#lost in firefly forest
falling-star-cygnus · 7 months
the way im actually about to make fan art for cool math games rn
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its-stimsca · 3 months
lost ember stimboard w/ nature themes Please?
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Epic game of going outside
🌹 🌳 🌹 / 🌳 🌹 🌳 / 🌹 🌳 🌹
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punkshort · 1 month
i know who you are | 7. the week
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Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Chapter Summary: Joel is on a mission to win you back. You struggle with your feelings and visit an old friend for some perspective.
Chapter Warnings: language, angst, pining, sad!Joel, amnesia, slow burn, physical violence, wounds/blood/injuries/gore, vague reference to suicide (Joel remembering his incident after Sarah), alcohol consumption, non-descriptive smutty memory, mentions of murder (adults and children), mentions of pregnancy (not reader)
WC: 7.7K
A/N: I took some liberties with the background of the Fireflies, it's not exactly canon.
Series Masterlist
Somewhere in Northern California
It took two days.
Two full days of freezing temperatures and frigid wind as he traversed up and down mountains, through snow covered forests with little to no shelter, but he finally made it. Right before nightfall, he approached the edge of the town you grew up in. The town your parents still lived in ten years ago. The town that holds a history of you and everything you hold dear.
It was too dark and he was too tired to enter the town and go any further, but fortune smiled upon him for the first time since he left Jackson when he spotted a dilapidated woodshed tucked into the forest. It was small, no bigger than a bedroom, but it would do. It would be the first time in two days he would get to sleep with a roof over his head, and he desperately needed it.
He grossly overestimated his ability to survive out in the wild. He did it before, of course, but life in Jackson made him soft. Made him complacent. Made him weak.
Time took its toll on his body. His age was an offensive reminder every time his knees creaked or his back twinged. He wasn't as fast as he used to be, nor as strong. But he was determined and stubborn, two things that would never change.
With hands trembling from the cold, he jabbed his knife into the lock and broke it with ease, a small triumph in an otherwise unforgiving journey. The shed was mostly empty, save for a pile of wood and an axe. Plenty of room for both him and the horse.
After he scattered some oats on the floor, he grabbed his rifle and marched back out into the snowy tundra to do a perimeter check, knowing he would fall asleep the moment he allowed himself to slow down. By the time he deemed the area safe, he retreated back into the woodshed and lit a fire in the tiny furnace to warm up a bit.
Once he got feeling back in his fingers, he cracked open some stew and ate it cold straight from the can, too impatient to warm it up and too eager to get some rest. The wind howled outside, practically screaming at him with every gust: How could you say that to me?
The horse nickered softly, her head lowered, one back leg cocked as she began to doze off. He laid on the wooden floor, partially resting inside his sleeping bag, ready to strike if there was an intruder. The back of his wrist laid against his forehead while he stared blankly at the ceiling, wondering for the umpteenth time if what he was doing was even going to work. If he would even be capable of finding your house in this town, let alone finding any pictures still in good enough condition to bring back to you.
But it was all he had.
You had mentioned to him when he was sick, after you saw the photo of Sarah, how you wished you had pictures of your family. You looked so somber and distant and he was once again reminded that even though you lost them ten years ago, in your mind you only lost them months ago.
He couldn't imagine losing Sarah twice. Waking up one day, thinking she was alive and healthy and late for school just to be told she was killed mercilessly ten years prior and died in his arms. You were so much stronger than him. You always were. You were told your whole world changed, your family gone, and then tossed into a house with him, pressured by everyone every damn day to regain your memories and become a completely different person when he knew deep down if the same had happened to him, his answer would lie at the end of a barrel. But unlike before, he might not flinch.
You really fucking hurt me, Joel.
He rubbed his face aggressively, the pain and anguish in your voice haunting him. This trip left him with too much time to get lost in his thoughts, too much time to wallow in his grief and replay every single painful memory from the past several days.
Sighing, he dropped his hands to his chest and tried to think about something else. Letting his eyes drift shut, he let his mind wander back to before. Before your accident, before he fucked everything up, back to a time when you were happy and stupidly in love.
"What's cookin', good lookin'?" he heard your voice behind him.
He grinned as he stirred a pot of sauce on the stove while you wrapped your arms around his midsection, burying your face against his back.
"My accent rubbin' off on you now?"
You giggled and let go, walking over to grab the bottle of whiskey and pouring you each a glass.
You handed him his glass and clinked them together before taking a sip.
"How was patrol?" he asked, turning his attention back to the pasta.
"Boring," you replied, hopping up onto the counter next to him, swinging your legs back and forth. "Jesse has a lot of work to do. He's not seasoned enough to be out there without one of us."
He nodded thoughtfully and lifted the spoon up to your lips to taste the sauce. "Needs lemon," you said, licking your upper lip while he snatched a lemon from a basket in the corner of the kitchen and sliced it in half.
"Yeah, I know, but he's got potential. Just gotta get him to focus a bit more. Gotta be more aware of his surroundings."
You hummed and rubbed the back of your neck with a wince.
"You hurtin'?" he asked, but you shook your head immediately.
"Just tired."
"You sure?" he said while he strained the pasta. "I can rub your neck later."
"Oh, well in that case, yes. I'm absolutely aching over here," you said with a smile.
"Don't tempt me, baby," he told you, setting down the pot before wedging himself between your knees, his hands rubbing over your thighs. "Might not stop at your neck."
"Is that right?" you teased, pulling your lower lip between your teeth playfully.
"Mhmm. First it's your neck, then shoulders," he said, pressing a gentle kiss against your lips, "then your back," he dragged his hands up your back and pressed you forward, nearly pulling you off the counter.
"Then what?" you asked breathlessly, arms loosely draping around the back of his neck.
"Before y'know it, you'll be pullin' at my belt, tellin' me you got an ache someplace else 'n you need me to stuff you full of my cock." His hands dragged up and down your back, his mouth nipping gently at your throat as you tipped your head back with a gasp.
"You know me so well," you murmured, a lazy smirk spreading across your face when you felt the urgency behind his touch.
"Yeah I do, baby," his words getting lost against your skin, "know you like the back of my hand. Know what makes you tick. What makes you feel good. Know what makes you scream my fuckin' name." His lips slotted over yours urgently, the pasta cold and long forgotten as you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him close.
"Take me to bed, Joel," you begged after you pulled your head away, breaking the kiss and then quickly latching onto his neck. "Need you. I want - shit!" you cursed when one of you accidentally pushed a plate off the counter and it smashed into pieces against the floor.
"Leave it, don't care," he said, picking you up and pulling your attention off the shards of ceramic littering the floor. "I'll clean it up later."
His eyes popped open, the echo of your giggle from that night bouncing around his skull. It was almost laughable now, thinking he felt lonely before compared to how he felt in the middle of fucking nowhere with only a sleeping horse to keep him company.
He wasn't stupid. He knew he would need to do more than bring home some pictures to convince you to forgive him. But it was a start, and maybe, just maybe with time, you would come to understand what you meant to him.
And if he was really lucky, he might end up meaning something to you, too.
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It was stupid and it didn't mean anything.
That's what you kept telling yourself ever since Joel left and you found yourself curling up in his bed at night instead of yours.
His bed was more comfortable. His room didn't store the bad memories of your fight. It was simply easier to sleep there.
It certainly didn't have anything to do with the way the sheets still smelled like him. Like the soap you both used combined with the outdoors and a hint of his sweat. And on the third night when you picked out a flannel of his from the closet and wrapped it around yourself, it was only because it was a particularly frigid night.
You didn't miss him.
Well, you missed having another person in the house, sure. But you didn't miss him on some deeper level. Maria and Ellie were wrong. They had no idea what they were talking about. They had no idea what was going through your head, what you were feeling, what you were struggling with.
There was no possible way you could have feelings for Joel. Not after everything he did and said. Not after the lies and the cheating and the deception.
But then why, when you were struggling to fall asleep at night, did your mind always wander back to the way he looked at you in the meadow, or the way his arms felt wrapped around you on the back of the horse, or the way he made you laugh when you played Monopoly?
And why did it feel like a part of you left with him that night?
"Pathetic," you muttered to yourself, pulling the sheets tighter and rolling over onto your side, his soft, worn flannel like butter against your bare skin. You squeezed your eyes shut, forcing the memories from your mind and instead, replaying what he told you about the hospital.
He almost killed you. He was seconds away from putting a bullet in your head and only after presumably begging for your life did he let you go, and then he had the nerve to keep that information from you not only once, but fucking twice.
He was protecting Ellie.
But he still shouldn't have lied.
With a groan, you rolled onto your back and stared up at the ceiling, sleep so far out of reach you didn't even feel like trying anymore. Then a thought occurred to you:
You weren't the only one he let live. There were two other people in Jackson who were there, who were shown mercy and didn't appear to hold any resentment towards him for it. In fact, they seemed rather happy with the second chance they were given.
You hadn't seen Ben or Lisa in a long time. The opportunity never presented itself for you to seek any perspective from them about that day.
Perhaps it was time to change that.
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It took him a few hours to scope out the town and venture out of the woods, but by late morning he was heading down what looked to be one of the main thoroughfares in town, eyes squinting against the blowing snow as he tried to pinpoint the location of town hall.
All he remembered was your street name but he had absolutely no idea how to find it, so his plan was to break into the town hall and find a map. From there, he prayed Ellie's drawing was truly accurate enough to narrow down your parents' house.
He was freezing. His face was numb and his back was fucking killing him from riding so much, but he was so close. If he was lucky, he could find your house, get what he needed and head out all before nightfall. Maybe he could even spend another night in the woodshed. It wasn't so bad. At least he was warm.
As he continued to steer his horse down another road, he couldn't help but think Tommy was right about the storm. It was providing him some cover, just in case there were survivors around that wouldn't take kindly to his intrusion. He just hoped it would blow through in a day so his ride back would be clear.
After another thirty minutes of wind whipping at his face, the cold penetrating his coat and several layers underneath, he finally saw it. It was a smaller building than he imaged it to be, but the sign was clear. Hoping that the town size was as small as the town hall, he steered his mare down the drive and through the parking lot, making sure to take in his surroundings, confirming he was truly alone before he slid down from the saddle and trudged through the snow to the front doors.
He wiped away the snow from the window, peering inside before heading to another one and doing the same. It appeared to be empty so he tried the door, unsurprisingly finding it locked. He pulled out his knife and worked on the lock, his fingers stiff and his ears so cold he could barely feel them anymore. Finally, he broke the lock but when he shoved the door, there was something blocking him on the other side.
"Shit," he muttered, glancing around, kicking and dusting snow off the surrounding area, looking for a brick or a rock. Giving up, he grabbed his rifle from the saddle and angrily made his way to the nearest window, smashing the butt of his gun against the glass repeatedly until it shattered. He gasped for air, not realizing how much energy he was exerting before he continued, knocking out as much of the glass as he could.
Sticking his head inside, he looked around. The place seemed empty. It was quiet, covered in dust and debris. Untouched dust was good. It meant nobody had been there in a while. Human or otherwise.
He crawled through the window, taking great care to not catch on any jagged edges. He held his breath, ears straining for any noise that might give someone away, but all he heard was the howling wind outside. This is your fault. Still, he kept his guard up. He walked room to room, finding his way to the lobby and searching the front desk for a map.
"You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me," he grumbled as he opened and shut each drawer in the desk, only pausing to snatch up an old protein bar and shoving it in his pocket.
With a sigh, he looked around the room. There were a couple benches, chairs that were moved and tipped over, papers scattered about but his eyes were drawn to the portraits on the wall. There were a few paintings of men he would never recognize, unknown sheriffs and mayors, and some framed pictures of the staff, but the one that really drew his attention was the large map on the wall next to the front doors.
It was a road map of the town. Simple, but it was all he needed. He rounded the desk and shined his flashlight over the map, studying it, searching for where he was before looking for your street.
"Grant Street."
"Grant?" he repeated, his fingers lightly skirting up and down your bare back.
"Mhmm," you confirmed, eyes closed, a small, satisfied smile tugging at your lips as you buried your face into his neck.
"That's funny," he said, his hand wandering past your waist and over your ass.
"Why's that?"
"Grant's my Mama's maiden name."
Your eyes opened and locked onto his. "Maybe it's fate, then."
Maybe it was.
Grant was only four blocks north. It didn't look like a very long road, either.
He could do this.
He was so close.
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Lisa answered the door with the same look of surprise as before, although this time she was clutching needles and yarn in her left hand while the fire quietly crackled behind her.
"Hey," you said, arms wrapped around yourself as the snow storm continued to swirl behind you. "Can I come in?"
"Oh! Of course!" Lisa said, stepping back, "how rude of me. Can I get you something warm to drink?" She closed the door behind you and took a step towards the kitchen. "I just boiled some water for tea, it's still hot."
"Tea sounds lovely, thank you," you said as you hung up your coat and scarf, trying your best not to make a mess of melted snow all over her floor.
She told you to make yourself comfortable while she prepared your tea, so you wandered into her tiny living room, the space seeming a little larger now without your two imposing men.
"Where's Ben?"
"Working," she said, setting down a teacup and saucer next to hers. "I put a little sugar in it."
"Oh, thank you, that's perfect. I like it sweet," you replied, sitting down on the same couch as before and bringing the cup to your lips.
"I know, I remember," she said, and when she sat down and fixed her billowy top, you noticed for the first time the small bump protruding low on her hips.
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise and she followed your gaze.
"Oh, yes," her tone soft, "I'm due this spring."
"Wow. Congratulations, Lisa. That's wonderful, I had no idea. I thought I would have seen you from time to time at the infirmary," you explained, setting down your tea.
"Nick agrees to see me after hours, sometimes he makes house calls," she said, picking up her needles again.
You titled your head to the side. "Why do you want to be seen after hours?"
Her lips pressed into a thin line, eyes fixed on the yellow blanket she was making. "I still find it difficult sometimes to face some of the others in town, I suppose. I know I shouldn't but the guilt sticks with me."
