#red hood x artemis
vodrae · 8 months
We need to talk about the Oedipus Syndrom of Jason Todd having WONDER WOMAN as his girlfriend.
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Red hood
Jason Todd
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
By : Mackenzie
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I was ready for a fight but Bruce had other plans. He stood in front of me, took his mask off and said he was sorry I couldn’t believe it. He was sorry for me dying. It wasn't even his fault…. He told me to take my mask off and as he knew the tears were running down my face… I cried, I yelled at him, I was angry and hurt. I acted like I was mad at Bruce but really I was mad at myself… I fell to the ground and Bruce hugged me and told me everything wa going to be ok that he loved me that I was still his son the 8 year old boy that saw Batman fight two face the same 11 year old kid that tried to steal his wheels the same 13 year old boy he took the night of patrol to watch a movie with because I was sick and he didn’t want me to stay at home alone . I just cried. I felt like a kid again that just wanted to be loved and wanted his dad back ….. Bruce told me that we can go home, that I still have a room there, that he wanted me back there with him. He wanted our family back together. So I went home. I went back to the house and sure as hell babs , steph , dick and pennyworth were all there waiting to hug me and tell me everything was going to be ok that I was going to be ok . As I walked with Bruce to my room that he never let anyone in I heard a familiar voice. It was Damian Wayne aka Talia al Ghul's son and Bruce’s son . He said “ father drake tried to steal my cake so I said I would cut his arm off then he broke my tablet “ then I guess he realized it was me he apologized for bothering us and said “mother always said you would she him again Todd” he smiled and walked away . Bruce sat me down on my bed and sat beside me and said “ Jason I love you I’m sorry I never looked for you I’m sorry , your my son I love you more than anything I don’t know what I would do without you if I ever lost you again you mean the world to me and I want you apart of this team again I want you apart of this family again” . I replied to him and said I love you too dad and I would like that too . He hugged me and we cried and then that’s what I did. I was a part of the family again. I used to never be able to tell the difference between myself and the hood. Now I know I’m loved. I know I have a family. I know that I have the outlaws and I have you Artemis . I’m not alone even when I feel like I am and I know that you are all here to help me through and that’s why I love you -
To be continued
Red hood
the outlaws
Writer :
Base story :
DC comics
Scripted Writer :
Ideas from :
DC comics , weebtoon , red hood and the Outlaws, red hood : outlaws , Batman detective comics , Batman under the red hood , Batman and Robin , Wayne family adventures , red hood and the Outlaws rebirth , Batman brave and bold vol 1 , batfamily
Based on :
the 1997 DC comics - 2023 DC comics
Written : feb,15,2023
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
It's so FUCKING INFURIATING AND EMBARRASING how fanon Jason Todd stans always tell newbie Jason fans 'Don't read comics,just make shit up!!!' when they SHOULD tell them 'If you're scared to read comics,just watch Under The Red Hood!' when it's the perfect Jason adaption and average movie length!!!If you like Jason Todd but haven't actually consumed his media yet and want to get started,ignore those niggas because they're the same people who pretend Jason's Robin dosen't exist because he's black,are disgusted that all three of his love interests have been woc because they want him to only date white boys and white pick me girls and complete erase Jason's autistic-coding,goth punk slay and just his entire swag including what'd make him beyond good afrolatino rep but are foul enough to hc him as latino anyway.Those are the devils talking and you should tune them out by starting up Utrh and you should get your favorite snacks for too because you deserve them and i've read every Jason issue ever so if you want more info on him when you're done follow me since i'll actually know what i'm talking about,i love y'all and stay hydrated and ignoring Janky Talker truthers
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pinkiemachine · 3 months
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melodivita · 1 month
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i miss them <3
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crybabylulu · 5 months
I saw this TikTok using this audio being like oh I’m in jail I need your help and the person on the other end being like wait your in jail so this means this is your only phone call and the person in jail is like yeah and then the other person hangs up the phone someone was like this is Jason and tim and I was like nah Jason not calling Tim 🤣 I was like Jason’s calling Roy not Tim but he still don’t answer and someone was like yeah but then he’s still calling Tim after and I’m like he can’t if that’s his one phone call 🤣 SO BECAUSE OF THAT TIKTOK HERES A LIST MY BF AND I MADE OF WHO JASON IS CALLING WAY BEFORE TIM!
