#river crossing riddle
dubiousdisco · 1 year
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quimichi · 4 months
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warnings: bad treatment towards reader (Riddles part), bad writing :3
summary: You meet their families
characters: Heartslabyul x F!Reader
word count:
a/n: I originally planned to do all in one part but I decided not to since it's so so much and I'm currently having a writers block but I wanna make you guys happy so-its in parts :(
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Riddle's mother is a strict woman, and she does not hide her dislike for you. She frowns the moment she sees you and crosses her arms. The situation is tense as she watches you, her gaze sharp and unblinking. She seems to be considering your motives with her son, but it is clear that she has a low opinion of you for some reason.
Riddle is nothing compared to her; he has no power, he's weak standing beside you. Yet, he stands proud, he loves you and no matter what his mother will say, his mind won't change. "Mother," he begins. She shoots a hard look at him. With that stare, she seems to say 'do. not. talk."
Riddle goes silent. He knows that if he does talk, it might ruin her approval...if that will ever happen. But you decided to speak up, nervously, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you! Riddle has told me so many lovely things of you!" you bow down, showcasing your respect. His mother's expression does not change. She seems to consider you for a while before speaking:
"Do you think yourself worthy of my son? Do you think you are a good match for him?"
It's clear that she is sizing you up, and her gaze is piercing.
"Yes." Riddle grabs your hand and gives it a tight squeeze. Showing you his support, no matter what he won't back out either, cause he knows whats coming. Your words only draw a frown from his mother. Her expression turns sour.
"I do not think you can give my son the life he deserves. You are too low class for a nobleman. It is clear why you would date him, but what do you have to offer us? It would disgrace his name and our family to wed a commoner. A magicless commoner!" She continues to size you up. She is relentless. Her frown only hardens with every passing moment.
"My son is a nobleman. He deserves a woman of nobility. Riddle dear, I know the perfect girl for you she-" "No!" His voice rings through the halls with booming thunder.
"How dare you," he shouts, his eyes like daggers. He looks as though every muscle is about to tense up so hard it'll burst. "She is good enough. She is worthy of my love. There is no one in this world who I will ever love and admire more! If you don't agree with this relationship then-!...Then I might just leave.
Riddle is standing protectively in front of you now. His heart is thrumming so hard he can feel each pulse. His last words were spoken unsure, timidly, but it's the truth.
"...Then do."
Trey's parents are thrilled to meet you. The moment they saw you at their doorstep, they took you into their family. They are gracious hosts, offering you food and drinks as soon as you step into the house. Everything is warm and welcoming. Not to mention the cake they baked for you!
The afternoon tea goes smoothly, with conversation flowing as easily as a river. "Again, thank you so much for the tea and cake! It was absolutely delicious!" "It was nothing," Trey's mother says as she refills your mug. She smiles warmly, keeping herself composed with effort. She has heard a lot about you, after all, and the impression she has received so far has been wonderful. Its hard for her to contain her pure excitement, she might explode. All her husband can do is calm her down with a hand on her shoulder, smiling both at you and his wife.
Trey doesn't dare say anything, his lips pressed shut in a smile as he watches from his place. He doesn't want to draw attention to himself, content to watch you and his parents interact.
"BROTHER!" You hear two voices yell from the hallway...seems his siblings arrived from school. Trey's young siblings finally make their grand entrance, their voices filling the room with an unexpected cacophony of excitement and joy. The scene is a chaotic one, but in a good way.
His younger brother runs up to you immediately, "Oh-Oh-! You're the pretty girl-!" Before you can question anything his sister also tunes in, "Ohhh-! She really does look as sweet as gum drops-!" "You two, shush immediately-! I'm so sorry-!" Trey's mother apologizes for the behavior of her youngest children, but you shake it off. How could you ever be upset about the honesty of those sweethearts. You definitely will have a word with Trey once you get back...
Cater never kept it a secret, how much he despises his sisters and mother sometimes. More than once he told you stories. But he has also told you that slowly, the relationship gets better...slowly.
Cater's mother is especially overbearing. She tries her best, but she seems almost incapable of not adding only their favorite sweets to the tablem. She is a bundle of nerves, and she often dotes on Cater. It's as if she finds comfort in treating him like a child, because he is so quiet and calm. Yeah, quite and calm, if only they knew who he truly was.
"Thank you so much for having me." a genuine smile sets on your lips as she pours tea into your cup. "We are so glad to have you," Cater's mother says with genuine warmth.
His sisters continue to prod you in both questions and comments, being too forceful and tactless at times. They think they're being endearing and curious, but don't quite realize that they're over stepping. Cater sits beside you, his eyes darting back and forth as the questions keep flowing. Hes annoyed, of course they will ask inappropriate questions and take the attention.
"Where was the first kiss?" "Ohhh my god did he use his tounge?" "Cater, your hair today looks frizzy." "You look cute but...that top with those jeans...i don't know. Cater you should really watch what your girlfriend wears!" "Yeah! Spend some money on her, damn." "Bad boyfriend."
The constant barrage of questions and comments from his sisters would make even the most stoic people wither. You are not one of those people - you are more patient than you ever realized. You smile through the barrage of words, answering most that you can, ignoring the rest. It hurts, some hurt. You get Cater now to 100%. Your calm demeanor and soft eyes would calm anyone's heart, but his sisters are a bit too persistent, their endless questioning seeming to have no end.
This goes on for some time, until Cater is visibly agitated. "Stop," he says under his breath. He is usually calm and collected, so it draws everyone's attention, even his mother's. "What?" One of his sisters finally asks, feigning innocence.
"Enough," he says simply, but his tone is enough to get them to back off.
He takes a few breaths before giving his mother and sisters a smile. The situation diffuses, but you can sense that he is annoyed. "I just wanted to introduce you to my girlfriend, we didnt came here for an interview. Her outfit is perfect, and I'm NOT a bad boyfriend! I know I'm not..."
Ace's older brother is charming, witty, and well-liked by everyone. He teases his little brother without any cruelty, making lighthearted jokes at his expense. He is very protective of Ace, he just wants his little brother to be happy. And obviously he wants him to behave in this relationship too.
"He has spoken of you a lot," the older brother comments, his tone teasing. His brother wiggles his eyebrows towards him,  "A bit too much, it seems," Ace says, keeping his voice low, but you hear the annoyance.
"I can't help but hear all about you whenever he's calling me... how much he cares for you, how he's so lucky to have you..." his brother's tone is good-natured. He's just having fun, and hes so glad his brother found true happiness. "Ohh, what else did you say?" Ace can hear the teasing in your voice, no way you're going into this too. "Shut up-!" "Oh, you know," the older brother laughs. "He says you are the sweetest, most beautiful being in the whole wide world. You're an angle with the patience you have for him. He would do anything for you without a second thought. He swears he has never loved another as he has you."
"What a mushy little guy my brother can be," his older brother says, sounding amused.
Ace is turning red. His voice comes out slightly strained, cracking. "I-! I NEVER-! Shut up I never said anything like that, that's way to sappy!" "Mhmmmm, sure bro, sure" His older brother smiles, genuinely.
"I've never seen him so happy," he says, "He's truly a good guy, he just has some rough edges. I'm glad someone like you took their time to get to know him...Take care of him for me."
His mother beams. "Oh! This is the one you've been telling me about? You've done well. She is a beauty!"
Deuce's face is tomato red. He is the picture of nervousness, his eyes darting about the room with his mouth clamped shut for fear that he will say too much or too little. His mother's enthusiastic and effusive approach is overwhelming him. He wants to sink into the floor, damning himself for telling his mother and grandmother about you so much. "We are so delighted to have you here. Please," his mother continues, offering you her seat. "Sit, sit! No need to stand around!"
She smiles widely at you as she gestures to a plush chair across from them. A low table separates you, and the three of you are arranged across from one another. Deuce's grandmother walks slowly behind his mother, bearing a tray of tea and pastries in her hands. Without a word, she sits down and quietly offers one of the small cakes to you.
She doesn't take her eyes away from you, smiling wide. You can't help but smile back at her, but before you can thank her she leans closer to Deuce mother. "Perfect aren't they? I knew someone wil eventually see that our Deuce is a catch." She wasn't as discreet as she thought she was, but you can only agree with her, Deuce is a catch.
"Thank you so much-!" "It's nothing, dear," she says, her voice soft as velvet. His mother breaks the silence, leaning forward in her seat. "Now then, tell us all about yourselves. We have heard plenty from our son, but we want to hear from you."
Deuce is paralyzed. He has nothing ready to say. His mouth is dry and his heart is pounding in his chest. Although he is more than happy both his most loved family members love you, he is still nervous. It's embarrassing! "Wait-!" His grandmother immediately stands up from her seat. She disappears and reappears with a thick photo album. She settles back down and opens it.
"Now, let me show you my handsome boy when he was young. I think this is a much better idea!"
Deuce's head falls back, someone kill him. His heart stops at the pictures of himself....fuck...he's naked....
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cryptotheism · 4 months
Western alchemical texts often resembled mystical riddles. Now, we all love some mystical books of alchemical riddles, it’s half the fun of early alchemy, but Arabic alchemical works are written more like teaching materials. This is because they were often used as teaching materials. Where earlier alchemists needed to encode their works as a form of proto-copyright, Islamic alchemists were trying to efficiently collect and distribute information. Though be warned, “easier to read” by the standards of medieval alchemists is still pretty dense. Hope you like neoplatonism, because in terms of density, Islamic alchemy is a neoplatonic pound cake, with nuts. (The nuts are hermeticism in this metaphor.)