Her eyes flicked up to yours and she shifted her weight. "I know Ben mentioned the Fireflies to you." She held out her wrist, showing you the small moth-like symbol tattooed there. "I'm not sure how much you know or remember-"
"Actually, that's why I'm here," you said, taking a deep breath. "Joel told me everything. About the Fireflies. About the hospital."
Her eyes widened, the needles abandoned in her lap.
"Yeah," you said, chewing on your lip and glancing at the fire. "He told me what he did there. Told me he spared us, let us go."
"Yes, he did," she agreed softly.
"Can you tell me more about that day?" you asked, dragging your eyes back to meet hers. "I'm having trouble understanding how I could have known this before and still managed to fall in love with him."
She frowned. "What do you mean?"
You laughed dryly and shrugged. "I mean he almost killed us. He killed countless innocent people, friends of ours I'm assuming, and I'm expected to believe I just looked past it? We just looked past it?" You motioned between the two of you. "He's a murderer, Lisa. He-"
"We're murderers," she corrected, and you fell silent. "We killed innocent people. We helped lead a revolution that resulted in hundreds of deaths, and where did that get us? Nowhere! People weren't any better off. In fact, they were worse. Friends and family killed, caught in the crossfire, tangled up in this idea of freedom and safety and giving their lives to an empty cause."
You swallowed as you watched Lisa's face, her eyes fiery and her tone hardened, transforming into a different version of herself before your very eyes.
"What Joel did..." she trailed off as she thought back to that day. "We did bad things. So did he, but he single handedly cut the Fireflies off at the legs. He stopped the insanity, stopped the war, stopped the ridiculous experiments and half baked ideas to save the world, regardless of the lives lost along the way. You don't remember, I understand, but allow me to explain."
"Please," you begged softly, "please tell me everything."
She rested a palm against her swelling stomach and leaned back. "We realized we made a mistake pretty early on," she began, "but we didn't have anywhere else to go. We had been living in the wild for so long. We were tired and hungry and weak and we fell for it. Fell for the sales pitch when they found us. We were told we wouldn't have to fight, but they didn't tell us what they expected us to do."
"W-what did we do?" you stammered, sitting on the edge of your seat.
"We killed people. Innocent people, point blank. FEDRA soldiers. Civilians who ratted out our location for extra food for their family. Children-" her voice wobbled a bit as she looked down at her stomach. "Children who were experimented on, vaccine prototypes tested on, who became horribly disfigured a-and screaming in pain, begging to be put out of their misery-"
"Okay," you said, cutting her off and taking a deep breath, unable to hear much more. It was becoming clear why Joel kept this from you, and although you had a right to know, you were beginning to understand his motivation. He was trying to protect you.
"Anyway," Lisa continued, flicking a tear from her cheek, "we planned on getting out. We couldn't do it anymore. Then, Joel showed up."
You held your breath, waiting for her to continue.
"We were doing perimeter checks. Loosening a spot in the gate so we could sneak out later that night. Then we heard the gunshots. And at first, we thought some infected got in. It was the perfect distraction, so we grabbed our gear and made a run for it."
She paused to take a sip from her tea, her eyes looking miles away.
"We almost made it. We were in the parking garage loading up a vehicle when he snuck up behind us. Told us to lay face down on the ground with our hands behind our heads. We never saw him and it wasn't until later we found out he was all alone. The whole time we were convinced it had to have been a group of men. It seemed impossible for one man to do what he did, but somehow..."
She trailed off again and cleared her throat.
"He gave us a second chance when we didn't deserve it," she said solemnly. "You and Ben dealt with the weight of what we did far better than me. I still struggle with the guilt, I can't..." she looked up at you, "I hope you never remember."
A chill went down your spine and you nodded.
"Try not to hold it against him," she said, offering you a small smile. "We've all done terrible things. It's not all black and white."
It ain't black and white.
"Yeah, okay," you replied quietly, standing up from the couch, your mind reeling. "Thanks," you added, motioning to the tea before she walked you to the door, "and congratulations again."
"Thank you," she said, rubbing her belly, her green eyes sparkling. "I'm glad you stopped by. The truth is sometimes ugly, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve to understand the whole picture." You nodded and bent over to shove on your boots. "Joel's not a bad man. I'm sure he was just trying to protect you by leaving some things out about our past. He would have told you eventually."
When the whole goddamn world ends and all you got left is one or two people you care 'bout, you'll do whatever you gotta do to protect 'em.
"Yeah, I'm starting to realize that now," you said, shrugging on your coat with a wry smile.
The whole way home, you practically kicked yourself for not visiting Lisa sooner. Maybe it would have made a difference, maybe not. But it finally felt like a missing puzzle piece was back in place and you could begin to make sense of your confusing feelings for Joel.
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Ellie was incredibly talented.
He needed to make sure to remind her of that when he got home because even through the blowing snow, in near whiteout conditions, he was still able to figure out which house was yours because Ellie's drawing was so detailed, so accurate that it almost felt like he had been there before.
He was eager and impatient. He just wanted to get inside and get what he needed and leave, but before he did, he peered inside the windows and did a walk around the whole house three times, just in case. It was a small brick ranch and if the snow wasn't so thick, he would be able to see the black shutters framing the front windows, just like in the drawing.
He shouldered open the side garage door first, a pile of fluffy snow spilling over the hard concrete as he stumbled in and shimmied open the roll top door so he could bring his mare inside.
He pat her between the eyes, murmuring his thanks for being so damn tough and sprinkled some more oats on the ground before slipping inside the house.
The door from the attached garage led right into a kitchen, which, by the looks of it, was rifled through on more than one occasion. No doubt some survivors had come through over the years and turned the place upside down for anything useful, but that didn't matter to him. What he needed wouldn't be stolen.
Glancing at the fridge, he paused when he saw some photos stuck to the door. He leaned his rifle against the wall and shook his head, curls flinging melted snow over the dusty floor, then bent over to examine the pictures. Most of them didn't have you and he began to worry he was in the wrong house after all, but then he saw it: at the very top was a picture of four people, all wearing summer clothes and Mickey Mouse ears with the Cinderella castle in the background. A middle aged man and woman bookended a young man, lean but muscular with his arm draped around your shoulders.
You were younger, maybe still in high school, and your hair was longer and lighter, but he would recognize that smile anywhere.
He carefully plucked the photo from the fridge and brought it closer, his eyes raking over every detail of the picture, from the brightness in your eyes to the cotton candy pink sky behind you.
You looked so happy.
Nothing like the way you looked when he last saw you: broken and bruised. Ruined and dejected. Because of him.
You spared my life just to break my heart.
He blinked and pocketed the photo before turning around. The living room was in worse condition. It appeared someone must have stayed there at one point because the couches were shifted around, an armchair wedged in front of the door, cushions flung around haphazardly.
He had to move furniture out of the way, dig around a bit through broken bookshelves, but he managed to finally unearth an old photo album. Resting on one of the couch cushions with a huff, he took a few moments to flip through it, smiling now and then when he saw an especially cute picture of you. The wind outside was howling so loudly, the old house creaking with every gust that he couldn't hear when footsteps slowly crept up behind him and knocked him unconscious with the butt of his own rifle.
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Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
He knew better. He should have scoped out the inside of the house before getting distracted. But he was too excited and too eager to get what he came for that he forgot his own rules. And he took for granted the snowstorm would hide his tracks.
Now he was hunched over on the living room floor, leaning against the wall with his wrists tied behind his back while five raiders went through his things.
"Hey man, don't you like peaches?"
"Fuck yeah I do, give it here."
Joel groaned, the back of his head throbbing, thick, sticky blood slowly trickling down the back of his neck.
"He's waking up."
"Hey, princess, how's the head?" one said with a sinister laugh. Joel ignored him.
"You got some nice shit. Wanna tell us where your camp is?"
Joel opened his eyes and glared at the man in front of him, wearing a leather jacket and leather gloves and a black bandana pulling his dark, wiry hair off his scarred face.
"Fuck you."
The punch came fast and hard across his jaw, making him see stars for a moment. The other men chuckled and got back to dividing up his things.
"You wanna try that again?" the first man asked, crouching down in front of him. Joel tugged on the rope holding his wrists together. The knot was tight but it wasn't foolproof. He just needed a little time to loosen it up.
"Don't got a camp."
"Bullshit," the man barked, spitting against the wall next to Joel's head. "Ain't nobody out here with this kinda gear and a goddamn horse roughing it all alone. Now, just tell us the city and we'll take it from there. We'll even let you live."
He heard one of the other men scoff but the rest remained quiet, and if Joel wasn't already convinced they were planning to kill him either way, he definitely was now.
"Boise?" he repeated, and Joel nodded, twisting his hands behind his back, feeling the coarse rope burn against his skin. The man in the leather jacket sighed and hung his head before landing another blow, this time across the mouth. Joel's lower lip got snagged on his teeth and tore. Blood trickled down his chin as he angrily whipped his head back towards the raider.
"I told you what you wanted!"
"You fed me a bunch of bullshit is what you did," he said, kicking Joel in the ribs. He gasped for air, doubled over against the wall, coughing and spraying blood across the faded floral wallpaper. He wondered if your parents did the wallpaper themselves, if your mom picked it out, or did the house already come like that?
Joel tugged harder on the rope, feeling it start to give. He needed to stay focused. He needed to make every move count if he wanted to get out of this alive.
The raider pulled a revolver from the back of his pants - Joel's revolver - and flipped it over in his hands. Back and forth, back and forth. Then he leaned forward and pressed the barrel against Joel's forehead.
"I'll give you one more chance, asshole," he said, his dark eyes boring into Joel's, "tell us where your camp is or else I shoot you in the fucking head."
"What the hell was he doing here anyway?"
"Shut up, Mike," the guy in the leather growled, eyes still trained on Joel.
"No, but seriously. There's nothing in this house worth taking. We've been through this neighborhood months ago."
The raider's eyes flickered around the room and Joel tugged harder on his restraints when he looked away. Then the man spotted the photo album lying face down on the ground.
"What's this?" he asked, lowering the gun and picking up the album. He began to flip through it and Joel felt the rope finally give. The raider let out a low whistle and slid a photo out to look at it closer. "Don't tell me you came out in the middle of a storm just to find something to jack off to," he teased, holding up a photo of you in a yellow bikini by a pool. He flipped the picture back around and grinned. When he went to stuff it in his pocket, his attention momentarily diverted, Joel took his opportunity to strike.
In the blink of an eye, he snatched the revolver from the raider's fingers and shot him in the temple, his body immediately falling limply to the side. Wet, sticky blood sprayed all over Joel's hand but he just tightened his grip on the gun, taking aim and bringing down another one of the men while they were still too stunned to move.
"Fuck!" one of the remaining three men screamed as they scrambled for cover. Joel ducked behind the couch and held his breath, straining to hear the scuffling of their boots, trying to pinpoint where they were in the small room. When he heard one of them accidentally knock against the kitchen table, the wooden legs scraping against the linoleum, he straightened up and took aim, taking out another man with a bullet right between the eyes, but unfortunately one of the last two men got a shot in as well.
The bullet grazed against his left bicep. Joel hissed and ducked back behind the couch. He would deal with it later.
"Come on, man, we can work something out," one of the men called out after a minute. "Let's just go our separate ways. Act like this never-"
Joel jumped up and shot the man in the cheek, the bullet traveling through his mouth and out the back of his head, leaving brain matter that looked like globs of gelatin dripping down the kitchen cupboards after he fell lifelessly to the ground.
Joel stepped towards the kitchen, now only one on one. He got cocky. He was feeling too confident with how quickly he took out the group. He didn't even see it coming when the knife lodged into his side, just above his hip. Without thinking, he yanked the knife out, twisted around and jammed it into the final raider's throat, watching as he fell to the floor, choking on his own blood, and didn't look away until he stopped twitching.
Adrenaline still coursed through his veins and he used it to his advantage, his left hand pressing weakly against his wound, the wound in his arm preventing it from being very effective while he searched the dead bodies of the men for anything useful. He had brought some first aid with him when he left Jackson but he was too far from home, he would need antibiotics, at least, if he was going to make it back.
Of course, he came up empty, so he snatched his first aid kit from the table and stumbled down the little hallway, searching for a bathroom. He knew it was a lost cause, the raiders already admitted to clearing the place out months ago, but he had to try.
He flung open the medicine cabinet with a grunt, the pain beginning to set in now. Pressing his bloody fingers against the stab wound as hard as he could, he rummaged around the cabinet, leaving paths of red everywhere his fingers touched, then tried the drawers under the sink.
"Fuck," he muttered, collapsing onto the cool tile floor as he began to sort through his first aid kit. There were no towels left but he was sitting on an old bathmat. He groaned in pain when he lifted his hips to pull the bathmat out, shook out the dust and dirt, then pressed it against his side, bringing his knee up to hold it in place.
With trembling fingers, he threaded a needle. He wiped the blood from his hands on his shirt, but they were stained red. Ripping open his jacket and flannel, he lifted the two other layers he had on underneath and lowered his leg to get a look at the wound.
It was deep and he was losing a lot of blood, but he was fairly certain the knife wasn't long enough to knick any organs. His stomach wasn't swelling, that was a good sign.
He only had a small bottle of antiseptic, so he used most of it to clean the wound and then the needle, saving a little bit to use on his arm later.
He took several quick breaths in, hyping himself up, then paused when he first shoved the needle through his skin. Tears sprung up, blurring his vision, but he blinked them away.
Focus. Focus. Focus.
In and out, in and out, he slowly stitched himself up. The angle was awkward and the stitches were ugly, but it got the job done: the bleeding stopped. His heart was hammering in his chest, sweat poured from the sides of his head, mixing with all the blood drying on his face and beard. He slumped to the ground with a pained groan, lying flat on the floor in a pool of his own blood, staring up at the ceiling. He just needed a moment to rest, a moment to catch his breath and then he would go.
