#ooh I really like the Hulk’s voice here
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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The Incredible Hulk (1968) #243
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141trash · 4 months
What's a girl gotta do to get more of that dad!Simon you've been hyperfixating on? 👀👀👀
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Ooh bestie I'm SO glad you asked. I was going to post it anyways once I found a good spot to stop. But since you're here I'm ready to share. Thank you for the ask much appreciated
-Dad Simon whose at the toy store nervously trying to figure out what to buy his kid. The daughter he never knew he had until now. It's her fifth birthday and sure he'd had a little nephew before, but what do little girls like? -You at the same toy store to pick up a gift for your neighbor kid's 5th birthday. You see Simon, a big hulking man dithering among the brightly pink splashed aisles and offering to help, but he looks so desperately lost and out of his depth -Simon looking at you this tiny short af woman with bright curly red hair (you've got a Merida wig on, but he doesn't know that). You don't seem intimidated by him in the least when you offer to help and he really just wants to do right by his daughter so he sucks it up and agrees that yes he really needs help picking a gift for his daughter -He awkwardly explains that he's military and hadn't had any idea that he had a kid up until now, but he wants to get her something to make up for the fact that he's been gone.
You purse your lips in thought, "I don't know that there's anything that could make up for absence."
adding quickly when you see the way his expression falls a little, "But if you're not too sure what she likes yet and you still want to get her something maybe get her something that she can hold if she miss you. Like a soft toy and then add something of yours to it so that it's personal to you both. Extra tags if you have them or a shirt or something."
Your voice trails off for a moment and then it's like a light flips on. in your excitement you grab onto his forearm and had it not been for the sheer surprise of how pretty the expression is on your face, he would have flinched. He doesn't like people touching him.
"Do you have time?" You ask almost breathless in your giddiness.
He raised his brows wondering if he should feel apprehensive.
"Don't need to be there till the afternoon."
"Perfect! Let me buy this and I know the perfect place to go."
Somehow he finds himself following you to check out and then over to your car. As you walk you introduce yourself, and manage to extract, "Simon." from him as a response.
"It's a couple blocks down, at the mall. Do you want to follow me in your car or come with me?" you ask popping the trunk and dropping your purchase among the other bags inside.
Under normal circumstances he would say follow, but with the way you're buzzing with energy and just how unthreatening you seem, he agrees to go with you.
The regret is almost immediate when you turn on the engine and nearly burst his eardrums with how loud the music is blaring from the speakers. He flinches and lets out an expletive while you rush to turn the sound to a more palatable level and smile sheepishly at him.
"Sorry. It gets me sometimes too." you laugh at the incredulous look he's giving you, "I like to have a party to up my mood when I'm driving tired."
-You towing the hulking man through the cheery warm yellow entry of the build a bear and waving to a friend of yours whose at the counter. After showing him the basics you leave him to choose and go speak to your friend. -Finally after a while you find him staring at the little section of army uniforms frowning at the green camo uniform. it takes you a second to see that even though he clearly wants to choose it there's something bothering him about it. The American flag patch on the sleeve His accent was clearly English of some sort.
"Is the American flag the only reason you're hesitating?" You ask him quietly. His gaze moves to you when you speak and he nods.
Grinning you pull one off the hook by the cardboard hanger and dig through you purse to find your to go sewing kit. He starts to protest when you immediately go to work using your seam ripper to get rid of the patch.
"There." You proclaim.
"Yer gonna get in trouble." He grumbles, but seems thankful as you hand it to him to go with his other choices.
"It's fine. You're buying it and I know the people who work here. The girl at cash and I went to college together." You gesture over your shoulder at her and when he makes eye contact with her she gives a friendly wave.
-You don't even question when he ends up with a pochacho dog with the army uniform and surprisingly a helmet that has a skull and flames on it instead of the matching army cap. You also hadn't heard the message that was added, but knew he'd done it because he'd leaned down by the station and spoke in his low gruff voice.
Simon on the ride back to his car with the paper bag on his knees glancing at you humming happily and finally getting the courage to ask why you bothered to help him
You glance sideways at him and give a shrug.
"Some dads don't even try. Some kids don't have dads. You clearly want to try and make up for last time. Why wouldn't I want to help?"
He wonders if you had a shit dad too or if what you'd been buying a t the toy store was for your own kid and the father was a piece of shit. It wasn't his business though so he didn't ask. Luckily for him, he doesn't need to.
"Listen. It's not really my business and I don't want to overstep, but just don't make promises you can't keep okay? Since you're military you're probably going to be gone a lot. Kids aren't dumb. They understand a lot more than people give credit for. I think if you really want to have any sort of relationship with her and you don't want her to hate you then be as honest as you can. She deserves that yeah?" There's a slight tremble in your voice that tells him that it's personal.
"Yeah." He agrees and he means it.
When you make it back to his car he lingers trying to think of what he could say to thank you. Because more than anything his daughter meant hope. A tiny spark of hope that he could have a family even after everything that's happened, that he's done. And in his head you've just given him the best chance at not fucking it up. He almost wants to ask for your number.
But he doesn't. He just memorizes your smiling face as you wish him good luck with meeting his daughter before he ducks his head and shuts the passenger door, gripping the bag tightly. He watches your car disappear feeling oddly disappointed to be doing so.
Tiny info dump beneath the read more bc I felt the need to add it in haha :)
-Why are you wearing a Merida wig? In this reader/you are a cosplayer influencer, but also do Princess Cosplays for little kid birthdays on occasion. Your neighbor's kid is suuuch a sweetheart that you absolutely want to do a cosplay for her birthday and were half getting ready before remembering the thing you wanted to get her for her birthday (honestly I really just wanted the moment where you and Simon are talking and where he sees you in the full cosplay and of all the things he could say to you he has to tell you that your scottish accent sucks because ofc he works with Johnny so he knows what the accent should sound like. and i didn't even put that in this part orz)
-This is in my head set in the USA and his daughter is a product of a one night. He doesn't find out until after the mother dies and is contacted by the grandmother. Literally could write a whole ass one shot smut of this because i have thoughts SO MANY THOUGHTS
I made a quick image of the build a bear he chose :) because I spent hours thinking about it and it needed to see the light of day. if i wasn't on a spending ban my delulu ass probably would have considered making a physical one because think of all the COD outfits I could sew for it
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eltramuffinz · 7 months
Okay so here’s that Itto and Weaver test drive/scene I did a while ago and touched up. It’s only really a first attempt and it’s a bit crack-esque, but then again that’s gonna be the vibe of the actual fic at times in the future so yeah, enjoy whatever this is lol.
GN! Reader x Arataki Itto, 2.5k words, you try and sumo wrestle the Oni
To set the scene: You and Itto are walking through the Inazuman wilderness to the gang’s secret base (which was a kind-of-not-so-secret base that you and the gang had worked together to build) for a weekly catch-up.
He’d met you at your place of work, that being Ogura Textiles and Kimonos, since he’d wanted to accompany you on the way there.
‘To be your super-mega-strong bodyguard of course!’ were his exact words, despite the route you were following being quite safe all things considered.
Somehow the conversation had turned towards the eccentric Oni’s favourite sport of all time, of course being sumo wrestling. Cue you casually remarking you’d never seen a match before, and Itto freaking out as he stopped dead in place, jaw dropping practically to the dirt.
“We don’t have sumo in Watatsumi, okay???” You crossed your arms defensively, eyes narrowing at his extreme response to your complete lack of sumo witnessing experience.
The hulking Oni tried to make puppy-dog eyes, the resulting expression only making a slight grimace pull at your lips. It worked for him when he wasn’t actually trying, since when he did try to make a cute face like right now, it ended up looking a bit… well… extreme, if you had to describe it for lack of better words.
And of course, he pulled out his slightly whiny, childish pouty voice as he pleaded with you.
“C’mon, take me in a sumo fight! …Pretty please?”
… Was he joking? You had to double check.
“… You’re kidding, right?”
He beamed at you, the clownishly extreme cute face morphing into a more sincere yet no less hyped grin.
Always the more reasonable of your duo, you really had to spell it out for him.
“Okay… Itto… you can’t be serious. You’re like… at least ten times as strong as me. Probably more. I don’t think that’s very fair.”
“Awww don’t give up before you even try! Even the smallest onikabuto can win against a bigger and tougher opponent if they give it enough oomph!”
“I’d really rather not get flattened.”
“I’ll go easy on you!”
You raised a brow at him suspiciously. “Doesn’t that go against your morals? You never go easy on kids when you challenge them for snacks. Why am I getting special treatment?”
“Heheh welll! Well! Uh! Um…” His face was starting to turn pink and his red eyes darted around the place, stammering and trying to find an answer while you stared at him.
“Uh- ooh got it- ahem!” Exaggeratedly he cleared his throat loudly and puffed up his chest, looking at you proudly with a raised chin.
“A real man encourages his opponents to step up to a challenge, even if it seems a thousand times too hard at first! If Arataki ‘The Oni Sumo King’ Itto has to tone down his immeasurable strength for you to accept the challenge at all, then I’ll do it… and then I can go all out, ‘cause like you said, that ain’t my style to hold back!”
“... I’m going to regret this.”
His insistence and authentic hopeful twinkle in his crimson eyes had a way of swaying you, no matter how reluctant you were at first to get involved in his antics. He had been pointing to a large and flat area of field where this activity could take place, showing you that there was a spot right here as well!
You slowly started walking to where he had pointed and he beamed in delight, hurrying to walk at your side.
“Psshhhh no you won’t! This is gonna be awe-some~! I’ll show you all my super secret techniques that are one hundred percent foolproof! … Minus all the times they weren’t- I mean you didn’t hear that!”
Before you knew it you were standing with him in the grass, looking around for a moment, and then… Itto started what looked like stripping, taking his coat off with gusto and casting it to the ground powerfully, and then his hand was going to his belt-
“Oh my gods Itto why are you taking your clothes off-“
“It’s professional sumo attire!”
Of course it was, and of course you should’ve seen something like this coming. You’d already accepted long ago that Itto was… a very unique character. But hey, he kept you on your toes, especially with how he constantly made you feel like a cat raising its hackles.
Keeping his belt and pants on, lest he show the entire wilderness something that could never be unseen, you two eventually stood facing one another.
Itto looked like this was the best thing that could be happening right now. You looked vaguely regretful you had somehow agreed to this.
“I’m gonna break my glasses-”
He left you no time to back up, crouching with his hands on his knees and a toothy grin, his diamond-pupils honed in on you. Those red horns were looking particularly pointy right now.
“Ready!… Set!… Go!”
Your immediate thought as you launched towards him was that this was a terrible idea.
His long powerful legs pounded across the dirt and that wild grin still on his face with his red eyes, ripping up the dirt as he charged at you.
Your reflexes screamed at you to dodge this veritable mountain of a man coming at you like, well like a raging bull.
You braced yourself and then-
The wind was knocked out of you as you collided with him in a weighted clash of bodies, all but smacking into him and you scrambled to get a hold on something since you were meant to be wrestling, grabbing his clothes with a death grip.
You felt his large hands land on your torso above your hips, gripping somewhat tightly as his fingers curled into you.
You were not someone who wrestled as a daily activity and did the only thing you could think of, which was to basically lean all your weight forward and attempt to push Itto towards the edge of the dohyō, which he’d told you was the proper name for a sumo ring while he’d scratched it into the dirt with his foot.
You were so focused on what you were doing, breathing heavily and pushing forward with everything you had, you failed to register you had basically shoved your face into Itto’s upper chest, staring straight down his abdomen while you strained against him.
Bearing your teeth, you grunted out a huff of effort and gave him another shove.
C’mon, you could do this, you could do this!
Since you were looking downwards at the ground you could see the movement of his legs, and so far… he had kind of been taking small steps back as you kept your grip tight and pushed against him.
But… then you felt him actually retaliate against your efforts.
All he did was… push against you gently and lean into you like you were to him, just slightly, and his feet stopped moving completely.
It took a long, painful moment of you audibly grunting and huffing for it to click, and suddenly you paused.
You had been pushing against him with everything you had, head shoved into his chest and shoes digging into the dirt from the effort, and Itto… had used a fraction of his body mass to counter you and now you were basically pushing against an immovable wall.
Slowly, agonisingly slowly, you slackened your grip on his sides and stopped pushing. You didn’t have the bravery to look up, forehead still flush to his sternum.
“Itto… you’re not moving. Like… at all.”
The tapping of his fingers against your waist was enough to startle you and tilt your head to look up at him.
He was looking down at you with wide crimson eyes and furrowed brows, mouth working silently for a second before he found his voice and he stammered over himself.
“Uh… well! Y’know, thaaat… was a super awesome strong start! You’ve got all the enthusiasm of a real tough fighter, I bet you could take down a hundred Tenryou soldiers-”
You groaned over the top of him, letting your head drop back against his chest, feeling how it vibrated as he spoke.
A surge of giggles burst from your throat at the futility of the situation; you were giving it your all and this Oni wasn’t budging an inch. He was just too strong; you were no more than a fly pushing on a bull’s flank.
He trailed off while you started laughing loudly, and you tried to start shoving yourself against him again, dirt being pushed up from the toes of your shoes behind you.
“Itto you dumb Oni, this isn’t working-!”
“No no no, I think I’m moving this time! I can feel it! It’s happening!”
You only snorted as you released your grip from his clothes to slam your hands against his abdomen, now trying this new approach.
You failed to notice in your endeavours how underneath your palms the muscles clenched and above you he barked out a noise between a laugh from the sensation and a grunt.
“Oh shut up, you’re not moving! Hah… Gods why’re you so hard to move?”
At last you gave up, admitting defeat and sagging against him, panting from completely exerting yourself while he had basically held you in place, unbudging.
A second passed and then it clicked how this position must have looked for a bystander: you, panting and exhausted, your head resting over his heart and your hands on his exposed abdomen, leaning into him, while he had his hands planted on your waist with a firm grip, leaning slightly into you as well.
… Nothing strange about this, no sir.
Taking a step back but unable to retreat further due to his hold, you have peered up at him with a scrunched brow and flushed face.
You didn’t expect to see the visible blush to his cheeks, starting to match the shade of his horns.
Rolling your eyes, you let go of him to run a hand through your hair.
“Hmph… told you sumo wrestling isn’t my thing. Can we just say you won and have this be done alre- wh-!”
You yelped when suddenly your feet were off the ground, the world blurred briefly and then… you were on your back.
It all happened so fast, but with a single movement your oni companion had swept you off your feet and semi-thrown you to the ground, sumo wrestling style… with a couple subtle changes.
He was kneeling at your side, leaning over you. His hands had moved; one was now flat on your stomach, fingers splayed out. That must have been how he pushed you. The other… was cradling your head, and had cushioned it from smacking against the dirt.
Gods why did his hand have to be literally almost the size of your entire head. Why did this man have be so large in general?
He wasn’t directly hovering over you or anything, but somehow just feeling his broad hands resting on you made you feel incredibly small.
Looking at him with a stunned expression, he merely gave a toothy grin, his little fangs flashing mischievously in the afternoon sunlight.
“Woohoo, guess that’s another win for Arataki ‘The Oni Sumo King’ Itto! I am pretty good at it, ain’t I?”
You opened your mouth but he kept talking.
“Ah ah ah, I know you must wanna express your complete awe of my amazing skills, but please, I don’t need to hear it! …But also, feel free to say it anyway, I’m all ears!”
He turned his head so that his slightly pointed ear was facing you, and you raised an eyebrow.
“Well… you beat me. Congratulations I guess. Even if it wasn’t much of a fight for you.”
You grunted when his hands both went to your shoulders, wrapping around them and pulling to sit you up.
“Nahhh don’t sell yourself short like that! I get it, I’m a tough opponent to beat! Never mind those tengu who can, I don’t get how they’re so skinny yet so strong… pssh anyway!”
He gave you a firm and reassuring shoulder pat before shifting to sit cross-legged opposite you while you brushed the dirt from yourself after lying on the ground. For some reason you kind of missed the support of his large palm behind your head.
“You gave it your all, and that’s what matters! Believe me, it’s aaaall about the attitude. Take it from the most charismatic and beloved gang leader in town!”
You exhaled and squinted at him. Despite basically owning you in that sad excuse for a sumo match, his cheeks were still strangely flushed for how little effort he needed to use for it.
You shrugged at him with a defeated smile.
“Weeeell, I dunno about ‘beloved,’ but I appreciate you trying to make me feel better about it anyway.”
Snickering at how his jaw dropped again in shock for the second time, you got to your feet and extended a hand to him. “C’mon Oni, let’s get moving. It’s gonna get late soon.”
Despite pouting at you he didn’t hesitate to encompass your smaller hand with his much larger one, even if he definitely didn’t need your meagre tugging to help him to his feet.
He was still ruffled, letting go of your hand to run it through his wild mane of white hair.
“I’ll have you know I’m very beloved! Like for real, who could resist the famous Arataki charm? Hah, I could go on for ages, I’m beloved by the gaaang, by the tooown, by- uh…”
By now you were walking side by side, and you hummed curiosity when he started to sound unsure.
“U-uh… maybe… beloved by yooou? Hahahah…!” His voice cracked a bit at the end of his laughter there.
Smirking, you nudged his broad shoulder with your own.
“Man, I gotta think about that one Itto, it’s hard to say…”
He attempted to wave it off with a lot of dismissive sounds and shaky laughs, and you shook your head and sighed.
“Relax buddy, I guess you’re beloved by me as well. You do have your moments.”
All doubt was wiped from his face and a blinding confident grin took its place.
“Waitreally? I mean yes, see, the charm is irresistible! No take backs, I’m beloved by you and you said it yourself so now no one else can say otherwise! Another win for Arataki ‘The Most Beloved’ Itto!”
“You’re gonna be Arataki ‘The Most Late’ Itto if we don’t hurry up.”
He didn’t seem perturbed, slinging an arm across your shoulders and crushing you into his side. You eyed his black nails resting near your face and the red markings on each finger while he gestured nonchalantly.
“We’ll be fiiiine, we got plenty of time! Why rush when we can enjoy this beee-autiful scenery!”
“Oh yeah, like what?”
“Like y- heyyyy like uh that… that amazing and totally not average bush over there!”
“Wow. Truly awe-inspiring.”
What a pair you made.
That’s all lmao hope that was entertaining.
P.S. This is not the only time Weaver has to tell Itto to keep his pants on.
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stackthedeck · 6 months
i need someone who understands to commiserate with me.
WHY are people marking spider-man - all media types when they mean "twinky tiny teeny baby tom holland and papá stark and ooh sometimes big hulking predatory gay teen fucker deadpool (i think thats his name ive never read a comic but i know he hears voices oooOohooH)" thats NOT ALL MEDIA TYPES THATS THE FUCKING TOM HOLLAND MOVIES
they can like that! i dont CARE. what i care about is intentionally obfuscating your fic premise, thereby making ME read it 😭😭😭
i know spideytorch is your fav flame but at least many torch knowers know about smth besides the movies 😔😔
(have a good day, i needed to bitch and i was like. he is the only one who will truly understand 💛)
Anon I feel you I bitch about this every day lmao the exclude mcu button on ao3 is my best friend! Like listen mcu fans can do whatever they want but like fandom etiquette dictates that if I don’t like I shouldn’t read so it’s common courtesy for them to say exactly what the fic is so I can know that I’m the type of fan who doesn’t like it so I won’t read it. Like I’ve been 5k words into pretty alright Spider-Man fic and then I’m hit with the “mr.stark” and I’m like god where’s my Spider-Man that doesn’t respect billionaires it’s crushing every time. And like hey mcu fans, y’all are the majority here if people want Tom Holland Spider-Man they’re searching that fandom tag so use it so more of your intended audience can read your fic!
I’ll be honest with you anon the reason I’m so into spidey torch is because 1 it’s a semi popular ship and 2 spidey torch fans tend to be obsessed with the comics sometimes for both the boys but they’re a super fan of at least one. The fantastic four have had nothing but shitty adaptations so their comic fandom is bigger than their movie fandoms it’s wonderful. I don’t really ship Johnny with Peter beyond like oh they probably were a friends with benefits situation or a Johnny is way more hopelessly in love situation. Nah the real goat of Johnny Storm ships is Johnny and Wyatt Wingfoot that is a power couple that can stand the test of time. But unfortunately it’s a very small tag and there’s quite a few writers who don’t know how to be normal about Native Americans. But my diehard spidey ship is parksborn and that tag is such a mixed bag! Sometimes it’s like the perfect replication of the comic dynamic, sometimes it’s the Raimi movies (functionally two different characters but also fun), something to do with the cartoons (not my thing because they’re kids doing high school drama), whatever the fuck Andrew Garfield had going with that dying Victorian orphan, or Harry is the evil ex but like evil the same way Norman was like fuck off!
Anyway spidey torch is the only spidey dude slash ship that has like consistently good fics but all the other ships you’ve gotta sift through a lot of bull shit but it’d be so much easier to find what I want if people would just tag their shit correctly!
Anyway thank you for bitching with me anon. Reminder: fuck the mcu until Sabra is removed from captain America 4, pirate your movies and comics and don’t buy shit from them. Pirate spectacular Spider-Man comics and every single Wyatt Wingfoot appearance
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ceterisparibus116 · 2 years
Part 1
So I essentially live-blogged the new She-Hulk episode in one of my discords, and thought some of you might be interested:
I'm so late to this party but I'm finally watching the episode
and first of all, I think she got all of Leapfrog's potential claims correct!
except strict liability and manufacturer's defect might be redundant but I'm not sure bc that's civil law and I hate civil law
oh my gosh oh my gosh
her boss calling her out on being more upset over suing the guy who makes her nice clothes than she was over representing the guy who almost tried to kill her cousin?
