#i panicked for no reason bye
beelzzzebub · 7 months
me every other day almost accidentally posting my real name on this site because for some reason i keep forgetting that y'all don't know me irl and this is supposed to be a sort of anonymous blog
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gulab-ja-moon · 2 years
report card was terrible I have disappointed 7 generations of my family at once how do 8 even deserve to live bye
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cerealmonster15 · 3 months
I think the third ch of my kalisil/jamiazu story is gonna be longer than the other chapters and that’s not necessarily for good reason lol 😭☠️🚶
#I FEAR it’s kinda just all over the place / me panicking and adding too much excess#while I try to get these bitches back on track ldjcjcnfifhvfjdjdnfndnvng#but. hdhfcjjg it’s ok it’s fine it’s fine I’m trying and it’s. experimental#I made that disclaimer at the start for this very reason lol#that I don’t really know what I’m DOING with multi chapters and I might catch on fire#like I do have a general outline of how I want the story to go yknow but#writing it out + having ideas that slightly shift it around … hell….#I also fear still that the kalisil isn’t gonna be done much justice#just bc I k ow jamiazu so much more like I’ve written so many fics for them#and drawn them a billion times#over the past 3+ years lolol#but that’s ok …. I am challenging myself….. I wrote more last night#and I’m trying to finish that heartslabyul friendship fic I started on valentines lol#I had the strong energy for it when I started but I didn’t get it all out fast enough#now I’m faltering and afraid LOL but it’s almost done… it’s SUPPOSED to be short and simple I just don’t know how to end it 😖😑#but what else is new !!!! 🧍I guess this is the one area I do have the pressure#cuz ppl don’t really like my doodles much I think so I just have my own demons about that#but sometimes people like my fics. so like what if I write and it is bad. and then I explode 🤨#ok sorry that’s been fighting demonds with cereal this morning while we w8 for stuff at work bye 🚶
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channelinglament · 1 year
When you hadn't logged in for a few days
Ft. Diasomnia (💀)
Summary: Basically you hadn't logged in twst for a while now (could be 2 days or more) for whatever reason. But sadly you didn't know, that your game is sentient.
Tw: yandere, bad grammar, death, murder, religious themes.
🐀 (it's me, the anon-) @writingforatwistedworld
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Plz forgive this world that is full of sinners-
Fr prays and slays (people)
Alright, let's begin on how it happened:
Lilia was as always waiting for your return. He made himself look presentable, and stayed nearby ramshackle to greet you when you log in (aka when you get weekly stuff like gems and etc)
You didn't come back that day, sadly.
So what does our dear fae do?
Pray. A lot.
He is afraid that he or someone has somehow wronged you.
We're you busy?
Were they not praying hard enough?
Did he need to kill someone-?
And like that, he tried to sleep.
The same was on second day.
But when the third day (afternoon actually) comes, oh he is going insane.
This world is so full of sin! It is filled with sinners to the brim isn't it? That's why you aren't coming back, he's sure of it!
So, the massacre started. You can't tell me otherwise. He prays that you come back, while he slays those, he deems sinners.
If it's for you, he's ready to starts/wage a war again.
Congrats, it's the end of the world!
Trust me, if you logged in right at that moment, you would have the longest log in in your history.
Unlike Lilia, he immediately panicked. While you weren't around, the weather was terrible.
A few people probably died because of the thunder
He prays, and prays hard.
On the second day he tries to use his magic to see what you're doing (your camera)
If you're playing another game then he immediately destroys(burns) the world.
If you're busy, tries to wait.
If talking to someone, the first option happens aswell
On third day it's the end of the world. Literally.
Unless you decide to log in, at that exact moment, say bye-bye to everyone alive except a few faes and maybe people.
Understands that you may be busy.
But still prays nonetheless. (He was raised by Lilia, a cute lunatic after all)
Honestly is afraid that someone might've hurt you. What if you're in danger and he doesn't know about it??
He's supposed to be your knight in shining armor, protect you with his life. What if you're in danger rn and he cannot do anything about it???! (Not like could've helped even if you were, he's in game. But he could've told Malleus or Lilia, then you'd be in game sooner than expected)
Similarily to Lilia, starts massacring people calling them sinners.
But I feel like it's at the end of 2nd day? Stealthily btw
He was sleeping, then heard noises. People were talking about you and how they thought you abandoned them.
He was angry and uhh
Made ketchup for Lilia to cook.
Even if you did abandon them, it's not your fault! But he's sure you didn't, they probably just needed to get rid of sinners that have wronged you and made you upset!
And then
Starts giving you offerings.
Since the day 1
He definitely needs to try harder! Everyone needs!
The reason you're not here is because they're not praying hard enough! They're not offering you what you would like! Of course you won't come back if they won't!
Literally kills everyone left and right.
And offers them to you.
Negative two out of ten, would not recommend.
Fr, he doesn't think that it could be 'cuz you're busy. Probably you're offended that they haven't devoted themselves to you completely.
He wishes that everyone would be like them, on valley of thorns. But sadly, some see you as an equal or just an all knowing entity. Or even worse, but he doesn't talk about Shaftlands. At least some nations are good.
But he still thinks they're wrong in thinking you can have flaws too.
It's their fault for you leaving them!
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temiizpalace · 6 months
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SUMMARY: you forgot to do the homework before your next class.. excellent job prefect. no problem. you can just copy off your classmate! what’s his response to “can I copy your homework?”
CHARACTERS: all dorms (+ grim)
GENRE: crackfic, but could be considered fluff
WARNINGS: cursing
reader gender is not mentioned, reader is yuu
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“i’ll help you with it!”
i mean, you COULD copy.. but how will you understand the material? if you copy then you might not understand it later! that’s not good at all! instead of letting you copy it all together, he helps you and walks you through it like the angel he is. he’s explaining everything in detail but in a way you could comprehend it. totally should be your teacher. even if you already understood the subject, he still wants to lock it in and make sure you truly do get it. (after that you felt like albert einstein)
riddle, trey, jack, ortho, rook (he already knew you weren’t paying attention so he got ya covered), silver
“yeah, sure”
you wanna copy his homework? yeah, sure. why not? you’re the overworked prefect of ramshackle dorm, or some may say “crowleys assistant.” you deserve a break every once in awhile right? maybe they do care about your wellbeing and want you to rest as much as possible. you already work your ass off every day. you study, care for grim, do crowleys work, and deal with some random dorms shit almost 24/7. hell, why not let him write it for you?
it’s that or he just doesn’t give a shit. 🤷🤷
epel, lilia, malleus
“bold of you to assume i did the homework”
you’re both in the same boat. well sort of anyway. he’s a busy guy, he doesn’t have time for that. life is short, and he should be doing things he wants. not sit in a classroom all day and write, just to sit down in his dorm room and write for the rest of it. oh no. he probably has like 10 missing assignments right now. long story short: his ass did not do the homework cause he didn’t wanna.
ace, leona, floyd
“lol nope”
damn you didn’t do the homework? well good luck with that. listen, he did the homework. he’s on top of it. you on the other hand chose not to do it. what’s that? oh you were busy? that sounds rough. he wishes you the best and hopes that you’ll listen next time. alright? bye 🫶🫶
idia, jamil
“wait, we had homework????”
there was homework? THERE WAS HOMEWORK? oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. he messed up. now he’s scrambling to get it done before his next period, panicking and triple checking his answers. poor baby was so caught up in his life he forgot all about class assignments. now you both are sitting at the cafeteria with pencils and eraser shavings everywhere. those sitting around you both were losing their appetites because for some reason their meal tastes like led or graphite. best of luck to you both 💔💔
grim, deuce, cater, kalim
“sure you can copy it! for a price of course.”
yeah he’ll let you copy it. one teensy weensy detail though, what’ll he get in return? well it was your fault for not working on it during your free time. it’s only fair right? he worked so hard to get these answers, why should he give them away for free? haha. that’s just how the world works, prefect. it’s nothing personal really, he just wants to benefit.
azul would definitely try to upsell you into getting one of his study guides. capitalist.
ruggie, azul, jade
he scolds you.
you didn’t do the homework? *sigh* perfect, oh, prefect. that’s a horrible habit to develop, really. why didn’t you do it? now you must scramble to finish it. you see not doing the homework once is alright, but if this happens again he will know about it. he’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again third time. now he’s giving you a long ass essay on why doing your homework ON TIME is the right thing to do, and why copying others homework is the road unsuccessful students go down.
but his lecture went on for hours. im sorry it won’t happen again just please let me copy it 🙏🙏
riddle (scolds then lets you copy), vil, sebek
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A/N: I do all my homework stay safe guys 🙏
my second writing tada! lately I’ve just been going off of alignment charts and how I see them fit. hopefully this is good enough.
date written: 11/24/23
© temiizpalce — don’t steal or copy my work!
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lenacosse · 2 months
hiii !!! could you please write about jake peralta, preferably smut with a dominant reader?:)
pairing: jake peralta x fem reader
cw: smut, dominant reader
wc: 1,541
a/n: hope you enjoy this, for anyone who’s left requests please bare with me. im writing here and there, ive been preoccupied and struggle to find motivation, ive rosa diaz, amy santiago, another jake fic and a james potter fic to come plus any other requests i have coming soon i hope :)
‘i just got some real good news from work boy
you can’t imagine what i’m bout to say
it’s so hard to hold back, baby
i’m so excited i can hardly wait’
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You nervously fix your skirt for the fifth time, smoothing it over obsessively trying to perfect your appearance. You knew it wasn’t going to change the outcome of your meeting but nevertheless here you were, panicking over the subtle crease of your skirt.
“(Y/L/N)?” Called out the friendly face of the sectary, “Mr Jones will see you now.”
You nod and stand up, you take a shaky breath and continue down the familiar path to your bosses office. Usually you were so confident, so sure of yourself yet this was no average meeting. This meeting would determine your future. You reach his office and frantically wipe your sweaty palms on your jacket in attempt to dry them, once semi satisfied you knock and open the door.
“(Y/N) please have a seat,” Mr Jones smiles, motioning to the seat. You sit down. “Im going to cut to the chase here, you are an excellent contributor to our team.”
“Thank you.”
“These last four years I’ve seen a real shift in our overall work environment, clientele, partners, work ethic and most importantly inner work relationships.” He smiles and gets out a piece of paper. “I’m not offering you the standard promotion. I’m appointing you head of department, this will be a rather enormous change but I see potential in you. You are the heart of my company and it’s about time you get praised.”
You heart has practically stopped at this point, never did you ever see yourself in such a role. It took all your willpower not to crack into an obnoxious smile that broke all professional expectations, instead you politely thanked him and signed your new contract. Getting to your car was a blur, but here you now sit in the parking lot grinning like an idiot. Of course the only reasonable thing to do was call your boyfriend.