Would he ever see you again? Would you ever even know why he came out there? Would you always wonder what happened to him? You told him you cared about him, but was that even true anymore? After what he did?
"C'mon, baby, gimme a sign," he whispered to himself, "gimme a sign that I still got a chance in hell 'cause if I don't, I'm not sure I got the strength to make it home." Tears welled up in his eyes again and this time he let them fall. He sniffled and waited. For what, he wasn't sure. Divine intervention? Genius to strike? A brilliant idea to form? But all he heard was the blowing wind outside.
The tile felt so cool against his burning hot skin. A small voice in the back of his head told him the longer he stayed there the weaker he would become, but he was just so tired. He rolled his head to the side, his eyes about to slide shut when he saw it: a dusty, opaque orange bottle rolled all the way against the wall underneath the sink.
Blinking a few times, he wondered if he was imagining it.
He wasn't.
Stretching his arm out, he slowly reached underneath the vanity and pulled out the half empty bottle. Holding it above his face, he squinted at the letters on the faded sticker.
Penicillin. Use as directed by your dentist.
His breath caught in his throat when he read your name on the label.
He finally got his sign.
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"What happens when we die?"
You rolled over onto your side to face him, wrapping your arm around his waist. He looked so peaceful, lying in bed like that. His eyes closed, face relaxed. You repeated your question.
"Don't know," he said, cracking open one eye to look at you. "Haven't died yet."
You giggled and he smiled, pulling you closer. He smelled so good. Like the rain and sex and smoke from the fire.
"I mean... do you think there's a heaven?"
He hummed and kissed the top of your head, his fingers lightly trailing up and down your bare arm.
"Yeah, I do."
You swallowed nervously and drew invisible circles into his skin, making him shiver.
"Do you think..." you trailed off and he froze, picking up on your tone.
"What, darlin'?"
"Do you think we'll make it? To heaven, I mean?"
His eyebrows pinched together. "Why wouldn't we?"
"You know why," you replied softly, "we've done bad things, Joel."
"Yeah, but we ain't bad people," he reminded you, then rolled over, pushing you onto your back so his arms caged you in. One knee slotted between yours and you spread your legs, hooking your ankles around the backs of his thighs.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure," he said, dipping his chin down and pressing his lips firmly against yours. You sighed, your shoulders finally relaxing. "Besides, this is heaven right here," he murmured against your mouth, feeling you smile.
"Ain't nothin' better than this."
You awoke with a gasp, your heart fluttering wildly in your chest. That was the first time you had a dream about Joel, and something about it made you uneasy.
You had slept in his bed the entire week, wrapped in his clothes, and today was the day you had expected him to come home. Shrugging off the dream to no more than your subconscious fixated on his return, you forced yourself to get out of bed, fixing the sheets so it wouldn't look like you had been sleeping there and then headed to your room to change and freshen up.
The past couple days you had secretly hoped he would come back sooner but you refused to let it show. If Ellie or Dina or Maria asked you about it, you played it cool, or at least you thought you did. But every night you stayed up as late as you could, curled up on the couch all alone, waiting. Every time someone walked by, your body stiffened and your pulse raced, expecting to hear his heavy footsteps walking up the porch, but they never came.
But today was the day. The seventh day. His note said a week, and you knew if Joel was alive, he would stick to his word.
His absence afforded you a lot of time to think. Time you didn't realize you desperately needed, and now that you were able to process everything clearly without his overwhelming presence muddying the waters, you felt confident you knew what you wanted now.
All day at work, you were distracted. Nick had to call your name repeatedly to get your attention on more than one occasion, and by the fifth time you felt guilty. He didn't say anything, though. He understood. By then, most of the town knew Joel had left. Word spread like wildfire, especially once the storm passed through. It didn't take a genius to figure out how difficult it would be to survive all alone in those conditions.
Then the rumors started.
You tried to ignore them, but it was hard. When people began drinking and getting loud in the dining hall, it was impossible not to hear.
When you heard a man claim he saw Joel's horse frozen in a river during patrol, you stopped going to the dining hall to eat.
It was dark, it was just a deer, Tommy had told you later after he went out to the river to check, but it still shook you up.
When the sun set on Jackson on the seventh day and Joel still hadn't returned, the fear began to take hold. Your stomach churned, making it impossible to eat the following morning. You had hardly slept, the bags under your eyes dark and heavy. Nick begged you to take the day off but you insisted you needed to stay busy, although it didn't help much. On your lunch break you tried to casually walk by the main gate, the one near the stables, hoping to catch a glimpse of him returning, but you had no such luck.
So you went back to work. You kept your hands busy, tried to keep your mind occupied, but it was impossible.
I'll spend the rest of my life makin' it up to you.
You couldn't get those words out of your head. The guilt was weighing you down as you grew worried that was going to be one of the last things he ever said to you.
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"Went on a date the other night."
"With who?"
"Cindy, from the kitchen."
Ricky laughed heartily and Andrew smacked his shoulder with the back of his hand.
"Shut up, man. We're on watch, we can't be giving ourselves away."
"It's the middle of the goddamn night and we haven't seen any infected in weeks. It's too cold for them, they're all frozen somewhere waiting to thaw in the spring," Ricky said, shouldering his rifle.
"Yeah, but still. You never know. There's more than just infected out there."
Ricky chuckled and shook his head. "Tommy telling you ghost stories again?"
"Raiders ain't ghost stories, asshole," Andrew shot back.
"And raiders never make it this far up the mountains, asshole," Ricky replied, mocking Andrew's tone.
Andrew grumbled under his breath and strolled away from the tower, towards the gate, his eyes scanning the treeline. He couldn't see a damn thing. It was pitch black and deathly quiet.
He turned on his heel and began the slow walk back towards the tower where he could see Ricky unwrapping a granola bar and pulling a paperback book from his back pocket.
Just as he was about to chastise him for letting his guard down, he heard twigs snapping in the woods. He whipped around, bringing his rifle up so he could get a better look with his scope.
"What the hell was that?" Ricky's whisper materialized in his ear.
"Dunno. Something's out there."
Ricky lifted his own rifle and scanned the trees as well, both of them holding their breath, waiting for another noise.
Then they heard more twigs snapping and pine trees raking against fabric. Louder this time.
"Fuck," Ricky muttered nervously, his palms growing sweaty inside his gloves.
"There," Andrew said lowly, and Ricky followed his aim. Something was approaching in the dark. Something big.
"I got it."
"No, just wait a second," Andrew said, squinting through the scope. Then his jaw went slack when he realized what it was.
"It's a horse."
"It's a fucking horse, bro," Andrew repeated, his voice rising a little.
When it finally emerged from the forest, they saw the rider slumped over, covered in snow, their face buried in the horse's mane.
"Holy shit," Andrew said, slinging his rifle over his shoulder and racing towards the ladder. "Radio Tommy!"
"W-what do I say?" Ricky stammered, fumbling with the radio dial.
"Tell him it's Joel!"
Please follow @punkshort-notifs and turn on notifications for fic updates ❤️
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haeryna · 5 months
thinking about idol!gojo and rockstar!geto (tw: mentions of underage drinking, implied abandonment, implied homophobia from gojo's parents, vague mentions of illness)
how you three, along with shoko, lived in the same ratty small town in the middle of nowhere. you'd moved when you were six, all shy and scared of the house your parents had moved to in order to help your sick grandmother that you barely remembered because the last time you'd seen her was when you were four. you were from the city; you'd never seen fireflies, or grass that stretched out as far as your eyes could see, and so when you saw the first firefly appear just as the sky turned to dusk, how were you supposed to resist it?
so you chased it down to the creek, all smiles and filled with excitement, until you realized it was dark, and you were in the forest, and you were scared. you couldn't help but start to cry, and that's where geto found you.
"are you lost?"
sniffling, you peered up at the dark haired boy, whose soft brown eyes filled with a sort of concern. "y-yeah," you hiccupped, and geto offers up a gentle smile. "it's okay, i know the way back."
and so, you'd taken his hand, let him tug you out of the creek bed, and lead you back toward the house that still didn't quite feel like home. you'd learn, his name was suguru. suguru geto, and wherever suguru geto was, satoru gojo was never too far behind (although you didn't know that, yet).
"you crying?"
you'd let out a startled yelp, still clinging to suguru's hand, twisting to look at the other boy who was staring at you with unrestrained curiosity. even at the age of six, you found him beautiful, with the piercing blue of his eyes, and the soft white down of his hair, even as he mocked you. satoru hadn't known how else to express the sort of silent jealousy that had torn its way through his chest once he saw you holding suguru's hand.
the two of you bickered, all the way back until they left you at your front door, much to suguru's displeasure. yet satoru was beaming; nobody but suguru and shoko dared to speak to him that way. he was too young to understand the way his heart seemed to churn every moment he saw you after .
later, you would meet shoko ieiri, who instantly took a liking to you, defending you with the stubbornness of an older sister you never had.
later, you would realize just how beautiful suguru and satoru were, as they grew. you were the one who pierced suguru's ears (a decision made at 1am in his basement), who bought satoru his first eyeshadow palette (his parents would have died if they'd ever see him use it). and it was eventually you who brought them into music, as you stared up at the ceiling of suguru's basement. the lights grew hazy as you blinked up at them, empty bottles of stolen beer surround you. suguru and shoko were busy smoking a pack of (also stolen) cigarettes, and satoru was on his phone.
"what if we like. made a band?"
you were only 16, and dreamed of leaving the small town you'd moved to. the temporary stay had turned permanent after your grandmother had inevitably passed. shoko immediately snorted. "i love you, but i can't sing for shit."
but you were persistent. you thrifted an old guitar that you gave to suguru as a birthday present, encouraged satoru's angelic singing.
you should have known they would outgrow you.
you're 21 now, still living in the old house, taking care of your parents. the dreams you'd had years ago turned into ash in your mouth. even shoko had left, off to pursue medical school.
you can't stomach looking at the news anymore. satoru has broken into the idol industry, creating equal amounts of chart toppers and scandals. an idol like that only comes once every one hundred years, they say. with the way he moves, the way he acts, you're inclined to believe it.
(when you watch him for the first time, on some variety show, you see him, see the way they've done his makeup, and you're brought back to sitting on the couch, telling him to stop moving or he'll mess up the eyeshadow you attempting to apply. you wonder if his parents were furious at the decision. you wonder where the eyeshadow palette you gave him went. did he take it with him before he left for good? bile rises heavy in your throat, and you shut off the television, unable to stomach it any longer.)
the radio is equally as traitorous. you know suguru has been dominating the indie charts, to the point where it's simply suguru and satoru competing against each other. you hate how whenever you go to the local bakery, you can hear his voice again playing through the speakers. hate how when you make the long drive to pick up your parents' medicine, how you can hear him through your car's speakers. it feels intimate in a way that you cannot bear.
(still, you hear the guitar and remember the look in his eyes when you gifted him the one you'd found in the thrift store. suguru had treated it reverently, telling you with an earnest sort of smile that, "the first song i write will be for you." he's traded out acoustics for rock. he has no need for that guitar anymore, you think absentmindedly. just like he no longer needed you.)
but what you don't know is that every time satoru's makeup artist gets to his eyes, he has to keep them firmly shut or else he'd burst into tears. she didn't do it like you. she never would. every time he steps onto the stage, he looks for you, though he knows he'll never find you. it never stops him from looking. how he sings his heart out in the hopes you'll hear him, unaware that despite his popularity, you avoid his music like it's deadly.
what you don't know is that every time suguru writes, he realizes how he lied to you. "the first song i'll write will be for you," he remembers, and yet now every song he writes is about you. now, girls he doesn't even know, screams his name, screams along to his songs that he wrote for you. they pretend that they're the girl who was left behind, the girl that he's never stopped loving.
(he'll never forget the way your hand fit into his, how even at the age of six he knew that you were the only one who ever had his heart along with satoru)
how on days he misses you particularly badly, the piercings you'd given him burns. he writes his love into his music, the music that you shut off every time you hear it come on the radio.
it changes nothing, if they come back, you tell yourself. suguru and satoru have each other. they don't need you.
but one day they do come back, come back for you, and it changes everything.
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writers-potion · 3 months
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Cultural Quirks for Fantasy Country 📜
Once a year the community gives the oldest person to the forests as tribute to preserve the community. They then hold a happy festival with the soon-to-be-deceased as the guest of honor
The community believes that the world beyond the towns borders does not exist. It is a dream realm that one can become lost in if you stray too far. Any creatures or people coming from the dreamlands are welcome to pass through but cannot stay.
They believe that all spells to revive the dead must have a dove present while the ritual takes place. The dove carries soul back into the mortal plane and withoutit the wrong soul could find its way into the body. 
Every single home must have a living firefly inside their vase It is said that it’s the only thing protecting the death force from stepping inside their home at night
Lies are punishable by death. As a result of this, down through the years the definition of “lie” has been clouded. Now everyone habitually speaks every through that comes to their mind. 
Hundred of years ago, ther was a plague in the region and the people used a certain type of flower as an amulet against it. Now these flowers are farmed here in spring, made into wreaths and given as gifts. 
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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cookiepie111 · 8 months
࿐Drink from the leche of sirens࿐
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Synopsis - An injury könig comes across a lake and pretty nymph. Greek au könig x black nymph reader. No minors. Smut
Part 2 here
An alternate to the fountain girl fic I wrote.
Think this might be the longest thing I've written. There is a Pinterest mood board here. Shout out to @cinnamonbunboii cause their comment inspired this fic. Please like and reblog!
Tags: @terra-713 @cinnamonbunboii @kneelingshadowsalome @bucca2
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Deities are petty beings, twisting the hearts of humans when things don't go their way. König and his army may have won the battle but the casualties were high, he himself was beat and bruised. Its just a game to them and what do you do when you're losing and angry, you flip out, over turn the board and scatter the pieces. Think of a new way to win while your opponent garthers up their fallen pieces.