"watch the show for Jen," they say, "love Jen," they say, "Jen is a great character," they say
she's funny but wowwww
"I do not make suits that malfunction" - I believe him
is...is Matt late to court
in another person's show
welp yeah he's clearly in good hands, they are clearly keeping him 100% in character ad;lkajdsk;as
also his voice
also Jen not-so-discretely checking him out the second he appears smh
"trouble finding parking" bruh
oh my gosh OH MY GOSH her asking for his entire client list
she's overtly going on a fishing expedition with her discovery request for the whole client list
"a gross invasion of people's privacy based on a very shaky what-if" MATT TELL HER
it's not material to this case whether the malfunction has affected other people? It's not - HOW?
she has the burden of proving that the malfunction occurred in this case. Unless there's some kind of bizarre chain reaction, there's no way that malfunctions in other cases (if they even occurred) would affect whether a malfunction occurred in this case
oh my goshhhhhh Matt demonstrating how the privacy concern is higher here bc of the nature of the work is so perfect, although technically that would...hmmm. That wouldn't actually determine the relevance issue, and he really should make clear that he's not ceding the point of relevance
what the heck WHAT THE HECK. She's bringing up the public figure argument - that's for slander and libel, not for product liability????
anyway, legal issues aside
at a meta level, it is so glorious seeing Matt vehemently defend the importance of anonymity of superheroes
ooh and he's claiming Leapfrog misused the suit? That's a defense to any products liability claim
aaaand he used jet fuel. Okay. Yep
also this is so unrelated but having been on an LOTR kick where the ringwraiths constantly sniff things, my first response to Matt sniffing things was horror
okay so the only issue here is that Leapfrog wasn't under oath when he admitted to using jet fuel
but I can forgive that for the sake of pacing
"am I gonna go to jail" lololol dude
aside from them getting the letter of the law more right than they have so far, I really appreciate that they're also touching on the legal issue of when and to what degree you can actually ever...believe your clients
even if your clients aren't straight-up lying, they might just make dumb decisions, or even if they're not dumb or lying, they might just not mention something that's important bc they don't know it's relevant
and I know pacing is a thing, but like...come on, Jennifer
[discussion from others in the discord about whether it's Jennifer's fault for ending up with a dumb client since she didn't want to take the case in the first place]
it's one thing to say "I don't want this case bc there's a conflict of interest" which doesn't help if the client signs a waiver. It's another thing to say "I don't want this case bc I looked into it and I don't believe my client, either give me more time to investigate or give the case to someone else because I can't ethically pursue a case that I don't believe I can prove"
okay the flirting tho
this flirting is actually good writing?
I like how they both are clearly trying to figure the other out, but they're doing it by asking questions sort of...sideways and not always giving clear answers
like there's a whole layer of conversation beneath what they're actually saying
"as someone who works for 'them' full time, I really don't have any gas in the tank for anything else." See...I feel bad for Jennifer, I do, but like...* sigh * this is what gets me about her character. No one forced her to take the job. Is it bad that I wish she'd somehow been blackmailed into it? Like, literally no choice?
"you can if you choose / be the best of both worlds" - IT'S NOT THAT GROUNDBREAKING OF AN IDEA BUT OKAY DISNEY
"we're all feeling this right, it's not just me" - best fourth wall break in the whole series lol
he's so awkward ad;lkdsak;ads
his laugh 🥺
gosh I LOVE that they introduced him as lawyer!Matt before introducing him as DD
"I'm billing you for the whole hour" - let's go
"I think I'm being attacked!" / "Legally or physically?" why is that so funny to me
"my famous secret lair"
oh is this the first time she wears her suit? The first time she wears her suit is after talking to Matt?
I'm sorry, Jen, Matt is the real hero of this show if you couldn't even -
never mind I've already ranted about that 😆
Matt: * jumps off a building*
I love him
okay the CGI is definitely not as grounded but the whole show isn't as grounded so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
she just - threw a car at him
that could kill him???
Matt conceding that her assuming he's a bad guy bc of his costume which he specifically chose to be scary is a fair point is so good
[extended back-and-forth about the fact that we got a tiny hint of whump]
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ooh i love coming up with questions! feel free to ignore any of these you dont want to do tho
1- werewolves or vampires? and why
2- what fictional character has impacted your life the most?
3- similar to that, was there one movie you were obsessed with and watched over and over as a kid?
4- hat's your "type" and does it vary between theory and reality?
5- re you a good cook or baker? if so, what's the best thing you've ever made?
6- f you could teleport anywhere in the world but you had to stay there for a year, where would you go?
7- where do you see yourself in 5 years? Not in a job interview way
8- what height would you want to be if you could choose?
9- is there anything you really want to do this year that you've never done before?
10- what's something your followers might be surprised to learn about you?
these are so thorough and fun oh my GOSH !!!!
1– werewolves 100%. vampires are sexy in their own right but as a monster fucker i cant resist a big ole fuckin creature, and werewolves are the perfect combination of human intelligence and monstrous otherworldliness. they can be basically just a human with more hair and a tail or they can lose all semblance of humanity and be giant hulking beasts. they're perfect. 10/10
2– sans the skeleton, absolutely. i know he's been sorta transfigured into a meme and hes a silly little guy to me, too, but like also, really and truthfully, he (and undertale itself) came into my life during a time i deeply and desperately needed something to help me feel safe, and sans was that thing for me.
3– there were two, actually!! rise of the guardians and a monster in paris !! i still to this day absolutely adore a monster in paris, it's such a charming film and the soundtrack is phenomenal
4– my "type"..... man thats a hard question. i dont really have a 'type', per say? or at least i dont think so, but there are some qualities that i basically always find consistently attractive! here's a list of em
being tall and/or physically imposing
shoulder length dark hair
low/deep, soft, smooth voice
humor/being able to make me laugh
passion/being hard working/loving the things they do
being a good dancer
good natured cockiness 
5– i dont know how good of cook/baker i am but i do love to cook/bake ! i think my favorite thing ive ever made would have to be these orange creamsicle cupcakes i made w a friend years ago for a baking competition. we won ! (*๑˘◡˘)
6– oooh probably either.... wales or japan! ive always wanted to visit
7– honestly i have no idea... but hopefully somewhere, u know? maybe in a little apartment with a cat . that would be nice
8– maybe like, 5'6" to 5'8"? that way i could still be a short king™ but tall enough so that people dont immediately assume im still in high school
9– i wanna travel by myself! and im actually gonna do that in july, because im flying to england to visit a friend :]
10– uhhhhhh hmmmm i dunno! i'm adopted? people are sometimes surprised to learn that
0 notes
ourladytamara · 1 year
@_proletkvlt 11/29/2022
Cws: implied CNC, but not really
Warm, inviting, blissful; the void gave you all you needed, and more. The soft humming of the cosmos patters against your formless form. Here, you could relax, ready yourself before another outing into the physical realm. It was a place of utter tranquility; few mortals could understand just how wonderful your existence was, free of stress, strife, and entropy, and for the most part, you liked to keep it that way. The void was something personal, of course – something you kept for yourself.
Sometimes, though, after so much sweetness and serenity, you craved something more savory.
It was trivial for a being such as yourself. The realms below you were lush with opportunity, a veritable cornucopia of sensations to pick and choose from. What would you be this time? A waifish little thing preyed upon by some larger, hulking woman? Some wretched little girlpet stuffed beneath the floorboards of a cruel mistress’s manor? Perhaps it’d be one of the rare occasions in which you took on the role of dominant; ooh, how you cherished the feeling of another life snapping into glittering pieces in your hands! This time, however, the thought of inhabiting some meek thing as it’s reamed out by a woman’s equine cock bubbles up inside of you.
Excitement building, you ready yourself to descend. One of the myriad Earths in the multiverse would suit quite nicely, glancing down at the peaceful little orb of white and blue like a spinning marble. On a whim, you select a little corner of it and begin to focus yourself. Mental energy coalesces through the void, thermodynamics themselves bowing to your great and total authority. Yes, you can see her now; a girlish figure, blonde hair, perky tits and a nice ass…
...You feel a presence. Something else – someone else – is here. That… that isn’t possible.
Before the sudden and unexpected intrusion into your ethereal sanctuary even registers in the back of your mind as a threat, you feel a strong, full-body pulling. It… was this descent? How could a descent begin without your explicit word? How can your perfect willpower be… overruled? In a place like this?
You attempt to claw yourself out of the swirling energetic soup, but find it immediately futile. In a painful, blinding instant, your entire essence is sucked through a straw, stretched infinitely thin and infinitely long.
Blackness. A throbbing headache – the familiar kind you knew so well. Your eyes shoot open – revealing thick, iron bars, and a woman standing just beyond them. Long, black locks of hair hang from her head, topped with an immaculate peaked cap of black, red, and white; above the brim, a singular inverted cross, gleaming in polished silver.
“Aha!” she exclaims, smiling and pressing her pale face up to the cage. “I got you! I knew it!”
You’re in some kind of… chamber. Describing it in more detail was hard; bizarre constructions and shuddering steel line every dimly-lit wall, bundles of cables and aluminum ductwork hanging to and fro like Christmas decorations. Looking down, you’re evidently not fully formed; what should be human flesh is a vaguely-humanoid shadow, a three-dimensional imprint left by your four-dimensional form. Runic symbols and bizarre, blinking devices line each metal bar, humming the unmistakable tune of ethereal energy.
The woman extends a black-gloved hand through the bars and rubs your intangible flesh, her digits sinking through you.
“Just as I suspected, too – no wonder the fluctuations were so consistent!”
“...who are you?” you ask, voice like a ringing tuning fork. That seems to set her off, a twinge of anger in her crimson eyes.
“Who am I? WHO AM I?” she shrieks, theatrically raising her arms, “What a FOOLISH inquiry from such a capable being!”
An angry glare cuts through the blank space where your face would’ve gone.
“I am Despotrix Tamara, the all, the one, and the none – the beginning and end! The creator and destroyer of all! The ruler of the Demesne and sovereign of uncountable, writhing hordes of pathetic sluts! Th-”
“Why did you put me in a ca-”
“SILENCE!” the Despotrix screams, rattling the bars of your cage. “I will have no more of your intrusions, cur!”
She steps back, gesturing upwards as a large, flat computer screen on the wall comes to life. Various graphs and charts are laid out across the display, with numerous points of data circled and annotated.
“Every Tuesday or so, there’s a sudden fluctuation in local spacetime,” the Despotrix barks, pointing at the screen with a riding crop, “and every Tuesday I find a new subject record in my database – one that disappears immediately after!”
Things are starting to make sense. The Despotrix moves to speak again, you cut her off.
“Oh, yeah, I assume that’s me.”
A look of half-excitement and half-rage twists her face into a scowl. She lunges at the bars of the cage, shaking them in anger.
“YOU’RE JUST GOING TO ADMIT IT!?” she exclaims, prompting you to shrug your semi-corporeal pseudoshoulders.
“Yeah, I guess so. It’s not like it’s a very big secret.”
For a moment, the Despotrix doesn’t even respond, holding her tongue as some kind of tension starts boiling over inside her. A few fumbled half-syllables escape her black lips, but in the end, she pulls away once more. Mechanical arms bearing tools of unknown purpose extend themselves from the top of the cage, bearing similar runes as the bars keeping your incorporeal form contained. They whirr and grind with electric hostility; even without the ability to feel pain, they still frightened you.
“...I don’t understand,” she says, lifting her peaked cap and rubbing her forehead, “you hold power even beings such as myself envy! Immortality and infinity are in your hands – and you spend your time doing… what, exactly? Tormenting the mortal plane? Exacting some kind of incomprehensible cosmic will upon the powerless? What makes you tick, celestial?”
Hmmm. No one’s ever actually asked you that question – you didn’t tend to say much unless you were trying to make yourself cuter and more abusable in the eyes of a sexually-violent evil woman with a thick dick – or a fat pussy, really; you didn’t like to discriminate.
“I dunno,” you say, “I just kinda like having weird gay sex with women.”
Tamara blinks. A second later, the mechanical limbs retract.
“...well, hey, so do I!” she says, adjusting her black trenchcoat, and with a satisfied flick of her fingers, unzips her pants – her meaty cock flopping out of her trousers a second later. She shoves it through the bars of the cage, semi-soft and virile as ever.
“Why didn’t you just say so?”
“I dunno,” you say, as the void hums once more and summons you a pair of dick-sucking lips, “it makes for a better story that way.”
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
GENRE: Fluff
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Flowing water, molded into ballerinas, swaying to the slow, dreamy rhythm of a harp, by a skilled magician, surrounded me as I stood in the middle of a vast, colorful oasis. It took me a while before I realized that I was in Asra's gate. How did I end up being there?
The plants sprung to life, engulfing me, filling my vision with a dancing of warm colors that reminded me of him as I closed my eyes. I could feel the phantom of warmth embrace me, and when I opened my eyes, I was greeted with those deep and sincere purple eyes of his.
The world seemed to have slowed down, every action taking some time as if it was to savor the moment. I found myself loosely wrapping my arms around his neck as he caressed my other cheek, and I leaned to the feeling.
I could see Asra's magnificent aura combining with mine, making a beacon of blinding light that went up to the sky.
His tender touch never fails to send me flying over to the moon, both our magic combined as if speaking to one another, my heart reacting to his own.
He pressed his forehead against mine, a blush creeping up his face.
"I love you."
With that, I had unfortunately awoken. I yawned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, soon realizing that Asra was not beside me anymore. The smell of my favorite soup wafted out from the kitchen to the bedroom, causing me to blearily walk towards it. The sleepiness soon ebbed my system once the smell got stronger. Asra wasn't aware that I already woke up, so I sneakily went on to hug him from behind, earning an adorable gasp from him and making me chuckle.
"[MC]? You're awake. Did you have a good sleep?"
I nuzzled his fluffy hair. "Mhm I suppose. I had a really good dream."
"Oh? Why don't you tell me about it."
"We were in your gate. But it didn't look like before.. it was more magical that time. Well, just us doing some romantic things.. Involving magic too!"
Asra let out a chuckle, "Why don't we make it real then?" He turned around, giving me that playful look of his. I grinned. "Ooh, I love the sound of that."
Soon, I found myself being fed by him as we ate our breakfast. Faust kept on squeezing us alternatively. She seemed excited about something.
"[MC], what do you say we go out for a trip today?" Asra asked, wiping off some remaining soup droplets on my chin which I hadn't noticed.
"Where will we go?"
"I thought about bringing you to the magical realms, but then I thought of something better." He casted a wistful look on me. "Let's forget about the realms for the mean time. Let's just explore the city. What do you think?"
"You know I'm up for it! But you'll have to let me take a bath first!" I chuckled.
"Take your time. I won't mind." He playfully winked at me as I headed towards the bathroom.
Some time later, we arrived at the city market. Vesuvians were partially rowdy and quiet. Though some even came stumbling near the two of us, but it was alright. Asra held my hand tightly as I saw him grinning at something— or someone. The market seemed a bit more playful today. Maybe that's why he decided to take me here? The fun in the atmosphere was tangible, especially when I heard the strumming of guitars— and the next moment, all I knew was that Asra and I were dancing in the middle of the street, accompanied by some other couples until the beat had stopped.
It was fun while it lasted. It's as if my body had a mind of its own when I let myself dance to the rhythm. I didn't care about anything else other than the joyous music. I knew what felt right, and it felt right to let myself sway to the rhythm with Asra. Abstract magic bubbled around the two of us. How I love feeling that way.
However, right after the dancing session, the world suddenly dissipated into nothingmess. I was left all alone in a dark, fathomless land where no one seemed to hear me. No Asra... no Faust. I tried to connect to them using my magic, but something was intercepting it. No no, I didn't feel something ominous despite the situation. So what, exactly, was stopping me? I called out to my magic once more, and there I felt a recognizable aura somewhere. Asra's. He was nearby, I could tell, but it's as if he was hiding behind a veil which I didn't know where to find. I was in distress, but then something dawned me.
Asra must've been playing tricks with me. I should've known from the beginning. Ugh, I am so going to get that rascal! I let my magic surround me, and then I was back at the market— but I was alone. If he was pulling a prank on me, I'd give him credits for the effort of making  the crowd disappear too. I clicked my tongue but later on grinned. What kind of prank was it? I got a little excited to know what to see at the end of the tunnel.
I called out for the nth time. I was aimlessly walking that I didn't realize I already bumped to a hulking figure. The smell of Myrrh...
"Muriel! Have you seen my sneaky magician?" 
He looked away as soon as I met his eyes. He didn't reply. He just walked away. I followed him with my eyes but then he stopped his tracks, reluctantly beckoning me to join him. And I did. And I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. Asra really did execute a massive prank for me because the whole Vesuvia seemed empty of people. I was beginning to get confused when I still didn't see anyone, but when we turned to a corner, leading to which I presume is the docks, an enthralling scenery surprised me.
My fellow Vesuvians were scattered on the side. The middle was empty and I supposed I would be walking there, and I was right. I let out a confused noise when they suddenly started singing all together. Their voices were harmonious that it somehow made my heart feel lighter than it already was. I could spot a few familiar faces.
Selasi, our favorite baker, then came up to me, handing me something. I was surprised that it wasn't bread but a bouquet of my favorite flowers. I thanked him, but before I could ask furthermore, he hastily ran back to the crowd.
"Muriel, what's going on?"
What did I expect? He didn't even turn around. I guessed I wouldn't be having any answers until I see the mastermind behind all of this.
I spotted Aisha and Salim in the crowd. They gave me a meaningful smile, a sly look on their faces. I smiled back and proceeded to walk down the center even if I had no idea what was happening. Their attentions were all on me. It made me feel overwhelmed, as if I was the star of Vesuvia. And jeez, was the Countess and all the other courtiers somewhere in the crowd?
Speaking of, I soon found Nadia standing in a corner. Her elegant figure stood out the most. I was taken aback when she walked to me, and I received a bouquet of flowers once again. She gave me a playful look and then weaved herself through the crowd. I soon spotted Portia, and she did the same thing to me, winking afterwards. 
And by the time I had reached Julian standing in the middle of the docks, my arms were already full of bouquets, but he gave a blind eye to that and proceeded to put another bouquet on top of the rest that I could barely see what's in front of me. And as I expected, the strain in my arms made the bouquets fall to the ground. I regretfully looked at them. But just as I was about to pick them up, Julian intercepted, swaying his long, lanky arms that almost hit my face.
"Whoops! No no no no. We can't have our main star doing the work here, can we?"
He flashed a shameless grin and started picking up the bouquets. I didn't argue and instead chuckled. Then as I lifted my gaze, I finally saw Asra, standing at the edge and giving me a look as if to tell "I'm expecting you."
He smiled at me as I ran into him, completely forgetting the fact that he's at the edge. One slight move and he would fall into the water. But something unusual happened. 'Asra' bursted into fizzy bubbles and tiny butterflies that soon engulfed me, making me giggle. And once they gave way, I was greeted by a bunch of tiny ballerinas which emerged from the water. They were careful not to get too close and drench my clothes. My smile grew even wider as I recalled my dream. There were also dancing ballerinas surrounding me, but bigger. Asra must had taken note of that to pull the trick off.
I pivoted, seeing 'Asra' give me another bouquet of flowers. But they were much larger than the ones my friends had given to me. The other half was drenched though since it was given to me by the water in which Asra shaped himself to.
"[MC]." I heard a boisterous call, making me turn around for the nth time, and that time I finally saw the real Asra. Solid and radiating an immense aura of magic. Joyous but somehow perplexed. I threw myself at him, and we bursted into giggles.
"My, my.. You really know how to pull a trick off your sleeves. Is this really the real you, or are you just another one of his illusions?"
"I'm the real one you know," His airy voice tickled my ears. There was a playful tone in his voice. "Want me to prove it?"
"N-Not in front of everyone!" I flushed but eventually cleared my throat. "Uhm, mind explaining yourself? Please tell me what's gotten into your mind to do this."
He only gave me a smug look, but later on evaded my gaze as a blush crept on his face. The crowd had already stopped singing. They were silent and watching us as if expecting something huge to happen. I looked at my friends, who were only giving me playful looks. I frowned, but then it hit me. 
Or I might just be assuming things. It was just a massive prank, right? Asra didn't do it because of...
"I.. You know how much I care for you.. Right?"
I heard someone in the crowd squeal.
"Yes. You told me about it when.. when we were at the fountain... during the most recent masquerade." I blushed as I reminisced the scene. It made my heart flutter when he told me that he loves me. It filled me with joy. We've been through a lot...
"We've been through a lot of adventures ever since we defeated the Devil. And I treasure the memories that we keep on making... I find it better to go on adventures with you by my side rather than going alone," He looked at me and smiled. It was my turn to look away due to our faces' proximity. "You showed me a different perspective of the world, [MC], and I can't imagine living a life without you anymore. I feel like as long as we're together, we'll be able to overcome anything." 
My heart erratically beated as he said those words. A mixture of Aww's and other complements came from the crowd, but Asra didn't seem to mind. He was staring at me. And only at me.
"I love you, [MC]. And I'll keep on loving you.." He widened the distance between us a little, kneeling down and as if searching for something in his pocket. I didn't know how red my face was at the time. I felt like exploding.
He really was doing it.
He was proposing to me.
Asra stopped his search and shyly looked around, but he was somehow distressed. 
"Now where did I put it...." He looked down, facepalming. "Faust, where are you? I told you not to play with it."
At the mention of her name, Faust slithered towards him, something shiny in her mouth. Asra chuckled and scolded her as she took refuge in his sleeve. Then, he averted his gaze back to me, his eyes gleaming with hope and love.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, [MC]. And I hope you do too... Will you marry me?"
He showed me the ring that flashed the colors of the rainbow before my very eyes. Milliseconds after he said that the crowd started cheering and squealing, and I didn't even utter my answer yet, and I couldn't due to all the noise. Portia took care of it though.
"HEY! Did we actually hear what [MC] said? QUIET!" And the noise dissipated. 
The more I looked at Asra, the more I realized how nervous he actually was. Even with a brave facade, I could still see through him. We were blushing so bad as he waited for my answer. But I felt like I couldn't speak at the time. I was overwhelmed with euphoria that I couldn't bring myself to utter a single word or even move. It took me a few seconds to calm myself, responding to his question with a smile.
"D-Do you even have to ask?"
"Is that a yes?"
"Of course it is! Yes! I'll marry you!"
Asra stood up with a wide, genuine smile as he put the ring on my finger. It was filled with an intricate design, the pattern carved meticulously. I was so amazed at how detailed it was. I looked at it with awe. I couldn't believe what was hapenning. I might've swooned.
"Good. I was beginning to think you wouldn't.."
"Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know." Asra laughed, pulling me into a kiss. His magic surged into me and when he pulled away, he immediately took me in his embrace. The crowd started cheering once again that I could barely hear myself over it.
"Did you make the ring?"
"Yes. Did you like it?"
"Like it? I love it!" I flushed against his chest.
"The ring only?"
"Psh, of course you too! I love you, Asra!"
He chuckled and intertwined our fingers. I blushed even more. If I could explode, I already would've.
"I love you too. I loved you ever since."
"Asra! Stop making me blush.."
"But I was just stating facts! Right Faust?"
He really couldn't fail to make me blush, to create butterflies and grow flowers inside me, and to make my heart feel light and filled with pure bliss.
We were engaged, and I couldn't wait to see what the future stores for us.
The future that includes him and I, completely contented with each other's presence.
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 4 years
I need a crack fic of Clyde hiding his last present *insert Justin Timberlake Dick in a Box playing*
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A/N: I HAVE COMPLETED SO MANY CRACK THOTS IN MY HEAD TONIGHT IT’S SICK THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO HAS FUELED THIS FIRE! @xxcatrenxx I really hope you love the twist I put on this fic, thank you for allowing me to write it out... to completion 👀ENJOY BABE! 
