#otherwise it's study playlist
paeinovis · 1 year
My toxic trait is that since that only 90% of the music I listen to isn't character playlist "worthy" (i.e. not mostly instrumental or like oughts pop/80s) I end up having the same like three artists
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yeah-decisions · 8 months
Am I constantly reading about these characters, drawing and painting them, making playlists about them, and generally just making them a part of my everyday life? Yes.
But, am I also containing myself from talking about them all of the time to all of my friends and family? Also yes. So I'm pretty well overall.
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mhaccunoval · 2 years
was tagged by king @breadboylovin to share 6 albums i've been listening to recently <3
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-- undertow - tool
-- ænima - tool
-- lateralus - tool
-- 10,000 days - tool
-- from under the cork tree - fall out boy
-- in utero - nirvana
[tagging anyone else who wants to play along]
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asahicore · 11 months
kiwi and layla - sjy
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pairing. jake x fem!reader synopsis. in which you mistake jake’s backpack for your own, making you each go home with the other’s bag. both of you are too curious for your own good, so you quickly find out that you excel in the subject the other is failing - a mutual tutoring agreement ensues, and it turns into much more than what you had expected. genre. high school au, f2l, lots of fluff and some angst too, f2l, shy reader x outgoing jake warnings. food & swearing, mention of parent death and divorce, kms jokes, jake being stupid but also really cute (lmk if i've missed any!) word count. 26.3k a/n. this is part of the unexpected collab !!! go check out the other fics and caelin thank u for hosting <333 hope u guys like this one, it took me a while but i had so so much fun writing it !!! i love my jakey in here he's a little bit confused but he's got the spirit. @zreamy thanks for being the world's awesomest beta reader and a decent friend ig... 2 baddies wouldnt be the same without you... lifeguard wet body sunghoon coming soon guys dont miss it! as always pls remember how important reblogs and feedback is for us writers!!! it's what keeps us going <3 enjoy!!
listen to the playlist!
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This was not your backpack. 
In your defense, it looked so similar to yours - scratch that, it was the exact same as yours - that you couldn’t possibly have been able to tell the difference between the two bags until you’d opened one of them. Just a basic black Eastpak that probably a hundred other kids in your school owned with nothing to tell them apart, because you hadn’t had the mind to add a little something to it and make it recognizable. You hadn’t really needed to - your backpack was always on your back, next to your seat or in your locker. There was no way you might lose it or mistake it with another.
Until today, obviously. Instead of having a chill last class before spring break like every other teacher, your psycho math teacher Mr Choi had decided to give you a major test on this otherwise beautiful Friday afternoon. While other students watched a movie or played Kahoot, you were stuck in a cold classroom with algebra questions in front of you. Mr Choi had argued that this would be better than having a test after the holidays and ruining your time off with studying, but a test was a test, and math was math, so you hated the idea anyway. 
To eliminate all cheating possibilities, Mr Choi made his students only take a pencil and eraser with them, leave their bag at the back of the classroom and put their phone in a box he kept on his desk. Plus, with his hawk eyes watching intently, there was no way to sneak answers on a small sheet of paper or even on your palm. 
When the test was over, your brain was so fried and you were so eager to get the hell out of there that you didn’t even notice the two identical black backpacks next to each other, you just grabbed the first one you saw, not even questioning that it might not be yours.
And indeed, yours it was not. From your snooping around, you quickly found out it belonged to one Jake Sim. 
You knew Jake. Although you’d been attending the same school for the past three years, you could probably count the number of times you’d talked on one hand - but you knew him. Or at least, you knew of him. You knew that he was good at STEM subjects and that he was on the soccer team; you knew he was a really sweet guy and was easy to talk to, even for someone shy like you. 
Most importantly, you knew he was friends with Park Sunghoon. This was important because you had liked Park Sunghoon since the moment you’d laid eyes on him - or rather, your whole friend group had. It might’ve sounded extremely odd to others, but you and your friends had a few random people at school you liked to keep tabs on or create backstories for, and Sunghoon, because of his dashing looks that had struck all four of you in your first week of freshman year, was one of your victims. Well, you liked to think of them as characters on a TV show rather than victims, but to each his own. Your other characters included that popular sophomore who already considered herself a celebrity because of her ten thousand followers on TikTok anyway, the French and Spanish teachers you were sure had a thing going on, and that one guy in Yena’s biology class that only showed up every two weeks but always looked stoned (hat guy, Chaewon liked to call him, even you’d never once seen him with a hat on). It was all harmless, really - none of you ever actually went up and talked to them, just discussed them among yourselves.
Perhaps Sunghoon was different, because each of you had had a class with him at some point, so you’d all had at least shared a word with him. You probably hadn’t talked to him more times than you’d talked to Jake, so the information you knew about him was pretty surface-level - he was an ice skater, but everyone knew that, and he was shy like you, which was immediately noticeable. He also had one of the most handsome faces you’d ever seen. But again, everyone who saw him knew that.
You, Yena and Chaewon had debated whether one of you should just go ahead and make a move (Hyewon didn’t participate because she already had a boyfriend, but she was all for approaching the boy). You guessed you could describe what you felt towards Sunghoon as a sort of crush, even if it was one you shared with your friends - you found him cute, and you got nervous when he was around. But you were more the watch-from-afar-and-pine type, so you were satisfied with liking him from a distance. You didn’t think you actually had the guts to strike a conversation with him - that was more Chaewon’s thing.
However, this didn’t mean you weren’t curious about the contents of his best friend’s backpack. Your being shy didn’t mean you weren’t interested in other people’s lives - if anything, you were quite nosy. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but you were just a regular teenage girl, so this was fine, right? After just a few minutes of snooping, you found out Jake Sim wasn’t hiding any big state secrets in his Eastpak, anyway. Just some textbooks, notebooks, and a lot of single sheets of paper. It was pretty messy in there. 
Your idea of him being good at STEM subjects was correct - he kept all of his graded tests in the sleeve pocket of his math notebook, and there was not a single one that had received a note under 95. He even seemed to be doing some extracurricular exercises - there were formulae that were completely unfamiliar to you and that you were sure you hadn’t done in class. You found it slightly insane, but that might have just been because you despised math and wouldn’t understand why someone would want to do more of it than was required of them. 
His English homework was another story. His essays had more red from the teacher’s pen than his own black ink, and from the grades on his reading comprehension tests, you highly doubted he’d actually read any of the assigned books. You weren’t in the same English class but apparently had the same teacher, Ms Park, so you were studying the same thing. You couldn’t help but cringe as you read his answers on a Pride and Prejudice reading test - he seemingly kept mixing the sisters up, assigning actions and character traits to Lydia that clearly belonged to Jane. At least he somewhat got Darcy right, writing that “he’s probably not as bad as he looks,” with no further explanation. 
As you aimlessly flipped through his English notebook, curious about the way he took his notes - or if he even took any - you noticed some scribbles in the margins. Looking closer, some of them were in his handwriting while others were in an unfamiliar one. It looked like some sort of conversation, so you assumed the other writing belonged to his deskmate. You also did this with your friends in classes where the teacher was very strict about no chatting in class.
dude coach said if I fail any of my classes I would be out of the team, you read Jake’s handwriting.
Wait seriously????
yeah and I suck at english so Im scared it might actually happen
You just need to study more bro
bro I DO but this shit is hard
Then find someone to help you
neither of you guys is that good in that subject either tho
Ok ouch but also just find someone else then
bro who
IDK man 
Y/N maybe ? she’s good at English and she’s nice so she might say yes 
there you go about y/n again dude MAYBE you ask HER to teach you some sonnets
Shut up you’re the one who needs help dumbass
whatever isn’t it weird just asking her randomly though like i dont want her to feel like she has to say yes
Lol if she sees your grades she might do it out of pity
fuck u man
You were surprised to see your own name written there - it felt weird knowing that Jake and his friend were talking about you, for some reason. And what if that friend was Sunghoon? You had a hard time believing he not only knew you existed, but thought of you as good at English and nice. You liked to think both of these things were true. 
He was also spot-on about saying you would agree to helping out Jake in those subjects, but what he got wrong was thinking you’d do it out of pity. Clearly, you and Jake were in very similar positions. You didn’t have any sort of club you’d be kicked out of if you failed a class, but it sure as hell wouldn’t look good on your college applications, so you needed to get your math grades up. 
Jake and you both desperately needed something the other person could help with, so you had a feeling he wouldn’t turn down the offer that was brewing in your head.
This was not Jake’s backpack.
He noticed it right away - it was much heavier than his own and the straps were tighter around his shoulders than they should be. He looked inside for some clues about who it might belong to, and luckily, the first thing he found was a journal that had Y/N’S DIARY written on the cover page in big, pink letters. 
Unluckily, however, he’d also noticed that you had practically sprinted out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang, and indeed, you were already far gone when he tried looking for you around school. He had to get to soccer practice anyway, so he put the issue to the side for the time being.
When he got home, he had to shower then have dinner, so it wasn’t until 8 p.m. that he remembered he had your backpack. He had meant to text you straightaway about it, and he knew it was wrong to look into someone’s belongings, but he couldn’t help himself, especially when his best friend Sunghoon had liked you for ages. Maybe this was an opportunity to find out more about you.
Your mind-blowing grades in English don’t come as much of a surprise to him, and after reading through your most recent essay, he thought you definitely deserved them. Your essay was on a Shakespeare play he had never heard of - you apparently also had Ms Park for English, and he didn’t know she was doing Shakespeare in class, so he wondered for a second if you were actually crazy enough to read another book and study it. As if 300 pages of Jane Austen weren’t enough as it was. 
What shocked him were your math grades. It was like looking into a fucked-up mirror: while you excelled at English, you sucked at math; while he excelled at math, he sucked at English. You were just as close to failing your math class as he was at failing English.
Now that he thought about it, maybe Sunghoon’s idea hadn’t been so dumb - you could help him out, and he had an actual argument as to why you should, rather than just using pity on you.
As he put your stuff back in your bag, he was reminded of something - your diary. For some reason, the pretty floral pattern on the cover made him feel even worse for opening the journal in the first place, but he did it anyway. Either you’d only just picked up the habit of writing in a diary or you had finished your previous one recently, but this one seemed pretty new, as only about ten pages had been filled with your neat handwriting. Judging from the dates at the top of almost every page, you wrote in there everyday, and Jake only felt even worse that you hadn’t been able to write in it that day.
Still, he flicked to the first page and started reading. And he read and read, unable to take his eyes away from your diary. He thought he wouldn’t have cared much and a page would have satisfied his curiosity, but the way you wrote about the people around you and about yourself fascinated him. Basic high school things like friend drama and annoying teachers actually became interesting through your words. You didn’t use particularly complicated sentences or unheard-of words, on the contrary, you used simple language, and that spoke a lot more to Jake than any of the classics he’d attempted to read for class. 
And then, he saw an all too familiar name in an entry dated from just a few days ago. 
I sat next to Sunghoon today. It was during physics and both of our desk partners were absent, so Mrs Kim made me change seats. She always does this, and I used to wonder whether she hated to see an empty seat or to see a student sitting on their own, but whatever the reason, today, I was just happy about it. This isn’t our first time sitting next to each other in class, but I was still nervous, since I wasn’t expecting it. I hope he couldn’t feel the awkwardness practically oozing off of me or the way I very obviously struggled with the exercises (obviously, anything to do with math is not my forte). We shared my textbook because he’d forgotten his, and he showed me his notes when he saw I couldn’t keep up with Mrs Kim as she told us what to write down. We only exchanged a few words but I was satisfied when class was over. It’s odd, because you’d think someone would want to talk to the person they like and get to know them more, but I don’t feel that with Sunghoon. Maybe it’s because we’re both so introverted, and he seems to have just as hard a time as I do starting conversations, so I’ve sort of accepted our silent fate. I’m fine just continuing to steal glances at him from across the cafeteria. 
After that, there were a few more pages of writing up until yesterday's entry, but it was the only mention of Sunghoon. Jake had apparently been wrong to think that a girl’s diary would be full of rantings about her crush and things along the lines of “omg, he looked at me today”. 
But you had very clearly referred to Sunghoon as the person you liked, and Jake wasn’t going to let that go so easily. This was precious information that he held in his hands now, so he had to figure out how to deal with it properly for your sake as well as his friend’s.
Turns out there was more he could help you with than just algebra.
Seeing Jake Sim in a setting other than school was slightly odd, if you were being completely honest. 
You had just been about to text him about the backpack mix-up when you’d received a message from the man himself, asking if you could meet up the next day to exchange them. In response, you’d asked where you should meet, thinking he’d offer either his house or yours, or some halfway point between them, but he surprised you by proposing some café in the center of town. They have good hot chocolate there, he’d said, and that had been enough to convince you. 
And also I have something I want to talk to you about. 
Your stomach had turned at this message - what on Earth could Jake Sim need to discuss with you had been your first thought, and then you realized you also had plans you wanted to share with him. So his idea of going to a café was actually good for you, too.
You’d only been waiting for about five minutes when he appeared at the café, red and panting from seemingly sprinting to his destination. 
“Y/N, I’m sooo sorry,” he immediately said when he saw you waiting. “I was planning to be early, but when I got on the bus I realized I literally forgot your bag, so I had to go back but the next bus wasn’t for another twenty minutes so I just ran the whole way here, and now I’m all sweaty, and I’m late, and I’m really sorry.”
He’d rushed through his sentence and was breathing heavily as he looked at you expectantly, waiting for your answer. He seemed so genuinely sorry for such a small thing that after your surprise faded, you started laughing. It was his turn to be surprised, and he immediately stopped talking at the sound of your soft giggles.
“It’s okay, Jake. I haven’t even been waiting five minutes,” you explained, smiling. “Let’s just go in, yeah?”
Jake’s heart did something weird just then, and the feeling was so unfamiliar and confusing that he decided to promptly ignore it. As if in a daze, he stood still for a couple of seconds until the sound of a bell ringing, the one the café had on its doors to signify the entrance or exit of a customer, snapped him out of it. He followed you into the shop, let you order and pay for you both (“I’m the one who took the wrong bag, it’s the least I can do,” you’d said) and sat across from you at a booth in the back.
You gave each other your respective bags back, then started chatting as you sipped on your hot chocolates (Jake had been right - they really were delicious). He was surprisingly easy to talk to, and whether he sensed you were a reserved person or was just naturally talkative, you liked that he both managed to do most of the talking and ask you loads of questions at once. Usually, you wouldn’t have really cared to listen to someone go on and on about their passion for soccer and the recent game that their team had won, but for some reason, you were hooked on Jake’s every word. The way his eyes widened in excitement as he recounted the winning goal he scored, the way the volume of his voice decreased as he filled you in on the team gossip even though no one was listening to your conversation, the way his grin turned into a proud smirk as he mentioned his coach congratulating him - every single one of his actions had you mesmerized. You’d never seen anyone so expressive in their speech, never seen anyone punctuate every sentence with a movement or a facial expression. It was just fun, listening to him.
Even when he didn’t talk, he stayed expressive. He asked you whether you did anything outside of school, and he listened intently as you told him about the theater group you’re in, humming and nodding and laughing at all the right moments. Usually, you wouldn’t have talked about it for more than thirty seconds, afraid to bore others with unnecessary details, but Jake’s reactions and the questions he asked made you actually feel listened to and like what you were talking about was interesting. So you grew more confident and told him what you loved about acting and about theater, about your own gossip (the arrogant actress who got the lead role and thought she was better than everyone else, that one guy who was clearly flirting with three girls at the same time), and you almost couldn’t believe Jake seemed so entertained by your stories. 
“So, you said your group focused on more classic plays, right? Does that mean you’re good at English Lit?”
With his spoon, Jake scooped some whipped cream into his mouth, hoping he was appearing as nonchalant as he was trying to be. He had to make you think he’d deduced that just now and not because he had been snooping through your backpack just the night prior. 
You, however, could not have cared less how he’d figured it out - you were just grateful he had segued into this topic of school and grades, because you’d been wanting to bring it up yourself but had no idea how.
“Um, yeah, actually, it’s my best subject. Math, on the other hand…”
You chuckled as his eyes widened and he leaned in across the table, pointing his spoon at you as he spoke. “See, that’s interesting, because math is my best subject, but I suck at English Lit.”
“Oh, really?” you asked, trying to sound genuinely surprised even though this piece of information was not at all new to you.
“Yeah,” he said, looking back down at his almost-finished drink with a small smile on his face.
“You know-”
“You know-”
You and Jake had spoken at the same time, and your eyes locked for a second before you started laughing. You gestured at him to go on first.
“I actually need pretty urgent help in English. Coach said he’ll put us out of the team if we fail even just one of our courses, and I’m very close to failing that class.” He took a moment to let out a sigh. “So, if you want, we could help each other out. Me with math, and you with English.” 
His eyebrows were slightly furrowed and he bit his lip as he looked at you expectantly. You thought he looked far too nervous for such a simple request, expression more like a boy who’d just asked his crush to the prom rather than offering mutual help you both desperately needed. You couldn’t help the smile that grew on your lips - you had never known Jake Sim to be so… cute. But he was waiting for an answer, so you pushed the thought out of your head.
“That’s a great idea, actually,” you replied, as if you hadn’t had the exact same idea. You were just relieved you hadn’t even had to bring it up yourself. “I also really can’t afford to fail math. It would look terrible on college applications.”
Jake let out a long, loud exhale. “God, yeah, college, I hadn’t even thought of that. Even more motivation to get better grades now,” he said with a chuckle.
You chuckled along, then cleared your throat and sat up straighter. You watched with amusement as Jake mirrored your actions and even the fake serious frown in your brows. You presented your hand for him to shake, which he did without hesitation.
“So it’s a deal then. We’ll tutor each other until we’ve gotten our grades up.”
“Deal,” he replied. As you both withdrew your hands, he dropped his serious facade and burst into giggles, a sound you hadn’t expected from the boy but somehow fit him well. You watched his face closely for a second, noticing the curl of his lips and the crinkle at the corner of his eyes, before breaking into laughter yourself.
You stayed in the café for another half hour, going over details of where and when you’d meet, of what exactly you needed help with (“Everything,” you’d said, to which Jake had replied “Same”), and just talked some more.
“I’m taking the 53 that way,” Jake said when you exited the café, pointing towards the bus stop.
“Oh, so am I!” you exclaimed.
“Seriously?! What’s your stop?”
And that’s how you and Jake figured out you only lived two bus stops away from each other. 
“That’s so cool! It’ll make it easy to meet up then,” he said, and you hummed in agreement. After a pause, he added: “But if we live so close to each other, how come we didn’t go to the same schools earlier? Aren’t you usually supposed to go to the one in your district?”
“I used to live in another part of town,” you explained. “Then my parents divorced when I was in middle school, and I stayed with my dad because he lived closer to the school I was at, but I moved to my mom’s place for high school.”
“‘Cause she lives closer?”
“Yeah, basically.” There was more to it, but you didn’t think Jake would be particularly interested in your parental issues - although you surprised yourself for even considering telling him. If Jake sensed that you weren’t saying everything, he didn’t push, just swiftly changed the topic as you waited for the bus to come.
When you got home some time later, the first thing you did was open your diary and start writing. It had felt wrong not to write in it even just for a day, so it was a relief to feel the pages between your fingers and the familiar scent of the paper and your perfumed pen. You wrote without thinking too much, simply letting all of your musings out into your diary and freely brushing the tip of your pen across the pages. 
You didn’t ever reread your entries right after writing them, but if you had that day, you might have noticed all you could write about was the boy you’d drank a hot chocolate with.
Spring break week passed by far too quickly, and it was on the first Monday back at school that you and Jake met again. He had soccer practice on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, while you had theater rehearsals on Thursdays and Saturdays, so you’d agreed to meet up every Monday and Wednesday after school. Since his mother worked as the school nurse, she drove him to and from school everyday - so on Monday, you met Jake in front of the nurse’s station, waiting for his mom to wrap things up before she drove you both to their home.
You had been surprised to learn that the kind nurse that never asked too many questions and always let students take a nap if they didn’t feel well was Jake’s mom, but upon reflection, it made sense. Once you knew, it was almost obvious that she had raised him - they shared the same friendliness, the same comforting smile and the same ability to make conversation. The whole ride home, she asked you about yourself and thanked you for agreeing to tutor “our little Jakey,” because “God knows he needs the help.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh when a blush crept on Jake’s face and he looked out the passenger seat window with an embarrassed frown, muttering something like “Thanks a lot, Mom.”
She noticed his reaction and laughed along with you. “I’m just saying, Jakey-poo. It’s good to know to ask for help when you need it,” she cooed, reaching a hand out to ruffle his hair. This only made Jake groan loudly and hide his face in his hands. You didn’t know Jake very well, but this flustered, red-faced side of him was definitely one you liked seeing.
The first thing that greeted you when you reached Jake’s house was a happy welcome home bark.
“You have a dog?!” you exclaimed, unable to reel your excitement in.
“Yeah! This is Layla,” Jake said, giving energetic rubs to the Border Collie that made her whole body shake side-to-side but that she seemed to thoroughly enjoy. 
“Hi, Layla,” you cooed, crouching down to her level to let her sniff you. She decided you were a person worthy of petting her. “She’s so cute!”
“I think she likes you,” Jake said, a grin on his face, as he watched Layla presenting her belly to you and asking for scratches there. “Do you have a dog?”
“We have a Corgi at home. And a cat, too.”
“That must be fun,” Jake chuckled. “Do they get along?”
“Depends. They have a bit of a love-hate relationship.” You looked up at Jake, and it was uncharacteristically quiet as you locked eyes for a couple of seconds. You both looked away at the same time, surprised by the sudden eye contact.
You gave Layla one last rub and lifted yourself up. “Um, should we get started?” 
Jake paused for a second as if he’d forgotten what you were here for in the first place, then started nodding his head quickly. “Right, yeah. Let’s go to my room. Downstairs is just one big room and my mom will probably watch TV or make dinner or something, so it might be distracting…” he explained, lightly scratching the back of his neck. It seemed like he was embarrassed to be bringing you to his room, which you couldn’t help but find endearing.
“Okay, sounds good,” you said with a smile, hoping it’ll reassure him.
You followed him up to his room, ignoring his complaints as you lingered on the framed photos on the wall next to the stairs and giggled at his baby pictures. 
“Do not look at those,” he said with a warning tone that didn’t scare you in the slightest. When you didn’t listen, he grabbed your hand that had been pointing at a photo of baby Jake in the bathtub and forced you to keep walking.
“Why?” you asked, a slight whine to your voice.
“‘Cause it’s embarrassing! I was an ugly baby.”
“What?! You were so cute!”
“Whatever. I’d rather study English than talk about this, and that’s saying something.”
When you looked at Jake, you were surprised to find that he actually seemed upset about this. You weren’t sure what was so wrong with looking at his baby pictures, but the last thing you wanted to do was make him mad, so you stayed quiet and continued your way to his room. Once there, although you were infinitely curious about all the posters, pictures, figurines, trophies, and other small tokens of Jake’s life, you didn’t ask him about any of them, just sat next to him at his desk and opened The Picture of Dorian Grey, the book you had both been studying in Ms Park’s class.
You’d agreed on spending forty-five minutes on English, have a small break, then spend forty-five minutes on Math. It wasn’t a lot, but you both had other homework and things outside of school you needed to do, so you’d decided to start out that way and see if it worked out.
You were glad to see how seriously Jake was taking this - he listened intently to what you said and asked questions when he didn’t understand something. You quickly figured out that what he didn’t like about English Literature was that the answers weren’t as straightforward or as logical as they were in math, and even worse, that multiple answers were possible depending on the reader’s interpretation. 
“It just all feels like a guessing game,” he said, resting the side of his head on one of his palms. “How am I supposed to know what this dude meant? And if it can be analyzed in different ways, how can Ms Park tell me the way I understand it is wrong?”
“It’s all about the way you justify it,” you explained. “You can’t just say whatever. Ms Park will look out for how you use the text to support your answers.” You then went on to pick out a specific part of the book, asking Jake to analyze Dorian’s mindset in that scene. 
“He sounds like he’s going insane,” Jake said flatly when he was done reading, getting a chuckle out of you.
“Exactly. How do you know that?”
“I don’t know, just the words he uses,” Jake replies, shrugging.
“Okay, underline those words,” you instructed gently. Jake sighed, but he complied.
“Good. What can you say about those words?” When Jake just looked at you like a lost puppy, you reformulated your question. “What do they have in common? What type of words are they? Are they common nouns, verbs…”
Jake looked back at the words he’d underlined on the page. “They’re… adjectives?” he said, tone unsure.
Jake paused. “So?”
“So now you can say that the author uses many adjectives to convey the gradual loss of sanity of the main character.”
When you looked at Jake, he wore an expression like the words on the page were finally starting to make sense to him. “That’s the content. You can also look at the structure. See how many punctuation marks there are? Commas, semi-colons, question marks… It’s like he keeps cutting himself off. His thoughts are all over the place.”
Jake nodded slowly. “So, I just need to look out for things like that?”
“Basically, yeah. And the more you practice, the more these things will stand out to you. It actually becomes somewhat repetitive sometimes.”
Jake let out a shaky breath. “That’s actually relieving to hear,” he said with a chuckle.
Thirty minutes passed by like this as you showed Jake ways to make sense of a literary text. When the timer rang, he leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms out wide with a sigh. He put his hands behind his head and let it hang back, and the way your stomach flipped at the sight of his exposed neck and Adam’s apple made you look away immediately. You could barely meet his eyes as he turned his head to look at you, still in that same position, and, with a smirk, asked if you were ready for some snacks. 
You gulped, trying to look as normal as possible. “Uh, yeah, sure!”
Downstairs, Jake presented you with all sorts of snacks - there were so many, you felt like you were in a convenience store. This was worlds away from your ingredient-only household. You opted for some biscuits and a banana while Jake made himself a bowl of cereal. A very distracting ten-minute long argument then ensued about the order of milk and cereal - horrifyingly, Jake poured his milk before his cereal. You thought it was a myth that some people actually did it that way, but Jake very proudly defended his choice. 
“I bet you eat pizza with pineapple on it, too,” you said half-jokingly, only for your joke to punch you right back in the face.
“Duh,” Jake answered.
You could only shake your head in defeat. “Let’s just get back to studying before I murder you.”
“Damn, Y/N,” Jake said, laughing. “That’s harsh.”
“And you’re a freak,” you retorted, a grin blooming on your lips.
“You know, you remind me of my friend Jay,” Jake mused as you walked back up the stairs. “He has so many of these small battles that he just won’t let go of. He got super worked up over an argument about mint chocolate chip ice cream once.”
“Let me guess, you like that ice cream?”
Jake shrugged. “It’s not my favorite, but I’ll have it once in a while.”
“God, Sim, you just get worse and worse.”
You sat back down at his desk and started eating. “I bet you think I’m weird for liking math too, right?”
“That’s the worst offense of them all.” 
Jake’s sudden quietness caught you off guard. When you turned your head to look at him, he was already gazing at you with a smile and a sort of thoughtful glint to his eyes, resting his chin on his palm. It sounded like he was thinking out loud when he spoke next. “Guess we’re perfect opposites of each other. Like two peas in a pod!”
The realization of what he’d said dawned upon him as soon as the words left his mouth. He slowly lifted his head as his eyes widened. “I don’t mean- just, you know, since you’re good at English and I’m good at math, and- you know… I didn’t mean it in a weird way, or anything…”
His eyes kept glancing back and forth between you and his bowl of cereal, as if he was scared of looking directly at you but wanted to check your reaction. 
As a smile grew on your face, you kept your eyes trained on your biscuits so he wouldn’t see your flustered expression. But when you looked at him again, he held your gaze, mouth slightly agape. You didn’t have it in you that he had gotten the idiom completely wrong. “I know, don’t worry.” You chuckled. “We are opposites of each other. You just better be as good at teaching math as I am at teaching English,” you teased.
You watched as a smirk tugged one corner of Jake’s lips up and he raised an eyebrow. “Who said you were good at teaching English?”
You gasped. “You said you understood better now!”
Jake’s smile softened as he giggled. “I’m just teasing. You are a good teacher.”
You sat up straighter at the compliment, a proud smile on your face. “Your turn, Mr Sim. I’m all ears.”
“Right,” he said, mirroring your posture. “Shall we start by going over Mr Choi’s test from last week?” 
Your smile dropped instantly at this. Reluctantly, you fished your graded paper out of your bag. You already knew Mr Choi was a psychopath, but you still didn’t understand where he found the will to grade thirty papers over the weekend. You avoided Jake’s gaze as you handed him your test with a big, red, circled D- at the top.
You cringed as Jake sighed. “At least it’s not an F, right?” he said in what you could tell was an attempt at reassurance but somehow only made you feel worse. He looked over your answers quickly, trying to find what in particular you struggled with. “All right. Let’s start from the beginning, yeah?”
For the next forty-five minutes, Jake went over each test question with you, breaking them down and explaining how to solve them in a way you understood. The words he used were so much clearer than the half-assed explanations you were used to from Mr Choi, and for once, math actually made some sort of sense. Your brain still felt broken after almost an hour of numbers and greek letters, but at least, you felt smarter rather than dumber at the end of it. You had never been more grateful for the sound of a phone alarm than the one signaling tutoring was over. 
“That wasn’t half-bad, right?” Jake asked with a wide grin.
You felt so tired, you could probably pass out right then and there, but Jake looked so proud of himself after you had been able to complete an exercise correctly on your own that you didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth. “Right,” you replied, mirroring his grin. “You’re an okay teacher, I guess.”
He jokingly glared and tutted at you, but you both laughed right after. “I need to walk Layla, so I can walk you home, if you want?” he offered as you started packing your things. His words had an uncertain tone to them, as if he wasn’t sure you’d still want to spend time with him after this - but it only took you a second of thinking to realize you’d rather continue hanging out with him than going home on your own.
“Sure! I need to walk Kiwi too, actually.”
“Your dog’s name is Kiwi?!”
“Yes,” you said, chuckling at his fascinated tone.
“That’s an adorable name.”
“Thanks, I chose it.”
“Oh, then I take it back. Worst name I’ve ever heard for a dog.”
“Hey!” you exclaimed, lightly hitting him on the head with your math notebook, making him raise a hand in self-defense as he laughed.
“Sorry, sorry. Does your cat also have a fruit name?” 
A pause. “Mango,” you mumbled, and he immediately burst into laughter again. You side-eyed him as you zipped up your bag.
“Wow, you have amazing taste in pet names, Y/N.”
“Shut up,” you said, laughing along. Then you realized something, and you suddenly stopped laughing, looking up at Jake with wide eyes that made him slightly start to panic. “Oh my God, Jake, are our dogs going to meet?”
“Our dogs are going to meet,” he echoed in a sort of fascinated whisper. You both understood the other - dogs becoming friends was the cutest thing ever.
“Let’s go,” you whispered back excitedly.
When you reached the living room downstairs, you bid Mrs Sim goodbye, then went to the entrance to put your shoes back on. “You two sure get along well,” you heard her say to her son with a suggestive tone. Even though she had dropped the volume of her voice, the door was wide open and there were only a few meters between you, so you’d heard her loud and clear. 
“Geez, Mom,” Jake groaned, seemingly irked by his mom’s insinuation.
“It’s just you’ve never brought a girl home, Jakey-”
“Okay, we’re leaving now! Layla, come!”
You hadn’t even realized how wide you were grinning until Jake saw you tying your shoelaces and grumbled “What are you smiling so hard for.”
“Nothing,” you giggled, and your smile grew as you watched a grin break through his pretend-upset expression.
You sighed contentedly as you stepped outside, letting the crisp early April air hit your face. You tightened your scarf around your neck and buried your hands in your pocket and you and Jake started walking side by side, Layla happily leading the way. The streets were fairly quiet at this time of day, save for the yells of children still playing in their backyards before dinner and a few cars of people coming home late from work.
Only the first five seconds of the walk were silent, until you couldn’t contain yourself anymore. “So, never brought a girl home, huh?” you asked with a teasing smirk.
Jake let out an offended scoff and looked up to the sky as if God could help him out of this one. Sadly, He didn’t, so Jake had to find an answer himself. “I’m not talking about this with you.”
“Why not?”
Pouting, Jake spared you a sideway glance. “Because you’re a girl,” he replied, voice lowered to a mumble.
You chuckled at this. “Very astute observation, Jake.”
“No, I- Ugh,” he groaned before laughing along with you. “I don’t need a girl to know how bad I am with- well, with girls.”
“I can help with that,” you said before you really thought about it. “I mean, I’m not a love expert by any means, but I can maybe give, I don’t know, pointers or something if there’s someone you like-”
“There’s no one I like,” Jake quickly cut in. “Um, not right now, at least.”
“O-okay,” you replied, nodding. “That’s fine.” 
“What about you? Do you like anyone?”
As Jake asked the question, he realized he already knew the answer - you liked Sunghoon. How could he forget?! Half of his plan had been to make you get closer to his friend, but he hadn’t even started thinking about that yet. In his defense, he’d come up with that plan three days ago.
Your answer surprised him. “Um, no, me neither. Not right now, at least,” you said, repeating his words with a smile on your face. You locked eyes for a second before looking away at the same time, chuckling.
“Right,” he said. He knew what he had read in your diary, so maybe you were just too shy to admit you had a crush on his friend of all people.
An unexpected awkwardness settled between the two of you, and you more than anything wanted it to go away. Even though it’d only been a few days since you and Jake had started getting to know each other, you already felt comfortable enough to be yourself around him, and it usually took you weeks before reaching that level with anyone. This hadn’t happened since you met Yena and Hyewon at the beginning of high school - they had been friends since middle school, and so had you and Chaewon, and when the four of you met, you had instant chemistry. But maybe it was slightly too early to start talking about crushes with Jake.
For once, you were the one to break the silence - you asked him whether he knew what he wanted to do after school. Basic question, but you were genuinely curious. 
Looking a little bashful, he confessed his dream had always been to be a math teacher and soccer coach at a middle or high school. You told him he already had the talent for it, and when he blushed at your words, you made sure to tease him for it.  
“I’m not sure yet,” you said when he returned the question. “I know I wanna go to college and continue doing English Lit and theater there, but that’s about it.”
“That’s already good enough,” Jake said with a smile. “Still got time to figure out what comes after, right?”
You naturally mirrored his smile - there was something contagious about Jake’s puppyish grin that made it hard not to smile yourself. “Right.”
The three of you reached your house quickly after that. Your mom still hadn’t come home from work, so Kiwi was even more excited than usual for your arrival home. You and Jake watched fondly as your dogs sniffed each other for a few seconds before starting to run around together. The fact that they got along made you really happy, perhaps unreasonably so, and you started bouncing up and down on the balls of your feet as you watched them play. “Our dogs are friends!” you exclaimed excitedly. 
When you turned to look at Jake, he wasn’t watching the dogs like you had been - he was gazing straight at you, eyes soft with something that made your heart skip a beat. You couldn’t look away, and it was only after a few seconds that he seemed to snap out of the sort of daze he was in. He cleared his throat and you finally tore your eyes away from him.
“Let me just- Kiwi! I need to put his leash around him,” you said, speaking quickly to dissipate the weird atmosphere as best as you could. You led Jake down the path you usually took with Kiwi that led to a park in your neighborhood, and you were relieved when normal conversation started again.
Jake insisted on walking you back to your house even though he had left his earlier. He made a whole show of not going until you’d walked inside and closed the door, so you’d rushed to your window to shout his name and wave goodbye at him, which made him laugh.
You turned back to Kiwi when Jake and Layla had turned a corner and you couldn’t watch them anymore. “Are you happy you made a new friend, Kiwi?”
The Corgi barked happily at you in response - probably more at hearing his name than because he understood your question, but still, you liked to think you could communicate with your dog on such a level. You chuckled and took him in your arms. “Me too.”
Apparently, you couldn’t even wave to someone in the hallway without being interrogated about it anymore.
“Y/N, did you just say hi to Jake Sim?” Chaewon asked like you’d just insulted her whole family.
It was 10 a.m. on a simple Tuesday morning, the day after Jake and you had studied together for the first time, and you’d just walked past the boy - so of course, you said hi to him. Maybe, your heart started beating slightly faster when you’d noticed him approaching. Maybe, it was nice to be on the receiving end of his friendly grin.
“Yes?” you replied, sentence coming out more like a question.
“Since when do you say hi to Jake Sim?!” 
“Since today, I guess.”
“But why?!” She’d raised her voice so much, you’d gotten strange looks from other students in the hallway. 
“I told you!”
She shook her head slowly at you as if to say, No you didn’t!
You rolled your eyes and sighed. Chaewon and her early onset short-term memory loss. “The backpack thing? And agreeing to tutoring each other? I wrote to the group chat about this!”
“Oh, that! Of course I remember that,” she said, even though you knew she had forgotten about it and remembered it just now. “So, has that started already?”
You reached the classroom for your next class and sat down in your usual seats next to each other, waiting for the teacher to arrive. Busy hallways like these were the perfect place for gossip, because they were loud and nobody paid attention to others’ conversations. “Yeah, yesterday afternoon.”
Chaewon gasped. “And you didn’t tell us?!”
“Will you quiet down? I was going to see and tell you guys today anyway.”
“Okay, so, tell me about it.”
“Tell. Me.”
You wouldn’t see Yena and Hyewon until lunch in two hours, and you knew Chaewon didn’t have the patience to wait until then. So you sighed again and obliged, telling her about your afternoon with Jake in every detail you could remember, because she would ask about insignificant things anyway. 
To your surprise, the first thing she said when you were done talking was this: “Y/N, do you like Jake?”
Your mouth opened slightly in shock at the question, but before you could even retort, you started giggling. “No, I don’t,” you said in a way that sounded like you very much did.
“Oh my God! You so do!” Chaewon said, giggling along with you. “You whore, you’ve only talked to him, like, twice,” she joked.
You gasped fake-dramatically and slapped her arm. “Oh please, look at Hyewon and Jaemin, they started dating after a week of talking.”
“Yes, and they’ve been going one year strong, so clearly, you need to ask Jake out and get this over with. You’ll get a boyfriend and a math tutor all-in-one, it’s a perfect deal!”
“Don’t get too carried away, okay? Jake and I are friends. Like you said, we barely know each other right now.”
You meant this - sure, you had had a really good time with Jake both times you saw him, and you were looking forward to your next tutoring session, but you chalked it up to the excitement of making a new friend. Plus, barely last week you felt some sort of way towards his best friend - wouldn’t it be weird to practically transfer your feelings from Sunghoon to Jake?
“Whatever. Yena and Hyewon are gonna freak when I tell them,” Chaewon said excitedly.
You shook your head at your friend but couldn’t keep down the amused grin on your face. “You guys are insane.”
“Oh please, like you’re not the president of our Park Sunghoon fanclub. I can’t believe you’re leaving us for his best friend!”
“Hey, if anything, less competition for you, right?”
Chaewon opened her mouth to say something, but the teacher arrived, starting the lesson before having even put her bag down - Mrs Lee always arrived late but never wasted a second of class when she was in the room. Your friend resorted to sticking her tongue out at you instead, and you chuckled at her childishness as you opened your History notebook. 
Jake was a complete, total, utter idiot. His plan had consisted of two things only, and he’d somehow managed to forget one of them, even after talking about it with you, albeit vaguely. It had taken him two weeks and one Park Sunghoon to even remember it.
Between Jake’s soccer practice, Sunghoon’s ice skating practice and Jay’s being away at boarding school, the three friends only had one night every week on which they were all free - Friday night. So, every Friday, they planned some sort of hang out at one of their houses and gamed or watched movies all night.
Kinda like date night, but for bros.
This was one of those bro nights; namely, the one in the second week of you and Jake tutoring each other. The boys had decided to go to the burger joint they like that night and were in the middle of a french fry fight when Sunghoon mentioned your and Jake’s new friendship.
“So, Jake… what’s up with you and Y/N?”
Jake halted in his motions, redirecting to his mouth the fry he was about to throw at Jay. “Nothing’s up with me and Y/N. What makes you say that?”
“Just, you know, you seem like you’ve become actual friends. Talking in the hallways and walking your dogs together and whatnot.”
“Y/N as in Y/N? Sunghoon’s Y/N?” Jay said, halfway through a bite of his cheeseburger.
“She’s not my Y/N-”
“Yes, Y/N as in Y/N, you idiot,” Jake cut in. “And like you said, we’re friends.”
“Is she the girl you posted some BeReals with?” Jay asked, and Jake nodded. “She’s pretty! No wonder Sunghoon likes her so much.”
Sunghoon sighed as he let his head hang low. “God forbid I find a girl cute, because I’ll mention it once, two years ago and you guys make me out to be in love with her.”
“Sunghoon, you act like girls don’t exist, so of course when you not only mention a girl, but describe her as cute, that means you’re in love with her!”
“But I’m not! We were literally having a whole conversation about girls, I happened to see Y/N and her friends from far away, I said she was cute, and now you guys won’t let me live it down. Jay, you weren’t even there!”
“Yeah, but the way Jake told me about the whole thing, it really sounded like you liked her.”
“Why would you trust Jake to relay something like this correctly?!”
Jay paused and tilted his head. “You have a point there.”
“So you don’t, like… like her, or something?” Sunghoon asked, looking at his friend as he sipped on his Pepsi.
This made Jake stop. Did he like you? Wasn’t the fact that he was considering it sign enough? Surely, if there was nothing there, he would have answered no right away.
But there was no use thinking about it. You liked Sunghoon. And as much as he liked to deny it, Jake knew Sunghoon liked you, too. After two years, there was finally an opportunity for the two of you to get closer - Jake wasn’t about to get in the middle of that. If anything, he should help his friends out. Then, when you and Sunghoon eventually got married, Jake would have the honor of saying it was all thanks to him in his best man’s speech. 
“No, I don’t. Don’t worry, Hoon, I’m not gonna steal your girl away from you.”
“Again, she’s not my girl-”
“Whatever you say. I’ll introduce you guys.”
Even if Sunghoon didn’t think he liked you yet, Jake knew it was just a matter of time - his friend just needed to spend a few hours with you to realize he did. You were pretty, smart, funny, nice, had the sweetest laugh he’d ever heard, got along with dogs, and even though you sometimes had weird opinions, it was always fun, talking to you. It was easy and comfortable. Anyone with taste would fall for you.
Anyone, except for Jake, of course.
For the past three weeks, you and Jake had gotten along perfectly, but today, on this bright Tuesday afternoon, you really wanted to strangle him. 
When he’d invited you to come and watch him at soccer practice, you’d been surprised, but happy - usually, you invited people to watch an actual game, not just practice. But you were just glad for the opportunity to spend more time with him. 
Without realizing it, you were giddy with excitement the whole day, counting down the minutes until classes were over and Jake’s practice started. Jake had told you to just head to the bleachers while the players got ready in the locker room, but when you reached said bleachers, someone was already sitting there, looking at something on their phone. You recognized him immediately as Sunghoon. He didn’t notice you right away, so you had time to wipe the surprise off of your face - you hadn’t thought anyone came to watch practice, but Sunghoon was probably here for Jake, just like you. 
“Hey,” you said quietly as you sat down next to him. Even though you were technically still on school property, this was the first time you saw Sunghoon outside of somewhere like a classroom, a hallway or the cafeteria. You weren’t as nervous as you thought you’d be, seeing him unexpectedly like this. 
You chuckled when Sunghoon started at your sudden arrival. “Oh, hey, Y/N,” he said, chuckling too, albeit somewhat awkwardly. “Sorry, didn’t hear you coming.”
“It’s fine,” you said with a smile as you sat down next to him on the bleachers. You didn’t know what sort of distance was appropriate between you two, if you should sit close or far, but you stopped yourself before you could overthink something as trivial as that. Neither of you said anything for a few seconds and you wished practice had started before you got here, so that you’d have something to look at other than an empty field.
You broke the silence before it became too uncomfortable. “So, do you come watch Jake often?”
You’d been fiddling with your hands as you spoke, only turning your head to look at Sunghoon as you awaited his answer. Your eyes didn’t even meet for a fraction of a second before he whipped his head to look at the field, as if unable to look at you and talk at the same time. At least he had a nice side profile for you to look at.
“Um, just on Tuesdays. I have ice skating practice after this, so I come here first, then he comes with me to the rink,” he replied. He glanced at you, lips pressed into a thin line that somewhat resembled a smile and that pushed dimples into his cheeks. You simply hummed in response. 
“What about you, how come you’re here?”
“Jake asked me,” you replied. Sunghoon let out a long “oh” as he nodded, turning his head back towards the field again. You didn’t think you’d ever had such a slow conversation. It was like you and Sunghoon both repeated your words ten times over in your heads before saying them out loud.
“Are you coming to my practice, too?” he asked after another pause.
The question took you aback slightly as you hadn’t even considered it, but it could be fun, seeing Sunghoon practice ice skating. It’d also be fun to hang out with Jake. “If it’s fine with you, then yeah, why not,” you replied, smiling at Sunghoon. He glanced at you again before looking away with a smile, an actual one this time that showed his teeth and made his eyes crinkle.
“Yeah, sure. People usually only come to actual shows, so I like it when someone’s there to watch practice.” Before you could find something to say, the players arrived jogging onto the field, immediately starting their warm-up laps. Some were serious about it and stayed focused as they ran, while others goofed around, running backwards and slapping other players on their butts before sprinting away. Jake, of course, was part of the latter group.
Now that something was actually happening on the field, you and Sunghoon had an excuse not to make conversation anymore. You tried to ignore it, but it was so awkward you wanted to die. You realized now why you were so attracted to people like Jake and Chaewon - without even being aware of it, they brought you out of your shell and made you feel at ease. You wished you could do that on your own, but you were always too scared, so you needed that person who was confident enough showing themselves to you first to make you feel comfortable doing the same. You and Sunghoon, unfortunately, were too similar in that sense to do that for each other. So you just sat there in silence, observing Jake and waving back at him when he caught your gazes.
The ninety minutes of practice didn’t go by in total silence - you asked Sunghoon about some soccer rules you didn’t get, and he shared some anecdotes from his and Jake’s earlier teenage years, including a very entertaining story about a tantrum 9-year-old Jake had thrown when he hadn’t agreed with the red card the referee had given him. You weren’t sure how the topic came up, but at some point, you even shared pictures of your pets. Sunghoon had one of those small crusty white dogs, but you kept your laughter in and cooed over how cute she was. 
But still, most of the time, you were watching Jake. You had never been interested in soccer or any sort of sport that involved balls until now. Somehow, he managed to make flushed cheeks, a heaving chest and hairline beaded with sweat look glorious. In total honesty, you were paying more attention to the player himself than to the sport, to the point that you barely noticed when he scored a goal during their practice match. It was only when Jake started cheering and high-fiving his teammates that you realized what had happened, and you gave him two thumbs up and a wide grin when he looked your and Sunghoon’s way, proudly shouting “Did you see that?!”
The realization hit you like a ton of bricks right there and then. The way your heart swelled as you watched his excited, puppyish grin take over his features was undeniable - you liked Jake. You like liked him. Your gaze continued to follow him as he finished his celebratory lap. If you could’ve seen yourself right then, you’d probably have been embarrassed by your awestruck expression and slightly agape mouth, but you couldn’t help yourself.
Much to your dismay, you realized that Chaewon had seen right through you. You hadn’t wanted to read too much into your feelings, but they had become too obvious to ignore. You hadn’t experienced them yourself since middle school (Choi Soobin had really been a heartbreaker back then), but you’d heard about the telltale signs of a crush too many times not to know about them. It was now clear that the way you felt about Jake and the way you had felt about Sunghoon were worlds apart. Feeling nervous around him and your heart skipping a beat when you made eye contact; wanting to see him smile; laughing at all his jokes, even the bad ones; missing him even though it’d been seconds since you said goodbye, and counting down the days until you saw him again. And, yes, looking at his pictures on social media over and over again. You did all those things, so you knew there was no point in lying to yourself anymore - you liked Jake Sim. 
It didn’t help that he was always kind to you, never making you feel stupid for not understanding something in your tutoring sessions and being patient enough to explain the same thing over and over again. He always paid attention to small things, which never failed to make your heart race, like asking after your aging cat’s condition after you’d told him he had a health check-up over the weekend or stocking up on your favorite snack the week after you’d told him about it. He’d also immediately picked up on your habit of teasing the people you felt comfortable with and you loved how he returned it tenfold. It was as much fun debating with him over nothing and making him shut up with your senseless arguments as it was being rendered speechless when he came up with the perfect retort. 
And of course, there was no denying that Jake was ridiculously attractive. There were times you got so caught up in the way his lips moved as he spoke or the way his fingers looked as he pointed at numbers on the page that your mind completely blanked out and you stopped listening to his words for a few seconds. You didn’t know what to make of his small chuckle and smirk when he noticed your gaze fixated on him, but you knew it wasn’t good for your heart. And let’s not even get started on the fact that sitting so close to him meant you could smell the lingering scent of his cologne every single time.
Even now, with flushed cheeks and hair slicked back with sweat, you want to run onto the field and give him a big smooch on his cheek, telling him you were proud of him for scoring that goal.
But even though you were getting closer and he had offered for you to come watch his practice, you squashed down as best as you could any hope that he might feel the same way about you. Even if he insisted he was bad with girls, Jake was popular at school, and you were sure there were many other girls who had a crush on him - so why would he like you of all people?
Sunghoon’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. “Every time he scores, he acts like it’s the first time he’s ever done it,” he said, chuckling and shaking his head at his friend’s over-dramatic antics. The coach was trying to get Jake to calm down so that the game could resume.
“He’s so cute,” you said, voice quiet, before you could stop yourself. But as soon as the words were out, you realized what you’d done, and your eyes doubled in size as you turned to look at Sunghoon. He had whipped his head to look at you, too, and his eyes were just as big as yours. Then, he burst into laughter, and you hoped the Earth would suddenly open beneath your feet and swallow you whole. 
When his surprise had subsided, Sunghoon turned to you again, an incredulous but amused glint in his eyes. “Did you just call Jake cute?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, slightly frowning as you avoided Sunghoon’s gaze. “I just meant, you know, it’s cute how excited he got. I didn’t say he was cute,” you mumbled, knowing you were doing a poor job of defending yourself.
“That’s exactly what you said, though. You said, and I quote, He’s so cute.” You glared at Sunghoon. Who knew he would only become talkative once it came to teasing you about Jake? 
His expression softened slightly when he realized you might actually be upset about this, and he turned his attention back towards the field, smile growing when he found his friend. “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.”
“There’s nothing to be said anyway.”
“Oh? So you don’t mind if I tell Jake that you have the biggest, fattest crush on- hmph!”
You’d cut Sunghoon off by pressing your palm to his mouth, mustering the most menacing look you could to scare him off. “I do not,” you said firmly as you moved your hand away from him.
“Sure, you don’t,” he replied, chuckling. Clearly, your most menacing look wasn’t so menacing.
“I get why Jake’s so annoying now, it’s because he’s friends with you.”
Sunghoon raised an amused eyebrow at this. “He might be annoying, but he’s also cute, right?”
“Shut up!” you shrieked immediately, but you couldn’t stop the grin forcing its way onto your lips.
“Just saying,” Sunghoon said, and you laughed together. Maybe you should’ve been more worried about Jake’s literal best friend finding out you had a crush on him, but you somehow trusted Sunghoon not to blabber about it. Whether because he was nice or because he wanted to watch you struggle with your feelings, you weren’t sure, but at least you felt your secret was safe with him.
You looked back at the field, and just as your eyes found Jake, you saw him turn his head away. Had you seen him just seconds prior, you might have noticed the crease in his eyebrows as he watched you and Sunghoon laugh together. Sunghoon isn’t that funny, he thought, what could you be laughing so hard about?
He didn’t understand the sudden weight in his heart at the sight of you and his friend getting along so well. This was his whole plan after all - force some proximity between you and Sunghoon so that you could talk and hopefully make your feelings clear to each other after some time. Clearly, it was working. So why was it bothering him so much? 
He had to turn his attention back to the game, so he could only ruminate over it for five seconds, but for the remaining thirty minutes, he could barely focus on anything. Whenever he glanced back at you and Sunghoon, you were both looking at him and not talking to each other, and that somehow bothered him even more. 
He used his time in the lockers to get out of the weird mood he was in - whatever was going on between you and Sunghoon, he didn’t want to ruin it by being grumpy. So when he came back out and found the two of you waiting for him at the bus stop, he put on his best smile. 
Having you around made his usual Tuesday afternoon with Sunghoon more fun - after years of friendship, Sunghoon ignored most of his jokes and could tune the sound of his voice out, but you still laughed at everything he said, and his heart swelled with pride every time he made you laugh.
It was only a ten-minute bus ride from the school to the ice rink so you still had twenty minutes to spare before Sunghoon’s lesson started. As always after soccer practice, Jake was famished, so you stopped by a convenience store and got more snacks than you really needed.
You sat next to Sunghoon and across from Jake at a picnic table in front of the ice rink, watching the boy in front of you with fascination as he gorged himself on banana milk and chocolate snacks.
“God, how long has it been since you last ate?” you asked with genuine concern in your voice. Sunghoon followed your gaze towards Jake, only then noticing his friend’s feral behavior as if this was a normal occurrence for them.
“Like three hours,” Jake answered. “I’m starving. So hungry I could eat Sunghoon.”
When he looked up, you were both peering at him with furrowed eyebrows and bewildered expressions on your faces. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Do you mean that Sunghoon is a horse?” you asked.
Jake mirrored your confused expressions. “What? No, why would I say that?”
“The saying goes, so hungry I could eat a horse, dumbass,” Sunghoon chimed in.
“Why would I eat a horse?” Jake replied, shaking his head and chuckling at you and Sunghoon like you were the ones who had gotten a basic idiom wrong.
“Why would you eat me?” Sunghoon bit back, sounding almost offended.
“It’s just a saying, dude.”
Half-an-hour and two whole packets of biscuits later, you and Jake sat side-by-side on the benches, watching Sunghoon as he did his warm-ups on the ice. This was your first time seeing a professional ice skater and you were transfixed, to say the least. He was just skating across the rink and rolling his arms and neck to get the muscles moving, but it all seemed so effortless and elegant that you couldn’t help but watch with your mouth slightly open, eyes eager to keep up with Sunghoon’s figure.
You were so mesmerized that you had no idea Jake was practically burning holes into the side of your face. Eyes narrowed and nose scrunched in disgust, he couldn’t believe you were enjoying the show in front of you that much. “He’s not even doing anything special right now, you know,” he said, but it only made him realize that when Sunghoon did start doing cool stuff, you’d like it even more.
Your head barely budged in Jake’s direction as you answered him, and your eyes certainly didn’t leave Sunghoon. “Really? It already looks so cool, though.” Jake scoffed, but that still didn’t get your attention, which made him scoff again. He crossed his arms over his chest and frowned like a child whose parent wasn’t paying attention to their drawing. 
“Cooler than me?”
Finally, you look at me, Jake thought, and his frown immediately dissipated into a grin when your eyes met. But judging by the teasing way your lips curled up, he already knew he wasn’t going to like your answer.
“Cooler than you,” you replied before turning your attention back to the rink.
Jake leans back with a pout, opting to glare at his friend instead of you. He tried to put himself in your shoes and figure out what it was about Sunghoon you liked so much that Jake didn’t also have. Devastatingly good looks? Check. Charming smile? Check. Cute dog? Check - Jake more so than Sunghoon. Brains? Okay, both of them lacked this. Good personality? Check - however, you needed months before Sunghoon revealed himself to you, whereas Jake was outgoing and was comfortable even with people he’d just met. 
So why was the bearer of your affection Sunghoon and not Jake?
And why did Jake even care that you liked his friend over him in the first place?
It wasn’t like Jake liked you - he couldn’t like a girl that his best friend liked - so why did this at all matter to him? If anything, the fact that you liked Sunghoon back should’ve been something to rejoice over. It had been, up until now, and Jake couldn’t figure out why. He couldn’t figure out this weird sensation that had plagued him in the soccer field and followed him to the ice rink as he watched you watch Sunghoon with amazement.
Jake was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn’t even notice when you detached your eyes from Sunghoon, who was talking to his coach, and tilted your head at him. “Jake?” 
The boy only let out a low hum, still too upset to look at you.
An amused grin made your lips quirk up. “Are you pouting because I said Sunghoon was cooler than you?”
Jake scoffed, turning his head away from you. “No.”
A pause. “So you don’t mind if I go on and on about how elegant and beautiful ice skating is, while running after a ball and kicking it is the basis of the stupidest sport in the world?”
Jake glared at you, but it only made you smile more. “It’s not stupid.”
Despite himself, his pretend angry facade broke apart at the sound of your airy giggles. Jake didn’t think his ears had ever been graced with such a pretty sound before - he slapped himself mentally as soon as that thought crossed his mind. 
His heart did jumps and spins more impressive than Sunghoon’s when you reached a hand out to ruffle his hair, shaking your head at his behavior. For once, he was glad that you turned back to Sunghoon so that you wouldn’t see the bright blush spreading all over his face.
For the next hour, Jake put his weird feelings to the side and watched his friend practice his routine for his upcoming competition. Even he had to admit that Sunghoon looked pretty cool doing what he loved.
You told him you found it all the more impressive because you’d never skated before, so it looked unachievable to you, and an idea immediately formed in Jake’s mind. As soon as Sunghoon’s practice was over, he rushed over to his friend and asked if the two of you could join him on the ice. Sunghoon turned to his coach, who simply shrugged.
“I trust you to look after them,” she said. “Just make sure to be out when the hockey team gets here.”
Before you knew it, Jake was helping you tie up your ice skates (the sight of which made you faint-hearted) and both boys helped you onto the ice rink, each holding onto one of your hands as you tried not to freak out at the feeling of your knees being so wobbly. Sunghoon demonstrated how to move around the ice, and soon enough, you’d gotten the hang of it - but you still made sure to keep Jake at an arm’s length so you could grab onto him every time you lost your balance. Jake stayed by your side, smiling fondly at how excited you looked and cheering you on every time you took a step of your own. Sunghoon, on the other hand, seemed to find it funny to watch from afar and point and laugh every time you stumbled.
After some time, Sunghoon announced he was feeling hungry and decided to go eat some snacks, leaving you and Jake alone in the rink. The wink Sunghoon threw your way when Jake wasn’t looking let you know what his true intentions were, and you couldn’t believe Jake’s best friend had just become your wingman.
“Feeling ready to skate around the rink?” Jake asked. His boyish grin was contagious, and you found yourself matching it even though you were still nervous about moving around too much.
“If you help me,” you answered tentatively, looking at him worriedly as you held out your hand for him to take. The softness of his gaze as he smiled down at you made you want to melt into a puddle on the floor.
“Of course,” he said, taking your hand in his warm one. Your fingers intertwined as if out of second nature and you thought you finally understood why people said their hands were meant to hold someone else’s.
Being friends with an ice skater for such a long time meant Jake had acquired some skill, too, which is why he could so easily show you how to turn or pick up speed. Whenever you lost your balance, he was always quick enough to make sure you didn’t actually fall, picking you up before your backside could touch the ice. He found your frightened expression every time you thought you would fall absolutely adorable, but your pout and slight frown whenever he teased you were somehow even cuter.
He only let go of your hand after some ten minutes (neither of you had even begun to question Sunghoon’s whereabouts by then) when he came to stand in front of you, a serious expression on his face.
“I think you’re ready, Y/N,” he declared solemnly.
“Ready for…?” you asked, scared of whatever he had in mind.
He leaned in slightly and the sudden proximity took you aback, but he didn’t seem to realize. A mischievous smirk broke through his handsome features. “A race,” he whispered, then skated to one edge of the rink and motioned for you to follow him. Reluctantly, you did.
“First to the other edge has to…” he thought for a second, gazing at the ceiling. You wanted to be mad at him for proposing a race when you’d literally just learned how to skate, but how could you when he looked so cute and giddy, searching for the loser’s penalty? “Buy the other ice cream!”
Your eyes were probably the image of tenderness as you looked at him. “Deal,” you said, wanting to sound as playful as him but voice coming out soft. Since when had you fallen so hard for him?
You held each other’s gazes for a couple more seconds before both turning in front of you, getting ready for your race. Jake counted down from three, and your skating wasn’t so bad at first - until you got too cocky for your own good, trying to go at a pace you clearly couldn’t handle. Before you knew it, your knees betrayed you and you found yourself tripping over, your butt making a loud thump sound as it came into contact with the ice.
On your way down, you’d shrieked Jake’s name, and he was at your side in the blink of an eye, holding your shoulder and looking at you worriedly. The pain was immediate, and for a few seconds, you couldn’t answer him and reassure him that you were fine.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have asked to race, God Y/N I’m so stupid I’m so sorry are you okay I didn’t want you to get hurt-”
“Jake,” you squeaked.
“I’m okay, calm down,” you said when the pain subsided, managing a smile. “I’ll just have a sore butt tomorrow.” He chuckled at the word ‘butt,’ but you didn’t have it in you to roll his eyes at his childishness.
“Are you sure you’re okay? There’s an infirmary here-”
“I’m sure, Jakey-poo,” you teased, making him lose the concerned expression as he bore an unimpressed one instead.
“I guess you are fine if you can think to call me that. Come on, up!” he said as he stood up, reaching his hands out for you to take. Just as he helped you up, Sunghoon came sprinting and stood at the entrance to the rink.