Scattered by the wind, what a cliche but it works, in all the commotion the soldiers were separated, placed in every which direction, on land, and both above and below the heavens. How petty all this because you lost. Somehow this wasn't the worst part of könig's day just the final cherry on top the shitty Sunday the gods gave him. His lover betrayed him, separated from his allies, battered and bruised and now there's nothing around him but trees. If not for the situation and burning rage in his heart he'd find the place quite peaceful, beautiful even, a nice place to die.
The deeper könig went into the forest the more the atmosphere changed, trees bend and shift, covering the sky above. The slow dance of leaves and bright glow of the fireflies. All of it leading up to a lake in the clearing. It all felt too to unnatural to be real, like sweet honey leading him a trap. Pressing into the wound at his side, the sharp pain brought him back to his senses, this isn't the place to lose one's mind he'd need to keep his wits about him if he wanted to live.
Even if he doesn't want to accept it there's no denying this would be a beautiful place to die. Even now he hates himself for still thinking of her, even at the moment of his death she still has place in his mind. she'd love this place, a backdrop like this would only accentuate her beauty more.
He walked close to the lake feeling the trees shift around him again. Laying back on the trees bark sword placed on the ground.
The waters surface ripples altering könig to the figure in the lake, its shape he couldn't quite make out. A head, a person maybe. This place could be cursed, it wouldn't surprise him. He stares back never removing his eyes from them watching as they stay just below the water.
If he's intruded on some beings land they'll just have to put up with him or force him out. He's got enough strength for one last fight. It is after all the way of the warrior to go out fighting he thinks, unsteady as he pushes off the tree bark.
You can't remember the last time you saw another human here, they often end up with your older sister although you doubt they've all been this large and imposing. Even injured he carries himself very well. The cut in his stomach only causing him to hunch over, you doubt the blood covering him is his own.
Once at the water's edge the thoughts of battle quickly die down. It a woman in the water, human she is not but a woman still. The skin of human women doesn't glow or shine. Their skin isn't adorned with scales of greans and blue hues around their eyes nor does their hair shift and swirl like small currents atop the waters surface like yours. No those features that were that of nymph. Women of nature blessed with great beauty. And unfortunately for könig drowners of men.
His odds are about 50/50 he wouldn't drown so easily but that wasn't a risk he wanted to take, with his body is failing him now, heavy breaths as he falls back to the ground. Eyes still on the nymph at his front, she makes no move, just watching.
It takes a few moments for her to move a few more heavy breaths and groans from könig for her to lift from the water.
When she comes out to meet him she bare. Thin pieces of fabric dropping over her waist and chest slipping under her right breast, past her womanhood, more like an accessory one would add cause they thought it looked nice than a piece of clothing. Thick curly hair swirling around her body
To think he could still get hard at a time like this.
Drowning doesn't seem so bad now if it is by her hand.Maybe a kiss from them would send him peaceful into the afterlife.
She stood over him head tilling side from side,trying to figure the man out. He hasn't said anything, he doesn't shout or draw his sword like the other men she's seen. He's also taller, bigger, more.... solid than other men, gracing a hand down his arm. Kneeling beside him, the injury is worse than she thought. did one of the gods bring him here? Or did he just wonder here himself? You held your chin swaying on your heels deep in thought
König felt delirious, he's injured, lost and now there's a pretty nymph circling round, staring, pocking and prodding at him. If this was any other situation he'd take her in the moment. Hull her over his shoulder and fuck her till scream or blesses him, gives him heavenly children. But he's tired and weak, he can do nothing but watch as she frees his egear cock from his tunic.
He's never felt like this before, grunting and wincing under her touch. He's sure she's sucking the energy out of him.  Maybe its the bloodloss maybe it the fire at the groin the licking and kissing along his shaft causing the dizziness in him, eyes shut tight and panting as he comes closer to the edge but the release never comes. feeling her tongue stroke the entire length of him as she comes up.
The next moment for könig were pure bliss, something straight out of dream. To have her now Straddling him bouncing so eagerly on his cock, was a feeling he could never forget. The sweet stretch as she sank. It was frustrating not being able to touch her, She didn't move fast enough not for könig liking. He was too weak to set the pace, his hand only able to rest on the plush of her hip. Even if she used him like a toy könig couldn't help but throw his head back in pleasure at the squeeze of her soft walls.
Her hands explored the body under her, digging into the wounds, ignoring his hisses and complaints, pushing him back down before he finds the strength to push her off. It felt hot then numb, as she dug into his wounds.
With new found strength he bucked his hips, against her. The sound of their love making filling the forest air, his hands firmly at her hips to move her at a pace he found fit, fast and messy before emptying himself inside her.
When he finally came back down from the high he finds her form shake and ripple above him. The words die on his tongue, as her form melts down, and fades away into the water
He gets up able without stumbling this time walking straight finding himself back at the army base. König's honestly not sure if that really happened or if he was just crazy. He has nothing to show for the whole ordeal to prove it was real. He knows on the brink of the death the mind can conger all sorts of things to keep one alive but nothing could explain sleeping with a water nymph. he'd like to think he wasn't deranged...To imagine sleeping with being that would normally drown you but...
The only evidence he had was his body. The open wound in his stomach gone, his whole body intact even stronger than before. He'll think about this alot after wondering if you were really real. It would be best to get you out of his mind. Yet he sees you in the lakes and bodies of water and in the faces of women passing him by
You on the other hand couldn't believe your luck! Showing off the keepsake you'd got from the soldiers.
Red bracelet shining under the sun as you turned it on your wrist to show off to your sisters. Giggling and splashing round the waters edge. You're so lucky such a strong and handsome man!
"Wow what's his name".... "You did get his name right???" ... you didn't get his name. You didn't get his name! And honestly you're not sure which army he's with you can't tell the difference between the armours
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dyns33 · 4 months
I can't explain why but I like The Collector movies a lot, Asa Emory was a weird character, and so I needed to write something about him at least once
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Y/N had met Asa Emory in college.
He already had this strange look and this fascination for insects, which explained his choice of studies. She had never met anyone who wanted to become an entomologist.
The other students were a little afraid of him, when they noticed him, because Asa was very discreet.
Y/N had noticed him, and she hadn’t been afraid of him. She had sat next to him in the library while he read a book about spiders. Her questions had initially seemed to irritate him, he was obviously not used to being spoken to, then he had been intrigued.
For a time, Asa had looked at her as if she were one of the insects he collected, but also as if she were trying to make fun of him. Yet he answered all her questions, adding more and more details and information.
He had no one in his life. No one to share your passion with. He didn't tell her all the details, but he had lost his parents and siblings when he was young.
This loneliness didn't seem to be a problem for him, but over time he got used to Y/N's presence, he looked forward to her questions, and he eventually grew attached.
“My firefly.” He greeted her as soon as he saw her, with a shy smile.
“Why a firefly ?” she asked, laughing softly.
“Because you are a light in my life.”
Y/N might have taken offense saying that a firefly was a tiny, fragile light that would die quickly, but knowing Asa's love of insects, she knew he wasn't going to compare her to a sun or stars. It was even a nice compliment on his part that he deigned to compare her to a Lampyris noctiluca.
Even when insulting people, he never used insect names. That would be an insult to the insects and he couldn't do that.
As with everything else in their relationship, it was Y/N who invited him on their first date. He accepted without seeming to understand what that meant.
The poor man seemed lost when she kissed him. But not necessarily disgusted.
“My firefly, you are the only human being who matters.” he admitted when she asked him if he ever thought about marriage, after more than two years together. "There are only a few insects that practice monogamy, but most die quickly, sometimes during the act of reproduction. But you know how much I hate anthropomorphism. I will be happy to spend my life with you."
Life with Asa was calm. Perfectly organized, structured, like its classification of all arthropod species.
After obtaining his diploma, he had no difficulty in being hired in the largest natural science museum in the city. His name quickly became known in his field.
His frequent nighttime outings and other prolonged outings could have been frightening for Y/N, but he always warned her in advance, preparing his schedule according to the pace of life of the insects he was looking for.
"Rumors are circulating about an unknown species of grasshoppers in a forest. I will probably be gone all weekend."
"Oh. You won't be here for my cousin's birthday ?"
"I forgot. Forgive me, my firefly."
“It doesn’t matter… It’s for your work, it’s important.”
He promised to better note the dates that were important to her, because even though he was very diligent in his work, Asa was a good husband. He didn't care at all about other humans, and therefore her family, but he always tried to please her when he could.
Even though he had a true admiration for spiders, Y/N saw him more as an ant. He worked hard, he never seemed tired, and he often brought home gifts to make up for when he missed an appointment, or simply because he wanted to see her smile.
"Ants don't bring back gifts for the queen, they do this to feed the colony. Plus they work in groups, I work alone."
“I didn’t compare myself to a queen.”
"You could, it was you who worked to create our home. There is no colony without a queen, and there would not be our home without you."
Their house was perfect, but empty. They didn't talk about having children. The subject didn't seem to appeal to Asa. After all this time, he did not talk about his family, visibly traumatized by their disappearance, and his aversion to others, in addition to his complicated schedule, were not compatible with the role of father.
There were his dogs. Perfectly trained hunting dogs, who were only adorable with their master and his wife. But especially with Y/N, who loved to cuddle them.
“My firefly, they have already eaten and they are not allowed to be inside.”
"Oh, Asa, please ! It's cold outside, and they were very good !"
“You mustn’t get them used to it or they will become fat and lazy.”
“Only for tonight, please !”
His colleagues said he was tough. A cold, distant, almost mean man. It was quickly decided that he would no longer participate in school visits, because he did not know how to talk to children or teachers.
But with Y/N, he was gentle. He refused her nothing. The dogs stayed inside, and not just that evening.
The times Asa told her no, it wasn't his fault. The excuses he found always contained the words 'I would like to, but the museum, my colleagues, the insects…'.
No, she couldn't accompany him on his hunts. She wouldn't like it anyway. It was cold, there was almost no time to sleep, and she might be bored.
“I’ll be with you, that’s the most important thing.”
".. .It's always a joy to be with you. That's also why it's better if you don't come. Then I have a reason to come home."
And he always came home, tired, but satisfied with his work, placing a kiss on Y/N's forehead like a ritual, before caressing her cheek while looking at her as if seeing her for the first time, his eyes wide blacks seeming to devour her entirely.
Then came the night when he came home late, very late, with strange injuries and terribly angry. Growling like an animal, he slammed the door so hard that it woke his wife. She found him trying to stitch himself up, mumbling and shaking.
She had never seen him like this. Asa was always calm.
Hesitantly, Y/N asked him if he was okay, and when he looked at her, she was scared for the first time since they met. For a moment, he looked like he didn't recognize her, and was ready to jump on her. Then he took on the features of her husband.
"… My firefly." he sighed, getting up with difficulty to kiss her. "I woke you up. I scared you. Forgive me. There was an incident. I lost several very precious, unique species. But it's my fault, you don't have to suffer my bad mood."
“Shouldn’t you go to the hospital ?”
"It's okay, I promise. Scratches, nothing I can't fix myself. Go back to bed, I'll be with you right away."
Nothing forced her to obey. Y/N could have insisted, asked questions, called an ambulance, but she returned to the room, staring at the wall unable to sleep. She didn't move when Asa came to her, holding her close, his face against her neck, whispering that he loved her.
They talked about the incident in the neighboring town the next day on television. An abandoned factory was ravaged by flames. But that wasn't the worst. It was the lair of a serial killer, whom they called the Collector.
The survivors spoke of horrible things. Of torture, of strange experiences. According to police, the man had died in the fire along with his guard dogs and most of the evidence there was nothing left to fear.
Y/N didn’t ask Asa where the dogs were. She tried not to think about it.
If he was waiting for her to ask him about it, he didn't show it. He didn't talk about what happened during the night, behaving as if everything was perfectly fine, and going to work like every day. He would come home, he would kiss her, and he would do it again. The difference was only that he went out less often.
According to him, the season was not good for hunting. And with the problem at his office, he needed a little time, to rest, to repair the place.
This excuse could have worked forever. Of course, Y/N could have called the museum and they would have confirmed that there had never been any serious incidents, but she didn't want to. She continued to lie next to her husband, letting him embrace her tenderly.
Then there was the man's visit. He seemed surprised to see Y/N, as he placed a large red trunk in the kitchen. Almost sad too. He was holding a gun.
"I imagine you don't know anything about it. I can let you go, if you promise not to warn him, and to let me do what I have to do."
"… I don't understand what to talk to you about."
"Your dear husband. The man who kidnapped and tortured me for weeks. You're lucky you didn't see his little collection. He's a monster. He needs to die."
No doubt the man was right. There had always been something strange about Asa, everyone had always known it and Y/N had been the only one to refuse to see it. She had built her life with him, her home. They had to share everything.
So even if he was right, she without thinking grabbed a knife when he turned, convinced that she had understood and she stuck it in his back, at the level of his heart.
When she realized what she had just done, it was too late. The man was lying in his blood in the middle of the room, his gun fallen next to him. Y/N touched nothing, unable to do anything but cry while trying to remember how to breathe.
Asa found her like this, sitting against a wall, when he returned from the office. He looked at his wife, then at the scene in the kitchen, before putting his things down to crouch down next to her.
Like every times, he held her face so that she could look at him and he could kiss her on the forehead. Then with one hand he wiped the blood from her cheek, massaging her neck with the other to calm her down.
"Tell me what happened. Are you hurt, my firefly ?"
"No… He… He wanted to kill you. He said… Oh, my god. He had a gun, I… I was scared… He said you… Asa …"
"Shh. I'll take care of everything. Come on."
Holding her close, he took her to the bathroom where he helped her undress and get into the shower, which he adjusted so that the water was perfect. Taking a bath would have done her good, but he had to leave her alone to clean up, and he didn't want her to fall asleep.
"I'll be back, my firefly. Just sit here, it's okay."