Warnings: mentions of children, all the Xmas feels because I have to with this big ol’ softy bear, a big ol’ dick in a box, slight teasing, ass slapping, Doggystyle, deep penetration from our good ol’ country boi, caught in the act of or slightly thereafter, stuffing, breeding kink, dirty talk because Clyde is the best dirty talker, unprotected sex, cum eating, smut smut and more smut, with a lot of Xmas fluff because I hate myself
“Now what do y’all say to yer mama fer lettin’ ya open these on Christmas Eve?” Clyde bellows out at the kids as they ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ at their Christmas themed PJ’s. 
“Thank you, mama,” your five-year-old daughter and three-year-old son collectively turn and run to you perched on the couch, a Tom and Jerry in hand, enveloping them in the biggest hug you could possibly muster. 
“Yer so welcome ma sweet babies,” wrapping them in the fuzzy blanket you had draped over yourself, and kissing them until they begged to be let go of, “mama loves ya so much,” laughing as they screamed in fake cries as they wiggled away from your affections. 
“Now y’all go ahead an’ getcha jammies on an’ all that stuff,” he chuckled, watching you love and kiss on them as they tried to run away, “then ya can come give yer mama more kisses before Santa comes tonight,” they stopped dead in their tracks to beam at their dad who had said the magic word. 
They leaped off the loveseat, bounding up the stairs with new jammies in hand to get their little teeth brushed, and go potty before slipping into dreamland. You moved to get up off the couch to go help with the marathon of getting them to settle in bed before having a strong hand push you right back down. 
“Now, darlin’,” he tsked, the light from the Christmas tree glimmering in his eyes, “ya jus sit here an’ look perty while I get the babies all ready fer bed,” lowering down to steal a kiss from your lips, “you do enough round these parts, let me handle it fer one night,” kissing your forehead as he put the blanket back over your legs and lumbered upstairs to survey the damage from the kids. 
You sighed, watching the fire burn in the large fireplace of your new home, the farmhouse feel enveloping you in the country Christmas you’d been dreaming of since you’d met your sweet husband. The large pine tree beside your couch, emanating a fresh scent coupled with the embers from the flames in the kindling, and the sweetness of your hot drink as you let out a relieved sigh. 
Life was absolutely perfect. You had a home, two perfect children, a doting and affectionate husband, and the financial freedom the both of you had worked so hard for the past several years, not akin to the ‘cauliflower incident’ as you referred to it fondly. 
Above your loud thoughts, a low hum rang through the stairs as you took a sip from your mug. The sound of Clyde’s honeyed voice, lulling your sweet babies to bed with a Christmas story as they questioned every single page he’d read. 
You chuckled at their wonder, asking where Rudolph was in Santa’s line up, how many cookies does he usually eat, and your daughter making sure to tell her daddy to turn the fire off before he and mama went to bed so Santa wouldn’t burn his bottom on the way down the chimney. 
“Goodnight babies,” you heard him whisper, latching the doors to their rooms as he padded down the hallway. 
You waited for him to appear on the stairs, wanting to cuddle up with him by the fire with your mugs of liquor before heading off to bed, but after a few minutes, were growing slightly worried as to what he was up to. 
You released your legs to the slightly colder air, placing your mug on the coffee table as you padded upstairs, enclosing yourself in the sweater you had chosen for the evening. 
“Babe?” you whispered, wondering if he was alright, seeing the dark hallway with no light in your master bedroom. 
“Clyde, honey?” walking into the room to flip on the bedside light, jumping at the scene before you. 
“Holy shit!” you cleared your throat, “what’s goin’ on here?” eyebrows raised as you saw your big bear perched on the ivory comforter of your California king bed, clad in nothing but a pretty big box wrapped around his pelvis. 
“I don’t know Mrs. Logan,” he purred out, “why dontcha open it up ta see what’s inside… I think ya might like it just a lil’ bit,” winking as he watched you inch closer to the edge of the bed. 
Pushing your hair behind your head, gathering your body onto the sheets as you reached for the bow covered box, unwrapping the pretty packaging as his hand snaked behind to grip you full ass perched on your feet. 
“Oh honey,” you mewled, salivating at his large and in charge cock, bobbing at attention, practically springing out of its cage covered in precum and begging to be stuffed inside you, “I love it,” bringing your hands to stuff the oversized sweater in between your legs to curb the aching sensation in your netherregions. 
“He loves ya so much baby girl,” gripping and kneading on your ass as you removed the rest of the contents from his body, “in fact, he may wanna stuff ya like a Christmas turkey tonight darlin’,” smacking the covered skin as you fell forward on his stomach. 
“Would ya like that?” he mewled, gathering your fuzzy covering to push it, revealing your little blush pink panties underneath, “ta be stuffed with me again?” feeling the wetness that had soaked through them in the process. 
“Y-yes babe,” you whined, pushing your cunt into his touch as you sucked hickeys on his belly, “please fill me up,” whining into the darkness of the bedroom. 
“That’s all I want for Christmas big bear,” assuming the position, ass up, face down on the plush comforter as he scrambled his hulking body to position his cock at your entrance. 
“Well big bear is gon’ stuff ya full again,” pushing down the sheer lace to your knees, “make ya all big an’ round again with ma baby,” slapping your ass as hard as humanly possible before sheathing his aching cock into your tight little hole. 
“Fuck!” you cried out, prompting Clyde to grip the back of your head, pulling you up just enough to penetrate that perfect spot of yours, “now baby girl, ya know ya can’t yell like that,” he huffed in your ear, pushing himself to rearrange your guts in knots, “you’ll wake our precious babies up an’ then what?” snaking a hand to tease your clit as he left open kisses on the exposed shoulder of your sweater. 
“I-I,” you stuttered as he sped up his motions on your mound, only to break away again and shove your face into the down comforter. 
“B-babeeee,” whining as your pussy throbbed on his length, the sensation never failing to burn just a little at his girth, “I-I l-love bein’ full a you,” gasping on every push of his cock on your cervix. 
“I love seein’ my perty baby all full a me,” mewling and grunting as he thrust deeper and deeper, balls clapping on your pussy as he drank in your moans, “ya carry my babies s-so damn well,” gripping the sweater that had fallen up your back, pulling you even more flush with him as he railed the fuck out of you. 
The thought of being completely filled, sending a shockwave to your budding clit, a tingling in your spine egging on the flutters in your pussy walls. 
“I-is ma baby almost ready?” he growled, setting an even more brutal pace as he released his flesh and blood hand on your hip, no doubt a bruise already blooming from his iron grip on it. 
His thick, meaty fingers found their way back to your stiffened bud, the slightest touch sending you to the complete edge of your orgasm, “that’s it Y/N,” he whispered, sweat dripping from his inky locks as he encircled the peak in your sopping folds, “cum all over yer cock,” he uttered out, feeling the shockwaves clamp over his member as you cried out in complete bliss. 
“God fuckin’ d-dammit!” screaming as he sped up to ride your wave out into his own, “C-Clyde baby please!” feeling his movements become more erratic as you slipped from your high. 
“I-I’m,” he stammered out, pumping his cock a few more times into your glistening hole, “‘m fillin’ this p-pussy full,” growling like the bear he was as he released his swimmers into your gaping womb, the warmth wrapping your uterus in a hug it so badly desired. 
“Jesus f-fuckin,” he moaned out, hands covering your ass as he stilled himself, shaking from the aftershocks of his orgasm, “ya alright darlin’?’ patting your ass lightly, smoothing over the raised handprint he’d left. 
“Ya,” you panted out, trying to still your breathing as you felt his softened cock slide out of you, the sound making you sigh in relief as the air hit your hole. 
“Gah, yer so damn perty,” marveling at the mixture seeping out of your slit, “so fuckin’ wet,” scooping it up to stuff right back in, causing your pussy to clamp back down on his thick fingers. 
“Gettin’ greedy, huh,” he chuckled, watching as your cunt ate up the spend, “ya know we’re gonna hafta do this more than once ta get it right,” removing it to lick up the rest in his mouth. 
“I know babe,” setting yourself up to his blushing chest, rubbing his pecs as you leveled with his face, “remember we have two kids,” raising your pretty fingers to his face only to have him kiss the tips ever so lightly. 
“I know baby doll,” he cooed, pushing strands of hair out of the way, leading your lips to meet his in a searing kiss on the bed. 
“Daddy?” a shrill voice echoed from the doorway of the bedroom, the both of you freezing in horror as your pupils met, trying to ignore the call. 
Clyde turned around slightly, to notice your daughter crowding the side of the entryway, “y-yes baby?” he whispered faintly, hoping the voice was a figment of his imagination, the color leaving his face as he noticed her sweet little face scrunched up in a questioning look. 
“What were you an’ mama doin”?” she cocked her head to the side, inching into the light, teddy bear in hand, blinking her cute little eyes to adjust to the light. 
“Uhm,” voice cracking as he cleared his throat to give her an answer, not daring to turn around as he was still fully nude, “mama an’ I well, uhm, well we were,” panicking to look back and you completely lost in silent laughter at his starstruck behavior. 
You pat his chest, “I got this babe,” you tutted, pressing your index finger into his plush lips, and glancing over at your little girl, still waiting for an answer. 
“Daddy an’ I were havin’ some alone time baby girl,” you spoke just loud enough for her to hear and hopefully simple enough to understand, “now dontcha think you should be in bed?” cocking an eyebrow “I don’t think Santa will come if he knows yer still awake,” crossing your arms as you stared her pretty little puppy dog eyes into the abyss they were. 
“I jus’ wanted ta make sure daddy wasn’t hurtin’ ya, mama,” a tear rolling down her cheek as she started to back away into the dark hallway. 
“Oh baby girl,” getting up from your spot to lower your sweater and pull your panties back up, “daddy wasn’t hurtin’ me at all, now were ya daddy?” looking to him as you pulled her into a hug. 
“No honey,” he pandered, still facing away to shield her innocent eyes from his now completely limp member, “daddy wasn’t causin’ mama any kinda pain, I promise,” blushing and shying away at his little girl. 
“See?” you pet her little head, “I promise we’re both okay baby,” kissing her forehead, “now let’s get back ta bed now,” leading her back into the hallway towards her room, and tucking her in bed. 
“Mama?” she whispered as you back away towards the door. 
“Yes, baby?” answering her back as you glanced back into the night lit room. 
“Whatever y’all was doin’, I think you won the contest,” her face showing absolutely no signs of joking. 
“Well,” stifling an all-out snort, “t-thank ya, baby,” shying into the hallway to take a deep breath, “I think mama won too,” smiling at her dozing off. 
“Good night sweet girl, Merry Christmas,” whispering as you moved to leave the room. 
“Merry Christmas mama,” her sweet voice echoed back as you found your way back to the bedroom, chuckling in the hallway as you shook your head. 
This was for sure the merriest Christmas you’d ever experienced, and the most mortifying to boot. 
And it all started with a dick in a wrapped box.  
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damianwaynerocks · 4 years
Zuko & The Waynes
tag list: @bi-fr0000g​
batfam x avatar crossover
PT 1
Description: Prince Zuko has just seen a light; the Avatar has returned. He was just about to go capture him, when he falls through a portal, and lands in Gotham City. He’s angry. He was just about to regain his honor, to regain his father’s love. After he is adopted by Bruce Wayne and becomes Zuko Wayne, the second youngest child, Zuko starts to have second thoughts about regaining his honor. Living as Zuko Wayne makes him think that maybe, just maybe, he’s deserving of love just the way he is. 
This started out as an incorrect quote, but then I loved the idea of Zuko having his Book 3 realization through becoming a member of the bat family, so I did. Also, there will 110% be a part 2.
this takes place in episode 1. like the beginning. he hasn’t even seen aang yet.
Fire Navy Ship, Near the South Pole, Earth 24
The story of Zuko Wayne begins with a bright light over an icy sea.
A bright light rocketed into the sky, parting the clouds. A boy with his left eye horribly scarred in a military uniform on a Fire Navy ship, his black ponytail fluttering in the wind, gripped the railing of the ship as he watched the light.
"Finally!" Prince Zuko yelled, whirling around to face a smaller man in a similar uniform who was playing some sort of board game at a small table, "Uncle, do you realize what this means!?"
Iroh, Zuko's uncle, looked up at his nephew with a calm expression, a game piece in his outstretched hand. "I won't get to finish my game?"
Zuko rolled his eyes and he turned back around, staring at the space where the light had been. "It means my search is about to come to an end." At his uncle's disinterested sigh, Zuko turned around again, gesturing behind him. "That light came from an incredibly powerful source! It has to be him!"
"Or it's just the celestial lights. We've been down this road before, Zuko," Iroh said, placing the game piece back on the board before looking back up at the prince. "Please, sit. Why don't you enjoy a cup of calming Jasmine tea?"
"I don't need any calming tea!" Zuko snarled, "I need to catch the Avatar-" he broke off to shield his face with his arms from the sudden wind.
A small purple tornado was in between Zuko and Iroh, pulsating with a strange light. It started to flatten into a portal, moving towards Zuko.
"Zuko, Move!" Iroh cried, lunging to grab his nephew out of the portal's way, but his cries never made it to Zuko's ears as the prince fell into the swirling vortex.
Crime Alley, Gotham City, Earth 2
"Oomph," Zuko grunted as he landed on a hard concrete surface. He sat up slowly, resting his hand on his forehead, dizzy. He blinked several times, trying to take in his bizarre surroundings.
A carriage-looking device was rolling through the street, no animals pulling it.
There were poles on either side of the street with lights shining out of them, lights that weren't coming from lanterns.
However, the most bizarre thing he could see was the man dressed similarly to a wolfbat in front of him.
Zuko scrambled to his feet, igniting a fire in front of his fist threateningly. "Stay back!" he snarled.
The man said nothing, looking at him closely. Zuko's skin was crawling; there was something unsettling about this man- or at least, he thought it was a man.
After thirty seconds of only the sound of Zuko's heavy breathing, the man spoke. "What's your name?" he said in a deep, gravely voice.
Zuko tightened his fists. "I am Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation," he said, "Now tell me; where am I!?"
"Gotham City," the hulking man replied.
Zuko swallowed. His father had made sure that Zuko knew the name of every city in the world.
He'd never heard of Gotham City.
"You've never heard of it." The man's words were more of a statement than a question. "Well, I've never heard of the Fire Nation. It doesn't exist."
"What are you talking about!?" Zuko was struggling to keep his voice even at this point. "The Fire Nation is the most dominating force in the world!"
"Not in this world, it isn't," the man growled.
"What do you mean 'this world!?'"
"You fell through a portal, you claim to be a prince although there is no record of a prince named Zuko ever existing, and there is no such thing as the Fire Nation," the man listed, "It's clear you aren't from this world."
Zuko's eyes flew open as his breathing became heavier. A different world? That wasn't possible. The fire in front of his hand fizzled out as he gripped the sides of his head.
The man was silent, before; "Come with me."
Zuko, too mind-boggled to argue, followed the man robotically to one of the carriages. The man opened the door for him, and Zuko stepped in. He didn't register anything else until he heard another man speak.
"Batman," an elderly man on a holographic screen was saying, "How was your night?"
"Alfred," Batman grumbled, "Prepare a room. I'm bringing someone."
"Would this 'someone' happen to be another child?"
"Yes," Batman replied. The man sighed.
"Of course I will prepare him a room, but Batman, you really need to get a hobby other than collecting children," the elderly man said before the screen disappeared.
"H-How did you do that!?" Zuko asked, dumbstruck, "How did you speak to that man!? He isn't in this carriage!"
"Car," Batman corrected him, "And it's video chat. I'm assuming technology was not as advanced in the Fire Nation?"
"We had war balloons," Zuko defended with a sniff. He looked out the window at the surroundings zooming behind them. "How are we moving so fast?"
"Five cylinder engine."
"That makes no sense."
"It will, once you've been here a while."
"What are you talking about!?" Zuko said with a start, "I need to go home!"
"That portal," Batman said, turning to look at him, "has been a problem for the past three years. It only opens annually. We'll try to get you back, but you'll probably have to wait until next summer."
"Next summer," Zuko repeated. His eyes narrowed. "That's unacceptable! I just found the Avatar, I need to capture him so I can regain my honor!"
Batman said nothing. Another screen appeared, the words 'call from Nightwing' displayed. At Batman's word of approval, a man with black hair and a domino mask appeared on the screen.
"Batman!" Nightwing yelled with a wide smile, "I hear I'm getting a little brother! Who is he?"
"Someone who came from Ziphran's Portal," Batman replied. Nightwing whistled lowly.
"Ooh, a dimension hopper! Like Jon! They can bond- no Damian this does not mean he won't be your friend anym- Damian put down your utility belt you are not hurting your new brother."
"I'd like to see him try," Zuko snorted.
From off-screen, Zuko heard someone screech, "Was that a fucking challenge?!" before Nightwing turned around, scolding whoever it was for using that kind of language. The video feed cut out as they pulled up to a waterfall.
Batman drove the car through it, entering a cave. Zuko's eyes widened. There were machines everywhere. More high-tech than Zuko could have ever imagined.
Batman stopped on a circular platform, and the doors opened. Zuko stepped out, looking around at the room. His gaze landed on three people.
One was Nightwing, the other a boy in a red and green outfit who looked to be about thirteen, and another boy around Zuko's age in a red outfit. All were wearing masks.
"This is Zuko," Batman introduced, putting a hand on Zuko's shoulder, who quickly ripped it off. "He's a prince from a place called the Fire Nation."
The boy in red laughed. "Prince? Aww, poor Robin isn't the only prince anymor-" he was cut off as the youngest punched him in the stomach.
"So, are we adopting him?" Nightwing asked excitedly, looking Zuko up and down. Zuko stepped back nervously, not used to someone being so happy at the thought of spending time with him.
Batman didn't answer, instead looking down at Zuko. "How did you get your scar?" he asked.
Zuko almost didn't respond, but the glare Batman was giving him was too much. "I spoke out of turn and told my father that we shouldn't purposely kill our troops," he spluttered, "And so he challenged me to an Agni Kai, and when I refused to fight him, he lit my face on fire."
"Ope, he's got trauma!" the boy in red yelled from where he was seated at a chair, "And black hair! He meets all the qualifications for adoption!"
"No!" Zuko snapped, glaring at the boy, "I can't stay here! I have to capture the Avatar so I can regain my honor!"
The boy laughed again. "Okay, Edgelord, chill. You'll be able to go back in a year."
"He will be staying here," Batman said before Zuko could verbally assault the boy, "Because he's from another world, we can't put him on the streets."
"So, we should introduce ourselves!" Nightwing suggested. He took off his mask. "I'm Dick Grayson," he pointed at the boy in red, "That's Tim Drake," he pointed at Robin, "And that's Damian Wayne. There's also Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Stephanie Brown and Barbara Gordon."
Damian rolled his eyes. "Father did not adopt Brown or Gordon."
"Maybe not legally, but emotionally? Waynes." Dick turned back to Zuko, "We usually aren't all here together, but my apartment in Bludhaven got bombed and Tim got sick of his neighbors, so we're here until we find a new place. Jason's coming in a couple days to see Alfred, and he's supposed to start coming to breakfast once a week."
At that moment, two girls walked down the stairs. One had blonde hair, the other black hair. The blonde one smiled. "Ooh! Bruce, you got a new one!" she did a flip off of the stairs, landing in front of Zuko. "My name's Stephanie! I'm excited to get to know you!"
Zuko glared at her. "You won't have the chance to get to know me. I'm leaving so I can capture the Avatar. I need to regain my honor!"
Stephanie scrunched her nose as she took in Zuko's hair. "The only thing you need is a hair cut."
"On it," the other girl- Cassandra -said, before taking out a throwing star from her pocket and hurling it at Zuko, slicing his ponytail clean off. Zuko's jaw dropped as he watched it fall to the ground.
"No!" he yelled, "My top knot was the only thing distinguishing me as a member of the royal family!"
"Oof," Stephanie winced, "Sorry, dude, but it's ugly."
"On that note," the elderly man from the call- Alfred -said from the top of the stairs, "I think it's time Master Zuko get some rest. He's had a long day."
As Alfred spoke, Zuko realized that he was, indeed, dead on his feet. Maybe it was lack of sleep, maybe it was the fact that he didn't have anywhere else to go, or maybe it was Dick's bright smile, but Zuko felt that he would be safe at this place. He nodded, trudging his way up the stairs.
Alfred led him to a room on the third floor, and turned on the light. Zuko scrunched his eyebrows in surprise.
"How did you do that!? You just flipped that switch and that lantern lit!"
"It's a lightbulb, Master Zuko," Alfred explained, "I take it your world didn't have electricity? Here, almost everything is automatic, made to make activities easier. I'm sure you'll grow to enjoy them. Take a shower while I get you some of Master Timothy's clothes to wear to sleep."
"Shower?" Zuko asked.
"Yes, it's like a bath but the water falls on you." Alfred led him to a smaller room in his bedroom. "Here, I'll show you."
As Zuko stepped into the shower, his mind was reeling. A shower was warm rain solely used for washing. Cars were carriages with no animals to pull them that traveled ten times as fast. He was in another world, away from everything he'd ever known.
Away from Uncle Iroh.
Zuko sighed, stepping out of the shower, grabbing a towel to dry off with. He opened the door of the bathroom, and saw clothes on the bed. Putting them on, he noticed how strange they were.
They weren't robes. It was a plain red shirt and the comfiest pair of pants he'd ever been in. It was the comfiest outfit he'd ever been in, really.
But it wasn't Fire Nation apparel. Alfred must have taken his military uniform to wash it. His ponytail gone, Zuko had nothing to remind him of home.
As he laid his head on the pillow, one last thought fluttered through his brain: I'm completely alone.
The next two days consisted of Zuko staying either in his room or wandering around the manor, trying to learn the layout. Alfred would bring him meals three times a day, but other than that, he left him alone. He was starting to relax. If these people were going to hurt him, they would have by now.
On his fourth day, Zuko was in the library, when he overheard Damian complain that he had nobody to practice broadsword with.
"I'm good with those," Zuko said. Dick and Damian looked up from the corner where'd they been.
"Finally, someone who is willing," Damian replied, "Come, Zuko, let's go."
Damian and Zuko were circling each other, each holding blunted broadswords. Dick was watching from the sidelines, smiling.
Zuko struck first, spinning around and using the momentum to drive his sword into Damian's side, who did a backflip to dodge.
Damian rushed forward, slashing downward at Zuko's head. The latter quickly brought up both swords, blocking Damian's attack.
They were evenly matched, the 'princes' were. The fight went on for an hour, neither landing a hit on the other.