“But who cares?” I hear you ask “Isn’t this supposed to be a book about magic? Why are we talking about these dead Arab philosophers?” Remember, dear reader, that some of the first esotericists in western history were Plato and Aristotle, but their ideas didn’t mesh all that well. 
Many a wizard-philosopher tried and failed to glue them together. Most failed. Some resorted to pretending to be Aristotle, publishing books under his name. For the Byzantines, the idea of reconciling Plato and Aristotle was almost laughable. The neoplatonists said they could do it, but few took them seriously.
By the time the Baghdad House of Wisdom, neoplatonism had time to mature. For the Muslims, it was damn near philosophy 101. The idea that Plato and Aristotle conflicted at all was laughable. “What do you mean Plato and Aristotle don’t fit together? Everyone knows they fit together.” And thus, one of the greatest roadblocks to early magic was smoothed over. The twin cities of early magic were separated by a river, the neoplatonists would cross it, and the Baghdad House of Wisdom would build a bridge. 
Islamic Alchemy, today on da Patreon
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confused-wanderer · 1 year
So- uh.. Batman started journaling days when he adopted Robin because he had no idea how to handle a kid-let alone a murderous one- and was trying to note down important information like what the child likes and doesn’t, what triggers them etc etc.
He also maintains a separate series detailing their interactions with villains and notes on if the child should be allowed near the villain and vice versa along with rules to implement with children and procedures to follow in case of their meeting.
Damian has five volumes written after him, which still continue to this day. Tim’s had fifty, Stephanie’s had twenty, Jason’s had eighty nine. But Dick? Dick has a hundred and twenty, atleast fourth of those written within his first month as robin. Why?
Exhibit 1
Batman: Ivy, listen to me-
Ivy: NO Batman! They’re destroying ecosystems, hunting endangered species, poisoning the rivers and-
Robin!dick *eyes in shock* : Is this true Batman?
Batman: .. yes
Robin!dick: oh..so why aren’t we helping Miss Evie?
Batman: uh..because she’s breaking the law
Robin!dick *crossing his arms* : But didn’t you say the system is flawed? And how sometimes matters need to be taken into your own hands?
Batman: Hold on-
Robin!dick: Come to think of it, is what we’re doing legal? You steal police information and beat up thugs. If you’re doing it to save lives, so is she!
Ivy *enjoying watching this stubborn child making batman sweat as he tries to argue and eventually agrees to help Ivy in a better way, giving Dick a flower when he leaves*
Bruce knows that Dick would absolutely not mind sabotaging factories or blowing up shit with a supervillain. All he needs is a good reason.
Exhibit 2
Riddler: Aha! Now.. riddle me this-
Robin!dick: .. Why are you so ugly?
Riddler: ..wha-
Robin!dick: And are you lonely because there are better ways to find friends.
Hours of insulting later
Robin!dick; If you’re so smart, tell me this: What animal roars when threatened, laughs when hungry and burrows underneath for the entire year, very dangerous to humans but a herbivore and tiny?
Riddler: * a few hours later, on his knees after complying with every one of batman’s demands, going hysterical and pulling out his hair while rocking back and forth*
Batman *getting increasingly concerned* Robin tell him
Robin!dick: Nope! *walks away*
Riddler spent fifty days in Arkham. The riddle still haunts him to this day. Dick doesn’t know the answer either.
Exhibit 3
Penguin *appears*
Gremlin Dick who’s been waiting to kick the shit out of someone: GOLLY BATMAN LOOK A PIÑATA!
Batman *running after Dick before he murders Penguin*
This is why none of the villains bat an eye at the bat kids antics anymore. And whatever they do, they thank their lucky stars they’re not as bad as the first one was.
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probablybadrpgideas · 11 months
A Riddle
You are trapped on one side of a river. You have a boat, and can use it cross the river. However, you need to get three wolves, three goats and three bags of grain across. If there are ever more wolves then goats on one side of the river, they'll eat the goats, and likewise for goats and grain. You can take up to two things per journey, not including yourself.
Who the fuck let this happen?
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lyrablack1883 · 4 months
They said, if you wish to cross the river Styx, you have to pay Charon, the ferryman, a single coin. Severus never actually meet Charon but he meet other ferryman during his lifetime. Men who pushed him gently into the silent of eternal night.
The first ferryman was his father, a muggle who hated magic and himself. To cross over, Severus pay him with his childhood. He remembered the belt, the stings of cold winter, the hunger and the sound of rats running around the alley. But it wasn’t enough. The second ferryman was a beautiful boy with silver eyes. To cross over, Severus continue to pay him throughout his teenage years. He remembered the stings of hexes, the humiliation, and the wetness of his robes clinging to his body as he was drop into the lake. The ferryman then deliver him to the wolf. But it wasn’t enough.
The third ferryman was a man with red eyes and charming smiles. The ferryman told him, he understood his suffering, and gently, he marked him as his own. To cross over, Severus pay him the one thing he ever loved. He remembered the anguish, the regret, the stain on his arm, and the never ending crucio. But again, it wasn’t enough. The fourth and final ferryman was a man one step before d3ath itself. To cross over, Severus pay him with the only thing he had left, his soul. He remembered how the ferryman’s body falls, the way his last word was of him begging him to end it. With this final payment, the third ferryman approached him and in turn will deliver him to his final rest. However again, it seems it wasn’t enough. As the boy with silver eyes, took both of his hand, together they ran and the boy rowed them back into the opposite direction.
(I genuinely forgot what I was going for the first time I had the idea, so above is just the general idea of Severus and his connection with men who controlled his whole life, who he paid dearly for every stage of his life, and after, at the end, he was finally rewarded with death, except I don’t want his story to end like that, so Sirius here had the role to bring him back, you can view him here as a ghost or alive [where he didn’t fall into the veil], why him especially? I viewed these two as characters who lived through the same hell, the type that goes “you put me through this hell, so I’ll drag you down here too” but also “you and I went through the same hell, I managed to get out, so I’ll do anything to get you out with me”) [according to the extremely biased characterization in my head ahaha]
The age of these characters portrayal is set during the time Severus felt closer to death because of them. Tom riddle in his 50s when he killed lily, Tobias in his 30-40s when Severus still lived with him, Sirius in his fifth year when he sent Severus to werewolf!remus and dumbledore in his 150s when he asked Severus to end his life. Since this was also done from Sirius pov, Severus here is also portrayed in his fifth year except for the last panel where he is portrayed a moment before his supposed death at 38.
This was loosely inspired by the song ‘Achilles come down’ by gang of youths and this wonderful fic two sides by blue_inking and Zain
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hotluncheddie · 10 days
Luck o' the Irish
written for the May @steddiemicrofic prompt 'top' !
wc: 510 | rated: T | cw: alcohol | tags: Modern AU, Meetcute, Gay Disaster Eddie Munson, Platonic Hellcheer, Buckingham, Chubby Steve Harrington (as always)
‘Stupid water looks gross green.’ Eddie mumbles to himself, leaning on the railing and looking down at the dyed Chicago river.
Someone knocks into him, his beer sloshing onto his hand and all he gets is a distant ‘sorry dude’ thrown his way.
The only reason he’s here is Chrissy’s determination to end his dry spell, which somehow means making him hang out at overcrowded bars on St Patrick’s day. 
He kind of hates it. But he love her, even if hungover Chrissy is like living with a troll... He should ask her if she knows any riddles. 
He giggles to himself and downs the rest of his beer. Gripping the railing more tightly as he sways a little. Maybe he needs a water.
‘Eddie!’ Chrissy squeals, shoving back over to him through the crowd. ‘Look! I made friends! They escaped from Hawkins too!’ She lunges at him, wrapping her skinny arms around his neck and squeezing. 
Chrissy lets go to hook elbows with a tall, freckled girl wearing a forest green button up and slacks. Totally Chrissy’s type. Soft butch, cute. 
‘Hi.’ Eddie waves, giving Chris a look and smiling as the girl keeps glancing sideways at her, like she can’t believe her luck. 
Eddie likes her, he decides. 
‘Eddie this is Robin and, oh, where’d your friend go?’ Chrissy asks, straining her neck and leaning more heavily into the girls side. Freckle girl, Robin, goes even redder. Yeah, Eddie likes her. 
‘Hey.’ Someone says from Eddie’s left. He turns and finds a guy standing next to him, with big soft eyes and green glitter on his cheeks, a green bandana tied around his neck, highlighting his soft jaw. White tank and tight blue jean shorts showing off the hairy chub of his waist and thighs… He’s gorgeous. 
‘Oh! Here’s Steve.’ Chrissy chirps. ‘Robs friend! From Hawkins! Steve this is my friend Eddie, the one I was telling you about.’ Her eyes on Eddie sharp, because she knows, knows Steve is exactly his type.
‘To-top o’ the mornin’ to ya.’ Eddie stammers.
Steve raises an eyebrow. Crossing his arms and Eddie is so not distracted by the way his pecs flex, little peak of cleavage visible at his neckline, flecks of glitter shimmering in his chest hair. 
Eddie snaps his eyes back up.
‘Are you Irish?’ Steve asks.
‘Oh.’ He pouts. ‘Think I can still kiss you later though?’ His finger tracing the neckline of Eddie’s t-shirt. It’s Chrissy's from last year, faded green with “kiss me I’m Irish” stretched across his chest.  
Eddie gulps, cheeks going hot, but he manages to nod. 
A smile stretches across Steve’s face, stars shining in his eyes. ‘Well, aren’t I lucky.’ He murmurs, cocking his head to the side. 
‘Let's do shots.’ Chrissy declares, wicked grin on her face and she starts walking to the next bar over, pulling Robin with her. 
Eddie thinks again, vaguely, about water. 