Y/N didn't know how long she stayed under the water, shaking and crying. Not as long as she thought. Her husband quickly returned to help her get up, dry off and put on pajamas.
Although she was not hungry, he insisted that she have tea and biscuits, as it was not good to keep an empty stomach after such a shock, before putting her to bed. He certainly put something in the tea for her to sleep.
The kitchen was immaculate the next morning, as if nothing had happened. The man, the weapon, the red trunk, everything had disappeared.
Unusually, Asa had prepared breakfast. He was always up before her, but he only had coffee, and he often left for work while she was still asleep, coming to place a kiss on her forehead to warn her.
His dark eyes didn't leave her for a second as Y/N chewed her pancakes with difficulty, one hand on the glass of orange juice that she couldn't drink. She looked everywhere except her husband.
Before the intruder spoke, she had already started to have doubts. Questions. Now everything was quite clear, and all that remained was to decide what she was going to do. Asa was also obviously waiting, sitting near her.
The options were vast. Run away, call the police, risk getting killed… Y/N finally managed to lift the glass of orange juice, while thinking of their meeting.
"… Aren't you going to be late for work ?"
"No. I took some time off to stay with you."
“But your collection… I understood that it would take a long time to rebuild everything.”
"It's not as important as you, my firefly. My mantis religiosa. My black widow." he purred, running a hand through her hair, his lips on her neck.
Asa loved spiders. It was a nice compliment, even if she received it because she had killed a man and agreed not to report him to the authorities. He didn't seem to notice her fear, one of the reasons she remained silent.
Only the other reason mattered. And by giving her all these names, like a transformation, he was telling her that he would not harm her, that he did not see her as prey, and that even if she decided to do so, she could devour him.
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Oh boy, what if reader flashed steve? Sounds fun
You’d been winding the boy up all day. Both of you laughing, Steve exasperated and amused by you, the afternoon leaking into the evening as you both spent the day at a lake out of town. You were both sunburnt, tired from being in the heat all day, lazy with your affection, asking for kisses in exchange for a beer, hair smelling like campfire smoke and lake water.
You kept up your silly behaviour all the way to the car, slapping Steve’s ass as you walked through the shaded forest, squealing when he grabbed at your waist, spinning you despite the heavy rucksack he carried too. He was all smirk and idle threats, telling you that you were a menace, a brat and, hadn’t you had enough attention today?
‘Never,’ you’d told him with a pout, stopping him by the parking lot entrance to fist his cotton T-shirt in your hand, pulling him down to you for another kiss. He didn’t resist.
The lot was empty when you reached the BMW, twilight setting in, fireflies in the bushes nearby, insects buzzing in the shadows. You waited until you rounded the car, the maroon hood between you and the boy, Steve looking too pretty, too cocky as he stared back at you, knowing that you wouldn’t last two minutes in his house before he had you in his bed.
Fuck, you knew that too. But you decided to test his patience regardless.
You slid your hands up your T-shirt, damp with water and sticky with leftover sunscreen, hooking your thumbs under the hem of the cherry red bikini you’d worn for most of the day. You grinned, raising your eyebrows at the boy.
“Hey, Steve.”
He looked over at the same time you lifted both your shirt and the swimsuit, flashing him your tits as well as a proud smile. He dropped the car keys, lost in the gravel and the dark shadows, his jaw falling slack and his eyes going that familiar hazy way.
“Fuck, babe, you can’t do that,” he was almost whining, his hip colliding with the front of the car as he made his way round to you, hands already outstretched.
You laughed, letting the material drop as you backed out of his reach, playful and teasing, even still. You pouted, watching him as you stumbled backwards, knowing he’d catch you when he wanted to. “Why not?” You asked.
His hands found your hips, smoothing up to the dip at your waist, rough palms under your shirt as he managed to back you against the side of the car. It was warm from sitting in the sun all day, but Steve still felt hotter.
“Cause they’re for me,” the boy huffed and you burst out a laugh, a bright, sharp noise that had him grinning. He nosed his way into the crook of your neck, delighting in your squeal when he grazed his teeth over your pulse point. “You tryin’ to make me act up?”
You hummed, grinning, pleased with yourself as you wound your arms around his neck. You tugged at his hair - wild from the water and the wind and the way you’d been playing with it all day - asking him to let you look at him. When he emerged, he was pink in the face, pupils blown wide and looking full of bad ideas.
He was sinful to look at.
“If I say yes,” you whispered, feeling brave, chin tilted up so you act all defiant for himself, “will I get in trouble?”
You didn’t make it to Steve’s bed. In fact, you didn’t even make it home. He didn’t even get you in the back seat.
You were bold but Steve was bolder, smiling when he dragged you to the back of the car, taking a few seconds to look around the parking lot, making sure it was really as empty as it seemed. He bent you over the trunk then, skirt flipped up and bikini bottoms pulled to the side, fingers curling into you until you were moaning over the back windscreen, palm prints over the paintwork.
Steve fucked you like that, hips rolling slow and deep, a flush press of them against your ass as he teased and whispered to you, asking if you liked showing off for him, if you liked getting him all worked up for you, if it was worth it?
You said yes to every question, the word choked out on sobs and hiccups, ‘cause the boy didn’t let up on that slow, dirty pace. He made you come, spilling into you soon after, hips stuttering until he couldn’t help but slam into you, one hand circling your clit for you, the other pushing down between your shoulders so you stayed pressed against the back of his car for him, back arched, ass popped out all pretty.
You took to flashing your boyfriend a lot after that, both of you playing a filthy game of chicken, always seeing who could get away with being the most daring.
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sparkly-scales · 3 months
My name Sounds so good rolling off your tongue -Tav (Reader) X Gale
My name sounds so good on your lips
Gale stumbles upon Tav during some "Alone time"
It's not a super long story but I think it'll sate those smutty cravings you guys have. Besides, we need some more smutty Gale content. Enjoy!
Work Text:
The night is quiet as you sneak away from camp. The thought of having a private moment to yourself excites you as you go to your new favorite little spot, hidden beneath the veil of foliage that covers the woods. It’s your new sacred place. A sanctuary amongst the turmoil that you’ve recently been thrust into. A place where you come to think, to vent, to cry, and more recently, a place where you come to indulge in pleasure. 
And that’s what you would be doing tonight. It had been a while since you had gotten the chance to slip your hand between your thighs and the thought excited you. So much so that your body was trembling just thinking about what was to come. You were eager, perhaps a little too eager, as you crept through the woods, far away from your companions so that they wouldn’t have to hear the lewd cries that would most certainly escape from your lips. 
It isn’t long before you come across your spot. It’s absolutely beautiful tonight. Fireflies dimly light the surrounding area as they buzz around, the flowery smell of a nearby angel trumpet plant permeates the air with a most delightful scent, and the night sky, while not fully visible under the canopy of foliage, is incredible. The northern lights dance in the sky amongst the stars and planets in the most beautiful shades of greens, blues, and violets. It’s as if this night had been created solely for you. 
You begin to undress yourself before laying on a soft pillow of grass. And then you begin, slipping your fingers between your thighs, softly trailing your fingers around your sensitive little clit, teasing yourself before you begin to rub the pads of your fingers in slow circles around that sensitive little bud of nerves. You had no idea how lovely you looked like this as you began to unravel yourself. The sound of your soft little moans and sharp breaths filled the air with the most beautiful ambience. You were so lost in your craft that you didn’t notice you were quietly being watched. 
Gale hadn’t meant to stumble upon you in such a compromising position. He had also been taking a moment of reprieve not too far away, sitting beneath the night sky and reflecting on what Mystra had tasked him with. He was actually considering it, blowing up with the orb in his chest that he had so foolishly acquired. Of course, he didn’t want to die but gods how he wanted to relinquish the fear of harming others if the orb ever so happened to detonate against his better judgment. But seeing you there, completely bare and sprawled out in the middle of the forest as you stroked your bare sex was making him have second thoughts. 
 He had been pining for you, ever since the day you had pulled him out of that portal. He was a hopeless romantic, someone who often dreamt of a blossoming love, usually between he and the goddess of the weave. But when he had seen you there, standing before him as his savior, for a moment Mystra had ceased to exist. While he was a romantic, he never really believed in love at first sight. But you were different. When he had the opportunity to be in your presence and fight alongside you he felt something unlike anything he had ever felt before. Something so powerful that when he caught himself staring at you after a battle, something carnal ignited within him. A blaze that couldn't easily be doused. The way your sweat and the crimson blood of enemies gleamed off your skin and the way your hair find itself out of place made him want to take you right then and there. But he found he just couldn't muster up the confidence to tell you that, especially when Astarion and Wyll also yearned for your attention. He ultimately decided that he would admire you from afar. 
He just didn't think he'd ever get the chance to admire your completely bare body as he did. 
He wanted to be a gentleman so badly, to look away from what was taking place in this little clearing but this was possibly a once in a life time opportunity and gods, were you a sight to behold. The way the moonlight reflected off your skin, the way your hair spilled around you in dark waves, the way he could actually see the curves of your body now that it wasn’t covered by your armor. You looked so ethereal as if you belonged somewhere among the stars with the most divine beings. Your beauty rivaled that of Mystra. Hells, what was he thinking? Your beauty far surpassed hers. 
As he watches you from a distance he can feel himself straining against his trousers, his cock begs to be released from its leather restraints. But he keeps himself composed as he enjoys the show you unknowingly put on for him. He wishes he had some sort of spell that could capture this moment so he could look back on it another time. He sits there for a few more minutes before he finally turns to leave. That is until he hears something that sounds a lot like his name spill from your lips. He isn’t sure if he’s hearing things so he stays still, trying to hear you better. 
And he’s absolutely shaken when he hears his name again. And again. And again as you stroke yourself. He feels somewhat ashamed for what he's about to do but gods, he can’t take it anymore. That deep carnal urge within him awakens and he can no longer hold himself back. He unsheathes his cock from his trousers and begins to pump it into his fist, stroking his hardened length as he watches you pleasure yourself. Every breath, moan and sigh that escapes you beckons him. How badly he wanted to pop out of the bushes and show that he was there with you. How he longed to thrust himself into your sopping wet cunt, to feel the velvety walls of your cunt clench around him as he pumped himself in and out of you. But he could never bring himself to do something so rash. Much like how he admired you from a distance, this would have to do for now. 
“Gale, gods gale. Yes, like that. Just like that!” You say breathlessly as you continue to stroke your swollen clit. You wish it was the actual wizard instead of your fingers. You wish you could make better use of his mouth instead of listening to him use it to ramble on about things you didn't quite understand. Gods, how you wanted to feel the warmth of his body against you, to feel his cock deep inside of you as the two of you made love beneath a starry sky. How you yearned for him during these nights that you spent alone chasing your arousal.
If only you knew how much he yearned for you as well.
He continues to stroke himself as he listens to your pining for him. His name sounds so good coming off of those plush lips of yours. Lips he wanted to kiss so badly right now. How would they feel? How would your mouth taste as it clashed with his own? The questions circled around in his mind as he continued to pump his cock into his fist, doing his best to imagine that it was you he was thrusting into. 
You were close. So so close and after a few more strokes to your clit you succumb to your orgasm, teetering on the waves of pleasure until it finally overtakes you. Watching you writhe and wiggle beneath your own fingers, crying out his name as you come completely undone, is enough to send him over the edge, and he follows suit shortly after you finish. He bites down on his sleeve as hard as he can to stifle the sounds that threaten to escape him as he spills his spend into his fist. He’s a breathless mess as he watches you get up off the ground and redress yourself. You soon disappear into the woods making your way back towards the camp with your mind clear and your sexual hunger temporarily satisfied. Once he’s certain you’re far enough away, he walks out into the clearing where you had just lain. This would be the perfect spot to declare his feelings for you and perhaps take you as you so very much desired. And now that he had heard and seen how you cried out for him in your most vulnerable of moments, he had the confidence he needed to do just that. To the hells with Mystra and to the hells with blowing up just to right his wrongs. He had something to look forward to now, something to live for. And he'd be damned if he'd condemn himself to his death just to appease the Goddess of the weave. A goddess that would never value him as much as you did. 
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kilikina34512 · 2 years
Alpha, Please
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Pairing: alpha!Bucky x omega!reader
Summary: Your alpha's been busy and it's left you without his attention and affection. Tired of waiting for him to please you, you decide to tempt him into giving you exactly what you're needy for.
Warnings: A/B/O, alpha/omega, smut, reader teasing Bucky
Word Count: 621
I hope you enjoy my one, and hopefully not only, drabble contribution to Kinktober. Divider courtesy of @firefly-graphics. Make sure to check them out!
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Two words were all you needed to get exactly what you wanted.  
Your alpha had been busy lately and you were feeling needy.  With it being fall, you decided to don an outfit that fit the season and would entice your Bucky to see to your needs.  You were reaching up to grab a box of tea out of the upper cabinet when you heard him groan.  
"'Mega," he whined, "why would you wear that.  You know what those do to me."  
You looked down at your clothes.  A forest green knitted sweater that, with your arms stretched up, just barely covered your ass.  Keeping your legs warm was a pair of sheer black thigh high socks that hugged every leg muscle that was flexed to keep you standing on your tip toes.  
You knew you were a temptation, and you were shameless to show it off.
Feigning innocence, you replied, "I'm just dressed for a comfy day around the apartment.  I was about to brew a cup of tea and read a book."  While this was true, your intention wasn't to enjoy reading.  You had every plan of putting yourself in a tempting position.  Fortunately, he found you in here instead.
Bucky came over and molded himself to your body, running his hands up your thighs, pulling your sweater up and feeling a lack of fabric on the side of your hips.  His groan was lower and longer as he dropped his head to the crook of your neck.  "Did you forget your panties when you got dressed?"
"Maybe," you said coyly.
Once, twice, Bucky rubbed against you, letting his hardness rub between your cheeks.  You moaned, slick building between your thighs already before you voiced the magic words.
"Alpha, please."