“Is everything okay? I heard a yell,” he said, slightly out-of-breath with half a biscuit in his mouth. Guess he really was eating this whole time.
You and Jake laughed and shook your head at him, and you reassured him that everything was fine. 
“Good, ‘cause the hockey team’s here and we have to go anyway.”
There was a bus that took Sunghoon directly from the ice rink to his house, but you and Jake had to go back to the school to catch the one you usually took, which meant you had a forty-minute journey in front of you. And yet, Jake’s company made those forty minutes feel like five, and you found yourself disappointed when the bus neared your stop.
“If you want, we can still go walk Kiwi and Layla,” he offered shyly a few minutes before your stop, as if he’d read your mind. 
“I’d love to.” You watched as his small smile bloomed into a wider one.
“I’m glad,” he chuckled, relieved. “I was scared you’d be tired of me after spending the whole afternoon together,” he admitted, looking down at his lap with a bashful expression on his face. It wasn’t often that Jake looked timid like this, but whenever he did, your heart tripled in size.
“I don’t think I could get tired of you.” You were too shy to look him in the eye while you said this, but in your peripheral, you saw his grin get impossibly wider and his eyebrows raise. He bumped your shoulder with his, making the both of you burst into giggles.
You were still smiling long after you’d come home from your walk.
Unfortunately for Jake, forcing you and Sunghoon to sit together for ninety minutes hadn’t resulted in the two of you confessing your undying love for the other and getting together - clearly, his plan hadn’t worked very well. But Jake, instead of coming up with another strategy, decided he should just basically do the same thing again and hope it went better this time. 
Bro night had been a tradition for the past three years that the boys only very rarely broke, in cases of illness, filial obligations or important competitions the following day. This wasn’t any one of those cases, but Jake decided bro night must be slightly sacrificed that night - for your and Sunghoon’s sake. Years down the line, he knew you’d thank him.
This was why he tricked you into thinking you had been invited to bro night (you’d heard a lot about it and considered it an honor to be included) when really, he made Jay promise not to show at the cinema so that you and Sunghoon could be alone. The two of them would make up an excuse about not being able to make it on time and show up later at the diner (“If you want to set them up, shouldn’t we also leave them alone after the movie?” Jay had asked Jake over the phone, and Jake had been unable to explain why he didn’t want you to spend the whole night alone with Sunghoon).
“They ditched us,” Sunghoon had said in lieu of a greeting when you found him at the entrance of the cinema. He turned his phone screen towards you, showing you their group chat - Jay had had some sort of meeting at his school that had run late and Jake had to go to the vet suddenly because Layla kept making weird noises.
“Oh no, I hope she’ll be okay,” you said, voice laced with genuine worry.
Sunghoon just sighed. “I’m sure she will.” He knew what his friends were up to - it almost never happened that one of them was unable to make it to bro night, so two at once? They were clearly lying. He would make sure to tell Jake how worried sick you were about his dog’s fake illness later on just so his friend would feel extra guilty.
You had been looking forward to hanging out with Jake and his friends all day, so you were disappointed to know he wouldn’t make it until later. It wasn’t much comfort that the movie they had picked, some recent Marvel release, was one you were not at all interested in, and you couldn’t even obsess over Jake’s presence next to you instead of the movie because he wasn’t there. You’d have to sit with awkward, quiet Sunghoon for God knows how long - at least the cinema wasn’t much of a talking place. 
You declined his kind offer of sharing a big popcorn tub - you didn’t want to risk a cliché reaching-for-popcorn-at-the-same-time moment with Sunghoon, although you’d daydreamed and giggled about it happening with Jake earlier that day. Instead, you sipped grumpily on your Cherry Coke, watching the trailers for upcoming movies and discussing them with Sunghoon. (“I’m so excited for the Barbie movie,” he’d surprised you by saying. Maybe he wasn’t so bad.)
As the lights dimmed, announcing the imminent start of the movie, Sunghoon whispered something that completely changed your mind about Marvel. “It’s so stupid that Jake isn’t here, seriously. He’s been going on and on about going to see this movie since the trailer came out.” Suddenly, you’d never felt the need to pay attention to something more than this. 
Well, in your humble opinion, the film wasn’t anything to write home about. It was a lot of loud action scenes with some funny one-liners that, okay, you chuckled at. And the actors were hot. You could sort of see why Jake would enjoy Marvel movies, although you yourself liked films with more social commentary, such as Mean Girls or Bee Movie. You’d need to make Jake watch Twilight one of these days - you were sure he’d like the soundtrack, if nothing else.
At least, you and Sunghoon have something to talk about during your short walk to the diner. As you enter the restaurant, a familiar voice calling out your name catches you off-guard.
“Chaewon? I thought you didn’t work on Friday nights!” you exclaimed, letting your friend bring you into a hug. You gave her a once-over - she always looked so pretty in her work uniform, white t-shirt dress draping her body perfectly, apron cinching at her waist, and short pigtails under her 50’s style diner hat. If the blush spreading on Sunghoon’s cheeks at her sudden appearance was anything to go by, his thoughts might not have been too far from yours.
She pouted, taking your hands in hers and swaying them between the two of you. “I usually don’t, but Yunjin asked me to trade shifts and she always says yes when I ask her, so I felt bad saying no.” You nodded and she turned to Sunghoon.
“Hi, Sunghoon!”
“H-hi, Chaewon.”
“Where’s Jay and Jake?” she asked, looking behind the two of you. You’d told the group chat about your evening plans and a lot of freaking out had taken place. 
“Should be here any minute,” you sighed, and when she looked at you questioningly, you told her you’d explain later.
She sat you at a four-person booth by the window and brought you drinks (“On the house,” she’d said with a wink, but you weren’t sure this had been allowed by any of her superiors) for you to sip on while you waited for the others. Every time she was free, she came over to your table and gossiped about the customers. You did not miss the way Sunghoon’s face lit up whenever she approached you.
Jake and Jay see you before you see them. Jay, the only one with a driver’s license out of the three, had picked Jake up, and he was parking his car when Jake gasped loudly, making Jay jump. “I’m trying to park, man, can you be calm?”
“What’s she doing here?” Jake exclaimed, completely ignoring his friend.
Jay followed Jake’s gaze, but he wasn’t sure what his friend was going on about. All he saw was you, whom he recognized from pictures only, Sunghoon, and a waitress that seemed overly-friendly. “Who?” he asked.
“Chaewon,” Jake hissed, like her name was a curse. “She’s ruining our plan!”
Jay sighed. “First of all, this is your plan. Second of all, it was ruined from the beginning. And by that, I mean that your plan sucks, Jake.”
Jake clicked his teeth. “Whatever. Let’s just go,” he said, getting out of the car and heading straight for you. He made sure to give Chaewon a pointed look as he sat next to you in the booth, but she just seemed happy that more people had arrived. 
You bumped your knee into his to get his attention. “Hi,” you said with a smile.
He looked at you dumbly for a few seconds before Jay cleared his throat awkwardly. “Hi. This is Jay,” he said, tilting his head towards the boy but not taking his eyes off of you. You and Jay exchanged hey’s before Chaewon took your order, quickly giving it to the kitchen and scanning the room to make sure every table had what they needed, then headed back to your table. 
“Is Layla okay?” you asked Jake, worry making your brows furrow.
“Huh?” The sudden mention of his dog took him aback. Why wouldn’t she be okay?
“Layla?” you repeated, tilting your head. “Is she okay? You said you had to go to the vet.”
His eyes widened as he remembered his lie from earlier, and he started nodding frantically. “Oh yeah, yeah, she’s fine, we panicked over nothing,” he said with a nervous giggle. Jake was the worst liar Jay and Sunghoon had ever seen, but you were none the wiser.
“What about you, Jay? How was your school thing?” Sunghoon asked, turning to his friend with a glare and making him choke on his Coke.
“Oh, that was fine too, I guess,” Jay mumbled.
As expected, Jake and Chaewon were experts at leading the conversation, and Jay himself was pretty talkative. They all bounced off of each other naturally, and even Sunghoon knew how to throw in witty remarks now and there. You also participated, but you were more than happy just listening to them and laughing along. You tried not to think too much about how your knee would bump into Jake’s once in a while, or how he seemed to look at you every time he made a joke.
At some point, Chaewon had rushed over to your table, looking right at you with wide eyes and beaming. “Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God, Y/N, hat guy is here!” 
You instantly mirrored her expression. “Where where where?” you asked, lifting your body up to scan around the restaurant.
“Over there in the corner, but be discreet!”
You were not at all discreet as your eyes found said hat guy, noting with satisfaction that he was characteristically hatless, and you burst into laughter. “I can’t believe he’s here!”
“Right? Probably has the munchies or something,” Chaewon said, laughing along.
You only noticed then the perplexed looks all three boys were sending your way. “Who the heck is hat guy?” Jake asked, which only made you and Chaewon laugh harder.
“You wouldn’t get it,” she replied airily, waving Jake off as she made her way to a customer who had called for her. 
The boys turned to you and you shrunk in your seat at their attention. “Just a guy the girls and I find funny,” you explained, shrugging and glancing quickly at Sunghoon. If only he knew about all the times you and the girls had gossiped about him, even though he’d done nothing of importance.
When her shift was over, the first thing Chaewon did was take off her apron, then dragged you to the bathroom, where she drilled you for details about your cinema “date” with Sunghoon. 
“It was not a date, it just ended up being the two of us because the others couldn’t make it,” you insisted, but she wasn’t having it. “There’s nothing to say anyway. We got there, talked a bit, watched the movie, walked here, and that’s it.”
Chaewon sighed, shaking her head as she reapplied her lip gloss. A small smile made its way onto your lips. “I think he’s into someone else anyway.” 
You noticed how her hand faltered for a split second. “Oh yeah? Who?” she asked, trying to appear nonchalant, but you knew your friend too well. 
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” 
Unbeknownst to either of you, the discussion between the boys back at the table was not too different from yours.
“Bro, I’m literally going to kill you,” Sunghoon whisper-yelled even though you were way out of earshot already. “Do you know how awkward that was?”
“Just so you know, I had nothing to do with this,” Jay said. “I told him that putting two socially constipated idiots like you wouldn’t end well, but he wouldn’t listen.”
“Y/N’s not an idiot!” Jake immediately reacted.
“And I am?!” Sunghoon retorted.
Jay just rolled his eyes.
“You are, because this is the second time you’re alone together with the girl you like and you can barely make conversation with her.”
“For the last time, I don’t like her, I just called her cute once in freshman year-”
“Same thing!”
“Jake, I don’t know how many times I can tell you the same thing before you get it. I’ve been around Y/N enough to know I don’t like her like that, okay? We’ve had two classes where we sat together for a whole semester, and we’ve worked with other people in group projects. Not to mention, you’ve made me sit through one of your practices with her. She’s nice. She sends me the homework when I miss class. She even laughs at my jokes sometimes. And her dog is super cute. I’m sure we’d be better friends if we both didn’t have crippling shyness, but I don’t like her like that. I just don’t.”
“But how?!”
“What do you mean how? This sorta thing doesn’t have any sort of reasonable answer, you just do or you don’t. I don’t. Clearly, you do.”
Jake heard the last part of Sunghoon’s words, and promptly decided to ignore them. He had to understand this first - he’d figure out his feelings later. “This whole time, I thought you were just downplaying your feelings, ‘cause you’re an awkward asshole who doesn’t do emotions,” he said, eyes tightly shut and holding his head, the confusion making his brain hurt.
“Okay, ouch. But no, I wasn’t. I really don’t know what got into your head.”
“I know what got into his head,” Jay said. Both of his friends looked at him questioningly, so he went on. “When Sunghoon mentioned Y/N, you probably thought she was super cute too, Jake. But because of bro code and whatnot, you didn’t wanna show any interest. And then as you saw her around more, you probably liked her more, but you thought Sunghoon liked her, so you sort of gave him your crush on her instead of dealing with it. You lived vicariously through him, basically. Except you’re an idiot because he doesn’t even like her like that, so you could’ve shot your shot a long time ago already. I don’t know why you didn’t just listen to him, to be honest,” Jay finished, shrugging.
“You also thought he liked her!” Jake retorted.
“That’s besides the point. The point is that you’re stupid.”
“But- but, what about all those times you talked about her? I didn’t make those up!” 
Sunghoon rolled his eyes. “The most I ever said about her was something like, Y/N and I both forgot our textbook today, or Y/N brought cookies for the class because it’s her birthday. You were always the one to notice her everywhere and go, There’s your crush, or something.”
Jake sighed, defeated. He could admit Sunghoon was right about something, and he was wrong - but he hated that Jay was also right. Had he really managed to bury his feelings for you all these years just for what he thought was Sunghoon’s sake? Sure, he was a loyal friend, but that felt a little much.
“Whatever,” he mumbled, recoiling from his friends’ expectant gazes and taking a sad bite of his cheeseburger. “It’s not like she likes me back, or anything.” 
He watched in confusion as Sunghoon let out a loud groan, screwing his eyes shut and taking his head in his hands as if it hurt. “This is so frustrating, I’m going to kill myself.”
Jake turned to Jay for some sort of explanation to their friend’s sudden suicidal thoughts, but Jay just looked back at Jake with disgust. “When did you become so dumb? I swear you didn’t use to be like this,” he said, shaking his head in disappointment.
Jake’s eyes flickered between his two friends in utter dismay. “What?”
“Jake,” Jay started. “Do you really, honestly, genuinely think Y/N doesn’t like you?”
The boy leaned back in his seat with a pout. “Yeah,” he mumbled.
Sunghoon’s head whipped up at this. Jake gulped at the intense glare his friend fixed him with - he’d never looked so angry with him, and it made Jake wonder what on Earth he could have said or done that made Sunghoon so upset. “Why?” he asked simply, but the frustration was evident in his voice.
Your diary popped up in Jake’s head. What he had read was clear. Of course, the entry dated from over a month ago now, but why would your feelings have changed since then? Jake sighs deeply, getting ready to reveal to his friends what he’d seen, but then he sees you and Chaewon emerging from the bathroom. “They’re coming back,” he mumbled.
It was Sunghoon and Jay’s turn to sigh. “Just pay attention to her, Jake, okay?” Jay instructed, giving his friend an intent look.
“I already do,” Jake replied, frowning.
“No, really pay attention to her. Then use your pea-sized brain for once in your life, and maybe you’ll realize something.”
A strongly-worded reply was on the tip of Jake’s tongue, but all thoughts of violence and murdering his friend were replaced by images of rainbows and pretty flowers when you smiled at him. He felt like the biggest of idiots for liking you so much and only realizing it now.
“Hi,” he said dumbly as you found your seat next to him again, then stole a french fry from you even though he had many left himself. When you gasped at his audacity, he just giggled.
“Hey!” you exclaimed in protest before stealing a fry back. 
If you hadn’t been so caught up in your little world, you’d have noticed the knowing look your three friends exchanged and their simultaneous eye roll. 
The following Monday, you decided to have your tutoring session at your house instead of Jake’s. His mom was away at a convention for the week, so you’d have to take the bus anyway - since your house was two stops earlier, you offered to switch it up for once. Jake had never actually been inside your house and was curious to see what it was like, so he eagerly agreed. 
Kiwi was happy to see him and followed the two of you around the house as you gave Jake a quick tour before going up to your room. When you reached the top landing, you realized that Kiwi was still at the bottom of the stairs and was looking up at you expectantly. “Is she not allowed upstairs?” Jake asked.
“Usually not, but I let her come up when my mom’s not here. Come on Kiwi! It’s okay!”
Kiwi didn’t need to be told twice - she trudged her little body up the stairs, and you couldn’t help but giggle at her adorableness. “She’s so cute,” you cooed, looking at your dog with a huge smile on your face.
“She really is,” Jake agreed, but when you turned your head to face him, he wasn’t looking at Kiwi - he was looking straight at you, a softness in his eyes that made your stomach turn. He snapped out of it when he noticed your round, surprised eyes, and cleared his throat. “So, where’s your room?” he asked, looking around the hallway and avoiding your gaze.
“Over there,” you replied, fighting the smile that tried to make its way to your lips as you headed towards your room, Jake and Kiwi following right behind. 
You told Jake to wait for a second as you went to get a second chair. When you came back, he was standing in front of your shelves, upper body slightly bent forwards to observe all the decorations and framed pictures closer. You placed the chair next to your desk then joined him, answering all the questions he had about the items on your shelves. Who’s this? When was this? Where did you get this? In his defense, you really did have a lot of things - you were trying to get rid of your hoarding habits, but you got attached to every small thing that held some sort of significance. You went to sit at the edge of your bed and just watched him, his eyes glinting with curiosity.
It reminded you of the first time you’d been to his house, how upset he’d seemed when you talked about his baby pictures and how you hadn’t wanted to risk looking at all the stuff in his room. You were also curious about things like that, and you wondered once again what had bothered him so much. The question was burning your tongue - although you were nervous to ask it, not wanting to upset Jake once more, you now knew him well enough to know he wasn’t the type to stay mad for long. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” Jake replied, fingers toying with your favorite Littlest Pet Shop figurine you had kept from when you were eight.
“Why didn’t you want me to look at your baby photos that one time?”
Jake paused at your words. He stood up straight and set the figurine back on the shelf. He glanced at you before walking over to your bed and taking a seat next to you, leaning back on his palms while you rested your hands underneath your thighs. 
“You probably noticed I don’t mention my dad, right? Or the fact that he’s never home?” 
You nodded in response. You had noticed it, but you’d never brought the topic up in case it might be sensitive. Jake sighed. “He passed away when I was six.”
You turned your head towards him. To your surprise, his face remained expressionless - you couldn’t detect any sort of sadness or anger in his features, as if he was just reciting a fact. His uncharacteristic numbness upset you even more than any tears could have. 
He met your gaze and gave you a small smile. “I was so young that I only have very vague memories of him, like playing soccer together in the backyard or a trip to the beach with my parents and my brother. I only remember his face and his voice from the photos and videos my mom has shown me.” He sighed again, shifting forwards and resting his hands in his lap, fiddling with his fingers. “So when I see these pictures, they sort of just remind me of what I’ve lost? I really don’t like lingering on them. I sort of just ignore them every time I walk up or down the stairs.”
“I’m sorry, I wouldn’t have mentioned them if I’d known-”
Jake is quick to shake his head. “No, no, don’t be sorry. You couldn’t have guessed.” You want to comfort Jake in some way, thank him for telling you something so personal, but you’re not sure what words to use - so, instead, you take one of his hands in yours and bring it to your lap, then cover it with your other one. Your eyes meet for a second - he looks slightly taken aback at first, but then, his eyes drift down to your joined hands, and a small blush spreads on his cheeks.
“I’m- I’m okay, really. Like I said, it happened so long ago that I’m used to not having a dad now. It almost feels like it’s always been that way, which makes it even weirder to think it wasn’t. It’s just… It feels weird to miss someone I barely remember so much, you know?”
You nodded and let out a low hum. “I do know.” Jake tilted his head at you, silently asking you to go on. “It’s different, but I get that feeling of missing something you barely remember. I have these blurry memories of my parents being happy together and the three of us being a happy family, and then all of a sudden it’s hearing arguments from my room and my dad moving out, and they’re asking me, Do you wanna live with mom or dad?”
You watched as Jake moved his hand slightly, intertwining your fingers together and squeezing your hand. “I was older than you were when they divorced, so I guess I have more memories to hold onto, but they hurt more than anything.” You let out a deep sigh. “My dad cheated, so it’s not like I wished my mom had stayed with him, but I was too young to understand what was happening. I just wanted my parents together again.” 
When you lifted your head to look at him, he met your gaze, and his eyes were so soft yet so intense, like he was seeing right into you. Then he chuckled. “Do you ever get jealous of other people’s parents?” he asks, a shy smile playing on his lips.
“All the time,” you admitted with a chuckle, relieved to find out you weren’t the only one. “Yena has been blessed with these like, practically perfect parents that are still in love after twenty years, never argue and have a healthy relationship with all of their kids. I’m so in awe every time I see them.”
“Sunghoon’s parents are like that. I feel terrible, but every time they come to cheer him on at his competitions, I just get so jealous, wishing I also had three people coming to see my games and not just two. And I always feel so silly for feeling that way.”
“You’re not silly for that, Jake,” you said, and the honesty in your voice seemed to take him aback slightly. A grin spread on your lips. “You may be silly for other things, but not for that,” you teased, making him chuckle. “I can be your third person, if you want,” you said softly, lightly bumping your shoulder against his.
His eyes seemed to light up at your words, and your smile couldn’t help but get wider at his reaction - that was, until he raised an eyebrow, almost defiantly. “Yeah? I thought you found soccer boring,” he said with a playful smirk.
“It’s not boring if you’re the one playing,” you replied. A small noise of surprise escaped his throat before he could help it, not expecting you to be so forward, and you both burst into giggles. 
He cleared his throat when you both calmed down and stood up straighter, trying to put on a cool front. “Of course it isn’t.” He turned his head to look out the window, and the sight of the sunlight perfectly hitting his features and turning his dark brown eyes a hazel color almost took your breath away. “It’s really nice out,” he suddenly said. He turned back to you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “How about we ditch the tutoring for today and go out?”
His eyes drifted down to your lips, watching as a smile tugged at the corners of your own. “I’m in.”
That was how you found yourselves sitting at a bench in the park close to your house, eating ice cream and watching Kiwi and Layla play together. You tried each other’s ice cream, and you regretted your choice of simple vanilla and strawberry as soon as Jake’s mango ice cream touched your tongue. Your eyes widened at the amazing taste - it felt like you had bit into an actual mango. 
“Good, right?” Jake asked, chuckling at your reaction.
“What the heck, yours is so much better than mine,” you mumbled, pouting at the ice cream in your cup like it had personally hurt you.
Jake thought for a second, looking back and forth between your upset expression and his own cup. “Wanna switch?”
Your heart was screaming yes, but your brain was screaming no. You tried your best to appear genuine when you smiled at him. “No, don’t worry about it. I still like mine.” You looked at him as you scooped another spoonful into your mouth as if to prove to him you were happy with your choice, even going so far as to hum in delight.
Jake just chuckled and shook his head at you, taking your cup and giving you his anyway. You were about to protest until he started eating your ice cream, imitating your previous hum. You quietly accepted the exchange, smiling as you tasted the mango ice cream again and trying to ignore the fact that Jake hadn’t switched the spoons with the cups, so you were using his and he was using yours. 
As you ate in silence, occasionally chuckling at your dogs’ antics, Jake stole some glances at you. He wasn’t sure why you looked so much prettier today than all the times he’d seen you before. Or maybe you were just as pretty as you’d always been, and he was just finally letting himself admit it. 
He may have had many friends, but there weren’t many people Jake was truly himself around. He always felt the need to be this friendly, outgoing guy that made it seem like everything was going well in his life, but with you, he felt like it was okay to stop pretending. He felt like it was okay to ask for help, like it was okay to reveal the darker parts of his life.
Now that Jay and Sunghoon had practically forced him to see the truth, Jake didn’t know what to do about his feelings for you. He finally understood why he always looked forward to your tutoring sessions, why he was so excited whenever he walked past you in the hallways, and why he was so bothered about you and Sunghoon getting along.
Sunghoon. Because even if Jake now knew that he liked you, he also knew that you liked someone else. And what was the point of letting himself fall for you even more when there was no happy ending in sight for him? He’d only get hurt in the end.
Just as the thought hit him, you turned to look at him and meet his gaze, a soft smile on your lips. Every time you smiled at him like that, Jake felt like he was watching a movie. Everything happened in slow-motion, with flowers falling around you and violins playing in the background. Jake almost felt sick, knowing he was only the second lead in your romance movie. He was the stupid werewolf and Sunghoon was the vampire that glistened in the sun and got the girl. (You had convinced him to watch Twilight, saying it was a mandatory watch to understand who you were as a person. Of course, Jake had streamed it that same night. The soundtrack was surprisingly good.)
Your voice snapped him out of his downward-spiraling thoughts. “You know, I almost got scared that Sunghoon would appear out of thin air and start hanging out with us.”
Jake tried not to sneer at the mention of his best-friend-turned-number-one-nemesis. “Why? Wouldn’t you like that?” he mumbled, clearly doing a poor job of seeming unaffected.
You frowned, then lowered your head, focusing your gaze on your almost-finished ice cream. “No, I’d rather if it was just the two of us.” Jake’s eyes widened, unsure if he’d heard that correctly or not. But before he could say anything in response, you spoke again. “It’s just, he was there when I came to watch your practice and when I thought we were all going to see a movie together, it was just him and me. You would’ve liked that movie, by the way,” you said, looking up at Jake with a smile.
Jake’s heart swelled. He wasn’t sure what what you were saying all meant, but unconsciously, his lips mirrored yours and he smiled back at you. Until he remembered you didn’t like him, and his smile fell immediately. Obviously, you had no idea what he was thinking, so his sudden stony expression sent alarms ringing through your head.
“It’s not that I don’t like him, or anything,” you said, panicked, and Jake had to keep himself from scoffing, “it’s just that- you know. It’s nice to hang out with you outside of tutoring sessions,” you finished, mumbling. 
Jake had no idea what you were saying, so he stayed quiet, watching as Kiwi and Layla ran around in circles. You liked Sunghoon, so why would you rather hang out with Jake and not him? You weren’t making any sense. 
You, on the other hand, were not liking Jake’s uncharacteristic silence. In hopes of getting his attention, you crossed one leg over the other, shifting on the bench to face him. “Plus, don’t you think he and Chaewon really hit it off the other night? I think that was the most I’ve ever heard him talk,” you said, trying to lighten the atmosphere. To your dismay, it didn’t work. You didn’t know whether he was sulking or genuinely upset - all you knew was you desperately wanted to see a smile on his pretty face again.
“Jakey?” you called out, and your voice sounded so small it hurt his heart. He hummed in response, only glancing at you for a fraction of a second. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” he replied, scooping the last of the ice cream in his mouth. As he tasted the strawberry and vanilla flavors, he couldn’t believe he had given his precious mango ice cream up all for a girl who didn’t even like him back. What a fool.
“I don’t know, you’re all- weird, all of a sudden, for lack of a better word.” You searched for some sort of an answer in his eyes, but he supplied you with none. 
Jake sighed deeply. He could feel the ugly mix of emotions in his belly turning into anger - anger at what exactly, he wasn’t sure, but he didn’t want to lay it on you. “It’s just the heat, it’s making me tired,” he said. Sure, it was warm for a May afternoon, but it wasn’t that hot. But you didn’t want to push it.
“Should we go home?“ you offered, and the worry in your voice made him feel even worse. He just couldn’t understand why you were being so nice to him. He knew you probably just thought you were looking after a friend, but he'd rather you not care about his well-being and leave him be. He didn’t need one more reason to like you - he already had plenty of those. 
He nodded, mustering as convincing a smile as he could. “Sure.” 
The walk home was much quieter than usual. You could feel that Jake was keeping something to himself, and it was killing you; but whatever it was, you wanted him to tell you when he felt ready and not feel forced to. Your hand was aching, desperate to reach out and grab his as you had done before, but you were afraid that would only push him away even further. So you stayed silent most of the time, only commenting on the things around you or speaking a thought out loud when you thought it might make Jake smile. Every time his lips curled up, even ever so slightly, your heart swelled with relief.
Unbeknownst to you, Jake was making up his mind. He knew he needed time away from you to gather his feelings before he could see you as a friend again. 
When you reached your house, Jake waited outside with the dogs as you grabbed his bag he’d left upstairs. You hugged goodbye as always, but this one was different - it lasted a few seconds longer than usual, and you could swear Jake held you tighter than he normally would. It felt like he was saying goodbye for more than just a couple days.
You didn’t understand why it made your heart ache so much.
The next day, when you walked past Jake and Sunghoon in the hallway, Jake barely glanced at you and only tilted his head in your general direction instead of his usual wide grin and wave. You were so shocked by his sudden snubbing that you halted in your steps right away, looking behind you at his retreating figure. You locked eyes with Sunghoon, who seemed just as confused as you felt. He shrugged at you before returning to his friend and nudging his arm.
On Wednesday morning, you got a text from Jake that he couldn’t make it to your tutoring session that afternoon because of an extra soccer practice to prepare for their game that weekend, something he had never mentioned before.
Thursday and Friday weren’t very different, and your heart became heavier with every time you walked past each other and he acted like you weren’t even there. You desperately wanted to know what you’d done wrong, why he’d started to reply in one-word sentences instead of his usual voice messages and tons of emojis, but no matter how much you cogitated, you couldn’t figure it out. Even when you asked him how his game had gone, a dry Good stared back at you from your phone screen.
That Saturday, your girlfriends came over. Yena had brought beads and strings to make accessories out of, and the mere sight of them had brought fond memories back to all four of you - during your first sleepover in freshman year, this was the exact activity that had kept you occupied for hours. 
You got started on them immediately, each finding a comfortable spot in your room as soft music played in the background. You lay on your bed while Chaewon and Yena took over the floor and Hyewon sat at your desk.
“I’m gonna make one of those phone accessories,” Yena said excitedly, reaching for the biggest, most colorful beads.
“I’m gonna make couple bracelets for Jaemin and I,” Hyewon said somewhat shyly but beaming. Yena and Chaewon groaned at her words, but they gave you an idea.
“You guys are vomit-inducing,” Yena replied, and if you didn’t know your friend any better, just going off the tone of her voice, you’d have thought she was being serious. Hyewon just rolled her eyes, used to this daily slander she received simply for being in a relationship.
“I’ll make something for my little sister,” Chaewon butted in, and you and Yena simultaneously ‘aww’ed. 
“So it’s aww when Chaewon does it for her sister, and it’s vomit-inducing when I do it for my boyfriend?” Hyewon exclaimed, appalled.
“Little sisters are cute. Boyfriends are gross,” Yena replied matter-of-factly, making you giggle.
“Whatever. You guys are just jealous that you’re dying alone and I’m not. What are you making, Y/N?” she asked before Yena could retort again. The two exchanged a glare as you thought over your answer.
“I’m not saying,” you replied with a giggle. 
“She’s making one for Jake, that evil wench,” Chaewon immediately said, making your eyes widen. Yena gasped dramatically while Hyewon smiled at you.
“How did you know?” you asked Chaewon.
“Just your face. You’re so obvious,” she snickered. 
“You’re a traitor, Y/N!” Yena exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at you, and you hid your face in your hands, muttering an apology. “Wasting time and energy on a boy.”
“Don’t listen to her, Y/N. Whatever it is you make, he’ll be super happy you thought of him. Then he’ll finally ask you out and you’ll live happily ever after, just like me and Jaemin,” Hyewon said with a serene smile on her face. Chaewon and Yena exchanged a look, then faked a gagging sound. “So bitter,” Hyewon muttered, shaking her head at your friends.
“I’m not sure about that,” you sighed. “I just want to be friends again. He’s been ignoring me all week.”
All three snapped their heads up at you. “He’s been ignoring you?” Yena echoed, and you meekly nodded. “Give me his phone number. No, give me his address. I’m going there right now,” she said, already sitting up.
“Gosh, Yena, it’s fine,” you said, gesturing at her to sit back down, laughing at your friend’s seriousness. “I’ll see him on Monday anyway, I can just see how he behaves then.”
Yena didn’t look convinced, but she yielded anyway. “If he hurts you, I swear I’ll give him a stern talking to. And a broken nose.” You laughed as you thanked your friend. 
Hyewon asked for more details about this Jake situation, so you filled your friends in about his mysterious behavior that week. Chaewon had been the only one to see it firsthand, when you’d walked to a class together and Jake had walked past you without saying anything. You told them about his sparse answers to your texts, his lack of response to the TikToks you sent him. He wasn’t even reacting to your BeReals anymore. It was just such a complete switch-up in attitude that you had no idea what to make of it. They tried to come up with reasons for it, but it really didn’t make much sense. It just felt like he suddenly decided to hate you - or maybe you had been interpreting everything wrong, and the two of you had never been friends in the first place. 
“This is so confusing,” Chaewon suddenly said, seeming lost in thought. “I thought for sure that he liked you.”
“Liked… me?” you echoed.
“Yeah. Just the way he was when we were at the diner. He kept looking at you and was always smiling and blushing whenever you talked to him. Also the way Jay and Sunghoon were behaving. Boys are so obvious when their friend likes someone, it’s like they’re trying to fumble it for him. And I mean, anyone with functioning eyes can see that you like him too, so I don’t know why he’s doing this all of a sudden.”
Yena sighed. “Boys are stupid.”
“That, they are,” you agreed, sighing as well and returning your attention to your craft. Maybe a simple gift like this wouldn’t fix what was going on between you and Jake, but you had to at least try. You couldn’t let go of your friendship so easily.
Even though it seemed as though he could.
Nothing changed the next week. On Monday, you woke up to a text that pulled your heart down into your stomach.
jakey-poo i think we should stop tutoring each other for now
For an hour as you ate breakfast and got ready for school, you ruminated over your answer, only to ask him a simple why? in the end.
jakey-poo i’m to busy w soccer practice and other stuff we can start again when exams are near
you oh okay
You felt pathetic, but you had no idea what to say. You couldn’t force him into this, and you definitely couldn’t show up at his house and demand a better explanation. If you were Yena or Chaewon, maybe you could - but you weren’t. You couldn’t even bring yourself to ask him if the two of you could still hang out outside of that, so scared you were for his inevitable rejection.
During the week, you tried to find a time when you could give him your small handmade gift, but Jake wasn’t even looking you in the eyes anymore. The only time you made eye contact with him over those five days was on Wednesday at lunch - as you walked into the cafeteria, you scanned the whole room, unconsciously searching for him. When you did, he was already looking at you - he was close enough for you to see the slight frown in his eyebrows, the lack of the usual glint in his eyes. But as soon as he’d seen you’d found him, he turned away. You only looked away when Chaewon called out your name.
In the few classes you had together, he always slipped away before you could get to him. Him walking past you like he couldn’t even see you broke your heart a little bit more every time, and by Friday, you had completely given up. Your friendship with Jake was over, and you had no idea why, no idea who or what to blame.
Monday and Wednesday afternoons felt empty now that you had gotten used to spending them with him, and you couldn’t even walk Kiwi without missing him. He seemed to miss Jake and Layla too - he’d sometimes tilt his head at you as if asking where your new friends were, and when you got to the park, he’d gloomily stick to you instead of running around like he usually would, especially when Layla was there.
The worst part was at night, when your thoughts kept you up. You’d reread your and Jake’s text conversations, wondering what went so wrong so quickly, warm tears spilling from your eyes out of sadness and tiredness. On those nights, you’d sneak Kiwi up to your room and let him cuddle up to you in your bed. You’d comfort each other that way.
You had no idea that a couple kilometers away, Jake lay in bed sleepless as well, Layla at the edge of his bed and whining in her sleep. You had no idea that missing you had carved a deep hole in his chest.
Enough was enough.
It had been days since Layla had last seen Kiwi, and to a young pup like her, that felt like eternity. Lately, Jake hadn’t seemed happy to go on walks with her like he used to, and he barely had any energy to play with her. She also hadn’t seen you in days, and she wondered if that had anything to do with Jake’s recent despondency. 
But thankfully, Layla was a smart girl, so she knew exactly what to do to fix this dire situation. On Friday, she waited for Jake to come back from soccer practice and take her on a walk. As soon as they reached the sidewalk outside of their house, she pulled on her leash in the opposite direction of their usual route. Jake tried pulling her the other way, but she wouldn’t budge.
“We’re going that way, Layla,” Jake said, amused by his dog’s sudden stubbornness. Layla barked back. “Come on!” 
She was really not moving. “We never go that way,” Jake said, sighing. “That way’s the-”
That’s when he realized. Layla wanted to go to the park you went to with Kiwi. “But what if we ran into them?” Jake asked. 
Layla barked again. She wanted to say, That’s exactly why I want to go there, but of course Jake didn’t understand. He sighed again and obliged, letting Layla lead the way. She had a good feeling that she’d finally see her friends again today. 
Jake’s heart started beating faster with every step he took, knowing that you might be out right now, too. When he’d seen you at school, you’d seemed as sad as he was, and he felt terrible for perhaps being the reason behind it - but he didn’t know what else to do. He could either spare your feelings or his. If this was hurting you, he knew you’d move on quickly enough anyway - and when he came to terms with being just friends with you, he’d come back, and everything would be perfect like it used to be. Foolproof plan.
If there was one thing Jake had learned from the tutoring sessions with you, it was that the weather always reflected the protagonist’s inner thoughts. If they were upset, it would be gray and rainy - if they were happy, it would be warm and sunny. Jake glared at the sun, just another reminder that he wasn’t the main character in this story. If he was, it would be thundering and lightning would be striking.
As if his life was a joke, two minutes after Jake and Layla had walked into the park, he saw you. At least you were facing the other direction, so you couldn’t see him, and he could redirect his route to avoid you. But he let himself indulge in the moment for a few seconds. You had laid out a picnic blanket for you and Kiwi and rested on your stomach with your elbows propping you up, reading a book. Kiwi slept peacefully next to you - this dog was the furthest thing from a guard dog Jake had ever seen. You kicked your feet up in the air, flip flops discarded to the side of the blanket. Jake was happy to see you like this, enjoying the warmth of this sunny May afternoon. 
He was about to walk away, but a sudden movement caught his eye. Two school kids started running to you, and before you could even register their presence, one of them snatched your flip flops and they both sprinted away, shrieking with laughter like two little devils. Where the hell were their parents?!
Without thinking, Jake started running after them, and so did Kiwi and Layla. 
“Hey! Come back here!” Jake yelled, hoping in vain that these kids would listen to someone older than them. Kiwi did his best, but his tiny legs didn’t allow for such a chase - Layla, barking loudly at the thieves, was the first to reach them, and she managed to scare them so much, they tripped over their feet. But unlike them, she was well-behaved, so she sat once her job was done and waited for Jake to arrive. 
“What are you two doing? You can’t just steal other people’s things!” he admonished, holding onto his knees as he tried to catch his breath.
Both kids were already teary-eyed. “We just wanted to play a prank, we’re sorry!” one of them quickly said, voice shaky.
“It’s not to me you should apologize, but to her,” Jake said, turning around to point in your direction. That’s when he noticed you sitting on your knees, hands covering your face as your shoulders trembled. “You made her cry!” Jake exclaimed, tone much angrier than seconds prior. “Let’s go,” he said, grabbing the kids by their shoulders and forcing them to keep up with his quick steps.
You didn’t notice their presence in front of you until Jake prompted them. At the sound of the all too familiar voice, you whipped your head up. Jake swore he heard his heart breaking when he saw your red eyes and tear-streaked cheeks. You barely heard the kids’ apology, so amazed you were at suddenly seeing Jake.
“We’re sorry for stealing your flip-flops and making you cry,” the first one said.
“Sorry,” repeated the other one, handing you your shoes.
“Oh, right. Thanks, just don’t do it again,” you replied, sniffing as you took back your shoes.
“We won’t!” they replied in unison before running away once more.
Jake stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, unsure what to say. He watched you stare at your flip flops like you’d never seen them before in your life. “You’re not going to thank me for catching those delinquents?” he asked after a small while, chuckling slightly.
This made you look up at him. He gulped as your eyes met. Then, you burst into sobs again, and Jake started panicking. He crouched down to your level, first holding you by the shoulders then forcing your head out of your hands so he could wipe away your tears with the pads of his thumbs.
“No no no, why are you crying, Y/N?” he asked softly, pulling you into a hug.
You continued crying into his shoulder, ignoring Kiwi and Layla’s confused stares. “You- you- I haven’t seen you in ages!” you exclaimed.
Jake sighed. He didn’t understand why you were crying like this for him, all he knew was that he’d never felt so awful. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he whispered into your hair, pulling your shaking body closer to him. “I’m sorry.”
You leaned back to glare at Jake, your bottom lip jutting out in discontent. “Do you even know how much I missed you?”
Jake held your head in his hands like it was the most precious thing in the world. Mouth agape in surprise, he looked at you with sad eyes. “You… you did?”
Your eyebrows creased. “Of course I did!” Another sob rippled through your body, and Jake took you back in his arms, wrapping them around your shoulders and resting his cheek against your hair. 
“I missed you too.”
“Then why did you do this?” you asked, voice breaking.
“Because I didn’t want to get hurt,” Jake whispered back. “But I didn’t think I’d hurt you. I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
You leaned back again, but this time, you looked confused rather than angry. His eyes were soft as they scanned your face and as he brushed strands of your hair back behind your ears. “Why would you get hurt?” you asked again, bringing your voice to the same volume as his.
Jake sighed and squeezed his eyes shut for a second, as if in pain, before opening them again and boring them into yours. “I like you so, so much Y/N. So much so that I don’t know what to do with myself. But I know that you don’t feel the same way, and I was scared that by staying by your side, I’d just fall in love with you even more and get hurt in the end. So I pushed you away because I didn’t know what else to do, but I’m so sorry I- You’re crying again?”
Your fists grabbed at the front of Jake’s t-shirt as sobs raked through your body once more. It was official - Jake was the stupidest person you’d ever met. And you were in love with him.
“Why are you crying?”
“Because I like you too, you idiot!” you yelled back. Your tears were probably staining his t-shirt, but you couldn’t care less. He liked you. Jake liked you.
You were too busy crying to see Jake’s eyes slowly widening in disbelief. “You what?!”
Gently, Jake pushed your shoulders back so he could look at you. Even with puffy eyes and a runny nose, you were the prettiest girl he’d ever seen. Pretty like an angel that had graced the Earth with her presence. “You what?” he repeated, just to hear you say it again.
“I like you, Jake. I’m so in love with you it's actually pathetic,” you said with a chuckle, looking down out of shyness. But when you looked back up, Jake’s eyes were going back and forth between yours, the expression on his face like he couldn’t believe what he’d just heard but desperately hoped it was true.
As you locked eyes, both of your faces lit up with grins. You burst into laughter together, finding each other’s hands and intertwining your fingers together. Then Jake brought you back into his arms, holding tightly, as if he was scared you might disappear any second. Kiwi and Layla had long walked away to give the two of you some needed privacy.
In each other’s arms, you rocked side to side gently and laughed for no reason other than the incredible fact your feelings were reciprocated. “You stink, you know,” you suddenly said in-between giggles. “You sweat while you ran after those kids.”
“I sweat? You mean I swote, right?” Jake asked a pause.
You leaned back to look at Jake. “Swote?” you echoed, and he nodded. Your umpteenth smile made your cheeks lift. “You have to be kidding-”
“I am,” Jake cut off, mirroring your smile. “I just wanted to make you laugh.”
You gasped and lightly punched his chest before letting your body fall against his again. “You’re so silly,” you said, sighing in bliss at the sound of his giggles.
Then all of a sudden, Jake pulled away and looked at you, almost frightened. “What about Sunghoon?” 
“What about him?” you asked back, confused by Jake’s question.
“I thought you- Didn’t you- you know…”
You tilted your head at Jake, a small grin spreading on your lips again. “I don’t know.”
“I thought you liked him…” Jake mumbled, looking away with a pout.
Before you could stop it, a noise of confusion left your throat. You looked at Jake like he was insane. “I can barely have a conversation with Sunghoon, what made you think I liked him?”
Jake pursed his lips and let a resigned puff of air out of his nose. “I, um- Remember when we mixed our backpacks up?” he asked and you nodded, smiling at the fun memory. “I may have, um, I may have read… your… diary,” he admitted, voice getting quieter with each word. He dared a glance at you - you looked horrified, eyes wide and mouth agape. “And you wrote that you liked Sunghoon,” he finished with a whisper.
It was silent for a few seconds, and Jake was bracing himself for a slap to the face or your screams, until you did the last thing Jake expected you to do - you laughed. You laughed so hard and for so long that he got scared you had gone insane and this was the first part of your mental breakdown before you murdered him in cold blood for having invaded your privacy. He would’ve deserved it, he thought.
“I don’t- oh my God, Jake, I don’t- I don’t like Sunghoon. I never really have, or not in the way you think, I can’t- oh my God,” you explained in between giggles, trying to catch your breath but starting to laugh again every time you managed to compose yourself. Jake tried to laugh along, but he was too confused to do so properly.
“You’re not mad?” Jake asked, eyebrows furrowed with worry.
“No,” you replied, shaking your head and the last giggles out of your throat. “You read it ages ago, and we didn’t even know each other back then, there’s no point in being mad now. It’s just funny - I know exactly why you think I liked Sunghoon, but I didn’t. Not really. And even if I did, those feelings are nothing compared to the ones I have for you now,” you said, beaming. A blush spread on Jake’s cheeks, and you could tell he was trying (and failing) to contain a proud grin.
You explained to Jake the ‘character’ thing you and your friends had going on and that Sunghoon (and hat guy) just happened to be one of them - you watched as Jake narrowed his eyes and slowly nodded, trying to understand this concept that was so foreign to him. 
“You know, it all makes a lot more sense now,” Jake said when you were explaining. “It would’ve been weird for you to like Sunghoon when I was right there.” He smirked down at you as you playfully rolled your eyes. 
“Oh my God!” you suddenly exclaimed, startling Jake in the process. Dramatic as always, he put a hand over his heart and exhaled loudly. “I have something for you. For us, actually.” You reached into your bag and got out the two accessories you’d made for you and Jake. “These are for us to put on our backpacks, so that we don’t confuse them again. They also match.”
Jake’s eyes were fixated on the string of beads as you placed into his palm. “I tried to give it to you over the week, but…” 
A teardrop fell into Jake’s palms, and when you looked at him, you realized he’d started crying. “Jake?” you cooed softly, and he sniffled, wiping away the tears from his eyes.
As a response, he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and buried his face in your hair. “Thank you. And I’m sorry. I promise you’ll never go a second without my undivided attention from now on,” he said, voice shaking with emotion, and you hummed happily.
“I wouldn’t expect anything else.”
He leaned back, and you were relieved to find the familiar puppyish grin on his lips. You gazed into each other’s eyes for a few seconds, and before he could stop himself, he grabbed your head in his hands and pressed a delicate kiss to your forehead. You raised your eyebrows in surprise, but when his face was back in front of yours, your eyes immediately drifted to his lips. They looked soft and plump and pink, and were utterly inviting. Every time you’d started daydreaming about kissing Jake, you’d stopped yourself, not wanting to over-indulge in your fantasies. But was this finally, really happening?
“Y/N?” Jake said quietly. You could swear his face was getting closer.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
Your face broke out into a grin. Without warning, you pressed your lips against Jake’s - initially just for a peck, but as soon as you started pulling away, Jake chased after your lips and trapped them into a kiss, a proper one this time. You’d never done this before, so it was naturally somewhat clumsy, but you and Jake were so giddy with excitement that you couldn’t care less. So what if you were smiling so hard, your teeth clashed against his, or you kept bumping noses? You were kissing Jake Sim. 
The second time around, he let you pull away to catch your breath, and you wished you could photograph the sight in front of you - Jake with flushed cheeks, closed eyes and a serene smile on his face. He was so pretty, and now, he was all yours.
When he opens his eyes and finds you looking at him, his smile widens. “I’ll take that as a yes?”
“Yes,” you echoed, laughing. You pressed your lips to his cheek before burying your face in the crook of his neck.
He hugged you to him and the sweet sound of his giggles filled your ears and your heart. “My girl,” he whispered, before leaning his head back, face to the sky, and screaming it loud enough for the whole park to hear. You tried to shush him, but you couldn’t stop laughing yourself out of sheer excitement. Layla and Kiwi came running back to you, barking happily and trying to lick your faces. 
“I cried so much today, my eyes are gonna be puffy tomorrow morning,” you said between giggles. 
Jake pressed his lips to yours in a chaste kiss. “I’ll make sure you never cry again, Y/N,” he said, and he sounded so genuine, you almost wanted to cry again right then and there.
The rest of the afternoon went by in a blur - while you and Jake kissed, laughed, talked, and hugged, hours that felt like minutes passed you by. Jake kept on looking at the accessory you made him, poking fun at you for knowing his favorite color even though he’d never mentioned it.
“It was a lucky guess,” you grumbled. “Your room’s walls are that color,” you said, pointing to a particular dark blue bead.
“I love it,” he replied with a kiss to your forehead.
As always, he walks you home - and this time, you can take his hand without any hesitation. Your mom had come home from work while you and Jake were out, and you found her in the kitchen, prepping some veggies for dinner. 
As soon as Jake introduced himself, a flash of revelation struck her and she shot you a knowing smirk. “So you’re Jake,” she said, and the boy glanced at you with amused confusion. “That one over there has been badgering me about you these past few weeks.”
Apparently, you agreeing to be his girlfriend had already gone to his head, because instead of looking surprised at your mom’s words, he slowly turned to you with an arrogant smirk gracing his lips. “Has she?”
Your mom nodded slowly. “Oh, yes.” Then her expression slowly morphed into something else as she remembered your red, puffy eyes from the other evening when you’d told her about what was going on with Jake. She raised her kitchen knife and pointed it straight to him, eyes narrowed. “If you ever hurt my daughter again, I’m putting you in the lasagna, young man.”
Jake gulped, smirk completely wiped off of his face. You just watched in amusement. “I- I won’t,” he stuttered, eyes fixed on the blade of the knife.
A wide grin reappeared on your mom’s face as she went back to cutting the vegetables. “Good!” 
Jake looked at you for some sort of explanation, but you simply shrugged. He’d just have to get used to your mom’s crazy. 
“You know, you’re just as handsome as she described,” your mom told Jake with a wink.
“Mom, please!” you exclaimed, cheeks burning with heat. You liked it better when she was threatening your boyfriend with a knife, but he was relieved by the new turn this conversation had taken.
“What else has she said?”
“Oh, you know, just your typical he’s so smart, he’s so cute, he’s so funny-”
“Okay, that’s it!” you cut in before your mom could spill more on you. You ignored Jake’s noises of complaint as you grabbed him by the shoulders and led him towards the door. “I think it’s time for you to go home, no?” 
“Y/N, come on!” Jake whined, giggling. 
“Why don’t you stay for dinner, Jake?” your mom offered, making you stop in your tracks. You stared wide-eyed at her but she just looked at Jake, wearing an inviting smile.
“Sure!” Jake beamed. “I just need to call my mom.”
“Oh, invite her along! I always make enough to feed an army, anyway.”
“Really?” Jake asked, incredulous. Since his brother had left for university, it had always been just he and his mom at the dinner table. The thought of sharing a meal with you and your mom filled his heart with warmth. 
Jake smiled giddily as he got his phone out. “Thanks, she’ll be stoked.”
Although you both wanted to help your mom, she urged you to stay outside with the dogs and enjoy the last rays of sunshine of the day, insisting she didn’t need any help. So you and Jake spent some time throwing sticks for Kiwi and Layla and giggling at their cuteness. Kiwi quickly got exhausted and came to lie down at your feet, but Layla was tireless. “Your dog, your responsibility,” you said as you sat down next to Kiwi, rubbing his tummy and watching Jake throw the stick over and over again for Layla.
Jake was as relentless as Layla, and every time she ran after the stick, he ran to you and pressed a kiss to another part of your face, making you giggle every time. Once on your forehead, once on your nose, once on your cheek, then the other, and once on your lips.
Then his mom rang the bell, and as your mom opened the door for her, the oddest thing happened - they called out each other’s name and hugged as if they were old friends. You and Jake exchanged a confused look before turning your attention back to them.
“What a coincidence!”
“Right! Such a small world, I can’t believe you’re my daughter’s boyfriend’s mom.”
“Boyfriend? Gosh, has he finally asked her out? I was going crazy seeing him moping around in his room!”
“Mom!” Jake yelled, face already reddening as you burst into laughter.
You joined them inside the house and set the table while your mom finished up dinner. Jake’s mom had brought a bottle of red wine as a gift, so she poured two glasses for her and your mom, but you and Jake stuck to Sprite. 
Apparently, they knew each other from some yoga class they both went to every Sunday - you found out this was the woman your mom often went out for lunch or drinks with. They were so excited to meet each other like this that they talked most of the time, leaving you and Jake to eat your food quietly and giggling every time you made eye contact or your feet touched under the table. 
Just as you were about to take your last bite of lasagna, your phone pinged with a message. Curiously, so did Jake’s. Chaewon had sent a message into the group chat, asking to meet her at work when her shift was done because she was craving an Oreo milkshake.
chae bae y/n u better come ik ur not doing anything better tonight anyway
You scoffed. You were doing something better.
“Shit, today’s Friday! The boys are waiting for me at the diner, I completely forgot,” Jake exclaimed as he read the messages on his phone.
“Language, Jake,” his mom scolded.
“At the diner?” you repeated.
“Yeah, that one we went to last time. Why?” Jake asked when he noticed your surprised expression.
“That’s where Chaewon wants to meet.”
You both turned to your respective moms, silently asking for permission to leave the dinner table.
“Just go,” your mother said with a smile.
“I’ll take Layla home later,” Jake’s mom added.
You thanked them before rushing to get a bag and heading to the bus stop, hoping a bus would come by soon. Twenty minutes later, you were opening the doors of the diner and looking around for your friends, who were nowhere to be found. You were fishing your phone out of your pocket to call Chaewon when a familiar voice caught your and Jake’s attention.
“What are they doing together?” you heard Jay say, followed by loud shushes. You turned your head to find all five of your friends (plus Jaemin) crammed in a booth in the corner that was somewhat hidden from the rest of the restaurant. But they were trying so hard to be discreet that it made their presence even more obvious - they hid their faces with their hands as if that would make them disappear from your view. You and Jake shared a look before chuckling, shaking your head at your friends.
“Whatever, they’ve clearly found us,” Jay sighed and exited the booth, walking towards the two of you.
“Were you guys trying to get us to make up or something?” Jake asked with an amused smile.
“Yeah, we grouped up and planned this whole thing. It was a real team effort.”
“It might’ve worked better if you hadn’t all stayed here, you guys were so obvious,” you chided.
“Tell that to your friends over there! They insisted on watching it unfold,” Jay grumbled, and you looked behind him to see your friends frantically waving at you.
You switched to a bigger booth that could accommodate all seven of you, and as soon as you’d placed your orders, Yena practically pounced on you, demanding an explanation as to how the two of you were already made up.
You turned to look at Jake and smiled at him before answering. “It’s all thanks to Kiwi, really,” you told Yena.
“Kiwi? As in your dog Kiwi?” Chaewon asked with furrowed eyebrows.
“Mh-hm.” In your peripheral, you noticed Jake tilting his head at you.
“You mean Layla, right?”
You imitated his head movement. “No, I mean Kiwi.”
“But Layla made me go to the park today. I wouldn’t have gone there if it wasn’t for her,” Jake insisted, giving you an are you being serious look that you mirrored.
“I wasn’t going to go outside at all but Kiwi kept bugging me to take him on a walk, that’s why I was in the park in the first place. It’s thanks to Kiwi,” you repeated.
“It’s thanks to Layla,” Jake retorted, playfully narrowing his eyes at you.
“Trouble in paradise,” Jaemin whispered, and Hyewon slapped his arm.
The whole table was silent as you and Jake stared each other down, waiting to see who would cave first. It was like everyone could breathe again when Jake’s face broke out into a grin and he rested his arm behind your shoulders. “Okay, it’s thanks to Kiwi,” he conceded, making you hum in satisfaction. You rested your head on his shoulder and ignored Yena’s groan of disgust at the PDA.
But Jake, as always, wasn’t letting you off the hook so easily. “And Layla.”
02.06.202X - 12:18
rodrigo hater y/n i can see you being gross from across the courtyard can u guys not feed each other ur still on school grounds and ur ruining my day have some decency
sweet hyewon you guys are super cute <3  jaemin and i only have the same lunch period once a week i miss him
rodrigo hater ugh wheres chaewon she’d have my back
you hyewon love u yena frigg off you’re not going to like this… i think she’s with sunghoon rodrigo hater WHAT
sweet hyewon omg hahahaha saw it coming cuuuuute
rodrigo hater i hate you all so much you’re all kicked out of my celibacy club
chae bae we weren’t part of it in the first place
rodrigo hater GO AWAY YOU TRAITOR
03.06.202X - 09:15
you jake wake up  wake up wake up please
jake ??? R U okay?
you kiwi keeps whining i think he wants to see layla come over?
jake . did u just wake me up before 10 am on a sunday morning for this
you i made pancakes?
jake i’m going back to sleep
you but i miss you :(
jake running
07.06.202X - 16:39
stink #1 hey
jake no
stink #1 wtf man
jake im busy
stink #1 smooching ur girl?
jake yeah stay mad bro
stink #1 where’s hoon
stink #2 he’s at ice skating practice with me <3 this is chaewon btw
jake AYO????
stink #2 hehehe bye losers
stink #1 oh my god jake this is huge
jake right… our little boy he’s grown so much
stink #1 i’m getting teary eyed anyway i wanted to say i think we should invite the girls to bro night more often it’s always fun with them
jake oh? if u wanna see yena just say so bro
stink #1 fuck u man
jake ur literally so obvious you get 100% more obnoxious when she’s around
stink #1 idc she laughs at my jokes
jake which is proof that there’s something wrong w her anyway i’ll ask my girl about it
stink #1 ew and thx ^^
09.06.202X - 17:03
jakey-poo y/nnnnnn y/n hellloooooo y/n y/n y/n baby :(((( where are u what r u doing i miss you hello y/n my baby darling angel pls answer me layla misses you
you jake sim
jakey-poo HIIIIII
you jay is a genius i’m anime pomodoroing the hell out of this essay it’s working so well i’m almost done with it already
jakey-poo don’t compliment another man ever again i’m going to cry
you but jay’s your friend
jakey-poo i’ll kill him if i have to
you gosh okay jay’s an idiot
jakey-poo hahaha he is ice cream after dinner ???
you duh
31.07.202X - 21:03
jakey-poo i’m waiting for you outside the theater baby we have a lot of talking to do. i can’t believe you kissed someone else in front of me
you jake baby it was just acting <3 you know you’re the only one i really kiss
jakey-poo i know i am so come here and kiss me quick you did so well and you were so pretty on stage and i love you so much  COME QUICK I WANNA KISS YOU
you i’m hurrying i promise but a lot of people are trying to talk to me :(
jakey-poo ofc they are you killed it my baby’s already famous <3
you hehe love you my jakey-poo
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permanent taglist: @zreamy @sunghoonmybeloved @lalalalawon @sd211 @w3bqrl @raikea10 @wntrnghts @moonlighthoon @4imhry @rikisly @loves0ft @iamliacamila @theboingsuckerasseater9000 @chaechae-23 (ask to be removed/added!)
© asahicore on Tumblr, 2023. please do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works. feedback and reblogs always appreciated!
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i-like-gay-books · 2 years
started to listen to corinne bailey rae’s self titled album today because ive been obsessed with put your records on all summer and my dudes its so good it sounds like if lofi study music had really good lyrics sung by the voice of an angel im in love
0 notes
femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Realistic Tips & Tricks to Become "That Girl"
Some alternatives to having an entire day before 9am that allow you to enjoy your life and help you find pleasure in reaching your goals. Enjoy xx
Focus on a consistent sleep schedule, not select times: Structure your day around your energy, not an idealized schedule is guaranteed to not work for everyone. Wake up at 6-7 am, if you're a true early riser, and head to the gym to get your day started. Otherwise, there's no reason why waking up at 8-9am and getting in an evening-time workout session is lesser than.
Plan your days & week around your energy peaks: Figure out the times of the day when you're most focused, productive, creative, fidgety, sleepy, etc., and structure your days/weeks/month around your internal clock to the best of your ability. While this may be slightly difficult if you have a 9-5 or go to school during the day, think about what blocks of time are best dedicated to meetings, creative work, planning, routine tasks, emails, studying, etc. For those with uteruses, consider your energy throughout your cycle to help you plan the month.
Create "bookend" routines: While these will often be your morning and nighttime routines, consider how you prime and unwind your mind from your biggest tasks of the day (for most of us, this will be work, school, and chores on the weekends). Some reading, light movement, and upbeat music can create momentum before starting your daily tasks. A long walk and some journaling are a simple yet productive combination to decompress from the day.
Embrace the power of 3s: Create a daily primer routine, workday, and relaxation routine around 3 core tasks/projects/rituals. For example: Mornings can include using your 5-Minute Journal, doing a quick 10-minute meditation/yoga/dancing session to get in some movement, and spending 10 minutes reading; Your workday should be focused on completing your "Big Three" tasks, projects, or meetings of the day; Evenings can include a quick 5-10 minute planning session for the next day, a 15-60 minute walk or workout (depending on how you're feeling), and some journaling/reading time after dinner. You don't need to do it all. Consistency is key.
Create a "pleasure" and "pain" list. Own your inner masochist: Open up a fresh journal page or web document. Create two separate lists titled "Pleasure" and "Pain." The first list captures all of the simple pleasures that make your days enjoyable (from coffee rituals and your skincare routine to small work successes, daily movement, and indulgent evening treats, like a favorite TV show, a glass of wine, tea, etc.). The second list captures the tasks you regularly dread or procrastinate out of hatred and overwhelm (includes tedious or mentally-draining work tasks, meetings, chores, difficult workout sessions, necessary conversations with emotionally immature people, etc.). Looking over these two lists gives you an overview of your daily experience to help you (realistically) optimize your day for more ease and enjoyment.