A 21 year old man with black hair came in 30 minutes in, cheered Zuko on, yelled that his name was Jason, and at the 45 minute mark began texting on his phone.
Finally, the two called a truce, both drenched in sweat. Zuko turned to Jason and Dick.
Dick was smiling widely at him, and Zuko was shocked at the effect it had on him. The smile made him feel like he was the only person in the room.
Zuko nodded at Dick, before turning to Jason. "What's that?" he asked, gesturing to the phone.
"This, my dear boy, is a phone," Jason waved it in the air. "You can talk to anybody in the world with it, no matter how far away they are, and they get it instantly and respond instantly. And you can search through the internet, which is like a giant library with every single thing you could ever want to know about in a split second."
"Seriously?" said Zuko, "That's insane."
"Tim's already working on one for you," Dick said, "He's putting all of our phone numbers in it and stuff." he gasped, slapping Jason on the shoulder. "We gotta put him in the group chat."
Four hours later, Zuko had his phone, and was in the group chat called 'The Waynez'
dick: YO ZUKO'S HERE duke: whaddup dude i'm duke i'm in san fran rn
Zuko frowned. He went to safari, and googled "san fran."
zuko: what are you doing there? duke: mission with kon tim: how is my bff duke: if he doesn't take those stupid sunglasses off i will literally steal his kneecaps jason: lmao me
Zuko sucked his teeth as he read the conversation, hopping on to his bed. "Steal kneecaps?" he muttered, "Just what kind of family did I get myself into?"
zuko: what kind of family did i get myself into ? dick: the best! jason: just wait till b lets you join us in our nightly activities zuko: like that nightwing and batman thing? zuko: also does b stand for bruce or batman? jason: it stands for Bitch jason: & yes that thing. i'm red hood, tim's red robin, duke is signal, and damian's robin damian: if you call father a bitch one more time jason: iF yOu CaLl FaThEr A bItCh OnE mOrE tImE jason: what are you gonna do ur like four feet tall damian: say goodbye to your kneecaps motherfucker dick: DAMIAN NO tim: AHAHDJ DAMIAN duke: GUYS HE'S GONNA THINK YOU'RE SERIOUS jason: you literally started it??
Zuko let out a huff of laughter. Siblings who only fought in a joking manner?
He could get used to this.
Zuko was nine.
He laughed, looking up at a younger Uncle Iroh with shining, happy eyes, unscarred. "I love you, Uncle!" he chirped.
Iroh smiled warmly. "I love you too, Zuko."
Zuko woke from his dream with a start to see a figure standing over him.
Dick grinned. "Hey, do you wanna go on a- put that fire out, it's me -do you wanna go on a drive?"
"But it's-" Zuko looked at the clock beside his bed "It's 2:00 AM! And I was sleeping!"
"Did you have any dreams?"
"No," Zuko lied, looking at Dick's shoes, "I don't have dreams,"
"Fine," Dick said, putting up his hands in surrender, "Don't tell me. But come on, get dressed!"
"But it's so early!"
"It's only 2:00 am, I'm usually out right now!" Dick huffed, before walking to Zuko's closet and grabbing jeans and a blue t-shirt- Alfred must have gone and got him clothes -and threw them at him. Zuko groaned as the clothes hit his face.
"Alright, alright!" Zuko gave in, getting out of bed with a stretch of his arms. "Give me five minutes."
"I'll make you some coffee, so you'll be awake!" Dick said as he left the roof, shutting the door behind him.
"Coffee?" Zuko said aloud as he put on the clothes, slipping blue Nike tennis shoes on. "What's that?" His phone chimed- the group chat -and Zuko grabbed it off of his nightstand to look at it.
dick: hey Tim I'm giving Zuko some of your coffee
tim: ??? why
dick: So he'll stay awake. we're going on a drive.
jason: take the bat mobile i dare you
dick: no we're taking my mustang
jason: coward
dick: ANYWAY
dick: i don't think he's ever had coffee before
tim: like ever? fine but only this once maybe then he'll go to Starbucks with me
damain: will you all be quiet, I'm busy.
jason: yeah he's at emiko's
duke: OH SHIT
damian: i haven't spoken to emiko in months, you imbecile.
jason: that's not what Roy said, brat
"Who's Emiko?" Zuko asked Dick as he opened the door to his room where he was waiting for him.
"She's this girl Damian tried to get to join his team," Dick explained, leading him to the kitchen as he put a pack of coffee into the keurig, "Jason gives him crap about her because they're so much alike."
Zuko nodded. "So, what exactly is coffee?"
"It's this drink that has caffeine in it, which is a drug that gives you energy, in simple terms," Dick explained, "Tim loves it. I don't think he's addicted, but he loves the taste." Dick poured the coffee into a different cup, took a gallon of almond milk out of the fridge, and poured some into it. "Starbucks is a huge coffee chain. They're all over the world. They have tons of different recipes, but almond milk lattes are how I like mine." He handed the cup to Zuko.
Zuko took a sip, and he hummed. "This is really good," he said, "Kind of bitter, but good."
"Right?" Dick led Zuko to another room and opened the door to a garage filled with cars. He pressed a button on his keys, and the car blinked, the doors opening. "Hop in, Zuke!"
"Don't call me that," Zuko grunted, getting in the car as he took another sip of the coffee. Dick, not fazed, told him to buckle up and took off.
"Did you have music in the Fire Nation?" Dick asked as they drove down the road, not yet in Gotham.
"Yeah," Zuko replied, looking out the window. "We had sungi horns and folk songs."
"So... no My Way by Queen Key, I'm guessing?"
Dick smiled widely and turned on the radio. "Play My Way," he said to the car, and a song started playing.
Zuko's face scrunched up as it started. "This is music?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Meanwhile I'm turnt as fuck!" Dick sang off-key, "I left my pizza in the oven that bitch burnt as fuck!"
Zuko raised his eyebrows with a flat look on his face, but to his annoyance, he found himself not minding the song. And eventually, with Dick's calming presence and encouragement, Zuko began to sing with him."Bitch, my way! My way! My way!" the brothers sang, Zuko's voice quiet while Dick's was loud. As the song ended, Dick handed Zuko his phone.
"Here, pick one!" he said, before turning his eyes back to the road.
"I won't know any of them, though," Zuko reminded him, "What if I pick a bad one?"
"Then we'll sing it anyways!" Dick replied, "Because you picked it out!"
Zuko looked down, scrolling through the playlist. Go Hard, Watch Me, Love Story... he didn't know any of these songs, but tapped the song Starstrukk.
Dick gasped as the song started. He turned up the volume until the car was vibrating from the bass. Headbanging, Dick started screeching.
“Nice legs, daisy dukes, makes a man go WOO HOO!"
"Dick, wasn't that a whistle?"
"I can't whistle so I have to say woo-hoo."
Zuko found himself liking this song too, and once again, sang along with Dick at the second chorus.
"I think I should know!! How!! To make love to something innocent without leaving my fingerprints out!! Now!! L-O-V-E's just another word I never learned to pronounce!"
"Here," Dick said, grabbing the phone and pulling up the lyrics, "Sing along!"
With the lyrics in front of him, Zuko sang the rest of the song with Dick, gradually getting louder until the both of them were screaming at the top of their lungs. At the end of the song, the two laughed.
"That was so good!" Dick praised. Zuko started to answer, before both of their phones chimed.
tim: zuko did you like the coffee
zuko: yes
tim: ok good we r going to Starbucks tomorrow
duke: ?? don't you have work??
tim: i'll tell them I'm spending time with the newest wayne so i'll be late tam will understand
duke: bro bruce hasn't had a press conference about him yet
tim: tam knows I'm red robin i think she can keep this secret
zuko: what time?
tim: 9 so u can sleep in
damian: you're being oddly nice, drake, you're never that nice to me
tim: i literally took a bullet for you like three months ago.
zuko: it's okay, you don't have to wait that long for me
tim: ?? what r u talking about ur my brother, ofc i do
Zuko blinked, not expecting that. They'd only known him for two days, and they considered him family? "Isn't it really soon to accept me?" Zuko said aloud to Dick, "I mean, I haven't helped or contributed or anything."
"So?" Dick gave Zuko a weird look. "You don't have to earn our acceptance. You had it from the moment Bruce decided to adopt you."
Zuko didn't answer. He must be lying, or just trying to make him feel better. You can't just accept someone into a family without cause.
"Now," Dick turned down the volume, "Look outside!" Zuko did as he was told, and his eyes flew open.
It was beautiful. Multicolored lights blurring as they sped past them, architecture that Zuko had never seen. "It's gorgeous," he whispered.
"I figured you'd like it," Dick chuckled. They drove around the city for a while longer, Zuko in awe. Finally, they pulled back into the garage at the Manor.
"So, you have fun?" Dick asked as they got out of the car. Zuko nodded.
"Yeah. I did."
Zuko lurched awake, glaring at Tim above him. "Do you guys always wake each other up like this?"
"Only when there's things to do!" Tim answered, "Now come on! We'll take my car. I'm so excited man."
Zuko, exhausted, yawned as he followed Tim down the stairs to the garage he'd been in seven hours earlier. Getting into a Ferrari, they took off.
"So, Zuko, what was life like in the Fire Nation?"
"Very different."
"How so?"
Zuko pursed his lips together, not answering. Tim shrugged.
"Alright. Keep your secrets." Tim pulled into a parking lot and shut the car off. "We're at the second most glorious place in the universe!"
"What's the first?"
"My therapist's office," Tim replied casually, "My friend Kon's making me go. I'm the only one in the family who goes, even though we all need it."
"What's therapy?" Zuko inquired as they got out of the car.
"It's, like, treatment for your mental health. Your issues. Dealing with your past. I needed it for sure," he pointed at his head, "Lots wrong up here." He laughed. "You probably need it too, Edgelord."
Zuko grunted in response as they stepped inside the building. Tim inhaled the air with a smile. "Doesn't that smell amazing?"
It did smell good. It smelled like coffee. He'd only smelled it once before, but Zuko had decided that it was one of his favorite scents.
"So, Dick gave you his almond lattes with no sweetener, right?" Tim looked at Zuko with a raised eyebrow. At his nod, Tim added, "Was it too bitter or was it good?"
Zuko looked around the coffee shop, surprised at the number of people in line. "Too bitter," he answered.
"Okay," You could tell that the gears in Tim's mind were turning, and he asked, "Are you hot right now?"
"I'm always hot, I'm a firebender-" he was cut off by  Tim slapping his hand over his mouth.
"Maybe in your world, people are open about powers," Tim said sternly, "But in our world, if anyone finds out who you are, bad things will happen. That's why Batman and everyone else wear masks."
Zuko nodded, and Tim took away his hand. The firebender cleared his throat. "Well, yeah, I'm always hot. Doesn't usually bother me though."
"So do you think you'd like a cold drink or a hot one?"
"Cold coffee?" Zuko echoed, crossing his arms over his chests, "I'll try it."
"Alrighty," Tim said with a grin, gesturing for Zuko to follow him to the line. Zuko flinched as he saw people staring at him, at his scar. Hearing mutters about it, he looked down, trying to hide it.
Noticing this, Tim scowled. He raised his head high. "My name is Tim Drake-Wayne, ward of Bruce Wayne," he said loudly, "And if any one of you continue whispering about him, or make him uncomfortable in any way, I will personally sue you for harassment!"
Apparently the name 'Wayne' carried some weight, as everybody looked away. Tim turned back to Zuko. "So, let's try a caramel macchiato."
Zuko took a drink after the barista handed it to him, and he nodded. "I love it, really good."
"Starbucks is always good," said Tim, "Now come on, let's get you back to the manor."
Another week passed, and Zuko started to grow comfortable. He wasn't happy there, sure, but the Waynes were welcoming, and he was actually starting to consider them friends.
In therapy, Tim had been talking about his trauma, and because it helped, he'd roped the family into doing the same.
Zuko was shocked. He couldn't believe how much they've went through. Damian's childhood. Jason's death and resurrection. Bruce and Dick watching their parents die, and their sexual assaults. Tim, who'd watching everyone he cared about die. Cass, who was treated as nothing more than a weapon for most of her life.
Finally, it was his turn. "Do I have to do this?"
"Zuko, if I have to, you have to," Damian snorted. Zuko sighed, biting his lip nervously.
"So, my mom was banished before me. Then when I was 13, I was sitting in during a military meeting, and I spoke up, telling my father that he shouldn't purposely kill our troops," he laughed bitterly, "So instead of grounding me like Bruce does, he challenged me to an Agni Kai, and when I wouldn't fight him, he lit my face on fire and banished me, saying I could only return if I captured the Avatar, who hadn't been seen in a hundred years."
Jason whistled lowly. "No offense but your dad fuckin sucks."
"He only did it to teach me respect!" Zuko snarled, clenching his fists.
"Jason," Tim scolded, "The rule is that after we share our story, nobody comments on it."
"Okay, but Zuko's acting like Damian did when he first came here," Jason argued, "Thinking that the people who are supposed to protect them are allowed to hurt them." He turned to Damian. "Is that something your grandfather would do?"
"Yes," Damian said without a beat, "Absolutely."
Zuko gritted his teeth. "You're wrong. All of you!" He rose to his feet and stormed up the stairs to his room.
My father loves me, that's why he gave me the chance of capturing the Avatar! Zuko thought as he slammed the door to his room. If he didn't care for me, he wouldn't have gave me a chance to earn back his love!
Then why do these people love you without conditions? a small voice in his head spoke.
Zuko clenched his fists, and started punching the wall. He continued punching until his knuckles were bloody. He continued punching until he fell asleep.
And yet, he woke up in his bed. He blearily opened his eyes, confused as he looked at the spot where he'd fallen asleep. The holes in the wall were there, but the blood was gone, and his knuckles were bandaged. Looking to his nightstand, Zuko saw a note.
I'm sorry for carrying you without asking, but I didn't want you to hurt your back from sleeping on the tile. Come down to the cave in the morning to change your bandages. - Bruce
Bruce had listed him off the floor solely so Zuko's back wouldn't hurt. He'd cleaned up the blood in the middle of the night so Zuko wouldn't have to see it. He'd even bandaged his hands.
This family didn't make any sense.
A week later, Tim and Zuko were at Starbucks. Zuko was sipping his caramel macchiato, repeatedly checking his phone while Tim worked on his laptop.
Tim raised an eyebrow. "Nervous?"
Today was the day that Bruce Wayne was announcing that he had adopted another kid. There would be pictures of him, Zuko would have to post on the Instagram that Tim had made for him, and he couldn't imagine all of the comments about his scar. "No, not at all."
"It'll be okay," Tim said, shutting his laptop so he could better face Zuko. "It can't be worse than whenever Damian was revealed. 'Bruce Wayne has love child?' "Young Wayne looks to have serious mental health issues'" he rolled his eyes, "Damian was so mad."
"When will I be interviewed?" Zuko asked, tapping his fingers against the table.
"We don't know yet," Tim replied, "We're hoping to get anybody but Vicky Vale. She's a vulture." he paused. "But don't worry. We'll all be there with you."
"I'm not worried," Zuko insisted, "I just... need to know so I can clear my schedule."
Tim raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Oh? Brooding take up a lot of time?"
"Shut it, Tim-Wit." Zuko's phone chimed, and he jumped with a start before looking at it. Sure enough, the article titled 'Bruce Wayne Adopts Another' was up.
"It's out!" Tim said, "Great! Time to post on Instagram!"
"What?" Zuko panicked, "Already? But- but my scar!"
"It'll get shown eventually," Tim pointed out, "Plus, Dick and I already have our pictures picked out. Dick has the one of you smiling when he got you two matching shirts."
Zuko smiled softly, tugging on the hem of the before mentioned shirt, a dark blue Ralph Lauren.
"And they're up!" Tim said with a grin, shoving his phone in Zuko's face, "Take a look!"
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"That's a good picture," he voiced. Tim nodded, muttering an agreement, before showing him Dick's post.
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Zuko replied to Jason’s comment with an eye roll, before he froze, the caption sinking in. He blinked in shock. Dick would... die for him? He shook his head. "I still don't get why you guys care for me so much. Like I said, I haven't done anything to earn it."
Tim gave him a sad look. "Zuko, don't you get it? We don't love you because you did something to earn it or whatever. We love you simply because you exist."
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orbitariums · 3 years
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 | 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐭 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝟏𝟒)
omg! this chapter is a bit shorter than most and it’s lowkey a filler kinda sorta i just wanted to show them hanging out together and show their lives 
next chapter is gonna be the same format but with a lil spice...
warnings: some smut, fluff an’ sweet domesticity :’)
word count: 6.1k
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐭 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬
     You screamed so loud that Steve poked his head out from the bathroom where he was brushing his teeth to check on you in the living room, where you were cooped up on the couch with your iPad, your eyes glued to the screen. 
     “You okay?” Steve asked through a mouthful of toothpaste, eyebrows furrowed in concern. 
     He was pleasantly surprised when you turned to face him and you were positively beaming, baring your glistening teeth in a wide smile, your eyes glittering. 
      “I keep getting orders!” you exclaimed, referring to your all new clothing store brand that you had in the works earlier that summer. Recently, it had been taking off just how you wanted. 
     Steve discarded his toothbrush and bounded over to you, making you drop your iPad on the couch as he scooped you up effortlessly, hugging you tight. You squealed with happiness, wrapping your legs around Steve’s waist. He was such a serious guy, it was nice when he made such a grand, intimate gesture like this towards you. He smothered your face and cheeks with kisses, leaving the last smooch on your forehead. 
      “I’m so happy for you, doll,” he grinned, his eyes glimmering just like yours. 
The way Steve’s excitement matched yours just reminded you that he was rooting for you— he was on your side, which felt so rare for you. Steve was a rare treasure in your life, and you still couldn’t wrap your mind around how you’d found him. 
You giggled, giddy with excitement,
     “I’m so glad I have you to celebrate this with.”
     “Who would I be if I wasn’t your hype man?” Steve asked, looking directly into your eyes with a smile on his lips. 
     “Steve, you are literally my best friend,” you grinned, your heart swelling by how taken aback you were with how deeply he expressed his love. “Now time for me to call my other bestie.”
Steve grinned,
     “Does that mean I have to put you down?”
You laughed, rolling your eyes playfully, 
     “I mean, if you wanna give it away…”
     “Noted,” Steve rescinded, setting you down on the floor before him where you returned to your favorite place— right under Steve, with him hovering over you and keeping you safe. 
He kissed you sweetly on the lips before leaving you to call Aaliyah on the couch. 
     “Hey best friend,” she answered the phone with a trill.
     “Hi girlie,” you grinned, absolutely shining.
     “Ooh, someone’s in a good mood! What happened?!” Aaliyah straightened herself up in her bed, all ears. 
     “Your girl keeps making sales,” you glanced away from the camera as if it were no big deal to you, only to return with a big grin on your face.
     “Okay work!” Aaliyah practically screeched, jumping out of her bed. “Girl, you need to come back soon so we can get drunk drunk. Like, drunk. Just for you.”
     “I’ll be back, try not to miss me too much.”
     “You seem to be having the time of your life, though, girl. I’m honestly kinda surprised. But like, pleasantly surprised,” Aaliyah commented— if only she knew. 
She still thought you were spending your time in New York with family, she didn’t have a clue about Steve. You didn’t want to have to lie to her, but you knew it was the smart decision for now. Besides, it wasn’t like you were ridden with guilt— if anything, Aaliyah would understand your reasoning. 
     “I know, New York really is where dreams come true,” you noted sarcastically, earning a quiet chuckle from Steve in the kitchen. 
     “Okay, city girl. Just don’t forget where you came from,” Aaliyah smirked playfully. “For real though, I’m so proud of you.”
     “Thank you, my love. I  miss you.”
     “Me too, girl.”
     “So what have you been up to?”
     For a few hours, you and Aaliyah caught up over Facetime. She filled you in on what you’d been missing at home, and how summer and school was going for her, since she was trying to get into med school now. In truth, it wasn’t like there was much to catch up on, since it had only been a week since you’d been apart, you just loved each other that much. You had to hang up when you saw the time, since you had a date with Steve at the museum. You were glad that he seemed to be getting more comfortable taking you to the more public places, even if it meant you both had to be discreet. But that wasn’t hard, you were so comfortable with each other that you didn’t bother much with other people, and others didn’t bother too much with you. You were too preoccupied with each other to even notice much of anything else.
    You still didn’t understand how it wasn’t obvious that Steve was Captain America even when he was in his trusty disguise of glasses and a cap, considering how massive he was. You’d even noticed people staring in a mix of wonderment and desire when you were out with him, because he was quite the specimen. You never really got jealous, but you always found yourself gripping his hand tighter when that happened. Of course, he never paid other people much mind. 
    “You ready?” Steve asked, his back facing you as he heard you come out of the bedroom. 
    “Think so,” you chimed happily. 
     Steve turned around at the sound of your voice and immediately felt his heart drop to his stomach. He paused, unsure of what to even say. You were wearing a cream colored silk mini-dress, a gold plated necklace with earrings to match, along with heels. You were positively dazzling, even beyond your outfit— Steve truly thought you looked good all the time, but when you dressed up, you dressed up. 
     “Wow,” he breathed, truly at a loss for words, his eyes raking up and down your body. He was truly amazed by your presence— just being here made him feel like he was in the presence of a goddess. If you thought you were confused by how you’d won someone like him, you’d be knocked out by Steve’s disbelief. 
     You felt your cheeks grow warm at the way Steve was silently worshipping you. He looked so innocent, standing there wide-eyed in awe. It was almost as if he hadn’t seen every single part of you, as if you didn’t realize that his eyes were on you almost all the time— well, the latter was true. He never got tired of your beauty. You were truly timeless. But eventually, you laughed, shaking your head and stepping forward and taking his hands in your own. 
     “Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies,” you joked with him, reaching in to kiss his lips. 
     “You look incredible. When don’t you?” he smiled, looking you up and down once again. He gestured to your neck, furrowing his brows. “Where’d you get that necklace?”
     “This one?” you looked down, then back up, shrugging. “Think I made it.”
     “Of course you did,” Steve shook his head, chuckling under his breath. “Gorgeous and talented. How could I not guess that?”
     “You’re so corny, Steve,” you snorted, pressing your hand against his chest. “I love it.”
He smoothly maneuvered his arm around your waist so you were close to him, leading you out the door.
     “Shall we?” he pulled you close to him. 
      When you got to the museum, you both were glad to see that it wasn’t crowded, but not unnaturally empty. It almost felt like your circumstances were normal, and that felt nice and unique from your usual system. Steve never made it feel like the two of you had to be in hiding, but the illusion that the precautions weren’t so necessary here felt nice. Of course, it was only an illusion. 