But then he’s distracted by Steve’s fingers lacing with his own, soft smile on his face as he pulls Eddie along with him.  
Permanent Tag List (message to be added) : @pearynice @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @scoops-aboy86 @chickensinrainboots @cheesedoctor
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twst-drabbles · 8 months
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they’re all happy to see you despite the mixed reactions
(welcome back)
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Oh they are truly adorable and would not ask for anything from them! So grumpy, Riddle and Ace, but we all know that attitude would not last long. They don't want to miss out on the hugs or kisses!
Summary: You came home a bit later than usual on the account of bad weather. So, safe to say that your plant nymphs had a variety of reactions when you finally arrive on that early morning.
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You didn’t mean to have a sudden sleepover over at Neige’s house, but the storm that trampled its way through the area caused the river you normally walk by to flood. You had little choice but to stay with him for the time being. You did make sure to phone Crowley so that your plant nymphs are feed. And to take them inside if the winds get too strong.
So, when the morning came and you finally could get home, you can’t say you were shocked when the Ace and Deuce combo dove from the tree above and landed right on your head and face. You can feel Ace’s little arms hitting your scalp while Deuce was slowly sliding down your face. You caught both of them in your hand.
“Yeah, yeah,” you squished them to make them stop squirming. You nuzzled their faces with your nose, “Sorry. The river was a little scary and I had to stay with Neige for a bit. Can’t very well risk drowning on the way home.”
Gotta treasure your own life after all. You’re not gonna let the natural elements take it just yet.
A clone Cater went up and tugged at your pants before recoiling in disgust over the muck that collected on it.
“Ah, yeah, there was a lot of scum to wade through,” you tried to kick it off, but it’s hard when you have your hands full of Ace and Deuce, “Hello to you too, Cater. Oh?”
Cater pointed behind him before poofing out of existence. At the entrance of your house, with little plumerias and clovers swaying in the calm wind, was Cater and Trey carrying a most delicate rose. It’s petals were so wide, lush and layered that it threatened to swallow the both of them.
You finally put Ace and Deuce down to cup the gift in your hand. They jogged away but didn’t stray far at all, just made room for you as you stood up to admire the culmination of their hard work. All the roses in your garden are of the most luxurious quality, but only the best ones are plucked and given to you.
You heard the shifting of dirt and the strain of grass blades ripping apart. The final greeter, the leader of all these worker nymphs, has arrived with a most angry crease on his face.
Riddle commanded the roots to lift him just above your height, as though he’s too angry to be on equal level to you. His arms were crossed, his little rose petal body a ruffled mess probably from overthinking and worrying himself.
He’s huffing and puffing, tapping his little foot, clearly waiting for something from you.
You reached up and scratched the Roseling right under his chin. He practically melted onto your fingers.
You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you said, “Thank you all for waiting for me.”
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thatdammchickennugget · 7 months
Here are some aesthetics and a super small sneak peak at the Mattheo Hunger Games AU I'm working on.
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The snap of a twig coming from the other side of the river made you look up but you quickly relaxed, knowing exactly who was sneaking through the forest alongside you.
When Mattheo Riddle first started intruding on your hunting grounds you had been livid. His clumsiness and lack of caution had cost you more than just one fresh kill and you had not been excited about him discovering your favourite patch of strawberries and the abundance of blooming berry bushes.
The first time you had actually run into the tall boy with the intense brown eyes had ended in an exchange of empty threats and childish insults. You had been eleven at the time, him having been just one year older. Both the way his dark mop of hair still managed to tumble onto his forehead in almost perfect curls and the way the corner of his lips quirked into a smirk as he watched your tiny younger self hiss at him like a cornered cat infuriated you immensely.
You hated the way he had looked at you back then, like you did not pose any threat to him at all, even though you had been using all of your bravery to point your knife right at his chest, clutching it tightly in your trembling hands.
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Recognition crossed your face when his wide eyes met yours. Lorenzo Berkshire, one of Mattheo’s friends. What was he doing here? In all the years you had been coming here, you had never seen another member of their little group around here, only being aware of them because you saw them at school, always huddled up together.
More than once, you had caught yourself being envious of their close-knit bond. Sure, you had your father and your brother, but outside of your family you were alone. There was no one around in school to have your back or keep you company. But you always told yourself that you did not need any of that.
Lorenzo let out another anguished howl and your body jumped back into action, throwing itself down next to him as your hand reached for the knife in your booth. When your fingers closed around the handle, you did not hesitate to drive it down through the thick snake skin.
Moments later, the animal’s body went slack and you untangled it’s length from around the boy’s leg with practiced hands. “Try to stay still,” you instructed him, your voice soft. You had first-hand experience with how much one of these snake bites could hurt and you knew that pulling the thing off your skin did not feel much better.
With gently hands, you pried the snake’s mouth open, slowly pulling out it’s teeth before throwing it to the side to inspect the wound. His skin was already taking on a bluish colour around the bite marks, meaning that the poison had entered his bloodstream by now.
“Shit,” you grumbled, making the boy look up at you with a horrified expression on his face.
“What? Is it bad?” he gritted out through clenched teeth.
“Don’t worry, I probably won’t have to amputate,” you tried to joke, willing your voice to sound calmer than you felt.
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tojigasm · 11 months
Heavy with Blood and Sick
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Authors note: thank you so, so much for 10k!! I adore you all endlessly and cannot thankyou enough for the joyous support and adoration you've all expressed towards my work. I hope you all enjoy this celebratory piece ♡♡
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, nsfw, labor, pregnancy, pet names, unexpected pregnancy, graphic birth, blood, pain, crying, fluff, love, angst
"Easy, easy, sweetheart." He's soft behind you, grounding you as another contraction rips itself through your body.
"Breathe fr'me, deep breaths," he strokes his hand down your shaky arm, "good girl," Jake presses a kiss to the back of your head when you groan again.
"I cant- I cant..." your cheeks are swollen and hot as you pant into his hold.
Jake pulls you into him, pulling your hair behind your ear, "you can," he nods with his words, reaching down to cup the underside of your heavy middle, "calm down, kid."
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He doesn't understand it. Doesn't know why you don't just come out with whatever the hell it was that was so obviously bothering you. It annoys him that you're crying in his lap, sobbing and choking, sniffling against the thunder and rain that shatters in the sky, making you jump ever so often. Yet you still won't tell him what's wrong.
He eventually stops prying, settling on running a big hand up and down your back in gentle rows.
"You okay?" He only asks once your broken cries have dissolved into quiet sniffles.
You don't say anything. Nodding into your arms cupped over your knees.
Jake eyes you at your quiet response, moving to speak before he pauses. He realizes he doesn't know what to say. Doesn't know what you need and how to help.
"M'pregnant." You cut him off. It's so sudden Jake thinks the confession shakes you as well.
It does.
Jake nods, humming softly before tucking you back into his hold. "Tsuy wasn't happy I gather?" He motions languidly to your position in his lap and you nod. He sighs through his nose at that.
And he's so warm. So warm and big and rough. So stern that you nearly start crying again. The blue stripes and scars a mocking reminder of tsuy. He doesn't let you go back to your home that night.
Jake hates when you do this.
Hates the way you look over his children with sorrow eyes. Whether its watching the three by the river, helping Neytiri with Tuk, briading Kiri's hair. It's all the same, the same look.
He knows the last six months havent been kind to you - riddled by your surpise pregnancy ontop of your mate leaving you. He'd taken you under his wing at that, both he and Neytiri taking you in as their own which had soon bloomed into much more.
Often Jake finds himself thinking back to the day the three of you had mated. Making the bond between the two of you had brought upon something he hadnt expected; rather than a flush of excited heat he'd been met with a heavy sorrow.
He often wonders what you think of, what you need. He doesnt quite know.
"Hey hon," Jake nuzzles your cheek as you thread blades of grass together. He takes a seat next to you, pulling his own handful of green from the root to start braiding together.
You hum in acknowdlegement, crossing your legs under your swollen middle. You like days like this, days where the wind in the forest is soft and cool and the trees seem to sing.
You can tell Jake wants to say something. He's always been that way, very straight to the point and naturally paternal to those he loves.
"What is it?" you sigh, folding over the last blade of the strewn plants.
He's quiet for a moment, eyes shifting from his hands of bent grass to your figure beside him. "Are you alirght?" He asks finally, dropping the ripped blades to the ground.
"Why wouldnt i be?" you answer sharply, fingers pulling a bit tighter at the ends of your necklace. He doesnt respond but you know whats coming, know that he'll eventually unravel your soft walls you so despeartely tried to build up over the past few months.
Jake's hand cups under your chin, stroking the base of your ear soflty. "Hey," he calls gently, placing his free hand on your wrists to push them down to your lap.
"Look at me, sweetheart," Jake speaks so softly you could cry. His hand on your chin turns you gently to meet his eyes. His amber ones search your teary ones before he's pulling you into his lap with a soft hum.
He doesn't try to coo you, doesnt quiet your heartfelt sobs and your choked cries. He lets hismelf be there, lets himself soothe a hand up and down your back as you cry into his chest.
"You're gonna be okay. I'm gonna take care of you, you're gonna be fine, honey."
Neytiri had been out on a hunt. Away for a week at least and heavysome you became with worry, sick, and labor.
It'd only been a few hours since your contractions started to get closer together. Every ache and pull against your womb simmering in the heat of your strength.
You rocked back and forth on your hands and knees in the heat of the nearby springs. Jake helping to relax your muscles as you felt another contraction rip its way through your womb.
 Jake, beside you, kneeling and running his hand over the skin of your back, gently massaged the rough of his palms into your shaking nerves.