Incorporate a pleasurable element into every ritual: Find ways to pair these more "painful" activities with something pleasurable. Examples include having a favorite coffee or tea while working on a draining work project, listening to a fun playlist, taking a walk/doing a face mask or massage while having a less enjoyable conversation, etc.)
Leverage habit stacking: Build habits on top of one another to set yourself up for success. Use a nearly mindless or enjoyable "cue" to spark action that results in habit formation. For example, use sipping your morning coffee as a cue to read your 10 daily pages or do some journaling. Leave your workout clothes out beside your bed with your yoga mat all laid out to make it stupidly easy to get your workout done right away. Have a playlist curated and opened to let you press "start" immediately when you need to begin your work day.
Create a capsule menu/wardrobe: Streamline your everyday meals and outfits by curating a handful of healthy breakfasts/lunches/dinners/snacks and outfits that you can put together mindlessly throughout the week. While creativity in these areas is fun, pre-determined options for busy days can help minimize decision fatigue. Know what staple groceries you need in your kitchen to make these recipes, and ensure to keep them in stock when going on your weekly grocery run. Have a few go-to outfits for work, running errands, working out, and social outings. Choose 5-10 well-fitting wardrobe staples that pair well together in the front of your closet at all times.
Become a playlist master: Curate different playlists for particular tasks, activities, and times of the day. Having playlists for creative/admin work tasks, reading, working out, cleaning, waking up, and winding down for the day can give you the energy to focus and not procrastinate or simply enjoy a necessary task more.
Focus on systems, not habits: Consider the domino effect of each practice and activity. Determine whether your current strategies and routines align with your energy, goals, and desired outcomes. Reflect on the parts of your routine that increase/decrease your energy and motivation. See how you can create a system – a pattern of consistently-practiced habits – that supports your goals and desired lifestyle that does not compromise your overall life satisfaction and well-being.
Experiment until you find an achievable balance: Focus on progress, not perfection. While there may be days or even seasons where hard work and fewer pleasures take priority, life is meant to bring you joy, peace, and satisfaction at the end of the day. Remaining in your comfort zone does you no good. However, learning ways to find pleasure in the process remains the key to long-lasting discipline and the energy necessary to maintain the determination required for success.
Sending you healthy and prosperous vibes xx
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ohmyamor · 6 months
ateez as college bfs during finals
it's my finals week and head hurty but crazy form good hnngjdnjgnjdf
will help you study but only if you bribe him a little
it's not that he wants to see you fail
he definitely does not want that
but at the same time
you would most likely do just fine studying on your own
he has a sneaking suspicion you just want to bother him
it's not until you bring out the "I'll do whatever you want for the next two weeks" that he's quick to agree
would he use this promise to his advantage? absolutely
hongjoong would help you study but then once you pass (you'd definitely pass with his help), he'd be quick to make you buy him food or pass him the blanket that is literal inches away from him
if you want to pass, you could also guilt trip him into helping you study by saying you'll just go to your TA
who's a man..
your same age...
hongjoong is real quick to whip out the flash cards after that
unless you give him a hard time, then he'll personally take you to the TA's room himself
7/10- would help you study but is all the work he would make you do after worth it?
absolute king
would drop everything to help you in the blink of an eye
he's got the studying playlists on youtube
anything you want to listen to, he's got it
lofi? yup. asmr? check. dark academia aesthetic? absolutely
color coded notes, flashcards, practice quizzes up and running
can seem a bit overwhelming at first but seonghwa gives me the vibes that he would just know you so well
and therefore he would know what type of studying or work environment you thrive in
and you're his baby, he wants to see you succeed :((
if you ever get frustrated or overwhelmed, seonghwa would 100% have your favorite drink and snack ready
some coffee to stay awake? whatever u need, some tea to relax? bet, he's got the honey and everything
your number 1 hype man frfr
10/10 need him in my life
honestly, also really good to have around during finals
strikes me as the type of bf to kind of sit with you and also silently work alongside you so you don't feel lonely
does that thing when you're writing a paper or smth and you look up to think of the word you want to use and the two of you make eye contact and he'll send you a wink and a big smile
little motivations yaknow
would also definitely use the pomodoro method
has a timer on his phone for every 45 minutes and when the time is up he'll gently shut your computer and grab your hands and just chat
would be the best person to bounce ideas of off
"yuyu, should I say this or this?"
and he would give genuine feedback
if you need help studying for an exam, yunho might not know all the answers but you can bet he would be right there with you watching videos of people working out the problems
gives you little high fives when you both get it
9/10 might get occasionally distracted by his beautiful blinding smiles but honestly a pretty solid study partner
mans is just there to vibe and honestly same
i dont wanna say he has absolutely no clue what's going on
because he does listen to you and he does pay attention when you talk about your classes
but at the same time, he doesn't really give me the vibes he would be as great at studying as some of the others
more there for moral and emotional support than anything
might feel bad he can't be of more help so he tries his best to listen to your lectures if you're at home, but man, it sounds like a different language somebody save him
would definitely make sure you're eating and resting well though
"sweetheart I think it's time to take a break"
"yeosang I just need to finish a few more problems :("
"you can do it after you eat something, it'll be easier to finish with a clear head and a full tummy"
crying screaming throwing up
would otherwise leave you to your devices tbh
doesn't want to distract you but also doesn't want you to be completely alone in case you forget to take care of yourself
8/10 man is doing his absolute best and we love him for it
honestly this could go one of two ways
he could either be the most serious, hella studious mf you've ever met
or he could be the most unserious, menacing bitch you've ever met
it all depends on his mood
serious san is in the mf ZONE
he's got the glasses on, he has his notes out, comfy sweater and gray sweats ON
ready to give you a mom look every time you get distracted
at one point you'd probably try to play footsies with him and he just kinda stares at you over the top of his glasses with one eyebrow raised and you just slowly return your gaze to your work
that being said
glasses ON, sweats ON, absolute fucking menace
teasing you fs
maybe not even like in a sexual manner, just tickling you and cracking stupid jokes because he wants your attention
WILL kiss your neck and tell you "you're so smart baby, you're going to pass no matter what"
your will power needs to be better than the lords because LORD
what san wants, san gets that's all imma say
5/10 you don't know what you're gonna get and it's scary
im tired of the mingi is dumb allegations
mans is smart as hell, not only in math but also the amount of lyrics and songs he helps to produce??
studious mingi is one hell of a study partner
it might be a little bit of a learning curve at first, especially if you're the type of person to want to chat or bounce your ideas off of someone while you're working
mingi gives me the vibes that he would be dead serious and focused while working
so it might be a little intimidating at first
you look up to ask a question and he's sitting there, eyebrows furrowed and fingers flying across the keyboard
and you're like damn i don't want to disturb him so you swallow your question and move your eyes back to your work
but mingi is also very observant, so he definitely notices that
"what's up baby?"
"mmmm nothing" you mumble, trying to figure out this particular problem
he'll shut his laptop off and scoot closer to you
wordlessly helps you figure out whatever it is you're working on before giving you a small kiss to your forehead and moving on
8/10 he can be the stem major to my humanities major
let's be fr, not the best study partner you could ask for
love wooyoung with all my heart but mans gets distracted easy as hell
has probably tried the pomodoro method but it just doesn't work for him
sitting for longer periods of times just makes him antsy yk
i get the feeling he'd be the type of person to get one of those moving desks that goes up and down and then puts a treadmill or smth under it because he needs to be moving or else he'll get very distracted
do NOT take this man to a cafe to work, he will do everything but study
especially with the people watching
"babe look at that guy over there, his shoelace is untied"
"that girl's shirt tag is sticking out, should I say something"
"the barista spilled that woman's drink"
if you're okay with background noise, it probably wouldn't be too bad....
until he starts wanting attention and now he's playing footsies with YOU
"woo, babe, I really need to finish this, it's due tomorrow"
"so you don't love me is what you're saying"
and now two hours have passed and you only have half of an assignment done
will buy you food and/or coffee to make up for it
"sorry for distracting you, you don't need a degree, your ass is great"
scary studying man
has everything organized to a T, do NOT touch his notes unless you're okay with dealing with the 3 days of silent treatment afterwards
im jk
no but fr, jongho takes studying seriously
if you ask him for help, he would probably be the best bet besides seonghwa or yunho
but this shit is like boot camp, okay? so be prepared
no fooling around on jongho's watch
you want to pass, guess what baby, you're gonna PASS
does that thing where if you're not getting something, he might not explain it to you, just re-asks the question louder
"what's 3 + 4?"
*sighs* "WHAT'S 3 + 4?!"
or might just stare at you blankly when you try to joke around
mans acts like he's training future CIA members or something
once you do finish studying he's back to regularly scheduled bear bf but studying??
only for the strongest soldiers
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koqabear · 2 years
Take It!
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✭ Playlist! ✭
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Choi Beomgyu was rich, spoiled, and couldn’t take no for an answer. Kang Taehyun, however, was the exact opposite. So, what’s one to do when both take an interest in you? It seems like you’ve become the new subject of their rivalry, and neither will accept a loss. 
chaebol!Beomgyu,chaebol!Taehyun! x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, angst(questionable), smut
word count: 22K
warnings: mc wears glasses, beomgyu is fucking mean, mc is shy/ easily flustered, constant teasing, and cockblocking, bg thinking with his dick half the time, mc is a coward, mentions food/alcohol
smut warnings: dub-con (in one scene), exhibitionism, fingering, bg is a perv, a ton of kissing, soft dom!tae, hard dom!gyu, sub!mc, threesome, oral, (f&m receiving) handjobs, raw sex, manhandling, multiple orgasms, degradation, praise, mouth fucking, hair pulling, dacryphilia, dumbification, creampie(s), sloppy seconds, overstimulation, marking, aftercare
(lemme know if I should add anything !) 
Notes: i don’t know why I’m doubting this fic so much— but the thought of rich taegyu literally plagued my mind.. this was originally supposed to be really short, then I found myself staying up late to write more scenes. Anyways, feedback is always appreciated, I hope you guys enjoy !! <3
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In your campus, three mysteries swarmed the minds of those who attended. 
One— what was in the library’s closed off area that made it so heavily protected? Two— did the economics and the psychology professor really hook up due to one’s messy divorce? 
And lastly, what were Beomgyu’s true intentions with you? 
Beomgyu was a young chaebol who was currently studying in preparation to take over his father’s company one day; the said company being shared with his longtime best friend. While he may have insisted that he couldn’t care less about taking over for his father, but the fiery glint in his eyes that appeared at the mention of the other potential candidate said otherwise. 
He was young, attractive, born into wealth, and had his whole life planned ahead of him; he was the whole package. So, naturally, Beomgyu often found himself in the spotlight, whether that be because of new rumors that spread, or because of something outrageous he had done. 
Which is exactly why he wasn’t fazed when people started calling you Beomgyu’s new plaything. 
“Come over tonight,” Beomgyu said, voice monotone, bored even, as he wrote down notes from a website that you showed him earlier. 
You looked up, eyes wide as you looked around frantically, already spotting a few of Beomgyu’s fans gossiping amongst themselves, just a few tables away from where you sat. He watched you, eyes scanning as you flushed with embarrassment at his request, pushing back your glasses as you tried to hide the way his words clearly affected you.
It was so interesting, the strange arrangement you two had— granted, it was simply because of a project that you were stuck doing together, but it still managed to pique the interest of Beomgyu’s potential suitors once they realized that Beomgyu hadn’t simply divided the work in half and left you on your own. 
You were— well, you. So quiet and reserved that sometimes, some classes would forget that you were there at all. You kept to yourself yet were so sweet and went out of your way to help others— you had the reputation of an angel. 
And Beomgyu, he couldn’t be farther away from that image even if he tried. He was reckless, always found at parties with a new eye-candy hanging from his arm, despite the warnings and scoldings of his father to not ruin his reputation. He was ruthless and apathetic, never making any deep connections no matter how hard others tried, and he wasn’t exactly above paying others to get his way either. 
So, it couldn’t have been more shocking to others once they realized that Beomgyu was hanging around you more than usual— much to your dismay. 
Because as you would make your way to classes, there would be times when you would run into Beomgyu— and he would greet you. The unnecessary attention was driving you mad. You weren’t oblivious to the whispers that would follow your every interaction; he’s using her, they’re probably only doing this to get his fangirls off his back, they’re probably hooking up. 
Those particular rumors would never fail to make your heart stop with stress for a second. Hooking up? With Beomgyu? Never! You barely had time to yourself anymore, and any type of messy relationship like that would only get in the way of your studies. And the last thing you needed was to slip up, leaving you to say goodbye to the very scholarship that landed you a spot in the university in the first place.
You knew you were being a prude; mostly because your friends always told you. Wow, you seriously haven’t found anyone? When was the last time you got laid? They would tease you endlessly for your absolute lack of experience in anything, blaming your lack of game for the cause of not having any prior experiences of past relationships to lean back on.
“No, middle school relationships don’t count. You guys couldn’t even hold hands without breaking into a sweat— and we don’t talk about your first kiss,” Chaeyoung would say, her teasing absolutely ruthless even as you begged her to stop. Taehyung would only laugh along, acting as though the ten years of friendship under your belts meant nothing to him. 
“What? Why?” You said, voice brisk as you snapped out of your trailing thoughts, eyes lowering back to your laptop screen as you realized Beomgyu had been waiting for a response, eyes sharp and narrowed as he stared you down. 
“The project,” he drawled out, as though you weren’t capable of following along. Honestly, it’s more of a mystery to you as to why people think the two of you might be something; have they not seen the way he talks down to you?
Inhaling slowly, you close your eyes for a moment, biting at your lip to keep yourself from saying anything— you don’t want to start anything at the library, you already learned your lesson the last time you tried to snap back a witty remark. 
“I won’t have time to meet at all next week, so I want to get as much work over with now,” he explained, uncaring of the way his voice was a little too loud for a library. But you secretly appreciated it nevertheless, knowing that the table a few ways from yours was tuned into his every word. 
“You won’t? Why not?” You really couldn’t help the way you prodded into his life, but, as your friends always say, “the worst thing about you is that you never realize when you’re being nosy.” 
And, as expected, he gave you a sharp look, your curiosity withering as you realized you were probably overstepping some kind of line with him once more. Ducking your head behind the safety of your laptop screen, you clear your throat awkwardly, attempting to find something to write down in order to distract yourself from his eyes that were seemingly locked on you like a target. 
“Be there by five pm. Don’t keep me waiting, either.” He said, leaving you to gape at him as you looked up from your screen, only to see him standing, ready to leave as he spared you one last look.
“What— you can’t be serious—“ but no, he definitely was. At least, that’s what the look in his eyes said, shutting you up with ease as he turned around, leaving you without another word. 
Choi Beomgyu himself could count as your university's fourth mystery.
“I can’t believe you. You’re weak!” Taehyung said, disbelief spread across his face as he watched you pick out an outfit, laying on top of the piles of clothes that you had rejected. “But also, send me pictures of his house.” 
Shaking your head, you threw aside the shirt you were debating, landing on Taehyung’s head and successfully cutting off his running imagination. 
“Shut up, you know how he is,” you say weakly, turning around and grabbing the top that Taehyung suggested, “He’s so… I don’t know… persuasive?” 
“Threatening,” he corrects, shaking his head at the outfit, rummaging through your closet as he looked for something else for you to wear, his voice muffled. “He has money, he has power, he can’t stand it when he doesn’t get his way.”
Turning around, he handed you his next choice, shoving it in your hands the moment you gave him a doubtful look. 
“He’s insufferable, that’s what he is,” urging you to put the outfit on, he sat at the edge of your bed, already eyeing your shoe rack for options, “I hate the way he commands you around just because— because—“
“Just because he could buy our whole existence,” you sigh, adjusting the skirt that Taehyung decided to dress you in. It was a very feminine outfit, and you could already feel the anxiety building up at the thought of Beomgyu or his family (hell, even his maids— if he had any… who were you kidding, of course he did.) seeing you in such an outfit. Honestly, you had probably read the text he sent you about a million times now, his address memorized by now (regrettably) and the possibilities of “dress appropriately” already giving you the first three breakdowns of the day.
Dress appropriately? What do you mean? You had messaged him, albeit only because Taehyung had been sick of hearing you freak out and had been the one to force you to message him that.
Context clues. Was the only thing that he had replied.
You could have sworn that Taehyung was about to go with you to personally tear him a new one. 
“I mean, true,” Taehyung said, frowning at your words, “But that doesn’t mean that he can still act like an entitled bitch.” Checking his phone for the time, he put the cute platform shoes that he had been eyeing the whole time in one hand, putting the jewelry and accessories that he had chosen in your other hand. 
“Rich people,” he said condescendingly, patting your shoulders in reassurance as he led you to the entrance of your shared apartment. 
“Rich people,” you agreed, slipping your shoes on before giving him a goodbye hug. “Clean my room for me?”
“Only if you tell me what cologne he uses.”
Scrunching up your face, you give him a judgemental look, only for him to shrug you off defensively.
“What? The guy knows his fragrances, alright?” He says, watching fondly as you laugh at his idiocy. “But I’ll also do it if you keep a lookout for any cute guys.”
Nodding, you slip on your jacket, opening the door, only to look back to him once more. “It’s a deal.”
Closing the door, you hear him yell one last “good luck!” The words sticking to you as you put down Beomgyu’s address into the GPS, only to gawk at the time it would take to get there. 
Luck would definitely be needed. 
Aweing at the enormous gates before you, you realize that you could probably get away with asking for compensation on gas. 
Because holy shit, why would anyone need this much space? Or rooms? And is there such a thing as too many windows? Because as you walk to the entrance after being permitted to come inside, the valet (valet!!) taking your car for you, you can’t help but be floored at the fact that you could practically see into their whole house.
What is it with rich people and light fixtures, you wonder, unable to take your eyes off from the ceiling that’s decorated with what could possibly be the world’s most intricate chandelier, unaware of the fact that you’re literally staring into their home right now— but hey, not your fault. 
You wonder how their doorbell works. It was a bit of a ridiculous thought, but you couldn’t help but let your thoughts wonder on how a doorbell could possibly alert a house of this size of their guest. But thoughts such as those would be saved for another day, because as you continue to stare shamelessly into the entrance windows, you can see a figure coming down the stairs. 
Must be Beomgyu, you think, shifting side to side as you become self conscious about your outfit once more, the cool fall air nipping at your skin as you wonder what he might show up in. Finally tearing your eyes away from their windows, you find yourself regressing as your eyes find themselves glued to the floor, much too nervous to be able to accept any cold comments from him at the moment. 
“___? You’re here,” You watch the way the light from inside illuminates the rest of the porch, one of the double doors opening to reveal the owner of the voice. But as you look up, confused as to who it might be, you find yourself feeling more self conscious as the man before you stares at you questioningly. 
Kang Taehyun, you realize with horror, is dressed in comfortable sweatpants and a loose white shirt, his blonde hair messy and unstyled, while you stand at the doorway dressed to impress. You’ve heard of the fact that the two families practically raised the two boys side by side, but you hadn’t expected to actually see him, much less in such a casual outfit.
How casual was this supposed to be?
“I’m… just here to work on a project with Beomgyu,” you explain, eyes downcast as you try to hide your embarrassment. Were you overdressed? Did he think you were trying too hard? What if he got the wrong idea about you and Beomgyu?
“Ah, right,” He said quietly, running a hand through his hair, a moment passing as you shuffled awkwardly outside. Eyes widening in realization, he steps aside, gesturing for you to come inside frantically. 
“Come in, come in, you must be cold,” he says, ushering you inside before closing the door, locking out the cool wind that was picking up. Taking off your shoes, you accept the guest slippers he hands you gratefully— woah, are these brand new? “Can I get you anything? Something to drink, anything?”
You couldn’t help but smile at the difference in the behavior— Taehyun, you heard, wasn’t anything like your stereotypical, cruel and uncaring rich man— like Beomgyu. He always tried to keep a humble attitude, his kind and patient behavior just another reminder of their differences. 
“No, I’m alright, thank yo—“
“Taehyun, if you’re done flirting with my guest, I’d like to get some work done.” You didn’t even need a second to think of who that could be, his cold voice and colder presence almost bringing down the room temperature by a couple degrees. 
Turning to the huge stairway you had been observing from the outside, you couldn’t help but feel a slight relief as you watched Beomgyu come down in his usual, sleek attire, his cold eyes taking a moment to observe you. 
“Interesting,” he mutters, stopping at the bottom of the staircase, raising a brow questioningly as a moment passes by, watching your tense behavior with amusement. 
“Well? Are you coming?” You can’t help but flinch at the realization that you’ve been standing at the entrance awkwardly, and with one last smile sent to Taehyun, you follow him up the stairs, holding back a remark on how you couldn’t just prance around his home without his permission; unfortunately, you were his guest. 
You almost feel as though Beomgyu is trying to get you lost on purpose, because as you follow him around the endless hallways and corridors, you can’t help but feel like this house is more of a maze. Eventually, you’re led into a room, left in confusion as you take it in. 
“My study,” he says, as though having a personal study is a basic necessity. You look at him, and it’s almost as though he can hear your thoughts, taking one look at your face before he scoffs, amused almost, as he gestures for you to take a seat. 
“What, did you expect to be taken to my bedroom?” He asks, voice low and teasing as he watches you become flustered once more, your reactions much too entertaining for him as he watches you fumble for your laptop. Shaking your head, you remain silent as you open up your shared document, ready to continue your research. 
But you can’t help but shift uncomfortably as time passes, unable to get rid of the feeling of Beomgyu’s eyes on you from time to time. His stare is just so intense and obvious, and you can’t help but fret and wonder if he was staring at you in a good way or a bad way.
“___. Come here.” He says, eyes already on you as you startle, looking up at him to see what he wants. You hum, raising a brow expectantly as you wait for him to elaborate. But, as impatient as he is, he simply rolls his eyes, standing up abruptly as he rounds his desk over to you, planting his laptop beside yours as he shows you his screen.
“I found a good website that could help our research,” he says, towering over you as he scrolls slowly, showing you the contents of the page. Placing a hand on the back of your chair, you try to ignore the feeling of him completely encasing you. You also try to ignore the deep purr of his voice, his quiet words only making you feel more nervous— was this too intimate?
And damn, Taehyung was right— he smelled like heaven. 
“___.” You’re snapped out of your wandering thoughts as you look up at Beomgyu, heart beating roughly against your chest as you take in the way his bangs fall over his eyes, long hair tied up in a half up half down, his eyes narrowed and looking down at you in a way that only made you even more anxious. 
He leans down, and you can’t help but lean back against your chair, the feeling of his hand on your back only startling you further— being this close to Beomgyu was only making you short circuit. Averting your eyes, you tried to ignore how close his face was to yours, how, if you wanted to, you could probably lean in and connect your lips with his.
“You’re not listening,” he mumbles, watching as you continue to entertain him with the way you try to keep yourself together, shoulders curled up around you as you try to make yourself smaller, “Are you?” 
“I am…!” You breathe out, flustered at the way he’s looking at you; it’s mocking, condescending almost, but wow… you simply can’t help but be drawn to him. 
“You are?” He echoes, voice mockingly sweet as the hand that was pressed behind you slowly begins to move, traveling across your back, sending shivers down your body as it retracts over your shoulder, slowly making its way up until he’s got you in his hands, tilting your chin up softly, his face filled with amusement as you try to not die of embarrassment.
“Doesn’t seem like it,” he says, and damn, was it just you or was he getting closer? Or, were you getting closer? 
“If I didn’t know any better, I would say you were thinking about someone else,” he whispers, voice so soft that if you hadn’t been hooked onto his every word, you would have missed it. It was too much, his breath fanning against your face, the deep rise and fall of your bodies, the way that if he got any closer, you would finally be able to get a taste of him. 
You fall silent, unsure of what to do. What if he was messing with you? The thought occurred to you abruptly, body flushing with heat as you remembered the amount of times he would get a new girl just to dump her after he got his fill; and you refused to be next. 
But before you could pull away, a knock rang throughout the room, Beomgyu pulling away from you so smoothly that he seemed to be the only one unaffected, his cool composure drastically different from your own. 
You almost kissed Choi Beomgyu. 
That thought alone was enough to keep you silent, trying your best to keep it together as the door opened, revealing the one person Beomgyu wanted to see last. 
“Come down for dinner,” Taehyun said, voice so cold and uncaring, the contrast of when he had spoken to you making you perk up curiously. You look at him, seeing that he has now changed into something more proper, the tension between the two not left unnoticed by you. You glance at Beomgyu, shivering at the cold expression that had overtaken his features. Briefly, he glances at you, having felt your stare, and you can’t help but become embarrassed that you got caught.
“___. Stay for dinner, will you?” Your eyes widened at Beomgyu’s request, Taehyun’s expression matching yours as the two shifted their attention on you, watching as you tried to formulate a response. 
“I couldn’t, I wouldn’t want to intrude,” you say softly, looking down as the feeling of their gaze becomes way too much for you. Honestly, you’re surprised someone as sweet as Taehyun could pull this off; he had that cold chaebol stare locked down. 
“Nonsense,” Beomgyu says, and you try your best to not let your jaw drop at his words, “You’re our guest. Let us treat you as such.”
It was borderline scary to hear Beomgyu sound so hospitable, so you knew better to refuse his offer as your eyes met his again, his brow raising as he waited for your answer. 
“Oh… alright,” you mutter, trying to not flinch at the way he suddenly grabs your hand, pulling you up and linking his arm with yours, leading you to his doorway where Taehyun stands, taking one moment to look at his eyes before he scoffs, heading to the dining room on his own.
“Excellent. Let’s go.” You try to keep your gaze away from Beomgyu, taking this time to look around the endless hallways and rooms once more. Taehyun is a few steps ahead of you, allowing you to take in his tall and broad frame. You let out a soft sound of surprise as Beomgyu pulls you in closer, and you look up at him questioningly, only to see that his eyes have never strayed from the path ahead of him.
What was Beomgyu plotting?
The dinner table was much too big. 
It was a long, rectangular table, and though there were more than enough chairs on each side, only seven of them were currently occupied, Beomgyu and Taehyun’s parents taking four on one end, with you sitting on the other, Beomgyu making you sit next to him, not accepting any excuse you might have prepared. Much to his dismay, Taehyun had sat down across from you two.
You expected the dinner to be tense and for Beomgyu’s parents to be irritated that someone who wasn’t of high status was currently in their home, but you were surprised to find yourself talking to the adults for half the time. You spoke of your major, of your family, and of your plans for the future. 
“So you aren’t with Beomgyu, honey?” Taehyun’s mother had asked, catching all three of you off guard as you smiled awkwardly, ignoring the looks that the two sons were throwing at their parents. 
“Mom, you can’t just ask that—“ Taehyun said, embarrassed at the straightforwardness of his mother. Shaking your head, you laughed, reassuring the man across from you. 
“It’s alright,” you reassured, looking back to the other end of the table as you met Mrs. Kang’s kind eyes— she clearly didn’t mean anything by it. “We’re not together, I just came to work on a project with him.”
She nodded, letting out a small “ah,” at your words, eyeing Beomgyu with a teasing glint as she continued. “It’s just, this is the first time I’ve seen him invite a girl to stay for dinner— usually they don’t stay for long.”
“Oh please, you’ll scare her off,” Beomgyu’s mother said, the two women laughing as they continued to poke fun at the situation, seemingly aware of Beomgyu’s reputation.
You could tell that she saw something you didn’t, because as Beomgyu cleared his throat, shifting in his seat as you looked at him curiously, you couldn’t help but notice the hesitation in his response. 
“That’s because there’s nothing going on. She’s a guest, nothing more.” He says, taking a drink of water to deflect your burning stare. 
“Hmm, alright. Honey, how was work today?” Mrs. Kang was quick to drop the subject, turning instead to the man seated next to her, the quiet man that had yet to say anything other than the greeting he said when he first saw you opening up immediately, turning to her as well as they shared the details of their day. 
Although the conversation was cut off suddenly, you couldn’t bring it in yourself to care as the two couples conversed and told the others about their day, talking and joking carelessly as if they were teenagers. It took a brief moment before you realized what they were actually doing— they were giving the three of you space to talk privately.
But you didn’t talk. You couldn’t find it in yourself to utter a single word as you felt the unspoken tension between the two men return. Beomgyu wouldn’t bother keeping up an interesting conversation with you, and you were highly doubtful that Taehyun was very talkative himself. 
So you remained silent instead, looking down at your plate with boredom as you began to think of things to tweak on your project instead. 
Just as you were about to share an idea with Beomgyu, you stopped mid bite as the feeling of Beomgyu’s hand brushing against the skin of your thighs, immediately looking at him, only to see him continue to eat, unaware of your burning stare. 
“___, where do you work?” You were caught off guard by Taehyun’s sudden question, forgetting about Beomgyu’s lingering touch as you finally allowed yourself to participate in a new conversation. 
“Ah, I work at Jin’s, the diner just a couple blocks from the campus,” you said, watching as his eyes lit up, the gracious demeanor that had greeted you at the entrance returning once more. 
“That makes sense! My friends and I go there all the time, I thought I recognized you from somewhere,” he says, before adding in, “that, and the fact that we also have a class together.” 
You nodded, sending him a smile as you asked, “yeah, how’s your project going so far?”
Listening to him go on about how useless his partner was, you laugh along to his story and can’t help but get enraptured by his charisma. He’s so easy to talk to, unlike the black hole of happiness that sat beside you, quiet as ever as he continued to eat. You surprised yourself with how easily you got along with Taehyun, before remembering that he hadn’t let his status and power go to his head, allowing him to be more approachable.
It was almost as Beomgyu wasn’t even there— almost. Because as Taehyun told you about his thoughts on the campus mysteries— apparently, there was more to the second mystery than you thought— you couldn’t help but pause as the fluttering touch on the hem of your skirt returned.
Heart pounding, you look beside you to find Beomgyu already staring back, his fingers toying with the hem of your skirt, his eyes dark and challenging as you quickly looked away, glancing back at the other end of the table in embarrassment— only to find them talking cheerfully, their conversation so closed off that you wondered if they forgot you were here as well. 
Looking back at Taehyun, you nod at his story, laughing along as you place a shaking hand over Beomgyu’s in a weak attempt to stop him, which only makes his touch on your skin more prominent as you press his hand down. 
You were practically shaking. What was wrong with you! His whole family— and Taehyun’s— was right here, yet… you were hesitating to pull his hand off of you. 
He raised a brow, looking at you curiously as he waited for your next move. Slowly, his fingertips traced lines along your skin, the slight pressure of his nails leaving you a flustered mess. 
You gulped— what was he thinking? There was no way he would go any further, right? Plus, as much as you hated to admit, his touch was slowly becoming more and more welcomed. Yet, just as you were about to gather the courage to pull his hand away, you knock your glass of water over, letting out a small gasp as the water spills over your lap. 
“Oh no, I’m so sorry!” You say, reaching for a napkin and immediately going to wipe down the table. Taehyun only reassures you, his kind smile and soft voice managing to calm you down, the embarrassment of your actions leaving you to frantically clean up your area. 
“Tsk. What a mess.” The used napkins are left beside you in a sulking pile, and you can’t help but tense at the reminder that the water had spilled all over your lap— the reminder being the way Beomgyu was currently helping you clean up.
Gulping, you watch tensely as he pats down your skirt, the napkin in his hands doing nothing to provide a barrier from the warmth of his skin as the paper absorbs the water. Your breathing is shaky as he slowly pats down your thighs, your skirt having ridden up and exposed more of your skin. Looking up, you glance at his parents as a reflex, only to see them already back to their conversation after having reassured you that it was nothing to worry about. 
The water had trickled down all over your skin and in between your thighs, but Beomgyu only ignored those parts as he went back to eating, eager to get the attention of the other pesky person off of him. Your eyes met with Taehyuns, a sheepish smile on your face as you took in the way he stared at you, lips parted slightly before you apologized once more, snapping out of his thoughts as he reassured you once more. 
“Seriously, it’s no big deal,” he said, a kind smile on his face as the two of you resumed your conversation. You tried to ignore the remaining moisture on your thighs, knowing that it would be extremely awkward to go ahead and wipe in between your legs in front of them, left to shift uncomfortably in your seat as your thighs rubbed together. 
But as the maids bring out the next course, leaving you gaping in awe at the thought of someone eating like this all the time, you realize that you weren’t the only one who was bothered by the remaining water. Because as you stutter mid comment on how delicious the food looks, you can’t help but let the words fall dead on your tongue as Beomgyu’s hand sneaks in, gently prodding your legs apart— and you, in your dumbfounded state, allow him to. 
The napkin in his hands is ticklish and leaves a feather-like touch as he wipes down your skin. Taehyun is too busy eating to notice the way you’re staring at your food like an idiot, eyes widened in panic as you stiffen, unsure what to do.
Should you… stop him? You can’t help but debate that thought for a second, part of you grateful of the fact that he really did dry you. But the other part is currently panicking at the way the napkin has been discarded by now, replaced by his hand as he slowly runs his fingers up and down your inner thigh, the feeling already too much for someone like you. 
This whole day, Beomgyu has been driving you crazy. In the library, in the study, hell, even here! His teasing is constant, yet he always stops right before he can do anything incriminating— anything that would change the way you see each other. 
Which leaves you to wonder; How far is Beomgyu willing to go? Because as you slowly pick up your utensils, you can’t help the way you relax at his touch, the neediness going to your head and allowing you to go along with whatever he tries to do— you doubt he’ll really do anything.
Beomgyu glances at you, and truly, it’s almost as if he can read your thoughts; because what started off as simple teasing has turned into a challenge, and Beomgyu is not one to back down. 
He’s abandoned his spot in your inner thighs. Now, he’s found a much better purchase in the apex of your thighs, his index finger taking its time to run over your clothed slit. Choking on your food, you wave off Taehyun’s worried questioning, reassuring him before you throw Beomgyu a panicked glance— he simply shrugs. 
You think that if either of the two strained their ears, they would be able to hear your heart pounding against your chest. You’re nervous, shaky even, as you try to remain cool, trying your best to converse with Taehyun as you realize that wow, this feels really good. 
Something about Taehyun, kind, handsome, welcoming, talking to you eagerly while Beomgyu sat next to you, hand hidden beneath the tablecloth and playing with you like he knew what was best for you, drove you absolutely crazy. 
God, you really were a total prude. You realized, biting down on your lip as you realized with shame just how turned on you were. Beomgyu had yet to do anything to you, yet you were driven crazy by a few simple touches— which is exactly why you couldn’t help the way your breath hitched at the feeling of his finger circling slowly on your clit, the cloth of your panties beginning to stick uncomfortably to you as he continued his ministrations, your eyes widening as he began to teasingly push against your entrance. 
You might just go insane. It was so overwhelming, yet it wasn’t enough, the way that Beomgyu stimulated you with ease, yet refused to go further. The barrier between the two of you drove you mad, and before you could stop and think over what you were doing, you reached down to grab at his wrist, stopping all of his movement. 
He looked at you, waiting for your next move, eyes darkening as he inhaled slowly, trying to remain unfazed as you pushed your hand against your pussy, grinding down on him as you guided him to push your panties to the side— a switch had been flipped between the two of you, and there was no going back. 
Beomgyu’s fingers were long and slender, his movements confident and experienced as he pushed inside, jaw clenching as he took in just how tight you were. Taking a sip of your now refilled water, you tried to choke down the sounds that were fighting to escape from your lips, the foreign feeling of someone else’s hands on you making you dizzy.
You waited patiently for him to do something, anything, your thighs shaking with need the longer he waited, your hips grinding down on him subconsciously as the need in your stomach grew even more. Yet just as you were about to gather the courage to look at him, you looked to the end of the table, watching as Beomgyu and Taehyun’s parents stood up, making their way to where the three of you sat.
Stopping behind Taehyun, you waited expectantly for Beomgyu to pull out of you, only to realize with horror that Beomgyu wasn’t planning to. You were beyond ashamed as you flashed them all a small smile, watching as they adjusted their outfits before turning to you.
“We have a business meeting to attend, so we’re going to be leaving early,” Beomgyu’s mother said, directing her words to all three of you as her husband stood next to her, nodding silently. “It was a pleasure meeting you, ___. Feel free to come back to visit,” she said, and you nodded, bowing gratefully at her words. 
“Thank you, it was a pleasure meeting you as well. Thank you for having me,” you meekly reply, afraid that if you make a wrong move, they’ll find out just what the two of you are currently up to. You watch stiffly as they say goodbye to their sons, telling them teasingly to behave before they’re off, chatting eagerly amongst themselves as they don’t bother glancing back at the three of you again. 
It was silent— and so, so awkward. Maybe it was just you, but you’re sure that if you weren’t careful, you could probably choke on the tension in the room. Your hands were shaky as you reached for your water once more, a thick wave of embarrassment washing over you as you took in the reality of the situation; that being, Beomgyu’s warm hand that was still nestled comfortably between your thighs.
And as the neediness in your stomach cooled down, you realized with a heavy dread what you had done. Despite your usual overthinking and worrying, you had completely given in to the temptation that was Beomgyu, and you couldn’t be more disappointed in yourself if you tried. Carefully, you reached down to grasp Beomgyu’s wrist once more, trying to not pay attention to the way he glanced at you curiously. 
“I should get going,” you say, pulling his hand away harshly as you try to not wince at the suddenness. The two men turn to you, watching as you shyly stand before them, avoiding their gazes as if one look could give away everything you were thinking about. 
“It’s getting late, and I’ve got a busy day tomorrow.” Sending Beomgyu a polite smile, you fidget nervously as you ask, “Could I go back to your study to get my bag?” 
“I’ll take you there,” he says, and before you can protest, he’s standing up, not bothering to spare a glance to Taehyun before he’s walking you back to the staircase, trailing behind you without another word.
Your heart is practically pounding out of your chest as you walk up the stairs, the feeling of Beomgyu’s eyes still on you making you flush hotly with embarrassment. He wasn’t even trying to hide it; you could feel him blatantly trying to look up your skirt as you walked, unsure of what to do as you glanced back at him, only to be sent a coy smile in return. 
You’re practically running back to the study as you finally reach the second floor, uncaring of whether or not you seem rude as you get to the room before him, opening the door and packing your things as quickly as you can. You’re struggling to make room for your laptop in your bag as you see Beomgyu appear in the doorway out of the corner of your eye, gulping nervously as his silent stare is caught on you once more. 
“Why are you in such a hurry?” He asks, taking slow steps towards you as he watches you fumble with your bag. You don’t respond, finding much more interest in the zipper of your bag as you try to get it to close properly. 
He slams his hand on the table, and you’re flinching at the sound as you feel him tower over you, placing his hand on the chair that stood between you and the man that set your nerves alight. You can’t bring yourself to look up as you feel him lean in closer, his breath practically fanning on your cheek as you feel him exhale in amusement. 
“Thought you might’ve wanted to keep me company,” he says, his voice soft and alluring as he places a hand on top of yours, successfully stopping your fidgeting as you freeze entirely.
“It’s getting late, I should really go,” you say, unsure of what else to say as Beomgyu only takes your word with a grain of salt. 
“It is,” he says, his voice soft and sultry against your ear, “I wouldn’t want you going home at such a dangerous hour.” 
You’re not given much time to react before you’re being pulled, the small obstacle between you two no more as you find yourself practically sitting on the desk, your eyes wide as Beomgyu quickly slots himself between your legs, his arms trapping you in as he pouts at you mockingly. 
“You’ll stay a little longer, right?” He says, watching the way you gulp nervously under his strong gaze, the welcoming scent of his cologne enticing you to give in and become another girl on his roster. 
“I have to go,” you say, pushing weakly at his chest, surprised when he lets you pull away from him and reach for your bag frantically. He doesn’t bother following you as you scamper out of his study, your head bowed down and the slippers you were given scuffing against the tiles of the cold home as you’re hurrying your way back to the main entrance. You spot Taehyun on your way there, but all you can do is hurry your footsteps and duck your head further in embarrassment as you try to ignore the way he seems ready to stop you in your tracks. 
Beomgyu watches from his window as you sheepishly ask the valet for your car, fidgeting nervously and pacing back and forth as you wait patiently. You’re like a deer in headlights, doe eyes wide and panicked and your legs shaky as you thank the man, climbing in your car clumsily and driving off faster than he expected you to. 
You were cute, Beomgyu decided, pausing for a second before also deciding that he didn’t mind playing along to get what he wanted. 
“—I’m so fucked up, like, who does that? His parents were right there!” You’re practically falling apart at the seams as you recite your evening to Taehyung, clutching a pillow tightly against your chest as you try to not look at Taehyung’s reaction from his seat on the couch. It was like word vomit, the story practically escaping you the moment you walked back into your shared apartment, Taehyung’s jaw dropping further and further the more you told him. 
“I didn’t think you had it in you,” he breathes out, amazed at your story as he stares at you incredulously, his comment only making you writhe around the couch and whine in embarrassment. 
“I don’t, that’s the thing!” You cry out, placing your hands on your face as you feel your skin heating up, “He’s so— I don’t know, He’s just straight up insane, but I can’t help but follow along like an idiot! Why? What’s wrong with me?”
“You got it bad,” Taehyung says matter of factly, his simple sentence making you feel as though a weight dropped on your chest. You turn to him, nervous as you let his words linger in your mind. 
“Do not.” You deny, turning back to look at your ceiling, ignoring the way Taehyung only scoffs and rolls his eyes at your claims. The silence, you find, is more unbearable than Taehyung grilling you for details about your experience. You find yourself restless, unable to be too sure of your words as you rethink every interaction that you had with him tonight.
“The valet guy was cute.” 
“Tell me more.”
You’re desperate to get your thoughts away from Beomgyu. 
Your thoughts are filled with nothing but Beomgyu.
It’s official— you’ve gone insane. It seems your little inexperienced brain couldn’t handle the feeling of another’s hand shoved in between your legs, because you simply have yet to have a moment where your thoughts aren’t filled with that dreadful day. To make things worse—or better, honestly— Beomgyu also has yet to come up to you again. Just like he promised, he was too busy to even look in your direction; or so, you’d like to think.
There’s no reason for you to care, but what if that was it? What if that night at his home had been enough of a taste for Beomgyu, and he had now decided that he’s had his fill? Was he just tossing you aside now? Did he find you pathetic?
It really shouldn’t be bothering you that much; but it did. It did, and it absolutely tore you apart that it could itch at you that much. For crying out loud, what did you expect? Choi Beomgyu was the last person you should have taken interest in, but sometimes you even found yourself thinking about the expensive cologne that you swore still lingered around you. 
“___, I didn’t expect to see you here,” you’re slow to look up as the voice calls out to you, lost in thought as it takes you a moment to recognize the second person that you’d rather not confront at the moment; Kang Taehyun. Throughout Beomgyu’s absence, Taehyun had also seemed to take a liking to you, beginning to approach you more and more often during and after classes. You could already hear the rumors that would bubble up at your sudden interactions, but you couldn’t really bring yourself to care much this time.
“Hey,” you smile weakly, tired as you glance back down at the stubborn stain you’ve been trying to get off for the past minute. This was quite honestly the last place you’d rather meet either of the men in, but Taehyun did say that he came to this diner a lot. “Is there anything I can get you?” 
“Ah, just a chocolate milkshake, for now,” he says, watching as you nod before you’re pacing around behind the counter, going back and forth as you begin to make it. Taehyun’s gaze is far more different than Beomgyu’s; it’s less intense, and you don’t feel like you’re in danger everytime you feel his eyes on you. And as you slid the glass towards him, you couldn’t help but feel a bit more welcomed by his presence as he spoke. 
“You seem a bit stressed, is everything alright?” He asks, taking a sip from his drink before he continues, “Beomgyu isn’t bothering you, is he?”
“No no, nothing like that,” you say, quick to deny his claims. The last thing you needed was more tension between the two. “Honestly, I haven’t even seen him recently.”
“Hmm, right,” Taehyun hums, moving his straw about absentmindedly as he stirs the whipped cream, “He should be in New York right about now.” 
“New York? Really?” You say, pausing your cleaning as you imagine the sight, “What’s he doing all the way over there?”
It’s too late for you to retract and apologize for asking too many questions, but as you watch Taehyun lean on the counter, you’re pleasantly surprised to find that he doesn’t mind answering you.
“He insisted on going with our fathers to a meeting,” He says, rolling his eyes at the thought, “Insisting he has to do it because he’ll be taking over the company soon.” 
Sometimes you forget that the two are millionaires— well, mostly Taehyun, but still— but it’s times like these where you can’t help but feel like being partnered with Beomgyu is just a continuous slap in the face. Here you are, working a horrible shift at a random diner in Korea, all whilst your partner is miles away and probably enjoying the night view of a busy city. Life truly is unfair.
“Hmm, of course,” you say, unable to hide the fact that you cannot relate to anything Taehyun is saying, “Must suck that you didn’t go, huh?” 
“Oh no, not at all,” he’s quick to shut down your claims, surprising you as he shakes his head at the very thought. “I wouldn’t mind taking over for the company, but I couldn’t care less about it, honestly. I actually have a career I want to pursue, unlike Beomgyu.”
“Really?” You say, unable to hold back your surprise at his words. A quick glance around the diner, and another glance at the clock is all you need before you’re leaning in as well, curious to hear more about Taehyun. “And what is that?”
It’s odd how quickly you’re drawn to Taehyun— but then again, he’s just so charming and charismatic as he tells you about how he wishes to work at his dream law firm, and how he wishes to separate himself as someone independent, and not just someone who’s relying on daddy’s money.
“My father isn’t a bad person by any means,” he’s quick to correct himself as glances back up at you, sending you a sheepish smile as he says so. But as he looks back at his half-drunk milkshake, you can’t help but notice the way his eyes harden into something else as he continues. 
“But seeing Beomgyu parade around as if he’s untouchable, it just annoys me.” He’s running his fingers along the glass, drawing shapes with the precipitation of the cool drink, “if it weren’t for his father’s money, he wouldn’t be able to get away with half the shit he does.” 
He pauses, looking back up at you with an apologetic smile as he adds, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to dump that on you.”
“No, I get where you’re coming from,” you say, surprised with yourself as you finally admit those words out loud, “He’s definitely a bit hard to handle.” 
And for the rest of the night, you’re ashamed to admit that you and Taehyun bonded over your strange experiences with the boy, talking until you no longer needed that common factor to keep the conversation going. You talked until you glanced up at the clock once more, surprised to find that it was time for you to clock out already.
“I gotta go,” you said, sending him an apologetic smile before saying your goodbyes. You were quick to clock out, gathering all your things before you went back up front, ready to leave when you were left surprised at what you saw. You had expected Taehyun to be gone by now, but he was still there, scrolling through his phone absentmindedly as he fiddled with the straw of his empty drink. You pause in your steps, unsure of what to do as he looks up, sending you a smile as you see him tapping at the table nervously. 
“Sorry, it’s just, it’s been nice talking,” he says, biting at his lips as he takes in the way you fight back a smile, “I was wondering if you wanted to hang out for a bit longer?” 
You’re not sure why, but it’s easier to be bolder around Taehyun; maybe it’s because you actually get an option with him. But you can’t help the way curiosity tugs at you, bringing you closer to him as you take in all his nervous habits.
“Sure, we could go to my place,” you pause, before remembering that Taehyung would probably be there; you didn’t really need him to pry at the poor boy before you, “Or actually, is it alright if we go to yours? My roommate has someone over tonight.”
It’s a small lie, but it’s worth it as you see Taehyun beam brightly at you, leading him to your car as the two of you continue to talk as if you had been friends for years, allowing him to drive as you let him take you to his home. You expected things to slow down during the ride to his house and remain awkward, but you were surprised to find that Taehyun was very good at keeping a conversation going. You spoke of your interests and hobbies, quickly finding out that the two of you had the same taste in music. 
It’s scary how magnetic the boy before you is, because as you’re entering the same mansion as last time, much to your surprise, you can’t help but feel intrigued at how much warmer the home has become with him next to you. Your cheeks sting from smiling and you feel light as you walk up the stairs, slightly surprised when you’re led to his own room instead of another unnecessary room. 
“You have a room of your own here?” You say, surprised to find that it wasn’t just another guest room. He’s visibly caught off guard by your words, and you can’t help but scold yourself at the fact that you let your mouth run by itself once more. 
“Well, I practically grew up here, and our family mostly spends their time here as well,” he says, and you can’t help but feel slightly alienated at his words— again, how many rooms do they have?
“Do you want some clothes to change into?” Taehyun asks, noticing the way you had been fidgeting uncomfortably, fiddling with your clothes mindlessly as it finally clicked in his head that you were still in your work clothes. You’re quick to deny him, but it’s easy to make you give in as he insists, and it isn’t long before he’s showing you to his bathroom (because obviously, he would have a personal bathroom) leaving you alone as you’re given a moment to change. 
It’s a simple pair of sweatpants and a white shirt, similar to the attire you saw him in the first time you visited. You put it on, the clothes loose in some places, but fitting nicely overall. You take a second to observe yourself in the mirror, feeling yourself heat up at how oddly intimate this was. You were hesitant to come out, nervous to see what he would think when he saw you. 
“There’s this drama that I’ve been wanting to watch for a while now,” he says, glancing at where you stood at the doorway. He made no comments about how you looked, patting the spot next to him softly as he beckoned you to sit next to him. It was oddly reassuring, knowing that you wouldn’t have to walk on eggshells around him— slowly, you made your way to his bed, sitting down as you left a bit of space between the two of you.
“Hometown Cha Cha Cha?” You said, reading the title out loud as you briefly skimmed the description. “I didn’t think you’d watch kdramas.”
“Well, it was my mother who always watched them,” he says, leaning back against his bed frame as he sends you a sheepish smile, “she just seemed to pass on the habit.” 
It’s endearing, the way Taehyun looks a bit self conscious as he hovers over the play button, unsure of whether or not you might find his tastes in shows embarrassing.
“I heard that it’s really good,” you say, allowing yourself to lay back against the pillows as you begin to get comfortable, “play it.” 
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see the way Taehyun smiles to himself, the two of you going silent as the show begins to play. 
“Oh my god, this is so embarrassing, I can’t watch,” you say, covering your eyes as you sink into the fortress of pillows that surrounds you. Taehyun only laughs, trying to pry your hands away from your face as you whine, shaking your head no as he insists.
“I would literally die if I did that,” you say, watching as the main character is shown drunk and out of control, blatantly embarrassing herself in front of her love interest, “I would rather forget everything than remember that I acted like that.” 
“Personally, I would love to see that,” he says, leaning towards you as he looks down at where you lay, “In fact, can I get you something to drink?”
“Shut up,” you laugh, pushing his face away as he chuckles at your reaction. It goes silent, the two of you too busy watching the show to continue teasing each other. Out of the corner of your eye, you find yourself much closer to Taehyun than you had been when you started— yet you can’t bring yourself to care as you take in his presence, enjoying the subtle scent of his cologne as your thoughts begin to stray once more. 
Taehyun was so sweet. He was warm and charming, and you couldn’t help but find yourself wishing that you could get even closer to him as time passed, glancing at him from time to time as you took in the way he looked as he focused on the show, his side profile just as gorgeous as the rest of him.
“Do I have something on my face?” He doesn’t even bother looking away from the tv as he says those words, startling you as you try to think of an excuse to play it off. But before you can say anything, he’s turning to you, resting his face in the palm of his hand as he looks at you teasingly— you can’t help but be reminded of Beomgyu at this moment. 
Oh god, you think to yourself, lips parted as you find yourself unable to say anything, helpless to the way he’s leaning closer, to the way his other hand travels to find itself on your waist, allowing him to overtake your senses as you feel his breath fan on your skin.
Not him too.
You’re not sure what to do, and you’re sure as hell not sure of what will come next as you let yourself give in, weak to his charms as his lips land on yours, the show long forgotten as you begin to sink into the mattress below you. He’s hovering over you, the kiss slow and sweet as you feel his hands begin to wander, your own finding purchase on his shoulders as you grip onto him tightly, too afraid to pull away and face what happens next. 
He’s addicting, and you find yourself unable to pull away for even a second, the kiss messy and needy as you feel him straddle you, his thigh clumsily prying at your legs before he’s slotted it between you, his hands cupping your face as he hovers over you eagerly.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he says, whispering the words against your lips as you feel your stomach come alive with butterflies, smiling shyly at the compliment as you feel him trial kisses down the column of your neck. 
“I’m sorry this is so sudden, but I just… I couldn’t hold myself back.” You can feel the way his hand lingers at the hem of your— his— shirt, playing with the fabric as you lace your hands in his hair. “You just looked so good in my clothes, it was driving me crazy.” 
“Was this your plan all along?” You joke, sighing at the feeling of his warm hand reaching under the pesky shirt to hold your waist. He’s quick to pull away at that, eyes wide as he looks at you, practically glowing as the light of the tv shines behind him. 
“No— sorry, did it feel that way?” He looks genuine as he apologizes, worried that he may have overstepped a line as he pulls away from you. It’s brief, though, because before you can think twice, you’re pulling him back in, feeling him groan softly against your lips as he lets himself melt against you.
“I was joking,” you clarify, breathless as you feel him shift, his thigh pressing up against you as you gasp at the feeling, allowing Taehyun to take this chance to deepen the kiss. The two of you are desperate and shameless as you let your hands wander, the feeling of his lingering touches leaving a hot trail on your skin. You’re practically suffocating as you’re encased beneath him, the feeling leaving you dizzy and weak to him. 
Your hands find his shoulders as you’re pushing him away, the two of you sitting up and taking a moment to catch your breath. His lips are swollen and red as he looks at you, but before he can get another word out, you’re quickly climbing on his lap as you straddle him, taking his head in your hands as he looks up at you.
“You look so good like this,” he says, his hands finding themselves on the small of your back as they itch to venture further down. You hum, smiling at his words as you bring him in for another slow kiss— then another, and another, before the two decide that it’s no longer enough, that you’d rather have more.
You’re not sure where this confidence is coming from, but you can’t allow yourself to stop in fear of crashing down from this high. Yet, as you sit back and watch Taehyun take his shirt off, you can’t help but feel yourself become unsure as you take a second to observe him— unfortunately for you, he’s quick to notice. 
“Are you sure about this?” He says, pausing in his touches as he watches you crash down from your wave; you’re flustered, taking in the way his toned skin practically begs to be touched. You sit there, unsure of what to say as his hands remain at your waist, rubbing soothing circles on your skin as he waits for you to say something.
“It’s just— I haven’t done anything like this in a while,” it’s beyond embarrassing to admit, and you can feel your body heating up as you avoid his gaze, looking away and back to the show that was still playing in the background. Your nerves are on fire as you wait for him to say something, inhaling sharply as he cups your cheek, forcing you to look back at him as he sends you a reassuring smile.
“It’s okay, we don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for,” he says, allowing you to take a moment to decide for yourself. 
“But you look so good,” you pout, shamelessly checking him out as you feel your hands find their way to his shoulders, letting yourself run one down his chest, taking in the way he shivers at your touch. 
“Then I’ll be gentle,” he says, leaning in to give you a soft peck. You’re quick to chase after his lips, ready to throw caution to the wind as he asks, “Are you sure?” 
And yes, you are. If it’s Taehyun, then you’re more than sure. He’s been nothing but kind and patient with you, and you can’t help the way you’re completely drawn to him. You nod, whispering your confirmation against his lips, and that’s all he needs before he’s tugging at the hem of your shirt, urging you to take off the clothing as well. 
You’re pulling away as you’re beginning to tug the shirt over your head, but before you can do so, a rough knock makes you pull away from him faster than the speed of light. Taehyun, you notice, is beyond annoyed as he does nothing, the glare that he sends the door before him practically deadly as another knock follows shortly. 
He sends you an apologetic glance before he’s rummaging around the bed for his shirt, laughing softly as you sheepishly hand it to him, your eyes already avoiding his own as you try to remain calm. Yet before he even stands up, he’s grabbing the back of your neck, a soft sound of surprise leaving you as he quickly pulls you in for a last kiss, the feeling of your hands grabbing at his already wrinkled shirt making him smile against your lips.
“Fucking asshole…” he grumbles, rolling his eyes as another harsh knock interrupts your moment. It’s then, when you realize with horror, just who is outside Taehyun’s door. 
You watch nervously from the safety of his blankets as Taehyun opens the door, barely allowing himself or the rest of the room to be seen as he’s standing in the small crack, the opening blocked by his body as he leans against the doorway casually. 
“What do you want.” His voice is back to the cold and commanding tone that never fails to set your fight or flight response alight. Taehyun’s voice is octaves lower, and you’re surprised to find yourself enjoying it more than you should. 
“I’m trying to sleep, and you’re disturbing me. My trip was very exhausting, you know.” Beomgyu is quick and to the point as he speaks, attempting to glance behind Taehyun to see who else might be in the room. Taehyun only moves, blocking his sight as the thought of Beomgyu seeing you and possibly trying to start something irks him. Beomgyu raises a brow at the other’s behavior, scoffing at his actions as he watches the way Taehyun prickles at his every move.
“What’re you hiding in there,” he says, feeling his curiosity mix in with his annoyance as the man before him is quick to shut him down, glaring at him as he tells him to leave. But then again, Beomgyu loves a good challenge. 
It’s so sudden, and all you can see from where you sit on the bed is the way Beomgyu grabs onto the door, pushing it open as he peeks in, eyes apathetic until they land on you. 
“___.” He says, and you can’t help the way your body shivers at the way your name rolls off his tongue like honey, a perfect trap as you look up at him with your panicked eyes. Even as Taehyun tells him to leave, he can’t take his eyes off you, taking in the way you’ve seemed to make yourself comfortable in Taehyun’s clothes, in Taehyun’s bed. 
There’s nothing truly compromising about your position, but you can’t help but feel self conscious at the way he stares at you, the air thickened with tension as Taehyun stands to the side, jaw clenched as he waits for Beomgyu’s stubbornness to dry out. 
“Seems you’ve made yourself quite at home,” his voice is icy and mean as he directs his jabs at you, watching the way your wide eyes silently plead at him to not say anything that might relate to the things he did to you— the things you allowed him to do. To your relief, nothing else is said as he turns to Taehyun, his face empty of anything that could give away how he felt. 
The two of them share a look, and unbeknownst to you, they silently acknowledge the fact that there’s a new interest that has hooked them both; you. And with one last glance at you, Beomgyu returns to his room, his jaw ticking with anger as his thoughts are filled with the way you seemed so comfortable in Taehyun’s bed— the way that Taehyun had gained an advantage to your heart. 
But Beomgyu wasn’t going to lose— he was sure of that. 
“You! Coward! Why! Are! You! Here! Then!” You’re practically on the verge of losing your voice as Taehyung’s every word is punctuated with a smack of a pillow, left cornered on the couch as he traps you in with his body. Your pleas fall on deaf ears as he continues to scold you, the memory of Taehyung’s face after you had told him what had happened enough to let you know that you hit a nerve. 
To your pleasant surprise, the assault weapon is tossed to the side as Taehyung hovers over you, squishing your cheeks together as he glares at you.
“You have,” he says, forehead touching against your as he lets all his frustrations out, “Not one, but two— two!! Hot rich men after you, and you mean to tell me you chicken out both times?!” 
“I know!” You say, weakly defending yourself as you’re pushing Taehyung off of you, glaring back at him as you grab onto the discarded pillow, hugging it tightly as you speak. 
“But first off, Beomgyu is an asshole,” you say, reminding him that neither of you particularly like the boy, “And Taehyun… Taehyun…”
“Exactly.” Taehyung says, cutting you off as he ignores your glare, “No excuses. He was fine and you wanted him.”
“But Beomgyu, and like, probably the rest of his family, was right there!”
“Didn’t stop you last time!” 
The two of you immediately go silent at his words, your eyes wide in shock as you stare at him, jaw to the floor as he stares back, as equally floored as you are.
“That was low.”
“I know. But I have a point.” 
“You do…” you sigh, leaning back on the couch as you throw your head back, staring at the ceiling as you try to forget your embarrassing memory. Nothing happened; you couldn’t really bring yourself to do anything as you two were left in a tense silence.
You tried to wait it out— you really did— but you couldn’t help the way your thoughts were brought back to Beomgyu each time, wondering just where his room was that had him being able to listen to the two of you that clearly. (Not that the two of you were even that loud… right?) But the guilt of having him on the back of your mind while you and Taehyun tried your best to go back to normal was too much for you, and before you knew it, you were saying goodbye to him.
It felt awful trying to reassure him that he had done nothing wrong, but you weren’t sure how to explain to him the real reason why you just couldn’t stick around longer. And even as you thought back to that moment, you could still feel the butterflies that swarmed your stomach at the way he seemed so shy as he asked you to stay a bit longer. 
“___. Look at me.” If it weren’t for Taehyung’s change in tone, you wouldn’t have bothered moving an inch from the couch. But you complied, curious to what your friend would say as you raised your head, slowly sitting up and meeting his eyes as you waited for him to continue. 
“You are going to go up to Taehyun the first chance you get,” he says, taking your hand as you gave him an unconvinced look, “And you are going to ask him out on a date. And possibly get laid.” 
“Tae, you know damn well—“
“I do!” He says, stopping you in your tracks as he grips onto your hand even tighter, ignoring the way you wince and try to slip away. But he’s persistent, glaring at you as he waits for you to settle down. “But that man has laid all his cards out for you, and I will not stand by and watch you ruin the opportunity of your lifetime!” 