       You were both always careful, but you were too enamoured by one another to let the issue of privacy stress you the way it did before. Steve’s previous anxiety surrounding keeping you both safe and secret had improved so much ever since you actually came around and lit up his life. He almost wished he had realized how much of a good thing this was sooner, then he would’ve had you right next to him ages ago. 
        The way Steve held your hand when you stepped out the car and all the way into the museum admittedly had you feeling incredibly special. He had you on his arm, but the way you were shining made it so clear that you were one of a kind, in a league of your own. You just happened to complement each other nicely, even perfectly. That was rare for even the closest of couples, so you were eternally grateful. You matched each other like chocolate and vanilla ice cream, explicitly sweet. You weren’t unaware of the eyes on the both of you as you strode through the museum— hell, together, the two of you looked like Greek gods, one beautiful inside and out, the other gracious, hulking, and strong. You might as well have been reincarnations of Aphrodite and Ares. 
     You had never been in this museum before, it was called MoMa, short for The Museum of Modern Art. Truthfully, you didn’t spend much time in museums back home. You were much more of an outdoors kind of gal, but you enjoyed being in this museum with Steve almost as much as you did day drinking at an outdoor cafe. The museum was undoubtedly fancy and sophisticated, making you feel right at home while you were all dressed up and always, always carrying yourself with poise. 
Steve felt lucky just to be standing beside you, and the two of you enjoyed your time together drifting through the museum, fixating on one work of art from the next, taking your time and staying close together. 
     “Isn’t that you?” Steve joked, pointing to a marble statue of a beautiful woman who actually did look a bit like you. 
     “You’re too charming,” you snickered, squeezing his side. 
He reached over and kissed your forehead, 
      “I know a work of art when I see it.”
You pushed your head up so you could reach his lips, pressing a kiss on his mouth, closing your eyes and shutting out the dim light of the museum for just a second, so you could get lost in him. When you opened your eyes, you and Steve made direct eye contact, gazing in each other’s eyes as if you were the only two in the room. Steve almost seemed to stand completely still, lost in the way your eyes glimmered like the water you spent so much time around back home. You knew you had him right where you wanted, and you gave his arm a squeeze as you bit down on your lip, hiding an impish smile. 
      “Come on,” you nodded towards the exit, gripping his hand and making your way towards the exit.
It was almost like you were lugging Steve behind you, the way he was following your lead like a helpless puppy. You had to fight the urge to cackle at how quickly he melted for you, just from a single kiss. Not only was he touch starved, but he was infatuated with you. That made matters even worse. Steve was a man with honorable impulse control, but when it came to you, looking so beautiful, kissing him so soft and sweet just how he liked, “control” was out of the picture. And now that you were leaving, it was clear what you were both getting yourselves into. 
You got into the car, eagerly settling into the backseat. Steve, on the other hand, rushed into the driver’s seat and was about to start the car when you asked,
      “What are you doing?”
Steve’s head nearly whipped back to look at you, and he furrowed his eyebrows. 
     “We’re gonna leave, right?” 
You just stared at him for a moment, judgment plastered on your face. You blinked,
     “It takes like thirty minutes to get home.”
Steve made a face, his eyebrow quirked up in confusion,
      “You don’t wanna go home?”
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help the smile that was tugging at your lips,
      “Can you just come to the back?”
He swiftly climbed into the back seat and you chuckled,
     “You’re so silly, old man.” 
     “‘S been a while,” he grunted. 
Your eyes flitted up and down his face, and then met his eyes. 
       “Need you. Now,” was all you said in a voice so quiet that it was like you were telling him a secret.
You made eye contact with Steve once more and he understood, Steve barely even had the chance to speak before you were scrambling on top of him, pressing your lips harshly against his and opening your mouth, Steve following your lead and doing the same, your tongues in each other’s mouths as you kissed. It was less like kissing and more like you were trying to compete to see how long you could hold your breaths, moaning repeatedly into each other’s mouths and only consuming oxygen through heavy pants. It was like you forgot you needed to operate normally, the way you were rubbing frantically against each other and abusing your limited backseat space. Your dress was jammed against your legs because you hadn’t pulled it up properly, and your knees were knocking against the inside of the car.
     “I wanna fuck,” you pulled away from his lips, only for him to pout at the lack of contact, resolving to kiss your neck instead, making your skin burn hot on the space where his lips were. You gasped from the unexpected feeling, Steve sucking at all the right spots on your body. He had you all figured out, from the first moment you got intimate with each other. But you didn’t get distracted from your main objective, pushing him away so you could focus, his chest heaving up and down below you. “Right now.”
Steve raised his brows. His face, already a flushed shade of pink from the abundance of physical proximity, darkened to a deep red. 
     “You… you want me here? Right-right now?”
     Your jaw clenched. Just by looking into your eyes, which had darkened like a stormy, grey sky, Steve could see just how serious you were. You were determined you were to get what you wanted, and who was he to get in the way of your needs? Of course, he wasn’t quite thinking logically, but there wasn’t enough room for logic when you were smothering him like this in the car, no matter how spacious it was. 
You nodded almost solemnly. You were like a cat in heat right now. If a switch had turned on in Steve earlier, then right now, a big red button was being pressed inside of you, only it meant “go.” 
     “Yes. Please don’t make me wait, daddy,” you purred, putting on your best angel face, and something stirred deep inside of Steve when you called him that, when you looked at him like that. 
His voice went soft and he nearly cooed at you,
     “‘M not gonna make you wait… it’s just…”
     “No one’s gonna see us,” you leaned in to kiss him again, and pulled away before he could deepen the kiss the way he wanted to, leaving him to pull desperately at your waist. “We’re parked far away from everyone else, see? And it-it’s dark!”
Steve smirked at your frenzied reply, consisting of one excuse after the other,
      “You really need this right now, hmm?”
      “Don’t get cocky. You need this more than I do,” you bit back snarkily, grinding against his very apparent erection, which throbbed against your center. You bit down on your lip, failing to conceal a devious smirk. “See?”
      “Yeah, I-I see,” Steve groaned, glancing down at where your bodies met in the middle, wishing you would take your dress off now. He regained his composure to ask you this one question. “Why so sudden?”
You growled, eager to get past the niceties of fucking,
      “Because. Now shut up so I can do my job.”
      “Oh wow,” Steve chuckled, raising his brows like he was impressed. “You’re very dedicated to-”
You weren’t kidding.
       “Stop talking,” you said, putting your hand over his mouth. 
      He looked up at you, all the amusement drained from his eyes, replaced by desire and awe. He felt inclined to listen to you, amazed by the new side of you that was coming out all of the sudden. It wasn’t like he always dominated you, and it was obvious that you had Steve wrapped around your finger. But this… this was different.
You kissed him furiously, grinding against him with expertise, making him arch his hips up just to meet you halfway, but you weren’t letting him give in to the pleasure fully yet. You didn’t have time to waste, and yet you had all the time in the world.
You let the tip of your tongue slide against his, then your tongue trailed against his open lips, making him let out a low pitched groan, his eyes half lidded at the soft but prominent sensation. You wanted to make this quick, but every part of you was savoring the moment. It had been a while since you’d done anything so thrilling in public, even if you were sure no one could see you. 
      Steve’s hand snaked its way up your dress, wasting no time. It took him a minute to catch on in the beginning, but now that he had, he was right where you needed him to be. He went to push your underwear to the side and the look on his face was priceless when he realized you weren’t wearing any. He was pleased that you were even more accessible, but at the same time he was shocked. He hadn’t been expecting it. 
      “You aren’t wearing anything under that?” he asked breathlessly, his fingers circling your clit immediately, the pad of another finger dipping into your slit with ease because you were already soaking. “Fuck, you’re already wet.”
He started pumping a finger in and out of you, hitting a perfect spot and brushing up against your walls just right. You moaned and rode his fingers, hips thrusting up in the air as you threw your head back. 
     “Baby,” you panted after some time. “Take your pants off.”
You watched as he hurried to follow your commands, his pants and boxers pooling at his knees as he sat there with his dick erect against his stomach, both of you hot and restless. You practically lunged forward, grinding against him while he worked to unzip your dress, pulling it over your head. The whole event was a mess of clothes being flung everywhere, your bodies knocking into each other and the car seats. It was a blur, really, and you remember crying out when you first sunk onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck and taking him smoothly, slowly, as he watched you with his mouth dropped in an o shape and his eyes glazed over. 
     “Fuck,” you whined, taking his length. It was one thing to be beneath him, it was another thing to be on top and be stretched out like never before. It was like a completely different feel and a completely different angle, and still perfect nonetheless. “You feel so good baby, look at me.”
     You forced Steve to look up at you, perking his chin up with your finger. He was shuddering, his thighs shaking each time you sunk down onto him. You were practically riding him into submission, and the thought made you smirk. 
      “You like this?” you cooed. “You like when I ride you?”
He nodded quickly, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed. 
     “Say it,” you demanded, inching your hand up his chest and settling your palm around his throat. 
His hips bucked up inadvertently, and he groaned,
     “Y-yes baby, I could fuck you like this forever.”
     “Yeah, I bet you could,” you crooned, letting your finger trail along his face, your nail tickling his cheek. 
     As you got used to taking him, you began to ride him like a pro, the movement of your hips syncing with his effortlessly, bouncing up and down and grinding on him all at once. No matter what you did, the feeling was unbeatable for the both of you, and you couldn’t get enough. On top of that, you had clearly taken charge tonight. Steve was enamoured by you, goddess that you were, and he wanted you on top a lot more now.
     Granted, it was the first time, but he only wished it could’ve happened sooner, because then he could cherish this feeling earlier. You took the lead with such ease, because you knew what you were doing and that was clear. Your sex appeal radiated off of you without you even having to try, and your confidence was just the cherry on top. Steve could tell you were enjoying yourself, shamelessly eating up his submission. You were being greedy, reckless. He wanted more and more. 
      Your movements were graceful and easy, your back arched to get that crucial spot for the two of you, arms wrapped lazily around his neck as you rode him like the perfect wave. He obeyed immediately when you told him to keep his previously wandering hands on your waist, watching in amazement as you led him, the captain. 
     You lowered your head down to his, pressing your forehead against his as you began to moan, and he could tell you were about to come by the way you squeezed around him. When you did, it was like an explosion. You nearly screamed into his ear, but instead bit down on his neck, leaving a bite that was sure to bruise. You kept riding him while you were coming, anyway, telling him to come with you and triggering his own orgasm, letting him fill you up with his cum. For a while, the two of you just sat there, Steve still inside of you, his head knocking against your chest, while you wrapped your arms around him. 
     “I’m putting a looot of trust into you right now, you know that?” you pulled your shirt off, stretching your arms up above your head. 
Steve laughed, shaking his head,
     “No pressure.”
     “I’m absolutely joking,” you leaned forward to give him a kiss while cupping his face, lingering at his lips for a few seconds with a soft smile before you pulled away. “I know it’ll turn out amazing. But I can’t stay still for too long.”
     “It won’t take more than an hour, I promise,” Steve put his pinky out in front of him and you rolled your eyes before interlacing your pinky with his. 
     “As long as I’m with you, I don���t mind.”
     “Okay. Your bra is real pretty, but that has to go, too,” Steve said, gesturing to your pink lace bra.
      “Can you take it off me, please?” you smiled innocently, but Steve just stared you down. 
     “If I do that, you’re gonna try to distract me,” he stood his ground, and you chortled, cupping his face in your hands as you leaned forward, 
     “Steve, I would never. I understand the importance of the artist’s process. Here, I’ll even turn around.”
You turned so your back was facing Steve, your shoulders relaxing when you felt his big hands brushing against your skin, undoing your bra. You felt his bare hands roam up the expanse of your back and rolled your shoulders back into the all encompassing touch. 
     “Just trying to understand my canvas,” Steve muttered, his broad hands cupping your shoulders like he was giving you a massage. 
You sighed, rolling back your neck until you could see a glimpse of him, a slight smile on your face. You crossed your arms over your chest to cover your breasts, making an X shape with your arms. 
     “I’m sure,” you replied, and he lurched forward to plant a kiss on your lips before leaning back, gesturing for you to lie down. 
     You lay down on your front side, your back fully exposed to Steve. Rays of light splashed against your back and shone in Steve’s softened face. You could hear him cleaning his paintbrushes in the mason jar of water that was balancing on the bed sheets, the brush clanking against the rim of the jar and the water sloshing around with the bristles. Your days with Steve were growing more and more intimate as the time passed on. 
     Steve had finally given in to your pleas that he draw more, but he took it a step further and decided he would paint instead, using you as a canvas. Steve caught on fast, and you loved that about him. Whatever you wanted to do, he was down, and he would go that extra mile because he wanted to, not because he didn’t feel like he had an option. 
     You tapped your feet against the bed sheets to the rhythm of the Jhene Aiko song playing in the background, and grinned to yourself when you heard Steve humming along. You put him onto so much that he didn’t even realize the things he was picking up from you along the way. 
     “Alright,” Steve grinned in satisfaction, dipping his brush into the selection of paints on his easel. “You ready?”
You gave him a thumbs up, giddy with excitement. Steve had to gently touch your ankles to remind you to stop shaking, and you uttered a giggly apology while he shook his head playfully. 
     “Never had such a difficult canvas,” Steve straddled the back of your legs as you lay still below him. 
     “Shut up,” you chuckled, cutting yourself off with a gasp when you felt the cool paint against your back. “Shit, that’s cold as fuck!”
     “Language,” Steve smirked, and you barked a bitter laugh. 
     “This is coming from the man who was describing the ways he wanted to deflower my body in obscene depth this morning,” you clapped back at him, and he opened his mouth to reply, only to recede with a resigning sigh. Noting his silence, you simpered. “I win.”
     “Just remember I am the one with total control over your body right now. One misstroke and this painting goes from Mona Lisa quality to absolute shit,” Steve reminded you, waving a finger in the air. 
      “Mona Lisa? Someone thinks real highly of themselves,” you poked fun at him as he continued to layer paint on your back to create a light blue base. “Besides, paint washes off.”
      “I’ll lock you out of the bathroom,” Steve sniggered, much too pleased with himself for your liking. You swatted at him with a reprimanding hand and he dodged it. “Alright, alright. I won’t mess it up on purpose, I promise.”
     “You better not,” you murmured, already sinking into sleep. You couldn’t help it. You were tired from being worn out this morning, because Steve did do everything to your body that he said he would do, namely fucking the daylights out of you. And, Steve painting on your back was oddly therapeutic in a way, and the brush against your back felt like feathers from a pillow, lulling you to sleep. So, you fell asleep as the sound of the music playing faded away. 
You woke up to the sound of Steve’s deep voice in your ear, telling you to wake up so he could take pictures of you. 
      Your eyes trickled open slowly and you looked up at Steve who was laying on his side next to you, positively beaming. You smiled sleepily, the fog from your sleep starting to clear from the light Steve was emanating. His face was so close up, you couldn’t help but brush your nose against his and give him a butterfly kiss before kissing his nose with your lips. 
     “I finished,” Steve grinned in celebration, and in that moment you were sure you’d never seen him look so happy, except for when you stepped off the private jet and into his life. 
     “Baby,” you wrapped your arms around his neck and got up gingerly, so as not to mess up the masterpiece that was still drying on your back. “Lemme see.”
      Steve got up quickly and dragged the full body mirror towards you, standing behind it and holding it up, a proud smile glued to his face. You couldn’t help but giggle at how satisfied he looked with the results, and your heart swelled to see him so happy and actually doing some personal hobbies outside of work. You were glad you were with him, and you were glad that meant he got a break from the hustle of his everyday life. This break wouldn’t last forever, but at least he was getting one. He didn’t often do things that he actually liked to do, he was so worked up. When he was with you, he was free to do whatever, and you actually pushed him to do the things he enjoyed. 
      You turned so your back faced the mirror, and craned your neck to see the work of art. It was a divine myriad of colors on your glowing skin, a light blue sky as the base, a painting of the sun and moon on top. The moon and sun each had eyes, a nose, and a mouth, and the moon was hugging the sun, covering its right eye. He had drawn swirly clouds and glinting stars all around to truly bedazzle the piece. You couldn’t stop smiling, it was truly beautiful and probably the most intimate thing you’d ever done with someone. 
      “Steve, you’re literally amazing at this. I’m serious,” you prodded him when he shook his head in embarrassment. “I mean look, you know it’s amazing, you’re so proud of yourself! And you should be.”
You scrambled over to him, tugging at the camera that was hanging by a strap around his neck,
     “C’mon. Take pictures of it!”
     “Yeah, just—” Steve cocked his head to the side, trailing off, and you realized immediately that he was distracted by your bare upper torso. 
You shook your head, laughing to yourself, and stood up on your knees to pose for him. 
      “You can take some just for yourself, too,” you winked. 
       You woke up to the feeling of Steve stroking your face with his thumb and kissing the top of your head ever so gently, the room dark except for the fuzzy light blue glare of the TV screen a few feet away. You snuggled into his chest, already laid up on top of him, both your bodies stretched out on the cozy couch. 
      You sighed sleepily and blinked up at him. He was fixated on the TV, halfway through the first Deathly Hallows movie. You’d fallen asleep somewhere towards the end of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, so you were quite pleasantly surprised that Steve let you lay on him for so long, and that he continued watching the movies. His blue eyes were unmoving, glued to the screen and thoroughly engaged in the story. You smiled below him and poked his chest, making him glance down at you with an unassuming “hmm?” sound. 
      “How long have I been asleep?”
      “A long time,” Steve smooched your forehead, then your nose, and then your lips, suffocating you with his kisses. “How are you feeling?”
     “Not as sleepy. We stayed up way too late last night,” you reminded him, and he shrugged. 
      “At least I’m almost finished,” he said, referring to the Harry Potter movies that you had stayed up late last night to continue. 
     “We gotta figure out your Hogwarts house,” you squinted up at him, making the calculations in your head. “I think you’re a Gryffindor. I am too.”
     “Gryffindor, Hufflepuff… it’s all the same, isn’t it?” Steve sighed, and you gasped, sitting up on his lap and looking at him, appalled,
      “Steve! Have you learned nothing from the past seven movies?”
He cackled, shaking his head,
      “I’m kidding. I think so too, doll.”
You pushed his chest with a dramatic pout, 
      “Nevermind, asshole, you’re definitely a Slytherin.”
      “Hey, I don’t wanna be a bad guy!”
      “Boo fucking hoo,” you droned. “You get to be a hero all the goddamn time, take your Slytherin house placement and go. Also, you clearly haven’t been paying attention! Not all Slytherins are bad.”
      “I’ll take being an Avenger over being a Slytherin any day,” Steve noted casually, and you couldn’t help but grin at the side note. You positioned yourself on his lap so you were straddling him and he put his hands around your waist almost reflexively. 
      “Of course,” Steve insisted. “My job is tough but, someone’s gotta do it.”
     “You ever wish you weren’t like this? I mean… if you’d known things would turn out the way they did…”
You bit your lip in anticipation as you waited for Steve’s answer, because he was taking a while to think about it. You hoped you weren’t pushing a boundary here by asking this question, but Steve knew you had good intentions, and you knew him long enough to know that he wouldn’t be afraid to answer you.
     He finally found it in him to give you a cohesive answer. He truly had to think, because it wasn’t a feeling he could quite put into words. People thought Steve was this stonelike, serious guy, but he was mainly just pensive. He was still the same Steve he’d always been, even before the serum, even before he became a figure of fame. Now, people just happened to take him a whole lot more seriously. People admired him. But all the while, he was still grieving, still trying to figure out his footing in this world. Now that he was with you, the process was going along much smoother. 
He clasped your hands, bringing your interlaced fingers to his lips,
     “I’ve been through a lot. And it’s hard for me to face things head on sometimes, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I have to admit, though, it really has been nice just… being unseen. Just for a few days, being unknown by the world. Under the radar, I guess. I get to just be Steve, not Captain. And don’t get me wrong, I’d never complain about my responsibilities. I’m just a private person. I’m not in this for the fame and the attention. That’s the only thing I’d ever change. I just want to do what’s right. I don’t need the praise.”
     You nodded, completely understanding. Whenever you and Steve had these deep conversations, you were glad, because you really both listened to each other. You said exactly what was on your minds without fearing judgment. You had kind of expected that to be Steve’s answer, the way he cherished his privacy and didn’t seem to care much for the frills attached to his honorable job. 
     Notoriety wasn’t Steve’s goal, in fact he figured he’d be better off without it. He was grateful for his work, but he didn’t need the fans and worship that came with it. You could honestly never grow tired of Steve talking about himself— his past, his present, his job, his fears. He hardly talked about himself anyway, he was always engulfed in one thing or another. You liked pulling things out of him, not because you wanted to be intrusive, but because you knew it’d be good for him. Besides, how would you get along if you didn’t truly know each other?
As he spoke, you nodded, taking in each and every word. You let your fingernails lightly scratch his face, trailing along his perfect superhuman skin, lulling him without even realizing it. 
     “I get that. You could be Steve Rogers and just save lives, and live just how you want to.”
     “Yeah,” Steve smiled, gazing up into your eyes, the movie long forgotten in the background. He placed his hands on your hips as if to keep you in place where you were, locking you in like you belonged here and here only. “What about you? Would you change anything?”
      You cocked your head with a small smile. You hadn’t been expecting him to ask about you, and it honestly wasn’t something you thought of quite a lot. Maybe if you were still hurting, you’d say yes. But, because your whole life had brought you to this point, here with him and happy with yourself, you couldn’t. 
You shook your head, biting down on your lip, your smile expanding,
     “No. I wouldn’t. I’m actually kind of content now. Healing’s a long process, but it’s worth it. And I’m with you, so it’s all worth it.”
Steve’s eyes glimmered when you said that, and his fingers dung deeper into your hips.
        “Think this is probably the happiest I’ve ever been,” Steve said, and god, he didn’t know how much that meant to you.
tags later!
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pointnumbersixteen · 3 years
Bonus Random Notes from a 8:30AM Rewatch of Yonderland’s the Ultimate Prize
1) I wonder how long it took to get all that blue paint on and particularly off Mat, Ben, and Larry compared to the length of that opening shot.
2) I’m here for Martha’s rumpled-hair look at the beginning, though.
3) I love the little trail of post-it notes that Debbie leaves for Peter.
4) “Crow-chett? Crochet. I’ve never seen that written down before.” Pete’s adorable. 
5) “Attention. This knight is reversing.” 
6) I appreciate Philip of Woolworth promptly tripping and impaling himself. I’d have appreciated him lasting a bit longer; I could have used a few more of those pickup lines for a laugh, but it was the right way for him to go. 
7) I love that Emmanuel’s armor is purple.
8) I feel a modicum fonder of Negatus every time the camera briefly lingers on his black nail polish. 
9) “You, come talc my downstairs!” 