"Haa... haa Jake” you cried, the pressuring heat in your belly so heavy you can feel your knees buckle beneath you. You nearly collapse at the intensity of it. Grasping for Jake as air catches in your throat.
He catches your arm, finding a soft patch to meet your heavy eyes.
“I’m right here, whatta need, sweetheart?” He stroks the skin of your shoulder, moving his hand from your back to rest on your wet cheek.
You whimper, “just,” you look back at your belly through a pant. "I want 'tiri," you cry, head dropping between your shoulder blades.
Jake nods softly.
“I know, hon. I know."
“Jake, i can’t.” you pant, back to Jake's chest. 
"Easy, easy, sweetheart." He's soft behind you, grounding you as another contraction rips itself through your body.
"Breathe fr'me, deep breaths," he strokes his hand down your shaky arm, "good girl," Jake presses a kiss to the back of your head when you groan again.
"I cant- I cant..." your cheeks are swollen and hot as you pant into his hold.
Jake pulls you into him, pulling your hair behind your ear, "you can," he nods with his words, reaching down to cup the underside of your heavy middle, "calm down, kid."
You sob, falling into his hands.
"Hurts so bad."
“i know," he nods, rubbing your shoulders softly, "m'right here.”
“Jake, pease,” you said mumble through a sobbing pant “please, just make it stop.” 
You couldn't breathe - you felt like your lungs were being crushed, your legs had gone numb, pins and needles stabbing into the heels of your feet and tail, running up the muscles of your swollen caves. Child birth was sickly.
Jake sat behind you, his chest to your back and his arms beneath your own, stroking the taut skin of your belly.
“Shh...c’mon, c’mon another push for me please.” Jake whispers into the back of your head, the scent of your heat claiming his nerves slightly.
“I cant. Jake, really, I can't.” you were so exhausted. 
“Yes you can.” Jake slid both hands under your arms to hoist you up to be sitting more. The abrupt change in position startling you.
“Kay, on three you're gonna give me a big push, okay?” Jake bent his head over your shoulder to kiss your cheek, lips against your damp skin as he did so. 
You nodded and readjusted yourself as much as you could, gripping your hands on his muscled thighs which sat on either side of you. 
“You ready?” Jake asks, rubbing his hands up and down your arms comfortingly. 
“Mhm” you nod again, preparing yourself for the inevitable contraction. Right as the first tendrils of pain passed through your belly you grit your teeth and pushed, eyes screwed shut. 
Jake's soft praises soothe you as you groan. “Such a good girl for me.”
Your legs were beginning to twitch from supporting your weight for so long. tail heavy to the ground and ears droopy with unease.
You sat in a squat, your legs spread and your nails digging into Jake's thick skin.
Jake sat in a squat in front of you, large hands holding the tops of your spread thighs.
“Ya doin’ okay?” Jake cooed, looking between your legs as he asked, quirking his head a tad to look up at you.
You nodded through a sob “Y-yeah- ah!” another contraction ripped itself through your body making you curl in on yourself, dropping a hand from Jake's thigh to cup your belly. 
“Jake, get him out,” you sob, lids heavy and cheeks hot.
“m'doin' the best i can, hon,” he rubbed your thighs with his rough thumbs. “you're doin' so good." 
You nod tiredly.
“Kay, gimme another push, you can do this." Jake nods, tilting his head to get a better look at your face. 
With a hiss, you bore down into another push, legs widening as a white hot pain stroke itself through your opening. 
“Jake, it burns!” You throw your head back into cry out as you continued to push. 
Jake took his hand from your belly to place both in a cupping position beneath you. “That’s okay, its all okay. Just means the baby’s crowning.”
Suddenly the pain spread itself throughout the entire bottom half of your body, spreading through your legs and numbing your toes in pure aony as you pushed. 
“Ta- agh!” you hissed and pushed again. 
“Keep your push, right there sweetheart, I can see his head.” Jake's tail perks and his tongue falls out to lay across his bottom lip, eyes zoned in on the small tuft of hair that would've been nearly invisible to the naked eye. 
“It hurts, oh my god it hurts.” you hissed and bore down again, your swollen lips drawing into a straight line. 
“Stop, stop, stop.” Jake interrupts you. 
“Why? What's going on?” you heaved. 
“Nothin’ relax.” Jake looks up at you, “You just gotta let yourself breathe, you're gonna pass out.” 
You went to say something when another contraction shook your core again. 
“Oh god, help, Jake, help me!” You could feel the baby began to crown, your legs widening to accommodate. 
“I’m right here, sweetie, you're doing so good.” Jake ooked at you, putting his hand between your legs and feeling around, focusing on what he was doing as he copied breathing with you. 
“In-” He took an exaggerated inhale “And out” he exhaled dramatically and you copied, the breathing exercise going on for a couple of seconds.
“Whew!” Jake laugh, shaking his head a bit, “Getting' dizzy haha.”
You side eye him which he returns in a sheepish smile. The small moment being interrupted when you groaned again, squeezing your eyes shut and curling in again to push. 
“Can you feel him?” your eyes fall shut.
“Yeah, kid, I got him, don’t worry, just keep breathing.” He cups the baby’s head, letting you push again as he helps to maneuver the top of the head out. 
“Ah! gentle, please- it hurts.” you sniffled and opened your eyes, craning your neck to try and see over the curve of your belly before Jake pushes your head back up some.
“You’ll hurt your neck.” he scolds, taking your hand from his shoulder to bring it around your middle to his own. Your fingertips graze a small tuft of hair and you're left to gasp lightly.
“Th- that's him?” you look up at Jake in exhaust, too tired to fully register whether or not what was happening was real. 
Jakes eyes are watery, “Yeah, kid. That’s our baby." He looks back down, moving your hand back to his shoulder, grounding you as you pushed again. 
“Oh, wait, wait, wait- right there, one more big push, his nose is almost out.” Jake readjusts his weight on both feet, stepping side to side slightly. 
You pushed again, a smooth pop! Filling out your body as you felt the head slip out of your body. 
“Oh there he is,” Jake stroks the small tuft of black hair on the smooth skin of the baby’s head “Hey, lil' bud."
You still sat in your squat, eyes closed and taking deep breaths as you try to calm yourself down, brows furrowing at times when a small jerk of pain would make you jump. 
“You okay?” Jake notices asked, baby’s head still in his hands, looking up at you. 
You nodded, trying to stop yourself from crying. 
“You’re okay baby, I’m right here. If you needa' cry then cry.” he reaches up and to kiss your forehead. 
Shivering, you begin to push again, the shoulders slowly breaching your body. 
“So good, so good, he’s almost out.” jake soothes, pulling lightly at the shoulder being pushed from your body. “C’mon just one more big push, you’re so close.” 
“Fuck!” You exclaimed and bore down once more. 
Finally the shoulder slipped out, followed by the baby’s body, falling into Jake's grasp, his huge blue hands dwarfing the baby. 
You fall back onto your bum at the release of the baby, going to reach for him as Jake scrambled to swaddle the infant within thatch wraps before handing him over to you. 
You cup the baby in your hold, hands shaking as you run your finger over the plumpness of his cheek. 
“Hey baby,” you coo through tears, leaning down to kiss your baby’s head before looking for Jake who had grabbed a blanket and was wrapping you in it. 
Squatting behind you, he leaned over your shoulder to turn your head and kiss you. 
“Hold his head, honey, like this- there you go.” Jake corrects gently, bringing his hand under your own for support.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hi Zoe! I hope you’re doing well and thank you for taking the time to read this. I was thinking, what if a similar situation happened like in ‘the crossing’ where fem reader gets stuck hanging on the ledge (could be for a different reason that they are hanging there) and they can’t swim? And for a bit more drama, almost drown but their Batcher s/o saves them? Thanks again for taking time to read this! 🙏
A nice idea! Let me see what I can do with that 😊
Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Hero Of The Day
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Angst/Comfort/Reader Almost Drowning/Strong Language/Fluff
The mine that Cid bought is a disaster. Ipsium is difficult to mine here, and not exactly in large quantities. You are determined to be helpful, leave the others behind and find a niche where you can find and mine high quality Ipsium. However, you have to climb over a deep abyss which's end you can't see, to do your work.
"There you are. What are you doing?"
You roll your eyes but ask him with a smile, "What does it look like I'm doing, sweetie?"
He looks at you, seeing you propped up against the walls in awkward posture, working over a pit.
"Looking like a suicide attempt," he says dryly, looking down into the depths that eventually fade into blackness, not revealing its contents, "Come out of there."
"I know what I'm doing," you say stubbornly, reapplying your tool.
"I don't care, I want you to get out of there", he growls impatiently, and is already about to climb into the alcove with you.
A little annoyed, you say, "I'm almost done, Cross."
You shift your weight a little to look at him as he climbs toward you. As you do, a small piece of rock gives way under your right foot. You jerkily lose your footing and fall into the darkness, passing his hastily, in panic, outstretched hand.
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His heart makes an unpleasant leap as you fall into the depths with a scream just past his fingers. "Fucking hell!" he exclaims as he leaps after you at the same moment, heart racing wildly. Crosshair's thoughts flip over at the speed of light in the seconds it takes him to fall, expecting to hit hard rock and break all his bones, or even land on your corpse, but instead icy spring water suddenly envelops him, an underground river in a cave system. The current is incredibly strong, and he is immediately swept along. He rolls up to protect his body from possible collisions with rocks. He has his eyes open, but he can't see anything, it's all so impenetrable black, only now and then a light seems to come from somewhere that he can't place. Crosshair remembers that you can't swim, so even if the river calmed down at one point, you would probably drown if he didn't find you, the thought sets his mind on fire. With an undertow, he suddenly descends, the river emptying into a small underground lake. Hastily he struggles to the surface, coughs and looks around urgently. The cave he has landed in is riddled with fluorescent crystals that bathe the room in a ghostly, pale blue light. Then he hears someone fidgeting in the water, turns to the soundscape and just sees you go under. Crosshair doesn't think, he quickly dives in your direction, gets a hold of you and struggles with you back to the surface and finally to shore.