When he was met with nothing but silence and a dead stare, he scoffed, letting go of your hand as he laid back on the couch, arms crossed with annoyance.
“I will literally spend the day outside if you need me to so no one will interrupt you. I’m being serious.”
“Why are you so interested in this?” You whined, caving in as you slouched down, hugging your pillow tightly to your chest as you pouted, “it’s not even that big of a deal.” 
“Stop saying that!” He says, throwing the only pillow left by his side at you, much to your dismay, “You know that’s not true!”
Okay, he was right, and you knew he was right. This was by far the wildest opportunity that had ever been set on your path, and only a fool would pass by such a chance— And while you were more than willing to be that fool, Taehyung was not. 
“You got anything going on tomorrow?” You asked weakly.
“You do now. Stay out of the house.” 
Taehyung brightened at your words, and you tried to tune out his gloating and excited chatter as you tried to steel yourself for what you were going to do— you were going to finish what you started.
Tae :] 
??? He’s not there??
You couldn’t help the way your mood immediately depleted at the reminder, finding yourself unable to follow along with your professor's words as your eyes found themselves lingering at the place where Taehyun usually sits. Honestly, what cruel coincidence was this? You didn’t even have his number, and the only chance you had to approach him was taken from your hands. 
Someone has it out for you, you decided, slouched down as you try your best to write something down. Yet while you were too busy sulking in your own little world, you were too distracted to feel the way Beomgyu sat a few rows behind you, unable to take his eyes away from you as he watched your sluggish behavior.
He knew what you were thinking— it was so obvious, with the way you keep glancing back at the empty space where Taehyun sits— and he couldn’t help but feel himself get more aggravated as time went on. 
Honestly, he couldn’t be more pissed if he tried. Beomgyu finally sets his eyes on a new target, and Taehyun takes it as an invitation to pursue you as well? To make things worse, the memory of you in Taehyun’s room never seemed to leave his head. But Taehyun wasn’t there to bother you now; much to the other’s protests, he was currently off to Japan with his parents in hopes to form a partnership with another company. 
With Taehyun, it had always been a competition. And although his parents never showed it now, they both knew that they were only born to make sure that there would be someone to take over the company when they no longer couldn’t— what they hadn’t accounted for, however, was their sheer lack of interest in doing it together. It may have worked for Beomgyu’s father and his friend, but Taehyun had never piqued his interest; much less had he become friends with the boy. Their relationship was nothing but a race to the top— and Beomgyu was going to make sure that he wouldn’t lose. 
Yet, as the years went by, Taehyun had grown out of his interest in his father’s business. He had no interest in taking over, much to his parent’s disappointment. Although a phantom pressure still lingered, all that was left for the two boys was a tension that would never go away— they were stuck seeing each other as opponents, and nothing more. 
So what had started as a game had inevitably turned into more. Beomgyu never had any real intentions in keeping you around, but seeing Taehyun follow you around like a lost dog had Beomgyu quickly changing his mind; it was petty, but he truly couldn’t care less. 
He’d have you wrapped around his finger in no time. 
He didn’t really have a plan on what to do, but as the lecture ended and everyone started to trickle out of the classroom, he knew that he had to do something now before you slipped out of his clutches. 
You swear that Beomgyu had a knack of appearing when you least wanted him to. 
You couldn’t bother putting up a smile as you turned to him, raising a brow as you waited for him to speak, unamused as you adjusted your glasses. He was silent, much to your annoyance, and it seemed as though he hadn’t a clue on what he wanted to say either. 
“I need a favor.” 
“A favor? Why? What favor?” To say you were caught off guard would be an understatement, because as you waited for him to elaborate, you could already feel your stomach forming a whirlwind of anxiety— nothing good could come from those words. 
“I need a date,” he says, ignoring the way you immediately begin to try to refuse him, “We’re celebrating the success of our new partnership, and I want you to come with me.” 
“Why can’t you just get some other girl?” You snap, already walking out of the empty classroom, Beomgyu hot on your heels. He frowns, following you out as you try to shake him off to no avail. It’s a nice fall day outside, the cool breeze that shakes the autumn trees making you shiver involuntarily. Just when you think he might have given up, you stop, the harsh tug on your jacket making you send the boy behind you a scowl. 
“I don’t want some other girl.” He says, eyes locked on you as he takes a step forward, keeping you still with the grip on your jacket, “I want you.” 
Beomgyu watches you closely— he takes in every change of expression, the way that his words seem to have caught you off guard, your nervous demeanor returning as you try to stutter out an answer. He stares, gaze unmoving as he smiles, eyes teasing as he watches you begin to mold to his will. 
So close. 
It isn’t much, but the small twitch of Beomgyu’s brow is all you need to know— he doesn’t want to hear no. But the thought of agreeing to his offer sends chills down your spine— nothing good can come from this. The two of you are still, unable to leave as the back and forth commences once more; every enticing offer that slips past his lips is met with your refusal. 
“No, why are you so stuck on it being me?!” You exclaim, taking a step back as you watch him go quiet. 
Honestly, what was he doing? Standing there and begging you to accompany him— this wasn’t how things were supposed to play out; if anything, he should be having you at his feet. But as he stands there, observing the way you’re flushed and annoyed, your eyes glaring at him through your glasses, he finds his stomach twisting at the thought that bubbles in his mind— he’s quick to push it down. 
“You— fuck…” he’s running a hand through his hair, long locks parting through his fingers as he stands back, amazed at the effect you seem to have on him. He huffs, watching your sparkling eyes light with that same curiosity that he’s always been secretly fond of; the same curiosity that always seems to want to learn more about him. 
And he’s not wrong, because you soon find yourself wondering what he’s thinking, what his true intentions are; what he’s hiding behind that icy persona. You can already hear Taehyung’s words from over here— do it, it’ll be fun, how often do you get invited to things like this?’
You decide to channel your inner Taehyung— just this once, maybe you should loosen up. 
“Where is the party…” your words are barely audible, too embarrassed that you’ve changed your mind, and that, once again, Beomgyu has gotten his way. But it’s enough for him, because his demeanor changes in the blink of an eye, and the calm and cool persona that you see on a daily basis comes back. 
“We’re hosting it, obviously,” he shrugs off the glare you send him, “and it’s tonight.” 
“Tonight?!” You say, eyes wide as you clutch your bag in panic, “what am I even supposed to wear…” 
“That’s why I brought this up now,” he says, grabbing your hand before he’s tugging you in the opposite direction of your original destination; you protest as you tell him to let you go, but he doesn’t bother listening as his hold on you only tightens in response. 
“Where are we going?” You whine, stomping your feet as he ignores you once more. You’re irritated— for someone who was asking something of you, he sure was as annoying as ever. 
“What do you think?” He says, his tone sarcastic as you stop in front of an expensive looking car— truly, you couldn’t care less about cars, but simply being around this one makes you nervous. And, to no one’s surprise, Beomgyu unlocks it, signaling you to get in. “We’re getting you something to wear.” 
“Take me to the mall or something, I’m on a budget,” you say, sitting hesitantly in the passenger’s seat; wow, the car smelled so nice. You can’t help but feel a bit depressed as Beomgyu pulls out of the parking lot, upset that you’ll have to splurge on such a sudden event. He simply chuckles at your words, and you can already feel a degrading jab coming your way— but nothing comes. 
Instead, the car ride remains silent as you stare out the window, the anxiety brewing inside you only bubbling up more intensely as you realize that he was not heading to the mall, and was instead heading to a much more expensive plaza. 
 “Hey, hey, what are we doing here?” You ask, sitting up as you watch Beomgyu head to a parking lot, not even bothering to glance your way as you continue to panic, “I was cool with getting a Forever21 or H&M dress— if they’d even have my size— but seriously, why don’t we go somewhere else—“
“I’m not “cool” with those cheap dresses,” he scoffs, proceeding to send you a look that immediately shuts you up. The car is parked but you still remain inside as he looks at you, coming over to your side as he opens the door for you. You refuse to get out, the brand names of the many different department stores rooting you to the spot as you stare up at them in fear. 
Seriously, how many paychecks would you have to throw away to get a single item at these stores? The numbers kept rolling in your head, and you didn’t like it one bit. 
“Come on, don’t be ridiculous,” Beomgyu was tugging at your hand and pulling you out before you knew it, his eyes already locked on his first store as he tugged you in that direction. You couldn’t help but bristle at his comment, annoyed at how nonchalant he could be while stepping into such a high end store. You tried to avert your eyes at every price tag you saw, and Beomgyu could only watch from the sidelines, beyond amused at your antics. 
Of course you weren’t going to be paying— it was just entertaining to watch your eyes go wide as the woman assisting you two continued to pile up dresses in her arms, standing back as Beomgyu surfed through the racks, a bored expression on his face as he did so.   
The dresses in the woman’s arms ranged drastically from flowy, light colors, to form fitting, dark colors. You could only eye the fabrics warily, unsure if you would be able to pull any of them off. But before you could protest, the two of you were being led off to the dressing room, feeling yourself grow shy at the intimate setup of it all. There was only one dressing room, the outside being surrounded with floor length mirrors that allowed you to look at yourself from every angle. In front of the dressing room, a single couch was placed, the rest of the area closed off with a velvety curtain— for privacy.
Without skipping a beat, Beomgyu takes a seat at the small couch, glancing back at you expectantly as he did so. You shift, watching as the woman places all the dresses on the hooks in your changing room, sending you a small smile and a bow before she leaves, letting you know that she’ll be nearby if you need her assistance. You thank her, watching her disappear behind the curtain before the two of you are left alone. 
“What are you waiting for?” Beomgyu’s voice is deep and soft as he calls out to you, the dressing area silent and closed off as you flinch, glancing at the changing room with unsure eyes. 
“I don’t know about this, I can’t afford to buy anything from here—“
“Are you still on that?” With a heavy sigh, Beomgyu sighs, approaching you with slow steps as his narrowed eyes lock onto you. You’re nervous, like always, except this time you can’t bring yourself to look at Beomgyu as he traps you, only a step away from coming in contact with you as he looks up, exhaling through his nose slowly. 
“You’re not paying, stupid,” you’re able to meet his eyes then, watching the way his face lights up with amusement at your suprise, “did you really think that?” 
“Yes, but this is worse,” you say, and Beomgyu already feels his patience running out. “I don’t want to owe you anything.”
“For fucks sake—“ you let out a yelp at the way Beomgyu’s hands roughly land on your shoulders, steering you to the changing room and rolling his eyes at the way you try to fight back. He pushes you in, blocking the door as you continue to complain. 
“You won’t owe me anything, I couldn’t care less if I’d have to buy this whole plaza to get you to come with me,” he says, watching the way you immediately go quiet, “now try those dresses on, unless you want me to help.” 
He watched as you jumped at his comment, quickly shoving him out of the room before slamming the door in his face. He can only grin at that, listening to the sounds of rustling and your quiet grumbles from the other side.
It honestly feels like you’re stuck in that room for hours— maybe you actually were. Dress after dress, you would come outside to gauge Beomgyu’s reaction, watching the way he would either shake his his or nod apathetically in approval. More often than not, you would come out to be greeted with more dresses, watching as Beomgyu would ask the assistant to bring more in a certain color or style. 
“Beomgyu, please,” you said, wriggling into the newest addition of the pile, “Don’t you think I’ve tried on enough? I think there should be a dress that we can both agree on— oh god…” 
You’re absolutely frozen in shock as you stand in front of the small mirror before you, bristling at the way the dress looks. In your haste to get things over with, you had failed to notice that this dress had not one, but two slits— they stopped just at the tops of your thighs, and the fabric was tucked neatly in between your legs. Not only that, but the plunging neckline covered practically nothing; and the exposed feeling on your back was all you needed to know about the rest of the dress. 
“What is this supposed to cover…?” You mumbled to yourself, staring down at the way the black fabric hugged your body tightly, before turning into a flowy material that reached the floor. 
“Are you done?” Beomgyu’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts as you looked up, catching your panicked expression in the mirror as you’re glancing back at the door nervously.
“It didn’t fit…” you respond weakly, wincing at the way you can already see the shadow of Beomgyu’s footsteps approaching you. You bite at your lips, patting down the fabric as you glance at yourself once more— there is no way you would be allowed to wear something like this! And while it was flattering, you’d rather die than have others think that you truly were Beomgyu’s new plaything. 
“Nonsense, it’s the same size as all the other dresses,” he says, knocking softly on the door, “let me see.” 
“Definitely not,” you’re quick to respond, placing a hand on the door before Beomgyu can get any crazy ideas, “There’s no way something like this would be appropriate.” 
“So it does fit,” he says, and he can hear you cursing quietly on the other side of the door, “you’d be surprised by the things others show up in— now let me see it.” 
There’s no other way out of this, is there? You gulp, your hand slowly inching to the doorknob as you look away from the mirror, too embarrassed at the way the dress leaves you in a vulnerable position. Slowly, the door creeps open, and you find interest in the tiled floor beneath you as Beomgyu’s frame comes into sight. 
It only takes a second for Beomgyu to decide— you’re leaving with this dress. 
He tries to not show it, but his eyes darken at the way your body is left on display, your skin glowing under the lights and begging to be touched; to be marked. Your sheepish eyes that can barely look in his direction only serve to drive him insane— you have no idea what you’re doing to him. 
“Let me see…” he mumbles, closing the door behind him as he takes a step closer to you. You gulp, startled at the way Beomgyu’s gaze never leaves your figure, his hands smoothing down the fabric on your waist— you’re still, your breathing heavy as you try to not melt into a flustered mess. His hands linger, fingertips pulling teasingly at the fabric before he lets it snap back onto your skin, watching the way your breath hitches as you finally look up at him.
“I think it fits you perfectly,” he breathes out, watching as you’re left helpless to him once more. You’re on edge, waiting for his next move as he smiles down at you, stepping forward until he’s got you pinned, his eyes narrowing at the way you shudder when your back meets the wall. 
“Suits you perfectly too,” he says, reaching down to grab onto your bare thigh, watching the way you gasp as you let him wrap your leg around his waist. His fingers are teasing as they inch under the fabric, his touch light as he barely grazes past the top of your thigh. He’s slotted in between your legs, hips pressed firmly against yours as you try to not lose yourself then and there. 
“It’s too revealing for a party,” you retaliate, your words falling dead on your tongue the moment he pressed himself harder against you— you can tell just how he feels about this dress.
“I don’t give a fuck,” he whispers, leaning closer to you as he begins to trail kisses down the column of your throat, “they can look all they want, but you’ll be with me the whole time. You don’t have to worry about anything.”
His grip on your thigh loosens up, and he’s pleased to find the way your leg doesn’t budge. Slowly, his hand trails downwards, stopping as his fingers wrap themselves around your calf, folding your leg closer to your body as your attention is brought to where he’s looking. 
“But first, we should get you some shoes to go with this,” he says, the mischievous glint in his eyes prominent as he glances back at you, “Don’t you think?”
“I already have heels at home,” you breathe out, dizzy as Beomgyu pulls away, taking a step back as he composes himself. He stares at you, smiling as he takes in the way you’re still leaning against the wall, eyes fucked out as they stare back at him. It’s quick, and before you can react, Beomgyu is quickly pressing his lips against yours, the quick peck leaving you stunned as he opens the door, sending you one last glance as he smiles cruelly. 
“Don’t care. Let’s go.”
Tae :]
Twin tho &lt;3
Have fun!! And invite me if u can!!!!
You roll your eyes at the constant stream of messages that flood your phone— Sorry Tae, but there’s no way I’d have the balls to ask if you can come. It’s disappointing, but it was nothing short of the truth as Taehyung’s sad stream of emoticons continue to flood your chat, leaving you to roll your eyes and put the phone back down on the table. 
Despite your constant reassurance and worrying, you currently found yourself in the guest room of Beomgyu’s mansion, forced to sit still as a woman tediously does your hair and makeup, listening to your tips on how to style your hair and what works best with your skin as she followed your instructions, constantly complimenting you as she continued to her work.
“This dress is absolutely gorgeous,” the woman said, gasping as she laid out the carefully ironed dress on the bed. You stood off to the side, bashfully shifting on your feet as you smiled at her, hoping that she wasn't’ simply lying through her teeth. 
“I was afraid that it would be too much,” you admitted, watching her reaction carefully as you said so. She simply shook her head, laughing softly as she looked back at you. 
“Too much? No, you’re going to fit right in,” she says, her comment oddly reassuring as she pulls out the matching black heels out of the other bag, followed by the expensive silver accessories that he forced you to get— despite your constant complaints that he shouldn’t be buying you anything, Beomgyu had ignored you, searching for the very best as he finally decided on those shoes. It was strange, but you found it easier to talk to Beomgyu as time went on— and maybe it was because of his stunt in the dressing rooms— but past his intimidating persona, you found that he wasn’t all bad. Granted, he was still a cheeky bastard that teased you relentlessly, but at least you now knew that he didn’t hate you. 
“I’ll let Mr. Choi know that you’ll be ready soon,” the woman said, slipping out of the door without another word. You stood in silence, your heart beating loudly against your chest as you listened to the sounds that filtered from downstairs; the party had begun a while ago, and while you had been busy showering in the guest bathroom (it took you a while to accept that you were allowed to touch the thing) and getting your makeup and hair down, the celebration in the main floor had already begun.
Carefully, you slipped into the dress, feeling a twinge of hesitation as your eyes caught sight of the reflection in the mirror— you looked stunning, the dress you wore flattered your body perfectly, but you couldn’t help but feel that familiar anxiety bubbling inside you; this crowd was on another level. It was already hard enough for you to interact in large crowds of people in general, but the thought of putting yourself out there to be judged made you sick to your stomach. 
If someone had told you from the past about the nosedive your life would take, you probably would have laughed, fainted, or both. What you had with Beomgyu (and Taehyun) was beyond messy. There was nothing defined, and you only seemed to act on your needs— and yet, you couldn’t help but feel lighter than ever. You were no longer walking on eggshells, but you feared that the longer you spent with these two men, the more you would get attached.
A knock on the door startled you out of your thoughts— speak of the devil.
The door opens as you mutter a soft “Come in”, your eyes downcast as you attempt to buckle your shoes, the thin straps slipping through your fingers as you sigh with frustration. Giving up, you sit back, looking up as you take in the outfit Beomgyu walks in. 
It’s obvious at a glance that Beomgyu has made an attempt to match with you— he wears black pants that have been tailored specifically for him, his black heeled boots clicking softly on the floor as he walks in. He wears a black buttoned vest, and you feel your heart skip a beat at the way the neckline allows him to decorate with silver necklaces, his loose blazer allowing you to peek at the rest of his skin. 
“What, you don’t like it?” He asks, tilting his head as he looks at you. You can only shake your head in response, a smile creeping on your lips as he closes the door behind him, walking up to you with the same smile mirrored on his lips. He towers over you, taking in the way you look up at him with your shining eyes, your dress sprawled out on the mattress as you lean back on your arms. 
“No, it’s nice,” you admit, looking back down at your feet. He follows your gaze, a soft tsk escaping his lips as he takes in your unbuckled shoes. Without another word, he sinks to his knees, taking you by surprise as he kneels down, one leg propped up as he shoots you a mischievous smile. 
“Can’t do anything yourself, hmm?” He coos, propping your heel on his thigh as he begins to buckle your strap. You’re left speechless as you watch him, his nimble fingers making quick work of the buckle as he tucks the strap in, putting your heeled foot back on the ground before he’s motioning for your other one. As always, he’s quick to lose patience as you hesitate, taking matters into his own hands as he grabs your calf, propping your other foot on his thigh as he begins his work once more. 
He’s much slower this time, and when you feel him finish buckling your strap, you watch as his eyes rake up your leg, taking in the way the fabric is slotted between your legs so perfectly. Your skin is warm underneath his hands, and before he can help himself, he’s making his way up, his hands soon finding themselves on your thighs as he looks up at you, face emotionless as you find it in yourself to look back, bracing yourself for his next move.
You can’t help the way you lean in when his lips meet yours, the kiss slow and steady as you surprise yourself— but with the way he was feeling you up, it was impossible to not give in. It’s embarrassing how you quickly find yourself chasing after his lips, the low chuckle that meets your ears snapping you back to reality as you’re straightening up. 
“The dress is nice, right?” He says, his hands continuing to slide up before they’re slotted on either side of you, alarming you when he begins to lean forward. You lean back, flustered by his proximity as he continues, relentless in his actions as he’s soon hovering over you, eyeing the way you look laying on the bed, flustered face refusing to look up at him for too long.
“I can’t possibly go out like this,” you say weakly, admiring the way his hair framed his face, a smug smile adorning his face at your words.
“No, you can’t,” he says, agreeing with you for once. His words surprise you, but takes you a moment to realize his true intentions, “so why don’t you stay in here with me instead?”
“No. Plus, your parents—”
“Why not? It’ll be way more fun than the party. My parents aren’t even here. They’re still off vacationing in Japan.”
“Beomgyu, this is your party. You’re the host,” you say, sliding back along the bed until you’re fully on it. Beomgyu doesn’t mind, finding the sight much more appealing as his head is now at level with your hips. But before he can continue his teasing, you’re pushing him back with your foot, his body tensing as the sharp stiletto comes in contact with his chest once he straightens. He raises his brows, a hot rush of want going through him as you send him a coy smile. 
“Let’s go then.” 
The party was alright.
Throughout the whole night, you had been afraid of being seen as another arm candy for Beomgyu— you had been afraid that all this had been nothing more than a game to him. But as the night passed by, you found yourself enjoying his presence more and more.
“That woman right there? She had an affair with the guy from earlier— yeah, the one who hogged all the little sandwiches— for like a year. One time, they apparently went “missing” when the jet they were both conveniently on crashed, but it turns out they just went for a nice vacation for a couple of months.” 
“Oh my god, that’s insane,” you gape, trying to not be obvious as you watch the woman Beomgyu had pointed out. You could definitely see it, with the way she kept stealing glances back at the said man that lingered at the buffet table. “But how did they get away with it?”
“Money, duh,” he says, watching as you roll your eyes at his response, “there’s nothing that a good chunk of money can’t do to keep people quiet.”
“And yet you know about this?”
“Hey, rumors get around,” Beomgyu shrugs, sending you a teasing smile as he adds, “that, and he’s a total lightweight.” 
It’s like this for the rest of the night— the two of you never truly bother to integrate with the rest of the crowd, standing off to the side as you watch the occasional businessman approach Beomgyu, bewildered at the charming persona that he takes on when spoken to. It’s not until a man mentions Beomgyu inheriting the company in the future, that a thought occurs to you. 
“Do you really want to take over your father’s company?” You ask, watching the way he stiffens at your question. He doesn’t answer, choosing instead to drink his wine as he looks away, his brows furrowed at the feeling of your gaze still on him. 
“No, honestly.” He answers, his words catching you by surprise as you take in the solemn look in his eyes. He’s not looking at you, and as you follow his line of sight, you realize with dread, that his eyes had been locked on none other than Taehyun.
“But that’s all I’m here for,” he says, taking another sip of his drink as he notices that you’ve spotted him too. He can‘t control the way he becomes irritated, jaw clenching as the memories of his life pass by— the competition, the tension, the secret hopes that he’ll be the better son— it’s all shoved back in his face every time he looks back at Taehyun. 
Just when you think you’re about to get somewhere deeper with this conversation, you notice the way everyone seems to be heading in the direction of the dining room, the feeling of Beomgyu bumping into your shoulder making you look up at him in confusion.
“Dinner is starting. Come,” he says, not bothering to glance back before he’s leading you to the same room where it all began. You find yourself lagging behind as you watch him walk ahead, the feeling that you’ve done something wrong itching at you— was it a touchy subject? Did you say something wrong?
“___? Why’re you here?” The voice that calls out to you is too familiar, rendering you helpless as you’re turning to the source. Taehyun is surprised as he looks at you, eyes taking in your figure and the way your silver accessories pop against your skin. He’s dressed in similar attire to Beomgyu, much to your dread. A simple all black outfit, a form fitting turtleneck paired with a blazer, the tailored pants he wore covering the same heeled boots that Beomgyu sported as well. 
“Oh, uhm, Beomgyu invited me,” you reply, unaware of the way the said man stands a few feet behind you, his eyes narrowing at the scene. Taehyun notices, and it isn’t long before you’re turning around, curious to what he might be looking at. Beomgyu is angry, that much you can tell, as he slowly makes his way to where the two of you stand. 
Turning back around, you send Taehyun a confused look, tilting your head as you ask, “Where have you been?” 
“Ah, I’m sorry I didn’t say anything,” Taehyun apologizes, sheepishly looking to the ground as he says, “I was off in Japan. You know, the new partnership and all.” 
“Yes, quite the feat, isn’t it,” Beomgyu mocks behind you, startling you as you feel his hand slip around your waist, pulling you into him snuggly as he adds, “___, let’s go, before all the good seats get taken.”
And before you can question what the hell he might possibly mean by a “good seat,” you’re being pulled away, the man’s pace much more brisk as Taehyun is left to watch your figure retreat, your matching color schemes not lost on his eyes. 
You know exactly what Beomgyu means by a good seat. 
Glancing wearily at the loud, gossiping couple across the table, followed by the man who simply doesn’t know what manners are as he takes up way more space than he should, you’re glad that Beomgyu had been able to secure you a calmer spot in the gigantic table. It was nice, except for one thing— Taehyun had found himself in the seat to the right of you before you realized what was happening. 
So now you sit here, awkwardly trying your best to eat peacefully as the tension between the two boys rolls off in waves. Any attempts in peacemaking or casual conversation had been quickly squashed down, leaving you in the middle of a lifelong feud that only left you roped into childish rivalry. 
It started off simple— they could’ve gotten away with it if you hadn’t been paying more attention— small conversation, laced with memories and inside jokes the other didn’t know of; you were left unaware of the other’s raging jealousy every time you laughed at a situation they couldn’t recall. 
Then it turned into a more zealous task; before you knew it, you were turning left and right as they tried to feed and entertain you, begging for your attention yet refusing to share it as you were left in a befuddled mess. In the blink of an eye, your plate was piled with more food than you knew what to do with, your head spinning from the amount of turning you’ve had to do in such a short time. 
It couldn’t get any worse— at least, that’s what you thought— but it could. And it did. 
You could feel your mood sour as they began to become bolder, and touchier. Any other time, you would have been freaking out, a flustered mess as you would have shivered at the way they would lean in to whisper things to you, fingertips grazing against your skin and eyes lingering on your body every time you tried to interact with them.
Honestly, by the end of the dinner, they were practically fighting for your attention as they tried anything they could to woo you— all you could do was take another swig of wine in exhaustion. 
You liked them both— really, you did— but you were more than fed up of being treated as another prize that the other had to win first in order to prove they’re better. What had started as interactions that left your heart fluttering had turned into nothing more than a childish competition that only served to drive them farther away from your heart. 
And it seems as though they had noticed too; took them long enough, you had thought to yourself, laying back in your chair as you tried to pretend the way you couldn’t feel their eyes on you. You were annoyed and buzzed from the wine as you feigned interest in the desert placed before you, twirling your fork in boredom as you waited for their next ridiculous move. 
Instead, you were pleasantly surprised with the way they seemed to calm down; maybe your annoyance was obvious. And it really was, because as you stared down at your plate, Taehyun and Beomgyu could practically see your change in mood from miles away, the irritation pouring off you in waves as you shoved another disinterested bite into your mouth. 
Taehyun was already regretting everything— he felt horrible for roping you into their own problems. Beomgyu, on the other hand, was simply thinking up of the different ways he could make it up to you. They watched as you leaned forward, reaching across the table as the lady sitting in front of the three of you refilled your glass; throughout the whole ordeal, you had become friends with her. Her name was Jihyo, and it seemed as if she was quick to catch on to your situation as she tried to keep your glass full the whole time. 
The two of you chatted as you continued to ignore the presence of the two boys beside you, laughing softly as she told you the story on how she met her girlfriend. You could practically feel them itching to grab your attention once more, but you couldn’t care less as you decided to take your mind off of them for once. 
And while you continued to get to know Jihyo better, Taehyun and Beomgyu shared a glance behind you; and for once, it seemed as though they had reached the same conclusion. 
Moments later, the dinner was declared to be over, and you watched drunkenly as people began to trickle out slowly. You waited a second before you excused yourself, saying goodbye to Jihyo as you headed back upstairs and towards the guest room— you didn’t even bother sparing the two boys another glance as you left. 
Yet they simply watched your figure retreat, their eyes stuck on the way you seemed to stand out from the crowd; they both silently appreciated the way the dress seemed to hug you in all the right places. It wasn’t until you had left the dining room that they had turned to each other, words itching to come out as they sat there, unsure of how to say them. 
“Well, I should be on my way as well,” it was the first time Jihyo had spoken to them that night, sending them a gracious smile and bowing as she thanked the two for inviting them. 
“Good luck with your girl. Treat her nicely, yeah? She deserves it after the way you two harassed her tonight,” she teased, clearly uninterested in their rebuttals as she turned on her heel, striding out in confident steps, her words still lingering on the boy’s minds. 
You were so ready to go home. 
You currently sat at the vanity as you spoke on the phone with Taehyung, ranting to him about everything that happened as you wiped away your makeup, your glasses put to the side as you tried to not get frustrated with the way your mascara couldn’t seem to budge. 
“So I just ignored them and talked to Jihyo for the rest of the time— she’s super cool by the way,” you said, recounting every little detail as you carefully rubbed the lipstick on your lips. 
“Oh man, that’s crazy,” Taehyung’s voice rings out from the other side, and you pause in your actions as you turn to throw away the used wipes, humming along in agreement as you did so. “What’re you gonna do now?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted, sighing as you slump down in your chair. “it’s just… it feels like they only see me as another win in their rivalry— it sucks, cause I really do like them.”
“Them? Seriously? Woah, you’re in deep.”
“Argh, I know, and it’s pissing me off!” You say, frustrated as you stand, making your way to the bed as you flop onto it, your feet dangling off the edge as you stare up at the ceiling, “Why me man…”
“Hey, I say go for it! Literally who gives a fuck who you’re with, as long as you’re happy.”
“Tae, that’s insane,” you say, unable to see yourself doing anything like that, “Whatever. I’ll be home in a bit.”
“Take an Uber, I’ll pay for it,” he interjects, ignoring the way you’re already complaining, “Unless you want to ask either of them to drop you off, since you don’t have your car.”
“Okay, I got it,” you grumble, bitter at the reminder, “I’ll text you when I’m ready to go.” 
You sat in silence once he hung up, feeling the exhaustion from it all finally sinking in, the mattress beneath you suddenly much more comfortable than it was three seconds ago. Wearily, you glance back at the pile of clothes that you still needed to change back into; but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, much too tired to get up at all— hell, you still had yet to take your heels off. 
Just when you thought you might actually doze off, you were startled as the sound of your door opening made you sit up, your eyes meeting with Beomgyu’s as he stood at the doorway. 
“Can I come in?” He asked, leaning against the doorway as he asked. 
“No,” you deadpan, pouting as you stare down at your lap.
“What about me?” 
You’re surprised to find Taehyun standing behind Beomgyu, the usual tension and anger that you see between them gone. You pause for a second, feeling uneasy as you stare at them— they’re planning something. 
“No. Both of you stay there.” 
Flopping back onto the bed, you wait for them to give up and go away, but they don’t. They simply stand at the doorway, fondly watching you and the slow rise and fall of your chest as you try to not fall asleep then and there.
“Is this about what happened at the dinner?” It’s Beomgyu who breaks the silence first, tilting his head as he watches the way you try to ignore them, your eyes closed as you pretend to be asleep. It’s silent once more, and you can’t help the way you get your hopes up briefly at the sound of the door shutting, thinking that they might’ve finally left you alone— you couldn’t have been more wrong.
You can feel the bed shifting, your heart beating rapidly in your chest as you try to keep your eyes closed. They find the sight amusing, your fluttering eyelids and your twitching brows letting them know that you can feel them next to you. It’s dark, but you can feel the foreign warmth of another as the mattress sinks down, the scent of two familiar colognes filling your senses entirely. 
“___. Look at me,” your eyes are wide as you’re met with the sight of Taehyun hovering over you, arms caging you in, Beomgyu sitting down next to you as he looks down at you teasingly. You’re not sure what to do, unable to handle both of them at once— it was already hard enough to deal with one at a time. 
“What do you guys want,” you whine, flushing with embarrassment as they each take your hand, unable to meet either of their eyes as they lace their fingers with yours. It’s beyond overwhelming, the two handsome men crowding your space as they continue to tease you. You can feel Beomgyu’s lips graze your knuckles, the soft touch sending shivers down your body.
“What do you think?” Beomgyu asks, playing with your hands gingerly as he pauses. You’re forced to sit up as Taehyun moves away, sandwiched between the two boys as they sit by your side, still having yet to let go of your hand as they lean in. 
“We want you.” Beomgyu’s lips practically brush against your skin as he whispers those words, the feeling of Taehyun’s hair brushing against your cheek making you tilt your head, gulping at the way he’s trailing kisses down your neck, biting softly at your collarbones. 
“No you don’t,” you say, eyes shutting as you feel their hands begin to wander— it feels like they’re everywhere at once, touching your thighs, lingering at your waist, going up and down the expanse of your back as they feel you up— it makes you dizzy. 
“I’m just another part of your rivalry,” you say, the words that have been bubbled in your mind finally coming out— you never felt truly wanted. “I’m just a game to you two.”
“Fuck, you’re so much more than that,” you’re surprised to hear Beomgyu be the one to reassure you first, his hand cupping your cheek as he forces you to look at him. He’s serious, his face devoid of any sign that it might all be a lie. Taehyun is quick to agree, pulling away as he looks at you, a hand wrapping around your waist as he brings himself even closer. 
“We don’t want to lose you,” Taehyun says, voice quiet as he finally admits the thoughts that have been plaguing the two men before you, “We’re serious, ___.”
There’s no use in fighting it— you know this, because soon you’re finding yourself laying back on the bed, the two boys unable to keep their hands off of you as they find your heels, each unbuckling one as they smile coyly up at you. 
“Show me how serious you are then,” you’re barely given time to breathe those words out before they’re on you, Beomgyu’s lips crashing against yours as you let out a soft whimper, your hands steadying themselves on his shoulders automatically. 
It’s all happening so fast, your mind reeling as your hands slip under Beomgyu’s blazer, slipping it off as he’s left in the vest that had you practically drooling, his necklaces dangling above you. He’s not giving you a chance to pull away, the kiss hungry as he nips at your lips, grinning at the way you whimper helplessly against him. Beside you, Taehyun watches, eyes darkened as he slips off his own blazer, the memory of you in his bedroom making him itch for your touch. 
Much to your dismay, Beomgyu is pulling away, a wicked grin stretching on his face as he watches you chase after him, your eyes slowly fluttering open as you wait for their next move. Slowly, you reach up to unbutton Beomgyu’s vest, his eyes observing your every movement intently. His skin is smooth and toned, your eyes taking it all in as you run a hand down his chest, watching the way he shudders at your touch. Sitting up, you move to try to slide your dress off, surprised when you feel Taehyun grab your hand before you can do so. 
“Don’t. Keep it on for now,” he says, pulling you close to him as he locks his lips with yours, cradling your jaw gently, “It looks so good on you.”
You can only hum against his mouth, giving in to his wishes as you feel his other hand wander its way to your thighs. Before you can realize what’s happening, Beomgyu is already slotted in between your legs, his hair tickling your skin as he trails kisses along your inner thighs. You’re quick to tense up, caught off guard by his action as you feel him slowly inch closer to where you need him most.
“I can’t believe you,” Beomgyu says, pushing the fabric of your dress away from your hips as your core is left on display. You whimper feeling his tongue run over the fabric of your panties teasingly, his warm tongue lapping at you slowly. 
“This whole time, I thought I was getting somewhere with you,” he mumbles, pressing his tongue flat on your pussy as he takes in the way your thighs twitch at the feeling, sucking lewdly over the fabric, “but it turns out you were fucking around with Taehyun behind my back.”
You’re hazy as Taehyun is leading your hand down his chest, his shirt discarded long ago as he guides you to unbuckle his belt, chuckling at the way you can only obey stupidly, Beomgyu’s tongue on you already making you fucked out. 
“I just thought you didn’t care,” you say, eyes locking with Taehyun’s as you’re finally able to reach into his waistband, taking in the way he inhales sharply once your hand wraps around his cock. Your other hand is quick to unbutton his jeans, pulling him out as your hungry eyes take in the way he’s already hard, his tip leaking as you both watch the way you slowly begin to pump along his length, your thumb swiping across his tip from time to time.
He’s big, and you’re surprised with the way your hand struggles to wrap around him— your movements are slow, taking in the feel of the vein that runs along the underside of his length; he’s long too, and it’s like in a trance as he’s watching the way you stroke him eagerly, your tongue laving at your lips a you notice the steady flow of precum that leaves him. 
“I didn’t at first,” he admits, brain clouding with lust as he watches the way you pump Taehyun’s cock, the said man falling apart in your hands as he leans in to kiss you. He can feel himself grow more aroused at the sight, his hips rolling involuntarily against the sheets as the need to bring your attention back to him itches at him. Your mouth is falling open as Beomgyu’s lips wrap around your clit, your panties pushed to the side as he sucks on the bundle of nerves, his fingers circling your hole teasingly. 
“But I do now. I care a lot.” 
Choi Beomgyu was never one to get attached— so for him to be looking up at you the way he did, like he never wanted to be apart from you again, made your heart flutter unexpectedly. 
He was messy as he lapped at your pussy, reveling in every little gasp and whimper that escaped your lips. Taehyun was just as much of a mess as you were, the kiss turning into something more primal and messy as you increased your pace, feeling him fucking your hand as he moaned against your lips, your other hand entangled in his hair as you kept him close to you. 
The two found it amusing at the way you gasped once Beomgyu’s fingers pushed inside you, taking in the way your sensitive body responded to every one of their touches. His tongue is relentless, going back and forth from sucking and licking your clit, to lapping at your soaked cunt. He’s intense, building up your orgasm quickly as he keeps your hips planted to the bed, his hands gripping onto the skin as he watches the way you weakly attempt to buck your hips into his face as he continues to fuck you with his tongue.
Taehyun watches as you quickly lose your pace, your hand stilling on his cock as he watches you get closer to your high with an amused glint in his eye. You’re begging and pleading for more, head thrown back as Taehyun slides down the straps of your dress, pulling the top down until he has access to your breasts. The added stimulation of his mouth on your nipples has you crashing down from your high, the waves of pleasure that roll over you much too intense as you slump down into the fluffy pillows of the bed. 
“Good girl,” Taehyun mumbles, leaving your nipple with a lewd “pop!” that has you flushing with embarrassment. Between your legs, Beomgyu sits up, his chin glistening from your juices as he watches the way you look away from the scene, grinning at the way you turn shy. 
“Don’t get all shy on me,” he says, squishing your cheeks as he forces you to look back at him, finding that he’s released himself from the confines of his pants. “You still have some problems to take care of.” 
Before you can catch on to what he wants, he’s taking your hands, pulling you to sit up before he’s positioning you to his liking— his lidded eyes look down at you as you try to not show how flustered you are, face leveled with his cock as you’re left on all fours, your ass in the air as you feel the bed shifting behind you. 
“What are you waiting for?” He asked, tapping two fingers under your chin as you look up at him, doe eyes shining sweetly as he resists the urge to take you for himself then and there, “suck.” 
He can tell that you’re unsure of your actions as you start, the feeling of your warm tongue swiping teasingly across his tip making him grab ahold of your head, groaning at the way you allow him to guide you down his length. 
Behind you, Taehyun watches darkly as you slowly take Beomgyu into your mouth, your glistening pussy all his as he begins to tease your entrance slowly. He takes in every movement, every sound, every reaction that you give him as he slowly pushes in, listening to the way you moan shamelessly against Beomgyu’s cock from the stretch. 
He’s taking his time with you, giving experimental thrusts as he takes note of every movement that has you squealing against Boemgyu’s cock, the vibrations only serving for the man to let out a low hiss as he tightens his grip on your hair, a smug arrogance taking over him as you let him fuck his dick into your mouth freely. 
You’re caught between the two as they use you for their pleasure, rocking back and forth with every slow thrust that Taehyun delivers. His pace is brutal as he grinds into you, matching the rhythm Beomgyu has set as the two watch you fall apart at the stimulation. 
“Our little slut looks so good like this, doesn’t she?” Beomgyu says, grinning up at Taehyun as the words slip through his lips like second nature. “Taking us both like a good little cock whore.”
“Fuck, you feel so good princess,” the contrast of the two’s words makes you dizzy, the constant back and forth of praise and degradation making you stupid in the head as you’re left to nod at their every comment. You’re a mess of drool and tears as you let Beomgyu use you like his personal cock sleeve, fucking up into your mouth freely as he watches the tears stream freely from your eyes. 
“You’re perfect,” Taehyun grunts, positioning his hips harshly into yours as you rock back into Beomgyu’s cock, not needing to do anything at all as you let them control your every movement.
“And all ours.” Beomgyu adds, wiping your tears away as he grins down at you, the feeling of your throat swallowing around him making him stutter in his pace. 
It’s insane, and in no time, the coil in your stomach is getting ready to snap as Taehyun’s pace begins to get faster, the feeling of your warm walls fluttering around him driving him closer to his high as well. His grip on your hips is brutal, and you’re falling apart the moment he finds your clit, a long whine escaping you as you allow Beomgyu to continue to fuck your mouth. They can’t take their eyes off you, watching your every move as your mouth sinks down on Beomgyu’s cock, stilling on his length as you’re left to be nothing more than a fucktoy as Taehyun chases after his own pleasure. 
Beomgyu pulls you off of him, pulling your head up as he smiles as your fucked out face, your eyes glossy and mouth left open as Taehyun keeps thrusting into you, the sensitivity leaving you a whimpering mess. He’s in awe at the string of saliva that remains connected to his tip, your tongue left out in display lewdly as you allow Beomgyu to smack his dick on it. 
“That’s it, take it,” Beomgyu says, watching as you whimper weakly at his words, “you like being our little fucktoy, hmm?”
He laughs at the way you nod helplessly, not fully processing his words as you feel Taehyun still inside you, a broken moan escaping your lips as he pulls you back into him, hips fitting snugly against yours as he cums inside, filling you to the brim as he bottoms out. His voice is heavenly as he lets out a soft moan, a string of praise leaving his mouth in stark contrast to the filth that Beomgyu continues to spew.
It takes a moment before Taehyun finally pulls out, eyes stuck on the way his cum begins to leak out of you, not thinking twice before he’s gathering the substance in his fingers and pushing it back in, ignoring the shake in your legs and the overstimulated sounds that leave your lips. 
“Such a pretty sight,” Beomgyu sighs out, pushing you on your back as he immediately slots himself between your legs, watching the way your pussy is beginning to leak Taehyun’s cum once more. He grabs ahold of your thigh, wrapping the leg around his waist as he’s pushing in, the stretch much more different than Taehyun’s— unlike Taehyun, he was much girthier, leaving you to throw your head back at the feeling. It’s easier for him to slip inside, the feeling of Taehyun’s cum still inside you making the two of you groan, the wet noises that come from your cunt enough to make you embarrassed for days.
And unlike Taehyun, Beomgyu is quick to chase after what he wants; his pace is ruthless as he pounds against you, the sounds of skin on skin filling the room and drowning out the sounds that slip from your lips. He’s mean, whispering filthy things into your ear as he towers over you, his necklaces smacking against your face as your hands are wrapped around him, hugging him close to you as the hot feeling of pleasure strikes through you once more. 
Carelessly, your hand reaches up to lace itself in Beomgyu’s hair, tugging at it on a particularly harsher thrust, watching as his head is tugged back, an unabashed moan slipping past him. His scalp stings at the feeling, but he couldn’t care less as he watches you become a mess over his cock, your other hand reaching out to grasp Taehyun’s as you listen to his soft reassurance and praise. 
The two are enamoured by you, watching the way you react to their words, your body tensing as the familiar feeling of your orgasm approaching you appears again. Beomgyu can feel the moment you fall apart under his touch, the feeling of your walls squeezing and pumping against him making him follow after you, burying his head in your neck as he fills you up as well, biting your shoulder and lapping at your skin as he begins to leave marks. You’re a panting, sweaty mess as you lay there, the two boys collapsed next to you as you’re left in the middle, the feeling of Beomgyu having yet to pull out making you clench involuntarily around him. 
“Do that again and you won’t be walking for the next week,” Beomgyu grumbles against your skin, Taehyun leaving to go to the bathroom as he comes back with a damp towel, urging the two of you to get cleaned up, much to Beomgyu’s dismay. It takes a while, but you’re able to be pulled away from Beomgyu’s arms as they watch the way their cum begins to leak out of you, spilling over your thighs and the sheets as you try to pretend you don’t see the way their gaze turns primal at the sight— you find yourself sandwiched between the two men once more, small gasps and squeals leaving you as they both take turns shoving the liquid back inside, their mouths on each side of your neck as they leave marks that they’ll no doubt be teasing you about later. 
They don’t stop until you’re a crying and shaking mess, pleading softly for them to go easy on you as they finally let you go, finding yourself freshening up in the bathroom a few moments later. You’re dressed in nothing but a t-shirt that they let you borrow— you’re not sure whose it is, but you remember hearing them fight about it just outside the bathroom door. And as you place your phone back down, deciding to leave it on do not disturb for the rest of the night, you’re happy to find that the two have left a spot empty for you on the bed, looking at you expectantly the moment you come outside.
They refuse to let you go for the rest of the night, even when you complain that it’s getting stuffy— all they can do is hold onto you tighter, smiling at the way you always inevitably give in to their wishes. 
I’m sleeping over :) 
That was the last thing Taehyung had received from your phone before he completely lost contact with you.
Tae :] 
In your campus, three mysteries swarmed the minds of those who attended— except you, of course.
The rumors about your professors were false; it had been started on a simple misconception after a student had seen the two out together one night— they didn’t  hook up, but the messy divorce definitely did happen.
Two, there was nothing that special in the library's super secret prohibited section; well, usually there wasn’t. It was filled with important documents, no doubt, but you’re sure that any student wouldn’t pay much attention to the files— their eyes would instead fall on the shocking sight that they would be met with.
“How long have you— ah— been allowed back here—?” 
“Just recently,” Beomgyu grins, watching as you’re pliant and eager to the two’s touch, the feeling of Taehyun’s hand slipping past your waistband and working its usual magic making you weak in the knees. They’re as annoying as ever, wrapped around your finger as they try and fail to keep their hands off you, their new shared interest dissolving any tension that may have remained. 
Working together doesn’t seem that bad now— seeing as they’ve found only success whenever they’re messing with you, flustering and teasing you like they were born to do so. 
Oh, and the third and final mystery; you would never have to worry about it. Because as Beomgyu’s soft lips met yours, the feeling of Taehyun sucking gently on the empty canvas of your skin doing nothing to keep you calm, you had no doubt that you weren’t a part of some sick game anymore. 
They were here to stay, and they made sure to show it to you any chance they got. 
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Taglist:♡ @strawbrinkofdeath @bergandysam @hyukalovie @alienqbrain @jkprkerz @she-is-dreaming ♡
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Resources 🌼
(Updated regularly)
🪷 Emergency resource: oh no I’m having a bad thought
🌻 Apps and Games
Finch: mental health app where you care for a little bird! Offers many features such as focus timers, rant zones, nature sounds, fun questions, and more! You can even make friends on it and send them encouragement :) (my friend code)
Adorable Home: a precious game in which you have a tiny spouse, cats, and a little house you can decorate! You can check in and enjoy peaceful music, different scenes, and upgrades through collecting tiny hearts you earn through easy tasks! A truly adorable and relaxing game!
Seashine: a game set underwater in which you guide a tiny luminescent jellyfish through the abyss. Beautiful, relaxing music and distant whale noises; some scary enemies, so if you have thalassophobia this might not be the one for you. Very calming otherwise though, and the creator is coming out with an enemy-free version soon in which you can just float around to the music!
Cat Snack Bar: an adorable app where you operate different business venues with the help of chubby, adorable cats! You check in periodically to collect money and update your venue, but otherwise it doesn't require much brain power. A very cute game to help you relax!
Webtoon: a comic app that allows you to browse thousands of creative and often relaxing webcomics! My personal favorite is Cursed Princess Club; it's a very clever and happy one with a lot of good messages!
1010!: a fun little game where you match up blocks. Fairly simple and satisfying, and you can update your backgrounds to fun designs!
Papa's Cupcakeria: a relaxing and satisfying game where you make cupcakes! And of course there’s a whole series of games in the Papa Louie universe to choose from that are fun and happy :)
🪸 Fun Websites
Neal.fun: features many creative pages you can visit such as— a stack of movable rocks, a page that shows how deep the ocean really goes, who was alive [insert year], draw logos from memory, and more!
WindowSwap: lets you go through windows around the world! You can log in and save your favorites, and make it fullscreen if you need to study and want a nice thing in the background to keep you from distractions.
mrdoob.com: a wacky website with lots of fun features you can draw and mess around with
boredbutton: for when you're bored out of your mind and want a pointless website to mess with!
theuselessweb.com: takes you to a completely useless website, such as a page where it rains corndogs or a page where you can create different forms of art.
ashortjourney.com: lets you take a small and beautifully drawn trip on a trolley and pick up/drop off tiny creatures!
Forestopia: allows you to explore images of forests and the things inside, with background forest noises!
boredpanda.com: full of memes, funny stories, and more!
listverse: contains many lists, some horrifying (so be warned for those) and some just fascinating!
🍄 Focus Sites and Playlists
rainymood.com: a site/app that lets you listen to rain for as long as you want!
asoftmurmur.com: lets you listen to a variety of sounds like rain, thunder, or a fire!
Open ocean: 10 hours of underwater videography of a spot in the ocean!
imissmycafe.com: site that lets you listen to the noises of a coffee shop! You can change the different noises too :)
Secret Forest Playlist: peaceful music; 2 hours
Rain on Leaves on a Forest Road in Autumn: rain in the woods; 10 hours
Haunted Village Halloween Ambience: eerie but quiet music; 3 hours
Relaxing Autumn/Fall Forest: sounds of wind, crows, songbirds, and creaking trees; 7 hours
Chill Beats for Worldbuilding and Writing: Fabulous lofi music; 1 hour
It's Just a Dream/Dreamcore: Very peaceful and ambient music; 4 hours
Autumn Acoustic: Autumn inspired songs; 5 hours
Sad Piano Music: beautiful piano pieces by Jurrivh; 6 hours
The Most Relaxing Waves Ever: beach noises; 8 hours
Rural Autumn Ambience and Music: gentle autumn-y music; 1 hour
Yanni: a playlist of beautiful word-free music by Yanni
pov- you're a pirate: a pirate-themed playlist for inspiration
Have your own recommendations? Drop a comment or ask!
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edwardcaprifolium · 2 months
Having just watched Malybadasshero's Death Mark 2 let's plays, I have decided to compile all of his Spirit Hunter let's plays, as well as the official Death Mark audio dramas with Eng subs, in one gigantic playlist sorted in canon chronological order.
Here's the list (please, do tell me if I missed something):
1-5: "Death Mark - Chapter 0" (prequel audio drama)
6-21: Death Mark - Manlybadasshero let's play (1st installment of the Spirit Hunter series, set in the 90's)
22-27: "Everyday Life in Kujou Mansion" ("sequel" audio drama)
28-52: "Blue Demise" (audio drama, set in an alternate timeline)
53: "The Seven Mysteries of Kujou Mansion" (audio drama, set in another alternate timeline)
54-60: Death Mark 2 - Manlybadasshero let's play (3rd installment of the Spirit Hunter series, set 4 months after the events of Death Mark)
61: Death Mark 2 extra chapter fan translation (no official English release)
62-79: Spirit Hunter: NG - Manlybadasshero let's play (2nd installment of the Spirit Hunter series, set in 1999, about 5 years after Death Mark)
80: "The Black Demon's End" (audio drama, expands on NG's bad end)
81-82: Interview of the voice actors
If you're a nostalgic fan looking for chronologically organized lore, there you go. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend getting into this series with the prequel audio drama. Instead, start with the 1st game to avoid spoilers.
And here is a playlist of the games' ost (+ a mashup of Hazuki & Amanome singing Wander Rabbit) - for who wouldn't like to study to the sound of their favorite horror game?
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paeinovis · 2 years
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snoopymins · 2 months
we're all reaching out to find another hand | na jaemin
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summary: Na Jaemin is an up-and-coming investigative journalist, relentlessly exposing corruption and cover-ups at every corner, and you are but the exasperated superhero charged with ensuring he doesn't get killed in the process.
pairing: journalist!na jaemin/f!superhero!reader
wc: 26k
genre: non-idol, superheroes, angst, fluff, eventual happy ending/romance
warnings: violence and injuries, typical stuff for superhero media ig? brief mentions of natural disasters, gun violence, etc
note: had to mush things together and cut things out to get this to fit. i hope that whatever staff member decided there should be content blocks on posts has a wretched day. anyways, this is a superhero au, specifically inspired by superman/clark kent and lois lane, in that reader is a kryptonian/supergirl and jaemin is, essentially, her lois lane. those characters (clark/lois etc) are not here, however, kun is placed into what is essentially clark kent/superman's role, as well as an oc for lois lane. no in-depth knowledge is necessary—all my research is based on google, wiki, and popular media surrounding superman. i do my best to explain everything as well, promise!
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playlist: tomorrow is closed—nothing but thieves • do you realize??—the flaming lips • who we are—hozier • drowning—woodz
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“This is happening too often.” 
“I don’t agree.” 
“Of course you don’t. You never do.” 
Your cousin has always tried to impart careful advice on professionalism and respect when it comes to your job. For the most part, you agree, and treat it like your own personal Hippocratic Oath. 
You figure if Kun saw you now, bickering with Na ‘Persistent Pain In Your Ass’ Jaemin, he’d be a little disappointed in you. 
“I wasn’t in danger,” Jaemin counters stubbornly, crossing his arms. 
“I think falling off a ladder and cracking your head open on the sidewalk counts as danger.”
“It’s not being held at gunpoint, though.”
What does he want, a congratulations that the one time you save him he isn’t seconds away from being shot or otherwise maimed?  
“It’s still dangerous.”
But—you figure that there must be something in the water at the Daily Planet. One journalist acting recklessly for the sake of the greater good—and consequently roping in her own personal Kryptonian-on-call—is a fluke. A second one is too much of a coincidence. Especially considering the Kryptonian that Lina Dhar-Qian had was your cousin, Qian Kun, the one and only Superman. 
Leaving you, Supergirl, to save the persistent Na Jaemin from certain death when he pokes too many sleeping dogs. You, however, lack the patience Kun had. Has. Then again, Kun and Lina are married. Have been for ages. That probably changes things. 
Na Jaemin may be the prettiest person you’ve ever laid eyes on in the entire universe—and you’ve seen a lot—but that doesn’t quite cancel out his penchant for trouble that, at times, seriously concerns you. 
A cough pulls you from studying the streak of white paint on Jaemin’s cheek—flushed red from the unforgiving summer heat and humidity. 
A dark-haired guy looking close to Jaemin’s age gazes up at you two, bewildered.  
“What happened?”
You decide now is a good time to set him down, having gotten distracted with your argument after you’d caught him, and remaining several feet in the air. Even so—Jaemin is one of the few men who are more or less okay with you carrying him. Once your feet are settled on the ground, he slides out of your arms with ease. An old song and dance for you two. Which is, again, concerning if you think about it. 
“What’d you do?” his friend asks next, frowning at him. 
“I fell off the ladder. What’d I do? Clearly suffered from the negligence of my friend, Renjun. I could’ve cracked my head open right here and died.”
“I see,” Renjun says, uninterested. He turns to you next. “Well, I suppose we should say thank you for making sure he sees tomorrow.”
I’m used to it, you want to say. 
Supergirl, however, must reply, “No thanks needed. Please be more careful next time. Both of you. Using a ladder is more dangerous than you think, you know.” 
“It’s not my fault,” Jaemin mutters. “He left.”
“For thirty seconds—”
“Thirty seconds is all it takes!”
“I swear to god, Jaemin…”
You gently interject, “What’s this for, if you don’t mind me asking?”
They stop their bickering. Renjun blinks a few times at you, then the wall, coughing. 
“Oh, it’s—it’s supposed to be a mural I’m doing. Me and some other local artists are putting up murals around the city,” he explains, then hastily adds, “With permission, of course.”
You chuckle quietly. As if you’d do anything if it wasn’t done with permission. But back to what Renjun is saying…
“Did you do the one on the corner of Flanagan and 30th? The one of me?” 
You know he did—you can recall the loopy signature on the corner reading, simply, Renjun. Unless this is another Renjun, but you don’t think so. 
“I did.”
“It’s really nice,” you say truthfully. “Very… warm.” 
His face lights up. “Thank you! That was my intention—part of it, anyway. A lot of depictions of you guys always seem so… cold. Great art, don’t get me wrong, but… too impartial for my personal tastes. Like you guys are bigger than life. Which you are, technically, but not like that… not in my opinion, anyway…”
Renjun is flushed and a tad sheepish by the end of his mini tirade. Jaemin stares at him like he can’t believe his eyes. 
You smile at him. “Thank you, Renjun. That’s very kind of you to say. And for this—you just need the wall to be white to start?”
“Oh, yeah…”
“I can do it.”
That catches him off guard. Jaemin, on the other hand, says nothing and simply looks at you. You blame the jump in your pulse on the distant thundering crack of a tectonic plate moving on the west coast at that very moment. 
“Oh, no, no, you don't have to do that. Jaemin and I—well, it should probably be me—”
Renjun ignores him. “—can finish it. I’m sure you have more important—”
In the time that it takes for him to say the word important, you scoop up the can of paint and the brush and finish painting the wall white. The breeze hits in the next moment as you settle yourself back in front of them, smiling. 
“—work…” he trails off, blinking a few times as he gazes at the now-white wall. Jaemin crosses his arms and turns a critical eye over it, as if searching for mistakes. 
“Hope I didn’t miss anything,” you joke.
Renjun stares at you, looking a little starstruck all of a sudden. “Can I get a picture with you?”
You grin. “Sure.”
The shutter of the camera on his phone is loud as he takes a selfie of you two. 
“Thank you so much… I really appreciate it…”
“Of course.” 
Ten miles away, a fire alarm goes off. If you try hard enough, muddle through enough of the scents in the air, you can smell the building smoke. 
You lift off the ground. “I should go. You two be safe.”
“Thanks,” Renjun says earnestly. “You, too.”
You wink and rap your knuckles against your chest. “Bulletproof. But thanks.”
You’re off in the next second. Despite the distance between you in the next handful of seconds, the thump of Jaemin’s heart lingers in your ears. 
He has a steady heart. 
You arrive at the burning apartment building just as he speaks. 
You clear the first floor. 
“She’s Supergirl,” comes Renjun’s grumbling response. “She’s cool. You aren’t going to make me feel bad for geeking out a little.”
Second floor. 
“Don’t Hmm me. What about you, huh?”
Third floor. 
“What about me?” Jaemin asks coolly. 
Fourth floor. A teenager studying, a babysitter and a toddler, an elderly couple, a sleeping man. A fire truck and ambulance draw near, sirens piercing in your ears. You focus on the heartbeats leftover and underneath that, the conversation happening ten miles away. 
“You know, I thought Hyuck was exaggerating when he was talking about your sleuthing.”
One more room left. The fire originates from here. You feel the heat of the flames but you’ve also felt the heat of the sun, so you dive in without fear. In the corner of the kitchen, a little girl and a Malinois puppy huddle together. A beam crumples and part of the ceiling caves. You catch it before it can crush them. The little girl, teary-eyed and helpless, gazes up at you with nothing short of relief. 
Finally taking a breath, you hold it for one second as you toss the ceiling to the side, then release it as you take the girl and her puppy into your arms. Little hands and claws cling to you. 
You get them out. 
There are no casualties. A few burns, smoke inhalation, but no casualties. Katie, the nine-year-old girl you saved, inadvertently started the fire trying to cook for her mother, a janitor at Metropolis General pulling fifteen-hour workdays to pay the bills. She only wanted to do something nice for her. You text Kun and Lina about it, to make sure nothing bad happens to either of them because of it. Unlike them, there is only so much you can do as a civilian. Same with Supergirl, as officials deem you an outsider when it comes to these kinds of issues—useful only to pull people from burning buildings and to stop alien invasions. 
During this, Renjun and Jaemin’s conversation has gone on unimpeded.
“Sleuthing,” Jaemin is saying, “sounds incredibly unprofessional. I’m a journalist. And Donghyuck is always exaggerating. I don’t even talk to him and Mark, you know that, right? Where are they getting their sources from?”
“Your headlines,” Renjun deadpans. “And the fact that every major story you’ve published in the last four months have featured Supergirl in some way or another, usually with a footnote—a footnote, Jaemin—about how you had your ass saved from certain death by her.”
“I have a word limit, alright?”
“You’re insane. Totally insane.”
“I love you, too, Renjunnie.”
“Where’s that ladder at? Get on it. I’m going to push you off.”
Jaemin’s laugh is warm in your ears. 
