#pablo gavi x you
pablitogavii · 2 days
Protecting her
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Life with Pablo Gavi, the boy everyone adores, and I hate with all my passion not for any particular reason. I actually tried making peace with him the moment I stepped foot into his house at the beginning of my exchange program.
I tried to be nice, to even become his friend but he would always push me away and find some reason to fight me. Even Aurora and his parents tried to make us like each other but it didn't work so I just deiced to stay out his way..somehow that didn't stop him to sabotage me every step of the way all the freaking time!
leo: look at what your brother did to me! boy is a delinquent! I can't do this anymore Y/n..I'm sorry.
There was a picture attached of my soon to become boyfriend with bruised eye and busted lip. Did Pablo really did this just so Leo dumps me knowing it would spite me!?
I heard stumbling and rushed towards the front door to comfort Pablo about this. I was done staying on the sidelines and letting him do whatever he pleased just because I am guest at this house..this is MY life he was messing with for his own amusement!
"Why did you do it!? Tell me he said something to provoke you? Tell me you weren't just trying to spite me by doing this Pablo.." I said but he completely ignored me, like I was invisible, unimportant and that drove me mad.
"No! You're going to start listening to me! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO LEO!!??" I said pushing him against the wall with all my strenght which was not possible unless he let me do it.
"Hm..or what if I don't listen chiqui? What will you do to me precious..huh??" he pushed back and I needed up glued on the wall in the matter of seconds. I gulped..he was so close..and I was no longer angry at him..I was tired of this whole "hate" thing.
"I'm tired of this Pablo..just leave me alone!" I said trying to push him but he wouldn't budge looking down at my face like he was lost in thought. I would give up everything ot know what he was thinking right now.
"P..please.." I was close to tears yet again being dumped not to mention that all my "friends" here only hang out with me thinking they will get to meet my new "brother"..I just wanted to be left alone by everyone especially Pablo Gavi who made this whole trip horrible!
"Fine.." he moved and i walked away not knowing that something in him broke seeing me so sad in front of him knowing he was the reason for it.
I was crying rather loudly knowing his parents and Aurora are not here and Pablo probably didn't even care about it. I was very wrong since he was glued to my door listening to each sound until finally opening the door and walking closer to the bed.
"Stop crying.." he said and I realized that he was indeed there watching me, probably in amusement.
"Leave me alone asshole!" I yelled feeling the bed move as he laid behind me making my whole body contract especially when his strong arms wrapped around my body..what was this nervousness and why did it feel so good to be held by him!?
"Please stop crying...if you like Leo that much I'll stay away.." he said while his hands were tracing invisible shapes on my bare skin making shivers moving down my spine and make me breathless. I truly didn't care that deeply for Leo..I almost cared more how it was angering Pablo..how I finally gotten some type of reaction out of him. I slowly moved turning around in his embrace to face him.
"It's not about Leo..it's about you..why can't you just stop hating me!?" I spoke my hand moving to his face caressing it gently and he let me do it for a few moments closing his eyes looking like he was enjoying it..maybe Pablo felt something for me..maybe I did for him too..maybe that's this tension between us..maybe it's love?
"Because you're annoying!" he pulled away and that gentle caring Pablo vanished in a matter of a second and he was back to being hateful asshole..he only wanted to feel in control and I gave him the chance..like an idiot..thinking he was genuine.
Quickly, he was out of my room returning to his crying himself to sleep..he was a coward to speak about his emotions..because I am not permanent..I will leave him soon and he couldn't afford to get attached.
Weeks went by and I couldn't sleep without imaging those strong arms wrapped around me. Leo asked me to try again but I rejected him..I couldn't stop thinking about my "gentle" Pablo wondering if that was his true nature..I wanted to get to him again..to feel that way again..to understand him.
"Are you ready hermanita?" Aurora said and I met her outside as she was my ride to the stadium for El Classico. I rarely went to his games thinking he would hate me there, but today I wore his jersey and went with the rest of his friends with pride. I wanted him to look me in the ye and tell me hates me if he does so much!
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Rora and me at #ElClassico ❤️❤️
gvirafans: with Gavi jersey👀
aurorapaezg: hermanitaa💗
belengavira: pretty girls ❤️❤️
pablogavi: ❤️
I saw his comment..he probably did it because people would talk if he didn't..but a heart..it felt special..and made me even more determined to get close to him again.
During the game, Gavi was comeptlely focused as always wanting to win against the biggest enemy. Barca was better but it was frustrating that no ball would finally enter the goal..and time was running out till end of first half.
"I saw that new hermanita of yours..hmm..the things I'd do to her body" Vini provoked and Gavi lost it kicking the ball into the audience and walking towards him while everyone pushed him backwards and referee showed him a red card.
"Say that again hijo de puta!? Let me hear you say it again!" Pablo was not stopping until Xavi himself pulled him away from the pitch giving him a whole lecture about being more mature player.
"It was a good game hermano" Aurora said when we met with Pablo since Barça still ended up winning. Pablo was still heated and seeing me there wasn't helping.
"It's all her fault!" he said pointing at me in front of everyone and I looked away sadly..he was trying to hate me so I give up but I'm not giving up that easily because i know what I felt that night is real!
"Leave her alone! She did nothing wrong!" Aurora tried defending me but I was done being silent walking towards him bravely.
"Let's leave them alone.." Pablo's guy friends said and everyone left as the two of us stood there across from each other not saying a single word. Two can play this stupid game Gavi!
"What did I do to you huh!? Why don't you admit that you don't actually hate me Pablo?? I know you don't.." I said touching his sweaty jersey but he pulled away quickly like he was scared..
"Don't touch me!" he yelled expecting me to turn away and run but I moved closer again.
"Why? What are you sacred of when I touch you huh?"I said once again touching his chest and this time he didn't move staring at my lips longingly.
"Chiqui don't.." he whispered when I moved closer feeling my cheeks blush at the new nickname he chose..the feeling was back and I didn't want to lose it.
"Why?" I asked touching his face and again he closed his eyes as his hands wrapped around my waist pulling me even closer as our chests touched.
"B..because I won't be able to hold myself back" he whispered as we both opened around eyes looking into each other.
"P..Pablo.." I said breathlessly moving even closer but then Leo's familiar voice interrupted our little moment and Pablo pulled away angrily.
"Please let's talk Y/n..about us" Leo said and I internally cursed seeing Pablo's disappointed look as he just walked away without a word..freaking great!
"Is she coming?" Aurora asked
"She has another ride" Pablo said annoyingly reminding himself why he put up a wall..last thing he needed is to get hurt by a girl right now.
"No! I don't!" I said rushing after them after telling Leo I was done with him and sitting in the backseat next to Pablo whose jaw was clenching and he was clearly angry.
"He understood that it's over.." I whispered to Pablo but he was unfazed..once again like he didn't care. Here we go again!
"I don't care!" he whispered back before going on his phone as I sighed loudly besides him.
That night I couldn't sleep..I couldn't have him mad at me anymore..I did maybe the stupidest thing in the world walking to his room in the middle of the night. Luckily he was awake..
"P..Pablo.." I said and he turned around sitting in his bed with a surprised look on his face.
"Go away!" he said but I moved closer standing in front of him.
"I'm not going anywhere..I know why you hit Leo, he told me what he said to his friend and that you heard him" I said and Pablo looked up with raised eyebrows.
"He said you're alone and he can get with you in a week..and I showed him you're NOT alone" Pablo said and I smiled nodding my head and touching his hair as he looked up at me.
"And Vini?" I asked moving my hand down to his face while he looked at me finally putting down his guard and being vulnerable once again.
"Don't talk to me about that disgusting hijo de puta!" he said angrily and I knew he must have said something about me on the pitch..something that didn't sit right with Pablo and he needed to protect me..something you don't do for a person you "hate".
"Don't get angry.." I said and he nodded feeling more sad than angry while his hands snaked around my waist and he pulled me in kissing my stomach over my dress and I breathed heavily.
"I can't stop hating you chiqui.."he spoke into my stomach and I sighed raising his chin up and moving to sit on his lap.
"Why Pablo?" he said moving his hair back and he leaned into my touch as his face went into my neck and he started kissing my skin passionately.
"Because you're leaving me so soon..and I don't want to lose someone I love so much.."he finally said what's been on his mind for awhile and I felt my heart banging against my chest.
"So you decided to hate me? Why didn't you just ask me to stay with you??" I said with a smile and he was surprised to hear me say those words looking up into my eyes hopefully.
"And would you stay for me chiqui?" he said while I held his face and his hands tightly held onto my waist.
"Hmm it depends.." I said smirking moving in and he gulped once again looking at my lips longingly and I smiled.
"On what chiqui??"he smirked and I blushed to scared to tell him what I wanted right now..I just wanted him to finally kiss me.
"Hm..let me guess then" he held my face pulling me in and kissing my lips hungrily making me breathless but never happier. Then he pulled away..and I wanted to cry..I was so tired of these games and I just wanted to be with him!
"Please don't push me away again..please" i latched onto his shoulder and he smiled kissing the top of my forehead before pulling me in bed with him letting me lay my head on his strong chest.
"I'm never letting you go again precious.." he said as I looked up kissing him again as we continued to make out pulling onto each others clothes int he heat of the moment...
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barcalover86 · 4 months
Surgery- Gavi
Summary: showering after surgery
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You and Gavi have been together for 1 year now, but mostly of it was long distance.
Every since the moment he got injured, you stood by his side, spending most of your time together.
When his surgery successfully ended, he got home, being in a need of showering.
The doctor explained to him what he has to do, but he needed at least one person beside him to help him out a bit.
Since he was kinda ashamed to be naked in front of his parents because he wasn't a kid anymore, and his sister was out of discussion, he asked for your help.
You agreed to help him, but God knew how nervous you were.
You were afraid not to hurt him or do anything wrong, especially since you have no idea what you'll have to do.
And out of these thoughts, you two never, ever saw each other naked before.
Being a lot away from each other, you didn't have time for that kind of thing.
So you were a bit.. shy.
He, on the other hand, was more nervous than you.
First time being naked in front of his girlfriend.
He wasn't scared that you'd make fun of him because of his body cause he knew that you weren't the type of person to do that. He was just afraid that you won't like it.
You helped him go to the biggest bathroom so that you could have more space.
You put two chairs, because he had to sit all the time, and prepared the water.
He looks up into your eyes before putting his head on your shoulder.
Your hands went around his torso, trying to comfort the boy.
"It won't hurt, Gavi. I'll make sure that everything will be ok and you'll see that after you'll feel better."
He smiled and kissed your cheek before taking his shirt off.
Now, you didn't want to make him feel even more uncomfortable than he already was, so you tried not to show any facial expressions.
Only you knew how fast your heart was beating at that moment.
You helped him take off his shorts while he was looking into your eyes scared.
You tried to fasten the process of getting off his chlotes so that it wouldn't be that awkward, but you accidentally hurt his knee.
"Oh, I'm sorry, cariño."
He looked like he was about to cry.
"Why are you such in a hurry, y/n?"
You were surprised by his question.
You didn't know how and what to reply. He took all your words out of your head.
He sighed, looking down. You didn't know what to do. How could you tell him that you were so scared of this moment?
His injury didn't only hurt him, but everyone around him. At the same time, you knew that you had to take responsibility and be there for him. So you slowly got his chlotes off of him, while not saying any other words.
Everything was silent.
You tried not to look at him, but.. it was so, so hard. He was the most precious thing that you had ever seen.
Once again, you turned around, trying to find something that could occupy you.
He was just staying there, on a chair, naked, behind you, waiting peacefully for you.
You suddenly blushed. Man.. he was really yours. And God, he was sooo beautiful.
Pablo was looking at you when you turned to face him. His eyes were so lost.
You smiled at him.
"C'mon, pretty boy, let's shower you."
He smiled at the nickname you used.
Pretty boy.
Once you put him in the bathtub, you started the water.
He then took your hand in his while putting his head on your shoulder.
While you were helping him clean, he looked so concerned, and when you asked him about it, his answer surprised you.
"Do you think I will be able to play football again?"
"Yes, of course, you will!"
He sighed.
"I mean at that level."
You then looked into his eyes.
"You are so talented. You work hard for whatever you want, and this won't be different. It might be a bit difficult, but you are not alone."
He listened carefully and nodded.
"I won't disappoint you, y/n."
"I know you won't," you said while kissing his forehead.
After he was done showering, you helped him stand up.
You didn't know how to put the bandage back on, so you stared a bit too much at his naked body, and he started to get really shy.
When you wanted to ask him how this goes back on his knee, you saw his uncomfortable face.
"What's wrong?"
His face got suddenly red. The boy was embarrassed.
"Does it hurt?"
"To see you stare so focus, yes."
"What-" but then you realised. You've been staring at his body for a while now.
"Oh, no, no, don't think that."