10) The left wing or right wing gag with the news dragon is one of my all-time favorite jokes in this entire show and so ridiculously true. (”Right wing.” “Negatus, the much-loved philanthropist and fundraiser...”)
11) Also, I just now realized that it was Jim under all of that news dragon kit. 
12) Something about the talking binoculars (voiced by Larry, which I also just noticed, although I feel like the ‘Ooh, look, a flutterbug!’ bit ought to have given it away rather more quickly) is really creepy to me. Probably the lips. 
13) That minefield bit is another one of the gags I really like. 
14) I also love that Ben and Jim are the sports commentators in this one (although Jim is alas, in puppet form, and no pink shirts to be seen). They’re made for that dynamic. 
15) That Mat/Jim Page/Crone kiss, yo. Anyone got a gif?
16) I also love that Emmanuel’s huge hulking body is topped by a little tiny puppet head. Excellent visual gag. 10/10. 
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theficplug · 4 years
Wild N Out - Karlous Miller
Karlous Miller x Black Reader
warnings: none, fluff
{You are the new Wild N Out girl. Fun ensues.}
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Wild N Out was never your first option , hell, it wasn’t even really your last option. So, becoming the new Wild N Out Girl never even crossed your mind.
You had met Karlous at an event on a business trip in L.A. where you two had hit off and began dating ever since. You were in school to become a dentist and did modeling in your spare time, but both were becoming something you despised.
After your boyfriend convinced you that you were the funniest person he knew and your manager agreeing with him. You finally caved and went through the casting call process. Fast forward and you were chosen to be a part of Wild N Out: New School vs Old School. 
The day had finally come for the first taping and rumours were that Mo’Nique and other well known fans of the show were in attendance tonight. 
Karlous massaged your sides backstage and gave you a run-down of how the show would typically flow and run.
“Bae, Keke Palmer said she liked my shoes earlier and asked me where I got em from. Bae she called me a pretty girl and everything, like, I’m really doing this.” you say talking a mile a minute
“I call you that everyday now I’mma have to come up with somethin’ else. Keke just gon’ steal my girl right in front of me.” he jokes. “You gon’ be alright . It’s like a family here so everything gon’ go smooth. You up here worrying for nothing with your fine ass.” Karlous says holding your hands and kissing them gently.
“Okay, you right.  I got this and don’t think just cause you my man i’mma go easy on you! You not on my team, Old School.” you say to him teasingly and the stagehand lets you both know that it’s time to go on. 
“Alright but don’t be talkin bout “you sleepin’ yo ass right on that couch” when I return that heat!” he calls after you and you just shake your head laughing as you walk out onto the set and wave at the fans. You see a few familiar faces like Tim and Justine and Chico/DC of course. But, there's also a few new faces that you didn’t recognize. Probably people who couldn’t make it to the welcome dinner so you make sure you go by greeting everyone and accepting hugs from some of them.
“Welcome to Wild N Out: New School vs Old School Edition. If you’ve been watching the show you already know what the hell is about to go down. Dj D-Wrek is going to give us some answers and we’re going to come up with some funny questions, and then rush up to this buzzer. Team with the funniest answers wins the game.  I am your new host Keke Palmer and this is Hood Jeopardy.” she announces and the crowd cheers before the round starts. You blow a kiss at Karlous and his goofy self catches it and places it in his pocket dramatically. 
Your eyes scan the crowd and you definitely seen some well known faces in the crowd. You even flanced over at Dulce Sloan on the upper deck. 
You give a small smile to the crowd and then keep your focus on Karlous knowing that he’d either nod his head at you or do something to distract you from your nerves.
“Things Karlous Miller is built like.” DJ D-Wrek calls out 
You let out a loud laugh before your team starts ooh-ing and ahh-ing like schoolyard children as you run over to the buzzer at the same time as DC. 
“Aww hell naw , bae you just gon do me like that?” Karlous shouts while throwing his hands up in the air and you can hear the crowd giggling already. 
“Move DC. That’s my man. You BETTA MO-” you squabble with DC and play fight over the buzzer before knocking him on the floor with your hip and he makes a show of it flying and sliding across the floor yelling “damn she-hulk damn”. 
You smile softly to yourself as the bell goes off and a point goes to your team, letting the small victory ease your nerves.
“What is zaddy built like. Well, that’s easy, what is  “a beautiful chocolate man” ”. you say in the White Chicks voice before Karlous adds “that’s right baby, that’s right.”
“Sike, what is Crash Bandicoot. What is Perry The Platypus from Phineas and Ferb. What is-” you blurt out as you hear the crowd and both teams in hysterics laughing and falling over each other as Karlous stands there with his lips pushed out. 
The bell goes off repeatedly signaling that your team had won that round as DJ D-Wrek stands there wiping tears from his eyes and Chico comes over to join you. 
“What is a small Booker T.” Chico wheezes into the microphone as you two hold onto each other’s shaking shoulders. 
“Hold on I’m not done. Who is Thurgoode from the PJs. What is-” Karlous cuts you off by running over and saying “Yo baby daddy” into the mic and your team yells oop. 
“Don’t be salty baby. It’s not my fault you built like a Fun Dip stick and a thermometer had a baby. You still luh me though?” you ask and he follows up with hell yeah. 
The crowd eats up your dynamic as they watch the both of you interact. 
“Alright, Alright , Alright.  That round goes to New School. They coming with that heat for the o.g.” 
You take a quick commercial break before starting the next segment “Now You Wild Out”. 
“Everybody already knows how this goes. We get a topic from D-Wrek and we go in. Team with the best improvs wins the round. Let’s get it!” Keke says before going stepping back onto team New School. 
Each person from the team goes with almost everyone being evenly matched with points until it’s finally you and Karlous up next with the category Date Night. 
“I got this. I got this.” you tell your team as you strut to the front of the line and Karlous runs over to steal a kiss real quick while the crowd aww’s .
“Aww nothing. Get your milk dud headass over here Lous.” DC says pulling him by the back of his shirt. 
“Lemme get a quick wax. Lemme get a quick wax. Now you wild out.” you say and you hear a mhm before a roar of laughs from the women in the crowd.
“Gotta wash the balls off. Gotta wash the balls off. Now you wild out.” Karlous returns with quick fire while his team copies him and dances with one leg up.
You dance to the music before patting your pockets and all over you “Where’s the plan B? Where’s the plan B? Where’s the plan B? NOW YOU WILD OUT.” you say and Karlous stands there with his hands on his hips with his mouth slightly open as the crowd and your teams laugh along. 
He was standing there shook at the fact that your lil quiet shy self was standing there talking about it. 
He quickly snaps into the character and starts yikin side to side yelling “I sholl did. I sholl did. I sholl did. Now you wild out.” 
The audience erupts into laughter at the chemistry and comedy between the two of you. 
You push him playfully and return to the back of the line as the bell signals that his team had won that round.
The rest of the episode goes smoothly and your team comes close to winning but Old School ultimately won overall. Karlous finds you waiting for him in the parking lot and in a conversation with some people from your team.
You grab his hands softly as he hugs you from behind. “Damn Justine, I've been thinking bout you too.” you joke and turn around to kiss him deeply for a moment.
“Girl you were on fire. I’ll see later. “ Gabby,  one of the new girls on your team says before leaving you two alone. 
“I was talking to one of the producers and baby, they loved what they saw from you. They think you add something extra to the show and in they words “you guys were off the chain”. I know you ain’t have nothing to worry about.” Karlous says mocking them and congratulating you. 
“Thank you baby, for pushing me to do this. I actually really enjoyed today and can’t believe this is my new gig and my new lil found family. I love it here. I can’t believe freaking Mo’Nique was in the crowd. I got to talk to her. Queen gon’ tell me “You remind me of how comedy used to be. Just spittin’ about life and shit. We ain’t mean nothing by it. Just shooting the breeze. You’re going to go far niece.”  I thought I was gonna pass the fuck out or something babe.: you say to him and he just stands there in awe of you while you give him the rundown.
“I told you. You be funny without even trying. Just doing the most random ass shit and I still be in the crib hollering.” he says chuckling softly
 “Thanks baby. But the way you was looking at me all night in my lil Wild N Out shirt. You like what seen or what?” you tease as you lean in to lick over his lips and he lays you against the car grabbing your chin and kissing you. 
“Where the Plan B? Where the Plan B?” he jokes and you shake your head , chuckling softly.
“Now you wild out.” you say , wrapping your arms around his neck
@arination99 @genuinedonnie @ljstraightnochaser
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Words: 5,089 Demon!Dean x Reader Warnings: None really! Summary: Y/N meets Lucifer and moves forward with plans. We learn a little more about what once happened between Y/N and Dean. A/N: This has been a long time coming. I have had writer's block on this story for some time, but I think I've worked through it! This is part of a series! Read the other parts first! Part 1 :: Part 2 :: Part 3 :: Part 4 :: Part 5 :: Part 6 :: Part 7 :: Part 8.
Your name: submit What is this?
The constant thunder served to cover the sound of your approaching footsteps. You entered alone—the demon underlings refused to enter the chamber and were quite literally shaking in their boots. But not you. You strolled into the darkness, broken at first only by the blinding flashes of lightning. As you approached the hulking structure, flames rose up and licked around it in a circle, obscuring any view of what you knew to be inside. You stopped at the edge of the fire, the intense heat blowing back your hair, and raised a hand before slowly dropping it to the ground. The fire abated, obeying your command. The interior of the rectangular cage was cloaked in shadow and stillness. You stared hard into the abyss, trying to pick up some movement or shape. You didn’t have to strain your eyes for long.
There were suddenly two points of fiery light burning deep within the darkness—his eyes. They were red hot, like the irises were made of flame, but after a moment they dimmed and disappeared. Footsteps followed, slow and deliberate, and echoing loudly in the cavernous chamber, even over the sound of the thunder cracking and rolling overhead. You marveled at this inwardly now. How could there be thunder and lightning? Wasn’t there a ceiling of some sort way up there? Something, somewhere above you? But apparently He and His effects defied explanation.
You stepped over the line of holy oil that had been burning at your feet and he came into view. And he was looking right at you with curiosity as he emerged from shadow.
Your heart beat a little faster.
“Yes, I can see that easily,” he said, turning his eyes back to you again, guessing at what you were thinking. His lips curled into a devious smirk. “But there’s something else, isn’t there?” You did your best to keep very still and to keep your face impassive. He pressed his face close to the bars and his eyes bored into you. The intensity of his gaze was unbelievable and you almost quailed under it for a brief moment before you steeled yourself again. Best not to show weakness to the literal Devil during your first meeting. “How is it that a Knight of Hell is walking around with an almost untouched human soul still?”
You gulped at the tightness in your throat but said nothing. He only smiled wider. “Where, oh, where did you get that?” He let out a chuckle and stretched his arms up over his head casually and sighed. “Aren’t we going to meet properly?” he asked.
You gulped, hoping your voice wouldn’t come out strained and tight with nerves. “You don’t know who I am?” you asked him.
“Can’t exactly get the news or the weather down here,” he said in a singsong voice. “And you’re not one of the old Knights of Hell.” The devious smirk grew on his face again. “I certainly would remember you. You’re all shiny and brand new.”
You swallowed again at the tightness in your throat. You hated to admit it, but he radiated power.
“So, you have me at a disadvantage, you see,” he said. He kept his voice low, the tone still casual, like you were two strangers meeting at a bar. “You obviously know who I am because you came looking for me. No way to stumble on this place by accident—and I’m a little conspicuous. But I don’t know who you are, so let’s remedy that.” He stuck an outstretched hand through the bars. You eyed him warily. What was your move here? Could you snub a handshake from frickin’ Lucifer? Was it some sort of trick? Could he really do anything to you? Afterall, he was still in the cage.
You stepped forward and grasped his hand, your heart hammering in your chest. He took a firm hold of yours and tugged suddenly. You couldn’t stop a small, surprised gasp from leaving your lips as you were pulled right up to the bars in front of him. His eyes, no longer wreathed in flame, were an icy gray blue and they were again boring into yours. You felt a chill climbing up your arm from the hand he was clutching. He lifted your hand in his and brought it slightly through the bars, kissing the back of it before his lips curved into a mischievous smile. “Enchanté,” he said. The corners of his eyes crinkled with his smile. He finally let your hand fall from his, leaving your fingers still feeling strangely cold. You stepped back.
“I’m Y/N,” you finally managed.
For some reason this sent him chuckling again and he hopped a little playfully away from the edge of the cage, one foot at a time. “Oh, you are? …perhaps I do know something about you,” he said. The smile was still on his lips and there was a brightness in his eyes as he turned back in your direction. You gave him a questioning look. He shrugged. “I used to have some loyal followers who managed to get the occasional message to me. Before Crowley put a stop to that… In any case, you,” he said, pointing at you with his index finger, “run with the Winchesters.”
“I used to,” you corrected him. He looked at you with renewed interest.
“Are you sure? From what I’ve seen the only way out with those two is six feet under, you know what I mean?” he said with a fake grimace. He rubbed at the stubble on his chin. He gripped a bar in each hand and stared at you, seemingly studying your face again. “How exactly did you become a Knight of Hell?”
“That really isn’t important,” you replied.
A smile flickered on his lips again and he shrugged carelessly. “Right. I’m sure it has nothing to do with Dean being a Knight of Hell…”
You licked your lips a little nervously but said nothing. He seemed to know more than he first let on.
“Hmm. And, uhh, Y/N, that human soul glowing inside you… is that yours? It seems surprisingly unmarred. Pretty unusual. In fact, I can’t think of ever hearing of anything like it in all my eons.”
“I have a proposition for you,” you interrupted loudly, wanting to steer him back toward your purpose and away from your backstory.
“Ooh? Is that so? You have a proposition for me? Because I have several in mind for you.” Lucifer bit his bottom lip. “As you can imagine it has been a very, very long time since I had any visitors, let alone one quite as striking at you are. And I’d really like to get to know you better,” he smirked.
You ignored his innuendo. “How would you feel about running Hell?” you asked him bluntly.
You saw a flash of something in his eyes, maybe desire or surprise. “From in here?” he asked, gesturing to the cage. “Well, that’s quite impossible,” he chuckled. “Besides, I don’t think Crowley would concede.” There was a question in his voice and you knew he was trying to feel you out.
“You don’t have to worry about Crowley. He’s… let’s say, indisposed.”
“Is he dead?” Lucifer asked, an eager and hopeful look on his face. “Because that would be great news. I’m so sick of that little, meddling twerp…”
“So, you’d be interested?” you asked again.
“Sign me up,” he said, again leaning casually on the bars, wiggling his eyebrows at you. “But what’s the catch?” Every time he looked at you, you felt like he could see you without your clothes on… and you couldn’t figure out if he actually could, or if perhaps he was seeing your true form, your soul or some Knight of Hell version of it… It was a vulnerable feeling, and if there was one feeling you hated as a demon it was vulnerability.
“There would be certain concessions you’d have to make. Things you would need to agree to,” you said. “Terms.”
He smiled deviously. “Really? And you’d just take Big Bad Lucifer at his word?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “Of course not.”
He pointed at you enthusiastically and chewed on his bottom lip again. “I like you. You have spunk.” He paced slowly in the cage, but his eyes stayed fixed on you. “I’d like to know more about these concessions and exactly how you think you’re going to hold me to them. But more importantly I want to know why you’re even here in the first place.”
You thought about how to answer that question for a long moment. There were several reasons you had ended up where you were… which one should you offer up? Or should you offer up none of them? But, finally, you settled on a half-truth. “Revenge,” you said. This snapped Lucifer’s eyes to your face and a faint smile grew on his lips.
He chuckled and wiped a thumb over his bottom lip. “Personally, one of my favorite reasons for mayhem.” He paused thoughtfully. “On whom, may I ask?”
You crossed your arms a little guardedly. “I’ve fallen into this whole… running Hell thing,” you said. “It’s more a side effect really. Turns out, someone does actually need to do it. And I have essentially zero interest in most of the job.”
“So, revenge on Crowley? You took over just to piss off Crowley and now you’re stuck with it. Amazing how much administration and bureaucracy is involved in running a realm, isn’t it? Not to mention all the eager underlings,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“It’s simple. I have my own plans and I want to be able to do them when I want, how I want.”
“Sounds like what we all want, doesn’t it?”
“Let me be perfectly clear: you would not set foot outside of Hell. You can do whatever you want regarding… let’s call them, day to day operations. But that’s it.”
He held up his hands, palms out, lips pressed into a tight line. “Hey. Considering my current position, I would still call that a huge upgrade…” He leaned on the bars again. “So, when is my coming out party? Where do I sign?” He was looking you up and down without the slightest effort to hide it, and you felt the hair raise on the back of your neck under his gaze, but you weren’t quite sure exactly why. Was it just the pure power that he radiated? Was it some foreshadowing? You didn’t know, but it did make you uneasy. Still, you plunged recklessly ahead. What exactly did you have to lose?
“I have some things to prepare first,” you said vaguely.
“Oh, preparations? Party decorations? I’d like black streamers and Devil’s Food cake,” he quipped. You shot him a blank look which only elicited a shrug. “I get it. Enough with the questions. I just find you so… interesting. I’ve been sitting down here, rotting in obscurity and boredom and suddenly a brand new Knight of Hell shows up at the Devil’s cage wanting revenge on Crowley and some sort of, let’s say partnership. I’m not supposed to ask questions?”
“You can ask questions. Just don’t expect an answer.”
A wide smile broke out on his lips and he pulled the bottom one in between his teeth again. “Are you flirting with me? Because it’s working.”
You felt another prickle run up your spine and gulped at the nervous tightness in your throat which you were trying so hard to hide. “Just… sit tight. I’ll be back.”
“Like I have any other choice!” he said with a smile. “You’re just trying to play hard to get, trying to keep me titillated!” he called after you.
You stepped away back, breaking the gaze between you and him, and flicked a hand and the holy fire sprang up around the cage again. You could feel Lucifer’s eyes on you the whole way to the door, even though your back was to him. It was with some sense of relief that you finally closed it behind you. This was insane. What the hell were you doing? Did you seriously think you could pull this off? The alternative was to keep going the way you were—annoyed, frustrated, angry—you hadn’t asked for any of this. Crowley had turned you. So, whatever happened, ultimately, it was on him… Right? And Dean—just the thought of him sent you reeling with anger, frustration, and… shit. How was it that Dean was somehow still eliciting this whirlwind of emotions? You’d had enough. You wanted control again, so you were taking it.
There was a small gaggle of demons waiting just outside the door looking amazed and scared and you turned to the one in front. “Did you get them?”
He gulped and looked a little sheepish. “We—we still have to find a couple more.”
Your jaw tensed. “Well, do it. Now.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
Sam gritted his teeth when he stepped into the kitchen early in the morning to see Dean sitting at the island with a mug, apparently at his ease.
“Sammy,” he said, raising his mug slightly. “Little brother… How’d you sleep?”
Sam let out an irritated scoff. “How did I sleep? How’d I—you want to know how I slept? I didn’t. I didn’t sleep. Because the King of Hell is in one room, and a Knight of Hell was wandering the bunker. So, I didn’t sleep.”
One corner of Dean’s mouth flicked upward. “You really need to learn to relax…”
Sam grabbed the empty carafe off the coffee pot and gestured vaguely. “I thought you made coffee,” he said.
“What do I look like, a barista?” Dean’s gruff voice answered.
Sam glared at him. “You’ve got a mug.”
Dean looked down into it and back up at Sam. “This is whiskey.”
Sam rubbed a hand over his face. “Whiskey. It’s 6 am.”
“I run on demon time now, Sam,” he said, sipping carelessly at his drink. “It’s where I do whatever I want, whenever I want.”
Sam’s eyebrows lifted. “Really?”
“Yeah. Really.”
“So, you’re telling me of all the possible things you could be doing, running on ‘demon time,’ this is what you want? Sitting in the bunker with me, Cas, and Crowley.” Dean didn’t say anything, just held his brother’s eyes with a blank expression on his face. “For some reason I find that a little hard to believe,” Sam said skeptically, turning to fill the carafe with water and put some actual coffee on.
“Do you have some sort of point you’d like to make? Something you want to say to me?” There was a dangerous growl in his voice now.
Sam sighed heavily and turned around to face him again. “I’m sick of this ‘I don’t give a shit’ act, Dean! You showed up here because of Y/N, so some part of you, no matter how small or how far down you’ve shoved it, actually cares about something. And yet you won’t even tell us what happened when you saw her! Make up your mind—you can’t have it both ways! You either want to figure out how to get Y/N back or you don’t. …But I don’t know. Maybe you really don’t care. Maybe you don’t care if Y/N ends up dead or—”
Dean was on him so fast that before Sam even realized it he was up against the wall with Dean’s hand on his throat and the glass carafe was shattered on the floor. The puddle of water was slowly expanding, weaving its way around the shards of glass, making them look even more like jagged ice crystals floating in a shallow sea. Dean’s breath was hot on Sam’s face. “Don’t you ever say that about Y/N again. You have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.” With some effort, his hand shaking as he drew back, he released Sam. His eyes were filled with a savage light that Sam had never seen before and for a moment he was reminded of the power and anger this version of Dean was capable of wielding. Dean gave him one final glare and stormed from the room.
Sam heaved a frustrated sigh and reached up to rub at his throat. Gulping down the sudden wave of fear, he grabbed a broom, starting to sweep up the shards of broken glass into a pile. Cas breezed in.
His face immediately darkened as he took in the mess on the floor and Sam bending to pick up a few particularly large pieces of debris. “I heard something. What happened?”
Sam sighed and tossed the pieces forcefully into the trash before running a hand through his hair to push it out of his face. He gestured vaguely at the mess. “Dean. Dean happened…”
Cas swallowed at the uncomfortable tightness in his throat and gave him a questioning look. “What do you mean?”
Sam sank heavily onto a nearby stool. “I don’t know. Nothing. It’s probably my fault… I was—challenging him.”
Cas’s brow sank even lower over his blue eyes. “Sam—don’t do that. I know it’s hard to reconcile but he’s not entirely the brother you knew… He’s not the same.”
Sam let out a dry scoff. “Yeah. Tell me about it…” He sighed again, deep in thought now. “There’s something though…”
Cas nodded. “With Dean. About Y/N.”
Sam’s eyes shot up to meet Cas’s. “Yes. Exactly. He threatened us about messing with him, warned us about messing with Y/N, and then he just freely shows up here all of a sudden? And then just now… I said something about Y/N and that just set him off. It was like a switch flipped.”
Cas continued. “I’ve noticed it too. If the old Dean, some part of him, wasn’t still in there with this Knight of Hell, he wouldn’t give a damn that Crowley turned Y/N. He wouldn’t care about anything. He wouldn’t be here. Or he would have killed all of us by now...”