1. Roy because besties but like I said Roy don’t answer because he got a baby to deal with
2. Rose but she not coming to get him she like damn that’s crazy I’m doing stuff with my dad
3. Starfire and she’s probably coming to get him because that’s her brother in law and her bestie
4. Artemis (his lil boo thang) she not coming she cussing him out like no tomorrow asking him how stupid he could be probably going up there to actually laugh at him and still call him stupid (she might break him out later cause she miss her little spoon in the bed)
5. Bizaro he answered but Artemis told him he can’t go so he had to tell Jason she said no
6. Damian but see he know Damian is gonna tell Grayson and Grayson is gonna panic and go get his brother while Damian laughing BUT BUT! He might not tell Grayson and just got get Jason just way later but he gonna get him
7. Talia mama coming to get her son but see he know if he call she dragging him back to the league
8. Harley but she already in jail so they just probably figure out an escape plan
9. Grayson but he’s probably busy with Kory and also idc I feel like that man never answer the phone he just be showing up at the manor excepting whatever sibling that called to just be there
Jason is not calling Bruce that’s not a fucking option fuck Bruce 🤣
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wasabe777 · 7 months
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thordottir45 · 1 year
The Outlaw's Spirit
After a reveal gone wrong, whether intentional or not, Danny books it. Sam and Tucker have to stay behind in Amity to prevent Maddie, Jack, and the GIW from following their best friend. The trio is 16~17 or so at this point.
Jazz, being the best big sis that she is, has been taking college classes online to protect Danny. She helps the two destroy the Drs. Fenton lab before grabbing her go bag and getting out of there. She plans to start anew in a different city so that Danny can eventually join her. She's thinking Gotham, with the ambient ectoplasm, and high crime rates, it'll feel more like home than Star City, or Metropolis.
Danny, meanwhile, keeps running. He comes across a high-tech jet and hides in it, pulling a stowaway.
This jet is a Batplane, but is currently being used by The Outlaws for a mission.
Danny's ghost sense has no idea about how to react to Jason, so it causes him to cough, revealing his location to the group.
"B." Artemis instructs Bizarro with his nickname.
Bizarro moves in slowly, while Jason pulls out his guns, and Artemis her sword. Bizarro opens wherever Danny is hiding, revealing his black hair and blue eyes of his human form. Seeing the shaking teen, B gently pulls him out and 'restrains' him via hug.
Danny is freaking out at the sight of these out-of-the-norm people, and his ghost sense is triggering a coughing fit, aggravating whatever wounds he may have.
"One of your brothers?" Artemis asks Jason, despite keeping her guard up.
"Not that I know. What are you doing in here, kid?" Jason lowes his guns, but doesn't holster them, wanting to keep them in hand in case this kid is an enemy.
Danny, coughing, takes a closer look at the three surrounding him.
"Red Hood? Artemis of the Bana-Mighdall? Bizarro? What? Huh?!"
"Worry, we hurt you." Bizarro says soothingly.
Tensing, Danny prepares to use his powers, but Artemis explains what Bizarro means before he does.
"What are you doing in here, kid? You're hurt." Jason reiterates before noticing just how the boy is breathing other than his coughing fits.
Feeling safer with these three than he had with his parents in a long time, and with them all not being entirely human themselves, Danny is willing to explain some things, but not everything.
"My parents, they're scientists, they found out that I'm not entirely human... I had to run. I saw this jet, and it was a chance for me to get further away from them before they track me down."
"They can track you?" Artemis asks while Bizarro releases Danny, setting the teen down on a bench. Jason pulls out a med kit and sets it down next to Danny.
Jason then gets the Batplane into the air while the other Outlaws get to know the stowaway more.
Jason's inner bat wants to do so much research that he resembles the Replacement more than himself, but more of him sees himself in the kid and, as much as he loathes to admit it, pull a Bruce to take care of the much-too-thin teen.
Setting the autopilot to Gotham, Jason re-joins the discussion, noting that the kid's coughs get worse the closer he gets. Odd.
Bizarro and the teen have bonded over video games and movies, even with Bizarro's speech mannerisms.
Artemis, on the other hand, is patching the boy up, not offering much to the conversation other than clearing some things up for B.
"Course's set for Gotham. Figure we'll want Alfie to get some proper food in ya. Now, can you explain all the coughing?" Jason plops down across from the teen, keeping some distance to not make the coughing worse if his hunch is right.
Danny explains in the broadest terms for his ghost sense, that it can tell when people have died, and that Red Hood didn't come back right.
Tense, Jason's vision bleeds into green as he questions, "How?"
"I can tell because I didn't come back right, either..." Danny then tries to explain ectoplasm as glowing green goo, causing Jason to tense even more.
"Lazarus Waters."
Taking off his helmet, the lenses of Jason's domino are glowing, "Lazarus Waters. They threw me in mostly dead, and I came out mostly alive."
"That shouldn't..." Danny tilts his head, thinking of the lessons from Frostbite on the nature of ectoplasm and what happens when it gets corrupted. All part of his training for taking the throne. "Huh. Sounds like you got a batch of the more corrupted stuff. With pure ectoplasm, it would bring you back fully, with few side effects."