Pablo got really emotional, by your surprise , tearing up.
"Don't cryy".
You hugged him.
"You are so beautiful, Pablo. Don't ever doubt that."
You then kissed his lips slowly, and he smiled, wanting more. You laughed a bit.
"Let's get you change ok?"
After you got to his room and helped him to the bed, you went to the bathroom to make him a snack. When you came back, he was desperate for your touch.
"I hope you'll like it," you said, putting the food next to him while he was hugging you.
He then kissed your lips, thanking you.
After he ate, he was about to fall asleep when an idea came into his mind.
"Do you want to shower with me in the morning? Together. "
You were so unready for his question.
It was awkward to see him naked in front of you, but it would be even more embarrassing for you to be naked in front of him.
"Hm?" he asked once again.
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spidybaby · 2 months
Valentine's Day through the years
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A little late valentine's day gift from me to you 😋❤️
February 2020
"Can you open the door? Is Aurora." You sister asks, brush in one hand and hairspray on the other.
She was throwing a valentine's day party and you were helping her with opening the door since she said "only friends" are allowed.
"Isn't it a little early for her to be here?" You ask confused. Getting up from your bed. "like two hours early."
"just open the door." she yells from her bathroom.
You walked downstairs, mad that you weren't allowed to be at the party but you were opening everybody's knock.
"Hola guapa." Aurora says, hugging you. "Pablo had the cupcakes, help him please."
Behind her it was Pablo, he was carrying two cupcake plates, they look amazing you had to admit.
You grab one of the plates, walking to the garden and leaving it on the very pink and red table.
"Y/n, Pablo's staying, maybe you guys can watch a movie or something." Aurora says, she was putting some decorations on the garden. "and don't worry I'll take care of the door."
You turn to Pablo, he has this mad face. You and him are civil but he never cross words with you.
"we can see something in my room." You offer, he nods. You both walk to your room. He sits on the chair you have there. "You can sit on the bed."
He does that, sitting next to you. You open netflix and pass him the remote, you let him pick whatever he likes.
"I like comedies and I like action movies. But you can pick any movie you want." You smile at him.
You can't deny your little crush on him. Aurora and your sister are like glue, always together, meaning whenever they have the chance they force you to go out with them.
The thing here is, Pablo was shy, he was very introverted and he didn't even answer you with more than a yes or no.
"Do you want some pop corn and soda?" You get up from bed and walk to your door. "I know you're a footballer but a cheat day won't hurt"
The little smile he gives you is making your stomach go crazy. He nods excited. "do you have that red soda?"
"si, do you want a cupcake? I can steal two."
"por favor." he smiles big, you love the way he was smiling.
You hurry downstairs, grabbing a package of popcorn and throwing them in the microwave.
"Aurora, I think the bathroom is not working, is that going to be a problem?"
"What? No, that can't be I just went." she leaves what she's doing. "let me check, maybe it's not."
When she left the table you grab two of the pink cupcakes. Hurrying to the kitchen to hide them.
"False alarm, is working." she says happy. "sorry I left you with my brother, mom asked me to bring him and well you guys are the same age. Just ask him about football or something."
"Yeah, no problem."
When the popcorn is ready you grab everything in a little tray and carefully take it to your room.
"I have that red soda and the cupcake."
His eyes light up, it was like seeing a child excited for candy even when mom said no.
"I picked a comedy, since you say you like them."
Your smile grow, you leave the tray on your bed, taking a sit next to him you both watch the comedy.
After three movies, two comedies and one action. The night was coming to an end, sadly, you think to yourself.
The music from the party recently gone as your sister's friends say goodbye to her.
You turn the TV off, moving the empty popcorn bowl. The two cupcakes seating on top of the tray.
You remembered what Aurora told you. "cómo van los partidos?" (how are the matches?)
He scuff, he knows you don't know anything about football. "good, I scored a goal in my last one." he smiles proud.
You nod, not sure what else to ask. "that's good, so you're a forward?"
"No, I'm a midfielder."
"Oh, okay." You say low. "and do you like being a midfielder?"
He laughs, you smile a little at that, at least one of you is having fun with the talk. "I do, I love playing. When I play I feel so good."
"You play really good, the other day Aurora showed us a video."
He blush at the confession. He loves when people ask about football but with you he feels more shy than usual.
"I have a game in a few days, maybe you can come." he asks, very low voice. Grabbing the cupcake and biting it to make the things less awkward.
"Pablo." You laugh, the frosting from the cupcake on his nose. "come here."
You grab a napkin, cleaning carefully his nose. His eyes are on you the whole time, he love the way your eyes shine, maybe too much to ever say it.
"Done." You smile, getting up from bed and throwing the napkin on the little trashcan in your room.
Aurora knocks on the door, announcing that their mom was waiting for them and to pick his things.
"Thank you for the movie and for the food, I really enjoy it."
Your smile grow, he loved that. "Thank you for not leaving me alone, it would have been so much worse without you here."
Aurora screaming at Pablo to go interrupt your chat. He waves goodbye and walk out of your room.
"Pablo." You call, hand on the door and only half body out of the door. "Hope you score a goal for this match, so I can say I have a good memory of my first match."
The last thing you see is his smile, closing the door and trying to remain calm. You feel like in one of those romantic movies.
February 2021
"That was amazing. You did it amazing, Pablo. " You jump in his arms, excited about the victory.
"Did you see that assist?" He asks happily, arms hugging you tightly. "Thank you for coming."
Pablo and you became closer after the last 14th of February. You two became what your sisters are.
Aurora and your sister keep telling you that Pablo likes you as more than a friend. You prefer to let him tell you that and don't make yourself the fool.
"Of course I was coming. My boy is in the first team. I can't lose this."
My boy
Pablo loves it when you call him that. You're very special. The way you take care of him, motivate him to be better. In less than a year, you became his number one supporter.
"I think I'm allowed to eat something I shouldn't just tonight. Want to do that with me?" He grabs your hand and walks with you back to Pedri.
"Hola, long time no see," Pedri jokes with you. He knows about Pablo's crush on you and takes every opportunity to make it notice. "Did you enjoy the game?"
"I did, I'm happy you guys got assists today." You high-five Pedri. Pablo can't help the big smile he has.
To all the people around you it was obvious the connection you two have. They just need to look at Pablo's eyed when he's talking about you or talking to you.
"The eyes never lie." That's what his mother says.
Pedri drop the two of you to a restaurant. Asking Pablo to be careful and to enjoy the night.
You walk in front of him, that's when he notices that you're wearing the shirt he gave you. The one he used to play for the first time with the first team.
That number 30 and his name sitting on your back are doing things to him.
"Hello, how many in your party?" The host asks you.
"Two, please."
"You're so lucky. We have a table ready for you."
She guides you to the table. You love the decorations of the place, it was all so cute yet not exorbitant and tacky.
"We have a special Valentine's Day menu for all our couples. I'll leave it here and I'll leave two normal menus in case you want something else."
You can't help but blush at her words. You two aren't a couple, not because you don't want to, but you like the way that sounds.
"So, since you're my valentine's today," Pablo jokes, the smile he has is a teasing one. "Two valentine's day meals?"
"You didn't ask me to be your valentine" you pout, making him laugh.
"Y/n, pretty girl, will you be my valentine?"
He grabs a rose from the little bouquet that's making decoration in the wall next to him. He offers the rose to you with a big smile.
"I'll have to think about it, Mister Gavi." You take the rose, smelling it.
"What about now?" He steals another two roses, giving them to your now small bouquet. "Will you be now?"
"Yes." You grab his hand and intertwine your fingers with him. "That means you're buying me dessert."
He laughs, not letting your hand go. He nods at you, noticing how you're looking at your hands. He brings your hand closer to his mouth, giving it a kiss.
"I'll get you anything you want."
The little interaction was interrupted by the waitress. You both order the valentine's day meal.
Dinner was good. You both laughed with stories from the dressing room. He was spilling all the things that happened today.
"There's a park like a block away. Would you like to walk for a little while before I drop you home?"
"That would be nice. Maybe my pants will fit me again." You both laugh at that.
Once you're out of the restaurant and near the park, your hands find his again. You smile at the thought of him wanting more than just friendship.
After all, Aurora and your sister were sure of it. But what if it wasn't like that? What if he's just a very affectionate friend?
Friends held hands? Yes, they do.
Friends support each other? Yes.
Friends take each other out to eat on valentine's day? ... maybe?
The park has these rose tunnels. They were beautiful and very romantic. The way the little light was enough and gave this romantic vibe to the people walking in.
"What's on your mind? Pretty girl." He stops, noticing how you're lost in your thoughts.
Do you want to ruin the night with the question that's burning your brain? Do you want to ruin the friendship by letting your mind run crazy?
You look at him, worried frown on his face. "Tell me, maybe I can help you?" The way his hands are now on your waist, bringing you closer to him.
You're not sure if you should tell him. You're not ready for his answer. You don't want to end the day crying in your room.
"I'm just thinking." You whisper.
"Us." You confess.
His grip is stronger, not hurting you, but enough for you to notice the sudden change.
"What about us?" He whispers. He's scared, scared of you telling him that you only like him as a friend. Scared of losing you.
"Pablo, I like you." You say. Lips quivering.
He's internally screaming, making the best work of his life by keeping that famous frown.
You wait for him to say something, eyes glued to each other. As the seconds pass, you feel your heart breaking. He doesn't like you that way.
But how wrong you're, his mind is working a thousand miles per hour. Not sure how to tell you that he likes you too without sounding too crazy.
Your hands move from his shoulders to his hands, moving them away from you. You want to go home and cry yourself to sleep.
That action makes him go back to reality. He notices your tearful eyes. "Wait, no."
"No, it's okay. I can take a cab home. Don't worry."
You decided to leave, not wanting for him to see you cry. But the grip on your arm stops you. "Wait, Y/n."
"No, Pablo. It's okay, I just want to go home." You remove his hand from your arm, walking away from him.
"Can you let me say what I have to say?" He grabs your arm again. He needs to say it.
"You don't have to say anything, I know."
"No, you don't, shit you don't." His hands go back to your waist. "You don't know because I've been a stupid kid who doesn't know any better, I like you too, maybe too much for me to feel comfortable saying it."
You want to say something, but he keeps rambling.
"And you have no idea, joder. The way you look at me with those beautiful shiny eyes and the way you smile or laugh even at my bad jokes." He laughs, making you laugh. "The way my name looks on your back is making me think things I shouldn't but things I only think about you. And the way you know my sister and she loves you and my mom. Gosh, my mom. "
"What about your mom?" You ask confused.
"She told me to confess because a girl like you won't come twice in a lifetime." He hugs you, bringing you closer to him. You lock your arms behind his neck. "I like you more than you think. I was just too scare to say it before."
"I'm head over heels with everything you just said, but can you please shut up and kiss me?" You smile, making him chuckle.
His hand goes to the back of your neck, bringing you closer. The kiss is everything you ever dreamed of. All those nights dreaming about it now coming true.
He smiles into the kiss. Happy that the girl he always had a crush on, the sister of his sister's best friend, the one Aurora always tried to bring closer because they were the same age.
"Se mi novia." (Be my girlfriend) He let's out, not thinking much about it. "I can't let another day pass without making you my girlfriend." You nod, kissing him again.
"Te prometo que voy a hacer algo mejor que esto, pero hoy quiero volver a casa y que todos sepan que eres mía." (I promise that I'm doing something better than this, but tonight I just want to go back home and let all my family know you're mine.)
You press your forehead to his, enjoying the moment. He was yours, and you were his. That's all you need to know.
February 2022
"Pablo, stop it." You say, morning voice making Pablo chuckle. He continue with the kisses on your neck and back. "Amor, five minutes more."
"You asked me for five minutes like twenty minutes ago."
You open your eyes, room kinda dark thanks to the curtains. The big mirror he has reflecting you with his arms around you.
"Feliz aniversario, preciosa mía." (happy anniversary) he kiss your earlobe. "if you weren't such a sleepy head I would have given you a good morning gift but now I'm thinking of breakfasts." he tease you. Making you blush at the thought of your last night actions.
You turn to face him, smirk on his face. "Feliz aniversario, ojitos lindos." You kiss his lips, your hands caressing his chest. "I'm hungry too."
He laughs, kissing you again. He push you lightly, getting on top of you while he deepens the kiss.
He loves the way you whimper every time he touch you. Every sound, every little jump your body gives. You are his.
"Pablo, I have class in an hour." You remind him. His head buried between you neck. "and I am hungry, amor."
You both get up from bed, quickly running to the bathroom to do your routine and to force Pablo to do the one you taught him to keep his skin clean.
"Oye, I forgot my bag in the truck of my car, can you please help me and bring it? I'll make us some pancakes."
"Yes sir." You laugh, walking to the garage to open the truck. "Oh my god." You find five designer bags. All of them with red bows. "Pablo!"