Sam nodded. “And yet he called us. He showed up here. He’s furious with Crowley...” He gave Cas a knowing look and the angel nodded.
“We need to know what happened between the two of them. It might explain why Y/N suddenly went barreling into Hell,” Cas mused. “I don’t believe it was only to punish Crowley.” The look in the angel’s eyes grew faraway as he sunk further into thought. “We need Dean to talk to us.”
“Yeah, good luck with that,” Sam scoffed. “He’s obviously being tight-lipped about it on purpose. There’s something he doesn’t want us to know, for whatever reason.” Sam stood up and resumed his kitchen clean-up. “And no one is going to force it out of him.”
“I just can’t shake the feeling that somehow Y/N is going to be his way back from all of this…” Cas said. Sam gave him a thoughtful looking, his brow wrinkled with worry.
“Then we better try our best to find out what really happened when they last saw each other.”
Cas went in search of Dean and after checking the usual common areas he headed deeper into the bunker, peeking into every open door. He was expecting to find him in his old room but was surprised to see it empty and undisturbed. Just next door, however, was your room, and Cas found Dean inside, standing over your desk.
He cautiously stepped across the threshold and waited patiently for Dean to speak, not entirely sure that he even would.
Dean was studying the books, notebooks, and stray paper spread out all over your desk. He paged through it gently, almost tentatively, with slow, intentioned movements. “All this—all of it… it’s about me. I mean, about Knights of Hell and demons… Every single note, every marked page.” His deep voice was absent its usual gruffness, and Cas noted that this wasn’t the first time he had seen Dean, the Knight of Hell, soften when thinking of you.
Cas swallowed a little nervously. “She wanted to get you back. We all did. But she was the one who refused to give up. Even when I stepped away. Even when Sam couldn’t go on.”
Something changed suddenly and Dean let out a wry laugh. “Waste of time,” he said, dropping the paper in his hand and withdrawing suddenly from the stacks of notes like he had been burned.
Cas’s brow contracted. “Is it?” he asked, meeting Dean’s eyes.
“Well, a lot of good it did her. Clearly, I’m still a Knight of Hell. And on top of that, it seems she is too. There is one thing I do know,” Dean said a little quietly, “Y/N doesn’t belong in this world. A frickin’ Knight of Hell,” he said, shaking his head.
“She would say you don’t either,” Cas asserted.
“That’s not the same.” Dean licked his lips thoughtfully and stared back at the angel for a long moment.
“Let me ask you something,” the angel started cautiously. He hoped if he could just keep Dean talking about you, perhaps he would explain what had occurred when you saw each other. “Why the hunting? The monsters? The humans?” Cas asked him. “I mean the demon underlings make sense. Might as well be an annoying fly under a newspaper but… why is going after the human criminals?”
Dean’s mouth lifted on one side and he crossed his arms over his chest. “You know, at first I thought she was just experimenting, trying out her new form and they were convenient targets. But I think it’s more than that.”
“What do you mean?”
The deep bass of Dean’s voice was now touched with gravel again and he paced over to sit on the edge of your bed, glancing at the novel and trinkets on your bedside table, now dull with a layer of dust in your absence. “Think about it. If she just wanted to learn new tricks she didn’t need to hunt down bad guys and monsters. She could have smoked the first thing she came across. But even now she has a conscience or something like it. She isn’t just killing just to kill. She’s clinging to some purpose, however self-manufactured it is,” he said, getting up from your bed and dusting off his hands. “She’s just trying to feel something…” Dean trailed off here and Cas watched as a cloudy veil came over his eyes.
“You saw her?” Cas asked, already knowing that he had, but hoping Dean would reveal more.
“Oh, yeah, I saw her. She threw me into a wall,” he said with a smirk. Cas’s expression darkened.
“Because she could,” Dean said. “But after that I made a point of getting in her way,” he said, stretching his arms out in front of him.
Cas shook his head, not completely understanding, but he felt like he was getting close to something. “What do you mean?”
“I got in the way of her hunts. She didn’t like that.”
“How?” Cas pressed him. For now, Dean seemed content to talk, but the angel continued to press for more details.
“Killing who and what she was going to before she could. She really didn’t like that,” he said, one corner of his mouth flicking upward again. “All I was doing was pushing her buttons, trying to get a response. Payback for what she had been doing to me…” Here he trailed off again and Cas watched a change come over his face.
“What had she been doing?”
Dean’s green eyes flickered up to meet the angel’s and for a moment Castiel felt certain he was about to explain, but the next second the that had passed and he offered only a vague explanation. “There’s some connection between the two of us, probably just a Knight of Hell thing, but… it made it easy for us to get at each other.”
“Hmm.” Cas was pretty sure that it had much less to do with being a Knight of Hell than it did with whatever was between you and Dean.
“I could find her. Somehow, I just knew where she was and where she would be next.”
“Well, where is she now?” Cas asked.
Dean stood up and shrugged, the corners of his mouth turning down. “I don’t know. Based on that voicemail she left, my best guess is that she is actually in Hell, and if so then it seems I can’t reach her there the way I could when she was just running around icing douchebags.” He shrugged again.
“And all that happened between you was a fight?” Cas asked again.
Dean seemed a little caught off guard by the question and it took him a long moment to answer. “Apparently.” And with that he strode out, leaving Cas standing alone in your room with a peculiar feeling that wasn’t true and almost more questions than when he started.
Some years ago
The trip to South Dakota and what had happened between you and Dean while you were locked in Bobby’s panic room left you with a hopeful excitement in your chest. As you rode in the back seat of the Impala, heading back to the bunker, you couldn’t help glancing up at Dean behind the wheel and you caught him looking over his shoulder at you several times as well. As soon as your eyes met, both of you broke into nervous smiles and you felt your cheeks respond with a warm flush which lingered long after you turned your attention to the waves of grass whizzing by outside.
Finally making it home late that night, Sam immediately muttered sleepy goodnights and headed for bed. This suddenly left you and Dean standing alone in the front room and the atmosphere was thick with expectation. Dean tossed the Impala keys down on the table with a loud rattle and his green eyes caught yours.
He shoved his hands into his pockets, shifting his weight a little nervously, the eye contact between the two of you magnetic. “Sooo…”
You laughed a little anxiously. “So. Alone again,” you said, unconsciously biting your bottom lip.
Goddamn… Dean couldn’t handle that and he tilted his head at you a little as he gave you an almost desperate look, his lips falling partially open as if he was about to say something. Your blush deepened and you were about to ask him something in return when suddenly he was right in front of you, slipping an arm around your lower back and his fingers into your hair and crashing into you, pulling you against him so suddenly, so forcefully that you were unbalanced on your tiptoes. The heat and passion of that kiss was staggering and you sank into it, giving yourself over entirely to the sensations of Dean—the rough stubble on his jaw, his strong arm tight around you, his lips moving effortlessly with yours, hungry and pleading.
Your lips broke apart for a brief moment and Dean studied your face, you doing the same in turn. The green of his eyes was olive in the dim light and there was a flame burning that you felt spreading straight to the center of your chest, heating you up.
“Is this—was that okay?” Dean asked you, suddenly a little unsure, a little worried he wasn’t reading the moment right. He had told himself for so long that wanting you was pointless, because it was impossible you wanted him back in the same way. He didn’t deserve you. So, the idea that this was happening at all was surreal and he was terrified of screwing it up.
“More than okay,” you replied. Your voice was breathy, like you’d just run a marathon. “Dean—”
His lips met yours again before you could even get the rest of your thought out and the next second it was gone as you were surrounded by, enveloped in Dean again.
You broke apart with no small amount of effort, your arms around his neck, and gave him a shy smile.
His eyes were questioning as he studied your expression.
You slipped your fingers in between his and gave him a warm look, starting to tug him in the direction of your room.
Dean’s heart pounded. He wanted this so badly. There wasn’t a single other thought in his mind. All he could think about was the feeling of you beneath his fingers, the taste of you, the intoxicating scent of your hair… He followed you down the hallway toward your room, but when you both were rounding the last corner there was a familiar rustling noise behind him and he spun to see Cas standing there with a grave expression on his face. His fingers slipped from between yours and you stood beside him, your heart sinking from stratospheric heights to the lowest depths at the shadow that was on the angel’s face.
“We have a big problem,” Cas said. And just like that, it was like you were yanked out of the perfect dream into a nightmare.
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alpaca-writes · 3 years
Mystics, Chapter 24
When Arch becomes hired on at Mystics by the strange shopkeeper Lyrem Nomadus, everything seems to be going well- in fact, their life nearly becomes perfection. Soon enough, however, Arch realizes that perhaps not everything is as perfect as it seems….
Read Chapters 1-23 and more HERE
Taglist: @myst-in-the-mirror, @livingforthewhump
CW: Suicide attempt, swearing, drunken stupor. Lyrem needs his own content warnings, seriously.
This includes the FlashBackFever #1 from the Masterlist, but also contains valuable information regarding the plotline. This picks up directly after Chapter 22.
Dedicating this chapter to @myst-in-the-mirror for their wonderful name suggestion for the TimeWorm, Opus! Xx. 
          “Your essence, your memories, everything you are,” Hades spoke; his voice echoed through the deep, dark gloom, “belongs to me.”
        “My essence was spared as a favor to Kronos, if you recall.” Lyrem sniffed and snarled. “Is this really the type of greeting I get for pet-sitting little Opus all those years ago?”
        “Ha! Did you think I would allow you the privilege of eternal life because you took care of Kronos’ Time-Worm for a few measly hours? Please.” Hades tutted amusedly. “Regardless, you’ve become quite a different man since then. I am not sure I would ever want the essence someone who murdered and then ate the heart of his own father… But at least your memories retain a certain value to me at this time.”
        The mark that Lyrem bore on his chest- the brand that Maria would always say looked like a wine glass carrying a single grape- well… it began to burn. Lyrem grimaced and seethed through his teeth as he felt the brand sear through him like a thousand small razors cutting beneath his chest. It was the same feeling as when he first received it.
        Slowly, the searing pain faded away, and Lyrem was able to straighten himself once again, and he touched his chest. The mark was gone.
        The warm scent of chai drifted over him. Hades was holding a large mug in his hands and he lifted it to his white bearded face. Lyrem studied the hulking God, unsure of his purpose here.
        “Perhaps I should apologize for acting so rashly. When I heard that you were coming to collect, I understandably panicked- you know Maria and I had only just bought the house together and I wasn’t ready to go yet.”-
        Hades smiled lightly as his head shook slowly. He sighed impatiently as Lyrem continued in his nervous frenzy-
        “I mean, now that I think back about it, I’m not sure I should have listened to Paimon when he told me what you wanted. He’s a demon. Does he even consort with your kind? I didn’t mean to be a nuisance for you – truly. I wasn’t fully aware of what I was agreeing to at the time you brought me back from the dead, anyways. That was all Kronos’ insistence. You remember. I was young and naïve, of course”-
        “It’s alright.” Hades hushed him unexpectedly. “Being stuck in one corner of a Labyrinth for thirty years is not really worth avenging in my book. To you humans, it’s akin to being stuck in a line-up for five extra minutes. Would you like a coffee? A tea perhaps? Persephone makes a wonderful chai from scratch, though the plants take a little while to grow first. This place… isn’t exactly kind to her.”
        Lyrem searched around. A small couch appeared behind him, a deep blue colour. Hades motioned for him to sit, and so he did. It would be foolish of him to refuse.
        “A… a coffee would be very much appreciated,” he finally answered. “Where is Persephone?”
        Hades sat across from him in his own chair and he cleared his throat.
        “She can only be seen by living souls. I, on the other hand, can only be witnessed by the dead. But we can still hear each other and create for each other, without any problems.”
        “Oh,” Lyrem nodded. “That must be…”
        Nice? Sad? Actually, Lyrem wouldn’t finish that sentence. He didn’t know how.
        “It’s annoying,” Persephone finished. “We can only ever see each other in our own realm. Our real realm- the one we created ourselves- and who knows what that creature is doing to it!”
        Hades tsked. “Persephone, that is not how you address family- whether they are with us or not.”
        He sipped his tea and allowed Lyrem to watch as his coffee materialized for him in a small ceramic cup. Rigidly, Lyrem sat there, unsure of whether to be comforted by the hospitality or suspicious of it.
        “Sorry it took so long,” Persephone apologized. “I haven’t grown a coffea in ages! I chose arabica for you, I hope that is fine.”
        “It’s perfect. Thank you.” Lyrem said. “I-I’m sorry, God Hades, may I please understand why I am here? You wanted Arthur to bring me here for a reason. Do you want me to release you from this place? Send you back to your proper realm?”
        “Ooh he’s a quick one,” She exclaimed, the sarcasm was not lost with the absence of her face. If she was visible, Lyrem would have seen her sit beside him on the couch. Instead, he only felt the pull of the upholstery dipping next to him.
        “Well, unfortunately, you cannot release us from this place. It’s not under your control.” Hades answered, causing Lyrem to be taken aback.
        “Yes, it is. You may have been able to co-opt it to your liking, but I can certainly…” Lyrem paused with a hand suspended. He pushed his hand around, almost playfully through the air. “Uh… Open… open a door…”
        Nothing happened. He brought his hand back down. It worked the last time he was here, dropping these two away in the hole. Of course, Paimon needed to help him at the time. Regardless, he was told he had control. Of course, why would he ever test it when a God who wanted his essence was trapped here? Paimon knew he wouldn’t try to release Hades. It would be a death sentence.
        “Perhaps, I am less powerful as a dead man,” Lyrem surmised.
        “Oh love, no,” Persephone coddled him in the effort to raise his spirits a little higher. “If anything, you should be more powerful than ever as a dead man. But those hearts you’ve been taking like vitamins? They do you less good than you think… You know, what, Uncle? I think he knew it too. I don’t think he wanted him to be strong.”
        Lyrem turned to her space for clarification. “I’m sorry, who knew what?”
        “My nephew, Pan,” Hades answered.
        “He’s always been a trouble maker,” Hades remarked. “This place is a little caged corner of his Labyrinth. I was not prepared for his increased strength as he transitioned to adulthood. It’s quite a solid construction. I have yet to devise a way out.
        It’s also why I needed you to die. Your soul is linked to me, not to the Underworld. And you are innately knowledgeable of Pan’s motivations. We needed to talk.”
        Lyrem sipped at his coffee, growing more and more confused by the moment.
        “I would honestly be quite impressed by Pan’s work if he wasn’t so notoriously cunning, and quite frankly, annoying about it. But that was always his way, you know.” Hades continued in a nostalgic fashion. “He would do all sorts of silly things- start music contests; him with his little flute, he loved that thing though I can’t remember the last time I saw him play it. He loved those little competitions- especially with family”-
        “Ohh. I remember when he came around Mount Olympus showing off the wood nymphs he caged”- Persephone shuddered. It could be felt more than seen. “He plucked off their wings and forced them to race, that creepy bastard”-
        “I’m sorry. He was just so horrible sometimes.”
        “Who are we speaking about, again?”
        “Pan.” “Pan!”
        “Pan?” Lyrem shook his head, remembering his knowledge on classic Greek mythology. “…Isn’t the Great God Pan, dead?”
        The God and Goddess let out a mighty good chuckle, leaving Lyrem annoyed and confused, and off to the side.
        “Okay,” Persephone caught her breath. “That was a good prank; Convincing the world he was dead… Oh it never gets old. I can’t believe it stuck around this long. I guess it fits that he’s disguised as a spirit from a false religion now.”
        Lyrem stole looks from Hades to the empty space, and then back again in growing disbelief. Hades continued.
        “Pan is one of my nephews. A childlike God. And like all children, he grew bored with the course that his life was taking. In order to amuse himself, he began toying with the lives of innocent humans and facilitated humanity’s suffering on a massive scale. Played people against one another and started wars between great nations. He would place bets on who would win and he would become angry and spiteful when no one would bet against him. He stole children away from their families just to watch their reactions when they found the bodies- he would corrupt the most innocent to hurt at his command – what is more is he tortured people into taking their own lives- and the more he did these things, the easier it all became… I won’t blame his parents,” Hades nodded sympathetically to the ‘empty’ seat, “But he needed intervention a long time ago, desperately.”
        The tone had suddenly shifted to one of melancholy as Hades explained his nephew’s troubling past.
        “Trying to reason with him became more difficult and each time I tried to help him, he would push me away. Finally, being as resourceful and unbelievably stupid as he was, he swept my realm clean, leaving myself and Persephone locked in the equivalent of a closet in the void of the Underworld- that would be what he likes to call the ‘Labyrinth’.” With a shudder, Hades looked away, shamefully. “One powerful human who bears my mark and a few sacrificial hearts were all he needed to help him with that little task.”
        “Me…” Lyrem placed the pieces together slowly, his life flashing before him in a new light, a new context. “Are you saying, what I think you’re saying? Paimon… Paimon is Pan?!”
        Hades nodded.
        “He gave me a reason to fear you, and then he showed me how to trap you...” Lyrem reasoned. “I’ve known him for thirty-two years. How could I have not known this?”
        “Well, first of all, you certainly have a reason to fear me, I am the God of Death and I will still claim your essence one day.” Hades finished his drink, and the mug disappeared. “But I am slow to anger. Zeus would certainly have struck you down by now, and Poseidon has already put you on a list for that ridiculous prank with Perseus you pulled.”
        Hades chuckled softly. “It was quite funny though.”
        With widening eyes, Lyrem sat back, and tried to find what little was left of his honour and dignity with these Gods who spoke of his life like it was a mere sitcom for them to be entertained by.
        “This is ridiculous. Whether or not Paimon is Pan, I am a man who stands by those who are loyal to me,” Lyrem scoffed, “If you wish for me to betray him in any way at all, I shall simply refuse.”
        He sat up and crossed his arms like a petulant child, just begging for a scolding.
        Hades went silent, as well as Persephone.
        “He’s really not terribly bright, is he, Uncle?” Persephone whispered harshly. “It’s beside the point. We need to find Apollo! Let’s open up his mind again.”
        “What? No! Please, don’t”-
Beijing, China. 1989.
        “You will never know true love.”
        The Eastern Oracle looked up from the bowl of still water, perched atop the short table from where the three sat on the pillows and watched her client with interest. His dark brows were neatly knit together in a scowl and clearly disappointed. The client did not understand what she had spoken. She could tell.
        She glanced to the translator next and then looked back to the man who began to speak.
        “Oh…” he quietly accepted. “I see.”
        He swallowed. The incense smoke drifted up through the air, condensing their little area in a thin fog. The Oracle said something else in her native Cantonese; her tone rather insistent this time. Urgent, even. Lyrem could tell.
        The translator paused, then spoke: “she says that your fate was never to be loved, only to be respected. It is the only thing that matters to you.”
        Lyrem blinked. Respect was a value of his, yes- but the only thing that mattered to him?
        “But… love, true love…” he started feeling silly even before he uttered the words. “It exists?”
        The translator repeated his words and then the Oracle watched him carefully.
        “For you.” the Oracle spoke in Cantonese. Unfortunately, Lyrem was not well versed in the language at all. “Only for you does true love exist.”
        Lyrem glanced to the translator.
        “She says, ‘Only for very few, does true love exist.”
        He sighed. At least he wasn’t the only one, he thought. He stood up, paid the two in full, and bowed before making his exit.
        Thankfully, there was a local merchant of alcohol nearby. Lyrem stopped there first to buy himself a case of sake before returning to his hotel room. Eight floors up, he was.
        It would be quick and easy to find his way to the ground.
        He cracked open his first and played himself in a game of solitaire on the table by the window. Reflecting there on his last several weeks of hunting for a sacred stone in the Himalayas. It had already been delivered unto Cáishén, a Chinese god of wealth and prosperity several days before now. He wouldn’t get anything in return for his sweat, tears, and blood- only his clients would. At least they paid him well enough. But it had been several days since he returned from the peaks and Lyrem hadn’t bothered to book himself a flight back home to receive his cheque.
        At his second bottle, he ordered dinner up. It didn’t matter what was on the menu, but he was craving something richly flavoured and warm. Pork buns, he thought. They were often his favourite and would do well as a last meal. He had finished his second bottle before it was delivered.
        Yes, they smelled heavenly.
        And then he lost his appetite.
        He opened a third and flicked the bottle cap across the room- damn- he missed the trash bin.
        At some point, he had sat on the bed to read a paper he had picked up from a stall that day. It was mostly in English- except for the ads.
        President Bush signs $166-Billion-dollar corporate bailout, the article read.
        “Didn’t trek across the mountains for nothing then. You’re fucking welcome, everybody,” he muttered rudely to himself.
        He opened his fourth drank it, and then got up to take a long piss. He washed his face and ran a wet hand through his head of soft brown hair. His face still burned with the cold from an altitude he was not accustomed too- it left his cheeks pink and dry.
        The wind had pick up. The mustard yellow curtains flipped around wildly bringing in the stale scent of dust and inner-city smog along with it. Lyrem didn’t remember opening the door to the balcony- at least he hadn’t bothered to, yet.
        But now was a good a time as any… Wasn’t it?
        What was the point of living if not for love?
        He heard the rush of traffic below and the honking of horns, and then he tried to remember what the point of making any sound was, if no one cared for what you had to say. He flipped on the radio that was bolted into the side table. Tuned to a station catering to American music, it crackled through the middle of Hotel California with great effort.
        He stepped over the threshold and looked out across Beijing and their neon lights with his hands tightly gripped to each other behind his back. He sniffed and considered his next move.
        Hands forward, he gripped the railing tight.
                 He bit his lower lip as the lights blurred ahead of him.
                          He became angry with the Oracle, but only for a second.
                                   He lifted a leg and found his own perch.
        The sake had really done a good job of calming his nerves. Lyrem was actually quite surprised that he wasn’t more unstable. Perhaps that was the unique charm of the drink. Or perhaps a bit more adrenaline was pumping through his veins than he cared to realize.
        Lyrem held his breath at the edge of the railing, and then closed his eyes.
                                                     He tipped forward, welcoming the rush.
        He was caught. His eyes opened, and he was suspended in mid-air staring down at the busy street below. Life, he saw, flashing by… but not his own.
        He was lifted back by a pair of strong arms and then the savior let him fall to the floor with a sudden thump!
        “You sad, sorry bastard,” the voice of the saviour said. “You need help.”
        Perhaps a neighbour saw him attempt suicide, came to the rescue. But Lyrem could have sworn he locked his door- and he didn’t hear a soul break in. The guest sat on the edge of the bed, leaning against a cane to support himself on the way down.
        Lyrem grunted against the floor.
        “Go away,” he groaned out.
The guest rolled his eyes.
        “What is wrong with you?” he asked. Part of him may have been genuinely asking, but he didn’t wait for a response. “You have everything you could ever possibly desire in this world! How old are you? Forty? Maybe? You still have a long life ahead of you to do absolutely anything you want!