"Ectoplasm?" Bizarro asks from Danny's right.
Explaining in more detail, since Red Hood is some sort of subject of his and needs help, time passes and soon the autopilot is landing the jet.
"Come on, kid. Let's get some food in you, then we can see what to do about the Lazarus Waters." Jason puts a hand on the door to the Batplane, opening it to reveal the Batcave.
Just something that was floating around in my head. Not sure if I'll continue it, it's unlikely.
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heavenlyangeliq · 2 months
Batman “You became Just as bad as he was when you killed him”
Red Hood “You did it first when you spared him and let him kill much MUCH more than I just did. You let so many people die because you couldn’t kill one. I saved God knows how many people by killing one, and that I can live with.”
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Halloween prompts no. 15
Danny had been living in the ghost zone for almost a month now and he hated it. He was constantly under attack and could barely find anything to eat, he was so hungry.
Thats why when he was attacked this last time he fled into a part of the zone no one went to because of how unstable it was. What he went through wasn't quite a portal, it was more like he got liquefied and thrown into another dimension as a small pond.
Bizarro wasn't having a very good day. He had been fighting off a bounty hunter and had just defeated them when they sent a parting gift- a missile of some sort that sent him rocketing down into the ground. The ground gave away under the impact and Bizarro found himself swimming back to the top of green waters. Flying above the surface he tries to regain his bairings before noticing the water was moving. No..it was..solidifying? And before he knew it a glowing white haired child was in the place of the waters.
Biz flew closer to inspect the child and was surprised when they used ice vision to blast him away. Pretty much unharmed, gears turned in Bizarros head before he came to the conclusion that the magic waters had turned into a child because of him. The ice vision was proof enough of paternity for him.
He gapped, "Bizzaro have son?!"
Danny looked just as flabbergasted if not more so and just kinda went with it because he was tired and hungry and weak and he was okay with being adopted so long as it wasn't by a creepy person or a billionaire. A few weeks later Biz introduced his son and showed him off proudly to the the outlaws. Jason and Artemis side eye eachother uncomfortably wondering if Biz just kidnapped a child and gently confronted him about it. Then they learn about the appearent Lazarus Pit that turned into a child.
The same child that was currently glowing while raiding Jason's fridge and stealing all the Capri-suns. It was then that they noticed how thin the kid was and made plans to get something to eat.
"Phantom" as the kid called himself, was skittish around him and Artemis but was completely fine with Bizarro. He spoke with him fine, cracked jokes with him, not an ounce of fear. Unfortunately the kid had taken to hiding behind Bizarro whenever one of them got too close. Even Biz himself couldn't get the kid to chill out near them.
Danny himself liked Bizarro. He was enough like a ghost for him to be comfortable around him but his new dads humans reminded him a little too much of his own parents and thier betrayal. His inner Jazz told him he might have ptsd and he had to agree with her.
It was this that led to the realization that he might be afraid of humans in general.
In the meantime his new dad wanted to do all sorts of bonding activities with him and he was okay with that. More than okay actually.
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betterthanbatman1 · 9 months
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Giving Dexter Soy a forehead kiss
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Red hood
Jason Todd
Based on DC comics
By Mackenzie
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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Hey it’s Jason Todd, your one and only red hood, the baddest bat kid in Gotham . This story is about me and my life, not Bruce, not dick not Tim or Babs or even Damian ! So where should we start ? Maybe the being definitely….. It all started when I was born into a life of being poor and drugs and stealing. My mom died when I was born and my dad was never around. I have to fend for myself. It was hard. I never tell people but I was scared . Then when I was about 8 I saw Batman fly above me fighting two faces. I couldn’t believe my eyes but I knew one day I would be fighting him two because that’s what happens to kids like me …… about 4 years later I tried to steal the weeks off the bat mobile it didn’t work out very well I can say that . Batman took me and dropped me off at the nearest orphanage. I can’t say I wasn’t pissed but you know we can’t have everything. The next day BRUCE FUCKING WAYNE !!! Wanted to adopt me, the richest man in Gotham. I couldn’t believe my eyes so that’s what happened. I went with him in his limousine and we drove to Wayne manor. Not shortly after that he told me the truth why he was never home because he was Batman . I had a feeling but I was a pretty dumb kid .. so I became the second Robin because you can’t have a Batman without a Robin. We fought together, we were even better than him and dick Grayson and he was the first Robin . I always felt like I had to prove myself to him because I had some big shows to fill . Then 4 years later in the ethiopa desert I was beaten by the joker with a crowbar and I just remember the sound of the crowbar scratching the ground I still feel like I’m there sometimes just by little things And I still remember how I cried for my dad for Bruce . Joker left and I had a chance to get out at least