He smiles when he heards you calling his name. He knows you've been stressing about classes, having barely any sleep.
He also knows you don't like when he spoils you, you're shy about it, telling him that you're more than spoiled with him letting you live with him and not allowing you to pay any bill or anything.
"Amor, what is all this?" You walk inside with the five bags. He smirk, serving the first pancake on the plate.
"A little something for my reina."
"Pablo, I can't. Amor this is too much." You check the first bag. It's a beautiful Hermes blanket you save on Pinterest. "Amor, this cost more than my tuition."
"Not at all." he laughs, the way you look at the blanket with such eyes. The shiny eyes he loves. "Keep looking."
"Dios mio, how?"
He smirks, he had to get your friends help to pick some things like colors or sizes. Like the bag you have in your hands, he knew you wanted it, but you never decided in a color of your preference.
Your eyes land on the red and gold bag. Cartier. You told him once a few months back that you wanted to match with him on something.
You gifted him a bracelet, he wears it everywhere he goes, is his favorite piece of jewelry.
But you wanted something else to match him. You remember that you wanted a P inicial.
His hands on your waist make you go back to reality, it was two necklaces, one with your initial and one with his and a little six.
"We can match now." he whispers in your ear, kissing your neck. "want me to put it in you?"
You nod, happy that he remembered something so small. You feel the tears in your eyes and he lock the necklace in place.
"Pablo." You turn to him, hugging his torso and crying in his chest. "te amo, you're so special."
He caress your back, kissing your head. "You're my baby, my reina, and I'm always going to give you everything you want."
"But I can't give you the same. And that make me feel bad for you, you're so special and I want to spoil you too."
"shhhh. You're special too, you spoil me a lot. You take care of me, you cook for me, you help me when I'm sick, when I'm tired, you're my biggest fan."
You nod, knowing that even when what you give him is not much. For him it was more than enough.
"Now give me a kiss and let's eat, you have to go to class." he dry your tears and kiss your cheeks and then your lips.
"I don't want to go." You whine. Hugging him again.
"Preciosa, see it this way, our kids will need help with the homework, and the one who will help them is you." he jokes. "that's your motivations".
You laugh, he always knew the right thing to say to make you feel better.
February 2023
"Can you serve me some more juice?" he smiles, kissing your shoulder. "pretty please."
"Pablo, venga hombre que tu te puedes levantar. Deja a la niña comer." (c'mon son. You can get up, let her eat in peace) his dad say. Smacking him in the back of the head.
You laugh at that, but you grab his cup and get up to serve him more juice. You know how crazy he gets for orange juice.
"Listo, now eat." You pass him the juice after taking a sip of it.
"Hey. That's mine." he frowns. Joking with you. "Thank you, preciosa."
You were eating with his parents, they were visiting from Sevilla and wanted to spend time with you two.
Aurora and her boyfriend are with you two. You love spending time with them. Going on double dates with them.
"You want to know what's funny?" Aurora giggles. "your sister and I always talked about going on double dates and now that's she's in Paris. You're the one I'm going on double dates with."
You giggle with her. Your sister moved to Paris to study design. She and Aurora always video chat and text but now that you're with Pablo, Aurora and you were closer. Thing that makes your sister extra happy. Knowing that you're taking care of each other.
"We're going on a hiking adventure today, if you guys want to join we will leave after lunch."
You thank him, explaining that Gavi and you were going on a little museum visit.
Gavi's plan was to take you to a museum, you love art. So to him it was a good idea to have a more calm anniversary and to do something you love and enjoy.
"Y/n, cariño. Can you help me later with the cooking, you're the only one that can get the sauce to its point." Belén asks you, you nod excited. "Thank you, mija."
You love cooking with Belen, she always gave you advice and you improved your cooking with her recepies.
After lunch you all chat for a little, you love his family and the love you as their own. If you ask Belen or Pablo's father, they would tell you that they can see you two going for the long ride.
Belén often asks Pablo about the future. If he ever sees you two in his plans. Pablo would say yes without hesitation. You're the most important person in his life. He knows that.
If someone asks you, you would say the same, you can picture yourself with a family. You can picture yourself walking down the aisle to him.
But you two are young. Too young to think about marriage and a family. You want to live a lot of things with him. Not rush into adulthood.
"Let's go, preciosa." he extends his hand out to you, you take it, thumb caressing his skin.
The drive was calm, he was singing this new song he has on replay. You love when he drives, it suits him so much the driver look.
He like the idea of going to a museum date, he's interested in things people don't know about, this being one of them.
"Look, this one is call El Beso" he says. Teasing tone as he elbow your arm.
"Wow, you know how to read names, babe. Good job." You joke. Making him pout.
Your hands intertwine as you walk around. There was this specific painting that Pablo liked. He was reading about it.
"I want a copy of this at home."
"Yes, it's very pretty."
"Pretty like you." he kiss your cheek. Hugging you while he finish reading about the painting.
You love how easy it is to enjoy things with him, how easy is to love him, to talk with him.
"Te amo, Pablito." You kiss his cheek. Hugging him tight.
"I know. I love you so much too." he kiss your lips. Smiling into the kiss.
February 2024
"Careful big boy." You say, helping him walk upstairs of your home. "Let's slow down, you're running."
He was tired. Tired of always needing help, tired of always looking like a kid who needs to be taken care of, tired of not being able to be the old him.
"Joder, I can't do this anymore." he fall in the bed. He feel like crying. "just leave without me."
You sit next to him. Caressing his hair and letting him cry, you help him with his shoes, taking off his Jordan's.
You grab the glass of water you always have next to you in bed. Bringing it to him, "Amor, drink this."
He does as you told him. Drinking the whole glass, you sit behind him, careful with his legs.
"Come here, amor." You push him down to you. His back stick to your chest. Your hands on his hair, nails caressing his scalp. "I'm not going anywhere, not without you." He sobs again, he's not in his best days and you know it. "shhh, I'm here. You're okay."
You treat him like a baby, you're aware of that, but you don't mind it. He was your baby, your Pablito, he was yours and you love taking care of him.
"Today my friend Jessica made cookies." You began telling him about your day to distract him. "and they're so good, I saved you one."
His sobs are more calm now. His breathing still very accelerated and that worries you.
"Also, today on this class, remember the one you convince me to take?" You kiss his hair. Hands caressing his arms up and down. He nods at your question. "Well they asked us today to describe something about our partner or someone we love, like when we knew we loved them."
He's calming down, paying attention to your words. You know how to calm him down, how to take his mind out of his worried state.
"And I talked about that nigh in the park. When you asked me to be your girlfriend." You giggle, remembering how happy you were that night. "I can't forget the words you told me. How your mom told you to confess your feeling for me, because a girl like me happens once in a lifetime."
"That's true." he whispers.
"I knew I loved you because you were so honest with me, you were so straight with your words. How you told me you will give me anything I want. And you do."
"Even when you told me that I spoil you too much." he chuckle.
"And I want you to know how in love I am with you, Pablo. You're my love." You kiss his earlobe, then his head. "do you know that?"
"I know, and I love you so much too. I'm in love with you too."
"So don't ever think just because of your ACL or any other injury I'll leave you behind. Pablo I'm with you for the long ride." You hug him, his hands find yours and intertwine them. "Now, what if we both stay home and I prepare some nice dinner or better, we can order McDonald's."
You see his reflection, he's smiling like crazy, even with red eyes and tearful cheeks he looks like an angel.
"Te amo. You're the love of my life."
"And you're the love of my life." You kiss his head again. "and I know that in every life time we will be together."
"Even as worms?" he tease you.
"Even as worms, mi amor."
You enjoy a night at home with him, telling stories and watching movies that you both later comment.
That's what you enjoy the most, how every moment is a special moment, even the smallest ones.
"Oye, kiddo." You call.
He lift his eyes from his ice-cream. Attention all on you.
"Te amo." You get closer to kiss him. "and I always will."
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purinfelix · 6 months
softly ₊˚⊹♡
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pairing: gavi x reader (established relationship) summary: in which Gavi realises his touches can mean more than just post-goal 'good jobs' warnings: none! pure fluff <3 w/c: 496
a/n: this one's pretty short, just so endeared by gavi's touchyness with EVERYONEE ... those clips of him giving his teammates kisses after games/goals are my greatest weakness
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Gavi was used to physical affection. 
As a football player, and honorary ‘baby’ of pretty much any team he played with, saying he was used to it was more of an understatement at this point. Rough hugs, head nudges, and even playful smacks on the behind were nothing he was unused to. It was his way of showing and recognising the joy that came when goals were scored, when he wanted to wish a teammate good luck, or even just hello. 
So when you two began going out he had not expected it to be any different. And at first, it wasn’t. The rowdy touches he was used to dishing out and receiving were simply translated into your relationship. He would jump onto you and smoosh your face in his hands, whilst you returned the favour by punching his arms and even playfully biting him from time to time. You liked to call it ‘cuteness aggression’, and even though he definitely didn’t consider himself ‘cute’ he was grateful nonetheless. 
Because, until then, it was the only way he had known to show affection - and assumed it was the same for you.  But for some reason, there was something within him that yearned for more. For things to be softer, gentler, more intimate between you two. He wanted your relationship and everything that came from it to be the exception to all of the roughness he gave and got, the chaos that was his life. 
And so it did, with a little effort on his part. He managed to teach himself to make his touches softer. Clambering hugs became lingering embraces. Wrist grabs became intertwined fingers and thumbs caressing the back of your hand. Lips smashing into foreheads became peppering kisses down your cheek and jawline. It didn’t take you long to catch on and start following along - although it was difficult not to be completely enamoured with how bewitched he was by you, acting as if any touch not fueled by absolute care and love seemed unfitting. 
For many it might’ve seemed like a lack of passion, the way his touches lost their roughness. But for you, it only felt the opposite, because you knew that there was something about the quiet of it, the intimacy, that only the two of you would ever know. Because you were the only person who was ever granted the chance of seeing Gavi like this. Of knowing the feeling of his fingers weaving beaten paths through the roots of your hair, or the feeling of his head resting on your chest as it rose and fell with the rhythm of calm breaths. In places away from teammates, cameras, stadiums of cheering fans and their watchful eyes. In the company of no one else but each other, where not even a word had to be shared. Touches that used to mean ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’, and ‘good job’ came to mean so much more. 
Came to mean ‘I love you’.
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drakesfeelings · 4 months
summary. pablo’s instagram seems to become a fan account of the little family he created.
social media version - taking requests here
trigger warning. loving father (lmao)
side note. this is a little drabble while im working on the requests !
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liked by fcbarcelona, yourusername and 1 million others
pablogavi agradecido para siempre 🤎
[grateful for ever 🤎]
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yourusername 🧸🤎
liked and pinned by the creator
user he wants to kill us
user his kids are so pretty wtf ?????????
user look at the parents puh-lease
pedri ¿donde esta mi encantadora sobrina? where is my lovely niece ?
pablogavi haciendo pucheros porque no quería estar en las fotos 😂 pouting because she didn’t want to be in the photos 😂
user im obsessed with this family
user fr, they are all just so fine
user you’re weird babe
ferminlopez familia
pablogavi 🙏🏻
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liked by pablogavi, siramartinezc and 876 937 others
yourusername the gavira family on vacation 🧡
tagged — pablogavi
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pablogavi los amores de mi vida the loves of my life
liked and pinned by the creator
user their kids have a better shoe game than me
user pls can i be a part of the family 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
yourusername signing the adoption papers babe
user idk why but i wanna be friends w their kids
user bro
user i feel you
user the man loves his family
siramartinezc necesidad de verte y los niños pronto 😘 need to see you and the kids soon 😘
yourusername when we come back home 🩷
aurorapaezg mi familia 😍
yourusername ❤️
user can we talk two minutes about this power couple ?
user they are so made for each other
liked by pablogavi and yourusername
@ pablogavi & @ yourusername posted new ig stories !