You ignore the weight that forms in your chest and head home for the day.
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You first met Jaemin when he was about to be shot. Specifically, shot by the Russian mafia for getting caught poking into their drug trades. The mobster had pulled the trigger. Bullet released from its chamber, aimed to kill, to ensure the things Jaemin had learned would never see the light of day. 
If it were anywhere else, they’d likely succeed. But this is Metropolis. You can push your limits. Bullets can fire and you can still save someone. 
It was close, though. Fired in an instant, Na Jaemin had not flinched but had instead braced, refusing to show fear to them. Very noble. Very impressive. Nonetheless—unnecessary. You pulled him out of the way and didn’t hesitate to take down the mobsters, either, tying them up and leaving them outside the dingy warehouse—because it’s always a warehouse these guys use to kill people—for the police to grab. 
Then you went back to Jaemin and let time resume. Off-balance and disoriented, he stumbled right into your arms. Some initial pushback. But the fight left him just as quickly when he realized who you were, wide eyes taking in the symbol on your chest. 
“It’s okay,” you had said to him gently, your hands on his arms. “You’re safe now.”
The adrenaline was quickly leaving him, his heart fluttering like a hummingbird in your ears, blood pumping, fear still tangible. 
He had put up a good front in front of those mobsters. He really had. But it wasn’t good enough to fool you. But—that was perhaps the point. You were you. Supergirl. You weren’t just anyone else witnessing a vulnerable moment. That’s why, you think, for a few minutes, he was willing to let his guard down. You remember the way he shivered, one of his hands balling up the material of your cape. 
“You’re safe now,” you had repeated and finally, it seemed to sink in. Or rather, what had kept him going finally gave out. 
You helped him sit on the floor, kneeling beside him, keeping a hand on his shoulder. 
“What’s your name?” you remember asking him gently, regaining his attention. 
You remember him looking at you, really looking at you, the emotions in his dark eyes, revealed to you, reeling from the situation he had just been in. He had, in that moment, reminded you sharply of yourself. It was a discomforting thought, but no less true. 
“Jaemin,” he had told you quietly, an accent curling his words faintly. “Na Jaemin.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jaemin. I’m Supergirl.”
“I know.” 
You had smiled, because you got that a lot when you said it, but there was something else that was… charming about the way he’d said that, so knowingly. And after that, after the police arrived and he was seen to and the story broke in the papers, his name underneath it, the moment had stuck with you. It usually doesn’t. You have an excellent memory and nine out of ten times you can recognize someone you’ve rescued but they don’t… linger with you. 
Not in the way Na Jaemin did. 
Then, one month later, you got a tip about an illegal arms deal involving two heavy-hitter players in Metropolis. When you arrived at the hotel it was taking place at, you bumped straight into Jaemin. 
“Oh, you’re here,” he said when he saw you. 
He had only pointed at the men with machine guns advancing on you, said, “They’re trying to kill me,” then ran the other direction. 
“The exit is the other way—!”
“I’m not done here yet!”
“Now, wait a second—” Your response was drowned out by gunfire. Bullets pelted you and clinked to the ground. By the time you handled them, delayed by your confusion over Jaemin’s decision, he was gone. 
Well, he was in the stairwell, going down, and you could hear his heart, thumping quickly, less fear this time and more determination. But since he wasn’t in more danger, you decided to handle the gunmen first. 
By the time you were finished with that, a few sounds from the basement gained your attention. When you ventured down, you found a stash of weapons far larger than expected, a knocked-out mobster, and Jaemin, with an abandoned crowbar near him and a split lip, snapping pictures. 
“I’m not helpless,” was the only thing he had told you. 
That set the tone for the rest of your relationship. 
For the better and for the worse. 
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Blue-and-red lights flash rhythmically in the night. Coming up on three days of no sleep, it’s just about a siren’s call to close your eyes and drift off right there. 
You do get energy from the sun—yellow suns specifically, and in this case, Sol, the star which makes you what you are—and can go longer stretches without having to eat or sleep than if you were under a red sun or if you were a regular old human, but at one point, you do need it and you are rapidly approaching that threshold. 
It’s why you just about miss Jaemin. 
“What happened here?”
Your head whips to the side, to where he now stands, gazing out at the scene, eyes tired, button-up and slacks rumpled, like he was sleeping at the office when he got the tip. He probably was. He shouldn’t, you’ve told him too many times to go home and rest. It’s not good for his health… though when he asks why you care, you say something lame about him getting slow because of it. Which is true and just as concerning but emptier without a pretext. But if you included one, you think he’d be even likelier to ignore you. He’s like that. You don’t know why. You wish you did. 
Something cold slides into the loosely curled fingers of your hand. Your fingers close around it reflexively. 
You blink, dropping your eyes from his face—now facing you—to your hand. Ink pools in your palm, staining your skin and the shattered bits of the pen, too. On the ground lies the other half of the pen. 
“That,” Jaemin says, “is a terrible reflex.”
“I zoned out.”
“You were looking straight at me.”
“I zone out while looking at things and people sometimes,” you say defensively. “It happens.”
“Right,” he says doubtfully.
You wipe the ink on your hand on your cape, then reach up to dig the heels of your palms into your eyes. Colors starburst in the darkness of your eyelids. When you reopen your eyes, they feel ten times heavier. 
“I’m just tired,” you mutter. “It is and isn’t a reflex. I’m just very good at subconsciously categorizing whether the thing in my hand is fine to be crushed or if it’s soft and fragile.”
“Soft and fragile.” His tone leaves much to be desired. 
“Humans are. So are puppies. And cats. And other animals. There’s nothing wrong with it.”
“Can’t tell you, either, by the way.” Referring to his initial question. What happened? An amateur bank break-in. Boring. 
“Yes,” he says. “I figured.”
He always does this—if you’re the first on the scene and he’s second to follow, he’ll ask what happened and you’ll tell him the same thing: Can’t tell you. 
“Why come out here knowing the answer is always going to be the same?”
A shrug. “Why not?”
You chuckle tiredly. “Touché.”
“You should go home and sleep if you’re tired.”
It’s childish, but you can’t help but reply, “You should go home and sleep.”
It’s dark, but you can see everything. Nothing is hidden from your sharp eyes. Neither is the way his lips twitch into a small, amused smile that he turns away to the police car parked near you. 
“I will. Eventually. But between the two of us, I think you’re the biggest liability. Only one of us can destroy ten city blocks if we lose focus mid-flight.”
“I saw the mural,” you say instead of responding to that. “It turned out great.”
“Renjun is a great artist,” he agrees, and you think it’s the first time you’ve ever heard him express that kind of admiration for someone. 
A jaw-cracking yawn forces itself out of you at that moment. 
“Seriously,” Jaemin says, exasperated now. “Go home.”
“Only if you do.”
“Only if I do?”
“What I do isn’t limited to just danger, you know. Although one could argue a sleep deprived human is dangerous—you know, the statistics—”
“No statistics.”
“Fine. But being moderately invested in your health and wellbeing, which does admittedly center around making sure you don’t die—”
He clicks his tongue. “It’s never that serious.”
“It’s always that serious, Jaemin. Anyway, as I was saying, it also includes ensuring you get an adequate amount of sleep.”
“Alright,” he says with a big sigh, like you’ve asked the world of him. And knowing him and his sometimes workaholic tendencies, it likely is. But nonetheless, you’re pleased that you’ve gotten him to agree to this much. 
“Alright,” you agree, lifting from the ground. A warm summer breeze ruffles your cape. “Get home safe, Jaemin.”
He gives a lazy wave of his hand. You chuckle quietly and then, you’re off. 
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As previously mentioned, you consider Jaemin—and Kun and Lina and any other person involved in investigative journalism, or really any kind of journalism—to be much stronger than you. Not quite in the physical sense but more in that… doing what you do, you learn to focus on the silver linings, on the hope, on the possibility of a better future. 
Now, obviously, is not quite that time. Not with the legislature that comes out every six months talking about whether to make superhumans register with the government—a bad decision, if it isn’t obvious—and then the other bills that come out about every three months about whether ‘Kryptonians are really necessary on earth.’ This typically involves something similar to a superhuman registry, though with a little more hostility and an open threat of death by Kryptonite or, if you’re lucky, a nuke (since that won’t kill you—not permanently anyway, it might scatter your particles a bit but you’d come back together eventually). 
This is in addition to the many other issues this country and this world has. But you cannot give up that easily. And the truth of the matter is, being Supergirl already exposes you to the countless injustices of the world. Doing investigative journalism on top of that, you think, would ruin you completely.
This realization has caused its fair share of guilt, though Kun and Lina agree that it takes a different brand of strength to do what they do and that you shouldn’t force yourself to do something that will only make you suffer in the long run.
You’ve suffered enough, Kun once told you quietly.
So have you.
Yes, he had agreed. But I wasn’t alone.
Yes, you had thought. That did make quite a difference. 
What do you do, then?
You bake. Specifically, you bake and do deliveries. Sleepless Bites specializes in late-night cookie deliveries. Its main demographic is college students, stoners, stoned college students, insomniacs, and the occasional sleep-deprived parent. It works well with your hectic schedule but can also provide some much-needed structure when you feel more Supergirl than you.  
Most often, you work the night shift, baking the cookies and then delivering them. There used to be someone else with you, specifically the delivery driver (while you did the baking), but Jisung, the kid you’d worked with, wasn’t totally happy about working these shifts since they, obviously, messed with his sleep schedule. He’d fallen asleep one night and you felt bad about waking him up since he was also a student at Metropolis University. So you decided to take care of the delivery on your own. Only to end up nearly mugged at gunpoint.
You didn’t let it happen. Obviously. You came back safe and sound with the money and your tip, but the whole incident put management in a tizzy, mostly over concerns that you’d, you don’t know, sue them or something. And poor Jisung felt so bad about it, too. You were able to use it to your advantage, though, insisting you can take care of yourself and their profit—as evidenced by you coming back unscathed and that mugger getting arrested—and thus, they should return Jisung to the day shift and leave you on your own. 
It sounds a bit crazy, you know, but they were greedy enough that they agreed easily, which means you have much more room to work with in terms of potential incidents during your shift where Supergirl is needed. Sleepless Bites is also only half a mile from the Daily Planet, so you occasionally get orders from Kun, who has an insatiable sweet tooth when he’s pulling all-nighters. 
So, one warm summer evening, when an order pops up on the computer screen, delivery address listing the Daily Planet, you assume it’s Kun again. A smaller order than usual this time; he usually gets two sugar cookies, two chocolate chip cookies, and two peanut butter cookies. This one only asks for two oatmeal raisin cookies and one snickerdoodle cookie, as well as an order for a large coffee—also a first. But you assume he’s branching out, so you think nothing more of it.
You get the coffee made, the cookies warmed and tucked into the box, then reach for the order sticker. 
Then you see the name. 
Na Jaemin.
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Identity is a tricky thing. For all beings of the universe, for all humans, and for you. You are you but you are also Supergirl. Or better put—Kryptonian. To those who do not know the truth about you, you are a human. Like to Mark and Donghyuck. You are a simple delivery girl. Human. Not extraordinary. 
To those who only know you as Supergirl, you are just that—Supergirl. An alien. An ally, but also potentially an enemy. Someone to politely work with but also someone to fear. You smile and shake the mayor’s hand while knowing he has an under-the-table deal with the federal government for a stash of Kryptonite, to be used in the scenario in which you decided world domination better suited your interests than saving people. 
The pool of people who really know you is a small one. Kun. Lina. Their son and your nephew, Jay. Kun’s adoptive mother, Maria Qian. And… that’s it. Most of the time, you can cope normally with this. You don’t have a lot of friends—any at all, actually—which means there is not much risk for exposing yourself. And Supergirl isn’t in the business of making friends, either. Well, she was, until…
This is what happens when those worlds get too close to each other. You’re standing outside of the Daily Planet, a fifteen-story glass building in the heart of downtown Metropolis, feeling like you’re about to throw down with Darkseid (this bad alien guy who tried to colonize earth a few years ago). When in all actuality, it’s just Jaemin. Normal and relatively harmless Jaemin. 
You have your ball cap on, a simple black one with Sleepless Bites in white stitching, then your glasses, a pair of black unremarkable frames. You know it seems like a flimsy disguise. But according to Kun, half of the disguise banks on the fact that most people don’t want to accept that a Kryptonian, much less Superman himself, is standing in front of them. That Superman is the quiet and polite journalist Qian Kun, who is sometimes easy to miss, especially since Superman is a figure that is impossible to miss. 
It is something of the same with you. But Jaemin isn’t just anybody on the street, he’s…
Well. It doesn’t matter. 
Not many people are left in the building. The janitorial staff is finishing up their nightly cleaning duties. A few journalists burning the midnight oil. Or perhaps the poor interns enlisted to proofread for them. And Jaemin. His heart is easy to pick out in the onslaught of noise all around you. You resist the urge to use your X-ray vision and look through the layers of wall and plaster in front of you to spot him.
You take a deep breath that you, biologically speaking, don’t technically need but helps soothe a bit of your nerves anyway. Your heart, though, pounds erratically in your chest. It feels impossibly loud to your ears, nearly drowning out everything else. You’re never usually this nervous around him but—being around him as Supergirl is easier because the roles are known and played. He is the persistent journalist that gets himself into trouble. You are the superhero tasked with getting him out of it. 
But you as you are right now? Nothing for it. This is… no man’s land.
The glass door swings open. A sleepy-eyed Jaemin emerges, ushering a familiar burst of warmth in your chest. Oddly assured at the final sight of him in front of your eyes, you step out of the delivery car, meeting him halfway. 
Clearing your throat and praying he’s tired enough not to focus too much on your voice, you ask, “For Jaemin?”
You meet his gaze for a moment, then avert your eyes to the sticker on the box of cookies, listing his order.  
You trade him the box of cookies for the twenty-dollar bill, ducking your head as you start to thumb out his change. 
“Uh, that’s…” 
“Keep the change,” he says. “Your tip.”
“Thank you.” You flash him a quick customer service smile, then as you start to turn away, you add, “Have a good night.”
“You, too.” 
You’re turned away before he is, striding for the delivery car. It takes him exactly two seconds before he himself turns around and starts heading for the doors again. Two seconds in which you clearly feel his gaze on your back. Two seconds is only an eternity to you, though; to him, a human, it’s fleeting—nothing.
It’s nothing at all. 
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In your six years operating in Metropolis—having started at the age of eighteen—you’ve had a number of journalists attempt to unveil your identity to the masses. Many of them used the defense that that’s what the point of their job is. Lina Dhar-Qian, the first and only journalist to ever figure out a superhero’s identity (not that anyone else knows but, you know), disagrees. 
It’s not that they don’t have an obligation to do those things, it’s more that, well, most of them wanted to do it for the inevitable acclaim that would come with revealing such a fact about a… controversial figure within the world. Though Maria Qian, Kun’s adoptive mother, always believed public opinion would be split in half. There would inevitably be those who see it as a good thing, mostly those who are suspicious of Kryptonians and would rather see them leashed much tighter to the US government rather than the UN (both for the sake of potential uprisings but also—and this is the part they hate to admit—so that they’d have such a powerful backing against whoever they deemed the enemy that day). 
But then, she would insist to you, Kun, and Lina, the other half would see it in a negative light—a breach of privacy, a wrongdoing against you and Kun, who have worked so tirelessly for this city and this world, swooping in during natural disasters, minimizing the time and effort for search and rescue. So, maybe someone like Huang Renjun, whose mural depicted you so warmly, seeing you as you are, for as potentially harmful as that may be. 
It is… nice to have someone see you for the thinking and feelings being that you are, rather than an untouchable, larger-than-life alien deigning to help out a lower life form. You won’t try and say that it isn’t. But again—whether it’s good, is another question.
Attempts to reveal your identity are old hat. You are used to them. You know how to deal with them. There’s a habit, you’ve noticed, for new additions or transfers to the Daily Planet; quite a few of them take it upon themselves to try and reveal your identity and prove themselves to the newsroom at the same time. They never succeed, of course—laying low like you do with your job at Sleepless Bites gives you a significant advantage in comparison to Kun, who oftentimes relies on coincidence to cover himself. But it happens. The editors never quite dissuade them, either. You imagine, to them, the chances are low but never quite zero. So, why not? They’re happy to watch these guys run in circles chasing their own tails. 
It’s a bit cruel, in your opinion, but what do you know? 
This is all to say, shortly after Jaemin’s arrival in Metropolis and after your first and second meeting, he gets, not a gentle nudge, but a full push into chasing down your identity. Admittedly, it also comes on the tail of him exposing a few drug rings in the city and the officials caught up with them, so you figure it is equal parts wanting to watch a newbie spin his wheels but also maybe he could figure it out. 
And this all happens right in front of you, one day. You took lunch with Kun, who had subtly complained about not seeing you recently and not knowing what was going on with you.
“There’s never anything going on with me,” you mumble to him, spearing a piece of chicken into your mouth. The two of you are crammed into his cubicle, which, as always, looks like a tornado just came through, papers strewn over his desk, PC tower wheezing and working overtime with an unfinished Word document running behind fifty-something tabs on Chrome. 
“What about that guy you work with? Didn’t you hang out with him recently?” he asks, eating a sad-looking salad but not seeming to notice that fact as he hones his focus on you. 
“Jisung. I was going to. A basketball game at Met U, his friend plays for them. But the night of we got called out for those wildfires in California, remember?”
“Ah,” he says, grimacing. “I remember. It took days to get the smell of smoke out of my suit. And hair.”
Movement to your left. Crinkling brown eyes peer over the cubicle wall. “Taeyong kept complaining it smelled like burnt popcorn in here.”
You laugh. Kun chuckles, too.
Grinning, Lina comes around to lean against the opening, arms crossed. 
“Jay’s been asking about you,” she says. “Let us know when you’re off. He’s dying for a sleepover and we’re dying for a date night.”
“Don’t tell him it’s a date night. He’ll insist I need to patrol so that nothing bothers you two, and that he also needs to come with me because leaving him alone otherwise would be child neglect and in that case, having him help out would be ‘convenient, but also educational.’” You give them both a flat look. You figure most nine-year-olds are generally a little bit conniving, but you’re also very certain his parents play a role in that. 
Kun jabs a thumb at his wife. “He gets that from her.”
“Actually, if I remember correctly, that’s technically all you.”
You pretend to throw up. Kun smacks you with a bound stack of papers and Lina laughs.
“Oh, Lina, there you are! You know Jaemin, right? One of our newest? He did that piece on the comptroller.”
You can’t see them from your corner in the cubicle—Joey, the editor always getting on Lina’s nerves, or Jaemin—but you can tell the former is strong-arming the latter next to him, who keeps shifting on his feet, obviously uncomfortable. 
“Right. That was a good one.” She doesn’t hold back the respect in her tone. 
“Thank you,” comes Jaemin’s quiet reply. 
“I was just telling him—if he could use those investigative skills for Supergirl, that would be great, wouldn’t it? Although Superman’s invulnerable—heh—” Kun makes a face, and you smile down at the stack of papers in your lap “—to any and all attempts at his identity, including yours, and you’ve been working his beat for a long time, I figure Supergirl’s free game, isn’t she?”
“Maybe, maybe not,” Lina says passively. 
“Oh, come on.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say, Joey. I’ve been working the, as you say, Superman beat, for over a decade. If I haven’t figured out his identity yet, then I think Jaemin’s chances with Supergirl are just as low.” 
“Well, it’s worth a shot.” Joey is looking at Jaemin now. “Give it a shot, rookie, and see where it gets you. She’s rescued you twice now, hasn’t she?”
“Really?” Lina asks. 
You feel Kun’s eyes on you for a moment before he averts them to his sad salad. Jaemin reluctantly—so very reluctantly—affirms this. 
“Does that change anything?” Joey asks her hopefully.
“No,” she says mercilessly. “Supergirl saves hundreds of people every day. Statistically, there are bound to be some journalists she saves and there are also bound to be repeats. No offense, Jaemin, but I wouldn’t consider you overly remarkable in her eyes.”
“None taken,” he quickly says. “I completely agree.”
“He needs to stand out,” Joey says, taking her words as some kind of suggestion of action rather than the clear dismissal that it is. “Of course. That’s it. Thank you, Lina.” 
Joey, once again physically strong-arming Jaemin, turns them around. 
“That’s not what I meant,” she mutters under her breath. 
You don’t say anything and neither does Kun. You’re both still listening.
“What I think you need to do now is most likely try to get within her proximity. You know what I mean? Show up where she is. Establish a rapport like Lina has with Superman. You know, I get where Lina was coming from, if she can’t figure out his identity, then who can? But it’ll be different with you and Supergirl.”
“And by that you mean…”
The sound of a hand meeting clothing. Joey must’ve finally let him go and clapped him on his shoulder just now.
“You don’t need me to say it, do you? Our female interns haven’t been able to keep their eyes off you since you came here. And Supergirl is, well, a girl. You get me?”
Crunch. Kun bites roughly onto a piece of lettuce. 
“Maybe,” Jaemin says at last. His voice is tight, obviously discomforted. “Excuse me, I should go… Taeyong wanted to see me about something…”
“Think about it!”
Jaemin grunts and you can hear him striding away quickly, mumbling something in Korean under his breath. 
You pull your focus back to the cubicle, shaking your head. “Well, that was fucked up.”
“Maybe Superman should give him a visit…”
You kick him. He curses lowly, pain flashing across his face. 
“Don’t do that. That’ll gain too much attention. And I can take care of myself…”
“Of that, I am aware. Wouldn’t be entirely selfless, either. A few weeks ago, he said my writing was too bland. Jerk.”
“Droning,” Lina says. “Not bland.”
“Is there even a difference?”
She shrugs, then turns to you. “Anyway, I didn’t realize that, hm, Supergirl had saved Jaemin.”
“He mentions that in his article…”
“You read what he wrote?”
Your eyes dart between your pseudo-cousin’s shocked face and the eyebrow raise Lina is giving you. 
“Wh—yes? Why is that so surprising?”
Kun and Lina look at each other, then back at you.
“I did read it,” she says next. “Well, skimmed it. Still. He’s got a lot of potential.”
“He does,” Kun agrees, setting aside his salad. “He reminds me a bit of Lina, actually. Cape chasing and all.”
She looks at you. “Kick him again, would you?”
You kick him again.
“He’s not cape chasing, I think,” you murmur. “In fact, the second time we met, he seemed more than happy to prove that he didn’t need me.”
“He’s got something to prove,” Lina says. “I don’t exactly blame him.”
“Not at the expense of his life, though,” Kun disagrees. 
You make a sound of agreement.
She wiggles her fingers at you. “You two. The exact same. In any case. Is this a foreseeable problem for Supergirl?”
Considering how persistent he seems, how he, as Lina says, seems to have something to prove… maybe so. You’ll simply have to be more careful and try to avoid him. 
“No,” you say. “I don’t think it will.”
They give you lingering looks but don’t bring it up any longer.
But the thing about Jaemin is that, once he’s got an idea in his head, he won’t let it go, come hell or high water. And the thing about you is that you’re prepared to handle people trying to dig into your past. From journalists to amateur sleuths to the government sending satellites to try and track your flight paths and pinpoint your home (or as they’d call it, ‘base of operation’ or some really dramatic shit like that). 
So, for the next couple weeks, you do your job as you normally do, with perhaps a little more vigilance than usual for spotting journalists. With, of course, the caveat that if you do end up getting tailed or cornered or something like that, you know precisely what to do to throw Jaemin off your tail. 
This all comes to a head when a LexCorp research and development lab explodes. Messing, as usual, with things that are best left alone. You and Kun are both first on the scene, ushering out scientists and immediately clocking the radiation; not high enough to evacuate the entire block, but high enough to have the labs sealed and a perimeter set up, with only those with the proper protection allowed in and out. 
You’re already not looking forward to having to rinse off at the end of the day when Kun puts you in charge of the back entrance while he does a little more digging. You’re a potential guard against any errant employees or otherwise people sent to do LexCorp’s dirty work and clean up the mess before the authorities can get their hands on it, but also against those who might be interested in poaching whatever goods they’ve got. 
At some point in the evening, you floated up from the ground, crossing your legs beneath you as you watched the back entrance. It gives you the perfect vantage point to spot a very familiar Na Jaemin creeping around rubble and taking pictures. It’s only when he gets too close to the entrance do you say something.
“I really wouldn’t.”
You partially expect for him to be surprised at your entrance—he is not. A small flinch initially, but he recovers quickly, like he was expecting you. 
“I knew it,” he says.
You lower yourself to the ground. “I’m sorry. It’s just not allowed—it’s dangerous in there if you don’t have the proper equipment and the mask helps but—”
“I’m not talking about that,” he says, waving a hand. “I knew I wouldn’t be able to go in. I really don’t want to, either. Lina’s got this story handled and I’ll be honest, I’m not interested in subjecting myself to that, even for the sake of justice.”
You cock your head. It is perhaps safe to say this is your first at length conversation with him and right off the bat, what an interesting thing to say. For the sake of justice, huh? Maybe you two have more in common than you think… Plus that stunning show of self-preservation, after Lina’s initial insistence, is a nice change of pace.
If you don’t consider the fact that he might be planning to figure out your identity and expose you to the rest of the world, you’d soften a lot on him.
As it currently is…
“Then what are you interested in, Jaemin?“
He looks at you for a moment. It is a moonless night and back here, there is minimal lighting, the power having been blown out from the explosion. You know you must be hard to make out but for you, you can make him out easily. 
His dark hair is messy, like he’s been running his hands through it all night, and there are deep bags beneath his eyes—deeper than before, than the previous times you have seen him. Like he’s been toiling about something. 
But when your eyes meet his, you see nothing but determination there.
It makes you falter for just a second, wondering, perhaps, if he’s already pulled the rug out underneath you, if he’s figured it out. It shouldn’t be possible, he’s never seen your civilian identity—been in proximity, yes, but he didn’t see you, did he? 
“Who are you?”
“No one’s ever asked me so bluntly,” you say. “Kind of a nice change of pace. But you know I can’t answer that, don’t you?”
“I know. I don’t really care, either, to be honest.”
And the crazy thing is, he’s telling the truth. That, or Na Jaemin is a professional liar and knows how to control his pulse. But you don’t think this is that. 
“Is that so?”
“It’s a waste. A waste of time, of effort. There is no use in chasing a mystery like that.”
“No. The only thing I want to know,” he says, gazing steadily at you, “is what that means.”
Jaemin points at your chest—specifically, the symbol on your chest.
“It’s not a letter,” he adds. “I know that much. You’re aliens, why would you use the English alphabet? So, I figure, it’s a symbol. It means something to you.”
“To Superman,” you add gently, because the symbol is on his chest, too. 
“I don’t care about him.”
You pause, not quite sure what to say. Everyone cares about Superman. They love him. They revere him. Or they hate him completely. Either way, sometimes, a lot of the time, it becomes your problem. Which is not to say you have a problem with Kun. You don’t. But what he does reflects on you. 
But this is…
You smile. “Na Jaemin, you are the strangest being I’ve ever met.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“It is,” you say, and you mean it, too.
A pause, a moment of understanding passing between you two, like before now, you’ve been working on two different wavelengths. You suspect, that though you now seem to be on the same one, you’ll still be on opposite ends, but nonetheless…
“It means hope,” you tell him softly. “This symbol that we wear, that I wear, it means hope.”
“Hope,” he repeats, more to himself than anything else, gaze clinging to the symbol for another minute before he looks back at you. “I understand. Thank you.”
It’s earnest. Genuine. And you can also understand that he does not intend to make this knowledge public. He can and it likely wouldn’t hurt but he won’t. 
Jaemin takes a step back, his objective now completed. 
One last glance, then he turns and leaves. You watch him until he disappears around a corner, no longer in your immediate field of vision. 
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And the next day and over the days after that, nothing happens. Nothing comes out in the papers about you or Kun. Jaemin keeps his unspoken word, just as you thought he would.
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“But… how do you really know there’s nothing there?”
“Jay, kiddo, I told you. Jupiter is a gas planet. Beneath the surface is just—wait for it, gasp—more gas.”
Jay Dhar-Qian, your nephew, purses his lips, brown eyes focused on the Jenga piece he’s pulling out of the tower of them. 
“But have you ever gone in?”
“Well, no, but again—”
“So, you don’t know. Mom says firsthand experiences are important in the field—”
You laugh. “Of journalism! And, yeah, some of science, too, but humans have come up with plenty of solid theories about space without going out there and exploring because they don’t have the means to. The one about Jupiter being a gas planet? Unfortunately, very true.”
“I think you need to go in there and see,” he says decisively, setting the piece he pulled on top of the tower. “Then get back to NASA.”
“Oh, they’ll love that, I’m sure. Your dad and I regularly break multiple laws of physics, you know, which bothers them enough. They won’t be happy to hear their theories about gas planets being disproven.”
“Facts don’t care about feelings,” he mumbles, folding his arms on your coffee table and watching you pull out a block at the bottom.
Though, you have to pause that way you can laugh. He smiles faintly at the table, which isn’t quite the reaction you expected from that; you don’t let him know that, however, resuming your task of pulling out the Jenga piece from the middle section. You set it on the top. 
“I guess,” he goes on, finger tracing a scratch in the wood, “I’ll only really believe it if I see it. So… when I get my powers, let’s go see it, okay?”
Jay Dhar-Qian, the first of his kind, Kryptonian and human—your nephew for all intents and purposes, even if you aren’t technically biologically related to Kun. 
This can, as anyone might imagine, come with baggage. 
But you don’t touch on that yet. “There are spacesuits, you know. We could just get you one of those. If we ask NASA very nicely, they’ll probably give us one.”
“That’s not as fun,” he mumbles.
You don’t say anything, watching him reach for a piece from the second row from the bottom. He pokes it out oh-so-carefully but the tower wobbles precariously, then falls in a crash. A few Jenga pieces tumble off the edge of the coffee table.
He slumps back against the couch. “I lose.”
“I know what you’re going to say. It’ll take time, no one like me has ever existed before, we don’t know anything about how I’m growing or how my powers will develop since I’m Kryptonian and human. I have invulnerability but it doesn’t even stay on all the time. I scraped my knee the other day, you know? It was embarrassing. I just want to be like you and Dad…” He ends his tirade of frustration by knocking his head against the edge of the couch, glaring sullenly at your popcorn ceiling. 
You purse your lips, thinking for a moment. This has been a growing concern for him—and for Kun and Lina as well. Less so that they wanted Jay to even have powers in the first place and more so that Jay seemed to be vying for his powers for some misguided wish of belonging. You know that sounds harsh, especially since belonging might be even more critical for him, with one foot in the world you live in and another one in a dead one, but despite that, or perhaps in spite of it, you—and Kun and Lina and Maria—fully believe that Jay will be able to feel at home here, powers or not. 
He wants to prove himself, you think, and considering the shadow that his father does cast—consciously and subconsciously, because the world needs it, but his son doesn’t—as well as your reach, though you’d hardly consider yourself as weighty as Kun is, well, it is a lot of pressure. Pressure you and Kun have never subscribed to him, to be clear, but some that he feels, nonetheless. 
It’s a lot for a kid. You know very well what that feels like.
“Jay… you are the best of us. But that doesn’t mean you need to go out there and carry the weight of the world. You don’t need powers. You don’t need anything.”
He leans his head on your arm, and you are suddenly aware of how small he is next to you, little scamp that he is. 
“I wanna be like you guys, though. I wanna help people.”
You curl an arm around him. “There are plenty of other ways to do that. I promise. And we’ll help you find them. Alright?”
He mumbles his assent, curling further into your side; you’ll coax him out eventually with the promise of ice cream and his favorite movie but for now, you let him hide from the rest of the world. And because when you do that, he does respond, and after a bit of time, he’s back to his old self again, you don’t linger too long on the issue. It remains in the back of your mind, poised to be brought up again next time you see Kun and Lina, but in the present moment, you decide that for now, Jay is okay. 
For now, as you will find out, is not good enough. Because the next day, when you wake up—he’s gone.
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Chronologically speaking, you are older than Kun. By a solid ten years, in fact. 
His parents were friends with yours. And so, you vividly remember the day he was born. At ten-years-old, you were not too interested in this red, wrinkly-faced baby, who could only cry, sleep, and eat. And when you were sent off, with the instructions, among other things, to look out for who was essentially your cousin, Kun, you were very much older than him. 
But then there were issues with the ship itself, and space is unfathomably harsh, and time and gravity are even worse, so, when you landed on earth at the age of sixteen, you did find your cousin—coming up on more than a decade of Superman, married, with a kid.
Those first few years were, as one can imagine, difficult. But you really would not trade it for anything in the world. And with Jay, in many ways, it feels a lot like finally fulfilling the wish of your mother. You couldn’t take care of Kun, not in the ways she had envisioned, because his adoptive parents, the ones who found him in a cornfield in Smallville, Kansas, Yuzhe and Maria Qian, had already done so. But you could—can—take care of Jay. So, you do. 
People don’t know about him—they don’t know that there is another Kryptonian on earth, much less the son of Superman. And if they did? You are certain the thought of Superman—a Kryptonian—reproducing in any way would make the government implode on itself. 
So. When you wake up the next morning to find Jay missing from your sofa bed, you panic. 
It’s not like him, to do things like this, especially when you don’t find a note or anything. He may be invulnerable (occasionally) and raised with the optimistic kindness of Kun and the eagle-eyed shrewdness of Lina, but he’s still a kid. 
You inform Kun as soon as you realize it, already forming a list of spots to hit—places familiar to him, like their apartment, his school, that fro-yo spot on Elderberry—and your cousin affirms your plan and promises to head over, since he and Lina are on the west coast for a convention. He’s mostly calm, too, which helps your panic but not quite the bundle of guilt in your chest. Still, you figure that can be addressed after you find your escapee nephew. 
Then—you hit the streets. You get more than one complaint from pedestrians as you fly through the city a little faster than usual, wind whipping behind you and glass windows rattling in your wake, jostling coffee cups and papers and whatever else is light enough and unlucky enough to be caught in your path. 
But as you continue to fail to find Jay and Kun does, too, having gotten in ten minutes after you set off, your initial panic returns and you care more about finding Jay than your speed. 
Nightmare scenarios keep running in your mind, varying from him being abducted by any number of entities, government and not, for experimentation, to his flight suddenly developing and him panicking and leaving the city and landing in another continent, or hell, off planet entirely. You keep them to yourself, though, refusing to burden Kun even more as you can see his patience start to wear thin. 
So, while he pauses to regroup with Lina—also worried out of her mind—you run through the city again. 
Their apartment. His school. The Daily Planet. The fro-yo place. The—
Your body stops before your mind processes it. Mostly because, instinctively, you recognize the voice.
“Jaemin, I’m sorry, I really don’t have time—”
“Are you looking for a kid?”
Jaemin is unbothered by the whip of wind as you flash over to him. He does, however, seem curious. 
“Here.” He looks to the side, and you do, too. A new apartment building still under construction looks back at you, a hole in the fence right in front of you. 
You duck through without a word. And like always, Jaemin follows you. 
 Heartbeats are hard to use on their own as locators, there is simply too much feedback, but they are familiar, nonetheless. In the present state that you are, you couldn’t make an effort to even try picking it out. But Jay’s heart pounds quick. You can hear his breathing, faster than normal, small whimpers impossibly loud to your sharp ears. You’re on the fourth floor before you know it. You hear Jaemin curse under his breath, left behind on the first flight of stairs, shoes thumping on the steps faster now. 
You tune it out as soon as you spot Jay. Using your X-ray vision, you peel back the only layer between you, the door of a maintenance closet, where he’s curled up in the corner, face buried in his arms. Jaemin is on the second flight now. Still far enough for you to kneel in front of the closed door, flattening your palm on lacquered wood and whispering Jay’s name. 
“Tell me what’s wrong, kiddo.”
“There’s—too much,” he says, voice strangled. “There’s too much.”
“Too much?”
He curls further into himself. “The world is too big.” 
Looks like you were right. His powers—his senses only, maybe X-ray vision, too—developed overnight or just a few minutes ago. 
“Make it smaller,” you say softly. 
“Focus on my voice. Pretend… it’s an island. Out in the ocean. Can you see it? Look hard, Jay. I know you can find it.”
As you speak, you can sense the shift in his focus as he tries to do as you say. His breathing is still quick but lesser than before, same with his heart. 
Finally, in a trembling whisper, “I can see it.”
You reach for the doorknob, speaking as you turn it, as the gears turn and move, “Then swim toward it, kiddo.”
He sucks in a breath when you open the door, but you can see the tension starting to seep out of his body. Slowly, he lifts his head from his arms, but his eyes are still screwed shut. You open your mouth to tell him to open his eyes. 
Then, Jaemin comes in. Your body moves before you can process it, shielding Jay’s face from him, because Kun and Lina have brought him to work countless times and you don’t know if Jaemin’s ever seen him. The tension returns to Jay in an instant. It sets you on edge for a reason you can’t quite articulate, your hand shooting out behind you. Jaemin stops in his tracks at your signal. 
“Who is that?! Who’s—”
“It’s okay,” you quickly soothe. “It’s alright. He’s just a—a friend. It’s okay.”
“No… no…”His pulse picks up. So does his breathing. 
You utter his name under your breath, unheard to Jaemin’s human ears but easily audible to Jay’s newly sensitive ears. 
“It’s okay, I promise, nothing bad is going to happen—”
“No, no,” he cries. “There’s too much—it’s too hot—I don’t know what—”
Red begins to glow beneath his eyes. Then they open. 
His heat vision is new and unlearned. Because of that, it burns the hottest it can go. 
Your suit is built to mostly withstand what you can withstand. The freezing cold of space, nearly absolute zero, and the burning heat of the sun. But a Kryptonian’s heat vision can be as hot as the surface of the sun. Hotter, if anything. Concentrated as it is, it shreds through the fabric at your arm, thrown over your face as you moved to intercept its path, which had been aimed right over your shoulder.  
So, Jay’s heat vision burns like nothing you’ve ever felt before. 
You feel it tear through your skin, blood pooling, dripping onto the floor. If you keep letting it hit you, it’ll do worse, split your forearm open like a sieve. But Jay is past the point of coherency. Nerve strikes don’t work on you—Kryptonian physiology is very different from a human’s under the surface—but you bank on the very human part of Jay’s DNA to work in your favor, and as you rush forward, gritting your teeth at the white-hot pain of his heat vision burning into your skin, you find it works well on him. 
He slumps in your arms in the next second, heat vision flickering out, eyes fluttering closed. For a moment, you just breathe, cradling him to your body. Your left arm trembles from the pain. 
As you watch your blood drip onto the concrete floor, crimson on dusty grey, all you can think is this is the first time in a long time that you’ve seen your own blood. The slow intake of breath behind you reminds you of Jaemin’s presence. His pulse is a little unsteady, breathing the same. At that moment, it sinks in for you—what he’s seen. 
He knows this is another Kryptonian. 
You reach up to unclasp your cape and wrap it around Jay, using it to keep his face hidden. 
“Kun,” you whisper. “Kun, I have Jay.”
You know he hears you because in the next second, you hear the unmistakable boom of the sound barrier breaking from his path. And in the second after that, with a sharp gust of wind that makes your wounded arm throb, he’s behind you, a hand on your shoulder. You stand. He shields you and Jay from Jaemin. 
“Your arm—”
“I’m fine. I’ll… be fine. His powers—I don’t know what he has entirely, but his senses and his heat vision are definitely there.”
He takes Jay from your arms. “Alright. And…” The way he trails off in combination with the way his gaze slides left leaves an open and urgent question about Jaemin’s presence. 
“I’ll take care of it.”
“Be careful,” he says quietly, and you know he also realizes the weight of the situation. How quickly south this can go depending… Depending on Jaemin. One last lingering look, then Kun is gone. 
And Jaemin is still there. Looking at you, eyebrows knitted together. The absence of your cape is noticeable. A missing weight on your shoulders. You feel like a turtle without its shell. 
“Jaemin, listen…” Your heart thunders in your own ears. In that moment, you feel a little like Jay must’ve, overstimulated and knee-deep in panic because of it. “You just—you have to understand, I… we…”
How do you say this? How do you tell him? Should you even tell him? Can you spin this in a way that doesn’t reveal Jay’s parentage? You’ve never really… lied to Jaemin. You don’t lie. You just… don’t tell him things. He once asked if you had a job and you said yes. He asked what and you said, Nothing interesting. And that was—is—true and he left it at that. 
You clench and unclench your hands. The movement sends pain rippling through your forearm, still bleeding onto the floor. You make an absent note to clean up the blood before you leave. 
It’s like you said. The world would lose its mind if they found out Superman had a child. That he had a child with a human. That there was another Kryptonian here—one with powers, no less, one who, if the rest of his powers develop, will come across as more Kryptonian than human. 
People don’t think of Superman and Supergirl as people. As your average everyday Joe. That is the point of this persona. That you aren’t and you help people because of it. But that’s as far as people’s patience will extend. Most think you and Kun don’t even live in Metropolis proper, that you two hide away and only come out during crises. No one wants to consider the fact that Superman—an alien—might be walking among them. 
You don’t want to think badly of Jaemin, but you know well that this changes things drastically, maybe enough to have him reconsidering his position in relation to you. 
“He’s… Don’t… He’s just a kid,” you say weakly. “He’s just—a kid. Just a kid.”
Realization flashes across his face. “I’m not going to say anything,” he says. “I never was.”
Your shoulders drop in relief. “Thank you.”
He shifts on his feet, frowning, teeth digging into his bottom lip for a moment before releasing it. “Why—I would never… I mean. He’s just a kid.”
“I had to be sure,” you whisper. “Because it’s—it’s different. With the kid. He’s… People would do a lot to kill him or experiment on him.”
He nods along slowly, understanding. An odd silence unfolds between you two; this is new territory entirely and the newness of it leaves you both uncertain of your places. 
Jaemin blows out a breath. “You don’t have to tell me anything but… is he… yours?”
“No! No, no, he’s…” You stop, swallowing. “You have to swear not to tell anyone, Jaemin.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
“He’s Superman’s,” you reveal quietly. “And I’m—Superman and I are like family. The kid is like a nephew to me.”
“And his mom…”
“She’s human,” you admit. 
His eyes widen. It’s not entirely surprising that that is the thing that surprises him the most and less so that Superman had a kid. Humans have such a hard time compartmentalizing the thought of Superman walking among them, much less a Kryptonian being involved with a human in that way. But, to you, even in the beginning, it wasn’t anything to scrutinize. Interspecies relationships are alive and thriving outside of earth and your time in space gave you great insight into that. More than that—well, the Kryptonian dating pool is kind of… small, for obvious reasons. 
“So… his powers…”
“He’s the first of his kind,” you murmur. “We had no idea how he would develop. We still really don’t. Today… they developed. We weren’t prepared. But he’s not dangerous. I mean—he needs to learn control. But that’s it. Control for us is easy.”
He nods slowly, gaze dropping to the floor thoughtfully as he mulls over your words. You figure you two are out of dangerous territory, but it still makes you nervous. 
Eventually, his gaze returns to yours. “I won’t say anything. I promise.”
You close your eyes, sighing. “Thank you.”
“You’re hurt.”
Reopening your eyes, you glance down at your arm; the wound runs lengthways of your forearm, still weeping, though it’s slowed significantly, blood starting to congeal. 
“I just need sun. That’s all.”
Although, because it’s from heat vision, it’ll take longer to heal, which won’t do. You might need to go off-planet and get closer to the sun. A sun. NASA doesn’t like when you and Kun get too close to Sol. 
Movement from Jaemin regains your attention. You watch as he shuffles closer, digging through his messenger bag for something. You aren’t sure what until he pulls out a small first aid kit. 
“No, Jaemin. Keep that for yourself—”
“You’re bleeding everywhere,” he scolds. “It’s a biohazard.”
“I promise I’m not carrying any extraterrestrial or inter-dimensional diseases.”
“Even so. It should be covered up.” He pulls out a roll of gauze, closing the distance between you. You find yourself raising your arm to him without prompt. You can never really say no to him.
Gently, he winds the gauze around your arm. You grit your teeth at the pain that throbs through your arm. 
“It’s fine. Thank you.”
He nods, putting the roll away. You glance at your arm, gauze neatly wrapped around your arm. Blood is already starting to dot through the fabric. You really need to head out and get this fixed. 
“I should go,” you sigh. “Thank you again. Really. For everything.”
He rubs the back of his neck, almost bashful. “You’re welcome…”
“Get home safe, please.”
“Yeah. Yeah, you, too.”
You’ll be just fine. Eventually. All that’s left now is the aftermath. 
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In the summer, Smallville, Kansas is hot and dry. But at night, the heat is less blistering and more soothing. After spending the last few hours in the freezing cold of space, it’s nice against your skin, warm air blowing through your hair as you fly for the Qian farm on the outside of town. 
Your arm is fully healed, thanks to the time hanging out halfway between Sol and Mercury—as far as you think you could go without making the NASA people twitchy. You stopped by your place in Metropolis to pull out a replacement suit—flying without your cape makes you uncomfortable—and a set of clothes. Clothes that you change into as soon as you get close to the farm. 
The house comes into view. An invisible weight peels from your shoulders. You sigh.  There is only one place on earth where you get to be yourself—get to feel like yourself. That is the Qian farm. 
Kun meets you at the porch steps. 
“How is he?” you ask immediately. 
“Shaken but alright.” 
His eyes flicker to your arm in the next second, a clear question in the action—an action that must go unspoken, since Jay’s superhearing has obviously kicked in and neither of you want to make him feel bad if he’s listening in—which he most likely is. You would. 
You raise your arm for him to look at—the skin is healed, unmarred, as if nothing ever happened. Nodding, he clasps a hand over your forearm, squeezing gently. You pat his hand. 
Kun tilts his head. “He’s in his room. Have at it.”
The screen door slams shut behind you. In the kitchen, freshly washed dishes sit on a drying mat beside the sink; you can smell the remnants of whatever they had for dinner. In the living room, the TV is on, playing reruns of soaps that Maria and Kun are fond of watching together. You greet Maria, then head further in, finding Jay’s bedroom.
You knock gently on the closed door. “Kiddo? Can I come in?”
Waiting a moment, you get no response, though you know he’s in there. You can hear him breathing, hear his heartbeat, which has picked up its pace out of nervousness. 
“I’m coming in.”
His bedroom is full of everything that makes Jay, well, Jay. Dark blue walls, a solar system hanging in one corner, Star Wars and Star Trek posters decorating the walls, LEGO sets decorating his desk and dresser. Your shoe nudges a baseball. It rolls underneath the desk. 
On the twin bed, Jay is nothing more than a lump of planet-themed blankets and sheets. Dusty, a black and white Border Collie, lifts his head from where he lays at the foot of the bed, curled over Jay’s feet underneath the blankets.
You sit on the edge of the bed, reaching out a tentative hand to what should be his head. “Jay?”
Quiet for yet another moment. But then, he shifts, covers tugging down slightly for his hair and eyes to be revealed. He still doesn’t look at you, though.
“‘M sorry I hurt you. I didn’t mean to.”
“I know you are, kiddo. There’s nothing to forgive.” He was forgiven even before it happened. You know what it’s like to deal with the onslaught of the powers, of the ways in which the yellow sun fuels you differently than a red sun does. Especially to have them develop here on earth, where there is so much noise.
A small shake of his head as he stares determinedly at the footboard, away from you. “I could’ve—could’ve killed you.”
Sighing quietly, you kick off your sneakers and bring your legs up onto the bed, turning onto your side and pulling Jay closer to you.
Leaning your head on his, you murmur, “I wouldn’t have let that happen.”
“You don’t—” 
“Maybe, if it had been anyone else. That… is the truth of our powers. We can really hurt someone—each other, but also, more importantly, humans. That’s the truth, Jay. There’s no sense in denying it. You can hurt someone if you aren’t careful. But what happened today was an accident. And no, that’s not really an excuse, but that’s for us, for your dad and I, because we know our limits. You don’t. Your powers just developed, there is no possible way you could know the ins and outs about controlling them. I don’t want you to be hard on yourself because of this. I’m fine. I’m completely okay. All you need to do now is learn to control them and your dad and I are going to be there every step of the way, okay?”
“Okay.” His voice is small. He curls into you. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You squeeze him for emphasis. 
After that, he relaxes bit by bit. At your feet, Dusty rearranges himself to lay his snout over your ankle, now splayed over both you and Jay, snoring lowly as he snoozes. Downstairs, Lina is humming to herself as she digs through the freezer for ice cream. Kun is pulling down bowls from the cabinets and Maria is flicking through the channels on the TV. Outside, crickets chirp and the cicadas sing in the summer night. 
That’s what you like most about Smallville—aside from being able to feel the most like yourself, it’s quiet in a way Metropolis rarely is. But you would miss it eventually, the noise, the sound of thriving life. 
You wonder where Jaemin in. What he’s doing. Hopefully staying out of trouble. 
The sound of your name brings you out of your reverie. 
The initial melancholy that saturated the room and atmosphere has mostly disappeared; what has replaced it is still calm and a little solemn, but now tinged with a new curiosity. 
“I know,” he starts haltingly, clearly a little bit nervous, “that I still have a lot to do with controlling my powers… and they haven’t even all developed… if they develop…”
“It seems likely that they will,” you muse. “But what you have now is still nothing to scoff at.”
“Right… so… when I do learn to control it… can I go out there with you and Dad?”
“That you’ll have to bring up with your parents, kiddo. But…”
You chuckle at the thinly-veiled excitement in his voice at the prospect of bringing you into this to convince his parents. To him, you are the fun aunt who lets him stay up and watch TV on school nights, and his parents are the ones who are happy to put their foot down and kill his fun. Jay idolizes you enough to never really consider that you would wholeheartedly agree with his parents if they decided that this wasn’t an appropriate avenue for him to explore. And technically speaking, it isn’t, not right now, not at this age. Things could, however, change as he gets older. But you’ll leave that up to Kun and Lina. 
This, however, is not about that. 
“Don’t get too excited. I’m leaving this in your parents’ hands and if they say no, kiddo, you’re gonna have to listen to them.”
He wriggles a little impatiently in your hold. “I know, I know.”
“But… if they say yes, I need you to remember something.”
Sighing, you lean your head against his. “It’s okay to quit.”
He stills next to you. “…Huh?”
“It’s okay to quit. If you change your mind… it’s okay to quit. It’s okay to run away. You know that, right?”
He’s quiet. Confused. Mostly about where this is coming from or because the thought of giving up is inconceivable to him. He doesn’t know what it’s like. But to be honest, there is a part of you that knows that if Kun and Lina agree and he, at one point, emerges as another figure alongside Superman and Supergirl, he won’t give up. No matter what. Jay is so good. So kind. And not that either of those things cancel out if he quit, but even if it is hard—and it will be, is your point—he wouldn’t give up, he’d force himself to see it through—like you do sometimes. Like his dad does sometimes, too. 
A hero’s temperament, Maria once called it. Nonetheless. The way you see it, you and Kun have something of an obligation to help earth. But Jay, the next generation, the best of humanity and Kryptonians, does not need to bear the weight of this burden if he doesn’t want to. 
“Okay,” he says at last. “I understand.”
You squeeze him tighter and say nothing more during your time with him. It’s only when he dozes off a few hours later do you slip out of his room. Lina and Maria are in the living room, the former working on something on her laptop, the latter doing a crossword puzzle and watching TV. Outside, the night sky is clear of clouds and full of stars. You join Kun on the porch, leaning against the railing. 
“I wasn’t expecting that,” he admits after a long moment of silence. 
“It had to be said.”
“It did,” he agrees. “But it… never really crossed my mind—our minds—to say something like that to him.” Guilt lingers in his voice.
You watch the corn stalks sway in the breeze. “Most wouldn’t.”
“We’re not most.”
“No,” you say quietly. “But that gives you leeway. It’s fine that you didn’t say it because I did and truthfully, I think if you say something like that, too, it’ll make him wonder if we doubt him. In that case, either he doubles down or gives up entirely.”
He plants both hands on the railing, blowing out a breath. 
“I sort of want him to give it up,” he admits very quietly in Kryptonian. “He doesn’t need that burden.”
“No… he doesn’t.”
Falling back into silence, together, the two of you watch the corn stalks sway in the breeze, stars twinkling at you. 
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You don’t always stop for people calling your name. Sometimes, it’s a clout grab. Sometimes, someone is trying to throw acid on you. But if you recognize the person’s voice and if you have the time, you’ll stop. So, when Huang Renjun calls out to you when you’re passing by the community center where you first met him, you stop. 
“Oh,” he says, blinking when you go down to him. “I didn’t think you’d stop.”
You smile kindly. “I recognized your voice. How have you been?”
“Good, good. And, um, you?”
“I’m alright, thanks. So, what’d you need?”
He gets hesitant here and you aren’t sure why. Biting his lip uncertainly, he scratches his head, clearly thinking something over. In his chest, his heart beats at an unsteady pace, one that’s enough to concern you. 
“Is something wrong, Renjun?” you ask, concerned, mostly for his wellbeing—is he in trouble? 
“No, no, no,” he says, waving his hands. “I’m sorry—I’m fine, I promise. It’s just… ah, I called you because… an artist in the circle I run in put up this mural and he knew I’d met you and he wanted me to tell you about it… but I’m not so sure it’s a good idea now…”
You cock your head. “Why not?”
“The mural is—well. It’s… good. Just not…” He sighs and shakes his head. “I don’t know.”
“I’m not naked, am I?”
“No! God, no, I wouldn’t—” 
You laugh. “I’m kidding!”
He closes his eyes, exhaling a laugh. “Seriously?”
“So long as I’m not naked or otherwise depicted in a weird sexual manner, Renjun, I don’t care. Where’s the mural?”
“The bar’s in hell, you know that, right?”
“I’m well aware. But I take what I can get. Tell me.”
He tells you the address—still very reluctant to do so, for reasons you aren’t sure of. Outside of being sexual in nature—which he vehemently denied—you can’t imagine why he is hesitating so much. But before you get to grill him for more details, you get pulled away by something on the other side of the city. Kun ends up beating you to it, though, as when you arrive, the robbery at the jewelry store has already been taken care of, gunmen disposed of, hostages rushing out. You do a bit of damage control, then get ready to leave when the police and ambulance arrive. Then you spot a familiar face in the crowd. 
He turns. His eyes flicker to your face, then to your arm—your left forearm, where you’d taken the hit from Jay a few days ago. 
“Good as new,” you say when his gaze meets your again. 
He nods, fingers fiddling with the camera hanging around his neck. He inhales, opening his mouth to say something, then stops, glancing around. Ah. Too many ears. 
“Renjun told me about a new mural of me,” you tell him. “It’s a few blocks from here.”
Jaemin nods and in the chaos of the scene, the two of you slip away unnoticed. 
This is a more residential area, so the further from the scene you get, the quieter and emptier the streets get. You know no one is following you, either, so you feel free to say: “My nephew is okay, if that’s what you were wondering.”
“It was.”
“He’s alright. He’s got a steep learning curve ahead of him, but I know he’ll do fine.”
“And… Superman… is he okay with me knowing?”
“He trusts me, and I trust you. So, yes.” There’s a small stutter in Jaemin’s pace, one that goes unnoticed by you as you realize the mural is just around the corner. You step around it, curious to see what had Renjun so nervous and reluctant. 
When you see it, you understand. 
Jaemin stops as soon as he realizes what it is, disbelief palpable, while you slowly walk to the center of it, gazing up at the painted bricks.
Jaemin’s scoff is harsh. “Why the hell would Renjun tell you to check this out?”
“To my understanding, his friend—or, well, he never said they were friends, just that they ran in the same art circles, but anyway, he said the painter was bothering him to tell me about it. I can see why. This is… really nice.”
“It’s stupid.”
“Why? Because you think it’s untrue?”
You look back at the mural. Muted dark shades of blue flow into darkness, with you in the center, on one knee, a sphere of midnight blue, swirling white, green, and brown on your shoulders, braced by your hands. Despite the gravity and the weight of your task, the look on your face, eyes closed, is serene. 
The message is clear.
“Are you that dramatic?”
“Jaemin,” you say softly. “You and I both know this isn’t about dramatics. This is what I am. This is what we are. Me and Superman.”
“No, it’s not,” he argues, with a stunning amount of gall as usual, but you’re used to it by now, no longer surprised by the things Jaemin is willing to do or argue for if he feels strongly enough about them. The fact that you’re the topic of it is what surprises you, however. Why should it matter to him?
“You’re… you. And that—” he points at your chest, at the symbol there “—you said it means hope. How is this hopeful? It’s just… miserable. Inevitable.”
“Now who’s the dramatic one?” Despite the tease, your words are gentle. 
“It’s stupid.”
“It’s what humans need. You know that.”
The way he purses his lips tells you he knows that very well. Yet it still seems… almost upsetting to him. You can’t imagine why. This is—well, perhaps a bit dramatic, but no less true. This is what you were saying. You and Kun have a responsibility to earth, to humans, on behalf of Krypton, on the behalf of your people. To help them. They will stumble and they will fall but one day, they will stand in the sun with you. You know this with everything inside of you. 
And yet… Jaemin looks so…
Something takes over you. You’re closing the distance between you two before you realize it.
To tell the truth, outside of saving him, you try to keep your distance from him. Out of all the planets you’ve visited and the people—beings—you’ve seen, Jaemin is by far the prettiest in the entire universe. Up close, this fact is made a thousand times more debilitating for you. But even as your pulse skyrockets, warmth flooding your chest and face, you hold steady like you always do. 
Your hand lands on his shoulder before you can stop it. The heat of him seeps through the fabric of his button-up, searing into the palm of your hand. Humans are much warmer in comparison to you and thanks to your senses that are heightened with the power of Sol, everything feels that much more intense to you, including this. This is the first time you’ve ever touched him outside of pulling him out of the way of a bullet or something. It’s not physically possible for you to get dizzy, and yet…
“This is presumptuous on my end,” you say quietly, lips quirked. “And truthfully, I would rather not know that fact and pretend that you do actually care about this—me (like I said, presumptuous)—but this is how things are. This is how they have to be. Humans can’t handle us in any other capacity than this one—solemn figures with a… responsibility to the sanctity of earth and humanity. Nothing more, nothing less.”
Jaemin looks at you, brows still knitted together. His eyes are such a dark shade of brown—darker on the edges of his irises before lightening a bit further in. Still dark. Still endless—easy to get lost in. And you’re very good at getting lost. 
You step back. Hand falling from his shoulder, your skin tingles from the imprint of his body warmth; it leaves you quickly, leaving the palm of your hand oddly cold. You flex your hand idly and look away. 
“I should go. Don’t give Renjun a hard time about this, please?”
His quiet, “Fine,” shouldn’t surprise you but it does. He’s not usually so mellow like that with you. But you aren’t complaining about it now. 
“Thank you. I’ll… see you around.”
He doesn’t say anything. You turn, meandering a few steps away from him so your take off won’t jar him too much. His gaze remains on you, burning into you. Until you’re thousands of feet in the air, you feel his gaze on you and wonder when you became so attuned to it. 
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There are a few things you don’t like about earth. Nothing big, mind you. Not, like, humanity itself or something. If anything, you’re quite fond of them. Much fonder than you used to be. But earth has its quirks. You’re not overly fond of thunder. It’s too loud—and you’re not exaggerating. It leaves your ears ringing sometimes. The constant shift of the tectonic plates isn’t something you like that much, either. Krypton didn’t have tectonic plates. It’s part of the reason you had so many issues with the core, towards the end. 
But you digress. 
On that end, earthquakes aren’t your favorite things in the world, either. They happen a lot, constantly, little ones that are unnoticeable to anyone but you and geographers with the equipment to sense them. And even then, you experience them on a different level. 
But you have another reason. They make you feel so… useless. All you can do is wait them out. Intervene in the moment, but you can’t stop them. 
The earthquake that happens in California the next day is a prime example of that. 
You heard it, of course. Loud and thunderous beneath the surface of the earth. Seconds after it hit, you and Kun were pinged about it for search and rescue. This is where you try to do everything you can to help.
You and Kun beat the search and rescue aid being sent in from the rest of the world, but you run point with the local aid. You work through the night, shifting through pieces of rubble and glass, pulling out people. You always breathe a sigh of relief when they emerge okay. You can hear their heartbeats, of course, hear when a destroyed building has no survivors, no life, and must quietly redirect the locals to other buildings that do for aid, while others will work on finding the bodies. 
It’s hard, though. It’s so hard. You would think that after doing this for six years, after everything you have seen, even before you came to earth, it wouldn’t be hard. You are no stranger to suffering, to pain, to death. You watched Krypton die. You watched your people die. Your father, then your mother. 
Earth was, is, a second chance. This is your home, too. And for these people, they’ve lost virtually everything. They’ll get back up, Kun reminds you. They always do. If there is anything that they are, they are resilient. You know that. And you do. But it’s still hard. The tight, brimming hug a woman gives you after you rescue her from a building on fire nearly brings you to tears, holding her to you as she sobs her thanks. 
You work hard for the next two days. From dawn to dusk. You and Kun have worked on the scene of enough natural disasters like this that aid knows to rotate their workers, but it’s still a lot on them. By the third day, you and Kun are working late into the night, late enough that dawn is already approaching. Your next mission is a partially destroyed skyscraper, the other half still standing with people still trapped inside. It’s tricky because the building is too unstable. At that point, they call on you and Kun directly, right before it’s set to give out so they can make a last-ditch effort to get the people out.