“Hey baby, hope I’m not interrupting.” Your voice sounds.
“Nah, perfect timing just done a huge drug bust now we’re on our way back to the precinct.”
“Well done, who you with?”
“Hey,” a third voice said, you instantly recognised it as Rosa.
“Hi Rosa,”
“You had your interview right?” Jake asked, diverting the conversation.
“I did,”
“Well? Tell me.”
“I got some real good new. However it’s a surprise.”
“Oh come on! Tell me I want to know already,”
“You really wanna know? You’ll have to wait.”
“Fine. When are you telling me?”
“Tonight. Come straight from work,”
“Cool cool cool. See you then.”
You end the call and drive back to home, you felt out of this world. Being so young and successful never felt so good, you were undoubtedly a baller.
By the time Jake got off work you cleaned your apartment and got real dressed up. After all tonight was no ordinary night, you finish the last of your glass of wine as your buzzer goes. In an instant you buzz Jake in and wait by the door. The door opens and there he stands, wine and flowers in hand. You couldn’t control the shit eating smile that spread across your face.
“Hey you,” you stepped aside to let him in.
Jake handed you the flowers and placed a kiss to your cheek. “So… tell me. I’m dying to know.”
“Is that so?” You wink and make your way to the kitchen, placing your flowers into a vase.
“Yes.” Jake’s arms wrap around your waist pulling you into him, his warm breath on your neck makes you shudder.
“How badly do you want to know?”
“So badly baby, need to spoil you.”
You smirk and turn around, wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands naturally falling to your hips.
“You’re looking at the head of department.”
“Head of department?! That’s great. I’m so proud of you.” Jake gushed, the act making your cheeks flush.
“I get to boss people around.” You grin, biting your lip.
“Bet you’ll love that.” Jake teases.
“I will, but it’s just that.” You dramatically frown. “I need more practice.”
“Really?” He pulls you closer.
You kiss at his neck, sucking softly on the skin before licking a stripe to his jawline and moving to his ear.
“I think I lead you into my bedroom.” You whisper.
“I think that’s a good idea.” His voice soft and gentle.
You take his hand and lead him into your bedroom. In an instant you push him against the wall and begin to undo his shirt, after removing it you go back to his neck peppering kisses all over.
“Get onto the bed Peralta,” you order, your voice dripping with demand. Of course he obliges and sits on your bed.
You smirk and make your way to him, you straddle him and run your hand through his tousled hair. You slowly rock your hips, grinding up against him. A soft whimper comes from him.
“You’ve been so supportive, and so good to me. I’m going to treat you so well.” You whisper.
Jake looks at you, his expression was one you’ve never seen before. So utterly love stricken and submissive for you, the expression itself was enough to get you going but you had to regulate yourself. You press your lips to his, kissing him passionately as your tongues danced together. Slowly you pulled back and stroked his cheek before getting off his lap, you took a second to look at his lap, you bit your lip at the sight of his hard-on. You undone the zipper on your dress and dropped it to the floor revealing your lacy underwear and matching bralet.
“You’re so perfect,” Jake said as his hand reached out to bring you back.
You straddled him again and pushed him flat against the bed. You moved with him and groaned as he caressed your ass and thighs, the heat building between your thighs. You attached your lips to his collarbone, not holding back from marking him. This solidified your presence, the idea of him being yours was enough to cure your problems. You got off Jake’s lap and kneeled beside him, you undone his belt and he kicked off his trousers. You bit your lip at the sight before you, through his boxers you could see his very hard dick begging to be released. You palmed him through the fabric watching as his face contoured in pleasure.
“Please baby..”
“Please what? Need to talk Peralta.”
“Please use your mouth,”
You smirked in response and pulled off his boxers, his needy cock aggressively swinging out. Slowly you put your lips to his tip, you took half of him in your mouth and very slowly moved your head. You swirled your tongue gently over his tip then pulled back.
“Tell me how much you need me.” You teased as you slowly stroked his base, gentle moans falling from his mouth in response.
“I need you so bad, I’ve been thinking about you all day. Thinking about how much- mmm, I want your mouth on me, or how much I need to feel you around me.”
“Is that right?” You taunt, your voice thick with a tone of seduction. Your hand got faster around Jake, pleasuring him more and more by the second.
“Yes- fuck. That’s right- need you so bad.” His voice was a straight moan, a moan which you couldn’t help but be desperate for.
You lowered your head again and wrapped your lips around him, you hollowed your cheeks and moved your head. Doing exactly what he likes, his hands held your hair- only encouraging you further. His moans got more desperate and breathless indicating he’s close. You pulled back and sat up right. You took your remaining clothes off and straddled him again. Your lips went to his as your hand went into his hand. The other guided his cock to your entrance. You slid down on him and immediately started moving, you gripped his hair letting curses of pleasure escape your lips as you gripped onto the headboard. You looked down to Jake who’s eyes were full of pure pleasure and bliss, his desperate moans filled the room as did the sound of your bed hitting the wall.
“You feel so good,” you moaned, sending a chain of praises to your sex-drunk boyfriend. You rocked your hips faster the pleasure building increasingly as you chased that feeling.
You gripped the headboard with both hands as your whole body shook in pleasure. Your vision was spotting and your mind was foggy, the only thing registering was the ecstasy you were feeling. The coil tightened even further until you came with a deafening moan, Jake was right after you gripping your hips as his breath shuddered. Slowly you climbed off him and lay beside him. You looked at him, taking in his beauty, his eyes were glassy and his lips were swollen.
He turned to you with a bashful smile, “get promoted more often.”
You rolled you eye not fighting off the grin that was cracking through, you moved into him resting your head on his chest as your hands stroked his hair. Nothing but contentment overcame you, Jake was home to you and on days like this where there’s happiness there’s no one you’d rather share it with.
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strwbrryeyes · 29 days
☼ bye ☼ (oikawa tooru x reader)
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⟡ cw: she/her pronouns used, angst, break up, getting back together at end, idk im still bad at these, lmk if i miss anything else
⟡ a/n: i have my own interpretation of this song so it doesn't really follow the meaning behind it? idk but i still like it (even if i did write it poorly) but bear with me this song didn't have a lot to work with despite it being very catchy also rip a good third of this was just iwa #iwa4life
⟡ eternal sunshine masterlist
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You and Oikawa had been dating since your third year of high school so about 4 years now and to say you had a wonderful yet disastrous relationship was an understatement. He was the perfect boyfriend, attentive, loving, caring, admirable- anything that comes to mind. Oikawa Tooru was picture perfect and so were you. At least 99% of the time. That 1% that was not perfect was whenever you would feel insecure or jealous of the girls that would constantly throw themselves at him. It’s a silly thing really, he did choose you over everyone else after all so you didn’t think you had anything to worry about and Oikawa thought so too so he never really reassured you and tried to take those insecurities away from you. Anytime you brought up how uncomfortable you felt with how touchy his fans were with him he would shrug it off and tell you to pay no mind to it but never actually address how you felt about it all.
There were countless times where you would lie awake at night thinking about if you were really just overreacting or if you were actually valid in the fear of losing Oikawa’s interest over time as he gains more fame and as more girls fall for him. You even confided in two of your best friends, Matsukawa and Hanamaki, and sure they were also best friends with Oikawa but over the last few years they have not been that close to Oikawa considering how much he traveled for volleyball, regardless though, they remained as neutral as they could. The pair of boys would reassure you and say that it’s just the result of the spotlight Oikawa has had on him since the beginning of high school. This reasoning made you feel better and you would shrug it off for as long as your mind would let you. It was a constant cycle and you were as used to it as you could be until one day when Iwaizumi knocked some sense into you.
☼ ⋆。𖦹˚⋆
“Listen [name], as much as I cherish shittykawa as my best friend, I also cherish you just as much.” Iwaizumi says with a worried expression on his face as he slows down his pace as you two were on your weekly jog and after you didn’t respond for a few seconds, he stopped jogging all together and grabbed your wrist to make you face him. “Break up with him.” Iwaizumi said with all seriousness in his tone.
You had just told him about your most recent fangirl incident where a fangirl asked for a picture with Oikawa where he would kiss her cheek, this wasn’t an unusual request that was asked of him but that didn’t make you feel any better every time it happened even if you did simply roll your eyes at it and just shrugged it off every time. This time was different though. As Oikawa was going in for the kiss on the cheek, the girl turned her head so that their lips would collide. Of course the girl faked a panicked apology and said she wasn’t ready and just turned to ask him a question and of course Oikawa said it was okay in an all too calm manner causing the girl to give you a smug look when Oikawa turned around to tend to another fan. At that point though, you didn’t even bother bringing it up to Oikawa because you thought he would just dismiss it as usual.
“I was expecting you to find some way to defend him to be honest… I was kind of hoping you would actually…” you sigh as you sit down at a nearby bench with Iwaizumi sitting down next to you.
“Why would I defend him?”
You sigh while burying your face in your hands “I don’t know? Because you guys have been friends since you were childr-” “We’ve been friends for ages, [name]” Iwaizumi interrupts you “All three of us met each other at the same time back in grade school. Just because I’ve spent more time with Oikawa doesn’t mean I don’t care for you both equally and because I care for you two idiots so much…I think it is best for both of you to end things.” he continued as he forced you to face him once again.
“But Haji…he’s all I’ve known. Even before we started dating in our last year of high school… it has always been Tooru.” Your words begin to wobble as you feel a few tears fall down your face.
“Which is exactly why you guys need to at least take a break,” Iwaizumi begins as he wipes away a few tears. “You need time for yourself, to figure out what you want out of this relationship or any relationship. Hell, to figure out what you want for yourself, [name]. For the last few years you’ve been following Oikawa around while he plays volleyball and not once have I seen you be passionate about your own interests. You’ve made your life revolve around him ever since we graduated high school.” Iwaizumi’s tone starts to harden causing you to slowly stop crying “As for Oikawa, he just needs to get his head out of his ass and realize that there are other people in the world besides himself.” Iwaizumi finishes before standing up and holding out his hand to help you up that you accepted. And with that, you knew what you had to do.
☼ ⋆。𖦹˚⋆
“Welcome back, darling!” Oikawa greets you with a kiss on the forehead as you walk into your shared apartment. “How was your jog with Iwa? What did you guys gossip about this time~” Oikawa wiggles his eyebrows as he waits for your response since he knew you both would always talk shit about people.
As you walked to the couch without saying a word, Oikawa followed you assuming you were tired and just wanted to sit down and catch your breath first but that assumption didn’t last long when you turned to look at him with a serious expression making him confused
“We need to break up, Tooru.” you finally say, causing all the  color drain from his face.