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liked by fcbarcelona, ferrantorres and 856 987 others
pablogavi enseñando lo básico a los niños ⚽️
[teaching the basics to the kiddos ⚽️]
view all the comments…
yourusername mira definitely wants to become a footballer
pablogavi eso es mi chica 😎 that’s my girl 😎
user her name is so beautiful like what
user again i’m falling for the matching shoes
user that’s a goal fr
ferrantorres tienes que traer a los niños más a menudo hermano !!!!!!!!!!!! you have to bring the kids more often brother !!!!!!!!!!!
pablogavi 🤣
lamineyamal i agree
ferminlopez me 2
pedri ME 3
user i want a loving father so bad
user the daddy issues in this comment section…
user exposing people on the internet i see
user imagine having pablo gavi as your father, [your name] as your stunning mother and a bunch of footballers as uncles ???????
user the dream
user the gavira family vacation arc is over 😔
fcbarcelona our youngest players ❤️💙
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liked by pablogavi, annalewandoska and 989 765 others
yourusername summer’s vacation throwback (and isaiah showing off his outfit) 🤍
tagged — pablogavi
view all the comments…
pablogavi ����
liked and pinned by the creator
user got us worried pookie 🙏
user i was def thinking that her and gavi might have broke up
pablogavi never
annalewandoska gorgeous family ❤️
yourusername love you
pedri hope isaiah is missing me
lamineyamal no he is missing me more to care
aurorapaezg y’all shut up, im his favorite auntie 🙄
user never been more relieved than actually that’s crazy
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liked by yourusername, aurorapaezg and 897 965 others
pablogavi mamá y papá noche. feliz 4 años mi amor ❤️‍🔥
[mommy and daddy’s night out. happy 4 years my love ❤️‍🔥]
view all the comments…
yourusername te amaré toda mi vida i’ll love you all my life
liked and pinned by the creator
user time flies and i’m still single
user you’ll find one day my love
user stop being sweet or i’m gonna fall in love with you
user ok then ill stop
aurorapaezg can you stop stealing my sister-in-law from me 🙄
yourusername like fr let us live our romance alone 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
pablogavi [your name] go to sleep it’s late
yourusername ok 😔
user need that type of love
@ yourusername posted new instagram stories !
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pablogavi responded to your story —
stop this
wait you’re fr ?
another kid isn’t a bad idea
come home
@ drakesfeelings 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
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not-magdi · 4 months
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Warnings: smut, 18+
Summary: You and Pablo try out some special chocolates
Word Count: 1k
Reading Time: 4 min
This whole thing is actually not my idea, it was @amaranthineghost idea so all credits go to her and her post.
Hope you enjoy it, love you guys Magdi <3
Pablo's body felt like it was on fire. Every muscle in his body longed for her. He didn't even know it was possible to feel so turned on as he currently is. Swallowing down the lump in his throat, he looked over at you, hoping to see the same effect on you.
He shuddered when he glanced at you and found you sitting on the couch, looking completely unbothered like these damm chocolates didn't even do anything to you.
When you saw a video of a couple trying out these unique chocolates, you knew you wanted to try these things with Pablo, too. You two have been trying out new things in the bedroom lately. Not that there was anything wrong with your sex life, but you two are young and want to experiment a bit.
As you first came to him with the idea, he just smiled and waved you off, not believing a piece of chocolate could have such an effect on him. So you ordered them and made a challenge out of it. The one who lasts longer has total control afterwards.
Still not believing these things work, Pablo agreed instantly. Most of the time, you were the one who initiated things, so he wasn't worried he had to give away the control tonight.
Oh, how he cursed himself for making this bet now. He was slowly losing his mind. It was only ten minutes since you split one of these little squares. Little beads of sweat collected on his forehead as his sweatpants became tighter with every second.
He thought you didn't see him struggling so badly, but you did. You acknowledged every movement of his, every little huff he let out as he adjusted himself again. You had a perfect look at him from your peripheral vision, your phone screen long dark, you only had your eyes on him.
You would lie when you'd say you weren't affected at all. The warmth between your legs was growing stronger and stronger. You were just better at hiding it.
Pablo, on the other hand, was close to exploding. Because you just had to wear his favourite pair of shorts you own and one of his old jerseys with his name on the back.
The images that were flooding his mind were everything but PG13. As much as he tried to stop it, he couldn't. Pictures of you on your knees before him, his hands in your hair as his cock was buried deep down in your throat.
A choked sound left his lips as he bucked his hips up into nothing to get at least a bit of friction.
Smirking, you sit up, looking into his eyes with a smug expression, "You giving up?"
His face flushes bright red, "N-no I'm fine, totally fine."
"Ok, if you say so." Shrugging, you lay yourself on your stomach before him. Now, Pablo had a great look at how good your ass looks in those shorts.
Groaning loudly, he finally admits defeat. "Baby, come here, now."
Smirking, you stand up and walk over to him, making sure to sway your hips while walking. Now standing between his legs, you wrap your arms around his neck and close the distance between you two.
Feeling her soft, chapped lips against his own made every muscle shiver. God, how he missed that feeling. Almost like an instinct, his hands ran down her spine and flattened against her ass. Applying some force, he urged you to curl your body against his.
Finally, having her sitting where he needed her the most drew a sinful sound from his lips. "You like that baby? Huh, you like having me in your lap?"
Pablo's grip on you got tighter, moving you gently on his dick. "Mhm you know I love it, Amor." He whispered into your ear.
You two continued to share passionate kisses as you gradually became less clothed. Now, only in your underwear, Pablo moves to go on top of you, but you stop him.
"Hey, you lost the bet. I'm on top tonight."
Letting out a huff, Pablo moves to sit up again and guides you on his lap. Both of you let out a hiss as your core brushes over his clothed dick. You start to brush soft kisses all over his necked chest. While your hand slowly moves downwards, scratching his abs slightly with your nails.
"Mhm, fuck Y/N!" Your hand finally disappears beneath the cotton of his boxers. Pablo sucked in a sharp breath as you griped him in and slowly started to massage him.
Pushing his underwear down his thighs, you climb up again after removing your panties. Locking your eyes with Pablo, you slowly sink down on his length, letting out a loud whimper when he is bottoming you out.
Pablo's hands grip your hips tightly while he leaves wet kisses all over your collarbones. You start to move gently up and down, increasing your pace gradually.
Your nails claw into his back as Pablo starts to thrust upwards into you, your breath hitching with every thrust. Arching your back a bit makes Pablo hit your G-spot with every thrust.
"Shit Pablo, right there!"
"Right here, baby? Yeah, does that feel good?"
Your words coiled in your throat. The only answer you can give are high-pitched moans right into Pablo's ear.
Feeling the coil in his stomach get tighter and tighter, Pablo reaches down to rub your clit. Wanting you to come before him.
Pablo's finger flicking aggressively on your clit was the last thing you needed to cum. Clenching hard around him, you release your juices all over his lap, squirming at the overstimulation.
Grunting loudly, Pablo feels your walls clenching around him and shoots his load deep into you.
You two bask in the afterglow of two amazing orgasms for a few minutes until Pablo picks you up and carries you to the bathroom.
"You ok, Amor?"
Cuddling yourself deeper into his strong arms, you nod. "I'm good, and I love you."
Pablo giggles and snuggles you into the soft blanket of your bed. You were always becoming a big softie after sex, and Pablo thought it was the cutest thing ever.
Cuddling himself next to you, he grabs you and snuggles his face into your neck.
"Goodnight bebé, I love you."
"I love you too."
Don't forget to leave a note if you enjoyed it, feedback is always welcome!! ❤️
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judebelle · 4 months
Can I request Gavi? Xavi is y/n uncle and her and Gavi are a new couple; and they’re still at the shyness stage of dating. So y/n go into the locker room to talk to her uncle and the team is poking at Gavi to go hug or kiss his girlfriend.
perfect - p.g. x reader
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a/n : this is so middle school crush coded i love it
cw : nothing this is just fluff lol
wc : 1.1k
pairing : pablo gavi x fem!reader
you were sat in the vip section of a barcelona match. since your uncle was the manager, you got to sit up here and knew most of the players personally. some of them probably felt forced to interact with you since your uncle was their boss, but you didn't mind the thought of it.
one particular boy took a special liking to you around a month ago.
you and pablo had started talking more and he ended up asking you to be his girlfriend after a practice you had visited.
you two didn't get to see each other as nearly as you had wanted, partly because of pablo's busy schedule, and partly because you were both still very... awkward around each other.
although not seeing each other often, you two went on a few dates which were.. let's just say interesting.
during your first dinner date, pablo accidentally spilled a bit of water on your lap while trying to show you the missing button on his sleeve. you both ended up laughing it off, but you could tell he was embarrassed.
or when you two would walk together, your hands would occasionally brush against each other, urging some blushes and hesitant smiles.
pablo would fumble with his words whenever he tried to give you a compliment.
"your dress looks um.. you look really.. good, er- beautiful, or pretty, whatever you prefer."
you saw it as a cute innocence. you didn't mind having to wipe water off your skirt if you got to see that pink fluster creep up his cheeks every now and then.
you were shaken out of your thoughts as you heard cheers erupt from around you. joao felix had just scored the opener against antwerp on his debut. you stood up and cheered. you didn't know him too well yet, but him and pablo seemed to be hitting it off on the field.
some time passed, and the score was 3-0, one an own goal, and two from joao. you paid close attention to the game now, waiting for pablo to score. you had a feeling he would, and you didnt want to miss it.
once he actually scored, you couldn't contain your excitement, clapping and cheering for him with genuine enthusiasm. caught up in the moment, pablo shyly pointed towards you in the stands, and his face lit up with a proud smile at the sight of your applause. he sends a heart your way, making yours skip a beat.
pablo's teammates playfully teased him about his new romance, finding it cute to see two young people so smitten with each other.
the whistle blew, signalling the end of the game. you stood from your seat, grabbed your phone and lipgloss, applying as you walked down the stairs. you made your way to the tunnel to talk to your uncle and congratulate the team, specifically a special brown haired boy.
you didn’t see him around, so you waited for a bit, but grew impatient. you walked towards the locker room and pushed a knock against the door. “it’s me!” you called out, like usual.
the boys called out jumbled words, but you could make out your uncle’s “come in”. you pushed open the door to see him talking to the boys in the locker room, all still dressed in their kits. they drank water and listened to him intently.
he was going on about some new playing methods and strategies but also included how he was proud of their win. he sent the joao’s a smile and the locker room erupted in cheers. water was splashed around and they got some pats on the back. you congratulated them with a smile and turned to your uncle.
“congratulations, the team did well, courtesy of you, of course.” you flashed xavi a toothy grin and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
he smiled back and ruffled the hair you just fixed, earning a whine from you. “thank you, princesa. means a lot coming from someone like you.” he winked sarcastically before pressing a kiss to your forehead. you smiled softly at the gesture.
“so, i was wondering if-“ your words were cut off by hushed whispers and giggles coming from over xavi’s shoulder. you peered over to see jules poking pablo’s rib. pablo smacked his hand away in embarrassment before pedro made a kissing sound at him.
“stop, stop it!” pablo whisper shouted, a tinge of red creeping up his neck. fermin snuck up behind pablo and whispered to him in his ear before ushering him forward. “go say hi, she’s waitinggg!”
“seriously, can you guys not?!”
“oh come on, go give her a hug, lover boy” alejandro had joined in on the games too, messing pablo’s hair up before nudging pedro. “bro, look at how red his face is!” they both laughed at pablo who looked like steam was about to erupt from his ears.
his lips were caught in a pout, his fists balled up, and he was doing everything in his power not to look your way.
eventually, almost the whole squad had joined in on the teasing, pushing pablo towards you. xavi had moved to the side at this point, a admiring smirk playing on his lips as he watched an embarrassed pablo being shoved towards you.
you stood there awkwardly until you finally met face to face. he gulped nervously.
“hi..” he looked as if he’d just seen a ghost.
“hi?” your eyebrows furrowed at his widened eyes. after a few seconds of silence, you spoke again.
“congratulations, you played well.”
you sent him a soft smile so contagious he caught one too. “really?” it almost sounded as if he didn’t believe your words.
“your, um- your goal was my favourite..” you bit your lip and looked up at pablo through your eyelashes.
he was about to respond until a chant echoed through the room.
“hug! hug! hug! hug! hug!”
you felt the familiar heat rise up from your ears and saw an almost identical reflection on pablo’s face.
an apologetic smile snuck its way onto his face before he whispered out,
“may i?”
you couldn’t help but giggle before you opened your arms, ready for his embrace. your bodies connected and you nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck. you fit together so perfectly. his hands were unsure at first, but slowly secured around your waist, yours wrapped around his neck.
the room erupted in cheers and applause, some shouting out “aww” and “oooh”. you couldn’t help but laugh into pablo’s shoulder.
oh how perfect this felt.
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pedrithink · 8 months
photos ✩ pablo gavi
couple: pablo gavi x photographer! reader
summary: you being the photographer of barcelona.
face claim: melisiremsen
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Liked by ynusername, pedri, and 2.282.958 others
pablogavi un sueño hecho realidad!! visca barça sempre 💙❤️
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pedri vamoooo hermanito
user1 thank you @ynusername for these pics
user2 i love that yn is gavi's girlfriend and at the same time barcelona's photographer because that gives us the best photos
user3 @user2 FR!!
user4 gavi just posting the pictures yn takes, i love this relationship.