You cough violently, trying to get the water out of your lungs. He helps you turn onto your side and holds you gently, his hands still shaky from the waning adrenaline. When you stop coughing, he says sternly, "Why can't you listen to me for once?" "It wasn't my fault, you distracted me," you protest. He rolls his eyes. "Oh please." "Yes you did" He turns you around to face him again and looks at you piercingly. "Guilt aside, how do you feel? Are you hurt?" You think for a moment and finally say, "Shaky, but unhurt, I think". With a sigh, he leans his forehead against yours. "You're going to give me a heart attack someday".
He is scared to the bone and terrified of the depths he is looking into as he looks down.
"You really shouldn't be climbing around here, my dear."
"I'm almost done," you say focused, handing him another tube you've filled with Ipsium.
Wrecker accepts it and stows it away carefully, then watches you again, frowning nervously.
"At least let me get a rope to secure you with, just in case".
You sigh softly and say, "Wrecker, sweetie, I'll be done in a minute".
He sighs as well and says seriously, "That really makes me nervous to see you doing gymnastics there"
"I'm not doing gymnastics, I'm mining Ipsium" you correct him laughing softly.
"You know what I mean," he grumbles unwillingly.
"This is the last one," you say, handing him another tube.
Wrecker tucks it away and says with relief, "Good, then give me your hand, so I can-"
He interrupts himself as you suddenly slip and disappear from his sight with a scream before he can reach his arm out to you. Wrecker's chest tightens, he squeezes himself into the small alcove and looks down. Everything inside of him is struggling in wild panic, and yet he jumps after you, not knowing what awaits him down there.
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You are in panic as the cold water closes around you, but even worse is the suction that the current has. Resistance is futile, you are swept away with the water masses, again and again your head is underwater, no matter how much you pedal and try to resist the suction. You swallow water while fighting against drowning.
It's like a horror roller coaster ride, with the continuous fear of death and the masses of water pulling you along like a toy ball. Then you plunge once more into the depths and the torrent of water no longer tears at you, but you struggle to the surface in panic. In your mind, you curse never having learned to swim.
The shore is not far away and yet it is much too far for you, as you have no idea how to reach it. Then you hear a scream and someone else falls into the small lake you are in.
You cough and try to call his name, but you keep swallowing water. Still, he spots you and as his strong hands reach for you, a wave of relief washes over you, causing you to burst into tears.
Wrecker pulls you to shore, you see him in the light of the glowing crystals in the cave you landed in. He takes off his helmet and drops it, grabbing your face and talking soothingly to you.
It takes a moment for you to calm down in his arms and cough up the water.
"Are you hurt?" you hear him ask gently.
Shakily, you answer, "I don't think so."
He squeezes you lovingly, softly with relief, and says, "Let's never do that again."
"Do you really think this is a good idea?" he asks critically when he spots you in the alcove.
You fill the next tube and say, "This ipsium is much purer than what we found in the other mine."
Echo frowns and says, "But it's much more dangerous to mine. You've seen that there's a deep abyss below you?"
"Yes, I'm aware of that, Echo."
He sighs and accepts the next tube from you.
"I don't like this, I should do this".
You look at him and say softly, "Echo, this is even more dangerous for you and your prosthetics than it is for me"
He grumbles softly to himself, but doesn't contradict you.
As you hand him another tube, he says impatiently, "Okay, that's more than enough, now get out of there"
With a sigh and a roll of your eyes, you finally give in to him, hand him your tools and begin to turn in the alcove to climb out, careful not to fall. Echo immediately reaches out and grabs your wrist as soon as you are within reach. The timing is perfect, because at the same moment you slip on the rock and lose your footing.
Echo immediately drops backwards to pull you towards him with his weight. You land above him with your heart pounding, his hand still tight around your wrist. You both breathe heavily, startled.
Then his eyes narrow critically as you look at each other.
"I told you it was dangerous, if I hadn't been there you would have fallen," he grumbles.
You're still all startled, the echo of the shock still in your bones, so you don't answer him right away.
"I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if I hadn't been there," he says a little softer when he sees the look on your face.
You collect yourself and finally say nudgily, "We have the Ipsium, don't we?"
He sighs and lowers his head back.
"You are missing the point here."
You kiss his chin and he looks back at you.
"You're going to be my downfall one day, one way or another" Echo says with a wry smile.
"Don't say such dark things," you reply, kissing his chin again.
AC: I left out the water in Echo's part because I wasn't sure how well Echo could swim with the prosthetics.
"Why am I not surprised?"
You hear Hunter's voice and look cautiously over your shoulder in his direction. He looks critically at your position in the small alcove above the abyss. You can tell he doesn't like what he sees. He seems worried.
You smile, unperturbed, and tell him, "Don't worry, I'm almost done."
He sighs softly and says, "Okay, but be careful."
"I always am," you say lightly, cheerfully.
You are so happy that you can contribute something to your mission. But Hunter raises his eyebrows critically at your comment and says, "Oh yeah?"
You laugh softly and ask, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Again you hear Hunter sigh, then he says, "Nothing, sweetie, just be careful."
You fill the last tube, handing him the tube as well as your tools before you set about climbing back. He has climbed halfway into the alcove to help you as you lose your footing as one of the rocks crumbles beneath your feet. You slump down, Hunter getting hold of the sleeve of your jacket, but not your arm. The fabric tears noisily and you still fall.
Heart racing, Hunter stares in disbelief for a second or two at the torn piece of fabric in his clenched hand in panic. Then he looks down into the blackness where you have disappeared screaming and are now silent.
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Thoughts are racing through your head, and yet none of them form properly as you fight in absolute panic against the icy masses of water that are sweeping you along. Again and again you swallow water, get it into your nose, into your lungs. Your head keeps coming up above the water, but you don't get a chance to catch your breath, because the next moment you're being pulled down again by the current.
Then you fall, and there's this feeling in your stomach as if you're on a roller coaster going downhill, or miss a step while climbing stairs, before you hit the surface of the water again and sink into it.
You struggle to the surface in a panic, your legs are so tense they feel like they are cramping. You can barely keep your face above the water, wriggling, coughing and unable to think clearly.
Then you feel something wrapping around the middle of your body. A new wave of panic rises in you. You are not familiar with this planet, you are somewhere deep in a river in a cave system, who knows what lives down here. The memory of your first encounter with a Dianoga is still very vivid in your mind. You begin to scream and wriggle, trying to free yourself.
It takes you a moment to hear Hunter's voice.
"Easy, love, easy."
You hyperventilate, shaking in his grip, trying to clear your head, and only very slowly does the realization sink in that you are about to be rescued. You start to cry as he pulls you ashore.
"It's okay, sweetheart, you're safe, it's going to be okay," he says gently, finally pulling you out of the water.
Hunter takes off the helmet and sets it down on the ground next to you, then he bends over you kneeling next to you, takes off his gloves and gently strokes your face.
"Hey, it's me, everything's fine, we made it through".
When you finally calm down, he says in gentle admonition, "I told you to be careful."
You blink looking at him, ashamed, but also grateful and still completely lost for words. You fall around his neck and cling to him, eliciting a surprised, "Oh?!" from him.
Hunter gently wraps his arms around you, kisses your cheek, and says with a soft, quiet laugh, "You didn't think I was just going to let you disappear like that."
"I appreciate your efforts, but you're taking quite a risk," he says critically, taking a closer look at your position as you squat there in the alcove above the chasm, mining Ipsium.
"I'll be careful," you assure him, "Besides, I'm almost done, my beloved."
He smiles, he loves it when you call him that, warmth rises in his cheeks every time. But his face immediately turns serious again.
"Please just don't fall"
"Are you really that worried about me?" you ask, amused.
Tech adjusts his goggles with his index finger while still keeping an eye on you and says, "First and foremost, yes. But secondly, I'd have to jump in after you if you fell, we don't know what's down there, so I'm not necessarily eager to do that."
You frown in surprise.
"You'd jump after me?"
"Of course," Tech says without hesitation.
You smile at him, "My hero."
Tech blinks a little shyly to the side, and you can see his ears turn red.
"Anytime, my dear" he finally says, a bit bashfully.
You finally hand him the last tube with a smile then the tool before you set about climbing out of the alcove when a piece of the rock unexpectedly breaks away from under you, and you fall down with a jolt.
Tech rushes forward, still trying to grab you, but his hand narrowly misses yours. He doesn't think for long, as he said before, he jumps right after you, even though all his organs seem to knot up at the same moment.
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It's so cold, so dark, and you're completely helpless in the torrent of water. Panic floods your mind like the water overflows your body. You fight hard against drowning, against the current, but it seems futile.
It seems to take an eternity and yet, all of a sudden, you fall. You are still in the water, but there is no current anymore. Panic-stricken, you struggle to the surface of the water and try to hold yourself up.
It's not quite so dark anymore, the cave you landed in is riddled with glowing crystals. Actually a very beautiful sight, but right now you have absolutely no eyes for it, you just don't want to drown.
"Hold still," you suddenly hear Tech's voice and against your panic, you do exactly what he says, trusting him without hesitation.
You feel his arm around you, and the next moment you are pulled by him to the shore of the underground lake. You shiver all over, not only because you are wet, and it is cold down here, but also because the adrenaline is starting to wear off.