Two moaned words suddenly, you were resting on the edge of the countertop.  Before you could gather yourself, he thrusted fully inside you in one go.  Your head flew back to rest against the cabinet you'd just had open as you cried out in pleasure.  
"I missed this, 'mega," Bucky moaned.  "Missed feeling how tight you are around me."
Whimpers escaped your throat as you tried to squirm in his arms.  "Move, please.  I need you," you pleaded.  You'd been dying for this and he wasn't budging.  You needed him to fuck you.
And your alpha was nothing but giving.  He pulled almost completely out before thrusting roughly back in.  He repeated the motion, mercilessly driving in and out of you.  "S'good," Bucky said, his voice all gravel.  "Squeezin' me s'good."  You knew when he started to slur his words together, he was just as lost in the pleasure as you found yourself.  You couldn't even find words, only whines, moans, and cries.
You clawed at his back as you tried to pull him closer, wanting to cling onto him as you felt the pleasure rise higher and higher.  You were so close, and Bucky knew it too.  He groaned as your walls started to squeeze him even harder.  "Gon' knot you s'good," he panted.  "Gimme all that slick, lemme knot ya.  Gon' keep ya comin' on it."
Bucky's words had you both on edge.  Suddenly, he thrusted in as you felt his knot inflate and lock your bodies together.  Feeling it against every sensitive spot had you screaming as you finally fell into an abyss of pleasure.  You barely registered your alpha's low, drawn out moan as you felt streams of his orgasm filling you.
It took several moments before your body collapsed, sated against Bucky's.  He chuckled as he carefully lifted you without pulling you off of him.  "Rest while you can Omega," he whispered in your ear as he carried you to your nest.  "I'm gonna have you locked on me the rest of the night."
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If you liked this, make sure to check out the following morning drabble here.
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storydays · 6 months
A silly little request from anon.
What if while in Gristles and Bridgets wedding, John Dory’s daughter (y/n) was found by Branch, thinking that she was lost and shocked that his older brother had a kid. (actually JD just lost her in the woods while hunting for food. Branch knew that Y/n is jd’s kid cuz of the looks) JD AND Y/N, FATHER-DAUGHTER REUNION. But also angst, since y/n didn’t know anything about her father
sorry my english is bad
When Will I See You Again?
John Dory X Daughter!Reader
Branch X Niece! Reader
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(15 years ago)
“Yeah, yeah! Baby girl, wait until you try Big Daddy’s gumbo!” a 30 year old John Dory laughed loudly as he mixed some vegetables and yak burger meat in a pan, making faces at his 8 month old daughter who giggled from her playpen.
It’d been the two of them since Kyomi, John’s wife of 15 years, passed during labor. It still hurt but John still had a reason to smile everyday:  you. 
You were a perfect combination of himself and your mother; although you took his smile and hair color, you took your mother’s calming personality and you both had that cute little gap between your front teeth. Your mother was an R&B Troll, one of the subgenres of Pop and Funk Trolls, who lived on a small island between Pop Village and Vibe City.
John Dory came across her during his journey of self discovery and Kyomi helped him break out of the role of oldest brother and the leader role, and helped him to understand why his brothers’ reacted the way they did. Together they then traveled around the world, looking for his siblings. But once John had seen how happy his brothers were, he’d decided to keep his distance, they didn’t need him anymore. 
John snapped out of his thoughts when he smelled something burning. “Ah sugar!” He yelled as he moved you further away from the campfire and hurriedly put the water out. 
Once the fire was out, he turned to check you over, but you were fine, and not even paying attention to him anymore, instead you were facing away from him, playing with the necklace around your neck and babbling to yourself. John sighed softly and walked over to your crib and watched you play for a few minutes.
“Well, that gumbo is going to have to be made another day, darlin’. How about a breakfast dinner?” He asked, before grabbing you up, making you squeal in surprise, and put you in the baby carrier before heading out into the forest for more wood.
You babbled along as John Dory sang softly under his breath, as he gathered wood, when a loud screech startled you both. 
John cursed under his breath before rushing off, trying to get you both to safety when a claw scratched against him, making him trip, and hiss as he pressed a hand to his chest, feeling the deep scratches, before he felt his blood run cold when he realized you were no longer attached to him. 
“Nonononono!” He yelled, chasing after the bird before he tripped over a tree branch and face planted in the dirt, rushing to get up, yelling your name, hoping something could help him.
But the bird was far from his reach and so were you.
John Dory fell to his knees before an harsh sob escaped him as he started to wail in despair, calling for you desperately:
*Fastforward to present day*
“GOOD MORNING, UNCLE BRANCH!” You squealed, as you saw your uncle yawning. He chuckled softly, accepting the cup of coffee you were offering him.. “Hey, firefly. You ready for a royal wedding?” “You mean the one where Aunt Poppy and Aunt Bridget tried to dress me up as an actual flower?” 
Branch snorted in his coffee. “Oh yeah, Poppy showed me the pictures.” “It’s not funny, traitor!” You huffed, pouting and crossed your arms. Branch chuckled again making you smile before turning back to your journal, which was filled with different Troll fashion designs for each tribe. Branch started to make breakfast before peeking over your shoulder.
“Wow, (Y/N)! These are amazing!” You smiled brightly, you always did when people complimented your work. “Thanks! I was so excited for the wedding today, I got so inspired! Can you guess what the theme is?”
“Hmm,” Branch hummed, as he got the ingredients ready for breakfast. He smirked to himself seeing all the hearts and swirls in your designs. “Chesseburgers?” He guessed playfully.
“No!” You giggled, “It’s love. Love comes in all shapes and sizes, Uncle Branch. Sometimes, you just need a little bit of help to find it.” You said softly, fidgeting with the necklace around your neck, and looking over your designs with a thoughtful look. 
Branch studied you carefully, something was bothering you, you wore the same look he distinctly remembers his oldest brother having when he thinking hard. He cleared his throat before asking, “Wanna help me cook?” 
Now dressed in your wedding outfit,( you were the flower girl with Tiny being the flower boy), you stood next to your Uncle, dancing on the balls of your feet excitedly, stars shining in your eyes.
“Now, if there is anyone who objects to this—” “STOP THE WEDDING!” A loud voice screamed, making everyone turn to watch the mysterious Troll parkour their way down to the front of the crowd. Branch pushed you and Poppy behind him, eyeing the new Troll suspiciously. 
“Sorry, sorry, is this a bad time? I’m just looking for a Troll named–” asked the Troll as he pushed his goggles up, before gasping seeing Branch.
“Baby Branch!” The weird man then came up and started rambling about nothing of interest to you, as you could see how much this Troll looked like you and was strangely familiar. But seeing your Uncle uncomfortably trying to get out of the man’s grip.
“Hey! You put my Uncle down right now!” “And tell us who you are!” demanded Poppy, standing tall besides you. Branch groaned as he jumped down. “Oh right, right, sorry. I’m Branch’s brother.” You gasp as Poppy took the lead. 
You studied the new Troll, ignoring the argument between Branch and Poppy, and approached him. “Have we met before?” You asked, ceasing all conversation, not noting Branch bit his lip nervously.
“Now that I think about it……” John trailed off, seeing the necklace around your neck and gasping softly, before pushing your bangs from your face. “(Y/N)?” He asked softly, eyes tearing up. “Um.. yep that’s my name, heh. Says it on my necklace.”
“Oh my God….oh my God! You-you’re alive! “ John Dory laughed in disbelief before hugging you tightly. “I’m alive! I’m alive?” You giggle, hugging him back instinctively before backing away nervously. 
“Of course you wouldn’t remember me…you were just a baby when we got seperated.” John huffed softly, before looking at you with sad fondness. 
“(Y/N).....I’m your dad.”
There's no such thing as silly request :)
PART 2???????
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constesplanetarium · 7 months
Lost in the woods.
☼⚠︎ Yandere! Werewolf x Red Riding Hood! Reader
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✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
a/n: like the new format? i do :) much prettier and organized than before. though, theres only so much that I can do on mobile :(
Darkness: 8/10 “do you need someone to hold your hand?”
TW!!! General Yandere shenanigans, non-con, groping, blood, implied kidnapping around end, mentioned stalking, and potential cannibalism.
Word count: Around 1k.
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
“Are you lost, little red riding hood?”
Your knees threaten to buckle down on you as your gaze trails up to the werewolf towering over you, golden eyes darting between both you and your picnic basket. Oh lord, why you? You just wanted to have dinner at your grandmother's house!
He grins at the feeling of your fear, claws scratching at his chin in curiosity. “Now why’re you so frightened?” He barks out an amused laugh. “You knew exactly what was going to happen when you stepped foot into this forest.” But what’re the chances of walking into a werewolf at this time?
Your gaze wanders up to the setting sun, still too early for any werewolves to make their appearance. Fireflies start to swirl around the scenery, flicking their lights off and on as you try to keep your gaze planted on the werewolf, so as to not anger him.
“Now, now, no need to be scared,” A small grumble leaves his throat, but you can’t hear what he said in between his words. “Do I look like I’m going to hurt you?”
Once you don’t answer his question, he sighs deeply. “If I was going to hurt you,” He takes a step closer, forcing you to instinctively clutch your basket closer to your body and take a step back. “I would’ve done so by now, yes?” You wince at the feeling of his claw dragging itself over your jaw, your fingers digging into the handle on your basket as you bite your tongue, trying not to lash out at him for touching you.
“Jumpy, are we?” He chuckles, tail swaying behind him as his ear twitches in curiosity at your reaction. “To be honest, I’ve never seen a human up close. That must be why I’m so enamored by you.”
You finally decide to speak up, gripping your basket tightly as you murmur an excuse to leave, but once you take a step to do so, he blocks your path with a growing growl.
“Why so soon? I’m not hurting you, am I?” He snarls, and you flinch back. “I just want to talk, that's all. What happened to common courtesy for you humans?” You stare down at your basket and suddenly stretch your arms out to offer it to him.
“What? What about your silly basket…?” He growls, staring at the basket, but his eyes soften as he stares at it longer. Does he just want the basket or what?
The werewolf visibly licks his teeth, slobber and drool dripping down the corners of his mouth as he glares at the basket in your hands, smelling the hot food emitting from underneath the plaid patterned fabric.
“What a nice smelling basket you have there.” He growls, poking you in the chest with a claw as your body flinches back. He gives you a toothy grin at your reaction and swipes a claw across your chest, ripping the fabric with ease as you yelp, dropping the basket as you cover your bare chest. “I’m not very interested in that basket you have, though.”
“You smell much more tasty,” You try to run, but a swipe of his arm and you’re forced against him, a sob leaving your throat as a claw presses against your adam’s apple. “Then whatever's in that basket there.” He says plainly, pointing at the basket on the ground as he kicks it aside, the contents spilling out onto the woodland floor.
“I could smell you from a mile away, I really could.” Slobber drips down onto your chest, and then you're trying your best to wipe it away with disgust plastered all over your face. “Luckily you took a wrong turn to your grandmother's house.”
“You didn’t notice?” He cooes, two sets of claws dragging along your cheek. “I would’ve thought you noticed that I switched the signs.” Your eyes dart to the trees ahead and above you, fireflies dancing around as light up the scenery. How could you be so stupid? “Though I did get some help from some fairy folk. Perhaps it's your fault for not memorizing the way to her house?”
How does he know that you were visiting her? You choke up a sob as he grins down sadistically at you, showing off his teeth. It doesn’t take a genius to notice the specks of blood splattered in between.
“You visit her often, my dear.” He chuckles. “How could I have not noticed you by now? It's been weeks. Ah,” he sighs, dragging his claw down your leg as he rips more and more fabric, leaving you partly exposed to every watching eye in the forest. “Only now did I get so lucky.” You wince at the crisp feeling of the cold air on your exposed skin.
“You look so tasty…” You gasp and shudder away from him as he brings his face close to yours, taking in your scent as he groans quietly. “I wonder how your insides taste. They must be so sweet, every single one of them." He whispers hungrily, and then you’re suddenly lifted off your feet as your screams fill the air around you, trying to kick him away from you.
“Shut up, or I’ll kill you here; right now.” He snarls, slobber dripping onto your thighs as he brushes his mouth against them, and your cries cease almost immediately. Tears prick the corners of your eyes as you stare at the fallen basket, alongside the now dirt covered goodies you had tucked away.
“Will you miss your basket, little red riding hood?” He chuckles. “Don’t worry, I’ll come back for it later.”
“Right after I’ve eaten you, of course. In more ways than one.”
ミ★ 𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴. ★彡
a little food for you guys while i work on bigger fics :) fighting between marcus and alex’s fic lol
might introduce an oc from outside of tumblr idk… how do yall feel abt a male yandere barista??? or another werewolf man? :)
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small-sinclair · 5 months
Snow and Rose
An idea by @violettelune
Reformed!Johnny Slaughter x fem!reader
Welcomed readers: @sup-im-blue
Tw: mention of blood and death, him being a dad, mainly his pov, just something fluffy, not prof-read
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He woke up to another nightmare. Johnny dreamt that he found you dead in the sunflower field, your blood stained on his hands, lifeless eyes looking up. Then he heard his daughter crying in the distance. No matter how fast he ran towards her cries, he was never close enough. He was never there in time. It always ended with Nancy standing over the crib and a wicked smile on her face.
“Freed ya, Johnny. Now you can come home,” she would say. “Now you come back home. Come home.”
At his feet, barbed wire and chains wrapped around his legs and arms, pulling him to the ground. He felt roots sewing him to the wooden floor into front of his mother as he looked upon her and her smile. He felt chainsaw blades strangling him as he tried to scream your name, but sunflowers and daisies poured from his lips. His world filled with his victims, his deaths, and they all look at him with empty, lost eyes. He knew their names; how could he forget them? Then his eyes focus to the center and sees you and his child in a broken marble block, red tears falling from your eyes as you look on your child. He tastes your blood, your flesh between gasps and teeth. He hates this. He loves you. Stop. Stop it!
Wake up.