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ynusername has added to their story
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Liked by pablogavi, pedri, and 347.872 others
ynusername summer with my guy
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pablogavi 😍😍
❤️ liked by author
user6 dude and his girl are looking awesome
user7 we only see pictures of gavi on yn's profile, thanks queen
user8 yn is so beautiful MY GOD
user9 gavi only shows on instagram because of barcelona and yn
user10 @user9 literally lol dude only likes photos of barcelona and his girlfriend
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Liked by pablogavi, alejandrobalde, and 1.293.092 others
ynusername my golden boy
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pablogavi te quiero 😘
ynusername @pablogavi 🥰
user11 OMGGGGG
user13 2ND PIC gave me chillsssssss
user14 i just love how gavi looks amazing in yn’s hands
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Liked by pablogavi, pedri, and 607.871 others
ynusername visca barça siempre
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user16 i’m so grateful for yn’s existence
user17 @user16 FR????? what would we be without her incredible photos????
user18 if it's up to gavi he only lives with the photos yn takes because on his instagram he posts them once in a while
user19 yn and gavi are a beautiful couple, i love seeing them together
user20 i love u both
NOW: Pablo Gavi Press Conference | Barcelona vs Cadiz
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digitaldiarystuff · 4 months
For Better, For Worse
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summary: Pablo was having possibly the worst week of his life, first he broke up with his girlfriend to focus on his career and then he got injured during a spain game possibly needing a surgery. What do you do when you find out?
pairing: Pablo Gavi x Y/N
genre: angst/ fluff
warnings: mentions of injury and surgery
When your phone started ringing at this late hour, you knew this couldn’t be good. It was 2 a.m. and your heart sunk as you read the name ‘Aurora’ on it.
“Hey.” you said concerned.
“Hi Y/N were you asleep?” she asked and her voice was pretty upset.
“No it’s okay.” you lied. “Is everything okay?”
“I know this is selfish and I’m sorry but-“ she trailed off. “It’s Pablo, he’s injured and not in good shape. I know you guys broke up but I don’t know what I can do to make this better for him he’s been crying for hours now and they say he may need a surgery as soon as possible.” she started crying which would’ve broke your heart but your mind went blank as soon as you heard Pablo’s injury. You knew spain had a game against georgia today but didn’t watch it knowing it would only upset you more.
Pablo broke up with you the week prior to focus on his career and you were in complete shock ever since, your schedules were hard to keep up with but you were willing to work on it, he wasn’t and now learning he was going to need surgery broke your heart so much.
“Are you guys at his place? I’m on my way.” you said and she thanked you over and over again.
Although you were pretty upset with him, there was no way you’d leave him in this state. You knew Pablo wouldn’t probably want to talk to anyone but you needed to be there for him at his worst. You still loved him so much. You didn’t realize you had tears falling from your eyes in the taxi, worried sick. You opened twitter and saw all the videos of him being escorted out of the pitch with pain written all over his face. It was incredibly painful to watch and you couldn’t even imagine what he’s going through.
As soon as you paid the driver you got out and practically ran to the gate of his house, calling Aurora to tell her you’re there. It was pretty late you didn’t want to bother if anyone’s sleeping though it’s highly unlikely.
She came to the door with puffy eyes and hugged you tight.
“Thank you so much for coming.”
“Of course” you said. “Where’s he?”
“He’s in his room but won’t open the door.” she answered and you ran up the stairs not even bothering taking your jacket off.
You knocked a couple of times before he replied.
“Go away I don’t want anyone.”
You knocked again but he didn’t respond this time.
“Pablo, it’s me.” you said slowly hoping this would work.
You heard wheels inside the room and he finally unlocked it allowing you to see him in a wheelchair.
Your eyes immediately watered seeing his state and it’s obvious he was also crying for hours. You kneeled down and looked up at him, he looked like a baby right now with bloodshot eyes and trembling lips. You held his hands and hugged him avoiding his legs and he held you tight, crying into your hair. He didn’t even ask you anything just enjoyed your touch and affection.
He finally wheeled himself into the room and you followed after. Pablo carefully sat on the bed while you sat on the armchair next to it. You asked him what happened and he explained everything down to the possibility of the surgery and not playing for the season. You tried your best to console him and after an hour, his tears dried and he calmed down a little.
“So, did Aurora call you?” he asked
“Yes, I hope that’s okay.” you said
“Okay? That’s the only thing that could calm me tonight. I owe her a thank you.” he chuckled and this was a first for tonight. Your heart fluttered seeing his smile and suddenly realized you were supposed to be broken up even though it doesn’t feel like it.
“I’ll be with you every step of the way” you said “Of course if you’ll let me.”
“I’m an idiot. I’m an idiot to do this to you and here you are.”
“Don’t say that”
“But I am.” he said defeated.
“You kind of are.” you said earning yourself another chuckle.
“I missed your laugh.” he confessed.
“So did I. But you need to rest now.”
“Will you stay with me?” he asked like a child and you knew there isn’t anything in the whole world you wouldn’t do for him.
“If you want me to.” you said “I can sleep on the couch.” you said.
“No.” he pouted “I need to hold you.”
“Pablo there’s no way I’m getting in a bed with you, I could hurt your leg.” you said and he thought for a moment.
“Just till I fall asleep” he bargained and you didn’t protest. You needed him as much as he needed you. You sat against the headboard as his face was on your neck, you held him with your arms, he looked so sleepy.
“Will you be here when I wake up?” he asked groggily.
“I’ll always be here, for better or worse.” you answered as his eyes closed.
Pablo fell asleep like that in your arms as you watched his face. He looked like an angel from this angle. You smiled to yourself, tried to put his head on a pillow and wiggle out of the bed without waking him up making yourself comfortable on the couch. You soon felt sleepy as your eyes closed.
After you fell asleep Aurora wanted to check in on you guys and opened the door slowly finding you both asleep, smiling to herself she left the room.
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chlerc · 2 months
mr rightfully wrong ; pablo gavi
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— summary; the tradition of eating 12 grapes under the table has her manifesting for a spanish footballer, certainly not the one she has been friends forever with though.
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pairing — pablo gavi x best-friends-model!f. reader
social media au
content — lots of banter between them on instagram in the comments. literal soulmates but they just don’t see it or do they?
NAVIGATION + author’s note: happy chinese new year! starting to miss my number 6 running around the whole pitch for 90 minutes and then i realised he’ll never be managed by Xavi anymore… google translate spanish
song rec for this fic — ivy
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Liked by pablogavi, joaofelix79 and 1,725,199 others
ynusername b&w away from the usual
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pablogavi fea (ugly)
ynusername @pablogavi cállate niño herido (shut up injured kid)
pablogavi a nadie le importa (nobody cares)
_ferminlopez @pablogavi ‎me importa 😉 (i care)
ynusername @_ferminlopez ferrrr 😘😘
galafr Gorgeous
l0vel3ttersyn stunner my favourite girl
gabrieloxguevaraa chica más guapa (prettiest girl)
ynusername @gabrieloxguevaraa 🤍🤍
aurorapaezg linda mi hermana te extraño (pretty, my sister i miss you)
ynusername @aurorapaezg ven a visitarme con tu molesto hermano 🤍 (come visit me with your annoying brother)
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Liked by ynusername, pedri and 4,818,168 others
pablogavi Estoy bien, volveré más fuerte 😘 (i’m okay, i’ll be back stronger.)
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ynusername ¡mentiroso! Llora todas las noches porque no puede jugar. (liar! he cries every night cause he can't play)
pedri @ynusername cómo sabrías 😏😏 (how would you know?)
pablogavi @pedri ‎callate por favor (shut up please)
ynusername mocoso llorón (whiny brat)
pablogavi @ynusername Dios mío, cállate (My god just shut up)
joaofelix79 Regresa más rápido y más fuerte (come back faster and stronger)
barcelonadaily We Miss You!!!
barca2idie bro come back we need you sm
blaugranaplanet Stay Strong Warrior!
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Liked by pablogavi, _ferminlopez and 2,158,297 others
ynusername ate 12 grapes under the table on NYE, a spanish footballer better come my way 😠
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pablogavi nadie te quiere, ríndete 😂 (nobody wants you give up)
_ferminlopez @pablogavi conozco a alguien que la quiere (i know someone that wants her)
pablogavi decirle a toda LaLiga que no salga contigo (telling the whole LaLiga league not to date you)
ynusername @judebellingham please make my dream come true
judebellingham @ynusername I would but you’re off limits 😘
pablogavi @ynusername sin esperanza 🤦🏻‍♂️ (hopeless)
pablogavi Espero que te ahogues con las uvas. (hope you choke on the grapes)
ynusername @pablogavi Tú estabas ahí 🤦🏻‍♀️ (you were there)
iloveagirlsgirl I’m so in love with youuuuuu
_ferminlopez Mi niña bonita 😍😍 (my pretty girl)
ynusername @_ferminlopez te amo fer 🤍 (i love you fer)
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Liked by pablogavi, aurorapaezg and 2,017,159 others
ynusername my mr. get on his knees to tie my shoelaces for me!
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pablogavi ¿Quién diablos haría eso por ti? (who the hell would do that for you?)
ynusername @pablogavi Conozco exactamente a la persona que haría eso. (i know just the person who'd do that.)
pablogavi @ynusername no pregunté (didn’t ask)
aurorapaezg le enseñó bien (taught him well)
ynusername @aurorapaezg Toda tu y mamá 🤍 (all you and mama)
gabrieloxguevaraa ¿Ya está fuera del mercado? 😞 (she’s off the market now?)
ynusername @gabrieloxguevaraa En realidad no, pero solo para ti. (not really but only for you)
footballwags looks like our gavi-yn ending never started 😞
waglifebarca I WANTED HER WITH GAVI 😭
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Liked by _ferminlopez, pedri and 4,619,917 others
pablogavi Estoy bien, volveré pronto. 😘💪 (I’m okay, I’ll be back soon)
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_ferminlopez guapo (handsome)
pablogavi @_ferminlopez gracias
_ferminlopez @pablogavi yo, no tu (me,not you)
alejandrobalde ¿recuperarse o enamorarse? (recovering or falling in love?)
pablogavi @alejandrobalde ambos hermano! (both brother)
fcbarcelona Recuperándose bien nuestro guerrero! (recovering well our warrior)
ynusername que feo pero fermin 😍😍😍 (so ugly but fermin)
pablogavi @ynusername odio que salgas (i hate you get out)
ynusername @pablogavi nunca podrías odiarme 🤔 (you could never hate me)
pablogavi @ynusername ok cierto ahora cállate (okay true now shut up)
blaugranagirlie @ynusername @pablogavi you guys are making it obvious
gavif1lms smash next question
pedrigaviluver is he seriously soft launching, didn’t know he knew how to do that
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Liked by pablogavi, jacobelordi and 3,192,297 others
ynusername happiest girl in Barcelona 🤍
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joaofelix79 lookin good barca girl
ynusername @joaofelix79 thanksss joãooo
lifeseeninmyeyes @footballwags I’m pretty sure they’re friends, she mentioned it before
msgaviralife soft launch is soft launching because who the hell is that
pablogavi Estoy cansado de ver todo esto (I’m tired of seeing all this)
ynusername @pablogavi los celos no te quedan bien (jealousy is not a good look on you)
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Liked by ynusername, _ferminlopez and 6,826,197 others
pablogavi ocupado con mi chica no me golpees (busy with my girl don’t hit me up)
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_ferminlopez letra fea en ingles jajaja (ugly handwriting in english hahaha)
_ferminlopez ooo soy tu chica? 😉😉 (ooo i’m your girl?)
pedri esfuérzate inglés (try hard english)
lamineyamal ¿Hablas inglés hermano? (speaking english bro?)
joaofelix79 Nice english on the cup bro
ferrantorres Necesitas mejorar tu inglés y tu forma de corazón 🤣🤣 (need to improve your english and heart shape)
pleaselordwaglife every barca player making fun of his english on the cup i’m dead 😭😭😭
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Liked by pablogavi, pedri and 4,816,018 others
ynusername did i fool you guys?! Feliz aniversario, mi bebé llorón. Fue divertido actuar como si nos odiáramos en Instagram, pero gracias a Dios vienes a casa todos los días o viceversa. La tradición de las 12 uvas realmente funcionó, excepto que manifesté al futbolista español equivocado, supongo, todavía lo amo, señor equivocado. Gracias por cubrir las esquinas afiladas de la mesa y los mostradores para mí siempre, por amarme incluso si mi agenda se complica a veces, por protegerme sin demostrarlo, pero siempre lo sé. No habría nadie más para mí que tú, mi primer y último amor. 🤍 (happy anniversary, my cry baby. it was fun acting like we hated each other on instagram but thank god you come home to me everyday or vice-versa. the 12 grapes tradition really worked except i manifested the wrong spanish footballer i guess, still love you my mr wrong. thanks for covering the sharp corners of the table and counters for me always, for loving me even if my schedule gets messy sometimes, for being protective of me without showing it but i always know. there wouldn't be anyone else for me but you, my first and last love.)