        Women! They ought to be climbing all over you- unless of course, the men are more your thing- I don’t mean to judge of course, love is love.”
        The guest continued on as Lyrem struggled to his knees.
        “Riches! You’ve got that! Wine, cocaine, parties, travelling the world? My man, you have yourself a slice of heaven on Earth! You’re like a bloody rock star!”
        Lyrem glared up at the black-bearded wonder sitting on his bed, in his room, who opened the fifth bottle of sake that was sitting next to him.
        The guest grimaced at the taste, but kept it balanced on his knee.
        “I guess, what I am really wondering,” he continued. “Is what the hell drives a man like you to the edge like this?”
        Lyrem struggled to stand, and leaned against the chair, slowly and shakily, he climbed into it, and then studied the stranger best he could. His eyes drifted away from him each time he tried to focus. He swallowed carefully. Feeling sick, he might not ever answer the man.
        “L-love. True love,” he managed.
        The stranger balked.
        “True love?!”
        “Fuck off.”
        Teetering on the edge of the bed, the stranger leaned forward.
        “It’s just so funny though, isn’t it? Love… you’d think a man like you could find it anywhere”-
        “I don’t want to find it just anywhere,” Lyrem reasoned, cradling his head into his hands. “I want it to be real. I want it to be true. I want it to be perfect.”
        “No love is real, or true, or perfect. It’s just… Love.”
        “Is that supposed to be encouraging?”
        “It’s supposed to snap you out of this depressive episode. It’s degrading. Just by looking at you, I want to throw myself off this balcony.”
        Lyrem scoffed, managed a smirk and looked up.
        “You’re an asshole.”
        “The name’s Paimon,” the stranger grinned. “And you’re right, I am an asshole- but I’m also exactly what you need.”
        Lyrem shifted his head back. He wasn’t a man with a variety of tastes. He preferred wom-
        “A demon,” he finished.
        “Pffffft.” Lyrem opened his mouth. “You think I need you? A demon?”
        “You’re human, aren’t you?”
        “Then we were always meant to be.” Paimon surmised. “Listen, I know you’re a man of many talents, gained the favours of many gods, and many powerful human souls- I’ve been tracking you for quite some time.”
        Lyrem rolled his eyes up at the ceiling where watermarks dotted around in various sizes.
        “Here’s my proposal- and if you don’t like it, then you are free to fling yourself off the balcony again and this time, I won’t stop you”-
        “I don’t consort with demons. I have a rule about that,” Lyrem said, beginning to sober up at the mention of something more work related.
        “’course, you do,” Paimon winked at him. “But what if I told you that I could find you your true love? What if I could promise you that? What if I told you that all you would need to do is sit beside her on this flight”- He pulled a plane ticket from the inside of his jacket pocket. “-from Beijing to Lisbon, tomorrow afternoon?”
        Lyrem stared suspiciously from the ticket and then back to Paimon’s unearthly aura. He didn’t notice it until now.
        “This is a trick,” Lyrem stated. He then turned it to a question. “What do I do for you in return?”
        Paimon’s eyes went wide, and he shook his head.
        “Nothing at all,” Paimon could see that Lyrem knew he was bullshitting. “Alright. Here’s what I require in return: your… friendship.”
        Lyrem reached out, pulled the ticket from the demon’s hand and stood. Studying it in the light, it was real. It was the very same company he had traveled with to get to China about a month back.
        “If I don’t give you the true love that you desire,” Paimon proposed. “Then I will leave you in peace and never return.”
        “Still sounds like a trick.”
        “Some deals are just too good to pass up,” Paimon chortled. “Trust me, I know.”
        Lyrem took a deep breath. Paimon wanted his friendship in return for giving him true love? He scratched his chin, stubbled and dry. If he refused, the demon might only return one day when he was even more desperate- and Lyrem couldn’t exactly guarantee he would say no then and Paimon would almost certainly raise his expectations for him.
        “You have a deal,” Lyrem settled with nothing to lose. “Friendship it is. Name’s Lyrem.”
        Paimon smiled, knowing that the money he had spent to bribe the translator was well worth it, and clasped the man’s hand tight.
        “Lyrem… You won’t regret this,” he grinned through shining eyes.
Labyrinth Cage, present day.
        Lyrem lifted his head off the back of the couch that had supported him this time through a most unpleasant journey down memory lane.
        “… He lied.”
        Many years had passed since he had first travelled to China- and since then he had been hired to return enough times that he had to learn some basic Cantonese for himself.
        The Oracle had told him how to find Maria- not that he would’ve had to try very hard. There was a job, just off the coast of Portugal that he had been asked to do, not long after he had arrived in Lisbon. He thought it to be a simple coincidence at the time and nothing more.  The people who hired him to get it done probably had his plane ticket waiting at the front desk. He was just too self-absorbed to check in with them about it, but it was more likely that Paimon had gotten to it first.
        But… he understood now. The demon who he called a friend, wasn’t a demon at all.
        It was Pan. And Pan was playing him. He had been playing him from the very start.
        If he had heard the Oracle correctly the first time, he would have known that his true love would be found. He wouldn’t have drunk himself half to death and he wouldn’t have dangled himself off the balcony of his room. And if all of that was true- then he wouldn’t have been desperate enough to consort with something like him, demon or not. Paimon-Pan- wanted him desperate. Wanted Lyrem to need him. He needed Lyrem to see him as his one and only salvation.
        There, for when Maria couldn’t be.
        “I need to speak to him.”
        A firm hand pushed him back down in his seat. It was invisible, but strong.
        “He’ll annihilate you like an ant, Lyrem. Believe me, I’ve seen it many times. You’re not the first human he’s trained this way.” Persephone cooed, softly.
        “Trained?!” Lyrem repeated emphatically, insulted. “No, no… I just need to talk to him. He’s…”
        “-your friend?”
        Lyrem paled, and then swallowed.
        “Yes! Yes, he is! And when I speak with him, then… I’m sure everything will be explained”-
        He cut himself off. There was no reason for him to make excuses for Paimon. He lied to him, and he knew exactly what he was doing all along.
        “Arch is with him now. You don’t think he would hurt, Arch, do you?”
        Hades’ face became painted in concern for Lyrem and his friend’s well-being. He didn’t want to answer the poor man. Persephone interjected.
        “He also has one of my brothers- Apollo is trapped in our realm. We have to save him from Pan. I have no idea what he’ll do to him,” Persephone turned to Hades in urgency, though, neither Hades nor Lyrem would have known it. “Uncle, this whole time we’ve assumed that it was Maria who had a connection with Pan and therefore Apollo. But how likely is it that Apollo used Arch to send his call?”
        Hades lifted his eyebrows in consideration.
        “If this Arch is important to Lyrem and has a connection to Pan, then it is quite likely Apollo would find a way to use them.”
        “What’s his call for? Why are you searching for it in me? In my head?” Lyrem asked. “If you can explain to me what to look for then I might already know what it is. I could show it to you!”
        “And that could be enough to help you find him and release him,” the sound of Persephone’s smile resounded through her words. “Once Apollo is released from his prison, he could open a door into the Labyrinth instantly and release us.
        His call, it would have been something musical. Something special to you. Arch would have been present for it.”
        “A song playing then? Or maybe an earworm?” Lyrem suggested.
        Hades shuddered. “Oh, I don’t want to know what that looks like- if it’s anything like Opus and its iridescent coloured slime”-
        “I don’t think I recall any earworms… Wait…” Lyrem had a sudden stroke of genius; something bizarre that he had remembered ever since he had met Arch several months ago. “’Everyone knows City and Colour’.” He repeated Arch’s words slowly back to himself.
        “Cities and colours?,” Persephone questioned, "What do they have to do with this?”
        “It doesn’t have anything to do with this. However,” Lyrem refuted. A small smirk curled itself alongside his face. “I do believe Segovia might…”
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Loki x fem!Reader
Warnings:alcohol, stupid decisions, bad stuff
Summary: A truce to end all wars leads to an alliance between Earth and Asgard in the form of Loki marrying a mortal. None of them what this. None except fate.
Word Count: I have missed this. Writing like this. With such a wonderful rush through my veins. Beautiful. So beautiful.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
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Golden and blue sparrows sit on the turret to sing the songs of the coming summer as spring dances in the fields while it still has the chance. They swirl and glide with one another before landing on the balcony, rubbing their beaks together as they witness with tilted heads the couple that stands amid the cheery wind. Y/H/C tresses are teased by those very winds, whispering sweet sins inside her ear while her hands try to wrap around her chest- partly for the cold and mostly to hide what she thinks might be visible under that breathy black fabric. You are that woman. And it is not hard to guess by even these birds that your heart rate is spiking at the moment as the bare-chested God looks down at you with those greens penetrating right through your skin while his hair is caressed by that same wind that teases you.
Your back is hot. Hot from the embarrassment and the freezing touch of his chest onto yours that is still so crisp in your mind you want to question your body’s memory. And you know yourself well enough to realise that your transparent y/e/c are already betraying you with the surprise clearly visible in them.
I didn’t commit a crime. No need to be scared, right? You try to make yourself understand.
So, clearing your throat, you straighten your back and look Loki right in the eyes.
“I spilt wine on myself.”
While you are speaking the words, your inner voice suddenly peaks out of the dark corner to yell ‘YOU SAW HIM GETTING NAKED’ and throws your voice off balance before disappearing again.
Loki cannot help but smile at the waver in your voice as you try to act normal while wearing his shirt. It compliments her, he ponders internally. Even as he watches you keep up a good facade, he cannot help but think of a little tease while licking his lips.
Stop licking your lips, you monster!
Loki takes a step towards you and crosses his arms over his chest, making you immediately retreat a step inside the bedroom. “So, you thought of borrowing my clothes? Shirt, to be precise.”
“Yes,” you immediately blurt out, taking another step back for his one step forward, “I mean no. I didn’t have anything to wear.”
“They took away all my clothes,” you nearly whimper before finding your gravity cowering in a dim-lit alley, alive only on shallow breaths.
“Who?” He does not stop. And he knows he is manoeuvring you right to the bed, loving this little game that is making his chest flutter with excitement.
“One of the handmaidens. Look, Loki, I’ll give you your shirt back. I’ll even wash it. I just don’t have any of my clothes tha-”
“Oh I didn’t ask for my shirt back,” he replies to your blabbering, watching your leg collide with the bed frame, making you lose balance and forcing you to sit down while he hovers over you.
“Oh,” you exclaim with confused surprise, sitting upright, trying your best to maintain your posture, “okay,” while your hands try to cover as much of the exposed thighs as they can.
“I just want to know one thing,” he states whilst bending down and planting his hands on either side of you.
All that upright backbone crumbles away as you feel the dip in the mattress on either side while your body seems to be bending back, away from him. But your soul; oh your soul seems to be attracted to the redolence coming off from his body. No matter how hard you try to look away, your eyes seem to be finding their way back to that flawless chest like magnets attracted to their opposite poles.
“W-what?” You scooch back just a little bit but his face is still close to yours and his eyes are observing that minute tremble of your lips.
“Were you...watching me get undressed?”
The bomb has exploded, rinsing all the colour from your face.
“Wha-no. No! I was not watching you-”
While your lungs try to breathe outstretched words, Loki backs away, the dip on either side of you going away with his arms as his hands land on his pants. “Because there is no need to be shy. We are married after all,” he mentions as he starts to undo the second button and you can see the curly hairs gradually easing down his belly button right before you feel yourself close your eyes and scram towards the opposite edge of the bed.
“NO! Oh my God! No, thank you! Not interested,” you announce as you make your way to the door, dash out, and shut it behind you to escape the unspoken things that had just started to take place inside your head.
You could hear Loki chuckling behind the door. “Aren’t you forgetting something, darling?!” his voice calls out from the room to make you realise you just ran out of the room in nothing but his shirt.
“Your grace.”
The greeting brings a response out of your body at the speed of lightning, making your hands go over your chest while your racoon-on-alert eyes turn to look at the source of the voice.
“YES?!” You almost shout in the faces of the handmaidens, making them jump a little at your reaction. That is when you notice the silk fabric under your hands and have to look down to see a black gown fitting your curves, exposing your shoulders but covering your arms, back and legs to their full length.
“Is...everything alright, your grace?” one of the handmaidens asks with a look of worry.
“Yeah!” you are quick to reply, the air coming back to your lungs. “Yes! Everything is perfect. I was just-” you pause, flailing your hands around to come up with something, anything- “on my way to the kitchen for lunch. Yes!”
The handmaiden smile. “Sybll informed us, your grace. Would you like us to show you the way?”
“Yes...please,” you reciprocate with a smile, walking behind them but not before turning towards the door and whispering, “I’ll get you for this, darling.”
The hairs on your ears rise and so do the ones on your back when a voice comes closer than expected, one true mixture of whispered harps and the dew of sins in the night. “I won’t expect any less.”
You jump away once again. But this time he is not behind you, neither is he in the front or on the sides, playing with you through his magic.
You want to be angry but you can’t. Instead, you are smiling wider than you did in the last three weeks, glowing with warmth on the insides, questioning this feeling inside your chest while loving it more with every passing second, nonetheless. What you do not know is something similar is happening beyond that door.
“Let me guess, it’s another one of Allfather’s traditions?”
Sif sighs and smirks. “I know you do not have much respect for the traditions laid down by the king-”
“Oh, I respect traditions. I just do not have a good tolerance level for hypocrisy and sexism. Sexism is when-”
“I know what it means, Y/N,” Sif nods in your direction while she tightens the belt on the horse being readied for you, “believe me, I do.”
You smile in her direction. “It hasn’t been easy for you to get where you are today, isn’t it?” You stroke the horse to make him get used to you and your touch. “And it does not get easier when you are close friends with the Prince who keeps disobeying the king and making you choose between the kingdom and your heart.”
Sif’s first reaction is to defend herself against what you claim, but the transparency in your eyes makes her pause and sigh instead. “Not everything turns out the way we want, Y/N.”
“Tell me about it,” you groan, “and I don’t know how much this means to you but I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have you by my side here amongst all this...dumb testosterone.”
Sif laughs and that eases your heart. She looks ten times prettier when she’s happy. “It is a lot to deal with for one woman. Even I am glad to have you here, Y/N.”
And without saying anything else, you both hug each other.
“Now will you tell me where we are going?”
“By the river near the white mountains. You are to collect the Nightweed seeds in this royal sieve and bring them back to the palace to plant them in the royal garden. It signifies your place at the royal court and your welcome into this land where everyone will pray for your growth and prosperity.”
Your brows rise up and you nod, taking it all in. “Sounds like a...task.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be there. And so will five guards and five handmaidens,” she assures you.
“Wh-I thought I was the only...is Thor coming with us too?”
Sif guffaws and you are loving the fact that you can make this lady crack. “He wishes he could, your Grace. He really does.”
The full moon night is the perfect light the group travels under in a slow and languid pace, making their way towards the mountains visible beyond the thicket of trees. Conversations go back and forth throughout the journey, where you ask about this place, its history and culture and share your own with these curious minds.
“Your grace,” Sybll is already squirming with a question, “is it true that Prince Thor once fought the brave Hulk?”
“Oh,” you throw your head back, chuckling into the cold air of the night, “yes! Yes, he did, my lovelies. And to answer the question you are most curious about...he lost.”
“Ooh!” Sif shouts, “Thor is not going to spare you for this betrayal.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you shove off the topic in the air before going for your satchel and taking out a sack that seems to carry something that was clinking on the inside, “we can worry about Thor later. But for now, we need to have a girl’s night. Here. Everyone, grab one.”
Sybll takes one glass bottle that fits into her palm and passes the rest to the rest of the ladies. Sif raises the bottle to the moon and knows within an instant what the little vile holds.
“What do you say, Sif?”
Sif turns to look at you as you travel side by side while the handmaidens gasp and sniff their shares. “I say you are quite probably the most chaotically lawful thing to happen to Asgard.” She raises her miniature bottle of rum and the handmaidens follow. “To the new Princess of Asgard. Salud!”
“Salud!” the forest witnesses the most mellifluous cheer that night. The party continues to travel towards their destination, not ready for what was about to follow.
The summon to court is no surprise for Loki. In fact, he has been waiting for it all day. But instead of a face to face proceeding to look down upon the adopted Prince, the hall witnesses a buffet table for dinner with the King sitting at the end, directing his sons to sit by his side.
This one is going to be this flamboyant even the day he dies.
“Come, dine with me, my sons,” Odin announces.
Thor gives a look to his brother before sitting down next to Odin, mirroring Loki. The firewood burns around them in the many fireplaces that surround the royal family, lighting up the hall in a brilliant yellow hue. Even in the warmth, it is not strange for Loki to feel the coldness from one side- the side where Odin sits.
One move of his finger and the servants come in to serve the food at the table.
Thor is the first one to break through the ice forming around the three of them. “Loki, isn’t Y/N joining us for dinner tonight?”
Before Loki can say something in your defence, Odin breaks into the conversation.
“Speaking of Y/N, we had some really interesting conversations today.” Odin breaks the bone on the duck to grab the leg and drop it on his plate. “Quite the perception and direction this human has. The last time I was being challenged like this- about my ways of doing things- I was looking at the pointed edge of the sword.”
The potatoes and bread are laid down on the plate along with the duck before the wine glass is held in the wrinkled hands.
Thor clears his throat. “Father, I am sure whatever Y/N said, she did not mean to say anything against the king or the court.”
“Oh no!” Odin whips his head at Thor, “she did not. She was not talking to Odin the Allfather. She was talking to Odin the father of two sons. Now that I think about it, if it were someone else, I would have had them thrown in the dungeons by now.”
A chuckle rises from Loki’s side, which he tries to hide under his palm but clearly fails to do so. “My apologies,” he states, pressing his lips as tightly as he can, “please, do carry on.”
“Anyways,” Thor breaks the judgment both father and son are throwing at each other, “where is Y/N? I am sure she is still a part of the family and can have dinner with us.”
“She will not be joining us tonight,” Odin declares, biting into the meat, “she has left the palace to fulfil the tradition of the new seed.”
Loki looks down at his plate with furrowed brows, not sure if he has the stomach for the duck on his plate staring right back at him. “Who is escorting her?”
Odin looks at him from the corner of his eye. “Sif is with her along with a handful of guards. Should not be a problem to reach the end of the river mountain by midnight.”
Everything is as normal as one would expect it to be at the table. At least for the next ten seconds.
“Wait,” Loki speaks as if coming out of a trance, “by the river mountain, you mean the mountain where the Nightweed grows.”
“Why, yes, of course,” Odin answers, his eye and fingers busy with the meat, “where else would she go to harvest the Nightweed? The mountains right at the edge of Vanaheim.”
The emotion that represents a question in those green eyes suddenly grows tens hues darker. The brows sitting heavy with a query suddenly seem to release themself with a realisation yet unknown to the audience.
And just when Loki thinks he must run, something inside him takes a fraction of that moment to look at his father; to put to rest this microscopic thread of suspicion pulling his heart. And when the better eye does not turn to meet his, the dark suspicions take roots inside his chest, forcing him to get up- throwing back his chair in the process- and walk hastily out the door, yelling at the guards to prepare his horse.
Thor stands at his place, confused, turns to look at Odin for answers before running behind his brother once he gets nothing from the former.
Odin sits there, alone in the large hall, by himself, looking down the echoing emptiness that surrounds him while he eats to his heart’s desire.
The silence of the forest seems to be invaded into by the song the little group has broken into. It is some old Nordic folk song that you have no clue about but that does not stop you from getting into the mix, singing the chorus whenever it comes up. You know you are louder than your usual self. You can already feel the buzz of the alcohol inside your head. And the lack of supper has added to it, making your head spin. Oh but the spin is good. Especially under a starry night like this, it is nothing less than magical.
Giggles, chuckles, all-out laughter- there is everything to experience in this small gathering with the stories being shared and you cannot but share how much you love all of them. Even your horse- whom you have already named Kiki, something that has been received with giggles bursting into outrageous laughter all around you.
"What? What??? I love the name Kiki, you royal ignorants! Kiki is so cute. Isn't it Kiki?"
Kiki huffs and continues to walk till you raise your hand and announce a temporary stop.
"Can we...can we stop? Please?"
Sif is the soberest of you all. But that does not mean she does not feel a little tingle in her body that is telling her to let herself a little loose. "Everything okay, Y/N?"
"Yeah, yeah," you assure her, giving her Kiki's rein while trying to find a way to get down, "I need to pee. Um...how do I get down from………...here."
Sybll narrows her eyes to look at you atop the horse, her head barely still on her palm. "Tell him you are ready to have kids. That's how my husband dropped me down."
All eyes are on Sybll, the chirp of the crickets being the only sound resonating around them. Sybll looks back at everyone, curling her palm in question.
"Do you want us to kill him for you?" Sif asks in a whisper while every other woman nods her head in solidarity.
A snicker leaves her first, followed by a chortle. "I was joking! It was a joke! I am not even married!"
"Oooh!" is followed by jabs and teasing comments at a jovial Sybll while Sif accompanies you behind a thicket of bushes.
"Keep an eye out, okay?" You ask the one lady who would do the job without even asking.
Sif gives you a salute before turning around as you get to business.
"I would have never imagined this is how I was going to spend my first day here in Asgard."
Sif chuckles before a snap of a twig somewhere in the forest catches her attention.
"Squabble in the morning, party in the night. Almost feels like home used to when I was a kid," you continue.
Sif is already ten steps into the direction where she heard the snap, feeling a movement from behind the shrubbery distinctly shining under the moonlight.
"But the most surprising thing was...Loki," you mutter, getting up and away, straightening your dress. "Never thought I would enjoy his company so much."
You pick out the little vial from your pack on the belt and take a drop on your palm before rubbing it between both your hands. Asgardian hand sanitizer.
"Sif, I think something's happening."
You sigh, scratching this uneasy itch at the back of your neck while looking up at the moon. "It's weird. But I think I'm feeling something for him."
A low hoot of an owl comes from somewhere behind you from the forest.
"I think-" you whisper into the night, not able to take your eyes away from the moon- "I think I might like-"
The end of the word does not leave your lips for they are covered by fabric with a dense foul smell. No matter how hard your panicking body tries to move away from that musty fabric, something strong holds it over your face. Something equally strong tightens around your waist to stop your squirming body from bringing any attention towards you.
And within the next twenty seconds, your movements grow weak enough for that force to pick you up and take you away from the comforting lamps lighting the happy faces waiting for you in the distance. Your lungs want to call out for help, but a heavy slumber seems to take over your eyes, blurring everything there is. A name is screamed into a void inside you, calling it for help before you drown in the void itself, dreaming of green eyes searching for you in this darkness.
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