You work in tandem, diving in to hold it up yourselves while workers rush in and pull people out. A boy cries and refuses to move from his friend’s body, curled up in a ball in the corner. 
“Go!” you yell at the worker. “I got him—go, get out of here now!”
Kun utters your name in a question.
Metal groans and rumbles, the infrastructure seconds away from giving out—not enough support, even with you and Kun there. You strain against the weight of it, glass, and concrete, and metal bearing down on you.
“Go when I say,” you order.
One second, an eternity, then, “Okay.”
You meet the boy’s gaze. He looks no older than ten. Like Jay. Like you, when Krypton died. 
You move exactly when Kun does, diving for the boy, wrapping your arms around him as the building finally collapses on itself. Knowing that if you stay here, you will be buried, and it will be that much harder to get out, to get him out safely, you go up. Curling yourself around him, making sure to cover his ears, you rip through metal and glass and concrete as it falls on you. It bounces off harmlessly on your skin, but you know it is very much not the same for the boy in your arms, so you keep him shielded as best as you can. 
You keep rising up and up and up until—air. Debris and dust swirls around you. Beneath you, the building gives its last breath, crumbling to the ground. You can hear the wind whistle as Kun moves people out of the way. The clamoring of others further down the street as they watch with bated breath. In your arms, the boy’s trembles. But his heart thumps soundly in your ears, lungs expanding with each breath he takes. You smell no blood in the air and when you ease your grip on him, using your X-ray vision, you find no broken bones, either. 
“Where are they?” someone calls. 
Wind whips against you, Kun pushing out a current to dissipate the debris and dust swirling around you and blocking their and your vision. You lift your head. You finally glimpse the people on the ground, and they see you, too. Their cheers are thunderous. The boy jolts at the sound, sniffling, and finally lifting his head and looking at you. 
“Are you okay?”
Sniffling again, he looks at you for a moment, then, slowly he nods. 
No one was able to save Krypton. You. Your parents. Your friends. Your people. Earth was always, first and foremost, a safe haven. 
You’ll go to earth, your mother had told you when there was no hope left, when she had no choice but to send you away. They’ll take care of you. Your parents hadn’t ever left Krypton. What they did have of earth were mere snapshots. But they had faith—implicit faith in the possibility of a kinder life with a people who would accept you. 
On some days, it feels like this wish is nothing more than a fantasy. On others, you know with everything inside you, it is true. 
But your parents had believed in them, in humanity, in earth, their final hope for you. A safe haven. 
Your powers, the mantle of Supergirl, the legacy of Superman, were an afterthought. But still remnants of that faith. You will always believe in humanity, in the fact that goodness is intrinsic to all beings, and this includes them. They will fight and they will hurt but you could never possibly lose faith in them, in the prospect of a better tomorrow, and when they needed help, when they needed saving, you will always be there for them.
But… as you touch down, passing the boy to the arms of his sobbing—grateful, so grateful it hurts your heart and makes your throat tight—father, people clapping you on the back, thanking you, cameras on you, pictures being taken, Kun’s face in your peripheral, a little sad but mostly proud, happy, you find yourself thinking of Jaemin. 
Even as Kun tells you to go home for a few hours and rest, since you’ve mitigated most of the serious damage from the quake. Even as you leave, the sun rising on San Francisco, which moves higher and higher in the sky as you fly east. It’s mid-morning, with clear skies and a hot day ahead in Metropolis when you arrive.
You find yourself landing on a rooftop of a building directly in front of the mural Renjun painted. The one you complimented him on all those weeks ago. You still stand by what you said—it is… warm, in a way that many depictions of you are not. It shows you mid-flight, a clear blue sky behind you, smiling down at something or someone, hand raised in a wave. It is seemingly so mundane but the warmth in your gaze is real and tangible. Enough so that, you imagine this truly must be what you look like when you wave at people while flying. 
The door to the rooftop creaks open. Jaemin’s heart is steady in your ears. Something inside you unwinds at the sound. You continue to gaze at the mural as he walks over to you. The air shifts when he’s close to you, body heat tangible only to you, vestiges of vanilla and vetiver shampoo tickling your nose.  
You look at him. If hearing his heartbeat soothed the bundle of emotions in your chest, then seeing his face finally, for the first time since the quake hit, makes you relax. It’s only been four days and his face is ingrained in your memory but it’s nothing like seeing the real thing in person—the messy strands of his dark hair, the dark brown of his eyes, the slope of his nose, the swell of his cheeks, the pink of his lips. 
In your chest, your heart skips a beat. 
He drops his gaze, flipping open the flap of his bag and digging for something. Plastic crinkles. Something white peeks out from his bag. He pulls out a single wipe and lifts it to you. You step closer. An unspoken answer or perhaps an unspoken wish, one he seems to have no quarrel fulfilling for you in this moment. 
The wipe is cool against your cheek, clean smelling. Jaemin’s touch is heart-achingly gentle. 
“You’re dusty,” he murmurs. 
“Thank you.”
A minute shake of his head. He gently drags the wipe over the swell of your cheek, underneath your eye. His heart is beating faster now. Still a sweet song to your ears. 
After a minute, after moving the wipe to your other cheek, he says, quietly, “You are right. We need you. We need Supergirl. It’s just…”
“It seems bleak. But it isn’t. Not really.”
“Isn’t it?”
You smile. “Atlas… his duty was a punishment. This is a responsibility that can fall to no one else but my cousin and me. But it is one I accept gladly.” You reach for his hand, cradling it in your own; your thumb grazes the back of his slowly, savoring the feeling. “And more than that… I am not alone. I have a family, Jaemin. I have people who I love and who love me. I have kind strangers and even reckless but passionate and good-hearted journalists,” and you dare to squeeze his hand here, watching as the furrow between his brow softens and his gaze does the same thing, “I believe in the goodness of humans. This is not a punishment. Not to me.”
The wipe in his hand flutters to the ground. He turns his hand, until your palms are pressed together. A moment, then he tugs. In the next second, his arms are around you and yours are around him. 
You’ve felt the burning heat of stars and supernovas. It’s an out-of-control kind of heat, a wild kind; the reality of the harshness of space, but one you can survive, albeit with mild discomfort. Humans, in spite of this and in spite of their tripled vulnerability, seek out such things—wish to explore interstellar space on a mission of curiosity and exploration, even if it might hurt them. 
Jaemin’s embrace is nothing like that. Searing, yes, because of the differences in your temperatures, the sensitivity of your skin, but this is the kind of heat you sink into, that soothes you, that comforts you; the kind you could slip away peacefully in. Your heart is pounding now. You hope he can’t feel it but since you can feel his—hear it, too—pounding away in his chest, you know he can feel yours, too, pounding in wild tandem. 
He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t have to. You know. He understands.  
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“No, no, I got it, Kun. The mom seemed a little surprised to see me, but it wasn’t an issue.”
“Great. Thanks for doing this, by the way. I would’ve picked it up but it’s my turn to cook dinner tonight and I got a late start…”
Setting Jay’s Spider-Man themed backpack to the side, you quickly change into your suit, having flown that way to Jay’s friend’s house to grab his backpack for him. 
You hear Jay’s voice from the receiver next, your name in a question. 
Kun hums an affirmative. 
“You can play with my Jenga if you want!”
You chuckle, setting off, coasting higher than you usually do to avoid people seeing you and your cargo. 
“Thanks, kiddo. Appreciate it.”
“Dinner’s almost done,” Kun says to him. “Go wash up, please.”
A soft huff. “If you want to talk to her alone, you could just ask, Dad…”
A snort escapes you unbidden. 
Kun sighs but it’s fond. “Okay, I need to speak to your aunt alone and you need to go wash your hands.”
“Okie dokie!”
Never mind that ‘alone’ no longer existed for the three of you anymore, but according to Jay, it was quite easy to phase out the extra noise and just focus on whatever he’s doing so as to not overwhelm himself or encroach on anyone else’s privacy. It’s a very Kun thing of him to do—and say. Not that you don’t try to do that, but you also lack a social life, so, you admit to being a bit nosier than he is and sometimes shamelessly listening to people’s conversations.
“What’s up?”
“Have you… seen Jaemin since yesterday?”
You frown. “No? What happened yesterday?”
Yesterday, you weren’t even on earth—you were up in space, fixing something on the International Space Station at the request of NASA. Too treacherous of a job for the astronauts on board and too big of a problem to be left alone for the time being. So, they’d asked you. You actually had a quite pleasant conversation with the astronauts on board. You had to decontaminate afterward—deadly rays from the sun and space and all that—so you only got back to Metropolis late into the evening, showering, eating dinner, then promptly crashing. 
“You hear about Congressman Wilkins?”
You did in fact hear about Congressman Wilkins—the US House Rep for Metropolis. Newly elected. Apparently, he’d spent almost a million of the campaign funds he received on personal expenses like private jet flights, vacations, and a new house. When the story broke, he tried to leave the city and the police chased him down. He ended up in a nasty accident with a fuel truck and died. The truck driver barely made it out, too. 
“Well,” Kun goes on, “Jaemin was the one to break the story that morning, after tipping off the police. He was there on the scene, too.”
Your flight slams to an abrupt halt. “Is he okay? Did—”
“He’s fine. Physically. It’s just… I don’t know. I just have a feeling…” Kun sighs. “With this stuff, sometimes, well, a lot of the time, you feel a sense of responsibility. Even if it’s not really your fault.”
“…Yeah. Yeah, I get that. Okay. I’ll… see him.”
“No pressure, really, I’m thinking I’m gonna talk to him on Monday, anyway, but—”
“No,” you say. “I should. He’s… I should.”
“Alright. Take your time with Jay’s backpack, then. He doesn’t need it until Monday.”
“Right, yeah.”
The call ends with a click. You tuck your phone away, grip tightening absently on the backpack, one strap slung over your shoulder. Downtown Metropolis glimmers ahead of you in the late afternoon sunlight; the sun will be setting soon. 
Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes and focus. In a city of five million, on a planet of seven billion, Jaemin’s heart is easy to pick out. You let it guide you to the roof of the Daily Planet. 
“Mind some company?”
The distant look on his face melts away when he looks at you. Slowly, he shakes his head.  You close in. The wind that ruffles your cape ruffles his dark hair, loose over his forehead today; you’ve never quite seen him this relaxed, in jeans and a t-shirt. Something about it makes your heart pick up. You swallow down the feeling and let your feet touch the concrete of the roof. 
Dark eyes slide to the backpack slung over your shoulder, eyebrow raising in a silent question. 
“Nephew’s,” you answer, only a little bit embarrassed. “He forgot it at a friend’s house.” Setting the backpack down between you, you sit beside him; the nearest buildings are not tall enough for anyone else to see and Kun has long since looped the feeds of the cameras up here that way he has a place to change in and out.  
He hums, then returns his gaze to the yellowing horizon. The silence that falls between you is not an awkward one, exactly, but something is there that unsettles you. Since your… moment on the roof in front of Renjun’s mural, things have been better, if not a little odd, between you two. New footing, you figure. Not that you were ever really annoyed or exasperated with Jaemin’s penchant for trouble (though you’re sure you can’t quite say the same for him with you), but your dynamic had, more or less, always been set in stone. Things are different now. 
You’re still trying to figure out if it’s a good different or a bad different. For now, he seems so melancholic that you stow away those thoughts and reach for Jay’s backpack.
“Wanna play Jenga?”
Jaemin blinks at you. You don’t waver in the face of his bewilderment, suddenly quite sure this is the way to go for this. 
A second passes, then he nods slowly. You waste no time in pulling out the container of Jenna, pushing Jay’s backpack behind you and dumping the Jenga blocks in the space between you. You start fixing the tower of Jenga blocks one by one.
When it’s halfway finished, Jaemin asks, “Why don’t you use your speed to do it?”
“Less fun.”
Pursing your lips thoughtfully, you keep your eyes on the slowly growing Jenga tower. “There’s something to be said about taking your time and enjoying it. Even for the boring stuff. I mean, when it comes to washing dishes, water doesn’t do that great with super speed, so that’s kind of null, and sometimes, I don’t want to deal with folding my laundry that slowly, but most of the time…” you shrug. “I take my time.”
“Sounds mind-numbing.”
You laugh softly. “It’s… really not. Life already passes me by so quickly—I have to take my time.”
“Isn’t it the opposite?”
You finish the tower and look up at him with a smile. “You go first.”
Mouth flattening into a line of displeasure at you not answering his question—you would, but it’s not about you right now and that topic… well, you don’t sense it would help him right now—he moves anyway, letting out a big breath, then reaching for a block in the middle. He pulls it out cleanly and sets it on the top of the stack.
You go next, taking your time as you pick one out from a little bit towards the top end and set it beside his. For a few minutes, that’s what you do, going back and forth, pulling out blocks from the body of the tower and stacking the top. It’s your turn, aiming for a block in the third row from the bottom—the most treacherous move thus far—when he next speaks. 
“I’m fine, you know. If that’s why you’re here.”
“It is,” you say. “And it’s fine if you aren’t, too. What Wilkins did was terrible, but he didn’t deserve to die. But that he died at all, that everything happened yesterday, wasn’t your fault, either. He’d have panicked regardless of whether the story was broken or not because I’m quite sure any other journalist would shake it out of some cop while it was going down. Maybe it would’ve been you, maybe it would’ve been Lina Dhar-Qian. Who knows? But I have a feeling the outcome would’ve been the same, anyway.”
You successfully pull out the block. But you have an advantage with your powers. You can sense the slightest of movements and adjust accordingly; stop if it trembles, keep going if it’s stable. Jaemin, terribly human, for the better and for the worse, does not have such an advantage. He aims for a block from the second to bottom. You sense the tremble before it happens; he only gets it halfway out before it tumbles. 
Sighing, his fingers curl around the block still in his palm. “He had a family.”
“Yes, he did.”
“This isn’t what I wanted to do when I decided to work here.”
“Why did you?”
Jaemin looks out at the Metropolis skyline, wind ruffling his hair, looking startlingly, heartbreakingly, lost. 
“I was in med school, before I came here. In Korea. One of the best—and the most expensive—programs in the country. My friend was in the program, too. The first two years were for the basics, for the textbook stuff. Then, in our third, we started clinical training. I had expectations for what it would be like, what the students in the years above us would say to us, what the advisors said, and the professors said. But it was nothing like that. It was… it wasn’t what I thought it was.”
You stay quiet, watching him. 
“The way they did things,” he says quietly. “It was just what was on paper—the disease or the problem that brought them here. Find a solution and fix it. Or don’t, and let them know. Then your job is done. It wasn’t… kind. It was brutal. It was ‘reality,’ they said. People started to drop the program. My friend held on. But I could see… he and everyone else was fine with letting go of whoever they’d been before we started in order to become the best of the class. I wasn’t.” 
He finally turns to look at you. “I thought I could do it differently. But it wasn’t what they wanted. It wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted to help people. I wanted to be there for them. They told me it was impossible to do that, that I’d end up killing myself by caring too much. I still don’t know if that’s true, but I did know that I couldn’t keep going like that.”
He lets out a sigh. “You have no idea how hard my mom worked to put me into school. And just like that, when it got too hard, I wasted it. I couldn’t face her. I couldn’t face anyone. I took the first flight out of the country and ended up in San Francisco.” The snort he lets out is derisive. “Didn’t know any English but I knew my way around a camera and started doing photojournalism for a local newspaper. I still wanted to help people, you know. It wasn’t until I started seeing what the journalists did—what Lina Dhar-Qian did—that I realized that was another way I could do it.
“So, to answer your question—I want to help people. I have to. What happened yesterday wasn’t that. It was the furthest thing from it. He may have been an idiot with his campaign funds, and the people he scammed deserved to know what he was doing, but he also didn’t deserve to die.”
No. He didn’t. Jaemin lets out a shaky exhale. You wonder if he’s told anyone about this since it happened. You have the strongest, heartbreaking feeling that this is the first time ever. The sun is starting to set now, washing everything in gold. 
“Do you know how old I am, Jaemin?”
Confusion seems to bring Jaemin back down to earth as he frowns at you, clearly thrown off by the abrupt topic change but willing enough to go along with it. “I… No. I always assumed you were around my age.”
“I am, technically. But I’m also technically around thirty-five.”
His eyes widen. You can’t help it—you laugh.
“Just listen. Technically, I am around that age. But physically, biologically, mentally, I’m your age. During my… travels to earth, I ended up too close to a black hole. The gravity around black holes is so strong, it stretches the fabric of time and space—slows it down. What was an hour near the black hole—a terribly long and boring story, I assure you—was… ten years on earth. The rest of my trip here took even longer on top of that. When I left Krypton,” you swallow past the burst of pain in your throat; you rarely ever say its name out loud, there is no good reason to; reminiscing about it makes Kun feel bad and that makes you feel even worse, “my cousin, Superman, was just a baby. But he had left before me. And when I got here, he was a grown adult.”
Jaemin takes in your words quietly, eyebrows furrowed. 
You push past the emotions, trying for a small smile. “So, going back to your earlier question—it’s not the opposite.”
“What is?”
“Life does pass me by quickly. I wish it didn’t. Rao, I really do. But…” you lift a hand, sun rays painting your skin warmly, “as long as Sol fuels me, I’ll have no choice but to sit back and watch my life and the life of my family pass me by. Same with the rest of the world. Time will touch them. But it’ll leave me alone.” 
You drop your hand, shaking your head slightly. “I won’t be alone. But in some ways, that’s worse. And who even knows what’ll happen to my nephew? For now, he ages like a human boy, but… I don’t know if he’ll live long enough to see his family—his mom—die. And I don’t know if I’ll have to watch him die, either. If his father will have to watch him die.” You sigh. “And no parent… deserves to watch their child die.”
Jaemin is still beside you. You look at him. 
“Time is cruel. But there is nowhere else I’d rather be than here. I watched my planet and my people die. I watched my father die. I know it’ll kill me when my friends and family pass away. But at least I had the time with them—an entire lifetime, hopefully. That’s why I like to take my time.”
He swallows. “I’m sorry.”
You take his hand. “I’m sorry, too. For yesterday. And everything before that.”
He looks at your adjoined hands, frowning. “I made my choices. I need to live with them.”
“Do you?”
“I’ve already wasted one opportunity. I can’t waste this one.”
“It sounds like this is a punishment for you, then.”
“It’s not.”
“Then why haven’t you spoken to your mom?”
“You don’t know that I haven’t.”
You squeeze his hand.
Jaemin sighs. “And disappoint her more? I don’t think so.”
“Is she the reason why you want to help people?”
A slow nod.
“Then I think you might be doing a disservice to her by thinking that,” you say gently. “By all means, take what I say with a grain of salt—I know nothing about her and it’s definitely not my place but… oh, I don’t know. I’m—I watched my father die. I know my mother died after she sent me off to earth. It’s not fair to you to use my life as a comparison but really, Jaemin, I would…” You swallow, throat painfully tight, eyes stinging. “I would kill just to have a few more minutes with them. Anything. I miss so much about Krypton. But I miss them the most.” 
His hand loosens from yours. Then his thumb swipes over your cheek, catching a tear. He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t have to. You sigh, composing yourself, then start to pick up the fallen Jenga blocks, putting them away. You figure you’ve reached your quota of meddling in his business tonight. Putting the container away and zipping the bag up, you stand. Jaemin follows.
“It’s not presumptuous.”
His words stop you short and you look at him, eyebrows furrowing. “What isn’t, Jaemin?”
“What you said before,” he says, looking at you. “When we saw that mural. Not Renjun’s. The other one.”
The memories of that day and your talk with Jaemin slingshots to the forefront of your mind.
“This is presumptuous on my end. And truthfully, I would rather not know that fact and pretend that you do actually care about this—me (like I said, presumptuous)—but this is how things are.”
“You should know that,” he says. “It’s not presumptuous. It’s really not.”
“I’m starting to see that,” you admit with a soft laugh. “But thank you for telling me directly anyway. It’s nice to hear. While we’re on the topic of saying things that need to be said, there’s something else I want you to know.”
Jaemin looks troubled for a moment before the expression is put away and he nods for you to go on.
“It’s pretty implicit that I’m there for you, even if you aren’t in physical danger, but, inside that and out of it… if you need anything, you can call me. I will come.”
“Call… you?”
“I’ll hear you,” you say and it’s then that he understands.
The weight of his gaze now is too much. You look away, coughing. “I… just need you to know that, too. If you call me… I’ll come.”
Saying it out loud changes things. A tension that wasn’t there before lingers in the air. But you had to say it. He cares. He felt the need to emphasize that. He should know you care, too.
(Not just care, either. There’s a lot more behind it. You know that. It’s been a slow growing thing but—from the start, Na Jaemin did not leave you alone. He lingered with you, even when he seemed to not want anything to do with you. In that space, he’s grown on you—or rather, you’ve started to see him for who he is. 
It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. But it’s not bad. Not bad at all.)
“Get home safe, alright?”
You don’t wait around for his response, lifting off the ground, breeze catching your cape. Again, as you leave, you feel his gaze on you until you’re out of his field of vision, swallowing down the longing in your chest.  
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“You didn’t have to do it tonight, you know,” Kun says when he steps onto the balcony of his and Lina’ apartment.
“Maybe I just wanted to steal your ice cream.” 
You pass him Jay’s backpack, following him inside, closing the balcony door behind you. Water runs in the pipes, Lina humming in the shower, Jay sleeping soundly in his room. Kun leaves the backpack near the front door, then beelines for the refrigerator, opening the freezer. Too lazy to change out of your suit and knowing Lina’s rules about suits on the couch, you slump in a chair at the small table in the kitchen. 
He sets down a carton of your favorite ice cream in front of you, along with a spoon, then sits down across from you, with a carton of vanilla for himself. You pop off the lid of the carton and dig in. You didn’t have ice cream on Krypton. No cows of any kind at all, actually. Great what humans have invented with dairy products. Really.
“So… Jaemin.”
“Mm, he’s alright. Sort of what you thought he’d be feeling like, but we had a nice talk about it, so I think he’ll be okay.”
Kun chuckles quietly. “I didn’t doubt that.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Then?”
He just looks at you with a small, knowing smile.
“What? I’m not doing anything.”
“Sure you aren’t.” You sigh. You know what he’s getting at and truthfully, you see no point in denying it, either. But the consequences of it are something else entirely. You can’t just think about yourself here. Not for this.
Kun leans back. “What’s stopping you?”
“This.” You gesture a hand to the apartment. Lina’s laptop open on the coffee table, drafts stacked next to it marked up with red pen. A book with a bookmark sticking out the top. Jay’s drawings pinned on the walls. “It’s not just about me.”
“Yes, it is.”
“No, it’s not, Kun. If—if I tell Jaemin who I am, it’s going to be so much easier for him to realize who you are, too. Not even just easier—it’s inevitable, that he finds out.”
“I know,” he says. “And that’s fine. But it is just about you because I trust you and if you trust Jaemin, I know you’re trusting him with everything. So, there’s no reason to worry.”
The worst part is—you know he’s right. You shovel more ice cream into your mouth to avoid answering right away. Because, if there is that, then… what next? Do you even know if Jaemin really truly likes you? Enough to consider seeing you that way? You aren’t under any impressions about the way some people view you—you do good things but you’re not like everyone else at the end of the day. Not human. Not normal. Not to mention the danger he’d be in if he associated with you. 
“I have experience with this,” he says next, tone thoughtful. “Saying I’m the precedent sounds a little conceited, but I think in this regard, it is, well… true. I went through what you’re going through. Like realizing that I’d have to give everything up to her. But, it was more than that. It was wanting to. It’s not impossible to date as simply you and avoid telling whoever they are about what you are and what you do.”
A soft look crosses his face. “But I didn’t want to settle for that. Maybe, for some time, but then it would come down to whether I would be okay with, essentially, living a lie or breaking things off. With Lina… the thought had crossed my mind, especially because I knew her just as well as Qian Kun as I did Superman, but the thing was… I wanted her to know. Does that make sense?”
You nod.
“But,” he goes on, “your case is a little bit different in that you know him better as Supergirl than you do as yourself.”
“It doesn’t change it,” you say quietly. “I do want to. Tell him, I mean. I think I’d want it even if I knew him as myself and not as Supergirl. I guess now, it’s a little more imperative that I do, because it’s not even remotely sustainable to date him as Supergirl. And even if it was, I wouldn’t—I don’t want to do him that disservice.”
Kun has a soft, proud look on his face that makes you look away.
“You don’t need my help,” he says. “You don’t need my permission. This is yours. All of it. You’ve got it. If you want it, that is.”
Warmth floods your face. You don’t answer that.
Want it? You want it with everything inside of you. Every cell and every atom. It is selfish, though, even despite what Kun says, because he may be okay with revealing himself, but the danger Jaemin would be in shouldn’t be understated. 
But… it’s like Kun said. He is the precedent. And if you look at him and Lina now… It would be more than worth it.
For you, that is. For Jaemin? That… well, that’s the question, isn’t it?
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It’s so much easier to think about these things in theory than it is practice. You know this, because the next day, you see Jaemin during one of your patrols and when he waves at you, you sort of… panic.
You wave back, of course, it would be impolite not to, but there is this one painful second where you hesitate and you know that he definitely probably noticed and when that knowledge finally sinks in, you cannot get out of there fast enough, making a frantic mime about something going on to him (nothing is going on, obviously), then booking it out of there.
It is, truthfully, humiliating. It’s not how you wanted it to go. What is it, one may ask? Well, you aren’t sure of it yourself. But just because you had that conversation with Kun, just because the possibility is suddenly on the table—it shouldn’t change anything in the meantime. If anything, it is imperative that nothing changes until you try and parse out what he might potentially feel for you.
The thing is—Jaemin is so… impervious. It’s hard to figure out what might go on in that pretty head of his. Feelings of this nature are even more so. The solution is obvious, then, that you should ask him—but that’s… not easy, either. Feelings are not easy.
Regardless of that issue, though, you do want to try and be… well. Normal around him. And about him. It’s hard but surely not impossible. You can be normal around a guy you like. You can!
So, a few days later, when you see him again, that’s your main objective. Well, actually, it’s in the middle of a search for some guy with a gun, street filled with mild panic, officers trying to get people inside, you and Kun trying to find this guy before something happens—because something always happens—and Jaemin is not really cooperating.
“Jaem, you really have to get inside—”
“I will,” he says, yet he has a hand latched belligerently to your cape, quite literally on your heels as you scan the buildings surrounding you. “But I just have one question—”
“It really can’t wait?”
He’s downright petulant when he says, “No.”
He presses on. “What you said—when I said it wasn’t presumptuous for you to think I care, and you said I’m starting to see that—did you think I didn’t like you?”
Nothing, you’re getting nothing, is this a false alarm or is the guy gone? On the other end of the street, you hear Kun say, “I’m getting nothing.”
You mutter the same, then redirect your attention to Jaemin. “It’s not like you’ve ever been very forthcoming with me—which is fine. I know there’s the issue of your own capability, which, I know you can take care of yourself, believe me—”
“That’s not—”
This is a terrible time and place to have this conversation but—so be it.
“It’s alright, lots of humans have that issue, they don’t want to be seen as weak—which, there’s nothing wrong with, but nonetheless, I wouldn’t ever call you weak, or better yet, believe you need to be taken care of like that. Obviously I have to step in sometimes but in most others, you can take care of yourself. It’s just for my own peace of mind that I like to ensure that. And then there’s the, well, what I am and how others perceive me—”
“I am not others—”
Any other day and you would laugh at the indignant tone. “Well, no, not anymore, but in the beginning, you know, I get it—”
He’s tugging on your cape; you think it’s more out of indignation than wanting your attention, but you stop and turn anyway. The hot August sun beams down on you. Sweat beads at his hairline, hair slightly mussed from it and from what you can assume was him running his hands through it. His eyes are dark and unhappy. Not unhappy with you, though, you don’t think.
“No, I don’t like that—I’ve never not liked you because of what you are, I don’t care that you’re not human, why would I care about that?”
“A lot of people do,” you remind him semi-patiently. 
“I get that, but that’s not me. I don’t care, I’ve never cared.” He’s quite impassioned about this. More than you thought he would be. You still aren’t sure what the purpose of this conversation is, either. You suppose, in some ways, it matters, but you’d hardly hold it against him. Most people would be leery. That’s fine. That’s just the way of the world. This world. 
“I was… gruff with you, not necessarily because I didn’t like you. It’s just that—” the steam he had before is finally running out; he runs a rough hand through his hair, eyes looking anywhere but you.
“What?” you ask softly. The sudden smallness of this moment is out of place, standing on the sidewalk of the street, police cars crowding it, Kun and the officers still searching, still coming up empty. He really needs to get inside—you need to him inside. But right after this. You need to hear this first and you think… he has to say it. 
“I was like that with you… because you reminded me of myself.”
You go very still. Jaemin’s gaze meets yours. Though slightly pained and more than a little embarrassed, his eyes are softer than before.
“The way you were… what we’ve gone through is in no way comparable. You lost everything. But—despite that…”
You don’t know what to say. No, wait, you do—you want to say he’s like that, too, despite what he thinks of himself, and you have the strongest sense that he thinks he’s some kind of… failure, for the decisions he’s made, and you don’t think this is true at all. Despite stumbling so much, he still believed.  
You open your mouth to say this—knowing inside you that this is a terrible place and time to have this conversation, yet all the more important, especially considering his apparent sense of urgency to make it clear that he never disliked you, a thought that makes your chest fill with warmth. 
But you don’t get to. You hear the bullet before you see it.  Time slows down, but not as fast as it needs to. Whoever shot it is close. All you can do is move Jaemin out of the way and deflect it yourself. 
Your hands are still on his shoulders when everything comes back into play, when the shot finally registers with the humans, officers unholstering their guns, ducking for cover. He flinches, shuddering, but not jarred since you only moved him a few inches to the left. 
Any kind of response to him gets stuck in your throat. Your vision blurs around the edges. Heat spreads through your shoulder. You touch it instinctively. Something slick and warm coats your fingers. You look at it.  
The sight of blood on your fingers shocks you. No, you’d—you moved Jaemin out of way, didn’t you?
He’s looking, too, eyes wide. “Hey…”
Oh. It’s your blood. The bullet is made of Kryptonite.
Your vision swims. Your legs buckle but Jaemin catches you, lowering you both to the ground. A bullet whizzes past you. He curses up a storm. 
Your senses go haywire, sounds blurring in and out of your ears. You can hear everything in the city in one second and in the next, all you can hear is your own heartbeat, pounding in your ears. You feel weak, washed-out; you’re shaking, chest stuttering with each breathe you take, as if your lungs are fighting the air you breathe. 
“Hey, hey! Bring her in here!”
The sun is too bright. You close your eyes. The swaying motion makes you nauseous, like your heart is trying to crawl up your throat. Everything starts to fade in and out. Something presses against the bullet wound hard. A tiny thrum of pain that had started in your shoulder, kryptonite poisoning your cells and atoms, amplifies from the pressure—the actual hole in your shoulder combined with the effects of kryptonite against you. 
Voices overlap, panicked, harsh.  
Bile threatens to rise up. You swallow it down.
“—doctors or nurses here?”
“I need—”
A stuffy heat envelops you. Fingers brush against your cheek. You can’t hear Jaemin’s heartbeat. Why can’t you hear his heartbeat? All you can hear is what’s happening around you. This is what you used to be like—on Krypton, underneath the warmth of a red sun, rendering you effectively human.
“Okay, I’m going to—”
A hand—Jaemin’s, you know this intuitively—touches yours for a brief moment and a squeeze is all the warning you get before the tweezers go digging into your flesh. 
A fire eats at your shoulder, in your skin, in your bones, in the tendons and muscles. The flames spread, into your chest, into your belly. All you can hear is the pound of your heart, beating so hard it feels like it’ll shred itself to pieces. It’s killing you, poisoning you. It hurts.
“—not breathing—”
Darkness creeps in on you, an alluring embrace that you sink into. 
And you’ll do anything to take the pain away. 
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You wake feeling empty. 
The feeling of the pain, the kryptonite, eating away at you from the inside out is imprinted in your memory. When you sit up and move your arm, you expect pain—but get nothing instead. It’s fine. You’re fine. 
“I know,” comes your cousin’s quiet words. “It’s jarring, isn’t it?”
He shuts the book he was reading, setting it on the side table. You’re in your apartment, in your bedroom, out of your suit and into a t-shirt and pajama pants. 
“Weird,” you mutter, hand sliding beneath the collar of your shirt. Your fingers find the spot where the bullet was, ghosting at first, some odd part of your brain fearing pain, but then you press down and feel nothing but the fleshy give of your skin, muscles and tendons beneath. It’s fine. Not even a scar left behind, skin still smooth and unmarred.
You drop your hand back into your lap, turning to look at Kun. “Jaemin?”
“He’s fine. Safe.”
You relax at that, allowing yourself to ask the big question. “What happened?”
He crosses his arms, jaw clenching for a moment before saying, “Merc. Refused to say who hired him, though we can probably make an educated guess. Not happy that we—I—couldn’t get a solid answer out of him, although the police were able to get half a million from him—the incentive he was given, with the other half delivered presumably after he did his job, which, luckily, he didn’t.”
“Only halfway,” you muse. “Fair to call it a lose-lose, I think. Guy’s in jail, no more money. And whoever hired him is half a million out. Though I guess if you’ve got a million laying around, ready to be spent on a poor attempt to kill us, then maybe that part doesn’t matter so much…”
Kun says your name, exasperated.
“Sorry. Too soon?”
“You passed out and lost a lot of blood,” he says. “Yes, it’s too soon.”
“Speaking of,” you turn, throwing your legs over the edge of the bed. “How long have I been out for?”
“Five or so hours. Had to get that kryptonite out of your system even after they removed the bullet.”
“Doctor at the cafe you were in. She was the one to do it. I got you out of there.”
You frown. “The bullet—”
“It was with Jaemin. I… had a feeling he’d defend it with his life, so I left it.”
You wrinkle your nose, not quite on board with the prospect of him defending anything with his life, even for that kryptonite bullet.
“He’s fine,” Kun says, watching your face intently. “Handed it off to Lina, who will dispose of it through the proper channels.”
You nod, taking a deep breath, reacclimatizing yourself further. A lot happened, but you feel… okay. Thanks to Sol, anyway. And if you’re okay… well. You have something to do next, don’t you?
“You’re gonna go to him, aren’t you?”
“Do you think I shouldn’t?”
“No,” Kun says. “I think it’s about time.”
You chuckle softly. “I don’t disagree with you.”
Especially because—you remember vividly what you and Jaemin had been talking about before you got shot. You can’t imagine how he must feel now. Rao knows if you had to watch him get hurt… You cut the thought short and stand. The wood floorboards of your apartment are cool underneath your bare feet. Kun stands, too. 
“Be careful, please.”
You get the sense he isn’t just talking about your physical well-being here. But… you don’t know. You don’t think Jaemin is going to be the one to break your heart tonight. 
“I will be.”
He kisses your head, squeezing your arm. “I’ll see you later, then.”
“Tell Jay and Lina I say hi.”
“I will.”
Kun sends you a smile, then he’s gone. You really don’t want to get suited up tonight—not to mention your main suit, which is folded neatly on your dresser, courtesy of Kun, you’re certain, has a bullet hole in it and is still stained with blood. You have a backup, an older version, but—you don’t want to come to him as Supergirl. You want to go to him as you. Yourself. So, you leave it there and grab one of your hoodies, slipping it over your head. 
Then—you’re gone, too.
Metropolis is quiet at midnight. Skyscrapers shine in the night, clouds hanging low, turning lights into blurred smudges. You rise above the clouds, finding a pocket of space. The clear midnight blue sky stretches out ahead of you, full moon beaming down upon you. Ahead of you, a plane that just took off parts through the clouds, lights blinking on the wings. You follow it east until you come upon a familiar neighborhood, diving through another open space between the moving clouds. The moon and the clear sky disappear as the ground appears. 
A familiar heartbeat echoes in your ears. Calm and steady. You swallow down a burst of emotion, pinpointing where it is, picking out which apartment is his when you come upon a five-story brick building.
You land quietly on his balcony. The curtains over the sliding door are drawn, leaving you to hesitate—no one likes hearing a knock on their balcony doors and it would be just your luck that you might scare Jaemin into an early grave by doing that—
A sudden sound. 
“Holy shit—”
A dark grey cat with yellow eyes jumps onto the balcony, slipping through the metal fencing. Without pause and without fear, it hisses at you, back hair standing sharply on end.
You hold up your hands. “Woah…”
The balcony door slides open quickly. Jaemin pokes his head out, doing a double take at the sight of you.
“Hi. Your cat doesn’t like me.”
“He’s not mine,” he says, stepping out, can of Fancy Feast held in hand. “Dali’s a stray. I have no idea how he keeps getting all the way up here, but I figured I might as well feed him while he’s here.”
He sets the can of food on the ground. The cat—Dali—hisses at you, ignoring Jaemin’s quiet scold in Korean (then English), and dives in, eating for a moment, looking up to hiss at you again, and then going back to eating. You watch him warily.
“Out of everything,” Jaemin says, bemused, “a cat is what scares you?”
“I have great respect for cats as creatures, that’s all. Also—I’m invulnerable but my clothes aren’t.”
He shakes his head. “He won’t do anything. He’s… all hiss, no bite.”
Jaemin glances around, then reaches for you; you suppress a full-body shudder as his hand, so very warm, wraps around your wrist, tugging lightly. “You should come inside.”
Rendered speechless by the sudden contact—and him initiating that contact—you have no choice but to nod and let him pull you inside. The curtain flutters back into place when he closes the sliding door again. You kick off your sneakers, leaving them by the door. 
“So,” you start, ignoring the racket that your heart is making in your chest right now, “you’re okay, right?”
Jaemin gives you such an incredulous look that you have to suppress a laugh. “I’m okay? You’re asking me if I’m okay?”
“Yes? I mean, in fairness to myself, it was a… very stressful situation that we were in earlier—”
“You were the one that got shot.”
“…It doesn’t happen often, is the thing. At all, actually. That was my… first ever brush with kryptonite, if you can believe it. Superman tries very hard not to let me get exposed to it. Not really for the reasons you would think, either—I mean, yes, because kryptonite bad but that’s not really fair when you consider that he gets just as affected as I do but, um, it’s because—Krypton.”
Jaemin’s wearing cat socks. Space-themed. Space cats. 
You chew on your bottom lip. “The core was unstable. Too much energy, nowhere to go. Argo City was the only one to survive, protected by its own atmosphere that my parents had helped create years before simply as an environmental measure. It helped shield us from the full force of the blast, but… not enough. People still died in the initial blast. But then afterward… the parts of Krypton that were left, what we stood on, was… poisoning us. It was kryptonite. It killed my father first. Then the rest of the people in droves. I managed to escape it; I don’t know why. Didn’t matter anyway. It was going to kill us. It did.”
Jaemin’s apartment looks lived in, you think. He’s struggled with so much and yet, he seems to have made a home here despite that. You two really are the same, aren’t you?
“My mother didn’t want me to die,” you say quietly. “Even though she was starting to get sick from the radiation, she managed to pull together a ship for me, one last final shot for me to survive. I didn’t want to leave but I had to. So… my memories of Krypton in its final days aren’t great, you know? The sickness, the death. I’d gotten lucky and I’d never felt the effects of the kryptonite, there, and even here, at least up until now because… I think because he didn’t want me to know what it was like for them. For my parents. For everyone else.”
“I’d do the same,” Jaemin murmurs. “You shouldn’t have to know that kind of suffering.”
You shrug. “That’s life.”
“But not all of it.” 
His hand is on yours now, palm sitting against your knuckles, thumb rubbing idly over your wrist. 
Your lips twitch. “See?”
You look up at him, meeting his eyes, wondering when he got so close. “You’re like me, too.”
“You think so?”
“I do. You still believe—you still have hope, despite everything. Just like me.” 
Begrudgingly, reluctantly, you know he does. You get the sense that it would go against everything in him to lose that hope. 
“Your influence, probably.”
You reach up to push lightly at his chest. “Own it, Jaemin.”
He chuckles. “Alright. Sorry.” 
You shake your head. 
“So…” You glance back at him, tilting your head as his previous smile falters a bit, a more serious look coming onto his face. “You’re… okay.”
Reluctantly, you let go of his hand, reaching for the hem of your hoodie to pull it over your head. He takes it from you, tossing it over the back of the couch a few feet from you. You push up the sleeve of your t-shirt, pushing it as far back as you can to reveal the skin of your shoulder, the area where the bullet hit, where a scar should be but is not, skin fully healed.
“Good as new.”
He stares and you get the feeling he’s remembering what it looked like more than anything else. 
You don’t move when he lifts a hand, staying perfectly still as his fingers hover over the spot where, a few hours ago, you were shot and bleeding from. You can feel the heat of his hand even with that, swallowing. The action itself is fine. So is the area. But you don’t quite anticipate what it would feel like to have his hands anywhere else other than your own hands. At the first brush of his fingers, your arm twitches. 
He pulls back, looking guilty. “Sorry—are you still—?”
“No,” you quickly say, warmth flooding your face. “No, it’s—it’s completely healed, promise. Doesn’t hurt. I’m just. Um. Super senses… heightened touch… sort of… sensitive to that… in general… Not really used to anyone other than my immediate family touching me just ‘cause no one really… as Supergirl, you know, the perception of me and my… alien-ness. Doesn’t make a lot of people desperate to get close to me.”
A strange emotion flits over Jaemin’s face. It’s gone too quickly for you to really decipher it. His touch returns, hand fully settling on your arm, thumb brushing over the area where the bullet was. You have to fight a full-body shiver at the touch. His hand is warm, soft, with a few callouses. 
(You wonder where he got them from. Did he play any sports when he was younger?)
He still appears faintly troubled. You can’t say you don’t feel the same. 
The distinction between you and Supergirl is a clear one—one that must exist, a necessity. Not just for your own safety, but because you (and Kun) also believe that most humans, especially the ones that don’t like you, wouldn’t like the thought of knowing you lived like they did, that at the end of the day, even with the power that the Sol gave you, you were just another person, another being like them trying to get through life. Some might be okay with it, like Renjun, who probably doesn’t consciously realize it, but sees you like anyone else. But others wouldn’t—they need something different. For some, Superman and Supergirl as mere protectors of earth, solemn guardians overseeing humanity. For others, like those in Metropolis, that, too, but also someone kind, someone who would help them save a cat stuck in a tree or help them find a lost dog. 
But with Jaemin… maybe in the beginning, you tried to keep to that, to the polite and responsible hero, but he got under your skin far too quickly, and by now, by this point, after everything that happened, the lines are blurred. You feel more you than Supergirl. The only thing missing is your name. 
All that’s left is to wonder how he sees it. 
“But that’s fine,” you say in the next second. Jaemin’s hand leaves your arm, dropping to the side. A few streaks of blue ink stain his index and middle finger from the pen he must’ve been using earlier.  “It’s what they need. To see us as… larger than life. If being disgusted at the thought of touching us goes with that, then… so be it.”
He purses his lips. You try not to linger on how pink they are, soft and plush. 
“I don’t see you that way,” he mumbles. 
Your pulse thunders in your ears. “I had wondered,” you admit.
Jaemin frowns. “After what I said—?”
You push gently at his chest. The heat of him is palpable even through his t-shirt and it lingers on your fingertips. “I thought you didn’t like me,” you remind him. “If you didn’t, you would have no reason to try and see me that way.”
“I had. From… pretty much the very beginning. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t weird at first but that was more my own issues than anything about you and you being Kryptonian. I just…”
“Have—had?—a chip on your shoulder. One that is valid, don’t get me wrong, but, you know.” You smile up at him.
“I wasn’t always like that—like this.”
You’ve seen it, rare bouts of playfulness that come out, usually taking your breath away. But the way he is now isn’t so bad, either. At least—as long as it’s without the pain and burden of what he left behind and what still hangs over him. 
“But regardless of that,” he goes on. “It might be presumptuous to say this but… I think I’ve always seen you as you are.”
“It’s not,” you say quietly. “It’s—nice to be seen.”
“It is, isn’t it?” 
The look on his face is soft, softer than you’ve ever seen it before—softer than when you’ve seen him pet stray cats and dogs during your patrols or talk to the neighborhood kids who play soccer in the street. 
You’re effectively stripped bare now, knowing he sees you for you, but he’s still missing the final piece, the thing that’ll expose you for everything you are, the name you have, the name you were given. But what’s so bad about it? Maybe there is some part of you that fears being seen like that to the greater public, that needs a veneer of responsibility and duty preventing you from appearing too human. Too… feeling and thinking. It’s so much easier to get hurt like that. Here, now, you’re baring all the soft and fragile bits of you now—intentionally, purposefully. He saw it before, but you hadn’t known that. Now you do and you give him permission to carve out your heart if he wants it. 
It’s like you said. It’s nice to be seen. 
Your heart is thundering now but—so is his. He’s nervous. Just like you. The tips of his ears are red, a visible flush starting to creep into his cheeks. If he gets any closer to you, he’ll feel the warmth in your face, too. 
“I don’t know how much you know,” you admit in a whisper. “If you’ve looked into it.”
“I meant what I said when I said I didn’t care about that.”
“Maybe it’s because you see everything you need to see and that’s enough… but it’s not enough for me. You have to know. I want you to know.” 
He nods. You step closer, taking a deep breath. You’re almost dizzy with nerves, which is a real feat, since you physically can’t get dizzy. 
Jaemin’s hands take yours, then slide up your arms. You breathe shallowly, overwhelmed at the simplest and gentlest of movements, but no one’s ever touched you like that before, no one that wasn’t your family. It’s a reassuring movement, you can tell, since your eyes aren’t on his face but on his shirt instead. 
He squeezes your arms, whispering, “It’s okay.”
When he pulls you in, you go without resistance. His heart pounds beneath your ear. Warmth surrounds you, a nonsensical feeling of security found in his embrace because by all accounts, you are the one who can stand against nature and fight battles that humans cannot fight on their own. You are the one protecting. And yet…
A tension that never quite seems to leave your shoulders no matter what finally escapes you. One of his arms braces over your shoulder blades, the other diagonal across your back, hand finding a home at your waist. It’s almost terrifying how right it feels. 
But the rightness of it, like this is what you’ve been searching the universe for, is what tips you over the edge. 
You lean your cheek against his chest, his heart thrumming beneath your ear, and tell him your name. His arms tighten around you. He murmurs it back. At the sound of your name from his lips, you shiver, inhaling sharply, fingers balling the material of his t-shirt. The arm around your shoulder drops, moving, until his hand cups your cheek. Lightning sparks down your spine at the sensation. You squeeze your eyes shut. 
“Can I—?”
Strands of his hair tickles your forehead. You nod. 
Jaemin’s lips are soft against yours. You’re trembling faintly, you realize, his arm tightening around you, pulling you closer, flush against him, both to keep you close and you think maybe also to keep you grounded. You move your lips tentatively. He doesn’t overwhelm you. Maybe keenly aware of how much this is for you. An onslaught on your senses. The scent of his shampoo, the warmth of his body, the heat of his mouth, the sound of his heart pounding in his chest, breathing shallow and unsteady as he tilts his head and your lips slot together even more perfectly. 
Jaemin kisses you so gently, so tenderly, your heart aches. 
You break for air—mostly for him. He leans his forehead against yours, breathing unsteady. 
His thumb strokes the apple of your cheek. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For everything.”
“That sounds suspiciously like a goodbye.”
“Not a goodbye. I’m not leaving. I’m not running away again. I’m here.”
You hug him. Bury your face in his neck and mold your body to his. He holds you back just as tightly. 
And you know, neither of you is going anywhere.  
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Two months later “Where’s your shadow?” “Sorry?” Who is this one? You can’t remember his name. He’s been at the Daily Planet for a while, you know that much. You’ve seen him in the vicinity of Kun and Lina’s cubicles. He’s older, with rumpled clothes and elbow patches, looking at you with a raised eyebrow and an odd amount of antagonism.  “Your shadow. Na.” “I wouldn’t know.” You do know. He’s at his apartment, washing dishes and grumbling to himself about you eating the last of his ice cream. He had wanted to come out, when news broke about some incident at City Hall, but you convinced him to leave this one. He only agreed if you bought more ice cream on the way back.  “Can’t complain, I guess. Kid snatches up all the good stories, doesn’t leave anything for us.” Lina would disagree with that. You could just hear her saying, If you were good at your job, you’d find a good story. Jaemin would probably agree. You don’t say that. You don’t say anything, watching the gunmen get driven off in the back of the police cars.  The reporter whose name you don’t remember eventually walks off, muttering to himself about favoritism.  Your lips twitch.  You should head back soon. It’s late and you’re tired, having assisted with a few wildfires in Australia. You just want to shower and eat ice cream and cuddle with Jaemin and watch soap operas.  Before you go, though, the sound of your name stops you.  Not your name, rather, but— “Supergirl?” An accent. Familiar. Stronger than Jaemin’s, that curls some of his intonations on certain words he speaks. He’s always complaining about your near photographic memory that is letting you pick up Korean faster than he picked up English.  You turn. Then do a double take.  You’ve seen pictures of Ms. Na. Jaemin has pictures of the two of them from his high school graduation, then a few outings together after that. You always get the sense he feels guilty that they never got one at his graduation from med school. The tall guy with her is familiar, too. Lee Jeno. Jaemin’s childhood best friend and the one who went to med school with him.  Ms. Na is older, but not frail. Still, she looks a bit like a ghost standing there, Jeno hovering closely by her side. An air of desperation hangs over them, the kind that sobers you.  You approach them. “How can I help you?” “You know my son,” she says simply, gazing at you with the same dark eyes that Jaemin has.  “I do,” you say softly.  His mother is still a sensitive topic these days. But you know he’s trying to muster up the courage to call her. To see her. Hell, maybe even fly back to Korea. Explain in person. He wants to. But it’s hard, isn’t it, going back, knowing you hurt the person you loved and who loved you back so much.  “Can you… can we see him?” You look at them, Ms. Na, dressed in finely-pressed button-up and slacks, but slightly disheveled all the same, weary with the circles under her eyes. Jeno hovering close, unmistakably protective of her, but still clearly not untouched by the pain of Jaemin’s departure. Finally, you give them a small smile. “I think he would like that.”
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Grocery bags dangle from your fingers as you fish out the key to Jaemin’s apartment. The TV is on, playing a sitcom. Three heartbeats—and another on the balcony, Dali having his dinner—ring out. Looks like Ms. Na and Jeno found their way here. Good. You’d texted Jaemin in warning and had heard his pulse skyrocket as soon as he read it. You had already shot into the sky when he texted you saying he was okay—that he would be okay. With great reluctance, you held back on going home and instead ran out to pick up the ice cream as promised. 
Considering they’re all still here, Jeno and Jaemin talking in Korean, the former laughing at something and the latter joining, too, you assume it went as well as it could. 
You push your glasses up the bridge of your nose, then step inside. Your boyfriend is on his feet before you’re even fully inside, taking the grocery bags from you. Instead of the usual kiss in greeting, he takes your hand, squeezing, brown eyes shining with a newfound energy and warmth. You pretend to use him for balance as you pull off your shoes, just to keep holding his hand. 
He introduces you to Jeno, an embarrassing amount of affection dripping from his voice when he says your name and introduces you as his girlfriend. Jeno doesn’t seem to be aware or suspicious of anything, thankfully, and kindly greets you back. Ms. Na is another story entirely. Emerging from the guest bathroom evidently refreshed, though her eyes are still red, she appraises you carefully. 
According to Jaemin, though he never tried to purposefully dig into your identity, because he ‘paid an embarrassing amount of attention to you prior to getting together’ he had noticed you, both when you’d pop into the office for lunch with Kun and Lina, and that one time when he ordered from Sleepless Bites. It’s not like he made any hard conclusions but—there was a sense of familiarity, even if you carried yourself very differently in each identity. 
With the timing and the fact that Supergirl spent enough time around Na Jaemin to be noticeable by them, truthfully, you probably should’ve spent the night with Kun and Lina. Just to let their memory—her memory—of you weaken a little bit. But you can’t leave Jaemin alone for this. Even if they’ve apparently reconciled, at the end of the day… you have to be here for him. 
Even if Ms. Na is looking at you intently, dark eyes gleaming with familiarity. But she says nothing about it, simply shaking your hand, hers warm in your grip.  
“How long have you known each other?” 
Jaemin glances at you. “For a while now. Almost a year, right?”
“Eight months,” you confirm. 
She squeezes your hand, giving you a look you aren’t quite sure how to decipher but one that doesn’t alarm you, anyway. “I’m glad you were here for him.”
You smile faintly as Jaemin looks away, embarrassed. “Glad to be here.”
She lets you go. Jaemin waves for her to sit down, then heads for the kitchen. You follow him. 
He sets the bag on the counter, then pulls out the cartons of ice cream. You take them, opening the freezer and finding places for them. 
“Well, three years of radio silence isn’t going to be fixed in one good night.”
“But…?” Because there very much is a but here. Even if you’d been able to smell the salt of tears shed when you came in, there is a visible weight that has been lifted from his shoulder’s—from Ms. Na and Jeno, too. Not quite as desperate as they appeared earlier. They’d perhaps prepared for the worst—that Jaemin might turn them away for one final time. He had done the same—that neither his mother nor Jeno would take him back. 
“But,” he goes on slowly, smile forming on his lips, “it’s a start.”
You are unable to stop a stupid grin from forming on your lips. 
“It’s a start—a great start—you’re exactly right—I’m so proud of you, you know—mmpf!”
He crushes you to him, kissing you long and hard, like he’s trying to steal the breath from your lungs. Which is, unfortunately, not physically possible for you as a Kryptonian. Actually—as nice as this is, his hands on your hips, lips warm against yours—
You gently push at his chest, a reminder about air. One that he needs because you swear, it’s like he’s trying to beat you at holding your breath, but again—human who needs air to breathe and live, Kryptonian who technically doesn’t (but admittedly breathing has become a habit for you, one that’s uncomfortable to shed). 
Jaemin doesn’t budge until you push a little more and he finally pulls away. 
“Your lungs are going to shrivel up and die if you keep doing that.”
He smiles and kisses you again. “That’s not medically possible.”
“Well, that’s where you’re headed if you keep that up.” 
Forehead against yours, eyes shut with a content smile, his shoulders shake with laughter. You lean into him, enjoying the warmth of him, the feeling of his arms around you, heart beating in his chest. 
Things are going to get better. They already were, even without this impromptu visit from his mother and being able to reconcile with her—and Jeno. It’s like you said—he’s making friends at work, getting along well with Kun, Lina, and Jay, even Maria loved him to bits when she met him for the first time last week. You’re making friends, too, going to games with Jisung and then going out to eat afterward with him and Chenle. It's not like you were some kind of ghost before this—you enjoyed yourself, you were content, you didn’t have much yearning for anything else, but now that you do, you’re happier. You feel more grounded. Present. There’s more to hope for, to look forward to. You know Jaemin feels the same way. No longer just going through the motions but actually planning for the future. 
You’ve even had a few late-night conversations about whether he wants to go back to school. He’s surmised that med school simply isn’t for him but—that’s not the only healthcare position that exists. As it happens, Metropolis University’s nursing program is one of the best in the country and there are scholarships he can apply to to help with tuition. As for you, you still quite enjoy your work at Sleepless Bites but there are still a lot of things you want to try and that Jaemin happily encourages you to do so. 
Like you said. There is so much more to hope for and look forward to now. 
It is this, you think, that your parents wanted for you. 
Exactly this.  
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69dias · 2 years
baby don’t go (i’m bad at being alone)
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genre: bff2l, idiots to lovers
warnings: as slowburn as it gets for 25k words, jk is an idiot and oc is so mean to herself AND to others occasionally. religious themes [Bible verses], mentions of alcoholism, unrequited love (not between jk and oc), mentions and themes of death, resolving trauma, bad childhoods. smut: vaginal fingering, marking kink, ily kink, kinda breeding kink, unprotected sex which is BAD
wc: 25k (this is hefty IM SAWRY)
listen to a playlist for this here!
When Jungkook was seven years old, his mother had asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He'd answered, way too confident and much too quickly, that his ultimate passion in life was to be a ninja. His mother had laughed fondly, serving him a plate of fruit that she’d cut up for him, and ruffled his hair 
He’s positive that she had convinced herself that he'd figure it out eventually; that she’d probably taken it in stride considering the fact that he was seven, but the memory remains clear as day in Jungkook's head in his senior year of college.
Computer Science. That had turned out to be his actual ‘ultimate passion’ in life, though Jungkook always finds himself hesitating when he says it out loud. Perhaps his younger self had thought that he would figure it out eventually too, shoving the concept of a future deep into his mind until he was nearing the end of his gap year and had to choose something tangible to study, and perhaps he’d made the right decision considering his knack for coding and the outrageous starting salary for his major, but his voice always waivers when someone asks what he’s studying.
After all, Jungkook is nothing like you. 
Enter character: his childhood best friend, whose umbilical cord had only freshly been cut when they met, much too young to comprehend what he was even looking at. You were a year younger than him, but always a few grades ahead, thanks to your insane amount of academic aptitude (that came with the burden of being afraid to fail at all, but only Jungkook truly knows that), and you’d always, always, known what you wanted to be when you grew up.
You’d answer, voice too strong and vocabulary too poise for an elementary school kid; “My passion is to study law, like my mother.” 
You stayed true to it, as well, and if Jungkook wasn’t too absorbed in being impressed by you, he would’ve been sad that you never had a true, silly dream — a princess, or a ballerina, or an astronaut, or anything that didn’t require you to be so stringent at such a young age. But you’d skipped 3rd grade, skipped senior year, went straight to Columbia, and then to Columbia Law; by the time you had graduated college, Jungkook was about halfway done with his gap year. Simply put, being impressed by you wasn’t difficult. 
But back to the point he was making, Jungkook is nothing like you, but he misses seeing your face at the frequency he did when you lived next door. And he misses getting you your ridiculously overpriced  iced white mochas from a very specific New York-based small business. And he misses you. 
The thought of you makes the aforementioned memory with his mother run through his head a bit more persistently than usual, and it’s hard to ignore on an otherwise quiet Wednesday morning. That is, however, until his roommate pops his head into the bathroom. 
Enter character: Jungkook’s roomie, Kim Mingyu. Ripped, tall, extremely attractive, and at any given point, either drunk off his ass, or high off his ass, or hungover as shit.
Today, it’s the latter, if the exhausted lily in his voice is any indication.
“Hey, JK.” 
He blinks, and the man in question nods from the edge of the bathtub. 
“How the hell do I kick this girl out.”
Jungkook’s toothpaste drips onto his wrist, and leans across the commode to spit it out.
“I don’t know, man. Ask her to leave, and give her breakfast money.”
He is not speaking from experience, but Mingyu nods as though he’s been given profound philosophical advice. Jungkook turns the tap on, and wonders how much his friend has had to drink when he visibly grimaces at the rush of the water.
“Thanks man. See you around.”
We live together, I’ll see you in literally one minute. 
Jungkook nods, and lets Mingyu shut the door before he’s rinsing his mouth and tending to the very strict AM skincare regime he’s curated. The memory he was stuck on has taken another path to the back of his brain, and he’s thankful that he doesn’t have to think of it, think of you, or think of how much he misses his mother any longer.
He doesn’t, however, exit the bathroom immediately. The girl Mingyu had over is causing a ruckus in their living room, demanding to know why she’s being kicked out and simultaneously letting Jungkook know that his advice was definitely not taken into account; he’d be a bit offended if he couldn’t practically hear Mingyu’s head pounding as she steadily gets louder. 
He decides Comp.Sci is a good option; he’s definitely going to get paid enough to not have to deal with this roommate bullshit once he’s out of this college, but he can’t help but feel bad for the girl, and feel worse for Mingyu. 
Jungkook walks out when he hears the front door finally lock, and looks up a sobriety program on his phone as his roommate walks past him to his own room. 
“Hey JK?”
He turns around, sheepishly hiding his phone without considering the fact that Mingyu is definitely seeing double and definitely didn’t make out his search.
“Do not do this one-night stand thing.”
Hey Mingyu? Do not do this alcohol thing. 
Both pieces of advice are a bit too little too late, considering that the two of them are in their final years and are confidently past the stage of needing such freshman-esque tips, but Jungkook chooses to stay quiet so as to not rub salt into Mingyu’s wound, though he’s positive the latter is barely aware of this metaphorical wound.
“Yeah, thanks man.”
Mingyu nods again, this time affirmatively, as though he’s given some profound Kantean counseling before shutting his door. Jungkook copies the cheapest and closest sobriety program he finds, and pastes the link in his notes app for future reference.
When you were 17, late in your first year of college, your boyfriend had died. 
It’s a horrible note to start off on, and it’s worse to have to think about it on a Wednesday, seeing as you reserve these deep delves into trauma for long weekends and bank holidays, but the thing about grief is that it presents itself in weird ways.
Today, you remember the wake. Specifically, you remember the coffee you’d drank afterwards, and how you’ve ended up with the same drink today. It wasn’t your fault, no, a shaken espresso is a common drink at the coffee shop next to campus, and there’s no way AJ would’ve known, seeing as it’s a detail you’ve quite literally never mentioned.