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ynusername p.s he’s learning english for me, what a sweetheart right? 😉
pablogavi Supongo que fue divertido, te amo con todo mi corazón mi hermosa niña. (I guess it was fun, I love you with all my heart my gorgeous girl)
_ferminlopez Así que era él todo el tiempo, es broma, no podía dejar de hablarnos de ti. (so it was him all the time, just kidding he couldn't stop talking about you to us)
footballwags The both of them literally fooled everyone with their banter…
gabrieloxguevaraa feliz aniversario para ambos (happy anniversary both of you)
pedri Esto fue muy divertido, los amo a ambos. (this was so fun, love both of you)
aurorapaezg 🤍
mikkykiemeney 😍😘
judebellingham I was supposed to be Mr. Right, congrats both of you!
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Liked by ynusername, aurorapaezg and 6,816,917 others
pablogavi Hola mi novia, feliz aniversario para nosotros. Nunca habrá suficientes palabras para describir cuánto te amo, pero te amo mucho. Gracias por dejarme ser tu novio, aunque peleábamos mucho cuando éramos más jóvenes, me alegro de poder ser tu novio. Nunca me arrepentiré de ser tuyo, te amo. y para todos los demás, ella está fuera de los límites. (hey my girlfriend, happy anniversary to us. there'll never be enough words to describe how much i love you but i love you alot. thanks for letting me be your boyfriend although we fought alot when we were younger, i'm glad i could be your boyfriend. i'll never regret being yours, i love you. and to everyone else, she's off limits)
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ynusername 12 uvas funcionaron hasta la mitad, pero aún así me alegro de que al final seas tú. 🤍 (12 grapes worked halfway but still glad it's you in the end)
pedri El efecto novia está funcionando porque definitivamente te ves mejor (girlfriend effect is working because you definitely look better)
_ferminlopez @pedri solo pensé que pensé de esa manera Dios mío (I thought only I thought that way oh my god)
gavi.luvr she’s so gorgeous i’m not even mad he has a gf
livelaughlovegavi NOOO WE LOST HIM (i’m happy it’s her)
blaugrana.daily LET’S GOOO CHAMP
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pablitogavii · 10 hours
Hiii gorgeous ☺️
But I have this adorable idea for a story featuring Pablo . How about a future story where the reader attends a wedding with Pablo and his family? They decide to wear matching outfits. Before his family member's wedding, when they see each other in their wedding attire, he wants to give the reader a kiss. She asks him to kiss her gently so that her lipstick/lip gloss won’t smudge, and they share a very cute moment together. Maybe even his parents or Aurora tease them playfully, but in a fun and non-offensive way. Throughout the whole wedding, they are being so cute, and they steal the show.
Hope you like the idea, and maybe consider writing it in the future! I just genuinely wanted to share my idea with you ☺️
Summary: You and Pablo were family friends since childhood and you were invited to attend wedding as his date..little did they know you two had a secret crush on each other.
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"Do I have to wear this mamá!?" Pablo was already whining not sure how to tie his bow properly and Aurora was giggling and showing me his confused face on the face time call.
"Pablo, stop complaining and finish getting ready! Y/n is waiting for us to pick her up.." Belen said rushing around the house to make sure she gets all the gifts and the cake she made for the bride.
When they arrived, I came out in a black dress matching Pablo's suit and he politely came out and opened the door for me. We were friends for a long time but in the past few months I started to develop feelings for my close family friend and now we were attending wedding together! Just great!
I never expected Pablo to feel the same way since he had so many beautiful fan girls some of them photo models and influencers that were so much more attractive than me.
"Porque estas triste chiqui?" he asked touching my hand and I felt a shiver move down my spine at that simple physical contact. I always feel insecure when I think about this..so I ignored it often.
"Just tired.." I lied and he smiled moving closer and kissing my cheek. He was always a physical touch type of person so it wasn't weird to have him hug or kiss my cheek often.
"We'll survive this together.." he said and we both giggled while pulling up the the venue and a bunch of girls attached his window begging for photos. The same feelings returned..Pablo will never return my feelings when he has so many options.
When we walked in, Pablo pulled out my chair, brought me a drink and always checked if I needed anything. Aurora and Javi danced majority of the night while me and Pablo sat together and talked about random things.
"You look beautiful tonight chiqui.." he randomly said and I blushed.
"Thank you! You cleaned up nice yourself, only.." I said fixing up his bow tie a little not expecting him to take my hands in his and kiss them lovingly..luckily Belen interrupted out moment before i freaked out!
One thing I loved most about our relationship is that it was never boring when we were together, there was always something to talk about and no matter what it was never avkward.
"Um..do you maybe want to dance with me Y/n?" he said shyly and I looked at him with blushing cheeks.
"Since when do you dance Pablo?" I asked and Belen caught onto what we were talking about pushing us to try it together.
"Let's go embarrass ourselves together, shall we my lady?" he said and I swear my heart almost broke our of my chest when I heard him call me my lady. I stood up taking his hand and walking to the dance floor.
"Okay just try and follow me..." he said snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me close while I gulped trying not to faint from the feeling of being this close to him finally.
"So tell me what makes you sad chiqui.." he asked again and I felt nervous not really knowing how to approach this topic the right way..I couldn't tell him the truth and I hated lying to my best friend.
"It's really nothing Pablo.." I tried the same method and his hand went to the side of my face making me shut up and just stare into his eyes.
"We don't lie to each other chiqui?" he reminded and I sighed. He was right..so I decided to say partial truth.
"I just wonder what your fan girls have to say for me being your date for a wedding..?" I said and he rolled his eyes as his grip on my waist tightened.
"I don't care about that! And I'm glad it's you..because I know you and I feel comfortable with you. We were friends for so long.." he said and I sighed about to pull away but he pulled me back quickly making me look up.
"Stop!" he said sternly and I whimpered pouting at him as he sighed.
"Why?" I said and he drew invisible circles on my waist. I was breathing heavily looking at him as his eyes moved lower watching my lips now.
"Can I kiss you?" he whispered underneath his breath while focusing on my lips and I was in utter shock at his question. I wasn't even sure that I heard his right..did he just ask to kiss me!?
"U..um..do you want to?" I asked and his hand started caressing my cheek while his eyes were glued on my lips. Damn I wish he would kiss me already!
'So bad chiqui.." he said moving closer and looking into my eyes as to check if I was approving of his actions. When I smiled and didn't move but nodded he cupped my cheeks and kissed my lips passionately.
"P..Pablo.." I whimpered and he smiled pulling me in again and kissing my lips with passion while his hands went into my hair not letting me move an inch.
We completely forgot where we were, standing there, holding each other and kissing like we are the only two people left on Earth..and it was perfect..everything I ever imagined. Suddenly people clapped around us and we pulled away embarrassed.
"We really embarrassed ourselves.." I said and he grabbed my hand looking around the crowd who was aweing and smiling.
"Come with me chiqui.." he pulled me outside into the garden passing Aurora on the way who slipped "congrats hermano!" and made him smile wide.
"Come here.." he said pulling onto my waist while sitting on the bench and placing me on his lap. I rested against him blushing and smiling like an idiot the entire time..was this real?
"Is this real Pablo?" I asked turning to face him and he smiled nodding him head and pulling me close to leave a few more sweet gentle kisses on my lips.
"Why wouldn't it be real mi amor?" he said using the words I waited so long to hear leave his mouth..he was saying it to me..he called me mi amor like in some fairytale.
"B..because you're Pablo Gavi and I.." I started and he shut me up with a kiss.
"You're the most gorgeous and kindhearted girl I have ever met mi amor..and the only one I want" he said making me stare at him in awe. Just as I was about to lean in and kiss him first this time did Aurora pull my hand making me stand off his lap.
"Aii que lindo but they are throwing a bouquet! All ladies have a chance to catch it!" she said pulling me inside as I gave Pablo apologetic look and he smiled walking inside as well.
"Whoever catches it, will be a happy bride!" Belen said walking up to Pablo with his father who smiled pretending to close his son's mouth when he watched him stare at me form afar.
"I take it she said yes Pablito?" his dad asked and Pablo blushed nodding his head while his father tapped his shoulder proudly.
"Que!? you and y/n hijo??" his mom was surprised but happy at the same time that her son is with someone she knew and trusted so much to take care of him.
"Only you were clueless to their secret crush they had on each other Belen" his dad said making everyone laugh. The the bouquet was thrown and it landed straight into my hands making everyone call "Gavi Gavi!" and my face to go completely red. Pablo saw this and quickly joined me pulling me into his chest while everyone cheered.
"You would be a perfect bride in the future amor.." he said kissing the top of my head as everyone went back to their business and we slow danced with each other once again happy to finally do so as a real couple!
"Are you happy now mi amor?" he asked while we danced resting his forehead against mine and I smiled.
"The happiest!" I answered and he smiled pulling me into another kiss.
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look at the starts..look how they shine for you💗
pablogavi: mi amorcito😍
y/n/bebe: 😳
aurorapaezg: the way she looks at mi hermanito💗💗💗
y/n/bebe: hehe❤️
gavigavifans: adorable!!
belengavira: future mrs Gavira 😍
aurorapaezg: she caught the bouquet!
y/n/bebe: 😳
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the-offside-rule · 2 months
Pablo Gavi (FCBarcelona) - Don't Start
Requested: yes
Prompts: 1) "If anything were to happen to you..."
40)"You're so hot when you're mad."
Warnings: angsty and kinda short
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Pablo returned home from training, anticipating the comfort of familiar surroundings. As he stepped inside, the silence greeted him, and a feeling of solitude crept in. "Y/n, I'm home!" He called Puzzled, but the only response was the echo of his own voice. "Y/n? Amor?" He called again, yet it seemed quiet this time. Growing concerned, Pablo searched every room, each corner of the house, only to find emptiness. Panic set in, and his mind raced with worry. Desperation led him to the backyard, where the sound of splashing water caught his attention.
There, at the pool, Pablo discovered Y/n with her headphones on, completely oblivious to his frantic search. She floated on a pool float, sun-kissed and carefree. The water muffled his calls, leaving him unheard. Unable to contain his anxiety, Pablo rushed towards the pool, his expression a mix of relief and frustration. "9h you're home!" Y/n smiled, lifting her headphones off and tilting her sunglasses down slightly to have a proper look at him. "I've been looking everywhere for you! I was so worried!" He exclaimed, his tone a blend of frustration and relief. "What?"
"If anything were to happen to you, I don't know what I'd do." Y/n emerged from the water, her laughter echoing in the quiet backyard. "Babe, I just went for a swim. I didn't mean to make you worry." She grinned, finding his reaction amusing. Looking down at his girlfriend in her bikini made this situation a....difficult one to react to. He couldn't help but shake his head with a mix of irritation and amusement before hopping in to join her. "You nearly gave me a heart attack! How was I supposed to know you were out here having a swim?" Y/n, still giggling, hopped of the float and swam closer and wrapped her arms around him. "I thought you were psychic, guess I was wrong but hey, it's good to know you care so much." She planted a playful kiss on his cheek. "And you're so hot when you're mad-"
"Don't start."
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barcalover86 · 4 months
Recovering with Pablo Gavi (x reader)
Summary: something similar about Neymar's video
Somebody requested it, but I accidentally deleted it.
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You weren't allowed to be in the same room as Gavi while he had to do one of his most painful recovery for his acl injury.
It really hurt you that you couldn't do anything to help him.
Standing there alone was even harder than you imagined, especially since you had to listen to him screaming in pain.
You wanted so bad to make his pain go away or at least to be there with him when he needed it the most, but it was just imposibile.
The doctors told you that it is really traumatising to be next to someone who has to do that procedure.
But Pablo wasn't just someone.
He was your best friend.
It felt like millions of years had passed, and the boy was still crying loudly.
You were on the adge of tearing up, when the door suddenly opened and a nurse called your name.
"You can come in, now. Gavi requested you."
You smiled politely before you came into the room.
You were really scared to look into his tearful eyes, but if he wanted you there with him, then you had to stay strong.
He was laying on his stomach, not even moving a bit.
Everyone who was in the room left and now you two were alone.
You stayed silent for some seconds, not knowing what to do or what to say.
He seemed like he was sleeping.
When you moved closer to Gavi, he sobbed softly. He wasn't sleeping.
"Hi" you whispered.
With his eyes still closed, he took a big breath.
He didn't respond.
You stood there looking at him, not knowing if he wanted you gone.
"Do you want some water?"
He didn't respond, nor did he move.
You sighed, getting closer to leave the room.
You turned around to face him.
You went back to him. He took your hand in his and you helped him stand up.
He immediately hugged you, kissing you on the neck.
You hugged him back, comforting him.
"Thank you for waiting for me, y/n."
"You know I'll always wait for you.." you whispered in his ear, which send shivers into his body.
Gavi, all the time, wanted to be the tough guy. You knew that he suffered a lot and that right now, he was about to cry in your arms. You also knew that he felt safe in your embrace, and that made you feel better.