that’s what I thought…… I dragged myself across the floor to the door with a bloody trail behind me . But the door locked then the whole place went BOOM ! Batman was too late . I died and he Held me in his arms and cried. I never really thought how hard it must have been for him. He lost his son and he just held me and cried… I had a nice funeral at least that’s what Barbara said she said dick walked out and cried that he couldn’t handle the fact I was gone his baby brother…. Selina Kyle aka catwoman even came maybe because she was on and off with the old man but who knows. Now you're still listening ? So we all know about Talia Al Ghul and she is in love with Bruce and of course she thought oh if I bring him back to life Batman would love me so I was thrown in the Lazarus pit ! And you know the rest I became the red hood was out of my mind 11 months after I died. Batman replaced me and 4 years later I revealed myself to Batman and let’s say I was a stupid 18 year old . Now Batman told me to meet him on the roof. We had our first mission . To be continued Ideas from : DC comics , weebtoon , red hood and the Outlaws, red hood : outlaws , Batman detective comics , Batman under the red hood , Batman and Robin , Wayne family adventures , red hood and the Outlaws rebirth , Batman brave and bold vol 1 , batfamily
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The best comic book relationship trope by far is: ridiculously over-powered literal goddess and her boyfriend, just some guy who’s embarrassingly in love with her
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shadow-storm12 · 2 months
Make Jason Todd an anti-hero again
DC Comics needs to give Jason back his guns, the all blades (only hurts magical things), and the dark Trinity (Artemis and Bizarro). He works better when he only interacts with the batfamily in small doses, i.e. Gotham is in danger of batman calls in Jason to handle something that he himself cannot do morally. Hell the outlaws and him can be traveling mercenaries.
or even make him a character that trains anti-heros
Jason Todd's best run was the Rebirth Outlaws (I will die on this hill)
There's more I want to say but can't formulate it into words right now
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sweetlypunk · 1 year
this for that poll I did and Jason Todd headcanons won, but with a twist. Just writing something to cheer me up after someone made me cry:
i don’t have the money to read all the comics so pls bare with me and my knowledge exclusive from social media and dc pages that need better summary.
• Reader has Scarlet witch like powers. (Wanda in DC lmao)
• you trained with Constantine for a few years, until you met Jason and joined his emo group
• It’s more like a team with Roy and Jason but ofc pairing up with the iconic group from time to time
• Everyone is helplessly in love with you, but in different ways.
• You were kind to Bizarro from moment one, never making him feel like a monster. you have used your powers to soothe his mind, which he appreciates
• “you’re so ugly” “you don’t look like a princess”
• “aw Bizarro, you are too nice”
• you bought him a Black Canary vinyl, and he declared his love for you right then and there
• Artemis and you might have had a rough start, but eventually became close, too close
• You helped her see her strength in her own inside war
• She respects strong women, and knows one when she sees her. So she had a great respect for you, as you for her.
• eventually she might have had a small crush on you, though crushes are not her thing.
• you guys complain about the guys way too much (And you love it)
• Pls Roy thinks you are hot and that’s enough for him to love you.
• though you are pretty cool too. (And he’s aware of the fact that you can easily kill him)
• you both enjoy listening to punk bands and feel like rebel kids. Is fun.
• you also mock Jay together, he hates it.
• Roy and Artemis have gotten into fights while pulling you to each of their sides because of who should be the one to take you out
• “I’m the hottest redhead” “you’re the dumbest redhead”
• “Jason is also a redhead..?” “He is a fake redhead. He doesn’t deserve you”
• Jokes on them, while they keep fighting you are glancing towards Jason, who is just sitting with his legs propped up on a table, reading away
• he looks cute.
• but don’t tell him.
• honestly, you don’t know what’s going on with Jason. You are attracted to him, and you know he is towards you too.
• he is just so complicated
• sometimes the burning sensation of the Lazarus Pit gets the best of him and he loses it, his anger taking control. Luckily you are always there for him.
• your magic soothes him and helps him compose himself.
• you stay with your foreheads touching while you match your breathing. Waiting for him to take control over on his own.
• Sometimes just your touch, w/o magic, is enough to calm him. That sweet reminder that not every touch from a foreign skin on his means pain.
• the only pain you could ever cause him is in his heart.
• but he won’t tell you that. (Or to himself)
• you actually met when he was Robin, but you were a civilian, and neither of you recall much. You more than him though.
• someone once called you wannabes Justice Leaguers, You all showed your appreciation for the comment <3 🔪
• most of the justice league either doesn’t know about you, or are too scared to come close. Your ex-mentors love u tho (supes is another story, kay?)
• you all are just fun, traumatized friends hanging out
• they are your found family, and you wouldn’t change them for anything <3
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the-djarin-clan · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Jaybird! ❤ 🍻 🥳
Today the love of my life is completing I don't know how old lol.
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