“What do you mean we need to break up? I thought everything was going great?” Oikawa sputters out while desperately grabbing your hand.
“Everything is great but there are just some things we need to think about if we want to continue with this relationship…” You start off before explaining all the things that have been troubling you along with the talk you had with Iwaizumi.
After a long talk that lasted hours and that included a lot of emotions, you and Oikawa came to an agreement to end things and to better yourselves- you with your confidence and insecurities and individuality and him with his consideration for other people and how he handles boundaries he and other people set. You also both talked about the possibility of maybe trying a relationship with each other  if you both still had love for each other later down the line.
With all that said and done, Iwaizumi came and helped you pack your things right after the break up just so neither you or Oikawa would back out of it and by afternoon the next day, you were moved out of the apartment you had known for the last few years and moved in with Hanamaki and Matsukawa who were more than glad to give you their spare room.
You were now excited to start a new part of life even if it would take a while to get over the grief of the relationship and even if it did take a while to stop crying every night because all you wanted to do was call Oikawa. You knew better than that though. This was the best decision or the both of you.
☼ ⋆。𖦹˚⋆
Two years later, Oikawa’s fame in the volleyball community skyrocketed and he was doing what he loved and always dreamed of, while you were the happiest you’d been in what seems forever.
The last two years have taught you both a lot about yourselves and allowed the two of you to grow as people. You have grown more confident with yourself and have picked up new hobbies and have gained passion for a few things that you plan to turn into a full fledged career and you were excited for what more the future holds for you. As for Oikawa, he has become less self-focused and has set proper boundaries with his fangirls and even other people, overall has just gotten better at maintaining his relationships with his friends, family, and whoever else mattered to him. Except you.
You and Oikawa haven’t spoken to each other in a year and half but that doesn’t mean you guys didn’t think about each other all the time. Oikawa has never left your mind and you have never left his. Admiring each other from afar, you both have grown very proud of the person the other has become. You both have gotten so proud of each other that it's gotten to the point where it’s so bad that Iwaizumi, Makki, and Mattsun have to force you and Oikawa into the same room to finally talk and catch up so they wouldn’t be forced to listen to your praises for one another every time one of you so much as blinked.
So that’s how you ended up stuck in Iwaizumi’s room with the door blocked on the other side so neither you or Oikawa could escape.
“We’re not letting you out until you kiss!” Makki shouts from outside the room earning a smack on the head from Iwaizumi.
“Ignore him and just talk.” Mattsun says with a giggle before walking away with Makki leaving only Iwaizumo to guard the door.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, you finally gathered the courage to sit next to Oikawa who was sitting on the floor on the other side of the room. He watched you as you fiddled with your hands before grabbing them into their own as to calm you down since he always knew that was a sign of you being anxious. And in that moment, you hugged him like you were never letting him go and of course, he hugged you back with the same amount of love and care before you both started happy crying.
After a few more moments of emotional silence, you pulled away from each other and talked about everything you’ve been wanting to talk about for the last year and a half and it was like you never left each other’s side.
“I missed you, Tooru.”
“I missed you too, angel.”
Finally, after all this time, you both had talked things out and decided to try things out again. You loved Oikawa and Oikawa loved you and you would and will do everything you can to never be apart from each other ever again.
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pablitogavii · 1 month
Gavi wanting yn to play with his hair please
There for you always
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I could never understand why he needed to hate me so much. Ever since Aurora introduced us, Pablo found a reason to mock and tease me about every little thing.
During the festival in Sevilla, I was the only girl he didn't compliment and say my dress is beautiful. I felt like an outsider whenever he was there..
During Aurora's birthday, it was no different. He greeted all of her friends but when it came to me he just said underneath his breath "you again" and moved away. I want to know what I did to deserve him treating me this way.
"Ignore him amiga! He probably has a secret crush on you!" Aurora once said to me long ago and I felt my heart skip a beat..what hurt the most is the fact that I liked Pablo..a lot..and with time I think I began loving him too.
Gavira family asked me to look after their family home in Barcelona while they are away on a trip to United States and I agreed making sure their plants are watered and their house stays clean.
Pablo didn't know I was staying there, so when he showed up one night unannounced finding me in the living room curled up in a ball he sighed carrying me to bed.
I woke up in a guest room confused only to find him in the kitchen making breakfast for himself before his practice.
"P..Pablo? Did..did you carry me to bed?" I asked shyly but he was having the same stern face as always.
"You should learn to lock the door before falling asleep, enana" he said and I sighed nodding my head and walking to make myself a cup of morning coffee. Something in my stomach was fluttering thinking of Pablo carrying me to bed..it wasn't the first time he showed his sweet side to me.
One time when I came to watch his game with Aurora and the rest of her friends, he noticed goosebumps on my arms putting his jacket over my shoulders without a word..when I said thank you, he told me to start carrying my own jackets. Somehow he always needed to ruin the moment with his rudeness.
I accidentally ran into him thinking about it spilling some coffee on the floor and making him groan loudly.
"Dios! You're so clumsy! And all over all the damn time!" he sounded angry and I felt my heart hurt.
He didn't want me here and it was his house..I apologized starting to clean the floor but he placed his hand on mine taking the towel and cleaning it himself asking if I got burnt. I said no.
"Good. Just sit and I'll make you coffee. You can have some breakfast if you want too" he said and I smiled nodding and taking a bit of his toast while he finished it all up.
"Thank you Pablo.." I said when he sat down and he started eating his eggs while being on his phone. It didn't matter that he was cold when he gave me at least some of his warmth..it's all I needed.
"Are you going to uni today?" he asked after packing and getting ready to leave for training.
"I don't have classes this week, so I'll be here if you want me to make some lunch?" I wanted to be nice feeling my cheeks blush at the thought of having this "domestic" life with Pablo.
"No, I'm good. Bye" he said and I nodded knowing that would be the answer.
"Bye Pablo. Have a good training." I said and he left to his black Audi outside as I watched him leave from the window not knowing that he was thinking similar thoughts as me in that moment..us two..living together..like a real life couple.
It was barely evening when Aurora called me and I put my book away.
"Hey, amiga! How is US?" I asked but her voice was nervous and scared.
"Y/n! Thank God you answered! Could you get Pablo home from training? He's not feeling well, they said it's a high fever?" she said and I felt panicked jumping up and calling an uber to the sport center.
"I'm here to pick up Pablo Gavi..I'm his.." I said to the man at the front door being interrupted by Pablo's tired voice as he tossed his keys to me.
"Try not to crash my car! Let's go." he said and I nodded seeing that he was very pale and there was wet sweat on his forehead.
"I can give you some pain medication when we get home.." I spoke seeing him hold onto his head as he leaned on the door while I drove with rain pouring all around us.
" I don't need your help! You're not my damn girlfriend!" he said bitterly and I swallowed nodding my head and staying silent for the rest of the night. He was right..I am nobody to him..so I just left him alone for the rest of the night when we got home.
When I was about to go to bed, I secretly checked on Pablo who seemed to be sleeping in his room. Just as I was about to fall deep sleep, I heart him yelling in pain from his room.
I ran to him opening the door seeing him tossing and turning and holding onto his head. His hair was all wet from seat and he was shaking. I sat on the bed shaking him awake.
"Pablo! Please, wake up" I said and he opened his eyes breathing heavily and staring at my eyes deeply.
"Y/n..it..hurts" he said and I nodded touching his face which to my surprise he let me scared of how hot he was underneath my touch. His fever wasn't breaking!
"Pablo, you're burning up! Let me get you cold compress" I was about to move away but he wouldn't let me grabbing my hand rather roughly and pulling me back.
"Don't go..please don't leave me..I'm scared y/n..and I need you" he said and I felt my heart beating fast at those words..I wanted him to say them for so long and now he did..he needs me and doesn't want me to go.
"I'm not going to leave you Pabs..I promise..I'm just going to bring you some more medicine and something to help lower your fever okay?" I said touching his face again and he looked at me as a scared child nodding his head.
"Promise me you'll come back to me?" he said and I smiled. Never did Pablo ask for reassurance before..it was special.
"I promise.." I said and he smiled letting me rush downstairs to grab everything. When I returned, I helped him take another pill before touching his face with cold compress towel. He was shaking violently and I added blanket on top of him.
"it should start working soon Pabs.." I said gently removing the cold compress and he sighed.
"I'm so cold.." he said and I looked around but there was no more blankets in his room.
"Do you want me to go grab my blanket?" I said and he shook his head reaching for me pulling my waist closer as I was reaching over him hearing him whisper to me.
"Come here...please..only you can warm me up" he spoke and I felt. a-shiver move down my spine in that moment..he wanted me to lay down next to him?
"Pabs I don't.." I started but his arms held on tighter pulling me until I was on top of him our face inches apart.
"Please.." he spoke his hot breath fanning over my face making me blush bright red.
"Okay..okay I'm right here" I said laying next him underneath the covers while he quickly got on top of me laying his head on my chest moving until he got comfortable and I tried to control my heart from beating too fast in that moment.
"You're okay..I'm here" I said feeling him shaking so I started playing with his hair which seemed to calm him down a bit as he rested comfortably on top of my chest. When I thought he was sleeping, I stopped but quickly he looked up eyes watery and cheeks red from his fever..he looked so adorable in that moment.
"Y/n.." his lips were grazing mine and I froze "don't stop playing with my hair..please" he said looking at my lips but not daring to kiss them.
"Okay.."I said continuing to play with his curls but this time he just kept looking slowly moving to nuzzle his face into neck which made me shiver. He smelled my skin leaving a few wet kisses and I just let him laying back with my eyes closed. He doesn't know what he is doing..he's in delirium.
"You smell so good enana..and your skin is so soft on my lips..I wanted to taste you for so long.." he spoke and I couldn't believe his words in this moment..this couldn't be real.
"Pablo..I'm not your girlfriend" I said reminding him of his own words and his hold tightened like he was afraid of losing me.
"Are you someone's girlfriend?" he said and I felt my cheeks blushing. Was he really jealous right now??
"No..but.." I said but couldn't finish as he started kissing down towards my chest touching them and coming as far as kissing my stomach looking up into my eyes.
"Be mine enana..please forgive me for being rude to you, but I couldn't say that I like you" he spoke closing his eyes and kissing my hard nipples which made me moan lightly.
"Why..not?" I said and he looked up returning to my neck and leaving a few marks before touching my face and staring into my eyes.
"Because I'm an idiot..but I want you...need you" he said resting his sweaty forehead against mine and I blushed smiling which made him lean down and finally place his hungry lips onto mine.
We kissed for long few minutes until I pulled away making him lay back down onto my chest so he can get some well deserved rest. His nose was buried in my neck and his hand holding onto my breast possessively..it was a sight to see.