Hearing Tech coughing next to you, you look at him.
"I'm sorry," you say meekly.
He moves closer to you, puts an arm around you, and drops beside you, exhausted.
"It's okay," he says a little breathlessly, "We're still alive, my love."
You blink, look at him and say, deeply moved, "You really jumped in after me".
Tech nods slowly.
"Of course. Why would I say that if I wasn't willing to do it?"
You say quietly, "That's still two different things for most"
"Not for me," he says with conviction.
You smile gratefully at him, full of deep affection for this wonderful man.
"I love you," you say softly.
You see his cheeks blush slightly before he says softly, "I love you too," and his lips touch yours.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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beechbloom · 1 year
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Seeing A Heart
Pairing: Dazai x gn!reader
Word count: 0,7k
Cw: Dazai sadness :(
Dazai is a beautiful thing in your life, and you want him to see that
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You’d felt rather down today. As for why, you weren’t sure. It simply seemed sadness had decided today was a good day to take ahold of your heart.
Trying to escape said feeling, you decided to go for a quiet stroll around a less busy part of the city. The river stayed your companion as you passed trees, benches, and the occasional person – all tinted with the soft orange of the sky. You stopped by a railing, looking out upon the water. It felt lonely, yet strangely fulfilling, spending time to take in what you normally took for granted.
“What’s a lovely something like you doing out here all by your lonesome?”
You smile, not even bothering to look in his direction. “Admiring the things I’ve been given in life.”
Dazai shifts, letting his thumbs rest in his pockets. “Hn, then perhaps I should leave you be?” he ponders. “The sin a man like me carries would surely be enough to taint your view of the world.” You can hear the humor he attempts to paint his words in, yet it doesn’t reach them fully. If he didn’t believe what he said, would he not be leaning on the railing beside you?
Your eyes meet his frame, and despite his words, you see nothing that could taint your vision. The wind gently plays with his wavy dark hair, and the sky – now bright with color – outlines his body so elegantly that you’d sooner say you were in the presence of a man carrying God’s blessing than a sinner. There is nothing ugly in your view, though there is sadness in those eyes. A deep pool of melancholy trying to hide behind the quirk of a lip.
"Quite the opposite. I believe you enhance it.”
He blinks at you before an airy laugh leaves him. “While I know my outside can be rather appealing, I believe my inside... fails to match it.” An almost unreadable look crosses his eyes. “You of all people should know that.”
A sigh leaves your nose. He’d bore his truth to you before, revealing a dark past riddled with iniquity. He worked hard to build up a persona free of it all, yet in quiet moments like this, he showed you his thoughts – the threads in his head that tied him down. You know that if he didn’t want you to, you wouldn’t see a thing. And yet here he was, uncovering them in this moment so you could. It was a sign of trust. And so, you figured it would only be right for you to give him your honesty in return.
You take a step toward him, gently letting one hand cradle his. The other goes to one side of his face, barely touching it. «If you believe there is something wrong with people seeing the beauty in you, then I suppose there must be something wrong with me.” There was a sense of vulnerability in sharing something like that, making your cheeks flush a shade of red. Still, you continue, voice firm. “Because I see it plain as day.”
He takes a moment to processes what he's just heard. While you wish to give him time, there's only so much silence you can handle before your embarrassment swallows you. Just as you begin to pull your hand away from his cheek, he gently grabs ahold of it. There’s a small smile on his lips as he sighs, thumb stroking the back of your hand. “You truly are good, [Name].”
You smile, an amused huff leaving you. “Good is about perspective. And from mine, I’d say there’s some in you too. Seeing as you happened to show up here when I was sad and lonely.”
A laugh escapes him. “My, aren’t you perceptive?” He gets closer, face inches from yours. “And what if it truly was coincidence, hm? Can you prove it wasn’t?”
You grab both his hands, grinning. “Either way I’m happy you’re here, so it’s a win for me!”
Your words seem to catch him off guard, face turning thoughtful for a second as he studies yours. Then his expression changes, and you’re graced with something beyond valuable.
A genuine smile.
“Come, I'll escort you home."
You’d seen his truth. You’d seen his thoughts. Yet now, with that smile of his, you felt you were seeing a glimpse of something even more precious.
You were seeing his heart.
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What a ( Not so) Strange World - IV
A.N: as always, there's no beta Reader, so sorry for any mistake
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The carriage ride was… something.
It wasn't the first time you had traveled in a carriage, apart from Maleficent who had alternative means of transport - said ability being open portals thanks to her scepter - your other guardians considered traveling in a carriage to be the bare minimum.
Once, before embarking on one of your usual study trips with the Queen of Hearts, you had asked why you couldn't directly teleport to your destination, given that you had a Fae at your disposal - kind of - who could create portals: Frau Grimilde had looked at you for a few seconds as if you weren't worthy of breathing the same air as her, Queenie was starting to scream about how some heads would be cut off since "The requested carriage was another one and for her own name where was the escort?!", Lady Tremaine was the only one who let you know that moving in certain ways resulted in higher social status, and added yet another book about social status to your educational reading.
Your favorite way to travel remained the Flying Carpet that had 'kidnapped' you in Agrabah: by not walking on the road it avoided bumps and potholes on paths that weren't exactly walkable, furthermore even with sudden braking you didn't risk head trauma either because there was nothing that you could hit, and because the Carpet didn't usually brake hard - the only problem was falling off, but the Carpet had its own safety measures and no one was dead yet, or so they told you.
At first you thought that Che'nya would only accompany you to the carriages, but when he told you that he was so very bored you realized that you were wrong; when you saw him make puppy eyes – was that even the right term when talking about Che'nya? – you realized you would have a travel companion
(Neige may have been adorable being Neige, but Che'nya's eyes were literally asking you to "Paw-lease" and who were you to refuse?)
The Beastman looked just like a kid who was about to receive his longed-for candy, in Chen'ya's case the candy was cuddles, since he didn't even give you time to sit down before he leaned on your lap, holding your right hand on his hair.
An attention-seeking cat, and that wasn't even a metaphor.
He purred.
The boy told you that the route you were taking was not new to him, but he had passed it more times on foot than in a carriage, and he knew all the shortcuts; he often went to the NRC to meet – and annoy – Trey and Riddle. It wasn't the first time he'd told you about this Riddle, but every time you tried to ask about him, Che'nya would just tell you that you'd probably like him but he wouldn't be the one to ruin the surprise for you.
You sighed.
What did you expect? Che'nya was still Che'nya, he wouldn't miss the chance to see something fun.
After a while the cat boy fell asleep and you took the opportunity to observe the view.
When you left the RSA you had crossed the bridge that connected the school to the rest of the island, after the small clearing you were a little anxious because you were heading directly towards a rock face, but Che'nya seemed calm, without not a worry in the world, and you highly doubted the Headmage would let you die on the way…right?
Luckily you didn't crash anywhere, in fact you found yourself on a path with several houses on either side of it and not far away, to the left of the carriage, you saw a small river . The beastman chose that moment to wake up and move slightly - that is, he decided to lean on on your left shoulder – but he continued to keep his eyes closed, you had also passed by a lake, before you saw a rather steep hill – add 'steep hills' to the list of reasons why traveling in a carriage was uncomfortable – to your surprise however, you found yourself in a slightly familiar situation.
With your back to a school gate.
“That was pawsome. Do you think they could keep this portal open? It's always so pawthersome to climb that hill"
“You mean you do that every time you come here?!”
When you saw him nod your eyes widened slightly; obviously Che'nya would climb a mountain simply because he was bored.
It made you tired even just thinking about doing the same.
“What do you have to do meown, nya?” Che’nya asked you as he helped you out of the carriage
“Mmh, I think I'll have to meet with the Headmage and my guardians”
It was actually quite strange that there was no one to escort you to your destination, that was how guests were welcomed
Frau Grimilde would have point out how this peculiar choice lacked elegance and Madame Tremaine would have agreed, Queenie would have scream about how this was a breaking of some rule and Maleficent would just have point out the gross lack of respect – you didn't know if she would or wouldn't curse the place.
(In another place all four were sensing a disturbance in the force)
“Eh, that’s pawthersome” and in doing so Che'nya walked away in a direction unknown to you, he was probably on his way to annoy Trey and Riddle.
You, on the other hand, walked along the Main Street, even though, to be honest ,you felt rather observed; You had this feeling ever since Che'nya left and at first you thought it was some prank of his, but you didn't feel any sense of the cat boy, so you thought it was just a feeling.
But the closer you got to what looked like statues, the more you felt observed.
You had also looked around several times, but you had never seen anything.
Until that moment. Well, you heard it rather than saw it, but that's secondary details
With one of the little magic tricks you had learned you teleported yourself to where you felt that slight movement of air: having a Fae as a teacher was useful.
(Actually it wasn't really a teleporter, you weren't Fae, you didn't have that kind of power, but you had learned to increase speed in short periods of time)
It was the first time you had tried this trick over a distance of more than a couple of meters away and you were definitely pleased with it, as you had remained fairly silent.
Well, not enough to not find an arrowhead very close to your neck
The person holding the bow didn't appear to be much older than you; On his left arm, over the school uniform he had a purple ribbon and over his blonde hair he wore a hat.
He was a hunter. It had to be like this.
He had been very quiet and the way he held the bow was certainly not that of a beginner.
It was fascinating. Not on Vil's level – but you suspected there was someone more charming than him – but this boy had his charm too.
While you had these thoughts the boy had lowered his weapon and stood up from his slightly crouched position.
His eyes were half closed and he was smiling at you.
You weren't really sure if it was a sincere smile.