Enter character: AJ, or Alex Jacob Lee, your closest friend at law school, and barista of another overpriced coffee shop you frequent, not to be mistaken with the one further into the city from where you buy those sinfully good white mochas. He has a game going on with you, where he’ll conjure up a different drink for you every Wednesday after your last class, which aligns with his shifts there.
And today, he’s chosen a shaken espresso. Again, not his fault. Again, not a bad drink. It’s the way the bitterness sits on your tongue, and the first greetings of summer in the evening air that have you thinking of your boyfriend — ex-boyfriend, that is. You think of his smile, the closed casket he was laid to rest in because his body was pretty wrecked from the car crash, and you think of Jeon Jungkook. 
You remember his arms around you, and you remember refusing to cry. You remember him buying you the drink, and you remember breaking down in front of him, showing any semblance of weakness for the first time in all your 17 years of knowing each other. You think of how much you miss him, how it’s been a good few weeks since you’ve seen him in person, you think of how you never actually fell in love with your boyfriend, and how broken you’d been after he passed.
You still feel the ebbing pain in the left side of your chest, but that’s not something you’re willing to admit. After all, it’s been a good 6 years since then, and you laid him to rest in the tresses of your mind the second you had left the cemetery after his wake.
When you’re done with the drink, you’re done with the memory, and you decide to return to the shop; that way, you can convince yourself that you’re fine, and you can convince AJ to get dinner with you. The coffee lingers in your mouth, though, and take a quick detour to the vending machine to the left of the shop to pick up a bottle of water and think about how horrible the placement of this machine is.
“Hey, you. What’s wrong? Drink not good enough today?”
AJ’s right next to you when you pick up the water from the slot at the bottom, and you find yourself smiling up at him instinctively.
“I think you’ve lost your touch, honestly.” 
He laughs, you laugh with him, and your heart feels just a bit lighter after the thought you’ve just had to throttle out of your brain physically, which reminds you of why you returned to the shop in the first place. He looks down at you, gaze so fixed that you look away for a moment before you even open your mouth to speak.
“Wanna grab some dinner? I’m kinda winded, we can get pizza.” 
He looks back at the shop, and then at you. The silence is comfortable, and you can hear the music from within the business as someone opens the door to enter. AJ’s expression is a bit hard to read, but the little furrow of his brow, and the way he’s avoiding eye contact tells you that he’s about to say no. 
“Can I take a rain check? I’ve gotta finish up at the shop, and I have an early morning tomorrow.”
I’ll wait, and we won’t take long. We can just take it out, we don’t have to sit and eat.
Your mouth feels dry, tastes little like you’ve just thrown up bile, and your eyes shake just a bit as you think of what to say, think of where to look.
“Oh, yeah? No prob, Jakey.”
The nickname slips out, and his mouth droops into a lopsided grin. You don’t notice the twinkle of his eyes, because you’re too busy unscrewing the bottle of water, eager to finally get the tinge of coffee out of your mouth.
He doesn’t say much more, just tells you that he’ll see you around, and takes a quick jog back to work. Pulling your phone out of your pocket is a bit hard because of how hard your hands are shaking, and you clench your fingers together to stop them from doing so, though you’re not sure why you’re acting like this in the first place. Maybe it’s because you’ve just remembered one of the worst days of your life, maybe it’s because you needed company, maybe it’s because you know AJ doesn’t have classes early tomorrow, and maybe it’s because you miss your old best friend. 
You decide it’s the latter, and when you finally, finally unlock your phone, you decide to call Jungkook.
The phone rings, and you can’t stand to hear the way AJ’s voice travels outside the coffee shop occasionally, so you walk onto the pavement, trying to focus on the obnoxious rings of the phone. You let it go to voicemail when he doesn’t pick up, and decide that you won’t deal with rejection today, so text him to get dinner with you instead 
[to JayKayz] hey, you down to get some pizza tonight?
[to JayKayz] i’ll take the train to NYU and you can meet me at 2 bros?
You figure he’s either in, or finishing his last class, hence the lack of response for the first ten minutes or so, which severely dampens your mood on the way to the train station, but he replies soon after, and you’d be lying if you said your mood didn’t do an entire 180. 
[from JayKayz] this is fucking insane cuz I was literally just thinking about you this morning
[from JayKayz] yes to pizza btw. 
[from JayKayz] sorry I didn’t pick up I was dealing with Mingyu who’s fucking drunk again. 
[from JayKayz] text me when ur on campus and I’ll pick you up.
You have to physically fight yourself from smiling like a psychopath, which is awkward since you don’t really know why you’re smiling. Maybe it’s because he was thinking of you, maybe it’s because he said he’s, or maybe it’s because it’s funny how fed up he is with his roommate who definitely needs to attend a sobriety program. You decide it’s the latter, and your heart isn’t on edge the whole time you make your way to Jeon Jungkook’s university.
The thing about you and Jungkook is that there’s nothing awkward about the silences that tend to ensue between the two of you. It’s not uncommon for there to be no words spoken, especially in the past few years — Jungkook has always been an introvert, and school tends to tire you out of being able to carry the conversation. It’s okay, it’s normal, and it’s happened a lot since you moved out to be nearer to campus, but you’re different today.
Jungkook notices the shift almost as soon as you sit down across from him and slide him his coke, hands otherwise empty, saying absolutely nothing else. Typically (read: every single time the two of you eat at 2Bros Pizza, which is not rare), you make fun of him for ordering the Meat Supreme slice, and you always get a coke float for yourself, which reminds him of the time there was a new employee working the Night Shift, and you, in your drunken stupor, almost jumped the counter when he didn’t know how to make one for you. He tucks the memory aside to ask you what’s wrong:
“No float today? Finally saw the light?”
It comes out wrong, less empathetic than he’d like to be, seeing as you’re visibly struggling with something, but it seems to break you out of your own head, and you look up at him. Your eyes shine under the streetlight just a couple inches away from the table the two of you sit at, and the way a smile breaks across your face sends something akin to a shiver down his spine.
“Yeah, I had a coffee earlier. AJ and I have a game going, so - uh, yeah, I’m not that thirsty right now.l 
Jungkook remembers this guy, but he also notices the way you’ve started to chew on the right side of your lip as you think about him. He hums quietly, opening his mouth to speak when you beat him to it.
“How’s Mingyu by the way? Day drinking again?”
He laughs out loud, taking a bite out of his pizza. You do the same, eyes a bit less dazed as you listen intently to whatever he’s about to say, but he doesn’t speak for a while again, and the silence that ensues this time is more comfortable than before.
It’s something about Jungkook that’s routinely, and you don’t hate it at all. You’ve been a stickler for organization, for schedules, for routine for as long as you can remember, and while you and him are quite different, you can tell that Jungkook appreciates the stability you bring. 
You remember being a child and coming here with your family, Jungkook with his. Your mom would share a cheese slice with you, and his mom would share the abominable Meat Premium slice with him. You’d get a coke float, and his eyebrows would furrow as he animatedly talked about how good everything tasted, almost looking upset because it was delicious. You’d stay quiet, sharing an exasperatedly fond look with the two women who sat across from each other, and then you’d look at Jungkook.
And then, you look at Jungkook.
He has the same pinch in his eyebrows, but he’s been eating here for over a decade so the comments about how good the food is have dwindled, and he just slurps obscenely at the cheese, occasionally stopping to take an equally obscene swig of his drink. You’d be disgusted if AJ ate that way, but it’s Jungkook, so you just laugh, and the question you asked about his roommate dissipates from where it was hanging in the air.
“So this AJ guy, what’s his deal?”
You pause mid-bite, looking a bit confused; the timing is scary, and it’s almost like Jungkook's managed to read your mind in the past minute. You answer with a question of your own.
“So this Mingyu guy, what’s his deal?”
“No like, actually, though,” you let out a laugh at the way Jungkook goes back to devouring his food. “He needs to get to a sobriety program.”
“Dude, for real. I was literally looking one up for him this morning, like it’s an actual fucking problem and he refuses to acknowledge it.” 
“Have you actually tried to get him to acknowledge it?”
Jungkook is many things; he’s smart, capable, strong, his eyes are bright under the streetlights, and he’s compassionate, but he’s never been confrontational. Though you don’t doubt he’s concerned for his friend, you also don’t doubt that he’s never brought it up in front of Mingyu, at least directly; you reckon there’s been a lot of beating around the bush, a lot of surreptitious monologues about ‘seeking help when you need’, etcetera. The thought makes you laugh, and Jungkook looks at you quizzically.
“I mean, I made him watch a TED talk about sobriety last week, and he seemed intrigued…”
You raise a brow. Jungkook would bully you relentlessly for watching those videos, and you doubt he’d watch them even with someone’s best interest in mind.
“We were both high.”
The two of you laugh, looking away so as to not break entirely, and then accidentally making eye contact, breaking almost immediately after. 
His laughter is loud, bright, and it brings you back to when you were kids. 
You laugh silently, taking in large gasps of air whenever you feel the need to, and Jungkook can’t help but think of how you’ve had this habit since you were a toddler.
When a few tears slip inevitably, Jungkook doesn’t let you use the collar of your shirt to wipe them like AJ typically does, using the pads of his fingers to gently flick them off of your cheeks. (It’s another thing he’s done for years now, but you don’t think about it in the afterglow of laughing so hard that your ribs sting a bit.)
Thinking of AJ reminds you of the question Jungkook asked you before you grilled him about Mingyu. You wonder why you avoided it so desperately, and you wonder why you’re thinking so much about AJ today, when Jungkook is right in front of you.
He’s pretty like this, the pizza parlor’s sign lights up a little after 21:30, and the green and red hues make the dewy skin of his face look softer. He’s chewing at his straw, and has a lazy grin on his face, occasionally giggling when he undoubtedly remembers the outburst the two of you just had.
It’s simple, routinely, laughing with Jungkook, being with Jungkook, and your mind is no longer clouded with the wake, with how much your Tort Law professor hates your whole class, with how AJ lied to you, but you don’t suppose it’d be the worst thing to not leave Jungkook hanging.
“What about AJ, by the way?”
He looks up, and his eyes are just as big as they used to be when he was a toddler. 
“You asked what his deal was, what’d you mean?”
Jungkook’s lazy grin is back as he stares at you, reaching across the table to push back a strand of hair that you hadn’t even noticed fall into your face. His touch is warm, and you hope the bright red light of the sign masks the soft blush that warms your face when he strokes the underside of your jaw before pulling away.
“I meant, like, you know,” he pauses, but you shake your head, still confused. Jungkook breathes to regroup, and continues. “The Wednesday drink thing, and how he’s the homescreen of your phone, and how you’re blushing right now after bringing him up? I know dating’s a bit tough but like, maybe there’s something there?”
The realization dawns upon you; Jungkook thinks you’re into AJ, and vice versa. You don’t know why it makes your stomach turn, so you attribute it to the pizza you’ve just had and the coffee from earlier. 
The ridiculous urge to defend yourself like Jungkook’s accused you of something fights it’s way up your throat, accompanied by bile. You swallow it down, clearing your throat before you start your rebuttal statement. (You don’t think about how you’re thinking of this like a case, when it’s quite literally just your best friend talking about who you’re dating).
“The Wednesday drink thing’s only because he has a shift there after I’m done with classes, and it’s not like he gives them to me for free.”
Jungkook can’t tell why you look so serious now, back straight and face cold, voice icy. It’s a sharp contrast to the way you were speaking only a mere 10 minutes prior, and he wants to tell you that it’s nothing serious; that he wasn’t accusing you.
“He’s the homescreen of my phone because I look good in the picture, and also because it’s from my 21st birthday, which was just a good day in my life —“
“I think y-you misunderstood me?”
He doesn’t sound confident, but you stop speaking, unable to tell him that you weren’t, in fact, blushing because of AJ.
“There’s nothing there, Jungkook.”
He looks down, and then back up at you, the prickly feeling of discomfort crawling across his chest. Jungkook isn’t sure why he feels cornered, why he feels upset at the way you responded to something innocent he said.
It makes him think of another time, back in your first year of law school when he’d asked you why you hadn’t called him for a week; you’d straightened up, basically recounted every assignment you had due, every other engagement you had, went to hell and back to justify yourself when he was just asking a question.
It makes him think of countless other times, when you’d dissect questions like he was a prosecutor in a courtroom, when you’d pounce at him at the slightest indication of being cornered, when you’d feel the need to justify and self-assess even if he wasn't even in a 100 mile radius of asking you to do that.
He wants to tell you that you don’t have to feel like he’s forcing an answer out of you, that you have a life and you could’ve just laughed it off, that you don’t have to be afraid to have human instincts and relationships and that you’re his best friend.
Instead, he ignores the way your eyes look glossy, ignores the clear indication that you’ve had a stupidly hard day, ignores the screaming cries for someone to tell you that it’s okay, for someone to just ask what’s wrong — something he’s been on the fence of doing for the whole evening. He ignores it all, and gets up to throw his plate away.
“I’m sorry —“
“Need me to walk you to the train station?”
“Uh, no. I got it. Thanks.”
You follow with your own plate, picking your bag up from the seat beside you, and wave at Jungkook a bit awkwardly. He waves back, still not making eye contact with you, and lets  you walk away without saying a word more.
Jungkook tries not to think about how pretty you are, tries not to think about how you’re going to cry in the solitude of your room which is how you’ve always dealt with emotions, tries not to think about whatever you could’ve been thinking of that had you on the edge the entire evening. He tries to think about Mingyu, sobriety, and a fraternity party he has to go to tomorrow. He tries to think about skipping his last class, and ends up thinking about how lovely your smile is.
You text AJ to pick you up from campus despite the fake excuse he’d thrown at you earlier even though you don’t really want to think of him, and you hope the person sitting across from you on the train doesn’t notice how you’re crying.  It’s your boyfriend, it’s Jungkook and how you lashed out at him for no reason, it’s fucking AJ, and how Jungkook thinks you’re dating him when he’s just lied to you — it’s how AJ lied to you about a morning class — it’s Tort Law, and it’s the shaken espresso you had that seems to still linger on your tongue.  You try to think about a party you’ve been invited to tomorrow, try to think about how badly you need to get laid, and end up thinking about Jungkook’s pretty eyes.
AJ ends up picking you up from outside the train station, and if he notices your red-rimmed eyes, he doesn’t say anything.
Jungkook’s words, the cause of you snapping him, his insinuations all come to mind when AJ’s this close to you. You can smell his deodorant, you can feel the thin hoodie he dons on your sleeve, you can hear the small breaths he takes; I know dating’s a bit tough but like, maybe there’s something there?”
Is there? You wished you would’ve asked Jungkook to elaborate on this theory of his; he’s observant, and as aforementioned, not one for confrontation of any kind — the thought makes your head hurt with guilt because you’ve just shown him that he shouldn’t, in fact, confront people lest they give him a reaction anywhere similar to yours — and it’s apparent that he was probably sitting on the thought for a while.
Is there? AJ looks at you warmly, the Wednesday drink thing is a bit intimate, he knows your schedule, knows your professors and how you feel about them, knows your apartment even when he's drunk and it’s dark, and you know all of these things when it comes to him. You think about it for a moment, and when you look up at him, he’s already staring down at you. It’s kind, a bit far away like he was doing some thinking of his own, too, and you’re grateful he doesn’t look away immediately. 
AJ and you make sense together, if you were to put it logistically. Met in Law School, were friends for years before potentially getting together, and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t feel like a puzzle piece fitting into place. But logistics aren’t the game you play, and the longer you look at him, the more it settles in that there isn’t really much there. With Jungkook, for example, you’d notice the pretty doe shape in his eyes, the scar above his cheek, the slope of his nose and how when he blushes, the pink spreads from the tips of his ears inwards — with AJ, all you see is a handsome face. 
Jungkook is your best friend, though, and again, it makes more sense to notice these nuances with him than with AJ and fuck, why are you even thinking about this?
AJ continues to look at you, and you’re thankful, not for his eerie silence as much as for the fact that he’s walking you home at night after you’ve had such a rough day. If being with Jungkook is routine, AJ is the soft of your sheets after a long day — he’s always there, always with you, even if he doesn’t really say anything to you. 
(You fight this thought from appearing in your head, but evidently fail.) 
Even today, he didn’t question where you were coming from, didn’t say that he couldn’t come get you because he had this supposed ‘early morning’ (which he didn’t, which you could not get over), didn’t say a single word, at least it until you did. 
It’s a quiet question, one that has lingered in the back of your mind for the whole evening: “Why’d you lie, Alex?”
He looks startled, both at the rare use of his first name, and by the question itself. 
“What… what do you mean, exactly?” His laugh is a bit forced, and he steps away from you, looking away.
“You said you have an early morning, but I know your Crim. Justice class starts at 2. You could’ve just said you didn’t wanna have dinner with me —“ you laugh at the end, hoping to lighten the atmosphere but it doesn’t work. 
There is seriously something wrong with you today, but AJ breaks through that thought with a laugh.
“Early morning for work, ___. Internships don’t start till June, but doesn’t Cravath ask you to come in sometimes? It’s that. Some petty admin work.”
Your heart stops trying to commit suicide, and your shoulders relax for the first time since AJ handed you that damn drink this morning. You’d both landed top internships; you with Cravath, AJ with Watchell Lipton, and he was right, because you have gone in to do ‘petty admin work’ for them in the past month since you were accepted.
It’s a happy reminder of how well you’re doing, a happy reminder that your friend didn’t just lie to you, and you can’t help but laugh. It’s a sheepish one that turns genuine when you realize how accusatory you’d been, and you’re grateful again that he starts laughing along with you.
(You don’t notice his laugh the same way you did with Jungkook, but you also don’t dwell on that too much.) 
“Fuck, man. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.”
He throws an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his upper body so he can plant a loud kiss on the crown of your head. It’s something he does with everyone, but the conversation you had over dinner remains at the forefront of your mind and you close your eyes to really take in the proximity, the ease with which he just touches you, the way it feels natural, and the way you don’t mind.
“Maybe you should ask questions on the spot instead of working yourself into a frenzy about them, huh?”
“Maybe I should. No yeah, I definitely should. I don't know why I’m being slick about it —“
He laughs at that, taking your hand to spin you in front of him, and then around. 
If AJ notices the way your hair frames your face when he stops puppeteering you, if he notices the way your laugh echoes in his mind after you’ve stopped, if he notices the way you’ve remembered his classes, he doesn’t do anything about it. He had, however, noticed the way you were so obviously crying, and though he refuses to pry lest he invade your privacy, lest he finds out that he might’ve been the reason. 
He stays quiet about it, though, all the way till he reaches the lobby of your apartment complex, which is when he repeats what Jungkook had done just about an hour prior, fixing a strand of your messy hair. 
(You don’t blush like you had when Jungkook had done it, but AJ also doesn’t touch the underside of your jaw as gingerly as Jungkook had, so you convince yourself that it’s nothing)
“If it was hayfever, I know a great remedy, but if not, you should know that whatever you had to cry about, that it’s okay. If you can do Tort Law with Henderson, you can do anything.”
His assurance, paired with the fact that he hadn’t lied, paired with the fact that he’d kissed your head, paired with the way he’d spun you around like he was starring in some Glen Powell rom-com, paired with the way that he’d come and pick you up in the first place — all of it settles your heart fully, and you don’t even really remember why you’d cried in the first place. 
“Thank you. For picking me up, and I’m sorry that I was so, you know —“
“Don’t worry about it, it’s literally going to be your job to be ‘so, you know’ okay?”
You nod, chuckling lightly, and watch him wave you goodbye. If you pronounce your own wave a little extra so he laughs at it and isn’t even slightly worried about you being upset, nobody has to know. And if you still can’t stop thinking about Jungkook and how you need to apologize to him, nobody has to know.
Jungkook despises his schedule on Thursdays. It’s class after class, a shift at his job, another class, and another class — typically, by the end of the day, his brain is nothing but mush, he’s frazzled; exhausted, and passes out for a much simpler Friday, but as it is, there’s been a lot more unconventional breaks in routine than he’s used to, and he ends up going to a party after his final class on this particular Thursday. 
Mingyu invited him, but he’s not thinking about that, because thinking of his roommate makes him think of his conversation with you, which makes him think of how abruptly your manner had changed, which makes him feel bad for you, and also a little upset that you spoke to him that way, which makes him think of the notifications on his phone that he’s definitely not ignoring right now.
[from Elle Woods] jeongguk
[from Elle Woods] im sorry, i don’t know what that was or why I got so defensive about aj, and you didn’t deserve it 
[from Elle Woods] i really missed you, it’s been weeks since we’ve talked
[from Elle Woods] actually, can i just call you? 
[2 missed calls from Elle Woods]
He’d feel a little bad, because he knows that if you owe each other something, anything, it’s communication — you’ve been friends since you were literal infants, and he should know that there’s probably a very reasonable explanation for yesterday but he shuts his phone off, and recites the excuse for whenever he decides to get back to you.
___ie, I’m sorry, I was just busy — you know how Thursdays are, right?
He’s sure you’ll understand, and he can’t bring himself to continue thinking about it lest he breaks and gets himself into a longer-than-necessary phone call with you when he could be getting shitfaced to forget about the day he’s had; either that, or protecting Mingyu from throwing himself into premature liver failure as best as he possibly can.
Jungkook finds himself shoveling any remaining thoughts of you to the back of his head, another thing he’s being doing unconventionally often, and his short commute to the fraternity house Mingyu’s typo-filled message points him towards — another thing that should debase him, but the promise of alcohol (with a borderline frightening amount of emojis) keeps him going.
He realizes soon, that senior year is an absolute bitch, because it’s been months since he’s seen half of these people and it’s like nostalgia’s kicked him in the mouth, followed by the pungence of miscellaneous alcoholic drinks that you can only drink half a cup of before blacking out, followed by the familiar twinge of the fraternity party patented sweat. 
He’s broken out of this haze, watching people pass by him as he slumps against the doorframe of the kitchen by the vaguely familiar voice of somebody he used to know very well —
“Jungkookie? At a party? As I live and breathe!”
Enter character: Lim Nayoung, Jungkook’s ex-fuckbuddy, ex-situationship, near ex-girlfriend. Though the first two are terms exclusively used by high school students, there’s really no other way to describe the relation he has (had) with her, and even as he hears her voice, there’s a rush of emotion that he had to swallow down before he gets a good look at her.
She’s, well, a sight to see; though Jungkook told her he liked her long hair a lot (especially when she styled it like yours, which isn’t something he’s willing to say out loud), she has it cut short. He thinks it suits her, and he makes a mental note to let her know as he tries his best to take a once-over of her subtly, but gives up shortly when he notices her gaze on him; expectant.
“It’s been a while, huh?” A soft grin makes its way up his face, and he fights the urge to pull her into a hug. “I love the hair.”
“What happened to liking it long? In that weird 90s blowout?”
(Your ‘weird 90s blowout’. The same hair you’ve been wearing since junior year of high school, but Nayoung doesn’t have to know, and Jungkook doesn’t want to tell her.)
“I actually still like that look, but this is working for you, baby,” the pet name slips from his lips, force of habit, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t notice the way her eyes lit up for a second. “Where’s everyone else?” It’s a quick attempt to salvage his slip-up, but it doesn’t seem like Nayoung notices the deflection. She doesn’t point him to the group of friends he’s so familiar with, though, instead dragging him by the forearm into the kitchen.
He catches sight of Mingyu by the drinks as Nayoung pours him something from a punch bowl, bright red with fruits strewn about the top, and Jungkook’s sure just a smell of it would kill a medieval peasant. He does, in fact have an incentive for being here, and is reminded of that by his aforementioned roommate’s loud shriek of his name. 
Nayoung gets to him before Mingyu, passing him a solo cup that she so graciously garnished with an orange slice, and he strokes her hair as a silent thanks, and a preemptive apology for what’s about to hit her, vis-à-vis Hurricane Mingyu;
“Yo, JK? You came, man!” The side hug he gets is sloppy, and Mingyu’s voice is so slurred that Jungkook can’t help but assume he’s been pre-gaming this for a while. The thought is cut off violently when his jaw is grabbed, forehead pressing against Mingyu’s in a manner too intimate for Jungkook to deal with without alcohol in his system. “You’re the man, I can’t believe we haven’t partied at all this year!” He shoves Jungkook away, while the latter looks dazed (read: disgusted) at how strongly Mingyu’s breath smelled of alcohol. 
He takes a sip of the concoction in his cup, wincing just a bit as the gasoline-y aftertaste fully settles in, right before the realization that it has, indeed, been way too long since he's last been to a party at all. He downs the drink, trying not to let his aversion show immediately before he looks down at Nayoung, nodding towards the drinks again. 
“Down like water, huh? What happened to my whiskey addict?” Nayoung’s voice is bleary over the terrible EDM drop that’s just played over the speakers, but Jungkook laughs anyways — whiskey’s been his drink of choice ever since you managed to get away with buying a bottle at 17, and he thinks about  you every single time he drinks it; more specifically, the way you’d all but hurled it in front of a bodega, and then the way the two of you had drunkenly ran off. 
Whatever was in the drink is working, apparently, because Jungkook can feel the buzz of the drink in his veins, and as he pushes aside the memory of the two of you, there’s a burst of confidence that pulses through him. It isn’t anything forward, just the personality so many of his friends were well acquainted with — cocky, a little egotistical, a little too hot for his own good — fighting it’s way out of the somber senior he’s been playing for a good few months now.
He leans against the punch table so he’s eye-level with Nayoung, who shies away from the sudden proximity, and if she’s blushing just a bit, he pretends like he doesn’t notice in favor of grabbing the drink out of her hand and drinking it all in one go. It stings on its way down, and she stares at him, mouth agape at what she’s just seen him do twice in a row.
“There’s like, an entire bottle of vodka in that.”
Jungkook smiles, a little lazy and a little lopsided.
“Is there another full bottle somewhere?”
The catastrophic thing about Jungkook isn’t that he makes bad decisions, it’s just that he refuses to admit when he’s made a bad decision. 
To set the scene, think of Jungkook, on the lawn of the insanely big glorified fraternity mansion, 7 shots of vodka in and drunk enough that his equilibrium is fully askew and he’s slurring his words in the dialect only you’re familiar with, one he’s grown out of years ago.
Nayoung is still by his side, reasonably sober compared to him, and a couple of his friends — both close and those who he all but neglected in favor of computer science senior year — surround him. They’ve chosen the surprisingly well kempt area because EDM and copious amounts of alcohol stop making sense when you hit your twenties, and as it is, Jungkook’s previous attempts to keep you out of his brain are failing horrifically.
They talk about the time Nayoung and Jungkook got drunk, called Namjoon and told him the only identifiable landmark was the moon, talk about Seokjin throwing up at the foot of the Statue of Liberty, talk about their lives, Mingyu talks about his endeavors in bed (which is weird because he definitely doesn’t know half the people in this vicinity) and Jungkook thinks about you.
He thinks about feeling bad that he’s not replying, thinks about how you don’t drink a lot because drunk driving killed your boyfriend, thinks about how smart you are and how he wishes you had an easier childhood, how he wishes you weren’t so hard on yourself, wishes you were here and that you hadn’t moved out, wishes he could see you everyday, and wishes that he could just get you out of his head. 
He thinks about you, uncharacteristically quiet until Nayoung calls him on it —
“What’s got you all worked up?” Her question is really just a figure of speech, but he wants to tell her everything because if anyone knows Jungkook even a smidge close to the way you know him, it’s Nayoung. 
“N’thin, nothing,” he takes a pause to breathe out, regroup and look down at Nayoung. It takes him a while to really gather that the group has split up, all going their separate ways after getting shitfaced, presumably to find themselves another drink or a hookup. He wonders if you’ve ever hooked up with someone at a party, wonders if you’d say yes if he were to ask —
“Wanna go upstairs? I hate this fucking music.”
[In retrospect, he should’ve known, at that point, that he was making a horrible mistake, but again, he’d never admit it]
“Yeah. Not because I wanna sit in a fraternity kid’s bed, but because I wanna shoot Avicii right about now.” It takes Nayoung a while to comprehend his slurred words, but she laughs at the sentiment before telling him that Avicii’s very much not alive. It makes Jungkook grin morbidly, and he finds himself grabbing her hand to pull her back into the house.
In the essence of wanting to be a good friend, he looks around to catch a glimpse of Mingyu anywhere, and finds him near the kitchen. He’s, surprisingly so, not drunk outwardly, but Jungkook figures that’s bound to change soon; the party is nowhere near being over. His roommate catches Nayoung’s hand in his, and shoots him a horrifically confused look, which Jungkook pays no mind to.
It doesn’t take long for them to make their way upstairs and into the only bedroom on the floor that isn’t locked or mysteriously producing obscene pornstar-esque sex sounds, and even though the bed is horribly unkempt in a way that would become the butt of your jokes for months on end, they settle. 
Fuck, Jungkook has got to stop thinking about you. It’s becoming dangerously apparent that you’re becoming the forefront of his thoughts this evening, and he just can’t figure out why. It’s happened before, too, every time he’d go out to get lunch or dinner with you, every time you’d force him to come with you to The Met or every time he’d force you to come with him to a Yankees game, you’d just plague his brain for the next couple of days. He thinks it because you’re his best friend, that it’s normal to think about someone who’s entire childhood has been riddled with yours, but he can’t exactly focus on that thought when Nayoung pulls her jacket off.
It’s one she bought when they used to… be involved, and Jungkook smiles ever so lightly when he remembers the day.
“That from our little detour to Jersey?”
She looks up at him, and the light of the room is a bit too dim to properly make out her features, but it reflects off of her collarbones, gets his mind all fuzzy when she reciprocates the dopey smile he has on.
“Yeah, yep. I always keep the memorabilia.”
“I mean, the other memorabilias,” he quotes the word, still feeling really fucking buzzed, “were just tattoos. Bit hard to get rid of those, huh?”
Nayoung laughs, and Jungkook feels the claws of past intimacy scratch down his back. It’s familiar, being like this with her, and he values that. Values her, even if she never really gave him an actual reason for breaking it off — ‘we’re in different places, clearly’ she’d told him, and if he sat down to really think about it, he might be able to decipher her words in the context of their relationship but Jungkook literally cannot think of more than three things at once right now.
She lies down flat on the bed, and he has half a mind to tell her off about frat boys and their abysmal hygiene, but he thinks it’s a good idea, and readjusts himself so he’s laying right next to her. She tilts her head to look at him, and he finds the ceiling to be the most interesting thing in the world as soon as it registers in his mind what might be happening. 
“What happened with you?”
“Just… how you disappeared after senior year, how you were dozing off even when you’re definitely drunk. It’s so unlike you to not be like, the one keeping the conversation going.”
I can’t stop thinking about my best friend. I’m worried about her, and senior year is ruining my life because I’m not sure I even want to do computer science and my roommate needs to be put in a sobriety program and I need to talk to my best friend right now but I’m ignoring her.
“Yeah, it’s just — work stuff, ya know? ‘S been crazy this year. You know.” 
Though his intentions aren’t to give her the wrong idea about this ordeal, he can’t help himself from turning his head to look at her. He laughs, and she doesn’t wince even when his (presumably) vodka-smelling breath hits her face. Nayoung’s giggle is quiet, and she lifts a hand to his head to push back his hair.
If Jungkook keens just a bit, nobody has to know.
“I don’t know, really. I mean, I don’t have a sick internship, so work’s not that bad for me.”
Jungkook’s pupils are blown out, and when Nayoung’s eyes meet his, he sobers up enough for him to realize just how close they are. With a portion of his brain suddenly not inebriated, he should realize what’s happening, he should pull away, but he also realizes that you haven’t crossed his head for a good couple of minutes, which is good enough of a sign for him to stay put.
“Your thing with ___ not work out?”
He’s confused at why you’re being brought up, but he shakes his head as best as he can manage; there’s no way she remembers you, and there’s no way she thought there was a ‘thing’ between you and him. That would be weird, but he can’t help but think of what she’d said — we’re in different places, clearly. 
Different places.
“There was… no thing.”
“So there’s nothing with her and you?”
“No, Nayoung-ie. Never was.”
Different places? Was there a thing? 
When she kisses him, he doesn’t stop her.
(And when she asks him to fuck her; delirious, eyes wide, skin dewy, he doesn’t stop himself.)
It’s messy, limbs tangled as he’s basically bent her over in half to plow his cock into her, more drunk off the pretty sounds she makes — familiarly, intimacy — than the copious amounts of drinks he’s had. She’s moaning his name out like a prayer, and he’s leaning over her like a god, and Jungkook’s stopped being religious, but he thinks it’s sin, the way she envelopes him and gives herself to him. The way he doesn’t have to ask, the way she’s meeting his hips halfway.
Exodus 20:14, Proverbs 6:32, Hebrews 13:4 — You shall not commit adultery, But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself, Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
He remembers these verses, and he remembers your pretty eyes, and you’re all he can think about when he looks down at Nayoung. Does that make him an adulterer? Does that make him a cheater, dirty, sinful? He fucks into her deeper, inevitably hits the spot — familiarity, intimacy — and drinks her moans in. He remembers the slope of your nose, and how you’d laughed together over dinner a day ago, how your eyes had looked under the streetlights. Nayoung tears up, tells him it feels so fucking good, and he thinks of the tears in your eyes. His hips stutter, and it makes her dig her blunt nails into the clothes expanse of his shoulders, but he welcomes the pain better than he welcomes the guilt of having let you walk away.
Exodus 20:14, Proverbs 6:32, Hebrews 13:4 — You shall not commit adultery, But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself, Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
He feels wretched, feels horribly for Nayoung and feels the vodka in his system crawl its way up his throat but he keeps it down. He’s close, she’s close, and if this was a bad decision, nobody has to know. 
Jungkook feels her lose herself over him, and he lets his mind drift to you one last time, biting his lip so he doesn’t groan out your name as his hips lose their rhythm. When he pulls out, one hand lazily pumping his cock, he tries to picture Nayoung, her tits bouncing pretty under her shirt, how she’s trying to regroup all because of him, how she laughed and how it felt when she touched his hair but all his brain can manage is you. 
Fuck, he feels wretched. Disgusting, like it’s incestual to think about you the way he is but he welcomes it, let’s you into his mind after fighting it for hours, and when he spills all over Nayoung’s stomach, there’s some sick gratification that coats him.
And that’s the thing about Jungkook. This was a horrible decision, down to every last detail. Fucking your ex-fuckbuddy in a random frat boy’s room after getting shitfaced because you haven’t drank that much in months, and ending up thinking about your best friend even if the goal was to not do that? Bad, bad decision.
But he takes it in stride. Thinks of this as a silver lining, a distraction from you as though you haven’t clouded his head like a stupid wet dream while he fucked somebody else. 
And that’s the thing about Jungkook. He refuses to admit that he’s messed up. 
Jungkook doesn’t take much time to recuperate from sex. He has incredible stamina coming from the insane workout regime he absolutely has to keep up with, and he can definitely go multiple times in one night, thank you very much, but he can’t bring himself to even think of agreeing to fuck Nayoung again.
He hopes she’s on the same page when he looks at her, the pacing of her breath slowing down as she sits up slowly. He reaches out, stroking her arm right above her elbow where the matching tattoo she got with him sits. Jungkook distracts himself from deciding on what to say as he recalls how they’d gotten it together, how he’d called you right after to show —
Fuck, he hadn’t even thought about you. Granted, you don’t fit into the situation very well, but he doesn’t doubt that you’ll be impartial to telling him off about what he’s just done. He thinks about what to tell you, and remembers the unread messages on his phone, and remembers what he should be doing, which is somehow getting the idea of ever doing this again out of Nayoung’s head.
“Well, you’re never gonna be bad at sex.”
He laughs sheepishly, shuffling to pull his boxers over his still exposed dick. He has no idea what the hell to say to that, and it seems like it’s about to lead to a monologue about how since he’s never ‘gonna be bad at sex’, that they should continue — or return — to be fuckbuddies. 
“But we aren’t doing that again.” 
Jungkook’s neck snaps up and he lets out a breath of relief he had no idea he was even holding. Nayoung looks incredibly beautiful, and he would lay everything at her feet out of gratitude because she’s just made this whole ordeal inexplicably easy for him. Her face is bright, like it always used to get after they fucked, and Jungkook feels a bout of familiarity catch in his throat, this time accompanied with a sick rush of guilt. 
“Uh, w-why do you say that?” His voice is gentle, coaxing the answer out of her, though he can predict what she’s about to say.
We’re in different places, clearly. 
“I mean, you were shitfaced just half an hour ago. This was like, a drunken rebound,” Jungkook laughs at that, quiet and low, reaching up to rub at his nape. He doesn’t feel as drunk now, but Nayoung’s next words definitely do the job of sobering him up. “You’re fun, but I want a relationship before I graduate and I honestly don’t think you even like me.”
His world pauses for a split second, and his heart breaks for her; because he made her feel unloved. 
Jungkook thinks of Nayoung. Sitting in front of him, face tinged a bit pink from the incredible sex (Exodus 20:14, Proverbs 6:32, Hebrews 13:4), hair cut short and hair long in a blowout (the one you sport all the time) (he thinks your hair is the prettiest shade of brown, and he remembers running his fingers through it). He thinks of Nayoung, matching tattoos and drives to Jersey and how she kissed him with so much fervency and how he tried so hard to match it. 
“Your thing with ___ not work out?”
He thinks of calling you after getting tattoos, thinks of how your laugh echoed through his phone in the empty street. He thinks of texting you (shit, he has to text you) for ideas of things to give Nayoung. He thinks of Nayoung opening those gifts and throwing her arms around his neck. He thinks of getting drunk with Nayoung and telling her about childhood memories with you — he thinks of the house you grew up in and the one next to it, where he grew up. 
He thinks of you telling him how hard school was, how young you were in high school. He thinks of you crying when your boyfriend died. He thinks of your overpriced white mochas and 2Bros Pizza and fucking AJ. He thinks of how you told him to date Nayoung about two years ago, he thinks about how you’ve always been under this multitude of pressure to excel, and he thinks about how he loves you, and how he loves (fuck) Nayoung.
“Of course I like you, Nana.”
Jungkook remembers how she’d lay down on his bicep after he fucked her one night, telling him about the silly nickname. He remembers thinking then, about how you never had a silly nickname because your parents were too focused on getting you into the top ranking kindergarten in all of the Upper East Side. He remembers laughing at Nayoung’s story, and then making a note to give you a stupid nickname.
And then, Jungkook realizes she’s right. 
He doesn’t like her, at least not enough to date her. He thinks of his best friend more than he thinks of her, and Nayoung probably already knows this, hence her little comment earlier.
“Your thing with ___ not work out?”
“But I think I like you too much to fuck you and let myself leave it at that. So you’re wrong about that. But I also think that I can’t give you that relationship. I’m busy, and I think I need to figure out like, my future job and stuff and fuck, I’m sorry if I led you on.”
The look Nayoung gives him reaches down into his stomach and tugs at his gut. She looks pitiful, like he’s the one who’s being hurt in this situation. He looks equally as confused as she does woeful.
“I don’t think your job is all you need to figure out, Jungkook.”
“Your thing with ___ not work out?”
Exodus 20:14, Proverbs 6:32, Hebrews 13:4
He doesn’t ask her what she means, and she doesn’t elaborate.
Jungkook watches her redress, and he chooses to do the same as the reality of being butt naked on a random frat boy’s bed nearly gives him whiplash.
He feels the weight of his phone in the back pocket of his jeans, and realizes how desperately he needs to talk to you, to let you talk to him. To let you tell him what went wrong yesterday. He thinks he won’t tell you what just went down with Nayoung.
She’s beautiful in her clothes again, a little messy, but Jungkook feels the urge to never let anyone hurt her, including himself. It’s love, he knows immediately, when the dim lamp hits the apples of her cheeks and he can see the flutter in her eyelashes when she blinks. But it’s not romantic, and he’s a bit relieved when he realizes this. (It feels nothing like how he does when he looks at you). This love is platonic, not brotherly but friendly, like he’d pick her up from a club and remember her restaurant orders and be the one to haze any of her boyfriends.
And he tells her just this.
“I love you, Nana. You know that, yeah?”
She looks over at him, and it must click in her head what he's implying, because her eyes brighten just a little.
(If they’re glossing over because she’s about to cry, Jungkook will pretend he doesn’t notice.)
“I love you too, Jungkook. You know that, yeah?”
He nods, and he feels the taste of his love for her heavy on his tongue. This love is platonic, not brotherly but friendly, like he’d pick her up from a club and remember her restaurant orders and be the one to haze any of her boyfriends.
(He thinks he loves you platonically as well.)
(If the love he feels when he looks at you is entirely different than the love he feels when he looks at Nayoung, even though he cites them both as being platonic, nobody has to know.)
[from JayKayz] im sorry baby, i didn’t check my phone all day.
[from JayKayz] you know how thursdays are.
[from JayKayz] dont apologize. i don’t wanna talk over call, twll me when you’re free
It’s about a month after the small reconciliation that Jungkook tells you about how he’d fucked Nayoung.
The last couple of weeks have been incredible; works dwindled down over the past couple of weeks for the both of you, finals are in their last bow before summer, and after a brunch at one of Manhattan’s finest rooftop bars where the two of you had drank a shit ton of margaritas, the guilt of potentially offending Jungkook no longer eats you alive.
It reminds Jungkook of, funnily enough, his freshman year of college  — going out as he came in — when the grief of losing your boyfriend wasn’t eating you alive any longer. The two of you had done every cheesy New York tourist thing; ice skating at Bryant Park down to lunch on top of the Empire State Building, and you’d laughed, learned to ballroom dance from YouTube videos only to botch it horribly in the streets; it was the first time Jungkook felt that rush down his throat, and he’s begun to feel it again recently.
It’s like the montage of a romantic comedy where the main characters get to really know each other: a part you savor, and a part Jungkook tends to skip so he can get to whatever conflict awaits. The two of you have done everything together, continued to get weekly pizzas at 2Bros, where you’ve openly made fun of him for his order choice, gotten white mochas at the small business you love too much (he thinks it’s not that great but spends $18 anyways), rewatched the first 5 seasons of Friends (he’s realized you can literally quote it), gone to every Yankees game you could get tickets to (you make him explain all the plays even if he’s done it a million times), spent too much time and too much money at the Statue of Liberty, gotten pictures together at random photo booths in the street, slept under the stars, slept tangled in each other’s arms, drunkenly made out once only to never talk about it —
It’s going better than it ever has, and Jungkook can count on one hand the memories he has that beat out any of the ones that he’s spent with you.
However, as a callback to the Glen Powell rom-com plot curve, there has to be a conflict. So when Jungkook tells you about that drunken memory that still is very much in his mind, you really think you should’ve seen it coming.
It happens over lunch, another sick foreshadow you should’ve seen barreling towards you, and it hits you in a way you can’t exactly explain. He doesn’t take it as seriously; doesn’t think you’d care because it’s not like any of this is inherently romantic. It’s not like he cheated on you; the two of you were just best friends who hadn’t even seen each other in a while when it happened. 
(If the Bible verses are at the tip of his tongue when Jungkook thinks of it, he leaves that part out of the recollection.)
He laughs when he tells you, and you savor the sweet sound, the one that’s low and tugs at your heart in an inexplicable manner. 
It starts off as a conversation about how he cannot drink vodka anymore, and you immediately wish you hadn’t asked when he speaks: “You know that time, when you got really pissed at me for saying that AJ shit to you?”
The memory sends something queasy down your stomach. It shoots down your legs for a split second before you remember his words from a month back.
You don’t have to explain yourself, I get it.
It must’ve been a hard day, huh? That fucker got you a shaken espresso, Jesus. 
Yeah I know he had no idea, but still. I do. And it makes me feel so shitty for you.
You don’t have to explain yourself.
“I’d say pissed is an overstatement.”
“Overstatement for you, you have the best attorneys in the country teaching you on random Tuesday. For me,” his hands reach to rest dramatically over his heart, and you laugh unironically, making a note to yourself to only order mocktails from this moment forward. “It was like getting bitchslapped.”
That genuinely makes you laugh.
“But whatever, the next day, I went to a party and got shitfaced to deal with the pain.”
That reminds you of how you’d dealt with snapping at him the day after — how you had hyperventilated in your room when he didn’t reply, how you had to skip a class because your heart wouldn’t stop beating at the prospect of losing him.
You don’t have to explain yourself.
“And I fucked Nayoung. So no more vodka for me.”
“Lim Nayoung?”
You don’t know why you ask, obviously it’s her.
Obviously it’s Lim Nayoung. The girl who has a matching tattoo with Jungkook on her arm. The girl who has gifts you told him to get for her decorating her shelves. The sweet girl who never stopped Jungkook from speaking to you even if the ‘girl best friend archetype made perfect sense. The girl who has a jacket from when Jungkook and her had almost had a Ross/Rachel wedding after getting drunk in Jersey. His ex-fuckbuddy, hell, his ex-girlfriend because who does all of that with someone who’s supposed to be strictly physical.
Obviously it’s Lim Nayoung.
Obviously you shouldn’t be this fucking surprised.
Obviously your heart shouldn’t sink to the tresses of your stomahc.
Obviously this wasn’t meant to be romantic.
“Yeah, her. It was fucking crazy, I don’t think I’ve ever drank that much.”
His voice is fuzzy in your ears, and you can’t look him in the eyes properly. You take a sip of the drink that’s next to you, willing yourself to suddenly get wasted so you never remember this moment.
Why does it make a sharp pain go through your left side? Why do you have to clench your palms into a fist to subside said pain. Why did you think this was going somewhere, why did you think Jungkook wasn’t still hung up on her.
You think of AJ, and how he doesn’t even know about your ex-boyfriend. You think of your ex-boyfriend, and shaken espressos, and wakes, and how Jungkook’s the only person who’s been through all of that with you.
You think of how you graduate in less than a month, and you think of how Jungkook will have attended six of your graduations by that point. You think of Nayoung, how pretty she is, and how much you think she deserves him.
You wonder why you think you would ever deserve him, and you wonder why you thought it would end in anything but an eternal friendship; beautiful, intimate, but forever bound by the jagged cuffs of platonicity. You wonder if he, even for a fleeting moment — when you were tangled in his sheets, when you laughed at his stupid king-kong jokes at the Empire State Building, when you reached for his hand during the climaxes of horror movies, when your lips were fervent on his in that back alley — thought that this would go anywhere.
“Maybe we need to get you in that sobriety program, huh?”
If your voice cracks, you pray he doesn’t notice. You pray the laugh you get out of him is genuine, and you pray that he didn’t look at Nayoung so warmly, only to feel just as guilty as you had a month prior.
AJ has no idea why you’re at his apartment, nor does he have any idea as to why you’re drunk. It’s way too early in the day for you to be wasted; in fact, he distinctly remembers you telling him that you and Jungkook were going out, which is why you couldn’t make it to the lunch he had proposed. 
Were you getting drunk at noon? He knows you like margaritas, but he also knows that you have an insane tolerance; how many did you drink to get you this —
“H- he doesn’t love me.”
You interrupt the tangent of his thoughts with a hiccuped, slurred out sentence, and his entire face contorts trying to decipher what you’re saying, and then why you’re saying it.
“Hey, hey — wait, come in, what are you saying? Who doesn’t love you?”
Your skin is warm under his touch as he gently tugs at your arm to pull you past the threshold of his door, and he tries not to look too hard at the way your lips glisten under the dim light of his entranceway. He tries not to notice the way your hair is a little messy, undoubtedly from the wind, and how pretty your collarbones look under the small top you’re wearing —
You’re talking about Jungkook, and he knows this not because there’s literally nobody else you could be talking about, but because there’s nobody who could get you this upset by ‘not loving you’.
(Do you love him?) 
He sits you down on one of the barstools he keeps in front his kitchen countertop, and you slump your head down onto your arms, mumbling incoherently. 
(Do you love him?)
He pours out a glass of water for you, and pats your head gently, touch lingering for a second to give you even the slightest inkling of comfort in this outwardly distressed state.
You lift your head, eyes red-rimmed and glossy with tears. 
AJ doesn’t feel like this often. He jokes about how the two of you grew up, devoid of the privilege of showing normal emotions, bottling them up and spilling them over textbook pages and only ever being allowed to feel happy upon seeing numbers scribbled in red at the top of test pages. He jokes about the two of you ending up in Ivy Leagues at the cost of having normal human feelings; he knows that he’s perceptive and sharp and he likes to think that he has you all figured out, but when you look at him like that, he knows that he doesn’t.
He doesn’t know why you told him to never make you a shaken espresso again, he doesn’t know what relationship you and Jungkook even have, he doesn’t know why you’re this upset over him not loving you.
He does, however, know that even if Jungkook doesn’t love you, he might. 
AJ met you in your first year of law school, and he remembers thinking that you were the only person in the whole class who was fit to be his rival; you’d been only person other than him who’d gotten through the cold calls, the only person who’d read all the way to the end of the syllabus, the one person he would accept as a ‘rival’, like he was in a Viola Davis drama, if you may.
He’d spoken to you after class — a little cocky, a little smug — and you’d been nothing but sweet. Soft voice, pretty smile, quips that had him looking away to stop himself from laughing, he liked you immediately.
The two of you had really done everything together — studied at ungodly hours, called each other drunk to drive the other home, you had inside jokes and three years worth of memories, you’d helped him through breakups and he’d gotten you free coffee every week for a year now — the rapport he had with you was one he’d never ever expected, and the way he looked at you, felt about you, was something he’d never ever expected. 
He had his girlfriends, and he told you about them while you’d answer with a curt joke about never having dated anybody, but he’d never ever looked at them like he looked at you. Never noticed the furrow in their brows when they read something hard to understand, never noticed their lopsided smiles and the way they’d drink, but never enough to really get them wasted. And the thing is, AJ hadn’t cared that he saw all of these things, because perceptive as he was, all you’d ever been to him was a brilliant girl who he’d be sure to keep up with after law school.
Right now, though? He knows. He knows why he noticed, he knows why it bothers him that you might love Jungkook back, he knows that you graduate soon and that he doesn’t have much time, and even if he did, it wouldn’t matter because you might love Jungkook back —
“AJ, Jungkook doesn't love me.”
He wants to say more. Wants to tell you that it doesn’t matter what Jungkook thinks, because I love you, and I think you’re incredible and I’ve spent the past 3 years ignoring it but I’ve never ever ignored you and I love you.
“He fucked Nayoung.”
AJ has no idea who that is, but he wants to sock Jungkook in the face for having this girl, this amazing girl with him for his entire life and fucking somebody else.
“I’m sorry.”
I’m sorry he did that, and I’m sorry you don’t know that I would never do that.
“He —“ you pause to sob: a soft, strangled noise that makes AJ’s stomach turn. “He doesn’t love me.”
“Do you love him?”
Say no. Say no. Say no. Say no. Say no.
“Fuck, AJ. He doesn’t —“ you don’t again, shoving your head back into your arms. 
“Do you love him, though?”
AJ’s not sure why he’s asking, because he knows that there’s no way you’d be upset if he didn’t love you back. He thinks of it like a prosecution case; he’s gotten enough out of you on the stand that everybody can draw the conclusion but he has to get it out of you. 
A surefire kill.
Your eyes are bleary when you look up, half from crying and half from being the drunkest you’ve ever been. Your hair is still messy, and your lips are bitten red from all the quiet crying you’ve been doing. He can’t cry in his kitchen, not when you’ve been here laughing, not when his granite countertops hold years of your touch, not when you’re unraveling a foot away from him.
“I think I do, AJ. I really think I do.”
“Fuck, baby. I’m sorry.”
I’m sorry that I thought I could have you, when Jungkook’s always been the one you wanted.
“He used to be like, the one person —“ pause to hiccup. “I never thought I’d love like that. But we got closer after the fucking, shaken espresso day last month. And I guess the proximity j-just set it in.”
He can’t tell if the reason your words are so mangled in his ears is because the sound of his own heart crashing into his stomach is so loud, or because you’re slurring your words that much.
“Drink some water, please.”
Say you’re lying, please.
Jungkook doesn’t exactly know why you ordered another 3 margaritas in the middle of your lunch detour, and he doesn’t know why you stopped looking him directly in the eyes right after he told you that he’d had sex with Nayoung. He doesn’t know why you insisted on drinking when you never get to a point where being wasted is even an option, and he doesn’t know why you so fervently denied him walking you home.
He doesn’t know why he stays awake at night thinking of you, either. 
Jungkook is surprisingly introspective for somebody who zones in and out of conversation so much, who is typically dazed and doesn’t have much to offer when it comes to picking up obvious hints thrown at him, but he knows himself quite well.
Better than you, he’d argue.
The sheets are warm around his waist, and he has one arm propped under his head as he stares at the ceiling, eyes wide without even a hint of sleep in the tresses of them, which is unusual for it being the middle of the night. He remembers how a month prior, all you’d ever been was his best friend. He remembers the little fall-out and how you’d gotten together for dinner, how pretty you’d looked and wonders why he’d focused on that when he simply never had done that before. 
He remembers the day after, and how he’d taken another girl to bed. Jungkook remembers faint Bible verses about adultery, how he couldn’t get you out of his head, and he remembers what Nayoung had told him that night, as long as what she’d told him when they broke it off.
“I don’t think your job is all you need to figure out, Jungkook.”
“Your thing with ___ not work out?”
“We’re in different places, clearly.”
He never thought about what she meant when they’d split; the pain of losing someone who’s memory he had literally etched into his skin was too imminent for him to even think about the ending scene. He also never thought about what she meant when she’d walked out of the fraternity room that day; he’d made up with you right after, and the following month was you, you, and more you. Focusing on Nayoung’s words and the small sliver of conversation they’d engaged in hadn’t even been an afterthought, at least until he’s brought her up today and you, like similar poles of a magnet, quite literally repelled him. 
But really, what was she even talking about? 
Why would there be a thing with you? Sure, the two of you were close, and sure, he’d probably talked about you and called you and FaceTimed you too much for her security, but he’d always thought the concept of him having a ‘girl best friend’ was what annoyed her, and not the notion that the two of you would have a ‘thing’. 
Why would there be a thing with you? Sure, he idolized you and told her how smart he thought you were, but him and Nayoung were never official, and he’d only ever assumed that she was confused as to why he was always talking about some other girl after literally sleeping with her -
It hits him like a shot to the heart, and he physically sits up to grab his phone because he has to confirm this sudden realization.
The look Mingyu had given him at the party shoots to the forefront of his brain, Nayoung’s words echo, and the way your resolve has crumbled when he told you about her suddenly makes a lot more sense.
In fact, it all makes sense.
I don’t think your job is all that you need to figure out. 
She was talking about you. About how he was hung up on you and never even realized it —
We’re clearly in different places.
She was talking about you. About how she was willing to be invested with him, but the place he was stuck at, was you. 
The ringing of his phone as he calls Nayoung seems louder than it usually is. It’s daunting, like he’s hoping she doesn’t pick up with each ring so he doesn’t have to face the reality he’s been unknowingly ignoring for… fuck, he doesn’t even know how long.
“Jungkook? It’s 2 in the morning. Are you okay?”
“Why did we break up, Nayoung?”
His voice is hoarse, and if he wasn’t so fucking stressed, he thinks about how proud you’d be for putting on the ‘interrogation voice’ you’d introduced him to in your second year of Law School.
“What?” Her laugh is quiet, laced with sleep, and Jungkook wonders if she should hang up and say sorry for waking her. “We weren’t really together, so I wouldn’t call it a break up —“
Her pause is long, and Jungkook doesn’t correct her, doesn’t bring up the tattoos and leather jackets and how they’d nearly eloped and the fact that they just had sex a month prior. She’s right, and he needs her to continue now.
“But I always assumed that you had something going on with __”
“You mean the time I called her after we got matching tattoos?” He can’t fight the urge to make the joke, even though it just dawned on him that you were, indeed, the straw on the camel’s back that broke him and Nayoung up. It just dawned on him that he might be in love with his best friend, and that he’d hurt Nayoung because of it, and that you might love him back.
He ignores that, and laughs wryly at the silly anecdote, thanking every religious figure he can think of when she also laughs.
“Yeah, that, but also just… your relationship. The way you obsessively talked about her and were literally always on call with her was one thing, but…” she pauses like she’s thinking about what to say next, how to describe the end of it all to him in a way that won’t flip his entire world around, not knowing that she’d already done that. Not knowing that you’d already done that.
“She came over once to pick us up when we got drunk. It was the same night I was talking about at the party, when we told Joon the closest thing to us was the moon? Yeah, ___ came and got us that night.”
“I knew right then, honestly. The way you looked at her was fucking insane. When you used to look at me, my friends would say that it was like I’d done every good thing in the world for you. But when you looked at her, it was like she’d saved you from every bad thing that could’ve ever happened to you. It was like, relief. Like you could let it all down in front of her. And I’d never been on the receiving end of that look; not ever when you were sober. Being like that and looking at her like that completely shitfaced? I knew I couldn’t stand in the way of the two of you, even if it literally killed me.”
He doesn’t process it immediately, choosing to focus on the last sentence, because feelings for you aside, he felt like the most massive douchebag in the world for making her feel that way.
“Nayoung, I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I honestly — I had no idea, I really didn’t —“
“Jungkook, I know. And I know you’re probably trying not to drive yourself insane thinking of whether she loves you back.”
He definitely is, but he doesn’t tell her this in fear that it’ll just hurt her more.
“No it’s not like that, I’m just, so incredibly sorry that I put you through that, you deserve so much more, you deserve the relationship you want and I feel like shit —“
“What do you mean it’s not like that, Jungkook? You’re not thinking about whether she likes you back?”
“You don’t think she loves you back?”
Do you love him back? Do you look at him like he’s saved you from every bad thing that could’ve ever happened to you? Do you? Will you ever?”
“I don’t… know?”
“When you called her that night, you tripped over your own feet. She knew exactly where we were based off of that.”
Summer of 2006.
The field he’d gotten wasted with Nayoung, except he only remembers you.
Remembers how you’d just gotten promoted up to the fourth grade, remembers how you were licking down the side of your ice cream cone; vanilla with sprinkles, as always. He had his mint chocolate chip, and your mothers were on a bench a couple of feet away from you.
The sun had made your hair look golden, your eyes were bright, and your smile was so pretty that he couldn’t hold your gaze for longer than three seconds. He remembers this, because he’d physically tripped over his own feet when you looked at him just a couple of seconds too long.
The small ‘oof’ that he’d let out when he’d fallen, damp grass and soil under his tender palms, knees tickled by the summer green just seconds later, the way you’d gasped and abandoned your ice cream cone on the ground to come tend to him, and your mothers rushing over too, laughing at how much you cared for him.
He’d always, always tripped over his own feet at that spot, always fallen with that little ‘oof’ and soon realized that it wasn’t really because he couldn’t make eye contact with you, but because there was a little hump in the ground at the spot he’d been standing at.
And you remembered. 
You remembered even if the first time it happened was more than a decade and a half ago, you remembered even if you had grown out of visiting that field when you went to college.
“She remembered.”
“Yeah, Jungkook. Obviously she remembered. Because she loves you back, and it’s honestly making me more upset that the two of you haven’t worked it out yet.”
“Fuck, Nayoung. Fuck. Thank you. Thank you — I have to think about — fuck, I’m sorry it’s so fucking late and I’ve just called you and went on this weird self discovery path —“
Her laugh is bright when she cuts him off, and Jungkook feels part of his heart ease when he realizes that she’s not angry with him.
“Go to bed, talk to her tomorrow. I love you, Jungkook. And you love her and she loves you in a completely different way, but I love you. And don’t say sorry, I was up anyways.”
She hangs up after, not giving Jungkook space to even say goodbye, and simultaneously giving him a million different things to think about, but only one that he can really focus on: how he’s in love with you.
And how, apparently, you’re in love with him as well.
The beauty of New York City is the anonymity it provides, even amongst 8 million other people. Street bustle, skyscrapers kiss the clouds, floods of people drown you in the street, and even through all of that, you have the privilege of being alone. Solitude; a lighter flickering in a Brooklyn balcony, and the drip of water down in Harlem.
Tonight, you and Jungkook have the privilege of being alone, just 20 minutes away from each other, staring at the same film photograph of the both of you from the photobooth you’d stopped at a couple of weeks prior.
The grainy picture features four shots; your hair is damp, and Jungkook can still feel how it felt on his neck, your lips are a dark maroon, and Jungkook can still feel them hovering right above his. Jungkook’s in his leather jacket, and you feel the goosebumps on your arms from when the fabric brushed against your skin. His hair’s also wet from the rain, but the gel he still uses had kept it together surprisingly well; you remember the way you’d made fun of him for his incessant usage of the product.
The picture on the top right is a glamour shot, if anything. You’re smiling, and when he looks down at it, his chest blooms with a warmth akin to spring’s first bloom. He has a softer look; sporting the lopsided grin you’re so used to seeing, and it makes your stomach coil enough to make you physically look away and laugh. 
Top left is a lot less serious, you remember he’d made a joke about the two of you being mafioso heirs, and it hadn’t even been that funny, but the picture features bright, childish, innocent grins. Your eyes are shut, smile spreading all the way across your face as you lean forward. His head is thrown back, lip piercing caught between his bottom lip when he laughs. The both of you hear each other’s laughter, echoing in the photobooth and across the empty, rain stricken streets of New York.