"Mine.." he would murmur from time to time until he finally fell asleep and I did as well resting my head against his own.
We got woken up by my mobile moving a little but he kept his head on top of my chest. I answered Aurora who started asking about Pablo making me embarrassed and nervous..I couldn't exactly tell her that I was in bed with her brother right now..
"yeah Rora he's fine now..you have a good days" I spoke while Pablo was purposefully kissing my neck pecking my lips from time to time while I gave him a warning glare. The his mom jumped on call making him smirk and start to kiss down my chest again.
"Thank you so much for caring for him, querida! I hope he didn't give you trouble?" Belen asked and Pablo smirked looking up at me while I blushed avoiding his eyes in embarrassment.
"No..he was very nice to me so no worries señora" I answered fighting an urge to moan as Pablo started sucking onto my tit waiting for me to finally hang up and be with him only.
"Tell him to call when he wakes up" she added before we hung up and I touched Pablo's hair making him look up and return to kiss my lips passionately.
"You're crazy!" I said and he smiled nodding his head and cuddling into me.
"How are you feeling?" I asked playing with his hair and he nodded holding me tightly.
"Much better..with my girl playing with my hair..and not leaving me when I needed her" he said and I smiled kissing the top of his head.
"I will never leave you Pabs..I promise" I said and he nodded closing his eyes wanting to get some more rest never feeling safer than in my arms.
This was real...I was his girl now<3
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mikrokcsmos · 1 year
Night Changes
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synopsis; in which you and your idol boyfriend have a serious conversation during a car ride where the end destination will change your life forever.
pairing; idol!jungkook x non-idol!reader
genre; angst, fluff, humor, drabble, idol au
warnings; mild angst in the form of reader being insecure, and reader having a minor panic attack, but dw cause koo is here to kiss it all better 🥹
rating; PG-13
w/c; 1,042
a/n; LOOK AT THOSE ARMS. ok bye.
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A tattooed hand caresses your inner thigh lovingly, thumb rubbing soothing circles in hopes of calming your nerves.
It helps, a little.
Your hand lands above his, head lolling onto your boyfriend’s shoulder who then lays his head lightly upon yours. No words are said.
When you tilt your head up to look at Jungkook, you see his eyes are already on yours. The streetlights that pass along the street are your only source of light in the darkness of the backseat of the unmarked, black SUV you’re both currently sitting in.
Each time the light passes, you’re able to glimpse at the perfection of his face, and you wonder exactly how you got so lucky to be in this position. His eyes soften the longer he looks at you, voice barely above a whisper as he fills the silence.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
You chew on your bottom lip nervously, something he immediately brings his thumb up to gently pry your lips open and stop you from doing. You lightly nip at his fingertip, and he chuckles, but it doesn’t keep the worried frown from forming on his usually cheerful face.
“You shouldn’t frown, koo. You’ll gain wrinkles.”
He gives you a deadpanned look, and you suck in a breath, before exhaling slowly. A bump in the road that causes the car to jolt harshly, makes his grip on your thigh tighten considerably. Your nerves skyrocket.
He notices your body become stiff, it only fuels his worries.
“They’re going to love you. You have nothing to be afraid of, y/n. You’re perfect.”
“And you, my dear, are biased.”
He tsks, shaking his head defiantly.
“So what if I am? Y/N, the boys love you, the team loves you, my parents already want to adopt you–,” you snort at that, fully aware of just how much his parents want you two to get married in the future and give them ‘precious grand babies’.
“They don’t want me, they want my womb.”
He scrunches his nose in disgust, but doesn’t deny it at all. It makes you laugh out loud, a genuine smile appearing on your face for the first time since you left his apartment — climbing into the backseat of this car, the resounding slam of the car door shutting behind you affirming the choice you both decided on only a few days prior.
“What if they don’t like me though?”
He squeezes your hand reassuringly, about to open his mouth and spew countless reasons why ARMY would adore you – that is, until the driver disrupts your conversation to let you know you’ll be arriving at your destination in five minutes.
He can visibly see the panicked look on your face, feel the way your chest begins to rise and fall rapidly. Realizing you’re on the verge of having a panic attack, he thinks quickly, the only solution on his mind being one thing.
Letting go of your thigh, he shifts positions in his seat to angle his body towards you, both hands coming up to cup your cheeks and crash his lips against yours.
The sudden kiss takes your breath away momentarily, and you allow yourself to indulge in the moment, reciprocating the kiss with a fervor. What starts out as a fiery kiss, gradually dims to a few light pecks as he finally pulls away from you, still keeping his grip on your face as he gazes into your eyes with nothing but pure love and adoration.
His lip ring seems on the verge of popping out with how wide his smile is, and you can’t stop yourself from mimicking it to the best of your ability. Leaning his forehead against yours he counts quietly backwards from ten.
As soon as he hits one, your breathing becomes normal once again, body sagging with relief as you melt into his hold. His hands drop to encase you in a warm embrace, him murmuring sweet nothings into your hair and promises of a lovely time.
The car rolls to a silent stop, the murmuring of the crowd that lines the path you’ll be taking reaches your ears from the outside and for a moment Jungkook thinks you might get cold feet, but then — the next time he sees your face it’s full of confidence and acceptance for what’s about to happen.
“Are you ready?” He does his best not to sound too excited, but the way he fidgets in his seat restlessly let’s you know exactly how much he’s been anticipating what’s to come in mere seconds.
How much not only your relationship would change, but your life as well.
With a nod of confirmation from you, he knocks on the car window with three consecutive taps of his knuckles.
The chauffeur opens the door.
Jungkook steps out first, smoothing down his outfit and turning to extend his hand for you to take. The crowd buzzes with excitement on who he’s waiting for, questions being shouted out in quick succession all around. He pays them no mind, however, his only focus being on you.
You would be lying if you said that you didn’t hesitate or have second thoughts in that moment, a million scenarios running through your mind of how the night could turn out if you choose to take the leap and step out of the safety of the car and it’s darkness.
It’s anonymity.
But, as you look into his beautiful brown eyes, you realize what your choice will be. With one last deep exhale, you lay your hand on top of his and remember the words he whispered not even minutes ago and use them to propel you forward and allow him to guide you out of the car with graceful ease.
Standing next to him you’re poised with charm and elegance. There’s an immediate loud uproar coming from reporters and fans alike once they get a good look at you two together, his arm wrapped securely around your waist as he steers you both down the long, red carpet. Thousands of camera shutters click, and lights flash, though your gaze never falters from his.
‘—but there’s nothing to be afraid of,
cause even when the night changes,
it will never change me and you.’
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chuulyssa · 3 months
kidnapped. (mello)
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↷ A/N ─ my first time writing actual smut please give constructive criticism or i'll cry bye. just to confirm btw this is NOT rape/non-con. the reader consents. thank you.
★ COUNT ─ 2.5k
!! TAGS ─ f!reader, kidnapping, yandere!mello, smut, dry-humping, oral sex (m & f receiving), unprotected sex, p in v, praise kink, nicknames (good girl, pretty boy, etc.), floor-fucking, a little cockwarming at the end
★ PROLOGUE ─ your ex kidnaps you because you are a useful asset to kira. or does he have a different reason?
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You struggled against the tight ropes that bound you. Your mouth was covered with a thick layer of duct tape, your eyes blindfolded so you were enveloped in darkness. Your back hurt, and you realized you had been tied to a chair all along.
Suddenly, you felt the blindfold gently untie itself from around your hair, and you opened your eyes meekly. It took a while for them to adjust themselves to the brightness of the place. You surveyed the room cautiously. The details gradually came into focus, revealing a dimly lit, unfamiliar space with bare walls and a single, flickering light bulb overhead. The air was heavy with an unsettling silence, broken only by distant, muffled sounds of breathing from behind you.
You strained against the ropes again, trying to free yourself from the chair, but to no avail. You panicked, trying to recall how you ended up here. But your memories were hazy, and you couldn't think of anything, especially with the sharp pains of your aching head.
The person behind you moved into your line of sight. With a quick motion, they removed the duct tape from your mouth, causing you to wince at the uncomfortable tingling sensation.
"Easy there," a familiar voice said.
You had heard this person speak before. But where? Your mind ran through all the voices you had ever heard in your entire lifetime - your parents, your teachers, Kira. You blinked slowly, your eyes beginning to register your vision. With a jolt, you realized who the person in front of you was.
"Mello?" you said in disbelief, your voice hoarse from not speaking for a long time.
"Quiet, honey," he whispered and crouched down to be at eye-level with you, his expression revealing neither malice nor sympathy.
"Why am I here?" you demanded. The throbbing pain in your head intensified from this new revelation, your eyes darting around to check for any possible escape routes - doors, windows, anything.
"Who is Kira?" Mello caressed your lips, soothing the tingling left by the duct tape.
"Kira?" you blinked. "I don't know. I'm in the Task Fo-"
"Shut up."
Mello's harsh command silenced you, and you felt a surge of fear. His grip on your chin tightened, his eyes narrowing as if reading your mind, boring into your soul.
"Listen, here, sweet pea," he said coldly, "we just need you to confess that Light Yagami is Kira. Then you will be fine."
"Light Yagami?" you tried not to show the panic you felt on your face. "The chief's son?"
"Y/N, please," Mello said sternly, getting up to pace around the room, circling you. "I know you're connected to Kira. I know Light Yagami is Kira. You have been helping Kira and you cannot fool me."
"I need information," he continued, stopping in front of you once more. "And you're going to give it to me. One way or another."
"I don't know what you're talking about," you insisted, your voice shaky. "I'm not connected to Kira. I'm a part of the Task Force, and I'm doing all I can to stop him!"
Mello scoffed. "Save the lies for someone who might believe them. I've been tracking Kira for a while, and your involvement doesn't go unnoticed."
"I can't give you information I don't have," you pleaded, desperation creeping into your voice. "I'm innocent, Mello. Please, let me go."
"'Please, let me go'?" he repeated mockingly. "'I'm innocent'? Do you know who you're trying to lie to right now?"
"Please, Mello, I'll do anything. Let me go," you begged him.
"Anything?" Mello bent down to you once more. "Anything?"
"Yes, Mello, anything."
You stared. What?
"Strip?" you repeated, your voice barely above a whisper, hoping against hope that you had misheard him.
Mello's expression remained impassive, his eyes boring into yours with an intensity that made your skin crawl.
"You heard me," he said, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade. "Strip."
He leaned forward and tore the ropes with a pocketknife, starting with your legs and then moving to your hands.
"Y/N. I know what you're thinking, and you're wrong," he sighed. "I just don't want hidden trackers exposing your location."
His expression softened slightly, and he seemed more... human. But it was quickly replaced by an unfathomable expression once more, looking at you with expectancy.