“Um… Hi… I’m sorry um, I disturbed your hunting trip, but I felt like I was the one pray in this one.”
He chuckled
What you said didn't seem funny at all so either you had a sense of humor that you weren't aware of or the blonde boy in front of you had a decidedly different sense of humor than you.
You were betting on the latter.
“Oh Madame Biche” and he tilted slightly his head “My deepest apologies. I didn't mean to scare you I just felt like something unexpected was coming…and here you are"
The boy introduced himself as Rook Hunt and you introduced yourself.
When you asked him what was he doing – other than trying to figure out who you were, you guessed – he told you that he liked to observe, then asked what brought you to cross the threshold of Night Raven College in a carriage from the Royal Sword Academy.
As much as you were taught never to give out all the information, Rook didn't seem dangerous to you; sure, he had put an arrow at your throat and was probably studying you, but if that rivalry between schools that Che'nya spoke about was true, it was reasonable to try to understand what the 'enemy' was doing in his territory, so you explained to him - in great lines – that you were supposed to meet the HeadMage, and that a guide would probably come in handy
(In reality Rook wasn't studying you at all, he knew who you were – how could he not have known – he was just pleasantly surprised by you. He could begin to understand what Roi de Poisson had seen in you, after all it was very difficult to take Rook by surprise. You were quite interesting)
In a similar way to what Neige had done in your very short stay at the RSA, Rook also took it upon himself to guide you, explaining what the places you passed were and told you little curiosities about some of the students - you had no idea who these students were , but Rook seemed ecstatic to talk about it and you enjoyed listening to him .
He also told you that your friend had probably gone towards the Hall of Mirrors, where all the mirrors leading to the different dormitories were located
You didn't understand why he was giving you all that information, some of which seemed like sensitive information to you, you were a stranger – and he had threatened you with an arrow minutes earlier – why was he being so friendly with you?!
He told you that he had a feeling that it would be useful for you to have them, but he didn't argue further.
It annoyed you, but then he had no obligation to tell you everything he knew…
(You couldn't have known that Trein and Crewel had set aside a room in the staff wing for you. But Rook knew.)
As Rook spoke you couldn't help but look around.
Even if the RSA was much more elegantly curated, you appreciated the slightly darker air of the NRC. You weren't sure what it was exactly, but there was something about it that reminded you of home.
Oh dear! Were you feeling homesick?
During your time at Twisted Wonderland you had become homesick while you were with Crewel; not because the time spent with him was bad, simply put, compared to the time spent with Trein, when you were with Crewel you had good memories of your own world and the people who were waiting for you there.
This was your second day here, and you were already homesick? Was it because the NRC reminded you of home?
Surely the road you were traveling on, with its respective forest at the side – was it some school thing? to have a mini forest on school grounds? – reminded you of the route you had to take to get to Lady Tremaine's house.
“And these are the Great Seven, every dormitory in the institute is based on one of them”
You had come in front of seven statues and the name had reminded you of something, but this was overshadowed when you noticed how familiar some of those statues were to you.
Without realizing it, you approached what must have been the Queen of Hearts and goodness, you didn't have the slightest doubt that it was the same Queenie you knew, just as you were sure that among those statues there were also Frau Grimhilde and Maleficent.
The other statues were also familiar to you, even though you had had no direct contact with the individuals they depicted: you knew the Wicked Sea Witch's writing too well - you had studied her journals, it was the same handwriting as the contract the statue held - the man with the serpent-shaped scepter must have been the Grand Vizier who had attempted to usurp the throne of Agrabah – that scepter was kept under magical lock in their museum and there were several descriptions of it in the magic books – you didn't know much about the lion statue, but you were pretty sure it was another one who had tried to usurp his brother's throne, the same thing happened with the statue of the burning man, it looked like the God of the Underworld but the statue was different from how you imagined him – which incidentally, was based on how Maleficent described the man (?) and that wasn't a good description at all.
Oh shit
(Oh, but yeah, let's throw away all the good manners you had diligently learned)
This was all fucking fucked up
And apparently you were even more so
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silverstagspirit · 1 year
Where have you been?
The start of a new series. Where Yuu has finally come home after a year in Twisted Wonderland and reunites with thier family. But things don't go back to normal though, people become suspicious about where they've been because they won't tell.
Warnings: None.
A/N: I'm still new to writing stories, this Yuu is intended to be GN but I apologize if I make any mistakes. This Yuu has an older brother, a mom and a dad. I don't know how to write younger siblings so I didn't include one.
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Gif by WiffleGif
Yuu had made many friends in Twisted Wonderland. Their fighting spirit never ceases in their quest to get home. They had earned the respect of others and discovered amazing things on the way. Their fighting finally paid off when one day, the mirror announced that it had found a way home for them. At long last, they would see their family again.
"We'll find a way to keep in touch right?"
"I'm sure we'll figure something out. You go back to your world Yuu. Take care of yourself."
"Thanks Ace."
"You know you mean a lot to us Prefect. We respect your decision to leave and we'll never forget you. I wish you the best."
"Thank you too Jack."
"Bye minion. The Great Grim gives his praises to his most useful henchman."
"Goodbye Grim. Remember to study well."
With thier last words to them said and done, they stepped through the portal.
Stepping through the portal, their senses were lit up with a myriad of different colors before they felt themselves moving at breakneck speed. They were going so fast, yet they couldn't will themselves to scream. But then, just as fast as it started, it stopped. Yuu opened their eyes to find themselves in front of a large mirror in an old, abandoned house. They got up and looked around. The house looked as decrepit as Ramshackle when they first arrived in Twisted Wonderland. Albeit much smaller, more like a log cabin.
Going outside, they were met with the sight of a forest all around them. There was a path leading from the porch to somewhere covered in foliage. After clearing the thick brush with their bare hands, they uncovered another path. This one is leading much farther than before. Following the path down the hill eventually led them to a road. Not wanting to go back to the cabin, they made the decision to follow the road and hope it would lead them somewhere where they could get help. The thought had crossed their mind earlier that maybe it wasn't the right place. In that case, they made a mental note to remember their way back to the cabin if things got hairy.
Yuu walked for many hours. Their feet began to hurt. The mirror had replaced their NRC uniform with some other plain pair of clothes and a scarf. They were given some type of gum boots as shoes. which were convenient for when they were trekking through the brush, but now they were getting hot and uncomfortable the more they walked. They were grateful for the scarf, though, as well as the long sleeved outfit. There was quite a strong breeze blowing that made them shiver. The scarf also doubled as a way to keep prying eyes off of the scar on their neck left behind after Riddle's overblot.
It was after this thought that they came across a river near the road. With big rocks surrounding each side that made quite the photogenic spot. Yuu was utterly exhausted at this point, so they saw no harm in taking a small rest. They lurched their way to the river's edge with renewed motivation. Remembering a wilderness survival technique from their brother, they made sure to stay away from the still water that might be stagnant. Yuu made sure they didn't drink too much water because they did not look forward to having to pee in the bush if they didn't find a town soon. They even took off their boots and socks to dip their feet in the water.
Sometime later, they dried off, put their shoes back on, and continued on their way. It was all going fine until later they noticed something. It was starting to get dark, which made Yuu fidget nervously. It spelled bad news to be caught in the dark at a time like this. Thinking this, they quickened their pace. All the walking eventually led them to a street sign. The sign had many names on it, but there was one that stood out to them. The name of their town. There was a fork in the road with three ways to choose from. So they set off in that direction.
After about 5 minutes of walking, they were met with the sight of their town. They felt a huge wave of relief, knowing that this was the place. Remembering the way to their house, they continued their journey. It was now dark at this point. Down the hill and through the familiar roads they went. Some cars drove by, but they didn't need to flag them down at this point, for they knew where to go. There were no people out during this time of night. They were all in their homes. Making the atmosphere even more tense when they got to their street. They could see their house from here. They were almost there. Yuu crossed the road and walked up to their home.
The lights were still on, and they could hear people talking. The weight of the fact that they were finally here after half an entire year was now settling in. And they began to panic silently. What do they say? What will they say? After some breathing techniques learned from Vil, they stepped up to the door. They couldn't find their voice to speak yet, so they knocked three times. No answer. So they knocked again. A bit louder this time. This time, they heard something: footsteps coming up to the door. Yuu held their breath when the door began to open.
"Hello. Can I help yo-
The glass their mother had been holding was now shattered and forgotten on the ground as she stared at them. Yuu couldn't make eye contact, but they knew she was shocked speechless. The commotion caused two more sets of footsteps to approach.
"Honey, what is i-
Their father and their brother appeared behind their mom and stopped dead in their tracks. They had the same looks on their faces as their mom. They kept staring at them as though they were an impossible thing. There was a moment of complete silence as they stared at them.
"...um...hi, I-
All of them ran towards Yuu at once. They hugged them like they would disapear if they didn't hold tight enough. They were all crying. Yuu stood there frozen. They themselves began tearing up. Then, for the first time since Twisted Wonderland. They let the tears roll down. They cried in their family's embrace and let the stress out. They could hear their parents mumbling words to them. However, they didn't have the energy to decipher it. They kept crying into their mother's shoulder, tears soiling her blouse. They eventually cried themselves to sleep, and their dad took them to their bedroom, the bedroom they had not slept in for months, and lay them on thier bed. They stayed with them for a while until they, too, had to go to bed.
Yuu was finally home.
Meanwhile, in Twisted Wonderland, the boys were already beginning to feel Yuu's absence. Even those who claimed they didn't care had a small pain in their chest when they were not there. It was during these moments when they wondered if they would ever see Yuu again...
And if there was a way for Yuu to come back.