He then kissed your cheek and nose and put you on his healthy leg.
Your head was now rested on his shoulder while he was playing with your hair.
"I hope you know that I love you, y/n."
Your heart skipped a beat when you heard him. You looked into his eyes and then smiled.
"Tell me this when you are sober enough. "
"I am sober enough."
You smiled, putting your head on his chest.
"Your heart is beating really fast.. are you nervous?" You played with him a little.
He rolled his eyes while laughing.
"Will you be here for me, love?"
It was his way of asking you to be his girl.
"Always, Gavi."
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spidybaby · 7 months
hey can i get one with Pablo, where he reacts to his gf after winning at the vmas? thanks
Our Song
Summary: Gavi surprise you after your win at the vmas ✨️
Warnings: cursing.
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"I'm so nervous." You say biting your nail. The car is in the queue for the carpet.
"Princesa, don't worry about it. You're going to rock it."
"I don't even think I'm going to win."
"I think that just being there, able to have a platform to share your amazing art, is already a win, babe."
"So you think my art is amazing." You say, joking with him. "Thank you, mi amor"
"Hey, Y/n, we're almost there." Your manager announced. That was the signal for you to say your goodbyes to him.
"Mi amor, I have to go." You pout, not wanting to say goodbye.
"Break a leg, or I don't know. But I love you so much." He laughs, making a ducky face, sending a kiss.
"Te quiero." (I love you) you say, sending him a kiss and telling him to go to sleep.
You take two deep breaths, touching your wrist where the silver bracelet is. The little "P6" in honor of your boyfriend, a gift he made you on your anniversary.
"Ready?" They ask you. You nod.
The screams of the people waiting to see the artists are the only sounds you can hear. The flashes hit you and the camera crew focusing on your arrival. You wave your hands to the public. Making them yell your name.
Your manager pushes you lightly to the way of the carpet. The theme was pink, pink carpet, and pink awards.
You pose for the cameras, smiling at them. Most of the time, all they say is "look over here." Or "on your left." Like if they're Steve Rogers. But this time, the fans screaming are overpowering their voices.
You walk over to the interview spot. Your manager set you up for one only because you didn't feel like doing more than that.
"Hello, hello, so happy to see you." The blonde reporter says. She's one of the nicest people you have ever met in the media. "Oh God, you look amazing tonight. Tell me who you are wearing?"
"Hello to you too." You laugh. "Well, I'm wearing Versace. Donatella and I designed this look for our new collaboration."
"It's amazing, you look like a shining star."
"Thank you."
"Now tell me, you're nominated to five awards, and in all categories, you have amazing competition. How do you think you're going to do tonight?"
"Well, if I'm honest with you, I'll be surprised if I even win something. But as my boyfriend says, I'm lucky to be able to be here, I'm lucky to be able to share my art and have amazing fans who support me all the way."
"Talking about boyfriends, you're here alone."
"Not every fairytale has a present prince." You joke, making her laugh. "He's working, but he made sure to send his good luck wishes to me before the ceremony."
"We love a supportive partner. Thank you for your time, hope you win and have a nice time."
You say goodbye, making your way to the crowd. Tonight, you were seated next to the one and only Taylor Swift. A little starstruck, if you may say.
The ceremony was nice, you danced, you jumped, and you also lost four of five categories. But you knew the awards didn't make you less or more of a good singer.
The last one was Song of the Year. A very hard category to catch. You were in the same category as Selena, Olivia, Taylor.
"Okay, let's calm down a little bit." Nicki says, about to announce the last category. "So, do we wanna know the winner?" The crowd explotes in screams.
Nicki yells the name of the winner, and you are zoned out. But when Ice Spice and Taylor hugged you, you went back to reality.
"You did it." Taylor shouts, getting up and clapping for you.
"Get your ass up, go get your award, girlie." Ice says, pulling you up from your seat.
You walk over to the stage, Nicki hugged you and told you how happy she was for you. You stand in front of the mic with your legs shaken from the adrenaline of the moment.
"Umm, I'm a little shocked, so let me breathe. Woo." You say, laughing and making the crowd laugh with you. "Okay, thank you so much to my family. You guys are one of my biggest supporters to my manager. I love you for believing in me. To you guys for streaming the song, for sharing it, for making it a trend on tik tok." You laugh again.
You took a breath, feeling so out of air. "And to my Pablo, because I know you're watching this instead of sleeping. My love, you're the inspiration of this song. You're the one who listened to this song first. I love you. This is our song, bebé."
You wave the crowd a goodbye, sending a kiss to the camera. On the backstage Karol G hugged you, she was next on the stage.
After the awards you took a flight back to Europe, your world tour Europe leg was beginning in three weeks and you wanted to leave early to adapt to the time zone and also to spend some time with Pablo.
During the flight you watched a game, it was good. After the game, Pablo had an interview. They asked him about you winning and you giving him special thanks.
"Hombre, Pablo. Your girlfriend recently won an award and she thank you. We know you're private about your relationship, but we want to tell you that we love how supportive you two are with each other."
He smirked, thinking about your thank you speech. "Si, bueno somos privados pero yo siempre la apoyo en todo y siempre lo haré. Ella es increíble y la quiero." (Yeah, well, we are private, but I can totally support her and always will. She's amazing, and I love her)
"Thank you, and congratulations about the win."
You snap a picture of the interview, send it to him, thanking him for his words, updating him about you almost landing in Barcelona.
When you actually land, you didn't expect Pablo to be waiting with a big flower bouquet, smiling at you.
You rush down the plane stair, throwing yourself at your him. Legs locked around his waist and lips on his.
"Mi super estrella." He kisses your cheek. (My superstar) he walks with you in his arms, dropping you into the car.
He walks to your manager, taking your bags and saying goodbye to your crew. You did the same, waving them from the car.
"Let's go home, estrellita." He kisses your hand.
The drive home he was telling you about the game. You thank him about the things he said.
"You deserve that and more, mi amor." he says, parking in front of his house. "I have something for you inside."
"Pablo, we say no surprises, you know I don't need anything. The flowers were enough, mi amor."
"I didn't say anything." He laughs, opening the door for you and helping you with your bags. "Go to the kitchen, I know you're hungry."
You indeed were very hungry. So you walked inside and straight to he kitchen. You were surprised to see your family, Pablo's family, and your friends all there.
They all yelled from excitement, and your friends run to hug you. You were still shocked by surprise with the breakfast surprise he pulled.
"Enough, Enough. Let me hug my baby." You mother says. She hugs you, saying how proud she is and how happy she is to spend these days with you, same with the rest of your family.
"Let's eat. She needs some food." Pablo says, kissing your cheek. "Please, serve yourselves."
"Thank you, Pablito." You returned the kiss on his cheeks, buring your face on the crock of his neck.
You wanted to eat everything, there was a lot of fruit, a banquet of other type of food and even a cake.
"The cake has the lyrics of our song." You jump excited. "That's so fucking cute."
"Language." You mom jokes.
Belen and Pablo got close to you once everyone was seated at their places.
"Estamos tan orgullosos de ti, preciosa." (We are so proud of you, precious)
Pablo hugs you, saying how much they love for you to be with Pablo and how amazing the song was.
"We got you a little something." Belen says, giving you a velvet box. "This is also Aurora's. She couldn't be here because of school but she sends you all the love."
"Thank you, I love you guys really much."
You saved the box in your pocket, wanting to see it in private.
You take a seat next to Pablo, who was talking with your mother about football. "But yes, it's been crazy, with the Champions coming up."
Everything was dreamy. You had the boy, the love, and the support. You had everything you ever wished for.
"I want to propose a toast." Pablo announced, getting up from his seat. "Por mi super estrella, ella nos ha compartido su arte y yo sé que todos aquí le hemos demostrado amor y apoyo" He grabs your hand, squishing it. "Congratulations, my love." (To my superstar, she shared all her art with us, and I know that every one of us had shared love and support with her, and I know that this award is important to her.)
You felt so loved, with the most important people in your life giving you all the support. You already won. An award makes no difference.
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Liked by pablogavi, taylorswift, aurorapaezg and 2,373,490 others
yourusername so thankful with this blessing. Thank you to all of you who voted for me ❤️ also enjoy this little dump of my last few days
pablogavi ❤️😛
aurorapaezg love you, hermanita 💖
selenagomez you're a shining star ✨️
icespice it's giving cunt 🫶🏻
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
pedri doesn't know / gavi
request: hi can i please get an Instagram au with gavi where you're Pedro’s younger sister and dating gavi please whatever else can be left up to you
summary: you're getting closer with gavi by the minute, and it shows on social media. but pedri doesn't know (or pretends).
pairing: gavi x pedri's sister!reader
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Liked by pedri, pablogavi and 401.105 others.
yourusername take-your-kid-to-work day
View all 128.924 comments
pedri it's literally the other way around but ok
pablogavi she's right you act like a kid sometimes
pedri pablogavi you're 2 years younger?
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Liked by yourusername, pablogavi and 994.102 others.
pedri take-your-kid-to-work day
View all 508.606 comments
yourusername hope you dedicated your goal to me 😘
pedri nunca (never)
pablogavi i'll do it next time
yourusername pedri aprende (learn)
pedri pablogavi yourusername ?
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Liked by yourusername, fcbarcelona and 971.035 others.
pablogavi cumplo mis promesas. vamos españa! (i keep my promises. let's go spain!)
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yourusername ❤️‍🔥
pablogavi 🥰
pedri cabrón es literalmente mí hermana (mate she's literally my sister)
fcbarcelona 👀👀
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Liked by yourbff, pablogavi and 302.389 others.
yourusername vamos españa!!! (let's go spain!!!)
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pedri no tienes ni mí remera y tienes la de él? (you don't even have my shirt and you have his?)
yourusername maybe if you gave one to me
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Liked by 21.035 others.
barcawags gavi and pedri's sister seen together recently 👀
View all 2.106 comments
gavifan1 they're cute
pedrifan1 i'm curious to see pedri's reaction to this 👀
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Liked by pablogavi, pedri and 502.305 others.
yourusername since y'all wanted to know
View all 198.103 comments
pablogavi no tienes más excusas para no ir a verme 😘 (you have no more excuses for not going to see me 😘)
♥️ liked by creator
pedri me haré el sorprendido (i'll pretend to be surprised)
pablogavi you knew?
pedri you thought i didn't?
yourusername pablogavi sorry 😁
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iaeriy · 8 months
a distance away (gavi x reader)
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summary; you’ve been crushing on your neighbor since your 15 years & things finally get situated.
warnings; age gap (y/n 17, gavi 19) smut, unprotected sex, oral sex, m!&f!recieving, just smut with a fluff ending sort of
NOTE!; i am back ofc i just finished writing this fanfic TODAY..i had classes and i’ve been busy with school but now am planning on working on a few more fanfics. i know some of my viewers requested but PROMISE i’m working on it & if i don’t upload the ones you requested, i’m sorry. for now just enjoy this one til my upcoming one! :,)
school was getting busier as semester finals were happening, each day was a day of studying and studying, just stress adding onto you. you were studying in your room, your window was left open since it was a very warm day in barçelona, you were wearing a grey tanktop with white shorts as you were just reading through each question and writing down your answers into your notebook, but that was until you looked at your window and oh my..you saw your neighbor, you stared at him as you saw him lift his shirt up from his head, that was until you saw..a girl. you scoffed loudly before closing your blinds leaving the window open, you just got back to studying and decided to ignore the weird things happening across your window. your neighbor was in fact a little playboy, always bringing in a new girl in everytime and would fuck the brains out of her.
thing was he was only popular for his looks and the girls he fucked, they would always brag about how cute he was and how he was amazing during sex. you knew him since your parents & his were friendly towards each other, usuallly his parents would invite y’all over for cookouts. during the cookouts gavi would flirt with you a lot but you would deny and ignore. you liked gavi, there was a side you’d see of him a lot whenever the two of you would hang out when your parents had the cookouts. you were known at school for your looks and your personality. you were known as the nice girl of the school but people knew about you and gavi so you obviously had a lot of rumors against you.
you had finished studying so you decided to sit next to your window as you had your elbows ontop of the window as you rested your head onto your palms looking up at the sky, as the breeze passed through your face, you always gazed at the sky during your free time, when you looked at his window you saw him looking at you, you blushed heavily as you smiled at him before you went to your bathroom to brush your teeth as you brushed your mouth there were lots & lots of sounds coming out of your window, you obviously knew what they were, you sat on your bed as you heard nothing but screaming, pornographic screaming.