You rubbed your now free wrists, still sore from the tight bindings, and looked at Mello with a mixture of gratitude and unease.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. "I... I thought-."
"Strip, Y/N. I don't have all day."
Mello's insistence snapped you back to reality. Despite his explanation, his order made you feel uncomfortable. But you knew that compliance was your best chance at survival right now.
With trembling hands, you unbuttoned your blouse, slowly, as if hoping Mello would ask you to stop. You removed the blouse, and moved on to your jeans, unzipping them and pulling them down, letting them fall to the floor. Now you were left in your bra and panties, and he stiffened at the sight but did not look away.
You moved to your bra, unhooking it, suddenly feeling a bit confident as you maintained eye contact with your ex-boyfriend. You sensually let it hang around your breasts, before pulling it down completely. Similarly, you raised your hips a little to take your panties off, gliding them off your legs and near Mello.
Mello, on the other hand, grew increasingly nervous. He was still looking directly into your eyes as if daring you to make him look at your exposed chest and pussy.
"There you go," you said. "You can check all you want."
Mello nodded, his nervousness dissolving as he adamantly checked your clothes, finding nothing there. You, however, smirked a little to yourself. When Mello finished checking your clothes, he turned to you, but you surprised him by putting your bare feet on his growing bulge, rubbing it up and down slowly.
"Still so hard for me, Mihael Keehl?" you cooed.
"No, shut-" he began, but was immediately cut off by a kiss.
He was still sitting on the floor in front of you, his mind and body going numb from the pressure on his lips. You leaned in more, your legs giving in (from their lack of use), making you fall on his lap, your pussy sitting directly on his hard crotch.
You rubbed yourself against his crotch as you continued the kiss, pussy getting wet imagining how long his dick would be by now. Mello all of a sudden seemed to have woken up from a slumber, and he showed this by kissing you back as roughly as he could.
"Gosh, Y/N. I - fucking - missed you - so much," he said between sloppy kisses, wrapping his arms around your waist and laying you down on the floor as gently as he could. He increased the pace of his dick and your pussy rubbing, groaning as he unbuckled his belt and pull both his pants and boxers down in one go.
His dick sprang out and you immediately got up to give it a little kiss, making him shudder. You slowly shoved him backwards so he lay down, giving you easy access to his dick. You looked down at him. So vulnerable. So needy. So long and hard. Just for you.
You bent down and licked the tip of his dick, his hips springing upward, begging for more. You forced him to continue lying down, teasing him with small licks and kisses at the tip.
"Y/N, please," he groaned. "It's hurting, please."
"So good at begging, aren't you?" You sucked on his dick and he moaned in pleasure.
"Ah, Y/N, fuck, yes."
You sucked and licked his dick, top to bottom, your tongue working as you kept circling it. Your head bobbed on his dick, and your pleasure lay in his continuous moaning. Your hand pumped his dick a few times, soon replaced by your tongue, and you continued the process over and over.
"Y/N, yes, yes, fuck, I'm going to come."
"Do it," you moved your hand faster. "Come for me, pretty boy."
"Oh god, yes, shit, shit," he cursed, soon coming inside your mouth, and you swallowed it, winking at him lightly as he lay on the floor panting, taking more than a few moments to catch his breath.
"My turn," he smirked finally and pushed you down on the floor harshly, a hand behind your head to protect it from injuries.
He kissed your neck, dragging his tongue along your collarbones, then latching onto the hard nipple of your right breast, massaging the other one with a free hand, and soon switching breasts. He continued licking, pinching and kneading your breasts, a few sinful sounds escaping your mouth before he started moving downwards, leaving feathery kisses along the way.
Your breath hitched when you felt the kisses sliding from your inner thighs to your pussy, your hands ready to push his head in further in case he tried to tease you as you did to him. Your fingers groped his hair gently in soft motions, caressing his head and waiting.
He was so close to your pussy, his breath hot against your clit. You closed your eyes in anticipation, waiting for him to eat you out. However, he continued to smirk against your entrance, not moving at all.
"Mello, please," you begged, your voice a little shaky from the earlier blowjob.
"Please what?" He asked, his voice low and husky. You groaned and tried to shove his head in your pussy, but he didn't budge.
"Please, Mello," you whimpered. "Touch me. Please, touch me."
His smirk became wider in response, and he proceeded to give one long stroke of a lick against your clit. You arched your back in surprise and he pushed you down harshly, chuckling and licking you again. His tongue circled your clit before he sucked it into his mouth.
"So wet for me. Such a good girl," he moaned against your skin.
You moaned with pleasure, smiling a little at the praise. He sure knew how to keep you happy even after you two broke up.
Mello continued to lick and suck your clit, suddenly sliding his fingers into you. This caught you by surprise, and both your hands reached out to hold onto his biceps, clinging onto him for dear life while he fucked you with his fingers.
"Good girl, moan for me now, go on," he groaned and licked you again, his fingers moving in and out of you as he sucked on your clit.
"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, Mello, yes," you cried out, releasing your built-up orgasm and letting it hit you hard with a wave of pleasure.
He continued to overstimulate you, and you felt as if you were gonna pass out with pleasure. His fingers continued pulsing in and out of your tight little pussy, and you felt your inevitable second orgasm approaching quick.
"Mello, shit I'm coming again," you whined, your body shaking as you released all over his fingers again.
Mello's smirk grew, if possible, even wider. He finally removed his fingers from inside of you and licked them, maintaining a seductive eye contact with you all the while. His tongue lapped at your pussy, cleaning up your juices.
"So tasty. All mine."
He kissed your thighs and looked up at you, his eyes dark with lust. You reached out to touch his hair, but he moved away.
"I'm not done with you yet," he said and pumped his hard dick a few times, looking down at you.
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard," he growled, and you gave a tiny, "Yes, please," in response as he pulled your legs apart with his right knee and lined his dick up with your pussy.
You closed your eyes yet again, biting your lip. Even throughout your relationship, whenever the two of you had sex, you wondered if his long, thick cock would even fit inside your tiny pussy.
Mello seemed to have read your mind, for he gave your thigh a little tap as reassurance before pushing into you slowly, his eyes never leaving yours.
You gave a loud cry at the pain, which transformed into a strangled moan as glee filled your body. He pulled out, eyes on yours as if asking if you were okay with this. You nodded slowly, and he wasted no time in thrusting inside again and pulling out in a rhythm, his hands on your hips. He picked up the pace steadily and began moving in and out of you at a rapid speed, fucking you hard.
"Fuck you, Y/N, you're so tight," he growled, arms reaching out to hug you while his hips did the work. Your screams were loud and clear, and while you were probably at the Mafia's base right now, you were sure that none of Mello's men would dare to enter the room.
He grunted, his hips slamming into you, fucking you harder and harder. His dick repeatedly hit your cervix with every thrust, and you felt yourself melt under the satisfaction he made you feel. For god's sake, why did you leave him in the first place? You couldn't remember. Not right now. All that mattered at this moment was his fast and inhumane speed of thrusting and your strangled moans.
"Fuck, I'm gonna come," he grunted, his hips slamming into you.
You nodded furiously, letting him know he could come inside you any time of the day. Mello groaned loudly and released his cum inside your pussy, still, however, continuing to thrust in it in anticipation of your third orgasm. He continued to fuck you relentlessly, his dick pounding into you as he groaned and moaned himself.
"Mello, no! Shit, I'm gonna come again," you shouted out as you felt your third orgasm in less than an hour advance faster.
"Come, darling," he snarled. "Come all over this dick. Claim this dick, Y/N L/N."
You yelled out as you came once more, your body shaking as he continued to fuck you. He groaned and slowed down his thrusts, his dick still hard inside of you.
"Oh, god, you were so fucking good," he said, collapsing on top of you. "I trained this pussy well, didn't I?"
You gave a breathless chuckle in response, while he continued to keep his dick inside you still, not wanting to let go of the warm sensation of your pussy yet. He kissed your neck, his lips brushing against your skin.
"I still love you, you know that?" he whispered, his voice low and husky.
You smiled slightly, holding onto his muscly back as he lay on top of you with his head in the crook of your neck. You ran a hand through his soft, blonde hair.
"I love you too," you whispered back, your voice soft and gentle.
He blinked in surprise and his face broke into a smile.
"I should've known. Floor-fucking was always your thing."
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© chuulyssa, 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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extinctspino · 2 years
Hardwood floor
Pairing: Wednesday x femreader
Wordcount: 1K
Warnings: none
You and Wednesday have been together for a little while and so far so good. But you guys literally have no privacy. There's always someone out there with you or near you.
Don't get me wrong, you love hanging out with Enid and joking around with Ajax, but damn! Give a person some time alone with their lover!
When you heard that Enid was having a sleepover at Yoko's that night you stopped doing whatever you were doing.
You scanned your surroundings... not a single sign of Wednesday, good. You focussed on the palm of your hand and closed your eyes. Your hand began to shake when slowly a matt black flower emerged from under your skin.
You opened your eyes and smiled to yourself, kind of proud. You took the flower with your other hand and made sure it looked perfect.
Back in your dorm room, Bianca was startled by your behavior. You were throwing random clothes out of your closet and smelled the stuff you had on. You really wanted to impress her for some reason.
The reason is Xavier... every time you and Wednesday are with him you try to ignore his failed attempts at flirting with Wednesday.
Wednesday was as unbothered as ever but that doesn't mean you are too.
"Do I look okay? I don't smell, right? Wait, what if this isn't her favorite flower anymore?!" Poor Bianca didn't even have enough time to answer your streek of questions.
"You look fine. Stop worrying so much." She tried her best to reassure you while picking up the clothes from the floor.
"According to Thing, she's writing her novel right now." You looked at Thing who was chillin' in your room. "Now I just wait till Enid leaves and then BOOM, I'm in."
Your and Bianca's room was only a few doors away so you peaked your head out from the door, wanting to make sure Enid had already left. 
"AHHHH." When you poked your head out Enid was already staring straight into your eyes. "Y-you just gave me a heart attack." With your hand on your heart, you tried catching your breath.
"What are you doing, Y/n?" She raised one of her eyebrows, emphasizing her confusion. "Is that Wednesday's favorite flower in your hand?" She looked at it a bit longer before her eyes widened.
"OMG, ARE YOU GONN-" She struggled against you when you basically yanked her into your room while you covered her mouth. "Shhhhhh, she's gonna hear us if you yell out loud like that!"
The moment you uncovered her mouth her curiosity took over her whole body. She jumped around, talking nonstop and holding your shoulders before shaking you like her life depended on it.
"Please don't tell Yoko about this when you get there." You pushed her out of your room not answering a single question. You gave her a pleading look before quickly closing the door.