Taglist: @twisted-wonderland-but-gayer @naughtybodypillow
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addisonstars · 9 months
“consent is key”
written for day 24 of august for @wolfstarmicrofic with the prompt “watermelon”
470 words!
Remus woke up in bed to find Sirius sitting up next to him, smiling. Odd, even for Sirius. “Siri,” Remus says, rubbing his tired eyes, “what are you doing up?”
“I just thought of a riddle. Wanna hear it?” Sirius replies, as if waking people up to tell them a riddle at midnight is just a normal thing to do.
“No, I want to go back to bed. I’ll answer it in the morning if it makes you feel better.” Remus says, leaning in to kiss Sirius goodnight. But Sirius leans away.
“No. No kisses if you don’t answer my riddle.” He says as he crosses his arms.
“Fine,” Remus said, flopping down, pulling the covers back over and going back to bed.
“Moony!” Sirius exclaims.
“Hmm,” Remus says, his head against the pillow.
“You’re supposed to answer my riddle! You wanted a kiss.” Sirius says, a little irritated.
Remus turns so his head faces the ceiling, and that way his voice isn’t muffled. “I do want a kiss goodnight, but I also want to go to bed, and I value sleep above your riddles unfortunately for you.”
“So you’re saying that you value sleep above me? How dare you,” Sirius says in mock offense, but Remus can hear the little bit of hurt in his voice.
Remus sits up, awake, and ready to figure out his riddle. “Alright Sirius, what’s this riddle of yours that’s worth waking me up for?”
“Ok, ok, when do you go at red and stop at green?” Sirius says, with a childlike grin on his face.
Remus pretends to pause and think for a moment. “A watermelon.”
“How’d you know?!”
Remus laughs, playing with the fingers of Sirius’s hand. “It’s a bit obvious darling. It can’t be a traffic light, and thinking of the next object that has red and green, a watermelon comes to mind, and it fits the bill.” He says, as he intertwines their fingers.
“Hmph. It was supposed to be a riddle, not an easy question,” Sirius says, but he has a little smile on his face.
“Now my kiss please.” Remus asks, with pouty face. Sirius turns his head and kisses Remus, taking his sweet time. Remus melts into Sirius’s body, and he lets the warmth of the kiss overwhelm him. He knows it’s past midnight, and they have a potions test tomorrow, but he can’t seem to deny Sirius anything.
His hands start roaming, coming to rest in Sirius’s hair, pulling the strands lightly. Sirius’s back arches lightly into the pull, losing himself in the feel of Remus. Remus’s hands travels downwards, skirting lightly over his arms, coming under his shirt as he feels around.
“What no riddle this time?,” Remus whispers playfully.
Sirius scoffs, pushing Remus down to the bed, continuing to kiss and feel and love.
the mentally ill urge to like read crimson rivers or all the young dudes is driving me insane rahh
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
【 book 6 thoughts ! 】
i said i'd share my thoughts, so here they are so far >:DD
part: one, two, three, four / ??
[ warning: spoilers for book 6 up until 6-16 under the cut !! ]
[ about : overblot lore drop ]
it took yuu long enough to actually TELL CROWLEY that grim was eating those rocks :')))) makes 110% sense that grim would lash out if he's been ingesting 5-overblot's-worth of purified blot
but also, i...can't believe it took twst this long to actually explain what was going on when we were fighting the overblots jsfksdfk like this whole time i've been assuming that people just. get knocked out or tired, but what they explained made so much more sense.
crowley has said that overblotting is rare. but then how come at nrc ?? there's been 5 consecutive overblots in less than a school year ?? (the twst timeline so far is from sept till around feb, bc book 5 was set during a "spring festival" iirc) the reason they don't know enough about overblots is bc they don't have enough subjects who have overblotted to research, so... i do wonder if there's something else at play here, maybe something has changed in NRC since yuu came ?
[ about : ortho lowkey scares me ]
ortho honey....wdym do we need bring back the target alive.....ofc we need grim alive sobs (the juxtaposition between his youthful n polite way of talking + the way he literally knows everything bc his brain is the internet kinda scares me a lot.)
[ about : vil's apology ]
i made a separate post to talk about this bc i started writing n it really got too long, so yes. but also. vil whipping out 50k madol like it's nothing. his acting career has really done him well.
and kalim donating it to ramshackle, my beloved. he's so nice. even while he's saying "it was sO RUN DOWN !!" as kalim was listing out the bad stuff abt ramshackle, i wonder how yuu was able to LIVE in this dump for 6 months.
[ about : ROBOTS ???? ]
HELLO ?? INTRUDERS ????? ROBOTS ?? WHAT ????? they're ignihyde blue....also the boat ? logo ? on their arms ??? what the heck does that mean ??? ok wait i can vaguely read out letters on their arm,,,styx ?? like the river styx in the greek underworld ? having a headache, are we gonna see the underworld somehow in this book ? wait, if the facility or whatever is called styx, are these robots the "charons" ? they're carrying oar-like staffs + they're trying to capture targets D and E and bring them in,,,,kinda like how charon brought souls in a boat to cross the styx river in myth. (also i was right, leona called them ferrymen >:DD)
(n they have grim. interesting that they'd ignore yuu tho, considering it was them who is the string that connects all the overblots.)
(also don't you just hate it when you win the battle, but then in canon the chars actually lost the battle. so you're just sitting there like -_-)
[ about: ob gang's capture ]
it was. very in character how each of them got captured.
vil and jamil were protecting other people (aka the freshmen, and in jamil's case, kalim) vil is really big on his responsibilities, so even though he authorized the use of magic, he still told the freshmen to stand back bc he knew they were unskilled in combat magic n that they'd get hurt bc they don't know hot to properly defend. meanwhile, jamil was probably covering any of kalim's blindspots + making sure he doesn't get hurt while looking for places where he could attack.
riddle went out with a bang, they hit him with a paralyzing beam, and he still had enough magic power to set everything on fire before they could hit him again. he also authorized everyone to fight, bc he probably believed that a group effort could take them down. as always, his sheer firepower is very impressive, the amount of magic he has and his attacking prowess is...wow.
leona....protected ruggie from harm first, saving him from glass and telling him to back off. and then he immediately scanned them to identify who they are. and of course, leona of all people, would know who they are. i think people forget, but a large reason why leona's so smart and why he skips class is bc he quite literally learned all that material when he was younger. the fact that he was the only one to recognize anti-magic plates meaning that resistance was futile and the logo from his time at the palace. (and that moment between ruggie and leona,,,,leona knows that he can trust ruggie w/ the wellbeing of savanaclaw until he returns T^T)
meanwhile azul was with idia, even though he didn't know what was happening, he got extra info from idia n ortho,,, the way azul was about to fight and idia went don't bother (bc he actually likes azul as a friend bro), and ortho went "the chances of you sustaining an injury drops by 87% if you don't struggle ^^" also. idia being concerned ? kind of ? by the ferrymen's forcefulness while coming in and taking the students is nice to see (and i KNEW it. i bet that idia's parents, or the shroud family in general, runs this Styx facility)
and they took crowley ?? crowley seems to know exactly what's going on, so i wonder why they didn't coordinate their...pick up with him beforehand (they legit destroyed so much public property + trespassed for no reason)
[ about : the plane ride ]
it's scary how they're all in a cramped dark space flying to who knows where. like how inhumane ?? they're about to take these people to do research w/ them, but clearly they don't care that they're humans, and they treat them more like convenient test subjects that have converged coincidentally in one school.
RIDDLE SLEEPING ON LEONA'S LAP IS SO FUNNY SJFDKSJFKS I CANTTTTT the way his leg was probably cramping,,,,three hours w/o moving and someone sleeping on you, he has so much patience onggg
[ about : styx ]
so...styx is an organization that does research on blot. it makes perfect sense why crowley would know they'd come knocking, since they have had 5 overblots that one school year. and the shroud family are "the watchman of the isle of woe". leona explains that they take overblotted mages there. what i don't understand is why countries can't interfere with them ?? or is it that they won't interfere with their research bc...styx' research benefits them too perhaps...?
from what leona said, they handled extreme overblot cases that regular magic marshals couldn't handle aka ones that can't un-blot anymore, so why are they coming after the ob gang ? not only were some of their overblots months ago, they've also all safely un-blotted, and transitioned back to normal life... ig my question is why them, and why now.
(it's a cool detail that the ob gang actually got help after their overblots. like it wasn't like everyone just picked up where they left off, vil mentioned medical mages and proper counseling, and that means that they were able to talk to someone about the things that troubled them.)
[ about : idia's family ]
not only do they run the jupiter conglomerate, aka the google of twisted wonderland, they might also run styx ? idia did ask the charon dudes if his mom and dad were away, ig this is what the shroud family ACTUALLY does behind the scenes of their big tech and energy business.
it also explains why idia deleted all those prospective work emails in the end of book 5,,,,bc he just knows that he won't be able to work or pursue any of his other dreams. his fate has been sealed since day 1 bc he was born a shroud, so he's probably going to end up having to take over Styx and its research in the future.
(and azul. being as on-brand as ever and saying he should've made idia in debt to him....sir, his family legit just kidnapped you, chill)
[ about : iDIA SHROUD ?? ]
HELLO. IDIA SHROUD ACTING DIRECTOR OF STYX ???? that means that his parents DO own styx, and that they're letting him run it for now while they're doing other things.... also i really hope that the ob gang don't get hurt hhhh
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aaaannd i'm stopping here bc it's late, i did not realize that so much time had passed...i'm tempted to keep playing but i must sleep. n e ways yea this was just me rambling about what was happening as it happened, so i hope you...enjoyed ?? (if you did read this far)
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