mounted Nokk without an inkling of hesitation.
Elsa was about to click her heel when Honeymaren ran towards them with a staff in hand. “Lemme come with you,” said Honeymaren, as a statement rather than a request.
“Honey,” replied Elsa, her heart aching. “It might be dangerous. I—“
“No! Stop!” Honeymaren tugged Elsa by her knee. “He’s the only family I have left! If anything happened to him, I need to see it with my own two eyes. Please.”
Elsa paused as those very eyes filled with hot tears. She’d do the same for Anna. How obtuse must Elsa be to deny Honeymaren this right? 
“Okay,” said Elsa, extending a hand. Time was of the essence. “We do this together,”
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larkiwrites · 4 years
The Lucky One
AU: Marvel / MCU Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Reader (Y/N) Word Count:  1,658 Pairing: N/A Warnings: None Summary: A Marvel/MCU AU one-shot where you’re a part of the Avenger’s team and one day, while taking a break, you find (and bring home) a stray dog... without consulting the team.
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You had lived with the world’s mightiest heroes, the Avengers, for about a year now. They had found use in you and you had happily accepted their offer to move into the tower, it was a fresh start. Today you took a break from life in general and made your way around the heart of the city; Times Square. You didn’t get free time often so when the opportunity struck, you ran with it.
After getting a hot dog from a street vendor you walked aimlessly, taking in the sights and trying to pretend you were a tourist like everybody else. You had gone with the standard superhero disguise (baseball cap pulled low, over-sized sunglasses, indistinct and generic clothing) and so far, you hadn’t been noticed. You were fortunate enough to snag an empty bench and sat to eat your lunch. It was loaded and messy but it was delicious and worth every penny you had paid.
You heard several screeching brakes and honking cars just behind you as you neared the end of the hot dog. Your hands halted half-way to your mouth as you turned to see what the cause of the commotion was this time. With pedestrians weaving their way about it was hard to get a good view but within moments it became very clear what had caused the taxi drivers their anger. A scruffy and far-too-skinny dog appeared, its tail between its legs and its ears flat against its head.
“The poor thing’s terrified,” you mumbled, talking to yourself. You glanced down at the remainder of the hot dog in your hand and began to whistle to the pup.
A teenager swung their leg toward the dog as if to kick it away when it approached them. You felt your own anger begin to boil then and quickly found yourself standing, yelling at the kid to knock it off. You had caught the dog’s attention with your actions so you did your best to flip from anger to approachable-kindness as quickly as you could. You crouched a bit and whistled again, extending your hand with the little bit of meat and bun that was left.
“Come here, boy,” your sing-song voice carried to the dog, urging it to trust you. You made kissing noises, patted your knee, extended the food as far as you could with your other hand- everything you could think of.
The dog’s head cocked to the side and it cautiously approached you. The teen swung another leg again, calling out obscenities and telling the dog to get out of the area. Luckily for you the dog skittered toward you at this, rather than running away. You took your sunglasses off, tucking them into the neckline of your shirt, and glared at the teen. Their eyes met yours and recognition crossed their face, fear quickly following it. Your reputation with the Avengers apparently preceded you. You smiled to yourself as the kid grabbed their friend and high-tailed it out of the area, leaving you with the pup.
Other pedestrians continued to weave about, meandering and site-seeing. Several times you were nearly knocked over but you continued to wait patiently and coax the dog to you. You had no idea what you were going to do if it came to you, you didn’t have a random collar and leash hanging out in your bag, but you couldn’t bring yourself to just leave it.
After what felt like a lifetime the dog finally came close enough to smell the food in your outstretched hand. A grin broke across your face as it hesitantly licked the bun and you urged it in a soft voice to take the food. Finally, the dog took the food from your hand, seemingly gulping it down without chewing, and then began to greedily lick your fingers. While the dog was distracted you subtly moved toward it until you were able to wrap your arms about the scrawny animal.
It wasn’t an overly large dog to begin with and the fact that it was skin and bone left it even easier to pick up and hold. You felt bad for the poor thing but were grateful that it wasn’t too large for you to carry. Once you had it securely in your grasp, and after finding no collar or identification tag on the pup, you began to walk. If your memory served you right, there was a veterinarian not too terribly far from where you were. It would be a trek with the dog but if an Avenger couldn’t manage a few New-York blocks then were they really an Avenger?