You waited 5 minutes to make sure the coast was clear and silently left the room after saying bye to Bianca.
There you were. Standing in front of Wednesday's room, a flower behind your back, about to knock with your other hand when the door opened out of nowhere.
You panicked slightly when you met Wednesday's mesmerizing eyes. "I could hear you mumbling through the door. You disrupted my daily writing time." She didn't look pleased.
"Hehe, my fault." You chuckled nervously. Wednesday stepped aside, wordlessly inviting you in. "U-uhhm," it was as if you just learned how to talk, "I-I made this for you." You sheepishly held out the flower she loves the most.
You didn't miss the way her lips turned upwards for a millisecond before changing back into her usual expression.
"Thank you." You watched as she held it with care and placed it on her desk next to her typewriter.
A few moments later she was already returning to her novel while you were laying on her bed, staring at her side profile.
Your eyes were filled with love for this cold-hearted girl. If you told your younger self that you were dating someone as beautiful and intelligent as her she'd laugh at you, appreciating the good joke you made.
Before you knew it the constant sound of ticks stopped. "Let's go to sleep." It was already late when you arrived so you were a bit tired as well.
You walked over to Enid's bed and stole her blanket and pillow before placing them both next to Wednesday's bed on the hardwood floor.
Wednesday isn't a fan of physical affection and you respected her boundaries. You didn't mind sleeping on the floor if that meant you slept in the same room as her. An improvement is still an improvement even if it's small.
"Goodnight Wednesday." You shuffled around, trying to find a comfortable position to lie in. The old floorboards were creaking thanks to you moving around so much.
"Get in."
To say you were shocked wasn't enough. "What do you mean? Did you mean get out? I'll leave if you want."
"Get in before I change my mind." You didn't waste another second and got in her bed. You were facing each other, a good arm's length apart. You couldn't hide the grin that made its way onto your lips.
"Only because the creaking kept me from imagining the worst way to die."
"Sure." You teased slightly as you turned around, your back facing her. You closed your eyes and tried to get some sleep.
Hesitantly, Wednesday loosely wrapped an arm around your waist. Your eyes sprung open at the sudden feeling. It felt as if a million Butterflies were flying around in your stomach.
Her arm felt tense against you, but it was a start. You shuffled a bit closer to her and after that, you fell asleep.
About anybody seeing you like this... Let's just say that Enid was ecstatic when she returned in the morning. She may or may not have taken a couple pictures of you curled up in Wednesday's arms...
"I will murder your entire family if you don't delete that right now."
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evermoresversion · 8 months
ㅤㅤ♡⃕ ﹙distance, conrad fisher.﹚
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PAIRING Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader
TW/TAGS Angsty, mentions of break up.
SUMMARY The two broke up due to Conrad's decision, but even despite all the time that has passed, you both still feel the same, so you decide to keep your distance.
SONG Distance By Ruel.
"Yes, I'm going to Cousins this weekend." your voice rang through the house's landline as you spoke to the youngest Fisher, Jeremiah.
"This weekend? Great, we've missed you so much." He hadn't realized that Conrad was nearby listening to everything. Jeremiah hadn't said your name but he didn't have to be very smart to know who he was talking to. It was you.
"Well, see you then, bye."
And that was when Jeremiah became aware of Conrad's presence in the room. He swallowed, making a straight line with his lips as he looked at his brother.
"Is she coming?" Conrad asked trying not to sound panicked or something, he looked indifferent but inside he was the opposite.
"Yes, y/n is coming."
"Cool." He nodded and turned around without saying anything else.
It seemed like a coincidence that before he heard the call he already had you in mind.
You were always on his mind.
The next few days before the weekend he was mentally preparing to see you again after at least three months without having seen you since the two of you broke up. It scared the shit out of him.
When the day finally arrived a very smiling Jeremiah greeted you.
"I missed you so much, silly." He wrapped you in his arms as he swung you in them and you giggled.
"I missed you, you idiot." When he let you go he saw how you looked around the house looking for someone.
"They're shopping, they will return shortly."
You nodded with a small smile and he quickly leaned over to grab your bag and lead you to your room.
"This way, miss." You laughed at his antics and wrapped your arm around his to let yourself be guided even though you knew the house better than the back of your hand.
In the afternoon when the others arrived, they greeted you and hugged you, telling you how much they had missed you. Everyone except Conrad. He was avoiding you at all costs, in all aspects.
During the meal he could feel your gaze but he didn't return it for any reason, he wanted to but his pride and fear wouldn't allow it.
He was keeping his distance like he told you he would.
But he was dying to return to your arms, kiss you and forget everything. But the reality was that he couldn't do it anymore.
He had to keep his distance.
He couldn't break your heart again. He couldn't allow it.
When you weren't looking and the others were busy with their own conversations, he allowed himself to look at you.
You had always seemed beautiful to him, but in some way or another this time he found you gorgeous.
And he looked away from you again so he didn't want to kiss you even more.
You were right there, but he would never admit out loud that he's still in love with you.
He can't complicate things further.
He just had to be patient, just one more day and you'd be gone again. He repeated himself mentally but on the other hand it hurt him that you were leaving him again, even though you hadn't even exchanged a single word since you arrived.
And just when he thought the seemingly slow dinner was about to end, Susannah spoke. And the words she said made him panic.
"Connie, honey, why don't you and y/n help me clean up a little?" He couldn't say no when she looked at him like that and smiled so sweetly.
When he was ready to speak, you did it first.
"You should go rest, Suze, I'm sure Conrad and I can handle it, right?" you questioned looking at your ex and he just nodded without looking at either of you, picking up the plates from the table.
"Thank you very much, sweetheart, good night." The oldest waved goodbye, walking towards the stairs of the house to get out of your sight.
You gathered the rest of the dishes and as soon as you saw Conrad returning you didn't hesitate to speak.
"You said you would call." You accused him, looking at him and he just shrugged, not looking at you and playing with the napkin holder.
That was the conversation he dreaded.
"I was keeping my distance."
You sighed, shaking your head with a sarcastic smile.
"And you just say it like that? It's hard for me to just let go of what we had, for God's sake, it was three years of relationship. At least you could call me to tell me you were okay."
And that was the last thing that triggered everything he had been keeping to himself since you had broken up.
"Do you think it wasn't hard for me too? Because it was, y/n." You saw how his chest fell and rose rapidly due to the heaviness of his breathing, just as yours was too.
"Then why didn't you call?!"
"Because I didn't want to stay stuck in those memories to make it worse, to not feel worse."
The two looked at each other for a few seconds, as if you were telling each other everything you couldn't with words.
"I just can't describe the way it hurts, because I know that what we had is no longer and will never be."
You sighed in denial, finishing cleaning everything to walk towards the kitchen and before leaving the dining room he took your arm.
"It is the best." He looked you straight in the eyes and that's when you knew, it was better to keep your distance.
disclaimer ── evermoresversion © 2023
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mncein · 10 months
hii!! can i request newjeans with with an extremely sweet, kind, romantic, and affectionate s/o?
okay, will do !! light blue theme ! and was so high i couldn't perfect placing the photos correctly ⬇️ 💀
new jeans masterlist | main masterlist
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"what is taking minji so long?" you mumble, either fidgeting with your fingers or checking your phone time to time. the sky was very blue and the day was nice, a perfect time to schedule a date.
chatting her a simple, "can we meet up?". panicked, she quickly typed, "we are not breaking up.". her answer is literally far from your expectations. laughing at her message, you type in your date details, where to meet up, what both of you are going to do, etc.
even if she's far from you, you knew she let out a large sigh of relief. chuckling at the thought, you took a shower to get ready for the date.
after what felt like 15 minutes, a pair of arms snake around your waist. you saw a sharp nose in your peripheral vision, a small smile forming almost immediately on your face. it was minji.
you turn back and hugged her tightly, oh minji, so lucky. even if she teases you, nearly everyday, you never got mad at her for as simple as that. she felt so loved that she doesn't want to never ever let go of this feeling. knowing the fact that you always keep photos of her, taking screenshots of her in the mv or their films. was the best feeling ever.
"hi baby girl." minji greets, purposely making her voice deep and intimidating, wanting to show dominance on the hug.
"i am no baby, bro." you mimic what she calls some of the new jeans members, she laughs with you, gripping on your clothes gently, not wanting to let go of you.
"how are they?" you ask, referring to the members, they became your friends almost instantly, it was nice to have them as your friends.
"hanni is currently obsessed with the bunny ears she bought. danielle, still beaming like the sun. haerin speaks about having a dog. hyein wears summer shades almost everyday. but they're all okay." she smiles and chuckles, ruffling your hair. she loved how you always ask how are her members doing, always so caring and kind.
"good to hear." you nuzzle into her chest, enjoying her warmth. you just want this moment to last longer...
"oh right, the date. where do you wanna go?" you ask.
the whole day is filled with nothing but sweet quality time together and a couple bonding. indeed a very fun day, deserved to be enjoyed to the fullest after a load of work paining the back. minji arriving back to the dorms, she plops down the sofa with the group.
"had fun today unnie?" hyein sweetly asks, all of them looking over to minji. and there is their unnie, staring into space with a large grin on her face.
"her face explains." hanni snorts.
"yeah, yeah... she was so beautiful..." minji continues to ramble about the day with you on her mind, living with no rent.
"i kinda wanna spend time with y/n-unnie now." haerin raises her eyebrows as her way of smiling while suggesting something. hyein and danielle nods.
"oh, you're not gonna regret it." minji replies with a smug grin, she plans the hangout with her members as if it was a family meeting.
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"hi, hanni, this is your girlfriend speaking."
"yes? why is my girlfriend calling?"
"i just want to let you know how much i am missing you the whole day and how much i love you, your cuddles, your warmth, your voice, the way your eyes look at me, and everything else about you. oh and as simple as your presence could make my whole day. that's all, bye."
hanni's eyes were widened, she was totally not expecting that kind of call from you. were you teasing her? oh, you would never do that to her, despite when she always does. hanni calmed down from her state of shock, looking over the mirror to check how red her face was.
"hanni, did you see my slippers? danielle said hyein was planning to throw them out the trash for some unknown reason- oh, what happened to you?" minji leans over hanni's door, checking on the smaller girl.
"oh- nothing. and why would you even ask if i know where it is?" hanni snaps, covering her face in embarrassment while minji chuckles.
"chill bro, just incase. what has gotten you all tomato-tomato?" minji asks.
"it's none of your business." hanni puts her phone down her bed, glaring at minji.
"it's y/n, i assume. what is the tea?" minji laughs.