You think of how much you miss this, about how this day had inevitably been when you fell face first, defenseless with your guard all the way down. You think of the bottom left picture, not having the courage to look at it fully; you remember how you’d leaned into his body, and how he’d let you do it, how your lips had been just millimeters from touching when the flash had caught you off guard and you’d looked up straight into his eyes like something out of a Glen Powell rom-com.
Jungkook thinks of how much he misses this, about how this day had been one of the ‘moments he knew’, a collection that grows the more he thinks about how irrevocably in love with you he is. He thinks about the bottom right picture, how he’s looking at you and you’re fixing your hair, how he got the picture developed and still didn’t see the stars in his eyes, still didn’t realize that you were always the one. 
The four photos are pressed to your heart. You haven’t had it in you to fall asleep, there’s still a full ache in your head from the alcohol and you make a note to thank AJ for getting you home safe today. A tinge of embarrassment shoots down your body when you think about the conversation you had with him today, the conclusion you’d reached, what you’d learned about Jungkook and Nayoung, what you’d learned about yourself; that you loved him, and he didn’t love you back, and how it made you want to die the more you thought of the month the two of you had.
The four photos are pressed to his heart. He wonders if they’ll soothe the ache or not knowing whether you love him, too. The phone he’s just put down should provide him with silence; fuck , he craves silence, but Nayoung’s words just echo in his head. Talk to her tomorrow, but he has no idea if you feel even remotely the same. He has no idea if he’s completely off base, he has no idea if he’s gotten the wrong ideas based off of the last month, and the guilt of potentially having taken your platonicity and genuine friendship as a lead eats him alive.
[But it can’t all be platonic, you think.]
[But it can’t all be platonic, he thinks. ]
No, you think. Because the alcohol might’ve made it easier, but you remember the way he tasted on your lips a little too well. The way his hands traveled down your shirt, sodden and soaked in the rain, caressing the curve of your waist. The way your own fingers had explored the figure of his shoulders, pressing into the hard plains of muscle as he moved his lips against yours too languidly to be a drunken detour.
No, he thinks. Because the drowsy haze of Sunday might’ve made it easier, but he remembers the way your leg was thrown over his thighs, the soft cotton of his own shirt hardly covering any of your legs, the rasp in your voice when you’d mumbled out his name, looking over you as he cooked. The way you’d laughed at his stupid dad jokes, and the way Mingyu had slapped his back after you’d gone, talking about the ‘way she looked at you’ — there’s no way it was just platonic.
There was nothing platonic about the way he’d held you in line at Liberty, the way he’d looked at you when you went up the fire escape when Mingyu had another girl over, the way you’d spoken, hushed into his skin the night you fell asleep at his place. Maybe falling in love, for the two of you, was like having your eyes closed while standing on the shore; maybe it was a wave that came crashing, rushing up your legs and soaking the two of you entirely before you even realized it. Maybe all the two of you had been doing, was enjoying the crashing of water ahead of you, ignorant to the receding waves and how dangerously close you were to being caught up in the mess your ignorance would inevitably bring.
And there you are —
Present day New York City, staring up at empty ceilings with full hearts, itching to reach for your phones with nothing but apprehension holding you back; what if he doesn’t love me, what if she doesn’t love me, what if I’m off-base, what if everything changes, 23 years down the drain, I have to tell her, I have to tell him. Alone, anonymous, lovers amidst millions others, feeling so much that you taste it on your tongues, feeling so much that you want to rip your beating hearts out; alone, anonymous, in love, in pain.
And there you are —
Begging the other not to go, because you’re so bad at being alone, but not being able to tell them why. 
Cravath asks you to work in their London office after you graduate. It’s one of the perks of
consistently being at the top of your class, one of the perks of having an internship at the best law firm in all of New York, and it’s an opportunity you can’t say no to.
You figure it’ll help you get over this Jungkook fiasco, considering the fact that it’s basically a dead-end for you; you wonder if Watchell Lipton can refer AJ to a firm in London so you won’t completely be alone in a new city, you start to think about how wonderful it’d be to get some time away, to get space away from where you’d suffered such a big loss just a couple of years back — away from where you’d been pushed beyond every limit of yours since the first grade.
There’s nothing loss has taught you other than to put up walls, to close people off and to shut them out at any waking moment that you even come close to vulnerability. It’s not healthy, nor is it a quality you’re proud of; your stricken body’s last attempt at cushioning any further blows, any further losses from even those you claim to be the closest to you. It’s the reason you never told your parents about the intense stress their expectations put onto you, it’s why AJ doesn’t know about your ex but you know about all of his, and it’s the reason you’ve been ignoring Jungkook for a week now.
The realization that you were, in fact, madly in love with him had might as well carved through your skin to make its way into your system judging by the pain you’ve gone through since it’s hit you. You’re a rational adult, and loving someone is human nature, but loving your best friend and knowing that he doesn’t love you back should be something God implements in hell as punishment. You haven’t been able to look at the photo booth picture, have turned every photograph that reminds you of him around to avoid seeing it, have turned to sticking your head in your ridiculously heavy textbooks so you have a way to save face should Jungkook ever text you, and you’re sure that this game of shutting him out is going to be successful when you accept the job in London.
But you don’t. 
For some reason, the drafted email accepting the position sits on your laptop, in a minimized tab that you open and contemplate hitting ‘send’ for hours on end, but never do. There’s a sliver of yearning — stupid, human yearning — that you wish you could just turn off, that tells you there’s a chance Jungkook might love you back. That tells you this situation will end with him running to you in the rain and kissing you under the stars, a grandiose recreation of the kiss you’d had almost a month ago now; the little voice in your head is your biggest vice, and you stare at the email over and over everyday, telling it to just shut up, telling you to get over yourself because he’s always loved Nayoung and you will never be her — never be that pretty, that put together, that kind or compassionate — and you tell yourself to just send the email.
Send it, burn this love you have with the littlest flicker of emotion you have left in your heart, move to London and start over. Reinvent yourself and learn to love properly, learn to love things that will love you back, learn to feel properly and not be so stringent on goals, learn to be human because it seems like you’d forgotten how to, until the realization that you love Jungkook barreled towards you like an avalanche of everything you never wanted to be.
Send it, and tell Jungkook. Take his little display of sadness and walk out of his life with the bitter taste of a confession that’ll never leave your lips still heavy on your tongue. Watch him in pictures like he’d watched you sleep, watch him fall in love with Nayoung eventually and move out because Computer Science has a killer starting salary, watch him pursue something he wants to do —
(“I think I really wanna do art. Sing, paint, do something that doesn’t involve binary code.”
“I think you should go for it. Stick it out till graduation and work for like a month because your starting salary is totally gonna support you even if you fail, and take the leap. Kierkegaard.”
“No idea what the fuck a ‘kira gard’ is.”
“Shut up.”
“You think I’ll be able to do it?”
“I think you’re the most talented person I know. If anyone can be an artist, it’s you.”)
If you love someone, let them go. And you want to do it so badly, a part of you craves the final sweet release of pain that New York City will give you before you escape it, but there’s another part that’s screaming in agony because you cannot do this to yourself, like your body fears that giving up someone you love so much that it physically hurts you to think about will be the final straw, that you’ll drop dead at JFK airport if Jungkook doesn’t tell you that he loves you, too.
If you love someone, let them go. Let them go, let them go. If you love yourself, let yourself go. Leave, and enjoy London and free yourself from a city that’s so beautiful that all you’ve done is loved it and the loneliness it’s handed you on a platter. If you love New York, let it go. If you let Jungkook, let him go.
You’re staring at the email again, and you can’t tell if you’re tearing up because of how long you haven’t been blinking, or if it’s because you know that when you finally click the send button, it’ll all be over.
You’ll be putting the fear of shaken espressos behind you, you’ll be putting Jungkook, New York, your parents, your entire life behind you; you’ll graduate in two weeks after finals, and you’ll grab nothing but your passport to go to London. It’ll be over, which is a thought that’s as daunting as it is relieving, but not because of your ex, not because of New York, or your parents —
It’s hard solely because you don’t want to put Jeon Jungkook behind you. The first person you’d ever talked to about how burnt out you were, the first person to sleep under the same sheets with you, the only person to eat a meat lovers pizza at 2Bros, the only person you let your guard down with, the only person who’d ever seen you cry, the only person you’d ever been in love with. The photographs you’ve turned around, the permanent imprint of his lips on yours, the way his hand found purchase on the small of your back, his heartbreaks and your biggest loss, the strum of his guitar back in middle school when you’d blushed under his gaze for the first time, the way he rubs at his nape when he’s embarrassed, his smile, the way he trusts you with his life — you’d sooner die than call it quits on those memories, but it’s even harder to imagine living with them, knowing that he’s never going to feel the same way about it.
Your heart is heavier than it's ever been, even if you’ve been carrying the weight of your own world for the past 17 years at least, without putting it down even for a second. You’re sure you’re crying, if the way the words on your screen blur is any indication. Your left side aches the same way it had a month ago when he told you about Nayoung, and you wonder if that pain will ever go away if you leave.
Your fingers tremble when they clasp the mouse, and you decide that the pain is something you’ll have to live with. It’s the melancholy it’ll leave in your eyes that’ll make strangers fall in love for you and never quite forget; it’s the edge of having to walk away from something, from the only thing, you’ve ever loved, that’ll make you a strong lawyer. Unattached, a bit desolate, and incredibly strong, but only when working. It’ll be this mistake that’ll prevent you from making others, it’ll be this mistake that’ll make you fall harder for whoever will come next; that’ll teach you to cherish those who love you back.
(You fall back onto your bed and break down.)
(You send the email minutes after you’re done crying.)
(You figure you’ll tell Jungkook the day after. That you’ll apologize. For everything.)
(You figure Jungkook’s going to cut you off for not telling him before sending the email.)
(You figure it’s for the best.)
Jungkook feels like his heart is being torn from his chest, inch by inch so he feels the surface of his skin ripping, so he feels the blood dripping down his chest and soaking his shirt, so he can feel the poison in his veins, can feel the thump of the organ when it’s pulled out of his body.
You’re leaving.
“You’re leaving?”
You’re leaving.
He loves you, and you’re leaving in two weeks and he’s trying so hard to not look like he’s in unfathomable, unspeakable, unrelentless pain that leaves him wanting to get on the floor of his apartment and claw at his chest so he can scrape some of the ache away.
He clenches his fingers into fists and refuses to look at you.
“I’m sorry, Jungkook, I thought I’d tell you but finals had me busy —“
You’re fucking lying to him, too. You’re leaving, and he loves you and you’re lying. You weren’t busy with finals, you were ignoring him for whatever godforsaken reason, you were cooped up in your apartment overthinking and fixating on whatever he’d told when the two of you had brunch, and you were doing it on purpose.
Fucking finals.
Your go-to excuse for shutting people out and putting up walls that nobody will ever be allowed to break down. He thought he’d be the first to, he thought he’d already broken them, plowed through the cement when he’d kissed you in a back alley, when he’d held you in his arms after the wake, when he’d bought you your coffee and gotten the order correct, when he had you in his bed. He thought he’d broken them, but he’d been wrong; he hadn’t done shit to stop you from holding yourself away from the world, he hadn’t done shit to help you face vulnerability instead of ignoring it in favor of not facing anyone at all, he hadn’t done shit to get you out of your stupid fucking law school shell, and he was in love with you despite this one tiny flaw, and he knew everything about you, so he knew you were lying.
“Stop that.”
“Stop what?”
“You’re fucking lying to me.”
Your scoff is incredulous and it makes Jungkook want to pull his hair out and drag his blunt fingernails down his face until he’s bleeding out to show you; I care, stop pushing me away, why are you leaving, you don’t know I’m in love with you, why, why, why, why —
“I’m not lying, you know I have finals — you have my planner!”
“No. No, you’re not fucking doing this again. In sophomore year, you were upset because of something your dad said and locked yourself in your room for three days straight. You said you had finals back then. After your fucking boyfriend died, you locked yourself in your room and said you had finals. Whenever you’ve been scared, or humiliated, or had any semblance of fucking human emotions, you’ve said you have —“
“Jungkook, you have no fucking right to bring that up now, what the fuck is wrong with you.”
“What’s wrong with me is you! You decide you’re leaving the only place you’ve ever lived in within the week I last saw you and didn’t even think to discuss it with me? Even after the month we’ve had — even after the life we’ve had?”
You stare at him, and he can see the redness in your eyes like he had seen before you broke down at the wake.
He wants to get down on his knees and put his forehead to your feet and apologize, hold you and never let you go.
You’re leaving. 
“It’s my life, not yours.”
“It’s my life, too. You know this.”
“No. I don’t fucking know this, because I’ve worked my ass off for the past 17 years to get to law school and graduate and work at the best fucking law firm in the country. It’s not your fucking life —“
“You’ve killed yourself for all this—”
You stand up from his couch, and turn away so he doesn’t see your tears fall.
“You’ve fucking killed yourself. You worked like a dog since middle school to get into that pretentious private school, and you worked even harder to get to Columbia. You never had a fucking dream, you never had a childhood because you killed yourself to get to this point. You never had time to have a fucking ‘life’ or whatever you call it because all you’ve ever done is work for some stupid fucking goal.”
You sob once, twice, and Jungkook has to put a hand to his heart so he doesn’t die on the spot.
“And you can’t tell me that I don’t know this because I’m the only one who knows this! I’m the only person you’ve ever told about this and it fucking hurts because I love you, and it fucking hurts because you’re leaving me —“
“Because my best friend is leaving me,” he backtracks. 
Best friend. Because you don’t know, and he doesn’t know how he’s going to have the heart to tell you.
“And it hurts because my best friend is leaving me and she didn’t even think to mention this before.”
“You didn’t think to mention Nayoung even once in this aforementioned ‘month’ we had,” the quotes you make with your fingers do nothing but show him how much you’re shaking. He wants to grab your hands and tell you that it’s okay; that you don’t need to cry and that he has you. 
That he’ll always have you.
(But he won’t, because you’re leaving.) 
You’re leaving, and you’re talking about Nayoung for some reason.
“Yeah, because we had sex one fucking time! I don’t even like her, why the fuck would I bring her up — and why are you bringing her up like fucking a girl is anywhere similar to moving halfway across the world.”
You sob once, twice, and when you turn around to face him, he feels like he’s holding his dead heart in his cold hands and watching it try to come to life.
“I’m bringing it up because you love her, and you didn’t even bother to tell me.”
“I don’t fucking love her.”
I love you. I love you, why do you think I love her —
Why do you think he loves Nayoung, and why does your face fall when you say it, and why did you start to ignore him the day he told you that he’d had sex with her?
“You do. She’s the one that got away, and she’ll be here so it doesn’t fucking matter —“
“Stop saying that it doesn’t matter. Stop saying that you don’t matter.”
“Because I don’t, Jungkook,” a sob breaks your sentence and it feels like his world has just come crashing down when he realizes how you feel about yourself. “I’ve lived here for 23 years and nobody knows shit about me and you’re right, it’s because I shut myself away, but nobody bothers anyways and I’ve worked so hard to get here so I’m gonna take the chance to leave, so I don’t have to not matter anymore, so I can like… change.”
“You don’t have to change, ___”
Your name on his lips is a prayer, a silent hope to the god he only remembered when he was fucking somebody, a plea and the final chance he gets to have you.
“Don’t change, __”
Don’t let her leave me, God. Don’t let her change, don’t let her go.
“How can you ask that of me?”
He hears his mothers laugh from when he told her he wanted to be a ninja. He decides that he doesn’t want to be a ninja, or a computer science major, or an artist.  He decides that he wants you to know how madly in love with you he is.
“Because I love you.”
“I love you too, Jungkook.”
“No — fuck, I’m in love with you.”
Your stare is dumbfounded, like he’s just told you that he’s a vampire hybrid or something else completely unorthodox. He would laugh at the look typically, but he feels empty, like the compression that had been a steady pressure on his chest for the past few days had lifted, only to be replaced with a pain unlike any other, because what if this messes it up more?
What if you would originally go to London and keep tabs with him and be in his life, and what if he’s told you this and turned you off the idea of ever even looking in his direction again.
What if you don’t love him back?
“You’re in love with me.”
He nods, silently swallowing as he tries to whisper a prayer to whatever god is listening that whatever you say won’t end in you leaving for good.
“You’re in love with me?”
“I am. I have been. I am. I’m in love with you, I’ve been in love with you, and I don’t even remember how long it’s been since it first happened.”
“Jungkook —“
You chuckle, and it should break his heart because it seems like you’re on the road to mocking him, but he feels his heart rejuvenate in his arms when he hears the sound of your laugh. It sounds like a metaphor he’s been trying to write down for ages. It sounds familiar, it sounds intimate, and his name rolling off your tongue is a balm he presses over the open wound of his chest to soothe it.
“Jungkook — you’re in love with me, and not Nayoung?”
He can’t speak, isn’t used to the lightness in his chest.
He shakes his head, and he swears he sees the world light up behind your eyes. He swears you’re the prettiest girl in the entire world, even when tears track down your face and even when you’re red-eyed and have a snotty nose from crying.
(Especially then.)
“Fuck, Jungkook, I’m in love with you too. I am. I have been. I’m in love with you, and I’ve been in love with you for as long as —“
You won’t finish that sentence, he decides, taking one long stride towards you to close the distance between your bodies. Your face in his hands is warm, a little sticky from the tears, and your lips are chapped. He doesn’t doubt that he’s in any better of a condition, but you look up at him through your wet eyelashes and he’s had enough.
He’s had enough of yearning, and pleading, and wondering if you love him back because you do. He’s had enough of waiting and wondering why he keeps thinking of you because he wants to think of you.
In fact, he thinks he’s open to thinking of you forever.
So he kisses you, and he thanks his lucky stars when you kiss back, for blessing him with the embodiment of them in the form of you, a girl who shone so brightly that he couldn’t see the love cooped up in her eyes until she cried, told him she was moving to London, and kissed him in his living room.
He thinks he could die happy, but he doesn’t want to die when he finally has you.
Finally has you. 
(Except, you could be leaving.)
Jungkook ignores this because you tilt your head so his lips slot against yours better, and he can barely focus on anything other than the way you feel and the fact that he’s kissing his best friend — kissing the love of his life.
He bared his heart and walked through hell for this, and if the way he feels right now is redemption, he’d do it all over again.
It starts with you on a table, umbilical cord freshly cut, wrapped up in a pretty pink fluffy blanket. Jungkook, just a one year old, stares blankly, and starts crying in his mothers arms.
It starts in the suburbs of New York City, where you lose yourself between textbook pages and Jungkook wonders what he’ll ever amount to being.
It starts with your boyfriend dying, and the way shaken espressos feel on your tongue. It starts with Jungkook seeing you cry for the first time, and it starts with you wondering if you can ever love someone. 
It starts with law school, and a three week gap in your final year during which you and Jungkook don’t talk. He finds himself thinking of you, and you text him, asking to meet up for dinner.
It starts with him asking you about a friend of yours, and you getting vigorously upset, uncalled for and downright appalling on Jungkook’s part. 
It starts with you calling him to apologize while he makes a drunken mistake. It starts with you meeting him to apologize and promising to do better; it starts with him telling you that he doesn’t need you to ‘do better’ like it’s a standardized test — that he just needs you to talk to him.
It starts with an amazing month, trailblazing and falling for each other, starts with drunken kisses and getting soaked in the rain and the ruse of being ‘best friends’ and drinking margaritas even though Jungkook doesn’t really like cocktails. It starts with the city of New York, and the anonymous back alleys where millions walk, but nobody lingers long enough to leave a mark.
It starts with him telling you about this drunken mistake, starts with the both of you realizing how madly in love you are with the other. It starts with you accepting a job in London, and it starts with Jungkook calling his ex and figuring out that it’s always been you.
It starts with an argument encased in the walls of his living room, where you empty your heart out and he empties his, starts with accusations that he loves somebody else and utter silence because he can’t tell you that he loves you. 
There’s a million beginnings to this story, thousands of waking moments that could’ve been the moment both of you knew, hundreds of little sparks that ignited into the brilliant flame of the love between the two of you, but there’s only one ending.
This is the end of yearning; his lips are on yours, and his warm hands are holding your body like if he lets go, you’ll really be gone. His hands find purchase on every inch of you like he’s trying to map your very existence out with his ten fingers, and you lose yourself when he licks into your mouth, your own hands flying to his face, tracing the little scar beneath his eye, scratching over his sideburns, on an excavation of your own; to discover him and to never let go.
He has you pushed up against the kitchen counter, large hands groping you through your jeans, soft squeezes at the flesh, quiet moans coloring the air when you move your tongue in tandem with his. 
Jungkook promises himself to take it slow, but he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to honor that thought when your manicured nails play with the hair at his nape, when he feels you pull away so you can get a better look at him —
Fuck, are you a sight to see. Red rimmed eyes, swollen lips, cheeks dusted with the slightest hues of pink; you wear a smile so pretty he thinks he could fall for you all over again, and your warm breath hits his face with every exhale.
You think he’s never looked better, either. His lips are bitten from kissing you, tear tracks down his soft skin, jaw tight and eyes dark when he looks at you as though he’s trying to drink you in like you’re a glass of fine scotch. You rub your thighs together, desperate for some friction to provide even a fraction of relief from this innate need Jungkook’s instilled in you with just one kiss, and he catches your lips in another, clearly wanting this to go the same way you do. 
Jungkook encases your face in his hands, he feels you keen against his lips and releases yours to curse lowly. Your hands travel down his chest, toned and warm from hours at the gym, and trace down the trail of hair you know leads down into his underwear. It has him bucking his hips against you lightly and you can barely hold back a moan, readjusting your focus so you can trace the denim of his waistband, letting two of your fingers slip beneath the fabric, rubbing at the elastic of his boxers —
You’re a fucking tease, and Jungkook should’ve known this about you after 23 years but he’d be lying if he said that it wasn’t thoroughly enjoyable. It’s barely been 5 minutes of you fervently making out with him, though, that he realizes how badly he wants you. The bulge in his pants is one indication, but he’s utterly surrounded by you — your cologne, your soft sounds, breathless whimpers, incredulous gaze like you can’t really fathom this; he gets it, he’s horrified that he’ll wake up in his bed and you won’t love him back and you won’t be kissing him and feeling him up like this, and he needs to feel you, needs the reaffirmation, needs you to fall apart between his sheets. He needs everything you have to offer, needs to smell your shampoo on his pillowcases and your perfume on his shirts and he might as well should just die if he’s waited this long to stall some more.
Two hands trail down your back, pads of his fingers pressing into the little dimples at the bottom of your spine before they land on the junction of your thighs. His eyes are stuck on yours, like he’s too afraid to even look away, and you smile against his jaw.
“Jump, baby,” it’s a whispered order, too silent for anybody but you to have heard it, and the thought makes your brain go numb for a second — it’s you and him now, your whispered secrets and hushed tales, it’s the two of you and this space you’ve curated, even if it was out of your own heartbreak. You can’t do anything but oblige; fuck, you might as well should just die if you don’t hang on to every word that leaves the tip of his tongue.
Your legs find home around his waist, and he carries you to his room, telling his high school self and college self and every single past existence of his that you’re his. He’s mapping out this floor with you in his arms, and though they’ve been around many women, he doesn’t think any one of them have fit like you do. It’s simple intimacy, you can see sunlight pouring into the living room as he carries you out, you see the art he has framed, and you see traces of his roommate strewn around the apartment. You wonder what his and your apartment will look like, wonder if he’ll like the interior design you do, and decide that if he doesn’t, you’ll let him choose whatever.
The door to his room shuts behind you, and you notice the only photo frame he has contains a picture of the two of you. 
Your eyes tear away from the glass frame in fear of breaking down again, and you choose to look at him. You choose to look at his eyes that hold all the stars in your skies, you choose to run your finger over the curve of his face and the slant of his nose and his Cupid’s bow. You choose to bask in his presence, feel all of his body pressed against you and feel him uncomfortably hard against your thighs — it’s a bit filthy, but you’ll take anything when it comes to Jungkook, and you let that thought linger when you lean forward to kiss him again.
Jungkook closes his eyes because he doesn’t think he can look into yours without going insane. He hasn’t shut his curtains, so the sunlight lands on your face and highlights all the angles and all the slopes and he thinks that he should memorize the planes of your face, that it’ll give him a reason to stay alive. Your lips smack softly, and he readjusts his hips so he can grind the clothed bulge in his jeans against your own, and his thighs stutter just a smidge when you let out the sweetest moan he’s ever heard in his life.
His fingers trail their way down from your waist, pulling gently at the hem of your shirt, a silent final exit just in case you want to back out, but you don’t let him even consider the thought of you leaving when you pull your own shirt off your head. It’s an aggressive jerk, one that catches him off guard and following you, abandoning the piece of clothing somewhere in the corners of his room.
Even when you’re just in your bra, he can’t stop looking at your eyes. He can’t stop thinking of you, how you’re in his bed and how he has you with him now and how he’ll have you with him forever if he has anything to do with it. Jungkook never doubted that you were attractive, not even for a slight second, but he doesn’t dare look at you, near naked and in all your glory in front of him — he wonders if this is what Icarus felt like, wanting to fly so close to the sun because he loved Helios too much, and he vows that he’ll be careful, he won’t look too quickly and that he’ll be gentle because he cannot stand even the idea of losing you, even if he’d be the one crashing and burning.
You pull him closer by the name, and his hands go to cradle your bare shoulders. Before he can even process the proximity, your lips are on his neck, and they’re soft, warm: they’re everything he’s ever wanted and he feels like he’s been set aflame because he’s lived his whole life not really knowing what he wanted, but he knows now. Your lips on his skin are the tantalizing fruit that's been dangling behind his head the whole time and he can see it, can feel it and he can feel it; all he’s ever wanted is you, and he lets himself go, voice breathy and untethered to his own self as he moans, incoherent pleas for you to keep going.
Jungkook prays he’ll see marks tomorrow, if this is even real. He prays that you leave a tangible sign, a purple bruise on his golden skin as a reminder that this was once real. If you leave after he’s made love to you, he doesn’t think he’ll be able to recover from it, but if you leave your mark; the indent of your teeth and the faded stain of your lipstick, he thinks it’ll be enough to satiate him.
You’re not one to waste time, apparently, fingers tracing down his abs agonizingly fast before Jungkook can process the touch, reaching for the button on his jeans so he can be free, get inside you, because it’s been way too fucking long and you need him sheathed within your body like you’re entwined, like you’re one entity. You reckon the thought is one of the filthiest ones you’ve ever had, but it doesn’t matter, because you can feel yourself soaking through your panties and you run cold like ice, wanting him to melt you — needing him to melt you.
This will be your new beginning; fuck London, you decide. Fuck London if it means you have him like this, the pads of his fingers running like feathers over your skin, leaving chills in their wake. This will be your new beginning, his lips grazing over your collarbones as he grinds his hips into yours just hard enough for you to feel through your jeans. This will be your new beginning, desperately bucking your hips up to meet him halfway, to gain some much needed friction until he decides to stop giving you the tantalizing guise of what you need, until he decides to unbutton your jeans with daft digits,, pulling them until you lay before him in all your glory.
Jungkook has never known religion until he sees you like this. The curves of your body and the slope of your waist and the way your bra just barely covers your breasts and the way your panties sit on your hips and your collarbones illuminated by the sun that desperately laps at your soft skin like it, too, wants to have you wholly. He has never known a God until he thanks Him for you, thanks his lucky stars that he has you in front of him, fights the urge to sink to his knees and pray that you don’t disappear into a brilliant beam of light like you were nothing but a figment of his imagination.
His cock strains, and he reaches out to stroke the lace of your panties so gently, almost like he’s afraid to leave a mark, though he yearns for yours on his skin. You want to ink the calluses of his fingers so they leave permanent imprints on your body, so you feel the rough drag forever, but it's only an afterthought when he begins to rub at your clit through the fabric. The added friction feels like heaven on your tongue, like you can taste the waning of yearning on the tip of your tongue –
“Fuck, Jungkook,” your voice sounds dazed in your own ears, and he shifts your panties aside to rub your wetness all over your sex, thumb rubbing slow circles over your clit as his fingers tease your entrance. If there was a way to put the bliss, the desperation into words, you’re sure that you could talk for hours. You hear his breathing, heavy like he’s incredulous, in utter disbelief, and you hear the unrecognizable keens of his name. 
“I know, baby. I know, I love you. Lemme have you.”
He repeats it like a prayer, those three words running like water off his tongue as he rubs tight eight-figures of your clit. Eyes raking your figure, he drinks in the tilt of your head backwards, a tattoo on your shoulder blade that he makes a note to ask you about, the bend of your elbows and the way your stomach tightens. Jungkook tries to take his time, but his fingers are drenched in your arousal and he deems you wet enough to slip his index finger in. 
You moan, high and unadulterated, and he moans, low and throaty; it feels like you’re complete, and he can’t help but wonder how your walls would feel on his cock. You suck him in, pussy greedy for something to fill it, and he does his best to affirm this when he bends down to catch your lips within his again –
“Shit, doll, you’re soaking me… look at your sweet cunt, look at how she’s taking me,” he uses his free hand to tilt your chin downwards, and the pink of your bitten lips distracts him for just a second before he pushes another finger in.
“Jungkook – ah, fuck, more please, more,” you let your mind go adrift, thinking about how good you feel and then thinking of nothing at all when he curls his fingers in an upwards motion, rendering you speechless and fucked silly. The thought of what his cock would do is lost among a myriad of unsullied pleasure, and you don’t know whether it's because you haven’t cum in so long, but you’re dangerously teetering over the edge of your release, continuing to beg him to just throw you over.
He tells you he has you, eases another finger in until the tears that prickle the corners of your eyes finally spill over. He licks them away, rutting his hips up into his free hand like it gets him off, seeing you cry for him, seeing you writhe under him. He knows it's too much, knows that you’re close like he’s done this a million times before, like your body is his own.
“I’m f– fuck, so fucking close,” you can feel the coil in your lower belly so close to snapping that it makes you want to run away from the feeling. It’s all too much, because his thumb feels rough on your clit and his fingers are jackhammering into you like he has a point to prove, because he’s calling you his and his voice is echoing somewhere in the back of your mind, because all you can do is squirm and push your hips up to get yourself over the precipice of pleasure –
“Fu- fu- uck, Jesus –”
“I gotchu honey, let go for me, just let go, ‘m always hare, let go for me –”
What you expect to be a wave, crashing into you like the realization that you loved him had, is nothing but a soft roll of ecstasy taking ahold of every inch of your skin. It starts in your head, numbing your senses and then heightening them, makes its way down to your arms until you’re clawing at Jungkook’s because it’s so fucking good, rolls down your legs until you clench your toes, grapples at your throat until your voice is choked out and all you can do is pant helplessly. What you expect to be a wave is a slow pulse that leaves you breathless and staring up at Jungkook who seems to be mesmerized by the expression you’re wearing, fingers slowing within you as he helps you ride it out.
“Fucking hell, baby. You’re stunning,”
You laugh, out of it and incredulous as he presses a kiss – too chaste for the mind-blowing orgasm he’s just given you – to your temple.
“Gonna make me do that everyday, Jeon?”
“You can count on it, angel. I’ll make you do that every single day.”
The two of you move in tandem, knowing that this wasn’t nearly enough to satiate you both; your hands fly to his jeans, pulling his zipper down and yanking the fabric off of his legs. Jungkook’s laugh is breathy, pupils still blown out as he watches you try to get him naked and he lets you. 
He lets you strip him until his skin is bare, watches you rake your eyes over his figure and pause at the ink of his arms. He vows to tell you about all the secret tattoos he’s gotten that remind him of you; that he got because of you, but all he can focus on is the way your eyes go dazed and glossy when you push down his boxers to pull his cock out.
You’re well aware that Jungkook is beautiful, and he’s never doubted his physical appearance for more than a split second since college, but he never thought that his dick would be the center of said attention. Fuck, he has a pretty cock; it’s thick and your mouth waters at the angry vein running down the underside of it, desperate to get your mouth on him and savor the weight of him on your tongue. It curves up, pretty mushroom tip having been rendered a dark red from when he was getting you off, the pearly beads of pre-cum that spill over the sides of it when you rub your hand over his length a stark contrast.
He buckles over, hand splaying over your stomach as he lets out a choked groan at the contact, and you can feel the wetness of the sheet underneath you as you see him lose himself underneath your touch. You could do this forever, and the inexplicable urge to just get him in your mouth takes over your body reflexively, but Jungkook doesn’t let you act on it; his warm fingers press down on your skin, and he lets his free hand replace yours on his cock. 
“Gonna fuck you real good, darling. You’re gonna feel it all the way — shit — all the way up to here,” he pumps his cock like he’s trying to deprave himself of your pussy on purpose and your eyes desperate search for his, no longer trusting your brain to form adequate words to explain just how badly you need him to fuck you.
He knows, he knows you like the back of his hand, and he knows how much you need and crave this. Just as quick as he’d gotten your hands off of him, he presses himself to your entrance, rubbing the head of his cock up and down your embarrassingly wet slit. The squelching would typically have you curl in on yourself, but it’s Jungkook, and you’ve let every wall down around him and it feels so fucking incredible when he rubs his dick against your sensitive clit that you just cannot bring yourself to care;
“Please, please Jungkook —“
“I know, I know baby, shhh… just relax for me and I’ll make this so good, ‘kay? That’s my girl,” the hand on your stomach goes lax when you exhale, letting him align himself with your entrance and ease himself in.
He gets his tip in with surprising deftness, rubbing over your torso when you tense your body. He knows you’re not a virgin, he’s done this before and so have you, but with each other? It feels holy, like you’re coming back to earth and coming back to the person each of you is meant to be with.
His inked hand goes to cradle your face, pushing your hair away from your tear-stricken skin, kissing away at the new tears that threaten to slip from your eyes. You breathe out at his touch, and he pulls out all the way to thrust back into you, slipping in and filling you all the way to the brim.
A choked moan leaves you, and your simultaneous gasps color the air, mingling and dissipating as the two of you mold into one entity. Jungkook forgets the Bible verses about adultery, things of new beginnings and redemption and how you’re the Holy Grail he tried so hard to find when you were right there. He curses himself for not doing this earlier, for realizing so late, but it’s all so worth it when you give an experimental roll of your hips, bucking upwards to get him to move.
Jungkook thinks he would give you anything, take chunks out of the moon if you so looked at it with desire, and he thinks that he’ll lay his body down for you if you even implied that you wanted him to. He thrusts into you, a gritty moan leaving his throat when he feels your walls, warm and wet and fluttering around his cock. Your pussy is greedy for him, milking his every drop and he knows you can feel him, knows you feel everything.
He’s right, too, because the veins of his cock, every ridge and every edge of it is fully sheathed within you. When his shallow thrusts get longer, deeper, when he bucks his hips upwards to fuck you just right, when you look down at his hand and see the bulge of his cock in your stomach — fuck, it’s exhilarating, and he seems to notice it too, following your gaze and letting his hips lose their well adjusted rhythm for just a split second.
“G-god Jungkook, so fucking full — shit.”
“Yeah, you are. Fuck, fuck, I told you. Told you I’d fill your greedy little cunt up.”
You think this is the only side of Jungkook you haven’t seen, so when he continues to talk, confidence and this natural allure of dominance absolutely dripping off of him, you thank whatever deity is up there for letting you have him.
“Look at you, tsk tsk. Baby, you kept this pretty pussy away from me for so fucking — shit — long?”
His moans are nothing compared to the high keens, pornographic breathy whimpers that leave your throat. It’s like he’s ripped off every barricade you put up in front of you, has you naked and bare and begging in his sheets like you were made for this, fucks you like your pussy was made for this.
“How’d you keep her satisfied without me, darling?”
He leans down, hands still playing with your hair and holding onto your face in a way that you know will leave pink fingerprints — in a way that makes you wonder if he even believes this is real, grasping onto you so he can reassure himself that you’re tangible. You see the knot in his brows, feel the murmur of his words against your jaw when he presses his lips to the bone, catch the tension in his abdomen as he tries to keep his rhythm.
You’re sure he won’t have to, though, because there’s something about the way he’s leaning down into you, the way he’s thrusting into you so deep, never slow but never too fast, the way he snakes one hand between your bodies to rub at your clit, knowing he won’t be able to last long inside of you. All of it has your head spinning, and you’re not sure if you’ll ever experience anything this riveting, this revitalizing before. It feels like you’re closer to being born again with every thrust, with every bit of the coil in your stomach tightening —
He presses his forehead to yours, thumb rubbing circles onto your clit, cock prodding against just the right spot like he’s practiced this only for you, only for you. Your eyes meet, and you see tears in the corner of his own eyes, you feel his hand trembling in your hair as he tries to leave traces of his prints on every inch of you — you lock your legs around his waist, and the new angle is like the straw on the camel’s back as you’re thrown so violently over the edge that it catches you off guard.
This one is a wave, drenching you and drenching his cock and the sheets and the miles of skin that connect the two of you. He lets out a deep groan, lips connecting to the column of your throat when you throw your head back, nails digging deep into the skin of his shoulders so as to lessen the blow.
Fuck, he wants you to leave his back scratched and bloody, needs a reminder of this rebirth; needs the sting of you permanently imprinted if it on his body, then in his brain.
You get the memo, clearly, running the sharp acrylics up and down the toned expanse of his back as you just barely catch your breath — it comes in pants, the achy pleasure of overstimulation creeping its way up your spine.
If he doesn’t come inside of you, it’ll be his biggest regret. You’re smart, he knows you’re on the pill and he knows you would’ve told him to pull out, wouldn’t have had your legs wrapped around his waist if you didn’t want this just as bad as he did, but he opens his mouth to ask anyways.
“Come inside, baby. I — fuck. I fucking love you, I’ll love you forever, come inside of me, please.”
The deliriosity of your orgasm, along with the continuous sensation of being fucked senseless as Jungkook loses his rhythm and resorts to jackhammering into you, chasing his high like you’re nothing but a toy to do it; all of it pushes you into overdrive and you babble, begging for him to finish inside like it’s the only thing you can think of.
He doesn’t dare look away from your face, mapping every second within his brain, feeling the familiar feeling of an orgasm washing its way up to shore. He’s sure you’re on the same page, too, recognizing the face he’s seen twice now etch itself back onto your features —
You cum for a third time when his hips stutter and he buckles over your body, hand never moving from your head, cradling it like the contact is keeping him grounded. You feel the warm ropes of his cum paint your insides, and the third orgasm is nowhere near as intense as the others, just a gentle pulsation of pleasure and a bout of love that you don’t think you’ve ever felt before blooming over your heart.
Jungkook collapses next to you, dirty sheets be damned when he throws his inked arms over your body. For a while, neither of you find it in yourselves to talk — it’s barely even the orgasms, more so the fact that the two of you are best friends who are madly in love with each other, the fact that you’ve just told each other this and then proceeded to have the most mindblowing sex the either of you could even imagine, all within the span of an hour or so.
He’s first to make a move, lifting your chin so you look at him, smiling down at you so gently that you feel every bit of insecurity — every worry that’s already clouding your mind about the future, London, all of it — disappear. 
You match his gaze, trying to read what is so clearly written in his eyes. I love you, they say, twinkling brighter than the golden rays of sunshine that pour through his poorly strewn curtains. It’s hard to speak so you don’t, opting to reach up and slot your mouth against his.
Jungkook swears he’s been given a second chance at life when you kiss him, and he decides to plan it out better this time. The thought goes away quicker than he’d like, though, because you slip your tongue into his mouth and his brain short circuits for the umpteenth time that day. It’s hard to imagine anything being difficult if you kiss him like this, it’s hard to imagine struggle, hard to imagine dissatisfaction, hard to imagine not being in love with every waking moment of his life when he’s this madly in love with you.
You pull away. 
“I’m not worried, by the way.”
He grins, leaning into your smaller frame to press a kiss against the junction of your shoulder.
“I know. I’m not either.”
“We‘re gonna make it work?”
“Yeah. Of course. It’s us, ___. We’ll make it work.”
Jungkook doesn’t like summer, but he thinks you make it better. You graduate law school a week after he graduates college, and he’s in the front row watching you give your high honors speech before getting your degree. You tell Cravath that you can’t work in London, and ask AJ if he’s willing to quit Wachtell Lipton and take your place.
He tells you that he thinks he’s in love with you, that he’s happy you’ve found love with Jungkook, and takes the job. 
You decide to give New York a second chance that summer; decide to give yourself a new beginning as you start to work and don’t immediately take immense bouts of stress upon yourself. Jungkook thinks about what he really wants to do, and though he takes a job that is gratuitously well paying – bless the Comp Sci starting salary – he thinks he wants to freelance art on the side. 
When fall rolls around, you stand in the kitchen with your mother. The two of you look out at Jungkook and your father turning pages of old photo albums, and she tells you that she’s proud of you. You wonder if this is what it feels like to be avenged. It gets colder, and Jungkook gets you all the white mochas you want to drink, especially when you drive up to the cemetery to see your ex in early October. The two of you lay down orange roses, and you tell him that you’ll always love him in a way nobody else knows – Jungkook is proud, you’re proud, and for the first time in years, your heart doesn’t feel heavy when he drives around that part of town.
Jungkook paints portraits of you in the living room of the apartment you share. The two of your extremely well-paying jobs had let you buy a penthouse in Greenwich Village, and you’re just grateful you can find someplace to call home. Speaking of living together, Mingyu had enrolled himself into a sobriety program when Jungkook had forced him to watch that TED Talk, only this time neither of them had been high. 
You tell Jungkook’s parents, too, and their excitement is nowhere near as gentle as your parents’ had been. His mom cries, and his dad tells you that he’s been rooting for you and Jungkook for ages.
(As it turns out, Jungkook had been rooting for him and yourself for ages as well.)
Winter follows, encasing New York in an icy chill but your heart has never been warmer. You have a classic NYC Christmas, doing all the insanely cliche tourist activities that are manageable. Nayoung moves out of state as well, and Jungkook cries into her shoulder at the airport. You’re there with him every second of every day – baking cookies, forcing him to take notes when the two of you watch Die Hard together for the first time, in his sweaters, in his sheets, in his heart.
Jungkook’s art sells well, he loves this city, and he still loves getting 2Bros with you – he even forces you to get the meat pizza he’s devoured for years, and you decide that while it’s not so bad, that you’ll continue to make fun of him for it. A tradition, just like the coke floats you still buy in sub-zero temperatures. 
He makes you a shaken espresso in February, and you tell him it tastes incredible.
You stop putting walls up, and he learns to actually talk about his feelings, and you’re still the same toddlers from two decades ago; a bit immature, bound to end up together, and totally susceptible to throwing your ice cream cones on the ground if the other shoes any semblance of an injury. 
New beginnings are for spring, though. Months after his birthday and yours have passed, months after new years, right when the first flowers bloom and the cold starts to whisper it's goodbyes, right when he realizes it’s nearly been a year since the day he’d randomly thought of you and set lose this insane chain of events – right in the middle of April, he decides he’s going to marry you.
It won’t be anytime soon, but seeing as how you’re steadily progressing in your career, and he’s earning more with his art than with his job? The budget for a wedding is definitely on the table, and he vows to officially make you his one day. 
Some day.
(He already has the ring in his cart on the Cartier website.)
(Mingyu comes out of the program a few weeks later, and Jungkook asks him to be the best man.)
(You’re on the same page, if the wedding themed Pinterest board he sees you shut with insane speed is any indication.)
You love infinitely, filled to the brim and overflowing with it; so much so that it gets overwhelming at times, but neither of you go. You choose him, and he chooses you, and seasons go by and Jungkook figures out the direction he wants to go in this new life, and you learn to be gentle with yourself, and neither of you go. 
And so it goes. 
You and Jungkook, two kids grow into two adults in the most marvelous city in the world. A million possible beginnings in the span of two decades, but one conclusion; one ending: the both of you aren’t flawless – it’s hard to be – you’re just bad at being alone.
a/n: U GUYS ITS HEREEEEE. I’m sorry for the incessant word vomit and unnecessarily long smut scene it was important for the plot development hehe. and if u feel bad for AJ and Nayoung… so do I! this is also a birthday fic for my love jungkook and I hope he has the bestest day in the entire universe I love U my little virgo sweet boy I should Kiss u a million times
taglist: @bumblerebbee @brownapsara @smolbitchwithcakes @allfryou @carmen-j @1316s @yoonjinsyy @bishuthot @ahundredtimesover @readingfavorites
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sheeple · 11 months
Miracles don't exist | 12: Innocent defiance
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): Cute Theo / Moldy Voldy / crucio / torture / all the good stuff A/n: I'll be on vacation until the 22th and I won't take my laptop with me. Idk if I'll be able to post the next chapter next week (16th). Otherwise two chapters the week after that (23rd). [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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You're standing in the alley between Oliviander's and Magical Menagerie. Just like you and Theo agreed to meet up in your letters.
You're glad to get out of the manor. All sorts of strange figures started to visit Malfoy Manor, paying their respects to the Dark Lord. Because of that, you don't really leave your room. Only when you're sure that nobody is there to gawk at you, you make a move for the gardens ─ if it is good weather at least ─ or towards the muggle town a couple of miles away.
The library, what once was your safe space, is being occupied by Voldemort and his followers. They conduct their super secretive meetings there, the door charmed with muffliato.
You've been called in once after Mister Nott has come and gone, giving you a slight bow. You had to give all the letters you've received from Theo and had to account for your replies. It was a wonder you've gotten the okay to go hang out with Theo… with no chaperone.
But you see the hooded figure stationed at the end of the street and you know he is sent by your father.
After waiting not more than ten minutes, Theodore appears with a big smile. You straighten your back and bounce over to him. Hugging him, you whisper into his ear, "I'm being monitored."
You feel his hold on you tighten before he lets you go. He makes sure his back is turned towards the figure. "I've spotted him. We just have to make sure to lose him then."
Theodore grabs your hand and pulls you along. You weave through the crowd, acting casual and holding hands to make sure you don't lose each other.
"Do you still see him?"
You stop at a stall and subtly look over your shoulder. "I don't spot him, but who knows where he is."
The brown-haired boy hums, his eyes darting around. "I know how we are going to get rid of him." he sends you a smile and waits for you to smile back in confirmation.
This time, you're the one who grabs his hand and you let him lead you towards an alley almost at the end of Diagon Alley. He lets you enter a small alcove first before he grabs his wand and taps a half-dying flower bush.
"The Leaky Cauldron is not the only entrance and exit. There are secret passages all over London."
Theodore lets you pass through the passage first and makes sure he closes it behind him.
"Where are we?", you ask as you look around. You've appeared from behind a tree in a courtyard.
As he grabs your hand again and tugs you towards the exit, Theo looks down at you with a small smile. "It's an unofficial passageway in and out of Diagon Alley. It's a little further away than where I want to take you, but that's no problem."
A smile of your own grows on your face. "And where will you take me?"
"That's a surprise.
He leads you down an escalator and onto a metro platform. You've been holding each other's hands the whole time. Only when you're entering the train cart, you let go to take hold of the pole. Theo stands facing you and he wraps his hand around the pole, just a little above yours. His pinky barely touches your pointer.
You feel your cheeks head up and you study the people around you. Muggles from all walks of life take the metro. They're quite fascinating, to be honest. If it was up to you, you could spend all day roaming around the metro system of London. Hoping on and off trains, listening to conversations around you. The cute puppies also bring a smile to your face.
A sudden turn in the train tracks makes you lose your balance, but Theo is quick to grab your middle and steady you. You blink and look up.
It seems like time has slowed down. Theodore's dark hair curls slightly at the nape of his neck. His lashes graze his cheeks when he blinks. The way he wets his bottom lip as he watches you, both of your faces close together.
"This is our stop", he whispers before taking a step back and getting out of the rail cart.
Shaking your head, you quickly follow after him in fear of losing him in the crowd of something.
After getting out of the underground and walking for a short bit, you arrive at your destination. Your eyes fill with glee and you bounce on the balls of your feet. "A film theatre?! Oh, Theo! How awesome is this?"
You've always wanted to go to a muggle film theatre, but you were never allowed. But now, with Theo, it could be your little secret together.
Theodore smirks and holds the door open for you. "I thought you would like it. I already got the tickets, so if you want something to snack on?"
"Do you want to share a popcorn bucket?", you ask and turn towards the boy with a beaming smile. He nods and motions for you to get to the register. He orders the popcorn and slaps the money needed onto the counter. When you suggest paying him back, you get a stern glare that says enough.
Theodore lets you take the lead and makes sure you're in the seat nearest the middle. To be fair, he doesn't give a shit about muggle films — or muggles in general. But seeing you smile and shine brightly on the ride to the theatre and when you realised you were going to watch a film… he would give up his magic for that.
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After the film — Jumanji — finishes, Theodore makes sure you're floo-flamed home safe. All the while to the Floo Network you're excitingly bouncing up and down the streets, recalling the story to Theodore. He just smiles and shakes his head, occasionally pulling you to the side so you don't bump into people, trash bins, or cars.
And when you appear in the entrance hall of Malfoy Manor, you're still chattering away.
"And when that drum came! I felt it in here!" You press a hand to your stomach. "And how they did the effects! Do you think they used really monkeys and lions?"
Theodore runs a hand through his hair before placing a hand on your shoulder. "Who knows, maybe it was magic all along that they have the muggles believe it's special effects." He leans closer and softly presses his lips to your forehead. "I'll see you sometime, right?"
With your face heated up like coals, you nod. Theodore turns around to enter the Floo Network to go back home. "Theo wait!"
He turns around with raised eyebrows. You pull him towards you by his sleeve and give him a small kiss on his cheek, right below his birthmark. "Thank you for everything, Theodore. I really appreciate it."
The dark-haired boy, whose cheeks are almost Gryffindor red, gives you a shy smile and disappears into the fireplace. He is gone with green flames and a call of his home address.
You turn around with a bright smile and warm cheeks, but it falters as you see your aunt and uncle standing in the opening of the entrance hall, solemn looks on their faces. "What's wrong? What happened?"
"The Dark Lord wants to see you", is the only thing Uncle Lucius says before he turns around and walks, presumably, to where your father is waiting for you.
Glancing at Aunt Cissy, you hope to get some information about what is happening from her. But the duo-tone-haired woman looks at the marble floor.
You follow after your uncle. Everything points to having this great day ruined. You can feel it. Can't you just have one day where everything is all right and happy while at Malfoy Manor?
Entering the large dining room, you see your father standing with his inner circle. A figure with its head covered by a bag sits at the foot of one Death Eater. 
"My Heir." 
A shiver runs up and down your spine in the almost whisper-like way he says it. "My Lord."
He motions for you to come closer. And when you stand next to him, he flicks his wand and the figure gets dragged in front of the two of you. You eye the person warily but keep your face as passive as possible.
"As my Heir, it's important that you follow in my footsteps. And as you are old enough to court the young Master Nott, you are old enough to prove yourself."
A frown forms on your face. Old enough to prove yourself? For what?
The bag gets ripped from the figure's face and you can't suppress the gasp that leaves you. It is one of the nice clerks at the diner you stop by sometimes when you need to escape the manor. He is bruised, and bloody, and has obviously been put through hell and back.
Voldemort wraps two claw-like hands around your shoulders, making sure you can't escape. "As much as I desire you put an end to this pathic muggle's life, I recognise you are not ready for that yet. You've been raised by minds not like our own, and you have to be moulded." 
A cold hand slides down your arms and presses something into your hand. Your wand.
"Go ahead. Perform the Cruciatus Curse on this filthy Muggle."
He... no! He can't be serious, right?!
You look up with big eyes and a trembling jaw. "I... I don't know... I don't know how to pref--" You can't even finish your sentence with the shock you're in. You can't crucio somebody! You don't have the will to ever inflict that horrible curse on somebody. Let alone someone innocent!
"Then...", Voldemort raises his wand with a flourish, "let me demonstrate. Crucio!"
A green flash hits you. The pain is so intense, so all-consuming, that your legs can no longer support your body. You drop to the ground, writhing in pain. White-hot knives pierce every inch of your skin, and your head feels like it is going to explode with pain. You are screaming more loudly than you've ever screamed in your life.
The agony stops after a while, and you lay drained on the floor. All your energy has disappeared from your body. 
"Get up!", hisses the Dark Lord.
Pushing yourself up with shaking arms, you stumble onto your feet. You are going to collapse any second, you are sure of it. You don't know if you survive another hit.
Gasping and rasping, you raise your wand to the poor clerk. He shakes violently his head, tears streaming down his face. His pleas and cries transform into screams and cries of agony when you do as you are told.
You muffle your own sniffles and drop your hand next to your side, an iron grip on the wood. 
The Dark Lord looks satisfied at your curse. "Very well, my Heir."
With one swift Avada Kedavra and the clerk drops dead. A petrified and pained look on the poor man's face.
Turning towards you, Voldemort grabs his wand — the tip is still scalding hot — and presses it against your underarm. You scream, feeling the burning seep into your skin and flesh, twirling around and nestling. You feel something enter you. You throw your head backwards, your spine arched, your mouth and eyes wide open.
Satisfied, Voldemort pulls back and you drop to the ground. Violated, you curl into a ball and clutch your arm.
You look down at the black snake in your skin. Until the end of time, you're officially a Death Eater and there is no going back. You're one of them now and nobody could help you. Not even if they wanted to.
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtassoo @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127 @yeolsbubbles @fruityfrog505
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haespoir · 11 months
craving: kdy.
⨯ pairing: doyoung x pre-med!reader
⨯ word count: 704
⨯ summary: you don't mean to overwork yourself, but when you do, doyoung is always there to bring you comfort
⨯ content: fluff, literally just cute doyoung being domestic
⨯ extra content: meant to be read alongside these texts
⨯ playlist: for days, rini / hope you do, oceanfromtheblue / more than enough, alina baraz 
⨯ a/n: this was a request, i hope it's alright!
. . .
You didn’t mean to ignore Doyoung’s texts. Really, you didn’t. If you had to be honest, there weren’t many things in life that trumped your boyfriend. However, when it came to Organic Chemistry, he seemed to be beat. 
It had been at least a week since you had last seen the man, and you knew more than anyone that he was going to complain about withdrawals the next time you saw him. Unfortunately, that would not be anytime soon. 
Waking up from a nap after your shift at the hospital had you feeling like you were in a different dimension and not in a good way. Putting it simply, you were absolutely exhausted. You had spent hours this week working on your thesis paper, and the fact that you had to balance it with your volunteer hours at the hospital felt like hell. 
doyoung [ 4:12pm ]: date tonight?
That was the last text that had been sent and left on delivered for at least 6 hours now. Thankfully, Doyoung wasn’t someone who was easily upset. He understood your dedication to your studies and career; in fact, he was most likely your biggest support. He loved to make your lunches before your shift, and more often than not, he was quizzing you with flashcards that he helped make. That thought alone made your heart nearly overflow with care and affection for the man. 
With a small huff, you decide that it’s best to get some sort of sustenance in your system before you begin your dreaded study session. You expect your apartment to be void of any form of life, however, the familiar figure on your couch tells you to believe otherwise. It seemed that you were not the only one taking a nap at this time. Doyoung was fast asleep, a blanket wrapped tightly around his figure as he snoozed. You loved this man with everything. 
Doyoung had essentially broken into your apartment, and knowing him, there was going to be a meal for you to warm up in the microwave. In his defense, you had told him many times that he was welcome to come over when you were studying; the fact that the code for your place was also his birthday helped him sneak in whenever he wanted.
You’re certain your heart is filled with nothing but love for the man on the couch as you eat the warmed up fried rice he had made for you. He had left an adorable sticky note on the top of the bowl, and you swore that you were going to marry this man as you read his messy scribble. 
hi my love!! i asked for a date tonight!! while i would prefer taking you out for a nice dinner, i do have papers to grade soooooo…. a study date will work too.  p.s i’m tired too TT wake me up AFTER you eat!
The smile on your lips doesn’t disappear as you eat, and even though you’re craving your boyfriend and his touch, you decide that letting him sleep in isn’t a horrible thing. So you take your time eating, and when you’re done, you take a quick shower, relishing in the way the hot water feels on your body. 
But there’s something that would feel even better. 
You can’t help yourself when you lift Doyoung’s blanket and squeeze onto the couch next to him, placing his arm around you. “Sleeping beauty, are you waking up anytime soon?” 
“I don’t want to,” Doyoung hums softly, squeezing you in a tight hug. 
You laugh at his words, sharing the sentiment. When you were in his arms, there was nothing more you wanted than to stay there. He was like your safe place, a place for you to let go of your worries and stress. “Don’t you have papers to grade?” 
This only makes the male groan, and you swear he’s tempted to push you off the couch with the way he stares at you through half-lidded eyes. Before he can even think about doing that, you press a kiss on the tip of his nose. 
“Come on, we’ve got a lot to do tonight.”
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Guide: Productivity Tips To Help You Master Your Day Like A Queen
Anticipation is Key
Always have a plan with the tasks and timetable laid out
Keep your environment free of distractions (or at least out of reach)
Tackle tasks in bite-sized amounts to gain momentum
Restrict time spent to maximize productivity
Remember the big picture (and reward yourself!)
Always have a plan with the tasks and timetable laid out:
Plan out what you need to do, the deadline (or scheduled date/time), and set a date with yourself to complete the task. For work, always have a planner where you can plan out your week with your large/small projects.
Break large projects down into phases (ex. sections of a presentation, separate excel sheets, pages of a book, word count on an article, etc.). Divide these phases into sections that never take more than 1-2 hours. Only commit yourself to do one section at a time (if possible, only one per day). This allows you to have less anxiety about starting the task because you already have half of the work – the game plan – done for you.
With smaller tasks, divide them into important, urgent, and less important or urgent. Batch all of the urgent ones to clear your mind. Only commit to one important small task at a time (ex. an important email). Take a short break (get a glass of water, go to the bathroom, etc. ) in-between small important tasks to take the pressure off and your mind clear. Keep a running list of less important/urgent tasks. Schedule a time to batch these once a day/a couple of times a week as needed.
With chores or errands, make a schedule for when you will do these tasks to ensure you stick to your routine (ex. full-house vacuuming Tuesday and Saturday, laundry and grocery restock Sunday, deep kitchen clean Monday, big drugstore hauls Wednesday, etc.)
Keep your environment free of distractions (or at least out of reach):
Get in the zone. Keep your phone out of sight while working (unless you use your phone to work or you're on the phone for a work call, of course). Use a focus playlist (I love the EDM instrumental study playlist or any of the ADHD playlists by Jason Lewis - Mind Amend on Youtube. My favorite one is linked HERE). Have a glass of water (and coffee or tea if you choose), tissues, and lip balm in arm's reach, so you don't have to get up and break focus for these menial tasks. When cleaning or exercising, always have a curated playlist ready to go.
Tackle tasks in bite-sized amounts to gain momentum:
Use the two-minute rule. If you can do a task in 2 minutes or less, do it immediately – within a minute of thinking of it (or set a reminder for when you're home to do the task and then do it immediately. The 5-Second Rule and Atomic Habits explain why this works so well).
Only force yourself to do a task for 10 minutes. Stop after this allocated time if you can't stand doing it anymore, feel drained, or continuously lose focus. Your body and mind need rest if this happens. Usually, though, once you start writing, cleaning, reading, etc. for at least 10 minutes, you'll continue doing it for more time until at least 30-60 minutes of work is completed. Read Atomic Habits and The Artist's Way to learn more about this.
The Pomodoro Technique (working in 25-minute blocks with 5-minute breaks in-between) is great for clearing your inbox, organizing an Excel sheet, or completing any other repetitive, monotonous, or administrative tasks).
Restrict time spent to maximize productivity:
Focus and productivity are mental muscles. So, like in the gym, use time over tension. Set a timer for 10, 20, 30, or 60 minutes – depending on the task and your level of energy – and see how much focused, uninterrupted work you can do within this timeframe. This exercise can gamify otherwise boring, overwhelming, or tedious tasks and help them take less time overall. Rinse and repeat this practice like doing sets at the gym until you've completed the task or the amount of the project you decided to get done for the day.
Remember the big picture (and reward yourself!)
Always keep your goals top of mind. Revise them daily in the morning like a form of daily affirmations. Visualize yourself working to achieve this goal (sitting at the computer typing, cleaning, working out, etc.) with ease. Picture yourself in a calm state and that you're in a constant flow state. Visualize the moment of achievement. Relish in the feeling of satisfaction to prime yourself to start the task. Remind yourself that doing this one task gets you a bit closer to this bliss point. Make each goal into a source of emotional edging – each task will get you closer and closer to this euphoric state of contentment. This exercise primes you with some motivation and positive energy to get your head in the game.
Create habit loops – a cue to start the task (i.e. getting a glass of water to bring to the computer) and an unwinding task (aka the reward  – ex. going on your daily walk, taking a shower, etc.). Sometimes, I use different styles of music as a cue and a reward to create my habit loop (aka an upbeat pop playlist before starting work and a dance party mix after work). Read The Power of Habit to learn more about this practice.
Remind yourself that time passes anyway, so you might as well spend this time doing the task rather than worrying about it for hours. Plan a reward (calling a friend, making your favorite meal, going out for a walk or dinner) for when you're done. Having this event to look forward to will help motivate you to focus and work efficiently so you can fast-forward to your moments of leisure.
Claim and master your day, loves xx
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