you sighed rolling your eyes trying to ignore it. nothing but high pitched moans and such dirty talks, once you got up to turn your lights off the screaming got louder, “o-oh my god! i-im cumming! i-i’m cumming so so much babe!” you heard her scream as you snickered shaking your head, god this girl was so fucking annoying. you opened your curtains again as your eyes stayed focus on him, you watched his chest rise up and down, his damped fluffy hair, you felt your heart racing faster as dirty thoughts filled up your mind as you bit down on your lip. you two locked eyes as your cheeks turned pink before you closed your curtains and sat back on your bed. you rubbed your eyes as you laid down on your bed falling asleep.
you woke up to your alarm which was now 7am, you got up and used your bathroom to do your skincare, brush your teeth and do your hair. you put your hair up into a low messy bun. black leggings and your black lulu zip up and your low high converse. you grabbed your bag and put all your notebooks and stuff into your bag, hooray! it was finally time for finals, you were so excited & nervous at the same time. you went downstairs and grabbed your water bottle, as you were about to walk out you bumped into your neighbor.. gavi. you looked up at as a tint of pink spread through your cheeks, “and goodmorning to you..! what do you need?” you said as he looked down at you, “i was wondering if you needed a ride, i always see you by yourself so..” you looked at him smiling, “you’re so adorable..yes gavi!” you said as he smiled at you, you walked out the house with him as he unlocked his car, opening the passenger seat for you as you got in sitting down on the seat, closing the door before he got in the driver seat and drove to the college building. you rested your arm against the window as you looked up at the sky, resting your head against your arm before you fell asleep throughout the car drive. gavi turn to look at you as he chuckled before smacking your shoulder, “guess you didn’t get enough sleep.” he said as you woke up and looked at him, “i did actually.. just disturbances happening and finals are today..” you said as he widened his eyes when you referred to yesterday, he nodded his head.
you looked at him as you smiled at him, he parked his car as you got your stuff and looked at him again. “thank you for the ride loser.” you said before getting out the car as your friend lily waited outside for you, “come on we need to get to class for finals!” she said as he held your hand and the two of you made your way to class. you were now in your class taking your finals. finals took the entire day, results weren’t out until the end of the day and you pretty much could leave early. but since college was finally done you decided to just walk around, you knew gavi wouldn’t give you a ride either way so you decided to just walk home. it was already 4pm, classes were super long all because of finals. you got home and went to your room as you sat your bag down in your closet, you took your shoes off as you removed your zip up sweater. little did you know there was a boy watching from his window, you made your way to your bathroom as you turned the shower on.
you took your time in there doing all kinds of things, technically doing an all shower routine. you took about an hour and 30 minutes in the bathroom as you finally turned your shower off, you wrapped your towel around your body as you grabbed your blow hair dryer and turned it on drying your hair. you got out your shower as you put your clothes in your closet, tossing it in the basket you heard a loud thud from outside your window as you walked to your window looking down and looking around. “weird..” you whispered before turning around and flinching a bit as you gasped, “what are you doing here..” you said looking up at gavi as you tugged onto your towel, he looked at you chuckling as he shrugged, “well your door was unlocked and i just wanted to stop by.” he said walking towards you as you backed up your face turning red, “gavi what are you-“ you said getting cut off as he grabbed your jaw, you swallowed nervously looking at him admiring his brown eyes.
“y/n..do you understand what you do to me?” he said as you shook your head staying quietly, he grabbed your hand as your palm rested on his chest. his heart racing quickly as you felt it beating against your palm, your eyes widened a bit as he began to lower your hand down to his lower abdomen. you moved your hand away as he pulled you closer to him, your face an inch away from his as his hand found your clawlip before removing it as your hair fell from your bun, your cheeks turning pink as he smirked. you felt butterlfies in your stomach as he held your cheek, kissing you. you kissed back your hand tugging on his hair his hands removing your towel as his hands squeezed your ass, you blushed heavily moaning in between the kiss, sliding your hands into his shirt as he held onto your waist biting down on your bottom lip, as he slipped his tongue into your mouth.
you sucked on his tongue as he began to fondle with your breasts before pushing you back against the wall, you looked at him as your breathing was getting heavier. your back against the wall before he began to kiss around your neck, “please..i want your hands all over me..” you murmured as he smirked against your skin, as he lifted you up against the wall. your legs now huddling his waist as he pulled himself closer you leaned your head back against the wall as you ran your nails through the back of his hair, you slid your hands inside his shirt before lifting it over his head.
he began to suck onto your skin as you felt yourself leak from the filthy movements, you were becoming more needy and needier for him. “i’ve been wanting to do this ever since.. god you’re so unreal.” he whispered into your ear as he lowered himself down sucking on your nipple, fondling with your other breast. you moaned out as he bit down on your nipple, you looked down blushing heavily, leaving love marks on your breasts before kissing down your body as you blushed heavily. his hands roamed around your chest squeezing it before he went back up and kissed you again, you kissed back with a desperate moan as your acrylic nails ran through his back. “gonna make you feel good, yeah? you want that?” he said slapping your ass as you moaned in response before he chuckled, going down to your core as you blushed heavily, he lifted you up higher as you rested your legs against his shoulders he leaned in closer licking your clit, you gasped at the sudden interaction as your breath hitched when he licked up and down on your clit.
his hands gripped your thighs as you kept grinding your hips into his mouth, you held onto his hair as his mouth kept sucking on your clit, his tongue moving in circles around your wet slit. you held the back of his head trying not to push him in as moans and whimpers escaped through your mouth, you ran your hands through his hair as you arched your back once he slid his tongue into your whole in and out. “t-thought about you d-doing th..this..” you whispered as he looked up at you and chuckled before thrusting his tongue in and out slowly out of you as his lips continued sucking on your clit.
you gripped onto his hair as you breathed heavily, his hands roamed through your body as his hands found themselves fondling with your breasts, he pinched your nipple before smacking it as you moaned at the sudden sting that was left on your breast. you closed your eyes as he burried his face into your soaking slit, his chin and mouth covered with your juices as your thighs were beginning to shake as you held onto the side of the window, you looked down as you saw him already palming himself at the view of yourself, you blushed heavily as he kept eating you out as you began to move your hips against his tongue as you felt your stomach burning.
“m-my tummy..” you said as he chuckled hearing your breathing get heavier as he slipped one finger into your hole as you arched your back moaning loudly, he slid his tongue rubbing it against your clitoral area, sucking your juices all up as you gripped his hair tightly earning a groan from him, he thrusted his finger quickly as you moaned nonstop earning another finger into your hole. he thrusted both his fingers as your climax was near and nearby, you threw your head back shutting your eyes moaning breathlessly, you continued to grind yourself agaisnt his tongue. you felt so weak under his touch as you felt so many emotions, heaven. you moaned uncontrollably at every little hip movement as he pulled away from your slit, you opened your eyes as you whined looking at him, “i was c-close tho!” you said pouting as he grabbed your jaw pulling you closer to him, “oh yeah? well i want to fuck you, but first.. get on your knees.” he said spanking your ass harshly as you yelped.
you got on your knees as you looked up at him then at his dick, you swallowed as you remembered all the thoughts you said about him & now they were starting to happen and become true. you slowly licked the tip wiping the amount of pre-cum on your lips before slowly wrapping your mouth against his length. he groaned loudly as you snickered before bobbing your head up and down slowly, you looked up at him as you swirled your tongue around the base. you held onto his thighs as you continued to take him in your mouth befofe pulling your mouth away, you giggled before spitting down onto his dick before stroking him as you wrapped your mouth around his length again, bobbing your head up and down slowly. gavi looked down at you as he held onto the back of your head, you relaxed your throat adjusting to his size as you continued to suck on his length taking him all in.
you looked up at him the entire time as your eyes began to tear up before speeding up the pace as he groaned loudly, you looked down at his abs as your cheeks turned pink watching him struggle breathing as he gripped onto your hair, you dragged your nails onto his chest as his hand’s fondled with your breasts. you swirled your tongue around in circles around the base before pushing your head deeply as your nose touched his pelvis. you gagged a bit as you sticked your tongue out, the tip of your tongue touching the end of his length as he groaned loudly, “fuck you’re doing so well..keep doing that and you’ll have me inside of you..” he said groaning as you bobbled your head quickly, his hand gripping on to your hair, holding it up into a ponytail as he pushed your head deeper holding onto the back of your head. you looked up at him as tears formed on the corner of your eyes, he bobbled your head up and down as you felt him twitch in your mouth.
he groaned loudly thrusting into your mouth as you moaned around him, you held onto his thighs clawing your nails deeply into his thighs as you moved your way back up catching air, you watched the string of saliva connecting from his cock to your mouth. “what the fuck y/n!” he said breathlessly grabbing your hair pulling you up as you winced in pain before you giggled. “you did it to me.. has to be fair cutie..” you said as you were about to cup his cheeks as he grabbed you pushing you towards the window, you bit down on your lip giggling as you wiggled your ass infront of him. he groaned as he spanked your ass, “such an impatient little girl aren’t you?” he said before gripping onto your hips, as he pushed himself in without any warnings groaning loudly. you widened your eyes as you moaned out loudly gripping onto the sill of the window. “jesus fucking christ you’re clenching around me..” he said chuckling before he gave you time to adjust. you felt him kissing on your neck as you blushed heavily before he began to move against you.
you bit down on your lip as he stretched you out, holding onto your waist as he thrusted slowly in and out of your wet folds. you jolted forward slowly at each thrust, he leaned close into your ear as he whispered, “god you feel so perfect y/n..” gavi said kissing your neck as you leaned your head back against his shoulder, he began to suck on your skin as whimpers spilled out of your mouth, his hand sneaking onto your clit as he began to rub your clitoral area slowly, you arched your back moaning uncontrollably as he began to thrust quicker into you. your ass smacking against his pelvis as you bit down on your lip with every moan escaping from your mouth as you felt his warm length filling up your stomach, you looked back at him as he looked at you. his eyes darker and sparkling as you moaned at each thrust before he held onto your hip and your shoulder.
“g-gavi..” you said breathlessly gripping onto his wrist as he leaned closer to you, kissing you deeply you kissed back moaning into his mouth, slapping your ass as he pounded harder into you. you arched your back moaning loudly digging your nails into his arm, “s-so good!” you shrieked as he grabbed onto your hair thrusting harder and yet quicker into you, you moaned uncontrollably as you started seeing black spots forming from your vision, “you like this don’t you? first time and your enjoying yourself..oh fuck..” he said before finding your g spot as he began to abuse your spot thrusting in all he could as you widened your eyes screaming out before biting down on your lip, as he groaned loudly holding onto your shoulder pounding into you. you started shaking beneath as you felt the mixture of pain and pleasure filling your insides, you leaned your head against his shoulder as you moaned in constant pleasure holding onto the sill tightly as he slapped your ass. you shrieked at the smack, “answer me hermosa..” he whispered in your ear as you whimpered feeling his hand squeeze your nipple, before gripping onto your shoulder thrusting quicker into you.
you widened your eyes as you screamed out again feeling his cock hit your cervix making you tear up as your thighs became wobbly, “c-can’t hold..o-on..” you stuttered in each thrust as he chuckled at your words as his hand found your clitoral area, beginning to rub it gently. you gasped in agony as you gripped onto his wrist, he held onto your hair as he pounded roughly into your insides. you cried out constant moans, mewling his name out as you started to tear up from the pleasure as you felt your stomach burn indicating your orgasm was coming closer. “s-so.. o-oh god..deeep..!” you stuttered hoping your sentence made sense as he smirked before pulling your hair even more as your back was fully arched your head resting on his shoulder as you tried not to close your eyes, “you’re close aren’t you?” he said as he squeezed your ass cheek rubbing your clit faster as you nodded your head feeling your stomach burn, “jesus you’re getting tighter..fuck..does this feel good?” he said still rubbing onto your clitnas he thrusted quicker into you.
you screamed out in pleasure as your eyes rolled back to your head, “i-i love i-it..s-so much!” you stuttered being drunked out in the state of mind you were currently in as you began to blabber nonsense dirty words. you felt yourself much closer and closer near your peak as you felt him twitch inside of you. “oh fuck i’m gonna cum.” he groaned as he kept pounding into you, you nodded your head quickly before releasing yourself moaning loudly, lowering your head down as your peak triggered gavis causing him to spasm inside of you as he groaned loudly.
you breathed heavily as you tried to hold yourself before you felt gavis weight against your back, you giggled breathlessly as you turned your head around smiling lazily at him before he turned you around straddling you on his lap before carrying you to the bed as the two of you laid down on your bed, your arms were wrapped around his waist as your head was on his chest, “you did well for your first time hermosa..” he said as you looked up at him before he chuckled, you smiled before he kissed your cheek. “i love you y/n..from the moment you were always kind to me no matter what.” he said as you blushed kissing his lips before he cupped your cheeks, kissing you passionately.
you kissed back as his hands traveled through your hair, you giggled before pulling away. “so..what are we now then..?” he said squeezing your ass as you giggled, “i don’t knowwww.. but wanna do it again?” you said as he smirked at you, “you love me so much even a distant away.”
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