"she told me some sweet things you don't need to know." hanni smiles at the thought, she always loved your attitude. and has no plan to stop loving it and you. she just wants to come over and cuddle with you, but she's gone to film jeans' zine with the others. always missing you day and night, not a single day without calling you for hours when she can. casually stealing glances on her phone if she had received any messages from you, so despite to talk to you.
and hanni didn't know she was rambling all that to minji the whole time. the other girl listening carefully like a good leader that cares for all of her members and a best friend them. hanni appreciates that fact, thanking minji for listening to her rambles before pushing the taller girl out of her room. at least she told someone about her thoughts.
"give me a break from thinking of you, y/n. just for a minute." she sang with a smile, she loves you, really.
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"so bored~" danielle hums while slacking on the couch, waiting for the other members to come join her by the living room. her eyes dart around, seeing if any of them are entering the room. she sighs as no one came to join her. then she just misses you so much.
"dani? are you there?" hanni leans over and waves her hand in front of danielle. snapping her out of her thoughts, she smiles.
"yes? why?" danielle answers, fixing her posture.
"you've been silent lately." minji adds.
"just been thinking..."
"about that someone?" hanni finishes for the girl, danielle blushes. how did they know? like she wasn't babbling about you during the ride back to the dorms. hanni chuckles.
"before you ask, of course we know, she's been close to us, remember?" hanni smiles, putting her hand over danielle's knee.
"mhm, you couldn't even last a day without talking about her." minji chuckles.
"besides, we support you. she matches a lot with your energy and you look really happy with her." danielle almost bursts into tears and tackled the two into a big hug.
"you have no idea how much your words made me happy." danielle replies, almost sobbing from her tears of joy. she didn't know you were coming over to spend time with her and with the girls, but she patiently waited and hoped that you'll drop by. and here you are, entering the living room.
"dani? they said you're here- oh! hi, hanni and minji-unnie!" the two got startled and turned to look at you, leaving danielle behind their back as she peeks to see you.
"hi, dani." you smiled at the girl.
the night was fun, spending time with the famous new jeans, and of course, your danielle marsh. hanni and minji observed you as you cling onto danielle while you guys are watching a movie, they saw you like another version of danielle. seeing you so happy to finally be with danielle and to spend time with her. kissing danielle time to time, saying how you missed her so bad and telling her how much you love her. it's enough to make her cry again, but you stopped her, saying that it's just you can't help but say i love you to the person you love the most.
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"hey, can we meet up? needing you asap." you said over the phone, you missed her a lot after a few days without meeting. she's been really busy with their comeback, asking her if everything goes as planned every now and then.
haerin lets out a pleased sigh, hearing your voice just now got rid of her exhaustion. with her members, her eyes remained on the movie playing on the tv, waiting for the next thing you will say.
"i know you're very tired, just open your door." this made haerin perk up, but at the same time, confused on what you just said.
"no time to explain, hurry, i feel like it's gonna rain." you spoke, keeping the phone onto your ear as you wait for haerin impatiently. she abruptly stood up, drawing the attention of the others, also discarding her phone on the sofa.
"where are you going?" minji asks, lifting her head up from her arm, her eyes following haerin.
"someone came to visit." hanni smiles, nodding at haerin to go, in which the girl rushed to the door.
opening the door, she was embraced with a tight hug, that familiar scent filling her nose as she smiles. and as soon as she hugged you back, the rain fell. resting her head on your shoulder, taking a deep inhale.
she loved this kind of moments, exhaling with content of your presence here with her. just the sensation of your warmth against her offers comfort.
"missed you so much." she whispers, just enough for you to hear and comprehend.
she meant what she said, missing every part of you. the care, the affection and the love you give her. loving the way you show your love for her, that alone can make her whole day up. the human version of the sun, lighting her whole world up.
"missed you too like crazy. i had to walk here so i didn't know what my eta is." you chuckled.
"took you long enough." haerin nuzzles further in your shoulder, wanting to get more warm due to the cold and rainy weather.
"not as long as you opened the door, so slow." she laughs when she felt you poke her sides, smiling then looking up at you.
"you said, a-s-a-p, baby." haerin giggles.
"you never asked for my eta." you reply.
"mhm, what's your eta?" she asks with the tone of the song.
"no need, i'm already here."
"forget about that, lets just stay like this, okay? just for a minute."
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opposite. you have to be there asap. she treats you well, but you have to treat her, extraordinarily. simple message, "come over", you have to get ready immediately and go there asap. telling her that the princess theme on their omg mv suits her well, you're not really complaining or anything but now she acts like a princess and you have to treat her that way.
"yes, yes. you'll be getting cuddles soon." you lift your phone on your eye level and fixed your beanie, almost like showing it off to her.
"are you on your wayyyy?" asked hyein, putting the camera of her phone close to her forehead, trying to act so cutely. you look over your phone, chuckling.
"i wanna borrow your hat sometimes, can i wear it on our date tomorrow?" hyein's eye sparkled, hoping for a yes.
"yes, you may. but a date, like, tomorrow?"
"mhm, you know you can't refuse me." hyein smiles smugly. it drops to a pout once you turned your camera off.
"why did you turn of your camera?" she asks, waiting a moment for your answer.
"hello-" the call ended.
"yes? wait- huh? i thought the call ended- ah!"
hyein turned over her bed, looking at you with wide eyes. since when did you get here?!
"where is my welcome hug?" you open your arms out, waiting for her to embrace you. she watches you in disbelief, did you just teleport out of nowhere?
clingy or more clingy, it doesn't matter, as long as you're present she doesn't waste any time and jumps right in to your arms. especially when you're wearing comfy and warm clothes, and her clothes. she absolutely loves seeing you in them.
you daze off in her beauty, staring at her pretty face. thinking all of the sweetest things that could happen tomorrow on your date. but right now, you're planning to spend the night in her dorm, it'll be fine since you can just borrow her clothes.
cuddling with her all night, talking about her day, the funny things she and her unnies did, watch their funny moments created by their fans. a lot of sweet words heard every now and then, a simple moment like this will put hyein into a deep sleep in your arms.
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ps: took more longer than expected, again. i am so sorry bc i had to deal with my cousins 😭 dw i received all of your requests and working on it rn!
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half-oz-eddie · 6 months
I had a thought.
tw for: mentions of grooming, sexual harassment, violence, karen wheeler
What if Karen was the one to get flayed, because Vecna was observing Billy and Karen’s interactions and thought he could use Karen to groom/manipulate Billy (who was the one he actually wanted to use to lead the army) like let’s just say he somehow got Karen while she was in the bathtub or something idk.
They actually meet up, and she’s being like—way too aggressive and Billy doesn’t like it and feels uncomfortable so when she starts showing signs that something’s wrong with her, Billy accidentally knocks her out in the pool and thinks he killed her so he runs away.
Anyway the mind flayer is stuck using Karen so flayed Karen starts putting together book clubs or whatever to create little armies of moms and teachers that can seize control of young people.
So while all the moms are acting a little weird (not Joyce because we’re giving her plot armor) The party is investigating the suspicious acting parents and these “book clubs” they’re always having.
All while Max is trying to find Billy practically on her own because nobody, except El, really believes his disappearance is connected to any of this. El tells Max that Billy is “hiding in the woods…and scared” so Max is determined to find him.
Maybe Steve finds Max skating around late at night and listens to her and offers to help. Because finally someone believes it makes sense that Billy would have run off a long time ago if he wasn’t scared of Neil, so something must have spooked him more than Neil did.
Normally she wouldn’t care what Billy’s doing, she’ll admit, but she worries he could be in grave danger.
They drive around for a little bit looking for him and they spot his car by the quarry. He confesses to Max that he “killed Karen” but he didn’t mean to, and he would never do something like that. He’s stammering and crying, pleading with her and explaining that he knows he takes his shitty jokes too far but he’s not a killer and he’s really not like Neil.
Max tries to calm him down and tell him she believes him, but Karen isn’t dead.
“How?“ he questions. “I hit her pretty hard. She was floating in the pool and bleeding when I left.”
“She’s fine, but she’s been acting really weird. A lot of the moms in town have.”
Once Billy’s calmed down and they try to explain some things about Hawkins to Billy, Steve raises a question.
“What were you doing at a motel with Karen?”
“She wanted swimming lessons. I-I dunno what else was gonna happen. But she started acting weird and freaking me out and when I told her to cool it, she kept being pushy and trying to force herself on me and I-I…I panicked.”
“That’s…eww.” Max replies. “Doesn’t she know you’re like…a teenager?”
“The moms have been going to the pool everyday to check Billy out. I guess they don’t care.” Steve would say, begrudgingly.
“Whatever—look, you’re not in any trouble. Karen’s probably not gonna say anything because she doesn’t want her husband to find out that she’s a creep.”
So anyway Steve and Max convince Billy to come back home and Max keeps Susan away from those book clubs something something Neil gets flayed somehow and there’s no reason for Billy to die and he's kissing Steve on the mouth the end bye
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selfloverrrrrr · 1 month
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Enemies... so what?
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Warnings: smut, heavy smut, unprotected sex, bully, dubcon, jealousy....
(All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
I was standing in the coffee shop for my coffee. I had a meeting in half an hour. Finally my order came. I took the coffee , thanked them with a smile and give the money. I turned around and was about to leave when I bumped into someone on the doorway and half of my coffee spilled on his shirt. I was about to say sorry but the guy suddenly said some rough words. "Bitch! Are you fucking blind????" He said. I looked at him. He had red eyes and pink hair. I was about reply but I taken back, glared at him and rushed out of the coffee shop while pushed him out of my way.
After half an hour I went to the meeting hall. There was a meeting with a big company today. The Boss was coming at the meeting. They said their Boss was coming late for some reason. Afte 15 minite the Boss entered. My eyes widened. The fuck was I seeing??? It was the same man at the coffee shop. His eyes immediately meet mine. Fear grabbed me. He was glaring at me but then smirked and come in hall. The meeting started but I can't hide the awkwardness.
After the meeting ended everyone was greeting with that man who's name was Ryomen Sukuna. My Boss was greeting and talking with him. I just grabbed my things and rushed towards the door. Suddenly Sukuna called me "hey you.... come here" he said from my back. I squeezed my eyes shut. "Fuck" I cursed myself and slowly walked towards them. "What's your name?" He asked. "Y-Y/n" I replied. "Do you mind if I take your this employee as my employee?" He asked my boss. I Shaked my head side by side signing him to say no but that dumb old man said YES. I could feel the smirk on Sukuna's face without even looking at him.
I started working at his company and that was the WORST thing of my life. I fucking knew he wants some revenge for that coffee shop incident. But he was taking the revenge every fucking day. Bullying me infront of everyone. I just hate him so much.