He would wake up in sweat, sometimes shutting, sometimes falling out of bed and pushing away from the bed and from you.
Tonight, however, he woke up with a start, breathing heavily, his dark eyes looking around like a scared wild animal. He looked down at your sleeping form then up at the cracked door leading into the hallway. He needed to check. Johnny just needed time check.
He got out of bed, put the blanket over your shoulder, and crept out of the room but something in his chest didn’t sit. He came back and kisses your head. “Be back, y/n,” he promised. “Keep my side warm.”
He may not be a hunter, but he still kept his talents. He can walk without noise, he can move without sound, and he can be hidden without being seen. Johnny uses that talent whenever his daughter is asleep when he comes home from a long day from the butchers. That’s why he got the job in Wisconsin; the butcher need another slaughter, and he’s good at it. Why waste a talent? He’s used to the blood, to the kill, but these are animals, not man. But he got the job to leave Texas. He swore to the stars he’ll never go back.
Johnny made that promise in a burned down church two years ago, and he stuck to it still.
He snuck out the room and down the hall to the open white door to the cotton candy pink room. He lets out a deep sigh as he came over the little white crib he built and looked down. Ophelia Rosemary Sawyer, his 5 week-year-old daughter, slept like a rock in a pink onesie with a bear in the center. Whatever fear he had, the nightmares, the shadows and ghosts— it all faded when he saw her sleeping in peace. Shes his rock, his world, his reason.
Ever so slowly, he lowered his hand and touched her head, and his heart fluttered when she moved into his hand. She’s not scared of him. As if she’s glass, he picks her up slowly and cradles her. He sneaks to the wooden rocking chair in the corner and rocks back and forth. The moonlight lit the room as the snow fell gently over the evergreens.
“Hey there, little sunshine,” he whispers. “Don’ worry. Daddy’s just needed ya.” He looks down at his world and rests his forehead against hers, kisses it, and holds her close. “I swear you’ll never be alone, ever. I love you… I’ll never not love ya.” Then he looks outside, stands up, and takes her to the window. “Look at ‘at, Ophelia,” he whispers in her small spot of brown hair, “it’s your first snow. So pretty an’ bright.” He looks out at the fields and forests, the farmlands and homes, and he thinks about the fireflies and waving weeds he left behind. “Daddy ain’t goin’ away, sunshine. I promise.”
He closes his eyes breathed out slowly. “Texas can keep the fireflies,” he looked down at his child, his blood and flesh, and his heart swelled, “I got my snow and rose.”
“Johnny?” Your voice was enough to make him jolt but he relaxed. “Why are you up? Is Ophelia okay?” You joined his side and looked down at your child. “I didn’t hear her.”
“Naw,” he answers, rocking on his heel, his eyes not leaving his child. “Sleepin’ like a lamb.”
You rested your head on his arm as he looked outside. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah,” he said as he laid his head on top of yours.
“Is this your first snow?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Is it everything you’d imagined?”
He thought for a moment as he took in the land before him. He could imagine Ophelia and her friends running wild outside with sleds, building snowmen, having a snowball fight out back. He could see himself with you during a star filled night while the children sleep, slow dancing with you in the snow, kissing you sweetly while whispering praises. He thought about Texas and the heat, but he thought about you smiling while it snowed, his kids playing, and him giving you a cup of cocoa.
“Everything and more, moonbeam,” he whispers, meeting your eyes. He leans down and kisses you tenderly. “I love you, y/n.”
“And I love you, Johnny,” you said back. You looked back at the snow, and you both watched it fall over the moon lit snow.
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.⋆。Lost Souls Part 2。⋆.
The Lost Princess Chapter 8
Jotun!Loki x plus size reader
With the discovery of who Loki really is, Y/N returns to the avengers determined to forget him, but things are never that simple
Warnings: arranged marriage, angst, enhanced!reader, swearing, age gap, angst, depression, sickness, fluff, smut (finally), loss of virginity, minimal foreplay, some confessions, unprotected sex, bit of praise kink
WC: 3k
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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Snow whipped around her violently, slicing into her skin like tiny knives. Huge columns of ice surrounded her, caging her in a frozen maze which she could never hope to escape alone.
Fear clawed up her belly as Y/N snapped her head around, eyes wide, desperately searching for a way out. “This isn't the palace!” She screamed into oblivion but, of course, received no answer back. 
There was a light in the distance, just barely shining through the haze of the storm, tempting her towards the unknown. An ache deep in her chest pulled her forwards, guiding her through the frozen forest until she reached a humble cabin tucked between to particularly large columns. It was quite obviously not built with a Frost Giant in mind given its small size. It rather looked like it was made for a human.
A dying candle in the window was the only light emanating from the otherwise dark house. The storm was beginning to grow worse so Y/N picked up her pace until she found herself at the doorstep.
She had only a moment of hesitation before she placed her hand upon the doorknob and let the heavy wood swing outwards, tempting her inside. The wind screamed as she stepped into the cabin, adding to the dread that was slowly building inside her.
The door slammed shut behind her, making Y/N jump. “Jesus Christ.” She muttered to herself, eager to hear something besides the frantic beating of her heart. The candle flickered, the wick almost completely gone now.
There came a groan from the darkness, it was weak and sickly like the sound a dying animal would make in its last moments. A shuddering breath escaped her lungs as Y/N tried to pinpoint where the sound had come from.
She would kill Heimdall if he sent her to the den of some monster. Holding out her trembling hand, she focused as best she could on her palm, allowing for a small flame to grow just above the middle of her hand. 
Slowly, more of the cabin became illuminated revealing a large fireplace with a small kitchenette beside it, a shelf stuffed with books and a single bed pushed into the far corner. A mass of blankets sat on top of the mattress, moving slightly as another groan echoed through the room.
Now less frightened, Y/N quietly inched to the bed. The pile shifted again, revealing  the top of their head. Raven hair fanned out over the pillow beneath them. Y/N held her breath as she gently pulled back the covers with her free hand.
“Oh Loki.” This was the boy she loved so long ago, all grown up. 
He was so infallibly human, pale skin free from any of the dark markings she had remembered. A long nose and high cheekbones made him even more regal, if it wasn't for the gauntness of his cheeks and the almost bruise-like dark circles beneath his eyes. 
She let herself touch his forehead but quickly pulled away when she felt the extreme chill that his skin held. This was far colder than she had ever seen from him before. He could barely move as he unconsciously leaned into her warmth.
“Shit. We have to get you warmed up.” Quickly, Y/N tucked the blankets around him again before she scurried over to the fireplace, praying that there was any sort of firewood around. 
Loki groaned as she moved away. “I know, just a minute.” She gave a small shout of triumph as she found a few logs in the kitchen cabinet. Throwing them into the hearth with very little grace and fell to her knees. Wrapping a hand around one of the pieces of wood in the centre of the pile, she took a deep breath.
Heat raced through her veins and far easier than ever before, fire bloomed from her skin, setting the wood alight. She sighed in relief as the cabin's air began to warm up but not nearly quick enough for her taste.
She looked back at her husband who's dark brows were now scrunched together as if he were in pain while he continued to shiver violently. Rising to her feet, Y/N stripped off her sweater and shorts, leaving her only in her underwear as she approached the bed once more.
Loki's body trembled with the cold as she pulled back the sheets, but stopped as soon as she slipped behind him, curling her soft body around him as best she could. One arm wound around his stomach, her palm coming to rest right above his heart as her other hand slid beneath the pillow and his head, almost cradling him.
He was so weak, barely a glimmer of the man she married remained as the fever ravaged him. It would have been easy to walk right back out of that door and let him die for the things that he did. But instead, her arms tightened around his body. 
She couldn't leave him, not when he refused to abandon her, not when his very presence soothed the rage sea of fire within her.
“Just rest now, I'll take care of you.” She placed a kiss on his temple then shut her eyes, her mind finally at peace.
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“Good morning sleepyhead.” Her voice called out to him through a fog. Loki smiled and pried his eyes open to see his wife standing before a roaring fire, an open book in her hands. She only wore a shirt of his and nothing else, leaving very little to the imagination which he was incredibly grateful for.
“The gods must have smiled upon me to grant me such a dream.” He murmured, happily settling back into the bed to watch what he believed to be his last moments. “I have missed you so, little star. I do hope that you are safe and that you are happy without me.”
The book snapped shut and he raised an eyebrow at her, making her put the book back upon the shelf so he could have her undivided attention. “This isn't a dream.” She stated firmly but Loki just laughed weakly under his breath.
“This must be a dream because I know you would never come back, not after I've done so much evil.” Her steps were light as she walked back to him. He opened his arms to her, willing this apparition to grant him one last shred of comfort.
But she did not obey, instead she took his hand and laid it upon her breast, letting him feel the heat of her skin and the beating of her heart. “I am real. I am here. And you have been a complete bastard but you are my husband and it is my duty to be beside you and keep you from making any more stupid decisions.”
She released her hold on his wrist but Loki's touch remained firmly planted on her as if to convince himself that this was, in fact, real. “I am not dead?”
“Not as far as I can tell.” She replied.
“And you are here with me?”
“Took the Bifrost myself.” Y/N traced the line of his jaw carefully as if her touch could break him. “You've been so sick, burning a fever that I almost couldn't stop. I've been here for days and this is the first time you've been coherent enough to realise that you weren't alone anymore.”
The crackle of the fire masked the sound of yet another storm outside, providing the lost prince with a comfort he had not felt since she was last in his arms. "Thank you.” He whispered, though it was not just for her healing hand. Loki nuzzled into her touch as his own still felt the strong beat of her heart.
He stopped for a moment then spoke once more. “Why did you come back, really?”
Loki watched with bated breath as Y/N sighed deeply, seemingly lost in her own thoughts as she struggled to answer him. Unable to help himself, his hands wandered down to her wide hips and cupped them softly. “I remember you- this you.” Her fingertips brushed along his cheekbone, his now green eyes gazing up at her with reverence.
“I remember that first summer when I met you. You were so small then, but of course so was I. You were always so kind to me, telling me stories of heroes and gods. Then you would leave, for weeks, sometimes months and I often wondered if I had just dreamed you up. Mom said you were real because I believed in you but not all mothers indulge their children.” She chuckled and her fingers moved to his hair, tangling themselves in the soft locks.
She let him pull her closer so that his chin could rest upon her sternum, having to bend slightly forward so that his head would not connect to her collarbone, even in his human form Loki still towered over her. Her brow crinkled. “But I forgot you. And yet, that feeling of home, of safety, of love still remained, even when I hated your guts and you kept me locked in that stupid fucking bedroom.” He groaned into her skin.
“I won't apologise for that.” He grumbled.
“I know.” She cooed. “It was all so confusing and terrifying, I couldn't recall what was real and what was because of my broken mind but you were there and in your own way, you helped me. Your rules, your temper, your teachings- all of it grounded me, let me realise that I could trust in something if I couldn't trust myself.”
“And what is that?” His words were a mere breath of air as Y/N took his hands into her own, her warmth and his chill blending together perfectly, and guided him to his feet. He obeyed easily, only stumbling for a moment as his body struggled to remain upright after being in bed for weeks.
“That I love you.” His eyes flicked over her face, almost searching for any sign of deceit but when he found none, his control shattered. 
Her lips were just as soft as he remembered, just as addictive, as he kissed her gently. He could feel the beginnings of her smile but it quickly dropped as his hands fell to her wide hips, pinning her to his front.
Y/N gasped into his mouth, allowing his tongue to snake between her lips. Her fingers curled into his shirt, pulling at the fine fabric, desperate to get him even closer. Molten heat pooled between her soft thighs as his hardness grew against her soft stomach.
“My princess, do you wish for this to go further?” She moaned at the sincerity of his tone, so different from Steve's. She could help but nod frantically.
“Yes master, I need you.” It was so easy to slip backwards, let him take all of the responsibility and control but Loki's grip tightened while he forced himself from her lips.
“No, not this time. It's just us, the way it should have been so long ago.” The tip of his nose brushed against hers gently in reverence. “Just you and me, nothing more.”
Her smile widened as her eyes sparkled with adoration. “Yes, I want to be with you Loki.” His expression melted.
“You are everything.” This time his kiss was far more desperate. His touch seemed to be everywhere, exploring every part of her that he could while refusing to part from her swollen lips.
Her arms wound around his neck as Loki's hands traced up the soft skin of her thighs, slipping beneath her shirt before coming to a stop right where her legs met her hips. 
He froze and then a growl rumbled through his chest. “You weren't fucking wearing anything under this?” He hissed, making her giggle softly.
“What, it's not like you keep a healthy stock of panties here and I spent three days nursing you back to health.”
“Fuck.” He groaned and before she could even yelp, he turned and threw her onto the bed, knocking most of the pillows off with the force of it. “You delectable temptress, you have enchanted me.”
His own shirt was quickly shed, revealing to her a lean but muscular torso decorated with faint silvery lines of scars and hairless save for a trail of it leading to a dark thatch of it right at the axis of his hips. 
At the sight, Y/N squeezed her thighs together, desperate for some kind of friction to ease her aching cunt. His black trousers were pulled tight with the weight of his cock which was getting harder by the second.
“Come here husband.” She held her arms open to him, mirroring the way he had done for her mere minutes before. 
Green eyes stared deeply into her own e/c ones as Loki slowly placed his hands on either side of her calves and began to crawl up the length of her body, forcing her legs apart in order to slip his body between them.
He caught one of her thighs against his knee and as his face finally levelled with hers, he pushed her leg forwards, leaving her bare and vulnerable to him. Only a thin layer of fabric kept them apart now. “Anything for you, wife.”
His breath fanned across her lips, his raven hair hanging down like a curtain that sealed them away from the rest of the realms. No more words were needed, everything that he wanted to tell her and she him was caught in the lustful gaze that neither wished to break.
Her leg tightened around his slim hip, pulling him impossibly closer. Their moans wove together like wisps of smoke as his still covered cock pressed against her pussy. 