Several hours later you and your new buddy entered the elevator of the Avengers Tower. You pressed the appropriate button for the shared level and began the rise up. Once the vet had checked the dog thoroughly and confirmed that it had no microchip, you decided to keep it. After giving the pup its vaccinations and some heart-worm medicine, they gave you a collar and leash. You had explained how you had found the animal and confirmed that you intended to take them home with you. Once done, the two of you headed to the nearest groomer.
You and a now-clean and overly happy pup exited the elevator and made your way into the living room. You weren’t sure if anyone was home, everyone had their own way of enjoying their day of freedom, but you figured you would at least try to introduce everyone. You were hoping someone would be able to help you come up with a name for your new friend, too.
“Hello? Anyone here?” you called into the seemingly empty room. Oh well, you would just head up a level to the mini-apartment Stark had offered you when you had moved in. You still didn’t have any real supplies for your new companion so you figured you would get to work ordering them online.
After getting your new friend comfortable in your place you left to make a quick trip for dog food. You could wait a few days for the dog bed, toys, and treats to be shipped to the tower but you desperately wanted to feed the dog tonight. It was obviously hungry and rather than giving it the junk food often found in the shared kitchen for the team, you figured some healthy food made for pups would be a better plan
You made the trip fast and headed back to the tower as quickly as you could. Grabbing an empty Tupperware container from the still-empty kitchen, you headed up to your apartment with a bag of dog food in-hand. The scruffy pup was beyond delighted to see you when you came in, and even more excited when you poured its food into the Tupperware container.
“There you go, buddy,” you cooed as you pat its head and it began to dig in, “Now we just gotta find a name that fits you.”
When the sun began to set you knew the team would be congregated in the large room that connected to the kitchen. It was split between a living space with comfortable seating and an over-sized television, and a dining area with a sturdy and large table designed to fit all of you and some guests. You wanted to surprise everyone with the team’s new pet so you hooked the pup to the leash and headed for the elevator.
For the second time that day you and your new companion exited the elevator into the common area. The dog had warmed up to you considerably through-out the day but upon entering the shared room and hearing the common-place noise and commotion of your team, they reverted back to their old shell. You noticed when its ears flattened and its tail tucked under its legs so you stopped just outside of the elevator and knelt next to your new friend. You comforted it with affection and spoke to it in calm and soothing tone until it seemed to relax a bit and became willing to walk with you.
“Hey, (Y/N), where’ve you been all—” Sam cut off before he got to the word ‘day’, “Is that a dog?”
His words caught the attention of the rest of the team, all of whom made their way over to you. You crouched next to the pup again and continued to encourage it in front of its new family.
“Where the hell did you get a dog?” Sam asked while Natasha and Steve exclaimed in excitement and came over to envelope the pup in love. Within moments the dog shed its scared demeanor and began to shower the two very-dangerous assassins in equal amounts of affection.
“Well, he kinda found me. He didn’t have any tags or a microchip so I got him groomed and brought him home,” you smiled, standing back up as Steve and Natasha took over the dog’s attention. You shared the story of how the dog had come to you in Times Square and explained you were happy to shoulder the responsibility and keep it with you in your room.
“You….brought a dog….here?”
You laughed, “Why yes, Sam, I did. Meet your newest family member.”
“What’s its name?” Wanda asked as even the Winter Soldier cracked a smile and began to demand the dogs love.
“Oh, I don’t know yet. I was hoping you guys could help me come up with something fitting.”
“Oooh, how about Chance?” Steve piped up, “Because your meeting was by chance and totally based on luck?”
“Luck! Name it Lucky, because its lucky you were there to save it from that mean kid,” Wanda suggested.
“I like those but aren’t they a little common for a dog?” Sam added.
“Besides, I’m the lucky one, I think,” you commented, scratching behind the pup’s ear.
“How about Schastlivyy?” Bucky’s voice was quite but his suggestion evoked a warm grin from Natasha.
“It’s Russian,” she explained, “It means ‘Lucky’.”
The group, your family, all seemed to agree. Schastlivyy, or Livyy for short, was home.
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(divider by the lovely Firefly Graphics)
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