So there was another well-known big company like Sukuna's company. That was Gojo Satoru's company. I knew Gojo from my old job. I met him in many meetings and we also talked too. Today he came to the office to talk with Sukuna. After their meeting finished he was going out when he saw me. "Y/n... you working here now?" He asked. "Gojo-san? Nice to see you... yeah I'm working here now " I replied. That talking went to showing him my work room then him pressing my back on my table. "You're looking gorgeous.... you always do" he said. "Really?" I asked. "Definitely.... Yk what... I should take you out" he said with a grin. I looked at him my hand sliding down from his chest to his abs and stop to his belt. I grabbed his belt and pulled him closer. He smirked. Our lips almost touched. We were about to kiss when Gojo's phone rang. "Bullshit " he said. He picked up the call and it was about work and he had to go. He said bye to me and told me he's gonna call me and leaved.
The number of work I have done that day!!! It was almost night. Everyone already leaved. I packed my things up and went to the elevator. The doors were closing and I stopped it and went inside quickly. And there was none other than Sukuna himself. "Slow down.... The elevator isn't gonna fly away!" He said jokingly. And I ignored his words. In the middle of the building the elevator stoped. My eyes widened with fear. How am I gonna go home now?... I pressed the emergency button but that was broken... I panicked more. And I heard him cackling from behind. That made my anger out of control. I turned around and looked at him. He was smirking instead of doing anything. "THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING???? FUCKING UGLY MAN... YOU ARE UGLY JUST LIKE THIS BROKEN ELEVATOR OF YOUR FUCKING OFFICE!!!" I scremed at him. His smirk disappeared. And the look he was giving me right now have me chills. He grabbed my sides turned around and pinned me at the corner of the elevator. "You should watch your fucking mouth!...or else..." He said with grinded teeth. "O-or else.... w-what huh?" I said trying to show him I'm not afraid. He smirked again. "You wanna be a bitch huh? Then let's treat you like a bitch!" He said and crashed his lips on mine.
My eyes widened. I tried to push him away but he was too strong. He finally pulled away but started sucking on my neck. "W-what are you doing!!" I said. He didn't listen and continued that to my clivage. "S-stop" I said. He grabbed the hem of my top and pulled it over my head. My boobs bounced out. He looked at those with lust in his eyes and didn't waste any time, crashed his mouth on my breast licking, sucking and teasing the nipple and squeezing the other one with his hand. I moaned in the sensetion. I grabbed his hair and tried to stop him by pulling it but it didn't even effect on him. "S-stopppp" I scremed but he didn't stop.
Then he took off my skirt and then took off my pantie."I'm gonna took it~" he whispered and then looked at my pussy. He rubbed his finger on my clit and whispered "you're so fucking wet babygirl~" he whispered and put two fingers inside me. I couldn't help but moan loudly. He smirked at my reaction and undo his pant.
His dick sprang out. It was too big and too thick. Fear grabbed me by my neck. " no no no...P-please no... s-stop" I begged but didn't even listen to me and slammed his whole dick inside me in one slide. I scremed. He didn't even give me time to adjust his size and started thursting in and out roughly. I was throughig my legs with pain and begging him to stop. And he was liking it so much. His thurst became harder and harder. I clenched around him tightly and he moaned loudly " ughhhhhh....ahhh s-so...ahhhh....so f-fucking tight " he started rubbing my clit with his thumb and I bite his shoulder scratched his back to control myself. Time was passing... it's the third time he edged me. And I'm begging him to let me cum. "We're you planning something with Gojo....go ask him" He said. "Oh look what kind of a whore you are... clenching around me just by hearing his name " he whispered. After a few more time he finally let me cum.
With a few more thurst I came. He was still thursting roughly. I felt his cock pulsing inside me. I tried to push him away with all of my strength. Within a minute he came inside me I could feel his seed inside me. He pulled out. My vision blurred out. And I don't even know how we get out of that elevator.
Give me your requests guys...
I love when you give me your requests 💗💖
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ficcidio · 11 months
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pairing: fiancé!hyunjin x fem!reader
genre: comfort, fluff, a little suggestive in the end
warnings: insecurities, problems with food & feeling guilty after, swear words
a/n: hii, i’ve never written abt hyunjin so i hope i did well! i’m sorry i didn’t post in so long i’ve just been struggling a lot lately and i couldn’t find the energy + this was written at 1 am sorry if smth doesn’t make sense (not proofread yet) 😭 also please read the note at the end, it’s very important
ᯤ now playing: young and beautiful by lana del rey
— 시작
your body started panicking as you felt everyone’s eyes on you. you looked around the room, trying to figure out the reason. was it your makeup? or did you eat too much? your dress probably looked horrible on you too. it was all of them, maybe. you started to walk, looking for you fiancé, hyunjin, who was nowhere to be found. he had left you alone in the middle of the party with all those unknown people.
as you moved you heard a group of people calling your name “y/n! come here” “y/n, come talk with us” “y/n!” “y/n!” you tried to escape but suddenly one of your old friends caught your wrist and made you approve her and her husband.
“wow, you look really different” she said “did you gain weight?” she asked as if that wouldn’t hurt you “yeah, i guess…” you whispered trying not to cry. it was the third time they said this to you tonight and you were started to get anxious. why did they only look at your body? why couldn’t they talk about your success?
“oh, that’s good too eh! i didn’t mean it in a bad way” she tried to fix it, but you were already overthinking. you didn’t want her to pity you. “look, i really have to go, it was nice to see you, bye” you answered quickly as you ran away, trying to look for hyunjin.
when you finally found him, you sighed in relieve and ran to him. thank god he was alone, you wouldn’t be able to bear with any other comment about you. as you ran, he looked at you, confused by your worried eyes and desperate speed to get to him. “what’s wrong, my love?” he asked gently, trying to calm you down. he knew something was off as soon as he saw you. “let’s go home” you whispered as you clung onto him.
“why?” he waited for an answer but it didn’t come. you didn’t want to explain yet, because you knew if you talked, your eyes would fill up with tears and you’d start to cry desperately. “let’s just go, please, hyunjin” your cracked voice told him everything he needed to go home. that’s when he decided to say goodbye to some people near him and he ran with you to the car. he quickly started driving without any words.
you felt bad because you knew he was really excited to come to this party, and you made him go home for a stupid reason. it had been 10 minutes in the car and you were still far from home. the way he didn’t say a word made you feel terrible, was he angry? did he really get mad at you? it wasn’t your fault. or was it? did you exaggerate it too much?
“i’m sorry i ruined your night” you whispered, trying to stop yourself from breaking down in front of him. 
“ruin my night?” he asked gently, which surprised you “yeah-“ you tried to continue “you didn’t ruin my night, if you’re uncomfortable then i have to take care of you, and you didn’t seem very happy. it was getting boring, anyway.” he stated as be continued to drive. a single read fell down your cheek but you wiped it as soon as you noticed it. you couldn’t let him see you in that state. “thank you…”
you spent the rest of the drive home silent, and when you got to your place you ran to your bedroom as fast as you could, leaving him confused in the entrance, though he followed you seconds later. when you got to you room you almost immediately broke down, falling on the bed and letting your tears fall continuously without thinking that your boyfriend may hear you. you really didn’t want him to know, really, but you couldn’t help being loud while remembering all those things everyone said to you hours before. after all you went through, every meal you didn’t eat, every tear, every time you yelled at someone because they wanted you to eat, every time you fainted, all that for nothing at all? you suffered so much, you really thought you got better but they made it look as it was nothing with all the anger and sadness you felt with their comments.
you felt his hands grab your waist and try to turn you around for you to look at him, but you refused to let him see your red eyes. “baby, please talk to me” he said gently while he rubbed your back. you finally acceded, but you hid your face on the crook of his neck. “love…” he started, but he didn’t get to finish the sentence because you cut him off “why do they always have to comment on my body as if i don’t see myself in the mirror every fucking day” he separated you from his body so he could look at you. your eyes connected and his showed his worry and care.
“what did they say?” he asked as he brought to back into his chest. you didn’t answer, letting your sobs be heard “y/n, what did they say?” he questioned again, while he patted your hair “they said i looked worse, they said i gained weight…” you whispered with embarrassment “everyone’s eyes were on me, hyunjin, everyone was staring at how bad i looked” he was about to let his jaw fall to the floor but he stopped himself as it wasn’t what you needed right now. he was so shocked, because in his eyes you were more than beautiful. how could someone think that dress looked bad on you? god, he almost died when he saw you in that gorgeous black dress.
“bad? you looked stunning, y/n” he answered, speechless at how you talked about yourself “you’re saying that because–“ he cut you off as you did before “i’m saying that because that’s how it is, i’d say that if we were friends, strangers or even enemies, because you looked like a work of art. you always do.” he answered sweetly. your sobs where barely audible now as you has calmed yourself hearing his voice. now all that was left was your breathing. you looked at him with a smile, still with puffy eyes and hugged him again. “thank you…” you muttered “it’s fine, darling, you don’t have to thank me” hyunjin promised
“i was scared i would have to go through everything again” you justified yourself, but it wasn’t necessary now. “shh, you won’t, not as long as i’m here. don’t ever say that about yourself again, mhm, beautiful?” he kissed your forehead and continued “god, i don’t know how anyone could ever think that way about you, i almost couldn’t control myself when i saw you” he said, making you blush and you hit him lightly “shut up, dumbass” you said, still hiccuping from the intense crying but laughing, and he did the same.
he put you into the bed an caressed your hair until you felt tired and wanted to sleep. you had wasted too much energy already, you felt so exhausted. “princess, if someone every says anything like that to you again, tell me and i’ll make sure they never say that again” he whispered.
“i love you”
“i love you more.
A/N: hello so, i wanted to talk about the struggles with food as someone who’s had an eating disorder for six years. if any of you struggles with food, please look for help. remember that food helps us, without food we’d be dead. you need to eat, it’s necessary. please don’t give a fuck about other peoples opinion, because they don’t know the real you, and they don’t know what’s really going on. to stop eating is bad in so many ways, your health will worsen, you as a person will change and you will lose people. i’m talking from experience, with my ed i lost a lot of friends, i fought with everyone and i was always in a bad mood.
throughout my life i have been judged by everyone because of my body and valued without thinking about my personality, my intelligence or my maturity. some people only care about your looks, that’s true, but you mustn’t be embarrassed for the body you have, because good people will know you’re worth much more than just what they see. you’re not your body, you’re your favorite song, your favorite film, that melody you sing in your head when you’re bored, you’re that quote in a book you once read and never forgot of. you’re that time you helped someone who needed it, that sunrise you once saw, your favorite clothes. you’re your favorite flavor, your favorite season, your favorite singer, your favorite color. you are what you like, not how you look like. so please, eat what you crave and don’t restrict any foods. i love you for who you are. and if you’re struggling, my dm’s are always open, don’t be scared to ask for help. i love you, unconditionally.
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