Leaning his weight onto one hand, Loki's other slipped between them, all-too eager to finally have her. 
Y/N lifted her head to kiss him once more as slender fingers cupped her mound. “Loki.” Her hips bucked, trying to get him to move faster to the place she needed him most but he would not budge.
“Patience my star, I do not wish to hurt you.” But his voice wavered with his effort to stop himself from taking her right then. She whined pitifully, now growing desperate for some kind of relief.
“I don't care, I just want you.” His head dropped to the crook of her neck as he groaned. “Please, do not make me beg.” She could feel his control begin to wane even as he drew closer to her dripping entrance.
His teeth nipped at her skin in warning but of course she would not heed it. “I'm a god, you cannot hurt me.” She tried one last time.
Loki chuckled, his back shifting beneath her hands. “Well then, perhaps I shouldn't deprive my princess of what she so clearly wants any more.” She could barely bite back her whine as he pulled away from her.
The ties to his trousers loosened with barely a flick of his wrist, releasing himself from the now entirely too-tight confines of the fabric. He let out a sigh of relief then shucked the pants down his legs as best he could without adding anymore space between them.
His cock rested between her lips teasingly, the chill from him sending pleasured goosebumps across her body. Loki pressed the head against her entrance. “Are you sure?” He asked once more, his tone now entirely soft.
“I've never been more sure of anything.” 
The stretch was unlike anything she had felt before, carrying with it a sharp pinch of pain and a mind-numbing fullness that had her jaw dropping in a silent scream. He was carving out his place inside of her, marking her as eternally his.
“By the gods.” He snarled through clenched teeth. “You are tight.” The muscles in his back rippled as he tentatively pushed forwards, forcing another inch inside her already stuffed cunt. Her back arched into his chest in some desperate attempt to make more room for his monstrous cock.
“Big.” Was all she could gasp out through pressure in her stomach. Loki's hips stuttered and suddenly he was fully seated within her, his heavy balls tightly pressed to her ass as the base of his pelvis shone with the sheer amount of wetness that had been dripping from her.
He pressed his mouth to her lips in a messy kiss as he tried to regain some semblance of control. “That's it, that's my good girl. You took it all so well. I'm so proud of you.”
Her pussy rippled around him at the praise. “Princess.” He moaned and unable to stop himself any longer, Loki pulled out just a couple inches and then thrust back into her warmth quickly. 
It sent shockwaves of pleasure up her spine and pushed the pain to the back of her mind. Her heel dug into his back. “More.” She cried. “Please, more!”
Her whole body jolted up the mattress with his next thrust and she wailed into the air. “Whatever you wish, my star. I would do everything for you.” 
Tears rolled down her temples as he gripped her waist, keeping her body still for him to plunder. “You are more divine than the heavens, than any dream that my broken mind could conjure.”
He hit that special place inside her that forced the air from her lungs and made her vision spot with blackness as ecstasy curled around the base of his spine. “My pet.”
He thrust again. “My princess.”
Her nails sliced into his shoulders as her body wound tight. “My guiding star.” 
His hips lost their rhythm for a moment and Y/N was finally able to choke out- “My Loki.” 
Their ends collided together in a storm of epic proportions as they held each other close, unwilling to let go of their most precious possession. 
“I love you.” Loki managed to say between breaths. 
“I love you.” She responded immediately. He looked down at her, seemingly unable to find anything else to say until his eyes dropped to where her shirt had exposed her chest.
The silver of the necklace glinted brilliantly in the dying firelight, shining like a star. “You- you didn't take it off.”
Her gaze followed his own and then travelled back to his face. “Not even for a second.”
And as their lips met once more, Loki thought that if this was a dream, he wished to never awaken again.
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ecle-c-tic · 10 months
Middle Earth Asks
🥔 po-tay-toes: one of the hobbits invited you for a meal; who are dining with? Which of the seven meals are you enjoying?
🍞 lembas bread: what's the best road trip snack?
🌾farmer maggot's field: what is your favourite plant? Do you enjoying gardening?
🌼 simbelmynë: You've got the opportunity to bring one character back to life, who is it?
🍃 leaves of lórien: what gift would you most like to receive?
📽 action!: rank all six of the films (or three if you're a hater)
🚲 bicycle basket: what is your favourite middle earth meme?
🌟starlight: you're allowed to live in one of the Elf Kingdoms of Middle Earth, which one are you picking?
💀 Hey, did you know-: What is your favourite piece of behind the scenes trivia?
🌙 moon runes: which of Tolkien's languages would you most like to speak?
🧂 best salt in all the shire: which small joys do you most look forward to? (particular tea, using a perfume, rereading a book, etc.)
✂ cutting room floor: of all of the things that didn't quite make it into the movies, what would you have most liked to see?
☕ may I tempt you with a cup of chamomile?: What is your favourite hot beverage?
🐎 bill the pony: who is the best mount in all of middle earth?
🌳 fangorn forest: Which of Tolkien's creechurs is your favourite?
🔮 palantír: you've found a palantir! Who are you hitting up in middle earth? What are you telling them?
⏳ time and age: which poorly aged scene from LOTR is your favourite?
✨ evenstar: Who is your favourite middle earth couple?
🎆 fireworks: you're invited to Bilbo's 111th, what present do you think you'd receive?
🕷 creepy crawlies: which of tolkien's creatures do you think is the most frightening?
💍 my precious: what role do you think you'd play in the fate of the ring?
📜the company of Throin II Oakenshield: who is your favourite dwarf from the company?
🕶 i care not: what common complaint about the movies or novels doesn't bother you?
📢 motivational speech: which film speech do you find most invigorating?
🔥 barbecue: who is the worst antagonist?
🍿 popcorn: list your top 5 supporting characters
🎇 firefly: which (known) deleted scene would you most like to see?
⛏ expedition to Moria: which side character's adventures would you watch a spin-off movie about?
🎞 extra film: is there an extended scene that should have absolutely made it into the theatrical cut? which one and why?
🎵 can you sing, master hobbit?: Which song (from books or movies) is your favourite?
🖋 quill and ink: which of tolkien's themes resonates most strongly with you?
🗝 lost heirloom: which heirloom/object in the films or novels would you like to learn more about?
💿 leitmotifs and orchestras: which of the films songs (Howard Shore or singer) is your favourite?
🍲eowyn's home cooking: which other way could the ring be destroyed? (funny answers only)
🧙‍♂️precisely when he means to: what is your favourite gandalf moment?
⚔ you have my sword: what is your favourite aragorn moment?
🏹 and my bow: what is your favourite legolas moment?
🪓and my axe: what is your favourite gimli moment?
🍄 MUSHROOMS!: what is your favourite moment from the hobbits?
💎 the arkenstone: favourite Thorin and/or company moment?
🧵 spool: list your top five favourite costumes from any of the films.
📕 the red book of westmarch : what is your favourite quote(s)?
💛 family: what is your favourite family moment throughout the novels/films?
👀 the eye of sauron: who are you looking at disrespectfully?
🗺 arda: if you could travel anywhere in middle earth, where would you go?
👑the silver crown: the war is won, the world is saved, the king has been crowned. Who are you partying with at the coronation?
✏ rewrites: here's a pencil, which ONE thing in the novels/films are you changing?
🐺 GROND GROND GROND: which of the battles is your favourite to watch? is there a combat scene in particular that you enjoy?
⚠ fucking buckleberry ferry: from the clip of Dom and Billy discussing the one swear word they could theoretically get by censors, which line would you change?
📚 boxset: how were you first introduced to Middle Earth?
🏔 the misty mountains: the pass is treacherous, which two characters are you taking with you to make it over the mountains?
🌄 the rolling hills of the shire: what is your favourite outdoor activity?
🌋 mount doom: what middle earth take are you throwing into the fire?
⚙ technology: everything is exactly the same but you can give one character a modern invention. Who is it and what are you giving them?
⛵valinor: we're approaching the end of this game, is there a take/opinion you absolutely want to share?
🦅 the eagles: What thing or thought saves the day when it's not going so well?
🦗 weta: you're allowed to take one prop (or the canon useful version) home with you from the set, what are you taking?
☀ when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer: either share a piece of good news or something you're looking forward to.
📖 final chapter: what unanswered questions do you have middle earth?
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mrs-illyrian-baby · 8 months
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A Goddess by Association | Mr & Mrs Laufeyson AU | Loki x Reader
Sometimes Loki just wants to feel…royal. And he wants you to feel it too. So when it's time for him to choose his anniversary 'treat' he knows exactly what he wants...
Warnings: 18+ sexual content, roleplay, royalty/power kink, oral sex, unprotected p in v sex, sex in clothing.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Mr & Mrs Laufeyson Masterlist | Loki Masterlist | Masterlist
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Loki, despite his protests, was acclimatising very well to Midgardian life. He liked the clothes, much more comfortable and practical, he found the food interesting, sweets were great and he could no longer pretend to hate the Midgardian's themselves. Your hedonism as a race was something to behold. Besides he had met and married you within 18 months so any following complaints were met with stoic silence and you pointing at your ring finger.
Despite all these things. The funny TV adverts, all night off licences and take away food there was one thing that Loki was having real trouble with.
Not being royal.
Although most of the village still paid due reverence to his presence, especially as his magic remained, he wasn't a Prince and it irked him. Thor hadn't cared when he gave up the throne and it's not that Loki had wanted it, it seemed like an awful lot of work, he just wanted to be Royal. Special.
Now he was no longer Loki Laufeyson, Prince of Asgard, God of Mischeif, rightful heir of Jotunheim... he was just Loki. And the final tragedy was, he never got to make you a Princess as you truly deserved. A Goddess, even if just by association.
"Lo? You in here?" Your voice called through the cottage. He generally despised the nickname, but from you? It sounded like perfect.
"In here!" He called back. Midgardians, so uncouth. You opened the door, not really looking at him stood at the foot of your bed, and grabbed your handbag, and turning to go again before a flash of gold caught your eye.
"Loki?" You span round and faced him properly, his height excentuated by the cloak at his back, the tall gold horns adoring his neatly styled black hair and the leather clinging to every muscle and sinew of his lithe body.
"My darling?"
"I see you've decided how you'd like to play for your anniversary present. Not this again," you rolled your eyes dramatically while you tried to keep your composure, always taken aback by the sheer force of Loki's presence in his formal attire. If you were going to spend the evening paying court to him, then he deserved a little teasing beforehand.
"Indeed," he took a long stride towards you, holding out a hand to take yours. You bobbed a little curtsey ready to end all your evening plans for this exciting development. You'd certainly complain and tease first, but you always enjoyed your husbands filthy plans.
"My Prince," you smiled, dipping your head to avert your eyes as any good...chamber maid? Hand maiden? Would, it didn't really matter who you were, little wench or servant. It all amounted to the same, you'd be on your knees before he could ever ask, every time.
But not tonight.
"Princesses do not kneel," he commanded, his voice booming and hand tight around yours keeping you upright.
Oh. A Princess? A shimmer of light surrounded you, your boots, jeans, top and handbag vanished with a flourish to be replaced with a flowing ballgown of deep, forest green. Loki smiled, holding back his grin, trying to remember his courtly smile instead. You looked...devastating. A lucky thing he didn't meet you at court or he would have run away with you and lost his title regardless.
He dropped a toe back to bow deeply, savouring your little gasp of pleasure at the luxurious fabric now wrapped around your body.
"Princess, may I have this dance?" He enquired politely, and through you were in your low ceilinged cottage bedroom you, the glint in his eyes made you feel as if you were in the towering ballrooms of Asgard.
You nodded though there was precious little room to dance in. He placed your hands delicately on his body, scooping you close and nudging your silk slippered feet with his own leather boots to make them move the right way.
In return, you giggled, leaning into his chest despite the cold leather and metal, seeing comfort in the beat of his heart and the familiar feeling of his warm chest. He let his cheek rest against the top of your head, breathing you in and peppering soft kisses in your hair. Layered as you both were it was still hard to ignore Loki's growing arousal with each half spin of your failed waltz.
Eagerly you snuggled closer, attempting to lead the dance towards your bed.
"Princess, you know we must not engage in such lewd behaviour while we're still only betrothed," he whispered in your ear.
Ah so this was the game, lust pooled between your legs, heating you from the inside out. A forbidden love, and yet he was here in your bedroom. A delicate, coy, smile curved your lips upwards just a little.
"Only betrothed? But, my Prince," you bit your lip, batting your eyelashes flirtatiously, "I need you now!"
"Well. If you need me, perhaps there's another way I could please my betrothed?" He backed you slowly towards the bed, guiding you to sit at the edge and then falling to his own knees before you.
If only the rest of the village could see him now. Kneeling before you despite his regal appearance.
The golden helmet vanished in a green flash and so did Loki's mop of black hair in a flurry of green and black tulle. His lips finding the soft, ticklish edge of your knee before moving upwards.
"Oh! Lo!" In all of the layers of ballgown you hadn't really noticed your lack of underwear, until now, until your once royal husband was buried beneath those layers, two fingers deep inside of you, his tongue on your clit.
He pressed his fingers into your thighs, holding you steady as he twisted his other hand, fingers bending and rubbing against the soft, deep little spot inside of you that made you make Loki's favourite noise.
"Loki, LOKI, L-" you fell back against the bed in a cloud of silk, your orgasm rippling through your body, making your body strain against the tight confines of the bodice of your dress.
Loki appeared again, standing to his full height before flicking a neat handkerchief out of his pocket and dabbing his mouth ostentatiously.
"Are you ready, we'll miss our reservations?" He asked, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as his royal attire replaced itself with a neat black suit.
"You fucking kidding me?" You huffed, riding out your high with deep panting breaths.
His smile became fond and, as he pulled you from the bed, the dress changed too, not the clothes you had chosen before but, a little black dress, tailored to fit perfectly, silk shoes still hugging your feet.
"You look regal my Princess," he kissed the top of your head again and led you out, still giddy and glowing.
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